Michael Sean Smoke & Fire

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents

either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used

fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations,

or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the

intent of either the author or the publisher.

Smoke and Fire
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680

© 2005, Sean Michael

Cover illustration by Pluto
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-703-8


All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book
or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as provided by the
U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Torquere Press.
First Torquere Press Printing: February 2012
Printed in the USA

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Smoke and Fire

By Sean Michael

Daslin bounced restlessly on the end of his bed,

watching the sun move behind the clouds. His hands
moved, flowed in random patterns, slowly gathering
energy from the air.

A new roommate.
Another new roommate.
Daslin sighed. He'd had these rooms for almost nine

years. He loved them, cared for them. Before, he’d been
in the dormitory for ten years. Here, he had a window.
His own bed. Twenty-seven roommates. Some of them
were still his friends. Some of them had walked out on
their own feet. Some of them had been coherent.

Some of them were still here in the Mountain.
The air between his palms flared onto blazing globes,

which he slowly began to juggle. He almost laughed,
delighted, as he played.

The sound of footsteps approaching made him drop

his hands, the globes disappearing before they hit the

A cursory knock sounded before the door opened to

admit Proctor Balins.

"Ah... Daslin, good. I was hoping you'd be here to

greet Avan." The old man turned to the youth behind
him. "Come on in, this is your room."

The boy was slender but sturdy, wearing plain

breeches and tunic, feet bare. His hair was bound in a
single braid, running the length of his back, and he
carried a simple, small traveling pack, which he flung
toward the second bed.

He grinned easily at Daslin as the Proctor made the

introductions. "Daslin, this is Avan. Avan, your

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roommate Daslin." The old man scuttled out of the room
quickly as soon as the introductions were made.

Daslin stood, holding out his hand. "Traveling light,

eh? I'm Das. Nice to meet you. They told me you're new.
You need anything, just let me know."

Avan shook his hand. "Avan. Good to meet you."
Avan dropped Daslin's hand and took off his tunic

with a fluid movement, tossing the shirt onto his pack
with careless accuracy. His hands dropped to his
breeches when he caught Daslin's eye again. "Clothes
aren't my thing. Hope that's not going to be a problem
for you." Before Daslin could say anything, Avan had
pushed the material off his hips and was stepping out of
the pants.

"Oh." Das backed up, moving toward the window,

hand going up to rub his head. The hair was beginning
to come in, the almost white stubble just becoming long
enough to catch the light. "To each his own. They won't
let you wander the halls that way, but it's your room,
right?" Naked. His new roommate was naked. He'd been
here for less than twenty breaths, and he was naked.

Das pulled the sleeves of his dark blouse down over

his thin wrists. He needed to go down to his labs, needed
to get some food, needed to find out when the next set of
tests were due to Pandele, his master and mentor, needed
to figure out this new, naked person in his rooms...

Avan just shrugged. "What're they going to do, force

me to wear clothes? I like the air on my skin." The new
boy came up to him and pointed at his head. "Is that on

"My head? Accident at the lab." Das grinned and

shrugged. "I'm trying to build something to channel
firestreams longer distances, something focused. Sent a
pulse skyward and it came back down the pipe. Maybe

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something with the metals inside the tube, you know?
I'm trying stone next. Glass was a huge failure, but had
to be tried..."

Daslin chuckled, remembering the chaos when the

molten glass had poured from the open windows of his
lab and congealed, looking like a giant icicle hanging
from the Mountain. He'd scrubbed floors for a moon for
that one. It was worth it, though. A few more days and
he would've melted enough away to make a wonderful
hanging seat to meditate in. Lit up at night, the fish in
the ocean would see it.

"You're a firebug?" Avan nodded, and looked him up

and down. "I'm weather. Wind, sun, clouds." Avan
looked out the window, pushing up next to him, eyes
squinting against the failing sun. "Nice ice caps. Wonder
what would happen if they were melted." There was a
grin in the voice that matched the one on his new
roommate’s face.

Das glanced up at the range, unable to stop either the

wince or the blush that colored his cheeks. "Well, first
the valley floods and then the Elders make you sleep
outside every night without a blanket until the villages
are rebuilt and you lose all your books and spend ten
moons sweeping up ashes in Master Ik'cina's room and
have to go apologize and have no one speak with you
until everything's fixed again."

Avan made a noise that soon coalesced into laughter,

and the bed protested beneath his weight as he flung
himself back onto it. "You..." The laughter continued a
moment longer. "Well, I'm just going to have to come
up with something else to make my mark then, aren't I?"

Das shrugged and grinned, moving over onto his own

bed and sitting down. His legs and arms automatically
tucked themselves up, giving him a place to rest his
chin. "If there's something burned, broken, melted, or

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sucking energy like a sieve, they come looking for me. It
wouldn't be so bad if they weren't usually right. Did you
want to come or did someone make you?"

Avan shrugged, looking uncomfortable for the first

time. He rolled onto his side, hand propping up his head.
"It was time for me to leave the nest." He looked around,
lips twisting. "This isn't exactly what I had in mind."

"I've been here a while. It's not too bad, once you

know the loopholes. Have they given you a mentor yet?
Or did they just set you free?" Avan didn't look like he
belonged here, really. He looked like he should be in the
water, outside in the weather. Not in here with the
bookworms and lunatics.

Not in the dim light and dark corridors where Das


Avan gave another shrug, this one loose and

unconcerned. "I don't think they know what to do with
me." Avan got up and started to walk toward him, hips
fluid, arms relaxed at his side. "The tribe thought they
could use me, but I'm not some cow to be led from one
pasture to another."

"C...cow? No, no I don't suppose you are." Das didn't

know where to look, what to say to this naked person
slinking through his rooms.

Master Pandele had a sense of humor -- well, as long

as Das hadn't blown anything up too badly -- maybe he'd
sent Avan here on purpose. They didn't just snatch
tanned, long-haired, naked people off the plains and
bring them to the Mountain, after all... At least, Das
didn't think so. He’d missed the last three or four dozen
student assemblies...

Avan sat next to Das. "You're pretty cute." He tugged

at Das' sleeve. "How many layers have you got on

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"Six." The answer popped out automatically before

Das even realized he was going to say anything, then
Avan's words hit him and he squeaked. "Cute? Me?"

"Yeah, Baldy. You." One of Avan's hands slid over

his scalp. "Feels neat."

A shivery, fascinating, utterly terrifying sensation

shot through Das, making him hop up from the bed and
walk over to grab his long, black cape. His scalp tingled,
and he forced himself not to look into the glass and see
if Avan's hand had left a mark.

"I've got to get to my lab. Master Pandele's going to

want to see results before the full moon, and I've got a
beginning level pyrokenesis class to teach and supper to
steal, 'cause they're having something scary in the main
hall." Das stopped as he pulled his hood up, covering his
face, made himself settle. He was being silly and
skittish. Avan was new and alone and just being nice.
No panicking allowed. No making up excuses to run
away allowed, either. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, hungry enough to maybe try the something

scary." Avan stood easily, obviously at ease in his skin.
All of his skin. Which Das couldn't help but see. "But
stealing something edible sounds like fun."

Das nodded. "The cooks make apple pies on third

day. They cool them in the pantry, and there's a secret
passage that I found wandering the... uh... you want an
apple?" Das pointed to the huge, scarred, brass bowl on
his desk filled with deep red fruit. "They give them to
me to keep me out of the gardens."

Avan sauntered over to the bowl and picked an apple,

taking a large bite, wiping the juice from his chin with
his forearm. "Why don't they want you in the gardens?"

"Trees don't have an appreciation for spontaneous

combustion, and I have a history of being a bit accident-

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prone." Das tossed over a small towel. "Surely someone
warned you about living with me?"

"Accident prone? Warned?" Avan's eyebrows shot

up. "Oh, Daslin, I think you're going to be fun."

"Either that or deadly. It's kind of a temperament,

phase of the moon thing." Das couldn't help but smile.
"Put some clothes on, then, and we'll go snatch some
food and I'll show you around a bit, maybe find Pandele
and see what they want to do with you."

"You're taking care of me..." Avan came over and

kissed him softly on the corner of his mouth. "You're
sweet." And then Avan was rummaging through his
pack, pulling out a slip of material and fastening a brief
loincloth around his hips. "I don't understand this
fascination most people have with clothes."

Das blinked, one hand resting on the corner of his

mouth where Avan had... Kissed him. His new, brash,
fascinating, naked roommate had just kissed him.

"Cold. I get cold." Das shook his head and headed

toward the door. "Come on, the pies are best hot." He
couldn't help but notice that, at the moment, he wasn't
cold. Not at all.

The pies were snatched, quick and quiet. Avan was

surprisingly helpful, his choice of attire -- or lack
thereof, really -- brought the crowds swarming around
and Das could melt into the background and sneak into
the kitchen.

Das moved around the edges of the hall, catching

Avan's eye and pointing to a long corridor. He didn't
think Avan would have a problem following him. In fact
-- Das looked again at the lazy, easy stance, the sultry
smile -- somehow he thought Avan would be quite good
at tracking anything or anyone he wanted.

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In moments, Avan had joined him, wide smile

directed at Das, a bare arm slipped easily over his
shoulders. "Want help carrying those?"

"Sure." Das handed one over, enjoying the heat and

weight of the arm against him. "Thanks for the help."

"Only fair as I'm going to help eat them." Avan

grinned. "So we taking them back to our room?"

"Either that or to the lab." Das grinned back. He'd

have to go down and feed Wallace at some point, but
there wasn't really any hurry. "You pick. It's your first

"Well, I want to see this lab of yours, but there's

something I need to take care of back in our room."

"Take care of? What's that?" Das hurried along the

corridors, slipping through the dark mazes toward the
senior students' wing.

Avan laughed gently, and his arm tightened slightly

around Das' shoulders, bringing them closer together as
they walked. "You'll see."

"Oh." Das didn't know what to do, what to say. He

could smell Avan, musky and warm and it sent jangly
sensations shooting up his spine. If he would move his
hand, just a bit, he could touch Avan's skin.

"You're going to have to teach me how to navigate

the hallways, especially the back corridors, show me all
the best secret passages." They arrived at a crossroads,
three halls intersecting, and Avan stopped, arm dropping
from around Das' shoulders as he moved to stand in
front of him.

"Do you want to see something?" Avan asked, eyes

alight, a wicked grin tugging at his lips.

"Yes." Das felt excitement twitch inside him. There

was nothing like something new. His hands began to
itch, energy leaping to them in automatic response.

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"Great." Avan's grin grew wider, and he spat into his

hands, rubbing them together before holding them out in
front of himself. As Das watched, he closed his eyes and
slowly turned in place, hands held up the entire time.

When he was facing Das once again, his eyes popped

open. "Ready?"

Ready? He was vibrating in place with curiosity and

nerves. Das nodded, eyes caught by the midnight skies
in Avan's. "Yes. Show me."

Avan's eyes went a little darker, the expression in

them growing blank, and then his hands moved, a breeze
seeming to follow the movements. The breezes turned to
winds, rushing through the corridor, making Das' cloak
billow around him.

"That's it," Avan said softly, sensually, his hands

stroking across the air currents as if he were petting
them. "Sing for me, beauty."

A low moan began, soon joined by a higher pitched

wail as the wind rushed through the tunnels made by the

"Wicked." Das closed his eyes, nostrils flaring as he

focused on the air, the power flowing through it. His
palms itched unbearably, the flame wanting to answer
the energy he felt. If he focused, he could almost feel the
air slide down the tight neck of his under-blouse, trying
to touch his skin.

The sound faded and the wind died down. Avan's

hands slid over his shoulders, gripping lightly; he could
feel the energy still flowing from them, tingling between

Das forced himself to open his eyes, to stop standing

still and stupid in the hallway like some stunned
youngling who had never left the Mountain. "That was
amazing, Avan."

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The pie in his hands began to smoke lightly, the

energy in his hands seeking outlet.

Avan grabbed the pie out of Das' hand and bent to

pick up his own, heading them down the corridor they'd
been following. "Sounds more impressive than it is."
But the smile on his face had softened and there was an
almost shyly pleased look in his eyes as they flashed
briefly at Das.

"It was truly wicked. You'll have to come and play

with me at the lab." Das hurried along, interest and
happiness bubbling through him. "I don't have any glass
in the windows anymore, so you can get the weather
right in."

"Sounds like fun. I think we're going to be a great

team." Avan's voice was full of mischief.

"A team?" Das let the word jostle in his brain for a

moment as they turned through another hallway. "Yes,
at least until I have another accident and they move you
up into the main dorms." Das winked over at Avan.
"Who did you infuriate anyway? To get stuck in the far
wing with the scary and accident prone?"

Avan shrugged; Das noted that he did that a lot.

"They weren't expecting me. I have no idea what
Lanshir told them. Probably that I was uncontrollable."
He looked over at Das. "I don't like people telling me
what I can do."

Das grinned over. "The secret to that is to always be

where the masters aren't. If they're busy putting out a
fire, they can't make you grade exams."

Avan laughed. "You see -- a great team."
They arrived at last back at their rooms, and Avan

stripped immediately out of his scant coverings, sighing
happily, one hand scratching through the curls at his

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Das took his supper and moved to settle upon his bed,

purposefully not looking at Avan and his... skin.

The room was getting dark, and without thinking,

Das lifted one hand and set a ball of flame flitting
around the room lighting candles and illuminating things
before it bobbed, warm and sparkling pleasantly, above
his head, giving him a reading light.

"Hey, that's fantastic." Avan came over to his bed,

hand reaching out carefully toward the orb.

"Careful. It's hotter than it looks." The fire, an almost

sentient extension of Das' curiosity, moved toward
Avan. The room was growing slowly more chilled as the
fire drew the heat to it. "I'm afraid you're going to need
to get covered, Avan. These rooms stay cold."

Avan grabbed one of the blankets from the foot of his

own bed and draped it loosely over his shoulders before
climbing up next to Das. "I'll just have to stay near you
then." He nodded up at the ball of flame. "The keeper of
the fire." Avan began to munch on his pie, cleaning his
fingers in between each bite.

Das quickly ate his supper with the silent,

economical, absent motions learned over a lifetime of
eating on a schedule in a large group. Once he was done,
he looked over at Avan, who was looking around the
room with those dark eyes, taking in the stacks and piles
of odd things that fascinated Das. "Thirsty?"

Avan nodded and grinned. "I'm also wondering

where my Brownie's gotten to. I know she's out because
she's stolen all your apples. Probably has them hidden
all around the room."

"Brownie?" Das blinked, the ball of flame zooming

around the room, randomly peeking into the corners.
"Who's that?"

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"Hey, stop that now, you'll scare her!" Avan's hand

slid around his arm, "Bring it back here, and I'll find her
and bring her to you."

"Oh, sorry!" Blushing, Das snapped his fingers, and

the light popped back above his head. "I forget
sometimes. I'll keep it here. I promise."

Brownie. Hiding apples. Not a dog, then. He

bounced, toes clenching tight inside his soft shoes.
Maybe a pigeon...

Avan's hold loosened, his hand sliding down to caress

Das'. "You'll like her, I'm sure."

He slid off the bed, leaving behind the blanket as he

began to crawl about the room. "I wasn't supposed to
bring her. Lanshir would have made a pie out of her if
he'd known." Avan straightened to look at him. "And
nobody here knows I've got her, so if you could keep it a
secret..." He bent again, bottom rising into the air as he
poked his head under his bed.

Das' mouth went suddenly dry, and his hand

twitched. Goddess, but Avan's skin looked warm... He
shook his head, focusing on the flame floating above
him. "Of course. I won't tell."

He could hear Avan making soft noises, and then he

began to wriggle backward, the rounded buttocks
coming closer and closer until Avan hit the edge of the
bed. He straightened again, hands cradling a small,
brown, furry bundle against his chest.

"Das, I'd like you to meet Brownie. She's a plains

rabbit, full grown now -- I've had her since she was
about two days old." Avan held his hands out, the small
rabbit fitting perfectly within the two cupped palms,
small nose twitching madly as two brown eyes gazed at

Das put his hands behind his back and bent forward

to admire. The little animal seemed utterly at peace in

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Avan's hands, which were quite fine on their own, very
steady and stable and not at all twitchy and nervous.
"She's pretty and so small! What does she eat? Does she
need a cage? How did you find her?"

Avan chuckled. "She likes fruits and vegetables. She

never goes in a cage. And one of the hunters killed her
mama, leaving Brownie and four others behind. We kept
them all, and the tribe killed them for food once they
were full grown. Brownie was the runt, and I kept her

Avan slowly moved the rabbit toward Das' face,

rubbing her fur against his cheek. "Isn't she soft, Baldy?"

"She is." Das nuzzled her with his nose for a moment

before moving back, hands carefully twisted together at
the small of his back. "She's lovely and more than
welcome to stay. You just have to promise me

"Well, Das, I never agree to a promise until I hear

what it is."

"Well, she'll have to stay in here. No visiting the lab.

Wallace would be... grumpy." Das shrugged. "He's a
good old thing, and I don't think he'd eat her. Well, not
on purpose anyway."

"She doesn't need a lot of space. Her staying here is

fine." Avan gave the rabbit a kiss and a soft squeeze and
then set her on the bed next to Das. She snuffled at his
leg for a moment and then scurried off into the shadows.

Avan bounded back up onto the bed beside him. "So,

who's this Wallace?"

"He's a cubecian fire lizard. I found him down in the

catacombs. He's big enough to ride, and when you feed
him too many peppers or pull his tail or accidentally set
him on fire, he spits acid." Das grinned, pulling his legs
up underneath his chin and wrapping his arms around
his shins. "He's a little grouchy, but I like him."

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Avan laughed. "Oh, I think that suits you, Baldy."

His smile was bright and close.

"My name's Das, you know." Das let himself relax a

bit, cheek resting on his own knee. "I'm not always so
bare up top."

Avan's hand reached up and slowly slid across his

scalp, and then again. "I like it," Avan told him quietly,
hand resting gently atop his head. "It suits you." The
bright grin flashed again, Avan's eyes twinkling as he
whispered, "Baldy."

Before Das could make another protest, the grin was

gone and Avan's eyes were closed, his lips pressing
softly against Das'.

Das blinked. Avan had the longest eyelashes, dark,

burnished gold and they cast shadows on Avan's cheeks
and he knew this because Avan was kissing him...

"Oh!" The exclamation was soft, accompanied with

the sudden flickering out of the flame above his head as
his attention was captured by the heretofore unknown
feeling of lips on his own.

The soft word parted his lips, and Avan's tongue took

advantage, sliding along his bottom lip before slipping
inside his mouth. He could feel Avan's hands now, too,
the one cradling his head, the other, hot even through all
his layers, rubbing up and down his arm.

It was fascinating, the feel of someone's tongue

touching him, tasting him. Das thought briefly that he
should probably be repulsed, deeply upset, that this new
person was tasting him, but, well, he wasn't. It felt warm
and exciting and very, very interesting.

In fact, it occurred to him distantly, he might even

taste Avan back.

His tongue moved, feeling odd because it wasn't the

only one in his mouth, and he slid it for a second against
Avan's. Avan, Das decided suddenly, tasted very nice,

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although he'd have to figure out later if that was Avan
himself or the hint of spice in the pastry from supper.

Avan's tongue slid over his once more, the soft lips

moving gently against his own. Their lips finally parted
with a little sound.

"You taste neat, sweet and smoky." Avan's voice was

huskier than he remembered, and then his lips were
being covered again, Avan pressing a little harder this
time, the warm, wet tongue stroking across his skin.

A series of shivers rocked him -- not unpleasant,

really, but faintly unnerving, as if something in his body
was being called out by Avan's tongue. Das blinked
again, mind careening a bit as his lips parted,
encouraged Avan's kiss.

Das wasn't positive, but he was pretty sure this was

on that list of things he wasn't supposed to do because
someone was going to get hurt.

Avan's tongue slipped into his mouth again, pushing

deeper this time and fluttering, taking quick tastes of his
teeth, his gums, his tongue, the roof of his mouth. There
was a hint of tentativeness in the movements, as if Avan
expected to be rejected at any moment.

Another slide of his tongue against Avan's and Avan

made a noise, low and sweet, that caused his belly to
begin burning with a heat he didn't understand. Das was
caught between the desire to hear that most interesting
sound again and to pull back and ask Avan, "Why?"

Avan's hands moved to cup his face, warm fingertips

stroking over his cheeks, sliding along his eyebrows, as
if reading him without sight. How wonderful. Das found
himself searching for those touches, his skin drinking up
the unusual sensations.

The burn inside him intensified, competing with his

natural chill, making his tremors more noticeable.

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Avan pulled back again, eyes opening, blinking

slowly at him. "Are you cold?"

"N...no. Not really." Das smiled nervously. "My

internal temperature regulation is spotty, at best, and I've
never, I mean, I don't know what... I just..." He stopped,
took a deep breath, and asked the question he needed to
know the answer to. "Why did you kiss me?"

Avan's eyes dropped, and he shrugged, looking oddly

vulnerable. "I like you, and I wanted to know what you
tasted like." The dark eyes rose to meet his again, the
flames from the candles lit around the room making
them seem to sparkle. "It was nice, kissing you. Felt
good. I want to do it again."

"You do?" Das felt that heat flare inside him again.

"I've never kissed anyone before. I'm not sure it's
allowed, even."

Avan looked surprised. "Why wouldn't it be

allowed?" Then he blinked and smiled. "I'm the first
person you've kissed? Though technically I kissed you.
Do you want to do it again? Do you want to kiss me this

He considered the idea of tasting Avan, of sliding his

tongue inside Avan's lips and kissing him. Somehow,
Das thought, that sounded very good. Very good,
indeed. Das nodded. "I would like that."

He carefully unfolded, giving himself a bit more

balance, freeing his hands so that he could perhaps touch
Avan's cheek. He tucked his cloak tight around him and
then leaned forward, touching a fingertip to Avan's lips.
"Is now okay?"

Avan's tongue flicked out briefly, touching the tip of

his finger. "Now sounds great."

"Okay." Das bent forward and touched his lips to


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Avan's lips were warm, soft and pliant beneath his

own. Das enjoyed the slide of their mouths together for
a long moment, noting that Avan had a tiny cut on the
bottom lip, as if it had been chewed on. When Das
touched the tip of his tongue to the cut, it tasted almost
metallic. The inside of Avan's lips was the softest thing
Das could imagine.

Avan made that low noise again, and his tongue slid

forward, touching Das' and then dancing away again
before repeating the touch and go once more. Das'
tongue wanted to follow, wanted to play against the
smooth texture of Avan's, and Das couldn't think of a
single reason to refuse. So he didn't, letting his tongue
move deeper into Avan's mouth, searching out taste and

Avan's tongue slid against his own, soft and wet and

definitely spicy. Avan's hands were sliding over his
scalp, though that sensation was almost lost beneath the

Having the person you were kissing kiss back was

very good. Das filed that bit of knowledge away along
with Avan smelled wonderful and was very warm beside
him and one of Avan's front bottom teeth was just
crooked enough in its row to be utterly charming to his

Suddenly, the world was tilting and he was falling,

Avan coming with him.

He automatically reached out as he fell, hands

meeting bare skin and sliding around. Energy arced
within him at the touch, at the excitement, and Das tore
his hands away from Avan's flesh, burying them inside
his clothing. "Avan?"

Avan was lying next to him, hands still caressing his

head, eyes dark and close. "It's all right, Das. You can

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touch me." The bare body pressed close, impossibly hot
through all of Das' layers. "I want you to."

"I can't. I might burn you." Das automatically curled

into Avan's body, sighing at the incredible heat.
"Goddess, you're so warm."

Avan's arms wrapped around him and pulled him

closer, enveloping him in his friend's warmth. "Why
would you burn me?"

"I wouldn't on purpose." Das closed his eyes,

allowing himself to bask in the sensation of being warm
for a moment. "It's just that bad things tend to happen
when I'm distracted, and, well, you're very distracting."

Avan took one of Das' hands in his own and brought

it to his face. He rubbed Das' palm along his cheek and
then brought it to his lips, kissing and licking. "They're
so soft; I can't imagine them hurting me."

"Are you real?" Das looked over at Avan, a

momentary chill passing through him, as if this warmth
and fun and friendship was some truly nasty joke, an
illusion or a dream sent to remind him that he belonged
in the lab working and not playing about.

Avan slid Das' hand down along his throat and to his

chest until it came to rest over Avan's heart. Das could
feel it thumping. "See, I'm real." Avan voice was smoky,
and his eyes seemed so big.

"I'm glad." Das smiled, couldn't help it, couldn't stop

if he wanted to, which he didn't. "Your skin is so hot. I
don't think I've ever been so warm."

"It's 'cause of what you can do, isn't it? Your fire stuff

pulls the heat out of everything, doesn't it?"

Das' hand shifted slightly, and Avan made another

one of those low sounds in the back of his throat. "Oh,
do that again, Das,"

Das nodded, moving his hand carefully over Avan's

skin, learning the texture of it, making sure not to lose

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the feel of the steady heartbeat. "I pull heat out of the
air, the ground, everything, but mainly out of me."

"No wonder you're always cold." Avan's eyes closed,

and he pushed into Das' touch.

"Do you like this?" Das watched his hand -- his hand

-- moving on Avan's tanned body. The skin was alive,
vital beneath his hand, not at all cold or uncomfortable.

Touching Avan felt so good.
"By the wind and sun and rain, yes."
Avan groped blindly, finally finding his other hand

and grabbing it. Avan pushed it down past his belly,
until he was touching Avan's... Goddess, he was
touching Avan's cock and the skin was so soft and hot,
but it was hard, too, and it felt like it was burning his

"See how much I like it?"
Something within Das jerked -- jarred itself loose, he

could feel it pulling inside his brain -- and the energy
within him ached. He pulled himself out of his bed,
stumbling over the floor as dozens of tiny balls of fire
popped up around him, spinning and arching.

"Sorry. Sorry." Das blinked, head pounding as

another series of bright balls appeared. "Can't. I'd better
go. Sorry."

"No, don't go. It's your room." Avan scrambled off

the bed and moved over to his own, curling up in one
corner, his blanket wrapped around him. "I won't touch
you anymore if you don't like it."

For a moment, Das couldn't read the expression on

his face, though if he had to guess he'd say Avan looked
hurt, but then a smug grin replaced the closed look and
Avan's chin went up. "I can get company if I want it."
Avan's eyes wouldn't meet his own.

Of course Avan could.

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Das went and grabbed another cloak from his chest at

the end of the bed, noticing the frost creeping up the
window pane, the spring evening unable to cope with

"It's our room, and I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't

burn you. If... if you want, I'll ask my master to find you
somewhere nicer to stay with not scary company and
stuff." His head was screaming for release, pounding
viciously, and he couldn't see, not even as far as Avan's
bed. "'M gonna go blow something up and feed

He ran for the doorway, his firelings bashing into

each other with little snarling crackles, little embers
falling to smolder upon the icy floor. All he could hear
was his master's voice, whispering within him. "You
can't hurt anyone in the lab, Daslin. You can't hurt
anything there."

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Chapter Two

The knocking woke him up, still curled in the

miserable ball he'd fallen asleep in. Avan looked across
the room at the other, still-empty bed.

"What?" The growl was as unpleasant as he could

make it, and he wasn't surprised at all by the nervous
flutter in the chubby, dark hands that appeared around
the edge of the door.

"Uh... Avan? I...I'm Dah'ba. Da...Das sent me to

sh...show you where to get br...breakfast." A round face
topped by curly, black hair appeared, followed by an
equally round body dressed in a long, green robe. A strip
of cloth covered the girl's eyes, but Avan noted she
moved into the room easily, going to the end of Das' bed
to pull a few items from the large chest there.

"He... he says he's s...sorry about almost bl...blowing

you up."

Avan was torn between curiosity and nursing his

misery and loneliness. His stomach growled loudly,
reminding him of its presence, and he uncurled from his
spot, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching the girl
fidgeting with the edge of Das' quilt.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"
She startled, one hand touching the cloth. "Th...they

don't work. My master says that I chose to give up
seeing so I could be a seer. Das says she's full of moldy
beans, and then he starts talking about biology and
reasons and energy and makes my head hurt." She
grinned in his direction. "Das makes my head hurt a lot."

"I like him." He ducked his head as soon as he'd said

the words, calling himself stupid. He didn't know any of
these people. There was no sense in deciding he liked
any of them. "You act like you can see."

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Her smile was bright and cheerful, nerves seeming to,

for whatever reason, melt away. "Das likes you, too.
He's wicked embarrassed about the fire last night, and
Pandele's got him on restriction again for a fortnight
because he blew up that silly icicle, but he said you were
very nice and he hoped you'd stay."

Dah'ba curled up bare feet up underneath her. "I can't

see, but I've been here near as long as Das. Know where
everything is, and he keeps junk out of my path. He's a
good guy."

Avan tucked away the information that Das liked

him; he'd thought the strange boy was mad at him and
was happy to find out it wasn't so. He frowned. "What's

She sighed. "No leaving the lab, unless the Elders

need him to do something. No visitors, except when
food's delivered in the morning. No wandering down in
the pits or the catacombs. It just depends who you are.
Sometimes it just means no leaving the Mountain, 'cept
Das isn't allowed outside anyway. He's on restriction a
lot." She shrugged uncomfortably. "I guess that's what
happens when you blow stuff up and set fires."

Avan's frown deepened. "But that's not fair -- it was

my fault he was upset last night. They can't just make
him stay in his lab like a prisoner!" He stood up and
grabbed a pair of loose, soft breeches from his pack.
"Can you show me where his lab is, after we grab some

"Sure. One of the first thing Das did was make a back

way in." She grinned widely and hopped off the bed.
"You don't think we'd just leave him alone, do you? Das
is scary if left on his own with that brain. Besides, the
lab's no punishment, no matter what Pandele says. It's
glorious fun."

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Avan shook his head. "There's too many rules here.

And this Pandele guy doesn't sound like he likes Das
very much. Come on, then, I'm ready."

"He's an Elder. They're grouchy." She moved toward

the door. "There's bacon in the Main Hall this morning,
and you can see some of the masters."

"How about we skip the masters and steal some

bacon from the kitchen -- that way we can bring some to

"Oh, you and Das are going to get along just fine...

assuming he doesn't blow you up. Follow me."

"I don't think he's going to blow me up," Avan

replied, following her. He paid attention as they went,
hating having to depend on others to navigate the
corridors. He hadn't minded so much when it was Das.
His fingers went to his lips as he remembered their
kisses. So far, the strange, bald kid was the only thing he
liked about this place.

As they walked, he automatically noted the breezes

traveling the corridors with them, identifying which
ones came from outside, which from in, and which were
from deep underground.

"You know that Das burned his parents up? He was a

baby and didn't mean to, but you should be careful." For
a short, pudgy, blind girl, Dah'ba moved quickly. "We
used to pretend he was part dragon, when we were kids.
It was fun. I have to warn you, though, Pandele's not
really interested in Das having friends. So, until you get
a master of your own, step easy."

They passed the Main Hall and slipped into the

corridor that Avan had seen Das move down the night

"They don't want him to have friends, they keep him

locked up in his lab... it sounds like prison instead of
school to me. I thought they were supposed to take care

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of us here, help us learn how to use our talent properly?
Sounds to me like they're just keeping Das locked up
like he's some sort of creep."

He wasn't sure why he felt so protective of the other

boy, there was just something about Daslin, with his
large pale eyes and his bald head and all those crazy
layers that brought out his protective instincts.

"Das is different, that's all. He's happy enough here.

Better than being outside where no one likes you, after
all." Dah'ba stopped, chin lifting as she listened. "Okay,
it's empty. You go? I'll have a bad time finding the

"Sure thing."
He slipped into the warm room. It smelled good,

bacon and fresh bread, underlain by spices and burnt

It sort of reminded him of the taste of Das' mouth. He

thought maybe it was a good thing he'd shown up.
Someone obviously had to help Das get out a little more,
see some of the mountains, help him feel some weather
on his skin.

Two cook's-helpers were leaving the room via an

alternate exit, arms full of food. Avan waited to make
sure the cook was busy at the chopping board before he
slid over to the long table where several platters of
bacon waited. He grabbed one, dumped its contents onto
a second platter of bacon and took off without looking

Dah'ba grinned, nostrils flaring. "You got it. Wicked!

Das' lab is midway up, on the far west side, facing the
sea. You're not frightened of close places, are you?"

He shrugged. "I suppose I can get used to them. He

said he had windows without glass, though -- if he's got
windows, I can deal."

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"It's not the lab, it's the getting there. Some of the

passages he made between floors are a bit of a tight
squeeze." She smiled. "The lab's a big, cold, slippery,
windy room with a giant fire pit in the middle."

"Sounds like fun. Closed spaces are fine." If they

didn’t last too long. He didn't like not being able to feel
the air on his skin, but he didn't like to advertise that.

He began to munch on the bacon, realizing he was

hungrier than he'd thought. Despite not being able to
see, Dah'ba moved at a good clip. It was almost spooky
the way she turned corners and walked the halls without
any discernable way of seeing.

They traveled up and down and around, through huge

deserted rooms and panickingly tiny passages. The only
consistent movement was toward the west, toward the
rushing sound of the sea.

Finally, they entered a short corridor, and Dah'ba

stopped, cracking open a door at the end. "Shh... listen!
'S Pandele." She backed away a bit. "Can you see

Avan moved up, silent as any hunter, and peered

through the crack. A tall, elderly man was towering over
Das as he sat on the ledge of the window. The room was
huge, black glass covering everything, reflecting the
flames that sputtered and flickered in the pit.

Das looked ill, what little color he had leached away,

one black scratch marring his chin.

Pandele was gesticulating as he lectured. "...what

have we told you, Daslin? You cannot risk hurting
people. You cannot lose control. What if that glass had
fallen on someone, seriously hurt someone? I have
explained to you, my boy, you're different. You cannot
be like the others."

"I... I didn't hurt anyone. Honestly, Master."

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"And I should be grateful that you were lucky this

time? If I have to, I'll put this Avan person in with the
others. I expect better from you, Daslin. Control. You
will learn control, or I swear to you I'll have you kept
neck-deep in water until you do."

Das shuddered and shook his head. "No, Master. I'll

leave it be. I swear."

One gnarled hand fell upon Das' bald head. "Thank

you, my boy. I worry about you. You know that, yes?"

Das nodded, and Pandele turned to leave, a sad look

on his face. "A fortnight restriction. That will give you
time to think on things. We'll want you to take notes at
the Elder's meeting tomorrow morning at dawn. I won't
see you until then." Then the old man was gone.

Avan counted to ten, making sure the old frog wasn't

going to come back, and then he burst through the door,
heading straight for the miserable looking figure
hunched in on himself. "Thunder and lightning, above,
is that how he always treats you?"

Glassy ice-blue eyes blinked up at him. Silence

answered him for a long moment, and then Das spoke.
"Avan! Hi! Did Dah'ba find you then? Do I smell
bacon? Did you sleep okay? I'm so sorry about
yesterday. I didn't mean to..."

Avan put his fingers over Das' lips, silencing the flow

of words. "You're freezing!"

He wrapped his arm around Das' shoulders and urged

him to stand, walking them both over toward the heat of
the fire pit. Dah'ba was already sitting at the small table
there, the platter of bacon in front of her.

Avan sat on the other chair and pulled Das onto his

lap, hands rubbing up and down the other boy's arms.
Das was shuddering and stiff at first, but he soon melted
into Avan's chest, head ducked low, cuddling close.

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Dah'ba turned her head toward them. "You okay,


Das nodded restlessly, hands sliding around Avan's

waist, icy cold, only the tiniest points in the centers even
the slightest bit warm.

"He's freezing," Avan told her curtly. "Stupid old

frog. I'm not going to let him put you in water, all right,
Das? I thought you said they looked out for you here?"
What kind of place was this he’d come to? This was
worse than the tribe expecting him to do whatever they
wanted even after he became old enough to have his
own say. He shook his head and rubbed his hands along
Das' back. "I don't think they're taking very good care of
you, Baldy."

"He's Das. He's always freezing." Dah'ba giggled

softly and shook her head. "Baldy? Oh, sweet morning,
that's funny."

"He's just blustering. Mad at me. He'll get over it."

Das relaxed even more, drawing close to Avan's heat.
His voice was fuzzy and distant. "Feel so warm, Avan."
A faint chuckle floated up. "Old Frog. I like that..."

Avan pulled Das right up against him, the protective

feeling he'd had earlier stronger than ever. "Lanshir used
to say I had a piece of the sun in me; that's why I'm
always hot." He rested his chin on top of Das' fuzz,
smiling a little at the tickle. "And he looked like a frog,
croaking away at you. I don't like him."

He sighed, hands continuing to stroke along Das'

back. "I thought you left last night because you didn't
like me, but Dah'ba said you did-- do."

Das nodded, his soft bristles of hair stroking beneath

Avan's chin. "Didn't want to blow you up. Had to come
to the lab and be safe."

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Dah'ba pushed the platter of bacon over with a frown.

"Come on, Das. Pull out of it. You don't usually sound
so foggy after a bad night, so slow."

Avan glared over at her. "He's cold and he's tired."

Another sigh went through him. "And it was my fault
you got into trouble, wasn't it? I didn't mean to upset
you, Das."

"Not upset, just startled me. Gotta learn to control

this." Das sighed. "Not much use to anyone if I keep

"Das, you've got to do what you're told, or you'll

never make master yourself." Dah'ba hands moved
restlessly over the table. "I mean, the little games are fun
enough, but this other stuff is big. You could hurt

"But it's not me, Dah'ba. I keep trying to tell people.

It's something else... really." Das tried to raise his head,
Avan could see the muscles trying to work and failing.
"I don't wanna hurt anybody."

"Of course you don't," Avan said soothingly, before

fixing another glare on Dah'ba. "If all you're going to do
is tell him off like the frog, you might as well go. I'll
take care of him."

"Are you always this grouchy, or is today special?"

Dah'ba snapped back at him. "You show up and think
you can take care of the amazing exploding accident
waiting to happen? I'm the only person he hasn't blown
up yet. I've been his friend forever. You just met him!"

"Well you sure don't treat him like he's your friend.

Everybody says they're looking out for him, and all I see
is people trying to make him feel bad. Some friend."
Avan continued to glare at her, not caring that she
couldn't actually see him; the glowering itself made him
feel better.

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An icy finger brushed against his lower lip,

distracting him. "Never going to be an Elder, Dah'ba.
Let Avan be. He's a good guy. You're gonna miss first
bells if you don't hurry."

Dark curls bobbed as she nodded. "I brought you

some pillows and a packet of your tea from your room.
I'll come back tomorrow. I have to take my turn at the
scrying pools tonight." She stood, face turning toward
Avan. "We don't have to be enemies, honest. Das is my
best friend. I just want him to be safe and happy."

Avan kept his arms tightly wrapped around Das,

nodding at her. He'd wait and see before he trusted her.
He'd wait and see before he trusted any of them. Except
the boy in his arms. For some reason, he thought that
Das needed him and that was good enough for him.

With a smile and a pat to Das' leg, she moved toward

the secret door. Suddenly, Dah'ba was gone and they
were alone.

Avan looked around; the room was interesting.

Bottles, piles of books and papers, and twisted metal and
glass were stacked everywhere. The walls were stone,
shining with the sunlight. The winds poured through the
shattered windows, fanning the flames in the fire pit. On
a ledge in the corner lounged a bright orange beast, the
size of a third-year colt.

"Wow, that thing is huge -- that must be Wallace... I

don't know what I was expecting, but not that. Wow.
Can you really ride him?" He was itching to go over and
see, but he didn't want to put Das down, the boy's hands
were still cold against his skin. He rubbed his chin
against the soft fuzz on Das' head. "You all right, Baldy?
I don't think I've heard you this quiet without something
else occupying your mouth since I met you."

"Just resting. Even nutty firebugs rest sometimes."

Das chuckled, his breath brushing over Avan's skin.

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"And that's Wallace. You can ride him, when he's in a
good mood and not sleeping, which has happened once
or twice."

As if he knew Das was speaking of him, the giant

lizard lifted his head and yawned, showing his
abundance of razored teeth.

"By the wind and sun, he's gorgeous! Look at all

those teeth. Bet you could train him to keep people out
of here. Then old frog face couldn't threaten to dunk you
in cold water." Avan looked down, noticing that Das
was peeking up at him, light blue eyes bright in the
sunlight. "Interesting lab you've got here, Baldy. It suits
you somehow."

Das grinned. "I love it here. I can see the ocean, relax

and play without worrying. Wallace is pretty happy,

"Is that why you stay? 'Cause of this place?"
"Stay?" Das blinked, eyes confused. "I live here."
Avan shrugged, the movement shifting Das against

him. The boy's weight felt good in his arms. He never
got a chance to sit and hold anyone, most people in the
tribe were scared of him, or awed by him, and it set him
apart, made people think he didn't need the same things
everyone else did. Some days he wished he wasn't
different, but then the wind would blow over his skin
and the rain would kiss him all over with cool splashes
and he'd be happy that he could do what he did.

"They just don't seem to treat you too good. And they

don't let you leave. Sounds more like a cage than a

"It's where I belong." Das leaned in, rubbing his

smooth cheek against Avan's torso. "Some of us weren't
made to fly, not like you."

He tilted Das' chin up. "There's different ways of

flying, Das." Leaning down, he placed his lips over Das',

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finding the sweet-smoky flavor he'd discovered

Das' lips parted slightly, slowly warming at Avan's

touch, and Das' heavily draped arms moved to circle his
neck, cold hands dancing gently upon his skin. He
slipped his tongue in between the open lips, sipping
slowly from Das. One of his own hands rose to cup Das'
head, curling around the soft fuzz.

He'd never tasted anything like Das, never held

anyone whose skin was so cold. A part of him wanted to
tear off Das' clothes and explore the rest of the boy's
skin, its color, its taste, the texture and temperature. He
contended himself with letting his free hand search
through the layers of tunics and pants at Das' waist,
looking for a stretch of skin to run his fingers against.

Das moaned, the sound like a whisper of wind,

twisting his body until he was straddling Avan's thighs,
fabric settling heavy around them both.

Avan teased Das' tongue with his own, encouraging it

to follow back into his own mouth. He made a soft noise
of happy triumph as his hand connected with bare skin.
He let his fingers dance over the soft, soft skin he found
in the small of Das' back while his other hand moved
slowly down over material until he was pushing Das'
bottom, bringing their groins together.

It felt strange, to be hard and still clothed, hampered

from feeling his lover's arousal by all the layers Das

Relaxed and languid, Das moved against him,

pushing back against his hand, snuggling close to Avan's
warmth. Long fingers played in his hair, on his
shoulders -- cool, smooth touches that made him shiver.
All the while, the softest noises fell from Das --
sounding to Avan's heart like whispers of wind in

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abandoned caves and tiny whirlwinds lifting spring
flowers in lazy dances.

He wrapped his lips around Das' tongue and pulled

gently on it, waiting until Das' hips were pushing against
him in the same soft rhythm before pushing Das' mouth
wider and taking a deeper taste. Following Avan's cues,
Das opened to him, hips pressing close. The skin
beneath Avan's hand was cool and silken, almost surreal
in its appeal.

He followed Das' spine up as far as he could before

he was hampered by the material. It was all the same
soft and silky texture, only the bumps of Das' spine
breaking the glide of his fingers. Reaching between
them, he pushed the material of Das' tunics and shirts
and sweaters up, so that only their pants were between
their erections. Pressing against Das' buttocks again,
rolling his own hips up, he rubbed their hardness
together, whimpering at the sweet sensation.

Das' eyelashes brushed against Avan's face as their

lips parted. Their breath mingled, and their eyes met,
ice-blue blinking into darkest midnight as their hips
moved. "Avan... Oh, I can feel you, so hot."

"Skin on skin is even better." His own voice was

breathless, and he could feel shivers and shocks like
lightning rolling through him, traveling from where the
cool fingers played along his skin to his cock.

"Better?" Das' eyes twinkled at him. "I remember,

from last night, you were like fire in my hand. Show

He grinned happily, leaving the cool allure of Das'

skin to work on baring their erections. His own first, the
loose pants pushing down easily past his hips; he raised
himself up the chair enough to get them down to his
thighs. Das' were next, and he undid the laces slowly,
watching Das' face.

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Das looked fascinated, watching Avan's hands

against the dark fabric of his pants. His voice was
nervous, husky and breathless. "I've never let someone
touch me, my skin. I... I don't know what to do."

Avan smiled at him. It made him feel good, that he

was the first one to do this for Das, because he knew
he'd do it right, knew that he'd make Das feel good,
instead of awkward fumbling or selfish taking. Not that
he wasn't having fun, because he was. "You just do what
feels good, Das. And you enjoy it. You're allowed to
enjoy it. You're supposed to enjoy it."

He pushed the material aside and wrapped his hand

around Das' cock.

"Oh..." Das blinked, his eyes suddenly huge his face.

"Avan... oh..."

In stark contrast to the rest of his body, Das' erection

was hot in Avan's hand. He slid his other hand around
Das' hip, fascinated by the contrast in his palms. He
squeezed gently and began to stroke, eyes moving
between Das' face and the milky white skin exposed at
Das' groin, so white against his own tanned skin.

Das scooted closer, shuddering violently as their

erections brushed together. "Avan, please. I ache..."

"It's okay, I've got you." He shifted slightly and

changed his grip, holding both their erections together in
his hand. Moaning softly, he began to stroke quickly.

Leaning forward, he licked at Das' lips. Das' eyes

were dazed, lost in pleasure, the color of iced ponds.
Das' tongue slipped out and brushed against Avan's, and
he gave a sweet, low cry, shuddering quietly as he came.

Avan smiled as the warm seed spilled over his hand

and against his belly. He let himself go, back arching,
moaning as he came moments later.

The bald head ducked, nestled against Avan's chest.

"Oh, I... that was... oh..."

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Avan grinned and slid his arms loosely around Das'

back, pulling him in close. Bending, he placed a soft
kiss on the fuzz that covered Das' head. "I think great is
the word you're looking for, Baldy."

"Yeah. Great." He could feel Das smile against his

chest, the thin arms wrapping around him. "Wow."

"And see," Avan said softly, as he began to stroke the

line of Das' back, "no one got hurt."

Das laughed softly. "Lucky us."
"I like your laugh."
"I'm glad you're here, Avan." A soft, gentle kiss

brushed across his chest. "I'm really sorry about last

"S'okay. Just don't... don't run away from me, all


"All right." Das nodded and then chuckled. "You

know, I've known you almost a whole day, by next
week, we might have taken down the Mountain."

"Now that, Baldy, is a goal worth having." He tilted

Das' face and took another kiss. He'd meant it to be
quick and playful, but found himself caught again in the
unique taste of Das' mouth. It was sweeter now, but still
smoky, almost sooty without the burnt taste.

Das was relaxed in his arms, lips and tongue playful

against his own, enthusiastic without the fear of the
night before. "You taste good, Avan. Spicy. I like
kissing you."

"That's convenient, because I like kissing you, too."

He worked one of his hands under the tunics, again
stroking the soft skin of Das' lower back. "You don't feel
so cold anymore."

"I'm not, not like earlier." Das grinned and dropped a

kiss on the corner of Avan's mouth. "You make me
warm inside. I didn't know that was possible."

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Avan shook his head and cupped Das' cheek, rubbing

gently. "Do you wonder sometimes if it’s worth it? What
you have to give to feed the power?"

"Sometimes." Das nodded, eyes momentarily sad.

"It's lonely, and sometimes I wish I could go and feel the
rain, sail on the sea, see other places. I guess we don't
have choices about that, though."

Avan gave the boy in his arms a quick hug. "I guess

we don't. But you aren't lonely now, are you, Baldy?
And we'll figure out a way for you to play in the rain.
Best feeling in the world, rain on your skin. It's like the
sky is kissing you."

"Not lonely at all." Das nodded. "They're going to be

looking for you, the Elders. My master's going to put
you in the main dorms, I think." He grinned up at Avan.
"You'll find the company there less insane than your
current roommate."

"I like my room and my roommate." His stomach

growled loudly, and he laughed. "I never did get any of
that breakfast I stole. It'll be cold as ice now -- think you
can do something about that, flame-boy?"

"There are benefits to being me." Das climbed off of

Avan's lap and grimaced as he straightened his clothes.
"I'll have to change clothes. I'm sticky."

Avan chuckled quietly. "It's definitely worth it --

being sticky."

He turned to the tray and grabbed it. Avan felt the

room's temperature drop sharply and then the smell of
hot bacon filled the air. "There you go. Breakfast." Das
grinned and then moved over into the shadows, hands
working at his clothing. "Watch out for Wallace."

"Next time I'll lick you clean." Avan pulled his own

breeches off and cleaned himself up with them before
tossing them out of the way under the table. He popped
a piece of bacon into his mouth, chewing appreciatively.

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"Does Wallace like bacon in particular or food in

"Food." Das' voice was muffled, and Avan just

caught a glimpse of milk-white skin peeking from the
shadows. "He'll eat anything."

"Well, I hope he knows the difference between fresh

meat and still on the hoof -- cause the only one getting a
bite out of my rump is you, Baldy" He grabbed a
handful of bacon and began to wander around the room,
making his way slowly but surely toward Das.

"You're funny. I'm more likely to blow you up than

bite you." A flash of pale buttock disappeared beneath
tight leggings and then trembling hands reached for
another layer of cloth.

Avan strode over and laid his hands over Das'. "You

all right, Baldy?"

Das' hands were icy-cold again, and shivers rocketed

through the thin body. "Just chilly. I'll be okay."

"You look pretty tired." Avan traced the dark circles

under Das' eyes with a gentle finger, noticing them for
the first time. "You got a bed in this place? I'll lie with
you, keep you warm while you sleep."

"Oh, that sounds..." Shy, exhausted eyes looked over

at him, heavily shadowed. "There's a bed in the back."

Tenderness pushed through him, and Avan squeezed

Das' hand gently. "Come on then. That's one of the perks
of making love, you know -- sleeping together

"Did you eat your bacon?" Das curled his fingers

around Avan's, tugging him past Wallace, who snapped
lazily at Das as he walked by and into a niche filled with
pillows and blankets. "Bed."

"I ate enough. Wallace can have the rest so he isn't

tempted to nibble on anyone's toes." He pushed at a
pillow with his foot. "Looks pretty comfy, Baldy."

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"Name's Das." Shivering steadily, Das stripped down

to a single layer and crawled into the blankets, eyes
closed before he even settled in.

"I know it is, Baldy," Avan said softly, crawling

under the covers and blanketing Das with his body,
wriggling just a little until he found the perfect spot with
his head on Das' shoulder, arm and leg thrown over the
slim body. "I know."

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Chapter Three

He'd been warm when he woke up, Avan curled close

around him, snoring softly, the heavy braid lying against
his chest. Das had been quiet and still for as long as he
could, looking at the different colors in Avan's hair --
golds and bronzes and pale blonds all mixed together.

He'd been stroking the braid, figuring out the

percentage of gold to bronze when Wallace's green eyes
peered into the niche, the lizard's bacon-y breath making
Das' nose wrinkle. "Goddess, Wally, you stink. Go find
something to kill."

His voice made Avan shift, rolling over onto his

back. Das waved Wallace away and settled beside Avan,
pulling the blanket around him and reaching out to
stroke the richly tanned skin. The planes and valley were
fascinating. Das let his fingers play, watching the skin
twitch, the muscles move. Avan was warm and alive --
so interesting, too, the way those tiny, dark nipples
tightened when they were circled and stroked.

A soft, needy sound came from Avan's throat, and he

shifted up into the soft touches. Avan's arm slid around
Das' back, and he mumbled something incoherent. Das
took one nipple between two of his fingers, testing the
texture, the firmness, the feel of Avan's skin. He was
suddenly tempted to taste, just to see if the skin there
was as spicy as Avan's lips.

"Wind and Sun, Baldy, I thought you said you'd

never done this before!"

Das looked up in vague confusion. "I haven't. Your

skin is wonderful, though. Feels good to my fingers."

"Well your fingers feel good to my skin." A soft

shudder rippled through Avan's body. "Very, very

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"So, you don't mind? I can touch more?" Das ducked

his head, nuzzling into Avan's side and inhaling. "I like
the way you smell."

Another shiver moved through Avan's body. "You

can touch me all you want, Das."

Das let his hand trail along the muscles of Avan's

stomach, chuckling as they jumped and rolled. "Are my
hands too cold?" Avan's skin was burning beneath his
fingers, sending warmth shooting up his arm.

"They're fine, Baldy. I'll tell you if you do something

I don't like, all right?" Avan's body moved toward him,
pressing up into his hand. "Just trust yourself, Das."

Das pressed as much of his body against Avan's as he

could, pillowing his cheek on Avan's shoulder as his
hand moved, periodically stopping to explore a
fascinating hollow or to compare the slight variations of
heat. The hair sprinkled over Avan's belly was soft and
fine, slowly becoming heavier and more wiry as Das'
hand explored lower.

Avan's arm was heavy and warm across his back,

Avan stroking absently. Das discovered that whenever
Avan made low, pleased noises, his fingers would grope
blindly at Das' back. They were doing that now, and the
sounds Avan was making had become lower, his hips
shifting restlessly.

Avan's cock was full, bobbing slightly in time with

the slow, steady heartbeat beneath his ear. Das carded
through the dusky blond curls, grinning as the hot,
smooth skin of Avan's erection touched the top of his

Avan's hand grabbed at him, a hiss coming from

Avan's mouth, the noise of it echoed beneath Das' ear.

Avan's erection was smooth beneath his fingers, the

skin hot and pulled taut. Das let his fingers trail along
the flesh, noting the differences and similarities between

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Avan's body and his own. Avan's flesh felt heavier,
warmer than his own, and it was odd for his hand to
circle and touch without feeling the echo of chill
traveling into his own balls.

"'S nice, Das." Avan's voice was soft, breathless with

anticipation, his hips were jerking very slightly, as if he
was trying not to move.

Das rubbed his cheek against Avan's shoulder for a

second before ducking his head and letting his tongue
touch Avan's nipple. Avan was spicy here, too. The skin
was saltier than the inside of Avan's mouth, but it still
held that interesting flavor of savory herbs growing in
sun-filled windows.

"Oh, yeah..." Avan's hand came up to cup his head,

holding him lightly in place.

Das glanced up, and his breath caught. Avan looked

amazing, eyes closed, lips parted, tanned skin dark
against the sheets and pillows. Das dragged his tongue
along the stiff flesh of Avan's nipple as his fingers traced
the crown of Avan's cock, watching for a reaction.

Avan's eyes squeezed shut, his teeth coming down to

bite into his lower lip as a moan vibrated between them.
This time Avan couldn't stop his hips from jerking up,
trying to deepen the contact.

Das smiled, a sparkling heat beginning to burn deep

in his belly. That was a good noise, warm and hungry
and happy and Avan. Das began to experiment, curious
which combinations of tongue and fingers made which
noises. He also needed to hear more of those little
noises, see if they all made his belly clench, his breath

Avan seemed more than willing to oblige him, gasps

and whimpers contrasting with soft moans as he writhed
beneath Das' touches. Occasionally he'd whisper, soft,

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breathless words of encouragement, "Yes, right there,"
or "Oh, like that!"

Das was fascinated -- Avan's body felt so warm, the

musk and spice of him filling the air and making Das
dizzy. Das was suddenly taken with the urge to touch his
tongue to the clear drops of fluid sliding from the slit of
Avan's cock. He slid down, keeping his cheek in contact
with Avan's skin until he could reach, and then licked
softly. Salt and spice and heat and Avan -- his head spun
for a moment as he experienced and learned this new

Then he licked again, wanting more. Avan made a

sound that was a cross between a wail and a roar, the
muscles Das was lying against clenching tight. He could
hear Avan panting and the soft scratching noise Avan's
fingers were making as they dug into the blankets.

Das tugged the blankets close, wrapping Avan's thigh

between his own. He began to explore Avan's cock with
his tongue, returning again and again to lap the drops
that appeared at the tip.

Avan began to say his name, softly, over and over

like a chant or a prayer. "Das. Oh, Das."

Oh, it felt sweet, felt like the moment when

something worked right and didn't go sour. Das couldn't
stop smiling, stop tasting, stop searching for Avan's
pleasure, which echoed deep inside him and made him

He bent to taste the skin of Avan's sac, finding the

balls warm and soft against his face as he nuzzled and
nipped. Avan had begun to tremble, and his hands found
Das' head, sliding over his skull in random patterns. The
soft noises filled the air almost continuously now, the
sounds echoing inside Das' tower like the rain always

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Das found a comfortable spot for his head on Avan's

stomach, nuzzling in and dropping a soft kiss below the
indented navel. Then he slipped his lips around the tip of
Avan's cock and pulled softly, letting his tongue play
along the slit.

Avan went absolutely quiet, his hips jerking, shoving

his erection deep into Das' mouth before pulling out
again. "Das... gonna..." Again, he could feel the muscles
of Avan's thighs bunch, clench tightly as his new lover
struggled to stay still.

"Sh... s'okay, Avan. I know what comes next." He

licked again, the flavor of Avan was sharper now, made
him curious and hungry. "Want to taste more of you. I
like the taste of you." Then he wrapped his lips around
the flared head again and began to carefully suck.

A soft sob filled the air, and Avan's hips began to

move, small, careful movements that pushed his cock
gently in and not quite out of Das' mouth.

Das kept his eyes open, not wanting to miss this, to

lose a second of this new thing Avan was sharing with
him. He sucked, one hand exploring Avan's inner thighs,
the other resting against Avan's hip. He could hear
Avan's body working, experiencing the pleasure he was

"Das!" Avan's hips suddenly surged up, thrusting his

cock deep, and Das' mouth was filled with the heat and
flavor of Avan's seed.

He swallowed what he could, letting some slide from

the corner of his mouth, leaving a hot trail as it moved
over his cheek. Bittersweet and hot, Avan's flavor filled
him, warmed him inside.

He could, Das decided, become quite used to this.
Avan lay lax beneath him, one hand petting his

nearly bald head with lazy movements. "Oh, that was
good, Das. Really good."

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Das grinned, pushing into Avan's touch. "I liked

that... you taste good."

"Yeah?" Avan's other hand moved across his cheek,

fingers collecting the seed that had slid from his mouth.
As Das watched, Avan brought his finger up to his
mouth and began to suck it clean. Avan shrugged as the
finger popped out from between his lips.

The shrug made Das' grin wider, made him happy.


He pulled the blanket up over his head and snuggled

into Avan, eyes blinking in the darkness.

Avan's hand slid under his arm and tugged gently,

encouraging him to move up. The soft, wet lips closed
over his own, Avan's tongue sweeping into his mouth.
"Tastes better from your lips."

"Does it?" A million questions popped up in Das'

mind -- whys and hows and maybes and what ifs. They
all dissolved into dust as Avan wrapped close around
him and kissed him again.

Avan continued to plunder his mouth, tongue hot and

wet and everywhere. Das made a soft, choking noise as
one of Avan's hands slid into his leggings, hot and heavy
on his buttocks.

"Avan." Das whispered against Avan, shivering, his

own arousal suddenly bright, glowing within him. "Your
hands are hot. Good."

Avan chuckled, and a second hand joined the first on

Das' bottom, fingers spreading, covering more of his
skin, sliding teasingly along his cleft and down to the
back of his balls. Avan's mouth captured his lips once
again and then began a downward journey of their own,
moving over his jaw and throat.

"You're like this sculpture I saw once in a town. All

white and smooth and cool."

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Das shivered at the little sparks of sensation Avan's

lips left behind them, matched by the fires lit by Avan's
hands. He twisted slightly, body searching for more
sensation, more pleasure.

"Can I take your clothes off? I want to feel you

against me."

"I... I don't know." Das blinked, thinking on it. He

always was covered. Always. He couldn't remember
being naked; the thought of it was odd. The thought of
being naked with Avan was intriguing. "I've never
thought of it... not really."

Avan nodded, dark eyes looking seriously at him.

"Because you're always cold. But I'll keep you warm."

Das smiled, moving close with a happy chuckle and a

nod. Avan was right, telling the truth, his belly believed
it. "You will. You do."

Avan smiled, hunger and anticipation in his eyes.

Avan's hands slid away from Das' buttocks, sliding up
beneath the material of his tunic and beginning to pull it
up. It was odd, made his breath catch and his stomach
tremble as he raised his arms. He twitched as the skin of
his belly and his chest was exposed to Avan's gaze.

"Oh... I was wrong, Das." Avan's voice was soft,

rather breathless. "You're far more beautiful than any

His under tunic was pulled quickly over his head, and

then, before the air had a chance to steal what little
warmth his skin held, Avan's hands were on him,
moving slowly over his skin, warming, exploring,

His skin felt alive -- almost burning with the shock of

air and Avan. Das moaned and scooted closer, eyes
falling closed at the touch of Avan's torso against him.
"Avan... oh, goddess." Nothing could feel this good and
be real. Nothing ever had.

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Avan rolled onto his back, bringing Das with him,

hands moving over his back, sliding now and then into
his breeches before moving to warm his back again.
Each breath Avan took shifted the muscles of his
abdomen against Das, and he could feel the hard points
of Avan's nipples pressed against him.

He kept his eyes closed, focused on the feel of Avan's

skin, Avan's heat on him. Das ducked his head, listening
to the soft hiss of his stubble against Avan's shoulder.

"You're beautiful. Skin soft and cool like silk."

Avan's fingers began to trace a series of patterns. "I can
see your veins, like tiny roads just underneath your

"I... thank you." Das opened his eyes, looking up into

midnight blue. The touches were almost more than he
could comprehend, the nerves battling to explain these
new sensations. "I know I'm a freak, but you make me
feel different."

Avan frowned, shifting them over suddenly so that

Das lay on his back, Avan's warm body covering him.
"You're different, Baldy, that's for sure, but you're not a
freak." The dark eyes stared down at him, waiting for
some sign that he understood.

"And if I'm not a freak, Avan? What am I then?" Das

looked up, one hand wrapping in the thick, blonde braid.
"Besides bald, of course."

"A boy." Avan leaned down and pressed their lips

lightly together. "The boy I lo-- Just a boy who's bald."
Then Avan was kissing him again, mouth warm, tongue
hot and wet and insistent.

Das was lost to that sweet mouth, the sensation of

pillows beneath him and hot skin above him. He arched
close, murmuring softly as pleasure filled him.

It occurred to Das suddenly that if making love felt

like this all the time, then no one would leave their bed.

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Ever. Another sliding touch of Avan's tongue and Das
knew his answer.

It wasn't sex. It was Avan.
Avan, who's hands were busy sliding down his sides,

who was pulling the leggings from his hips and pushing
them down and then off with clever, warm feet. Avan,
whose body now pressed against his own, their erections
sliding together with such heat as he'd never dreamed of.

"Avan!" Energy sparked through him as it had that

first night, but instead of hurting, instead of exploding,
instead of burning, it flared along his spine and Das
came with a low cry, the energy shared between them.

"Das," Avan whispered softly, sliding against him

several times, pulling shivers of sensation from him, and
then Avan came, too.

Avan's head dropped to his shoulder, the warm body

pressing him into the bed. He touched the thick hair
gently, words completely useless in the face of this...
joy. Das didn't know what to say, how to understand or
rationalize. He wrapped his arms around Avan and
simply held on.

Avan nuzzled his neck, lips soft, gentle against him.

"Sun and Wind, above, Baldy, you're amazing."

"You're pretty amazing yourself." Das chuckled at

the soft touch. "You make me feel so good."

"Good. 'S not right just to take pleasure."
"Mmm... you gave me more pleasure than I knew

was possible. Made me warm."

"Does that mean we can keep doing it?" Avan asked,

voice hopeful.

"Oh, yes. Please." Das kissed the nearest piece of

skin, hundreds of smiles fighting to find his lips. "Again
and again."

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He felt Avan's smile against his skin. "I'm glad I

came to the Mountain," Avan said, in a quiet voice. "I'm
glad I came and found you."

"Oh, Avan, I am, too." Das turned his head, slid his

lips on Avan's temple. "I am, too."

Avan tilted his head, reaching up and their lips met,

sliding slickly together, tongues engaging one another in
soft, tickling chases.

Das' world was warmth and happiness and hot hunger

that burned inside him.

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Chapter Four

Avan had woken alone, curled by himself in the nest

that Das used as a bed in the drafty tower.

He'd blinked, worried until he remembered Pendele

telling Das he'd be needed to take minutes at some
meeting. It seemed odd to him, that the strange boy who
could make fire would be taking notes at a meeting of
Elders, but maybe it was some sort of punishment.

He'd pulled on his breeches and slipped out the secret

back way, finding himself some food in the kitchen
before returning the same way he'd come. He'd noticed
Dah'ba heading for him in the hall, but had neatly
avoided her.

Now he waited for Das' return, wandering around the

tower that was, basically, his new lover's prison.
Wallace paced him, the giant lizard watching Avan
closely and making odd rumbling noises. The lizard
seemed fairly harmless, or at least slow-moving enough
to avoid attack.

The room was filled with odd, half-finished

experiments, sooty books, pieces of metal in the shapes
of fish and birds and deformed vegetables. Everything
was so Das -- odd, but interesting and a little out of
place. It made him smile, and he picked up one of the
fish, amazed at the way the bent glass picked up the
sunbeams and sent colors streaming around the room.

He hadn't wanted to come to the Mountain, but now

that he was here... no, now that he knew Das, it seemed
right that he was here. There was something about Das
that called him, that made him want to look out for
someone more than just himself. Instead of resenting it,
he liked it.

He shrugged and put down the fish, resuming his

restless pacing.

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The morning was almost gone when Das stumbled in,

draped completely in black, only a hint of his ghostly
pale face visible. He didn't even seem to look for Avan,
heading immediately for a dark corner away from the
window that was filled with books.

Wallace moved, faster than Avan believed possible,

and stretched out in front of the desk, giving a series of
low growls and clicks and snapping his teeth.

A tiny light appeared above Das' head, faint and

wavering, sputtering as if wet.

Avan frowned, taking a few quiet steps toward the

desk. A louder growl and bared teeth from Wallace
made him stop.

"Das? Hey, Baldy, remember me?"
Eyes that were almost clear and somehow lost and

full of sorrow flashed up at him. "Avan. Hey. Of course
I remember you. My master wants to see you today, I
think. Something about finding you a better roommate
and some training, I hear. I have to transcribe a bunch of
stuff and turn in a report and then I have to work on my
experiments and did you hear there was doing to be a
lecture tonight about the scrying pools?"

"Lecture about the scrying pools? A better

roommate?" Avan stepped toward Das, stopping short as
Wallace growled and shifted. "Wind and Sun, Baldy,
call off your lizard."

Those eyes disappeared behind a fold of Das' cloak,

the flickering light casting odd, misshapen shadows.
"Yes, Master I'peck's giving a lecture about scrying for
those students who aren't natural seers. She's funny. I
can't come, I'm restricted to the lab, but I'm sure Dah'ba
will sit with you. Or your new roommate may. You can
leave Brownie, if you want, and visit her. I wouldn't tell,
honest." There was a soft sound, almost a sob, and then
the tiny light dimmed again. "Not even my master."

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Avan was hurt at the way Das seemed to be

dismissing him, but he was also worried. Das seemed
so... off, even for Das. "What did they do to you in that

"D...do? Nothing. Nothing." Das' head dipped, the

cloak's hood almost touching the desk. "I t...took notes."

Avan took another step and glared as Wallace stood,

his low growl almost constant now. Avan took another
step and growled back. Wallace blinked and tilted his
head, showing his teeth, then blinked again. A low,
questioning sound came from the lizard's throat.

Avan growled again, taking a couple more steps

toward the beast until they were face to face. "Outta my
way, Scaly."

Wallace blinked and snapped, giving clear warning.

Then he turned and crawled off, stopping and curling up
in a nearby sunbeam.

"Good boy." He turned back to the desk and walked

around it, crouching next to Das. "Hey, Baldy." He
pushed Das' cowl back from his head, fingers trailing
over the soft fuzz of the bare skull. "You can talk to me,
or you can kiss me. Your choice."

Das' skin was icy, cold and clammy, and he pushed

up into Avan's hand for a moment before jerking away.
Avan heard his name whispered, so softly that he could
have imagined it, and then long, thin, trembling fingers
reached for a quill and he began scribbling.

He took Das' face in his hands, cupping the icy

cheeks and turning Das toward him. "Das... you in there,

Crystal tears gathered in the icy eyes. "Yeah. I'm

here, Avan. This is kinda where I belong, yeah?" Das'
voice was tired, odd and pained. "If they find you here,
they'll be angry. If you go, they'll set you up with a

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roommate, a schedule. They'll take care of you. They

One tear caught on white eyelashes, and Das pushed

it away. "They promised, and I did, too, and you should
go, Avan."

"Well, I didn't promise anybody anything, and I don't

want a new roommate or a schedule or anyone taking
care of me." He stroked his fingers across Das' face.
"Baldy... Das. You really want me to go?" Leaning
forward, he brushed his lips across Das' almost blue
ones. "Really, truly?"

Das shook his head, eyes huge and pleading. Avan

began to shiver as the temperature in the room began to

Das stood, those odd little balls of flame seeming to

tear from his skin and hover, not bright and strong like
before, but pale and oddly weak. "I... I... Avan... you
have to go. Please, I don't want to hurt you. I can't hurt
you, too."

"You're right, Baldy, you can't hurt me, so just quit

trying to get rid of me. Now first things, first. We gotta
get you warm." Avan closed his eyes and took a deep
breath. He held his hand out toward the sunbeam and
concentrated on the warmth of it, drawing more of the
sunshine into the room. The energy of the sun filled him,
and he pushed it back into the room, warming it.

"All right, Baldy, you're next." He pushed Das' cloak

off him and wrapped his arms around the slender body,
hissing at the chill of Das' skin evident even through the
many layers the boy wore. He licked at the frosty lips.
"Come on, Das, remember how warm this makes you?"

"Avan." Das was watching him, eyes pained and

dazed. The balls of flame spun close, flickering and
sputtering. "They'll come for you."

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"I'm not leaving you like this, Das." He blew on one

of the balls, watching it scatter, the sparks falling
harmlessly to the floor. "This isn't right, Das. It's not
you. Let me help you? Please."

"I hurt. It hurts. In my head." With a desperate

shudder, Das moved close, snuggling for a moment,
before pulling away again with a pained cry. "Avan..."
Das' stopped, looked at Avan with wide eyes and then
held out his hands. "I'm cold. Help me, Avan. Please."

Avan took Das' hands and pulled him up, sliding an

arm around the hunched shoulders as he half walked,
half carried Das to the makeshift bed. Lips covering Das'
he began to work off Das' layers, hands pushing to find
the cold, bare skin. Das was almost blue, even his
tongue cool to Avan's lips, soft, shuddering whimpers
echoing in his throat.

The balls of flame were almost gone, Avan brushing

them away with stubborn determination. "What did they
do to you, Baldy?" He didn't wait for an answer, he
didn't really care right now. What he cared about was
making the boy in his arms warm.

He pulled Das' clothes from him with frantic haste,

pushing away the hands that tried to stop him. "Trust
me, Das, I'll make you warm."

"Warm? I was warm. Last night with Avan... He's so

hot and his eyes and..." Das was muttering restlessly,
wrinkled fingers waving ineffectually. "He let me love
him, Avan did, and I won't hurt him. I can't hurt him."

"That's right, Baldy, you can't hurt me. I have a piece

of the sun in me, Das, and you can't burn the sun." He
interspersed the words with kisses, pushing the now
naked Das onto his back and following him down. He
groaned as his flesh hit the icy skin, but he didn't flinch,
didn't back down. "I'm going to make you warm, Das.
Remember how warm you were last night?"

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"I was! I was so warm, Avan, so happy." Das' eyes

focused on him. "I was warm. I was naked and warm
and I slept and dreamed of you."

"So let’s be warm again." He kissed Das, sliding his

tongue between the chilled lips. He worked one hand
between them, sliding over one of Das' nipples with his
fingers as he moved his hand down toward Das’ cock.

Das' tongue slid up against his, icy skin arching to

meet his touch. Avan could feel the shivers lessen
between them, feel Das' body fighting to relax, to
respond. He reached Das' flaccid cock and began to slide
his fingertips over it, teasing and stroking. Now and then
he'd move down to tease the drawn up balls, fingers
sliding behind them to tease at the entrance to Das'

"Avan. Your hands are warm." Das' voice was

slurred and soft, the sharp edges of panic melting away.
"You are warm."

"Yep," he replied, smiling down into the pale eyes.

"It's a curse." He winked and lowered his head again,
this kiss gentle, tongue tasting, teasing, coaxing a
response instead of demanding one.

Chilled hands stroked over his shoulders, his cheeks,

his chest, as they kissed. Das' motions steadily became
more fluid, the incredible tension easing beneath Avan's
heat and attention. Das' cock was slowly coming to life
in his hand, filling with blood and heat, need. Avan
murmured encouragement into Das' mouth, pleasure
stroking through his own body as his worry finally
started to fade.

Das shared sweet, smoky kisses, tongue sliding in a

steady rhythm that matched the motion of his hand.
Avan sighed as he was held close, Das' hands traveling
over his back and leaving cool paths behind. He'd had
sex before, lots of times, with different people, guys,

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girls, but it was never like this, never this good and
necessary and different. This was... this was making

He let go of Das' erection and slid his hand beneath

the slim buttocks, pulling the lithe body close as he
drove his own cock against Das'.

Das curled one thin leg up over his hip, pushing into

his thrusts, hands holding him tightly, bright eyes
devouring his face. "Avan... like the sun..."

"Forever chasing my moon." He dipped down,

pressing kissing along Das' scalp, following the hairline,
lips twitching at the tickle of fuzz.

"Won't be bald forever, you hairy thing." Das

chuckled breathlessly, lifting his chin. "Kiss me, Avan?
Make me warm?"

"That's what I'm here for."
He brought their mouths together, lips pressing

against Das', the kiss long and slow. He slipped his
tongue past Das' parted lips, tasting the smoky mouth
again, pulling the strange sweetness into himself. One
hand slid down to cup his hip, encouraging the rhythm
of their bodies. Das murmured softly into his lips, the
sound relaxed and happy and curved into syllables that
meant yes and please and love.

"That's it, Baldy, come for me now. Come for me,


The surprised, hungry gasp that stole from Das' lips

was matched by the splash of heat against Avan's belly,
as if Das' pleasure had been waiting for Avan's call. His
own body shuddered in response, spilling more heat
between them.

Avan collapsed onto Das, and he reached over,

pulling the covers up around his shoulders as he
blanketed Das with his body. "You scared me, Baldy,"
he murmured, nuzzling Das' face, his ears, his neck.

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"Scared me, too." Das moaned softly, moving into

each touch. "It hurt so bad, Avan. I didn't want to hurt

"You're not going to hurt me, Das. Okay? You can't."

He continued to kiss and nuzzle, hands moving over the
pale skin. "What did they do to you, Baldy? Why'd you
let them hurt you?"

"They're just worried and upset with me. I...they don't

want me burning anyone. Don't want me losing control."
Das curled into him, eyelids drooping. "I know better. I
just... forget."

"I don't care why they did it to you -- I want to know

what it is they did." He held Das tightly. "You were
more than half frozen to death, Das. Your lips were blue,
and your little fireballs were puny."

"Nothing permanent. Just helping me focus." Das

frowned, lips twisting. "I don't like it, though." His eyes
flew open, and he tensed. "They'll come looking for you
today, going to take you to the dorms and get you a
master and you'll..." Das sighed and relaxed, reaching up
to cup Avan's cheek. "I'll miss you, so much."

His arms tightened automatically around Das. "I'm

not going anywhere. They can't make me." He rubbed
his cheek against Das' palm. "Why can't they help you
focus without hurting you? You focus with me, and I
don't hurt you..."

"Avan, they're the Elders. You don't ask why." Das

grinned up at him. "You sorta just hope you don't drown
and they don't make your brains fall out or turn you into
a slug."

"Don't drown? Das..." He buried his face against the

white neck. "I don't care who they are, Baldy, that's not

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"Shh... s'okay, Avan. My master promised you'd be

taken care of, that you'd be happy." Das sighed softly. "I
just have to follow the rules better, that's all."

"Rules are made to be broken, Baldy." He nuzzled

Das' neck, hands wandering restlessly over the naked
back. "And I can look out for myself; you don't have to
let them hurt you to keep me safe, that isn't right."

"Feels good." Das stretched beneath him, cool skin

sliding easily against his own. "It'll be okay, Avan.
Honest. I've been here a long time and managed okay,
right? Only blew up the mountain once..." Blue eyes
grinned up at him. "So far."

He laughed. "Oh, I do like you, Baldy."
"Good. Otherwise this whole naked, sticky, in bed in

the middle of the day thing would be really hard to

He grinned and pressed his lips to Das' again,

nibbling and biting gently. "Seems like a really fun way
to spend the day to me."

"Yes." Das' mouth opened beneath his, easy as

breathing. "How long can we stay here before they make
us stop, do you think?"

"You tell me -- they're your Elders." He gave Das

another kiss, the smoky flavor something he couldn't get
enough of. "How long before they come and do
something awful to you again for doing nothing more
than getting warm and loving me?"

"At least a couple of hours, maybe even until after

late meal, if I'm lucky."

"We could be halfway down the mountain by late


Das blinked, white eyebrows coming together in a

confused frown. "I'm not allowed outside, Avan. I... I'm
not even supposed to leave the lab for a fortnight."

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He gently brushed away the frown with his

forefinger. "I meant leave for good, Das. Go away so
they can't hurt you anymore. It isn't right that you're
going to be hurt for making love to me. You haven't hurt
anyone, not anyone at all. It isn't right!"

"Leave? I can't leave, Avan." Das' face moved toward

his hand instinctively, he could almost see Das drinking
in the sensations. "I have hurt people before. Lots of
them. A whole village."

Avan frowned. "On purpose?"
"I don't think so. I was little. I don't even remember


"So you didn't do it on purpose. You're not like that,

Das, I can tell."

"Can you?" Das stopped, looking at him, into him.

"Can you tell? Can you see me, really?"

"I can see the innocence in your eyes, Das. Anyone

can if they look." He grinned down at Das. "You get into
trouble 'cause you're curious. I get into trouble because
I'm bored."

"Are you bored right now?" Das grinned back.

"'Cause I'm curious, and I'm sure we're in trouble."

He chuckled in response. "So tell me, Baldy, what're

you curious about?"

"You. Are your eyes darker before or after you

come? Are you always spicy? What's your favorite
color? What's your favorite thing to do, to eat, to talk
about?" Das took a deep breath. "Do you always make
people feel this way?" Das wrapped his arms around
Avan's neck and hugged. "I want to know all about

"White." He dropped a kiss on Avan's nose. "Sex

with you is rapidly becoming my favorite thing to do."
Another kiss. "Raspberries."

A last kiss. "How do I make you feel?"

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"Whole. Right. Happy. Warm." Das offered a kiss of

his own. "Real."

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Chapter Five

Das poured a thin layer of oil over the metal,

watching it glow and flash in the lamplight. The metal
burned, bright and fierce and so quickly, and Daslin
hoped the oil would slow the flame, make the fire last.
Of course, chances were good that the oil would catch
flame and then everything would blow up, which would
be interesting.

Or maybe an explosion.
He hadn't had a good explosion in weeks.
Das shrugged and put the metal into the center of a

huge, onyx bowl and gathered heat about him. The
black, slick walls of the lab shuddered for a moment as
he tore what little heat there was from them, then the
heat from the fire, the lamps.

It tickled inside him, heat binding tight to his energy,

making it his heat/their heat/our heat, and when he let
the wave of energy go, the piece of metal burst in a
shower of sparks, the bowl filling with blue flame.

Das wrinkled his nose and pulled his cloak tight. Not

bad. Not an explosion, but not bad.

He wandered over to right it again; this time he'd use

a different oil.

There was a noise, wood creaking, and then Avan's

head appeared from the floor where the hidden entrance
was. "Hey, Das!"

Das grinned, blinking as he waved, metal in hand.

There was nothing -- nothing at all as fun and warm and
good as that smile and those dark eyes and... "Hey,

Avan came up the rest of the way and dropped the

wood back in place over the door, sauntering over to
give him a hug. Avan was always so warm. "The frog's
got some sort of spring ceremony going on, which

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means it won't be noticed if I'm not around for the rest
of the day. So I figured we could... you know, do stuff."

Das giggled, nuzzling close. "You're going to call my

Master 'frog' to his face one day if you're not careful,
Avan. And I like to do stuff. Want to help me oil these?
I'm doing an experiment."

Avan was grinning down at him, smile like sunshine.

"Sure I'll help you. We should save some of the oil,
though -- we can use it after."

"The oil?" He stretched up, kissing the corner of

Avan's mouth. "You smell like berries. Sweet."

Avan bent his head and rubbed their noses together.

"And you smell like smoke, baldy. Taste like it, too," he
added, before dipping his head further and closing their
lips together in a long kiss that left Das breathless.

Oh. Oh. Avan made his belly tight, made an odd

warmth move through him, made things feel better than
magic, better than flame, better than anything. Das
dropped the sliver of metal, wrapping his arms around
Avan's neck and holding on. Avan's arms came around
him, warm hands searching out the bottom of his tunics
and sliding beneath them to stroke over his skin. The
kisses kept coming, one after another, keeping him on
his toes and out of breath, almost dizzy, spinning in

Das forgot about the oil, the metal, the flames -- all

he knew was Avan and Avan's heat and Avan's fingers
and Avan's tongue.

Avan's hands shifted, sliding down to cup his

buttocks and lift him up off the ground and tight against
the warm body. He could feel Avan's hardness, hot and
thick against his belly. Avan slowly moved them toward
his nest of pillows and blankets, never even breaking the
rhythm of the sweet, intoxicating kisses.

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Das eased his hands into Avan's hair, murmuring his

pleasure into Avan's lips. His legs wrapped around
Avan's waist, bringing their hips closer together, his
shaft growing full. Avan moaned into their kiss, hands
kneading Das' buttocks, pulling him closer, tighter,
making their erections rub together. Oh, and that felt
even better, even bigger, even warmer. Das heard
himself whimper, the noise all caught by Avan's lips,
and he reminded himself that he should probably be
embarrassed, but not right now. Right now he was busy.

Avan sat in the middle of the blankets and pillows,

settling him in the warm lap, and then one of Avan's
hands moved around and slid beneath his waistband,
wrapping around his cock and stroking him. Avan's
tongue began to slide in and out of his mouth at the
same time.

He gasped, hips rocking up into the touch. So good,

Avan made him feel so good. He could feel Avan's
erection sliding beneath him, pressing against his
buttocks, hot even through his layers. Avan moaned
softly, and Avan's hand moved faster, stroking him

His whimpers became sharp cries, eyes that he didn't

even know he'd closed flashing open as he shuddered,
seed spilling over Avan's fingers.

Eyes that were dark like the night smiled down at

him. He didn't know the night could be so warm. Warm
and sated, looking into new moon ocean eyes, Avan's
lips still moving over his, eating his soft murmurs -- Das
floated, happy and relaxed.

"You look so good like that, all happy and well-

loved." Avan's murmur tickled along his lips.

Das grinned, tongue sliding out to lick at Avan's

bottom lip. "You make me warm, Avan. I can feel you
all over. It's just right."

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Avan's grin matched his own, and the warm tongue

slid out to move against his. "Wanna feel me inside,

"Inside, Avan?" Das giggled, hands sliding over

Avan's tummy. He glanced down at the square hand
curled around him. "You seem to manage to get inside
my clothes just fine."

Avan chuckled and the hand around Das' shaft

tightened briefly and then Avan's other hand was
pushing inside his breeches as well and curled back
around his buttocks. Two fingers stroked along his
crease and slid across his opening. "I mean in here,

"Oh!" Das shivered, the touch was hot -- all Avan's

touches were fire against him. "You mean, you?" The
back of his fingers slid down to brush Avan's erection.

Avan's fingers continued to stroke against him as

Avan nodded. "Yes."

"Will it fit?"
Avan laughed, eyes twinkling down at him. "It'll fit."
Das arched his eyebrow. "Are you sure? Does it hurt?

It seems big. Have you done it? What does it feel like?"
Curiosity filled him, even as his hips began to shift
slowly, Avan's fingers so warm as they slid against his

"I've done it to someone else. It doesn't hurt if you do

it right. But I don't know what it feels like." Avan's
fingers moved with his hips, pressing against his
opening each time they slid by it. "You can do it to me
first, if you want. And then I can tell you how it feels.
It'll be good, Das, I promise."

"Oh." He shivered, pushing up for a kiss. The shivery

feeling in his belly eased at Avan's words. Avan always
kept his promises. "I don't know how, Avan, and I don't
want to hurt you by accident." He pressed back against

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Avan's fingers, just a little. "I want to try, to feel you
inside me."

Avan smiled and then kissed him, hard and urgent,

tongue sliding into his mouth again. He thought Avan
would start right away, but Avan was only kissing him,
leaving him all breathless and dizzy again. Das melted
against Avan's heat, lost in the long kisses, hands
running over Avan's chest, Avan's shoulders.

He was so absorbed in their kisses that he almost

missed it when the tip of Avan's finger pressed inside
him. He tried to focus, to pay attention, but Avan's lips
kept moving and teasing and tasting, and his hips
seemed to be moving without him thinking about Avan's
finger much at all.

Again and again, Avan breached him with a fingertip,

and then Avan stopped and murmured against his cheek.
"I need to get the oil."

"The oil? Oh, to make it slick. Okay." He spoke, but

he didn't let go, hands still busy and wandering.

Avan just laughed and slid both hands beneath his

buttocks, holding him tight as Avan stood and walked
them back over to his workbench. Das leaned forward,
nuzzling against Avan's jaw -- oh, Avan was spicy and
so good on his tongue. He loved this, loved the
closeness and the touching and the laughing and smiling
and heat. Avan made him feel so very right.

And so very real.
Avan tipped him over slightly. "You'll have to grab it

-- my hands are kind of full."

Das stretched, giggling as their bodies rubbed

together. "Which one? Does it matter?"

"Something that you like the smell of." Avan nipped

at his neck, lips tickling over where teeth bit.

"Okay. Hold me." Das arched as far as he could and

snagged a blue bottle, toes curling and head spinning.

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Das noted that his workbench looked much more
interesting from this position and wondered for a second
about working this way. Then Avan's hands tightened,
and he decided this probably wasn't the time to bring
that up. "This one. Smells like you taste."

Avan laughed again as Das was righted. "And how's

that, baldy?"

The room spun, and he held the bottle tight as his

head, which had somehow grown while he was
reaching, wobbled on his neck. "Good and soft-warm

"That sounds nice. I'm glad I taste good for you."

Avan kissed his nose and then his mouth again and then
they were back at his makeshift bed and Avan laid him

Das snuggled into the covers and pillows. It was

wonderful -- there was an Avan-smell here now, even
when there wasn't an Avan.

Strong fingers were sliding beneath his layers now,

peeling them off one at a time. All the while, Avan was
kissing him and murmuring against his skin.

So easy to get lost in the kisses and soft touches and

forget all about the unnerving touch of the air on his
skin as it was exposed. Avan seemed to spend an
inordinate amount of time getting and keeping him
undressed. Another kiss distracted him, and Avan's hand
slid over his back, so warm and right, and suddenly it
occurred to Das -- at it tended to do -- that maybe Avan
had a point about this whole naked thing.

Suddenly, the scent of Avan became more, and Das

realized it was the oil and that one of Avan's fingers was
pressing inside him again, but it wasn't stopping at just
the tip this time.

"Oh!" Das tensed up, blinking as he did, and then he

could feel Avan's finger even more. It didn't hurt, but if

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made the vague fluttery-wing-y bug feelings in his belly
very, very BIG fluttery-wing-y bug feelings. His eyes
searched Avan out -- not scared, because he wasn't,
because Avan had promised and he knew Avan, more
like a bit unbalanced, like almost-falling.

Avan was smiling down at him, dark sky eyes warm.

"I'm inside you, Das. Can you feel it?"

Das nodded, heat growing in his belly fueled by

Avan's eyes. "Can you? I mean, feel it? Does it feel

"It feels amazing -- you feel amazing. All hot and so

soft and holding my finger tight. So tight, Das."

Bending, Avan kissed him, stealing his breath and

adding fuel to the heat inside him. Then Avan started to
move his finger, sliding it out and then in again and
again and again. Now that felt good, all over warm and,
when combined with the long kisses, made him arch and
move, hips rocking along with the movements.

"You like that, baldy?" Avan didn't give him time to

answer, though, just went right back to kissing him.

So he nodded, hands finding their place -- one resting

on the nape of Avan's neck, the other tracing only
Avan's shoulder. The kisses went on and on until Das
couldn't remember his own name.

Then Avan was pressing in another finger along with

the first, stretching him. It burned, the stretching, and he
gasped into Avan's mouth as heat flowed up his spine
and through his shoulders. It made him shiver, body not
sure whether to pull away or press down and find more
of the sensation.

Avan's fingers kept moving inside him, pushing in

and curling, and all of a sudden it felt like something
exploded inside of him. Something good. Something

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"Avan! Oh..." His hands tightened, body tightened,

universe shrinking suddenly to just them.

"You okay, Das?" Avan asked, even as his fingers

curled and the explosion happened again.

"Oh! Yes... no... I mean, Avan, it's so..." His

sensation-muddled brain reached for a word to explain.
"... so bright."

Avan's fingers kept moving, just in and out again, not

curling anymore, giving him a break from the
explosions. Bending, Avan began to suck, first one
nipple and then the other, giving him something else to
focus on. His body relaxed back into the blankets,
fingers stroking through dark-gold hair. His sighs of
pleasure came more often, lasted longer, as his body
rocked and shifted.

Avan did that for a long time, loving him slowly and

thoroughly. His shaft was hard again, and his balls had
started aching when Avan's fingers finally stilled and
Avan's lips moved to cover his again. "You want to put
the oil on me?"

He nodded, lifting up on his elbow to reach for the

oil. The motion pushed Avan's fingers deeper, jostling
that spot within him again, and he whimpered, body
vibrating. His hands were all shaky as he rubbed the
shiny oil into Avan's hot-tight skin.

Avan moaned, hips pushing into Das' touch. "Love

the feel of you touching me."

Das nodded, his moans answering Avan's, the fingers

inside him constantly moving and keeping him in that
shuddery, wonderful, ball-aching place.

Avan's free hand suddenly covered his. "If you don't

stop now, it'll be too late, and I want to be inside you."

"Oh." His thumb traced one of the veins, shivering at

the throb in his hand.

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Avan's fingers left his body, and Avan pushed him

back down onto his back. "Spread your legs for me."

Das let his legs fall open. "Like this?" Then he let his

spread legs pull up, knees coming up to his chest. "Or

Avan made a soft sound, and then warm hands were

sliding along the backs of his thighs. "Just like that, Das.
Just like that." Leaning over him, Avan pressed a kiss to
his mouth, and then Das could feel something very hot
and very big pressing against his opening.

"Avan..." He whispered, reaching out for Avan's

shoulders, not sure if he was scared or excited or

"Right here, baldy. Outside and..." Avan pushed until

the head of his shaft was inside Das. "And inside."

Oh. Oh, it burned, real fire inside him and atop him

and he gasped, trying to find his breath, the heat burning
into his brain and wanting out. He held on tight to Avan,
his sun. Avan didn't move at all, except for the tongue
that licked at his lips and his cheeks and his neck, breath
soft and warm against his skin.

Slowly, he remembered how to breathe, the burn

easing into throbbing heat, his body relaxing beneath
Avan's weight and Avan's kisses.

"I love you, Daslin." The words were whispered into

his ear as Avan slowly but surely continued pushing into
his body.

"Avan. Avan love." His words were unfocused, all of

his attention on the heat and pressure and feeling of
being open and touched and it was Avan pressing inside
him. "So hot."

"So tight." Avan's voice was hoarse, a rough caress.
Then Avan's cock pressed against that thing inside

him that made him explode. Das cried out, tiny fireballs

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exploding out around them both for a heartbeat as the
sensation overwhelmed his control.

Avan's mouth found his again, warm and wet and

insistent, forcing him to focus on Avan. Avan above
him. Avan around him. Avan in his mouth. Avan
pressing against his legs. Avan inside him. Oh, so good,
so hot, so Avan.

Das moaned into Avan's lips, fingers twining into

Avan's hair, legs wrapping around Avan's body.

"Oh, Das." Avan began to move then, pulling almost

all the way out and pushing back in again. Avan was
moving so slowly, like they had all the time in the
world, like Das' body wasn't winding tighter and tighter,
about to explode at any moment.

"Avan. Avan love, so much. Please, love." He didn't

even know what he was asking for, what he needed. All
he knew was that Avan would help him, would give him
what he needed.

Deepening the kiss, Avan began to move faster, each

thrust harder than the last. Avan's tongue was mimicking
his hips, thrusting and thrusting and thrusting into his
mouth, making the two motions one, joining them.

Das was lost. Nothing... he didn't know that could be

so... and it was and Avan was, too... and there was sound
and heat and pressure and he didn't know anything but
Avan and didn't want to, didn't need to.

It went on and on, each push into his body bringing

explosions and more pleasure than he thought could be
possible, and for a moment it felt like it was eternal, like
this would never end and it didn't end, it always was and
then words whispered loudly across his skin into his ear
and suddenly it was only minutes, seconds.

"Come for me now, Das."

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"Avan!" He convulsed, crying out, world going dark

as his body gripped Avan's cock, heat spreading over his

Avan's tongue and cock kept him tied to here and

now, and a few more hard thrusts and Avan's cry filled
his mouth as Avan's seed filled his body.

"Oh, Avan. Avan, my love." He held on, breath

sobbing from him. Nothing, he'd never felt anything like
what Avan made him feel, kept making him feel.

Soft kisses rained over his face, gentle and warm and

good. "Right here, baldy. Love you. So good. My

"Yours. All of me. Love you." He caught Avan's lips

with his own, tasting pleasure and warmth and spice.

Avan shifted, his shaft sliding from Das' body, his

sigh pushing into Das' mouth.

He felt odd, empty but full, warm and safe and still a

little shaky. He snuggled close, loath to let their bodies
separate further. Avan must have felt it, too, or maybe
Avan just knew how Das felt, and Das was pressed
down, Avan staying on top of him, heavy and warm.

"Did it feel good, being inside me?" He whispered

the question against Avan's shoulder, tongue slipping
out to taste.

"It felt wonderful. Like I belonged inside you." Avan

pressed a kiss to his scalp, right behind his ear, and then
asked a question of his own. "Did it feel good for you?"

"It was... Oh, Avan, so much and so big and so hot. I

could feel you everywhere. It's like you're so far inside
me, I can still feel you."

"Good. I am inside you, all the time." Avan's tongue

was doing tickly, warm, good things to the skin behind
his ear.

Das chuckled, murmuring softly. "Yes, Avan. All the


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"I love you, baldy."
"I love you, Avan." Das ran his hands along Avan's

spine. "Can you stay? Stay here with me?"

"The rest of the day and all night," Avan answered,

undulating against Das as he arched into the touch.

"Oh!" Das beamed up at Avan, hands sliding over the

soft, sweet skin of Avan's back. He loved knowing he
could sleep with Avan, touch Avan and have Avan
touch him over and over and over. "Oh, good."

"Mmm... yes, good."
Das licked his way over to Avan's neck, stopping

there to suckle softly.

Avan shuddered atop him. "Gonna mark me, Das?"
"Yes. You're my Avan -- deep inside me now, under

my skin, even if no one can see it. I want to see it." He
nodded, fastening his lips over Avan's pulse point and
pulling harder.

Another shudder met his words, and Avan was

whispering in his ear. "That's right, Das. I'm so deep
inside you that I'm a part of you. You mark me and
everyone will see tomorrow, they'll see I belong to
someone, that I'm taken, that I've found my reason to

The words made him hard again, made him ache,

made him pull harder against Avan's throat. Against his
Avan's throat.

Daslin had never been a reason before.
He could feel Avan's shaft begin to harden against his

thigh, growing with each pull of Avan's skin in his
mouth. He could feel the love his Avan had for him, it
was like magic only better and he couldn't see it unless
he looked in Avan's eyes and he couldn't hear it until he
listened to Avan's voice, but he could always feel it.

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Das spread Avan's hair around them, humming

happily against Avan's throat, warm and hard and so

He finally backed away enough to look at the little

black mark, crowing softly. "My Avan love."

Avan looked so happy smiling down at him. Tilting

his head, Avan tried to see, but couldn't. "What's it look

"Like you're mine." Das grinned, kissing Avan with a

soft but so real hunger.

Avan laughed and rolled onto his back, bringing Das

with him. "It's your turn."

"My turn? You want to mark me, too?" Das lifted his

chin, offering his throat to Avan, even as he reached for
a blanket to drape over his back.

Avan chuckled even as he pulled Das' shoulder down

toward his mouth. "Yes, baldy, I want to mark you, too,
but I did mean your turn to be inside me."

"Oh!" His eyes flew open, even as he sank onto

Avan, bringing his flesh near open lips. "But what if I
hurt you? What if I do it wrong?"

"What if you do it right? What if you bring me untold

pleasure?" Avan's words slid against his skin, and then
Avan's lips closed over him, sucking strongly.

Das considered asking Avan how he knew about

untold pleasure if no one had told him about it, but then
Avan would stop marking him and Das didn't really
need to know why or how. Avan's lips were warm and
his tongue was wet and agile and felt so good against his
skin. He didn't like being wet, but he didn't mind it when
it was Avan's mouth that made him wet.

"Avan love, feels good." He pressed closer to his

Avan, sighing as their skin slid together.

Avan's hands were moving over his back beneath the

blanket, smoothing over his skin in random patterns that

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made him tingly and shivery. The marking didn't stop,
just kept going and going and going, almost making him

"Avan. Avan love." Wide-eyed and gasping, Das'

hips began to move, sliding steadily along Avan's skin in
time with the strong pulls of Avan's mouth.

Avan's hands slid down to his hips, holding him tight

and encouraging his rocking. Sharp nips accompanied
the sucking now. Each press of teeth made him shiver,
made him fly, the world nothing but sensation and
pleasure and Avan. Avan began to hum. Das could feel
the sound more than hear it.

Oh, sweet goddess above! Explosions started in his

lower back, in the base of his skull. He called out to
Avan, a short, sharp cry, hips jerking as his body
worked toward release.

Growling, Avan bit down hard.
"Avan!" He dissolved, sobbing and pressing hard

against Avan's skin, warm all through.

"Mmm... Love you, Das." Avan's fingers moved over

his skin, warm and gentle.

"Avan. Oh, Avan." He just kept whispering Avan's

name, holding on, head spinning.

"It looks good on you." Avan pressed a kiss against

the mark, making it ache.

He whimpered softly as his cock throbbed in

response. Avan was trying to kill him with pleasure. Das
just knew it.

"Shh. Everything's good. Just fine."
Das settled, burying his head against Avan's shoulder.

He wanted to make sure Avan was happy, needed to
clean up, get dressed, but he couldn't move, couldn't
force his eyes open.

Avan shifted, tucking him in beside him, holding him

close and warm before reaching for another blanket and

Smoke & Fire - 73

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spreading it over them both. "Sleep, baldy, and then we
can do it all over again."

"Again? Oh..." The delicious shivers followed him

down into dreams in Avan's warm arms.


Das blinked, unused to the feeling of waking up

warm, of feeling the sheets beneath him and the weight
of bare skin above him. He liked it, liked it a lot, the
heavy pressure of Avan's arms and legs, the brush of
breath on his throat.

He shifted a little, wincing as various aches made

themselves known, aches that, oddly, filled him with a
warm wash of desire.

Avan had been inside him, moved within him and it

was unlike anything Das had ever experienced, ever
thought of. The pressure, the heat, the burning pain --
he'd been worried and scared until Avan had spoken and
he had seen the light in those dark eyes.

Then Das had given himself up to Avan's hands,

trusting in the man he loved.

Das looked over at Avan, at the wisps of blond hair

falling on his forehead, the sweep of eyelashes, the
curve of his bottom lip, full and still kiss-swollen. The
bed smelled like spice and smoke and sex and
something Das was quickly coming to recognize as

He could come to need this, to hunger for this

connection, this simple, easy touch that set his mind to
rest. Need it more than his home, his work, his layers,
his mentor. Need it as badly as breathing.

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Panic built within him, insisting he get up, get

dressed, get to work and stop this silly nonsense.

As he moved, Avan's arms tightened, pulling him

close, lips brushing over the top of his head as Avan
whispered, "Shh, baby. Stay."

With a soft whisper that might have been 'Avan' or

'yes' or 'oh', but meant 'love', Das settled in, sleep drawn
over him, and stayed.


Smoke & Fire - 75


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