Phases 11 Moonlight and Mustangs Cheryl Dragon

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Moonlight & Mustangs

A Phases Story

By Cheryl Dragon

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Moonlight and Mustangs
Copyright © 2011 Cheryl Dragon
Edited by Michele Paulin and Juli Simonson
Cover art by Les Byerley,

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-425-3

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement
without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in
federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: November 2011

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of
the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or
occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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Chapter One

Roaming the great plains of Nevada with the wind whipping through his mane, Marshall

Featherstone was one with the earth. His ancestors had lived here, taming dogs and horses to work
with them. Those days called to his animal side, the times before reservations and government
dictated the fate of his people. Looking at his mate, Buck, a perfect, splotchy-paint horse, it felt damn
near perfect. All their muscles and free mustang spirits were unleashed as they ran with a mass of
untamed horses.

Not all the horses shifted to human form, most didn’t, but Marshall loved that part—being free

to explore their true totem and run with the real thing. He and Buck James both loved the wild and
rugged land north of Vegas. Bright lights and big cities weren’t for them. Yet, they’d wandered
through most of their twenties and had yet to find the female to complete their life. They needed that
final piece for them to set down roots and build a home. Marshall wanted a place to call home. Their
nomadic days needed to come to an end.

A new noise spooked the horses. Beyond the thunder of hundreds of hooves, Marshall heard

something cut the air. Spotlights came down on them, and the group angled in a new trajectory. Fear
and panic were fragrant in their reactions. Looking to Buck, Marshall was concerned. The man was
sensitive, but in mustang form, he gave in and went wild. He’d earned his nickname “Buck” from his
horse behavior.

Other horses pushed into Buck, and one fell. The contact set off Buck, and he kicked and

stomped, finally rearing like a rodeo horse trying to dump a rider. Marshall maneuvered out of the
group as best he could and came around to his mate. It was unnatural horse behavior, but he couldn’t
leave his man. Nothing would separate them.

Losing sight of Buck sent Marshall’s heart pounding. Glimpses helped but a larger horse

bounded by and knocked Buck off balance and to the ground. The sounds of vehicles grew closer, and
Marshall knew it was a government roundup.

Wild mustangs were dying from disease and lack of food. He could see the ribs of many of the

true horses running along the path. The wild grasses were sparse, and the drought and wild fires out
west weren’t helping matters, but nature could be rough. Survival of the fittest was how animals
lived. Breaking their spirit with saddles didn’t mean salvation for this breed.

No matter what Uncle Sam wanted, no one was taking him and Buck. That would be too

dangerous. Finally, Marshall found Buck, who was back on his hooves. Marshall moved in next to

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him. The bumps and bruises didn’t show yet, but Buck’s gait was off.

They should’ve known better than to shift and go out during the Hunter’s Moon. Mustangs had

no natural predators here, but they forgot that man was always the supreme hunter. In some way, man
had to dominate every inch of earth and the animals on it.

Marshall picked up the pace and tried to get to the farthest right side of the group so they could

veer off to avoid capture. As much as Buck tried, he couldn’t keep up. They’d fall back and be caught
for sure. If they were lucky, they could escape, but if they were discovered, Marshall didn’t want to
think about what might happen to them.

Generations had kept the secret of animal shifters, people so connected to their animal totem

and the spirit of the wild they could become one with them. Shifting between animal and human form
was a gift, and the government wouldn’t let them waltz out of custody with that power.

Marshall and Buck would not be the ones to betray their legacy and expose their existence.

Buck snorted, and Marshall knew the pain was getting to his lover. When Buck darted out of the group
and off down a trail, Marshall followed and prayed no one else did. The herd mentality was
sometimes hard to shake, but so many of the other horses were bounding toward the trap that Marshall
and Buck broke free.

No one seemed to notice. No one followed.
Buck galloped down the path toward a fence. One of the boards was broken. Marshall turned as

Buck crashed through at the weak spot and entered private property.

Marshall turned and trotted to the fence and followed Buck. They might get shot. Weird

ranchers sometimes wielded rifles before they saw it was a harmless animal. Marshall waited for
some old coot with no teeth and a long beard to rush out of the house. But the pair made it into the
barn before anyone appeared. It was a good hiding spot. The government couldn’t invade private
property—well, they could and had, but for a couple of horses? It wasn’t worth the potential lawsuit.

Inside, Buck shook his head and paced slowly. They were stronger in animal form, but sharing

energy for healing was far more erotic in human form. Marshall nudged Buck’s neck, and the
connection helped. The energy sparked, but Marshall sensed Buck’s pain. They needed to rest. This
would be safe for now. If they were lucky, no one was home and they could stay the night.

The rustling of feathers made Marshall look to the back of the barn. He didn’t see anything, but

the noise seemed to be coming from farther back on property. Feet stomped the ground. Someone
lived here and owned those animals. Maybe they were away? Or it was an old deaf guy who
wouldn’t be bothered to come out now. Marshall tried to be hopeful. He’d make sure he and Buck
were gone by morning.

The pounding of hooves stopped, and Marshall knew the government had the horses in their

gates. All those horses were now captives and fenced in for life. The quiet made Marshall’s skin
twitch. Only the bird sounds and Buck’s heavy breathing filled the air now. Then a door slammed in
the distance. Buck startled and exhaled loudly.

Buck’s injury could be many things, a broken rib or just a bad bruise. Marshall needed to get

Buck to human form and look at him, but as the footsteps grew closer, they had a bigger problem to
deal with first. They could try to run but Buck wouldn’t last long. There were other ranches, but
would they find a safe one before Buck gave out? Marshall had trusted nature to guide him through is
life. He had to trust again that they’d made it to the right place to survive.

Dealing with the human world was necessary and not unwelcome, but shifters had to be careful.

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They lived for the freedom and would die trying to protect each other. Whoever the rancher was,
Marshall would die before he’d fall into government hands or let Buck be shot. The big debate was in
what form to face the rancher. Human or horse?

* * * *

The racket on the road annoyed Diane enough to look, but she knew it was far off on the main

road. Rounding up mustangs was the government’s idea of humanitarian aid. Sure, some were sick
and undernourished, but it seemed a weird way to waste tax dollars. No one captured mountain lions
and they’d attack humans. But since when did the government do anything logical?

Walking out on the porch, shotgun in hand, she saw her fence’s weak spot had been totally

busted. The sounds from the barn weren’t her animals, but the ostriches in the pen around back were
stirred up about something. Her ex-husband’s brilliant idea for an ostrich farm turned out to be
profitable, but he’d chosen to run off with a rich older woman while things were still rough. Patience
and hard work weren’t his thing. Now, Diane was just glad to be rid of him.

Right now, she’d love to have a man around though. A ranch hand to fix the fence and someone

to watch her back with this unknown intruder would be wonderful. Life was lonely, but she’d grown
accustomed to it. She loved the nature and quiet of her life, but things never stayed that way.

The barn door was open, and she heard the clop of hooves. Horses had gotten loose from the

roundup or avoided it entirely. That had to be it. Pushing the door all the way open, she entered the
barn and found a splotchy brown and white that looked weak along with a multi-toned gray mustang
who was almost standing guard over the other.

“What do you think you’re doing here?” She knew it was dumb but wanted to see how spooked

they were. Diane didn’t need to get kicked by wild horses.

The animals didn’t move.
Diane turned at the sound of a car pulling up. Governments types out for the strays? Not likely.

She headed out of the barn and pulled the door closed so no one could see inside. The headlights
weren’t from a government vehicle but from her nosy neighbor. Diane made the long walk down to
the front gate and found Sharon in her big SUV.

“You okay, honey? That roundup was like the end of the world. All that noise and drama. But at

least, we won’t have stray horses eating up our animal feed.” The middle-aged, pudgy woman
considered herself the social director of the loose group of ranches in their little area. Her husband
was the biggest success, but Diane was gaining on him.

“I’m fine, Sharon. The vibrations must’ve knocked a piece of fence down so I need to get that

fixed. Nothing too exciting here. Give Roger my best.” Diane nodded and tried to walk away.

“I can recommend a ranch hand, if you’d like. Don’t want any of your ostriches to get loose.”

Sharon smiled.

“No worries there. I’m good. I’ll get someone. Thanks for the concern.” Diane had had enough

fake friends in the past to know Sharon wanted to have the biggest and best ranch in the area, and
nothing was beneath her. Diane might have to fix the fence on her own, but she wouldn’t ask for help
from Sharon and Roger.

“Okay, then. Well, you take care now. I want to get home.” Sharon drove off.
Diane waved and watched until she was sure Sharon had made the turn down the street. Peace

and quiet were hard things to find. Trudging back to the barn, Diane swore she heard voices. She
softened her walk to make no noise and snuck up to the door to peek inside.

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No horses!
Blinking and shaking her head, Diane focused and looked again. Two hot men, who appeared to

be kissing and very naked, were in her barn. One had long dark hair and brown eyes; the other had
shorter brown hair. Both were well built and clearly aroused.

She studied them as one laid the other into the hay and the kissing continued. Their features

looked Native American, but the big moon lit them from the wrong angle. Her brain screamed, “what
happened to the horses?” Her body wanted to keep watching the men. It’d been so long since she’d
had sex. Even longer since she’d had really good sex. The men were into each other, but Diane could
enjoy the show. It was her barn, after all. Maybe the horses weren’t wild but tamed with riders who’d
hidden before? It made no sense. The old front barn wasn’t that big. Two huge mustangs couldn’t just

The one man kissed down the injured man’s body and nuzzled his stomach. He was hurt, just

like one of the horses had appeared to be. It was crazy. Diane hadn’t been drinking, and it wasn’t so
late she’d been asleep. This was no dream. The man with longer hair flinched but held his lover
closer. Diane knew she should storm in and demand an explanation, but they’d mesmerized her.

Desire to join them flowed through her, and a tingling energy seemed to take over, but her boots

stayed firmly planted in the sand. She wouldn’t interrupt the best sex this ranch had seen in years…
even if she wasn’t getting any of it. This would fuel some fantasies for her later.

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Chapter Two

Pain sliced through Buck’s midsection, and he reached down. Fisting Marshall’s short hair, he

tugged his lover up for a kiss. Slowly, their tongues tangled, and Marshall reclined next to Buck.
Pulling in Marshall’s energy, Buck felt the pain begin to subside. He couldn’t draw too much energy,
but their connection was deeper than sex or shifting.

“You get so reckless sometimes.” Marshall nipped Buck’s lip.
“Animal instinct is hard to fight.” He shifted against the hay and reached for Marshall.
“You need to rest as much as you can. We can’t go back out there.”
“What about the lady?” Buck wanted to see her again. His cock strained for more than

Marshall, and deep inside, beyond the pain, Buck knew he’d ended up here for a reason.

“She didn’t seem mad. Maybe she won’t come back. Deal with us in the morning.” Marshall

pressed kisses over Buck’s collarbone.

Moaning, Buck lifted his hips. Those muscles didn’t hurt and distracted him from the pain. But

he’d have to go slow. “I meant she’s here alone. I saw it in her eyes. She’s lonely and haunted.”

Marshall lifted his head and stared Buck in the eyes. “She had a gun. A woman alone won’t

take chances.”

“She’s beautiful.” Buck closed his eyes as Marshall licked lower.
“You like blondes. She was covered in a long coat and had on work boots. You could barely

get a decent look at her.” Marshall shook his head.

“You were looking, too.” Buck smiled. “She’s the one.”
“Don’t. Don’t complicate this. I want to get you healed, and we can decide what to do

tomorrow.” His hands slid over Buck’s stomach.

The pain made Buck tense. “No, it’ll take longer. I bruised something good. We need to make

friends with her and stay. That’s all. But you were looking at her, too. You feel it. We’ll find our
woman here. The peace of the open land. It’s right. Don’t fight it.”

“Slow down. Relax and pull the energy in so you heal faster.” Marshall kissed Buck to shut him


Buck let it happen. Kissing his boyfriend and letting go of the plans and hopes for the fair

woman who could burst in at any moment. Marshall switched tactics quickly and sucked Buck’s cock.
Would the mystery lady call the cops? The government? Would she shoot them as men but let the
horses go? He wanted to know so much about her. It felt like his purpose here.

When Marshall sucked Buck to the base, Buck lifted and let the sexual energy fill him. Buck

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reached out and stroked Marshall’s cock, and the jolt of life force made Buck groan. Few people
understood the power humans had if they just channeled it. Shifting, healing and connecting with the
world on a deeper level were possible if they stopped rushing and opened up. You just needed to

Marshall rolled Buck’s sac, and the tingle made Buck shake. Fear of being caught only added to

his passion. If their hostess called the police, no doubt they’d be hearing sirens by now. Or they
would’ve been shot by the feisty blonde. She was out here all alone. Buck was impressed and
worried. The urge to protect her came from something primal and male deep in him.

Then Marshall licked the head of Buck’s cock and the flicking of that tongue made Buck thrust

the air. The cum rose up as his body tightened. He shouted as the orgasm hit. Marshall sucked the cum
up and squeezed Buck’s balls the way he liked.

Shuddering, Buck opened his eyes and found peace. The pain had dulled, and the hay itched his

back, but he felt at home. It made no sense, and he didn’t share it with Marshall. His more pragmatic-
minded lover would work harder to get them out of here, and Buck needed to stay.

“Give me yours now.” Buck gripped Marshall’s cock and playfully pulled.
“No, you need to rest. She might be back any time.” Marshall moved next to Buck and knelt. His

erection hadn’t subsided, but he seemed intent on ignoring it.

“We still won’t have clothes. I’m too weak to shift back to horse form. Give me your energy so

I can heal faster.” Buck tried to turn and winced.

“Fine. Damn it, Buck! Why are you so bent on going wild and hurting yourself?” Marshall

leaned in and pressed his cock to Buck’s lips.

It soothed him and aroused him. Buck sucked Marshall’s flesh and let the familiar taste blot out

the pain and worry. Marshall’s cock pulsed against Buck’s mouth. Those little clues of life were not
to be missed. Buck drank them in and appreciated every second he’d had with Marshall. Few people
in his family understood him. He wasn’t meant to play it safe like they had. Life wasn’t to be cursed
but to be lived and loved. Marshall believed it, too, but he played it safer to balance Buck’s wild

Licking down Marshall’s long cock, Buck tugged Marshall’s balls until he groaned. Rubbing

the sac against his face, Buck gave into the lust while stroking Marshall’s shaft. He wanted to give
pleasure and feel the spark of cum. Marshall grunted and pulled back. The cum landed on Buck’s hurt
side, and the sexual energy oozed into his flesh like a magical salve. Rubbing it in, Buck took his
time, and once it had absorbed, he licked his fingers clean.

“You’ll be better soon.” Marshall leaned down and kissed Buck.
“We’re staying,” Buck replied.
The crunch of boots on hay startled the men. It was her.
“Who are you two and what did you do with the horses?” she asked.
Her green eyes sparkled with arousal and curiosity, but her arms were folded across her chest

as if she were annoyed. Buck finally got to see beyond the coat. The curves were perfect. Her long
hair was pulled back in a braid down her back, but it was the dusty sort of blonde that came from
nature. Her skin was only slightly kissed by the sun.

Everything about her said she was in charge, but Buck felt her fear and interest. She’d been hurt

and was as lost in life as they were. Marshall would need to be convinced, but Buck trusted his inner
mustang, and this was the female they needed to complete their world.

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* * * *

The smell of sex hung in the air, and Diane felt her cheeks burn. She’d watched every thrust and

lick, but now, she had to find out what they really wanted on her property. Letting a couple stray
horses stay in the barn was one thing, but roaming men could be dangerous.

The one with shorter hair stood and held his hands up innocently. “We didn’t do anything to the

horses. We’re not here to hurt you. I’m Marshall, and this is Buck. He was hurt, and we needed a
place to rest. We’d like to spend the night here.”

“Let’s go inside, and we can explain.” Buck sat up.
Were they caught in the stampede? Out to save the mustangs?
Diane saw the pain in Buck’s face when he moved. Only one was in any condition to do any

harm. It wasn’t the smart thing to do, but she wasn’t afraid of them. She had a gun, and they were
naked so really, she had the power.

“Fine. But if I don’t like what I hear, I’m calling the police. Or worse.” She tucked her shotgun

under her arm confidently.

“You have nothing to fear from us.” Marshall helped Buck to his feet.
“Sure. Get dressed, and let’s hear the story.” She turned to head for the house and put on coffee.
“We don’t have any clothes here,” Buck said.
“What?” She turned back and laughed. “You’re some nudist hippie people? Get off my land.”
Marshall shook his head. “No, we’re not nudists. Please, is there anything we can cover up


She looked too long at their naked bodies before shaking it off. “My ex left some stuff. Should

fit well enough.”

Diane held her gun a little tighter now. Where were those horses?
She hiked back to the house and put on a pot of coffee. Grabbing a pistol from the desk drawer,

she tucked it into her pocket. Her cell phone was in her other pocket if she needed it.

Yet, she dashed for the chest of drawers in her spare bedroom where she kept her ex’s stuff just

in case. In case of what, she didn’t know. She’d meant to donate it or torch it when the mood struck,
but life got in the way. After grabbing two shirts, two pairs of jeans, and two pairs of boxers, she
headed for the kitchen. They both looked good. She should’ve left the shirts in the drawer and enjoyed
the view.

Passing the mirror in the hall, she checked her appearance. No makeup and frazzled hairs

sticking out. She smoothed down her hair but could do nothing about makeup by the time they knocked
on the door. What was wrong with her? They were intruders. At the very least, they’d hidden in her
barn. She dropped the clothes on the table and went for the front of her small ranch home.

Diane opened the front door, and once they were inside, she put a supportive hand on Buck’s

back. Not wanting to hurt him, she guided them into her kitchen. They slid on the boxers and sat
without concern about the rest of the clothing.

“So?” Diane put three mugs, cream, sugar and the pot of coffee on the table.
“Please understand. We did not hurt or drive off the horses.” Buck nodded.
“Where are they?” She poured the coffee. “I saw them.”
“Yes, you’re not crazy. We aren’t either. We’re Native Americans, partly anyway. The

connection to our animal totems is strong.” Marshall sipped his coffee. “Thank you. We’ve been out
for hours.”

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Diane turned and took a plate of cookies from the counter. “Help yourself. Then explain what

this animal totem stuff has to do with naked men turning up in my barn. The wild mustang roundups by
the government scaring two horses through the fence I can understand, but then it all gets surreal.”

“Please sit down. You may not believe us, but we’d never lie to you.” Buck took a cookie.
“Why not? Men don’t lie?” She rolled her eyes but avoided giving the laundry list of how her

ex had told half-truths and omitted things the last two years of their marriage—whenever it was

“Some men do. We don’t. Not to you. I was brought here for a reason.” Buck took a drink of his

coffee. “May I have a glass of water?”

“Sure.” Diane filled three tall glasses with ice water and set them on the table. “Stop stalling,


Buck took a deep breath. “We are the horses you saw. We can shift into our animal totems at


Diane laughed so hard she covered her mouth. Then, to be sure this wasn’t an elaborate sex

dream, she pinched her arm. It hurt so there was no chance it was all in her head.

“I’m sorry. I love nature, and I’m an animal person. If you were out there trying to free the

mustangs from the government roundup, I sympathize with you. Some animals are meant to be wild,
and it’s survival of the fittest. I have a house cat. But I wouldn’t adopt a bobcat and let it live in my
house. It’d eat my cat. Sure, you can break a wild horse, but why? Plenty are bred and raised with the

Marshall and Buck exchanged a look then Marshall cleared his throat. “I know this is hard to

believe. We were caught in the stampede for the roundup, and Buck was knocked down. The injury
happened when he was a horse, but it continues. We can’t move him tonight. Would you be willing to
let us stay the night?”

“You’re giving me this crazy story about the horses and wanting to stay under my roof? I’ll call

an ambulance. They can take you to the hospital, give Buck some X-rays and you can stay the night
there.” She pulled her phone out of her pocket.

“No, please. I’ll heal. Shifters heal fast. I just need some rest. It’s probably just bruised ribs,

and they’d do nothing.” Buck looked at Marshall harshly. “Show her.”

Diane leaned back and smiled. “Yeah, show me. The hall there should handle a full grown

horse. No galloping now.”

Marshall stood and moved to the space. Diane stared at the sexy man as he bent over until his

hands pressed to the ground. He shook his head like a horse would, and in seconds, his body shifted.
The gray mustang she’d seen before was in her hallway.

Her brain felt light, and Diane shook her head. She looked at Buck; he was right there seated at

her table. Looking over, there was a horse where the other man had been. She rubbed her eyes and
walked over. Her hand ran over his mane, but she pulled back as he snorted. The heat, the power and
the very real horseflesh dazzled her. A pair of boxers was on the floor. It wasn’t a hallucination or a

Turning away from him, she looked at Buck. He smiled at her as if he knew she’d accept them.

Spinning, Diane still saw the horse. Rubbing his nose, she looked into his eyes. Big and dark, she felt
a special connection. She was part of a secret somehow. No wonder, they were scared of the
roundup. Of her. This was a wonder of nature she’d never seen.

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“Shift back,” she said.
Marshall the man suddenly stood in front of her, naked. Her hand was now on his chest, and

Diane pulled her hand back as if he’d bit her.

Going back to her table, she downed the mug of black coffee and landed heavily in her chair.

“That’s insane.”

Buck nodded. “It’s unsettling and certainly not widely known. We had no choice but to get

away from the roundup. I was hurt, and I went for the weakness in your fence. I’m sorry about that.
We can fix it or pay for it. We needed to be safe, and I felt like I was led here.”

“What do you ranch?” Marshall asked.
“Ostriches.” She looked, and he’d put back on the boxers. It made her a little sad. The attraction

was natural but to both of them? They were so obviously a couple. She’d thought she was getting used
to being alone, but her body demanded attention.

“Big birds? Odd.” Buck sipped his coffee.
“My ex’s idea. The feathers are in demand. So are the eggs. There’s a local processor so I sell

them at the right time. The meat is an exotic delicacy.” The birds weren’t as friendly to humans as
other animals, and she didn’t feel as connected to them so the ranching worked for her.

“Your ex is gone?” Marshall asked.
“Long gone. Good riddance. So you two are a couple. Guess I don’t have anything to worry

about there. How long were you two running with the horses?” She went to the fridge and grabbed
some cold fried chicken and potato salad. Setting it out, she then grabbed plates and silverware.

“Two days. We burn a lot of energy when we go for those runs, but we need to.” Buck smiled.
When they didn’t dish out food, she shrugged. “Well, help yourselves. I’m not going to have

starving men on my hands. Especially, injured ones.” Diane grabbed a plastic bag and filled it with

She wrapped the bag in a dishtowel and gently placed in on Buck’s side. “That might help.”
“Thank you. You’re very kind.” Buck held it with one hand and ate with the other.
“I’m out of practice. I’ve lived alone for two years. So are there a lot of animals like you?” she


“Not many horses. Only truly connected people can become one with their animal totems. It

happened for me young, but Marshall found his in his teens.” Buck looked at Marshall with affection.

They were so cute together. Diane remembered how hot they were in the barn. She’d need a

cold shower tonight. “There’s a spare room with a full bath connected. My ex’s clothes are in the
drawers. I meant to donate it, but driving it all into town…I don’t know. I hated wasting the effort on

“He hurt you. He’ll pay. The world will punish him.” Buck looked her in the eye.
“Don’t mind him. Buck is very into nature and balance.” Marshall took another chicken leg.

“What’s your name, by the way?”

Her manners were rusty. In the small ranching area, everyone knew everyone and most kept to

themselves. “I’m Diane Wandrey.”

“We appreciate the hospitality, Diane.” Marshall took a bit of potato salad.
Buck nodded. “And you don’t have to worry about us. We would never hurt you. I believe I

was led here for you.”

“Buck,” Marshall said.

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“We’re being honest here. We’ve revealed our biggest secret.” Buck shook his head.
“You two seem like a good couple. It’s cute. Do you have jobs? A home? I can drive you there

tomorrow.” She wanted to keep it light and ignore her attraction to them.

“We work our way from place to place. It’s been years of looking for the right spread to settle

down.” Marshall’s tone was curt.

Had she stepped on a nerve?
“Sorry, he’s a little more cautious.” Buck cleared his throat. “He doesn’t want me to tell you

what I think we’re doing here.”

Diane poured herself more coffee. “I thought it was looking for a safe place to heal. Your

animal totem brought you to a safe place to avoid the government. Whatever. You can stay the night.”

“That would be one answer. A good surface answer. But Marshall leaves out what else we’re

seeking. It’s not just a home to settle down in. We’re searching for a mate to complete our family.
We’re not strictly content with each other. I believe you’re meant to be with us.” Buck smiled.

Yes! No. Damn!
Her body and brain fought. She wanted the sexual release, but it was beyond crazy.
“Now, you’ve spooked her.” Marshall glared at Buck.
“I think you’re injured and need to rest. Both of you have had a hard day, and things will look

very different in the morning. So let’s just pretend that’s the pain talking, and you guys eat up. I’ll go
put fresh sheets on the bed and set out some essentials so you can freshen up.” She made herself walk
slowly to the hall closet and grabbed towels, soap and shampoo.

Stocking the bathroom, she looked at her red cheeks. Did they know she wanted them? Could

they sense her need? Keeping busy, she put sheets on the spare bed. Just a double bed, but it was big
enough for two very fit men.

Once it was done, Diane stood there and got a grip. They weren’t guests or boyfriends. They

were random wanderers. If Buck weren’t hurt, she’d send them on their trotting way. But she had a
soft spot for hurt animals and wanted to ease his pain. That’s what she could focus on. Forget the sex;
tend to the injured. A fresh icepack, and some painkillers were the least she could do.

But if they got too close to her, Diane might be the one needing an icepack.

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Chapter Three

Marshall woke from a dead sleep and realized where they were. With Buck pressed close,

Marshall had no anxiety. Diane was a kind woman, but there was a wall around her. Buck’s
impulsive nature could scare her off. Deep down, Marshall agreed that Diane was their destiny, but it
couldn’t be rushed.

When Buck stirred, Marshall turned on his side toward Buck. They kissed, but when Buck

shifted, the wince told Marshall the recovery wasn’t complete.

“Maybe we should take you to a doctor?” Marshall suggested.
“No. If anything, it’s a cracked rib. All they’d do is wrap me up.” Buck sat up slowly. “We

can’t leave here. Rest will do me more good. She’s the key.”

Marshall got out of bed and set out fresh clothes from the drawer. “I agree, but she’s been hurt.

If you move too fast, you’ll get us kicked out.”

Buck shook his head and eased out of bed. “I think she needs contact. The woman needs to be

touched and held. You can feel her pain and loneliness.”

“Let’s get cleaned up, and we can start making ourselves useful around here.” Marshall

followed Buck into the bathroom.

* * * *

Half an hour later, Marshall wore jeans and a white T-shirt. He found a pair of work boots in

the closet and gave Buck a pair of loafers to go with his jeans and tan shirt. In the kitchen, Buck set
the table then made friends with Diane’s calico cat.

“I’ll put on the coffee.” Buck started to get up.
“No. You need to limit movement until that rib heals. I’ll make breakfast. You rest.” Marshall

started the coffee and found eggs, cheese and bacon in the fridge. Quietly, he dug a frying pan out of
Diane’s cabinet and whipped the eggs into omelets. The protein would be good for Buck.

As the bacon sizzled so it would be crisp before he added the eggs and cheese, Marshall went

back to the fridge and grabbed a carton of milk. His mother had taught him the way around a kitchen,
but he felt rude making himself so at home. What was best for Buck came first. He poured a glass of
milk and set a small dish for the cat, who lapped it up appreciatively.

“You’re fussing.” Buck drank the milk anyway.
Marshall found a bottle of painkillers and shook out a few for Buck. “Take these, and we’ll see

if Diane has a bandage or something to wrap your ribs.”

They heard shuffling in the hall, and the men looked. Only the cat kept on with her treat.

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“Good morning. Hope you don’t mind, I’m making breakfast.” Marshall went back to check on

the food. He added the eggs and cheese, but he looked at her. Blonde hair loose, she wore plaid
flannel pajama pants and a white cotton T-shirt that clung to her curves.

“Morning. You cook?” Diane rubbed her eyes.
“Someone has to. You’ve done so much for us already.” Buck petted the cat. “What’s her


“How do you know it’s a girl?” Diane poured herself a cup of coffee.
“Most calicos are. Nature has its quirks.” Buck had the cat purring with the attention.
“She likes you. She was the runt of a litter a neighbor’s cat had. I called her Minny, and now,

look at her. Spoiled eight pound cat.” Diane stroked the cat’s back, and her hand tangled with Buck’s.

Marshall caught the flash of connection even when Diane backed off and folded her arms over

her breasts.

“I hope you slept okay. I didn’t hear anything in the night.” She dropped four slices of bread in

a toaster and pushed down the lever.

“It was wonderful. We needed to rest in a safe place. Thank you.” Marshall dished out eggs.
Diane waited on the toast. “It’s no problem. I hope you’re feeling better, Buck.”
“A little. I might have cracked a rib. I need to just rest and avoid excess activity.” Buck used

his right side to eat and drink.

Marshall knew Buck could handle a lot of pain. He was putting it on thick for the female

sympathy. Settling at the table, Marshall ate and gave Minny a piece of bacon that fell off his fork and
onto the table.

“You two will spoil her.” Diane brought the toast to the table and dug in. “This is great. I can’t

tell you the last time someone made me a home-cooked meal.”

“I’m happy to pitch in wherever I can. I’ll get to work on the fence this morning.” Marshall

smiled. “I just need some tools. I saw some in the barn.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Diane buttered a piece of toast and took a bite.
“It’s the least we can do. I’ll help where I can.” Buck finished his milk and switched to coffee.
“No, the last thing you need to do is make your injury worse.” She tucked her hair behind her

ears and stood up.

Diane disappeared into her bedroom and came back with a roll of tan bandage wrap. “This

might help you not move too much. Lift up your shirt.”

“You read my mind. But now? We can finish breakfast first.” Buck wiped his hands on a


“Now.” Diane stood over him.
Marshall smiled and moved to help them. He pulled Buck’s shirt up and watched as Diane

wrapped Buck’s torso firmly. Buck winced slightly when her gentle fingers traced along the ribs to
make sure everything lined up.

“More painkillers?” Marshall asked.
“No. I’m good.” Buck stared at Diane.
She smiled. “You better take it easy! You can’t go trotting around the desert with a broken rib.”
Marshall went back to his food. “I thought maybe you’d forgotten about that. So you believe


Shrugging, she went back to her food. “I saw it with my own eyes. I can’t really deny it. I’ve

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seen amazing things in nature. I love the open space and freedom out here, but a mountain lion took
out an ostrich one night. The wolves are coming back. Wild horses will survive. I’ve never seen any
animal shift like you do, but you do make a beautiful horse.”

Was that flirting? Marshall ignored the stab of desire as he watched her face. She still had her

wall up but didn’t seem to be afraid of them.

Marshall finished off his breakfast and put his dishes in the sink. “Thank you. Buck is a prettier

pattern. The girls go for him. I’ll get on the fence and come back for the dishes later. If you have any
other chores, I’m happy to help.” Ranches always had chores, and he wasn’t above any work to earn
their keep in a safe place.

“Don’t worry about the dishes, and I’m used to my own chores. Fixing the fence would be a

great help.” She put her dishes in the sink. “I don’t mean to be rude, but don’t you have things? Even if
you work as ranch hands and move from place to place or shift and gallop place to place, you have to
have clothes and some possessions. Don’t you?”

“Yes, of course. We have our things stashed in a cave a few days ride from here, at least by

horse. Just some clothes and a few personal trinkets. Things don’t make a life.” Marshall headed for
the door and kissed Buck on his way out. “See you two later.”

* * * *

Diane washed the breakfast dishes and set out a Crock-Pot to make dinner. Marshall was out

front working on the fence, and Buck was spoiling Minny with a brushing. At least, that only took one
hand. Having men around felt so good. Their hard bodies had been on her mind all night. They
weren’t like her ex, but she’d known them hours. Her ex had been nice at first with only flashes of his
temper and wandering eye.

“You can go lie down if that’s easier. Minny looks great.” Diane swept up the hair and cleaned

out the brush.

“No, I’m fine here. Anything I can do to help? Fold laundry or something?” Buck offered.
“You really should rest.” Diane washed her hands before pulling out stew meat.
“I’m not paralyzed. I can help. What are you doing?” he asked.
Diane’s ex never lifted a finger around the house. It was weird to have men who insisted on

helping. She washed potatoes and carrots and took the bowlful to the table. She added a cutting
board, a knife and a peeler. “Making a stew for dinner. We can freeze the extra for winter so if you
feel up to working the veggies, it’s all yours.”

“Sounds like fun.” Buck held a potato still with his left hand and did the work with his right.

“No problem at all.”

“If you get tired, go take a nap.” Diane set a glass of water and the bottle of painkillers on the

table just in case.

“Thank you. So was this place in your family?” he asked.
Diane shook her head. “It was a foreclosure. I found it three years ago, and I always wanted

some space. My husband thought we’d make a killing on the ostrich market. The recession slowed
things down a bit, but livestock of any kind is always in need.”

“Goats would do well here, too.” Buck peeled and chopped looking very content.
“That’s true. I don’t have the money to expand right now. I got the ranch for a decent price, but

startup costs on the ostriches wasn’t small. I want to have a nice emergency account before I go into
debt again.” Diane shook her head as she rinsed the meat and put it in the pot.

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“Did he take advantage of you in the divorce?” he asked.
Diane shrugged. “Not really. He ran off with a rich older woman and wanted to be free. I’d

used money my uncle left me for the land and startup. He’d kept working in Vegas so we had stability
while getting the ranch going. We called it even. If he wanted money, he knew I’d drag him through
court. My mom is a divorce lawyer so he knew it’d be ugly.”

The door opened, and Marshall walked in. “Good as new. What’s ugly?”
“Nothing. Just I’m glad to be free of my ex.” She poured him a glass of water and handed it to

him. “Thanks for the repairs.”

“A cheater? An abuser?” Marshall asked.
She smiled. “No. Well, maybe he cheated and I never knew. He had ambition, and that’s what I

liked about him at first. My parents are both lawyers and made a lot of money arguing. I wanted to do
something real and to have it succeed. He seemed to be on my side. It took me a while to realize he
wanted to be rich and didn’t care how it happened. Casino, ranch or my parents’ money.”

“Left with a rich older woman,” Buck told Marshall.
“That’s a very easy way if he doesn’t care about love. I think he just used me. He wanted to be

Lord of the Manor. Never lifted a finger in the house to clean or cook. So running this place without
him isn’t much different than having him around.” She shrugged.

“You deserve better.” Marshall washed his hands in the sink and slid an arm around her.
Diane tensed and felt silly as he grabbed a towel.
“All done over here,” Buck said.
She turned and took the bowl of chopped veggies. “Thanks, Buck. This is a huge help.”
After dumping them in the pot and stirring things up, she went to clean off the peels and found

Marshall had already done it.

The help and the ease of it made her want to kiss them. Hell, she wanted more, but it was crazy.

“Thanks. I’ll wipe down the table, and we can have lunch. I have lunchmeat and cheese for
sandwiches if you want.”

“Relax, Diane. We’re imposing on you. Let us help.” Marshall took the washcloth from her and

wiped down the table.

Diane smiled, leaned down and grabbed a few stray carrot peels from the floor by Buck’s feet.

She caught him looking down her red shirt. “How are you feeling?”

Buck leaned in and kissed her mouth. The energy tingled through her and the passion sparked

instantly. The man was gentle and seductive without even touching her.

When he pulled back, Buck simply smiled. “Do you still believe we’re not here for a reason?”
“I’m not a shifter. You can’t really believe I’m supposed to be with you two like some animal

mating. It’s not the way the world works.” Diane stood but felt the heat of Marshall behind her.

His lips brushed the back of her neck. “It’s our world. We see your true nature. No, you might

not shift to an animal form, but you’re one with the world.”

Buck’s hand slid from her knee up to her hip. Diane couldn’t deny her arousal. “I’m not some

lonely divorcee desperate to jump on a couple wandering men.”

“And we’re not gigolos out to take advantage of a woman’s generosity. We’re here because

we’re supposed to be. Let’s agree to trust each other for now, okay?” Buck tugged on the waist of her

She knelt down and realized he was hard. “You really shouldn’t strain yourself with a cracked

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“He’s unstoppable. Maybe we can keep him there.” Marshall knelt on Buck’s other side and

freed his cock.

They were serious, and Diane found herself up close and staring at the pulsing member she’d

watched last night. It wasn’t as though she was some virginal prude. Diane leaned over and kissed
Marshall’s mouth before curling her fingers around Buck’s cock and kissing the tip.

Buck’s breathing quickened, and she pressed a hand over the injury, wishing he were fully

functional. Teasing the head of his cock with her tongue, she felt Marshall join her, and she slid down
to suck Buck’s balls as Marshall took more and more the shaft.

When Marshall’s hand slid on the back of her neck and guided her up, she wondered why this

didn’t feel wrong at all. It was natural, and her body wanted to more and more. They kissed and
sucked the tip as Marshall squeezed Buck’s balls. The groans from Buck made Diane squirm in her

Cum landed on her tongue and some slid down Buck’s shaft. His hand tangled in her hair and

kept her there. Diane kissed Marshall and licked over Buck’s tip until she couldn’t resist it anymore.
Moving up, she kissed his mouth and let her tongue explore his mouth as her hands threaded in his
long black hair.

“Do I get to taste you now?” Buck asked.
“We should get into bed,” Marshall suggested as he stood up.
“Marshall looks like he needs relief.” Diane ran her hand over his bulging jeans.
Buck shook his head. “I need to taste you first. Marshall can wait.”
Diane licked her lips. “You promise to take a nap and rest all afternoon while we do chores?”
“I’ll do anything to get your clothes off right now.” Buck slid his hands under her shirt.
Kicking off her house slippers, she felt like a boring old rancher. But she had two very hot men

in her kitchen who wanted her. Their dark features and sun-kissed skin aroused her as a woman, but
when they touched her she felt so much more. It was deeper than sex, but she couldn’t explain why
yet. She wanted to understand it before they went away. Roamers, wild mustangs, they weren’t the
type to settle down. Diane gave in to the lust but had to guard her heart just a little.

Standing, she pulled off her shirt and then wiggled out of her jeans. Slipping off her panties and

bra, she sat on the table so Buck could reach her without moving too much. His hands were on her
instantly, cupping her breasts tenderly and kissing her stomach as if she were made of gold.

Marshall joined Buck, and there were four hands on her body now. But Marshall’s mouth

roamed higher and sucked her breasts until Diane arched and her body tightened inside. She needed
more from them. When Buck kissed her slit, she moaned and clung to Marshall. It’d been so long. No
one had ever made her feel like this! Of course, she’d never had two men before.

His tongue spread her pussy lips, and she opened her legs naturally for more. Marshall kissed

her, and she pushed up his shirt to feel his muscles. He stripped off the shirt and licked her breasts
while she ran her hands over his chest and down.

Diane couldn’t resist rubbing his cock through the denim. Buck’s hands pressed her thighs open

as his tongue filled her cunt, flicking and fucking inside. Her hips snapped in response. Three fingers
filled her, and she groaned. Her upper body twisted toward Marshall as her hands worked to free his
cock. She got the zipper down, and he pulled his member out for her.

Buck had had plenty of Marshall’s cock; she could pleasure him on her own this once. She

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wanted more, and her brain spun with the possibilities. Buck sucked her clit, and she ground up for
more on his face as she swallowed Marshall’s cock as much as she could. The pulse of his member
made her body beat for release.

When Marshall pulled away, Diane groaned in disappointment. But when she felt his tongue on

her pussy with Buck’s, she looked. Watching them eat her, she gasped. Three fingers still fucked her
and the pace picked up as her hips rocked to them. They reached up and each squeezed a breast. The
pinching play sent her over the edge.

Coming on two men was totally new for her, and only a cock inside her would make it better.

But their tongues were amazing. Shuddering, her pussy clamped down on the digits, and her juices
coated them. She fell back on the table and enjoyed the release of muscles that’d been long neglected.

“I think we wore her out.” Buck kissed her thigh.
“Hell no, but you got the job done just right.” She reached out her hands, and they pulled her up.
Unable to resist, she pulled Marshall’s hard cock to Buck’s mouth. Sliding off the table, she sat

on Buck’s lap and leaned in to help. Her needs met, she was able to focus totally on Marshall’s
erection. They worked him hard, nipping at Marshall’s sac and stroking the shaft until he fucked back.
Buck had the experienced technique, and Diane’s tongue teased the head.

Marshall grabbed her hair, and she knew he’d come soon. Buck moved in and sucked the first

round of cum in. There was plenty more, and Diane lapped it up, licking the shaft and letting the feel
of what she’d just done sink into her. It was a great start, but she wanted more. Shameless and natural,
she felt like an animal in heat, and what was wrong with that?

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Chapter Four

A few hours later, Buck woke in the bed and felt the difference. The encounter with Diane

fueled his healing in a new way, but he’d kept his word and taken a nap. The heat and vibration on his
injured side made Buck look down. Minny had decided to join him. Petting the cat, Buck slowly sat
up and didn’t feel a sharp pain. Now, it was just a little twinge.

Walking to the kitchen, he saw Diane setting the table for dinner.
“Feel better?” she asked.
“Much.” He ran his hand down his side. “The more contact, the more I heal. Minny even


“So it’s not just sex? Contact works?” she asked.
Buck moved next to her and kissed her lips. “I know it’s crazy and complicated. We’ll tell you

everything you want to know. Where’s Marshall?”

“The back barn doing the night feeding. Big birds eat a lot. It’s so nice to have help.” She

smiled. “Are you going to answer my question?”

Buck grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He took a drink and sighed. “Studies prove

contact is healing and forms attachments. Babies that aren’t held have more trouble connecting when
they do have contact. Even animals soothe each other by touch. But shifters use a lot of energy when
changing, and connecting to share energy helps recharge us.”

She nodded. “Well, you look improved. If you want, tomorrow, I can drive you out to retrieve

your things so you don’t have to backtrack.”

“Maybe tomorrow. We’ll see how things go. I’m in no hurry.” Buck ran his fingers through her


Diane stepped back. “When do you think you’ll be able to shift back to horse form?”
“Ready to get rid of us already?” he teased.
She blushed. “No. I didn’t mean that.”
He closed the distance she’d put between them. “Want to see my horse flesh that bad?” Buck

wrapped an arm around her waist.

“No. Wait. Aren’t there rules about this? I mean, a three-way thing should include everyone,

right?” She chewed her lower lip as she pulled away.

“Diane, take it easy. Marshall and I have been together several years now. We love each other,

and we knew we needed the right woman. It’s not cheating. You spent time alone with Marshall while
I was napping.”

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“But we didn’t do anything. We worked with the animals.” She went to the counter and sliced a

loaf of Vienna bread.

“It wouldn’t bother me if you’d kissed and talked about personal stuff. It won’t work if we’re

jealous and paranoid.” Buck leaned on the counter and watched her.

Diane nodded. “Okay, but I’m not used to it. And you guys are nomads. There’s nothing keeping

you here.”

Marshall walked in the backdoor and exchanged a look with Buck. “Everything okay?”
“Tell her it’s okay if I kiss her and you’re not in the room.” Buck nipped Marshall’s neck and

the energy bond hit him.

After a long intimate moment, Marshall moved to Diane and kissed her. There was a blush on

her cheek, and Buck joined them, nuzzling her cheek. The closeness shifted to a three-way make-out

“It’s okay,” Marshall said. “We need to make all the connections we can. It’s our family now.”
Diane leaned back. “Family?”
“She thinks we’re nomads.” Buck nodded to Marshall.
“We have been, but that’s not our goal. Our ancestors might’ve moved with the buffalo, but the

rules are different now. If land must be owned, then we’ve been searching for the land we belong
with. Which is tied to the woman we belong with for the rest of our lives. Do you want us to leave?”
Marshall asked.

“No! I just don’t know what this is. It’s too fast and too good to be true. Which means I’m

missing something. There’s always a catch.” She put the bread on the table and returned to fill three
bowls with stew. “Dinner.”

Buck took the bowls and put them on the table. Marshall pulled out a chair for her, and Diane

finally sat down. The men sat and began eating.

“I know it’s fast, Diane, but when something is right, you just know.” Buck grabbed a piece of


“Like you knew this ranch was right for you.” Marshall put a hand on Diane’s. “You’re a great

cook, by the way.”

“Thank you. It’s not that I don’t like having you here. Don’t you have family? Other shifters you

run with? I don’t want to turn a little fun into something that messes up things.” She ate with focus.

Buck shrugged. “There is family, but we visit them. We don’t belong to any shifter groups.

Mustangs are wild creatures, but we’d like a little more of a domestic life as well. The only way to
prove that to you is with time and experience.”

“I’ve made friends of the ostriches already.” Marshall smiled.
“Minny napped with me. I think we need to give our hostess a dose of shifter and human fun.”

Buck winked at Marshall.

Marshall nodded in return. “I think she needs a ride.”
“A ride?” she asked.
“You’re going to have to trust us, Diane. You cooked and cleaned and looked after us today. Let

us give you some fun.” Buck leaned over and kissed her.

* * * *

After dinner, they walked out toward the barn. Diane wondered if they meant what she thought

they meant by a ride. As soon as they were in open space, Marshall shifted to horse form.

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She turned to Buck. “You really shouldn’t. No extra pressure on that rib.”
“Okay, but you need to get the experience.” He nodded.
Marshall’s muzzle nudged her rear, and Diane couldn’t stop her smile. Stepping up on the

porch, she could get a leg over his back and slid into place. With no saddle and no reins, her thighs
did the big work. The heat of his muscled back made her tingle. Running her hands up his mane and
around his neck, she felt the power and beauty.

She looked down at Buck and he winked. “You look good.”
When Marshall began walking, she leaned forward and held on. The strength in him aroused

her. He could throw her off if he wanted to, and she trusted him not to. Men she barely knew had
made her ranch feel more like a home than it ever had.

“This is amazing,” she whispered in Marshall’s ear.
He picked up the pace, and her body rocked with his trotting. The pressure on her pussy without

the padding of a saddle made it more of a turn on as he started to run faster. The wind whipped
through her hair, and Marshall’s mane mixed with it. There was a freeing sensation even as he slowed
to stand next to Buck in his painted horse form. The splotches of brown on his cream hide intrigued

Sliding off Marshall, Diane ran her hands over Buck’s neck. The duo nudged her between them

and kept urging her toward the house. She grabbed the clothes they’d discarded while shifting and
headed inside. No need for the neighbors to wonder why men’s laundry was scattered on her front

To her relief, they shifted to human. Very naked and very sexy humans as they walked in the

front door. She locked it behind them and kicked off her boots. Marshall picked her up and carried
her to her bedroom. Buck stretched out on the bed, and Diane found herself next to him. His strong
hands tugged off her clothes, and she saw the strong passionate man. He’d been injured, and she
convinced herself she was just being a good person letting him recover.

They’d snuck into her world, then her head, and now her heart was getting involved. It felt

deeper than lust. Still she couldn’t allow herself to think of the future. Just of now. They were
beautiful animals, but as men they were irresistible. Diane pulled Buck’s head closer so she could
kiss him and play with his long hair.

Naked in her bed, the situation seemed real. She pressed to Buck and tried to be careful of his

side. When he moved down her body and sucked her breasts, she arched and rolled onto her back.
Looking around, she wondered where Marshall had gone. It wasn’t right without him. Nothing felt
complete without both of them close by.

He walked in from her bathroom carrying a box of condoms and a bottle of baby oil. The bed

shifted with his weight as Marshall kissed along Buck’s muscled back. Diane’s fingers slid through
Marshall’s hair. He moved up and kissed her mouth then Buck’s.

“What do you want?” Marshall asked her.
She smiled. “This works.” Diane curled her legs around Buck’s waist and looked down at

Buck’s tight ass.

“I think we should put you in the middle.” Buck bit her nipple.
Moaning, she shook her head. “I don’t think we can wait or play that much. I need it now. That

sort of experimentation will take longer for me. Can you wait?” She stroked Buck’s cock.

He thrust into her palm, and Diane smiled. Marshall leaned in, rubbing his cock to Buck’s ass.

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“It’ll help you heal quicker. Then we can really experiment with her body.”

Buck nodded and grabbed a condom from the box on the bed. After sliding it on, he rubbed his

cock to her slick folds. Her hips lifted for more as her pussy ached. There was no doubt of her need,
and Diane tightened her legs around him. He filled her in a single stroke, and she trembled, tightening
on him as Buck kissed her neck and Marshall claimed her mouth.

After a few thrusts, Buck tensed, and Diane looked down his back. The baby oil shone over his

ass as Marshall rubbed it. With protection in place, Marshall eased into Buck as his ass rose slightly.
The sexy men loving each other made her pussy quake. Buck groaned into her hair as he rocked back
and forth.

“Like it?” he asked.
Diane nodded. “You two are so gorgeous together. Don’t drag it out. Please.” Her body was

ready to go over the edge at any second, but she resisted.

Marshall picked up the pace, and Buck pressed down to her, grinding to her cunt. His hands

cupped her ass and pulled her cheeks apart. That tilted her body just enough, and his grinding set off
her clit. The orgasm hit in waves of stunning pleasure. No man had ever done this to her. Diane’s hips
snapped like an animal in heat as she took her fill of Buck.

As her body came down, Buck’s release hit, and she watched the lust in him as he came.

Marshall shouted and cursed as he held tight to Buck. Diane couldn’t take her eyes off the men as they
caught their breath.

The men freed themselves and disposed of the used condoms but were back before she could

even turn on her side or stretch in satisfaction. They spread her legs and tilted her hips. Oil-coated
fingers slid between her cheeks, and two tongues flicked her clit and inner folds.

Gasping, she felt the fingers pressing for entry. With the gifted tongues keeping her on edge, she

couldn’t deny her curiosity. One digit teased her and slid easily in her rear. Two was a stretch that
made her shudder, but she gripped Buck’s long hair and kept his face on her pussy as her men pushed
her to another release.

“Come for us again, and we’ll get some rest,” Marshall said then filled her pussy with his


“Oh God. Buck needs to rest. I need…” She shifted her hips and rode those fingers. The

sensation of two fingers in her ass, a tongue in her pussy and lips sucking on her clit was too much to
handle. She came in low moans as the heat spread, and her insides convulsed out of her control.

Two tongues lapped up her juices as she pressed her hands to her face. It wasn’t her. Was it?

When Marshall’s fingers slid from her, she felt a loss she couldn’t even explain. They were still here.
They’d provide more pleasure for her later. In one hour, they’d introduced her to things she’d only
imagined she’d enjoy so much.

“Thank you,” she said.
They kissed her up her body. “We should be thanking you. No one has ever trusted us. Not like

you.” Buck kissed her, letting their tongues tangle.

She curled an arm around his neck and one around Marshall’s. “I’ve never felt like this before.

Two men should feel naughty. Or wanton or something.”

Marshall joined the kiss, and she found three-way kissing more intimate than anything they’d


“When it’s right, it’s right.” Marshall kissed her cheek before heading to the bathroom.

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“You feel okay?” she asked Buck.
“Better than ever.” He rolled onto his back and smiled.
She snuggled to him, resting her head on his shoulder and dozed. When Marshall spooned in

behind her, she let the heat and scents of her hot men lull her even as her body hinted at wanting more.

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Chapter Five

Marshall woke in the middle of the night. First, his hand slid over Buck’s chest. The deeper

wound was nearly gone despite the bruising still visible. The connection they had, made finding the
right woman even more intense. Diane looked perfect tucked in between them.

When Buck’s eyes opened, the men shared a smile. “Can’t wait for more?”
“Can you?” Marshall rubbed his hand over Buck’s cock, and it hardened immediately.
“She’s aroused. I can feel it.” Buck shook his head. “What was wrong with that ex?”
Marshall kissed her scattered blonde hair as she lay there on her side. “Maybe he realized he

wasn’t enough. She’s so connected to her land. Not everyone can take this life.”

“We should take it slow.” Marshall wanted to go wild with her, but it was still new.
Buck shook his head. “Tease her now and see how she reacts to it. The more relaxed she is, the

easier it’ll be.”

Knowing his lover was right, Marshall reached for the baby oil and condoms on the nightstand.

As he oiled her ass, Marshall heard her murmur encouragement. Once he had the condom on,
Marshall rubbed his cock to her rear and pressed gently. Her body tensed, and he knew she was

“What?” She looked over her shoulder.
Buck reached between her legs and massaged her pussy as he sucked her breasts. The view

turned on Marshall and relaxed Diane.

“Easy, honey. We’re just giving you what you want while you’re relaxed enough to enjoy it.

Want me to stop?” Marshall kissed her.

Her hips shifted then eased back to him. “No, I just don’t want to sleep through it, either.”
“You’ll love it.” Marshall eased back then forward. “Roll onto Buck. The angle will feel


He guided her and stayed with her as she moved onto her hands and knees, caging Buck and

kissing him shamelessly. Marshall advanced and went down with her as her pussy rub against Buck’s
hard cock.

“Both?” Marshall whispered in her ear.
She nodded.
He tossed a condom onto Buck’s chest, and Buck slid it on. “No rush, Diane. Enjoy your ass

getting fucked. It’s great, isn’t it?”

“God, yes.” She shifted back more.

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Marshall groaned and pressed to give her as much as she could take. When Buck talked dirty it

drove Marshall crazy, but he had to maintain control or he’d hurt their lady. Diane rotated her hips,
and he pushed deeper until she had all of him. “All yours, hon.”

She trembled and rocked on it.
“You’re meant for this. Double the cock is nothing for you.” Buck grabbed her ass cheeks and

spread them. “I’m ready for you. Whenever you want it.”

Her breathing was heavy as she gripped Buck’s cock and guided him into her pussy.
“Yes!” Buck lifted.
Marshall held her shoulders and kept still as he felt the heat of Buck’s erection filling her pussy

and pressing to his cock through her body. The tightness and pulsing deep in her body pushed
Marshall, but he held back.

Buck thrust in and out until Diane’s hips took over. She rocked between them then pressed to

Buck. When her muscles squeezed Marshall’s cock, he took the hint. Fucking her slowly at first, he
picked up the pace until she shuddered. Screaming, she rocked like a woman possessed between the
men. They held her as she came in a beautiful display of passion.

Kissing her shoulders, Marshall ground to her ass and felt Buck pressing back. The men rocked

to each other as she moaned. Her tight body was theirs and an intense conduit of passion as their
cocks rubbed to each other through her. Buck lost control first, coming in grunts.

Diane kissed him and soothed him as her ass tightened on Marshall. He fucked her and pressed

his whole body against her back. Buck was right. She was natural at such sex. It might be her first
time, but her body stayed open for him without fear or tension. The trust touched him as her body sent
his orgasm off.

He slammed into her one last time, and she gasped, but it was Marshall who trembled this time.

Holding both his lovers, Marshall knew he’d never leave. This trio would work sexually and more, if
she could accept it. He wanted to admit his feelings for her, but scaring her off was a real possibility.

Diane curled up on Buck. “Are you and Marshall going to change places now?”
“Never enough.” Buck grinned, and his gaze shifted from Diane to Marshall.
Lust boiled in Marshall, but they needed some sleep.
“Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow, if you’re interested. Sure you want more of this? Double men?”

Buck lifted.

“Definitely. If you guys can handle it.” She looked up at Marshall, and he kissed her hard.
“We can handle you in a lot of ways. As long as we’re welcome.” Marshall eased from her


She rolled off Buck and onto her back. “You’re always welcome. If you want a boring life on a

bird ranch that is. I can only imagine the excitement you’ve had roaming the west.” Diane yawned and

The men shared a look. Then Marshall leaned in and kissed Buck. Pulling the rubber off Buck’s

cock, Marshall got out of bed and disposed of the used stuff before admiring his lovers. Boring?
Never. Peace and quiet with nature was all they ever wanted, along with the freedom to run and roam
when they needed to shift. What more could they want?

When Marshall slid back into bed, Diane was asleep, and Buck was halfway there. Marshall

pulled the covers over them and slid a possessive arm across her back. His hand landed on Buck’s
chest, and the thump of his heartbeat soothed Marshall to join them.

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* * * *

The next morning after breakfast, Diane found herself alone in the kitchen. Both men had gone

out to feed the birds and collect the eggs. Part of her didn’t want to let them do her chores. Depending
on them was too easy. Last night, she’d tried her best to keep it about the sex. Marshall and Buck
were so good at satisfying the needs she’d ignored for so long.

But she wasn’t the type of woman who had two men and wild sex without strings attached.

They’d snuck into her heart, and glancing out the back window, she saw them working for her ranch.
It could be making a home or just earning their keep.

How could she know if what she wanted and felt was real? They weren’t overly talkative and

part of her enjoyed that. The quiet wasn’t tense or strained like with her ex. Yet, she wanted to say
things and held back. Scaring them off was the last thing she wanted. They’d talked of her like a mate
at the beginning. Buck and Marshall might’ve been easing their way into her bed, but she’d never felt
a sneaky or dishonest move and they’d touched her all over.

She shivered with delight. Her body ached in the best places, and she wanted more. Could it

really be like this always? Great sex with two hot men who could also help with the ranch and keep
things interesting. They loved each other, and she was falling for them both.

A knock on the door shattered her fantasy. Diane walked to the front, checking her image in the

hall mirror—it felt as though people could see the wild sex in her face but she knew it was her secret
—and opened the door. Her neighbor, Sharon, stood there looking determined.

“Morning. To what do I owe this visit?” Diane asked.
Sharon shook her head. “Just neighborly concern.”
“Concern?” Diane normally would’ve invited her in, but she had no interest in letting Sharon

take over her day with local gossip Diane didn’t care about.

“I’ve seen a lot of activity around here lately. Word is you’ve got visitors.” Sharon nodded.
“Not really. I’ve got a couple ranch hands. They fixed that fence and are helping with some

chores. Fixing some spots in the barn and that sort of thing.”

“Well, that explains the men I saw. Good looking Indians.”
Diane doubted they were full-blooded but didn’t really care. Their look was sexy, and they

made her feel like the prettiest woman on earth. “Handymen who come highly recommended.”

“And what about the horses? I was driving by last night, and I thought saw a couple horses

trotting around your property.”

“I think you got the wrong ranch, Sharon. No horses here.” Diane hated to lie, but she couldn’t

tell anyone the truth of her men, especially not the town gossip.

“I figured I must’ve been seeing things. Maybe they belonged to your hands. Or maybe they

were feeding some strays. Just wanted to check. The government wants mustangs reported, not kept.
Some people are trying to tame them or shelter them. Those wild things are dangerous.” Sharon
tapped her boot.

Diane read Sharon’s annoyance, probably for not being invited it in and offered coffee and

cookies. But Diane wasn’t suffering for company now. She had men to protect. Shifter men few would
understand or believe. No one would hurt them.

“I’m sure inexperienced horse owners would be in trouble with a wild mustang. I don’t have

any horses now, but I have been considering it. My ranch is too small but if I expand… Nothing like
your spread, though.” Flattery worked on Sharon every time.

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“True. If you find yourself a new husband, maybe you’d have the help. Hire on those hands

permanently if they’re good. You should expand. Roger offered to help you get started with a plan.”
Sharon stood taller and smiled wider.

“I’ve got a plan of sorts.” Another lie but Diane didn’t like the idea of needing a new husband.

The one she’d divorced was nothing but trouble. Two hot men sharing everything might work for her.

“Glad to hear it. Well, when you’re ready, we’ll always be here to help.” Sharon nodded.
“Thanks. I’ve got something on the stove and laundry going right now.” Diane took a step back

in the house.

“Drop by when you have time. You should have more of it now with the hands doing the work.”

Sharon turned and walked slowly down the stairs.

Diane closed the door and tried to act natural. She peeked out the curtains. Sharon was

wandering around the front yard. All Diane could do was pray her men hadn’t shifted in the back.
Sharon had seen the horses, and Diane had to figure out something. Some cover. Sharon wouldn’t take
the idea that she’d made a mistake. And that nosy neighbor wouldn’t let the issue drop. Maybe she
even had pictures. Bad! Very bad!

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Chapter Six

The birds were more fun than Buck had expected. Big and strong, they were also quiet and ran

with grace. The eggs were huge, and between meat and eggs, Diane was feeding a lot of people. He
saw goats here someday. A little dairy maybe.

It felt good to be moving around again. He hated being bedbound and weak. He needed the rest

but wanted Diane to see him as strong and capable of working the ranch. Hopefully, he’d proved he
could be useful in the bedroom.

“What’s got you so quiet?” Marshall asked.
“It’s good here. It’s right.” Buck lifted his arms over his head and didn’t feel even a pinch. “I

think the ribs were just bruised. Not even cracked.”

“Or all that sexual healing energy did the trick. I say we break for lunch and make sure Diane

doesn’t forget how much fun we can be.” Marshall opened the gate and exited the ostrich pen.

Buck followed and closed the gate tight. They walked inside, and Diane looked nervous. Buck

felt her tension.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.
She smiled. “Nothing really. Neighbor dropped by. What do you want for lunch, leftover stew

or sandwiches?”

“We should shower first. We’re sweaty and filthy. The sun is hot.” Marshall wiped his brow.
“For lunch? I don’t think you’ll ruin the wooden chairs with a little dirt. I don’t mind the

sweat.” Diane shrugged. “But if you want to cool off, it’ll be ready when you get out.”

“We’ve got the chores pretty well done until the next feeding. Plenty of time for you to join us.”

Buck leaned down and kissed her.

Diane pressed to him and rubbed her breasts to him, sweaty and all. Marshall moved in, and

she kissed him as well.

“Sex in the middle of the day could become a habit. All the extra hands mean the work gets

done faster.” She peeled off their shirts then grabbed each man by a hand and led the way to the

Buck watched her strip out of her clothes and pull her hair from her ponytail before she fell

back on the bed. His jeans got tight watching her breasts bounce slightly. There was new confidence
in her posture.

“What about the shower?” Marshall asked.
Diane shook her head. “It makes more sense after we’ve had our fun. I like you like this.”

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“You’re going to have to wash these sheets, too.” Buck pulled the baby oil and the condoms

from the drawer. Then he stripped out of the rest of his clothes and joined her on the bed.

“I need some washing to do. You two are taking all the manly chores.” She slid her foot up

Buck’s leg as she crooked a finger at Marshall.

He took off the rest of his clothes and stretched out on the other side of Diane. Kissing her

shoulder, he cupped her breast and teased her nipple with his thumb.

Her soft sigh of pleasure sent arousal through Buck. He nipped at her neck and nuzzled her

shoulder. When she shifted, he slid a hand under her rear and squeezed her firm ass.

“Feeling up to it?” she asked.
“Is that a challenge?” Buck rolled her onto her side and licked down her back until he kissed

her ass. Pouring baby oil down her crack, he watched her shiver and open her legs. Marshall’s face
was buried in her cunt, and she reached for his cock. Buck watched the sixty-nine and let his need

Her quick tongue darted over Marshall’s balls. As she moaned in her own delight, Buck knew

this was their future. Still, he sensed a distance and fear in Diane that made him nervous. When her
luscious hips rocked, Buck gave in and put on protection. He wanted her ass but needed to savor
every minute with her. There were no guarantees. Life had taught him that much. Losing his brother
young, he’d wandered alone as a shifter. Now, he’d found his family.

Pressing to her rear, he felt her relax and almost completely filled her in one thrust. Diane

squeezed him and turned her head. The kiss was sweet, and Buck leaned in to help her suck
Marshall’s cock.

Deep in Diane, Buck felt Marshall’s fingers fucking her pussy. Buck reached around and

fingered her clit. Groaning, Diane arched back and kissed him.

“You like playing with me?’ she asked.
“I love you,” Buck said.
She looked him in the eye, and her hand slid along his cheek, pulling him close for a kiss.
“We’re not playing with you.” Marshall moved away and turned around. He kissed her breasts

and slid on a condom.

When Diane broke the kiss, her eyes said how she felt even if her mouth couldn’t quite do it.

Marshall claimed her lips fast and his cock filled her pussy. Buck braced as the tightness and
throbbing intensified.

“We love you,” Marshall said to Diane.
Diane’s hips snapped between them. “I love you, too. I don’t know how it’s so fast.”
Marshall cupped her breasts and squeezed them as he thrust faster into her cunt. Buck held her

tight and nodded to Marshall. Gently, they shifted her on Buck’s cock and slid toward the edge of the
bed so Marshall could stay in her and fuck with full leverage.

Gasping, Diane braced her hands back on the bed and stretched her legs out as Buck filled her

to his sac. Her body tightened on him, and she lifted and lowered with the sexiest moans.

Marshall thrust hard, and Diane cried out as she rode them up and down. His mouth found her

breasts again, and Buck reached around to tease Marshall’s balls. Her breasts got attention as she
rocked to release. Buck sensed her building to it, and she clenched their cocks as her body shook.
Both their names came out of her mouth again and again until she gasped for air and fell back on

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Kissing her hair then her delicate ear, he wrapped his arms tighter around her and held as he

lifted into her. “We love you. We won’t leave. Don’t worry about anything.”

“I want to feel you.” She turned her head and kissed him.
Marshall’s faster thrusts made Buck grit his teeth, and he tried to hold on. Diane’s soft squeezes

urged him on, and finally, Buck lifted hard into her until he screamed her name. The throb of Marshall
fucking through his orgasm made Buck love it more. Only a few seconds later, Marshall shuddered
and fell on the pair and collapsed them to the right on the bed.

“So good,” Diane said.
Buck pulled off his rubber and snapped Marshall’s off, as well. When he returned, he found

Marshall’s face between her generous cleavage.

Chuckling, Buck joined him. “There are some things we can’t offer each other no matter how

much we love each other.”

She smiled, and the red flamed on her cheeks. “So the gay thing is a problem for your


Buck shook his head. “Not mine. Traditionally, homosexuality was considered enlightened and

favored by many tribes. They’d probably like it more if I was fully gay, but I can’t deny my need for

“I’m glad.” Diane kissed him. “Why do you wander?”
Shrugging, Buck kissed Marshall. “Most of my family isn’t gifted with enough connection to

their totem to shift. My brother was the only other one. We were running with horses as teens, and he
lost focus. He was trampled. My family didn’t want me shifting after that.”

“I’m sorry.” She cupped his face with a soft hand.
“Me, too. I found Marshall and wasn’t alone. You have to find your life. You found your land,

and you knew.” Buck kissed her palm.

“That’s true. I knew I wanted to live here.” She looked at Marshall. “What about you? You

don’t talk about your family, either.”

He grinned with a nipple still in his mouth. Marshall lifted his head and let her breast fall. “My

family are all wolves. Nothing but shifters in my bloodline, but they hunt in packs and eat raw meat. I
never fit in there. When I shifted to a peace loving pony, I was mocked. I ran away young. Found my
man. Now, we found you. Is that enough childhood confessions for you?”

She nodded. “Thank you. I feel like I know you so well, but I don’t know your birthdays or how

many siblings you have.”

“You know what matters. There’s time for the rest.” Buck felt her tense, but it went away just as


“Hungry yet? I can go heat up lunch while you shower.” She shifted to lie on her back on the


“What is it?” Buck asked.
“Nothing. Is this real? You’re going to stay?” she asked.
Buck smiled and leaned over her, licking from her hip up to her breast. “Unless you kick us out.

We’d never do anything you don’t want us to.”

“Promise?” she asked.
Marshall nodded. “We’d do damn near anything to make you happy. Just ask.”
A sexy smile lit up her face as she grabbed the bottle of baby oil and squirted it over her

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Buck and Marshall exchanged a look.
“You two both like them so much. I want to watch you fuck them. Or are you too spent from

before?” She stretched out like a model.

“Are you teasing?” Marshall asked.
“Yeah, that’s not much fun for you.” Buck’s cock, however, was already responding to the


“Really? Watching the two of you, cocks pressed together and getting off on me. Maybe I would

like it? We won’t know until we try. Unless you don’t want to.” She grinned knowingly.

Marshall rubbed his cock over her oil-slicked breast. Buck moved in on her other side and slid

into the hollow between her breasts. Watching Marshall’s cock grow prodded Buck’s arousal further.
They propped her head up with pillows so she could see their two shafts together.

She pushed her breasts together, and the tightness made Buck groan. They fucked in unison, and

she watched, her gazed glued to their erections. Buck suspected she wanted to watch them more, but
she was too shy to ask for the full fantasy. One day soon, they’d give it to her, but this worked for
them in the moment.

When she craned her neck to lick the heads of their cocks, Marshall lost control and came on

her neck. Easing back, he rubbed the tip to her breast. Feeling Marshall’s release shoved Buck to the
edge and he aimed at her breasts, coating it with his cum.

Her smile sparkled as her tongue darted to lick up a drop of each of their deposits. Buck lapped

up a drop of Marshall’s high on her neck as Marshall sucked her breast clean of Buck’s cum. Diane
rubbed the rest into her skin like an priceless moisturizer.

“Like it?” Buck asked.
She nodded. “Now, I’m starving. Let’s take a shower and eat. There are more chores to do.”
Marshall nipped her breast. “Bossy.”
“He loves it.” Buck winked at her.
“Me too.” She kissed them both and headed for the shower.

* * * *

As they cleaned up from lunch, Diane’s worry returned. She absent-mindedly stroked Minny

until the cat went and sat with Buck.

“What is it?” he asked.
Marshall grabbed another glass of iced tea. “Yeah, you’re distracted.”
She rotated her shoulders. “My neighbor stopped by. She saw you guys last night, in horse form.

Which means she saw me out there with you, and I lied to her today. I said she was mistaken. She’s in
everyone’s business.”

“So what if you had horses?” Buck asked.
“I don’t keep horses. None at all here. She knows that, and with the roundup a few days ago…”
Marshall nodded. “She thinks you’re hiding some mustangs from the feds?”
“Probably. But she wouldn’t call the feds and report me.” Diane put effort into convincing

herself of that and sounding certain.

“You’re a terrible liar.” Buck moved behind her and hugged her tight.
“I know. I don’t know why I did it. Because I can’t tell her the truth. The shifter thing isn’t

exactly an easy sell.” The affection helped with the worry. Her body hummed for more distractions.

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The sex was amazing, and the view was burned in her mind. Such hot men should be seen like that

“Definitely don’t tell anyone about that,” Marshall agreed.
“I won’t, but Sharon isn’t the type to let things drop. She’ll pop by daily to see if there are

horses around, if you two are still here, and to interrogate me on things.” Diane wished she were
quicker thinking on her feet.

“Tell her to mind her own business and get off your property. The feds come and there are no

horses…” Buck shrugged it off.

“True.” Except, if the men stayed they’d inevitable need to shift back for their health or her

enjoyment. She wanted them to stay, and Sharon would be an ongoing issue.

“You’re not convinced.” Marshall leaned in and kissed her. “What can we do?”
She shook her head. “Nothing. You’re right that she can’t prove anything. Unless she got a

picture. We can’t know if she did or didn’t. And she’s pushy. She’ll get someone to come down and
check it out. They could ask a lot of inconvenient questions.”

“But it was dusk. If there was a flash, we’d have seen it. So at best, she got a darkish picture of

us.” Buck slid his hands into her jean pockets and strummed her hips.

It felt so good she leaned back on him, but the fear didn’t fade. “Okay, that’s true. I need to

make a call.”

She headed for the phone and dialed a neighbor three ranches over. All she could do was hope

he answered.

“Hello,” he said.
“Jake! I’m so glad you’re home. Are you still looking to sell those two riding horses?” She

crossed her fingers.

“Sure am. Not used to being around birds, but they’re calm and not too old. I just can’t support

them anymore. What made you change your mind?”

He’d offered her the horses before and she’d turned them down. “I hired on some hands, and

I’m thinking of expanding. Not too fast or too soon but a couple horses would be a good start. Price
the same?”

“Sure is. When do you want them?” he asked.
“As soon as you can bring them over. No rush or anything but might as well get the money,

right?” She tried to sound causal.

“I’ll be by this afternoon.”
“Perfect. See you then.” She hung up and hugged her guys. “Jake’s bringing the horses.”
“Jake?” Marshall asked.
“Yeah, he lives a few ranches over. Nice guy. Has a lot of land and is upside down. He’s trying

to help his daughter at college.” Did she sense some jealousy? “He’s a nice guy. Widower.”

Buck and Marshall moved in closer. “You told him you hired two hands.”
“You heard me.”
“We’re more than hands.” Buck nodded.
“Of course, you are. How can I tell people I have two boyfriends? Or two lovers or whatever it

is we are when we figure it out. They’ll think I’m some weird reverse Mormon or something. We
won’t live that down around here. We’d have to move a lot closer to Vegas to make this look

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“Fair enough. We can’t admit to a ménage lifestyle in a small ranching town.” Marshall kissed

her. “But don’t you get any ideas about a widower.”

Diane smiled and hugged them both to her. “If I wanted Jake, I’d already have tried. He’s a

little older than me. Don’t worry, you two are much, much hotter. Now, relax and go feed my birds.
Then we have to get the barn ready for real horses. Wait, is that going to be some weird thing when
you shift?”

Buck laughed. “No. We’re only interested in screwing you in any form.”
Diane frowned. “What am I? Catherine the Great? No way.”
“No, of course not. We wouldn’t have sex when we’re horses. It’s not necessary.” Marshall


“You two can mount each other when you’re all wild and trotting, if you need to. Just no doing

any other fillies no matter how pretty they are. Okay?” Diane felt really weird making human and
horse sex rules, but if she wanted them to stay, they needed to clear this up.

“Done!” Marshall kissed her forehead.
“Absolutely.” Buck pinched her ass.
She was waiting for something more, but they went out the back door. They’d said they loved

her in bed and she wanted to hear it again. She’d said it, too. That was still sinking in. Maybe it was
just the sexual high? People said dumb things when they were naked.

They’d said they were staying, and it certainly seemed as if that were their intention. They

hadn’t resisted her need to know silly personal details from their childhood. They knew bits about her
ex and liked her cat. Maybe, it’d work out. First, she needed to get ready for real horses.

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Chapter Seven

Marshall and Buck got the barn ready. Two stalls were perfectly cleaned out and had fresh hay.

There was water and food ready, and Marshall doubled-checked that the door latches worked so the
horses didn’t wander off. New surroundings could be confusing.

When an old pickup truck hauling a horse trailer pulled up, they walked out and watched Diane

hand over some cash and take some papers. She nodded to them, and they came over to take the

“Jake, this is Buck and Marshall. They’ve been a huge help to me.” Diane smiled.
“Nice to meet you two. Glad to see someone is looking out for her. These two are good horses.

I just can’t afford to keep them all.” Jake nodded and got back in his truck.

Marshall was relieved Jake was older and didn’t even look at Diane like a woman but more as

a daughter. He could tell by where Jake’s eyes had been directed on Diane’s body. Marshall’s
possessive feeling for Diane grew more every minute.

“Think she can afford this?” Buck asked.
Looking back, Marshall saw Diane waving to Jake as he left. She was out of earshot. “I don’t

know. I hope it’s not too big of a burden. She’s covering for us.”

Buck backed his horse into the stall, and it went right for the water. “If we expand the ranch,

we’ll need them. The feed and vet bills will add to our expenses at first.”

“I know. But we’re here. We can get a lot more done for her. Add to the birds, increase the

breeding. Diversify.” Marshall shrugged.

“I’ve been thinking about that. I don’t want to be too pushy with her. She’s run it by herself for

so long. We can’t just take over her business.” Buck shook his head.

The sounds of boots in the hay made the men turn.
Diane folded her arms. “So you two have no problem getting pushy and taking over my sex life,

but you don’t want to interfere with business?”

Marshall looked into her eyes. There was a doubt and hardness he hadn’t seen before.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Fine. I just feel like something’s going on behind my back.” She kicked the dirt.
Buck leaned on the stall door. “Not at all. We weren’t sure if you can afford this move now.

The horses aren’t cheap to maintain. That’s really four extra mouths to feed. Two human and two

“I know. Money has been tight, and while you two are doing a lot of work to earn your keep,

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and the horses can help with some things, neither will bring in more money right away. It’ll be a
rough couple of months until we can get more animals going.” She rubbed the nose of one of the

“I’ve been thinking about goats.” Buck moved next to her.
“Goats?” she asked.
“It’s actually a good idea.” Marshall knew how smart Buck was about farming and animals.

Buck’s grandmother had passed down a lot of information from when his family had a spread of their
own. She’d married a white man and moved in various circles before settling back with her family as
a widow.

“Goats? The back section of the land is rather hilly and rough. They could handle it.” She


“And they graze on all-natural wild grasses, of course supplemented by nutrient-rich goat feed.”

Buck grinned.

“For meat? Goat jerky?” She chewed her lower lip. “I need to do some research.”
“Well, you do dairy and meat. Goat milk and cheese is big. Yogurt.”
“Dairy. That’s a lot of equipment.” Diane paced the barn. “This is too big, and I don’t have that

kind of capital. I can probably get a small loan, but that’s huge.”

“No, that’s the great thing. You don’t need to buy the equipment. There are processors right

over in California dairy country. We need a storage container with refrigeration, but they send a truck,
pump out the milk and make the milk, cheese, and yogurt. You get money for the raw milk. It’ll take a
little time to make contacts, and you’ll have to buy the goats and get started.”

She nodded absently. “We’ll need a milking machine, at least. To have enough goats to make

money at it, we can’t do that by hand.”

Marshall grinned. “And once a goat stops giving milk or if you have too much, you can sell off

the animals for food. Who knows, you might make enough to put in your own dairy back there and hire
a big staff.”

“One step at a time. First, we need to build a goat pen so they don’t get kicked by the birds. We

can’t mingle the two. I’ve never handled goats. I need to do some research.” She sighed. “So I’m
going to get on the computer and do some checking. Are you guys okay making nice with the horses?”

“Sure.” Marshall tucked her hair behind her ear. “Are you feeling okay? You look like you’re

nervous. If that neighbor comes back, you just tell her you were considering the horses before, and
Jake brought them by one day to show them off. Sharon must’ve had her days confused.”

“I’m sure you’re right. It’s just a big commitment. I need to go keep the laundry loads rotating.”

Diane nodded and walked out of the barn.

Marshall looked at Buck. “She’s having doubts.”
“I can make the goats work. It’ll be added income. And I might know some people back by

Grandma’s where we can get a pair of breeding goats to start.” Buck brushed one of the horses gently
to make friends.

“I don’t know if it’s about the money. I’m sure that’s part of it, but it’s a lot of change, and

maybe, she’s worried. We could be changing too much for her too fast.” Marshall grabbed a brush
and gave the other horse the same treatment.

Clearly, they were saddle and rider friendly horses. There was a bit of tension and head

shaking because of the new location. But Marshall and Buck were used to horses. Diane clearly

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wasn’t unnerved by them, either.

Buck fed the horses a few pieces of carrot and leaned on the wall. “I say we just go in and ask

her. Talk it out. She might just be focused on the business now, and the pressure makes her serious.
We don’t exactly have a lot to offer in the finance department.”

That was true, but they had a little something. “I say we borrow her car and go get our stash

first. We don’t need to sell anything sentimental, but I’ve got a few pieces I’ve acquired that might be
worth something. We can try to help.”

“You’re right. We need to bring our stuff here and make it home.” Buck moved to Marshall and

wrapped his arms around his neck, sharing a soft kiss. The bond had only grown stronger. Loving
Diane was one more connection. After another quick kiss, they headed off.

* * * *

Laundry was done and Diane sat at the kitchen table with her laptop. The research for the goats

proved good so far. Going over her monthly budget made her stomach twinge. The food for two men
wasn’t bad. She had a freezer full of meat she’d put aside when her ex was wandering around
apparently seducing older rich women.

The horses would cost more, and it was a gamble. She might never need them if the ranch

stayed small. If the men left, she’d be stuck. Investing in a small goat herd wasn’t too bad, but the
machines and storage for the milk wasn’t cheap. Without their labor, she’d be sunk.

It hadn’t even been a week. She couldn’t change her entire life in a few days with men who’d

roamed for years. They were wild mustangs. What if they got bored here? They’d borrowed her SUV
to get their personal things. It sounded promising, and she wasn’t worried they’d steal her car or
never come back. Part of her was preparing for worry to win out a few weeks down the road. Or a
few months from now if the dull routine wore out its welcome and wild sex wasn’t enough to keep
them around.

When she heard the SUV pull in, she felt a relief straight down to her bones. She never wanted

them to leave, and it scared her.

They walked in looking so good she wanted to take them to the bedroom right then. Only a few

hours apart and she’s missed them more than she expected. Diane tried to act normal. “Find

“Just fine.” Buck set down a canvas sack not much bigger than her purse.
“Those are all your worldly possessions?”
“We threw our clothes in the washer. Only about two loads of that even.” Marshall kissed her

cheek and nodded to Buck.

“What?” she asked.
Buck reached in the bag and produced a few rings and a bracelet. “We want you to have these.

Sell them to invest in the goat business.”

“No! You said you only kept things that meant something. Those are precious. You’re not going

to sell them for goats.”

“We’re keeping the most important things. It’s not easy to set down roots and build a business.

We want to contribute our share.” Marshall put his hand on her shoulder.

She took the rings. One was a diamond and one looked like an emerald in a very old setting.

The bracelet was studded with large gorgeous opals. “These are important. They belonged to women
you loved. I won’t sell them.”

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Buck leaned into her. “My great-great-grandmother’s rings won’t do me any good. I’m not free-

loader. You know we’ll do all the work outside you need. But start up money means we’re part of it.
We have a stake in this.”

Her eyes filled with tears. “I know. I appreciate it. But I think you need step back and really

think about if that’s what you want. If you really want to be stuck here long term.”

“What are you talking about? Why wouldn’t we?” Marshall demanded.
She brushed a tear away. “Don’t get upset. I just mean, this happened so fast that you might get

bored. You two roamed around together. New places and people all the time. My ex liked that, too.
He couldn’t give up his casino job because he loved the bright lights and new people. Ranch life is
dull. Same land, same animals and same chores every day. It’s not for everyone. My parents would
hate it here. I’m the weird one who loves the calm reassuring routine. And you two have changed it a
lot in the past week.”

Buck nodded. “We threw you off, and you don’t like it?”
“No, I love it! I love you two, but you’re acting like it’s a done deal and we’re married,

committed, business partners or something. I don’t change things that fast. And the business idea is
great, but I don’t have the money for the basic equipment to get started without a loan. It’s too much at
once. And for all I know, you'll decide it’s boring and wander off to run with a new bunch of
mustangs.” She rubbed her temples.

Marshall guided her out of her chair and to her feet. “This is new for us, too. We’ve never

wanted to share our lives with someone before. We’ve never lived with a woman and wanted to
make her life ours. We should’ve told you more about our history, but we were more interested in our

Buck pressed in behind her and held her. “He’s right. We were searching for you. All the

roaming isn’t what we wanted, but if we hadn’t done it, we’d never have ended up here.”

Their body heat made her insides melt. “But you’ll still shift and go running.”
Marshall chuckled and kissed her head. “We’ll take the odd day off and shift. We have to; it’s

our nature. But we’ll always come back to you. Please, Diane, take the jewelry and sell it. We don’t
have credit ratings; we can’t get a loan or help you there. But we did get you a pair of breeding goats
from a good milking line.”

She leaned back and looked at him. “Really? Where?”
“We stopped off to see my grandmother on the way home. She has a friend who owed her a

favor. Consider it a present welcoming you to the family.” Buck kissed her neck.

“She knows? I mean how do we tell people? I can get a loan from my dad if I need it, but he’ll

ask questions about the two men living with me. Are you my boyfriends? My mother will faint then
look up all the laws we’re breaking.” Diane ran her fingers through her hair and slid free from the
man sandwich so she could think.

“We’re not breaking any laws. We have no need to get married. That’s an old-fashioned idea,

and we’re for more evolved than that. Living together and loving each other is not illegal.” Marshall

Buck leaned on Marshall. “We love you, Diane. Not just in bed or taking care of us. You

could’ve let me heal and sent us on our way, having done your good deed for strangers. But this is so
much bigger than that. Tell your parents what you want. We’re business partners and friends. Trusted
advisors on the goats and bird ranch game. Your ex caused you enough pain; no one would blame you

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for staying single.”

She suppressed a laugh. “My mother said I have such bad taste in men that I should give up or

try women. Yuck, I couldn’t do that.”

“I think you like the male animal.” Buck pulled her to him and pinned her against Marshall.
“I do. Too much, maybe. You’re really staying?” She felt so safe between them.
“Really.” Marshall kissed her ear.
“Try and get rid of us.” Buck kissed her then Marshall.
It sparked her need for more of them together. “I love you too. Sometimes sex muddies the

reality, but I think it’s when I’m the most honest.”

“One of the many things we love about you.” Marshall squeezed her ass.
“Well, I’m not selling any of those pieces. They’re beautiful and classic. You should keep them.

I’ll work up a proposal on the goat expansion and pitch it to my father. My mom will like the dairy
angle, and they’ll be cheaper and easier than a bank in this economy.”

“You’re sure you want to go to family?” Buck asked.
She nodded. “I pulled away from them when I married my ex. Mom didn’t like him, and I

thought I was being independent. But they knew me better. He didn’t want the life I did. They made
sure the divorce was fair to me and helped me keep this place. I paid them back. I can manage the
monthly bills, even with your big appetites. The milking equipment is all I’ll need funds for. And for
some reason, I think they’ll like you.”

“Really? Like the nomadic, part-Native Americans who moved in with their daughter?” Buck


She nodded. “I thought they’d like the ex with his ambition, but he didn’t make me happy like I

thought he would. You two make me so happy I’m afraid to believe it’s real. They’ll love that.”

“Good. Now what can we do to prove we’re never leaving you? Swear on our ancestor’s

jewelry?” Marshall offered.

“I have a better idea.” She slipped free, closed her laptop and stripped off her shirt as she

headed for the bedroom.

The men followed her and stripped off their clothes before they hit the bed.
Diane was down to her underwear but stopped there. When they reached for her, she shook her

head. “I want to see you two.”

“What?” Marshall asked.
“I want to watch you two. I’ve gotten a lot of attention, and while I love it, I don’t want you two

to feel like you can’t get into each other when the mood strikes you. Watching sounds hot to me.” She
snuggled with a pillow near the head of the bed.

“You didn’t get enough watching that first night?” Buck asked.
“You saw me?” Her cheeks burned, but she smiled. “It was very hot. So why don’t you guys

suck each other off?”

“Directions, too?” Marshall grabbed her foot and kissed her toes before he turned and pushed

Buck onto his back.

The men kissed and took their time, groping each other. Diane caught them glancing over at her

every so often. No doubt, she was spellbound by the hot men exploring each other’s muscle. Hard
cocks strained for attention, but her men went slowly for her.

Marshall sucked Buck’s nipples and slid lower, gripping his cock at the base and licking the

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head until Diane’s pussy started to throb. He swallowed Buck all the way and backed off so Buck
could fuck his mouth.

They were a beautiful combination, and she was amazed how easily she fit in with them. Buck

pulled at Marshall’s hips until they were in a lovely sixty-nine. She stretched out next to them so she
could see it all. Rubbing her breasts through her bra, she wanted to join them but had no intention of

When Buck thrust deeper and harder into Marshall’s mouth, Diane watched Buck’s body.

Various muscles tensed, and his hips and legs spasmed as he moaned against Marshall’s cock.
Marshall’s smile said it all as he swallowed Buck’s cum.

Watching Marshall’s ass bounce, Diane switched to the other end. Buck’s tongue stuck out just

a little as Marshall fucked at a furious pace. The sudden stop of Marshall’s hips was the only signal
they got before he came on Buck’s tongue then slid back into his mouth.

“You guys are so sexy together.” She knew her panties were damp, and her cunt needed them

hard, but she had to take in the moment. They were hers. Deep down, she believed they’d never leave.

Her men untangled and reached for her as she heard a car in the front. “Someone’s here.”
“They can come back.” Marshall shook it off.
Buck peeked out from the curtains. “Looks like you were right, Diane. Smells like the law.”
“Damn.” She grabbed her jeans and tugged them on.
“Relax, just tell the truth. Just not too much.” Marshall dressed fast.
She nodded and knew having the guys on her side would make it so much easier. All of what

she did was necessary to protect them and grow her ranch the way she wanted. That nosy neighbor
wasn’t going to win—even if all Sharon wanted was to cause trouble.

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Chapter Eight

Buck pulled on his shirt and shoved his feet in shoes as Diane opened the door. Both fully

clothed, he and Marshall walked out to the kitchen then to the front door.

“Sorry to bother you, ma’am. I’m Sheriff Andrews, and we received a report that you were in

possession of two undocumented wild or stray horses. We need to check it out. Mind if I take a look
around, Ms. Wandrey?”

“Who made the complaint?” Diane asked.
“That’s not really important. We just need to make sure that any of the wild horses aren’t kept

as pets or work horses. They aren’t tame and could be diseased. If you have any, we need you to hand
them over immediately or there’s a big fine.”

“Take a look. I have two horses, but they’re not wild. Sharon stirs up trouble, but I think

wasting law enforcement’s time is a new low.” Diane wouldn’t let her neighbor get off without a dig,
and it made Buck smile.

Buck could see Sharon in her truck out on the main road. It was clear as day to him what had

happened, and they’d barely gotten the horses on the property in time. Diane caught the sheriff looking
over her shoulder and turned and smiled. “I’m sorry. These are my business partners and all around
ranch hands, Buck and Marshall. The sheriff is here to see us. He thinks we’re hiding horses.”

“We’ve got enough animals to feed without taking in wild horses. We can show you around if

you like.” Marshall nodded.

“You can all come, but I need the property owner with me.” He tipped his hat and stepped back

out on the porch.

Buck grabbed the papers for the horses and ran to catch up with Marshall, Diane and the sheriff

at the barn.

“See. Two saddle-trained horses I bought off Jake Margus.” Diane looked casual and at ease.
“You have any proof?” the sheriff asked. “The report said the person who filed it asked you,

and there were no horses on the property.”

“I grabbed those for you, Diane.” Buck handed papers over.
“Thanks.” She grinned. “As you can see here, sheriff, I bought the horses today. I’d been back

and forth on doing it. You can ask Jake, but if I want to expand, I need some horses. And we got a
good deal on the goats.”

The sheriff looked into the goat stalls. “I see. Well the roundups do upset people. They think

mustangs will come crashing onto their property like a stampede. It makes people suspicious and all

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the protestors make everyone paranoid.”

Diane shrugged. “So is that it? Will she get in any trouble for filing a false report?”
The sheriff smiled. “I sense a bit of a rivalry. I love our small-town antics. I’ll take care of it,

once I tour the rest of the property to make sure.”

The walk continued around the property. The birds stamped and stared at the new person. Their

pen was free of horses as was the area where Buck planned to build the goat pen. Back in the house,
the cat hissed at the Sheriff and followed him from room to room until he was back at the front door.

Buck picked up the cat and scratched her head to soothe the protective feline.
“Well, I’m sorry to have disturbed you. I’ll speak to the complainant and see that she causes no

further trouble.”

Diane cleared her throat. “Tell her, for me, that she’s not welcome on my property anymore.

The guys are going to put up a no trespassing sign today, and I expect it to be respected by her

“Will do.” He tipped his hat and headed down the stairs.
Diane closed the door with force and exhaled in relief.
“You were great!” Marshall hugged her and lifted her off the ground.
Minny jumped down and wandered off now that her home was secure, and Buck was free to

kiss Diane as Marshall set her on the ground.

“That bitch was watching him. What a pain. I’m serious about that sign. I don’t want her on our

land again.”

Buck grinned.
“What?” she asked.
“You said ‘our land’.”
She shrugged. “Well, you’ll earn you share in sweat and hard work. I’m pretty bossy and


“Why don’t you show us how bossy and demanding in bed. We didn’t get to finish what we

started earlier.” Marshall yanked off his shirt.

“Hold your horses, or hold yourselves. Sign first. I’m serious. There’s some paint and old

plywood out in the garage. When we go to town for supplies, we can get a fancy one, but it’s a start.”
She kissed Buck then Marshall. “I’ll be waiting.”

Diane walked down the hall, undoing her bra and sliding it out of her sleeve as she went.
“She’s such a tease.” Buck grinned.
“Gotta love her. Let’s get to work.” Marshall nudged Buck to the door.

* * * *

While they worked, Diane put dinner in the Crock-Pot, fed the cat and made a list of supplies

they needed to get in town. When she heard them making noise in the garage, she darted for the
bedroom and ditched her jeans, panties and shirt fast. Sprawling on the bed, she wanted to look sexy.
She ran her fingers through her hair, hoping it worked. She’d never been good at makeup or dressing
up for men.

Buck and Marshall walked in sun-kissed and naked. No doubt a trail of clothes was in the hall,

but their entrance made up for it. They climbed on the bed without a word. Buck grabbed a couple
condoms, but he had one hand behind his back. They were hiding something. This round, she
definitely needed to have them both. Did they bring sex toys? She needed them!

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“We have something for you.” Buck held out a necklace of delicate silver with a large opal in

the middle.

“It’s beautiful, but I told you, I’m not pawning anything. I can get the money.” She tried to push

his hand away.

“No, this has been in my family for generations. I want you to wear it. Not every day, but I want

you to have something that connects to me and my family.” He wrapped it around her neck and
fastened it.

She looked down and felt a lump in her throat. “It’s beautiful.”
Marshall held out the bracelet. “This should go with it pretty well. You seemed to like it


“I loved it. But you don’t have to.” She shook her head as Marshall slid it on her wrist. “Thank


“Call that our commitment. Exchange of jewelry is traditional.” Buck kissed her.
“You two are so special. I don’t deserve you.” She patted the bed for them to join her.
“We don’t deserve you. It’s a perfect fit.” Marshall kissed her hand.
They lay on either side of her, and each put a strong hand on her stomach. Her insides flipped

for more. No foreplay, just sex but that clearly wasn’t their idea. Buck kissed her as Marshall sucked
her breast, then they traded. Her breasts tingled, but her pussy ached for action.

She kissed them back and reached down, stroking their hard cocks, but neither seemed

motivated to move things along.

Grabbing a condom, she pushed Marshall on his back and slid on the protection. Straddling his

hips, she went all the way down to the base as her hands braced on his chest. Her body tightened on
him and sparked for more. Riding him like a cowgirl, she nodded to Buck.

Instead of going behind her, he moved to kneel over Marshall’s face. She stretched out; hips

still snapping down on the cock like someone would take it away. Her mouth sucked on the head of
Buck’s cock, and she took as much as she could while still satisfying her body. Marshall sucked
Buck’s balls, and it turned her on even more. So intimate and sweet even with such primal hungers at

Buck guided her up and kissed her mouth. He held her breasts, and Diane knew what they all

needed. She slammed down on Marshall as his fingers pinched her clit. The explosive orgasm made
her gasp and shudder. Those fingers didn’t stop, and her release went on and on as Buck held her.

She heard Marshall cry out and knew he’d come in her. Grinding on him to get the last bit of

pleasure, she tipped forward into Buck’s arms. “You’re such an amazing team,” she moaned.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Buck rolled her onto her back and caged her with his arms and


Smiling up at him, she had no energy left, but her body had more need. “Fuck me. Please.”
Buck slid on protection and ran his hands under her ass. She tilted her hips up for the better

angle and groaned when he filled her. Running her hands over his chest, she turned her head to look at
Marshall. His big grin said it all. He was on his side, watching her getting fucked.

“Harder,” she urged Buck.
Marshall leaned in, kissing her mouth and moving down to her breasts. Arching her back, she

rocked her hips in time with Buck as he increased the pressure.

“Good?” Marshall asked.

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“So good!” She slid a hand over his back while the other was on Buck’s shoulder.
Marshall moved up to kiss Buck, licking down his body. The view made her tremble as

Marshall went lower and lower. Finally, his mouth was on her clit, sucking and nipping at it until she
thought she’d pass out.

“Harder!” she squeaked.
Buck held her hips and gave it to her as Marshall bit her clit and flicked it with his tongue. The

orgasm made her jump, but four strong hands held her in place as the ecstasy pounded through every
inch of her. When she opened her eyes, her body still throbbed, but it was finally satisfied.

Her pussy was still full, and Marshall slid up, kissing and squeezing her breasts. When Buck

gently thrust in her again, she moaned and curled her legs around his waist.

“I want a taste of you both,” Marshall said as he slid back down to her pussy.
“He’s never boring.” Buck kissed Marshall.
“Close?” Marshall asked.
Buck nodded, his hips rocking fast then pulling back. Diane watched as Marshall yanked off the

condom and jerked Buck’s cock until he came on her pussy folds. The sight of Buck coming and
Marshall licking it up along with her juices made Diane moan with desire. She lifted her hips every
time his tongue hit her clit. Thorough as ever, he sucked her pussy clean.

“I can’t believe how much I needed that,” she confessed.
“You definitely belong with us.” Buck kissed her hard.
Marshall fingered the bracelet on her wrist. “This looks good on you.”
“I’m not much of a jewelry wearer, but these are perfect for me. Not too flashy. For special

occasions. I’ll take good care of them. I love you.” She kissed Buck then Marshall.

“Good because that was just the beginning on tonight’s fun.” Marshall winked.
Her body tingled as if she knew. “What do you have in mind?”
Buck kissed her neck where the necklace rested so innocently. “You’ll have to wait and see.

Right now, dinner break.”

Now that one need was fulfilled, her stomach did grumble for dinner. “Okay fine, but I really

don’t feel like putting clothes on.”

“Minny will be shocked.” Buck chuckled.
Marshall kissed her nipple. “You don’t want to drop anything and burn tender spots.”
Diane stretched and slid from the bed. Grabbing one of their shirts, she slid it over her head.

“Fine. Tomorrow, we need to go into town for supplies. There’s a list here you can add to.” They’d
followed her out to the kitchen.

It felt so normal and routine, she loved it. These two men knew what was important in life and

how deep love could run. The need to go for a bareback ride on her mustangs flared up, but tonight it
might be too obvious since the sheriff had just been here. Tomorrow night would be soon enough to
take them for a ride.

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About the Author

A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic
romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans...where anything can happen!
Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes numbers for a
division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free for her erotic
romance novels.

Cheryl loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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The Phases Series

Now Available from Resplendence Publishing

Taken by the Pack by Cheryl Dragon

Phases: Book One

Danny loves Alaska, but it doesn’t seem to love him back. The full Wolf Moon sparkles over
Fairbanks, but he’s alone for those long nights. He wants to come out of the closet and date, but his
frail family might implode. All he wants is the right man in his bed.

Brandon and Justin are lovers and wolf shifters native to Alaska. They’re out to protect their way of
life, and sometimes that means extreme measures. When Danny’s brother proposes aerial wolf
hunting, Danny enters their sights. Danny was the closet case in high school, and now, he’ll be their
sex toy. The shifter pair is ready to do whatever it takes to stop the hunting and maybe add a sexy
human man to their pack.

Coyote Savage by Kris Norris

Phases: Book Two

February's full moon is rising, only this year, it's bringing a new brand of hunger...

For coyote shifters Caden and Talon Brady, the upcoming hunger moon has ignited a different kind of
appetite. They've been waiting several years for a chance to court their intended mate, and now that
she's finally in their sights, they'll stop at nothing to win her over. But when local livestock start
disappearing, their coyote refuge is put in the hot seat, and more than just their way of life is suddenly
in jeopardy.

Sheriff Rebecca Savage never planned on returning to Beckit Falls, or for falling for two handsome
men. But fate seems to have different plans for her. Unfortunately not all of them are sexy and look
fantastic in jeans. The local mayor is trying to run the Brady boys and their coyote refuge out of town.
Nothing seems to make sense, but when she starts digging deeper, a new danger rises with the full
moon—one that just might get them all killed.

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Unchaste by Mia Watts

Phases: Book Three

The mystical Portal of the Gods transports Flynn Chula, shifter and descendant of the Cahokia
Indians, six hundred years in the past. Right into a tribal feud between Amaro and Koda, warriors of
the empire. While Flynn finds his new circumstances impossible, Amaro and Koda know exactly
what to do. Their culture dictates that shifters have to be tested, proving their place among the
people--as priests. Only one high priest can rule the empire at a time, but the current apprentice reigns
with blood sacrifice and fear.

As the sexual preparations begin, Koda and Amaro do their duty to rid him of any possible
heterosexual giving themselves to him wholly. Flynn, who's never wanted a woman in
his life, can't believe his luck. Two hunky men can't get enough of him, and their eager to learn all the

When the blood priest discovers the plot to overthrow him, will Flynn, Koda, and Amaro escape
alive, or will more than blood be lost on the altar?

Awakening Delilah by Abigail Barnette

Phases: Book Four

When Delilah Lewis moved from Atlanta to Gwinn Close, a sanctuary for shifters in Michigan’s
Upper Peninsula, she knew there would be an adjustment period. She just never thought getting shot at
by poachers would be a part of that adjustment. When two sexy shifters come to her rescue, things get
even more complicated. Delilah is a good girl, with a good-girl upbringing, and both men make her
want to be very bad...

Miguel and Darius are in a committed relationship, but once they meet Delilah, they want more.While
Delilah wonders if Gwinn Close is right for her, Miguel and Darius do everything they can to
convince her to stay. But secrets from their past threaten a future with the woman they both crave. And
while she struggles to let go of her boring former life, both men work to bring out the wild animal in

Horny, Hard and Hare-y by Mia Watts

Phases: Book Five

It's time for the annual race, and tortoise shifter, Duncan, is finally going to catch some tail—hare
shifter tail, otherwise known as Charlie. With Gibbs, their owl shifter friend, keeping an eye out

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overhead, they're off and running. But Charlie is as spontaneously careless as the fairytale hare and
finds himself caught by local DNR officer, Ben.

The full moon is rising, and if Charlie stays collared through the Hare Moon, he'll remain an animal
forever. It's up to Duncan and Gibbs to free him before time is up. But in telling their secret, will they
lose Ben forever? It's a foursome waiting to happen, where Ben reconnects with a mysterious lover,
and the tortoise finally catches his hare.

Summer Surrender by Bronwyn Green

Phases: Book Six

Hollis Chambers came to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to teach summer school at a small rural high
school. She’d planned on hanging out on the shores of Lake Superior, taking walks in the woods and
studying the wildlife. She never imagined that she’d meet one man, let alone two, to have a hot
summer fling with.

Lynx shifters Daniel Cichosz and Josiah Wilder know a good thing when they see it and they’re fairly
certain that the gorgeous, full-figured substitute teacher is just who they’ve been looking for. Hollis
surrenders to their seduction, but how will she feel about being mated to shifters, particularly when
Daniel’s brother is added to the mix?

Snared by Kris Norris

Phases: Book Seven

July’s Thunder Moon is holding true to its name. But will the rash of lightning reveal more than just
the landscape?

Veterinarian and bobcat shifter, Tayen Locke, has devoted her life to saving animals, but a rise in
poaching has spurred her down another path. She’s been spending her free time in her animal form,
searching the nearby forest for illegal traps. She’s well aware of the risks—she just never thought
she’d end up snared by her potential mates.

Rangers Quinn Harrington and Rogan James know exactly what they want…they just don’t know how
to convince Tayen it’s her. Ever since they moved to town two years ago, they’ve had their sights set
on the sexy vet, who for the last six months has turned down every offer they’ve made. Though they
know she’s interested, they’re losing hope she’ll ever change her mind.

But an unexpected storm changes the nature of the game. It seems Tayen’s been keeping a secret, and
now that the cat’s out of the bag, literally, there’s no where left for Tayen to run—except straight into
their arms.

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Striped by Abigail Barnette

Phases: Book Eight

Sean has never put down roots and he's not sure he wants to, especially in a place like Gwinn Close,
where everyone seems so happy and well-adjusted. When Jason and Mitchell offer to help tame his
tiger impulses with discipline and a firm hand, Sean isn't sure he can submit sexually without losing
himself completely. But how can he resist their offer when giving in feels so good?

Harvest’s Pride by Brynn Paulin

Phases: Book Nine

Hanna Herst joins rock band Harvest’s tour under the guise of doing an interview on the lead men,
Kaz and Myan Ruslan. But in reality, she’s searching for her sister who disappeared from their crew.
Little does she know, the disappearance and the interview are only a cover to get Hanna within Kaz
and Myan’s circle.

Kaz and Myan know Hanna is their mate. They’ve spent the last year maneuvering her into their camp
and she’s arrived just in time for the Harvest moon, the time when shifters in their pride must claim
their mates. Now, all that remains is to convince her that she’s theirs—now and forever.

Autumn Sacrifice by Bronwyn Green

Phases: Book Ten

When Brenna Alten returns home to attend her cousin’s wedding, she expects to reconnect with
friends and family. She doesn’t anticipate hooking up with her adolescent crush Caleb Mahingan or
his brothers. Despite a night of sizzling hot sex, Brenna believes this can’t turn into more, but Caleb
has other plans for her. As Alpha of his small pack, he knows she's his mate and he doesn't intend to
give her up without a fight.

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Elizabeth Louden has been chosen to provide Micah Bleddyn, the Overlord of Maelgwn, with an heir.
However, she’s not interested in the honor. In a land where only men are allowed to use magic,
women found to possess supernatural abilities are punished—often by death. She knows it’s only a
matter of time before her secret is revealed.

Micah has no desire to rule his father’s empire, but after his older brother vanishes, he has no choice.
Faced with invading forces, treachery among his own people, and now, a mate hell-bent on escape,
he’s had enough. Realizing they have no allies but each other, Micah and Elizabeth reach a reluctant
truce in their bid to stay alive and keep Maelgwn safe.

Reawakening by Charlotte Stein

Forever Dead Series, Book One

June has spent the last two years of her life trying to avoid death at the hands of murderous
psychopaths and ravening zombies. So when Jamie turns up on the scene, careless, still whole and
promising her safety on a little paradise island, she isn’t quite sure she can trust him. Especially when
he tells her that it’s just him, and his equally big, burly, handsome friend Blake.

But Jamie and Blake are even better than her wildest dreams—sweet and funny and charming. And
worst of all: sexy as hell. Though they're trying to be gentlemanly with her, all she can think about is
how much she wants to get tangled up in them, and forget the nightmare the world has become. She's
waiting for her reawakening—back to life and happiness and love.

And they seem like just the right sort of men to wake her—body and soul.

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All Steamed Up: Book One

The Two Aces. Victorian London’s most salacious secret, the club is a place where erotic fantasies
are played out among clockwork automatons and aether powered machines. Where nothing is off
limits and the pleasures are as wicked as the imagination will allow...

Permilia Deering goes to The Two Aces looking for the sexual excitement that she knows she will not
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the club, she meets the Ace of Spades, a masked stranger who drives her to heights of passion she’s
never dreamed possible—and makes her seriously reconsider becoming a mannerly society wife.

When Wallace Sterling first glimpses his fiancée standing outside The Two Aces, he assumes she’s
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a double life, and Wallace worries that he’ll be out of the picture once she gets a taste of what the
Ace of Spades can offer her...

Three Ways to Wicked by Melinda Barron

Bestselling Author Krisily Carmichael needs a break from her life. Her horrid ex-boyfriend sold
naked photos of her, and now she’s plastered all over the nation’s largest skin magazine. So when an
advertisement for a rental cottage near Bath appears in her mailbox, she snatches up the offer.

When she arrives at the remote English cottage, she finds a charming country home with a huge
botanical garden…complete with four magical beings trapped inside.

Victim of a wayward spell, the Sorcerer Uriel and his alchemist cousins, Bythos and Acolius, have
spent centuries trapped inside their garden with an evil witch who wants their secrets. Krisily’s
arrival sets off a string of events foretold to bring about the witch’s end. Unfortunately, they have to
contend with the witch’s curse, which took one sense from each of the men.

But the four of them find a way to communicate, and they come together in a blaze of passion that
helps them to destroy the witch and meet their destiny.

New Orleans by Demi Alex

Who makes life-altering decisions based on a fortune cookie?

Sans her family and sans a job, Lilly Marie is completely alone in the world. With only a broken
heart in tow, she has nothing to lose by packing it up and starting over in the sultry Big Easy. And
after all she’s been through the past year, encountering an eccentric woman in Jackson Square
and actually following her instructions to “step onto Bourbon Street and into her future” doesn’t seem

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so weird. Who is she to question “destiny” when she’d uprooted herself because of a tiny piece of
paper tucked inside a cookie?

What Lilly doesn’t expect is for a hero to save her from a rampant bicyclist and whisk her away to a
place called El Destino to meet his family— “family” being four of the handsomest men Lilly has
ever seen. Whether it is fate or coincidence, the sizzling and sexy men of El Destino take her into
their capable hands to prove that there is no such thing as happenstance, and that undeniable passion
and true love can cure any ailment, including a broken heart.

Alpheli Solution by Anny Cook

Bootcamp class seems to be the answer to her prayers. In her wildest dreams, she doesn’t consider
meeting not just one, but two hunky vampires who take her—in the car, in the shower, in the living
room, in the hot tub, in hand—as they teach her everything she’ll need to know about her new vampire

For centuries, Pierre has loved and pursued Julian with no success. After a hostile takeover of
Julian’s financial assets, Pierre is positive Julian will have nowhere else to turn. Julian, though,
chooses to teach the Vampire Bootcamp class rather than surrender to Pierre on unequal terms. When
one of Julian’s students approaches him for help identifying her sire, Julian is stunned that she is his
alpheli—an extremely rare mate whose blood will allow him to subsist on real food. What will that
mean to his love-hate relationship with Pierre?

There are just one or two problems. Danamara is descended from Pierre’s bloodline. And she’s on
someone’s hit list. Julian and Pierre find unexpected erotic rewards and eternal love when they join
together in a brutal war to protect their alpheli’s life.

Belonging to Them by Brynn Paulin

On the run from her past, Rayna Halliday is devastated when her old car breaks down in the middle
of nowhere. She soon finds that her ex has managed to block her credit cards, her accounts and even
her cell phones in an attempt to exert his control over her. Giving in to him is something she refuses to

When the owners of O’Keefe’s Gas and Repair come to her rescue, they make her an offer that
tantalizes the forbidden desires within her—she can find a way to pay for the car repairs, or she can
belong to them for two weeks and they’ll see to her repairs for free. At the sexual mercy of four
gorgeous men for two weeks… Why not? She can have fun and get things straightened out, all at once.
But there are two problems heading her way: an ex on a rampage and her heart that’s in for more than
just fun.

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FU by Mia Watts

When a screw-up by the Fullerton University Housing Office leaves Parker Galloway shacked up
with four sexy men, Parker thinks four just might be her lucky long as she can get Kei
Yamamoto to join in the fun.

But will taking advantage of FU’s mistake end up getting all five roomies kicked off campus, or will
it be the closest thing to heaven Parker has ever experienced?

We Kill Dead Things by Sommer Marsden

Zombie Exterminators Series, Book One

Poppy thinks her life is weird working the food court at Parktowne mall, until in one brief moment of
creeper killing, things change forever. Now she's a freelance zombie exterminator along with her long
lusted after co-worker Garrity (her not-so-secret crush), a somewhat lusted after bad boy Cahill, and
pretty gay boy Noah.

When the four are hired to do a ballsy zombie clean up at St. Peter's Hospital, Poppy finds out just
what's more scary than creepers: The Evoluminaries, a zealot cult who think zombies are part of
God's chosen, who happen to end up thinking Poppy might make a mighty good zombie incubator. She
finds herself finally sleeping with Garrity, being hunted by a crazy preacher man and stumbling over
the fact that Cahill and Noah have become lovers somewhere in the chaos. And that's all on the job.

Just another day in the life when you kill dead things...

Oriana and the Three Werebears

by Tia Fanning

Oriana Ricci has taken over the family business—flying cargo and rich tourists around Alaska’s
barely inhabited Kodiak Archipelago. When her plane malfunctions and she’s forced to make an
emergency landing, she finds herself stranded in the middle of a National Wildlife Refuge. With no
civilization for miles and no hope of rescue, she thinks all is lost… Until she stumbles upon the
entrance to an underground bunker.

Jack, Jordan, and Jonathan McMathan own and operate a secret intelligence firm contracted by the US
Government. Hidden away in an old Cold War spy station located the middle of the Kodiak National

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Wildlife Refuge, the brothers are not only able to do their top secret jobs safely without fear of
discovery, but are better to protect their other, more personal secret: They have the ability to shift into
Kodiak bears.

Like a fairy tale gone bad, the brothers return home to find their lunch tasted—or eaten, their
computer chairs adjusted—or broken, and a beautiful blonde sleeping in one of their beds. This
situation poses a big problem for the brothers… Their location is now compromised. But more
importantly, what are they to do with the lady?

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