Blind with Love

Blind with Love @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Blind with Love Becca Jameson Published 2011 ISBN 978-1-59578-846-7 Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2011, Becca Jameson. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Manufactured in the United States of America Liquid Silver Books Email: Editor Ansley Blackstock Cover Artist Tuesday Dube This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental. Blurb Kristen Nickels has a full plate. She has reluctantly agreed to a blind date with her best friend's brother, literally blind! The timing couldn't be worse, however. She is leaving town in just days to face a difficult medical decision. A secret she has shared with no one but her boss. Chase Edwards has been blind since the age of eight. He is currently waiting on a cornea transplant. He has wanted his sister, Margo, to set him up with her friend Kristen for quite some time, and he is far from disappointed. The two experience instant chemistry and spend a glorious evening together. In a whirlwind twist of fate, Chase gets the long awaited call in the middle of the night that corneas are available and Kristen rushes him to the hospital, only to disappear without a trace during his surgery. Baffled by her departure, Margo instigates a search for Kristen while Chase recovers from his transplant. But will her detective skills prove to be enough? The unexpected ending will twist the heartstrings. Dedication To my sister, Annmarie McKenna, who seems to have literally yanked me, however unintentionally, into this crazy world of writing. And to my critique partner, Mackenzie McKade, who devoted a lot of time and śink” helping me squeeze this first story out. Prologue śAre you sure?” śI’m sorry, Ms. Nickels. Yes.” śBut, sometimes you’re wrong, right? Could there be a mistake? Maybe I should get another opinion.” Kristen reached for her briefcase filled with medical papers on the floor next to her. From her seated position across from the third doctor she had visited this week, she glanced up at his furrowed brow. How many more opinions do you need, Kristen? She started to get up and then paused. The air was stifling. A large mahogany desk took up most of the office. It was so pristine she wanted to reach over and mess up the papers stacked neatly in the corner. Every item in its place, even an ink pen sat precisely situated upon forms in front of the doctor. Too bad her life felt anything other than neat and tidy right now. She was spiraling out of control. Dr. Hanson raised an eyebrow at her, but said nothing. He just sat there in his gray pinstriped suit and waited. Even his perfectly coifed hair was in place. Gray"to match his suit, his walls, and Kristen’s mood. Kristen was sweating. She needed to make a decision. She couldn’t put it off any longer. Time was wasting. śOkay,” she stated flatly on a long exhale. Her shoulders slouched in defeat and she dropped her briefcase back on the floor. śWhat do we do next?” Chapter One Two weeks later śNo. Absolutely not!” Kristen Nickels glared at her closest friend, Margo Edwards. She couldn’t very well walk away from her"not while trapped in an elevator listening to Margo’s latest proposal. The classy-looking brunette entwined her fingers before her, stopping short of getting down on her knees. śPlease? I’d do it for you.” śThe hell you would"” Kristen grabbed the rail as the elevator pulled to a jerky halt, gripping her toes in her three-inch heels to keep from tumbling over. The door moaned open, but no one was there. With her luck the darn thing would probably stop at every single floor on the way to the eleventh, where they had both worked for the last five years. And it would undoubtedly get stuck between floors in a conspiracy attempt to force Kristen to listen to her friend’s pleadings. She should have known it was leading up to this all through their lunch break. śLook, I know it’s a lot to ask, but I promise my brother is awesome, and you two will get along great. I can’t bear the thought of going on a blind date alone and I’m just dying to meet this friend of his.” Time to buck up and put her foot down before things got out of hand. Margo’s whine of desperation was getting on Kristen’s nerves. And, was it not getting hotter by the minute in the oppressive elevator? Kristen tugged uncomfortably on the neckline of her blouse. To make matters worse, someone must have eaten their lunch on the run today, because the enclosure smelled like a tuna fish sandwich. śYou know I hate blind dates.” They never turned out well. Besides, Margo was aware Kristen had been extremely busy with work this month. Of course, she had no idea what else was currently eating up Kristen’s time and attention. But Kristen had no intention of sharing any of her private life with anyone right now, even her best friends. She just wasn’t ready. Oh, who was she kidding? She didn’t want to deal with their pity. The looks they would send her way when they thought she couldn’t see them. Why is she asking me to do this? śYes, but this wouldn’t be the same as a real blind date. It’s my brother. He’sŚhe’s like aŚa brother. Besides, you wouldn’t be alone. I’d be there too, and Ryan.” Margo tilted her head and drawled the word śRyan” like he was the object of the affections of a sixth grader. Did she think this was a persuasive argument? śMargo, look, you are one of my dearest friends. I’d do almost anything for you, but blind dates always turn out bad for me, and a Śdouble date’ with your brother is still a blind date for me. I’ve never even met him. And, who is this guy you are Śdying’ to meet?” There. Way to hold your ground, Kristen. You don’t have time for this right now. śRyan’s a friend of my brother’s. I’ve seen him, well, even been introduced to him, a few times when I’ve gone by my brother’s office. Chase always talks about himŚ” śThat’s funny. You never talk about Chase. I don’t know anything about your brother. What, is he ugly? Old? FatŚ” śBlind.” Margo’s voice softened. Her bright blue eyes grew misty. śHe’s blind.” Kristen’s jaw dropped as she sucked in a quick breath, silencing her tirade. Stunned, she looked down at her prim black skirt and picked at an imaginary piece of lint. śSeriously?” Margo nodded. śYes.” Could I possibly feel like more of an ass right now? Kristen didn’t know how to respond. But she was definitely losing ground. The elevator opened and a man in an Armani suit stepped in. No one spoke as the elevator crawled to the next floor and the man exited. Margo cleared her throat. śListen, like I said, I know it’s a lot to askŚ But I promise you’ll have a good time. I didn’t want to tell you about his disability because I didn’t want it to influence your decision. I was hoping I could convince you to go without playing the Śblind’ card. It’s just dinnerŚ” She paused. śScrew it. I’ll get Theresa or Sally to go. Don’t worry about it.” Yes, I could possibly feel like more of an ass. Kristen’s shoulders drooped. śNo, no, no. I’ll go. This Friday, right?” That was pushing it. She had so much to do before Sunday. Guilt rode her, but in all honesty, Margo had a way of talking Kristen into almost anything. The last time the two went out on a double date, Kristen’s escort was so into himself he didn’t shut up the entire evening. He’d gone on and on about his important job as an accountant, his BMW, his house in the suburbs. Kristen winced at the memory. She’d gotten exhausted from listening to him. He’d never once asked about her. Granted, he’d been a friend of the guy Margo was dating at the time. Not someone Margo had personally set her up with. But stillŚ śReally?” Margo’s brows shot upward. A smile spread across her mouth. śThank you so so so much. I promise I’ll make it up to you. And I promise it will be fun.” Margo was a bit too gleeful for someone who just had their feelings hurt. The elevator ground to a halt and the two made their way into the hall. śDid you just guilt me into this on purpose?” Kristen pushed her long hair behind her ear and glared at her friend, trying hard to be angry, and saw the answer written on her face. Margo had a look of satisfied relief. Figures. Knowing Margo, the entire conversation was a set up. Great. Fine. How bad could it be? Maybe a little fun would take her mind off other matters for an evening. Besides, she felt guilty about not telling Margo that Friday was her last day of work. She’d given her notice immediately after leaving the doctor’s office two weeks ago. This would be one last thing she could do for Margo. Maybe they would have a great time and end their relationship with a fond memory. What could it hurt? Come Monday morning, Kristen’s life was about to drastically change. * * * * śCome on, Kristen.” For the umpteenth time, Margo banged on the bathroom door. She’d arrived early, as usual, to find Kristen not quite ready. The two of them had moved into the same apartment complex two years ago, when their respective leases had been up. It made life a lot easier, not having to fight traffic to get back and forth across town to get together. śWe’re going to be late. I told them seven. What are you doing in there anyway?” In the years Kristen had known her friend, she could count on one hand the number of times Margo had been late. No, not just late, but anything less than fifteen minutes early. The girl was all spunk. Always beyond prompt and peppy. It was one of the reasons Kristen enjoyed her company so much. Always shiny side up. Not a bad way to be. Large green eyes stared back at Kristen in the mirror. śComing. Just give me a minute.” She dabbed another layer of dark mascara. śFinishing my makeup.” For five years the two had been friends, ever since they had literally run into each other coming out of their respective offices in the Simon Building. Kristen double-checked her long brown hair, giving it a fluff. She chuckled remembering the time they met. Both had had an armful of papers that went spraying into the air and flying around the hallway like paper airplanes. It had taken so long to straighten out the mess the pair had become fast friends by the end. Of course, Margo was the easiest person in the world to talk to. She could make friends with an ant if it were the only living being around. śYou did hear me say Chase is blind, right?” Margo’s muffled voice couldn’t hide the humor behind it. śHa, ha. I’m still not going out to a restaurant looking like a slob. There will be other people there, you know.” Kristen ambled out of the bathroom feeling a bit apprehensive, hoping like hell she didn’t say anything stupid and offend Margo’s brother this evening. She had no experience dining with a blind person. śWhere are we going, anyway?” śGiovanni’s. It’s a little Italian restaurant downtown. Chase loves the place. Their food is excellent, so he goes there often. Shall we go?” Margo headed to the door without waiting for an answer. śWait, do I look okay? Am I overdressed?” Kristen was plain nervous. Blind dates were hard enough, but the stress of going out with her best friend’s brotherŚ There was no way to judge this evening’s attire based on what Margo was wearing, a sexy little black dress and pumps that made her legs a mile long, because Margo always dressed to kill. Besides, she was the one out to impress. Why are you even stressing about this? It’s just one night. What difference did it make if he was a toad? She would never see him again. She needed to lighten up and enjoy this evening. Margo paused and turned toward her. śI’m sorry. Guess I’m a little anxious. You look fantastic. I wish my brother could actually see you. You would knock him off his feet. Kristen, you always look great. You have the most beautiful, straight, long silky hair men just want to run their fingers through, and a perfectly proportionate body thatŚwell, men just want to run their hands over.” She laughed at her own jest. Kristen reached up to smooth her hair. What would it be like to not have it anymore? śI sound sappy. But, really, you know I love that black miniskirt. After all, who picked it out for you? And that blouse is the perfect shade of green to bring out your eyes.” Margo’s candor stunned Kristen. Her cheeks grew hot. śThank you, Margo. Those were very sweet things to say,” she practically mumbled. Sure, girls traipse off to the bathroom together and fix their makeup and hair, but they don’t always take the time to pump up each other’s egos so eloquently. śCome on. Don’t get all sentimental on me.” Margo smiled. śI’m just saying you don’t need to be so nervous. You look fantastic. Any man in his right mind would think so too, even my brother.” Kristen wanted to ask what Chase was like, but hadn’t. Really, what did it matter? She was going on this blind date with him anyway, and if he was anywhere near the same gene pool as Margo, he would have to be stunning. Would he be tall and lean like his sister? Would his hair have the same thick texture with perfect waves that gave it just the right amount of body? What color were his eyes? śWell, I guess we should go. Don’t want to be late.” Kristen tried to sound a bit mocking to lighten the mood. śI’ll just grab my purseŚ” śYeah, that will be hard to find beneath all this clutter.” Margo laughed. It was an ongoing joke between them. Kristen was the neat freak; Margo was anything but. śHey, I like to keep my apartment tidy. It makes me feel good. Okay?” She couldn’t help but chuckle. And even found herself straightening the jeweled-toned plaid pillow on her perfectly angled beige couch on their way through the living room, just to make her point. Margo pushed it back the way it was on her way by just to be a brat. śI’ll drive. I have a lot to do this weekend, so I can’t drink too much.” A cursory glance around the apartment brought on a bout of melancholy. She wasn’t willing to let go of the place yet. She just wasn’t ready for that. She’d deal with it later. śSounds perfect.” * * * * They arrived right on time, but not before Chase and Ryan. Margo pointed them out across the crowded restaurant filled with Friday-night diners. śThere they areŚover there.” Kristen turned her head in the direction Margo pointed. She was floored. Holy shit. Two of the hottest guys she’d ever been out with sat at the indicated table. Her curiosity was definitely piqued. śWow, how did you spot them so fast? Which one is Chase?” They couldn’t even move forward through the throng of people waiting for a table. No wonder, either. The smell of garlic and tomato sauce wafting from the entrance to the kitchen made Kristen’s mouth water. She hadn’t realized she was so hungry. She’d been too busy to eat much today, wrapping up all the loose ends for her replacement. Thank God her boss had been extremely understanding and had not uttered a word to the rest of the staff about her resignation. She couldn’t stand the thought of them all staring at her, asking a hundred questions before she left. She’d simply slipped her stuff into a box at the end of the day and snuck out when no one was looking. A slight nudge to Kristen’s left brought her out of her wandering thoughts. She shook her arms at her sides in a quick motion to relax her tension and let go of thoughts of tomorrow. Live for just tonight, Kristen. Have a great time. śChase always sits at that table. He’s the one on the left. The hot one on the right is Ryan.” She laughed. śReally. I think you might be mistaken.” A smile spread across Kristen’s face and she yanked herself to the present. śYou didn’t mention your brother wasŚwellŚso sexy.” Thank you, God. No matter what, this evening would surely not go as poorly as other blind dates. She could always sit and stare at him all night, even if he proved to be less than apt at communicating. Please God, let him be a great conversationalist. śEw. He’s my brother. Could you keep those sorts of opinions to yourself?” She scrunched up her face, but was clearly pleased to see Kristen was interested. As they made their way through the horde of waiting diners, Kristen locked her gaze on the man who would be her date. He sat completely at ease with his friend, and she could see the two men were already having a glass of wine. They must have been there a while. Interesting. Prompt. I don’t see that too often. Maybe it runs in the family. Kristen prided herself on her rather organized lifestyle, a direct contradiction to Margo’s bubbly, but incredibly messy world. Kristen often thought Margo’s scattered apartment was probably a duplicate copy of whatever went on in her brain. Although Margo often referred to her as śanal” or śtype A”, Kristen was nevertheless, usually five minutes late. Patrons packed the entire establishment, not just the entrance. Despite this, Kristen noticed it was not a loud atmosphere. The tables were spaced far enough apart any patrons aspiring to enjoy an evening of conversation could do so with relative ease. The ambiance was perfect. Not too dark. Not too bright. Very welcoming. Soothing, even. Kristen relaxed her shoulders ever so slightly. As they approached the table, Kristen quickly realized she wouldn’t have readily identified which of the men was Chase. She’d thought it would be obvious which man was unable to see, but until they actually arrived and began introductions, there was really no distinguishing quality about either man identifying him as śblind”. Just two gorgeous, sexy men out for the evening. Impressively gorgeous and sexy. A detail Margo seemed to have previously left out. Although it was true, most sisters wouldn’t rate their brothers on any sort of sexy scale. They finally made their way to the table and Margo, ever the hostess, made introductions. śChase, Ryan, this is my friend, Kristen.” Kristen noticed Chase was not looking directly at her. Of course, dummy, he doesn’t know quite where you’re standing. śOhŚsorry. Hi, I’m Kristen. Kristen Nickels.” Should I shake their hands? How does one greet a blind person when they meet? Kristen was instantly very nervous and realized a little too late her hands were actually sweating. Hopefully no one would reach out toŚ Both men stood, but it was the dusty blond one that extended his hand. So much for making a good first impression. She had no choice but to stick her damp palm into Ryan’s. śRyan Adams.” Kristen hesitantly accepted the proffered hand and smiled. Ryan’s perfectly manicured, white-collar hand was not sweaty and sticky. Wait, why did she care about impressing two guys she was only out with as a favor to a friend? Because they’re hot, that’s why. śThis is Chase.” He motioned toward the other man with his free hand. Saving her from any further embarrassment, Ryan finished shaking Kristen’s hand and placed it directly into Chase’s. Obviously the two men were very close friends and had been for some time, since Ryan was well versed in the proper etiquette and handling ofŚ Her thoughts were once again cut short when Chase took her hand and ślooked” directly at her with the most wonderfully warm smile she’d ever seen. He pulled her slightly closer and leaned into her. śChanel,” Chase whispered. śExcuse me?” Kristen stared as he inhaled deeply. śYou’re wearing Chanel perfume.” How did he know that? The cutest, most mischievous grin fell across his lips. śHello, Kristen.” The deep, sexy way he said her name sent goose bumps across her arms. śMargo has told me so much about you over the years. I can’t believe we’ve never met before now.” I can’t believe I’ve barely even heard of you. Everything about him screamed śsit, tell me about yourself”. Chase appeared to be extremely relaxed and sure of himself. Confident. Whatever misgivings Kristen had before arriving instantly disappeared as she took the seat next to Chase. Is it hot in here? Chase was impeccably dressed in a pale blue oxford, brown slacks, and loafers. He could have been at a photo shoot instead of a casual dinner party. Kristen was glad she’d decided to dress up more than she normally would have for a Friday night out with friends, thankful to have chosen the sexy skirt and somewhat revealing blouse she hoped was more sophisticated than sleazy. Margo had selected it on their last shopping spree. Kristen trusted her friend’s fashion sense. Now, she found herself wishing Chase could see her. śYes, wellŚshe has said very nice things about you, too.” Why had Margo barely mentioned her brother before now? Was she embarrassed about him? She didn’t appear to be. In fact, Margo didn’t appear to even notice he was with them. She was too busy babbling her greeting to Ryan, whom she obviously was trying to impress. śSo, Kristen. What do you do?” Chase leaned so close to Kristen she could see every detail of his very finely chiseled face and smell the minty breath escaping from his deliciously perfect mouth. A mouth that begged her to kiss it, with full soft lipsŚ Pull it together, Kristen. You just met him. This was not going as Kristen had expected. This was not the average blind date. Why was this guy even available? And how did such a sexy stud become blind? She was feeling way too eager. This is Margo’s brother, for Christ’s sake. You can’t maul him here in the crowded restaurant. And you can’t have him in any case. You’re not available. śOh, sorry. IŚumŚwork with Margo. I meanŚnot withŚMargoŚbut in the same buildingŚ” Was he grinning? śDo I make you nervous?” Yes. Your perfect looks, soft brown hair that makes a woman want to run her hands through itŚ Kristen gave her head a shake to bring herself back to the conversation. What had he just asked her? Oh, yeah. śWell, I don’t usually, I mean, I never, go on blind dates.” Oh my God, did I just say that? A pregnant pause ensued. He chuckled. śDon’t sweat it.” The deep resonating sound drew Kristen in and made her want to hear more of his laughter. A lot more. śI’m going to shut up now.” Before I insert my other foot into my mouth. śWhat do you do? Tell me about yourself.” Maybe if he’s talking, I won’t be able to say anything stupid. He looked right at her, as if he stared deep into her soul with the most gorgeous blue eyes she’d ever seen. No. That wasn’t true. Margo had the same eyes, but his were male and oh so sexy. Kristen, pull yourself together. You are making a fool of yourself. He was, after all, just a guy. Not even just a guy, but more like a brother, Margo had said. Screw that. This hunk of man was not brother material. Was that why Margo had never introduced them before? Was she protective of her brother? Had she realized Kristen would fall for him in a heartbeat? śI work at the Braille Institute. Just a few blocks from here.” She fixated on his mouth, wondering what it would feel like to press her lips to his. śI’m a translator and editor,” he said. śReally? Sounds similar to what I do. What do you translate?” Was this guy even real? Brains and looks. He just got better every moment. Perhaps he enjoyed reading as much as she did. śHey, do you two want to order something to drink?” Startled by the sound of another voice, Kristen jumped when she realized she was not alone on a deserted island with Chase, but rather sitting at a table with two more human beings. What were their names? Margo and Ryan. Right. And what was the question? Everyone seemed to be looking at her for some reason. A drink, right. Kristen turned to the waiter standing rather impatiently, waiting for her to gather her wits. śOh, yes. I’ll have a glass of the house merlot. Thank you.” Perhaps a glass of wine would settle her nerves and ground her a little. Chase smoothly inclined his face to the waiter. śI’ll have the same.” Without missing a beat, he turned back to Kristen, and continued. śSo, you were telling me you’re also involved in translations?” How did he manage to appear to be looking at everyone so directly? It seemed to Kristen most people would never even notice Chase was blind. Was it possible this amazing, sexy hunk could also carry on a conversation? Kristen couldn’t remember the last time she’d gone out with someone who’d actually cared about what she’d had to say, or had even seemed interested in really learning anything about her beyond śwhen would it be too soon to have sex?” Why now? A silent giggle tickled her throat. How ironic. The table had turned; she was the one thinking of sex. And it was impossible not to. Every time he leaned into her space, his distinctly masculine scent wafted over to tease her nose. She wanted to close those last few inches and run her lips over his cheek, his neckŚ Kristen shook her head a fraction in an effort to return to reality. You just met this guy. Feeling empowered and a bit more relaxed, Kristen responded in the calmest voice she could muster up. śYes, I actually work for the law office down the hall from Margo. I spend most of my time translating their materials into Spanish, and editing the materials previously translated over the years. Sometimes I travel with my boss to translate directly for him. They have enough work to keep me busy for a thousand years it seems, especially since more and more of the clients coming into the office are from South America.” It wasn’t a lie exactly. That is what she had done, up until this evening. śFascinating. I wish I could speak a foreign language.” He leaned forward, clearly interested in what she was saying. Excitement like she’d never felt before skittered across her bare shoulders. Was this man real, she wondered as he continued, śWell, other than Braille, that is. Although some people don’t consider Braille to be a foreign language, none of them have ever tried to learn it. It can be rather taxing at times.” She could only imagine how difficult it must be to read, much less translate the spoken word to Braille. śWhat do you translate?” Kristen found herself increasingly curious about this śbrother” of Margo’s. His entire demeanor entranced her. His aura drew her in. śEverything. Anything. Whatever anyone wants to read. We work on supply and demand. If you think you have enough to translate for a thousand years into Spanish, you should see what I have. Imagine every book ever written. My office works furiously, based on what books most people want to read. There is no way to keep up with it all. But it’s rewarding, and I get to read everything under the sun in the meantime.” Read? Something else they had in common. She wanted to hear more. śHow do you do it? I meanŚtranslate written workŚ” śAudio,” he interjected. śNearly everything ever written is on audio now.” śOh, right. Of course.” Dummy. The waiter arrived with their drinks. She glanced up and took both her and Chase’s glasses from the waiter. Kristen was amazed at how comfortable she was with Chase. At least she didn’t dump the wine in anyone’s lap. Although the thought of leaning over and wiping spilled wine from Chase’s lap was not unappealingŚ śHere.” Chase held out his hand and Kristen realized he intended for her to place his glass in it. śOh. Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” śRelax,” the smooth, low, soothing voice addressed her again, śI don’t expect you to know everything there is about quote Śdining’ with me on the first, um, is this a date?” Kristen choked on the wine she’d just sipped. śUh, sure, I mean, I guessŚ Well, is it?” Again with the chuckle. He is going to make me cream my panties if he doesn’t stop. His voice could have wooed any woman in the restaurant. In fact, Kristen actually found herself looking around as if to make sure no one else was listening. They might decide they should be on a śdate” with Mister Sexy Voice, instead of the rambling idiot he was currently with who couldn’t seem to articulate a complete sentence. śLook, I know my sister put you up to this. I have actually met her before.” Kristen glanced over at Margo to find her deep in a conversation with Ryan, who looked thoroughly entranced by her. Not surprising. Margo was stunning and had always managed to quickly lure any man she wanted into her cocoon. Kristen had always admired that about her. She would miss their camaraderie. śShe didn’t have to twist my arm too hard.” Not entirely true, but he didn’t need to know it. śShe really wanted to double date with your friend Ryan. Adamantly I would say. They are so enamored with each other already, they don’t even know we’re here.” She chuckled as she glanced over toward Margo and Ryan. He leaned in to conspiratorially whisper, śShe’s been after me to set her up with Ryan for several years. The truth is, I’ve told her several times I’d be glad to set her up with himŚas soon as she was willing to set me up with you.” śHuh? What? ButŚ We’ve never even met. How did you know you wanted to go out with me?” This information literally stunned Kristen. What was he talking about? Grinning"it seemed to be a habit of his"Chase responded quietly into her ear, śOh, I’ve heard enough about you to write a book. I’m not sure whether Margo’s goal for the evening has more to do with her and Ryan, or you and me.” What? Kristen was so going to kill Margo when this evening was over. Maybe. And what timing. Shit. śReally? That’s interesting. I didn’t realizeŚ But you didn’t even know where I worked or what I did for a living? What has she told you about me?” The confusion mounted the more she thought about this situation. śOh, I already knew all that stuff about you. I was just being polite.” A giant smile took over his face. The waiter showed up while Kristen turned to glare daggers at her friend. śCan I tell you about this evening’s specials?” He continued speaking, but Kristen surmised not a one of them was listening to him, but all were attentively pretending to until he once again walked away, saying something about returning for their orders in a moment. When the waiter finished, Chase interjected, śMay I suggest the chicken parmesan? They have a delicious marinara sauce here you should tryŚif you like that sort of thing.” śSounds delicious. I love a good marinara.” The ease with which Kristen found herself in Chase’s presence was unprecedented. She couldn’t remember having had such a good time in years, or perhaps ever. * Sweet Jesus. Chase may have just hit the lottery. This woman was an angel. Her voice was like silk to his ears. The few times he’d managed to brush against her hand or knock into her knee, the flying sparks electrified him. Her skin was so smooth and soft. She was warm and kind, and unpretentious. And aside from the understandable nervousness on her part, she didn’t exude any indication she felt sorry for him, or thought she should take pity on him. A breath of fresh air. He was usually so confident and poised, rarely caring what other people thought. But tonight was different. He did care what this woman thought. His nerves were taking a beating. By the time their meals arrived, Kristen seemed so in tune with him she automatically helped Chase get a lay of the land, or plate in this case, like a seasoned pro. No one would know she’d not been dining with him for years. He hoped his perception of her interest in him was on target. As soon as the waiter set the plate down in front of Chase, Kristen reached for his hands, laid them directly on the edges, then placed the fork in his right hand. How did she know I was right handed? How considerate. How observant. He never wanted her to let go of him and missed her touch immediately when she did to begin describing the meal. He was so busy thinking about her soft, warm, delicate hands, he hardly heard a word she said. She muttered in a low tone something about the chicken being already cut up, the pasta on the left and vegetables on the right. Chase ate this same meal here often and the waiter already knew to deliver his food cut up. This was one of his favorite, most accommodating spots to dine. But, of course, she didn’t know that. And he was enjoying her voice so much he hated to interrupt her. śWould you like me to cut you a slice of bread?” she asked. śThat would be great, thanks.” Please keep talking. He loved listening to her. Jolting him into reality, Margo spoke from across the table. śWould you two like some parmesan?” Kristen responded before he could pull his mind away from his preoccupation with her. śSure. How’s your food?” Chase could tell by the projection of her voice she directed the question at either Ryan or Margo. śFantastic. They have the best lasagna in town.” His sister was always so positive. She would have said something wonderful about the meal, even if it was cold and had eyeballs. śRyan? How is your pasta?” And she was, of course, polite. Chase felt a smile spread across his face as he listened to his sister interact with her date. Skittering around him, the way most people do when they first meet and want to impress the other person with their best manners. śI love this place. I don’t think I have ever had a bad meal here,” his friend replied, also joining the śblind date” dance. Hmm, why aren’t Kristen and I having first date jitters? He noticed the distinct difference between this date and all others he’d previously had. A certain comfort level. She was so thoughtful and understanding. In the past, Chase had often found himself rather embarrassed to eat in front of people. They weren’t always quite as forthcoming with the details of the items on his plate as Kristen was. The restaurant quieted down some as the meal progressed, making Chase privy to many more noises. Dishes clanking as the bus boys cleared tables. Patrons laughing at other tables. The soft whir of the ceiling fans. The four of them settled into a conversation about their work, the economy, the cost of livingŚall while Chase noticed the ease of the evening. Like they were old friends. Especially Kristen and him. He desperately wished he could look at her and see her soul, but as it was, at least he could hear nearly every nuance in her voice, the rustling of her clothing as she shifted in her seat or crossed her legs. He hoped she was as sexy as she sounded. The only way to be sure, however, was to touch her, not a graze, but a full sensual exploration with his hands. And mouth. Of course, unfortunately, it was not possible for such a perusal at the moment. He crossed his fingers that laterŚ When Chase finished eating, he sat back in his chair with a last swipe of his napkin and hoped to God tonight wouldn’t be one of those times when he had food on his face, or in his lap, he was unaware of. Hopefully, his pal Ryan was not so incredibly engrossed in Margo he would forget his duty as a gentleman to make sure Chase was in order. For all the confidence he knew he could outwardly emit in a multitude of situations, this was the first time in a long time he actually felt awkward, nervous, prepubescent. What was she thinking? Where was she looking right this minute? Was she as sexy as her voice sounded? He’d known basically what she looked like, from Ryan and Margo, but Margo had described more about what they had in common. God, make it work out somehow, someway, I get her alone before this night is over. Chase leaned forward and began to speak. śHow was your chicken?” Anything to take his mind off the fact this segment of the evening was about to end, and the transition into what would hopefully ensue was about to begin. Thank God he had incredible hearing, or he’d have been seriously concerned when she didn’t readily answer the question. As it was, he could perceive the soft tinkling of ice in her water glass as she took a drink. She cleared her throat. śSorryŚdelicious. A great choice. Thanks for making the suggestion. How was yours?” Why couldn’t a date just keep moving forward without this stammering lull in conversation always occurring? The uncomfortable point when neither party knew exactly how to proceed. Mostly because they didn’t want to make a fool out of themselves by assuming too much. śWonderful, as usual. I order this a lot.” Was she staring at him? Probably, of course. śDo you need another glass of wine?” They had ordered a second glass with their meal, but he wasn’t sure how much she had drunk. śNo, no. I’m fine. If I drink any more I’ll be too tipsy to drive.” Chase liked her answer. He wasn’t a big drinker himself and enjoyed being with a woman who was not falling all over herself, or him for that matter, by the end of the evening. And he, for one, was repeating a silent prayer she would be willing to get to know him better. This might just be the woman of your dreams, Chase. * The dinner was delicious. The company even better. Kristen found herself staring repeatedly at Chase. How much had Margo told him about her? Here she’d spent the last two hours staring glassy eyed at the most handsome man in the restaurant, practically salivating over him, and he didn’t even know it. God, she realized she was depraved. How long had it been since she last slept with a man? Months? Lordy. Was that why Chase’s presence affected her so much? Deprivation? Or was it more? As they stood to leave the restaurant, Margo announced, śRyan and I were thinking of going dancing. Do you two want to come?” Color flared up Chase’s neck. śNo,” he said sharply, but then lowered his voice before continuing. śThanks, but I have to work tomorrow. Even though it’s a Saturday, unfortunately I have a deadline to meet. God forbid anyone should spend one more day without being able to read the classics in Braille. But you guys go ahead.” Oh, my, God. Is he ditching me? Am I included in the śyou guys go ahead”? Kristen studied Chase’s face before deciding how to proceed. Was he making an excuse? Perhaps he just didn’t like dancing. Perhaps he can’t dance. Chase took one step closer to Kristen, and that decided it for her. Praying she read him correctly, Kristen sucked in all the courage she could muster and proceeded with, śNo. No. You guys go on. In fact, I drove. I can take Chase home.” She was having such a good time. What could it hurt to finish out the evening with this fantastic śblind” date? After tonight, she knew she’d never see him again, but she couldn’t resist relaxing and enjoying herself one last time. Maybe she’d get the opportunity to at least make out with him. Margo looked awfully pleased. śGreat! I meanŚ Is that okay with you, Chase? Do you mind?” A round of śno’s” and śfines” jumped through the circle as they all proceeded to leave the restaurant. Kristen hoped to God Chase was as interested in her as she was in him. Chapter Two Ryan and Margo made a hasty departure, leaving Kristen and Chase alone on the sidewalk just outside the restaurant. The May night air was pleasant and cooled Kristen’s skin after the intensity of the evening. It was early enough in the season to still be chilly at night, before the sweltering heat of summer descended upon Dallas. śSo, where do you live from here?” she asked. śActually, we don’t have to drive. I just live a few blocks away. I usually spend most of my time in this general area. It’s easier when I get familiar with a place to stick with it. My repertoire is not really large. I eat at this restaurant about once a week. They know me here.” He produced a rather coy smile. Well, that explains why your food came with the meat cut up. She hadn’t heard anyone request it. śShall we walk then?” Kristen stared at Chase to judge his reaction. Is he interested? Does he even want me to go with him? śAbsolutely. It’s such a nice night.” śOkay, how do we do this? I meanŚI’ve never actuallyŚ” She knew her face was beet red and was relieved he couldn’t see it. His chuckle was going to kill her. But, nevertheless, it was once again a relief to find Chase comfortable in his own skin, enough to not be particularly worried about getting down the sidewalk safely with a novice śguide dog” for a date. And it was beginning to seem more and more like a date, not just Margo’s brother. Kristen wished she could actually see him again after tonight. Wouldn’t it be nice to just live a normal life? Get a boyfriend. Laugh every day. But, the events of the last two weeks had ended all that for Kristen. What she was about to deal with she wouldn’t even consider dragging another person through, especially one she had just met. Where was Chase last year? Or the year before that? śIt’s no big deal.” He pulled a folded walking stick out of his pocket and opened it up. śI’ll just hold your arm like thisŚ” As soon as he made contact with Kristen’s arm, warmth the like of which she’d never before felt, spread through her entire body, heating her skin, and she wanted him to wrap his arms around her andŚ She realized he had stopped speaking and seemed to be just as affected by this mere touch as she was. What would it be like to make love to this beautiful man, to be tangled with him in the sheets of his bed, where sight no longer played a role and everything natural happened by feel? Chase broke the silence. śAre you cold? You seem to be sort of shivering. I’m making you nervous, aren’t I? Don’t worry. We’re just going to walk down the sidewalkŚand you’re not going to let me trip and fall.” Chase placed the most shit-eating grin on his face she’d ever seen. And the awkward moment disappeared. śI think I can handle that.” I hope I can, anyway. What if he stumbled? You’d feel like shit, that’s what. śI was just kidding. I walk this way all the time. I haven’t fallen yet.” He gave a little tug and they began to meander down the sidewalk. Kristen quickly realized it wasn’t as hard as it seemed. One foot in front of the other. Left. Right. Don’t get too close to the wall. Watch out for that broken bottleŚ śStop!” She jerked his arm, a little harder than necessary. śI meanŚ We’re at the intersection.” She bit her bottom lip. Damn. She was so jumpy. śRelax. We’re only walking down the street. You aren’t leading me on a tight rope between two skyscrapers.” Relax, right. He was awfully fond of that word. Did he use it to sooth her? Within minutes they arrived at Chase’s apartment, he quickly and efficiently produced a key and stood aside with a flourish to usher her inside. He must have been used to having at least occasional guests, because he didn’t even pause before thoughtfully flipping the light switch next to the door, casting the room in a perfect glow of low lights. Being an incorrigible neat freak herself, Kristen hadn’t actually met anyone who was as organized and disciplined. That was before she met Chase. Of course, he would have to keep everything in its place, it just hadn’t occurred to her previously he would be forced to be even more śanal” than she was when it came to śobject displacement”, as she liked to refer to it. śWow. Your place is soŚ” Kristen couldn’t think how to describe it. The place was perfect. śTidy? Uncluttered? Boring?” His laugh was addictive and she turned to him with a smile he couldn’t see. śI was going to say refreshing, actually. Anyone who has ever been to my house can tell you I would find your place nothing short of, well, unadulterated. I love it.” śHmm, you must be even more organized than my sister alleged.” He grinned. śDo you want something to drink? A glass of wine, maybe?” Safely ensconced in Chase’s own environment, his self-confidence was even more noticeable. He deposited the items in his pocket on a table by the door without even reaching for it first and strolled into the living room without bumping into a single piece of furniture. It was obvious to Kristen he was sure of himself and not worried about appearances. śUm, okay. Are you sure you don’t want me to leave so you can get to bed?” Why did that sound so suggestive? śI-I mean you said you have to get up early.” That’s it, Kristen. Provide him with an śout”. śNo, that was a lie. I hope you don’t mind? I didn’t really want to go dancing. I mean, I can dance. And sometimes do, butŚI really just wanted to dump those two and get to know you better, without all the noise of a club.” Her cheeks heated. What a relief. At least he was interested. Or thought he was. But, Kristen realized, he had no idea what she looked like. Did this not bother him? Chase turned and proceeded straight into the kitchen as if he could see everything. A stranger would never know he couldn’t see the couch he stepped gracefully around, or the doorframe at the entrance to the kitchen. He must have memorized every single detail and the number of steps between pieces of furniture. Of course he would have. Kristen followed behind him and watched as he began the task of opening a bottle of wine. śSet your purse on the table,” he said over his shoulder. śThat way I’ll know where it is, or, more importantly, isn’t.” He chuckled. His kitchen was at least as organized as the living room and he reached for each item he needed without hesitation"wine, glasses, corkscrew. Kristen pondered the fact he appeared so fluid, like being blind was of no consequence to him. With a renewed sense of confidence, she swaggered over to the table, and as an afterthought, slipped off her low heels and set them quietly on her purse. Her feet were weary from wearing heels all day. As she watched him pour the wine, she ached to run her hands over his beautifully sculpted muscles. She could see how fit he was through the contours of his shirt, and his buttŚ She wanted to grasp his fine ass in both hands and pull him into her. śKristen?” She hadn’t realized he’d turned to her. She reached for the glass of merlot and she once again felt the sparks that seemed to skitter around them when their fingers touched. śThanks.” Feelings of excitement to have met someone she really liked, and hesitation about getting too involved with him, tore into Kristen. Was it really fair of her that she hadn’t mentioned this could only be a one-time date? She was staring again. At the front of him this time. He was so incredibly sexy. His abs begged her to trace her hands over them. And then downŚ Screw it. She just wanted to enjoy herself, and clearly he did, too. What man wouldn’t be happy with the idea of a one-night stand? When did she decide she could actually sleep with him? śYou are awfully quiet. Are you okay?” He paused. śWhat are you thinking? Be honest. I’m having a one-sided conversation here and I don’t even have the ability to see your expressions. You’ll have to fill me in.” śHmmm. Sorry. Actually, that is one of the things I was thinking about. I just spent several hours in the company of one of the most gorgeous hunks I have ever dated and youŚ” Did I just say that out loud? śŚyou have no idea what I even look like or if I’m your type. That doesn’t seem fairŚ I’m rambling now.” Kristen stood stiff as a board and felt drained by the admission. She gulped a swallow of wine for courage and set the glass on the counter, afraid if she didn’t she would surely drop it. śYou think I’m gorgeous?” A slow smile spread across Chase’s face. śWell then.” He set down his wine and moved toward her. śSo, I’m Śthe most gorgeous hunk’ you’ve ever been out with?” His steps were smooth, calculated. śDo you mind leveling the playing field a bit then?” śWhat? How?” Breathless, Kristen swore her body temperature was growing hotter the closer he drew. Lord, help her. She wanted this man. Her breasts were heavy with need. The moisture between her thighs set off tingles. It seemed she would have an orgasm just standing here. And he hadn’t even touched her. śYou are not altogether accurate in your assessment. I do know rather precisely what you look like.” The low timber of his voice was driving her even more wild. His words were hypnotic. śWhat? How?” Kristen felt like a parrot. Didn’t she already say that? How much closer could he get before she exploded? And man, did she want to explode, literally, in his arms. śYou don’t think I didn’t get some rather specific details about you along the way, do you?” śOh, of course. Margo told you all about me. I forgot.” He was close enough now she could smell his aftershaveŚ No, it wasn’t aftershave. It was his own personal musky scent. The fragrance yelled śall man”. śNoooŚ I mean, of course Margo has described you, but she’s my sister. She couldn’t possibly have done you justice in her Śsisterly’ terms. I do have other senses, you know. There are lots of things I know about you, all on my own. I know you like nice things from the expensive perfume you’re wearing. I know from just touching your arm,” he reached out and circled her wrist with his fingers, śyou are slender, toned.” He smoothed his fingers delicately up her arm. Kristen could hardly breathe as he spoke these sensuous words to her and grazed his hand over her skin. Any other thoughts running through her head scrambled and disappeared. śPlus, there were a few minutes between when you arrived at the restaurant, located us at the table, and then ambled over. In those moments, Ryan gave a wonderful soliloquy, painting a much better picture of your beauty than what my sister could ever have articulated.” Kristen sucked in a breath and held it as he stopped inches away from her, so close she couldn’t think as his warm breath fanned across her face. He continued in that same low sexy tone. śLong straight brown hair that reaches halfway down your back and shimmers in the light. You like to tuck the left side behind your ear. Large, wide green eyes that exude confidence and caring. Full pink lips. They turn up when you smile and open wide when you laugh. Your teeth are straight and sparkling white. You’re about five foot four and weigh just the right amount for your size, not too skinny. Your breasts are small and firm and high. Perfectly suited for the palm of my hands.” At this point he leaned in and breathed deeply of her essence. Kristen exhaled the breath she forgot she was holding while he spoke the most wonderfully sexy words she’d ever heard. She would surely self-combust from wanting him to touch her all over, to kiss her. śHe said all that? In the time it took us to walk to the table?” Kristen muttered these words breathlessly, barely above a whisper. I’m going to die right here, right now. śNo. There was more. But the rest is not really appropriate to repeat.” He smiled again and she noticed for the first time his dimples. She wanted to kiss them, nuzzle them actually. She held still with her hands at her sides, afraid she would shatter the spell if she moved. He broke the silence. śMay I?” śWhat?” śŚSee’ you? With my hands. Remember, I said we were going to level the playing field. It’s only fair. After all, it will ease your mind, right?” He was joking. She realized he was teasing her, but she was too tongue tied to do anything but nod her approval. Chase must have perceived the subtle movement, because he slowly reached up to cup her face in his hands. He meticulously began to run his fingertips over her eyes, her nose, her lips and chin, then up into her hair. śClose your eyes. Just feel.” The flame flickering in Kristen all evening began to increase into a full bonfire. She’d never wanted a man as much as she wanted Chase right this minute. Her pussy clenched at his words, wetness seeping out to soak her panties. Perhaps she would have an orgasm right here, standing in the kitchen with him running his hands gently through her hair. How embarrassing would that be? Chase gradually pulled his fingers through her hair and moved on to her shoulders. He kneaded them lightly through the thin layer of her blouse, obviously aware she was extremely tense, and drifted along her arms to her hands. He gathered her fingers and pulled them up to his mouth. Kristen seemed to have no muscular control over them as he kissed them, one at a time. The world came to a halt. Kristen thought she would collapse or faint. And thenŚGodŚhe sucked the middle finger of her left hand into his mouth and drew it out with a slow śpop”. Her cream must be running down her legs by now. Why had she thought it was a good idea to wear a skirt tonight? A short skirt. As if sensing what she was thinking, Chase placed her hands on his shoulders and advanced to wrap his hands around her waist. And then to the small of her back to pull her near. Heat radiated from him. She gripped his shoulders, her fingers digging into his muscular frame. His rock hard erection was now firmly stabbing her stomach and she wanted to touch him. The urge to slide her hands down and grasp him was overwhelming. She tried to retrain herself, warmth making her cheeks burn with need. When his hands slid across her ass to cup her cheeks, every muscle in her body melted. śHmmm. I don’t think Ryan did a very accurate job describing you.” Chase spoke so softly and seductively Kristen could barely hear him. śHe didn’t mention how sexy your ass was.” His hands moved even lower and fiddled with the hem of her short skirt before lightly dancing over the backs of her legs, high enough he could have easily touched her sopping panties if he’d wanted. Her sex contracted. She wanted him to touch her so badly that she leaned into him even harder. Her legs were growing weak. śAnd I believe he left out the part about the miniskirt.” His hands trailed up her back until his thumbs grazed the sides of her breasts. Holding one thumb purposefully against her swelling right globe, he pulled back slightly to drag his other hand along the neckline of her blouse, learning the contours. Fingers lightly brushed the top of her breasts in the low V. Breasts that were feeling fuller by the second, aching to be touched. They poked out, straining to be released from her lace bra, the nipples engorging against the abrasive material. śAnd I’m sure he didn’t say a word about how tight and provocative your blouse was.” śChase?” śYes, love.” śI’ll die if you don’t stop teasing and kiss me.” Without saying a word, he leaned in and leisurely set his lips on hers, a soft warm kiss that curled her toes. He was loving her with his mouth. Love? Where did that word come from? Was she crazy? But, there was no other way to describe the care with which she was being handled by this adoring man. * A lazy perusal of Kristen’s mouth was intoxicating Chase. Trying to hold back and not frighten her, he’d started with light whisper-soft kisses across her top lip and then down to her bottom lip. She wasn’t breathing anymore, which he hoped was a good sign, and not an indication she was holding back. She tasted of wine and the after-dinner mints she must have snagged on the way out of the restaurant. As he continued to lightly kiss a path to Kristen’s ear, he heard her sharp intake of breath. Was he moving too fast? Or was she as aroused as he was? His swollen cock pressed against the zipper of his pants. Damn. What he would give to have this woman in his bed. śYou smell fantastic,” he hummed against her ear. The shiver that raked through her body made him smile, but the long sigh of desire she released heated the hunger burning inside him. śKristen.” It felt so natural speaking her name. śYou are driving me absolutely crazy.” At last, and to his great relief, she released her grip on his shoulders, folded her arms around his neck and took enough initiative to give him the confidence to proceed. She wanted him, too. She turned her head and zoned in on his lips. The kiss deepened and Chase slipped his tongue into her mouth to tangle with hers and explore every inch. She didn’t let go of his neck and actually seemed to be holding him closer, tighter. Hold on as tight as you want, baby. When they finally came up for air, disorientation filled Chase’s senses. What the hell? He’d had relationships before, some even lasted for a several months, but none had brought on such an intense śneed”. His desire to strip and ravage her was warring with his overwhelming compulsion to also cherish and worship her, respect her. Where had that come from? śWowŚ” Kristen swallowed hard, her voice ragged with the same desire ravaging his system. And he couldn’t blame her. At least she came up with śwow”. He was still trying to search for vowels and consonants that were swimming around in his brain, but would not come together to form anything coherent. They stood there, still in the kitchen, foreheads resting against one another for what seemed like an eternity before Kristen finally spoke again. śI should go?” Was that a question? No. You should never leave this house. Ever. Again. śIs that what you really want to do, Kristen?” śIt isn’t a matter of wanting to. It has more to do with the fact that we just met and if I don’t let go of you right this minute and walk out the door, I am going to tear your clothes off and drag you to bed.” Holy shit. Chase’s chest tightened with excitement. They seemed to be suffering from some sort of role reversal. Wasn’t that a line he should have come up with? He couldn’t help the grin that surfaced. śAnd this would be a bad thing?” Finally, a full sentence. One that seemed to make sense. Kristen laughed. A soft beautiful sound Chase wanted to hear every day for the rest of his life. Where did that come from? Chase had never been seriously involved with any of the women he’d dated over the years. A few seemed to want to get closer, but he’d always held them at arm’s length. Never quite confident their intentions were legitimate. Why was this woman suddenly able to waltz into his life"what, three, four hours ago"and turn his world upside down? Kristen was still clutching him. Leaning against him. In fact, it was clear her words of departure were just words. Her body was not really willing to comply. Why does she want to leave? Chase aimed to find out. śPerhaps we could slow down a bit. Go sit on the couch? Enjoy our glass of wine?” I’m nowhere near ready for you to go. What can I do to get you to stay? śHmmm.” She sounded almost groggy, in a sensual sort of way. Hopefully that was a good sign. śI suppose we could try it, but I doubt another glass of wine is going to keep me from mauling you like some kind of animal.” Then, by all means drink the wine. śFar be it for me to slow progress.” Again with the sexy delicate laugh, almost as though she breathed it out. I have to get a hold of myself. She’s going to think I’m a pervert. She probably thinks I bring women here all the time and lure them into my bedroom with wine and chicken parmesan. śI’ll grab the glasses.” She spoke the words, but they still hadn’t moved from their spot. She seemed rooted, unable to break apart, end the moment. At once they both spoke, and Chase had no idea what she said. Kristen moved slowly away and grabbed their glasses from the counter. He immediately missed her touch, the heat of her body. His hard-on strained to reach out for the lost contact with stomach. He could hear the light noise of the glasses clanking against each other as she returned. With a light brush of her arm against his, she nudged him forward. śComing?” Chase’s pulse jumped. What could he do besides follow her and hope with all his heart she would sink herself into his soft couch and stay? śYou have a TV.” Her voice was matter of fact. The wine glasses made another little clink as she placed one in his hand. The light sound of the couch cushion as she sat down followed. Ah, back to normal regular everyday conversation. Too bad his dick couldn’t downshift so quickly and comply with this change of events. Did she notice how aroused he was? Surely there was a gigantic bulge visible in front of him. He sucked in a breath, sat beside her, and leaned forward to at least attempt to conceal himself and transition from making out to talking. śYes, not that I use it very often, but I do like to listen to the news and some talk shows. In some cases I can even remember what the celebrities look like.” śYou weren’t always blind? I didn’t realize. What happened?” Her voice contained a quality of wonder and affection. śI have a rare degenerative disease of the cornea. But, I won’t always be blind. Hopefully. I’ve just been waiting on the right research. Six months ago, they finally made a breakthrough, I am on a transplant list. What I need is a new set of corneas.” It was something Chase had dreamed about for years. Having very positive-thinking parents helped. Ever since he could remember, he’d been told that śone” day the medical community would make the discovery he needed in just the right specialty for his particular disorder. śThat’s awesome. Do they think it will be long?” śNo, it could be any day. Could be months. No idea. I keep my fingers crossed and jump every time the phone rings.” Now there’s an understatement. He stiffened next to her, gripping his wine glass. The stress of waiting on donor corneas and worrying about what the changes would mean for Chase’s life was oftentimes overwhelming. Usually he tried not to think about it too much. It was totally out of his hands. But to be able to see his loved ones again would be heavenŚ śIncredible. When did you lose your sight?” Kristen voice portrayed a true interest in his life. How often did he find such a caring nature toward him in a woman? He must be above average in the looks department because he never lacked for girls who wanted to date him, but rarely did they take it a step further and show any real interest. śI was eight. It happened rather quickly, and it took several years before the doctors knew exactly what had caused the sudden blindness. I remember what most things look like. I know colors and things of that nature. It comes in very helpful at times. I feel sorry for people who have never seen anything.” How had this conversation lapsed into such a sad discussion? Chase took a sip of his wine and placed one hand on the solid surface of the end table while the other set the wine glass down. Enough talking. The scent of Kristen’s perfume drove him crazy with the need to hold her again. He reached for her hands, felt the soft, smooth skin and fiddled with the dainty rings she wore on several fingers. She allowed him this pleasure and he finally lifted his head. śWhere were we?” * Kristen’s face flushed with emotional overload. Lust; she wanted this man in a carnal way, big time. Excitement, brought on by a new relationship, the feeling you have when everything is śright”. As he inched his way over to her side of the couch, she added humility. She was awestruck by Chase’s gumption, his ability to charge forward and make the best of the hand life dealt him, and for years and years, while patiently waiting for a medical breakthrough. She pulled her hands from his grasp and wrapped them around his neck, which was clearly all the invitation he needed to gently lower her onto her back and lean over her. śAh, yes, this is where we were.” Chase didn’t need sight to find her mouth and resume kissing her with the same passion as earlier. The slow burn in her body from their initial contact in the kitchen instantly rekindled. She couldn’t catch her breath and inhaled his warm exhalation. She could taste the hint of wine on his tongue as he sought every corner of her mouth. There was no fighting the desire she felt. It was a losing battle. She wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight, except his bedroom. Chase moved his lips to caress every single inch of Kristen’s face. Light kisses moved down to her neck and the V of her blouse. Kristen melted into the couch and let out an involuntary low moan, startling her when she realized where the sound had come from. His chin nudged the sides of her blouse enough to allow him to continue his slow torture along the edge of her bra. Thank God she’d chosen a sexy lace bra and panties for the evening. She loved the feel of the silk and lace against her skin under her usually professional exterior. It gave her confidence. As if the knowledge she was actually wantonly sexy beneath the finery was her own personal secret. Her chest strained toward him, wanting desperately to be touched. śI want you.” Chase had lifted his chin just the tiniest amount, just enough to mumble the words in the direction of her ears. She knew he needed some sign it was okay to proceed, and damned if she was able to turn him down. śYes.” He sucked in a quick breath at the confirmation and his expression was full of hunger. He then inched back to tug her shirt from its pristine location inside her skirt. Slowly, he pulled a tiny button through its hole on her blouse. His mouth so close she could feel his warm breath on her heated skin, increasing with the release of each button. His growl sent her body reeling. Electricity sparked in each of her nipples, while moisture dampened her panties. She needed her blouse off now. As soon as he spread the offensive garment completely open, Chase shifted to pull her legs up onto the couch and straddled her waist. Gently he smoothed his fingertips over every inch of her abdomen, making the excruciatingly slow climb to her swollen aching breasts. Her nipples pointed straight out, abrading against the fabric of her sheer lace bra, begging to be touched. The slow burn running straight down her body to make her sex throb beneath him. She wanted this so badly. This one last night of śnormalness”. śGod, you feel beautiful.” His words pushed warm air over her super-sensitized skin. If she could have responded, she would have. She stared at him in amazement. The unbelievable feelings erupting inside her were practically more than she could bear. Conversation at the moment was out of the question. Finally he delicately ran his fingertips straight over her nipples through the delicate lace, making her shiver with wanting. śYou like that? HmmmŚ What about this?” He firmly surrounded her full breasts with both hands and squeezed, just enough to make her gasp with pleasure. Kristen’s arms had been pinned to her sides by his knees. She suddenly needed to join this exploration and struggled to pull her limbs from their confinement. As soon as she yanked them free, she reached for him and dragged his lips toward her for a demanding urgent kiss. śPleaseŚ” she begged, not really sure what she was asking for, but knowing whatever it was, he was taking too long to give it to her. His teasing exploration of her body pushed her beyond the boiling point. She couldn’t take much more. And judging by the hard length of him pressed against her stomach when he leaned forward, he was in no better shape than she. Her desire to see him completely naked and taste every inch of his skin was taking over her ability to reason. Desperately she began tearing at his shirt, unbuttoning just the first few buttons, until at last she managed to yank it over his head, though damned if she knew quite how, since she couldn’t really feel anything in her fingers. His chest was rock hard, smooth, sexy as hell. He was tan. A gorgeous shade of brown. For all the silky, slightly wavy hair surrounding his male-model face, there was not a single strand on his torso. Her blood rushed to pool in her clit, the pulsing bud demanding his attention. The way he straddled her was putting aching pressure on her swollen nub, threatening an immediate orgasm. śPlease what, love?” He smiled with such mischief she wanted to shake him. He’s killing me and enjoying every second. Payback is a bitch. And man, did it sound sexy and endearing when he called her ślove”. When he reached down between them to cup her mound in his hand and gently squeeze she lost her train of thought. śI wantŚmmmŚGodŚ” She was so close. Sparks of sensation ignited, small bursts of fire that stole her breath, as well as any rational thought. All she knew was she had to feel this man deep inside her. How the hell was that possible? Usually it took quite a long time to get her off. But, thisŚthisŚgod of a man had yet to even remove her bra or skirt and she was wiggling on the edge of the most intense orgasm of her life. śI know, baby. I can sense your urgency, but I want to savor this moment. This first time we join together, I want to make you scream. I want you to explode. And I want you to do it over and over again while I feel every single inch of your body with my hands and my mouth. I want this to be the most memorable moment you’ve ever had. The kind that makes you come back for more. The kind that makes you mine.” Kristen held her breath. She was on fire. Every nerve ending in her body screamed for release. But, she also felt a twinge of sadness. Would he really want to see her again? Didn’t guys just love a one-night stand? How could she possibly fall into the hands of a gorgeous male specimen who spoke of a future tonight of all nights? She had no ability to resist him. śTake me to your bedroom.” It was all she needed to say to entice Chase to stand and pick her up, cradle her against him. He moved like a predator, sleek, sexy, in tune with his surroundings, never once making a misstep as he moved through the apartment. Without pause, he walked smoothly to his bed and deposited her in the center. Before she could even form another thought he was once again on top of her, reaching for the front clasp of her bra. With ease, he popped it open and began kneading her breasts ever so gently, with just the right amount of pressure. The new sensation doubled her need, forced a low moan to escape her lips. Any previous reservations entirely forgotten. He squeezed her sensitive nipples with his thumbs and middle fingers, rolling them gently back and forth. śI don’t usually do this, you know.” śDo what?” She was at his mercy. She reached once again for his neck to attempt to drag him closer. She needed more friction. MoreŚsomethingŚ He held back a few scant inches from her mouth. śSleep with a woman on the first date.” He nibbled her bottom lip. śJust so you know.” * This woman triggered something primitive in Chase. If he died right now without even having the opportunity to come, it would be worth it just to have felt this fantastic creature come undone beneath him. She was so incredibly responsive. Was she always this way? She was so closeŚ It wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge. And he burned with the need to explode also. His cock ached for her to touch it with her sweet hands, her mouth, her pussyŚ He couldn’t possibly run the risk of exploding inside his pants before he even got inside her, so he decided to forgo that embarrassment by restraining her hands. Perhaps if she couldn’t touch him, at least near his throbbing erection, he wouldn’t blow prematurely and ruin the most romantic moment he was sure to ever experience. She gasped when he removed her hands from around his neck and once again placed them between his knees and her sides, effectively preventing her from pushing him over the edge. śChaseŚIŚ” śPlease, baby. Do this for me. Let me explore you. If you touch me, I’ll explode and I want this moment to last.” She relaxed ever so slightly and he could feel her head move in a nodding motion beneath his fingertips as he gently stroked her cheeks, begging her for this one mercy. śDo you want the light on, love? Is there enough of a glow from the hall for you to see? I forget these things.” He wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. As relaxed as she could possibly be. But at the same time completely at his mercy to fondle until she couldn’t help but shriek his name loud enough to wake the neighbors. śNo, it’s fine. The glow is perfectŚ” He felt the edges of her lips turn up slightly as she spoke. As if she were in a trance. A trance he had created. śWatch me, baby. Watch me love you.” Chase bent down and took one plump nipple between his teeth and bit ever so slightly, and then sucked it into his mouth like a starving man. The moan that escaped her lips was the sweetest music he’d ever heard. Her taste was a succulent dessert upon his tongue. In fact, warm caramel syrup would definitely be the best topping poured over her ripe perfect breasts. He’d have to remember for later. Slowly he sucked first one nipple and then the other, back and forth, alternately kneading and stroking the disappointed breast that clearly wished to join its mate. Her skin was so smooth and soft. He wondered what color her nipples were. Would her breasts be a paler shade from the rest of her skin? Did she have a tan line? The disks around her nipples were certainly tiny under his touch, maybe the size of quarters. But each little tip was jutting out so far right now he couldn’t possibly imagine what they looked like when she wasn’t so aroused. Kristen’s struggles beneath him, sweet squirming driving him wild, increased. Her breathing sharp, ragged pants. She was close to a full-blown orgasm. In their desperate attempt to situate themselves as quickly as possible on his bed, her tiny skirt had bunched up around her waist. Gently, but precisely, Chase lifted his torso the slightest bit and smoothly dragged his free hand down between their bodies. The moment he cupped her damp, lace-covered mound and applied pressure, she exploded. Her body shook with tremors. Surely the neighbors in the adjoining apartment heard her groan of relief. He didn’t care. Her warm essence leaked out through the flimsy material of her tiny panties to soak his hand. What purpose did they really serve? He would ask her not to wear any in the future. He moaned against her at the thought of her, out on the town on his arm, with nothing under her tight short skirt. It took a great deal of restraint not to involuntarily join Kristen. There were so many things he still wanted to do to her before he made that last final leap. Although it didn’t seem possible, he was growing even harder listening to the pants escaping her lips as the orgasm subsided. He held himself stiff above her and bit the inside of his cheek to slow the burn, buy himself a few precious moments. * The pleasure had been unbearable. When did he move his hand to mold it over me? How did he manage to bring Kristen to the best climax of her life essentially, with her clothes on? Hell, even her shirt was still on and her bra was merely open, but definitely not off. Lord, she was easy. After all the stress of the last few weeks, she must have really been in need of release. As he returned to the process of fondling her everywhere he could reach above her waist, she regained some semblance of sanity. What could she say? śMmmm,” she managed. śI can’t believe what you just did.” Sure, blame him. He isn’t the one that just shot off like some kind of hussy. śBaby, that was the sexiest thing I have ever experienced.” He leaned down for a gentle kiss and eased his tongue into her mouth to worship it like she was a goddess. She felt like the queen of the goddesses, if there were such a thing. śIŚ” He covered her mouth with his hand. śDon’t talk. Don’t think. Just feel. I haven’t even begun.” Was he serious? Her arms were going to fall asleep pinched between his legs and her sides, especially since it had been a while since blood was available to flow freely through them. All she could do was sigh and lie limp like a noodle at his mercy, drained from the intense orgasm. Gradually he removed his firm frame from above her and began to remove her clothes with the care of a child tending to a doll. He pulled her up just enough to yank her shirt and bra away from her body and then felt around her skirt to locate and unzip the offensive material. Kristen was barely able to lift her torso enough for him to haul it and her soaked panties over her hips. She lay completely naked on his soft down comforter, warm and satiated, and unashamed. The desire to have this man between her thighs was still forefront in her mind. Her pussy ached with the need. Hell, he hadn’t even touched her directly with his fingers, let alone his cock. A shiver ran up her spine at the thought of his naked body pressing into hers. As she stared up at the most gorgeous torso she’d ever seen, her clit pulsed. If he could see the excited nub, he would find it standing at attention, begging for more. śChaseŚI need youŚnow.” śNot yet. I’m not done exploring you.” He lay down alongside her and his fingertips slid lightly from her neck to the valley of her breasts. śJust let me see you. My way. I need this.” His words were so erotic. She pressed her head deeper into the pillow. Lord. She was going to combust beneath his touch. He made a slow circle around one nipple and then the other, before traveling lower. Her breath caught. It seemed he was attempting to memorize every inch of her. Kristen tried to remain still and let him learn her body with his fingers. It was a reasonable request. After all, she was staring at his perfectly sculpted abs and he needed his fingers to get the same effect. śAt least take the rest of your clothes off so I can look at you while you Ślook’ at me. It’s only fair.” He rewarded her request with a grin that spread across his face. Slow. Sexy. Alluring. śBaby, nobody said this was going to be fair.” His masculine laugh sent another shiver through her heated body. śI’ll agree to remove my pants, if you agree to look but not touch. Deal?” Kristen licked her lips in anticipation. śIt’s a start, but I can’t promise not to touch you.” This game he was playing was hot. How long can I keep my hands off him? Did the man realize what he was asking of her? He stood right next to the edge of the bed and slowly popped the button on his pants. A seductive strip tease continued with the leisurely lowering of the zipper, and Kristen licked her lips watching him shimmy his pants, together with his underwear, past his hips. He dropped them to the floor and casually stepped out of them while Kristen stared for the first time at the exquisite cock released from the tight confines of his slacks. Was it longer and thicker than what she’d remembered experiencing with other men in the past? Could she possibly muster up enough restraint to keep from leaning over and sucking him into her mouth? śMy God, you are beautiful. Like a Roman god. Sculpted to perfection, like one of those statues posed at the entrance to a museum.” Her restraint would be unsurpassed if she succeeded in keeping her hands off him. Like a sleek cat, he crawled up onto the bed to lie down next to her, the bed dipping beneath the weight of his delicious tan body. He pulled her hands above her head to place against the headboard. śDon’t move them. Can I trust you?” śIŚI’ll try.” She licked her lips, dry from watching him strip while sucking in deep breaths of air. Did he know what he was asking of her? Could she hold still, not touch him? Her body lay stiff in an effort to not reach for him, her mouth watering to taste him. Where are these thoughts coming from? Kristen had not previously been particularly fond of oral sex. But something about this man made her want on a whole new level. Want to have him as deeply inside her as possible. Want to nuzzle her face into his groin, and lick and suck until he screamed her name. Want to make him feel the way she was feeling. Wanted. Was all this a reflection of the fact she knew she wouldn’t have this opportunity again? Or was it more? Chase continued his slowly meandering examination of her entire body. He delicately traced his finger around her nipples, over and over, until she couldn’t hold still a moment longer. And then, without ever having actually touched them, he moved lower and continued the torture by circling her clit just as gently, in a spiral that got increasingly smaller, but never quite reached its destination. She thought of a penny swirling around and around in one of those funnels at the science center, moving almost imperceptibly closer to the center, while everyone held their breath waiting for it to reach its destination. Only Chase never quite reached the center. Moisture leaked out of her. He moved further down her body, skimming the inner-skin of her thighs, passing up the moist center of her that ached for his touch. She wanted to spread her thighs and drag him into her depth. śYou are so incredibly soft.” His voice was low, a dark seduction that squeezed a soft moan from her lips. śYour skin is flawless. Do you have any birthmarks?” What? How can he expect me to speak at this moment? Did he not realize the effect he was having on her? She moved her gaze from his wandering hand to his face and saw he knew exactly what he was doing. His sexy smirk told exactly how aware he was that she was reeling with the need to climax. Again. He’d calculated the entire episode. She was not even going to respond to his question. It would be futile anyway. She didn’t have the energy available to make small talk while Chase’s greedy hand worked its way up, up, up. OhhhŚ She arched into his touch. Of their own accord, Kristen’s hands moved to cup Chase’s face. śBaby,” he mumbled, śwe had an agreement.” Shit. śActually,” she moaned, not recognizing her sultry voice, śyou had an agreement. Now, it’s my turn.” śNooo. I’ll let you know when I’m done, one way or another.” He was breathless, barely able to mumble the words. His touch on her body was driving him just as mad. His cock pulsed against the side of her thigh. He leaned down lower to continue into her ear. śNow putŚyour greedyŚlittle handsŚback above that sexy head of yours.” She shivered with the warm air on her neck, but obeyed his soft command. Kristen was horny as hell as his breathy speech shot daggers to her once again burgeoning clit. Luckily, he finally took pity on her plight and moved. Moved a lot. He crawled down between her legs and used both hands to push them as wide as he could. Her gasp of relief was loud, and the strain to hold her arms above her with her thighs open to him made her grasp the rungs of the headboard. * On his next inhale, Chase breathed in the most wonderful scent he had ever smelled. Kristen was like honey, and Chase was sure he was a bear. His face was inches from her pussy. He took a moment to breathe in her essence. He knew without a doubt this was his life partner. This was the woman of his dreams. Kristen would bear his children. The thought both scared and excited him. He didn’t have any idea how or why he knew this, but the moment was serene. Perfect. She was perfect. Chase spread Kristen’s center wide with his fingers, and then he finally did what he’d been dreaming of almost from the moment she’d entered the restaurant earlier this evening. He pressed his tongue against her moist heat and licked her from the base of her sex to the delicate little pulsing nub begging him to take it into his mouth. Kristen nearly shot off the bed, and was that a scream? Fuck. Yeah. Blood slammed into his groin hot and furiously. He sucked harder, wanting to hear her scream again. Chase wanted nothing more than for her to be completely uninhibited with him. Expressive in every way. Gripping her thighs with his hands, he held her still so he could enjoy the feast laid out before him. She trembled. Her breathing rapid and shaky. He was trembling too, pressing his erection into the mattress to keep from coming. Chase stretched his tongue into her as far as he could and swirled it around the sides, thoroughly enjoying the taste"all Kristen, unique and pure woman. He needed to be inside her, but wanted her to come apart underneath him again first. When she moaned again, on the brink of another orgasm, he replaced his tongue with one finger and moved to circle her sweet clit, then slowly sucked her into his mouth. When her body sucked at his finger, tightening as she gripped him, he quickly added two more fingers, twisting his arm to adjust to the angle he knew would set her off. At the same time, he applied the slightest pressure to her nub with his teeth. That was it. His angel went off like a firecracker. She moaned loud enough to unsettle the dust in the room, her insides grabbed and milked at his fingers, threatening to drag him further into her core. He didn’t release her for several moments, letting her orgasm ride long waves, until at last she started to settle back down into the comforter, her chest heaving like she’d just run a marathon. Slowly, Chase crawled up Kristen’s body to position himself as though he were staring into her face. Inserting a finger into his mouth, he sucked the remains of her sweet nectar off while listening to her gasp. God. He couldn’t get enough of her. Chase wished, for the first time in his life, he could really śsee” what words couldn’t possibly express. * When Kristen could once again breathe normally, she took a deep breath and released a long sigh. He moved to nibble behind her ear and the words in her head screamed śI could love you”. Love? She had known this hunk of man for less than half a day. What was she thinking? Since words of love were definitely not an option, Kristen went with the next best thing. śYou’re amazing. Incredible. I’ve never felt so sated.” And cherished. Chase was breathing even heavier than she. His rock-hard cock nudged at her entrance, now that he’d aligned himself with her. How the hell can he control himself like that? Her sex, still wet and hot from two fantastic orgasms, longed to have him fill her. His turn was over. Before he could ponder further means of torturing her, Kristen flipped him over and straddled him, catching his throbbing cock between her legs. He gasped, but she was undaunted. śBuddy, I have news for you. It is most assuredly my turn.” It wasn’t a question. It didn’t brook any argument. śSeemsŚfairŚ” he garbled. He was panting. Kristen leaned over him and lapped at one tight firm nipple while pinching the other simultaneously. He actually shivered as she continue exploring the texture of his smooth chest with her lips, lower and lower over his abs and then his equally solid thighs, carefully avoiding the main event. Payback was a bitch. A knowing smile spread across her face as she lifted herself ever so slightly to stare into his face, an expression of utter bliss rising in his features. He was not breathing. śI’m going to lick my way from your balls,” she placed a finger on his sac, śto the tip of your rock-hard cock.” She slid a fingernail up his shaft. He choked on an inhale and she chuckled softly. Her face was so close to his erection, her hot breath spreading over him with each exhale. His rod bobbed up and down, straining to reach ecstasy if she just lowered her mouth a teensy bit more. Chase blew out a lungful of air and inhaled again. Kristen finally tickled his balls lightly all over with her tongue, before dragging it up the shaft and then swirling it around the mushroom-shaped head. She even dipped the tip of her tongue into the little slit to taste his essence. His musk was heady and powerful, a scent that was his and his alone. śGod, KristenŚ Don’t stop.” His breathing was short pants. He threaded his fingers through her hair, nudging her closer. śI can’t wait. Need your mouth on me, now.” Kristen slowly sucked his entire cock into her mouth, all the way to the back of her throat. Chase moaned, loud. His grip on her hair tightened as she increased the suction and drew her mouth back to the tip. Before she could drag his delicious erection back in, Chase released her hair, grabbed her shoulders and flipped her beneath him, stealing her breath. śCan’tŚwaitŚanotherŚmoment,” he muttered, nibbling on her lips and reaching toward the nightstand. śNeed to beŚinside you.” After several moments, Chase pulled back a fraction and inhaled. The only sound in the room was their ragged breathing. He ripped open the foil package, removed the latex from its wrapping and rolled the condom on in one smooth movement. Kristen arched into him, willing him to hurry. As quickly as he could, Chase leaned over Kristen, ravaging her mouth, long and sensual. Damn if she didn’t feel it straight to her toes. His hardness pulsed against her clit. She reached around to squeeze his butt and draw him into her core. śPleaseŚ” * Chase hovered over Kristen for only an instant, poised at her entrance. He delicately cupped her face with his hands, resting his entire weight on his elbows. A futile attempt to not crush her or hurt her, because without any further preamble, he was unable to hold back another instant and thrust, filling her to the hilt. Oh God. She was so tight, he couldn’t hold back his gasp. So hot. So wet. SoŚhis. Her pussy fluttered around him, begging him to move, to increase the friction, to do something, anything. And move he did. He gradually pulled himself from her so just the very tip of his head remained lodged inside. Damn. She feels so good. Don’t come yet. Don’t come yet. Perhaps repeating the mantra in his head would help ease the pressure and buy him a few minutes of time to enjoy her before he could no longer control the urge to explode within her walls. Seconds were all he got. Her delicate tender hands running all over his back and ass sent chills up his spine, making his dick even harder. He wanted to hold on to the ecstasy a little longer, but as soon as she gripped his butt and raised her hips in eager supplication, he slammed home once again and began a frantic rhythm that was beyond his control. He thought she might have moaned in response, but he couldn’t be sure. His head spun and even his heightened senses were all shutting down. The only thing governing his world was the fiery sensation threatening to burst at any moment. Grinding his teeth, he plunged in and out of her warm, wet body until he could no longer hold off his impending orgasm. He’d wanted her to come with him. He’d wanted this to be the best she’d ever experienced. With his mind in a fog, he reached between them and pinched her engorged clit. She screamed. His entire body stiffened. He thrust forward for the last time, pushing as deep as he could reach inside her. Suddenly light burst in his darkened world. Wave after wave of pure bliss exploded from him. The orgasm was so intense and long it took him a moment to realize she was pulsing around him, too. She clutched him so tightly there would be marks on his back from her fingers. Her vaginal walls continued to milk him even after he regained his senses. It was the sexiest moment ever. One he would never forget as long as he lived. And he hoped it would be a life that stretched for an eternity, with her beneath him as often as possible. Chase didn’t want to pull from Kristen. He didn’t want this moment to end. But his arms were beginning to quiver with the effort of holding himself above her. Slowly, he lowered himself down beside her and drew her into his embrace. She was panting heavily, a sweet sound of fulfillment, and still grasping at him, unwilling to let go. It was endearing and intimate. śMmm.” What else could he say? śAm I still alive? Is this heaven? Did I die?” He could hear the subtle jesting in her voice. śYes. This is heaven. And yes, you are still alive. Don’t moveŚ” Chase hauled himself off the bed and padded over to the bathroom where he turned on the water to warm it up, disposed of the condom in the trashcan, and then grabbed a washcloth to soak it in the soothing liquid. When he returned and reached for her, she had not moved an inch. He gently spread her legs and swiped the washcloth all over her before carefully cleaning himself. After setting the cloth on the bedside table, Chase eased back the comforter still beneath Kristen and dragged her limp body carefully onto the sheets. He climbed in beside her as she rolled to the side, and spooned his body against her back, pulling the comforter over them, encompassing them in a warm cocoon. Kristen sighed again, sunk deeper into his embrace. śStay.” It was just a word. A small one. Not really spoken as a question, but Chase held his breath waiting for her answer. śI couldn’t move even if I wanted toŚ” She spoke so softly he could barely hear her. She yawned and snuggled even closer. Had she fallen asleep? Would he wake with her by his side? Chase inhaled a sated breath and thanked his lucky stars. Chapter Three A shrill noise yanked Chase from the deepest sleep he could ever remember. He bolted upright, confusion clouding his world. Slowly, the memories of last night resurfaced, or had it been early morning? And then he felt the movement of the deliciously warm body rubbing against him. śChase? Is that the phone?” Oh, that’s what the noise is. Chase scrambled for the receiver on the bedside table and pushed the śtalk” button. śY-yes.” He had to cough to clear his throat and begin again. śHello.” His voice seemed distant, hoarse to his ears. śChase? Is this Chase Edwards?” The voice on the other line was vaguely familiar, but Chase’s mind wasn’t clear enough to identify the person. Again he cleared his voice. śYes, this is he. May I ask who’s speaking?” Wide awake now, Chase sat up and struggled to pay attention. What time was it anyway? śMr. Edwards, this is Dr. Russell at the medical center, downtown Dallas. I’m calling to inform you we have donor corneas available. We found a match about thirty minutes ago. Can you come in right away?” Oh my God. It was happening. Truly happening. Had Dr. Russell said śnow”? Come in now and we’ll give you your sight back? śI’m sorry. Can you repeat that?” Chase had to be sure his ears weren’t playing tricks on him. Kristen slowly sat up and reached for him. śChase? Is everything okay?” Concern etched her voice. He smoothed his free hand over her shoulder and hugged her tight. śMr. Edwards? Do you have a ride or should we send someone to get you? We need to act fast. The window of opportunity, as you know, is very short.” Chase scrambled to a standing position next to the bed and ran his free hand through his hair. Think. śUm, noŚI mean, yes. Yes, I do have a ride. I’ll be there as fast as I can.” As he spoke, his face turned in Kristen’s direction where he’d last yanked himself from her hold on the bed. śKristen?” śOf course. What’s going on? I’ll get my clothes. Is someone hurt? Margo?” Without uttering another word, Chase hung up the phone and pulled Kristen immediately out of the bed and into his arms. When she grunted a rather unladylike sound he knew he’d squeezed her a little too tight, but he was excited and dammit, scared. He kissed her hard and swift on the forehead. śA donor. They have a donor for me.” He released her and scrambled toward the bathroom. śI have to get to the hospital fast. Can you drive?” śWow. That’s fantastic, Chase.” He heard her footsteps behind him. śAbsolutely. Let’s go. I’ll grab my clothes. Do you need any help? Should I call Margo?” Her voice faded as Chase dashed into the bathroom, striking the corner of the sink for the first time since he’d moved into this apartment. Every nerve in his body was coming alive. He fumbled for the handle. When he found the lever he gave it a twist, immediately splashing water on his face. He had to calm down. Get dressed. He sucked in a shaky breath. śNo, I’m fine. Just hurry,” he yelled over his shoulder. * Kristen was in a daze. Stunned. She ran from the room, dressed, and stood at the door in record time. A speed runner couldn’t have pulled off such a feat, and it was a good thing too, because Chase was right on her heels, grabbing his wallet from the table next to the front door and stepping out into the cool outside air. śWhat time is it?” he questioned as Kristen led him the few blocks back to where she’d left her car the night before near the restaurant. She glanced at her watch. śTwo thirty. If my adrenaline wasn’t pumping so hard, I’d collapse on the sidewalk here and go back to sleep after the workout you put me through last night.” She smiled, thinking of all they had shared. Her smile faded just as fast. What the hell are you doing, Kristen? You can’t have a relationship with this man. She needed to go home. Pack. Get out of town. She had a plane to catch tomorrow morning. A one-way trip she wasn’t sure she would ever return from. śKristen?” śWe’re almost there,” she stammered, shaken from her thoughts. It was easy to navigate the few streets and intersections they had to cross at this time of night, and within moments, they were safely buckled into Kristen’s car, careening toward the hospital. Thank God Chase lived downtown. They were so close to the hospital Kristen wasn’t sure it wouldn’t have been quicker to walk. She pulled up to the front where an orderly was waiting. He helped Chase immediately from the passenger side of the car, and in an instant Chase was inside the hospital, leaving Kristen heaving large breaths for several moments before she could gather her wits and look for a parking space. She pulled the car safely into a narrow spot and headed for the hospital entrance on autopilot, even thinking to whip out her cell phone and call Margo. A very groggy voice answered on the fifth ring. śHelloŚ Who is this?” śMargo, it’s Kristen. I’m with your brother. He got a donor. We’re at the hospital right now. Can you come?” She spoke so fast she wasn’t sure Margo was even still there. śMargo?” śOh my God,” was all Kristen heard before a muffled voice revealed Margo wasn’t alone. Margo spoke anxiously to someone else. Was she still with Ryan? Kristen waited. After some shuffling, śI’m here. I can’t believe it. I’m heading there now.” And then the telephone went dead. Kristen entered the hospital and approached the information desk, already questioning the young woman behind it. śDo you know what room they took my friend to? I just left him off out front. Chase Edwards?” The desk clerk seemed not to have any idea what she was talking about. śI’m sorry, ma’am. Let me see what I can find out for you. I didn’t notice anyone went by. I stepped away for a minute or two.” The impatience pumping through Kristen’s blood was driving her crazy. She didn’t want to snap at this woman, who seemed to be the sole person conducting Kristen’s life at this moment, with a bit too much lassitude for her personal taste. Kristen stood next to the desk, unable to keep her foot from tapping, rubbing her hands up and down her chilled arms. After what seemed like an endless stretch of time, an orderly arrived to usher Kristen through several doors and hallways. Finally, they rounded a corner and entered a pre-op room filled with rows of beds intended for those waiting on surgeries, empty now, except for Chase, because it was the middle of the night. Chase was already prepped and lying on a gurney. A young blond orderly in dark blue scrubs stood next to him and paused to give Kristen a moment before wheeling him away. śChase?” She cupped his hand in hers, feeling the sting of tears. śI’m so happy for you. Margo’s on her way.” She wouldn’t be here. She had to leave, now. Before Margo showed up and it got even more difficult. śKristen.” He reached for her hand, squeezed it. He was sweating. Trembling. Scared. śThey said it would only take a few hoursŚto do the transplant. Can you stay? I haveŚso many thingsŚI want to say to youŚ” His voice was trailing away. The orderly looked up and smiled at her. śSedative.” Kristen felt a lump in her throat. Chase’s heavy eyes mercifully closed before she could respond. The attendant pushed Chase’s bed from the room, leaving Kristen standing in the hall, her hand covering her mouth. A sob threatened to choke its way out of her. Tears ran down her face. With a long deep breath, Kristen turned and walked down the hall back the way she had come just moments before. She knew she couldn’t face Margo, and her steps quickened at the thought of possibly never seeing Margo or her wonderful brother again. Chapter Four śWell?” Chase turned his head in the direction of the door to his room. He’d recognize Margo’s soft step and fresh scent anywhere. With his eyes still bandaged for another day, he really had no way of knowing how successful the surgery had been. Waiting was driving him insane. Worrying was making him even crazier. What the hell had happened to Kristen? Did I do something to offend her? He had expected her to be standing by his side when he came out of surgery. He didn’t know why. After all, they had just met hours earlier. Why would he assume she would be in his life forever? It had seemed soŚperfect, their evening together. SoŚright. Like some divine being made them for each other. Where was she? śNothing.” Defeat creeped into Margo’s voice. She sounded just as worried as Chase. śMom and Dad will be here soon. They took the first flight out this morning.” Chase had turned away, barely listening to his sister. Thank God she couldn’t see his eyes. They would be misty. He felt like an idiot. Had it only been a one-night stand to her? She had seemed soŚinto him. Hadn’t she? śDo you want some more water?” Margo was moving around the room, keeping herself busy. He knew her well. śNo, I’m fine.” Liar. śHow about something to eat? They brought your lunch about an hour ago. You’ve barely touched it. I’m sure your stomach is settled now. Surely the anesthetic has worn off.” śNo.” He couldn’t talk to her right now. He silently pleaded with her to stop jabbering. śI think I just need a nap. Could youŚ?” śRight. Sure. I’ll just go down to the cafeteria for a while.” Margo’s voice got stronger as she spoke. She reached for his hand. śI’m sure she’s fine. Maybe it was all just a little too fast for her. Maybe she just needs some time.” śWhatever.” Chase was through talking right now. He slunk down into the bed and turned on his side, away from her. Was there a window on that side? Would he be able to at least see the light coming in tomorrow when they removed the bandages? God, he hoped so. śChaseŚChaseŚ” Voices were calling to him from far away. Where were they coming from? Chase moved to sit up and started to remember. Oh, yeah, the hospital. The surgery. The bandages. KristenŚ śAre you awake?” His mother’s voice yanked him back to reality. śI am now.” śSorry, baby. I was worried about you. We’ve been here for hours and you’ve been asleep the entire time. You were having a nightmare.” Cynthia Edwards’ soft voice reached out to soothe Chase’s precarious nerves. What had he been dreaming about? He had no idea, but whatever it was left a hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach. śMomŚ” śRight here, honey. And Dad, too.” His father’s hand gripped his shoulder on the tail end of his mother’s sweet words. śAre you okay? Do you need anything?” śI’m fine, Mom. Just waiting. They say tomorrow they can take the bandages off.” śI heard. Margo told us.” His mother bustled about, smoothing out the blankets covering his body. He had the urge to ruffle the whole lot when she pulled her hands away. Did she think smoothing his blankets would also smooth his life? Of course not. She probably had no idea what had just happened to him Friday night. No idea his world felt upside down because he’d met the woman he was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life withŚand she had left without a trace. As the hours ticked by, he became more and more convinced she wasn’t interested. The night had not meant the same thing to her it had meant to him. śWhere’s Margo?” Maybe she knew something. śWe sent her home. She looked tired. I think she must have stayed up all night with you. A nice man came by and took her home. Ryan? I think that was his name. She didn’t mention she was seeing someone new.” śYes.” Chase didn’t feel like going into details, but he was relieved, and truth be told, a bit jealous, that Ryan was with Margo. At least one of them hadn’t been abandoned the morning after. * * * * Sunday morning came too fast. After only a few hours of sleep Friday night, Kristen spent all of Saturday hurrying around in preparation for her flight to Chicago. She didn’t know when she might be able to come back to her apartment, but she wasn’t willing to let go of it yet. She just wasn’t ready for that kind of finality. Instead she arranged for her mail to be forwarded, and gave all her potted plants to a neighbor. After another restless night, barely getting any sleep once again, Kristen now sat for the first time in nearly twenty-four hours, waiting for her flight. Deep breaths did not help calm her racing heart. It had all seemed like such a clean break, up until Friday night. How had she let this happen? Why had she agreed to go on that date? Kristen stared out the window at the tarmac and wondered for the millionth time how the surgery had gone. What was Chase thinking about her hasty departure? Hell, what was Margo thinking? Knowing Margo, she probably thought aliens had abducted Kristen. As a last minute thought, Kristen had slipped a note under Margo’s apartment door before heading for the airport, letting her know she was fine, she had some śthings” she had to take care of, and she didn’t know when she would be back. Now she wondered if Margo had read the note yet, or if she was still at the hospital. Kristen’s cell phone had rung all weekend. Finally, she turned it off, never allowing herself to listen to the messages. What good would it have done to hear their voices? It wouldn’t change anything. The clean break was better. Right? Chewing on her bottom lip, Kristen tried to squeeze off the tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks once again. Now that she was idle, she couldn’t hold back her emotions any longer. When were they going to call for boarding? If she could just get on the plane. If she could just get out of town. If she could just put some distance between herself and her pastŚ * * * * Dr. Russell walked into the room Sunday morning at almost the same moment as Margo and Chase’s parents. śAre we ready? I bet you are chomping at the bit to get that bandage removed.” Chase pulled himself to a sitting position. This was it. He lifted his face to the doctor, pasted a small grin on. śLet’s do it.” Dr. Russell clanked something onto the little table next to Chase and began to speak again. śNow, I want you to be prepared. We have no guarantees here. If the surgery was successful, it will take time, several weeks, to be sure of the level of success. You won’t be able to see everything this very afternoon. What we are hoping for right now is just a distinction between light and dark, perhaps even moving shapes.” He paused before adding, śMay I?” He asked the question while placing his hands on Chase’s bandages. Someone had a tight grip on Chase’s arm. His mother. Fear had an even firmer hold on Chase. His chest was aching, and he didn’t have any way of knowing how much was pain over Kristen’s disappearance and how much was fear about his eyesight. He held his breath as Dr. Russell removed the bandages. And thenŚlight! For the first time in nearly twenty years. Nothing distinct, just shapes and light. Movement of objects even. śWell?” Dr. Russell questioned. śOh, my God. Things are moving in front of me. I can’t believe it. I can see shadows. Slight colors. Movement. This will get better? Do you really think?” Excitement coursed through him, temporarily knocking aside all other thoughts. Dr. Russell chuckled. śI believe it will each day. We’ll keep you here a few more days to monitor the progress. It’s hard to tell how much sight you may get. At some point it will level off and then we’ll have a better idea. I’m very hopeful though. This is a good sign. Hold still a minute. Let me have a look at those new corneas.” The doctor leaned so close to Chase he could distinguish the shadow in front of him, feel the doctor’s warm breath on his face. And then a bright light shined in his left eye, causing him to jerk in surprise. Dr. Russell chuckled again. śGood. Good. Everything looks perfect. Healing fineŚ” He moved to shine the light in Chase’s right eye. Blessed bright light that warmed his soul. Chase was stunned. He wanted to jump up and force himself to try harder. śI don’t want you to do too much,” explained the doctor, as if reading Chase’s mind. śGive your eyes time to adjust. Don’t rub them. The corneas need to heal. I’m going to put some drops in each eye, and leave them here on the table for you to put in anytime they feel dry, but at least once every few hours. Sleep. Rest. Each time you wake up, you will probably see improvement. Literally.” The doctor’s congratulations continued as he exited. Chase was still dumbfounded. Hope for the first time in so long. Chase could feel the pull of sleep dragging him under. He needed to escape. To let his mind relax. The mixture of excitement and disappointment was wearing on him, tugging at his heart. śChase, we are so happy for you. This is wonderful.” If he could see clearer, Chase knew his mother’s smile, a memory from so very long ago, would be wide and sincere. God, how he wanted to see that again. And it all seemed within reach now. If only he could see Kristen, too. Where was she? * * * * Later Sunday afternoon, Chase heard Margo’s approach from down the hall long before she entered his hospital room. The quick precise clop clop clop of her heels. She had always walked like her life depended on her getting śthere” right this minute. Breathlessly, before she even made it all the way into the room, Margo began, śShe left a note.” śWhat? You’re kidding.” Chase sat up straighter and stared in Margo’s direction. So far all he could make out was her form, but his vision was improving by the hour. śWell? What the hell did it say?” Margo rustled around in her purse before yanking out a piece of paper, which she proceeded to shake through the air, as if to straighten it before beginning. The crisp sound of the fold being shook out increased Chase’s anxiety. śMargo?” śOkay, okay. ŚDear Margo, I’m so sorry to run out like this without talking to you. I have some things I need to take care of out of town and I’ll be gone for a while. Please don’t think this had anything to do with your brother. He’s a gem. I’m sure he’ll make some girl incredibly happy some day. The timing sucks, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Tell Chase how sorry I am and how much I enjoyed our evening. I hope the surgery was a success. He deserves all the best. Hugs and Kisses, Kristen.’” Chase couldn’t speak. He couldn’t even swallow yet. He was frozen like a statue, soaking up every word as though the meaning of life had been about to be revealed as it pertained to him. śShe’s gone?” śThat’s what it says. I tried her apartment and there was no answer. Her cell just goes to voicemail.” Margo’s voice got perceptibly louder as she walked closer to Chase and then took his hand in hers. śI’m so sorry. I know you really liked her. I’m so confused. I thought we were really good friends. How could she do this?” Margo kept rambling about her relationship with Kristen, but Chase could barely hear anything else she said. His ears were ringing as if he were under water. She left? For where? Why? So many unanswered questions ran through his head. Within the span of just two minutes, Chase went from worry to anger. Now he was pissed. Interrupting Margo’s own personal pity party, Chase sputtered out, śMargoŚ MargoŚ” śYes?” Margo began to squeeze Chase’s arm, probably unaware she was even doing so. śPlease, could I just have some peace and quiet for a while? Could you likeŚgo get some coffee or something?” He wanted her to leave. He wanted to throw things at the wall. Scream. Have a tantrum like a big baby. śOhŚ Yeah, sure. I’ll justŚbe back in a few.” Clomp clomp clomp, her heels seemed even louder receding from the room than they had arriving moments ago. How in the hell could he have met the perfect woman for him, and then she just left the next day, with no word? Had he misinterpreted so severely their time together? Think, Chase. No. There had been no hint. The night had been perfect. The best ever. And he was genuinely sure Kristen agreed. Did she have cold feet about how serious they seemed to feel about each other? Did the blindness scare her off? None of that made sense, considering she said she had planned this for a while. Hadn’t she? Why wouldn’t she tell even her best friend? Chase grit his teeth and reached for a pair of sleeping pills on the rolling table next to him. Perhaps if he just took a long nap, he would wake up later to find this had all just been a bad dream. A really bad nightmare. Chapter Five Kristen walked into Dr. Hanson’s office promptly at six o’clock Monday morning. She waited only minutes in his outer office before a quiet-spoken, sweet, elderly receptionist showed her in. śGood morning, Ms. Nickels. Are you ready?” Dr. Hanson was not wasting any time. śAs ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” Kristen sat in the chair across from him. The same one she sat in two weeks ago, making this controversial decision. She looked down at her hands, shaking in her lap. śI just have some final paperwork for you to sign and then we will get started. Surgery is scheduled for eight.” Dr. Hanson carefully set a small pile of papers in front of Kristen. Did he think she would change he mind if he weren’t gentle? śJust sign in the places I have highlighted and we’ll get started.” With trembling fingers, Kristen reached for the expensive silver pen the doctor held out to her. She wondered briefly what a pen like that cost. She wondered how many pens he could afford. As soon as she signed all the papers, Kristen stood and walked over to the window. The tiny office was on the eighteenth floor and she could see the entire city below her. Chicago was bustling about, like nothing was wrong in the universe. How could all those people be hurrying around to start their workweek while her world was about to turn upside down? * * * * Chase refused to discuss Kristen for several days, didn’t allow Margo to speak of her. The pain was too sharp, too raw. An aching in his heart he couldn’t deal with. śChase?” His mother was by his side every day. Waiting with him. He could feel her loving touch on his arm, the same hands that had always been there for him as a boy. Hands that were growing slimmer with age, rougher. śHoney, I’m worried about youŚ Margo told me about your friend, Kristen. Are you sure you don’t want to call her? Perhaps"” śNo, Mom. Stay out of this oneŚplease. She made herself clear. Besides, she isn’t answering the phone. I need to move on.” If only it were that simple. If only it didn’t hurt so bad. Each day brought new improvements in his sight. People and large items came into focus first, and then gradually, more distinct smaller objects. Chase went home three days after the surgery. A home he’d never seen. It seemed boring all of the sudden. TooŚordinary. Bland. He wanted to fix it up, buy new furniture. Paint. No. He wanted Kristen to help him. He needed to talk to her. Needed to know why. Needed answers. A few short hours with the woman and she had imbedded herself in his soul. Margo dragged his śsorry ass” all over town, reintroducing him to places and people they had known, but he’d never seen. Whereas the colors should have been vibrant, the world his oyster, Chase felt a looming grayness, and knew if he didn’t get Kristen back, even if he had to shake the sense right into her, life wouldn’t be quite worth it. He didn’t care much what he saw, as long as her glorious sexy body, a body he intimately remembered, was included in the mix. By the end of two weeks, he was seeing twenty-forty Dr. Russell said, and it hadn’t changed in several days. This was probably the best he was going to get. No one was complaining. It was time to buck up and beg Margo to help him find Kristen. She had more resources. The two had been friends for a long time. He couldn’t rest until he had closure, regardless of the outcome. Margo stared at Chase across from the lunch they were sharing at a small deli near his apartment. He would still be off work for another six weeks to adjust before he had to return to the real world. He hoped it would be enough time to locate Kristen and get some resolution. śI’m already on it,” she began. śShe was my best friend, you know. You only knew her one night. I miss her.” Margo looked down at her food, hiding her eyes from his gaze. śYou’re hurt. I know. But that one nightŚ I can’t explain itŚ We wereŚmade for each other. Or so I thought.” Chase willed Margo’s face to turn up so he could meet her gaze again. Her gorgeous blue eyes that he hadn’t remembered from childhood were sad, her brow furrowed in a worried line. Margo reached into her purse and pulled out a bulging envelope. śI thought you might want these.” Reaching forward, his fingers brushed her trembling ones as he grasped the small package. When he pulled it open, he sucked in a breath. Pictures of Kristen. He knew they had to be her. Kristen, out on a girl’s night with Margo. Kristen and Margo at Six Flags, screaming through a ride. Kristen modeling the gown she had worn to some formal event. Precious pictures of the woman Chase knew he was in love with. Chase hugged the cherished cargo to his chest and sat back. He thought about what he did know. Kristen had really and truly left town. Margo had gone to her office where Kristen’s boss told her Kristen had given notice two weeks prior. Two weeks? What did that mean? It couldn’t have had anything to do with Chase. They hadn’t even met two weeks prior to their blind date. This only created more questions. śWhat else have you found out?” śPromise you won’t wig out on me? I was waiting until I had more info to tell you anything.” Margo bit her bottom lip and scrunched up her eyes. It amazed Chase how much more you could know about a person by seeing their expressions. It hadn’t occurred to him how much of language relied on body language. So much he had missed out on. śDid you find something out? Please, Margo, just spit it out.” śWell, not a lot. But I know she’s in Chicago. I kind of tricked the postman into giving me that information.” A smug smile spread across Margo’s face as she prided herself on her incredible investigatory skills. śChicago? Why?” śNow, if I knew that, we wouldn’t be sitting here, would we?” Margo chuckled. śWait. How did you get that from the postman?” śHe’s forwarding the mail. I sort of pretended to have gotten a piece of hers by mistake and Śaccidentally’ caught him in the hall filling the boxes.” She sat up straight and tipped her head up, as though she had really participated in quite the spy adventure. śAnd?” śHe’s been coming to our building forever. He knows us by name, and more importantly, he knows Kristen and I are very close. So, when I presented him with mail that needed to be forwarded, I just held my breath and prayed. Sure enough, chatty postal guy never even knew what he’d done when he asked me how Kristen was fairing in Chicago.” śLord, you’re good.” Chase was impressed. śSo, what do we do now? Chicago is a big place.” śEasy peasy. The postman is going to bring me a few of those yellow stickers they put on forwarded mail, just in case it happens again. Saves him the added effort of having to chase the darn lost letters all over the place.” Her smile widened. śGenius.” Chase couldn’t believe their luck. śPerfect. When do we leave for Chicago?” śI thought you’d say that. How about Saturday morning? I’ll let you go though. You don’t need your sister tagging along while you chase after your soul mate. Just promise me you’ll get some answers, okay?” Chapter Six Chase stood in the busy airport, his gaze bouncing around the room, trying to grow accustom to all the commotion. With glasses, he could see as well as anyone. He could even learn to drive. All the things he wanted to do in his life, dreams that had been unattainable up to now, were flitting rapidly through his mind. None of them mattered if Kristen refused to walk the path with him. As he waited for his luggage to roll around the corner on the long conveyer belt, he noticed the incongruent juxtaposition of excited faces greeting loved ones against the backdrop of the drab gray carpet, the boring concrete walls. Was that what separated the colorful world? A constant shifting of contrast between bland and bright? So many people. So many emotions in the room. Hundreds. The movement was overwhelming his senses and he closed his eyes for just a moment to relax them, to give his mind a break from all the clutter clouding his vision. His palms were sweating. Fifteen minutes later, Chase had retrieved his bags and was speeding away from the airport in a yellow cab driven by a maniac. śWhere to?” The dark-haired man glanced back at Chase. He couldn’t readily identify his nationality. Maybe middle eastern. But he sure wished the guy would keep his eyes on the road. It seemed like he glided between cars, back and forth, leaving barely inches to spare on both sides in his attempt to exit the airport terminal area. śThe medical center.” It took nearly thirty minutes for the cab to arrive at the address Chase handed the driver. Twenty-eight minutes, to be precise. Twenty-eight long minutes spent holding his breath, praying he wouldn’t have to be admitted to the hospital himself, after the collision they were sure to have on the way, with Evil Knievel behind the wheel. When he arrived, he breathed a sigh of relief and headed toward the elevator. If the yellow forwarding address were correct, Kristen was currently residing on the fourteenth floor of this hospital. Chase had been beside himself with worry ever since he had received this information yesterday. He’d already booked his flight to Chicago. Thank God, because the suspense was killing him. Was she sick? Did she have cancer? Some sort of disease she didn’t want anyone to know about? And why? Whatever he found in room fourteen twelve, he knew in his heart he was going to beg and plead with her to let him help her through thisŚthis whatever it was. He needed her like he needed water, and he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. As he arrived at the door that matched the address on the little yellow sticker, he clenched his fist around the paper and paused for only a moment. The door was ajar just a few inches"all that separated him from answers. The dry erase board next to the door read śNickels”. He definitely had the right room. No one was around. Nurses were bustling about down the hall, but no one paid any attention to his arrival. That was a relief. With a deep breath, Chase pushed open the door and entered the dimly lit room. His lungs contracted when he saw her. She was lying on the bed, bandages wrapped all around her head, leaving only a slit for her face, just enough to breathe and see, but it didn’t appear she would be doing any such thing in the near future. A breathing tube extended from her mouth and drugs kept her sedated. Oh, Kristen. Why? Why did you decide to go through this alone? He felt instantly miserable for the strong brave woman who would not tell even her best friend she was leaving town to have some awful medical procedure that still eluded him. Chase inched toward the bed with a heavy heart. Whatever conversation he had hoped for wasn’t going to happen any time soon. But he could wait. Forever if need be. * śChase?” Kristen stood in the door, blinking, unable to believe what she was seeing. Was Chase Edwards standing at her sister’s bedside? It sure looked like him from the back. The startled guest whipped around to face her. Her hand flew to her mouth. Tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. She’d been so alone for so long. She couldn’t imagine why she had ever thought it would be best to break all ties and weather this out alone. Sometime during the last few weeks she had begun to feel like a fool. She missed her best friend. She missed her best friend’s brother. Terribly. śKristen? ButŚ” Chase turned to look at Laura and then back at her. śShe’s my sister.” śOh, God. Kristen.” Chase flew across the room and grabbed Kristen in a hug that squeezed the life out of her. The tears ran freely now. She choked on a sob. śWhy?” It was a small word he barely mumbled, but she got the meaning behind it. śI don’t know. I can’t remember now. It just seemed soŚimportant at the time. Important to keep my private life private. I guess I didn’t want people to pity me. I didn’t want to talk about it every day. Discuss my sister’s situation with everyone at the office. I guess what I really did wasŚfeel sorry for myself. I gave up my life to be here with her.” Kristen pulled away, her senses returning. She tucked her face to hide her emotions. śKristen, people care about you. They want to help. That’s how humans are. Margo would want to help. I want to help.” Chase didn’t release her hands, which he held grasped in his own, but he did step back to give her some room to breathe. śI may never get to go back. You don’t understand. This is a huge commitment. Don’t get me wrong. I would never ever regret it, but I have to face the facts. The life I knew is over. My sister needs me now.” śCan we go get coffee or something? Maybe sit down somewhere?” She didn’t look up at him yet, but he squeezed her hands even tighter. What could she do? He was here now. It wasn’t like she could send him away without answers. śSure.” A silent walk down the hall and into the elevator gave her time to gather her thoughts. Chase never let go of her hand and his warmth not only soothed her, but also reminded her of his touch, and how much she’d enjoyed"no that wasn’t the right word"craved his skin against hers every hour of every day since she’d left. She turned her face up to him finally in the elevator and his smile melted a piece of her resolve. śIt’s going to be okay now. I promise.” He pulled her closer. He had no idea that it was never going to be okay again. Chase led Kristen to a table in the busy cafeteria, pulled out a chair, and sat her down like the true gentleman she remembered. śBe right back. Coffee?” śPlease.” Oh, to be cherished like this every day. Moments later, he returned with two steaming cups in his hands. He took the seat across from her and looked up. śTell me.” Those two simple words opened a floodgate Kristen had held back for two long weeks. She sobbed and sobbed while Chase just waited, patiently handing her a napkin from the dispenser on the table. And then another when that one proved to be insufficient. When she could finally speak, she hiccupped, which caused her to emit the smallest of chuckles. śMy sister has brain cancer.” She stared into his eyes, renewed strength gathered after the avalanche of emotion. śShe’s been fighting it for over a year. I’ve been visiting off and on, but it was getting worse. About a month ago she went into a coma, and the doctors recommended that the only last course of action would be to remove the lobe of her brain containing the cancer.” Kristen took a deep cleansing breath again. Chase reached for her hands and just held them in hers. He said nothing, waiting patiently for her to continue on her own time. She adored him for that. śIt was a last resort. She couldn’t even participate in the decision I had to make.” She knew her voice rose, but she didn’t care. śI just love her so much. I didn’t want her to die. I wanted to do whatever it would take to try to save her life, even if it meant unknown consequences. She’ll possibly never fully recover. They don’t know what the brain will do to make up for the loss. Every case is different. She may never walk again. She may never talk again. IŚI just wanted the chance. Even if it was small. Maybe, just maybe, I could get my sister back.” Kristen stared straight in Chase’s eyes and leaned forward. śAm I selfish?” He spoke for the first time since she began. śNo, baby, of course not. Anyone would make the same decision. It’s natural.” Chase scooted his chair around the table and pulled Kristen into his embrace. His warmth reached into her soul. She relaxed her muscles and let him hold her. He just gently rocked almost imperceptibly back and forth and ran his hands through her hair. She spoke against his chest. śIt could be months, or years, or even the rest of my life that I have to stay with her, care for her. IŚI didn’tŚI don’t want to drag someone else through that with me.” She felt him stiffen. śCan you let others make those decisions for themselves, honey?” Chase pulled her head back gently and gazed at her from just inches away. śI’ve missed you so much. What we had, however brief, meant the world to me. Didn’t you feel that, too?” śYes,” she conceded. śButŚ” śNo buts. Just feelings. You can’t deny feelings. Please, Kristen, don’t throw away what fate has given us, just because you are too stubborn to share your burden.” His words were harsh, but they rang true. śWhat ifŚ” śNope. There are no Śwhat ifs’. I know it’s crazy, but I’m in love with you. I have been since the moment you walked into that restaurant. I want to be with you. Here. In Dallas. Anywhere. In whatever capacity your life can handle. Please, give this a chance. Give us a chance.” Hope spread across his face. A smile she would never tire of bloomed even brighter when she returned it. śYou can see.” śYou just noticed that?” Chase chuckled. śGod, I’m such an ass.” Kristen winced at her oversight. śNo you aren’t. Just preoccupied. I’ll forgive the indiscretion. But only if you’ll agree to put your faith in our relationship. In my ability to stand with you through thick and thin.” He was leaning closer now. His lips inches from hers. śThe corneas?” She had to know more. What had he been through? śGood as new. A complete success. It took a few weeks to get where I am now, but they say I should stay stable at my new twenty-forty for years to come. And baby, you are even more gorgeous than I imagined.” Chase closed the gap between them and kissed Kristen like a starving man. She grasped the front of his shirt with both hands and just held on for the ride. The ride of a lifetime. Eyes closed, Kristen realized just how blind love was. śHey.” She pulled back. śHow did you know it as me? When I came in the room.” śAre you kidding? I’d know your voice anywhere. And the Chanel. Don’t forget the Chanel.” He leaned in to nuzzle her neck and drag in a long whiff of her perfume. śAnd then there were the pictures of course.” He laughed. Kristen swatted his arm. śYou faker!” But she was smiling through it all. Chase reached back with one hand and pulled out a tattered envelope to show her. Inside were about a dozen pictures she recognized from Margo’s collection. śMargo.” śOf, course. Who else? And wait ’til I tell you about her sneaky underhanded methods when it comes to investigating missing peopleŚ” Without continuing, he leaned in again and drew Kristen’s mouth close for another long heated kiss. The first of thousands she hoped to receive. At least to start with. The End About the Author: Becca Jameson lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and two kids. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, editing, scrapbooking, running, swimming, biking, or taxiing kids all over creation. She doesn’t sleep muchŚor sit down oftenŚbut she loves to be busy! To learn more about Becca Jameson, visit her blog at or email her at Meet Lsb Authors At The House Of SinLsbooks.Net We invite you to visit Liquid Silver Books for other exciting erotic romances. 2007: Terran Realm Urban fantasy world: Featured Series: The Zodiac Series: 12 books, 24 stories and authors Two hot stories for each sign, 12 signs The Coven of the Wolf by Rae Morgan Benevolent lusty witches keep evil forces at bay Fallen: by Tiffany Aaron Fallen angels in hot flight to redeem their wings The Max Series by JB Skully Meet Max, her not-absent dead husband, sexy detective Witt, his motherŚ And many, many more! Table of Contents Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six We invite you to visit Liquid Silver Books


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