Oh Yum! Erin Aislinn Convincing Silvia (Ec)(Pdf)

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Convincing Silvia

ISBN 9781419916441
Convincing Silvia Copyright© 2008 Erin Aislinn

Edited by Pamela Campbell.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication June 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Erin Aislinn

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Erin Aislinn

Chapter One

As soon as she rounded the corner onto her street, Silvia held her breath in gentle

anticipation. The last three Tuesdays Andy’s vintage red pickup had been parked right

in front of her house. Not this time, though.

She let out a heavy sigh. Andy was just way too young to attach himself to a

woman her age, so she shouldn’t develop any illusions of permanency. No expectations

meant no disappointment down the line. As long as she took the affair for what it was

she could have a lot of fun while it lasted. But god, she needed him tonight.

She pulled into her driveway and parked in front of the garage, which was still full

of boxes waiting to be unpacked. Relaxing her head against the seat, Silvia cut the

engine. She should have been ready, damn it. Nurses lost patients from time to time.

When she’d gone back to work, she’d known it was a part of her job but how could she

know it would feel like watching Roger die all over again? If only Andy were here.

With him, the past didn’t exist.

She got out of the car and followed the red brick path between the garage and the

front door. It swerved slightly through thick California lilacs, which obscured the view

of the porch. She loved the porch so much that she’d had the porch swing put in before

unpacking a single box.

The sound of the swing’s gentle swish back and forth stopped her in her tracks.

Excitement bubbled in her chest, propelling her forward.

There he sat, his denim-clad long legs crossed at the ankles of dusty black leather

boots. His arms were raised, hands cushioning his head in a position that showcased

the perfectly toned shape of his triceps. Silvia had to swallow. Drooling had been one of

her body’s reactions to Andy from the moment she had first laid eyes on him in the

nursery four weeks ago. Dream on, she’d told herself and proceeded to give him the list


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Convincing Silvia

of flowers and plants she’d come to buy for her new garden. He was at least ten years

younger than she and guys his age simply didn’t notice forty-six-year-old widowed


And here he was, on her porch, fourth Tuesday in a row. His gaze covered her head

to toe in one omniscient sweep and one corner of his lips tipped upward lasciviously.

When his eyes met hers, however, doubt overshadowed the sexy smile. Andy rose and

opened his arms.

How could he read her with a single glance? She ran into the refuge of his firm

arms, trembling all over as the tension she’d held in check all afternoon finally broke.

Andy held her for a long time, stroking up and down her back while taking slow, deep

breaths as if to encourage her to do so herself. She followed his lead, drawing in the

musky scent of man. He smelled raw and unbreakable and she took in another

invigorating breath. The smell of a real man. Funny how her late husband’s scent had

never had that kind of impact on her. A single whiff of Andy after he’d worked for a

few hours was enough to make her claw the shirt off his back.

Gently, he pried her away and met her gaze. Tender understanding filled his deep-

set brown eyes. Silvia fought back tears. She didn’t have to say a word but he appeared

to know how much she needed him.

“I’m glad you’re home,” he said.

She nodded and fished the key out of her bag. “I didn’t see your truck out front.”

He took the key from her and unlocked the door. “It’s down the street.”

He pushed open the door and let her go in first. It had become a routine of theirs

every Tuesday afternoon. He shut and bolted the door behind them then took off his

boots. She heard them thud on the hardwood floor while she crossed toward the living

room. Of course, Andy never just left his boots lie where they dropped. He always

arranged them neatly against the wall and stuffed his socks inside before he padded

into the hallway bathroom to wash his hands. Young, built like a god and neat. A

normal woman would thank her lucky stars. Silvia watched him walk across the living


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Erin Aislinn

room and disappear into her bedroom. Next, she heard the bathwater running. He was

probably washing his feet. Another thoughtful gesture.

Silvia hung her bag across the dining room chair and crossed into the kitchen. She’d

defrosted hamburgers the night before, anticipating Andy’s visit. She’d fry them up

later. A quick salad and they’d have a meal without much work. Her chest warmed at

the memory of their last meal. Andy had brought fresh salmon, basil and a bottle of

Chianti. She’d offered to help but he had poured her a glass of wine, given her a kiss on

the lips and guided her to a chair so they could chat while he worked.

Heck, he didn’t have to work at all to impress her. He’d already scored a perfect ten

the day they met. Not only had he invited her to dinner but had come home with her


His interest felt better than any compliment but she read nothing more into it. She’d

been alone for two years and one night of hot grinding sex with a hunk like Andy was

just what the doctor ordered. She loved feeling like a real woman again but she also

believed every encounter could be the last. Whenever Andy left her bed, she didn’t

expect him to return.

Yet here they were. One more Tuesday night. The bathwater still ran, so she went to

the master bedroom. The curtains had been drawn to keep out the late afternoon sun.

Warm shadows drifted invitingly over the bed. A whisper of arousal stirred between

her legs, reviving her energy. She padded over to the bathroom.

Wearing only a towel, Andy sat on the edge of the bathtub and ran his hand

through bubbly water. Silvia stared at his powerful thighs, covered with thick hair. Her

mouth began to water. So did her pussy. She just stood there like a deer caught in the

headlights. She still had to get used to such instant, massive arousals.

Andy shut off the faucet and rose. “I thought you might like a bath.” The cool tone

in his voice set her heart aflutter. He closed the distance between them until she was

surrounded by his manly scent and the warm radiance of his skin. As if he knew exactly

how to drive her crazy with desire, he gave no hint of where and when he’d touch her.


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Convincing Silvia

The anticipation made her want to scream. When his suggestive gaze reached deep into

hers, she couldn’t hold back the self-conscious girlish smile. How long had it been since

a man had made her insides melt just by looking at her?

She averted her gaze. His hands came to rest on her shoulders. With the gentlest

tug, he drew her against him. He rubbed her tight muscles and kissed her neck before

he began working the buttons of her blouse. The relaxed precision of his movements

hypnotized. Entranced, Silvia watched the shape of his tanned hands. She’d already

found out they were calloused but their touch couldn’t have been more tender. The

contrast of a man who worked hard and loved so generously turned her on like

someone had flipped a switch. She had never known herself to become aroused to the

point of lecherous discomfort. She wished he’d hurry disrobing her even though she

noted only too well how each perfectly paced move emptied her mind and filled her

body like a cup about to run over.

Once Andy got rid of the blouse and his hands made contact with her skin, she let

herself go. As if to steady them both, he grasped her upper arms while staring at her

nipples. The hungry intent on his face made her breasts tighten. She watched his

Adam’s apple move and heard him swallow. His grip on her arms hardened to the

point of pain. A predatory gleam shone in his eyes. Silvia suddenly had to fight to get

enough air into her lungs. Her nipples ached like hell. She didn’t have to look down to

know they were hard as rocks.

Losing patience, Andy grunted and bent toward her chest, lifting one breast to his

mouth. He sucked in the nipple.

“Oh my god!” Her free hand clasped the back of his head, her fingers making a

mess of his silky hair. She wanted to keep his lips there forever but he let the ripe nipple

pop out of his mouth with a loud smack.

His hot breath on her taut flesh almost made her weep. He sucked the other nipple

in. Let it pop out.


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Erin Aislinn

His free hand found her waistband and undid her pants. His tongue worked her

nipple with a hard suction, giving her a longer taste of pleasure this time. Fabric rustled

as he pushed her pants halfway down her thighs. Inch by slow inch, her growing

nakedness delivered her more completely into his possession. It felt like being reborn.

Everything inside her perked up. She’d never felt desire like this. It claimed all of her so

completely and unconditionally that she became unrecognizable to herself. A kind of

gravity mixed with the heat in her body until she felt so heavy with desire she couldn’t

move of her own free will. Andy could do anything he wished to her and she’d love

him for it.

When he had her completely undressed, Andy took her hand and guided her into

the bath. He stepped in after her. She heard his towel drop on top of the piled clothes.

Even though she couldn’t see him, she was keenly aware of his nudity and moaned

with anticipation of feeling his skin next to hers. Embracing her from behind, he

pressed his body to hers until his cock nestled between her butt cheeks. The pressure of

his turgid cock sent sparks of arousal through her anus. Another wave spread into her


“Andy…” Her whole body became so sensitized that she wanted him to fuck her

until she could no longer stand. Her legs spread of their own free will. Her ass wiggled

so she could better feel that fine cock.

He enfolded her breasts and rubbed her nipples between his knuckles. Stepping

away briefly, Andy nudged her forward until she braced herself against the wall of the

bathtub. His hand ran down her spine, down the slit of her ass, playing a finger gently

around her asshole. She sucked in an edgy breath at the sudden burst of wild pleasure.

Andy’s hand roamed around her hip, tracing a path toward her pussy. The first contact

of his fingers on her pubic hair jolted her entire body. The next instant, he parted her

sensitive labia.

“Baby, you’re so wet. So ready for me.”


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Convincing Silvia

She sucked in air when he wedged his cock there while circling her clit with his


“Should I fuck you now?”

Pressing his cock tightly between her labia, he worked her cream all around her


“Yes!” she hissed between clenched teeth.

“Do you want to feel me inside you?”

If she didn’t need her arms to support herself against the wall, she’d have gripped

his hips.

“Hmm?” he teased in a deep voice, pulling his cock away and breaking contact


“No!” she protested his withdrawal. “Yes!” she begged, in the same breath, to feel

him again. “Inside me. Inside me.”

His cock head glided into her. She took in a shaking breath. Andy grasped her hips

with both hands.

“Silvia!” He rammed into her.

She cried out from the sudden burst of pleasure. He’d never been this rough but

roughness intensified everything tenfold. Andy paused after he entered her, to give her

time to adjust. That only made her hungrier.

“Fuck me.” She had to have it all now, the way she’d never had it before. This had

to be all there was in the whole world. Just Andy’s cock fucking her pussy until she

passed out.

Andy withdrew then slammed into her again, grunting.


“Baby, you sure?”

“Rip me apart!”


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Erin Aislinn

He growled and thrust, his hips slapping against her ass. The impact sent shock

waves through her bones. Her whole body throbbed in a web of movement, spinning

around and inside her. Her heart pounded in sync with Andy’s fucking. Her nostrils

flared with the hot friction of her breath.

An unfamiliar part of her howled inside, demanding more. She thrust her hips at

Andy, matching him stroke for stroke. High-pitched wails issued from deep in her

throat. Andy’s rhythm increased until he pounded her like it was the end of the world.

“Yes…yes…” Her head drooped between her shoulders and she closed her eyes.

This was it. He felt so good, made her so utterly close to being complete. The force of

their fucking threatened to buckle her arms against the blue-tiled wall but she didn’t

care as long as he went on. Every time Andy filled her pussy full of his cock, the

shooting waves began to curl on themselves, revealing the first nuances of an

approaching climax. Silvia relished every second. The closer she came, the longer she

wanted it to last but she refused to tell Andy to slow down. She needed him to ride her

as hard and fast as he could so that she could discover, for the first time, how wild,

insatiable and undeniably feminine it was to be able to take it.

Andy sped up. Deep rutting sounds of man and high wailing cries of woman

blended above the hard slapping of flesh on flesh. Nothing else existed. Nothing else

mattered. They were one when they reached the edge of the world and took the plunge.

Embers fired in every nerve ending of her body. Waves of the sweetest pleasure

spanned from her toes to the tips of her hair. After one final thrust, Andy’s hard cock

rooted deep inside her while her ebbing contractions pulsed against it. The small space

filled with the sound of their rhythmic panting.

Andy pulled his softening erection out of Silvia’s dripping pussy. What, for the love

of god, had come over him? He’d never intended it to go this way. When she came

home, her face looked almost ashen. As soon as he saw her, he knew something bad

had happened and he vowed to make love to her in such a way that she’d completely


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Convincing Silvia

forget her troubles. That had been the plan up until the moment he’d gotten her naked

with her ass shoved against his cock. He’d wanted to fuck her standing up, from

behind, from day one. Baser instincts had taken control and he’d nearly howled when

she begged him in that sexy, desperate voice, to go hard. Thank god she was on birth

control. Putting on a condom hadn’t even crossed his mind, which was highly

uncharacteristic. He’d never been lax about precautions. Ever.

He kissed her shoulder and stroked her waist. “Come here.” He took her hand and

stepped back, sitting down in the water. Silvia glanced over her shoulder and the sight

of her flushed cheeks and glowing blue eyes inflated his pride.

He tapped his chest. “I want you right here,” he said in a possessive tone he didn’t

quite recognize.

With a big, girlish smile, she sat between his legs and leaned back against his chest.

He encircled her waist with both arms, loving the way she fit against him, both their

bodies relaxing in the hot water. Her arms covered his, stroking him lazily, as if she’d

done it a million times before.

No woman had ever been this easy to be with, probably because they’d all tried so

hard to keep him. Silvia did exactly the opposite. When he asked her to call him, she

waved a hand and said he was way too young for her. Other women purred in his ear

to stay the night. Silvia rolled to her side of the bed and turned her back to him in a

silent hint it was time for him to leave. Maybe their loving tonight would convince her

to ask him to stay.

He kissed the side of her head, nipped at her ear. “You okay? I was pretty rough

there at the end.”

She turned awkwardly in the cramped space and pressed her lips to his. “You were


Resettling in his arms, she let out a deep sigh. Andy held back his own sigh. If he

weren’t holding her in his arms right now, he’d find it hard to believe she was there.

They fit together physically in ways he could have never imagined possible. He knew


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Erin Aislinn

next to nothing about her, except that she was a widowed nurse and she had bought

this house two months ago when she’d gotten a job at the local hospital. What little he’d

learned about her, he’d found out on their first date. Since then, as soon as they were

alone, their bodies did most of the communicating.

Andy had never given much thought to having an affair with an older woman. In

fact, he’d never even considered Silvia “older” until she had politely pointed it out to

him on their first date. The admission had given him pause because she looked nothing

like forty-six but Silvia had taken his hesitation as a sign of rejection.

Whatever had made her so insecure? As soon as he’d laid eyes on her in his

nursery, he’d wanted to get closer to her in every way possible. So far, that intimacy

hadn’t gone much beyond sex but boy, he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Unlike the

women who came after him, Silvia actually had meat on her bones and in all the right

places too. Her rounded belly emphasized the alluring curve of her waistline. Her nice,

full thighs felt so soft he dreamed about stroking them. One could never tell how

beautiful she was by how she dressed. Although elegant, her clothing hardly gave any

hint of the classic beauty of her figure. Andy could barely wait to get her naked so he

could marvel at the treasure she hid from the rest of the world. He felt special to be the

one to see her for what she was—strong and soft at the same time, just the way a

woman should be. He admired her strength but it was the softness that got to him, even

though Silvia made every effort to hide it. Her vulnerability gave him an odd sense of

refuge while at the same time it drove him nearly mad with the need to protect and

satisfy her. The unfamiliarity of that impulse echoed strangely in his gut. His arms

contracted, making Silvia stir.

Her finger trailed up and down his forearm, following the patterns of his hair. “You

hungry?” she asked.

“Sure,” he lied. He’d rather sit in the tub with her as long as the water stayed warm.

In the tub, like in bed, they belonged to the world of passion that bound them together

with bonds too strong to be severed but as soon as they got out of the tub, they’d have


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Convincing Silvia

to face reality again and when it came to Silvia, reality made no sense at all. He wanted

to spend more time with her, learn more about her but she gave him no hints she

wanted the same.

Silvia stood up in the tub and turned to look down at him. Her gaze held his before

her eyes roamed to his mouth. A slow smile of appreciation turned up the corners of

her lips. The examination continued down his chest. Andy’s ego inflated with pride. He

just loved it when she ate him up with those big blue eyes. Her lips parted and a slow

breath issued between them. His balls tightened. Blood surged to his cock, making it

shift with the first twinge of another hard-on. The bath bubbles had dissolved and made

the water transparent again. Silvia’s unblinking admiration of his cock intensified the

erection. Andy’s breath hitched in his throat. Her face was positively luminous even if a

little disbelieving. Those misty blue eyes turned large with awe. When she marveled at

his cock like it was the eighth wonder of the world, he wanted to jump out of the water

and fuck her so hard against the wall that she’d have to beg him to stop. In response to

the vision, his now fully engorged cock bobbed, breaking the surface of the water.

Silvia giggled, her hand flying up to cover her mouth but she couldn’t hide the

mischief in her eyes. She went down on her knees between his legs. The wet ends of her

strawberry-blonde hair curled around her neck, giving her the allure of a nymph. She

licked her lips and descended to capture the tip of his cock in her mouth. Andy’s hips

jerked downward, pulling his cock out of her mouth, submerging it underwater, where

it lay flat against his abdomen.

Silvia’s frustrated and ravenous glance shot up at him. “I want your cock in my

mouth,” she demanded and repositioned her face above the water.

He lifted his hips. As soon as his cock head broke the surface of the water, her lips

caught it. Her hot tongue twirled around it. He kept lifting, pushing deeper into her

mouth. She let him. Then she just about killed him when her lips sucked down to make

a tight airlock while he kept pushing deeper inside. No pussy felt this tight. His eyes

rolled back in his head even as he worried he might push too far and make her gag.


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Erin Aislinn

He’d never before pushed himself into a woman’s mouth. When it came to blowjobs,

the woman should have total control to take as much or as little of his cock as she was

comfortable with but that was not an option here. As most of his length was

underwater, he’d have to be the one moving while Silvia held her head stationary and

allowed him access. It took incredible trust for her to do that. His heart swelled even as

his cock hardened more.

He withdrew slowly, stopping when the tip of her tongue rubbed against the rim of

his cock. A frenzied wave of hot, undulating flesh surrounded him. Without mercy, she

whipped the full strength of her tongue back and forth, up and down. Then she sucked

down again and began to milk his cock with her mouth.

“Agh,” he gasped, thrusting deeper and brushing her hair out of the way with both


For balance, Silvia supported herself against the sides of the tub, leaving him

unencumbered to decide his movement. He looked down at the sight of his cock

emerging from her mouth. The sucking and gurgling noises she made mixed with the

splashing sound of water. He sped up, giving her only a few seconds to suck on the tip

of his cock before he plunged deeper again. The momentum built, quickening inside


“Like that, baby,” he urged on the next pass. “Blow me like that.”

She moaned, tightening the seal of her mouth. He watched her face soften. Her

whole expression became so giving that Andy could not hold it any longer.

He gently tugged the tip of her chin to give her time to withdraw but Silvia grabbed

the base of his shaft with her hand to trap his entire length above water.

“I’m coming!” he warned.

Her mouth slid all the way down. With her hand and her mouth, she had every

inch of him enveloped by her juicy heat. Pulling out all the stops, she took control of the

movement. Her hand squeezed when her lips sucked down, faster and faster.


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Convincing Silvia

“Now!” he roared and threw his head back as the spasm of release shook him.

Silvia kept sucking, milking every drop out of him. He shuddered a few more times,

spilling the last drops of semen. Finally, his hips dropped to the bottom of the tub,

pulling his cock out of her mouth. Silvia harbored such a possessive expression that

something in his chest actually moved.

He caressed her cheek. She still held his semen in her mouth. “You can spit it out. I

won’t be offended.”

Holding up her palm, she spit into it. For a moment, she looked at it then gazed at

him with new mischief. Before he could get an inkling of what she was up to, she

rubbed the semen all over her breasts. Eyes closed, her body swayed in circles of ecstasy

as she worked the fluid into her skin with both hands. Andy’s mouth dropped open.

He’d never seen such a profound expression on a woman’s face. The strangest warmth

settled in his chest as his heart began to pound. He was falling for her.

Quickly, before she opened her eyes and caught him in a moment of weakness, he

sat up and threw his arms around her. He couldn’t let her see how she affected him

until he knew how he affected her. He kissed the corner of her mouth, tasting himself

on her. Bitter, slightly acidic and utterly maddening. He shuddered and kissed her


She shifted, moaning in discomfort. Oh god. He’d entirely forgotten how

uncomfortable her position must have been.

“Your knees, sweetheart. They must be killing you. Turn around and I’ll wash


He supported her waist while she straightened. Grunting, she stood up all the way,

turned and sat down again with her back against his chest. How he loved to feel her

completely ensconced within his arms. Cupping both her breasts, he nibbled her

shoulder. With a melon-colored mesh sponge he scooped up from the tub’s corner, he

began to wipe down her chest.


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“Wait!” She caught his hand and snatched the mesh out of it. “You have to feel this

first.” She ran her hand over one breast, prompting him to do the same. “Feel this.” He

mirrored her motion on the other breast.

She sighed. “Do you feel it?”

A silky film covered her breast completely. “That’s your semen,” she sighed,

leaning her full weight against him as she massaged herself indulgently. “I love feeling

you like this, Andy. It’s like being marked and no other man has a right to touch me


The mention of another man made his skin feel too tight for comfort. “You better

not let another man touch you.” Not ever, he almost blurted out. “Not as long as we’re

seeing each other.”

She lifted his hand to her mouth and kissed it. “You make it sound like there is a

whole line.”

He picked up the mesh and resumed sponging her. This conversation was headed

to dangerous territory. On the other hand, Silvia had to be clear about one thing.

“I don’t intend to see anyone else. I expect the same from you.” The very idea of

competition turned his tongue so bristly he could hardly control his commanding tone.

Silvia kissed his hand once more then relaxed in his arms. “I’m all yours as long as

you promise one thing.”

His breath held. His heart leapt. “What?”

Her fingers roamed up and down his arms. “I know we’re just lovers and this is not

serious for you. I accept that. But when it’s all over, when you’re ready to move on,

promise me you’ll make a clean break. Don’t start making excuses about how busy you

are. Don’t disappear without a word. Promise you’ll tell me.”

Just lovers? Is that what she thought they were? As if their relationship was some

casual new sport to be undertaken when one got bored with other things? And what

did he expect? He hadn’t exactly given their “relationship” much thought. He wanted


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Convincing Silvia

her more and more but did that constitute a relationship? She certainly gave no

indication of wanting anything more than a sexual liaison. Damn it. Why couldn’t he

just let this unfold as it would? He had no right to expect an emotional commitment

from Silvia when he hadn’t offered one himself.

“Okay. I’ll promise if you promise you’ll be honest with me as well.”


Her stomach let out a long growl. She covered it with her hand and giggled. “I

better go make those burgers.” When he moved to follow her out of the tub, she bent

over, wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the mouth. He

responded in kind.

“Stay and relax. I’ll call you when dinner is ready,” she offered.

When his eyebrows bunched, she smoothed them with her thumbs. “Consider it a

token of my appreciation for the garden. It’s more beautiful than I could have ever

imagined and I can’t tell you how much it means to me.”

“I’m so glad.”

He’d done her garden after their second night together when he’d noticed the

unplanted seedlings from his nursery outside Silvia’s utility door. Even though he

could have landscaped her small backyard with his eyes closed, he had drawn an

official design and completed all the work himself in only a few hours. He wished he’d

been there to see the look on her face when she discovered it but he had meant it as a


His stomach decided it was its turn to lodge a complaint. He laid a loud slap on

Silvia’s naked butt. She squealed and jumped away. “Go and make my dinner,


“Right away, sir.”

Andy watched her every move while she dried herself with a large cream-colored

towel. Without a hint of shyness, she circled her breasts and moved down her belly.


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When she reached between her legs to dry off her pussy, he wondered if he should look

away to give her privacy, except that he couldn’t. He’d seen women towel themselves

before but it had never fascinated him this much. By allowing him to witness such an

intimate act, Silvia demonstrated how safe and comfortable she felt with him. With

time, she might actually say so.


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Convincing Silvia

Chapter Two

She prepared dinner on autopilot, her mind and body still full of Andy. He’d

managed to wipe everything else out of existence and bring her into the now where

only the two of them existed. Smiling to herself, she indulged the bubbly feeling inside.

When was the last time she’d felt this way? Had she ever? Andy gave her the courage to

reach for any pleasure, even if she’d never done it before. The blowjob, for instance.

Where the heck had that come from?

Going down on her late husband had never given her a thrill. She’d done it to give

him pleasure but it had always seemed like a chore. Taking Andy’s cock into her mouth

actually turned her on. More than that. The very thought of wrapping her lips around

his cock head caused a ripple effect in her pussy. Almost instantly, the moisture

creamed between her legs. That man was turning her into a nymphomaniac. She even

loved the taste of his semen, for heaven’s sake. Next time, she ought to swallow.

She squirmed, flipped the burgers and listened to their sizzle. She’d enjoy every

minute of being with Andy for as long as it lasted. There’d be no strings, no plans and

no conversations about where they were headed. She’d revel in their chemistry until

they used it all up. She wouldn’t cling to him in any way. Men hated that, especially

after sex when most women wanted to be held all night.

Silvia never expected Andy to stay the night. In fact, she wasn’t sure she wanted

him to. For the first time in her life, she had a house of her own, bought with her own

money and arranged to her own preference. Having someone else spend the night in

her new bed would violate the proprietary feeling. It wasn’t an issue, though. At the

end of the day, when it was time to go to sleep, she gave Andy a choice. She didn’t ask

him to go. She didn’t ask him to stay. She simply rolled to her side of the bed to give

him space. He always chose to leave. This had become their silent agreement. If she


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didn’t ask him to stay, she wouldn’t feel rejected when he made up excuses about why

he had to leave. Life was simpler this way. No expectations. No disappointments. No


“Hey you,” he chimed in, his arms snaking around her waist as he nuzzled her

from behind. “Smells delish.”

Letting her head fall back against him, she took in a deep, satisfied breath. “So do

you.” A faint smell of shampoo, cotton and Andy created a heady combination. Around

Andy, all of her senses seemed sharper, especially smell.

His stomach emitted a long, impatient rumble. Silvia laughed and scooped the

burgers onto the plates next to the salad she’d already dished out.

“Let me get those.” Andy took the plates from her hand and carried them to the

small square table. She’d used her new olive linen tablecloth and matching napkins

with silver dolphin napkin rings. She had bought them to set a romantic mood for

Andy. In the middle of the table burned a single taper candle.

“This is nice, sweetheart. If I’d known, I would have dressed better.”

He wore her white terry robe. Good thing she liked her robes nice and large. It

barely fit him. She grabbed a bottle of Pinot Noir she had left breathing on the counter

and filled their glasses.

As soon as she sat down and spread the cloth napkin over her lap, Andy reached

for her hand and lifted it to his lips. Candlelight cast softening shadows over his high

cheek bones and intensified the appreciative glow in his gaze. He smiled, closing and

opening his eyes in a kind of double wink. Still holding her hand, he looked down at his

plate and inhaled the aroma before he closed his eyes again. Silvia watched his chest

rise and fall in long, relaxed breaths. Was he praying?

He squeezed her hand gently before letting it go and picking up the silverware.

Watching him saw through the meat and shovel a hearty portion into his mouth made

Silvia tingle all over. He ate with a hunger for life itself.


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She too was hungry for life, more than she’d dared to admit in years. Andy’s zest

rubbed off on her. She dug into her food, taking her time to savor every bite.

“It’s so good to see you happy again,” Andy noted.

“Again? What do you mean?”

The candlelight caught in the swirl of wine in his glass when he took a sip.

“When you came home, you looked totally wilted. Did something happen at


Why did he have to bring that up? He wasn’t supposed to be interested in her

personal life. They were having a casual affair. Telling him about losing a patient was

not supposed to be a part of it. She might have gone the rest of the night without trying

to explain how she hadn’t seen anyone die since Roger, and she certainly had no

intention of talking to Andy about her dead husband.

She shrugged one shoulder. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It does. Tell me.”

If she told him about today, she’d have to tell him how it felt like reliving Roger’s

last days all over again and she didn’t want to go there. Roger was dead and she was

tired of grieving. It was time to move on.

She summoned her best pleading glance. “I’d rather not, if you don’t mind.”

His eyes narrowed, focusing on hers until she squirmed and dropped her gaze to

her plate. The idea of eating suddenly turned bitter.

Andy put his knife and fork on his plate and leaned back, crossing his arms over his

chest. “I want to know more about you.”

She heard the frustration in his voice even though he made an effort to sound

tender. He probably mistook her reluctance for fear of vulnerability. Actually, she

resisted talking about it because telling him about today and about the past would

mean remembering herself as she used to be, not as the woman she considered herself


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to be while she was with him. He made her feel excited about life all over again and she

wanted to keep it that way.

She reached out to touch his arm then pulled back. “Don’t take it the wrong way,

Andy. I just don’t want to think about it while I’m with you.”

He nodded, smiled softly and resumed eating. “The food is great. Thank you.”

With relish and renewed hunger, he split the last big chunk of meat into two pieces.

He stabbed a fork into the remaining salad then into the meat and cleaned out his plate

in two bites. Silvia watched, half of her mind still stuck on their exchange. She wasn’t

prepared for Andy to drop the subject so completely but now that he had, without as

much as another glance in her direction, she found that she wasn’t quite ready to drop

it. She might have opened up if they’d had a little more time together. Instead, he had

switched off as if they’d just finished discussing the weather.

Rising, she grabbed her plate, half of her dinner still on it but Andy’s hand shot out

and snared her wrist. His eyebrows bunched. “Aren’t you going to finish?”

“I’m not hungry,” she said. It was true enough because she’d lost her appetite.

“Sit. Finish your wine. I’ll get it.”

He stood, cupped her neck, his thumb stroking her jaw, and kissed her on the

forehead. The tender gesture nearly brought tears to her eyes but she stuffed them back

and sat down while Andy took both plates to the sink. He moved with perfect ease, as if

he felt right at home. His profile reminded Silvia of his youth while his exquisitely

shaped arms, covered with hair, made her salivate again. When Andy started washing

dishes with as much fluid confidence as he did everything else, she nearly moaned

aloud from the new wave of instant arousal. She still wasn’t used to getting so turned-

on, so fast.

Taking the wineglass, she leaned back and took in the show. It wasn’t every day a

widow had a strapping hunk wearing her robe and washing her dishes only an hour

after making wild love to her in the bathtub. A trickle began between her legs. Sweet


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heavens, he made her desperate. Perhaps she understood at last why men always

seemed to get turned-on by the sight of a woman working in the kitchen.

Silvia jerked her head back, downing the last of the wine before she stood up and

stalked toward Andy. He hadn’t sensed her approach until she ran her hands over his

back and around his waist. A single yank pulled the robe tie free. With both hands, she

sought the feel of his skin. The tight abs clenched under her touch and the ripple of

male strength cascaded all the way into her clit. Her hands brushed down over his hips

and thighs before she boldly reached for his balls, held them briefly then closed her

hand around his cock, gasping when she found it completely rigid. She’d hoped but

hadn’t quite expected that she could arouse him so quickly.

Taking her hand, Andy turned around to face her. She tried to keep her eyes on his

face but they immediately dropped down, marveling at the engorged, ropy veins across

the middle of his cock. When she looked up at him again, her cheeks blazed with an

instant blush.

How he loved to see her blush like a virgin when she realized how transparent her

desire was. His hands still wet from washing dishes, he cupped both sides of her chin

and stroked a thumb over her sweet little mouth. Her lips parted and released a hot

breath. That was all it took.

“Sweetheart,” he gasped, descending on her mouth only to find her as ravenous for

him as he was for her. Lips mashed, tongues fenced, moans blended. He repositioned

one hand to her waist to pull her closer but she had already molded herself to him, her

hips grinding against his and rubbing his cock in a most agonizing taunt.

In a feverish hustle, she pushed the robe down his shoulders and her hands splayed

possessively over his chest. He wanted her as naked as he was so he could drive her

body crazy the way she drove his. Before he got a chance to grab the hem of her T-shirt,

Silvia whipped it over her head and tossed it on the floor. With a single shove, her

shorts fell around her ankles and were kicked to the side.


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Desperate to touch all of her at once, one of his hands molded her breast while the

other pulled her back against him so he could feel the scraping of pubic fuzz against his

cock. Silvia moaned, repositioned his shaft downward against her slit and began to ride

him between her legs. The cream from her cunt spread all over him in the tight friction

of her inner thighs. With both arms locked around his neck, she breathed hot air against

his ear. Soft traces of wine still lingered on her lips when he claimed them. He wanted,

needed all of her, had to give all of himself. She had to understand how special she was.

They panted with primitive violence while their bodies became slick with sweat.

Shifting both hands to her ass, he lifted her higher against his hips. Her legs

automatically locked behind his back to hold on. Her whole body shook with

impatience as he hurried around the dining room table and through the living room. He

fell backward on top of Silvia’s quilt, holding her on top, grinding his cock even more

blatantly against her slit.

Her hooded gaze darkened when she leaned forward, supporting herself against

his shoulders. Her cunt slid upward. The hard tips of her breasts scraped against his

chest as she shifted.

“Andy…” she pleaded in a tone so desperate that he barely resisted reaching

between them and shoving his cock where it belonged but what happened between

them right now would determine their future together. The next step had to come from

Silvia. If he couldn’t get her to open up through words, he’d use sex.

“Yes, baby. Take me inside you. Show me how much you want me.”

With one hand, she reached down to manually wedge his cock head in place but he

stopped her. “Don’t use your hand. Use your body.”

Whatever gave her the impression they wouldn’t work as a couple had to be torn

down and she had to do it. Silvia squirmed in an attempt to shift his cock into the right

position, not quite making it.

“Take me, baby. Make us one.”


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She huffed in frustration, her body sagging over his. “Help me,” she begged. “I

want you so much I’m falling apart.”

His heart went out to her but he couldn’t do it for her. She had to stake her claim on

him or she’d always take him for granted and they would have nothing more than a

casual affair. He took her mouth in the most delicate kiss while framing her face with

both hands. The depth of her dazed look almost made him say he loved her.

She must have noticed his struggle because she lifted up and looked intently into

his eyes. “Andy?”

Too soon. Way too soon. He couldn’t tell her until she gave him some sign that

she’d actually consider loving him back.

Cupping the back of her head with his palm, he nudged her face against his chest

and held her hot, sweaty body against his. “You can do it, honey,” he whispered in her

ear. “I can’t wait to be inside you. Make us one.”

Her whole body shook. Groaning, she lifted up on her elbows and knees and

glanced down their bodies. Andy snatched one of her breasts and lifted his face toward


“Uhm,” he uttered, sucking the tight nipple into his mouth while molding the other

breast with his hand. The pleasure kept building inside him, setting him up for such

impossible demands. He needed Silvia in ways he couldn’t begin to explain. If only she

could bring herself to believe it.

Silvia’s hips bore down against his, her pussy on top of his cock, bathing him with

her juices. He tongued the hard nipple. Silvia cried out, grinding herself madly against

him, her face now contorted with a silent plea, her lips parted with heavy panting.

“Andy, please. I can’t.”

“Just do it!” It was a simple act. Her pussy dripped with so much cream, it should

be able to pull in his cock without any effort. Even a minimally experienced woman

could do it if she wanted to. Unless she’d never done it before.


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He read her expression and found her bewildered and confused. What if she’d

never known the pleasure of spontaneous penetration while on top of a man? It would

imply a pretty repressed sex life, which might not have been Silvia’s fault. If her

husband hadn’t been experienced enough, or hadn’t gotten her wet enough, or hadn’t

let her take her time… There could be a million reasons, all of which made him want to

satisfy her even more.

He cupped her neck and stroked both sides of her jaw with his thumbs while

holding her eyes with his.

“Do you want me inside you?”

“More than anything.”

Emotion far deeper than desire echoed in Silvia’s words. Andy took a deep breath

and prayed for patience.

He stroked her hair. “Relax, baby. Let your body guide you. Feel my cock.” He

arched his hips. Her eyes rolled upward and she moaned through parted lips.

“Your pussy wants my cock. Take it. Ride me, baby. Show me that you need me.”

When her gaze refocused on his, new light radiated in her eyes. He reached behind

her neck and pulled her face down to his to take her mouth. His mind checked out,

leaving him at the mercy of desire he could hardly control. His tongue invaded past her

lips, stabbing into her as his hips rose to find hers in a matching rhythm.

Silvia’s groans filled his ear, pushing him to the edge of patience. At last she shifted,

maneuvering his cock right to her opening. Pulling back from the kiss, she drew in an

audible breath and glanced down at their bodies in disbelief.

“Take me now, baby…” It was Andy’s turn to beg.

With wide-eyed awe, she adjusted herself to wedge his cock head right inside her

slit. And then she pushed down, engulfing him with her heat. Andy’s breath held while

he stared unblinking into her eyes.


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“Andy!” she let out in surprise as her slick pussy drew him all the way home. At

last. “Oh, Andy,” she sighed, her eyes falling half closed when she began to move

against him, tentatively at first, then harder and faster.

“Yes! Fuck me!” he urged.

Silvia straightened into an upright position and tested her balance with a few

moves that drew his cock even deeper inside her.

“That’s it. Harder.”

The sweetest waves of hot pleasure washed over him when she began to ride him.

Her cries grew high-pitched as her whole face melted into an expression he’d never

seen before on anyone. Andy placed both palms against her hard nipples, so they’d rub

against him while she moved.

“Oh god,” she cried out in response, moving even harder. Andy heard a strange,

husky noise from deep in his throat. He’d never wanted to belong to any woman as

much as he wanted to belong to Silvia right now. Sweat beaded her forehead and her

chest. Around his cock, her heat intensified, tightened. “I can’t. I can’t,” she panted. Her

hand fell to her side as she grimaced in pain. “I can’t,” she burst out, her rhythm

slacking but Andy repositioned both hands on her waist and jerked her back and forth,

rougher and faster than she could have done on her own.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” she yelled between breaths.

He couldn’t stop, wouldn’t. The edges of reality began to turn inside out and close

in. He couldn’t tell his heat from hers, his body from hers. He heard her high-pitched

moan as if from a distance when the first pulse tightened around him and became

another and another. Maddening new strength came into his arms because he jerked

her against his cock with impossible vigor when his own heat snapped. He heard

himself grunt like an injured animal while everything blurred in waves of light and

sounds of heavy breathing.

Somehow, he managed to open his eyes and see Silvia’s face above his, lost in its

own reverent bliss. Even so, her eyes opened and found his and he became aware of


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both their bodies undulating as one. The same strange warmth he’d noticed earlier

filled his chest. Nothing had ever made him this complete before. Nothing.

The implication of what that meant could no longer be ignored. Andy had expected

to be afraid. Shouldn’t he be? Wouldn’t it be normal for a man to be terrified of this new

feeling? He wasn’t. He surrendered to it, let it fill him. He knew what was happening to

him but dared not name it because he wanted it with all his heart, whether Silvia was

ready for it or not.


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Chapter Three

When the orgasm finally simmered down, Silvia became aware of two distinct

sensations. They were completely soaked with sweat and commingled sex juices. It was

the basest, wildest way of being connected to another human being. The second

sensation was a bit tougher to define. As she read Andy’s face, his expression became so

palpable that words formed in her mouth only to dissolve before she could utter them.

How could words possibly describe this kind of intimacy? Even now, when their

breathing sounded normal and the room came into focus again, they seemed like two

bodies of a single soul.

Still feeling Andy inside her, Silvia collapsed over his chest, her arms forming a

halo around his head. She’d hold on to this moment for as long as it lasted. He

embraced her too, confirming that he wanted her there.

Will anything ever feel this good again? Although sex with Andy had been intense

from the start, it had never been anything like this. She had no idea a woman could

become so wet that her pussy could pull in a cock all by itself. On rare occasions when

she and Roger had deviated from the missionary position, he’d always inserted himself

into her.

She kissed Andy’s chest, grateful for the whole new world of experience he had

opened up to her with his generous lovemaking. She couldn’t help smiling. His semen

caused the most intriguing trickle inside her. How fortunate she’d stayed on the Pill

even though she and Roger had stopped having intercourse in the last year of his

illness. So much of life had fallen out of her reach for so long, she’d forgotten what it

meant to be able to feel a man’s essence inside her. She shivered, holding on tighter.

Every second with Andy was precious beyond measure.


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“You okay?” The sound of his tender voice strung together a new reality out of

parts she hadn’t even known she’d lost. He stirred beneath her, caressing her back, but

she couldn’t find the words to answer him because an immense emotion rose in her

throat and choked her voice.

At her silence, Andy rolled them around, separating them in the process. Silvia

regretted the withdrawal of his cock but when he propped on one elbow to loom over

her, his tender concern brought tears to her eyes. As hard as she wished not to break

down, she couldn’t hold back. The last thing in the world she wanted now was for

Andy to ask why she cried. She didn’t know.

Only he didn’t ask. He kissed her lips and brushed the tears away with his thumb.

Then he got out of bed and turned down the sheets on his side. He fluffed the pillow

and climbed back in, extending his arm toward her.

“Come here.”

She scooted over and eagerly cradled herself to his side. His cheek pressed against

her head while her arm reached across his chest, her hand coming to rest over his heart,

drawing strength and comfort from its steady beat. The sheet fell over them and Andy’s

hand covered hers as if to hold it securely in place.

Silvia sighed and closed her eyes. She could spin the sweetest dreams on this

moment alone.

“Can you tell me now what happened today?” he whispered so softly she

questioned whether she heard him or not. “If you’re up to it, I’d really like to know.”

Silvia looked for reasons not to say a word. She could think of a million of them, all

having to do with the fact that this was nothing more than an affair and he was her

gorgeous young lover…for the time being.

But as long as his hand held hers over his heart, nothing else could possibly matter.

The words passed her lips even though she didn’t want them to. She described losing

the patient and how it brought back the pain of losing Roger.

“Tell me about Roger,” Andy queried.


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Imagine that. A lover who held her in post-coital bliss asking about her dead

husband. Wasn’t there some cardinal rule of non-committed relationships that a woman

should never, ever talk about her exes, whether they were dead or alive?

She continued and the words poured out of her like an overdue confession. She

talked about Roger’s battle with prostate cancer, how she was glad for her nursing skills

because they helped her cope with it and kept her busy, how they met, how he wooed

her and won her over even though her parents worried because he was so much older.

When she paused to give Andy a chance to extricate himself, he took the hand she

held over his heart and intertwined their fingers. She kept going and some of the things

she said caught her by surprise. Much of this stuff should have been out of her system

long ago. Maybe she’d never really let it out because she’d never allowed herself to talk

about it before. Her entire relationship with Roger—the good, the bad and the

ridiculous—was laid before Andy like a eulogy. When she said something funny, Andy

laughed with her. When she needed a breath to ward off the pain, Andy squeezed her


Where all of this came from and how she found the words to express it, she

preferred not to speculate but the force with which it kept coming out of her made it

almost painfully obvious that she should have talked about it long ago. Poor Andy.

He’d had no idea what he was getting into when he asked her to talk. What man

wanted all this baggage laid on his shoulders in what should have been a simple affair?

When she finally uttered the last word and no more came to mind, an odd silence

closed around them. Andy lay completely still. The warmth of his body bridged

whatever gap her story might have created, or so she hoped. At least he still held her,

though he might be doing so just to be polite. He was probably waiting for the right

moment to excuse himself. Any second now he’d release her hand and say he needed to

go to the bathroom.

Denying him the chance, she tugged on her hand to pull it from his grasp. “I need

to pee,” she said.


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He let her go immediately and she rolled around and got out of bed, hiding her sigh

of disappointment. Better to stay clear than develop any false notions. Andy never

pretended whatever they had going between them was more than met the eye. They

came together for the momentary pleasures a man and a woman could give each other.

That was all.

In the bathroom, she sat on the toilet a little longer than necessary. Andy had hung

the wet towel she’d used over the glass shower door. Their bathtub adventure had

happened merely hours ago, yet it seemed like an eternity.

She washed her hands, turned the light off and returned to the bedroom. Andy sat

in the middle of the bed, his knees drawn up and arms resting on them. The bedside

lamp on his side illuminated him from behind, casting his eyes into shadow. A blunt

ache settled high in her chest, making it difficult to breathe. She sat down on the bed,

her back to him. Why couldn’t he just leave? He didn’t have to say anything except

“good night”. If he left, she’d know what he meant by it. Then she recalled how she had

made him promise he’d make a clean break. Maybe he was looking for words to do so.

“Thanks for listening.” She decided to let him off the hook. “I better go to sleep

now. I have to be in early tomorrow.”

The bed shifted when he moved to leave. Silvia shut her eyes tight. She was right

after all. Then his arms came around her waist as he positioned himself behind her and

pulled her against him. His lips touched her temple and he held her naked against him,

swaying just slightly back and forth. His soft cock pressed against the small of her back

reminding her of spent passions. The ache in her chest burst, unleashing tears.

Damn it, she wouldn’t allow herself to cry again. She leaned forward to break out of

his grasp but he wouldn’t let her go. Instead, he turned her, pulled her up on the bed

and held her against him.

Tears became shaking sobs. Andy’s hold tightened as he began to stroke her hair. A

wail escaped her, emerging from deep within and filling the room with its shocking

force. She felt Andy’s lips on her hair, the soothing sway of his body as he rocked her.


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The comforting gesture only taunted her into crying more, until her whole body

shuddered with spasms. Even then Andy stayed put, weathering the storm with her. If

he had not been there to hold her together, she might not have found the strength to let

herself fall apart. Her tears rolled down her face and onto his shoulder. Shouldn’t it feel

awkward to cry completely naked in a man’s arms? Wasn’t there some rule that

expressly prohibited extreme forms of female vulnerability in the bedroom? A person

couldn’t possibly be more pathetic.

Another wave of violent sobs shuddered through her. Fuck the rules! Fuck the pain!

Fuck Roger! Fuck Andy too. She could feel sorry for herself for a change. She deserved

the privilege.

The sobs subsided to long, hard exhalations. Drying tears left tingling trails on her

cheeks, but inside she felt clean and fresh, as if the flood had washed away secret piles

of debris.

Andy’s steady breath matched his strokes on the side her head. Her breathing

slowed to mirror his. They just sat in the middle of her bed. She couldn’t think of

anything else to do. She was at his mercy now. Whatever happened, she’d be okay with


Andy pulled away just enough to reach the lamp and turn it off. He reclined against

the pillow and pulled her down with him, embracing her as he had before,

repositioning her hand over his heart and holding it there once more. Silvia closed her

eyes and took a deep breath. Andy no longer smelled of soap. Now he was all man,

except for what she had added to the mix.

When she opened her eyes, the scent of his skin remained strong but her bed was

empty and gray shades of dawn filtered through the gossamer curtains. Of course he

was gone. She didn’t expect otherwise, nor did she have time to dwell on it. It was

another day, another shift, another start. A strange emptiness inside her reminded her

of the endless weeping. She got out of bed and padded into the kitchen to start the

coffee. A note stood propped against the coffeepot.


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Call me when you’re up.


As her gaze lingered on the xo part, she couldn’t help smiling. His handwriting had

a hint of calligraphy in it, which made the warmth of his arms around her as real as if

he were present.

Come to think of it, this was the first note he’d ever left her. Before she gave herself

the time to add all kinds of hidden meanings to the slip of paper in her hand, she got

her purse and fished out her cell phone. Although she never called him, she’d

programmed Andy’s number into her phone the day they met, when he had asked her

out. After she dialed the number, she strolled through the back door into the garden.

“Hello,” he answered but she could barely hear over the loudspeaker in the

background. “Hold on,” he yelled while the announcer finished the last boarding call

for an American Airlines flight to Austin. Her heart began to pound. Maybe this was

the clean break he’d promised to make.

“Silvia? Can you hear me?”

“Hi.” The logical thing would be to ask where he was and where he was going but

if Andy wanted her to call he must have had a reason.

“How are you, sweetheart?” The concerned tone brought tears to her eyes all over


“Tired,” she said.

“Listen, I gotta get on this flight but I wanted you to know how much it meant to be

with you last night. I meet my parents for brunch on Sundays and I’d like you to come

this week. Are you free?”

His parents? For brunch? A female voice came faintly through the line, welcoming

him aboard and asking him to turn off his cell phone.


“I’m here.”


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“I have to hang up. Text me if you can make it. I’d really like you to be there. I’ll

send you the address.”

“Okay,” she mumbled. “Have a good trip.”

“I’ll see you soon. Bye.”

The line went dead. The display on the phone confirmed it but she still held it in her

hand. Had she just agreed to meet Andy’s parents? That made no sense. They hadn’t

even had a real conversation yet. Men didn’t ask women to meet their parents until

way, way into the relationship. Her friend Rhonda, who knew about these things, said

when a man invited a woman to meet his parents it meant he took the relationship

seriously. Could that really be the reason? She and Andy had only been together a short

while. If he was serious, it was way too soon because she wasn’t serious. How could she

be? Regardless of what Andy thought he felt, she would be irresponsible to hope this

affair could be anything more. Andy was much too young. Even in the best of fantasies,

if they were perfect for each other, she couldn’t give him children and what man of

thirty-five would accept that?

She flipped the phone closed, dropped it on top of her purse and walked out into

the backyard. Every time she looked at the gorgeous plants, she thought of Andy. Some

of the flowers already bloomed and the shrubs spaced them out to create perfect

balance. Andy had an amazing talent.

The sprinklers sputtered on. Andy had helped with that as well, suggesting a

company that did a great job setting up staged watering schedules. He’d explained that

even though her plants were hardy, some required more water than others and most

sprinkler systems tended to over-water. Correct watering was crucial in the first six

months until the plants got established. To ensure accuracy and efficient water use, the

system received weather information through a satellite connection and automatically

adjusted water flow. After the first six months, Andy promised, she’d have a

spectacular backyard with next to no maintenance. With careful mulching, she’d hardly

even have to weed.


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The man was amazing, no doubt about that, but they were just having fun. If she

went to meet his parents, she might give Andy the wrong idea.

The red garden stone chilled her bare feet, so she skipped back into the house. She

needed to take care of this now while she had it clear in her head. Picking up the phone,

she scrolled back to Andy’s number and punched in a text message.

Can’t come on Sunday. Sorry. Have a great trip.

Flipping the phone closed added a note of finality to it. She took a deep breath. Not

likely she’d see Andy again after that. With a sigh, she let him go and headed for the

shower. No need for coffee anymore. The thought of not seeing Andy again sobered her



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Chapter Four

Two weeks slipped by without a sign of Andy. Silvia had expected as much but she

hadn’t expected the entire sense of order in her life to disappear right along with him.

She couldn’t sleep unless she replayed their lovemaking in detail, using the vibrator to

give herself an orgasm. Even then her sleep was tentative, filled with spotty dreams of

Andy whispering her name.

Several weeks later, on a Sunday evening, she finally dared to venture out into the

backyard. She’d avoided it because it brought back the painful recollection of Andy’s

absence. Holding a glass of Pinot grigio, she sat back on the padded wooden lounger.

Andy might be with his parents right now. A man who had a standing date with his

parents earned Silvia’s respect.

She sipped the wine, noting the touch of its fruity undertones. She might never

again be able to drink wine without picturing the glow of candlelight on Andy’s cheeks.

She set the glass on the ground next to the lounger. Everywhere, Andy’s flowers and

plants bobbed in the gentle breeze. Only a total idiot would have forced Andy away

before he was ready to go. He should have been the one to call it off. That way, she

could have consoled herself with the fact that she had been dumped by a younger man.

She closed her eyes and listened to the breeze play in the tall pine trees in the

neighbor’s yard. They cast a shadow over part of her garden, which had excited Andy

because it had given him a perfectly sized area for sunlight-sensitive plants.

He was the best thing that had ever happened to her and she’d shut him out

without ever asking what he wanted. To attract a man like that into her life and let him

slip away only because she needed a sense of independence was the biggest bullshit

excuse she’d ever made. In truth, she wasn’t woman enough to admit she believed

herself unworthy of him and was afraid of being rejected. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


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Erin Aislinn

Instead of Andy, she had a gorgeous backyard to serve as a constant reminder of

what she might have had. She only needed to look at the flowers and she’d see those

warm brown eyes feasting on her when his lips parted before the kiss.

Even now, she could feel his breath mingling with hers. She inhaled desperately,

like a prisoner starving for fresh air. And that’s when the tingle began—down in her clit

at first, filling her with a gentle buzz, then up her spine, the pit of her gut, spreading

into her chest until her heart pounded, its echo chocking her breath until she gasped.

Andy couldn’t believe Silvia’s intense response to his presence. He hadn’t even

touched her while she napped but her body sensed him and made it painfully obvious

how much she wanted him. Her cherry lips parted. Her chest rose and fell in sharp

bursts, taking him to the edge so fast he had to grit his teeth to distract himself from the

aching confinement of his jeans. Any man with half a brain should have known that

inviting a woman to meet his parents before she asked him to spend the night in her

bed might be premature but he’d done it to convince her he was serious about their

future together. He had to make her feel loved. He had to.

Going down on his knees next to her, careful not to touch any part of her body and

wake her up, Andy caught her lips between his in the gentlest kiss he could muster but

when she latched on in a feverish response, an explosive chain reaction shook him to

the core. He had to grab hold of the lounger’s wooden frame or he’d have fallen flat

over her.

“Andy,” she mumbled dreamily as her hands searched his face in a tentative


He couldn’t hold back anymore. Clasping her shoulders, he nipped her bottom lip,

sucked on it, then plundered deeper with his tongue until she responded in kind. Her

fingers locked at his nape, drawing him down as her body arched up. He slid his arm

downward to her hip, under the hem of the thin blouse to the drawstring waistband of


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Convincing Silvia

the light cotton lounging pants. Her skin was so soft there he couldn’t help gasping at

the mad urge to strip her naked.

Breaking the kiss, he looked down at her flushed face. “Andy,” she called. Her eyes

opened, stared, filled with confusion. She glanced around, a line forming in the middle

of her forehead. A gasp of surprise hitched in her throat.

“Andy?” Her voice trembled, still in disbelief.

He caressed the corner of her lips with his thumb. “I’m here, sweetheart.”

“Oh, Andy,” she cried out, pulling him down and rising up to meet him at the same

time. “I’ve missed you so much,” she gasped just before their lips met.

She devoured, feasted, gasped. Her tongue marauded his mouth and fenced so

hard with his own that blood rushed to Andy’s head so fast he had to pull away to keep

from getting lightheaded. Silvia took advantage of his withdrawal to undo his belt

buckle. Metal clinked, leather snapped, a button popped. She didn’t even bother with

the zipper, which gave as soon as she reached into his pants.

Andy saw stars when her hand squeezed his erection, her thumb brushing his

oozing cock head, rubbing the moisture around. He threw his head back and hissed

through his teeth while pushing down his pants with one hand and fighting the fabric

of Silvia’s loungewear with the other. Never slackening the rhythmic pressure on his

cock, she helped tear his jeans out of the way with her free hand, grabbing his ass while

she was at it. Andy never wore underwear with jeans and he was sure glad now

because it meant one less piece of damn fabric in the way.

He cursed when he had to let go of Silvia in order to get completely out of the jeans.

She swung her legs to one side of the chair and sat up in front of him, feet on the

ground, knees straddling him. As soon as he straightened, she tugged on his cock,

drawing him closer. She looked up at him and the semi-hooded, wanton gaze stopped

his breath. Then her face lowered.

Hot breath bathed the bulb of his cock, sending a searing thrill all the way to his

toes. His balls tightened. Hell, everything tightened like a wired spring. Silvia’s tongue


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darted up and down, back and forth over the head of his cock, toying, teasing, licking.

At the base of the shaft, she kept squeezing and releasing with one hand while the other

kneaded his ass in matching rhythm.

The woman drove him so out of his mind that he’d completely forgotten why he

came. He wanted to tell her what she meant to him, how he wouldn’t have sex with her

anymore unless he could spend the night. His bed or her own, he couldn’t care less as

long as he got to hold her in his arms when he went to sleep. He’d come to tell her all

this but she’d wrapped her lips around his cock and slid her tight mouth down his


His knees began to tremble. “Baby…”

She lifted her mouth clear off and the contrasting sweep of the cool evening air

made him shiver. “Spread your legs a bit,” she said and he obeyed, even though he

didn’t know how he got himself to move or why she asked for it.

She immediately replaced her mouth on his cock, working it up and down, off and

on, streaking along the burgeoning veins with her tongue. Her fingers stroked along his

ass crack. The gentle caress turned bold as she probed deeper into the crack, placing one

finger on his asshole.

He grunted and shook. He’d never… No woman had ever… He’d lose it any

second if she went much further.

Panting, he placed his hand under her chin and drew her mouth away. Silvia

looked up to read his expression but her finger still played mercilessly around his


His vision blurred. “Too much, baby,” he managed to utter.

Nodding, she shifted her finger lower to a less sensitive area. The pressure of an

imminent climax relieved somewhat and he drew in a labored breath. She also relaxed

her hold on his cock, moving instead to his balls to brush over and around them in

random patterns.


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Convincing Silvia

Soon, he got some sense of being in control of his body, though he still floated so

close to the edge that he could feel the reverberations of the oncoming storm. He peered

through his heavy eyelids and found Silvia’s gaze. Her luminous eyes left no doubt

about what was in her heart but it would not be real until she admitted it. His father

had told him he should be the one to say it first.

“I have to tell you something,” he said.

She smiled. “Me too.”

His heart raced with anticipation. “What?”

Licking her lips, she looked at his crotch. “I love your cock.” She aimed down once

more. Only this time, she didn’t take his cock into her mouth. Her tongue teased as it

had before, working its way down the side until she reached the base. In one long, fluid

motion, she licked all the way back up again. Her finger mirrored the motion in his ass

until it reached its target.

Andy moaned. As if she waited for exactly that moment, Silvia probed his asshole

with the tip of her finger and slid her mouth all the way down his cock.

“No!” he yelled as his whole body snapped dangerously close to the edge. He must

have scared her because she released his cock completely while keeping her finger in

his ass. His entire spine lit up with spiraling energy. He sought Silvia’s gaze. She eyed

him curiously, waiting for instruction.

“You don’t have to do this,” he said.

She wiggled her finger inside his ass, sending a buzz to his balls. His breathing

turned heavy. His eyelids drooped half closed.

“Let me make you happy.” Silvia’s whisper drifted from a distance when her hand

squeezed the base of his cock and her finger moved in his anus.

Through a haze of escalating sensations, he managed to keep focusing on her face

while she finger-fucked his ass and squeezed the base of his cock in matching rhythm.

The outside light backlit her face, casting it in shadow, but it couldn’t completely hide


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her expression. The sheer devotion of her intent to please him almost drove him insane

with need to possess her totally. She was his in every way that counted and he’d prove

it to her once and for all.

“I gotta get inside you,” he burst out, grabbing her shoulders. He had to be one

with her, had to bury his cock deep inside her pussy and look her in the eyes when she

came. Gently, she slipped her finger out of his ass.

Andy grabbed the bottom hem of her blouse and ripped it over her head. She undid

the tie string of her pants but before she could stand to take them off, Andy motioned

over the lounger. “Scoot back.”

She sat with her legs stretched out. Andy spread her legs and knelt between them.

He took hold of her waistband. She lifted her hips and he yanked the pants and

underwear off in one sweep.

Completely naked, she reclined back, her chest rising and falling with labored

breathing. Her eyes glowed with a mixture of passion and love.

Andy smoothed over her exquisite breasts, rubbing her nipples with his thumbs.

Silvia’s hips jerked off the pad, seeking contact with his protruding cock. Lust fueled his

own drive, urging him to take her as soon as possible. This time, though, it had to be


Andy stroked the soft skin of her rounded belly, which shivered under his touch.

Sliding lower, he skimmed over her full thighs and reached under her knees. Like putty

in his hands, she surrendered all control, allowing him to rest her feet against his

shoulders and open her legs for a full view of her pussy. Tangy female scent filled his

nostrils. If only he weren’t going crazy with need to bury his cock inside her, he’d eat

her pussy until she screamed.

He grasped her thighs and dragged her toward him, lifting her buttocks up on his

thighs so his cock fell right on top of her pussy. He thrust back to find her opening.

Her soft, deep moans called out to that untamed part of him. He dipped his cock

into her lubricant, worked it between her labia. She hissed through her teeth, pressing


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Convincing Silvia

back against him for a tighter fit. Her head rolled from side to side as her fingers dug

into his ass to pull his cock in. He adjusted her legs to rest fully against his chest and

gentled her with long strokes down her calves and thighs.

“Silvia,” he called softly.

She moaned, opening her eyes with effort. The hooded, desire-filled gaze made him

hot all over.

“I love you,” he said.

Her eyes widened with disbelief, searching his for confirmation. This was the

moment he’d waited for. Holding his breath, he made them one.

He moved slowly, thrusting into her while holding her gaze. She had to know

without a shadow of a doubt that only she could give him what he needed. She cried

out in sharp, edgy wails.

He withdrew his cock almost completely from her pussy. “I love you,” Andy

repeated before taking a long, deep plunge back home.

She managed a quick smile when her heat began to build around his cock. There

was only one way this should end.

“Come with me, baby! I’m almost there.”

“Yes! Yes!” she pleaded. “Harder. Faster. Oh!”

Her pussy warmed even more, tightening around him.

“I’m coming. Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” she begged.

His own completion seconds away, he picked up the pace and let loose the fires he

held in check. They both loved the blind madness of the final stretch so why deny it

now? The wave rose and closed in. The swell suddenly broke, spilled over, raged

through his whole body. Something lifted him up and up and up.

“Oh god!” He heard her voice, felt her contractions around him and held on for

dear life.


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Every part of Silvia’s body melted away and refused to operate. Tears of

overwhelming emotion spilled down her cheeks. Only one word could describe what

had happened here and she’d been afraid of it for too long. She loved him so much that

just saying so wouldn’t even begin to express it.

Unfortunately, loving him didn’t change anything, despite his own confession. She

was still older than him, still couldn’t give him children. After a loving like Andy had

just given her, not to be able to have his child felt like a punch in the gut.

Andy’s hard, panting breath became more pronounced. His lips touched her ankle

before he gently placed her legs down on the pad and prostrated himself on top of her.

His full weight brought her such joy that more tears spilled down her cheeks. Things

just didn’t get any better than this.

Andy let out a long, satisfied sigh and propped himself up. She found herself to be

the object of the most adoring gaze anyone had ever given her. She held her breath, as if

it would make the moment last forever. She didn’t want him to see her cry yet again but

she couldn’t stop herself.

He brushed the tears away then lifted her hand to his lips. “What is it?”

“Andy…” She shook her head. “Oh, Andy, there is so much I can’t give you. I’m

too old to have children.”

His face contorted with pain and desperation. Before she could let out the breath

she was holding, he swept down, put his arms under her and lifted her off the chair.

While he walked into the house, his love-filled eyes never wavered from hers. The

palpable emotion forced her heart to beat harder.

In the bedroom, he set her feet on the floor and turned down the sheets. With a kiss

on her forehead, he nudged her into the bed. A languid head-to-toe perusal turned her

on all over again but Andy pulled the covers over her and leaned above her with a

serious expression.

“I should go,” he said and touched his lips to hers in a slow kiss.


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Convincing Silvia

Even as she kissed him back, something cracked inside her. This was her last chance

to alter her destiny but she remained mute.

“Sleep well,” Andy said and turned away.

She watched him move, his gorgeous body slipping out of her life. The wooden

floor creaked under his weight. Her whole body trembled with panic.


He stopped, turned and stood watching her.

She swallowed. “Please stay.” She wished so hard not to sound like one of those

desperate women she’d seen in movies, begging their lovers to come back after it was

way too late. Andy kept staring, his hard-set mouth not yielding one iota.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Why? You just said you have nothing to give me.”

The wounded tone made her cringe. Could she have been so wrong about him?

While trying to play aloof so he wouldn’t find her needy, she’d caused him to feel


“I love you!” she shouted as tears rolled down her cheeks. “God help me, I love


He actually reeled back in disbelief as if he’d been struck.

“I love you, Andy,” she repeated in a whisper, confessing the truth more to herself

than to him. She might as well be totally vulnerable, be honest with herself. It was better

that way, even if it hurt later on. Denying her heart would lead to bitter regrets and she

was far too old to look to a future filled with “could haves” and “should haves”.

“Why didn’t you say anything? Why did you always turn away as if you didn’t

want me to stay?”

She scooted toward the middle of the bed and turned down the sheets. “It’s too

lonely in the middle unless I know you want to be here with me.”

Not a muscle moved anywhere on Andy’s body but she caught a spark in his

brown eyes only a fraction of a second before he bolted forward. Silvia bounced in


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surprise. Andy leapt onto the bed. Her loud squeal turned into a gasp when he pulled

her on top of him. The brilliant smile she loved so much and thought she’d never see

again shone on his face.

He held her up by her shoulders. “You only had to ask, my love.” The last two

words contained so much emotion that her heart swelled.

“What about children?”

In a tender embrace, he cradled her to his chest as if he’d never let go. “The world is

full of children. If we ever decide to rear one, we will.” He kissed her temple. “Go to

sleep now.”

She closed her eyes and listened as two breaths rose in unison and became a single



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About the Author

Erin Aislinn was raised in Croatia by a single mother who loved to travel. On her

first trip abroad, at the age of 10, Erin visited New York City. She so fell in love with

America that on the last day of the trip, she locked herself in the hotel’s lobby restroom

and refused to get on the airport bus. During the hour it took Erin’s mother to convince

her to come out, Erin vowed she’d be back some day. Nine years later, she was accepted

to a small college in Iowa, where she majored in literature and graduated Summa Cum

Laude, Valedictorian.

Ever since she had first dreamed of America, Erin has also been fascinated by

vampires. In writing The Night of Maya, she has finally realized the dream of creating a

vampire world of her own.

Erin now lives in Southern California with her husband.

Erin welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address

on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Erin Aislinn

Earthly Possession

The Night of Maya

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

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