Oh Yum! 11 Ruth D Kerce Young Stud ( MWYM )

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Young Stud

ISBN 9781419915390
Young Stud Copyright © 2008 Ruth D. Kerce

Edited by Pamela Campbell.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Ruth D. Kerce

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Ruth D. Kerce


After a long and arduous day, she had finally found the few minutes of privacy she

craved. Her hormones were jumping and she intended to make the most of her time

while she could. She needed a release. Emotionally. Physically. Sexually. To take her

mind off the stress of her work week.

Her hand slid inside her leopard print panties and she spread her legs.

Thoughts of him filled her mind, making her pussy moist. Only his image made her

come these days. Someone she couldn’t have. Or rather shouldn’t have. Maybe that was

the attraction, though deep down she expected there was more to it than that. Much


If it were only the body of this man she desired, her feelings wouldn’t be bothering

her. But she craved more than his body. She longed for his smile, his company, to be

surrounded by his joy of life. Damn. She was thinking like some moony-eyed teenager.

But the man was indeed a major hunk. Pure sex appeal. With a dimpled grin. Much

too young for her, even though well over the legal age. She probably should forget

about him, stay far away and commit to someone most would consider better suited to

her. But damn it, she didn’t want to. She lightly fingered her clit.

“Mmm.” She slid down against the couch cushions. Her pussy throbbed. She

needed his cock inside her but she’d settle for her own fingers. Certainly not better

sexually but better emotionally. She’d suffered through one bad relationship too many.

And logically, she realized that she didn’t need another complication in her life right

now. But she did need an orgasm. Badly.

Her other hand slid up underneath her top and her fingers circled her nipple. “Ah.”

She squirmed, wishing for so much more. She pulled her hand from her breast, sucked

on her fingers, wetting them, then played with her nipple again, pinching and tugging


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on the bud, spreading moisture over her flesh and creating more erotic images in her


His gorgeous mouth filled her thoughts as she silently spoke to him. Lick me.

Everywhere. Oh how she longed to say those words aloud. If only once. To feel his

tongue on her, his full lips sucking her nipples, her clit. Yes! She knew it would be an

incredible experience.

Come for me, Kate, she imagined him whispering to her in his deep, sexy tone. A

thrill, powerful and erotic, raced through her.

If she were in her bedroom, she would have watched herself, her pleasure, in the

full-length mirror by the bed. She liked to watch. Maybe tonight. She’d be primed and

ready again by then. Every Friday night.

She couldn’t help but wonder how he looked when he came. What sounds he made.

If he fucked hard, gentle or somewhere in between. She’d spent too many nights with

an impersonal dildo. No comparison to a man’s cock. And certainly no comparison to


Her finger dipped inside her wet pussy and she squeezed her breast. “Oh yes…fuck

me good.” Her hips moved against her hand. Except the hands on her body were no

longer hers. They were his. His hands. His oh-so-thick cock, if the bulge in his pants

was any indication of size. She inserted a second finger, then a third into her pussy,

needing to feel completely filled up.

Mewling and undulating, she felt close to climaxing. So close. A small flutter started

around her fingers. She gradually drew them back, wanting the ecstasy to last.

His sexy blue eyes burned into hers. She saw him so clearly in her mind. Slowly, he

pushed his cock into her pussy. She relished every inch.

Her fingers again slid deep. “Oh!” Picturing his eyes and naked flesh, the climax

rushed through her body, faster than she’d expected, racing through her clit and cunt,

her stomach and out her throat as cries of pleasure escaped her. “Yes!” She arched her

back and neck. “Ah!”


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After long intense moments of erotic shock waves, she collapsed against the

cushions, breathing heavily. “So good.” If just imagining him did that to her, she

wondered what would happen if he actually did touch her?

But that’s all she intended to do. Wonder.

She pulled her hand from her underwear. Maybe she was crazy. Fantasy seemed

like the coward’s way out. But fantasy was also much less complicated.

And at least she was satisfied. For now.


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Chapter One

Kathryn MacMurray haphazardly grabbed an armful of warm clothing from the

dryer and dropped the bundle into her laundry basket. She wished her apartment were

larger. She wanted a washer and dryer of her own so she didn’t have to use a

community laundry room anymore. It seemed…unseemly…to expose your dirty

laundry in public.

Besides, the only time she usually had to come here anymore was evenings, now

that she was working a second job on the weekends. It made her uncomfortable. Every

noise and shadow caused her to jump, especially after she’d heard on the local news of

frequent attacks in apartment laundry rooms across the city.

Maybe after her next raise at work, she’d be able to quit her second job and look

into getting a bigger place. It was certainly time and would make her feel as if she were

on the right path to rebuilding her life.

Two years ago, her now ex-husband had disappeared like a thief in the night.

Literally. While she was away on a business trip for her accounting firm, learning about

the new tax laws, he’d moved himself and everything else out of the three bedroom

house she’d so lovingly decorated during their tumultuous marriage.

Soon after, she’d been served with divorce papers and been forced to start over

with a pile of debts. The Bastard. She hadn’t even seen it coming but apparently he’d

found a younger woman and had been sleeping with her for months.

Even after all this time, she still felt like such a fool for not even picking up on the

affair. They’d had their problems. Lots of them. But she’d never thought he’d cheat on


At least no children were involved to suffer along with her. He hadn’t wanted a

family, much to her dismay, which she hadn’t found out about until after the wedding.


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She never had been able to get him to change his mind and wasn’t about to trick him

into fatherhood. Perhaps that had turned out as best, all things considered.

“Hey, Kate.”

Deep in thought, the unexpected sound of her name caused her to jump.

She spun around. “Ryce!” The tension rushed out of her. “Don’t sneak up on me

like that. You scared me to death.” Her heart pounded and not completely from being

startled. He always seemed to affect her that way, which not many men did.

“Sorry. I knew this was your usual laundry time and thought you might like some

company. I saw that wacko from 3B hanging around here earlier.”

She shuddered. “Thanks.” She avoided their neighbor in 3B at all costs. He drank.

Too much. He’d never bothered her but she still preferred to keep her distance from

him, whether drunk or not.

Ryce always made her feel safe. Must be the former soldier in him. He carried

himself differently from most men and she rarely heard him coming up on her. He

moved like a cat. Good thing he was one of the good guys. She glanced at him from the

side as he leaned down to pick up something near the doorway. Nice ass too. She

dropped some more clothing into her basket.

She frowned suddenly, wondering if she was losing her hearing and that’s why she

hadn’t heard his approach. At forty-two, nothing worked like it used to.

Okay, so maybe she was silly to worry about such things. She was hardly old. But

being dumped for a younger woman did that to a person. She still found herself

second-guessing her choices, her decisions, her whole outlook on life. Ever since she

realized that she’d thrown away eleven years of her life on that jerk of an ex-husband of


Now this younger man stood before her making her feel things she hadn’t in a long

time. Good things. Ryce was eleven years her junior. But she truly liked him. He always

made her laugh. He was the only one who called her Kate. She found it sexy. He made


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great sexual-fantasy material too, of which she’d taken full advantage for almost a year


“Um…did you happen to lose something?”

She looked up from her thoughts and her basket of clothes. Her eyes widened as he

twirled a pair of leopard print panties around his finger. “How’d you get those?” She

must have dropped them on her way in and never noticed they hadn’t made it into the

wash. And of all the ones to drop too!

She stomped over to him, trying to keep from blushing but she felt the heat on her

cheeks. An embarrassing physical reaction she never had outgrown or been able to

control. If it had been any other pair, it wouldn’t have bothered her. Much. “Come on,

Ryce.” She held out her hand. “Quit playing around.”

“So they are yours?”

“Yes. Give them back.”

He held the panties up to his nose and inhaled. He grinned. “Ahh. I know what you

did last night while wearing these. Or was it earlier today?”

“Oh, that is so disgusting!” And correct, but she refused to admit anything. He

couldn’t possibly know. Not for sure. She snatched them out of his hand.

“Not disgusting. Sexy.” His voice turned husky. “What are your fantasies, Kate? I’ll

tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

She refused to respond to that, to even look at him and give him the chance to see

how affected she was by his words. “Ryce, even you are a little old to be raiding

panties. Especially unwashed ones.”

Ryce laughed, though inside he felt the frustration building. He and Kate had

forged a deep friendship since she’d moved into the building over a year ago. But he

wanted more.


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Ruth D. Kerce

He loved teasing her. Loved to make her blush. He didn’t love that she always

brought up his age, or specifically their age difference, as if that were some sort of

shield for her.

She’d been hurt emotionally and betrayed in the worst way. He knew the whole

story and really wanted to take away her pain. She’d told him her history one evening

while they were watching a particularly boring movie together.

He’d had a hard time holding back his anger. If he ever ran into her ex…

He hated assholes who treated the women they were supposed to love like shit.

Who treated any woman like shit, actually. And he’d known too many of them in his


Kate worked hard and deserved so much happiness in her life. She also deserved a

man who would treat her as the special woman he knew her to be. And in his mind,

that man was him. He couldn’t help but feel protective of her.

He suspected she found him attractive. More than once he’d caught her checking

him out, when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. He found her completely

gorgeous and definitely intended to stake a claim. Soon. If he could just get her off the

age issue.

It wasn’t as if he were some frat boy. Far from it. After completing a stint in the

military, he’d gotten his graduate degree and now owned an internet-based business.

He wasn’t rich. Yet. But he was working on it and doing well. He didn’t owe anybody

anything and he was in the process of building a good savings. He even had his eye on

a small house that he was seriously considering for purchase.

He wanted it all. A stable business. A wife. A family. Okay, so he was jumping way

ahead of himself here. But he wasn’t a bad catch, if he did say so himself. Now, if he

could only get Kate to see it too. For however long she wanted things to last.

“Yes, I am too old for a panty raid,” he finally answered. “And I didn’t raid. I

found. Though you do have the most interesting panties for raiding, should I get the


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urge.” He stepped closer and tugged at her sweatpants. “Wearing anything interesting

under there that you’d care to model for me? I promise to be a captive audience.”

Laughing, she slapped at his hand. “Stay out of my pants.”

“Spoilsport. You’re no fun. Hey, want to see mine?” He fingered his belt, making a

show of it. “Got on a brand new pair and haven’t had any opinions on them yet.

They’re fire engine red.”

In addition to knowing how to make her laugh, Ryce Fielding also knew how to

frustrate her to no end. Sexually frustrate. And she suspected he knew that quite well.

“Keep your pants on, hotshot.” She was certain some sweet thing would give him a

very personal opinion sometime soon. Ryce never lacked for female company.

Somehow that bothered her more than it should. His blond hair, blue eyes, nicely

sculpted body and smile allowed him to get away with more than most, without a

doubt. He always flirted outrageously with her. She had to admit it felt good. He was

someone just all around fun to be with. Everyone, men and women alike, seemed to

gravitate toward him.

If only she were a few years younger, she wouldn’t hesitate. She’d jump his bones

right here or fall to her knees and give him a blow-job he wouldn’t soon forget.

Well actually, maybe she would hesitate. Friendships—good ones—weren’t that

easy to come by. Shifting a friendship into a relationship could spell disaster. She’d seen

the fallout from others who had tried.

He dropped his hand from his belt. “Fine. For now. But one of these days…” Ryce

followed her back to her laundry basket. He grunted when she stuffed the panties down

the side. “I should have kept those. Would have made a good story to tell.”

“Don’t even kid about that. I’ve had more than enough stories told about me.” Lies

from her ex-husband, which had influenced the judge to make every ruling in The

Bastard’s favor. Not that she had wanted anything from him. But she could have done


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without the mound of bills he’d left her with. Having to sell the home she’d been so

proud of had almost done her in.

“We still doing a video tonight? I can already taste the popcorn. I’ve been looking

forward to it all day.”

Their weekly date, for lack of a better term, consisted of popcorn, beer, a movie,

some really nice companionship and conversation. They’d started it months ago and

had such fun that it had become a regular thing with them. “I’m not sure I’m in the

mood.” She figured she needed to say something to show him she was not amused by

his teasing.

She inwardly sighed and chastised herself for the lie. The problem was that she

actually had been amused. He made her feel like she used to, when she believed her

whole life was in front of her. But encouraging him only made things worse for he

already loved to challenge her emotions too much. And the play between them scared

her. She feared one of these times they’d take it too far, no matter how careful she tried

to be.

This relationship they’d formed was something she wasn’t used to having with a

man. Nice, even though they were so different and from two different worlds. They

came from entirely different decades, for crying out loud. But she’d come to depend on

him as a friend and she didn’t want to muck that up.

Besides, after losing her husband to a younger woman, getting involved with a man

about the same age as said woman seemed like emotional suicide to her. As if she’d be

just asking for it to happen again. And people would probably view it as her trying to

get back at The Bastard for what he’d done to her. She didn’t want to put Ryce in that


Ruining what she and Ryce had built by trying a more personal and physical

relationship that was most likely to fail in the end wouldn’t be fair to either of them. No

matter what her friends had told her right after her divorce.


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To her surprise, they’d actually encouraged her to find some young stud and go

wild. That was so not her. She’d never use anyone like that. She only got involved

physically when she cared, ever since a couple of one-night stands in college that had

left her feeling empty inside.

“Come on, Kate. I know you’re not really mad at me. Right?” He sounded sure but

looked a little uncertain.

“I’m irritated. Or something.” Her hormones were doing aerobics on her…again.

That was the real problem.

“Don’t be irritated. Give me a smile, sexy-doodle.”

His endearment struck her silent for a moment. Then she laughed, unable to stop

herself. “Sexy-doodle?” She couldn’t help but love the silly name.

“Ah, there we go. That’s better. Now how about that movie later?”

The dimpled grin on his face was her undoing. He always used that special smile

on her and it always worked. Besides, she did like their movie nights. “Oh all right.”

She grabbed her basket. “What’s the video?”

Dracula’s Midnight Stalking. Here, let me.” He grabbed the basket from her and

tucked it under one arm.

Kate cringed. “Not another horror movie. They always give me nightmares, if I can

even sleep at all.”

“You can jump into my arms at any time. I’ll protect you. And I can put you to

sleep, sweetheart, if needed.” With a wide grin, Ryce waggled his eyebrows. “Just say

the word and I’ll wear your gorgeous body out.”

“With one of your military workouts? No thank you.” She’d seen his exercise

routine. Intense was an understatement.

“I wasn’t talking about that kind of workout.” He reached out and stroked her

cheek with the back of his hand.


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“Oh.” She cleared her throat, then laughed and playfully slapped his shoulder.

“You are so bad and a real nut.” Though she knew from the sudden change in his eyes

that he was not teasing. Not this time.

He leaned into her. “One of these days, Kate. That’s a promise.”

A sexual shiver traveled along her nerve endings but she tried to ignore it.

Unsuccessfully. He was always saying one of these days. She knew quite well what he

meant. A brief image of him fucking her from behind, up against one of the machines,

entered her head. So hot. Her whole body screamed out for him. But that’s as far as she

indulged herself with such possibilities.

She tossed a fabric softener tissue from the dryer into the trash. “All right, I’m

ready. Um, ready to leave. Let’s go.” She preceded him out the door.

His sexy chuckle warmed her from the inside out and did unspeakable sexual

things to her breasts and pussy. As if he’d physically touched her there. He enjoyed

throwing her off kilter and knew exactly how to get to her.

She definitely needed some real sex. With a real man. And soon. Or she’d end up

doing something she expected might rock her world. But also something she feared she

might live to regret.


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Chapter Two

Before coming to Ryce’s apartment, Kate had spruced herself up a bit and changed

into some lighter-weight clothes. After sunset, it still hadn’t cooled down any. Even the

light sweats she’d had on earlier were too hot. Must be the humidity.

She now sat beside Ryce on the carpet against the front of his sofa, enjoying the air

from a small fan he’d set up. For some reason he looked cool as a cucumber. Always

did. Maybe she was having hot flashes and going through the change. She only half

laughed at the grim thought. Ugh!

This had become such a Friday night ritual for them that she missed it whenever

they couldn’t get together. He’d rent a movie or two and make his special cheese and

extra butter popcorn. They’d sit and watch, talk until midnight or later, then he’d walk

her back to her apartment.

It was a nice way to unwind after a long week. At her primary job, she sat at a desk

in front of a computer all day. Then on her secondary job, on the weekends, she stood

on her feet at a plant store. This was one of the few opportunities she had for any real

fun and relaxation.

She often wondered why he almost always gave up his Friday nights just for a

movie with her—a friend. When he could be out on a date getting laid. But she had

never asked. Too skittish of the answer, she supposed, because deep down she did

suspect his motives. She wasn’t naïve, after all.

Her worry was that his motives came more from physical origins then emotional

ones. And that bothered her because she liked him so much as a person.

All right, maybe she wasn’t giving him enough credit. She knew he liked her. A lot.

They’d forged a good friendship in her eyes. She was just…cynical, or maybe extra


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cautious was a better description. She really wanted the emotional connection to remain

stronger between them than any physical connection.

She’d done the let’s-get-together-because-the-sex-is-hot relationship and that had

been a disaster. She wasn’t interested in a repeat experience. Nor was she really

interested in just having a good time sexually and then moving on. So, for now, she felt

best simply enjoying their time together as friends, instead of delving too deeply into

areas more comfortable left alone.

After a quick trip to the kitchen, Ryce plopped back down beside her. When he

popped the top of his can, the spray from his beer dotted her thigh.

“Ryce…” He was crowding her space tonight and had sprayed her on purpose. He

just as well could have held the can in the other direction.

“Oops, sorry.”

His tone indicated that he wasn’t one bit sorry. But then, with Ryce, it was hard to

tell sometimes. She’d learned his easygoing tone didn’t always mesh with what was

actually going on inside his head. Part of his cool on the outside, intense on the inside

persona. “How come you only do that when I’m wearing shorts?”

“Part of my master plan.” He not-so-casually rubbed her leg, moving his fingers

slightly beneath the leg of her shorts, until the moisture disappeared. “Gives me an

excuse to touch you.”

The low, sexy tone of his voice and the gentle touch of his hand caught her

attention. She squirmed. “What’s with you tonight? You know how I feel about…this.”

She scooted a bit to the side but he scooted too. She snorted at his move—a bad habit

she had developed, whenever she felt off kilter. At least he’d removed his hand.

Taking a large gulp of beer, Ryce frowned. “Yeah, I know.”

He didn’t usually sit this close, didn’t usually touch her so boldly. Not since she’d

told him she wasn’t looking for anything more than friendship. Still, his touch caused a

thrill to race through her. Hot sex alert, her mind warned. Dangerous territory ahead.


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He stretched his arm out on the couch behind her. His thumb grazed back and forth

against her shoulder. “Finish up the popcorn.”

Somehow it all seemed extra intimate tonight. Maybe the obligatory horror movie

sex scenes had made her more sensitive than usual. While a couple had humped like

rabbits on the screen, she’d felt the rise in sexual tension in the room. Neither she nor

Ryce had spoken until the two in the scene had gotten stabbed right before climaxing.

“A shame,” he’d said in a quiet voice.

She’d replied just as quietly. “Yeah.”

And that had been it. Both their minds had been fried at that point, she suspected.

She reached into the nearly empty bowl on his lap, making sure not to miss the

bowl, given its location. More melted butter and salt remained than popcorn but she

managed to fish out the last few pieces. She always finished the corn—another ritual.

Then they’d rinse the salt and butter off their fingers, wash the bowl and afterward he’d

walk her home. She enjoyed the comfortable routine.

Usually she ended up spending some intimate time with her dildo once she got

back to her apartment. Just to quiet her hormones down after being so close to him and

withstanding his looks and teasing, designed solely to drive her nuts, she was certain.

She often wondered if he jacked off after she left. Somehow, the sexy thought

always got her hotter. As did their flirting. She protested often, to herself and to him,

but Ryce had injected a considerable amount of much-needed excitement into her life.

As she ate the corn butter dripped down her fingers. She stuck them in her mouth

one by one to suck them clean. Yummy! And totally fattening but worth it. She’d spend

an extra hour on her treadmill to make up for the calories.

A deep growl drew her attention and she glanced up.

Ryce’s gaze was locked on her mouth. His completely carnal look was of an

intensity she hadn’t seen from him before. Her pulse leapt and she scooted away from


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him again, more afraid of her reaction than his as her pussy clenched uncomfortably.

For a moment her only thought was how good it would feel to have his cock fill her.

His hand gripped her shoulder, preventing her from going too far. “Stop pulling

away from me, Kate.” He set down his beer.

With that one move, that one commanding sentence, the tension in the air grew

thick. “I don’t know what you have in mind, Ryce, but—”

“Sure you do.” His look remained serious, sexy and completely sincere. “We’ve

been dancing around each other for months. Around this…and what we’re feeling.

Setting ourselves up for something neither of us would be able to resist, eventually.”

Okay, so she did know what he had on his mind. He hadn’t exactly said it straight

out in graphic terms but he didn’t need to. The desire lighting his eyes and his words,

however nicely couched, were unmistakable. She knew this point in time, this

crossroad, would eventually rear its head between them.

Now she had a decision to make, since she could tell he didn’t intend to let this go.

Not this time. The angel on her shoulder told her to get out and let him find someone

his own age. The devil on her other shoulder told her to go for it and let him fuck her

brains out.

If he had known her fantasy when she’d worn those panties he had snatched and

sniffed earlier… She would love to find out what he thought about being her imaginary

sexual boy toy. But she knew telling him would send them on a path she felt uncertain

about. “I really should leave, Ryce. I have to work tomorrow, you know.” Avoiding the

issue seemed the best bet. For now. She was good at avoidance.

“Yes I know. Call in sick. Live on the wild side. I know you want to. Besides, you

never take a day off. Even when you’re sick. You’re due.” Ryce leaned over and

nuzzled her neck. Slowly his lips moved over her flesh, up to her chin and cheek and

across to her mouth.


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Their lips brushed. Oh! His tongue grazed the seam of her lips and she opened for

him, allowing him inside. He tasted of butter and hot sex as his tongue explored her

mouth. His fingers played with the top button of her blouse until it popped open.

She grabbed his hand.

Breaking the kiss, he lifted his head. “What’s wrong, Kate?” His gaze locked with

hers. “Why do you keep fighting these feelings?”

Why? So many reasons. So much baggage. “We’re friends.”

“Yes, we are, which makes this perfect.” Again he leaned into her neck. “Mmm, you

smell great. Like vanilla.”

Her body lotion. The feel of his warm breath on her skin sent a shiver of delight

through her body. “We’re totally unsuited to becoming more than friends, Ryce.”

“Says who?” he murmured.

“My better judgment,” she whispered, barely audible. She sort of believed what her

mind had told her to say but her body was disagreeing vehemently with her. Her

nipples hardened and rubbed against her bra, aching for his touch.

Would it really be so bad to give in? If it turned into a disaster, they might still be

able to save their friendship. Maybe.

Ryce had decided that he’d waited long enough. She’d been driving him crazy for

too long and he’d needed to make a move, even if she pushed him away. “To hell with

better judgment, Kate.”


“I’ve seen the guys you’ve been out with.” She rarely dated but when she did and

he knew about it, he always waited up for her, unable to sleep until he knew she was

home safely and the date was gone. Living two doors down from her, he was able to

keep tabs when he wanted. She had to pass right by his apartment to get to hers.


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Silly, maybe. Not too creepy, hopefully. But he felt the need to protect her, to make

sure nobody harmed her again, as she’d been harmed in the past. And also to make

sure nobody stayed the night.

The longer a guy did stay, the more uncomfortable he felt. No one had ever spent

more than a few minutes though, that he’d noticed. And if one ever did stay the night?

He didn’t know what he’d do. Nothing, most likely. That was Kate’s business and her

decision. But he sure wouldn’t like it. He knew it would hurt like hell.

As it was, just thinking about her maybe having sex with other men made his

stomach ache. He’d never asked her about any of her dates, of course. And she’d never

asked him about his. He’d simply hoped for the best.

“So?” She cocked her head. “What about them?”

“They’re not for you.” He played with her open top button then moved down to the

second one, which was still closed. But he only fingered it, not wanting to move too fast.

“Old, balding, paunchy. You’re too hot for them.”

“They weren’t all like that. They—”

“You need a younger man, Kate. Someone who can take care of you sexually.” He

figured she was about ready to bring up the age issue so he decided to beat her to it and

put a positive spin on the situation. He knew they’d be so great together. Nothing but

the way they felt about each other should matter anyhow.

“Younger? Like you?”

“Yeah, like me.” He kissed her neck, letting his tongue lightly caress her. When she

trembled, his heart soared. “You need me. And I need you, Kate. And for more than just

sex. We’re good for each other.” More than even he’d realized until right this moment,

with her so close. Closer than they’d ever been. He couldn’t believe how incredibly

right this felt. “You know it.”

She made some sort of small sound. But that’s all.


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Still, he’d felt the tremble that shook her body and he knew she’d enjoyed their kiss

or she wouldn’t have given him her tongue. She was definitely affected by him, by his

nearness and hopefully also by his words. Even though she remained silent, keeping

any further thoughts to herself, he held out hope she’d finally admit to wanting him


Lately, he’d had his own dating difficulties. He seemed to be surrounded by mostly

twenty-something-year-old females whom he couldn’t identify with or get excited over.

Nice enough women but too young for his tastes.

Kate was different. He was ready for different, for a more substantial woman and a

longer-lasting relationship in his life. He just needed to convince her that she could trust

him with her body and with her heart. A seduction of her emotions as well as her flesh

was in order. “How about if we take this in stages, hmm?”


He moved away from her and into a nearby chair. This might work. One step at a

time. “Sit up on the couch. Lean against the arm with your legs stretched out. Get

comfy. We’ll…talk.”

She didn’t know where he was going with this but she breathed a little easier now

that he’d put a bit of distance between them. She felt too conflicted over what she

wanted to do and what she thought she should do. She hadn’t been prepared to make

such a decision tonight, right on the spot.

On a purely selfish level, she wanted him fiercely. But was that fair? To either of

them? They hadn’t really talked about what it would mean if they did get involved.

What the boundaries were, if any. And what happened to their friendship afterward.

Maybe that’s what he wanted to talk about now.

Or maybe he’d just decided not to push the issue. He might feel the same conflicts

as she. She went ahead and sat up on the couch as he’d asked her.


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Geez, when had relationships become so difficult? She forced out the tight breath

she’d been holding. They always were difficult, she supposed. She had just never felt so

much was at stake before.

“Spread your legs a little.”

“My legs?” Her stomach filled with butterflies. “Why?”

“Spread your legs, Kate.” His eyes held a sexy gleam and burned into hers almost


So, sex was still definitely on his mind. The look on his face showed that without a

doubt. She should have known. Whatever she did right now, she felt would set the tone

for the rest of their relationship. But somehow she couldn’t just walk away from him.

The hell with all her logic and trying to figure out what was best. For now, she

decided to do as he said. And as she wanted. To find out what exactly he had planned.

Besides, she knew he’d never do anything she absolutely didn’t want him to. She

spread her legs, her gaze remaining locked with his.

“Okay, now with your fingers rub your pussy.”


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Chapter Three

Kate’s heart stopped. “Ryce!” She had not expected him to say that.

“I want to watch you having sex. Masturbate for me, Kate.”

Her stopped heart restarted and hammered against her ribs, making it difficult to

breathe. “That’s, that’s—”

“Sexy? Decadent? Come on, sexy-doodle. What’s the harm?” He chuckled.

Sexy-doodle. Whenever he called her that, it warmed her heart. And she’d bet the big

lug knew it too. She’d never had a pet name before.

“I dare you,” he added in a low rumbling voice.

“Dare me? What are we? In high school?” Her nerves danced along her skin as his

gaze bored into hers. No one, not even her ex-husband, had ever asked her to


“No. We’re all grown up. Would you rather I do it for you?” He wiggled his fingers

and his mouth hitched up at the corner. “I’m really imaginative with my hands. I’m

sure I could make you feel quite good.”

That’s when it hit her. He knew she would protest. He expected her to refuse and

was just doing this as another tease. Probably. Possibly. Damn it. She snorted. She hated

feeling off kilter. She chewed at her bottom lip, releasing it when the grin on his face


Okay, fine. She’d made up her mind. At least about this particular tease. Two could

play at his game. It was about time she put Mr. Ryce Fielding into shock. She slid her

hand between her legs and through her shorts she rubbed herself.

Ryce’s eyes widened and his gaze snapped down, zeroing in on her hand. His

breath seemed to catch. His nostrils flared and one hand clenched into a fist.


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Inwardly, Kate smiled in triumph. He’d started this. Let him watch and let him

suffer. She had to admit that she loved turning him on like this.

“Harder,” he choked out.

She bent one leg up against the couch to give him a better view then rubbed her

pussy harder. Her own breathing became more rapid and she felt herself flush. Not

only was she turning him on but herself as well.

“That’s so hot. So sexy.” His gaze rose to lock with hers. “Make yourself come.”

She swallowed hard, wondering how far she should really take this. But then she

nodded. She dropped her other leg off the side of the couch, leaving herself wide open.

Even through her shorts and underwear, she knew she’d have no trouble climaxing.

Not with him watching. Her hand moved faster.

“Oh yeah.” He rubbed his crotch.

An explosion shot through her and she gasped. Her muscles tensed and she

squirmed under her hand. Yes! Oh yes! And then it was over. Just like that. Quick but

intense. She sagged against the cushions.

She wondered if he’d do the same for her now. She would love to watch him

masturbate. Even rubbing himself through his jeans, as he was doing now, was super

sexy. She almost came again just at the thought of him fisting his cock for her, watching

the intensity of his face as he came.

“Beautiful, Kate. So beautiful.” His eyes were locked on hers and his hands moved

to the arms of the chair.

Damn. She’d thought— Well, now what? She sat there, unsure of what to do next.

Unsure of what to say now that it was over. She really should demand he masturbate

for her. Turn about was fair play, right?

“The next move is yours, Kate.”

“Is it?” He’d said they would take this in stages. She wasn’t certain what that had

meant or what kind of timeline he had in his head for these mysterious stages. Perhaps


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by “move” he expected her to give him a sexual command now. If so, that was fine by

her. She had several in mind. But asking him what he meant was the simplest way to go

first. “What do you want, Ryce?”

“You know what I want. It’s what I’ve always wanted. What do you want, Kate?”

Her heart beat against her ribs, not fast now but hard. Time to flee or plunge right

into the fire, so to speak. “I want more,” she whispered, almost before she realized the

words were out of her mouth.

He sat very still, looking at her.

She heard the blood rushing through her ears. Felt her heartbeat increasing once

more in her chest. Her throat went dry while her pussy felt so wet that she wanted

nothing more than to strip off her clothes. Having said it aloud, she realized just how

strong her desire for him really was. How much it had been building over the months.

“Unbutton your blouse,” he instructed.

Yes. Not that she’d expected him to turn down her invite. With trembling fingers,

she started with the second button and slowly worked her way down. She fumbled a

couple of times before finally getting them all open.

“Take it off.”

Eager to comply, her sexual need for him too strong to deny any longer, she slipped

the garment off her shoulders. Satisfaction filled her when Ryce’s gaze locked on her

lace-covered breasts.

“Now take off the bra. Let me see those beautiful, full tits of yours.”

She arched an eyebrow at his choice of words.

“I know all this is exciting you, Kate. Words turn you on. And my actions have you

wet. I’ve seen the stuff you read in your apartment. I don’t want to be like every other

man. I want to be your fantasy.”

She gulped. Never had she expected anything like that from Ryce. She knew he was

sexy and caring. She just didn’t realize how deeply those traits actually went with him.


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Nor how well he knew her. She unhooked the front of her bra. When she saw him gulp,

she rubbed the lace over her nipples, teasing them both. Then she stripped the bra off

and, in a show of independence, tossed the garment right at him.

He caught it in one hand, while his eyes remained locked on her breasts. His

breathing seemed heavier and his expression never changed.

His intensity caught her off guard. She rarely saw him not smile for this long.

“Squeeze your breasts.”

She had to strain to hear him. “All right,” she answered in an equally low voice.

Her palms cupped her breasts and she squeezed lightly as he watched. She wondered

when he would spring. Somehow she doubted this night would end before his cock

found its way into her pussy.

Still, with Ryce, he might do nothing but watch, just to drive her totally insane. Or

he might make her beg him to finally fuck her. After all her protests, it would be just

Karma if she ended up being the one to seduce him into bed.

She wished she knew his plan. She could ask but she knew he’d never tell her that

much and give her the advantage. He liked being in control too well.

“Lick your fingers and then play with your nipples.”

His sexy voice sent a tingle down her spine. No man had ever given her sexual

orders before. She found it kinky and exciting. She raised her hands to her mouth and

licked her fingers, getting them wet and slippery. Then she plucked at her nipples. She

rolled and tugged the fleshy buds.

“Mmm. I bet they taste fantastic.”

She almost issued an invitation for him to find out but instead she waited,

wondering just how far he would take this before he couldn’t stay across the room any

longer. He couldn’t possibly just continue to sit there and watch, could he?

“Slip out of your shorts.”


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Hmm. Apparently he did intend to take this all the way. Well, fine with her. She

unsnapped her shorts then slowly lowered the zipper. She never took her eyes off his.

And he held her gaze the entire time too. Without a word she pushed the shorts off her

legs and dropped them to the carpet.

The cool air of the floor fan wafted across her skin. Still, she felt flushed. And more

sexually needy than ever. Despite her earlier doubts, there was something extremely

erotic about having a much younger man staring at her nearly naked body, wanting to

fuck her.

His gaze dipped down, then returned to meet hers. “Tiger undies? You like

animals, I see. I can be an animal. Savage. Insatiable.”

Oh fuck. She was going to come just from his words.

“Take off your panties and toss them to me.”

“Anything you want, Ryce,” she purred. She watched him shift uncomfortably. An

inch at a time, she slid the cotton undies off her legs.

“Oh yeah.”

Her pussy throbbed. She ached all over. If he didn’t touch her soon, she would have

to spring and strip him bare. Sink down over his cock until he filled her completely. Ah

yes. When his tongue grazed his bottom lip, she moaned. With shaky fingers, she threw

the panties in his direction.

He leaned forward and caught them in mid-air. “These I’m keeping.” His gaze

locked on her pussy. “Spread your legs wider. Pull your pussy lips open wide with

your fingers. Give me a really good look.”

Okay, he officially had her in a state of sexual pain. She was the one who shifted

uncomfortably now, before doing as he instructed. Her fingers touched her cunt and

she opened herself wide. She was so drenched and needed him like she’d never needed

any other man.


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“Mmm. Nice.” He unsnapped his jeans. The sound seemed so loud in the room.

Slowly he lowered the zipper. “Do you want my cock?”

“Yes,” she practically sobbed, waiting for him to take it out so she could finally see,

in the flesh, what she’d been fantasizing about. But he didn’t.

“I see how wet you are. Prove you want me. Fuck yourself with your fingers. Show

me how you like to be pleasured.”

She took in a quick, sharp breath. Every word from him surprised and excited her.

She shifted, pushing her pussy forward. With gradual movements, she ran one finger

over her clit then down to her wet pussy.

“Push it in.”

Without a word or thought of protest, she inserted her finger. Slowly. Making him

wait to see what he wanted.

Abruptly, he stood from the chair.

Her breath caught a moment. Was this it?

“I think you need more. Use two fingers, Kate.” His gaze never left her pussy as she

worked in a second finger.

“Yes. Like that. All the way. In and out. Faster. Fuck yourself faster. Make me crazy.

Make me want you more than anything else in my life.”

She was about to come. Especially since he kept moving closer, one slow step at a


Finally he knelt beside her. He leaned forward and his lips brushed hers. “Sexy,

but…let me show you how to finger-fuck a pussy properly,” he whispered. His hand

gently covered hers and he tugged her fingers out.

Oh! Her heart couldn’t take much more. One touch from him and she would come.

She knew it.

He leaned back and eyed her wet fingers. “Spread that cream over your nipples

while I do this to you.”


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“Ryce, I’m going to come as soon as you touch me.”

“No. Not until I say.” His fingers grazed her nipples.

She gasped.

“Get these beauties nice and wet. Play with them for me while I finger-fuck you.

Get rough if you have to. Do whatever you need to stop yourself from coming.” He

gave each nipple one long lick.

“Ah!” She was so stimulated that the pleasure was almost too much.

“Mmm…delicious. I’ll indulge myself later. They’re all yours.”

She spread the moisture on her fingers around her nipples then lightly pinched

them, trying to draw her attention away from her pussy. It worked. Mildly.

Until Ryce reached between her legs. One finger slid easily into her wet cunt.

She swallowed hard.

“Look at me, Kate.”

Their eyes locked. Before she knew it, a second finger slid up inside her. His were

much thicker and longer than her own. “Ah, Ryce!”


He fucked her slowly. Deeply. Never looking away. Torture of the best kind.


She swallowed hard and nodded.

“My cock will feel even better. I’m going to lick your clit now. Do not come.”

Was he kidding? No way could she hold out once his tongue touched her there.

His head lowered and his tongue grazed her bud of nerves.

“Oh!” She jerked.

Holding her hip down with his free hand, he raised his head. “Don’t come.” He

lowered his head and licked her clit, over and over, the tip flicking her flesh rapidly.


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She pinched her nipples hard. But the pain just excited her more. She sobbed in

need. She had to come. She had to! His tongue licked and swirled around her clit until

she thought she’d completely lose her mind. She whimpered and squirmed. Ryce’s

fingers fucked her so deeply now. She felt completely at his mercy. “Ryce, please.”

He raised his head. “Okay, when I suck your clit into my mouth you can come. But

hold out as long as you can before you do. The orgasm will be better that way.” He

watched her a moment as his fingers began fucking her harder, an intense look on his

face. Each hard thrust brought her closer to the edge.

“Ah!” This was it. Her body shook. She couldn’t hold out.

He lowered his head and sucked her clit into his mouth. With his lips, he drew

steadily on the fleshy bud.

Kate’s hands dropped from her breasts and fell to the cushions. Her nails dug into

the fabric. “I can’t…oh…I’m…oh, Ryce! Oh! Yes!” Her hips jerked and undulated


He hummed against her clit.

At the sensation, she came hard, the climax slamming through her. “Ah-ah!” She

half sobbed, half shrieked. “Ryce!”

His free hand slid from her hip to underneath her ass and he raised her tightly

against his mouth. He never stopped sucking or finger-fucking her.

If he didn’t stop the sexual assault on her body, she was going to pass out from the

sheer ecstasy of it all. Her whole body bowed. Just when she was convinced she

couldn’t take any more, she collapsed. Spent.

Ryce pulled his fingers out of her pussy and raised his head. He moved up and

sucked on one of her nipples for a long while. Even after coming so hard, she still felt

the pull all the way down to her clitoris. Then he eased up her body and his mouth

tenderly covered hers.


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She tasted herself on his lips. Her hands cupped his cheeks as she kissed him

deeply, their tongues mingling. When she pulled away, she sighed. “That was


He sucked her cum off his fingers. “An appetizer only.” He stood and peeled off his

shirt. Then his jeans and briefs followed, finally freeing his impressive cock. “Now the

real fun begins.”

Butterflies filled her stomach. A gorgeous younger man. And all hers. From the top

of his head to the tip of his huge cock, jutting toward her. From his broad chest to his

washboard abs. From his powerful thighs, to his firm ass, which she caught a glimpse of

as he turned to kick his clothes out of the way.

When he faced her again, she reached out and circled his thick, reddish shaft with

her hand. Her fingers didn’t even meet. Oh, how she needed his cock inside her!

Rarely had she come across a man with the complete package. Great body, great

personality and a more-than-great cock. A man who knew how to make a woman

scream in ecstasy.

Somehow, their age difference didn’t seem to matter so much anymore. Maybe

there was something to this younger man thing. Something good. If she’d just settle

down and enjoy it.

Her fingers moved along the veins of his shaft, drawing the wide head of his cock

closer…to her eagerly waiting mouth.

Ryce let her urge him closer. “Kate,” he barely choked out, afraid he’d lose it the

moment her luscious lips touched his dick. That would certainly destroy any younger

man appeal. He couldn’t let his control slip. He needed to show her he could give her

everything she needed, as often as she needed. His hands curled into fists.

She smiled up at him, her beautiful green eyes sparkling, as if knowing his struggle.

She leaned forward and lightly kissed the tip of his cock then licked the drops of clear

liquid there into her mouth.


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“Kate,” he said again, practically moaning her name this time. He wasn’t sure if

he’d survive this night. She was more woman that he’d ever known, in every respect.

He reached out and tangled one hand in her long brown hair. So soft and satiny.

Her lips slid over the head of his cock. Ah yeah. She sucked lightly. The fingers of

her free hand played gently with his balls. Fuck! His hold tightened in her hair. She

knew what she was doing.

Not wanting this to be over too quickly, he pulled her off him before he spewed

down her throat. He tilted her head up to look at him. “Get down on the carpet, Kate.

On your knees. I want to slide my cock inside your pussy,” he growled. “I need to really

fuck you.”

Without a word, only a smile on her face, she slid off the couch onto her knees and

presented her ass to him. She looked over her shoulder, glancing up at him, then

lowered her head to the carpet.

He almost swallowed his tongue. Talk about a sexual offering.

In an instant, he knelt behind her and caressed her firm, round cheeks. So gorgeous

and smooth. He reached underneath her, wanting to make sure she was wet. When he

touched her clit, she whimpered. So ready.

He positioned his cock at the entrance to her cunt. One slow, deep glide and he’d be

embedded inside her. Shit. No condom. Where the hell was his wallet? On the side

table. Yes!


“Wait for it, Kate.” He grabbed the wallet and fumbled for the condom he kept

handy, not wanting to get up and trek into the bathroom to search for one.

She raised up and looked over her shoulder. “What are you doing back there?”

“Trying not to be an ass.” After ripping open the packet and rolling on the

protection, he was once again ready.

“How about trying it in my ass.”


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His heart slammed against his ribs. “Are you serious or teasing me?” he choked


A sexy smile crossed her face. “Show me what you can do, Ryce.”

“That sounds like a challenge.” He stared into her eyes, his pulse racing. “One I’m

only too happy to accept.” When she said nothing more, his sexual hunger grew to

massive proportions. He lubricated his cock with the moisture from her pussy. He then

spread some of the moisture around and just inside her asshole, letting his finger tease

her. His cock was thick and he didn’t want to hurt her. His cock was also so hard he felt

almost savage in his need after her request.

“Too slow, Ryce,” she practically sobbed. “I need more than your finger in me.”

He heard the need in her voice and knew her desire matched his own. His hand

slapped hard against her ass.

She gasped.

“You’ll get all you can handle in a minute.” He smacked her ass again, enjoying the

sharp sound, her small gasps and her pinkening flesh. So sexy. He positioned his cock,

pressing the tip against her small hole. The sight made him crazy.

She wiggled against him. “Push it in.”

Ryce groaned. He pushed forward and the head of his cock pressed along her

opening, then slowly it disappeared inside her. “Fuck, you’re tight!” It had been a while

since he’d been in a woman’s ass. He loved the feeling.

“Ah…deeper. Go deeper.”

His fingers clenched the flesh of her cheeks as he pushed his shaft deeper. Her

muscles gripped him like a vise. He gritted his teeth. Pure ecstasy. He began to fuck her

slowly, pulling halfway out, then pushing deep again.

“Faster, Ryce!”


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He didn’t need any encouragement. Enough need and urgency filled him on its

own. His increased the pace. His flesh slapped against hers as he fucked her hard and


The only thoughts in his mind were of making her come and coming himself.

Everything else—every other sound but her moans, every other sight but his cock

pounding into her ass, faded around him. “Finger your clit, Kate.”

After a moment, he saw her reach back between her legs and vigorously rub herself.

He loved a woman not squeamish about touching her own body. “Yeah.”

“Oh, Ryce. Ah, ah, ah…”

Man, his balls were ready to explode! Not yet. He fought the urge to climax. “Come

on, sexy. Come hard for me!” He pistoned his cock into her ass, wilder for this woman

than he ever remembered being for any other.

Kate’s body suddenly tightened and her asshole contracted. “Ryce! Oh-ah!” Her

back and neck arched. “Yes! Ye-es!” Her voice pitched higher and higher as her body


Unable to hold back any longer, his own body exploded and he shouted at the

intensity of his climax. “Fuck yeah! Oh yeah!” Damn. Sex had never felt this good, this

fucking powerful. He held Kate tightly, keeping himself deeply embedded in her ass

until they both were breathless and utterly spent.


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Chapter Four

Kate lay on the carpet. Exhausted. Satisfied. Ryce had slipped out of her and

disappeared into the bathroom. She couldn’t move.

Her body felt like a wet noodle. She smiled. She was definitely in love with that

man and had been for quite some time. She stiffened. Love? Where had that come from?

No, no, no.

Snapped back to full awareness by that unexpected jolt of emotion, she scrambled

to her feet and grabbed her clothes. Too much to handle. She had to get out of there. At

least for now, before she made a fool of herself and blurted out something she


She dressed as fast as she could, minus her panties, which Ryce had stashed

somewhere. Just as she was slipping her shoes on, he came out of the bathroom with a

washcloth in his hand.

The contented smile faded from his face. “What’s going on? You’re leaving?”

She avoided his eyes. “I have to work tomorrow.”

“I thought you were taking the day off. Look at me.”

She barely made eye contact. “I never said I actually was.” She headed toward the

door. “I can walk myself home. I’ll see you later.”

“Kate, what’s wr—”

She closed the door behind her, not letting him finish. Leaning back against the

hard wood, she pushed a large breath out of her lungs and raked a hand through her


Trembling, she realized she was in way too deep with Ryce. He’d given her an

incredible night, even though she never got to feel his cock in her pussy. She was


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certain she would have if she’d stayed. Probably more than once, which would have

been unbelievably hot, she was certain. She glanced back at the door wondering… No.

She just couldn’t face him right now.

She pushed away from his apartment and headed toward her own, needing to clean

up and figure things out. Her emotions had totally freaked her out. Love? Even though

she’d known Ryce for quite a while, everything still seemed to be moving too quickly

for her.

Time and space, that’s what she needed. Some time and space alone. To think.

Ryce stood staring at the closed door. “What the hell was that?” He flung the warm,

moist washcloth he’d brought out for Kate back into the bathroom. It missed the sink,

slapped against the edge of the counter and slid down the cabinet to the floor.

He paced. One part of him demanded he storm after her and make her explain.

Another part encouraged him to give her some alone time.

“The sex was good,” he mumbled. “Hell, it was freakin’ great!” So he knew that

wasn’t the problem. It wasn’t about work either, as she’d said. He’d never believe that.

She wouldn’t even look him in the eye. He glanced down, realizing he was still

naked. He stopped pacing and stared toward the door. Could she have been


Nah, no way. She’d masturbated for him and then practically begged him to fuck

her in the ass. Not the actions of a woman easily embarrassed by sex. She’d even let him

spank her and fairly hard too. Though, she’d blushed when he found her panties in the

laundry room. He had no idea what that had been about now that he knew how sexual

she was.

Okay, so he was at a loss. Completely and utterly clueless.


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He stalked over to his briefs and pulled them on. Maybe it was a female thing.

Sometimes after the sexual need waned, a woman changed. Hell, a man too. And much

more often.

Though he’d been around the track a few times and no woman had ever walked out

on him like that. Run out on him like that. He grabbed his jeans and shirt and headed

into the bedroom.

The only thing he knew for certain was that this had been the best night of his life.

He wasn’t about to let Kate push him away now.

He plopped down on the bed. He’d give her tonight. “So get yourself together,

honey.” But that’s all he’d give her. Then he wanted answers.

* * * * *

Kate ran a brush through her hair. Morning had come way too soon. After running

out on Ryce last night, she hadn’t slept a wink. She’d been disappointed but also

relieved that he hadn’t come after her. Too many conflicting emotions plagued her that

she couldn’t seem to work through.

Today was going to be miserable. She checked her watch. She’d better get going or

she’d be late for work. Maybe she could get her mind off everything for a few hours at

least. She stuffed the brush into her purse and rushed toward the door. A knock

stopped her cold.


Still confused about her feelings, she really wasn’t ready to face him yet. Well,

actually, confused wasn’t quite right. She knew how she felt. She was just confused, or

maybe nervous was a better word, about admitting those feelings to him. Maybe if she

pretended she wasn’t home, he’d go away. She stood stock still, barely daring to


The knocking turned into pounding.


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Damn it. So much for avoidance. “All right, all right!” She certainly didn’t need the

neighbors to come running or the police to be called for a disturbance.

She yanked open the door. “Are you crazy—” Her voice died in her throat and her

chest clenched. Then her heart began to pound erratically against her ribs. The Bastard.

“Doug.” Her ex-husband. In the flesh.

With one brow cocked, he eyed her up and down. “Kathryn.” A grin tugged at his

lips. “You’re looking mighty fine, as always.”

Her mouth went dry. “What do you want? How did you find me?” she bit out. This

could not be good.

“You weren’t hard to track down. People became very helpful once I put on a

downtrodden face. You can’t hide from me, sweetheart. But don’t worry. I won’t stay

long. I just need to talk to you about floating me a loan.”

“A loan? Like hell!” She moved to slam the door. He had nerve!

“Hey!” His hand and foot stopped her. “You owe me.”

She couldn’t believe her ears as she stood there gaping at him. “I owe you?” she

finally managed to croak out, livid by his appearance and attitude. What an ass!

“You’re the one who had an affair. You’re the one who left me with a pile of bills. I

don’t even get alimony from you, you bastard. Now get the hell out!”

“You didn’t deserve any money. You totally overreacted to that affair. We could

have worked things out.”

“Worked what out? You moved and took everything with you. You served me with

divorce papers. I just took everything you dished out, like an idiot. Then stood there

empty-handed at the end of the day. Well, I’m not that person anymore, so cry your sad

story elsewhere and get the money from whoever you’re currently fucking, Doug.

Leave me alone.” She pushed at his chest.

He frowned but didn’t budge. “You’ve developed quite a mouth. And a spine.

Well, good for you.” His voice lowered. “I guess.” He grabbed her hand. “But just so


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you know. I’m not fucking anyone right now. Come on, Kathryn. I haven’t been able to

get you out of my mind. I made a mistake. We were always so hot together. How about

a fuck for old times?”

“How about you go fuck yourself?” a voice said from behind him.

As Doug turned, releasing her, Kate’s heart beat even harder. Ryce.

Doug’s eyes narrowed. “Move along. This isn’t your business, pal.”

“Oh I think it is.” Bumping Doug aside, Ryce brushed past him and strode over to

where she stood, staying just outside the door but in a position where Doug could no

longer get to her. “Are you all right, Kate?”

“Um…yes.” She nodded, actually grateful for his presence. Doug wasn’t generally a

violent person but he could get loud and pushy and she felt uncomfortable being alone

with him.

“Kate?” Doug questioned the nickname. He looked Ryce up and down then glanced

back and forth between the two of them. “Ah.” He chuckled. “So you’ve found a young

stud to service you, Kathryn. I should have known. You always did have a bit of whore

in you.” He took a step toward Ryce and lowered his voice. “Just a tip. She likes it up

the ass.”

She gasped at his words. Doug’s attitude had always been like a light switch with a

short. She never knew what to expect or when she’d get shocked by his acerbic tongue.

Before she could utter a coherent response, Ryce slugged him in the jaw.

Doug spun around and fell against the entry railing. He caught himself and

groaned. He stood there a moment, slightly slumped over, while he wiped the blood

from his lip. He didn’t try to throw a punch in retaliation.

Though tall and husky, Doug was never much of a fighter. He preferred to use

words rather than take physical action. Even so, he stood exceptionally silent this time.

On the other hand, Ryce looked ready to kill. A trained soldier. Determined to

protect her at any cost. She’d never seen that look on a man’s face before. Not for her.


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Doug turned away from them. “Fine. I’m outta here.”

Kate sagged in relief. She recognized the tone in his voice. Defeat. And given the

situation, she doubted he’d be returning anytime soon. She was glad things hadn’t

escalated to further violence.

“Don’t come back,” Ryce shouted after him, a hard-edged tone to his voice. He

entered her apartment and shut the door behind them. His hands slid down her arms.

“Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Yes I’m fine.” She gave him a quick hug then pulled out of his arms when he

moved to hold her. She headed toward a chair. “I need to sit.” Her knees were shaking.

She set down her purse then looked up at Ryce who stood next to her, a concerned

expression on his face. “How much did you hear?”

“Most of it.”

She nodded. “Thanks for your help.”

“Maybe you should think about moving someplace new, where he can’t find you or

bother you like that again.”

Her stomach churned. She saw the genuine caring in his eyes but she wondered if

he would even have suggested a move if she hadn’t run out on him? Of course, if she

hadn’t run out, she might have still been at his place when Doug arrived. “He found me

once. I’m sure he could find me again if he wanted. Besides, I don’t think he’ll be back

now that he knows he can’t get any money out of me.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm her still-erratic

heartbeat. She didn’t want to think about Doug anymore. That was her past. And

hopefully really past after their confrontation. She had more important things on her

mind right now. Things which could determine her future. “Um Ryce. About last


He crouched beside her and took her hand, interlacing their fingers. “Yeah, what

happened with that? It’s been driving me crazy trying to figure it out.”


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She decided to be completely honest with him. After the visit from Doug, she

realized just how different the two men were and how differently they treated her.

She’d been so silly. So stupid.


“I got scared,” she blurted.

“Scared.” A look of surprise crossed his face. “Of what?”

“Of my feelings. Of us. I was wrong. Wrong to leave like that.” She chewed at her

bottom lip a moment, then released it and rushed her words, “Ryce, I think I’m in love

with you.” Her eyes met his and she tried to calm herself and her voice. “Actually I

know I’m in love with you.”

His eyes widened and he jerked to his feet, releasing her hand.

Fear curled in her stomach. She’d said too much. Damn. She’d handled this

situation wrong from the beginning. And here she was, still screwing things up. But all

these feelings inside her were making her stressed, irritable and frankly nuts. If he ran,


Ryce felt like he couldn’t breathe. In a good way. Love. He’d wanted to hear that

declaration from her for so long. He reached down and grasped her hands. Gently, he

pulled her to her feet.

“Ryce, I—”

“Hush.” He knew this was a turning point for them. His gaze locked with hers and

he opened his heart. “I love you too, Kate. I have for a long time now. Last night just

solidified things for me.”

She looked at him with a stunned expression on her face.

Certainly that wasn’t a surprise. She had to already know how he felt. “I’ve never

kept my feelings a secret, Kate.”

“I know. But I thought it was mostly just—”


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“About sex?” When she nodded, one side of his mouth hitched. “I suppose I should

be insulted by that.” When she began to interrupt, he held up a hand. “I know you’ve

been dealing with the age thing and a lot of other issues that I’m now beginning to

understand better. And I won’t lie. At first, yes, I was definitely sexually attracted to

you before anything else—the lust-at-first-sight thing. But after I got to know you, my

feelings changed and grew into so much more. As I suspected yours did too, or hoped

for, even before your confession.”

“You’re too smart for your own good, you know.”

He chuckled. When a tear slid down her cheek, he wiped it away with his thumb. “I

hope that’s a tear of joy.”

Again she nodded. “I’m sorry I kept pulling away, Ryce. I was worried what other

people might think. I was worried that we wouldn’t really be compatible. I was even

worried about both of our abilities to commit, because I didn’t want just a fun time. I

wanted much more than that in my life. At the same time…” She shook her head. “No,

no more excuses. I’ve been making them for too long. Truly, I was just mostly afraid of

being hurt again.”

“I will never hurt you, Kate. That’s a promise.”

“I don’t know if that’s a promise anyone can actually make, Ryce. Nobody knows

the future. But I know you believe what you’re saying and intend it to be true to the

best of your ability. That’s good enough for me.”

He saw her struggle. And he understood it had nothing to do with him directly. But

had everything to do with herself and her ability to trust another man. “How about we

try to move slowly ahead from here? Take one step at a time and see where it leads us,

without any emotional walls erected. Will that work?”

Relief crossed her face. “That sounds really good to me.” She checked her watch.

“Oh, I’m way late for work.”

“Too bad.” He scooped her up into his arms.



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“You have a good excuse to call in sick.” He carried her into her bedroom. “You’ve

had too much of an emotional morning and can’t possibly keep your mind on work.”

Kate laughed. “I’m not sure that’s going to be a convincing enough reason for my

boss. I think I’d better lie instead.”

Good. She wasn’t protesting. She seemed so much more at ease now. All this must

have been weighing her down for some time. The visit from Doug was probably a good

thing, for it seemed to have changed her perspective on things. Cleared her mind. At

least in his way of thinking.

At the same time, he didn’t want her coming to him simply because she felt

vulnerable right now and have it only be because of that. Honestly, he didn’t think

that’s where her feelings came from. But only time would tell for sure.

From his end, he intended to do his best to make sure she never regretted her

feelings or admitting them to him. He really felt in his heart that they could have a great

future together.

After a long, leisurely kiss, he set her down on the bed then nodded toward the

phone. “You call in sick and say whatever you feel you need to. I’ll give you some

privacy. Then I’ll be back with something that will make you squeal in delight and feel

so much better.”

“Ooo.” She squirmed on the bed. “I can hardly wait.”


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Eight Months Later

His thick cock slid into her one inch at a time until his full length filled her pussy.

Kate sighed and every muscle of her body trembled. She wrapped her legs and arms

around Ryce, pushing her hips up against his.

Ryce moved, fucking her slowly, making each stroke deep and hard, just the way

she liked it. Turning her head, she watched his thrusts in the mirror next to the bed.

Watching him fuck her was incredibly sexy. His body was so toned, so perfect. His ass

and thighs firm and strong. She could hardly believe how much her life had changed—

their lives had changed.

She raked her fingernails down his back and he groaned. She’d gotten a promotion

at work and quit her second job. Now she was a lot happier and had more time to

spend with this man she loved so much. He made her feel like the most special woman

in the world.

Her tongue swiped at his earlobe, making him growl. They’d moved in together

and now they made love all the time. She couldn’t be happier. Or seem to get enough of

him. A younger man definitely came with sexual benefits.

As he began fucking her faster, her fingers clutched his upper arms. The ring on her

finger caught her eye and she smiled. They’d even gotten engaged. A dream come true.

She’d never believed she would find another love. But what she felt for Ryce was

stronger than any feelings she had ever known. The wedding wasn’t for six months and

she could hardly wait.

A flutter began around her clit. “Oh, Ryce!” He always gave her the most powerful

orgasms, as if he knew exactly where, when and how to touch her at every instant.



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Ryce pushed her arms above her head and stared into her eyes as he fucked her

faster. He liked eye contact and so did she. Something special passed between them

when they climaxed while looking at each other. Something so intense she often wept


His fingers tightened around her wrists and she knew he was close to coming. She

squeezed her thighs tighter around his body and met him thrust for thrust.

“Oh fuck! Yeah, Kate!” His pupils dilated and his body tensed. “Ah…ah!” he roared

as he came hard.

Her own body tensed and she arched beneath him as her climax hit. The ecstasy

filled every pore of her being. Only he had ever made her come so wildly. She

screeched his name.

After several intense moments, they both collapsed. Their labored breathing, along

with the ticking of a clock, was the only sound in the room.

Ryce rolled off her. He gathered her close against his chest, holding her tenderly. “I

got the loan pre-approval today,” he whispered in her ear.

“Really?” She turned in his arms. “We can start looking for a house?”

“Yep. Excited?”

“Totally.” Her mind raced a mile a minute. The apartment was too small for both of

them and all their stuff. They really wanted a house together. A home.

His arms tightened around her. “I’m excited too. I want a nice place that we can call

our own. Forever.”

“Forever.” That sounded like a fantasy come true. She snuggled against him and

her eyes fluttered closed. Tonight her dreams would be filled with this man and their

happy future together.

She now knew that their age difference played no part in their lives. The only thing

that mattered was what existed in their hearts. And that was love—true, strong and



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About the Author

Ruth D. Kerce got hooked on writing in the fifth grade when she won a short story

contest—a romance, of course. And she’s been writing romance ever since.

She writes several subgenres of romance—historical, contemporary, and futuristic.

Her books are available online in many internet bookstores. Her short stories and

articles are available on several websites. She has won or placed in writing contests and

hopes to continue to write exciting tales for years to come.

Ruth welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

Tell Us What You Think

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Also by Ruth D. Kerce

Adam 483: Man or Machine?

Diamond Studs anthology

One Naughty Winter Night

Sins of Adaven


Virgin Seeks Bad-Ass Boy

Wanton Surrender

Wanton Temptation

Xylon Warriors 1: Initiation

Xylon Warriors 2: His Carnal Need

Xylon Warriors 3: Flames of Arousal

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you




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