Sean Michael Velvet Glove Resurrection Velvet Song

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and

incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination

or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,

locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely

coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or

the publisher.

Velvet Song

Torquere Press Publishers

1380 Rio Rancho Blvd #1319

Rio Rancho, NM 87124

Copyright 2013 by Sean Michael

Cover illustration by A. Squires

Published with permission

ISBN: 978-1-61040-618-5

All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce

this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except

as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information

address Torquere Press. Inc., 1380 Rio Rancho Blvd #1319,

Rio Rancho, NM 87124.

First Torquere Press Printing: November 2013

Printed in the USA


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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

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Velvet Song

By Sean Michael


Jester loved his life. He loved Master Hawk -- he

loved that Hawk was in his life. He loved that they were

rebuilding the Velvet Glove, the premiere BDSM club in

the galaxy, after all the destruction of the bomb, and that

somehow, he was in charge of it all with Hawk. But some

days he was sure he’d never be able to do even half as good

a job as Kestrel had. Some days he didn’t think they’d ever

get the Glove open again.

Today was one of those days. Everything he’d looked at

had been wrong today, and it felt like they were so beåhind

schedule. The grand opening was less than a month away,

and he was desperately worried that they’d be partying with

skeleton walls.

He walked into the tiny group of rooms and training

salles that were complete, filled with a bare-bone staff.

Here it didn’t look so empty, so raw. They were beautiful,

in fact. He went into the first empty salle and tested the

environment controls, turning the room into a beautiful,

open room on a tropical island.

That was so neat. They had dozens of scenes

programmed in that married visual technology with sounds

and scents to make them seem so real.

“Pet, love?” His communit buzzed, his Master’s face

appearing and his lovely Dom looked so tired. “Tell me you

can share late meal with me.”

“I can!” He didn’t even check his schedule. Hawk

needed him.

“Oh, excellent. I’m having the meal delivered. Please let


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the staff know we’re not to be disturbed tonight.”

A shiver of excitement and anticipation rolled through

him. “Yes, Master.”

“Thank you.” Hawk smiled at him. “Soon, Pet.”

He nodded. “Yes, Master. I’ll get everything wrapped up

as soon as possible.”

“Good man.” The communit went dark.

There was a bounce in his step now as he signed off on

the training salles and checked his messages, making sure

there wasn’t anything that needed his immediate attention.

He answered a handful of communiques, then headed to

their rooms. He didn’t run to the maintenance lift, but

once he was up on their floor, he did run, hurrying to their


The music was playing when he arrived, a movie cued

up to start on the vidscreen, and there was water pouring

in the bathroom, the scent of Hawk’s soap delicious. He

turned off his communit and put it down, taking a moment

to savor the scents and sounds of home. Oh, he did love his


Then he hurried to the bathroom, more eager to see

Hawk than to worry about changing into clean clothes.

Maybe his master would like Jester to join him in the water.

“Is that you, Jester?” Hawk smiled at him from under the

water, skin shining, tempting him.

“Yes, Master. Do you need someone to wash your back?”

He was already stripping out of his clothing.

“Always.” The smile he got was tired, but happy.

He squirmed out of the rest of his clothes and climbed

into the shower, arms wrapping around Hawk’s middle.

Hawk drew him in, holding him close, rocking him.

“Oh, Master, it’s so good to see you.”

“It is. It’s been so busy, hmm? So many things to do.”

He rubbed his cheek against Hawk’s water-slick chest.

“So busy. I keep worrying I won’t be able to do it as well as

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Kestrel. I don’t want to disappoint anyone.”

“You’ll be perfect. You were made to do this work.”

Hawk’s voice was sure, strong.

He felt himself fill with confidence. “Thank you, Master.

It feels so good to have a job, to be contributing -- and I

don’t want to let anyone down.”

“You won’t. We’ll make mistakes, both of us. Herc and

Mal and Kes did, too.”

“They did?” They always seemed so sure of themselves,

all three of them. And anytime he’d ever had a problem,

Kes had been able to help.

“Gods above and below, yes. Don’t you worry, we’ll

figure things out.”

Jester looked up at his master’s beautiful face, Hawk

shielding him from the falling water. “You promise?”

“I swear.” Hawk sounded so sure, just like the others.

Perfectly sure.

“I believe you.” He did. Jester went up on his tiptoes,

begging a kiss.

His master gave it, taking his lips like there was nothing

in the galaxy Hawk needed more. Moaning, Jester opened

up wide, letting Hawk in.

Oh. Oh, his Hawk. The troubles of the day faded, the

kisses making him dizzy. He squeezed Hawk tight, tongue

sliding along Hawk’s. By the time their lips parted, he was

gasping, almost laughing because of the joy that filled him.

Hawk made him so happy, deep inside. Also hard on the


He rubbed against his beautiful Master.

“There. That’s better.” Hawk chuckled, kissed his nose.

“You should always be smiling and erect.”

He blushed -- even after all this time his master could

make his cheeks heat.

“Beautiful love.” Hawk cupped his jaw, tilted his face

and kissed him again. “Let’s eat and you can tell me about


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your day.”

“Eat?” He shivered with need, but nodded. “Yes,


Hawk’s lips brushed over his jaw. “Eat, visit, then I want

to explore your need.” One finger trailed along his eager


He whimpered. “Please, Master.”

“Does my pet need release now?” Those fingers wrapped

around him, tugging him slowly. “A release from the day?”

“Oh, yes, Master.” He nodded, his whole body pushing

into Hawk’s hand.

“So lovely. My Jester.” Hawk kissed him, tongue

pushing into his lips.

He shifted his hold to Hawk’s arms, fingers sliding on

the strong muscles. Hawk knew exactly what he needed,

what made the world disappear.

“Master.” If Hawk hadn’t been holding him up, he surely

would have fallen.

“Yes.” Hawk’s smile made him feel like the most

beautiful man alive.

“I love you.”

“Show me.” Hawk’s thumb rubbed over the tip of his


“Master!” He cried out, his whole body jerking as poured

his pleasure out into Hawk’s hand.

“Good. So good, Pet.” Hawk beamed at him, dark eyes


“Yes, Master. So good.” He nuzzled Hawk. “Thank you.”

“You’re more than welcome.”

“Do you need, Master?”

“After our supper, Pet. I want your mouth.”

“Mmm.” He loved sucking Hawk. “Are you sure you

want to wait?”

Hawk’s laugh wrapped around him like a blanket. His

own laughter answered it and he hugged Hawk so tightly.

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He had an amazing life and it was all thanks to Hawk.

Hawk and the Velvet Glove, new and improved.

“I love you.” So much he couldn’t contain it.

“I know.” His nose was given a peck. “Come and eat.”

He said the words he would always say. “Yes, Master.”

“Good Pet. I want to hear about your day.”


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Chapter One

Mabon turned his noise-cancelling earphones up to high,

focusing on painting the heat-aware nanopaint onto the

walls. This place was going to be... interesting, when it was

done. So many odd rooms, unique constructions. One of

the electricians said that there were alarms in every room.

Every one. What type of club needed alarms?

Focus. Focus, Mabon.

There was an air of tension here, a constant internal song

that tried to distract him, tug him away from the comforting

silence of work, of the static pushing into his ears to help

him focus.

Someone came in, their shadow falling across his

workspace and he winced, hoping it would continue on and

ignore him, but it didn’t. It stayed.

He stood and removed the noise-cancelling earphones,

the rush of sound loud and sudden enough that he swayed a

moment, dizzy with it. The shadow reached out for him and

he backed away, shook his head. No. No, that... that would

be bad.

“I’ll be done in here in ten minutes, but no one can touch

it for a day.” He tried not to look at anyone he didn’t know.

His boss had been very clear. No looking. No eye contact.

And he would be deported if he formed a bond with

someone of a higher caste.

“What is that you’re painting on the wall?” The man’s

voice was deep, he might even say thrilling.

“The paint reacts to body heat.”

“Oh, very nice.”

He nodded, then got back to work, careful to cover the

wall evenly.

The guy didn’t leave, and he could feel eyes on him.

Watching. The bond-song battered at him, making his

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shoulders tight, his heart race.

Mabon finished his project, then stepped away from

the wall, putting out his blinking floor sign that said, “No


“Oh, that’s good.”

“Hmm?” He looked over, the glance instinctive. Strong.

Lovely. He looked away before he could see more than

that. “The nanites will be active in a day or so.”

“Oh, I meant the no touching sign. In a place where

touching is very much the reason for its existence.”

“Well, you touch the paint and I’ll just have to redo it

and my boss will bitch.”

The corner of the man’s mouth twitched. “I was teasing,


Lovely? Him? That was funny. Maybe it meant

something else wherever this man, that he was absolutely

not looking at, came from. Planets were weird.

“So, does this mean you’re finished work for the day?”

“Yes. This is the end of my work week. I’ll... I’ll get

out of your way.” He had a long ride home and traffic was

terrible. He hadn’t seen his room in ten days and Mabon

was ready. Sleep, an air shower.

“Excellent. You can have dinner with me.”

“I... Pardon me?”

The man smiled and he was stunning, really stunning

and, oh, by the moons, Mabon was looking. “I would like

to have dinner with you.”

Tall and fine, the stranger stole his breath away and

shaking his head was the hardest thing he’d ever done. “I

only have a few moments before the transport leaves, I’m


“My quarters are finished, and I have a guest room.” The

man held out his hand. “I’m Efren.”

“Mabon. They told us not to look, even. I prob’ly



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“You didn’t look -- I did.” One long-fingered hand

reached out, touched his arm, tested his muscles. “I’m still

looking and I like what I see.”

“I...” Oh. Oh, man. He was going to. He. Whoa.

Electricity buzzed through him, the song in his head

enough to blur his vision.

“Mabon? Are you finished?” His boss, Xen, rounded

the corner. “What did I tell you about interacting with the

residents, boy?”

“I’m sorry.” Moons. Moons, focus. Breathe.

This sound came out of Efren, a growl from deep in his

chest and it was magnificent. “He’s not your boy.”

“Go on, Mab. I’ll speak with you later. You’ll miss

your transport.” Xen towered over him and he nodded. He

needed this job. He was trying to get into the local guild

and he needed a recommendation. He didn’t want to be


“Yes, Sir.” He gave Efren an apologetic look.

Efren’s hand wrapped around his arm. “I’ll make sure

you get home.” Then the tall man gave Xen a look. “Are

you suggesting I’m doing something inappropriate with


“Of course not. Mab knows he’s not supposed to interact

here. Too many pheromones.”

Mabon felt his cheeks heat and he slipped out of Efren’s

hold, heading away. It was hard enough, being a Setian, but

working in this place made him a joke.

“Mabon. Stop right there.” There was something about

Efren’s voice, something that made his footsteps slow...

“This is a bad idea. His kind can’t control themselves in

sexual situations. It’s like a disease. A virus.”

Mabon ducked his head, winced. God.

The beautiful man did not back down. “I have asked him

to share a meal with me. You would do best not to interfere

with the private matters of Glove members.”

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“Your decision.” Xen gave Mabon a look. “I’ll contact

you about your next position. It will not be here.”

“Yes, boss.” He stood there as the big man stormed off.

“What an unreasonable and unpleasant man.”

Mabon looked up into the palest brown eyes he’d ever

seen, then chuckled softly.

Efren smiled. “That is a lovely sound.”

“Thank you. I... I do have to catch the transport or I’ll

be stuck in the city through the weekend. I only have a

worker’s travel permit.”

“I have that guest room if you need it. Or I can pay for a

private transport.” Efren’s smile became... warmer. “I want

you for dinner, lovely one.”

No one had never called him lovely before. Ever.

And now Efren had done it twice. He licked his lips, the

chemistry between them sharp, the song inside him dancing

with it.

Efren held out his arm, looking at Mabon expectantly,

“I have paint on me.” He didn’t want to muss Efren at


“I don’t melt in water.”

“Does anyone? That would be awful.” He took Efren’s

arm, arching at the jolt of electricity that shot through him.

Efren made a purring noise, free hand coming to touch

his, to hold it against the man’s arm. “I knew you were

special the moment I saw you.”

“I’m a Setian. You know that, right?”

“It means you are more sensitive to your surroundings

than many.”

He nodded. “We don’t touch people very often.”

“How terrible for you.” Efren moved them to the main

lift. The one reserved for guests, for... members. The

workers like him took the construction elevator fabricated

on the outside of the building. It wasn’t finished yet and

Efren tsked. “I forgot we need to go use the service lift as


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these aren’t ready yet.”

“Am I going to get you in trouble for this?” The facility

was going to be beautiful. It wasn’t for the likes of him.

“Absolutely not.”

The lift doors opened and they went in, Efren pushing

the button for the ninth floor. Even this lift was so quiet,

lush and fancy, and yet all Mabon could see was Efren.

When the lift stopped they stepped into a world that seemed

even more luxurious.

Efren opened a door with a touch of his palm. “Tell me

what foods you can’t eat.”

“I don’t eat meat.” Animals had feelings.

“What about artificial meat?”

Mabon nodded. He wasn’t picky. “I had a food bar this


“Oh, I think we can do a little better than that.” Efren

drew him into the most beautiful room all done in blues so

that it looked like they were underwater.

“Oh, it’s beautiful. It was so empty when I painted up


“Thank you. I like the seas.” Efren pointed to the huge

fish tank that divided the kitchen from the living room.

“Oh.” Oh, look at that. He stepped toward the tank,

hands behind his back so he wouldn’t touch.

“Beautiful, isn’t it? And peaceful, too.” Efren’s hands

landed on his shoulders, warm and electric.

He arched, his body alight. Oh. Oh, no touching.

Electricity was everywhere, and his body tightened.

“You’re like magic, Mabon.” His name sounded luscious

in Efren’s mouth.

His hands were touching Efren’s belly, caught behind

him, between them.

“I will be very honest with you. I want to share more

than just a meal with you.”

“It’s only chemicals. You understand that, right?” He

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could feel this song, though. The one that had been buzzing

for days, the one that called to him and it was so loud with

Efren right there.

Efren’s fingers massaged his shoulders. “Nonsense. This

happens to all men who are attracted to each other, it’s

just that you can sense the chemistry of it more than other

people Efren sounded so sure. So very convinced of that


A soft kiss landed on his neck. Mabon sucked in a breath,

the room seeming to sparkle.

“Are you hungry for food, lovely? Or can I entice you

into exploring a different kind of hunger before we fill our

bellies?” He could feel each word spoken against his skin,

breath and soft lips caressing him.

The song built, swelled inside him. “Please. It’s so big.

I need... something.” He didn’t know what, but he felt as

though he couldn’t contain it.

Efren turned him, tilted his chin and took a kiss. Mabon

cried out, hips jerking restlessly, the touch of their mouths

unbearably sharp. One big hand landed on his ass, tugging

him into Efren’s body. Rubbing furiously, he rolled against

Efren hard and fast, so close.

“Hold on,” murmured Efren, free hand pushing into his


All it took was one touch, and he shot, losing it.

Efren groaned. “I love your scent.”

“I’m sorry. You’re...” Fascinating. Amazing.

“Don’t be sorry, Mabon -- I wanted your pleasure.”

“I don’t touch, normally. I don’t mean to.” His lips

moved against Efren, the pleasure like a drug, the song

manageable now, though still there, still so strong and

changing in ways he’d never heard before.

“Such a waste of your gifts, lovely boy.” Efren tilted his

head and took another kiss, tongue parting his lips.

His body tightened, eager again and he allowed himself


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to feel it, knowing he would leave. The bonds could be

dangerous, driving a couple to more and more drastic acts

to find pleasure, but this was one time. One time with a

compatible person.

Efren took his hand as they kissed, and moved it to the

bulge in the man’s linen slacks, the proof of Efren’s need.

“Please.” He wanted it -- suck, fuck, touch, anything.

Efren helped him to open the slacks, the thick cock

pushing out eagerly. “I’d love your mouth, Mabon.”

“Yes. Yes, please.” He dropped to his knees, the scent of

male desire heady, reminding him why he avoided it. He

couldn’t control the need. He groaned, sucking hard and

fast, pulling vigorously.

“Oh, your mouth.” Groaning, Efren began to rock his


Mabon moaned and pulled the whole length into his

mouth, swallowing hard around the tip.

“Yes!” Efren cried out for him, hips slamming now,

pushing that tip even deeper.

His mouth demanded Efren’s seed, every bit of his focus

on learning this man’s flavor. Efren gave it to him, hands

tight in his hair as Efren’s seed poured down his throat.

Salty and bitter, rich and heady -- Mabon drank the man

down, eyes rolling behind his closed lids.

“So good, boy. Utter magic.”

It was better than magic. It was like breathing.

“It’s like we belong together. I know you feel it, too,”

murmured Efren.

He did, but he knew it couldn’t last. He knew he had to

leave. Had to. If they bonded he would be in trouble.

Efren tugged him up, lips landing on his. His prick

hadn’t flagged, was still erect and firm, demanding more.

Efren’s hand wrapped around him again, thumb playing

with the tip. Oh. Oh, yes. He rolled up, humping into the


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“Easy, boy. I’ll take care of you, I promise.”

“I’m sorry. The need grows so fast.” This was different

than usual, though, more intense. Necessary.

“You’ll learn self-control, lovely.” The words didn’t

make sense, but the warmth in Efren’s voice did.

Efren dug into his slit with a firm thumb. Mabon’s teeth

clacked together, his sac drawing up tight. Oh. Oh, gods...

“I’m going to taste your come this time, lovely.”

“Lovely?” Oh, goddess. Stars. Heavens. Please.

“Yes. Because you are. Very.” Efren’s fingers continued

to slide on his prick.

He opened his mouth to argue, but what came out was

a deep cry. Efren smiled at him, and touched the tip of his

cock again, rubbing hard fingers over the slit. Seed sprayed

over Efren’s fingers, his balls emptying.

“Mmm. And I thought you were lovely before I saw you

coming.” Efren raised his own hand and began to lick at it.

Soft sounds escaped Mabon, hiccupping from him in

time with the soft licks. Efren looked so satisfied while

Mabon’s knees were wobbling, shaking. Before he knew

it, Efren had scooped him, carrying him to the big couch in

beautiful sea-colored room.

“Strong.” He let his cheek rest on Efren’s shoulder, let

the scent of the man surround him.

Efren kissed the top of his head, still holding him as they

sat. It felt so comfortable, fine, settled.

“You really are so beautiful.” Efren looked at him as he

said the words, so they had to be meant for him.

“No one’s ever said that to me.”

“No one? Have you been around people who are blind?”

“I don’t think so. I’m plain.” He looked like everyone

else on his planet.

“Not in the least!” Efren stroked his cheek. “Sweet

cheeks and beautiful eyes, a mouth made for fucking.”

His lips opened, a long moan escaping him.


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“Love your sounds, too. They make me need.”

“It’s the chemicals. I can’t fight them.” Not sitting so


“So stop trying.” Efren said it like it was really that easy.

Mabon couldn’t just do that, though. “That’s dangerous.”

“But exciting.”

“Yes.” And necessary. And other words which meant


Efren’s mouth covered his, tongue slipping in between

his lips. The electricity between them began to grow again,

build inside him. His song was wrapped around it, the

pleasure intense.

Moaning, Efren pulled out of the kiss. “You must be


“Am I?” Hunger had no place here, he was caught on the

shape of Efren’s lips.

“You are. And much as I would like to just ride this wave

of pleasure, we need to eat first.”

Mabon nodded, hummed softly, not really paying

attention. So handsome.

Efren stood. “I won’t be but a moment, lovely.”

Mabon moaned, watching the way the man moved,

fingers on his cock. He could see the kitchen from the

couch and he watched as Efren went into a cupboard that

was actually a cold storage, the man quickly filling a tray

with food. His nose twitched, sniffing, curious.

“I have fruit and cheeses, and some crackers. I hope

that’s acceptable.” Efren brought the tray back to the living


“Sounds fine.” Real fruit. Cheese? Really?

The tray was set down on the coffee table and there

were three different kinds of cheese, grapes, three different

berries and two variety of citrus. Mabon had never seen

anything like it.

“Oh. Oh, I can’t afford to pay you back for this.”

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“I invited you to my home for dinner, Mabon. There’s

nothing to pay.” Efren grabbed a bright, purple berry.

“It’s... so beautiful.” His mouth was actually watering.

“How does it taste, lovely?” Efren asked, popping the

berry into his mouth.

Like nothing he had ever tasted before. “Like candy.

Like magical candy.”

Efren smiled and picked up a green grape, pressing it

against his lips. Mabon opened, eyes widening as the juice

sprayed into his lips.

“Mmm.” Efren stroked his cheek. “Watching you eat is a


“It’s amazing.” And he wanted another.

Efren sliced one of the cheeses next, the inside oozing

out once the rind was cut away.

“Is that right?” That was so odd. There had to be

something wrong with the cheese.

Nodding, Efren took a cracker and scooped up some of

the cream, handing it over. “It’s a soft cheese.”

Mabon smelled it, and his mouth watered, the creamy

cheese amazing. The flavor was nutty and milky at the

same time, the crunch of the cracker waking his mouth up.

He licked his lips, the cheese almost clinging to his palate.

“Now you should have a slice of this one.” Efren cut

a piece of the white one with little beige bits in it. “It’s a

ripened cheese with nuts.”

“What about you? Aren’t you...” He opened his lips, took

the bite. “Hungry?”

“I am, but watching you eat is intoxicating.” Efren

grabbed a couple of grapes and popped them into his own


Mabon dared to reach down and grab another grape, feed

it Efren. Efren’s lips slid on his fingers, tongue flicking over

them briefly. Mabon’s entire body arched, belly tightening.

“Another couple bites, then we can have more touching.”


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Efren’s words were like a promise.

“Uh-huh. Can I have another purple one?”

“Indeed.” Efren grabbed a purple berry from the tray and

put it between his own lips, leaning in.

The touch of Efren’s lips against his were better than

any berry ever could be. Still, Efren broke the berry with

his teeth as their mouths joined and the juices flowed into

Mabon’s mouth. He moaned and pushed closer, fingers on

Efren’s belly, wanting contact.

“I love how sensual you are.” Efren cut a piece of the

hard cheese -- the one that looked most like cheese to him.

“This one is sharper than the first two.”

“I like sharp.” He bit, his teeth squeaking on the little

rectangle of food.

“Something tells me you like most things.”

Mabon shook his head. “I don’t like some things.”

“Tell me what you don’t like.” Before he could answer,

Efren popped a red berry into his mouth.

Mabon focused on it, chewing and loving the flavor

before he answered. “I don’t like to be scared, and I don’t

like liars.”

“Neither of those are sensual things, though. I imagine

you like most sensations -- whether taste, touch, smell,

sound... you take it all in.”

“Yes!” He laughed and clapped, tickled. “You get it!”

“Do you?” Efren asked. “Do you understand what a rare

and wonderful find you are?”

“I’m just me.” Only me.

“You are lovely and fascinating.” Efren put another bite

of the creamy cheese into his mouth, this time with a grape.

He fed Efren the sharp cheese with the cracker in return.

This was a glorious way to eat. And through it all, the song

inside him hummed happily.

Soon they’d had most of the fruit and over half the

cheese eaten and Efren offered him a glass of water. Clean

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water. Mabon looked at it, mouth watering. It was cool and

tasted like nothing he’d ever drunk before. Nothing. Mabon

sobbed softly, the pleasure overwhelming.

“Mabon?” Efren looked worried.

“Oh, it’s amazing!”

Efren beamed. “Ah, good.”

Mabon finished the glass, the cool liquid sliding down

his throat.

“Have you had your fill?” Efren asked, taking the glass

from him.

“It’s wonderful. Thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome.” Efren tilted his head and took

his mouth.

Efren’s tongue tasted of sweet and cream and something

wonderful. Leaning against him, Efren lowered him to the

couch, body coming down on top of him. Mabon sucked

in a deep, deep breath, every fiber of his body buzzing,

focused on this touch.

“I want to make love to you, Mabon.”

“Please. Please. I need to know, so I can remember.”

He would never forget the sensations and the songs Efren

shared with him.

Efren began to tug on his tongue, sucking on it. His body

moved in time with the suction, his hips rocking steadily.

Efren touched his cheek, then dragged the big hand down

along his body. His prick was aching, throbbing, his balls


Efren got to his waist and slid that hand beneath his

shirt, pushing it up. His nipples were hard and tight, his

skin tingling with the promises of that touch. Efren rose up

enough to pull his shirt up over his head, the couch warm

against his skin. Then Efren looked -- he didn’t touch, he

just looked -- but Mabon felt the gaze as if was physical.

He stretched, his body arching.

Groaning, Efren bent to lick at his right nipple. “So


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Oh, please. He pressed closer, begging for another lick.

Efren gave him more than that, lips wrapping around his

flesh and tugging as the man’s tongue slapped back and

forth across the small bit of flesh that felt so very much.

When the scrape of teeth buzzed across his nip, it was like

lightning hit him, and he came again, uncontrollably.

Efren’s smile was like a kiss.

“I can’t hold it. I’m sorry.” He’d never been this needful,


“I don’t want you to hold it. I want to make you come

and come.”

Oh. Oh, magic. This man was magic.

Efren kissed him softly. “This would be more

comfortable in my bed...”

Like this couch could be described as anything but

comfortable. “Anything.” Mabon only had a few days. If

Efren wanted him for more than this one time. The song

inside him said Efren would.

Standing, Efren picked him up and carried him through

the luxurious apartment. Mabon pushed close, tongue

sliding on Efren’s throat, tasting, licking. Efren groaned

and the sound vibrated the throat beneath Mabon’s lips. He

kissed and licked, the walk to the bedroom so short.

Efren’s bed was so far from his own pallet that you

couldn’t call them the same thing. Pillowy and warm,

Mabon almost came again, just from being surrounded

by Efren’s scent. Efren slowly lowered down onto him,

pressing him into the softness.

“I smell you.” He was going to lose his mind.

“Do I smell good?” Efren asked.

“Like spice and sex.” Good wasn’t a strong enough


Smiling, Efren tugged at his overalls, sliding them down

his body and leaving him bare. He stretched out, letting

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Efren see every inch. The noise Efren made sounded very

pleased. His body felt tight, his skin aching.

Warm fingers slid over his skin, wrapping around his hip.

“Need you. This.” He couldn’t keep it, but he needed it.


“You’ve got it, Mabon. You’ve got me.”

“Thank you.” Chemicals. It was chemicals. It wasn’t

real. The song playing deep inside him mocked those


“Have you made love before?” As Efren spoke, his

fingers moved on Mabon’s skin.

“No. No, the bond might form.”

“What bond, lovely?” Soft kisses dropped randomly over

his skin.

“We can do that. Bond with another. I’m trying not to, so


Efren backed off a little stroking his cheek. “You don’t

want to bond with me in particular? Or at all?”

“It’s not fair to do it. I’m a painter. You’re... special.” He

knew that already, he wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t in Efren’s

league at all.

Efren snorted at his words, though. “I’m just a man,

Mabon. You -- you are lovely and sensitive and entirely


“Oh, no. No, honestly. All the Setian look like me.”

Efren looked around, from side to side, and behind him.

“You are the only one I see.”

“Oh.” Oh, gods. Please. “You’re beautiful.”

That made Efren smile. “Not as lovely as you, though.”

He didn’t believe that, but he pushed up, pressing their

lips together, desperation flooding him. Efren took the kiss

and gave one back, flooding him with more pleasure. The

strong hands wrapped around his head, pulled him into

Efren’s solid heat. He was soon breathless, Efren’s kisses



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He forgot about being careful or breathing or thinking.

He focused on Efren himself. Efren kept touching him,

keeping his skin tingling. The man set his nerves afire,

made him burn.

Grabbing some oil, Efren coated his fingers and slipped

one between his legs. He spread and gasped in a breath.

Efren’s finger teased his hole, slick and warm and firm.

His heart stopped for a second, his focus on that sensation.

Then that finger pushed inside him. Mabon sat up, bearing

down, taking the touch.

“Mmm. Such a lovely, eager boy.”

“It’s right? I’m doing it right?”

“There is no wrong here, Mabon.” Efren moved that

finger in and out of him.

“No wrong.” He moaned, his hole aching.

“That’s right.” Efren chuckled and his finger went deep,

touching a special spot inside him.

Mabon’s eyes flew open, and he grabbed Efren’s arms.

Then Efren touched that place again. His mouth opened and

closed, over and over.

“Oh, lovely, is this new to you?” Efren looked so


He had no words. None.

One finger inside him became two, the stretch amazing.

He grabbed one knee and pulled it, opening himself wide.

“I’m going to be inside you, lovely.”

“Inside me.” The promise was delicious, fascinating.


“Yes. First my fingers, then my cock, then my seed.”

The words echoed inside him. Fingers. Cock. Seed. They

were like a song of their own.

The fingers inside him twisted, spread, stretching his

body. He licked his lips, the act convulsive as his body

tightened. That place inside him was touched again,

pleasure shooting through him.

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Oh, please. Again. More.

Like Efren could hear his thoughts, those long fingers

pressed over the spot again and again. He cried out,

grabbing Efren’s arms.

“You ready for the next step, Mabon?”

He nodded, even though he had no idea what that might

be. He simply didn’t want the man to stop.

Efren’s fingers disappeared. “Easy now, I need to make

room for my cock.”

There would be room, wouldn’t there? There had to

be. He was too desperate for there not to be. Efren settled

between his legs, and Mabon could feel the heat of his

prick, so very hot.

God. God, Mabon’s belly tightened. What if they

bonded? What if Efren bonded with a poor painter and

people looked down on him?

Then it was too late to worry because Efren’s cock

pushed into him, spreading him so wide. He gasped, the

music of Efren building inside him. Deeper and deeper,

Efren’s prick pierced him.

“Please.” He held his head, fighting the urge to reach for

Efren, hold on.

Groaning, Efren finally came to rest, cock just touching

against that spot inside him, but even that small touch felt

huge. Mabon’s muscles jerked and tensed, his body unable

to be still.

Efren’s mouth covered his, breathing into him. His

fingers curled into his hair, tugging on it, the sting burning

his skin. The kiss went on and one, then Efren began to

move, sliding out and back into his body.

He looked at Efren, their eyes fastening on one another

and he forced himself to close his, hide himself away.

Growling, Efren bit his lower lip. His eyes flew open, the

sting huge, deep. Efren was looking right at him, smiling

as he thrust hard, hitting the spot inside him, making


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everything light up incredibly.

“Careful!” Oh, gods. Gods, he couldn’t help himself.

Efren stilled. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. No, I can’t fight it.”

“It’s pleasure, connection. No fighting it.” Efren began

moving again, hitting that spot with every new push into

his body.

The bond sparked along his nerves, burning higher,

hotter, digging into his skin as the music swelled

impossibly inside him.

“Mabon, you’re glowing!” Efren moved faster, thrust


He started babbling, calling out in his native language,

rejoicing in his Efren. Humming, Efren continued to fill

him over and over with heat and pleasure. He tugged his

hair, caught. Trapped. Efren’s mouth covered his, stealing

his breath along with his sense.

He reached for his Amiche, hands wrapping around

Efren’s shoulders and he screamed as the bond opened

wide, spinning a web between them. The heat of Efren’s

pleasure spilled into him, filling him. His own orgasm felt

distant, odd because his soul was rejoicing.

Efren’s mouth joined with his, the kiss like a final seal.

The world disappeared, leaving nothing but the song

vibrating through his bones.

“My lovely Mabon. My boy.”


He knew it, bone deep.


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Chapter Two

Efren breathed with Mabon, their foreheads together. The

connection he’d felt when they first met was not only still

there, it was singing brightly now, almost alive. He’d never

felt anything like it. He’d made love to other men, but this

connection was more than just physical.

Smiling, he kissed Mabon gently, his lovely boy more

beautiful than ever in satiation.

He’d been dreaming for days that someone was calling

to him here, needing him, and he’d gone through the staff,

searching. He was the head trainer, he believed in his soul

he would discover the one calling to him. Finally, he’d

simply closed his eyes and let his instincts guide him. Right

to the training salles. He should have known it was there

he’d find his boy, his Mabon.

“I don’t want to leave your body,” he admitted finally,

though he knew he would have to, his prick slowly


“I feel you everywhere.” Mabon’s body squeezed him,

gripped him tight, made his cock begin to harden again.

“Yes.” He nodded. Mabon was everywhere, too. Inside

him, around him, it was thrilling.

He reached out, cupping the angular face, the pale skin

surprisingly warm. Mabon was lovely, with long silver hair,

grey eyes -- a living icicle.

Humming, Efren took another kiss, so taken, so lost, but

happily so. Mabon’s hands were wrapped around his head,

holding him gently.

“I’m glad I found you, lovely.”

He got a soft, sad look. “I can only stay until the work

week starts.”

“Do they work you twenty-four hours a day?” He knew

they didn’t. It wasn’t legal, and the Velvet Glove would not


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hire anyone who used their workers as slave labor.

“They’ll move me to another position for working.”

“But you don’t work all day, so we can see each other

when you’re done. And you can stay with me -- giving us

the nights together.” He would prefer Mabon didn’t work at

all, but he knew all about pride and wouldn’t ask Mabon to

give up his means of making a living wage.

Mabon nodded, pushing into another kiss, begging for

more of him. He gave it willingly, his prick jerking and

trying to come back at Mabon’s eager passion. The sweet

ass worked him, milking him, pulling his prick. Groaning

into the kiss, he began to move, to roll his hips in circles,

his prick moving inside Mabon’s perfect heat.

That new song grew in intensity, ringing in the base of

his skull.

“Fuck, I can still hear you.” He pulled out a bit, pushed

back in. “Just like before only now it’s joyful.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”

That had him shaking his head. “No, don’t be sorry. It’s

beautiful. You are beautiful.” He was so pleased Mabon had

called to him, that this beautiful boy had chosen him.

Mabon moaned and touched him, hands moving

restlessly, like Mabon needed to feel every inch. He rolled

them, staying inside his boy even as he put Mabon on top

of him. That long hair was loose now, framing his boy

like a shining curtain. Planting his feet on the mattress, he

pushed up inside Mabon. Mabon braced against his chest,

meeting his thrust, unafraid and eager. He held Mabon’s

gaze, the connection between them glowing.

“We have to be careful.” Mabon didn’t look like he was

being careful.

“No, we don’t.” Efren had no plans on hurting Mabon,

but he wasn’t going to be careful, either. He wanted this,

he wanted to draw his boy in and keep him. Hold him.

Explore him. He was going to know every inch of Mabon.

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Intimately. Then he would begin again.

His hands wrapped around Mabon’s hips, helping him to

rise and fall. He watched his new lover move, the play of

the lean muscles under the pale skin.

“So beautiful...”

Mabon hid behind the fall of hair, shaking his head.

He pushed it back behind Mabon’s ear. “You are.”

The bottom of Mabon’s hair brushed his belly, his

chest. He shivered, pleasure tingling out from the contact.

Mabon’s fingers brushed over his skin, teasing him,

playing. He hummed and stretched, offering Mabon more

skin. He was smooth as Mabon, although he had curls

above his cock, under his arms, and Mabon was bare.

“You like what you see?” He couldn’t keep from asking.

“You’re stunning. So fine.”

“Thank you, Mabon. I have nothing on you, though.”

Those icy grey eyes rolled, but the man blushed for him,

tried to hide again.

“No, lovely. No hiding from me.” He cupped that warm

cheek, fingers caressing the silky smooth skin.

“So beautiful. Are you sure you made the right choice.

Calling to me?” Had Mabon really meant to call to him?

There were many men here at the Glove, let alone the rest

of the planet, the universe.

“The gods made the choice, our bodies.”

He growled a little, feeling possessive. “I don’t care what

you call it, you’re mine.”

The smile that covered Mabon’s face made Efren ache.

He pushed up harder with his hips, his fingers finding

Mabon’s nipples and sliding against them. The tiny nubs

drew up, deliciously sensitive, responsive. Leaning up,

he took one into his mouth. He felt Mabon’s response, all

around his prick. It made him suck harder, nibble on the

tip. He knew that would sting, the barest bit, and he had to

know whether Mabon craved it or not. Each tiny bite made


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Mabon’s ass muscles flutter, squeeze around him. Oh, yes.

This was the man for him, he had no doubt of it. Together

they would fly.

So much to learn about this pretty man. So many things

to experience. He pushed deep, caressing his lover from the


“My Mabon. My boy. You are mine now.” No one would

take his boy from him. Was it possible that they had only

met an hour ago? Less? He’d been hearing Mabon’s call for

days, though, feeling it settle in his bones.

He took another kiss, letting his fingers move between

the two little nipples. The tight virgin ass worked him like

a master, making his cock throb. Finally, he grabbed hold

of Mabon’s hips again and began to slam up into his sweet

lover over and over, even as he brought Mabon down to

meet each push. His lover took the ferocity like a trained

pleasure worker, took him as if they were meant for one


He managed to let go of one of Mabon’s hips so he

could wrap his free hand around his lover’s leaking prick.

He would not come alone. The softest sound left his lover,

slipped from the swollen lips. Oh yes, he had Mabon in the

palm of his hand. He squeezed, thumb working the tip of

Mabon’s cock.

Mabon moaned, head moving from side to side. “Again?

I’ll never know pleasure again.”

“You will, lovely. You’ll know it again and again and

again.” It was a promise.

He tightened his grip, demanding Mabon’s pleasure --

now. Mabon’s hole answered his touch, and seed poured,

coating his fingers. As the sweet body squeezed tight

around his cock, he cried out, joining Mabon in orgasm,

filling his lover again.

Now if he only had a plug handy to keep Mabon filled

with his come. He was going to have to plan better next

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Mabon leaned down, lips against his throat.

“Marking me, boy?” He liked that, like that Mabon

wanted everyone to know he had someone.

“I’m already yours. You should be mine, too.”

He hummed, pleased, and tilted his head back, giving

Mabon more room. The soft suction seemed to match the

beat of his heart. His prick actually twitched. Insane. Not

even he could get it up again. Still, it felt good.

His communit buzzed from the living area, one of the

other trainers inviting him to eat or for a drink. Celebrating

another week closer to opening. It didn’t matter.

This mattered.

The spot on his throat began to ache, but it was a good

ache, and he moaned.

Mabon’s lips left his skin. “Someone wants you.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Good.” Those wet lips fastened on his throat again.

He chuckled, the sound turning into a moan. His hungry

boy, wanting him. He ran his hands along Mabon’s body,

sharing the pleasure. Mabon rested against him, snuggling

in and sighing softly.

“Happy, my lovely one?”

“I am. Please don’t be angry with me tomorrow. I

couldn’t fight the bond.”

“I’m not angry, Mabon. I heard your call and had to


Mabon’s fingers sprawled out over his heart, solid and

warm. Just right.

“Sleep well, lovely.”

“I will.” Mabon sounded sure, settled.

“Good.” Now they just needed to see what tomorrow

would bring.


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Chapter Three

Mabon woke in the small hours of the morning and

slipped from Efren’s arms, the separation aching. Stupid

body. Stupid bond.

He found the bathroom and stared at the controls for the

shower. He’d heard the bathrooms here offered both sonic

and water showers, but he hadn’t believed it. He wanted to

know what a water shower felt like, but... that was wrong

and he knew it. It was wrong to steal water.

He stepped into the tub and turned on the sonics,

washing himself quickly, bathing himself. He had two more

days to enjoy Efren before things were going to shatter.

“Ah, here you are, my lovely one.” Efren closed the door

behind him and tsked. “Let’s have a water shower -- it’s

better to share.”

“Oh... Really? I’ve always wanted to know what it was


Efren turned off the sonics and turned the water on

instead. “Let me know if you want it hotter or colder,” he

said, just before the water started falling from the spouts,

hitting Mabon from all directions, except where Efren

shielded him.

“Oh. Oh. Oh.” He gasped, face turned toward the spray,

the sensations huge. Efren’s hands landed on his hips

and he thought that was the only thing keeping him from

floating away on the water.

Steam billowed up around them and he gasped, the

scents of water and male and soap amazing. Efren began

to run soapy hands over him, cleaning him. He began to

shake, the sensations huge. Efren licked the water from his

neck. His heart beat so hard that he was dizzy.

“I can feel your heartbeat.” Efren continued to lick his


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“Me too.” He had to smile. “Thank you for this.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Being here with me.”

Oh. Mabon beamed, so pleased. “It is totally my


“And mine.” Efren continued to lick at his skin. Each hot

touch made Mabon shiver. “You taste amazing, boy.”

“Thank you.” He reached out, caressing Efren’s belly,

touching the curls above the man’s cock.

Efren’s muscles flexed. “Mmm, your touch is like magic,


His fingers were fascinated, tracing lines and planes.

Lifting toward his hand, Efren’s prick rose. Mabon

hummed, loving the eagerness, the need. As long as they

were touching each other, the water kept falling on him. He

wanted to know all about Efren, about the things he loved,

he needed, he liked.

“I could do this all day,” murmured Efren.

“It would be amazing.” Decadent. Someone would fuss.

Efren chuckled. “We’d turn into prunes.”

“We’d get hungry, too.”

“We could eat each other if we were prunes, though.”

There was a sweet, teasing note in Efren’s voice.

“What do you do here? Are you...” He tried to imagine

what Efren did for a living. “A body worker?”

“I’m a Dominant. In charge of the training salles. Do you

know what that means?”

“No.” But ‘in charge’ suited Efren.

“I’ll have to teach you, then. Because you are a perfect


“I like knowing things. I can read and I pay to have

books on my vidfeed.” He liked to use his free time well.

“Oh, good for you, lovely. A lot of people think reading

is a waste of time.”


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He shook his head. “There are whole worlds to learn


“I agree. Entire worlds and so many other things.”

“Can I taste your cock? Here in the water?” He wanted

to know this, too.

Efren groaned, nodded. “Please.”

Mabon slid to his knees, hands on Efren’s thighs, the

water plastering his hair down.

Efren pushed his hair away from his face. “So beautiful.”

He had to shake his head, focus on the cock in front of

him. Efren kept the water from hitting his face too hard, but

it felt amazing to feel it on his skin. He lapped at the wet

tip, the water making the salt diluted.

“I love how you touch me.”

Mabon answered by sucking in the heavy cock and

pulling hard. Efren cried out for him, hips jerking, pushing

the thick shaft deeper into his mouth. It made him feel

amazing, knowing he was pleasing his Amiche. That he was

giving Efren pleasure.

Efren touched his head, his face, fingers wandering

aimlessly. Mabon raised his face to the touches, his heart

pounding in his chest as Efren’s cock dragged over the roof

of his mouth. He felt each twitch of Efren’s prick, knew he

was bringing pleasure.

“Hungry boy.” Efren’s words were soft, warm.

Like the touches of his Amiche’s fingers, they folded

him into Efren. Salt teased his tongue and he pulled harder,

hungry for more.

“Love how wanton you are, how needy.” There was a

husky tone in Efren’s voice now -- a tone he’d put there.

He could only nod, sucking over and over. Moaning,

Efren began to rock, to push into his mouth in time with

his sucking. Mabon stroked and touched, pulling gently at

Efren’s sac.

“Going to make me come, lovely.”

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He looked up, nodded. He wanted to taste.

Efren shuddered and moaned, and suddenly Mabon’s

mouth was flooded with Efren’s seed. Swallowing

convulsively, Mabon struggled not to lose a drop. Efren’s

hips continued to jerk, to move the thick cock in his mouth.

He looked up, blinking the water from his eyes.

Leaning over him, Efren blocked the water. “I’m going

to keep you, lovely.”

Oh, wouldn’t that be perfect? He knew better. This man

was someone educated, another class than him. No one

would allow it. He would simply bask in the glow until he

had to go.

Efren drew him up and took a kiss, fierce, tongue

sweeping through his mouth like it did indeed belong to the

man. He opened and moaned, letting Efren in. His mouth

was already full of Efren’s taste, but the flavor from Efren’s

mouth added another dimension. Strong arms wrapped

around him, allowing him to bend, to relax.

“Your turn,” Efren told him, one hand sliding between

them to tug at his cock.

“My...” He arched, eyes crossing.

“Yes.” Efren’s hand moved irresistibly, making him feel

so good.

He was caught in the web of pleasure, the rest of the

universe disappearing in a puff.

“Mmm. You taste delicious, Mabon.”

“Thank you.” He kept rocking, moving toward Efren’s


Efren nodded and squeezed, tightening the hold, and

increasing the friction around his cock. He spread his legs

and braced himself against the waves of sensations. The

amazing water fell down around him, on him as Efren

worked his flesh. He wanted to orgasm, but he wanted it to

wait, to last forever.

Efren kissed the side of his mouth. “There will be


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“Swear?” Before he lost this?

“I promise, lovely one.”

Tears hit his eyes, the water washing them away, and he

focused on his cock, on Efren’s touch. There was a twist to

Efren’s strokes now, a little something that added a zing.

Gasping for breath, he pushed into the touches, crying out

with pleasure.

“That’s my beautiful boy.”

It was the easiest thing ever to lean into the touches, to

allow Efren to show him this. The pleasure built and built

inside him, becoming huge.

“I. It’s so much.”

“Let it take you, Mabon -- fly with it.”

Fly. The word made him smile and his balls drew up, so


“Yes. Yes, show me your pleasure, show me how good

I’m making you feel.”

Efren pushed at the little hole in his cock, making the tip

of his stretch. Seed sprayed from him, the rush of electricity

in the pit of his stomach making him cry out. Efren held

him, kept him from falling, even as Efren’s hand continued

to move, making the sensations go on and on.

The water washed the evidence of his orgasm away,

leaving him clean and wet and warm.

Leaning past him, Efren turned the water off, and turned

something else on. Heated air blew over his skin, drying

him and keeping him from getting cold at the same time.

“Oh!” How wonderful!

“It’s new. We were able to customize our rooms when

they were rebuilt.”

“Like the responsive paints.”

“Exactly. I don’t have anything like that up here,

although the paint in the living room -- the ocean blue? It

can be set to make ocean noises if I want.”

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He nodded. “I did that.”

“Did you? How wonderful!”

“I did. I was in charge of this whole floor.” He was very

proud of that.

“Well, I’m very happy with my rooms. Even more

happy now, knowing that you were responsible for all the

wonderful things I love so much.”

“Just the paint. Only the paint.” He wouldn’t take credit

for things that weren’t his.

“The paint is the best thing.” Efren shook his head

suddenly. “No. No, you are the best thing. The paint is

second best.”

Mabon laughed, unexpectedly charmed.

“That’s a lovely sound. I’d like to hear a lot of it.”

Oh, it was going to kill him, to leave. Okay. Okay, he

had two days. Two whole days. Mabon needed to live those


“Do you want to have breakfast in the dining room or

shall we order something?” Efren asked him.

“Oh, I can’t eat out there. I’m not one of you.”

“Lovely, you’re my lover. You can eat wherever I eat.”

Mabon shook his head. “You’ll get in trouble. I would

hate that.”

“I won’t, Mabon. I swear to you, it will be fine.”

“I’m just a trade worker. Your friends might be

ashamed.” He knew that he was lowly.

“You are my boy, and if my friends think less of you

because of your job, then they aren’t worth knowing.”

Oh. Oh, how... odd.

“Downstairs it is. That way you can choose from the

whole menu.” Efren helped him out of the shower. “I had

your uniform cleaned, so you can wear it, or we can have a

pair of lounging pants sent up for you if you’d prefer.”

“I. You can do that?” Another pair of pants?

“I can. How long it’ll take will depend on whether


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they’re stocked up yet, or not. Things aren’t running quite

as smoothly as they used to yet. They will before the club

officially reopens, though.”

He nodded like he understood, even though he didn’t.

“What color would you like, lovely?”

“I like blues.”

“Blue it is.” Efren grabbed up his communit and placed

a call, asking to have blue lounging pants sent up. He

guessed Mabon’s size pretty well, too, and asked twice to

make sure they would be soft.

Mabon stayed close, hands sliding on Efren, petting him.

Efren turned to Mabon. “They should be here in five

minutes. We can go cuddle until they get here.”

“Just? Simply like that? There will be pants?”

“Yes. It’s a very good club.”

He nodded, wondering again when they were going to

make him leave.

They sat together on the couch, Efren holding him.

“Tell me about your life?” Mabon wanted to know


“I was just a poor boy working the fields of my planet

when a man found me.”

Oh, he loved stories. He grabbed Efren’s hand and held


“That man needed someone to clean his cabin on his ship

and in return, I would get to travel the universe.”

“Oh, were you scared?” He had been, when he’d left


“Yes. But anything worth having is scary.”

“True. Did you see lots of things?”

“I saw a lot of his cabin.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

Efren chuckled. “That was the first two years. Then I got

to see the universe”

“How did you come to be here?”

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“When he died, I inherited the ship. I sold it and moved

in here. Then I became a trainer here. It’s been my home

for a long while now.”

“Were you at the broken one?” He knew the building

before had been bombed. Everyone knew that.

“I lived here at the time, but I was very lucky -- I was out

in the city when the bomb went off.”

“Oh. That is lucky. It must have been terrifying.”

Efren nodded. “I lost my home, some of my friends.”

“I’m so sorry.” He reached for Efren, wrapping around

his bonded, trying to comfort.

“It’s okay, Mabon. We have a new beginning here now. I

have a beautiful new home, a new job as head trainer, and it

brought me you.”

Oh, how lovely to be looked at with such heat. “What do

you train?”

“I teach people how to be Doms, Masters.”

“Oh. Do you like it?”

“I do, I’m good at it.” Efren cupped his cheek.

He leaned into the touch and let his eyes close for a


The knock on the door was discrete, but it still disturbed

them. “That will be your pants.”

“They just come? I have my credchip...” Surely he could

afford this. He wasn’t sure what he would do if he couldn’t.

“It’s already been taken care of, lovely.” Standing, Efren

went to the door and opened it.

“I hear you need lounge pants, small, in blue.” A happy,

grinning man stood there, hair painted a bright, electric


“Thank you, Silva. That looks perfect.”

“You’re more than welcome. Things are starting to buzz

about the place, yes?”

He watched as Efren grinned and turned to look at him.

“They are indeed.”


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Mabon’s cheeks went red and he nodded, keeping his

eyes down.

“Enjoy your day, Master.”

“I’m sure I will.” The door closed softly and Efren

returned to his side. “Beautiful, soft pants for you.”

“They’re lovely.” He touched them, fingers dragging on

the softness.

“They’ll look even lovelier on.”

He nodded and unfolded them, fingers dragging on the


“Let me help.” Efren’s help consisted of touching him

everywhere. Was that helping?

They eventually got the pants on him, though his

prick was hard, pressing against the light material. He

whimpered, the fabric caressing him. “Oh, I’ll ruin these.”

He thumped his cock hard, trying to get it to fade.

“Stop that.” Efren held his hand and petted his prick

gently. “Be nice to yourself. Look, I’m hard, too. No one

will mind.”

“But I’ll leak.” That careful touch combined with the

sting made him ache.

“And I will appreciate that.” Efren took his hand and led

him toward the door.

“I...” Oh.

Chuckling, Efren led him out. “We still need to use the

service lift. They’re still working on the central ones.”

“I know. My friend Zam, he works on them.”

“That’s great. We’ve had a lot of strangers here working

on things.” Efren squeezed is hand as they arrived at the

lift. “Lucky for me one of them was you.”

“Zam is a nice man.” He held on to Efren’s hand. “I

don’t have a shirt on.”

“And you look fabulous.”

“No one will be offended?”

“I promise, lovely.” They stepped into the lift, Efren

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pulling him close. The warmth was addictive and he

cuddled in. Efren kissed him quickly before the lift doors


The dining room was surprisingly busy, filled with

laughter and joyful sounds, and the scent of amazing food.

Everyone was dressed in all manner of clothing, or lack

thereof. Mabon stared, his eyes burning in his head, his

arousal ratcheting up.

Efren’s arm stayed around his shoulders, the big man

walking into the dining room with confidence.

A young man dressed in a pair of shorts and a mesh

t-shirt approached them. “Your usual table, Master Efren?”

“Thank you, Tut. And we’ll start with some citrus juice if

it’s available today.”

“Yes, sir, it is. I’ll give you a minute to get settled, then

take your order when I deliver it.”

“Does everyone know you?” Mabon asked.

Efren led him to a table near one side of the room that

gave them a view of most of the other tables. “I work here,

so I know the other people who work here and most of the

current members in residence. So maybe not everyone, but

probably a lot of them do.”

“Oh.” Members in residence. What a fascinating place.

“I have a bed in one of the hives down near the spaceport.”

The hives were vast, holding millions of citizens, offering

them a bed with a vidfeed above their head to watch as they

rested. The first time he’d been loaded into his tube, it had

been frightening, but it was quiet, once you were sealed in

for the night.

“They’re pretty crowded, aren’t they? We’ll have to see

what we can do about that.” Efren pulled his chair out for

him, and sat next to him once he was seated.

“In the tubes? No. I’m not too tall, so I fit. You lie down

on them and you’re loaded into your space.”

Efren gave him a warm smile. “I’d rather you were


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loaded into my space.”

“Oh, you don’t even need a loader. We just walked!”

Efren laughed for him. “I was using your lingo, but I did

mean I want you in my bed.”

“As long as I can. I promise.” It just wouldn’t be nearly

long enough.

“And I promise to help make that a very long time.”

He reached out, cupped Efren’s cheek. Humming, Efren

nuzzled into his touch. Oh, so fine. He touched and stroked,

fingers moving over Efren’s skin. Efren turned his face,

kissing Mabon’s palm. Mabon could cry with it, with his


“You make me need, lovely.”

Oh, he wanted to. He wanted Efren to care for him.

“Are you hungry for food?”

“Yes. I usually have a suppressor tablet or a protein bar,

but I don’t have an extra.”

Efren wrinkled his nose. “No, we’re going to have real

food, lovely.”

“I liked the food yesterday. It was so bright.” His tongue

had tingled.

“I’d like to order for you, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course. Anything.” He needed direction. He wasn’t

sure what there was to order.

The young man from earlier arrived with two glasses of

juice. “Are you ready to order, Sir?”

“Please, Tut. We’ll have the herbed eggs, the salty pork

and toast.”

“Yes, sir. Can I recommend the iced breakfast pastry as


“It sounds delicious. Just the one, please.” Efren turned

to him. “We’ll share.”

“I can share.” He wasn’t even sure what a breakfast

pastry was, but it didn’t matter. Efren seemed pleased.

Tut left and Efren pushed a glass of juice toward him.

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Mabon lifted the glass to his nose and smelled, the scent

bright and tart enough that his mouth watered.

“It’s a citrus blend the Glove puts together itself. A

favorite of mine.” Efren raised his own glass to his lips and


Mabon sipped, the brightness filling him like the early

morning suns, like the song that still thrummed gently in

the background of his heart.

“Oh, watching you drink and eat might become an

addiction, lovely.”

“It’s so delicious. The flavor.” He took another drink,

goose bumps covering him.

“I’m glad you like it.” Efren took a few more sips of his

own, but Mabon could feel his full attention.

He savored the attention, and the drink, forcing himself

not to gulp it all down. This could be the only time he

tasted this, ever.

Efren interrupted his next mouthful, leaning in and

stealing a kiss. “It tastes even better from your mouth.”

The words made his belly ache, and he pressed closer,

eager for another kiss. Efren gave it to him, tongue slipping

between his lips. The noise and the bustle in the dining

room disappeared, leaving only him and Efren. The tongue

in his mouth was so hot and the flavor of Efren was better

than any juice could be.

Efren scooted back, drawing him into that warm lap.

“Shared food is always better when you stay close.”

“No one will be angry?” As long as Efren wasn’t angry,

he would be fine.

“No one will be angry, lovely one.”

Oh, excellent. He was happy where he was and he

wanted -- maybe needed -- to stay.

Tut brought their food, setting it down in front of Efren

and giving a little bow of his head. “Enjoy your meal.”


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“Thank you,” Mabon murmured softly, offering a smile.

“You’re very welcome.” He got a nodding bow from Tut

and the little guy turned, disappeared.

Efren offered him a smile. “We should eat the eggs first.”

“Okay. I’ve had those before. They’re yummy.”

“These are spectacular.” Efren grabbed a fork, took some

eggs on it and offered it to him.

He opened up wide, and the bite slipped in. They were

rich and warm, almost creamy. “Those aren’t eggs.” They

were unbelievably good, but they were not eggs.

“They very much are. You have to try the salted pork,

too.” A piece of what looked like very cooked meat was

handed over.

“Eggs aren’t creamy.”

“They are when they’re done right.”

“They’re good, but they’re white and they come in a

bag.” These were a bright orangey-yellow.

“I’m not sure those are really eggs. These are, though.

And this is even better.” Efren popped the piece of salted

pork into his mouth.

Oh. Oh, crispy salty goodness. Mabon’s eyes crossed it

was so good.

Efren chuckled. “Good, isn’t it?”

“Uh-huh.” He opened his mouth for another bite.

Efren fed him another bite of the pork, followed by more


“You should eat too. I won’t steal all your food.” Mabon

had no food to offer in return.

“It’s not stealing if I’m feeding it to you.”

“You have to nourish you. You need food.” It wasn’t fair

if he was the only one eating.

“Then feed me, lovely.”

Mabon picked up some of the delicious meat, offering it

to Efren’s lips. Efren took the pork, crunching it between

his teeth, then licking at Mabon’s fingertips.

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“It’s good, isn’t it? So good?” It wasn’t just because he

was unused to it, right?

“It is. Better than the eggs, and that’s saying a lot.”

Mabon looked at the plates. “What do you want next?”

“You.” Efren took a kiss.

Him. He cupped one of Efren’s cheeks, opening to the

kiss. Efren tasted him again, then drew slowly out of the


“We should finish our breakfast,” murmured Efren, still

touching his face.

“Yes. This is...” He didn’t have the words for the wonder

of this place.

“Distracting,” Efren suggested.

“Uh-huh. Amazing.”

“I guess. I think you’re amazing.” Efren looked at him,

saw him, gaze like an actual touch.

“I’ve never been amazing before.”

“Honestly? I find that hard to believe.”

Mabon nodded. “I promise.”

“Well, you are.” With that, Efren fed him more eggs.

They shared the toast, the meat, then a huge pastry came

to the table, dripping with sugar. Oh, wow.

Efren actually hummed happily at the sight of it. “I want

to lick the icing from your fingers.”

Mabon’s body heated as he slid his fingers through the

liquid sugar and brought it to Efren’s parted lips. Efren took

his fingers in, lips closing around them as Efren’s licked at

his fingertips. He watched with burning eyes, just staring.

Efren began to suck, each pull feeling like it was connected

directly to his cock. Mabon sucked in a breath, swallowing

hard, trying to force himself not to empty himself right


Long after his fingers had been cleaned, Efren finally let

them slide from between the man’s silky lips. “Would you

like some?” Efren asked softly, the man’s voice husky.


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“Uh-huh.” Mabon would take anything.

Efren ran his own fingers in the icing, but instead of

offering them, he brought them to his mouth and painted

his own lips with them. A deep moan escaped Mabon,

and he leaned forward, lapping and licking at Efren’s lips.

Groaning, Efren pressed their lips together, turning the

tasting into kissing.

So sweet, Mabon pushed his tongue against Efren’s,

tasting and licking. Sweet and delicious as the icing was,

Efren tasted better.

His body ached, his need growing quickly, and he found

himself rubbing, rocking against Efren’s skin. Groaning,

Efren deepened the kiss and the big hands grabbed his ass,

encouraged his movements.

“We’re...” They were in a dining room.

“Enjoying each other’s company.” There was no shame

in Efren’s words, nor his demeanor.

“Uh-huh.” He chuckled softly. “I’m not usually this hard

when I’m enjoying.”

“I like it that you’re this hard when you’re enjoying me.”

Efren squeezed his ass and pulled him up tight against the

hard body. He wiggled side-to-side, enjoying it, riding the


Efren continued to give him kisses, some soft, some

biting. It was the easiest thing ever, to dive into the caresses

and luxuriate in them.

There was suddenly a man, standing by the table. “Are

you going to introduce us, Effie? He’s lovely.”

“Herc! Good morning.” Efren stroked his back, shifting

Mabon slightly so he could offer his hand to the newcomer

who had the most amazing purple hair. “This is Mabon.

Mabon, this is my friend, and the owner of the club, too,


“Good morning. Pleased to meet you. We came in to stay

for a few weeks. Help with some of the systems. Mal is

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about, should you want to pick his brain.”

“Oh, excellent.” Efren rubbed his back. “I’ll have to

speak to him. A few weeks you say? So I would have a

chance for a chat in a few days?”

“Absolutely. Simply comm him.”

“Thanks, Herc.”

“Anytime. Nice to meet you, Mabon. Welcome.”

“Thank you. Your hair is very pretty.” So very purple.

Hercules beamed at him. “Thank you, boy.” He was

given a wink, then Hercules went to another table.

Efren chuckled. “Well done, Mabon. He’s somewhat

vain about his hair.”

“It’s lovely. Honestly.” He touched his silver strands.

Maybe one day he’d dye his.

“So is yours. You’re stunning. Like ice.”

“Like ice...” Oh. Oh, what a beautiful thought.

“Yes. I’ve seen the glacier planet and you remind me of


That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to him.

Efren brought their lips together again, kissing him

thoroughly. He opened, tongue sliding on Efren’s lips.

Efren grabbed it, sucking on it. Every inch of him woke up,

lit up, fascinated by this man.

Cupping his face, Efren tilted it, changing the kiss.

Mabon soared. This place was going to spoil him to real

life. One hand returned to his ass, tugging him in and

rolling them together.

“We... we should...” He wanted to touch.

“We should what, beautiful boy?” Efren rubbed their

noses together.

“I want to be naked with you again.”

“Then we should go back to my rooms. Have you had

enough to eat?”

“Can we take the big sweet to share later?” He’d hate to

waste it.


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“I’ll ask them to send it up for us.”

“Thank you.” He could admit that he wanted to taste

more than just the icing, to try it.

Efren stood, bringing him up as well, hands supporting

his ass. He leaned in, buried his face in Efren’s throat,

trusting in the strong arms. The noise of the dining room

grew quieter before silencing altogether as they went into

the lift and the door closed behind them.

What an amazing morning. What an amazing place.

Efren let him hit the button for their floor, then took

his mouth in another kiss. He moaned, lips open, tongue

sliding against Efren’s.

The doors for the lift opened, closed, and opened again.

Chuckling, Efren stumbled out.

“We made it!” Mabon couldn’t help but tease.

Nodding, Efren headed for his rooms. “I was a little


“Uh-huh. Me too.”

Efren palmed the door open, and carried him in, heading

right for the bedroom. “I need you, Mabon.”

“Oh, good.” He knew it was chemical, but it didn’t

matter. He needed, too.

Efren put him down on the bed and followed, pressing

him into the mattress. He wrapped his legs around his lover,

Mabon holding on tight. He could feel Efren was as hard

as he was, their cocks pressing together. It was like they

hadn’t just come over and over.

Efren’s kisses left him breathless, the long fingers

moving over him.

“So big.” And heady. He wanted to feel this forever.

“And beautiful, amazing, wonderful. There’s a lot of

words for this.”

“Many, many.” He laughed, the joy too big to hold in and

their song echoed all around him.

Efren’s breath caught, the man staring at him.

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“Efren?” Had he offended?

“That sound... so beautiful. You take my breath, Mabon.”

“Oh.” His smile widened, his heart soaring.

Efren cupped his cheek, touched him like he was the

most precious thing.

“I wish today wouldn’t ever end.” Mabon didn’t want

this to be over.

“It’s okay, tomorrow will be wonderful, too.”

He nodded. But tomorrow would be the day before he

had to leave.

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“Nothing. Nothing, I’m good.” He couldn’t meet Efren’s


“Mabon.” Efren put a finger under his chin and tilted his

head up. “You shouldn’t lie to me.”

“I don’t want to lie to you.” He wanted to be here, close.

Happy. Warm and with his bonded, his Amiche.

“Then tell me what’s wrong. I can see in your eyes that

something is.”

“I only have another one whole day.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have to leave when the workweek starts. They’re

going to reassign me.” They were going to send him off-

planet, he knew it.

Efren’s eyes went wide. “Then I have to ask you now to

stay with me.”

Oh, he wanted to, more than anything, more than

breathing. “I don’t know if I can.”

“Why not?”

“I’m just a painter. I don’t have status like you.” And, as

much as he wanted to be with Efren, he wouldn’t hurt the

man, not ever.

“I don’t care about your status, Mabon, I want you to be

my boy.”

“But the world cares. They may mock you, deny you


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things you deserve.”

“No. That’s not going to happen. I live and work here at

the Glove. We don’t care where a man comes from, what

his station is.”

That seemed... unreasonable. Impossible. Unbelievable.

“We are all men who have chosen an certain lifestyle,

and by choosing to live like this, we have thrown off

normal societal conventions. There are Dominates, like

myself, and submissives, like yourself, but it matters not

where each is from.”

“Submissives?” Efren had used that word before. “I’m

a painter.” He cuddled in, wrapping himself in Efren’s


“Yes, but you can be many things and be a submissive as

well. I know rich men and powerful business men who are

submissives here.” Efren’s touch was warm, soft.

Mabon didn’t understand, but the touch fascinated him,

made his eyes cross with pleasure, and he needed more of

it. Efren’s hand slid down to his ass, squeezing it. Mabon

melted, sinking into the touch, into Efren’s warmth.

“I will have you again, lovely, make you come and


“Anything. I don’t want to think about anything but


“You don’t have to.” Efren’s fingers drifted to his crack,

to his hole.

It was so easy to moan, push back, to feel. One finger

pushed into him, just the tip, the burn wonderful.

“You make me sing,” Mabon told Efren.

“And you make me sing. We are a symphony together.”

Mabon loved that, the charm of it.

Another finger pushed into him, Efren opening him. He

bore down, took it, and let it make him feel. Efren spread

his fingers, stretching Mabon inside. He felt every second,

soared with it.

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“So beautiful.” Efren’s voice was soft, reverent. Mabon

had never been beautiful to anyone before, and the words

were an honor.

Another finger spread him even wider, and it felt so

good. They rocked together, Efren touching his soul.

“I can’t wait to feel you around me again, Mabon. Feel

you squeezing me tight.”

“You don’t have to wait.” He was right there.

“I need to make sure you’re ready for me, Mabon.” Soft

kisses feathered over his face. “I won’t injure you.”

Oh. Oh, how dear.

Efren licked his lips, then spread his fingers wide, pushed

them in deep. They hit that place inside him and each touch

drew sounds from him, deep and wanton.

“Oh, lovely boy. Your eagerness is so wonderful.”

“I was made for this, for you.” Trite, but true. The song

inside him insisted it was so.

“I can believe that.”

Mabon nodded. “I can, too.”

Smiling, Efren pulled the fingers inside him away,

replacing them with Efren’s thick, hot cock. All he had to

do was breathe into it, bear down and focus on pleasure,

and opening wide.

“Oh, Mabon.” Efren nodded and pushed in deeper.

Mabon would never forget how the pressure felt, how he

could feel the buzz of connection all around him.

After a long time, Efren was all the way inside him and

the connection was unbelievably strong. He met Efren’s

gaze, both of them beginning to breathe together, in and

out, in and out, the rhythm steady and strong.

Efren began moving, pulling slowly out, pushing back

in again. They moved with their breath, bodies creating a

song. Efren’s gaze never left his. Please. Please, let him die

now, so he never had to leave.

Bit by bit, Efren sped his movements, pushing into him


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faster, harder. Moans and cries poured from him, his entire

body tight. Nodding, Efren encouraged him, urged him

higher and higher. Pleasure battered him, filled him and he

was lost in it. When Efren’s hand wrapped around his cock,

he screamed.

Seed sprayed from him, the universe going dark around

the edges. He felt Efren fill him, heat spraying into his

body. Mabon sobbed, totally overwhelmed by their


Efren collapsed onto him, cocooning him. All he could

do was hold on, tight.

“I want my seed to stay inside you,” Efren told him,

shifting, reaching for the headboard.

“Stay inside.” He clenched, holding Efren tight.

“Yes.” Efren pushed something and one of the frosted

glass plates on the headboard slid open, revealing shelves.

Efren grabbed a fake cock.

It was thin at the top, then fat at the base with a tiny


Efren smiled. “This will keep me inside you -- and you

won’t be able to forget it’s there, whether you stay in bed

with me or have to go.”

He didn’t want to think about going, not yet, so he just

nodded and moaned, body still working Efren’s heavy


“Oh, Mabon, you are magical.” Efren kissed him, hard.

His hands wrapped around Efren’s head, holding them

together and letting the bond deepen. He could feel it,

winding around his heart. By all the gods, it should make it

harder to breathe, but it didn’t.

Efren pulled away from the kiss, still smiling at him.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes.” He didn’t even worry about what came next. He

just wanted something to come next.

Efren put the plug down between his legs, pushing it in

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as Efren’s thick cock pulled out.

“Cold!” It was smooth, foreign, alien.

“It’ll soon warm up.” Efren smiled. “I promise.”

Taking his clues from his bonded, he smiled too, forced

himself to relax. Ease himself. It pushed into him until it

was all the way in and the cold sensation faded. It was still

weird, though.

Efren drew him close, held him tight, and surrounded

him. “I have you, my lovely. Inside and out.”

Mabon held the words tight. Inside and out. He could

live with that. Now, if only everyone else could.


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Chapter Four

Efren left Mabon sleeping hard, ass in the air, plug filling

it. It had been hard to turn away from the sight and leave,

but he made himself do it. He needed to speak to Hawk and

it needed to be now, before Mabon had to leave. Once in

the hall, he called the man on his communit.

“Good morning, my friend!” Hawk sounded almost


Efren grinned. “It is a good morning. I have news and

must speak to you.”

“I was about to have a caf. Meet me in my office?”

“Be there in five.”

Going to the service lift, he pressed the button and

waited. It wasn’t long before he was stepping in and

pushing the button for the third floor with its training salles.

And Hawk’s office.

The door was open when he got there, the scent of

pastries and caf delicious. He knocked on the door and

poked his head in. “It’s me, boss.”

“Come on in. I ordered one for you as well.” Hawk was a

good man.

“Thanks. It smells great.” He went in and sat.

Hawk looked surprisingly relaxed, rested. Someone must

have had a few good nights.

Efren grinned. “You look good, boss.”

“Thank you. Things are beginning to make sense,

become a routine.”

He nodded. “For me, too. And the new features in the

salles are amazing.”

“We’re already twenty-five percent booked, believe it or


“That’s wonderful! How bad was the attrition?” Efren

hoped they hadn’t lost too many of their former long-term

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“Most of the upper floor members moved with Herc to

the new planet. They got a great deal and that allows us to


“So that’s twenty-five percent with mostly new

members? That’s pretty good!” It was encouraging. Efren

loved the club and since becoming in charge of training, he

was even more invested.

“Hercules is very pleased, we’ll have a soft opening next

month and things look... hopeful.”

“Speaking of hopeful...” It seemed like the perfect segue.

One dark eyebrow lifted and Hawk smiled. “Spit it out.”

“I have found my boy.” He put an emphasis on the word


“Honestly? How wonderful! Tell me everything.”

He beamed at Hawk, knowing his friend was truly happy

for him. “You remember me telling you about the voice I

could hear calling to me -- the song?” At Hawk’s nod, he

went on. “I found him. Right here in one of the training

salles. He was the one doing the heat-aware nanopaint.”

Hawk’s head tilted. “Isn’t he a Setian? I was surprised to

see one here as a laborer. They’re quite popular throughout

the galaxy as a pleasure workers.”

Efren growled a little. “Mabon will not be a pleasure

worker here. He is mine. And yes, he is a Setian.”

He’d heard of them, but never experienced the kind of

connection he had with Mabon. He didn’t care what the

reason for it was, he only revelled in it.

“I didn’t suggest he would, Efren. In fact, I would

strongly suggest that we protect him, take care. They’re

often stolen into slave trade.”

“I’m sorry, Hawk. I didn’t think you were suggesting

he work for us -- I’m a little... protective.” More even

than he’d thought he was.”And I would like to have him

live with me. I wanted to make sure that my employment


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arrangements included a partner. If they don’t, I need to

renegotiate them.”

“You’re welcome to a partner, of course. How would we

keep people if they were alone?”

“I wasn’t sure if his food and board would be included

with my own.” He smiled. “I knew the Glove was generous

to their employees, but this is even more than I expected.”

“The biggest issue is room size. If you wish to upgrade,

we’ll need to find him work.”

“Oh, no, that won’t be necessary -- the place was

too big for just me.” He tilted his head. “Still, I have a

hunch Mabon will feel better if there’s work you can

find him. Maybe the specialized walls he’s installed need


“Once the current contractor is done and gone, yes. Right

now he’s guaranteed the work.”

“If they don’t send him to a different job site. His

superior was not pleased when I insisted that Mabon should

spend his downtime with me.” His eyes narrowed as he

frowned. “Do you think the man had plans to sell Mabon

when this job was done?” Why else would it he have tried

to interfere? It hadn’t occurred to him before, but Hawk had

only just mentioned the fact that Setians were often stolen

and sold into slavery.

“I would hope not. The company has been incredible. I

imagine it’s much more likely that they’re trying to protect

Mabon from being put to work here. We are, after all, in the

pleasure trade, somewhat.”

He nodded. “I hope not, too. I’ll talk to Mabon, make

sure he knows it’s okay for him to stay with me -- he’s got

some class notions that we just don’t hold with here. It

makes him worry, though.”

“Of course it is. Perhaps we can discover things for him

to do.”

“I think he’d like that.” Grinning, Efren reached out to

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shake Hawk’s hand. “Thank you, Mabon is going to be

most pleased to know I’m not the only one who thinks he

can stay.”

“Just remember, friend. The bond is deep and you’ll need

time to work on it.”

“I know. It’s not like I have anything else planned for

my downtime. And even if I did, I would make time for

Mabon. He is...” He shrugged, totally at loss for the right


Hawk’s smile was naughty, knowing, conspiratorial. “I


Laughing, not in the least embarrassed, he took his cup

of caf and one of the pastries as he took his leave. He was

eager to get back to Mabon.


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Chapter Five

He carefully folded the lovely lounge pants and put them

aside, then braided his hair before he put his work clothes

on. The comm had come in a few moments ago and the

company was sending a transport. There were a number of

them heading to Feurti to help get a nightclub ready and he

had to go today, now. Tomorrow would be too late.

It stunk. Literally. Mabon hated the way Feurti’s

atmosphere smelled.

Still, he’d only be there a half year and then he would

have two entire cycles off and he could come here, be with

Efren again.

He heard the door opening and closing, the smell of caf

filling the air as footsteps got closer. “Mabon?”

“Efren. I’m just changing clothes. The transport is

coming for me. It’s as I feared. They’re transferring me for

a half year. Feurti.”

Efren shook his head and put a pastry and his caf on the

kitchen table. “No, no. That won’t do.”

“Won’t do? I’ll be back for two work cycles after. I made

them promise to give me that.” Oh, please. Please, bonded,

Amiche. Don’t turn me away.

“I just spoke with Hawk, my boss. I knew it wouldn’t be

a problem to have you stay with me and he has confirmed

that. He’s pretty sure there will even be a job here for you

if you want work. You don’t have to leave at all.” Efren

looked so pleased.

“A job here? With you?” The world got a little grey

around the edges, just from holding his panic so very tight.

“Yes, lovely. Once the construction crew has finished,

someone will need to maintain the special features you’ve

been so instrumental in providing. And until then, there’s

many things you could help out with. But you don’t have to

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work, my employment here will provide us both with a roof

over our heads, food.”

Mabon’s legs gave out from under him and he landed

with a thud on the floor. He’d been so sure, been fighting so

hard to be strong.

“Mabon!” Efren cried out and came to him, sitting and

wrapping strong arms around him. “What’s wrong?”

“I was so scared.”

“I told you it would work out, my lovely one. You are

my boy and I’ll not let anyone else have you.”

“I was... Yours.” Tears began to fall and he pushed into

Efren’s arms. “Say it again.”

Efren’s arms tightened around him. “You are mine,

Mabon. All mine. And I am keeping you.”

His face pressed into Efren’s throat and he breathed in.

The song rang out inside him, becoming joyous. Efren

hummed for him as well, hands sliding on him. It wasn’t as

nice as when those hands touched him skin on skin, but it

was still so good.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I was so scared that I would

have to leave you.”

“I will never let that happen, Mabon. We are... you

would call it bonded, yes?”

“Yes. I was born to join with you.” He knew it in his


“Then you should trust in me and in what we have.”

Efren kissed him. “I am yours.”

His. “I... You want me with you. Here. In this magical


Efren waited until he was looking into his Amiche’s face.

“I do.”

“I don’t know anything about your life.” It didn’t matter.

He’d stay. Learn. See.

“You know all that you need to know.”

Oh, he didn’t know about that. He wanted to know


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“Certainly enough to decide to stay.”

“I should comm my manager.” Xen was going to be

angry, Mabon was sure of it.

“Yes. You should let him know you’re leaving. Effective


“Stay with me?” Mabon knew himself. He disliked


“Of course. That’s the idea, isn’t it?” Efren held him


“Thank you.” He grabbed his communit and called, back

pushed against Efren’s chest. His Amiche was like a wall of

strength behind him.

Efren’s arms stayed looped easily around him, one

hand resting on his belly, the other on his thigh as they sat


“Mabon.” Xen looked distracted, busy. “The transport is

on its way.”

“I’m staying here, sir.”

Xen’s eyes went wide. “You’re what? No. No, Mabon.

That’s quite impossible.”

Efren’s hold tightened, the hand on his belly stroking.

“Impossible? Why?” He wanted to stay here.

“Because you’re a worker, not some rich layabout.”

Efren growled from behind him.

“What?” He twisted his head, eyes on Efren.

“Tell him you’re quitting and turn the comm unit off.

He’s not a nice man.”

He turned back to Xen to tell him, “I’m quitting.”

“They’ll sell you. That is a sex club, Mabon. Do you

know what they do there?”

“I will not sell you!” Efren sounded angry, but Mabon

knew it wasn’t at him. “I will not let anyone hurt you.”

Efren turned to speak to his boss. “Are you listening?”

“You’re the lead Dom,” Xen accused, directly to Efren.

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“The trainer.”

“I am. But I am also Mabon’s bonded.”

It made Mabon shiver to hear Efren call him that.

“I’m... I’m staying.” He still wasn’t sure what a trainer

was, but Efren would show him.

“He’s staying and he’s under my protection. No one, not

even you, can have him.” Efren sounded so very sure.

Xen’s face became tight, his lips twisted. “This is a

mistake, Mabon. He’ll use you.”

Mabon actually snorted. “My bonded?” Nonsense. His

Amiche could never hurt him, never use him.

He could feel Efren’s smile against his shoulder at his


“Thank you so much, but I’m needed here.” That was his


“To do what? Be a pleasure slave?”

Somehow he doubted Efren would like that.

“Do we really need to argue with this man, lovely?”

Efren asked him, talking quietly at his ear. “You’ve told

him you’re staying here. What else do you owe him?”

Mabon pushed the off button on the comm unit.


Efren hugged him tightly. “Thank you for your trust.”

The bond was what it was. No one, certainly not Xen,

could change that. “You’ll have to show me the things you

do here.”

“I have many things to show you. The plug holding

me inside you was just the beginning. Here we celebrate

pain as well as pleasure. I am a Dom and you are my boy,

though you might not know yet all that means or entails.”

“Pain?” He let Efren remove the itchy overalls from his


“Spanking. Pinching. More intense things as well.

Things that bring amazing pleasure, that bring peace when

done correctly.”


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Mabon wasn’t sure what to think, what to do. How to


“You will always have a chance to tell me to stop if I

ever do anything to you that you truly don’t like, Mabon.

The submissive holds the power in his hands.”

There was that word again. “Am I a submissive?”

“You are, my lovely.”

He was bare, held in Efren’s arms, and something inside

him insisted that he could stay, trust. Breathe. No matter


“Have you ever heard of a safeword?” Efren asked him.

“A safe word?” What an interesting thought.

“Yes. Have you ever said no when you really meant yes?

When someone is tickling you, or perhaps when you’re

being chased and it’s fun to pretend that it’s real so you

shout no, stay away, even though you mean don’t stop?”

“Yes. Or when you are supposed to stop something fun

because you might lose control.”

“Well having a safeword means that you can shout no

and scream and run as much as you like, but if you really

do honestly need things to stop, then you say the safeword.

You have to pick a word you wouldn’t normally say.”

“Are you going to make me scream?” It seemed like an

important question.

“Oh, yes. I’m going to make you scream with pleasure.”

He didn’t want to scream, didn’t know if he could hold

that much pleasure inside him.

“It’s a good thing, lovely one,” Efren insisted.

“Is it? Are you sure?” This was the only place he had

now, the only place to light.

“I am, but you don’t have to believe me. You can decide

for yourself when the time comes.” Efren rubbed their

noses together. “You haven’t picked a word yet.”

“I haven’t.” Did he need to? Now?

“We won’t do anything... intense until you have.”

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“Diadem.” It was the name of his favorite paint.

“Diadem it is. If you ever need me to absolutely stop, say


“Okay. I can do that.” He thought he could do that.

“Good.” Efren smiled and stood, drawing him up as well.

“Come to bed?”

“I just woke up?” He followed, though, his laughter

ringing out.

“We’re not going to sleep.”

“We’re not?” He was teasing and he knew it, but he was

having fun. That had Efren laughing, his lover wrapping

around him.

Oh. Oh, how lovely. How wonderful. He hugged Efren

tight, squeezed. Efren hugged him right back, nice and


“It’s going to be okay now? It’s... Do you like to lie in

bed and watch vids?”

“I do. Though I don’t usually have a beautiful man in bed

with me when that happens.” Efren really did have the most

beautiful eyes.

“That’s what I always do. Lie and watch vids.” Of

course, in his tube he couldn’t sit up.

“I would do anything with you, Mabon.”

And he simply wanted to be with Efren. Learning,

laughing. Touching.

Efren led him back to the bed, pulling him down onto it.

Their bodies came together and the plug inside him -- and

gods above and below hadn’t he worried about whether or

not to remove it? -- shifted and it felt amazing.

Efren’s hands slid over him, warming his skin. Thoughts

of the vid slipped from his head, his focus totally captured.

“Undress me.” The soft order drew his fingers.

“My pleasure.” And it was. He eased the clothes away,

exposing the lovely tanned skin, the muscles. Efren pushed

into each of his touches.


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He leaned forward, lips on Efren’s belly. Moaning, Efren

dropped a hand to his head, stroking through his hair. The

scent of Efren made him dizzy.

“Don’t stop.” The words sounded more like a plea than

an order.

“Don’t stop. I won’t. Your skin tastes good.”

“For you. I’m yours, lovely.”

“Will you have sex with others? For your job?” He

needed to know.

“No, I won’t, I don’t. I am a teacher. I have never wanted

to have sex with them. I knew I was waiting for someone.”

“A teacher.” Oh. Oh! So that’s what a trainer was.

“Yes. Are you disappointed?”

“No. No, I understand. I know teachers.”

“You do, do you?”

“I do. You teach people how to... make love?”

Efren smiled, nodded. “It’s not so simple as that, but

essentially, yes.”

“That’s wonderful. A beautiful job.” He nuzzled into

Efren’s belly, licking gently.

The muscles there flexed for him. “And I will teach you,

Mabon. Of all the amazing things two men who love each

other can do.”

Efren’s prick was there, and he nuzzled it, rubbed with

his chin. His lover jerked, their songs spiking as Efren

groaned. He repeated the gesture, wanting Efren’s need,


“Oh, lovely. Making me need.” Efren gasped softly.

“I want to. Your need feels amazing.”

“So does yours.”

“Does it? Does it ring inside you?” The song inside him

was Efren’s and it was so wonderfully strong.

“You are so loud inside me.”

He hoped that was good, that Efren liked it, because it

was what they had.

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“It feels so good,” added Efren, fingers stroking through

his hair. “And I have so many ways to make you sing.”

He leaned, dipped his head, and took Efren’s cockhead

in. The noise that came from Efren was very gratifying. He

hummed, sucking gently, tongue sliding around the tip.

“I would have you do this every day, lovely one.”

Every day. Mabon hummed softly and nodded. He could

adore this delicious prick daily.

Moving restlessly, Efren spread his legs, shifted his

hips. Mabon let his eyes drift closed, let himself focus

on salt and musk of his lover, on the pressure of that stiff

shaft on his tongue. Sweet moans rained down on him

like the best song he could imagine. He licked and lapped,

swallowed and moaned, focusing on nothing but adding to

the pleasure. He swore he could feel Efren’s pleasure inside


The heavy balls nudged his chin as he deep-throated, the

tip of Efren’s cock slipping into his throat.

“Mabon!” His Amiche shouted and pushed the smallest

bit deeper. Thick seed poured down his throat.

He swallowed, over and over, wanting nothing more than

Efren’s pleasure. The hands in his hair, stroked and petted

idly, more soft moans sounding for him. He slowly lapped

the seed off the sweet cock, cleaning Efren.

“Oh, Mabon. My dear, lovely boy. You really are a

treasure and I am so pleased you are staying with me. So

very pleased.”

The words felt so good, so right. Necessary. And the

touches were perfect, just what he wanted.

Finally he let Efren’s cock slip from his lips, let his

cheek rest on the man’s thigh.

“This place feels different today, Mabon. Now it feels

like home.”

“Oh...” Tears filled his eyes. “I’ve never had a home of

my own.”


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“Now you do, my lovely. We are in this together.” Efren

tugged him up and held him close.

He nodded and wrapped himself around his bonded,

squeezing tight. Kissing him, Efren squeezed equally tight.

When the kiss was over, Efren smiled. “What do you

want learn first?”

“How to be most pleasing.”

“Oh, my lovely, you do that without even trying.”

He could hear the word ‘lovely’ in Efren’s voice forever.

“Would you like to learn about bondage? Spanking?”

He didn’t know. Spanking sounded scary, painful. “What

do you want to teach me?”

“I have heard that your kind likes variety, new things. Is

that right?”

He nodded, weirdly ashamed. He couldn’t control the

circumstances of his birth, though. “We crave sensation.”

“Then we’re a perfect match because I am all about

giving sensation.”

Mabon was fascinated by the way Efren’s lips moved.

“The bondage, the spanking, flogging, whipping. That’s

all about sensation. There’s blindfolds and gags and all

manner of things designed to increase sensation.”

“Why do you hit people? Is it scary?”

“I hit people to help them focus, find their subspace.

Some men can’t get off without the pain. For some it’s just

a little excitement.”

“Tell me about where the space is.” He pushed into

Efren’s lap.

Efren’s arms wrapped easily around him. “It’s inside


“Inside me? Really?” Could that be true?

“Yes, really.”

Oh, how fascinating, how incredible. “Show me?”

“All right. You have to give me all your fears and your

worries and trust me to keep you safe.”

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He closed his eyes tight. “I’m scared that someone will

take me away from you.”

“No one will, I promise you that.”

“I’m worried that I’ll bore you.” He was beginning to

sweat a bit. His fears might sound simple, but they ran right

through him, a discordant note in his song.

“You think my bonded will bore me? Do you worry that

I will bore you?”

Mabon didn’t hesitate to answer. “Never. You’re

fascinating. Wonderful. Special.” His.

“And I feel the same way. I could never be bored with


He had one more, the hardest fear. “What if it’s only

the bond? What if you discover I’m...” What was the right

word? “... distasteful.”

Efren shook his head immediately. “I fell for you long

before I knew there was a bond. You were not distasteful

even when you were in your overalls and covered in paint.”

He searched Efren’s eyes. “I want to be your friend, your

partner. Your companion.”

“You are everything to me, lovely.”

“Everything.” He pushed into Efren’s arms, holding


His Amiche held him back just as tightly and he could

hear Efren’s heart beating beneath his ear. It was steady and

strong, thrumming in his veins.

“Close your eyes, lovely, and breathe with me.”

That was an easy request, simple. Welcome. He did it.

“Nice and quiet. Breathe in.” Efren took a long, slow


Mabon followed, his body eager to learn.

“Now out.” This was also slow and long.

After a few breaths, Mabon’s universe stilled, and he

almost felt like he was dozing, but he was wide awake.

“Can you feel it?” murmured Efren. “That’s your


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How amazing. He felt energized and melted, all at once.

“For some people it takes a lot more effort to find that

place. I’m not surprised it was easy with you.”

“Why not?” His breath stayed with Efren’s, slow and


“Because you’re... you’re you and we have such a


“Yes. I am me.”

“I’m so glad you are. Now keep your eyes closed and

keep breathing.”

He nodded, eyes shut, his breath moving in and out, nice

and easy.

“Now let my touches send you floating, soaring.” Efren

ran a finger along his collarbone. He shivered, goose bumps

rising up.

That single finger continued along his skin, over his

shoulder and down his arm, then back up and over to his

ribs. The touch seemed to grow and grow, the feather-light

pressure weighing him down. When that touch slid over his

right nipple he almost passed out.

He had a moment of sheer panic -- not knowing whether

to push into the touch, jerk away, what.

“Shh, lovely. Let it take you, keep you in your subspace.”

“That scared me. Why would that scare me?”

“Because you’ve never felt anything so big?” Efren


“Possibly. I don’t know.”

“Maybe because no one has ever taken you to a place

like this before.”

“Maybe. I didn’t know a place like this existed.”

“Can you see now, why people would want it?” Efren’s

touches continued.

“Yes. Yes, love. Can I give it to you, too?”

“I don’t know.”

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His eyes flew open. “No? How can I help?” He wanted

Efren to know this joy.

“I’ve never tried. It’s always been something I give to


“Well, you should. You can take it from me.”

“Yes, I could see your bliss.”

He wasn’t sure what to do, how to help, but he wanted to


“Maybe that’s my place -- seeing you -- taking you to

it.” Efren smiled at him. “You make me happier than I ever

dreamed I could be.”

He didn’t know what to say, again. That happened to him

a lot with Efren. Efren held him close, the feeling of skin

on skin with his bonded so very good. It made it okay that

he had no words.

“Thank you,” Efren murmured.

“For what?” Efren had offered him the world.

“For staying with me.”

“I would move worlds for you, if it’s in my power.” He

just wished he had more to offer Efren.

“I am so lucky.”

Mabon kissed the corner of Efren’s mouth and Efren

smiled for him.

“This is it, isn’t it?” He asked. “The beginning of a


“Yes, my lovely boy, it is.” He thought that might be

more than he’d ever hoped for.

As they lay together, kissing softly, touching each other,

the song inside him swelled to join with Efren’s.




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