Box of Nails This Young Stud Michael, Sean

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations,
or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the

Box of Nails: This Young Stud
Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2013 by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by BSClay
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-517-1
All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Torquere Press.
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: August 2013
Printed in the USA

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Box of Nails: This Young Stud

By Sean Michael

Chapter One

Jeff opened the sliding door of his beat up van and started pulling out boxes. Everything he had in

the world fit in the dozen or so boxes he had in his van. It was a good thing this job came with a
furnished apartment.

He couldn't quite believe his luck, actually. He was young -- most subs were his age or older, and

they didn't want what they called a 'baby-top' as their Dom.

Here, though, he could pick up experience, look out for the boys who lived in Devon's beautiful

house. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he'd been an RA for three years; he knew how to
wrangle boys, how to deal with drama. It would be interesting to see what happened when his two
worlds collided.

Taking out all the boxes, he locked up the van.
"Do you need some help?" Devon, the man who owned the place, came out, offering him a grin.
"That'd be great." He nodded toward the house. "There must be some boys home who could come

give me a hand."

"Oh, I'm sure there are." Devon grabbed a box. "They're all hiding in their rooms and staring out

the windows."

He laughed and turned, looking up at said windows. "Spankings for anyone who comes help me

with my boxes." He raised his voice, so they would hear him.

He thought he could hear the gasps, and he absolutely saw the blinds twitch.
Devon cracked up. "Barn wouldn't approve." Barney was Dev's lover, and partner in the house and

Jeff supposed that he wouldn't approve at all of anyone but him spanking Devon.

"Of what? Spankings?"
"I'm pretty sure you can't spank me, yes."
"D...devvie? Devvie, do you need help?" Oh. Oh, the pretty little best friend. Jeff had seen him

when he'd come in for his interview. He'd been attracted from the word go.

"I didn't mean you, Devon. I meant the others." Jeff gave Dev's friend -- okay, so he remembered

that the guy's name was Paul -- a warm smile.

"We'd love help, Paulie." Devon handed Paul a couple of boxes, and before they got halfway there,

a tumble of boys was there, grabbing boxes, pushing each other.

"Anything broken you have to pay for," he warned.
One of the bigger subs yanked the boxes out of Paul's arms, the lean boy going crashing into the

rose bushes at the side of the house.

Paul cried out, and Devon dropped his box of books. "Oh, Paulie! Tim, you're an asshole!"
"Fuck you. He tripped."
"I did not."
"That's enough. Everyone put down your boxes, right now." Jeff pointed at Tim. "You can go to

your apartment. No detours. I'll deal with you later."

Tim jutted his chin out. "Fuck you. No way."
Everyone stared at Jeff, and this was it -- where he proved how this was going to go.
"If you don't, then you don't exist to me." He stared right at Tim. He knew attention was what most

of these boys craved the most, someone to let them know they were seen. It made that kind of threat a

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big one.

Tim blinked at him. "Can I at least help Paulie out of the roses?"
"If helping out includes an apology, yes."
The kid rolled his eyes and went to Paul, who Devon had almost gotten free. Of course, in hurrying

over, he managed to push Paul back into the bushes, Devon went over a box, and another boy went

It was like the three stooges, if the stooges had had sweet asses.
"Make your apology and go, Tim. You can come out in an hour."
"A whole hour?"
Jeff looked at the kid. "You want to make it two?"
"I have to work today." Tim stormed off, and the others scrambled, leaving him with a scratched

and bleeding Paul and a stressed looking Devon.

"Come on, Paulie. Let me get you some bandages." Devon sighed, rubbing dirt off his jeans.
"No. Just... help Jeff, and I'll go shower."
Jeff shook his head "It's okay Devon, I've got Paul." Moving to Paul's side, he carefully pulled the

guy out of the bushes.

"Thank you." Paul wouldn't meet his eyes, just leaned down and grabbed a box. "Come on, let's just

get him moved in."

Devon winced sympathetically, but nodded, and the boxes were grabbed and moved in fairly short


"Thanks, guys, I really appreciate this." He'd honestly thought it would be something easy and fun

they could all help him with and then there'd be some fun spanking afterward, almost like a little get-
to-know-you thing. He'd have to keep working on them, figuring out how best to handle them all.

First things first, though. "Paul, let me doctor those scrapes for you."
Paul shook his head. "No. No, I'm okay. I'm going to jump in the shower. Nice to have you."
"I feel partially responsible, though, and I'd feel better if I can just check, make sure none of them

are serious." He hated making a bad first impression, especially with the lovely Paul.

"I've already made enough of an idiot out of myself in front of you." Then the sweet thing hurried

off, half the little twinks who'd come back out of the woodwork following Paul, half staring at him
and Devon.

Devon sighed, shook his head. "Poor guy."
Jeff watched Paul go, wishing like mad he could have spent more time with the man. "Is it always

like this around here?" He'd been warned the twinks were a handful, but he wasn't sure that this was
exactly what he'd been expecting.

"Yeah, pretty much." Devon chuckled. "Timmy's all legs and arms and trouble. Matthew has

diabetes. Mostly, it's just drama, though. And Paulie? He's just embarrassed. He thinks you're pretty,
and he wanted to impress you. You won't even see him again for a couple of weeks."

"A couple of weeks? That sucks." That was pretty cool, that Paul thought he was pretty. Even if he

was damn sure it was Paul who was the pretty one. "He doesn't need to be embarrassed -- it wasn't
his fault."

One of the taller boys chuckled. "Paul is..."
Devon's lips pursed. "Perfect. He's a good guy, and I'm glad he's here."
"No telling each other's secrets. I want to know about each of you -- from you, okay?" Even if was

dying to know all Paul's secrets.

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"Sure." The tall boy held out one hand. "Griffin. Don't ask. Mom's a lit professor."
"Good to meet you. I'm Jeff." He'd decided he wasn't going to ask them to call him Master. He was

going to want orders and/or instructions answered with a "yes, sir" or a, "no, sir."

"Cool. I'm sorry, but I have to hustle. I have a class and then a shift." The kid grinned, green eyes

like lasers. "Anyone needs anything from the Hammer, text me."

The sudden noise erupted, the last half of the gaggle following Griffin out.
Jeff watched them go, blinking a little before turning to Devon. "Okay..." His boxes were strewn all

over the common room, but at least they were off the street. He didn't mind carrying them to his rooms
in the addition, but it was all just a little... something he needed to get used to. He laughed. "So
always, huh?"

"Pretty much. A couple of the boys are super-shy and just come and go to work, but there's always

somebody who's been mean to someone else." Devon started moving the boxes with him.

"They all need masters of their own." He didn't think these guys were mean just to be mean; there

had to be a lot of jockeying for position going on. Besides, a lot of them wanted a nice firm hand and
were acting out, searching for it, he'd bet.

"Oh, sure. And as they get them, the ones left behind are worrying about themselves and why

nobody wants them."

Jeff nodded. It was the same everywhere, high school, university, why should here be any

different? "It's what we're all looking for in the end, isn't it?"

"Yep. Forever ever after." Devon smiled at him, then hugged him. "Barn and me, we're here for


He hugged Devon back; he'd felt welcomed by Barn and Devon from the start. "Thanks, Dev. I

might need you both."

"Oh, surely with three of us, we can manage..." Devon had a wicked, sharp sense of humor.
"Not to have the house burn down. Maybe." He gave Devon a wink.
"Oh, God. Shh. One of them smokes. I can't figure out which one, but I can smell it."
"We'll find out and put an end to it. They shouldn't be smoking anywhere on the grounds of the

house." They shouldn't be smoking, period, but that was the kind of thing a grown boy had to choose
for himself. Still, it didn’t mean he couldn't discourage it greatly.

"No. No, it's not good for anyone."
"I can make house rules, right?" He had a number of things he wanted to implement.
"You can. I'd like them to be clear so no one can say you're playing games, and Barney says

punishments have to be consistent, too."

He nodded. "That makes sense. I was kind of thinking that punishments might run in the cleaning,

helping around the house variety. I know the boys will really find that a true punishment." Spankings
were likely to wind up with people making trouble on purpose, and that way led chaos. Jeff figured
the boys in the house knew the route to chaos well enough without paving it in gold for them.

Devon laughed. "Except Paulie. I think he finds it relaxing."
"I'll have to invite him to keep my place clean." Jeff wasn't overly fond of cleaning, but he liked a

clean place.

"He'd probably like that."
Smiling, Jeff started opening boxes, looking for his kitchen stuff. Paul was... intriguing and

adorable and sweet.

"If you don't mind, Jeff, I'm going to go help Paulie." Devon sighed. "He was cut up pretty bad.
"Damn. Do you think it would embarrass him even more if I went and helped him out?"

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"Probably. He wants to impress you."
"To do that he has to let me see him." He didn't really want to unpack right now anyway. "I assume

there's a first aid kit around here somewhere? Like a megapack one or something?"

"Oh, god yes. Barney put together a whole closet."
"A closet." He started to chuckle. "Okay, show me to the closet, and I'll grab what I need to patch

Paul up."

"You got it." Devon grinned at him, winked. "First aid closet, ho."
He followed the sexy boy to the closet just outside of the common room. And it was well and truly

stocked with just about anything he could think that they might need.

He grabbed antibiotic cream, gauze, and Band-Aids. "Thanks, Devon. If you cold just tell me

which apartment is Paul's?"

"Number Three. Across the hall and to the left."
"Thanks, I appreciate it. I guess I'll see you around."
"Yeah, I have class tonight. Barney will be home, though."
"Cool, thanks again." Jeff didn't want to be rude, but he really wanted to get to Paul, take care of

the hurts.

There was a gaggle of boys around door six, the sounds of crying coming from inside.
"No more alcohol! It stings!"
He frowned. Devon had said Paul was in three. "What's going on?" He asked the assembled boys.
"Paulie was bleeding, and Rex has a tub and not a shower."
Jeff wasn't sure what having a tub and not a shower had to do with anything, but he was going to

find out. He pushed his way to the door and knocked sharply. "I'm coming in.” He tried the handle.

Paulie was sitting in the tub, and two boys were pouring rubbing alcohol over him.
"Oh, my God! Stop! Stop right now." Jesus. Just... He went over and turned on the water, began

sluicing it over Paul.

"It burns. I just... Oh, God. I..." Paul hid his face in his hands.
"It's okay. We'll get it off." He added some warm to the water and kept sluicing it over Paul. "Is

there a showerhead in here, guys? Or a bowl or something?"

"A bowl. Sure. Just a second," someone said.
"I just want to go to my room." Paul looked miserable.
"Let's get the worst of this off you. I've got the stuff to deal with your cuts." Or least he'd had it --

he'd dropped it all in his hurry to get the rubbing alcohol off Paul's skin.

Someone put a bowl in his hands, and he was able to work faster after that. "How about everyone

who doesn't live in this apartment go. Now."

Paul sat there, silent, head down.
Everyone but who he assumed was Rex cleared out.
"Can you give us some privacy, please?" he asked quietly
Rex stood there for a moment like a deer caught in the headlights, then nodded and fled.
Jeff grabbed the soap and began sudsing it up. "I'm sorry, Paul. I should have insisted I help you

with the cuts." He touched the boy gently, being extra careful around the cuts.

"I just... God, I'm sorry. This is-- I just wanted to." Paul closed his mouth without finishing.
"Shh. It's okay. Once we've got you de-alcoholed and bandaged up, I'm going to go to my room and

unpack. You can come knock on the door and introduce yourself to me, and I promise to forget all
about this." He'd even pretend to forget the lovely body he was trying hard not to stare at or even
notice too much as he soaped Paul up.

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"I'm sorry. I'm not an idiot, I promise." Sweet baby boy.
"I believe you. Like I said, you'll come knock on my door, and we'll start over again." Using the

bowl, he rinsed the soap off Paul's body. "Is that better?"

"Uh-huh." The edges of the scratches were red and angry, puffy.
"Are you allergic to roses?" He had to know which antibiotic cream to use -- the one with allergy

control or the regular one.

"I don't think so."
"Okay, then we can use the regular antibiotic stuff." He helped Paul out of the tub and began gently

patting him down with a towel. "Whose idea was it to douse you in rubbing alcohol?"

"Ben's. He said it would clean them out."
"The antibiotic cream'll do it. You could actually poison yourself if you get enough rubbing alcohol

in your system."' He hurried his drying when he got to Paul's package, telling himself not to be a perv.

"Thank you." God, those were beautiful eyes. "I'm so sorry. I swear, I'm not a loser. I won't be


"Then stop apologizing for something I've already told you I'd forget ever happened."
"Okay." Paul wrapped himself in the towel and picked up his clothes. "Rex, I'll wash your towel

and get it back to you."

"No problem, Paulie. I'm going to go to the coffee shop later. You want one of those big cookies?"

Oh, Rex was a sweet boy.

Jeff put sweet and helpful next to Rex's name on the list in his head.
"Thanks, honey. I think I'm just going to have a hard cry and a long nap."
Oh, Paul broke his heart. Jeff put his arm around the slender shoulders and led Paul out and down

the hall to number three.

"I hope you have a great first day." Paul's voice cracked. "Thanks for the help."
"The help's not done yet. I need to dress those scratches." He wasn't going anywhere until he knew

Paul was okay.

"Oh, you don't have to." Paul opened the door to a charming little apartment that was flooded with

plants and art and light.

"Oh, look how pretty you've made this." He went in with Paul.
"Thank you." There was a futon in bright purple, scarves hung and fluttering everywhere.
It made him like Paul even more. "Go sit. I've got the antibiotic stuff and band aids. We'll have you

fixed up in no time."

"I should find some pants."
"Let me get this done first." There were a couple of nasty scratches on Paul's legs.
He put the ointment on, and Paul made a soft sound.
"I'm sorry. It should ease fairly quickly."
"It's not bad."
"Better now without the alcohol on it I bet."
"Yes. Yes, thank you. That burned."
Jeff got all the cuts doctored and bandaged up. "There we go."
"Thank you." Paul stood and wobbled behind a silk screen, dressing. "Would you like a drink? I

have orange juice and water."

"I'd love some water, thank you." Any excuse to spend more time with the lovely sub.
Paul came out in a t-shirt, a pair of soft pants. "Good deal."
A glass was taken from the tiny cabinet, ice and water poured in, a twist of lemon added.

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"Oh, fancy water. That's awesome." He smiled at Paul.
"I'm a bartender. I can make any drink."
"You work at the Hammer, too?"
Paul nodded.
"Cool. I love that place."
"It's a good club."
Paul offered him a half-smile. "Are you a member?"
"I am. I joined about four months ago."
Paul nodded, smiled. "Do you like it?"
"I do. I was really pleased that it brought me here, too."
"You'll be busy." Paul looked at him from under the heavy fringe of hair, eyes worried. "I promise

to be totally not a bother."

"You're not a bother, Paul, I swear. And I hope I won't be so busy I can't find time for you."
"Oh, that's a nice thing to say."
"I'm not being nice -- I mean it." He didn't want Paul to think he was just being nice to the man; he

was interested. There was something about Paul that drew him, had from the first time he'd seen Paul
at his interview with Barney and Devon.

"I. Okay." Paul reached out, touched his wrist.
Tingles shot up his arm from the touch. He drew in a breath, his nostril's flaring.
"I'm sorry." Paul pulled back, eyes shuttered.
Jeff frowned, confused. He wanted that touch back. "For what?"
"I? You seemed like maybe I'd overstepped."
"I liked it, and you weren't overstepping." Just the opposite in fact. "You could do it again."
He smiled. "Yeah."
Reaching out, Jeff touched Paul's fingers. They curled, Paul's lips parting. He drew in another

breath, the touch like absolute magic. He twined their fingers together, gaze moving to Paul's face.
Paul stared at him, eyes moving over him.

He licked his lips. "Do you feel that?"
Paul nodded, eyes huge. "You, too?"
"Yeah. It's like you're electric." He let go of Paul's fingers in favor of stroking over Paul's wrist,

the skin there thin and soft.

There were two tiny scratches, and he wanted to kiss them, drag his tongue across them. When Paul

didn't object to his touch, he took Paul’s arm and brought it up to his lips,

Paul's door burst open, two boys pushing in. "Paul! What are you? Oh, my God!"
Jeff jerked, startled, eyes going wide. Did nobody knock around here?
Paul pulled away, arms wrapping around himself. "Wh? What?"
"You're supposed to come test us on our drinks, me and Timmy. I didn't know you were seducing

the new guy!"

Paul's cheeks flamed. "I wasn't."
Jeff came to Paul's rescue. "I was seducing him."
"You can't. That's not fair. You're here for all of us."
Wow, these guys were gonna push him on every front. "You don't think I can do my job and have a


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"Not with Paul."
"I beg your pardon?" What the hell was that supposed to mean?
"I'll be downstairs in the kitchen in five minutes, okay?" Paul interrupted.
Jeff waited for the guys to go -- which they did with extreme reluctance. "What was that about?"
"I'm supposed to help them learn their drinks so they can work the bar."
"I meant the not with Paul thing. Are you... are you with someone?"
"No. No, I was, but not now."
"So you're... available." He took Paul's hand in his again.
"Uh-huh." Paul's fingers curled around his.
"I'm glad. And I want to kiss you."
"Me? Now? Are you sure?"
Wasn't Paul feeling the same things he was? "You. Now. I'm sure."
Paul stepped close, bringing their bodies to where they almost touched. "One kiss, and then I have

to go downstairs."

"As long as you promise it won't be the last."
"Oh." Paul shivered, looking up at him.
Holding Paul's gaze, he slowly moved their mouths closer together. Would it be as electric as the

touch of Paul's fingers on his wrist?

He could feel Paul's heart pounding against him. He breathed out across Paul's lips, drew in

another breath, and closed the bare distance between their lips. Paul's were so soft against his own,
and sweet as anything.

The connection stunned him -- so strong, so real and immediate. It made him gasp, and Paul

stepped away. Oh, god, it hadn't been enough. Not nearly.

"I have to go. I. I promise not to be trouble."
"I don't need you to promise me that -- I just want to see you again."
"You will. I live here." Oh, that was a charming little smile.
He stole another quick kiss -- and it took everything he had not to linger, not to make it longer --

and let himself out.

He felt eyes on him, and he shook his head. Lord, this was going to be a lot of work. He was up for

it, though. He was.

Especially if he could keep seeing Paul.

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Chapter Two

"I kissed him."
Devvie stared at him. "You did what?"
Paul swallowed hard. "I kissed him." On the lips. On purpose.
"Who are you kissing, Paulie?" Barney asked, coming into the room and sitting with Devvie.
"I." Paul stared at Dev. "The new guy." And he'd liked it. A lot. Crazy. Everyone knew he sucked at

relationships. No one put up with him for long. And the new guy was important to Dev's plan to
provide a decent, affordable place for the waiters who worked at the Hammer and still have a life.

Barney chuckled. "It didn't take the two of you long."
"I didn't mean to. I mean, I wanted to. I mean, oh, Devvie?"
Devvie hugged him tight. "I know how much you like him, Paulie."
"I can't, you know? You saw how it was for me and Daniel."
Daniel had been a good Dom, and Paul had ruined him.
"That was before my time." Barney said, looking at him expectantly.
He shook his head. "I just... it doesn't matter. I'm a good bartender."
"You're a good guy, Paulie." Devvie grabbed his hands. "You need to relax, honey."
"Yeah. You're a whole lot more than just a bartender." Barney grinned at him. "And he likes you,

so I have a feeling there's going to be more kisses."

"Maybe. Maybe I should move. Maybe I should? Oh, God."
"Paulie, just stop that!" Devvie frowned mightily at him. "You are not moving. This is your home.

Why would you think you should move?"

"I just... I don't know. I don't. I have a headache, and I need to go." He stood up, banging his knee

on the coffee table. "Ow!"

Barney and Devvie both winced, and Barney reached out, steadying him with a hand on his arm.

"Easy, boy."

"I'm going home now." He just felt so fucking stressed out, so tired.
"You could stay for supper, honey. Right, Barney?"
"Sure," Barney agreed easily.
"I..." He hated being a bother.
Devvie hugged him. "We're having pizza. It'll be fun. Relaxing."
Barney cleared his throat. "I might have also invited Jeff to join us, as it's his first night and all."
"Oh. Oh, God. I should? I can't. I've already..." He headed toward the door, feeling totally out of

control. Jeff made him stupid. Stup-id.

There was a knock on the door just as he got to it.
"Now you have to stay," Barney told him before raising his voice. "Come on in, Jeff. It's open."
The door opened, and there he was. Oh, God. Jeff was tall and handsome, with short brown hair

and deep brown eyes. And that smile. Oh, God.

"I need to..." God. God, why was he so wigged out? What was wrong with him?
Jeff just kept smiling at him. "Are you having supper with us?"
"He is," Barney said before he could answer. "Have a seat. Do you want a beer? What about you,


"Please." Jeff put a hand on his back and led him over to the sofa.
"Uh-uh, I'll be dumb." He couldn't afford that.
"You might relax a little, Paulie," Dev noted.

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"I'll bring out beers for everyone." Barney headed out as Paul sat next to Jeff.
Devvie leaned back, smiling at them both. "How was your first day?"
Jeff laughed. "It was interesting. I can see why you hired me."
"It's like herding cats, huh?"
"No way, cats are way easier to herd." Jeff laughed again, and god, he really was beautiful.
Paul's heart pounded, fluttering in his chest.
Jeff looked at him, still smiling. "There's been some really good moments, though."
Oh. Oh. That was. Oh. He nodded, swallowed. "You were very kind."
"You make it easy." Jeff's fingers slid along his cheek.
"Oh. I. Thank you." Paul licked his lips, trying not to do anything stupid again.
"You're welcome." Jeff stroked his cheek some more, thumb brushing his lower lip.
He didn't know what to do. He really didn't. He was so turned on it hurt, balls deep.
Jeff's nostrils flared. "Paul..."
"Dev, come help me make drinks." Barney stood, held a hand out to Devvie.
Jeff blinked, looked a little sheepish. "I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean to be rude."
Barney laughed. "I just want a little time alone with my boy."
"Do you want me to..." Paul's voice faded away. He wasn't even sure what he was offering.
"Stay. We'll be back. Promise." Devvie's eyes were on Barney, completely.
"They're pretty sweet together aren't they?" Jeff was grinning in the direction Barney and Devvie

had gone.

"They love each other a lot." They were perfect together.
"I love seeing that, that the dream is real, you know?"
Paul nodded. He did, too. It was sort of scary, really, knowing that Devvie might be making it


He was going to be alone for a long time, he thought. He realized Jeff was staring at him again, a

soft smile on his face.

"I... Did you have a nice rest of your day?" He was a bartender, he knew small talk.
"It was okay. Not as good as it was, and not as good as it is now."
Did that mean that he was the good part? Maybe?
"So, you work at the Hammer. I assume that means you're into the lifestyle."
"Uh-huh. I mean, I was. I'm not now. I'm not good at it, I don't think."
"No? What happened?" Jeff looked like he was genuinely interested, not just digging for gossip.
"I just... I don't know." Daniel just hadn't been happy. The man had left the lifestyle altogether.

Maybe he was too needy or something.

"Did you have a bad experience?"
"No one was mean to me, no. I just... I love everyone at the Hammer. They're good to me. I drive

Doms away, though."

Jeff grinned suddenly. "You haven't driven me away."
"Not yet. It's only been twelve hours." Probably not even that long.
"I met you when I did my first interview here with Barney and Devon. I think we have to count it

from then."

Oh. Oh, how charming was that? "Okay. That's fair."
Jeff beamed at him.
He wasn't sure, exactly, what to do next. Hell, he wasn't sure what the hell it was about Jeff that

made him silly.

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"I'm going to kiss you again." Jeff leaned in.
"You probably shouldn't..."
"You haven't given me a good reason why." The words were spoken against his lips.
"I can't think of one so fast." He didn't really want to try.
Jeff didn't answer, just mashed their lips together. It was like being set on fire. He found himself

crying out, pressing closer, almost climbing into Jeff's lap. One of Jeff's hands slid around his head,
cupping it, tilting it as Jeff's tongue lapped at his lips.

He was fucking lost to it, moaning and rubbing like the biggest idiot on earth. Jeff's free hand

wrapped around his ass, holding on, squeezing.

They couldn't do this, not in Devvie's front room.
Jeff broke the kiss, leaning their foreheads together. "You make me want to do rash things, Paul."
"Do I?" Jeff made him hard, achingly hard.
"You do. I want to drag you back to my room and make love to you."
The words were rough, scraping across his skin, his nerves.
Jeff took a deep breath, then another. "You think... would Devon and Barney...”

Grinning suddenly, Jeff nodded. "Come on. They're probably doing the same thing anyway."
"They're horndogs." Paul was incredibly jealous.
"Then we can sneak out." Grinning, Jeff stood and reached out to him.
He couldn't believe he was reaching up, taking Jeff's hand.
Jeff held him as they left, shutting the door quietly behind them. Jeff's apartment was right next to

Barney and Devon's in the new addition, which meant they didn't have to go through the common
areas of the main house to get there.

It was simple, but the boxes were gone already, a couple of pictures of the beach on the walls.
"I don't have a whole ton of stuff." Jeff gave him a hopeful smile.
"It's great." He was vibrating with need. "It smells like you already."
"I hope that's a good thing."
"It is." He turned to Jeff, grabbed the man's hand. He didn't want Jeff to worry.
Jeff drew their hands up and kissed the back of his. Oh, that was sweet, gentle, and Paul felt like he

could take a breath. Then Jeff turned his hand over and kissed his wrist in the same spot Jeff had
started kissing earlier today. Lights sparked behind his eyes, his heart pounding violently in his chest.

Those lips slowly rose up along his arm, pushing his sleeve out of the way. These soft sounds

slipped out of him, his fingers clenching and relaxing, over and over. Finally, Jeff couldn't push his
sleeve up any further and pressed kisses on his arm through his shirt. All Paul could do was watch,
fascinated. So needy.

Those warm, soft lips landed back on his skin as Jeff reached his neck.
"Jeff..." His entire body felt like it was tingling, awake, aware. Alive.
"Mmm. Yeah?" Jeff licked from the bottom of his neck up to his ear, tongue hot, spreading heat and


"Oh, God." He arched, his cock achingly hard. "Please don't stop."
Jeff shook his head before kissing his way to Paul's lips.
He pushed into the kiss, nearly desperate for the connection, for the attention and touch. Jeff's

tongue slid into his mouth, touching his teeth, teasing over his own tongue as Jeff tugged him up
against the strong body. He cried out into the kiss, Jeff's strength like a fire against him.

One hand landed on his ass, tugged him up tighter. He climbed Jeff's muscles, hips driving their

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cocks together.

"Oh, fuck." Jeff groaned and pushed him up against the door, holding him between the wood and the

wonderful, warm and solid body.

"Please." He needed. He'd worry later.
Jeff pushed a hand between them, pulling the top button of his slacks open and then tugging down

the zipper. His cock pushed right into Jeff's touch, the strong hand wrapping around him.

"Oh, Paul... feel you." Jeff began to stroke him.
"Uh-huh. Please." Feel him.
"So hot." Jeff bit at his lips, hand working him hard.
"Yes." His balls drew up, and he was going to embarrass himself soon.
"I want you to come, and then I want to make love to you."
Lights flashed behind his eyes, and he whimpered, nodded furiously.
"Such an amazing boy. I want you so much." Jeff's finger slid across the tip of his cock, pressing at

his slit.

"Oh!" That little sting was perfect.
"You like that?" Jeff pressed on his slit again, teeth digging into his lower lip.
"Uh. Uh-huh." More than. Fuck.
Jeff did it again, using the side of his fingernail to make it a little sharper. Paul jerked, the intensity

burning him to the bone.

"I want to watch your face as you come."
No one had said such erotic things to him, ever.
Jeff's mouth covered his again, lips hard and soft at the same time, so warm. Paul's eyes rolled, and

he shot, spunk covering Jeff's fingers.

"Beautiful." Jeff continued to stroke him, making him shudder and shiver.
"I..." He couldn't stop moving.
Jeff covered his mouth again, kissing him as they began walking. He followed blindly, focused

entirely on the kiss. Before he knew it, they were in Jeff's bedroom, which he only knew because Jeff
was lying him down on the mattress. He didn't worry about it, just arched up into Jeff's body.

Jeff started stripping him, pulling his shirt off and his pants down over his hips. He wiggled,

helping, working for it. Soon he was naked beneath Jeff, and one of those big, warm hands slid over
his body like it was precious.

"Going to make love to you, pretty baby."
Oh, please. Yes.
Jeff's mouth covered his again, kissing him with strength and eagerness. He opened, chasing Jeff's

tongue. Jeff captured his tongue and sucked on it. His hips moved in time with the suction, his butt
sliding on the sheets.

"Oh, God. You're so sexy." Jeff kissed him again.
"You make me a little stupid." More than a little.
"It's not stupid to want someone, Paul."
He wasn't so sure about that, but he wasn't going to argue. Then he couldn't because Jeff was

kissing him again. He opened up, Jeff tongue fucking him, the action stealing his breath. Warm fingers
flicked past his nipples.

"Oh." He flexed, loving that touch. Stinging was his favorite sensation.
"Someone likes it a little sharp."
"I do. I'm sorry. I do."

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"You don't have to apologize for what you like." Jeff said all the right things.
He also did all the right things, flicking his nipples again. Paul had to gasp, push up into the touch

in a clear request. Jeff responded immediately, pinching lightly. Paul let himself just feel it for a little

Jeff's kisses moved from his mouth to his jaw and downward, sucking little kisses that spread

tingles out from each spot. Paul couldn't have stopped his sounds if he'd tried, which he didn't. Jeff
moaned, the sound vibrating his skin where Jeff kissed him.

"So good." He offered the soft words, wanting Jeff to hear them.
He felt Jeff's smile against his skin. Oh. Oh, he'd done something right.
Jeff's lips reached his right nipple, kissing and nuzzling them, sweetly. His lips opened and closed,

over and over and over. Suddenly, teeth touched his nipple, the bite quick and sharp and almost

"Oh, fuck!" He jerked, grabbing at Jeff's shoulders.
Jeff grinned up at him, lapped at the tip of his nipple. His nip ached, drew up tight like it was

begging for more.

"You're so sexy, Paul."
"That's you. You're fine."
"You could take my clothes off, see more of me."
"I'd love that." Paul reached for Jeff's t-shirt, tugged it out of the man's waistband. Jeff was stacked,

skin warm and fuzzy.

"Still like what you see?"
"God, yes. You're perfect."
"Thank you, Paul." Jeff smiled at him eyes so warm and bright.
"It's true." Jeff really did make him stupid.
"Pants now."
"Huh? Oh!" He chuckled and opened Jeff's pants, suddenly clumsy.
"Love the feeling of your hands on me."
"I'm clumsy."
"Which means you touch me more." God, Jeff knew just what to say, when to say it.
Jeff helped him get his pants off, kicking them off the bed. The heady scent of Jeff filled his nose,

made him dizzy. Jeff kissed him again, tongue sliding into his mouth. It felt so good, their skin sliding
together. He'd never felt such electricity from touches before.

Jeff didn't let him worry, didn't let him think. The kiss stole his breath, and Jeff's fingers were

dancing on his skin. He couldn't stop moving, body reaching for Jeff's touch.

"I can imagine you dancing under the solid touches of a flogger."
His eyes widened so much he could feel them pulling.
"Would you like that, Paul?"
"I don't know. I'd like to try. No one's ever wanted to with me." Daniel didn't want that.
"I want to try many things with you."
Maybe not, but... God, he hated feeling so unsure. "Sounds good to me."
"I'm glad to hear that." Jeff cupped his cheek, the touch unbearably gentle.
Kissing him again, Jeff stole his breath. Paul whimpered softly, moaning into the kiss.
A banging sounded at the door. "Paul? Paul, are you in there with the new guy? Xavier wants you

to come in and close if you can. The new bartender shorted out."

"Oh, no..." No fair.

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Jeff sighed. "I suppose it wouldn't be right to say you can't just because I want to make love to


"No, probably not." He wasn't going to cry. This was probably a sign, right? That this was a bad


"Are you working tomorrow?"
"I hope not."
"Then will you help me get to know the house and then have dinner with me?"
"I will. Unless someone else messes it up for me." Again.
"Paulie? Are you in there?"
"He'll be out in a minute," Jeff called out, then Paul's face was taken between Jeff's hands. "I want

to get to know you better, Paul. I want to see if I can make you sing for me. And I'm not going to let a
few interruptions deter me."

That was sweet to say. It wasn't true, but so sweet. "Okay."
Jeff smiled at him, and the look was enough to make him catch his breath.
"I should go to work, huh?"
"I suppose you should. I'd hate to be a bad influence on you my first night here."
He kissed Jeff's cheek. "I'll text Devvie and tell him you'll be over for pizza."
"Thank you." Jeff took his chin and gave him a proper kiss. "I'm sorry we were interrupted, but

now I'll be looking even more forward to tomorrow."

"Have a good night, Jeff." He nodded and sighed, heading out to the hall. "You guys suck."
"But it's work!" said Matthew. "Xavier needs you."
"Besides," added Phil, lips draw into a petulant bow, "what were you doing in his room?"
"I was about to get laid."
Phil looked annoyed. "You already messed up one Dom; you don't get to break another one."
"Excuse me, boys." Barney's voice had them all fluttering. "Don't you have anything better to do

than trying to make Paul feel bad?"

Paul looked over at Barney. "Jeff will be over for pizza."
"Thank you, Paul. Do you need a ride to the club?"
"I know you have plans."
"That's not an answer, boy. Yes or no, do you have a ride to the club?"
"No, sir."
"I'll let Jeff know you need a lift." Barney gave him a wink and pulled out his phone, sent a text.
"What? What, no! No. I've already... Oh, God. I have to get my work clothes on. Don't. Okay?"
Jeff's head popped out of his door. "You need a lift to the club, Paul? I can be ready in five

minutes, okay?"

Barney shrugged his shoulders, mouthed "too late" and slipped back into his apartment.
"I have to get my work clothes on." He was going to kick Barney. Hard. Or kiss him. Something.


Jeff had told Paul to give him a call when he was ready to go home, but, suspecting Paul wouldn't

actually call, he was parked outside The Hammer, just after closing. He was going to have to see
about setting up something with a local taxi company -- the boys shouldn't be going to and from work
after dark.

Paul came out, locked the door behind him, and carried a huge bag of trash to the dumpster, then

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rolled his shoulders and grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started walking. Jeff's phone rang.

Oh, good boy.
Jeff picked up his phone. "Hey, Paul."
"Hey, honey. I'm going to go ahead and walk home. It's dark and late, and I don't want you to have

to get out again."

The 'honey' warmed him.
"It's dark and late, and I don't want you walking home. I don't care that it's not that far. And I'm

here. Turn around." He turned the engine on, headlights brightening up the sidewalk.

Paul spun around, eyes wide in the light. "Oh."
Jeff leaned over and pushed open the passenger door. "Come on."
"Hey. You're here."
"I wanted to make sure you didn't have to walk home alone in the dark."
Paul slid into the car, fastened his seat belt. "Thank you. Did... did you eat?"
"Yeah, I had pizza with Barney and Devon. Did Xavier feed you?" He headed the car in the

direction of home.

"He did. He had the kitchen make my favorite as a thank you for coming in."
"And what's your favorite?"
"Patty melts and onion rings."
"Oh, I love onion rings." He glanced at Paul with a smile.
"I'll remember that." Paul squeezed his hand. "Would you mind terribly zipping through Starbucks?

I'm dying for a coffee."

Jeff took a quick left. "No problem. As we're both up, maybe you can bring it back to my place." It

was late, but if he was tired tomorrow, it would be worth it for more time with this delightful man.

"If I do, the place might get hit by a dinosaur." Paul laughed, the sound charming him. "You know, I

used to think Devvie was exaggerating about the drama."

"I was an RA in a university dorm. Four floors of drama. So I'm not in the least surprised." Okay,

so maybe he was a bit, but it wasn't really all that different. "Especially if the dinosaur is conjured up
by one of our other residents."

Paul laughed for him again, and the sound was charming.
"They all seem rather jealous of my attraction to you. I mean, I know I'm a stud," he gave Paul a

wink. "But it seems a bit extreme."

"Everyone wants someone to look at them, to see them." He could see Paul chewing on his lip as

they pulled into the Starbucks' drive through. "I mean, we're servers. No one sees us, ever, unless it's
to yell at us."

"I find that hard to believe. Most of the servers at the Hammer are lovely twinks. I've certainly

noticed them in my time there." They was only one car in front of them. "What do you want?"

"I'd like a hazelnut latte with an extra shot of espresso, please."
"Oh, I want to taste your mouth after you've had that." He placed Paul's order and asked for an iced

cappuccino for himself. In moments, they'd paid and had their coffees and were back on the road.

"Thank you for the ride, Jeff. This is wonderful." Paul seemed more relaxed, more in control

tonight than he had earlier.

"You're welcome. I just wish we had farther to go." They were coming up on the house now.
"We could just drive."
"I suppose we could. I haven't taken a drive on the coast for ages." Jeff went straight instead of

turning, heading toward the beach.

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Paul chuckled and sipped his coffee. "I love the moon on the water. It's like a dream or a movie or


"We should go for a walk on the sand once we're out of town."
Jeff wanted to spend more time with Paul, and doing it outside of the house seemed like a good


"Yeah? I'd love that, thank you." God, Paul was a delight.
"So what do you like to do, when you aren't working?"
"I like to explore the city, wander around. I love farmer's markets and weird little art fairs. Coffee

shops with guys playing music."

"Damn, I knew I should have taken up the guitar."
"I can teach you."
"You play?" He loved every new little detail he learned about Paul.
"I'm not like, great at it, but yeah. I know how."
"That's cool. Do you like to cook?"
"I do. I mean, not at the club, but at home. I like to invent things. How about you?"
"I like eating." Jeff grinned at Paul. "I do okay in the kitchen, but I'm better at trying things other

people have cooked."

"I’m learning to make granola right now, for Devvie. He doesn't like the ones at the grocery store."
"You can make granola? Neat."
They turned onto the coastal road, the night absolutely beautiful.
"I said I'm learning. So far, it's been burned, then bitter, then rock hard, then Oh My God Throw the

Pan Away." Paul was chuckling by the end of the sentence.

Jeff smiled, then turned slowly onto a road that would lead them to the beach.
"I'll figure it out." Paul didn't seem too concerned about it. "Oh, look! The moon's up!"
Jeff parked in the little lot and turned off the engine. It looked like they had the beach to themselves.

Given how late it was, that probably wasn't a surprise.

Paul took his shoes and socks off, rolled up the cuffs of his slacks. "Ready?"
Jeff did the same, put both their shoes in the back seat of his car. "Yeah, let's go."
They had their coffees, and they headed down into the sand, staying close to each other. The wind

was blowing, the moon was out, and they were alone. He slid his arm around Paul's shoulders as they
wandered into the water a little. Paul leaned toward him, head on his shoulder. God, this boy made
him feel great, with just the simplest words or gestures.

It was lovely and quiet, and they walked for a long bit before either of them spoke. In fact, he didn't

say anything as he turned to Paul and leaned in, pressing his lips against Paul's. Paul stepped close,
kissing him back with a quiet, focused intensity. He cupped the lovely face, lost himself in the kiss.

It was sweet, creamy, and he groaned. He approved of the hazelnut latte. Sucking on Paul's tongue,

he pulled in more of the flavor. Soft, happy little sounds pushed into his lips, Paul seeming so much
more relaxed, present, there for him.

He thought maybe he could do this all night long. The water lapped at his feet, the touch cool,

almost tickling.

Breaking the kiss for a moment, he rubbed their noses together. "You fit so well," he murmured

before diving back into the kisses.

Paul seemed happy to share these long, drugging kisses for hours, just holding him, the wind

blowing around them.

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He truly didn't want it to end.
"This is so romantic," murmured Paul.
"I know. Like a fantasy." He ran his hand along Paul's back.
Paul arched for him, a soft little hum sounding. "Thank you."
"It's totally my pleasure." He held onto Paul. "How do you feel about sleeping on the beach?"
"Here? Probably not. On a fabulous private beach in the islands? God, yes."
He chuckled. "Have you been to many fabulous private beaches in the islands?" He started

reluctantly walking them back toward the car.

"I have, when I was a kid. We traveled a lot. I've been all over the world."
"Oh, cool. Was your father in the army?"
"No. No, my dad is... important." Paul pulled away a little bit.
"Is he the president?" Jeff teased, wanting the easy sweetness back between them.
"No. He's a senator, now. Then, he was an ambassador."
"Ah. Was it hard growing up as an ambassador's son?" Jeff would bet that came with a lot of


"No. No, it was fun. I loved the travel, the people. My sisters. It was great."
"How many sisters do you have?"
"I had three."
Paul nodded, but didn't elaborate. "How about you? Do you have a big family?"
"It's just me and my mom. Always has been."
"Are you close?"
"Yeah." He smiled just thinking of her. "I go see her every Sunday."
"That's neat."
"You should come with me sometime." His mom would love Paul.
"Oh, parents don't like me; thank you though."
"My mom will."
Paul seemed to shrink a little bit, and Jeff grabbed him, kissed him again. Hard.
"You're special, Paul."
"I'm glad you think so."
"I do." He gave Paul another kiss, then took Paul's hand, leading him back to the car.
"I wish we didn't have to go back to the house." Paul spoke quietly enough he barely heard the


"We could sneak in the back way. I've got a door on the deck. I'd love it if you spent the night."
"If we're very quiet, maybe no one will notice we're back."
"Works for me." He opened the car door for Paul before going around to the driver's side. He

wanted as much time as he could have with just Paul.

He'd only known the man a short time, but already he was totally smitten.


The house looked normal, although Paul could hear loud music coming from the common room, the

bass thrumming. He chuckled. "No one will hear us."

Stephen's band, the Wet Blankets, must be practicing again. Good thing they didn't suck so bad


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Jeff nodded and checked his watch, winced. "I hope the neighbors don't decide to complain about

the loud music so late at night." His hand was taken, and they went in through the back deck to Jeff's

"There's no other people, honey. Just businesses."
That's how Devvie'd gotten the place so cheap.
"Well, that's handy." Jeff didn't turn the lights on when they went in, just closed the door and led

him to the bedroom.

They were going to make love. It didn't seem too fast or slutty. It felt easy. Right.
They fell onto the bed together, Jeff chuckling and pushing his shoes off. They thudded onto the

floor, the sound almost lost in the thump of the base from the common room. It was a little like hiding
out in one of the back rooms of the club, dark, a little loud, kind of wicked.

Jeff helped him with his shoes, too, then his mouth was covered and he was given more of those

amazing kisses. He pushed into it, refusing to freak out. He needed. Now.

Jeff's hands worked on his clothes as the man's kisses stole his breath. His entire body felt awake,

alive, buzzing. Jeff's fingers were warm where they slid on his skin, dancing against him. It was like
Jeff was playing him, strumming his skin. Fingertips found his nipples, Jeff plucking at them. He
moaned into their kiss, eager.

One last flick to his nipples, then Jeff slid his hand along Paul's belly. His abs tightened, and he

almost sat up.

"I can feel that."
"Me. Me too. So good."
"You're so sensual." Jeff peppered kisses along his jaw, to his chin, then beneath it.
"Thank you. Thank you. Please."
"Please what?" Jeff licked his neck, then pressed warm lips against his skin.
"I want you. I want to come and feel you."
"Me, too." Jeff went back to the same spot on his neck, sucking hard now.
Oh God. Marking him. Paul's eyes went wide, but he couldn't see anything in the darkness, just feel

Jeff, hear the thump of the bass. Jeff's suction matched the beat, loud and solid and so there. He sank
into the rhythm, entire body thrumming with it.

Jeff's hands slid over him, almost strumming him like an instrument. He needed more. Needed. His

right nipple got attention, Jeff tugging it. Mmm. Nipple play. He arched up into the touch.

Jeff let go of his skin, licked once, then began to kiss his way down. "Mmm. Sweet nipples."
Jeff bit a little, hips rolling. Tugging off his pants, Jeff freed his cock to the air. Paul was burning

for it, body reaching for more connection, more sensation.

Jeff's hand wrapped around his cock. "Hot. You feel good, Paul."
"I do. I totally do. More?"
"Yeah. Fully naked more." Half sitting up, Jeff tugged his jeans and underwear off. They stripped

down, and then he was in Jeff's lap, rubbing them together. "I want you, Paul. I have lube and

"I like anal sex. A lot."
"Imagine that." He could feel Jeff's smile against his mouth. "So do I."
He giggled softly. "That's handy."
"Yep. Let me just..." Jeff leaned, still holding him. "Got it!"
His giggles turned into hard, happy laughter.
Jeff's laughter joined his. "God, you have a wonderful laugh."

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"Thank you." He kissed the corner of Jeff's mouth.
Jeff turned his face so their mouths met properly, the kiss starting slow and easy, but growing more

intense. The bass sound faded, and the only thing Paul heard was the sounds their kisses made. Jeff's
fingers moved on his skin, warm, leaving tingles behind. They were headed down, too, toward his

"It's... it's been a while. I've only with Daniel before, not that it matters."
"What's your safeword, Paul? That way if it's too much for you, you can let me know."
"Oh, I like it. It suits you." Jeff's fingers teased along his crack.
The gentle words made him smile, relax, open for Jeff. One slick, warm finger pushed against his

hole. He bore down, taking it in, feeling the easy touch.

"Oh, so hot inside."
He hid his face in the curve of Jeff's throat, hummed. Jeff's finger pushed deeper, began to slide in

and out. It was easy to rock with the rhythm, to slide and ride the touch as Jeff pushed another finger
into him, stretching him.

"So good." The stretch was sweet, pulling at him.
"So tight." Jeff found his mouth and kissed him fingers moving inside him.
They rocked, the rhythm easy, steady, and Paul's body let Jeff in. Three fingers now, stretching him

wide and touching his gland.

"Oh, Jeff. Feels wonderful." His eyes closed, his focus on the touch.
"Can't wait to feel you around my cock, Paul. You're so hot, so tight."
He nodded. He was there. Right there. Jeff was good to him, though, finger-fucking him for a while.

Making sure he was open. By the time the strong fingers disappeared, he was moaning, hungry for the
man's cock.

He heard the crinkle of the condom package, then felt the tip of Jeff's cock rubbing against his hole.

His breath stopped a little, and he waited, his entire focus on that pressure. Jeff's groan started almost
imperceptibly growing louder as the thick cock pierced him.

"Big. You're big." He bore down, shuddering.
"And you're tight. Fucking awesome."
Jeff's hand slid under his ass, tugged him, tilted him up. Then he was dropped, Jeff's cock pushing


"Jeff!" Oh, fuck. Fuck.
"Fuck, you feel amazing." Jeff raised him up again, dropped him.
He did. He totally did. His asshole ached, the stretch new and intense. Jeff shifted, getting traction

somehow, and pushing up into him as he came down. The darkness made it all seem surreal, like a
wild fantasy. Jeff's mouth found his again, tongue sliding through his mouth. He grabbed onto that
sensation, that point of contact.

Their bodies moved together, like they were made for each other. He moaned out his need, his


"Love your sounds, Paul."
He couldn't help them. They had to escape.
Jeff found his cock, one hand wrapping around it, squeezing. Paul rolled up, humped that touch,


"I want you to come for me, Paul. I want to feel you on me."
"Uh-huh. Need." He needed to shoot.

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Jeff humped up into him, hand working his prick at the same time. The pressure was too big to

contain, the pleasure perfect.

Jeff bit at his lower lip. "Come for me."
That single touch was all he needed, spunk spurting out of him. Groaning, Jeff went tight, holding

him and shuddering. Oh. Oh, God. Good. So good.

Please don't ask me to leave yet. Please don't ask me to go.
Jeff pulled out, laid them both down. "God, that was amazing, Paul.'
"Uh-huh." He blinked away overwhelmed tears. What a day.
Jeff curled around him and pulled up the covers. "You'll stay, right?"
"Yes. Yes, please. Thank you."
"I'm glad you're here." He could feel Jeff's breath on his neck.
"Me too." He kissed Jeff's temple. "God, me too."
Jeff shifted slightly again. "You fit perfectly."
He wanted to believe that, with all his heart. Jeff found his mouth in the dark and kissed him again,

lazy and warm. Jeff made it easy. The kiss ended, and they lay curled together, cozy and warm.

He didn't want it to end.

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Chapter Three

There was a bright light, and Jeff groaned. He had to buy some curtains. Then something shifted,

and he smiled. Paul. He reached out, moving into Paul's warmth. The man was sound asleep, curled
around him, snoring softly. Oh God, that was adorable. Jeff was totally, entirely smitten.

He stroked Paul's hair, smoothing it. The man had surprisingly heavy morning stubble, giving him

an older look. And those long, delicate lashes begged for kisses. He gave Paul one, not really trying
to wake him, just wanting the contact.

Paul smiled, stretched lazily against him. His prick reacted predictably, firming up against the soft,

warm skin. Pretty, open, gentle baby. Jeff wanted to do things to him. Sweet things. Naughty things.
Wild things. Kinky things. Everything.

Jeff kissed Paul's nose, barely brushing him. Groaning, unable to resist, he moved his kiss to Paul's

lips. Paul opened for him, eyes fluttering open. He smiled, then slipped his tongue into Paul's mouth.
Paul moaned, pressed closer so that their skin touched from feet to face. He deepened the kiss, letting
it turn sexual.

They broke for a breath, and Paul nuzzled. "I dreamed about you last night."
"You did? What did you dream about?"
"Dancing with you. Is that silly?"
"No, I like dancing. As long as you mean shaking what you've got and not anything fancy." Jeff

couldn't waltz to save his life.

"I mean holding each other and rubbing."
"Oh, that's the best kind of dancing." He wrapped his arms around Paul and rubbed to prove he

knew how.

Paul's laughter was pure joy, light. He nibbled at Paul's lips and kept rubbing because, damn, it felt

so good. Paul's hand slid down his back, cupped his hip.

"Mmm. I could get used to waking up like this." Jeff kept touching Paul's fine skin.
"Mmm. Me too. No one yelling, no fires in the microwave."
"Fires in the micro... never mind, I don't want to know." He didn't. He was sure he'd find out soon

enough. Right now, he was making love with a beautiful man. Paul giggled again, rubbed their noses

He slid his hand along Paul's spine, right down to the adorable little ass. Compact, tiny -- he

wanted to see what it looked like over his legs. Hell, he wanted to see what it looked like with his
handprints on it. He'd bet Paul's skin marked beautifully. In fact, he knew it did; he could just make
out the mark he'd left on Paul's neck. He licked at it.

Paul swallowed for him, groaned softly. He wrapped his lips around the spot, determined to make

it darker.

"Jeff..." Paul groaned, hips rolling lazily against him.
He kept sucking harder. He wanted everyone to see that Paul was his. Everyone.
His fingers moved over Paul's body, wanting the man to love every second of this. The motions

were lazy, relaxed, Paul focused on him. He got their cocks together, wrapping his hand around them.
Paul's fingers joined his, rubbing nice and steady. Groaning, he licked at the mark he'd made, breathed
the scent of Paul in. He wanted to know every inch of this man, wanted to learn...

A knock came to his door. "Jeff? Jeff? Do you know where Devon is?"
Because he kept tabs on everyone in the house by some sort of magical powers. "Who is it?" he

called out.

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"Tim. He dropped some papers, and I'm afraid they're important for his school."
"Have you tried his place?" He glanced at the clock. God, it was early.
"Yes. I'll go call him again."
Paul was laughing, chuckling in his arms.
"Where would Devon be if he's not home? And isn't there like a mail slot or somewhere stuff for

Barney and Dev could be left?" Jeff had decided the boys were plain starved for attention and looking
to get it anywhere.

"Uh... There's a basket deal on the table, and Devvie..." Paul twisted, grabbed his phone. "Tuesday.

He's at Genevieve’s having coffee with his folks."

"Do you know everything about this place?"
"I've been here from the start. Devvie's my best friend." Paul rested against his arm. "Devvie

inherited some money, and he wanted to make somewhere safe for the Hammer servers to live."

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing and selfless." Jeff admired that. He looked at Paul. "You know, you

would be a great asset to me -- you know everyone, their histories. Will you help me look after the
place and the boys?"

"Sure. Sure, I will, when I'm not working. I've done this with Devvie for years."
"Thank you, Paul." He kissed the boy. "Now where were we?"
"We were pretending that you weren't on the clock yet."
"Oh, that's right." He slid his hand back around to their cocks. "Because I'm not yet. Not really."
"Uh-huh. It's not going to work. Someone will ruin it."
"Shh." He closed his lips over Paul's and started jacking them together again, hard and fast.
He wasn't going to let this job ruin his life, damn it. Or his morning. And unless the place was

actually on fire, whatever it was could wail until he and Paul had done their thing.

Paul groaned, rolling over to straddle him. He ran his free hand up along Paul's belly to his chest,

to those sweet nipples. God, Paul moved like a dream. The man was deliciously graceful. He kept
jacking their pricks, feeling the pleasure in his balls. Just a quick orgasm, something fast and hard.
Something good to start the day off.

He rubbed his thumb across their cock-heads.
"Oh." Mmm. Paul liked that.
He did it again, putting a little pressure on Paul's slit this time. Paul arched, eyes wide, gloriously

shocked. Oh, fuck, he could so play with Paul. Slit play for sure. A little spanking action. God knew
what else.

He let his thumbnail drag, and Paul came, shooting ropes of pearly spunk over his belly. The heat

of it on his skin, the smell of it in his nose, both made him come, make him shout out his pleasure.

Paul sighed, the sound happy, satisfied. "Oh. Oh, God. Best. Morning. Ever."
Jeff laughed and nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty damn good."
Another knock came to the door. "Someone broke the door off the oven."
Jeff chuckled. "And so it begins." He gave Paul a kiss, wiped them both clean with a discarded t-

shirt, and turned Paul over onto the bed. "Stay as long as you want. I have to get to work."

"You... do you want me to do anything?" Paul asked.
"I want you to sleep in and have a wonderful morning." He covered Paul up and patted that sweet,

round ass. "That's an order, baby."

"A what?"
"You heard me. An order." And did that ever feel right.

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"I. Okay. Okay. Yes, Jeff."
That felt even better.
He gave Paul another kiss, then hurried into his clothes and headed out the door. Taking this job

had been the best decision ever.


Paul climbed out of bed at ten a.m. and texted his best friend immediately. "Devvie. Tell me you

can do lunch." Please. Please. He needed to talk.

"Yes. From one until two-thirty. But not at the house."
"K. I'll meet you. Where?" Anywhere.
"The Bagel Factory by the university?"
"Be there."
Paul needed to visit, needed to share. Needed to tell somebody who wouldn't judge him.
"With bells!" Devvie had included a silly smiley face with his last text.
He texted back, "Dingaling," then headed to his apartment for a long shower.
He saw Jeff out of the corner of his eye, talking and gesturing to Tim. He slipped toward the stairs,

hiding in the shadows and watching. Tim handed over a screwdriver, and Jeff shook his head and
pointed to the tip of the screw driver, then handed it back. God, Jeff was fine. All-American, buff,
built. Paul was a little stupid about him.

Taking the next screwdriver Tim handed over, Jeff nodded, then clapped the man on the shoulder

and grabbed the oven door. Oh, look at that. Jeff was handy, just like Barney. More than that, though,
Jeff was teaching Tim how to fix it. He wasn't sure if that was really cool or kind of dangerous.

"Whatcha doin', Paulie?" Wee baby Mike leaned up against his back. "Is he nice? The new guy?"
"Yeah, he is." Nicer than anyone Paul knew.
"Cool. I haven't met him yet." Mike was the quietest, shyest man Paul had ever met. Devon had

given him the tiny room in the attic, and it seemed to suit. Hell, Paul wasn't sure half the guys even
knew Mike lived here. Something bad had happened to him, and just the fact that Mike was leaning on
him mean the man was having a good day.

The oven door fell to the floor, making a terrible noise, and Tim's "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," rang


Jeff just laughed and shook his head, grabbed the door and put it back in place, then motioned for

Tim to try again.

"Do you work today, Paul?" Mike whispered, and Paul shook his head.
"Jamie's on tonight. I'll be here if you need me."
They watched a few minutes more, until Jeff opened and closed the oven door and gave a cheer.

"You did it, Tim!"

Tim clapped and hugged Jeff, before running off. "I fixed the oven!"
Laughing, Jeff turned and caught sight of him. "Paul!" Jeff strode toward him and Mike.
"Bye." Mike took off at a run, and Paul stood.
"Honey, he won't hurt you!"
But the tiny guy was gone.
Jeff wrapped him in a hug and kissed him. "Did your shadow just run away?"
"It did. I forgot to tell you last night, Jeff. I'm Peter Pan."
Jeff laughed for him, whole face lighting up. The man was really good looking to start with; that

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happy laugh just put everything up a couple hundred notches. Especially up close.

He had to laugh, too, pushing into Jeff's arms for a quick hug. Jeff hugged him back, and kissed him,


"I should let you go back to work, huh?" He didn't want to; he wanted to spend more time with Jeff.
"I could take a coffee break, if you were inclined..."
"I could totally have coffee. I have bagels in the freezer, too." Although he was having bagels for

lunch... oh well, he liked them.

"Cool. Lead the way."
"You know where the kitchen is. You fixed the oven."
"Oh, I thought you had the stuff in your room." Jeff gave him a wry grin. "I was hoping for a little


"Let me grab the bagels real quick, and we'll use my Keurig." He could totally handle privacy.
"Okay." Jeff moved into the shadows. "Don't be long."
He grabbed his bag of bagels and a little cream cheese. He had coffee upstairs, sugar and creamer.

Jeff took his hand, and they went up the stairs together, not running into anyone, by some miracle.

They went into his little, bright flat, and he motioned to the futon. "Have a seat."
"Do you need help?"
"Nope. I can totally toast bagels and make coffee. How do you like it?"
"I showed you last night how I liked it, didn't I?" Jeff sat, grinning at him.
Paul stared, then cracked up, tickled half to death. Jeff laughed with him, relaxing back against the

pillows on his futon.

He made two cups of coffee and toasted the bagels, whistling softly as he worked.
"Did you have a nice lie-in?" Jeff asked.
"I did. It felt decadent as hell."
"Good, I'm glad."
He brought over the coffee cup, some cream and sugar. "Do you want cream cheese on your


"I do, thank you." Jeff added a touch of cream to his coffee.
"Good deal." Cream cheese, a little strawberry jam on the side. Breakfast.
"This is great. We should do this every day."
"Okay." He sat next to Jeff, sipping his coffee.
"I wouldn't mind starting each day waking up with you, either."
Oh, how sweet was that? "You don't know-- I might fart in bed."
"We managed just fine last night."
He couldn't stop smiling. "Last night was sort of magical."
Jeff smiled right back. "Yeah."
"Eat your bagel."
"Yes, boss." Jeff winked at him and took a bite of his bagel.
"So...what do you do, I mean, besides blow my mind and fix oven doors?"
"I just finished school. I graduated in English. Now I'm the den mother here."
"Are you going to write a book?" Isn't that what English majors did?
"Me?" Jeff laughed. "I don't think I'm going to have time to do anything like that."
"No?" He just intended to tend bar until he was old and too fucked up to pour.
"No, there seems to be an emergency here every few minutes."
"Yeah. Sometimes more."

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Jeff chuckled. "Well, I get time off and there's the evenings, so if we decide we want to do scenes

together, we'll find the time."

"Devvie's a good boss." Scenes? With him? No. No, he didn't think so. He drove Doms away.
"He's a great guy for sure. And this is an awesome place. Just... full of boys."
"Yeah. Lots of them to choose from."
"I only see one boy to choose." Jeff kept looking right at him.
"I want..." He blushed and drank deep from his coffee.
"What do you want, Paul?"
"Oh, nothing. How's the coffee?"
"The coffee is lovely. But anything you have to say isn't nothing. Tell me what you want, Paul."
He opened his lips, then shook his head. "It's nothing."
"Tell me, boy." There was a firm, commanding note in Jeff's voice.
His eyes went wide, and his cock jerked. "I want this to be good."
"That's what I want too, Paul."
He nodded; his mouth was lacquer-dry.
"Then let's make it good." Jeff pressed their lips together.
He moaned, licking the coffee from Jeff's lips. Jeff's tongue came out to meet his, one hand cupping

his cheek.

"Oh, Jeff." He climbed over, straddling Jeff's thighs like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Jeff's hands both moved down to grab his ass, tugging him so his prick rubbed against Jeff's belly

as the kiss deepened. He hummed, pushing up, rocking against that flat belly. He could feel Jeff's
prick hardening and rubbing against his ass as he moved. God, he loved this, this excitement.

"So sexy," muttered Jeff. "Make me want."
"Good. I want to be that."
"You are." Jeff bit at his lower lip before bringing their mouths back together for another kiss.
He let himself just sink into it, melt. Groaning, Jeff took the kiss deeper, devouring him. His fingers

framed Jeff's face, held him. A low, sweet moan filled his mouth. The sound was sweet, rich.

"Want you so much."
It was amazing, a little unbelievable. "Already? Again? Really?"
"Yeah. Yeah, you're wonderful, and I want you."
Paul had to laugh because the words were flippant, happy. Horny. Jeff laughed too, then turned

them so he was lying on the futon with Jeff pressing him into it.

"I've never met a happy Dom."
Jeff blinked down at him. "What do you mean?"
"They're all a little frowny, it seems." Especially Daniel. Daniel had just been more and more

unhappy, the longer they were together.

"Barney doesn't seem frowny." Jeff grinned. "I'm not frowny."
"You're not. Barney isn't with me. How could you be with Dev and frown?" His best friend was

amazing, pure joy.

"There you go, two Doms you know who are happy." Jeff was heavy, but it wasn't too much -- it

felt good, to have that weight on him.

"I'm lucky." He held on, with arms and legs.
"I think I'm the lucky one here." Jeff smiled down at him, not kissing or rubbing or anything, just

looking at him like he was something special.

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His cheeks heated, and he looked away, a little overwhelmed.
"Look at me, Paul." There was that note again, the one that said that Jeff was in charge and that was

an order.

He shook his head, but looked.
"You don't need to turn away from me."
"I just..." He didn't know what to do.
"You can say anything you want to me, Paul. You don't have to feel restricted."
"I don't know what to do, how not to fuck you up." He wasn't made to be happy with someone.
"Why do you think you're going to fuck me up?"
Because Paul fucked everyone up. It was a thing. "I don't know."
Jeff kissed his nose. "I'm not going to let you fuck me up. I am going to let you sex me up." Jeff


Paul blinked, then cracked up, laughing hard enough that it shattered his tension. Jeff swallowed his

laughter, the kiss easy and sweet. Oh, better. So much...

A banging came to his door. "Paulie? Paulie, can I borrow your Sherlock Holmes DVD?"
"Just tell him you'll get it for him later."
"I'll bring it down, Tim."
"Thanks, honey! You're made of win."
Jeff chuckled and kissed him before he could say anything else.
"You are made of win," murmured Jeff when the kiss ended.
"Everyone here isn't mean or anything. I mean, all the guys are decent, there's just no one to stop


"Well, I'm here now. I'll figure out what rules I want in place and hold a house meeting, get

everyone in line." Jeff smiled wickedly. "One of the punishments will be cleaning common areas."

"Ew." Paul winked. He and Devvie did that together a lot.
"Exactly! I figured if I made the punishment spankings the rules would be broken all the damn


"Have you spanked a lot of men?" He hadn't been spanked before, not that he'd tell anyone that. He

wasn't going to tell people anything.

"No, but I've spanked some. I know it's a serious kink for a lot of boys."
"Yeah. I hear them talk about it at work, all the time."
"Have you never been spanked?"
"What?" How had Jeff known?
"You said you heard them talk about it at work. Either you've never been spanked or it isn't much of

a kink for you."

"I." He didn't really want to talk, so he kissed Jeff, deep.
Groaning, Jeff began to move against him. "Not forgetting what we were talking about." The

whispers slid across his lips as the kiss ended.

He just kissed the man again. No talking. It just made him look stupid.
Jeff moved against him, body strong and wonderful against him. That was better. Way better. He

pushed back, driving them both. Jeff got a hand between them, tugging open their jeans. He pushed
into the touch, hips rolling easily. When Jeff got their cocks lined up, it was like magic, sensation
shooting through him. It felt a little like swimming, the waves of sensation flooding him.

"Paul..." Groaning, Jeff moved against him, their cocks bumping and sliding together.
"Uh-huh." Yes. Also, please.

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"Yeah." Jeff kissed him, tongue pushing into his mouth. The rhythm of their tongues matched their

hips. "I want you to come for me."

Paul nodded, rubbed their cheeks together, a part of his brain still going wow.
"Now," Jeff ordered.
He met Jeff's eyes. Okay. Hot.
Jeff just looked at him, the order right there. Paul pushed up again, rubbed, and the order plus the

friction pushed him over the edge.

"Yes!" Jeff rubbed a little longer, and then more heat splashed between them, messing their t-shirts.
Paul moaned, just stunned. "I've come more in the last day..."
"You should come at least once every day. Probably two or three times."
Paul chuckled, nuzzled into Jeff's neck. His balls would ache.
Jeff shifted so that most of his weight was on the couch and made a happy sounding noise at his

attentions. "So tonight? We'll do a scene? Just something simple and fun."

"You don't have plans?" He was off. "I'm off, unless Xavier calls."
"Then let's hope that Xavier doesn't call." Jeff rubbed their noses together. "And I do have plans.

With you."

"Yeah?" He had to smile. "Then I'll hope Xavier doesn't call, too."
"Cool. It's a date."
Paul held on. He knew Jeff had to work, had things to do, but right now, he wanted to keep this.
Jeff leaned their foreheads together, and, for a while, they breathed in tandem.
"You're special. That probably means I should be very careful with you." Paul wasn't sure what he

meant by that, but he knew he meant it.

"You're the special one, Paul, and I promise to be careful with you."
The words were soft, serious, and he teared up.
"Hey, hey. That's a good thing, Paul." Jeff stroked his hair back from his face.
He nodded. He knew; except that he'd fuck it up, and it would be bad. Dev was the only person he

loved who didn't go crazy.

Jeff kissed him slowly. "So, six o'clock? We'll eat and then play?"
"As long as the boss doesn’t call."
"You could always say you're busy..."
"Xavier wouldn't believe me." He wasn't ever busy.
"Maybe I should have a talk with him."
Paul's lips parted. "What? Why?"
"So that he'll believe you when you tell him you're busy."
"I. I. Okay? Really?"
Jeff sat up and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and handed it over. "Call him for me."
"Right now?" He felt... like he was on a roller coaster.
"That's up to you. I'd like to do it now, but if you're not comfortable..."
"I make Doms crazy." The words bubbled out of him.
Jeff nodded. "You make me crazy with lust."
He winced but tried to smile and keep things light. He didn't want to make anyone crazy.
Jeff nodded at the phone. "So do you want me to talk to Xavier?"
"Uh-huh. I think so. If it doesn't fuck things up."
"It won't -- you're not asking him never to call you, only to believe you those times you tell him

you're busy."

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"I don't know what to do. I'm sorry." This was hard.
"I do. Call Xavier, introduce me, and I'll talk to him."
His fingers were trembling -- a little violently, to be honest -- as he dialed the phone. Please.

Please, don't be mad at me. Please don't anyone be nasty.

Jeff rubbed his belly, fingers stroking gently.
Xavier's voice sounded. "Hey, Paulie, what's up? You're not scheduled for two days."
"I. I have someone that wants to talk to you, and his name is Jeff."
Jeff took the phone from him. "Hi, Xavier. It's Jeff. I'm a member at the club and the new manager

over at Devon's house. Do you remember-- Oh, good, you do. I just wanted to let you know that Paul
and I are seeing each other, so if you call because you need him in, and he says no, that'll be why."

Jeff laughed softly. "That's what he said, and why I thought I should call. Okay. Thanks, Xavier.

Talk to you later."

Jeff hung up and smiled at him. "There. Taken care of. If you tell Xavier you're busy, he'll believe


"Oh. Okay." Did that mean Jeff was his Dom? A sense of panic hit him in the pit of his stomach.
"Hey, hey." Jeff cupped his cheeks. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Nothing, I'm fine. Do you want some more coffee?" He couldn't... this was all too fucked


"You need to talk to me if there's a problem, Paul. I can see it in your face."
How the hell could he admit that he ruined Doms? That every person who had ever loved him went


When he didn't say anything, Jeff gave him a tight hug. "Just promise me you'll safeword if you need

to, okay? You need to talk to me then."

"I promise. I do." Somehow he thought that Jeff would be the one that needed a safeword, from


Jeff beamed at him. "Good."
He thought Jeff would kiss him again, but the man's cell phone went off and Jeff rolled his eyes

instead. "Okay. It looks like duty is calling. You'll come to my place at six?"

"I'll be there." He wanted to be there.
"Me, too." Jeff did kiss him then, tongue sliding along his lips in a brief, touching caress.
Then Jeff was gone, no doubt to avert the next catastrophe someone in the house had started.
Now Paul just had to work, really hard, on not fucking Jeff up.

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Chapter Four

Jeff spent the day putting out fires -- one of them literal -- and getting to meet the majority of the

residents of Dev's House of Subs as he'd come to think of it. They were all good boys for the most
part, if prone to drama. What could you expect, though, from a house with a couple dozen guys who
were all looking for a top of their own?

Jeff enjoyed them, and some of their antics made him smile and laugh right out loud. Now, though,

it was time to get to know Paul better. Any minute now there would be a knock, and it made tingles
move along his spine.

When it came, the knock was quiet, almost like Paul was afraid to be heard. Smiling, he threw open

the door, eager to see Paul again.

Paul was standing there, a Bundt cake in his hands. "No one called."
Jeff's smile got wider. "Excellent. Come on in."
"I didn't know whether you liked lemon or chocolate, so I made strawberry."
He laughed, utterly delighted. "I like strawberry." He took Paul's arm and drew him in, closing and

locking the door.

"I left my phone in my room." Oh, impressive.
"Thank you." He kissed Paul, unable to resist.
Paul trembled in his arms, but those lips opened, parted for him. The man was so sweet and lovely.

He slipped his tongue in, fucking Paul's mouth.

"Don't... don't make me drop your cake."
"I'd hate to do that to all your hard work." He grabbed the cake from Paul and took another kiss.
Jeff reached over, slid the cake on the kitchen pass through, focusing on the sweet, open mouth.

With both hands free, he was able to slide them down along Paul's back until he was grabbing Paul's
ass. He squeezed, groaning at the fit of it against his palms. He wanted to heat the sweet cheeks, have
Paul over his lap. Then he wanted to watch Paul walk around with his ass aching and red as they
made and ate supper together.

He drew Paul over to the couch in his living room. His sweet lover followed, both of them still

sharing lazy kisses. Sitting, he drew Paul down onto his lap, his hands moving over the slender body.

"Hey." Paul smiled for him, pushing into his hands.
"Did you have a good day?" Jeff asked, fingers finding the bottom of Paul's shirt and pulling it out

of his waistband.

"I did. It was easy. I sort of messed around."
"Messed around?" He wanted to know everything he could about Paul -- what he liked to do in his

off time, what he liked to eat, his favorite movie, whether or not he liked being spanked.

"I had lunch with Devvie, cooked your cake, a cake for the guys downstairs, one for Devvie and

Barney. I cleaned my house, listened to music, watched a movie." Busy boy.

"You like doing things for people, don't you?" Had anyone ever tapped into the service aspect of

the lifestyle with Paul?

"I do. Very much. I like to be busy."
"We should discuss service as a part of our relationship."
"What?" Paul didn't look concerned, just curious.
"Service is one aspect of the lifestyle. Being in charge of meals, cleaning, serving dinner, whatever

we decide on. I think you'd thrive in service."

"It sounds lovely, really. Is that stupid?"

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"Not at all. It can be a beautiful part of any Dom/sub relationship."
Paul's eyes seemed to cloud up. "I don't know if I can have a Dom, Jeff. Maybe we shouldn't talk

about that yet."

"And here I was hoping you'd want to do my laundry for me." He pouted dramatically.
"I'm happy to do it for you. Assuming Devvie's not sitting on the washer studying. He likes the


"Oh, he does, does he?" He gave Paul a wink. "Will you serve me, Paul?"
"I... I want to."
"Thank you. We can sort the details out while we eat. First, I'd like to give you a spanking, as

you've never had one."

"A spanking? Who told you I never did? That was a secret!"
"It was your reaction to us talking about it earlier, Paul. No one told me. Or if anyone did, you

did." He stroked Paul's arm.

"I asked, but... he said no and was mad at me."
"Your Dom?" That was... not wanting to was one thing, being mad about your sub asking for

something they wanted wasn't how he or anyone he respected operated.

"Daniel." Paul nodded.
"You need to know that I will never be mad about anything you ask for, Paul. I might not want to do

it, I might not understand why you do, but I won't get mad at you. I mean, how else am I going to know
what you want to do?"

"I don't know. I... I just don't want to hurt you."
"Telling me how you feel and what you want won't hurt me." He stroked Paul's cheek. "I want to

know all that stuff. I want to know everything about you. Everything."

Paul swallowed hard, eyes suspiciously bright as he was given a kiss.
"Now I want to give you a spanking. See how we like it."
"Now? Okay." Paul's fingers squeezed his.
He squeezed back. "Let's get your pants off -- it'll feel better skin on skin."
"Uh-huh." Paul was a little vapor locked, he thought.
"We need to get naked, then." He started undoing Paul's shirt buttons.
"Okay. I want... You're amazing."
"Thank you, Paul. I think you're pretty damn amazing yourself." He pushed Paul's shirt off the

slender shoulders.

"I'm a little nervous, but that doesn't mean I want you to stop."
"I won't think you want me to stop unless you give me your safeword." He began working on Paul's


"Do you remember it?"
"Chickadee." Of course he remembered it.
Paul beamed, kissed him like he'd given Paul an amazing gift. "Right."
He went back for that mouth, pulling Paul's flavor in as he pushed the man's pants down and off.

Paul was trimmed, the golden curls short and straight.

"Oh, pretty." He stroked Paul's pubes.
"Thank you. I was a little messy."
He leaned forward and breathed in, pulling Paul's scent into him.
"Jeff..." Paul's abs pulled in, rolled.
"Right here. You smell great."

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Gentle fingers brushed his hair, petted him. Turning his head, he nuzzled into Paul's touch. He took

his own pants off quickly, and when he eased his sweet lover over his lap, Paul was relaxed and

"Oh, look at your beautiful ass." He traced his fingers over the skin, teasing, petting gently. "Ready,

beauty?" He was. He wanted very much to do this.

"I think so? I hope so?"
"Okay. I want you to count each swat. We're going to do ten for now."
"Okay. Yes, Jeff. Yes."
"Good boy." He brought his hand down on Paul's ass square in the middle. His sweet boy tensed,

muscles jerking and jumping. He waited a moment and then said softly, "You're supposed to count."

" One. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize -- this is your first time." He rubbed Paul's ass before swatting it again.
"Two." He could feel Paul's hand grabbing his leg.
"That's it." He swatted Paul again, keeping the hits light -- ten was enough for the heat to begin to


Paul made it to six before that sweet cock started sliding on his thighs. Someone liked the spanking.

Of course, Paul must have had some inkling that he did -- otherwise he wouldn't have asked his
former ma... no, Daniel. A man who punished a sub for making a request didn't deserve to be called a

"You're doing so well, and only four more."
"It burns." That wasn't a complaint.
"A little more with every hit, I bet." He brought his hand down again. Paul's ass felt so right under

his touch. He'd spanked subs before, but this was different. This was Paul.

"Very good, Paul, you're doing great." He kept the next one light.
"Thank you. Aches."
"Was that 'eight'?"
He felt Paul nod. "Uh-huh."
Chuckling, he smacked Paul again. Softly. He wanted Paul to enjoy this spanking. If that leaking

cock was anything to go by, Paul was.

"Mmmm." Oh, Paul was definitely enjoying himself if he was deliberately choosing to

count one number lower instead of higher.

He was happy to let Paul have a few extra if that's what Paul wanted. He tightened his thighs

around Paul's cock and laid down the next swat.

"Eight." Paul's hips started rocking, fucking his thighs.
"That's it, beauty." His own prick was hard, pushing at Paul's side. He brought his hand down


"Nine. Oh, please." Beautiful baby.
"You can come if you need to, once you count the last one." He smacked Paul's ass again, a little

harder this time, though by no means brutally.

"Ten..." Paul flushed dark, legs kicking, but he didn't come.
"Very good. You're a natural, Paul. And you like spanking." He rubbed Paul's ass, intensifying the


A sweet, soft keening sound left Paul, and he drew lazy circles on the sweet ass. "God, you're

something. You really are."

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Paul's cheeks clenched, toes curling.
Bending, he pressed a kiss against one red cheek, the heat of Paul's skin
"Oh." Spunk sprayed between his legs, his baby shooting for him.
Groaning, he kissed the other cheek. "I love your smell."
Paul's answer was a tiny moan.
He continued to caress Paul's bottom, letting the sensations sink in, letting Paul come down a little.

"Now I get to hold you," he murmured, encouraging Paul into his lap.

Paul wrapped around him, holding on tight. He found Paul's lips with his own, trying to keep the

kiss soft, but his own arousal was pushing him.

"Taste so good, Jeff. So right."
"I know. I feel it too." He kissed Paul more enthusiastically, rubbing his cock along the hot, red ass.

Paul moaned into his lips, nodding, trying to get him closer.
"I want you." Like nothing he could ever remember. This was full-on, in-his-blood want.
"I'm right here. We should hurry, before someone screws it up."
He slid his hand along Paul's crack, fingers lingering at the fine little hole, trying to remember

where he'd put the damned lube and condoms. Paul groaned, riding his finger, sliding against him nice
and easy.

The little side table beside his couch! He'd put stuff there, just in case. Okay, more like in hope. He

leaned, moving slowly so he didn't upend Paul, and searched blindly for the stuff. Paul wasn't helping,
licking and nuzzling his jaw, his ear.

"Distracting," he muttered. Though it wasn't a complaint.
"Uh-huh. Loving."
"Oh... yes." He took Paul's mouth, kissing him hard. That made Paul gasp, open to him.
He finally got his hand on the lube and snagged the condoms next to it. That let him slick up his

fingers, so he could tease one into Paul's tight little hole. His baby's hole squeezed his finger, gripped

"So tight." He rested his forehead against Paul's and pushed his finger deeper. Paul's response was

a sweet, low moan.

He worked his finger out, pushed it back in again, fucking the sweet tightest ass ever.
"That feels so good," Paul told him. "Delicious."
"You're delicious." He moved his finger faster.
Paul pinked for him, so prettily, so sweetly. God, this boy was a treat.
He pressed another finger in, spreading Paul's ass with both fingers. Paul moaned for him, shivered

and pressed closer.

"I'm gonna be inside you."
"You're already inside me a little bit."
"I am. Can't wait 'til it's my cock. You're going to feel so good around me."
"We should hurry. Something's going to stop us."
"I'm not rushing you." He wasn't going to let the world interfere either, damn it. They were going to

take their time and do this right, and unless the place was on fire, the tenants would have to wait.

Jeff slicked up again before pressing three fingers to Paul's tight hole. Paul's lips parted, opened

for him like that sweet hole did. He traced his tongue around Paul's lips, then dipped inside. Paul
moaned for him, soft and so sweet. Pushing his fingers deep, he searched for Paul's gland. When he
found it, Paul arched, bucked on his lap.

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"That's it, sweets." He pegged it again.
"Oh, God..." He loved how Paul's face went lax, needy.
"You ready for my cock?" He spread his fingers wide, stretching Paul open,
Paul's lips opened and closed, over and over.
"So pretty." Every reaction made him want Paul all the more.
"Please don't stop."
"Only to put my cock in." He slowly pulled his fingers out of Paul's ass. Paul's body followed his

touch, so needy.

He opened the condom and handed it over to Paul. Paul's fingers were shaking, but the condom was

smoothed on, eased over his cock.

"Love your touch." Jeff was beginning to love everything about Paul.
"Good." The words were fierce. "I want you to."
Smiling, he wrapped his hands around Paul's hips and brought him up over his cock. His prick

rubbed against that sweet, heated hole.

"Paul..." Groaning, he slowly brought Paul down, his prick pressing against the tight little hole,

slowly stretching it open.

"Oh, god." Paul's head fell back, throat working.
Leaning in, he bit at Paul's neck. The swallow bumped his lips, made him smile. He breathed in

Paul's scent, let his teeth worry the skin as his cock pushed in deeper.

"Please don't stop." Poor baby, always worrying. Always stressing it.
"Not stopping, Paul. Not until we've both come." He pushed in deeper, looking to nail that sweet

spot inside Paul's body.

When he found it, Paul's eyes went wide, lips parted. "Right there."
"Mmm. Good." Smiling, he worked his prick out a little before pushing back in again.
"Yes. Yes, please."
He felt every word vibrating against him.
Nodding, he set to work, pulling Paul up as he came out and bringing the slender body back down

every time he thrust up. Paul's fingers dug into his shoulders, the man lost to the sensations, flying for
him. He watched, entranced, as Paul's face showed everything. It made him work harder, trying to
send Paul higher.

"Please don't let someone knock or call. Please."
"Not going to answer." He slid one hand between them to grab Paul's prick; his lover needed more

stimulation if Paul had time to worry about what might interrupt them.

Paul's ass clenched around his cock, responding immediately to his touch. He jerked, and his

rhythm stuttered for a second before he took a breath and found it again, working to get them both off.
The look on Paul's face was pure bliss, and Jeff would bet that his lover wasn't worrying now. He
held onto his own pleasure, wanting to make sure he sent Paul over first.

"Jeff..." Paul's cheeks blushed a deep, dark red.
"Come for me."
"Oh, God..." Paul's head fell back, throat working.
Jeff leaned in and bit at Paul's Adam's apple. Paul's body gripped him, squeezed him tight, and he

bit a little harder and heat sprayed between them. Yes!

He humped up hard, urging Paul on, wanting it to last. He kept biting, knowing he was leaving a

mark. His teeth scraped, and his lips rubbed, and Paul tasted so good. Paul's fingers tangled in his
hair, holding him close, holding him right there. He kept sucking, kept moving into Paul's body. Paul

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kept moving, too, kept riding him, and his own need was right there.

He let go of his control; now that Paul had come, he could focus on his own pleasure. Hips

working hard, he pushed up into Paul. He loved how Paul pushed back, pushed down on him. He let
go of Paul's neck, leaning back a bit so he could get a look at the mark he'd left; that was his stamp on
Paul where everyone could see it.

Black and unmistakable, that mark was his. Fuck. He jerked up into Paul a few more times before

crying out, his pleasure pouring out of him.

"Mmm. You're in me."
He nodded and rested their foreheads together, panting as he worked to catch his breath. "I am.

Surrounded by you. So tight ’s good, Paul."

Paul's body rippled around his cock, jerked for him. He shivered and kissed Paul, opening the

sweet mouth with his tongue. Paul's happy little sounds tasted sweet to him, delicious.

"We need to do that again."
"Uh-huh." Paul blinked at him, obviously dazed.
Good. He'd wanted to blow Paul's mind.
He tugged Paul in, holding the man close for a minute. They needed to eat, to relax together, learn

each other, but this worked for right now.

It worked really well.

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Chapter Five

Paul finished cleaning out the margarita machine and started scrubbing all the little garnish tubs. He

didn't mind the deep clean of the bar, really. It was repetitive, simple, and he could tell when he was
done. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and when he pulled it out to look, the call display informed him
it was Jeff.

"Hey, there." He smiled, rinsing tubs.
"Hey." Jeff sounded good -- sexy and masculine, voice a little husky.
It made him smile, made him happy, in the pit of his stomach.
"Thank you for yesterday."
"You mean the cake?" Goosebumps rose up over his arms.
Jeff laughed softly. "I do not."
"No? You liked it last night." He couldn't help his tease.
"Oh, I liked it. But that's not what I was thanking you for." Jeff's voice was low and intimate, like

the words were for his ears only.

"Did you have a good day?" Do you still want me?
"I did. I like this job, especially now that there are rules implemented. How about you?"
"It was just fine. I'm cleaning." Paul hadn't had someone to share his day with like this in a long


"Yeah? Are you done soon? I was thinking I could meet you there, and we could have supper and

then sneak back to my place..."

"I'll be done in about ten minutes, yeah." It would be nice to not walk home.
"I can be there by then." Jeff's voice got even huskier. "I'll see you then."
"I'll wait for you outside." Sir. God, that word wanted out so badly. He didn't let it, though.
"I can't wait." Jeff blew him a kiss through the phone, and the line went dead.
Paul couldn't stop grinning.
Ten minutes later he slid outside, finding Jeff in his car, already at the curb. He waved, smiled,

eager to see his lover again. Jeff leaned over and opened the door for him, a wide smile on his man's

"Hey, there. How are you?" He slipped in and offered his lips for a kiss.
Jeff gave it to him, hand sliding behind his head to cup his scalp, lips pressing against his in a long,

lingering kiss.

"Mmm. Hi, there."
"Hi..." The whole world spun for him.
Jeff's smile filled his vision. "Where do you want to go for supper?"
"Nothing Chinese. I've been smelling soy sauce all day." Not that the food at the club wasn't

awesome, but when that's all you could smell it got to be a bit much.

"What's your favorite kind of food?"
"I want..." He thought about it a second. "I want a pepperoni pizza. A greasy, hot, melty cheese


"Oh, I know just the place. It's a tiny little mom and pop restaurant."
"Yeah?" He relaxed back into the seat. "I'm happy to treat. It just sounds so good."
"I'll take you up on that." Jeff started the car up and pulled out into the traffic.
It was so easy to be with Jeff, so simple in a world that wasn't simple at all.
It only took a few minutes before they'd parked on a side-street in front of a little pizzeria that

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boasted five tables and a delivery window.

"Trust me," Jeff told him as they went in. "Best pizza in town."
"It smells amazing."
"It does, doesn't it? We order at the counter." Jeff went to the window. "Hi. We'd like a large

pepperoni, please, and two Cokes."

Paul dug out his wallet and paid the bill, his stomach snarling audibly.
"Is there some garlic bread we can munch on while we wait?" Jeff asked, and the lady behind the

counter nodded and handed over a little basket with four pieces in it.

"On the house."
"Thank you." Jeff put an arm around Paul and led him over to the table by the window that was


"Oh, God. I'm so hungry all of a sudden." He hadn't eaten since last night, and he was ravenous.
"Didn't you get lunch at the club?" Jeff pushed the garlic bread in front of him.
"Your stomach sounds like you haven't eaten in a week."
"Just since our cake last night."
Jeff's eyes went wide. "You haven't eaten since last night?"
"Nope. I slept in -- which you sort of know -- and then work was busy."
"Surely Xavier gives you time off for a lunch break." Jeff pushed the garlic bread more insistently

toward him.

Paul took a piece and munched. "Sure, if I take it, but I was busy."
"Oh, Paul, you need to eat. I'm sure even Xavier would say so."
"I'm fine, honey. No big deal."
"No, you're too thin, and you need to eat."
"I'm fine." And the garlic bread was delicious.
"And I worry about you."
The words warmed him, made him smile. "I'm fine."
"Hmmm." Jeff kissed the top of his head. "Eat the garlic bread; it's amazing." Grabbing a piece, Jeff

munched on it.

Paul ate and they chatted about their days, and the time until the pizza came just flew.
Jeff dished them each up a slice, then sat, looking at him. "I want to see you taking a bite."
"What?" That was weird.
"I love how you look when you're enjoying yourself. Pleasure suits you."
"That... thank you?" How funny.
Jeff grinned, nodded. "Go ahead and let me watch you take that first bite of your pizza." That gaze

was so warm.

He grabbed a piece, letting himself just experience the hot, the grease, the spice. Perfect.
"Mmm. I was right. That was well worth watching."
"It's good. You should have some."
"I will now that you've taste-tested it for me." Jeff gave him a wink.
"Oh, so I get it now..." he teased.
Jeff laughed and grabbed a slice, moaning a little after he'd bit into it. "There really isn't anything

like a nice greasy slice, is there?"

"Nope. And when that's what you want, that's what you want."
"Yeah. I know the feeling, though lately it's not been about food at all." Jeff's gaze was intense.

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"Jeff..." Oh, that felt so good.
"Yeah, Paul?" That gaze made him dizzy.
"You should be careful, saying things like that."
"But I mean it, Paul. I want you. More than I can ever remember wanting anyone."
"Shh." He reached out, covered Jeff's lips. That was dangerous.
Jeff's tongue slid over his fingers. The wet touch had him chuckling, pulling back.
"Mmm. Tastes like pizza."
Paul cackled, clapping happily. Jeff laughed with him, one hand sliding on his thigh. He spread,

relaxing, and grabbed another piece, feeling so happy. Jeff's hand stayed there, heavy and warm and
so good, as they ate.

"We should do this again. It's so..." He searched for a word. "Pleasant? That sounds so banal, but

it's true."

"I was going to suggest nice, so pleasant isn't the most banal word you could have used."
"Oh, good. It is. It's a lovely way to unwind after work."
"I suspect any time with you is a lovely way to unwind after work."
"We'll have to find out."
That made Jeff smile. "We will indeed."
They demolished the pizza, the bread sticks, the sodas, and then a piece of cheesecake. He felt

better. So much better.

"Ready to go?" Jeff asked, eyes warm, making promises.
"I am. That was perfect, thanks."
"Do you think we'll manage to sneak in again, or should we not even try?"
"They'll start figuring it out. Besides that, I promised Little Mike I would bring him a loaf of bread

and some peanut butter."

Little Mike was still too scared to come downstairs, though he'd managed it the other day, hiding

behind him. He thought maybe the whole thing had frightened Mike, though, had made him nervous

Jeff left a tip on the table and took his hand, leading him back out. "What's Little Mike's story? He's

the only one I haven't really met yet."

"You probably won't. He's... shy." Really shy.
"Did something happen to him?"
"He was in college, there was a frat party, and he got drugged and hurt, bad. Devvie says he used

to be this party guy, lots of friends, but... it messed with him. Dev lets him stay for free, and I bring
him food."

"Oh, man, that's awful." Jeff shook his head. "Why would anyone do something to a sweet little guy

like him?"

"I don't know. I just... I want to be there for him. I'm the one he's attached to."
"Good. He needs someone to look out for him. What if we get him a bag of groceries instead of just

the bread and peanut butter?"

"Nothing that needs to be cold. He won't come to the big fridge, and he doesn't have one upstairs."
"There's a little green grocer just around the corner. Let's see what we can find him."
"That's nice of you. I appreciate it." He loved how kind Jeff was, how much the man cared.
"Well it sounds like he's been through so much already. I don't want him stuck on a diet of peanut

butter and bread, too."

They crossed the street and went into the grocer's. There was a little section with fruit and

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vegetables, and Jeff headed there first.

"Apples and bananas don't need to be refrigerated."
"Neither do oranges." Paul grabbed a little basket.
"If we got one tomato and one avocado, they'd be okay sitting out a day or two and would rock

together in a sandwich."

"We can try. He's never asked for anything but peanut butter."
"Maybe he's just trying not to be a bother. What about some canned stuff? Like shrimp or those

little tuna salad with crackers packages."

"Oh, the tuna would be yummy. I love tuna salad."
"Okay, they have three different flavors here. Let's try each, and he can let you know which ones he

likes best."

They moved through the store, grabbing little bits and pieces, treats and interesting foods until their

basket was full.

Little Mike was going to be so amazed. Just tickled. "You're a good man, Jeff."
Jeff kissed the top of his head. "I'm glad you think so."
He did. Jeff was one of the good ones -- decent, solid. Strong.
They got to the register and Jeff perused the shelves next to it. "We need to throw a couple of

chocolate bars in, right?"

"Oh, yeah. I need a dark with sea salt..."
Jeff threw a couple of those in and then a half dozen others as well.
"I'm addicted to those," Paul admitted.
"A chocolate addiction. I'll have to remember that."
"Just those, Jeff. I like it dark and touched with salt. I'm super picky."
Jeff put two more of the ones he wanted in the basket. "These can stay at my place. Call them a

bribe." Jeff gave him a wink as they put their stuff on the counter.

"Oh." He was spoiled.
Jeff paid for the groceries, and they carried the bags back to Jeff's car. He was tickled that Jeff was

being so decent, caring for Mike, him. All of them.

It wasn't far to go from where they'd parked to home, and Jeff came around to open his door for

him. "You'll come have dessert with me after we drop this off with Mike, yeah?"

"Absolutely." If Little Mike opened the door. Paul hadn't actually seen him since the last time he'd

gone upstairs.

"Cool." Jeff let them into the place, and they waved at the boys in the common area. They were

watching a movie, something with lots of explosions.

"Come watch the movie with us, guys!" somebody called out, Paul wasn't sure who, in the dark.
"Maybe later," Jeff called back, heading upstairs to Mike's tiny little apartment.
"Be easy, Jeff. He'll run. Little Mike? Little Mike, it's Paul. Jeff and I went to the grocery store for


He saw the light move under the door. Jeff leaned against the wall next to the door, not saying a

word. Good man.

"I have yummies. Open up?"
"Is he there?" Little Mike sounded worried.
"I'll go back downstairs if you want, Mike." Jeff spoke so softly, gently. "But I won't hurt you, and

I'll stay right here and not come any closer."

"I..." The door opened a crack, bloodshot eyes appearing. "I'm not having a very good day."

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Paul could see that. There were dozens of tiny cuts all over the man's arms. "I'll trade you peanut

butter for the razor, honey. You've been busy."

"Yeah. A bad day."
He could feel Jeff tensing next to him, but true to his word, the man didn't say a word and didn't


"I bet. Trade me the razor for the food, honey? I'll sterilize it and give it back tomorrow night." He

worried about infection, about Mike slipping.

"Okay. Okay, I'll get it."
"You're not giving it back, are you?" Jeff asked quietly, once Mike had disappeared back into his


Paul nodded. "He trusts me. At least I'll know it's clean."
Jeff sighed but then closed his mouth as Little Mike peeked back around the door.
A pack of razors was held out, and Paul forced himself not to wince at the blood and cuts. "Thanks,

honey. Here's your basket. We had fun shopping for you. I hope you like it."

"It's a big bag. That's so sweet."
"Anytime, Mike," murmured Jeff.
Mike flinched but whispered, "Thank you," before disappearing into his room.
"Wow. He spoke to you." Paul was impressed.
"We need him to trust us, Paul. I want to help him. That cutting thing worries me."
"He needs to let the pain out, Jeff. It helps."
"He needs a master who's into blood play," Jeff suggested.
"I don't know that he can handle someone that close. I mean, I talk to him twice a week for about

ten seconds."

"Don't you think it would be healthier for him to have someone help him deal with the trauma and

the aftermath?" They headed back to Jeff's place.

"Well, sure, if Mike lets someone in."
"I'm worried about what might happen to him if he doesn't." Jeff opened his door and ushered him


"Thank you." Paul was still stunned that Mike had spoken to Jeff.
Jeff grabbed a salted caramel bar and handed it over to him. "I'm keeping the others in the fridge to

tempt you here."

"Like I need candy for that." Jeff was a temptation in himself.
"Thank you." Smiling, Jeff drew him close and took a kiss.
"Oh." He smiled, took a long, slow kiss.
Jeff groaned, arms tugging him in so close. He leaned in, snuggled. He was lost, so lost to those


"Could do this forever," murmured Jeff.
"Wouldn't that be nice?"
"Yeah." Jeff licked his lower lip. "Would it be rude to drag you back to my bedroom right away?"
"Oh, I don't think that would be rude at all."
"Good." Jeff took his hand and headed for the bedroom.
Paul laughed -- he couldn't help it. He had to, he was so happy.
"That's a great sound, Paul. I want to hear it every day." Jeff drew him over to the bed. He ended

up straddling Jeff's thighs, their bellies rubbing.

They began kissing again, Jeff stealing his breath. They rocked together, sliding a little bit, but Paul

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was caught in the touch of Jeff's tongue, the way Jeff's breath pushed into him. Jeff started undressing
him, but it didn't take away from the kisses they shared -- those were the focus.

Paul's fingers found their way into Jeff's hair, holding on. Once they were naked, Jeff grabbed hold

of his ass and dragged their bodies together, rocking them.

"Love being bare with you. Love how your skin feels."
Jeff nodded. "Yeah, me, too." Warm, and solid, Jeff squeezed his ass tight enough he could feel the

imprint of each finger.

Paul moaned, tongue flicking out, licking his lips.
"You liked the spanking. I want to do it again. And I can't wait to find out what else you like."
"I like you." He liked Jeff too much.
Jeff beamed at him. "And I'm falling for you, Paul. Hook, line, and sinker."
"Shh. Don't say that, love. Something will happen to you."
Jeff shook his head, though. "No, Paul. Nothing's going to happen to me because of how I feel about


He covered Jeff's lips with his fingers. "Shh."
Jeff pulled his finger in and sucked on it. Oh, that made his eyes cross. Chuckling, Jeff pulled

harder, scraped his teeth over the pad.

"Jeff." His hips rolled, slid on Jeff's thighs.
"Love how much you need."
"I'm... You make me dizzy."
Jeff took his mouth again, moving them, lying him out on the bed and lying down next to him so

their bodies could rub. Paul pushed up, rubbing lazily on Jeff, needing this. Jeff's hand landed on his
ass, tugging him even closer as another kiss stole his breath.

Paul felt like the whole world was here, in this bed, making love and smiling. Jeff's hand slid

around to his ass, fingers playing along his crack, moving to his hole. He spread, pushed his hips
back, the offer clear and direct. The tip of Jeff's finger pushed into him, spreading his hole open. Paul
took that finger in, rocked on it, eyes rolling.

It disappeared and then came back with another, both slick now as they pushed into him. Humming,

Jeff rocked against him, their movements synching up.

"Jeff. So good." He was addicted to those touches.
"Uh-huh. The best."
Jeff's fingers went deep.
Oh... He rolled, his nipples aching, his balls tight enough they throbbed.
"Wanna be inside you, Paul. I want to feel your tight, hot body wrapped around my cock."
He nodded, moaning almost continuously. "Please. Please, I need it."
Jeff's fingers disappeared, and he rolled them, putting Paul on his back and leaning over him.

"Gonna make you scream with pleasure.'

"Anything. Please." He wanted Jeff to take him.
Jeff reached for the headboard and came back with a condom, handing it over to him. "Put it on


"Mmmhmm." He could do that. He opened the rubber, eased it over the tip -- and then it popped

off, going flying. He stared, eyes wide. "Oops!"

Jeff bit his bottom lip, then started laughing. Oh, God. Paul snorted, then just lost it, laughing so

hard it hurt.

Jeff collapsed half on him, half next to him, chortling like crazy. "Oh, God, that was priceless."

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"You have a rubber launching cock!" The words were loud, shocking him, and the giggles started


Jeff's laughter got brighter, and he thrust his hips forward. "Ta-da!"
Paul managed to applaud through hysterical laughter. God, this was the most fun ever. Ever.
Jeff finally caught his breath and rubbed the happy tears from his cheeks. "Oh, God. That was... just

so funny."

"It was!" Laughing during sex was amazing.
"Think we should try again?" Jeff asked, reaching up for another little square.
"I think we should." He managed it this time, even with the giggles.
Jeff giggles turned into a moan as he smoothed the latex over Jeff's hard cock. "Feels good, Paul."
"It does. It feels amazing." He didn't mean the sex; he meant everything.
Jeff smiled at him and cupped his cheek, like Jeff knew what he meant.
Shifting, Jeff then pushed between his legs, cock lining up with his hole. Paul eased himself down,

enjoying the heated flesh pushing inside him.

Jeff groaned and kept moving deeper. "So tight."
"Uh-huh. Jeff. Love, please. So good."
Jeff pulled out slowly before thrusting back in, going all the way. Paul let himself relax, let his

head fall back as he soared. Jeff had a lovely rhythm going, not too fast, not too slow -- just nice and
easy. Each glide moved over his gland, sparking him up over and over. Paul's entire body felt like it
was covered in a sure, solid heat, wrapped in care.

Jeff pressed kisses on him, keeping his focus right here. He'd never felt like this before. Ever.
Jeff's thrusts got harder, everything ramping up a little, Jeff working them toward orgasm.
"Jeff. Jeff, please. Don't let it stop yet."
Smiling, Jeff slowed down his thrusts. "You wanna go all night?"
"I want to be right here. Never been so happy."
"Me, neither, Paul. I'm falling for you hard."
That was a terrible mistake, but he didn't care, not right now.
Jeff pressed kisses over his face, finally landing on his lips again, hips keeping up their slow, even

rhythm that let him stay right there inside the two of them. He hadn't known this feeling was possible.

Jeff's gaze met his, a slow smile curling up his lips.
"Look happy." Almost as happy as Paul felt.
"I am. You make me happy, Paul. Truly."
"Good." He silenced Jeff with a sloppy kiss, moaning into those heated lips
The long, lazy strokes continued for a while longer, but then Jeff groaned and began thrusting

harder. "I have to..."

"Uh-huh." He knew.
Grabbing hold of his cock. Jeff moved faster. "Have a plug," he muttered. "For you. After."
Paul's body went tight, and he cried out, ass working Jeff's cock.
Moaning, Jeff increased the intensity, really slamming into him now, hand tugging his prick hard.
Oh, soon. Soon. He was so close.
Jeff looked into his eyes again. "Come for me, Paul. I want you to come on my cock."
"Jeff." Oh, fuck. He was flying.
"Yeah. Yeah, Paul. Come on now."
His balls drew up tight, making his belly ache.
Jeff hit his gland and then again. "That's it. Want to feel, want to see."

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Spunk sprayed out of him, pulsing out, making him shake.
"Paul...." Jeff groaned, jerking into him and then stilling.
Oh, God. Please. Please let him keep this, just a little bit longer.
Jeff reached over him and grabbed something from the nightstand. His body followed Jeff,


"We should get tested." Jeff rolled them carefully back to where they were, bodies still one. "That

way when I do this, my seed will still be inside you."

"Uhn." This noise came out of him and he nodded, even as his heart started beating faster.
"We'll get tested tomorrow. We could do it in two days."
"Okay. Yes. Yes, I never. Not even before."
"Me neither." Jeff kissed him softly. "I've never wanted to before now."
"God, I hope I don't drive you crazy."
Jeff grinned "You already do, in the greatest way."
Jeff stayed inside him as he slicked up the plug. Paul’s eyes widened. He hadn't even noticed the


"I set it on the nightstand before I came and got you," Jeff admitted. "I wanted to play and was

hoping you did, too."

"Oh. I. I like a man who's a planner."
"Good, because I have a lot of plans for you." Jeff slid out of him, and immediately put the plug at

his hole, opening him back up.

He gasped, bore down on the plug. "Oh, man."
"It's a large one." Jeff met his eyes. "I thought you'd want something you can really feel."
"Uh. Uh-huh." He pulled in a breath, rocking against it.
"God, you're stunning." Jeff watched him, nostrils flaring.
"I... So good." He was trying to get hard again, fucking himself with the plug.
Jeff took hold of his balls, rolling them gently, putting just the smallest bit of pressure on them.
"Jeff..." He arched, moving a little faster.
"I want you to get hard, and I'm going to bind your cock, keep you hard."
God, Jeff's words made him giddy.
Grabbing the base of his cock, Jeff stroked him from bottom to top. It took him a second to find a

rhythm, to match between hand and plug, but he got it.

"I could sell tickets to this. You're amazing."
"No tickets. This is for your eyes."
"I never would. Never. I wanted you to know just how beautiful you are, though."
"I know. I see your face."
"Good." Jeff grabbed a piece of leather from the nightstand and wrapped it around the base of his


"Oh." Oh, god. So hot. So kinky.
Bending, Jeff kissed the tip of his cock. "There you go."
"Uhn." He didn't have anything else.
"Now I think we should cuddle. Maybe watch a movie?" Jeff patted his cock gently.
"Watch a movie." His eyelids went heavy.
"Uh-huh. We don't even have to move, and we can stay naked for easy access." Jeff kissed him,

tugging his lower lip out. "I think you should wear a plug on a regular basis. I like how it makes you

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"Jeff..." He moaned, pressing close to rub, shiver.
Jeff pulled him closer and reached back to the nightstand again, grabbing the remote. "Get used to

it, Paul. I'm not going anywhere."

He noticed that Jeff made sure his plugged ass was right on Jeff's thigh. Every now and then Jeff

would shift his leg, nudging the plug inside Paul. He'd moan, his entire body feeling alive, awake.

They watched one movie, then another, and he couldn't even have said what the movies were. All

he knew was Jeff and the constant, sweet touches.

It was such a good evening. And they weren't interrupted once. It was like a fairytale. This moment

of magic.

No matter what else happened, he would never forget this.

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Chapter Six

Jeff hummed as he lit the candles on his little kitchen table. There were flowers, too, along with a

delicious meal just waiting for Paul to get home to be brought out of the oven. They had their test
results back this morning -- both of them were clean, and tonight they would make love without

He'd never done that before; he'd never really even wanted to. Nobody else had ever been as

special as Paul was. Opening the stove, he checked on the plates -- he hadn't cooked, he'd picked the
food up from La Saucier and was just keeping it warm.

"Jeff?" His door opened a crack, Tim peeking in. "I know you're busy, but I'm heading to the

grocery store and was wondering if you needed anything?" Oh, that was thoughtful.

On the whole, the boys who lived here were good men. It was just easy to get them riled up, and

they seemed to thrive on drama. "Not today, Tim. Thanks for asking."

"You're welcome. Night!"
He could hear some of the other boys talking in the hall, too.
He'd say he was settling in well. It was definitely a full-time job, but it wasn't a hard job. An awful

lot of it was sitting and listening to each resident's problems, so he could sort them out. Hell, most of
the boys just needed someone to hear them, to see them. They were responding beautifully to the new
rules, cleaning the common areas being just enough of a punishment that they were more than willing
to follow along with the rules he'd set down.

Jeff wanted to find them all masters to make them happy. Of course, for each one that left, there

was bound to be a new boy to take his place. At least he'd always have work!

Another knock sounded, and Paul's head appeared. "Jeff? It's me."
"Wonderful. Come on in, love, and," he glanced at his watch, making sure it was after six. "Lock

the door." He was on emergency call only after six. He'd thought that rule might be a fight, but so far it
had worked out really well.

"Okay. Did you have a good day?" Paul carefully closed and locked the door.
"I did. It was pretty busy. How about you?" He opened his arms for Paul.
"It was just fine. Good tips. Everyone was smiling and cheery. I like those days."
"That's great. And are you still wearing my plug?" He'd sent Paul off in the morning with a little

plug inside his ass.

Paul's cheeks flushed a sweet, rosy pink. "I am. I felt you all day."
That made him warm all over. "Good. We'll take it out now, give your body a rest while we eat


"I... I can do it."
"Do what, love?" He started undoing Paul's pants, button first, zipper next.
"Take it out."
He chuckled and shook his head. "You don't need to do it alone. I put it in -- I can take it out again."

He slid Paul's pants down over his ass. "Let's just lean you over the sofa here." He loved how Paul
moaned for him, wiggled.

He made sure to touch the lovely body as Paul bent over the arm of the couch, his fingers lingering

along Paul's crack.

"Jeff..." Paul arched, went up on tiptoe.
"Such a lovely boy. I want to lose myself in you."
"Where would the fun in that be?"

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He chuckled. "I think it sounds fabulous. But I can't eat, sleep, and breathe you twenty-four-seven,

unfortunately." Jeff got his fingers on the base of the plug, though he didn't pull it out yet.

"No. I think we'd go a little crazy. And I know the guys here would miss you."
Chuckling, he pulled the plug right out. "Besides, we wouldn't appreciate the time we had together

if we were always together."

"Uh...uh-huh." Paul stood, ass muscles hard as little rocks.
Jeff cupped them in his hands, massaged them. "Easy, love."
"Sorry. Sorry. Oh, God. You have amazing hands."
"I'm glad you think so -- I love touching you." Jeff squeezed again and nibbled on his neck.
"My pants are down."
"I noticed. Makes it easier to touch."
He did love Paul's soft little laugh. "Excellent point."
"Maybe we should eat naked."
"What did you cook?"
"Oh, I didn't cook. I wanted this to be a special meal." He winked at Paul. "I have lobster mac and

cheese, steak and baked potato, and raspberry chocolate mousse."

Paul's eyes actually crossed. "Oh, God."
"I may be only an okay cook, but I can order with the best of them."
"It sounds amazing. Thank you."
He helped Paul step out of his pants and led his naked lover to the kitchen. Grabbing a couple of

tea towels, he put one down on Paul's chair, and one on his own. He wasn't going to make Paul eat
naked alone, but he wasn't going to strip until he'd taken the food out of the over, either.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Just sit, love. It's just taking food out of the oven."
"It smells so good. Lobster mac and cheese! I've always always -- always -- wanted to try that."
"Then I'm happy to be the one to give it to you for the first time."
Paul kissed him, the smooch playful, happy. Joyful. Smiling, he hooked his arm around Paul's waist

and took another kiss. Paul opened up to him, but he kept the kiss light, loving Paul's relaxation.

"Now sit, and eat my bought-especially-for-you lobster mac and cheese."
"Yes, Jeff." Paul kissed the tip of his nose.
God, he was so falling in love with this lovely man.
Paul fell on the mac and cheese like a starving man, gratifyingly eager, savoring each taste.
"Is it everything you hoped?" He hadn't even tasted his own yet.
"Oh, my God. How yummy."
"Cool." Smiling, he took a bite of his own. Damn, it was really good. Nearly as good as watching

Paul enjoying it.

They spent the rest of the meal feeding each other, chatting. It fascinated him, how once Paul

relaxed with him, the man was articulate, wickedly smart, and incredibly charming. No wonder the
man made an amazing bartender.

And no wonder Jeff was falling more in love with Paul the more he spent time with him.
By dessert, Paul was in his lap, laughing and teasing. It was the perfect precursor to making love

without a condom for the first time, the whole evening building the joy and intimacy between them.

There hadn't been any knocking on the door, no panicked phone calls. It was amazing. He liked to

think it had more than a little to do with him spending his time with the boys during the day, helping to
ground them, implementing his rules. That truly made a difference, and this was the proof.

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"Would you like to move to the bedroom?" he asked.
"Do you need me to clean up first?"
"Usually I'd say yes, but this evening we're just going to go straight to the bedroom." He knew Paul

enjoyed service, so any other time he would have said yes.

"Straight to the bedroom?"
"Yep. I'm eager to make love to you." He grinned. "The dishes will still be there for you in the


"Yes, love, but we're not. Straight, that is."
"Oh!" He laughed as the penny dropped. "My clever boy."
Paul beamed, chuckled at him. "Thank you. I like to play."
He knew that, Paul's sense of play was just one of the many wonderful things about the man. "I

know. It's one of my favorite things about you."

They moved into the bedroom together, hand and hand. Already naked, there was nothing to

remove, which meant they could head right for the bed and not have to worry about any pesky
clothing. Ease of access -- Jeff approved.

"We're really doing this, huh? You and me?" God, Paul was so sweet, so trusting.
"We are. I've never wanted to with anyone else -- you're it." Jeff wanted Paul to know how special

he was.

"I want to be. It, that is. Your "it'."
"That works perfectly for me." Jeff couldn't help but beam. Paul made him so happy.
"Good." Paul moved close to him, reached for him.
He picked Paul up and laid him on the bed, lying down against the beautiful, slender body.
"I hope no one knocks."
"Me, too. It's too late for emergencies." He gave Paul a wink and closed the distance between their

mouths. If Paul was focused entirely on him, he wouldn't have time to worry about interruptions.

Paul moaned, lips parting underneath his. Good boy. His tongue swept in, and he tasted Paul and

supper, so sweet and all his. Best of all, he tasted happiness, pleasure. He could feel Paul's prick
beginning to harden against his belly and knew his own was, too. He rubbed them together.

"We're going to make love -- bareback."
"We are. First time ever for me." He wanted that point reiterated.
"Me too."
"Good." Heat uncurled in his belly, and he slid his hand along Paul's side.
Paul stretched the barest bit under his hand. "Are you nervous?"
He chuckled, then nodded. "A little, actually."
"I'm not. I know that you're going to be inside me for real."
"Oh... Paul." He kissed his lover, hard, the nerves he did have fading away.
His body went from slow and easy to needing in second. He wanted inside, wanted to feel Paul on

his skin. He bit at a fading mark on Paul's neck and continued downward, licking and nibbling at all
that lovely skin.

"Where are you going?" Paul's voice sounded like it was a smile.
"I need to get you ready for my prick." And he was going to taste Paul to do it.
"Oh..." Paul spread for him, like butter for a hot knife.
It made him smile, and he kept working his way down, leaving a soft kiss on the tip of Paul's cock

before dragging his tongue all the way down it.

"Jeff." Paul's body undulated, sliding against him.

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"So sexy. God, I almost can't believe you're mine." He kissed both balls, then took one into his


"I am, I promise. I'll be yours. I'll be good."
"I just need you to be you, love." Good, bad, nice, naughty -- as long as it was Paul, Jeff didn't care

about the rest. It was Paul that he loved, every square inch. And yes. Loved. He'd known it when he'd
asked them to get tested. He knew it now. No matter how quickly it had happened.

Licking behind Paul's balls, he breathed deeply, taking in the scent of his lover before licking at

that tight little hole.

"Oh, love..." Paul grabbed his knees, spread for him in a lazy, graceful motion.
Moaning, Jeff pushed his tongue into Paul's body. He fucked the tight wrinkled hole for a moment,

then began licking and laving, wetting the tiny entrance. He loved the way Paul tasted, and he loved
the way his tongue could make the man wild. Paul was babbling for him -- soft, random nonsense that
meant love and pleasure.

He fucked Paul's hole a few more times, then grabbed the lube and pushed a single slick finger in

deep. Paul hummed, took him in to the third knuckle. He fingerfucked Paul for a few minutes,
watching the slender body writhe and dance.

"Another finger, love?"
"And more lube." He added the slick and slid a second finger in with the first.
"Mmmhmm. More." Paul's face was blissful.
He pushed another finger in, stretching Paul open. Paul's body gripped him tight, squeezed his


"Fuck. I can't wait until that's my prick."
"Me neither. Too. Whatever."
He took that as a sign and pulled his fingers out. And he didn't have to glove up for the next step.

Jeff had to stop a second, breathe, just because the thought was so good.

He smiled down at Paul. "No condoms, love. Just you and me."
"You're going to be in me, so deep.
"I am." He pressed up between Paul's legs, letting the tip of his cock rest against that slick little


Paul met his eyes, smiled, then took a long, slow breath. As Paul let his breath out, Jeff pushed

slowly into the tight, velvet heat. A wild sound escaped him. He couldn't help it. He'd never felt that

"Paul. Love. Oh, my God." He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the sensation.
"You're in me, skin on skin."
"I am. Oh fuck." It was good; really good. He was surprised at how much more intimate it felt. He

could feel every ripple, every shudder of Paul's body. "I love you. Paul."

"Jeff." Paul moaned, ass clenching around him.
"Right here. Inside you."
Paul's fingers cupped his cheek, the touch so gentle. Moaning, he turned his face and kissed the

middle of Paul's palm. They began to move, hips separating and pushing together. He'd never felt
anything so good.

Holding Paul's eyes, he rode the sensations. He could see himself reflected, moaning, staring as

they made love. He didn't want it to end, the sensations and the intimacy more than he'd ever felt

His muscles began to burn, his abs pushing hard. "Take your prick, love," he ordered softly.

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"Mmm." Paul nodded but didn't let go of his arms.
"You going to come just like this?" He could help with that. He shifted, searching for that sweet

little gland.

"Uh-huh. Oh, love..." Paul arched throat working, hips rolling to help.
He hit it, Paul's whole body jerking for him, a soft cry sounding. Oh, right there. Excellent. He

pushed in again, pegging that sweet spot again.

"Let it build, and I'll tell you when you can come." Concentrating on the words helped him keep his

focus, keep from coming inside Paul without waiting.

"Yes. Yes, love. So good." Paul gripped his arms like they might both float away.
He kept thrusting, hitting that sweet spot. "Okay, love. Now."
"Please..." Paul gasped, twisting against him.
"Come on, Paul. I want to feel you all around me." He slammed in one more time, and Paul shot,

spunk spraying over the man's chest. He felt the orgasm, all around his cock, Paul's body squeezing
and demanding his own orgasm. He filled his boy, pushing his seed deep in that sweet ass. He'd never
felt that before, never filled a lover with his seed.

They rested together, panting, Paul's body shuddering around him.
"Oh, love. That was amazing." Jeff couldn't quite believe just how amazing.
"Uh-huh. Wow." Look at that smile.
He leaned in and kissed Paul, putting everything he was feeling into it. Paul wrapped around him,

held on, moaning into his lips.

"I'm going to plug you when I come out. Keep me inside you." He knew Paul knew that was the

plan, but he liked saying it out loud.

"Oh, God."
Jeff felt Paul's body grip him intensely.
Moaning, he kissed Paul again, tongue fucking Paul's lips a few times. Nothing had ever been so

intense, so special. Soft sounds pushed into his lips, over and over, the moans needy. He felt around
for the plug; he'd left it under his pillow. His fingers wrapped around it as Paul's ass squeezed him.

"Paul..." He closed his eyes and took a breath, his prick trying to make a comeback.
"Uh-huh?" Paul squeezed again, this time on purpose.
"You wanting another go?"
"I want to make you need me."
"I already do, Paul. I do." He rolled his hips, circling his cock inside Paul. He loved that he could

do this, that they had this. "I want to be inside you always. That's why I'm going to plug my seed
inside you."

He did love how that made Paul clench. He circled his hips again.
"Feels amazing." Paul sounded like he was drunk.
"You do." He kept doing it, moving inside Paul's body.
This time it was lazy, simple. Easy. He could feel his own orgasm building again, knew it wasn't

going to be stars exploding, but that almost made it better.

"I could do this forever, Jeff," Paul whispered.
"Me, too." He brought their mouths together, the kiss matching the slow, easy movements of their


Heat and pleasure wrapped around him like a blanket, cradling them both, leaving him breathless.

He really did want to go forever, or at least all night. The pleasure built, though, slowly settling in his
balls and making him need to shoot again.

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"I'm going to fill you more, and then you'll have me inside you, all night."
His words made Paul shudder, and he knew his lover was right there with him. Wrapping his hand

around Paul's cock, he sped his movements. He made sure to work the tip of Paul's prick with his
thumb, make Paul wild around him.

"Oh, fuck, yes." He shifted, finding Paul's gland and pushing against it.
Seed covered his fingers, Paul's body spent. Moaning, he let himself go, and his balls emptied,

pushing more spunk into Paul.

He didn't wait this time, replacing his prick with the plug and not giving Paul any warning. "Now

I'll be inside you all night."

Paul moaned, curled into his arms.
He held on, stroking a hand through Paul's hair. "Thank you, love. That was a beautiful gift."
"Not a gift. We shared it."
Tilting Paul's head up, he took another kiss, this one soft and deep at the same time. "I love you."

He met Paul's eyes.

"I love you, too." He felt Paul holding his breath.
He hoped his happiness and his love showed in his eyes. "That's wonderful."
"I hope so.""
"It is," he insisted. He knew Paul believed he couldn't be happy with anyone without making them

crazy or something, but he was going to prove to Paul it wasn't true.

"Okay. It is." Paul kissed his jaw.
"Good boy." He settled, wrapped around Paul. Paul kissed his fingers, moaned. "You're mine,

Paul. And you're just going to have to get used to it."

"I'll take that under consideration."
"I'm not backing away." He'd definitely have to prove it to Paul by actually being there and

continuing to love Paul.

"I want this to work, more than I've ever wanted anything, Jeff."
"So do I. So we've got the best start there could be." And that was that. They'd work the rest out.

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Chapter Eight

Paul headed upstairs to Little Mike's room and knocked. "Honey? It's me. Paulie. I haven't seen you

in a few days."

Hrm. Nothing. Weird.
He knocked a little louder. "Mike? Honey? You okay?"
The door opened a crack, and whoa, it smelled stale in there. "I'm okay."
"You should open a window or something." It couldn't be healthy, not to have any fresh air.
Mike ducked his head. "I know. I'm sorry."
"Can I come in?" Paul asked.
"C...come in? Here?"
"Uh-huh. Just for a minute or two?" He was a little worried.
Little Mike contemplated it for so long that he thought Mike was going to say no. But then Mike

nodded quickly and stepped back, opening the door a little wider.

"Thanks, honey."
The room was, surprisingly, pin neat, barring the pile of razors on the side table. "Can I open a

window, Mike? You need air."

"O...o...okay." Little Mike went back to the couch, curling into himself at one end of it.
"Are you doing okay? Would you like to come have supper in my room tonight? I can make


Mike shook his head. "I can't. I'm staying up here."
"You've been cutting a lot, honey. More than a lot. I'm worried."
"It's okay. He... he brought me some food. I ate. I promise."
"He who?"
"Y..y..your guy."
"Oh, Jeff? He's a nice man, huh? I like him a lot." He sat and opened his arms. "You totally look

like you need a hug."

Little Mike blinked at him a few times before carefully moving in. He hugged and rocked, humming

softly as the man slowly relaxed. Mike was so skinny, and those poor arms were badly scared. At
least, right now, he was safe and with someone who loved him.

There was a soft knock on the door. Mike stiffened, and Paul gentled him before asking. "Who is


"It's Jeff. I have some oranges and those bright green lime Jell-Os."
"Can I invite him in, honey?"
Little Mike nodded. "I love lime Jell-O."
"Come on in, Jeff." Oh, thank God.
Jeff opened the door just enough to come in and closed it behind him "Hi, Mike. Hey, love."
"Hey, Jeff. Mike's having a hug." He tried to telegraph his worry with his eyes.
"Oh, can I get in on that?" Jeff moved slowly toward them.
Mike stiffened, and Paul petted a little, murmuring softly. "He's safe, Mike. I promise."
"I swear to God."
"I am, Mike. I love Paul and I'm faithful to him, and I would never hurt anyone, especially the boys

who live here and most especially you."

"He's a good man." Paul kept holding Mike, rocking him gently.

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Jeff knelt in front of him and Mike. "You know what might be nice, Mike? A home-cooked meal.

Paul was going to make me supper tonight, and you could join us."

"Oh, I... I couldn't come down. I stay up here. It's safe."
"You'd be safe at my place, Mike. Paul and I would protect you on the way down to the second

floor and while you were in my home." Jeff was speaking gently, earnestly.

"I promise we'll come back up with you. You don't have to talk to anybody." Come on, honey. Let

us help you.

"We'll protect you, Mike," added Jeff. "I promise."
Paul nodded, still holding on. "One meal."
"Come with us." Jeff stood and held out his hand.
Little Mike reached up, hundreds of tiny cuts on the man's arms. Jeff didn't comment, though. Hell,

he didn't even wince, somehow, as his hand wrapped around Mike's.

"What...what's for dinner?" Little Mike was trying, so hard.
"Jeff asked for enchiladas. Do you like those?" He could make anything. And if Mike preferred the

raviolis he'd offered earlier, that's what they'd have. He knew Jeff wouldn't mind.

"Paul's a good cook and loves serving, so if you had something you'd prefer..." Jeff started moving

toward the door, going slowly. No sudden movements.

"I like enchiladas okay. I haven't had them in a long time."
Oh, yay. Paul grinned. "Mine are fabulous."
"I've been salivating all day, anticipating them." Jeff got to the door and turned the knob.
"Do you want me to go first and make sure no one's in the hall?" Paul asked.
Little Mike nodded, so Paul ran down, almost running into Devvie. "Devvie, Little Mike's going to

have supper with me and Jeff."

Dev's eyes went wide. "For real?"
"I'll make sure no one's in the way. Wow."
"You're a love." He hugged Devvie tightly and ran back upstairs where Jeff was speaking quietly to


"Just take one deep breath after another. You can even close your eyes if you want to. Whatever is

easier for you."

"Devvie's making sure the coast is clear," he told them, still shocked that Mike had agreed to come

down with them.

"That's great. Come on, Mike. Paul and I have you." Jeff waited for him to get on the other side of

Mike, and they squished together just a bit to let all three go down the stairs at the same time.

Jeff's apartment was right there, clean and bright and quiet, and Little Mike perched on the edge of

the sofa, both of them sitting too. Paul held Mike's hand. "You let me know when you're ready for me
to start supper."

"I'm okay. I won't freak out. It's a pretty place."
"Thank you." Jeff looked pleased. "I'm slowly adding to it, but Paul's been a godsend in helping me

keep it shipshape."

Jeff was making him serve, and it was rather stunning, how at peace it made him. There was a joy

in it that made him soar. He'd never imagined his love of cleaning and order could be so... satisfying
when Jeff made it a duty.

"Did you want to watch a movie or something?" Jeff asked. "Or we could play a card game?"
"I'm okay. I don't have a TV." Mike blushed. "Paulie offered to get me one, though."

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"Of course I did. I'm your friend, Mike. I'm going to start the food." God, he wished Mike could be

whole again.

"You want us to come keep you company, love?" Jeff offered.
"I'm fine. I bet Mike would like that show we taped the other night about the weird fish in the

ocean." It was interesting, pretty, harmless.

Going into the kitchen, Paul got the beef cooking and started chopping onions. He could hear the

TV coming on and the soothing tones of the narrator. The routine was comfortable and easy. He fixed
Jeff a glass of tea and brought Mike a sealed bottle of water, so comfortable in his skin. So happy.

Jeff's fingers lingered on his as he passed the tea over, his lover's eyes warm.
"The enchiladas will be in the oven in ten, and then supper will be in half an hour after. Do you

two want chips and guacamole?"

"That would be awesome, love." Jeff grinned. "I'm feeling very munchy."
"If Jeff's having some..."
Paul beamed at Little Mike. "Rock on. I make a great guac."
"Will you be able to sit and share it with us?" Jeff asked.
It made him feel good, knowing Jeff wanted his company, not just his service. "Once the enchiladas

are in the oven, absolutely." That was one of the great parts of casserole-type dishes.

"Excellent." Jeff reached out to touch him again, and then Jeff and Mike's attention turned back to

the TV screen.

More chopping and cooking, stirring and spicing, and the enchiladas were in the oven and the chips

and guacamole were on the table. Jeff held up his arm, the invitation for him to slip into the Paul-
sized space there clear.

"Thirty minutes to supper." He snuggled in, rested his cheek against Jeff's shoulder. "Thanks for

coming to supper, Mikey."

"Thank you for the invitation. I've been upstairs a long time."
"We should make this a regular thing," Jeff suggested. "Tuesday night suppers or something."
"Oh, I don't like to bother people. I get scared."
"You don't have to be scared with us, though, huh?" Paul grinned over, winked. "I'm your friend."
"Me, too. I like you, Mike. And Paul and I don't mind sharing a meal with you every now and then."
"Every now and again, sure." Mike didn't sound so sure.
Jeff smiled at Paul and patted his hip in approval.
"Good job," Jeff mouthed at him.
Oh. Oh, the praise was... Oh. Jeff kissed the top of his head, the hand around his shoulder, stroking.
They watched the TV, nibbled on snacks, and it was quiet, easy. When the timer rang, he smiled.

"Do we want to eat at the table or here?"

"Little Mike? How will you be more comfortable?"
"The table is fine. They smell good."
"I hope they taste good, too."
"I'm sure they will." Mike was being positively outgoing.
Jeff stood and tugged him up as well, the three of them moving into the kitchen, where Jeff held

Mike's chair for him. Mike blinked but sat, color in his face, looking almost okay. Paul was so proud
of them all.

Jeff breathed in deeply. "God, that smells good, love."
"Yeah? I added a mix of yellow and white cheese this time." He liked to tweak the recipes until

they were absolutely perfect.

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"I can't wait to eat."
"Me, too." Mike said it quietly, but he did say it.
Paul served them up, made sure everyone had drinks and napkins.
"We're good, love. Join us."
"Yes, sir. I mean, Jeff. Love." Oh.
Jeff's smile was suddenly at a thousand watts. "Sir works."
He sat, suddenly revved up, excited, nervous. The look in Jeff's eyes said he felt the same way.
Mike ate his enchilada, chin down and shivering a bit, and Paul forced himself to chill out. This

was for Mike, not him.

Jeff cleared his throat. "These are really good, Paul."
"Thank you. I'm so glad you liked it."
"Are you enjoying it, Mike?" Jeff asked, voice soft and easy again.
"It's very, very good. Spicy."
Paul beamed, so proud.
"You should take the leftovers home to warm up," Jeff suggested.
"I don't have a fridge."
"Then we'll bring them up for you tomorrow evening." Jeff was so good to Mike.
"That would be nice. Thank you."
Paul nodded. "You've got it."
"Is there dessert, love?"
"I made a coconut pie."
Jeff licked his lips. "How did I get so lucky?"
"You chose a man who loves to cook," he teased.
That had Jeff laughing. "I didn't even know that when I chose you, though."
Mike looked at them, eyes so sad. "You're lucky."
Paul nodded, in total agreement. "I so am."
"Maybe one day you'll be lucky, too." Jeff touched the back of Mike's hand.
"I don't think so. I...I'm sorta ruined, but it's a nice thought."
"Oh, Mike, you're not ruined." Jeff shook his head. "You just need someone really special. But

then, that's what we all want, isn't it?"

"I guess. I... I think I want to go home. My head hurts, and I've been down here a while."
Paul nodded. "Can I get you a piece of pie to take up?" He was shocked Mikey had stayed this

long, really.

"We'll take you up." Jeff gave Mike a smile. "Thank you so much for coming to visit. It was so nice

to have you."

"Let me get a piece of pie." He found a little plate, served up a piece, and Mike was already at the


He didn't go out, though, not until Jeff opened the door for him, and Paul and Jeff flanked him. By

the time they got Mike upstairs and settled, Paul had to admit he was exhausted, worn out.

Jeff's arm went around his shoulders as they went back down the stairs. "We need to find someone

for him, Paul."

"Like who? He's so scared, all the time."
"I don't know who, but I'll talk to the Hammer, see if the people there have any suggestions."
Dev came down the hallway. "Did he do it?"
Paul nodded. "Uh-huh."

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"He spent what? Two hours with us?"
"He ate. He didn't cry, even once." Paul was so proud.
"We need to figure out a way to take care of those cuts." Jeff considered it a moment. "We can buy

him antibiotic cream and band aids as a start."

Barney came up. "Why are we talking in the hallway?"
Devvie cackled. "Mikey had dinner with Paulie and Jeff!"
"Dinner?" Barney looked impressed.
Paul nodded. "Would you two like some coconut pie?"
"Oh, we would." Barney nodded eagerly.
Devvie laughed. "I guess we would."
Paulie chuckled, only a little disappointed. He wanted to speak to Jeff, talk about calling him Sir.
"I'm glad you've got Mike on your radar, Jeff. I've been worried about him." Barney clapped Jeff

on the shoulder.

"I didn't even know he was there, until my boy told me."
Dev beamed, even as Paul blushed. "Paulie's amazing. For real."
"He is." Jeff sounded so proud.
Paul's cheeks were on fire.
"We'll eat in the living room, Paul."
He nodded, the "yes, Sir," on his lips.
Jeff smiled as if he'd heard it, then led their guests to the couch. Barney sat and patted his lap, Dev

climbing on happily.

Paul served up four pieces of pie. "Would anyone like coffee?"
Dev looked at Barney, who chuckled. "Just the pie, please, Paulie. We have plans."
"Are you going out?" He loved that Dev had someone to love him, spoil him.
Dev blushed as Barney said, "No," very decisively. "We have playroom plans."
"Oh." He handed out the plates, hands shaking.
Jeff took his plate and took Paul's hand, squeezing it. "Easy, love."
"I'm okay." He was, right? Okay. He just wanted some alone time with Jeff.
Jeff's arm came around him, tugging him close.
Barney and Dev ate their pie quickly, and Barney gave him a grin. "This is amazing, Paul. And I

have to admit, I never can pass up pie, no matter what."

"Thanks. I like baking."
"You're looking well. You both are." Barney chuckled. "Very well in fact."
Jeff grinned. "I love my job, and the boys."
Paul gathered plates, took them to wash.
Dev followed him. "Barn's right, honey. You look really good."
"I feel good. It's nice, taking care of people. I just... I hope it all works out. I." He moved close,

whispered in Devvie's ear. "I keep wanting to call him Sir." Technically, he already had. It had just
slipped out.

Devvie clapped his hand over a squeal and gave Paul a hug. "Oh, Paulie. I'm so happy for you."
He hugged Dev hard. "I know, right? Whoa."
"I never would have believed this a year ago. You and me with amazing men who love us and make

us feel so good." Devvie looked so pleased. Paul knew how he felt.

"I know. Weird, huh?" His phone rang, and he frowned, grabbed it. Xavier didn't need more help

tonight, he'd left them set up. "Hello?"

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"Mr. Bartlett?" He didn't recognize the voice any more than he'd recognized the number.
"This is Officer Ransom from the Santa Maria police department."
Paul didn't understand. "Police?"
"Yes, sir. You're listed as next of kin on Daniel Capitan's paperwork."
"Daniel? I?" He looked at Dev. "What happened?"
"I'm sorry, sir, but he's passed away from an apparent self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head."
Paul's legs gave out and he sank to the floor.
"Paul! Barney! Jeff!" He vaguely heard Devvie shouting.
"What... What do you want?" He couldn't do this.
"You'll need to come and identify the body, retrieve his personal items."
"Tonight?" He couldn't do this. That thought just kept repeating in his head over and over.
Jeff and Barney thundered into the room.
"No. No, the morning is fine."
"I." Daniel was dead. Shot himself in the head.
Jeff's arms slid around his shoulders, his lover kneeling on the ground with him.
"Sir? Are you there sir?" The voice on the phone got louder. "Sir?
"Uh-huh." Daniel had shot himself in the head.
"Do you have a pen? I'm going to give you the address where you need to come identify the body.

You can do that, can't you, sir?"

Jeff was looking at him in concern.
"I need a pen. Devvie, I need a pen." This wasn't happening.
"Sure, honey. Sure. Jeff? Pen? Paper?"
Jeff pulled his phone out of his back pocket and opened it up, handing it over with the notes app

already open.

"Go ahead." Paul felt like he was underwater, everything was fuzzy.
The policeman gave him an address, and he typed it in; then it was over. He was sitting on the

floor. They were all on the floor.

Devvie took the phone from him, and Jeff cupped his face. "Paul? Talk to me."
"I have to go to Santa Maria in the morning and identify a body."
"Oh my God. Love." Jeff leaned their foreheads together. "Who passed away?"
"I. Daniel." He looked at Dev, who was pale. "Daniel. I don't know how to get there."
"Daniel? Your ex?" Jeff hugged him. "I'll bring you, love. I'll get you through it."
"Oh, honey." Dev's eyes filled.
"Self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head." Suicide. Daniel had shot himself in the head.
You make me crazy, Paulie.
You want things, Paulie, all the time.
You make me lose my mind, Paulie.
Why do you have to be so needy, Paulie?
"Jesus. How come you have to deal with this, Paul?" Jeff asked. "Not to be insensitive or anything,

but he is your ex."

"I don't know. The police said I was listed as next of kin. Where do you list that?"
"I don't know. Are you up to this, Paul? If you don't want to, you don't have to. The police will find

someone else to do it." Jeff was sitting behind him now, pulling him against the solid chest. When had
Jeff moved?

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Paul stared. He'd driven Daniel crazy.
"Paulie? Paulie, you want me to come with you? I totally will." Devvie was a good best friend.
"He needs a shot of whiskey." Barney's voice broke through the others. "Jeff, where's your booze?"
"Uh... I don't have whiskey. There's probably some brandy in the cupboard over the fridge."
"That'll do."
He blinked at Dev, swaying. "I made him crazy. He always said that. Always. I made him crazy."
"Oh, honey, he was crazy to start with. You can't make someone crazy." Devvie squeezed his


A glass was shoved into his hand, Barney grunting an agreement. "Dev's right."
Paul could feel Jeff, nodding behind him.
He took a sip, coughing at the burn, but someone encouraged him to finish it, choke it down. Jeff

rubbed his belly, body warm at his back, supporting him, there.

"He shot himself in the head, and I have to look at him." Identify the body, the policeman had said.

Officer Ransom. Wasn't that a funny name for a cop?

Jeff shook his head, he could feel it. "No, you don't. You don't owe that man anything."
"They said I did." Didn't you have to do what the police said? "I don't want to be in trouble."
"I don't see how you could be in trouble if you told them you couldn't identify him. Doesn't he have

any relatives?"

"He didn't. He had me, and I was a freak and asked him to..." His belly clenched, and he started to


"Oh, love." Jeff held him tight, fingers stroking his belly.
"Paul. What do you want? What do you want me to do?" Devvie sounded so worried.
"I don't know."
"Okay. Barney and Devvie, why don't you both go home? I'll help Paul deal with this." Jeff stood,

bringing him up as well.

"Are you sure? I could stay with him..."
"No. He's mine, and I'm his, Dev. Go with Barney and love on each other. I've got him, and we'll

get through this."

Paul just stood there, silence bouncing around in his head. Jeff picked him up, cradling him against

Jeff's chest and strode to the bedroom.

Daniel had shot himself in the head. Laughing Daniel. Such a pretty man, too, with all his wild

curly hair.

He was laid down, and Jeff climbed in with him, pulling him close. "Paul? I need you to talk to me,


"Daniel shot himself."
"Your ex. I'm sorry, love. I really am, but it's not your fault." Jeff stroked his arm, fingers rubbing.
"I made him crazy." Just like he'd make Jeff crazy one day. It was inevitable.
"No." Jeff shook his head, the word unequivocal.
"Uh-huh. I'm like poison. I wanted him to... I wanted to be spanked and... and stuff, and I broke


Daniel had lost it, called Paul names, left.
"Are you saying he didn't want to spank you, didn't want to play hard? And asking him to was...

upsetting to him?" There was no judgement in Jeff's eyes, just confusion.

Paul nodded. "I want-- I need it, and I loved him. I wanted him to try."
"It doesn't make someone crazy to be asked to do things they don't like, love. You can't be

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responsible for how he reacted."

"I should go home." What if he was contagious, infectious? Bad? He couldn't bear it if he ruined

Jeff, who was so good.

"You are home, Paul. And I don't think you should be alone right now."
"What if I make you crazy?" What was Daniel going to look like?
"You aren't going to make me crazy, Paul. I'm a Dom. You're my sub. I see you. I see what you need

and what you want. I had you start serving me, right?"

He nodded. He'd been so happy.
"We are good together, Paul. You can ask me anything, even if its stuff I don't want, and I'm not

going to go away just because your ex was a crazy asshole who blamed all his problems on you."

"You can't say mean things about a dead man." It wasn't right, right?
"I can if they're the truth."
"I don't know what to do." He really, truly didn't.
"I still don't think you have to go if you don't want to, but either way, I will be right by your side.

You aren't alone, Paul." Jeff kissed him softly. "You have your Dom with you."

Yes, but what if... Oh, God. What was he going to do?

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Chapter Nine

Jeff unlocked the door and let Paul in. "I need to make you your own key." And they needed to talk

about what had just happened, but Paul needed to know that he was still Jeff's.

Paul didn't answer, just headed to the kitchen and started making them both a drink. Jeff wasn't sure

how bad it had been, but Paul hadn't spoken a word, the whole ninety minute drive home from the
police station where he'd identified his ex's body.

He was worried about his boy, worried about this notion of how it was Paul's fault. Jeff sat at the

table, trying to decide how best to broach the subject. Hell, he'd been trying to figure out what to say
the whole drive home.

He finally just put it out there. "Talk to me, love."
Paul looked at him, eyes bruised, face the color of milk, and shrugged.
Getting up, he took Paul's hands and stilled them, turning his lover and holding on. "Stop, love.

Don't do this to yourself."

Paul leaned into him, breathing softly, face hidden in his shoulder.
"I have you, Paul. You're safe, and you're loved, and you're a good person." He was telling Paul

what he thought his boy needed to know; but he wasn't just blowing smoke up Paul's ass -- every
word was truth.

"Part of his face was gone."
Jeff winced. "Oh, love. That must have been awful"
Paul nodded. "I'm going to go home and take a shower, maybe a nap."
"You are home, love. And I want you to shower here, sleep in my bed with me." He wasn't leaving

Paul alone, giving his boy time to fret and worry and work himself up more than Paul was already
worked up.

"I really want a shower."
"Come on then. Mine has that soap you like." He didn't push, but he herded Paul into the bathroom

and started the water.

He stripped Paul down first, then himself, and got them both into the water. Paul was turned away

from him, silent and diminished and shivering. He hated that look and never wanted to see it again.
Turning Paul, he tugged his boy into his arms.

"I smell bad."
"The water is rinsing it away, but I'll wash you, too."
He grabbed the soap and began to slide it over Paul's body. He took his time, giving Paul

something other than his dead ex to focus on.

"He left a letter. I threw it away. It had my name on it." Thank god Paul hadn't read it. He didn't

need whatever poison this guy had been spewing.

"He was a sick person. And that wasn't because of you."
"I can't be sure of that. What if... what if there's something wrong with me?"
"Paul, listen to me. You can be responsible for yourself, for how you treat people, how you feel.

You cannot make anyone crazy. You can't make them act a certain way. That's all on him. There is
nothing wrong with you. Nothing"

His poor lover. Paul had taken a few days off work, had refused to eat.
Jeff kept talking, kept soaping Paul. He was waiting for the tears, for the emotion, and it didn't


"Its time for a scene, love."" He needed to get through to his boy.

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"Oh, no. No, I'll break you."
"No. Nobody is being broken."
"I'm never doing a scene. I'm just your lover. That's it. Only your lover."
"You're my boy," he insisted. Paul wasn't going to make him crazy. Paul couldn't.
Paul shook his head, eyes so still and quiet.
"You are. You called me Sir. You love serving me. You love the spanking. We have so much more

to explore together."

Paul just closed his eyes, lifted his face to the water. Stubborn boy.
Jeff washed Paul's hair and made sure that all the soap was rinsed off. "I'm not going to let you hide

or run away or take responsibility for this."

Paul was stronger than that asshole.
"He was already crazy, Paul. I'm not. I am not going to accuse you of making me crazy or making

me anything."

"My head hurts," Paul said quietly.
"Orgasms do wonders for headaches."
Paul shook his head. "I don't want to."
"You're scared to -- there's a difference."
"I'm going home." Oh, thank God. There was the hint of emotion he'd been looking for.
"You are home," Jeff insisted.
"I'm at your home."
"My home is your home, Paul."
"I... I think I need you to leave me alone a little bit."
"No, I think that's the last thing you need." He turned off the water and began to towel Paul off.
"I want you to listen to me." The tremor in Paul's voice made Jeff nod. They were getting there.
"I'm listening, boy."
"I'm going home. I'm not going to be your boy."
"You need to listen to me, too, boy. It's too late. You are home, and you already are my boy." He

thought maybe Paul had always been his boy.

"No!" Paul looked at him and screamed. He was surprised Paul hadn't stomped his foot.
"Yes!" Jeff wasn't backing down. He didn't have to. Paul needed to let the poison out. "You're


"I won't let you. I love you. I won't ruin you!"
"That's right -- you won't, and you can't. That's not how people work."
Paul loved him. Jeff wanted to hear that again. That and 'sir'.
"Part of his crazy was making you believe you were responsible. I'm not like that. I'm not him."
"You're not him. I never loved him like I love you."
"There you go. See?" He had to convince Paul of the truth, that they were meant for each other and

that Paul couldn't possibly make him crazy.

"I can't fuck this up! God damn it! I'm trying to protect you!" Paul's lower lip jutted out stubbornly.
"You're right -- you can't fuck this up. And I don't need to be protected from you."
Paul turned, trying to get out of the bathroom.
"You can't run away, either."
"I can too."
"Well, you can try, but I'll just follow you." Jeff wasn't letting Paul go, especially when he was

vulnerable and hurting.

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"No. You stay there." All Paul's cracks were showing.
"I won't. You're mine, and I won't let you go."
"YOU STAY THERE!" Oh, yelling.
That was good. He thought Paul should do it some more, let it all out. "Nope."
"You listen to me! I'm not yours! I'm going away, and you're STAYING IN HERE!" This time he

did get that foot stomp.

"No, that's now how it's going to work."
Paul screamed, the sound huge, free, raw.
"That's it, boy, let it out." He grabbed Paul's hands, squeezed.
Paul screamed again, and again, and then the knocking to his door started.
"We're okay," he called out. "We need privacy." It was good the boys were aware and checking,

but he had things under control and Paul really needed the outlet.

Jeff heard another knock, then Barney's deep voice, moving the boys away.
"I'm leaving. I'm out of here. I'm going away." Paul's cheeks were streaked with tears.
"I can't let you do that." He slowly drew Paul against him.
"You have to." Paul came to him, sobbing hard, shoulders shaking with his tears.
"No, love, I don't." He held Paul tight, rocking his lover, letting the sensation of their skin rubbing

together help soothe.

Paul cried for a good ten minutes before the storm passed, and then Jeff had an armful of trembling,

worn out boy.

He picked Paul up, holding his boy close as he headed for the bedroom. "I've got you, Paul. I do."
"I'm sorry." Soft sniffles rocked Paul's body.
"You did a very hard thing today, love. It's understandable." He kissed the top of Paul's head and

laid his boy on the bed.

Paul curled up around the pillows, hugging them to him, and Jeff curled around Paul, stroking the

soft skin and murmuring softly. He was right there, and he was going to be there for Paul. Every day.

He was going to convince Paul of the truth -- that Paul was beautiful and special and all his and

that that was a good thing.

Goddamn it.


Paul slept hard, dreams chasing him, driving him. When he cried out, Jeff was there, with water

and aspirin and cold cloths. He thought maybe he'd die. Jeff seemed determined not to let him, though,
telling him how beautiful he was, how special. How Paul was Jeff's.

He got up and stumbled to the bathroom and pissed, washed his hands, his face, before Jeff's voice

drew him back to the bed. Jeff opened his arms, the invitation clear. He went to Jeff, hiding his face,
his pounding head. Jeff offered him more aspirin and water, then drew him close again, hands warm
as they stroked along his back.

He sighed and dozed off again, waking when his hands were drawn up over his head. "Jeff?"
"Yeah, love?"
"You have my hands."
"I do." Jeff kissed his nose.
They were bound, the cuffs soft, furry, gentle on his skin. So were Jeff's hands as they slid along his

arm, making him shiver.

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He closed his eyes and focused on the touch, on trying to breathe. Jeff was drawing patterns on his

skin, swirls and curls. It felt so good, like Jeff was drawing all the pain and stress away.

Soft kisses dropped on the top of his head. His limbs felt heavy, like it would take all he had to


"I love you, Paul."
"I'm so tired."
"I know." Jeff kissed the side of his eye, fingers circling his nipples. "I want to pierce these."
"Because I want you to wear my rings." Jeff kissed each of his nipples, the touch feather-light,

lovely. "I want you to always feel them, to know I'm thinking of you."

Oh. Oh, that was sweet. Because he thought about Jeff all the time already.
Jeff lapped at the hard points his nipples had become. He panted, breath huffing from him. The

kisses continued, soft touches that were undeniable. Paul blinked slowly, swallowed. His throat hurt
a little bit, his body ached.

Jeff nibbled around his navel.
"I love you." He was too tired to get it up, to breathe.
"Good. I love you, too."
The soft touches continued, Jeff seeming unconcerned that he wasn't hard. In fact, Jeff didn't ignore

his cock, but he didn't focus on it, either. It was just another part of him. He felt... adored. His tears
dried up, and he floated, easy in his skin, the evil doubts silenced.

He almost didn't notice that Jeff flipped him, gave his back the same gentle attention. Everything

was quiet now. Simple. And Paul could think again.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I melted down."
"You did. It happens." A soft kiss landed in the soft of his back.
"Hopefully yesterday never happens again."
"If it does, we'll deal with it. You don't have to be perfect, love. In fact, that would be really


"I just want to be me, Jeff -- without being frightened."
"That's what I want, too." Jeff kissed one ass-cheek, and then the other.
"I shouldn't have asked him to do those things to me."
"He presented himself as a Dom, though. If he wasn't ready for it, he shouldn't have done that. And

all he had to do was say no. This wasn't your fault."

"I feel responsible, though, ashamed." He didn't want to feel this way.
"You shouldn't. It wasn't your fault, love." Jeff sounded so sure.
He sighed, wanting to believe, so badly.
"I wouldn't lie to you, Paul."
"No. No, I don't think you're a liar."
"Then believe me. It wasn't your fault"
"It was awful, yesterday." He shuddered. All of it, from seeing the body to how he'd felt afterward.
"Yeah, it was."
Paul squeezed his eyes closed. "I'm so glad you were there for me."
He felt Jeff nod, skin brushing against his. "Me, too. I hate to think you might have gone through that


"Me too, but I wouldn't have. Dev would have come, if you couldn't." Still, he was glad it had been


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"You have good friends and a good lover." He could feel Jeff's smile on his back, imagine the


"I don't know what happens next."
"I do. You're my boy. You lean on me and serve me and let me love you back to good."
"Maybe I can try that."
"I know you can." There was another kiss laid on his ass. "Because you're much stronger than you


He stretched, legs moving restlessly. Jeff licked the top of his crack and began to moved on down

it. Paul's breath caught, trapped in his chest. Oh. Jeff kept moving downward, that hot, wet tongue
following his crack. His cock jerked, almost idly. Jeff tickled his hole with the very tip of that hot

"I don't know if I'm ready, love." He wanted to be honest.
"I want you to feel good, Paul."
"I don't know if I can." He let his legs spread, though. He was willing to try.
Jeff's cheek rested on his upper thigh. "Paul. Does what I'm doing feel good?"
"God, yes." It felt amazing.
"Then clearly you can feel good, and I'm doing what I set out to do -- make you feel good."
Paul found himself chuckling, tickled. "Picky, picky, picky." God, he loved Jeff. Really.
Jeff's smile felt good against his skin, making it tingle. Then that questing tongue was back, sliding

along his crack. He drew his knees up under his belly, exposing himself. Humming, Jeff licked across
his hole. He moaned, his toes curling. So good.

Jeff did it again, then circled his hole, poked the very tip inside him. The wet heat made his eyes

cross, made his heart beat faster. Then it pushed inside him, Jeff's breath adding sensation as it rushed
warmly along his ass cheeks. He wrapped his fingers around the headboard, bracing himself.

Jeff's hot tongue pushed inside him, then again and then again. The sounds that hiccupped out of him

were loud, insane, wanton. They spurred Jeff on, that tongue pushing in faster.

"Please." His cock ached, heavy and dripping between his thighs.
A finger joined the tongue inside him, Jeff wriggling it. He nodded, clenched, needing more. Jeff

seemed to know, pushing another finger in alongside the first and going deep, finding his gland.

"Yes. Yes, please. Right there, Jeff."
The fingers inside him pushed against that spot and just kept doing that, making his entire body take

notice. It was like light shining through his body, making him burn. Jeff's hands slid over his thighs,
back along his legs to his feet. The touch was stunning, making him ache.

"I want you to feel very, very good." Jeff began tongue fucking him again, and he could feel how

wet he was getting.

"I need. I need you, Jeff." He needed more.
"You've got me, Paul." Jeff's hands and tongue disappeared, and he felt the heat of Jeff's prick at his


Oh, God. Yes. Yes, please. Jeff pushed slowly into him, thick cock spreading him open. It felt like

Jeff was everywhere, surrounding him, adoring him.

"Damn, you're so tight, so good." A kiss landed on the back of his neck.
"I love you. Still. Forever."
"I love you, Paul. Always."
Out, then in again, Jeff kept moving. They rocked, the lovemaking slow and steady. Jeff moaned

and gasped, making the best noises. It felt so good, knowing someone wanted him, really loved him.

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Jeff moved a little faster, hands on him, touching him everywhere Jeff could reach.

He was close, pushing higher and higher. It was almost a shock as Jeff's hand wrapped around his

cock. He bucked, arching on the mattress.

Jeff wrapped his free arm around Paul and drew him back so he was sitting on Jeff's thighs, his

back against Jeff's chest.

"Jeff." He let his head fall back, throat working as Jeff's cock pressed deep.
"I have you, Paul. I'll always have your back." Jeff pressed an open mouthed kiss against his neck.
"I hope you won't regret it."
"I won't. Not for a second."
"Me either." How could he? Jeff was perfect.
"Good." Jeff bit his earlobe, pushed harder into him.
"Bitey." The nibble made him laugh, though.
Jeff licked where he'd bitten, then sucked on his earlobe. His eyes closed, body moving on Jeff,

riding nice and easy.

"We could do this forever," Jeff suggested.
"Mmmhmm. Works for me." He could do that, ride Jeff forever, be safe and happy and warm.
Jeff's hand was hot and perfect around his cock. He reached down, joined his fingers with Jeff's.

Moaning, Jeff moved their hands faster. His balls drew up, body tensing, squeezing tight. Oh. Oh, the
sight of his prick, appearing and disappearing in their fingers fascinated them.

"I want you to come for me, love. I want you to come on my cock."
He nodded, fingers moving faster. God, yes. Please.
"That's it, boy. Do it. Come for me."
Jeff slapped his ass once, hard, the sting perfect and taking him over the edge. Jeff shouted, and as

Paul's body convulsed around the fat prick, he could feel Jeff's jism filling him.

All he could do was suck in one breath after another, chest working like a bellows. Jeff held him,

hand still wrapped around his prick, soft kisses pressing over his shoulders and neck.

"You forgive me for yesterday?" he asked.
"There's nothing to forgive."
Paul wasn't sure that was true, but he'd take it and hold on. "Thank you."
"I love you, boy."
"I love you."
He wanted to call Jeff Sir with all he was, but it wouldn't come out.
Jeff stayed curled up with him, holding on tight.

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Chapter Ten

Jeff helped Matt hang a couple of pictures. It was a good opportunity to check on Matt, see how his

diabetes control was, see if he needed any help with anything else. Matt was good, though, and Jeff
gave him a hug and headed to his apartment and his boy. It had been weeks since that fateful day Paul
had gone to identify his ex's body, and he was ready -- so was Paul; they were going to play tonight.

The apartment was empty, a note saying, 'up at Mikey's' on the table. He hoped that didn't mean

there was anything wrong with Little Mike. He grabbed a couple of oranges out of the fridge -- he
never went to Mike's empty-handed -- and headed upstairs.

The door was cracked open, and he peeked in. Mike waving to him, whispering. "He's napping."
Sure enough, Paul was sleeping, head in Mike's lap. Jeff slipped in and offered over one of the


"Thank you." Mike smiled for him. "He's very stressed out, huh?"
"Yeah, he is." He thought it was time to do something about that, too. Paul needed some time in his

subspace, where he didn't have to think about anything else. His boy had come so far, but Jeff knew he
still worried, still stressed over things.

"I let him cry a little, and then he fell asleep."
Paul was still crying? That didn't make Jeff happy at all.
"He... he really. He wants to call you sir really bad, and he's caught in the whole thing, but you

can't tell that I said."

"I won't, Mike. It's something we can work toward tonight. We were going to do a scene anyway."

And now he had a goal. He admitted, he very much wanted Paul to call him sir again. That one time
felt so very far away and almost accidental.

"Oh. Okay. He loves you."
Jeff knew that. He smiled at Mike. "I know. I love him back."
"Good. Do you need me to wake him up?"
"We can talk for a few more minutes. How are you doing?"
"I'm okay. I haven't cut in three days."
"That's great, Mike." He knew they were all worried about Mike, but Jeff believed there was

someone out there with the right qualities who would be able to help Mike deal with what had
happened to him and move on and thrive. They just needed to find the guy. Paul would do it; Jeff had

"I'm trying. Hard." Mike's fingers stroked through Paul's hair.
"I know. You can always come to me or Paul if you need help with anything. You know that, right?"
"Uh-huh. I know." Mike ripped the orange he'd brought open. "Love that scent."
Jeff nodded. "Citrus is good." Reaching out, he stroked Paul's cheek.
Paul's eyes fluttered open. "Oh. Oh, I... I fell asleep."
He smiled at his dear boy. "Yeah, you must have been pretty tired."
"Sorry, Mikey."
"It's okay." Mike didn't seem to have minded at all.
"Maybe it was nice to have a little uncomplicated company." He gave Mike a wink.
"It was nice to have a friend."
"You have two, Mike." Jeff smiled at the sweet boy.
Mike pinked, chin ducking. "I do. Thanks."
"Do you need anything else before we go?" Jeff wanted to get started with Paul, but they needed to

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be sure Mike was settled and okay before they went.

"No, thank you. I'm going to read for a while."
"Okay. Have a good evening." Jeff held his hand out to Paul. Paul took it and gave him a warm,

happy smile.

Oh, that was a look he liked. He kissed Paul’s cheek, ignoring the taste of dried tears in favor of

smiling back at his lover.

They waved as they headed downstairs, and Paul held his hand the whole way. "Sorry, Jeff. I went

up to talk, and suddenly I was snoring."

"It's probably good you had a nap. I have plans for you." He waggled his eyebrows.
Paul chuckled. "Pizza and a movie?"
"I was thinking more soup and submission."
"I don't know that I have the ingredients to make soup."
"We can do sandwiches or salad. I'm easy. It should be something easy and light, though." It wasn't

the food that was the important thing.

"Okay. Okay, sure. I can find you something light."
"Us. You can find us something light." His boy needed to eat.
Paul nodded and went into the kitchen, rummaging. He sat at the table, watching his boy work. It

didn't take long before they had grilled chicken sandwiches.

"You are amazing." He really meant it.
"Thank you. Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course. You can ask me anything you want." And he wasn't going to go crazy if he didn't want

to do whatever Paul asked. He didn't say it out loud, though.

"Am I going to stay here, with you?" Paul asked.
It wasn't what he'd been expecting, but he didn't even have to think about his answer. "I'd like that,

Paul. I really would."

"Dev says someone might be able to use my apartment, if I don't need it."
Jeff felt his smile growing. "Then you should tell him you don't need it. We can move you in


"If you're sure. I haven't slept there in weeks."
"I know. I can't imagine not having you in bed with me -- I'm sure I wouldn't be able to sleep. And

of course I'm sure you can move in. I want you to."

Paul smiled, moved closer. "I'll talk to Dev tomorrow morning, start moving things over."
"The boys will help if we need them to. I'm the happiest man in the world."
"At least I have better kitchen stuff." Oh, Paul's apartment was lovely. Jeff's home was going to be

a showpiece with Paul working on it.

"You can have anything you want, love." He'd give Paul the world.
Paul smiled, squeezed his fingers. "Eat your sandwich."
"If you eat yours."
Chuckling, he tugged Paul onto his lap and grabbed his sandwich. He was soaring -- his boy in his

lap, asking to live with him. A sandwich had never tasted so good.

They finished, and Paul cleaned up, humming quietly, solid.
"How are you doing, love?" Jeff asked.
"I'm okay."
He tugged Paul back into his lap. "Yeah? What were the tears about earlier?"

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"Huh? Oh, I just... emotional."
Paul's cheeks were hot. "I just... It was a long few weeks."
"You need to talk to me, boy. No hiding things from me."
"I'm not. I just-- I needed to work something out."
He just let his eyebrows go up as his encouragement for Paul to go on.
Paul stood up, started straightening the house. "I had a problem, that's all."
He frowned. "Love? You can tell me anything."
"I know. I want. I want something, and I don't want to, and I can't stop."
Almost there. Come on, boy.
He tightened his hold on Paul. "What do you want, love?"
"I want to..." Paul wouldn't look at him. "It doesn't matter."
He took Paul's chin in his hand and tilted Paul's face until his boy was looking at him. "You are my

boy, Paul. Mine. And everything you say and feel and are matters. You hear me, boy?"

"I want you to be my Sir, and I don't want you to, and it hurts my head."
Jeff kissed Paul softly. "I already am your Sir. Calling me that is just a formality. But I think you

should tell me why you don't want me to be."

"Because I don't want it to be messed up. Because I said I wouldn't, and I don't want to be one of

those people that doesn't do what they say."

"It's not going to be messed up. I'm not him, and he was the reason it was messed up before, not

you." He took a breath, his heart pounding in his chest. This was such a big thing for Paul, and he
needed to get it right. "And I think it's just as important to be able to realize that you were wrong
about a decision and to change your mind as it is to do what you say."

"I want you. I've wanted a Dom, a real Dom, a Sir, for as long as I knew what they were. I want

that to be you."

Jeff's smile grew so big it hurt his cheeks, and he pulled Paul close. "Yes. I accept. You're my boy,

and I love you."

Paul pushed in, squeezing him, holding tight.
"I've got you, boy. And I'm not letting go." He closed his eyes and held on just as tight.
He let them bask for a long few moments, then he started moving them, heading toward the

bedroom. A scene. A hard, happy, kinky scene to welcome Paul home. He'd found a pretty leather
covered paddle that had a raised "J" on it. It would leave his initial all over Paul's ass. There was a
fat plug to keep his come in that sweet ass, nipple clamps to get those tits ready for rings.

He laid Paul on the bed and began stripping the clothes from his boy. "I have a wonderful scene

planned for us, love."

"A scene?" Paul lifted his hips, helping the jeans come off.
"Yes. I have a sweet paddle, nipple clamps, a plug for after we've made love." He let his fingers

linger as he tugged Paul's pants right off.

Paul's cock jerked, began to swell for him, slowly.
"I'd like you to undress me, please, boy." He wanted those slender fingers against his skin.
"That sounds like a great idea." Paul sat up, reached for him, kissing and caressing every bit of skin

that was bared.

He murmured and moaned, making sure Paul knew how much he was enjoying the attention and


"Love." Paul's lips found his nipple, the suction soft, gentle.

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Groaning, he slid his fingers through Paul's hair, his prick firming. Paul made his mouth dry, made

his cock throb. His boy was so generous of himself.

"Love your touch. You make me feel like the most important person in the world." Paul made him

feel like the center of the universe.

"You are, to me."
Jeff smiled. "Then I'm the luckiest person in the world, too."
Paul chuckled for him, laughed softly, and nodded.
He cupped Paul's face, taking a long, slow kiss. They were both naked now, so he pressed Paul

back against the sheets, following the slender body down and letting his boy feel him. Paul's hum was
soft, velvety and warm. He stroked his hand along Paul's side, loving the feeling of his lover's skin.

Paul took a deep, deep breath, belly swelling. "Feels good."
He rolled to the side, taking kisses and touching. "It does. It's better somehow now."
"Romantic." Paul winked, obviously pleased, teasing.
"I don't know, I didn't bring you flowers," he teased right back.
"Or diamonds."
"I do want to get you a collar, though. So everyone knows you're mine."
Those beautiful, clear blue eyes stared up at him. "You do?"
"I do. Will you wear it?"
"Uh-huh. I can. I've worn one by myself, to pretend, to get off."
"You won't have to pretend anymore, love. You're mine." He grinned and wagged his finger. "And

no more getting off without my permission."

Spots of color blossomed on Paul's cheeks.
"There will be other rules," he promised.
"Other rules." Paul's cock filled, hard on the flat belly.
"Yes. Other rules. Rules like starting every day with a kiss."
"I like that one." Paul leaned up, kissed him.
"Me, too." He grabbed hold of Paul's tongue and sucked on it. He wrapped one hand around Paul's

cock and worked it, firmly, wanting him aching to come. "Service will be required of you."

"I already take care of you."
"And you do a wonderful job of it -- now it's a part of your official duties as my boy."
Paul pushed closer, face hidden in the curve of his shoulder.
"Mmm. My sweet boy." He felt Paul's breath on his skin, damp and hot. "You ready for my


"I guess so."
"That's not very enthusiastic, boy."
"I'm sorry. I'm nervous." Paul kissed his shoulder. "I've never done a paddle before." Jeff didn't

think Paul had never done much of anything before, really.

"I'm going to start slowly. I think you're going to like it." He smiled. "And this would be an

excellent time for you to break out a 'yes, sir' or two."

"I'm scared. Like the world will end, or the house will catch on fire, or I'll look up and half of your

face will be gone."

"I'm pretty sure none of those things will happen -- especially that last one." He kissed Paul's nose.

"But thank you for sharing your fears. It means so much that I have your trust."

"You do. You totally do. I want to be yours, for always."
"Good." He sat up and patted his legs. "I want your ass, boy."

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Paul crawled up, head down, and Jeff thought, maybe, he heard a whispered, "Yes, Sir."
He rubbed Paul's ass in reward before reaching for the paddle. It wasn't in the least bit brutal, but

Paul would feel it.

His boy was tense and quiet, waiting for him.
"I think you can take fifteen hits. What do you think, boy?"
"I trust you."
"I know. You need to count them for me, boy."
"Okay." Paul's hands wrapped around his calf, holding on tight.
He smacked Paul with the paddle, the 'J' right in the middle of Paul's right cheek.
Paul's nails dug into his leg, a soft "one" gasped out.
"Good job, boy." He hit the other cheek.
"How does it feel?" he asked, laying down another hit.
"It stings. Aches a little. It's not as scary as I thought."
"I need a count, even if you're answering a question."
"I'm sorry. Three. I'm sorry, Jeff."
"It's okay, Paul. You're doing so well." He swatted Paul's right cheek again.
"Four." His boy sounded worried, so he let the paddle fly fast and hard.
Five, six, seven, eight and nine came in quick succession, Paul counting each one.
"Can you feel the J?"
"No. No, am I supposed to?"
"I don't know. I've never used one with raised patterns on it." He brought the paddle down again,

more on Paul's upper thighs this time.

Paul jerked and squeaked, almost coming off his lap.
"You're okay." He stroked Paul's spine.
"I didn't like that."
"No?" Interesting. He stroked the spot on Paul's thigh that he'd hit.
"" Paul's legs drew up, hips moving restlessly in time with his touch. Oh. Sensitive spot.
He popped it with his fingers, and Paul moaned, cock beginning to drip. Oh, that was wonderful to

know. Hitting here with a paddle or anything stronger than his fingers would be a punishment; doing it
with his fingers would be part of play, of pleasure.

"What number are we at?"
"I...Ten? I think ten?" Paul moaned for him. "Please, Sir. Jeff. Love. Please." God, that sir sounded

so very good, like it was meant to be. It made his cock start to leak.

"You're right -- ten. That's five more." He focused on Paul's ass cheek on the next one, leaving the

sensitive flesh alone.

He worked that sweet ass until the last two; those he gave with his hand on that strip of skin that

made Paul sob out his name. Folding forward, he kissed first one cheek, and then the other.

"Pretty baby." He loved Paul, so much, loved how the skin burned against his lips. "I love you." He

blew across the lovely, rosy skin.

Paul's legs kicked, a soft cry on the air.
"I want you to wait to come until I'm inside you."
Paul nodded, hips still moving. He nosed along Paul's crack, right to that sweet hole, and there he

pressed his tongue between Paul's cheeks and licked that sweet hole. He stretched out on the bed,
encouraging Paul to spread open for him.

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"Pull your knees up under you, love."
He swatted hard. "Who am I, boy?"
"Oh. Oh, fuck. My Sir."
"That's right, boy." He licked Paul's ass again, then focussed his attention on Paul's needy little


"My Sir..." Paul was shaking, sobbing softly.
"Yes. Yours. And you're mine." He pushed his tongue into Paul's body.
Paul whimpered, pushing that sweet, burning ass toward him. He pressed his tongue deep, his

cheeks against Paul's ass. He wanted Paul to need, to have to fight the urge to come.

Reaching, he tickled Paul's balls. Paul jerked away, crawling along the bed.
"Back here, love." He tugged Paul back.
"I. I... That tickled."
He touched Paul's balls again, more firmly this time. Those thighs spread wider, Paul's head

dropping on his folded arms. He kept fondling, kept licking, loving every tiny movement. He'd never
felt so lucky, so happy. So whole. Moaning, he let his fingers slide, moving along the heat of Paul's

"Jeff..." That sweet prick was hard as diamonds.
He stopped fucking Paul's hole long enough to lick along Paul's crack again. He wanted in, wanted

Paul to feel him, bone deep.

"I'm going to have you, boy. And when I'm done, I'm putting a plug in, so I can be inside you all

night long."

"Inside me." A flush climbed down Paul's spine, and he tugged the heavy sac firmly.
"No coming. I don't want to have to punish you... yet."
"I'll be good."
"I know." He kissed that sensitive spot at the tops of Paul's thighs.
"I promise. I'll be good for you."
"I know," he said again, lining his prick up with Paul's hole.
Jeff didn't play; he sank in, all the way to the root, his head slamming back. Groaning, he pulled out

and did it again. He lost himself in the tight, perfect heat, fucking hard, driving them both. He panted,
saying Paul's name again and again. Paul grabbed the headboard, pushing back, riding him.

His hand found Paul's prick, and he tugged hard, the drops falling from the tip easing the glide of

his hand. He was close, and he wanted Paul to go over with him when he came. He tugged Paul up,
punching into his boy, over and over, desperate.

"Come for me, boy. Come on my cock." He desperately wanted to hear Paul call him sir as he did

it, too. He willed his boy to do that.

"Sir!" The single word rang out, Paul's body like a vice around him.
"Yes! Yes, Paul." He thrust in as hard as he could, about to lose it deep in Paul's ass.
Wet heat covered his fingers, his boy calling out to him over and over. He let go, coming hard and

deep, his body wrapped tight in Paul's. His heart raced, joy like a drug.

"Love you," he whispered, nosing along Paul's neck. His collar was going to go here.
"Love." Paul laughed softly. "Oh, God. That was fun."
Oh, fuck, he was such a lucky man. "It was. You are amazing, love. Wonderful."
"Happy. That's a big one."
"Yeah, it is. I'm glad you can be happy with me."

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"Me too."
Jeff reached under the pillow for the plug he'd left there in anticipation of their scene. It was almost

as big as him and would keep Paul open for him all night long.

Paul groaned, eyes following the plug.
"Going to keep me inside you all night long." The words turned Paul on, so he kept saying them.
He eased Paul forward, back onto his hands, and pulled out, pressing the plug against that tiny,

swollen hole. "Take it in, love."

Paul nodded, hair mussed and sweaty, and pushed back, rocking toward it. He pushed, helping,

getting the plug into his boy.

His boy. He couldn't stop smiling.
He fucked Paul a few moments with the plug, pumping it into the sweet body. He loved the wild

little sound he got, the way Paul called out to him. He touched Paul's back with his free hand, letting
his fingertips dance on the beautiful skin. He seated the plug, trapping his seed inside Paul.

Lying down, he turned Paul and drew his lover into his body. Paul fit perfectly.

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Chapter Eleven

There was a line of his friends, trailing from his door to Jeff's. Paul packed a box, handed it to

Dev, who handed it to Matt and so on and so on. The box would, theoretically, end up in Jeff's hands.

He hoped.
So far, no one had dropped any of the boxes. He thought that might be a bit of a miracle.
Devvie chuckled. "Chill out, Paulie. It's a good idea."
"We won't let you down, Paulie!" He wasn't even sure who'd spoken, but a cheer went up from the

whole line.

He rolled his eyes but smiled anyway. Everyone had been so dear, so pleased for him. It was such

a nice turn-around from how things had been when Jeff had first moved in. The boys trusted Jeff now,
though, and that made everything easier.

Barney came along the line. "Move faster, boys, we want to get this done before dinner."
"Bossy, bossy." Devvie teased gently, laughing at the big man.
"That's my job, boy." Barney winked.
Devvie laughed for him, then passed down a box of pots and pans. "You have a lot of crap,


"I know. Weird, huh?"
He'd never thought he had a lot of stuff. Jeff had said they'd find room for everything, though. He

could still hear Jeff's words in his head. There will always be room for you in my life, love.

"Not really. You like to be at home. That means home is where your stuff is." Sometimes Devvie

was so smart.

"Faster," called out Matt. "I have to take my insulin soon."
Paul chuckled. Jeff had Matt in line with the whole medicine thing. It was amazing. All the boys

seemed to be thriving under his attention. Paul would be jealous if he hadn't felt Jeff's love so
strongly. Besides, Jeff needed folks to take care of, just like he did.

Jeff came along the line, giving compliments to each and every boy in the line until he was face to

face with Paul. "You almost done, love?"

"Uh-huh. I need to clean it up, pack up the last bits of odds and ends, you know." The end was the

worst part.

"How about we dismiss the moving line and do it together, then?"
"That works for me." Honestly, he could use some time alone cleaning and processing.
"All right." Jeff kissed the top of his head and went out to round the boys up. "Okay, everyone.

Thank you so much for your help. There will be beer and pizza tomorrow night in the common room."

"Pizza!" A loud cheer rang out. The club was closed for deep cleaning for two days, and Xavier

had given everyone time off.

"Tomorrow, "Jeff reiterated.
"Tomorrow." The guys started off, with only a bit of teasing and shoving.
Jeff leaned against the wall, just inside his place, and opened his arms. Paul almost ran into them,

pushed into his arms. Jeff held him tight for a few minutes, then turned his face up and kissed him
quite thoroughly. Oh, yum. He did love Jeff's kisses.

Jeff's body was solid and warm, and he could feel his lover's cock growing stiff against his belly.

"You feel so good."

"I do. It's so messy in here and your place..." He shuddered.
"Our place," Jeff corrected.

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"Our place." He loved how that sounded.
"That's right." Jeff squeezed him. "Okay. Let's close this place up. We can put a half hour in at our

place to neaten things up, and then we are going to go out for supper, come back home, and make

"We are?" Oh, thank God. He was so exhausted that the thought of cooking made him want to sob.
"We are. Anywhere you want -- whatever you feel like. No worry about where it is or how much it

costs -- this is something special to celebrate your moving in."

"Can we order in? Something we can eat in bed?" He was so tired, and he just wanted Jeff to hold


"I like the way you think. Chinese? I can feed you Kung Pao chicken and spicy shrimps."
"I would love that, Sir. Honestly. I just want to be quiet and close and relaxed."
"P... paulie?" Little Mike peeked in the room, pale and shaking. "I... I made you a housewarming


"Oh, wow. Thank you!" He didn't even care what it was. He knew it was hard for Mike to do

things. And he'd come downstairs on his own. He hadn't done that in forever.

Jeff beamed. "Thank you, Mike."
A wrapped package was shoved over, those poor arms scabbed and raw. Then Mikey ran.
In the package was a drawing of him and Jeff, together.
Jeff looked over his shoulder. "Oh, man, he's talented."
"He is. He's amazing." Paul sighed. "I'm worried about him, Jeff."
"I know, love. I am too. Now that you're moved in, we need to make finding him someone who can

help him our priority."

"Please. I think it's important." God, Jeff was good to him.
"It is important. All the house boys are my responsibility, but especially the ones who are most

vulnerable." Jeff kissed the top of his head. "Come on. Let's go home and hang our portrait and order
our food."

"And take a shower, please."
"Is my boy stinky?" Jeff asked, eyes twinkling at him.
"Sweaty and gross, and I have dirt everywhere."
"I'll have to check that out." Jeff wrapped an arm around his shoulders and led him down the hall to

his new home.

His new home.
He leaned into Jeff's side, waving to Dev on the way.
He was finally starting to really believe it; life was good.


If you liked this book you might like: Box of Nails: This Old House, Trust, a Hammer story and

Little Jamie, a Hammer story.


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