Sean Michael Velvet Glove Volume I

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Sean Michael

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Sean Michael

Torquere Press

Copyright © 2007 by Sean Michael

First published in, 2007

NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making
copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without
limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation
of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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Connor's Journey............................................................................................................................. 5

Peace Within the Quiet ................................................................................................................. 85

Love and the Farmer ..................................................................................................................... 99

Soaring With Hawk..................................................................................................................... 112

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Connor’s Journey

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Chapter One

Oh, man.
Oh, man, this place was …
Oh, man.
Connor looked around from his perch in the corner. When Micah had invited him to the

pre-commitment sendoff, he’d been a little nervous, but sort of eager. He’d heard the food at the
Velvet Glove was amazing, the booze wasn’t watered down and that the shows were …

Memorable was right.
He wasn’t a virgin. Hell, he wasn’t even inexperienced, but when he’d watched this huge

man lead another through the room by his cock? And no one even cared? Wow.

Micah leaned over and nudged his shoulder. “Having fun?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Music’s good. I … This place is something else.”
Micah nodded furiously, curls bobbing. “Yeah. I mean, can you imagine? Leading

someone around like that? I mean, do you know anyone who would let you do that back home?”

Just the thought made him laugh. Oh, right. Like anyone in their neighborhood would

ever. That’s why they were here.

In the city.
In this club.
“You want to go dance, Con? Vic and I are going to.”
“Yeah. Okay. Let me finish my drink and I’ll find you.” He was a little short and klutzy

to be dancing, but give Micah and Vic ten minutes and they’d be all starry-eyed for each other
and he could just hang and people watch.

As he watched as Micah and Vic head to the dance floor a deep, even voice sounded at

his elbow. “I was wondering if you would share your table?”

Connor looked up, nodding and smiling politely before he even met the stranger’s eyes.

“Sure. In fact, I’m just finishing my drink and then you can have the whole thing. It’s a good
table, almost private. Out of the traffic.”

He was given a soft, enigmatic smile. “I know.”
“Oh? You’ve been here before, I guess.” Connor pinked a little, but shrugged. He was a

newbie. It had to show, no reason to be embarrassed by it.

“Indeed. You might say this is my table.”
The man was tall and nicely built with short brown hair and warm brown eyes.
“Desmond Filgree,” the man told him, hand held out.

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“Connor Dean.” He stood, took the man’s hand. “Did we take your table? The waitstaff

brought us here.”

Either that or the man just really wanted this table, which was sort of a bitch because it

was nice and private for people watching.

Desmond shook his head. “I had not reserved it and as I am alone tonight, I am quite

happy to share.” The man leaned in and purred at him. “It’s the perfect place to people watch.”

Connor blinked and took a half step back, then nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking


Man, these uptowners had the weirdest sense of personal space.
“Well then, shall we?” Desmond held out his chair for him.
“Oh. Yes. All right.” He took another half step and managed to sit without actually

touching the other man. Of course, the dress clothes he was in weren’t the most comfortable or
mobile clothes in the universe and he ended up with the sateen tunics binding his chest.

Desmond gave him another of those enigmatic smiles, this one rather knowing, and sat,

not across from him, but next to him.

Well, hell. There was no way he could get the tunic free without looking like the

universe’s biggest zero. And now he couldn’t even get out without asking D … D … Devin?
Darren? Damnit … the guy to move.

One of the waitstaff came by and the guy ordered a brandy. “Would you like another,

Connor Dean?” he was asked, the man nodding at his drink.

“I …” He checked his credstick. Hmm. Okay. One more and then beans for supper

tomorrow. “Yes, please. I’d like another.”

“Another for Connor Dean, put it on my tab.”
“Yes, Mr. Desmond, Sir.”
Once the waiter had gone, Desmond turned to him. “Have you eaten yet? I’m famished

and I hate eating alone.”

Oh, like this place was in his credlimit. “I was planning on getting a bite later.” In one of

the sandwich stops at the transport.

“Excellent, then you can eat with me.”
The waiter brought their drinks and before he could protest Desmond ordered for them


Connor blinked. Well, frig, that man was self-sure. “You’re a very … confident man.”
“Thank you, I am.” Desmond gave him a look. “So what brings you to the Glove this

night, Connor?”

“My oldest friend and his partner are having a commitment ceremony next week. They’re

celebrating and they invited me along.”

“How wonderful for them. And how nice of them to help fate along.”
“Fate? How do you mean?” He tilted his head and tried to get his damnable tunic


“You are here at my table, looking for a master and I am here, late this evening, looking

for someone to teach. A match blessed by fate, wouldn’t you say?”

“A what?” Surely he’d misunderstood. Surely the man had said teacher and not master

and then he’d just have to explain that he wasn’t good at school at all and he was happy as an

“A match blessed by fate.” Desmond shrugged. “A little dramatic perhaps, but then that’s

what this place is all about, isn’t it?”

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Desmond reached out and undid one of his buttons, his tunic loosening.
“Oh, thank you. Silly dress clothes.” He wiggled until everything was settled, deciding

that Desmond must be talking about Micah and Vic because nothing else made sense.

At all.
“Something simple would suit you better. Or nothing at all.” Desmond seemed to have

moved closer, the fingers that had dealt with his buttons now sliding along the back of his hand.

“The guys wanted things to be fancy …” Nothing? Nothing at all? Oh, man. The guy was

so coming onto him. He gave Desmond a grin. “I’m usually a plain linen and shirt type of man.”

“Hmmm … I meant simple and classy. A silk robe, leather pants and nipple clamps.” He

got a wicked wink and his hand was turned over, Desmond’s attention turning to his palm.

He blinked.
Okay, Connor. Recover. Come on. You’re no shrinking virgin.
“Well, I might manage the robe, if it’s the faux-silk.” He tried to find a playful grin, tried

to dump the blush. “Somehow I don’t see leather in my future.”

He’d just ignore the …
The nipple clamps.
Desmond held his hand in a warm, smooth one, fingertips dancing over his palm, tracing

the lines there. “Ah, but I do … You see this line here? This is your kink line and it is very, very
long. I don’t believe I’ve seen one this long ever before. Aside from my own of course.”

“A kink line?” He leaned forward to look, curious. “I’ve never heard of that before.”
“It is a sadly neglected area of palmistry. A lost art, if you will.” Desmond’s fingers slid

gently over his palm, the index finger tracing one of the lines. Des was right – it was pretty long.

His fingers curled up around Desmond’s touch, the reaction automatic. “So does long

mean a long time or a whole lot?”

“Ah, the answer to that lies in your other palm. May I?”
“Yeah, sure. Okay.” He offered over his other hand, palm up. Desmond’s fingers were

dark against his paler skin.

“Oh yes, this one is long as well, longer in fact. That means a whole lot for a long time.”

Desmond smiled at him, brown eyes warm as his hands were held.

“Oh.” He sat there for a minute, just watching Desmond before it came to him what he

was doing and he slowly pulled his hands away. “Sorry. I … Uh … Sort of got lost there for a

“Would you like to get lost for more than just a second, Connor Dean?” Desmond’s voice

was low and intimate, husky and filled with promises he couldn’t quite grasp.

“You are a forward one, aren’t you? So confident.” He smiled as he surreptitiously

adjusted his cock. Their food came then, the best looking spread he’d ever seen. “Oh, wow.”

Desmond’s smile grew. “Enjoy the meal, Connor. I hope you like it. And I hope that you

will let me feed you again.”

Desmond took his napkin and reached into his lap to spread it out. “We wouldn’t want

your fancy clothes to get stained … just yet.”

He scooted back so those fingers wouldn’t brush his hard prick. “Oh, I’ll eat neatly. I

won’t spill.”

“Do I make you nervous, Connor Dean?”
No … Why would a tall, beautiful man who had him almost trapped at a table while

holding his hand and talking about nipple clamps – which he hadn’t even ever thought about
before, much less seen – make him nervous?

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“Am I acting nervous?”
“Some. Of course I am used to having such an effect on people.” Desmond sat back and

spread a napkin in his own lap, picked up his utensils. “Please, Connor, share your meal with

“I just …” He picked up his fork in nerveless hands. “You’re very different from the

people I know.”

“Thank you.” Desmond inclined his head and looked very pleased. “I would very much

like to become the people you know.”

He smiled over, he couldn’t help it. There was something appealing about those eyes, that

confidence. He was used to hunting for company, not being pursued and the change was heady.

Desmond took a small bite of his dinner and closed his eyes, making a soft moaning

sound. “Oh, Connor, you really must taste this salmon – it is divine.”

Another small bite was taken up on Desmond’s fork and held out to him.
He started to reach for the fork, but there was no way to take it gracefully, so he opened

his lips, taking the bite.

Oh. Oh, it was good.
The fork slid slowly from his mouth and Desmond slid a finger across his lower lip.

“People drop in for the novelty, they stay for the company and the food.”

“I … I can understand that.” And people like him took the one chance he had to enjoy it,

because he’d never be able to afford to come back. He licked the tip of Desmond’s finger before
wrapping his lips around it.

He could flirt, too.
Those intense eyes darkened and he swore he heard a purr.
He pulled a little harder, letting his teeth drag just a little, enjoying the thrill of doing this.


With this man.
Desmond kept looking at him, even as the long lashes drooped, not quite hiding the dark


Desmond’s free hand was suddenly on his knee, fingers stroking.
His thigh muscle bunched, his prick leaping. Damn. Damn, he was never going to be able

to move. Or eat. Or breathe.

“Do you need assistance?” Desmond asked softly.
He let Desmond’s finger slide free, confused. “Assistance?”
“With this,” murmured Desmond, hand sliding up his thigh and around his hard prick.
“Oh!” He jumped, eyes going wide. Oh. Oh. Okay. Now. Whoa. Public. They were in.

And he was. And oh. “Someone might see.”

Desmond’s eyes flicked around the room and then met his again. “If they are looking,

they might.”

That hand never moved though. Well, it moved, but not away.
“I don’t …” Oh, heavens. He wished his hair wasn’t pulled back, wished his clothes were

looser. Wished they were alone.

“You don’t what, Connor Dean?” Desmond’s fingers were sliding along his prick, warm

and firm. “You don’t need any assistance? You don’t want anyone to see? You don’t usually do
things like this?”

“I never do things like this.” He ducked his head, swallowing his moan desperately and

thought about mud and grease and worms and not-sexy things.

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“Oh … your first time and I get to be here for it.” Desmond’s voice was little more than a

purr, almost sub-vocal.

“I … Your food’s getting cold.” Oh, god. Unsexy thoughts. Unsexy thoughts.
“I’m not hungry for food, Connor Dean.”
Desmond had clever fingers because one-handed the man managed to open the stubborn

button at the top of his pants and the three beneath it and he was wishing he’d worn underwear
because suddenly that large hand was wrapped right around his cock.

“I …” He was going to sink under the table and die. His own hands were gripping the

edge of the table, white-knuckled and shaking. “You … This is … Anyone could see … Micah
and Vic could come back.”

“Does that make you want to hurry or slow down and make it last?” Desmond’s hand

stayed wrapped around his prick, kept stroking.

He gasped, toes curling in his best shoes. “I don’t know. I can’t think.”
Desmond chuckled, the sound soft. “Don’t think Connor, just feel.”
The hand around his cock tightened, pulling faster, Desmond’s thumb sliding across the

top of his prick.

Oh. He was going to shoot. He was and there wasn’t anything he could do about it, either.

His balls were tight and his cock was throbbing and his nipples were hard as rocks and rubbing
against his tunic and … Oh.

Desmond purred, hand still working him as he came slowly down. Then his pants were

gently refastened and Desmond began to lick his own hand clean of spunk.

Connor’s cheeks were burning, body thrumming with a mixture of pleasure and

embarrassment and shock and desire. He didn’t know what to do next, what to say. What to do.

There was a man licking his come off long fingers in a restaurant like it was …


God, he was out of his league.
Desmond’s eyes closed and he moaned and then those brown eyes were turned on him

again. “Your taste appeals far more to my pallet than the food, Connor Dean. Thank you for
sharing it.”

“Th … thank you. I mean, you’re welcome. I mean …” Oh, hell. He didn’t know what he


Desmond gave him a long, considering look and then smiled warmly once more. “Would

you like to take a tour of the club, Connor? There are several private rooms I would very much
like to share with you. Not to mention my own suite.”

Curiosity battled with good sense battled with pride battled with curiosity again.

Curiosity won. Curiosity always won.

“Yes. Yes, I’d like to see.”
Desmond called a waiter over. “Please have our food placed in warmers and brought to

my rooms.”

“Yes, Mr. Desmond, Sir.”
“Thank you.”

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Desmond stood and held out his hand. “Come, Connor Dean. There is much, I wish to

show you.”
Connor nodded and swallowed hard, sliding his hand into Desmond’s, leaving his friends and the
quiet corner table behind.

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Chapter Two

Desmond prided himself on a few very precise abilities.
He was a master as a BDSM top.
And he could tell what a man’s proclivities were just from a brief observation.
Connor Dean was a man who was waiting to blossom under the hand of a master top.

Connor just didn’t know it yet. But Des did.

He knew also that he would have to woo Connor carefully, but confidently. It was in

Connor’s nature to respond to a confident, self-assured man.

Oh, the things they would do together.
It would be a most excellent adventure.
And how much of a thrill did it give him to have Connor’s hand in his as he led the man

through the main floor of the club to the lifts? He knew it didn’t show, but it excited him, as
much as the taste of Connor’s come on his skin had, as much as the look in those eyes as Connor
came had.

His prick throbbed, but he ignored it. He could wait. Before the night was done he would

have his pleasure from Connor’s mouth or he would have failed in bringing Connor into his

He gave Mal a nod as he passed the man and offered a smile to Harley, the little bottom

boy beaming up at him. There were plenty with whom he could play should this not work out,
but he was tired of playing with those who belonged to others and longed for a partner of his
own. Someone who submitted to him and to him alone, someone who craved that submission as
much as he did.

They arrived at the lifts and he turned to give Connor a warm smile, still not releasing the

man’s hand. “The rooms on the second floor are not open to non-members, but I am allowed to
bring a guest. I believe you will find them most intriguing.”

“How many floors are there?” Clear, bright hazel eyes looked up at him, the mass of dark

auburn waves kept at bay by a simple clasp.

“Twenty eight. The bottom floors are for playing, the top floors are residences. I live on

the 27th floor myself.” He tilted his head. “We could start there if you were very hungry and
work our way down. Or we can move from the second floor playrooms on up.”

“Whichever you’d prefer. I’m not familiar enough with anything to make a good choice.”

Ah, sure, logical, lovely.

He resisted the urge to rush Connor up to his room. Pleasure anticipated was pleasure

trebled. Besides, he didn’t want to blindside Connor. Let the man see what truly went on here.

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He felt that Connor was ready to embrace this side of his personality but Des could be wrong. It
happened. Occasionally. Once in a while. Once in a very long while. Well, once anyway, he was

The lift stopped on the second floor lobby, the place fairly busy. First level guests

mingled with 6th level, the quiet, well-trained subs waiting to be requested. Mal only allowed the
most trustworthy ones down here to play with the 1st levels. An untutored top could go too far,
hurt someone. These men could handle anything.

“What do you know about BDSM?” he asked Connor, feeling the man out.
He got a blank look. “Is that a corporation? One of the new colonies?”
He laughed softly. “Oh, my dear, no. I tell you what – lets go upstairs – this level is for

amateurs, level one guests. We’ll get a better show in the upper ballrooms.”

He led Connor back to the lift. “BDSM is a lifestyle choice. It stands for Bondage,

Domination, Sadism and Masochism. Some say the S and M stand for Master and Slave. BDSM
is a catch-all term that encompasses all these things.”

Connor blinked, looking up at him as if unsure what to say. “Oh.”
He chuckled and kept holding Connor’s hand, his hold deceptively light.
They got off on the 6th floor and he took a quick look at board. Oh, Gloucester was

bottoming for one of Mal’s trainees. Excellent. The show was unlikely to be private. He led
Connor down the hall.

“The man we are about to see is Gloucester. He is a submissive. Tonight he has reserved

a room to play in. He’s an old hand at the business and is playing with a trainee dom. It should
be a good show.”

“Show? I … I think I’m in way over my head here, Desmond. I … I don’t know about


He stopped and drew Connor into an empty room so that they could talk in private. “We

would just watch for a few minutes, but if you prefer we can proceed straight to my suite and
finish our dinner and conversation in private. I do not wish for you to be uncomfortable in any

His words and the privacy seemed to ease Connor, the worried lines beside the man’s

eyes slowly relaxing. The clasp was removed from Connor’s hair, the length softening his face.
“Just a few minutes. I have to admit you’ve got me curious and it’ll give us something to talk
about over dinner.”

“Excellent! I knew I was not wrong about you.” He grinned as Connor’s eyes narrowed

again. “I mean that I knew you were curious and interested in new things.”

Connor’s cheeks went bright pink. “Well, I’ve been accused of overactive curiosity a few

zillion times, yes.”

He laughed, absolutely delighted. “I see that as one of your better qualities, actually.”
He got a smile, warm and honest and quite fetching. “Oh, good. How do you feel about

hot tempers and passionate opinions?”

“Oh, I think you’ll find that I am quite passionate about passion.”
He stroked Connor’s cheek. “Come, let us peek in on the boys and then we will retire to

my rooms.”

The cheek under his finger grew warmer, but Connor nodded. “Okay.”
He put his hand in the small of Connor’s back and guided him back to the hall and from

there to the antechamber where they could view Gloucester.

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There were a number of other people watching in the dim room, all eyes on the bed spot

lit in the room they looked down upon.

Gloucester wasn’t tied down, though it was clear the man’s cock and balls were bound

with an elaborate leather device. The man lay absolutely still though as his Dom for the evening
wielded a cat ‘o nine tails. He frowned. The man wasn’t doing a bad job of it, but he would need
some more training at Mal’s hands.

Still, Glous took the beating beautifully, body arching but otherwise not moving and only

the smallest of cries filling the air in response to the whipping. Such beautiful control. He
wondered how far he would have to push the lovely man at his side to find that same control.

He looked down at Connor, trying to gauge the man’s reaction to what he was seeing.

The long hair concealed most of Connor’s face, but the square hands were twisted together,
white-knuckled, the short, stocky body utterly still.

He stroked the small of Connor’s back, bending to whisper in the man’s ear. “The pain is

not the point of this exercise, it is only the tool with which the dominant pushes the submissive
to the edge of his control. A good Dom knows how far to push, knows when to break his sub and
when to let him remain strong. The only thing needed to make a good sub is control and the
ability to use his safeword when he needs to.”

“Break him?” Wide eyes met his, the confusion delicious. “Why?”
“We all need to be pushed beyond our boundaries sometimes, Connor. Though it is not

done lightly and should never be done without someone you trust absolutely. It is an intense and
highly emotional experience for both the sub and the Dom.”

“Oh.” Those eyes fell to Gloucester again, Connor chewing his bottom lip. “So he’s

happy? The dark-haired guy?”

“That is Gloucester and yes, I would imagine he’s quite happy. The man with him is only

a trainee, so he could be happier. I’ve made him fly a time or two.” He smiled at the memory.
Gloucester had amazing control. One day someone would come along who could break him and
it would be heartbreakingly beautiful.

“You … I mean, you … With the whipping thing? Really?”
“I am a Dom, yes. Whipping is only a small part of it though. It is all about control.”
“Control? I …” Connor shook his head a little, almost as if he were finding his center.

“You are an interesting man, Desmond.”

“No more interesting than you are, I am sure.” He stroked the small of Connor’s back, the

fancy shirt flimsy enough that he knew Connor could feel the heat of his fingers perfectly. “Have
you seen your fill?”

Connor nodded, shivering under his touch. “Yes. Yes, I think so.”
“Good. Come with me.”
He led Connor back through the hall to the lift. They passed all sorts of interesting people

along the way, subs being led by leashes on their cocks as well as their necks, others in full
bondage gear, still others entirely naked but for blindfolds, following their Doms with as much
confidence as if they could see.

He glanced at Connor as they entered the lift alone.
“No one’s ever going to believe I saw all this.” The man looked a bit shell-shocked,

hands carefully draped over his groin.

“I’ll believe you.” He winked at Connor.
“Oh, then I’ll be fine.” Connor chuckled softly, leaning back against the wall of the lift.

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“I’m sure you will be. You have a great core of strength, Connor Dean. It makes you

shine.” Hyperbole perhaps, but also the truth.

Connor shrugged. “I work the line. It makes a man strong.”
“Oh yes, you have physical strength as well.” He nodded, smiling as the lift doors

opened. “Here we are. I’m sure our dinner awaits us. And I am equally sure that you have several
hundred questions for me.”

“Only one, right now.” Connor followed him, steps silent on the lush carpet. “Why me? I

mean, there were some amazing men downstairs. Was it because I was at your table?”

He shook his head. “That was merely happy chance.”
He stopped at his door and put his hand on the palmplate, the lock clicking open, and

then turned to Connor.

“I meant it when I said that you had a great core of strength. In your mind, in your heart.

You could be an amazing sub if you choose to be. I would like to teach you to know your true
self, if you will consent to learn.”

Connor tilted his head, brows drawing together. “But you … We’ve only met. I haven’t

ever … I mean …” The man took a deep breath. “Part of me says you’re fucking with the blinky
new guy. Part of me says you’re perfectly serious. I don’t know which part to believe.”

“Oh, Connor, the last thing I would call you is blinky. Yes, you are new to this world, but

that just makes it that much more exciting – that I could be your guide to places inside yourself
that you’ve never even dreamed existed … I am indeed perfectly serious.”

“I believe you.” He got a sudden, almost sad smile. “I’m sorry, Desmond. I … I’m not

the kind of person who can come here again and again. I work on the space dock line. The drink
I bought downstairs was a full day’s pay. Add that to the transport here, the cover charge?”
Connor shook his head and took a step backward. “As much as I’m curious, I can’t.”

Des tilted his head, ignoring the voice that screamed at him to grab Connor and not let

him go, not let him leave. He knew he needed to find a balance between his own need, Connor’s
need and the man’s pride.

“I believe you will find that a sub’s pay is quite a bit more than you earn at the space

dock. And as my sub you would be afforded the same luxuries I enjoy – I have not paid for a
meal or drink in years. My quarters are big enough to afford you your own sleeping room and
sitting room. I know you probably doubt that I am telling you the truth, but once we have dined
we can visit Hercules and he will show you the standard sub contract. The only difference
between yours and those of the boys who work the club would be that you would be working
exclusively for me.” He hoped that he had not pushed the boundaries of believability – though
rare, private contracts that included pay were not unheard of.

“But what if I’m awful? I’m not good at being quiet or … what did you say?

Submissive?” Connor met his eyes. “What if I disappoint you?”

He reached out to stroke Connor’s cheek again. “You won’t.” He had no doubt.
It might take them five years. It might take them ten or twenty. But the perfect experience

was there, waiting for them.

Connor took a deep breath, leaning into his touch. “You tempt me.”
“You do not need to make a decision right this minute. Have dinner with me. Let us

touch each other, see if we are as compatible as I believe we are. You may give me your answer
in the morning.”

Connor opened his mouth and his stomach growled.

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Low, happy laughter filled the hallway. “Okay. Yes. My stomach agrees with you


He pet Connor’s belly. “Thank goodness for your stomach.”
He opened the door and ushered Connor into his luxurious suite.
“Oh. It’s beautiful, Desmond. Oh!” Connor gave him a wide grin, motioning over to an

original Molani hanging on the wall. “I have that print in my dormer. I love the colors.”

Oh yes, his instincts had been right.
“There are eight rooms in the suite. This sitting room. My bedroom. A large bathroom

complete with shower and hot tub. A smaller bedroom and sitting room that would be yours. And
three playrooms.”

He led Connor to the wide couch where there dinner was set up. “Come and sit with me. I

would like to feed you as we get to know each other.”

Connor seemed more relaxed, settled, animated now that they were alone together. “Have

you lived here long?”

“Would you believe twenty years?”
“No. You’re not old enough to have been here that long.”
“Flatterer,” he accused softly, pleased.
“No. Not at all. You’re quite stunning.” Connor’s lips parted. “I mean. Uh. Yeah.”
“Thank you, Connor Dean. I am forty-two. Old enough, I assure you, to have become a

master at my craft. And old enough to have lived here for more than twenty years.”

Those warm eyes met his for a moment. “I’m twenty-six. I’ve been at my job for ten


“A hard worker. Diligent. And is it not time for a change of venue, Connor? You don’t

want to be working the space dock line for fifty more years, do you?”

He plucked a forkful of salmon and held it out to Connor.
“No. No, I don’t.” Connor leaned forward and took the bite, a surprisingly delicate

motion from such a rough-hewn man.

He purred softly and took a bite of his own. Oh yes, even kept warming Moffat’s salmon

was exquisite.

“I can offer you a change, Connor.”
Connor watched him closely, a smile ghosting on the full lips. “You have a very

expressive face. What do you do? I mean, working-wise.”

“My parents died when I was young and left me a very large sum of money.” He

shrugged. “I guess you could say I play all day.”

He scooped up a mouthful of beef Wellington, tasting it himself first. He would not feed

Connor anything less than … oh, perfection. He actually moaned this time. “You have to taste
this. It’s exquisite.”

He raised a bite to Connor’s mouth.
“I could probably just watch you eat.” Connor’s voice was a whisper. “It’s the sexiest

thing I’ve ever seen.”

Then the bite was taken.
He chuckled as he watched Connor eat just as avidly as he’d been watched. “Then it’s

definitely time we introduced you to some sexy things.”

Connor chuckled, purring softly as he chewed. “This is good. What is it?”

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“Beef Wellington. All the food here is of this caliber. If I didn’t workout daily I would

surely weight five hundred pounds.” All this could be yours, Connor. Just say yes. Just come be
with me.

Connor laughed, eyes shining. “How do you workout? Do you swim?”
“There is a pool in the basement. And workout rooms. You need a good arm to wield a

flogger.” He winked, though it was true.

“Oh.” That blush came again, Connor ducking behind his hair a moment. “I … I like to

swim. Do you like to dance?”

“I’m afraid it isn’t something I do very well.” And he refrained from doing things he

didn’t do well in public. “But I love to watch men dance. Especially if one of them is my lover.”

Connor grinned. “I’m atrocious at it, but it’s fun to listen to the music and if it’s dark, no

one sees you anyway.”

He chuckled. “Very true.”
He suddenly wasn’t very interested in their meal anymore. “I would very much like to

kiss you,” he murmured.

“Oh. Okay. I’d like that.” Connor scooted closer, close enough that he felt the man’s

solid strength and heat in his gut. “I’m glad I sat at your table, Desmond.”

“As am I, Connor Dean.”
He stroked Connor’s cheek and then slid his fingers beneath Connor’s chin, tilting it up.

He bent, mouth covering Conner’s. A soft, gentle whimper filled his mouth, those lips parting
easily beneath his own, letting him in. Letting him taste.

He moaned softly, the fancy, rich food so exquisitely prepared paling in comparison with

the taste of Connor in his mouth. Connor leaned closer, scooting in, one hand hot on his thigh.

He wrapped one hand through Connor’s hair, cupping his head and deepening the kiss.

Connor’s hair was heavy, thick in his hand, sliding through his fingers as Connor opened for
him, moaning into his mouth. He leaned in, tilting Connor’s head further back, purring into the

Connor gasped, hands grabbing his shoulders as they lost balance. “Don’t let me fall.”
He slid his free hand around Connor’s back, pulling the man in close.
Connor’s lips pressed against his, the sweet spark of passion flaring, those eyes wide and

watching him. He held the kiss until he was breathless and then he drew back, sliding their noses

“That? Was an amazing kiss, Desmond.” Connor had the lightest dusting of pale freckles,

just scattered over the nose and cheekbones.

“It was, wasn’t it? Shall we see if it was just a fluke?”
A soft chuckle brushed his lips. “Oh, yes. Yes, please.”
Connor brought their lips together again, tongue sliding in to taste him. He purred,

opening up and letting Connor in, his own tongue sliding against Connor’s. Connor’s arms slid
around his neck, fingers stroking his hair, his nape.

Des wrapped his arm around Connor’s back again and slowly lowered him back against

the couch. Connor went, trusting him, trusting his hands. “It … It wasn’t a fluke.”

“No. No it wasn’t at all.” He brought their mouths together again, licking at Connor’s lips

before deepening the kiss.

A low cry filled the air, Connor rubbing up against him, cock hard and full in those

borrowed pants. He wrapped a hand around Connor’s prick rubbing it through the cloth.

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“Oh!” Connor jerked, undulated under him. “You feel good.”
“Are you going to come for me again?” Des asked, once again opening Connor’s pants

one-handed. “You tasted so good.”

“I did? Oh. Oh, how do you do that? Those buttons are ha … Oh …” Connor bit his own

lip hard, white teeth digging in.

He licked Connor’s lips, soothing the bit lip. “It’s magic.”
“Magic.” The heat between them was sweet, undeniable, blazing. Connor’s hand slid

down his spine, touching him, almost petting him.

He purred, hand working Connor’s cock.
“Oh. Oh, I’m going to come again and you haven’t. At all. And … Desmond!”
He purred. “There you are, Connor. You see how much chemistry we have together?”
“Yes. Yes, I see.” Connor’s eyes were wide, hungry. “Oh, I see.”
“Come for me, Connor Dean. Let me see again the pleasure in your beautiful eyes.” And

then he would take his pleasure in Connor’s mouth.

“Desmond …” Connor arched, moaning low as heat sprayed between them, the scent

strong and male and heady.

“Oh yes, Connor. So sweet.” He slid down and licked Connor’s belly clean. He did love

the taste of pure male.

The strong muscles rippled and shook beneath his tongue, Connor panting quietly.
He purred, fingers undoing the buttons of Connor’s shirt as he slowly kissed his way up

the warm chest. Connor’s nipples were tight, pale, tiny as he exposed them. He tweaked one
between his fingers, eager to see how Connor might react to the hint of pain.

A sweet little whimper sounded, Connor’s head lifting, lips parted. “Desmond …”
His breath caught – Connor was simply exquisite. “Yes, Connor Dean?”
“I …” Connor flushed. “I’m sensitive there. Really.”
He purred. “Most excellent.”
Watching Connor’s face, he pinched again and then licked with the flat of his tongue.
Connor’s eyes closed, cheeks growing darker. “Oh … Oh. It’s your turn. I won’t. I mean,

I never do, more than twice. Ever.”

He chuckled, drawing back a little and blowing on Connor’s wet nipple. “I should warn

you now, Connor Dean. Do not challenge me lightly.”

“Challenge you?”
“You say that you do not ever come more than twice. Ever. How can I not take that as a

challenge and make you come a third time?”

Connor chuckled softly. “It’s not a challenge. Just truth, you know? I’m not a teenager.”

Those pretty eyes shone at him. “Not that I went three times as a teenager either.”

“I think that you can go more than three, but tonight is perhaps not the time to prove it.

Besides,” he pouted teasingly. “I still haven’t come yet.”

“Well, that’s no fair.” Connor stroked his lips, his jaw. “What do you like?”
“I would very much like to feel your mouth around me, Connor Dean. I have thought of

little else since I first noticed you.”

“Oh.” One hand slid down, stroked his shaft, as Connor nodded. “Oh, yes.”
“You have had your inoculations, have you not?” Much as he wanted this, he would not

risk Connor if the man were not protected.

“I have. Would you like to see my card?” No hesitation, no worry. “The corps offer them

for free.”

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“No, I believe you. I would have hated to give you something. I have played the field

well and long.” He stroked Connor’s cheek. “Give me pleasure, Connor Dean?”

“Yes, Desmond.” Connor’s fingers were not practiced, the touch not flawless, but so

honest, just trembling with want as his slacks were opened.

He shifted, resettling against the back of the couch, legs spread for Connor, hands sliding

through the red hair.

Connor shrugged out of the opened shirt, giving him a look at muscled shoulders and a

strong back leading into a tiny waist as Connor knelt, cheek sliding against his shaft. He moaned,
keeping his hips still, intent on letting Connor lead this particular act.

Connor started by nuzzling his curls, inhaling deeply, hands petting his thighs. “Smell so

good …”

Then a surprisingly hot tongue lapped his sacs.
He groaned, hands sliding over Connor’s skin.
The long heavy hair pooled in his lap, on his thighs, moving and sliding as Connor

explored. His cock was slowly licked and nuzzled, lips teasing the big vein along the shaft, the
ridge at the tip.

Oh, Connor already knew all about taking his time and enjoying what he was doing. He

was going to be a delight – already was a delight.

Once Des was licked and laved and explored, his cock was taken in careful lips, a sweet,

slow rhythm starting up.

“Oh, Connor Dean, I do like the way you do this.”
A moan vibrated his cock, the bright head beginning to bob on his prick. He gave up

another groan, Connor’s mouth hot and slick and so good.

Connor was surprising gentle, the touches light and careful, slowly building the pleasure

until his entire shaft was taken in. It was maddening and wonderful. He licked his lips, hands
twisting in Connor’s hair as the waves of pleasure threatened to overflow.

Connor began humming, the sensation making his toes curl as Connor’s fingers slid

around his balls.

“Connor … Lyum, yes. Yes.”
The suction increased, the heat flaring as his balls were rolled, tugged.
“Soon, Lyum, soon.”
He slid his hands down to Connor’s shoulders, holding them tightly to avoid taking the

man’s head in his hands and fucking his sweet mouth. A low cry sounded and Connor took him
down to the root, swallowing hard, demanding his seed.

He cried out, his pleasure shooting from him, making him tingle from head to foot.

Connor drank him down, cleaning his cock gently before coming to rest with one cheek on his

He purred, pushing his hand through Connor’s hair, pushing it off the lovely face.

“Connor … that was wonderful. I hope there can be a repeat performance.”

Connor hummed softly, blinking slowly, lips red and swollen. “You taste good,


He chuckled. “And you are a hedonist. My hedonist, yes?”
Connor nodded against his thigh, eyes closed.
He purred, fingers sliding on Connor’s face, through his hair. “Just think, Connor, as

soon as tomorrow we could both be home now, nothing but time and each other ahead of us.”

“Is it so easy? Just like that?”

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He smiled. “Yes, Lyum. Just like that.”
“Lyum?” Connor relaxed, fingers sliding on his thigh.
“It means ‘mine’ in an ancient Terran language.”
“Oh. It sounds beautiful.” Connor nuzzled his skin. “What do I need to do?”
“Well go down to see Hercules – the club owner – he can have a contract drawn up for us

immediately. It will ensure you are clothed, fed, paid a wage for your work as my submissive. It
will outline living arrangements and medical benefits. I would like to sign a five-year contract
with an open option for five more, but if you do not wish to commit to that long, I am willing to
sign one for a single year. A longer contract protects you though.”

Serious eyes met his. “Five years? You’re that sure of me?”
“I would sign a lifetime contract with you, Connor, but I do not believe that you are that

sure of yourself.”

“Oh. Why? Why me?”
What to say that wouldn’t send Connor running, thinking he was insane? “It was in your


“My palm?” Connor looked at one square hand, smiling. “That’s hard to argue with.”
“Does that mean your answer is yes, Lyum?”
He hoped the fact he was holding his breath didn’t show – he tried to be more dignified

than that.

“Yes, Desmond. Yes. I will. Five years and then, if my palm is right, we’ll talk about


If he hadn’t just already done so, the words alone might have made him come. As it was,

a wave of heat went through him.

“Thank you, Connor. I will devote the next five years to assuring you do not regret your


“Desmond …” Connor lifted his head, eyes fastened upon him. “Kiss me? Please?”
“Yes. Yes, Lyum. For the rest of my life.”
He brought their mouths together, tongue sliding into Connor’s mouth, pulling the sweet

taste into himself. Connor’s arms wrapped around his neck, lips parted and open and sweet and
his. His.
Oh, it would be a most excellent adventure they took together. Most excellent indeed.

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Chapter Three

He ended up leaving almost everything behind in a tiny storage room – the furniture

belonged to the Corps, Desmond had the painting already, and he wouldn’t need his uniforms.

Connor had a single box with his favorite shirt and pants, his datachips, his pillow. A

little plasti-steel statue he’d made in Youth Trade. A holoimage of his Da, before the war.

Normal stuff.
Simple stuff.
His stuff.
Connor shrugged on his good jacket over his soft, dark knit clothes. He’d sent the fancy

duds to the cleaners and then to Vic. They didn’t really fit anyway and he …

Well, he guessed he could buy whatever he needed.
Because he had a place and a position and a contract.
A contract.
They’d gone down to the main floor and Desmond had spoken to some tall, purple-haired

guy and things got done. The terms were explained – basically he had quarters and a little stipend
and Desmond was his … Whatever Desmond was. It had seemed reasonable with Desmond
there, fingers on the small of his back and he’d put his fingerprints on the data-pad and he was

Or committable.
He wasn’t so sure anymore.
Connor’d come home as soon as the legalities were finished. It had been late and the

Club was growing quiet and Desmond had given him a gentle, chaste kiss and put him in a
private transport. He’d spent a sleepless night staring at the wall and trying to figure out what
he’d done.

Why he’d done it.
What he was going to do next.
Finally he did the only thing he could – he packed and worked and locked the dormer

room behind him and walked down to the transport station, spending all but thirty of his last
creds to head back to the Glove where he wasn’t sure if it had all been a dream.

By the time he reached the other side of the city – four different transports and an

exhilarating run over the Green High expressway – it was night again, the club full and bright
and glittery and suddenly Connor was sure he’d made a terrible mistake.

Still, a contract was a contract and he stepped up to the door, pressing the button. “C …

Connor Dean.”

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The door opened immediately, the doorman giving him a smile and a keycard. “Welcome

home, Mr. Dean. Let me get someone to bring your bag up for you.”

Oh. Welcome home. Oh, okay.
“It’s okay. It’s not too heavy and it’s busy here. I’ll take it up.” He looked down, then

back up. “I don’t guess you can tell me exactly where I’m going?”

The doorman grabbed the arm of a young, scantily clad man. “Harley, Mr. Dean is new

here, would you show him the way to Desmond’s quarters, please?”

Playful, dancing eyes met his own, a happy laugh sounding as his arm was taken. “New

meat! Welcome! We all heard Desmond had made a choice. You’re a lucky guy, he’s amazing.
Demanding as hell, but amazing. What’s your name?”

Wow. Just wow.
“Hey Connor. You’ll have to meet Kestrel. He’ll show you all the ropes.”
The tall, thin man he’d seen the night before joined them at the lift. “Good evening,


“Oh, good evening, Malachi. How’re you? I’m showing Connor up to the 27th floor.

He’s new.”

“Oh … Desmond’s new boy. You’re a very lucky man.”
“So I’ve been told. Thank you.” He didn’t know what to say, what to do, so he didn’t.
The lift stopped on the 23rd floor, the man from last night stepping out. “I’m sure you’ll

feel at home in no time.”

“Thank you. I hope so.”
Harley was bouncing and grinning. “Are you going to get to go to Mal’s for training?

Mal’s the best trainer we’ve got. Or Jeff’s good too. “

Training? Oh. Oh, that didn’t sound fun.
“I don’t know yet. I just came here last night for the first time.”
The lift opened and Harley bounded out to Desmond’s door. “They’ll get you set up with

palm-printing later today. You’ll be able to get into all the rooms just with a touch. You going to
let yourself in or you want me to knock?”

“I … uh … Could you knock? My hands are sorta full.”
“Sure!” Harley knocked on the door, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I’ve played with

Desmond before, he’s good with a crop. Mal’s better with a whip, though. Which do you like

He was saved from answering by the door opening, Desmond standing there in a simple,

silk robe.

“Ah … Connor Dean, welcome home.”
There was that word again. Home. Welcome home. “Thank you.”
Harley kissed his cheek. “I can’t stay; I’m working the floor tonight. Have fun, Connor

and I’ll see you around! Bye Des! Enjoy him!”

Desmond chuckled. “I see you’ve met Harley.”
His arm was taken and he was pulled into the room. “You don’t need to knock, Connor.

This is your home, too.”

“My hands were full.” He shifted his box. “It’s very busy downstairs again.”

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“Someone could have brought your stuff up for you, Connor.” Desmond took his box

from him. “You feel out of sorts and strange, don’t you, Lyum?” Long fingers slid along his
back, warm and soothing. “Come sit with me awhile.”

He nodded, head and heart pounding, focusing only on Desmond’s touch, following

easily. “Was a long night.”

“But you’re here now.” Desmond put down his box and drew him into warm, solid arms.

“You’re here now.”

Bending, Desmond brought their mouths together.
Oh. Oh, that made it easier. Not easy. Not fine.
But easier.
He reached up, holding on as his lips parted. Desmond purred into his mouth, one hand

on his ass, the other sliding up and down his spine as that hot, agile tongue slid between his lips.
Humming, he scooted closer, enjoying Desmond’s heat.

Desmond kissed him until he was breathless. He gasped, blinking up into Desmond’s

eyes, head swimming.

“Feeling a little better?” Desmond asked. “A little less alone?”
Connor nodded, licking his lips and tasting Desmond. “Yes. Very much.”
“Are you hungry, Connor?”
“Would it sound stupid if I said I wasn’t sure?”
“There is nothing stupid about your feelings, Lyum. You are never to worry about how

your words and feelings will sound to me.” Desmond pet his cheeks. “Come on; let’s take your
stuff to your room. And then we’ll see what you’ll need in the way of clothing and toys and

He nuzzled into Desmond’s touch. “Toys? I haven’t had toys since I left for Youth


Connor leaned down and grabbed his box.
Desmond chuckled. “I think you’ll find these toys are not those of your youth.”
“Oh.” He grinned, shook his head and let Desmond lead him down the hall into a

beautiful room decorated in rusts and tans and deep greens. “Oh, Desmond. It’s beautiful.”

“You may, of course, make any changes to it that you like. You have been added to my

account and you have free reign with your own rooms. I am willing to discuss changes to the rest
of the place, but I’m not a pushover.”

“I won’t. I wouldn’t. It’s fine.” He shook his head and quickly unpacked his spare outfit

and his datachips and packed them away. His sculpture and his holoimage were placed atop the
bureau and he was finished.

“Oh. Lyum. This place is yours – you must make it yours.” Desmond touched him.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find things to make it your own. It doesn’t have to happen all at once.”

“It’s a fine room. Thank you.” He looked around, grinning. “I made the little statue when

I first started Youth Trade.”

“Is that and the holoimage all you have from your youth?”
He nodded. “That’s my Da. He died in the Grati War.”
“You look a lot like him.”
“Thank you. I don’t remember him very much. I went to Youth Trade when I was seven.

He was very strong, very brave. He flew transports.”

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“That’s where you get your own strength then.” Desmond kept stroking him, touching

him. “I think, Lyum, you would be more comfortable if we began right away. I want you to
undress and meet me in the first playroom – the green door on your right. Your room is yours
and we will never play here, though you may invite me to make love with you here – it is your

“Undre …” He leaned into the touches, heart beating a little faster as he nodded. Surely

nothing that Desmond would show him would be as unnerving as what his brain was inventing,
as not knowing. “Okay. The green door.”

Desmond kissed him briefly. “Good man.”
Then Desmond was gone again, leaving him alone.
He sat for a second and then stripped down, carefully folding his clothes and putting them

away. Then he unbraided his hair, letting it fall around his back and shoulder.
Then he took a deep breath and headed down the hall.

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Chapter Four

Des knew that Connor was nervous, knew the night on his own back at his old life had

shaken Connor. He’d known it would but there was no way around it. The man had to make the
choice, had to follow it through and walk into the club from outside on his own.

He figured the best way to put Connor at ease would be to begin.
Something simple that Connor could not fail to do and that would not humiliate or scare


Something where Connor could learn the first rules, the basics.
He set the lights to medium and opened his robe. He was naked beneath it, letting Connor

see that would make the man more comfortable, he was sure.

He set out the oil in a bucket of warm water and touched the heating up so the room was

a little warmer. Then he sat on the ground in the lotus position, waiting.

A soft tap sounded and then the door opened, Connor nude as requested, one hand

covering the quiescent cock. “Can … should I come in?”

“Yes, please, Connor. In the future I do not want to see hesitation. I told you to come in

here once you were naked. You did not need to knock, nor did you need to ask. And, please, do
not cover your body. It is beautiful and when I request the pleasure of your company in the nude,
it means that I wish to see it.”

“Oh. Sorry.” Connor stepped in and closed the door behind him, hands moving to tangle

in the dark red waves of Connor’s hair.

“We’ll begin with a few simple exercises today, learning to center your body and your

mind. I will explain some basic rules to you; you’ll ask any questions you have. And remember –
nothing is too strange or silly or off topic. If it is on your mind, I expect you to ask it.”

Des nodded to the mat across from him. “Lie down on your back. Arms by your sides.

You should be comfortable.”

“Oh, I can do that.” He got a quick grin, a look as Connor settled on the mat. “It’s okay to

smile, right?”

“Yes, Lyum. Your emotions are never wrong.”
“Oh. Good.” Connor stretched out on the mat, hair spread around him, hands relaxed at

his sides.

“I want you to close your eyes, or leave them open and find a point on the ceiling –

whichever works best for you. And I want you to take long slow breaths. Slowly in … and …
slowly out.”

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Connor watched the ceiling for the first few breaths, then closed his eyes, relaxing.


“Find your center – a place inside you where you are calm and can hear my voice.”
“I … I’m not sure I understand, but I’ll try.” Connor’s voice was soft, husky. Low.
“Do you feel quiet and calm?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. Warm, too. ‘s nice.”
He closed his own eyes and listened to Connor breathing. It was lovely, to share this

ritual peace and quiet with another. To no longer be alone.

A few minutes later he broke the silence with soft words. “When we are in our formal

roles of Dom and sub you will address me with an honorific. If you do not like ‘sir’ I am willing
to entertain alternatives. Do you understand?”

“I think so. I … what do you normally want to be called? Do you like sir?”
“Sir is what I am usually called, yes. I would not be adverse to us discovering something

more personal for the two of us.”

“What … is there a word that means sir? A word like Lyum?”
He purred softly, very pleased. “Sionadh.”
“S … sionadh. Is that … Can I call you that, here?”
“You may, Lyum. Anytime we are in a scene situation, I will expect you to call me either

Sionadh or Sir. You will know when we enter Dom and sub space whenever I tell you to attend

Connor nodded, fingers slowly curling and uncurling, “Yes. Okay. I … I’m worried I’ll

disappoint you, that you’ll regret trusting me.”

He purred again, pleased Connor felt comfortable enough to bring such an issue up. “I

will only be disappointed if you do not do your best. I will push you to the very edge of your
control. And that edge will grow harder and harder to reach as you learn, as you find that core of
strength inside you and tap into it regularly. So together we will grow and learn. Sometimes I
will push you beyond your control. Sometimes you will not let me. We’ll start slow though,
Lyum, I promise you that.”

Connor nodded. “Okay. Thank you, S … sionadh.”
“You are welcome, Lyum. Now focus on your breathing again. Relax. Find your center.”
He let a few more minutes of quiet pass between them.
“Now we are going to talk about safewords. You can, at any time, under any

circumstances, interrupt a scene – whether it is merely a quiet, private exercise like this one, or a
full tied up, blindfolded, whipping with full audience. It is you who holds the power. The way
you do this is by saying your safeword. As soon as you say that word, everything stops. The
word should be one easy for us both to remember, but not one that you would use accidentally as
a part of conversation. Do you understand?”

Connor frowned, nodded. “Yes. Yes, I think so. And will … will you be angry if it’s


“I am more likely to be angry if you need to use it and do not. A good top learns his sub

and the sub rarely has to use his safeword, but there is a learning curve, yes? And tolerances
change. I expect you shall use the word upon occasion, especially at the beginning. If I feel you
are using it too soon, I will call you on it – later, after the scene is behind us and we are going
over it.”

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Connor looked over at him, eyes twinkling. “This is all very complicated. I’m going to

have to make myself a list.”

Des chuckled. “We’ll take it slow. You need to pick that safeword now though.”
“Well, stop is probably out …” Connor chewed on his bottom lip and thought. “How

about tortoise? Will that work?”

“Will you remember that under pressure? Intense pressure?” That was all that mattered,

that when Connor needed it, he could find the word.

Connor nodded. “Yeah. It was the name of Da’s ship. The Tortoise.”
“All right then, tortoise it is. Now that’s your stop everything, the scene is over,

safeword. Many subs also have an intermediate word. One that halts the proceedings and allows
the Dom and sub to talk, to discuss whatever the problem is and decide together whether or not
to go on from there. That way the scene could conceivably continue. Would you like to set one
of those up now?”

“You mean like yellow for caution?” Connor nodded again. “That seems … logical, I

guess. I mean, as logical as anything.”

“Yes, Lyum, exactly.” Oh, Connor was a natural, even if he didn’t know it yet.
“Then tortoise for stop and yellow for caution, if that’s okay.”
“They are your words, Lyum. And I can remember both of those.”
He stood and went to the padded table. “Now I would like you to come here and lie on

your stomach.”

Connor rolled up easily and stood, broad shoulders tapering to a tiny waist. There were

sweet hollows leading to the bright mass of curls that crowned the thick prick.

Connor sat up on the table, turning and lying flat for him, hair drawn over one shoulder.

The muscled back was dusted with freckles, almost as if something had been sprinkled over the
pale skin.

“Breathe slowly. Find that calm place again. Think of the things we have talked about. If

you have any questions I’d like you to ask them now and then for you to remain silent after I

“Are we … Are we going to have sex here? Because I … I haven’t ever. Well, I have, but

only handjobs, blowjobs and I … Well, I thought it was something maybe you’d want to know.”
Connor’s eyes were closed, face hiding behind his hair, but Desmond could see the flush of color
across Connor’s shoulders.

“You want to know if we’re going to have anal sex, and no that is not what I have

planned right now. And yes, I do want to know what you’ve done and not done; what you’re
comfortable with; what has made you uncomfortable in the past. Thank you for telling me.” He
patted Connor’s ass, quite pleased.

“Breathe, Connor. Relaxed and calm – this is a safe place. Anything else?”
Connor took a deep breath and settled, shaking his head. “No. No, Sionadh. That’s all.”
Bending, he placed a kiss on Connor’s nape. “Very good, Lyum. You’ve done

wonderfully. Now I want you to relax and let my touches carry you to a place of peace and

He pushed Connor’s hair out of the way and poured oil into his hands.
Connor rested his cheek on his square hands, eyes closing, breathing deep and steady as

before. Such trust.

He worked from the top of Connor’s neck downward, massaging deeply.
He could feel Connor melting under his touch, the muscular body relaxing completely.

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He took great pleasure in touching Connor, in learning the lines of those muscles, in

feeling his own relax and find peace through his touch.

When he had massaged Connor from head to toe, he placed a soft, warm sheet over the

relaxed body and dimmed the lights further. “Sleep now, Lyum. We will talk in the morning.”

Connor’s answer was a soft, gentle sigh, already 90 percent asleep.
He exited the room, leaving the door ajar behind him and made his way to his bedroom.
Tortoise and yellow. His new watchwords. There would come a day when he never heard

them, he was sure of it. Sure of Connor.
Until that time, they would learn together.

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Chapter Five

Connor woke suddenly, disoriented and gasping for a moment, eyes rolling until he

remembered where he was.

Oh. Right. Desmond’s. The Playroom.
The Playroom.
He’d slept hard, relaxed and warm and safe and now? He needed a shower.
In the worst way.
He was oily.
Connor wrapped the sheet around him and went searching for the lavatory.
He found it and Desmond together, his … lover? Dom? Employer? sitting in a large tub,


Connor grinned and backed away quietly, cheeks warm. Oh, that was … really, really


Desmond glanced up and the singing stopped in favor of a warm smile. “Connor – you’re

awake! Wonderful.”

“Good morning. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” He answered that grin with one of his own,

Desmond’s were infectious

“You’re hardly an interruption, Lyum. Come in, come in. Say you’ll join me?”
“Oh. Yes, if there’s room.” He unwound himself from the sheet, folding it carefully and

setting it aside, trying not to blush. “I’m ready to get wet.”

“Mmm … I love the shape of you.” Desmond patted the side of the tub. “Don’t make me

ask twice, Lyum.”

He ducked his head, hair brushing his cheeks as he slid in. “Oh. Oh, hot. So hot.”
He gasped, settling gingerly, trying to adjust to the temperature, to the idea of being

naked in a tub with Desmond, to the air of control that seemed to float around his … whatever
Desmond was

“Yes. Relaxing. It works out all the kinks. So to speak.” Desmond winked playfully at

him, one foot sliding along his leg.

That made him laugh, wiggling a little under Desmond’s touch. “After as deep as I slept?

I can’t have any tension left in me.”

“You slept well? Marvelous.” Desmond looked sincerely pleased at that.
Connor nodded. “I did. I don’t think I even moved all night. Thank you.”

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“You’re very welcome. There are many ways to obtain that peace and inner calm. We

will explore them together.” Desmond moved closer, hand sliding along his shoulder. “There are
other things we can explore together.”

He shivered, body rippling a little, cock jumping. Desmond’s hand was so warm and it

was so easy to lean toward the touch. “Are there?”

Desmond moved closer, eyes suddenly heavy-lidded and focused on his lips. “Do you

wake up needy, Connor?”

Did morning hard-ons get better in the shower with a little soap and palm action? “I

usually rub off in the mornings, I guess. Most guys do, yeah? Starts the day off right …”

“Mmm … not being alone to do it starts it off even better.” Desmond closed the distance

between their mouths, kissing him lightly to begin with and then pressing in.

He met the kisses with passion of his own. The games, the control, the scenes were

strange to him, but touching and kissing, making each other feel good? Those were welcome and
familiar and he was eager to learn Desmond.

One of Desmond’s hands slid up over his cheek and through his hair, pushing it back off

his face. The other hand moved slowly over his skin, finding his nipples, teasing his navel. His
hands did some exploring of their own, sliding over strong thighs, the curve of Desmond’s hip.

Desmond moaned into his mouth, hand tilting his hand and deepening the kiss.
Oh. Oh, he did like Desmond’s kisses, did like the heat and pleasure they found together.

His fingers found Desmond’s cock and started stroking it, petting the heavy length carefully.
Desmond pushed closer, the hand on his belly dropping to his cock, mimicking his motions

“Oh …” He moaned into Desmond’s lips, moving more fully into the circle of those


Desmond shifted, lying back against the tub and bringing him to lie on top of the long


“Am I too heavy?” He straddled Desmond, one hand sliding over Desmond’s skin. “Feel

so good to me …”

“No. You’re just right. Feels good to me, too, Lyum.”
Desmond’s hands slid down along his back, grabbing his ass and pulling him closer. He

groaned and arched, rubbing them together as he brought their mouths together again.

Desmond moaned again, fingers dancing along his crease, teasing and sliding. The touch

made him jerk and shiver, made him gasp into Desmond’s mouth

“Take our cocks in hand, Connor. Make us come.” The words were groaned, not an

order, but instead a want, a desire

“Oh, yes.” He shifted and wrapped his fingers around them both, holding them together,

crying out at the sensation.

His hand moved slow for a stroke or two, then need overtook grace and he started

pumping them

“Yes. Oh, yes, Connor! Lyum!” Desmond moved beneath him, pushing into his hand.

And still those fingers slid along his crack, played at his hole.

He ducked his head, entire body moving as he brought them higher and higher.


Desmond cried out, bucking beneath him. One of Desmond’s fingers pushed into him as

heat spread over his hand before being taken away by the water.

His body jerked, clenching around Desmond’s finger, cock jerking as he came, shooting


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Desmond’s arms went around him, holding him close as soft, sweet kisses peppered his


He cuddled in, breathing slowly easing, floating in the water. “Mmm … Morning.”
“Ah, yes, Connor Dean. A very good morning to you.”
He couldn’t stop grinning and he knew he looked like a moron, but he didn’t care. His

hair was floating all around them, the ends dark and heavy, curling on Desmond’s arm.

Desmond’s hands slid over his skin, stroking him in slow circles. “I would ask, Connor

Dean, that you no longer ‘rub off’ in the mornings. In fact, I would ask that you do not relieve
yourself at anytime unless it is with my permission. I have no problem with you coming to me
and letting me know that you are hungry, that you have need, but I do not want you to take
sexual pleasure without my knowledge.”

Desmond tilted his head, met his eyes. “Do you understand?”
He blushed dark, bit his bottom lip. Oh, that would be hard. He’d been … For years.

Hell, he usually wasn’t even really awake when he did. “Yes, I understand. I’ll do my best to

“You will be punished if you do not,” Desmond informed him quietly. The words were

said in such a calm tone, the hands stroking his back never stopping their movements and for a
moment he thought he’d imagined them.

He swallowed hard and dropped his eyes, looking at his hand floating in the water. He

was very pale, compared to Desmond

“Connor Dean, you will attend me.” There was an edge of steel in the words.
His heart hiccupped and he looked up into sure, dark eyes, nodded. “Yes. Yes, S …


“Your body and your pleasure are mine now. You will not deny me.”
“Yes. I mean, no. No, I won’t.” He backed away, unnerved, unsettled. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry, Lyum, we have only just begun.” Desmond’s hand wrapped

around his arm and pulled him back. “You do not need to back away from me either. I believe
you will find, Connor Dean, that the more you pull away, turn away or try to ignore something,
the more likely I will be to keep pushing you to it. You may take that as a promise or a warning,
as you like.”

He didn’t know what to say, what to do. Somehow he thought he was going to be in that

position a whole lot.

Even more than when the Corps sent him to that terrible trade show and expected him to

give a speech.

Or when the eco-terrorist came and took a whole work crew hostage for a 3-day
“I think perhaps a light morning meal is in order. And then we will go and buy you some

clothes. Some you will choose and some I will.” Desmond grinned, eyes twinkling wickedly. “I
think perhaps you should serve me for breakfast. Naked. And just to be fair, I will remain naked
as well.”

“Naked?” His eyes went wide – clothes? He brought two sets. “We’re not having

anything hot, are we? I’d hate to burn you because I was nervous.”

“I would also hate for you to burn me, but nervous or not, you will serve whatever I wish

to eat.” Desmond leaned forward, eyes intent. “You will learn to control your body, Lyum, to the
point that you will come only on my command. Such an exciting journey we are taking.”

“Only on …” He blinked. “You have a lot of faith in me.”
Desmond laughed. “In you and in myself.”

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Desmond kissed his cheek and then stood, turning to get out of the tub.
The world came to a screeching halt as he caught sight of the design inked into

Desmond’s back. A dragon. A rising dragon. It was done entirely in black. The tail disappeared
into Desmond’s crack, the head resting in the man’s nape. Its wings were spread out over each
shoulder, its ass sitting in the small of Desmond’s back.

He’d dreamed …
No, he hadn’t.
There was no way.
But still …
As Desmond bent to pick up the towel that had fallen to the ground, he could see that the

tail continued down Desmond’s crack and seemed to disappear right in his hole.

Connor was covered in gooseflesh. Oh, it must have hurt, must have burned.
Desmond wrapped the towel around himself and turned, a concerned look entering the

fascinating eyes. “Is something the matter, Lyum?”

He opened his mouth to say no, no, he was fine. Just fine. Fine, but nothing came out.
So he shook his head instead.
So beautiful.
His Sionadh. His dream lover.
The concern grew, Desmond dropping to his knees next to the tub, touching his cheek.

“Connor. Speak to me.”

“I … You … I …” He closed his eyes, focusing on his breath. “You’ll think I’m crazy.

I’m not crazy.”

“Connor Dean.” The words were a warning.
His mind raced for an answer that was less nutters than ‘I dreamed about someone with a

dragon riding his back. Over and over. Used to make me hard.’

“Your tattoo surprised me. It’s beautiful. So fine.”
“Thank you. I got it when I reached my majority. I had always wanted it.” Desmond

stroked his cheek. “Now come, Lyum. I am hungry and eager to enjoy my server.”

He nodded and stood, wringing his hair out and making his hands stop trembling.
Desmond wrapped a towel around him, drying him
“I …” He leaned into Desmond’s strength, eyes closed, breathing in the good scents.


“Yes, Lyum.”
Desmond dried his skin and then towel-dried his hair. “There. Are you ready for


“Yes.” He nodded, then looked up at Desmond curiously. He’d never cooked or served a

meal in his whole life. “Um … What do I do?”

Desmond chuckled. “The staff should have left my customary breakfast in the sitting

room. You will feed me.”

Desmond didn’t get dressed either, staying naked instead
“Okay.” They moved into the sitting room and it occurred to him that he didn’t know

anything important about Desmond. “What is your favorite food? Your favorite color?”

“Lemon meringue pie and red.”

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Desmond settled on the couch and nodded toward the covered plates on the table. “I

usually take some fruit and a flaky butter roll to break my fast.”

“Red would look very good on you.” He knelt by the table, figuring it was less exposing

to be on his knees than all bent over, and lifted the covers from the plates. There was a lovely
array of fruit and pastries and a bright, tart-smelling juice

“It does, thank you.”
Desmond pushed his hair back over his shoulder for him. “You must tell the kitchen what

you like so it can be brought along with my food. At the moment they are simply doubling up on
what I request.”

“Oh. The Corp offered caffe and energy bars three times a day. The cafeteria was only

open for latemeal. This smells …” He searched for the right word. “Bright? What would you like

Desmond shuddered. “I cannot imagine eating like that. Feed me as you wish.”
He looked over the plate and chose a bright pink sliver of fruit, spearing the wedge and

carefully offering it to Desmond.

Desmond’s hand came up and gently pushed the fork away from his mouth. “I would

prefer to be fed from your hand, Lyum.”

“Oh.” Well, if Desmond had wanted it, he should have just said so and he’d have started

out that way. “I can do that.”

He took the fruit in his fingers and held it to Desmond’s lips.
Desmond leaned forward and delicately took the fruit from his fingers, eyes closing and

that soft moan sounding. Oh, yes, the man made eating a total sensory experience.

He was going to love this. He found another piece to offer those wet, parted lips, hoping

for another moan.

Desmond’s eyes opened and when he took the fruit, his tongue slid along Connor’s

fingers. The moan was a little deeper this time, heat flaring in Desmond’s eyes.

Connor caught his bottom lip in his teeth, whimpering softly, cock throbbing and

threatening to fill again.

Then he fed his Sionadh another bite.
Each bite elicited a moan or a whimper. Heated looks and soft swipes of warm tongue

over his skin accompanied each bite Desmond took from his fingers

“I’m thirsty, Lyum.”
He found the glass of juice, thumping his aching prick as he moved before offering the

juice to Desmond

“Lyum …” Desmond’s hand slid over his cock, gentle, soft and warm. “I had you serve

me naked so that I could enjoy the reaction of your body to feeding me. And I will take the juice
from your mouth, please.”

He was almost shivering as he took a small sip and brought his lips to Desmond’s.
Desmond’s hand cupped the back of his head, bringing their mouths together. When their

lips were pressed together, Desmond opened his mouth. He opened carefully, letting the juice
slide from his mouth to Desmond’s, moaning low as his cock brushed Desmond’s belly.

Desmond’s moan met his and after swallowing the liquid, Desmond’s mouth seemed to

swallow his in a deep kiss.

Oh, Desmond tasted so good – sweet, tart, hot – and he fed off the heat between them,

hand stroking Desmond’s shoulder. A purr filled his mouth, Desmond’s hands stroking over his

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He gasped, rocking a little, lost in Desmond’s kiss.
Desmond’s hand continued downward, fingertips sliding gently over the tip of his cock

and on down to stroke his balls.

Then Desmond ended the kiss and those soft touches disappeared. “I am still hungry,


It took him a second to catch his breath, to focus, to make himself pull away from

Desmond’s heat. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Think about mud. Worms. Something. “You … you want the
pastry now?”

“Yes. And then I want you to dip your cock in the juice so I may suck you dry.”
“Oh, Gods …” He grabbed the base of his cock, squeezing tight, eyes rolling, fighting the

urge to come

“No, just you and me here, Lyum.”
That made him chuckle, made it possible to grab a pastry and tear off a bite to offer
“From your mouth this time, Lyum.”
He met those dark eyes, shuddering. “Yes, Sionadh.”
Connor took a piece of pastry between his lips, leaning over, careful not to touch.
Desmond had no such qualms, the pastry taken as a part of a kiss, that hot and agile

tongue sweeping through his mouth.

He whimpered, shuddering hard. Oh. Oh, he was going to come.
Desmond purred as the kiss ended. “Hurry, Lyum. I’m betting you don’t yet have the

control not to come until I command it and I really want to taste my juice on your prick.”

Connor sobbed softly, leaning back, balls just aching. His hand was shaking badly, juice

spilling over his fingers as he lifted the glass.

Desmond bent and licked his fingers. “Your prick, Lyum.”
“Y … yes. Yes, Sionadh.” He dipped his cock into the cold liquid, gasping as the chill

seemed to fill him, hit him low.

Another purr sounded. “Very sexy, Lyum. Very sexy, indeed.”
He didn’t have any words left, he simply begged with wide eyes
“Come to me, Lyum, let me taste you.” Desmond helped him stand and brought his cock

to that hot mouth.

He arched, crying out, heat flooding him as his hips snapped at the first touch of that hot


Desmond sucked him softly, cleaning the come from his prick and pulling aftershocks

from him. He keened softly, panting, eyes wide and watching. Empty and full all at once.

Desmond’s hands slid to his hips, tugging him down and sharing the taste of his own

spunk with him.

He curled into Desmond’s body, purring and melted and grateful and warm. When their

lips parted, he blinked slowly, opening his mouth to say thank you. What came out was, “I
dreamed about you.”

He got a warm smile, Desmond holding him, touching him. “I dreamed of you last night

as well. And the things we would do.”

“No. No, you don’t … you don’t understand. I have dreamed about you before.”
“Before what, Lyum?”
He ducked his head, whispering low. “Before I met you. I … Your tattoo. I dreamed


“Really? How wonderful.” Desmond didn’t sound like he was mocking or being sarcastic

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“You believe me?”
“Why would you make it up?”
“I … I didn’t.” He dropped the softest kiss on Desmond’s jaw. “I didn’t, Sionadh.”
“Of course you didn’t, Lyum.” Desmond chuckled. “Maybe now you won’t think it so

strange that I knew I must come sit with you, invite you into my life.”

He grinned, happy deep inside. “I … Are you allowed to blow holes in all my worries,


“Mmm … that’s my job, isn’t it? As the Sionadh? And yours is to lay them all down at

my feet.”

He took another soft kiss. “Did you have enough breakfast, Sionadh?”
“Mmm, I did, Lyum. And now you must eat your fill. We have a busy day.”
Connor nodded, stomach rumbling. “Yes, Sionadh.”
He reached for a spear of something yellow and bright and sweet. Desmond sat back, one

hand stroking him, watching. He tasted one of each fruit – enjoying the yellows and oranges and
pale green ones, wrinkling his nose and avoiding the bright berries.

Desmond chuckled and reached for another slice of orange fruit, feeding it into his lips.

He dared to nibble and lick Desmond’s fingers clean, lapping and nuzzling at them

“So sensual. It would have been a crime to lock you away in your grey world for one

more day.” Desmond took another piece of fruit and fed it to him

“So good …” So many flavors, so bright. He laughed as the juice slid down his chin and

Desmond’s fingers and hand and he chased it with his tongue

“Share the taste with me,” whispered Desmond.
Connor brought their lips together, tongue sliding against Desmond’s and sharing the

sweetness eagerly, need faded into happiness and pure pleasure. Joy. Desmond held him lightly,
sharing the kiss. He met Desmond’s eyes, watching, caught

“Are you happy, Connor?”
He gave the question a moment’s thought, then nodded. “I am. I’m nervous, but happy.”
Desmond purred softly and held him against the strong, warm body. “Good. And in time,

your nerves will be reserved solely for scenes.”

He relaxed, reveling in the experience of just being held. “Thank you, Sionadh.”
“The pleasure is mine, Lyum.”

He knew Desmond had plans for them today, but for now his Sionadh seemed content to simply
hold him close.

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Chapter Six

After breakfast they grabbed a private transport and made their way to the garment

district. Des was quite looking forward to this expedition.

Connor had two ‘uniforms’, both of which were plain and grey and … well, serviceable.
Not at all how his sub was going to be seen around the Club.
He planned on buying everything from sleepwear to formal wear for Connor and he

planned to choose it all himself. Well, he supposed there might be something Connor liked,
though given the uniforms the man had brought with him, Des was reserving final veto.

The only thing they weren’t buying was underwear. Connor wouldn’t need any.
The car pulled up in front of Wano’s and he guided Connor in through the doors.
Connor looked about, eyes wide and curious. “I saw a vidfeed about this place. That

holoactress stole something and the feds caught her.”

He nodded. “A set-up, I’ve always suspected. As long as they get their names in the

vidfeeds, most of those types don’t care how.”

He gave Connor a wink. “We’ll be paying for our purchases.”
Connor pinked and chuckled. “That’s a relief. I don’t know this part of the city well

enough to make a run for it.”

He laughed. Oh, Connor was a delight. Simply a delight.
A pretty young man dressed in an expensive suit minced his way over to them. “May I be

of service to you, sirs?”

“Yes, you may. My companion needs new clothes.”
“And what are you looking for?”
The fake eyelashes fluttered madly. “Oh, you’ve come to the right place!”
Connor was looking at the salesman, head tilted, seemingly fascinated by the man’s

waving hands and dramatic expressions. He couldn’t help but grin – if Connor thought the boy
was odd, he couldn’t wait to introduce Kestrel.

“We’ll take one of your back rooms.”
The boy nodded happily and minced off with a large hand gesture that could only mean

‘follow me’.

He put his hand on Connor’s back again. “You looking forward to this, Lyum?”
Connor smiled up at him. “Oh, yes, it’s a beautiful place. You do know I have a spare

change of clothes, though, right? I don’t need an extra. I don’t want you to think I’m taking
advantage of you …”

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He laughed. “Oh, Connor, we are going to burn the clothing you brought with you and

never speak of it again.”

“Burn it? But this is almost new. I’ve only worn it a season!” Connor smoothed those

square hands down the front of the uniform, ugly dull material clinging to that lovely muscled

“I won’t have you wearing it, Connor. It’s ugly. I want to see you in clothes that flatter


He would make it an order if he had to, but he wanted Connor to enjoy this without that


“Oh.” Connor scooted a little closer to him, quiet for a few steps. “My favorite color is

green. Can I have something in green?”

“Oh, emerald green would be very flattering with your coloring, Lyum. Let’s see. We

need one or two very formal outfits, several semi-formal. Pyjamas, practical and sexy. Leather.
Lots of leather. Though most of what we want there is available through the club – they
specialize in some of the items we’ll be looking for …”

Connor gave him a disbelieving look. “How many people are you dressing? So much?

Just for me?”

“Connor, Lyum, I haven’t even started. You’ll need informal outfits for days like today,

when we’re just out and about. Outfits for lounging around. I want to be able to touch you and if
I’m not feeling skin? I want to feel soft materials. We’ll be here most of the day.”

Oh, it was fun playing dress up, fun being able to give this simple, simple thing to


Connor grinned as they entered a well-appointed room, complete with a divan and a low

table. “I like soft. One of the supers at the dock? She had a coat with fauxfur. I always wanted to
touch it. What it your favorite?”

“Brushed cotton and silk, next to your skin.”
“Oh.” Connor blushed deeply and ducked his head, long braid sliding over one shoulder.
He stroked Connor’s back and went to take a seat on the divan.
Their little helper introduced himself as Zavior and got their names and what he was

looking for and then the clothes began to arrive for Connor to try on.

He learned two things immediately – first, that his Lyum was exceedingly modest in front

of strangers and second, that Connor was unsure about wearing close-fitting clothes. The
uniforms the trade workers wore were all simple, utilitarian, loose-fitting, ugly, and obviously
what Connor expected clothes to feel like.

He didn’t dismiss Zavior. Connor was going to have to learn to not let the knowledge that

strangers were looking upon him bother him. He was a very handsome man, he would garner
looks. Not to mention that upon occasion, he would want to show Connor off and they would do
scenes in public.

He knew some would accuse him of coddling Connor. There were a top or two he had

met who would espouse his putting a collar on Connor and leading him naked through the club at
its busiest time.

He, however, preferred a gentler approach, one that engendered trust and respect rather

than just obedience.

He did allow Connor several choices in clothing that were not form-fitting. Ugly

however, was completely out.

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Connor was currently wearing a mesh shirt in rust with heavy strips of leather at the

throat and wrists, a pair of leather pants to match. The pants laced at the crotch and along the
seam at the ass, giving access.

Connor looked mortified. Beautiful and sensuous and edible, too.
He stood and walked around Connor, let his hand trail over the fine stomach. Once he

was behind Connor, he dropped his hand to the laces along Connors ass, rubbing. “I’m going to
fuck you in this. Bend you over in front of a mirror and take you.”

He whispered the words into Connor’s ear.
Connor’s eyes went wide, body moving into and away from his touch as if confused. He

could see Connor’s nipples tighten, see the ripple in Connor’s belly.

He continued to stroke the laced seam and to whisper. “And then I’ll put a plug in to keep

my seed inside you and lace you back up, bring you downstairs and show you off.”

His Lyum flushed a deep, dark red, eyes closing, teeth digging into the full bottom lip,

hard enough to split it. He turned Connor’s head back and kissed him, tongue lapping at the
drops of blood that welled there.

Then he turned to Zavior. “We’ll take this one. Let’s see the rest.”
Connor whimpered softly as Zavior left, leaning against him for a moment. Then his

Lyum slid out of the clothes and into the thick, green robe which was the one item Connor had
asked for. The heavy erection was hidden away as Connor dug through the pockets of the old
uniform, finding a pale, yellow pill and swallowing it.

“Lyum?” he asked softly.
Connor lifted his head and offered him a smile, hands sliding along the fabric of the robe.

“Yes, Sionadh?”

“What’s the pill for?”
“Hmm? Oh!” Connor reached in and pulled out a thin medcase with the Corps logo,

turning it over to expose a rainbow of pills. “Conc-Caf. Caffeine. You didn’t have caffe with
your breakfast and my head throbs if I miss a dose. Bosses know it, so we all carry medpacks –
in case you can’t get what you need because you’re working.”

Connor pointed. “The pink ones are Beaders. They give you a burst of energy – let’s say

you need to lift something and can’t – you get a quarter hour of strength to do it. The greens are
anti-nausea. The blues for sleeping. The yellows are conc-caf. The reds are for emergency work

He chuckled. “Well, we’ll wean you off your caffeine and soon enough you’ll be in touch

with your body and won’t need pills to do those things for you.”

He slid his hand past the soft material of Connor’s robe, stroking the warm, smooth skin.
Connor hummed at his touch, then turned to pocket the pills away. “Thank you for the

robe, Desmond. It’s beautiful.”

“You’re very welcome. Is there anything else you want? We already have the mourning

coat outfit for formal occasions, the three semi-formal suits. I like the emerald velvet one best,
myself. The silk pajamas. Those gauzy pants, the leather and mesh … we need a few more

“The soft shirts? The blue and green and black ones?” Connor pointed to a trio of thin,

soft knit shirts, simple, casual.

“Excellent. Zavior – we’ll take three of each of those shirts. And two each of the red and

blue shirts with the pearl buttons, one of the cable knit sweaters in beige and the two brown ones
you showed us at the start. Which pants did you like best for lounging around in, Connor?”

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Connor looked stunned, but pointed out the soft, loose pants that they’d been shown

earlier. “These.”

“A half dozen of those matching the shirts please, Zavior. One of the silk green robes and

a pair of slippers to match both robes. Come now, Connor – if there is anything else you saw that
you liked or that you can imagine you’d want speak now.”

He was enjoying this immensely. He was going to enjoy their visit to the leather bar at

the club even more.

“Well … Can I have some socks?” Connor leaned over and whispered. “My pair has a


“Oh good grief I totally forgot about socks! A half dozen pair in silk. A dozen cotton

ones to match the clothes. No underwear though, so don’t even ask, Connor, and if you have any
at home we’ll burn it as well.”

He was beginning quite enjoy that look on Connor’s face.
“Anything else, Lyum?”
“I … No. No.” Connor was still processing the underwear situation; those expressive

eyes aimed away, fingers playing with the end of the long braid.

“Well then, I think the only thing left are the coats. I’d like a full length black leather

duster. A dark, green heavy coat. And a brown, light jacket.”

He pulled out his credcard and gave it to Zavior. “Have it all shipped to Desmond Filgree

at the Velvet Glove, please.”

When Zavior left to make arrangements, one of Connor’s hands slid into his. “Thank you,


He squeezed Connor’s hand. “You’re welcome, Lyum. Now I am also going to set up an

account for you here, and I expect you to come in and buy whatever you need, you understand?”

Those eyes twinkled up, playful. “Except underwear.”
He laughed and kissed Connor hard. “Yes, Lyum. Except underwear. And ugly things.

No ugly things.”

“No gray-green uniforms or plaid hats, then.” Connor’s laughter was sweet against his


He chuckled and licked the sweet sound from Connor’s mouth. “That’s right.”
“What would you like me to wear out, Sionadh?” Connor’s lips chased his tongue.
He would have liked to have said the leather number, but decided it would be too

tempting. Not to mention not the easiest to take on and off while trying on stuff at the club.

“One of the new shirts and pants – the soft every day ones. Oh! Shoes. You’ll need dress

shoes, sport shoes, stompy boots, shiny boots and everyday wear. Zavior!”

“I heard, sir, and we’ve got a wonderful selection at your disposal.”
Connor was chuckling, heading over to choose a green shirt with dark grey pants.

“Stompy boots sound like fun.”

“Oh good. You can wear those out. Zavior, I’ll have his things in a bag with us, please.”

He turned to smile at Connor. “I really do intend to have a bonfire.”

“Let me empty the pockets, first then. All my cards and creds and such are in there!”

Connor tugged on the pants and put the robe in with his other things. Connor hurried over to
empty the multiple uniform pockets, teasing him with glimpses of odds and ends.

It wasn’t long at all before they were on their way, Connor looking wonderful in his new

clothes, the soft material drawing his fingers to it again and again as they rode in their private

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“Desmond…” Connor’s whisper was fierce. “Please. I … The pants are so soft anyway

and there’s nothing between me and them. You keep touching and I … won’t be able to stand.”

“Oh, I think you’ll be able to stand. And I will be proud to stand next to a man with such

a magnificent erection. Especially if I am the cause of that erection.” He slid his hand down to
caress Connor’s heat through his pants.

Connor gasped, shuddering, heavy cock throbbing against his touch as his Lyum went

bright red again.

He stroked gently. He would not take care of this now. Connor would have to learn to not

be embarrassed by his body and its reactions. “You should be proud, Lyum. You have a fine

“I …” Connor shook his head. “I have never met anyone like you, Desmond.”
“I assure you that everyone at the club will think the same thing.”
“Every …” Connor shifted away, just a bit. “It … it’s a big club.”
“I’m not suggesting parading you around by your cock, Connor. Although …” He waited

a beat or two before winking. “Seriously, what I mean is that I am not so unique at the club. And
I am not asking you to do anything outlandish. And even if I was, you would do it and do it to
the best of your ability or you would be punished.”

“I cannot believe there is another like you, Desmond.”
So sweet.
He stroked Connor’s cheek. “Thank you, Lyum.”
His palm was nuzzled, a soft kiss pressed in.
The car pulled up next to the club and he stroked Connor’s cheek once more. “Come,

Lyum, let us go proudly with our pricks leading us.”

Connor followed him, red-cheeked and hard, warm beside him.
He handed the bags they carried with them to the doorman and warned of more to come,

to be delivered to their rooms.

Then he led Connor to the leather shop. “Here we will pick up some toys, some clothes.

Stuff like cock sleeves and kinkier pants than the ones we purchased at Wano’s.”

He could hear Connor swallow. “Oh.”
Hand on Connor’s back, he led his lover inexorably toward the lift and the rooms on the

third floor that held the shops and inking studio.

“Go fuck yourself, you wanker!” The voice was familiar, as was the answering retort of

“Kiss off, freak!” Then Paul stormed out of the inking studio as they walked by, head shaved but
for a long, bright purple tail, naked but for a kilt and combat boots.

“It’s a good thing we weren’t looking to get you inked or pierced today. The shop’s just

the other side of the studio.”

He kept Connor moving.
“I hope you f … fall and b … break a l … leg! Des! B … b … bright day!” Peter’s voice

sounded as they walked off and Connor stumbled a bit.

“Pierced? Pierced?”
“Bright day, Peter,” he called back with a chuckle. “Relax, Lyum, I said we weren’t

doing anything like that today.”

“Are they always so … loud?”
“They have a very volatile relationship. They love big, they fight big.”
He opened the door to the leather shop for Connor.

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“Oh.” Connor walked in, stopping short at the sight of display upon display of the store’s

wares – cockrings and sheaths, hoods and bindings, chaps and corsets and laces. The smell was
heady, overwhelming. Wonderful. He could quite forgive Connor for being stunned. After all,
Connor didn’t back up until Mouse stood, the huge, leather-clad man looming.

“Desmond. Sir. How might I help you?”
“Mouse, good to see you. This is Connor. He is unequipped. I want clothes and toys and

custom restraints.”

He kept his hand on Connor’s back as the big blond looked him over. Mouse’s pale blue

eyes wandered over Connor as if he was simply a mannequin, a form to drape leather on.
Desmond could feel Connor’s muscles tighten, saw his Lyum’s nostrils flare.

Mouse nodded, the huge man moving slowly. “He’s strong. You’ll want the heavy

restraints, yes? A training collar? Little one? I need you to bring me my measuring tape and take

Desmond hid his grin, waiting for Connor’s reaction as Mouse’s little lover, Peep, darted

over to them, giving the big man a measuring tape and perching on a chair. The boy was all eyes
and he looked at Mouse with pure adoration.

Connor blinked, shaking his head again, as if he didn’t quite understand what he was


“What sort of outfitting are you looking for, Sir? He’s got a fine look – are you interested

in a corset?” Mouse took Connor’s hand, measuring the wrist and then the bicep without a word
to Connor, simply rumbling numbers to Peep before circling Connor’s neck with the tape.
Connor flinched and tried to take a step back, head tossing.

He rubbed Connor’s back with his hand. “Steady, Lyum,” he murmured. “He’s just

taking measurements.”

“Thick neck.” Mouse knelt and measured Connor’s waist and thigh and ankle.
“He’s well-built.” Desmond continued to stroke Connor’s back. “Connor? Is there

anything in particular you’d like before I place my order?”

Connor leaned into Desmond’s touch and shook his head, chewing nervously on his lips.

“N … no. No.”

“Very well.” He stroked Connor’s lips, soothing the worried flesh.
“Well Mouse, what do you suggest? He would look good in a corset, wouldn’t he?”
“With his little ass and broad shoulders? He’d be stunning.” Mouse stood and started

pulling down different items here and there. “Like I said, you’ll want the heavy restraints, he’ll
cut himself otherwise. I’ve got those now. The corset will need to be special-ordered to fit. Any
color preference?”

“A deep green, I think. We’ve discovered today it looks wonderful on him.”
“Excellent, Sir. Little One, let’s start from the top. Fetch the sample blindfolds, gags and

collars – in greens, black and … red, if I remember correctly, Sir?” Mouse was nothing if not

“That’s correct. I’d like to see what new items you have in the way of cockrings and

sleeves.” He kept an eye on Connor.

“Excellent. I have a few new designs, in addition to the traditional. We have a new

harness which is a cock ring and plug harness all at once, very nice. And Peep created a nice
piece which laces the cock and balls up tight. It’s excellent to use when you’re planning a nice
genital whipping or when your lad can’t keep his own hands off, yes?”

Connor was pale, shivering just a little, a soft rumble building.

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“Easy, Lyum. Mouse is just doing his job. He’s not interested in you. We must have these

things to continue together.”

Mouse gave Connor a friendly smile, then looked over at him. “He’s very new to this,

yes? I assume you don’t want any of the disciplinary items brought out?”

He chuckled. “I don’t think that will be necessary. Hmm, Connor?”
“Yes, Desmond? I mean, no. No, it isn’t.”
He chuckled again. “We’ll pass this time around, Mouse.” He stroked Connor’s back,


“Of course, sir.” Mouse beamed at Peep, who came bearing a wide tray with a padded

blindfold, gags – some with mouth inserts – hoods, and a variety of collars for him to choose

“Connor? You must choose at least one thing. We will use it tonight. You may choose

more than one if you like. I will choose the rest.”

Connor nodded, looking carefully. It didn’t take long before his Lyum chose a fur-lined

blindfold, stroking with trembling fingers. “This one. It’s soft.”

“Very nice.” He placed a soft kiss on Connor’s lips and then handed the blindfold to him.

“Hold onto this. The rest will be delivered.”

Then he turned and quickly chose a number of the other items, leaving the collars for

now. He had one that he had had made several years earlier. Once Connor was ready, he would
wear that collar.

“I’ll send you a list for the rest of the items I want, Mouse.” He thought perhaps the rest

of the items would work best if Connor didn’t think too hard on it.

“Yes, Sir. I’ll need exact measurements – erect and flaccid – and from the base of his

cock to his hole.”

Connor’s jaw dropped.
He bit his lip to keep from laughing. “I shall send those along with my list.”
“Excellent. Thank you, Sir.” Mouse nodded, heading over to take the list from Peep,

making a few notes.

“Thank you, Mouse.” He stroked Connor’s back again. “Are you ready to leave, Lyum?

If you have questions or needs, you are to speak freely.”

“Have you … Will we …” Connor swallowed. “I’ve never even imagined some of these

things, Desmond …”

“You will have a chance to learn them all, Connor. Is there something you need from

here? From Mouse? Or shall we retire to our rooms?”

“No. Nothing. I don’t need anything.” One of Connor’s hands twined with his, holding


“Then let us go. Thank you very much, Mouse.”
He turned Connor, leading him back out.
Connor walked quietly beside him, almost vibrating with tension.

He knew there would be many questions and lots of worry to come. He also knew that Connor
would come through with flying colors in the end. Because he had chosen right. He had chosen

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Chapter Seven

Connor was stunned.
He was …
He was walking with a fur-lined blindfold in his hand, dressed in the softest, most

wonderful clothes he’d ever felt in his entire life. In fact, he might never take them off again,
they were that soft.

It was unreal, that three nights ago he didn’t know Desmond and today they were …

whatever it was they were.

The words the huge man in the store had said – and so matter-of-fact, so direct, too – had

made him shiver, made him tremble deep inside.

Oh. Oh, that was … Oh.
Desmond palmed open their door, free hand guiding him through into their rooms.
Desmond and his.
“So why the blindfold, Lyum?”
“Hmmm? Why? It …” He shrugged, fingers moving over the now-warm leather. “It

seemed the least strange, partially. Mostly, though? It’s soft. Very soft.”

“You’re a very sensual man, aren’t you, Connor Dean?” Desmond’s fingers slid over the

blindfold and his own fingers, stroking.

“Am I?” His hand turned, enjoying that touch down in his bones.
Desmond chuckled. “Yes, Lyum, you most definitely are.”
Connor blushed, smiling up at Desmond. “That’s a good thing, yeah?”
“Oh yes, Lyum. It’s a very good thing.” Desmond stroked his cheeks with gentle fingers.

“I can’t wait to get you out of your clothes and into your blindfold. I’ll show you just how
sensitive you can be.”

He closed his eyes for a moment, nuzzling into the touches as he moaned, cock filling.

“Sionadh …”

“Yes, Lyum? Is there anything you need before we begin?”

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“Need?” He thought for a moment. “Can I have some juice, please? Or water.” The juice

from this morning was so bright, so good.

“Of course, Lyum. There is a small cold storage unit here in this cabinet.” Desmond went

over to the wooden cabinet and opened one of the doors to reveal the cold storage unit. “There’s
always juice of some sort in it, and fruit.”

“Oh.” He went over and chose a bright orange juice, offering it to Desmond first. “Would

you like a drink?”

“Thank you, Connor.” Desmond took the juice and drank a third of it before handing it

back with a smile. “You have good instincts, Lyum.”

“Oh. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Sionadh.” He pinked, unaccountably pleased, drinking

about half of what remained before capping the bottle and returning it to the cooler. The bright
flavor tingled all the way to his belly.

“Come into the playroom. You can leave your clothes in your room, but bring the

blindfold.” Desmond’s voice had gone deep, those eyes dark.

“Oh …” Those eyes were fascinating, beautiful. His voice faded, so he nodded, still

watching Desmond’s eyes.

Desmond bent and touched their lips together in a light kiss that was little more than a

sharing of their breaths and then his Sionadh headed toward his own room.

He watched Desmond walk, then went to his own room and slowly stripped. He folded

his clothes and put them away, then washed his hands and face in the tiny washroom off his
room. He brushed his hair out, then re-plaited it, checking himself out in the mirror before
grabbing the blindfold.

The playroom.
Okay, he knew he could do this.
He raised his hand to knock, then stopped.
No, Desmond said not to knock.
He opened the door and went in.
Desmond was already there, sitting on the large mat on the floor. There was plenty of

room on the mat for him to either sit across from Desmond or to lie in front of him.

“Where … where would you like me?” He held out his blindfold, offering it over.
Desmond indicated the mat in front of him. “You may lie down.”
He settled on his back in front of Desmond, hands moving restlessly, unsure where to


“Come now, Lyum, remember our lessons from yesterday. Calm and focused.”
Right. Watch the ceiling and breathe. In and out and in and out and yes. Yes. Better.
“Mmm. Yes, Lyum, that’s better.”
The soft fur of the blindfold slid along his legs.
“Oh …” He could feel his hair moving, feel the fur soft and warm on his skin.

Goosepimples raised on his skin, nipples tightening at the touch.

Desmond made a soft noise and continued to drag the blindfold up his body, sliding to his

thighs and hips to avoid his cock. He wiggled when the fur brushed the hollows of his hips,
gasping aloud. Oh, he was sensitive there. “Tickles!”

Desmond chuckled, the blindfold lingering, sliding over his hips again. His toes curled,

cock bobbing as he laughed, knees drawing up automatically.

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Desmond chuckled again, hand pushing his knees back down. “No moving, Lyum.” The

tickling caress was repeated. His muscles rippled, belly tightening up and he fought to keep his
shoulders down.

“Oh, very good, Connor. Very good.” His reward was a glide of the fur along his cock.
Oh. Oh, that made him purr, made his lips part and his balls tight.
Then Desmond continued to slide the blindfold up, fur teasing along his belly. That felt

sweet – warm and soft and just good – and he sighed, smiling with pleasure.

“Such a wanton. Beautiful and sensual.” Desmond’s words whispered, his Sionadh’s

wicked tongue sliding heat along the shell of his ear.

“You make me feel so good …” He shivered, licking his lips as his cock throbbed, entire

body tingling.

“You make doing that easy.”
The soft fur of the blindfold slid across his nipples and then Desmond turned it, dragging

the leather across the hard points. Oh, gods. He jerked, whimpering softly, pleasure so sharp it
almost hurt. “I … I’m sensitive there. So much.”

“Oh, don’t give away all your secrets so easily, Lyum. I think you’ll find that I shall use

any knowledge I get regarding your body quite ruthlessly.” The leather dragged over his erect
nipples once again.

“Already … oh … already gave that to you on our first night, Sionadh.” Connor’s hands

fisting, sensation filling him.

“Yes, Lyum. You gave me everything that night.”
Heat flooded him, pleasure and pride surprising him. “I … Yes. All I could. All I knew to


“And you will learn how to give me so much more than you ever even dreamed you had

to give.” The blindfold continued to slide upward, stroking his neck with fur before caressing his
cheeks. He nuzzled toward the softness, eyes falling closed. Felt so good … “That’s my Lyum.”

The softness of the blindfold slid across his eyes, Desmond carefully lifting his head and

wrapping the leather ends together. “Are you comfortable, Connor Dean?”

He blinked once, then closed his eyes to the fur, nodding. “Yes. Yes, Sionadh.”
“Good. Do you remember what your safewords are?” Desmond’s hands slid over his

body, the touches soft, gentle.

“Yes. Tortoise and yellow. I remember.”
“Very good.” Desmond’s lips pressed against his, warm tongue invading, leaving him in

no doubt of who was in control of the kiss. Of him. He moaned, opening wide, hands sliding up
Desmond’s arms to hold and caress. The kiss lasted until he felt dizzy and then Desmond took
his hands and put them at his sides.

“Just relax and enjoy it, Lyum.”
“Yes, Sionadh …” Was that his voice? Rough and husky and low?
“Very good, Lyum.”
Desmond proceeded to touch him everywhere. Everywhere. With lips and tongue and

fingertips. It was like flying, the mixture of anticipation and pleasure wild and wonderful. He
purred and shifted, groaned and drank up each sensation.

Every now and then Desmond would murmur, would tell him how beautiful he was or

how sensual, how wonderful. And after each word of praise there would be a small, sharp nip of
Desmond’s teeth, turning everything on edge, making the soft touches that followed more
somehow. Each little nip left a fine tingling, an invisible mark that almost burned.

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From his face down to his toes, Desmond didn’t miss a spot, even spreading his legs to

lick behind his balls and between his ass cheeks. That touch – so intimate, so unexpected – made
him tense, made his breath whoosh out of him.

“Shh, my Lyum.” The words blew air against his most private places. He trembled,

fingers curling into fists. Oh. Oh, so exposed, so vulnerable.

The tip of Desmond’s tongue slid along his crease and teased his hole, Desmond licking

him over and over. Connor didn’t know what to do, his hips shifted, low cries filling the air. Half
of him needed more, half of him was shocked and pulling away. One of Desmond’s hands slid
up and grabbed his hip, holding him in place. The other wrapped around his cock, stroking
firmly. The maddening, amazing tongue kept licking, stroking over his skin, pushing at his
entrance but never quite breaching it.

“Sionadh! I … I need. I …” He was aflame, just cock and ass.
Desmond’s hand tightened around his cock, thumb sliding along the groove in the front

as that hot tongue pushed inside him, just like that. Connor jerked, sobbing as he came, seed
spraying over his belly, lights flashing behind his eyes.

Desmond hummed, the sound making his whole ass vibrate, starting where Desmond’s

tongue was inside him. Then his Sionadh’s tongue disappeared, and he could feel the heat of
Desmond’s knees against the inside of his legs. Fighting to catch his breath, Connor’s blinked his
eyes open, confused for a minute by the darkness. Oh. Blindfold. Yeah. He could hear
Desmond’s breath growing faster and then there was a cry of pleasure, heat splashing against his
cock and balls.

He moaned, the heat on his skin and knowledge that Desmond wanted him, made his

cock throb. “Sionadh …”

“Yes, my Lyum?”
He didn’t know what to say, how to say what he felt, so he opened his hands. They were

taken and a soft kiss placed into each one before Desmond leaned over him, bringing their
mouths together for a long, slow kiss. Connor opened, moaning into Desmond’s lips, suffused
with pleasure.

Then Desmond withdrew. “Relax, Connor. Find your center.”
A moment later Desmond was back, something warm and damp sliding along his skin,

cleaning him before the strong fingers began massaging. He took a deep breath, muscles going
limp, relaxing completely under Desmond’s touch. “Oh … Good.”

“Good.” Desmond worked his muscles until he thought he was completely melted and

then he was giving another soft kiss. “Are you hungry, Lyum? There should be a plate of fruit
and cheeses waiting for our pleasure in the sitting room.”

He wasn’t sure he could move, wasn’t sure he could walk, but his stomach rumbled

softly, so he nodded. “Th … that sounds good, Sionadh. Thank you.”

“It is my pleasure, Lyum.” Desmond’s hands took his, guided him to his feet. “I think we

shall leave the blindfold where it is, let you really focus on the food.”

His lips parted, hands tightening on Desmond’s. “On?” He’d need Desmond to stay with

him, to show him where they were going. He couldn’t see anything.

“Yes, Lyum. On.” Desmond took his hand and threaded it through his Sionadh’s arm,

leading him from the room.

“Oh, wonderful! Our packages have arrived. You’ll be able to wear one of your silk

robes. I’ll just settle you here on the couch.”

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He sat carefully, the cool leather of the sofa soft and sensual against his bare skin. He

could hear boxes being moved about, tissue pushed aside and then suddenly soft, cool silk fell
about his shoulders.

Desmond kissed him quickly. “I’ll be no more than a moment, Lyum. Fetching my own


He stood, settling the robe around him and reaching around to find the belt to hold it

closed. It was just out of his reach and he rumbled, twisting to try and reach it.

“Calm, my Lyum,” murmured Desmond. The belt was pushed into his hand, Desmond’s

fingers sliding along his cheeks.

Connor blushed dark. “Sorry. I just. I couldn’t reach it.” Of course, all he had to do was

take off the blindfold …

Desmond stroked his arm. “I want you to become used to moving around our home with

ease and comfort while blindfolded.”

“I … Oh, Desmond … I’m not known for grace when I can see.” He held out his arms.

He was built for power and lifting, not ease.

Desmond simply stroked his arms with gentle fingertips. “All you need to do is have

confidence in yourself, my Lyum. I am not asking you to perform a ballet. Now sit. I think you
will find that eating while blindfolded can be a very sexy experience.”

He chuckled at the thought of him – him! – in a ballet and sat, wrapping himself in the

robe. Desmond sat with him, the silk of his Sionadh’s robe brushing against his legs. He was
settled back, reclining comfortably, Desmond close. Then the feeding began.

Something wet, cold and glorious smelling was pressed against his lips, the sharp smell

of citrus making his mouth water.

“Oh …” He opened up and ate it, moaning and shivering as the flavor exploded in his


Oh, bright and sweet and tart and …
“Tastes amazing when you can’t see, doesn’t it?” Desmond murmured in his ear, voice

low, breath warm against his skin.

“Yes.” He shivered, goosepimples coming up.
Desmond licked his ear and then the side of his mouth. “Mmm … tastes good.”
Another slice of fruit was pressed against his lips. He opened again, licking at the fruit for

a second before eating, the juice exploding in his mouth. Desmond’s tongue followed the fruit in,
stealing the juices from him, leaving the flavor of his Sionadh in its stead. Connor slid his hands
around Desmond’s waist, humming at the feel of heat and silk under his palms.

“Tell me, Connor Dean, are you enjoying yourself?”
He nodded, fingers stroking gently. “You’ve been very kind to me, very generous and

good. You make me feel … special.”

“You are special, Lyum. I am glad that you feel as if you are.”
He was kissed again and then a piece of cheese was pressed to his mouth. It didn’t smell

like much, but the taste was sharp, tangy.

“Are you, too? Happy I mean? Am I … pleasing to you?” He tilted his head, a frisson of

worry filling him.

Desmond purred. “Very, Connor. I have waited a long time for you.”

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“Oh. Oh, I’m glad, Desmond. So glad.” He shook his head, suddenly wanting to see his

Sionadh, see the truth in those eyes.

“Is anything the matter, my Lyum?”
“I … I want to see you.”
Desmond’s fingers slid along his cheek. “Why?”
“Because … Because I … It’s hard to know …” He shook his head, sighing in frustration

as words that made sense evaded him. “It doesn’t matter.”

“No.” Desmond’s voice was angry. “I don’t ever want to hear you say that. Everything

you have to say matters. Everything you feel matters. You matter, Connor Dean. Haven’t you
figured it out yet? It’s all about you.” Those fingers kept stroking, the anger fading from
Desmond’s voice. “Just take a deep breath, Lyum. Find your center, calm and quiet, safe. And
then tell me.”

He took a deep breath, then another. “But I don’t want it to be all about me. I want you to

feel, too. I want to believe that, so bad. Want to believe what my body says, but it’s harder, when
I can’t see. Easy to think maybe I’m a fool, that you couldn’t feel … things about me.”

“Oh, Lyum …” Desmond stroked his cheek again, kissed him again. “We’ll work on this

trust issue. But for now …”

The blindfold was gently removed. He blinked in the dim light, eyes watering. It was

easy to lean into Desmond and hide his eyes, hold tight. Strong fingers slid along his arm, petting
him, soothing him.

He returned the touches, purring low in his chest. “I want to be worth your trouble,


His face was taken in warm hands, tilted up so he could look into Desmond’s eyes. “You

are, Connor Dean. If you weren’t, you would not be here.”

He reached up, stroking Desmond’s forehead, cheeks, watching those warm eyes.
Desmond purred, nuzzled into his touch. “Would you like to sleep with me tonight,


“Oh. Yes. Yes, very much.” That was one of his favorite parts of having a lover, the

sleeping together. “Thank you.”

“I did not want you to feel like you had to or that you did not have your own room. And

there are times when I will wish to be alone as I am sure there will be times when you wish to be
alone as well. But as a rule, I would like to share a bed with you.”

“Oh. I would …” He dared a grin. “Do you mind snuggling?” He was definitely a


Desmond chuckled. “I’m not sure I ever have. We’ll have to see. Though I cannot

imagine not enjoying something that keeps us close together.”

“Well, if you don’t like it, I’ll try to stop.” He shrugged. “I just know how I am.”
Desmond kissed him slowly. “We’ll find what works for us, Lyum.”

“Yes, Sionadh.” He nodded, resting in Desmond’s arms. “We will.”

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Chapter Eight

Desmond quickly found out what Connor meant by ‘snuggler’ and decided that he quite

liked having a warm body so close. Of course, he then didn’t need any blankets and Connor
seemed bent on covering them in as many as he would allow, but they would work it out, he was

They had spent the day after their shopping trip just enjoying themselves. Massages

under Bowie’s skilled hands, an excellent dinner in the club proper and an hour or so watching
the dancers. He’d insisted on an early night for them. Connor needed his sleep.

Today they were headed for the playrooms. He wanted Connor to watch another pair at


He’d woken to the sound of Connor bathing – singing and laughing and splashing in the

shower. When he’d gone in to see, he’d been greeted by the sight of wet, soapy, half-hard man,
hands carefully washing that long, bright hair.

He’d watched until the soap was out of Connor’s hair and then they’d made love in the

water, bodies slick and wet.

Breakfast was a light vegetable omelet and now they were in the lift, wearing soft, casual

clothing that allowed for easy access.

“I imagine there are several pairs already working. Do you have a preference for the kind

of scene you would like to observe?”

Connor shook his head. “No. I don’t have a real basis to choose from, you know?”
He nodded. That was one of the reasons why they were going to watch. “Is there any one

thing that you’ve heard or seen over the last few days that has you most concerned?”

“Concerned?” Connor tilted his head, thought for a few steps. “The … the whole pain-

punishment thing. I don’t. I don’t understand.”

“Such as we saw on our first night?” At Connor’s nod, he tilted his head. “I’m not sure

how seeing it will make you understand. You do realize that the pain is not always meted out as
punishment? In fact, it often is not. Many subs enjoy pain.”

“Why?” Connor’s hand slid down his arm, fingers twining with his own. The expression

of trust was delicious.

“Well, you should probably talk to some of the other subs and the answer will be

different for each, but what it boils down to is being taken outside of oneself, of ceding control of
one’s desires, one’s pleasure and pain, of one’s body to another person. Someone you trust to
take you to where you need to go.”

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“Like.” Here Connor pinked, voice lowering. “Like not tugging off this morning in the

shower, sort of?”

“Yes, exactly.” Connor was a natural. A natural. “And wasn’t making love with me

worth not tugging off in the shower?”

“Oh, yes!” That response was enthusiastic, Connor’s fingers squeezing his. “Absolutely.”
He chuckled. “Well there you go. If something doesn’t work for you, you don’t do it. But

if it does … well the sky is the limit and where I intend to send you on a regular basis.”

Connor blushed, nodded, cuddled closer. “Yes, Sionadh.”
“I think you’ll find yourself surprised by what you enjoy, by what you want. But we’ll

take it slow.” He nodded at the board as they came to the playrooms. “Well there are several
pairs working at the moment. Mal is training a new top. Gloucester is being whipped again. I
don’t know who the last pair are.”

“Well, then, the new pair.” Connor gave him a grin, eyes playful. “That seems more fair.”
He laughed and gave Connor a kiss. Oh, his Lyum was a delight. An absolute delight.
The other advantage was that at this hour the new pair was likely to have a smaller

audience, affording him and Connor more privacy in which to react to what they were seeing.

He opened the door, a muscled man, skin black as night, bound with white rope, cock

wrapped in bright red, was standing spread beneath the lights. They slipped into a pair of seats in
the almost empty observation area before he saw the other man. Also naked, this man’s skin was
more like dark honey. The top was slight and moved with an innate grace that was quite
beautiful. The long hair flowed like a curtain around his skin. Both arms were covered in
elaborate, swirling tattoos done in gold and copper.

“Oh. Wow. They’re pretty.” Connor’s eyes were wide.
“Indeed.” He settled with an arm around Connor, waiting to see what the pair would do


The top walked slowly around the bound man, hands reaching out to pinch a nipple here

or slap an ass cheek there, making sure the big sub didn’t get distracted, didn’t forget the top was
there. Completely bare, the play of muscles beneath the black skin was lovely, arousing.
Desmond could see a number of couples curled together, watching.

The short top made an adjustment here and there and then settled cross-legged on the

floor in front of the bound man.

The silence in the room seemed loud.
Desmond slid his hand along Connor’s thigh, caressing the inside of his Lyum’s leg with

his fingertips. Connor took a deep breath, thigh muscle rippling, eyes fastened onto the stage. He
turned to speak directly into Connor’s ear so that they would not disturb the scene. “What do you
think the bound man is thinking, feeling?”

Connor swallowed hard, head tilting, then his Lyum whispered. “He doesn’t look scared

at all. He looks at peace, easy. He’s got to know that people are watching … Do you think he

“I think the only eyes he cares about are those of his top.”
Connor’s eyes went wide. “Honestly? I don’t … I don’t know that I could forget.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t say he had forgotten, just that he only cared that his top

saw him.”

He watched Connor trying to process that information, brows drawing together. “So he

just doesn’t care that we’re out here?”

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“More than likely not. Or possibly he cares, but only in that his obedience highlights his

top’s skill.”

If it were he and Connor in their place, he would know they had an audience, but not be

aware of the specifics, all his focus would be on his Lyum.

“He’s very … naked. Everywhere.”
He had to bite back his laughter. “Which one?”
He got a confused look. “The bald man under the lights.”
“But his companion is just as naked and very beautiful. Yet all eyes are on the jewel. You

have just proved what most people outside of the lifestyle do not know – that it is the sub around
whom everything revolves.”

“But … Sionadh … I could never …” Connor met his eyes. “You’re so beautiful. No one

would see me if you were there.”

He had to stifle more laughter. As if he could compete with the strong body, with that

glorious hair. As if he would want to. “Keep looking right at me. Describe for me the man with
the bald one.”

“He is small, golden-skinned. He has dark hair and golden tattoos.”
“I’m surprised you noticed that much. Was he beautiful?”
“I … They were. They were beautiful.”
“Yes, they are. It is the bound man who holds your attention though, isn’t it?” He ran his

fingers along Connor’s arm.

Connor shivered, nodded. “Yes. The lights make his skin shine.”
“It is his obedience that makes him glow, his pleasure in offering himself to whatever his

lover wants.”

He turned Connor’s head so that his lover could watch as two small, golden clamps were

attached to the black man’s nipples. Connor’s eyes went wide. “Does it hurt?”

“A little. When we get home I’ll demonstrate.”
The bound man never moved, never shifted, eyes fastened onto his top. Connor, on the

other hand, shifted, legs crossing, peering out from behind his hair.

He casually slid his hand between Connor’s legs and slowly, very slowly, moved toward

his Lyum’s cock. Connor jumped, eyes sliding away from the men on the stage, where shining
weights on fine chains where hooked on the clamps, draped over the heavy cock.

“Just watch the show, Lyum. And don’t make a sound.”
His little finger brushed Connor’s cock through his pants. Connor swallowed, thighs

closing, eyes on the stage. He pushed his hand between Connor’s thighs and spread his fingers
insistently. Connor bit his lip, biting back a moan, thighs parting slowly.

Yes. So beautiful. He slid his hand into Connor’s pants, fingertips brushing the tip of his

Lyum’s cock. It was hard and wet-tipped, Connor obviously enjoying the show. Connor’s entire
body rippled, hips shifting back into the cushions. The top on the stage had a large dildo, slowly
pressing it into the dark body.

He purred softly. “Oh, Lyum, one day that will be us. Your body spread out for me,

accepting whatever I choose to give you.”

He wrapped his hand around Connor’s prick and began to stroke. “Though first we must

share the pleasures of penetration – my cock inside your body.”

Connor flushed, eyes closing, white teeth biting into the full bottom lip.
“I said watch.” He squeezed Connor’s cock tight. Connor whimpered, jerking in his hand,

eyes flying open. “And I said don’t make a sound. Do not make me repeat myself again, Lyum.”

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He kept his hold on Connor’s cock hard, not hurting, but not comfortable. Connor ducked his
head, staring straight ahead, fingers tangling in the long hair.

“Better,” he murmured, thumb sliding across the tip of Connor’s prick. He could feel

Connor jerk, body going stock still. “All eyes are on the beautiful man in the spotlights, Lyum.
As long as you are quiet, no one will know what we do.”

He began again to slowly stroke as the top on the stage fucked his sub with the large

dildo. The dildo was pale, a stark contrast to the black skin. The sub’s head was thrown back,
throat working, soft sounds spilling into the room. In contrast, his Lyum was silent, shaking, eyes

“Beautiful,” he murmured, the lines of Connor’s face beginning to shine with sweat.
The weights held upon the sub’s prick bobbed, but did not fall, the man’s strength


Desmond stroked Connor faster, thumb working the tip again and again. “I imagine he

will not be allowed to come for hours. You, on the other hand, may come now.”

Connor arched, fingers tightening on the cushions, the heat and scent of seed heady,

filling the air. He purred his approval, hand lifting to his mouth so that he could taste Connor’s
pleasure. Connor studiously ignored the sight, tongue lapping at his own lips. Smiling, he wiped
the rest of Connor’s seed from his hand with a handkerchief.

“Tell me what you felt.”
“H … hot. Worried that someone would see. Want … wanted to please you.” Connor’s

face disappeared behind his hair.

“Did you take pleasure from it?”
Connor nodded silently.
“Good. That was what I wanted you to feel.” He stroked the small of Connor’s back,

soothing and comforting. “Do you wish to continue observing?”

Connor began to relax, breath slowing. “I do not know. Part of me does and another part

wishes to go home, talk about what we’ve seen.”

He nodded. “Then we shall go so that we can discuss it. There will be plenty of

opportunities to watch – I would have your questions while they are fresh.”

He stood silently, holding his hand out to Connor. Connor stood up, hand sliding into his,

the touch confident, sure. They left the room, remaining silent until they were again in the lift,
traveling upward.

“So you have questions, Lyum?”
“I … Yes. I … It was huge, the thing the top was using. Did it hurt? I mean, that is a little


“It is a little space, but it stretches quite wide, you will see.” Perhaps he should have

initiated penetration with Connor sooner, but he wanted to take it slow, make sure his Lyum was

Connor’s eyebrow lifted, but the man didn’t argue. “And his cock was bound – to keep

him hard?”

“Yes. And to help him control his body so that he would not come.”
“He felt so good?”
“I imagine he was flying.”
“Oh.” He got a shy smile. “It’s hard to understand, hard to know what he felt.”
He nodded. “I shall just have to show you then, so that you might know it for yourself.”
“Is it okay that it makes me nervous? That a lot of what we see makes me nervous?”

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“Yes, my Lyum. As long as your nerves do not keep you from giving what we do a


Connor nodded to him, squeezed his fingers. “I will do my best for you, Sionadh.”
“That is all I ask, all I have ever asked.”
The lift doors opened as he leaned to kiss his Lyum softly. Connor opened to him, lips

soft and ready for him.
He ignored the open doors, kissing Connor until they were both breathless before taking his
Lyum’s hand and leading him back to their rooms for the next lesson.

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Chapter Nine

There were a lot of things that Connor loved about living in the club.
Hot showers and berries with cream were two of his favorites. The vidfeed was cool. The

soft bed. Desmond.

Oh, sweet heavens above.
Connor shivered, his shaft filling as he moved through Desmond’s rooms towards the

kitchen to make some caf so he could survive the evening without falling asleep. Oh, Desmond’s
lifestyle was decadent.

And Desmond himself?
Now some of the things they saw? Not so wow, but he was willing to try, to experiment,

because Desmond always listened to him, always heard him.

Well, except for the caf eight times a day thing …
“Connor, good evening.” Desmond was already in the kitchen, preparing a fruit salad,

looking very wow in a grey silk shirt and pants to match.

“Hi, Desmond. You look … wow. Really.” He gave Desmond a smile, staying out of the

way as he prepared a cup. “Would you like any help?”

“Thank you, Connor. You’re looking very fine yourself.” He got a warm, sexy smile

from Desmond. “I’m almost done. I thought we’d just take a light evening meal. So that we
could play later.”

“Oh.” He shivered, nodding, suddenly very awake. “I got all shivery inside.”
“Hmm? Oh, wonderful.” Desmond came over and tilted his head, giving him a soft kiss.
He returned the kiss, one hand cupping Desmond’s jaw, peace filling him.
“My Lyum,” murmured Desmond, rubbing their noses together as the kiss ended. “Are

you hungry?” Desmond asked him.

“Not starving, but I could eat.” It was easier with Desmond, to just be honest, completely

and thoroughly.

“A few pieces of fruit then, maybe a bit of ice cream to go with them? Do you like ice

cream, Connor Dean?”

“I don’t know. Is it sweet?” He had found that many of the foods Desmond liked suited

him well.

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“You’ve never had ice cream before? Oh, you must have some. And yes, it is quite sweet.

A perfect accompaniment for fruit.”

Desmond went to the cold box and took a container from the iced section, dishing them

up some of the ice cream into a bowl.

“We will share. I find I enjoy feeding and being fed by you.”
Connor poured a glass of Desmond’s favorite juice to bring with them, nodding happily.

Eating with Desmond was a favorite thing of his, sensual and close. Fruit was added to the bowl
and Desmond led the way to the sitting room, choosing to settle on the couch.

Connor settled close by, so relaxed compared to the first morning he’d done this, and

carefully scooped a bit of cream and Desmond’s favorite berry. “Like this?”

Desmond purred for him. “Yes, Lyum.” Leaning forward, Desmond took the food from

his spoon, eyes on his.

He pinked, but smiled, enjoying his Sionadh’s pleasure, the attention, and the warmth. “Is

it good?”

Desmond took the spoon from him and offered him some ice cream with a bit of a fruit

Desmond called papaya. “Try for yourself.”

He opened his mouth, eyes popping open at the flash of fruit and cold and sweet and

oh …

Desmond grinned at him, leaning forward to lick some of the flavor from his lips. Connor

grinned, eyes flashing up at his lover, lips parting. Desmond’s tongue slipped into his mouth,
kissing him softly and then with growing passion. He groaned, pushing into Desmond’s arms,
rubbing their bodies together.

Desmond pulled back a moment later with a soft smile. “We will not sate all our hungers

here, Lyum.”

He fought and caught his breath, answering Desmond’s grin. “I think you are right,


“Let us finish the fruit and ice cream and then we’ll retire to the playroom. I have plans

for this evening.”

“You said earlier.” He nodded. “Will you share them with me or are they a surprise?” He

fed Desmond another bite.

“Hmm … I don’t know if you would benefit from knowing now or not until it is upon


“I don’t mind surprises, Desmond.” He took a bite for himself. “That way I can just enjoy

eating with you now.”

“And it will keep you from fretting.” Desmond winked and offered him yet another bite.
He felt his cheeks heat and he nodded, mouth open. His Sionadh knew him so well.
He and Desmond shared the food until it was all gone and then Desmond kissed him

softly once more. “I will meet you in the playroom in five minutes. I’d like you to be naked.”

He nodded, stroking Desmond’s cheek, refusing to worry. “Yes, Sionadh.”
He got a pleased smile. “Good.”
He waited until Desmond left, then put the bowl away and stripped down, tightly braiding

his hair back, then pulling it out so he could …

Uh …
Well, sort of, hide.
But he’d better find a better word.

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He opened the door to the playroom and went in. It was a few minutes before Desmond

came in, his Sionadh as naked as he was, face serious, cock half-hard.

He tilted his head, a little worried. “Are you well?”
“I am very well. Quite looking forward to our evening.”
“Oh.” He nodded, unsure of what to do. “Good. I’m glad.”
Desmond went to the panel and pressed a button and a padded bench slid from the wall.

“I’d like you to bend over that, please.”

He nodded and went over, arms crossed over his belly, easing his nerves. “Head by the

wall or hanging over?”

“Hanging over. Hands holding onto the loops near the bottom on either side, your legs


Another nod and he did what Desmond asked. He felt terribly exposed, open, vulnerable.

A little scared.

Desmond’s hands slid over his back and ass, warm, gentle. “It’s just you and me, Lyum,

no one else.”

“This is … unnerving, Sionadh.” He took a deep breath, tried to relax.
“I know it is, Lyum. That’s why I’m doing it.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I am pushing your boundaries, Lyum, pushing you.” Desmond’s hands continued to

slide along his skin, warm and familiar, arousing despite his nerves.

He nodded and tried to focus on those touches. Pushing he could understand. Desmond

was there, wouldn’t let him fall.

Desmond’s breath slid over his neck in a phantom kiss. “I am going to do something you

think you won’t like now, Lyum. I want you to accept it. I want you to try very, very hard to take
it until I finish, without safewording.”

His fingers curled around the straps they held and a bitter taste flooded the back of his

mouth, but he nodded, steeling himself. Anything. He could do anything for a few minutes.

“Safeword if you need to, Connor Dean – there will be no shame in that.”
Desmond’s warmth left him and the next touch was hard leather, sliding over his skin,

from one heel up along his leg and over his ass. “It is a leather strap.”

Oh. He closed his eyes, forcing himself to count slowly backwards from one thousand.

He remembered strappings from when he was a kid. God, he could remember the floor warden,
“Think on your crimes, boy.”

He stopped counting for a second. “Have I done something wrong or do you just want to

do this?”

He needed to know.
“Something wrong?” Desmond sounded truly confused. “Lyum, I assure you, had you

done anything wrong, you would know.”

His Sionadh’s hand was back, sliding over his skin. “Is that the association you make

with the strap?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Sionadh? Is that unusual? They correct us in the schools, yes?

You know, ‘Up against the wall and spread and think about what you’ve done wrong?’”
Sometimes he forgot that Desmond’s world was very different from his own.

“Really?” Desmond walked away and came back again, this time he was shown what

looked like a ping-pong paddle.

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“This is a paddle. You notice the rubber bumps of various sizes? It makes for a very

interesting pattern. Will you be more comfortable if I use this?”

His eyes went wide. “I don’t know. I mean, I wasn’t asking you to change. I just needed

to know you weren’t punishing me and if you were, what for. I just needed to know why because
I needed to know what to think about while I was counting.”

“Oh, I was planning to tell you what to think about, Lyum. And you don’t need to count

the strokes.” Desmond hmmed and gave him a quick kiss. “I will use the strap. It’s about time
you found positive associations for it. And I want you to think about how much I care for you.
Aside from that I don’t want you to think about anything. I just want you to feel. Because you
will wear my marks on your ass tomorrow and every time you sit you will remember that I did
this to you. And it will be inescapable. I like the thought of that, don’t you? That my touch is
inescapable. Inevitable.”

He wasn’t sure that he was altogether enamored of that idea, actually. But for Desmond,

he’d survive it.

“Find your center, Lyum. I will begin in one minute.”
He watched his hair, pooled on the floor, all reds and browns and coppers, counting

backwards from 5,000 again. He didn’t know how not to.

“Now, Lyum.”
It was his only warning before the strap fell across his ass.
It burned, but it wasn’t unbearable, just hot, almost heavy.
“Beautiful. You are beautiful, Lyum.” The strap fell against him again, crossing the welt

already laid down.

He got distracted by Desmond’s words, the heat on his ass that warmed him through.
4,92 …
The strap fell again. “I am so hard for you, Connor. Your submission enflames me.”
“Sionadh …” He’d lost his numbers; he was going to have to start over. Oh, that voice

was going to make him hard.

“Yes, my Lyum, it is your Sionadh who does this to you, your Sionadh who takes

pleasure in your submission, in your trust. So sexy, my Lyum.” Desmond’s voice had grown
husky, the need in it clear. The strap fell twice more, his whole ass burning.

Connor wrapped himself in his Sionadh’s words, body slowly rocking, hips sliding on the

bench. Desmond purred softly and the strap fell twice more. Then his Sionadh’s hands slid over
his abused ass.

He moaned, eyes falling closed. Oh. That touch was …
Desmond’s fingers pressed against his skin and then his Sionadh’s hot prick slid along his

crack. His ass muscles tried to tighten, then relaxed as the burn flared.

Moaning, Desmond slid that hard cock along his crack over and over, riding him hard. He

could feel Desmond’s pubic hair scraping against his sensitized skin. “Soon, my Lyum, I will be
inside you.”

“Soon.” He could feel everything, body burning, cock hard and throbbing.
“Yes. Soon.” Desmond’s hand wrapped around his cock, tugging in time with the

movements against his ass.

“Sionadh!” He jerked, head lifting up on a cry, hips moving faster.

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Desmond’s thrusts became harder, lifting his Sionadh’s cock and hips away from him,

slamming them back against his ass, along his crack. He struggled to draw his thighs closer
together, raise his hips and give Desmond more to rub against.

“Just feel, Lyum. Feel and come for me.”
He gave a short cry, bucking into Desmond, body clenching as his balls drew tight and he

came. Heat splashed against his abused flesh, Desmond’s cry echoing him.

Connor relaxed, breath slowly coming back to normal, head swimming.
Desmond withdrew and helped him up, turning him and wrapping him in warm arms.

“Oh, my Lyum, I am so proud of you, so pleased.”

He was clinging, shivering, just a little dizzy. “Sionadh.”
“Will you sleep with me in my bed tonight, Lyum?” Desmond’s hands slid over his skin,

warm and soothing.

He nodded, surprised to find himself unwilling to let Desmond go. The strapping had not

been brutal, or even harsh, but he felt undone.

Desmond’s arm stayed around his shoulder, holding him close as they left the playroom


He was tired, exhausted deep in his bones, sated and melted. Oddly?
He was happy.
Connor didn’t think on that for long, just curled next to Desmond and snuggled close.

Desmond settled them both in his Sionadh’s big bed, pulling the softest and warmest comforter
on top of them. A straw was placed at his lips, allowing him to drink and then Desmond held

“Sleep, Connor Dean. Tomorrow we will deal with any questions you have, but tonight?

“Yes. Night, Sionadh.” He drifted off, held safe in his Desmond’s arms.

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Chapter Ten

Desmond woke up feeling refreshed and good down to his bones in the way that only the

deep sleep following a successful scene could bring.

Connor’s first ‘heavy’ scene and his Lyum had passed with flying colors.
Connor had trusted and let himself be taken somewhere new, somewhere good.
Desmond was sure there would be many concerns and questions this morning, but the

scene had confirmed one thing for him – Connor Dean was born to be a sub.

Connor Dean was born to be his sub.
He stretched, sliding against the solid warmth of his lover. Connor gave a soft, sweet

purr, square hands reaching to stroke his back, draw him close. He turned his head, kissing
Connor lightly, not even sure his Lyum was awake yet.

Connor’s eyelashes fluttered, coppery and bright against the warm skin, lips parting

easily. Purring, he slid his tongue into Connor’s mouth, tasting his Lyum. Connor’s eyes opened,
smiling at him, slow and soft and lovely. Happy.

He thought perhaps the questions could wait, as could breakfast and showers and any

manner of other things that weren’t making love.

He pressed close to Connor, letting his erection drag against his Lyum’s skin. A low

moan pushed into his lips, Connor eager and sensual, a most willing lover. He slid his hand
between them, fingers searching for the small nipples and making them hard as he found them.

So open, so responsive, Connor’s eyes went wide, filled with a sudden hunger.

“Sionadh …”

“Yes, my Lyum?” As if he didn’t know …
“I …” Connor moaned into his lips. “You make me feel so much.”
“That is the idea, Connor Dean. It is how you are meant to spend the next five years –


“Five years … It seems like a short time, somehow.”
Oh. Connor could not have said anything that would have made his heart swell more. “I

think so as well,” he whispered against Connor’s mouth, initiating a deep, hard kiss. His kiss was
met with a hunger matching his own, Connor reaching to hold him.

It was inflammatory, that hunger, making him moan and groan, hands moving over his

Lyum, wishing to touch every part of Connor. Connor arched into his body, wriggling and close,
fingers tracing the ink on his skin. He slid his hands along Connor’s spine, stroking them down

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and down, letting the motions take them to Connor’s crease. Connor didn’t stiffen, trusting his
touch, trusting him, hips continuing to move.

He slid his finger teasingly down along Connor’s crease and then, with the gentlest of

touches, felt the abused ass cheeks, the heat of his marks still coloring Connor’s skin

“Sionadh …” Connor cuddled closer, hard cock rubbing against his belly
“Yes, my Lyum?” He would not push Connor too far, but he would push him.
Connor ducked his head. “It tingles. I want you.”
“Want me in general or want me here?” he asked, pushing one finger between Connor’s

buttocks and pressing against the tiny, hot hole.

Connor shivered, scooting closer, clinging. “Will it hurt?”
“There will be stretching, perhaps a bit of burning, though I will be careful, work you

slowly open. There should not be any pain. And then … oh my Lyum, the joy of being joined in
such a way is astounding.”

Connor nodded and met his eyes. “I want to feel you. Please, Sionadh. M … make love to


He purred, bringing their lips together and kissing his Lyum almost wildly. “Yes, my

Lyum. Yes, I will make love to you.”

Connor pressed closer, moaning, opening to him easily, tongue pressing and playing with

his own. He slowly pushed Connor onto his back, spreading his lover’s legs and settling between
them. Connor held him with those strong thighs, so lovely beneath him. He lost himself in the
kiss for awhile, enjoying his Lyum.

Connor’s hands where exploring, offering him long, sure, strong touches. His Lyum was

a sensual, giving lover, always focused on his pleasure

“Such passion,” he murmured, hand searching for the tube of the slick stuff on his side-


“Me? Oh, no, Desmond. I’m just … Just. Me.”
“Yes, my Lyum. You are you and that is exciting to me. Wonderful.”
Connor blushed, leaning in to hide those lovely eyes against his throat
“Please, Lyum, do not hide from me.”
Connor blinked up at him, nodding, cheeks bright. “I’m sorry. You make me feel …”
“How do I make you feel, Lyum?” he asked, one hand stroking along Connor’s chest
“I … Special. Real. Like I’m not another dockworker. Like I’m yours.”
He purred. “Good. Because you are all those things, but most especially you are mine.”
Connor nodded. “Yes. Yes, yours.”
“Yes. And today I will show you.”
He slicked up one of his fingers and teased along Connor’s crack. Connor shivered, hips

pushing into him and then away. He nuzzled Connor’s lips and then licked at them, distracting as
his finger pushed against the tiny hole.

Connor’s body held him tight, his Lyum’s focus on the kiss
“Let me in, Lyum.”
Bright eyes flashed up to his, Connor taking a deep breath, the clench relaxing
“That’s it, Connor, that’s it.” He slipped his finger inside wonderful tight slick heat. The

muscles fluttered around his touch, hot and silken and his. He moaned and slid his finger in and
out, gently finger-fucking his Lyum. Connor’s eyes closed, the strong body cuddling close

“I’ll take care of you, Lyum, just relax and enjoy it.”
“Yes, Sionadh.” Connor’s lips traced his collarbone, slow and smooth.

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He purred and slipped a second finger in alongside the first, gently stretching. Connor’s

body squeezed him, rippling around his touch, seeming to draw him in deeper

“Yes, my Lyum, that’s it. That’s it.”
He brought their lips together, tongue sliding in, mimicking his fingers. The kiss went on

and on, Connor beginning to suck his tongue, hips shifting to meet his touch. Oh yes, that was it.

He scissored his fingers, stretching Connor more vigorously. Connor spread his legs

wider, opening further. Slicking up his fingers again, he pushed three in this time.

Connor went still, gasping, eyes flashing up to him. “Sionadh?”
He gazed into Connor’s eyes. “I have you, Lyum, I have you.”
Connor swallowed, fingers holding tight. “Full. So full.”
“Have I steered you wrong yet, Connor Dean?” he asked softly, fluttering his fingers


“No. No, Sionadh. You haven’t.” Connor kept watching his face, body slowly stretching
“And I don’t plan to. I care for you, Lyum. You are mine and I take very good care of

what is mine.” He started to move his fingers more as Connor’s body relaxed around them

“Yours.” Connor moaned softly, purring into his lips.
A shiver of delight went through him. “Oh yes, my Lyum, mine.”
Connor nodded, hands sliding against him, eyes warm
“Mmm, yes.”
He licked at Connor’s lips, fingers searching for the raised bit of flesh inside Connor.

When he found it, Connor cried out, body twisting in his arms. “Sionadh!”

He purred, fingers stroking across the little gland again, loving the way Connor

responded to him. Those bright eyes were wide, lips parted, hunger pouring off his Lyum. He
moaned, cock hard and leaking, needing, but he wouldn’t rush this, wouldn’t risk hurting

Connor’s lips met his, tongue pressing deep. He let Connor into his mouth as his fingers

worked his dear Lyum. Connor moaned and called for him, moving on his fingers

“Are you ready for me, Lyum? Do you want me?”
“Please, Sionadh. Please. I need.”
“As do I, Lyum.” He let his fingers slide away, his cock nudging at Connor’s ass.

Connor’s hips slowed, still shifting, moving for him

“So beautiful, my Lyum.” He murmured, pushing gently but insistently
“Y … yours. Desmond.”
“Yes, mine.” He moaned as he slid in, Connor so tight around him.
Connor’s muscles fluttered around him, Connor’s fingers gripping his shoulders. He

didn’t stop until his hips were hard against Connor, their balls all mashed together. Then he held
still while he waited for Connor to adjust to him, leaving soft, sucking kisses on Connor’s face

“Sionadh …” Connor’s breath came quick and light, eyes fastened on his face
“Lyum.” He licked at Connor’s lips, opening them to slide his tongue in.
Connor’s body slowly relaxed, the fierce grip easing into a heated caress. “Yours.”
He purred. “Oh, yes, Connor Dean, most assuredly mine.”
He kissed Connor until they were both breathless and he couldn’t stay still for a moment

longer. Then he began to move. So slowly, he pulled almost all the way out, Connor’s flesh
seeming to drag at his cock, not wanting to release it. He pushed back in just as slowly, Connor’s
body taking him eagerly.

Connor moaned, breath soft against his lips, hot

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“How does it feel, Lyum?” he asked, sliding out and then in again
“H … hot. Full. So full. So much.”
“You are so tight. I have never been held so well.” He moved to suck a mark up on

Connor’s neck, mouth sucking slowly as his hips found a rhythm. Connor’s hands traced his ink,
stroking his skin, soft cries filling the air.

He purred around Connor’s skin, increasing his speed, shifting so that he pegged

Connor’s gland with each thrust. Connor bucked under him, hips meeting his now, bodies sweat-
slick and sliding together. His purrs turned into growls, hips moving hard now, pushing into his
Lyum over and over again

“Sionadh! Sionadh, please!” Connor’s hand wrapped around his own straining cock,

tugging frantically

“That’s it, Lyum. Come for me. Show me your pleasure.”
A short, sharp cry filled the air, Connor’s body clenching around him, pulling at him
“Lyum!” He shouted out, cock throbbing, his seed pulled from him by Connor’s body.
They settled together, quiet and still, hearts pounding against each other as their breath

slowed. He nuzzled Connor’s neck, fingers sliding over his Lyum’s warm, damp skin.

Connor purred and those square hands tightened, holding him closer. “My Sionadh.”
“Yes, Connor. Yours.” He smiled and looked into Connor’s eyes.
Connor leaned up for a kiss. “Yes. My Desmond.”
Then Connor’s lips trailed along his jaw to his ear. “My love.”
He purred. “Yes. Yes, Lyum. You begin to understand, don’t you?”
Their cheeks rubbed together as Connor nodded.
He slid his fingers along the mark he’d raised on Connor’s neck. “Would you wear my

collar, Connor?”

“Yes.” Connor moaned softly, nodded again. “I would, Sionadh.”
Joy went through him and he brought their lips together, kissing his lover, his partner for

life, giving Connor everything in that kiss.
And, as always, his Lyum gave him everything in return.

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Chapter Eleven

Things were insane.
Caterers and tailors and invitations and well-wishers and people.
Connor was spending more and more time in the gym at night, more and more time

hiding in his room, more and more time watching Desmond in awe as his lover dealt with
everything effortlessly. Like Des was made for it. Born to it.

And he? Was a dockworker with rough hands and no class and … He sighed and started

brushing out his hair again, sitting cross-legged on his bed. And Desmond had chosen him, damn

There was a knock on his door, Desmond’s voice calling softly. “Lyum.” His lover never

entered his room without permission.

“Yes, Sionadh? It’s open.” He fingers were sort of stuck in a tangle or three.
Desmond came in, smiling at him. “There you are. Will you let me brush your hair?”
Oh. Oh, yes. He nodded, untangling his brush and holding it out. “Please.”
Desmond climbed onto the bed behind him, warm and solid. The brush was taken and

Desmond began to brush.

“You’ve been hiding, Lyum.”
“I …” He blinked, looking down. “It’s been so busy, so … much. I needed some quiet, I

guess. I’m sorry.”

“It’s been overwhelming, has it?” The strokes in his hair were soothing, even and

wonderful. “You should have come to me,” Desmond chided gently.

“You’ve been busy and I didn’t want …” He shrugged, relaxing under Desmond’s care.

“I don’t want to be a burden to you.”

Desmond tsked and stopped brushing, turning his face.
“Look at me, Lyum. Do you remember what all this fuss is for, Connor Dean?”
He turned, nodded. “For us. To celebrate us. I know it’s silly, Desmond. I know. It’s all

so … different. I feel like I’m going to wake up and be in my little bed with two minutes left
until the alarm goes off, sometimes.”

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“Oh, Lyum.” Desmond’s arms wrapped around him and pulled him in close. “I am no

dream, Connor Dean. I am simply yours.”

He pressed close, cheek sliding on Desmond’s shoulder. “Oh, Desmond, you are a dream

to me. I used to dream about you and wake up so empty and now that you’re real and I love you?
It’s like magic. And it’s good, so good, that I wonder what I did to deserve you.”

“I’m hardly a prize to be handed out to the best worker, Connor.” He could hear the

gentle tease in Desmond’s voice. “Let us just focus on the loving each other part and not worry
about who deserves what, hmm?”

He grinned, nuzzling into Desmond’s throat. “Oh, I don’t know, Sionadh … You

wouldn’t be my prize? I bet I can lift more than the other subs …” Desmond eased him. Eased
his soul.

Desmond laughed, bringing their mouths together and then looked into his eyes. “Lyum.

If you are uncomfortable, we don’t have to have a collaring ceremony. Or we could have a much
smaller one. I would not have you unhappy, not for the world.”

“No. No, I want everyone to know, to see how I feel. I just …” He shrugged, thinking. “I

think I just needed you for a little while – just you and me.”

“You should have said something, Lyum. Much as I would like to, I cannot read your


“I’m sorry, Desmond. I don’t think I knew until you asked.” He rested his hand on

Desmond’s belly. “I just knew I needed some quiet.”

He hadn’t really thought. Hell, thinking wasn’t his strong suit. Feeling was.
Desmond purred at his touch, fingers sliding through his hair. “We can be quiet


“I’d like that.” He slowly touched his lover, hand exploring, both of them simply relaxing


Desmond raised his chin again, licking softly at his lips.
He moaned, lips parting. “Oh … Sionadh …”
“Yes. Yes, my Lyum.”
Desmond’s fingers found his shirt buttons and started to undo them. He copied the

motion, fingers sliding to stroke Desmond’s skin, his cock throbbing at the heat of his lover.
Desmond purred for him, the sound soft, full of love.

His fingers found one of Desmond’s nipples, circling it slowly, encouraging it to peak.
“Lyum …” Desmond’s voice was low. rough.
“Yes, Sionadh?” He dared to tease, to stroke, to push.
Desmond chuckled softly. “Would you like to lead tonight, Lyum? Send me to the stars?”
“Oh. Yes. Let me love you?” He nodded, easing Desmond back onto his bed. “Let me

touch you?”

“Yes, Lyum. I would like that very much.” Desmond’s fingers slid through his hair.
He smiled, feeling completely confident for the first time since he’d come here. He knew

how to make love, to sink into sensations and make his Desmond happy. Desmond purred again,
touching his face, his shoulders, fingers returning again to his hair, sliding through it.

He took long slow kisses while he finished undressing Desmond, stroking over the warm

skin, warming with his body. Desmond moved beneath him, pushing into his touches, returning

“I love you.” He licked Desmond’s throat, nuzzling and whispering soft, sweet words of

love and need and passion, adoring his Sionadh.

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“Oh, Lyum, you make me need.”
He smiled; slowly licking his way down Desmond’s body, stopping to lick and suck at

each nipple, then nuzzled each rib. Gasps and purrs met each kiss, Desmond moving softly
beneath him.

He bypassed Desmond’s cock, focusing on belly and then thighs, moving to kiss and

touch knee and ankle and foot before working his way back up.

“Mmm … you’re a natural, Lyum. I always said so.”
“A natural what, Sionadh? I just love your body, the way you smell, the way you taste.

The sounds of your pleasure.” He kissed Desmond’s inner thigh, then the soft balls.

“A natural as my lover.” Desmond’s voice was breathless, his legs spreading wide.
“Yes.” He nodded and took one ball into his mouth, so gentle, so careful, just breathing,

tongue sliding over the skin.

“Lyum!” Desmond rippled, hand dropping to his head and stroking.
He hummed, fingers petting, stroking.
“Oh, Lyum.” Desmond purred and moaned.
He slowly moved behind, licking at the soft, wrinkled flesh behind Desmond’s balls,

moaning at the scent of need here, so strong. A groan drifted down to him, Desmond pulling his
knees up, opening up. He hummed, tongue sliding lower, daring to taste, to need, to press his
tongue against the tight, little hole.

Desmond’s whole body shuddered. “Connor … Lyum.”
Yes. Yes, my Sionadh, my love. He pushed in, slowly taking Desmond with his tongue. A

low sound came from Desmond and another shudder rocked his Sionadh, his tongue gripped

His hands found Desmond’s cock, stroking in time with the motions of his tongue, his

own cock aching, rubbing on the sheets. Desmond’s hands grabbed the sheets, twisting them as
sweet soft, noises drifted down.

Connor simply let himself sink into it, loving and licking and offering his lover all he

had, all he was.

Desmond’s noises got louder, moans and groans, body pushing into his tongue. He

fucked Desmond, pushing deep, face buried in between the hot cheeks, surrounded by his

“Lyum!” Desmond’s body tightened, heat splashing over his hand.
He kept licking until Desmond relaxed, then moved to clean the seed from Desmond’s

belly. “Love you.”

“Oh, Connor, Lyum … I love you.” Desmond’s fingers slid gently through his hair.
He cuddled into Desmond’s warmth, eyes closing, happy.
Desmond purred, hand moving to run down his back. “What do you need, my Lyum?”
“I have all I need, Sionadh.” He curled close, listening to the sound of Desmond’s heart.
“Then you are a lucky man, Lyum. And so am I.”
“Yes, Sionadh. Very lucky.”
“Are you ready to commit yourself to me, Lyum?”
He met Desmond’s eyes. Sure. Whole. “All I am, Sionadh.”
“Good.” Desmond touched his face and then kissed him.
He slid their tongues together, moaning low. Yes.


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Chapter Twelve

Desmond had been a fixture at the Velvet Glove since it had opened, so there were a lot

of people to invite to witness his collaring of Connor Dean.

The ballrooms had been opened into one large area and set up with chairs, buffet tables

and decorations made of leather and silk.

He had planned every detail himself and it was all perfect.
There would be the ceremony, witnessed by Hercules himself, though Mal and Hawk had

been prevailed upon to be a part of the festivities – they were his closest friends here and it
would not have been the same without them.

Then the party would start. Food, wine, dancing. After, he and Connor would retire to

their suite with a number of their close friends while the dancing in the ballroom continued all

He checked to make sure that Connor’s contract was on the table at the front, next to the

collar Mouse had made him. It was a beauty – dark green leather with black carved work
showing two figures twined together. It was impossible to tell where one ended and the other
began. From afar it merely looked like knotwork, which in itself was significant. Altogether,
Mouse had produced exactly what he had asked for and Desmond was thrilled.

He couldn’t wait to stand up in front of all of his friends, his family really, and the

community and make his claim for Connor Dean. His Lyum.

He was wearing a charcoal grey suit with a dark emerald vest and tie, to match the dark

green of Connor’s collar. He checked himself in the mirror and, convinced he looked his best for
his Lyum, made his way to the sitting room, where he was to meet Connor. They would go down
to the ballroom together.

He stopped short as he caught sight of Connor. The bright hair was shining, carefully and

intricately braided and fastened with a heavy copper clasp. The broad shoulders were dressed in
a deep green shot through with gold, the lean hips covered by a kilt.

“Oh, my Lyum …” He shook his head to clear it. “I would ravish you where you stand.”
Connor turned, eyes warm and happy, bright as they admired him. “You are beautiful,


“Trying to keep up with you, hmm?” He held out his hands. “Are you ready, my Lyum?

To wear my collar?”

Connor nodded, moving to take his hands, “I am, Desmond. I want to show the world

where I belong.”

“Excellent. You make my heart glad, Connor Dean.”

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He kissed Connor’s hands and then turned, putting one of Connor’s hands on his elbow

and heading them out.

Connor chuckled softly. “You led me here, that first night, with my hand on your elbow.”
He smiled at Connor. “I would have led you straight to the collaring that night, if I

thought you would come with me.”

“You knew even then.” Connor flushed, throat working. “I love you, Desmond.”
He stopped as they got to the lift and stroked Connor’s cheek. “I did. I love you, Connor


Connor nuzzled into his touch, eyes closing in pleasure, his Lyum beautiful in his


The lift arrived and he escorted Connor onto it, pressing the button for the floor that held

the ballroom. He would have liked nothing more than to sink into kisses with his Lyum, but then
they would be terribly late. And they were the guests of honor after all. He could smell a fresh
green scent, the mixture of his Lyum’s skin and the soap that Connor chose, luxuriated in. His
sensual partner.

The lift came to a stop, the doors opening just in time – another moment longer and he

would have been lost in Connor’s kiss.

Des smiled at his lover and led him into the ballroom.
The crowd was huge, all his friends, his acquaintances, celebrating with them. Hercules

was at the table in the center of the room, waiting with Mal and Hawk. As they slowly made
their way there, he smiled at everyone, meeting their eyes, nodding and accepting their

Connor’s hand never left his arm, holding him, keeping them together.
Finally they were in the center of the room.
Hercules looked elegant as always in dark purple and he held up his hands, the room

quieting immediately. “When Desmond asked me to preside over this ceremony, I couldn’t have
been happier. He and I go back longer than this club has been open. I am pleased he finally
found someone he wished to claim.”

He felt Connor’s hand tighten on his arm and he looked down to see those eyes fastened

on him, watching him. He smiled at his lover, letting all his love show in his face.

“First,” continued Hercules. “There is the matter of a contract to dissolve. Desmond

Filgree do you remove Connor Dean from any and all promises made to you in this contract?”

“Yes, Hercules, I release him from it.”
“Connor Dean, do you remove Desmond Filgree from any and all promises made to you

in this contract?”

“Yes, sir. I release him from it.” Connor shivered, nodding.
“Take each other’s hands please.”
Following Hercules’ order, he took Connor’s hands in his own, facing his lover, his sub,

his life partner. His Lyum.

“As your friend your union has my blessing,” Hercules said softly, but loud enough that

all could hear.

Hawk stood, nodding. “As your friend, you union has my support.”
Malachi stood last. “As your friend, your union has my best wishes, my word upon it.”
The rest of the assembled guests repeating the blessing all together, the room ringing with

the well-wishes.

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Then everyone sat and he turned his full attention once more to Connor. “I have searched

my whole life for the man made for me. I have searched for a partner to live with. Someone who
would hold my soul. I knew the day you came into my life that you were that man, Connor Dean.

“And so here, in front of all I know, in front of the community I have chosen as my own,

I ask you to wear my collar, so that all may know that you belong to me. So that all may know
that my heart and soul are in your hands and yours alone.”

Connor smiled up at him, those sweet eyes full, shining. “There is nothing I want more,

Sionadh. I am yours.”

No poet, his Lyum, but so true.
Hercules handed him the collar and he handed it in turn to Connor, so that his Lyum

could see it.

“Oh, Sionadh … It’s beautiful. Perfect.” Connor’s lips were parted, cheeks painted in a


“I’m glad you think so.” He slid the collar around Connor’s neck, setting the clasp.

Tomorrow Mouse would solder it so that it could never be taken off.

He kissed Connor lightly, knowing anything more would find him pushing his Lyum into

a very public display.

“I …” Connor leaned up, whispering low. “I have something for you. I made it.”
A thick, copper bracelet was pressed into his hand, ‘sionadh’ carefully engraved into the

metal. The workmanship was coarse, the hand was obviously Connor’s.

“Oh, my Lyum.” He caressed the bracelet, warm from Connor’s heat. “I am honored to

accept it and will wear it with pride.”

He slid the bracelet on, caressing it a moment before smiling at his lover. “Thank you,

Connor Dean. You have made me the happiest man today.”

Connor nodded, fingers tracing his collar. “Yours. I’m yours, Desmond.”
“Yes, my Lyum. As you have been from the beginning. Now however, everyone knows

it.” He bent and kissed Connor again, coming up for air when the sound of clapping and catcalls
broke through to his brain.

Connor clung to him, gasping. “Oh. Desmond. Do we have to stay?”
Malachi chuckled, the sound low and teasing. “It’s your party, Connor.”
“Just for a short while, Lyum. Then we will retire to our rooms with only a few close


Hercules came over and shook both their hands. “Congratulations, you two. I hope you’re

always as happy as you are today.”

Connor smiled over, dipping his head, braid swinging. “Thank you, sir.”
“Yes, Hercules, thank you.”
One after another their guests came to congratulate them, to wish them well, to touch

them for luck.

Kestrel bounded up, arms full of gifts. “There’s tons more, lovelies. Just coming in from

everywhere. Should I have them sent up tonight or tomorrow evening? Oh.” The gifts were
shoved into Mal’s arms, the flittery little man giving both Connor and himself kisses.

Connor looked stunned.
Malachi? More amused.
“Send them up tomorrow, Kestrel, we’ll be busy tonight.” He grinned down at Connor,


Connor ducked his head, chuckled. “Thank you for dealing with it, Kestrel.”

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“My job! My pleasure!”
He cleared his throat, the room slowly quieting. “Thank you everyone for coming. The

room will be open all night – please help yourselves and enjoy in our name.”

A round of applause started up, soft at first, but gaining, the entire room sparking with

happy energy. He bowed and then took Connor’s hand and slowly made his way back out to the
lift through the throng of well-wishers. Connor’s fingers twined with his, head held high, collar a
beautiful accent.

He continued to simply hold Connor’s hand until they were in the lift, but the moment the

doors closed, he turned, pulling his Lyum against him and taking his lover’s mouth hard. Connor
rubbed against him, a low cry pushing into his lips, hands in his hair. He rubbed back
desperately, pushing Connor up against the back of the lift. The very public claiming made him
eager for a private claiming.

Connor took one of his hands, brought it up under the kilt where his Lyum was very hot

and very hard and very naked.

“Lyum. Oh.” He moaned and slowly dropped to his knees, pushing up Connor’s kilt.
Connor’s thighs parted, heavy balls swinging with the slight motions of those hips. He

looked up, admiring his collar on Connor’s throat, the sight of it making his cock throb, putting
heat in his belly. Moaning, he leaned in and took Connor into his mouth.

“Sionadh!” Connor’s thick prick jerked, the flavor of the heated skin rich on his tongue.
Purring, he wrapped his lips around Connor’s cock and began to suck, head bobbing on

the hot flesh. It didn’t take any time before Connor was crying out, his Lyum desperate and
wanton and ready for him. He grabbed Connor’s hips, encouraging his Lyum to move, to come
in his mouth. Connor arched, hips snapping, the hot salt of Connor’s need pouring into his lips.

He sucked it down, taking Connor into him, licking first Connor’s cock and then his own

lips clean.

“Sionadh …” Connor panted. “Oh …” Thick fingers slid over his face.
Smiling, he nuzzled Connor’s fingers and then stood to kiss his Lyum deeply. Connor

opened to him eagerly, pleasure and need and happiness shared between them. He pulled away
and pressed the button for their floor – it was unusual for him to lose control like that, but then it
was an unusual day.

“Did you enjoy the ceremony, Lyum?”
“I did. I liked how so many people were happy for us.” Connor pressed close, cuddling.

“Was it what you wanted?”

“As long as there was you and I and happiness it was what I wanted.” He smiled, holding

Connor. “It was lovely.”

Connor nodded, fingers on the collar. “Do you like how it looks on me?”
He purred, his own fingers joining Connor’s. “I do. And I like my gift from you, Connor.

Very much.” Oh, his Lyum was beautiful, so proud, so happy.

The lift doors opened and he drew Connor into the hall, down to their home. “We’ll have

our special guests soon, my Lyum. Is there anything special you’d like to do for them?”

Connor brought his hand to the collar, shaking his head. “I simply want to please you,


“You do, Lyum. Always.” He bent and pressed his lips to the collar and then to Connor’s

lips before opening the door and leading the way in.

The staff was still there, putting out food and lighting candles. The effect was warm and


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“What would you think about a public demonstration?”
“A public demonstration of what, Desmond?”
“Of us, Lyum. Of our relationship. I’m not suggesting a heavy scene – you aren’t ready

for that yet, but something lighter. A blindfold or cuffs perhaps.” He knew he was pushing, but
he also knew that with Connor, pushing was the only way to get past taboos and fears.

Connor took a deep breath, squeezed his fingers. “I would, for you. You … You won’t let

me make a fool of myself, right?” He got a playful wink, although he knew Connor was not
entirely teasing.

“Lyum, I would not humiliate you for all the world. It is my pride in you that makes me

want to share your beauty in your obedience with others.”

The worry faded from those eyes, Connor caught by his gaze, lips parting.
“I would have you blindfolded, Connor. Trusting me to guide you, to feed you, to

describe the perversions taking place. Would you do that for me tonight?”

“Yes, Sionadh.” Connor held his hands, trusting him, offering him everything.
“Wonderful. Would you like to be nude as well?” He didn’t expect Connor to say yes, but

he couldn’t help teasing.

“I would be however you want me, Desmond.” Connor lifted his chin, the look

determined. “No one else will matter.”

Warmth filled his belly. Connor truly would do anything for him. “Go to your room and

take off everything but your kilt. Then go to the playroom and find a blindfold. Bring it to me.”

“Yes, Sionadh.” He could see Connor’s belly ripple.
He purred. “So sexy. Mine.”
“Yours. Forever.” Connor moaned softly, then moved down the hall towards his room.

There was a knock at the door, signaling their first guest, but he waited until Connor disappeared
down the hall and around the corner, watching his love, his Lyum, before going to get the door.

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Chapter Thirteen

One by one their company left – well, more like two by two, but they left, filing out,

leaving them alone. Connor could feel the collar with every move he made. Tomorrow it would
be soldered on, permanent. Forever.

He dropped a quiet kiss on Desmond’s leg, reassuring himself as Zane said their

goodbyes and led Daniel out, leash attached to the man’s bound cock.

Desmond’s hands slid through his hair. “You would never give me reason to even

consider doing that, Lyum.”

“No, Sionadh. I have no wish make you to punish me.” He purred at the touch, aroused

and relaxed and completely focused on Desmond’s will.

Desmond purred for him. “I know. You did so well tonight, Lyum. I was so proud.”
He beamed, rubbing against Desmond thigh. “Thank you, Sionadh.”
“You’re welcome.” Desmond bent and kissed him softly, leaving him breathless. “What

did you think of the evening, Lyum?”

“It … The demonstrations were beautiful, the ceremony. It was perfect.” He smiled,

stroking Desmond’s cheek. “I am yours forever, Desmond.”

Desmond smiled at him. “Is that what sticks with you most? That you are mine forever?”
“Yes.” He nodded, blushing a bit. “It makes me proud.”
Desmond brought their mouths together again, this kiss quickly turning hot and deep. He

whimpered, opening eagerly, arms wrapping around Desmond’s neck, holding tight. Desmond
purred into his mouth, hands sliding down to grab his ass and pull him close. He moaned, cock
rubbing against his kilt, shuddering with sensation.

“This kilt of yours is very sexy, Lyum. Almost naughty.” Desmond’s hand slowly

gathered the material up, sliding the skirts up his leg.

“Almost?” Connor’s thighs parted and he moaned, his balls swinging, heavy.
“It would be naughty if you were hiding a cock-ring or plug under it.”
“Oh.” His cock jumped, eyes closing half-way as he bit his bottom lip.
Desmond purred for him, hand finally finding the skin of his ass and sliding over it. “You

aren’t, are you?”

He shivered, shook his head. No. No, he wasn’t. He hadn’t even thought of it. A soft

chuckle slid over his skin as one of Desmond’s fingers slid between his cheeks, teasing his hole.

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“Tomorrow I will put a plug in you and then we will go about our day. No matter where

we are, I will know you are full, at my will.”

“I … Sionadh …” He shuddered, aroused and embarrassed and needing all at once.
“Yes, sweet Lyum. It will be wonderful.”
The finger that teased pushed suddenly in, breaching him gently as Desmond’s other

hand slid down over his belly, stroking his quivering muscles. His body didn’t know which way
to move, whether to push back or push forward into the touches and he gasped, lifting his face
for a kiss. Desmond’s lips crashed down onto his, the kiss deep, fierce. Purrs and rumbles filled
his mouth, the finger inside him moving in and out. He found himself riding Desmond’s finger,
body moving with a hungry need, lips open and begging for more. Now. Please.

“Will you ride my cock, Lyum?”
“Yes. Yes, Sionadh. I …” He met Desmond’s eyes, the collar heavy around his neck. “I


Desmond purred, free hand sliding along his cheek as a second finger pushed in

alongside the first. “And to think you weren’t sure if you wanted this,” murmured Desmond.
“And here you are, eager for me.”

“Yes. Yes, Sionadh.” His cheeks were hot, but he nodded, thighs trembling, the burn

from those fingers sweet. “You make me want.”

“And you make me need, Lyum.”
Desmond’s hand disappeared, came back with a tube of slippery stuff. The fingers inside

him also disappeared and then returned, slick, hot, pushing in easily now.

“Oh …” He leaned forward, offering Desmond more, everything, breath coming in quiet


A third finger pushed in, stretching, making him ready for the thick prick that pushed at

Desmond’s trousers. “Open my pants, Lyum.”

“Yes, Sionadh.” His fingers were clumsy, mouth watering as he unfastened Desmond’s


The lube was pushed into one of his hands. “You can get me ready, too.” Then his

Sionadh began to play with his nipples, teasing and pinching.

“Oh …” He whimpered, hunching a little to protect his nipples, fingers wrapping around

Desmond’s cock and pumping.

Desmond purred, hips pushing the thick cock into his hand, but even aroused and

wanting, his Sionadh didn’t lose focus and his nipples were found by clever fingers.

“I … Sionadh … Oh …” He bit his bottom lip, cock throbbing hard.
“Are you ready for me, Lyum?”
“I. Yes. Please.” He nodded, need becoming desperation. “My love.”
“Mmm … yes, your love.”
Desmond’s fingers slid away, and his was kilt lifted as he was encouraged forward.
He moved into Desmond’s lap, straddling strong thighs. “Like this?”
“That’s it, Lyum.” Desmond gave him a wink. “See? A natural.” Desmond’s hands

spread his cheeks, holding him open, guiding him until his Sionadh’s cock nudged his hole.

He moaned and arched, hips shifting as he took the thick cock deep. “Sionadh …”
“Oh, Lyum, so good.” Desmond groaned, hands sliding to his waist and holding on.
“Yes.” He nodded, leaning forward to take a kiss, need a dull heat in his belly.
“I love you, Connor Dean. My very own.” Desmond’s hands urged him up and guided

him down again, his Sionadh moaning.

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“Yours. Desmond.” He reached up, stroked the collar, a low cry sounding. “Yours.”
Desmond moaned again, bending his head to lick at the collar, at his skin. He leaned his

head back, riding harder, faster, hands in Desmond’s hair. Desmond lick and bit and kissed his
neck, hands hard on his hips. Connor cried out, eyes closed, Desmond making him fly. Over and
over again he came down onto Desmond’s cock. His Sionadh was making such noises, panting
and moaning.

“Sionadh!” He jerked, body going stiff, squeezing so tight. “Please!”
Desmond’s hand slid around and loosely circled his prick. “Come, my Lyum. Come.”
His body responded immediately, heat pouring from him, cry echoing through their


“Yes. Yes.” Desmond pushed up into him several more times and then came, filling him

with heat.

He took one gasping breath after another, body rippling around Desmond’s cock. His

Sionadh’s arms came around his back, holding him close as Desmond’s mouth closed over his.
He melted, holding on tight. His. His.

Desmond’s hands slid along his back, petting him. “It was a very good day, Lyum. You

have made me the happiest man ever.”

“I … Oh. Yes, Desmond.” He nodded, taking a deep, deep breath. “Yes.”
“Come share my bed with me, Lyum. I don’t want to let you go.”
“Yes. Please.” He met Desmond’s eyes. “I love you, Sionadh.”
“I love you, too, Lyum.” Desmond kissed him softly.
“Thank you.” He stroked Desmond’s cheeks. “Thank you, Sionadh.”
“Anything for you, my Lyum.”

Desmond’s cock slid out of his body and his hand was taken as he was led to Desmond’s
bedroom and the rest of his life.

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Chapter Fourteen

They were headed down to body-mods to have Peter solder Connor’s collar closed. Des

had another surprise planned for his Lyum as well, had asked Paul to be on hand so that they
might discuss tattoos.

His hand was on his Lyum’s back as they took the lift down, his eyes on the beautiful

collar that bisected Connor’s neck. His Lyum looked lovelier than ever with it on.

“Are you happy?” he asked, catching the green eyes.
“Yes, Sionadh. I am.” He got a smile, his Connor almost young with the thick auburn hair

loose around his shoulders.

“Yes, I can tell. You look wonderful.”
The lift came to a stop and he led Connor to the twins’ domain.
“Peter will solder the collar closed and I would like to know what you would think about

getting a tattoo.”

Those green eyes went wide. “A tattoo, Desmond? Of what?”
“Something with meaning for both of us. You dreamed of my tattoo – I was thinking

maybe an identical, but smaller one for you – in the small of your back.”

He wanted to begin acclimatizing Connor to making love in public and could think of no

better way to start than to make love to his Lyum while Paul worked ink into the pale skin. It was
the perfect marriage of pain and pleasure as well, coming while the artist’s needle drove the ink
beneath the skin.

Connor tilted his head, considering, thinking. “I would wear your mark, Desmond, but I

am not sure I could be still. It would take time. Still, for you? I would try.”

He kissed Connor softly. “That is what I love about you, Connor Dean. No matter what I

ask, you try.”

He chuckled as he opened the door into the ink and body mod parlor. “Perhaps there is

something else you want to get done – I never asked. I would be more than happy to discuss
piercings with you.

“Ah, Peter, you are expecting us, I believe, as is your twin.”
Peter smiled over, hair a surprisingly subdued blond. “H … hello, D … desmond. A …

are we pl … playing today?”

Paul popped up from where he had been digging in a cabinet. “Hey Des. Connor. We’ve

cleared the afternoon for you, so the shop’s yours. Well, Bowie might come over, but no one

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“Excellent, thank you, Paul. We are indeed playing today, Peter. Well … playing

seriously.” Des stroked Connor’s cheek. “Our first order of the day is to make this permanent.
Then I was thinking maybe a tattoo for Connor to match mine. And I think Connor is interested
in hearing about the various piercings he might consider.”

Peter clapped happily as Connor’s eyes went wide. “L … l … let’s start with the c …

c … collar. Y … you d … don’t ever want it off, y … y … yes?”

Des held Connor’s eyes. “Never.” He stroked the fine cheek. Connor would be his for

always, with or without the collar.

Connor smiled, relaxed, nuzzled into his touch. “Yes, Sionadh.”
Peter nodded, then frowned. “C … c … could you p … pull his hair up? I … i … it’s

going to be in the w … way.”

“I can.” He stroked his hands through the long hair, twisting it up on top of Connor’s

head. “Where do you want him?”

“O … on the table.” Peter found a little pen and a thick cloth. “L … lift your chin. I w …

won’t burn you, b … but you have to st … tay still.”

Connor nodded, lifted his chin up. As Desmond watched, Peter slid the cloth under the

collar and carefully began to solder the lock closed.

Peace settled over his shoulders as he watched. The ceremony yesterday had been

beautiful, the private party after that even more so, but this … was something very simple and
very deep.

He reached out, stroked his Lyum’s arm.
Connor smiled for him, those eyes happy, shining, fastened on him.
It took only a few moments, Peter touching the metal and nodding before removing the

cloth. “H … he’s done.”

“Thank you, Peter.”
He stepped forward, eyes holding Connor’s as his fingers stroked the collar. “I love you,


“Oh. I love you.” Connor blushed dark, nodded. “Thank you, Sionadh.”
He bent and kissed his lover slowly. Then he winked. “And now we have a little fun.
“Peter. Connor would like to hear about piercings.”
Peter pulled out a dummy from a cabinet, the mannequin filled with holes in the face,

nipples, groin. Connor went a little pale, shaking his head. “I … Those look like they hurt.”

“Peter? You’ve tried most of these, do they hurt?” He stroked Connor’s back, fingers

finding the spine and moving down until he was stroking the small of his Lyum’s back.

Peter shrugged. “Th … they all s … sting. I h … have an an … anesthetic cream s … so

you c … can play right away. O … or not. S … some don’t w … want help.”

Paul came over. “The cock piercings heal the fastest. The bellybutton is slower. The

nipples burn, but you can play right away and, on a man with sensitive nipples? It’s amazing.”

He purred, imagining his Lyum with his nipples and cock pierced. Or perhaps his own

cock pierced, the ring hitting Connor’s gland as they made love.

“What do you think, Lyum?”
“I … Desmond. I …” Connor leaned towards him, whispered. “I would never be able to

bear it, my nipples. So sensitive, Sionadh.”

“I know … wouldn’t it be fun though? For a day or two?” Just to drive his Lyum into a


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“For … They wouldn’t heal. I …” Connor’s cheeks were flushed dark, eyes shining and


“Peter?” he asked, eyes never leaving Connors. “How long would it take a nipple

piercing to heal once it was removed?”

“O … once it’s removed? A d … day, if that. I … if I c … can make a suggestion?” At

his nod, Peter unbuttoned his own shirt, exposing one pierced nipple. Peter pulled a bit of metal
that looked like a button from a drawer, and fastened it onto the barbell. “Th … this k … keeps
anything from t … touching it. Th … that way y … you have control, D … des.”

Paul nodded. “There’s on for the cock piercing too, a little cap and tube that keeps

everything from being touched. Great discipline.”

Connor looked as if he had been hit with a stick.
“There you go, Connor. Not only does it heal over immediately if we decide we don’t

like it, but it can be kept less sensitive.” He grinned at his Lyum. “We could have such fun.”

Those pretty eyes were stunned, watching him, unsure. He reached out, hand cupping

Connor’s cock, finding it hard and hot, throbbing in his hand.

“Right or left, Lyum?”
His own cock was growing, teasing fading away.
“I …”
“Both?” He raised an eyebrow.
Paul whispered into Peter’s ear, loud enough for him to hear. “If he does both, use the

rings with the chains between. He’s got a lovely chest, it will be perfect.”

Connor looked over at Paul and Peter. “You’re not helping.”
“On the contrary, I think they’ve made our minds up for us. The question only remains do

you want me to get my cock done today as well. Do you want to feel that inside you when I
make love to you?”

His Lyum was beautiful like this, flushed, uncertain, working up the courage to do

anything he wanted, anything he asked.

Connor gasped. “Sionadh. It would hurt you. I would not have you hurt …”
“Oh … Oh, h … he’s so sw … sweet.”
“I would enjoy the pain, Lyum, knowing the pleasure it would bring you when I took


He turned and smiled at Peter. “He is, isn’t he?”
Peter nodded, smiled. “A d … d … dear. I h … have a p … pain killer. S … something to

e … ease the way, C … connor. I … if Desmond w … wants.”

Desmond purred. “I’ll be fine. My Connor first.”
He slid his hand into the small of Connor’s back again. “Would you like the tattoo as

well, my Lyum?”

“I … I would. I would wear your mark. I …” Connor leaned in. “Stay with me?”
“I wouldn’t miss a second of it, Lyum.”
He kissed Connor’s lips lightly and then turned to the twins. “The tattoo first – a small

version of my own dragon. And then the nipples while he’s still high from the tattoo.”

Paul nodded, bouncing. “You want Petey to do your cock while I ink him? Do you want

the tail to go in like yours?”

“Connor?” he asked, purring. “Will you take it inside for me?”
Connor was trembling, gasping, but he nodded. “Y … Yes, Sionadh.”

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Peter touched his arm, drew him aside. “Y … you want to c … clean him? L … love

him? I … it will h … heighten the endorphins. M … make it good for him? W … we c … can
leave for a qu … quarter.”

“Or you could watch.”
“Wh … whatever you w … would like, Des.” Peter gave him a soft smile. “H … he’s


He hummed. “Yes, he is. I would like you and Paul to stay. Not an audience so much as

just here, hmm? Let him grow used to loving without fear of being seen.”

Peter nodded and Paul came by, draping over Peter’s shoulder. “There are cleansing

cloths there, make sure his hole is clean and shave his lower back. The more in his sub space he
is, the better this will be for him, yes?”

“Y … yes.”
“Thank you, Peter, Paul. This will be a good experience for us all, I am sure.” He smiled

at them. Such pretty boys and so much happier now that they had Bowie.

He turned back to Connor. “Attend me, Lyum.”
“Y … yes, Sionadh.” Connor was shivering, stressed, caught between anxiety and


“Undress yourself. We’re going to learn about how endorphins and adrenaline fuel

pleasure and response today. You are going to be more beautiful than ever.” He touched
Connor’s arm, connecting them.

Connor’s eyes shot over to the twins, who were bustling and working, but Connor’s

fingers moved to unfasten the buttons of the soft shirt immediately, body obeying even as the
mind worried.

He matched the movements, staying with his Lyum completely, undressing as Connor

did. “You are not alone, Lyum. You are never alone.”

Connor nodded, eyes watching him, beginning to breathe with him, focus. By the time

they were both naked, Connor looked calm, their breathing even, soft.

“Lie on the bench, Lyum. I need to shave your lower back and clean you. I wish to hear

your pleasure, your pain. Let me hear how you feel.”

“Yes, Sionadh. I … for you.” Connor stretched out on his belly, cheek on his arms, eyes


Paul gave him a bowl with warm water and a razor.
He settled on one of the rolling chairs, hands sliding along Connor’s skin. The pale skin

was going to look beautiful with his dragon on it. Connor jumped at his touch, then relaxed,
trusting him.

“That’s right, Lyum. Relax, I’m just going to shave you first.”
“Is my back hairy?”
Peter giggled softly, dark eyes dancing. “H … he’s s … so sweet.”
He smiled up at the twins, nodding. Yes, his Lyum was sweet. But also beautiful and

obedient. Perfect.

“No, Connor. But for the best results it is better to shave the area, make sure all the tiny

hairs have been removed.” He wet Connor’s back and spread the shaving cream.

Connor shifted, goosebumps forming. “Tickles.”
“There will be all manner of sensation today, Lyum. Enjoy each one as it comes.”
He started shaving.

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Paul set out ink and needles, Peter rings and antiseptic. The boys worked well together,

the bond between them solid, strong, sure, with Bowie to balance and control their fire.

He wiped the soap away and then bent, licking at the top of Connor’s crease. “You need

to be cleaned inside.”

Connor shivered, muscles tensing. “Cleaned?”
Paul chuckled. “He’s like a pretty parrot, all one word at a time.”
He licked his way down to Connor’s hole. “Just a little way in. We’ll save the full clean

for another time.”

Connor whimpered softly, shaking. “Sionadh …”
“Just concentrate on the sensations, Lyum. You’ll come when I tell you to. You’ll enjoy


Connor’s eyes were closed tight, face buried in those arms. “Y … yes, Sionadh.”
He worked one hand between Connor and the bench, wrapping it around his Lyum’s hard

cock. Then began to fuck his Lyum with his tongue as he stroked. His Lyum groaned,
shuddering, hips rocking and rolling, moving between tongue and hand.

Yes, yes, Lyum. Find your pleasure despite the audience. He purred as he pushed his

tongue inside Connor’s tight heat. One day Connor would revel in the audience, in the chance to
shine for his Sionadh.

Connor cried out, the sound muffled in his arms, body flushed and heated, begging for


So beautiful, his Lyum.
He squeezed the sweet prick harder, thumb sliding across the slit. Connor came, bucking

and groaning for him, their audience forgotten.

He licked at Connor’s hole one more time and kissed the small of his Lyum’s back.


Connor sighed, shivered. “F … for you.”
He took one of the special cloths and wiped Connor’s back down, spread the firm cheeks

again and cleaned Connor’s crease, the winkled skin around his entrance and then just a bit

“Yes, Lyum. Always for me, no matter where or when.”
He moved around to smile into the green eyes. “Are you ready for the tattoo, Lyum?”
“Yes. Yes, Sionadh.”
Paul patted Connor’s back and sat behind him. “Just don’t move, okay? And breathe. Des

will take care of you.”

He settled in his rolling chair in front of Connor, stroking Connor’s cheeks, keeping their

eyes locked together. “We will be a matched pair with our dragons and our piercings, my

“We are already a matched pair, Sionadh. I am yours.”
Peter hummed happily, just beaming at them.
He smiled at Connor. Such love and devotion, freely given and after such a short time

together. His long wait for a mate had been well rewarded. “We are. This just adds to it. Besides,
it will be such fun. I cannot wait to play with your nipples once they are pieced, and to love you
with the piercing in my cock.”

There went that sweet blush again.
Paul sketched a quick design of Connor’s skin, tsking softly. “No tensing up, lovely. I

need to touch your hole.”

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Desmond stroked Connor’s cheeks. “Eyes on mine, Lyum. You let Paul touch you. It’s

like a doctor’s exam – business, yes? Not sexual. That is mine alone.”

He could see Connor struggle to open his eyes, focus on him. “Yours.”
The buzz of the tattoo gun started and Connor took a deep breath.
“Don’t move now. I’m starting. Deep breath in and let it out.”
“Own the pain, Lyum. Make it yours. Remember how pain is not a punishment, just

another avenue to pleasure. My dragon is being worked into your skin – under your skin. Just
one more way that I am inside you.” He pitched his voice low so Connor could hear it beneath
the buzz of the tattoo gun, eyes intent on Connor’s.

“Oh …” Connor moaned, tongue sliding out to wet those warm lips. “Inside me. Sionadh.

Inside me.”

“That’s right, Lyum.” He licked Connor’s lips as well, following his lover’s tongue. “Can

you feel the needle penetrating you, Lyum? Again and again and again?”

Connor nodded, gasping. “It burns.”
“Yes? Good. My eyes, my voice, the burn. That is all there is in the world. My eyes, my

voice, the burn and pleasure. You can feel it expanding from the burn, sliding through your body,
into your balls.”

“I …” Connor moaned, whispering, watching him. “You’ll make me hard …”
“That’s the idea, Lyum. I want you to be hard and when that magic moment happens,

when the pain slides into pleasure, the endorphins sending you flying? I want you to come.”

The buzz of the tattoo gun never faltered and so far, Connor’s breathing matched his


Connor flushed, struggling with his natural modesty and reticence. So beautiful, trying to

offer him everything.

“That’s it, my Lyum. Just my eyes, my voice and your body, the sensations you are

experiencing. Nothing else matters. Nothing at all.” There could be one other person with them
or one hundred others, his Lyum would learn to care for nothing but their pleasure together.

It was lovely, the way his Lyum listened, heard him, and breathed with him. The moment

was sweet not breaking until Paul’s needles drew towards Connor’s cleft.

“Desmond, he has to relax for me. He’s too strong to fight.”
He nodded, hands sliding to Connor’s shoulders, massaging. “It is I who demand

entrance to your core, Lyum. Relax and let me in. Let me take you.”

“Sionadh …” The word was moaned, soft, worried.
“That’s it, a little more, Des.”
“Trust me, Connor Dean, and I will make you fly.”
“I …” Connor nodded, swallowing hard, then the tension in those strong muscles eased,

Connor submitting to his will.

He moaned. Nothing was more beautiful than this, nothing. “Yes, my Lyum, yes. I am

penetrating you, making you hard, making you need. Let me in. Feel me.”

Connor panted, a slow flush crawling up along the strong body. “Sionadh. Oh. Oh …”
“Yes.” He stood, opening his pants and guiding his hard cock to Connor’s mouth. He

painted the red lips with the drops that collected at the tip. “Take me in, Lyum.”

Connor cried out, lips dropping over his cock, sucking with a pure need, a near desperate


“Yes!” He rocked his hips, pushing hard into Connor’s mouth, going deep with each

stroke as pleasure shivered up his spine, spurred by the buzz of the tattoo gun.

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“Peter, hold him open for me. Almost done.”
Connor cried out, took Desmond deep as the twins marked him, pushed the ink into his

hole and joined them yet again.

He fucked Connor’s mouth hard, a low growl coming from him, possessive and wanton.

His Connor. His Lyum.

The moment the buzzing stopped he shouted “come,” pouring his own seed down

Connor’s throat. The scent of Connor’s seed was strong, heady, almost as good as his Lyum’s

He stroked Connor’s head, letting his prick slide from his Lyum’s mouth. “Very good,

Lyum. Beautiful.”

He sat once more, bringing their mouths together for a kiss. Connor’s mouth was salty,

slick, eyes stunned and damp. A hiss sounded and Connor almost screamed, the cool scent of the
topical anesthetic and antibiotic overloading the shaken nerves.

He purred softly, licking at Connor’s mouth, hands soothing firmly over trembling


“Do you want to see before I put the nu-skin on, Des?” Paul’s voice was quiet,


He nodded, stroked Connor’s cheek. “I want to see it, dark against your pale skin.”
He stepped over, moaning at the sight. Paul had an exquisite touch and the dragon was an

exact miniature of his own. It was strange to see with his eyes what he knew more intimately
through the pain of getting it done. “It is perfect.”

Paul beamed at him, dark eyes shining.
“Wh … wh … what next? N … nipples or c … cock?” Peter grinned, almost bouncing.
He laid his hand on Connor’s ass, stroking. “My cock. Connor needs a moment or two

before he is sent flying again.”

“O … okay.” He was given a grin, a wink. “You w … want a l … little p … pain-killer

and the n … n … nu-skin, right? You w … want to use it i … in the n … n … next few days?”

“No pain-killer, but I’ll take the nu-skin because yes, I want to use it right away.” His

voice deepened as he spoke, hand sliding slowly up along Connor’s back as he moved to sit
easily in his chair, prick hanging out of his pants. “I want you to watch, Lyum.”

Connor’s eyes were worried, a frown on the strong face. “No pain killer, Sionadh?”
Peter stroked Connor’s hair. “It’s n … not that b … .b … bad. A st … sting and a t …

t … tug.”

Connor’s concern was like a caress, warm and arousing. “After what you have just

endured for me, you still worry about a few seconds of pain for me? You are indeed a treasure,
my Lyum. But the pain will make the pleasure much sweeter – surely you are learning that?”

Peter settled on a low stool, efficiently cleaning and swabbing his prick, hands gentle and

careful. “S … silver, gold or r … r … ruby colored, Des?”

Connor watched, eyes wide.
He smiled at his Lyum. “Which would you prefer, Connor? After all, this is for you.”
“Red.” Connor nodded. “His favorite color is red.”
Peter nodded and readied the needle and ring. “D … deep breath in, D … des. Then l …

let it a … all the w … way out.”

He nodded, eyes on Connor, watching his Lyum watch Peter. He took a deep breath,

hands fisting in anticipation at his sides, and let it out.

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The sting was sharp, deep, but fast, his cock throbbing as the ring was threaded through.

The entire operation took seconds, the dull throb stopping with the application of antibiotic and
nu-skin, the nerves eased.

He took another deep breath, working the muscles in his groin and making his cock jerk.

“What do you think, Lyum?”

“Does it hurt?” Connor’s eyes blinked up at him. “It’s beautiful, Sionadh.”
“Thank you, Lyum.” He smiled at his dear Connor. “No, it doesn’t hurt. I can feel it, but

the sharpest pain came when the needle went in.”

Paul looked up from cleaning his needles. “My Petey? Is the best. The very best.”
Peter blushed a sweet, dark rose, head ducking as he smiled.
He chuckled. “You both are. I wouldn’t trust my Lyum to anyone else.”
Speaking of trusting his Lyum in other’s hands … “Are you ready for your piercings, my


Connor groaned, eyes closing as he nodded. Peter grinned and held up two burnished

gold rings, a trio of heavy linked chains strung between. “N … nu-skin th … there too?”

“Yes. We will make love as soon as you are done.” He helped Connor to turn and raised

the seat so that his Lyum was reclining slightly. He left a kiss on each nipple.

Paul dangled a pair of cuffs, winking. “You want him bound?”
Peter chuckled as Connor blushed again.
He shook his head, pride filling his voice. “My Lyum obeys without needing to be


Not that they wouldn’t explore that soon enough, but he was throwing a lot of new things

at Connor today and his Lyum was doing so well, he didn’t want to push it. Let Connor succeed
in this and next time, he would be less nervous.

Paul pouted playfully. “He’d be beautiful trussed up.”
Des nodded. “Yes, he would.” He popped Paul on the butt. “And you will have to bide

your time to see.”

Paul chuckled, wiggled. “Hey! That’s Bowie job!”
“Full time, no doubt.” Such a pretty, cheeky boy. Des imagined Bowie was quite

exhausted, keeping the twins in line.

“Y … you know it.” Peter grinned, winked, started playing with Connor’s nipples,

making them hard as Connor shuddered. “B … bowie s … says P … paul’s made to b … be
draped over s … someone’s l … lap.”

“Not someone’s. His.”
Desmond purred. “Look Connor, how he shines because he knows whom he belongs to.

You shine like that, as well. My beautiful, Lyum.”

Connor’s eyes met his, bottom lip in those teeth. “Yours. Sionadh.”
Peter picked up a new needed. “B … breathe. I … in, then out.”
He slid his thumb along Connor’s bottom lip, tugging it from between the white teeth.

“Mine, Lyum.” Then his gaze dropped to watch Peter pierce the hard little nipples.

The needles went in one after the other, Peter’s hands quick and sure. Connor jerked,

whimpered, eyes rolling. “Th … there. A … almost done. A … almost done.”

“Sh, my Lyum. This is much quicker than the inking and then we can play with each

other’s new rings.”

The rings went in easily, Connor’s eyes squeezing shut as the chains weighted them,

resting on his muscled chest, nipples hard and dark.

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“Sexy.” Paul nodded, grinned. “Hot.”
“Yes,” he purred. “Very.”
He waited until Peter had applied antibiotic cream and the nu-skin and then pushed the

piercer gently away, dropping to his knees in front of Connor.

“Beautiful. Mine.”
Bending, he touched the tip of his tongue to one of his Lyum’s newly pierced nipples.
Connor jumped, moaning low. “Oh!”
He smiled slowly, gazing up into his Lyum’s green eyes. “Your skin is so hot around the

metal. Would you like to taste my piercing?”

“Yes. Yes, Sionadh. Here?”
“Yes, Lyum. I have no desire to wait.”
He sat once more upon his chair, his prick hard, the ruby ring shining in the tip. Connor

moved slowly, carefully, gasping each time the chains shifted.

“How does it feel, Lyum?” he asked, reaching out and gently shifting the chains, making

them swing.

“Heavy. Pulls. I …” Connor shook and caught the chains in one hand, lifting them


He raised an eyebrow. “Lyum … let the chains be.”
“Sionadh …” Connor’s voice was begging, Paul and Peter’s eyes on them both. Still, the

thick fingers began to move, reluctant and slow.

“Let them be, feel the pull, know that I will be unable to keep from playing with them

today, tomorrow, the next day.” He reached out, stroking each nipple in turn. “Now, please,
Lyum. Suck me.”

Connor’s head fell forward, lips incredibly gentle as they surrounded the tip of his cock.
He purred, fingers sliding through Connor’s hair, pulling it from its makeshift bun to fall

around his Lyum’s body. “How does it feel?”

Connor’s answer was a soft moan, tongue sliding over the metal.
Oh, it felt good – still burning a little from the piercing, Connor’s tongue like magic in

comparison. The suction was gentle, careful, slowly driving him mad. He moaned, eyes on his
Lyum, loving the way he was Connor’s entire focus.

The twins pottered around as Connor loved him, cleaning and whispering, not interfering.

It was good though, for his Lyum to be used to doing such things with others present. And then
he heeded his own advice and let everything go but the sensation of Connor’s mouth around his

Connor moved faster, sucking and purring and licking at his cock, tongue playing with

the ring.

He groaned, shuddering every time the tongue was moved. “Just a bit more, Lyum. I

want to make love to you.”

Connor’s moan was loud, vibrating his cock. He purred again, reaching to set the chains


So beautiful. His.
The touch made Connor suck harder, throat swallowing around his tip. Pleasure shot

through him and he pulled out, grabbing the base of his cock. He would take Connor’s ass, he
wanted to slide the ring across Connor’s gland, make his Lyum fly.

Connor whimpered and moaned, lips still tugging at his cock.
“Enough.” He was panting, eager and wanting inside his Lyum.

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“Sionadh … Desmond … Please. Please.”
“Your chair, Connor. Back into it.” He would lower the seat again, take Connor.
Connor whimpered, eyes pleading. “I need you.”
He adjusted the seat chair and slipped two fingers into his Lyum’s body.
“Burns …” The tail of the dragon was hot, so hot, Connor so hard for him.
“Do you need a different sensation to focus on, my Lyum?” He took the chains between

fingers and tugged gently.

“Sionadh!” Connor arched, entire body clenching with pleasure.
He cried out at the way his Lyum glowed and could wait no longer. He let his fingers pull

away and guided his ringed prick to Connor’s entrance, teasing the heated flesh with the bit of
metal. Connor was babbling, begging, pleading for him, eyes rolling wildly.

He pressed slowly in, reveling in his Lyum’s total focus, total devotion and need. By the

time he was fully seated, Connor was quiet, still, panting.

“Look at me, Lyum.” He waited until those green eyes stared into his own and then he

began to move, slowly sliding the ring across Connor’s gland.

Connor’s eyes rolled up into his head, a quiet gasp sounding. He pulled out and pushed in

again, groaning as Connor’s body grasped at him, held him close.

“Yours. Sionadh. Yours.” Connor whimpered, hands reaching for him.
“Yes, Lyum, touch me.” He tugged again at the chains that joined Connor’s nipple rings,

moaning at the resulting ripple around his cock.

“Never coming down again. Love. Des …” Connor’s hands buried in his hair, holding

him close.

He kissed his Lyum, moving them together, pushing into his lover over and over. “I will

fly with you.”

“Yes. Soon. Please. Love.”
Des took Connor’s cock in his hand, pumping fast. “Yes, Lyum. Let me feel your


“Yes. Yes. Yours.” Words and sweet promises filling the air, Connor came, heat pouring

over his hand.

He cried out Connor’s name, filling his Lyum with heat as the pleasure pushed from him

into his lover.

When he opened his eyes, he found soft towels and some more anesthetic, the lights

muted, the twins faded away to allow them privacy. Purring, he pulled slowly from Connor’s
body and began to clean his Lyum, hands gentle, careful. Connor was limp, quiet, breath soft and
easy, eyes closed.

Desmond cleaned them both, applied more anesthetic and quietly praised his Lyum.

“We’ll rest awhile, Lyum. And then we return to our rooms.”

Connor nodded, humming quietly. “As you wish, Sionadh.”
“Mmm, yes, as I wish.”
He pushed Connor’s hair back off his face. “Do you know what I wish, my sweet


“Hmm? What, Sionadh?”
“I wish for your happiness first and foremost.”
“Then you’re safe.” Connor settled into his arms, relaxed, quiet. “Because I am.”
“Good. Good.”
He kissed Connor’s forehead and held his lover.

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He was also happy.


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Peace Within the Quiet

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Chapter One

Gloucester was in mourning.
Oh, all right that was an exaggeration.
But damn it everyone was so dammed happy for Des and he … it wasn’t that he wasn’t,

but, well, the best top in the club was going private.

Malachi might take exception to being put second to Des, but the truth was that Mal was

busy running the training and while Glous was often called upon to help out with that, it wasn’t
the same thing. At all.

He wasn’t a selfish man.
But he was getting older and he was alone.
And he made a maudlin drunk. Even if he wasn’t actually drunk, having only had a single

shot of whiskey. Of course maybe that was the problem. Maybe he needed to get drunk, let it all
out and then tomorrow he could again be the quiet, controlled, intense man everyone was
familiar with.

He ordered a double shot and took it to a quiet table in the corner, watching the dancers

on the floor.

An hour later, the drink remained untouched on his table and he had found his calm

center once again. He wasn’t the type of man who drowned his sorrows in booze and, truth be
told, his biggest problem right now was he was throwing himself a fine little pity party.

Des was his friend and he had never seen the man so happy. He was truly happy for him.

And if Des could find someone after all this time? Well, there was hope for him.

Feeling much better, he went up to the playrooms, looking for some action.
It was all normal, average, simple.
Then a door opened, a sub wheeled out on a board, his top close beside. The sub was

bound by dozens of different colored ropes – cock and chest, fingers and balls – bound so
securely the man couldn’t move, couldn’t shift. A dark-haired man looked out of the doorway.
“In one hour, cut the red ropes and set him free. You understand? Not more than one hour.”

He felt a frisson of interest slide along his spine and he walked by the two men, only

glancing at them as he watched the man in the doorway.

Black-black eyes met his, sure and still and intense. “Good evening.”
Oh, hello.
A fine, steady hand was offered to him. “Katashi Morimoto. We have not met.”

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He took the man’s hand; it was warm and callused in interesting places. “Gloucester

Wellington. Now we have.”

“Gloucester. That is an interesting name. I am most pleased to meet you.” His wrist was

stroked, the touch maddening.

“The pleasure is mine. I do not believe I have ever seen you here before.” And why not?

Why had no one told him of this Katashi Morimoto?

“I have only recently transferred my membership at the suggestion of my good friend,

Hawk. I previously resided at La Palace d’Or in the Centon city-state.” The man’s voice was
hypnotic, delicious.

“Welcome to the Glove, Mr. Morimoto. I think you will find you made the right choice.”

And how can I ensure it?

“I thank you, Gloucester.” He chin was taking in gentle fingers, face turned and searched.

“You have beautiful skin.”

“Thank you.” Such a simple touch and yet, it excited him. There was an intensity in this

man’s touch, in his gaze.

“Would you care to share a meal with me, Gloucester? I would like to learn you.”
“That would be my pleasure, Mr. Morimoto.” Very much his pleasure.
“Excellent. I would have a private meal. My quarters are good, yes?” His hand was taken

again and he was led quietly down the hall.

He wondered for a moment what exactly Mr. Morimoto would do if he were to say no,

the man’s quarters weren’t good. Of course he wasn’t interested in finding out, so he didn’t say a
word, just followed, checking out the man’s ass.

Compact, but firm. The man’s back rippled beneath the linen vest, shiny black hair just

brushing the collar.

He did like a man who knew how to dress. And who looked good in or out of his clothes.

And who radiated strength.

They went to the 25


floor to a beautifully appointed room. Their shoes were removed at

the door and they sat on huge cushions resting on the floor.

“Your rooms are lovely. Very peaceful.” He felt very relaxed here.
“Thank you, Gloucester. They remind me of my family home.” He was poured a cup of

steaming, pale violet tea.

“Thank you.” He waited while Mr. Morimoto poured his own cup.
The thin, thin china was lifted and the tea sipped, those dark eyes constantly watching.
He mimicked the motions, mouth forming an ‘o’ of surprise as the gentle, heady flavor of

the tea filled his mouth.

“It is steeped from a flower that blooms only once a year on a single mountain range. The

natives climb up and dig to find the tiny buds to dry for tea.”

“That sounds like it makes a nice story.”
The dark head tilted. “That is truth. The story is that a prince once lost one thousand men

in a blizzard hunting for enough blossoms to brew a single cup for his lover.”

“Oh.” All right, he admitted it, if only to himself, he was enchanted.
“That,” he said softly. “Is dedication.”
“There is something most wonderful about what one person might show to another.”

Katashi took another sip. “I believe that there will be someone in my life worth dedicating to.”

He tilted his head. “I share that belief, Mr. Morimoto. Even as the years leave me


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“Perhaps you have waited because your mate had not yet dug himself free from the


“How interesting that you did not choose the prince as my lover, but one of the men

hunting for the blossom. I have always been wary of the trappings of the rich.”

Katashi offered him a quiet, gentle smile. “The Prince sent others to prove his devotion.

A true man deserves one who will face the storms himself.”

“Indeed.” He took another sip of his tea. “I am honored you chose to share the tea with


“It is a pleasure to share with one who is worthy.” A quiet knock came to the door, a

quiet server bringing in a simple meal of grains and vegetables.

Glous waited until the door had closed behind the server before responding. “And how do

you know I am worthy?”

“I see it in your eyes, in your chi. You are lonely and sad, but you shine with hope.” A

pale lettuce leaf filled with a mixture of grains and nuts was offered over.

“Oh. My ‘chi’ did not lie.” He took the leaf from Katashi, holding it in his left hand and

taking the food from it with his fingers, feeding himself.

“No. I do not believe it lied at all.” Katashi ate quietly, the atmosphere and meal and

sounds peaceful and pure.

The food was good and surprisingly filling. A change from the rich foods served by the


“What were you searching for, when you found me?” Katashi asked.
“Something new.”
“What is old to you?” The question was interested, the dark eyes intent.
“Hmmm …” He closed his eyes, bringing himself back to his wandering earlier. “Being

the one the trainees work with. Not having a regular top. Being alone, even in a scene, even in a

“Why do you not have one all your own?”
He shrugged. “Because the one who would climb the mountain and dig in the snow for

me has not yet come along.”

Katashi nodded, poured them both another cup of tea and sliced a pear into thin slices for

them to share. “What do you wish for, in a partner?”

He took one of the paper thing pear slices and it melted on his tongue. “Someone strong,

who can push me to my limits. I haven’t had to use a safeword in … a very long time. Someone
who cares for me. Who wishes to be with me. I’m not necessarily looking for exclusivity, but I
would like to be someone’s priority.”

“Do you desire pain? Bondage? Sex?” A bright pink fruit was added to the plate, the

colors complimentary, lovely.

“Nothing more than another?”
“Oh, no. No. Ideally there would be feelings between us. And trust. He would push

me … drive me to my boundaries and occasionally push me beyond them.”

He was looking for something special, he was. “There are days though when I think that

I’m fooling myself, trying to have it all in one package and most days having a regular or
exclusive ‘another’? Yes, that would be enough.”

“I do not think you are a fool, Gloucester. What happened the last time you safeworded?”

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“It was six years ago. I wanted to be pushed. I was. But in the end I did not trust the Dom

and used my safeword.”

“Were you afraid he would damage you?”
“No. I was afraid of being left alone after I broke.” He took a good look at Katashi and

came to the conclusion that he could trust this man with his whole truth.

“When I was almost twenty I was broken. It was an accident, we were young and didn’t

know what we were doing. He ran away and I was left crying and bleeding and alone. But a part
of that experience was amazing. The euphoria of being pushed past my limits and far beyond. I
want that again, but I do not want to be alone for it. Being broken and alone was … not an
experience I would ever repeat. I have never trusted anyone enough to go that far.” He shrugged.
“Not that it is very often an issue – my control is rather good and very few come close to pushing
me anywhere near my edge.”

“It is a hard thing, learning to trust another with your heart and soul. It is easier to offer

up your body.” Katashi ate a slice of pear. “I learned in the Tokia monastery, my craft, my art. It
is a prayer for me, an offering to my gods and my partner.”

“How beautiful.”
How fascinating.
It explained the quiet, sure way the man moved and spoke.
“I most sincerely wish it to be, yes.”
“I’m sure it is. You strike me as a man who accomplishes what he sets out to do.” It

wasn’t flattery, unless truth was flattery.

“And if I say that I am most interested in traveling a long road with you, Gloucester?”
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
“And we have taken a few more than that together this evening.”
“We have. Shall we continue to travel together?”
He held his breath, feeling bold. Certainly Katashi had offered first, but metaphorically,

and he had been a sub long enough that it was ingrained that he didn’t offer, didn’t push, wasn’t
forward. Thinking of some of the young, vibrant subs like Daniel, he supposed he was rather old-

“If I am not too bold in asking.” It was who he was.
He received a warm smile. “I would be most honored to begin this journey with you. Do

you meditate?”

“Some call it meditation, yes.” He called it finding his center, his control.
“I would like to meditate with you, to find our joint center. To learn your breath, your


“Oh, yes. I would like that very much.” No one had ever wanted to take this much time,

to learn something as simple as his breath before even taking a kiss.

Katashi stood and helped him to his feet. “Come. There are mats and incense in the

fountain room. Are you comfortable in your clothing or would you prefer to be nude?”

“You have a fountain room?” How delightful. “I am most comfortable naked.”
“There is a changing room and a place to cleanse yourself as you will, here.” A single

door was touched, then another double door pointed to. “That is the fountain room. I will await
you there.”

Dark eyes caught his own. “Take the time you need. There is no time here, no hurry.

Only our journey.”

“Thank you …” He tilted his head. “What should I call you?”

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“I prefer Kata. How do you wish to be addressed?”
“I have always left that to the Dom. I have never felt it was my place to impose my name

on anyone.”

“Then I shall wait to know you before I decide. A name is a most important thing.” His

cheek was stroked. “Go and ready yourself and I will do the same.”

“Yes, Kata.” Following some instinct he bowed his head to Katashi, eyes closing as his

head dipped down.

A soft touch brushed the top of his head, a pleased sound warming him.
He waited until Katashi had turned and started to move away from him before turning to

the door he’d been shown.

The bathroom was large and simply decorated. He found the equipment to clean himself

inside easily enough, along with a rough cloth and special soap with which he could exfoliate his

He ran the shower as hot as he could stand and undressed as soon as the steam began to

warm the room.

He worked quietly, efficiently but without hurrying. The same peace he had found in

Katashi’s sitting room was present here as well.

He carefully scrubbed his skin, from head to toe, and then made himself clean inside as

well. After he had released the water from his bowels, he washed once again, using the body gel
that came from a brown bottle next to the shower. It smelled clean and fresh, almost like fresh

When he was done and he was completely dry, even his hair, he padded across the hall to

the double doors.

He knocked and waited.
“Come in.” He opened the door and it was as if he entered another world. The room was

completely natural – wood and stone on walls and floor. There were cushions of linen and silk,
woven baskets holding hanks of silk and rope. There was a small shrine against one wall,
covered with stones and statues and candles. Heady incense filled the air.

Then there were the fountains.
Dozens of them. One built into a wall, one made of stone, one filled with water plants. In

the center of the room was a pool of clear, rippling water. The sound was fascinating, a quiet
burbling and bubbling that soothed him.

Kata sat upon a linen cushion beside a generous pallet of cloth. Naked. Gloucester could

see the strong, lean muscles, the strength and peace held in the compact body.

He moved to Kata and bowed again. “I am ready, Kata.”
“Please, make yourself comfortable. Kneeling or supine or sitting. I wish you to focus

only on our breath, so find a place you are at ease.”

He sat on the pallet, facing Kata, taking the Lotus Position and closing his eyes.
He listened intently and then slowly matched his own breathing to Kata’s.
They sat and breathed, slow and deep, the sounds of the water a gentle background. His

breath joined with Kata’s, speeding and slowing, growing shallow, then deep. Behind his eyes
colors bloomed, dancing in time with their breath.

He had taught himself yoga, it was an old-fashioned form of relaxation and control and

much out of fashion, so he had never before experienced breathing in tandem with anyone else.
He discovered now that he could lose himself in it.

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Kata’s breath started making a pattern – slow, then quick, deep, then light. Heat and

passion started filling him, slowly warming him and joining with the peace and serenity he felt.

He’d never experienced anything like it.
Then the pattern sped and sped, his emotions swirling, skin tingling as if touched, energy

soaring through him. His cock was throbbing, entire world singing and moving with their joined

Look at what this man could do to him without even a touch …
He shook with the passion and pleasure, focus entirely on keeping up with Kata’s


“Come for me.” The words were a mere whisper, one finger sliding up his cock and

tapping his slit a single time.

With a gasp he obeyed, body so tuned to Kata that the man could have asked anything

and he would have done it without thought.

The pleasure was a full body pleasure, traveling the length of his skin, making his

muscles tremble.

Warm, sure hands eased him onto his back, the seed cleaned from his skin with a soft

cloth. Then his limbs were massaged, oiled fingers pressing deep, dissolving him, leaving him
drowning in peace and the sound of falling water.

He could hardly believe how good he felt after something so simple as breathing with

another human being.
Kata obviously had much to teach him. He was looking forward to their journey together very

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Chapter Two

Katashi worked with his eyes closed, only touching, only feeling the lines of energy

running through this bright soul, fingers easing knots, opening channels that had been blocked by

So strong.
Such beauty.
Such a gentle soul.
Gloucester’s breath spoke to him, told him that yes, there is good, or more there.
Love me.
Show me.
Please, see me.
The need ached deep in the man’s midsection.
Katashi pressed deep along the nexus, pushing in Gloucester’s belly.
A deep, low moan sounded.
“You have a blockage, here. A pain. An anger. What do you feel when I touch here?” He

pushed again, shifting the energies, forcing them to move.

Gloucester gasped, entire body tightening. “Hurts.”
“Yes. You have a great pain and it lives here, hiding.” He pressed again, forcing

Gloucester to release it.

A long, low groan came from Gloucester. “Brock …”
Katashi nodded, fingers sliding, chasing the blockages away, chasing the festering pain


Gloucester’s groans were softer this time, a shuddering ripple moving through the long


“Tell me what you feel.” He would know next time, that Gloucester’s pain lived there,

and would watch for it.

“Sadness. I remember … Brock was my first lover.” Gloucester spoke quietly, softly, the

words carefully chosen. “We learned very quickly that I enjoyed being beaten while he got off
on doing the beating. But we were so young and didn’t know what we were doing. He didn’t
mean to hurt me so badly. I can still remember the smell of blood and how it felt to know it was

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mine. I can still remember what it felt like to need someone. To need him and to hear his
footsteps, running from me.”

Gloucester took a deep breath.
“I have never before told anyone what happened that day, until you.”
“It was a deep hurt, held close.” He kept touching, staying there and present, giving

Gloucester his entire attention. “Now it might heal, given breath.”

“I didn’t know … didn’t realize I was holding on to it.”
“How do you feel now?”
Gloucester was beautiful, transcendent.
“Better. I can still feel the sadness, but it’s fading.”
“Good. Good, let yourself feel it and let it dissipate.” He moved his hands up, stroking

Gloucester’s face, easing the tension.

Gloucester took another deep breath, letting it out as a sigh.
He sat back, relaxing and letting the intensity fade, letting Gloucester settle and center.

“We have taken a step together, Gloucester.”

He got a warm, soft smile in reply. “Yes, we have, Kata. Thank you.”
“Would you like to bathe in the pool? It is a mineral bath, warm, relaxing.”
“If you like, Kata.”
“I would like to share the peace with you, yes.” He took Gloucester’s hand and led them

to the pool, sliding into the heat.

Gloucester moaned softly. “Oh. That feels good. Really, really good.”
“It is one of my favorite things.”
“I can see why.” Gloucester’s eyes closed, another moan sounding as he sank to his neck.

“I could get used to this.”

“We will end every night here in this pool, letting the water purify us.” Katashi slid

down, floating quietly, breathing with Gloucester.

“That sounds wonderful, Kata. Thank you.”
His hand reached out, twining their fingers together. “You are most welcome.”
Slowly, carefully, Gloucester turned, resting against him.

Yes. Yes, their energies twined beautifully together. He held Gloucester and together, they

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Chapter Three

They floated for hours, until Gloucester’s fingers and toes looked like pale pink prunes.

Then he took his leave, returning to his quarters and sleeping deeper than he could ever
remember sleeping.

He awoke at sunset, feeling refreshed and easy right down to his bones.
He checked his messages, hardly even realizing he was holding his breath as he did so,

searching for Katashi’s name.

His heart skipped a beat when he found it. He opened the note and found a simple,

elegant invitation to dine together in Katashi’s rooms.

There was also a link to a picture of a mountain, covered in snow, a single blossom

visible on the stark white.

He sent an acceptance and then printed the picture and slid his fingers over the flower

before putting it up on his wall by his bed.

Then he prepared himself, inside and out, and found simple but elegant clothes in his


Within the hour he was in front of Katashi’s door, knocking lightly.
Katashi answered the door, bowing to him and ushering him in. Katashi looked fine,

dressed in undyed cloth which looked soft and comfortable. “Good evening, Gloucester. Did you
find peace in your rest?”

He bowed in return and followed Katashi in. “I did, Kata, thank you.”
The low table was set with a dozen tiny dishes, maybe more, each holding two mouthfuls

of some beautiful food that was almost art. Two cushions were place nearby, side-by-side

“It almost looks too good to eat.”
He smiled at Kata. It was a clichéd expression, but in this case, absolutely true
“All of my work would be wasted if we did not share the flavors.” Kata gave him a warm

smile, dark eyes calm and lovely and watching him

“I did say almost,” he teased. Oh, Katashi made him feel special, just by looking at him,

by preparing him a meal. What magic.

Katashi’s laugh was low and pleasant, solid hands drawing him onto a cushion, fingers

trailing over his midsection gently. “Your energies are moving now. Do you feel differently?”

“I do. At peace with myself. I didn’t realize I wasn’t.”
“I am pleased.” Kata motioned at the table. “Which appeals to you?”
A pale, pale green tea was poured, the scent of apple blossoms pleasant.

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He looked at the table, admiring again the presentation of the food. Grains, vegetables

and fruit arranged with an eye for color and, he was sure, taste

“The peach and mint colored one.”
“Ah, the liot fruit. The peach is the ripe form of the fruit, the mint just before.” Kata held

the plate out for him to take one and then took the other. They ate together, watching each other
as sweet and tart exploded in their mouths.

It was exciting!
Yes, exciting. The sensation was physical, warming his belly and waking all his nerves.
Then Katashi leaned in and took a soft kiss, the warmth escalating into a controlled blaze.
He could taste the fruit in Katashi’s mouth as well as Katashi himself, warm and subtle.
Katashi slowly pulled away. “Now. Choose another.”
“Okay.” He turned to the table again and pointed to the one that looked like red berries

covered in grains. “That one.”

“That was my favorite as a boy. Make sure to bite into the berries, the juice dissolves the

kurrik and makes it bubbly.”

He did as Kata suggested, startled, even though he’d been warned, as the food bubbled in

his mouth.

How fun – he could see why it would charm a child and the taste was quite nutty and


One after another he was treated to a dish – some sweet, some bright, some silky. Each

bite came with a story, a kiss, a caress, a sip of apple blossom tea.

By the end of the meal all his senses had been sensitized, aroused and catered to and he

was almost vibrating.

From a meal shared.
He had a feeling Katashi could send him higher than any other man ever had.
When the last of the tea was enjoyed, Katashi looked over at him, eyes quiet.

“Gloucester, have you considered entering into a contract with another?”

“Until now, no.”
“I would like to contract with you. I have many gifts to share, but I wish a … committed

relationship. Time.”

To his utter astonishment, tears filled his eyes. He had waited a long, long time for

someone to want him as more than just a fill-in

“Yes, please, Katashi Motomori.”
Katashi bowed before him, deep and low. “You honor me, Gloucester Wellington. I will

have the papers drawn so we might sign them before our peers.” Katashi sat up. “I would have
the world know you have chosen me.”

“Oh, thank you.” He bowed to Katashi. “Thank you.”
One hand trailed over his head, his shoulder, fingers stroking him. “Come. I have a

surprise for you. Do you remember the tea from yesterday?”

He took a deep breath, calmed himself so that he would not shake. “I do, Kata.”
That hand caressed his face. “There is a syrup made from the tea and, on the most blessed

of days, my people will pour it over fresh snow and share the sweet. I have no snow, but I have
something very close and I would share this with you.”

“That sounds delightful, Kata. I would be honored to share this tradition with you.”
They had not even kissed and yet he felt closer to this man than anyone he had ever


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A plate was pulled from a portable cooler, shaved ice mounded up. Then a deep violet

syrup was poured over the top, sinking in, the scent immediately filling the room

“Mmm. That smells wonderful.” And more than that, the symbolism of it was wonderful.
Kata offered him a bite on a tiny silver spoon, eyes shining. “I would search for you,

Gloucester, through any storm.”

“I have waited for you to find me.”
Katashi nodded. “You have waited and I would be sorrowful, except that you waited for


He smiled. “Yes, Kata, I believe that I did.”
Together they ate the dessert, the flavored ice melting on his tongue and infusing him

with the delicate flavor that would always mean Katashi to him.

He watched every move that Katashi made, admiring the flow of Kata’s body, the easy

way he was within his skin.

Eventually the dessert was finished, the last bit of syrup rubbed against his lips and then

softly licked away.

He was melted and hard as stone at the same time, all his attention focused on Katashi
“I would like to learn you, to make love with you. Are you willing?”
“Oh yes, Kata. I am.”
He could only imagine what making love with this man would be like. And he wouldn’t

have to imagine for long.

He received another slow, sweet smile and Kata stood, held out a hand. “Shall we clear

the table together and then find a soft bed to share?”

“We have to go looking for a bed?” he teased.
He got a wide-eyed look, those eyes black as night. “Indeed. I can be very forgetful. I

may have moved it onto the balcony …”

He chuckled, absolutely delighted that Katashi did indeed have a sense of humor. “That

should be the first place we look then.”

“Indeed. The city lights are beautiful and my garden is there.”
“You already have a garden in? I thought you hadn’t been here that long yet.”
He began to collect the little plates, putting them on Katashi’s tray
“I had my containers delivered. They are very important to me. Part of my home. And, as

you noticed, it took many weeks before I arrived to arrange things to my wishes.” Katashi
helped, motions spare and graceful.

He nodded. “Crossing your threshold is like being in a different world.”
“I love the life I have made here, but my home is important to me. Would you be willing

to remain here, in these rooms?”

“Oh. I. Yes.” He nodded and bowed to Katashi. “Yes. I would submit myself to you

entirely. All my waking and my sleeping hours.”

It was like a dream, a secret wish fulfilled, to be taken so entirely in hand.
Katashi nodded. “Then I will have your things moved and our space enlarged so you may

have your own space and a sitting area.”

He bowed again. “As you wish, Kata.”

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Katashi nodded and they took the dishes and put them in the cleaner, Katashi assuring

things were in order before leading him to the balcony – which was really one of the rooms taken
in as a sun room, light and air piped in, dozens and dozens of plants growing everywhere

“Wow, it’s amazing.”
Every new room Katashi showed him was as intricate, delicate and as amazing as the last
“I enjoy it here.” Katashi led him to see this plant and that, all lovely and well-cared for
“It’s like you in here. Soothing and arousing all at once.”
“Thank you.” He was led to a low wooden bench. “This is not my bed.”
“Oh good. I was hoping for something a little … larger. And softer.” He smiled up at


Katashi nodded and led him back inside. “Many mornings you will be bound in this

room, waiting for the sun to bless your skin.”

“Oh …” A shiver went through him. “Thank you.”
“You are welcome, Gloucester. These rooms will be yours, but we will discuss them

more fully later. Tonight, I wish to make love with you.” Another door was opened, a room
dominated by a huge bed visible. The art here was light, airy.

There was a big bed, at the moment that was all that mattered. “Please,” he said, taking

Katashi’s hand, leading his soon to be lover to the bed

“Yes.” Katashi tilted his face and took his mouth, tongue pressing deep, tasting him.
He moaned, opening wide to Katashi, leaning against the compact strength. He was held

easily, Katashi’s hands cupping his ass. He closed his eyes and just felt, learning Katashi’s style,
his taste.

The kisses continued, slow and deep, one blending into another and another and another

until his breath was lost, his head swimming.

He didn’t know where he ended and Katashi began, didn’t know if he was still standing

or if they’d made it to the bed, all he knew were the all-consuming kisses.

Finally the touches crept into his consciousness, Katashi and him naked, moving together

on the soft bed. He cried out, hands sliding over Katashi’s warm skin.

Katashi surrounded him, touching and tasting and focused, returning to places of pleasure

again and again. He writhed beneath the touches, arching and bucking into his lover. He had
never been the subject of such intent focus. Never

“My blossom.” The word was whispered like a prayer, slick fingers pressing easily inside


He cried out. A secret name. Katashi had a secret name for him
“Kata, my Kata.”
“Yes. Yes, Gloucester. Yours.” Kata’s heavy cock pressed inside him, made him burn

and ache and need.

He wrapped his hands around Kata’s shoulders and planted his feet on the mattress,

meeting each of Kata’s thrusts

“Can you feel me? Feel me touching you?”
“Yes. Yes, Kata. You are all that I feel.”
“Good. My blossom, my own …”
He melted at the words, coming with a soft cry, body tightening around Kata’s cock.
Heat filled him, Kata’s hum vibrating his lips.
He held on, floating within Kata’s arms.
Kata rested against him, humming, petting

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“Will you let me stay and hold me through the night or will I sleep in my own room?” he


“You will stay. I do not believe space is what your spirit requires at this time. So you will

stay close.”

Oh, Katashi could read him so well. “Thank you, Kata.”
“Thank you for waiting for me.” Katashi slid to one side and wrapped around him,

surrounding him in warmth

“Thank you for searching for me.”
He nuzzled and cuddled in, feeling at peace and happy.
Two nights in a row.
He could live with that.


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Love and the Farmer

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Chapter One

“Love!” God, he adored Mal’s roar, just adored it. Love looked down at the uber-top of

uber-tops and batted his eyelashes. Love was the most sought after sub for hire in the most
exclusive club on the planet. Hell’s bells, in the universe. And he knew it all the way down to his
little toe.

“Get down from there and get to work!”
Bah. Fuck that. He was comfortable and high and the view from the ledge was nice and

he didn’t want to suck some fat, old rich dude.

Damn Daniel for going exclusive anyway.
Well, being the prettiest and the most wanted was pretty fabulous. The gifts, the money,

the trips – all very cool.

The letting some cranky executive from the corps spank you until you almost felt it and

then coming in your hair?

So not sexy.
“I need a day off. I’m overworked!”
“Bullshit. You’re spoiled and a little bitch.” Mal was adorable when he gro …
“Did you call me a bitch?”
“Yes. Would whore do better?”
“Whore? WHORE?” He screamed and threw a shoe at Mal, managing to miss him, but

knocking over a few bottles of oil.

“Yes. You know, a little hole-for-hire, rent-a-suck, spank-by-the-hour, made-by-the-

dozen bottom boy.”

Well! That was just mean. “I’m the best thing you’ve got, you bastard.”
His other boot went flying, amusement turning to real anger and hurt.
“Right. I could go out to the corner and find five of you.” Mal turned his back, dismissing

and ignoring him.

“You fucker!” He came flying off the ledge, intending to pluck that bleached-white head

bald. He’d just reached Mal when the son of a bitch turned and grabbed his arms, slamming him
against the wall and into cuffs before he could react.

“Got you.”
“Oh, that’s fucking cheating.” Bastard. Fucker. Prick. Pig. He pulled against the bonds

and screamed, which only got him a ball-gag and a belt around his waist and cuffs around his
ankles. Damnit.

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Then Mal headed towards the salle door, opened it to a stranger. Off-world, from the

clothes. “I’m sorry, sir, but the sub you’ve requested requires punishment. He’s … challenging.”

The man looked in, large brown curls framing a square, heavy face. Grey eyes blinked at

him and one blunt-fingered hand pushed back some of the curls. God, the guy was a bumpkin.
He screamed working class. This was what Mal had ruined his high for?

“What’s involved in this … punishment?” Well, the tone of voice was nice enough, but

the words were spoken slowly, as if pulled with difficulty from the guy’s head.

“For Love?” Mal gave him a long, sharp look, eyebrow quirking. “Gag, heavy bondage,

nice thick plug, and a heavy paddling.”

Well, that sounded almost like fun …
“With a sound in and his cock bound so he can’t climax.”
He started screaming, only a high whine escaping from the gag.
“Well, I have to admit, I don’t know what a sound is, but I could use the workout of a

good, heavy paddling. Been off the farm too long.” The man adjusted himself, a bit of color in
his cheeks. “And he’s a right pretty thing.”

“He is, a bit of a bitch though. He’s not hard enough used.” Mal opened the door,

motioned the hayseed in. “I’ll show you the sounds. They slide into the sub’s cock, fills them,
makes them hyper aware and they can’t come until you pull it free.”

“Well, that almost sounds like what we use to collect the seed from the bulls. I imagine

with a bit of a look-see lesson, I could manage just fine.”

Love was staring at Mal, wide-eyed. Surely Mal was not going to let that … that …

that … farmer touch him.

“Excellent. Why don’t you start by cutting off Love’s clothes and I’ll collect our


“I can do that,” the man answered amiably. He came near, fumbling in his pocket. “Love,

eh? Well, I’m Freddie. It’s nice to meet you.”

Freddie pulled an army-style knife from his pocket, opened up a blade.
Love whimpered, shaking his head, trying to pull away. This … low-life would cut him!
“Shh, shh, Love. Easy now. I’m not going to hurt you.” Freddie’s voice took on a

singsonging tone, as if gentling an animal. “Be still now, Love, I’d hate to cut you. Well,” the
man grinned suddenly. “Not unintentionally anyway.”

Mal! Malachi! He was screaming, eyes searching for the trainer. Still, the farmer was

careful, gently slicing the fabric from him.

“Oh, such lovely pale skin. You really are a beauty, aren’t you?” Thick, rough fingers

slid across his cheek and stroked his belly.

Well, the man wasn’t blind, at least. Still. A farmer? Him? Mal hated him.
“Does he need to be gagged?” Freddie asked Mal. “I like to hear what effect I’m having

on a man.”

Mal arched an eyebrow. “He’s got a foul mouth and he’s angry. He’ll be nasty.”
Mal put a vicious paddle and straps and a huge fucking plug and the hated sound kit

down on one of the tables. “Do you prefer leather or rope for binding?”

“I’m a leather boy. And that’s a shame.” The strong fingers stroked his cheek again. “I

bet he’d make some beautiful noises.”

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“Well, you can ungag him if you’d like. Or we can find a smaller gag – a penis gag,

perhaps. Something to keep him from talking, but will allow sounds?”

“A penis gag?” Freddie chuckled. “I usually just use my kerchief. Let’s see one of these

penis gags of yours.”

Mal passed it over and Freddie chuckled, fingering it, sticking it in his own mouth. “I like

it. Let’s switch.

“Excellent.” Mal walked over and stared into his eyes, look icy. “Do not embarrass me,

Love. One word before you’re given leave and I will have you shaved – top to bottom.”

He heart pounded. Shaved? His hair? His hair was beautiful! Long, curling, platinum.


“I will do it, Love. Completely bald and I’ll keep you that way. Not one word.”
He nodded. He’d be quiet.
Once Mal had the ball-gag off, Freddie himself stepped forward, bringing the penis gag,

still wet with the man’s saliva, up to his mouth.

He whimpered, but opened, careful not to speak, even though he wanted to. Maybe

needed to.

The bumpkin pushed the two-inch rubber penis into his mouth, leaning around him to

snap the gag closed. He smelled … good. “How do you work safewords if he’s gagged? Or are
they not allowed for punishments?”

“See the button up there by his hand? It’s a panic button. He squeezes, everything stops.”

Mal’s eyes met his. “However, the subs understand that egregious use of a safeword or panic
button during punishment is grounds for review and possible termination.”

Love hated him.
“Ingenious.” Freddie nodded and grinned. “You sure do have this place all tricked out,

don’t you?”

“That’s my job.” Mal spread out lube and leather bonds for the farmer. “He’s a good

bottom. He just needs a strong hand, someone who isn’t blinded by that pretty face.”

“Yeah, I can see where he gets away with murder looking like this.” Freddie stroked his

face again, hands warm and sure, if rough.

“Plug and binding first? Then this sound business?”
“Sound first, then we’ll put the bindings on.” Mal got two chairs, sitting the hayseed

down like Love wasn’t even real. Mal picked a mid-sized sound, the metal shiny, smooth, then
held his prick. “See, we’ll lube the end and then ease it in. We can’t bind him first because we
need to make sure he can move. Besides,” Mal’s eyes twinkled. “With this in? We’ll just bind
the tip, make sure he can’t push it out. It’ll hold him for us.”

The bumpkin fucking chuckled. LAUGHED at him. “Ingenious.”
He closed his eyes and refused to look, to be there. If they were going to be assholes to

him, he wouldn’t play.

Wouldn’t get hard.
Wouldn’t care.
“Can I?” asked the hayseed.
Then his prick was taken in that big, rough hand, swallowed up by the huge palm and

pumped with a light, almost sweet touch.


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He squeezed his eyes closed, trying to think of gross, icky, ugly things
Mal chuckled softly. “You’re good.”
“Oh, now, I just know what a man likes, seeing as I have the same equipment.” Freddie’s

thumb slid across the tip of his cock, pushing against his slit. “And I reckon Love here is primed
for it, even if he’s being punished.”

His thighs shivered, eyes rolling behind his lids. Oh. Oh, fuck.
“You are a pretty one, aren’t you? I imagine you get punished a lot. The pretty ones do,

don’t they, Mal? Too many people let them get away with murder just for that pretty face and
then when that firm hand comes along they get pulled up short and need to be reminded how
things work.”

Freddie kept working his cock, the man’s other hand fingering his balls, gently at first

and then squeezing lightly, letting him feel the pressure.

He groaned, trying to think of cold mush and mud and old men and …
Oh, it felt good.
“That’s right, Freddie. He skates by and then the right man shows and reminds him of

why he’s a sub, why he’s here.”

Freddie chuckled. “Poor boy. Cursed with looks. You see a man like me? Nobody ever

gives an ugly man anything, he has to fight all his life to take what is his. It might seem unfair,
but really, it prepares a man properly for life.”

His balls were fondled, tugged, the hand on his prick inexorable, tightening a little,

demanding his response. “Let’s have a go with the sound there, Mal. I should be able to slide her
in, but you’ll let me know if I’m doing something wrong.”

He whined, shaking his head, but Mal’s voice was inexorable. “Lube the tip really well

and don’t push. It’ll slide right in.”

The hand at his balls disappeared and cool gel was placed at the tip of his cock, pushed in

and then more pushed in.

“Just slide her in, you say?”
“Hold him open and, there …”
Cold metal – so foreign, so odd – pushed inside him and he cried out, pulling against the


“Pull his cock down just a little and let it go in. Good.”
Good? Good?
His cock burned, throbbed, ached.
“Well, I’ll be … if that’s not the most amazing thing I’ve seen on this planet yet.” His

cock was gently squeezed, manipulated, the tip touched with one gentle finger, the sound
touched, moved just a little. “Now that? Is beautiful.”

“Yes.” Mal’s fingers slid over his shaft, squeezing, making him whimper. “Would you

like a clear sheath on his cock so you can see it?”

“Oh, yes. That will do just nicely.”
Suddenly, those large, rough-skinned, but so gentle fingers slid over his eyes. “Would

you like a blindfold, Love?”

Mal’s fingers slid the tight sheath over his cock and he whined, nodding. Yes. He didn’t

want to see.

“All right.” A soft blindfold was placed over his eyes, tied tightly behind his head.
“Oh, this is a nice plug, Mal. Hefty – are you sure he can take it?”
“He can and he’ll not be able to forget it. Just take it slow, he’ll swallow it up.”

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Oh. No fair. No fair. So mean. The blindfold meant he could open his eyes, glare into the


“Tell me about the paddle while I get him ready.”
Freddie picked him up and put him over the wide lap, ass high in the air. Two of those

thick fingers slid into him, wet and slippery. He whined, shivered, trying to clench against the

“I made it myself. Oak and leather, raised ridges. It won’t cut, but it will bruise. He’ll feel

it for days.”

“It’s beautiful work.” Freddie’s fingers pushed in regardless of his efforts, scissoring

apart, stretching him. “Will I be able to fuck him when the beating is over, or is not being taken a
part of his punishment?”

“You can fuck him, in fact, a deep, hard fucking will make putting the plug back in even


He would have shook his head, but his entire focus was on his cock, his ass.
The two fingers inside him became three, Freddie’s fingers larger than he was used to and

sure. So very sure, not at all how he would imagine a country bumpkin’s fingers would feel
inside him.

“If you don’t wish to stay, I can handle him from here, but I’m not adverse to an


“If you can handle him, he’s yours. If you need me, comm me.” Mal’s hand brushed

Love’s ass. “Have fun, Love.”

Asshole! His scream sounded like a loud wail.
“Yes, Love, let me hear you.” Freddie started fucking him with those wide fingers, in and

out. “Thank you, Mal. I’m sure we won’t need to disturb you.”

“Excellent.” Mal sounded well satisfied, leaving him with this stranger.
The door closing was loud.
“Mmm. Now it’s just you and me, Love.”
He shook, twisting in the man’s grip. No.
Freddie the farmer chuckled. Fucking laughed again. “Testing me so soon.”
Going to do more than test. He was … Not a farmer. Not a farmer’s sub! He cried out,

trying to push Freddie’s fingers from him.

“You realize you’re just all the prettier the more you fight? Gives your skin this nice light

pink flush.” Again and again, Freddie’s fingers pushed into him, finding his gland and nailing it.

Oh …
Oh, that …
That made him …
Mad. He was mad. Damn it.
“I like my horses with fire. I like my dogs with bite and I like my lovers with the same.”

Freddie’s fingers disappeared suddenly and then the heavy plug was pushing against him, cold in

His breath stilled, ass wiggling madly.
No. He wasn’t going to help. He wasn’t.
The plug pushed in though, as if he were pulling it in, as if he were begging for it,

Freddie’s strength forcing it in easily.

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So wide. So wide. He shook, afraid to fight it, afraid to tear himself.
“You are something else, Love. I have never seen one this size actually used.”
Low groans filled the air, pushed from around the gag, his thighs hard as rocks.
It was almost a surprise as his ass closed around the plug and Freddie the farmer hit his

ass with the flat of that huge hand. He cried out, surprised more than hurting, although the burn
began moving through him.

“I’m sorry that our first meeting is a punishment, Love. But I understand you are

responsible for this. Possibly it is what you wanted, hmm?” Another slap of with Freddie’s hand,
but the next hit was the paddle Mal had left out.

Oh, that burned. Stung. He pulled away from the next blow, filled cock bumping against

Freddie’s thigh. He screamed, felt it deep inside, entire body going taut, hips pressed up and out.

This bumpkin from the middle of nowhere had one hell of an arm, Love had to give him

that. The paddle came down over and over again. His cries turned to whimpers, his ass on fire
and hurting and oh, he was sorry. He wouldn’t be mean to the farmer. He’d be good. He would.

It just went on and on and then finally it stopped.
It stopped and Freddie’s hand slid over his ass, rubbing. “Simply beautiful.”
Love just sobbed, aching and sore and burning deep in his muscles. Freddie stood, lifting

him easily, putting him over the table, fingers manipulating the heavy plug. He hid his face in his
bound hands, crying out each time Freddie’s fingers brushed his ass.

“Me now, Love.” The words were soft, the plug pulled away, thick heat pushing into him

in its place.

Oh …
His head lifted, the glide in a delicious pleasure.
“Oh, Love. So tight.” Freddie sounded surprised.
He whimpered, thighs trying to part, body clenching the thick cock. Freddie’s fingers dug

into his ass, cock impaling him again and again, giving it to him like a pro. His head was
spinning, breath trapped in his chest, tears making the blindfold wet.

“Beautiful,” whispered Freddie, pushing hard into him once more, filling him deep with


His cock, his ass, his balls – they ached, burned. He keened, begging. Freddie groaned,

pulled out of him, the plug returning almost before he was empty and he was turned, the thick
fingers working the sheath from around his cock.

He needed, body arching, pleading through the gag, whining as his ass brushed the table.
“Patience, Love. You can’t come until I take out the fancy bit of metal.” The sheath came

off, the large hand wrapping around his cock again.

Oh. Oh, yes. Take it out. Let me come. Please. I need. Please. His heart was slamming in

his chest, balls drawn tight against the leather.

Freddie’s fingers took hold of the end of the sound and pulled it part way out, letting it

drop back down again.

Oh! No. No, please. Out.
His thighs shuddered, heels drumming on the table.
“Does it hurt, Love?”
He shook his head. No. No, it didn’t hurt. It was too big. It burned. It felt … so much.
Freddie did it again. Partway out and then letting it drop again. “Fascinating.”
He keened, shivering and sweating in turn.

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Freddie repeated the gentle out and in several more times and then suddenly the sound

was pulled all the way out and a soft kiss placed on the tip of his cock. “Come, Love.”

His scream echoed in his head, hips pumping wildly as spunk sprayed from him, landing

on his chest, his belly. The come was rubbed into his skin and he was gathered into Freddie’s
arms, first the blindfold and then the gag removed.

He blinked up, sniffling, swallowing hard, wanting … no. Needing comfort.
“Look at those beautiful eyes.” Freddie rocked, holding him close, hands petting him.

“Such a beautiful boy. You were exquisite. Simply exquisite.”

“Th … thank you. Th … thank you, sir.” He cuddled in, nuzzling, tears drying up.
“Oh, you’re welcome, Love. You’re a sweet boy. A challenge. I like that.”
He nodded, watching Freddie, wincing as he shifted, ass burning.
“Mmm, that’s going to be sore for days. You’ll sleep on your stomach tonight, hands

cuffed beneath you, feet together, knees under you, ass with its plug high. Delicious.”

“You … you going to keep me? Tonight?” His heart was pounding, toes curled.
“Yes, Love. I do believe I will.” His forehead was kissed, his side stroked.
“Oh. Oh. Okay.” He blinked, relaxed, put himself in the farmer’s hands. “Thank you.”
“Oh, Love, the pleasure will be mine.” Freddie continued to rock him the big, rough

hands gentle and sweet, making him feel good.

His bound fingers stroked the smooth fabric of Freddie’s shirt and he purred, melting.
“Come, Love, let’s go sleep. Tomorrow we can put your punishment behind you and

play.” Freddie stood, holding him easily, taking him to his bed.

He settled, ass in the air, cheek on Freddie’s shoulder. “Yes, sir. Tomorrow. Thank you.”

He only whimpered a little as the sheet brushed his ass.

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Chapter Two

Freddie woke up in the softest bed. The sheets were silk, the skin of the boy lying on him

even softer. Oh yes. Love. The bratty little sub that he’d punished. Beautiful. And the boy knew
it, too.

Spoiled, but lovely. Certainly worth a visit anytime he was on planet.
He stroked thick, work-worn fingers over the soft skin of Love’s back, keeping his hands

away from the abused ass. For now.

Love wriggled, cuddling close, ass scooting away from his touch. He chuckled, hand

sliding down. Love wouldn’t wiggle away from him. He stroked the hot skin, pressing, but

A soft groan filled the air, Love’s hips jerking. “Oh!”
“Good morning, Love. Remember me?” He tapped that sweet ass again. If Love didn’t

remember him now, the boy would after this morning.

“Hey! Yeah! I remember, honest.” Those eyes turned on him, bright and pretty.
He chuckled. “What do you remember, Love?” The farmer or the top?
“Your hands. Your hands on me.”
He nodded. “Good answer, Love.” He slid his hand up to cup the back of Love’s head,

tilting Love’s face for his kiss.

The kiss was warm, Love’s lips opening under his own. So pretty and soft and beautiful

and good. He deepened the kiss, one hand wandering south of Love’s waist again, pressing.

Love whimpered, wiggling again, trying to avoid his hand.
“Careful now, sweet Love. I wouldn’t want to have to punish you again.”
The boy stilled, eyes flashing up to him, a little concerned.
He placed his hand on the hot welts that covered Love’s ass, not pressing or rubbing, just

resting, so Love could feel it.

“You … you have big hands.” Love stilled, breathing against his lips.
“All the better to touch you with.” He licked the pretty lips. “I want you to remember that

while I might look like a country bumpkin I know my way around dildos, plugs, restraints,
whips. Speaking of which. Would you like that plug out? Your hands freed?”

Love nodded. “Yes, please. I’m sore.”
Oh, you couldn’t melt butter in that mouth.
Freddie raised an eyebrow. “Yes, please, what?”
“Oh. Are you a sir or a master?”
“Sir is fine.”

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Those eyes twinkled – there wasn’t a thing stupid about this boy, was there? “Yes, sir.”
“You’re a sassy one, aren’t you? How often’s that Mal guy gotta whup your ass?”
“Sassy? Me? No …” Those eyes danced again. “I only get in trouble once every few

days. Weeks. Something like that.”

Freddie laughed and let his hands free. “Oh, they must have their hands full with you.

And yet they keep you. Does wonders for your ego, doesn’t it?” Smiling, he reached down and
pulled the plug from Love’s ass in one smooth motion.

“Oh.” Love shuddered, lips parting, tongue sliding out.
He slid a finger into Love’s body, fucking the sweet boy with his finger. “You may be

beautiful. And smart. And everyone wants you. But that doesn’t mean you know what you

“You … You don’t know me. You can’t.” Love groaned, chewing that full bottom lip,

moving on his finger.

“Oh?” He let his finger slide away. “I guess you’re right.”
He got a pout, slender fingers sliding up his stomach. “I didn’t mean to upset you, sir.


“Oh, hey, I’m not upset. I just don’t know you, so I hate to presume.” Gods, the boy was


“Presume?” Those hands kept working, stroking him, pretty little ass wiggling, begging

for it.

“Act like I know you when I don’t. In fact, perhaps I should go. Get someone who does

know you. You think Mal would mind coming back?”

“Probably. He hates me.” A flash of vulnerability showed before a shiny veneer of

‘devil-may-care’ hid it. “Am I not pleasing you?” Poor boy. Caught up in his own image, his
beauty, his role.

“You’re pleasing, Love. Show me what you can do, yes?”
“Anything you want.” That pretty mouth moved down his belly, lips parted, tongue

flicking against his skin. He purred. Let Love show off and then he’d fuck the boy through the

The boy had a luscious mouth, soft and hot and well-trained, knowing exactly where to

lick, where to touch. He watched, Love so fine, pale and lovely against his darkly tanned, work-
horse of a body.

Those fingers stroked him, touched him, Love’s tongue lapping at the tip of his cock as if

feeding from him. He moaned, hips shifting as he settled into the bed, enjoying Love’s expert

Love’s mouth made him ache, made him need faster than he could believe. He spread his

legs, fisting his hands to avoid guiding that sweet mouth. Love’s head started bobbing, lips and
tongue pulling and stroking.

It was a beautiful sight, arousing, too, as if Love’s tongue and lips and mouth needed any

help. The sway of Love’s hips caught his eyes, the bruised and marked skin seeming to call for

“Stop.” His voice was hoarse, harsh, need painting it.
Love stopped, lips sliding up along his shaft, pulling as he popped free.
“Slick it up, pretty Love. I’m going to fuck you.”
He got a low groan, Love stretching, reaching for the oil and slicking those pretty hands

before wrapping them around his cock. He groaned too, hips moving, pushing his prick through

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the tunnel of Love’s hand. Those fingers were almost as good as the sweet little mouth, working
him like a master.

Oh, he could get lost in this, just let Love touch him until he came. Except he wanted in

that sweet ass, too. Then Love bent low, took one of his balls in that hot mouth, sucking gently.

Well, didn’t that beat all? Moaning, he spread his legs, made sure Love had plenty of

room to work. A low sound vibrated him, fingers sliding, tongue rolling his testicle. He wrapped
his hands in the sheets, holding onto his control.

Those bright eyes flashed up to his, curious, wicked, sharp.
“If I come, I don’t fuck you. Your choice, pretty Love.”
The mouth and hands slowly backed off, Love stroking his thighs.
He purred. “Hands and knees pretty one. I want to see that reddened ass.”
“More than red. You left bruises.” It wasn’t couched as a complaint, just a truth, Love

moving and bending for him.

“I did.” Freddie got up onto his knees behind Love, hand sliding over the hot, red and

bruised ass. “Some pretty ones, too.” He pressed his thumb into one of them.

“Oh …” Those fine thighs parted, spreading wide for him, begging for it.
With a groan he lined his cock up and just sank into Love. The pretty boy was still

stretched from the plug, the abused ass like fire against his skin.

“Fuck …” Love arched, time for those hands to tighten in the sheets.
“Yes, Love, that’s the idea.” His chuckle was more a groan and then he just let Love have

it, taking that sweet ass hard.

Love took him, feeding him hungry little noises, ass clenching at him. It felt damned

good, like no one he’d ever had and he moved harder, faster, losing himself in Love’s body.

Love’s shoulders dropped, ass tilting as a low cry filled the air. “Oh! There!”
He grabbed hold of Love’s hips and pulled the boy onto his cock as he thrust, nailing the

spot over and over again. Love groaned, sobbing, ass fiery against him.

He reached around, finding the hard, hot cock and pumping it in time with his thrusts.
That ass clenched tighter than a fist, squeezing him, milking him. “Yes!”
He nodded in agreement, grunted and pushed harder, almost there. Heat sprayed over his

hand, Love jerking, moaning, sobbing his name.

“Yes!” He pumped again and then again, spilling into Love’s tight body.
Love held him tight, panting. Rippling around him with aftershocks.
“Oh, Love … Love. That was … Mmm.” He slipped out of Love’s body and pressed a

kiss against the abused ass.

Love shivered. “Yes. Thank you.”
He lay down on the soft bed. “You’re welcome.”
Love reached over, cleaned him, cleaned them both.
“So pretty …” He pet Love. He could get used to this. Very easily.
Love settled down next to him, cuddling. “Is this okay?”
“Yes.” He put his arm around the boy, holding Love close.
“Oh. Good.” A soft kiss brushed his shoulder.
He put his finger beneath Love’s chin and raised the sweet face to him, kissing the boy


“Oh …” The sound was soft, almost sweet.

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Oh, this boy needed a firm hand, but also a gentle touch, sweet loving as reward for

obedience. He spread Love’s lips with his tongue, gently invading Love’s mouth. Love melted
against him, all honeyed need, all desire.

He let his hand stroke over the fine skin, keeping well away from Love’s ass this time,

letting his touch be pure pleasure. Soft little sounds escaped from Love, arms wrapping around
him, holding him. He found one of the hard little nipples and tugged gently, fingertip stroking
across it.

“Oh …” So responsive, so eager, in pleasure and in pain.
Murmuring, he rolled them, gently putting Love on his back. Those eyes stared up at him,

blinking slow.

Freddie purred. “You taste good, sweet Love.”
“You … You do, too. You’re …” Love’s fingers brushed his cheeks.
He turned his head, licking the slender fingers. “I’m what?”
Love groaned, shivering. “Different.”
“Thank you.” Sweet boy.
Love pinked, eyes dropping from his.
He licked at Love’s lips. “Wasn’t it meant as a compliment?”
“Yes. Yes, it was.” Love nodded, one leg rubbing against his.
Purring again, he closed their mouths together, taking a long kiss, hand sliding over

Love’s body. Love moved against him, relaxed, easy, opening to him easily. His fingers found
those nipples again, pinching hard before gentling the touches. A soft groan pushed into his lips,
a shudder rocking Love.

He licked his way along Love’s jaw, dove into the soft skin of Love’s neck, lips closing

and sucking.

“Marking me …” Love stretched, hips rocking, rubbing.
He purred. He was.
Silken, soft, Love flowed against him like water. He kept working Love’s neck, making

the mark dark, deep. Little sounds filled the air, Love’s hands tangling in his hair. He rubbed
against Love’s thigh, his cock hard again already.

“Mmm … feels good. So hot …”
He had to agree. With a low groan he slid his mouth down, found one of Love’s nipples

and began to suck.

“H … hungry mouth …” Love arched, legs shifting beneath him.
“Tasty boy.” He continued licking and sucking on Love’s nipples, his hands spreading

the slender legs, stroking the soft inner thighs with his fingers. Need was riding him hard, Love
arousing him more than anyone had in a long time.

The gentle laugh was softened by the sweet, low moan, Love spreading for him, heat and

desire evident, real. He pushed against Love’s well-used hole, sliding into the tight heat just as
easy as that. It made him wonder if he’d ever get a chance to stretch this hole with his cock, or
would Love always be coming off a punishment.

He pushed in until he was buried to the hilt, mouth still working the hard little bits.
“Mmm … feel you …” Love’s hips started moving, started rocking, riding him.
He rolled, setting Love on top of him, hands playing the flesh he’d been licking, letting

Love control this one. Love danced on his prick, undulating, sliding easily, so sensuous.

He groaned, holding back, wanting nothing more than to roll them again and fuck Love

furiously. Goodness, the boy made him need, made him randier than any bull he’d raised.

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The boy’s motions slowed, driving him mad, the tight body squeezing, rippling around

him. His hands dropped to the sheets, fingers tangling in them as he held back. Love’s hands
traveled his own body, tempting, teasing.

He slid one of his hands around Love’s cock, wrapping it tightly, but still letting Love

fuck himself, letting Love’s own motions push the hot prick into his hand. Love’s head fell back,
offering him a look at the long, beautiful line of the lean body.

Moaning, he raised his knees, planting his feet and beginning to meet Love’s body each

time it came down on his prick.

“Oh …” Love’s throat worked. “Yes. Yes, please.”
Growling now, his free hand grabbed Love’s hip, pulled the boy down as his hips pushed

up, bringing them together harder and harder. Love moved faster, harder, need painted across the
fine skin. He shifted his angle of entry, grinning wildly as Love cried out. Then he just stayed
there, banging that spot over and over again.

“Oh. Oh. Oh. Good. So good.” Love nodded wildly, teeth sinking into that pretty bottom


“That’s right. Good. Come for me. Show me.”
“Yes …” He felt Love shudder, clench around him, squeeze tight as heat pulsed over his

hand and belly.

His own orgasm started at the base of his back, shot up his spine and then back down and

out his cock, filling Love deep.

Love slumped down against him, breathing hard. “Wow.”
He purred, arms wrapping around Love. “Yes. It’s a shame I have meetings today.”
“Ew. Meetings.” Love snuggled. “Not fun.”
“No, but necessary. Besides – I wouldn’t even be on planet if not for them, so I suppose I

won’t curse ‘em.”

He grinned and checked the chrono. If he passed up breakfast there was time for a wee

nap with the boy curled up against him.

Seemed like a good way to end the experience.
For now.


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Soaring With Hawk

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Chapter One

The whistle rang and the conveyor belt slowed, stopped, signaling shift change.
Jester put his tools in his box and nodded shyly at his replacement and headed for the

locker room. He’d only been working the conveyor belt for a week. A promotion. It even meant
a little more money. It was hard though, coming into a new place. He took off his overalls and
hung them in his locker. He didn’t talk to anyone, just gathered up his lunch box and his book
and headed to the line for his pay.

He worked it out slowly in his head, adding the extra amount per day and trying to work

out how much would come off for union costs and mandatory future health payments. There
should be twelve more notes. That would pay for new boots for Rinia and some meat for the
stew. And then there would be twelve more again next week.

“Your code?” The voice that sounded was low, rich, the Super’s black eyes shining down

a long, beaked nose. “Oh, our new boy. #AT2380, yes?”

He nodded and cleared his throat. “Yes, sir.”
His chip was handed over. “Your reports have been excellent. Good job.”
He smiled up at the tall man, pocketing the chip. “Thank you. Thank you very much.”
“You’re welcome. Enjoy your end of week. A lot of the boys meet at Lester’s for caf or

beer, if you’re at loose ends.” Oh, that voice was lovely. Sure. Strong.

“Oh, I should get straight home, but thank you. It was very kind of you to offer.” He

smiled again at the Super, searching his mind for an excuse to linger.

“Oh, you have a wife at home?” The question was teasing, gentle, the Super handing out

the last few chips to those in line behind him.

He blushed. “Oh no, I’m not married. I still …” his blush got deeper. “I live with my


“Oh? I lived with mine for many years until my sister married. Now I have a suite of

rooms of my own.”

“A whole suite? All to yourself?” He snapped his mouth shut, realising he’d just been

rude, but he didn’t even have a bed to himself, let alone a room and it just seemed … like a

“Yes. Three whole rooms above the club I belong to.” The black eyes glittered at him,

not looking upset at all.

“A club?” He didn’t know why he was pursuing it, he needed to get home and he was

sure the Super wanted to go as well, now that he’d handed out all the chips.

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The Super nodded. “A men’s club – parties, a bar, places to dance and relax. It’s a nice


“Lester’s?” That was the name of the place the Super had said people met for caf or beer.

Maybe … maybe he would go next week. If nothing came up, he had twelve extra notes and he
could have a meal and maybe a caf or try a beer.

“No. This is called the Velvet Glove. Up in the highway district.” He got a warm smile.

“You ought to come to supper sometime. I can have a guest.”

He blinked. “Me? You’d like me to come to supper with you?”
Why? The word was almost spoken, but he closed his mouth in time.
“Of course. Why not?” He got a grin and a quick wink. “You do eat, don’t you?”
“Oh. Yes, I do.” He beamed at the Super. He’d never been invited for supper before,

especially not at a club. “I’d be honoured.”

“Tomorrow night? Say six bells? We can share a drink in my rooms first.” A thin virtcard

was handed to him, a picture of the Super and a map and a contact cred. Hawk Blackwing.

Oh, wow.
“Thank you. Thank you very much. Oh, I’m Jester. Jesterasialk Tcherristrav.” He held

out his hand, pulled it back to rub it along his pant leg and then held it out again. Oh, he wasn’t
used to this fancy stuff.

“Hello, Jester. I’m very glad to meet you.” His hand was taken and held, the grip warm

and easy. “I’m Hawk.”

Oh. Oh, Hawk’s hand made him feel a little funny. Like when he didn’t eat for a few

days, only without the headache and belly ache. “Hi Hawk.”

His hand was turned over, the pulse point in his wrist gently stroked. “Hi.”
A shiver went through him, his eyes wide, watching as Hawk touched him. No one had

ever touched him like that, so softly, as if he were precious, as if it were a pleasure to touch him.

He looked back up into the dark eyes. “Hi,” he repeated, almost whispering, breathless.
“My mother taught me that all the beauty and passion in a person was hidden right here

in the pulse point.” The spot was stroked again. “Do you think she was right?”

“I don’t know.” He shivered. “Maybe yes.”
“I think she was.” Jester suddenly realized they were alone, the others gone to spend their

pay. He should be scared, but Hawk’s touch was gentle, easy, not threatening at all.

What worried him more was the way he wanted to melt against the long body. You didn’t

just drape yourself against strangers, but he wanted to.

“Yes,” he said softly, not even sure anymore what he was agreeing to, not really caring.
“Would you like to come and have a drink with me? Tonight?” His skin was stroked

again, the heat of the tall body seeming to wrap around him.

“Yes.” There was no hesitation, no question in his mind.
That earned him a warm, approving smile. “I’d like that too. Now?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
Then he remembered the pay chip in his hand. “Oh. I need to transfer this to my mother.

And let her know. So she doesn’t worry.” He usually helped with bedtime. Someone else could
do it tonight.

“All right. I’ll go get my jacket and arrange a transport. Shall we meet back here in a

quarter? Or at the transport station?”

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The transport station was just across the street from the bank of tellers where he could

have his chip transferred to his mother’s name and where he could leave a message for her. “The
transport station would be fine.”

“Excellent.” He got another of those warm smiles, then his wrist was brought up to

Hawk’s lips and kissed, the touch of Hawk’s tongue on the web of veins heart stopping.

He would have stayed rooted to the spot forever if the door had not slammed open. With

a gasp he pulled his hand away.
“I’ll see you in a quarter,” he said quickly before turning and hurrying off before Hawk could
change his mind.

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Chapter Two

Hawk called for a transport and then called the club, ordering a round of liquor delivered,

something mildly intoxicating with an aphrodisiac effect. Nothing powerful, just enough to
encourage the need that burned inside the boy.

Just enough to let him touch.
He’d been watching Jester for days, watching the way the boy moved, the gentleness, the

exhaustion, the sorrow. Then he’d gone and done some research, paying a virtwhiz to deliver all
the info on his current interest.

Poor, but responsible. Smart, but uneducated. Gentle. Quiet. Hawk purred softly.

Someone who might be interested in his particular desires, in sinking into a rich, sensual world.

Someone who might enjoy being stretched to his limits.
Hawk waited patiently at the transport station, looking for dark curls and sweet green

eyes, hoping that Jester hadn’t changed his mind.

Jester entered the station, looking around with wide eyes. Given the boy’s family

financial situation, Jester probably walked everywhere and had never been in a transport station

He waited until those eyes found him and then smiled, welcoming and letting his pleasure

show. There was something luscious and hidden and untouched about this one.

Jester’s smile was brilliant, part relief, but mostly happiness, and the boy hurried toward


“Did you finish all your business? Can you some spend some time with me?” He stroked

the soft, smooth cheek. He would spend some time with oils and creams, dissolve the hint of
poverty and worry and leave only a glowing pleasure.

Jester nodded, nuzzling into his touch. “I left a message at home to not expect me and

sent them my chip.”

“Excellent. I called for a private transport. The traffic is heavy now and we can spend the

time learn about each other.” Their aircar pulled up and he opened the door, ushering the boy in.

Jester sat in one corner, eyes wide as he took in the interior.
“Is this leather?” the boy asked, fingers stroking the seat.
“Nu-skin, I believe. Real leather is much softer. You can feel at my house. I have a

leather sofa.” He watched those fingers move. Yes, sensual, just as he’d suspected.

“Softer than this? That you can sit on? Oh …” He got another smile from Jester.

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“Yes.” He leaned back, his jacket falling open. “Are you enjoying working on the line?

Your numbers were very impressive.”

“Really? I was very worried about falling behind while I was learning. I like it though.

Much better than just screwing in one cog. I feel like I’m making something on the line.”

He didn’t miss the way Jester’s eyes slid over his body.
“I started on the line, myself. It’s a good place to learn, good people.” He stretched a

little, legs opening a bit. “You’ll be fine.”

Just fine.
Jester kept staring, licking his lips. Then the boy coloured, turning to look out the


Hawk reached out, slowly stroking Jester’s wrist and fingers.
Jester gasped softly, eyes turning again to him. The boy bit his bottom lip, hand turning

so that the slender fingers touched his skin as well.

“Does it feel as good to you as it does to me?” Oh, he wanted to taste those lips, tease

them open and drink deep.

“Your skin is so soft. It makes me hot,” replied Jester.
“Yours is smooth. It makes my fingers tingle.” Beautiful boy.
“Me?” Jester seemed so surprised, but also so very pleased. The boy moved a little closer,

coming out of his corner.

“Yes, you. Surely you have been told this before?” He kept touching, kept stroking.
“Me?” Jester laughed and shook his head. “Who would tell me that?”
“Well, I will.” And wasn’t he unbearably pleased to get confirmation of what he’d

suspected. Untouched. Ready for his hands.

“Oh … oh, you say the nicest things Hawk Blackwing.” Jester melted against the back of

the car, eyes watching him unabashedly now.

“Only truth, Jester. Now, tell me, what you do when you’re not working and keeping me


“Oh, nothing very interesting to someone like you, I’m sure. I usually make supper

because my mother doesn’t get home until late. And the kids need to be put to bed. I like to read.
About things and places.”

“Brothers and sisters? How many?” He knew the answer of course, just as he knew the

boy’s mother worked the spacedocks and that the father had been sent to a prison colony years

“One older brother, four younger brothers and three younger sisters. There are nine of us

in all.”

“So many!” He smiled, shook his head. “In my family there was only me and my sister.”
“That sounds … peaceful.” Jester gave him a warm smile. “What do you do with your


“I spend many hours in the club – dancing and relaxing, visiting with friends.” He

grinned. “Enjoying my pleasures.”

“That sounds very nice.” There was longing in the soft voice.
“Yes. It is nice. It is nicer shared, of course.”
The colour on Jester’s cheeks increased again. “Sharing does sound nicer.”
“I think so, too.” He brought Jester’s hand over to his lap, petting gently.
Jester gasped softly, fingers curling around his thigh, eyes once again wide with surprise

and wonder.

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“Is this okay? Are you comfortable?” He leaned in a bit, nuzzling with his body without

pushing too hard.

“I don’t …” the boy swallowed. “I don’t think I would call it comfortable, but I think I

like it.”

“Well, then. I will trust you to tell me if I do something you need me to stop. Is that

fine?” He offered the control into those thin hands, curious to see what the boy would do with it.

Jester’s eyes got impossibly wider. “You’re going to do things to me that will make me

tell you to stop?”

“Well, that depends on you, Jester. For instance, if I held your hand, as I’m doing now,

would you tell me to stop?”

Oh, the boy was perfect. Utterly lovely.
“Oh, no, Hawk. I like it when you hold my hand. Very much.” There was no guile in the

boy, no thought of playing, just honest emotions.

“And if I asked to kiss you?”
“A real kiss? No one ever has … I would not tell you to stop, Hawk.” Those green eyes

gazed up at him, full of want and need and still more wonder.

“A real kiss, Jester.” He leaned down and rested his lips against the boy’s, sharing their


Jester’s eyelids fluttered, a soft gasp puffing air into his mouth. The hand around his

thigh tightened.

He parted the boy’s lips, tongue sliding in just a bit. Just enough to taste.
Jester gasped again, pulling away this time, eyes huge. “Oh, Hawk. It’s so big. So much.”
“Is it good? Would you like another?”
Jester licked his lips and slowly nodded. “Yes, please, Hawk. If you would want to do it


“Oh, I would very much like to kiss you again, Jester.”
He took another kiss, this one more firm, more hungry.
A soft moan filled his mouth, Jester’s eyes closing, mouth opening, letting him in.
Hawk took a long taste, purring into Jester’s mouth, tilting the thin face so he might get a

better angle. Jester’s fingers dug into his thigh as the boy held on very tightly. The boy’s mouth
opened wider to him, giving what he was silently asking for.

Oh, he wanted nothing more than to pull Jester into his lap, allow his hands to search and

stroke, but this was not the time or the place, so he slowly pulled back, lapping at the soft,
swollen lips.

The green eyes slowly blinked open, glazed over with pleasure. “Hawk …”
“Yes, Jester?” He gave the boy a pleased smile, nuzzling the corner of Jester’s mouth.
“Thank you.” The words were earnest, the voice slightly breathless.
“You’re welcome, pretty pet.” He stroked one hand through the soft curls. “Thank you.”
Jester beamed at him. “You’re welcome.”
The death grip on his thigh eased, Jester’s fingers stroking, unconsciously he’d bet.
The aircar slowed, the bright violet lights of the club familiar and home. “We’re here.

Come on up.”
He waited for the car to dock, then he opened the door, introducing Jester to a new life.

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Chapter Three

Jester was feeling very strange.
Not a bad strange, not at all, just like nothing was quite real.
Not the aircar with its so soft seats or Hawk with his so soft lips. And certainly not the

tall building with the neon purple lights and the elegantly dressed doorman and the people
wearing such fancy clothes as they came and went.

He looked down at his own jeans and the t-shirt beneath his old, second-hand jacket. He

didn’t fit here. He was neat and tidy and clean, but he certainly wasn’t elegant or fancy or fine.

He wanted to reach out for Hawk’s hand, but he didn’t want to presume.
Perhaps he was dreaming. Perhaps none of this was real.
Then Hawk’s hand slid into his. “Come. We’ll dine down here tomorrow evening as we’d

planned. Tonight, let’s just be the two of us, yes? Quiet and casual? Easy.”

He clung to Hawk’s hand, to how solid and warm and real it felt. “I would like that,


He was led into a lift and taken up and up and up. Hawk was relaxed beside him, talking

quietly to different people as they came on and off, one hand softly stroking his hair. Then they
stepped off into a softly lit hallway, down to a door where Hawk’s palmprint was read and it
opened. “Come in, Jester.”

He stepped through the door, looking around with wide eyes. It was so quiet and

everything looked like it was new.

The room was very simple – all soft browns and warm hints of reds and oranges. There

were large cushioned places to sit, low tables, a vid-feed on the wall showing a visual of a fire.

“Can I put your coat away?” Sure hands took his coat off, sliding down his arms, and

depositing it in a hidden closet. “Have a seat, Jester.”

He toed off his workboots, not wanting to ruin the rich looking carpet and wandered,

looking at everything first before sitting down one of the large cushioned couches.

He was back to that unreal feeling again, only he knew it was real, the cushions soft. He

wondered where the leather sofa was. Perhaps in one of the other rooms. Three whole rooms,
just for Hawk. And such quiet. It was magical.

“Would you like a drink?” Hawk brought over a tray with thin crysteel glasses and a

carafe with a shimmering blue-violet liquid inside.

He’d never drunk anything that colour before.
It reminded him of the lights outside of the club.

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“This is abithe – quite sweet and light. Almost a juice.” He was poured a bit and then

Hawk poured himself some and raised the glass. “To new friends.”

He raised his own glass the same way Hawk did and repeated the words. “To new


He waited until Hawk drank and then tried to imitate the genteel sip.
Oh, the drink was sweet, dancing on his tongue and he took another sip and then another.
“You like it?” Hawk relaxed against the back of the sofa, long hair in a braid over his


“It’s nice. I’ve never tasted anything like it.” He smiled over at Hawk, beginning to relax.
“Would you like another? Or would you rather wait to eat?” Hawk reached over and

stroked his lips, tracing them with one finger.

He leaned into the touch, mouth opening, tongue sliding out to touch Hawk’s finger. The

taste made him shiver, as did his own boldness.

“Which do you prefer?” he asked, eyes on the glittering black of Hawk’s.
“I would prefer another kiss, pretty pet. I would give you a taste from my own lips.”
“Oh …” He nodded eagerly. Hawk’s kisses were like nothing he’d ever felt before. “I

would like that, too.”

Hawk took a small sip of the drink and then brought their lips together, carefully sliding

tongue and liquid into his lips.

Oh, that sound he heard couldn’t be coming from him, but he knew somehow it was, as

Hawk’s tongue and the liquid made him shiver. Sweet and spicy and hot.

Hawk’s hand cupped the back of his head, tilting him up for more kisses, the other

stroked his belly, so gentle, so sure.

It made him so hot inside, made his cock hard. No one touching him had ever done that to

him before. Of course no one touched him like this, like Hawk did, like he was special.

“Oh, you do taste fine. Sweet.” Hawk’s eyes were so close, so dark.
“I like the way you taste, too,” he said softly, mesmerized.
“Yes? Oh, that makes me very happy, pretty one.” He was given another long, slow kiss.

“Very happy.”

He beamed up at Hawk. He wasn’t sure what had warranted the man noticing him, but he

was grateful for it. He leaned up, initiating the next kiss himself, softly pressing their lips

Hawk purred softly into his lips, tongue sliding against his own.
Oh, he liked this, he liked it a lot.
He opened his mouth wide, loving the heat of Hawk’s tongue in his mouth, that big hand

sliding along his belly.

Hawk slowly drew him onto the long legs, bringing him onto Hawk’s lap. Suddenly he

was surrounded by Hawk’s warmth and it made him warm all the way through. He whimpered,
hands reaching and clutching.

“Oh, pet … You’re so warm.” Hawk held him, hands stroking his spine.
“You make me warm.” It was true, so very true.
“Good.” Hawk smiled against his lips. “Very good.”
He shivered, hands tight on Hawk’s shoulders. “Yes. It’s good.”
Warm hands wrapped around his hips, drawing him close. “Are you good, sweet Jester?”
“Am I supposed to be excited?” he asked, worried Hawk would be upset by him being so


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“I would be most worried if we were so close and sharing kisses and you were not, pretty

one.” A warm chuckle caressed him as did a hot hand.

He blushed, burying his head against Hawk’s chest. A soft hum soothed him, hand

stroking his hair.

“I have never done this before,” he admitted, looking up into Hawk’s eyes. Surely that

wouldn’t make Hawk ask him to leave.

Those dark eyes shone, so warm, so focused. “Oh, you have no idea how that pleases me,

pretty one.”

“Oh. Good.” Relief went through him, leaving only the warmth and the heat.
“Can I have another kiss?” He really liked the kissing.
“Of course.” Hawk’s lips dropped upon his own, tongue sliding into his mouth.
He opened to Hawk, the heat flaring inside him. Hawk settled him, legs wrapping around

Hawk’s waist, drawing his hardness against the flat belly. He moaned softly, rubbing without
thinking, a shudder going through him.

“Would you like skin on skin, pet? Would you let me touch?”
“Oh …” Another shiver went through him. “Oh. Yes.” He nodded. Yes.
Hawk slowly unbuttoned the soft, pale shirt that covered all that skin from his sight.

“Unbutton yours for me, Jester.”

He watched Hawk for a moment longer and then looked down at his own shirt and started

to undo his buttons. He was shy – Hawk’s skin was dark and pretty, muscled. He was pale and
slight, but he wanted to touch with Hawk skin on skin, knew Hawk wanted it as well.

“Mmm …” Hawk made a soft, low sound, licking his lips. “So pretty, pet. You glow.”
One dark hand stroked his belly before sliding around to touch his back.
He shivered again, not from cold, but from the heat.
“Hawk …”
“Yes, Jester?” He was slowly drawn closer.
He cried out as their bodies came together, Hawk hot and smooth. He felt feverish, dizzy,

like he was soaring.

“Sweet one, that’s it. I wish to have all of you.” Oh, they were together, shoulders to

waist. So hot. So sweet.

Hawk’s hands were touching him, making him feel so much more than he’d ever felt

before. So much. Almost too much.

“If you open your pants, you can feel more, pet.”
“I’ll … I’ll … come,” he whispered, hands already moving to open them.
“Oh, I do hope so, pretty one.” He was given a pleased, wanton look. “Again and again.”
His eyes widened. “Oh …”
Fingers shaking, he got the zipper opened.
Hawk’s fingers brushed his skin, then drew his cock against the heat of Hawk’s lower


“Oh!” Everything became sharp, bright, the pleasure going through him and spraying

from him. All over Hawk’s belly. Panting, he lay against Hawk, shivers and shudders going
through him.

“Oh, that was lovely, pet. So responsive. So fine.” Hawk stroked his spine, purring and

humming softly, wrapping him in sensation.

He let his eyes close, floated in the warmth and sensation Hawk offered.

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The arms around him held him safe, not demanding anything other than what he needed to give.

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Chapter Four

Hawk held onto Jester for a long time – just enjoyed the weight and scent and warmth.
He’d been waiting for this boy – waiting for years, even though he wouldn’t admit it. He

needed someone to care for, someone to touch and kiss and feel and learn.

He had fun with the kids in the club, no question, but he was getting tired of the games,

of the show.

He needed something more … permanent.
Perhaps Jester was his permanent.
After long moments of cuddling the boy pulled back. “Oh! Hawk. You didn’t come, did


“Mmm …” So thoughtful. “There’s plenty of time, pretty one.”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want it to be unfair.” Those green eyes were full of concern.
“Oh, we’ll come again, Jester. Again and again.” He winked and teased a laugh out of

those kiss-swollen lips. “First though? Food.”

As if on cue, the boy’s stomach growled and a sweet flush covered Jester’s cheeks. “I

guess I’m hungry.”

“Well, there you go. What would you like?” He leaned back, stretching a little. “I can

order lots of different things.”

“Oh, I’m not very picky – I’ll eat anything.”
“Anything? Do you like roast meat? Soup? Cheese? Rice?” Me?
“Oh, yes. Although meat and cheese are quite a luxury, aren’t they?”
“That’s one of the benefits of living here, pet. We have … perks.”
“Oh …” Jester gave him a bright smile. “I haven’t had meat, not real meat, since last

New Year.”

“Would you like to share a bit of roast, then?” He leaned down and licked that smile.

“Maybe some vegetables and chocolate pie for dessert?”

“Chocolate pie?” Jester looked as if he were about to melt again. “Oh, yes, please.”
“Excellent. I’ll make an order and you can explore a little. The bedroom is the farthest

door, the playroom is the other and there’s a washroom in there.” The playroom had the huge
leather sofa, the tub, the cushion and toys and piped in music.

“Playroom? You have children?” Jester asked, getting up and quickly tucking himself

back into his clothes.

“Oh, no. It’s where I play.” He grinned, winked. Jester would become acquainted with

the playroom soon enough. “Somewhere to relax and play and make love and soak in the tub.”

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“Oh. Oh!” Jester blushed again and ducked his head. “You’re very sophisticated, Hawk.”
“I’m just very lucky. Go. Explore. I’ll only be a moment.” He went to the comm-unit and

ordered a meal, his cock heavy and hard in his slacks.

Jester made his way slowly toward the hall, fingers touching, sliding over cushions and

stopping to explore textures.

He poured himself a glass of juice from the cooler and then quietly went to watch Jester

search and explore.

Jester looked torn between the playroom and the bedroom, the boy finally settling on the

bedroom first. The door was opened slowly and Jester peeked in. The room was all done in
browns and tans – dreamcatchers on the walls, a bed dominating the small, intimate space.

Jester hesitated for just a moment and then went in, going to the bed, hands sliding over

the comforter, awe on the sweet face.

He leaned against the doorframe, watching. “Would you like to try it? It’s very


“You mean? Oh! You just mean …” Jester blushed again and giggled and climbed up

onto the bed.

“Oh! It’s so soft. And big! I bet five could sleep here and not even touch each other!”
“And where’s the fun in that?” Hawk went to sit on the edge of his bed, grinning at

Jester. “I think snuggling is much more fun.”

Jester laughed. “That’s because you don’t have to sleep next to Stinky.”
“Stinky?” His eyebrows rose. “Who is Stinky?”
“My youngest brother. Even out of diapers he hasn’t lost the nickname. Or the smell.”

Jester wrinkled his nose and laughed again.

Hawk laughed and reached out to tickle Jester’s belly. “No Stinky’s in my bed, then.”
Jester’s laughter was breathless, green eyes glowing, growing needy as his fingers slid

against the boy.

“Such beauty, pet.” He leaned down to give the boy a soft kiss. “You look lovely in my


“It’s a really nice bed,” Jester said quietly.
“Thank you.” He took another chaste kiss. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“I just feel … you have so much to give – what do I have to offer you?”
He answered the question after a moment’s thought, being completely honest. “Your

innocence. Your hunger. Your need. I find you appealing, funny, attractive. Arousing.”

“Oh …” Jester gave him a brilliant smile.
“And I love that smile.” Hawk took another kiss, this time rolling to lean against Jester.
The boy’s hands went to his shoulders, holding on as Jester’s mouth opened, inviting him

in. It made him shiver, the sweet, eager openness, that delicious hunger and he reveled in it,
tongue pressing deep.

Jester fell back onto the bed with a soft moan. He followed Jester down, covering the

slender body with his own. Sweet sounds filled his mouth, Jester slender and warm beneath him.

So lovely. So fine. “Mmm … you make me want, pet.”
“What do you want?” Jester asked him, fingers sliding along his skin, pushing aside his

open shirt.

“You. Your kisses. Your sounds. Your body. Your pleasure.” I want you draped over my

lap, filled and bound and focused on nothing but my voice and our pleasure.

“Oh. Oh, Hawk.” Jester’s color went high. “You say the nicest things.”

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“Just the truth, pretty pet. Just the truth.” He brushed his lips along Jester’s cheek.
Jester gasped softly, fingers still exploring, so soft, so gentle. “I don’t want this evening

to ever end.”

“When it does we’ll have another, and another after that.” He moaned as those fingers

found a hot spot, pleasure zinging through him.

“You like that?” Jester asked, fingers stroking again.
“Oh. Oh, I do.” He let his pleasure shine through.
Jester repeated the caress again, the boy looking so pleased at having found something

that made him moan. He bent his head to nuzzle at Jester’s throat, licking and lapping at the
incredibly soft skin there. One of Jester’s sweet gasps met the motions, soft moans soon
following as Jester’s head went back without hesitation. He dragged his tongue along the fine
skin, teeth teasing the vein that pulsed there.

Jester moved restlessly beneath him, soft gasps and whimpers telling the tale of his


“Pretty pet.” His mouth moved down, fingers unbuttoning the boy’s shirt so he could find

one pale nipple and suck.

Jester screamed as his lips wrapped around the small nub of flesh, body arching up into

his mouth. He sucked firmly, teasing the tip with his tongue. Yes, pretty pet. Show me your
pleasure, your need.

Jester was clinging again, hands hard on his shoulders, hips humping beneath him. “Oh.

Oh. Oh.”

It took only a moment to work Jester’s pants open and wrap his fingers around the hot,

needy prick begging for his touch.

“Hawk!” Jester whimpered, pushing into his fist hard and fast, eyes gazing at him without

actually seeing him.

“Yes, pet. Yes.” He swooped down and sucked Jester down to the root, pulling hard.
Jester screamed again, the sound loud and sustained as the boy shot down his throat. A

long ripple shook the slender body and then the sound stopped and Jester went limp.

Hawk licked until the aftershock faded, then scooted up, easing Jester into his arms to

hold. Jester whimpered softly, turning into him, breath slowly easing.

“Shh … Easy, Pet. You’re okay. You’re just fine. Taste so good, pretty one. So good.”
He rocked his pet slowly, humming and stroking.
Dazed eyes looked up at him. “You … I … wow.”
“Mmm … yes. Wow.” He kissed Jester’s forehead. Jester melted against him.
He held and touched until the bell rang, signaling the arrival of their meal. “The food’s

here, pet. Are you hungry?”

“Hungry? Oh. Yes, I am.”
“Shall we eat in the main room, then?” He stroked Jester’s hair, petting gently.
“Whatever you want, Hawk.”
Jester nuzzled into the touches, the boy so responsive to his every move.
“Oh, you are something special, pet.” He was falling so hard. So hard. This boy was

stealing his heart.

“No, I’m not. Not special like you – you’re amazing.”
Hawk lifted Jester’s chin, met those lovely green eyes. “You listen to me, pet. You are

special and I want you very much. Come and eat.”

“Okay.” There it was again, that sweet adoration and complete faith.

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He took a long, slow kiss, and then drew them both from the bed to eat together, to learn more of
each other.

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Chapter Five

Hawk went to let the food servers in while Jester zipped and buttoned himself back up.

His hands were just a little shaky – part nerves, part hunger. He hadn’t eaten anything since
lunch and that had just been a chip sandwich, it being Friday when money was tight and all.

The minute he went back into the main room he could smell the food and his stomach

growled. Loudly. And for a long time.

If he hadn’t felt so loose and good in his bones he might have been embarrassed
“I don’t think I’ve ever smelled anything so good.”
Hawk grinned and pulled the plastic covers off the most beautiful, luscious food he’d

ever seen. “Have a seat. This one’s for you.”

He was offered roast and roots and greens and gravy.
Oh. Oh, wow.
He sat next to Hawk just staring at the food that almost looked too good to eat. Almost.
For a minute he just looked.
And then he closed his eyes and smelled.
Yeah – oh wow.
His hands were definitely shaking as he picked up the utensils, surreptitiously glancing at

what Hawk did to make sure he used the right knife and fork.

Hawk seemed relaxed, easy, not watching him really, just eating – cutting a bit of meat,

buttering a roll for him.

He tried not to eat too quickly, but he was really hungry and he hadn’t had meat in days

and good meat, like this was wow, not in so long.

Everything was so good. Like really, really good.
He took the roll from Hawk with a ‘thank you’ and then nearly melted at the taste of real

butter on the fresh bread.

He did moan.
“Is it good, pet?” His thigh was stroked, Hawk’s hand warm.
His cock actually twitched. How could he still be so ready after all Hawk had made him

feel already? Hawk was something else. “It is, Hawk. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything so

He couldn’t believe how the meat melted in his mouth and the gravy was rich and he

didn’t even need it to cover up the flavor of the roots – they were good on their own

“Just wait for dessert.” They both finished their meal, Hawk warm and relaxed and open-

shirted beside him and oh, didn’t Hawk have a lovely belly …

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By the time he was done, he was pleasantly full and his cock was pushing gently against

his pants, but he wasn’t embarrassed. Hawk seemed to really like it when he showed his

He couldn’t wait to see what dessert was – how could anything top the meal he’d just


Hawk pulled the cover off a piece of chocolate cake big enough for three people, with

cream piled atop it. “Chocolate. I thought we could share.”

“Oh, chocolate … I had chocolate cake for my birthday once. I mean real chocolate, not

sim stuff. We usually get the sim stuff. Even as a treat.” He shut his mouth before he said
anything else.

One long finger slid through the icing and cream and brought it to his lips. “Open up.”
Moaning, he did as he was told, sucking the cream and icing from Hawk’s finger as it

was pushed into his mouth.

Oh, it was good. So very good. All of it, the cream, the icing and Hawk’s skin which was

salty and earthy where the rest was sweet.

Hawk moaned, finger sliding from his lips. “Is it good?”
“Yes.” He sat there open mouthed, gazing at Hawk. His cock was throbbing in his pants

and he wanted to do wicked things.

Feeling suddenly emboldened by the look in Hawk’s eyes, he slid one of his own fingers

through the icing and the cream on top of the cake and held it up to Hawk’s lips.

Hawk took his hand in those warm fingers and slowly drew his finger in, head bobbing

slowly as Hawk sucked him clean.

Every suck went straight from his finger to his cock, making him throb. He moaned, eyes

half closing, watching Hawk’s mouth

“Delicious.” Hawk nipped the tip of his finger, then leaned back. “Let’s do it again.”
Then another fingerful of sweet was offered to his mouth.
He nodded, made another soft noise and opened his mouth. This time he did what Hawk

had done, taking the big hand and holding it with his own as he guided that finger back into his

His eyes did close this time as he sucked slowly and he moaned. Oh God.
“Oh, Pet. So fine. So beautiful. You make me so hard.”
He let Hawk’s finger slide from his mouth.
“Yeah?” he asked, looking down past the pretty belly to Hawk’s groin. There was a very

large bulge there, making him swallow. “You didn’t get a turn yet.”

“Would you like to see?” Hawk took his hand, brought his fingers against that hard heat.
He gasped, fingers closing automatically.
Hawk bucked up, pressing into his touch. “Pet … So good.”
Hawk was so hot, even through his pants and he wanted suddenly to touch skin on skin,

even if the idea was almost as nerve-wracking as it was exciting. “Can I … touch you?”

“Oh, yes. I would like that very much.” Hawk slowly unfastened the dark pants, exposing

a full, hard shaft to him

“So big,” he murmured.
He reached out, barely touching with one finger, sliding it from base to tip. He gasped, so

hot and so soft and it made him shiver just to touch it.

Hawk leaned back, purring softly. “That’s right, Pet. Touch me. It feels so good.”

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He moved closer to Hawk, their legs touching as he stroked up again, this time with two


His hands were shaking and it felt good and very sexy and he moaned as one fingertip

skated across the tip of Hawk’s cock, the drops there making it slick.

“Mmm … see what you do to me? See how you make me want?” There was a bare

dusting of black-black hair over the root of Hawk’s hardness, shiny and sleek

“Me? I do this? Wow.” His fingers moved to the dark hair, touching it. It was so much

softer than his own much coarser curls, but not anywhere near as soft as the skin of Hawk’s

His own cock was throbbing with his heartbeat, making his pants feel a couple of sizes

too small. He didn’t want to be greedy, but he wanted to free it

“You do.” Hawk’s fingers brushed his slacks. “Yours too, pet.”
He nodded, opening his pants with fingers that were trembling more than ever, more from

the excitement and pleasure that were coursing through him than anything else. “Yes, please.”

“So lovely. So fine.” Hawk’s hand wrapped around his cock, holding lightly
“Oh!” He gasped, eyes going wide. He copied Hawk, wrapping his own hand around the

thick cock. It was like fire against his palm

“Yes.” Hawk was panting, hips shifting and sliding and pushing into his touch.
He moved his hand slowly, whole body starting to shake as the pleasure climbed his

spine, spread over his skin like a flush.

Hawk’s fingers tightened, moving with his own rhythm. Those dark eyes looked drugged,

shining over at him.

His own eyes were moving, going between Hawk’s eyes and his hand on the thick cock

and Hawk’s big hand on his cock and it felt amazing and it looked amazing and it was too hot
and too good to not be real and his hand tightened around Hawk, moving faster as his breath
caught. Oh. Oh, he was going to come soon. Again.

Of course this time Hawk was groaning and moving, cheeks stained red, lips parting.
So beautiful. The man was beautiful.
He pulled harder, faster, not wanting to come before Hawk, but the pleasure was too

much and he was shouting out, hips bucking up into Hawk’s hand as he shot hard

“Pet …” The groan was low and long and sent shivers up his spine as seed sprayed over

his fingers.

He kept moving his hand on Hawk’s cock, watching as his own shivers and aftershocks

were repeated in the large frame

“Oh, Pet. You make me feel so good.” One large hand wrapped around his neck and drew

him into a long, slow kiss.

He melted against Hawk, mouth opening to the hot tongue.
Hawk pulled him into that warm lap, held him close, one hand curling around his ass.
He pushed against Hawk, shivering despite the warmth. “You make me feel … oh, just


“Oh, good. Pet. So many things I want to make you feel, to show you.”
He shivered. “Why me?” he asked softly
“Because I’ve been looking for you and I found you.” Sure. Convinced. Completely at


“Looking for me?” He didn’t understand
“Looking for someone to touch, to learn, to teach. Looking for someone special.”

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“Oh.” He thought about that for a moment, still unsure how Hawk could be so sure that

was him, but he decided that really didn’t matter. “I’m glad you think that’s me.”

“I’m glad you trust me enough to find out that I’m right.”
“You’ve made me feel so good. Touched me and fed me and … why wouldn’t I trust

you?” He frowned. “Are you going to hurt me?”

“No.” Hawk met his eyes full-forward. “I don’t want to hurt you. I want to make you feel


“Good.” He reached and stroked Hawk’s face. “Teach me, Hawk.”
“Oh, I will, my pretty pet. I will. More than you ever thought you could know.”
Another shiver went through him.

His life was about to change completely.

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Chapter Six

Hawk had a simple dinner prepared – fruits and cheese and sweets. All finger foods, all

intense and sensual and meant to tempt his Pet into staying the night, into further explorations.

He’d spent the afternoon downstairs, spending a few hours helping Mal in the training

salon, releasing his passion, his hunger so he wouldn’t scare Jester with his particular interests.

Kerry and the new little thing had been quite vocal in their appreciation of his newest

toys, though. It had been … gratifying.

One day he would use them on his Pet, hold the sweet body close and watch as pleasure

and need filled those pretty eyes.

For now, though?
The doorman announced that his Pet was on his way and moments later there was a soft

knock at the door.

Hawk shook his hair loose, making sure that the soft, gauzy clothing he wore hid and

exposed the way he wished before opening the door.

“Hello, Jester.”
“Oh. Hi, Hawk.” The boy smiled shyly up at him.
Jester was wearing a white blouse and grey pants, simple and plain, allowing the boy

himself to shine.

He drew Jester in, closing the door behind them before tilting the boy’s face up for a kiss.
“Oh … I thought maybe I’d dreamt you,” Jester murmured, mouth opening to him.
“No, Pet. I am very real.” Hawk pressed the words into Jester’s mouth, drawing his Pet


Jester moaned softly and the small hands wrapped around his waist, holding on.
Their kisses went on and on, going from soft to deep to gentle as they slowly backed

towards the divan.

Jester gazed up at him, eyes dazed, breathless. “You are real.”
“I am. I want you. I’m glad you came.” He stroked Jester’s jaw.
He was gifted with one of Jester’s beaming smiles, the boy nuzzling into his hand. “Me


“Oh, good.” He leaned in for another kiss. “Very good.”
Jester met his kiss with an eager moan.
He drew Jester into his lap, hand cupping that sweet, little ass.

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Jester straddled his legs, arms going around his neck. “Are you going to have me for

dinner?” Jester asked, eyes going wide at his own boldness.

“Oh, I think I will.” He chuckled and squeezed, licking Jester’s lips. “And dessert.”
Jester giggled sweetly. “I knew I should have been suspicious when you invited me to


“And what if you decide to have me? For dinner?” He ran his fingers along Jester’s ribs,


The giggles gave way to laughter, Jester wriggling and twisting in his arms.
Oh, too sweet. He kept playing, chuckling and licking and holding, cock filling as his Pet

rubbed against him.

Jester’s fingers slid along his ribs, trying to find ticklish spots of their own, but the boy

was hampered by his laughter and wriggling.

“So pretty.” He kept stealing little kisses, feeding on the happy laughter.
Eventually the laughter faded away to happy sighs, Jester resting against him.
“Mmm …” He held Jester close, reaching out for a bit of sweet to rub against his Pet’s


Jester gasped softly, tongue following the sweet, trying to bring it into his mouth. He let

his Pet have it in little bites – one nip at a time, stealing kisses in between. Jester was soon rather
breathless, feeding from his fingers and his lips with equal fervor.

“So hungry.” He chuckled, licking the sweet off Jester’s lips.
“You taste good,” Jester told him, the sweet blush telling him that Jester had not

misspoken, that his Pet indeed meant him and not the sweet.

“Yes? Would you like to taste more of me?” He nuzzled in again, mouth open and

moving over Jester’s skin.

So trusting, his sweet pet.
He leaned back, arms spreading wide, curious to see what the boy would do. “I’m all

yours, Jester. Feast away.”

Jester blinked at him. “Oh … I … okay.”
Leaning in, Jester licked at his lips, eyes watching him.
“It’s okay, Pet. I’ll tell you if you do something I don’t like, just like you’d tell me.”
“You’ll tell me if I’m not doing it right?”
“Yes.” He nodded. “Although I don’t think you can do it wrong.”
“I don’t know – I’ve never done this before. I’ve imagined doing it though.” Jester’s

color was high again.

“Oh? Tell me about what you imagined.” He drew Jester up against his chest, rocking


Jester’s head rested on his shoulder, the boy’s fingers idly drawing on his chest through

his shirt.

“All I could think about when I went home was you and the things we did. And I thought

maybe when I came back tonight we’d do more things together. Like we’re doing …”

“Which things did you like best, Pet?” His fingers trailed over Jester’s spine.
“Oh, I couldn’t choose – it’s all so wonderful.”
He chuckled, tickling gently. “Try, Pet. What did you imagine we would do?”
Jester giggled and squirmed and blushed and murmured softly. “I imagined you would

put your mouth on me again. On my … penis.”

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“You liked that, did you?” He nudged Jester until their eyes met. “You liked fucking my


He slid his hand down and around to cup Jester’s cock, thumb sliding along the length.
Jester’s eyes became huge, a loud gasp coming from the boy’s mouth as the lovely

cheeks went a deep red. But there was no denying the hard length in his hand and Jester nodded.

“Yes? You want to do it again?” He brought one of Jester’s hands to his own heat.
A soft shudder moved through Jester, his sweet Pet’s hand closing around his cock. “Yes,

Hawk. If you want to.”

“I want to. Do you want to taste me?”
Jester nodded, bit his lip. “I do, really, but … “
Hawk licked Jester’s lip. “But?”
Jester took a breath and looked up at him. “It’s scary, Hawk. What if I did it wrong and

you hated it or what if I hurt you or what if … what if I didn’t like it?”

“Well, one – I wouldn’t hate it. I like it. And, if you didn’t like it, you’d tell me.” Sweet

pet. They had so many things to explore.

“You wouldn’t be mad? But what if I hurt you? It’s very sensitive – I know. Rinia kicked

me once and I thought I was going to die, I really did.”

“Jester. You wouldn’t hurt me; it feels good when you touch me.” He took a long, deep

kiss. “Everything is scary the first time, yes?”

Jester nodded. “Yes. You don’t think I’m silly, do you? A baby?”
“Oh, Pet.” He stroked along that pretty, hard prick. “No. No, I think you’re an interesting,

fully-grown man who is just learning some fascinating things and sharing then with me.”

“I’m glad I have you to share them with,” Jester told him, hips pushing into his hand.
“Good. Now, stop fretting and come play with me.” He took a kiss, tongue pressing deep.
Jester moaned into their kiss, hands sliding up to hold onto his shoulders, hips pushing

rhythmically into his hand. His pet’s body knew what it wanted.

So he gave Jester what he needed, hand slipping inside the soft pants, wrapping around

the hot silk of that shaft.

The gasp filled his mouth, Jester’s hands opening and closing, hips pushing harder, body

moving against him. “Hawk … oh, Hawk.”

“Do you want my mouth, Pet?”
With that soft cry Jester came, eyes wide, mouth open, cock spilling into his hand.
“Mmm …” He waited until he knew Jester was watching him again, then he licked his

fingers clean.

“Oh … oh, Hawk. Does it taste good?”
He wet his bottom lip with his Pet’s seed and offered Jester a kiss. Moaning, Jester leaned

in and licked his lips before sliding that sweet tongue into his mouth. He let Jester in, let Jester
kiss him, nurturing that sweet hunger. Jester pushed against him, making the kiss deeper, more
soft noises filling his mouth.

Oh, yes. Yes, Pet. Taste me.
One of Jester’s hands came up to slide over his cheek, leaning his face. He rubbed against

the touch, groaning. Jester’s hands were trembling, but his pet was eager now, hungry. His pet
pushed closer, hands moving restlessly against his face and shoulders.

“Mmm … that’s it, Pet. Touch me. I want you.” He shifted, rubbing restlessly.
“Can I? I want to touch your skin.”

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“Yes, Pet.” Yes, please, lovely one. He stripped his shirt off, exposing his chest.
Jester watched, eyes taking him all in, hands moving over his skin as soon as his shirt

was gone. “Oh, you’re so warm and smooth.”

“Do you like it?” Hawk stretched under the soft touches, twisting.
“Yes. Oh, Hawk, yes, I do.”
Jester leaned in to kiss him again, fingertips finding his nipples and staying there to feel

them more closely.

His body tightened, drawing up in tight peaks for the careful fingers. Jester gasped,

breaking the kiss to look. He stretched, preening for those pretty eyes.

Jester’s fingers stroked over his hard little nipples again. “Oh …”
He could feel his Pet’s breath against his skin.
“Mmm … Feels good, Pet.” One day he would have earned his Pet’s total trust and they

would play together, such fine games.

“Does it?” Jester asked, tongue coming out to lick tentatively at one nipple.
He nodded, moaning softly. “It does.”
Jester licked his other nipple and then slid his fingertips over them both again. The

tender, tentative touches were going to drive him mad.

One of Jester’s hands slid down to his belly, stroking the muscles of his abdomen, which

drew his Pet’s eyes and lips. “Oh, look. So nice.”

“You like?” Oh, he was hard and wanted nothing more than to draw those kiss-swollen

lips to his cock.

“Pretty,” murmured Jester, tongue sliding into his navel.
He grinned and arched. “Pet. You make me need.”
Jester nodded. “I know the feeling. Does it hurt you, too?”
“Hmm? You mean the ache? Some, yes, but I know it’ll fade, feel so good when I come.”
Jester nodded, cheek rubbing on his abdomen. “It’s kind of like being on fire inside and

touching you makes it better and worse.”

He tangled his fingers in the soft curls, nodded. “Feels all heavy and tender, yeah?”
Jester looked up at him, devotion and need in the pretty eyes. “Yes.”
He drew Jester up and took a deep, needy kiss. Lost. He was lost. Jester moaned and

rubbed against him, hands sliding and warm on his skin. He drew one of those hands to his cock.
“My turn, Pet. I need.”

“Oh! I’m sorry.” Jester’s hand wrapped around his cock, stroking him through the

material of his pants. “You make me forget everything.”

“Touch me. Touch my skin.” He moaned and managed a smile, hips pushing up into the


Jester’s fingers were back to trembling, but there was no hesitation in them as his Pet

worked at the fastenings of his pants, teasing him terribly. Hawk took a long, deep breath, thighs
parting as he forced himself to relax.

Finally Jester had his pants undone and pushed open. Soft, gentle touches stroked over

his flesh. The strokes and brush of the air combined to make him rock hard, drops sliding over
the tip of his cock. One of Jester’s fingers dipped into his slit, collecting the clear liquid. Then
Jester brought the finger to his mouth, sucking it clean.

“How does it taste, Pet?”
“Like you, but more. Makes me ache deeper.”

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“You’re making me ache, Jester. Making me need you.” His body was throbbing,


“Do you want me to put my mouth on you?” Jester asked him, eyes so big in his face.
“I want to feel you. I want you to learn me however you will.”
Jester’s fingers traced the veins on his cock, slid over the ridges around his cockhead,

dipped into his slit again, Jester again tasting the liquid from the slender fingers. He closed his
eyes, focusing on his control, his breath, the sensations zinging through him.

Jester slid down to the floor between his legs, eyes following where fingers led as the

veins were traced again, more slowly, more carefully. He could feel each breath Jester took
against the skin of his cock. Then, Jester’s tongue touched the tip of his prick, softly, tentatively,
hot and wet and barely there.

Oh, sweet gods, this was perfect torture.
The tentative touch of tongue came again and then Jester’s thumb slid across the flared

ridge near the top on the back of his cock. The spot must have fascinated Jester somehow
because his pet stroked it over and over again.

“Oh, Pet. So good. So good, right there.” He forced himself to stay still, to not push up

into those sweet hands.

“Right here? It feels good touching you here.” Jester’s hand wrapped loosely around his

cock, thumb still working the same spot with a firmer touch now.

His head lifted and he nodded. “Yes. There.”
Jester licked at the tip of his cock again and then tongued the ridge that maddening thumb

was teasing. It made his balls draw up, a series of sweet shudders rocking him. “Oh, Pet. Good.”

The words seemed to encourage Jester, the soft touches of tongue sliding around his prick

with more confidence.

“Yes. Yes. More, Pet. Let me feel you.” He reached down, stroking Jester’s curls.
Jester nuzzled into his hand and then returned to his prick, lapping at the pre-cum that

slid from the tip. Hawk was whimpering, eyes rolling with pleasure. Jester was going to kill him,
it felt so good.

“Is it okay, Hawk? Am I doing it right?”
“Oh, yes. So right. Please. More, Pet. More.”
Jester beamed up at him and then began to lick again. The touches remained soft, gentle,

but came more often, sliding against his heat.

His pleasure grew and grew, the ache within him sharp and needy. “I’m going to come

soon, Pet.”

“Oh. What should I do?”
“Suck the tip, if you want to taste me. If not, touch me.”
“Oh. Okay.” Jester gave him a smile and then bent lips wrapping oh, so gently around the

tip of his cock.

He shuddered, moaning as his cock throbbed. “More.”
The suction increased a little, one of Jester’s hands remaining on his prick, the other

reaching out to him, trembling slightly.

He took that hand in his own, stroking the thin fingers. “Feels so good, Jester. You make

me feel so good.”

Jester’s hand clung to his, the suction increasing a little more.

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“Yes. Yes, Pet. So good. Want you.” His words filled the air, warm and praising, letting

Jester know how much he needed.

Jester pulled off him to look up at him, to smile at him. He tugged the sweet mouth up for

a kiss as he drew their joined hands down to tug at his cock. Jester kissed him eagerly, hand
moving with his.

He tongue-fucked Jester’s mouth in rhythm with their hands, moving faster and faster

until he arched, shooting over his own belly.

“Oh!” Jester cried out onto his mouth. “You came.”
“I did.” He lapped at Jester’s lips, purring. “Just taking the edge off.”
“Taking it off for what?” Jester asked.
“So that we can have supper and enjoy ourselves without being desperate to come.” He

winked, nuzzling.

“Oh.” Jester blushed and giggled, nuzzling against him.
“Oh, I love that sound.” He tickled gently, drawing Jester against him.
Jester giggled some more, wriggling and sliding. He had one hand on Jester’s ass, the

other on Jester’s ribs, lips sliding along the thin jaw. Jester’s sweet giggles faded into gasps and
moans, his pet’s hands moving on him as well.

“Do you feel good, Pet? Having a good time?”
“Oh yes, Hawk. You make me feel so good.” Those big eyes turned on him. “Are you?”
“More than I can say.”
“Oh, good. I wouldn’t want you to change your mind. I like being here with you so


“Oh, Pet. You’re fine company. Most fine.”
Jester beamed at him.
He wrapped them up together, holding Jester closer. “So, should we eat?”
Jester nodded. “I’ve been waiting since last night for dinner. I’ve never had such good

food.” A sweet blush colored Jester’s cheeks. “Not that that’s the only reason I came back …”

“Of course it’s not.” He nuzzled Jester’s cheek. “You came back for me.”
Jester’s cheek blazed beneath his. “Yes, I did.”
“Good.” He met Jester’s eyes. “Thank you. Dinner now.”
They could play more, later.
“Yes, Hawk.”
Jester slid from his lap and began to set himself to rights, doing his buttons up. He

nudged Jester’s hands away. “No one will tell if we’re casual and I’ll keep you warm.”

Jester looked at him from under dark eyelashes and then his sweet Pet undid all his

buttons, leaving shirt and pants hanging open.

“Mmm …” He drew Jester into his lap, settling his pet into the curve of his body. “What

shall we try first?”

“Well, I’ve already tasted you,” Jester gave him an impish grin before hiding in the curve

of his neck.

Oh! His Pet did have a sense of humor. He laughed, hugging and tickling Jester. Jester

giggled and laughed, pressing into him again, face bright and happy. He found a canapé, pressing
it into Jester’s lips, giving him a bite.

“Mmm …” Jester ate it eagerly, licking his lips. “Oh, that was delicious.”
“Want another?” He held the next loosely between his lips.
“Oh! Yes.”

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Jester leaned up, lips brushing his as the canapé was carefully taken from his mouth.
“Mmm … yes. Delicious.” He found another treat, carefully feeding it to those pink lips.
Jester’s lips slid over his fingers, tongue licking briefly. His sweet Pet’s eyes gazed up at

him the whole time.

“Going to eat me up, Pretty Pet?” He found another sweet bit, offering it over.
Jester giggled again, taking the sweet and nibbling playfully on his fingers. They played

and teased, licking and tickling and laughing throughout the meal. It was glorious, to relax and
enjoy that laugh.

After a half dozen bits and bites, Jester had begun to feed him as well, eyes shining

sweetly, his Pet’s happiness palpable.

He nibbled and munched, teasing Jester’s fingers with his lips. Jester was wriggling soon

enough, eyes going dark. “I’ve never had a meal make me want before.”

“No? You should get used to it. We’ll have many of them.”
“Really? That sounds lovely.”
He nodded. “I think so, too.”
Oh, in fact, he quite counted on the thought.
“Mam and the kids will be jealous.” Jester looked worried suddenly. “I hope it doesn’t

upset Mam that I’m not at home to help much this weekend.”

Oh, sweet Pet. If he had his way, he’d have many weekends. “Perhaps we can find

someone to help your mother out sometimes. Free your time …”

Jester shook his head, withdrawing as the worry gnawed at him. “We can’t afford

anything like that,” his Pet admitted, head turned away.

“Pet.” He turned Jester’s face toward him. “You can’t, but we can.”
He was lost and he would have this boy.
Jester frowned. “No, Hawk, we can’t. My Datter, well he’s not around and Peoter and

Mam and me all work and there’s hardly enough and …” Jester sighed. “It doesn’t seem real
while I’m here, but here didn’t seem real when I was at home today, either … we barely make
ends meet.”

“Jester. I can help make ends meet, if that’s what needs to happen for us to be together.”
Hope flared for a moment in Jester’s eyes, but the boy was already shaking his head. “It

wouldn’t be right to ask you to do that, Hawk.”

“You didn’t” He took Jester’s hand and dropped a soft kiss in the palm.
“But you already feed me all this wonderful food and there’s no way I could ever return

that. It isn’t right it should be so one-sided.” Jester sighed again, hand pulling away, worries and
cares beginning to bend his Pet’s shoulders again. “This is why Mam always goes on about how
like should stay with like, maybe she was right after all.”

“And aren’t we alike, Pet?” He wasn’t above pushing. Seducing. Or using logic. “I want

you. You want me. We work together. We like the same foods. You make me very happy, Pet.
That’s not one-sided.”

“But … you have all the money. And this nice place and the nice things and …” Jester bit

his lip. “I like you so much, Hawk.”

“And I lived just on the bare edge of St. Jude once, just like you.” He leaned down and

brought their lips together. “I want to be with you, Jester, and I want you to be with me.”

Jester kissed him a little desperately, arms wrapping around his neck and holding on

tight. “She’s not going to be happy,” Jester whispered. “Even if you pay for someone to help.
She didn’t want me to come tonight.”

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“She’ll have to learn, Pet. You’re a man. You deserve a life all your own.” A life with

pleasure and passion and joy.

Jester nodded. “I want to keep seeing you, Hawk. No matter what anyone says. No one

has ever made me feel like you do.”

“I want to see you, Pet. I want as much as you can give me.” More than you know you

can give.

Jester’s smile was lovely, sweet and full. “You make me feel so good. Special.


“You are special, Pet. You’re mine.”
There. There was the truth.
“Oh …” Jester burrowed into his arms, head pressing into his neck, his Pet holding on so


Yes. Yes. Oh, Pet. He wrapped his arms around his Pet, holding them together.
“I don’t ever want to let go.” The words were muffled against his chest.
“You don’t have to, Pet. I would hold you forever.”
Jester giggled. “We’d get fired.”
“Oh, right. Well, then. I’ll hold you until time for work.” He took a hard kiss, tongue

sliding in deep. Moaning, Jester opened to him, still clinging, holding like he wouldn’t ever let
go. Hawk pressed them together, hands tight on the warm skin.

Their passion flared quickly, Jester hot and writhing in his arms. Their bodies were hot,

skin sliding against skin, the scent of need strong again. Jester pushed off his shirt and then
pulled off his own, working on their pants next. Bold, for his Pet, but indicative of the strong
emotions going through Jester.

He leaned back, drawing Jester against him as soon as they were naked, their cocks

sliding together. Moaning, Jester moved against him, rubbing as they kissed. His hand cupped
Jester’s ass, finding their rhythm, moving them.

“Hawk! Oh!” So sweet and such passion, his Pet would be an endless source of pleasure,

he was sure.

They moved together faster and faster, sharing low moans and little gasps and hungry

cries. They fit together well, Jester’s cock sliding along the hollow of his hip.

“You’re so big,” Jester murmured, voice half awe, half happy giggle as Jester’s hand

dropped to circle his cock.

“You’re so lovely.” He pushed up with a moan, hips jerking as Jester touched him. “Your

hands are warm.”

“You’re hot. Like a fire in my hand.” A shiver went through Jester, his sweet Pet crying

out and moving faster against him.

“Yes.” He nodded, arching up, hands hard on Jester’s ass, rubbing them together

furiously. The blue eyes gazed up at him, Jester’s mouth open, gasping for breath as sweet little
cries fell around them.

Jester’s hand tightened around him. They came together, bodies arching and shaking as

heat sprayed, the scent of them together heady.

Jester collapsed against him, warm and soft and sweet. “Oh. Oh, Hawk, touching you

feels so good.”

“Mmm … Yes, Pet. Yes.” He wrapped around Jester, purring with pleasure.
Jester nuzzled in. “I like that sound.”

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He smiled, the happy sound continuing. “Do you? I like the feel of you in my arms.”
“I fit here,” Jester told him, petting his arm.
Oh. Oh, yes. Yes, very much so. He nodded, kissing the top of Jester’s head.
“Can I have some more fruit, Hawk? I’ve never had any that tasted so sweet before.”
“Mmm … Only if you share with me, too.” He winked and smiled, loving the quick, easy

laugh that he received.

Jester picked up one of the pink citrus slices, putting between the swollen lips and shyly

tilting his face up. Hawk purred and leaned down, sharing the tart sweet, the juice spreading
between them.

Jester’s moans were sweeter than any fruit.
“That was lovely, Pet. Another, please.”
Jester eagerly chose another fruit, still a citrus, but this one green. Oh, his pet’s

expression was priceless as this far more tart fruit passed his lips. He chuckled and licked the
juice from Jester’s lips, humming at the flavor.

Jester kept making faces as he ate the fruit slice, but he licked his lips after, giggling.

“That one was sour!”

“Try the red one, it’s very sweet.” He could do this for hours, watch his Pet explore.
“This one?” Jester picked up a small round fruit, popping it into his mouth. His Pet’s eyes

went wide. “Oh!”

“You like it?” He nuzzled the corner of Jester’s mouth, making Jester giggle.
Jester snatched another fruit and popped it into his mouth. “They’re too small to share


“Oh, ho!” He reached out and tickled Jester. “Where’s mine, Pet? You’re trying to starve


Laughing, Jester took another of the little red fruits and ate it himself again. “You have

long arms.”

“I do.” He reached out and spun them, Jester ending beneath him, one hand holding

Jester’s wrists lightly. “You have red lips.”

Jester’s giggles became breathless. “I do?”
“You do.” He leaned down and took a hard, deep kiss, tongue pressing in, sweeping to

get a taste of Jester and berry.

Jester moaned as the kiss ended, chest rising and falling beneath him, eyes large. “What

color are they usually?”

“Pink and when I kiss them they turn a warm rose. Perfect.”
“Oh.” A lovely pink crept up along Jester’s cheeks, the blush sweet.
“Yes. Oh.” He leaned down and took another kiss, stretching Jester beneath him.
Jester’s hands pulled at his hold for a moment and then his Pet relaxed, trusting him.
“How do you feel?” He let their bodies rub together, let Jester feel him, his weight.
“I’m not hungry anymore,” whispered Jester, eyes wide.
“No? What are you, Pet?”
“T … turned on.”
“Yes?” He leaned down and lapped Jester’s nipple.
“That’s what it’s called, isn’t it? When you’re all hard and goosepimply and your belly’s

all hot?” The words were interrupted by soft gasps and needy little moans.

“Yes, Pet. That’s what it’s called.” He took the little nipple in his teeth, tugging gently.

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Jester jerked and cried out, arms tugging again.
He didn’t let Jester go, just pulled again, tongue sliding over the hard, hot flesh.
“Oh, Hawk. Hawk.” Jester writhed, trying to pull away and push into his mouth by turns.
“Yes, Pet.” Oh, he wanted to wrap silk around those thin wrists and drive his Pet mad

with need.

Those little nipples were hard for him, just begging for his touch. He bit and licked,

making them draw up tighter, making them red and swollen. Jester whimpered and gasped,
throwing his head from side to side.

“Tell me what you feel, Pet.” He rubbed his hips against Jester’s, humming at the feel of

that cock firming again.

“So hot. Shivery. Hot.” Jester moved against him, hands tugging again.
“Mmm … pretty Pet.” He stroked Jester’s palms, then let his pet go, hands sliding down

the thin arms.

Jester’s hands fell immediately to his head, sliding through his hair.
“Oh, Hawk.”
“Yes, Jester. Oh.” He moved down, licking and nuzzling against the flat belly.
Jester pushed up into his mouth, hands sliding to grip his shoulders, touching him,

holding on. His cheek slid along Jester’s shaft, lips teasing the dark, soft curls.

“Yes. Oh. Yes, please.” Jester’s legs spread, cradling him.
He dropped a kiss on the tip of Jester’s cock, on the velvet-soft sacs, then behind. Jester

shivered and whispered his name.

“Yes, Pet. I want to taste you.” He cupped Jester’s hips, tilting them, spreading the pale

cheeks with his thumbs.

“Oh. Oh! Hawk!”
Jester sounded shocked. Excited.
He purred, tongue sliding down Jester’s crease, the touch light and teasing.
“Hawk!” Jester’s muscles tightened. “Oh. Oh.”
“Let me touch you, Pet.” He pressed his tongue against the tight, wrinkled hole, circling


“You … you are.”
The wrinkled flesh twitched, another shudder moving through his Pet. He kept lapping

and licking, tongue teasing the tight muscles, softening them. Jester repeated his name again and
again, hands scrabbling for purchase on the leather couch. When he could, he pressed his tongue
in deep, moaning as Jester’s body squeezed him tight. Jester screamed, his Pet’s body rippling
around his tongue.

Oh, yes. Yes. He pulled Jester onto his tongue, fucking the sweet body with sure, hard

strokes of his tongue. His Pet thrashed and screamed, called his name over and over. Hawk just
focused on fucking Jester, pushing him over the edge. Jester all of a sudden went quiet, body
freezing, ass rippling wildly around his tongue, pulsing with his Pet’s pleasure.

He leaned up, licking the seed off Jester’s belly, moaning at the taste. Jester was shaking,

hands reaching for him.

He moved to hold his Pet, rocking and stroking, humming softly. “You’re fine, Pet. So


Jester turned into him, hands finding his shoulders and holding on. Hawk curled around

him, surrounding and protecting and holding, keeping Jester close and warm.

“Oh, Hawk. That was … Oh.” Jester nuzzled in, face pressed into his neck.

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“Yes, Pet. Rest. Rest for me and we’ll play later.” He petted the thin spine, humming low.
“Okay, Hawk.”
Jester’s breath grew soft and gentle against his skin.

It was a great gift – to have his Pet’s flavor in his mouth, the warmth in his arms, the heart
beating against him. He held on, humming a quiet song of thanks before reaching out and
stealing a berry, enjoying the bright splash on his lips.

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Chapter Seven

The day seemed to take forever to be done, but finally the whistle blew and Jester

punched out and hurried to the locker room, changing out of his overalls.

Jester didn’t mind work and had never been so excited for a weekend before. But he was

going straight to Hawk’s and was going to stay until Sevenday afternoon.

Mam had started in on him last night. It was the second weekend in a row and last

weekend he’d at least been home overnight. What did he know about Hawk? The man was
taking advantage of Jester. And on and on.

Considering that Hawk fed him the most amazing food and made him feel so good and,

instead of spending his days off looking after his siblings and the house, he got to spend it
making love and talking … Well, if anyone was taking advantage of anyone, he was taking
advantage of Hawk.

He stood in line for his pay, beaming shyly up at Hawk when he got to the front of the


Hawk offered him a warm, real smile. “Good evening, Jester. Are you all ready for the


“Yes.” He lifted his bag. “I’m all ready.”
“I am, too. Looking forward to it.” His pay chit was handed over, fingers stroking his

palm. “Meet me by the private transports?”

The touch made his belly heavy and he nodded. “See you soon.”
He didn’t look back as he went – he didn’t want to look like a moon-eyed kid. He had to

stop himself from bouncing all the way to the transport ramp. It still seemed really weird to go to
the private area and sit inside the little covered room with its cushioned seats. He kept expecting
someone to come and tell him to move along, but nobody questioned him as people came to wait
and then left when their transports came for them.

A warm hand ran over his hair, stroking him as Hawk sat close, brown eyes happy and

watching him. “Hello, Pet.”

“Hi Hawk.” He held on tight to his bag and smiled up at his handsome lover. His lover. It

made a little thrill go through him at the thought and he very much wanted to lean forward and
kiss Hawk, but he didn’t know if he should until they were in their transport.

“Are you looking forward to our weekend? I am. I’ve been dreaming of it.” Hawk leaned

close, braid falling against him. “I’ve been dreaming about you, thinking of you when I touch

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He could feel his blush rush up to his face, but it was as much arousal as embarrassment.

“I did, too,” he admitted. It had only been once – there wasn’t a lot of privacy at home, but he’d
been thinking of Hawk one night and had become so hard it hurt and he’d locked himself in the
bathroom and remembered all the things they’d done.

Hawk looked pleased, happy. “Oh, you’ll have to tell me all about it, but first? Kiss me


“Oh, I wasn’t sure if we could. Here, I mean. In the open like this. I didn’t know if you

were into that. I mean, minded. I mean.” He leaned up and pressed his lips to Hawk’s just to get
himself to shut up.

Hawk’s chuckle was warm and good on his lips, tongue pressing deep to taste him. He

opened his mouth eagerly, letting Hawk in. Oh, he’d worried a little that he’d imagined how
good this was, how easy it was being with Hawk. But it wasn’t his imagination at all.

Feeling good and bold, he touched his tongue to Hawk’s. Hawk purred, encouraging

more. He followed Hawk’s tongue back into Hawk’s mouth, licking over the hard teeth, the soft
gums. Hawk’s mouth was hot and tasted good.

Jester dropped his bag without even thinking about it, hands going to Hawk’s shoulders,

holding on as he pressed close. Oh, he needed, wanted, just like that. So fast.

Hawk let him in, let him taste and touch for just a moment before pulling back. “Our

transport’s here. Let’s go.” When Hawk stood, Jester could see the bulge that proved Hawk
wanted as much as he did.

He put his hand in Hawk’s, eager for the privacy the transport would afford them and

even more eager to be back at Hawk’s place.

They settled into the warm transport, Hawk’s arms opening for him immediately. He

didn’t try to hide his eagerness at all, just pressed into Hawk’s arms and kissed his lover. Hawk
gathered him into those warm arms, onto the muscled thighs, sharing one deep, heady kiss after

Straddling Hawk like he did let him push against the big man, rubbing his hard cock on

Hawk’s belly. It wasn’t as good as when they were naked, but he wasn’t complaining. Just
rubbing. And rubbing and rubbing. And kissing. Hawk taking his breath away.

“Eager Pet. So hot for me.” Hawk was all purrs and rumbles.
He nodded. It was true he was. Hawk made him need, made him hard, made him want

things he didn’t even know how to express.

“What shall we do this weekend, Pet? Do you have any …” The words were broken for a

long, deep kiss, Hawk sending him flying. “Wishes?”

He thought really hard so “more of this” wasn’t his first and only answer. “I wouldn’t

mind seeing the club.” They hadn’t actually gotten around to doing that last weekend, instead
they’d spent the whole time in Hawk’s rooms, making love, Hawk just sending him soaring
again and again.

“But aside from that …” he blushed. “I like the parts where we’re touching and feeling so


“Mmm … I have some friends I’d like to introduce you to. Desmond and Connor, we can

all have a meal together at some time, explore the club.”

“O … okay.” Oh, meeting people. Friends of Hawk. He’d brought his best clothes, but he

didn’t know if he was fancy enough or had the manners for that kind of thing. He would do his
best though, not to embarrass Hawk.

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Hawk took another kiss, easing him. “Jester? Connor used to work on the docks. You’ll

like him. He’s a good guy.”

“Really? Neat.” Oh, he didn’t feel so bad then. “I don’t mean to be shy, Hawk, it’s just a

little, well overwhelming. Everything’s so different than I’m used to.”

Hawk nodded. “You’ll just have to trust me, Pet. I will never ask you to be in a position

where your heart could be hurt.”

He blinked up at Hawk. “I trust you.” It was true, he did. That didn’t mean he wasn’t still

nervous about some stuff though.

He would have leaned in for more kisses, but the aircar was coming to a stop so he just

took a very quick kiss, because he couldn’t not kiss Hawk, and climbed out when the door

Hawk led him through the side entrance again – very plush and lovely, but not crowded,

just the tenants coming and going, greeting Hawk, nodding and smiling to him. He smiled back,
holding tight to Hawk’s hand. It was easier today, he felt less like he was an interloper. It helped
that Hawk was so obviously happy to introduce him, so willing to be connected and known and
seen with him. That Hawk seemed proud of him.

By the time they were on the lift he was standing tall, well as tall as he could stand, next

to Hawk, feeling pretty dammed good about himself.

Hawk was smiling at him, eyes watching him close. “Oh, Jester. Aren’t you fine?”
He blushed, happy and warm all through. “Yeah? I can’t be half as fine as you, Hawk.

You’re … well, you’re beautiful.”

“Bah. You haunt my dreams, Pet. I want to wake up to you every morning and teach you

so many things …”

That made his cheeks flame hotter and that warm feeling was back in his belly. Warm

and hot and his cock was starting to push against his pants. He pushed against Hawk, wishing
they were there already.

Hawk nuzzled his jaw, purring. “Hungry Pet. So needy.”
“I’m sorry, you just make me want things. Lots and lots of things.”
“Good. You have nothing to be sorry for. What’s the first thing you want when we get


“Kisses. And sucking. I really like the sucking.” It still made his cheeks hot to say things

like that, but Hawk had taught him last week that saying them usually made them happen, or at
least made Hawk happy.

“Do you want me to suck you? Or do you want to suck me? Or both together?” Hawk’s

hand slid around to cup his ass.

He rubbed against Hawk, pushing back into the large hand and then forward against

Hawk’s thigh. “Both at the same time?” Oh, that was intriguing, but he shook his head. “I
wouldn’t be able to concentrate on you if you were doing that to me.” He’d wind up biting Hawk
or something by accident.

“Are you sure? Just think, the two of us, moving together? Wanting together?” Hawk’s

voice lowered. “Your cock deep in my throat.”

He made a little noise and rubbed hard against Hawk, the words alone pushing him fast

toward coming. “What if I hurt you?” he managed to ask.

“You won’t. You’re good to me.” Hawk sounded so sure, how could he worry?
“You know how to do so many things,” he murmured, face raised for a kiss as he rubbed

against Hawk, only sort of half noticing that the lift had stopped, the doors opened.

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Hawk brushed their lips together, then led them to Hawk’s door, nodding at someone

they passed. It was rude of him, but he didn’t even look at the passerby – all his attention was on
Hawk and how good his body felt and how much he was anticipating trying out what Hawk had

Hawk palmed the door and they went in, the smells of Hawk and food surrounding him

almost like those strong arms did. He cried out, rubbing hard and coming as Hawk’s tongue
pushed into his mouth.

Hawk didn’t let the pleasure stop, just pushed it higher and faster and harder as they

moved into the bedroom. He didn’t get soft and even with his orgasm gone, he felt so good and
wanted and oh, Hawk was something else.

Hawk started getting them undressed, kissing his mouth over and over, purring for him.

Oh, he could help with that, he should help with that. But then one of Hawk’s fingers brushed
one of his nipples and he couldn’t think, could only feel. Moaning, he pushed his tongue into
Hawk’s mouth.

Hawk moaned for him, too, brought his hand to the hard, heavy bulge in Hawk’s well-

worn work pants. Shivering, he rubbed against Hawk’s covered cock and then brought his other
hand down, too, fumbling with the fastenings. He wanted to see if it was as hot and silky as he

Hawk pulled in that tight belly, helping him, hard cock pushing right out into his hands.

He gasped into Hawk’s mouth, not even thinking of being embarrassed, just feeling and
enjoying. Hawk was hot and silky and smooth and heavy in his hands and it felt good, better than
pulling himself off, and those happy purrs and growls Hawk was making were so good.

He started to wiggle his way down, mouth almost watering at the thought of tasting Hawk


“Come to bed. We’ll be comfortable.” Hawk stepped out of his pants and pulled them

onto the soft covers. He rubbed against Hawk, moaning at the way their naked skin slid together.
Hawk’s cock was so hot against him and his own rubbed against Hawk’s muscled belly, making
him whimper.

“So hot, Pet. Let me feel you.” Hawk’s hands were everywhere, making him arch,

making him need. He felt like he was on fire, like everything inside him was so big, too big.

Hawk turned him, mouth sliding over his shaft, cleaning him and sucking gently. He

cried out, hands reaching blindly and wrapping around Hawk’s hips. Oh. He could. He did,
leaning forward to lick at Hawk’s cock.

“Mmm … Pet.” Hawk moaned, hips sliding towards him, hands sliding down his thighs.
He shivered and shook, feeling so sexy with his cock at Hawk’s mouth and Hawk’s at his

mouth. He wrapped his lips around the tip and sucked gently, moaning at the taste and heat in his

Hawk hummed around him, lips and tongue sliding and slipping around the tip of his

shaft. Big hands slid between his thighs, cupping his balls. Whimpering, shaking with how good
it was, he tried to copy Hawk, fingers finding Hawk’s balls and playing with them.

“Oh … Pet, it feels good.” Hawk’s fingers slid behind his balls, teasing and stroking, so


Moaning, he again copied Hawk’s movements, gasping at how hot Hawk’s skin was

behind his balls, and how soft. Hawk parted for him, let him in. Oh. So hot. So amazing. He
sucked harder on Hawk’s cock, fingers stroking.

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Oh, this was so fun – sucking and licking and rocking together. Together. Hawk’s sounds

mingled with his, Hawk’s flavor was in his mouth. His own hips started moving quicker and
quicker, his cries muffled around Hawk’s cock. Hawk pulled harder, faster, one finger pressing
against the hidden ring of muscles between his cheeks.

He jerked and screamed, coming into Hawk’s mouth. Hawk swallowed him down, mouth

hot and wet against him, finger stroking him. He shivered and shook, ripples moving through

Whimpering, he started sucking at Hawk’s cock again, fingers trembling as he stroked

back towards Hawk’s buttocks. Hawk started licking again, sucking so gently, warm and relaxed
beside him. He stroked that little secret place, amazed at how hot it was. Hawk spread his legs a
little, that tongue sliding back behind his balls. He squeaked and sucked harder. Hawk was going
to make him come, again! And he hadn’t even made Hawk come once yet.

He felt Hawk’s cry vibrating him deep inside. “Soon. Pet. Soon.”
Oh, yes, please, Hawk, let me bring you pleasure. He stroked at the wrinkled skin around

Hawk’s entrance, remembering how it had made him fly, and kept sucking. Hawk cried out
again, the sound ringing through him, salty seed splashing on his tongue. It surprised him,
though it had happened before and he couldn’t swallow it all as Hawk had done for him, but he
did his best and he proudly licked Hawk’s cock clean. He’d made this beautiful, sexy, confident
man come. Him.

“Oh, Pet. You make me fly.” Hawk was purring, hands petting him.
He hugged Hawk tight and then giggled as his lover’s cock slid against his neck.
He turned himself and threw his arms around Hawk’s neck. “You make me feel so sexy.”
Hawk smiled at him, eyes twinkling. “You are sexy, Pet.”
He giggled, pressing close, loving the way they felt skin against skin.
Hawk drew him closer, loving on him. “I’m so glad you’re here, Jester. I missed you all


He nodded. “I know. I’ve never had a week take so long. For the first time I just wanted

work to be over so I could come be with you.”

He got a soft, long kiss. “Thank you.”
“Oh, I should be thanking you – you’re giving me so much.”
“Just what you deserve, Pet.”
“Why me?” He was just … him.
“Because you shine. Because my heart wanted you.”
“Oh.” What could he say to that? He pushed against Hawk, holding on tight.
Hawk wrapped around him, snuggling in. “Shall we rest before our supper, Pet?”
“Whatever you want, Hawk.” He nuzzled against Hawk, feeling safe and warm and cared

for, loved even.
He could get used to this.

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Chapter Eight

Hawk stepped into the bathroom where Jester was showering, a box in his hands. The

outfit was warm and soft, not too provocative. Something his Pet could wear and be comfortable
in. Something lush and sensual. Perfect.

“I have something for you, Pet.” He had a similar outfit in a deep red. They would be

lovely together at supper.

The water turned off and Jester stepped out, blinking away water. “For me?”
He nodded, setting the box aside and grabbing a towel. “Yes, for you.”
“Oh, Hawk, look at you!” Jester’s fingers slid along his arm.
He preened, turning so Jester could see. “You like?”
“Oh, you’re so beautiful, Hawk.” Jester blushed.
He leaned down and took a soft, slow kiss. “Flatterer. Open your gift.”
“Just the truth,” murmured Jester, smiling up at him and then opening the box. He’d

chosen rust and copper for Jester, to compliment the pale skin and brown hair.

“Oh! Oh, Hawk, it’s like it’s alive.” Jester’s fingers slid along the material, making the

light shimmer and dance on it.

“And we’ll coordinate beautifully.” He grinned. “It’ll make you light right up.”
“Thank you, Hawk. I was worried about how my clothes would look at supper tonight.”
“You’ll look fabulous.” He took another kiss, nuzzling close. “Trust me.”
“I do,” murmured Jester, pressing close. “Oh, that feels nice against my skin, Hawk.”
He let his hand slide down to cup Jester’s ass, fingertips teasing the cleft. “You feel

wonderful to me.”

Jester blushed dark, but didn’t shrink away from his touch at all. Pretty brown eyes gazed

up at him adoringly.

“You’re beautiful. My Pet.” He pet Jester’s cheek, fascinated.
Jester nuzzled into his touch, just beaming. “You’re so good to me, Hawk.”
“Only as you deserve. Come on, get dressed. I want to show you off.” Well, he wanted to

take Jester to bed and make love until they were both sore and sticky, but showing the boy off
was a close second.

Jester nodded, ducking his head and starting to get dressed. He watched Jester dress,

admiring the way his pet moved, the motion of those lean muscles as Jester stretched and

“It feels so good,” Jester told him, turning and waving his arms to make the material

move against his skin.

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“It’s supposed to.” He grinned, reaching out to pull Jester close, rub them both together.

“You look beautiful, Pet. Are you excited about our evening?”

Jester nodded emphatically. “Everything we do together is exciting, Hawk.”
“Our dinner companions are good men; you’ll have a lot in common with Connor.” He

took the brush out and handed it to Jester. “Brush my hair before we go? Connor has only lived
here a few weeks. He’s learning many things with Des.”

Jester waited until he’d sat and then began to brush his hair, working carefully, eyes

alight. “What kind of things, Hawk?”

“Desmond is Connor’s top. Connor is learning to please Des, to accept his will.”
Jester tilted his head, the brush slowing. “What does that mean, Hawk, ‘to accept his


“Desmond is a dominant; he finds sexual gratification from being obeyed. Connor is a

sub. Connor gets off on the things Des does with him.” Like you get off on the things we do.

“Oh.” Jester was blushing a little again, focusing on brushing his hair.
“Connor is just learning. Some men here have been training for years and years.” He

reached back, stroked Jester’s thigh.

Jester leaned automatically into his touch. “Years? Really? Such a long time – is there so

much to learn?”

“For some people, yes.” Hawk stroked and petted. “Some people are born to submission.

Dominants have much more to learn.”

Jester leaned against him, the outline of Jester’s erection clear in the soft leggings he

wore. “You are a dominant, aren’t you?”

He nodded. “I am. Does that bother you?”
Jester was quiet a moment, considering. “No. Should it?”
“I don’t think so.” He leaned toward Jester, pushing carefully. “Does it bother you that

you are a submissive?”

Jester blinked, blushing again but keeping his gaze. “Is that what I am? Is that why I feel

the way I do?”

“It is what you are, Pet. Tell me how you feel.” He drew Jester into his lap, hand on the

flat stomach.

Jester curled up against him, moving naturally into his touch. “You make me shiver. It

feels so good when you touch me.” Those pretty eyes turned up to him. “I want to please you.”

“You do please me, Pet. So eager, so dear.” He leaned down for a soft kiss, parting

Jester’s lips with his tongue.

Jester’s mouth opened to him, tongue meeting his softly and then retreating, letting him

into the sweet mouth.

When the kiss was over Jester was flushed, breath short. “I cannot believe we have only

known each other little more than a week.”

“I know. You have become so important to my life so quickly.” He brushed Jester’s

bottom lip with his thumb. Jester’s tongue came out to slide against his thumb.

He chuckled, prick leaping. “Careful, Pet, or you will make us late for our meal.”
“Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“Didn’t mean to make me want you?” He cupped Jester’s ass again, nuzzling. “But you

do. Always.”

“I meant. I. Late. Oh, that feels nice, Hawk.”

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“You smell good, Pet. Make me hungry.” He wanted to drape Jester over his knee, slide

his fingers deep, make his Pet sob with pleasure.

Jester shivered and melted against him.
He brought their lips together again and again, tongue lapping at his Pet’s sweet mouth.

Jester’s arms slid around his neck, his sweet pet pushing into him, rubbing against him now. Oh,
his hungry pet, so willing, such need. He growled softly, hands pulling Jester closer.

Jester responded so eagerly, soaking up each touch, each sound he made, feeding them

back to him.

He reached down, freeing their cocks and holding them together. “So we don’t mess our


Jester giggled, the sound half soft gasps and moans, his sweet pet pushing into his hand.
“We can’t go eat with our friends, hard and needing, stains on our clothes.” He laughed

into Jester’s lips, licking and tugging, driving their passion.

Jester moaned, giggles fading completely as the sweet brown eyes grew dark with

passion. “Hawk …”

“Yes, pretty pet?” He kept stroking, moved them together faster, harder.
“Oh, Hawk!” Jester’s hips pushed and pushed and then his sweet pet cried out, heat

splashing over his hand.

His pleasure came soon after, fuelled by the heat and scent of Jester, close and warm.

“Pet …”

Jester nuzzled against his neck, making a soft, happy noise. “Oh, Hawk. You make me

feel so good.”

“Mmm … That’s my job. Sweet Jester.” He relaxed, reached out for a cloth to clean them


Jester smiled up at him, looking relaxed and happy, the sadness than haunted his sweet

pet’s eyes almost gone.
“Come, let’s go eat and meet Des and Connor and then go dancing.” He would do almost
anything to keep that pleasure in those eyes.

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Chapter Nine

Jester was nervous. He couldn’t help it. This was a fancy place and even if he did have

fancy clothes, he wasn’t a fancy kind of guy and he was worried about using the wrong utensil or
doing something stupid and embarrassing Hawk.

He knew Hawk didn’t want him to be, but he just wasn’t sophisticated like Hawk was.
Mmm, Hawk.
He squeezed the warm hand in his as the lift doors opened onto the main floor.
He was looking forward to meeting Hawk’s friends though and he had to admit he was

curious about this whole Dominant/submissive thing.

Hawk hugged him with one arm. “Relax, Pet. You’ll be fine. Trust me.”
He smiled up into the dark eyes. “I do, Hawk.”
He got a long kiss and then Hawk led him out into the main room, the people flashy and


Oh, it was exciting and marvelous to see and Jester was very, very happy he was seeing it

with Hawk at his side. Knowing Hawk was at home here and that Hawk had his hand and
wouldn’t let him go made it easy to enjoy the spectacle of all the people and the dancing and
the … odder things he saw.

They walked to a mirrored bar, Hawk ordering them both some of the violet drink they’d

shared their first evening together.

He sipped it, happy to have something to do.
People came up and greeted Hawk, said hello to him, shaking his hand and smiling at


“You’re very popular,” Jester noted in a lull. “Everybody likes you.”
“I’ve been here for many years and have worked with many of these people.” Hawk

smiled down at him. “In a few weeks? Everyone will like you, too.”

He blushed, feeling wonderful inside. Hawk expected him to be around in a few weeks.
Hawk’s fingers brushed along his cheek, petting him. “So pretty.”
He nuzzled into Hawk’s touch. “Thank you, Hawk.”
“Well I can see why you’ve been hiding away, Hawk.”
Hawk grinned over at a tall man with a wicked smile. “Des. Good evening. This is Jester.

Jester? Desmond.”

Desmond shook his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Jester. This is my Connor.”
Jester shook Connor’s hand, too. “Hi,” he said softly.

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Connor smiled at him, eyes twinkling and happy. “Hi, Jes. My Sionadh said you work

with Hawk. I used to work on the Docks.”

“Really? You don’t work there anymore?”
Hawk had said he and Connor had a lot in common. At the time he’d thought Hawk had

meant the … submissive thing.

“No. I … I live with Desmond. I belong with him.”
He looked to Desmond and then Hawk, confused.
Hawk gave him a smile. “Relax, Pet. Connor’s Desmond’s sub, full-time. They’re a


“Oh, wow. Nice.” A pair. It really did sound nice.
He didn’t know what else to say, still feeling somewhat out of place, despite Hawk right

next to him and nobody was staring at him like he didn’t belong or anything.

Connor nodded, smiling at him. “I’m lucky.”
“How did you meet?” he asked after taking another sip of his drink.
“I came here for a party. Desmond found me.”
“Like fate.” Jester smiled. Kind of like him and Hawk, the way they met when he was

promoted to the line. Well, he supposed that was Buildacorp rather than fate.

“Yes. Like fate.” Connor blushed, but the grin widened, Connor’s eyes sliding over to


Desmond’s smile was just as wide, eyes hot as he looked at Connor. It was like there was

electricity between them and it made Jester shiver.

Hawk’s hand slid up along his spine, an electric shock sliding over his skin. He shivered

again, eyes turning immediately to Hawk’s, mouth opening on a soft gasp.

He got a warm smile, a soft kiss.
He ducked his head, blushing hard.
Des chuckled. “Don’t be shy, Jester – a simple kiss is the least of what you might find

here on any given evening.”

Hawk chuckled, stroking his hair. “There’s no reason to hide here.”
Except that he was not used to doing such things in public. Well. As of a week ago, he

wasn’t used to doing such things at all.

Connor was still blushing, though, not watching, so he thought maybe it wasn’t

completely weird that he was hiding his face.

One of the waitstaff came and told Des that his table was ready.
“Thank you. Shall we?” Des had one hand on Connor’s elbow, the other motioning him

and Hawk to go ahead.

Hawk’s hand was still resting on the small of his back, leading him through the room. It

was so good – knowing Hawk wanted everyone to see they were together, a couple.

He was happy to find they were sitting near the back, kind of private, but they could still

see everything. Which he liked because there was a lot to see.

He sat between Connor and Hawk, watching the people eating and laughing, talking.

There was a silver-haired man with a bright red butt kneeling beside a younger man, head
bowed. There was a slender, almost girlish boy in another man’s lap, laughing and eating bites
like a little bird.

So many strange but fascinating things. He could just sit and watch all night.
“Do you and your boy want anything specific, Hawk, or should I order for all us?” Des


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“Order away, my friend.” Hawk gave him a wink and another quick hug. “Desmond has a

great love of food. Eating with him is always entertaining, yes, Connor?”

Connor turned bright red, nodding. “Yes.”
Desmond chuckled. “We’ll have four different entrees. That way we can share, hmm?”
Connor leaned toward him. “Do you like salmon? That’s one of my favorites.”
“That’s fish, isn’t it?” He shook his head. “I don’t like fish, it’s very … fishy.”
“Oh, yeah? I like almost everything, food-wise. So much better than nutribars.”
“You might like the fish they prepare here, Jester. The chef only uses the freshest

ingredients.” Desmond smiled at him and then conferred quietly with the waiter.

Hawk’s hand stroked his spine, the material of his shirt thin enough that he could feel

every bit of the touch. He smiled up at Hawk, reaching out under the cover of the table and
touching Hawk’s thigh. It made him feel better, knowing Hawk was there, right there with him.

“Are you having fun?” Hawk leaned over him, dark hair almost curtaining them.
He nodded. “I like being with you and everything’s so interesting.”
Hawk kissed him again, making his head spin and stealing his breath. His hand squeezed

Hawk’s leg and he began to melt against Hawk’s heat. It was Desmond’s chuckle that made him
pulls away, face flushed.

“You’re right, Hawk, he’s quite a sensualist.”
Hawk had spoken of him? Oh, that made him blush harder, but it also made him feel


“He’s lovely.” Hawk nuzzled his cheek with warm lips. “I hear you have a ceremony

coming up soon, Des?”

Des beamed. “Good news travels fast. Connor has agreed to wear my collar.”
“Collar?” Jester asked, looking from Des to Connor.
Connor nodded, looking proud and pleased, fingers touching the thick neck. “Everybody

will know I’m his.”

Jester’s eyes widened. “His?”
“Yes. Mine.” Desmond’s expression matched Connor’s and two of Desmond’s fingers

joined Connor’s, bringing attention to a dark mark on Connor’s neck.

Oh, that was a hickey.
Connor shivered, chin lifting to let Desmond’s hand slide on the dark mark. Hawk purred

softly, thumb drawing a circle on his skin. “Congratulations, my friends.”

He thought about it, thought about how nice it was to have Hawk’s arm on his back while

they walked to their table, so everyone knew he was with Hawk.

He smiled. “Yes, congratulations. But how will they know just from seeing the collar?

Does it have your name on it?” he asked Des.

Connor looked at Des, eyes curious, making Hawk chuckle softly.
“It’s like a wedding band. It says that you belong to someone. That you’ve made a

commitment and he to you.” Des smiled softly at Connor. “Besides, you’ll be with me; they
won’t be able to misunderstand who goes with the collar. Isn’t that so, Hawk?”

Hawk nodded, one finger stroking his nape. “Yes. There is no doubt who belongs.”
Jester blushed and he turned into Hawk, burying his face against the wide chest. He

wanted to belong here. Wanted to belong to Hawk.

Hawk pet him, held him close and hummed. “No doubt at all, yes Desmond?”
“Not for a moment.” Desmond sounded so very sure. Just like Hawk. He thought maybe

it was part … part of being a dominant.

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Hawk and Desmond started talking, voices low and easy, talking about friends and plans

and normal things. All the while, Hawk was touching him, loving on him. He just held onto
Hawk’s leg and enjoyed the touches, not really minding who saw – it felt too good to really care.

He caught Connor’s eye and smiled shyly, thinking that Connor was a very lucky man.

Connor smiled back, eyes crinkling up and shining, looking so happy.

The food came and it all smelled and looked so good. Even Connor’s salmon.
He noticed Connor put a napkin in his lap, but didn’t reach for his utensils like Hawk and

Des did. Uncertain, he reached tentatively for his fork.

Hawk gave him a smile and a nod, their legs rubbing together. “It’s okay, Pet. You’re

okay. Don’t worry about Connor, Jester.”

He picked up his fork, and reached for a bite of his meat. He thought he remembered

Desmond saying it was lamb.

Oh, it was good.
Not so good that he didn’t notice Desmond help himself first to a bite from his own plate

and then Connor’s. Then Desmond fed a bite of each to Connor. Connor made a soft happy
sound at the bite of salmon, eyes half-closed, focus on Desmond alone.

Jester’s fork stopped halfway to his mouth as he watched. Wow. That was … really sexy.
Hawk’s fingers wrapped around his, bringing the bite to his mouth. “Aren’t they lovely

together? Desmond waited for a long, long time to find Connor.”

“It looks like it was worth the wait,” he said softly. Watching them making his belly

flutter and his cock get hard.

“It is, when you find the one you were looking for.” Hawk was whispering in his ear,

making his belly clench.

He turned to Hawk. “What if you don’t even know you’re looking?”
“So long as we found each other, Pet, what difference does it make?” Hawk’s eyes were

so dark, so sure.

He watched them as he leaned in, closing the space between their lips. The kiss was

special – slow and sweet and hot and everything the vids said a kiss could be. He melted against
Hawk again, everything else fading.

Hawk kissed and tasted and touched him, hands hot and sure on his soft clothes. He

moaned, fork dropping to the table as he wrapped his hands in Hawk’s shirt, clinging as the kiss
deepened. The sounds and lights seemed to fade, the only thing he knew was Hawk, right there,
touching him.

Oh, Hawk made him feel so good, made him need so much. Hawk sent him flying and he

didn’t come back to earth until the kiss eased, Hawk’s eyes smiling at him. He was breathless,
panting and dizzy and blinking up into the dark eyes. He smiled slowly.

“Let’s eat before it gets cold, yeah?” Hawk leaned back, smiling over as Desmond. “Are

you all planning on dancing tonight?”

“If Piotr finds something slow for us to dance to.” Desmond fed another mouthful to

Connor, smiling.

Hawk chuckled, taking a bite of steak. “Desmond’s not the world’s fondest of dancing.”
“No? Me and my brothers and sisters dance to the radio all the time. I like the way the

beat makes me feel.” Jester went back to his own meal, having another bite of lamb with some of
the rice this time. Everything was so good here. He was going to get spoiled.

“Oh, then we’ll have to go dancing. I’d love to see you move.”

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He blushed and wriggled a little in his seat. Hawk always said such nice things. “Do you

like dancing?” he asked.

Hawk nodded. “I do. It’s a great way to relax and move together.”
He smiled over at Hawk and took one of the orange tubers from his plate, exclaiming at

the flavor. Tubers were healthy, but they rarely tasted like much, but this one was really good.
He took one of the yellow ones, eyes wide as it also proved to be flavorful. “How do they do

Connor chuckled, smiled over at him. “I feel the same way. I mean, years of the caf food

at the docks and now this?”

He nodded. “I never knew food could taste like this. I don’t know how I’m going to eat

ground meat and beans on Monday – it’s going to taste like paste and sawdust.”

“Well, you can always come have supper with me, here, Pet.”
He giggled softly. “I’d be here every night then, Hawk.”
Hawk nodded. “Yes, Pet. I know.”
Oh, wouldn’t that be lovely? To spend every evening with Hawk …
He bent his head. It was so tempting, but what about his family? His mother worked

evening shift most weeks and it was his responsibility to make sure the younger kids got fed and
bathed and sent to bed.

“I would make a home for you here, Pet. We could make a home together.”
His eyes flashed up to Hawk’s. “What?”
Hawk wanted him to live here?
He knew that Hawk liked him a lot and wanted to spend time with him, but to ask him to

come live here was a whole lot. If that was what Hawk had meant.

Hawk leaned down and kissed his forehead. “There is no reason to worry, Jester. The

offer is open when you are interested in taking it.”

When he was interested in taking it? Oh, that was now. But he couldn’t. His family

needed him.

He smiled up at Hawk, blinking back tears. By the time they didn’t need him anymore

Hawk would have moved on. “Thank you, Hawk.”

“Finish eating, Pet. This is supposed to be a fun evening, not upsetting.” Hawk gave him

a warm smile and handed him his fork again.

He nodded and went back to eating. He wished his face wasn’t so expressive. He didn’t

want Hawk to know he was upset – Hawk was being so nice and so kind and so wonderful to
him. And he wasn’t upset at Hawk, he was upset at the situation.

He was being very selfish, in fact, wishing he didn’t have to help his family. At least he

was getting to spend time with Hawk and eat all this wonderful stuff and have these amazing
experiences. They were stuck at home with paste board and sawdust for supper.

Hawk’s hand found his back again, rubbing gently, making him relax.
He kept eating, leaning into Hawk just a little bit and feeling a little embarrassed at

having reacted like that in front of other people.

The meal was finished, Connor pressing close against Desmond, skin flushed, eyes

bright. Maybe no one had even noticed.

“I hope you’ve left room for dessert. Moffat’s made crème brûlée today. It’s exquisite.”

Desmond smiled over at him.

He smiled back. He didn’t have a clue what crème brûlée was, but he bet it was good.

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“Is it as good as ice cream, Sionadh?” Connor’s voice was husky, low.
“It is quite different from ice cream. Good, in a different way.” Desmond smiled down

into Connor’s eyes.

It felt good watching them, seeing how much they cared for each other and liked being


Hawk leaned down and whispered, “It’s good to see Desmond in love, happy.”
“They both look so happy,” he murmured.
“They do. They are.”
The dessert came then, looking elegant on the plates and his mouth watered. Sugar candy

was what he was used to for dessert, not chocolate cakes and ice cream and crème whatever it

Hawk cut off a little bite of dessert and held it to his mouth.
He opened up and took the bite in, murmuring around the food. It was sweet and

caramely and also a little, tiny bit bitter and tasted as wonderful as it looked.

Desmond smiled at him. “Another fan.”
Connor gave him a friendly grin, quiet and peaceful. “Do you like to swim, Jester?”
“I don’t know how.”
“No? You’ll have to come and learn, if Hawk doesn’t mind. It’s so fun. And clean. And

the water feels so good.”

“It sounds interesting. Do you swim, too, Desmond? And Hawk?”
Hawk nodded. “I do. I like to go in the evenings after work to relax.”
“I like it as well, though I prefer sitting back in the hot tub and watching Connor swim.”

Desmond winked and added, “naked.”

He giggled, color flooding his cheeks.
Connor turned a dark rose, but didn’t lose his smile. “You should come down and try

sometime. It’s great.” Desmond got a quick, playful wink. “Even with swimming trunks.”

Desmond chuckled, leaning down to give Connor a long kiss.
Jester blushed as he realized he was watching them and looked down at his dessert,

wondering where his spoon had gotten to.

“It’s okay to enjoy them, Pet. They’re beautiful and hungry for each other. Desmond

loves knowing that Connor wants him so much that he can kiss him, touch him in public and
Connor won’t pull away.”

He bit his lip and then leaned close and whispered. “Is it still okay if it makes me … if

watching them makes …”

Hawk smiled at him, nodded, one hand on his thigh. “It’s okay to be hard, to be excited.

They’re arousing.”

“Does it … are you hard, too?” he asked, trying to catch his breath as the weight of

Hawk’s hand on him made him even harder.

“Feel for yourself.”
His eyes widened and he gasped a little, but he slid his hand into Hawk’s lap. He kept his

eyes on Hawk, moaning as his hand found the hard heat waiting for him. He rubbed Hawk’s
cock a little, feeling bold and brave and very turned on.

Hawk’s eyes got darker, flashing a little, tongue sliding out to lick those warm lips.


“More?” he asked, not waiting for an answer. He rubbed the heel of his hand against

Hawk’s hardness, watching the brown eyes intently.

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Hawk purred for him, eyes shining and close as their lips met again.
A part of him couldn’t believe he was doing this, kissing and feeling his lover in public,

but most of him didn’t care, just felt. Hawk’s hair fell around him, Hawk pulling him in closer
with a soft hum.

He whimpered into Hawk’s hot mouth, hand wrapping around the amazing heat of

Hawk’s cock. The material of Hawk’s pants was soft, but not as soft as he knew Hawk’s cock

Hawk was shifting, thrusting into his touch and taking his mouth, tongue spreading his

lips wide. Oh, they were fucking. Right here in the restaurant with all its people and he didn’t
care. He didn’t care about anything but the taste of Hawk in his mouth and the heat that worked
against his hand.

He wrapped his free hand in Hawk’s shirt, holding on tight. Hawk tugged him close,

settled him on those strong thighs, bringing them together. He cried out, rolling himself against
the strong thighs, hand working harder, totally lost in the flavor and scent and feeling of Hawk.

And Hawk wanted him, too, kept squeezing and rocking and kissing and needing. So


He tried to think of how the pants Hawk wore did up and finally remembered there was a

tie. He dug in, finding it and loosening it awkwardly.

Hawk’s fingers squeezed him, a low gasp pushing into his mouth. “Pet.”
“Oh!” He moaned, fingers sliding around Hawk’s heat. “Is this okay?” he whispered,

beginning to shake.

“Yes, Pet. We’re in the corner. Quiet. No one cares.”
Moaning, he pushed back into Hawk’s mouth, tongue sliding into that welcoming heat.

His hand moved on Hawk’s cock. Oh, it was so hot, felt so good. Hawk’s prick was wet, hot
drops leaking down onto his fingers, making them slick.

He whimpered, hand moving easily on Hawk’s hot flesh now that everything was wet.

Hawk groaned and jerked, heat splashing over his fingers, the kiss growing wild and fierce for a
long moment.

Oh, he’d done that. This.
He’d made Hawk hard and made him come and made Hawk kiss him like he was never

ever going to stop.

His cry was swallowed by Hawk’s mouth as he came, filling the inside of his pants.

Hawk held him, stroking him as the aftershocks faded, their breathing slowing.

He buried his face in Hawk’s chest, letting the long hair shield him from having to look at

anyone. Oh, they had. In the dining room. With all these people. And Desmond and Connor
sitting at their table. And. Hawk had said no one would care. He certainly hoped Hawk was right.

Hawk chuckled, nodding at something Desmond said. “He makes me happy. I think we’ll

probably retire for the night though. New passion, you know?”

“Yes, indeed, I do. I doubt we’ll be very far behind you.” Desmond didn’t sound at all

like he was upset.

Jester peeked out, smiling shyly.
He wondered if he could keep his napkin.
Connor was curled into Desmond’s side, lips parted and swollen, eyes seeing nothing but

Desmond, hair damp and curling.

“We’ll get together soon.” Hawk stood, holding him close. “Come, Pet. Let’s go home.”

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“Okay.” He waved at Connor and Desmond. “It was nice to meet you.”
Connor nodded, purring as Desmond stroked his face.
He turned back to Hawk, awkwardly pointing in the general direction of his groin. “I

made a mess,” he said softly.

“Must be time to go snuggle in the hot tub.” Hawk led him towards the lifts.
He kept his hands in front of him, half turned into Hawk. “I don’t have a suit, Hawk.”
“We’ll get a private room for the evening, Pet.” His ass was patted. “Trust me.”
He giggled, wriggling against Hawk, hardly even noticing the people around them. “You

say that a lot.”

“I mean it a lot.” Hawk winked down, giving him a warm, happy grin.
He wrapped his arms around Hawk’s middle. “Can I have another kiss?” he asked,

feeling good, feeling drunk on it.

“Always.” Those lips pressed against his own, tongue parting them. Moaning, he opened

wide for Hawk, pressing against the long body.

The lift moved, sinking, Hawk taking him somewhere new, showing him something new.


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Chapter Ten

Jester sat curled in the private transport, watching the city go by.
He was floating, really. He knew he needed to get back to reality, but he wanted to stay in

the fantasy just a little longer.

It had been such a good weekend, making love with Hawk, meeting some of Hawk’s

friends, making love some more and then some more. They’d sucked and rubbed and tugged and
oh, it felt so good. He knew there was a lot more Hawk wanted to show him, though he only had
a vague idea what some of it might be. He trusted Hawk, though.

And his boundaries were expanding. Why look at what he’d done with Hawk in the

dining hall! Becoming horny from watching Connor and Desmond eat and then making love in
front of everyone. It felt illicit, which had made it better somehow. Even now, remembering
made shivers go down his spine and his cock start to fill.

If he’d had more time he might have touched himself as he remembered, but the transport

stopped in front of the small apartment complex he lived in with his family. He thanked the
driver and let himself out, his overnight bag clutched in his hand.

He walked slowly up to the second floor apartments, not really wanting to be here. It was

so nice with Hawk. So quiet and clean and soft. He liked being pampered and cared for as if he
was the most important person in the whole universe. And Hawk was so beautiful and just
thinking about him made Jester feel all squishy inside.

He let himself in, blinking at the light – he hadn’t expected anyone to be up.
“Well thank the stars you aren’t dead! I was going to call security soon.” It was his

mother and she didn’t look very happy.

He swallowed. “I told you I was spending the weekend with Hawk.”
“You mean you left a note and I certainly expected you to return at some point during the

day, not this late at night! You’ve got to be at work in five hours.”

“I’ll be okay, Mam.”
“Well I had to deal with the kids all by myself.” And he could see she hadn’t picked up at

all, the place was a terrible mess.

“Sasha’s old enough to look out for the younger ones. And Petey, too.” And all you had

to do was ask and they were more than happy to help out around the house. In fact the little ones
liked having chores – it made them proud that they could help.

She sniffed. “They aren’t you. You’re the only one everyone listens to.”
He sighed, his previous joy and happiness fading. “I’m sorry, Mam, but I deserve my

own life, too. I do a whole lot during the week and I work hard and give you all the money.” It

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was funny, having the argument with his mother; with him taking Hawk’s words for his own
when earlier he’d been arguing her side.

She took a long drink. “You mean this is going to be a regular thing?”
“Yes. I’m going to be there every weekend.” Hawk had said he could, Hawk wanted to

be with him for him, not because he was good with the kids or cleaned the bathroom well.

“What about your family – you’re just going to abandon us?” Oh, she could always made

him feel so guilty when she tried.

“I’m here every weekday.” He tried to stay calm, didn’t give in to the guilt. He wouldn’t

give up being with Hawk, he wouldn’t.

“And what are you wearing? How much did that cost you? A month’s salary, I’ll bet.”
“Hawk gave it to me.”
“He gave it to you? Why? What did you have to do for it?” She sneered at him, her

meaning clear.

“Nothing! He just gave it to me.”
“Are you sleeping with him? Is that it? Selling yourself for stuff?” She made it sound so


“It isn’t like that!” It wasn’t. He wasn’t sleeping with Hawk to get stuff. He’d want to be

with Hawk even if the man was poorer than he was.

“Well, if he’s giving you stuff so you’ll sleep with him, then he can give you money so

the rest of us can have nice stuff, too.”

Tears filled his eyes. “It’s not like that. He cares for me. He loves me. He isn’t … isn’t

paying me.”

“Whatever lets you sleep at night, Jest. But you’d better not be forgetting your family –

you can earn stuff for us, too.”

He shook his head. “It isn’t like that,” he repeated, miserable.
“Only an idiot sells themselves cheaply. Tell him you need five hundred creds a month

for us.”

He gasped. “Mam!”
“That’s your new rent, for bunking here.” Her face got that hard look it had sometimes,

when she was talking to bill collectors or the school for the kids. Or him when he’d been bad.

“I’m not asking him for money. He cares about me and I care about him – it isn’t a


“Then you’d better find somewhere else to live. You’re either paying your rent or you’re

here every weekend, doing your chores and helping with your brothers and sisters.”

He held his bag tight. “Then I guess I’m moving out.”
“Fine. I’ll have your palmprint removed in the morning. Goodbye.” She didn’t even look

particularly upset.

“Mam … please.”
“You going to stop seeing him?”
“You going to ask him for 500 creds a month so you can bunk here?”
“Then there’s the door. Don’t bother packing – I need your stuff for the other boys. I’m

sure your lover will make sure you have plenty of clothes. Or maybe he likes you going around
naked all the time. And have your apology ready for when he’s had enough of your ass and kicks
you out.”

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He bit his lip and sniffed, wiping his eyes on his sleeves. He wanted to say bye to his

brothers and sisters and tell them he’d come by to visit, but he didn’t know if he could, so he just
left and started walking.

He checked his pockets – he didn’t have enough for a transport and there was no way

he’d be able to walk to work in time to start his shift, so he went to Palmers and traded in his
beautiful new clothes from Hawk for enough for a transport ticket and headed back to the Velvet
Hawk had said he could come live there whenever he was ready. He hoped Hawk had meant it.

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Chapter Eleven

The door chimed twice and Hawk frowned, shaking his head and trying to clear it as he

headed toward the door. He’d been dreaming about teaching Jester how to swim, about laughing
and playing and loving his Pet. He hit the button to see who it was, stunned to see Jester, looking
red-eyed and miserable, staring back at him.

“Pet?” He palmed the door open, pulling Jester inside, into his arms, hands searching the

thin body to make sure the boy wasn’t hurt.

Jester was shaking and started crying, thin arms wrapping around his waist as Jester

pressed close. “Oh, Hawk.”

“Oh, pretty love …” He moved them into the sitting room, wrapping them together in a

soft blanket on one couch. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

“She threw me out! She said I had to stop seeing you or ask for money or I couldn’t stay

and I had to sell the outfit you gave me to get a transport back and I’m sorry to just assume you’d
let me stay, but you said you would and she didn’t even let me say goodbye to anyone or bring
anything with me and –” Jester took a sobbing breath.

Oh, poor sweet boy …
He ran his hand through Jester’s hair. “This is your home, Jester. Of course you can stay,

I want you to stay, and we’ll go buy the outfit back tomorrow.”

“She was so mad. She said such terrible things – she said you were just using me.” Jester

blinked up at him. “You aren’t, are you, Hawk?”

Bitch. Evil bitch. He put Jester’s hand on his heart. “I want to spend a lifetime with you; I

want to sleep knowing you’re happy, safe, living your life. Is that using you?”

Jester shook his head. “I told her it wasn’t like that at all, but she wouldn’t believe me.

I’m sorry; it just made me all confused and scared.” Jester melted into him, face pressed against
his chest. “I kept telling her you wanted me just for me and she didn’t believe me.”

“All that matters is what we believe, Pet.” He held Jester close, rocking, petting. “You

have a home here, somewhere of your own. Just think, Pet, every night together, dinners

Jester nodded, sniffed. “And I wouldn’t even think of it because I didn’t want to abandon

her. I guess she didn’t really care.” Jester looked up at him, smiling tremulously. “Now I can stay
here without feeling guilty about it.”

“Yes.” He leaned down, took a chaste, soft kiss. “We’ll have such fun together, Jester.”
Jester nodded, smile growing. His pet hugged him tight. “Thank you, Hawk.”

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“Welcome home, Jester.” His own smile met Jester’s, happy and pleased that his Pet was

home to stay. “We should take a few days off, get you settled.” He winked, took another kiss.
“Make love for a few days.”

“Oh!” Jester gasped. “We can do that?”
“I think we should. Spend a day resting, a day getting you officially enrolled here, a few

days decorating and shopping.” He loved that look of excitement, of pleasure.

“Decorating? Shopping?” Jester clapped. “Oh, that sounds like fun.”
His sweet pet sobered suddenly. “I’d like to keep sending my paycheck to my family,

Hawk. They need the money.”

He nodded. He made enough through the plant to support them and his work at the Club

more than covered their rooms and food. “You’re a good man, Jester.”

“No, you are Hawk, thank you.” Jester hugged him again, face turning up for a kiss.
He took Jester’s lips, tongue sliding deep, welcoming his Pet home. Jester pressed against

him, kissing him wholeheartedly.

One of his Pet’s hands slid into his robe, Jester’s fingers shyly petting his skin. He

purred, encouraging, letting his pleasure and happiness show.

Jester opened his robe, pulling it apart and off his shoulders. “You’re so handsome.”
“I’m all yours.” He started working open Jester’s shirt, hands smoothing over the fine

skin. Jester arched into his touch, his pet growing more wanton as they spent time together.

“Mmm …” He rubbed, kisses long and lazy and heated.
Jester’s fingers slid across his nipples, the touches still shy, but far surer now than they’d

been. He arched, mirrored the touch, letting Jester find a peace in their lovemaking, letting Jester
find a home.

Jester’s sweet gasps filled the air, his pet’s hips pushing against him as they touched each


He undressed Jester easily, wrapping them together in the blanket, moaning as their skin

rubbed. “So sweet.”

“You make me feel good,” murmured Jester, eyes gazing up at him adoringly, body

moving eagerly.

“I love you.” They moved together, his hand on Jester’s hip, encouraging.
“Oh, Hawk. I think I love you, too.” Jester’s mouth found his, the kiss a little wild as his

Pet writhed against him.

They moved together, heat and passion overwhelmed everything else.
“Hawk!” Jester called out his name, fingers sliding to dig into his skin, holding tight as

heat sprayed between them.

He groaned, pushing along slick, hot skin a few times before coming, hands holding

Jester close.

Jester kissed his chest and cuddled against him. “Thank you, Hawk. For everything.”
“Thank you for coming home, Pet.” He hugged Jester tight, nuzzling. “Come on. Let’s go

to bed. I’ll message work and we can get some sleep.”

“That sounds so wonderful, Hawk.” Jester rubbed against him. “I shouldn’t feel guilty

that I’m kinda glad she did it, should I?”

“Guilt is a waste of energy. Let’s just be glad we’re together, yes?”
“I can do that.” Jester threw those thin arms around his neck. “I am so glad we’re


“I am, too, Jester.” He stood, lifting Jester easily. “Let’s go to bed, pretty.”

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“Anything you want.”
He nodded, turning the lights off and quickly calling them in before wrapping them both

in the bed, curling around his Pet with a purr.

Jester was soon asleep in his arms, breath softly brushing his skin. He followed Jester

into dreams, continuing to touch and stroke, easing the tension from his Pet. Jester was home
That was what mattered.

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Chapter Twelve

Jester sat up with a gasp, blinking against the sun shinning in his eyes. Oh, he was late for

work! Why hadn’t his alarm woken him? Why hadn’t … Oh.

His alarm hadn’t woken him because he was in Hawk’s bed. And he didn’t have to go to

work today. Neither of them did. Smiling, he lay back down, snuggling into Hawk’s warmth.

This was for always, this waking up together and snuggling into the soft, warm skin. How

did he get to be so lucky? It didn’t matter; he was just going to enjoy it.

Hawk murmured softly, one strong arm wrapping around him, holding him closer.
Oh, that felt good, so wonderful to know that Hawk would reach out for him, hold him,

even in sleep. He slid his hands over the sleep-warm skin, making a happy noise.

That made Hawk smile, face happy, still sleeping, but happy because of him. He loved

that he could make Hawk happy so easily. Hawk had given him so much, made him feel so many
wonderful things.

He watched his hands, fingers tracing the muscles of Hawk’s chest and belly. Such nice

muscles. A soft chuckle sounded, Hawk’s belly rippling. He giggled, stroking his fingers over
Hawk’s belly again.

Those dark eyes opened, shining at him as Hawk’s fingers caught his own. “I like waking

up to that noise.”

He giggled again, fingers twining with Hawk’s. “And you’re ticklish!”
“Am not.” He got a wink, Hawk rolling atop him with a grin.
“You are, too!” He got his fingers away from Hawk’s and tried to slide them in between

them, but Hawk was too heavy, so he settled for fluttering touches along Hawk’s sides and up his
ribs in an attempt to find another ticklish spot.

Hawk leaned down, kissing him thoroughly, black hair falling around him like a curtain.

His search got lost in that kiss and he fed a moan into Hawk’s mouth, body alive and tingling
beneath Hawk.

Hawk moved them together, cock hard alongside his. It felt so good, to have this be easy,

loving each other, rubbing together. He slid his hands over Hawk’s back, enjoying the long line
of smooth skin and the rounded buttocks. He squeezed them, feeling them move, matching the
glide of Hawk’s cock with his.

“Pretty Pet.” Hawk moved faster, purring into his lips.
“Your pet, Hawk.” He moved, meeting Hawk’s movements, happy shivers going through


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“Mmm … yes. Mine.” Hawk moved faster, hands cradling him as their skin slapped. The

pleasure and possession in Hawk’s voice made him shiver, made his cock jerk and throb.

“Come for me, Pet. Let me feel you.”
“Yes, Hawk,” he whispered as his body shook. He didn’t think there was anything he

wouldn’t do for Hawk.

Hawk hummed, body sliding together with his. He came, pushing up into Hawk, those

brown eyes all he could see.

He was given a long, slow kiss, ‘good morning’ whispered into his mouth. He wrapped

his arms around Hawk’s shoulders, smiling into their kiss.
Oh yes, it was a very good morning.

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Chapter Thirteen

Kestrel bounced up to Hawk’s door, pleased and happy. Dear Hawk had stopped by today

and explained poor little Jester’s situation and asked if he could go visit Jester, share midday
meal with the boy while Hawk did some errands, some shopping, some things.

Well, of course, he could!
Poor little Jester.
Well, only sort of, because Hawk was a love and so, not that poor. Not really at all.
Kes buzzed, hands filled with sandwiches and crisps and two bottles of fizzy juice and

the things Jester would need to sign.

After a moment, the door opened and there was Hawk’s Jester, looking shy and quiet, but

also quite happy. “Hawk isn’t here – he’ll be back later.”

“I know. I’m Kestrel, Hawk’s friend. I brought lunch!” He grinned at the sweet thing. “I

thought we could eat and put your palm prints on the locks and stuff. He stopped by and spoke
with me this morning. I’m so glad you got to come and stay. He looks so happy.”

“Oh. Oh, hi Kestrel.” Jester gave him a shy smile. “I’m glad, too.”
Jester stepped back. “Come in.”
He bustled in, bringing the food to the little table. “Hawk said you liked meatball

sandwiches, so that’s what I brought. Moffat made them for us himself. Have you met him yet?
He’s a bit gruff, but dear.”

“No, I’ve only really met Desmond and Connor.” Jester was blinking at him, looking a

touch overwhelmed.

“Oh, Desmond is one of Hawk’s best friends and Connor is a good man. Sit! Eat!” He

dug about in the cupboard for plates. “And now you’ve met me, and you’ll met Mal and Zane
and everyone.”

Jester nodded and sat. “It’s all so … different. Luxurious. I mean, here you are bringing

me food and such food!”

“It’s good food.” Kestrel grinned over, hair falling into his face and he pushed it back.

“Sharing food gives our hands something to do while we become friends.”

Jester laughed, the sound a sweet giggle. “I’d like that. To become friends. You’re very

colorful. Pretty.”

“You think so?” He chuckled and tossed his hair, settling down next to Jester. “Thank

you. And we will be friends, I can tell. Do you work with Hawk? Do you like it?”

Such a sweet boy. So shy, but adorable. Hawk chose well.

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“I do. It’s less boring than where I was before, but it isn’t very fascinating, not like living

here. What do you do?”

“I … Everything, it seems like sometimes.” They shared a long laugh and Kestrel opened

the drink bottles. “I am charge of making things work, of making sure everyone here is happy
and living well. It is a wonderful job.”

“You work here? Oh, that does sound wonderful.” Jester grinned and then laughed again

at the fizzy drink. “Making people happy sounds like a good way to live.”

“It is! Oh, if you like to, you ought to apply to be one of my assistants when the positions

open. I have five. Well, I trust two, now, but I have five and it’s such interesting work, so many
people, so many names.” He ate a bite, purring at the flavor. “Hawk works here part-time, to pay
for his room and board. He’s brilliant and people come from all over for his talents. You can be
very proud of him.”

Jester ate a few bites of his sandwich before putting it down and looking at him. “Do you

think I could? Work here, I mean. What would I have to do? And what does Hawk do?”

“Well, I’m sure there’s a job here for you.” Kestrel tilted his head. “I’d talk to Hawk

about it, see what he thinks you’d like, what suits. Hawk teaches, mostly. He carves some lovely
things for people, too, but mostly he teaches people who want to be tops how to be.”

Jester nodded quietly, obviously thinking about what he’d said, eating slowly.
“I’ll talk to Hawk about it; see what he thinks about me leaving the line. He’s my

supervisor there and it’s kind of nice, working together. I’m not toppy like Hawk.” Jester blushed

“No, but two tops loving each other is …” Kestrel shook his head, thinking of Herc and

Mal, the sharp edges of their secret affair. “Explosive. You and Hawk fit together like a hand in a

Jester’s sweet blush grew deeper. “Is that why it’s called the Velvet Glove?”
Kestrel clapped, tickled. “Oh! How clever! I never thought to ask, but I’ll have to!”
Oh, sweet and dear and smart! Lucky Hawk!
Jester grinned at him. “So what do you do for fun, Kestrel? When you aren’t working.”
“I visit my friends and laugh and have lunch.”
“Oh. Oh, I thought I was part of the job.” Jester beamed at him, looking very pleased.
“Not at all.” Well, maybe a little, but there was no reason for Jester to know that was


Jester finished his sandwich and most of the drink. “You should tell me about yourself,

Kestrel. I want to know all about my new friend.”

“About me?” At Jester’s nod, he blushed and beamed. No one ever asked. “I grew up

next to Mal, believe it or not. We were best friends and he got the job as head trainer under
another manager who was not me and not good at making people happy. Mal told the big boss
about me and I came in and I’ve been here for … eleven years. Can you believe it?”

“No, I can’t. You don’t look old enough.”
“Oh. You’re a treasure!” Kestrel leaned over a hugged Jester impulsively. “So, Hawk

said you might be interested in some fun clothes and, as we’re of a size, I thought you might
want to look at some of my extras so that you have some yummy choices.”

The boy would look luscious in red.
“Oh, that would be very nice of you – I can’t really afford to buy new stuff.” Jester

blushed suddenly. “I don’t know if I could wear anything as pretty as you have though …”

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“Of course you can! You’re lovely, Jester. Honestly. Come on, we’ll go upstairs and

play. Surprise your Hawk when he comes home with the glamorous form of Jester.” He stood,
took Jester’s hand, bouncing again. He did so enjoy playing. “You’ll make him melt. I swear.”

Jester giggled and squeezed his hand. “Do you really think so? It sounds like fun


“I promise. Let’s go play. We’ll have a blast.” Poor, once, but between them all, they’d

make sure Jester felt at home. They would.

Jester grabbed the tray and quickly collected their garbage and plates, taking them to the

kitchen before joining him again, eyes alight. “Do I need anything?”

“Oh, let’s get your palm-print set, yes? So you’re not locked out of your own home.”
Jester giggled. “That would be embarrassing.”
“Yes. And it simply wouldn’t do.” He pulled out the pad with the information for Jester’s

finger and palm-print. “Hawk filled everything out. We just need your prints here, here, and here,
so your membership card can be made up.”

“Oh, I can’t possibly afford a membership, Kestrel. I’m just staying with Hawk.”
“Hawk’s got you listed as a committed pair, as a partner, Jester.”
“Oh. Oh. Oh.” Jester’s eyes filled and he blinked. “Where do I put my hand?”
“Right here.” He patted Jester’s arm as the palm print was recorded. “There. Painless.”
Jester nodded and sniffed and then hugged him quickly. “Thank you, Kestrel.”
“Anytime, my friend. Now, come on. Let’s go. You want to be back when Hawk comes


Jester nodded, following him eagerly. “I’ve never had a chance to try on pretty clothes


“Plumage is one of our greatest entertainments.” They headed for the lift, Kestrel

bouncing, greeting his friends and acquaintances as they went.

“Do you know everybody?” Jester asked him.
“I try to. It’s sort of my job.” He grinned, gave Jester a wink. “Not to mention an


Jester giggled. “You mean you’re nosy.”
“Yes, exactly.” He nodded, chuckled as the lift doors opened, tickled again. “Although

we call it observant in public.”

“I’ll try to remember that.” Jester gave him a sweet grin. “You live here, too, don’t you?

All the staff does?”

“Yes. The staff has three floors and management – of which I’m one – has one. Then the

guests, the suites, and the boss is at the top.”

“So if I get a job here, and Hawk works here, do we get to stay on the guest floor? I

mean, wouldn’t we really be staff then?”

“It’s sort of complicated. Hawk was a member before he began working here and his

rooms were his. Now, if you work here, you earn your own staff rooms.” Kes shrugged. “You
could both share a much large space in the staff floor, if you choose, but I know Hawk and Hawk
likes his rooms.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere except with Hawk. It would be nice to know though

that I was helping to contribute …” Jester’s voice lowered a little. “My salary goes to my family,
so if I was helping Hawk out with the cost of the rooms … I’d feel better about that. I don’t want
people thinking I’m leeching off him, that I’m only with him because he can make my life

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Oh. He hummed, completely taken by this sweet one. “Oh, if anyone suggests that, you

just tell me and I’ll tell Mal and Mal will kick their asses.”

With a pointy stick.
Jester giggled, smiling at him, eyes happy.
There, that was a fine look.
That smile and some silk and a little glitter? Hawk would just die. It was going to be

perfectly luscious.

Jester was nearly bouncing as much as he was by the time they arrived at his rooms, the

sweet boy getting into the spirit of things.

His rooms were lovely – full of color and light and glitter. Stunning, if he did say so

himself. “The dressing room’s this way. Jim, my lover – he’s beautiful and so lovely, you must
meet him – is moving in and I desperately need to declutter the closets. What are your favorite

“Hawk likes me in red and … I think he called them jewel tones. Wow, it’s really pretty

in here. Bright and happy.” Jester smiled at him. “I can’t believe Jim is more beautiful than you
or Hawk.”

“Oh, Jim is …” His hands fluttered, heart beating fast. “I don’t have the words. He’s

perfectly stunning. I love him. Now. Red. I have tons of reds and blues and greens and purples.”

They started with the shirts – soft and silky, fluttery. Some of them didn’t suit, but many

did, Jester’s eyes shining.

The softer the material, the more Jester seemed to like it. “Oh, Hawk would like touching


Everything itchy or scratchy or too sequiny was set aside, but there were soft leggings

and slacks, swim trunks, pajama bottoms.

“Wow, I can’t believe all this stuff is extra, Kestrel. Are you sure you want to give it all


“Of course! If I need to borrow anything I’ll comm you.” Kestrel dug out a sweet pair of

gauzy, see-through harem pants that were just too young for him. “Oh, these are perfect!”

Jester took them and looked at them and then him. “What goes on under them?”
“Well, if you’re modest, a shiny little gold g-string, but they’re lovely all alone.” Like

Hawk would let the boy wear anything beneath them.

Jester had gone completely red, but he was fingering the material, biting his lower hip.

“Do you think …”

“He’d adore it, can you imagine? He couldn’t take his eyes off you.”
“Do you think … could you help with it? For when he gets home today? Make a … an

Arabian nights kind of …” Jester shook his head and put the pants down. “Never mind.”

“Oooh! Oh, yes! How clever. I’ll order some silk pillows and a nice supper and we’ll

make up your eyes!” He clapped, bouncing happily. “It’ll be such fun.”

Jester smiled at him. “Yeah?” Then he got a sweet giggle. “Cool.”
“Yeah. Pillows and good music and fun finger foods.” He started gathering things up,

then stopped. “Oh! I have the perfect vest!”

He rushed into the other room, coming back with a pretty, jeweled gold half-vest. “You

can borrow this tonight. It suits perfectly.”

Jester was blushing, but beaming, too. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He took a hug, grinning wide. “This has been so fun.”

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“It has. Thank you so much for coming to meet me. I didn’t know anyone here.”
“Well, now you know me and you’ll have to meet Mal and Jim and everyone and you’ll

know them, too.” Kestrel beamed, petting the soft hair.

“That’ll be nice. You’ll have to find something I can do for you. To say thank you.”
“Invite me to another lunch soon.” They shared another hug. “Come on. Let’s go down.

I’ll help you get dressed and set up.”


He and Jester piled their arms up with clothes and headed back to Hawk’s rooms.

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Chapter Fourteen

Jester looked around the bedroom. Hawk wasn’t going to recognize it. Or him.
There were pillows everywhere, gauzy material on the bedsteads. The lights were low,

soft, sensual music played in the background and Kestrel had arranged for the trays of finger
food that were on a serving table next to the bed.

Jester himself had make-up on, kohl around his eyes and red on his lips, Kestrel insisting

it completed the picture. The little gold half-vest was beautiful and covered nothing. The
diaphanous pants went from waist to ankles and covered nothing. They were completely see

And he was unbearably hard, part nerves, part need.
The door opened and he heard Hawk call out. “Pretty Pet? Love? You … What is that

wonderful smell?”

“I … I’m in the bedroom.”
He got on the bed and tried to lay the way Kestrel had showed him.
“Oh …” He looked over at Hawk, gasping at the hungry, wanting look in those dark eyes

as they moved over his body. “You and Kes played for me …”

He nodded. “Kestrel helped me. He was sure you’d like it. You do, don’t you?”
“Oh, Pet. Yes. I …” Hawk licked his lips, nodded, and then stepped up, hands sliding up

along his legs.

He moaned softly, trembling under Hawk’s touch, so pleased Hawk was pleased.
“You’re beautiful. So hard, Pet.” Hawk leaned in, cheek rubbing his cock.
He gasped, hand reaching to touch Hawk. “For you.”
“Mmm … yes. For me. My Pet.” Hawk’s hot tongue dragged over his balls, the material

getting damp.

“Hawk!” Moaning, his head fell back among the pillows, body pushing up toward Hawk.
“Yes.” The soft licks came again and again, Hawk moaning and loving him.
Jester spread his legs wide, shivers of pleasure going through him.
“Do they feel good? The gauzy pants? They’re fine on you, Pet.”
“They make me feel … sexy.”
“You are sexy. So sexy to me.” Another long lick, another nuzzle.
Jester moaned. “Yes. You make me feel sexy.”
“Good. Want to make you fly, Pet.” One hand cupped his ass, rubbing, massaging.

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“You do. All the time.” He whimpered, pushing into each touch, begging for more with

his body.

“Yes. All the time. Because you’re home now.” Hawk smiled up at him, swooping in for

a long, sweet kiss.

He opened his mouth wide, giving Hawk everything. And Hawk took it, took his need

and his mouth, tongue working his lips. His arms wrapped around Hawk’s neck and he moaned
into his lover’s mouth.

Hawk’s hands opened his gauzy pants, fingers finding his heat and wrapping around to

tug. He jerked, pushing up against Hawk, whimpering into Hawk’s lips. When Hawk touched
him everything else disappeared and it was all he knew.

Low sounds pushed into his mouth, Hawk hungry and happy, wanting him. Loving him.
He slid his hands around, petting Hawk’s muscles. Hawk nipped at his lips, fingers

leaving his cock to fumble between them. Just as he was going to moan in protest, the hand
returned, bringing Hawk’s heat to rub against his own.

Crying out, he moved hard against Hawk, fingers fluttering over the warm skin of his

lover, tongue meeting Hawk’s.

Flying. They were flying, the exotic smells of food and the beating of the music mingling

with the slide of his ass on the pant’s silken fabric.

He called Hawk’s name, body going stiff as heat pulsed from him.
Hawk’s head fell back, hips pushing harder, faster, until his Hawk came, too, cry sharp

and loud. Hawk looked so beautiful when he came. Well, Hawk looked beautiful all the time, but
when he came especially.

Jester stroked Hawk’s cheeks, humming happily with the music.
“Mmm … sweet Pet. I think we should get you many of these pants …”
He giggled. “They’re see through as anything – I might as well be wearing nothing.”
“Yes, Jester, I know.” His balls were cupped, gently squeezed.
His giggles turned into a soft gasp. “How many do you want?”
“We’ll order two or three more, one pair a touch heavier so you can wear it downstairs.”
“Downstairs? You mean where people can see me?” Oh, he didn’t know about that. He’d

been shy about letting Hawk see, it had been really, really hard to let Kestrel help him, especially
when he’d become hard.

Hawk nodded. “Maybe one with a long tunic to give you some modesty.”
He buried his face in Hawk’s neck. “Whatever you want, Hawk. Anything you want.”
“You’re so good for me, sweet Pet.” Hawk pet him, nuzzling, easing. “Tonight though?

Is just you and me and this luscious surprise you arranged for me.”

He beamed at Hawk, pressing close. “I’m so glad you like it. I wanted to do something

special for you, for all the stuff you’ve done for me.”

“It’s wonderful.” Hawk gave him one kiss after another, slowly tasting him.
He made a soft, happy noise and relaxed in Hawk’s arms, mouth open wide, tongue

sliding against Hawk’s.

“Mmm … is the food going to get cold, pretty Pet? Should we eat?”
“It isn’t going to get cold, but it won’t be very fresh if we get … distracted again. We

should eat.” Of course he was still pressing against Hawk, trying hard not to rub like a cat.

“Mmm … you can feed me, let me lick your fingers clean.”
“Oh. Okay. Yes.” He nodded. Kestrel has mentioned something about that and it sounded

even better now.

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Hawk slid off him, stripping down to skin and settling back on the mounds of pillows,

cock half-hard and resting against the flat belly.

He just admired for a moment, his own cock responding to the silk of his pants and

Hawk’s amazing beauty. “Should I … do you want me to take off my clothes, too?”

“Mmm … leave your costume on, Pet. You look so good.”
Jester blushed, but his head went up proudly. “Thank you.”
He took one of the trays off the serving table and dipped the flatbread into one of the

sauces, holding it up to Hawk.

Hawk hummed, eating with careful bites, licking at the tips of his fingers. He giggled and

chased down a crumb of flatbread beside Hawk’s mouth with his tongue, feeling bold. That got
him a purr, Hawk’s eyes shining, hot.

He picked up one of the exotic fruits Kestrel had ensured him stayed with the theme and

fed it to Hawk, the juices sliding along his wrist.

Hawk ate, then grabbed his hand, lips and tongue and teeth sliding over his palm and

wrist, hot and good. Jester moaned, cock hard again; Hawk and his pants conspiring to keep him

“Mmm … delicious.” A tiny, dark mark was sucked up on his wrist.
He was breathing hard, hand trembling as he picked up another bite to eat, this one flaky

pastries drenched in sticky honey.

“Smells sweet.” Hawk ate it, sucking and licking at his fingers.
Each tug of Hawk’s lips on his fingers made his cock throb and his answer was a

whimpering moan.

“Mmm … tastes good.” Hawk offered his lips, warm and soft and covered with sweet.
Leaning in, Jester licked delicately at Hawk’s lips. They parted, a soft moan sounding. He

slid his tongue into Hawk’s mouth, following the sweet taste. Hawk’s hand came around,
cupping the back of his head, drawing him closer.

He broke the kiss, eyes on the lovely brown of Hawk’s. “Are you still hungry?”
He wanted to make sure Hawk wasn’t hungry anymore because another kiss was going to

make him forget all about eating.

“For you.” He was pulled back down, Hawk’s tongue pressing into his lips.
Moaning, he settled down on Hawk, opening his mouth and letting his lover in. He

rubbed against Hawk’s naked, warm skin. It felt different but good, with him in the sheer pants.

Hawk’s fingers moved down his back, fingers sliding along the cleft of his ass. He

shivered, pushing closer to Hawk. The touch lingered, stroking gently, not a tease, but something
slow and sweet. Whimpering, he wriggled, unsure whether to push away from the touch or into

“Does it feel good, Pet?”
“Yes?” It did, it was just … scary and big.
“We’ll be slow. I will not hurt you. Trust me.”
“I do, Hawk.” He nodded. With his life, with all of him.
The gentle touches began again, little brushing feels that made him hard. Moaning, Jester

began to rock, sliding his cock along Hawk’s skin through the harem pants, ass sliding back
against the soft brush of Hawk’s fingertips.

“Yes. Oh, pretty Pet. Feels so good.” Hawk’s words sort of poured over him, making him

feel so special, so sexy.

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He raised his face for a kiss, rocking harder, his cock leaking, making the see-through

material wet. Hawk’s eyes were almost black, so hungry as the kiss deepened.

He whimpered, rubbing harder and harder against Hawk. Oh, he was going to come.

Hawk’s tongue moved in time with that finger, faster and firmer.

Higher and higher Hawk pushed him and then he was crying out, pushing his noises into

Hawk’s mouth as he came, heat splashing against his pants.

“Beautiful …” Hawk arched, cock so hard against his belly. “My Pet.”
He kept rubbing, burying his face in Hawk’s neck with a whimper. No one had ever made

him feel the things that Hawk did. No one ever.

One of his hands was brought down, put right on Hawk’s prick. “Jester …”
He nodded, hand wrapping around Hawk’s cock and squeezing. He stroked Hawk’s cock,

hand moving quickly. He wanted to make Hawk feel as good as he did. Hawk pushed low noises
into his lips, one after another, hips rolling, pushing into his touch. He couldn’t catch his breath,
as excited by doing this, making Hawk need and want as he was by his own pleasure.

“Close, Pet. Close. Don’t stop.”
He shook his head. He wouldn’t stop. He moved his hand faster, stroking his thumb

across the tip like Hawk would do to him.

That made Hawk jerk up, face blushing as hot seed poured over his hand.
Oh. Oh, he did that.
He kissed Hawk hard, hand still moving.
Hawk purred, moaning through the kiss, holding him close. “‘s good.”
He nodded and cuddled in close. “I love you, Hawk.”
“Love you, Jester.” Hawk smiled, nuzzled him. “So glad you’re home.”

He nodded. “Yeah, me, too.”

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Chapter Fifteen

Hawk held Jester’s hand as the lift moved towards Desmond’s, admiring his little love.

“Did you enjoy the ceremony, Pet?” One day soon, he and Jester would stand before their friends
and Jester would wear his collar. He knew it.

“It was beautiful, Hawk. They looked so happy.” Jester smiled up at him.
“They did. They deserve to be, yes? Desmond waited so long to find Connor.” He

grinned, leaning down for a kiss. “I’m lucky that I found you early. I hate waiting.”

Jester giggled, the laughter filling their kiss. He held Jester, laughing together as they

stepped out of the lift, meeting Malachi and Kestrel. His sweet pet, smiled shyly at Mal and Kes,
hand not growing tighter. Jester was growing more at ease here at the club.

Kestrel beamed at Jester. For whatever reason, Kestrel adored Jester and the two spent

time together, chatting and laughing, Kestrel enjoying his Pet’s company. “Wasn’t it lovely?
Perfect? Connor looked lovely.”

Mal rolled his eyes. “You’re just jealous because you and Jim aren’t collaring each

other …”

Kestrel fluttered. “Am not!”
Jester giggled. “Maybe just a little, Kestrel?”
Kestrel blushed. “Well … maybe we could have commitment ceremony. A party. I really

just want a nice party …”

Hawk rapped on Des’ door, chuckling, so pleased his Pet was making friends.
Desmond opened the door, the man just glowing. “Come in, my friends, come in.”
The suite looked fabulous – homey and happy, Connor’s touch slowly becoming evident

as time passed, warming Desmond’s hearth.

“Thank you for coming. Connor has a surprise for you this evening. His first public


Jester looked up at him. “What does he mean, Hawk?”
“He means Connor’s going to let Desmond have his will, that he trusts Desmond enough

to submit to him here, before us all.”

“Oh.” Jester’s hand tightened a little on his, his sweet pet pushing closer.
There was another knock at the door and Des opened it to let Gloucester and Katashi in, a

quiet peace hovering around the two men.

“Would you like to find a comfortable place to sit? To watch?” Desmond had arranged

sofas around, the lighting low, intimate, warm.

“This is the strangest party I’ve been to,” Jester told him.

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“Is it? There’s food, drink, friends.” He led them to a soft seat, settling Jester in his lap.
“But we’re here to … watch?”
“We’re here to celebrate their bond. Part of that is Desmond’s control, Connor’s


“Oh. Okay.” Jester curled up against him, watching as the others chatted and settled.
They all spoke quietly, relaxed and peaceful, the occasional chuckle sounding.
“Connor will be out momentarily. He’ll be bringing me a blindfold and attending me. I

promised to describe the perversions to him, so my dear friends I hope you do not disappoint us.”
Desmond winked at him.

He grinned and blew Des a kiss, laughing as Mal pouted, dramatically. “You’re not going

to let us play with your boy, Des?”

Desmond chuckled. “He’s strictly for show. I don’t share.”
“You used to,” teased Gloucester.
“Yes, old friend, but things change, don’t they?”
Smiling widely, Gloucester nodded, hand reaching for Katashi’s. “Yes, they do indeed,


Katashi reached out, stroked the simple silver and ivory band that circled Gloucester’s

throat. “Indeed.”

Connor came out, wearing only his kilt, a fur lined blindfold in his hands that he offered

to Desmond. “Sionadh.”

Jester tensed slightly in Hawk’s arms, eyes riveted.
“Thank you, Lyum.” Desmond took the blindfold. “You may greet our guests before we


Connor pinked and faced everyone, nodding. “Thank you for coming. All of you.”
Oh, so hard for Connor, but he did it for his top. Desmond must be so proud. Judging by

Desmond’s face he was. Bursting with it in fact.

“Kneel for me, Lyum.”
“Yes, Sionadh.” Connor sank down onto his knees, eyes for Desmond alone.
Desmond kissed Connor gently and then put the blindfold on, smoothing it gently.

“There. You look beautiful, my Lyum. And our guests have promised to be entertaining.”

Connor leaned towards Desmond, beautiful in submission.
“Oh,” gasped Jester. “So beautiful.”
“Yes,” agreed Gloucester. “Your love for Desmond shines from you, Connor.”
Connor flushed dark, face nestling into Desmond’s hand, lips moving, whispering.
“Yes, my sweet Lyum.” Desmond gathered a plate of pastries and sat on the couch,

Connor at his feet, accepting morsels of food.

“So who’s next?” Desmond asked. “You Hawk? Or you and your no nonsense man,


Hawk nuzzled Jester’s jaw, whispering low. “Would you wear my collar, sweet Pet?”
Alain’s soft laugh sounded, the pale face relaxed, happy. “Or my Sampson and me.”
“Only if I um, had one ah, too. Nothing against ah, the rest of um, you, but I don’t um,

want to ah, own Alain the, um, way his last ah, master did.” Sampson ducked his head, cheeks
bright. “We’re um, lovers. Partners in ah, pleasure.”

Jester’s hand went to his own throat, fingers stroking. Alain cuddled into Sampson’s

arms, their fingers twined together, and Hawk chuckled as Mal rolled his eyes. Jester glanced up
at him, his pet’s hands still at the slender throat.

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“What are you thinking, pretty love?” He leaned down, nuzzling Jester’s fingers.
“About what you asked me.” Big brown eyes gazed up at him. “Do you want me to?”
“Yes. But that is a choice you would have to make, love. A step you would need to take.”

He would not push Jester in this.

Jester nodded and kissed the side of his mouth before settling against him once more.
“So what’s new with the club, Mal?” Des winked at the head trainer. “Or should I ask


Mal laughed. “Well … this floor is to capacity. Richocet is entrenched in the training

hall, the head masseuse has the twins in hand and … I’m ashamed to say, I didn’t arrange any of
the couples here …”

Kestrel laughed. “Are you losing your touch, Mal?”
Desmond chuckled. “I understand you have arranged some interesting matches lately

though, Mal.”

Mal leaned back and nodded. “A few, yes. with more to come. Minuet is settled, as is

Ghost, others will be.”

Desmond chuckled. “Oh, Minuet is a beauty. A size queen, but a beauty nonetheless.”
Jester tugged on Hawk’s shirt and whispered. “What’s a size queen?”
“Someone who wants to be taken with a very large cock or toy.” He stroked his hand

down Jester’s hip, fingers teasing the cleft.

“Oh.” Jester’s mouth formed the word, but there was little sound behind it. They still

hadn’t made love that way, though his pet’s eyes were more curious than anything else.

He licked Jester’s ear. “Soon you’ll let me in, let me feel you, coming as you hold me


Jester gasped, hips rolling against him. “Hawk …”
“Yes, Pretty Pet?”
“You make me hard,” Jester whispered, eyes large.
“No one here will mind, Pet.” He pulled Jester into his lap, cock hard and hot. “You

make me hard, too.”

“I know, I just …” Jester’s face buried in his neck. “I don’t think I can be a show,


“Well, then, we’ll sit together and cuddle and watch, love.” He gave Jester a hug, smiling

as his pet relaxed.

Sampson cleared his throat. “Alain and I um, wanted to ah, share a demonstration with

ah, you this evening. Something a little um, personal for ah, us both. Our um, gift.”

A smattering of applause sounded, Desmond’s look surprised and pleased.
Alain looked perfectly at peace – a perfect person for Jester to watch.
“I imagine ah, Mal would um, tell you that my best ah, instrument is the um, cat ‘o nine

ah, tails.” Sampson looked to Mal for confirmation.

Mal nodded. “You’re the best I’ve seen since Desmond.”
Sampson ducked his head. “Oh. High compliment um, thank you ah, Mal. It isn’t ah, my

very um, best through. That would ah, be my um, hands.”

Alain nodded, a soft, sweet purr sounding through the room.
Jester wriggled against him at the sound, breath quickening.
Sampson stood, the boy thin and tall. “Alain, if you um, please.”
Alain took Sampson’s hand, body eager, wanton, unafraid. “Yes, love.”
Sampson kissed Alain softly and then helped him undress.

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Desmond was murmuring softly into Connor’s ear and then he undid the blindfold. “I

wouldn’t want Connor to miss out on this generous gift.” Connor blinked slowly, cheek coming
to rest on Desmond’s knee.

Alain was, as always, beautiful and ethereal, half-hard, black hair and intricate tattoo


Jester made a soft noise as the tattoo was revealed. “Oh …”
“Mmm … Isn’t it lovely?” Hawk murmured.
Alain bound his hair in a series of shimmering bands, draping it over one shoulder.
“Yes,” murmured Jester, wriggling against him, shifting until he could feel his pet’s hard

cock rub against his thigh.

Sampson bent nearly double to kiss Alain’s belly and then placed Alain over the coffee

table on his belly, limbs spread out.

The first slap of Sampson’s hand on Alain’s flesh was loud, making Jester jump. Alain

moaned, body rippling, the air suddenly heavy, charged, sensual. Sampson was completely
focused on Alain. They could have been completely alone.

The slaps continued, Sampson moving slowly, evenly coloring Alain’s skin. Back, arms,

thighs, buttocks, all became sweetly rosy. Alain was panting, flushed, sweet sounds just brushing
the air.

Jester was wriggling against him, jumping each time Sampson’s hand fell and then

rubbing each time Alain made a sound. Everyone’s eyes were on Alain and Sampson,
Desmond’s hands sliding over Connor’s skin. Even Kestrel was wriggling against Mal.

“See how he stretches, how he moves into the touches, how he needs?” Hawk licked at

Jester’s ear, spreading his thighs.

Jester nodded, hand sliding to his and slowly bringing it to his pet’s hardness. Jester’s

breath caught and then a soft moan sounded.

Oh, lovely.
Hawk purred, slowly rubbing Jester’s heat, breathing, blowing into Jester’s ear. Jester

moaned softly, shivering for him. That was when Sampson’s touches changed, slapping
becoming deep, bruising touches to the sensitized skin. Alain’s sounds grew low, needy, every
eye on Sampson’s hands, on Alain’s flesh. The bruises formed a pattern, connecting the rest of
Alain’s body to the beautiful tattoo on his back.

Hawk slid his hand inside Jester’s slacks, rubbing the sweet hard cock. Jester made a soft

noise, hips rolling with gentle motions.

Sampson’s hands gentled on Alain’s skin, massaging now, caressing. Then Sampson

stopped, kissed the small of Alain’s back. “I love um, you, Alain.”

“Mmm … my love.” Alain’s voice was hoarse, low. “Thank you.”
Sampson helped Alain up and then went to his knees, taking Alain’s leaking prick into

his mouth.

Jester cried out, cock pulsing in Hawk’s hand, heat pouring from his pet. He swallowed

his own moan, eyes fastened on the look of bliss on Alain’s face, the sheer joy there.

Sampson sucked hard, head bobbing on Alain’s prick, hands sliding from Alain’s ankles

up to his hips and then up to his shoulders. Alain cried out, head falling back, throat working.
Sampson’s hands drifted back down, wrapping around Alain’s hips and encouraging Alain to

Alain’s hands opened and closed, soft, honest cries filling the air. “Love!”

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Jester had collapsed against Hawk, nuzzling as they watched.
Sampson’s eyes were on Alain’s face, adoration in every line as he sucked his lover’s

cock. Alain came with a cry, slowly collapsing down into Sampson’s arms, soft appreciative
murmurs filling the air. Sampson leaned against a couch, slowly petting Alain who was curled in
his arms.

“Oh, my friends …” Desmond was breathless. “That was absolutely beautiful. Thank you

for honoring us with yourselves.”

Sampson dipped his head. “You’re ah, welcome. Congratulations.”
Alain smiled, but didn’t speak, simply cuddled with Sampson.
“What did you think, Connor?” Desmond asked.
“You were beautiful. Thank you.” Connor’s eyes were wide, dark, hungry.
“Yes,” murmured Jester. “I’ve never seen anything so … beautiful.”
Hawk beamed at his Pet, nodding. “You glow together.”
“Um, thank you.” Sampson beamed at them and then turned his attention back to Alain,

hands sliding over the bare, marked skin.

The soft chatter started up again until a soft tap came to the door. Desmond answered it, a

soft wave of chuckles sliding through the room as Zane and Daniel appeared, Daniel bound and
blindfolded, a ball gag stretching the full lips. “Sorry we’re late. My Poppet had some … issues.”

Jester gasped, stiffening. “Hawk?”
“Shh … It’s okay, Pet. Daniel requires a … very firm hand.” He kissed Jester’s temple.

“Look at him. He’s relaxed. Hard. Not struggling. Zane’s giving him what he needs.”

It was true, Daniel was all but melted against Zane, walking with lovely grace.
Zane nodded to Desmond, giving him a warm smile. “Congratulations, my friend.”
“Thank you, Zane. I’ll assume my old friend Daniel also wishes us his best.” Desmond


Zane chuckled. “Daniel will send a formal apology for our tardiness tomorrow. The

ceremony was lovely.”

“Well, you’ve just missed a lovely demonstration by Sampson and Alain. They quite lit

up the room.” Desmond led Zane and Daniel into the room to share the couch with Hawk and

His Pet’s eyes were huge, watching as Zane and Daniel sat, the beautiful bottom curling

into Zane, rubbing against the bald top.

“Oh, that’s a shame. They’re beautiful together.” Zane’s hands worked Daniel’s body,

touching and stroking, constantly focused on Daniel’s need.

Jester’s eyes were glued to them, his pet fascinated.
Mal chuckled, giving Daniel and Zane a smile. “I would offer you a gift of my skills, but

I haven’t any partner … Perhaps someone would volunteer …” Jester got a long, teasing look.

Hawk’s pet gasped and colored, shook his head.
Desmond chuckled. “No scaring the sweet ones, Mal.”
Hawk stroked Jester’s hair, petting. “Never, Pet. Mine, remember.”
Jester nodded, looking up at him. His pet obviously found the reassurance he was looking

for, the slender body relaxing back against him.

Kestrel laughed softly. “Be good, Malachi, or Desmond will let Jester beat you.”
The entire room broke into soft laughter, Malachi chuckling and winking at Jester.
Jester giggled.
“Oh, now that would be something to see,” Des agreed.

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Kestrel reached up, mussed Mal’s bleached hair. “No beating our big, bad Dom about

town … “

Mal tackled Kestrel, laughing. “Bitch.”
“Oh, are you volunteering to be his sub for the evening, Kestrel?” Desmond asked. “It

would be like old times.”

Kestrel blushed a deep, sweet pink, hands fluttering. “Oh. Oh, no. Jim would … He

wouldn’t understand. We … we have an agreement.”

“Oh, love is in the air. Well, I’m sorry we won’t get to see a display like that again, but

I’m very happy for you, Kestrel.” Desmond raised a glass toward their colorful Kestrel.

A number of glasses were raised and Kestrel blushed, eyes shining. Mal cupped Kestrel’s

cheek, kissing his friend gently.

Desmond purred softly. “Well, I don’t know what Hercules has put in the water, but let’s

hope it sticks.”

Kestrel’s eyes were wet and the pretty bird curled against Mal, fingers twined.
Jester murmured happily, cuddling against him.
Katashi stood, bringing Gloucester to the front of the room. “We would offer our gift,


Gloucester’s pale robe was opened, the thin body arranged cross-legged on a low table.

Katashi stood, their eyes joined. “Only me. There is nothing but my voice and our hearts

“Yes, Kata,” answered Gloucester, eyes on Katashi’s, face calm.
Jester uncurled, sitting straighter in Hawk’s lap again to watch.
There was little to see, Katashi and Gloucester breathing in tandem, hands moving in a

careful pattern, Katashi leading Gloucester effortlessly. The room was silent and his pet had
begun to breathe with the pair on display. The air was heavy, rich with passion and anticipation.
Gloucester began to vibrate, low humming harmonizing between them.

Jester’s breath caught again, hand reaching for his.
“Gloucester. Love. Come for me.” Katashi’s voice was low, rich.
Gloucester gasped softy, entire body rippling as he came. The scent of sex and desire

colored the air.

Katashi smiled, hand cupping Gloucester’s jaw. “Perfect.”
“Thank you, Kata,” murmured Gloucester, eyes only for Katashi.
“I agree,” murmured Desmond, shaking his head. “I’m blown away. Again. To have two

such demonstrations offered to us tonight. We are honored.”

Katashi bowed deeply, the motion graceful, beautiful. Gloucester also bowed, face and

body peaceful.

“Wow,” murmured Jester. “They were both so amazing. I never dreamed such things.”
“Oh, sweet love, we’ll learn so much together.” He turned Jester’s face to his, taking a

long kiss. “We’re just beginning.”

There was a time such words and the demonstrations they’d seen would have worried his

sweet pet, but now it excited Jester, intrigued him. He could see it in his Pet’s eyes, in the way
Jester was rubbing against him again.

The lights were dimmed, the couples slowly beginning to embrace, to start low


“Is he okay?” Jester asked, nodding at Daniel.

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“Would you like to meet Zane, ask him?” Hawk smiled at Zane, who moved nearer,

keeping Daniel close.

Jester didn’t look entirely sure, but nodded. “Okay.”
Zane held a hand out to Jester, shook it gently. “Hello, Jester. I’m sorry we haven’t met

before. Daniel and I have been away on business.”

His Pet shook Zane’s hand. “Is he okay?”
“He’s just fine.” Zane’s hand slid down Daniel’s back, stroking. “He needs to test who is

in control, Jester, but he’s beautiful bound, stunning.”

Jester frowned. “But if he’s testing who’s in control, doesn’t that mean he wants to be?”
Zane smiled and shook his head. “What he wants is to know that no matter what he pulls,

I notice, I care enough to stop him, bind him. See him.”

Jester turned his attention back to Daniel. “I’m not sure I understand. He needs to be

blindfolded to know that you see him?”

“He needs to be blindfolded so he can focus, Jester.”
“Was that why Connor was wearing one?”
Hawk nodded. “Yes, Pet. So that Desmond was all Connor knew, so Connor could


Jester settled back against him, his pet obviously considering that.
Meanwhile Daniel rubbed against Zane like a cat. Zane purred, hands sure on Daniel’s

skin, the low voice rumbling, talking. Promising.

“He does look happy,” Jester murmured, looking up at him.
Hawk nodded. “He is happy. Zane loves him, cares for him. Daniel is Zane’s entire


“The focus thing keeps coming up,” murmured Jester.
“It’s important. It’s … it’s what we do? Focus on our lovers, our partners. Try to make

things bigger, better.”

“Like how you make me feel like I’m the most important thing in the universe.”
Hawk nodded. “You are the most important thing in my universe.”
Simple. Sappy.
And Jester melted against him with a soft ‘oh’ and a happy moan. He smiled, snuggling

Jester close to him, licking at those warm, soft lips. Jester’s mouth opened to him, his pet so

“Mmm …” He rocked against Jester, fingers sliding through the soft hair.
“Do you want to blindfold me?” Jester asked, eyes watching him closely.
“That would depend on you, Pet.” He took another kiss. “If it would scare you? No. If it

would excite you? Yes.”

“But what about what you want, Hawk? Doesn’t that count?”
Oh, so giving, his sweet pet. “I want to make you fly, Pet. I want to bring you pleasure.”
“Oh, you do, Hawk. I want you to have pleasure, too.”
Desmond chuckled. “Maybe you should wear the blindfold, Hawk,” teased his friend.
Hawk laughed. “No. Then I couldn’t watch Jester come.”
“Hawk!” Jester buried the sweet face in his neck.
He pet Jester’s hair. “It’s true, Pet.”
Jester looked back up at him. “I think I would do anything you asked me to, Hawk.”

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He beamed down at his Pet, the sound of someone moaning, someone else purring low,

loud in his ears. “I love you, Pet.”

Jester beamed up at him, so lovely. “I love you, Hawk.”
Another sweet, low cry sounded, the lights dimming yet again, allowing them to touch, to

interact, to play.

Jester pushed up, bringing their lips together, the thin arms wrapping around his neck. He

moaned, leaning Jester back onto the sofa, fingers teasing the sensitive little nipples. Jester
whimpered, bucking up into his touch, his pet seeming to have forgotten the others.

He wanted to look up – to see Connor’s reaction, to see what Zane was doing to draw that

sound from Daniel, but Jester enthralled him and he searched for skin, petting and stroking. His
sweet pet sang for him, soft gasps and needy moans, whimpers and whispers and pleas.

He freed Jester’s cock, fingers wrapping around the hard flesh. Jester cried out, hands

finding his shoulders and holding on tight as the thin hips pushed up into his hand.

“Yes. Mine. So lovely.” He pulled his own cock free, bringing their flesh together.
“Hawk! Oh!” Jester moved against him, eyes on his, full of pleasure.
The sounds of pleasure grew, hands moving on flesh, the scent of pleasure strong.
“Hawk!” Jester shouted his name, sweet body shaking as heat poured over his fingers.
He rubbed his own cock harder, wanting to mix their seed, wanting to taste it on Jester’s

lips. His pet’s hand slid across his, fingers touching the tip of his cock.

“Oh …” He arched, licking Jester’s lips. “Again.”
Jester’s eyes watched his, the soft touch coming again. Hawk moaned, emptying over

Jester’s fingers, heat low in his belly. His swiped his fingers through their combined seed,
spreading it over Jester’s lips and leaning down to lap it off. Jester gasped, tongue sliding out
taste as well.

“Mmm … we taste fine together.” Jester licked again. “Salty sweet.”
He nuzzled, relaxing down against Jester’s warmth. “Yes.”
Jester nuzzled against him, his sweet Pet’s eyes heavy-lidded.
“Should we stay longer or go home, Pet?”
“Would it be rude to go, Hawk? I’m just tired all of a sudden.”
“Not rude at all, Pet.” He stood, cleaning them both quickly before looking for Desmond

and Connor, seeing if they were too busy to disturb.

Desmond was feeding Connor slices of fruit, purring softly as Connor licked his fingers

and hand clean.

“Congratulations, my friends. Perhaps, when you find time, we might all spend the day

together. Swim. Play.” Jester needed more friends like Connor, like Kestrel, people who simply
enjoyed him.

“Oh, I’d like that. As would our boys, I think. Thank you so much for coming and

sharing yourselves with us.”

He smiled, Jester nodding to Connor who just barely noticed them, just smiled back for a

heartbeat before turning back to Desmond.

Jester leaned against him, hand sliding into his. The look he got was very much like

Connor’s for Desmond, pure adoration and focus.

He leaned down, stroking Jester’s throat. One day it would be their party.

One day soon.

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Chapter Sixteen

Jester sat on the bench at the private transport platform, nibbling on his lower lip as he

waited for Hawk. He hoped Hawk wasn’t mad at him, he’d botched up twice today, badly
enough they’d had to stop the line both times. And really, there’d been a dozen other little things
he’d missed or turned incorrectly.

He was just so distracted by yesterday.
Desmond and Connor’s collaring ceremony would have given him enough food for

thought, but the private party they’d attended afterward … well he’d never seen anything like it

Blindfolds and breathing together and hitting and binding and … Hawk wanted to do that

with him. All of it and more, he imagined. Probably more than he could even imagine.

Oh, see this was how he’d gotten in trouble earlier. Thinking about it made him short of

breath and made his cock throb and try to find room in his overalls and his skin was hot.

He was dizzy.
“Pet? I think we need to stop at the medunit when we get home. You’ve been dazed and

confused all day.” Hawk’s hand landed on his shoulder, startling him. He jumped, eyes flying
open, blushing hard.

“Oh. Hawk, I’m sorry. I’m not sick.” He shook his head. “I just … I should have been

able to put it behind me and focus on work, I’m sorry.”

“Put what behind you, Pet?” Hawk’s eyes narrowed. “Did someone hurt you? Scare

you?” That rich voice was a low rumble, deep and growly.

“Oh! Oh, no.” He reached up and took Hawk’s hand, still blushing. “No, I just …

yesterday … at the party. I saw so many things and it’s all I’ve been able to think about. I made
so many mistakes at work today because of it.”

“Oh.” Those eyes warmed right back up, one of those warm arms sliding around him.

“Oh, that’s something else altogether, isn’t it?”

He blushed harder and hid his face in Hawk’s chest. “I’m hard, Hawk. I’ve been hard all

day long.” He was being so bold, but that party … he knew he was one of the least bold people
who’d been there, even if he was being bold now.

“Mmm … you liked what you saw; you want to know what some of it was like.” Hawk’s

hand dropped to his cock, rubbing it gently, right there in the station.

He gasped, eyes darting around, but the platform was empty. He nodded, pushed against

Hawk’s hand. “Yes.”

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“You want to fly, want to let me inside you, in your head.” Hawk’s hand moved faster,

rubbing harder.

He could only nod, gasping hands reaching out to grab onto Hawk’s arms and hold on.
“So pretty. So wanton.” Hawk nipped his earlobe, growling low.
“Hawk, I’m going to …” Someone came onto the platform and he buried his face against

Hawk, body still moving eagerly.

“Come for me, Pet. Just me. No one else matters. Just you and me.”
He cried out into Hawk’s chest, body shaking as heat spilled from him into Hawk’s hand.
“Oh, lovely. Perfect. My sweet pet.”
He leaned against Hawk, just breathing in his lover and the strong smell of his own come.

Oh … oh, if he had a choice he would never work again, not because he wasn’t willing to earn
his way, but because he wanted to spend his days and nights drowning in Hawk.

Hawk’s hands were everywhere, soft encouraging love-words whispered to him.
He wrapped his arms around Hawk’s middle and looked up into the dark eyes. “I love

you, Hawk. And I want you to teach me.”

Those brown eyes were so warm, pleased. “Oh. Oh, my Pet. You have made me so


He beamed up at Hawk, aware of nothing except those happy eyes. “You make me happy

every day, Hawk.”

“Good. Come home. Come home and we’ll play.”
“Yes, please, Hawk.”
He shivered, with happiness and anticipation, a little trepidation. He trusted Hawk totally,

but it still made him nervous, the things he knew and the things he imagined that went on at the
Hawk took his hand and led him to the transport, led him home.

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Chapter Seventeen

Poor Jester was vibrating by the time Hawk got them home and upstairs and that

wouldn’t do, not at all. “Bath first. Bubbles. Lots of bubbles.” Hawk grabbed some champagne
from the cooler on the way. He’d get Jester relaxed, happy, bubbly, then they’d begin to play.

“A bubble bath?” Jester giggled.
“Yep. Bubbles and champagne and hot water and snuggling. Tons of snuggling.” He

winked down, goosing Jester playfully.

Jester shrieked and giggled harder. “I’ve never had champagne before. Are we


“We are. We’re celebrating us.” He started stripping Jester down, petting the soft skin as

he went.

Jester murmured happily, shivering under his touches. “I like the sound of that.”
He gently tweaked one of Jester’s nipples, drawing it up to a point. Jester moaned,

pressing into him.

“Oh, you like that.” He pinched harder, tugging a little, licking at Jester’s lips. That

earned him a gasp, Jester’s mouth opening to him. Oh, those pretty nipples would be so fine,
decorated with little clamps …

Hawk groaned, tongue pushing deep into Jester’s lips. Sweet sounds were fed into his

mouth, Jester’s hands sliding up to hold onto his shoulders. He kept touching, kept tugging on
the hard little nubs as the kiss got deeper and deeper. Jester gasped, clinging to him, shaking.

Hawk slowly backed off, purring. “Turn on the water, Pet. I’ll pour the champagne.”

Slow and sure. Slow and sure.

Jester blinked at him, breathless. “The water?”
“For the tub.” He took another kiss. “Bubbles, too.”
“Oh, right.” Jester giggled. “You see – that’s what kept happening on the line. I kept

getting distracted by you.”

“Well, I’ll have to make sure you’re full of me so you can’t be distracted anymore.”
Jester stopped, breath catching. “Oh … okay.”
He reached around, fingers stroking Jester’s cleft, teasing the tight hole.
Jester gasped again, shivering returning.
“Want you.”
“Oh, Hawk, yes, please.” Jester pushed against him, face turning up for another kiss.
He grabbed Jester up, took them to the bed. Bathing could wait. Slender arms and legs

wrapped around him.

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“Going to make love to you, Pet. Going to join us together.” His cock was throbbing, so

hard, needing.

“Oh, Hawk.” A ripple went through Jester, little kisses pressed along his face.
“Yes, love.” They got to the bed, stripped off their clothes. He leaned in, licking at

Jester’s ear. “I’m going to sit on the bed, I want you to lie over my lap so I can touch you, get
you ready for me.” He’d waited so long.

“Okay, Hawk.” So trusting. His sweet pet was eager and nervous and, he thought,

probably a little scared, but Jester’s trust was pure.

Hawk grabbed the lube and settled, patting his lap gently. “Come here and let me love


Jester laid across his lap, cock hard and hot against his thighs. “L … like this?”
“Mmm … yes, Pet.” He purred, let his hand trail down Jester’s spine, just stroking,

petting, loving.

Jester’s nervous shivers soon faded, sweet noises sounding and Jester moved into his


“You feel good to me, Jester. Warm and close.” He poured a little oil along Jester’s back,

letting it drip along Jester’s cleft, before massaging it in.

Jester whimpered, hands grabbing onto the sheets, legs moving restlessly.
“Relax, Pet. There’s nothing you can do wrong. Just feel. Enjoy it.”
“What do I do with my hands?” Jester’s voice was breathless, wanton.
“Would you like me to bind them so you don’t have to worry about it?” His cock

throbbed, beautiful love.

Jester stilled, the cock pressed against his thigh throbbed to match his own. “Oh. Yes?”
Hawn leaned back, digging through his bedside table to find the fur-lined cuffs. They

were soft and solid, so comfortable and sensual. Jester would love them. He fastened one around
his Pet’s wrist before Jester even knew what he was doing.

Jester’s breath caught and he slid his free hand along the cuff. “It’s so soft, Hawk …”
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” He fastened the other on. “Pick a word for me, Pet. Something

that you can say if you want me to stop everything.”

“What?” Dazed eyes looked back at him, shivery ripples going through his sweet pet.
“A word for in case you get scared, need me to stop. Like a “red light!” word.”
Jester looked confused. “You won’t stop if I ask you to stop?”
“I will, but what if I accidentally thought you said ‘don’t stop’? I don’t want to take that


“Oh. Red light?”
“Perfect.” He leaned over and took a long, deep kiss. They could explore the other

reasons for a safeword later. Jester melted, moaning into his mouth, the confusion leaving his
eyes, replaced by passion.

Hawk’s hand slid down, cupped Jester’s ass, fingers sliding along the crease. Jester’s

eyes dropped closed, sounds of bliss and need pouring from him. Hawk took his time, circling
the wrinkled hole, oiling it, wetting it, waiting until Jester pressed back for it before sliding one
finger inside.

“Hawk! Oh!” A shudder moved through Jester, his pet’s body clamping down tight

around his finger.

“Mmm … yes, Pet. So tight. So hot.” He moved in steady, slow motions, admiring the

body draped over him, loving the feel of Jester’s need on his thighs.

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Jester moaned, body slowly beginning to move again, breath hitching sweetly. He added

more oil, finger pushing deep, searching. Jester jerked suddenly, shouting his name as heat
splashed over his thighs.

Hawk purred, using the aftershocks of his lover’s orgasm to ease the way as he slid a

second finger in, continuing to move.

The slender body over his thighs writhed, Jester’s body rippling with aftershocks,

gripping his fingers rhythmically. “Hawk … oh. Oh.”

“Yes, Pet. Yes, you’re doing so well, feel so fine.” He closed his eyes, breathing slowly

so he wouldn’t come, would keep his control.

Jester’s gaspy little breaths continued and soon his sweet pet was rocking back, taking his

fingers eagerly. More oil and he pushed deeper, stroking the little gland over and over, sending
shock after shock through his Pet.

Jester’s cock was hard again, rubbing against him as Jester writhed. “Oh, please, Hawk,


“Do you want my cock, Pet? Do you want to feel me inside you?” His fingers pegged

Jester’s gland again, stroking hard.

Jester jerked, entire body shaking. “Yes. Yes, Hawk.” A soft whimper sounded, Jester’s

ass pushing back onto his fingers.

“Hands and knees, pretty love.” His fingers slid free, moving to slick his cock as Jester


Jester obeyed him, trust still implicit, total. Cuffed wrists together forced Jester to lean on

his elbows, head resting on the soft fur of the cuffs, ass high in the air.

Hawk leaned down, tongue sliding over the sweet, stretched hole, kissing gently. “Mine.”
Jester made a keening noise that was half sob. “Yes, Hawk. Please.”
He leaned up, covering Jester’s body with his own, cock nudging the tight hole, slowly

pushing inside. “Take me in, Pet. Take me.”

Whimpering, Jester pushed back against him, body rippling around Hawk’s cock.

“You’re so big.”

He pet Jester’s belly, cock. “Made to love you, Pet. Made to be inside you, make you


“Yes, please, Hawk. It’s so much. I can feel you.”
“You’re so hot, Pet. Making me need.”
More sweet sounds come from Jester, his sweet pet shaking, needing.
Slowly he rocked, taking Jester in slow, easy thrusts, making it good, making it last.
“Oh, Hawk! Hawk …” Slowly but surely, Jester began to rock against him, pushing into

each thrust.

“Yes. Yes. Pet.” His hand was wrapped around Jester’s cock, thumb working the head as

his thrusts got harder.

Jester’s noises became louder, his sweet Pet shaking again, cock hard and leaking.
“Want you to come for me, come around me. Let me feel you.” He was close, pushing

hard, lost in the tight heat.

“Hawk!” His sweet pet cried out to him, body clamping down hard around him as heat

flowed over his hand.

His cry was sharper, echoing as they slammed together a few more times, filling his

sweet boy with seed. Jester lay beneath him, body holding him tight, shaking softly.

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He pulled out of Jester’s body slowly, fingers unfastening the cuffs as he drew Jester into

his arms, held his Pet close. “So good, my Pet.”

Jester nodded, tears sliding slowly down his face as he curled into Hawk.
Hawk purred, slowly licking the tears away, keeping Jester close and warm and safe. “I

love you, Jester.”

“I love you, too, Hawk. So much. So big.” Jester beamed up at him, face blissful.
“Yours.” He kissed the pretty eyes, the tip of Jester’s nose, the soft lips. Jester whimpered

softly, kissing him back, hands sliding around him and holding on.

They settled together on the bed, wrapped together, joined.

Jester was truly home now.

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Chapter Eighteen

Jester woke slowly, curled warm and comfortable against Hawk. His ass ached just a bit,

reminding him what they’d done the night before. He buried his face against Hawk’s skin, his
cock hard, rubbing.

And that was just the start, he knew there were so many things that Hawk wanted to show

him, that he wanted to learn. He rubbed harder against Hawk, wishing they didn’t have to go to
work. He wanted to do everything right away, wanted to make Hawk happy.

Hawk purred, one hand cupping his ass, squeezing it gently. Jester squeaked, pushing

harder against Hawk.

“Morning, Pet.” One finger tapped his tender hole, sending sparks through him.
He shivered. “Oh … good morning, Hawk.”
“Are you sore? Hurting?” He was given a long, slow kiss.
He shook his head once their mouths parted. “It aches and when you touch it …” Jester

shivered again, unable to explain the sweet sensations.

Hawk reached out, dipped his finger in the oil, then stroked him again. “Good?”
He closed his eyes as the ache eased with Hawk’s touch, pleasure taking over, making his

belly hard, hot. “Yes.”

“Yes. I think we should come this morning, yeah? Make for an easier day at work?”

Hawk started fucking him with two fingers, gentle. Easy.

He cried out, rubbing against Hawk’s skin some more, shivering at the sensation of those

long fingers inside him. “Yes, Hawk.”

“Yes. Love.” Hawk was panting, fingers pushing deeper, cocks rubbing together.
He curled his hands around Hawk’s shoulders, holding on as Hawk sent him higher and

higher. Then Hawk’s fingers brushed that spot again and he cried out, hands tightening. “Oh!”

“Yes, Pet. More.” Hawk kissed him, growled for him.
“Yes, please, Hawk. Show me more.” He was breathless and shaking, body strung tight

with pleasure, Hawk making him fly.

He was spread even wider, Hawk thrusting down against him, over and over. He

shuddered, body growing tight, holding Hawk’s fingers inside him as he came.

It didn’t take but few more thrusts before Hawk cried out, heat pouring over him, Hawk’s

tongue pushing into his lips. He held onto Hawk, kissing with all he had.

“Mmm … Good morning, sweet Pet.” Hawk nuzzled, grinning wide.
He smiled back. “Oh, good morning, Hawk.”
“I love you.” Hawk goosed him. “Come on, Pet. Shower. Breakfast. Then work.”

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“Yes, Hawk.” He was a little breathless from the goosing, rubbing against Hawk. “And

tonight you’ll show me more?”

“Tonight and tomorrow and every day after.”
“Oh, I love you, Hawk. Thank you for finding me and bringing me home.”
“Oh, my Pet. It has always been my pleasure.”
Jester pushed close and laid his head on Hawk’s chest. He was never going to let Hawk

go, never ever.


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Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.


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