Oh Yum! 05 Eve Vaughn All Worked Up ( MWYM )

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


All Worked Up

ISBN 9781419916052
All Worked Up Copyright © 2008 Eve Vaughn

Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal
copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is
punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/)

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Eve Vaughn

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Eve Vaughn

Chapter One

“What you need, my friend, is to get laid.”

Landon lifted his head from the mountain of paperwork he’d been working on.

“Come again?”

Rippling laugher tore from Pete’s throat. “That’s exactly what you need to do. And

again and again.”

With an exasperated sigh, Landon pushed the membership forms aside, knowing

he wouldn’t get much done unless he got rid of his annoying best friend and business

partner. “Must you be so vulgar?”

Pete lifted a dark red brow. “And must you be such a stick in the mud? You’re

wound so goddamn tight these days, you’ve completely lost your sense of humor. Tell

me, does it hurt?”

“Does what hurt?”

“The stick up your ass.”

Landon grimaced, folding his arms across his chest. “Cute. And how long did it

take you to come up with that one?”

“I’m just saying, man, I’m worried about you. Business can’t be better. This is the

hottest place to work out in town and our other gyms are doing just as well, yet you’re

determined to run yourself into the ground with all this overtime. Don’t you think it’s

time to start enjoying the fruits of your labor?”

“You enjoy them enough for the both of us. How you stay out so late at night and

make it here on time the next morning is beyond me.”


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Pete shrugged. “I know how to balance my schedule. Besides, all work and no play

makes Landon a dull boy. I can’t fault your business sense, but you can’t make this your

life. It’s time for you to let go of the past. You no longer have anything to prove.”

Landon’s nostrils flared. Pete had crossed the line by bringing up the forbidden

subject. “I have a lot of work to do, as you can see. Plus one of the trainers called out

sick and I’ll be meeting with her client in the next twenty minutes. So if you don’t mind,

Dr. Phil, please spare me the psychoanalysis. I can do without it, thank you very much.”

Pete held up his hand in a defensive gesture. “Whoa! You know I meant no offense.

The only reason I’m bringing the subject up in the first place is because I care. No one is

more proud of your accomplishments than I am, but what’s the point of having the

trappings of wealth if you don’t enjoy it? Hell, you don’t even date.”

Gritting his teeth, Landon’s gaze slid away from Pete’s direct brown stare. “I date.”

“Hardly. Whatever happened to that hot piece of ass, Sharon? The redhead with the

body that wouldn’t quit? Hasn’t it been months? How you let her go is beyond me.”

“Perhaps I let her go because I’d rather talk about something other than shopping

and how her beauty is such a burden. She couldn’t walk past a mirror without having a

ten minute study. I’d rather be with someone a little less narcissistic.”

Pete rolled his eyes. “So she was a little vain. She had every right to be. That woman

was smokin’ and word is she’s easy.”

Landon massaged his temples, trying to stave off the coming headache. Lately he

had become dissatisfied with the dating scene. None of the women he met measured up

to his ideal. Maybe he was being too picky. He’d learned long ago that while outer

beauty was nice, the kind that came from within was much more valuable.

“I’m twenty-nine years old, well past the age of looking for an easy conquest. If and

when I do date again, it will be with a woman who has a little more substance. Look, I

appreciate your concern, but I’d rather not have this discussion right now. I have to

meet with my client shortly and I’d like to take care of these forms first.”


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Pete shook his head with apparent disapproval. “Fine, but if you keep it up you’ll

work yourself into an early grave.”

“That’s for me to worry about, don’t you think?”

“You’re a stubborn fool.” Obviously realizing he wouldn’t get anywhere, Pete

switched topics. “Which trainer called out?”

“Kristen. She’s out more than she’s here. I’ve already given her more warnings than

is fair to the other trainers. Besides, she spends more time flirting with her clients than

getting them into shape. I’m going to have to let her go.”

“Aww, have a heart. She’s paying her way through college.”

“That’s exactly why I’ve given her more chances than she deserves. We built Fit Co.

from nothing and I’ll be damned if I allow the reputation of this gym to be tarnished by

anyone. Quality service is guaranteed and I intend to see it provided.”

“Aye, aye, Captain.” Pete gave him a mock salute and clicked his heels together.

Landon was not amused. He exhaled when he was alone once again. Deep down he

realized Pete, his best friend since college, meant well by telling him to let go of the

past. But it was the past that drove him to become the success he was today. The

product of a broken home, he’d been raised by an alcoholic mother who’d told Landon

he’d never amount to anything.

Scrawny and malnourished, he’d been the target of bullies. Even though he’d

confided to Pete about his childhood, Landon was sure no one could fully appreciate

what he’d gone though—what it was like being told what a loser they were. He’d been

the invisible kid until one person taught him the meaning of self-worth. Landon often

wondered what had become of her.

Glancing at his sports watch, he realized it was time to meet his client—Kristen’s

client. When he walked down the stairs, he halted, catching sight of the woman

standing by the trainer’s station. She looked familiar.



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It couldn’t be. Get a hold of yourself. Youre imagining things. But the closer he got, the

more she reminded him of someone he knew. She was older of course, a little heavier,

but he’d recognize that profile anywhere. God knows he’d stared at it for countless

hours when she’d tutored him.

She turned in his direction and his heart stopped. It was Gloria Redmond, the cute

student teacher he’d had a crush on from the moment they’d met. Her smooth brown

skin glowed like rich mahogany. She had large dark eyes one could get lost in and a set

of lush unpainted lips he used to dream of kissing. She wore a red bandana on her

head, with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Landon allowed his gaze to slide over

the rest of Gloria.

Her body was encased in a black sweat suit which did nothing to hide her

voluptuous curves. She was just as gorgeous as he remembered. Landon’s pulse

quickened and cock stirred. Settle down, boy. The last he’d heard from her, she was

married with a child, and even if her status had changed, who was to say she was

attracted to white men?

“Gloria Redmond?”

She smiled hesitantly. “Sanders, actually. I must have put my maiden name on the

application in error. Are you my trainer?”

He could sense her disappointment. It was obvious she didn’t recognize him. “Will

that be a problem?”

“Well, I don’t mean to be rude, but I did request a woman. I would feel more

comfortable…” There was so much uncertainty in her voice. Her vulnerability was

evident and he wanted to take her in his arms and reassure her everything would be all


Landon gave her a wide smile to show her there were no hard feelings. “No offense

taken. I sincerely apologize your request can’t be accommodated at this time, but

unfortunately, the original trainer we’d put you with called out sick. If you’d like to


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reschedule with another female trainer, I’d be happy to set up an appointment for you

right now. However, I’d be more than happy to start you on your workout regimen.”

She suddenly seemed distressed, her eyes darting from left to right as if she was

looking for someone to rescue her. Her mouth moved, but no words came out. What

was it about him that made her so nervous?

He took a step closer, but when she took one back, Landon halted. “Are you okay?”

Gloria moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, forcing his gaze to follow the

movement. She obviously didn’t realize what that innocent little motion had done to his

equilibrium. It was strange how his attraction for her hadn’t changed after all this time,

yet she still seemed as uninterested in him as a man as she had when she’d tutored him.

“I’m not sure if that will be a good idea. Uh, do you work here all the time?”

He frowned, wondering why she asked. “Yes, I’m here every day. Actually, I’m co-

owner of Fit Co.”

Her eyes widened. “You own this place? Then why are you training?” Her voice

was barely above a whisper.

“Sometimes I fill in when needed, but I still have clients of my own. This may be

my gym, but it hasn’t prevented me from doing the favorite part of my job. I hope you

change your mind and let me help you,” he said softly, hoping to gain her trust. It was

funny, because he didn’t remember her being so nervous.

Landon desperately wanted her to say yes. The thought of spending time with

Gloria again was too impossible to resist. She shook her head, taking another step back.

“I don’t think so. I’m sure you know your job well, but…” Her eyelids dropped,

concealing her expressive eyes.

Acting on impulse, Landon took her hands in his. “Gloria, you’ve helped me so

much. Please, let me return the favor.”

She gasped.


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Mesmerized. That’s what Gloria was as she gazed into a pair of intense green eyes.

How had she possibly helped this hunk? And what a hunk he was! Standing at least

five inches over her own five-foot-ten inch frame, he possessed a lean, loose-limbed

muscular body most men spent years in the gym trying to attain.

His t-shirt did nothing to disguise his toned torso and showed off his sculpted

biceps to perfection. When he’d walked down the stairs, Gloria couldn’t help but notice

how it had pressed against his body, hinting at rock-hard abs.

Her mouth went dry. Men like him intimidated the hell out of her because they

only served to underline the inadequacies she felt in herself as a woman. The instant

attraction she felt toward this prime hunk of man could only lead to her

embarrassment, which was why she needed to get out of this gym and fast.

Gloria had requested a female trainer because she was self-conscious about working

out seriously for the first time in over thirteen years. She didn’t feel comfortable about

the prospect of working with a man. At least with a woman she wouldn’t be too terribly

embarrassed when her body jiggled during her workout.

Though she’d been pleasantly plump before her marriage, Gloria had stayed active.

Devoting her life to a man who didn’t give a damn about her took its toll on her mind

and body, however. Now at a size eighteen, she weighed more than she cared to. She

hated the way her ass moved long after she stopped walking or how many times she’d

been told what a pretty face she had.

People often told her she carried her weight well because of her height, but in her

mind it didn’t make a bit of difference. Now standing before this Adonis’ scrutiny, she

felt like an absolute blob.

“Gloria?” the hunk spoke again, his voice, smooth as velvet, snapping her out of her

silent musings.

When she attempted to yank her hands out of his, he held on to them tightly. What,

was he this desperate for business? “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.

How have I helped you? We’ve never met.”


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His smile widened. Even his teeth were perfect.

Stop it, Gloria, youre being ridiculous. Hes younger, white and probably likes his women

blonde and skinny. Three strikes.

“I’m wondering if I should be upset with you for not recognizing me.”

She gave him a long hard stare. If they had met, she would have remembered him.

But then she paused. There was something familiar about the twinkle in his dazzling


No. It couldn’t be. “Landon? Landon Barnes?”

He chuckled. “Yes. Fancy meeting you here. You look great.” Before she could

dispute the fact, he pulled her into his arms. His scent was raw and masculine. She

grew dizzy from his nearness. Gloria pressed her hands against his chest with the

intention of pushing him away, but the moment her palms touched hard contoured

muscles she couldn’t move to save her life.

Their eyes locked, sending a shiver of blatant awareness through her body. If she

didn’t know any better, Gloria would think he was interested by the way his green gaze

swept over her features as though committing them to memory. Realizing her hands

still rested on him, she pulled away, skittish laughter tearing from her throat.

“Wow, you look fabulous. And you’re the owner of this gym! I knew you’d be a

success one day.”

“It was because of you, I began to believe in myself. When everyone else had given

up on me, you pushed, nagged and cheered me on. I’ll never forget that.” The sincerity

in his voice touched her to the core.

“Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that.” Gloria remembered when she was

a student teacher in her senior year of college. It had been her desire to work with

remedial students because they were the ones in need of the most help. That was how

she’d met Landon. Her heart had gone out to the lanky, underweight fifteen year old

who’d acted out instead of paying attention in class.


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At first when she’d approached him with an offer to help, he’d been resistant, but

her stubbornness would not allow her to give up. Eventually she’d worn him down and

he’d agreed to meet with her for tutoring sessions. The lessons were frustrating at first

because Landon had been told he was stupid for so long he believed it. It wasn’t long,

however, when Gloria discovered just how bright he was. Through a series of tests she

realized he was dyslexic, the reason why he had trouble keeping up in class.

Once that mystery had been solved, the rest was easy. Landon soon became a

model student. He let go of his defeatist attitude and made the honor roll. After the

school year ended, Gloria received her Bachelor’s of Education. After that, her then-

fiancé Cordell got promoted to a job in Seattle. Gloria and Landon had kept in contact

through letters and email, but eventually, with her busy life and a child to take care of,

they lost touch.

Gloria smiled. “I’m glad to see you’ve done so well for yourself. It’s my

understanding there are a few more Fit Cos. in town. This one just happens to be within

walking distance from my apartment.”

“What brings you back to Philly?”

She tried to keep the grimace off her face, but couldn’t help it. “Divorce. My son

and I moved back here to be closer to my family.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Gloria didn’t know why, but he didn’t sound the least bit sorry. It had to be her

imagination. “It’s okay. My ex and I were actually separated for a couple years. It was

only a matter of time before we made things final.” How natural that sounded. Not long

ago, she would have fell to pieces at the very mention of it, but now the pain wasn’t as

unbearable as it had been. When Cordell left her for a younger, thinner woman, Gloria’s

already low self-esteem had been shattered. She’d tried to please him for the duration of

their marriage, but it never seemed to be enough.


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Had it not been for her son CJ, she’d still be in a state of depression. In retrospect,

she knew she was better off without Cordell in her life, but the scars were deep. He may

not have ever laid a hand on her, but the verbal abuse had been far worse.

“But still, I can imagine it wouldn’t have been easy for you.”

She blew out a deep breath. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”

He nodded enthusiastically. “That’s a great attitude to have. You’re just as I

remembered you.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “Hardly. I wouldn’t be here if I looked the same as I

did fourteen years ago. You’re very kind to say so, but you don’t have to flatter me.”

Landon opened his mouth and closed it, as if he were about to say something but

decided against it. He was probably going to agree with her. But why did that bother

her so much? It only firmed her resolve to reschedule her appointment. Gloria already

knew whichever trainer she worked with would need to weigh her and to determine

her body fat percentage. The thought of Landon seeing how much she actually weighed

was unsettling.

Sure there was a time when they’d forged a friendship, but that was when he was a

student and she a teacher. In that role she was confident and sure of herself. Here in

Landon’s territory she felt vulnerable. Besides, Landon hadn’t looked like this when he

was fifteen. He was way too sexy for her peace of mind.

“Well, uh, it was great seeing you again and I’m so happy for all your success, but I

think I should be going. I have quite a few papers to grade.”

He smiled, brushing his fingers over her arm. “Don’t you want to work out? I

mean, that is why you’re here, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but I think I’ll have to reschedule.”

“Why? I know you requested to work with a woman, but I promise—I’ll make this

a fun experience for you.”


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How could she get out of this without looking like an idiot? She couldn’t very well

tell him how attracted she was to him.

Life had a way of throwing curve balls. Why did the first man she’d found

attractive in such a long time have to be her former student? This had to be wrong on so

many levels. “I just don’t think it would be a good idea.”

The smile fell from his lips. “I see. Well, if that’s what you’d prefer, I’ll look through

the book and we can go over the availability of some of our female trainers.”

She’d hurt him in her attempt to shield herself. It hadn’t been her intention. Gloria

knew she was being stupid, but dammit, how in the world would she get through a

decent workout with him if her mind was full of carnal images? Perhaps if she thought

of him as the boy she once knew instead of the man he’d become, it just might work.

This was Landon, after all. Why not work out with him? Nothing would come of

this attraction she felt for him anyway. Besides, maybe this was simply an aberration on

her part.

Landon walked behind the desk and pulled out a large black binder. “I’m sure we

can find someone in here to suit your needs.” His voice was deadpan, all emotion gone.

Gloria bit her bottom lip. Should she say something?

“I think I may have found someone for you. Her name is Sally. She’s been with us

for a couple years and she’s really great with people. I have no doubt the two of you

will get along.”

“Landon, I…Well, maybe we can work out this one time. I’m here, aren’t I?” She

shifted her feet, trying to quell the nervousness building within the pit of her stomach.

He lifted one dark blond brow. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to do something

you’re uncomfortable with. Please don’t feel pressured into working out with me

because we know each other. The most important thing is ensuring you’ll be

comfortable with your trainer.”


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Landon was giving her an out and part of her said take it, but the other half

couldn’t walk away from him so easily. “I believe I’ll do just fine with you. I was being

silly. I’d love to begin my training.”

His smile returned, making beads of sweat pop out of her pores. Her pulse raced.

Sweet Lord above, that man was gorgeous.

“Great, I’ll be sure to make this an unforgettable experience.”

That’s exactly what she was afraid of.


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Chapter Two

“That’s it, Gloria. Just three more.” Landon clapped his hands, encouraging her

through the last set of inner thigh presses.

Gloria gritted her teeth from exertion, her hands clenched tightly on the grips as she

squeezed the workout equipment between her knees. “This is torture,” she groaned.

“I know your muscles probably feel like giving out, but this is when you have to

dig deep. Make these last three count. Come on. I’m not going to let you quit.”

“This is worse than Chinese water torture.” She pushed the apparatus together with

her thighs.

“That’s it! Make sure you breathe, though. Give me two more and no cheating.”

She shook her head. “Ugh, I can’t.”

“Can’t is not an acceptable word. Yes, you can.”

Gloria glared, giving him another rep. “You’re a monster.”

He grinned, admiring her spunk. “If that’s what you think, then I guess I’m doing

my job. Now on this last one, I want you to hold it for five seconds and really feel the


Her mouth fell open and she shot him an are-you-out-of-your-mind look. “I feel it


So do I, he wanted to say. Landon had trained dozens of clients on every single

piece of equipment in the gym, but nothing was more erotic than the sight of Gloria

squeezing her legs shut and then opening them wide again. Watching her exercise

made him sweat just as hard as her. Several times during the workout he’d found

excuses to touch her. Although at times it was necessary for him to do just that, Landon


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made more contact than he normally did with his clients. He couldn’t resist the

temptation of running his fingers along her soft brown skin.

They’d been working out for a month now and it was getting harder for him to

pretend his feelings were just that of a trainer to a customer. His lust for her grew

stronger every day. It didn’t help matters that she kept him at an emotional distance. He

racked his brain trying to think of a way to penetrate the wall she’d erected between


He’d have to make his move soon. Gloria consumed his thoughts. He longed to

caress each inch of her voluptuous frame and kiss her soft-looking lips until all she

could say was his name.

She grunted, finishing the last thigh press. “Whew! You’re sadistic.” She wiped the

sweat from her forehead with a laugh. “What did I do to deserve this?” The pretty pout

she now wore made his cock stir. More than anything, Landon wanted to take her into

his arms, capture that full bottom lip between his teeth and nibble and suck, making her

beg for mercy.

He didn’t realize he was staring until she waved her hand in his face. “Earth to


“Huh?” Heat surfaced in his face and he was sure it was bright red. “I’m sorry,

what did you say?”

“I said, when I go home, I’m going to need a long hot soak in my tub, with lots of

bubbles. My muscles will be screaming later on.”

Landon clenched his fists, willing his dick to stay down, but the thought of Gloria

naked in a bathtub covered in bubbles had his prick jumping to attention. He quickly

knelt, pretending to tie his shoe and hoping to God she hadn’t noticed his hard-on.

Sheesh, what was it about this woman that made him react this way? It was almost

as if he were in high school all over again. “That sounds relaxing,” he murmured,

finally finding his voice.

“Are you okay, Landon?”


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He took several deep breaths to make sure his body was under control before he

stood up. “I’m fine. Well, it looks like our hour is up. You did a great job tonight. I’m

really proud of how hard you’re working.”

She beamed, her dark eyes twinkling. “Thank you. Exercise isn’t my favorite

activity, but you make it fun. I doubt I’ll ever be a size two. Hell, I may not even get to

ten, but at least you’ve helped me start down the path of healthy living, and for that I’ll

be eternally grateful to you.”

“And that’s the key. A misconception many people have is that skinny equals

healthy. There are plenty of thin people with health issues due to lack of proper

nutrition and exercise. Body types are determined by genetics, it’s what we do with

them that counts.”

She smiled, lightly touching his arm. “You’re such a sweetheart. You have a way of

not making me feel like such a cow.”

He hated to hear Gloria talk about herself in such a derogatory way. Things he’d

gleaned from a few conversations they’d had over the past month indicated her ex-

husband was most likely the cause of her low self-esteem. If their paths were ever to

cross, Landon would like nothing more than to introduce Gloria’s ex to his fist. It was

true she was a plus-sized woman, but Gloria was gorgeous—inside and out. If only he

could make her see it too.

“You’re not a cow and I wish you’d stop saying things like that. I think you’re a

beautiful woman.” And a desirable one at that, he wanted to say, but didn’t think it

would be a good idea to say just yet. He’d have to be careful in declaring his intentions

to Gloria. Considering what she’d experienced in her marriage, she was like a

frightened deer when it came to relationships.

Her eyes widened and her lips parted. She was obviously taken aback by his

statement and it tore at his insides to know she wasn’t used to hearing this about

herself. “Landon—”


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“Just say thank-you, Gloria. I don’t give empty compliments and I don’t say things I

don’t mean.”

Her lips tilted into a wide grin, revealing deep dimples. ‘Thank you, Landon. That

means a lot, coming from a young, good-looking man. You make me wish I was ten

years younger.”

He raised a brow. “Why? You’re thirty-five and I’m twenty-nine. That’s not much

of an age difference.”

“It isn’t if our ages were reversed. No one would bat an eye for a younger woman

to be with an older man, but older women dating younger men are considered cradle


A smile tugged the corners of his lips. “You can rob this cradle any time you’d like,

Gloria.” Though he’d said the comment lightly, to put her at ease, he meant every word

of it. One of these days he was going to make her see just how much he wanted her.

For a moment, bewilderment entered her eyes and then she shook her head with a

laugh. “Landon, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you were hitting on me.” She

waved her hand in a dismissive gesture before collecting her towel and water bottle off

the floor.

He exhaled. This was the perfect opening to share his feelings with her. He wasn’t

blind to the way she sneaked peeks at him beneath her lashes or the way she’d stare at

his body a bit longer than was decent. Not that he minded, he enjoyed her looking at

him because it told Landon she was attracted to him too. He only hoped she wouldn’t

allow something as trivial as age or race to deter her from taking a chance on him. “And

what if I am—hitting on you, I mean? Would you be averse to my advances?”

She laughed—a rich, throaty sound.

Landon furrowed his brows together in his frustration. He’d braced himself for any

number of reactions, but laughter hadn’t been one of them. “What’s so funny? I wasn’t


Gloria halted in mid-guffaw. Both brows shot up. “You’re serious?”


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“As a heart attack.”

Her mouth formed a perfect “O”, and if there weren’t people working out around

them, he’d show her just how serious he was.


She didn’t get the chance to finish her statement because they were interrupted by a

high-pitched greeting. “Landon, sweetie!” Before he could prepare himself, a tall

redhead catapulted herself into his arms, nearly knocking him over. She kissed him

square on the lips.

Landon looked in Gloria’s direction to see her staring at something on the ground

as if it were the most fascinating things she’d ever seen. An uneasy expression crossed

her face. Damn. This wasn’t how he’d pictured things would go when he asked her out.

“Sharon. How are you?” Detangling himself from her strong hold, he tried to inject

as much formality into his voice as possible. Landon wanted there to be no doubt in

either woman’s mind exactly where he stood.

Sharon poked out her bottom lip into a pout. On Gloria it had looked sexy, but on

Sharon it reminded him of a petulant child. “You haven’t called in ages. I should be

very angry with you, but I’ll forgive you if you take me out to dinner tonight. Then you

can have dessert at my place.” She ran her tongue over glossy lips and gave him a wink.

He wanted no part of the dessert she had to offer.

“Uh, Landon, I think I should be heading out now. I’ll see you the same time on

Thursday?” Gloria’s gaze was already on the exit and she wasn’t about to get away

from him so easily, not when he’d finally built up the courage to tell her how he felt.

Landon walked over and took Gloria’s hand. “You can’t go yet. I’m not letting you

wiggle out of our date tonight.”

“Date!” Both women exclaimed at the same time. Gloria’s jaw dropped and Sharon

stared at Landon with utter disbelief.


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“Landon, is this your idea of a joke?” the redhead demanded. Sharon’s reaction

underlined one of the very reasons he’d lost interest. She had such a high opinion of

herself, it didn’t occur to her that everyone didn’t worship at the altar of Sharon.

He lifted his shoulder into a shrug of nonchalance. “I’m not laughing, so I guess


Sharon’s normally attractive face contorted into an ugly scowl as she surveyed

Gloria from head to toe. “Since when are you into fat black chicks?”

Landon considered himself an even-tempered guy, but nothing made him angrier

than unnecessary cruelty. He’d been on the receiving end of it too many times when he

was younger to tolerate it now. “Apologize to Gloria now!” He spoke through clenched

teeth. His fists were clenched tightly by his sides because he didn’t trust himself not to

throttle the bitch.

Sharon’s nostrils flared, her face turning bright red. “I’ll do no such thing. Just

because you’ve lowered your standards doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Flipping her red

locks over her shoulders, she lifted her chin defiantly. “And why should I apologize?

She is fat.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her exactly where to go, but Gloria placed her

hand on his shoulder. “Landon, it’s okay if she doesn’t want to apologize when it’s

plain to see she was never taught manners. People like her should be pitied.”

Sharon turned a deeper shade of red as she turned her angry blue gaze in Gloria’s

direction. “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, Fatty?”

Gloria’s hand tightened on Landon’s shoulder, holding him back. “I may be a fatty

but I’m the one Landon’s taking out tonight.”

Sharon’s mouth gaped open, giving her the appearance of a fish on a hook. She

obviously expected Gloria to back down—classic bully syndrome, but when she didn’t

get the expected reaction, Sharon hissed, “Bitch!” before turning to Landon. “When you

get tired of slumming, give me a call.”

Landon shook his head. “Don’t count on it.”


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Gloria could only stare while she watched the angry redhead storm off in a huff. As

upsetting as Sharon’s comments had been, it wasn’t the first time someone had called

her that.

“I’ll make her apologize to you,” Landon muttered, moving to follow the irate


Gloria grabbed his arm. “No. I don’t need an apology. Even if you could wrangle

one out from her, it wouldn’t be sincerely given, so what’s the point?”

“I don’t appreciate the way she spoke to you,” Landon growled. “It was rude and

uncalled for.”

“And I don’t appreciate you making a date I didn’t agree to.” When Landon lied

about them going out, Gloria had been shocked, but quickly got over it. She figured it

was just an excuse he’d used to get rid of Sharon, although as excuses went, it was a

pretty lame one. No one would believe someone who looked like Landon would be

interested in her. She’d didn’t contradict him in front of Sharon, however, to prevent

further embarrassment.

Landon had the good grace to blush. “I’m sorry, Gloria. I didn’t mean to spring it

on you like that. I pictured the first time I asked you out to be under better

circumstances, but—”

Gloria held up her hand. His heart was in the right place, but she wouldn’t allow

him to continue this charade. “Landon, please stop before you go any further. We both

know you were just using me as a convenient excuse not to go out with Sharon. You

don’t have to pretend any interest in me because someone tried to hurt my feelings.”

Landon folded his arms across his hard chest, his lips twisting briefly. “You might

think you know, but I don’t. I’m not easily pressured into doing something I don’t want

to. The reason I asked you out is because I’ve thought of nothing else since I saw you



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Was she dreaming? She had to be. Why else would he say this to her? Landon was

the epitome of all her wildest carnal urgings. Since they’d met up again, not a single

night had gone by when Gloria didn’t think of him. Or how she’d run her hands along

her body, pretending they were his. And then she’d close her eyes tight, sliding two

fingers inside her moist pussy while she groaned his name. To hear him voice her

fantasy come true sent her mind into a tailspin. If this was some kind of joke, she didn’t

like it one bit. “I don’t know what game you’re playing—”

“This is no game.” Landon took Gloria by the arm and led her through the gym.

When she attempted to pull away, his grip tightened.

“Where are you taking me?” she demanded.

“To my office.”

She braced her knees and dug her heels into the floor. It was one thing to work out

with him when there were other people around to prevent her from doing something

stupid, but it was a completely different story if she was alone with him. There was no

telling what crazy thing she’d blurt out to shame herself. “I’m not going anywhere with


Landon turned to her, green eyes glinting with determination. “You can either

come with me willingly or I’ll haul you over my shoulder and carry you there.”

A gasp tumbled from her lips. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“You’d be surprised what I dare, Gloria.”

“I-I’m too heavy.”

“Wanna put it to the test?” Judging from the intensity of his stare, Gloria had a

feeling he’d do exactly that. What would it look like with her big behind slung over his

shoulder? She shuddered at the thought.

“Fine,” she muttered, deciding to give in rather than be made a spectacle of. With a

deep sigh, she allowed him to lead her up the stairs.

Once inside, he closed the door behind them.


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Gloria wrapped her arms around her body and looked around the spacious room to

give herself something to do. Two chairs rested in front of a large metal desk in the

center of the office and a comfy looking black leather sofa was situated in the corner.

The walls were decorated with different motivational phrases. “Nice setup you have


A faint smile touched his lips. “I like it. Have a seat, Gloria.”

“No, thank you. I’d rather stand. And another thing, why did you tell your lady

friend we were going out tonight? It was a ridiculous thing to say and she saw right

through it. I, oomph—” Her words cut off when he pulled her against the hard wall of

his chest.

“What’s ridiculous is you fighting the attraction we both feel.” He dipped his head

and brushed her lips with his.

If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up, but still there were reasons why

this shouldn’t be happening. She placed her palms against his torso with the intention

of pushing him away, but the heated flesh and his throbbing heart beneath her

fingertips demanded her hands remain on his body.

When he nuzzled the side of her neck, Gloria couldn’t stop him if she wanted to. A

shiver worked its way up her spine and made her shoulders shake. A sudden wave of

heat flared in her pussy.

“Sweet,” he groaned. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you.”

Landon brought his lips down on hers again. This time the kiss was more urgent, more

desperate. Cupping her face between his palms, he ground his mouth against hers,

demanding a response. “Open your mouth to me, Gloria. I want to taste you so bad.

Don’t deny me what we both want.”

She parted her lips on a sigh, granting him the access he sought. Landon’s tongue

swooped between her lips, sampling the recesses of her mouth. It wasn’t merely a kiss,

but an awakening of her soul. No one had ever kissed her with such ardor and passion.

In that moment, she could almost believe Landon desired her every bit as much as he


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had in her fantasies. Not that it mattered. She was sure this had to be some kind of

aberration, but for now she intended to concentrate on how wonderfully male he tasted

and how his raw scent had her pulses racing. Growing lightheaded with desire, Gloria

tossed her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his silky blond locks.

She pressed her now-aching breasts against his torso. Her pussy tingled with need.

It had been so long since someone had made her feel desirable and wanted. She

didn’t want this moment between them to end. Since she’d begun training with

Landon, Gloria wondered what it would be like to be held within the circle of his large

corded arms, but not once did she think her silent longings would come to fruition.

Breaking the tight seal of their lips, she turned her head away to catch her breath.

“Landon,” she moaned.

“Need you,” he groaned. Not giving her a chance to speak, he pushed her against

the wall and leaned into her. The hard press of his erection against her thigh sent

ripples of sensation along her nerve endings. His mouth moved over hers as if he

couldn’t get enough of her taste. Landon lowered his hands, letting them trace the

outline of her spine until they reached her rear. He squeezed and kneaded her ample

bottom in his palms like a sculptor shaping clay. “Your body is so soft and warm,” he

whispered. “This is how I imagined you’d be.”

This time when their mouths met she was ready for him, her tongue tentatively

meeting his in a choreographed dance of passion and lust, moving in rhythm with their


She didn’t know why, but it finally dawned on Gloria what was happening. This

couldn’t go on. What would happen to them when this was all over? Would things be

so awkward between them she’d have to find another trainer, or another gym for that

matter? “Landon, this is wrong.” The words came out in short stilted bursts.

Passion-glazed green eyes narrowed to slits. “You’re kidding, right?” His tone was

full of disbelief, but one of them had to think rationally or the situation could get

further out of hand.


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Gloria pushed against his chest in an attempt to free herself, but Landon was as

immobile as a wall. “You’re my trainer. And this isn’t right.”

His nostrils flared and eyebrows flew together into an angry furrow. “What does

my being your trainer have to do with it? Nothing has ever felt so right and I think you

know it. Why else did you practically melt in my arms?”

She shook her head to refute his statement, though she knew it would do her no

good. “I-I don’t know what came over me.”

“I know what came over you. It was the same thing that came over me. See? Feel

what you do to me.” Landon took her trembling hand and placed it against his straining


“Oh God,” she groaned, unable to tear her eyes away from the outline of his dick.

Lord, it felt thick.

“Don’t you see? I ache for you. You want me too and I can prove it.” Before she

could protest Landon slipped nimble fingers inside the waistbands of her sweatpants

and panties. The questing hand didn’t stop until it rested on the tight nest of curls

between her thighs.

Gloria grabbed his wrist. “No.”

A smirk tilted the sexy curve of his lips. “Your mouth says no, but your body says

otherwise. The heat beneath my hand is scorching. So do you care to repeat what you

just said?”

Moisture pooled between her thighs and she thought she’d pass out with desire

right then and there. His words were like a sensual caress and Gloria had no defense

against them. She should have made him stop, but where this man was concerned her

will was weak. Gloria couldn’t speak had her life depended on it.

“Can’t say it, can you? I didn’t think so.” His hand roamed slowly across her

mound, his fingertips gliding against the outer folds of her pussy “Mmm, you’re not

shaved. I like that. It’s much more womanly.” His words sent another jolt of desire

racing through her body.


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Gloria licked suddenly dry lips. “Landon, we shouldn’t be doing this,” she sighed

as she wiggled closer to him.

“We shouldn’t?” His digits slipped between her moist folds and tunneled into her

sheath. “‘Then why is your pussy so wet? How am I able to slide my fingers into your

cunt so easily?” Landon eased two fingers inside her channel.

Gloria clutched his shoulders when her knees threatened to give out. She didn’t

know why it did, but his dirty talk was turning her on. Leaning against the wall, she

gasped her pleasure.

Landon finger-fucked her with deep, deliberate strokes. “Do you like that, Gloria?”

“Oh God, yes!” When his thumb grazed her clit, she thought she’d lose her mind.

“Landon!” she screamed. The pleasurable sensations caused by his touch were nearly

more than she could take. In his arms, she felt so alive and ready to be fucked.

Cordell’s idea of foreplay had been a few kisses and a couple of smacks on her rear.

Landon, on the other hand, was the kind of man who’d make sure his woman was

satisfied. Even before this, she sensed he would be. Just when Gloria thought she’d

burst, Landon removed his fingers.

Helplessly, she trembled as he smeared her juices across her bottom lip before

gliding his tongue along its dampness. Landon pulled back with a wide grin of

satisfaction on his face. “Delicious. Just like I knew you’d be.”

Too entranced to speak, Gloria waited with bated breath to see what he’d do next.

He palmed her breasts, rubbing and caressing them. “They’re so big. I want to see them

naked. Do you like it when I touch you like this?” He tweaked her nipples to life.

“Yes,” she croaked, still unable to believe this was happening to her. Any minute

now, she’d wake up and this would all be an erotic dream.

“See how good it could be between us? Do you realize I’ve had a crush on you since

I was fifteen?”

She shook her head, not trusting herself to speak.


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He grazed the side of her face with the back of his hand in a gentle caress. Landon’s

green gaze slid over the contours of her face as if he was studying a precious jewel. “I

never forgot you, Gloria. When we lost touch, I was devastated. I’ve dated a handful of

women over these past several years but for some reason I found something lacking in

them. When I saw you again after all this time, I finally figured out what the problem

was. Something much bigger than both of us brought us back together and I won’t

allow this opportunity to pass.”

His declaration was like a bucket of cold water in her face. Pulling out of Landon’s

grasp, she twisted away from him. “You mean to tell me this is all about some silly high

school crush?”

Landon clenched his jaw, his frustration apparent. “Silly? Maybe when I was a

teenager it was, but now I’m a man and it’s much more than that. When I saw you

again, all my old feelings came back tenfold. Years ago there was nothing I could do

about it because I was still young and you were engaged, but now there’s nothing

holding us back.”

She wanted to trust him, but how did she know Landon wasn’t using her to fulfill

some boyhood dream? What would happen once he had her? Would she be fucked and

forgotten? She didn’t think Landon was the kind of person to deliberately set out to

hurt anyone, but she’d already lived through one disastrous marriage where she’d put

her faith in one man. Gloria didn’t think she had the heart to risk her heart again and he

was the kind of man a woman could easily fall in love with. “Fantasies don’t always

live up to the reality, Landon.”

“No. Sometimes they can be even better. Why are you even arguing, when I know

you want me too?”

She threw her hands up in the air, huffing her exasperation. “Okay, so we’re

sexually attracted to each other. Big deal. Passion burns out just as fast as it comes.”

“Not if we don’t give it a chance to really ignite.”


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She could tell he wasn’t going to give up so easily and she had to come up with

something quick. “There’s a little thing about our age difference.”

He rolled his eyes. “Please don’t bring up the age thing again, Gloria. You’re only

six years older than me, not sixty. We’re in the same generation.”

“Okay, what about the color issue? What would your family and friends say?”

Landon lifted his palms, shrugging both shoulders. “What about them? It’s not up

to my friends who I choose to be with and the only family I have is my mother. I

stopped giving a damn about what she thought years ago.”

“I have a twelve- year-old son.”

“So? I like kids. Why are you looking for excuses not to go out with me?”

She lowered her lids, unable to meet his gaze. “I—Landon, you wouldn’t


He caught her chin between his fingers and tilted it until their gazes collided. ‘Then

make me.”

“I think the gratitude you felt toward me has manifested itself into these supposed

feelings you’re having. While I’m flattered you want to go out with me, I think you’ll

soon realize you and I aren’t meant to be.”

“Says you. Sure, I’m grateful you helped me turn my life around, but I’m grateful to

a lot of people, and I don’t want to be with them.”

“But what I’m trying to say is, I mean, we don’t fit.”

His expression grew stormy. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Are you blind? Just look at me! I’ve never been a thin woman, but now look at me.

You should be dating someone like Sharon.”

He snorted. “You’d condemn me to that fate?”

“Well, not personality-wise. I mean physically.”

“Gloria, would you stop it. For the last time, I think you’re a beautiful woman. You

have gorgeous eyes, a lovely smile, smooth, silky dark skin I can’t stop touching. And


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more important, you have a wonderful spirit. If that’s not beauty, I don’t know what is.

And if you can’t see it, then you’re the blind one. Gloria, have dinner with me tonight.

I’ll give you fair warning, though. If you turn me down, I’ll keep asking. What do you


Did she dare take a chance on him? There was a time when she’d been so in love

with her ex, but then he systematically tried to destroy her. Her heart told her Landon

was nothing like Cordell, but the uncertainty still remained “I…”

“Say yes.” His green gaze promised wicked delights to come.

In that moment, she couldn’t think of a single reason why she shouldn’t go out with

him. “Yes.”


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Chapter Three

Landon sat back in his chair, enjoying the way Gloria ate her food. It was refreshing

to take a woman out who didn’t pick at her meal as if consuming calories would kill

her. With every morsel Gloria slid between her luscious lips, Landon wanted nothing

more than anything to be her fork. He shifted in his chair, trying to ease the ache in his

throbbing dick.

She looked up from her tilapia, a half smile tilting her lips. “What?”

He smiled back. She was so lovely, but he knew she wouldn’t believe him if he told

her. If he had his way, he’d make sure she knew how precious he thought she was.


“Then why are you staring at me like that?” Her smile fell. “I don’t have any

spinach between my teeth, do I?”

A chuckle erupted from his throat. Gloria was adorable. “No. Your teeth are


“Then stop staring. Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare?”

“I can’t help it. I like watching you in motion.”

She placed her silverware back on the table with a laugh. “Then stop it. You’re

making me self-conscious.”

“That wasn’t my intention. I guess it’s hard to believe you’re here with me after all

this time. Did I tell how lovely you look tonight?”

She grinned. “Only a hundred times, and that’s rather nice of you, considering

we’re both still disheveled from our workout session.”

“You’d look good under any circumstance.”


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Gloria giggled, her mirth light and melodious. “If you keep those compliments up, I

just might have to keep you around.”

“That’s what I’m banking on. I don’t want this to be our last date.”

She hesitated for only a moment before her smile deepened. “I’d like to go out with

you again too.”

It did his heart good to hear her admit it. Soon he’d break down all barriers

between them. “Great, because I would love to take you to that jazz concert at the

Keswick this weekend. That is, if you won’t have a problem getting a babysitter.”

“I love jazz!” She bounced in her seat, making her breasts jiggle. Landon’s cock

jumped to attention. Shit. It was going to be a testament of his willpower if he was able

to get through this dinner without dragging her out to his car and fucking her senseless.

When he managed to drag his gaze off her chest, Landon noticed she was frowning.

“Huh?” Heat rushed to his face.

“Where were you just now? It looked like you zoned out on me.”

He wasn’t about to admit he couldn’t stop imagining what she’d look like naked

beneath him or if her nipples would be the color of luscious blackberries. “Umm, I’m

sorry. I was just thinking how lucky I am to be with you tonight.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere. A gal could get spoiled hanging around you too


“But you deserve being spoiled. So… Saturday night?”

“Yes. As I was saying before you starting looking at my breasts, my mother would

be happy to oblige staying with CJ. She thinks I should get out more.”

Landon groaned. “Ugh. So you noticed.”

She winked at him. “Well, you did make it kind of obvious, but I forgive you.”

He took a bite of his chicken. Landon couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed

a date as much. Gloria was a great conversationalist and even when they weren’t

speaking, the silences were the comfortable kind where talking wasn’t necessary. She


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was a fascinating woman and he wanted to know everything about her. “Tell me about

your son.”

Gloria’s face lit up. “CJ is a wonderful kid. He’s a straight-A student and he plays

the trumpet. I know most parents believe their children are angels, but he’s truly a

godsend. I guess my only complaint is all the stray animals he brings home to nurse. It’s

his aspiration to be a veterinarian. I worry about him, though.” She placed her elbows

on the table and rested her chin over clasped hands, a thoughtful look on her face.


“His father only calls once in a blue moon, and though CJ doesn’t say much, I think

it really bothers him.”

“That’s a shame.” Landon’s heart went out to Gloria’s son. He understood what it

was like to be abandoned by one’s father. His father had been in and out of his life the

first eight years of his life before he took off one day and never came back. “But CJ is

lucky to have you as a mother. I was a hungry kid, starving for affection—until you

came along and showed me I was someone special.”

She reached across the table and lightly touched his hand. It was the first time

Gloria had initiated contact with him and his body tightened from wanting her. “You

had it in you all along, Landon. I only gave you the extra push you needed, kind of how

you’re pushing me in our workouts. You have no idea how sore I was after our first

three sessions. I had to soak in my tub with Epsom salts. Poor CJ had to help me off the

couch on the first night because my muscles ached like you wouldn’t imagine.”

“I can imagine, although I live in hope that I’ll be able to make you ache in a

different way.” He wanted there to be no doubt in her mind exactly what he meant. It

was all well and good she was comfortable around him, but he didn’t want them to slip

into a friendship role.

Gloria gasped, breaking eye contact. “Landon, you shouldn’t say things like that.”

“Why not? It’s true. I’m not going to pretend I don’t want you in my bed. It’s been a

struggle getting through our workouts without thinking of how much I want you. I


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know you feel the same, otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten so wet for me. Now that I

have the taste of you, I want more.”

A scandalized expression crossed her face. “You are determined to make this

dinner uncomfortable for me, aren’t you?”

“No more so than you’re making me. My cock has been hard for the past half-


“You’re just saying that.”

“Am I?” He slid from his side of the booth and sat next to her.

“What are you doing?” she squeaked.

“Proving you wrong.”

The tablecloth was long enough to cover their laps. Landon took her hand and

placed it on his crotch. He rubbed it against his erection. “This is how you make me feel,


Unable to resist, he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers, dying to savor their

sweetness again. Landon was fully aware they were in a restaurant and there wasn’t

much he could do about his needs here, but he vowed he’d have her.

Landon pulled back, knowing if they continued he couldn’t be held accountable for

what happened next.

“This is happening so fast,” she whispered, even though her body trembled in

response to him.

“Is it? To me, it feels like this is a long time coming. We will make love.”

She licked her lips and nodded. “Yes. I want that too, but—”

He placed his index finger over her lips. “When?”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Why isn’t it?”

Her lids dropped and she clenched her hands together in her lap. “I may not be

good at it. Cordell said—”


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“Don’t ever bring up his name again. I’m not him. He may not have realized the

prize he had in you, but I do. When we kissed, no other woman made me feel the way

you do. I didn’t know what real desire was until you touched me.”

He put his hand on her thigh and moved it back and forth. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Do you mean you want to do it tonight?”

“No. I want our first time to be special. Tonight I just want to hold you.”

“I can’t stay out that late. My mom is at my apartment now with CJ. I told her I’d be

home before nine.”

“That gives us plenty of time.” He took out his wallet and threw some bills on the

table. Slipping out of the booth, he held his hand out to her. “Come with me, Gloria.”

She hesitated for the briefest of moments.

“Do you trust me?”

She nodded before placing her hand in his.

* * * * *

“What are we doing back here? I don’t think I can take another workout tonight,”

she groaned when Landon parked his car in the gym parking lot.

Landon chuckled. “That isn’t why I brought you back. I thought we’d have a little

privacy in my office. It’s not too far from your apartment complex, so you can be home

in plenty of time to relieve your mother of her babysitting duties. And there aren’t too

many patrons at this gym around this time of night, so we won’t be disturbed. I can

make us some coffee and we can talk some more.”

Somehow she didn’t think he had talking on his mind, but she wasn’t about to

argue the point. Maybe she was crazy to go along with him. She could be setting herself

up for disappointment and heartache, but being with Landon was like an addictive

drug. She simply couldn’t walk away. Perhaps later on she’d come to her senses, but for

now she’d enjoy what was happening between them.


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Once they were in his office again behind a locked door, Gloria took a seat on his


“Would you like something to drink? I have some juice in my mini-fridge or I could

make us a couple cups of coffee. Unfortunately, it’s the instant kind, but it’s not that


She shook her head. “None for me, thanks. The caffeine would probably keep me

up long past my bedtime.”

A smile split his face as he stalked toward her with slow graceful motions,

reminding her of a large jungle cat stalking its prey. “In that case, I think I’ll join you.”

He sat down, close enough that their thighs were pressing against each other.

Gloria resisted the urge to scoot away from him, but managed to remain in her seat.

This man had the power to wreck havoc to her equilibrium without trying.

Landon held his arms out to her. “Come here.”

She paused. Gloria pondered whether she should make things so easy for him. The

last impression she wanted to give him was that she was overeager. His muscular arms

and tight body looked so welcoming, but she didn’t wonder for long.

Leaning over, she snuggled against his warmth.

He dropped a kiss on top of her head. “Now see? Was that so bad?”

She shook her head, feeling a little at ease. What now. Did she give in to her carnal

cravings and throw her arms around him and beg Landon to fuck her?

“What are you thinking?”

Gloria blurted the first thing which popped into her head. “I’m glad I showered

right after the workout, otherwise there would have been a whole lot of funk happening

right now.”

Landon released a loud belly laugh, throwing his head back in his merriment.

“You’re adorable, do you know that?”


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When she realized how weird and out of place that comment sounded, she joined

his laugher. As icebreakers went, it could have been a whole lot worse. Gloria wiped a

tear from the corner of her eye with a giggle. “I have a bad habit of doing that. When

I’m nervous I always wind up saying something crazy. I remember when I had to teach

for the very first time, I was literally shaking. I remember going on an interview for my

first teaching position. The principal was very a nice lady, but she had a humongous

mole on the side of her face—you know, the kind with the hair sticking out of it?”


“Well, her name was Mrs. Coleman, but I called her Moleman, not once, but three

times. I was so mortified, I was sure I wouldn’t get the job, but fortunately she wasn’t

one to hold grudges.”

Landon chuckled. “I bet you were a great teacher. I certainly didn’t mind learning

when you tutored me.” His voice carried a wealth of meaning and heat surged through

her body. Awareness of his nearness had her heart beating a tattoo against her breast.

“Th-thank you.”

“Do I make you nervous, Gloria?”

She moistened suddenly dry lips. “Yes.”

Landon froze. “Do that again,” he whispered.


“Run your tongue across your lips again.”

She stared at him open-mouthed, wondering what his request could mean.

“Please,” he said gruffly.

Slowly she dragged the tip of her tongue around her lips as he requested. Landon’s

eyes followed the movement hungrily. “I didn’t want to come on too strong, but damn

if I can resist you.” With low growl, he covered her mouth with a passionate, seeking



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Gloria sighed beneath the forceful press of his lips. This time there was no hesitancy

on her part. She’d deal with the consequences of this night later, but for now all she

wanted to do was surrender to the unadulterated lust pulsing through her veins.

Normally she was level-headed and weighed her options before taking action, but

Gloria threw caution to the wind this time around.

Her pussy pulsated to life. She pressed her thighs together to temper the burning

heat. Good Lord, she was horny. She could think of nothing she’d rather do than be

here like this with this gorgeous man. Nothing else mattered. He wasn’t her former

student. She wasn’t his client. Gloria wasn’t older and Landon wasn’t younger. They

were simply a man and a woman coming together to share their mutual passion for one


Landon planted kisses along her jawline and neck and trailed his lips along her

pressure points. Cupping her breasts in his palms, he squeezed and rubbed them until

her nipples pushed painfully against the material of her bra.

Gloria believed she’d burst into flame right then and there. Raking her hands up

and down the length of his sinewy back, she reveled in his hardness. He was all man

and she could hardly believe this was happening.

“Oh God, Landon, what are you doing to me?” she moaned.

“Making you feel good, baby.”

He pushed her shoulders against the couch and slid between her thighs. Landon

raised her t-shirt to plant a kiss on her stomach.

Gloria stiffened. She wasn’t comfortable enough in her skin for him to see her

without clothes, but Landon seemed to have other ideas. “What are you doing?”

Landon’s green gaze locked with hers. “I think I’ll go crazy if I can’t taste you

properly. Please, Gloria. Let me.” His hands were already on the waistband of her

pants. “Help me. Lift up your hips.”

She nibbled her bottom lip in her uncertainty. Did she dare? What if he was

disgusted by what he saw?


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There was no way she could ignore his raw plea of desire. How was it he was able

to ease past her inhibitions? Maybe she was crazy to give in when her mind said no. But

on the other hand, her body screamed yes. She found herself raising her hips and

helping him pull down her pants.

Landon removed her shoes and yanked her pants completely off. Gloria felt naked

under his intense stare, and before she could cover herself again, Landon pushed her

thighs apart.

Her face burned with embarrassment of what he must be thinking of her, but the

bout of insecurities slowly melted away when he pushed the crotch of her panties aside

and brushed her damp slit with his fingertip. “You’re already wet,” he said, his voice

full of wonder. He raised his head again. “Do you know what I want to do you,


“Yes.” Was that her voice? The high-pitched squeak?

“Good, because I’m dying to find out if it tastes as good as it smells.” Gently parting

her wet folds, he dipped his head between her thighs and captured her clit between his

teeth, giving it a light nip.

Gloria’s breath caught in her throat. Sensations like she’d never experienced shot

through her core like a tidal wave. She clasped his shoulders and wiggled her hips,

silently urging him to do it again.

Landon captured her hot little nubbin between his lips and sucked it fully in his

mouth. He suckled, nibbled and whirled his tongue around it until Gloria thought she’d

expire with pleasure.

Just when she didn’t think she could take any more of his erotic ministrations,

Landon eased two fingers inside her channel, sliding them deep.

“Landon,” she gasped, her breath coming out in short bursts. “Oh my God.” Her

grip tightened on his shoulders. Gloria had thought what had happened earlier was

extraordinary, but this was earth-shattering.


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What made this so pleasurable for her was that he seemed to actually enjoy what he

was doing and was taking pleasure in getting her off. Whenever she managed to

convince her ex to perform oral sex, he acted as if it were a chore which made the entire

experience frustrating for Gloria. But with Landon it was different.

He seemed to relish it. In fact, Landon worked her pussy like a man who’d gone

hungry for far too long. Keeping his lips wrapped around her clit, he fingered her with

slow deliberate strokes, pushing Gloria to the edge of sanity.

She was so close to coming, her nails dug into his shoulders. Gloria bit into her

bottom lips so hard the coppery taste of blood filled her mouth, but she was beyond

caring. She couldn’t remember the last time when she’d felt this good or so alive.

Pulling his fingers out of her soakingwet sheath, Landon released her clit and

lapped her pussy up and down, sending her spiraling to a shattering climax. Gloria’s

thighs clasped over his head, holding him captive, but Landon didn’t seem to mind. He

continued to lick and lave her sensitive flesh, not seeming to be in a hurry to pull away.

A wave of trembles worked their way through her body, leaving Gloria limp, weak

and unable to believe what had just occurred between the two of them.

When Landon finally raised his head, he smiled at her. “How was that?”

“That was… Wow,” she sighed breathlessly. Gloria was tempted to pinch herself to

see if she’d awake from this dream, but didn’t dare.

He grinned, apparently pleased. “I’m glad.” Landon moved her panties back in

place and joined her on the couch. He pressed his lips against hers.

The taste of her still lingered on his lips and her pussy tingled all over again. If they

kept this up, there was no way she’d get out of here with her sanity intact. Gloria

turned her head away. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

“Neither can I. I promised myself I’d go slowly with you, but I couldn’t help

myself. You turn me on in ways no other woman has and I can’t keep my hands off of



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She lowered her lids. “If you keep saying that, I might start believing you.”

“I hope you do, because it’s true. Look at me.” He spoke softly, but the underlying

command was there nonetheless.

Gloria met his gaze.

“I’ve always pictured asking you out on a proper date before we went this far,

because it’s your right to be wooed properly.”

She burst out laughing. “Wooed?”

He raised a dark blond brow. “Yeah. Wooed. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Who still says that?”

Landon offered her a lopsided grin. “Yeah, I guess that word is a bit outdated, but

wooing aside—”

Gloria couldn’t stifle her snicker.

“Okay you, if you don’t behave, I’m going to bend you over my knee and paddle

that luscious backside of yours.”

Considering everything that had happened tonight, Gloria didn’t doubt it. “Okay,

I’ll be good.”

“Shame. I was actually looking forward to giving you a spanking.”

She gave him a playful push. “Be serious.”

“What I was trying to say is, you deserve to be wined and dined. Don’t get me

wrong, I want us to make love properly, but I want to do things right. I don’t want there

to be any doubt in your mind about the sincerity of my feelings for you. Tell me you

give us a chance.”

Did they even stand a chance? They were so different, yet when she was with

Landon it felt right. “I…”

He caught her hands in his. “Just say yes, Gloria.”



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Chapter Four

Gloria stared at herself in the full-length mirror. Since she’d started training with

Landon, she’d lost fifteen pounds. The weight was slowly coming off, but the loss of

inches was what counted. She couldn’t remember the last time she looked this good in

her blue halter dress. Maybe she’d never be a small woman, but Landon made her feel

beautiful. He never ceased to compliment her at any given opportunity.

Whenever she was with him, he treated her as if she was the only woman in the

world. They could be in a room surrounded by blondes clad in string bikinis and his

attention would be focused solely on her. She liked the way he found excuses to touch

and kiss her. Gloria didn’t know what she’d done to deserve someone like him, but

what they shared transcended age, race and other trivial issues.

Cordell’s harsh words of the past no longer haunted her. She’d learned in the past

couple months from dating Landon that she was worthy of love and no one could take

that away from her.

“You look pretty, Mom.” CJ walked into her bedroom and flopped on the bed.

Gloria beamed, running her hand over her outfit. She felt pretty. “Thank you,

honey. How does my hair look?” She patted her loose chignon, hoping it would hold


“It’s nice, but I like your hair down.”

“Hmm.” She removed the pins from her hair and let her tresses fall to her

shoulders. “You’re right, it does look better this way.”

“I bet your date will like it too.”

“I hope so.”

“You don’t need to worry, Mom. I still think you’re beautiful no matter what.”


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“Aww, thank you, baby.”

CJ was such a good boy. He made her proud to call him her son. Someday he

would make one young lady very lucky.

She turned back to the mirror to study her appearance again, making sure she

looked just right. It was important that everything be perfect tonight. Not only did she

plan on giving herself to Landon, but it would be the first time he’d meet CJ. Gloria had

not wanted to make the introductions until she was sure of the relationship. She took a

seat on the bed next to her son and stroked his head. “Are you sure you’ll be okay

tonight? I probably won’t get back until late.”

“Sure, I’ll be okay. Grandma will be here, although I’m old enough to stay by

myself,” he grumbled.

Gloria smiled, stroking his cheek. “I know, but it’s for my peace of mind. It’s not

that I don’t trust you. It’s the bad guys out there who worry me. You have my cell

number, just in case you need to reach me.”

“Mom, stop worrying. I’m not a baby.”

“You’ll always be my baby.” A brief silence fell between them. Gloria cleared her

throat before tackling the subject she wanted to discuss with him. He was aware she

was dating someone, but she hadn’t told her son everything about Landon. “CJ, before

you meet Landon, I think you should know something about him.”


“He’s a little younger than me.”

CJ frowned. “How much younger?”

“Six years.”

He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “That’s not so bad. He’s old enough to drink

alcohol, at least.”

She raised a brow. “And what would you know about that?”

“Aw, come on, Mom, I’m not stupid.”


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“No, you’re not.” She sighed with relief that he’d taken it so well, but would he be

so congenial about her other bit of news. “Honey, Landon is white.”

“I know.”

“You know? How?”

He rolled his eyes. “I saw him one night from the window when he dropped you

off. Didn’t you teach me it wasn’t the color of the skin, but the content of the character?”

“I sure did.”

“So why would I care about something like that? I want you to be happy, Mom, and

since you started dating Landon, you smile a lot more. You weren’t like that with Dad,

so he’s cool with me as long as he treats you right.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. Gloria knew her son was growing up and maturing fast,

but sometimes she didn’t realize how much. He was truly a blessing. “How did I end

up with such a wonderful son?”

“Dunno. Luck?”

Gloria laughed, wrapping her arms around CJ’s slender shoulders. “I’m very lucky

indeed.” She dropped a kiss on top of his head.

She pulled out of her embrace, his embarrassment evident. “Aww, Mom. You don’t

have to get so mushy.”

“Hey, I’m your mother and it’s my right to get as mushy with you any time I want.”

The doorbell rang.

“That must be your grandmother.” She stood and glanced at herself in the mirror

one last time before going to answer the door. “Hi, Mom.”

Gloria’s mother gave her a hug. “Hi, baby. You look fabulous.”

“Thanks. I haven’t been able to fit in this dress in ages.”

“It looks like your training is doing you a lot of good. Your father and I are thinking

of signing up for some sessions ourselves. But is it the training or the trainer? You’re

glowing.” Her mother winked at her.


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CJ rushed out of the bedroom. “Hi, Grandma. I learned a new piece on my trumpet.

Would you like to hear it?”

Lena Redmond smiled. “Of course. Just let me have a talk with your mom, first.

Why don’t you take my things to the guest bedroom?”

“Sure.” CJ picked up the suitcase and carried it out the room.

Lena turned to her daughter. “So, tonight I finally get to meet the elusive Landon.”

Gloria took a deep breath. “Yes.”

“Don’t be nervous, baby. I can see he’s done you a world of good. There’s a spring

in your step and a sparkle in your eyes. This Landon must really be something.”

“He is, Mom.” Gloria had already told her mother about the age and race thing and

she seemed to accept it, so when he came there’d be no surprises.

“Your father and I were talking and we’re both glad things are over between you

and Cordell. The only thing that boy cared about was himself.” She shook her head, her

lips tight with displeasure.

This was news to Gloria. Her parents had never been ones to hold back their

opinions about anything. She was surprised they’d never voiced any about Cordell. As

far as she could tell, they’d liked him. “You never said anything before.”

“How could I? You were in love, or at least you believed you were. If we would

have said anything, you might have stayed with him to prove us wrong. As much as it

hurt your father and I to see you go through what you did, we knew only you could

make the decision to leave.”

“I never realized.”

“Despite what you think, your father and I know when to keep our mouths shut

sometimes, although your father had his baseball bat ready if Cordell ever laid a hand

on you. Thank goodness he never did or your father would be in jail for murder. The

only good thing from your union is CJ. I’m glad he takes after you. I guess what I’m


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trying to tell you is, whether your Landon is black, white, blue or green, I’m happy for

you as long as you are.”

They hugged. “Thanks, Mom.”

The bell rang again, making Gloria jump. “That’s him.” Nerves shot through her.

This was it.

“Go ahead and answer the door.”

When she opened the door, her heart beat at a rapid pace. Dressed in black from

head to toe, with a stray lock of blond hair falling over his forehead, Landon looked

positively dishy. His green eyes lit up as they raked over her in appreciation.

He handed her one of the bouquets he held and gave Gloria a light kiss. “You look

fantastic, babe.”

“You don’t look so bad yourself. Come in and meet my mom and son.”

Landon entered her apartment and Gloria introduced the two.

“Landon, this is my mother, Lena Redmond. Mom, this is Landon Barnes.”

“I’m very pleased to meet you, Mrs. Redmond.” He handed her the second flower


“Please, call me Lena. Thank you for the flowers. It’s nice to finally meet you. Gloria

has told me so much about you.”

Landon grinned. “Good things, I hope.”

Lena smiled back. “Of course.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Gloria. “You didn’t tell

me what a good-looking young man he is.”

Gloria wanted the floor to swallow her up. Her mother had a way of making her

feel like a teenager all over again. “Mother!”

Lena waved her hand dismissively. “Well, he is.”

Landon seemed amused by the interchange. His grin widened. “Thank you. You

aren’t the only one Gloria’s been keeping things from. She never told how lovely you

are. You two could be sisters.”


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Lena giggled like a schoolgirl. “Gloria, if you don’t watch out, I’m going to steal

him away from you.”

Gloria rolled her eyes heavenward. “I think Dad would object.”

Landon took her mother’s hand and brought it to his lips. “I’m sorry, Lena. As

tempting as stealing you away from your husband sounds my heart already belongs to

your daughter.”

His answer seemed to please Lena. “Please take care of my little girl. She’s been

through so much and I won’t see her hurt again.”

Gloria groaned. She loved her mother to death, but sometimes she could be a little

over-protective. “Mom,” she said in a warning tone.

“It’s okay, Gloria. Lena, I would rather die than hurt your daughter. She means a lot

to me.”

Gloria caught movement from the corner of her eyes and saw her son enter the

room. “CJ, come and meet Landon.”

Her son’s expression was unreadable as he held out his hand to the older man.

“How do you do?”

Landon took the offered hand. “Very well, thanks. It’s nice to finally meet you. I

look forward to getting to know you. Are you a gamer?”

CJ nodded. “Yeah, but I like the sports games best.”

“I have just about every game system made and a bunch of sports cartridges. We

have to get together and play them sometime.”

The boy smiled. “I’d like that a lot. Thanks.”

Gloria knew Landon had made an instant friend by mentioning video games. She

turned to her mother. “Okay, Mom, I think we should be going. I should be back by


Lena smiled and winked. “It’s okay, baby. I’ll understand if you don’t come home

tonight, I’m staying over anyway.”


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“Mom!” Heat surfaced to her face. Gloria’s mother was old-fashioned in many

ways, but sometimes she was full of surprises.

“What did I say?” Lena batted her eye lashes in mock innocence.

“You know.” Gloria kissed CJ and her mother goodbye, tucked her arm in under


Once they were outside, Gloria felt the need to apologize for her mother. “I’m so

sorry about that. My mom can be a bit outspoken at time.”

Landon smiled. “Don’t worry about. I found her very charming. I like her a lot.”

“She seemed to like you too. So did CJ. I didn’t realize you played video games.”

“I haven’t really had a chance to play them in a while, but they help me unwind.”

Gloria giggled. “Men and their toys.”

Landon opened passenger door of his SUV and waited for her to get comfortable

before closing the door. “So are you ready for tonight?” he asked once he slid in next to


“Yes, considering you’ve been so secretive about it. Where are you taking me


“If I told you, it would no longer be a surprise.”

She slumped in the seat. “The suspense is killing me.”

“You won’t be disappointed. I made a promise I’d make this night enjoyable for

you and I have every intention of keeping it.”

Gloria intended it to be a special night all right. Since they began dating, the

furthest they’d gone was kissing and heavy petting, but it soon became obvious to them

both it wasn’t enough, not when they knew how it could be between the two of them.

That time in the gym told Gloria that sex with Landon would be out of this world.

A shiver ran up her spine as she thought of what it would be like between them. All

during class today, she hadn’t been able to think of anything except her date. She’d


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even forgotten to assign homework for the weekend, which she was sure her students

were grateful for.

A smile touched her lips. She’d waited this long, what was another twenty minutes

or so? “I guess I’m just looking forward to having this time alone with you.”

He reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. “Thank you.”

Their eyes locked and she knew everything would be okay.


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Chapter Five

“Landon, will I get to take this blindfold off anytime soon? You’re not going to take

me some place weird, are you?” Gloria asked, shifting in her seat.

Landon was amused by her impatience. He wanted their destination to be a

surprise. “You’re going to have to trust me. I promised you a night to remember.”

“But will it be a good or bad memory?”

“Good, if I have anything to do with it.”

“I can’t wait to get there.”

Landon brushed her bare arm with his knuckle, unable to help himself. From the

time Gloria had answered the door, he’d thought of nothing else but having her in his

arms. These past several weeks with her had been pure bliss. With her in his life,

Landon felt everything come together. Even Pete had commented on how happy

Landon was.

He looked forward to the end of work to be with Gloria. She was the first thought

in the morning and last at night. He loved her laugh, her smile, the cute way her nose

twitched when she talked and the way her hips swayed seductively from side to side

when she walked. He loved her.

What Landon felt for Gloria went way beyond anything he’d ever felt for any

woman. It transcended the crush he’d once had on her. He recognized in her the

woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Landon suspected, however, that

she still suffered from insecurities because of her failed marriage. Tonight, he planned

on letting her know how he felt.

“Here we are.” He brought the car to a halt and shut off the engine. “Don’t get out,

I’ll come around and get you. I have to run in and make sure everything is fine.”


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She tittered behind her hand. “You’re making this seem like some covert


“All will be revealed soon enough.” He raced into his house and flicked the lights

on. Before he’d picked her up, Landon had set up a picnic dinner surrounded by

candles in the middle of his living room floor. Busying himself to make everything

perfect, he slipped a smooth jazz CD into his stereo to heighten the mood. Everything

was just as he envisioned it. Now all he needed was his woman.

He ran back outside to collect Gloria. She fidgeted in her seat. “It’s about time,” she

said in a mock scold as he helped her out of the car.

“I’m sorry I took so long, I just wanted to make sure everything was just right, but

first, there’s one more thing I need to do.”

“What? Take this blindfold off?”

“No. This.” Landon pulled her into his arms and ran his tongue across the seam of

her petal soft lips before crushing them beneath his. He’d been dying to do that to her

since she’d answered her door, but couldn’t, not with her mother and son standing

around. She returned his kiss, twining her arms around his neck. He enjoyed the

softness of her body pressing into his hardness. Gloria was all woman—and he loved it.

He broke the kiss. “Mmm, if we don’t stop, I’ll have to take you right here on the


“You’re a big tease.”

“I don’t tease. That was merely a promise of what’s to come. Grab on to me.”

She hooked her arm through his and he led her into his house. Once inside, he

moved behind her and removed the blindfold. Gloria gasped, her awe evident. “Oh my.

Landon, this is so romantic.” He saw the suspicious sheen of tears in her eyes.

“Do you like it?”

“I love it. No one has ever done anything like this for me.” She turned around and

showered his face with kisses. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”


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“Whoa,” he laughed. “If I’d known I’d get this reaction, I would have done it much


“You’re sneaky. When you said dinner and dancing, I certainly didn’t expect this.”

“Speaking of dancing, can I have this one, my lady?” He bowed over her hand.

“Right here?”

“I can’t think of a better place.”

She curtseyed. “Thank you, kind sir, I’d be honored.”

As they came together, their bodies swayed to the dulcet sounds of the music. The

heady scent of her perfume filled his nostrils and titillated his senses. It was difficult to

hold her so close while fighting the urge to drag her to the ground and fuck her

senseless. Landon buried his face against her neck.

His hands roamed over her naked back. “This dress is sexy. I’m glad you wore it for

me. I’m going to enjoy it even more when I take it off.”

“Hmm, you sound very sure of yourself.”

He brought his mouth against her ear. “I have to be. I don’t think I can go another

day without you in my bed, my dick sliding into your hot wet cunt, making you scream

my name.”

Gloria shivered. “Are you trying to seduce me?”

Landon shook his head. “The way you look tonight, I’d say it was the other way

around. You have no idea what you do to me.”

She ran a manicured finger down the center of his chest with a smile. “Maybe I do,

a little.”

His cock stiffened and he rubbed it against the junction of her thighs. She felt so

good in his arms—so right. It seemed like he’d waited for this moment all his life. There

was nothing he wanted more than to take her upstairs and finally become one with her,

but he didn’t want her to feel rushed.

“Maybe we should have dinner now,” he suggested with reluctance.


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She shook her head. “The only thing I’m hungry for—is you. Landon, I think what

you’ve done tonight is very romantic, but I wouldn’t be able to eat one bite if all I can

think about is making love with you.”

Landon gave her no chance to change her mind. In one swift movement, he scooped

her up into his arms. She yelped. “Landon! Put me down! I’m too heavy. You’ll never

make it up the stairs carrying me.”

Though she wasn’t a lightweight, his need for her was so great it didn’t matter. His

focus was on the warmth of her body pressed deliciously against his. “Wrap your arms

around my neck and don’t let go, because I’m not putting you down.”

She giggled. “So, I guess I’m the Scarlett to your Rhett.”

“Something like that.”

Gloria rested her head on his shoulder as he made his way up the stairs and into his

bedroom. He didn’t stop until he reached the bed, and gently placed her in the center.

“Wow! Talk about romantic.”

He grinned, unbuttoning his shirt. “This night ain’t over yet, baby.”

Landon slowly undressed under her watchful eye. He loved the way her dark eyes

blazed with lust with each inch of skin he revealed. She looked so beautiful lying there,

sexy and welcoming. How had he gone this long without making love to her?

On the verge of removing his boxers, she held up her hand, halting his progress. “Is

anything the matter?”

“No. Not at all. Actually, everything is perfect. There’s something I wanted to tell

you before we did this.” Her tone had gone serious all of sudden.

“You can tell me anything.”

“I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” She patted the bed,

beckoning him close. Her words sent a searing joy through his being. Landon attempted

to take her in his arms, but she held up her hand.

“Wait. Let me finish, because if you touch me, I’ll lose all train of thought.”


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“It’s hard not to touch you when you look so damn sexy.”

“Please. I’m being serious.”

He stole a quick kiss. “So am I.”

Gloria sighed. “Sometimes it’s hard for me to express how I feel and before we do

this, I want you to know exactly where I stand.”

Landon took her hand and grazed her knuckles with his lips. “Of course. I’m all

ears.” God, she was beautiful.

“I’m sure you already know, but my marriage wasn’t a happy one. My ex

constantly put me down and made me feel like an inferior human being. Even when he

cheated on me, Cordell made it seem like I was to blame. I began to believe it. When he

left me, I didn’t think someone like me would ever know what it’s like to truly be


“Gloria, you are wonderful. Cordell was a fool. You weren’t at fault, he was.”

Landon hoped he’d never cross paths with Gloria’s ex-husband, because there was no

telling what he’d do.

Gloria stroked his thigh absently. ‘“I know that now and I have you to thank for it.

You showed me I was worthy of love. I found my sense of self again. I can walk with

my head up and not be afraid of what people think of me. You also taught me how to

love again.”

His breath caught in his throat. Was she telling him what he’d been longing to


“Gloria?” He left the obvious question unspoken.

“I love you, Landon. I think I have for a long time.”

There was no holding back now. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his

face against her neck, his emotions taking over. “I love you too, Gloria. So much.” There

were no words adequate enough to describe the feelings flowing through him. He had

to have her now. Landon pushed her onto the bed and covered her body with his.


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He rubbed his swollen erection against her and lifted his head just enough to see

the desire in her dark eyes. “I love you,” he whispered again. He could tell her a million

times and it wouldn’t be enough.

“And I, you. Now give me less talking and more loving,” she laughed, drawing his

head toward hers. Her soft skin pressed against his, sent a spiraling sensation of delight

to his very core. Their tongues met, dancing, twining and circling the other. Gloria

moaned into his mouth, signaling her arousal.

His cock was so hard it ached. If he didn’t have her soon, he’d lose his mind.

Breaking the kiss, Landon stared at her kiss-swollen lips. He’d never seen a lovelier

sight. His hands immediately went to the dress.

“Landon, I’m so hot,” she moaned.

“So am I and it’s about to get hotter.” He slid her dress down, revealing her braless


Gloria tensed.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart.”

“Force of habit, I guess. I know you don’t mind, but I’m still a bit self-conscious.

This is the first time you’ve seen me like this.”

“And I’m not a bit disappointed.” Landon’s heart swelled with the tremendous love

he felt for this gorgeous woman. “Sweetheart, you turn me on like no other woman has.

Let me show you.” He placed his lips where her shoulder and neck connected. “Your

skin is so silky,” he murmured.

“Oh Landon,” she sighed, running her fingers down his back. He loved the way her

hands felt on his body. Moving lower, Landon stopped when he was eye-level with her

breasts. Her large mounds were crowned with blackberry colored nipples. His mouth

watered at the sight. Landon cupped them in his palms, dipped his head and teased one

budding peak to stiffness.


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All Worked Up

Gloria arched her back, her hands roaming his back in frenzied motions. “Landon!

Oh God.” Her soft moans made him harder than ever.

He sucked the taut tip into his mouth, tweaking her other nipple between his finger

and thumb. “Your body is so responsive. I like that.” Landon turned his attention to her

other breast, licking and laving it until she cried out. There was no inch he intended to

leave unexplored tonight, but at this moment he wanted some pussy!


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Chapter Six

Gloria couldn’t remember a time when she’d experienced such mind-numbing

bliss. The things Landon did to her had her body burning with a fire so hot, it

threatened to consume them both. Knowing she had his love only made the moment

that much sweeter.

Who would have thought the kid who’d once been deemed unlovable would be the

one who showed her exactly what love was. Before Landon, her emotions had been in a

deep freeze and he’d thawed them. With every touch of his lips and caress of his hands,

Gloria found herself a little closer to heaven. She ran her fingers along any part of his

sinewy frame she could touch. The contrast of her dark hands on his pale skin created

an erotic contrast. She never knew something so simple could be such a turn-on.

Landon moved lower still, pulling her dress down her hips and then completely off.

In the past, Gloria would have been self-conscious about her body, but not with

Landon. The look of lust and love in his eyes left no doubt in her mind how he felt

about her. To him, she was beautiful, and what’s more, she believed him.

Gloria shivered with anticipation when he removed her panties. Eager to feel his

mouth on her pussy, she parted her legs.

Landon chuckled. “Ready for it, aren’t you?”

“Oh yeah.”

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Far be it for me to disappoint the lady.” He

separated her slick folds and touched her clit. Gloria bucked her hips, craving more. A

sensation of molten-hot passion burned through her like a raging inferno. “Landon,

please,” she begged, not wanting this moment to ever end.

“Do you like this?” His breath against her hot sex sent another shiver quavering

through her body. “I love it. Don’t stop.”


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“Not on your life.” Easing two fingers inside her wet pussy, he captured her clit

between his teeth, nibbling on the highly sensitized bud.

Gloria thought she’d lose her mind. “Landon, Landon, Landon,” she chanted,

writhing beneath the ministrations of his mouth. Her temperature rose with each

passing second until she felt like she’d incinerate.

Landon worked his fingers in and out of her pussy with slow, deliberate strokes.

“Scream for me, Gloria. Let me know how much you like this.”

“Oh my God! I love it! I want more!” she screamed, mashing her pussy against his

face, a savage need to be claimed taking over.

Landon fucked her for what seemed liked ages before he finally removed his

fingers and lifted his head to gauge her reaction. By the look he gave her, she knew he

wasn’t finished with her yet. Spreading her wider, Landon licked her with long broad

strokes, leaving no part of her pussy untouched. His tongue ran from her clit to the

crack of her ass. “Landon, I’m going to come,” she groaned, uncontrollable trembles

starting to take over.

Her climax was explosive, but Landon continued to lick her like a starving man.

Her passion burned for him like nothing she’d experienced before. Gloria dug her nails

into his skin hard enough to break flesh. But he didn’t seem to mind. “Landon, fuck me

now!” She needed to be one with him. Gloria wanted their joining more than anything.

After a few more licks, he finally lifted his head with a wide grin on his face. “I

thought you’d never ask.” In hurried movements, he removed his boxers. His length

was average, but Lord, he was thick. As Landon settled between her thighs, she reached

out and touched it, running her fingers along the stiff rod.

Landon shivered, capturing her hand in his. “Any more of that and I won’t be held

accountable for what happens next.”

Gloria yanked her hand from his grasp, ignoring his edict. She circled his cock in

her fist and gently tugged.

A groan tore from his throat. “Gloria.”


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She caressed the velvet smooth tip, fascinated by the beauty of his shaft. Her hand

slid lower to cup his balls before giving them a light squeeze.

Landon caught her hand. “I need you, now!” he growled, taking her hands in one

of his and guiding his throbbing member between her wet pussy. He pushed forward,

easily sliding into her channel.

The sensation of being deliciously stretched was like nothing else. “Oh Landon, I

love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Their lips met and he began to move. He entwined their fingers

together. Gloria wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting every bit of him. Nothing

could compare to making love with Landon and experiencing such total ecstasy.

Their sweat-slicked bodies glided together, their hearts pressed against the other.

Gloria could barely contain herself as Landon slid in and out of her with strong steady

movements. His intense green gaze sent a quiver up her spine.

Gloria had thought she’d made love before, but she was wrong. It had never felt

quite like this. With Landon, her heart, mind, body and soul were involved and nothing

felt more right. She clenched her pussy muscles around his cock, squeezing him deeper

inside her hot hungry channel.

“Gloria, if you keep that up, I won’t be able to hold out for much longer.”

“Then don’t. Let it happen, Landon,” she urged, lifting her hips, meeting him thrust

for thrust. Landon let go of her and placed his hands on either side of her head, his arms

holding him braced.

Landon pushed harder and faster with frenzied motions. “Gloria!” he yelled,

ramming inside her. She accepted his savagery, reveling in the feeling of raw,

unadulterated ecstasy.

This time when she reached her peak, it was more primal and powerful. “Landon!”

she screamed her release. Her orgasm was intensified by the warm flood of his cum

filling her pussy. Landon shuddered and whispered her name before falling into

Gloria’s waiting arms.


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Overwhelmed with emotion, tears streamed down her face.

Alarm crossed Landon’s face. “Sweetheart, what’s the matter?”

“Nothing. Quite the opposite, actually. Everything is wonderful. I never knew it

could be so beautiful. Do you think it will always be like this for us?”

A tender smile touched his sensual lips. He kissed the tip of her nose. “As long as I

draw breath, it will.” He circled her waist and positioned the two of them on their sides.

Landon stroked her hair. “I think I’m the luckiest man in the world to have you in my


She touched the side of his face, her eyes locking with his. “That’s funny, because I

was thinking the same thing.”

They lay in each other’s arms, Landon’s head pillowed on her breasts. A sense of

contentment filled her, making her drowsy. She closed her eyes for a moment. Her last

conscious thought before drifting off was how she never wanted this night to end.

* * * * *

Landon startled awake. He must have drifted off. Gloria lay cuddled next to him.

God, she was lovely, looking like an angel in repose as she slept. They’d made love two

more times and he knew she must be tired. His cock stiffened. He wanted her again.

Nothing felt more right than being inside her tight pussy and losing himself in her soft


The feelings swimming within his heart made their night together all the more

special and knowing she loved him too was like a dream come true. When he was

younger, Landon would never have imagined he would eventually end up with the

woman of his dreams. But having her here with him like this made him realize the

reality was far better than the fantasy.

Landon knew if he remained in bed, there would be nothing to stop him from

waking her, and she needed her rest after their ardent lovemaking session. The problem


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was his cock was so damn hard, it literally ached. The woman was an addiction he

couldn’t get enough of.

Deciding the best solution to his problem was a cold shower, Landon slid out of

bed, careful not to wake Gloria and silently walked to the bathroom. Once he was

underneath the spray of the cool water, it took several seconds before his body was

under control once again. He adjusted the temperature to “hot” and allowed the sting of

the water to beat down over his body.

Thoughts of Gloria filled his mind. He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life

with her, if she’d have him. She was the puzzle piece that had been missing in his life all

along, and he wouldn’t rest until she agreed to become his wife.

Landon was so caught up in his silent musings that he didn’t hear the bathroom

door open or Gloria step into the shower behind him. Wrapping her arms around his

waist, she pressed a kiss against his back. “You should have woken me up.”

His cock leapt to attention again. So much for his shower. Landon turned around

and dropped a light kiss on her lips. “I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so


She grinned. “I’m energized and I can go another round if you are.”

Landon groaned. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Pulling her into the circle of his

arms, their lips met in a hungry kiss like two lovers who hadn’t seen each other in ages,

even though they’d made love not long ago. Landon had a feeling it would always be

this way with Gloria. Every time would always be like the first time.

Gloria threaded her fingers through his hair, taking charge of the kiss, her tongue

darting forward to explore and taste his mouth. He loved how she felt comfortable

enough to do this to him, considering that when he’d first kissed her she’d been shy and

slightly timid. It warmed his heart to know he was the reason for this change within

her. Landon found her boost of confidence sexy as hell.


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She broke the kiss only to plant kisses against his jaw and neck. Gloria worked her

lips over the expanse of his chest, taking the time to flick the flat disk of each nipple

before moving down his body.

Landon tensed when he realized what she was about to do to him. He didn’t realize

he’d been holding his breath until she lowered herself to her knees. She looked up and

gave him a brief smile before cupping his balls in her palms and fondling them.

He thought he’d come right then and there. Even the slightest touch from her was

enough to send his senses in a tailspin. “You’re beautiful,” she whispered.

Landon chuckled. “Men can’t be beautiful.”

“Yes they can because I think you’re a work of art.” She circled his cock with her

fingers and kissed its head.

A shiver of pure ecstasy raced through his body. He doubted he’d be able to hold

on for long but he clenched his fists at his sides willing himself not to explode. Her

touch, though innocent in many ways, was more of a turn-on than any of the more

skilled women he’d been with before.

He nearly lost it when she slid her tongue along the length of his cock. Landon’s

sharp intake of breath caught in his throat. He wasn’t sure how much of this he could

take before he pulled Gloria to her feet and fucked her but he persevered.

Gloria wrapped her lips around his cock and took him in one tortuous inch at time.

Unable to remain still, he grasped the sides of her head and slowly guided her head

along his rigid length. “So good,” he groaned, his eyes squeezed tight.

The feel of her lips sliding along his cock was like nothing else. He was so close to

coming, Landon knew he needed to be inside her now. Releasing her head, he gently

pushed her away.

Gloria raised her gaze to meet his, her eyes wide. “Didn’t you like it?”

“More than you can ever know,” he groaned, bending over and lifted her. “Put

your arms around me, baby.”


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When she did as she was told, he cupped her bottom and lifted her until their

pelvises met. Gloria wrapped her legs around his waist. Landon pushed her against the

wall of the shower stall for leverage as he guided his cock into her slick pussy with one


He sighed with relief to be inside her again.

Gloria cried out, tightening her arms around him and burying her face against his

neck. “Landon!”

“That’s it, baby. Let it happen.”

Their bodies glided together, grinding and thrusting in an animalist ritual of

passion. The savage need to brand her as his woman took over as he plowed deep into

her pussy, thrusting harder and faster as they continued on.

Her nails tore into his flesh as she screamed his name. “Landon!” Her pussy

muscles tightened around his cock, sucking him deeper than ever. Gloria began to

shudder uncontrollably, signaling her orgasm.

Landon, unable to hold on any longer, came hard and fast.

She rested in his arms for several more moments before he let her go. They then

took turns washing each other off in between kisses and caresses. Landon had the

pleasure of toweling Gloria off, but couldn’t resist kissing every inch of her exposed

skin before carrying her back to bed. He knew they wouldn’t get much sleep for the rest

of the night.

“Oh my God. That was amazing,” Gloria sighed, unable to believe they’d just made

love again for a fourth time that night and she had a feeling it wouldn’t be their last. She

rested her head against his chest, content to simply feel the joy within her heart.

It was Landon who finally broke the silence. He lifted his head. “I hope you know

that after this, I can’t let you go.”

“I don’t want you to.”


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“I want to be everything to you, Gloria, you lover, friend, companion, the shoulder

you cry on and the one you share your triumphs with. I’m not trying to be a

replacement father, but I want to be there for CJ as well. Make me happy and tell me

you want those things too.”

Her breath caught in her throat, making it hard for the words to come out. The tears

sprang to her eyes once again. Not long ago she would have run away from all Landon

had to offer, feeling undeserving of being treated so wonderfully by any man. But now

she didn’t want to imagine life without Landon.

“Gloria?” he asked with uncertainty when she didn’t immediately answer.

“Yes, Landon. I want all those things too. You make me so happy.”

“Woo hoo!” he shouted his obvious elation.

She laughed. “Landon, you’re a nut.”

“I’m nuts for you. Of course, you know we’ll have to sever our relationship at the

gym. I’ll need to assign you another trainer.”

Gloria frowned. “Why? We’re doing so well together.”

“Gloria, before we made love, I only imagined what it would be like, but now I

know I won’t be able to keep my hands off you. You’d get me all worked up and how

would that look for the owner of the gym to paw one of his clients?”

She giggled. “I won’t mind.”


“I’m your hussy.” She threaded her fingers through his hair.

“And don’t you forget it. I love you, Gloria.”

Gloria didn’t know what the future held, but as long as Landon was in it,

everything would be just fine.


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About the Author

Eve has enjoyed creating characters and making up stories from an early age. As a

child she was always getting into mischief, so when she lost her television and outside

privileges (which was often), writing was her outlet. Her stories have gotten quite a bit

spicier since then! Eve likes to read, bake, make crafts, volunteer work, travel, and

spend time with her family. She lives in the Philadelphia area with her husband. She

loves hearing from her readers because they keep her motivated.

Eve welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address

on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Eve Vaughn

Caleb’s Woman

Wedding Stud

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you




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