Michael Sean Straight As An Arrow

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Games People Play: Straight as an Arrow - 1

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Games People Play: Straight as an Arrow

Copyright © 2010 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever

without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or

reviews. For information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78650.

ISBN: 978-1-60370-


Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press electronic edition / June 2010

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX



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Straight as an Arrow

By Sean Michael

Chapter One

Kyle smoothed the suit as he packed it into Hunter's garment bag. He added three shirts: a white,
a dark gray, and the white with thin pink pinstripes that looked so good on his man. Socks and
underwear tucked into the zippered bag at the bottom, along with Hunter's dress shoes. Four ties
clipped easily to the suit hanger, and then, on a whim, he added the Tasmanian Devil tie.

There, perfect.

He zipped the garment bag up, made sure that the neck pillow was on top of Hunter's briefcase,
and then slipped back into their bedroom.

Sliding under the covers, Kyle curled up against his beautiful man. Hunter was tall and well-
built. He had a belly Kyle both envied and admired, and the best pecs ever. His dark hair curled
slightly at this length, and behind dark, thick lashes were the most beautiful brown eyes Kyle'd
ever seen.

"Time to wake up, babe." He gently tickled Hunter's ribs.

"Damn early risers." Hunter chuckled, tugged him close. "Hey, lover. Do I have to?"

He kissed his way along Hunter's jaw. "You need to be at the airport in about an hour and a half."
Which gave him enough time to wake Hunter up properly.

"Man... I should become a beach bum." Those big, square hands squeezed his ass.

Wriggling his butt, he tilted his head and imagined Hunter in Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian
shirt. They would definitely clash unless Hunter let him choose. "I don't know -- all that sand in
inconvenient places."

"Yeah, chafing is crappy. Hate the long trips, though." Hunter grinned, nipped his bottom lip.
The man did security program audits all over the country; the hours sucked, but the money
wasn't bad at all.

"You'll be home before you know it. I'll make a roast beef dinner, roasted potatoes, Brussel
sprouts, and Yorkshire pudding -- the works." He let his hand slide down over the landscape of
awesome muscles, headed for Hunter's beautiful prick.

"You spoil me." Hunter's cock was still mostly asleep, but beginning to fill. "And I'll bring you
something wonderful from... where am I going? Chicago?"

"Boston! Chicago is next month." He pressed a kiss to Hunter's sternum. "And I like spoiling

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"Love you, babe." Hunter's fingers tangled in his hair.

"Mmm. I love you, too."

Soft and lazy, he worked his kisses downward. It was warm under the covers, and it smelled like
the two of them. That perfect, flat belly shifted for him, the heavy thighs parting. He slipped
between them, fitting just right, and rubbed his cheek over Hunter's abdomen. He could feel the
heat of Hunter's cock rising to meet him.

"Lover." Hunter's legs moved, pushed against him.

"Mmm..." He turned his head down and licked at the tip of the perfect prick. Soft-skinned and
salty, hot and swollen -- his lips wrapped around it. He hummed happily and set to slowly going
down on Hunter, taking it all in.

"Fuck, lover." Hunter's hips rocked up, cock spreading his lips.

He let Hunter have his mouth, loving the feeling of thin, velvet skin over hard heat against his
lips, his tongue.

Hunter hummed and groaned, murmuring softly to him, letting him know how good it was.
"Turn and I'll do you, too, lover. Let you have my mouth."

Only a fool would say no to something like that.

Kyle let go of Hunter's prick and shifted until his cock was up at Hunter's head, and then he went
back to what he'd been doing. Hunter's mouth took him in, the pressure growing steadily as
Hunter loved on him. He closed his eyes and breathed it all in, his throat working around the tip
of Hunter's cock. Hunter's mouth knew exactly what to give him, how to give it to him, the warm
hands pulling him in deep.

Kyle loved the circle of pleasure they made, his sounds coming out of Hunter's mouth, his
sucking pulling at his own cock. Hunter rocked, cock slipping a little deeper, the suction that
much harder. Fuck. Fuck, yes.

He sucked at Hunter's prick for all he was worth, his hips beginning to move against his will --
he just couldn't keep them still. Hunter answered in kind, pulling at his prick, taking him in and
in and in. He found Hunter's balls, teased and tugged on them, giving his lover just that little bit

The sound of Hunter just about to come made him crazy. He lost it, his own cock spurting as he
pulled on Hunter's cock. Hunter tasted salty, bitter, and all male as spunk splashed over his
tongue. He swallowed it all down and kept sucking, encouraging every little drop out.

"Mmm. Damn, lover. Blow my mind."

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"Aha. I always knew your brains were in your dick." Grinning, he wriggled back up so they
could share kisses.

"Dork." Hunter swatted his ass, lazily.

He moved, rubbing up against Hunter's great body. "Your dork."

"Mmmhmm. Mine." Hunter sighed, hugged him tight.

He patted Hunter's chest. "You'll be back home before you know it."

"Yep. Love you."

He turned Hunter's face to his, looking into his lover's eyes. "And I love you."

"I know." Hunter grinned, kissed his nose. "Gotta hustle, lover. I'll see you next week."

He nodded. "I have coffee on, and it'll only take me a minute to whip you up some eggs." He got

up and started pulling out the clothes Hunter would wear for his trip. "Everything but your

toiletries has been packed."

"You spoil me."

"That's my job, isn't it? Spoiling the man I love."

Hunter grabbed him, tugged him in for another kiss.

"Yeah, lover. Thank you."

"Just come home safe."

"I promise."

The conversation was always the same.

"Good." He took one more kiss and then got out of bed and went to make Hunter's breakfast.


God, what a day.

Hunter plopped down on the bed, kicked off his shoes, and grabbed his phone. Dialed home.


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"Hey, lover." He leaned back, tried to smile.

"Hunter. I was hoping that was you and not a client."

"A client? This late? We've got months to Christmas."

"It's just been a day, love." Kyle sighed. "I miss you."

"I hear you." He sighed, rubbed his forehead. "Tell me about your day."

"I couldn't find anything I needed, I had three emergency calls, although when is it ever not an

emergency?" Kyle chuckled. "I'm sure you don't want to hear me whine. How did your day go?

Is the hotel nice?"

"It's a hotel. There's a bed and Wi-Fi." He grinned. He couldn't fathom doing Kyle's job. Personal

shopping for others was... yeah.

"So you can surf for porn and go to sleep satisfied." Kyle laughed softly.

"Exactly. Did you eat supper?"

"Not yet. I have stew heating. You?"

"I grabbed some wrap thing. It had lettuce."

Kyle laughed again for him, like he'd been aiming for. "Sounds nice and uh, healthy."

"Yep. Gotta watch my girlish figure."

"There's nothing girlish about you, babe."

"No?" He flexed, even though there wasn't someone to see it.

"Mmm. No, no, not girlish. I was thinking more stud."

"Yeah. You and me, we're hot."

He could almost hear Kyle preen through the line. "Thanks, babe."

"Anytime. Anytime at all."

"I miss you," Kyle said softly.

"Ditto." He sighed, feeling worn out and bored and maudlin.

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"I guess I should let you go..."

"We could just talk all night." He grinned, rubbed his forehead. "But then where would I be in
the whole porn-watching schedule?"

"Oh, we can talk! I'm sorry, I didn't meant to sound like I was rushing you off the phone."

"Tell me what happened with your day, lover. You sound all stressed out and shit."

"You sure you want to hear all the piddly little details?"

He thought he could hear Kyle settle in on the leather couch, though.

"I'm positive." He wanted to hear everything.

There was a soft little laugh, and Kyle started to talk, telling him about clients with last-minute,
impossible requests and clerks who were assholes. "Well, didn't he change his tune when I spoke
to the manager and explained how I and my multi-millionaire clients would no longer be
patronizing his establishment."

He applauded, laughed softly. "You kick their asses, lover."

"I did. I don't expect people to fawn over me or treat me like royalty, but when did common

courtesy become something extraordinary?"

"I don't know, lover. In the Eighties, I think."

Kyle laughed, and he could hear his lover relaxing in the sound.

"Well, I'm going to reward the people who want my business and ignore the rest! Maybe I'll

write a book about the dying art of customer service."

"That would rock." He fought his laughter.

"Don't you laugh at me, Hunter Greenway. I bet it would make a mint."

"I'm not, lover. I swear." The chuckles bubbled out.

"You are, too!" Kyle was laughing now, too. "I am so going to write it now, and then take you

out for the most expensive meal you've ever had on the profits."

"Promises, promises. You'll have to take me to Rome."

"Oh, I'd love to go back. I think that was my favorite vacation. Or maybe it was the one to Rio..."

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"Mmm. You on a nude beach. Loved that one. I liked skiing in Vermont, too, though."

"I want to go on that Alaskan cruise next. I bet that one's going to be awesome."

"Mmm. Hell, yeah. You want to go after the holidays?"

"Oh, I do. I'll look into it, get some prices and options for you to look at when you get home." He

could hear the excitement in Kyle's voice, even as his lover slipped into super-efficient personal

shopper mode.

"Perfect." He stretched, yawned a little.

"You sound tired. Was it a productive day, at least?"

"The first day is always the hardest. Tomorrow I'll do my next run-through, then I'll start being a

hard ass."

"Mmm, I like your hard ass."

That made him chuckle. "Perv."

"Me? Nah, not as big a perv as my boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend? Dude!" He couldn't stop his laughter.

"Butthead." Kyle was laughing, too, the sound sweet.

That was better. "Yep." He stretched, legs sprawling out.

"Good thing I love you."

"Yes." Absolutely.

Kyle chuckled again at that. "Oh, damn, that was the microwave. You wanna hold on a second
while I get my food, or do you have stuff to do?"

"Go eat, lover. I'm going to grab a shower and get some sleep, huh?" He was stiff and willing to
take the chance for sleep while his body was asking for it.

"Okay, I will. Call me tomorrow when you get back. And Hunter?" Kyle paused for a moment
and then added softly, "I love you."

"I know. Love you." He hung up and sighed, let his eyes drop closed.


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So fucking tired.

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Chapter Two

Hunter's eyes popped open, the hotel lights confusing him for a second.

Wait. Wait. Oh, man. He was still in his shirt and slacks, still draped over the bed. He rolled
over, blinked at the clock. Three thirty. Fabulous. Fucking time zones. Fucking travel.

He stumbled across the floor, stripping clothes as he went. Shower. Water. Soap. Jack off.

Hunter left the bathroom lights off and bathed, the warm water relaxing him, easing his sore
muscles. He did his best not to wake up all the way, to keep it low key and mostly asleep. By the
time he was clean, though, that plan wasn't working. He was three-quarters hard, the hot water
was lukewarm at best, and he was nowhere near sleepy.

Damn it.

He hopped out, grabbed a towel, and made a pot of decaf in the little en-suite coffeemaker.
Maybe he should just check his e-mail. There was a note from Kyle, saying good night and good
morning and don't spend all night watching porn, with a winking smiley face.

Porn. That might do it. A little happy porn, an orgasm, then boom, sleeping. He liked it.

Hunter opened up a browser, started searching Google. There was a huge choice, from movie
and picture sites to chat rooms to for-pay stuff in just about every flavor he could dream up. He
clicked through LovingMen and some of the others, rolling his eyes, then he found a link that
was called simply ForMen.

When he clicked on the link, it led him to a classy, simple page, all black, with a single picture of
a muscled guy, bound and tied, kneeling on the ground. Pretty. There was a link to a chat room
with a spattering of usernames displayed, everything from TopDog to BottomSlut.

Wow. Wow. He looked at the picture again, surprised that his cock jerked. There didn't seem to
be another gallery or anything, though. Just the chat room. Weird.

He opened another tab, went back to Google. He didn't want to chat. He just wanted to get off,
real quick. It niggled at his mind, though. Especially the name "Sir T." Bizarre.

Nothing else caught his interest, and he wasn't any closer to getting off than he had been. Damn
it. Finally he went back to chat room tab, typed in the nickname Arrow, and joined.

There were a spate of "hello" and "Yo"s, and then Sir T also greeted him. "Arrow."

"Hello." He leaned back against the headboard. There weren't a lot of people -- maybe ten -- but
it was enough that the conversations moved pretty fast.

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Sir T asked, "not straight as, I hope"

He chuckled, typed. "No. Not straight at all."

"Excellent. What do u look like?"

He was tempted to say short and skinny. "Tall. Broad. Blond. You?"

"JMT. Im dressed in leather & it fits like a glove."

JMT? What the hell did that mean? Hunter flipped over to Google, typed the term in.

Jedi Mind Tricks?

John Muir Trail?

Jamaican Mean Time?

Oh. Oh!

Just my type.

Right. Got it.

"Leather, huh? Hot." Literally.

"u like that. Good. What else do u like?"

Like? Him? Shit. "Just exploring."

"Newb? Cool."

A new window popped up, Sir T private-messaging him. "U naked?"

"Uh. Yeah." Actually, he was. "Just got out of the shower."

"Good, Arrow. R u on ur knees?"

On his knees? Wait. What? "No, I'm sitting on the edge of the bed."

"u should be on ur knees."

Oh, damn. Should that make his cock jump?


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"Because I said so. And because u want it."

"Okay. Sure. All right." He didn't move, though, because this was too fucking weird.

"LOL. Come on, Arrow. Do it."

He grinned, sort of tickled. Okay. Okay, who was going to know? He shifted, settled on his

knees, laptop in front of him. "I feel silly."

"this ur first time?"

"Yeah." He had to say so.

"And u think it's silly for a big guy like u to be on ur knees."

He didn't say anything about it being because he was big. "Just feel weird."

"Ignore that. It'll be worth it. Arrow. like ur handle."

He grinned. "Straight shooter, that's me."

"Oh, ur gonna shoot straight. If u do what I say."

Hunter shivered, shook his head. This was-- Was this cheating? Surely not, right? It was just...

porn. Interactive porn. Right?

"I know ur still there. Big, strong man on his knees. Touch yourself, Arrow. Pinch ur left nipple."

He touched his nipple, then jerked back, shaking his head. He was losing his fucking mind. "I'm

still here. What are you doing?" Was he doing this right?

"I'm picturing u in my mind. I'm pretending I'm right there. That it's me pinching that nipple. Do

it again. Harder this time."

Jesus. He actually grunted, fingers closing over his nipple.

"The other one now."

"Am I supposed to tell u I've done it or what?"

"I think ur going to be too busy to type. Pinch both now -- I know ur being obedient, because u

don't want this to stop."

Obedient? Him? No. Still, he pinched both nipples and arched.

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"u look good like that, Arrow. It's hot, seeing a big man on his knees, knowing he's obeying my

commands. Touch ur balls now, tug on them some."

He moaned, fingers on his cock, not his balls, and he typed, "k."

"I said ur balls, Arrow."

Hunter blinked, then slammed the laptop shut.

Fuck. Fuck, how had the guy known? What if the damned webcam had been on and he hadn't

known it? His heart was slamming in his chest and he put the computer in the drawer in the

nightstand, turned off the light.


And also fuck.

He'd lost his mind.

He spent the next hour staring up at the ceiling, willing his swollen cock to go down.

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Chapter Three

Sir T logged off and shut down his computer, chuckling. He'd bet his best leather pants that

Arrow was not just a newbie to online sex, but a D/s newbie as well. Delicious.

He leaned back in his chair, hand on his prick, and let his eyes drift closed. He could see Arrow

there, the man on his knees, all strong thighs and ribbed abdomen, broad shoulders, muscled

back. On his knees for Sir T. Doing everything he ordered.

God. Having a man like that at your command was intoxicating.

In the scene unfolding in his mind, T told Arrow to cup the heavy balls, the thick prick wanting

attention but not getting it. He told Arrow to finger himself, the big body all twisted as Arrow

strove to do what he was told.

The Arrow T pictured didn't bottom often, maybe not ever, but he would for T. One finger

became two, the man's thick, hard cock leaking at the tip, drop after drop of pre-come proving

just how much Arrow was getting off on what T was making him do.

Sir T's own cock was leaking as he jacked himself, but all his focus was on the stud dancing on

his own fingers in T's mind.

Arrow would beg Sir T to let him touch the needy prick, but Sir T would just shake his head.
"No." The single word was the only sound in the room aside from the slap of his hand on his

"Three fingers." He got the words out and palmed his balls. He was close. So was Arrow.
"Deep," he added.

Arrow arched, pushing those fingers in as far as he could, and then spunk fountained out of the

big man's cock, his shocked cry all Sir T needed to achieve his own climax.

He came, grunting and jerking in his chair.

Fuck, yeah.

Arrow would be back.

He couldn't wait.


Three days later, it was midnight and Hunter couldn't sleep.


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He'd taken his laptop in, made sure the webcam was disabled, then he'd put a piece of tape over
the lens, just in case. Now he was looking at the splash page of the ForMen page, mouse
hovering over the link.

This was stupid. Ridiculous. Silly. Awful. But... he'd been jacking off to the memory for three
days. Maybe it was a fluke. Maybe he should go in and just see if it was.

The names on the bar next to the link for the chat room had most of the same names he

remembered from last time but no-- wait. There it was. Sir T.

He didn't message the man; he just slipped in the chat with a tentative "waves."

Sir T didn't say anything for a minute or two, and then, "Arrow..."

"Hey, Sir T." Hunter's cock jerked, started swelling.

"u ducked out on me."

"Bad connection."

"Right." A moment later Sir T added. "So ull try again."

"Yeah." Yeah, he would. He'd try.


A private message window popped up. "Are u naked?"

"No." He wasn't ready for naked, yet.

"Are u kneeling?"

"No. I'm just sitting on the edge of the bed." Wait, should he have said yes?

"So ur not serious about this."

His cheeks heated and he growled a little. "Fuck this." He typed in, "I think I've made a mistake,


"That's ur fear talking."

"I'm not fucking scared." Nervous, maybe. Wigged out, for sure.

"Then man-up, Arrow. Strip and kneel."

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He shook his head, hand wrapped around his cock. "You've got a hard-on for kneeling."

"For u kneeling, tough guy. No touching until ur naked and kneeling and I tell u to."

"Okay, yeah." He slipped off his pants, but he didn't kneel. He wasn't going to, damn it. He just

wanted to get off.

"Do it, Arrow. Now. Or we're done."

"How the fuck do you know what I've done or not? I had the fucking webcam disabled!"

"I just know, Arrow. That's why I'm the master."

"I don't think I can fucking handle this."

"Not strong enough, Arrow? I thought u were."

"Stop it!" He surprised himself at his words -- both typed and said out loud. What the fuck was

wrong with him?

"Do u want this, or not?"

"I." Did he? Did he really? "Yes."

"Then u know how it works, Arrow. On ur knees, no touching."

He struggled up on his knees, growling low.

"U there, Arrow? U ready to begin?"

"Yeah." He was still growling a little.

"Good. Start with ur nipples again. One pinch each."

"k" He hated this guy a little.

"Do it again."

He did, but he didn't answer. He wasn't going to.

"Pretending that u aren't doing it, that it's not turning u on, doesn't make it true."

"You don't know me."

"And yet ur on your knees for me, Arrow."

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He didn't have anything to say to that.

"Cup ur balls now."

He cupped his balls, rolled them gently.

"I bet ur pretty like that. Sexy."

He shrugged. "Feels good."

"Pretend I'm there, watching u, smelling u."

He shook his head. No. No way. No way. He didn't cheat.

"U can touch yourself now, Arrow."

"k." He wrapped his fingers around his cock, jacking himself with strong, sure strokes.

"Slowly, Arrow. This isn't a race."

This wigged him out. Really. "I'm cool."

"Yeah? Cool? Because I'm hot. Doing this makes me hot."

"Yeah?" He needed to know that. Needed to.


That made it easier. Better. Simpler. "Good."

"I wouldn't be doing this with u if it didn't turn me on."

"Are you touching yourself?"

"I am."

Hunter moaned, pulling his cock harder, thumb working the tip. He could imagine someone

imagining him.

"Can u feel my shadow as I stand over u?"

Oh, fuck. He shivered, shook his head.

"When ur done jacking off. If ur very good. I might let u suck me."

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"I like sucking."

"Good. I like getting sucked by a big, strong man on his knees."

He chuckled softly. What man didn't? Like getting sucked, that is.

"Keep stroking, Arrow. Think of sucking me while u do it."

"Are u cut? Long?" He couldn't help it, he was curious.

"Long and thin. It'll feel so good sliding deep into u."

"I'm thick."

"A real handful, huh?"

"I'm not embarrassed in the locker room." Man, typing one-handed was hard.

"Good. Don't come yet. Not until I say it's okay."

He nodded, then punched, "k."

"Rub the head and make it sting a little."

He shook his head. He only did that when he was desperate. "k."

"I mean it, Arrow. Do it."

"Fuck." He did it, shaking his head at himself.

"Nice. You look hot when u jerk from that."

That really was weird as hell. Really.

"Do it again."

He wanted to know how the man did that. He was going to ask, too. As soon as he came. "k"

"Good man. u can come now."

It took a little bit, a couple of strokes, then he shot, shuddering, seed spilling over his hand.

"I can smell u. It's good."

"Did u get off?"

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"I did. Imagined ur mouth on me."

"U do this a lot?"

"More than u."

"Well duh."

"LOL. I like u, A. Come back."


He didn't know. Maybe. Maybe. He'd have to think about it.

A lot.

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Chapter Four

Kyle checked on the baked potatoes and made sure the rolls were covered in their bowl at the

back of the stove, staying warm.

The roast was tented, resting. And the carrots, butternut squash, and rutabaga medley was

keeping warm in microwave. The table was set with the good dishes, candles dancing brightly.

All he needed was Hunter back home.

He always made a nice welcome home dinner for his lover when Hunter got back from a

business trip, although he had to admit it was happening often enough and they'd been together

long enough that it was almost humdrum now.

He opened the bottle of red to breathe and sat at his computer, checking his client e-mails as he


He heard the front door open, heard a soft, husky moan. "Home. Man, it's good to be home.."

Chuckling, he made his way to the front door. "There's my man."

"Lover!" Hunter grinned at him, gathered him up, and kissed him hard.

Surprised at the eagerness of his lover, Kyle opened up, letting Hunter in.

"Mmm. Hello." One kiss after another burned his lips.

Wow. Hunter was so hot like this.

"Missed you." Hunter's hands landed on his ass, squeezed a little.

"I missed you, too." He always missed his lover, but this was... well, he wasn't going to look a

gift horse in the mouth. This was a great hello, and he wasn't going to question it by comparing it

to how things usually went.

Hunter grinned, eyes dancing. "Have I mentioned I hate traveling sometimes?"

"Maybe once or twice." He pressed his lips to the corner of Hunter's mouth. "I'm enjoying you

coming home just at the moment, though." Very much.

"Yeah. I had a dream about you on the plane."

"About me?" Pleasure raced through him.

"Yeah." Hunter nodded, blushed a little. "Kiss me."

Laughing, he did just that, pressing close and pushing his tongue into Hunter's mouth. Supper

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was ready, waiting for them, but for the first time in he wasn't sure how long he didn't care. He
wanted Hunter. Now. And Hunter wanted him. He could feel that fat cock, swollen and hard and
poking his hip.

"Take me to bed?"

"I could just take you here." Hunter dropped to his knees, fingers working Kyle's jeans open.

"Hunter!" He gasped, his knees almost buckling.

"Yes." Hunter's hands wrapped around his thighs, holding him up.

Moaning, he slid his arms around Hunter's neck. "God, you're strong." It was such a turn on.

"Want your prick." Hunter's lips were already open, parted. Fuck.

"It's yours." He tugged his jeans down to his hips, his cock pushing out and toward Hunter's lips.

Hunter took him in, sucking him into that hot, amazing mouth. His eyes tried to roll back into his

head, but Kyle wouldn't let them; he wanted to see. He wanted to watch as his cock split Hunter's

lips. So fucking hot. God, look at his Hunter.

He ran his fingers through Hunter's hair, stroking his lover's head. Those beautiful, stunning eyes

met his, hotter than the hinges of hell.

"Hunter!" He cried out, his come spilling out of him and down Hunter's throat. Hunter drank him

down, tongue lapping at his prick. "Oh, Hunter. God. That was. So good."

"Mmmhmm." Hunter's mouth kept working him, tongue slapping his skin.

He gasped and shuddered, hands finding Hunter's shoulders. "Gonna keep me hard."

Hunter didn't look like he was arguing.

"God, Hunter. What's gotten into you?" He wasn't complaining.

"Want you." That tongue was crazy-making.

"Yes. Please, Hunter." Any way Hunter wanted him.

Hunter rolled his balls, tugged and touched.

"Oh, God. Yes, Hunter. Anything. I'm yours." He panted like he was running a marathon or

something, trying to catch his breath as Hunter drove him insane.

He watched as Hunter started sucking him again, that mouth like pure heaven.

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"Wow. Oh, wow. Hunter." He almost couldn't believe it, except there was Hunter, mouth
wrapped around his prick, turning blowjob number one into blowjob number two.

"I want you." Hunter backed away, lapping at the tip of his cock.

"I'm right here, Hunter. Yours." He stroked Hunter's cheek. His lover rested against his touch,

eyes closing. "Are you okay?" he whispered, Hunter's skin hot against his palm.

"Yeah. Yeah, been wanting to do that all day."

"Lucky me." He pushed his fingers into Hunter's mouth, groaning as the man started sucking.

Such a hungry mouth... Hunter let his fingers go and went for his cock again. "If we... if we get

horizontal, we can do each other. Or you can take me."

"Mmm..." Hunter's groan vibrated around his cock.

"Oh, God. Love." He couldn't stop himself from rocking, pushing deeper into Hunter's mouth.

God, it was so hot, so very good.

Hunter just took him, swallowed around the tip of his cock, hands wrapped around his thighs.

Whimpering, he moved faster, holding onto Hunter's head now for leverage. He pushed deeper,

fucking that sweet, hungry mouth like a madman.

"Hunter! Hunter!" He repeated his lover's name with every thrust. He looked down, Hunter's

eyes burning up at him. "My love." He was going to come again.

Hunter groaned, jerked, and Kyle knew his lover had just come. His eyes going wide, he came,

too, , pouring more come down Hunter's throat. Hunter groaned, let him slip free, sat down hard

on the floor. Kyle dropped to his knees as they buckled out from under him. He wrapped his

arms around Hunter's shoulders.

"H...hey." Hunter blinked at him.

He gave Hunter a soft kiss and leaned their foreheads together. "Hey. Hi. I. That was... wow."

"Uh-huh." Hunter grinned.

He giggled and pressed closer, giving Hunter's smile a soft kiss.

"I'm all gooey, lover."

"I know! That never happens." He patted Hunter's crotch. "Supper can wait a little. You want to

share a shower?"

"Fuck, yeah. A nice, long, hot one."

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"Okay. As long as you're not hungry." He gave Hunter a soft kiss and stood, holding out his

"Just ate." Hunter winked at him.

Laughing, he helped haul Hunter up. God, he felt good. His lover and two orgasms would do that

for a man.

They headed into the bathroom, Hunter's arm draped around his waist. "So, how was your week,


"It was good. I shopped 'til I dropped and made the clients very happy. I missed you in the

evenings. You know, the usual."

"Yeah. I got things at Aerodyne up and rocking. Worked out a lot."

"Mmm. My handsome stud." He started stripping Hunter, hands lingering on the warm muscles.

Their clothes ended up in the hamper and the water came on, filling the room with steam. He

tugged Hunter into the shower and pushed him into the water, letting all the lovely muscles

become slick with water before running his hands over them again.

"God, you're sexy." His lover really was a stud.

"You're biased." Hunter blushed and beamed.

"I do love you, it's true. But you keep yourself fit for me." He patted Hunter's ass, as muscled as

the rest of the man.

"I do. Gotta keep you interested."

"You keep coming home with an 'I missed you' like you did tonight and I'll stay interested all


Hunter's chuckle filled the air and he was tugged in close. "All your fault."

"My fault?" He laughed and rubbed against Hunter, once again thinking that he really

appreciated this side of his lover. "I didn't do anything."

"You did. You were in my dreams."

"Oh. Hunter..." He melted against his lover.

"It's true, Kyle. I was on the plane, dreaming about you."

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"I love you." He cupped Hunter's cheeks, drawing his lover down for a kiss. His lover needed a

shave, needed some sleep. Hunter looked tired. "Now that you're home, let me take care of you."

"You take care of everyone, lover."

"It's my job, right?" He grabbed the shampoo.

"I'm not your job." Hunter grinned at him, pinched his butt. "I'm way more than that."

He squealed and pushed against Hunter. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Uh-huh..." Hunter pinched again, then started tickling. "Are you sure?"

He started squirming, laughing. "I'm sure! I'm sure!"

Hunter's laugh sounded so good. Kyle didn't know what had gotten into Hunter, but he had to

admit that he liked it. Still chuckling, he washed Hunter's hair, fingers digging in and massaging

his lover's scalp.

"Oh." Hunter's eyes went heavy. "Feels good."

"Good." He pressed a kiss to the corner of Hunter's mouth and kept massaging the shampoo in

for a moment or two. Then he leaned Hunter into the spray, rinsing the short hair out. Hunter

pressed into his hands.

"Man, you spoil me."

"I love you." He grabbed the soap and started working up a lather on Hunter's amazing body.

"I know." Hunter's belly muscles rippled for him.

He moaned, a small little sound, admiring his lover's great body.

"Been working on my abs." Hunter flexed again.

"God, I want to lick you all over." He got the soap rinsed off Hunter's amazing body and then

started to do just that, licking the water out of the dip at Hunter's collarbone.

"I missed you, lover. So bad."

"Good. I'm glad." He was. He'd begun to think that Hunter actually looked forward to the time

his job took him away.

Hunter kissed him, slow and easy, the man watching him, connecting with him. His hands

explored Hunter's muscles, sliding over the water-slick skin, tracing pecs and abs and hips.

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"Lover..." Hunter's cock started swelling again -- his lover hadn't come twice already.

"My turn now, hmm?" He went slowly to his knees.

"You don't have to..." Hunter moaned, deep and low.

"That's not the appropriate response, babe." He laughed up at Hunter and then licked the tip of

his lover's thick cock.

"Appropriate? Love your mouth, Kyle."

He laughed and nodded. "Now, that's appropriate." He opened and took in the head of Hunter's


Hunter didn't say anything else after that, just moaned. Kyle smiled and then took Hunter back

into his mouth, sucking the hot, silky flesh. The pace was slow, easy, something sweet and right

and familiar. Kyle explored Hunter's cock with his tongue, tracing veins and licking at the slit.

Hunter's hips moved slow and steady, driving between his lips. Moaning, he let his eyes close

and concentrated on the sensations, the tastes.

"Jesus, I love you." Hunter sounded a little awed.

He didn't answer with words. Instead, he sucked harder, flicking his tongue across the slit in

Hunter's prick. Hunter's hips bucked, cock jerking. He found his lover's ass, grabbing a double
handful to encourage Hunter to take what he wanted.

"Soon." The one word was moaned, long and low.

He nodded and swallowed around the head of Hunter's cock. That thick cock jerked, and

bittersalt spunk splashed on his tongue. He swallowed it down, taking Hunter into him.

Hunter slumped against the bathroom tile, breathing hard. Kyle slowly let go of the softening

prick, leaving licks and kisses.

"Welcome home, Hunter."

"Mmm. Thank you, Kyle."

"Come on. Let's get some food in you."

"Sounds perfect. You, sex, food."

"It does, doesn't it?" He slid up and pressed against his lover.

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"It does." Hunter looked at him, looked worried for about half a heartbeat, then he got a warm

He cupped Hunter's cheek and leaned up to lay a kiss on the hot mouth. "I love you."

"Love you, more than life, man."

"Mmm." He kissed Hunter again and then grabbed one hand and tugged. "Come on. We're too
old to see if we can make it to round three, so let's not embarrass ourselves trying."

Hunter snorted, grabbed a couple of towels, and tossed him one. "I'm not that old, but that food
smells great."

"Oh, you're not too old for a three-fer?" He laughed and started drying Hunter off. "Maybe we'll
test that out after dinner."

Hunter's hands were rubbing him dry. He couldn't remember the last time Hunter had been so...
tactile, sensual. There. Oh, he knew Hunter loved him, but they'd been together long enough that
the passion had faded. Or so he'd thought.

This, though... this was something else altogether, and he liked it. He liked it a lot. Hunter was
seeing him, admiring him. Loving him. And he saw and admired Hunter right back.

He found their robes and led Hunter into the kitchen. "Is it okay if we eat in here?" He'd set the
kitchen table and not the dining room one, but now he didn't know if Hunter wanted dinner to be
special or not.

"It's always okay to eat in here." Hunter poured the wine, whistling away.

He pulled the food out of the oven and set it on the table, bumping hips and touching Hunter as
often as possible. Twice, Hunter grabbed him, kissed him. Kyle felt sexy and happy; he felt like
he was falling in love all over again.

When the table was set and dinner was served, Hunter held out his chair for him and then sat
close, and Kyle felt himself nearly fluttering from it. Hunter's hand was on his thigh, moving in
slow, random caresses. The conversation they had wasn't different than normal; Hunter had
always been interested in his work, in his life.

It somehow felt like more today, though. Probably because of the touches, of the look in Hunter's
eyes. The air was certainly charged with energy, and Kyle found himself flirting as they moved
from the main meal to dessert. "Berries and ice cream. I could feed you the fruit by hand."

"I could eat them off your belly."

His nostrils flared, his cock going hard just like that. "Hunter."

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"You mean it?" He suddenly wanted that, very badly.

"I do." Hunter's eyes were like lasers.

"I'll get naked, you can get the berries. They're in the fridge."

"Is there whipped cream?"

"Uh-huh. One of those squeezy things in the fridge door. Next to the milk." He couldn't tear his

gaze away from Hunter's.

"Cool." Hunter licked his lips, moaned for him, deep and low.

Kyle couldn't help himself; he pushed away from the table and jumped on Hunter, mouth

crashing down on his lover's tempting, full lips. Oh, fuck. Hunter's lips were soft, swollen, parted

for him and letting him in so easily, giving it up for him.

He wrapped his hands around Hunter's head, his cock filling up like he hadn't already come twice

less than an hour ago. "I want you." He did, so very badly.

"I'm yours, Kyle."

"I feel the same way, yeah?" He kissed Hunter again. "Come on. You get the strawberries, and

I'll get the naked and meet you in bed."

"It's a deal."

He laughed, nodded. "It is. Be quick."

Another quick kiss and he took off toward the bedroom, ass swaying, just in case Hunter was


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Chapter Five

His lips tingled and his cock was filling fast.

Damn, Kyle was... hot.

Hunter had fallen asleep on the plane and had had this dream. This kinky, wild, amazing dream

that he didn't even want to remember, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that he had

strawberries and whipped cream in a fucking can.

When he got to the bedroom, Kyle was all ready for him, naked on the bed, lying on a sheet laid

out just for this. His lover was slender but not skinny -- Kyle worked out some, and it showed in

the lightly muscled arms, the faint definition of abs on Kyle's hot little belly.

"Oh, fuck. You..." His hands actually shook a little bit.

Kyle leaned up on his elbows, cock bobbing against his belly, and smiled. "I hope so."

He knelt down on the bed, his robe falling open, and rubbed one piece of berry over that hard

prick. The scent was wicked, fresh, surprising.

Kyle jerked, gasped. "Hunter! Damn."

"Yeah." He leaned down, tongue following the path of the strawberry.

Kyle made the best noises for him, all needy and wanton. He rubbed the tip of Kyle's cock,

licked. Rubbed. Licked. Kyle's hands landed on his head, fingers curling into his hair as Kyle's

legs spread wide for him.

He nibbled the strawberry and pressed one into Kyle's lips. Kyle opened up to take the

strawberry in, lips wrapping around his fingers and sucking on them. He responded by taking

Kyle's prick in and sucking the tip. God, his man tasted so fucking good.

"Hunter!" He loved that desperate tone in Kyle's voice. How long had it been since he'd heard

Kyle want him so badly?

He let that heavy cock pop free, and he grabbed another berry. "Yes, lover?"

Kyle's mouth opened, closed, opened again. "Please."

"Anything." He rubbed the cold berry over that hot, hot skin.

"Need you so bad."

"I'm home for three weeks."

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"Gonna love on me the whole time?"

"Every second." He sucked the tart sweetness off Kyle's cock.

"Oh... oh, wow."

He hummed in response, focused on the flavors -- salty and sweet together. Kyle's fingers slid

over his face, tracing his lips, his cheeks. God, that was hot. He moaned, grinning as Kyle's

groan answered him. His lover's legs shifted restlessly, spreading for him.

He reached for the whipped cream, squirting a little bit on Kyle's belly.

Kyle squeaked, jerked, and then laughed softly. "Oh, God. I love you."

Hunter lapped the cream off before it melted. "Good."

"That's so sexy. You're so sexy."

"I'm yours." He grinned and nibbled a little at the damp, soft skin around Kyle's bellybutton.

Kyle's breath hitched softly. "Uh-huh."

He grabbed another bit of berry and balanced it in Kyle's navel, nibbling around the edges.

"Give me one." Kyle's hand trembled as he held it out.

He handed over a fat, red, plump one. Kyle leaned up and then mashed the berry over Hunter's

chest, shifting to lick away the mess. Hunter flexed, head thrown back as that tongue cleaned

him. Taking his time, Kyle made a thorough job of it, tongue and breath hot on his skin.

"Jesus..." His nipples tingled, his cock hard as a rock.

"Uh-huh. That's what you were doing to me."

He shifted, brought his nipple in line with Kyle's lips. Kyle chuckled, and the sound blew hot air

across his skin, making it draw up. Groaning, Kyle wrapped his lips around the little bit of flesh,

tugging on it. His toes curled and his belly went rock hard.

Kyle's fingers slid over his abs, a low groan vibrating around his nipple. His nipples were a little

sensitive from how much he'd played with them on his own, and he arched, willing to take more.

Kyle licked and sucked and bit. "God, you're just so hot tonight."

"Fuck. They... they're tender. It's so good."

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"You been doing a lot of jacking off?" Kyle kept nibbling.

"I've been on the road." What else was there to do?

"Watching porn and choking the chicken." Kyle giggled softly.

"You know it. Just trying to get off when I don't have you."

"You got me now." Kyle pushed close, grabbing a berry and popping it in his mouth before

fusing their lips together.

He wrapped his arms around Kyle, tongue pushing the strawberry between Kyle's lips. Kyle bit

into it, juice spreading between their mouths. He lapped at Kyle's lips, moaning at the sweet, the

tart. Pushing closer again, Kyle rubbed against him, cock sliding on his belly, nudging his own

heat. He moaned, scooted closer, legs wrapped around Kyle's waist.

"Want you, Hunter. Please."

"Anything." He eased Kyle back, their cocks sliding alongside each other.

"Want to feel you inside me." Kyle reached down, hand wrapping around his prick and tugging.

"Fuck, yes." He bent to lick at Kyle's hole, pulling the lean, lithe hips up to his mouth.

"Oh, God!" Kyle bucked, ass pushing toward him.

He knew that flavor, knew how much Kyle loved his tongue, so he didn't hold back. He was

going to bury himself in his lover, feel that tight heat surrounding him. Bucking, and crying out,
Kyle made it clear just how good it was. The tight little hole squeezed down on his tongue over
and over.

He held out as long as he could, but his cock was full, aching. "I need, lover."

"God, yes, Hunter. Please. In me. Now." Kyle's heels drummed on his back.

"Now." He licked his palm, slicked his cock up. He wasn't long, but he was thick enough that

Kyle felt him, every time.

"Yes. Now, now, now." Kyle shifted, trying to help get him in.

Hunter scooted forward, his prick looking for that wrinkled ring of muscles, wanting in.

Kyle groaned as he found it, the head of his cock resting there for a moment. "Oh, God. Please.

Please." Kyle was vibrating.

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"Uh-huh." He pushed and Kyle pushed and he pulled and that hole let him in, his cock popping


Kyle moaned and whimpered a little, hands clutching his shoulders. "Hunter."

"Kyle. Fuck, love you." He pushed in deeper.

"Yes. Yes, love." Kyle agreed, but Hunter could see his eyes were glazing over as Kyle lost

himself in the burn and pleasure of being stretched.

Hunter focused on fucking -- pushing in and out, driving into his lover. Kyle moaned and
babbled, words sweet and dirty by turns. He heard what they meant, knew that Kyle was flying,
and that was what mattered. The hands on his shoulders tightened, as did Kyle's ass, like Kyle
was trying to keep him deep inside every time he pulled nearly out.

"Love. Fuck. Oh, Jesus." His head fell back and he pushed harder.

"Harder, Hunter -- I'm almost there."

"Harder." He gritted his teeth and moved.

"Oh, fuck! Kyle grabbed his erection, tugging in time with Hunter's thrusts. "Yes! Yes!"

Wild. Kyle was fucking wild. Hunter bent to take a kiss, his hips slamming hard. All teeth and

tongue and need, Kyle kissed him back. It wasn't going to take long, not for either one of them.
He could feel Kyle's nails digging into his shoulders, leaving marks. He pushed harder, faster, so
fucking close he couldn't bear it.

"Hunter!" Kyle screamed, ass clamping down hard around his cock.

Hunter shot hard, his toes curling as he blew. Kyle stayed wrapped tight around him -- arms,

legs, body, and hole.

"Love." He blinked hard, fighting the urge to just crash.

This lovely laugh came from Kyle. "Yeah. Really good, love."

"Mmmhmm." He nodded, head on Kyle's shoulder.

"Welcome home, Hunter." He could hear the smile in Kyle's voice, the happiness.

"Thanks, lover."

"No, thank you!"

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They both chuckled. Yeah. Thank them, both.

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Chapter Six

Kyle washed up the dishes and put them away, sighing as he wandered through the apartment.
He hated washing dishes for one; it always seemed so pathetic. Hunter was back on the road, and
he was feeling at loose ends tonight. Again. Still. Whatever.

The siren song of the computer called to him, and, after trying to read for a half hour with very
little success, he turned it on and opened his browser.

Logging onto ForMen, he typed in his nick, Sir T, and told himself he wasn't secretly hoping that
'Arrow' would be on tonight.

A bunch of the little subs that were always on greeted him, a few going so far as to PM him. He
returned the greetings and sent whip flicks at the PMers, but his heart wasn't really in it. He
wanted to dominate Arrow again. There was just something about a reluctant sub that rocked his

He had starting doing this sort of things in college, just idly playing, enjoying having some
control. Now it was something to occupy him when Hunter was out of town. In all the years he'd
done it, though, none had intrigued him the way Arrow had. Crazy, really, as the man was just a
screen name, but his reactions excited Kyle more than any sub in recent memory.

He opened another browser window, checking out the latest gear available at his favorite online
bondage store, keeping half an eye on the ForMen chat window.

His phone rang, surprising him. It was Hunter's ring tone, happy and light.

Kyle flipped it open. "Hey, handsome."

"Hey, lover." Hunter sounded tired. Hunter always sounded tired on the road. "How was your

"Pretty good. I scored some great bargains on some big-ticket items for two of my best clients.
How about yours?"

"Long. Boring. I want to go on vacation."

"Yeah? Where?" He opened another window in his browser; they'd talked about an Alaskan
cruise awhile ago, but he wanted to hear what Hunter wanted to do first.

"Somewhere queer friendly, somewhere warm. Somewhere with booze and soft beds and no cell
phone access."

"Should this magical somewhere be floating?" He could so do that with Hunter. He hit the search
engine for gay-friendly, warm destination cruises.

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"Works for me, Kyle. I just want to go for, like, two weeks."

"I'll find us something. When do you want to go?" His own schedule was pretty flexible; he just
let his clients know when he'd be out of pocket.

"I'm coming home next week, then I have to work in the office for a couple of weeks. Then I can
take a break."

"Okay, love. I'm checking sites now. I'll find us something fabulous, I swear."

"You are my hero." It didn't even sound like Hunter was putting him on.

He chuckled, pleased all through. "It's what I do -- why shouldn't we benefit from it?"

"Man, I don't even know exactly where I am. The hotel I was booked in had some electrical thing

and the company put me up in some corporate apartment."

"Oh, honey." He made a sympathetic noise. "Have you had anything to eat? Is there even room

service there?"

"I ordered a pizza." He heard Hunter sigh. "I'm just jetlagged, I think. Ignore me."

"If I was there, I could make you feel better. Massage your shoulders, hand-feed you..."

"Mmm. If you were here, we'd be taking advantage of this huge bed."

"Is it comfy?"

"I don't know yet. I'll test it out after my shower."

"Oh, you should have showered first thing. It'll ease you."

"Yeah. Yeah, I wanted to make sure I got you before you crashed for the night." Hunter never

missed telling him goodnight. Never.

"Thanks, babe." He shifted, getting more comfortable as he searched through the various cruise


He could hear Hunter's breathing and he knew his lover had nodded off, then a bell rang and

Hunter snorted. "Pizza's here."

He blew a kiss into the phone. "Why don't you go eat and get your shower and then hit the hay?

I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, lover. Find us a fabulous cruise. Love you."

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"I will. Enjoy your supper. Love you, Hunter."

He waited until his lover had hung up the phone before disconnecting. He had a lot of PMs in his

other browser window, and he played idly, a little disappointed that Arrow wasn't there. He

switched back between the cruise pages and the PMs, excited about the prospect of a holiday

with Hunter. It had been awhile since they'd had a break, since they'd gone away together.

Nassau. Cozumel. Montego Bay. Mmm. Nassau.

He heard new people ping up on the forum and he peeked over. Oh. Oh, yummy. Arrow. He

started typing in the PM, but then waited. He wanted Arrow to come to him.

It took a long time -- ten or fifteen minutes, really -- before the PM came. "Evening."

A jolt of electricity went through Kyle. He kept it casual. "Hi."

Arrow didn't say anything else for a while, the other little subs keeping Kyle busy. When the

window lit up again, the message was simple. "How goes it?"

"I'm good. U"

"Okay. Long day."

"And now u need to decompress."

"I guess, yeah."

He grinned. "I can help with that." Kyle knew Arrow wasn't going to ask for what he wanted.

Not yet. Maybe not ever. The man wasn't like the little subs who flocked to him.

"Maybe, yeah."

"Only maybe? U didn't get off last time?" He knew Arrow had. He just knew it. He'd been

playing online top for awhile, could read people by what they said and what they didn't say.

It took a long time for Arrow to answer. "Just meant I was tired."

"U want to just talk?"

"Sure. U been doing this long?"

"Few years."

"Cool." Arrow didn't have to tell him how green the man was.

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"U need a little something to help u sleep?" Orgasms worked wonders to get you off to

dreamland, he knew that.

"Yeah. Bad."

"U naked yet?"

He could walk Arrow through a little fantasy, no problem. Get the man off and he'd come back

again, wanting more.


"Good. Hard?"

"Not yet. Sorry."

"K. U said tired. U meant it. Lying comfortably?"

"Yeah. You sure you want to do this?"

"I am. U?" Kyle knew the answer was yes, but he waited patiently for Arrow to admit it.

"Yeah. Yeah, I wanna."

"Good. Imagine you're tied, spread eagle. At my mercy."

There was silence, a long pause. "I haven't ever."

"No? It intrigues u, though, doesn't it?" He watched the PM, a grin teasing his lips.

"A little."


"I don't."

The three messages came quickly, one after another.

"Are u hard now?"

It took forever for the response, and he'd known the answer would be what it was: "Yes."

"Cup ur balls, tough guy. Roll them in your hand." He knew Arrow would do it.

"k." He could imagine Arrow's hot cheeks, spread legs.

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"Imagine they're my hands, because urs are tied up." He loved the image of a bound man, strong
and muscled, arched and needy. Arrow would fight the ropes at the beginning, muscles working.
Kyle groaned a little, his cock hard in his pants. "And that's my hand wrapping around ur cock,
stroking u, just how u like it."

"I. k." There was a break, then, "Like it hard."

"That's how I'm giving it to u, Arrow. Nice and hard." Sweet, reluctant man. Kyle popped the

button on his black jeans and let the pressure of his erection push the zipper open a little. "Ur at

my mercy. All tied up like that. I could do anything to u."

"What would u do?"

"I'd start by binding ur cock."


"LOL. No, not ow. It's good. Makes u not able to come, keeps you hard. Good."

"Oh. <eg> Right. Me=vanilla."

"Not that vanilla. Ur here."


He typed up the URL for one of his favorite sites and posted it in the PM. "4 later. 4 u 2 look."

"Cool. Thanks. Thanks, Sir."

"Very good. U can stroke harder now, and rub ur thumb on ur slit."

"k." He could imagine Arrow moaning, pushing into that hand.

He almost touched his own cock, but then didn't. He usually got off after he was done chatting

for the evening. Still, Arrow was hot. "Feel good?"

"yeah. burns a little."

"Good burn." It wasn't a question -- Kyle knew it was. "It's why whipping will feel good."

Silence. Pure silence, and he knew, in his heart of hearts, Arrow was shocked.

"Did that make u come?" he asked.

"I. I was close."

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"Uh-huh." He didn't know how he knew better, but he did. His words had done it.


"Uh-huh. You feeling better now, more relaxed?"

"yeah, thanks."

"Glad to be of service ;)"

"I. What do u need?"

"Tell me a fantasy."

"I want to take a vacation. <g>"

"That seems to be going around. I meant a sexual fantasy, and u know it."

"I usually just think about my partner, about him fucking me. Hard. Usually."

"And does he? Fuck u hard, I mean."

"He's good to me."

"Ah, poor Arrow. Next time we do this, I'll fuck u hard. Promise."

"u have a guy?"

Kyle paused for a moment before answering. He was not in the habit of sharing personal

information when he did these chats. He finally typed out "yes."



He arched, his cock hanging out of his pants, calling to him. He gave it a rub.

"does ur guy know you do this?"

He shook his head. This was getting more and more personal; he wasn't sure he liked that. He'd

always kept this very separate from him and Hunter, kept these people away from everything but

the facade of Sir T. "Why u want to know?"

"I feel weird, not telling mine."

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"U share everything?"

"yeah. dont u?"

"Not this."

There was a long pause. "oh. I might have to share."

"how come?"

He'd thought about telling Hunter, but he wasn't sure his lover would understand, and it wasn't

cheating. It was like a valve to relieve pressure. No way was his stud of a lover gonna let him
work out any of these fantasies in real life, and the last thing Kyle wanted to do was make Hunter
feel like the man wasn't meeting all of his needs. Because, really, mostly, Hunter did.

"I love him. also, u have to be smart to keep secrets."

That made him laugh. Hunter was always saying that that he didn't keep secrets because he

wasn't smart enough to keep the details straight. Kyle didn't lie, though. He wouldn't lie to his

lover any more than he'd make Hunter feel like he was missing something. It just... never came


There was no way his steady, vanilla, solid lover would play those games with him. No way.

"U think ur partner would like it?"

"Like knowing? I hope he's not mad"

"Like doing."

There was another long pause. "I don't think so. Hope he doesn't think I'm nasty."

"I hope so 2. Good luck. Make sure you really want to tell him b4 u do."

"I will."

"Ok. C u round?" He was oddly reluctant to say goodbye to Arrow. Something about the man

made him want to stick around.

Which was dangerous, and he should sign off, go take a shower, and get himself off.

"Yeah. till friday 4 sure."

Nice. That fit in with when he'd be around, too. "Cool."

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"K. Night, man. Have a good one."

"U 2"

Kyle made quick goodbyes with the rest of the folks on the chat, and signed off. With Arrow

gone, there wasn't much point in staying around -- his pump was already primed.

Speaking of which, he headed for the bathroom and a nice, relaxing jack off session in the

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Chapter Seven

Hunter stumbled into the apartment, head pounding, nose so stuffed up he couldn't bear it. God,
he was sick. Hunter plopped down into one of the overstuffed chairs and dialed home. One more
day and he could get home -- if getting on the plane didn't make his head explode.

"Hey, Hunter."

"Hey. How was your day?" He leaned his head back, closed his eyes.

Kyle snorted. "Let's see. Mr. Hathaway's wife hated the necklace, and his mistress threw the
diamond anniversary band in his face and cursed him. Of course, if he'd given his wife the ring
and his mistress the necklace, he would not currently be in the doghouse with both women at the
same time and for a very long time.

"Which would mean that I wouldn't have gotten screamed at for an hour and a half. I mean,
really, is it my fault he wanted to wrap them himself for that 'personal touch' and then screwed
up which box went to who? If he'd let me wrap them like I'd wanted to, the correct labels would
have been on each box.

"And then the folks at that specialty store I love brought in the wrong dolls for Mr. Hamasuru
and are claiming it's my fault and they won't refund him. And I know I'm in the right because I
was very fastidious in the notes I took because Mr. Hamasuru is very picky and you know how
every little thing has meaning in his culture and I had given those idiot a copy of my copious
notes on the dolls. If they want to keep my business, they're going to make good on this for me
before I lose face with my client.

"Duey canceled lunch, but at the last minute, so there I was, all dressed up, nowhere to go, and
starving to death. I wound up with McDonald's take-out instead of high class French food to die
for. You don't even want to know about supper." Kyle paused in his rant to take a breath.

"I'm sorry, lover. Who do you want me to kill?" He'd just make a list and deal with it when he
got home.

"Mr. Hathaway for a start. This isn't the first time he's messed up and tried to blame it on me.
He's refusing to pay for my time. Thank God, I'd expensed the purchases on his account at the
jewelry store or I'd have to sue him.

"God. I just." Kyle took another breath. "I'm sorry, it's just been a shitty day. Anything that could
go wrong has, you know? How about you -- tomorrow's your last day, right? Looking forward to
coming home?"

"I am. My flight's at eight." If his head didn't explode.

"You okay, Hunter? You sound off."

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"I have a sniffle, lover."

"Oh, no. That's going to make flying home a pain. Make sure you take some meds, babe."

"I will. Don't bother making a big supper tomorrow night, huh? I'm sort of at a chicken soup and

Popsicles place."

"I can do that. You just get home and I'll take care of you."

"You don't have to, lover." He sighed. "I'm going to go shower and sleep, huh?"

"Of course I don't have to. I want to. It's my job."

"No, your job involves spoiled assholes. I'm just spoiled. Love you, yeah?"

"You're not spoiled, you're loved. There's a difference, you know? And I love you, too." Kyle's

voice was low and intimate now.

"I know, lover. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, come home safe."

"I will. Better day tomorrow."

"It will be. Love you, babe." His lover blew him a kiss.

"Love you." He hung up, let his head rest back against the back of the chair.

Throb. Throb. Throb. He didn't feel up to eating, but he didn't know if he was going to be able to

get to sleep this early, either, no matter how bad he felt. He sat, blinking slowly. Finally, he

decided to check his e-mail before he did anything else.

He logged in, his browser opening up the ForMen window. The chat room logo blinked at him,

running through a variety of colors. Hunter just sort of stared at it, not even really seeing it.

What would Kyle think about the things going on in that chat room, even if they weren't real?

And what if Kyle thought they were? What if he was screwing everything up just for jack-off

material? He thought about that for a minute. Nah. At worst, Kyle would think he was a pussy

man. At best, they'd have a laugh.

Kyle loved him. Of that, he was absolutely certain.

He closed his eyes, let his head rest back. Let himself float a second. Was he up for a round of

teasing and being told what to do by Sir T? Or did he just want to go to bed so he could plod

through tomorrow and make it back to his lover?

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Hunter thought about Kyle, the clever hands touching him, spreading him, exploring him. Ever
since he'd first logged onto ForMen, he'd imagined it was Kyle who'd been on the other end of
that chat, Kyle who would order him to his knees and take his mouth, Kyle who would... His
mind skittered away from those thoughts, from the images that had come up on the site Sir T had
shown him.

Even just the little he'd thought about, though, made him hard. He dropped his hand into his lap,
moving his hand slow and easy. Images flashed in his head of Kyle in leather pants and nothing
more. Kyle with tiny little silver nipple clamps in his fingers. Kyle sprawled in a chair, cock hard
and aching and his. Kyle, ordering him to worship every inch of his lover's body.

The other things had excited him unbearably -- insane acts, games, kink that he couldn't believe.
His hand moved faster, his breath growing shorter. He'd seen red bottoms and huge plugs.
Dildos. Men with things inside their cocks. Men with hands inside their holes. Just the idea of
Kyle doing any one of those things to him... Hell, just the idea that Kyle might have heard of one
of those things was enough to make him buck a little.

The images replayed in his head over and over, and he heard Kyle's voice say, "Bend over, big

"Fuck..." He shot, heat on his fingers, his belly aching. God. Imagine if Kyle would do that,
wanted it, too.

Hunter slumped back into the chair, chuckling at himself. His lover wasn't the type, and honestly,
he wasn't, either. He was just tired of traveling. Tired of knowing Kyle was waiting at home for
him. God, he needed that vacation.

He let his eyes close. Soon. Soon. First, he had to just not die.


Kyle had chicken soup on the stove. He had a decongestant rub in the little humidifier, clean
sheets on the bed, fresh towels in the bathroom, and a mickey of whiskey. Now all he needed
was Hunter. He seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time waiting for Hunter to get back
from a business trip.

He'd gotten a quick text early this morning telling him he was loved, that Hunter was coming
home. There was also, please, lover. I need my soft sweats. Someone was really sick. The sweats
were washed and ready for Hunter to step into as soon as Hunter was finished his hot, hot

Kyle heard the front door open and close, heard Hunter's briefcase hit the floor.

He went rushing to the front door. Oh, Hunter looked like death walking. Kyle slipped under
Hunter's arm and put an arm around his lover's waist. "Oh, baby, I've got you."

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"Hey." Hunter was burning up, eyes red and wet and squinty. "How're you?"

"Glad to have you home where I can take care of you. Come on. Shower first." He led Hunter
toward the bathroom.

"God, so glad to be home. Missed you." It told him how bad Hunter was feeling, to get no

"I missed you, too, babe. God, it's been a long few months." He got Hunter into the bathroom

and sat him down on the toilet while he got the water going, making it hot enough the room

started steaming up right away. Then he turned back to Hunter to help his lover get undressed.

"It has. It has. I'm so fucking tired."

"You'll be in bed soon, yeah? You'll feel better if we do this first, though." He pulled Hunter's

shirt off and then started working on his pants.

"Yeah. You be careful. Don't get too close."

"Don't you worry about me, I've been taking my echinacea."

"I worry." He could hear a little rattle in Hunter's chest.

Kyle frowned. "Maybe you should have gone straight to emergency."

"I wanted to come home, huh?"

"I just hope you're not so sick you need the good drugs." He helped Hunter get back onto his feet

and pulled the man's pants down.

"I'll call the doctor in the morning, promise."

"Well, with any luck, I'll have you all but cured by then."

He dragged Hunter over to the shower, pushing his lover in before stripping down and joining

him under the spray. Kyle thought Hunter might have lost a few pounds; Hunter was just not

looking well. He kept Hunter under the hot water, even as he washed the man down with soap.

"We'll get you in bed in no time, love."

"No stress. I'm better already, just being off the plane."

"I bet the pressure going up and down was just awful." He finished washing Hunter and patted

the flat belly. "You just stay put for a moment, I'm going to get you drugs."

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"I think I need to lie down, Kyle."

"Okay. We can do pills in bed." He turned off the water and supported Hunter as they got out of

the shower. "No falling down."

"No falling." Hunter's steps were clumsy.

"Yeah, I don't know if I could catch you." He got a towel around Hunter's shoulders and started


"I bet you could, you're strong." Hunter started shivering, entire body shaking.

Kyle snorted but didn't argue the matter -- Hunter wasn't up to anything more than going to bed.

He dried his lover as quickly as he could and then hustled Hunter to bed, bringing the covers up

under his chin.

"F...fuck. Fuck, it's cold."

He crawled into bed with Hunter, pressing up close to the big body. "I'll warm you up, baby."

Hunter wrapped around him, holding on, rocking nice and slow. He stroked Hunter's skin,

hoping to help warm his lover. "We'll get you feeling better soon."

"Mmmhmm." Hunter's cheek was on his shoulder.

"You want to try a little bit of soup?" He had no clue when Hunter'd last eaten, but he'd be

willing to bet it had been a while ago.

"Not hungry, lover."

"No? Then sleep, huh?" The air was redolent of the Vicks VapoRub in the little humidifier, the

covers warm and pulled up around their necks.

"Love you." Hunter was like a furnace.

He sat up and reached for the little container of cold pills he'd laid out on the side table. "You

should take a pill before you go to sleep."

"Hmm?" Those poor bloodshot eyes stared at him.

He pressed the pill against Hunter's lips. "Open up, baby."

Hunter opened up for him, unquestioning. He popped the pill right in and then held a bottle of

water up to his lover's lips, helping Hunter to swallow.

Hunter winced as he swallowed. "Throat hurts."

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"Have some more water. There's juice in the fridge, but I don't want to leave you just yet."

"My throat hurts. No more water."

"The water will help."

Hunter sighed, but Kyle insisted. When Hunter had drunk half the bottle, he let his lover lie back.

Then he snuggled right in, covers pulled back up to their necks.

"Love you." Hunter's eyes closed, breath evening out.

He stroked his lover's hair back from his forehead, kissed one damp cheek. "I love you, too."

Hunter nodded, mostly asleep. "Good."


He cuddled in and kept gently rubbing Hunter's temples with one hand and chest with the other.

"Sleep, lover."

"Yes..." He watched Hunter drift away.

He held Hunter for awhile, and then went to unpack Hunter's stuff and put the soup in the fridge.

Looked like he was going to have a quiet evening as his lover healed. Of course, about the time

he got settled, Hunter started coughing, muttering low. He went immediately to Hunter's side,

stroking his lover's forehead.

"Shh. Shh. It's okay, baby. You're home."

"Kyle." Hunter's eyes blinked open, rolling a little. "My head hurts."

"I know. You're all congested." He hated it when Hunter was sick like this, hurting, and he

couldn't do anything about it.

"Uh-huh. Orange juice?"

"You got it. Be right back."

He grabbed the whole box of juice and a glass, hurrying back to Hunter's side. By the time he got

back, Hunter had thrown all the covers off, had taken off his sweats.

"Hunter! What are you doing?" He put the juice and glass down on the nightstand and grabbed

Hunter's sweats.

"It's hot."

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"You've got a fever. You need to stay covered."

"It's hot, lover." Hunter was panting now, flushed.

"No, love. You've got a fever."

Hunter looked at him, blinking slow. "No?"

"No, it's not hot. Just you." He smiled. "My hot man." He kissed Hunter's forehead. "Oh, man,

you're really burning up. Come on, back into the shower."

"'Kay. Didn't we just get out?"

"Yeah, but you weren't burning up then. Come on." He didn't want Hunter boiling his brain.

"'Kay..." Hunter followed him, fingers twined with his.

His lover's hand was on fire. And not in the fun, spanky way, either. He left the lights off, turned

the water on lukewarm. He drew Hunter back into the water, standing there to help support his

lover, keep him upright.

"Mmm." Hunter leaned. "Sorry, Kyle."

He patted his lover's back. "What for?"

"Being sick. Wanted to come home and love on you."

"I know, baby. It's okay. You just get better, okay?"

Hunter snorted. "Just have a cold."

"Yeah, and it's nasty. I'll feel better when you do, huh?"

"Mmmhmm." Hunter was cooling off.

That let Kyle breathe a little easier. It was just a cold, and he was worrywarting.

"You feel good." Hunter's hand rested on his hip.

"Yeah?" He smiled and shifted so they were leaning more fully together.

"Yes. Like home."

"Oh, babe." He pressed a gentle kiss to Hunter's cheek. "Love you so much."

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Hunter nodded. "I know."

"Feeling better, love?" He slid his hand along Hunter's chest, trying to gauge his lover's


"Nice in here." Hunter was cooling off even more now, and would be cold in no time.

"Yeah. Yeah, come on. Let's get you out and dry and back in bed."

"We just got in."

"Yeah, but you're cooling down quickly. You know what a fever's like, and I don't want you to

start shivering."

"Man, this sick thing is hard work."

"It is, so you should get better quickly so you can relax!"

Hunter's laugh turned into a harsh, wet-sounding cough.

"Come on." He got Hunter out of the shower and dried off quickly -- the last thing he wanted

was for Hunter to catch a chill now that his fever was down. Hunter looked better, though --
more awake, aware, smiling at him.

"Pretty man." Hunter's hands slid over his body.

He chuckled, moving into each touch. "As long as you keep thinking so, I'm happy."

"Always." Hunter's cheek rested on his shoulder, eyelashes making the dark circles look darker.

"Come on, right to bed, love."

"Stay and talk with me a bit?"

"Of course!"

He got Hunter settled and tucked in, then slid in next to his lover. "So, aside from the cold from

hell, how was your trip?"

"Busy. Boring. I surfed a lot."

Kyle laughed. "Yeah? Did you visit those URLs I gave you for the cruises?"

"I did. I think they look great. Did you want Mexico or the Bahamas?"

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"I'm easy, love. Beaches and you, that's all that matters, you know?"

"Yeah. Yeah. You, me, booze, surf, sun."

"Exactly." He smiled and kissed the corner of Hunter's cheek. "You just give me the dates and I'll

get it set up."

"It's a deal." Hunter sighed softly. "I've been surfing a lot -- odd porn and stuff."

"Odd porn? You been looking at tentacle sex?"

"Tentacles aren't sexy, Kyle."

"You said 'odd,' not sexy. Tentacles are odd." He'd seen plenty of it while surfing himself, and he

could say with some certainty that tentacle sex was odd.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Hunter snorted, settled into the mattress.

Kyle giggled and snuggled into his lover. "So what kind of odd porn did you find?"

"It was a chat room with other guys." Hunter yawned, leaned closer.

"Why would that be odd?" He stroked Hunter's amazing abs. His lover was so vanilla.

"Well, because I sorta talked to a guy, which felt weird, mostly."

Now, that did surprise him. "Yeah? I didn't think you were the type to go for chat porn."

"I didn't, either. It was different than I'd thought it would be, really."

"Yeah?" Kyle thought about his own experiences. He didn't remember what he'd expected when

he'd first started. He just knew how it was. "What did you think it was going to be like?"

"It felt a lot like cheating, I guess. The guy I chatted with doesn't tell his partner. Hell, he might
be straight for all I know, but I told him I was going to tell you."

Kyle blinked. He chatted online -- hell, he topped people online -- and he'd never considered it
cheating. Should he have? He knew Hunter wouldn't understand why he did it, needed it, and he
didn't ever want Hunter to feel inadequate or like he wasn't enough. Or was that just an excuse to
justify it? "You think chatting online is cheating?"

"I don't know. I guess not. I mean, it was just odd, having something like that that I didn't tell
you about." Hunter shrugged, coughed a little. "You know my position on secrets, man. They fill
up my brain, and I have precious little of that to spare."

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He laughed softly, hand rubbing Hunter's chest. "I guess this is where I confess that I chat online,

"Yeah? Hence the moment of 'chatting online is cheating' panic, huh?"

His cheeks heated a little, and he chuckled wryly. "Yeah." He met Hunter's eyes. "I never

thought of it as cheating, though, babe. Seriously. If I did, I wouldn't have done it."

"It's cool." Hunter winked. "I'm not sure I'm going to keep doing it, but you're alone a lot."

"Well, you're alone as much as I am. Why is it okay for me but not for you?"

"I just meant..." Hunter shrugged. "It was just weird. It made me a little uncomfortable."

And embarrassed, Kyle could tell. Now he was a little intrigued. "So what kind of chat room was


"I... It's a little weird. Just a chat room."

Oh, ho... There was a mystery.

"Just a chat room. That you're embarrassed to tell me about, that made you uncomfortable, and

that was odd porn. Now I'm very curious." He nudged Hunter. "Did it turn you on?"

"Yeah, kinda." Hunter wouldn't quite meet his eyes.

"You have to tell me now or I'm going to die of curiosity." He had a sudden thought. "Oh, wow.

Last time -- when you came home all hot and bothered and we had the best sex we've had in, oh,

maybe ever? That was because you'd been in this chat room, wasn't it?"

"No!" Hunter's cheeks went dark red. "I mean, I told you. I was dreaming about you on the


He nudged his lover. "So what's the chat room, babe?"

Hunter faked a huge yawn. "Naptime..."

"You get turned on by naptime?"

That made Hunter laugh, shoulders shaking as he fought the cough.

He patted Hunter's back and reached for the water, offering it over. "Careful, babe. I don't want

you going back to looking like the walking dead."

"I know. Hate being sick, lover."

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"I know. You're not the world's greatest patient." No, Hunter tended to get out of bed and push
himself far sooner than he should. "But quit changing the subject and tell me what kind of a chat
room you were in." Kyle smiled and looked up at his lover from beneath his lashes. "Who
knows, if it got you that hot, maybe we can try it."

Hunter chuckled softly. "I don't think so. It was just me being curious. You know what can

happen when you type things into Google. You end up at places called Hairybear or ForMen."

Kyle gasped softly. "ForMen?"

"Yeah. I was just surfing and it popped up."

"Oh. Uh. And that's the one you stayed on and got, uh, excited about?" Hunter was turned on by

BDSM? Not horrified?

"Yeah. I mean, it was... I don't want you to think that I was all horny because I was talking to a
stranger or something. I just... it was cool, to imagine you." Hunter's cheeks were going to set on

"So you were imagining... topping me? Tying me up and spanking me and stuff?" He was going

to have to totally rethink things; he never imagined Hunter being into anything like that.

"You know what the site's about? Man, you're more Web savvy than me."

"Never mind that, tell me what you were imagining doing to me."

"Hmm? Oh, I was... it's not that important, is it? I don't want to embarrass you."

He laughed. "You mean you don't want to embarrass yourself, because I'm not embarrassed."

"Well, I was... I wanted to suck you, and I did, and it was good."

Kyle frowned. "That's not very kinky, babe."

Hunter pulled away a little. "Yeah, I know. That's what I told the guy I talked to, that I wasn't

very good at this submission shit."

Kyle felt his mouth drop open. "You went in as a submissive?" His prick started filling, the very

idea of topping Hunter one of his favorite fantasies.

"Well, I didn't know what I was doing the first time, really, but this man helped me out." Hunter

rolled his eyes. "God, that was bad."

"So." Kyle took a deep breath. "So, in your fantasy, you were sucking me because I was making
you. Because you were submissive and I was the top." Oh, wow. Oh, wow. He couldn't believe

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he was talking about this with Hunter, let alone finding out his lover was into being dominated.

He took another breath, not wanting to get ahead of himself.

"Yeah. I mean, don't be pissed, lover. There was this guy and it was hot. I have to tell you,

though, the first time, I just left because I was afraid my webcam had been hacked or


He laughed, excited beyond words. "I'm not pissed, I'm not. I--" Kyle stopped suddenly, and

tilted his head. "You went back, though. What happened the second time?"

"I... The guy I'd been talking to was there and we... chatted."

"Yeah? Did you, uh, get off?" There was no way. Absolutely no way. Still, Arrow'd shown up

when Hunter was away. Of course, that was the only time when he was on, too.

"This is a little bizarre, talking about it, but yeah. Yeah, it was... shit, Kyle, it was pretty hot."

Oh, God.

His cock was so hard, and he was almost trembling. Could Hunter really be Arrow? Could

Hunter really be into BDSM? Enough for them to fool around a little bit with it, anyway? He bit

his lip and decided to just go for it. "Arrow?"

One of Hunter's eyebrows went up. "How did you know?"

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" He couldn't believe it. He just... oh wow. "I'm..."


"Sir T!"

"Oh, God." Hunter looked stunned.

"Oh, my God." He knew he was repeating himself, but he couldn't quite help it. "I never told you

because... well, babe, you're a pretty vanilla guy." Only that wasn't quite true anymore, now was


God, he wanted to order Hunter on his knees right now, just to see if his lover would do it.

"You think?" Hunter shook his head, sighed. "You must think I'm a giant idiot, huh? Are you so

patient with everyone who goes there?"

"No. No." He shook his head, too, and put his hand over Hunter's heart. "I thought you were

unsure and sweet, and so sexy. Newbies are... exciting. And I get to imagine they're all you. I get

to pretend my big stud of a lover is obeying my every order."

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"Me?" Hunter stared at him. "Really?"

Kyle found himself blushing, suddenly unsure. Hunter'd said he was turned on by the submissive
side of it, right? He wasn't going to back out now, though. Hunter'd had the guts to be open about
the chat room in the first place; he was going to be honest about his own motives and wants.
"Yes, you."

Hunter grinned, touched his cheek. "I'm glad you weren't imagining it was someone else."

"God no, you're it for me, babe. I just... I didn't want you to think that you weren't satisfying me."

"Well, you were getting something out of it, huh? Everybody knew you. Me? I'm way more

"Arrow wasn't boring at all. And you aren't boring. Even if we never talk about this again -- you
aren't boring." He licked his lips. "We can talk about this again, though, can't we? You were
excited by submitting to me when I was Sir T." He knew it wasn't exactly the same in person,
and maybe Hunter would have a harder time with it in reality instead of fantasy, but by God, he
wanted to give it a go.

"We can, sure. If you want to." Hunter's cheeks were hot again, dark circles under his lover's

"I do." He stroked one warm cheek. "Obviously not right now while you're sick, but... I'd very
much like to see if what worked in the chat room works in the bedroom." Maybe it wouldn't,
maybe it was something they'd only do when Hunter went on business trips, but knowing how
hot thinking about it had gotten Hunter, Kyle kind of thought maybe it was something that would
work when they were face to face.

Hunter's eyes closed. "I can't believe that was you. It was so weird -- it was like Sir T knew me,
and you did."

"I didn't know you as well as I thought I did." He could feel Hunter's heart beating under his

"I had the wildest dreams, after." Hunter was beginning to doze.

"Mmm. You'll have to tell me all about them," he murmured, stroking Hunter gently.

"I wanted to suck you. The things you said... surprised me."

"You get all better and I'll surprise you again." God, he was so hard he hurt. He'd go take care of
things in the shower when Hunter fell asleep.

"'Kay." Hunter's hand slid down his back, rubbing him, stroking him.

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Groaning, he shifted closer to Hunter and moved between the big body and the hand on his back.
"I'm just gonna... rub off on you."

"Mmm. 'Kay." Hunter nuzzled into the curve of his throat.

"Love you," he whispered, his interactions with Arrow replaying in his mind over and over as he

humped against Hunter's perfect abs.

"Love you. You're so hard."

"Yeah. 'Cause of you. God, Hunter." His hips sawed.

"Mmmhmm. So good to be home."

"Uh-huh. Home's good." Groaning, he moved even faster. God, he was close. So close. When

Hunter was better, Kyle was going to top him so good.

Crying out, he came, spunk shooting up over Hunter.

Hunter hummed, lips soft against his throat.

He sighed happily, fingers running through his come on Hunter's stomach. "Love you," he


"Love you." Hunter's voice was husky, rough. A bit raw.

He kissed Hunter's shoulder and settled in close to sleep with his lover. His naughty, kinky,

wonderful vanilla lover.

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Chapter Eight

It was Saturday morning before he felt human, and he got up early, showered, and went out to
mow. Kyle kept insisting on a gardener and he kept saying he could do it, and he did. He liked
the rhythm of it, the smells. Being outside and home. Maybe he should go to Winn-Dixie and get
T-bones to grill.

He thought he heard something over the sound of the mower. Maybe a wolf whistle. He ignored
it, stripped off his shirt, and finished the front yard before stopping to go find some water.

He hadn't gone two steps before Kyle was there with a bottle, eyes roaming over his chest. "Look

at you."

"Hey, lover." He took the bottle. "Thank you." Oh, cold. Good.

"You're welcome." One of Kyle's hands trailed along his back. "You're all hot and sweaty -- I

figured you'd be thirsty."

"Mmmhmm. Finally felt normal again."

"You need a shower?" It was a simple question, but the way Kyle said it, it sounded like a come

on. Or maybe that was just the way his lover was looking at him.

"If you think the back yard can wait, yeah." He arched, stretching a little.

"Watching you finish mowing the lawn or showering with you." Kyle raised one hand, and then

lowered it while he raised the other. "I don't know..."

Hunter flushed, grinned. "Is it such a hard decision?"

"No. Not at all." Kyle grabbed his hand and started backing toward the front door.

"Let me put the mower up... I'll meet you inside." Ever since Kyle had found out he was on the

chat room, the man had looked at him like he was the hottest thing ever.

"Don't be long, lover." Kyle's eyes dragged along his body, checking him out hard.

His cock jerked, started filling. Damn.

It didn't take him long at all to put the mower away, hit the garage door opener. The shower was

already running, Kyle's slender, naked body visible through the clear shower curtain.

"Hey, you." He stripped off his jeans, his socks.

"Hey. Come on in. The water's good."

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"Cool." He slipped into the spray, hands around Kyle's waist.

"Mmm..." Kyle leaned into him, head tilting to offer his mouth.

Hunter took the kiss Kyle offered, tongue sliding in to take a taste. Kyle's lips wrapped around it,
sucking gently. Oh, hell yeah. He moaned and stepped closer. He'd been feeling too bad to get

Like his movements had opened a lock or something, Kyle suddenly pressed against him. His
lover moaned, and the suction on his tongue got harder, eager and needy. His groan was tugged
out of him by that suction, and he pulled Kyle closer, rubbing their bodies together. His fine, fine

"Want you so bad." The words pushed into his mouth, Kyle parting their lips long enough to say
them before diving back for more.

He bent his knees a bit, got their cocks lined up so they both got that familiar, good friction. One
of Kyle's legs slid up and wrapped around his thigh, bringing them just a little closer together. It
was easy to reach down, wrap one hand around Kyle's thigh, and draw him closer. Their tongues
and hips danced in tandem, the shower suddenly steamier.

He wasn't going to last long, but it didn't really matter, because it didn't feel like Kyle was going
to last, either. Kyle's fingers opened and closed on his shoulders, a sure sign his lover was almost
there, and then Kyle suddenly cried out, heat spilling over his belly and cock.

That was almost enough, and he jerked and grunted, bucking up against his lover as he came.

Kyle clung to him, resting against him. "Oh, I think I needed that, babe. Missed it the night you
came home."

"Fuck, yeah." He chuckled, kissed the corner of Kyle's mouth. "Man, it's good to be home."

"It's good to have you home. It's even better now that you're not so sick."

He nodded and grabbed the soap, started washing them off, scrubbing them down. Kyle pushed
into his soaping like it was still sex, like his touches were setting his lover on fire. He worked the
soap over Kyle's back, belly, scratching gently.

"Mmm... I usually do this for you." It was true; Kyle was the homemaker -- always taking care of

"Yeah. Humor me." He liked touching Kyle.

"I think I can manage that." His lover was so sensual, pushing into each and every touch.

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Hunter chuckled, cupped Kyle's balls, weighed them in his palm, rolled them a little bit. Kyle

groaned and licked his lips, legs spreading for Hunter.

"Horny little bastard." He tugged, just a bit.

Kyle laughed, cheeks going red. "It's because of you."

"I hope so!" He snorted and took a quick kiss. "I'm right here."

Kyle popped him in the arm. "You know what I mean."

That tickled him, and he laughed into Kyle's lips. Kyle's smile tasted amazing, and his lover's

hands were warm and good as they grabbed hold of his ass and held on. He washed Kyle's hair,

his own, humming softly. Kyle touched him, fingers stroking across his nipples and rubbing his


"You could make a wish, like I was Buddha."

That had Kyle laughing and rubbing his belly harder.

"What's your wish, my son..." He ohm-ed.

Kyle's laughter got louder, his lover pressing closer.

"You want to cook steaks out tonight, or do you want to go out?"

"I want to stay in." Kyle met his eyes. "I want to stay in with you."

"Oh." His smile grew across his face. "I can handle that."

"You can, can you?" Kyle's smile grew wicked. "Can you handle it even if we try playing a


He looked at Kyle, a little confused. "No matter what we do, it's still us. Still good." Right?

"Yeah. You gotta tell me, though, if you decide you don't like the game playing, 'kay? In fact,

you should have a safeword."

"A safeword? For us?"

"Yeah. I mean, you can't just shut your laptop and have everything stop if we're doing it in

person, can you?"

His cheeks went red hot and he ducked his head. "No. Geez. So embarrassing."

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"Why are you so embarrassed?"

"Because you saw me being the super dork. I just was so... what am I supposed to do? And
typing and jacking off at the same time is hard."

Kyle chuckled, but when he pushed close, Hunter could feel Kyle's cock firming up again. "You
were hot. It turned me on."

"I kept thinking about you." And that was no lie.

"We'll have to see if the real thing works just as well. Turn off the shower and get us dried off."

"Have you ever? For real?"

"No, only online in the chat rooms. I've read a lot, though. And I know the safeword thing's

pretty important, so I want you to pick something we normally wouldn't say during sex."

"Oh. Okay." And also, good.

Kyle picked up a towel and put it in his hand. "Start drying and tell me what your safeword is."

"How about budget?" He wrapped one towel around his waist so he wouldn't drip, then focused

on getting Kyle dry.

"That works." Kyle smiled at him but didn't make any attempt to help with the drying.

"Although, we need to watch the kink budget might come up."

"Maybe while we're talking about it, but I doubt it'll come up while we're doing scenes." Kyle

suddenly giggled again. "Kink budget. I'm talking about kink budgets with you."

"You have the cutest laugh."

Giving him another chuckle, Kyle slid a finger across his stomach. "Thanks. You wouldn't be

changing the subject, would you?"

"Me? I would never do that."

"Right..." Kyle kissed him softly. "Okay. I want you to call me sir while we're doing a scene.

Which we're going to start now, by the way."

"Sir? Really? That doesn't seem a little weird?" His cock didn't think so.

"It's not weird at all, Arrow." Kyle's voice had picked up a bit of a sharp edge. Not mean or

anything, just... firm.

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He met Kyle's eyes, his belly going tight and hard. Oh, fuck him.

"Good, I have your full attention now." Kyle nodded. "Let's go. Bedroom. You go first, and I
want you on your knees when I come in."

Hunter stood there a second, a little shell-shocked. Freaked out. And so fucking horny he
couldn't breathe.

"Move it, Arrow." Kyle gave him a gentle nudge with his hands.

He nodded, heading toward the bedroom. His hands were wrapped around his cock, jacking


Kyle made plenty of noise as he followed. So Hunter would know where his lover was, what was

coming, he realized.

"This is crazy." He eased himself down on the bed, staying on his knees. Wait. Was this right?

"No, it's not. On the floor, Arrow. So you can suck my cock."

"Well, I wasn't sure."

"I know." Kyle held himself straight, looked... more confident, maybe? Whatever it was, it was


He slipped down to the floor, towel under his knees. He was unexpectedly nervous -- not scared

at all, but unnerved.

Kyle's fingers slid through his hair, the touch gentle, soothing. "That's perfect, Arrow. Now I

want you to suck me." That Kyle was turned on by this, too, was very evident in the way his

cock reached up for his belly.

"I'm happy to do that." He loved Kyle's cock, loved the heat and flavor of his lover.

"Good man." Kyle's fingers stayed in his hair, not tugging or holding, just touching.

"Love you." He opened up, took Kyle in deep.

Kyle's answer was a sound instead of words; not really a moan, more like the words got caught

in his throat. He let himself just enjoy it for a minute -- the thrust and roll was normal, familiar.


"That's it. Yeah. Fuck, this is just like I imagined when I told you to do it in the chat room."
Kyle's voice was deep, husky.

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He blinked up, moaned, pulled harder on Kyle's prick.

"Hot. God, you're hot." Kyle started rocking, cock pushing into his mouth, sliding out again.

He was. He was burning up, and Kyle was fucking his mouth. The fingers in his hair curled as

Kyle's hips moved faster. The hot prick filled his mouth again and again. Hunter started

swallowing on each thrust in, cock spreading his lips.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Kyle moved faster, cock slamming into his mouth.

His fingers wrapped around Kyle's thighs, encouraging more of those thrusts. He got them, Kyle

going wild. Both hands dropped to his head, holding him in place. He trusted Kyle implicitly, so

he could relax, lean into those hands.

"Soon. Oh, God. Arrow. Hunter."

He groaned, tightening his lips around the base of Kyle's cock and sucking hard. Crying out,

Kyle slammed into his mouth and came. Heat poured down his throat. Not losing a drop, he

pulled and moaned, letting Kyle fill him up.

"God. That was good. Such a good mouth, babe." Kyle's fingers traced his lips, which were still

around that beautiful cock. "You look good on your knees. I think I might keep you there for


He couldn't fight his moan, or the way his prick jerked.

"I'm gonna make you do so many things, make you feel so many things."

Hunter started sucking again, caught by Kyle's words.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, you love it. Who knew my Hunter was such a beautiful bottom?" Kyle's voice

was so husky.

His eyes met Kyle's, and the heat and lust in them surprised him.

Kyle licked his lips. "You gonna come like that for me? On your knees in front of me?"

His fingers wrapped around his cock, jacking himself quick and hard even as he kept on sucking.

"That's right. You come for me just like that, with my cock down your throat." Kyle started

rocking again, pushing deep.

Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. His hips were rocking, his cock leaking over his fingers.

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"Look at you. Lips swollen, eyes begging for it. You want it, don't you? You can have it. If I say

Hunter was going to just keel over and die.

Kyle's eyes glittered down at him. "Maybe I'll let you come. Maybe I'll say you can. You want

me to say that you can, Hunter?"

He didn't think that mattered, really. His orgasm was on the way, like a runaway freight train.

Kyle licked his lips, then bit the bottom one. "Okay. Okay, you can come for me. Show me how

much you love getting fucked by my cock."

His eyes rolled and his palm slipped over the tip of his cock, pushing hard. It was enough to

make him jerk, to make him shoot over his fingers. The cock in his mouth jerked, dribbled as

Kyle whimpered and came again.

He sank back on his heels, breathing hard, panting, and Kyle's cock slid from his mouth. The

fingers in his hair loosened, began to stroke his head. "Yes. Oh, yes."

He leaned into the touch, heart pounding. "Damn."

Kyle laughed softly, cheeks flushed, eyes happy. "Yeah. Big Damn."

He chuckled, shook his head. "I need to clean up again."

"When I say you can," murmured Kyle. "Right now, I want you on the bed."

"The bed?" He was a little dazed.

"That's right. I expect cuddles from you, Arrow. Good cuddles."

He nodded and chuckled, wiping himself up with the towel before standing up and pulling Kyle

into the sheets.

His lover snuggled into his arms, nuzzling and pressing close. "God, you're such a stud, Hunter.

That was so hot."

He took a soft kiss. "You blow my mind, lover."

"Yeah? You really liked it? You're not just trying to make me happy, right?"

"Well, making you happy was part of the point, Kyle. Making you really happy."

"You did. God, you're so hot like that, doing what I tell you. But it needs to be hot for you, too."

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He had to stop blushing so much. "It was hot."

Kyle laughed softly and hugged him tight. "Good. God, I love you, Hunter. More every day."

"Good." He hummed a little, dozy now.

Kyle's head rested on his shoulder, the hand on his belly patting gently. "Yeah, it is."

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Chapter Nine

Kyle had never had a reason to complain about sex with Hunter before. He'd never felt neglected
or unsexy. It wasn't like he'd been desperate to have a kinky element added in and the chatting
he'd done online while Hunter was out of town had always taken care of the itch just fine.

Now, though. Wow. Topping Hunter blew his mind. Having Hunter kneeling in front of him and
sucking him off had been so fucking hot, it made Kyle hard as nails just to think about it, even
now, several days later.

That night, he'd snuck online and bought a pair of nipple clamps. Today they'd come in the mail.
Kyle was nearly beside himself, waiting for Hunter to come home from work.

He worried, for a moment, that maybe this was going too far, maybe Hunter wouldn't like it.
Then he shook his head. If Hunter didn't like it, he'd say so, and they'd try something else. His
lover had had the guts to tell him about going to the chat room; the least Kyle could do was be up
front about the things he wanted to try.

He opened the box again and stroked the little clamps before closing it again and wrapping it up,
leaving it on the kitchen table next to Hunter's plate.

"Hey, lover. I'm home. I brought you those cheesecake brownies from Del's."

"Oh, I love those." He practically bounced over to the front door, throwing his arms around
Hunter's neck and hugging his lover close.

"Mmm. Hey." Hunter kissed him, the connection lazy and slow, deep enough that it started a
slow-burning fire.

This was theirs; it always had been. The fire was quicker to catch now, though. "How was your
day?" he asked when their lips finally parted. He was slightly out of breath, his words husky.

"Cool. I got the approval for that vacation time."

"Oh, that's fantastic!" He was looking forward to their holiday more than ever. "I'll confirm the
bookings later tonight. Supper's ready." He took the box of goodies from Hunter and headed for
the kitchen, where their stew bubbled gently in a big pot on the stove.

"Ooh. Stew." Hunter grabbed two beers and the salad from the fridge. "How was your day?"

"Good. I got a great tip from Mr. Ralston. And I do mean great. It's going to pay for our
vacation." He dished the stew up into their bowls, making sure Hunter got four dumplings.

"Oh, yeah? You want bread?"

"There should already be a loaf out on the table. From Nate's around the corner."

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"Oh, yum. Did you pick up those cranberry muffins for breakfast?"

"Of course." He bumped their hips together and put their bowls down at their places before


Hunter looked at the box. "A present?"

He smiled and nodded, tried hard not to bounce. "You can open it now or after supper."

"Yeah? What's it for?" Hunter looked so tickled.

"Merry Kink Day."

"Merry..." Hunter plopped down on his chair, loosened his tie. "I love it. Can I open it now,


"Sure. If you do, I might make you wear it during supper, though."

"It's little for a shirt, Kyle."

"That's because it's not a shirt, though you'll need to take yours off."

"At the dinner table? That's scandalous from my oh-so-proper lover!"

"Well, maybe I'm not so proper, huh?"

"Maybe." Hunter grabbed a chunk of bread.

"Changed your mind about opening it?" Kyle didn't know if that made him glad or sad. It was

probably for the best -- he had a hunch he wasn't going to be able to eat once Hunter had the shirt

off and the nipple clamps on.

"I have the feeling it'll be more fun to wait. And it's stew. I love your stew."

"I should have made you fish." He gave Hunter a wink and grabbed a piece of bread to dip with.

"Ew. Slimy things." Hunter was unreasonable when it came to fish.

"One of these days you're going to try a fish you like."

"You keep saying that. It keeps not being true."

God, Hunter was adorable.

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"I think you didn't even try the last one. Maybe I'll feed it to you with my mouth -- you'd be more

enthusiastic then."

"Slimy fish mouth..." Hunter groaned.

Kyle just giggled. He reached out and stroked Hunter's thigh. Those muscles were hard, tight,

proving how aroused Hunter was. God, he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to eat at all,

even without Hunter opening the box.

"The stew is good." Hunter wasn't eating very fast.

"You sure?" He slid his foot up along Hunter's calf.

"Uh. Uh-huh,"

God, Hunter was sexy like this. "Eat your stew, Hunter. We'll play after."

"You... You're enough to make a guy crazy."

"I'm hoping that's a good thing."

"Shit, lover. You're the best thing."

He beamed at Hunter and ate a dumpling. "You're pretty fucking awesome yourself."

"So, what is this amazing tip you got from work?"

"You aren't going to believe it. Four thousand dollars. Four. Thousand." He shook his head, still

not quite sure he believed it.

Sure, it was a pittance to the client, seeing as the man had had Kyle spend nearly three hundred

thousand dollars on just the right jewels for his mistress and another two hundred thousand on a

boat for his wife, but still. "That's on top of my commission."

"Fucking A, beautiful!" Hunter stood up, grabbed him up for a hard kiss. "Congrats!"

Kyle laughed breathlessly into Hunter's kiss. "Thanks. Like I said, it'll pay for our cruise."

"That rocks, Kyle. I'm so proud." It made him a little giddy, how Hunter meant it.

He beamed at his lover, wrapped his arms around Hunter's neck, and stole another kiss.

"Mmm. Your stew's getting cold." That fact didn't stop Hunter from giving him another kiss.

"I'm more concerned about your present going unopened." Unused.

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"Mmm. I was eating."

"Are you still hungry?" If Hunter was, he'd make himself be patient.

"I ate." Hunter took his lips again, cock hard against his belly.

Moaning, he opened wide, letting Hunter in. They stumbled until his back hit the wall, Hunter

hungry for him, tongue fucking his lips. He grabbed hold of Hunter's shoulders, clinging as he

lifted one leg to wrap it as high around Hunter's leg as he could manage.

"Want." Hunter lifted him up, hips moving, driving him against the wall.

"Yes!" That strength was so amazing, had him so turned on.

"Smell you." Hunter's mouth searched his face, one hand trying to get to his skin.

"I showered!" He laughed breathlessly, letting go of one shoulder so he could pull open his


"I know." Hunter's lips found the curve of his neck.

God, Hunter turned him on so very much.

He pulled his shirt out of his trousers. Hunter was still in work clothes -- and the rasp of the suit

pants on him, the shirt on his belly, made Kyle nuts. He bucked and rubbed, head back to offer
Hunter everything.

"Love you." Hunter pulled him in tighter, gave him more to rub against.

"Yes. Oh, love you. Love you." He got his zipper undone, just his underwear between his cock

and Hunter's shirt.

Jesus, it hadn't been like this in a while -- not this immediate and absolutely necessary.

"Off," he whimpered. "Please." He couldn't figure out how to get rid of his underwear as he

bucked desperately.

"Off. Hold on to my shoulders." He did, and Hunter shoved them down, his cock bouncing and

slapping his belly on the rebound. Thank God for a strong, strong lover.

"God, I love you."

Hunter grunted. "Good. You're fucking hot."

"For you." God, only for Hunter. No one else had ever made him want like this.

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Hunter took his mouth again, hands settling on his hips to move him faster. He let Hunter's
tongue invade, his cock rubbing hard against the shirt-covered belly. His lover's body was rock-
hard, burning up, good against him. Hunter's kisses stole his breath, his sense, gave everything a
desperate edge. His bottom lip was sucked into Hunter's kiss, the strong fingers squeezing his

He jerked and bucked, his orgasm catching him suddenly, and his come sprayed up over Hunter's


"God..." Hunter groaned and lapped at his lips.

He panted, happy and leaning against the wall, totally letting Hunter keep him from falling.

"Good. Good dinner."

He giggled, arms looping around Hunter's shoulders. "Made it especially for you."

"Mmmhmm." Hunter rubbed against him a little, his come slick on his belly.

"You need to open your present." He wanted to see Hunter in the clamps, wanted to make his

lover feel as good as he did.

"Now?" Hunter's hips were still moving.

"Uh-huh. It'll make this even better."

"I..." Those pretty brown eyes looked at him -- so aroused.

"Just don't drop me." He tightened his legs around Hunter's waist.

"I wouldn't. Ever." Hunter pinched his ass. "You want to go to the bedroom?"

He squeaked pushing into Hunter. "Yes."

"'Kay." Hunter let him grab the gift on his way by.

"God, you're such a stud, babe. Turns me the fuck on."

"Listen to you." Hunter groaned, breathing harder as they headed down the hall.

"It's the truth." He latched onto Hunter's neck, mouth working the skin. He could taste salt and

musk and Hunter.

"Oh. Oh, fuck." Hunter stopped outside the bedroom, pushed him against the wall again, hips

driving. "Can't wait."

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Yes. Yes, Hunter could.

"Stop." He put every ounce of command into the word. "Bedroom."

"Love..." Hunter groaned, eyes so fucking hot.

"Come on. Now." He gave Hunter a quick kiss and waited to be obeyed.

"Pushy." Hunter groaned, carrying him into the bedroom.

That made him giggle happily. "I thought that was kind of the point."

"You can laugh. You aren't suffering from blue balls."

"You won't be suffering for long, babe. At least not from blue balls." That made him giggle all

the harder.

Hunter chuckled, swatted his ass. "Laughing at my poor balls." He was unceremoniously
plopped onto the bed, Hunter grinning at him.

He stuck his tongue out and scrambled the rest of the way out of his clothes. "Strip and then open
that box."

Hunter stripped down, let him see that amazing body. Man, those gym hours on the road paid

off. Kyle wanted to touch so badly, but he was pretty sure if he started, he wouldn't be able to

stop, so he just admired from the bed and nodded at the box. "Go on. Aren't you curious?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I am." Hunter ripped the paper off, opened the box, the shiny clamps looking tiny

in Hunter's fingers.

Kyle licked his lips and rose up onto his knees, his fingers sliding over the clamps. "You know

what these are?"

"Uh-huh. You sent me to the toy website."

"I did, didn't I?" He took the clamps from Hunter's fingers and opened one of them.

Hunter nodded, that pretty cock bobbing, seeming to nod too. "There were... lots of things on


"You can make a request on what I buy next."

A clear drop built at the tip of Hunter's prick, grew. He put his finger on it and spread the drop

across the head, making it shiny. Then he took the clamp and put it on Hunter's right nipple. The

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clear-rubber coated teeth would bite, but not hurt badly; mostly sting, ache. When Hunter
stepped back, fingers going to his chest, Kyle reached out to stop him. "Don't touch!"

"What?" Hunter stopped, stayed stock-still.

"Leave it be. Playing with them will make them hurt more. Besides." He gave Hunter his best

evil grin. "That's my job."

"It aches." Hunter stepped closer again, ab muscles like rocks.

"It looks hot. I'm putting the other one on."

"I don't know 'bout that." Hunter didn't move away, though.

"I do." And he was the one in charge.

He took the other little clamp from Hunter's fingers and attached it to the left nipple. "There." He

licked his lips, his prick coming right back to life at the sight of all those muscles and the little


Hunter moaned, swayed a little, and he encouraged his lover to get on the bed with him. He got

Hunter lying down on his back. "That's so hot, babe." He ran his fingers across Hunter's belly.

Hunter hummed, abs jerking, which moved the clamps. That had his lover's eyes going wide.

His cock jerked, too, and he moved to straddle his lover. "Oh, babe. God." He reached for the

nipple clamps.

"Don't. Don't touch them."

"Hush." He flicked the right one gently. Hunter's hands landed on his hips. Then he flicked the

other one, giving Hunter a little grin. "So hot."

"I don't think you should touch them."

"I disagree." He flicked them both at the same time and ground his ass on Hunter's hard prick.

Hunter's eyes rolled. "Fuck. Kyle. Ride me."

"Pushy, pushy man."

Hunter looked debauched, hungry, perfect.

He reached over to grab the lube, pushing the tube into his lover's hand. "Get me ready."

Hunter reached for it, then stopped. "Jesus, I can feel those."

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"That's the point, babe. They're gonna affect everything you do." He rolled his hips, reminding

Hunter what they were going to do.

"Fuck. You..." Hunter groaned, fingers squeezing the lube, the slick gushing over Hunter's


"Yes. As soon as you get me ready." Kyle loved how Hunter was so turned on, so out of his

mind he could barely talk.

Hunter growled, but the man's touch against his hole was perfectly gentle. He shifted slightly,

giving Hunter more room to push those thick fingers into him.

"Kyle." Hunter groaned, fingers curling, knowing just how to touch him.

He made a soft noise of pleasure, his hips starting to cant already, riding Hunter's fingers.

"Need. Oh, fuck. Kyle. I want you now."

"Not ready yet." He rose up, undulating. "Give me another finger."

Hunter sobbed and twisted under him, but another finger pushed inside him. Groaning, he rode

Hunter's fingers, shifting so they brushed against his gland. Fuck! It was so good.

"So fucking fine."

"You are," he agreed as he stilled. "Okay. Take them out. Your cock now." Hunter nodded,

breathing open-mouthed.

Once his lover's fingers had slipped away, Kyle grabbed the thick cock and lined it up with his

hole, sitting slowly on it. Those strong hands wrapped around his waist, but Kyle was pleased

Hunter didn't pull him down.

"Good man." Resting his hands on Hunter's chest, he didn't stop until he was all the way down,

that full cock spreading him wide.

His Hunter wasn't long, but that cock was thick, fat, filling him. He shifted, then leaned forward

and flicked one of the nipple clamps. Those hands clamped down on him, and Hunter's hips

slammed up.

It made him groan. "None of that," he managed.

"Kyle. Kyle, I need." Hunter's hips kept moving.

"And you'll get. If you're good." He squeezed slowly around Hunter's prick.

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"Kyle!" Hunter's head slammed back, throat working.

Laughing roughly, Kyle began to move again. Up and down, he slowly fucked himself. God,

Hunter felt amazing inside him. He braced one hand on the wide chest; with the fingers of the

other, he flicked the right nipple clamp, making it vibrate.

"Fuck. Fuck. Gonna turn you over and take you."

No. No, Kyle didn't think so. "What you're going to do is lie there and take it, or I'm going to

turn you over and spank you."

"I..." Oh, Jesus. That heavy cock swelled. "I'd like to see you try."

He laughed. "Then disobey me, Arrow. And you will." He moved a little faster, rising and falling

on that hard, hard prick. Hunter's hands encouraged him, begged him to move faster. "Holding
only," he reminded his lover. "I'm running this show."

"Only because you already came. Otherwise you'd need me, too."

"Oh, babe. I need you -- can't you see how hard I am? But I'm going to make you take it slowly,

make you take it at my pace."

"Kiss me." Hunter arched for him, so needy it made his chest hurt.

"You are so pushy." He couldn't resist, though, leaning down to bring their mouths together.

Hunter's tongue pushed between his lips, fucking them. He grabbed hold of that tongue, sucking

on it. He could feel Hunter bucking and driving, pushing inside him. He flicked the other nipple

clamp, his ass bearing down hard around Hunter's cock.

Hunter's cry sounded sweet.

"Love you, babe."

"Love. Kyle."

Fuck. He rose up again, hands on Hunter's where they were wrapped around his waist, and rode

hard and fast. "You can come," he whispered.

Hunter roared, hips punching up into him, driving harder and harder before heat filled him.

"Yes! Hunter!" He rose and fell a few more times before he came hard.

Hunter's fingers wrapped around his shoulders, pulled him down into a kiss. "Love you."

"Me, too. So much."

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He rested against his lover's muscles, on that great chest. He was going to have to take the
clamps off, going to have to actually feed Hunter, but this was good. Very good.

He pressed a kiss to his lover's chest and smiled. They were going to have so much fun.

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Chapter Ten

Hunter's nipples ached. Not terribly, but... enough. His shirt bothered them. His jacket pressed
his shirt against them. It was maddening.

He flipped his phone open, dialed Kyle.

"Mmm... you've reached Kyle's pleasure emporium, how may we direct your call, bottom-boy?"

Kyle's soft laughter followed the words.

"I am going to beat your butt when I get home tonight, you turkey." He groaned, cheeks heating.

"No, no, you have that backward, babe. I beat your butt."

He shook his head, steadfastly ignoring the throb that gave him. "I'm going crazy."

"The word you're looking for is kinky, not crazy."

"No, my nipples... Everything I do, I feel them."

"Ah. I bet it's making you hard."

"I'm at the office!"

"What? Is there a force field there that keeps you from getting hard?"

"Argh!" He chuckled because the other option was maddening.

"You need to get off, babe? You want Sir T to come out and play telephone tag with you and

your cock?"

"I'm at work..." And he was going out of his mind.

"Hey, you're the one who called me." Butter wouldn't melt in Kyle's mouth.

"Uh-huh. I called to threaten to beat you, remember." Hunter couldn't help the smile.

"Yes, but you forgot that that's not your job, but mine." Kyle sounded like he was trying not to

laugh again. "Beat you 'til you come from the sheer naughtiness of it."

"Hush." He stretched, groaned a little as his nipples tingled. "You make me fucking crazy."

"That's a good thing."

He found himself nodding. "I might have to take off a couple hours early..."

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"I'll be home by two thirty."

"Cool." He could be home around then.

"I could spank your ass -- make you forget all about your nipples."

"I. I. Kyle, stop it." There was no way. None. Zero. "Gotta go. See you this afternoon?"

His lover chuckled. "I'll be here. Ready and waiting."

"Bye, love."

He hung up the phone and settled at his desk, head in hands. Lord.

Lord, he was in deep.


It was almost three before Kyle made it home. He thought the delay was worth it, though, as he'd

detoured to Play Safe on his way and picked up a little something special for the afternoon.

He let himself in and called out, "Hey, babe, I'm home!"

He didn't get an answer, but he heard the shower running, heard Hunter's tuneless, random


Smiling, he bounced his way into the bedroom and began some quick preparations. He made

sure the lube was on the nightstand, took out the paddle he'd bought at Play Safe, and laid it next

to the slick. He turned the bed down and practiced sitting on the edge, trying to figure out where

exactly to place his ass to give him the best lap space for Hunter to lean over. Not impressed, he

tried the chair by the window and found it worked much better, so he dragged it over to sit next

to the bed. He stripped, and then practiced sitting a few more times.

The water turned off, and the singing went down in volume. He kind of wished he had leather

pants to wear -- to set the tone, so to speak. Maybe it was time to do some honest-to-goodness
shopping of his own. Make a day of it and outfit himself as Sir T from top to bottom, including

Hunter walked into the room, naked, beautiful, half-hard, nipples a sweet, dark red.

This sound came out of him from somewhere deep inside. "Oh, fuck."

"Oh, hey, lover. You're home. I didn't hear you."

"I'm home. You look amazing. Kind of debauched." It was hot.

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"I just needed to wash off." Hunter went to the dresser, opened a drawer.

"And what are you doing now?" Hello, naked lover -- naked master, sitting and waiting.

"I was grabbing a pair of..." The towel dropped and Hunter looked at him. "Oh. Oh, hey. You're

really home."

He chuckled and sat back. "I am." He patted his thighs. "And I'm missing my drape-age."

"Drapeage?" Hunter's eyes went wide, and his lover stepped back. "Huh?"

"You. Draped over my lap." He gave Hunter his best come-hither look.

"Over your lap? Why?"

Kyle raised an eyebrow. Hunter knew. "You're supposed to do as you're told, no questions."

"Says who?" Hunter's cock filled, curved up toward his belly.

"Says me." He patted his lap again.

"I... I can't. I can't do that."


"Kyle. Kyle, I don't..." God, that uncertainty, that reluctance, that need.

"Part of you does. Your cock knows exactly what it wants."

The cock in question was red now, fully hard. Swollen. Hunter blushed, hand actually dropping

to cover his prick. Kyle was burning up with it.

"Don't do that. Don't be ashamed. I'm not."

"Kyle, I can't. You're talking about spanking me. About me letting you."

"And it's turning you on big time."

Hunter shook his head, gulping in air.

"Come and kneel next to me, babe." That had to be an easier request, because Hunter came,

settled next to him. "I know you want it. Your cock jumped up the second I mentioned it." He

reached out, encouraged Hunter's head to rest on his knee. Kyle had never dreamed that this

could be his.

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He stroked Hunter's head, fingers running through the short hair. "I want to feel your ass under
my hand, under the paddle." He spoke softly, like he was sharing a secret.

Hunter's response was a whisper. "Why?"

"Because you'll be so hot like that. God, we're both like rock hard already, just from talking

about it."

"Have you ever done this before?"

"Not for real, just online." He was running on his instincts, and they were batting a thousand so

far, if he did say so himself.

"Is it creepy to be happy about that, you think?"

"No, not creepy at all. We belong to each other, right?"

"Yes." That didn't sound tentative at all.

"Then don't worry about anything but what we're doing together. There's no right or wrong, just

what gets us off." He kept touching, soothing his lover. There was a pride filling him up -- for
Hunter, because of the trust, but also in himself. He was doing this, guiding this, helping Hunter
relax. "The things we do here are ours, nobody else's. So nobody else's opinions matter at all."

"If I don't like it, you'll stop?"

"You remember I made you choose a safeword, babe?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I do." He could feel Hunter's cheek heat against his thigh. "This is hard.


"I'm guessing that's a part of the appeal."

"For you or for me?"

"For both of us."

Hunter didn't say anything for a long time, then his thigh was kissed, once. "I love you." There

was a long pause. "Sir."

It made Kyle whimper softly. "I love you, too, babe." When Hunter draped himself over Kyle's

lap, Kyle thought he might just orgasm right then. He took a few deep breaths, feeling the heat of

Hunter's prick against the inside of his thigh. "So much," he added.

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His hand rubbed over the muscled globes of Hunter's ass, massaging, touching. "I'm going to
start with my hand, and then I'm going to use the paddle a bit." His voice was so husky. "You
have no idea how hot you look like this."

"Not silly?"

"Oh, God, no. Not at all. You're making me so hard." In fact, his cock was poking up against

Hunter's great abs.

He curved his hand around one cheek, squeezing, and Hunter moaned.

"Okay. I'm going to start now."

Hunter tensed against him, body stiff.

"It's going to be good, babe."

He slapped Hunter's ass experimentally. Hunter jerked but didn't say a word. He hit again, a bit

harder this time. He could feel the sting on his palm. Hunter's skin gave under his touch, the pale
ass showing a pink handprint for a second. He moaned and hit the other cheek next, just to watch
his hand print show and then fade away again.

Hunter panted, breathing hard.

"Sexy. Hot. God, Hunter." He hit a few more times. The skin started to heat up, to get pink. He

could feel Hunter against him, leaking, so hot. "You should see, Hunter."

"No. No pictures."

"No, I didn't mean that. Just I wish you could see how hot you are. You feel it, though, don't


Hunter nodded. "It burns."

He reached over for the little leather paddle. "I bought you this today." Hunter groaned for him,

the sound vibrating against his thighs. "You'll have to tell me which one you like better." He

smacked once more with his hand, and then hit Hunter lightly with the paddle.

"I. I don't..."

God, that was hot.

He hit Hunter a few more times with the paddle. The smell of leather was hot, especially with the

way it mixed with Hunter's own scent. Hunter began to move, shifting on his lap, riding him. He

found a rhythm, hitting Hunter over and over again with the paddle. Hunter started moaning,

started bucking, ass turning rosy red.

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"You gonna come for me, Hunter? Come from me doing this?"

"I don't... I don't think..."

"I don't believe thinking's required for coming." He laughed, happy deep inside.

"Don't laugh at me."

"I'm just happy, babe. You make me so damn happy."

"Okay. Okay." Hunter nodded, leaning harder against his thighs.

"I'm going back to my hand." He liked the paddle. He liked feeling Hunter's skin under his palm


"Good. Good, please. I can't... I don't know what to fucking do."

"You don't have to do anything, Hunter. I want you to come, but that's it. That's all."

He struck again, the flesh hotter this time, burning against his palm. It made him groan, and he

could feel his own cock leaking as it rubbed against Hunter's abs. Hunter gasped, scooted

forward against his thighs. That had him groaning again, and he smacked Hunter's ass a few

more times.

When he stopped, he let his hand rest in the crease of that sweet, burning ass, fingers teasing the

hole. Hunter was so hot here, and when he dipped the tip of one finger in, it was so tight and soft

like silk. Hunter moaned, hips bucking and taking him deeper.

"Let me get the lube." He stretched and got the lube from the nightstand, popping it open as he

grabbed it.

"Are we staying here?"

"For now." He wasn't sure he was finished with the spanking just yet. Besides... "I like having

you over my lap like this." He loved the way Hunter blushed for him, bucked. "Yeah, so sexy,


He slicked his fingers up and slipped two into Hunter's hole.

"Mmm." That deep sound proved how Hunter was with him, focused.

He pushed his fingers deeper, searching for Hunter's sweet spot. When he found it, Hunter cried

out for him, almost rolling off his lap.

"Good, huh?" Hunter didn't bottom all that much, and this would be a treat for both of them.

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Hunter moaned softly, nodded. "Been. Been awhile."

"We'll move to the bed once you're ready." He kept working Hunter with his fingers, pushing his

fingers deep again and again.

"Ready for what?" Hunter's body was moving, rippling.

"For me to make love to you."

Hunter nodded, hands sliding over his legs.

"I love your hands." They were big and warm and knew just how to touch him. He pegged

Hunter's gland a few more times.

"Getting lightheaded, Kyle."

"Up and onto the bed, then. On your back, so I can watch your face as I make love to you."

Hunter pushed up, stumbling back, cock thick and hard and bobbing. He reached out, holding

onto his lover's hips to steady him. "Careful, babe."

"Sorry." That ass was hot to his touch.

He rubbed it, moaning happily. "No apologies."

"No?" Hunter's cock was rock hard, leaking.

"No, you're doing your best. You're rocking my world." He stood and started backing Hunter up

toward the bed.

"I want to."

"You do. Am I rocking yours?" 'Cause it wasn't just about him -- it was about both of them.

Hunter met his eyes. "I'm in a little over my head. I feel like my skin doesn't fit." The husky

voice lowered to a whisper. "Like I did when we... when you and I... chatted."

"I've got you, babe. I'll make your skin fit again." He pushed Hunter onto the bed.

"Yeah?" Hunter's thighs parted.

"Yeah." He climbed onto the bed, slicking his cock up as he crawled between Hunter's legs.

Hunter groaned, hand sliding down the long body to wrap around that fat cock.

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"No." He slapped at Hunter's hand. "No touching."


"That's mine. You can grab your knees and hold them back."

"Oh, fuck." Hunter's eyes rolled. "Kyle. Kyle, fuck."

"Yeah. Yeah, fucking." He pushed Hunter's legs back, waited for his lover to grab the bent


Hunter did, spread wide, and Kyle thought he'd just come from looking. He inched forward on

his knees, moving until his cock was pressed against Hunter's tight little hole. Hunter's body
jerked, spasmed against his prick.

"Oh, fuck. Fuck." He sank slowly into Hunter, his lover's tight body opening, stretching to let
him in.

A deep groan pushed out of Hunter, the cry ringing through the air.

"My Hunter. My man."

Hunter nodded, gasped. "Yours. Yours, oh, fuck, it's good."

"You feel amazing." Wonderful, incredible, terrific...

Hunter offered him a smile, then those eyes closed.

"Look at me, love. I want to see you when you come."

"Kyle..." Look at that smile.

"Look at me, Hunter." He leaned over his lover, pushing Hunter's knees against the broad chest.

"No hiding."

"Or what?" Hunter's eyes opened, glinted at him.

"Or it won't be nearly as good as it could be." He wanted to see his lover's eyes.

Hunter's laugh was full, honest, and brought a smile to his face. "I love you, huh?"

"I sure hope so, because I love you so much."

Hunter looked at him, full-on. "If you don't move soon, I'm going to scream."

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"I want to hear you scream regardless." He started moving, though. He pulled almost all the way
out and then sank in again. Fuck, Hunter's body was like a furnace, gripping his cock like a fist.
He pulled out and pushed in again, moaning loudly as he did it.

"Again." Hunter's eyes were like lasers.

"Yes." He thrust again. Then again. Then again. God, he wasn't going to last any time at all.

"Hard..." Hunter jerked as he slammed in. "There. Kyle. Sir. Please."

"Right here?" He thrust a few more times, trying to nail Hunter's gland.

"Uh..." Hunter reached for him.

He reached out as well, fingers sliding on Hunter's little swollen nipples.

"Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, don't touch 'em." Hunter's ass went wild around his cock.

He cried out at the sensation, hips pushing harder, his fingers lingering on Hunter's nipples. Each

touch made Hunter wilder, that big body fucking itself on his cock.

"Look at you. Oh God!" He cried out, meeting Hunter's movements and then driving them.

"God. God..." Hunter seemed almost to growl. "Fuck. Harder. It aches."

"Your whole body aches so good, huh?"

"My nipples. They burn."

"Uh-huh." He leaned over and took one in his mouth, still pushing into his lover over and over.

"Fuck!" Hunter's arms wrapped around him, holding him tight.

He kept thrusting, kept sucking, losing himself in his lover.

"I need to come. Oh, fuck. I need to. Kyle. Lover..."

He let go of Hunter's nipple, shaking his head as he thrust for all he was worth. "I get to say

when. You wait 'til I say."

"Going to beat your ass..." Hunter's eyes rolled.

"Nope. My job." He laughed, but the sound was breathless and husky and oh, God, he needed to

come, too. Right now. "Okay. Now! Come on my cock, Hunter."

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He brushed Hunter's prick, just once, and his lover jerked and shot, spunk spraying between
them. Hunter's tight ass went even tighter around his prick and he cried out, shouting as he came
hard. Hunter was wrapped around him, squeezing him tight. He let Hunter hold his weight, head
on his lover's shoulder as he panted.

"Mmm." Hunter didn't speak, just stayed close.

He patted Hunter's pec and settled in, happy. Really happy.

The blankets drifted down around them, soft and comfortable. They'd have to get up, eat. Talk.

For now, they were perfect just where they were.

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Chapter Eleven

Hunter headed downstairs for the weight room he'd put in the garage. He needed to think. He

loaded up the barbell and started doing bench presses, focusing on finding the burn.

He'd let Kyle spank him. He had let Kyle spank him like he was a wayward child. He'd let it

happen and he'd gotten hard. He didn't know what that fuck to do about that. What kind of guy

did that? What kind of guy let someone do that? What the fuck was wrong with him?

He didn't know how long he'd been out there when a soft knock sounded at the door and it

opened slightly. "Babe?"

"Uh-huh." He was doing bicep curls now, sweating hard, heart pounding too hard to think.

"Oh, look at you." Kyle made a pleased noise and came to sit, watching him.

"I'm sweaty." Still, he liked that Kyle still looked. Hell, looked hard.

"I know. It's sexy." Kyle licked his lips, and there was a definite tenting happening in his sweats.

Hunter felt his cheeks heat and he shook his head, focusing on his next set. "You get in a good


"I did. Missed you when I woke up, though." Kyle stretched, his T-shirt riding up over his belly

for a moment. "I could make supper if you're hungry."

"I had to think." His eyes were on that strip of belly. "I'll buy pizza."

"You had to think about buying pizza?" Kyle's voice was gentle, teasing.

"Dork." He grinned a little, moved to do his flies. He was wearing out. "You know what I had to

think about."

"I know. So what were you thinking?"

He would have shrugged if his shoulders weren't busy. "About this afternoon."

"Mmm. That was hot. You were hot. God." Kyle's voice had gone all throaty, and he squirmed

where he was sitting.

Hunter wasn't sure that he had been, but he liked Kyle's response. A lot.

"Did you think it was hot? You got hard, and you came like a ton of bricks."

"I... I'm a little unnerved that I did. That it did."

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"Because big tough guys like you shouldn't like stuff like that?"

"It's not about being big or tough."

"What's it about, then?"

He put the weights down with a clank. "I let you put me over your knee, Kyle!"

"Yeah. And we both got off on it."

"I did, but I don't get it. I'm just..." He did shrug this time, shut himself up. Quit being a fucking

idiot. Work out.

"That's why we're exploring it, right? Figuring out what we both like." Kyle got up and came

right over to him. "We can talk about it, or we can just accept that we liked it. It's ours. We can

do whatever we want with it."

"You aren't a little freaked out?" He was. Maybe more than a little.

"I'm loving it, actually."

He went over to rack his weights, muscles flexing.

Kyle's hands landed on his back, slid up across his shoulders. "You're freaked out by it, huh?"

"A little bit. I'm freaked out that I let you do that."

"Why?" Kyle kept rubbing his back, his shoulders.

"Because grown-ups don't drape themselves over their lover's laps and get spanked every day."

Kyle snorted. "You're kidding, right? Spanking is, like, the most common kink."

"You think?" Not that he needed to be like everyone else.

"No, I don't think -- I know. I've been into this for awhile, yeah? I've been to the sites and shit.

There are a billion out there, dedicated to grown men being spanked. Most of them by women."

Hunter wrinkled his nose. "Does that mean I have to let someone with boobs do me now?"

Kyle cackled and then wrapped his arms around Hunter's waist. "Nobody touches you but me,

babe. I'm serious."

Okay, so that was hot. "You're sure?"

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"One hundred percent."

"No sharing me around?"

Kyle's arms tightened. "No."

His cock jerked, filled in his little shorts. His ass was sensitive, tingling a bit where Kyle pressed

against him.

"No matter what else we do, babe, you're mine. That's never going to change."

Hunter shivered a little. "Yours, huh?" His whole body was hearing that, loud and clear.

"That's right." Kyle had this little growl in his voice that was going right to Hunter's balls.

"Prove it to me." He could handle it if Kyle helped him stop fucking thinking, let him feel again.

"You're going to have to turn around, then." Kyle's hands landed on his hips, began twisting him


"I'm sweaty." Hunter's cock brushed against those fingers.

"Yeah, it's a bit of a turn on, actually. Besides, your mouth isn't sweaty."

"Are you sure?" His mouth was actually a little dry.

"I am. But my cock could check it."

That made him chuckle. "That was bad, man."

Kyle grinned. "It was. But you suck so good."

"You like me on my knees." His cock was right with it, too, this new, fascinating game.

"I do. I like holding onto these wide shoulders and watching your mouth swallow me up." Kyle's

eyes were glittering.

He was never going to stop blushing. Ever.

"It's so hot." Kyle's hands rested on his shoulders and pressed him downward.

Hunter went easily, knees finding the edge of one of the mats he kept down here for ab work.

Kyle nodded. "Yeah. Sexy. Hot. God, Hunter, you make me need."

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"Do I? Did you think about me like this? Before?"

Kyle blushed, cheeks rosy. "Yeah. I did. Sometimes when I jacked off, and whenever I played
online, it was always you I pictured."

"Good." He was fiercely glad.

Kyle stroked a hand through his hair. "Take my prick out, Hunter."

That was easy enough. Easy and exactly what he wanted.

"Suck me. God, I've been harder more in this last week..."

"Uh-huh. Everything feels new."

"Yeah. It's awesome. Hot." Kyle's cock pushed out from his open pants.

"Love." He leaned in, moaning happily at the flavor of his lover.

Kyle's breath hitched, and his only answer was a soft moan. Hunter sucked, tongue mapping the
long shaft from base to swollen head.

"Such a hot mouth." Kyle's fingers slid from his head and wrapped around his shoulders. The
words felt like another touch, like another caress. "Love it. Your mouth. Love it."

Hunter flexed for Kyle, sucking harder as he did. Moaning, Kyle ran a hand over his shoulder.
Sweat and musk and sex -- Hunter's eyes rolled at the way the room smelled. Kyle began to
move, hips jerking, pushing the long cock right in. He swallowed on each thrust, taking Kyle in
deeper and deeper.

"Yeah. God. You feel good. You do."

Hunter thought it was Kyle that felt good. Really good.

"Wanna do this all night."

He smiled, pulled harder. No way was Kyle going to last all night. Kyle jerked and cried out,

hands tightening on his shoulders. No way at all.

Hunter hummed, slowed his motions. He didn't have a problem making Kyle ask for it, though.

Noises and nonsense words poured down on him. It all meant the same thing, though. It meant
"fuck yeah," and "don't stop."

"Oh, God. Harder." He gentled his suction, teasing. Kyle groaned. "Don't make me spank you

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He slapped the tip of Kyle's cock with his tongue.

"Fuck!" Kyle jerked, pushing deep.

He swallowed hard, hands wrapped around Kyle's hips.

"More!" Kyle started to hump his mouth, hips growing wild beneath his hands.

Hunter didn't tease any more; he let Kyle take him, fuck his lips.

"Yes! Fuck! Hunter!" He could hear Kyle losing it, hear it in his lover's voice.

He sucked deeper, one finger sliding back to press into Kyle's hole.

"Hunter!" His lover cried out, come pouring down his throat.

He pulled hard, sucking for all he was worth, working the stiff, long cock. A few more dribbles

of come coated his tongue, Kyle making the best happy noises. Cleaning the sweet cock, he

licked and lapped, his own prick swollen.

"Mmm...so good, Hunter." Kyle's fingers were back in his hair, stroking and touching, "Wanna

watch you jack off for me now."

Oh, Jesus. He groaned, pulling once, sharply, on the tip of Kyle's cock. Kyle stepped back, cock

leaving his mouth with a pop. Hunter leaned back on his heels, resting.

"Take it out, babe. I know you're hard and you want to."

"You make me ache." He slipped his hand inside his sweats, found his cock.

"Pull them down, babe. I want to see."

His cheeks heated, but he tugged his sweats down. He didn't have anything to be ashamed of.

Kyle moaned, the sound honest. "Love you, love your cock."

Hunter's balls drew up, and he started stroking.

"Yeah, tug it for me. That's right."

He'd never expected Kyle to have such a filthy mouth.

"My beautiful, cocksucking man."

"Kyle!" His hips jerked, pushing his cock harder into his touch.

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Kyle smiled down at him, licked his lips. "Yeah. I know what I like. I know what you like, too.
We both like it when I watch you jack that thick, hard cock off."

He groaned, bit his lip, praying Kyle didn't stop.

"Squeeze it tight, Hunter. Come on, I want to see your spunk flying up."

"Jesus. Jesus, Kyle." His knees spread, and he started fucking his hand.

"Yeah, like that. Look at those hips snap."

He met Kyle's eyes, just fucking wild. When had the man become so fucking hot?

"I know just what you want, Hunter. You want me to tell you that you're allowed to come. And I

will. But you'll have to wait, first."

"Fuck." He was going out of his fucking mind.

"No, babe. This is jacking off." Kyle's laughter was soft and husky, with a bit of a hitch.

He flipped Kyle off with his free hand.

"Careful, babe. I might not let you come."

He groaned, shook. "I wouldn't want to beat you."

"No, because that's my job. Keep jacking that fine, fucking prick."

He leaned back a little, propping himself on one hand.

"Oh, there you go. Beautiful show-off." Groaning, Kyle rubbed at his own prick and then licked

his lips again. "Just a bit longer, babe. I'll let you come soon."

He was sweating again, hips driving up into his hand like they had a mind of their own.

"Yeah, like that. Fuck, just look at you. God." He could hear the need in each of Kyle's words.

"Okay, babe. You can come now. Show me."

It only took another pull or two and he was shooting, come pulsing from his cock.

Kyle knelt down in front of him and cupped his cheeks, kissing him eagerly. All Hunter could do

was open to it. Kyle's kisses were hungry and happy, his lover's arms sliding around his waist

and holding on. He wrapped his arms around Kyle's waist, fingers digging into the rounded ass,


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Kyle stopped kissing him for a moment, staring into his eyes. "I love you, Hunter."

He chuckled, leaned forward, and rubbed their noses together. "You sure?"

Kyle laughed softly, nodded. "Yeah. Very."

"Good." Because he wasn't doing this alone. No way.

Squeezing him tight, Kyle sniffed. "I think we need to hit the shower, babe."

"Yeah. We're a little rank." And not in that fun, spanky way.

"Yeah, well, I still love you anyway."

"Good." He nodded, stood, headed Kyle toward the stairs. "Because you're my fucking life,

lover. Have been from the start."

The smile he received was beaming.

"So, did you book our cruise?"

"I did. A week in the Caribbean. Sun, water, and all the food we can eat."

"You, me, sex on the waves."

Kyle giggled and pressed against him as they headed toward the bathroom. "Yeah. Sounds like

paradise, babe."

"You know it."

"I do." Kyle gave him a wink and stopped them, tilting his face up for a kiss.

God, he was a lucky man.

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Chapter Twelve

Finishing his solo dinner, Kyle grabbed a glass of wine in one hand and his laptop in the other.

He took them both to bed. Turning the laptop on, he stripped while it booted.

Hunter was on a business trip, but two days after he got back, they were off to the Caribbean for

their cruise. The only reason Kyle wasn't chomping at the bit to be on it already was, well, he

was meeting Hunter tonight, now wasn't he?

Or rather, Sir T was meeting Arrow.

He logged on to ForMen, looking to see if Arrow was there. Not yet. He grinned and waited for

the phone to ring, for Hunter to call and ask him about his day. His man was a creature of...

Arrow's name popped up. Damn. Hunter really was very into this; it wasn't a fluke. Good.

Grinning, he opened a private message window. "Arrow."

"Hey." He could see Hunter's smile in his mind.

His cock jerked and began to fill. This was so much better knowing that Arrow was his lover.

"R U naked?" he asked.

"No... R u?"

"Yes! Strip!"


He chuckled and shook his head. "That's Sir Bossy 2 U."

He could almost hear Hunter's laugh, and then the request for webchat came up. He typed in, "U

better b naked," before he hit accept on webchat.

Hunter's face appeared, but that was it. "Hey, lover."

"Sir, lover." It was different not having to type anymore, but he liked it.

"Sir." Hunter looked tired but happy.

"That's better. How come you're not naked yet?"

"I have the top stuff off."

"Like I said, how come you're not naked yet?" Beautiful man. He loved how Hunter's cheeks

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pinked, body wiggling as he slid his briefs off. "Mmm... looking good, babe." God, Kyle was in

He could see Hunter's grin, see the blush. Hot bastard.

He licked his lips. "Put the laptop at the end of the bed and then kneel up near the headboard. I

should be able to see all of you that way, and the mic should pick up your noises."

"Kyle..." Hunter moaned, and it was so fucking hot.

"Do what you're told, babe." His cock was getting so hard from Hunter's sounds, his reactions.

"Yes, sir."

Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. His beautiful man. He moaned, knowing Hunter could hear the sound; he

was more than willing to share how much this turned him on with his lover.

Hunter got settled, filling cock bobbing between thick thighs. "Is this okay?"

"Mmmhmm. You comfortable?" Not too comfortable, he hoped.

"I'm okay. It's a little weird."

"Was it weird when you didn't know it was me?"

And no matter how 'weird' Hunter thought it was, the man was hard, cock kissing that amazing

belly. "God, yes."

He giggled and then cleared his throat. "It's me, babe. Just like when we're at home. Start

stroking your cock, nice and easy."

Hunter did as he said, hand moving so slow. "Miss you, lover."

"I know. This makes it easier, though, doesn't it?" He loved watching Hunter stroke himself. It

was so much better than just imagining it.

"Yeah. Yeah, it does." Hunter was humming softly now, rocking into his own hand.

"No coming 'til I say so." He knew he had to remind Hunter of that.

"Hmm?" He saw the tiny quirk of lips.

"You heard me." He put all his firmness into the words, loving the way he could see Hunter's

body respond. "Now, stop touching your cock. You're going to work your nipples. You brought
the clamps with you, right?" He should know -- he'd packed them, though Hunter might not have
found them yet.

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"What? No. No, of course not."

He laughed softly. "When was the last time you packed your own bag, babe? Trust me, the

clamps are in there. Check that little pouch in front."

"Tell me you didn't pack any... other toys..." Hunter headed for the bag. Oh, man. That gave him

a great ass shot.

"Does that mean you won't play with the vibrating plug?" he called out. Not that they actually

owned such a thing. Yet.

"The what?" Hunter's hips jerked.

He bit his lip to keep from laughing. "Vibrating plug. You know, the thing you shove up your ass

that vibrates?"


He giggled softly. "What?"

"Listen to you." Hunter's whole body came into view, clamps in hand. "I can't use these tonight,

Kyle. I have to work tomorrow."

"That's why you're going to use them tonight. And tomorrow, every time you move and your

shirt brushes your nipples, you'll think of me."

Hunter's lips parted, hips rocking forward.

Oh, yeah, his lover was into it. "Back on your knees, Arrow."

"I..." Hunter's hands ran over his body.

"Knees. Now. Don't make me repeat myself."

"Oh. Oh, fuck."

Having the webcam was fucking amazing. He leaned back on his pillows, touching himself as he

watched Hunter get back into kneeling position.

"This is crazy."

"This is sexy." He licked his lips. Very sexy. "Pinch your nipples."

"I..." Hunter's fingers stroked the tiny, taut nipples.

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"I said pinch, Arrow." He snapped the words out.

Hunter's eyes went wide, hips humping the air for a second. Then those tiny little bits of flesh

were pinched between those thick fingers.

"That's better." It sure was; his cock throbbed, wanting to be there to pinch them himself.

Hunter nodded but didn't speak. Beautiful man.

"Now, put the left clamp on."

"It'll drive me crazy tomorrow."

"I know. Do it."

Hunter dropped the clamp twice before he got it on. Dear, sweet man.

"There you go, babe. Well done."

Hunter was breathing hard now, and Kyle could see his lover's abs rolling. Just last night, Hunter

had fucked him hard, worked him through two orgasms, that muscled body driving into him.

He shifted his legs restlessly, taking his cock in hand and stroking. "The other one now. Put it


Hunter shook his head, but the big hand moved.

"That's it, Arrow." He moaned softly. "You're going to get a reward when you get home." Maybe

even that vibrating plug.

"Am I?" Hunter whimpered softly.

"Yes. Something wonderful for us to play with. You can touch your cock now."

"I want the clamps off..."

"When I say so." It made him hot.

Hunter's fingers were jacking the hard cock again, tugging from base to tip.

"Slowly, slowly, babe. Make it last."

"I want you."

"I'm right here. In our bed. Naked. All yours."

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Hunter's cry was almost desperate. "Tease."

"Just something to hold onto when you flick the left nipple clamp."

Hunter shook his head, hand moving faster. "Fuck..."

"Do it," he demanded.

"Going to make you pay when I get home..."


"Arrow." He wasn't going to let Hunter come if the man didn't flick that nipple clamp.

Those fingers moved, Hunter groaning low, hips rolling.

"Now the other one." They were going to really make Hunter crazy tomorrow.

Hunter did it, barely flicking them.

"Harder, Arrow."

"Damn it... I have to work tomorrow..." Still, the touches were repeated.

He knew. That was the point. "Again," he demanded.

"Fuck..." Hunter moved back, his cock dark red and leaking.

"Once more, Arrow. Then I'll let you fuck your hand until you come." He knew Hunter liked it

when he talked dirty.

"I wish you were here."

"I know. But whenever you feel your nipples after this, I kind of will be. So flick the clamps

again. Hard this time."

"Asshole." Hunter did it, hips bucking furiously.

"Tsk, tsk. Language." He stroked his own nipples with one hand, the other working his cock. He

wanted to reach through the screen and jack Hunter off, be the one physically responsible for his

lover's orgasm.

"Want to suck you."

"God, yes. I love your mouth around me."

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Hunter nodded, moaning low, but loud enough that he could hear.

"Yeah, lick your lips. Imagine my cock filling your mouth while you jack off." He was working

his own cock pretty good now, imagining he was fucking his lover's hot mouth.

"Sir..." Hunter was humping up, cock appearing and disappearing over and over.

He groaned, loving that word out of Hunter's mouth. "Okay, Arrow. Come for me now."

"I. I. Fuck. Fuck, please... Yes." Hunter arched violently, streams of spunk shooting from that fat


Moaning quietly, Kyle shot, too. His eyes closed for a second, but he popped them back open as

soon as he could, immediately looking at Hunter's face.

Hunter panted, leaning back. "W...wow."

"Yeah." He laughed softly, rubbing the come into his belly as Kyle watched his beautiful lover

trying to catch his breath.

"I. You willing to chat a little longer tonight, lover?"

"As long as you want, babe." Being with Hunter was the best thing in the world, and it just kept

getting better.

"I want." Hunter reached out, touched the screen. "I so want."

"You'll be home before we know it, babe. In the meantime, we have this, right?"

"You know it. We've got it all."


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