Oh Yum! 10 Calista Fox Until Jake ( MWYM )

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Until Jake

ISBN 9781419916106
Until Jake Copyright © 2008 Calista Fox

Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal
copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is
punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/)

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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Calista Fox

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To my dear friend Kaia James, an older woman who snared her knight-in-shining

armor—who’s fifteen years her junior!! You go, girlfriend!


As always, special thanks to my editor, Briana St. James. It is always a pleasure

working with you!

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

BMW: Bayerish Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft

Chimney Rock Cabernet: Chimney Rock Winery

Levi’s: Levi Strauss & Co.

Manolo Blahnik: Blahnik; Manolo

Neiman Marcus: Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.

Tiffany: Tiffany & Company

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Author Note

There’s something exciting and thrilling about meeting a man who turns out to be

so much more than you originally imagined… A man who captured your attention

from the start, but who has more to him than meets the eye. And when that man is

equally entranced and the sparks fly… Well, that’s just pure magic!

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Calista Fox

Chapter One

“Well, hell-o there,” Kate Hampton all but purred as the very tall, very sexy

construction worker she’d been eyeing all week came into view.

“For the love of God,” Maggi Silver whispered as she also stared out the office

window, looking over Kate’s shoulder. “Would you look at that?”

“I’ve barely taken my eyes off him in five days.” During which time Kate’s irritation

over losing her ocean view from within San Diego’s newly developed Liberty Station

commercial and residential area had diminished considerably. All because of the blond

Adonis she’d recently discovered.

“Now that’s what I call a primo vista,” Maggi cooed.

“You said it, sister.”

The new building being constructed was little more than a stone’s throw away,

with a small courtyard separating it from the building that housed Kate’s office.

Which gave Kate a very up-close-and-personal view of Mr. Hardbody.

“So this is why you’ve started eating lunch at your desk.”

“Blame me?”

“I don’t know, Kate,” her boss said in a tentative voice. “This is so…un-PC. I mean,

really. Ogling a construction worker all day? And one who looks to be a good ten years

younger than you. He’s a baby, for Christ’s sake.”

Kate tore her gaze from the object of her immediate desire and said, “When have

you ever known me to be PC? And what does age have to do it? I don’t want to marry

the guy. I want to fuck him.”


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Until Jake

Maggi’s jaw fell slack. Kate laughed. “Oh come on! What’s wrong with being

honest about it? I haven’t had sex in nearly three years.” Not during—sadly—her

engagement to Ken or after—sadder yet—their breakup.

It’d been a huge blow to her ego—not to mention her libido—when she’d

discovered her extremely successful fiancé was only interested in her as leverage. An

asset to his on-fire career, particularly when they attended high-profile social events.

She’d basically been an escort. Arm candy. And nothing more.

Because, as it turned out, Ken Stoddard already had a lover.

An equally successful, equally male lover, to be exact.

Following that debacle, Kate had decided to rule out marriage altogether. Who

needed the bullshit? The heartache? The drama?

She was thirty-six years old with a great career. She owned her house and BMW,

had a handyman on speed dial, girlfriends to have dinner with and could buy her

owned damned Tiffany jewelry, thank you very much. There really was no need for a

man in her life.

Except for that wee little problem that had cropped up lately.

Kate desperately needed to get laid. And no, the battery-operated device in her

nightstand didn’t count. Unfortunately for her, those little bunny ears were no longer

getting the job done. Kate needed hard male muscle and hot flesh pressed against her

naked body. She needed the weight of a man on her, settled between her legs. Or

stretched out beneath her. It really didn’t matter as long as he knew how to use the

equipment God had given him.

As Charlotte York had once declared, sometimes a girl just needed to be fucked.

And Kate’s blond Adonis was the perfect man to satiate the desire he’d sparked at

the beginning of the week—the first time she’d laid eyes on his gorgeous body.

“God, he’s beautiful.” Maggi’s voice cut into Kate’s thoughts.


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“Yes, he is.” Kate could practically feel the drool pooling in the corner of her mouth,

the moisture building between her legs. Just watching him turned her on, made her

incredibly hot and wet. This was a voyeuristic pleasure, considering the fantasies she

conjured in her mind as she watched him work.

Here was a man who would be uninhibited and adventuresome in bed. A man

who’d like it dirty.

He was exactly what Kate needed. All week she’d been able to think of little else

than what it might feel like to have his hands on her breasts and his tongue on her clit.

Biting back a moan at the mere thought of hot and sweaty sex with the god outside

her window, she said, “Oh wait.” Her already racing pulse kicked up a few more

notches. “This is my favorite part…”

It was mid-afternoon and the sun was blazing down on the courtyard. The Adonis

unbuttoned his faded chambray shirt and peeled it off his magnificent torso.

“Holy Chri—” Maggi began. Then on a strangled sigh, she added a very indiscreet,


Both women took in the tantalizing display of tanned, toned male flesh presented

right before their very eyes. Kate had never seen such a perfect body in real life. His

handsome face was one thing. His heavily muscled physique was something Olympic

male gymnasts would kill for—a body Kate wanted to get her hands on. Broad

shoulders gave way to rock-hard biceps that flexed mightily when he hoisted a two-by-

four. She sighed longingly.

The women got just a few more seconds of full-frontal viewing pleasure—a wide,

expansive chest that would be difficult for Kate to take her eyes off of were it not for the

fact that his corrugated abs demanded her attention. She didn’t quite make it to the

bulge between his legs before he turned away—but she already knew how enticing his

cock looked tucked behind the button fly of his jeans. To see it naked, thick and full was

what she really wanted.


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Until Jake

Well, what she wanted more was to have his hard erection filling her wet cunt,

thrusting deep inside her.

The erotic thought—and the mental image it conjured—fanned the flames of her

desire, stoking the blaze that burned within her…

As he walked away from the courtyard, she was awarded another tempting view.

The man had one hell of an ass. His faded Levi’s fit him sinfully well and Kate decided

right then and there that she didn’t need a man in a three-piece suit to get her hot.

She’d thought she was only attracted to professional business types.

She’d been sorely mistaken.

The way her pussy throbbed just by looking at the hunky construction worker was

proof of that.

“His butt should be on the cover of women’s magazines,” Maggi said. As usual, her

thoughts ran the direction of Kate’s.

“It should be on any product targeting females. I don’t care what it is. I’d buy

widgets in mass quantity if the box came with that guy’s ass on it.”

“This is so wrong,” Maggi said. Despite the sentiment, her voice was filled with

enjoyment over their guilty pleasure.

“But it feels so good, doesn’t it?”

“Oh yeah.”

As she continued to watch the man who’d starred in her most erotic fantasies this

past week, Kate’s nipples tightened behind the lacy cups of her bra. Every inch of her

suddenly felt hyper-sensitive. The wisp of lace against her breasts and between her legs

teased her much-neglected erogenous zones as she shifted in her chair to get a better

look. Her gaze followed the hunk, her mind filling with sensual thoughts.

She could easily envision him naked, see herself on her knees before him, taking his

hard cock deep into her mouth, eliciting a low groan from him that would make her

even hotter. In her fantasy, he’d shove his hands deep into the thick strands of her long,


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Calista Fox

dark auburn hair and coax her to draw him in further, suck him harder. And she

would, because he was the kind of guy she’d do anything to please…to make him


“Hey! What’re you doing?” she cried out. “I can’t see!”

Maggi had stepped in front of Kate and she propped her hip against the edge of the

desk, effectively blocking Kate’s view. It was like tossing a chain smoker’s last cigarette

into a wet and muddy gutter. Kate instantly felt the effects of withdrawal, as though she

were missing something more vital than oxygen itself.

How Maggi had found the willpower or good grace to tear her gaze from the

sexiest man alive, Kate would never know. Nonetheless, she crossed her arms over her

chest and demanded, “Exactly how many orgasms have you had because of this man?”

Kate’s mind whirled. “Uh, not counting the one in the shower this morning? Which

I really should credit the detachable showerhead for, though I was fantasizing about

Tall, Hot and Hunky at the time… Hmm. I’d say…” She waved a hand in the air, more

so to get Maggi to move than as dramatic effect. “At least a dozen.”

“Oh holy Christ, Kate!”

What?” Kate stared at her friend, dumbfounded. “What is the big deal? He’s ultra-

sexy and I’m lusting after him. What is wrong with that? I mean, seriously, Mags. It’s

about time I found someone who makes my nipples hard and—”

“Okay,” Maggi said in a very controlled tone. “I will validate that your dry spell is

borderline inhuman. No woman should go that long without sex.”

“Or an orgasm not delivered by a mechanical device.”

Maggi gave a sharp nod. “Point taken. But…” She clasped her hands together in

front of her chest, as though preparing to deliver a very serious sermon to her dear

friend with the lost soul. “You can’t live the rest of your days fueled by fantasies. You

can’t forsake human contact for tawdry…fantasies. You can’t just…fantasize…about this

guy all damned day… Oh good grief.” She let out a long-suffering sigh.


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Until Jake

“You’re absolutely right,” Kate said. She was suddenly tired of ogling the Adonis

from afar. She needed relief and she needed it now! It was time to take action! “I’ve got

to stop fantasizing and start fucking.”

* * * * *

He was a construction worker, for Christ’s sake. Would it really be so shocking if

she just walked right up to him and told him what she wanted? Lord knew enough

construction workers had propositioned her in her lifetime.

Why couldn’t she turn the tables?

Kate considered this as she left the office, took the stairs to the first floor and

entered the courtyard. Her heart hammered in her chest and she wasn’t the least bit

certain what she was going to say to him, but damn it. She was attractive and had a trim

body from Pilates. She may be older than the twenty-something Adonis, but age didn’t

matter when a person was this sexually charged. Kate doubted very seriously a woman

his age could match her current prowess. Her raging libido kept her in a constant state

of arousal—and he was just the guy to take the edge off.

One long, hot, sticky night of no-strings-attached, down-and-dirty fucking was

exactly what the doctor ordered.


Making a quick stop at the snack shack set up alongside the courtyard, she

purchased a soda and a bottle of water. Then she marched down the cobblestone

pathway, the clicking of her high heels echoing her determination. Not allowing herself

to think about the rejection she could receive, she stepped onto the grass and walked

right up to the Adonis, who was now using his shirt to mop the sweat from his chest.

Kate’s eyes feasted on his bronze skin, his perfectly sculpted body.

And the saliva in her mouth turned to dust.

Shit, he really was gorgeous.


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Working down a lump of desire that had lodged itself in her dry throat, she thrust

both hands out and managed to say, “Thirsty?”

A slow smile split his very kissable lips. His ocean-blue eyes slid over her body like

a fiery caress, nearly searing her. Kate’s pulse raced as the heat from his gaze prickled

her skin. The throbbing deep in her pussy started all over again.

“As a matter of fact,” he said when his eyes met hers, “yes.” He considered her

offering, then selected the water. “Thanks.”

Kate popped open the soda with shaky fingers and took a long drink. She was

parched. Then she boldly said, “I was getting dehydrated just watching you work. It’s

hot out here.”

And getting hotter every second…

He ignored the bottle of water in his large hand and stared at Kate, as though trying

to cut right to the chase and discern what she was up to.

Good. The quicker they got the show on the road, the better!

“You were watching me?” he asked.

“Uh-huh,” Kate brazenly answered, though where the verve came from, she didn’t

know. Must be her desperate need for sex. Or it could be the heat that besieged her

from the blazing sun and the sexy man before her. Tiny beads of perspiration popped

out on her forehead and the back of her neck. Her long hair suddenly felt heavy and

oppressive. Pushing her free hand beneath the curtain of straight hair, she lifted it up so

what little breeze there was could cool her skin.

His curiosity turned to amusement. “I didn’t realize we had an audience.”

We, who? As far as she was concerned, this was a one-man show. But she didn’t say

that. “Hard to not notice when you’re working right outside my window. And since I’ve

lost my ocean view, I had to have something to look at for creative inspiration.


His grin widened. “Aha. So I’m eye candy for the pretty executive.”


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Until Jake

She shrugged, striving for nonchalance.

He twisted the cap off the water bottle and took a long swig. Kate’s gaze was glued

to his throat as it worked down the water. The desire to taste his skin, knowing it would

be salty and warm, made the anticipation well within her. A sigh of longing bubbled up

inside her, but she managed to keep it from escaping her parted lips.

When he replaced the cap, he asked, “What’s your name?”

Did it really matter?

But she’d been raised to have good manners, so she said, “Kate.”

“Well, Kate.” He swiped his hand against his jean-clad thigh and then extended it

to her. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Jake.”

Of course he was. A man that sinfully gorgeous wouldn’t be named Bob or Ted. No,

he was sexy as hell and deserving of a manly name.


She liked it.

Kate dropped her hair and slipped her hand in his. Erotic sensations instantly

flooded her body. With just that one, simple touch. His skin was warm and rough. All

she could think of was how those hands would feel on her bare breasts, the thumbs

rubbing her nipples tight before his palms moved downward, over her stomach to her

parted legs. His fingers would stroke her swollen lips, then tease her clit until she was

breathless and crazed with desire. And when he pushed those long, strong fingers

inside her aching cunt…

Oh God.

She stifled a groan.

It was time to take this bull by the horns!

“I’m grilling steaks tonight,” she said in a breathy voice. “You interested?”


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Calista Fox

The surprise on Jake’s face notwithstanding, she innately knew he’d consent. That

flicker of awareness in his eyes and the way he gazed at her with such…hunger…spoke

volumes. He found her desirable.

It was exactly what she needed. Even if just for one night.

“Say, seven o’clock?” she pressed, her voice sounding low and throaty. “Two-five-

five-five-two Historic Decateur Drive.”

“That’s right down the street.”

She nodded. “See you tonight.”

Reluctantly pulling her hand from his, she turned to go.

Be coy and intriguing. Don’t muck this up with more conversation.

This was all about sex. That’s all she was interested in.

Her high heels hit the cobblestone pathway as he called after her. “I’ll bring the

wine, Kate.”

And I’ll supply the condoms


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Until Jake

Chapter Two

The doorbell rang at precisely seven o’clock.

Kate’s hand froze in midair, the wineglass just inches from her lips.

Holy crap. He was punctual. She hadn’t expected that.

Setting aside her glass because, supposedly, he was bringing wine with him—and

hopefully it didn’t come from a box sporting its own tap—she crossed the living room,

her heels clicking softly on the hardwood floor. A quick glance through the peephole

made the longing start all over again. On the other side of her front door stood a man

she barely recognized—yet he was still so damned gorgeous!

Okay, the sun-kissed blond hair, ocean-blue eyes and slightly squared jaw line were

familiar. But her “construction worker” had morphed into a sexy, sophisticated man

who stole her breath. He wore black dress pants, a crisp white shirt and a black suit

jacket. Dashing, yet still bad-boy edgy.

A little thrill of anticipation chased down her spine as her thumb pressed the latch

on the door handle and she pulled the door open.

Tiny pinpricks of desire targeted her pussy as her gaze swept over him. God, the

man was H-O-T-hot!

“Hi,” he said, the grin on his devastatingly handsome face making him surpass

gorgeous. Kate practically melted in her Manolos. Pulling one hand from behind his

back, he offered her a bottle of wine. “I hope you like it.”

She studied the label and laughed. “Chimney Rock Cab,” she said. It was even

better than the bottle she’d opened minutes before. “Nice choice.”

He grinned at her, as though pleased that she was so taken with his selection.


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The other hand behind his back produced a single, long-stemmed red rose. Kate’s

breath caught. It was a perfect bloom, full and velvety and fragrant. Accepting the

second offering, she said, “My. You sure know how to impress a girl.”

Girl? Who was she kidding? She was thirty-fucking-six-years-old! And he was…

Oh God.

So very much younger!

Don’t focus on that. He’s here. That means he’s interested…

“May I come in?” he asked.

“Oh of course!”

Keep it together, Kate. You’re the sophisticated, older woman. Don’t come off like a giddy


She took a step back, then another, because he needed extra space to get that large,

muscular frame into her small foyer. Her gaze eased over him and the longing welled

so fast and furious inside her, it was a wonder Kate didn’t beg him to fuck her right

then and there.

Calm down!

Patience, Kate.


He closed the door behind him and followed her into the living room. “Make

yourself comfortable,” she said as she rushed into the kitchen. He didn’t stop and sink

into the sofa to be waited on, as she’d expected.

Instead, he was hot on her heels.

“Let me open that for you,” he said as he reached for the bottle in her hand. The

nearness of him made her body tense. All those long-neglected erogenous zones

instantly took notice of the sexy man crowding her in her cozy kitchen. Desire coursed

through her veins so hot and bright, she thought she’d fry from the inside out.


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Until Jake

Would it be so bad and wrong to tell him now that she wanted him to fuck her?

Would he shove her dress up to her waist, set her on the granite counter and bang the

hell out of her?

The mere thought made her groan. She covered it with a cough.

Her chest rose and fell with the excitement that escalated within her. Fighting for

calm that dangled just out of her grasp, she laid the rose on the counter, handed over

the wine pull and retrieved two fresh glasses. He expertly opened the bottle and poured

the wine. Jake tilted his glass to hers so the rims touched. The faint clink was barely

audible to Kate over the thundering of her heart.

Exhilaration swept over her as his gaze locked with hers.

There was that heated awareness again. Lord, the man set her thighs ablaze!

And just thinking about the fact that she had invited him over to her house for

sex—sex!—was such a liberating notion!

“I’m glad you stopped by the site today, Kate,” he said. His shimmering blue irises

were so mesmerizing she almost didn’t hear him speak. “I’ve seen you before. On your

way to and from the building. I was really happy when you came over and introduced


He’d noticed her before today? The thought did wicked things to her insides. Lust

infiltrated every inch of her and Kate’s body went into sensory overload. Her breasts

suddenly ached for his touch. Her pussy began to throb and pulse in a very demanding

rhythm. As though telling her how desperately it needed to be filled, stretched to its

limit. Caressed and stroked with his thick cock until she came…

Oh God!

“Think I’ll put the steaks on now,” she managed to say.

The faster dinner was over, the quicker they could get down to business!

Jake’s gorgeous blue eyes seemed to dance under the soft lighting in her kitchen, as

though he was thinking the same thing. “You didn’t have to cook.”


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Her heart skipped a beat. “Oh?”

He knew exactly what she was up to.

His casual grin made her heart miss another beat. “I’d like to have taken you out.

Someplace nice. Romantic.” He drew in a long sip of wine before adding, “Next time.”

Maybe it was three beats her heart skipped.

“You realize I’m…older…than you, right?” So clearly, serious dating was out of the

question. Not that she was interested in that anyway.

Been there, done that. She didn’t need another romantic disaster in her life.

Jake said, “I imagine you’re a couple of years older than me. Doesn’t matter.”

She eyed him curiously. “How old are you?”


“Shit,” she muttered, wondering how Mrs. Robinson had even dared to take things

a step further. “I’m…yeah. A couple of years older.”

“Doesn’t bother me,” he said.

It shouldn’t bother her, either, she realized. This wasn’t about building a

relationship. It was about sex.

And it was time to get on with it!

Squaring her shoulders, determined to move things in the right direction, keep this

seduction contained within the box in which she’d built from the get-go, she said, “I’m

thirty-six. A marketing executive.” And that was all the personal information she

intended to divulge!

She crossed to the refrigerator and yanked the door open. Kate retrieved the

marinating steaks from the fridge and the tongs from the stainless steel container next

to the stove. She then passed through the opened patio door and placed the meat on the

rack below the already baking potatoes.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jake prop a broad shoulder against the

doorframe and cross his arms over his wide chest.


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Until Jake

“There’s not going to be a ‘next time’, is there?”

* * * * *

Kate didn’t know what to say.

Jake took a few steps forward, closing the gap between them with his long stride.

He took the tongs from her and removed the steaks from the grill, putting them back on

the plate. Then he turned the grill off. When he moved away from Kate and went back

into the kitchen, she trailed after him, her heels clicking rapidly, the sound mocking her.

“What are you doing?”

“No sense in wasting good steaks.” He put the plate in the fridge. Then he turned

back to Kate and removed his jacket, letting it fall to the floor.

She stared, wide-eyed, mouth gaping open, as he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing

the incredible chest she’d fantasized about all week.

He yanked the material from the waist of his pants and the shirt fell open. “This is

what you want, right?”

Kate was stunned into silence. But her head, somehow of its own accord, bobbed up

and down. Uncouth though it was.

“I can handle that,” he said. “I wanted to fuck you the first time I saw you.” And

then he reached for her and pulled her into his strong arms. His tight embrace crushed

her body to his and suddenly, before she could even breathe or process what was

happening, his mouth was on hers.

And Kate was lost…

Jake kissed her with the kind of desperate, passionate abandon that mirrored her

own. It conveyed his need, his lust, his desire… All of which seemed to be channeled

toward her.

Acting on primal instinct alone, she opened her mouth at the exact moment he did.

And when his tongue delved deep, she clung to him, giving herself over to all the erotic

pleasure he invoked.


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Jake’s palms covered her rib cage, then moved upward to her breasts. Heat and

desire collided inside of Kate and exploded, making her want to cry out, his touch was

that electrifying. She longed for there to be no clothing between them, no barriers.

Because feeling his warm skin and his hard muscles pressed to her body was all she

could think of.

That and feeling his thick cock buried deep inside her…

She tore her mouth from his. Without even thinking about it, she said, “Fuck me,”

in a breathless voice.

He let out a low groan, his gaze turning dark and sinful. He backed her up against

the wall and his hands were on her again. He kissed her deeply as his fingers curled

around the hem of her dress and lifted it up, pushing the material above her thighs to

her waist. Kate’s excitement skyrocketed as Jake’s large hands seized her hips but for a

moment and then one hand slipped down between her legs.

A strangled cry wrenched from her mouth as she broke the kiss again. His fingers

pressed against the juncture of her legs, his heat penetrating the lacy thong panties she

wore. Jake’s head remained dipped, his lips close to hers, their ragged breaths mingling

together as he eased aside the swath of material covering her. His fingers stroked her

sensitive folds, making her want to scream.

Kate’s nails pressed into his rock-hard biceps as the passion built. She wanted, more

than anything, to have his fingers plunge deep into her pussy, which was wet and so

ready for him.

She lifted one hand from his arm and her fingers threaded through his lush blond

hair. He was still only teasing her, stroking her slick flesh. The urgency welled inside

her and she was suddenly desperate to feel his magic touch on her clit. But he didn’t go

straight for the jackpot… Instead, his fingers glided over her labia until she was

breathless and so terribly hot.

Then, the pad of one finger moved over her swollen clit, rubbing it quickly, with

just the right amount of pressure…


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Until Jake

Kate came instantly, crying out his name as the erotic sensations exploded inside

her. She hadn’t even caught her breath or regained coherent thought when his long,

blunt-tipped fingers pushed deep into her.

“Oh God,” Kate gasped. Her heart hammered in her chest and her pulse echoed in

her ears.

Her head fell back against the wall, her eyes closing. Jake’s strokes were long and

full as he plunged into her and then retreated and then plunged deeper. His free hand

grasped her thigh and lifted it up, wrapping her leg around his waist.

“You’ve got a tight pussy, Kate,” he whispered. “And you’re so damned wet.”

“You make me so hot,” she said on a heavy breath. What she didn’t say was that

she was certain she’d never been this excited before. Kate’s inhibitions slipped away

and all she could think of was the multitude of ways in which this man just might fuck

her tonight.

The hand on her thigh moved up under her dress, over her stomach to her breasts.

His fingers peeled back a lacy cup and tucked it under the full globe. His teeth nipped

at her neck as his thumb rubbed her nipple tight. All the while the two fingers inside

her stroked her with quick, but full, movements that pushed her to the edge again.

“Oh yes,” she moaned as he finger fucked her. “That’s so good.”

“Come again, Kate,” he said in a low, sexy tone. The thumb between her legs

pressed against her throbbing clit just as his fingers on her breast pinched her hard


“That feels incredible,” she said in strained tone. “Do it again.”

He rolled her nipple, then squeezed her breast. At the same time, he applied even

more pressure to her clit with his thumb. His fingers inside her rubbed just the right


Kate’s grip on him tightened as the sensations hit a crescendo once more.


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“Oh God!” Her pussy contracted around his fingers as she came. She squeezed him

tight, stealing every ounce of pleasure he was willing to give. His fingers pushed a little

deeper, prolonging her orgasm a breath longer.

“Now that was hot,” he whispered as her arms circled his neck for support.

“Something tells me you’re just getting warmed up,” she said, her breath coming in

hard pulls.

Jake’s grin was slow and sexy. “You’re right.”

He released her when she was steady on her feet. Kate pushed her skirt down and

crooked a finger at her young playmate. Jake followed her down the short hall to her

bedroom. Kate’s entire body was on fire, her insides sizzling, her nerve-endings set

ablaze. And her pussy… Christ, it ached for more of Jake.

His hands slid around her waist as they stood just inside the room. His body

pressed to hers, his front to her back. He kissed her neck, all the way up to that

particularly sensitive spot just behind her earlobe. Erotic shivers shimmied down her

spine and the wanting started all over again…

Jake’s hands reached for her skirt and he pulled the dress up and over her head. He

quickly worked the clasp at the front of her bra, his large hands covering her breasts,

giving them a rough squeeze that jolted her to the core of her being. After easing the

straps over her shoulders, he divested her of the bra and went to work on her panties.

His long fingers slipped behind the thin waistband and he dragged the miniscule lace

down her legs. She knew they were soaked—how could they not be?

Save for her high heels, Kate stood naked before her full-length mirror. She actually

found the vision before her an erotic one. Jake’s erection, pressing against the cleft of

her ass through his dress pants, upped her confidence level, making her feel even more

desirable. As he stood behind her, he put his hands on her body, letting them roam at

will. Her skin prickled with heat and electricity as his fingers skimmed her belly, then

grazed the undersides of her full breasts.


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Though he still wore his shirt, it remained unbuttoned, falling open. His hard chest

pressed against her bare back, his hot flesh making her feel as though he were branding


He’d probably ruin her for all other men. She’d never feel like this again. Chances

were good no other man was capable of sparking this kind of desire and passion—not

the way Jake awakened it and drew it out so quickly, so easily. She couldn’t imagine

another man coming even remotely close to turning her on the way Jake did.

Actually, he did more than turn her on. He turned her inside out. She felt hyper-

sensitized from head to toe. And her nerve endings seemed to jump and hum like live


“You’re a beautiful woman, Kate,” he said in a low voice, his breath tickling the

shell of her ear.

Kate silently thanked her personal trainer.

Her hand slipped between them and she cupped Jake’s hard cock, stroking it

through the material of his pants. His fingers curled around her breasts in response, his

thumbs raking over her taut nipples. The fiery sensation between her legs mingled with

the pulsing deep within her pussy. As Jake’s lips blazed a trail from behind her ear,

down the long column of her neck to her shoulder, she fought the natural tendency to

close her eyes. The lids were heavy with desire, but she didn’t take her gaze from the

mirror, the sensual reflection of the two of them, bodies melded together.

Her hand moved a little lower, her fingers grazing his sac.

“Tell me again what you want, Kate,” he said, his voice thicker, more strained this


She stared back at him in the mirror, their eyes locked. “I want you to fuck me.”

Just saying the words and seeing the fire that lit his eyes sent her into sexual

overdrive again.


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Finally tearing her gaze from his, she turned carefully on her tall heels. Kate pushed

his shirt off his broad shoulders and down his thick arms, letting the material drop to

the floor. She then reached for the silver buckle at Jake’s waist and worked the belt

loose, albeit with shaky fingers. Anticipation swirled low in her belly as she unbuttoned

his pants and slid the zipper down its track. Shoving the material over his hips and

down his powerful legs heightened her arousal and escalated her already out-of-control


The room was quiet, except for their heavy breathing. Moonlight streamed through

the slits of the vertical blinds on her patio door and golden rays painted her hardwood

floor and crept up the far wall. Nothing could have enhanced this moment…not candles

or soft music or rose pedals on the bed. This evening wasn’t about romance, after all.

Yet there was a natural sensuality to it that made it the most erotic interlude she’d ever


Jake toed off his boots and stepped out of his pants and socks as Kate’s eyes

devoured the bulge between his legs. He wore sexy black briefs that showcased a hard

erection she couldn’t wait to feel inside her.

The reality of Jake was infinitely more arousing than the fantasy. And that was

saying something, considering the mind-blowing orgasms he’d sparked all week—

unbeknownst to him.

Wanting desperately to taste him, Kate sank to her knees in front of him.

Jake let out a low, throaty groan. “You have no idea how hot you’re making me.”

Perhaps he’d had his own fantasy about the construction worker and the business

executive. Maybe that was why he’d been so inclined to oblige her when the truth about

what she’d really wanted had caused him to scrap dinner and head straight to the

bedroom. Jake had told her he’d noticed her… She might have made the first move, but

she clearly wasn’t in this fantasy alone.


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Excitement skittered through her. She may be eleven years older than him, but

there was no doubt Kate made him as hard as a woman his own age might. Peeling

away Jake’s briefs provided all the proof she needed that she turned him on.

Yet another much-needed ego boost…

For several breathless moments, she simply savored the sight of him. So wide and

hard and…magnificent.

More evidence of her sexual effect on him was only a stroke away. When her

fingers glided over the soft skin covering his rock-hard cock, Jake seemed jolted to the

core of his being. He jerked back and let out a sharp breath.

“Goddamn,” he said in a rough voice. “You barely touched me.”

She stared up at him, seeing heat and excitement flash in his beautiful blue eyes.

Kate’s long fingers wrapped around his thick shaft and his jaw tightened, as though he

were fighting to keep himself in control.

Leaning forward, her tongue darted out and she tasted him.

“Kate.” He whispered her name, sparking tiny tremors inside her.

It seemed as though her entire being had just been jolted back to life. Jake was like

electric shock therapy for her damaged soul.

And it made Kate want to please him all the more.

Opening her mouth wide, she drew him in slowly, inch by inch, taking as much of

him as she could. She eased the thick rod almost all the way out, then back in, then out

again. Slowly. So very, very slowly. Her tongue swirled around his head, teasing him,

making his body tense.

“Christ,” he growled. “You’re going to make me come, Kate.”

She wanted to. Desperately. She wanted to push him, push him, push him and let

him fall over. Kate wanted to feel him swell inside her mouth, make him lose all control

and give himself over to a powerful orgasm she delivered, while he called out her name

as he came.


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But that would detain her from her ultimate goal. And although she was pretty

certain he’d recover quickly—he was twenty-fucking-five for Christ’s sake!—she didn’t

think she could wait another minute to have him inside her.

So she relinquished her hold on him and stood, with help from Jake as his hand

cupped her elbow.

“Tell me what you want,” she said.

Without a moment’s hesitation, he answered in a husky voice, “I want you on the

bed. On your stomach. Leave the shoes on.”

Kate did as he asked. She eased onto the bed, sprawling across it. Jake grabbed one

of the pillows propped against the headboard. His arm slid around her waist and he

eased the cushion under her belly so Kate’s ass lifted into the air. Then his hands were

suddenly there, covering both cheeks, spreading them.

She buried her face in the velvet duvet for just a moment. But then she reminded

herself that a man like Jake wouldn’t have boring, vanilla-flavored sex. He was bold

and daring and she should be too. Of course, he was going to fuck her in ways most

women only read about or saw in erotic movies. Tonight, Kate would experience that

hot brand of lovemaking.

And wasn’t that what she’d wanted all along?

Conjuring a little verve, she looked at Jake over one shoulder as his hot gaze feasted

upon her naked body.

One of Jake’s hands slid between her parted legs and he stroked her lips, making

the dewy, sensitive flesh tingle under his touch. Then, rather unexpectedly, two blunt

fingers pushed deep into her wet cunt and Kate let out a sharp cry of pleasure.

Jake worked her quickly, his fingers pumping in and out of her with a steady

rhythm that had her panting. The thumb of the other hand moved to the crevice of her

ass and she felt the pad press against that forbidden spot. For a moment, she tensed…it

was such a foreign sensation.


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But oh God! How electrifying it felt!

Kate’s fingers dug into the duvet, curling around the soft material as she held on for

dear life.

She worked her legs open a little more, arched her back further, lifted her ass

higher. Her passion and need ruling her actions, Kate relinquished her hold on the

bedspread and slid a hand between her parted thighs. She pressed a finger to her

swollen clit, needing more…all she could get.

“Does that feel good, Kate?”

She moaned. “So unbelievably good.”

Everything he was doing to her made her feel as though she was immersed in

guilty pleasure—and that heightened her excitement. For once, Kate didn’t allow any

inhibitions to stand in her way of the best orgasm—the best sex—of her life.

As Jake’s fingers stroked her a little faster, Kate’s panting turned into soft

whimpering and raspy moans. She felt the sensations build deep within her, knew she

was barreling toward another amazing climax. Wanting it so desperately, she rubbed

her clit a little quicker, keeping pace with Jake’s finger fucking until every erotic feeling

converged and ignited inside her, making Kate scream Jake’s name as she came.

Several seemingly endless seconds passed as she lingered in her euphoria. Jake

moved away from her for just a moment. She heard the tearing of foil and then he was

behind her again, his arm hooking around her waist as he pulled her closer to the edge

of the bed. Still standing, he spread her cheeks again and then thrust his hard cock deep

into her dripping cunt.

Kate thought she’d come again. The feeling was intense, so exquisite.

A pleasure-laced cry escaped her parted lips as he hammered into her.

“Oh God, yes,” she said on a ragged breath. “Fuck me, Jake. Fuck me hard.”

It was what she wanted. What she needed.


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His thick erection filled her. It was a tight fit, but she was slick with arousal and he

moved inside her with a quick, insistent tempo.

“Jesus, Kate,” he said in a voice raw with need. His hands gripped her waist as he

thrust into her, harder, faster.

She pushed back against him, wanting—demanding—more. He gave it to her. One

hand slid forward and his finger rubbed her swollen nub until Kate couldn’t hold back.

Her climax tore through her body, even more powerful than before.


He pushed deep and her cunt milked him, clutching him tight, making him groan.

When the sensations ebbed a bit, he withdrew from her. Kate instantly felt the

emptiness, the void.

She rolled onto her back and Jake moved between her parted legs. The intense,

lustful look on his handsome face told her he wasn’t done with her. Leaning over her,

his mouth sealed with hers again and he kissed her hard. Passionately. Demanding her

to unleash her own passion. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she held him to

her, his muscular body pressed to hers. She spread her legs further and lifted her hips to

meet his as his cock pushed into her throbbing pussy.

Kate’s need for him escalated. Her fingers tangled in his hair. Jake slid one arm

around her waist. The other hand cupped her aching breast, toying with the nipple,

then squeezing the plump flesh. He crushed her to the mattress and it was the most

erotic feeling in the world. To have him between her legs, his weight on her—his hands

on her! She couldn’t get enough of him!

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips. Jake loosened his grip on her

just a little and drove deep, thrusting hard until she was writhing and twisting beneath

him. Her breathy moans filled the quiet room, mingling with his ragged breath. He

fucked her hard…

No, Kate thought. Through her euphoric haze, she realized he wasn’t fucking her.

He was making love to her with the kind of passion she’d always dreamed of igniting


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within a man. He wanted her as much as she wanted him—wanted to give her as much

pleasure as possible. She could feel it in the way he moved, the way he held her. The

way he kissed her.

And for some reason, that made this incredible experience unique and…special.

“Come with me, Jake,” she said as she tore her mouth from his. She was reaching

that pinnacle again and this time, she wanted to enjoy it with him. “Now.”

He let out a low growl as his body suddenly convulsed, his cock pulsing and

surging inside her as he came.

“Oh yes!” She clenched the steel rod inside her, her pussy contracting around the

width of him.

Jake’s arm tightened around her waist, practically crushing her to him. She didn’t

care. The intensity of his orgasm made hers all the more erotic. Kate didn’t want him to

let go of her. She experienced a different sort of ecstasy in his embrace as he whispered

hoarsely in her ear, telling her how good she felt, how much he wanted her.

She held onto him, their bodies tangled, their limbs twisted.

Sure, it was just one night of hot sex.

But Kate intended to steal every ounce of pleasure from it…


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Chapter Three

Her body tingled from head to toe. It seemed even her hair held some sort of

electrical charge as it fanned out around her head, which plopped against a plump


“Holy fucking shit,” she muttered, barely able to get the words out because she was

exhausted. And her throat was raw from the moans and screams of pleasure she’d been

unable to contain. Kate had never been vocal in bed, but with Jake…she just couldn’t

help herself. The higher he took her, the less capable she was of controlling her

excitement, holding it in.

“You’re amazing,” he said as he flopped onto the mattress beside her.

Pushing herself up on one elbow, though every inch of her weary body protested,

Kate said, “I bet you’re starving. Will you let me cook you dinner now?”

He shook his head. “Let me do it.” And then he was off the bed and moving about

in her dimly lit bedroom. He disappeared into the bathroom, then returned. When the

bedroom door opened and the golden light from the hallway spilled into the room, she

got a glimpse of him in his sexy briefs. Then he disappeared down the hallway, leaving

the vision of broad shoulders, muscular biceps, a tapered back, what had to be the

world’s greatest ass and long, powerful legs burned on her brain.

She’d just had sex with a god. The most beautiful man she’d ever met. The most

passionate, most erotically stimulating man she’d ever known.

Several minutes ticked by before she found the strength to haul herself from the bed

and clean herself up. She wrapped a long, navy-colored silk robe around her naked

body before leaving her room. Stepping out onto the back patio, she found Jake tending

to the grill. The two potatoes were reheating and the steaks were sizzling.

Goddamn. He was so beautiful. So tall and gorgeous and sexy. So masculine.


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He shot her a look over his broad shoulder and grinned. “How do you like your


Kate simply stared at him for several long seconds, until he chuckled. He held the

stainless steel tongs up and snapped them once, as though to draw her from her reverie.

It worked.

“Medium rare?” he ventured.

She nodded as excitement skittered through her all over again. Was it possible to

have too much sex in one night?

Jake’s grin deepened as he watched her watch him.

And Kate’s heart skipped yet another beat. It was a wonder she was still alive.

* * * * *

They ate dinner on the patio, under the sparkling stars and the candlelight from the

votives on the table. They talked about San Diego and how they’d both gone to the

same high school…only there were eleven years between them. They talked about the

changes the city had undergone, politics and current events. Kate wanted to find some

sort of flaw in this sexy god, but he was well-educated, well-versed in all of the topics

she broached. His biggest regret, he told her, was that he hadn’t had any time to travel,

had only been out of the state a handful of times.

Later, as they stood beside each other at the kitchen sink, Kate rinsing off the dishes

as Jake loaded them into the dishwasher, he turned to her and asked, “What’s your last

name, Kate?”

“Hampton.” She didn’t even hesitate, she was that comfortable with him now.

“What’s yours?” Because she truly wanted to know.


The plate slipped through her wet fingers and hit the stainless steel recessed sink

with a loud thud. Luckily, the heavy ceramic plate didn’t break. Jake reached for it,

inspected it, then loaded it up.


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“As in Mosley Construction?” she asked. She’d seen the signs around Liberty

Station as the commercial development had grown over the past couple of years.

Jake nodded.

That was an empire in the making. “So you work for you father. I think that’s great.

A family bus—”

“My father died when I was twelve,” Jake said.

Kate stared at him a moment, trying to process what that meant. Jake lent her a


“The business is mine. Some friends of my parents let me do a little work in their

construction office after the funeral and they helped my mom out with some of the bills,

in turn. By the time I was old enough to drive, I’d learned enough in the office and at

the sites to be able to work with the crews. Just after my twentieth birthday, the people

who owned the business wanted to sell it and retire. I had some cash saved up. They

carried the rest until I could fully cash them out. As of this summer, the business is all

mine. Free and clear.”

Kate stared at him, knowing the expression on her face had to be that of pure shock.

And admiration.

Jake teased her by saying, “More exciting to think I’m a construction worker rather

than the owner of the company?”

“No! I mean, my God!” She shook her head. “What you’ve accomplished is

amazing. To have to start working so young to support your family. That’s


Kate was in awe of him. She’d been impressed with his good manners, his sexual

prowess and his skill with a grill, but this… This was so much more than she’d


“I’m so sorry for your loss,” she told him. “Yet at the same time, I have so much

respect for you, for knowing what had to be done and doing it.”


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“I was the oldest. My mom had never worked and the twins—my two sisters, Janie

and Janice—were still too young for mom to feel comfortable leaving during the day. So

it was up to me to help make ends meet.”

Kate’s heart constricted. She’d never experienced the hardship of losing a parent or

having to struggle to make ends meet. Her parents were renowned cardiologists. She’d

wanted for nothing growing up. And though she’d had a successful career, it was

Maggi’s offer of vice president of Marketing that had really escalated her professional

status this past year.

She shook her head again. Thinking of the way Jake had responded to her earlier—

wanting to know her needs and wanting to fulfill them—then the way he’d cooked their

dinner and was now helping in the kitchen…

He was amazing.

This guy was for real.

“You became a man when all of your friends were still boys,” she said in a quiet


“You gotta do what you gotta do,” he said, a soft, modest smile tipping his lips. For

the first time, Kate could see in his ocean blue eyes that he was wiser beyond his years.

And suddenly, the number seemed so insignificant. So…inconsequential.

As she processed all of this, he washed his hands and took the towel from her. After

drying his hands, he reached for her again. His fingers worked the sash at her waist as

he stepped closer, his head bending to hers.

“I haven’t had the time or the luxury of taking a night off in a long time, Kate. But

when I saw you coming across the courtyard today, I was ready to say to hell with

everything else.”

She stared up at him, drowning in the beauty of his blue eyes. The sincerity

reflected in the crystalline irises.

Her robe fell open and he pulled her to him, so their bare chests melded together.


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“Sometimes you forget how much you need physical contact,” he said as his warm,

soft lips grazed her temple.

“And then you see someone who…reminds you,” she answered in a breathless


“Excites you.”

“Stirs your passion.”

His lips brushed hers. “That happened on Monday,” he told her. “The first time I

saw you.”

Kate melted a little in his arms. “Yeah. Same here.”

When his mouth closed over hers, she couldn’t help the moan that rose in her

throat. Her fingers twisted in his silky hair as her lips parted. His tongue delved deep,

engaging her completely, making her lose all touch with reality.

Who the hell cared that this was just a one-night stand? She wasn’t going to hold

back—and she was certain he wasn’t either.

And that made their tryst all the more exciting.

When Jake’s mouth moved from hers and slid down her throat, over her collarbone

to the top of her breast, she sucked in a breath. His tongue swirled around her hard

nipple before he drew the tight peak into his mouth.

“Jake,” she whispered his name into his hair as her fingers tangled deeper into the

lush strands.

He cupped the breast he tended to as his tongue flicked across the nipple. He

sucked the bud again and Kate whimpered from the desire that welled inside her.

She decided at that moment that there was no such thing as too much sex in one

night. If Jake was willing to oblige, she was happy to receive…

“Jake,” she said again, this time her voice tinged with need and desire. “I want you.

Inside me.”


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Jake groaned. He straightened and his fingers laced with hers. Pulling her toward a

chair at the breakfast table, he eased onto it and pulled her down. Straddling him,

Kate’s arms wrapped around Jake’s neck and she kissed him. She could feel his erection

pressed against the juncture of her legs.

He wanted her too.

Jake touched her everywhere as the robe slid off her shoulders. When his lips closed

around her nipple again, she held him to her, reveling in the erotic sensations he

evoked. His tongue teased the nub, his teeth gently scraping it, hardening it.

Kate gasped.

“You like that,” he whispered, his warm breath tickling the sensitive peak.

“I like everything you do.”

“I’m not done,” he said. “Not even close.”

He shifted beneath Kate, causing her to lift up slightly so that he could work his

briefs over his hips. His thick cock sprang free and Kate felt the ribbons of ecstasy

unravel within her yet again this evening.

“Lucky me, I grabbed this on the way out of my room…” She reached into the

pocket of her robe and pulled out a condom.

Jake grinned. “I like the way you think, Kate.”

She handed over the foil packet. “Make good use of that, will you?”

He chuckled, low and deep. “Lift up again.”

She did and he slipped the condom on after ripping the package open with his

teeth. His gaze never left hers and it made her so very, very hot.

As she eased back down, taking him in slowly, he said, “You’re already wet.”

True, he’d done little more than suck her nipple and kiss her. Clearly, it was enough

to arouse her to the point that her pussy was coated and ready for him.

As his hands clasped her hips and pulled her down further, he thrust up into her,

making Kate gasp.


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Their eyes remained locked as Jake moved inside her, pushing up into her as she

rocked against him.

“That’s good, Kate,” he said on a low groan. “Perfect.”

And it was. Her pelvis gyrated in time with his slow, sensual rhythm. Jake’s jaw

clenched and she knew what that signified now. He was as aroused, as excited as she


Kate’s hands slid over his strong shoulders, down his hard chest. One long

fingernail grazed his nipple and Jake let out a sharp growl. He pumped his cock into

her a little faster.

Pleased with her effect on him, Kate’s hands continued to explore his body. Her

head dipped and she nipped at his thick neck, the way he’d done to her earlier.

Jake’s grip on her hips tightened. He coaxed her to rise up a little and when she did,

he increased the speed in which he pumped in and out of her.

Kate’s hands clutched his shoulders as he held her up, inches off his lap, while he

thrust up into her so hard and fast, she careened toward orgasm with no way to stave it

off or hold onto the mounting sensations. Suddenly, she cried out as the erotic abyss

consumed her again.

“Oh God!” She repeated the words over and over again, even though they sounded

incoherent even to her. Jake finally pushed her back down onto his thick shaft and came

inside her, making her body tremble as violently as his did.

“Kate,” he groaned. “Oh fuck…”

His hands held her tightly, keeping her in place, as he rode his own wave of

ecstasy, throbbing and convulsing inside her.

Kate’s forehead pressed to his as they both fought for air. His arms encircled her

waist and he held her to him, their bodies melding together. The heat of his skin, the

slickness that pooled between them, kept her aroused, kept her nipples tight and her

pussy throbbing.


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She could stay here forever… The sensation was so tantalizing, so electrifying. How

long had it been since she’d felt this alive?

Kate racked her brain and came up empty-handed.

When Jake whispered, “It’s still early, you know?” she laughed.

Pulling away from him slightly, she said, “I realize you’re twenty-five and

invincible. However, I’m pretty damned sure I won’t be able to walk come morning.”

The wicked glint in his eyes made her shiver anew with excitement. “Tomorrow’s

Saturday. Spend the day in bed. With me.”

Kate’s stomach coiled tight. Her answer slipped from her lips before she even had

time to think twice. “Okay.”

* * * * *

He made love to her in the wee hours of the morning, before dawn broke. Slowly,

sensuously, he loved her, as though time ceased to exist. As though they had nowhere

to be, no responsibilities, no outside commitments or impediments. Then they talked

until the sun came up. He wanted to know about her family and although she felt a

tinge of guilt for the uncomplicated, comfortable childhood she’d had, she told him

about her travels.

“My father is an adventurer at heart and he married the right woman.” Kate’s head

rested on Jake’s chest and his fingers lightly skimmed her arm in a soft, intimate touch.

“He wanted to see the world and she was happy to follow him wherever he went. We

only really settled down as a family when I was in high school. But after I graduated…”

She smiled as she thought about the way her parents’ pride in her for being class

valedictorian had warred with their excitement over knowing they could hit the high

seas as soon as her diploma landed in her hands and her graduation cap flew into the


“They spent nearly six months exploring Asia after I graduated, came back for me

at Christmas and we spent my college semester break at a ski resort in the Swiss Alps.”


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“Where haven’t you been, then?”

“Oh plenty of places, believe me. It’s a big-ass world.”

Jake laughed. His fingers curled around her shoulder and he held her close to him.

“So you still have some exploring to do?”


He shifted on the bed, forcing her onto her back. His large body pressed against

hers as he settled between her legs. Staring down at her, the moonlight streaming in

through the window, illuminating his handsome face, he said, “I’d like to have a few

adventures with you, Kate Hampton.”

And she believed him…


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Chapter Four

“You have got to be shitting me.” Maggi stared at Kate, her green eyes wide, shock

written all over her face.

“Uh, no.”

“Seriously?” Maggi demanded. “You really spent all weekend with God’s Gift to

the Pussy?”

Kate laughed. “Now who’s being un-PC?”

“Cut me some slack. I’m living vicariously through you, remember?”

Kate gave a quick shrug. “Okay, well. The man is a stallion. With stamina that

would make a Roman warrior jealous. You wouldn’t believe this guy!” Kate let out a

long sigh. “He’s amazing. In every way imaginable. I am such an idiot for thinking he

was just some hunky construction worker I could fantasize about, fuck and then send

on his merry way.”

“I’m sorry…” Maggi said in a tentative voice. “Are you telling me you might

have…you could possibly be in… Oh no! I know you way better than that!”

“Yeah, me too. Or so I thought.” Kate jumped out of her chair and reached for the

cord on the blinds. Pulling it tight, she closed the verticals so no one could see in—and

she couldn’t see out.

“Kate, the windows are tinted. He can’t see you!”

“I know. But just the mere thought that he might be down there, hefting two-by-

fours, flexing his muscles, wearing nothing more than a tank top, his bronze skin

glowing in the mid-morning sun… Oh shit.” She groaned as she sank back into her

chair, her pulse racing as hard as it had when he’d fucked her. Every time he’d fucked


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her. “You have no idea what we’re dealing with here. The man is not at all what I was

expecting. And on Sunday morning—”

“Whoa-ho! I still cannot believe he stayed the whole fucking weekend!” Maggi’s

eyes became huge saucers in her face.

Kate’s head bobbed up and down. The grin that touched her lips was sinful, she

knew. She couldn’t help it. “We talked, then ate, then talked, then—”

“Fucked. Call a spade a spade, Kate. You talked, fucked, ate, fucked, talked, fu—”

“Mags!” Kate laughed. “Anyway, after the first few times it ceased to just be


This caused Maggi to collapse into a chair in front of Kate’s desk. “Now wait just a


“Yeah, I know,” Kate said as she shook her head, though the smile remained. “I’m

totally shocking the shit out of you and it’s only ten o’clock. But I swear to God…

something happened to me this weekend.”

Maggi, despite her surprise, looked thrilled. “Well. It’s about time. Because

seriously, Kate, I haven’t seen you glow like this since our college graduation.”

Which was, Kate suddenly realized, a very sad statement. So much so, it made her

breath catch. It occurred to her that she was a woman who’d had everything go right in

her life except for one of the most critical components. Love. She had a family that

adored and respected her and friends that never let her down. A career that only

continued to get better…

But love had eluded her all this time.

Until now.

Until Jake.

Yet…she wasn’t quite ready to accept what all of this meant.

“Okay, let’s hit the stop button and rewind,” she said, her breath suddenly coming

so hard and sharp it hurt. “The man is eleven years younger than me. Eleven!”


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Until Jake

“Well, yeah, there is that,” Maggi said. “And then there’s all the other stuff. And by

‘all the other stuff’, I mean the really hot sex.”

Kate couldn’t deny that, except… “What would his friends think?”

“Oh please,” Maggi said as she waved her hand in the air. “It’s the decade of the

cougar. This isn’t anything new.”

“No, but. Well, yes, it is. I mean, for me at least. And again. Eleven years is a lot,

Mags. A huge difference.”

Yet Kate couldn’t help but think about the connection she’d had with Jake.

Regardless of their age difference. He was mature for his years and clearly, he hadn’t

been adverse to her body being eleven years older than his.


“Oh what am I thinking?” By the same token, she truly was crazy about him. “What

have I done?”

Maggi did nothing more than quirk a blonde eyebrow at her friend.

“Crap,” Kate said, her mind reeling. “I think I might have… Could have… Shit.”

She shook her head. “Do you think I…?”

Maggi smirked. “Fell in love?”

Kate shrieked just moments before she did a face plant onto the blotter covering her

desk. Because she knew it was true. “Oh holy fucking shit,” she muttered into the


* * * * *

Jenna, Kate’s assistant, knocked on the door, then poked her head around it.

“Special delivery. Okay for me to come in?”

Kate was having a small heart attack, but she nodded anyway. “Yeah, sure.”

As Jenna entered the office, Kate and Maggi exchanged looks. In Jenna’s hands was

a tall, slim crystal vase filled with a spray of flowers that overwhelmed the eyes upon


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first glance. The arrangement was stunning and about the most vibrantly colorful

display Kate had ever seen. Jenna carefully set the vase on the small table in the corner

of Kate’s office.

“Heavy, but it sure is beautiful,” she said.

Kate was speechless.

Maggi said, “Wow. He’s one hell of a guy.”

Jenna plucked the small card from the arrangement and handed it to Kate on her

way out of the office. When the door closed, Kate slid a finger under the sealed

envelope and extracted the simple white note card.

“Well?” Maggi demanded, her excitement nearly mirroring Kate’s. “What does it

say? Come on! The suspense is killing me!”

Kate’s office was already filled with an exotic fragrance from the blooms, the aroma

was that rich. She read the note. “‘Kate, thank you for the wonderful weekend. It’s one

I’ll never forget.’”

“Good Lord. You must give one hell of a blow job.”

Kate grinned. Then finished reading. “‘Dinner tonight?’”

Maggi whistled under her breath. “The boy can’t get enough of you!”

Kate’s gaze snapped up and locked with Maggi’s. “That’s just it. The crux of the

problem, Mags. He’s not a boy.”

“He’s twenty-five, Kate.”

“Yes, but… You don’t understand,” she said as she shook her head. Recalling the

long conversations she’d had with Jake over the past forty-eight hours, she said, “He

became the man of the house when he was just a kid—had to go to school and work to

help support his mom and two sisters. He got his GED when he was sixteen so he could

work full time and then helped to put his sisters through college and bought a

construction company that he owns free and clear today. At twenty-five.”

“I’m sorry…what’d you just say?” Maggi stared at her in shocked disbelief.


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Until Jake

“He’s not one of the workers, Mags. He owns the company. He’s Jake Mosley—

you’ve seen his signs around Liberty Station. In fact, his company built this building.

The only reason he’s working on the one next to us is because he’s got a guy out for

surgery and he didn’t want to hire a replacement because the man has worked for the

company for nearly twenty years. He didn’t want his loyal employee to fear he

wouldn’t have a job to come back to, so Jake’s filling in for the guy.”

“Oh,” Maggi said on a heavy breath. “Wow.” She seemed to mull all this over, then

said, “Okay, now I see why you’re so freaked out.” The astonishment was written all

over her face. “Your fantasy man has turned out to be…Prince Charming.”

“Yeah.” Kate dropped the card on her desk. “That’s the whole problem. I mean, I

wasn’t looking for someone I could start a relationship with and yet… I can totally see

myself with this guy. I like him so much, Maggi. He’s smart and ambitious and so

dedicated to his family. He’s a good guy.”

“One of the last few, if you ask me.”

Sighing, Kate said, “But I’m not ready for this.” Shaking her head, she said, “I just

wanted a good time. One night. Not…romance and flowers and dating and…”



“It’s like finding the perfect shoes,” Maggi said as she threw her hands up in

exasperation. “When you’re desperate to match them to an outfit, you can never find

the right shade. But when you just pop into Neiman Marcus on a whim, there they are!

In your size and price range, just waiting to go home with you.”

“What am I going to do?” Kate asked as she sank into her chair. “I mean, I can’t

date this guy.”

“Why not?”

“I told you. I’m not ready for this.”


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“Kate,” Maggi said as she came out of her chair, planted her palms on the desk and

leaned forward. She pinned Kate with a look. “Great men are not falling from the sky.

They don’t grow on trees. They’re not a dime a dozen—see what I’m getting at? They’re

rare and finding one is…special. A guy like Jake Mosley isn’t disposable. He’s a


“Yeah, but—”

“He’s not Ken.”

Kate’s breath caught. God, was she scarred for life because of that one incredibly

humiliating, painful experience?

Only if you let yourself be

She stared at Maggi, wanting so much to be as optimistic as her friend was about

this unexpected treasure she’d discovered.

But Kate was still terrified.

“I don’t think I can go through that again,” she said, honestly.

“I’m not saying it wasn’t brutal, Kate. But if you keep your head buried in the sand,

you just might miss the best thing to happen to you.”

Kate thought about this. Maggi might be right, yet she was still so afraid of getting

hurt again. Her weekend with Jake had restored her damaged psyche, had boosted her

ego, but she was still cautious. She simply didn’t want to go through another horrible

breakup, another tragic and painful fail from cloud nine.

And that’s when she made up her mind.

Standing up, she said, “I need to find Jake. I’ll be back in a little while.”

“Kate,” Maggi called after her as she marched toward the door. “What are you

going to do?”

“The only thing I can do,” Kate said over her shoulder. “End it.”

* * * * *


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Until Jake

She found him across the courtyard, only Jake wasn’t working the site this morning.

Instead, he held a clipboard in one hand as he spoke with a man Kate assumed was the

foreman for the job. He glanced up as Kate approached and the slow, easy grin that

tipped his lips stole her breath.

God, he really was magnificent. And whether he was dressed in nice pants and a

crisp, white shirt or jeans and a tank top or a towel or nothing at all, he was by far the

most gorgeous man she’d ever known. Would ever know.

And the memory of her weekend with him would never fade from her mind.

In fact, Kate had a feeling she’d play it over and over in her head, keeping the

mental images fresh so she could savor them always.

Her one decadent, wicked weekend with a hot construction worker.

That’s how she’d compartmentalize this encounter.

Jake stepped away from the foreman as she drew closer. He met her on the

cobblestone pathway, his grin widening as he eyed her from head to toe.

“You look damned sexy,” he said.

She’d never considered her business suits sexy. Smart and sophisticated, yes. But


Yet, the twinkle in Jake’s ocean-blue eyes told her he found her attractive. Sensual.


But Kate had made her decision and she’d stand her ground. Even when his gaze

was so heated it could thaw Antarctica. His head dipped and he planted a soft kiss on

her cheek. When he went for her lips, she took a step back, out of his reach.

“We need to talk,” she said without preamble, though every fiber of her being

desperately wanted to fall into his arms and give herself over to the riotous feelings he



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Jake said, “Sure, babe. Let me wrap up things here. Can you take an early lunch?

We can go someplace quiet and talk.” Though the shimmer in his beautiful blue irises

told her he had more in mind than just talking.

For a moment, Kate forgot her convictions, forgot what it was that was holding her

back from this relationship. Because no sane woman would pass up this kind of


No sane woman would toss this fish back into the sea.

So, she wasn’t sane. She was borderline certifiable. Because Kate was too scared not

to throw him back.

“Look,” she said, suddenly feeling nervous and…something else. Something

indefinable. She ignored the tension mounting inside her, though, and continued on. “I

won’t take up much of your time. I just wanted to thank you for the flowers. They’re

gorgeous. Really. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” Exotic and extravagant beyond

her wildest imagination, as a matter of fact.

Jake smiled again. “I’m glad you like them. I have to confess, I had to get Janie to

help pick them out. I told her they had to be extra special.”

“Janie? As in…your sister? You told her about…?”

“You,” he said with a nod. “Yes.”

“Oh.” The word fell from her lips on a hard rush of air. They’d parted company

around ten o’clock last night, and he’d already told his sister about her? About them?

Christ. Ken hadn’t even hinted at introducing her to his family. In fact, she didn’t

even know his parents’ names, didn’t know if he had siblings. Because Ken had never

let her in that far. Everything about their relationship had been…fluff. Surface stuff that,

in the grand scheme of things, really hadn’t meant jack.

And she’d let him get away with holding her at arm’s length.



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Until Jake

Shaking her head, because that was all moot, she gathered her thoughts and said,

“Look, Jake. I really appreciate the flowers and the card. They were very sweet. But I

really…just…can’t do dinner tonight.”

“Okay,” he said, still smiling at her, still oblivious to what she was getting at—that

she was about to put the kibosh on this budding romance. “No worries. Let’s shoot for

tomorrow night. Or Wednesday. Whatever works best for you.”

Anxiety welled inside her. Good Lord, why’d he have to be so nice? It was really

too bad she’d never get to meet his mother or his sisters, because Kate would like to

personally thank them for having such a positive influence on him. For raising him to

be such a gentleman. For helping him become such a caring, thoughtful person.

He doesn’t deserve what I’m about to do

The thought popped into her head and she knew, in her heart, that it was true. She

never should have treated him like some young, hot piece of ass.

But she had. And there was no way to make up for it except to be perfectly honest

with him, right now.

That was what he deserved. Honesty. And a valid explanation.

Hopefully, that would also help to assuage the guilt that was nearly chocking her.

So instead of lying and saying this week didn’t work for dinner, she said, “I don’t

think we should see each other again.”

Jake chuckled. “Ah, the breakup song. I sensed that was coming when you were

stomping your feet on the sidewalk. But, before you sing another note, let me just do

this…” And then he swept her up in his strong arms and kissed her.

His lips were warm and soft as his mouth sealed to hers. Kate instantly lost herself

in the moment. Jake’s lips coaxed hers to part and his tongue tangled with hers and he

deepened the kiss. She was vaguely aware of the whistles and applause coming from

his workers because all she could think about was how wonderful it felt to be in his

arms, how hot his kiss was.


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Her body melded to his, of its own accord. Her heart betrayed her too, because it

yearned for Jake.

Kate’s arms slid around his neck as he continued to kiss her.

How on earth could she possibly give this up?

What kind of fool would let something this special slip through her fingers?

Because, damn it, Maggi was right. The good ones weren’t falling from the sky. Jake

was a rare and special gem. And he wanted her.


And he wasn’t afraid to show it, to prove it. In front of God and everyone.

She tore her mouth from his as her heart swelled with that emotion she hadn’t

allowed herself to feel in so very long.

Until now. Until Jake.

He stared down at her as she sucked in some much-needed oxygen.

Jake said in a soft voice, “Tell me why, Kate.”

That was another thing she liked about them. The honesty between them. So Kate

said, “Broken engagement. It was extremely painful.”

Jake’s clear blue eyes locked with hers, as though boring deep into her soul. “I’m

not that guy.”

Her jaw fell slack.

He was so right. So very, very right.

As his hand cupped the side of her face and his thumb stroked her cheek, he said,

“I’m not going to hurt you. You gave me something this weekend that I’d lost…my

personal life, an outlet for my feelings. I’ve been working since I was twelve years old,

Kate. I haven’t had time for anything else. But this weekend…” His eyes seemed to

glow in the sunlight as he stared down at her. “You showed me what it was like to

share my time and my life with someone. I want that, Kate. I want you.”


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Until Jake

Tears stung her eyes as she pulled in a breath. A fat drop crested the rim of one eye

and slid down her cheek, pooling around his thumb until he swiped it away.

“Don’t cry,” he whispered as his head dipped and his lips brushed against hers. A

whisper of a kiss that left her dying for more. “Trust me.”

And the crazy thing about it was…she did.

And it didn’t make her certifiable. Because Kate knew in her heart that he was…for


He really was a keeper.

“Dinner,” he whispered in her ear. “Tonight. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

She didn’t think she could wait that long to see him.

His hand dropped from her face and he grinned at her again. “My mom’s house,

with the twins. What do you say, Kate? Come meet my family? Let me introduce them

to the first woman who’s stolen my heart?”

The tears flowed now, but she managed a lighthearted laugh. “Sounds perfect.”

“It will be,” he said with a wink. “You’ll see.”

Kate found the strength, the inner courage, to believe him.

“Seven,” she said. “I’ll be ready.”

He grinned at her again, then turned back to his work, leaving Kate to stand on the

cobblestone pathway, the late-morning sun caressing her skin and drying her tears as

she took in Jake’s retreating figure and that very, very fine ass of his.

She let out a low whistle—a catcall—of appreciation. Jake’s laughter echoed in the

courtyard and reverberated deep inside her.

And that’s when she knew he was a magical man. And she really, truly had fallen

in love with him.


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About the Author

Calista Fox in a multi-published, award-winning author of contemporary, suspense

and paranormal erotic romances. She began her professional fiction-writing career in

2004, following a successful career in PR, where she specialized in writing speeches and

Congressional testimonies. Her books have received rave reviews and she is also the

recipient of a Reviewers Choice Award for Best Erotic Sci-Fi Novella.

Calista is a member of Romance Writers of America and two of its Phoenix

Chapters, Desert Rose and Valley of the Sun Romance Writers. She has served on the

Board of Directors, been the newsletter director and chaired the annual Golden Quill

Contest for the Desert Rose Chapter. She is also a member of Passionate Ink, RWA’s

erotic romance chapter. In addition, Calista gives presentations and workshops on

writing novellas.

Calista attended college on a Journalism scholarship and has worked on

newspapers as an editor and reporter. She holds degrees in General Studies and

Communications. Calista lives in Arizona, but travels frequently to places like Mexico,

Europe, San Diego and Washington DC. She has traveled the country by Lear Jet,

always with her laptop in tow, and is a spa aficionado!

The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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