Cheryl Dragon [Oh Yum] 9 1 2 Years (EC)(pdf)

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

9 ½ Years

ISBN 9781419915444
9 ½ Years Copyright © 2008 Cheryl Dragon.

Edited by Shannon Combs.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal
copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is
punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Cheryl Dragon

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Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Energizer: Eveready Battery Company, Inc.

Hilton: Hilton Hospitality, Inc.

Taser: Taser International, Inc.

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9 ½ Years

Chapter One

“Sit down and shut up.” Lt. Lisa Zimmer had had the morning from hell. But

getting the bad guy made it all worth it. At least that’s what she told herself on those

kinds of days. Her jeans were smeared with dirt, shoes scuffed and it was barely two


The man under arrest, Larry Edens, was legally drunk and had been caught in the

act of domestic violence. Lisa loved when it was open and shut. Very few cases in the

Crimes Against Youth and Family Bureau of the Las Vegas Metro Police Department

fell into that category. The detective in her loved the challenge but some days it got to


“Where is my wife?” Larry wrestled with the cuffs behind his back.

He shuffled in the chair next to her desk as Lisa searched for forms. It always

happened—she ran out of forms with a high maintenance criminal. “Your wife and kids

are with a counselor. I’m pretty sure there will be a restraining order.”

Larry leaned forward. “You can’t keep them from me.”

“If the judge says we can—we can.” She didn’t mind stirring up the drunk ones.

They’d find something to get upset about no matter what. And probably wouldn’t even

remember it later.

“It’s nothing serious. A fight. Private family stuff.” It was the mantra of every


“Old lady nagging you, huh?” Detective Baker was nearing sixty and lived to

antagonize suspects. He’d been old when Lisa started, now she was closing in on forty

and felt at home with him in the squad room teasing suspects—and her. It was part of

the old boys’ network that came with being a cop.

“Some women deserve to get hit.” Larry eyed her.


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“And some men deserve to be castrated but the law is a pesky thing.” She shrugged

and turned to give Baker a look that said help or shut up.

Turned for half a second, she heard a groan and the vicious barking of a German

Shepherd Dog. Her job was never dull!

Calmly turning back to her suspect, Lisa saw Officer Eric Duncan with Larry, the

wife beater, in a chokehold. It was Eric’s canine partner, Thatcher, who really had

Larry’s attention.

“Larry, Larry. Are you that drunk?” She nodded to Eric who released the suspect.

“You don’t attempt assault or battery on an officer in a police station. You want that


Thatcher still snarled.

“Call it off!” Larry kicked at Thatcher and the dog only moved closer and barked


“Okay. Assaulting a police officer.” She scribbled then sat back in her chair and

patted her leg. “Down boy.”

Eric gave the actual command and the dog backed off to nuzzle Lisa’s hand and be

petted. Lisa had an affection for dogs in general—her mom had raised a variety of

breeds growing up. But it was Eric who’d kept the suspect in check. “Thanks for the

backup.” She gave him a quick smile. The man was sexy in uniform and out, Eric had

haunted her dreams and indirectly her person since he’d joined the Vegas Metro Police

Department three years back on a transfer down from Reno.

“No problem. Come on Thatcher. Get to work.” The dog trotted to him quickly.

Lisa knew Eric was single and sexy. He’d asked her out several times. But

considering he’d been all of twenty-six when he’d joined the LVPD, it was a bad idea.

At that time she’d been thirty-six. Math wasn’t her best subject but that difference was

too big.


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9 ½ Years

Detective Baker had enough creative jokes and torture to plot without giving him

more ammo. The whole squad room loved to tease. Jokes were one thing but she

couldn’t risk losing the respect and authority she’d carefully cultivated without being

branded a humorless bitch. Cops were a special breed. Dating an officer that much

younger, even in a separate division—it was asking for trouble.

“He’s still after you.” Baker poured himself more coffee.

“You’re imagining things. He happened by.”

Baker laughed. “Happens a lot.”

“Maybe he’s after you?” She hadn’t even slept with Eric. Not a single date or kiss

and she still got jabs. Eric hadn’t even asked her out in about a year. Why did she even

remember that? The subject should be over. Granted—the attraction remained but it

didn’t mean she’d act on it.

After Baker dumped a layer of sugar in his coffee, he shook his head at her. “I’m a

guy, Zimmer. I know men. He’s looking at you.”

“Men always look. Means nothing. New crop of academy grads will show up and

he’ll find a twenty-something to chase. Busty, twenty-something, hard body and fake


“You’re not in bad shape for forty.” Baked actually sounded genuine.

Lisa threw a pen at him, missing on purpose, but just barely. “Thirty-nine and a

half. Watch this guy while I get some forms.”

“Girl makes lieutenant and it goes to her head.” He mocked.

“I test well. Besides I’ll take all the power and pay scale advantages I can get. I’m

nowhere near ready to retire.” She grinned. Baker threatened to retire yearly and never

did. Lisa had recently gotten promoted and now outranked him by two levels. Baker

wouldn’t let her live it down.

“You should’ve been a dominatrix.”


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“I don’t look good in black leather,” she replied over her shoulder and ducked into

the supply closet.

“Black leather?” Eric smiled from inside the closet. “Some undercover sting I need

to get photos of?”

Lisa hadn’t expected company in such small quarters. Anyone but him would’ve

been preferable. “No. Just Baker’s idea of a joke. Can’t stand that I outrank him. Like he

can’t take the test.” Men respected rank and Lisa had earned hers. Baker would do what

she told him despite being old enough to be her father and grouchy enough to tell off

the captain.

“I don’t care that you outrank me.” Eric flirted.

She ignored him. “You’re in a different bureau. K9 doesn’t report to Crimes Against

Youth and Family.”

Eric folded his arms and leaned next to her on the shelf. “Are you ever going to get

over it and go out with me?”

She paused. It was always nice to be asked. The man was persistent yet never made

her feel uncomfortable or bordered on stalker. If only he were five years older she’d

jump him right there. Tall, and muscled everywhere—those uniforms didn’t hide much.

She’d looked him over plenty in three years. Black hair, dark brown eyes with an easy

confidence that fit well with handling both a German Shepherd Dog and the public.

“You know my rule. Date in your own decade. You can do younger. Nothing

against either of us but it makes more sense. Eric you have all the twenty-something

girls after you. Date in your own decade.”

“Okay. I won’t ask again. At least come to my birthday party.”

“Party? With hats and clowns? Pony rides?” It was defense teasing. She didn’t like

the idea that he wouldn’t ask again. It was good for her ego. But that couldn’t show.

Instead she’d gotten in a jab at Eric before he jabbed her. Eric seemed too intense to care

what she’d said.


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9 ½ Years

He studied her. “No. At the Graveyard. Eight o’clock. Beer and cake. Thatcher will

be there.” He knew she adored his dog. The Graveyard was a cop bar that let the dogs

in and never had a single robbery.

No more jokes. “I’ll try to make it. Happy birthday if I don’t see you later.”

He smiled slowly. “You’ll make it.” Eric grabbed a box of pens and left the room.

After a slow deep breath, she found the forms and headed back to her case. Baker

watched Larry and Larry watched the ceiling tile. The guy was semi-sleeping it off.

Because he’d refused medical attention, Lisa had no problem letting him detox in


“Still here.” Baker waved at the drunk.

“That dog was going to eat me. Police brutality.”

Larry seemed to have a problem with women. Those were Lisa’s favorite to book.

This division was hard on her hope for the male sex—the amount of abusers she put

away was staggering. And there was an endless supply to take their place. “He didn’t

touch you. The dog is trained. If we wanted you mangled, he’d have done it,” she

informed the suspect matter-of-factly.

As Lisa filled out the form, she grew antsy about Eric’s party. “Baker?”

“Yeah?” He dozed in his chair, no doubt dreaming of retirement.

“You going to the Graveyard tonight?” She left Eric’s name out of it.

“That birthday thing? Hell yeah. Free beer and cake. Those K9 guys know how to

throw a party. You going?”

Should’ve known. Baker never turned down a free anything. Cop salary and two

ex-wives. “I guess I’ll stop by. I need the calories.” She smacked her hip.

He laughed. “Too bad they don’t have a big bash for every year. I could use the free



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“What do you mean?” In truth she didn’t go to every get-together. Lisa socialized

with her circle and drank a few beers with the best of them but the bar scene had grown

old in her twenties.

“Just the big birthdays. The markers. Nice round numbers. Little Eric is turning

thirty.” Baker’s voice had that hint of amusement. He was waiting for an opening.

Instead of giving him one, she took the dig. “When do I get to give you a retirement


He began to grumble about ex-wives, social security and pension. Lisa’s mind went

back to her big mouth in the supply room. The decade argument had always worked so

well. Simple, definite and the conversations were over.

Today she’d walked right into it. And that’s exactly what Eric had wanted her to

do. They weren’t a decade apart like she’d thought. It was only nine and a half years.


Now the only question was whether to go tonight? A niece’s play was always a

convenient lie to avoid things. But Lisa Zimmer didn’t hide.

* * * * *

Eric sipped his beer with one eye on the door. The guys from his unit laughed and

talked. He was preoccupied—Lisa had yet to show. On some level he knew she would.

Whatever game they’d been playing for the last three years was over. Eric would take it

to the next step and see what happened.

Baker slapped him on the back. “Relax, she’ll show.”

He turned away from the crowd. “Who?” Eric knew Lisa liked things quiet.

Truthfully he wasn’t going to advertise being shot down or stood up.

“I’ve got eyes. Good luck kid. You’ll have your hands full. Assuming you can get a

hand on her.”

Eric smiled. “That’s what I like. She’s unpredictable.”


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9 ½ Years

“She is that. I’ve seen her in two relationships before you were around and both

blew up. They couldn’t handle her.”

“Is this where you tell me that if I hurt her, I’ll answer to you?”

Baker laughed. “Nah. You’ll answer to her. Way worse. I just hate to watch drama

with good cops. I’m too old for this shit.”

Eric had realized that Lisa would be a challenge after one year of being around her.

A firm approach was needed and Eric wasn’t about to rush into it. Before he could pick

Baker’s brain, the cake with thirty candles blazing was brought out.

Lisa walked in as the round of Happy Birthday ended and he made a very specific

wish. Locking eyes with her, he blew out the candles.

She slipped into the crowd. He saw her get a beer and grab a piece of cake. Lisa

mingled but not in his direction. After a round of handshakes and toasts, Eric went to

sit next to her. She was five foot eight inches, tall enough to stare him in the eye without

straining her neck.

Nice curves on her medium build—Eric loved how her jeans hugged her body and

her shirts gave the occasional hint of cleavage. Lisa never let anyone forget she was a

woman who happened to outrank most of the men in the bar. The soft perfume and a

touch of lip gloss tempted him.

But that was just the beginning of the attraction. He was fairly sure her dark blonde

hair was natural but he wanted to check that for himself. Her blue eyes shot straight

through him.

“Thanks for coming.” He nudged her arm with his elbow.

“Free beer and cake. I think I’ve been working with Baker too long.” She ate another

forkful of chocolate cake.

“We all have.” Eric leaned closer. “Are you going to ignore the fact that technically

for the next six months we’re in the same decade?”

Her eyes stayed on the cake. “That’s the plan. Then I’ll be forty and no more issue.”


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“Not good enough.”

Lisa threw him a challenging glare. “How many beers have you had tonight?”

“Two. Don’t change the subject. You know I don’t get drunk and I don’t play


“Neither do I. I’ve been upfront from the beginning.” She pointed the plastic fork,

smeared with icing and her lipstick, at him. “You’re too young.”

“Actually you’ve been avoiding me from the beginning. Ignoring the real issue and

pinning it on the age thing.”

“Real issue? There’s no issue.” She looked around the room. “People are leaving—

you should say good night. They came for you.”

“Okay I’ll go do the polite thing. If you hang around and play me at pool?”

“Why?” She finished off her piece of cake.

“It’s my birthday.” He grinned and got up to chat with officers leaving.

When he looked back, the bar had largely cleared out except for the regulars. Lisa

was gone and she hadn’t passed by him so she had to be in the back room.

Eric made sure Thatcher’s leash was tied to the bar and the dog had a nice bowl of

water before he headed to the back room. Lisa was bent over the pool table racking up.

“Stripes or solids?” she asked.

He took the triangle from her and caught her mouth in a rough kiss. Lisa

responded, pressing her body to his and kissing him back until she moaned softly. Then

she rocked back and stared at him.

“It’s a bad idea, Eric.”

“No it’s not.” Clearly she wanted to argue. He had better things to do but he’d play


“You’re a nice guy.”

“You want a bad guy? A female cop with a thing for bad boys. You’re not that



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9 ½ Years

“No. I don’t want a bad boy. I learned that lesson in high school. I don’t want any

trouble either.”

“Now I’m trouble?” He took a step forward.

“Yes. Definitely.” Lisa was backed against the pool table.

Eric leaned over her. “Good. That clears up a lot.” He grabbed a cue from behind

her—letting the body heat build. She was braced for anything so he did the opposite.

He moved away fast. “You can be solids.”

“Wait. Clears what up?” she asked.

“Grab a cue. I’ll break.” He leaned over the table and lined up the shot. Step one

was accomplished. He’d thrown her off balance. Lisa was hard to rattle and even harder

to outmaneuver.

True to form, Lisa recovered fast and grabbed a cue. She took her shot and sank

one. The next shot she missed. “What’s clear?” she asked again.

He shrugged. “You’re attracted to me but you’re scared.”

“Scared?” She picked up her pool cue like a good cop, she’d hold on to any weapon

she had at hand. “I’m not scared.”

“Sure you are. You’re attracted to me but always find an excuse to back off. That

limits my options. If I go too far you can pull rank and report me.” Eric missed a shot

and stepped back.

Lisa sank two balls with one shot. She always played better when she was fired up.

“So why are you still pushing if I’ve limited your options? Why not back off and we can

be friends?” She missed her next shot and slammed her cue into the table.

“That’s an option but I like the other one better.” Eric sank the remaining stripes to

win the game.

“I don’t want to know.” She grabbed his cue and put both back in the wall rack.


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The lush view of her from behind told him this was his chance. He stepped up and

pressed to her. His cock ached against the curve of her ass. Lisa tensed and Eric’s hands

caressed her waist and slid down into the front pockets of her jeans.

When she hadn’t decked him or jabbed him with a pool cue—Eric studied the depth

of her cleavage and nuzzled her exposed neck.

He’d never been this close for this length of time. Her scent was subtle and her form

fit to his in a way that made him want her naked more than he ever had. Lisa moved

her head and gave him better access to her neck.

Kissing and nipping—Eric pressed his hands as deep into her pockets as he could.

A few inches of her flat stomach and black panties teased him.

“What?” she gasped.

“I didn’t say anything.” He tongued the back of her neck.

Lisa’s hands reached up and dug into his hair. Twisting her neck, she kissed him.

When she tried to turn fully, Eric held her hips. Then he deepened the kiss but kept her

off balance.

“What’s with you?” she asked.

“You want me. I’m done asking nicely.”

She licked her lips. “Facing the other way works better.”

“This works for me.” One hand slid up to cup her breast. He felt her arch back to

him. His other hand slipped from her pocket and between her legs—rubbing along the

seam of her jeans. Her hips tilted to his touch. Eric was determined to let her know he

was going to lead.

“I could hurt you right now.” Her groan took all the force out of the threat.

Eric worked a circular pattern along the seam as he moved forward toward her clit.

She pressed into his hand as her body tensed against his. He had no doubt she was wet

for him as he rubbed her. The friction was pushing him hard but first he wanted her to

respect his skills. Eric kept up the constant rhythm and pressure until she froze.


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9 ½ Years

He stopped. “More?” he asked.

Her hard breathing made her breasts rise and fall. “You stop now and I will hurt


He worked her clit until her fingernails dug into his upper arms and her body

began to shake. Eric held her tight as Lisa’s lovely long body went limp. He kissed her

until her legs eased her weight off him.

Lisa turned and stared at him—speechless.

Mission accomplished.

“I don’t want to get cited for public indecency. We can pick it up at my place.” He

nodded to the door.

She studied him for a moment then ran a hand through her hair and checked for

smeared lipstick. With a deep breath, she headed for the main bar. Eric followed and

untied the dog.

Lisa didn’t pause. She walked straight out the door and to her car. Locking the car

doors from the inside, she started the engine.

The reaction was no less than Eric expected. The surprise approach only worked if

it truly was a surprise. Now the next move was hers. She already knew where he lived.

Lisa had dog-sat for Thatcher when Eric had gone upstate for his sister’s wedding. But

would Lisa come over tonight for him?


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Chapter Two

Lisa sat in her car—stunned at her own inaction. Eric had just gotten her off in the

back room of a bar. Anyone could’ve walked in. And worse, she’d have let Eric do


The itch should’ve been scratched yet here she was. She still wanted him, she

wanted more of him even as her body burned in the afterglow. That wasn’t the type of

orgasm she got at home alone with a vibrator or with any of her ex-boyfriends for that


Idling in his driveway, she knew she’d go in. The chemistry was too intense to

ignore. Lisa had to experience it for at least one night. Her brain argued it was a bad

idea. Her body didn’t care. On some level she negotiated with herself.

One night.

She cut the engine and went into the house. When Thatcher didn’t run for her, she

looked around and found Eric standing in the kitchen. “He’s out back. Want something

to drink?”

“No thanks.” She sat on a barstool at the counter that separated the living room

from the kitchen. “I want you to know I really don’t do that stuff.”

Eric grinned. “I know, Lisa. You like to be in control of everything. But you can let

go when it’s worth it. For the record, you didn’t do much except come with all your

clothes on.”

Her face burned and she pressed her hands to her cheeks. “I’m not a control freak.

No one has ever tried anything like that before. And in public.” She reminded herself

that they hadn’t gotten caught. Overreacting now would help no one. Being overly

rational could also wait.


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“I don’t normally do public stuff either but you’re hard to get alone. Took a drastic

move.” He leaned over the counter and kissed her hard.

Thoughts were blown out of her mind in favor of curling her arms around his neck.

Time to argue later. Much later. Her body melted.

His hands went down her back and under her thighs on the stool. Suddenly Eric

was pulling her up onto the counter and she was clambering to help him. He had her

kneeling on the countertop with only him to hold on to.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

Eric pushed her suede jacket off and ran his large hands up under her green top.

“What I’ve wanted for three years. And I’m not giving you a game plan.” He pulled the

shirt over her head and let it drop.

She gasped when his five o’clock shadow pressed to her stomach. “I don’t need a

game plan for sex.” Her body wanted him to do anything and everything but her brain

wanted to know…to anticipate. The only thing her body and brain agreed on was they

wanted to explore and pleasure this man.

“Good.” His tongue ran up her ribs and over her black lace bra. Lisa’s nipples

strained and Eric’s teeth zeroed in on them to her relief.

He unhooked her bra and tossed it to the kitchen floor as his teeth and tongue

connected with her bare breast. One rough hand massaged her other breast and Lisa felt

the rush of wetness between her legs. This time he had to fuck her. They had to be

naked and do it right. Three years of waiting and tonight’s primer left her manic for real


Lisa looked at him, licking her breast as though he’d never stop. A twinge of

anxiety hit her. The last woman he’d been with had to be a twenty-something. She was

in good shape but no way were things that perky anymore. Just as self-consciousness

crept in, his hands grabbed the front of her jeans and opened them. Eric pushed them,

along with her black panties, down over her ass.


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Her nails dug into his shoulders. She was exposed to him. But his hands on her bare

rear drove all doubts away.

Eric scooped her and moved her legs forward so she sat on the edge of the counter

facing him. He pulled her shoes, socks, jeans and panties off and left them on the

kitchen floor. Then he caught both of her knees and pulled them up until Lisa had to

rest back on her elbows. She watched as he pressed her thighs open. His warm touch

fueling her need.

There was no doubt what he was after. Eric slid his index finger just inside her and

Lisa held on to him. He eased in farther. Couldn’t he tell she was soaked? She couldn’t

be more ready. Why was he such a tease?

After he pulled his wet finger free, he trailed patterns on her pussy—teasing her

inner folds until her hips snapped. “What are you waiting for? Fuck me.”

He grinned slowly.

She could see his erection straining. Was he crazy with this waiting? He was trying

to drive her nuts! “Take off your clothes,” she insisted.

“You can’t pull rank here.” He rubbed his thumb over her opening and lowered his

head to lick her clit.

Lisa arched and nearly came on his face. The men she’d dated weren’t big fans of

this but Eric was more than eager. He had skills she’d never experienced. His tongue

swirled on her clit and then pressed flat from her core and swept up like she was ice

cream as his finger pressed up inside of her. He was squeezing her pussy from the

inside as his tongue pressed down. No matter how hard she tried to stop, her hips lifted

and ground into his face.

Just when she’d gotten used to his efforts, he slid two fingers deep inside her.

“Eric!” Her body bowed in a small orgasm.

He didn’t even pause but he did continue to change his M.O. to keep her off

balance. Finally his tongue worked her clit as both fingers stretched and fucked her. He


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found the most sensitive spot on her clit and she was thrown over into a massive

orgasm. Her cunt squeezed his fingers as her hips fucked for more.

In the daze she held on to the counter as he kissed up her body to her mouth. Lisa’s

lips fused with his, kissing him deeply as she tasted her own cum. As satisfied as she

was, she needed more. She wanted his cock. Lisa’s hand slid between them and

massaged his erection through his jeans.

“Please get naked.” She brushed a kiss to his chin.

“Asking nicely. Definitely better than an order.” He stepped back and shed his

clothes quickly.

Lisa took a moment to stare shamelessly. She’d seen him without a shirt before.

Carved and tanned like a dream—his chest was smooth. His six-pack begged to be

licked before moving lower. Her eyes fixed on his cock. Long and hard, she wanted to

suck it. Return the pleasure and study the specimen she’d fantasized about for three


But all their foreplay plus the rustle of a foil packet told her he’d been pushed to the

edge. Lisa had been tossed over twice and still needed to be fucked right.

He moved close and angled her hips. When his cock slid between her lips and

rubbed her clit, Lisa’s breath caught in her throat at the mini release. “Fuck me.” Lisa

knew she sounded desperate. She’d never said those words before. Certainly not like

that. Why did Eric have this hold on her? For three years he’d asked, offered, teased

and tested her. Finally they were getting what they both wanted. Her resistance was


As he eased inside her, Lisa’s mind went blank. She clung to his hard frame and

lifted her hips to match the pace of his. Slow at first. Too slow—her body needed to be

worked. To ride him.

Her fingers grabbed at his firm ass cheeks and urged. “Please.” It was all she could

say. He had to understand. Eric had to need it as bad as she did.


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Eric caught on or took pity on her. She didn’t care which. He began to thrust deep

and hard into her while pushing the pace. Her hips rushed to meet his—slapping back

against the cold tile countertop and lifting for more as he stretched her.

One stroke found a spot that made her lurch and grab his shoulder. Eric held her

hips and drove to that same spot again and again until Lisa’s body exploded around

him. For a few moments she was completely his. Her mouth, body and mind were all

focused on him. Eric was all that existed or mattered and she held on with everything

she had.

Lisa clung to him, kissing his neck and shoulders as she came down. But Eric was

still hard inside her. That wasn’t acceptable.

Internally she squeezed him—gently to start and then harder. Her tingling muscles

rolled along his erection until he braced his hands on the counter beside her.

“Stop,” he said.

“Not fair. I’ve lost count of my orgasms. You’re still hard.” Her body didn’t exactly

hate this game either. Her well-used muscles were finding new pleasure and it was

building again.

Eric gave in, grinding into her like he wanted to fuck clear through to the other side

of her. When he froze and jerked into her, Lisa heard him grunt her name. Another

small release pulsed through her as she felt his. Finally he rested on top of her.

The weight of him was delicious. Lisa curled her arms and legs around him and

arched to feel all she could. “If I had known it’d be this good, I never would’ve


Without a word, he lifted her off the counter. Lisa held tight and got a new thrill.

Being carried didn’t happen to her. No reason to ask where. He took her to the bedroom

and dropped her on the king-size bed.

“More?” he asked.


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Not sure if she’d beg or demand more—Lisa nodded. Not trusting her voice, she

kissed him softly. One night. One long and amazing night—at least.

* * * * *

Eric felt a hand on his shoulder gently tracing over him. Slowly he recalled why he

felt better than he had in years. The weight of her in his bed was a relief. She hadn’t left

in the middle of the night pissed off at him.

Like a scorpion’s sting, he snatched her hand off the pillow and kissed her palm.


She smiled and pulled her hand free. Then both of her hands pressed to his chest

and traced down. Randomly she kissed his torso.

After her cooperation last night, he was inclined to let her play with his body all she

liked. The brush of her lips on his hip changed the level of the game. Eric knew how

Lisa operated. She wouldn’t be shown up. Even in bed.

It was hard to care about her competitive streak when her tongue teased his balls.

His cock began to harden as her soft breath tormented it. Finally her tongue trailed a

thin line up to the tip. “Didn’t get enough?” she asked.

“Get up here.” He grabbed for her.

She moved back. “No. My turn. You cooperate or I’ll cuff you to the bed.”

Eric had seen her cuff men twice her size—she could do it. Especially in his

condition. But it wouldn’t be as sexy of a game to be at her mercy. Eric wanted to touch

her. “No pulling rank.” He leaned up and kissed her. The sexy natural blonde was lean

and light with round breasts that teased him and a hot little pussy that intrigued him.

Last night Eric had enjoyed everything wrapped around his body. Now she was trying

to even the score.

“Play nice.” She pushed him back down on the bed.

Content to watch, he was sure he’d have her before breakfast. Her soft kisses on his

stomach made him ache. When she tongued his inner thighs he was fully hard. But


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when she rubbed her breasts along his cock, Eric knew he was being tortured. He

grabbed for her hand but she was faster this time.

The pain shot through his hand as she bent back his little finger. “Damn it, Lisa!”

“You got your way, now I get mine.” She released his finger and focused on her

main target.

In a second he was hard again. Her long fingers curled around his shaft and he was

intensely aware of her. She jerked his cock as though inspecting him.

“I can’t take your way indefinitely.” He was a man not a machine. He’d wanted her

touch for so long that playing was just cruel.

She sucked on one ball until he groaned and then switched to the other, rolling it

greedily in her mouth. “You’ll survive.”

He should’ve known that there were no games with her. He’d never met a woman

like her before. Unpredictable and strong. Smart and stubborn. And in bed it was even

more to enjoy her sexy body. No shame. No shyness. No rush. No games—she was

direct and sexy as hell.

Her mouth moved to kiss down his rib cage as her breasts grazed his hard-on as she

moved. Eric took a deep breath. He was a thirty-year-old man not a teenager. He could

control himself.

As her mouth went lower, he didn’t care about control. Lisa’s mouth teased the

head of his cock and she tongued the tip until his hips lifted.

She smiled and looked up at him. Pulling away, Lisa licked her lips. “Want me to


“God no.” He wanted to see what she’d do to him.

“Don’t come until I’m ready.”

“That’s up to you.” He was at her mercy.


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Lisa licked his cock up and down from every angle, then deep-throated him until

Eric thought he’d lose it. Somehow he held on and suddenly he felt the cool air on him.

Her hand stroked his cock while her mouth tugged and toyed with his balls.

The pressure, the dual stimulation and the sight of her naked body working on him

was too much. Eric’s body tightened. “Lisa,” he said.

“Please, now. Come for me,” she said.

Come for her? The request was lost under the scalding release that blazed through

his body. Her hand never rested as he pumped his release and then another. Every

muscle in his body wanted to be inside her. What she did to his mind was nothing

compared to his body.

The soft smile on her face told him she’d enjoyed the show. Then she leaned down

and licked the head of his cock. Her little pink tongue lapped at all the drops on his

stomach and licked her fingers clean.

Lisa kissed the length of his cock tenderly and just as Eric was about to drag her up

to eat her for breakfast, she hopped off the bed. A minor intermission he could live


Instead of the bathroom, she headed down the hall.

When his brain had control of his body again, he followed her. She was tracking

down her clothes. Already in her jeans and panties, complete with gun and badge, it

was a sexy sight. Then she found her bra under the kitchen table.

“Where’s the fire?” He didn’t mind watching her bend and move to retrieve the

scrap of fabric.

“Work. Got to go home and shower. Fresh clothes and breakfast. I’m on today.” She

put the bra on and Eric’s attention shifted.

“Why? I’ve got a shower and food here. You can stop to change clothes on the

way.” He didn’t want her to escape so easily. They weren’t done yet.


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“Eric, last night was great but we both know this can’t work. You’ll be jailbait and

I’ll be a dirty old lady.”

Rational Lisa was back and arguing. He’d been dreading this. “I’m not that young.

And you’re definitely not old. They’ll deal with it.”

“You deal with it.” She put on her socks and shoes. “You’ve been in this

department for three years. I’ve been here…let’s just say a lot longer. You’ll get winks,

back slaps and thumbs-up. I’ll get kissing noises, commentary and all the young girls

giving me dirty looks. I can hear it all now. ‘How’s the young uniformed stud-muffin,

detective? The boy toy wear you out last night?’”

“You’ve handled those guys for years.” This woman wasn’t scared of anything. At

least nothing Eric had seen. They could deal with it.

She combed her fingers through her tangled hair. “But this time they’d be right. I

can take the teasing and the crap. But the age difference is just plain fact. Dating another

cop is one thing. And I’m not your superior. But we’re in totally different places.”

“You haven’t given it a chance beyond the bedroom.”

“What? A relationship?” She laughed. “No chance. Sex is bad enough. I mean the

sex was great but that getting around the precinct would be trouble. Fooling around

would get me teased. But do you get what it’d mean if we were serious?”

Eric was sure she’d tell him. Lisa was on a roll. He folded his arms and waited.

“I’d lose my authority. My respect from the guys. Do you know how many female

detectives come and go? How many get nasty nicknames because they’re not a good old


“They don’t do that to you. You fit right in.” If they did, Eric would gladly punch


“Exactly. I get along. I do the job. They respect me, tease me and defend me. That’s

hard to earn.”


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“Won’t it count for something then? With us?” All the years of respect wouldn’t

disappear. She’d just have to ride out the other stuff and people would get over it.

“Count? It’s not sick days. I can’t save it up. I’ll go from being a top lieutenant to

your Girl Friday and a locker-room joke in one day. One!” She pulled on her shirt and


“Last night was…” He didn’t want to ruin her career but it wasn’t over. Whatever it


“Great. I know. But it was one night. Don’t turn it into drama. It gives away your

age.” She fished her keys out of her pocket and walked out the door.

He heard her car start and pull away. Lisa was more complicated than he’d

expected. But one thing at a time. Last night had been beyond great.

She could lie to herself but he wasn’t ready for denial or surrender. He had to get

ready for work first. Lisa would be there so he could work on her as well. One night

wasn’t the end.


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Chapter Three

Baker started in before Lisa had finished her first cup of coffee.

“How was pool?” He smirked.

“What? Oh fine. He’s better at it than you are.” She tried to remember last night

before things got intense. The wall-to-wall sex was all Lisa could focus on yet. She had

to ignore it. They’d just played pool as far as anyone at work knew. With any luck, Eric

would stay away from her division.

“Hey Baker, get enough cake?” Eric always razzed Baker about not working out.

Today his voice cut through Lisa like a gunshot. He was gunning for trouble.

“Never enough. But I’m glad you’re here, Duncan. Zimmer, the captain wanted you

to go on this one. Missing person. Might need a K9.” Baker waved a piece of paper at


Lisa snatched it. Baker was setting her up—what did he know? He was a pain in the

ass but a good detective. “Why don’t you go?”

He leaned back and folded his hands behind his head. “Requested a female police

detective on scene. Old lady neighbor said she hasn’t seen a Ms. Kelly Coulder for two

days. Ms. Coulder hasn’t picked up her mail or newspaper and her sister called the

neighbor to check up. No answer received at her residence for two days straight.”

“Cell phone?” She asked.

“No answer. Straight to voicemail.”

She read the notes. Neighbor was a Mrs. Hill who had a key to the apartment but

was reluctant to go in alone. “Fine. I’ll go. Don’t see why they need a female officer.”

“Protect and serve, Zimmer. If it makes the old lady more comfortable, what’s the

harm? You two run along.”


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Baker was really getting on her nerves today. Lisa wanted to go just to get away

from him. But the feel of Eric falling in step next to her—his heat and scent. She had no

idea how she’d concentrate with him nearby.

“I didn’t put him up to anything,” Eric said.

“You showed up in our squad room. Why?” She followed Eric to his black and

white, which was outfitted to handle the dog. Slipping in the passenger seat, she knew

it’d be a long day.

He got in and started the car. “I wanted to see you. Besides, if I avoid you and all of

your division it’ll be obvious something is different. I talked to Baker.”

That was true. Changing their behavior would be more suspicious. Lisa handed

him the address they needed to get to. “Talking to Baker is not smart. That guy is the

biggest gossip in all of Metro. He already suspects something on your end.”

Eric parked in front of an old apartment building on the East side of Vegas. Lisa got

out and took a quick look around. Nothing jumped out at her. At least in detective

mode she could focus on the case and not the sexy guy in the uniform. If he were a

detective then the gap between them wouldn’t be as obvious. Why was she even

thinking about this! She pressed the buzzer for Mrs. Hill’s unit.

“Yes?” A small voice responded.

“Mrs. Hill. I’m Lieutenant Zimmer of Vegas PD. You reported a missing person.”

“Oh yes.” The buzzer sounded and the door released.

Lisa climbed to the second floor with Eric and Thatcher behind her.

Mrs. Hill was waiting for them in the hall holding a key. A frail seventy-something,

Mrs. Hill wore a floral housecoat and green fuzzy slippers. “I’m so glad you came.

Kelly’s been missing for two days. I’ve called and called her phone.” She pointed to the

door across the hall.

“Good morning, ma’am. This is Officer Duncan and Thatcher.” Lisa didn’t want the

woman upset by the dog.


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Eric checked the door for signs of forced entry. He tried the knob with a gloved

hand. “Locked.”

“Does she go off on trips for business ever? Small vacations? Long weekends?” Lisa


“Oh no. Not without asking me to collect her newspaper and mail. She’s a neat-

freak. Hates mess. Kelly works from home so I see her at least twice a day. But the last

two days nothing. I knocked but nothing.” Mrs. Hill fidgeted with the key.

“And that’s the key to her apartment?” Eric nodded to her hand. “You haven’t gone


She handed Eric the key. “I watch television, young man. I find a body in there and

I’m a suspect. If it’s too late for Kelly, poor thing, it’s better you find her.” Mrs. Hill

pointed an arthritic finger at him.

“Okay, well it’s not exactly like TV but you don’t want to disturb anything if you

suspect a crime. Do you have any reason to believe someone wanted Kelly harmed or

dead? Any enemies?” Lisa made a few notes.

“No. But she dated a lot. Poor thing was divorced,” Mrs. Hill whispered the last

word. “Early forties. Trying so hard for that last chance at happiness. I told her she’d

end up alone. Men die younger anyway. My Harold went three years ago.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, ma’am. We’ll have a look inside and see what we find. Do

you know if she was on good terms with her ex?”

The old lady’s lips pressed together. “Moved to Florida with a younger woman.

He’s got no reason to bother her. No alimony or anything.”

“And any of her boyfriends or recent dates give her any trouble? Ever hear any

arguing or fighting from her place?”

“No. Nothing. I thought maybe she flew off with one of them spur of the moment

like but when she wasn’t answering her cell phone and then her sister called…” Mrs.

Hill shook her head.


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“You did the right thing. We’ll just take a look. See if we can track her down.” Lisa

put her notebook away and nodded to Eric.

He knocked loudly on the wood door. “Vegas PD, open up.”

The silence on the other side was expected. He put the key in the lock and opened

the door. Thatcher was released first. They followed with guns drawn as a precaution.

After they’d cleared the two-bedroom apartment, they began to search for clues.

The phone messages were all from others looking for Kelly. She’d erased anything

prior. Her laptop, television and jewelry were all there. No theft. No forced entry at any

of the windows.

Lisa began at the computer desk and found five personal ads for Kelly with five

different online agencies. All had the same photo. Kelly was indeed a neat-freak. She

had a clean stack of men’s profiles printed out next to her laptop with handwritten

notes. Nothing about what guy she’d seen when or if they’d even met. Lisa kept looking

but had a bad feeling.

The date book in the desk drawer paid off. Three nights ago a note. Dinner with H

on the Strip. Nice and vague.

“Look at this,” she said.

Eric came in from the bedroom and took in the information. “You think one of her

online dates went bad?”

“It’s dangerous.” She shook her head.

“A lot of people do it. Not everyone runs a background check before a dinner in a

public place.”

She frowned. “It’s too easy. Her picture is out there. Who knows what info she gave

out to perfect strangers.”

“Dating is hard enough.” His tone had an edge that Lisa caught.


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“Maybe I’m old-fashioned. But I get a lot better sense of someone in person. Look

them in the eye and read their body language. Online it’s so easy to lie and you can’t

even hear the tone.”

“That’s your cop instinct. We see the worst. There’s a whole stack here of men it

looks like she dated. Odds are most are harmless. Maybe this one is good. She’s on a

long weekend at some hotel.”

She looked him the eye and saw the glint. Eric was just playing devil’s advocate. “If

it were good, she’d have called her sister and her neighbor. All you need is one bad one.

Better alone than dead.” Lisa opened the laptop and went in search of the list of

passwords. A woman as neat as Kelly would have a list. Opening one drawer, she

found it.

“There’s no evidence to support your theory.” Eric folded his arms. “Many missing

persons return safe on their own.”

He was a young officer. When a case reached a detective it was trouble. “And some

don’t want to be found. Parking lot after dinner is my best guess right now. He didn’t

want it to end. We’ll run down the ex, follow-up with the sister and check with her

employer for emergency contacts. See if we can GPS Kelly’s cell phone. Check her bank

accounts for unusual activity. But twenty years of police work says one of these dates

went bad. We just need to identify Mr. H.”

He cleared his throat. “Let me show you what I found in the bedroom.”

Lisa followed into the neat master bedroom. Everything was in meticulous order

except what Eric had pulled from a deep sweater drawer.

No sweaters in there.

A collection of sex toys bigger than Lisa had ever seen outside of an adult supply

store. There were DVDs, cuffs and toys from strap-ons to cock rings.

“The drawer looks pretty full. My guess is she didn’t plan on going this far with H

that night or else they’d have made it back here.”


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“Maybe she’s a sex addict? All the guys and all the toys. Maybe she went too far

this time. Went for a dangerous guy?” Eric searched the closet for more.

“Possibly that’s what drew them together. We’re still after the same theory.

Wanting sex, kinky or not isn’t a crime. But she may have gotten one date she shouldn’t

have trusted. Let’s see what we get calling around and looking on her computer.” Lisa

took a last pass, taking in the variety of vibrators. Quite a collection!

“Final sweep?” Eric grabbed Thatcher’s leash.

“Yeah.” Lisa followed and they went over every inch for clues. “Nothing.”

Back in the hall, Lisa knew this wasn’t the answer Mrs. Hill wanted to hear. “We’re

taking Kelly’s computer, some papers about her online dates and her date book. We’re

going to hold on to her key if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course. She wasn’t in there?”

“No. No sign of any foul play. No one broke in. We’re going to investigate and if

you could give me her sister’s home number and any other numbers you have for

friends or her work, that’d be a big help.”

Mrs. Hill went inside and returned with her well-worn phone book. Lisa jotted

down the numbers as Mrs. Hill read them off. Behind Lisa, Eric secured the door. Lisa

had a bad feeling about Kelly’s date with H. He was suspect number one.

* * * * *

After a long day of calling everyone Kelly knew, worked with or was in her phone

book for any reason, Eric missed being out on patrol. Except for Lisa. And the fact that

his superior had been pushing him to pursue a detective position in homicide and take

the exam for sergeant rank. This was a way of seeing it in action. He’d prodded her

with a few questions at the scene. If he moved up in the ranks, he’d have a challenge

and he loved a challenge.

A lot more deskwork and computer stuff came with a plainclothes life. But Lisa

seemed to work through it methodically. Her mind was built for it. Eric was ready to


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call it a night and get dinner. He sat at Baker’s desk while the detective was out doing

actual work at a crime scene. Lisa had been working nonstop and they both needed to

clear their minds. But Eric wasn’t going to cry uncle first.

Lisa glanced at her watch. “Okay. Time to knock off. I’ll take this stuff home. I want

to figure out who H is.”

“Several men have that initial on the list.” Eric had already checked.

“I know. The tech guys gave me what they could get from her computer. Who

knows what she’s permanently deleted. They’re trying to retrieve more. But if I can

match an email address to plans with a guy we’re getting closer. Did you get her cell

records?” Lisa powered down her computer and deposited a huge stack of files in her

shoulder bag.

“Requested them. Tomorrow morning was the best they could do. No unusual bank

activity. No big withdrawals or deposits.” Eric rubbed his eyes. “I’ll come over and help

you. Grab a pizza on the way.”

Lisa paused, then looked around to make sure no one would hear. “It’s not your

case. Don’t start. If I need a K9 unit I’ll let you know.”

“Come on, Lisa. It’s not like that.” Maybe not all about that but he wasn’t planning

on going home alone. They’d been professional on the scene but she was sexy in action.

“My superior thinks I should take a detective spot in homicide and test for sergeant. I

told him about this case and he said to stick with it. I need to see the detective side of

things. Besides, Baker is on his own case. Can’t say no to free help, can you?”

He wanted in her place. In her bed. She knew what he was after without a doubt.

But he’d made a plausible cover for both of them tonight. Her denial could rest easy.

She shrugged. “So that’s why you were asking so many questions today. Fine. I’ll

meet you there. You pay for the pizza. Extra sauce.”

“And pepperoni. I know.” He picked up the phone to order an extra large. In three

years, he’d paid attention to her. He knew her favorite pizza, beer and handgun. Lisa


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just needed to realize this wasn’t a one-time fling. They knew a lot about each other and

it all fit.

An hour later they were on the floor of her living room using the coffee table for a

desk. Their homes were oddly similar, small ranch-styles with nice yards and attached

garages. She didn’t have a proper dog-run like he did but her backyard was fenced. The

last few pieces of pizza had been Thatcher’s treat before Eric put him out to run. The

dog was used to more exercise than sleeping next to a desk. But he’d behaved perfectly

as ever.

“Anything in the emails?” Eric asked.

“One from an H the day before she disappeared. He signed the email that way.

Damn. No clues.”

“Email address?” He moved closer. There was no way to know if the woman had

been killed or kidnapped or flew off to Europe with a great guy. But Lisa was right.

Anything good would’ve allowed for a return phone call to those who were concerned.

Kelly’s life was in their hands. It wasn’t a good feeling. Eric had worked all types of

cases but from the uniform point of view. Not an experienced detective who called the

shots that meant life or death.

“Nope. His email is just BigSpender9000. That’ll take days to track down without a

warrant. Any of the profiles have that email?”

“None have email. Just user names. Looks like you email through the websites.

Safer,” he said.

Lisa pushed her hair back behind her ears and rubbed her neck. “But she took it off-

site. This is his generic personal email address—it’s probably a disposable one. Okay.

Check the profiles for any references to money or spending.”

“You need a break.” Eric pushed her hand away and rubbed her neck. They needed

to recharge. Lisa could use a distraction. Eric knew it was risky. “Do you have sex


One eye opened and stared him down. “What?”


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He shrugged and sat on the couch near her head. “After seeing Kelly’s collection, I

just wondered.”

“She’s got her own warehouse. Do you think all forty-something single women take

out stock in Energizer?”

Lisa was bluffing. She had something. Eric wanted to distract her—to push her and

play. “Not that many. And it’s no big deal. You’re not forty yet. Don’t act like you’re

innocent. Come on, after last night there are no secrets.”

“Don’t start that. You should go. We’ll start fresh in the morning.” She nudged his


“You need a distraction. Exhaustion won’t help you find her. And I’ll bet you have

at least one sex toy in the house.”

“They’re not illegal.” She shrugged.

“What is in Nevada? I want to see it,” he whispered in her ear.

She leaned away. “No.”

“I’ll find it.” He headed to her bedroom and opened drawers. Good cop instincts

led him to the nightstand.

“Get out of there.” She followed him.

Not the top drawer. He opened the bottom and found a red gel vibrator in a plastic

case. “Nice.”

Lisa laughed.

“What?” He tried the settings.

“Most men don’t like competition. At least in my limited experience.”

He closed in on her and kissed her roughly until she wrapped her arms around

him. “In my experience, tools can be very useful. And I’m not afraid of a little

competition. I want to see this inside you.”

Her hands were under his T-shirt but she frowned. “Why? I have you. If anything, I

want you inside of me.”


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Eric grinned and tossed the toy on the bed. “Two is better than one.” He picked her

up and dumped her on the bed as well. She frowned but didn’t protest.

They stripped each other quickly. Exhaustion and adrenaline mixed with sexual

need. Repressed all day to do their job, Eric needed to be with the woman—not the


Lisa’s beautiful body arched to his as her fingers teased his cock.

“Not so fast,” he said.


“Lie back.” He pinned her to the bed.

“Missionary? How creative.” She flopped back—mocking him.

“I want a good view.” He turned on the toy and ran it down her body, tapping her

nipples until they stood out. Eric wanted her off guard and on edge. The passion she

hid so well would be released for him. The vibrator shimmied down over her stomach.

Then up to her mouth teasing her lips and he switched it off.

Without coaxing she opened her mouth and sucked the toy. “You’re better,” she

said when he took it away.

That’s exactly what he wanted to hear. And what she needed to remember. Lisa had

a real man—not plastic, not an online mystery and not uptight creeps like the men she

usually dated. She knew him—trusted him. That’s why he knew he’d succeed in the


Eric moved the vibrator between her legs, flipped it back on and teased her pussy


Her limber body arched as she spread her legs wider. She was already slick with

need. Eric could smell her arousal and wanted to eat her right then. But that wasn’t the

plan. Not yet.

He pressed the tip of the toy to her clit until her legs began to tremble.

“Eric.” Her voice shook the same as her body.


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Gently he slid the toy lower and pressed it to her opening. Her hips lifted in

encouragement and the toy slid easily into her as she moaned.

At that point he stretched out next to her, his throbbing cock pressed to her side as

he fucked her with her own toy.

Lisa’s head turned and her mouth found his as her hips lifted and her pussy

squeezed the toy. Eric felt the resistance every time he tried to remove it. To pacify her,

he increased the pace. Fucking her with the toy gave him the satisfaction of knowing

she wanted him more. And she trusted him with her for more than one wild night. He

fucked her harder until she rocked back and arched up. Her entire body shook as she

gasped his name.

Kissing her as she recovered, Eric left the toy inside of her but with the vibrator part

off. “Good?”

She nodded. “You’re still better.” Soft fingers tensed on his balls.

“My ego is stroked.” He fucked her with it a few more times to watch the sheer

ecstasy on her face.

“It’s your turn.” She tried to sit up.

Eric countered by rolling so he was on his back and she was on top. Slowly he

removed the toy coated with her juices. “Ride me.”

“Is this the rodeo?” She eased down and sucked in her breath as he filled her.

All day he’d tried not to think about her around him. She’d been so adamant about

one night only. But as he watched her ride him—back arched, breasts bouncing in time

with her bucks, Eric knew one time wouldn’t be enough.

Her pussy was soaking wet from his work with the toy and the slick sensation had

him farther along than he’d wanted but he lifted up to meet her. One hand pulled her

face down so he could kiss her. Eric’s other hand found the toy and turned it on. The

pleasure for her had only begun.


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The feel of her mouth on his, the soft swell of her breasts on his chest—Eric wanted

to take her to new places. He wanted her to trust him completely.

In a flash he pressed the vibrator to her ass. He didn’t push it in, just placed it to her

asshole letting the vibrations permeate her body.

“Eric!” She pulled her mouth away from his.

“No one’s ever done that to you?” he asked. “It’s your toy.”

“No.” She grabbed for the toy but he pulled away and he had longer arms.

“It feels good.” He rubbed it on her breasts.

She grinned. “I could put it up your ass.”

He paused but didn’t let her challenge get to him. “Not in. Just against. That’s all I

tried. Unless you don’t like it.” Eric put it to the flesh between her pussy and ass and

watched her face contort as her hips ground back to the toy.

“Okay. But not in.” She fell forward on to him so he had full access.

“Not yet,” he whispered so soft she didn’t hear him. Eric wanted it all with her. Lisa

could be free and wild and he wanted to see it.

He thrust up into her and let the toy rest length-wise between her cheeks. The

vibrator tormented his balls—pushing Eric to the edge fast. Luckily Lisa rode him fast.

Harder than he’d imagined her light form could ride.

Finally she froze, screaming his name as her body clung to him and her nails

clawed his upper arms. The deep spasms around his cock set him off. Eric jerked up

and lost his grip on the toy as he held her to him. Being inside of her was better than

years of fantasizing.

She crumpled against him. “Are you going?”

“Not a chance. Want to get rid of me so you can be alone with the toy?” He didn’t

know if he wanted to hear the answer but teasing her was worth it.


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She punched his ribs with enough force to get his attention. “No. But considering

all of Kelly’s toys, I thought you might want to go after her. She’s looking for a guy.”

Her eyes watched him for reaction.

Eric wrapped an arm tightly around her. “No way. We can get more toys. And I’ll

get you to beg me to go up your ass someday.” He felt her shiver and hold on.

“I’m not that wild. It’s your imagination. Or the cop talk. I’m really dull.”

“With the right man, you are wild. I made you come in the back room of a bar.

That’s just the beginning. Maybe you prefer screwing in public to a little legal toy play.

I’ll risk it if you want.” He grabbed the toy and tapped her ass until she grabbed it with

a smile.

“Go to sleep. You’ll need your rest.” She put the toy away in the drawer.

Eric tugged a sheet over them and buried his face in her hair to find her already

asleep against his chest. Her veiled promise of more made him smile.


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Chapter Four

Lisa woke with a start. Squinting at the clock, it was barely three in the morning.

But the warm feel of Eric next to her kept her from falling back asleep. She rolled over

to examine him.

Flat on his back, he took up more than half of the bed. But she’d slept half lying on

him anyway. She’d never felt so comfortable with someone in her house, much less in

her bed before. It felt nice having him here. She liked him. How he pushed without

being demanding. Strong without being a jerk. He was himself and shamelessly sexy.

For some reason he liked her.

It was still a bad idea. Even if it weren’t the age thing. They were both still cops.

She’d dated enough of them—that’s all she ever met. That and criminals. Working

together was hard. If he were at least a detective in a different department they’d be

better off. Less gossip because they’d be on a more equal footing. But she couldn’t push

him to do that. She couldn’t get her hopes up. He was fitting too nicely into her life and


Her eyes studied the details of him. The faint birthmark on his neck. A small scar on

his left upper arm, a knife nick she guessed. Cops without scars were rare. But the

muscled temptation of his chest called strongly to her. Wanting to enjoy but not ready

to wake him, she pushed down the sheet to his thighs and let her eyes devour him.

Stretching out next to him, she rested her head near his thigh with her toes propped

up on her headboard. Lisa loved him vulnerable. His large body open to her. If she

could keep this feeling forever, she couldn’t imagine anything better. Of course taking

him to her younger sister’s house for the holidays wouldn’t be any easier than dealing

with him at work. He was younger than her youngest sister. The looks and comments

they’d give her. Jealous.


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Not that she could tell the future for any relationship, but could she ever dispel the

anticipation that he’d leave her for a younger woman? She’d seen men do that who

were married to women their own age time and again in the Vegas PD. Lisa had a

tough exterior but between work and family—the speculation would never end from all


He’d come to his senses after the case. Lisa knew Eric was practical and intelligent.

After the lust wore off, he’d realize the issues weren’t as simple as he’d made them out

to be.

If the lust wore off. Once hadn’t done it. Twice hadn’t. She still wanted him. The

scent of his skin had her body awake and primed for attention. Lisa nuzzled his thigh

and then propped herself up on an elbow.

This was what it felt like to really be in love. Lisa had experienced love before. Or so

she’d thought. The young crush. The being thrown together in a traumatic event and

clinging to each other sort of love. This was different. It’d sneaked up on her. Still

passionate but she felt secure and free with him. A totally new combination.

Gently she touched his hip with eager fingers. When he didn’t wake, she pressed

her palm along his groin and watched his cock stir slowly. He responded to her touch.

She wasn’t a fool, most men reacted to anything in their sleep. But she couldn’t help

herself. Leaning over, she kissed his shaft and licked the tip. Her nipples grew hard

pressed to his warm flesh and she gave into her need. Lisa wanted to wake him and

pleasure him without toys or him trying to take the upper hand.

She lapped at the base of his cock and saw his leg twitch. Then his chest rose in a

deep breath. “Lisa,” he said.

A hand tangled in her hair.

Lisa turned to smile at him. “Go back to sleep.”

“Like hell.” He started to sit up.

“No,” she said. “Lie back and enjoy. That’s an order.”


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He opened his mouth to argue but she shot him a warning look. Eric had his toy

fun and Lisa was thrilled he was so open. But he had to learn to lie back and enjoy too.

Fair was fair.

“Not sure I’m ready for a surprise inspection.” Eric grinned and his body relaxed

beneath her.

“So far you pass.” She pressed kisses along his hips, dragging it out by letting her

tongue tease his balls.

His hands roamed her legs and higher but he made no effort to flip her or take over.

It turned Lisa on even more that he didn’t have to be in charge in bed. He could share

and play when she pressed for it.

Unable to resist any longer, she licked his shaft up and down thoroughly and

swallowed all she could. The flavor of him, the pulse of his need made her mouth

water. She focused on him, fucking his cock with her mouth while her hand massaged

the base.

He moaned. “Slow down, Lisa. I can’t last like this.”

She didn’t slow down. Her pace continued. Lisa didn’t want him to last. In fact she

wanted the exact opposite. Her tongue swirled the tip and he lifted. No one had ever

responded to her like this before. She never wanted to leave his body.

Keeping her pace and pressure constant, Lisa felt his release build. His hand on her

shoulder tried to pull her back but she resisted. Her lips sealed around the head as her

hand stroked his erection until he gave in. His cum hit her tongue and she lapped for

more. Her body pressed to his for warmth and all the friction she could get as she

kissed his spent cock.

“You’re the best alarm clock I’ve ever had,” he said.

Lisa laughed and began to turn but his hand slid up her inner thigh. She gasped.

“No. I just wanted to do you.”


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“You did. You got your way.” His fingers stroked her swollen lips already wet with

need. “No way can you work in this condition.”

As she pressed back, Lisa had to agree. During her intense need to pleasure him,

her body had gone from turned on to desperate for relief. Eric slid two of his long

fingers deep inside her and Lisa pushed back and opened her legs wider.

She couldn’t see a thing he was doing but trusted him. Wanted him to surprise her.

He fucked her slowly with his fingers and her pussy tightened around him. Then his

thumb grazed her clit and she moaned into his flesh.

He teased her for a few strokes—first just his thumb and then the two fingers alone

but when she bit his thigh he got the message.

Three fingers stretched her cunt as his thumb pressed to her clit and worked her

inner folds. With each stroke he squeezed his fingers together. A move that sent Lisa

over the edge in silent waves of orgasm. She clung to him—not wanting to move or

change a thing that he was doing to her ever.

Slowly he withdrew his fingers and teased her clit and both holes until she flinched

in aftershocks of her orgasm.

“See you don’t always need toys.” She sat up and let her eyes enjoy Eric awake.

He sat up to meet her and kissed her hard. His tongue explored her as his hands

had. Finally he whispered, “I never needed them. I like using them on you and

watching you come.”

She kissed him hard and quick. “I’ll have to try that on you one morning.” Her eyes

went to the clock on the nightstand. Nearly five. Lisa jumped out of bed.

“What? I’ll brush my teeth.” He slowly rolled out of bed.

“It’s not that. I need to check her emails again.”

“You really think she’s still alive?”

“Her car is in the parking lot at the apartment building. No break-in and no

evidence of a struggle. So he either picked her up, sent a car or she took a cab. No


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surveillance cameras around the apartment building so we won’t know for sure. No

Jane Doe at the morgue or hospitals meeting her description. The desert doesn’t hide

bodies well. He either dumped her body way out into the desert or, my bet is, he’s still

got her. Whatever state she’s in.” Lisa flipped over the pile of emails that had H

references and started at the back. “He had to tell her something.”


“Something. His name. A hotel.” Lisa stopped. “Enjoyed our call last night. Meet me at

the steakhouse. It’ll be reserved under Harrison if I’m detained.”

“Harrison. Last name.” Eric checked. “Damn. The profiles don’t have any clue to

that. Some give a first name but that’s all.”

“Doesn’t matter. Start calling all the steakhouses on the Strip. Check for a

reservation two nights ago under that name. I’ll start on the hotels for registration.” Lisa

grabbed her cell.

Half an hour later, Lisa scribbled furiously as Eric got his fifth dead end.

“Can I get your registration desk, please? I need the room for Mr. Harrison.” Lisa

gave him a thumbs-up.

Lisa frowned and snapped the phone shut. “Damn.”

“Checked out already?” Eric took the trash from dinner and pitched it.

“No. Do not disturb on the phone but I think we caught a break—desk clerk must

be new because when I asked for Harrison, he asked if I meant Lowell Harrison—I got a

first name. At least we know where he is.”

“Why didn’t you tell him you’re a cop?”

“And risk that front desk clerk slipping up and telling Harrison we’re looking for

him. No way. We’ll need a warrant to go after him. The hotel won’t hand over the key

without it. I want the element of surprise. We know he’s there. We’ve got him.” She sat

back with her head on the couch.


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* * * * *

Twenty minutes later, Lisa and Eric were at the front desk of the Hilton.

The bewildered desk clerk called the manager. Lisa hoped Eric was getting how

much arguing detectives went through. Being in uniform meant people saw you right

away and were usually cooperative. The detective in plain clothes rattled them more,

which could help or hurt depending on the circumstance.

But the manager knew better than to argue with her and Lisa had a key to the hotel

room for Mr. Lowell Harrison. “He doesn’t leave. If he tries to check out, you stall him.

Uniforms will be all over the exits. His car doesn’t move,” Lisa said to the manager.

“Yes ma’am. Whatever you say.”

“Prep the dog,” Lisa said to Eric.

Eric opened the bag with a worn T-shirt of Kelly’s and let Thatcher get the scent. If

Harrison had stashed her in the hotel, they’d track her.

Walking to the elevator, Lisa noticed all the looks. Being in plainclothes had

advantages. The dog got a lot more looks than Eric. Were they after drugs? Smuggled


On the elevator, Lisa hoped they weren’t too late. Lowell Harrison had no record

but that meant nothing. Smart criminals could cover their tracks well for years.

“Call for backup?” she asked.

“Already on the way. Should be in place now. All exits. And two uniforms covering

the floor.” Eric studied the panel as the floors crept along.

Lisa knew the high floor was a deliberate choice by their criminal. Harrison booked

a suite. More room and fewer neighbors to notice him. And if Kelly tried to run, fewer

people to see her and she’d have to travel a lot farther in order to be free.

“She wasn’t in this elevator.” Eric kept an eye on Thatcher.


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“The bank had six elevators. She’s up there.” Lisa had learned long ago to trust her

gut on a case. The best predictor of human nature under duress was the gut reaction.

“Keep Thatcher quiet.”

Eric signaled the dog as the elevator doors opened. They moved down to the suite

door. The hallway was empty.

Thatcher sniffed the floor and pawed the ground in front of the door repeatedly.

Eric nodded to her.

Both drew their weapons. Lisa knocked hard on the door. “Vegas PD. Open up.

We’ve got a warrant.”

They heard fumbling. Suspecting that Harrison was armed, Lisa swiped the card

and opened the door. Eric dropped the leash and the dog bolted in barking. He went

straight for a closet with folding doors in a bedroom.

Lisa spotted the half-naked Mr. Harrison in leather pants. “You’re under arrest, Mr.

Harrison. Put your hands on your head and turn around.”

“What for?” The older man held up his hands as Eric frisked him.

She went to the closet and opened the door. Kelly was there, half standing, in

nothing more than torn panties. Her mouth gagged with duct tape and her hands taped

to the clothes rod.

Fear was in her eyes for a split second. Then relief registered.

“She asked for it.” Harrison shouted.

Kelly shook her head.

Years in Vegas PD meant Lisa had seen kinky sex in all its forms. She’d busted

brothels, found people in cages with hoods on and more. BDSM didn’t even rank the

Vegas shock scale. As long as everyone was over eighteen and consenting, she didn’t

care. But Kelly wasn’t consenting to this.

“I’ll get some scissors.” Lisa went to the main room, gloved up and found a pair

along with the duct tape and rope. “Cuff him and call CSI.”


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Lisa returned to the closet and took two digital photos. “Sorry. We need the


Tears slid down Kelly’s cheek but she nodded.

Then Lisa focused on cutting Kelly free.

Kelly pulled the tape off her face. “Thank you.”

“You okay? We’ve got paramedics coming.” Lisa grabbed a robe from the closet

and handed it to Kelly.

The shaking woman turned to reveal cuts and bruises over seventy-five percent of

her left side. “He hadn’t started in on this side yet.”

“Sick bastard.” Lisa took more photos of Kelly’s abused side.

“I know. He seemed to think because I said I liked toys and a little variety that I’d

do anything. This isn’t what I’m into. In there.” The tears welled up again as she

nodded to a bedroom.

“Let me have a look. Take a seat in the bathroom. Harrison is cuffed. He can’t hurt

you now.” Lisa walked in and found all sorts of tools for torture. From clubs to knives.

Lisa took a few pictures just in case.

“Paramedics are here,” Eric called.

Lisa headed out to meet them. “It’s all evidence. Nails, blood and hair—do a rape

kit. She needs a few stitches at least. Take her to the ER but don’t mislabel or lose

anything. And don’t touch that closet. She’s in the bathroom.”

They nodded and headed back.

“I didn’t rape her. She wanted it.” Lowell was cuffed but struggling.

“Tell it to the judge. Heard his rights?” Lisa asked.

Eric nodded. “Bad?”

“She’s alive. Left side looks like she got the hell beat out of her twice.”

“Duncan?” A uniformed officer called from the hall.


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“I got him.” Lisa watched the creepy older man. Probably had tons of money for a

good lawyer. She’d enjoy testifying in this case. “You do this to a lot of your dates, Mr.


He pursed his lips.

“I can walk.” Kelly clutched the robe around her as she emerged from the hall

flanked by paramedics. “It feels good to move.”

“We’ll get your statement after you’re treated. I’ll send a uniform to be with you the

whole the time.” Lisa was about to call for an officer when Harrison lunged at Kelly.

Lisa grabbed for him.

“You wanted it. You lying bitch. You all want it.” Harrison spat.

Lisa threw him to the floor and was about to tape his mouth shut when he kicked

her off and scrambled to the door on his knees.

“Somebody grab him.” Lisa knew Harrison wouldn’t make it off the floor. They had

backup everywhere.

But suddenly Thatcher was on Harrison, barking and snarling in the man’s face.

The old guy started screaming in fear this time and backed away.

Lisa grabbed him and pulled him out of the doorway. Facedown on the floor she

knelt on the small of his back. Harrison still screamed as Thatcher snarled in his ear.

The dog was ready to attack on command.

The paramedics got Kelly out of the room, which was Lisa’s first priority. Then Eric


“Call off the dog.” Lisa stood up. The old guy wasn’t moving with the dog nearby.

Eric nodded to two uniforms who picked up Harrison by the armpits and held him.

Only then did Eric silence the dog. “He nearly got away from me too. The older ones

are Houdinis.”

The uniforms took Harrison down to a cruiser. Lisa and Eric followed, the crime

scene secured by two uniforms at the door. They rode back to the station in silence. She


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seethed but wasn’t about to start in now. This was a private conversation and they’d be

at the precinct soon. The fact that Eric had overstepped everything just proved to her

that they’d never work. The age was part of it. She couldn’t be undermined at work.

Making a scene wouldn’t help. They’d deal with this case and then she’d break it off.

He needed someone his own age. No authority issues or fallout from dating at work.

She didn’t need to be rescued.

“What?” Eric asked. “You were right. He had her. She’s alive. Better result than a

lot of missing person cases.”

Lisa didn’t want to get into it yet. As the superior officer, she wasn’t going to be

caught coming into the station screaming. “That guy couldn’t get off the floor. The dog

was totally unnecessary.”

“It worked.” He shrugged.

“I had my gun. That would’ve worked too!” Lisa wondered exactly what Eric was

thinking. Excessive force wouldn’t help him get a detective spot. The dog hadn’t

touched Harrison but the intimidation factor was high. The anger in her built. Eric

could’ve endangered his career because of her. He was too young. She knew three years

ago but her own attraction to him overrode her brain two days ago. No more.

* * * * *

Eric walked through every detail of the booking processes with Lisa. She was

pissed but not talking. It wasn’t a good sign. He tried to follow her lead and focus on

the work. Harrison was never out of his sight. The old guy refused to talk without a

lawyer so he went into holding after his phone call. Three hours and counting since

he’d been arrested. Eric felt like they’d been working for two days straight.

To avoid the conflict brewing with Lisa, he contacted CSI on the scene and followed

up with Kelly at the hospital. Finally he ended up at near Lisa’s desk but she wasn’t

there. Maybe she’d just written him off? That wasn’t going to happen. He’d have this

out with her and they’d get through it.


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“Good collar,” Baker said.

Eric nodded. “A guy like that. He’s got enough money to pay a woman to do what

he wants. Of course who would do that? The charges are ugly.”

“Some guys want the real deal. Criminals aren’t just kinky. They want the fear.

They live for it. Not play power. Power. No spank and tease. They want terror. We see a

lot in family and youth—domestic abuse is about the power. They want people to be

afraid of them.” Baker poured a cup of coffee and offered it to Eric.

“Thanks.” He sipped.

“Trouble in paradise?” Baker asked.


“Lisa. She’s been avoiding you since you two got back. What’s the story?”

“You are a gossip.” Eric shook his head. It was one thing to know it but he

suspected he and Lisa were the topic of gossip.

Baker shrugged. “Better than an abusive pervert.”

“She’s pissed. I let the dog on the old guy.”

“Didn’t see any marks on him.” Baker frowned.

“Subdue not attack. I was protecting her.” Eric shook his head. He was talking too

much. “It was a bad idea.”

“Spare me. I know. You’ve been after her since you got here. She’s been after you

but wouldn’t admit it. Finally you two get it together and whammo. The night of your

birthday, right?”

Eric nodded.

“I may be close to retirement but I’m still a detective. I’m in your corner. You’re

good for her.”

“She’s pissed.” And technically had every right to be. He undermined her in front

of other officers by not obeying her orders immediately.


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“I’ve got ex-wives. That doesn’t shock me anymore. If they’re pissed, they care. She

cares. And she’ll get over it. You made a mistake. We all have. I’d tell you a couple of

stories about Lisa but she’s got worse crap on me.”

“It’s a mistake. We can’t work together and sleep together.” Eric set the coffee cup


“You’re right there. So don’t work together. Go be a detective in homicide. Two

guys are retiring there next year. I’ve got a good four years left in me.”

Eric lifted an eyebrow. “She told you?”

“Lisa? No way. I’m a gossip remember. I’ve been here longer than both of you.

You’ll make a good detective. I’ve been watching you for the guys in homicide. They

want you. It’d be easier on Lisa too. Get you out of the uniform. Then again, you’re

good with the dog and the whole department benefits from that unit. She’s a tough cop,

whatever you decide. Now go. Don’t grovel or beg. She hates men who do that. Go with

the not working together. Logical and fixes things. Not that she’ll be logical. She’s

pissed but you’re making an effort.”

“Maybe I should wait.”

Baker laughed. “Man you’re screwed. Never wait. That lets them get more pissed

and work up the perfect argument to bring you down. That woman gets thugs to

confess. One gangbanger accidentally shot his own sister. I couldn’t crack him—she had

the punk in tears. Don’t let her plot her way to corner you. Go.”

Eric decided sooner was better than later. Putting it off wouldn’t change it.


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Chapter Five

Lisa slammed the door to interview room two. “What the hell was that at the scene


“What?” Eric folded his arms and leaned back on the far wall.

“What? You know damn well what! You let Thatcher loose on that guy.”

Eric shrugged. “He was trying to escape after ramming you with his shoulder.

Battery of an officer.”

“Don’t give me that. You could’ve grabbed him. The three other uniforms could’ve

grabbed him. The dog was too much.” She leaned on the table.

“You saw what he did to that woman. It was safer to have him under control


True, the man had an arsenal but no guns. The victim hadn’t signed on for any of

that. “You still don’t need to disrupt the entire floor with a barking dog on an old man.

It was excessive.”

“Maybe that’s why couples shouldn’t work together? All I could see was him taking

you as a hostage or hurting you. I couldn’t let that happen.” His brown eyes softened.

Lisa felt the stab of need and want. If tables were turned, would she have gone the

extra mile to protect him? On the job she was a cop first. She wanted to believe she’d do

the job. The truth was she didn’t. “That’s why this won’t work.”


“Us. You’re too young. Too immature.” She ran her hands through her hair. “I’ve

been doing this a long time. I had a shield before you were in high school.”



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“So I’ve been shoved before. Suspects have kicked, punched, spit and stabbed at

me. I’ve been shot at. One guy got really close to putting a bullet in my neck. I know

what I’m doing. I can take care of myself.”

The muscles in his jaw tightened. “I know that.”

“No you don’t or you would’ve let me run the collar. Respected my position. You

lost focus and contradicted me. I didn’t say release the dog. I could’ve grabbed the guy

before he hit the elevator but figured you guys could hold him. Then you took over. Just

because you’re the guy, you don’t know better.”

“I never said that.” Eric changed his stance defensively.

“You don’t have to say it. It’s in your actions. Bigger, stronger—yeah a guy could

out bench-press me. But I have a gun, pepper spray and a Taser. If I needed to bring

him down fast, I didn’t need a penis to do it.”

“That’s not what this is about.”

“The hell it isn’t.” She slammed a palm down on the table. “You let your personal

opinion get in the way of your job. You went over my head and released the dog. So

apparently you know better. And all those uniformed officers saw it. It’ll be all over the

place by tomorrow. I out rank you by two levels and you just ignored it because we’re

sleeping together.”

“It was a bad call. Write me up.”

“Please. I wouldn’t write up anyone for that. No one got hurt. But they’d get this

lecture. You know better. If it weren’t me in that room you’d have acted differently.

And people will know why.”

“And you think you’re above it?” He moved closer to her. “You think if there was a

crazy guy with a gun to my head, or even claimed to have a weapon, you wouldn’t be

more on edge? More ready to do anything to get me safe than if it were Baker?”


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The warmth of him fogged her brain but her anger wasn’t gone yet. “Of course I’d

feel it but you can’t act on it. You follow the lead and protocol. It’s there for a reason.

We shouldn’t work together.”

“In this case the risk was minimal.”

“Says you. As a couple we can’t work together.” That wasn’t what she meant. They

couldn’t be a couple. Why couldn’t she just say that?

“I already said that. You tell your superior and I’ll tell mine.”

Men were infuriating at any age! Lisa’s insides twisted in a knot. “Tell? No. There’s

no reason for that. The relationship can’t work.”


“It won’t last. It’s just crazy. Hormones or something. If we can’t work together on a

case then we can’t make a relationship work. Find yourself a twenty-five-year-old who

wants to be protected by your manly experience. We’re done.”

“On the job, I should’ve followed orders. Fine. A relationship isn’t the job. We’re

equals there. No one outranks the other. Forget on the job. We won’t work together


“Off the job, I have no idea how to do this. It’s crazy. You’ll see I’m right.” She

didn’t want to be right. Lisa wanted it to work. But faced with the crap she’d take at

work from today and her bad track record with relationships…there was no safe place.

Work had always been where she knew who she was and what to do. She couldn’t

count on her job anymore. Now she’d be under a big microscope and if it didn’t

work…she’d be the joke, lovesick and the spurned woman.

“You know the future now?” he asked.

She marched to him and stuck a finger in his chest. “We both do. Harrison wanted a

younger woman. The guy is twisted and criminal. Fine. Baker. His wives have been

younger and younger. Men go for younger women. Society is full of it and it’s okay. But

I’m not going to have people looking at me like something is wrong with me.”


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“You’re just afraid.”

Men. Like she’d fold because he called her chicken. Lisa loved how they argued

even once the decision was made. He challenged her. Why did she like it? “It’s not a

negotiation. I’m not going to be the joke of the department. I’m not going to make a

mistake that could hurt both of our careers. I’ve dated cops before. Rank and ego are

issues. You’re still an officer and I’ve got two ranks on you. You might not care right

now but you will.”

“No relationship is problem free.” He wasn’t backing down.

“But some have problems built in while others at least start out with a good chance.

Don’t start off with two strikes, Eric. We deserve better.” Lisa left the room.

It hurt. But this was exactly why she didn’t do personal at work anymore. Life was

simpler without it.

But she couldn’t dwell on her own minor issues, no matter how much it hurt her.

Eric was history. Now she had a victim who’d suffered true torture. Lisa had to get the

victim’s statement. Only four hours at the ER. Slow day. The suspect had to have his

lawyer before they could talk to him. Lisa knocked and entered.

Kelly sat leaned forward in the chair, arms propped on the table as she stared into

the cup coffee in front of her. “At least it’s you,” she said.

“Need anything?” Lisa asked.

“Nah. I’m okay. He’s in jail?” Her eyes looked hollow.

Lisa had seen it before in victims. They mentally checked out during rape or abuse.

Their minds went elsewhere. Some kept it up even after—focusing outward and

ignoring the reality.

But Lisa needed the reality and it was right there. The black eye looked painful. The

rest of her was dressed. Lisa knew that this would be a grisly account. “He’s in holding.

Multiple charges. He’s not getting out tonight.”

“Just when you think you met a nice guy.” Kelly shook her head.


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“I hear you there.” Lisa knew she wasn’t supposed to talk personally with her

victims but the emotional roller coaster of the last few days made her not care as much

about the letter of the law. Lisa’s troubles were nothing to what Kelly had endured.

That also made Lisa hold off on further comment. Whatever Eric was, she felt safe with

him. Trusted him. Knew him.

“What? You’re not with the hunky cop with the dog?” She frowned then winced at

her split lip.

“The doctor gave you something for the pain?” Lisa changed the subject. Kelly

clearly didn’t want to deal with the account yet—the small talk was an indicator.

Kelly nodded. “I’ll take it when I’m home. The stuff Lowell was giving me is still

running around in my system. I wasn’t a willing punching bag. I fought back. He kept

me doped a bit to keep me quiet. But what about the hunk?”

“Nothing. If you’re not ready for this we can do it tomorrow but we want to get you

with a fresh memory.” Lisa grabbed a pen and pad of paper.

“Now is okay. First I want to know something about the guy. I saw the way you

two were. Chemistry. Can’t beat it.”

“Is that what you had with Harrison? Chemistry?” Victims frequently needed to get

some personal connection to the officer to share that level of humiliating personal

detail. Shame had kicked in. Lisa knew Kelly was unconsciously trying to connect so it

felt more like confiding in a friend. On some level, Lisa needed to share a little as well.

It felt like Kelly had been along for her and Eric’s whirlwind ride to this point.

She shook her head. “No. The right man is hard to find. I like to meet people. There

hadn’t been a lot of guys since my divorce. Not like in my twenties. I put out a couple of

ads online. I needed to get out there.”

“We found your ads. If you’re into S&M with any of your recent boyfriends tell me

now. We’ll need to verify they didn’t cause any of the older injuries.”


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“No. Nothing like that. I listed my likes on the ad and I told the truth. I had a few

replies that I didn’t answer because they were interested in more. People always want

to push. I just wanted someone to share it with.”

Lisa nodded. “So Lowell emailed you for a while?”

“Yes. I knew he was a bit older and lonely. He sounded nice and honest. He wanted

to meet for dinner. I was excited. He was always polite and emailed regularly.”

“How many dates?”

“Two before this one. We met at the hotel for dinner. He never asked me to bring

anything like an overnight bag so when he had a room I was surprised.”

“No sexual contact before this?”

“No. Just a peck on the cheek. I figured we’d get to that but I wasn’t in a rush.

Going out and feeling special felt good. At first I thought it was a nice gesture. A lavish

hotel suite. He had a few toys there—brand new. Like he’d actually read my ad and

knew my likes.”

“So you went into the room willingly?”

“Yes. He let me take the lead at first. It was okay for a while. Then he wanted to

take a turn in charge.” Kelly shuddered.

“You let him tie you up?” Lisa asked.

“I argued. It wasn’t my thing. He wanted me to tie him up so I did. But I didn’t

want to be tied up. I should’ve run right there but both people can’t always like the

same things. I should’ve listened to my gut reaction and said no. My head said it was

fair. He’d been so nice and I had to meet him halfway. No one is perfect.”

“A lot of women ignore their own instincts. It’s not your fault. He had it planned. If

you’d have run or said no, you’d have been no better off unless you did it while you

had him tied up. Once you were in the room he had you.” Lisa had to question what

she was following with Eric. Her head or her gut instinct. But Eric wasn’t dangerous to

anything but her heart.


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9 ½ Years

“You really are lucky.” Kelly’s eyes welled with tears. “Hunky cop would do

anything for you.”

Lisa knew it was true. A good trait in a boyfriend but on the job it was belittling.

More than that. If he focused on protecting her and he was injured, there was no way

she could live with herself. She continued the diversion so Kelly could regroup. “How

can you tell?” She handed Kelly a fresh tissue.

“His eyes. He’s a goner. Where can I find one like that?” She laughed shakily.

“He’s too young.” Lisa shook her head. Her gut nagged that he was the right one.

The only one.

“Age is in your head. It’s about what they do for you. That click of feeling safe and

wanted.” Kelly winced as she threw the used tissues away. “I may not have it—but I

know what I want.”

“Chemistry,” she said.

“Exactly. Hard to find. They say stop looking and it’ll show up but I’m not getting

any younger.”

“After what happened to you, you’re still going to look? Kelly, please be careful

online. Those men could be felons for all you know.”

Kelly dabbed her puffy eyes. “I’ll take a break for a while. Maybe not go the online

route. But I’ve been in sales all my life. Sales is about people. There are bad and good

but no one will buy your product if you don’t get it in front of them. Lowell is twisted.”

“Do you believe he’s mentally unbalanced?”

Kelly lifted her good shoulder. “He knew where we were and what he was doing. I

think he convinced himself that I wanted it. That every woman secretly wants that. You

couldn’t reason with him. Big issues. Whatever is going on in his head. His mom

probably abused him or something.”

“I’m sure the hospital already went over some of this but we have counselors on

staff. I’d like you to meet with one once we’re done. You’re really holding up well now


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but it’ll hit you. It’s really denial now. The counselor can help with numbers and

support. When you’re ready.”

“I told them the same thing—I don’t want a shrink. I just want to go home.” Kelly

rubbed her non-blackened eye.

The reaction was common. The embarrassment was understandable. “You went

through torture. Nothing you did brought it on. Once you’re alone you’ll be hit with the

trauma on a new level. I really recommend getting the information from them so when

you need it, you have it.”

“I’ll meet with them if you promise you’ll go for hunky guy. Give him a chance.”

Kelly seemed to be distracting herself with Lisa’s love life.

“What sort of odd agreement is that?” Lisa asked. “My personal life is dull and safe.

Actually it’s nonexistent now so don’t worry about me.”

“Poor you. With a man like that around you should be safe but not dull. I’ve got to

have hope. It’s not easy at our age but a woman my age with a hot younger man. That’s

inspiring. You’re right though. Trust your instincts. I should’ve trusted mine and not

gone to the hotel room. Don’t listen to your head. Go with the gut. Always.”

“And you’ll see the counselor?” Lisa knew Kelly would hit the wall eventually.

“Sure. What do you need to know?”

“Good. Let’s take things in order now. Walk me through every step no matter how

minor.” Lisa hit the button to record the session.

Her gut was loud and clear but first she had to do her job. But the gnawing worry

remained. Would Eric listen to her? Talk was cheap. She needed to show him. Listen to

her gut when she saw him.

* * * * *

Eric walked into the squad room and found Lisa at her desk. Paperwork never

ended but it could wait. He wasn’t letting her have the last word. She was finally done

with the victim’s statement and they needed to get a few things straight.


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9 ½ Years

“We need to talk,” he said.

Lisa looked up. “So talk.”

He glanced at Baker who shrugged. They weren’t alone. Uniformed officers and

other detectives roamed the large room in the busy afternoon hours. “Alone.”

“Why?” She folded her arms but there was a glint in her eye.

“We’re not done talking from earlier.” He knew embarrassing her might just push

her over the edge. The fact that he still had hope shocked him, but the case had triggers

for Lisa few would notice but him. Her trust. Her age. Her vulnerability.

“So talk.”

Eric braced his hands on her desk. “Okay. You don’t like our age difference. Deal.

You don’t trust men? I’m not all men. You don’t like to be vulnerable? Tough. At some

point we all need backup. I won’t always do something exactly how you would. But I’ll

be there. And you’ll save my ass one day too.” He expected a remark about how he

didn’t save her ass.

“And what a cute ass it is.” Baker made kissing noises.

Lisa smiled. “Back off Baker. His ass belongs to me.” Grabbing Eric’s collar, she

pulled him down for a kiss no one would miss.

The hoots and applause brought more on lookers. And Eric pulled away—stunned.

“What was that?”

“I just started thinking with my gut and not my head. I thought you liked that I was


“I do. Damn. You’re full of surprises.”

“Get used to it.”

“Shopping in the juniors section, Lieutenant?” Baker laughed.

Lisa shot him a look. “Just learning from all of you smart old guys dating younger

women. What do I want with an old man?”

“Zimmer. Duncan.” The chief’s booming voice carried and all the snickers stopped.


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“Time for our lecture on affection in the workplace. To make sure I’m not sexually

harassing you.” She led the way with a wink.

Eric followed behind her. He was sure he could handle her. But today he’d had to

work hard to keep up with her. Tonight he’d make sure she’d get a workout.

* * * * *

“You’re really sure about this?” Lisa ate the last bite of her hot dog. Not a fancy

dinner to celebrate the closed case. But they weren’t the fancy types. At least they

agreed on that.

He tossed Thatcher the last bit of his bun. “About what?’

“Us. I mean we didn’t really discuss things and I changed the rules on you in the

squad room. Hardly fair.” She needed to hear it. The man hadn’t objected yet but Lisa

felt things were unfinished. After years of working with men, action meant more than a

lot of words but he needed to know she wasn’t going to change her mind. Going public

couldn’t be undone and hours later she didn’t regret it. And she’d already gotten a

nasty look from a rookie female who’d, Lisa knew, had an eye on Eric. The ego boost

didn’t hurt.

She tossed their takeout trash to keep busy. He caught her in his lap at the kitchen

chair. “That’s what I love about you. You believe in things and go after what you want

full blast. Just took you a while to get on board. Not going back on me anymore?”

“No way. I’m usually not that slow.” She knew the fallout at work had just begun

but Eric was worth it. Feeling certain their relationship would work, in the long run the

comments would fade. Especially if Eric moved to homicide as a detective and lost the

uniform. Then he could take the sergeant exam. He had the brains.

“Once you get beyond the age thing. It’s only a problem if we let it be.” His mouth

brushed hers. “I’ll get the dog settled. You get in bed for the real celebration.”


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9 ½ Years

Lisa pressed to him, kissing him deeper and more intensely. She’d never felt this

way about anyone. With Eric she could be free and safe. Smart and sexy. Be herself

without worry.

The dog whined to go out and Lisa broke the kiss.

In Eric’s Spartan bedroom, she stripped to nothing and tried to find the best

position on the bed to show off herself.

Eric entered the bedroom and his eyes were glued to her. In a second he was naked,

his body was damn near perfect. Lisa had studied him and planned more intense

inspections later. But give him ten years. He might have a wrinkle or two by then.

“I bought you a present.” He opened his nightstand drawer.

She smiled. “Dare I ask?”

He pulled out the plain bag and handed it to her. Lisa removed a brand-new

vibrating butt plug. “Do I need to get my gun?”

Sitting on the bed next to her, he opened the package. “Your toy is too big for that


“Yet? How kinky are you?” No ex-boyfriend had ever suggested toys. Their egos

demanded no competition. Much as Lisa enjoyed her toys, the fact that Eric used them

on her so easily still felt odd. Sexy and freeing but she really just needed him.

“Relax. Only what you want to try. I’ve seen how you respond to the vibrations.”

He kissed her neck and turned on the little toy. Rubbing the gently rounded tip over her


Her nipples hardened instantly. Then he trailed it down her body. Teasing her.

Already wet, Lisa felt her pussy pulse for more as she lay back. “I want you.”

“You’ll get me. But I’ll never let you be bored with me either. “He rolled onto his

side and worked the vibrating toy between her pussy lips.

She gasped. “I love you. I’d never be bored.”

“Me or the toy?”


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“You. Don’t tease.” She moaned and knelt up so he had better access as he twirled

the toy at her entrance. “You’re the one with the toy fetish.”

“Not fetish. A little play to keep you interested. It’s too small to fuck your pussy

with. That’s on purpose.”

Lisa pushed him onto his back and crawled on top of him. His chiseled chest was

delicious. She tongued her way to his hard cock and swallowed as much as she could.

“Come here.” He pulled her up to straddle him.

Lisa sank onto his large cock and felt a wholeness that made her shiver. They were

a perfect fit. In so many intense ways. Her hips raised and lowered on him a few times.

It was never enough until they were both over the edge. Coming, then spent in their

own world.

His hands eased up to her shoulders and gently pulled her forward. Lisa pressed to

him as much as she could without giving up his thick cock. She tested the new angle.

There wasn’t a bad one with Eric. Just being near him had her completely turned on


When his hands grabbed her ass to guide her pussy, she moaned. Then one hand

left and she expected it in her hair or on her face. She kissed him slowly. The odd

buzzing in the distance barely registered.

The sensation of the vibrator against the tender skin between her pussy and her

asshole made her hips snap. The next second she pushed back to it.

She wanted to let all her guard down and try anything. Throw fear and any shred

of self-control she had left out the window but she didn’t want to disappoint him if it

didn’t work right. He was trying to please her. “I can’t take both,” she said.

“I’m the one inside of you. Trust me.” Eric moved the toy to rim her asshole.

“I do.” She bucked back involuntarily. It was so intense. The man stimulated her

without the extras. “One at a time.”

“Which one?” He pressed the plug to her relaxed pucker.


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9 ½ Years

Lisa felt her ass open slightly. The new sensation had her frozen in pleasure. Her

pussy held Eric’s cock but could she really take more? “Both. Please.”

“Look at me.” He nudged her chin.

When had she closed her eyes? Lisa forced them open and focused on Eric’s sexy

smile. “I love you,” she said.

He coated the toy with lube and slowly worked it into her. Lisa let her body relax at

the intimate invasion. Her breathing slowed as her body opened further to him.

Stretching to fit all of the toy alongside his real cock.

When she felt his fingers pressed the flat end, Lisa exhaled. Her whole body

vibrated and felt full. “It’s amazing.” Her pussy squeezed his cock.

“Easy,” he whispered.

Lisa saw the control in his face. With a grin, she kissed him. “Didn’t you realize

what it’d do to you?”

“I have no control around you.” He pulled out and fucked her carefully.

“Oh God.” She grabbed his shoulders at the loss and nearly came when he filled her


“Where’s your control, Lieutenant?” he asked.

“No more playing. Fuck me or I’ll get a bigger toy and use it on you in your sleep.”

Lisa began to ride him while holding the toy firmly in place.

Eric’s hips snapped up to meet hers. He held her hips to steady them both.

As his cock rubbed the thin wall that vibrated between the man she needed and the

toy he’d bought for her, the orgasm built quickly. Her body exploded with the


Even after the first wave passed, his cocked remained hard and the toy vibrated as

much as ever. Lisa wanted him to join her in the blissful fog. She squeezed him gently

and held, letting the vibrations work on him the way they had her.

“Stop playing. Fuck me,” he said.


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Instead of giving in, she ground down harder and tilted her hips forward so her ass

toy could really torture his balls as well as his cock. How much he could feel, she wasn’t

sure, but her entire body felt the effects and he was tense.

“Now who’s kinky.” He jerked up into her and groaned for several moments before

the tension left his body. Only then did he flip the toy off. Lisa shuddered at the change.

“Good?” he asked.

Lisa stretched out on his limp form. “Perfect. We’ll never be bored. So what store

did you get this at? I’d like to go shopping.”

“Tomorrow. We’ll go together.” He rolled her under him for a possessive kiss. “I

love you.”

“I said it first.” Lisa’s fingers roamed him appreciating what she had. “I’m going to

call and check on Kelly tomorrow.”

“She’s strong.” His hands smoothed her hair.

“Very. And right about chemistry. But she needs to meet a real man. Not online.”

“You met me in real life and it still took three years and me getting you off in

public.” He kissed her forehead.

Lisa poked him in the ribs. “Work and pleasure don’t mix. Plus the age thing.”

He squeezed her. “Liar. You’ve dated cops.”

“So I knew it was a bad idea.” She grinned.

“Tomorrow is going to suck.”

It felt good to hear him admit the fallout existed. “I’ll deal with my area and you

deal with yours. No charging in and getting protective over me. Got it?”

His hand crept down her back and twisted the toy in her ass a quarter turn. “Got it.

Besides it wouldn’t help me move up in the K9 unit if I’m fighting your battles. And I’ll

need recommendations to make sergeant.”

She shivered as he fiddled with the toy. “Good. What about the offer in homicide?

You’re still taking the sergeant’s exam?” Lisa was thrilled but didn’t let it show. She


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9 ½ Years

wanted him, whatever rank or career path he chose. But it would make their lives

easier. The sensation in her ass as he turned the toy on made her forget everything.

“Yes. I like the K9 unit and not everyone can handle it. I’ll catch up to you in rank

eventually. I’m ready for a promotion. Help me study for the exam?” He rolled her over

onto her back and kissed his way down her body until he tongued her outer pussy lips.

“Sure,” she gasped. “I’ll write a hell of a recommendation but I’m a tough tutor.”

“I know.” He licked her pussy open and twisted the active vibrator again.

Her insides buzzed with vibration. This time her pussy was empty and Eric’s

mouth was on her clit. “Stop it. What are you doing?”

“Midnight snack.” He buried his face between her legs—eating her, licking her as

though he’d swallow her whole.

Her brain wanted to argue that they both had to work in the morning. They needed

to rest after a rough case. But Lisa had learned a little something extra on this case.

She let her gut lead her to focus on what Eric was doing. The vibration in her ass,

the teasing finger dipping inside her pussy and the rough tongue working her clit like a

pro. Her gut knew exactly what she needed for the rest of her life. And she had him.


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About the Author

A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories of sinfully

hot erotic romance, pure erotica or paranormals with a psychic twist. Never at a loss for

ideas, there are plenty of stories yet to be written. Her two favorite settings are Las

Vegas and New Orleans—where anything can happen.

Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes

numbers as an Assistant Controller for a division of a large international company,

which leaves her creative side free for writing.

Cheryl welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at

Tell Us What You Think

We appreciate hearing reader opinions about our books. You can email us at

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Also by Cheryl Dragon

An Extreme Haunting

Black on Blonde

One Hot Experiment

Vegas Style

Also see Cheryl’s books at The Lotus Circle (

I’m Okay, You’re Dead

I’m Okay, You’re a Fake

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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