Oh Yum! 07 Alexis Canto Thief's Surrender ( MWYM )

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Thief’s Surrender

ISBN 9781419914584
Thief’s Surrender Copyright © 2008 Alexis Canto

Edited by Helen Woodall.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/)

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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Alexis Canto

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To my husband, whose horses I didn’t have to steal.

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Thief’s Surrender

Chapter One

The new stable hand was no slouch. Shepherd could see that from the state of the

stalls she cleaned. His assistant had hired her while he was on vacation and Shepherd

had yet to catch a glimpse of the woman herself. As he stepped into the tack room on

this bright Monday afternoon, he found her with one leg propped on the ancient desk,

scraping dirt off a hoof pick.

Her lips parted as she gave him a startled look. The curls that spilled from under

her baseball cap were dark gold. He knew immediately that if he’d been around he

wouldn’t have hired her. She was too damned attractive.

It wasn’t that she was some kind of fashion plate. Far from it. She was more real

and hotter than that. She looked outdoorsy and tough, like one of those wild mares he’d

just bought for the ranch. Her jeans fit perfectly. A spot of dust smudged her nose. She

looked to be at least a good eight or ten years older than he was. His body reacted to the

sight of her with an unmistakable surge of lust and he knew this was going to be a

difficult working relationship.

“I’m Mikaela,” she said. “The new stable hand.”

Something about her face seemed unusual, something he couldn’t place. There was

something in the set of her jaw or the look in her eye that didn’t add up. He couldn’t

have put it into words but she seemed different from every other stable hand he’d ever

worked with in the eight years since he inherited the ranch—and he’d worked with a

lot. And it was more than the fact that none of the previous ones had been this hot.

The thought made him grin. She must have interpreted this as a friendly greeting

because her face relaxed into a smile.

“My name’s Shepherd,” he said. “I’m the head wrangler around here.”

“Oh, so you’re the owner,” she replied. “The quiet one.”


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“That’s what they say about me?” Shepherd wasn’t surprised, though he never had

been able to figure out why people couldn’t just keep their mouths shut.

Mikaela nodded, giving him a little conspiratorial wink. “I’d hate to hear what

they’ll have to say about me once you’ve all had the chance to get to know me.”

He reached over her head for one of the halters that hung on pegs on the wall. A

sudden urge to feel bigger and more powerful than this woman prompted the

movement. He needed a halter for Bear but he deliberately grabbed the one right above

Mikaela’s head just to make it obvious that he was taller than she, with a longer reach.

Whatever that look was that he saw in her eye, it made him want to challenge her. She

shrank back for a moment when he reached over her but then she straightened, almost

leaning toward him, as if to say she wasn’t going to let him intimidate her. A

combination of fear and defiance…that was it. This woman was afraid of something.

Closing his fingers around the halter’s stiff, woven straps, he glanced down and caught

a glimpse of the swell of her breasts above her T-shirt. He only looked for a moment but

he saw a tan line just above the shirt’s seam and a set of perfectly shaped knockers, just

big enough for his hands. If she didn’t get a lot less good-looking fast, she was going to

have something to be afraid of—him.

Yeah right. He could only dream of being a guy to watch out for. He hadn’t had sex

in six months. When his employees called him quiet, they were right. It wasn’t that he

was shy. Far from it. But he just wasn’t one to come up with the right words for things.

That was just fine around horses but despite what books and movies might imply,

being the strong silent type didn’t get him too many dates. Women liked a guy who

could make conversation and Shepherd just wasn’t that guy. Chances were he would

just keep looking at Mikaela from the corner of his eye when he ran into her around the

barn, giving her orders about which horse needed grooming but never cornering her in

the tack room and finding out just how those small, round breasts felt to touch or how

that rough yet feminine voice of hers sounded when she cried out in pleasure.


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Mikaela studied her new boss’s face for signs that he could see through her. First of

all, she hoped he couldn’t tell she’d been thinking naughty thoughts about him since

the moment he walked through the door. She would have to learn not to pay attention

to his wrangler’s body, strong jaw and deep brown, boyish eyes. He was too young for

her and he was her boss besides. Then again, she wasn’t planning to stick around for

long. It might not be such a bad thing if he found out her panties had been damp since

the moment she looked up and saw him come into the tack room.

Second, she hoped he wouldn’t look too closely at her hands. If he did, he wouldn’t

see palms thickened and cracked by handling ropes and reins, even though she’d

claimed a life of horse work on her falsified resumé. Instead he would see soft skin

nourished by lanolin cream during coffee breaks while she thought about

troubleshooting for somebody from the accounting department. As long as he kept his

eyes off her hands, her deception would be easy. It helped that her face was weathered

by the sun, her eyes permanently sun-lined from too many weekends spent hiking

along the long, sunny, desperately rocky West Coast. No one had to know she’d spent

the last twenty years behind a desk instead of riding the range.

She let the trail of her vision wander down the lines of his body. She couldn’t have

come up with a sexier horseman-god if she’d dreamed him up. As she allowed herself

to appreciate him, a distinctly pleasant sensation of warmth spread throughout her

lower body and something clicked inside her. Maybe it was the danger of pretending to

be something she wasn’t. Maybe it was the thrill of her secret plans to break the law.

Whatever it was, something made her bolder than usual. She was contemplating

spending the rest of her life as a fugitive or, as an unthinkable alternative, serving a

hefty prison sentence. Given that fact, the possibility of rejection by an attractive male

didn’t look particularly frightening. “Shepherd,” she said, “you’re going to be hard to

work for.”

He raised his eyebrows at her questioningly. “That’s not exactly putting your best

foot forward, insulting your boss on the first day.”


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Mikaela didn’t blink. “That was no insult. It was a compliment. I meant I’m already

thinking all the wrong kinds of thoughts about you. That’s going to make it hard to

focus on what I’m doing while I’m on the job.”

That handsome, stoic face of his shifted. His eyes opened a fraction wider. “You

mean…” He looked open. Boyish. Innocent.

She nodded. “I mean you’re the hottest boss I’ve ever worked for.” She smiled,

hoping her expression looked much sweeter and more innocent than she really was.

“You’re not going to fire me for that, are you?”

He swallowed once, quickly, and then his eyes narrowed and a slight smile molded

his smooth-shaven cheeks. He leaned toward her and propped his elbow against the

wall close to her face. “Let’s just say if your attention wanders a little while you’re

working, I won’t get on your case about it.” He said the words slowly, savoring them,

but at the same time a flush crept over his collarbone and Mikaela could hear his breath

coming just a little more rapidly. She had the feeling he hadn’t had the chance to flirt

like this too often. That could be a good thing.

That could be a very good thing. As soon as her shift ended, she was going to be

wandering the land this man owned and she would be doing it for her own nefarious

purposes. The more he liked her, the better. It didn’t hurt that just looking at him made

her want to feel his strong young body gripped between her legs…or pounding into her

from behind. How easy it would be to bend forward over the desk in front of her, tilt

her ass up toward him and let him slide into her slit. She would feel his hardness

penetrating to the core of her belly, making her soft pussy melt and become even


She blinked and looked up at him, realizing that seconds had passed and she hadn’t

responded to his remark. She smiled sheepishly. “Um…I think it’s wandering already.

Sure you don’t mind?”

“I don’t mind,” he said. His face was still just inches from hers. “Long as you don’t

mind that mine’s wandering too.”


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Thief’s Surrender

God, he smelled like leather, a smell that took Mikaela back to the happiest horse-

filled days of her childhood. If she wasn’t careful, she could end up falling for this guy.

And that would make her life a lot more difficult over the next few days. She already

knew she wasn’t going to have an easy time stealing horses from Shepherd. It was

already a challenge to stay focused on her plans when she kept feeling her attention

drawing back to the way her nipples had tightened and were rubbing against the fabric

of her shirt.

She would have to be very careful indeed.

“Not on your life but my shift is over and I’m going home,” she told him. She

dropped her boot off the desk and strode away through the barn. “But you know where

to find me in the morning,” she added over her shoulder, hoping to soften the

abruptness of her departure. He didn’t say anything but from that backward glance she

got the distinct impression that he was staring after her.

As soon as she escaped his line of vision, she picked up her pace and followed the

small, bumpy dirt road that led to the tiny cabin that came with the stable hand

position. Her heart raced. She needed to be alone to clear her head. How did a simple

conversation and flirtation turn into a force of sexual gravity with enough traction to

inspire guilt about her mission? When she reached the cabin, which stood in the shade

of a few sparse, twiggy trees, she slammed the door behind her and went to the sink to

splash the stable dust off her face and hands. The cabin was a dilapidated old miner’s

shack that happened to adjoin the ranch, which was located a few miles from the small

town of Cerrillos, New Mexico. The one-room building made for a dubious job perk but

when she accepted the position Mikaela had acted grateful just to have a roof over her

head. That attitude suited the role she was playing.

She stared at her reflection in the dim, rippled mirror over the sink. “Hang tough,”

she whispered to the ghostly image of herself. “It only gets harder from here.”

Minutes later, she reemerged and started out across the desert on foot, cutting

through the acres of Shepherd’s ranch toward distant miles of empty, state-owned land.


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Alexis Canto

She hoped that if anyone saw her they would think she was just out for a hike. She

snaked her way between hills, making a long trek of her walk through a limited part of

the terrain. Every so often, she took a swallow from a bottle of tepid water, always

scanning the hills for the perfect place. By the time she found it, the soles of her feet

protested each step with the telltale sting of blisters and her eyes ached from squinting

against the sunlight. But the miles of walking were worth it. The ravine was perfect.

In all the ways she’d fantasized about the moment when she freed her horses and

her heart, in all the visions of how those moments might flow by when what was

captive became wild again, she had never imagined that the land could be her ally so

completely. Yet here it was, a narrow pass between two sharp crests, leading into what

appeared to be a dry creek bed. The area beyond the pass was like a gentle basin,

flanked by jutting flares of rock. She raised a hand to shield her eyes from the harsh

light and moved forward over the rocks and gravel of the yellow earth. Though close

enough to the barn and paddock to serve her purposes, she was a good mile away from

the nearest cow trail through the ranch land. Perhaps years had elapsed since another

human being had approached this ravine from this angle or put a hand on the same bit

of rough ochre stone.

With the dry ground crunching under her boots, she stepped into the pass between

the crests. The spot was a natural doorway. The tall, leaning rocks bent toward one

another above her head, reminding her of those quaint arched openings to courtyards

in centuries-old adobe buildings here in the Southwest. Beyond them, the land sloped

gently, dipping and then rising to a field of tough grass tufts, chamiso and juniper. The

horses would find food. And there would be streams. Usually just a trickle. But enough

to keep these tough animals alive. The stone passage was so narrow and so completely

surrounded by hills that the chances of even one horse wandering back through the

passageway was one in a thousand. The animals would scatter on state land, gone from

the P-Q Ranch forever. Even though Mikaela wouldn’t keep the animals herself, they

would most definitely be stolen from the ranch when she was through with them.


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Thief’s Surrender

She walked into the basin beyond the natural doorway, imagining herself as one of

the mustangs, free again under the wide expanse of sky. She could almost believe she

was one of them.

She had no guarantee that she would get all of them through the pass. If she tried to

drive them en masse, they would scatter. She would have to lead them one by one and

some of them would become skittish when they saw their fellows going. The whites of

their eyes would show in the darkness. Their heads would toss in the wind. Their

hooves would shuffle on the earth. Their hearts would pound.

Much the same way Mikaela’s heart was pounding now. She couldn’t pretend that

her venture didn’t frighten her. At the same time, it was more than fear that fueled the

flutter inside her chest. It was exhilaration. She had led an ordinary life. A successful

one by ordinary standards, to be sure. Until recently, she had a good job, a newish car

that ran well, time to hike and kayak on the weekends and no major complaints in life.

At forty, she was still single but she’d always told herself she liked it that way. Any

time pangs of loneliness made her feel down, she got out her laptop and did some work

or lost herself in the outdoors. Yes, an ordinary enough existence. Now she was about

to do something extraordinary, something that would tear down everything she had

built, forcing her to start anew. No longer would she be bound to a desk job that neither

repulsed nor thrilled her but instead infected her with an insidious case of ennui. No

longer would she feel tied down by a home full of inert objects, belongings that

weighed on her soul. She would return her horses to their rightful home and then

become a mustang herself, a tough, wild creature living off the land. She could be at the

Mexican border within hours after freeing the horses. With any luck, she’d be on the

other side of the Rio Grande before anyone got up and discovered that the animals were

missing. By then, she would be impossible to find. Her disdain for resort facilities

would stand her in good stead now, because the two Mexican vacations she took years

earlier involved time off the beaten trail discovering small, simple towns. Places with

minimal connection to big cities and the life she was leaving behind. Tabernas and

taquerias where no one asked your name. Disappearing would be the easy part.


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Alexis Canto

The hard part? Lifting the latch on the paddock gate, alone, by moonlight. Crossing

the line into lawlessness.

She took in a long, deep lungful of dusty air. How many days had passed since she

did something that terrified her? How many years? She couldn’t remember when. It

was about time she not only stepped out of her comfort zone but sent the entire zone

packing. The thought made everything around her look sharper, more real. Though no

one was there to see, she smiled to herself and sat down cross-legged in the dirt. The

sun burned high in the sky, dusk still hours away. But tonight the moon would be just

past full. In another three or four days, the moon would have waned enough to

diminish her chances of being seen should some wanderer happen by the ranch…but it

would still give enough light for her to accomplish her task. She would wait a few more

days then. A few more days of mucking stalls and currying horse flesh wouldn’t kill

her. In fact, nothing would make her happier.

A sudden crunching sound from behind jolted her from her reverie. She leapt up

into a crouching position, whipping her gaze toward the natural doorway. For the

second time that day, she found herself staring into the eyes of the owner of the P-Q


Every muscle in her body went taut, ready to run. Her throat tightened, preparing

to squeeze out words of self-defense. She forced herself to take a deep breath and relax,

giving herself an internal reminder that he couldn’t read her thoughts. He couldn’t see

the plans unfolding against the landscape of her mind. All he saw was a woman who

had wandered out in the desert and who sat alone, meditating in nature, lost in

thought. She stood up.

“Hey there. Hope I didn’t creep you out by following you,” he said. “Just saw you

go off into the desert and noticed you veered off the trail.” He cleared his throat. “Just

wanted to make sure you didn’t get lost.”

Mikaela didn’t answer right away. She’d had no idea anyone was following her.

She swallowed hard. If her explorations were this obvious to the very man she needed


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to elude, she would have to be a great deal more careful when the fateful night of her

crime arrived.

Shepherd shifted his weight from one boot to the other. “You weren’t lost, were


She pulled out a smile from somewhere inside. “No. No, I was just exploring. Hope

you don’t mind.”

“Mind? No, no reason for me to mind. I don’t have any claim on this land. We’re

way out past the property line.” He slid his hands into his pockets, looking too smooth

and confident for a guy whose reputation held that he fell on the far side of shy.

“Damn, you look scared stiff. I must really have startled you.”

Mikaela let an easy sigh escape her lips. His laid-back air dissipated her

nervousness. “Yeah, I was off in my own world,” she replied, letting relief penetrate her

to the core as she accepted that he truly had no idea she was up to anything that would

harm him or his ranch.

“So you’re not telling me you’re scared of me, are you?” An impish glint sparked

into his eye. “Not after what you said this afternoon?”

She laughed aloud. If he’d questioned her presence out here, if he’d shown any hint

of worry that she didn’t belong here in this remote basin of rock and sand under the

sky, she wouldn’t have had any ground on which to stand in an argument. But if they

were going to flirt, she could hold her own. Up until a few days earlier, she hadn’t

possessed much of a criminal mind. But sexual energy? She had it in spades.

“I can promise you,” she said, taking a step toward him, “that you don’t scare me.”

That was true as far as it went. He didn’t scare her. But she couldn’t have said she

didn’t scare herself. Her own plans coupled with her feelings were enough to make

anybody tremble. She chose to ride the wave of emotion and let it carry her. After all,

she had nothing to lose.

She read his face, finding his features deeply alive, as if he was taken with her,

intrigued with an older woman. The thought made her chuckle. She felt young but from


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his perspective she must seem seasoned, sculpted by time. Ordinarily, she would be all

business with an employer. But this time around, she had no career future to cradle.

Nothing could be shattered because there was nothing to work toward. So she took a

few more steps up the gentle slope and placed a hand on his chest. He was all muscle

and she indulged another mental image of what it would be like to have sex with him.

She did a little too good a job of imagining the slick feel of his penis sliding inside her

and the rippling thrill as he rode her, letting his weight rock her hips with each thrust.

She barely heard her own sharp intake of breath but it didn’t escape him. He reached

up and caught her wrist. Although he allowed her hand to remain on his shirt front, he

kept a tight grip on her forearm and looked into her eyes.

“If I don’t scare you what do I do to you?” he asked and his tone left no doubt that

he already knew the answer. And from the bodily hunger she saw written on his face,

he was in about the same condition she was. Aroused, resigned to it and not even close

to being ready to turn around and walk home alone. His eyes were liquid fire. His jaw

was set in the way a man’s is when he’s determined to have a woman. He let go of her

hand and captured the small of her back against his broad palm. The warm, sure touch

sent delicious heat between her legs.

Her tongue found its way to her dry lips, edging them with moisture. She let her

gaze travel down his body, appreciating a physique honed by a lifetime of tough riding

and ranch work. She still felt pumped full of the adrenaline that coursed through her

while she appraised the landscape for her unusual purposes. It made her giddy and

bold. On impulse, she pressed her hand over his fly. Sure enough, what she found there

was an erection hard enough to make her inner thighs tingle with the thought of letting

him plunge into her. She let the fingers of her other hand wander to the hairs that

curled above the top button of his shirt. She scraped her short nails lightly across his

flesh, feeling his responding shiver of desire as if it were happening in her own body.

“The same thing I do to you,” she said. She looked up into his eyes and saw him frozen,

holding himself back. She decided to milk the moment for all it was worth.


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“This is dangerous, wouldn’t you say?” she asked him. She wanted to pretend to

worry but she couldn’t hold back a slight smile. “Because of the working relationship.”

The tension around his eyes relaxed and the warmth returned to his expression. He

bent his head toward hers. “I won’t tell the boss if you don’t.”

She laughed. “Well, unless you have multiple personalities, I’d say the boss is

already in this pretty deep.”

Right there in the open air, he slipped her shirt off her. The calluses on his palms

raked her skin as he ran his hands down her torso. What had been a sweet ache in the

deep pit of her belly became pure, wet need, a wanting that was pleasure in itself. Her

folds instantly became slick and plump. Every move she made brought her new

awareness of exquisite sensations below. He caught her lips with his and she moaned,

knowing no one was there to hear them. He pressed his hand up against her mound,

stroking her firmly. Even through layers of clothing his touch almost sent her over the

edge. She became aware that this had gone beyond play. Desperate tension sparked

between them and she knew they’d left flirtation far behind.

“I know I’m your boss,” he said, “but you have the upper hand. You decide

whether we take this any further.” He pressed his lips to her forehead, still letting his

fingers press against her most intimate place through her jeans. “All I can do is wait for

you to tell me yes or no.”

“Anything you want,” she replied, “that doesn’t grind my ass into this rocky



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Alexis Canto

Chapter Two

They took the shortest route back to her rundown cabin, where he backed her in

through the door and shut it gently behind him. She stripped without preamble,

watching him undress as he watched her. He wrapped her in his arms and pressed her

body to the cot against the wall. The cot’s springs, which had been uncomfortable her

first few nights in this cabin, now only served to make her more aware of the delicate

curves of her own spine. He pressed his erection against the outside of her slit and her

juices slicked the taut surface of his cock. He rubbed himself slowly up and down inside

the wet folds, making her want to scream with the need to feel him inside her.

“You promise you don’t think I’m taking advantage of you?” he breathed, his voice

deep and throaty with desire.

She gave a low, purring chuckle. “You? Taking advantage of me?” She slipped her

fingers into his hair and gripped the brown locks between her fingers. “No, Shepherd,

you have it backward. I’m the one taking advantage of you.” Tightening her fingers, she

tilted his head back so that his eyes met hers. “And don’t you forget it.” Her pussy

pulsed with arousal and despite her bravado, she knew she was as much at his mercy as

he was at hers.

He inched his way up her chest, grazing her skin with his lips, moving higher until

he reached her breast. The touch of his mouth on the lower curve of her breast sent a

chill through her that went all the way to her toes. He hesitated, letting her feel the

warmth of his breath, and she decided that if he waited one more moment to take her

nipple in his mouth she was going to smack him.

His tongue found her areola. She shivered. “Good boy,” she whispered. “Don’t stop

that if you know what’s good for you.”


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He must have known what was good for him because he continued to suck her so

hard she felt her whole body shift into a state of warm glow. He slipped a hand

between her legs, nudging the thighs apart with firm insistence. His fingers trailed the

edges of her folds and she felt shivers of pleasure run through her, ribbons of pure bliss

hinting at a climax she could almost touch. His fingers paused near her opening and the

frustration was like salt on her lips. “For god’s sake,” she hissed, “get your fingers

inside me.”

He did. Maybe this guy was more experienced than she’d guessed, or maybe it was

pure luck but either way he found that precise place inside her that turned her insides

to liquid fire. She writhed against him, keeping pace with his movements. Too soon, he

pulled his hand back. She sank into the mattress with a gasp. For an instant she was

utterly lost. The withdrawal of his hand’s touch left her spiraling down through space,

back to ordinary reality…until she saw him rise to his knees with a knowing smile on

his face. She let her fingers slide over the smooth, huge hardness of his cock. She

slipped her forefinger over the tip of him, finding slippery wetness there. Spreading the

drop of lube, she worked him, her hand moving up and down. He groaned, shoved her

onto her back and pinned her to the bed with his body weight. He bit her neck, not hard

enough to leave bruises but hard enough to hurt, just a little. He pressed himself against

her and let his cock pulse against the flesh of her lower belly. He was gloriously hard

against her softness.

Mikaela never traveled without condoms and her mission to free her mother’s

horses was no exception. She pulled away from Shepherd just long enough to grab a

small foil packet from the drawer of the cabin’s rickety nightstand. She handed it to him

and he put it on without hesitation.

He pressed himself on top of her once again and thrust into her. He filled her

completely, stretching her and making her ache for more of him. He pulled back, almost

to the point where she would have cried out to him not to withdraw—and then he


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shoved back in so swiftly and completely that the rush of pleasure tore a yell from her


But then he paused. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, smooth face pulled

down into a frown. “No, this isn’t right,” he said.

Hell of a time for him to grow a conscience. She gazed back at him in physical

anguish. “You could have said so half an hour ago,” she growled.

His eyes widened. “Not that! Get up.” Despite the command, he gave her no chance

to get up on her own. He grasped both her hands and pulled her up to her knees, then

wrapped his arms around her waist. His expression softened. “You just don’t seem like

a flat on your back kind of woman,” he said, pressing the length of his torso against

hers. He cupped her buttocks in his hands and buried himself in her once more. The

new angle caused him to rub along her clit. His first thrust drew her along a knife edge

of perfect, blinding, gorgeous sensation. His second thrust sent her tumbling over the

edge into wave after shocking wave of orgasm. She shuddered, gripping his back,

burying her face against the sparse, rough hairs of his chest. He continued to fill her,

taking her beyond the aftermath of her release to something unbearably, achingly


And then he pushed into her even more deeply, groaning in a low voice that told

her that at least for that moment he had given his entire being over to her for

safekeeping. He came inside her. The end of his cock found her G-spot and triggered off

another shiver of orgasm in her, so that she trembled and her walls gripped him again

and again. His body shook. He held himself deep inside her for one long moment

before letting her go. He pulled out while using one hand to keep the condom securely

in place. She fell to the bed like a rag doll and he flopped down beside her.

“I don’t think I can move,” she said, hearing a hint of giggle crinkling the edges of

her voice.

“Neither can I,” he replied, sounding dead serious. “Can I stay here tonight?” When

she didn’t reply right away, he added, “I don’t snore, I promise.”


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Mikaela stared up into the darkness. “I believe you.” She couldn’t tell him it wasn’t

a concern about privacy that made her hesitate. It wasn’t the fact that they’d only just

met. It wasn’t anything she could ever tell him. And yet it was something that defined

who she was. Without sharing the truth about her mission with Shepherd, she couldn’t

tell him anything real about herself.

Rather than answer him in words, she reached for the sheet and pulled it over both

of them. It was just a bargain store-brand sheet, plain and cheap. But it felt soft and

nurturing. He reached for her and drew her to him, gently, protectively. She let herself

nestle against him, her buttocks fitting into the crease of his thigh, his arms curling

around her from behind. Just before drifting off to sleep, she caught herself thinking, I

could sleep like this every night…

Some hours later she jerked awake. All was still in the little house, as silent as death

save for Shepherd’s soft breathing. No sound had awakened her. There was nothing

around her to disturb her rest. The disturbance came from inside her. Feeling brutally

wide awake, she lay there with eyes open, staring into darkness. Great. Exactly what

she didn’t need in the middle of her mid-life crisis was to have the best sex ever with

the guy she was about to screw in a completely different sense. The theft she was

planning was completely justified in her mind but Shepherd wasn’t at fault.

After what seemed like an hour, she dozed off again only to half-wake soon after,

racked by guilt. She nudged the perfect vision of sleeping maleness beside her.

“There’s something you don’t know about those new horses, Shepherd,” she


He rolled over. “That they’re really a horde of Huns in disguise and they’re plotting

to pillage Cerrillos?” Even with sleep clouding his voice, that guy didn’t miss a beat.

“Not exactly,” Mikaela replied, suppressing the urge to giggle at his odd sense of

humor. What she had to tell him wasn’t funny. “No. What you don’t know about them

is that they’re mine.”


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“Well, I think of any horse I feed and curry as mine too. You kind of get attached to

horses.” He spoke into the pillow, eyes drifting closed again.

She watched his dim form in the darkness. His breathing slowed and became deep

and even once again. She contemplated giving him a shove in the deltoid with her

elbow and telling him the rest of the truth. But if she did that, she would be sabotaging

her own chosen future. That one honest gesture of telling Shepherd who she was and

why she was there would destroy any chance of her being able to decide her own

horses’ fate. She let him sleep.

Knowing he would never hear her, she whispered inaudibly to his dormant form,

“No. I’m supposed to own them. All twenty-seven of them. They were my mother’s.”

She sighed and continued mouthing the words, no longer making any sound at all. “I’m

not an employee. I’m an infiltrator.”

Having spoken the truth, she felt a sense of relief. Even though he hadn’t been able

to hear her, at least she was being honest with herself. She reminded herself that she

was doing the right thing, that her mother would have wanted her to have the horses.

All twenty-seven of them.

She let her mind drift back to that day a few weeks earlier, shortly after her

mother’s death. That was the day when she made the decision that if she couldn’t lay

claim to those horses she would turn them back out onto the wild desert land where

they belonged, where they would be happiest.

* * * * *

Every event of that day was burned into her memory. She’d driven up the narrow

road to her mother’s farm, every muscle in her body tense as if poised for a fight.

Her compact car didn’t have what it took to negotiate the dirt road with any kind of

ease. The ride knocked her teeth together and through the wild rain she had an

intermittent view of the road for a split second after each swipe of the windshield

wipers. She recognized the old wooden sign easily all the same. She knew its shape, its


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rough grain, its color. She turned in and the tires lost traction for a moment before

gripping the road again. The car rumbled over the cattle guard. Ahead, parked in front

of the barn, loomed a long, silver horse trailer. Mikaela’s heart pounded. The tires spun,

so even though she was still yards and yards from the barn she stopped and cut the

engine. She grabbed her baseball cap from the passenger seat, told herself there was no

such thing as too late and got out into the downpour.

A balding man in a red shirt stood next to the trailer, hands on hips. Instantly

soaked to the skin, Mikaela ran up the drive. Mud sucked at her shoes, threatening to

pull them off with every step. Her socks squished.

The man in the red shirt called out toward the barn’s black mouth, “Move ’em all

out, buddy. The P-Q Ranch bought every last one of them.”

A wiry man wearing jeans and a raincoat appeared out of the dark doorway. He led

a gray mare on a halter. “The trailer only holds four, Ed,” he said.

“So we’ve got a lot of trips to make. Better keep moving.”

The man in the coat, head down against the rain, led the gray toward the trailer.

The short, wiry mare tossed her head, unused to walking on a lead. She was one of the

mustangs that had roamed free on the desert land owned by Mikaela’s mother until her

unexpected death just days earlier. Ed turned in Mikaela’s direction just as she came to

a halt a few feet away from him. Her jeans and thin shirt clung to her skin, cold and

heavy. Despite the baseball cap, her hair was soaked and darkened yellow strands

streamed over her eyes. Speaking to a space somewhere just above the top of her head,

Ed asked, “What do we have here?”

When she spoke, her words came out sounding harder than she intended because

she had to raise her voice to be heard over the rain. “These are my horses. And they’re

staying here on this land.”

Ed crossed his arms over his chest “Jamie!” he called out. “Come ‘n’ take a look at



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The one called Jamie descended the metal ramp leading out of the trailer, each step

clanging. In the distance, beyond the pastures, trees bent and waved under the weight

of silvery rain. Jamie came to stand next to Ed, and Mikaela looked up into his eyes.

“My mother died before she could make out a will,” she said. “She wanted these horses

to belong to me.”

Jamie only narrowed his eyes.

“Who the hell are you?” Ed asked.

She was about to give him her full name but something made her think better of it.

“Who am I? I’m the rightful owner of these mustangs,” she answered.

Ed laughed.

“It’s the daughter,” Jamie said to him sideways.

“I know. I know about her.” Ed flashed his teeth. “Lawyer told me she might come

poking around making trouble. Ignore her. She has no legal claim to these horses.”

Mikaela could see Jamie shivering under his raincoat in the fall downpour. Her

own skin burned, even against her chilly clothing. Jamie didn’t look as callous as Ed.

She made an appeal to him. “These are my horses. Just let me talk to your lawyer before

you take them away. Give me just one day.”

Ed looked straight into Mikaela’s eyes but spoke to Jamie. “Ain’t got all day. Let’s

get a move on, Jamie,” he said.

Jamie’s streaming face hardened and then he hunched his shoulders, turned away

and went back into the barn.

Ed grinned again coldly. “Your horses,” he snorted with sarcasm. He shifted,

putting his back to her. “Hurry it up, Jamie!” he called toward the barn.

The next day, Mikaela typed up a fabricated work history and applied for a job at

the P-Q Ranch.

* * * * *


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The next time she woke, it was to the feel of Shepherd’s warm lips tasting the back

of her neck and his arms cuddling her close at dawn.

She threw on an old sleep shirt, took him into her small, sparse kitchen and shared

the morning with him. The biting heat of coffee. The pain of pale light through frayed

curtains. His confident eyes, his innocent, cocky grin. She fed him toast, which he

slathered with huge globs of jam.

If only he knew he’d just fucked a horse thief.

Shepherd savored the sight of her. Rough, burnished gold curls gone wild with

sleep. Thin T-shirt molding to small, firm breasts. And he knew the body under there

was supple and soft in all the right places. Then there were the legs, strong and slender

as a mare’s. The sun-warmed texture of her skin, the way her face crinkled at the

corners of the eyes when she smiled, the ruddy peach color of her deeply tanned

cheeks…it all added up to a woman who would keep drawing him back again and

again. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to stay away from her.

“I’m coming to see you again tonight,” he told her. “I’ll be here at seven. No. Six.”

She bit her lip. “We shouldn’t. I work for you. Remember? I thought this was a one-

time thing.”

He stood up from the table. “I’m about to make it twice.” He stepped toward her,

undoing the fly of the jeans he’d put on only a few minutes earlier. Her eyes strayed to

his erection and in his imagination he could already feel her wet pussy clenching him

with soft strength. The thought made his cock pulse with want. He slipped his hands

under the thin, worn T-shirt she had on. His fingers found her cool skin. Her torso fit

neatly into his hands.

Until she ripped herself away from him. “I mean it, Shepherd,” she said, her tone a

sharp warning. “I won’t lie and say I don’t want it to be more but…you’re my boss.”

She dropped her eyes as she said those last three words. Somehow it irritated him that

she couldn’t meet his gaze but at the same time it aroused him. Every time he turned


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around, this woman did something else to surprise him. First by flirting outrageously in

the tack room. Then by taking off by herself into the desert. Then by blowing his mind

in bed. Now by developing a conscience. With Mikaela around, he wouldn’t get bored,

that was for sure.

She pushed past him, yanked a shirt and a pair of jeans off their hangers and

hurriedly began dressing. Once clothed, she ran her fingers through her tangled,

enticing mass of curls and then jammed her baseball cap on her head. She opened the

front door and stood on the threshold, smiling at him. If he hadn’t known better, he

would have sworn that smile was sad. “See you at the barn,” she said and then



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Chapter Three

On her way to the barn, Mikaela passed the paddock. Not the training paddock

where wranglers broke and trained new mounts on long leads. The paddock. The one

where her horses were kept. The formerly wild creatures now lived in a large, grassy

enclosure, awaiting their turns for training and resale. Their new home was pleasant

enough. They had room to stretch their legs. They had plenty to eat. But wild no longer,

these mustangs were trapped by a tall, split-rail fence. She tried not to look too closely

at them as she passed, lest her heart’s kinship with them become painful enough to

interfere with the day’s work. On top of feeling conflicted about Shepherd, she didn’t

think she could handle thinking too much about the horses. All the same, she let herself

steal a few sidelong glances at the animals’ rough coats, which were lit chestnut,

burgundy and amber dun by the harsh, slanting rays of morning light.

She managed to get through the day without seeing Shepherd but at the end of her

shift he appeared, blocking her way into the tack room as she attempted to return a

curry comb, hard brush and soft brush to their proper places.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins. He was in the doorway and she needed to get

through, get home and keep away from this seductively innocent, physically powerful

man forever. But he was there, inches in front of her, his broad shoulders filling her

field of vision and his deltoids filling out the sleeves of his shirt. He put a hand on the

doorframe and smiled a slight, relaxed, confident smile. Damn. One rejection wasn’t

enough for this guy? It would be torture to say no yet again to the chance to have that

tall, powerful body entwined with hers and feel those perfectly defined back muscles

flexing under her palms while he rode her. She looked into his eyes and felt her inner

thighs grow slick at the memory of last night’s pleasure. The truth was that she wasn’t

sure she could say no to him. Not a second time.


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“Everyone else has gone home,” he said. “And I just came to tell you I know what I

did wrong to make you run off this morning.”

She shook her head. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I did,” he persisted. “I came on too strong. So let’s back up. I like you, Mikaela. I

like you a lot. So let’s do this the right way. Let me take you out this weekend. We can

pretend we’re starting from scratch and take things slowly.” He looked her up and

down. “Not that it’s going to be easy.” A grin spread across his youthful face. “But for

you, I can do it.” He made a small X over his heart. “One step at a time. Cross my


“No. No deal, Shepherd,” she said.

“Why not?” He didn’t look hurt at all. Instead, she got the feeling that he wasn’t

about to give up without a rock-solid reason to do so. She sighed.

“Because,” she replied, “you don’t know enough about me to commit to going out

with me.”

“Then how am I supposed to find out more?”

She tightened her grip on the bucket that contained the brushes and curry comb.

“There are things about me that you don’t know.”

His eyes darkened. “I know you’re older than I am. It doesn’t bother me.”

She held up the bucket and tried to edge past him. “I need to put these brushes

away.” She cautioned herself not to say too much to him. Something about him made

her want to tell him the whole story and explain exactly why she was really here in his

barn, studying the landscape around the ranch, living on the property and learning

what hours of the night the place was most likely to be deserted.

He took the bucket from her hand, put it on the floor and caught her waist with one

broad palm. The sureness of his touch sent a flush of heat through her pussy. She ached

to feel him inside her as she had the night before. Her throat tightened at the thought of

having to shove him away and never feel him filling her, stretching her, riding her to


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waves of aching pleasure. The thought brought a fresh pulsation to her folds, along

with a rush of moisture. She looked down, afraid that if she met his eyes she would

throw herself into his arms.

“Does it bother you that I’m only twenty-six?” he asked. “If it does, just tell me. I

won’t be hurt.”

Twenty-six? That was younger than she’d thought. But no, that wasn’t the problem.

If anything, it was a bonus. The thought broke her stony mood and she grinned.

“Look,” she said, “I can’t keep saying no to you. I’m running out of excuses.” Although

she wasn’t about to tell him so, that wasn’t the half of it. She could see that he was hard,

his thick cock straining outward against his jeans. She could just imagine taking that

cock into her mouth and licking it from base to tip, lingering at the sensitive juncture

where the base met the head. All her reasons for trying to push him away evaporated

from her memory. All she wanted was to take Shepherd inside her again. Her thighs

trembled and her pussy ached.

He drew her in close to him, pressing her breasts against the firm muscles just

under his ribs. Her heart rate increased. Feeling his hardness against her thigh made her

lightheaded with desire. “Good,” he said. He cupped the back of her head and kissed

her lightly, teasingly. The touch of his lips sent rivers of desire running down through

her body, culminating in a throbbing heat between her thighs. God, she wanted him to

plunge into her. She wanted to see him lose himself in her, turn from man into wordless

wild creature. She would worry about stealing his horses later. Now, she didn’t want to

wait another minute before squeezing his shaft with the tight muscles of her pussy. She

nipped his jawline, loving the warmth of his taut cheek between her lips. His

responding shiver sent a new wave of lust through her. He put his hand under her shirt

and the roughness of his skin brought sharp pleasure wherever he touched. The scrape

of his flesh seared the place where her upper belly made a hollow below her chest. His

touch sent chills through the soft skin that clothed her rib cage.


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In her haste that morning, she hadn’t bothered with a bra. She wondered fleetingly

whether its absence made Shepherd think her resistance all a coy game. If he did, he

might even be right. Had her subconscious had a plan when she failed to put on the

restrictive garment? Had she skipped that part of her outfit accidentally-on-purpose?

Now his hand found her nipple and squeezed. An aching delight pulsed through her,

making her pussy long to take him in. He pressed his hips against hers and the feel of

his long, hard cock against her belly made her juices flow to life. She could hear his

breath coming quicker, rasping with need.

“What happened to starting from scratch? Doing things one step at a time?” she

asked, her own voice surprising her with its breathiness.

He stepped forward, causing her to back into the barn, their bodies still tight

together. “You didn’t want to talk about it,” he answered in a loud whisper.

“Remember?” They now stood in the middle of the broad, hay-strewn area in the

middle of the stable. The doors on either end were shut but a skylight just above them

filled the stable with brilliant yellow sunlight. His hands moved over her, stripping

clothes away. “Don’t worry,” he told her. “We’re private. Nobody’s due to come back

here again today.”

Somehow it wasn’t until that moment that it sank in for Mikaela that she really was

going to have sex a second time with the man who’d bought the horses that should

have been hers. Not only was she going to, she couldn’t stand the thought of waiting.

She scraped her short nails across his lean, delightfully muscled belly, taking pleasure

in the frisson that shook him. She kicked off her boots, stepped out of her jeans and

undid his belt. “You never had any intention of taking things slowly, did you?” she

said, an impish lilt in her voice. Somehow she managed to pull off the tough-girl act

despite being aroused to a high pitch and feeling ready to submit to his every whim.

“Just had a hunch I should close the barn doors before I talked to you, is all,” he

murmured before running his hands down the length of her smooth, naked thighs to

the sensitive vulnerability of her ankles. He let go and stepped back, gazing at her with


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an unreadable glint in his eye. Even as she admired his spectacular nakedness, she felt

the absence of his touch like a chill.

“Close your eyes,” he commanded. His voice sounded heavy, clouded with desire.

“Why?” she asked, suddenly feeling her nakedness. It was good to be free of the

encumbrance of clothing but at the same time, illogically, it now seemed even more

likely that he might read her secrets just by looking at her.

“Just do it,” he said. “I promise if you don’t like this, all you have to do is say so.”

A thrill of nervousness added to the mix of her emotions. There was little chance he

could do anything to her she wouldn’t like. At this point, her excitement would make

any touch, no matter how rough, into sweetness. She had nothing to lose by closing her

eyes. As soon as she did so, she felt a rope loop around her left wrist and draw tight.

The tension in her groin turned up a notch. He was making her his captive even as she

was about to make herself free forever. Seconds later, the same sensation of thick rope

wrapped her right wrist. He raised her arms over her head and looped the rope again,

around both wrists together this time. Her wrists jerked together. Her hands, her arms,

her whole self, all were at his mercy. She tried resisting just as an experiment. The ropes

held and her effort couldn’t budge them. Sure, he’d said she could call this off any time

but for the moment she was trapped. Her clit hummed, begging to be touched. She

trembled as she thought about the fact that he could do anything at all to her. Whatever

he chose to do, she hoped he would do it long, hard and mercilessly.

She felt movement and a few tugs before he let her arms go slack. They hung above

her head, slightly bent, gently suspended. Before she could think to ask whether she

could open her eyes yet, the same sort of coarse, thick rope touched her ankles.

“I guess tying me up was all part of the plan of taking it slowly too?” she asked,

purely to tease him. If she had any complaint, it was that he didn’t get his hands to

more sensitive places faster.

“That plan never made it past the blueprint stage,” he said, his cheerful, matter-of-

fact voice coming from somewhere near her knees. He drew the rope taut, bringing the


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burn of the rough rope just to the edge of pain. At this point, she didn’t mind a little

pain. She was no masochist but right now a little hurting made her feel more alive,

feeding her courage and making her feel strong enough to love this man just for this

afternoon, even knowing what she would soon have to do. She ached for him to touch

her at her center, to plunge his fingers inside her the way he had the night before and

tease another orgasm out of her. Those fingers were definitely too far away, fiddling

with her ankles. Intending to tell him so, she opened her eyes just in time to see him

knot the bond, which proved to be one of the lead ropes more conventionally used to

lead horses to the pasture. The rope had a frayed, sharp-furred texture that pricked her

skin and heightened the tension in her body, adding to her need for release. If only he

would touch her nerve center, even lightly, she would shatter into a thousand shards of

pleasure. If her hands had been free, she’d have grabbed him and guided his fingers to

her wet opening already.

“Look up,” Shepherd told her.

She looked up. He had her wrists bound together with another lead rope, which

he’d attached to the latched hooks of the cross ties that extended from opposite walls to

the center of the barn. She laughed lightly. “You’re not planning to give me a horse

bath, are you?” she joked.

Slowly, giving her time to study every inch of his tanned, thoroughly muscular

body, he shifted onto his knees in front of her. “I’m going to give you a completely

different kind of bath,” he said, “and it has nothing to do with horses.”

Oh God. Now that she knew what he had in mind she went weak, supported by the

lead ropes. He could bathe her and more. The ropes bit into her soft, bare flesh. She had

never felt so vulnerable yet so free at the same time. Being bound like this with the air

touching all of her body felt like flying, like being a kite soaring against the sky,

anchored to earth only by the strings that tethered it. She believed just for that moment

that by tying her, Shepherd had made her free. She watched as he coiled a loose end of

rope in his fist. With the other hand he reached toward her and oh-so gently parted her


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folds. Her pussy throbbed, its secret heat meeting a cool breeze. His fingers felt good

but she wanted more. She had to have him touching her on that swollen nub that ached

for him. “Shepherd, touch me,” she whispered.

“It’s killing me to wait for you,” he rasped. “But I want to see you desperate first.”

She wanted to tell him she was already desperate but at that moment the prickly fur

of the looped rope brushed lightly across her clit. She screamed, a short sound of shock

and burning feeling that she couldn’t have named as either pleasure or pain. He

brushed it over her again, just a light touch, not enough to scrape the delicate skin but

enough to awaken every nerve ending to jangling, tortured pitch. Now if he gave her

one firm, smooth touch she would come. She wanted the release more than anything.

His hands curled around her outer thighs. The touch of his fingers’ rough skin

anchored her, keeping her from flying apart. His hands brought her back to a sweet

awareness of being human, female and bounded by flesh. She dripped for him, her

lower body quivering and her arms straining against the ropes, not to get away but to

keep her upright. His fingers were marked by the whiteness of calluses and windburn.

She melted for him as he withdrew the rope from her pussy. She imagined the warm

roughness of those calluses scraping her clit. They’d be gentle and easy compared with

the harsh rope. The mere thought of his fingers there gave her needles of pure feeling in

her clit. In that spot, pain and ecstasy met and were now one. She gazed down on him,

too proud to beg aloud but pleading with him silently to touch her more, more, more.

Every muscle in his forearms was delineated, a perfect living sculpture. The man

was a masterpiece of nature. If he was a horse in human form, he’d be her ideal lover.

His shoulders rose and fell with a sigh. He turned his face up to look at her. Those

eyes…they were as dark as any she’d ever seen. A deep, rich brown that conveyed deep

emotion without words, the exact nature of which she could only guess at. He stared at

her for several seconds, as if learning something from her face that only he could read.

She could read his face though. She could see the hard, dreamy look of utter, helpless

desire. She knew he wanted her and that made her even more desperate for him to


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touch her and give her release and to untie her so she could do the same for him. He

tilted his face toward her, bringing his mouth slowly, ever so slowly, to her pubic hair

and then pressing against the flesh beneath. Not the tough calluses at all. The wet

warmth of lips and tongue. He ran his tongue between her folds, first one side and then

the other. The caress was light, incredibly wet and shot scalding bliss through all her

most sensitive places. It brought a tingling rush to her fingers, her toes and her pussy.

God, the perfect pureness of that slick sensation. He moved his lips against her in a one-

sided kiss. That small movement brought a new rush of moisture to the lips of her

vagina. She was flying no more. Despite being above him, she felt grounded. He

tightened his grip on her thighs and his touch turned her into an earth goddess. She

fleetingly wondered how she could feel so strong while being tied up and helpless.

Then his mouth went back to work on her and she abandoned all attempt at rational

understanding. It would be whatever it would be and she could not and did not want to

control it. His tongue, wet and hot, slipped over her hooded clit. She struggled against

her bonds to open her legs to him, to rise to meet him. If he wouldn’t let his tongue

delve under the hood to touch the bare flesh of her clit himself, she would bring it to

him. But her bonds limited her movement. She was unable to move closer to him. She

strained against the ropes, struggling for climax. She could almost find release but not

quite. She needed it desperately. If only he would give it to her, if only he would lick

right at her center…

He slipped away from her an inch or so, far enough to be able to chuckle. “You

want more, do you?” he taunted. Then he went back to eating her. He fitted his mouth

perfectly over her clit and worked his tongue up and down lightly over the nerve

center. Her pussy swelled even more, her folds blossoming to a greater fullness than she

would have thought possible. She let her head fall back as a deep cry tore from her

throat. A few more licks and she would come against his mouth. She prayed he

wouldn’t stop.


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Shepherd knew Mikaela was on the verge of orgasm. He pulled back, making her

wait just a little longer before she could let all that tension explode. The sight of her

with her head thrown back and eyes half closed, bound by heavy ropes and yet still

somehow looking so free, made Shepherd’s cock surge. Funny that he’d never noticed

how useful cross ties could be until he met this woman. He stood, sliding his hands up

the sides of her body, feeling her quake under his touch. He wanted her so badly his

balls were starting to hurt. It felt so good making her ache for him, watching her eyes

turn to cloud and mist. He wanted to make her wait for him just a little longer. Even

though holding back was the last thing his body wanted to do, he was determined to

make this last as long as possible for both of them. He pressed the full length of his

body against hers, his hard-on throbbing against her small nest of hair. His heart

pounded against his breastbone as he imagined her damp walls squeezing him.

“Shepherd,” she said, her voice gorgeously raw, “untie me and fuck me already. I

can’t hit you but so help me I’m going to bite your earlobe off if you don’t help me out


He crouched down and reached into the pocket of his jeans, which he’d discarded

on the floor while Mikaela’s eyes were closed. He pulled out a condom, put it on and

slid himself into her slowly, enjoying every slick inch of her cunt. He bent his head and

put his lips against her ear. “Who said anything about untying?” he whispered. He

ached to move faster but he chose to draw out his thrusts so he could tease her over the

edge right along with him.

She moved at the same pace he did, her hips rotating in perfect rhythm with his. As

much as he wanted to drive into her harder and find his own release, he continued to

force himself to keep the pace slow as he tucked a hand in between their two bodies and

let his thumb find her wet, swollen nub. Was it possible she was even more turned on,

more swollen than she was just a moment before? His thumb rode over her flesh lubed

by a combination of his saliva and her juices. The hard, flat surface of his belly slapped

against his hand, rubbing his thumb across her clit. He made sure to keep his touch ever


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so light so she would feel no pain, only the pure ecstasy of his skin caressing hers. She

pressed her cheek against his and her body shook. She gave a deep, low cry of release.

He’d raised her to a pitch that he hoped no man ever had before. As she shuddered

violently he wrapped both hands around her behind, supporting her weight in his

hands. With her practically sitting on a seat created by his strong palms, he was able to

enter her deeply and freely. He quickened his pace. Her spasms squeezed him, raising

the level of his arousal to a fevered height. He closed his eyes, smelling the musk of her.

She had every inch of him inside her, pulsing along his length. She might be the one

who was tied up but he was at her mercy now. He grunted, sinking his teeth into her

shoulder. He couldn’t contain the sharp coil of tension anymore. He came as waves of

heat flooded over his body. The tightness of his muscles washed away, leaving only a

warm mist of pleasure that engulfed every part of him. He stood embracing her, their

sweat mingling as their bodies cooled.

When he’d untied her, she put a hand on his chest. “Thank you,” she said. “For last

night and today.” Though her face was still damp with perspiration and her body still

limp with the force of her orgasm, her voice was oddly heavy. It sounded final. That

made no sense to him, since as far as he was concerned they were just getting started.

He could see spending a lot of time with this woman. A lot of time…as in years.

“No, thank you, he said. “And the sooner we do it again, the better.”

“We’ll see,” she said. Her voice sounded awfully distant for a woman who’d just

surrendered to total intimacy with him. It left him with the distinct impression that he

might be missing some crucial piece of information about his sexy stable hand.

* * * * *

That evening, clouds rolled in at sunset, confirming what Mikaela had known since

dawn. She couldn’t last another day deceiving Shepherd. She would have to free her

horses tonight. It was now or never. The clouds would block enough moonlight that she

wouldn’t feel exposed under the autumn night sky. At midnight, she slipped back to

the barn, saddled an obedient trail mare named Dusty and rode up the hill to the


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mustang paddock. She held the reins in her right hand and kept a lead rope coiled in

her left. A halter dangled from the saddle horn. She judged that her task might take

several hours and she might not finish by dawn at all. It depended how much difficulty

she had in getting the horses to accept a halter. They were used to humans and each of

them had worn a halter before but they were still wild at the core. She would simply

free as many horses as she could in the time she had.


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Alexis Canto

Chapter Four

At first, the task went smoothly. She approached the mustangs so gently that they

didn’t fear her. The night air was filled with the pleasant musk of horse flesh and the

rhythmic sound of hooves on sand and stone. When she released the first horse on the

far side of the narrow natural doorway made of rock, the animal didn’t follow her when

she and Dusty rode back. She knew she’d found the right place to take her mustangs, a

place where they would travel far across the desert landscape and live free.

And then, when she returned to the paddock, she saw him. At the crest of a hill in

the distance, astride a long-legged mount, Shepherd was silhouetted against the

mottled gray sky. She didn’t need light to know it was him. She knew the breadth of his

shoulders and the angle of his torso all too intimately. A mix of emotions ran through

her. To her surprise, she felt a thrill of pleasure at catching sight of her lover. But at the

same time, as she would have expected she felt terror, a cold fear so still and deep that it

seemed to stop her blood from running. Being caught meant the loss of the new,

anonymous life she’d dreamed of. It meant the death of her soul. A feeling of cold

emptiness spread through her chest. Her legs felt numb. Though she still gripped her

mount between her thighs, she couldn’t feel the saddle or the blanket.

Now that she’d already driven a horse through the passageway into the basin, no

lie she could concoct would erase the evidence that proved she was in the middle of

stealing horses. No, his very presence meant the end of her plan. Only one choice

remained to her. Only one thing made sense. She rode up to the paddock gate, tugged

on the latch with a flourish and flung the gate as wide as it would go.

* * * * *

By nightfall, Shepherd found that Mikaela’s odd tone was the least of his concerns.

The fact that he was too consumed with lust to be able to sleep—that was a much bigger


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worry. He returned to the ranch, saddled Bear and rode the ranch trails in the dark but

his thoughts of her merely became more insistent. He determined that he would only

find the cure to his obsession in the arms of the woman herself, so he turned Bear in the

direction of the old mining cabin.

The sound of hoof beats and horses snorting drew Shepherd’s attention away from

the dirt road that led to the cabin. He looked toward the big paddock on the hill behind

the barn, the paddock where the new mustangs were kept. Something was scaring

them. Shit. His mind was full of visions of Mikaela freshly woken, softened by sleep,

eyes half open but soft folds already damp and ready for him. He didn’t like the

thought of some trivial problem with the horses tearing him away, preventing him from

finding her clad again in that threadbare T-shirt that would let him feel every nuance of

her skin down to the texture of her nipples. But something was up and the horses might

need him. Only a moment, he told himself. Only a moment’s aside to check on them

and then he would go straight to the cabin. He rode to the top of the ridge next to the


And then he saw her. It could be no one else. That was her compact, lovely body.

Even in the dark, he could tell those were her curls flying in the night air with the

rhythm of her horse’s pace. He reined in and stopped there for a moment, transfixed.

She seemed ringed by an aura of electricity, as if her body heat had melded with the

heavy static of the promised storm. And that looked like Dusty she was riding. What

was she doing out here after midnight? Was she crazy? If she was, he liked her kind of

craziness and it made him want her even more. If she wasn’t, if she had a good reason

for riding to the paddock like a wild woman in the middle of the night, he wanted to

know what that reason was.

She looked up in his direction. She must have seen him. For two or three heartbeats,

he watched her remain frozen across the dark expanse of scrub land. He imagined they

were communing somehow, their aching, wanting bodies pulling toward each other as


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Alexis Canto

if by gravitational force. Then she gave a mighty kick to her mount and the horse

surged to the paddock gate. The gate flew wide. Mikaela rode into the paddock.

Shepherd gave his horse a tap in the flanks and edged down the hill. He watched in

amazement as she looped behind a group of three of the mustangs, herding them

toward the open gate. There was no mistaking it. She was bent on driving the mustangs

free from their enclosure. And she was beautiful.

The taut lines of her body spoke of pure passion. She was a Valkyrie, an Amazon, a

crazed St. Teresa on a horse. She was a storm cloud unleashing the rain of her beauty

into the night. Or so Shepherd saw her. He was no longer conscious of riding. He paid

no attention to directing his horse. He paid no attention to the herd in the paddock

below him. He gave no thought to the real droplets that lashed his face or the wind that

stole his breath from his mouth. He only saw the woman he loved and lusted for. She

was the storm. She was the herd. She was the entire night. His whole world lived in her.

The creative force that spun the whole universe into existence was curled inside her

chest like a snake trembling to strike.

“Go! Go! Run!” Her voice traveled over the horses’ backs, sounding to Shepherd’s

ears like music in some strange key. And the horses…the horses listened. They spilled

through the paddock gate and they ran. Their rumps rose and fell like waves in a

choppy sea. Their heads lifted and their noses tucked in as their necks curled. Some of

them broke into a trot. Some of them cantered. The tight crowd of haunches dispersed

and spread over the dusky landscape. A few free souls at the edges of the herd let loose

into a gallop, sailing over the desert, hooves beating the rocky earth. In perfect harmony

with the sound of the storm, a wild human cry went out over the horses’ backs, over the

land, clear enough to touch the hills that ringed the ranch land. It was Mikaela’s voice

but more than Mikaela. It was the sound of her soul.

He shook himself from his reverie to take in the fact of what he was witnessing.

Right in front of his eyes, his new stable hand was setting his mustangs free.


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As the horses spread out like a ripple traveling away with her at its center, Mikaela

looked up and saw Shepherd come down from the ridge. He must have given Bear a

savage kick, because the animal moved like a swift shadow coming toward her. It

would be foolishness to try to outrun him in the dark over land he knew far better than

she did. She turned Dusty to face the oncoming man and horse and waited.

As he pulled up just feet away from her, she dismounted and stood calmly,

watching him. He swung off Bear’s back in a single smooth movement. He strode

toward her, grasped both her shoulders and pressed her to the ground. She let out a

hiss of pain as small, sharp stones bruised her backside. He pinned her hands over her

head. “Tell me what you’re doing.”

Her breath came in short gasps. “Setting my horses free.”

His face was a mask of dark emotion. Betrayal? Or a purer breed of fury? “Your


“They should have been mine.”

He shook her wrists. Rocks nicked her forearms and the backs of her hands. “Tell

me the truth! Who’s paying you for them? Who put you up to it?”

“No one!” she cried, her voice made sharp by the bite of the earth against her flesh.

“I’m telling you the truth. Until just a few days before you bought those mustangs at

auction, they belonged to my mother.” Shepherd’s hard expression relented, though he

didn’t release his hold on her. Strengthened by this hint that he might actually believe

her, Mikaela continued in a calmer tone. “My mother wanted to leave the horses to me.

But she died without a will. She was only sixty-four and in good health. I never thought

I’d lose her so soon. And then the accident happened and she was just gone. I talked to

a bunch of lawyers but none of them would take my case. The horses had already been

sold—to you—before I finished making funeral arrangements.” Tears stung her eyes. In

her mind, losing the horses and losing her mother had all come together in one big mass

of grief lodged in her chest. “I did everything I could to claim those horses. But even

though they were on my mother’s land they weren’t domesticated. They were


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considered wild and they belonged to the state. And then the state auctioned them off

like used cars. The horses couldn’t come to me without a will. It’s a technicality. They’re

mine. They belong to me in every way except by law.”

His grip hurt her wrists but his eyes searched her face as if he was puzzling over

whether to accept her words as truth.

Even if he believed her, she reminded herself, he didn’t have to sympathize.

Legally, she was in the wrong. If he turned her in, she would plead guilty.

God. No. What would be the sentence for her attempted crime? Down through the

ages, horse thieves were known as the most contemptible of criminals. She could only

pray that the punishment didn’t include imprisonment. All she wanted was freedom.

The freedom to let the sun burn her naked body in the desert. The freedom to scream to

the sky.

The freedom to ride.

Shepherd spoke slowly. “If I move my hands,” he said, “will you run away?”

“Where would I go?” she answered.

He released his hold on her hands and sat back on his heels, not taking his eyes off

her for a moment. She sat up, flexing her wrists. The guy had a hell of a grip. She found

herself trembling. He had the power to decide her fate. He could make one call to the

cops and her life would crumble. The fact that she was terrified was most of the reason

she was shaking but she had to admit somewhere in the back of her mind that it was

also incited by his closeness to her. She’d been lying to herself when she tried to believe

she was just using him for a few hours of passion. He looked like her soul’s reflection,

the masculine version of her true inner self. He was her counterpart, her partner, her

perfect male counterpart.

And he would never know it. In a split second of horrible premonition, she saw in a

flash what would most likely happen next. The scenes passed through her mind like a

movie on fast forward. Soon, that scrutinizing look on his face would crack and open

up into measured words that went something like, “Come with me and we’ll just wait


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back at the office in the stable.” She would go with him because, truly, there was

nowhere else for her to go. She was alone, a naked soul in the rocky scrub desert. This

ancient land, long empty of its peaceful native clans, was now filled with hundreds of

miles of bald highway and not a single person who would take in a woman who had

lost her good name when she scattered a herd of horses. The cops would come. They

would lead her away, put her in orange jail scrubs and let her go on bail until a trial she

would surely lose.

It was her own fault the job was botched. She should never have slept with him.

Instead of waiting for dreaded calm words to come from his mouth, she broke the

silence first. “You were coming to see me, weren’t you?” The words were an accusation,

as if the crime here was his, he crime of wanting her.

“I was, Mikaela. Yeah, I wanted to see you.” Incredibly, his hand reached toward

her. Hard fingers trailed her jawline. A thumb brushed her lip. “How could I not?” He

moved closer to her, bringing his hands to her chest and touching her there as if she

was made of blown glass too delicate and beautiful to handle with brute force. Arousal

rushed through her. Her pussy came alive, swelling in anticipation when she felt the

familiar jolt of Shepherd’s skin against hers.

Anticipation of what? They wouldn’t be making love ever again. Until this moment,

she’d thought that was what she wanted. Fuck him for the perfection of his hard young

body. Take the horses that belonged to her and scatter them on the wind. Then

disappear on the wind herself. But she’d been wrong. She wanted him. Again and


He pulled her to her feet. She felt as if she’d fallen into a dream. He couldn’t be this

close to her now, after what she’d done. “How could I not?” he repeated. “You think I

could stay away? Not feel your little pussy clenched around my cock, getting me all wet

and slick?”

She gasped as her body responded to his words. She wanted to slap herself for

letting him turn her on this way now. But she let the feeling sweep her along with it.


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The need was stronger than any logical sense that this was wrong. Her folds pulsed

between her legs and she felt moisture spring there.

He had her around the middle now, big hands on either side of her rib cage,

holding her with gentle, urgent force. He leaned toward her, his face so close to hers

their noses brushed. He spoke in a low voice and his arms shook as if he was trying to

hold himself back either from crushing her or taking her right then, body and soul.

“Since the first time I saw you, I’ve known I can’t sleep except by your side,” he said. “I

can’t think of anything but the way you taste. You taste the way mesquite smells.”

“I thought you were supposed to be a man of few words,” she told him, trying to

call up the ghost of her usual, cheeky self. Despite the effort, her voice trembled with

the knowledge that she was his captive.

“I am,” he answered. “It’s you. You bring me out of myself. You make me say what

I normally just think. And you do taste like mesquite. You taste like the air on a fall


“Stop!” she said, her heart pounding. “Just let me go.” The heat of arousal deep in

her belly, combined with the fact that she couldn’t understand why he would torture

her like this, threatened to make emotion spill from her eyes. Don’t cry, she told herself.

“Let me go tonight and I swear on my mother’s fresh grave I’ll never bother you again.

Just tell everyone I quit without notice. Or don’t tell them anything at all. Just let me


He pressed his cheek to hers. A rough hint of stubble scraped her face. He

whispered in her ear, “Let you go? No way in hell, sister. We’re going to finish this.” In

slow motion, he ground his hips into hers in a clothed version of a deep, powerful

thrust. The thick, hard pressure of his vertical penis left no question as to whether he

was as turned on as she was. Still, that harsh whisper left her believing that “finish this”

had a dual meaning. They were lovers—there was no getting away from that now. But

they were also enemies. He was the good guy and she was the bad guy. She couldn’t

see it any other way. Fine then. She would show no mercy.


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She pressed the heel of her hand against his cock. Hard. He felt like bone through

his jeans. God, could he get any harder? She gripped his shirt, pulled him down toward

her and whispered in his ear, “You’d better learn to sleep without me, honey. I’ll fuck

you ’til you’re dry and can’t come anymore but you’re sleeping alone tonight.”

He undid her jeans, pushing them down to her ankles. He knelt before her. “The

hell I am,” he said, just before she went limp at the touch of his hot tongue between her

folds. She held onto his shoulders, supporting herself there, letting waves of pure bliss

lap her thighs. The naked surface of her clit where his tongue touched her was

unbelievably, blindingly sensitive and it made all the rest of her turn to fire. The level of

her excitement rose with each slow circuit his tongue made around her nub. She

writhed, wriggling her hips to get closer, to possess more of this man. Even though the

soft wet heat of his mouth drove her to mindless ecstasy, it also made her want more.

She wanted to be filled, to feel his cock filling her and stretching her pussy. He put a

hand on either side of her hips, lowering her onto her back. He pinned her firmly to the

ground. The pressure of his hands on her hipbones stopped just short of pain. She

retaliated by grabbing the sides of his head and pulling him up toward her. He met her

gaze with his eyes deep, swirling with the temporary madness of lust. “You want me to

stop?” he asked.

“God no,” she answered. She grasped his hips and guided him toward her, making

what she wanted absolutely clear. He grabbed a condom out of his back pocket and as

soon as he’d unrolled it over the length of his cock he plunged into her. Her whole body

wrapped around him. Her eyes closed as if of their own accord and her lips parted.

Random raindrops struck her flesh. Her body shivered in pure physical delight and all

her muscles let go as if in one big sigh. She let waves of ecstasy rock her body as his

thrusting came faster. She didn’t know where the pure pleasure of being fucked ended

and orgasm began and it didn’t matter.


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Shepherd trembled, pressing himself even deeper within her. He came with a deep

shudder and kept his face against her shoulder. Rain fell faster. They were getting wet

now but Mikaela didn’t care.

When Shepherd lifted his head, while still joined with her, he said in a low voice,

“If you still think you’re taking off tonight, you’re dead wrong.”

She stiffened, her heart thudding. Could he really be planning to turn her in after

all, even now? Before she could get her mind around the concept and come up with

something sufficiently vile to say in reply, he continued, “I didn’t think I’d have to offer

you twenty-seven horses to get you to stick around but then again I didn’t know they

were rightfully yours until you told me just now.”

The horses milled over the ranchland in a half-mile radius around the couple who

lay entwined on the muddy ground.

“You…believe me?” she whispered. “You’re not going to have me arrested?”

“And not get to taste you again?” he asked with a touch of incredulity but also with

his trademark innocent warmth. “Not on your life. I’ve got enough land. Those

mustangs can roam free all they want. No reason to train them or ever sell them to

anyone else. And I’d be honored if you’d stay with me. Forget that crappy little cabin.

I’ve got a house in town that has more than enough room for two.”

She remained below him in stunned silence, staring up at the shadowy features of

his handsome face. He shifted off to the ground beside her, heedless of the mud, and

snuggled in close. “If you don’t want to stay, Mikaela… I won’t hold it against you. If

you want to go…consider the horses yours. I could never live with keeping your

inheritance from you.”

She pushed herself up on one elbow. “No. No, Shepherd, the horses can stay here.”

She glanced around, seeing the horses’ dark forms moving in the distance as if they’d

been born to graze this ranch. “And I take back what I said about you sleeping alone. I

can picture sticking around for a while.”


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Maybe a lot more than a while. But she would keep that thought to herself until the

time was right. For the moment, she lay back on wet ground, staring up at a few

scattered stars peeking through a break in the heavy clouds, knowing her horses had

found a home. Those twenty-seven mustangs now had two joint rightful owners.

She sat up, turned toward him and straddled him. He was hard again.

Grinning, he reached up to cup his hands around her breasts. “Good,” he said,

rubbing her nipples between his fingers, making her moan with pleasure. “I hope you

stick around a long, long time.”


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About the Author

Alexis Canto has taken over her family’s dining room. She lives there and reigns as

queen of a laptop keyboard at all hours of the night. She plays guitar occasionally, sings

in the car a lot, and once cooked up her own batch of homemade deodorant.

Alexis no longer gets to compete in board games that involve wordplay because she

always wins and it’s no fun for anyone else. As a child she played Satan in a middle

school stage production, but as a thirty-something author her only evil is a hardcore

addiction to writing.

Alexis welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Alexis Canto

Amethyst Tryst

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