Healing Through the HIGHER SELF

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Healing Through the Higher



This document covers Macrobiotics as a dietary approach to healing along with associative
meditative techniques that can be directed towards both the self and others.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents..........................................................................................4

Previous documents in this series include: Meditation, The Doorway
to the Self; Advanced Meditation in Practice, Parts I The Serpent
Power Meditation, and II Mind Only; Beyond Meditation; The
Spiritual Nature of Crystals (Parts I Mind and Meditation, and II
Quartz and Other Foci); A Pathway to Self Realization and
Enlightenment; as well as several others.4
Self Healing.........................................5

Directed Self-Healing....................................................................................8
A physical procedure: Macrobiotics...............................................................8

Macrobiotics and cancer..........................................................................12
Macrobiotics in comparison.....................................................................16
Macrobiotics in perspective.....................................................................18

Non-Physical Interventions..........................................................................20
Color Wrapping...........................................................................................25

Crystal Mediated......................................................................................27

Healing Others...................................28
Healing Others

Previous documents in this series include: Meditation, The Doorway to the Self; Advanced Meditation in
Practice, Parts I The Serpent Power Meditation, and II Mind Only; Beyond Meditation; The Spiritual Nature

of Crystals (Parts I Mind and Meditation, and II Quartz and Other Foci); A Pathway to Self Realization and
Enlightenment; as well as several others.

Self Healing


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Prior discussions have covered a number of techniques that
can be used to uncover the “True Spiritual Self” a state of
consciousness which is variously known as the “Atman”,
“Essence”, “The Self”, “The Higher Self”, “Being at One with
God”, “Attainment” and so forth. This can be taken as the
essential, if unfocused state of being upon which the
personal sense of identity, (the ego-self) is elaborated
starting with conception and then birth followed by
progression through life. In “normal life” most people are
unaware of this “extended” state of being or “root
consciousness” as it may more conveniently be termed and
are instead concerned almost solely with day to day
happenings and feelings along with relationships among
these apparent events.

A conceptual model that can be used to characterize the
whole being that this extended state represents has also
been presented. Thus, as a complete concept we may say
that the personal self or ego-self “floats” in the endless sea
represented by the Higher Self, The True Spiritual Self or
God as some understand the relationship



Some of you who are reading this (from the perspective of
the personal self) may have cause for dissatisfaction
concerning aspects of the bodies you have assumed. Yet
others will have suffered defects promoted by physical
illness or, may carry the apparent effects that have been
“caused” by accidents and the like. Again, others may feel
they are victims of debilitating diseases which appear to be
instigated and projected within their own bodies.

In view of the structure represented by the model of “The
Higher Self” it is clear that the form one assumes in
physicality is selected as by an act of consciousness. This is
so even though it none-the-less appears to have arisen as
the result of an interplay among physical forces as
determined by genetics and so forth. If this is indeed the
case then the body is an agent which must be directly
responsive to consciousness as mediated by the mind and is
itself responsive to any act of healing that may be willed


A Pathway to Self Realization and Enlightenment by Goldenage (this series).


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The first steps to take in a healing process are quite simple
and involves nothing more than taking note of the apparent
effects, undesirable as they may be. This should be followed
by a visit to an authorized physician in order to obtain a
physical assessment of the condition concerned.

Simple and often entirely effective treatment may then
follow. Since the observed ”defect” and the treatment will
then appear to be quite appropriate, conditional healing will
be effectuated. However, this simple protocol will fail
miserably in many cases and the subject will be left with
effects that rapidly or immediately appear to worsen or, the
condition may remain unaffected. In other words healing
simply does not take place or perhaps does so at an
excruciatingly slow pace Standard physical treatments and
medicinal intakes seemingly have no beneficial effects while
symptoms worsen. What to do?

At this point the patient may be well advised to consider the
following statements: 1) There are no accidents; 2) There are
no illnesses or bodily defects that arise by chance or as the
result of “statistical probability”.

Consider again the model of being already proposed (and
accepted). You (what you are in your personal self),
constitute a functional point-source reflection of
consciousness arising from an aspect of being that has
chosen to conceive of itself as separate from its ground-
state. For whatever reason this has been effectuated, it is for
the moment, unimportant. However, a sure and certain
conclusion follows from the above assessment, namely that
some deep aspect of you has absolute control over the form
of life that it has chosen to project. Not only did this
capability choose its parents for birth or rebirth but, in
addition, it projected or “selected” the exact characteristics
that have resulted through the medium of these self-same
parents. For instance, the possession of blue eyes has been
achieved through specific choice of the appropriate genetic
mechanism involved, as has hair color, tendencies towards
diabetes and so forth. As surely as this projection involves a
specific physical body within which the being of self


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apparently dwells so too does it produce a world within
which the body likewise appears to roam.

So, if this be true we can readily claim and say “nothing
happens by chance”. To take the contrary view, it may be
the case that the subjective-objective world appears to hold
when the external effects are observed, but really, this
constitutes merely a third-party descriptive assessment of
appearances. The truth remains that individual effects are
individually induced. If this spiritual model be true then the
events of one day after another also develop from deep
projections, arising from immediately unknown sources
within consciousness itself. Collectively the individual effects
concerned are addressed by the term “karma”, that is, they
arise as the result of actions undertaken in either the shallow
or the deep past. These are, in the main, actions that are
now hidden from the apparent superficial self which, at best,
imagines “encasement” as a spark of consciousness within
the externality of a physical body which roams around in an
objective world. At worst, that spark of consciousness
imagines that it is identical with the physical body and
subject only to the laws of an “externality”, termed the real
physical universe (imagined although it may be).

The spiritual conclusion we may therefore draw states that
not only is self-healing possible but that it is certain to follow
when the causes of the affliction are either properly
understood by the waking self or, when these self-same
causes can be manipulated or assuaged. This being so, an
additional world of opportunity for self-healing thereby opens

Directed Self-Healing

There are several ways in which self-healing can be
promoted. The first and most important requires a studied
shift in dietary intake.

A physical procedure: Macrobiotics

To begin with, healing undertaken by or resulting from
progress along this path involves effects which can be
obtained through dietary discipline. Such healing arises
directly following exclusion of “junk food” along with specific


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inclusion of natural foods according to the model suggested
by a macrobiotic approach (macro=great, biotic=life). A
macrobiotic diet can crudely be defined as one in which 55%
or so of food intake consists of fresh, live, grains (along with
a few additional seeds such as Buckwheat, Quinoa,
Amaranth and the like). Such a diet is very low in animal
protein (with the exception of some fish) since the remainder
of the intake is largely made up of plant products in one
form or another. A macrobiotic diet also targets organic
produce rather than foods that have been cultivated with the
aid of artificial fertilizers and associated treatments with

Contrary to what many people think, macrobiotics is not
mainly concerned with brown rice being little else than
boring. This image arises partly from the historical
background which produced the fundamental and time-
tested diet of rural Japan. Brown rice is the core of this diet
and will likely remain so because of the time that has
already been invested in validation of its effectiveness. The
idea that a macrobiotic diet is boring is also reinforced in the
mind of those that habitually eat warm-blooded animal
protein because the intense flavor of red meat tends to
overpower all else. When meat and animal fats are markedly
reduced or removed from every day meals a complex array
of delicate flavors emerges from the vegetable world. Those
contemplating shifting to a macrobiotic regime should do so
gradually over a number of weeks since a constitution built
on a red meat diet is unlikely to react kindly to a sudden
shift to grain-dominant intake. In addition it is advisable to
seek help in the preparation of macrobiotic foods in this
interim period.

Macrobiotics divides all foods into two great groups
characterized as: 1) Expansive, yin (light and airy) and 2)
Compressive, yang (compact and dense). The former consist
of leaves, flowers, stem-tips and fruit including sugar, spices
and so forth. The latter is comprised of roots, some stems,
seeds, nuts, baked goods, meat, salt and so on. In this
overall array the grains are considered to be neutral but
even here, the different species are centered around brown
rice with lighter grains such as oats being set to one side


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and heavier forms such as rye to the other with the rest
scattered in between according to their nature (dense or
light). Meat is compressive but steak is considered more
compressive than fish for instance.

The objective of macrobiotics is to obtain well-being through
the use of balanced meals by achieving an intake centered
on the grains (55%-70%) with elements of expansive and
compressive foods balancing each other to either side. The
food should not be excessively processed or refined
(considered as processes endowing either an excessive
compressive or expansive nature). Although macrobiotics
places great emphasis on the use of living grains to
constitute 55%-70% of the diet, this input can still be
maintained through the use of freshly fine-milled flours
where sensitivities preclude the use of coarsely ground
material. In other words, whole grains are of primary
importance but it is not the physical size of the grain-
particles that is at issue, rather it is that the groats, the
hulled grains of various cereals, must be freshly ground and
eaten just as soon as possible thereafter to preserve the
viability of the food.

Food should be organically produced and of local origin (to
match one’s resulting body form, structure and content with
that of the local ecology). Plastics in the form of dishes,
containers and cutlery are to be eschewed and cast iron,
stainless steel, glass or ceramic cooking utensils favored.

The general context of macrobiotic theory cautions against
eating members of the nightshade group of plants which, as
a whole, are defined as exceedingly "expansive" food-items .

Nightshade foods include potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot
peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tree tomatoes, pepinos along
with derivatives such as paprika and the various capsicum
based sauces. All contain alkaloids which can impact nerve-
muscle and digestive functions in animals and humans as
well as compromising other processes. The amounts of
alkaloids in nightshade-foods are however, relatively low
when compared with others of the group such as Deadly
Nightshade and Datura. None-the-less, health problems


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arising from nightshade foods may tend to occur in
especially sensitive individuals. Cooking certainly lowers the
alkaloid content of nightshade-foods by up to 50% however,
highly sensitive individuals or those experiencing any form of
illness should consider avoiding this food-category.

The exact dietary relationship among the nightshade-foods
is however, quite complex and is worthy of examination in
more detail. For instance, ripe tomatoes appear to have
many positive attributes as a foodstuff indicated by the fact
that vitamin C and the enzymes contained in tomatoes seem
to be pro-active cancer fighters. However, green potatoes
(as well as tomatoes) contain distinctly unhelpful alkaloids.
From this we can detect a trend in the value of these
vegetables as an appropriate component of a regular diet.
As part of an anti-cancer diet, ripe tomatoes may have
distinct merit whereas green tomatoes may well be quite
harmful. Green potatoes are similarly toxic and although
normal (not-green) potatoes may not be particularly harmful
for someone that does not have cancer they may still be
deleterious for someone that is so affected.

Regarding the concept of “balance”, one may obtain a crude
idea of what this means in a practical sense in the context of
food intake represented by a standard meat-meal made up
of steak (compressive) balanced by lettuce and potatoes
(both expansive). Lettuce obviously consists of leaves while
potatoes fall into a special category defined by their organic
identity. Normally root-vegetables are considered to be
“compressive” however, as already mentioned, potatoes
belong to the “nightshade” group of plants so are considered
to be very expansive.

The addition of lettuce and potatoes to the main dish of
meat is thus a “natural” attempt to generate a balanced
meal but in this case the extremely compressive nature of
red meat overbalances the meal in one direction while
potatoes pull excessively in the other. A fit and healthy
person can readily accommodate potatoes in the normal diet
but someone already “out of sorts” on the health spectrum
may not fare so well on this ingredient. One has only to refer
to the well known toxic effects of green and sprouting


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potatoes to understand the potential stress that may be

The general character of a “strict” macrobiotic diet adheres
roughly to the following framework:

50 - 70 percent whole grains (

rice, wheat, corn, rye, millet, barley, buckwheat,

amaranth and quinoa)

25 - 30 percent vegetables

10 percent protein (beans, peas, lentils, nuts and other high protein items
including fish or seafood)

5 percent soup (Miso soup)

small amounts of other foods

It is well to be wary of the oft-quoted assertion that "macrobiotics is not
nutritionally balanced” or not really “complete" particularly because much
of this sort of talk comes from the high-tech dairy and meat interests. In
point of fact, George Osawa (Oshawa, Ohsawa), the Father of macrobiotics
in the West said "eat what you like – macrobiotics does not forbid anything".
Osawa proposed a series of fundamental brown-rice cleansing or “healing”
diets (Zen Macrobiotics: The Art of Rejuvenation and Longevity).
These regimes are held as useful aids towards the
attainment of goals associated with intensive meditation or
for promoting processes whereby toxins are cleansed from
the body for limited as well as extended periods of time.

Osawa was himself said to have survived the Japanese
military prison-system during the Second World War, by
living almost entirely on plain boiled brown rice which the
guards allowed his wife to bring into the prison where he was
held as a conscientious objector. The same guards regarded
such food as being insufficient for the support of life.
Accordingly, they permitted brown rice since it was intended
that Osawa waste away and die if confined to such a diet.
However, contrary to these morbid expectations, Osawa
thrived on the diet and emerged from prison at the war’s
end in full strength. In this connection it may be of interest
to note that the Chinese word for peace is made up of two
characters standing for grains + mouth, suggesting that
peace comes from eating grains. More than that, it is not just
the act of eating grains that is important but it also
reinforces the notion that balance based on a grain-based


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diet provides ready access to a peaceful mind. This in turn
opens the way to attainment



Macrobiotics and cancer
The macrobiotic diet constitutes the core of the approach
that we used to heal my wife, Hideh’s, breast cancer
(considered a “compressive” disease). This diet not only
banished all trace of malignant cells (by biopsy) but has
continued to so work its beneficial effects. As mentioned, the
general macrobiotic diet may be summarized as consisting
of 55% (or more) whole grains per day. The grains should at
least start-out as whole, although they can be ground during
preparation. The diet included Miso soup with sea vegetables
at least once a day with no overloading of either vegetable
or fish protein. That is, the last two categories should
amount to not much less than 10% (occasionally) to 25% of
the whole intake by bulk per day. The final category,
nightshades should be eliminated in the “healing” diet and
even minimized in an every-day intake suited to a healthy
person. That is the basis of the diet, at least as taught by the
Macrobiotic Institute of Switzerland. As already mentioned,
the healing diet should consist primarily of brown rice alone.

But there is a great deal more to this diet including the
proviso that all macrobiotic meals should consist of elements
representing the five flavors, all colors should also be
represented brown, green, yellow, and red. Furthermore, a
balance should be obtained among roots, stems, leaves and
items that grow above ground versus those that develop
below ground. Forced drinking of water is not recommended
since one really does not need large volumes once the diet is
shifted away from high-density protein. Spring water (as a
carrier of the life-force) is recommended rather than distilled
water (dead) but the last mentioned is none-the-less better
than domestic piped municipal water etc.

Elegant fruit deserts may form a significant highlight to a
meal even though Osawa frowned on fruit as a major
component of the fundamental diet. It can readily be
appreciated that a "diversity" of food-types is consonant with
the early hunter-gatherer meal-pattern and since this must


A Pathway to Self Realization and Enlightenment by Goldenage (this series)


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be a conservative form of eating it is very likely that this
would also promote a healthy body. Accordingly we tried to
emulate that by maintaining a variety of foods in each meal
with variations from meal to meal.

Last but not least, in my own case, I commenced the
macrobiotic approach as essentially a “naive” vegetarian
having previously been convinced that it was “spiritually
incorrect” to eat higher life-forms such as mammals and
birds that were so obviously conscious entities. The
difference between simple or naive vegetarianism and the
macrobiotic approach turns on the fact that the latter is
based on a complete ecological and biological assessment of
the food-balance required to maintain life whereas the
former simply looks at the issue as a matter of maintaining
an input of plant substance only through the exclusion of
animal protein. Since making the switch I feel great, no
indigestion whatsoever, and I eat a fresh ground multi-grain
porridge every morning. For myself, I think that macrobiotics
provides a fundamental basis on which to plan a personal
survival strategy. Besides this, as soon as I started to follow
the diet seriously I remembered that it was the way I had
eaten in other lives.

However, the dietary approaches to dealing with cancer as
reported in the literature concerning the matter are many
and varied and I have reduced this diversity to two main
groups or schools, which appear to be of some use, and both
are (now) heavily vegetarian in nature. First there is a
category characterized by the Gerson heavy-juice intake
approach (Max Gerson MD, A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50
Cases [San Diego: The Gerson Institute, 1990]
). In
macrobiotic terms such diets are very yin (expanding) and
are perhaps appropriate for contending with cancer
associated with very yang diets. That is, by regimes of a
compressive nature consisting of intakes that are heavy on
meat, dairy and potatoes. They may also be heavy on other
processed foods as well as refined products. The second
grouping appears to follow the macrobiotic approach
originally taken from Japan, which is primarily vegetarian but
allows a little fish at choice. As previously indicated, this is
built around an intake of 55% (or so) whole grains (rice,


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wheat, corn, rye, millet, barley) plus three other grain-like
seeds Buckwheat, Amaranth and Quinoa. Macrobiotics
restricts, or perhaps does not emphasize fruit but points to
balance among plant-parts, flavors, colors etc. There is also
a third path, which integrates the above two approaches,
and this is the one taken by Ian Gawler “You can conquer
cancer” (prevention and management): Hill of Content,
Melbourne (pub) 1984

For ourselves, we actually used the "modern" macrobiotic
approach suggested by Mr Bevin Kahn (see below), modified
somewhat in the direction taken by Gerson and Gawler.
Gerson: because of his postulation of the "compressed life-
force" in fresh juice (taken from in-season fruit and
vegetables in the immediately surrounding environment). To
the overall daily macrobiotic regime we thus added a modest
glass of fresh juice. Gawler: because he cured himself by a
"sensible" balanced vegetarian diet coupled with meditation.

In addition we obtained advice from a naturalist-nutritionist.
A description of a complete macrobiotic dinner together with
comments concerning the value of some of the dishes
served follows as an example. This “organic” meal was
catered in Auckland, New Zealand (17-05-99) by Master Chef
Mr Bevin Kaan on the occasion of a gathering interested in
the development of the Macrobiotic way. The menu was:
Miso soup
French green lentils with fried kale

Contains the major protein-portion of the meal

Rice with Amaranth


Note: Amaranth is known as a "super-grain" and was almost wiped out

but was rescued in recent times from Bolivia. This seed had previously
formed the staple of the Incas. When the Incas lost their staple food, they
died as a civilization under the pressure of invasion.

Carrot and Swede mousse
Steamed Broccoli with Soya-Plum-Ginger Kuzu sauce.

A sea vegetable, full of essential minerals. It enhances the character of

skin and hair.

Modest salad: Lettuce, Sauerkraut and Beetroot with an Avocado-Lemon
salad sauce .

Contains some protein as a variety to add dynamic energy to the meal


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Small dessert: Modest helping of a Tamarillo Black-Current and Apple
parfait with an Almond Lemon tuille.

Note: The Tamarillo is a nightshade with high vitamin c content. It was listed among the

lost foods of the Incas and previously known as the ‘tomate de arbol’ or tree tomato. Such a
dessert would not normally be included in a “healing diet”.

The meal was eaten under the spoken recognition that
humankind is in strife the world over. Many people follow a
"vegetarian" life-style but eat too much protein such as that
provided by beans thereby creating an imbalance. Protein
should comprise no more than 10% of the meal. It was
emphasized that this particular meal was "pushing the
envelope" of macrobiotic practice and was part of an
experiment aimed at developing an appropriate diet for a
multi-cultural community such as that of New Zealand.

It was also affirmed that the basic core of macrobiotic
practice, centered on brown-rice, miso soup, sea vegetables,
roots, stems and some leaves as well as traditional
condiments such as sea-salt and tahini (sesame paste) etc. It
was noted that such a meal constituted the stable and time-
tested basis of the diet in a form that strongly promoted
healing and well-being. The meal was balanced from the
macrobiotic viewpoint and nothing was missing there-from.

The bottom line is that we have the evidence to prove that
the macrobiotic diet works, at least in this case. There is
probably a fairly wide envelope of food-intake that might
cure cancer but, from a strictly ecological standpoint I think
culturally-tested diets, such as the core macrobiotic
approach, which also supports a population with low breast-
cancer incidence in the user-group, has much to recommend
it. To be honest, I just do not completely trust any approach
based simply on a clinical rationality, no matter how
"scientific" or logical it may seem because it just cannot
have the conservative properties of something that has been
trialed by many millions of people over tens of thousands of

Macrobiotics in comparison
Looking closely at the theory of food-combinations it seemed
to me that earlier peoples would not have been anything like
as specific in their eating habits as the rules laid out by a
strict macrobiotic approach if they were surviving on
foodstuffs as they encountered them or even if they


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gathered things before starting a "meal". The macrobiotic
regime has a clear advantage over separating foods into
different piles and eating according to a “scientific“
rationale, some things together and some apart but it could
only be created and implemented subsequent to the
development of agricultural capacity. Macrobiotics is
founded squarely on the buffer provided by live, whole-
grains. As such it is the anchor of well-being that
accompanied the transition from groups of hunter-gatherers
to stable communities associated with the spread of grain-
based agriculture.

I can personally attest to the efficacy of the macrobiotic
regime in its capacity to allow perfect digestion. The 55%-
70% fresh whole grain input serves as a digestive buffer and
this allows a person to easily eat and absorb almost anything
else at the same time (at least in moderation and with the
cited proportions in mind). Note: it is of extreme importance
that the grains be consumed fresh rather than taken as pre-
ground meal or flour. The reason for this is that broken
kernels immediately start to die; they then undergo
oxidation and finally become rancid. Excessively oxidized
flour or old broken grains provoke indigestion at best and
will cause extreme illness and food poisoning at worst.

A further point of interest concerns the argument that may
be drawn from "tooth-structure". Human beings are
equipped with 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars and 3 molars
on each side of each jaw. So there are 8 incisors, 4 canines,
8 premolars and 12 molars in total to make 32 teeth in all.
Logic insists these teeth were used all together, during each
meal (by and large). So by function: incisors = leaves,
canines = flesh-protein, premolars = roots and stems and
maybe some grains, molars = grains only. Thus we have a
crude "functional expectation" in a proto-hominid diet of
25% leaves, 12.5% flesh-protein, and either 25% roots and
stems plus 37.5% grain, or, possibly 25% leaves, 12.5%
flesh-protein 12.5% roots and stems and 50% grains. Fruits
are an opportunistic component; they do not keep very well
except if dried. Too much fruit, eaten alone causes an upset


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This takes me back to the macrobiotic diet where, by
maintaining the 55% whole grain input I can eat anything
without a single passage of wind from the stomach. This is
good "natural evidence” pointing to the notion that one does
not have to eat things in separate chunks provided the
macrobiotic/tooth-ratio-balance is maintained in the input as
a whole.

Macrobiotics in perspective
The experience of contending with cancer was a nightmare
but I tried to keep a rational perspective in choosing one
element as opposed to another in assembling a suitable
healing diet. In investigating a cancer-fighting diet the first
thing I did was to divide the available material into what
could be termed “schools”. Many writers simply copy
material from one another or, adopt certain fixed and
common attitudes signified by key phrases or examples.

There are also people that mix all intakes together without
any particular rationale so this method forms another
category. However it tends to result in such a high degree of
generality that it often leads to internal contradictions with
respect to the food-groups involved. As already intimated,
the opinion holding that macrobiotics is nutritionally
deficient is indeed well known inside the macrobiotic
community where it is regarded as a gross slander. It is also
is a point of dissention generally made by those who want to
grasp at any excuse to justify not giving up fats and to avoid
the discipline and apparent restrictions superficially offered
by macrobiotics.

However, no one can possibly understand the term
"balance" as used by those following the macrobiotic
pathway until it has been personally achieved. Once a
person finds this physical state, the simplicity and clarity of a
grain-based diet becomes an unfailing beacon that can light
the way through life. The conservative character of the diet
is, to my mind, a given since whole peoples have survived
and prospered on it for hundreds, indeed thousands of years.
As a practical guideline, most people taking up a macrobiotic
diet can expect detoxification of their bodies to proceed at a
rate that should find them able to appreciate the state of
balance that results within a month or so of commitment to


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the protocol. Of course it also helps if one believes that the
approach being embraced is competent to the challenge.

A western scientist eating dairy, meat and potatoes starts
with certain preconceptions as to the nature of "prudent",
necessary or appropriate nutrition. Live enzymes play a very
big part in the macrobiotic way and their effect certainly
cannot be measured on a simplified scale such as
represented by calorific value, itself simply a measure of
crude heat released when the material is burned or oxidized.
Adequate nutrition (by definition) is fundamental but attitude
is also a big part of the equation as one also has to "want"
the macrobiotic diet work since it otherwise has the potential
to appear to be "boring" when compared to a fat-rich
alternative. If this notion takes hold, not enough food will be
eaten. In other words, for a macrobiotic to work its wonders
a complete attitude change is demanded on the part of the
subject. Another complicating factor is that cancer cells are
said by many to “feed” on the inputs arising from high fat
and protein thus the macrobiotic diet keeps all protein, plant
and fish, to a rather modest minimum. It is thus scarcely to
be wondered at, if the motivation to rise above anti-
macrobiotic propaganda can be found in persons facing
death as the result of cancer spreading throughout the body,
when all other treatments have failed.

Minimizing protein input works only if one maintains the 55%
input of whole grains. Nothing else will do. The only real
tests available for "nutritional adequacy" are probably
concentration camps and famines. The truth be known, the
conclusions I reach here refer to the results of an act of
desperation on my part - otherwise, I just ate what I
encountered until I decided to become vegetarian 20 years
ago. For my part, I was still in error since being a vegetarian
in that sense resulted from a simple negative response to
meat, to eating animals (sentient organisms) or mammals in
particular. It was just a simple emotional response. By
comparison macrobiotics is a huge logical and
ecological/environmental construct, a living exercise in the
practice of personal sustainable development with a strong
sense of community participation. Interesting really, the
power of the universe bashed me over the head with it.


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This is not to blindly assert that a macrobiotic approach
necessarily leads to the optimal diet – perhaps this is so and
perhaps it is not - but the further one strays from the
validated macrobiotic format the greater becomes the
likelihood of entering into error.

Non-Physical Interventions

The second approach to healing concerns itself with
emotional and spiritual influences and is thus more subtle
since it makes very little use of direct physical intervention.
It does however, assume that every effort has already been
made or is being made to physically preserve and encourage
a healthy body.

To begin with, the assertion is hereby made to the effect
that emotional checks, disappointments, errors in behavior,
acts of violence and so forth, are the indirect or sometimes
direct precursors and therefore instigators of illness,
accidents, specific diseases and general deficits in health. In
biblical terms then, ill-health arises either directly or
indirectly as the result of “sin”. Here the term “sin” is used
in its original meaning. So we may otherwise say ill health
arises from behavior that “misses the mark” (of perfection).

But what, one might ask, is the “mark of perfection”? In
brief, it is the standard set by the admonition “do unto
others as you would have others do unto you”. Everyone,
without exception, knows the pure form of this advice since
it quite simply recommends action that does not lead to
physical damage or “hurt feelings” in “others”. Perhaps the
general term “hurt feelings” is both a little too vague and
comprehensive at the same time. However, that may be, the
impact of one’s action on others should not be deliberately
focused so as to result in “excessive hurt” (physical or
mental). If this advice is not heeded the effect of any
focused and deliberate action will rebound directly against
the instigator in the short or long term or both. This
“rebound” effect does not in any way owe its existence to
some imagined “exterior” force or tendency; rather it
depends entirely on one’s own (eventual) comprehension of
the damage and hurt that has been inflicted.


background image

When the term “deliberate” is used it also encompasses to
some extent, the deliberate failure to exercise care or, to an
excess of carelessness that may be involved in one’s action.
For instance, if one speeds in absence of due care and
attention when driving, this can obviously lead to the
instigation of an “accident” in which otherwise “innocent”
parties may be killed or hurt. While the victims may not have
been specifically targeted as identities never-the-less, the
deliberate part of the action directly involves speeding in the
first place. In this case it is deliberate carelessness that is
involved. Carelessness means the failure to take the steps
necessary to identify and appreciate the consequences of an
action when otherwise in a position to take account of
possible outcomes. A child may be in position to be excused
the burden of an inadvertent action whereas an adult, upon
reflection, is not and will realize this. It is through reflection
or by “knowledge at depth” that we punish ourselves and
the superficial label that we apply to this process is covered
by the term “karma”. In a military context the effects of
hurtful aggression as the result of “following orders” falls
into exactly the same category as the instigation of direct
personal action. There is no escape from karma thus bought
into play.

Another way to put this is to say that it is the state of mind
governing an action which determines the subsequent
effects it will engender. Thus, mean acts transfer themselves
into mean effects that eventually show up in the body as
illness. So we may understand that the “mechanism” by
which this law works is entirely contained within the confines
of the personal self. Such negative action undertaken by an
individual can be entirely responsible for the manifestation
of highly specific diseases (the absence of “ease”) like

From this it follows that if one can but see the point at which
disease is instigated, as a consequence of our own incorrect
behavior, the way will be open to allow for healing to be
induced provided only that we recognize the original act for
what it was and take full responsibility for its effects. The
difficult part to understand is that such influences pursue us


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from lifetime to lifetime while we all the while attempt to
deny, disown and forget the original act of causation that we
ourselves have put into play. This makes sourcing of such
effects, which were instigated outside of the current lifetime,
extremely difficult. Likewise, it is not to say that those self-
same influences initiated inside the current life are that
much easier to “unearth”. Nor can it be said that this
mechanism is completely hidden from us. Registration of a
general consciousness reflecting this understanding can be
found where persons afflicted by misfortune comment to the
effect that they “do not know what they have done to
deserve this”.

There are a number of ways in which the root causes of
emotional characteristics may be identified and addressed
through the various energy vortices or chakras associated
with the body. Many of these have already been discussed in
detail in the section concerning kundalini meditation


. The

focus addressed there concerned the emotional energy-
states that lead directly to or are linked with personal checks
and disappointments. Extreme negative impacts on personal
development are, in the main, responsible for initiating
ailments that have found their way into the physical
dimension of “being in the world”. The mechanism involved
is quite simply “self-loathing” expressed at a deep level of
consciousness and understanding. These largely hidden
negative feelings of conscience resolve themselves into
physical effects which manifest as illnesses of various forms
and may thus be seen as acts of self-punishment.

However, if these emotional impacts can be isolated,
understood in terms of the factors leading to their formation
and, most importantly assuaged, the way will be opened to
facilitate rapid physical healing. In this respect, the most
important factor to consider is the way in which one can be
enabled to take full responsibility for both the initial injury
and its eventual effect as it matures as a specific illness.
Once full and complete responsibility is assumed and all the
factors impacting the initial injury are understood, then and
only then can one find the energy necessary to generate
self-forgiveness. Since nothing in life arises by chance and


Advanced Meditation in Practice, Part I The Serpent Power Meditation by Goldenage (this series).


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everything that happens to us is, in point of fact, initiated
and directed by ourselves alone, it is in truth, the realization
of this relationship that sets us free, free to heal. All our
negative actions are obviously self-instigated so that also
means all illness is likewise self-imposed and such
impositions are forms of self-punishment only. Thus to
comprehend the dynamics involved we must turn to
meditation in order to understand ourselves. Hence the term
“Zen Macrobiotics” should be understood as concerning the
correct dietary regime that will lead to the balance in mind
necessary to begin the journey of self-analysis.

In the immediate sense, stress is the single most important
factor that influences physical well-being. It is an everyday
fact that an endless stream of patients report to doctor’s
offices, medical clinics and emergency departments all over
the world carrying the end-results of stress. Such emergent
problems cover a very wide range, from psoriasis, heart
attacks, bleeding from the bowel, cancer and so forth. When
patients are examined physically it is often the case that no
hard and fast cause can be found to account for the end-
point conditions that have become apparent.

However, and notwithstanding this failure, detailed
psychological and life-history assessment will usually
uncover severe instances of tension resulting from stress. In
this regard, stress can be defined as arising from conflicting
motivations within the personal self including the realization,
so to speak, of the errors of one’s ways. Such negative
feelings (self-loathing and so on) stem from personal
conditions involving disappointments in love and sexual
relationships, dysfunctional family dynamics, the commission
of unethical and improper acts against others and so forth.
As previously mentioned, the word “sin” here comes to mind
in its original meaning as “missing the mark”. Sin is thus
behavior that misses the mark in obtaining comportment
that would otherwise lead to the acquisition and
maintenance of a mind at peace with itself.

If stress gives rise to negative physical conditions, then the
deconstruction of the factors that give rise to that stress can
provide the necessary information required to reverse the


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process from the first instance. Not only is this true, but it is
also the case that the assumption of overt personal
responsibility for the part one has played in the instigation of
such manifestly incorrect behavior provides the exactly
correct psychological medicine required to effect sure and
certain healing.

The following suggestions cover some procedures that can
be used to initiate analysis of the circumstances that have
given rise to the effects under examination. Since crystals,
especially certain sensitive forms are capable of acting as
intermediary focal-points in relation to emotional and
transcendent states of consciousness it is possible to make
use of this relationship in promotion of healing. Thus it would
also be well to refer to the earlier section covering crystals
and meditation


for ideas associated with direct influences

on the spiritual plane that particular stones can express.

In this respect, the first titles in this series


, covering third-

eye meditation and access to associated states of
consciousness from shallow to deep will also be of help in
suggesting approaches to healing techniques. All of the
pieces of information therein can be used to help with the
focus that you may wish to place on affected areas of your

As a general rule, these techniques may not fully restore
injuries caused by direct physical trauma such as may have
resulted in excision of limbs and so forth but they can be of
lasting effect in preventing further such damage in the
general area of concern. I say “as a general rule” but
notwithstanding this proviso, diseased and damaged organs
can be expected to respond in a positive manner, the growth
of bone-spurs can often be readily reversed, physical
damage to the eyes can be healed over time, the effects of
cancerous growths reversed and so forth.

It remains advisable to refer to standard medical and
surgical practices to affect cures in the first place but where


The Spiritual Nature of Crystals (Parts I Mind and Meditation, and II Quartz and Other Foci). By Goldenage (this


5 (A)

Meditation, The Doorway to the Self; (B) Advanced Meditation in Practice, Part I The Serpent Power

Meditation; (C) Advanced Meditation in Practice, Part II Mind Only; (D) Beyond Meditation; (E) The Spiritual Nature
of Crystals (Parts I Mind and Meditation, and II Quartz and Other Foci). All by Goldenage (this series).


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these methods fail or cannot be executed; the alternative
approach suggested herein can provide an effective fall-back
remedy. Once you obtain positive reinforcement in the use
of the techniques suggested here you may well find that the
standard services proffered by the modern medical
profession have less and less relevance as your abilities as a
healer strengthen and one success follows another.

Color Wrapping

The material covered thus far has been mainly concerned
with development of a direct understanding of the way
sickness, injuries and debilitations arise in the first place.
However, the third-eye technique of color-wrapping
described below can be used as a stand-alone procedure to
address the requirement for healing and need not
necessarily be predicated on the strictly analytical approach
mentioned above. If one simply applies the color wrapping
technique, definite improvements to body well-being will be
obtained, if not outright cures. However, if both technical
and analytical insights as well as color-wrapping are
combined the resultant healing effect will be hugely

Two procedures can be mentioned that readily lend
themselves to the desired effects of healing. Both of these
can be approached by means of insight obtained through the
third eye.

Please refer to the earlier sections concerning the procedure
for “opening the third eye”


together with the techniques to

be employed as part of the approach to meditation. It is
assumed that some mastery of the procedures has already
been obtained or, at the very least the terms involved have
been understood.

As previously described, assume a meditative state, close
your eyes and concentrate on looking internally at the region
between the eyebrows and slightly above thereof. At first
you will see after-images caused by physical light sources.
These will soon fade to be replaced by a disorganized array

6 Meditation:

The Doorway to the Self. By Goldenage (this series)


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of colors or perhaps even “a blank screen” either of which
constitutes your primary “veil of ignorance”. Mentally focus
on the generation of a bull’s-eye in the center of your
assumed internal visual-field. Follow this by obtaining
formulation of the “blue-veil” across or in the center of this
bull’s-eye or in the region that develops from the original
focus. Once assumed, mentally enter the chakra closest in
position to the physical defect to be addressed. Do this by
simply shifting the focus of your awareness by moving
through the blue veil and thinking-into the relevant chakra.
Once you are mentally situated within the chakra (throat,
heart, stomach etc.) mentally “wrap” the affected area (or
point) with the blue light associated with the “blue veil”.
Maintain this projection as long as you feel comfortable in
doing so. Withdraw by visualizing a golden light and then
shift attention from the site concerned. Repeat as often as
necessary but on a regular basis and stop when the
symptoms disappear.

In the case where you do not feel competent to identify the
chakra (whorl of consciousness) involved as the storage-
location for the original hurt simply focus in the region of the
heart. In one way or another, the heart chakra holds traces
of all pain and suffering to which one has been exposed both
in this lifetime as well as any previous thereto. The
accumulation of such effects represents an onion-skin-like
amour that an individual builds around the original sense of
identity that one has carried into the self-projected world of
“reality”, otherwise known as samsara, the world of name
and form. Simply keep the effect you are attempting to
address uppermost in your mind and sink into your heart
until you reach a commensurate level of pain. It is this level
of pain that must be addressed. Mentally “wrap” the affected
areas, the heart and the area or point of physicality with the
blue “light” associated with the “blue veil”.

To repeat, the essence of this procedure requires that one
first access the state of consciousness represented by the
blue-veil. Other states lying beyond the initial “veil of
ignorance” that appears upon first closing one’s eyes, may
be accessed and used in this procedure but the higher levels
appear to work more effectively than those appearing earlier


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in the sequence. As a reminder, red is associated with
physicality related to the body as such. Green relates to
conscious activity as associated with the mind. Yellow
relates to the ego and the beginning of more spiritual
aspects of being. The various shades of blue coincide with
the more subtle states of transcendent consciousness and
being associated with the Higher Self.

See the “meditation


sections for further details relating to

methodology for opening the third eye and related

Crystal Mediated
Choose an appealing crystal, perhaps a piece of pink quartz.
Warm it between your palms until it approximates body-
temperature. Place the crystal in the cup of one hand and
then hold it against your fore-head over the position of the
third-eye. Look into the crystal through your third eye. By
this I mean that you should focus into your third eye, by first
penetrating the “veil of ignorance”, the internal pattern of
appearance that rises in the mind as soon as the eyes are
closed. Become one with the crystal’s subtle electric aura
(remember quartz for instance has a subtle piezoelectric
field which changes under the effects of stress and
temperature). Follow this up by obtaining any one of the
more or less stable colors within the boundaries of the bulls-
eye that you have formed and allow this vibration to merge
with the warmth of the crystal and its subtle radiant energy-
field. Shift your focus of concentration first to the chakra, i.e.
the internal energy-vortex, located nearest to the affected
area within your body. Proceed thence in mental space and
wrap the color of that you have obtained around this
affected area. Hold onto the wrapped area for as long as it
feels comfortable to do so then visualize a golden light and
open your eyes. Repeat as necessary.

In summary, most crystals and quartz crystals in particular,
can act as metaphysical aids to assist the user in amplifying
emotional energies. Crystals are thus able to structure,
store, amplify, focus, transmit and transform energy,

7 Meditation:

The Doorway to the Self by Goldenage (this series).


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including thought-fields, emotions and information. Specific
quartz crystals may possess additional properties.

Overall, crystals can assist in meditation, healing and in
connection between the personal and higher selves. A
crystal can bring balance and help one center and increase
the flow of energy through the physical and subtle bodies. A
crystal may also be induced to work on imbalances in our
physical and ethereal bodies whenever it is carried or
“worked”. In association with the energies and influence of
the Higher Self crystals can even be induced to rebalance
physical form and hence their use in healing practices such
as those mentioned above. When the aura-influence of
crystals is directed into the chakras (the energy-vortices
associated with the Higher Self) assistance can also be
focused on clearing these spiritual storage areas. Please
refer to the earlier section on “Kundalini meditation



more specific techniques.

Healing Others

From the ultimate viewpoint “there are no others” so this
means that despite all appearances, the external
manifestation represented by other people is none-the-less
an aspect of the One Self alone. From this insight it follows
that the healing of others is exactly the same process as that
already discussed with respect to one’s own body, there
being no difference whatsoever. However, since the transfer
of healing energies must take into account the apparent
differences in physical representation it is best to work on
the basis of a utilitarian image involving two separate

When someone comes to you seeking help in order to effect
relief of afflictions you may precede in one of two ways. The
first approach involves acceptance of the patient as an
external entity, as separate from you. The second method is
more complicated as it will involve mutual third-eye contact
so that an aspect of one consciousness is developed within


Advanced Meditation in Practice, Part I The Serpent Power Meditation by Goldenage (this series)


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which is shared a joint awareness of the physical appearance
occupied by both participants.

In following the first methodology you may wish to invite the
person concerned to sit opposite to you. This could be
arranged either on chairs or both parties could sit on the
floor facing each other in the lotus position. You will then
close your eyes and obtain the “blue veil”. As soon as you
achieve this state open your eyes, loose direct and specific
detailed focus on your patient, and visually scan the whole
person. At this stage you will be looking for a perceptible
visual discontinuity in the life-force-field of the person sitting
opposite to you. Such a disturbance may appear as a livid-
mottled lump apparently attached to your patient or it may
appear as splotches of coarse color spread over the face or
torso (to name two areas only). If such disturbances are
detected, close your eyes so as to reinforce the blue veil,
mentally gather the blue between the palms of your hands,
roll it into a ball and sustain the ball with perceptible
structure. Then carefully smear the blue substance of the
ball over the areas where the disturbances have been
detected. Repeat the action if it is necessary to properly
cover all affected areas. Use a very light brushing motion
which just touches the surface of the patient’s body to
transmit this effect.

In the case where no such visual surface discontinuities can
be detected, invite your patient to lie on his or her back.
Again, energize your hands in the blue veil and pass them in
a scanning motion just clear of or perhaps slightly brushing
the surface of the patient’s body. Again, you are looking to
feel a discontinuity in the patient’s body-life-field. Once you
find such a spot or area, energize your hands as before and
then smear the blue force onto the area concerned.

Request the patient to turn over and repeat the procedure
over the back of the patient. Finally, request the patient to
identify any areas of distinct pain, energize your hands and
massage the blue energy-field substance deep into the
afflicted areas. To terminate the session ask patients to
visualize themselves as being in the center of a golden light
and then request “open eyes”.


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In following the second methodology, both participants first
discuss the problem promoting the occasion and then sit
facing each other with knees touching or a little further apart
if desired. Both begin with closed eyes and together obtain
penetration of the “veil of ignorance”. When a suitable level
of consciousness is reached the healer should ask for “open
eyes”. The healer then looks directly into the eyes of the
afflicted person from the blue veil state and then wraps the
“material of that conscious state” around the afflicted part
identified in the prior discussion. The healer should then hold
onto the wrapped area for as long as it feels comfortable to
do so before ending by visualizing a golden light and
disengaging eye contact. Repeat as necessary.

The technique works in an ideal fashion when both parties
can reach the “blue veil state” however, satisfactory results
can be obtained if the afflicted person is capable only of
penetrating the veil of ignorance.


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Goldenage,,Toronto, July 2009


Document Outline


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