Radiographer - takes and developd X-ray films
Laboratory technician - does the routine tests, such a blood and urine tests, sputum tests etc
Physiotherapist - treats patients by means of corrective exercise, massage and electrotherapy
Dietician - advises on different diets for patient with various disorders
Pharmacist - issues drugs from the dispensary and supervises the proper storage and administration of drugs
Dentist - treats the teeth and tissues of the mouth
1. A paediatrician is a specialist in the treatment of the children's diseases. He practises paediatrics.
2. An allergist and immunologist are specialists in the treatment of the allergic diseases. They practise allegrolody and immunology.
3. An anesthesiologist is a specialist who anesthesia patients before surgery. He practises anesthesiology.
4. A gynaecologist is specialist in the treatment of the female reproductive system's diseases. They practise gynaecology .
5. A geriatrician is a specialist on the treatment of the older people's diseases. He practises geriatrics.
6. A dermatologist deal with skin problems is a specialist on the treatment of the skin's diseases. He practises dermatology.
7. An ophtalmologist is a specialist on the treatment of vision diseases. He practises ophthalmology.
8. A psychiatrist is a specialist in the treatment mental disease. He practises psychiatry.
9. An otolaryngologist is a specialist on the treatment of nose, throat and ears' diseases. He practises otolaryngology.
10. A general surgeon is a specialist on the treatment with operational.(perform operation) He practises surgery.
11. A neurologist is a specialist on treatment of nervous system's diseases. He practises neurology.
12. A plastic surgeon is a specialist on correction of defects in the body of the reconstructive operation. He practises plastic surgery.
13. A urologist is a specialist on treatment of urinary system's diseases. He practises ulorogy.
14. A obstetrician is a specialist in the deliver babies. He practices obstetrics.
Głównym zadaniem lekarza jest postawienie właściwej diagnozy, zalecenie odpowiedniego leczenia oraz zapobieganie chorobom.
The main task of doctor is made a correct diagnosis, prescribing adequate treatment and prevention of diseases.
Współczesny lekrz powinien brać pod uwagę tryb życia pacjenta.
Modern doctor should take into account patient's lifestyle.
Znajomość psychologicznych problemów pacjenta jest bardzo ważna przy stawianiu właściwej diagnozy.
Knowlegde of psychological problems of the patient are very important while making a adequate diagnosis.
Aby zrozumieć pacjenta, lekarz powinien być osobą o dużej wiedzy zawodowej i doświadczeniu.
To understand the patient, the doctor should be a person with large professional knowledge and experience.
Lekarz ogólny może leczyć prawie wszystkie dolegliwości.
General practitioner can treat almost all types od complaing.
Lekarz-specjalista zajmuje się pewnym rodzajem chorób lub specjalną dziedziną medycyny.
Doctor with a speciality concreate on a particular type of diseases or special bronch of medicine.
Illness - ailment - choroba
Instrument - toll, utensil - narzędzie
Physician - doctor
Procedure - treatment - leczenie
Prognosis - prediction - rokowania
Specimen - sample - próbka
Surgery - operation
Survive - live - przetrwać, żyć
Drug - remedy - leki
Methods of the treatment:
Therapy with drugs...
Holistic medicine propagates therapy aimed at treatment of the whole person - his body and mind - not only the part or parts affected by a disease. Methods of treatment as acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, aturopathy and herbal medicine.
in order - aby, w celu
former - dawny, były
doctor examine patient in order to diagnose- lekarz bada w celu postawienia rozpoznania
relieve suffering - łagodzić dolegliwości
deal with sb - poradzić sobie z kimś, uporać się z kimś
deal with patient on both physiological and psychological level - poradzić sobie/pomóc pacjentowi na obu poziomach: fizycznym i psychicznym
On a psychological level, the doctor must regard his patient as on individual person with a problem to be solved.
must regard- musi brać pod uwagę
with a problem to be solved- z problemem do rozwiązania
Doctors who diagnose and treat various types of diseases are called general practitioners
general practitioner - lekarz ogólny (GPs)
various types of diseases - różne typy chorób
nearly all types of complaints- prawie wszystkie typy dolegliwości
patient expects to be understood and treated by his doctor, who should be a person with good professional knowledge, experience and skill - Pacjent oczekuje zrozumienia/ byc zrozumionym I leczonym przez jego lekarza, który powinien byc osobą z dobra, profesjonalna wiedzą, doświadczeniami i umiejętnościami.
Holistic medicine propagates therapy aimed at treatment of the whole person his body and mind - Medycyna całościowa zaleca formy leczenia/terapię mającą na celu leczenie całego człowieka- jego cialo i umysł.
A specialist is the doctor who treats a special type of disease or practices a special branch of medicine- Specjalistą jest lekarz, który leczy wybrany typ choroby lub praktykuje specjalną branżę medycyny.
There is a strong relationship between the patient's diet, work, way of life and his health - Jest silna zależność między pacjenta dietą, pracą, stylem życia a zdrowiem.
The effective doctor spends as much time talking to his patient about his problems as he is examining his physical condition
take into consideration - brać coś pod uwagę
A good physician takes into consideration a lot of facts related to his patient:
- emotional
- historical
- environmental
- physical
The patient's improper diet, smoking, alcohol abuse and sedentary lifestyle make risk factors which may cause a disease.
improper diet- niewłaściwa dieta
alcohol abuse- nadużywanie alkoholu
sedentary lifestyle - siedzący tryb życia
risk factors - czynniki ryzyka
remedial gymnast - instruktor gimnastyki leczniczej
supervise- nadzorować
proper storage - właściwe przechowywanie
administration of drugs - zaaplikowanie/ podanie leku
issue - wydawać
A cardiologist is a specialist in the treatment heart and other circulatory diseases. He practices cardiology.
obstetrician - położnik
deliver babies - odbierać porody
An allergist and immunologist is a specialist in the treatment diseases immune system. He practices allergology and laryngology.
An anesthesiologist is a specialist in the putting patient to sleep. administrates anesthetics to induce loss of sensibility to pain by local or general anesthesia.