Angelique Voisen The Wolf and His Moon Prince

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Yamato 1

The Wolf and His Moon Prince

A werewolf and a hard soldier, Rin is the right man for the right job. Tasked with bringing back the fabled Moon Princess for the
crown prince of Yamato, Rin is delighted when the princess turns out to be a prince. Rin is used to training potential royal playthings
for his master, but Midori baffles him. Both Rin’s human half and wolf half badly want Midori and it’s a supreme test of his will to
surpass his desire for the prince’s future plaything.

Crass and forceful, Midori is initially sceptical of Rin, but he can’t deny his scorching attraction to the steely-eyed soldier. When he
starts falling for his captor, Midori realizes it’s not a royal prince he wants, but his stubborn wolf. But will Rin be able to set aside his
duty in order to fight for what’s rightfully his?


Alternative (M/M or F/F), Historical, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves


20,629 words

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Yamato 1

Angelique Voisen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Angelique Voisen
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-201-0

First E-book Publication: August 2014

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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To Siren Publishing, for giving this book a home, and to readers who love a good werewolf romp.

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Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
About the Author

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Yamato 1


Copyright © 2014

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Chapter One

“You summoned me, your highness?”
Rin, the captain of the imperial prince’s guard, bowed his head in respect and knelt in front of his


“Come now, Rin. How long have we been friends? No gossiping noble is here to spy on us.”
Prince Mori leaned forward from the garden bench he sat on to clasp his shoulder. His shining

black eyes looked amused and his grin was infallible.

“Get off your knees before I shove you in the pond like I did when we were kids.”
Unable to help himself, Rin grinned back and stood.
It eased his heart it was his friend he spoke to, not his prince. He’d been at Mori’s side for as

long as he’d remembered and they were practically brothers, if not in blood then in spirit. They played
together as children clumsily swinging their wooden katanas at each other, and similarly became men
swinging their real steel in the battlefield.

“The recent dispute in the central dominance is finally over, Rin. Guess what that means?” Mori

gestured to the bench, his tone excited.

Rin sat and accepted the cup of sake Mori offered him. It was much too early to drink, but he

drank anyway. Rin recognized that familiar glint in the prince’s eye and it only meant one thing.

“You found a new consort for your harem?” Rin asked, unable to contain the eagerness in his


When he wasn’t winning wars and settling state affairs, Prince Mori was known to indulge

himself in his harem of beautiful and exotic handpicked men and women, and Rin was responsible for
training and readying these candidates for him.

“The rumor of a beautiful maiden of celestial origin with skin as pale as alabaster and hair as

smooth as black silk just recently reached my ears. They call her the moon princess.”

Mori rubbed his hands eagerly as he spoke.
“I’ll bring this maid to you, Mori,” Rin assured him.
“Oh, I’m not worried, old friend. I hear she’s a snarky and prideful one, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy

breaking her for me.”

Mori raised his fresh cup of sake to him and Rin raised his cup in response, eager to embark on

his journey.

* * * *

The village where the moon princess dwelled was like any of the unremarkable villages Rin had

passed on his long journey. Sun-browned and curious faces peered out from single-room thatched
houses raised on wooden platforms. There was a well and one village center nestled among a single
row of houses. That was all.

Rin wondered how many noble suitors and samurais these villagers had seen. He wondered if

they gave these suitors the same knowing smile as they gave him as he rode past their homes. These
were smiles that said, “Don’t bother, you’ll be riding back dejected, defeated and empty-handed like
the other lords and warriors before you.”

Rin wasn’t a man who took defeat lying down though. He was the captain of the prince’s

personal guard, and was a hard man and soldier. He took his mission and task seriously. He’d bring
this moon princess, whose beauty was said to rival no other, back to his master no matter the cost—

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even if that meant tying down the woman on the back of his horse.

From there, Rin would only need a few weeks to train the woman until she was willing and eager.

Besides, many women and men dreamed of and envied the luxurious and indulgent life of a royal
escort, but never came close to experiencing it.

The house was located past the village and near the edge of the nearby bamboo forest. He found

the moon princess’s adoptive father, an old bamboo cutter standing guard by the entrance of a rickety
hovel that looked no different from the ones he’d seen in the village.

Rin dismounted from his house, determined to behold the mystery that his prince was obsessed

with, but the old man barred his way. He was a frail and bent old man but he looked undaunted by Rin
in his armor and his katana strapped behind his back.

“Come out, moon princess. I’ve come all the way from the capital to see you. Do you always let

your old father do all the fighting for you?” he shouted.

The peeling shōji doors were flung wide open and finally Rin could feast his eyes on the sight of

the rumored moon princess—or the moon prince to be exact.

Rin let out a choked sound of surprise. He wasn’t a man who was easily impressed, but the

unearthly beauty of the angry man in front of him wasn’t anything he’d seen before.

Each of Midori’s movements was light and deliberate, reminding Rin of the subtle movement of

silk or moving water. His angry eyes were like obsidian pearls set in a porcelain face. A face that Rin
found alluring. Too bad there was a sneer firmly set on his lips.

Midori had lips that were neither too full nor too thin. They were exactly the right kind of lips

Rin wanted to crush with his own mouth. Rin imagined tasting the outrage in those lips when his
tongue explored the delicious taste of him and finally wormed its way down Midori’s throat.

Would that outrage swiftly turn to desire? What would it be like, to see Midori’s body quiver

under his hands like a newly plucked flower?

“Moon prince,” Rin said.
He bowed politely, easily masking his less-than-noble thoughts. Rin could see that his civility

surprised the proud young man, but only for a moment. Midori kept the look of contempt on his face
when he first met Rin, even after the bamboo cutter invited Rin inside his home and Midori attended
to them and served tea.

Rin was reconsidering his options. While Mori was adamant about acquiring this particular

potential escort, it might just be a lost cause. Rin may be a hard man, but it wasn’t in his nature to take
a completely unwilling and unresponsive subject.

Rin decided to make his farewells soon, but changed his mind when Midori cornered him in the

corridor on his way to the outhouse. Pressing himself nimbly against Rin’s back, Midori began to
mischievously grind himself against Rin.

Rin savored the expression of surprise on his face when he’d swiftly turned and slipped his

gloved hand into his kimono. Midori’s outraged expression turned to surprise and finally softened
when Rin began to work his cock expertly. Up and down and alternating between fast and slow
movements, Rin made sure he’d torment Midori as much as possible.

It wasn’t long before the moon prince’s cock was swollen and erect. His chest heaving, the moon

prince let loose a final sound of pleasure. A stain then began to spread across his silk kimono and his
cheeks turned pink.

“You—how dare you—” Midori began, but it was a weak protest.
He let out a yelp when Rin tightened the pressure on his dick, which was still letting loose a

string of cum.

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“You want more of this, boy? Then you’ll agree to come with me,” Rin whispered close to his

ear. A shiver passed through Midori. “I can make you feel and experience desire you’ve never known

“No,” Midori said weakly.
Rin only squeezed him gently again, as if he was milking him. Midori let out a gasp.
“No? You’re getting hard again,” Rin observed.
From pink, Midori turned a bright shade of scarlet. He didn’t pull away though, when Rin slowly

and deliberately moved his hand down the delicate tip of his shaft and down to his balls.

“I see your naked cock likes the feel of my leather glove, boy.”
“Don’t call me boy. I’m nearly two decades old.” Midori hissed.
Rin managed to wrestle another groan from him with his expert fingers. He suspected the moon

prince’s moans could be heard through the thin shōji screens of the little house, but his father, Hiro,
said nothing when the two of them returned together.

“You will go with Captain Rin, son,” Hiro said finally, clasping Midori’s shoulder.
Hiro didn’t comment on the fact that his son had changed into a fresh blue kimono or why there

was still visible color on his cheeks.

“I don’t want to.” Midori bit his upper lip, reminding Rin of a sulky child.
“You refused all the suitors that have come from the farthest regions in Yamato and you even

refuse to take a wife from the village. It’s time to make a choice and the captain of the prince’s guard
has made you a generous offer,” Hiro said patiently.

“That’s because I haven’t found the right man, or woman. But father, I will not be some man’s

whore,” Midori declared.

The wrinkled and brown hand on his shoulder tightened.
“A royal escort is not a whore, Midori. It’s an honored and much-coveted position. I’m not going

to live much longer, son. All I wish is for you to find happiness. Do this for me.”

Hiro’s last word did it. Midori eventually and reluctantly agreed.
After a tearful good-bye to his son, Hiro announced that he was going to retire for the night.

Before he left, he spoke to Rin.

“You be good for him, Captain. Having no children of our own, my wife and I spoiled and

indulged the boy too much. It’s time he had a firm and heavy hand to guide him.”

Rin wasn’t sure if Hiro understood what exactly he intended to do with his son, but the old man’s

trust warmed him.

“Do not worry, sir. I’m the best at what I do, and he would be cared for at the palace.”
Rin found Midori packing what little belongings he had in his room. Midori’s room was a tight

and cramped little box.

Without the costly piles of gifts and trinkets scattered about the space given by Midori’s

numerous suitors, the room would’ve looked like the rest of the house—forlorn and worn-out. The
moon prince would’ve certainly fit better in the imperial palace and wasting his arrogance with other
arrogant nobles.

“What do you need those ropes for?” Midori asked in a haughty tone when he spotted Rin quietly

standing by the entrance of his room and fingering a coil of rope.

“A lot of work has to be done before I can present you to the prince. You need to be tamed and


Heat rose to Midori’s cheeks when realization dawned on him. Rin couldn’t prevent himself

from smirking.

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“I’m not an animal,” Midori sputtered, still staring at the ropes with a mixture of dread…and


Rin could see the emotions pass his face. Although he masked it well, some part of Midori

wanted to try and experience the world outside his tiny village.

“We’ll see. Now strip, or should I tear that hakama off you?” Rin asked in a nonchalant matter.
“My father will hear us,” Midori warned, but like his previous protestations, it was a weak one.
His back hit the wall and his ebony eyes looked up at Rin with obvious fear and distrust.
“I’ll promise you this, Midori. You can trust me. I know what I’m doing. I’ll never ever hurt you.

If it’s too much, simply tell me and I’ll back away.” Rin delivered his words softly and urgently,
letting the truth of them linger in his eyes.

“You swear on your life?”
“I swear.”
He must’ve convinced Midori, because the moon prince began to strip. Tentatively at first, but as

Rin looked on, an eager shudder passed through Midori and he practically tore off his kimono at the
sight of Rin playing with the rope with his hands.

Unexpectedly, Rin met with no resistance throughout the whole shibari ritual. He was only

rewarded with the delicious sight of Midori squirming and trying to stay still as he coiled the rope
around his neck and down the length of his lovely, pale shivering body.

It was hard focusing on his work, especially with all that lovely and wonderful flesh offered for

his art. It didn’t help that Midori kept glaring silently at him either, but Rin was a trained artist. He’d
only use the best rope and when he used them, he made sure his subjects didn’t feel their harsh
texture. To them, the ropes felt like silk intimately caressing flesh.

Each of the intricate loops was made with extreme care and preciseness. Occasionally, he’d tug

and test the ropes to make sure they didn’t hurt Midori. They were meant to torment him in other
ways. Ways that made him squirm beautifully.

Trussed up and bound, Midori looked less and less like the celestial moon prince and more like a

snarling and wilful slave. Given his preference for men, Rin, the captain of the prince’s guard, had
been initially sceptical of procuring the rumored moon princess for the imperial prince of Yamato.

To his delight, the princess turned out to be a prince—a rebellious prince that needed taming, but

a prince of celestial origin nonetheless. Rin didn’t doubt the validity of the other man’s origins. He
knew well enough that in Yamato, things were never what they seemed. Half gods and spirits often fell
down to the earth, the dead walked and special men with special blood turned to beasts in the light of
the full moon.

When Rin was done with him though, Midori would be an obedient subject, bound and collared,

kneeling at the prince’s feet with obedience in his eyes. The Midori kneeling in front of him now
wouldn’t do though. Stripped of all the fine silk hakamas, kimonos and ornaments suitors have
adorned him over the years, Midori held his head high despite the ropes that bound him.

He was a beautiful boy, Rin had to admit. Like something carved out of ivory. A sheen of sweat

now covered his fine, lean and long-limbed body. Unbound, his silky blue-black hair fell down his
shoulders, framing a face filled with sharp angles. Rin only watched him impassively as he strained
and rubbed his body against the intricate pattern of ropes that criss-crossed his chest and went down
his thighs, cock and balls.

“Please…” Midori murmured.
The defiance in his gleaming black eyes was giving way to hunger and much darker emotions.

Desire began to peer out, stark and naked against his beautiful strained face. Gone was the proud and

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conceited look Midori had tossed in his direction when Rin came knocking at his adoptive father’s
house just hours ago.

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Chapter Two

Midori had been wearing Rin’s rope corset since that afternoon and had been riding behind Rin

wearing that rope corset. It was now evening and Midori couldn’t hold out any longer. By the time,
Rin had procured a room for them in a decent inn, Midori kept trying to rub himself against Rin.

The room was a spacious room and had thick walls. No one could eavesdrop on them or hear

anything. He was free to continue training his prince’s soon-to-be escort as much as he wanted.

Rin told him that he’d use his riding strap on him if he came without permission. Midori thought

he was making a joke at first, but after a few swats of the strap, he’d been relatively meek and
obedient. However, he still had that rebellious look on his face.

Patiently, Rin played the staring game. He sat opposite Midori, fingering his crop and saying


Rin was a man of absolute control. He prided himself on his control, but in this case, it was

damnably hard. The inhuman half of him, the beast half of him was awake, which was strange since it
was far from the full moon. Rin’s wolf paced the length of its metaphysical cage restlessly like a dog
that had been placed in its kennel far too long and wanted to be let out.

“Please, Captain…” Midori whispered finally.
Rin decided he liked how Midori called him “Captain.”
Midori’s bright and pleading eyes shone with tears, but his body betrayed his own desires.
Like a cat that couldn’t stop licking itself, Midori vainly kept rubbing against the ropes and each

time he moved, the ropes tightened around his skin and lashed around his delicate balls and hardening

It was time.
Abruptly standing from his seat, Rin experimentally swished the leather strap in the air. Midori

looked up, biting his lip. Rin had the urge to lean close and sniff the tender line of Midori’s neck. To
sniff and familiarize himself with his lovely scent and mark him for his own.

I have to remember that he isn’t anything to me. No matter how much my wolf wants him as a

mate, I can’t. He’s promised to Mori.

“Please…” Midori said so softly Rin barely caught the words.
“Please what?” Rin asked mildly.
The strap made a loud smack when it landed across Midori’s pale chest. Another strike, a more

teasing one, landed on the tip of his left nipple. Midori groaned and his legs quivered with the effort of
maintaining his kneeling position. It was beautiful effort, even an endearing one. Even Rin’s wolf
barked in agreement. What a splendid mate Midori could become.

No. I have to keep myself in check and in control. Despite how hard it was to surpass the nature

of his beast, Rin shoved it back to its cage. The wolf was clearly unhappy, but it was for the best.

“Please…let me come,” Midori whispered, lowering his head to avoid his gaze.
“You’re finally remembering the lessons I’ve just taught you, or is that your hardening nipples

and cock talking?” Rin was glad his voice came out normal.

He swished the strap again, this time catching Midori’s right nipple. The next landed precisely

on his balls, and the next on his fully erect cock.

“I—” A loud groan drowned whatever words Midori wanted to say.
Rin watched his beautiful body shudder as he emptied his cock. Watched as Midori’s expression

of contentment turn to apprehension when he saw Rin frowning down at him.

“Bad boy,” Rin finally said, delighted by the tremble that passed through Midori’s body.

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“Oh gods,” Midori murmured, unloading the last of his cum.
Breathing hard, he didn’t take his eyes off Rin. A look of caution passed his face, but Rin only

discarded the strap and placed a hand over his sweaty head. The unexpected gesture surprised Rin
himself. Normally, he wasn’t this lenient.

“You have a long way to go, but that’s enough for today,” Rin decided.
Midori sniffed indignantly at him like a proud wild stallion that refused to be tamed. Despite his

humiliating position, there was still a certain regal dignity to the way he looked up at Rin with
newfound defiance.

“A mate worthy of us,” Rin’s wolf whispered. The beast’s observation painfully reminded Rin

that the beast could never be permanently caged. It always lurked inside of him. It always watched
him with clever amber eyes, waiting for the right moment to surface.

Not now. Not until Midori is presented to Mori.
Rin took a breath and smiled, easily casting aside his personal struggles. It was time to work, to

do what he did best. The fact that Mori trusted him with such intimate requests touched Rin
immensely. He owed the crown prince his life. Prince Mori placed his trust in him when his own
family shunned him. Mori also went above and beyond to keep his dark secrets.

All Rin had to do to return the favor was to be loyal, keep his beast in check and do his damn job.

Simple enough in theory, but in reality his heart continued to thump traitorously against his chest at
the sight of Midori struggling against his art.

He bent down and began undoing the ropes. Once Midori’s hands were free, Rin regretted his

decision because the moon prince hooked his arms around Rin’s waist. Any other man that touched
him suddenly would’ve been sorry. Usually, Rin’s supernatural instincts would kick in, but not this

“What do you think you’re doing?” Rin demanded.
Tossing him a smug look, Midori used his left hand to quickly unlace his trousers. Normally, Rin

would nip any sort of rebellion in the bud when it came to training the submissives he presented to
Prince Mori. For some unexplainable reason, he made an exception for Midori.

The sight of Midori, still wearing his rope work, naked and kneeling with his hands eagerly on

his shaft drew out strange emotions inside Rin. Emotions that made him reel with confusion like a
flame that only grew stronger, unconcerned by the wind that howled all around it. These were
emotions he and his wolf hadn’t felt in a long time.

Emotions could place him in a dangerous position. While Rin the man, was ruled by duty and

control, Rin the beast was a simple and base creature of emotion.

Whatever growing attachment he was beginning to have for his liege’s future royal escort, it had

to be killed whatever the cost.

These thoughts, however, vanished immediately when Midori’s mouth closed over his shaft. Rin

sunk his fingers into his hair, groaning his enjoyment. He fondly looked down at Midori. The way his
jaw muscles labored and worked sent appreciative waves of burning desire up his body. Rendered his
tough and battle-scarred body soft and compliant.

“I’m coming,” Rin said between breaths.
That didn’t stop Midori. Perhaps thinking it was a challenge, Midori gave him a look a confident

look of arrogance and only took the entire hard and ready length of him whole until his lips were
brushing against Rin’s balls.

Rin didn’t have the luxury of being impressed. Tightening his grip on Midori’s midnight blue-

black hair, his body finally climaxed in one shuddering final movement.

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Rin came, his breaths harsh and his heart thumping. Inside him, his beast was also well sated. He

could also see it licking its paws with its tongue with smug satisfaction. Midori’s mouth was still
affixed on him, swallowing all of him whole and not spilling a drop. Both man and beast looked down
at Midori in a possessive and satisfied matter. Ours.

“By the Gods, boy. I have to say that’s impressive,” Rin said.
Midori fell back on his heels, licking his lips like a satisfied cat.
“You were impressed?” Midori asked sardonically.
Rin strode over to him. A cautious look passed his features. He yelped when Rin grabbed his

hand and yanked him upward. Ignoring Midori’s sounds of protest, Rin easily threw the lighter man on
the sleeping futon.

“You said that’s enough for the day,” Midori squeaked.
Rin was on top of him, pulling both his arms above his head. Rin could feel Midori’s heart

beating erratically against his wonderfully lean and pale chest, like a caged bird fluttering about.

Did it flutter in fear or anticipation? For a certainty it was in anticipation, Rin decided watching

him and his steady midnight eyes. This one is not afraid of me.

“Relax,” Rin whispered against his ear.
He could feel his wolf rumbling in approval inside of him. Good mates deserved rewards. “Just

relax and let me return the favor.”

Midori’s heartbeats slowed and relief etched itself on his face. Rin let go off his arms and went

down on him, fingering the loosening ropes as he went. The contrast of the rough texture of the rope
and Midori’s smooth skin felt wonderful under his fingers.

Mine, they seemed to say. All mine. All ours, his wolf agreed.
“Mine,” Rin said, not aware he’d whispered the words out loud.
“What did you say?” There was surprise in Midori’s voice.
Surprise laced with…an emotion Rin couldn’t pick out. Rin decided to put it aside for the

moment. Now wasn’t the time to be confronting feelings and emotions he didn’t have a name for and
couldn’t put a name to. His boy had been good, or at least, had been on his best behavior. It was only
right that he’d be rewarded.

“Just relax,” Rin coaxed.
Rin parted his thighs gently and when his lips merely brushed against the tip of Midori’s cock,

the only sounds that came out of Midori’s mouth were moans. Rin could feel his body relaxing under
him like soft clay he could mould to his own liking. Satisfied that he wasn’t showing any resistance or
second thoughts, Rin began to reward his boy.

With each careful flick of his tongue and the occasional press of his lips, Rin showed Midori just

how appreciative he was. He began at the base and took each of Midori’s balls into his mouth, sucking
them like they were delicate peaches. Midori buckled above him, but Rin kept his hands firmly on his
thighs. From there, Rin slowly worked on his cock.

It wasn’t his intention to shock the moon prince into a new world he’d soon had to get used to,

but to only give him a taste of it. Certainly, Midori seemed to respond well to his training.

Rin lapped at his cock with slow strokes, liking Midori’s straining body above him.
“Rin…please…” Midori tugged urgently at his hair.
Rin paused from his task reprimand him. “You must learn patience and some measure of control,

Midori. If you react so openly to anyone—”

“I’ve never reacted like this to anyone but you,” Midori murmured.
That only gave Rin’s ego a boost. With a little smile, Rin resumed his task. He realized it was

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fun tormenting Midori. By the time he closed his mouth over the moon prince’s throbbing cock,
Midori was moaning a mantra of pleas.

“Please…please, Rin!”
His name sounded wonderful on the boy’s lips. Rin raised himself up a little and licked the pre-

cum from his upright shaft, and he was rewarded by Midori’s sweat-soaked and soft expression of

“Patience, my boy. Pretty soon you’ll be experiencing an orgasm like no other.”
Then Rin’s mouth effortless closed over his fully erect cock. Rin worked him until he knew

Midori could no longer bear it.

Withdrawing his mouth, Rin wrapped his fingers delicately around Midori’s shaft and said,

“Come for me, moon prince.”

Midori only answered him with a deep throat sound of relief as his body arched once and then

climaxed. Strings of cum landed over Rin’s belly. The feel of his hand around Midori’s shaft felt
right. Knowing he could make the other man feel and experience pleasure like this made him satisfied.

“Oh Gods…” Midori said, breathless. Rin rose to get a washcloth to clean himself up and then

clean Midori.

“Liked that?” Rin asked mildly, sliding behind him on the futon.
He was surprised when Midori rested his head on his chest and wrapped his arms around him.

The warmth of another man against him felt surprisingly nice.

How long had Rin had someone sleep, just simply sleep, next to him in bed?
This wasn’t usual protocol for Rin. Usually, he’d never reward his submissives this early in the

game and he’d usually leave them to their rest after a session. Rin was loath to part himself from
Midori though. Pressed so closely to each other, he could hear the excited fluttering of the other man’s

Just what made Midori so different from the others?
If I take this path, I won’t be able to retrace my steps. I will only be lost.

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Chapter Three

Rain began to fall as they left the cluster of bamboo forests that defined the region where Midori

came from, and entered the forested areas of the central dominance of Yamato. Rain first fell in thin,
barely noticeable threads of water and turned to fat heavy droplets.

Midori always loved rain, or at least the romantic notion of it. He used to imagine a phantom

chivalrous partner holding out a wooden umbrella for him while being continually soaked himself, or
being kissed in the rain as the droplets coursed down their faces. Midori imagined that the kisses
would taste like heat and wetness.

He used to think fondly of rain, until he experienced it for himself out in the open countryside.
Rain blurred the vivid autumn countryside into a smear of yellows, oranges and reds. It fell down

his face, soaked his clothes and made him uncomfortable. Riding double on Rin’s warhorse, the only
comfort he had was the back of Rin’s shirt plastered against him. Midori could feel his lovely back
muscles moving there. He’d been on more than one occasion, to lift up the fabric and run his hands
over that broad muscled back.

Really, fantasizing was the only comfort he had. They’ve been riding hard and rough for nearly a

week. He had riding sores on his thighs and no matter how many times he suggested they should rest
once in a while, Rin only ignored him.

Why is he in a hurry? Does he have some absurd deadline to meet, or he’s just eager to rid

himself of me?

The initially dry dirt road beneath the hooves of their devoted and restless steed turned to muddy

paths. Midori morbidly imagined the hooves of the horse would somehow slip, and it would go down
along with its passengers. It was easy considering they were riding at breakneck speed.

Water and wind whipped mercilessly at Midori’s face. Once, he’d almost hacked, coughed and

choked on the rainwater. That was it. He had to put his foot down and convince Rin not to kill the two
of them out of pure stubbornness.

“Rin, we have to find shelter. The rain’s coming down too hard and the horse is too worked up,”

Midori yelled.

He tightened his grip on Rin’s waist. Midori was afraid he’d fall any second from the galloping


The other man’s body tensed for some reason. He tensed at Midori’s little touches so often that

Midori sometimes wondered if he repulsed Rin. Having been adored and wanted all his life by
countless lords and samurais, it was really an unflattering and baffling notion to have someone
actually look at him with disdain and dislike.

At the length of the silence that followed, Midori expected Rin to ignore him yet again, and was

surprised when Rin spoke.

“Fine. Night’s falling soon too. I see a small house over off the path ahead.”
Whatever house he mentioned, Midori couldn’t see it in the indistinct landscape that was

continually pelted by the downpour. It seemed Rin possessed sharper senses than most men, but
perhaps that was a product of his soldier training. Midori remembered Rin mentioning that he had
been a soldier in the prince’s guard ever since he was young. If this was part and parcel of soldier’s
life, Midori wanted none of it.

True to his word, Rin steered the steed into a beaten and narrow path, and soon enough a humble

one-room thatched roof cottage appeared in Midori’s line of sight.

“How are you sure they’ll take us in? We’re just soaked-to-the-bone strangers to them,” Midori

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pointed out as Rin helped him dismount.

The doors to house, a shack really, opened. Browned faces peered out. They were probably

farming folks, or woodcutter folks as most of the commoners in this region were.

“I’m very sorry to bother you folks, but we’re looking for shelter,” Rin said, walking in front of


The faces stared back at them blankly, but the clink of coins from the pouch Rin held out did it.

They were quickly ushered in and taken care of. Rin parted with more coins and a young boy of twelve
steered their horse to a sheltered area where the family kept their livestock.

Midori expelled a contented sigh. The house’s interior was small and its tatami floors and walls

were worn-out, but it was neat, orderly and had a fire burning in the middle of the room. A cast-iron
pot was placed above it. Midori imagined the family would often eat their meals together around the
fire. It was a nice thought, to have a permanent domestic arrangement like that. To be stirring porridge
from a pot and spooning out a bowl for Rin, and reprimanding him later for asking a second bowl.

Blast it all. Why was Midori still thinking of the hard and reckless insensitive idiot?
The wind and rain occasionally howled against the house’s rickety sides, but the structure was

stable. Midori liked the little house and the farming folks that owned it. Even if they accepted Rin’s
coin, they looked like decent folks. The house and its people reminded Midori of his own home and
the aged father he left behind.

An old familiar ache throbbed inside Midori’s heart. Home. He liked nothing better than to

abandon this foolish journey and head home.

Damn Rin and the prince that sent him. The farmer’s wife handed each of them well-patched, but

warm blankets and a cup of much-needed hot black tea. Midori thanked her profusely and sat by the

Staring at the dancing flames, Midori let melancholy fill him. It wasn’t too late to head back.

They just arrived at the outskirts of the central dominance region. The good thing was, the arrival of
the rains signalled the end of summer and the start of autumn. There would be no rain then, just a
pleasant breeze. The bad thing was, it would take weeks to cross the large expanse of woods.

That meant weeks of hard riding and weeks of terse replies from a man who clearly hated him.

The thought of spending hour after hour and day after day with a man he hated and who hated him was
unbearable. Furthermore, the man was a terrible companion and didn’t really provide much

“What are you thinking of?” Rin settled beside him, ignoring the fact that Midori drew away

from him and huddled in his blanket.

“What do you think?” Midori snapped. “I’m sore from all that hard riding. This is the first time

in a long time we slept with a roof under our heads. Can’t you leave me some measure of peace?”

“I didn’t realize you hated me that much.”
Midori expected a lofty and arrogant reply, but Rin said those words softly and carefully. He hid

it well, but Midori could somehow tell that he was hurt by his words.

“What you do expect? You took me from my home and intend to hand me over to a stranger like

a gift,” Midori spat, his chest rising and falling. “I mean, I thought it wouldn’t be so bad travelling
with you, but you’ve been nothing but horrible to me.”

Rin was silent for a while. “I know. I’m sorry. There have just been a few things on my mind


Midori snorted, but didn’t pull away when Rin reached out for his hand. His hands were a

soldier’s hands—tanned, rough and callused. To his surprise, Midori found himself liking the contrast

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of Rin’s rough hand against his own smooth one. They were sure and steady hands. Hands, Midori
knew, would never hurt him.

“You’re shivering,” Rin observed. A frown appeared on his face.
Midori didn’t reply. He only watched Rin run his fingers over his hand, then lifted it up to his

lips and then blew at them. Warm air tickled against Midori’s skin. For some reason, he colored at the
simple gesture.

“Warm now?” Rin asked.
Midori pouted. The ache of longing in his heart was still there, but the adult part of him also

refused to give up. Rin’s domineering presence frightened him badly and Midori was often frustrated
by the soldier’s callousness. For some unexplainable reason, though, he trusted him too and Midori
wasn’t a man who trusted easily. He’d grown up with overprotective parents and in a village that saw
him as some sort of god, but he’d been hurt by previous suitors before.

Suitors saw him as some great hunting trophy or an object to be won, but they’ve never seen him

as a person. Rin on the other hand, treated him like he was any random individual in the street.

“Not yet,” Midori answered. Rin raised his eyebrows.
“What else can I do?”
Midori distrusted Rin’s question immediately. He’d learn fast enough that whenever Rin was

acting kind, there was a hidden catch to it somewhere.

“Well…” Midori trailed off, acting coy.
“Well what?” Rin asked rather impatiently, but Midori was used to his growls and occasional

odd animal quirks.

Like for instance, Rin would press his nose to the nape of his neck at night when he thought

Midori was already asleep, or the way he’d sniffed the air while deciding which route to take. Odd
indeed, but Midori rather liked Rin’s quirks.

“Well, you can warm me up. We can warm each other up. Hina says there’s a small but spare

room we can use,” Midori suggested boldly.

Rin warily eyed him. “I thought your body was exhausted. Now you’re horny and want sex?”
“I’m not horny and I wasn’t asking for sex,” Midori blurted, coloring when one of the children

looked at him oddly from across the room. Midori lowered his voice. “We can just sleep together. For
warmth. You’re the one thinking dirty thoughts.”

“Just sleeping eh?” Rin asked sceptically.
Midori was in fact, oddly energetic enough to do more than sleep. One thing he’d certainly miss

if he ran away was the hot sex with Rin. By kami and the gods, he’d never experienced anything like
that before with anyone. Sex with Rin was always mind-blowing and exhilarating.

Midori wouldn’t normally submit to any other man, but for Rin, he’d make an exception. He

liked Rin’s firm guiding hands. Liked the careful way he touched and stroked him despite the harsh
and sometimes cruel words that came from his mouth.

“Just sleeping,” Midori confirmed.
Rin’s suspicious and critical expression didn’t last long. He sniffed the air and Midori’s stomach

growled in hunger. A heavenly scent wafted from the small kitchen. They looked at each other,
grinning like fools.

“Food,” Midori said happily, clutching at Rin’s arm. “By the gods, am I right and what I smell is


“Not just food. Hot food,” Rin corrected.

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* * * *

It was probably the best meal they’d eaten in a long time, although it was a simple fare of rice,

root vegetables and small fish. Rin suspected it was mostly because they were hungry, wet and tired.
Anything hot they ate right now tasted spectacularly good. Yet, Rin had his share of delicately
prepared expensive meals in the imperial palace and none of them ever tasted this wonderful.

Perhaps Midori had something to do with it. The way he’d easily entered into a friendly

conversation with the family of the house surprised Rin. There was also something alluring about they
all sat so close to each other around the fire. It felt strangely intimate and warm. With a pang, Rin
realized that he’d never experienced anything like this before. Sitting together and having a meal with
a family was a foreign concept to him.

His own family had spurned and cursed him upon finding his not-too-human nature. Prince Mori

had been his only family, but then Mori was an imperial prince and Rin was just his bodyguard. There
were always lines and customs he had to observe, but there was no line between Midori and him.

The amber eyes of his beast stared back quietly at him from its metaphysical dark cage. The

intelligence and wisdom there surprised Rin. Imagine, his wolf said, having endless meals like this
with our mate. Rin closed his eyes for a brief second.

He could imagine feeling the cool night air outside the balcony of his little home in the capital.

Imagine bringing Midori outside the city walls and trading his fragile human skin for fur. Midori
wouldn’t look at him with fearful and distrustful eyes like everyone else. Being a supernatural and
celestial creature himself, he’d only laugh, rub Rin’s ears and run with him into the woods.

Keep dreaming. There would always be lines Rin couldn’t cross. It only appeared that there were

no lines because they were travelling by themselves. Once he delivered Midori to the prince, there
would always be eyes and waggling tongues in the palace.

“Are you okay?” Midori mouthed, touching his hand.
Rin nodded curtly, avoiding his gaze and remembering his accusatory words a while ago with


Midori was right. He’d driven and pushed them too hard. Rin had forgotten that unlike him, who

spent years training his body combined with his supernatural ancestry, Midori was still a human.
Midori may be a mortal and fallen celestial being, but he was still a human with a human’s

Why was he so afraid to face his own feelings that he had to hurt the man he was tasked to

protect and train?

“I’m fine,” Rin said tightly, giving him a fake smile of reassurance.
Something in his voice or expression must’ve satisfied Midori, because he turned back to his

conversation with Hina, the old farmer’s wife.

Never one for polite conversation, Rin was contented to sit back and enjoy the company of the

others. They were simple folk. Good folk like the folks in Midori’s village. For the umpteenth time,
Rin wondered if he had any right to pluck Midori from the world he had known all his life, only to
thrust him into a new and unfamiliar one.

What’s done is done. Besides, it’s a comfort having him beside me. I never show it, but I do find

his presence comforting. “Like a perfect fit of a missing puzzle,” his wolf whispered.

Rin ignored its voice again. Frustration coiled and continued to ram its ugly head at him. He

picked up his bowl and furiously shovelled more rice into his mouth with his chopsticks.

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Chapter Four

The Reisuke family’s soaking tub was built large enough to fit one adult and a child, but not two

men. Like everything else in the home, the deep wooden tub was worn with age. Rin eyed it
distrustfully. It looked like it would fall apart any second, especially if two men were to get in it.

“Look, Midori, I don’t think we can fit in there. Maybe we can take turns.”
“And waste all that hot water Hina boiled and poured into the tub?” Midori sounded

unconcerned. “Suit yourself, Rin, but I’m going in first.”

Midori was already quickly shedding his clothes. Rin had to pause to study him. Midori’s eyes

were trained with such concentration on the steaming bath. Outside, they could still hear loud rain
beating against the roof and the occasional sound of thunder. The drying clothes fell off him like
unwanted flakes, revealing his slender body and beautiful pale skin. Even though Rin had seen him
naked many times, he still wasn’t used to the sight.

Noticing the way Rin was looking at him, Midori snorted. “Don’t like what you see?”
“Whatever gave you that impression?” Rin wasn’t one to lose to a challenge, and this was clearly

a challenge.

Was Midori waiting to see if he’d actually go into the tiny tub with him? Rin began to

impatiently tug at his clothes.

“You always seem to glare at me or furrow your brows when you’re looking at me. Just to let

you know, the look may intimidate most men, but not me,” Midori said with a flourish and climbed
into the tub.

“Ahh…After weeks of hard travel and no proper baths, this feels so wonderful.” The soaking tub

came up to his chest.

Midori leaned back to one side, sighing with obvious pleasure. He looked far too comfy for Rin’s


“You sound the same when you want to be fucked,” Rin observed, tossing aside the last of his


“I do not. Why is everything about sex to you?” Midori tilted his head and the appreciative once-

over he gave Rin was worth it.

“Two men squeezed into a small soaking tub isn’t a clue? Weren’t you being suggestive? Move


Midori continued to glare at him as he squeezed his large and bulky frame into the tub. As the

warm water lapped and stroked his skin, he sighed. Midori was right. It was a wonderfully ecstatic
feeling. Unfortunately, he was all too aware of Midori’s skin pressing against his. They were standing
face-to-face in the tub and there was only a precious little inch of space between their bodies.

“Are you saying we can’t be in the same tub without doing something wicked?” There was a

playful and mischievous gleam in Midori’s eyes, and it made Rin smile. It had been awhile since
Midori wore that expression.

Mate wants to play, his wolf said and for once, he agreed. Fortunately, or unfortunately for

Midori, Rin never backed down from any challenge, be it in the field or in his personal life.

“Of course, moon prince. We’re grown men, aren’t we? Would you like me to help you scrub

your back?” Rin asked in an innocent voice.

Midori only watched him with sceptical eyes, relaxing when he only reached out for the

scrubbing brush set on the chair beside the tub.

“Would you turn? I can’t reach your back from here.”

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Midori shot him another look of distrust and eventually turned his back to him. Rin began to

scrub his smooth and lovely back, but he had no intentions of simply doing that.

“What are you doing?”
Rin only neared him and pressed himself against his back. Midori tensed and Rin could hear him

breathing hard. Smiling to himself, Rin teasingly pressed his half-erect cock between the cleft of his
ass, but didn’t do anything else. When Midori leaned eagerly to him for better access, Rin didn’t

He groaned. “You crass, wretched, teasing—”
“You said no sex, didn’t you? But touching isn’t exactly off limits.” Rin placed his arms around

the smaller man’s frame, running his hands gently across Midori’s chest and down the water to the
rest of him.

“Damn you, Rin…” Midori’s words lacked their usual punch.
His touches were light and feathery, and he could feel them a trail of goose bumps on Midori’s

skin. Responding to his touches immediately, Midori groaned. He rocked back and forth and began to
grind himself against Rin, but Rin effectively held his body hostage in a tight embrace.

Leaving one hand pressed against Midori’s chest to hold him in place, Rin’s other hand moved

down his belly and down Midori’s excited and hardening cock.

“Please….” Midori began to murmur. “Please, Rin!”
“Please what?” Rin leisurely began to work Midori’s cock in slow up and down movements,

movements that sent the other man to the edge.

Midori moaned and thrashed against the small space. Water splashed noisily about the small

room, but no one could hear them with the rain outside.

“I take it back…please fuck me,” Midori panted.
“What do you take back?” Rin began to increase his hand movements.
“I take back my words!” Midori’s voice came out in a breathless whimper. “I wanted to share the

tub with you from the start.”

“And why did you want to share the tub, moon prince?”
“Because I was sure you couldn’t help yourself. You’d just fuck me.” After that admission,

Midori was no longer able to speak.

“You presume, moon prince, that I’d want to always have you. That I’m a savage beast incapable

of control?” Midori answered him with a low moan. “Well. You’re right for once. I’m a beast and I
have the right to have you when I want you.”

Midori nearly came at those words, but Rin tightened his fingers on his cock in warning. “Not

yet, boy!”

A sound of protest came from the smaller man, but he ignored it. Rin expertly built up his

orgasm. He’d prided himself on knowing Midori’s beautiful body inside out because the moon prince
belonged exclusively to him. No secret could be kept from him. He knew all of Midori’s sensitive
spots and secrets. Rin knew ways to make him come quicker, or deny him until he was so full to
bursting point that he could barely hold himself against his climaxing body.

He belongs to me. “For now anyway,” his wolf agreed.
“May I come?” Midori asked in a soft and uncontrolled voice.
The fact that he’d remember to ask for Rin’s permission while being in the throes of passion

pleased Rin a great deal. Rin even forgot the words his wolf whispered.

“Yes,” Rin whispered against his ear.
Midori shivered at his words with relief. It was enough. Midori let out a final contented sigh and

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exploded. Midori would’ve sagged back from the waves of orgasmic pleasure riding him, but Rin held
him steadily. He was also aware of his own cock, rock hard and eager for some release.

“Spread your legs for me, my boy.”
Midori did so without resistance. He spread his legs as far as the limits of the tub allowed. He

didn’t flinch away when Rin fingered his asshole. With the help of the water, Midori was ready for his

“Do you still want me inside you, boy?” Rin asked. Feeling Midori nod, he said, “Hold the edges

of the bath.”

Midori did so, again without question, and Rin wondered about his obedience as he began to ease

himself into him. His moans and pleas only encouraged Rin. Gripping his hips, Rin began to slide in
and out of him effortlessly. Each thrust was accompanied by Midori’s pleas of “faster” and “harder”
and Rin was only happy to comply to his demands.

Rin was initially afraid Midori couldn’t take the whole of him, but the smaller man never

objected once.

It wasn’t long before Rin came either. It was one of the most satisfying climaxes Rin had ever

experienced. Never had sex with anyone else been this good. Not the girls he’d wooed in the past or
the countless men and women Rin had trained for the prince. Leaning against Midori’s back, his body
seemed to sigh with sheer satisfaction like a lazy animal, a wolf that had just sated his mating

Why is being with Midori so different? Rin wondered. His wolf unexpectedly answered him and

Rin didn’t like the beast’s answer one bit. “Because sex is not just lust and the meeting of flesh. It’s
also the meeting of souls. This is what it means, finally finding our mate.”

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Chapter Five

It wasn’t the mind-blowing sex Midori remembered when he thought of that night. It was the

conversation after. The rain hadn’t let out. The wind still continued to rattle against the walls, but
Midori lay contented, in the crook of Rin’s muscled arm. His back was pressed against the warm press
of Rin’s bare chest and it felt nice. The wall of Rin’s muscles felt solid and they reminded Midori of
stability. Rin being there with him reminded him that he wasn’t alone.

Lying in each other’s arms in a small futon in a cramped room smaller than his own room back

in the village, Midori realized he didn’t want anything else. Not a fancy or elaborate room or colorful
hakamas made of fine silk and gold threads. No palaces or princes either. He was contented to be
beside room in a dingy room with a storm ranging outside with the man he loved.

“Thinking much?” floated Rin’s voice from behind him.
“You always ask me that. Makes me think you don’t ponder about things or think at all.”
Rin snorted. He gently lifted Midori’s head to take back his arm and secured them around

Midori’s waist instead. Rin pressed his nose against the nape of his neck again and sniffed. It felt a
strangely protectively gesture, like Rin was memorizing his scent. Midori had to smile, and was glad
Rin couldn’t see his face.

“I’m glad we found a place to stay for the night,” Midori admitted.
Now that they were alone and comfortable, Midori felt like he needed to talk about the concerns

he had over the past few days. The incident in the tub reassured him Rin wasn’t repulsed by, or angry
at him. Perhaps the man could be reasoned with.

In fact, from his ardent touches, Midori felt it was just the opposite. Would Rin listen, and could

Midori pierce through the mysterious veil surrounding the other man? Rin seldom gave information
about himself, but Midori was dying to know about the man who shared his bed.

“I’m glad too.”
“I thought for the longest time that you didn’t like me and that you saw me as a job, but I was

wrong. At least I hoped I was wrong. Tell me, am I just an assignment to you, Rin?”

Rin was quiet for a moment. Midori cringed. Perhaps he’d been too presumptuous and had

unknowingly crossed the boundaries of their relationships, but then Rin finally spoke.

“I was wrong, Midori. I shouldn’t have been reckless or been in a hurry. We have time and I

assure you we’re going to do things right from tomorrow onward.”

That doesn’t explain why you wanted to reach the capital as soon as possible. Midori didn’t

voice out his thoughts though. Spoiling this special evening wouldn’t do either of us any good.
Whatever reservations Rin had, he wasn’t telling them to Midori anytime soon. That was fine though.
Midori was patient and Rin did say the journey was long. He’d wait. He’d been waiting for Rin all his
life after all, even if he only realized it recently.

Love didn’t happen like it did in the stories. No prince or princess was going to sweep Midori out

of his feet. When love came, it came abruptly and instantly knocked all the breath out of him. Even if
Rin was blind to whatever he had, Midori was just going to have to wait for the other man to come

“Okay. I forgive you,” Midori said instead.
Rin pressed his lips against his neck, leaving a path of tender kisses.
“Mmm that’s nice.” Midori felt a slight edge of teeth on his skin.
It wasn’t a hard graze, but a lover’s teasing one. He shivered at the prospect of Rin sinking his

teeth into his neck. Midori wouldn’t mind wearing Rin’s mark openly where everyone could see it.

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They’d see it and instantly know that Midori was already claimed by Rin.

“Does this still feel nice?” Rin teased the edge of his neck with his teeth, sending tremors into

Midori’s body even with just a simple gesture.

“Yes,” Midori breathed, sighing when Rin sunk his teeth to leave his mark.
Pain rose briefly, but it subsided when Rin began to lick at the mark. He wondered if Rin knew

the implication of that mark, but even if the hard-headed soldier didn’t or refused to acknowledge it,
Midori was content.

Before he met Rin, being tied up and spanked weren’t deeds Midori would associate with his

sexual fantasies. He didn’t think being under Rin’s firm and guiding hand could be so erotic, or that
he’d feel such an incredible rush of freedom each time they did a session. Midori couldn’t quite
articulate his thoughts, but even though he was Rin’s captive, he’d never felt like a prisoner.
Submitting to Rin didn’t make him helpless or weak. It empowered him, and made him a stronger and
more confident individual both in and out the bedroom.

In fact, throughout their intimate time together, Midori began to realize that he held the same

amount of power in the relationship as Rin. Rin never failed to ask his state of body or mind whenever
he worked on him, and he’d always been careful and thoughtful of him.

I belong to this man now. Midori thought he’d never ever say those words with pride, but he did

so now. Rin confused him in so many ways and there were so many uncertainties between them, but he
was contented for now. For now, everything felt perfect.

I belong to this man, and someday he’s going to belong to me . With that pleasant thought

lingering in his mind and Rin’s warm skin pressed against him, Midori fell into a deep and dreamless

* * * *

Even in the dark, Rin’s heightened inhuman senses could make out Midori’s chiselled features.

His moon prince slept on his side facing Rin, his dreams untroubled and pleasant. Running his hand
gently across the side of Midori’s face, Rin was disturbed by the words Midori said earlier.

“I thought for the longest time that you didn’t like me and that you saw me as a job, but I was

wrong. At least I hoped I was wrong. Am I just an assignment to you, Rin?”

The unpleasant thought that came to him while they were in the tub resurfaced. The moon prince

is yours, but only for now. It was a hard truth to swallow, but a truth nonetheless.

Watching the rise and fall of Midori’s chest, Rin was struck by how Midori looked like a child

when he slept. Rin’s eyes moved from his face to his neck. His fingers gently brushed his bite mark
there. Pride and a sense of possessiveness filled both him and his wolf. It felt right marking Midori.

He had every right of it because Midori belonged to him as much as he belonged to the other

man, but could Rin really be what Midori obviously wanted him to be? Rin couldn’t simply just give
himself to Midori the way the moon prince fearlessly and shamelessly did. In a way, he was a pathetic
coward who couldn’t fight or stand up for what was his.

I have to think about Mori. Mori took me in when no one else did. He gave me a chance to prove

myself and rise through the ranks of his army by my own merit.

It stung. The prince was like a brother to him and the thought of betraying him was unbearable.

Rin withdrew his hand, but Midori only unconsciously moved toward him.

Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt just this one night, Rin thought. Tomorrow everything goes back to

normal. For both our sakes, it has to.

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Chapter Six

“I don’t understand you. Sometimes you’re surprisingly thoughtful and tender, but you’re cold

and unbearable most of the time.” Midori regretted his words the moment they came out of his mouth.

He cursed himself for being unable to rein in his temper.
Seated behind him on the saddle, he felt the hard muscles of Rin’s arms tense as he pull up the

horse’s reins short. The well-trained war horse reared its great gray head, but stopped moving. Damn
the obedient beast and damn Rin for being so difficult.

“Get off,” Rin said, his voice hard and unreadable.
He easily swung himself off the saddle, the movement graceful and well-practiced. Midori liked

the line of Rin’s body, liked to watch the firm lines of muscles peeking under the cloth when Rin
wasn’t paying attention. It was especially easy when Rin took to wearing only a plain blue cotton
kimono because of the heat. Not that Midori had a lot of chances to touch that delicious body.

What he said was true though. After their tender night together in the home of the Reisuke

family, Rin had grown distant and colder with each passing day. Each day they drew closer and closer
to the capitol. Midori wasn’t sure why dread filled him at that thought. The sooner he parted ways
with the rough and crass captain, the better.

By kami and the gods, did he really think that Rin was his prince? Midori knew he made a grave

error, but a part of his still refused to give up.

Midori would have been more compliant and responsive to Rin’s ruthless training if only the

other man showed a bit of heart. Would it kill him to be kind occasionally?

Midori still couldn’t shake off the memory of how his body reacted when Rin said the words

“my boy.” He had melted at those words, and he also wondered why a queer sort of pride filled him.
After the past few days though, he began to think he imagined all of that ever happening.

“Are you deaf or should I drag you down?” Rin’s hard voice returned Midori’s thoughts back to

the present.

“Fine,” Midori snapped, dismounting hastily, nearly falling on his face.
He nearly panicked when his foot slid off the saddle. The last thing he wanted was for Rin to see

his face hit the mud. Rin’s callused hand caught his, familiar, strong and steady. Strong, like the
frustrating and stubborn man himself. Pulse racing, Midori let out a breath, but Rin only released him.

“Pull down your trousers and face that tree,” Rin gestured to the nearby gingko tree by the side

of the road.

“What?” Midori began, uncomprehending.
He yelped when Rin’s hand gripped the drawstrings of his trousers. Rin leaned toward him until

their shoulders were brushing.

“Do I have to strip you myself, moon prince?” he asked in a mocking voice.
Offended, Midori pushed his hand away. At his waiting and expectant look, Midori angrily began

to undo the strings of his trousers. Damn the arrogant swine. What is he thinking, and what if a
passerby saw us?

Once he shook off his trousers and his bare ass tasted the bare air, Midori definitely glared at

Rin. The glare didn’t last long when he saw what Rin was fingering. The polished cherrywood riding
strap gleamed in his hands, menacing yet…when Midori imagined the tip of that strap caressing his
flesh, he shivered.

He shivered not because he liked a little bit of bite during sex, but because it was Rin who held

the strap. Rin who plucked and displaced him from the village, the world he had known all his life.

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Rin with the ruggedly handsome face, hard hands and eyes.

My boy.
Midori didn’t know why he blushed or shivered when he remembered Rin saying those words.

There was something about the way the soldier said those two simple words. There was possessive
warmness there, sending tingles down his spine. He knew he didn’t imagine it. If Rin was determined
enough, he knew he could coax the warmness out of the steely-eyed soldier.

In the present, Midori refused be daunted by Rin’s frightening and commanding presence. Those

waiting and patient eyes didn’t affect him one bit, even though he was certain Rin watched his every
step. Watched the way he sauntered up the tree without shame, pressed himself against it and wrapped
his arms firmly around its scarred wooden body. Despite the humiliating position he was forced into,
he felt certain pride and pleasure that he was all Rin paid attention to. Just him and him alone.

The texture of the old wood was shockingly rough against his body. Even more shocking was the

sharp whistling sound that screeched through the air and the sudden impact of the leather strap hitting
against his left butt cheek.

A gasp of surprise tore from Midori’s mouth. He tried to close his mouth, but whimpers still

came out at the rain of blows.

“Stop wiggling and take the blows I give you like a man. You know you deserve it,” Rin said


Midori’s face began to heat up and he was glad Rin couldn’t see it. He could almost imagine

Rin’s unchanging deadpan expression. To Rin, the humiliating task was no different from any other
like brushing his horse’s mane or sharpening his katana with a whetstone.

Biting his lip, Midori resolved to do better. As much as he hated Rin for doing this, he wasn’t

afraid. He knew Rin would never hurt him. Each blow was calculated, precise and careful. Clearly, Rin
knew what he was doing.

In no time at all, Midori was well aware of the heat spreading across his buttocks and upper

thighs, and his hardening cock pressed against the wood. Instead of avoiding the blows, he shifted his
hips slightly and suggestively so his skin could taste the sharp, but wonderful bite of the strap.

“Aren’t you enjoying this far too much?” observed Rin.
“No!” was what Midori wanted to say in a sulky matter, and instead it came out in a breathless


He shut his eyes tightly. The stings had faded into a dull and delicious throb, and he could feel

the heavy weight of his fully erect cock pressed against the bark.

Midori jerked when he felt Rin’s rough and callused sliding down his upper thighs. It was a slow,

torturous and deliberate movement.

He shuddered when Rin pressed his face into his neck and whispered, “That’s my good boy.

You’re my good boy, aren’t you?”

Whatever thoughts of resentment he’d harbored fled at those few words and he almost hated

himself for being such a weak-willed creature. It didn’t matter now though. He liked the press of Rin’s
cotton kimono against him and his sure and steady hands. Midori realized that he could live like this.
Be a creature of sensations, or at least a creature solely under the control of the sensations Rin was
able to draw from him.

“Do you want me in you?” Rin asked.
“Yes.” Midori’s voice didn’t feel like it belonged to him. It felt like it belonged to a poor and

besotted stranger, incapable of thinking any logical thoughts but dirty and perverse ones.

Rin pressed a firm hand over his chest and gently dislodged him from the tree. His erect cock

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tasted like cold autumn air, but it wasn’t long before it was warm again. Behind him, Midori could
feel Rin make a sucking sound with his fingers. He must have wetted them because Midori wriggled
when he felt his wet finger lubricating the rim of his ass.

When it was nice and loose, Midori could hardly breathe. He wanted Rin badly inside him and

couldn’t wait for the other man to lower his trousers.

Keeping one hand possessively pressed against his chest, Rin’s other hand yanked down his

trousers and moved on to cup Midori’s aching cock. He could feel Rin’s own cock, hard and ready
against the cleft of his sore ass. Midori parted his legs and Rin murmured his appreciation by
teasingly biting the lobe of his left ear.

“I can’t…if you keep this up…” Midori managed, letting out a gasp when Rin cupped his balls

and began to run his fingers over them.

“Hush, be silent,” Rin said.
His fingers clasped the length of his cock and began to work it up and down. At the same time,

Rin began to slide inside him. Midori felt like he was being filled up, both body and soul. Claimed
rightfully by the man he loved. His orgasm began to build and he began to rub his back against Rin’s
hard muscles behind him.

“Don’t come yet, not until I tell you,” Rin grunted behind him.
Teased to bursting point, Midori had trouble obeying, but he eventually managed despite Rin’s

clever and persistent fingers. Despite his appearance and the way he carried himself, the way the
soldier stroked his cock betrayed his often hidden tender nature. He stroked and caressed Midori like
he was his most precious object in the world. His jewel.

“Now. Come now,” Rin gasped and came behind him.
Midori was like a stringed kabuki puppet, shuddering with relief as he finally came. He may be a

puppet, but it wasn’t a loathsome thought because he was a willing one. If he could, he’d let Rin run
strings all over his body so he could feel like this over and over again. All around them the wood was
quiet except for the occasional sound of birds and the rustle of branches stirred by the wind.

No travellers passed by. Midori wished he could preserve that moment forever.
With Rin’s warmth pressed against his back and his strong hands, that were capable of cruelty

and kindness, wrapped protectively around him. No, Midori didn’t want this moment to end. He knew
their journey was soon coming to a close. Knew his time with Rin was limited. Even Rin grudgingly
admitted that his training was almost complete.

Midori couldn’t help but dread the day the man he loved would give him away to a stranger like

a present. Prince Mori may be the crown prince of Yamato, but he was a stranger. A stranger he didn’t
love and a stranger who couldn’t love him the way he wanted. Not like the way Rin loved him.

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Chapter Seven

After that day in the woods, Rin noticed Midori’s noticeable change in behavior. He couldn’t

blame him. A strange sense of unease began to fill him as the villages they passed became bustling
towns. He’d expect a country boy to be filled with wonder at the busy sight and buildings, but Midori
remained silent behind him. Rin even gave up on useless chatter when Midori replied with clipped and
curt sentences.

To his credit, Midori never complained. It would’ve been easier if the moon prince would

scream at him or beat his fists against him so Rin knew Midori hated him and wanted to be rid of him
as soon as possible.

The odd thing was, Midori wasn’t mad at Rin. Even though he’d have every right to hate the man

who plucked him from his home and toyed and tormented him constantly. The hateful man who’d
present him to another man like an object with no will.

Rin’s own heart threatened to crack every time Midori would clutch his waist tighter or how

sometimes he’d press his head against Rin’s back. As if he thought Rin didn’t notice these little
gesture, but Rin did notice.

He could almost taste the other man’s loneliness and despair and his first reaction was to

comfort Midori. To bring him close to him and tell him they should turn back. They could live as
vagabonds, live somewhere far and away from the lands of the empire.

Rin didn’t do any of these things. He had his duty and he couldn’t betray his prince. Not Prince

Mori who he played, hunted and grew up with. They were inseparable and even went to their first
brothel together for their first time. He’d sworn to protect and serve Mori for the rest of his life. The
prince was a good man and would make a good emperor someday.

He could see the wolf inside him staring at him with clear disapproval in its yellow eyes. It

didn’t like his decision one bit, but then the wolf didn’t and couldn’t fully comprehend the
complications of the world of men.

“What’s he like?” Midori asked the night they camped on the hill overlooking the capital.
He didn’t look at Rin when he spoke. His huge ebony eyes were trained on the series of glittering

pagodas and spires of the Jade Palace beyond them, which were alit with hundreds of colorful lanterns.

Rin was surprised by the sound of his soft voice. Midori hadn’t spoken for a long time, and Rin

was almost afraid he’d gone mute. “You mean, Prince Mori?”

Midori nodded absentmindedly.
“He’s a good ruler and an honorable man,” Rin said.
Midori’s eyes turned to him. For a moment, Rin could imagine that they were huge glittering

wounds, but the pain quickly faded to curiosity.

“I’ve known Mori since we were kids. You’ll be in good hands.”
“He’s a good man,” Midori repeated and a melancholy smile appeared on his lips.
It was a smile Rin was wary of, because that smile tugged painfully at him.
“Sure, he may be a good man, but he’ll only ask for his royal whore when he wants me. All I am

is a good fuck at the end of a hard day.”

Protests hovered on the tip of Rin’s mouth, but they died quickly. What Midori said was true.

Mori had half a dozen royal escorts already. A harem made of specially selected beautiful men and
women at his beck and call. He’d only want Midori when the mood struck him. Midori was nothing to
him, just another new shiny toy to be added to his collection of toys, while to Rin…what exactly was
Midori to Rin?

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It wasn’t fair, but then it was never a fair world to begin with. To Rin especially. Rin who was

bastard born to a drunk whoring noble. Unlike Prince Mori who was born to his titles, Rin had to carve
out a place for himself outside the sphere of his father’s influence. To differentiate himself from his
seven brothers, who were all legitimate sons of the man he called father.

Rin always fought and worked hard for the things he’d wanted all his life, so why was it difficult

to fight for what he wanted now?

Because his best friend, his liege lord who would someday be the emperor of Yamato, wanted

what he wanted? But Mori didn’t know or understand what he wanted while Rin knew Midori inside
out. He knew Midori’s stubborn but kind heart, and every single one of his odd quirks and
imperfections. Imperfections that Mori wouldn’t tolerate, but imperfections Rin couldn’t live without.

Instead of the words he wanted to say, Rin said, “It’s not a bad offer. After a few years, you’d be

released from your contract and you can go home rich.”

Midori turned his head away and the words that came out from him were bitter. “My father

would be dead by then. I have no home.”

Something propelled Rin to get off from his spot on the ground to sit shoulder to shoulder with

Midori. The moon prince looked so infinitely sad that he was tempted to comfort him. Besides, it was
only one night. Surely, it wouldn’t cost him to give Midori some bit of comfort. Make it right, his
wolf agreed.

Midori didn’t even look at him. Wanting his attention, Rin reached out and touched Midori’s

chin and turned it so he’d face Rin.

Relishing his expression of surprise, Rin leaned forward and kissed the other man. Midori

responded warmly and Rin felt his lovely and familiar slender arms circle around his neck.
Encouraged, Rin’s arms slid down the other man’s waist. His hands were eager and hungry. They
wanted to slip under Midori’s kimono, to finger and caress the other man’s smooth and silky flesh.

Feeling sudden wetness coat his right cheek, Rin withdrew, frowning. Small shudders and

tremors ran up from Midori’s arms to his own. The moon prince was shaking, Rin realized, looking up
at the other man’s face. Tears covered Midori’s long black lashes and the barely concealed pain in his
ebony eyes tore at Rin. I’ve made him cry, it seems I always make him cry.

“Don’t make me go,” Midori’s voice quivered, leaning his head against Rin’s chest. It was a

gesture that reminded Rin of a vulnerable child. “Tell me you want me for yourself. Claim me for

There it was. The words he didn’t want to hear, lain bare and exposed to the night. Words that

could easily create cracks along the armor he wore over his heart. It wasn’t too late, a voice inside him
whispered. Rin was suddenly overcome by the impulse to press Midori closer to him. To stroke his
back and tell him the words he badly wanted and needed to hear. He could right this all with a single
word. Just a single word.

Yes. Yes I want you for myself. To protect, love and cherish.
“I can’t,” Rin said in a bare whisper, surprised by the sudden strength of Midori’s arms as they

shoved him away.

The beast inside himself bared its angry fangs. Foolish Rin. Foolish stupid human Rin.
Rin fell back with a thump on the ground, his buttocks tasting the earth. Sniffing, Midori hastily

wiped the tears from his eyes. No longer soft and watery, they appeared like hard glittering ebony
orbs. They look hard, cruel and determined. Unexpected pain slithered into Rin’s heart.

Rin wondered if that was how Midori saw him all the time, but now their positions were now

reversed. He was now in the position to be hurt.

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“I hate you,” Midori said childishly.
The old Rin would’ve laughed, but there was nothing funny about the situation. He was no longer

the old Rin and there was absolutely nothing funny about the way Midori stood stiffly, breathing hard.
As if the effort of saying those words taxed him. Took everything of him to say.

Rin’s tongue felt heavy. Glued to his mouth. Before he could speak, Midori was stalking away

from him. Away from the light of the small bonfire until Rin could no longer see the outline of his

“Where do you think you’re going?” Rin finally called, standing from his pathetic position on

the ground.

He heard a horse’s neigh of protest followed by the sharp click of hooves on the forest ground.

Rin cursed, barely grabbing his weapons and travelling back on the ground before he broke into a
sprint. Branches whipped past him as he ran blindly into the dark. Even relying solely on the light of
the moon and stars above him, he nearly tripped on an overgrown root on the uneven forest ground
once or twice.

What was he doing?
Panting, Rin ran out of breath midway and stopped. By then, he could no longer hear the sound of

his stolen horse. Rin’s lungs felt like they were on fire and a part of his heart felt like it had been
ripped brutally apart. The dark woods stared back at him with a thousand invisible eyes, indifferent to
his pain.

Damn it all. He had his chance. He could’ve turn things around. Could’ve had Midori nestling

beside him in his travelling futon this night, his sweet body a perfect fit against his own.

Damn it all, he felt helpless. Helpless and foolish. It wasn’t the nicest feeling in the world and he

understood a little what Midori was feeling right now. How could he even do such a thing to the man
he loved?

Then another thought occurred to him. What was he thinking, that he could chase after a man on

horseback on foot when he could run on four legs?

Foolish, Rin. Prince Mori has trained you so well to be human that you’ve forgotten who you are,

the wolf chastised him. It paced the length of its cage, waiting for Rin to say the words.

“Help me.”
Rin had been surpassing the animal side of him so long that it took a few minutes to reach down

and take hold of that bestial part of himself that he’d always been ashamed. Not anymore. Not if he
could get Midori back. He tore at his clothes just as fur covered him. Rin gritted his teeth and endured
the pain as bones and organs shifted.

“I’ll find you, moon prince. I’ll get you back.” No longer human, Rin’s voice came out in an odd

half growl and half human words.

“This time I’ll make you’ll never run again. I swear under the heavens and on this earth, I’ll

make you mine.”

* * * *

Midori didn’t know how far he rode. He rode into the night, guided by the light of the moon and

following the wide dirt path he and Rin had travelled through. It was a straightforward wide dirt
highway and he was sure he wouldn’t have any trouble.

He wasn’t exactly sure where he was going, or what he was going to do next. All that mattered

was riding as far as possible from the man that took his heart, from the man who didn’t want him.

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For a seasoned soldier who had seen a lot of battles, how could Rin not even bother fighting for


To him, I’m not worth fighting for then. Does he think so little for me, or does he care more about

his prince than me?

“I don’t need you. I’ve lived twenty years without you,” Midori muttered.
The wind whipped at his face, pleasant and refreshing, but it didn’t feel like a weight had been

lifted off his shoulders. Instead, something heavy had made its home inside him. Heavy and lethal like
poisonous lead. The urge to ride back toward Rin was strong, but Midori curbed it. He didn’t need Rin.
He didn’t need anyone.

He kicked at the warhorse’s flanks and the beast snorted. Midori knew it was wrong to work the

beast so hard, but he needed to get away as far as possible. He barely saw the dim light ahead of him.
Not wanting to run someone over, he jerked the war horse’s reins.

The powerful beast reared its head angrily in protest and its muscles bunched and tensed beneath

Midori, but it mercifully stopped short of the passerby. The glow of light toppled into the ground,
illuminating the outline of a person.

Concerned, Midori dismounted.
The body wasn’t moving. Fear gripped him.
I thought I stopped just in time. I didn’t want to kill anyone!
Tentatively, he picked up the fallen lantern and was about to turn the figure over when a hand

caught his wrist. The man’s dirty scarred hand was followed by his similarly dirty and scarred face.

A bandit! He’s one of the bandits Rin was talking about!
A twisted toothless grin followed. The lantern bounced from his hand. Midori twisted, but the

stranger’s arm caught his free hand, his grip surprisingly strong.

“Looks like we caught something worth selling this time, men! A horse and a pretty lad!” yelled

the man who held him.

Midori attempted to kick him, but it was futile effort. The grip on his other hand loosened and

before he could anything pain streaked across his side. He let out a protest. This man knew how to
fight dirty. Midori didn’t think of ever learning to fight. His aged father had protected him all his life
and there was Rin, who’d fight tooth and nail for him. Anger and shame washed through him.

By kami and the gods, just what did he get himself into?

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Chapter Eight

“What a pretty-looking thing. You men think he’s a lord’s son?” a voice with a rough accent


“A lord’s son wouldn’t be wandering out in the woods late at night without an escort.”
Two more men emerged from the trees like inhuman shadows. Panicking, Midori tried to free

himself again, but all he could manage was a weak and useless kick. His captor rewarded him with
another quick blow to his ribs for his efforts.

Despair began to fill him. Even if he managed to run, where would he go?
The bandits had his horse and could easily catch up to him before he could retrace his steps back

to Rin. For that matter, if he could fumble around in the dark and remember which way was back to

“Idiot! Don’t damage the merchandise,” the third man hissed.
By the dim light, Midori’s eyes quickly darted over their dirty faces and badly patched kimonos.

They were unwashed, unshaven and barefoot. One held a long dull knife in one hand. He swallowed

“That’s why I didn’t hit him in the face,” his captor snarled, turning his head to one side to spit

on the road. “Give me the rope before I do more damage. This one’s surprisingly fierce, like a wild
stray dog. We might just get good money for him. Buyers like taming and beating wilful slaves to

They ran a rope around his wrists, tore a piece of dirty cloth and stuffed it in his mouth to keep

him silent. Midori’s eyes watered and his gag rose from the smell of the cloth, but thankfully he
managed to hold the contents of his stomach in.

His captor paid no attention to his discomforts and began to drag him along as one would a

reluctant stray dog. One of the bandits, a tall scraggy man with a katana slung over his back, led Rin’s
horse away from the main road and into the road.

I’m sorry, Midori thought to the poor beast. I should’ve have taken you from Rin. They would

probably sell you too.

Midori and the other two bandits followed after the man.
Occasionally, Midori would turn his head at the direction where they came from, hoping

desperately that Rin would suddenly appear. That hope turned sour as they entered deeper and deeper
into the woods. The trees and environment looked the same to Midori. He tried to find notable
landmarks like a stone or bush, but it was too dark to see clearly.

Somewhere in the night, a lone wolf howled and he shuddered.
Mind-numbing despair continued to fill him. How would Rin find him now?
Never before had Midori been so terrified. These men spoke of selling him like livestock. He

thought that only happened to young women. They always sounded like useless stories to him when
his parents warned him. Kidnapping and being sold off to slavery was something that happened in
stories, but never in real life. Midori would rather the woods would kill all of them first then being
sold. Maybe that wolf he heard could sniff them out and have them all for supper.

The bandits spoke at length and finally seemed to settle on a spot. They secured the rope binding

Midori’s wrists to the trunk of a tree while they went about building a fire.

“Not only does he look like a woman, he cries like one too.” His captor, the greasy-haired

toothless bandit, peered down at Midori.

Sobbing silently, he sat huddled with his knees drawn against his chest like a vulnerable child.

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His captor’s breath stank. In fact, everything about him stank and Midori cringed when he poked

one dirty finger to part the folds of his kimono.

“I wonder. Will he scream like a woman when I fuck him too?” the bandit sneered.
The gag around Midori’s mouth and the collar of his kimono was already soaked with his tears.

He hated this. He hated being afraid and helpless.

If he were Rin, well…Rin would cut these men down without hesitation, but Rin was…why did

he run away from Rin? Being a prince’s fucktoy suddenly seemed more appealing than being at the
mercy of unknown men who meant him harm.

The prince may be a stranger, but he was a stranger who’d bestow a life of indulgence and luxury

on him. Midori might be treated like a well-kept pet, but at least he was protected.

Who knew what kind of buyer would take him?
Midori screamed behind his gag when the bandit suddenly dragged him up and shoved him

unceremoniously against the tree. He tasted the rough texture of the wood against his face. Midori
squirmed and thrashed against the hands that began to violently yank down his trousers, but it was no

A fist to his side made his head reel. His trousers fell to his ankles and his ass tasted the cold

autumn air.

Midori whimpered and fear coursed through his limbs. He couldn’t move. He could only stiffly

stand, paralyzed and powerless as the bandit shoved his shoulder hard into the tree while another
gripped one of his ass cheeks. This was nothing like the time Rin commanded him to face the tree.

There was a difference between rape and fulfilling dark desires, Midori knew that now. Rin was

very firm in the differentiation. A wild and desperate thought suddenly occurred to him. Perhaps…it
wouldn’t be so bad if he imagined it was Rin behind him, not this dirty foul creature.

“What the hell, Shiro. Didn’t I tell you not to damage the merchandise?” a voice angrily said.
“It’s just a taste. I won’t fuck him too hard. Just enough to sate my needs,” said Shiro, sounding


Midori screeched when the bandit suddenly jammed a finger up his tight asshole. He could feel

the man’s rank breath tickling on the nape of his back as he laughed. It was impossible. He could
never imagine this man to be Rin or bear the thought that he’d associate this awful memory with his
tender memories of Rin.

The bandit leaned close to his ear to whisper, his finger still digging inside Midori’s ass,

“Scream all you want, my pretty. I’m going to rim you like you’ve never been rimmed before.”

Midori shut his eyes tightly. Be done with it already!
He was ready to give in to his fate when a short and surprised scream interrupted them. Relief

came flooding into Midori’s tense body. Shiro abruptly withdrew his finger from Midori’s ass, when
another curt scream followed the first. The scream was followed the hair-raising sound of something
being violently ripped apart.

By kami and the gods, what is that awful sound?
Midori swallowed nervously. It sounded awfully like flesh being torn apart from a human body.

A sudden snarling animalistic growl of rage and fury made his spine crawl. Fear jammed itself back
inside Midori’s throat.

It’s that wolf I heard earlier. Now that I think of it, rape seems like a better alternative.
He felt his attacker turn, but Midori was still rooted to embarrassing spot with his pants down.

Shiro turned too slowly, and Midori heard the sound of deadly teeth sinking into flesh.

Shiro turned, but he reacted far too slow. The sound of sharp deadly teeth easily crunching

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through skin and bones interrupted the silence of the night. Shiro didn’t die as easily as the other two.

Midori shut his eyes painfully at the wet and loud sounds of a man being brutally torn apart. He

didn’t realize wolves were so violent. The pure and mind-shattering howl the animal let out earlier
bothered him.

Why did the beast sound so enraged? It was also very wrong, but Midori felt a sliver of

satisfaction hearing Shiro’s death screams. Besides, how many unwilling young men and women did
the dirty bandit violate?

Now’s not the time to think. It’s time to run, fool. Quickly, while the beast is focused on Shiro.
Midori nearly tripped on his trousers. He cursed, about to haul them when he realized his hands

were still bound. Then, he met the clear amber eyes of the wolf. The beast was directly looking at him.

Nearly the size of a warhorse, it was the largest wolf Midori had ever seen. He didn’t even know

wolves grew to such a monstrous size. Perhaps it was a hound from hell, sent to drag him back from
turning his back from the man he loved.

“Please…kill me quickly,” Midori spoke. Was it his imagination, or did the beast actually

looked offended?

The magnificent black beast began to approach him and Midori took a hesitant step backward,

nearly tripping on his trousers again.

“I don’t want to die.”
He wasn’t sure why he was speaking to the animal, but the wolf definitely had a look of

annoyance on its face.

How odd. Why did that look seem so familiar? He could imagine that infuriating expression on a

human face. If he had to pick a face it would be Rin.

I’m clearly going mad in the face of death, but why isn’t the wolf attacking me? Why is it only

watching me? No. It couldn’t be!

Gathering his resolve, Midori uncertainly asked, “Rin? Is that you?”
The great black beast nodded and began shaking its shaggy head. Black fur receded and a

gorgeous man took its place. Rin killed for me. Strange pride filled Midori before dread took its place.

Even after the bandit’s dying screams faded, Midori didn’t dare move. He didn’t want to look at

the corpses or at Rin. He couldn’t bear to see the expression on the soldier’s face, or for Rin to see his
shameful face. The fact that Rin happened to turn into a wolf didn’t bother him. In fact, it explained
some of the man’s animal tendencies a little better.

He’d seen some strange things in his life. Spirits, ghosts, the occasional wind spirit, and even his

parents admitted they found him inside a bamboo stalk. What he truly feared was facing Rin.

He did what he only could. He turned his face back to tree like a guilty child unable to face his

parents, only feeling foolish a second later.

Midori stiffened when he felt Rin approach him. Rin didn’t speak while he cut the rope, or gently

lifted up his trousers. With shaking hands, Midori touched Rin’s tanned and callused ones when they
rested on his waist.

“Did they hurt you?” The sound of Rin’s voice was a comfort on its own. “Midori, did they hurt

you? Look, I’m still Rin. It might need getting used to, but you don’t have to be afraid of me.”

There was an urgency in Rin’s voice, a tightness that still betrayed his anger. Anger not directed

at Midori, but at himself. Midori knew the man well enough that he’d blame himself for Midori’s own
foolish mistake. It would also be so predictable and easy for Rin to believe that he’d somehow scared
Midori by appearing as a wolf.

“No.” Midori turned and buried his head into Rin’s bare chest. “No they didn’t hurt me. You

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came just in time and why should I be afraid of you? You said you’d never hurt me. I trust you.”

“I…thank you for trusting me, Midori.”
Midori could feel the other’s man palpable relief. Did the big fool really think that he’d reject

him simply for being able to turn into a wolf?

His own body was also still shaking with relief from having to escape an unsavory rape.

Emotions, raw and savage coursed through him and he was glad Rin wrapped his arms securely around
his shaking frame. Slowly, he began to calm down when Rin’s strong hands began to stroke his back.

“Never do that again. Don’t ever run away from me again,” Rin said, tipping up his chin so

Midori was forced to look into his eyes.

Midori expected to find steel there, but there was only vulnerability and rare concern. The fact

that he could hurt him so easily summoned an ache inside Midori he didn’t realize existed. The old
proud and arrogant Midori would have filed the information for later. Hoard it and use it for later so
he could inflict a much greater mental anguish.

Midori stiffened and finally found his voice, “Fine. I won’t do that again, but only when you

decide to no longer be an idiot.”

To his surprise, Rin began to laugh and Midori stared at him, dumfounded. He didn’t think he’d

ever seen Rin laugh this way. It was a carefree and unguarded laugh.

“You should laugh more often, wolf. You’re handsome when you laugh,” Midori whispered.
In response, Rin only lowered his head to give him a long and deep bruising kiss. His kiss burned

on Midori’s tongue, cleansing away all them metaphysical dirt and grit Midori sustained that night.

Midori thought that Rin not only cleansed him, but managed to heal whatever emotional scars

the bandits have left behind. Only in Rin’s arms could Midori forget the frightening violation that was
almost inflicted on his body.

Rin dispensed with roughness that night. He handled Midori like he was the most precious thing

in the world to him. His callused hands that were capable of killing were nothing but gentle as they
parted Midori’s sweat soaked clothes from his body.

“Rin, I’m filthy. You shouldn’t,” Midori whispered.
For the first time, he was afraid to bare his body in the moonlight, where Rin could see all of


Rin growled in his throat, and his eyes narrowed. He rested his warm and callused hands on

Midori’s waist. “You’re not filthy. You’re perfect and beautiful.”

Midori couldn’t help but shiver at those words, at the honest tenderness there. Rin’s hand trailed

up his body possessively. The soldier grinned when Midori ran his hand down the length of his
muscled chest.

“I need you. I need you inside me, Rin,” Midori whispered with thick and obvious need.
“You forgot to say please,” Rin said, but Midori was already putting his lips to work and kissing

his chest.

He’d only stop to say “please” to appease the other man, and resumed his task.
Just the sight of the tanned rippling muscles meeting his lips was enough to make Midori hard.

He ran a hand across it and down Rin’s abs, liking the hard and familiar feel of them.

“Please,” Midori said again, looking up at Rin’s face.
“Please what?” Rin asked in a nonchalant matter.
“Let me please you,” Midori said.
“Fuck. Do you know how perfect you look like that?” Rin’s crass comment only made Midori

feel warm.

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Taking that as a yes, Midori leaned closer.
Feeling Rin press a possessive hand on his back sent a shudder through him. Just the mere

contact of flesh could render him helpless under the other man’s control, but Midori had to focus. He
had a job to do tonight, a job that would tell the other man just how much he loved him.

Midori tongued Rin’s left nipple. Encouraged by the larger man’s appreciative groan, he moved

onto the other nipple. He rolled them expertly under his tongue until they hardened. Before Rin could
grasp his hair to slow him down, Midori began to leave a trail of kisses down his chest, abs and flat

By the time he reached Rin’s cock, it was not surprisingly, rock hard. Still, the sight of it never

failed to stir desire inside Midori.

Settling on his knees, Midori licked the pre-cum off Rin’s shaft, liking the familiar grip of Rin’s

hand in his hair as he guided him forward. Midori gave small and catlike licks, ignoring Rin’s rumble
of frustration above him. He took his time, running his tongue and occasional teeth over each of Rin’s
balls and then up his throbbing shaft.

Just like how you rewarded me several nights ago, wolf.
He wanted to let Rin know that each lick and kiss meant more than him being grateful to Rin for

saving him. They meant much more. More than Midori could ever say in words. It seemed Rin
understood though, because when Midori paused from his task to spare the other man a look, Rin
flashed him a smile of approval.

“Get on with it, you flirt,” Rin managed.
“Of course, my wolf.” That only coaxed another smile from Rin. The soldier didn’t even

comment that Midori used the word “my wolf.”

Resolved to give him the best blowjob he’d ever received, Midori continued. He alternated

between long and short strokes, taking note of which places made Rin more frustrated than the others.
The grip on his hair tightened when Midori began to take all of him. He ignored his gag reflex and
began to slide his mouth in and out.

“I’m coming, damn you,” Rin said through gritted teeth.
Midori didn’t withdraw his mouth though. He caught the first few spurts of cum when Rin finally

exploded. The rest of the cum landed on Midori’s chest in warm spurts.

Midori felt himself grinning up at Rin, who was breathing hard.
“I should save you from bandits more often,” Rin only said, gripping his shoulder. “Now it’s

your turn.”

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Chapter Nine

The ride into the capital was a quiet one. Unlike before though, unexplained peace had soothed

away the initial feelings of dread they both felt. The unresolved issues that threatened to escalate
between the two of them the night before didn’t seem to matter all that much any longer. Rin
occasionally felt Midori lean his head against his shoulder, not saying anything.

He didn’t complain or sob, and Rin wished he were more vocal about his thoughts. True, last

night had changed things, maybe for the better. But it also made things equally harder for Rin. Rin’s
own beast continually looked on with quiet disapproval. It could do nothing else after they left the
wild countryside and entered human populated areas.

He still couldn’t shake off the image of Midori, kneeling so beautifully on the dirt, looking so

composed and dare he say it? Divine. Like a celestial being was kneeling in front of him. A celestial
being with beautiful and accepting eyes, eyes that pierced more than a dozen holes in his heart.

Rin wished the ride would stretch on, but soon enough they were past the main gates of the giant

fortress and in front of the receiving area of the main palace. Rin helped Midori dismount and handed
the reins of his horse to a stable boy who gaped at Midori. He probably had never seen anyone so
beautiful. Even if Midori wasn’t wearing anything splendid, he shone.

“Come on,” Rin said curtly. Midori only nodded, following him in.
“Welcome back, Captain!” One of Rin’s soldiers slapped him on the shoulder.
He gave Midori, who stood by Rin’s shoulder, a once over. He grinned at Rin. “Congratulations

are in order. I see you’ve succeeded in your mission.”

“I did,” Rin said slowly, hardly hearing the words the man said.
He noticed that while Midori kept a lofty and careless expression, he occasionally snuck

glimpses of their surroundings. Rin didn’t blame him. He probably hasn’t seen much opulence in his
life and the Jade Palace of the emperor was truly something to behold. Rin hoped that the sight of the
palace would overwhelm him. Convince him somehow that the prince could provide a better life for

Once, Rin caught him curiously poking at an intricately carved jade dragon in one of the inner

courtyards while he spoke to another guard. When Midori noticed his gaze, he quickly reverted to his
disinterested expression.

It was too easy for Rin to read Midori now, and once he realized Midori would no longer be by

his side, the unbearable ache in his heart had festered into an irreparable wound.

“You must be tired. The prince ordered the attendants to prepare a room and bath for both of you.

I think he’d like his new escort all perfumed and dress-up,” the soldier, Jin, joked.

Midori spared him such a lethal withering expression that Rin had to smile when Jin hesitated.

Rin wasn’t worried about Midori not fitting in. His moon prince had the matters and haughtiness of
any nobleman down. “He’s no longer yours,” the wolf reminded him and the wound in his heart
throbbed painfully against his chest. You chose to give him up.

“We’re to prepare ourselves in separate guest rooms?” Rin asked, frowning when a separate

attendant led him to a guest room opposite to Midori’s.

The attendant gave him a curious look, but Rin only ignored him. Rin felt Midori’s eyes linger

on him, but it was only for a brief second. The door closed and Rin took a long breath to calm himself.
He’d never felt this powerless and ill composed. Any little thing could set off his beast and he had to
be careful.

Rin kept his secret for over twenty years and he wasn’t about to reveal it now. He finally told the

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watching attendant to prepare his bath.

It wasn’t long before Rin was ready. After a quick bath, he’d discarded his rough travelling

garments and donned his black formal military court wear. Midori predictably, took his time, but
when he came out, Rin let out a whistle.

His moon prince already looked stunning in threadbare peasant kimonos, but outfitted in

cascading and fine silks, he really looked like a prince.

No. Much better. Midori looked like a celestial being. A god.
The attendants had chosen a rich royal blue hitatare, a hakama favored by the nobles, for him

with an intricate nine-tailed fox woven in white and gold strands on it. The rich fabric, cut and colors
suited him, Rin thought, trying not to gawk.

The attendants didn’t pin a lot of shiny accessories on him either. They didn’t need to. All they

did was gather his beautiful black hair and tied it back with a golden pin. It would be nothing but
wonderful to drag Midori to the wall and tear all that expensive fabric apart like an uncivilised savage.

“Please…” Midori would say and Rin would only comply after he’d begged and pleaded for Rin

to take him.

His wolf approved of that at least. It approved of Rin dragging Midori along, forcing him to a run

and taking off without any explanation. Rin the man, predictably didn’t do any of those things.

Midori rewarded him with a shy smile that soon turned playful, as if he knew Rin was harboring

wicked thoughts. Rin looked away and cleared his throat. Damn. What was wrong with him? He prided
himself on being a hard soldier and an even harder man. He shouldn’t be reduced to some silly smitten

“Let’s go. Best not to keep the prince waiting.” Rin walked ahead to avoid staring at Midori.
Even without looking behind him, Rin could still feel the smug look on his moon prince’s face.

No. Midori belonged to the prince now. He never really belonged to Rin. His heart continued to ache
and he wished the walk were much longer so he could savor the last time he’d walk with Midori so

Rin thanked kami and the gods that this was a private meeting. He didn’t think he could stand

anyone else feasting his or her eyes on Midori when Mori would ask him to disrobe and present
himself. His control on his beast felt so frayed that he knew he’d tear anyone who looked at Midori
funny without hesitation.

The meeting spot Prince Mori chose was one of the smaller gardens in the Jade Palace’s inner

courtyards. Rin recognized the spot. It was Mori’s favorite rock garden. The prince often came here
when he needed time alone. They’ve also spent a lot of time here during their youth, being drunk and
hiring entertainers to pass the time.

Unlike most of the ornamental gardens in the palace, Mori’s favorite spot was relatively

simplistic in design. It was a designed with meditation in mind, although they never did much
meditation in it. The garden had simple stone benches positioned at the edges. At its center was an
area of rock and sand. The area was covered artfully in moss and carefully arranged in a pattern that
should’ve put a troubled mind in ease.

Looking at it though, didn’t make Rin calm at all. His beast let out a snarl of warning.
“Captain Rin! It’s good to see you, old friend,” came Prince Mori’s familiar jovial voice. “I trust

the journey was worth it?”

Rin cleared his throat to answer, “It was worth its weight in gold, your highness.”
“Well, you should tell me more about your exciting adventures later on old friend.”
“Of course, your highness.”

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Mori waved at his stiff formality. “Come on, Rin. Speak freely! We’ve dispensed with titles long

ago and we’re alone.”

He looked like he just came from a hunt. Even dressed in his simple black and white informal

garb, he didn’t look less like a prince. No would ever mistake him for a noble born of royal blood. It
was there in his posture, gesture, manners and speech. He seated himself lazily on one of the stone
benches, with a cup of sake in hand.

When his eyes finally landed on Midori, Rin could barely contain the angry and jealous emotions

swirling inside of him.

His beast opened its impressive rows of teeth to growl. Mine. Stop looking at what’s mine!
“My prince, may I present the moon prince, Midori,” Rin said through gritted teeth.
So much rage. Where was all this rage coming from?
It felt like all the violent forces of nature had gathered inside him, seething and waiting to erupt.

This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all. In his youth, there had been times Rin wasn’t able to
control his beast, but those days were long past. He was an adult now, and prided himself on his
control, but it was slipping from him so easily. He was unravelling just like any loose knot.

By kami and the gods, I will not attack the man who’s like a brother to me. He hardened himself

and shoved back the beast in its cage where it belonged, but it refused to bulge.

Midori stepped forward, subtly brushing his hand over one of his curled fists. Curled fists?

Would these fists lengthen to claws soon? Damn it all. All he wanted was for this awful moment to be

“The rumors do you no justice, Midori. You are indeed a beautiful man. Don’t be shy or afraid,

come closer.” Mori placed aside his cup to better study the gift Rin brought him. “I’d very much like
to see all of you. Come forward and disrobe, moon prince.”

He’s my gift, Mori, not yours. What am I doing? Am I really going to just hand over Midori like a

gift horse? He’s unlike the countless men and women I’ve handed over to Mori before. He belongs to

Both his beast and heart agreed. It lurched painfully and violently against his chest, doing what

Rin was too terrified to do. Fighting for his soul mate. “Fight for our mate,” his wolf said. Fight and
claim what’s rightfully ours!

It didn’t felt like before either, in the Reisuke’s home, when Rin was uncertain he could give

himself fully to Midori as Midori selflessly gave himself to him. The night he rescued Midori from
the bandits, Rin realized that he’d never find anyone like Midori again. Midori accepted all of him
without question where others had spurned him for being a beast and monster. He’d made Midori cry
far too many times too, but he could make up for that if they had all the time in the world, not mere

Seconds continued to tick off in his head, raising the shackles of his metaphysical wolf.
How long do I have left, before he’s taken away?
Midori kneeled with immaculate and inhuman grace, but he didn’t disrobe. Minutes passed and

Mori frowned.

“Rin, what’s wrong with him? I thought you had him trained.”
Excuses were on the tip of Rin’s mouth. A part of him was aghast that all his training was for

nothing. Endless nights and days training Midori’s body and mind so he could be a proper escort for
the crown prince of Yamato, all for nothing.

Rin also remembered days riding with the feel of Midori’s warm body and arms around him.

Nights Midori curled up contently him. He even fondly remembered the cold nights Rin had been a

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wolf so his pelt could keep Midori warm.

“You’re even better than the thickest woollen blanket, Rin,” Midori had said, only laughing when

Rin attempted to swat at him with one paw.

No. Another part of Rin wasn’t disappointed at all. It was proud. Proud Midori stood his ground.

Who else would dare resist a prince? If Midori could do it, why couldn’t the man who could shred
bandits easily apart like paper?

“He is. He’s well trained. The best I ever trained,” Rin said in a choked voice that made Mori

look at him finally. “Nothing’s wrong with him. He’s perfect.”

His long-time friend studied him, not speaking for a long time. Whatever he saw, Rin didn’t

know, but it didn’t seem to be good. His long and condemning silence disturbed Rin profoundly. Mori
was a talkative young man in private, but he could be a cold and efficient military leader when needed.
That was the reason why he beat all of his seven brothers for the throne.

Then his gaze fell on Midori, cold and calculating. It was a look Rin recognized. Mori wore that

look when he sentenced war criminals to the execution blocks. Rin also knew that Mori would never
take well to anyone who desired and took to what he thought was rightfully his. After all, he was
Yamato’s future ruler. Thus, in theory, every living and non-living thing that lived and existed under
his territory was rightfully his.

Rin had, on more than one occasion, seen Mori kill an interfering lord or samurai who wanted a

potential royal escort he had his eye on.

Kill him! It would easy. “You could kill him before his guards come running,” his wolf

suggested. Rin didn’t blame the beast for thinking based on pure instincts. The idea almost appealed to
him. He loved Midori enough to do it. He’d kill the man he called brother for the man he loved.

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Chapter Ten

“You will strip for me, moon prince, or I will have you whipped like a dog.”
Chills ran up the length of Rin’s arms at those forceful words and his wolf reached to him and

offered its supernatural power. The image of Midori strung up, with tears running down his face and
blood running from the brutal lashes across his perfect flesh rose to the surface of his mind. It was an
unbearable thought.

He’d rather kill Mori now then suffer Midori being hurt. Rin still couldn’t forget the red-hot rage

he’d felt when he smelled Midori’s fear, or the sweet taste of those bandits as he ripped them apart.
Rin knew he’d kill again if Midori’s life was threatened.

“Well? If you don’t answer, I’ll take your silence as impudence. Say good-bye to my disloyal

captain as well, who broke my trust for you.”

Rin broke from his paralysis and refused the tempting solution his beast offered him, not sure if

it the best or worst decision he’d ever made. He strode confidently by Midori’s shoulder and placed a
hand on it.

“Mori, please allow me to explain. I’ve never asked anything of you, if you could just spare me a

few minutes…”

“You presume to ask for what’s rightfully mine? You presume too much, Captain. We may have

grown up together as boys, Rin, but never forget that I am a prince and you are just a soldier.” Each
word that fell from Mori’s lips felt like a blow.

Rin always knew he never wanted to be on Mori’s bad graces, and knew it was unwise doing so

now, but it was too late to back off. Rin should’ve stopped now, should’ve apologized profusely and
begged for the prince’s forgiveness, but not an inch of him wanted to. He had served all his life. He’d
been married to duty.

Rin felt Midori reach out to tug at the hem of his shirt in warning. The way his hand was shaking,

Rin could tell that he was frightened for them.

No, frightened for him. The smell of fear on him was so strong it nearly overwhelmed Rin and

summoned the protective urges of his beast. Midori was really scared, more frightened of Mori than
he’d ever been frightened of the man that tried to rape him.

It was his love for the prince that kept Rin’s emotions in check. Barely, but still in check.
Rin gently placed Midori’s hand aside. He did what he only could. He went down on his knees

and bowed until his forehead touched the ground. It took all of him to contain the angry wolf rattling
in his metaphysical cage.

Wolves weren’t designed to submit to fragile men, even if they were powerful and influential

men and even if they were future emperors.

This is what loving someone and standing by their side means, Rin thought. For a while, the wolf

pondered on his words and fell surprisingly silent. It bowed its great head in acceptance of his

Sometimes, we do humiliating things for our mate, it agreed. Still, it ached for his only family to

condemn him, condemn him as his noble father once did.

“Please, your highness. If you have to punish someone, punish me. Exile me, torture me, and

take my life if you wish. I love him.” Rin’s strangled voice became firm with resolve.

He could feel Midori trembling beside him, so he reached out to grasp his hand. It might be the

last time he’d ever feel his moon prince’s gentle touch. “I love him! So if our years of friendship
mean anything…”

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“Curse the gods, Rin. You’re serious aren’t you?” Mori’s tone of utter disbelief made Rin look

up at him hopefully. No trace of anger was left on the prince’s face.

Rin only looked him in the eye and said steadily, “Yes. I’ve never been serious all my life,


Prince Mori let out a breath then turned to Midori. “I’ve known this man all my life and see him

as a beloved brother, moon prince. He’d never bow in submission to anyone, even to me, for the sake
of someone else. So I’ll only ask you this, do you have the same feelings for him?”

“I know, your eminence, and yes I do. With all my heart,” Midori said, smiling faintly,

squeezing Rin’s hand.

Prince Mori stood and held out a hand to Rin who hesitantly took it. “After all that we’ve been

through, did you really think I’d do any of those things?”

“You have the right of it,” Rin said, holding out a hand to Midori, surprised when Midori leapt to

his feet and then at him.

Rin caught him easily. Midori closed his arms tightly around Rin like a child afraid to lose

someone important to him, pressing his head into his shoulder. A moment later, Rin felt the wetness
on his shoulder.

He’s crying, why am I not surprised? Still, Midori in tears does have its appeal.
“I think your pet still needs some training, Rin,” Mori said in an amused voice.
Rin felt Midori push out his head from his shoulder, no doubt glaring. Rin pushed it back. Mori

may be merciful and his friend, but he was still their prince.

“I’ll need to work on that then, your highness,” Rin agreed. He was pretty sure Midori was

scowling now too.

“All right, now shoo, I have princely duties to attend to,” Mori said with a dismissive wave. “But

Rin, someday you will tell me in great detail how a hard and battle-scarred solider like you fell in

“I’ll be glad too, Mori.”
Rin practically staggered out of the gardens and into the corridors like a drunk man. He ignored

the curious looks passing attendants and nobles gave him. Midori still clung onto him as if he was
terrified of losing Rin. For once, his wolf lay sated inside him. It always seemed to be angry and
restless to Rin, but now it felt at peace.

Must be Midori’s doing. Perhaps that’s what mates are for.
“Where are we going now?” Midori asked as they stumbled back into the stable.
“To my town house in the city.” Rin accepted the reins from a stable boy and helped Midori up

the saddle.

“Why can’t you fuck me in one of the fancy guest rooms here?” Midori gestured to the palace.
A dreamy expression crossed his face. “I’ve always imagined what it would be like doing it in

one of those luxurious great western-style beds I’ve already heard about…or one those baths lined
with marble. I’m sure they’d have an enormous soaking tub too—”

“Who says I want to fuck you in the first place?” Rin interrupted his tedious monologue, not

admitting that those ideas did sound appealing to him.

He’d have Midori wear another of those fancy hakamas just to savor Midori’s indignant and

shocked expression and to hear the sound of the expensive fabric tearing. After that, Rin would carry
him to the baths…although a large soaking tub defeated the purpose. Perhaps he could replace the one
he had at his home with a much smaller one, one that wouldn’t even leave an inch of space between

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“Rin, you’re thinking wicked thoughts again aren’t you?” Midori complained, a familiar pout on

his face.

Rin told him exactly what he thought just to see the flush appear on his moon prince’s face.
“My savage wolf,” Midori said somewhat fondly and his words felt right. Rin was glad to be the

moon prince’s savage wolf.

Rin mounted his steed, liking the familiar warmth of Midori’s arms around his waist. It was

about time they left the Jade Palace. That chapter of their lives was over. It was time to begin a new
one. A new chapter that only had Midori and him in its pages. No one else.

Midori snorted. “Sex is all you think about, you big wolf. It’s been all over your face, ever since

you saw me in this hakama.”

“That’s true. You gave me such a smug look too. To answer your question, I prefer to fuck you at

my own home.”

“I honestly didn’t think you’d have the patience to open your present.”
Rin laughed. “It’s much sweeter in the privacy of my home. That way, no one would complain

when I tear all that pricey fabric off you.”

“Tear off…? Don’t you dare, Rin. It’s so beautiful and it must’ve cost a fortune.” Rin could

almost see him pouting behind him. “I doubt you can buy me such expensive clothes either. How
much does a soldier earn anyway?”

Rin named a number.
“That little?”
“Twenty, Midori.”
“Twenty what?”
“How wonderful. You’ve just earned yourself another twenty whacks of my strap. I think you’d

look pretty fine standing in front of that tall cherry blossom in my garden,” Rin mused, hearing his
familiar indignant sputter of protest behind him.

As they Rin rode past the palace’s gates and into the city proper, Rin felt Midori lean his head

against him. The other man even had the gall to press his nose like a spoiled pet up the nape of his
neck to sniff at him.

“Don’t do that, your nose tickles.”
“Why? You do it all the time. Especially when you think I’m sleeping at night.”
Oh, his moon prince was overdue for a lesson, Rin thought with amusement. He looked forward

to training Midori again. “Sixty then.”

“Wha—sixty? You just said twenty, you idiot!”
“It was forty. I said you just added another twenty. Since you saw it fit to talk back to me, it’s

eighty now.”

“Eighty? Rin you’re kidding. You love me too much.”
Rin had to smile at that. “You may be right.
“Rin…” The way Midori murmured his name sent tingles up his arm. It was full of want,

yearning…and love.

“I love you. I think I fell in love with you the first time you placed those infuriating ropes on

me.” Midori continued, “Thank you for saving me during all the times I needed saving. I wasn’t
certain if you’d eventually follow your heart at the end, but you did. I’m so proud of you.”

Was it strange that Rin felt a surge of pride at those words? He’d never regret choosing his heart

over his duty. Never again.

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“It was you who saved me. Besides I knew the moment I saw you that I’d be claiming you for

myself, moon prince.”

Midori only sighed in contentment behind him, wrapping his hands tightly around him.



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Angelique Voisen writes LGBTQ erotic romances and likes experimenting with different sub-

genres. Her stories are often set in exotic settings and may include blades, fangs, kinky magic
systems, and happily-ever-afters.

For all titles by Angelique Voisen, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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