Oh Yum! 03 Desiree Holt Teaching Molly ( MWYM )

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Teaching Molly

ISBN 9781419916038
Teaching Molly Copyright © 2008 Desiree Holt

Edited by Helen Woodall.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/)

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Desiree Holt

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To all the Mollys who need to know that there is life after divorce and it can be truly


Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Casa Rio: Casa Rio Mexican Foods, Inc.

Estee Lauder: Estee Lauder Inc.

KY Liquid: Johnson & Johnson

Lincoln Navigator: Ford Motor Company

Miata: Miata USA

Riverwalk: El Paseo del Rio Association

Viagra: Pfizer, Inc.

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Teaching Molly


Chapter One

“Hurry, everyone.” Dina Emerson’s high-pitched voice squeaked loudly. “Find

your chairs. Take your places. The fireworks are about to start.”

She buzzed around like a restless bee, shooing people into places, shifting chairs,

generally driving everyone crazy. Dina was cute and lovable but after a dose of her

bubbly personality, people wanted to tell her to shut up.

I shouldn’t have come, Molly thought. Big mistake. Big, big mistake.

“Fireworks, people,” Dina repeated, clapping her hands for attention.

If only, Molly thought wryly.

Fireworks had been missing from Molly Gerard’s life for so long she couldn’t

remember how to spell sex. The erotic romance books her friend Janine had given her,

insisting she read them, only underscored how much she was missing, how pathetic her

sex life had been and was. Her newly awakened interest in the erotic had led her to surf

the web, her latest hobby, but that only frustrated her more.

Why the hell had she married Craig anyway, he of the selfish sex and gigantic ego?

She’d excused his insensitivity at first as lack of understanding of her needs. But after

twenty years she realized he understood her needs just fine but didn’t give a damn

about them and probably never would. So why hadn’t she divorced him a long time

ago instead of hanging on to nothing and then letting him dump her?

Her pride was taking a long time to recover from that.

So here she was, rootless and uncertain, trying to figure out how to start life again.

They hadn’t had children—Craig considered them an unnecessary nuisance—so she

didn’t even have that to anchor herself to. Instead she found herself searching for

something to fill that empty space inside her.

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She had come to believe that no one under thirty should even consider marriage.

Their brains hadn’t yet begun to work.

Molly sighed, pushed her thoughts away and looked for a place to sit down. Every

piece of patio furniture, every folding chair on the lawn seemed to be filled. The

Emersons’ annual Fourth of July picnic was well attended, as usual. Molly had never

felt more out of place.

Serves me right. What the hell am I doing here anyway?

“I think this seat has your name on it.”

The deep voice made her breath catch but not nearly as much as the sight of the

man it belonged to. Well over six feet, lean and dark with thick, wavy hair and a body

that moved with athletic grace, he could have stepped directly from her lonely

fantasies. He had come up behind her, footsteps soundless on the lush grass, carrying

what was probably the last folding canvas chair on the Emerson property.

Her first thought was Yum! And erotic images growing in her mind burst forth like

an exploding balloon.

Her second thought was, Forget it, Molly, you’re too old for him.

But she couldn’t drag her eyes away from him.

He nudged the chair closer and grinned. “Better take this before Dina steals it for

someone else.”

“Oh! That’s very nice of you. But where will you sit?”

He grinned, his teeth even and white in his tanned face. “Right here next to you.”

He patted the chair. “Come on. Dina’s show is about to begin.”

“Thank you.” Gingerly she lowered herself into the treacherous-looking piece of


He folded himself cross-legged to the grass and reached up a hand to her. “Nick

Trajan. Dina’s neighbor.”

Molly took his hand, shocked at its warmth and the spike of heat that flowed into

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her body. “Molly Gerard. Dina’s pity guest.” Not even a smile could soften the

bitterness of her words.

Nick raised one eyebrow. “I didn’t realize that was a separate category. I thought

Dina just invited enough people so she felt properly adored.”

Molly burst out laughing. “I can see you’ve known her a long while.”

“Not long. Just well. I bought the house next door about five years ago.”

Next door. Molly almost smiled. In the exclusive rural community of Limerock,

neighbors were often five miles apart or more.

“Are you a gentleman rancher too?” she asked. “Or do you do it for real?”

Now it was his turn to laugh. “Neither. I just wanted a place outside the city where

I had to really work to see another living human being. I’m an architect. That’s how I

met the Emersons. I designed their new home here. I mentioned I was looking for an

escape from the city, Dina turned me on to a place for sale and here we are.”

“Yes, here you are.”

Molly felt the man’s masculinity rolling off him in waves. The spicy scent of his

aftershave blended with the aroma of the mountain cedar and fresh cut hay. She

touched her fingers to her lips to make sure she wasn’t drooling. He couldn’t have been

more than thirty-five, ten years younger than she was. He looked like the kind of man

who had women hanging from him by the dozens. Unless…

“Isn’t your wife here with you?” She tried to sound polite rather than curious.

Nick burst out laughing. “Is that a clever way of asking if I’m married? The simple

answer is I’m not.” His eyes narrowed. “What about you?”

“No. That’s why I’m on the pity list.”

He opened his mouth to ask her another question but whatever he said was

overridden by the first blast of the fireworks.

The show was certainly spectacular. Dina and Frank spared no expense, either with

the barbecue or the explosives show. For forty-five minutes the night sky was lit up

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with complex exploding designs, the booms and pops punctuated by the oohs and aahs

of the watchers.

At last it was over and people began to gather themselves to leave.

Nick helped Molly out of the unwieldy chair, a bolt of excitement racing through

her again at his touch.

“I don’t suppose I could interest you in an after-fireworks drink, could I? At my

place? I’m just down the road.”

Molly felt her knees go weak. This gorgeous hunk wanted to have a drink with her?

Oh, my God!

“I could tell you I’m harmless,” he went on in that voice like warm honey, “but that

might be a lie. I thought maybe we could talk a little more about your ‘special list’


She had to think for a moment to figure out what he meant. When she caught it, she

felt her cheeks heat. “It’s a long, boring story. I don’t think you’d be at all interested.”

He took her hand in his again and slowly rubbed his thumb across her knuckles, his

touch making her skin tingle. “Now that’s where you’d be totally wrong. What do you

say, Molly? You don’t really want to go home alone, do you? Not on the Fourth of


Did she? Hell, no. she’d already spent too many lonely nights in that damned

condo, wondering where her life had gone and how she could possibly get it back.

“Well,” she began.

His eyes glittered. “Excellent. Let’s go say our goodbyes to our host and hostess.

Then you can follow me down the highway.”

“I…um, think we should say goodbye separately. You know, for the sake of


Would he understand her need for secrecy? She’d already been the subject of one

too many conversations.

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He slid both hands up to her shoulders and for a moment she thought he was going

to kiss her. He just stared into her eyes, studying them, then let her go. “For

appearances. Absolutely. But you’d better know now I’m going to make it my mission

to find out why someone like you has herself enclosed in an invisible cell.”

Oh, God. What was she getting herself into?

“I’m not—”

“Yes, you are. But that’s okay. For the moment. I’ll head down the road first. Look

for a dark green Lincoln Navigator about a mile from here where the shoulder of the

road widens. Flash your lights before you get to me.”

“Oh, Nick.” She spread her hands in a helpless gesture.

“It’s okay, Molly.” He smiled and touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers, his

understanding in his eyes. “But if you change your mind and your lights don’t flash, I

may take that as a challenge.” He winked at her and headed off toward the patio where

Dina and Frank were seeing their guests off.

Watching him walk with that easy, relaxed stride of his, Molly felt two very

unfamiliar reactions in her body—her nipples tightened and cream flooded her panties.

Well, hell, Molly. What’s that all about?

Her vagina had been drier than the Sahara Desert for as long as she could

remember. Another of Craig’s many complaints. If not for artificial liquid she’d have

really had a problem. So what was going on here? This very sexy man, ten years her

junior, invites her to his house and suddenly her body works again?

I am in big trouble.

But then her inner voice said, Remember all those juicy erotic romances. Here’s your

chance to find out if they’re fantasy or reality.

The thrill of the unexpected curled low in her abdomen and stampeded her pulse.

Would her age turn him off? Would her body please him?

Okay, pull yourself together.

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“Oh, Molly, dear.” Dina Emerson clasped her in a hug, bangle bracelets jangling a

symphony against Molly’s back. Thick clouds of Estee Lauder’s Beautiful wrapped

around Dina, clogging Molly’s senses. “I do so hope you had a good time. I apologize

for not being able to spend more time with you.”

“I did just fine, Dina. No problem. I enjoyed the evening very much.”

Dina waved a hand in the air. “I had big hopes you might meet someone here but

Frank pointed out to me I didn’t invite enough single men who were old enough. You

know, in your age group.”

Ouch! Bring out the senior citizen label.

“Not a problem, Dina. Everything was great.”

“I just feel so terrible for you since the, you know…”

Molly snorted. “It’s a divorce, not a contagious disease. Anyway, thanks for your

hospitality. Gotta run now.”

But the divorce had been like a disease that infected her, their friends, almost

everyone they knew. Craig had made it as unpleasant for everyone as he could. Now

she was tired of people giving her what she called the “Poor Molly” look, while Craig

strutted around town with his Miss Universe wannabe. She hoped his supply of Viagra

held out.

Sighing, she climbed into her sexy little Miata convertible, her consolation gift to

herself the day the divorce was final, and headed down the driveway and onto the


She wasn’t alone on the road. Other cars had left before and after her. Supposing—

just supposing—that when she spotted the Lincoln Navigator—if he was actually

waiting for her—how was she expected to flash her lights without making people stop

to think she was in trouble? And how would he manage to get in front of her without

causing a problem? Maybe he wouldn’t even be there. Maybe he was just giving her a

line to cheer up “Poor Molly”.

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But no, there he was, pulled to the side just like he’d said.

Before she could take time to think about it, to second guess herself, she flashed her

lights. Just once. And just as if they’d rehearsed it, he waited out the cars going by and

pulled in front of her as smoothly as you please.

A few minutes later she saw his turn signal come on and the SUV turned into a

driveway as long as the Emersons’. Swallowing, she turned in right behind him and

followed him down a winding caliche surface. Her palms were sweaty on the steering

wheel and her pulse was dancing like a Mexican jumping bean. How pathetic that this

was the most daring thing she’d ever done in her life.

She drew in a deep breath and let it out and parked her car in the space he

indicated. Life was about to change for Molly Gerard.

* * * * *

“Your house is unbelievable.” Molly stood in the middle of the great room, looking

everywhere, awed by the magnificence of the structure. “Your design, right?”

“I cannot tell a lie.” Nick handed her a small snifter with brandy in it. “When I

bought the property, it had nothing on it. I drove around the Hill Country and gathered

ideas. Then I drove my contactor nuts to get it right.”

“It was worth the effort.” She couldn’t help admiring the soaring beamed ceiling,

the massive stone fireplace, the window walls that now reflected the soft lighting Nick

had turned on when they came in.

What the hell am I doing here? Do I sound as nervous as I feel? He’ll think I’m an anxious

virgin or a dried up spinster. Oh, wait. I’ve been married. I can’t be a spinster. Just dried up.

“Stop thinking so hard. You’ll give yourself a headache.” Nick smiled as he handed

her a snifter of brandy and touched his own glass to it in a toast. “To new beginnings.”

“Is that what this is?” She sipped at the brandy, holding the glass with both hands

to conceal their tremor.

“I hope so.” He reached out and caressed her cheek with his fingertips, a ghost of a

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smile quirking one corner of his mouth. “Don’t be so panicky, Molly. Just enjoy the

brandy. Nothing will happen unless you want it to. I promise.”

His voice made her shiver deliciously. Unless she wanted it to. Oh, she wanted it all

right, with an intensity that shocked her. As she was driving the short distance to his

house all those erotic images had started clanging around in her brain again, teasing

her. Feelings she didn’t even know she had were taking control of her body. She felt

almost as if she was an actor in a play, where she would finally be able to indulge in all

her long-suppressed fantasies.

But if the night progressed that way, she’d have to take off her clothes.

Well, of course, dummy. You don’t act out fantasies with your clothes on.

Her problem was she was forty-five years old and her body had developed the

flaws that come with aging. No number of trips to the gym and self-discipline routines

could conceal them. How would she compare with his other women, women she was

sure were toned and lithe and without blemish?

And that wasn’t the only thing that made her insides quake and her self-confidence

leap to suicide mode. She was positive that where Nick Trajan’s sexual needs and

desires were concerned she’d be a fumbling novice. So why didn’t she just thank him

for the drink and go home before she embarrassed the hell out of herself?

“Why me?” she asked him, butterflies doing the jitterbug in her stomach as she

waited for the answer. “You could have any woman you want. Certainly many much

closer to your age. What do you want with an old woman like me?”

She tried to smile, to make a joke out of it, but inside she wasn’t laughing.

Nick took her cold hand in his warm one. “What is this I’m hearing? Molly, Molly,

Molly. I would be proud to show you off to anyone.” His eyes were hot as they pinned

her gaze. “I don’t make my choices of women according to the calendar. I find it

unbelievable that the men tonight didn’t seem to appreciate you in the least. But I was

gratified because it opened the way for me.”

She gave a short laugh. “I know what they all think of me. It isn’t very flattering.”

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“Then they’re all stupid.” He led her to the mammoth couch against one stone wall.

When he sat down, she noticed he made sure there was enough space between them for

her to feel comfortable. Not trapped. But there wasn’t enough space in the world, she

thought, to prevent his raw, masculine power from surrounding her.

In the soft light from the lamps he’d turned on, she got a much better look than she

had at the Emersons. Now she could see the amazing silver color of his eyes, the thick,

sooty lashes that framed them and the hint of mystery reflected in them. The slightly

rough planes of his face and the thin white scar that ran along the left edge of his jaw—

just enough to keep him from being too handsome and diluting his potent sexual


In his black cotton V-neck sweater and black jeans he looked like a sensual devil

come to draw her into the unknown. She barely controlled the shiver that skittered

along her spine.

He leaned gracefully into the corner of the couch, one arm along the back. “So,

Molly Gerard, I’m curious as to why you think Daffy Dina has you on her ‘pity’ list.”

Molly dropped her eyes to the drink she was holding. “A story too sad to bore you

with. And far too embarrassing.”

“I don’t think so.” His voice was pitched low and seductive. “Nothing about you

could be boring. And you never have to be embarrassed in front of me. Ever.” He took a

sip of his drink. “So tell me, Molly, what’s the problem? You mentioned no husband.

Widowed or divorced?”

She sighed and swallowed some of the brandy, hoping the burning liquor traveling

down her throat would give her courage. For whatever. She let out a slow breath.

“Divorced. Publicly and humiliatingly.” Her short laugh held no humor. “Traded in for

a buxom blonde half my age. The most effective way to point out my glaring

shortcomings as a wife, I guess.”

She’d hardly noticed that he’d moved closer to her in tiny increments until his hand

reached out and gently twisted one of her gold-streaked curls around an index finger.

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“Age is relative, Molly. There are women in their twenties who I wouldn’t take to a

dog show and women in their forties that I’d give my left nut to drag into the


Her laugh sounded false even to herself. “Pardon me for being crass but looking at

you I’m sure you don’t need to resort to old ladies to fill your time.”

“You’re right.” He had inched even closer. “I don’t have to resort to anything. When

I see a beautiful, sexy woman, I don’t ask for her birth certificate. Age isn’t what counts.

Do you know the minute I saw you, my cock got so hard I wasn’t sure I could walk?”

Molly felt her face heat. She was sure she was blushing. Craig had never spoken so

blatantly to her. Maybe that was the problem.

“I’m forty-five years old, Nick. I’m a refugee from a bad marriage and I think any

high school teen knows more about sex than I do.”

“Is that so?” He was close enough now to take her glass from nerveless fingers and

set it on the table next to his. “What a blessing. That just means I don’t have to worry

about measuring up to anyone else’s performance.”


“Uh-uh. No talking.”

She knew he was going to kiss her and she closed her eyes to savor it. But nothing

could have prepared her for the shock of heat that surged through her the minute his

lips touched hers. They felt like warm, rough silk, but his tongue, when he slipped it

easily into the wetness of her mouth, was like a dancing flame. Every place he

touched—the roof of her mouth, her inner cheeks, the insides of her lips—felt scorched

with a heat that drove straight to her womb and her nipples. She felt juices gather inside

her pussy, something she’d only recently learned how to produce with manual

stimulation. And never with Craig. Ever. She’d gotten through all those years with a

lifetime supply of KY liquid.

His arms slid around her to pull her to his chest, one hand tangled in the thickness

of her hair. Somewhere in the back of her mind she suspected she was getting in over

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her head but her body didn’t care. And now neither did she. If he meant what he said,

she was finally going to experience it all.

When she shifted against him so her breasts rubbed against his chest through the

thin cotton of his sweater, he groaned into her mouth and tightened his hold on her.

Molly was so wet between her legs now she was sure the liquid had leaked out onto

the couch, and the lips of her pussy throbbed with an insistent demand. With just his

kiss she felt wild and wanton, excited, eager to explore whatever he suggested.

When Nick lifted his mouth from hers, still just a breath away, his silver eyes had

darkened to a stormy gray. She felt as if all the air in her body was trapped in her lungs.

“You know I didn’t just ask you here to engage in polite conversation.” His voice

had a rough thickness to it. “The minute I laid eyes on you I wanted to fuck you, Molly,

in ways you can’t even imagine. But be aware there’s still time for you to say ‘thanks for

the drink’ and bug out of here. If that’s what you want.” His tongue licked the seam of

her lips. “So what is it, sweet princess? Stay or go?”

She was crossing a line here. Oh yes, that was a fact. Deep in the pit of her stomach

she knew Nick Trajan was not just another man with well-developed sexual prowess.

There were hidden meanings in his words and his kisses. Wasn’t this what she wanted?

What she’d been craving in her secret dreams? But was she daring enough to do this?

To expose herself to whatever he had to offer? To let him teach her the delights of erotic


“What if I don’t measure up?” she whispered, almost afraid to ask the question.

He dipped his head and his tongue licked at the pulse beat in the hollow of her

throat. “This isn’t a competition, Molly. I want you. Pure and simple. There’s no way

you’ll disappoint me, so don’t even think it. So.” He looked up. “What’s your answer?”

“Stay,” she whispered, her heart jackhammering in her chest.

“Then I think we need to take this to another room. I like my comforts.”

He lifted her in his arms as easily as if she was a feather, carried her to an open door

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at the far end of the room, reaching out as he entered to flip on a switch that turned on

four small lamps.

His bedroom was exactly what she would have expected. Dark furniture with

graceful lines to soften its starkness. Beige carpeting and walls but bright splashes of

navy and green in the coverlet, the two chairs next to a small table and the tiebacks of

the drapes framing yet another window wall.

“Don’t move,” Nick said, setting her down next to the bed. “Stay right there.”

He stepped away from her to the complex entertainment center on one wall,

pushed a button and soft music drifted into the room from hidden speakers.

“Stay right there,” he reminded her, as he lit candles set in a row on a shelf to one

side, the scent of lavender filling the air. Then he was back beside her, giving her that

sexy half-smile again. “Sorry. If I’d known you were coming I’d have been better

prepared. The music would have been on, the candles already filling the room with

their scent, the bed properly turned down.”

“Oh!” She was breathless. “I’d say you don’t need much warning at all. Besides, I

like it better that it wasn’t so…planned.” She looked down at her feet, then raised her

eyes to his. “Could we turn out the lights, please? Do you mind?”

He cupped her face with his lean fingers, his thumbs tracing lightly over her

cheekbones. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I want to see every inch of you, Molly. Every

sweet, mouthwatering inch. You don’t ever have to hide from me.”

She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “Well, you see, that is, I mean…”

“What is it?” His voice was a gentle caress. “What’s worrying you?”

“Nick, I told you. I’m not thirty years old any more.”

“Thank God,” he breathed.

“My body…”

“Is mature and ripe and exactly what I want. You won’t disappoint me, Molly. I

promise you.”

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“I hope not,” she whispered, as his fingers reached for the hem of her top and

began tugging it over her head. Then her bra was gone and her first instinct was to lift

her arms and cross them in front to cover herself.

Nick gently but forcefully tugged them down. “Look at you.” His voice was almost

reverent. “Your breasts are magnificent. I can’t wait to feel them and taste them.”

Molly closed her eyes and fisted her hands at her sides. In seconds Nick’s hands

were cradling her breasts, his thumbs chafing her nipples. She sucked in a breath as his

mouth closed over one nipple, thumb and forefinger pinching the other. Spikes of

pleasure shot straight to her cunt and her nipples tingled with an unbelievable

sensation. When he closed his teeth over the one between his lips her whole body began

to tremble.

“So sweet,” he murmured, lifting his mouth and blowing on the bud he’d been

teasing. “Like ripe berries. And such warm breasts. God, Molly, just touching them

makes me even harder, if that’s possible.”

Eyes closed, she gripped his shoulders for balance. Was he telling her the truth? She

wasn’t quite as firm as she used to be and heaven only knew Craig had made enough

disparaging remarks about them. But she couldn’t think straight with Nick’s mouth

sucking her and his teeth grazing her flesh. A moan echoed in the back of her throat.

“Let me see all of you,” Nick demanded in a husky voice, his hands already busy at

the snap and zipper of her slacks. “Don’t hide from me. Please.”

“Wait,” she protested, her head already spinning.

“No waiting,” he murmured. “I want you naked right now.”

Somehow he pulled off her slacks, bikini panties and sandals with only a minimum

of movement. She felt the air whisper against her bare skin and again reached to cover

herself. But Nick was not about to let her hide.

It must be the brandy, she thought, suddenly realizing she was on her back on the

bed and Nick was next to her, as naked as she was. His lips moved along her jawline

while his hand traced the contours of her body. His breath was hot in her ear as he

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massaged her breasts and pinched her nipples, tugging at them, rolling them until the

sensation was almost more than she could bear. When he leaned down to place an

open-mouthed kiss on her abdomen, she was sure she felt her skin crackle.

But it was nothing compared to the streaks of pleasure when he opened her thighs

and slid his fingers into her weeping slit. She couldn’t remember being this wet ever.

His thumb drifted over her clit, stimulating that hard, throbbing knob that felt as if the

skin had been peeled away and every nerve laid bare. Craig had always insisted she

stimulate herself for him—“Get yourself ready,” were his words—waiting only for the

moment he could plunge himself inside her, ejaculate and roll over. She bet he did a

little more than that with his current arm charm.

This…this was rapture. Heaven. Bliss. Lean fingers stroked the slick skin of her

vagina, opening her to his touch. She felt first one, then two fingers slide inside her,

curling slightly to find her sensitive places.

“I’m going to fuck you with my fingers,” he told her, “and feel you spill your juices

into my hand. Then with my mouth, so I can lap you up like a dessert. And finally with

my cock, so I can feel these wonderfully tight muscles clamp around me. Would you

like that, Molly?”

“Yes,” she breathed, her hips already beginning to move automatically.

“Let me teach you how good this can be. Let me show you how wonderful sex can

be between two people so completely attuned into each other.”

He teased her and played with her cunt and her clitoris until she thought she would

go out of her mind. Every time she felt the flutters begin in her vaginal walls, he slid his

fingers nearly out of her and turned his attention to licking the crease where thigh and

hip joined. Or the line just above the curls covering her mound. Or the undersides of

her breasts. Then he began again.

She had never, ever been hung on such a ledge of desire before. No, wait, she had

never known such desire before. Every muscle and nerve in her body cried for relief.

“Please,” she begged at last, her entire body vibrating.

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“Please what?” he asked in between busy sweeps of his tongue.

“Please…you know.”

His thumb teased her clit. “Say it, Molly. Tell me exactly what you want or I can’t

give it to you.”

“Please let me come,” she cried, her hands gripping his head.

“All right, then.” His voice was heavy with desire. “All you had to do was tell me.

Touch your nipples for me,” he ordered in a low voice. “Take them in your fingers. Pull

on them.”

“M-My nipples?”

“Do it now, Molly, or I won’t let you come.”

Okay, anything. Anything. I’ll do anything if you just let me climax.

She took her nipples between thumbs and forefingers and began to drag and tug on

them. Heat flooded straight to her womb and stimulated her already anxious pussy.

“That’s it. Pinch those luscious buds for me. Hard. Take a little bite of pain with the

pleasure, Molly.”

She moaned as she did what he asked.

“Good girl,” he said, his effort at control evident in the strain in his voice.

He slid two fingers back into her cunt, then added a third one, stretching her tight

channel. As he began to fuck her manually, the thumb of his other hand stroked

insistently across her clit, stimulating nerves already raw and sensitive.

As needy as she was, as hot and aroused, it took barely seconds before her orgasm

crashed over her. The walls of her pussy convulsed and gripped Nick’s fingers tightly,

pulling at them as if they had a mind of their own. Her juices spilled into his hand,

coating it as she hunched her hips and pushed hard against him.

“Pinch your nipples once more, Molly.” His voice was hoarse. “Now.”

She followed his directions and, the strongest of the waves took her. Her body

shuddered and she screamed Nick’s name.

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Chapter Two

Nick held Molly against his hard, lean body as the last aftershocks of her orgasm

died away. He stroked her skin, calming her, all the while knowing he had barely

satisfied her, that her body would still be raging for fulfillment. A satisfaction that only

his cock could give her.

She was an untapped treasure, so responsive she made excitement race through his

blood. The moment he saw her tonight he knew she was for him. He couldn’t remember

the last time a woman had struck at the core of him this way. The question was, could

he make her realize it without frightening her off?

It hadn’t been chance that led him to sit beside her at that idiot Dina’s. He’d

wandered lazily through the crowds, listening to conversation, much of which seemed

to center around Molly Gerard and her asshole of a husband. His term, not theirs.

Apparently the sympathy was all for Dina who’d had to choose between inviting Molly

or her ex and his new arm candy. The men especially resented one of their own being

left out because, as one of them had said, “He had to throw that ice box out of his bed.”

In Nick’s experience, that usually meant a selfish lover and an untutored wife.

Sexuality wrapped itself around Molly like a cloud, all the stronger because she seemed

so unaware of it. At first he saw it as a challenge, a chance to show her what the magic

of sex was really all about. But then he began talking to her and something connected

between the two of them. Again, he was sure she didn’t realize it but he was

determined to show her. To make her his in every way possible.

Too bad she was so hung up on the age thing. He was sure he could lay that at the

feet of her jerk of an ex. That would be a barrier he’d have to work to get past. To him,

women only improved with age, especially when they turned out like Molly. As

nervous as she was when they arrived at his house, she hadn’t turned away from him.

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Already she was responding to him in a way he was sure she’d never experienced

before. He was enthralled by her, wanting to tap into every part of her, body and mind.

The problem was, sooner or later he’d want to reveal to her what his sexual tastes

were really all about and he wasn’t sure if she’d embrace it or run like hell. He’d have to

lead her along the path of his sexual desires very, very carefully, but he knew it would

be worth it.

He shifted position so he could move between Molly’s legs, stroking her skin as he

did so, keeping her relaxed. The slick folds of her cunt glistened with the cream that

had gushed from her, lying on her public hair like dewdrops. He saw that she kept

herself trimmed but he did love a naked pussy. He wondered if she would let him

shave her. God, how he’d love to dispose of all that hair and take the bare flesh into his


He knelt between her thighs and used his thumbs to part her labia but it wasn’t

enough for him. He bent her knees, widening his view even more, then opened her

until he could see it all—the pouty labia, the soft pink inner flesh, the opening into the

vaginal canal. It beckoned to him like a tempting treat. He leaned down and swiped the

tip of his tongue from her clit down the length of her slit.

She jerked at his touch and tried to sit up but he held her firmly.

“Did anyone ever eat this delicious cunt of yours, Molly? Did you ever feel a man’s

tongue inside this tight little channel, licking up all this wonderful juice?”

He raised his eyes to her and saw her face flame with embarrassment.

“I’ll take that as a no. I’m becoming more and more convinced that you’re much

better off without Craig than you even understand.” He kissed her damp curls. “But

how lucky for me. I don’t think you’ve taken other lovers, have you, Molly? Mine will

be the first tongue you feel in this wonderful pussy of yours. Now lie back and let me

pleasure you.”

“I’m not—”

“If you say one word about age, Molly Gerard, I’ll have to turn you over and

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paddle your backside.”

He was glad he kept his gaze on her face, or he might have missed the flash of

something in her eyes. And it wasn’t fear. Oho! Did the luscious Molly have secret

fantasies she’d harbored all these years? Maybe she’d be more receptive than he


He bent to his task again with renewed interest.

The music still played a background concerto to the sounds of sexual gratification

and the scent of lavender filled the air. All of Molly’s senses were being assaulted,

teased, tormented, stimulated.

Nick’s tongue was like a match striking against her inner flesh. Wherever it touched

her, flames leaped and danced. Molly felt her womb contract and the inner walls of her

pussy flutter. His thumbs held her puffy outer lips open to give him greater access—

and a wider view. Just the idea of his eyes devouring her ratcheted up her arousal.

Insanely, in the midst of the sensations rocketing through her system, she

wondered if her body pleased him. Was she wet enough for him? Had her inner flesh

aged well? Did he find her wanting in any way?

Then her brain simply shut down and her body took over. That magical tongue was

licking her inner walls, thrusting inside her, lapping at her juices. As he fucked her with

his tongue, his fingers found the bundle of nerves that was her clitoris and began

stroking it back and forth. Not hard. Just enough to send flashes of lightning streaking

through her vagina and make her womb contract. Enough to make her know that her

cream was flowing in convulsive spurts.

Without thinking she raised her hands to her breasts and began pinching her

nipples again, just as he’d had her do before. Harder, this time, squeezing them until

she felt the pleasant bite of pain. She, who had cried herself to sleep over Craig’s

callous, brutal disregard for her body, was now seeking pain that would bring her

pleasure and drive her higher.

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Because this was different. Nick was fucking her with his tongue, stimulating her

with his fingers in a way that paid homage to her. He was worshipping her, not

demeaning her. The sensations he created were so intense the pain only enhanced them.

Her skin felt stretched too tightly, her nipples as hard as rocks.

Nick lifted his head to look up at her, a wolfish grin curving his lips as he saw her

tormenting her nipples.

“That’s it, Molly. Pinch them hard. Feel the difference in your body when that little

bite hits you.”

He began tongue-fucking her with renewed vigor, his fingers rasping her clit over

and over again.

And then it hit, like a tidal wave sweeping over her. Her hips bucked and her pussy

grasped the stiffened flesh of his tongue as she poured like a fountain into his mouth.

She gripped her nipples until she thought she would pinch them off, riding Nick’s

tongue, her pussy muscles trying to pull it far inside her as her orgasm pulsed and


His powerful hands gripped her thighs holding her in place, his tongue never still

until the last quiver had subsided and she lay back panting. The thin layer of

perspiration that had formed on her skin was cooling in the breeze of the lazily turning

ceiling fan overhead. She shivered but it wasn’t from the cold.

Nick released his hold on her and moved up next to her, pulling her body tight

against him. When he kissed her she could taste herself on his tongue, feel her liquid on

his mouth. It was one of the most erotic sensations she had ever experienced. She drank

him in, an exotic taste that she couldn’t quite seem to get enough of.

One of his hands lay against the curve of her ass, the tips of his fingers just barely

resting in the cleft. She wondered how, with two such powerful orgasms, her body was

still unfulfilled and now the gentle probing of her ass—always a forbidden territory—

was sending spikes of pleasure through her.

“Molly?” Nick’s deep voice echoed against her skin.

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“We’re not done yet, you know.” His hand slid casually between the cheeks of her

buttocks and trailed down, then forward. His busy fingers were stroking her slit again,

testing the sensitivity of her clit, scooping the liquid that was building again in her

vagina and rubbing it against her labia. “You’re still hot. I can tell. Are you always this

hot, Molly, or is it just for me?”

He was crooning in her ear, his breath a soft whisper easing her, stimulating and

soothing her at the same time.

“I don’t… I haven’t… I’m not…”

She struggled to find the words she needed while her brain urged her just to give in

to the feelings stirring in her body.

“If you bring up the age thing again, I really will have to spank you.”

A picture flashed across her mind, just for an instant. Tired of sitting home feeling

inadequate on the many, many nights Craig had been out fucking his latest bimbo,

Molly had finally decided there was something out there more than she’d ever gotten

from him. Curious, aware from the books she’d started reading what an open world the

internet was, she’d begun trolling different erotic sites.

They were easy enough to find. You only had to be eighteen to enter and she’d

certainly passed that barrier. Moving from site to site she had discovered an entirely

new world of sexuality—of Dominant/submissive relationships that developed in the

bedroom. Of sex toys that both frightened and titillated her. Of blogs where people

posted the pleasures of spanking and restraints. She’d had to create a whole new

personality to log on to these sites, as well as a second email address. God forbid Craig

should ever decide to snoop through her laptop.

Now Nick’s reference to spanking made her body heat and liquid seep from a cunt

that she’d been sure was drained. How would he react if she told him that was exactly

what she wanted, that she was untutored in the things she’d read about but was truly

eager to learn. Would he recoil, turn away from her?

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She opened her eyes to see him watching her with a strange expression on his face.

He seemed on the verge of saying something but instead took her mouth in a kiss that

devoured her, seducing her with his lips and tongue. When she was breathless from it,

he reached behind him to the nightstand and she heard the crinkling of foil, the faint

snapping of latex as he rolled a condom onto his penis with practiced ease.

Shifting his weight, he moved between her legs, placing a soft bite at the place

where her neck and shoulder joined, sucking her sensitized nipples, trailing his tongue

over her breasts and down to her navel. Streaks of pleasure speared through her and

unbelievably her body came awake again.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” he murmured, as he lifted her legs and draped them

over his shoulders. With one hand he guided himself to the entrance of her vagina,

slowly easing himself inside. “I want to feel my cock inside you, let that tight cunt grab

me like a wet fist and hold on. Feel it, Molly. Just feel it.”

Molly had seen how huge he was, how thick and long and wondered if her body

could even take him. But he rocked slowly, each time easing in a little more until she

felt the head of his cock touch her womb and flames engulfed her.

“Now, Molly,” he said in that voice that sent ripples skittering along her spine.

“Now I am going to well and truly fuck you.”

And that was exactly what he did, riding her slowly, withdrawing and impaling

her again. He took his time, like a general with a battle plan, stroking his hard shaft in

and out of her. Her inner muscles pulled at him and clutched his shaft and her hips

began to move in rhythm with his.

“Faster,” she cried, her body hungry for it. “More. Please.”

But he never varied his stroke, bending down to bite gently at her nipples, dragging

them through his teeth. The band of pleasure uncoiled low in her belly and began to

spiral through her. She thought she would die before she ever got to the top of the cliff,

before the explosion building in her body could come to the surface.

And then, when she was sure she couldn’t take another moment of the exquisite

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torture, he moved one hand to rub her clit and she burst into a million pieces, bathing

him in her liquid heat. As her clit throbbed she felt him explode inside the condom.

Even through the thin latex she could feel the powerful jets of semen pumping from

him, feel his balls slap against her with each hard thrust until they were both

completely spent.

Slowly, with careful precision, Nick lowered her legs, then eased himself from her

body. When he pulled her against himself, their skin welded by perspiration, she felt

her heart thunder against his chest in cadence with his. Together they gasped to drag air

into their lungs. Time became elastic. It could have been five minutes or an hour before

their breathing returned to normal and Nick rolled to the edge of the bed, taking her

with him.

“Shower,” he told her. “Then sleep. We can both use it.”

* * * * *

Molly had expected to feel uncomfortable with Nick in the morning, especially as

all the flaws of her body were exposed to the merciless light of day. But instead he

made her feel treasured, special, kissing her awake and making slow, gentle love to her.

Then they showered again, which might have taken less time if Molly hadn’t been so

fascinated by Nick’s swollen cock.

When he lathered his hand and began to clean it she brushed his fingers away and

wrapped her own small hand around it. Following her instincts, she dropped to her

knees on the smooth tile floor, wiped away the suds with the washcloth and took him

into the heat of her mouth. Embarrassed suddenly by her forwardness, she looked up,

wondering if she would see disapproval on his face. This was uncharted territory for

her. She had no idea what he liked. She only knew that she had to taste him as he’d

tasted her.

He braced himself against the shower wall and his eyes, when he looked down at

her, glittered with feral hunger. His face was taut with tension.

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She moved her mouth back, suddenly nervous. “I-I don’t know how to do this very

well,” she faltered.

He gritted his teeth, then let out a ragged breath. “You’re doing just fine. Just great.

Jesus, don’t stop. Please.”

And so she called up all the things she’d read in her stash of erotic romances, all the

things she’d learned about online and began stroking the iron-hard shaft as her lips

caressed the silken skin covering it. She experimented with the tip of her tongue,

running it over the head and dipping it into the slit. When Nick let out a low moan she

figured she was doing it right, so she did it again.

As the rhythm of her strokes continued, his hips began to move, rocking him in and

out of her mouth. She wrapped her fingers more tightly around him and with her other

hand began to scrape her fingernails across the surface of his balls. The harder she

sucked, the faster she moved her hand, the deeper he rocked into her.

“Jesus, Molly, back off.” He ground the words out. “I’m gonna come any second.

Back off or you’ll get a mouthful.”

She just shook her head and kept working him. She wanted that taste, needed to

experience it. When she felt his balls tighten she leaned her head back to take him as

deep as she could and the first splash of semen hit the back of her throat. As if she’d

been doing it forever, she swallowed automatically, sucking on him until she had

pulled him dry and he collapsed against the shower wall.

When he could catch his breath, he pulled her up against him. “I thought you said

you didn’t know how to do that.”

“I said not very well,” she reminded him.

He hugged her under the streaming water. “Any better and I’d be part of the

puddle on the floor here.”

She felt a thrill that she’d been able to please him after all he’d given her the night

before. The taste of his cum had a sweet-salty flavor, one that delighted her and she

licked her lips.

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Nick groaned, his hands tightening on her shoulders. “Don’t do that or I might end

up throwing you to the floor and fucking your brains out in the shower.”

She looked up at him somewhat shyly from under her lashes. “I wouldn’t mind.”

He laughed and pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arms around her. “What I

really should do is lock all the doors, take away your clothes and keep you in bed until

neither of us can move.”

He turned off the shower, opened the door and reached for two thick towels resting

on the counter. When he handed one to Molly he frowned as she turned her back to


“Molly? What’s going on?”

She turned back, the towel securely tucked in place under her arms. It had

suddenly occurred to her that in the harsh light of day every one of her forty-five-year-

old flaws would be painfully obvious. “Nothing. I just wanted to get the towel around


Nick reached out and pulled the towel away from her. Immediately she crossed her

hands over her breasts and tried to turn away from him again. “Don’t do that.” His

voice was angry. He yanked her arms down and forced her to look at him. “What is it

you don’t want me to see? I don’t think there’s a square inch I didn’t lay my eyes on last


She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. “Daylight is a lot less forgiving.”

His hands on her arms were like steel talons. “Is this about the damn age thing


She looked down at her feet. “No matter what you say, you can’t ignore the fact

that I’m forty-five years old. Ten years older than you. My body—”

“Is exactly what I want. Exactly. So let’s get rid of all this bullshit right now.”

He stood her next to the big window and turned her body slowly, his eyes scanning


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Molly did her best to keep from blushing but she felt her cheeks burning.

Nick chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman’s breasts blush before.” He

wrapped his arms around her again. “Molly, Molly, Molly. We have to do something

about this hang-up of yours.”

Molly didn’t know what to say so she just laid her head against his chest and

mentally crossed her fingers that he wasn’t playing games with her.

He tipped her face up with a finger under her chin. “One last word and then

breakfast. If I run into that asshole ex-husband of yours, I might have to kill him, and

that’s a fact. Now. Clothes, then food.”

She was amazed at how easy the conversation at the breakfast table was. She’d

expected to feel odd, constrained, like a fish out of water. Nick made it so easy they

might have been doing this forever. They talked about everything from music to books

to politics. Molly felt herself relax, felt the discomfort slip away, although every now

and then she caught Nick eyeing her speculatively.

At the door to her car he bent his head to kiss her one more time. Then he brushed

his lips against her forehead. “That will have to hold you for a day or two. I have to go

out of town on business. A client’s building a vacation home and wants me to look at

the site. But if you’re up for it, how about dinner Thursday night?”

The disappointment she felt at his announcement was washed away with his

invitation. “Oh, yes. I’d love it.”

He hesitated a moment. “I put something in your purse, Molly. Promise me you

won’t look at it until you get home. Then, if you don’t want to have dinner with me, I’ll


She frowned up at him. “What is it?”

“Uh-uh-uh. Not until you get home. If we’re going to take this relationship any

further—which I fervently hope we are—it’s time for me to find out how you feel

about…certain things.”

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Molly frowned. Did Nick seemed suddenly nervous? On edge? “Unless it’s a wife

you have hidden away somewhere, I can’t imagine—”

He cut her off with another kiss, then hugged her tightly, his hands stroking her

back. “Not until you get home. Then call me and just say yes or no. Either way I’ll

understand.” He tilted up her chin to give him a clear path to her gaze. “But I truly

hope the answer is yes.”

* * * * *

Nick stood in his driveway, hands shoved into his jeans pockets, watching Molly’s

fire-engine-red Miata buzz up the driveway and make a sliding run onto the highway.

He shook his head. A chancy driver. He’d have to speak to her about that.

But then, maybe Molly needed to take some chances in her life. Craig Gerard’s

marriage and divorce had been the talk of the San Antonio business community. Craig

was disliked by many, so it was easy to gossip about him and make cutting remarks.

Nick was not given much to gossip himself, neither passing it along nor listening to it.

But occasionally the odd piece of information found its way into his ear.

He knew that Molly Hathaway had been twenty years old when she married Craig

Gerard, a hot shot financial genius with degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School

of Finance. He had brains and guts—Molly’s family had social standing and

connections. Why she hadn’t left him when she discovered what an insufferable jackass

he was no one knew. It only added fuel to the fire when he unceremoniously dumped

her for Miss Big Boobs, telling her she was too old for his image. No wonder Molly was

so hung up on age.

Nick had taken his first close look at her the night before and felt his cock leap to

attention and his pulse race. She had been obviously nervous standing naked before

him. He wished he could find the words to tell her how hot her body was. Ripe, lush,

full breasts. The tiny swell of her abdomen. A nicely rounded ass and thighs that he

could sink his fingers into. None of this skin and bones that women thought so

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attractive but made him think of a walking corpse.

This was a woman of undiscovered depths. Last night had been confirmation of

that. There was heat and passion that had obviously been building for years. But was

she adventurous too? And how far could he take her in a relationship before she balked

and ended it?

In less than twenty-four hours with her he knew he wanted more than a tumble in

the sheets with Molly Gerard. What he didn’t know was if what he had to offer would

scare her away, or if it was a line she wouldn’t dare to cross.

He looked at his watch. Well, in an hour she’d be home. He’d have his answer

shortly after that.

* * * * *

The purse was burning a hole in the passenger seat of the little sports car. Every few

minutes Molly would glance sideways at it, resisting the urge to pull over, open it and

yank out whatever Nick had put in there. Her brain raced a million miles a minute.

What on earth could it be? What was small enough to fit into her purse but would give her

pause? Or make her question him?

She pushed the speed limit on the highway, slowing down only when she exited

into the residential streets of Northwest San Antonio. She was impatient with the speed

restrictions and honked her horn at slow moving vehicles in front of her.

What is wrong with me? I’m acting like a teenager on hormone overload.

At last she turned into her own driveway, hit the button for the automatic door and

pulled into her garage. She nearly tripped on the doorsill entering the house, tossed her

keys on the kitchen counter and opened her purse. On top of her wallet and makeup

bag was a white envelope of thick, expensive stock with her name written on it. She

opened it and pulled out the embossed card inside.

“Peregrine,” it read. “The club for discriminating lovers. Are you the Dominant or

submissive in your relationship? Let Peregrine help you find your niche.”

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Molly’s hands shook as she flipped it over and read the message from Nick.

“Are you adventurous enough to step into my world?”

Legs trembling, she hurried into the den and booted up her laptop. Logging in to

the main BDSM website she’d discovered when she was surfing, she did a search for

Peregrine and there it was. A tasteful webpage offering everything for those into the

lifestyle. Private and public rooms. Toys of all kinds available. Even a restaurant for its

clientele, with a cordon bleu chef.

As she read through the list of rules, the explanations of terms and activities and the

outline of the club’s purpose, she found herself getting aroused.

Aroused? Jesus, Molly. This is more than idle curiosity. This is for real.

She scrolled down the page that listed a variety of toys—dildos of every kind, butt

plugs, whips and floggers, restraints. And on and on. It made the one vibrating dildo

she’d purchased online look like a kindergarten toy. In the beginning it was her secret

means of relieving an occasional sexual need. With a sex life like the one she’d had with

Craig, occasional was the right word. But when loneliness had driven her to the internet

and she’d begun to explore alternative sexual activity, her little toy had begun to get

more of a workout.

She couldn’t deny that the BDSM scene fascinated her. What would Nick think if

she accepted his invitation? Would she ever be able to look at him again without

embarrassment? And then there was the exhibitionism factor. According to what she

read, many lovers performed while others watched, so the Dom could let others see

how much his sub pleased him. Would Nick expect that of her, expect her to do these

things with him in front of others? Could she? And what would people think of a man

as sexy as Nick Trajan dragging a much older woman to a highly sexual environment?

Her head was spinning.

Well, Molly girl. You wanted an adventure and here it is, right on your doorstep. Are you

brave enough to accept the invitation, or are you too chicken?

She pushed away from the desk, her pussy throbbing and seeping juices, her

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nipples almost painfully hard, a tight knot of desire curling in her stomach.

She reached for the phone with a hand not quite steady and dialed the phone

number Nick had written on the card. When he answered, for a moment her mouth was

too dry to say a word. Then she licked her lips and managed one word.


There was a long pause. Nick cleared his throat. “Be very sure, Molly. I don’t want

you to think I’m pushing you into something or it won’t work.”

She managed to swallow. “I’m sure. Absolutely.”

His voice softened. “I promise you won’t regret it. I want you very badly, Molly.

And not for just one night of play. I want to bring you into my life but I can’t keep part

of myself hidden. I am what I am. Do you understand that?”

“Y-You’ll have to teach me,” she stammered. God, she sounded so pathetic.

“It will be my greatest pleasure.” He paused again. “Being a submissive in the

bedroom can be a very satisfying experience, Molly. Subs really hold all the power, you

know. They control the pleasure of their Doms. And although they can ask for whatever

they want, not having to make the decision is very freeing.”

“How would we begin?” She couldn’t help the nervous edge to her voice.

Nick laughed, a low, sensuous sound. “Very slowly. I’d like to take you to dinner at

Peregrine and let you observe for yourself. I want you to have a complete

understanding of what the sexual nature of our relationship will be. Nothing held


She didn’t want to ask the next question but she couldn’t help it. “Is that what we’re

going into here? A sexual relationship?”

“Yes, but much, much more. Molly, I know this is rushing things but I knew last

night I want you in my life. All of it. And I don’t want to waste a lot of time in

meaningless activities. I want us to start our life together.” His voice was heavy with

promise. “I know you had a very bad experience with your marriage. I’m going to wipe

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that out of your mind and fill every day with pleasure for you.”

Oh God, she hoped so. She wanted to believe him.

“All right, then,” she said after a long pause. In or out, no halfway measures. “I’ll

see you Thursday.”

“Seven o’clock.” His voice dropped again. “Wear something sexy.”

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Chapter Three

Something sexy. Well, that was a challenge in itself.

Molly drove herself crazy at the little boutique near her house, trying on outfit after

outfit, discarding each in frustration. Finally, with the assistance of the owner and the

four glasses of wine the woman served her, she selected a black knit dress with long

sleeves and a high neck but cut below her waist in the back. She purchased a black silk

thong and sheer black thigh highs, then ran out of the store before she could change her


Thursday she soaked in a scented bath until the water began to cool, then carefully

shaved and trimmed herself and rubbed lavender lotion into every inch of her skin. She

swept her hair up and secured it with a butterfly clip, leaving a few curls to straggle

around her face, and took great pains with her makeup. As she rolled the thigh highs

onto her legs and stepped into the thong, she let out a deep breath and decided to leave

off the sheer black bra. Her breasts had not lost their elasticity—Nick had admired

them—so she decided to be daring. For her, very daring.

It was all worth it when she opened the front door and saw the look of heat and lust

in Nick’s eyes.

“Careful,” he told her. “We just may not ever get out of the house.”

“I’m all right, then?”

“Darlin’, you’re more than all right. I’ll probably have to fight off every man there.”

“You’re very good for my ego,” she told him, as he helped her into his car.

Whatever she had expected of Peregrine, it wasn’t the huge, two-story Spanish style

house on several acres of land, surrounded by a high fence and looking like an old-

money estate. A valet took their car and a butler in full formal dress opened the door for


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”Good evening, Mr. Trajan.” He tipped his head. “And welcome to your guest.”

Nick put his hand at her back and led her down the hallway to a door at the far end.

Molly stared around her in open-mouthed amazement, not just at the opulence but at

the hushed tones, the people moving as quietly as they might at any other private club.

She nearly tripped as he ushered her into what looked like a high class restaurant and

they followed the hostess to a table against a glass wall.

Nick grinned at her when they were seated. “What were you expecting, people

chained to the wall and muscle men with bullwhips?”

Molly felt heat rush to her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’ve just never—”

“Been to a place like this.” He reached across the table and took both of her hands

in his. “I’m glad you haven’t, Molly. I want this to be special between us. To be a real

relationship. I don’t ever want you sharing this with anyone else. There are people who

come here simply for the playing. That’s not what I want for us.”

“How long have you been coming here?” She wasn’t sure she wanted to know but

it was important to learn everything about him.

He waited a moment before answering. “More than ten years. I had an excellent

mentor who made me feel good about my sexual preferences and taught me what it

means to be a good Dom.”

She glanced idly through the window and her body tensed. Below them were two

rooms with what were apparently retractable ceilings. Tonight they were open and

there was a couple in each room.

“People have their choice of private or public rooms,” Nick explained. “These

rooms can be open for viewing for those people who are more stimulated by

performing for others. Or by watching.”

In one room a woman was kneeling on a padded table on her hands and knees. Her

hands were manacled together in front of her and the thin collar around her neck was

tethered to the table with a leash long enough to give her room to move her head. Molly

stared, fascinated, as a naked man moved behind her, spread the cheeks of her ass with

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one hand and with the other squeezed a line of lubricant in the exposed cleft.

He tossed the tube aside, then with two thick fingers began massaging the lube into

the woman’s rectum, stroking her rear channel. Rather than pull away from him, the

woman moved her hips back against his hand, as if urging him on.

Apparently satisfied that she was fully prepared, the man lifted a butt plug from a

bench next to the table. The device had a thin tube of plastic trailing from it ending in a

bulb. He pressed the tip against the woman’s anus, then slowly inserted it. When it was

fully seated, he began squeezing the bulb.

Even at this distance Molly could see the woman responding, rocking back and

forth on her knees, pushing against the pressure.

“That’s an inflatable plug,” Nick explained. “It serves two purposes because it can

be gradually expanded. For a woman who’s never been fucked in the ass, it expands the

channel gradually so she can more easily take a man’s cock for the first time. It’s also

good to keep that delicious tunnel stretched so the woman is always ready for the man

to fuck her there.”

Molly looked at him. “Do you like to do that?”

His voice was low and thick when he answered her. “You can’t know how much I

want to fuck your delectable ass, Molly. How much I want to restrain you, lick your

cunt until you scream for release and slide my cock into your well-prepared dark hole.”

Molly squeezed her legs together, feeling her cunt ripple and juices drip onto her

thighs. When she raised her eyes to Nick, he had a knowing look on his face. His hand

crept under the table to rest on her thigh.

“Would you like something cold to drink, Mr. Trajan?” A waiter with a completely

blank expression on his face stood next to the table.

Nick nodded. “Sparkling water for both of us. The club forbids alcohol,” he

explained when the waiter moved away. “People can lose control too easily. Now.” His

fingers dragged the hem of her dress high enough for him to slide his hand between her

thighs and come to rest on her cunt. “You keep watching below. Tell me what excites

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you and what turns you off.”

Molly folded her hands on the table, clenching them as she fought visibly for

control. Nick’s fingers had found her clit and were rasping back and forth across it. The

flow of her cream increased and fire raced through her blood.

Below her the man had finished inflating the plug and had removed a long dildo

from what looked like a small refrigerator. He must have said something to the woman

because she bobbed her head in agreement. He slid the dildo into her pussy and when it

was all the way in, began to lightly slap the cheeks of her ass.

“See how gently he does that?” Nick point out. “You have to be careful with

spanking when your partner has a butt plug in. The last thing you want to do is hurt

her. The only pain a good Dom inflicts is one that brings pleasure, not one that causes

injury. Paul,” he indicated the man,” has perfected it to an art.”

Molly could see the woman’s skin redden and her chest heave as her breathing

quickened. As the man administered the spankings, Nick’s fingers were busy at Molly’s

clit, scooping the cream from between her labia and spreading it across the throbbing

bundle of nerves.

“She’s going to come,” Nick whispered. “Watch now.”

He was right. The woman’s body began to shake and suddenly spasms overtook

her. The man continued to spank her, heightening her reaction, drawing it out until

Molly thought the woman’s body would shake itself apart. Then she forgot about the

scene below her as her own orgasm rolled through her body. Nick tightened his arm

around her, steadying her, as her own body shook and quivered.

“Oh, my God,” she whispered. “I can’t believe I just did that.”

I did this in public. I came in front of everybody. Oh my God!

When she could think again, she looked around, sure that other people were

watching her. And indeed they were. She studied the faces for shock or disdain, and

pity that Nick, obviously well known at the club, would bring a woman so much older

to play. But they were all simply smiling in acknowledgement of her satisfaction.

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“They see how much pleasure doing this with you gives me,” Nick told her.

“They’re pleased that you would display yourself for my enjoyment. Be honest, Molly.

Once I touched you, would you have told me no?”

She shook her head. All she’d wanted was to feel the pleasure he could give her and

to see the gleam of satisfaction in his eyes that let him know he could make her respond

that way. She didn’t know what was happening to her, only that she felt more alive

than at any other time in her life.

“You see?” he went on. “That’s what it’s all about. I’ve been a Dom for a long time

but I don’t expect subservience any place except in the bedroom. Sometimes I will want

to feed you myself or give you your drink from my mouth. Symbols that I care for you

and will take care of you. I certainly want you to have things in your life that you enjoy.

Friends. Even a job if you decide you want one. You’re free to choose for the first time

in your adult life and I want you to enjoy that freedom. To be what you never could


“You know me so well in such a short time,” she said, surprised.

“After tonight I will know you even better.” He grinned. “But remember, in the

bedroom I call the shots. I want to do everything to you that you’re seeing here and

more, and I want you willingly under my control. Can you handle that?”

“I want to see everything else,” she told him, shivering, sure that a stranger had

invaded her body. Why she didn’t insist he take her home she had no idea, except that

now she was seeing all the things she’d read about. All the things that had played out in

her fantasies. She was more aroused than she’d ever been at any time in her life. “I want

to see all the things you like. Then I can answer you. Is that all right?”

Nick was stunned at her reaction. “Molly, Molly, Molly. You really surprise me.

Here I thought I would have to do a lot of convincing. Ease you into everything.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said, taking a long drink of her

sparkling water. “This isn’t me at all. I’m so hot I can barely stand it.”

“Maybe it’s been you for a long time and you didn’t realize it.” His thumb stroked

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her hand. “Maybe it just took the right person to bring it out in the open, to awaken

your dormant sexuality.”

“Do we really have to eat dinner?”

Nick laughed softly. “Not at all. Come on. I’ll give you the tour.” He rose, dropped

some bills on the table and guided her to the hallway. They turned left and he knocked

on a heavy oak door.

“Come in.” The voice was soft and musical.

Nick opened the door and ushered Molly into the last type of room she would have

expected in this place. Cozy was the word for it. An oriental rug covered the floor,

comfortable couches sat against each wall and over one of the couches was a huge

painting of a peregrine falcon. Against the back wall was a curved desk. Behind it sat

one of the most beautiful women Molly had ever seen. She rose when the two of them


Black silk slacks and a while silk blouse showed off generous curves on a petite

figure. Large diamond-studded gold hoops dangled from delicate ears and ruby lipstick

colored pouty lips. But what stunned Molly was the woman’s hair. It was completely

gray, swept up in an elegant style and held in place with a diamond clip. Then, as she

looked closer, she saw the tiny age-lines at the woman’s eyes and mouth carefully

camouflaged with an expert makeup job.

The woman’s laugh was lilting. “Most people are shocked by my age the first time

they meet me.” She held out her hand to Molly. “I’m Peregrine. Welcome to my club.

I’m glad to see Nick’s taste in women is improving.”

“Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you.” Molly shook hands feeling like the biggest

dork in the world. Displaying her climax in public didn’t have her half as tongue-tied as

meeting this incredible woman.

“I’m not sure if you’re paying me a compliment or not,” Nick joked. “This is Molly

Gerard. I’m hoping I won’t be bringing anyone else here except her.”

Molly felt anticipation seize her. Was she reading too much into this? After all,

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they’d only had the one night together, although it was definitely quite a night.

“Is Jacob here tonight?”

Peregrine shook her head. “He had a business meeting.” She eyed Molly with frank

interest. “Have you given her the tour?”

“No. I was just about to.”

“Then don’t let me keep you. Nice meeting you, Molly. I hope to see you again.”

When they were out in the hallway again, Nick took her hand.

“What did you think of Peregrine?”

Molly had trouble concealing her surprise. “She’s the owner? She’s amazing.” And

she truly meant it. “But I hadn’t expected someone so…”

“Old?” Nick chuckled. “No one knows her exact age but she’s had this club for

twenty years and she was no youngster when it opened. I’d guess she’s even older than

she looks but that hasn’t ever stopped her from enjoying the pleasures of the flesh. Or

helping others do the same.’

“She’s very impressive.”

They were walking slowly down the long hall, Nick’s fingers wrapped tightly

around Molly’s. “You heard me ask about Jacob?”

“Yes, I did.”

“He’s her husband. They’ve been married for ten years. He’s fifteen years younger

than she is.”

Molly was astonished. “F-fifteen years?” she stammered.

“Uh-huh. So you see, Molly, your age hang-up doesn’t hold water. Personally, as

far as I’m concerned, I find women closer to my age lacking in maturity.”

She wet her lips. “Has he ever, you know…”

“Strayed?” Nick laughed. “Not even on his worst day. He adores her. She’s his

whole life. There could be a hundred other women in the room and he only has eyes for


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“Even though she’s…grown older?”

Nick sighed and glanced at her. “If she was a wrinkled hag and ninety years old, to

Jacob she would always be the beautiful woman he fell in love with. That isn’t ever

going to change.”

“But what about if you and I go places together, Nick?”

Well, that sounded about as dumb as possible. God, I’m so desperately obsessed with this.

Thank you, Craig Gerard.

“What about it?”

“People…watched what we just did in the restaurant. They saw us. How do I know

they won’t think I’m robbing the cradle, or that you’re doing a favor for a friend.”

He stopped and pulled her up short against him. Even in the dim light from the

sconces she could see his eyes were blazing. “No, they will not. The people here know

me. They know I’m very discriminating about my women. They’ll all be very envious

that I’ve been lucky enough to get a woman like you to even give me the time of day.”


“No more buts, Molly.” He tilted his head and licked the edge of her ear. “Come on.

Let’s get started.”

Peregrine turned out to be everything Molly had imagined a place like this would

be. In rooms where the players invited public attention, she saw women strapped to

padded tables, their breasts hanging through special openings, their buttocks glowing

red from the whipping being administered. But the moans she heard were of pleasure,

not pain or fear.

She saw women being teased with giant dildos, legs restrained apart, begging for

release while their partners continued to toy with their nipples and clit.

By the time they reached the dungeon, Molly was so wet her thighs were sliding

together and she could barely stand the touch of the fabric of the dress against her

nipples. Nick pulled a key card from his pocket and used it to open a wood and metal

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They were stopped by a man in tight black pants and no shirt, who backed away

when he recognized Nick.

“We’re just getting a look tonight,” Nick told him.

The man nodded.

At one end of the room a woman was cuffed to a giant X, which Nick explained was

a Saint Andrews Cross. A man knelt between her restrained thighs licking hungrily at

her cunt. Against one long wall two women were manacled to chains that hung from

the ceiling, their toes barely touching the floor. One was being whipped with a flogger

made of soft leather straps and panting her pleasure. The other was being fucked in the

ass while her partner stimulated her clit with a vibrator.

Nick pulled Molly against a wall where they could see everything. One arm

wrapped around her, holding her to his body while his other hand reached for the hem

of her dress and pulled it up to her waist.

“Take off the thong,” he whispered, biting gently on her ear.

Why am I not humiliated by this? she wondered in amazement, as she obediently

pushed the thong down and stepped out of it.

“Now spread your legs,” he commanded.

Molly heard his zipper slide down followed by the sound of foil, then the

movement of his hand as he gloved himself. She felt him flex his knees slightly,

positioning himself as his cock pushed its way into her hungry pussy with one hard

thrust. As soon as he filled her the walls of her vagina gripped him and she felt her

orgasm beginning to unravel.

“Don’t come yet,” he told her. “Not until I tell you to.”

“Oh, God, Nick.”

“Remember, I’m in control. I know what I’m doing here. The longer you wait, the

more intense it will be and the greater the pleasure for both of us.”

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“A-All right.” She gritted her teeth, forcing back the pulsing waves that demanded

to overtake her.

“Does it bother you that people are watching us, Molly? That they can see me fuck

you right out here in the open?”

Her eyes, which had closed the moment he pulled up her dress, popped open and

skittered over the room. Nick was right. In the midst of their own activities, all the

players had turned their eyes to the couple in the corner, watching avidly.

“See how the men’s cocks swell and the women’s pleasure increases? Do you like

that, Molly? Shall I show them your cunt?”

This is not me. Or is it? Is this what I’ve waited for all my life?

She nodded her head.

“Take your hands and pull your lips apart. Let everyone see how well my cock fits


Automatically she obeyed him, fingers spreading her labia, feeling the slick juices

on her intimate flesh.

“Now play with your clit but don’t make yourself come. Okay?”

She nodded and began to stroke that hard bundle of nerves.

Nick moved in and out of her slowly, holding her orgasm at bay until she thought

she would go mad with the need for release. “Please,” she hummed. “Please let me


“Who’s in control, Molly? Who’s in charge?”

“You are,” she cried.

“And your body belongs to me, right?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted.

“No reservations?”

She shook her head wildly. “No, no, no. None at all. Oh, please, Nick.”

“Then you may come now.”

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As if her body had been constricted and then released, an orgasm raced through her

with such force she would have fallen if Nick hadn’t had his arm around her, holding

her. She could feel him pulse inside her, filling the condom with cum. His whole body

tensed behind her, then relaxed as the last tremor raced through her. All she could do

for the moment was simply lean back against him and try to breathe evenly.

But her eyes kept straying to the scene in front of her. She saw the woman on the

Saint Andrews Cross convulsing with her own climax and the woman being flogged

begging for her partner to fuck her. As intense as her orgasm had been, Molly was sure

if they stayed there another moment she’d be ready to come again.

Fortunately she felt Nick’s hand move behind her as he zipped his pants, then

smoothed her dress down over her hips. Holding her hand he reached down, picked up

her thong and stuffed it into his pocket.

“I think we should go home now,” he told her.

She could only nod her head in agreement.

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Chapter Four

Molly lay on Nick’s huge bed, hands cuffed together, then tethered to one of the

slats in the headboard. Her ankles were tied to the low posts at each corner of the foot

and pillows beneath her buttocks elevated her pussy.

When they’d arrived at Nick’s home, she’d been stunned to realize it was not even

ten o’clock. So much had happened, had assaulted her senses and her brain, that she

was sure it must be close to morning. But no, here they were in his bedroom and rather

than being intimidated about what he had in mind, resentful of his obvious desire to

dominate, she found herself so aroused her body almost quivered.

Nick sat naked cross-legged between her thighs, cradling a bowl of warm water

against his stomach. He’d sprayed every inch of her mound with cooling shaving gel

and now was using slow strokes to remove every bit of pubic hair.

At first she’d been nervous about it but then she thought, Now I’m nervous? That

should have been the first night we met. Or the moment we entered Peregrine.

“Nervous” no longer described how she felt. She was, in fact, embarrassed to feel

liquid seeping from her vagina, evidence of her instant arousal. Nick’s lean fingers

gently pulled and tugged at the skin, holding it smooth for the even strokes of the razor.

“Your cunt is so gorgeous,” he told her. “I want you to keep it naked all the time.”

He looked up, dipping the razor into the bowl of water, then sliding his finger over her

clit. “However, much as I enjoy shaving you, I want you to go to a spa where waxing is

one of their specialties.”

He grinned and ghosted the tip of one finger over her clit.

Molly felt the walls of her pussy quiver when he touched her there. The more Nick

brushed against her swollen nub, the hotter she became and he’d been teasing that

bundle of nerves all the while he’d been shaving her. She had to concentrate very hard

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now to put words together. “I don’t know where to go.”

“Don’t worry. I do. I’ll take care of it.” He worked very carefully, taking short easy

strokes. He moved a washcloth over her entire mound, then cleaned her inner lips and

the opening to her vagina. “All done.”

He leaned down and licked the skin he’d just laid bare, quick little swipes of his

tongue that made pleasure pulse through her. Over and over he licked the soft skin

until she thought she’d go crazy. Then he sucked her clit into his mouth, teasing it with

his tongue and sliding two fingers into her vagina. Her muscles automatically clenched

on him.

“Do you want to come, Molly?”

“Yes. Please,” she panted. “Come.” Trying to move her hips.

He smiled at her. “Not yet. Not until I say you can. Always remember that. You

may only come when I give you permission. Can you remember that?”

“Y-yes.” She gritted her teeth together, holding back the waves of sensation.

“Very good. I have something for you to do first.” He unwound himself from his

position and went to dispose of the bowl and razor.

Molly lay on the bed so aroused she was afraid her body would climax just from the

sensations washing through it. She bit down on her lower lip as hard as she could in an

effort to maintain control. Nick’s fingers had played a symphony on her skin during the

barbering session and that little kiss on the clit drove her even higher. But deep inside

she knew they were only at the beginning of tonight’s activities.

What stunned her was how much she suddenly craved it. What happened to the

old Molly and who was this totally sensuous, sexual female who had taken her place?

Hell! Who knew that at forty-five she’d be completely enthralled by the D/s

lifestyle. Obviously she’d been hiding all her adult life. The realization of its intense

appeal to her was as shocking as her body’s reaction.

When Nick walked back into the room, her eyes were drawn automatically to his

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magnificent body. He was tall, broad-shouldered, with dark hair covering his chest and

a flat stomach. His cock rose proudly from its nest of curls, the heaviness of his testicles

hanging against his muscular thighs. She still remembered taking that cock in her

mouth the other morning and hoped he would let her do it again. No. Demand that she

do it.

He unshackled her from the bed and helped her to stand. “I want you to get on

your knees in front of me, Molly,” he commanded, in a voice strong with authority.


She did as he asked, waiting for his next direction.

“Put your hands behind your back.”

Obediently she did so. The next thing she knew soft leather cuffs had been snapped

in place and linked together.

“I’m going to blindfold you, Molly. I want you to learn to use your other senses, to

see how much better the experience is when you can’t see anything.”

He placed a folded length of soft satin against her eyes and tied it behind her head.

She heard his feet on the carpet as he moved away, then back.

“Inhale, Molly. Take a deep breath. What does your nose detect?”

She drew in a deep breathe. “Lavender.”

“Very good. I lit the candles. Lavender has a calming, soothing effect, so that no

matter what we do, your body will not be afraid.”

She ran the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip. “I’m not afraid, Nick. I trust


“Good. That’s the most essential ingredient of a D/s relationship. Without it, there

is no real relationship. Now, we have one more thing to take care of.”

Molly frowned. “What do you mean?”

“We need a safe word. You need a safe word. Any time things get beyond the point

you can handle, or there’s something you absolutely can’t do, you use that word and we

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Her stomach rolled over. Would that word be the end of the two of them? He was

already in her blood, like a drug she could never get rid of. “Stop the relationship?”

She wanted to smack herself in the forehead. “A safe word, right? Sorry for my

stupidity and mental lapse. I can only say that you’ve got my brain so addled it’s ceased

to function.”

She’d learned enough about safe words on the sites she’d visited. What an idiot he

must think she was.

“A safe word,” he agreed. He laughed softly. “No, Molly mine. We stop what it is

we’re doing. I don’t foresee stopping this relationship at all. So give me a word. What

will it be?”

“Fireworks.” It just popped out of her mouth.


She nodded. “That’s where I met you. At the fireworks.”

“Okay, then. Fireworks it is.” His hands cupped her cheeks and tilted her face up to

him. He gave her a long, slow kiss on the lips, his tongue pushing inside her mouth,

tasting her. Then he drew back.

“Suck my cock, Molly. I know you can’t reach out with your hands but that’s the

way I want it. I’ll hold it for you and you’ll feel my fingers against your lips. Suck it,

Molly. Suck it good.”

Swallowing once and adjusting her balance on her knees, she opened her mouth

wide. The head of his cock rested on her bottom lip, then slid an inch inside. Molly

closed her lips around it, licking the head as she’d done the other time. This time she

felt more confident, more sure of herself, so she used the tip of her tongue to play

around the thick ridge and tease at the slit in the head.

One inch at a time Nick eased himself into her soft mouth, hissing with pleasure as

her teeth grazed the velvet-soft covering and she began to suck the heavy shaft. After a

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little experimentation she discovered how easy it was to use her cheeks to create greater

suction. She developed a rhythm, using her lips and her cheeks and adding her tongue

for extra sensations.

He was right about all her senses being more alert when she couldn’t see. She felt

every ripple in his cock, inhaled the musky scent of his body, tasted the flavor of his

skin. And all the time the aroma of lavender surrounded her and soft music seduced


Nick did exactly what he said he would. When she tilted her head back slightly to

let more of his cock slide farther back in her mouth, she felt his fingers clasped at the

root of the thick shaft, holding it steady for her.

“Are you hot, Molly?” His voice was low and raspy, his breathing uneven. “Do you

want to come?”

She bobbed her head, her lips sliding up and down his shaft as she did so.

“If you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll let you come after this. Come on, Molly. I’m almost


She felt his shaft pulse in her mouth and the rhythm of his hips increased. She

sucked as hard as she could, using her tongue and her teeth and then he was there,

pumping into her, his semen jetting down her throat. She swallowed as fast as she

could, trying desperately not to let a drop of it leak from the corners of her mouth. His

hands gripped her shoulders, his fingers tightened on her skin, loosening only when the

last spurt had been pumped into her and his body began to relax.

“Good girl,” he whispered, sliding his cock from her mouth. “I think you’ve earned

a little treat.”

Leaving the blindfold and handcuffs in place, he helped her back onto the bed, this

time on her stomach. She felt pillows placed beneath her so that her ass was high in the

air. Then the ankle cuffs were reattached, exposing every bit of her to Nick’s gaze. She

shivered with the delicious darkness of it.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass, Molly?” He stroked the cheeks of her

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buttocks, his finger trailing over her skin.

“No.” She could barely get the word out.

“It’s my favorite playground but we need to prepare you for it.”

His fingers stroked the cleft, pausing to tease at the puckered rosette of her anus.

She knew her juices were dripping from her pussy. Nick’s lazy chuckle let her know he

could see her liquid pouring from her.

“I do believe you’re going to like this, Molly mine. Yes, I do.”

Then a narrow tip probed her hole and the next thing she knew a cool gel squirted

into her. It was followed by one of Nick’s fingers, massaging the gel into her tissues.

Spikes of pleasure drove through her body but when he added a second finger, she

tried to draw away.

“Easy,” he said. “Don’t fight me. Breathe through your mouth and push down.”

She shook her head. “Can’t.”

Unexpectedly a stinging slap landed on one cheek of her ass.

“Don’t refuse me, Molly. When you do, I have to punish you.”

A second slap landed, then another. It took her a moment to realize that the pain

was actually bringing her pleasure and the pulse deep in her womb began to throb.

Without thinking she pushed back against Nick’s hand.

“Good girl. Now it feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Mmm.” She nodded her head.

“You like your punishment too much. All right, let’s try this again.”

This time when he inserted his fingers in her rectum, she breathed through her

mouth as he told her and pushed back against the pressure.

“I was going to wait for this, you know.” His voice was husky as his fingers probed

the intimate depths of her back channel. “But you know why I’m not?” He leaned down

and placed a soft kiss on each buttock, then treated each one to another stinging slap.

“No,” she moaned. “No, I don’t.”

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“Reason one. I saw how it excited you to watch it happen to someone else tonight.

But reason two is the main one. No one has ever fucked you here before. I’m going to be

the first…and the last. You understand what I’m saying, Molly?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.” All she knew was the feel of the overwhelming pressure in

her ass, the flicker of something dark inside her, the heat of the slaps that traveled at

warp speed to her pussy. She didn’t want to talk. She wanted him to do things to her


He pulled his fingers free and leaned over her, so his lips were at her ear. “Because

this is going to be for more than just tonight. This is going to make you mine.

Permanently. It’s been less than a week and already I’d kill anyone else who touched

you. It wasn’t just my cock you affected, Molly—it was my heart. Does that shock you?

Make you want to run away?”

She didn’t know which she was more afraid of—losing him or keeping him. “I’m

very bad with relationships.”

“That’s because you haven’t had a good one. I’m going to change all that.” His

hand slid down between her thighs and stroked her wet slit.

“What if you’re disappointed in me? Sorry you even started this?”

He put his mouth close to her ear. “That, Molly, is never, ever going to happen.

Please believe me on that.”

She tried to shift her body beneath him as her mind scrabbled for words.

“I didn’t know how you would take to my sexual lifestyle, Molly. And that’s not

something I can change. You understand?”

Molly tried to wriggle against his fingers, to work her clit against him but he

deliberately kept away from that hard knot.

“Then tonight, when I saw how excited you were at Peregrine. When I saw how

you embraced the things I wanted you to do…Jesus, Molly, that was like someone

giving me a gift. I can’t wait any longer to make you mine. Life’s too short. Am I going

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too fast for you, Molly?”

Was he? Enthralled and amazed at her newly awakened sexuality, Molly wasn’t

sure he was going fast enough. She wanted to grab it all, as if it might suddenly


His busy fingers continued to torment her. “But first I’m going to show it all to


“A-all?” she stammered.

“I want you to spend the entire weekend with me. Learn how I want our

relationship to be.” His fingers teasing at her slit were driving her out of her mind.

“Then it will be up to you to decide. Are you okay with that?”

She could hardly think, her body was so aroused. The dark images racing through

her mind stimulated her even more. “I… Yes. That sounds good.” She barely got the

words out.

“Good girl.” He pinched the outer lips of her cunt very lightly.

Her body was consumed by a fire that burned every inch of her skin and flared

hottest at her womb. How the hell was she supposed to carry on a conversation? Spank

me, she wanted to shout.

Tie me up. Do anything you want with me but just let me come. I’m yours, I’m yours.

But one thought kept poking her addled brains and she couldn’t seem to make it go

away. “People will talk…”

He leaned back and she felt another stinging slap. “Let them say what they want.

They can’t touch us. Only if we let them. And that’s the last time we’re going to

mention this.”

The entire time he’d been talking he had played a symphony on the swollen lips of

her pussy. Now she felt something nudging against her stretched anus and slowly

pushing its way in.

“Remember that butt plug we saw?” he asked. “The inflatable one? That’s what

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we’re doing here, Molly. When it’s all the way in your ass, I’m going to pump it, slowly

so it stretches you a little at a time.”

It pinched her at first but then the sensation of fullness spread throughout her body

and every pulse began dancing in syncopated rhythm. She tried to move her hips but

Nick spanked her again. “Not until I tell you to. Remember, always by my command.”

At last he seemed to have the plug where he wanted it and she felt him moving

around again. Then his fingers separated her labia and a slick, smooth dildo pushed its

way inside.

“I can’t…” she started, sure that she couldn’t accept both toys but again Nick

spanked her. Very lightly, like she’d seen the man at Peregrine do. The spankings were

now stimulating her so much she wondered if she could invent more ways to incur


“You can,” he told her. “Just breathe through your mouth and let me do the work.”

The fact that she couldn’t see only heightened the feelings consuming her. Soon the

dildo was all the way into her vagina and she couldn’t believe how hot it made her feel.

“Now, Molly mine, a little treat for you. But remember, you do not come unless I

give you permission.”

He pressed the bottom of the dildo and it began to vibrate. As it did, Nick

manipulated the butt plug, letting air out, then re-inflating it.

Molly went crazy. The need for a climax was so strong she didn’t think she could

hold it off. But there was Nick, spanking her again and warning her to wait until he

released her. She bit her bottom lip, hard. She didn’t want to disappoint him by

disobeying him on their first real night together in this new relationship. But God, her

body was getting away from her.

And then a strange thing happened to her. Poised on the edge of explosion, her

mind suddenly took her to a different place, a place of such unexpected bliss it shocked

her. As badly as she wanted to come, the place she was in gave her incredible pleasure.

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Teaching Molly


The lavender scent soothed her and the music wove a soft cocoon around her.

Waiting for its next command, her body was completely under Nick’s spell and she’d

never felt such joy. She didn’t have to reach for fulfillment, didn’t have to struggle for

the smallest satisfaction, didn’t have to do it herself. Nick would take care of her.

It was the most freeing feeling she’d ever had.

“Molly?” Nick’s voice sounded as if it came from a faraway pace.

The dildo hummed busily and the plug stretched her rectum with a flexing motion.

Her breasts were on fire, her nipples harder than diamonds. And she knew the juices of

her arousal continued to seep from her already drenched slit.

“Molly? Are you listening to me?”

She felt Nick’s body over hers, his lips at her ear, his voice low and calming, yet at

the same time demanding. All she could manage was a hum that sounded more like a


“You’ve been a good girl, sweetheart. So good that now I’m going to let you come.”

He reached between her legs and pinched her clit. That and his permission were all

it took. Her orgasm rocketed through her like a Force Ten hurricane. Her cunt spasmed,

her ass clenched, guttural sounds like nothing she’d ever heard before escaped her

mouth. She was sure her body would break in two she was shuddering and shaking so


And all the time Nick massaged her clit and whispered to her.

At the exact moment she was sure she couldn’t live another second, everything

stopped. The dildo slid from her pussy, the butt plug was slowly removed from her ass

and Nick kissed her shoulders and neck, caressing her until the aftershocks died.

He did this for me! He gave this to me! And all I had to do was let him!

The realization was so startling she had to turn it over in her exhausted mind two

or three times before she could understand it. Now she knew what Nick meant about

giving up control but getting more back than you could ever imagine.

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“Are you all right?” he asked at last.

She turned her head and smiled. “I’ve never been better.”

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Teaching Molly


Chapter Five

They were sitting in Nick’s kitchen. Molly wore only one of his old tee shirts. Her

ankles were bound to the legs of the chair, her hands at her sides, cuffed with a tether

than ran beneath the chair. Nick had twisted silk scarves into a complicated series of

knots that wound around her breasts and under her slit to her anus. Two knots pressed

precisely against her clit and at her hole. However she moved in the chair, they rubbed

tantalizingly against her.

Nick was hand-feeding her breakfast that he’d prepared himself—tiny bites of spicy

sausage and the fluffiest scrambled eggs she’d ever eaten.

When she woke this morning, after a night of the most intricate and satisfying

sexual activity she had ever experienced, she was filled with amazement at how free

and released she felt. Still.

All her life, she’d mused as she lay in bed next to Nick, she’d been constricted by

her own inhibitions. Suffocating the real person screaming to get out. She no longer

regretted not walking out on Craig years before. If she had, who knows where she’d

have gone and she’d never have met Nick.


The key to unlocking her hidden sexuality, her raw need, her desire for sexual

dominance that led to the greatest pleasure she’d ever known. The revelation was still

dancing in her head, releasing streams of happiness.

“I like that smile,” Nick told her. “It lights up your whole face and shows me the

happiness inside you.”

“I am happy,” she said as soon as she swallowed the food in her mouth. “Very

happy. Unexpectedly happy. Amazingly happy.”

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His silver eyes had darkened to a deep gray as his gaze held hers. “You don’t know

how that makes me feel. If this lifestyle had frightened you, I’m not sure what I’d have


A thought jumped unbidden into her brain. She wet her bottom lip with her tongue

and blurted out, “The hair on my pussy will turn gray.”

Nick burst out laughing, then leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “Not if we keep it

waxed. Besides, I like gray hair. It will match my eyes.”

“Be serious. I’m trying to point something out to you.”

“And I’m ignoring it. We have to get past this age hang-up you have. After seeing

your pleasure, I can argue away your foolish fears about age with a snap of my fingers.”

He reached down to tug at the scarves and ran his hand over her cunt. “Soaked already.

I love seeing you helpless and aroused like this. I could play with you for hours,

watching your skin turn pink with the flush of heat, your nipples harden, feeling your

liquid bathe my hand.”

He’s right. He’s opened a life of pleasure to me that I only dreamed of in secret. That for

years I didn’t know existed. It’s time to embrace the difference, not raise objections.

Nick stood up and began to clear the table. “After we shower and dress, I think

we’ll go down to the Riverwalk.”

She frowned. “I only have the dress I wore last night. Not too appropriate for the


“Don’t worry.” He licked her ear. “We’re going clothes shopping first.”

“And then what?”

“And then I’m buying you a surprise. But not before my morning treat.”

With the dishes stacked in the sink, he unwound her from the chair and led her up

the stairs to his bedroom. Once there, he pulled the tee shirt over her head and tossed it

to the side.

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Teaching Molly


“What pleasure is on your list for today?” she asked. “And will it please you to give

it to me?”

“Oh,” he smiled. “I do like the way you say that. Yes, it will please me greatly. Get

up on the bed, Molly and get on your hands and knees.”

He’s going to do it? Last night he said he wanted to fuck my ass, to make me his.

But last night had been more about acclimating her to the things he wanted and

preparing her for that final assault. Was he going to do it now? Before they left the

house? So his stamp would be on her for everyone to see?

She did as he asked, waiting to see if he would blindfold her again, which he did.

“Using all the senses, remember?” he reminded her.

She nodded, waiting for his next move. When she felt the tip of the tube of lubricant

probing at her anus heat flooded through her body and every nerve went on alert. She

was ready for his probing fingers now, even welcoming them as he massaged the gel

into the sensitive tissues.

“I think the plug did its work last night, although we’re far from finished with it.

But I have to take you this way now. I can’t wait a moment longer. I have to brand you

with my body.”

She heard the familiar sound of latex, then the head of his cock probed at her anus,

pushing past the tight sphincter muscle. She remembered what he’d told her to do, took

deep breathes and pushed down. The painful stretching eased as he slipped farther and

farther into her. But then she couldn’t wait any longer. He’d prepared her for this last

night, his final claiming and her body was crying out for it. She pushed hard and felt

the last inch or two slide all the way in.

“Yes,” she cried and began rocking on his impaling shaft.

“Jesus, Molly, slow down.” Nick’s voice was strung tight with tension. “I don’t

want to come in the first seconds.

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But she couldn’t help herself, the pleasure was so intense. Then she felt the slap on

her buttock, more slaps, one side then the other.

“My command, Molly. Remember? Slow down.”

She gathered in a deep breath and forced herself to stop. But the slaps continued.

“I’m trying to teach you a lesson here but I get the feeling this is far from a

punishment for you.”

“Oh, it is,” she cried. “Punish me more.”

Nick’s laugh was strained. “How did I get so lucky as to find you? Someone was

watching over me.”

The slaps ceased and he reached between her legs to tug on her clit. “Don’t come,

Molly. I’ll tell you when.” He leaned over and traced kisses along her upper spine. “Tell

me what it was like for you when you sucked my cock. How did it feel? Taste? Tell me,


In halting words she described in great detail what it had been like both times. As

she talked she felt his cock swell even more inside her ass and heard his uneven

breathing grow louder.

“I’m going to come, sweetheart. And I’m going to take you with me. Now, Molly.


He raked his fingernail lightly across her clit and she exploded, just as she felt the

first spurt of cum inside the latex in her ass.

She wouldn’t have thought after the exhausting orgasms of the night before, after

the stimulating spanking that resulted in cataclysmic releases, that she’d be able to

reach the heights she did now. But she felt his pleasure and realized that while he was

controlling her, she was controlling him, giving him pleasure with the freedom of her

acceptance. That thought alone catapulted her into another shattering climax that had

her shivering and shaking long after the pulsing had subsided.

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Teaching Molly


Nick rolled to the side and took her with him. Stroking her body, whispering erotic

things in her ear.

“We’ll be good together, Molly. I have so much to teach you and you’re such a

willing sub. There is no end in sight, at least for me.”

She placed her hand over his and linked her fingers through his lean ones. “You

said I should take the entire weekend but I don’t think anything is going to change my

mind. This is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”

He placed a trail of kisses on her neck. “In that case, the present I have in mind will

be perfect.

* * * * *

They chose one of the outdoor tables at Casa Rio right next to the narrow

meandering San Antonio River. Seated beneath a colorful umbrella, Molly sipped at her

frozen margarita and wondered how she’d been so lucky. A week ago her life was

depressing and colorless. Now everything was brighter, life was more vivid and

dazzling, and she felt more alive than at any other time in her life.

They’d shopped in an upscale boutique first, where the owner thought nothing of

waiting on a woman who wore a cocktail dress at eleven in the morning. Nick had been

very firm in the things he’d chosen for her. His taste was exquisite and it felt wonderful

to have a man who enjoyed selecting things for her. It wasn’t so much that he’d taken

over and given orders, as that he’d suggested with accompanying compliments.

She felt young and fresh in the red silk blouse and gray linen slacks and smiled at

the man across the table from her. Her fingertips caressed the intricately carved silver

and gold choker he’d purchased and locked around her neck.

“My collar, Molly,” he told her, “so the world will know you’re mine.”

“Is it legal to be so happy?” she asked him.

“If not it should be.” He grinned at her, then his face sobered. “Be sure, Molly. I

might make demands you’re uncomfortable with.”

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She wrinkled her forehead. “Like what? Going to Peregrine? I thought I handled it

pretty well the other night and that was my first time.”

He nodded. “That and other things.”

“Such as?” She sipped at her drink.

“What if I wanted you to walk around the house naked when we’re alone, ready for

me to fuck you any time, any way I wanted to?”

A hint of mischief crept over her. “Then I would hope you would be inventive

enough that I wouldn’t get bored with too much repetition.”

Nick burst out laughing, put his drink down and reached for her hand. “I love you,

Molly. You are bringing great joy into my life.” He studied her face. “I sometimes work

long hours, you know. And often have trips that take two or three days. What will you

do with yourself?”

She shrugged. “You mentioned something about getting a job. I have money from

the divorce so I’m not destitute—”

“That’s your money,” he ground out. “I have more than enough money to take care

of us. You spend that any way you want.”

“I just meant I could take time and decide what I really want to do.”

“All right. I might even be able to come up with a suggestion or two.” His hand

suddenly tightened on hers. “Brace yourself. Here comes our mutual friend Dina and

she’s spotted us like a snake after a mongoose.”

“Well, hello.” Dina breezed up to their table, her avid eyes raking over both of

them. “What a surprise to see you two here. Together.”

“Nice to see you too.” Molly was proud of her control.

“Molly, I’m so sorry. I’d hoped you’d meet someone at the Fourth of July party but

I guess…” Her voice trailed off.

“Oh but I did.” Molly could feel the evil curve to her grin. “I met Nick.”

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Teaching Molly


Dina’s eyebrows nearly flew to her hairline. “Well, yes but after all, I was hoping

for someone more your age. It’s nice Nick is treating you to lunch but… Oh! He has

someone for you to meet, right?”

Nick’s eyes darkened and flashed. “Actually, Dina, Molly is moving in with me. It

was an instant attraction, so I guess we have you to thank for it.”

Molly thought Dina was going to pass out on the stone walkway. “Oh! Oh, my

goodness. But isn’t… I mean, aren’t you…”

“Very happy,” Nick finished for her. “Now if you’ll excuse us, I don’t mean to be

rude but I see the waiter approaching with our lunch.”

The moment Dina had dragged herself away from them, they saw her pull out her

cell phone and punch numbers into it.

“The gossip line will be working full tilt by tonight,” Molly pointed out.

“I hope so. People should know I’m off the market.” He waited until the waiter

placed the dishes on the table, then leaned forward. “And if you say the word ‘age’ one

more time I’ll have to take you home and get out that purple flogger you were so

curious about.”

Molly grinned, leaned forward and whispered, “Age.”

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About the Author

I always wonder what readers really want to know when I write one of these

things. Getting to this point in my career has been an interesting journey. I've managed

rock and roll bands and organized concerts. Been the only female on the sports staff of a

university newspaper. Immersed myself in Nashville peddling a country singer. Lived

in five different states. Married two very interesting but totally different men.

I think I must have lived in Texas in another life, because the minute I set foot on

Texas soil I knew I was home. Living in Texas Hill Country gives me inspiration for

more stories than I’ll probably ever be able to tell, what with all the sexy cowboys who

surround me and the gorgeous scenery that provides a great setting.

Each day is a new adventure for me, as my characters come to life on the pages of

my current work in progress. I’m absolutely compulsive about it when I’m writing and

thank all the gods and goddesses that I have such a terrific husband who encourages

my writing and puts up with my obsession. As a multi-published author, I love to hear

from my readers. Their input keeps my mind fresh and always hunting for new ideas.

Desiree welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

Tell Us What You Think

We appreciate hearing reader opinions about our books. You can email us at


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Also by Desiree Holt

Cupid’s Shaft

Diamond Lady

Double Entry

Journey to the Pearl

Night Heat

Once Upon a Wedding

Where Danger Hides

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you




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