the wolf and the lamb

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Aesops's Fables:

The Wolf and the Lamb

One day, the Wolf met a lamb who was too far from his home. He decided not to eat the Lamb at once, but tried to explain why he had the right to eat him. This is what he said: "Little one, I am very angry with you, because last year you said something very bad about me!"

"Really?" said the Lamb. "I was not even born then."

Then the Wolf said, "You eat the grass from my pasture!"

"No, good sir," the Lamb replied. "I have never tasted grass in my life."

Again, the Wolf said: "You drink the water from my well!"

"No," the Lamb cried. "I have never drunk water. My mother's milk is both food and drink to me."

Then the Wolf took him and ate him. "Well, I will not stay without supper," he said, "even though you could see through all my lies."

Moral: A cruel person will always find an excuse for cruelty.

Short quiz:

How old was the lamb?

a) about one year old

b) less than one year old

c) more than one year old

d) older than the wolf

Where do farm animals often eat grass?

a) in the forest

b) in the pasture

c) in the stream

d) in the well

The wolf in the story wasn't:

a) angry

b) cruel

c) hungry

d) thirsty

When you don't understand something, you want somebody to _______ it to you.

a) decide

b) explain

c) find

d) taste

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angry - rozzlobený, rozčilený
having a strong feeling towards somebody, feeling as if you want to shout at them

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born - narozen
given life

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cruel - krutý
enjoying hurting somebody and causing pain to someone

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cruelty - krutost
an act that hurts someone or causes pain to them

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decide - rozhodnout se, rozhodnout
to make a choice, to make up your mind

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excuse - omluva, výmluva
the reason that you give when you apologize or when somebody blames you for something

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explain - vysvětlit
to say what something means and how it works etc.

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far - daleko
a long distance away, not near

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food - jídlo, potrava, strava
the things that you eat

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grass - tráva
the green plants that grow everywhere in meadows, football fields, lawns etc., animals such as sheep or cows eat it

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lamb - jehně
a young sheep

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lie - lež
something said that is not true

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milk - mléko
the white drink or liquid that comes from cows

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pasture - pastvina, pastva
a meadow or a field where animals (cows, sheep, horses etc.) can eat grass

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right - právo
something you are allowed to do or should have by law

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supper - večeře, druhá večeře
the last meal of the day

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taste - chutnat, ochutnat
to put something (usually food or drink) in your mouth in order to test if it is good or not

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through - skrz, skrze
Going in at one end and out at the other, e.g. tunnels, doors, passages etc.

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well - studna
a deep hole in the ground from which water is taken

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wolf - vlk
a wild animal that looks like a dog, it lives and hunts in a group

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