Sean Michael Velvet Glove 05 2 Velvet Blade

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either
the author or the publisher.

Velvet Blade
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2009 © by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by Anne Squires
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-60370-844-9, 1-60370-844-8

All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any
form whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address
Torquere Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: October 2009
Printed in the USA

Velvet Blade - 2

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Velvet Blade

By Sean Michael

Chapter One

Gideon Blueplum walked into the Velvet Glove and plonked his bag down. He tossed his
credstick on the counter. "I'd like an apartment, please. For a year."

He grinned at the guy behind the desk, hoping he'd thrown the man. The Velvet Glove was the
premier BDSM club in the galaxy -- hell, probably in the universe -- and he'd come to have some
fun. He figured there were some heavy hitters here and he'd have to do what he could to stand

"A year?" Rainbow-colored eyes stared at him a moment, then the young man's head tilted. "I
think you'll need to make arrangements with Kestrel. That's his thing. Come on in, have a seat at
the bar, and I'll have him come to you."

Pretty, pretty. The eyes were a nice touch.

"What about my bag?" he asked. He'd only brought his tools with him -- he planned to buy
everything else new.

"You can secure it in a locker, if you'd like, or you're welcome to carry it with you." He received
a warm, welcoming smile, the young man just a sweetheart.

Well, if they were half as impressed with him as he was with them, he'd be happy. "I'll just carry
it, honey."

He followed the young man, admiring a sweet little ass. At least that's what he was doing until
they walked into a large room with a bar along one wall, a dining area, a dance floor, and a pair
of raised stages at the far end of the space. Late afternoon though it was, the place was almost
half full, folks doing everything from having a drink to making out on the dance floor.


He took a seat at the bar, just taking it all in as Rainbow Eyes scurried off, no doubt to get... what
was it now, a bird name of some sort.

"Good evenin', sir." A huge, dark-skinned man approached behind the bar, the syn-wood
sparkling with thousands of tiny lights. "Can I get you somethin' to drink?"

"Just some water, please." A bar's water was the truest test of what kind of place it was. A lot of
people didn't know that.

"Surely." He got another warm smile, and a glass of icy cold water was handed over. "You're
new. Waiting for Kes?"

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Ah, yes, Kestrel. He'd never have remembered that. "Yes, I believe I am. You been working here
long?" The staff were certainly varied and lovely.

"About ten cycles. I'm Banks." A huge, square hand was offered to him, his own taken in a firm

A communit beeped and Banks answered, murmuring for a moment before meeting his eyes.
"I'm sorry, sir. Kestrel is dealing with an emergency and will be a few moments. Would you like
a meal while you wait?"

"I'll tell you in a minute."

He took a sip of the water. Along with icy cold it was pure and fresh -- this was the real deal, not
recycled. Top of the line all the way.

Gideon nodded. "Banks, my man, I would indeed like a meal while I wait."

"Excellent." Banks tilted his head, shiny eyes sparkling a moment. "I have a new employee. Very
new, but very sweet. Would you mind being his first customer? He's been trained, but he's not
ready to have a half-dozen tables."

It was the twinkle in Banks' eyes that convinced him. "I'd love to."

"Yes? Wonderful." Banks leaned close, smiled. "He's a very sweet one. No scaring him." Then
he got a wink. "Tybalt? Lovely? You have a customer."

Gideon looked over as a door slid open and a beautiful, dark-haired man stepped out.

His body tightened at the sight; the leather he wore suddenly felt more sensual. He licked his lips
and offered a smile to Tybalt. A goatee and mustache covered the lower half of Tybalt's face, but
he could see a fine bone structure there. "Hello, Tybalt."

"Good. Good evening, sir." A slender hand was offered to him. "Let me show you to your table."
Oh, the voice was soft, gentle, almost caressing him.

He took Tybalt's hand, the skin smooth and warm, and he felt it in his gut. He stood, still holding
on. "I hope it isn't too close."

"It's down the hall. Kestrel will meet you there, sir." Oh, the man's hand trembled for him, so

A private room for just him and this sweet, lovely man.

"And until he does, it's just you and me." He made sure to meet the blue eyes, hold them a
moment so that Tybalt had no doubts that this was a very good thing.

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"Yes, sir." Tybalt wore loose clothing, the lean form a tease as they walked. "What type of food
do you prefer?"

"Well, now, that would depend on the place. What's good here?" Besides you, sweet thing.

"I enjoy the stir fries, but Moffat is a master chef and his staff is the best."

He was led to a simple, yet incredibly elegant room with a low table, dim lighting.

"Well, then, we'll have the stir fry and a bottle of red." He pointed to the table. "But you'll need a
second place setting."

"A second place setting, sir?" Tybalt nodded, moving to the wall automatically. "Shall I go escort
your companion here, sir?"

He had to admit, he liked the 'sir,' liked the way Tybalt made it sound like more than just a
simple honorific to a customer. "My companion is already here, Tybalt."

"Pardon me?" Those eyes were the color of jewels, clear and bright, as blue as they could be.

"I said my companion is already here, Tybalt. I'd like you to join me, darlin'." He had no clue if it
was even allowed at the Glove, but it was what he wanted, so the rest was just details.

"I. Oh. I." Tybalt gave him the loveliest little smile. "I'm supposed to see to your comfort, sir. To
make your supper pleasant."

"And I can't think anything more pleasant than having you sitting next to me to share a meal."
Well, he could think of a great many things, but supper was a good start.

"Well, I suppose I could..." The faint look of consternation was addictive. Was arousing as fuck.

It would be perfect if that facial hair wasn't hiding the lovely features. "Of course you could.
Order our supper and sit with me, darlin'."

"Do you eat meat, sir? Your preferences aren't recorded yet."

"I do -- if it's real." He had expensive tastes. "And you'll learn my preferences as I learn yours."

"Mine? Oh, I'm a waiter. I don't. I mean. I don't even live here yet. I'm not..." Tybalt's mouth
closed with a snap, pale cheeks heating. "Let me order your meal, sir, and I'll bring you more

"Our meal, Tybalt." He stopped a moment and made sure he had Tybalt's eyes. "Unless you
really do not wish to -- I would not force you."

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"I..." He got a glimpse of that smile again, a fire lit by it in his belly. "I would like to share a
meal with you, sir."

He'd read the man absolutely right. Excellent.

He grinned at Tybalt. It was a great beginning. "Then order, darlin', and let’s eat."

"Yes, sir." He heard the soft murmuring as he sat, admiring the hints he could see of Tybalt's

Lean, but not small. He'd bet there was dark hair on it to match the face. What a delight it would
be to slowly make Tybalt smooth from the lovely face down to the feet.

He had an honest, eager smile for Tybalt once the food had been ordered and Tybalt came to sit.

Two glasses of water landed on the table, Tybalt nearly vibrating in his seat. "Have... have you
ever been here before?"

"Nope. I've just arrived." He leaned in, fingers sliding along Tybalt's arm. "I'm glad I came

"I..." Tybalt blinked, watched his fingers with a rapt fascination. "I am too. Soon you'll belong in
with the others, and I would have missed you."

"Missing you would have been a shame, darlin'. You're a keeper." He kept touching, watching
the effect of his touch on Tybalt's face.

The thin cheeks grew rosy under the mask of dark hair, those lovely eyes holding his. "You're
sweet to say so."

Gideon laughed. "Oh, darlin', sweet is not something that's usually associated with me." He
leaned close enough to almost feel that damned facial hair tickling his lips -- he wouldn't kiss
Tybalt until those cheeks were smooth, though. "I wouldn't want you to get the wrong

"I..." Long, pitch-black eyelashes fluttered. "Do you have. I mean. Is there someone here that's
yours? For you."

"I only just got here -- haven't even checked into my rooms yet. But you know what, Tybalt? I do
believe there is someone here who's for me." He grinned, wondering if the sweet thing was going
to be able to make the connection to himself. Some time in Gideon's care, and Tybalt would have
that confidence.

"Oh. Congratulations. Everyone says this is the perfect place to find what you need." Tybalt
ducked his head, the heavy fringe of bangs hiding those eyes from him.

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He reached out, taking Tybalt's chin in his hand and tilting it up until their eyes met once again.
"I've spoken to only three people so far, and invited only one to share any time with me."

"I..." Those eyes searched his, so bright, so wide. "I'm only a server, you know that."

Damn, that look combined with touching Tybalt went straight to his balls, his cock beginning to
fill. "No, darlin', being a server is what you do for a living. What you are is so very much more
than just that."

"I don't know that I'm allowed to..." Tybalt leaned into his touch, lips parting. Of course, about
that time the door slid open and a tall, fluttery, colorful man burst in, rainbow-colored hair and
gauzy clothes almost completely eclipsing Tybalt's retreat.

"Oh, hello. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. Busy, busy night. I'm Kestrel. So very pleasant to
meet you."

He shook Kestrel's hand and smiled wryly. "Nice to meet you, too. And no apologies necessary -
- Tybalt here has ensured that I've been very happy waiting."

"Excellent. I haven't met Tybalt yet. He's new. So are you, Mr..."

"I'm Gideon Blueplum -- please call me Gideon. And this here is Tybalt." He nodded at the
server, pleased to present Tybalt.

His opinion of this place rose exponentially when Kestrel smiled at Tybalt, the look honest and
welcoming and quite beautiful. "Hello, dear boy. I'm so glad to meet you in person. Banks has
spoken highly of you. We'll have to have lunch next week and get to know each other."

"Thank you."

"So sweet." That smile was turned on him, just a little dazzling. "Now, how can I assist you,

"I need an apartment. I'll pay for the first year up front."

Simple as that.

And if he liked it, he'd stay permanently. If he didn't, the Velvet Glove was going to lose their
newest server, because he would be taking Tybalt with him. That was simple, too. He knew it
was quick, but he trusted his gut implicitly -- after all, it was why he was here, not to mention
why he could afford to be here.

"Hmm. Let me see if I have an opening. We're doing some renovations and are tighter than
usual. That's why the newer employees aren't being offered a spot in the club. There's no rooms
left for them..." Kestrel bent his head, tapping away at a communit.

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He smiled at Tybalt. "What about you -- where are you staying, darlin'?"

"I have a room at the Carpan Vale."

Gideon saw the quick, almost hidden look of horror that passed over Kestrel's face.

He snorted and shook his head. "Too far away, darlin'. You'll have to come stay in my rooms --
soon as Kestrel here finds me some."

"Your... but... I..." Tybalt started fluttering, eyes wide.

"Have you filled out all the preliminary forms? The references and everything?"

He ignored Kestrel for a moment, focusing instead on Tybalt. He reached over and stroked
Tybalt's arm again. "You Are Not living in some hole in the ground. Don't worry about it -- we'll
have a nice meal and talk all about it, get it settled once I've dealt with the red tape here." Only
then did he turn his attention back to Kestrel. "Look, I just got here -- I went to the security desk
at the front, told them what I wanted, and they sent me to the bar for a drink to wait for you. And
then I was sent back here for a meal. Nobody said anything about forms or references. So that
would be a no."

"Well, there's about three hours' worth of forms, an interview, et cetera. How about this -- I'll
arrange a temporary room for you for three days. That will give us time to finish a permanent
apartment and have all of your paperwork finished."

"Three hours' worth of forms? Damn." It made sense though. This was, after all, the premier
BDSM club in the whole damned galaxy. It was good to know that they vetted people. "Yes, that
arrangement will be fine. As long as the temporary room will be large enough to accommodate
Tybalt as well as myself -- him remaining at the Carpan whatever it was is untenable."

"Are... are you two friends?" The look he received was quick, sharp, curious.

"We're going to be." He smiled at Tybalt. "We're going to be much more than friends. Listen --
you don't want to room him with me while you're waiting on references and paperwork to clear,
that's fine. You find him somewhere to stay that doesn't put that look on your face."

"He's a free man, Gideon. Honestly. If he'd like to spend his free time with you, he's welcome to,
but he's not required to." Kestrel smiled at Tybalt. "And, my dear, if you'd like, you're welcome
to come stay in my guest quarters tonight. That's such a dangerous trip home."

"Oh. No. No, Kestrel. I couldn't. Thank you."

"That's a very generous offer, Kestrel, and I'm sure Tybalt will accept it if he doesn't accept
mine." He smiled at Tybalt again. "I'm not telling you to stay with me at all. I'm sorry if that's the

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impression I gave. I'm asking you to. I want to get to know you better than simply sharing dinner
will allow."

Those beautiful eyes searched his, looking and needing, and then he received another of those
smiles. "I'd like that, sir. To become your friend."

Kestrel smiled, clapped a bit. "Well, then. If you'll let me charge your credstick, I'll arrange for
the forms to be made available to you in a room on the fifth floor. When all the arrangements
have been made, you'll meet with Hercules and Mal and then be set."

He almost missed what Kestrel'd said, too busy beaming at Tybalt and congratulating his
instincts on getting it right yet again. And maybe this time it was even more important than ever
that they did their job -- he had a hunch he was going to need them a lot with Tybalt. That quiet
shyness would preclude Tybalt from asking for what Tybalt wanted, needed.

"What? Oh, sorry." He pulled out his credstick and handed it over to Kestrel. "Who're Hercules
and Mal?"

"Herc is the owner and Mal is my counterpart in the club. I manage the day-to-day aspects, Mal
supervises the pleasure professionals and assures that all members are safe and receiving the
things that they require, on a physical and emotional basis."

And that right there was one of the main reasons this place had the reputation it did. "Excellent.
Thank you, Kestrel. I haven't been here long, but I'm already quite impressed."

"This is a wonderful place to make your home, Gideon. I love it. If there's anything at all I can
help you with, please let me know. Once your paperwork goes through, Mal will arrange an
escort for you, should you wish it. Someone to show you around and so forth."

His gaze went back to Tybalt. "Oh, I think I've already found someone to show me around."

Tybalt blushed again, but he got a quick nod, a half smile.

"Excellent. Oh. Your meal. Enjoy. All the information is here in your comm. I'll be looking for
your paperwork. I have to run." His cheek was kissed, Kestrel's lips soft and dry.

"Thank you for all your help, Kestrel. You've got a fine place here."

The door closed behind the colorful man and he was able to turn his full attention back to Tybalt
and their meal. "This smells really good."

"It should be. Moffat's really good." Tybalt seemed smaller, somehow, after Kestrel left.

He picked up a fork and speared a snow pea, offering it over to Tybalt.

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Tybalt looked unsure, hands fluttering a moment before those sweet lips parted, took the pea off
the tines of the fork.

Gideon almost moaned. If that damned goatee had been gone, he would have. As it was, his
fingers just itched to open his bag and pull out the carved, jade-handled razor and deal with the
damned facial hair. He wanted that far more than he wanted to eat.

One thing at a time, though.

He speared another snow pea along with a thin sliver of beef, actually moaning at the flavor.
"You weren't entirely truthful with me, Tybalt – 'really good' doesn't come close to describing
this food."

Tybalt chuckled, carefully eating his own meal, which was smaller and simpler, but smelled

If the food hadn't been so very good, he might not have even noticed, he was that busy watching
Tybalt eat.

When they were done, he reached over with a napkin and wiped a spot of something off Tybalt's
neat little beard.

"I. Thank you." That blush was just something else, and he wondered if it went everywhere.

First, though, he wanted to see how it looked on Tybalt's face without all the hair. "Do you think
we could go see the room Kestrel's arranged for us?"

"Are... are you sure you want me to come? You don't know me and I'm not... They have boys
that have trained here to be. To be. Appealing."

"Are you saying you don't think you're appealing?" Gideon shook his head. He was going to
change that. One day Tybalt would be able to walk into any room and know that all eyes were on
him, wanting. "You're more than appealing to me, Tybalt. There isn't anyone else I want. Come
on now, I have something I want to do."

He stood, picking up his bag.

"All right." Tybalt went to the communit, arranging for the dishes to be picked up and letting the
staff know where he'd be.

He took Tybalt's hand and let himself be led down to the lifts, a quiet hum coming from the
dining area. It was busier now than it had been and the dance floor was nearly full with a
delicious mix of dressed and undressed bodies, men in suits right next to others wearing nothing
more than a collar and a handful of piercings. A lovely juxtaposition.

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"I know you haven't been here long, but do you like it here?" he asked Tybalt.

"The people are very nice. It's clean, safe. Yes. I like it here very much."

They nodded at a man with two very flamboyant boys on his arms exiting the lift, and Gideon
couldn't help but turn and take another look. Bright blue with purple hair. That was something
you didn't see every day.

"And what in particular made you want to work here?" he asked as the doors closed and Tybalt
pushed the button for the fifth floor.

"I met a man that works here, in the leather shop. He and I rode a bus together and he said this
was a good place to work. I was an artist before, but they found someone better."

The lift was luxurious, rich, covered in mirrors.

Found someone better... no wonder Tybalt was lacking in confidence. "You'll have to show me
your work sometime." Let him be the judge.

The lift was fast, too, and before he could say anything else they'd arrived on the fifth floor.
There was thick carpeting on the floors and gentle lighting. Lots of doors, but the corridor itself
was empty of people. He looked at the communit Kestrel had left. "523. Do you know which
way that is?"

"No." Tybalt moved forward, typing in the information on the wall console. "Down the hall to
the left, about halfway."

"Oh, that's handy. They seem to have thought of everything here." He took hold of Tybalt's hand
and followed the directions.

"There are people that never, ever have to leave. They just stay in here forever."

"Huh. I suppose the place is big enough to be like a town. I can't imagine never going anywhere,
though. There's a lot to see out there."

They got to door 523 and he noticed the palm plate. However, Kestrel hadn't taken his palm
print. "How do we get in?"

"I don't..." Tybalt leaned forward, looking closely. "Does your credstick go in here? There's a
little hole."

"Oh, good catch." He grinned at Tybalt and pushed his credstick in the appropriate slot, the door
clicking open for them. He knew he should be eager to see what the room was like, but all he
wanted was to get Tybalt alone in the bathroom so he could shave off that silly beard and take
the kiss he'd been wanting for awhile now.

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The room was a deep violet, the carpets and furnishings simple and well-made, cushioned and

"Very stylish, elegant." Comfortable. Expensive as fuck. He liked it.

Grabbing hold of Tybalt's hand again, he tugged the server down the short hall. Two doors, one
to a small bedroom dominated by a large bed, the other to a good-sized bathroom with a large
tub, a double sink, and mirrored walls. The lights were from above and flooded the room with a
warm light.

"Oh, this is nice." It was warm despite all the steel and porcelain, something many bathrooms
could not boast.

Turning to Tybalt, he grinned, fingers reaching to scratch through Tybalt's beard. "I want to do
something with you, and I need you to let me do it."

"What? I. I'm not. I told. I haven't..." The fluttering was adorable.

"Sh." He pressed his fingers against Tybalt's lips. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to
shave off the goatee. Look, they've even got a chair here you can sit on, tilts back toward the sink
and everything. It even has a lower section that comes out so you can recline more comfortably."
He was loving this club more with every moment.

"But. I." Tybalt stared at him like he'd lost his mind. "Why?"

"Because I want to see your face, darlin'." He gave the chair a pat. "Take off that pretty little shirt
so it doesn't get wet and come sit."

"I. I have a scar. It's not. It's hidden."

"A scar? What happened? You must tell me. And I want to see. Trust me and sit." He opened up
his bag and pulled out the little leather case that held his straight razor. He took it out, the jade
handle a carved dragon's head, kept shining by frequent oiling. "This is what I'll use."

"I. Are you going to hurt me? Have you done this before? What if I lose my job?"

"Yes, I have shaved before. Myself, others. I'm a bit of an expert with this little razor. No, I am
not going to hurt you." He reached out and cupped Tybalt's cheek, looking into the lovely,
scared, and intrigued eyes. "And you aren't going to lose your job because you don't have a
beard! Now just sit down -- I know you want it. I can see you."

"I..." Tybalt leaned into his touch, eyes closing. "Oh."

"You know the rules at this place, darlin', don't you? You tell me your safeword right now and
that way you know I won't do anything you don't want."

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They wanted the same things, though. He knew it, could feel it inside.

"But I don't. I'm not. I haven't done the things the boys have. I'm a waiter..."

"I don't want someone who's been trained, who's here for whoever happens by. I want you. I
want to kiss you. I want to feel these pretty lips around my cock. I want to see your face. Please,
Tybalt. Sit and let me shave you and have my kiss, and then we can sort out the details."

Please. He needed this beautiful man, and he knew Tybalt could feel it, too.

The moment stretched out between them, heavy and portentous, then Tybalt simply nodded once,
stripped off the pale, too-big gauzy shirt, and sat.

He pressed against Tybalt's shoulders, encouraging first the man and then the chair to lean back
toward the sink. "Lovely."

Warm water on the cheeks and some special shaving soap that filled the room with the scent of
earth and a sweet musk, and he began.

The first scrape of the razor against Tybalt's cheek was loud, seemed even to echo.

Tybalt squeezed his eyes shut tight, pulse visible in the pale throat.

"Open your eyes, darlin'." He stroked his fingers over one eyelid and then the other. "No hiding
from me."

"I. I don't..." Those eyes fluttered open, staring at him, so vulnerable.

"See? You do." He winked and then went back to what he was doing. Each stroke of metal on
skin, pulling away Tybalt's hair, was like a stroke to his own cock.

There was a pale scar on Tybalt's cheek, following the curve of jaw. Not unattractive at all. It
gave Tybalt character, made the lean face fascinating.

He stroked along the smooth skin. "How did you get the scar?" he asked, picking up one of the
thick face cloths hanging next to the sink and gently washing excess soap from the lovely face.

"I was in an accident."

He made a soft noise, bending to kiss one soft cheek, groaning at how smooth it was. He rubbed
their cheeks together, his own kept smooth through technology.

"What kind of accident? What happened?"

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"I was in a transport on my way to study art on Gratc. Terrorists boarded and flipped the whole

"Goodness! You're lucky there's only that scar as a souvenir."

He pressed a kiss to the scar, slid his tongue along it.

"Lots of people died. I was asleep in the back. They didn't find me."

He looked into Tybalt's eyes, fingers sliding and stroking the smooth, lovely cheeks. "I'm so
glad, Tybalt. So very glad." Such terrible things could have happened: death, dismemberment,

"I. That's why I wear the beard."

He stepped back a moment and shook his head. "You look stunning without the hair, darlin'.
We'll keep it shaved from now on."

And soon the sparse hair on Tybalt's chest would be shaved away as well, the little glory trail
made to disappear -- it all had to go. But he was patient, they could work on it a bit at a time.

He bent suddenly, taking Tybalt's mouth, taking the kiss he so badly wanted.

Tybalt drew in a sharp breath through his nose, then opened to him, fingers wrapping around his
shoulders and holding tight.

The need in Tybalt nearly burned him, so much passion and want that had hidden behind the
little beard.

He straddled the chair, groaning as he realized that if he stood straight, Tybalt's mouth and his
cock would be on the same level. He was sure the chair had been designed that way. He

But first he enjoyed the kisses, enjoyed the way Tybalt's tongue slid along his, the way Tybalt
tasted. Tybalt dove into the kisses, the caresses clumsy and untutored, but honest and so needy,
so eager.

He slid his hand from Tybalt's neck along slender body, not touching nipples, just going right
down the center of Tybalt's body to the hard prick covered by silk and gauze, proof positive of
Tybalt's need.

Tybalt shuddered, bucking up toward his touch and then away.

He dragged his hand up along Tybalt's body again, cupping Tybalt's face and breaking the kiss.
"I want you to suck my cock." He held Tybalt's eyes.

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"But I haven't. That's not what I. I haven't ever..." Oh, gods above and below. Someone loved

He backed off a little, straightened, and started undoing his pants, one clip after another. "But
you want to."

"I." Tybalt swallowed, eyes searching his. "I don't know you. I don't. This is. I."

Those long, slender hands started fluttering.

He finished opening his pants, his cock springing out. "I won't make you do anything you don't
want to do, darlin'."

"Why me?" Those eyes met his again. "If Harry or Valka had been your waiter, would they be

He shook his head. "No, darlin'. Just you. Can't you feel it? The connection between us. I know
what you need." He stroked Tybalt's smooth cheeks. "You are what I need."

A single tear escaped Tybalt, hot and wet on his fingers. "I can. I can feel."

He brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting the salt.

Then he rubbed the tip of his cock along Tybalt's lips.

Tybalt's tongue slipped out, so hot, flicking over the slit in his prick.

"Ty!" He gripped the sink with one hand, locking his knees before he collapsed. "All yours,
darlin'." He rubbed his cock along Tybalt's cheek and then slid the tip across Tybalt's lips again.
"All yours."

"I. Tell me if I do it wrong?" Another lick, another soft kiss drove him toward madness.

He shook his head. "You can't. Just do what feels good." It might kill him if the kisses and licks
stayed so gentle, but it wouldn't be wrong.

Tybalt's eyes closed, the tentative, soft licks continuing, the sensations overwhelming.

He rubbed his fingers along Tybalt's cheeks, touching, loving on the smooth skin to distract
himself from the almost too-soft touches.

"More." He barely recognized his own voice, low and needy, husky with want.

Tybalt moaned, the suction so gentle, so careful, but it was more.

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"Good, darlin'. It's good. More."

His fingers went white around the porcelain as he held on tight to keep from pushing, from
taking Tybalt's mouth.

Tybalt treated him like he was spun glass, like he was the most precious thing ever.

"You won't hurt me." He pushed in a little deeper, cock head sliding on Tybalt's tongue.

The soft moan vibrated along his prick.

He whimpered, pushing a little deeper, a little harder. "More," he begged. "More."

The suction came harder, not enough, but harder.

He licked his lips, fingertips sliding over Tybalt's face. He was going to have to teach Tybalt
how to do this by example. Once he'd shaved the man's entire pubic area. The mere though had
him shuddering, moving faster into Tybalt's mouth.

He had to admire the fact that Tybalt didn't pull away, didn't panic.

"Touch me," he murmured.

Those long fingers slid over his hips, up over his belly.

"Yes!" He cried out, hips rocking harder, rocking his prick into those sweet lips, Tybalt's touch
just what he needed to bring him closer.

The touches continued, Tybalt's head bobbing, moving faster.

"That's it. Yes. Damn." He shuddered. "Oh, darlin', now."

Moaning, he shot, hips snapping as come poured down Tybalt's throat. Tybalt swallowed
reflexively, spunk spilling from the sweet, swollen lips.

He let his cock slide from Tybalt's mouth and bent to lick Tybalt clean, tongue moving over the
newly smooth skin, lapping the seed away. Tybalt whimpered, shivering against him.

He lowered himself slowly, straddling Tybalt's hips and rocking his ass over Tybalt's hard prick.
"Gonna make you feel good, darlin'."

"I. I need. Please."

He nodded, slid down a little so he could get his hand into Tybalt's pants. "I know."

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He brought their mouths back together as his fingers wrapped around Tybalt's sweet cock. Tybalt
whimpered, prick jerking as seed sprayed over his fingers.

"Oh, darlin', you're stunning. Just stunning." He licked the sweet lips, smiling into pretty blue
eyes. He got a soft, stunned, tentative smile, fingers sliding up his arms. Gideon settled back
down on Tybalt's thighs, hand coming up to paint the lovely smile with Tybalt's come. Leaning
in, he licked the bittersalt liquid right up.

"Oh..." Tybalt moaned, lips parted.

"You taste good." He let his tongue slip into Tybalt's mouth, the flavor of his own come
lingering there. "We taste good."

"I. Thank you, sir. I mean, Gideon. I mean..."

"Oh, so lovely." He kissed Tybalt again. "What would you like to call me?" he asked, stroking
the beautiful and smooth cheeks.

"I... I don't know." Tybalt smiled at him, blushed dark.

Oh, he did love that blush. "Then how about Gideon for now. I don't want you with me because
you're my 'server.'"

"No. No, I'm not working now."

"I know. We're playing. Getting to know each other." He smiled, leaning in to lick along Tybalt's
scar, the skin right there slightly different in texture from the rest of the smooth cheek. "We're
going to have so much fun together, Tybalt."

"You... Do you think so?" Tybalt's fingers covered the scar, fluttering over it.

"Oh yes, I do. I do indeed." He nipped at Tybalt's fingers, teeth scraping over the tips. "Let's test
out the great big shower we've got right there."

It would be an excellent excuse to touch Tybalt all over.

"Oh. I'd very much like that." Tybalt nodded. "My room doesn't have one. Such a luxury."

One day, Tybalt would be used to such luxuries.

He stood and stripped properly, helping Tybalt the rest of the way out of his pretty, gauzy pants
and taking a good look. "You'll look quite stunning all shaved, Tybalt."

"I'm already shaved, Gideon." The long, thin prick was crowned with ebony curls, the hairs
shining in the light.

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He laughed softly, genuinely amused. Trailing his fingers over Tybalt's lovely bare cheeks, he
nodded. "Your face is, darlin'. Now, what about the rest of you?"

Gideon let a hand slid down and rub over the few hairs that Tybalt had on his chest, the sweet
little glory trail that bisected the sweet ridges of Tybalt's belly. Then he carded his fingers
through the dark curls around Tybalt's cock. "Plenty left to shave."

Tybalt chuckled, the sound a touch nervous. "I don't know..."

"You'll see." He leaned in and licked his way from Tybalt's jaw back to a curved earlobe. "And
when you're smooth down there, I'll suck you off."

"I. Oh. We'll. We'll see." Tybalt shivered, leaned toward him.

Damn, he just loved the way Tybalt reacted to every touch, every word. He was grabbing on with
both hands and not letting go. He slid his hands around to cup Tybalt's ass, squeezing the firm
globes and tugging Tybalt up against his body from knees to shoulders. "Open your mind,
darlin'. We have limitless possibilities."

"I. You'll meet all sorts of people here. Fascinating people." Tybalt moaned, rubbed against him.

He moaned himself, loving the way Tybalt felt against him, imagining how much slicker it
would be once the slender body was completely smooth. "Possibly. But none of them could
fascinate me more than you do."

"I hope you're right."

"I am."

He tugged Tybalt into the shower, finding he could set the taps for water pressure as well as
temperature. "Let me guess -- you like it hot and fairly hard."

Tybalt nodded, eyes just dancing. "How did you guess?"

He chuckled. "You see -- I know you."

They stood under the spray, and he discovered there were soaps and shampoos, body lotions. He
chose one that smelled similar to his shaving cream, soaping up his hands and sliding them over
Tybalt's body. His sweet boy -- his, already, by the gods -- was the most sensual man, arching
and smiling, moaning. He touched Tybalt everywhere, exploring each ripple, each dip, each
muscle. He tickled Tybalt's pits, teased his fingers into the sweet little innie belly button.

Slowly but surely, Tybalt's cock filled, lifted, grew hard for him.

Oh yeah, his already.

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Moaning softly, he leaned forward and sucked the water from the hollow of Tybalt's collarbone,
lapped at it as his fingers slid down to play over Tybalt's hips, Tybalt's balls.

"Sir... Gideon..." Tybalt moved toward his touches, almost dancing.

"By all the gods, you are stunning, Ty. Just stunning." He cupped Tybalt's balls, rolled them, slid
his fingers behind them.

Tybalt gasped, stilled, staring at him. "I. Thank you."

"For what, darlin'?" He rubbed the soft skin behind Tybalt's balls, looking into the pretty blue

"The... The compliment?" Lovely boy. Lovely, wanton man.

"Just the truth, darlin', but you're very welcome." He licked those lips open and pressed his
tongue right in, fingers sliding back a bit farther, stroking across Tybalt's hole.

Tybalt pulled away a bit, eyes huge. "I. I don't. I haven't. Ever."

"I kind of guessed that. We'll take it slow, darlin'. And I won't ever do something you don't want
me to do." He knew, though, that Tybalt was going to want it all.

"Are you real?" Tybalt had no idea. None. Gideon was going to turn him inside out and teach
him to fly.

"More real than anyone you've ever known."

He brought their mouths together again, the kiss hard. He slid one hand around Tybalt's prick,
the other grabbing the sweet ass, fingers teasing the crack.

Tybalt cried out for him, hips rolling, bucking up into his touch.

"So beautiful when you come, darlin'. Show me again." He tightened his grip on Tybalt's cock,
squeezing harder on the upstroke, lighter on the downstroke. Tybalt's face showed every
emotion, every single second of need. He kept stroking, the fingers of his other hand pushing
into Tybalt's crack, sliding and searching for that hot little hole, pressing against it.

The tight muscles contracted, Tybalt's ass squeezing his finger, spunk spraying between them.

"Oh yes. Yes, darlin'."

He smiled, holding Tybalt through each shudder and shake.

"I. Gideon..." Tybalt swayed, blinking at him.

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He wrapped his arms around Tybalt, holding him upright. "How about we see what the bed is
like here, hmm?"

"I. Yes. Yes, please. I'm afraid you've melted me."

"Oh, good. That's what I was going for."

He nipped at Tybalt's jaw, loving the smooth skin beneath his lips. Turning off the taps, he
wrapped Tybalt in a towel, himself in another.

Tybalt followed him in a dazed silence, leaning into his strength, allowing him to lead. The bed
was large and comfortable and he tucked himself and Tybalt in beneath the covers.

He kissed one soft cheek. "Sleep, darlin'. Tomorrow's another day."

"Yeah. Work. Today's been amazing." Tybalt nodded, pushed closer, eyelids closing.

Oh, he'd have to speak to Banks and Kestrel about Tybalt and work. He had more than enough
money to keep them both very well.

But it could wait. Sleeping with his lover would not.

He let his own eyes close, Tybalt warm and right in his arms.

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Chapter Two

He'd dropped everything he'd touched.

He'd gotten two orders wrong.

Two people had screamed at him and Banks was sighing and Moffat had growled and he'd cut
his fingers picking up broken glass and now he was sitting in the med unit getting sealed up.

Tybalt was so fired.

Which really sucked, given that he'd just met Gideon and he had a chance with this one. A
chance to seem beautiful and interesting before Gideon met everyone else here.

Now Banks was going to take his palm print off everything and he'd be stuck outside again.

Damn it.

Still, Gideon'd been worth it.

Last night had been worth it.

He looked at the blood pooling in his palm and considering hurling.

It had.

The door flew open, Gideon striding in. "Where is he? Tybalt!"

The doctor chuckled. "Now, now. He's fine. Just fine."

"Gideon?" How had he known?

His hand was taken and Doc took it back. "Let me do my job. He'll be right as rain in a minute."

Gideon's fingers slid beneath his chin, tilted his face up. Gods, the man's hands were warm. "Are
you all right, darlin'?"

"Yeah. It's been a terrible day. How. How're you?" So beautiful. Gideon was. Really.

"I'm okay now. I finally finished all the damned paperwork and went to find you, only to be told
you were in the med unit -- injured!"

Gideon leaned in close and pressed their lips together.


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He leaned right back, pushing into the kiss, just in case it was his last. Gideon's tongue licked
across his lips, making them open, and then that warm tongue was inside his mouth, tasting him.

He sort of forgot where he was, forgot about his bad day and his hand and possibly getting fired.

He just kissed Gideon back.

"Okay, you're all done." The doctor's voice startled them both, Gideon chuckling as he broke the

"Let me see," Gideon demanded, taking his hand and examining it closely. There were three cuts
crossing his palm, all cleaned and numbed and nu-skinned. "Does it hurt?" Gideon asked him,
stroking gently over the area.


"Not yet. It will be sore tomorrow, but not terribly. Just be careful and come back at any sign of
infection." The doctor smiled at him, nodded.

"I will if I can. Thank you."

"He will. No ifs." Gideon took his good hand and squeezed it. "Thank you, doctor."

Gideon lifted him down from the examination table, arm going around his shoulders. "What do
you need, darlin'? Some supper? Rest? More shaving?"

"I. I suppose I should go talk to Banks. I. I'm probably going to have to go." It really had been a
disastrous day.

"Go where, darlin'? You can't possibly go back to work with that hand -- you'll have to come
back to my rooms."

Gideon strode toward the lift, looking as if he'd been living at the club all his life.

"I... I'm going to be let go. I know I am." Gideon wasn't hearing him, somehow.

"Because you were hurt?" Gideon shook his head. "I don't believe that. Besides, I wanted to talk
to you about quitting anyway."

"Quitting? And no, because I dropped things and made people mad..." Gideon just kept walking.

The lift doors opened as they got there and Gideon whisked him in. "You're new -- I'm sure
dropping things is par for the course." Gideon pulled his comm out of his pocket and pressed
some buttons. "Kestrel? Did I do this right?"

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"You would have if I was Kestrel, but I'm not. How can I help you?"

Oh, man. Everyone knew that voice.


Everyone, it seemed, except Gideon. "I don't know -- I guess that depends if you have any pull
around here. Who is this?"

"He's Mal. He's a big boss. Like Kestrel. I don't want to get you in trouble..." His whisper
seemed so loud.

"Mal? Like the Mal I'm supposed to see tomorrow at nine? Excellent. Mal, Gideon Blueplum
here." Gideon's voice seemed loud, too, but that was because he was talking very loudly, as if he
was worried they had a bad connection or something. "I've got Tybalt with me and he's worried
he's going to get fired because he dropped a few things. Managed to cut himself, too. He's new. I
told him not to worry, it'll be fine, but I'm not sure he quite believes me."

"I. Pardon me? Is this a sub?"

"Me?" Gideon laughed, and oh, that was a beautiful sound, and his whole face just lit up. "I'm
new here, too, but I'm not a sub. Oh! Did you mean Tybalt? Yes, but his job here is a waiter. It
was his first full day."

"Oh. That's Kes' bailiwick. Why are you with a waiter?"

"Because he's my lover." Gideon grinned at him, not looking the least bit intimidated to be
talking with Mal.

"He is? I think perhaps Kes and I should meet you, face-to-face. Do you have plans?"

"Just a minute." Gideon touched his cheek. "Do you feel up to meeting with Kes and Mal,

"I. If it means I can stay with you one more night. Yes. Yes."

"Oh, darlin', you staying with me's got nothing to do with Kes or this here Mal." Those fingers
slid over his cheek, stroking gently as Gideon just looked at him. Looked at him while Mal
waited for an answer, as if he was more important.

Then Gideon smiled and spoke loudly into the communit. "We can meet. Where and when?"

"We'll come up to your rooms in a few." He could hear Mal's amusement. "And you don't have
to yell. You're clear as a bell."

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Gideon chuckled. "Ah, yes, sorry. Not quite used to having the top-of-the-line product across the
board yet. I look forward to meeting you."

Gideon turned off the comm and hit the button for five, the lift doors finally closing, taking them

Tybalt looked at Gideon, stared. "I was afraid they'd fire me before I could see you again."

Gideon's smile gentled. Leaning close, Gideon licked his lips softly. "Even if they had fired you,
you would have seen me again, darlin'. You won't get rid of me so easily."

The lift came to a stop, doors opening with a soft bing.

It was a nice thought, that Gideon wanted him still.



His good hand was taken and they went to Gideon's rooms. "Try the palm plate."

"Huh?" His hand landed on the door and it opened, sliding easily. "Gideon?"

Gideon grinned at him. "Kestrel had my palm print added to the doorlock. I asked him to add
yours as well -- he had it on file."

"Oh..." He found a smile and gave it to Gideon. He couldn't believe this, couldn't believe how
lucky he was.

"Would you like anything before our guests arrive? Some water? Something to eat? Which
reminds me, you'll have to let the club kitchen know what you'd like to keep stocked in our

"I. I don't." He was feeling overwhelmed, lost. "I'm not picky."

"What's the matter, darlin'?" Gideon stepped close, hand coming up to cup his cheek.

"You can't be real. To just come and be so good to me." He leaned in, eyes closing.

"I was thinking the same thing myself this morning, darlin'. That you can't be real. I get here and
there you are, right in front of me, everything I want in your eyes." Gideon's lips covered his, the
kiss starting soft, but not staying that way.

Ty moaned and just sort of melted, opening up, taking all he could get.

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A firm rap on the door had them pulling apart, Gideon giving him a wry smile. "We'll continue
this after, darlin'."

Mal and Kes stood there together -- one in black, the other in pure white. Kes smiled at him, the
look so pleasant. "I heard you had a bad day, huh? It always seems to just compound, one thing
on top of the other."

"Yeah. I didn't mean to..."

"No one ever means to." Mal stepped in, hand held out. "I'm Mal. I run the training salle. You're
a Dom, but you're not looking for a sub to work with?"

"Good to meet you, Mal." Gideon shook Mal's hand. "And you're right. I'm a Dom, but I've
already found my sub." Gideon's lovely smile landed on him again.

He was caught in Gideon's eyes, so caught that he barely caught Mal's words. "He's not a house
sub, Gideon. He's had no training."

Gideon's smile widened, and he nodded. "Untrained and untutored and absolutely mine."

"Tybalt? Are you comfortable here? You know you don't... That it's not part of your job."
Kestrel's eyes were so kind.

"I know. I'm not. I mean. I don't." He took a deep breath. "Don't make me leave yet? He just
found me."

Tybalt had just come home. Finally.

"I don't believe whether or not you leave is up to Kestrel." Gideon turned to Kestrel. "Right?"

"I. This is. Mal?"

Malachi chuckled, shook his head. "Look. No one's getting fired for a bad day, and no one is
saying that you both can't have a relationship -- whether or not Tybalt remains an employee. I
just need to know everyone understands what is going on."

Gideon nodded. "Yes. Yes, let’s all sit down and have a proper conversation. I admit I
sometimes get ahead of myself and forget people can't read my mind."

Ty relaxed, waiting for all three of the men to sit before he did, cradling his hand in his lap. Mal
and Kestrel shared a few long, quiet looks, then Mal smiled at Gideon. "So why did you pick the

"I researched. You're the best club in the galaxy that caters to my kind of needs. Everything I

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read pointed to this place and, well, to be honest, my gut said it was the right place to be."
Gideon smiled at him again. "Looks like my gut was right."

Ty felt his cheeks heat and he sort of lost track of what Mal and Kestrel were saying. He just
watched Gideon.

Gideon turned to him suddenly. "Darlin'? Mal asked if you understood that being here with me is
not a part of your job. That you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"I. No. I mean, yes. I mean, this isn't about working. I don't want this to be about working."

Gideon nodded. "It isn't, darlin'. Not at all. Well, there you have it, gentlemen. I'm not taking
advantage of Tybalt, I'm not forcing him to be here, and he knows he doesn't have to be with me
if he doesn't want to be."

"Excellent. Tybalt, if you ever need me, you just have to comm me." Kestrel patted his hand.
"We don't want you to be scared."

"No, I don't want you to be scared either." Gideon gave him another smile. "Now that that's
settled, I have a request. Tybalt's hand is going to cause him some trouble over the next few
days. I'd like him to be off work."

"I think that is probably a good idea." Kestrel patted his knee. "Take a week, Tybalt, then we'll
all regroup."

"Oh, I like this place better every day. Get my references checked, Kestrel. I want to be settled in
here as soon as possible. You run a great place." Gideon shook Kestrel and Mal's hands. "Now, if
you don't mind, I have a feeling Tybalt could use some supper and an early night."

"Yes, he looks a bit run down." Kestrel's hand slid into the curve of Mal's arm, the men leaving
as quickly as they came.

Gideon closed the door behind them and turned to him. "You do look worn out, darlin'. How
about we share a quiet meal? What would you like? What's comfort food for you?"

"Do you like soup? I love carrot soup with crusty bread."

"Mmm, sounds good, darlin'. I'll order us some. Of course, I'd have ordered it for you even if I
didn't like soup." Gideon made short work of the ordering and returned to the couch, sitting next
to him again. "Well, darlin', we have some time before our soup arrives."

"Did... did you have a good day?" He met Gideon's eyes, trying to make small talk.

"Gods, you're sweet. I did paperwork and missed my darlin', and then found out you'd been hurt.
It's definitely looking up." Gideon's hand slid over his face.

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"Mmm." He leaned into the touch, loving the way Gideon's palm felt on his cheek.

"Kiss me, darlin'."

His lips brushed against Gideon's, tongue sliding in to taste. Gideon groaned and closed firm lips
around Tybalt's tongue, sucking gently.


He moved closer, needing to touch, to be touched, to believe this was real.

Gideon hummed into his mouth, one hand holding his head, tilting it slightly as the kiss went
deeper. The other hand slid down his neck and began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Gideon
eased him back onto the sofa, stretched him out.

Gideon chuckled as a knock came to the door, and went to retrieve their food. The soup was so
good -- hot and fragrant, and Gideon fed him. Before he knew it, the meal was over and good as
it had been, he could hardly remember what it tasted like; Gideon filled his senses.

"Now where were we?" Gideon asked after they were done eating. "Ah, yes."

Gideon began to kiss him again, pressing him back down into the sofa. His shirt was undone and
pushed aside, strong, warm fingers sliding on his skin, teasing his nipples and playing in his
navel. Gideon tugged the hairs on his belly, making him chuckle and shift.

"We're going to make these go away." Hand pushing into his pants, Gideon pulled on the curly
hairs around his cock. "These too. You're going to be even more stunning, darlin'."

"Do you think it's ugly?"

Gideon tilted his head. "No, not ugly. But you'll be absolutely amazing smooth."

"I. I don't think I understand, Gideon." The aesthetic escaped him.

"You will. And you'll love it." Gideon laughed. "I'll show you."

Gideon gave him another kiss, hard and quick this time, and then stood.

"Gideon?" He blinked up, feeling a little like he'd missed something.

"I'm going to show you how stunning you are. Then you'll understand. Don't worry, there will be
plenty of touching and kissing involved." Gideon held out a hand.

"I. Okay." He reached, let Gideon haul him up.

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He was tugged right into Gideon's body, their lips meeting. "Eventually we'll move to wax, but
for now I want the intimacy of shaving you myself."

"Wax?" His head spun a little, heart just pounding.

"Yes. Keeps you smooth longer. But you don't need to worry about that just yet." Gideon
walked him slowly down the hall toward the bathroom.

"I don't know if this is a good idea..." It made his belly tight, his heart pound.

"It is."

Gideon's fingers slid along his back, making him shiver.

"You promise you won't think it's ugly?" He didn't want to do anything to break this spell.

"I could never think you were ugly, darlin'." Gideon pushed his shirt off his shoulders and began
to undo his pants. "You're beautiful. From the inside out."

"You." He grabbed Gideon's hands, wincing as his cuts tugged. "Promise me you're real. You're
like nobody else, ever."

Gideon took his face in both hands. "I'm real. I swear." He was given a hard kiss. "What's it
going to take to convince you?"

"I don't know. You... you just make me feel so good."

"Good." Gideon kissed him again as his pants slid down his hips and fluttered to the floor.

He stepped closer, Gideon's hands rubbing the stubble on his face.

"I'll do your face first. Then your chest, your belly, the hair around your cock and balls. Then I'm
going to taste that lovely cock, lick the need from your slit..."

Tybalt whimpered, hips rocking, rubbing against Gideon's leg.

"Mmm... look how you respond to even the mention of shaving. You might not understand it, but
you need it, darlin'."

"How did you know?" He reached down, petted his own cock, the hot flesh jumping.

"I saw you and I knew. I could feel the need, knew I could match it. Match you."

Gideon took his hand away from his cock. "Let me shave you, darlin', so I can have my taste."

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"Yes." Oh, yes. Please.

"Then step into my parlor..." murmured Gideon, leading him to the same chair as the night
before. Once he'd sat, Gideon tilted it back so he was stretched out, exposed.

"I. This feels so big..." His hands covered his cock, his belly.

"Don't hide from me, darlin'." Gideon took his hands and placed them on the arms of the chair.
"Hold on."

His fingers clenched, wrapping around the arms, shaking.

Gideon picked up a bottle and poured thick gel onto his hands, rubbing them together before
sliding them over Tybalt's face and down over his body. It was cool but not cold, and smelled
good. Tybalt relaxed his grip, his hurt hand protesting. He let his eyes fall closed, let himself
trust, relax.

"Open your eyes, darlin'. Watch." Gideon's voice had gone husky.

Oh, that was a hard thing to do, so hard.

"I won't start until you're watching. It's not just happening to you, you're a part of it."

"I. It's hard." His eyelids fluttered open, and he stared at Gideon.

Gideon smiled at him, eyes soft, admiring him. "Some things are. They're usually worth it in the
end, though." Then Gideon picked up the straight razor with the green carved handle that he
recognized from last night. "Here we go."

He shivered, staring at Gideon, throat working. Gideon's fingers slid over his cheek, followed by
the razor, the soft, warm slide of skin followed by the cooler, hard slide of metal. Tybalt moaned,
heart pounding, eyes wanting to close so bad. Over and over again, the razor slid on his skin: his
cheeks, his jaw. When his face was done, Gideon leaned in and licked his lips, rubbed their
cheeks together.

"Mmm... darlin'."

"Yeah. Are. Kiss me?" Please.

"I can do that." Gideon's tongue licked along his jaw, over his chin, and then up to stroke across
his lips. As he gasped, Gideon's tongue slipped between his parted lips, filling his mouth.

Ty opened up, offering himself over, needing Gideon to make him feel. Gideon's kisses got
deeper, one following the other, one hand moving over his skin, skating across it through the
slick shaving soap. It was easy to just not think, to not focus on anything but the lazy pleasure of

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the kisses they shared. The kisses slowed, stopped, Gideon's eyes intense as they gazed into his
for a moment. "I think you're ready for the next step, darlin'."

"Hmm?" Lost. He was lost.

Gideon just grinned at him and then focused on his chest, razor sliding over his skin, just barely
skirting his nipples.

"Don't. Don't cut me." He shuddered, heart just pounding.

"No, darlin'. Not my kink." The razor kept moving on him, sliding lower, over his belly.

"Oh. Oh, good." He relaxed, took a deep breath. Hair could grow back.

Gideon hummed. "Lovely, darlin', just lovely."

His cock was pushed out of the way, Gideon sliding the razor to the base. His toes curled, the
newly bared skin tingling, almost burning.

"Can't wait to taste you, darlin'."

The razor slid until all the dark curls around his cock were gone, leaving behind smooth, pale

"It... it looks so weird." Almost ugly. Alien.

"Weird?" Gideon shook his head and used a warm cloth to wipe away excess soap. "You look
stunning, darlin'. Absolutely stunning."

Bending, Gideon placed a kiss on his right nipple, tongue snaking out to circle the newly bared
skin around it.

He cried out, pulled away. "Sensitive!"

"I'm not going to have to tie you down, am I?" Gideon's tongue circled his other nipple.

"I don't..." He shuddered and shifted again, his nerves just screaming.

"Don't what, darlin'?" The hot touch of tongue licked along his breastbone, down to his navel.

"Know. I don't know." He was going to scream. His skin felt too tight.

Gideon nibbled and licked, moving down to the skin between his cock and hip, skin exposed for
the first time since he'd hit puberty. Humming, Gideon began to suck, working his skin hard
enough he was sure it was going to leave a mark.

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His eyes closed; he couldn't help it. Hell, he could still see the image of Gideon burned into his
eyelids. The humming and scraping and sucking continued until his skin, already sensitive from
the shaving, became even more so, and he thought he was going to scream or explode if it went
on a moment longer. Finally, Gideon's mouth left his skin. "Oh, now, that is the prettiest thing I
have seen in a very long time."

Ty just gasped and shuddered, his cock leaking and dripping on his belly.

"And now for my taste." Gideon's tongue slid over his belly and then lapped, almost fluttered,
against the very tip of his prick.

"Gideon. Gideon, I. Oh. Oh..." He would have shot, just from that one touch, if Gideon's fingers
hadn't wrapped around the base of his cock and squeezed.

"Let's just hold that thought -- I'm not nearly done with you yet, darlin'." Gideon's tongue pushed
against his slit, then circled the head of his prick again, the touches firmer now.

"I can't. I need to." He didn't want to, though. He wanted the pleasure to go on and on.

"I know exactly what we need." Gideon's lips pressed to his briefly. "Don't move, I'll be right
back, darlin'."

"Where..." He watched Gideon step out of the room, just a little confused.

Gideon was back a moment later with something small and black in his hand. "My bag's in the
bedroom and I needed something from it." The black thing was held out for him, handed over. It
was about a half-inch wide strip of leather with snap closures at each end.

He tilted his head. He'd seen these on the workerbees. He'd never thought to feel one.

"It's a cock ring. It'll keep you from coming before we want you to."

"I've seen them. I. They don't pinch, right?"

"Some do. Some have all sorts of interesting textures on the inside. This one is just smooth
leather. It'll be tight, but it shouldn't hurt."

Gideon took the leather from his hand again and slid it down over his skin, wrapping it around
the base of his cock.

It twisted slightly, then wrapped around his balls, too, making a tight little package that looked
obscene. Wanton. Needy.

"Just look at you." Gideon's voice was all gruff, fingers lingering, sliding on his skin. "That looks
incredible against your bare skin."

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"I look... It's very..." Obvious. Unmistakable.

"It's stunning, darlin'." Gideon gave him another one of those quick kisses and then licked his
way back down Ty's body.

"I..." That heat surrounded his cock and he stretched, moaning as the pleasure flooded him. Oh.
Oh, he liked the ring. Loved being able to move and need and not worry, not think.

Gideon's tongue slid across the tip of his cock, lips tight around the head, suction so sweet, so
good. Ty tried to let Gideon know, moans and cries filling the air.

A hum vibrated his cock, Gideon's head bobbing over him, sliding those lips up and down his
flesh, his prick going deeper and deeper into the heat of Gideon's mouth. Words and sounds
poured out of him, the tight throat working, tugging at the tip of his cock. His balls were cupped,
Gideon's thumb sliding over them, fingers sliding behind them to rub. He tensed a moment, then
relaxed, trusting in that touch. Gideon's fingers slid back a little further, touching his hole,
circling it and circling it as Gideon's tongue circled the tip of his cock.

"I. Gideon. Oh." He shivered, not sure where to move.

That hot mouth slid off his cock, but the finger kept playing where it was. "You need to come,

"Uh-huh." He needed something.

Gideon grinned. "You can. But not just this minute."

The twinkle in Gideon's eyes was positively wicked, the fingers at his hole teasing, the very tip
of one breaching him.

"Oh. Oh, I. I haven't. I never have."

"I won't hurt you, darlin'. I've told you that." Gideon's finger moved a little, wriggled inside him
and then disappeared. "You'll be begging for it soon."

Then Gideon's mouth wrapped around his cock again, head bobbing enthusiastically.

Ty groaned, cried out as his hands clenched.

A hum vibrated his prick again, Gideon's fingers sliding over his newly bared skin, sending
sensation skyrocketing through him. Then those fingers slid over the base of his cock, over his
balls, and the leather was undone. He came hard enough his teeth clacked together, the room
going grey.

When things started coming back into focus, Gideon was slowly licking and kissing up his chest.

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Ty just gasped, shivered, completely in overload.

Fingers ran up to his face, tracing his features, moving on his skin. "Oh, lovely. Just lovely."

Then Gideon stepped away, quickly stripping his clothes off before lifting the leg support and
lying on him, body heavy, solid but not crushing.

"Warm." Gideon was so warm, so good on top of him.

That smile was just as warm, the prick that settled between his thighs hot. "Just keep your legs
tight together, darlin'."

"Mmmhmm." Together. He could do that.

"Yes, darlin', just like that. Feels so good." Gideon's hips pumped, moved that cock along his
skin, rubbing between his legs.

"Uh-huh. So good." Ty used his uninjured hand to tug Gideon closer, hold them together. He
could feel the silky glide of Gideon's cock as it rubbed past his balls, along the skin of his inner
thighs. It was all heat and silk and just like nothing ever. And Gideon's chest pressed against his,
hair rough against his shaved skin.

He leaned up, nuzzling along all the skin he could reach.

"Yes, sweet. Touch. Good." Gideon's voice was husky, breathless.

"Good." His lips fastened on a patch of skin, sucking soft and easy, pulling the blood up to the

"Tybalt!" His name was groaned, Gideon jerking. Come sprayed between his legs, hot and wet.

Oh. Oh, he did that. He made Gideon feel good.

Gideon collapsed onto him, mouth sliding against his, a soft moan pushing between his lips.

He sighed happily, lips parting, relaxed and easy on the chair. Gideon's kiss was lazy and long,
tongue slipping into his mouth, and he could taste his own come there. In Gideon's mouth. Him.

Ty felt himself drifting off, the stress and tension of the day getting to him. Soft kisses slid over
his face and then Gideon's weight and heat were gone. Before he could protest, Gideon's arms
slid beneath him and he was hoisted up against Gideon's chest.

Oh. Oh, so strong. He leaned over, kissed Gideon's shoulder.

Gideon hummed, the sound vibrating the chest he was settled against. "I'm taking you to bed,

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darlin'. I'm going to slather cream all over your smooth bits, and then tomorrow morning I'm
going to remind you just how special they are."

"Sounds like paradise." Pure pleasure.

"I think so, too, darling."

He was placed gently on the bed, Gideon sitting next to him, hands moving over his super-
sensitive skin. It made him gasp a little, but mostly he relaxed, let Gideon touch as he floated.
The cream was cool and slick, easing the slight irritation where Gideon had shaved him.

"Just stunning, darlin'," murmured Gideon, dropping kisses on his forehead, his nose, his lips.

"Just for you." He murmured the words, slip-sliding into sleep.

Just for Gideon.

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Chapter Three

Morning found Gideon in a very good mood.

He'd slept like a baby, Ty curled up next to him like his very own hot water bottle, all soft skin
and sharp curves. Now he was preparing a breakfast feast for his lover, complete with the best-
smelling coffee. The kitchen here really was amazing. His tray had a variety of citrus fruit sliced
unbelievably thinly, strawberries cut and fanned out, pineapple chunks carved into the most
fascinating shapes. There were several varieties of cheese and crackers, and three different

He also had a standard contract the club used for Doms and subs, which he planned to go over
with Ty. Whether his lover wished to continue as a waiter or not, Gideon wanted to be sure that
Ty understood that he was wanted, that he had a place here in Gideon's home no matter what else

Once he had everything set up on a table in the bedroom, he pulled out his laptop and put in
some work time. His heart wasn't in it, though, and he was busy constructing their new home in
his mind. He wanted a room set up as a conservatory, complete with windows on all sides and
the ceiling, and lots of plants, as well as a piano. He wondered if Ty played an instrument...

"Gideon? Did the doctor leave anything for my hand? It aches." Tybalt was bundled up and
blinking, hand held to the thin chest.

He grabbed a glass of mango juice and the bottle of pills from the side table, sitting on the bed
next to his lover. "He did. Here."

He popped a pill into Ty's mouth and held the juice up to the sweet lips. Tybalt didn't question,
sipping the juice and swallowing.

He stroked Ty's head and shoulders, humming in a soft, soothing tone. "It should act quickly."
And if it didn't, he was going to have a word with the doc.

Tybalt's hair was soft, but tangled, tugging on his fingers. He was torn between shaving it off and
brushing it out. Tybalt would probably respond better to the brushing just now.

"Let me get a brush, darlin', and take care of this mess."

"Okay." Tybalt curled up, knees under his chin.

He grabbed a brush from his leather bag and insinuated himself behind Tybalt on the couch.
"How's that hand now, darlin'? Any better yet?"

"Yes, sir. Better. I feel a little dizzy."

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"When was the last time you ate? There's food on the table. Fruit and cheese, crackers. Help
yourself, darlin'."

"The fruit looks beautiful..." Tybalt reached out, chose a berry, and offered it to him.

He took it from Tybalt's fingers with his mouth, tongue sliding over Tybalt's skin. "Now feed
yourself, darlin'."

Tybalt chose the pineapple, moaning over the fruit.

Gideon hummed happily at the sound, and began to brush Tybalt's hair, slowly working the
tangles out.

"Oh..." Tybalt melted against him. "Gideon."

"Has no one ever pampered you at all, Tybalt?" Each little thing elicited such wonder.

"Hmm?" Those beautiful eyes met his. "I'm a Yachian refugee, Gideon. I grew up in the outlands
working, like everyone else. This... this is my dream."

He brushed the hair off Tybalt's neck and kissed it. "Then keep dreaming, darlin'. I won't wake

"Promise?" That single word felt like it was filled with so much desire.

"I do." He slid the brush through the silky hair a few more times. "In fact, I wanted to talk to you
about that."

"Hmm?" Tybalt offered him another bite, fingers stroking his lips.

He moaned softly, the flavor of the fruit spiced by the salt of Tybalt's skin. He ate the tidbit and
licked Tybalt's fingers quite clean.

"Mal was kind enough to deliver a contract for me. For us. It will assure you continue your
dream in safety and confidence."

"A contract? What for?"

"Well, this is a standard one, and we can amend it as we wish." He reached over and picked up
the papers, pressing them into Tybalt's good hand. "It is a contract between a Dominant and a

"I. Do you think I am? I mean, don't I need training?" Oh, so sweet. So dear.

"Some men like a submissive who has been fully trained. I want someone who wants to be with

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me. No." He shook his head and turned Tybalt's head so he could look into Tybalt's eyes. "I want

"I could be yours." The words were whispered, those eyes so big.

"You already are." He paused, held Tybalt's eyes. "This would let everyone else know."

"I could stay with you?"

"Yes, darlin'. That's my biggest wish. Well... that's the start of my wish." He had so much
planned for Tybalt, so much he wanted to explore with the lovely man.

"What else do you want?" Tybalt leaned against him, eyes half closed.

"I want your body, your heart, your soul, Tybalt. I want it all. I want to take you to new heights. I
want to be there for the small moments, too. Brush your hair and watch you eat cock-shaped

Tybalt's cheeks flushed, the grin warming him through.

"You should read these papers, Ty. And make sure you understand them before you sign."
Gideon wouldn't force Tybalt into anything, would make sure his darlin' was doing what Tybalt

"What will you sign? Are they for you, too?"

He nodded. "We both sign the papers. We both need to make the commitment. I will be as bound
to you as you will to me."

He put down the brush and wrapped his arms around Tybalt.

"Are you sure you want that? To be bound to me?"

One day Tybalt would not need to ask such a question. One day he would have the confidence of
a man who knew he was loved, wanted, special. "I would not have offered if I was not sure."

"How can you know, so fast?" Tybalt fed him another bite, cheek rubbing his shoulder.

"Look inside yourself for the answer, Tybalt. You know already as well. You feel how you fit
here," he hugged Tybalt lightly, "in my arms."

"I do." Tybalt's mouth pressed against his, soft, sweet.

Oh, yes. Tybalt knew what he wanted -- he just needed to believe he deserved it, that all he
needed to do was take it.

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"Is there anything you'd like to make sure is included in the contract? This is a standard one -- we
can add or take out anything we like. Anything at all, darlin'."

"I don't know what is standard, Gideon. I don't know what to think."

"I'm sorry, darlin', I don't mean to go barreling over you with this. I'm just eager for you to be
mine in more than just your and my eyes." He rubbed their noses. "You should read it word for
word, but I can give you the highlights.

"It says that we both are in this relationship of our own free will. It says that I am the Dom and
you are the sub and as such, no one may order you to do anything without my permission. It says
that you have a safeword, that you understand how to use it, And it says that if you do use it, I
will stop immediately." He paused a moment, considering. "We haven't discussed a safeword yet
-- you understand the concept, though, don't you?"

Tybalt nodded. "I say it, you stop. No matter what."

"That's right. Would you like to choose a word now?"

He really should have set this up before the first time they'd made love, but it had all flowed so
smoothly, so quickly, and had Tybalt once said stop, he would have.

"I... Is cold a good one?"

He considered it, but shook his head. "No, you need to choose a word that you wouldn't be using
while we're making love, shaving, whatever. And if we use 'cold,' I might stop when all you're
doing it telling me you're not warm enough."

Tybalt thought, then smiled. "Lion. I like that."

"That's perfect, darlin'." He kissed Tybalt and hugged him again. "Is there anything else you
want to ask about before you read the contract over?"

"No. I'll read it. Then I'll ask questions."

Gideon chuckled. "Smart man."

He slid his fingers beneath Tybalt's blanket, moving them over the lovely, smooth belly. "Did
you want to read it right away?"

Oh, that sweet laugh, it made him soar. "No. No, I want to be here, with you."

"Mmm... Do you remember what I said I was going to do with you this morning?"

He slid his hand upward, circling one nipple, stroking the smooth skin.

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"I... No. No, Gideon, I'm sorry. I don't." He got a sweet little gasp, lips parted.

"Sh. It's all right. You aren't required to remember unless I tell you to. I'll just show you." He
tweaked the nipple he was teasing, and then went back to circling the shaved skin.

"Gideon..." That pretty nipple drew up, hard as a stone, begging his attention.

"Yes, darlin'?" He licked Tybalt's neck from the jawline on down to where it met Tybalt's
shoulder. His fingers lingered near, but did not touch, Tybalt's nipple.

"You make me want, so badly." Tybalt arched, reached for his finger.

"Good." He let his fingers slide across Tybalt's nipple, one following the other until all but his
thumb had flicked across the hard, needy bit.

Tybalt's eyes closed, lips parted, the look pure desire. Humming, he licked his way over to
Tybalt's Adam's apple, sucking on the protrusion, tongue swirling around it as he circled the
other nipple. Tybalt moved for him, humming and sliding and shivering. Loving it.

"So smooth. So sensual. Such a wonder, my Tybalt." He peeled the blanket away, exposing
Tybalt completely to his gaze. Tybalt pinked, hands fluttering a moment, reaching to hide that
beautifully curved prick. Gideon made a soft noise, taking Tybalt's hands in his own and
stretching them out to the sides. "You have no reason to hide, darlin'."

"I'm not used to being so... bare." Tybalt shivered, heart pounding against him.

"You will grow used to it, darlin'. I love how you look naked. I love how you look bare even
better." He dragged his fingers over the skin around Tybalt's cock.

"I." Tybalt's eyes went wide, the lean legs drawing up.

He chuckled. "I need more hands. Or you need to be restrained." Hmmm... the idea was a good
one, Tybalt tied down, spread apart for him until Tybalt learned to do so on his own.

"You have the perfect number of hands."

"I do? Excellent. Restraints it is."

He stood, bringing Tybalt up with him. He'd explored the rooms yesterday and there was a small,
but very well equipped room just beyond the bedroom.

"R...restraints?" Tybalt searched his eyes, following without question.

"To keep you from hiding your beautiful body from me."

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He pushed open the door. The room was simple, a large, fully stocked cabinet, a bed large
enough for two, with both head and footboards designed to attach various cuffs to.

"I haven't..." His sweet lover looked around, eyes huge, just taking it in.

He stroked Tybalt's cheeks. "Just remember to breathe, darlin'. And if you need me to stop, use
your safeword."

"Are you going to hurt me?"

"Not today." He winked and then kissed Tybalt before adding. "No, darlin'. I'm not going to hurt
you. I'm going to tie you to the bed spread eagle, so that I can touch and lick and admire and you
can't hide from me."

"Admire? Me?" Tybalt let him lead them, let him draw that lean, beautiful body onto the bed.

"Oh, yes, Tybalt." He bent and kissed Tybalt's belly, chuckling as all four limbs drew in toward
Tybalt's middle. "You."

He placed another kiss on Tybalt's belly and then went to grab silk ropes from the cabinet. Tybalt
watched him, fingers moving on the sheets. He offered Tybalt a reassuring smile and brought
over the ties. He trailed them over Tybalt's skin.

"Oh." That earned him a full-body shudder.

Such a sensualist. Tybalt was a delight.

Running first his hand and then the silk along Tybalt's left arm, he looped the silk around the
slender wrist and attached it to the bed.

"It's not too tight, is it?"

The rope got a tug, a pull, and then Tybalt shook his head. "No. No, it feels..." Those eyes
closed, Tybalt hiding his face. "Arousing."

Yes. Oh, yes. And Tybalt had admitted it.

"Open your eyes, darlin' -- let me see that arousal in your eyes."

"I... Gideon..."

He placed his hand on Tybalt's chest, a focus. "Yes, darlin'?"

"I didn't think it would be hard, to show you."

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"Being truly seen is never easy." He leaned in and licked Tybalt's cheek. "You'll get used to it.
Thrive on it."

"You swear?"

"I do, darlin'. You were made for this. For me." He spread Tybalt's other arm out and tied it to
the headboard.

Tybalt moaned, nodded. "For you."

"That's right, darlin'."

He made short work of getting the restraints onto Tybalt's ankles, sliding his hands over the
stretched legs, feeling the hairs on Tybalt's legs tickling his palms. He would shave those next.

Tybalt shivered, body shifting, testing the cords.

Gideon felt his breath catch as he gazed down at Tybalt. "Oh, darlin... I... " Breathless and
speechless both. Tybalt was absolutely stunning, and perhaps all the more so because he didn't
realize it.

"It's okay?" Okay? Gods.

"I could come just from looking at you, Tybalt. I could."

Of course, that wouldn't be nearly as much fun as licking and tasting every inch of Tybalt's
lovely body.

"Oh." Tybalt pinked, entire body shaking.

Smiling, he climbed onto the bed, fingers combing through the hair beneath Tybalt's arms. "This
needs to go next, darlin'. And then the hair on your legs. But we'll go slowly -- uncover you a bit
at a time. The anticipation has a lovely flavor of its own."

"I. But." Tybalt moaned, eyes closed, throat working as he swallowed.

Gideon chuckled. "I'm not doing it today, darlin'."

Bending, he kissed the ball of Tybalt's shoulder and then took some of the pit hairs between his
teeth, tugging on them, not hard, just enough to sting a little. The reaction was rewarding, Tybalt
twisting and moaning low.

Humming happily, Gideon licked his way down Tybalt's side until he reached Tybalt's hip bone.
He wrapped his lips around it, sucking, tongue swirling. He glanced up to look into Tybalt's face.

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"Oh. Warm." Tybalt's eyes went heavy-lidded, lips parted. A natural. His Tybalt was a natural at

"I'm going to taste all of you, darlin'. Every millimeter of skin that I bared last night, I will taste

He licked his way over to the tempting dip of Tybalt's navel.

That earned him a laugh. "Tickles!"

He chuckled. "What about this?" he asked, pressing his lips to Tybalt's skin and blowing a
raspberry against the smooth skin.

The happy squeal had him laughing, nuzzling in over and over. Eventually his touches changed,
his aim to arouse now, his tongue working the lovely skin, making Tybalt's muscles twitch and
jump for an entirely different reason than laughter.

"Gideon. So good." Tybalt's eyes were closed, chest rising and falling.

"Open your eyes, darlin'. Watch." He nuzzled the skin next to Tybalt's right nipple, tongue
flicking out across it.

"Mmm." Tybalt's eyelashes fluttered. "Gideon."

"Yes, right here."

He flicked his tongue across Tybalt's nipple again, and then slid over to treat the other one the

"Yes. Yes. Right here." Tybalt nodded, arching toward his mouth.

So sensual. He was growing to love those moments when Tybalt forgot himself and let the
pleasure overtake him.

He took Tybalt's nipple between his lips and tugged.

Oh, someone enjoyed that. Tybalt flushed and nodded, body shuddering.

He tugged a little harder, fingers sliding to pinch the other.

"That. I." The restraints pulled, Tybalt reaching for him. "Oh."

He shook his head, letting the motion tug at Tybalt's nipple before letting it go. "Just feel, darlin'.
You can have your turn later."

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"It's so good..." Tybalt sounded drunk, stunned, lost.

"It is." He licked and nibbled at the flesh around Tybalt's nipples, tongue sliding on the shaved

He glanced up at Tybalt, met the glazed eyes. "You come when you need to, darlin'." He'd lick
and nibble and taste until Tybalt did.

"Okay. Okay, Gideon. Thank you. It's all so good..."

"Shh, shh, just feel, darlin'." He slid his hand down to stroke the skin around Tybalt's cock,
knowing how sensitive it had to be, all newly shaved. Tybalt cried out, hips fucking the air, the
rhythm random and clumsy.

Oh, yes, so pretty. He teased and sucked one nipple and then the other, working Tybalt. Heat
poured over his hand, Tybalt going still and stiff under him. He bent to taste Tybalt's come,
humming at the flavor and settling to lick the lovely skin clean.

"Oh..." Tybalt melted, humming low as he relaxed.

He took his time, enjoying the bitter salt of Tybalt's come and the sweeter salt of Tybalt's skin.
Then he moved down to undo the restraints around Tybalt's ankles, up to take care of the ones
around the lovely wrists.

He knew Tybalt was floating; soft moans filled the air, the look on the lean face pure bliss. He
lay next to his lover, fingers sliding over Tybalt's skin, no longer trying to arouse, just touching.
His own erection throbbed, but he ignored it, bringing Tybalt down slowly.

"Gideon..." Tybalt turned his head, offered him a kiss.

He smiled and took the kiss so sweetly given, his tongue sliding between Tybalt's lips.

Tybalt tasted honeyed, like pure desire.

He deepened the kiss, rolling to put Tybalt half beneath him as he plundered the delicious mouth.
His cock slid along Tybalt's bare thigh, making him moan.

Tybalt opened and opened, let him in deep. He kissed and rubbed, the heat of Tybalt's mouth and
body sending him higher. He could feel each beat of his heart in his prick, trapped as it was
between their bodies.

"I need," he told Tybalt.

Tybalt nodded. "I'm here. For you."

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Smiling, he rolled onto his back and spread himself out. "And I'm here for you. What will you do
with me?"

Tybalt hummed softly, turning toward him, fingers and lips gentle against his arm, his shoulder,
his chest.

"So sweet," he murmured. "You can do anything you like with me. Anything at all."

"Thank you." Tybalt explored him slowly and carefully, licking and touching him everywhere.
The touches were so random, so gentle, it was about to drive him insane.

"I won't break, darlin'."

"You feel so warm." The tip of his cock got a quick lick, then his inner thigh was kissed.

Like a bird, lighting here and there...

Groaning, Gideon wrapped his fingers into the sheets, trying not to guide Tybalt, wanting to let
Tybalt do as he wished. That smooth cheek stroked over his shaft, fingers tracing his nipples,
drawing them both up to peaks. His hips pushed up, there was no stopping them, as a low, almost
desperate moan pulled out of him.

"Pretty." Tybalt slid up, lips wrapping around one nipple and sucking.

"Me? Pretty? That would be you, darlin'." He held onto the sheets tighter, arching up into
Tybalt's mouth.

Tybalt just hummed and sucked, fingers sliding over his sides.

"You're making me crazy." And he couldn't hold back any longer; letting go of the sheets, he slid
his fingers into Tybalt's hair, his other hand tracing the bumps of Tybalt's spine. The suction
became stronger, the pleasure grow.

"Yes!" He nodded even as he groaned. "Like that, darlin'." Those beautiful eyes flashed up at
him, the swollen lips pulling harder again, making him need them around his prick. "Love your
mouth, darlin'. I want to feel it everywhere."

Tybalt nodded, switching nipples, fingers petting his belly.

He wrapped one leg around Tybalt's, humping up and rubbing against Tybalt's belly as the
touches continued to drive him crazy, as much for their gentleness as anything else. The
sensations were welcomed, though, Tybalt rubbing him back, hands encouraging him. He
matched the movement of his hips to Tybalt's slow licks and touches, the pleasure that built
almost peaceful.

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Tybalt's hand wrapped around his cock, pumping slow and easy, holding him against that silken-
soft belly.

"Yes. Oh, Tybalt, so good." He rolled up into Tybalt's hand over and over again, his skin
growing more and more sensitive. "Not long," he warned, feeling his balls begin to tighten.

Tybalt nodded, lips raising to meet his, the kiss deep and heady.

His cry as he came filled Tybalt's mouth as his seed flowed over Tybalt's hand. His body
shuddered as the pleasure moved through him, left him limp. Tybalt cuddled in, eyelashes
teasing his skin.

His arms circled Tybalt and he took a deep breath, murmuring softly. "So good, darlin'. Thank

Tybalt nodded. "Thank you. Can... can we stay like this for a while? I could nap."

"A nap sounds wonderful." He chuckled. "Anything with you sounds wonderful." His fingers
slid along Tybalt's spine. "I anticipate many naps together."

"Mmm... Yes? You like to nap?" Tybalt made a sweet, low sound almost like a purr.

"With you, yes." He kissed Tybalt's forehead. "Besides, I plan to tire you out on a regular basis."

Tybalt's fingers traced his face, the touch like the kiss of a feather. Then his sweet boy was
sleeping, curled close, eyes closed.

He kept his arms around Tybalt. He wasn't letting this one go.

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Chapter Four

Kes rang the bell at Gideon's door, still chattering away at his Jim-love on the comm. "Yes, love.
I do hope to be free for a half day tomorrow. Could you book us a pool? I haven't had a swim in

Answer the door, Gideon. I'm busy.

The door opened, Gideon answering wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. "Hello,
Kestrel. What can I do for you?"

"Good morning, dear." He smiled at Gideon and put his partner on hold. "I came to have a little
chat with you while dear little Tybalt is occupied downstairs. May I?" He did so hate giving bad
news, but he hoped in this case it would be welcomed.

Gideon's concern was immediate. "Is he all right? He hasn't gotten hurt again, has he?"

"No. No, he's quite well, he just..." Kestrel sighed, nodded in. "Please, Gideon. Invite me in."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Gideon chuckled ruefully and stepped aside. "I'm afraid I forgot my manners in
my worry for Tybalt. Please, please, come in. If you'll give me a moment I'll put on some clothes
-- I was just in the shower."

"Of course. I see that your quarters are finished. Will you be moving soon?"

"Indeed, either this evening or tomorrow, depending on how tired Tybalt is after his day."
Gideon gave him a half-bow, half-nod. "I'll just be a moment. Make yourself at home."

Gideon was in fact back only moments later, wearing a pair of leather pants and a white t-shirt.

Gideon was a handsome man. Kestrel patted the couch cushion beside him and waited for
Gideon to sit. "I have a bit of bad news, Gideon, and I'm hoping for your assistance. I'm afraid
your Tybalt is simply not cut out to be a server. He's too easily intimidated and, obviously, many
of our Dominants here seem to fluster him badly..."

As he spoke, Gideon frowned and seemed to almost puff up until he was quite an imposing
figure. "Something has happened!"

"No, no. Well, there were some broken plates and some tears and a fair amount of fluttering, but
nothing serious." Love -- the evil little monster -- had been entertaining a rather important client
and had dressed Tybalt down quite brutally, which had sent the pretty boy into a downward
spiral of massive proportions that had culminated in Mr. Frost threatening to beat the poor boy.

Gideon shook his head. "He isn't meant to be a server, Kestrel. He's far too sensitive and timid.
Really, I don't want to see him working anyway. I have plans."

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"Oh, excellent." Yes. Yes, he had been right. Mal owed him a massage. "I agree, dear, honestly.
Tybalt is a born submissive and took to you and, if I'm not mistaken, you've contracted with one
another, yes?"

"We have, yes. He is..." Gideon's face lit up -- the man was handsome, but when he spoke of
Tybalt he became quite beautiful. "Mine." Gideon cleared his throat. "But we must handle this
carefully, Kestrel -- his confidence isn't as robust as it should be."

Kestrel nodded, squeezing Gideon's fingers. "My opinion exactly. I came to ask if you'd tell him
he's needed here, serving you, doing what he was meant to do. We'll take his resignation happily,
and he need never know of this conversation." Excellent. This was working beautifully.

Gideon nodded slowly. "Yes, that will work. To be honest, the only reason I haven't already done
it is because the job seemed important to him. I'd decided to hold out a month, but I doubt I'd
have been able to."

"Yes. He is meant to serve one man. He is beautifully gentle, but too delicate to work the floor."
Too delicate to compete with the workerbees and the politics and the many, many different

"He is the most stunning man I've ever seen. I'll make my case to him tonight. Thank you for
coming to me, Kestrel."

"You're welcome, Gideon." He leaned forward, kissed one cheek. "Good luck with your move. If
you need anything, please let me know."

But not now. Because now he had thirty thousand and four other fires to put out so he could take
a half day and go swimming with his Jim-Love.


Gideon called down to the kitchen and arranged for a lovely meal to be delivered. He also
arranged for candles and flowers, setting everything up in the small alcove off the kitchen
himself. Soft music added the final touch, and he changed into a soft pair of white linen trousers,
topping it with a white silk shirt. A matching outfit awaited Tybalt.

He placed his straight-edge razor with the jade handle and a soft piece of jade-colored leather
that he'd owned for many years and only recently had tooled into a collar on a plate, covering it
with a silver lid and leaving it to the side on the table.

All that was missing was Tybalt.

The door opened, Tybalt sliding in quietly, smelling of gravy.

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"Tybalt! Lovely!" Arms open, he met Tybalt in the hall and gathered his lover into his arms.
"You have been much missed."

"Oh. Oh, Gideon. Hello." Those pretty eyes were tired, but the frown disappeared for him, that
smile offered up.

"How was your day?" he asked, tugging Tybalt into the bathroom where the change of clothes

"Long. Very long. I missed you. I made a man very angry." Tybalt sighed a bit. "So angry he
wanted to spank me."

"Spank you!" Gideon growled. Kestrel had not mentioned that. "Did anyone touch you, Tybalt?"
He would have retribution if someone had messed with his darlin'.

"No. No, Banks said no. I said no."

He growled again, hand tightening on Tybalt's arm. "Good. Good. No one may touch you but
me, darlin'. Now I can understand someone wishing to spank you, but not because they were
angry, only to make you glow."

He began to strip Tybalt's clothes away.

"Are... are you angry with me?" Tybalt sounded near tears, so tired. Kestrel had been right to
come to him.

"At you? Oh, no, darlin', no." He shook his head and cupped Tybalt's cheeks, turning the lovely
face up. "I am not angry with you at all. I am so happy you're home where you belong."

"Oh. Yes. Me, too." Tybalt nodded, leaning into his touch.

He kept touching, stroking the warm skin. "There's a change of clothes for you here, and I have a
meal all set out. A special evening for the two of us."

"Oh..." That smile bloomed, Tybalt's pleasure obvious and immediate. "Oh, thank you."

"It is my pleasure, darlin'. Entirely my pleasure." He bent to kiss that smile, licking his way into
Tybalt's mouth.

Tybalt pushed gently into the kiss, tongue just touching his own, tracing his lips. He moaned
softly, made sure Tybalt knew each touch was enjoyed, treasured. Fingers sliding, he continued
to remove Tybalt's clothes. Tybalt shivered, stepped closer, toward his heat.

"Aren't you hungry?" he asked softly, fingers moving to stroked the lovely bare skin on Tybalt's

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"Yes, a little." Tybalt's nipples drew up, begging his touch.

"But you're more hungry for this..." He slid his fingers across Tybalt's right nipple, and then took
it between his thumb and forefinger and tugged on it.

That cry echoed against the tile, Tybalt arching toward him as if shocked. "Yes..."

He grew hard at that sound, at the way Tybalt moved toward him. "So lovely..." He pinched the
other nipple, too, loving how responsive Tybalt was.

Tybalt whimpered, cock stiff and sliding against his hip. "So good. Gideon. I."

He turned Tybalt's face up again, descending upon the sweet lips as his hand slid down along the
hairless belly. Tybalt's cock began to fill, began to reach toward his hand, his touch.

He ran his fingers along Tybalt's cock, and then wrapped them around the hard flesh. "Such

"It's all right, yes? That I need you? Want you?"

"It's wonderful. I wouldn't want to be the only one who needed." He began to stroke Tybalt's
cock with long, slow strokes.

"Gideon..." Tybalt leaned his head back, throat working, entire body undulating in time with his

Groaning, he leaned in and began to suck up a mark on the exposed neck. Tybalt's hands found
his shoulders, holding on tight as those lean hips began to move faster, rock more and more
furiously. He hummed around the skin of Tybalt's throat, his free hand sliding around to grab
Tybalt's ass and tug him in close.

"Gideon. I. Oh..." His sweet love shuddered, heat spraying over his fingers.

He took a last lick over the mark he'd pulled up on Tybalt's neck and then straightened, smiling
into that lovely face. "Better, hmm?"

"Much. Much, thank you." Tybalt looked transcendent; he looked blissful.

Oh yes, Tybalt was meant to be with him, to share a life with him and work as his submissive,
not to be at the beck and call of impatient and angry people.

He wet a cloth under warm water and gently cleaned Tybalt's skin before helping his darlin' into
the soft linen pants and silk shirt.

"Mmm. Warm. Soft." Tybalt smiled, cuddling into the clothes, hands stroking his face, his hair.

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"I wanted you to be comfortable, even as you seduced me with your lovely body. Now come and
dine with me, darlin'." He held out his arm for Tybalt to take.

Those long, thin fingers circled it, held on to him. "I'd love to."

Beaming, he led Tybalt down the hall and through the kitchen. The music was playing gently,
the candles on the table and spread out around the room providing the only light. It danced and
swayed, throwing shadows everywhere. Their meal sat on the table, their plates kept warm by
domed covers. It was romantic and intimate.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Gideon."

"It is now that you're here." He stroked Tybalt's cheek as the blush rose on it. "Sit. Eat. You need
your strength for our evening."

"What's happening this evening?" Tybalt poured them both some wine, the nervousness and
flittering faded away to a sweet relaxation.

"We are going to enjoy a lovely supper, and then I have a question for you, and after that we
have the whole evening together. I want to shave you again, and then do your pits, perhaps more,
though we have time enough to get to it all." He wondered if Tybalt was ready yet for a piercing.
Something aside from leather for the lovely neck, to mark their coming together.

"Oh..." Those slender hands shook a moment, but that was all. Then Tybalt served him,
humming happily as his plate was filled.

His lovely one was so good at that, it was hard to believe that Tybalt could have anyone yelling
over the service. Gideon pushed that from his mind, feeling the anger gathering in his belly again
at the thought of someone threatening to spank his Tybalt. That anger has no place here.

"Moffat told me that his balsamic chicken was not to be missed." He cut a small piece, pushed
some rice on the fork as well, and a couple of fresh green beans, holding the fork out to Tybalt.

"It smells wonderful." Tybalt smiled, leaned forward, and ate before mimicking the action,
feeding him as well.

The food was delicious, each bite filling his mouth with amazing flavors, but it was the company
that made the meal what it was. They ate and ate, feeding each other and themselves, sharing
kisses between bites. Eventually Tybalt ended up on his lap, sharing bites of nuts and cheeses,
sips of the clear, crisp wine.

When they were trading far more kisses than food, Gideon pushed away the plates, relaxing
back, his hands sliding over Tybalt, the silk shirt warm from Tybalt's skin.

"That was delicious, almost as good as the company."

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"It's magic." Tybalt leaned in, fingers drawing lazy circles on his chest.

"We're magic together, darlin'." He kissed Tybalt and then drew back, leaning to reach the last
covered tray. "I have a couple of things for you. And a question."

"Okay." Tybalt never looked away from him, just nodded.

He pulled the lid off the platter. "I want you to have this straight-edge razor. It is the first one I
ever bought. I saved for three years to buy it."

"It's beautiful." Tybalt traced the razor with the tip of one finger.

He picked up the leather and handed it to Tybalt. "And I've had this leather for a number of years
as well. I found it and knew immediately that one day I'd have a collar fashioned from it and now
I have. Will you wear my collar, Tybalt? Show the world that you are mine alone?"

"You... you want me? Forever?"

He nodded. "I know we haven't known each other for very long, Tybalt, but all the best things in
my life I knew right away."

"You knew?" Tybalt leaned toward him, eyes on the collar.

"The moment I saw you, darlin'." He slid the collar around Tybalt's neck, not closing it yet. He
needed Tybalt's permission for that. "Didn't you know -- didn't your gut tell you this was
necessary between us?"

Tybalt didn't answer, just nodded, chin lifting. His fingers were trembling as he worked the
closure, sliding one end of the leather in through the loop. He'd always imagined he'd be doing
this as a part of a ceremony, but this, just the two of them, felt more right than anything he could

Tybalt wasn't ready to be the center of attention, but one day... one day they'd do something in
front of the world to demonstrate their commitment.

"You're mine," he said softly, tightening the collar so it fit close around Tybalt's neck.

"Yes. Yes, Gideon. I'm yours."

"Yes, you are." He smiled and sealed it with a kiss, his tongue pressing Tybalt's lips apart and
slipping inside to taste the heat and sweetness there.

Then he sat back and took a breath. "Okay. Those were the gifts. Now the question."

Tybalt nodded, fingers still moving, still petting. "What, Gideon?"

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"I know this job of yours is important to you, darlin', but to be honest I would prefer you to
spend your time here, with me. I would like you to hand in your resignation so that we can be

"You... you don't mind? I don't have any savings..."

"No, you have something far more precious than any credits."

"I... I want to, to just take care of you, be with you."

Gideon nodded. "Yes, darlin', that's what I'm talking about -- you and your care, your needs.
How can I possibly put a monetary amount on any of that? Let's not worry about who is paying
for what." He had more than enough money to keep them both in style here at the club.

Tybalt nodded back at him, hugging him tight. "I'll send my resignation to Kestrel and Banks. Do
you think they'll be angry at me?"

"I think they understand how much we mean to each other and will focus on being happy for us."
He squeezed Tybalt, knowing neither Kestrel nor Banks would ever let Tybalt know what a relief
receiving that resignation would be.

"I love it here." Tybalt's eyes nearly glowed. "To be safe and warm and where people

"You belong here, darlin'. Well. You belong with me, and here just happens to be the best place
for us." He winked and brought their lips together.

"Our proper rooms are ready," he told Tybalt when their lips parted again. "We can move in
tomorrow. Will you help to make it ours? We'll need to decide on colors and furniture, plants, all
those little touches. Kestrel assures me any painting and moving will take only a short time."
They were very efficient.

"Oh. Oh, honestly?" Oh, look at that excitement, that joy.

He beamed at Tybalt. "Well, who else would I ask?"

"No one. No one. A home, we're going to make a home?"

"Darlin', we have a contract and you're wearing my collar. We are a home. But yes, I want us to
make a nest."

Oh, heavens above, that laugh, that beautiful, joyous laugh rocked him to the core. He stood,
bringing Tybalt up with him, and started to walk them toward the bedroom. They needed to seal
this with more than just a kiss.

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Tybalt came easily, smiling up at him. "Did you not want me to clear the table?"

"Later. Much later."

His hand slid down along Tybalt's back, grabbed that lovely ass. He fingered Tybalt's crack as
they came into the bedroom. Tybalt's ass clenched, denying him access, keeping him out. He let
his fingers linger, didn't force it, but didn't take them away either. Tybalt would beg him for it
one day. One day soon.

He put Tybalt next to the bed and smiled. "Undress yourself, darlin'."

Tybalt slipped the shirt off, belly flushed dark as it was bared. Obviously untutored at undressing
to seduce, Tybalt nonetheless had a grace that called to him, and the innocence itself was

"Look at you, darlin'. Bare. Hairless. Stunning."

"I... I'm yours." Tybalt ducked his head, bangs falling forward. "Do you want me to take the
collar off?"

"No!" He shook his head and reached forward, fingers lingering where leather and skin met
before moving to tilt Tybalt's chin up so he could meet the shy eyes. "The collar is a part of you

"Oh. Okay. I'm sorry, Gideon. I'm still learning."

"Shh. It's okay, darlin' -- you haven't done anything wrong." He bent and took a soft kiss before
stepping back again, smiling encouragingly. "Continue."

The trousers came off, Tybalt's cock full and wet-tipped, as slender as the rest of his lover,
looking larger against the bare skin. Reaching out, he slid two fingers across that wet tip and then
brought his fingers to his mouth, humming at the taste of Tybalt. Tybalt moaned, cock throbbing,
leaving a kiss on that flat belly. He licked his lips, wanting to eat Tybalt right up.

"Me now, darlin'. Undress me."

That seemed to be easier, Tybalt's touch warm and light and sure against him. By the time Tybalt
was done, his cock was full and reaching upward, his nipples hard, just begging for Tybalt's
touch. Tybalt was on his knees, cheek sliding on his prick as his slacks were pulled away.

Groaning, he slid his fingers through Tybalt's hair, cupping Tybalt's head and turning the
beautiful face so that lovely mouth was right there at his cock. "Please."

"Yes, Gideon." Tybalt opened up, soft lips wrapping around his prick, the hum vibrating him.

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It made him gasp and groan, his hands tightening in Tybalt’s hair, but not forcing Tybalt one
way or another, letting his sweet darlin' do as he would. Tybalt's eagerness more than made up
for his relative inexperience. Tybalt adored him, sucking and humming, enjoying this act like no
trained sub Gideon'd ever seen.

"Your mouth feels so good, darlin'." He lavished praise on Tybalt, made sure Tybalt knew just
how good it was, how much he enjoyed each lick, each suck. Every bit of praise encouraged that
pretty mouth, had Tybalt pulling harder, his need stronger. "Soon, darlin'. You'll have me soon."
He could feel it, the pleasure so strong, his balls pulling up tight.

Those soft, gentle fingers stroked his sac, rolling and massaging his balls. "Tybalt!" He cried out,
hips snapping as his pleasure poured down Tybalt's throat.

Tybalt groaned, trying desperately to drink him down, take him all in. Such amazing instincts;
his Tybalt was a natural, pure and simple. He let his prick slide from between Tybalt's lips,
fingers moving over Tybalt's cheeks, feeling the slight stubble catch at his fingertips. Tybalt
cuddled into the touch, lips swollen, eyes closed.

"Mmm... you're so good at that, darlin'. You make me feel so good." He kept stroking, fingers
sliding on Tybalt's skin. "Your turn now -- I'm going to make you fly."

Tybalt kissed the tip of his prick, nodded. "Thank you, please."

He drew Tybalt up and licked at the beautiful lips, so sweet. He loved the way his and Tybalt's
flavors twisted together on Tybalt's skin. "Will you let me take you tonight, Tybalt?"

"Take me? I'm yours."

"I will not hurt you, Tybalt. And you will soar." He drew Tybalt over to the bed. There would be
no shaving, no ropes -- just the two of them and their bed, loving. Tybalt went easily, warm and
silken against him, so trusting. His.

They lay down, and he brought their mouths together, licking Tybalt's lips to open them, and
then dipping inside. He could feel Tybalt's prick like a brand against his thigh, and, moaning, he
deepened the kiss.

The sheets were soft against him, and Tybalt's skin was even softer. They found a rhythm -- hips
and tongues and moans. Gideon's hands moved over Tybalt, the touches random to begin with
before settling into long strokes from the top of Tybalt's spine down to his ass. Tybalt began to
move with him, hips rolling back to meet his hands with every downward stroke.

Humming, he slid his lips down over Tybalt's jaw, along the long neck. He nuzzled the line
where leather met skin on Tybalt's collar as his fingers lingered at Tybalt's crack. Those lean
buttocks clenched, Tybalt not allowing him in. Humming some more, he gently turned Tybalt

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onto his stomach, concentrating on nibbling across Tybalt's shoulders, leaving Tybalt's ass alone.
For now.

"Oh..." That sound was perfect, amazing, Tybalt reaching up for the headboard of the bed.

Oh, yes. He would win Tybalt over using the man's own sensuality against him.

He licked Tybalt's spine from the top of Tybalt's neck and down, slowly working each bump of
Tybalt's spine. He earned sweet cries, deep low moans, Tybalt beginning to rock and shift
beneath him. His hand slid to cup Tybalt's buttocks, squeezing as he licked the sweet hollow in
the small of Tybalt's back.

There. Tybalt jerked, pushed into his touch, another sweet cry ringing out. He went with it,
tongue swirling and circling the small dip, his hand wandering freely from one ass cheek to the
other, stroking and squeezing, fingers sliding over Tybalt's crack.

"Gideon. Gideon..." Tybalt shifted, legs sprawling out.

"Right here, darlin'," he murmured, tongue teasing the very top of Tybalt's crack, his hand sliding
down to cup Tybalt's ball sac, rolling it in his palm. Right here and ready to go, as slowly as
Tybalt needed.

Tybalt tensed a moment, then spread wider, rocking down into his touch, balls so soft, so smooth
against his palm.

"Have you ever had these bound?" he asked, speaking against Tybalt's skin. His fingers wrapped
around the top of the ball sac in a gentle imitation of a ring. Then he let it drop back into his
palm, his thumb rubbing the hot, smooth skin just behind Tybalt's balls.

"No. No. No one touched them, before you." Tybalt's thighs tensed and relaxed, over and over. "I
feel you."

"I know." He bent and licked at the soft balls. "And it thrills me, Tybalt, excites me greatly to
know that there is so much I get to show you for the first time."

He flicked his tongue along Tybalt's perineum. "And here,' he whispered. "Here, one day, there
will be a ring threaded through your skin."

"I..." Tybalt jerked, almost pulling away. "A ring?"

"Yes." He flicked his tongue back and forth across the skin where he would put it. "Right here.
Buried in your skin. You will feel it every time I touch it."

"I. I don't. I haven't. Gideon. I." He could feel the mixture of tension and excitement in Tybalt's
muscles, hear it in those desperate words.

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"I know, darlin'. And I'm not proposing we do it tonight." He licked back and forth from Tybalt's
balls to his hole, slowly, over and over again. "But we will do it."

"I can't think."

He chuckled and bit back his "good." Instead, he licked across Tybalt's hole. "Just feel, darlin'."

"Gideon..." Tybalt drew his legs up, curling them beneath him and opening to Gideon's touch.

He moaned, a shudder of pleasure going through him at the way Tybalt pushed through his fears
and offered himself over. "Beautiful," he murmured, tongue lapping at the tiny hole, the flavor
musky, pure Tybalt.

Tybalt bucked and jerked, motions untutored and unsure, so very fine.

"I know what you need," he whispered against one ass cheek, leaving a gentle bite on the
rounded flesh before pushing the tip of his tongue into Tybalt's body.

Tybalt scooted forward, entire body shuddering, incoherent words ringing out. He put his hands
around Tybalt's hips and gently pulled him back. He pressed his tongue in again, letting Tybalt
move forward a tiny bit before tugging his darlin' back onto his tongue.

Gideon heard his name cried out over and over like it was a prayer, Tybalt's hole squeezing and
gripping around his tongue. Deeper and deeper he pushed, tasting Tybalt inside, making the
tight, hot passage slick.

"I... I'll. Gideon. Gideon, please. Please." Tybalt reached down, fingers reaching for that long,
slender cock.

He knocked Tybalt's hand away. "Mine." He wrapped his hand around Tybalt's cock, the tip
leaking and leaking. "But you can come." He pushed his tongue deep again, hand squeezing

Seed poured over his fingers, hot and wet and sweet, Tybalt's cry echoing out. He kept moving
his tongue, feeling one shudder after another wrack Tybalt's body. At length he stopped, letting
go of Tybalt's cock and pressing a kiss to one ass cheek. Tybalt leaned forward onto his hands,
sweat sheening the long body, tremors obvious.

Gideon ran his hands up and down Tybalt's back, soothing his darlin’s nerves. "It will only get
better." He reached with one hand for the tube of lubrication he kept in the little drawer in the
bedside table.

Tybalt didn't answer, but his sweet lover didn't tense again, just stayed relaxed, easy.

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"So good, darlin'. So very good." He pressed another kiss to Tybalt's ass, and then slicked up his
fingers, pushing just one into Tybalt's body.

That tiny little hole squeezed, gripping his finger, muscles rippling. He licked the small of
Tybalt's back, tongue teasing, tickling. Distracting as he slid his finger in and out. Such a natural,
such a sensualist -- Tybalt moaned, arched toward his lips.

"A tattoo here," he told Tybalt, licking the spot, Tybalt's skin damp and sweaty. He pushed his
finger deeper, searching for Tybalt's gland.

"I..." Tybalt's head snapped back. "Gideon!"

"Oh, yes. I told you it would get better." He pushed against that spot again.

Tybalt whimpered, arms straightening, pushing the man up, back onto his finger.

"That's it, darlin', take what you need." He slid a second finger in alongside the first, letting the
tips nudge against Tybalt's gland again, knowing that sharp pleasure should negate any burn
from the stretch.

"I. I. Gideon. So big." Tybalt was lost in the sensations, rocking and pushing, riding his touch.

"Surrender to it, darlin'. You don't have to think, you don't have to speak. You only have to feel.
Just feel." He spread his fingers wide.

Those muscles fluttered, clenched around him, Tybalt's noises just pouring from those parted
lips. He was hard again, his cock jerking at the thought of being inside the tightness that held his
fingers. He waited until Tybalt relaxed a little and then pushed a third in.

"Gideon. Full." Tybalt moaned, slowed.

"One day you'll take my whole hand, Tybalt."

That tiny hole clenched tight, Tybalt stilling. "Gideon?"

"Shh, darlin', it's okay. I didn't mean today." He eased his fingers out and turned Tybalt onto the
slender back, smiling down. "My cock, Tybalt, just my cock." He took Tybalt's hand, brought it
to his prick.

"You're still big. Will it hurt?" That sweet hand started stroking him.

"I will not hurt you, darlin'. I haven't yet, have I?" He looked into Tybalt's eyes, offering a soft
smile. "I was getting ahead of myself."

"You haven't." To his pure joy, Tybalt relaxed, smiled back. "You haven't hurt me at all."

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He stroked Tybalt's face. "And I won't. Now let me love you, darlin'."

"Love me." Tybalt cuddled into his touch, nodding. "Please. Love me."

He slid his hands between Tybalt's thighs, encouraging as Tybalt spread wide for him. Settling
between them, he bent forward to kiss Tybalt, losing himself for a moment in the kiss. Tybalt's
hands framed his face, held him close, tongue sliding against his own.

He broke away slowly and pressed the lube into Tybalt's hand. "Spread some on my cock,

"Yes, Gideon." Tybalt's fingers slid over his shaft, slicking him, stroking him, loving on him.

Moaning, he reached down and wrapped his fingers around Tybalt's hand. "Stop. It's too much,
too good, and I want to be inside you."

"You feel so good." Tybalt's fingers slid away, lips clinging to his.

"It's going to be even better inside you, darlin'." He pushed two fingers back into Tybalt, just
making sure his lover was stretched, ready for him. Then he guided his prick to that tiny hole,
sliding his cock along Tybalt's crack.

"I... I'm scared. I don't want to be, but I am."

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me." He pressed another kiss on Tybalt, kept rubbing
his prick back and forth over the little hole, letting Tybalt become used to the heat, the size
against him.

Eventually Tybalt's instinct took over, body rocking with him, moving and pushing, letting him
just begin to spread that sweet ring of muscles. He didn't push it any further than that though it
made his muscles tremble to hold back. He wouldn't hurry Tybalt.

"More, darlin'? Do you want more?"

"More." Tybalt leaned up, lips pressing against his own as the tip of his cock pressed in.

Oh, thank the gods. Moaning into Tybalt's mouth, he pressed in a little deeper, beginning to
gently work his way in. He had known that Tybalt would be a natural at this, that the pleasure,
the sensations would seduce his lover. He rocked them slowly together, eyes on Tybalt's, sharing
the pleasure as he sank into the perfect heat.

Slowly, carefully, finally, he sank all the way in. Oh. Tight. Tight. His. Tybalt's eyes were huge,
staring at him, tongue flicking out to wet those parted lips again and again. He brought their lips
together, his tongue joining Tybalt's on the sweet, swollen lips.

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"You feel incredible, darlin'."

"I feel full. You're everywhere."

"Inside you." He smiled, began to move.

"Uh. Uh-huh." Tybalt looked dazed, stunned, completely caught.

Gideon moved slowly, but surely, keeping his movements smooth. Tybalt was so tight around
him, so hot and right. He held those stunned eyes as he moved a little faster. Tybalt's throat
worked under his collar, moving the leather, turning the pale flesh just a little pink.

He reached out with one hand, fingers sliding where leather met skin. "So good, darlin'." Better
than good.

Tybalt just moaned, nodded, muscles fluttering against him like a trapped bird.

Bending, he licked at Tybalt's lips, loving the way they parted for him, Tybalt always so ready to
open for him. Groaning, he pushed the licks into a kiss, taking Tybalt's mouth. Tybalt's cock
filled again, perking back up from where the initial stretch and burn had made that pretty prick


He thrust harder, following his body's needs, taking Tybalt with strong, sure strokes. Tybalt's
eyes closed, lips parted, cheeks flushed a deep rose. Wrapping one hand around Tybalt's prick,
he shifted, hitting that spot inside Tybalt's body.

Tybalt's hips jerked violently. "Again!"

He did, hips moving a little wildly now, pushing in good and hard, just nailing that pretty ass.

"Gideon!" Tybalt convulsed, hips bucking violently, cock pushing into his hand.

"Yes. Come on, darlin'." The words came out more as a growl, as Gideon tried to hold on, to
keep from coming before Tybalt did.

He made it, barely, Tybalt's seed pouring over his hand. Groaning Tybalt's name, he came too,
heat shooting from him and into Tybalt's body. He collapsed with a cry, panting into Tybalt's

"Gideon. Love."

"Mmm..." He raised his head long enough to slide their lips together, and then rested his head on
Tybalt's shoulder again. "Mine."

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"Yours." Tybalt nodded, moaning against him.

He pulled out, groaning as his cock slid from the tight heat of Tybalt's body. Then he gathered
his sweet love close, hands moving idly over Tybalt's skin. Tybalt was still, quiet, warm against

A new home. A commitment. Making love.

His own Tybalt.

It was a lovely beginning.

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Chapter Five

Gideon's new rooms were wonderful.

Two bedrooms, a spare room, two baths, and a pretty little kitchen, along with a main room.
There was even a little closed-in balcony with flowers and fairy lights and a hot tub.

Tybalt adored them.

He spent hours unpacking and arranging, humming idly to himself as he worked. He wanted it to
be perfect, warm, inviting, home.

Gideon found him in the main room, sliding books into the shelves, boxes nearly empty. "Look
at this! You're almost done."

"I wanted it to be nice." He needed it to be home.

"You didn't have to do it all yourself -- I would have helped." Gideon held out his arms.

He moved over, pushed into Gideon's embrace, cuddling in. Gideon's kiss was warm and slow,
tongue sliding softly through his mouth.

"I don't see much yet that belongs to you -- have you brought your things up?"

He nodded. His clothes were in the closet, so were his shoes. His box of personal things were
placed high on a shelf out of the way.

Gideon looked around, frowning. "Really? You must not have had much to bring up, then."
Gideon gave him a soft kiss. "We will make it ours together, yes? Perhaps an outing to the
market to see if we can find some stuff that we both like."

"I only have one box and it's..." Private. His. Hidden. "…put away."

"Oh? Why? You know I want you to think of this place as yours as well as mine."

"There's nothing nice in it, Gideon. Just... stuff."

"Stuff?" Gideon drew him to the generic sofa that had come with the place, the cream cushions
soft. "What kind of stuff?"

"Papers, mostly. A few things I made." His treasures. He made jewelry out of wire and metal and
things he scavenged. They were... his.

"Things you do not wish to share with me." It wasn't a question, the way Gideon said it.

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"I..." His cheeks went hot. "No. No, they... They're from another life. Another time." From a
person who had been in war, a refugee, a foreigner, and lost.

"Then why keep them?" Gideon asked.

"Because I love them."

"Then you should not hide them away, Tybalt. They are a part of who you are."

"I..." He ducked his head, hid against Gideon's shoulder. "I would show you. Just you."

He could trust Gideon with this, after Gideon had given him so much.

Gideon's fingers slid beneath his chin and turned his face back up so he was looking into
Gideon's eyes. "I would like that, darlin'."

Oh, the smile that Gideon gave him told him it had been the right choice.

"It's in the closet." He stood and drew Gideon up with him, bringing them both into the closet,
where he closed the door, hiding them both, and pulled out the long, thin box.

"Such cloak and dagger mystery, Tybalt. Are you sure you want to do this in here? No one could
see us in the main room."


Embarrassment flooded him for a moment, red-hot and painful. After all Gideon had done, had
seen, had, what would a few baubles and bits of wire and scribbles be? Of course this wasn't
worth hiding. "The main room is fine."

Gideon made a noise, but led him back out, sat on the floor with him. "Show me, darlin'. I want
to see the things that are precious to you."

"They're nothing, really. Just trash that I brought from home." He opened the box, unwrapped the
ring he'd made his mother, the twisted bracelet that had stones the color of the sea.

Gideon stopped him, forcing him to look up into those eyes again. "If they were trash, you would
have thrown them away."

Then the ring and the bracelet were taken from him, handled with care as Gideon explored them
carefully. "You made these yourself?"

"Yes." There was one more, a pendant with a cidian crystal in it. He hadn't stolen it, but anyone
would think he had. It had been his father's, sitting in the center of the family crest in their home.
That crest no longer existed, only the stone. It was his birthright.

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"They're stunning, darlin'. The workmanship is... quite amazing."

"They're just wire." He pulled out the old leaves of real paper, things he'd scavenged over time.
They were covered with drawings, sketches of things he'd seen.

Gideon gasped. "Oh, my. Tybalt, you didn't tell me you had such a gift."

"Where? Did it fall out?" He searched for the gem. "I didn't steal it. It belonged to my family."

"Tybalt?" Gideon chuckled. "How do you steal talent like this?" Gideon's fingers slid over the
papers, tracing the drawings.

"Oh." Oh, bless the maker, he was silly. His fingers searched through the papers until he found
the little, soft black bag. Still there.

"What belonged to your family?" Gideon asked, fingers sliding over his, touching the bag.

"I. You have to believe me. I didn't steal it. It was my father's. It's all I have left of him."

A perfect, blood-red crystal, shaped like a tear.

"Wow. I can see why you'd worry people would think you'd stolen it." Gideon took it from him,
examining it closely, fingers moving on it.

"I didn't. I wouldn't."

"Sh. I didn't say I believed that. Only that I understood your fears. It's a beautiful stone. How did
it come to be in your father's possession?"

"It... It was on our crest. I told you that I am a refugee, yes? We were an unk-ba family, a ruling
clan." There were only a handful of them left alive.

"Oh, Tybalt... I am sorry." It was well-known, the genocide that had happened on his home
planet of Unkal.

"I just... You can't tell. It's my secret."

Gideon nodded. "I will keep all your secrets as my own, Tybalt."

The long fingers ran over the gem once more and then it was passed back to him. "Would you
like it if we could figure out a way to display this without anyone knowing?"

"I. How? How could we?" His fingers slid over the stone, the crystal vibrating for him, singing.

Gideon's eyes widened. "Oh, how lovely, darlin'."

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He was gathered close, Gideon listening for awhile with him. "We can find a display stand of
some sort for it. No one needs to know that it belongs to you -- they'll assume it is mine. You and
I will know."

"Oh. I. I would like that. I would like to see it, remember my family." Remember his life before
and celebrate his life now.

"Then that will be the first thing we look for at the market. So we will have some things that are
mine, some things that are yours," Gideon nodded to the drawings. "I would like to get frames
for your pictures and encourage you to create more. And some things that are both of ours."

"They... they aren't worth being on a wall..." They were scribbles.

Gideon went through the pictures and chose two. "I would like to see these up on the wall. And
perhaps you will draw more?"

"I. I could. I do." He'd never had anyone who wanted his scribbles...

"We'll pick up art supplies while we're out as well. These are done with graphite? Do you do
color as well? Paint?" Gideon truly sounded interested, not just paying lip service.

"I do." He scooted closer, drawn to that kindness, that interest. "I see them in color."

Gideon's fingers slid over him. "We can set up the spare room as a studio if you like."

"You're so good to me." He didn't understand it, but he loved it.

"And you are good to me. It goes both ways, Tybalt." Two fingers slid over his cheek. "Oh, you
need a shave, darlin'."

He nuzzled into the touch, moaning low, the tingle of the touch arousing him deep inside.

"We could go do that now," murmured Gideon. "Christen the bathroom here."

"Yes, Gideon." The thought still made his stomach twist and rumble, made him ache, inside.

"Excellent." Gideon helped him put everything but the two drawings into the box, and then led
him down the hall. "What are you most concerned about my shaving?"


Gideon chuckled. "Which body part do you not want me to shave the most."

"I..." He considered that. "Above my ears."

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"You don't want to be bald?" Gideon's fingers stroked through his hair.

"No. No, I would be ugly."

He would be terrifying.

Gideon laughed. "You couldn't possibly be ugly -- even if you tried."

"I could." He pushed into Gideon's warmth. "You are the one who thinks I'm fine."

"You are fine, Tybalt. No, I take that back, you aren't fine -- you're stunning."

Gideon kissed him, tongue licking across his lips. "I won't shave your head without discussing it
with you."

"Thank you." He opened to the kiss, trusting in those arms implicitly.

In the large bathroom there was a chair like the one in the temporary quarters, waiting for him, a
little shelf next to the sink containing the straight razor Gideon had given him, along with several
other shaving tools and various creams and oils.

"I'm going to shave your face first, today. And then touch up your chest, belly, and cock. And
then I think we shall deal with the hair under your arms."

Gideon's fingers began to work at his buttons, undoing them slowly, methodically. "I want to
slide my cock along the newly bared skin there," Gideon whispered in his ear.

"I..." His entire body shuddered, balls drawing up, threatening to spill.

"I know, darlin'. It makes me hard, too."

Gideon slipped his shirt off his shoulders, and then danced warm fingers across his belly and into
the waistband of his pants. They dipped in, just enough to slide across the tip of his prick. It was
the easiest thing to arch up and push toward Gideon's touch. Beg for more. Now.

A warm, husky chuckle sounded, Gideon flicking open the button on his pants, sliding down the
zipper to let his prick push out into Gideon's waiting hand. "So wonderfully eager."

Humping into that broad palm, Tybalt's cock jerked and throbbed, so close to spending just from
that one touch.

"I love your need, Tybalt. The way you offer yourself to me completely." Gideon's warm tongue
flicked over his lips, slid between them as they opened.

That was all he could bear, shooting hard, hips bucking violently.

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"Mmm... oh yes, Tybalt. Stunning, just stunning." Holding his eyes, Gideon brought one hand
up, painted his lips with his own come. "Taste yourself, darlin'."

He could feel his cheeks heat, tongue flicking out to taste the bitter-saltiness. Groaning, Gideon's
mouth descended on his own, tongue sliding over his lips before pushing into his mouth and
sharing the taste with him. Moving into Gideon's heat, Tybalt rubbed and moaned, their skin
sliding together.

One of Gideon's hands slid around to grab his ass, pulling him in closer as the kiss deepened.

He was breathless when Gideon's mouth drew away, shining eyes smiling down at him.
"Shaving. We came in here to shave you. You make me forget myself, darlin'."

"You... you make me feel so good." He traced Gideon's face, fingers just barely touching.

Gideon beamed at him, nuzzling against his touches. "That is the point, darlin'."

He was led to the chair, Gideon easing him down into it. It was cool against his skin, and he
shifted until he found a comfortable spot.

Gideon's fingers slid through his hair. "Soon it will hold the shape of your body and you will be
so at home here."

"You... This excites you?" It made him shudder, made him so exposed.

"It does. Just as it excites you." It wasn't a question, Gideon's hand sliding down his belly to
wrap around his prick with its renewed hard on.

His groan was loud, echoing off the tiles.

"You see how well matched we are, darlin'?" Gideon's fingers slid away slowly, as if reluctant to
part with his flesh. "Face first." It was said as if Gideon were reminding himself.

"Why... when did you know you wanted to do this?"

"Hmm..." Gideon tilted his head, face a study of concentration as a cloth was wetted at the sink
and then drawn over his cheeks. "When I shaved my face for the first time, I became hard."

Tybalt closed his eyes, feeling the sensations. "And you wanted to do it to other people."

"Eventually, yes, that is what I realized." A kiss dropped on his nose. "Open your eyes, darlin'."

His eyes fluttered open, meeting Gideon's. "Why?"

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"You know I like it when you watch." Gideon worked soap into a lather and spread it over his

"I can't see my face, Gideon."

"No, but you can see mine. You can see the razor as it approaches. And I like to know that all
your senses are involved in what we do together."

The lather had been cool against his skin, but the razor itself felt cold as it scraped over his

Goosebumps rose on him, his body shivering. "It makes me feel so bare."

"Shaving or watching?" Gideon asked, steadily working on his face, removing all the stubble that
had grown.

"Watching, mostly. Although the shaving, when you do someplace new."

Gideon nodded and finished with his face and used the cloth to take away the excess cream. "Of
course that makes me even more eager to have you watch, to know that you're feeling exposed
when you do."

He was given a grin, Gideon once again turning soap into lather and spreading it over his chest,
all the way down to his belly. The gel was cold, but it soon warmed under Gideon's hands.

"Why? Does it... does it make you hard?" Did Gideon like making him unnerved? Did he like it?

Did he need it?

"Shaving you makes me hard. Pushing your boundaries, expanding them..." Gideon nodded.
"Yes, Tybalt, that makes me hard also."

The razor began its journey over his chest. "The best of all is knowing that, one day, the things
that make you hard will not be hard for you."

"I don't understand." His skin tingled, ached. Burned.

"You need this, Tybalt. You want it. But it scares you as well." Gideon's thumbs rubbed his
nipples almost absently, and then Gideon continued to shave him, the scrape of the razor and the
low tone of Gideon's voice mesmerizing. "One day it will not. And one day you will see yourself
as the beauty you are."

"Then will you tire of me?" The words escaped him before he even thought.

"Tire of you?" Gideon's voice was rough, almost harsh. "I will not tire of you, Tybalt."

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"Good. I would not want you to. Ever."

"You wear my collar, Tybalt. I did not give that to you lightly. I think perhaps we should visit
the leatherworking shop here, have it sealed around your neck."

"Sealed?" He groaned, shaking a bit. "That means I would be only yours, forever?"

"You already are, Tybalt, but if we seal it then maybe you will believe it, hmm?"

"I don't want to disappoint you..."

Gideon held his cock out of the way and finished shaving his belly. Then the razor was wiped
and set aside, Gideon leaning in, meeting his eyes. "You will not."

"You swear it?" Tybalt found himself believing in those words.

"I have faith in you, Tybalt. I will swear that you will not disappoint me. You cannot."

"Good." He smiled, reached up to hug Gideon tight.

Gideon's arms slid around him, holding him for a moment. One hand slid along his bared skin.
"Now, we are not quite done here, are we?"

"Hmm?" His attention was stolen, caught by his lover. Gideon's hand moved up along his side,
tickling under his arms. Tybalt chuckled, shifting. "Tickles."

Gideon's fingers tickled again. "I can't wait to taste you here." This time Gideon tugged, not
hard, just a little sting. "Once this is gone."

"I..." He looked, muscles going tight. "I'll look so odd."

Gideon shook his head. "Oh, no, darlin'. You're going to look amazing. All smooth, hot skin."

He nodded, tried to breathe. There were so many different people here, so many different looks.

"Hold your hands over your head, darlin'." Gideon reached over to the shelf and picked up a

"What... what are you going to do?" His hands lifted, arms stretched out.

"I'm going to use the trimmer to take away the bulk of the hair beneath your arms. Then I'll shave
the rest." Gideon's fingers stroked over his pit.

Goosebumps covered him, making him shiver, his toes curling. "Gideon."

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"Right here, darlin'. Right here."

The trimmer turned on, the noise sudden, buzzing.

Tybalt jerked, almost sat up. "Oh. Sorry. I. That startled me."

"Sh. Sh. Just relax, darlin'."

The machine continued to buzz, Gideon petting him now. The touch relaxed him, eased him deep
inside. Relax. He could do that. He could trust.

"This won't hurt, darlin'. Might pinch a little, but it won't hurt."

The trimmer moved along his pit, cutting the hair. It was incredibly odd, the hair falling, skin
exposed that had never been bare since he was a child.

When Gideon had trimmed both pits, he slathered cream on them and began to shave them clean
with a tiny razor.

"That feels so odd. Tugs." Each tug made his cock throb and ache.

"Odd doesn't mean bad though, does it?" Gideon gave him a wink, finger sliding over newly
bared flesh.

"I don't think so, no." No, his cock was hard, body thrumming. He didn't think so at all.

"No, I don't think so, either," Gideon's eyes were so knowing, those fingers stroking. "So soft and
warm, smooth." Bending, Gideon licked at his pit.

He jerked, the bright sensation surprising him enough that he pulled away, almost fell. "Sorry. I
didn't expect that."

"No need to apologize. I want all your reactions, your noises -- they please me, darlin'." Another
lick, this one continuing down his side and wrapping around his nipple.

"Good." His body went tight, flesh drawing up with the pleasure, sensation. Gideon's teeth teased
the tip of his nipple, scraped, the sting immediately soothed by Gideon's tongue. Yes. Yes, that
was -- exactly what he needed. "More, Gideon? Please?"

This time Gideon's teeth bit harder, and one hand wrapped around his prick, squeezing. Tybalt's
eyes flew open, hips rolling. Fire. It started a fire inside him.

"Mmm... you like that." Gideon's fingernails scratching along his newly shaved pit.

"It makes me burn." He pulled away, the touch too intense.

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But Gideon switched to the other pit, scratching along it as well, not letting him hide from the

"I." He groaned and shivered, stomach hard as board.

"So responsive, darlin'. You turn me on." Gideon pinched his other nipple and rolled his balls.

"How many hands do you have?"

Gideon laughed, grinned down at him. "Just two, but they're busy."

"Just two? Are? Are you sure?"

"Quite." Gideon gave him that confident, sexy grin and ran both hands along his sides, sliding up
through his sensitized armpits. "See?"

His nerves fired, eyes rolling in their sockets. Oh. Oh, yes. Yes, he saw.

"Do you remember what I said I wanted to do, darlin' -- once these were bare?" Gideon was so
close, breath tickling across his face.

He couldn't remember his own name, much less anything else. "I. T...taste. Taste me."

"Where do you want to be tasted, darlin'?" Gideon's fingers stroked into his pits again. "Here?"

"I. Yes. Yes. I want. I need, Gideon. So badly." It was easy to confess, to let Gideon know how
badly he desired.

"Mmm, yes. So lovely in your need." Gideon's mouth closed over his, tongue slipping into his
mouth, sweeping over his teeth before it disappeared, the kiss ended almost as soon as it had
begun. Hot and wet, Gideon's kisses moved toward his pit, sliding down over his throat and
along his collarbone. Everything in him seemed to still, simply waiting for Gideon to touch him,
to show him. Gideon took his arm and raised it up over his head, nose sliding along his pit,
barely touching. And then, before he'd finished shivering from the barely-there touch, Gideon's
tongue slid over the strangely nude flesh.

He whimpered and shot, entire universe going white-hot and needy. Gideon hummed against his
skin, mouth closing over the centre of his pit and sucking on it. Tybalt simply floated, the
sensations more than he could understand, more than he could comprehend.

Long, hot fingers slid over his belly, rubbing his come into his skin. Then Gideon's fingers
moved up, spreading something slick and cool over the skin of his other pit.

He shifted, blinked, his skin soaking up the cream Gideon was applying.

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"With me again?" Gideon smiled and moved, half straddling him, cock sliding over his nipple.

"With..." Oh, so hot. So fine. "With you."

"Good. I'm going to love this. So are you." Gideon's cock slipped into his armpit. "Keep your
arm close to your body -- it'll make it tighter."

"Make what tighter?" He felt like he was just a few steps behind.

Gideon chuckled softly. "Just watch, feel."

Then Gideon began to fuck his pit, cock hot, leaking, sliding on his freshly shaved skin.

"Gideon. Gideon." His head tossed, cock filling, entire world tightening to that flesh moving on
his skin.

"You feel good, darlin'. So good." Gideon kept moving, gaze heavy on his face.

"Yes." Yes, better than he'd ever believed. Ever.

Gideon moved faster, cock so hot against his skin. "Soon, darlin'. You're going to make me

Tybalt squeezed harder, tighter, needing to give Gideon everything.

"Yes!" Gideon shouted and seed smeared over his skin, so hot, the scent of Gideon filling his

He slumped, boneless and sated, happy and quiet deep down.

Gideon's cock slid away, the strong body straddling him on the chair. Their lips met, Gideon's
tongue pushing into his mouth. "That was spectacular, Tybalt. Thank you."

It was all he could do, to nod, cuddle into his lover. Yes. Thank you.

"I'm a very lucky man to have found you, darlin'."

"Are you? I'm the lucky one. I found home."

"That's how we know it's right -- that we both found what we needed." Gideon stood, stretching,
muscles shifting and flexing beneath the skin. "Let's go test out our new bed, darlin'. I'll take you
downstairs for a meal after a nap."

"Sounds perfect." And it did.

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Chapter Six

Gideon had never been to the market here, but after checking with Kestrel regarding safety, he
and Tybalt were paying it a visit. He was determined to have some of Tybalt's personality show
in their home -- there needed to be things that belonged to both of them.

He was dressed in his leathers, and Tybalt in his flowing trousers and shirt that covered
everything up. He allowed it, given that they were away from the club, but he would cure Tybalt
of his need to hide himself in all that material.

A hand on Tybalt's back for guidance, they wandered slowly.

The open-air market was quite amazing, and from what he'd seen, he would venture a guess that
anything you could dream up could be found and obtained -- for a price, of course.

They passed a young man selling flavored ice in little cups and Gideon stopped. "What do you
think, darlin'? Would you like to try one?"

"Are they sweet or sour?" Tybalt offered the young man a smile, nodding as the sweet ones were
pointed out. "Oh, yes, please, Gideon."

"A blue one to match your eyes, then, and I'll have the yellow sour one, please." He handed over
a couple of credit chips, Kestrel having advised he bring disposable chips rather than a stick that
could be stolen.

He watched Tybalt take a tentative bite of the ice.

"Oh. Oh, cold!" Sensual beauty. Dear love. Watching Tybalt learn was fascinating.

"May I have a taste of yours?" he asked, taking the hand that held Tybalt's ice in his own and
bringing it toward his mouth.

"Of course." Tybalt's generosity seemed boundless, endless.

He held the beautiful eyes as he took a long lick of the sweet, cold treat. "Mmm..."

"It's good, yes? So cold, so sweet." Tybalt stepped closer as people milled about them.

"Yes, very good." He bent and took a soft kiss, tongue slipping across Tybalt's lips and then in
between them for a moment when they parted. "Tastes better from your lips than the cup,

"I. Oh." Tybalt blushed, smiled. "Thank you, Gideon."

He grinned. "Just the truth."

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Putting his arm around Tybalt's waist, he headed them along, occasionally licking at his sour ice.
"You must be sure to point out the things you want to stop and take a closer look at." He had no
desire to influence Tybalt in this. They'd choose a few things together, but he wanted Tybalt's
taste to show through. He did have an idea or two about something for the stone to be displayed
in, however.

"Oh, I. It's all so fascinating." Tybalt's cheek rested against him, eyes caught by colors, by rich

"It is. Oh, look! Birds." He led Tybalt over to the display of cages with colorful, noisy birds.
Tybalt's laughter rang out, his lover fascinated, smiling.

He drew them closer to the mini-aviary, watching Tybalt's eyes to see if there were any birds in
particular his lover was drawn to. There was a cage filled with tiny ferdans -- the multicolored
birds singing happily, swooping and fluttering around each other. "Oh, Gideon. Look. It's like
magic." Tybalt's eyes were bright and fascinated.

"You like them," he said unnecessarily.

"It would fit nicely on the balcony of the conservatory with all the plants and windows."

"You think so? You wouldn't mind the noise?" Tybalt put his finger through the cage slats, two
little birds immediately lighting. "Gideon!"

Oh, he was sold. And so was Tybalt.

"I won't mind the noise," he said softly, rubbing the small of Tybalt's back and enjoying the joy
in those eyes.

"They're tiny. So pretty."

"They like you. Shall we have them, darlin'?"

"Honestly?" Tybalt nodded, throat working. "I will take good care of them."

"I'm sure you will." He made arrangements with the seller to have the entire cage delivered in the

He could live for months on the look on Tybalt's face.

"Where to next?"

"I... Could I have a long pillow -- one that's as tall as me? I had an old one, but someone stole it.
I snuggled with..." Tybalt's head tilted and he got a surprised, quick grin. "Never mind."

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Gideon chuckled. "You have something else to snuggle with now, darlin?" he teased.

"Yes!" Tybalt's laugh rang out, drawing attention all around.

A huge blue-skinned man with a single eye came rushing over. "You're an Unkali! Ruling class!
You should all die!"

Tybalt seemed to shrink as the man screamed, ducking beneath his arm and bolting.

"Tybalt!" He shot his elbow up into the man's nose and sent him flying. He didn't stop to make
sure the man was down, he simply turned on his heel and ran after his sweet love.

The crowd seemed to open around Tybalt and then close around him, making him disappear.

"Tybalt!" He called out, pushing through people, trying to see over them. "Tybalt!"

A little hand grabbed his, a child who looked like his Tybalt pulling him down a side alley.
"Come. Come."

He followed, that little hand holding on tight.

They went into one tent filled with flowers, out another that was a toymaker's, and then past
three stalls selling fruit. "Bal's in the melons. Remember, when you have to run. Always come
back to here." He got a grin, a kiss on the hand. "Thank you for loving Tybalt. He's commed us,
told us all about you."

Then the child just zipped away.

He blinked and then shook himself, looking for the melons. "Tybalt? Darlin'?"

Tybalt's fingers slid into his, shaking a bit even as they squeezed. "Rym found you."

"There you are!" He tugged Tybalt to him, wrapping his lover in his arms. "If Rym is the pocket-
sized you, then yes, he did."

"Remember what he showed you, yes? Just in case. Are you hurt?"

"Just in case? Just in case of what? And no, I'm not hurt. I don't understand, darlin' -- you're
acting as if this kind of thing is normal."

They would call the authorities and file a report against the blue-skinned man. He would not
have his Tybalt frightened.

"Gideon?" Tybalt looked utterly confused. "I'm an Unkali. We're refugees, the few of us that are
left. It is normal."

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"You shouldn’t have to live like this, darlin'. I won’t have it."

"What? Do you want a melon?"

"No. No, I don't want a melon. Do you want to keep shopping?" His own heart was only just
beginning to beat normally; he couldn't understand why Tybalt seemed so calm.

"Of course. Just remember, if there's a problem, I'll come here."

"We should alert the authorities that there is a large blue man trying to hurt you." He wrapped his
arm back around Tybalt's waist, holding on tighter this time.

"Large blue people run our entire planet, now."

"But they don't run this planet, darlin'."

"Well, no..." Tybalt stepped closer. "We hide, Gideon. That's what we do."

"You would be safer if those people weren't allowed to threaten you." He hugged Tybalt against

"It happens." Tybalt's hand wrapped around his hip, holding on.

He shook his head. He would speak to Hercules and perhaps to security at the club, and then
planetary security. Tybalt and his people shouldn't have to hide in their new home. They were no
longer on Unkal. In the meantime, he would keep his lover safe.

"The craft stalls are this way. Someone at the Glove mentioned that we had to visit the
glassworker's stall."

"Glass?" Tybalt's smile relaxed him. "Oh, yes. Yes, please."

They wandered over to the stalls where hand-worked glass, metal, wood items were available.
The glass stall drew him with its colors and shapes, functional designs sitting next to abstract art
and funky pieces.

"Look at all this. Amazing."

"Oh..." Tybalt spun, lovely with interest and excitement. "Gideon. The colors."

As beautiful as the glasswork was, he was far more taken with Tybalt's reaction, to the way those
emotions lit him up. Gideon watched as Tybalt caressed the glass, touching and petting the
smooth, shiny objects. His lover liked reds and greens and cobalt blues. He thought maybe they
needed to visit a clothier as well and find some clothes in those colors. Give his sweet darlin'
some bright plumage.

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"Do you like the functional or artistic ones best?"

"I love them all. I love the idea that the functional ones are so pretty, so lovely." Tybalt's fingers
slid over the edge of a serving bowl.

"Imagine having guests and serving them from our handmade, one-of-a-kind glasswork dishes."

"Wouldn't it be lovely?" Tybalt nodded, eyes distant.

He was amazed by how it seemed never to have occurred to Tybalt that it could be possible. He
thought maybe he'd arrange something on the quiet, have them delivered as a surprise. "Which
ones do you like best?"

"The multi-colored swirly ones. They're so smooth."

He ran his fingers along one. "Yes, they're quite something, aren't they?"

He caught sight of a tiny bird, also multi-colored, and fragile. "Look," he said softly. "Just like
the little ones we bought."

"Oh. Oh, Gideon. How lovely!" Tybalt laughed, hands clapping.

"We'll take the bird," he told the glassblower -- a huge man with enormous hands. It was
amazing to watch the way those big hands plucked the bird up and carefully wrapped it for them.

"Oh. Oh, Gideon. Thank you. Thank you so much." He was given a hard, happy kiss, his sweet
boy just glowing.

His hands slid around Tybalt's waist, holding him close for a moment.

Despite the blue man, shopping had been a wonderful idea.

"What else would you like, darlin'? Anything your heart desires -- just name it."

"Can... could I have some paints and brushes?"

"Of course!" He was pleased Tybalt had taken him as sincere yesterday when he'd said he
wanted Tybalt to keep drawing, and even more pleased that Tybalt had asked for something.

"That's what I'd like, please. To be able to paint for you."

"I'd like that, too. Maybe you can do some more for the walls, mm?"

He got a shy look, a bare nod. "Perhaps."

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"If you're done here, Kestrel gave me the address of a art supply store we could walk to." And
then he'd take Tybalt out to lunch somewhere special.

"Oh? That sounds perfect." Tybalt's hand curled around his arm. "We should find something
special for you, too."

"I already have something special." He patted Tybalt's hand.

"Gideon." Tybalt rolled his eyes, smiling affectionately.

"What? It's nothing more than truth." He gave Tybalt a soft kiss, and then headed them toward
the east corner of the market, mentally turning the directions Kestrel had given him into a map.
Tybalt followed easily, laughing, pointing out interesting people and arts and things.

They picked up a couple other things as they wandered -- a wooden box with all sorts of hidden
compartments, each one seeming to open up to a new secret; a large crystal ball on a pewter
stand, the ball seeming almost to glow, and when you looked directly into it, the patterns within
the crystal seemed to be moving.

But once they'd cleared the market, the crowds faded away and it didn't take long at all to wind
their way around to the art supply store.

"I... I'm almost scared to go in. I never have before. I never would."

"Why not?"

He didn't understand why Tybalt was so shy about his drawings, they were quite good -- the two
he'd picked to go on the walls were stunning.

"It... I. My people. It's complicated." He really needed to research Tybalt's home world.

"You'll go in with me, though, yes?" Gideon would go in on his own if need be, pick up supplies,
but Tybalt knew what he needed, what he wanted.

"I will. I don't need much. A pencil. One or two colors. A brush."

"One or two colors?" He shook his head. "You need a whole set of paints, brushes, paper or
canvas to paint on."

Eventually Tybalt would get it, that he could ask for anything at all.

"Oh, that's just so much, so decadent." Tybalt looked shocked, stunned.

"I disagree. You have a talent -- it would be a shame not to let you have the entire rainbow of
colors at your disposal."

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He led Tybalt into the store, determined to pick up anything Tybalt could need. They received
looks, but not many, and Tybalt slowly relaxed, leaning against his arm.

A girl with swirling tattoos on her face came over to them, giving them both a smile. "Can I help

Gideon looked at Tybalt, waiting to hear what Tybalt would ask for.

"I... I would like some paint, please."

"What kind? We've got acrylic, oil, plastic..."

"I." Tybalt started shivering, fluttering. "I. I, don't."

Gideon stepped in, smiling at the girl. "We'd like a set of each, please, brushes, canvases and
paper to paint on as well. I'm sure you can put something together for someone who's lost all the
tools he needs."

Her eyes lit up and she bobbed her head at him. "Oh, yes, sir. I can definitely do that for you and
your friend. Come this way, please."

"I. Gideon? Gideon, that's so much." Tybalt was pale, eyes huge.

"Darlin', I'm a rich man and I want you to have the things that will make you happy. Besides,
we're stimulating the economy." He gave Tybalt a wink and, arm wrapped securely around the
slender waist, followed the girl to a wall of paints and brushes.

"Stimulating..." Tybalt stared, completely shorted out, heart pounding noticeably against his arm.

He frowned. This wouldn't do. At all.

He called the girl over and handed her his card with his address at the club on it. "A set of
everything. Oh, and an easel. Have it delivered, please. If we're happy with the service on this
order, we'll be back whenever we need new supplies. Can I count on you?"

"Oh yeah, you sure can." She pocketed the card and beamed up at him.

"Thank you."

He smiled back and then turned to Tybalt, entire focus on his lover as he led him out. "Tell me
what's wrong, darlin'."

"I just. It's so much. So many decisions and. I just. I don't."

"All right, darlin', don't you worry about a thing. Believe me, I'm more than capable of making

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all the decisions we could possibly need to have made." He stroked Tybalt's back and led him
back toward the transports. His first decision for them both was to go back to the Glove for
lunch. He could feed Tybalt the finest food available there, and hopefully the familiar
surroundings would help calm his sweet man.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I just. I'm so sorry, Gideon."

"Sh, darlin'."

He found a doorway and tugged Tybalt into it, giving them a little privacy. Taking Tybalt's face
into his hands, he stroked over the sweet, bare cheeks. "Look at me, Tybalt. Just look at me. You
haven't done anything wrong. Not one thing. I'm not mad or angry or disappointed or anything
else. We've had a wonderful day and I hope it's just going to get better. Do you hear me?"

Tybalt relaxed, eyes clinging to his. "I hear you. I hear you, love."

He smiled, relaxing as Tybalt did. He'd pushed too hard; he knew Tybalt's self-confidence
needed bolstering, knew his sweet darlin' needed his strength, his confidence as guide.

He pushed Tybalt back against the door, his body pressing close, rubbing them together. "You
feel me, too, Tybalt. Feel how much I need and want you."

"Gideon." Tybalt's lips formed a perfect O, body arching, begging for him.

"Right here, darlin'." He pushed his hand down the front of Tybalt's pants, hand wrapping around
the long cock and tugging it to full life.

Bringing their mouths together, he mimicked fucking with his tongue.

Tybalt jerked and shuddered, eyes still fastened to his as the kiss went deep.

His tongue and hand worked together, finding the same rhythm. His thumb rubbed across the tip
of Tybalt's prick, his other hand grabbing the long hair and tugging it, tilting Tybalt's head to the
side so his tongue could push deeper.

His lover submitted completely, opening to him, cock hot and wet-tipped, eager in his hand.

He bit at Tybalt's lower lip, tugged on it as his hand jerked roughly up and down along the hot,
hard flesh in his hand. His own body thrummed, the scent of Tybalt's need stronger than the
smell of the streets, calling to him.

Tybalt came for him, rocking and begging for his touch, his love. For him.

"Oh, yes, darlin'. Yes." He brought his hand up and painted Tybalt's lips with the salty come,
licking it off again.

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"Love..." Tybalt blinked, staring at him, relaxed and easy against him.

"Oh, yes. And when we get back, you'll take me in your mouth and bring me sweet release."

He took another kiss, addicted to the taste of Tybalt's mouth.

Tybalt nodded, tongue sliding against his, hot and wet, the kiss eager.

Oh, he could lose himself in Tybalt's kiss, and it was with great reluctance that he broke it,
resting his forehead against Tybalt's, their breaths panting hotly between them. "Fate was smiling
when it brought you to me."

"It brought you to me."

That smile warmed his lips.

"Then it smiled on us both, yes?" He licked Tybalt's lips, loving the way they automatically
parted for him whenever he did that.

"Are you ready to face the ride home?"

"Yes. If I have to run, you know where to find me."

It chilled him, how easily Tybalt accepted the need to run. He nodded, though, not willing to
challenge it right now -- the attack had not been imagined.

He took Tybalt's hand in his and led him back out into the street, toward the trains that would
take them back to the Glove, that would take them home.

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Chapter Seven

The sun was pouring into the dining room, the sounds of people chattering and eating pleasant,
easy. Tybalt followed Gideon, nodding at the few people he knew, avoiding Love's glare.

Gideon asked for a table in the sun, which put them in the middle of the room, and the dear man
held out a chair for him.

"Thank you, love." He sat, face lifting to the light, just soaking it in. So lovely.

Gideon sat beside him instead of across from him, fingers pushing his hair back behind his ear.
"You're very welcome, darlin'. I'll be choosing your meal today."

That was at once odd and comforting. He'd made enough decisions today. "Yes, Gideon."

The waiter came then. Tybalt thought his name was Dory -- he'd started a few days before Tybalt

"We'll have water to drink, and the surf and turf special for two, please."

Oh, surf and turf was one of the most expensive meals at the Glove.

"Gideon." He waited until the waiter had gone, then leaned close, whispering softly. "I haven't
ever eaten that before."

He didn't want to ask Gideon if it was good, if the money was well spent.

His words had Gideon smiling brightly. "Excellent -- I'm pleased to be able to feed you your first
bite. I've had the steak here, but not the cut you get with the surf and turf, and I'm told the
seafood is phenomenal. I'm eager to taste it."

Then Gideon leaned in close and spoke softly. "Even more eager to taste you again."

His cheeks heated and his fingers fluttered, pleasure all through him.

Gideon sat back with a smile and then nodded his head toward a table a ways down from them.
"Why is that young man glowering at you?"

"He doesn't like me." Tybalt shrugged, met Love's eyes a moment. "He's very beautiful and very
important among the subs. I spilled some water on his sleeve."

"And he's still holding it against you?" Gideon growled and removed the napkin from his lap.

"He's Love. He doesn't like many people." Love must be very, very good at his job.

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"I won't have him glaring at you." Gideon stood, gave him a kiss, and headed over to Love's


Oh, goodness.



Love was going to kill him.

He couldn't hear what they said, but Gideon stopped in front of the table where Love sat with
several of the other subs and started talking, gesturing back toward him once.

Tybalt considered just sinking under the table.

Then Mal showed up and he decided to just die.

Gideon and Mal shook hands and Gideon shook his head, still talking, gesturing at Tybalt, at
Love. Talking. Saying the gods only knew what.

He looked down, wincing as Love threw a glass, the shattering sound seeming to cut his ears.
Oh. Oh, he. He. Oh.

Gideon said something else to Mal, who nodded and snapped out something at Love that had the
beautiful little sub screaming an obscenity, but he followed Mal as the trainer stalked out of the
dining room.

Returning to their table, Gideon gave him a smile. "He shouldn't be bothering you anymore,

"He's going to want to kill me..."

"Oh, I think Mal will give him something else to think about. He's not terribly professional. Mal
said he needs a firm hand and I have to agree."

"He seems very angry."

Almost sad.

"I would have said lost."

Gideon smiled at him. "But we have much better things to talk about, don't we?"

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"We do." He found a smile, tentative as it was, his peace and pleasure beginning to return.

Dory brought an appetizer out to them, fried bread with a half dozen little bowls filled with
different dips.

"Compliments of the house."

"Oh, excellent. Thank the house, please."

Gideon waited until Dory had left and then picked up a piece of bread, dipping it into a pale-
colored dip and holding it up to his mouth.

"I... Thank you." He leaned forward, lips parting, trusting Gideon to know his tastes.

The dip was a mix of heat and herbs, filling his mouth with flavor. It was immediately followed
by another bite with a different dip, this one fresh and cool, easing the spice in his mouth.

"Oh. Oh, Gideon. You should try!"

Gideon nodded and picked up another piece of bread, dipping the first bite into the pale, spicy
sauce, the second in the fresh, cool one.

"Oh, yes. It has quite the effect, doesn't it?"

"Yes. Yes, it's lovely." He preferred the cool one, but the contrast was the best of it all.

"Shall we try one of the others?" Without waiting for his response, Gideon dipped the bread into
something bright green and took a bite. Then he leaned close and brought their lips together,
sharing the flavor with him.

It was easier than he'd expected to lean and share the long, sweet, public kiss.

"That one might be my favorite," murmured Gideon as their lips parted. He was given a wink,
Gideon's hand sliding along his thigh and down to squeeze his leg right above his knee.

He leaned closer, fingers on Gideon's lips. "You make me happy."

Those lips smiled beneath his fingertips, and then Gideon pulled at two of his fingers, tongue
wrapping around them as they were sucked in.

"Gideon!" His gasp was loud, his cock filling in a rush that almost hurt.

Gideon's hum vibrated against his fingers, the sensation shooting through him, straight to his

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And then the suction got stronger, Gideon's gaze holding his.

"I. Gideon. You'll make me. I'll get hard."

"You mean you aren't already?" Gideon asked, making himself heard around Tybalt's fingers.

One of Gideon's hands slid from his knee upward along his inner thigh.

"I. I am, but..." His voice dropped. "I'll leak. You'll make me."

"I hope you'll do more than leak before our meal is done."

Gideon let his fingers slowly slide away, kissing the tips as they passed the warm lips.

He was shivering, moaning for Gideon, for himself.

Gideon grabbed his hand and brought it back to that wicked mouth, teeth nipping at his fingertips
before Gideon let his hand go again. "Is every nerve awake, darlin'? Are you ready to have a
wonderful meal?"

"Yes. Yes, love. I... I feel like I could just shake apart."

"I'll make sure you don't," murmured Gideon.

Their food arrived, a huge round platter set on the table, piled high with filet steaks and shrimp
and lobster on a bed of lettuce leaves of every color imaginable.

"Mmm... look at all this. I hope you're hungry, darlin'."

"Oh, Gideon. Look at it." He took a deep breath, the smells fascinating, new. Wonderful.

Gideon used his fingers to pick up a piece of lobster, dripping with a thin sauce. Gideon had the
first bite himself, and he smiled, nodded. The next piece was held up to his lips. "It's most

Tybalt tasted, moaning as the meat melted in his mouth. Oh. Oh, sweet and rich and... "Mmm."

"Yes," murmured Gideon, the look in his eyes heated. "I swear, watching you eat is better than
any feast."

Oh, that regard was... Well, it was amazing and strange and uncomfortable and arousing and...


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Gideon licked his lips and then sliced up one of the steaks, taking a piece himself, testing it
before offering a bite to him.

They ate the entire meal like that, relaxed and easy, talking quietly. He found himself totally
focused on Gideon, on the pleasure and the food.

"I think we'll get dessert sent up. I need."

"Yes. Yes, Gideon. Anything." He found he meant it, too.

The heat in Gideon's eyes increased. "Oh yes."

Dory came by to clear their plates and Gideon asked for a bowl of fruit and whipped cream to be
sent to their room. The way Gideon said it sounded sexy, dirty.

He adjusted himself, pulling his shirttail over the bulge his cock made.

Gideon shook his head. "Oh, no. No, that won't do." Gideon stood and tucked his shirt into the
top of his waistband, all the way around. "I want everyone to see how magnificent you are."

"Gideon..." His cheeks flared, his need so very... evident.

Those intense eyes glanced down, and he followed the gaze, finding Gideon in a similar state. "It
is nothing to be ashamed of, darlin'. Especially here."

Then Gideon's hand slid to the small of his back.

He didn't know what to say, so he walked, leaning back against Gideon's hand, letting his lover
support him.

Gideon walked proudly next to him, shooting happy smiles at him now and then.

His cock flagged some as they walked, making it easier, making it less noticeable.

Gideon's hand slid beneath his shirt, fingertips dancing on the skin of his back, and, when they
stopped to wait for the lift, Gideon leaned close again, murmured in his ear. "I've been thinking
about having your mouth since you came in the doorway on the streets. Every mouthful you took
only made me harder."

"Gideon." His cock hardened right back up, hands opening and closing over and over.

The fingers on his back slipped to the bundle of nerves just above his ass, slid and played there,
making him shiver. "Yes, darlin'?"

"I want you."

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Gideon's moan was most animalistic, the heat in his eyes almost a physical burn. "Yes. And you
shall have me."

The lift doors opened, men spilling out amid color and flash and noise. Gideon's eyes never left

It was like being trapped, being held, being caught, and Tybalt loved it.

He couldn't look away as they walked into the lift. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Gideon
press the button to their floor, but pretty much all his attention was on Gideon, on the way the
strong body pushed him back up against the wall.

"You're so warm." Strong. Sexy. Fine.

"And you're the sexiest thing I've ever seen." Gideon's cheek rubbed against his.

He dared to reach out, cup Gideon's cock, rub it gently.

"Tybalt!" Gideon pressed hard into his hand, hips rolling, grinding against him. And then the lift
came to a stop, the soft, subtle ding sounding.

"Here we are." Gideon's voice was a low growl, and his hand was taken as Gideon strode toward
their rooms.

He hurried along, cock throbbing, rubbing in his slacks. "I'm going to need tighter underwear to
live with you."

Gideon chuckled at that, the sound husky and sexy. "I don't know -- I kind of like being able to
see how much you need me."

His cheeks went hot, hips jerking a little.

"Mmm... and you like knowing I'm looking."

Gideon palmed open the door and pulled him in, slamming him up against the door as it closed,
mouth descending on his.

He went up on his toes, sobbing with a sudden, wondrous need.

One of Gideon's hands slid down and grabbed his ass, squeezing hard as Gideon's tongue swept
through his mouth.

He climbed up Gideon, legs wrapping around the muscled hips.

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Large hands grabbed his collar and split his shirt, Gideon's hips grinding against his, the need
singing between them.

"Gideon. Please." His skin burned, aching for that touch, his fingers needing to touch.

Gideon moaned and moved them from the wall, laying him out on the closest flat surface, which
was the table in the kitchen. His own pants were pulled off first, quickly followed by Gideon's
shirt and pants, his lover tossing the items over his shoulder before pouncing. He spread, legs
wrapping around Gideon, pulling him in close.

Gideon's nails raked along his sides, one hand wrapping around his hip. "Want you, darlin'."

"Yours. All of me. I swear." He did. He meant it. He swore.

"I know."

Gideon slid two fingers into his mouth, sliding them along his tongue. It was easy, to suck, to
lick those fingers, wet them. Groaning, Gideon's tongue joined his, wetting the fingers, but also
his lips, his chin.

Then Gideon's fingers were gone, sliding down to push at his hole.

He bore down, taking Gideon in, needing more, needing to feel. Those fingers slid deep,
stretched apart and then pushed in deeper again.

"Oh yes, all mine."

"Yes. Yes, anything." He closed his lips around the words, groaning deep in his throat as
Gideon's fingers pegged his gland, hard.

Gideon's mouth latched onto the skin of his neck, sucking and licking and biting, even as those
fingers hit his gland again and again.

"Love!" He shook, begging for it, for more of those touches. "Please."

Gideon's fingers slowed for a moment, slipped nearly all the way out before suddenly pushing
back in, wider than ever as Gideon's pinky pushed in with the other three.

"Gideon..." His legs spread, eyes rolling in his head.

"All mine." Those fingers pushed in and in, spreading him wider than he'd ever been.

"I. I. Full." Gideon's. All of him.

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"Yes." Gideon bit his collarbone, fingers sliding in and out, seeming to push deeper into him
every time. He sobbed, beginning to shake, sensations overwhelming him.

"Do you trust me, darlin'?" Gideon's voice was so husky and low, vibrating through him like the
man was a part of him.

"Yes. Yes." He did. He didn't know why, but he did.


Gideon's fingers slid out of him as that mouth covered his again in another hard, wonderful kiss.
And before he could protest, Gideon's fingers were back, slicker than ever. He shifted, heart
slamming in his chest as that kiss confused him, distracted him, held him tight.

It went on and on, the wide stretch of Gideon's fingers giving it a sharp edge. Tybalt was lost --
he couldn't breathe, he couldn't move, he couldn't escape. He just stared, looking into Gideon's

The kiss broke suddenly, as Gideon's hand -- his whole hand!! -- stretched him impossibly wide
and stilled. "Mine."

Tears poured from him, sudden and inescapable. "Yes."

Gideon nodded, still holding his gaze. "Yes." It was such a simple word, but it bound him here in
this place, to this man, as nothing else.

"Help me." He needed. He needed... Gideon.

"Just relax," murmured Gideon. "I have you."

The hand poised at his opening, holding him open so wide, pushed in just a little further, his
body closing over it with an audible snap that he also felt all the way up his spine. His cry rang
out, torn from him as his head tossed.

"I have you," Gideon repeated, hand pushing in deeper, fingers slowing curling into a fist.

Gideon had enormous hands. Huge. So very big. Big enough to hold his heart with.

"I need you. Please. Please, love."

Gideon nodded, mouth sliding over his face, his skin so sensitive that each touch had him
shivering. That fist inside him began to move, gentle undulations that brought Gideon's hand
deeper, shallower, deeper again. His entire world shattered, his cries just slipping from him, one
after another after another.

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There was never a moment that he couldn't feel Gideon, holding him, loving him, breath and lips
sliding on his skin, soft hums settling deep inside him. There, where Gideon's hand held him.

"Love." So much. It was all more than he'd ever imagined.

"Oh, yes, Tybalt. Love. Love." Gideon's words whispered against his skin, sank deep into him.

And then Gideon leaned down and kissed the tip of his prick. Seed pulsed from him, the world
dimming as he shorted out.

Gideon was there when he came back to himself, murmuring softly against his skin, tongue and
lips on his hip, on his belly, that hand resting inside him, still and solid and there. His bones had
melted, fingers moving randomly as his body held Gideon tight.

They stayed like that for a long time, Gideon a part of him, or him a part of Gideon -- maybe
both were right.

Then, groaning, Gideon placed a last kiss on his shoulder. "I'm going to come out now, darlin'.
All you need to do is relax."

He opened his mouth to say yes, but he didn't even have the words for it.

Gideon smiled warmly down on him, the fingers inside uncurling out of the fist, twisting
together so they were just a little smaller. Slowly, so very slowly, each second slow and languid,
passing lazily.

"That's right," murmured Gideon. Just lie back and feel.

He whimpered, body fighting Gideon a bit, wanting to keep that wide part inside.

Gideon's free hand rubbed his belly. "Shh, darlin', it's all right. Just relax now."

His eyes closed and Tybalt nodded, taking a deep breath, trying to let go.

"That's right, darlin'. Just like that."

All of sudden Gideon's hand was outside of his body.

He whimpered, moaned, body aching with its sudden emptiness.

"Me now, darlin'. I need you so very much." Gideon slipped between his legs, cock hot against
his needy hole.

"Need..." Gideon pressed in, filled that horrible emptiness inside him.

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"I know. Me, too." Gideon's eyes held his, cock full and hard and hot, pushing into him again
and again.

He shook some, reaching for Gideon, petting the fine skin.

Gideon's mouth met his, the kiss deep and strong, just the cock inside him.

Love. Oh, he did love. His body twisted, belly tight as he tried to squeeze around Gideon.

"Tybalt!" Gideon called out, jerking as he came, heat pushing deep inside him.

"Love." He blinked, dazed and sated. Filled.

Kisses pressed over his face, Gideon humming softly. "You're mine, darlin'. Inside and out."

"Y...yours. Only yours." He nodded, melted bone-deep.

Only his.

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Chapter Eight

Gideon grinned as he accepted the delivery from the art supply store. A multitude of boxes filled
with paint and drawing supplies. He was looking forward to Tybalt opening everything up,
setting it up in the spare room.

"Darlin'? Come out here."

He couldn't wait to see what Tybalt would draw and paint.

"Coming." Tybalt padded in, humming softly, wearing loose, gauzy clothes that hid the lean

He hadn't cured Tybalt of that habit yet, but he would. "A delivery came for you." He nodded at
the boxes.

"For me?" Tybalt blinked, then headed for the boxes, gasping as he started unpacking. "Gideon!
Gideon, look!"

He chuckled and nodded. "Your art supplies."

Just look at Tybalt's face.

"Oh. Oh, look." One thing after another was unpacked, exclaimed over, brought to him to see.

He made a fuss over each and every thing, made sure to touch Tybalt at the same time. "Is it
everything you need?"

"It's amazing. Perfect. They're just perfect, love." He was given a long, happy kiss, Tybalt
holding him closely.

"Mmm..." He deepened the kiss, fingers sliding over Tybalt's cheek. "Someone needs a shave."

"Hmm..." Tybalt nuzzled in, humming softly. "What?"

"Whiskers," he murmured, biting at Tybalt's lower lip.

He'd bet Tybalt needed a shave other places as well.

Fun places.

Intimate places.

"I." Tybalt still blushed and fluttered, moaning into his lips.

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"Would you like to use your new art tools first, or would you like to come into the bathroom
with me?" He slid his hand beneath Tybalt's tunic, running it along the track of Tybalt's spine.

"I..." Tybalt stretched, lips parted. "With you. I want you."

He hummed, his other hand slipping up the front of Tybalt's shirt. Oh yes, his lover needed a
shave here as well. And his darlin' deserved a reward for his answer.

"Then come with me, my love. Shaving and then painting, yes?"

"Y...yes. Yes, Gideon." Tybalt nodded, fingers twining with his.

He put his hand around the back of Tybalt's head and tilted it, taking a long, hard kiss. Once they
were both breathless, he led the way to the bathroom.

There was a surprise in there as well, a new chair for them to play with.

"Oh. Gideon." There were places where Tybalt's legs could be bound, spread wide for Gideon to
access any part of his body." It was all covered in soft material that would feel lovely against his
Tybalt's skin.

He smiled and began to pull the gauzy clothing from Tybalt's body. The camouflaging fabric
disappeared, baring more and more of that fine skin.

He licked the smooth collarbone, moved down toward one of those pretty little nipples, only to
be stopped by stubble. "The chair, darlin'. I want to taste you."

"The chair." Tybalt stared a moment, looking caught, then shook himself, smiled, and moved.

Gideon stripped as he slowly circled the chair, deciding how he would bind the Tybalt's body.

"Mmm. Beautiful." Tybalt spoke softly and reached for him, fingers trailing on his skin.

"Thank you. I pale compared to you, though."

He used the leather straps to bind Tybalt's feet, and then spread his lover's legs wide. "Mmm... oh
yes, stunning."

"I. This is. Gideon?" Tybalt reached for him again, hands shaking.

He ran his hand along one of Tybalt's legs, cupping the heavy balls. And he stepped closer,
letting Tybalt reach him, touch him. "I'm right here, darlin'. Right here."

It amazed him how Tybalt eased at his words, fingers moving on his skin.

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"I'm going to shave you here." He rolled Tybalt's balls, slid his fingers alongside the sweet, long
cock. "And here." He danced his fingers over Tybalt's chest, fingertips catching on the stubble.

"I... Okay. Only there?"

"No. Your face, your neck, your pits." He touched each place as he named it.

Tybalt nodded, heart pounding visibly.

He took the straight razor from the shelf and slowly ran it across the whetstone, sharpening it. He
watched Tybalt as he did it, standing close enough that his darlin' could touch him if Tybalt
needed to.

Tybalt did, reaching for him again and again. He felt like a god, like the center of Tybalt's world.

"There. Now it's sharp enough that it won't cut or burn."

He rubbed his fingers across Tybalt's lips; he'd make the rest of Tybalt's skin as smooth as the
beautiful lips.

"Love." Tybalt closed his eyes, moaning softly.

Leaning down, he whispered into Tybalt's ear. "I love you, darlin'."

Then he worked soap into a lather. He spread it over Tybalt's face and began to shave his darlin'.

Tybalt moaned, chin lifting, letting him have what he needed.

"Mmm... I love the sound, don't you? Of the razor scraping against your skin..."

"It's... different. Don't take too much, love."

"Too much what? I want you smooth." Cheeks, chin, above the lips, neck, Gideon used the razor
to cut away all the short whiskers.

"Mmmhmm." Tybalt was sweating lightly, panting softly, moaning for him.

Bending, he licked a line from Tybalt's neck up to his right cheek. "That's better."

"Oh. Oh, feel you." Tybalt's hands wrapped around his head.

Looking into Tybalt's eyes, he smiled. "I'm feeling you."

That laugh warmed him, bone-deep. He kissed Tybalt, the soft lips opening when he licked

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across them, his tongue slipping in. Tybalt's response was sweet, eager, enough to make him
moan. It would be so easy to get distracted, to get lost in his beautiful lover.

He finally broke from their kisses. "When we're done, darlin', we'll kiss until we can't breathe

"That sounds dangerous." Tybalt smiled at him, moaned.

Laughing, he nibbled at Tybalt's chin before taking a breath and centering himself, concentrating
as he slid the razor across Tybalt's skin.

Tybalt stayed still, watching him, trusting him.

He smiled up, hummed a little, enjoying the heat of Tybalt's body, that trust, and of course the
sound of the razor against Tybalt's skin.

He was careful around the nipples, even more careful on Tybalt's balls. So fine. That skin was so
fine. He could see the little orbs pressing against the thin skin. As soon as he'd shaved them, he
took them into his mouth -- first one and then the other.

"Gideon. Gideon, your mouth..." Tybalt moaned, arching as best he could.

Oh yes, he knew. He knew he was making Tybalt crazy. It was what he did.

Letting the vibrations go through Tybalt, he hummed, and his tongue lapped and teased.

"I... you know I would give you anything."

He let the flesh in his mouth slide away and nodded, lapping briefly at Tybalt's hole, reminding
his lover of what they'd done. He knew. "What do you wish to give me today, darlin'?"

"Anything. What do you need?"

"I need you smooth. And then I want to touch you, feel all that smooth skin." He slid his hand
along Tybalt's legs. "These today, too, I think. After your pits."

"What... what are you going to do when you run out of body to shave?"

"Your hair never stops growing, darlin' -- I'm not going to run out." He urged Tybalt to lift his

"I. Okay. Okay, love."

He carefully shaved each pit, and then tickled the smooth flesh with the tip of his tongue, hand
holding Tybalt's arm up over his head.

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Tybalt shuddered and jerked, moaning for him.

"You remember when I first shaved these, how I slid my cock against their velvet softness?"

"Yes. Yes, Gideon. I will always remember."

"Good." He licked again along Tybalt's pit, fingers dancing down over the sweet belly.

Tybalt cried out, shifting on the chair. That pretty cock bobbed, begging his attention. He just
loved how responsive Tybalt was to every touch, every thing he did.

He stroked Tybalt's prick once or twice. "Lovely, darlin'. But first we continue shaving."

"Continue? What's next?"

"Mmm..." He tapped Tybalt's thighs. "Your legs. They're going to be as smooth as the rest of

"But..." He got that soft moan, the jerk of Tybalt's body.

"But it might make you come without my ever touching your prick."

He rubbed the shaving gel over Tybalt's legs, taking his time, feeling the lovely limbs up.

"I... I don't know. They're not supposed to be bare."

He chuckled. "Says who?"


"Oh? It's a question you've asked, is it?" He took the razor and placed it at the top of Tybalt's

"Gideon. Gideon, I don't know if I'm ready."

"But I do." Bending, he licked Tybalt's lips until they opened for him.

Tybalt moaned, whimpered, tongue pushing against his. Sweet love. So open and giving, even
when he was scared or worried about what they were doing. Gideon hummed happily, tangling
their tongues together. He waited until Tybalt was breathless, and then he broke the kiss and
made the first pass with the razor over Tybalt's thigh. Tybalt shivered, belly tight, thigh muscles
jumping for him.

He chuckled softly and continued shaving, talking to Tybalt to give him a voice to hold onto.

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"It's going to feel amazing. Your skin will be so smooth and sensitive, and I'll touch every inch
with my fingers and my lips."

"Gideon. Master." So willing. So hungry. Tybalt's cock was so hard for him.

"Yes, darlin', I've got you." He brushed Tybalt's cock with his free hand, teasing both himself
and his dear Tybalt.

"Got... Need." Tybalt pushed up toward his touch.

"Wait for it, Tybalt. I must finish this first."

"I... This is. Need. You make me need."

"I know." Bending, he flicked his tongue across Tybalt's right nipple. "Delicious, isn't it?"

"Yes." Tybalt looked surprised. "It is."

He beamed up at Tybalt, placed a kiss on the other nipple, and then went back to concentrating
on the long, slow strokes along the lovely thighs, baring the skin of hair.

"Why do you... why is it so... big?"

He looked up into the beautiful eyes and spoke from his heart. "Because we love each other."

"Yes." Tybalt relaxed, pulse evident in the long throat. "Yes, love. Master. Love."

So lovely. So eager to please.

Gideon knew he was a lucky man indeed.

He once again returned his attention to Tybalt's legs, finishing the job of shaving the man's
thighs, and then all the way down to the finely tapered ankles.

Tybalt gasped and shook, so eager, so focused.

"Mmm... just look at you now." He put the razor away and grabbed the cream, rubbing a
generous amount between his hands before he began to kiss his way up from ankle to thigh,
hands sliding in the wake of his mouth and rubbing in the lotion.

"I. It's strange. Different."

"Mmmhmm." He drew curlicues on Tybalt's skin with his tongue. Tybalt chuckled, skin
goosepimpling up. Grinning, he mouthed Tybalt's pubic area and balls as he crossed from one
thigh to the other.

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"I. Master. It tingles."

Yes. Yes, he imagined it did.

He licked and kissed his way down the other leg, hands continuing to spread the lotion behind.
The smooth skin was warm and slick and felt good. He rubbed his cheek on Tybalt's ankle and
then he was done.

Tybalt rested, bare and spread and lovely. His. He moved slowly back up, resting on his lover,
cock pressing against Tybalt's balls as he pressed kisses on the clean-shaven face, loving on
Tybalt's cheeks, nose, chin, and finally, lips. They shared a long, sweet kiss, Tybalt focused on
him and him alone. He swept one hand down, thumb rubbing on Tybalt's nipple, nail flicking at
the little tip.

"Master!" Tybalt jerked, bucking for him so beautifully.

"Mmm... my lovely Tybalt." His cock nudged against Tybalt's hole, rubbing the head over the
wrinkled flesh.

"Yours." Tybalt moaned, hole squeezing and jerking against his cock.

"Yes. Mine." He reached over and got more lotion on his fingers, sliding two into Tybalt's body.

They both gasped, Tybalt's hands sliding up his arms.

He stretched and pushed, working Tybalt's body open, getting the hot passage ready for his cock.

"F...full. Full of you."

"Oh, you're not full yet." He pushed a third finger in.

"I. I am. So good." Tybalt's fingers tightened on his arms.

"I have an idea. I want you to help me stretch you open." He wanted to feel Tybalt's fingers next
to his own in the tight passage.

" How?"

"Add one of your fingers here." He wriggled the fingers he had inside Tybalt's body.

"I..." Tybalt shivered, but did as he asked, hand moving so very slowly toward the tight hole.

"Just one finger, darlin'. To start with."

"More than one won't fit..." The very tip of Tybalt's finger slipped in, slid back out.

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"You took my whole hand. I think you can take another finger or two." He bit at Tybalt's lower
lip and then looked down, watching as Tybalt's finger slipped in and out again.

"I. I can't..." He did though, that finger still moving, sliding.

"You can. And you can add a second finger, too. Go on, darlin'." He looked up to meet Tybalt's
eyes. "For me."

Those were the magic words -- Tybalt wanted nothing more than to please him, to obey him. To
submit to him.

"For you." The second fingertip barely pushed in, stroking gently.

He groaned at the sensation of Tybalt's fingers sliding with his own, pressed tight against his

He pushed his own fingers in deeper, touching Tybalt's gland.

"Oh!" Tybalt jerked, nearly falling off the chair. Tybalt was so responsive to him, it made him
hum happily and press against that spot again. That earned him another cry, another grunt and

"So lovely." He pressed another kiss on Tybalt. "There are five fingers inside you, darlin'. Five."

"Full. Full."

He nodded. "We won't push you any farther tonight."

A soft sob was pushed into his lips, Tybalt nodding, moaning. He let his fingers slide away,
Tybalt's coming out, too.

"Now comes the part we've both been waiting for."

"We... which part? What part?" Tybalt's eyes rolled, tongue wetting the thin lips.

"The part where we join." He climbed up between Tybalt's legs, pressing against the stretched,
hot little hole.

"Yes." Tybalt smiled for him, nodded. "That part."

Gideon brought their lips together, taking a kiss as he took Tybalt's ass, the tight heat sucking
him in. His Tybalt was beginning to find their place, to laugh and enjoy and feel. To trust. He
moved slowly at first, drawing his cock all the way out, rubbing Tybalt's hole, and then pushing
back in again.

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"Gideon. Master."

He pushed back in, filling his love. "Shall we do this forever, darlin'?"

"Yes, please."

He nodded and slowed his pace, entering Tybalt again and again, focusing on it, enjoying every

Tybalt responded easily, eagerly, shifting and taking him in deeper and deeper. The chair began
to creak, following the rhythm of his thrusts.

"It will hold us?" Tybalt's body clenched around him.

"It will." It was sturdy. This would be the hardest test of it. He began to thrust hard.

His Tybalt took him in and in, body tight and heated where it surrounded him.

He held Tybalt's gaze as they moved together, as he buried himself deep inside the lovely body.

Leaning in, he rubbed his cheek against the wonderful smoothness of Tybalt's, moaning softly.

His. .

His, and he would keep Tybalt.

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Chapter Nine


His own paints.

Tybalt spent hours touching them, arranging them, putting drops on paper and swirling them
about with his fingers to see what they did.

It was like magic.

Yellows and reds and blues... he lost himself in the pure pleasure of creation, forgetting
everything -- where he was, the passage of time, everything.

"Tybalt? Darlin'?" Gideon's voice sounded like it was coming from far away.


"Darlin'? Where are you?"

"In here." Far away.

"There you are. I was getting worried, darlin' -- I couldn't find you. Oh! Look at these!"

He blinked up, still half-lost in his painting. "Hmm?"

"Your paintings. They're amazing. So much color -- striking, moving." Gideon's eyes were on
the papers he'd been painting on.

He smiled, surprised. "You like them?"

"I do. They're so vibrant and alive."

Gideon looked at him and chuckled. "And so are you, darlin'." Reaching out, Gideon ran a finger
across his cheek, showing the red digit to him.

He reached up, touching his own cheek, a soft chuckle escaping him. "They're amazing, the
paints. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I've set up an account for you at the art supply store. You can order whatever
you want from them through the comm."

His eyes went wide and he swayed, breath caught in his chest. "Gideon. It's so much."

"It's no more than you deserve, than you should have. Look at these paintings! And your face --
you're happy. Why shouldn't you have that?"

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"I am. I'm so happy." He pushed up, heedless of the paint on him, and kissed Gideon with all the
happiness inside him. Gideon's arms came around him, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened.

Anything. Anything his Gideon wanted. Anything at all.

Clever fingers pulled at his tunic, his breeches, tugging both off. He stepped closer, arms
wrapped around Gideon's neck. Gideon's clothes felt rough against his skin, his nipples
especially sensitive with the hair shaved away. He couldn't help but sway -- moving close and
away, over and over.

Gideon chuckled. "What're you doing, darlin'?"

Strong fingers found his ass and curled around it, tugging him in and keeping him there.

"I don't. I don't know, love." He wasn't exactly thinking.

"You could undress me." Gideon licked Tybalt's lips, fingers sliding over his skin. It took him a
minute to realize Gideon was drawing random patterns in the paint that clung to his skin.

"Mmmhmm." He started to work open buttons, zips, searching for skin.

"I like how close the new razor shaves -- you're still mostly smooth." He was -- Gideon's fingers
weren't catching on any stubble as they wandered over him.

"It's a good razor. It doesn't leave bruises."

"I would never leave bruises shaving you. Now, if I were to use my mouth on your beautiful,
smooth, pale skin... well, that's a different matter entirely." Gideon leaned in, mouth closing over
the ball of his right shoulder.

"Oh!" He jerked, hips bucking, cock hard and leaking.

"You like that." It wasn't a question and Gideon began to suck on his skin, bruising him.

"Yes. Yes, Master. Yes, I like it." The smell of paint had never been so sexual.

"Good. I like knowing you'll be wearing my mark. That it'll last longer than the paint you're

"I'd wear anything you asked."

Anything at all.

Gideon's fingers slid to the collar around his neck, stroking it and his skin. "I know."

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That sure smile warmed him, eased worries he didn't even know he had.

"Put some pieces of paper down on the floor, Tybalt." Gideon grabbed a couple of tubes of paint,
squishing it out onto his hands, then his fingers were back to spreading the paint on Tybalt all
over his skin.

"What?" He was confused; still, he spread the papers, body obeying when his mind spun.

"We're going to make a special painting." Gideon encouraged him to lie down on the papers he'd
just spread out.

"Together?" His cock ached.

"Together. A painting of our love."

Gideon lay down on top of him, rubbing against him so the paint spread.

"Love." The word made him soar, made him fly.

"Mmmhmm." Gideon's mouth covered his, the kiss filling him.

They slid together, the papers crinkling and crackling underneath him.

Gideon turned him, rolling him so he was on his belly on the papers. Soft kisses slid along his

The colors swirled before his eyes, the room shifting, moving.

Gideon kept kissing, tongue circling the small of his back, and then moving down along his

"Gideon." His legs spread, hips bucking up, his cock dragging in the paint.

Gideon spread his ass and licked at his hole. His nerves fired, everything in him tingling and
going wild. Gideon's hum rumbled against his hole, and then Gideon licked him again.

"Gideon." He couldn't breathe, but it didn't matter, not at all. There was no answer except for the
push of Gideon's tongue into him.

His head fell forward, sweat beginning to form on his forehead. His nipples were tight, cock full
and hard. That hot tongue pushed into him over and over, spreading him.

"Please. Love, please. So good." One of Gideon's fingers slid into him as well, stroking him
inside. His cock was painting the papers now, with clear, slick drops that splashed down.

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Gideon's tongue moved away, Gideon's body dragging along his until he could feel Gideon's
cock at his hole.

Oh, yes. Yes. He spread and arched, offering himself wholeheartedly, eager for Gideon’s touch.

"Oh, darlin'. Darlin'." Groaning, Gideon pushed into him, spreading him wide.

The planet stopped turning, the room suddenly still and silent. Gideon pushed deep and then held
there, solid and hot inside him. Nothing happened but their hearts pounding, their bodies

"When we're done and we get up, our love will be painted on those papers."

"Yes. Yes, our love." Tears filled his eyes -- tears of pure joy.

Then Gideon started to move, pushing in and out of his body. The papers and swirls of paint
shifted before his watery eyes, his breath panting out of him.

"Love you, darlin'."

One of Gideon's hands slid around to rub across his nipples.

"" How did he deserve this?

"Let's come together, darlin'. Now, while I'm inside you."

"Now. Now."

"Now, darlin'!" Gideon cried out, pushing into him, the tip of Gideon's cock finding his gland.

Seed pulsed from him, his entire being focused on the heat inside him, above him.

Gideon kept moving, cock throbbing and spilling more heat inside him.

They rested there, panting, blinking for a moment. "Thank you."

Gideon rolled them away from the papers until he was lying on top of the solid body.

"You're welcome, darlin'. And thank you for the artwork."


Gideon had the paintings they'd made while making love framed. Then he put them up in the

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He couldn't wait for Tybalt to see them.

Tybalt was in the kitchen, whistling, laughing, bowls and spoons clattering. It made him glad
deep down, hearing Tybalt so happy. He wandered that way, peeking around the door.

Tybalt was stirring something in a large bowl, carefully following the directions on the vid

"What are you making?" he asked, wandering in.

"Cake. I think." Tybalt giggled, winked.

"You think. Oh, dear." He chuckled and leaned against the counter to look into Tybalt's bowl. It
looked like batter. Mostly.

And Tybalt was enthusiastically stirring. He dipped his finger into the batter, deciding to risk
tasting it.

Oh, sweet.

Incredibly, brutally, achingly sweet.

"Not bad." He managed a smile for Tybalt before pouring himself a glass of water.

"Thanks. I thought I'd try something you'd like. Something special."

He reached out and wiped a bit of flour from Tybalt's cheek. "Thank you, darlin'."

Tybalt leaned, offered him a warm smile. "You're welcome."

He couldn't resist taking a kiss, the slight scratch of stubble telling him it was time for a shave.
Which worked great for his plan to get Tybalt into the bathroom to see the paintings.

It seemed like Tybalt was willing, maybe eager to leave the too-sweet cake behind and dive into
his kisses.

"Mmm... you taste better than any cake ever could, darlin'."

Those cheeks heated, went pink. "Thank you."

"And you need a shave," he noted, stroking Tybalt's cheeks. "Do you want help finishing up your
cake so we can go do that?"

"Do you mind? You don't have to."

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"I don't offer to do things that I don't want to do, darlin'."

He looked from the bowl to the vid, which had advanced several steps while they'd been kissing.
"Oops. Can we back the vid up?"

Tybalt's laugh rang out. Those long, nimble fingers tapped and backed the vid up, giving him a
chance at the bowl.

He noticed a measuring cup full of what looked like flour, hiding behind the container of sugar.
"Did this get forgotten?" he asked, picking it up.

"Oh!" Tybalt nodded. "Oh, yes. Please, we should add it."

"All right." He poured the flour in and began to stir. Hopefully that would help cut the sweetness
of the cake. "Now what?"

"Now we get the pan ready and set the timer on the cooker."

He glanced at the vid, noting the way the demonstrator was rubbing oil into the pan. "I can do the
pan -- you take the timer."

"Okay." It was a pleasure, seeing Tybalt grow into his peace, into their lives.

He rubbed the oil over the pan and poured the batter into it, waiting for Tybalt to work the timer
before handing the pan over. The consistency actually looked right now, and Gideon imagined
the result would be more than passable.

"It will cook for an hour and then the oven will turn itself off." Tybalt looked pleased.

"Well done, darlin'!"

He tugged Tybalt to him again, giving his sweet lover another kiss.

Lean arms wrapped around his neck, thin hips cuddling close.

"Shall we go take care of this?" he asked when their kiss ended, his fingers stroking across
Tybalt's cheeks.

"Yes. I almost did it myself, but... You enjoy it so."

He growled a little. "Good call. That's my job. My pleasure."

"Yours. I waited. For you."

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"Yes, mine. Good. Good." Gideon nodded, taking Tybalt's hand and leading him toward the

Tybalt's fingers curled into his. "Did you have a good day?"

"I did. This is a very interesting place."

He went into the bathroom first, and then stepped aside so Tybalt could see the pictures.

"Oh. Oh, it. That's. Oh, my."

Smiling, he wrapped his arms around Tybalt's waist and pressed close to his lover's back. "It's
our love, darlin'."

"It's... I can't believe we did this."

"Is it so strange?" His eyes were caught by a brilliant red phallic shape that he knew had been
made by Tybalt's prick. It was smeared upward, like it had been filling against the paper.

"It is. Strange and wonderful." The smile was brilliant.

He laughed, grabbing Tybalt up and kissing that beautiful smile.

Lean legs wrapped around his waist, holding on tight. He wrapped his hands around Tybalt's ass,
keeping him in place as his mouth devoured his lover's.

Tybalt tasted so good, the love and happiness clear.

His fingers stripped the soft clothes away, finding places that had hair growth.

"You need much shaving, darlin'." He was excited by the prospect. Tybalt whimpered, jerked.
He put Tybalt into the special shaving chair, fingers stroking over the pale skin.

"I..." That long cock started to fill.

"Yes, darlin'?" He waited for Tybalt's obviously false protest, his fingers still moving, exploring.

"Thank you for helping me with the cake." Sweet love. Dear man.

He pressed a kiss to Tybalt's lips, backing off at the faint scratch. "It was my pleasure. As is

He ran a cloth beneath the hot water and began to warm Tybalt's face with it.

"This makes me... nervous? Excited?"

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"Yes." He wrapped his hand around Tybalt's length. "And hard."

"That's good, yes?" Tybalt arched, whimpered softly.

"It's wonderful. It's part of what makes us so well suited." He leaned in and licked behind
Tybalt's right ear. "I'm hard, too."

"Good." Tybalt moaned for him, breath coming faster.

"Mmmhmm." His fingers slid over Tybalt's belly, curling against the slender abdomen.

The skin goosepimpled up, Tybalt arching toward his touch. Groaning, he bent to place kisses
over Tybalt's stomach. The skin was soft, warm, silky on his lips.

He licked and nibbled, and then brought his focus back to the task at hand.

"You're very distracting, darlin'." He ran his cloth under hot water again.

"Is that good?"

He chuckled and considered the questions. "For the most part, yes. But it does mean it takes
longer to do anything. Like shave you."

"The oven will turn itself off..." Tybalt's hands slid down his belly toward the heavy cock.

He groaned, shifting so Tybalt's hand could reach him. His sweet lover had grown bold and it
was delightful to see, to feel.

"This is not shaving." His protest was less than half-hearted, though.

"No." Fingers tugged his thick curls, stinging a bit, making him bare his teeth.

He found one of Tybalt's nipples and pinched it, making Tybalt gasp and jerk. Grinning, he
pushed his cock against Tybalt's hand.

Tybalt turned to move more easily, hand sliding up and down.

"You've got a good touch, darlin'." So very good.

The touches continued, Tybalt stroking his cock, fingers brushing the tip. Gideon licked his lips
and leaned in to flick his tongue across Tybalt's nipple, his lips teasing the small bit of flesh as it
hardened for him.

The fingers around his cock tightened, squeezed.

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"Darlin'!" He bit down on Tybalt's nipple, his own hand finding his lover's cock, giving it the
same treatment.

Tybalt jerked underneath him, ass shifting and squeaking on the chair.

He shifted as well, straddling the chair so he could bring their pricks together.

"Oh. Oh, Master." Tybalt's fingers wrapped around both of their cocks, working them with a
sure, steady rhythm.

"Yes. Like that, darlin'. You feel so good."

"I do. So good. It feels so good." Tybalt's moans began to fill the air.

He brought their mouths together, taking Tybalt's moans into himself. They tasted good, like heat
and love and pleasure.

They tasted like love.

The chair creaked and groaned as they rolled together, touched.

"You may come, darlin'." Quickly, before he did.

"Th...thank you. Yes." Those fingers squeezed tight, heat spreading over his cock.

"Yes!" His hips snapped and he came as well, the heat between them increasing.

"B...better than cake." Tybalt's words were whispered, almost laughed.

Gideon did laugh, rubbing their noses together and taking a kiss. "Even better than shaving."

"Yes. Better than anything, love."

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Chapter Ten

He hurried along the corridors, head down, Gideon's package from Mouse in hand. He'd been
running errands off and on all day, helping his lover as well as he could, making himself useful.

Things were working well. At least he thought so.

He hadn't dropped anything.

Broken anything.

Spilled or tripped or...

Someone crashed into him, spinning him around, the package going flying.


"Careful, young man." Large hands grabbed hold of his arms, steadying him.

"I. I. Oh, God. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Oh, God.

The man's chuckle was warm. "It's all right." His package was picked up and put in his hands.
"I'm Desmond. I don't believe I've seen you here before."

"I was a waiter, but I'm not anymore. I’m running errands for my... For Gid... I'm so sorry."

Hopefully he hadn't broken anything in the box.

"You can stop apologizing -- I didn't see you coming either, so I suppose it was as much my fault
as yours." The big man -- Desmond -- chuckled. "Who did you say your master was?"

"Gideon, sir. Gideon Blueplum. We live right over... there?"

"Ah, the new man. I haven't had a chance yet to introduce myself. Tell your master I look
forward to meeting him." Desmond patted his arm, encouraging him toward the door he'd
pointed out.

"Yes. Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I'm so sorry." He headed for their door at a dead run.

He thought he heard chuckles from behind him as he hit the palm plate, but they were lost in the
sounds of the door opening.

He leaned against the door as it closed, panting, eyes shut.

"Darlin'? What's the matter?"

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Gideon came down the hall toward him, a concerned look on his face.

"I dropped your box. I ran into a tall man. I tried so hard not to mess up."

"You didn't mess up, darlin', because here you are, both you and box intact." Gideon's arms
wrapped around him, so warm and good.

"I tried." He tried to breathe, nice and slow.

"Relax, darlin'. Come and let's sit and open the box together."

Gideon guided him to the living room with its big, soft-cushioned sofa.

"I'm sorry. I was hurrying."

"Darlin', Mouse is a leather worker, there was nothing breakable in the box, and you're not hurt,
are you?"

"No. No, I'm not." Just a little tense.

"Good." Gideon sat them both down on the couch and kissed the top of his head. "Go ahead and
open the box."

His fingers were still jittery, but he got the box open, curious to know what was inside. Inside
were two vests, the leather butter-soft, intricate carvings worked into it.

"Oh." He forgot, for a moment, to be worried. They were lovely, soft. Fine.

"One for each of us." Gideon took them out, handing the smaller one to him.

"They're beautiful. Thank you. Thank you. Are you sure?"

"Am I sure about what?"

"That I can... It's so lovely." He didn't deserve it, not really.

Gideon growled a little. "Tybalt. You're my partner. Of course you can have it. It and anything
you want, darlin'."

"Your partner." He liked the way that sounded, both the 'your' and the 'partner.' So he said them
again. "Your partner."

Gideon laughed softly. "Yes, darlin'. My partner. And I'm yours."

"Yes." He slipped the vest on, fingers running over it. "Does it look good?"

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"It does." Gideon's fingers slid along the vest, hard enough that he could feel the touch against
his skin. "You look good."

"It feels good. Heavy. Soft."

Gideon put his on as well. "And we match."

He chuckled, reaching out to touch his lover's belly.

"So we do."


Gideon checked himself out in the mirror. He was wearing leather pants and his new vest. He
looked pretty good, if he did say so himself; he couldn't wait to see how Tybalt looked.

They were going to go have dinner in the main dining room tonight. It was well past time for him
to show off his dear sub. He knew the prospect worried Tybalt, but he wanted his lover to gain
confidence, to learn to believe that he belonged at Gideon's side.

"Tybalt, darlin', are you ready to go?"

"I... I'm not sure. Maybe I should... I could… I don't know."

"Let me see you, darlin'." His Tybalt needed some confidence. A hug and a kiss.

Tybalt slipped out of the bathroom, the vest snug around the lean chest, loosely fitting pants
hiding Tybalt's ass and legs.

"Oh, look at you." He went to Tybalt and slid his finger along the 'V' formed by the vest.

"I... You think? I don't look silly? You look so beautiful." Tybalt arched for him, moving under
his touch.

"So are you, darlin', the most beautiful man I've ever seen." He leaned in and gave Tybalt a kiss.
"Stunning, in fact."

"I feel a little bare."

"You aren't bare at all by Glove standards, darlin'. Now come on, I heard they have fruit from
eleven systems for dessert today. Not to mention those sweet little cakes you like so much."

"I..." Tybalt's fingers twined with his.

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He smiled down at Tybalt, and nodded as they headed out. "You can order anything you like."

"Can I share with you?"

"Of course. We can feed each other, mmm?"

"I'd like that." His Tybalt was quite good at that, actually.

They headed downstairs, the lift becoming quite crowded before they arrived on the main floor.
Tybalt kept pressing closer and closer, cuddling into him. By the time they spilled out of the lift,
he had his arm around Tybalt's shoulders, but Tybalt hadn't asked to turn back. Yet. He took that
as a good sign.

He smiled at the colorful Kestrel. "Do you have a table for us?"

"I do. Hello, Tybalt. You look lovely. There's a table on the dais, if you'd like. Or one close to
the bar."

"Where would you prefer, darlin'?"

"By the bar. The dais is... high." The dais was the perfect spot to show off his Tybalt. But he
could wait.

"By the bar, please, Kestrel."

"Excellent. Born, please show this lovely couple to table eight."

A sweet little workerbee nodded, smiled. "This way, please."

Gideon kept his arm around Tybalt's shoulders as they made their way to their table. He wanted
the message to be clear -- this beautiful man was with him. Tybalt stayed close, eyes nowhere
but on him.

They sat and he gave Tybalt a smile. "I'd like you to relax and enjoy yourself, darlin'."

"I'll try. I'll try very hard. It's very pretty in here, isn't it?"

He looked around -- the entire room was rich, luscious, done in heavy fabrics and shades of
violet. The chandeliers cast a bright, warm light over the huge room. There were couples of all
sizes and shapes, dressed, undressed, bound, leashed, free.

"It is pretty." He passed the menu over. "What looks good to you?"

"I... I think the appetizer platter, the big one. We can try a little of everything and call it our

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"Excellent idea!" He was very pleased that Tybalt had been comfortable enough to think about it,
to make an excellent choice for them.

Tybalt beamed at him, the smile warm, eager. "Thank you."

He could see a little waiter coming to take their order, so he checked with Tybalt first. "Do you
like wine, darlin'?"

"Only a little bit. It makes me silly."

"Oh, that might be fun." He gave Tybalt a wink, and when the server stopped at their table he
ordered glasses of water for them both as well as a bottle of rose wine from the Talan system.

It took very little time for Tybalt to relax, to chat with him.

The main dining room was a great place to people-watch, and Gideon split his attention between
watching Tybalt and watching the other dinners. He pointed out one pair, the sub utterly naked
aside from the leash attached to his cock.

Tybalt looked over, blushed a dark, deep rose, and then looked away.

"The sub is beautiful in his submission, isn't he, darlin'?"

"He... he's very naked."

"He doesn't seem to mind, though, does he?" Gideon slipped a hand onto Tybalt's thigh, sliding
his fingers along the silky material covering his darlin's thigh.

"No. No, he looked happy." Tybalt spread for him, just a bit.

"He's doing his master's bidding." His fingers slipped along Tybalt's inner thigh, heading up.

"I don't think I could do that, Master."

"I think you would do anything I asked." He let his fingertips brush the bottom of Tybalt's balls.
"But I would never ask you to do that."

Tybalt moaned softly, eyes fastened to his. "I feel you."

"Mmm. And I feel you." He turned his hand, cupping Tybalt's balls, squeezing gently.

His lover moaned, looking well-fucked. He pressed his lips to Tybalt's, continuing to play with
the warm balls.

"Master." Tybalt breathed the word into his lips, hips rolling.

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"My darlin', my love." He rubbed their cheeks together, Tybalt's so beautifully smooth from their
shave earlier.


Out of the corner of his eye he could see the server standing with the tray, waiting for a signal to
come over. He sat up almost reluctantly and waved.

The tray was piled high with plates containing dozens of appetizers, a bottle of wine, and their

"Mmm... looks good, doesn't it?"

"It does. Where would you like to start?" Tybalt looked over the platter, eyes wide. There were
cheeses and crackers. Kabobs. Fruits and a half dozen little nibbles.

"Let's try this." He slathered a cracker with a creamy cheese and held it out to his darlin'.

Opening up, Tybalt took a bite, eyes going wide. "Delicious!"

"Is it? Let me taste." He leaned in and licked the corner of Tybalt's mouth.

It was rich and delicious and wonderful. The cheese wasn't bad either.

"Now you choose." He sat back and watched.

Tybalt fed him a kabob, the meat rich.

He ate half of it before nodding at Tybalt. "You have the rest."

When his sweet darlin' was done, he reached for a piece of bright green fruit, the juices spilling
over his fingers as he held it up to Tybalt's mouth. His fingers were licked clean, and then the
fruit was sucked out of his hand. Gideon groaned, his prick jerking. This was even more sensual
for being in the middle of a busy dining room, as if the noises and people only emphasized how
good it felt inside the circle that encompassed just the two of them.

"It's good. Do you want some?"

"Yes, please." He spread his legs to give his cock room.

Those thin fingers fed him a bite of the sweet, juicy fruit. The fruit was good, but even better was
the taste of Tybalt's skin, the sensation of those slender fingers in his mouth.

"It's good, hmm?" Tybalt wiped his lips clean.

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"Very good." He leaned in and added softly, "Almost as good as you."

"I'm not sweet." Tybalt blushed, smiled at him.

"Not true! You are." He took a kiss, tongue pushing into Tybalt's mouth to taste. His little lover
gasped, and then opened to him, so eager, so needy.

He deepened the kiss, tasting the sweet flavor of Tybalt's mouth. Then he pulled back and
smiled. "Very sweet."

"I. I. Oh." Tybalt blinked a bit, and then offered him a glass of wine.

"Thank you." He took a sip. "Oh, that's nice. You should have some."

"Just a little." A little sip was taken, Tybalt humming happily.

"You're allowed to get tipsy and silly, you know." He took Tybalt's hand and kissed the
knuckles. "I am here to protect you, darlin'."

"I... Yes? It can get people like me in trouble."

He frowned. "People like you?"

"It makes my people... need. Acts as an aphrodisiac."

"Really?" How intriguing. "I must admit, I'd like to see that."

"You'll stay with me, right? I mean, you'll keep me safe?"

"Of course I will, darlin'. I'm staying right here, and believe me, I won't let anyone touch you.
Not even a little." Tybalt was his.

Their eyes held for a moment, and then Tybalt took a drink, eyes closing in pleasure. Gideon
took another sip of his own wine, but he decided he should mainly stay sober if Tybalt was going
to get super loopy and aroused here in the dining room.

They continued to work through the appetizer platter, nibbling and tasting, moaning over the
little bites. He refilled Tybalt's wine glass and offered it. Tybalt took the glass, going heavy-
lidded and languorous. Oh, that was lovely, the way the liquor affected his sweet boy.

He didn't need any wine at all. He was intoxicated by Tybalt.

He fed the last tidbit to Tybalt and waved the server over. "A dessert tasting menu, please." He
wanted to feed Tybalt little cakes and pastries and slices of sweet fruits.

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"Can... Can we have chocolate? I love to lick chocolate."

He looked at the server and raised an eyebrow. "I'll make sure there's plenty of chocolate on the
tray, sir."

"Thank you." Turning back to Tybalt, he grinned. "We have chocolate coming."

"Thank you." Tybalt licked his lips, moaned for him.

"Anything for you, darlin'." He caught Tybalt's tongue between his lips, sucking on it.

To his surprise, Tybalt slipped into his lap, kissing him back eagerly. His hands wrapped around
Tybalt's ass automatically, his mouth opening to welcome his lover's kiss.

"Mmm. Master. Love. My Gideon." Tybalt moaned into his lips.

"My Tybalt." He brought their groins together, feeling the heat of Tybalt's need against him.

"Mmmhmm. Yours. Should we... should we go to our room?"

"I can have our dessert brought up there if you want to leave."

"I want. I want you." Tybalt's voice dropped to a whisper. "I'm so hard."

"Shall I carry you?" He wanted to explore this more aggressive side of Tybalt.

"Would you?" Tybalt’s legs wrapped around his waist, lips heated, soft against his face. "I ache
inside, for you."

"Then I have to get you upstairs." He got their server’s attention. "We'll take our dessert in our
quarters, please." Then he stood and carried Tybalt off. Lean arms wrapped around him, Tybalt's
face in his neck. His lover was hard, hips rubbing so slightly against him.

"You're making me hard, too," he noted quietly as they reached the lifts.

"Good. I need." Tybalt's teeth brushed his throat, scraping him.

"I see that, darlin'." He did. He liked it a lot. He squeezed Tybalt's ass, getting onto the lift after it
had emptied. They were the only ones already heading up, which meant that as soon as the doors
closed, they had their privacy.

Tybalt's face lifted for a kiss, and he gave it. He touched his tongue to Tybalt's, teasing it back
into his mouth. His fingers opened and closed on Tybalt's ass. Tybalt started moving against him,
moaning and whimpering into his lips.

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He glanced at the elevator sign. They were almost at their floor. Groaning, he encouraged the
movements anyway.

"Master. I need." Oh, this was dangerous, this hunger, this unashamed need.

The lift doors opened and he hurried off the elevator, moving quickly to get to their rooms.
Nothing stopped them, and he was grateful, because he only wanted that mouth, that sweet body,
eager and ready to explore him.

He went straight to the bedroom, sitting on the big bed and pushing a soft moan into Tybalt's
mouth. "Here we are. I'm yours, Tybalt."

Tybalt straddled his thighs, rocking up and down, rubbing against him. "Mine."

"Yes, darlin'." He carefully worked the buttons of Tybalt's vest open.

"Please... I need you to touch me." That smooth skin begged to be caressed, stroked.

He nodded, pushing Tybalt's vest off, his fingers lingering and touching. Tybalt was almost
feverish, twisting and arching under his touch. The silk pants Tybalt wore didn't have a chance
against his strength, and Gideon tore them off, freeing the long, thin cock.

Tybalt's prick was red and swollen, wet at the tip. He took it in his hand, stroking it loosely.

"Mmm." Tybalt's head fell back, throat working.

"My wanton," he murmured, leaning in to lick at Tybalt's Adam's apple. He rolled Tybalt onto
the bed, fingers spreading the slender legs.

Tybalt arched up, reaching for his fingers.

He rubbed Tybalt's inner thighs, fingers pressing deep.

"Please." Tybalt nodded, spread wider.

Groaning, he pushed Tybalt's legs wider still, and rolled the sweet ass up, tongue diving for that
hole. Hands landed on his head, demanding more, now, deeper, harder. He turned his head,
nipping gently at Tybalt's wrist, and then gave his lover what Tybalt needed, tongue fucking
Tybalt enthusiastically.

Tybalt jerked, faster and harder, riding him with abandon. He wrapped his hand around Tybalt's
cock, tugging. Seed sprayed over his hand at that single touch, Tybalt crying out his name.

He hummed happily, licking his way up along Tybalt's prick, cleaning the come from his darlin's

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"Master..." The soft moan made him smile, almost as much as that still-hard cock did. He rubbed
his cheek against it. Such wonderful heat. Tybalt whimpered for him, reached for him.

He pulled his clothes off and slid up Tybalt's body, nudging his cock against Tybalt's sweet little

"Yes. Yes, please." Tybalt bore down, taking him in eagerly.

"Oh, my darlin'. Darlin'." He kissed Tybalt, hips moving in slow strokes.

"Yours. Yours. I feel you."

"You do. I'm right here." He kept his movements slow, almost languid.

"You are." Tybalt responded, the frantic motions easing.

In and out he moved, Tybalt's body massaging his prick, making him feel so good. He held
Tybalt's gaze the entire time. When he came, it flowed over him, and his hips pushed hard, filling
Tybalt with his seed.

"Thank you."

"For what, darlin'?"


"You're welcome, then, darlin'. But only if you'll accept my thank you, too."

"For what?"

"Everything, darlin'. Absolutely everything."


Gideon was up before Tybalt, so he went to the kitchen and checked in the fridge. Their dessert
platter from the night before was there, and he couldn't think of a better breakfast to share with
his lover.

He added two glasses of water to the tray and headed back down the hall, whistling.

He heard Tybalt groaning, over the sound of water running in the facilities. Frowning, he set his
tray down on the bed and went to find out what was wrong. Tybalt was curled in the tub, the
water pouring over him.

"Darlin'!" He hurried in.

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"My head..."

"Ah..." His poor, lovely man.

He went to the cabinet and found something for Tybalt's head, and then went to grab the glass of
water he'd left in the bedroom. Returning to the bathroom, he climbed into the tub and offered
both. Tybalt never questioned, just took the water and the medication and swallowed them down.

He stroked the long, wet hair back off Tybalt's face. "If I'd known it was going to make you sick,
I wouldn't have fed you the wine, darlin'."

"I just think I had too much." Tybalt cuddled into him, heedless of the water.

"Have more of the water, it will help." He turned the hot water higher.

Tybalt drank dutifully, already beginning to recover, to perk up.

"We'll be more careful next time, hmm?" He held Tybalt close, fingers sliding on the slick skin.

"Yes. Yes, I haven't... not in a very long time."

He began to rub Tybalt's shoulders. "While it was fun to have a wild beast in bed with me last
night, you hurting is not worth it."

"A wild beast? Me?" Tybalt chuckled, head falling forward.

"Mmm. Yes, you." He kept rubbing, running his palm up and down Tybalt's spine. "Let me
shave your face, darlin'." It would ease them both.

Tybalt nodded, smiled, chin lifting for him. "Yes, Gideon." He received a soft, slow kiss.

"I do like the way that sounds." He stepped out for long enough to grab the razor and shaving

"I like the way saying it feels." The words were so soft.

He touched up the heat in the bathroom and settled down in front of Tybalt, leaving his lover's
back in the spray. "Good. I'm glad."

Tybalt smiled for him, beaming a bit.

Gideon spread the gel over Tybalt's cheeks, chin and neck, humming a little as he picked up the

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He did love this.

Tybalt's chin lifted, the smile warm and happy.

So did his sweet darlin'.

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Chapter Eleven

Gideon worked quietly, sharpening his razor, making sure it had a fine edge on it. It was
mesmerizing, stropping the blade back and forth and back and forth.

The bathroom was warm, heat pouring from the vents so they could do this the best way he knew
how -- naked. The soap sat in a little blue ceramic bowl, already worked into a lather, and
another bowl full of hot water waited for them to begin.

Gideon ran a face cloth under the hot water and then squeezed the excess from it.

They were ready.

All that was missing was his Tybalt.

He could hear his lover singing softly, the happiness evident more and more each day as his
lover blossomed, opened for him. Smiling, he followed the sound.

The shades were open, the moons' lights falling in as Tybalt painted, working on a tiny canvas,
brush moving as quickly as a fluttering bird's wings. Gideon leaned against the doorway,
fascinated as always by the way Tybalt created. The room was filled with different pieces --
canvasses and paper, fabric and leather -- all decorated and made beautiful.

He watched for a while longer and then reached out, stroking Tybalt's ass, the muscles warm and
firm beneath his touch.

"Oh. Oh, Gideon. I... Goodness, the day is gone..."

"It is. What are you working on?"

"It's my eye." Tybalt held up a painting of one pretty eye, and Gideon saw himself, reflected in
the pupil.

"Oh, that's lovely!"

The smile he got was pleased, happy. "You like it?"

"I do. You're very talented." He slid his arm around Tybalt's waist.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, darlin'." He kissed Tybalt's neck. "The bathroom is ready."

"Oh." Tybalt nodded, chin lifting for him. "Yes."

"Good. Come along." He took Tybalt's hand, leading his lover to their favorite ritual.

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Tybalt followed easily, fingers curling with his. "Did you have a good day, love?"

"Mmm. I did. It's getting better all the time, too."

"Is it? Are you hungry?"

"Not yet." He stopped just outside the bathroom to take Tybalt into his arms, holding his darlin'
close. "You need a shave first."

Tybalt's arms lifted, face raised for a kiss.

Chuckling, he tapped Tybalt's lips with his finger. "Shave first, kiss after."

"So mean." That was dear, this gentle, easy teasing.

"The meanest." He kissed Tybalt's nose and drew his sweet darlin' into the large bathroom, the
warmth engulfing them immediately. "We'll undress each other."

"Mmm. It smells nice in here." Tybalt reached for his blouse, easing it open.

"It's vanilla." But only a very light dusting of the fragrance. Mostly, it smelled of shaving cream,
that scent exciting. He could smell Tybalt, too -- paint and need and a hint of something woody
and warm.

His fingers lingered on Tybalt's skin as he undressed his lover, baring the beautiful, slender
limbs. Together they got each other stripped bare, fingers petting and stroking, Tybalt growing
hard for him.

Gideon wrapped his hand loosely around Tybalt's prick, jacking him slowly several times before
letting go. "Your chair awaits, darlin'."

"Our chair." Tybalt climbed up, comfortable now with stretching out, exposing himself.

Gideon nodded and groaned softly, reaching out to slide his hand over Tybalt's smooth chest. His
beautiful lover arched, body lifting for his touch.

"So beautiful." He stroked for a moment longer, fingers lingering at Tybalt's nipples, circling and
teasing them. They drew up, peaking as if trying to capture more of his attention. He liked to
reward effort, so he bent, licked at the little numbs of hard flesh.

"Oh. Oh, Gideon." Tybalt moaned softly, hips rocking for him.

"We need to shave first, darlin'." It always added a little bit extra if they both wanted, if that heat
hung heavy in the air while he shaved.

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"Shave what?"

He chuckled. "For now, just your face. The rest of you can wait until tomorrow. We'll take the
day, do you right."

Tybalt smiled. "There's not that much of me."

"I know how to make it last, though. I truly do." Smiling, he grabbed the bubbles he'd worked up
and covered Tybalt's face.

Tybalt's eyes closed, chin lifting to let him work. That absolute trust got him every time.
Swallowing his moan, he began to shave Tybalt, razor moving slowly over the beautiful face.
The skin was still pale, smooth, lovely as the offending hair was smoothed away.

His fingers trailed along behind the razor, a low humming moan coming from him as his
fingertips slid on silky skin.

"Gideon." The whisper was sweet, low.

"Right here, darlin'. So turned on. I want you so much." He grabbed the cloth and opened it,
gently wiping away the excess shaving cream.

"Yours." The pretty face was bare for him now, lips soft and pink, open.

"All mine." He pressed his mouth to Tybalt's cheek, dragging his tongue along the smooth skin
until he reached Tybalt's mouth.

Tybalt vibrated, ready and desperate for his kiss. His tongue slipped between Tybalt's lips,
stroking over Tybalt's tongue as he pressed their mouths tightly together. Soft hands wrapped
around his shoulders, pulling him in closer, Tybalt clinging to him.

He straddled Tybalt's hips, letting the chair take his weight as he pressed their pricks together.
They rocked, the motions easy, familiar. Right.

"Love you, darlin'." He slid one hand between them, wrapping their cocks up together.

"Love." Tybalt's hand joined his, both of them moving as one.

He rubbed their cheeks, moaning as their bodies pressed and glided.

"So good. I want you."

"I want to be inside you." He let go of their pricks and slid his hand down to play with Tybalt's

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"Yes. Anything. Anything for you." The soft, wrinkled ring of muscles shifted under his touch.

He brought his fingers up to Tybalt's mouth. "Suck."

Tybalt opened up, lips wrapping around his fingers, the suction fierce and sharp. Groaning, he
continued to hump against Tybalt as that suction made him ache. The heat between them grew
and grew, both of them leaking against his skin.

He finally tugged his fingers out of Tybalt's mouth, and pushed two into his darlin's ass. Tybalt
grunted, squeezing his fingers tight.

"Darlin'!" He couldn't wait to be buried in that tight heat.

"Yes. Yes, Gideon."

He stretched Tybalt quickly, so eager. It was no time at all before his lover was ready, wanting
him, open for him, taking him right in.

He filled Tybalt, the heat, and tightness wonderful, perfect. He'd found this -- this perfect heat,
this pleasure. And it was all his.

Groaning, he met Tybalt's mouth, their hips moving together, skin slapping. They didn't need
long; they'd been working toward this pleasure.

"Love you, darlin'," he whispered.

"Love." Tybalt shook around him. "Please."

His hand circled Tybalt's cock, tugging even as he rocked into Tybalt's body. The cry echoed in
the bath, Tybalt calling to him.

"Come with me, darlin'. Come with me."

"Yes!" The sound was sharp, soaring out, spunk spraying.

His own come filled Tybalt's body as he shuddered and pushed in deep. Tybalt's hands brushed
over his shoulders, stroking him. Humming, he kissed his way across Tybalt's cheeks, loving the
smooth silk of his darlin's skin. When he reached Tybalt's lips, they were both ready for the long

They were ready for a long, lazy evening.

He shifted Tybalt, lying next to his sweet lover on the chair, holding him.

This was what he needed. What they needed.

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The lifts were slow today.

Tybalt waited on the third floor, whistling under his breath as he carried a basket of little odds
and ends from the leather shop. He'd been learning to work leather with Mouse. Nothing fancy,
not yet, but it was becoming easier and easier.

He loved the whole process -- the creativity, the sounds, the smells, the fact that there was
something at the end that was functional.


Today he had decorated ties, wrist bands, little things.

The lift doors finally opened, the big boss, Hercules, striding out, looking around. "You there.
Have you seen Kestrel?"

"I. I. I." He stopped, took a deep breath, and thought of Gideon, of peace. "No, sir. Not today. Do
you need some help finding him?"

Oh. Oh, go him.

Hercules gave a dismissive wave. "Yes, but if you haven't seen him, you won't be any help."
Then the stern features softened. "Thank you for the offer, though."

"You're welcome." His hands were shaking badly, but he wasn't panicking. He even smiled. "I
know he's not with Mister Bowie, the twins, or Mr. Mouse."

"Well, that's a start. You'd think a man with hair like that would be easier to find, hmm?"

"He moves... he moves very quickly. He's the busiest person I've ever..." He felt eyes on him, on
his neck, on his back, and Tybalt blinked, reaching for Hercules' hand. "Run. Come on. Now."
They were coming for him. They were inside, somehow.

Hercules' hand curled around his, but the man wasn't moving. "What are you talking about?" The
man was frowning at him.

"Come on. Please. They'll kill us both." He pulled hard, Hercules moving just a bit before the
blast hit the lift doors. "Now." He yanked Hercules down the hall.

The sound of the blast spurred Hercules into action, the big man wrapping an arm around him
and running with him. There were shouts and screams, but Hercules remained calm, tugging him
into a room at the far end of the hall and palm-locking the door behind him.

Hercules pulled his communit out of his pocket. "Monk! What the hell is going on in my club?"

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"It's my fault. I'm so sorry. I am. I just. I..." Oh, he'd done this. He had. It was all his fault.

Hercules covered his mouth with three long fingers. "Hush. I'm trying to get a hold of the head of
security." Then the man returned to his comm. "He must be dealing with this. Mal!"

There was the sound of more blasts, then a series of explosions that rocked the very building.

"By the gods!" Hercules grabbed him and dragged him into the doorway between the hall and
one of the bedrooms. "Support beam," Hercules growled, holding him against the long body.
"We'll be safest here."

"If you put me out there, they'll leave." It was the hardest thing he'd ever said in his life. "You
have to tell Gideon, though."

"What?" The frown on Hercules' face made deep grooves in his forehead and around his mouth.
"I think you'd better tell me what you know about this."

"I am the last Unk-ba of the Unkali." He watched Hercules' eyes go wide, shocked. The terrible
genocide was well known, the fierce brutality that destroyed his people a recent history. "I have a
singing stone here. It was my father's. I... They saw me in the market, but I lost them. I thought I
lost them."

"And now they are here." Hercules growled; the man looked furious. "How dare they come into
my club and cause damage, chaos."

Something inside Tybalt shrank, shattered a bit, and he looked at the floor. It was his fault. He'd
done this. "Tell Gideon I'm sorry and that the stone belongs to him now."

He turned and bolted for the door in the main room.

Hercules caught him before he could reach the door. "You can tell him yourself. But not if you
go out there and do something 'noble' and very, very stupid, like giving yourself up to those
animals. This is my club and my members are safe here, damn it!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know they could get in." He didn't understand why...

There was a bang, a violent lurch, and then everything went black.


Gideon was working out when the first blast rocked the Velvet Glove.

It felt like a low rumble, an earthquake almost, going through the ground and vibrating up along
the bench he was straddling. He didn't think earthquakes came with loud booms, though.

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He grabbed his towel and made his way to the hall, chaos greeting him as people ran here and
there. The blast had been on the other side of the building, closer to the lifts.

He saw Mal and strode toward the man. "Mal! What can I do to help?"

"Pray your lover doesn't get Herc killed." Mal was white as milk, grabbing his arm. "It's the duk-
hai. Here for Tybalt. They have Herc and Tybalt trapped on the third level."

"No!" Gideon felt the blood drain from his face, a fist going tight in his belly. "How?" He had
told Tybalt they were safe here.

"That doesn't matter now. Now we have to get everyone to the back. The building is a safe house
there. This is ridiculous, but Monk's down there, having a fire fight." Mal and the other Doms
were moving people, pushing them toward the back.

"Is there another way to get to the third floor?" The lifts were quite obviously out of the question.

Before Mal could answer, another blast rocked the building.

He saw the big, muscled head of massage carrying a limp, bleeding boy, tears streaking the
powerful face. "Mal. Mal, help me. I could only get him out. My other boy..."

Mal growled low. "I have had enough of this shit." Then Mal turned, slammed his palm against a
lock, and headed down.

Gideon was torn between helping the man find his other boy and following Mal. Mal won out; he
needed to find Tybalt. Now.

He headed down the stairs after the icy Dom.

"Don't you fucking die on me, you lousy son of a bitch. I'll tie your ass up and beat you 'til you
bleed. Do you hear me?" Mal didn't sound very icy.

"They aren't dead." He would know if Tybalt had been hurt. He had to believe that.

"No. They'd better not be. Duck!" Mal pulled a weapon from out of seemingly nowhere, firing in
quick, sharp bursts.

Gasping, Gideon dropped down into a ball next to Mal. This was insane. Absolutely insane.

After the shots were fired, things seemed quiet.

Impossibly quiet.

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Chapter Twelve

It was too quiet.

Tybalt looked at Herc, eyes huge. "What's going on? Did they leave?"

"Given the effort it must have taken for them to get in here, I sincerely doubt that." Hercules was
pressing him into the floor, trapped on top of him. "Are you hurt?"

"I don't think so. Sore. Scared. You?"

"I can't move because of the beam lying across me, and I hope I'm not crushing you, but I can
wiggle my fingers and toes and nothing is terribly painful, so I think I'm all right as well."
Hercules smiled at him. "Someone will be looking for us in short order, I'm sure."

"I'm sorry about your building..." Where would everyone go?

"Yes, so am I." Hercules made a growling noise. "Hopefully the damage has been contained to a
small area so we can rebuild without closing down." He was given a hard look. "I don't blame
you for this, though I would have appreciated knowing that you were here. I could have stepped
up security."

"I didn't... I didn't think anyone would care. I'm so sorry."

"What's done is done, but I will have someone's head for this."

"Hopefully not mine." Tybalt tried to smile. He was so scared.

Hercules actually chuckled at that. "No, Tybalt. Not yours. Though I will be demanding that you
tell me anything else I should know about you."

"I have one of the stones. It's in our rooms."

"I assume it belongs to you and wasn't... appropriated?"

"It's mine. My family's." Tybalt trusted that Hercules understood that.

"Good. I'd hate to think I was harboring a fugitive." Hercules gave him a wink.

There was a creaking noise, followed by a loud groan, and Hercules frowned. "That sounded

A moment later something crashed down, making Hercules grunt. Dust rose up all around them,
and when it settled Hercules' head lay on his shoulder, the man's eyes closed.

"Oh no." Tybalt started wriggling, fighting to get free, to help.

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He was truly pinned, though, Hercules a dead weight on him, and there was something on top of
Hercules. The only way he knew the man was alive was the breath of air that pushed past his

He tried to get loose, but he couldn't catch his breath, and things started getting sparkly around
the edges. Nothing he did budged Hercules, nothing.

Finally he closed his eyes, put his head down, and tried to breathe.

His lover would come.

Gideon would.


The sudden silence was eerie.


Gideon waited for what seemed like forever before whispering to Mal. "Do you think we got

"I doubt it. Do you think they set a bomb?"

"A bomb? Do you really think they'd do that?" Gideon needed to find Tybalt. Now. Before
anything else happened.

"They've blown up most of the building. I doubt they care."

"But a bomb will kill them, too." Gideon shook his head. "It's been quiet too long, I'm going to
find Tybalt."

"Okay. Tybalt will be with the Boss. Come..." The building creaked, groaned, and Mal's eyes
went huge.

"Shit, Mal. We need to find them. Now."

"Yeah. Yeah, come on. Stay low. Shoot anyone that you don't know." Mal started moving, the
sirens from the outside starting to bleed in.

"How will we know the good guys from the bad? What if it's the planet security forces?" He
followed, though, borrowed gun at the ready.

"They'll have protection."

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"Right. Shoot at anyone not with the Glove." Gideon growled, thinking of his plans to play with
Tybalt, of their rooms likely in shambles, all the people who were lost, hurt. "This is unreal."

"Yes. It's Hercules' whole life. We'll rebuild."

First they had to find their lovers.

A piece of wall collapsed in front of him, raising dust and making Gideon cough. Another charge
went off and they both pressed against the wall, breathing hard.

Tybalt had to be terrified. Gideon hated the thought of his darlin' out there on his own.

"Herc." Mal looked at his communit, frowned. "Monk's tracing things. There's body heat on the
far side of this hall."

"Then let's go."

"Stay low..."

"Fuck. Right." Gideon still couldn't get past the insanity of this whole thing.

They crawled over debris, stopping when things shifted, fell. It wasn’t easy going, but they were
both extremely well motivated. The closer they got to their destination, the thicker the debris
became, the harder it was to move forward.

Gideon began chanting to himself, a litany for Tybalt's safe return.

Mal kept looking at the comm, moving them around. The debris was getting bigger, the air so
thick with dust. Gideon took off his shirt and ripped it in two. Tying the one half around his
head, the makeshift bandana kept dust from going into his lungs. He passed the second half to

"Thanks." Mal looked around. "They should be right here."

He looked around as well and then back at Mal "You're kidding, right?" There was no one here,
just a lot of debris, plaster, and dust. Parts of the walls lay scattered across the floor.

"They should be here. There's body heat. Their signals. They should be here."

"How sure are we that it's just us and them here? I mean, if we shout for them, will we be
bringing the terrorists here?"

"I don't think shouting is a good idea. I think it will bring the walls down on..." Mal stared at
him. "The walls. Dig."

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"Shit! Right here?" He began to help Mal, pulling away huge chunks of debris, kicking the dust
back up.

His sweet, slender Tybalt was underneath all this stuff. Heat signatures meant they were alive,
though. Gideon held onto that.

"Here." Mal was like a madman, working with him, eyes desperate.

"Your comm says heat signatures, that means alive." It helped to say it out loud, so he repeated
it. "They're alive."

He and Mal dug and dug. His hands became bloody, but he didn't care.

"There's a hand." Mal stared, chewing his bottom lip. "Okay. You see this big piece? We'll move
it, very carefully. It's got them trapped."

"Stars!" That was not good. "Are you sure we should move it? What if we injure them
somehow?" He didn't have the medical know-how to assess the situation properly, but he knew
moving the injured was not a good idea.

"We can't just leave them under there."

"You're right. I know." He was just terrified he and Mal would somehow hurt Hercules or Tybalt
more than they were already hurt. And they had to be hurt, surely one of them would have called
out if they weren’t. "Let's just do it." Gideon climbed carefully to the other side of the huge

"Okay, friend. On three. One, two, three." He and Mal lifted and shoved, exposing the dusty, still
bodies, Hercules lying on top of Tybalt, nearly hiding him.

"Tybalt!" They were so quiet, so still. "Tybalt, darlin'. Can you hear me?"

"Hercules. You fucking breathe, you miserable bastard." Tears were streaking down Mal's face,
Mal running his hands over Herc's body.

He'd never seen Mal so emotional. And he'd never pushed his own emotions away so strongly.
Tybalt wasn't dead. He couldn't be; Gideon wouldn't allow it.

"Tybalt," he called again. "Wake up, darlin'. I need you to listen to me and wake up." To Mal, he
murmured, "Check his pulse." They needed to move Hercules to get to his Tybalt.

Mal's fingers slid to Herc's neck. "It's here. Strong."

"Good. Good. Can you reach Tybalt's neck?" They needed to move Hercules. They had to. He
needed to know Tybalt was well, safe. Alive.

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"Yeah, hold on." Mal stretched, searching.



"Mal." Gideon growled, ready to shove Mal out of the way and find it himself.

"I'm trying! He's tiny."

And being crushed by Hercules. "We should move your man, then. So we can get to him."
Gideon looked around wildly for a first aid kit. There should have been one in the hall. It would
have a stabilizer they could spray over Hercules to hold him in this position, keep him from
being damaged when moved.

"Yeah. Yeah, can you see anything that used to be a first aid kit?" Mal grabbed his comm.
"Monk? We found them. We need help. What's your status?"

"Feds are here. Are they..."

"Yes. Send help."

"Keep searching for Tybalt's pulse," Gideon ordered as he started going through the surrounding
debris, looking desperately for the first aid kit or at least the stabilizer spray.

"I found one. It's weak, thready, but it's there."

"Okay. Okay, good. Okay." Gideon nodded, redoubling his search efforts and ignoring the way
his knees went weak. Tybalt was alive. "Hold on, darlin'. We're here for you."

"Gideon. Over there. You see the red? Is that it?"

"Yeah, yeah, it is!" He ran for it, amazed to find the box still mostly intact. He brought it over to
where Tybalt and Hercules were and fished out the stabilizer spray. "Have you ever used this
before?" He hadn't. They had to be careful, he knew that much.

"Yes. Here." Mal popped open the packet, connecting sensors to Hercules, then applying the
spray. "Okay, we'll shift him up and over, okay? Onto that flat bit over there."

"Okay. I've got his feet." Because he had a feeling Mal wanted to be at the man's head. He knew
he would when it was Tybalt's turn.

"Okay. On three again. One, two..." On three, they moved Hercules, the man's forehead terribly
bruised and swollen.

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They put him on his back on the floor, the spray keeping him stiff, still. Gideon wanted to be
interested in how he was doing, if things were worse or better than they looked, but now that
Hercules was out of the way he had to see to Tybalt. It was as imperative as breathing.

"Go. Go, Gideon. Get your boy. Call if you need me." Mal was completely focused on Hercules.

Gideon was at Tybalt's side in seconds, brushing the thick layer of dust from the beloved face.
"Tybalt. I need you to open your eyes for me, darlin'." His fingers searched for Tybalt's pulse.

Nothing. Not a twitch.

"NO!" He wiped Tybalt's mouth clean, pulled down the bandana he wore, and then blocked
Tybalt's nose and bent to breathe into his lover's mouth.

Dust and plaster, grit and sand -- but under that, Tybalt was warm. Still there.

Still alive.

Thank the stars.

He continued to breathe into Tybalt's mouth, checking his lover's pulse every few breaths.

Tybalt's eyes started moving, fluttering.

"Yes. Darlin'. Come on, now. I keep having to do this and you need a shave." He stroked the
unnaturally pale cheek.

He could hear noises coming, and he looked over at Mal. Mal looked around, whispering into his
comm. "Monk? Monk, is that our people?" Then Mal met his eyes, shook his head, and put one
finger to his lips.

Oh, fuck.

Gideon shifted as quietly as he could, moving to lie over Tybalt. He smeared the blood from the
cuts on his hands over his face and lay there with his eyes closed. He hoped anyone coming in
would assume he was hurt and would leave him be. He prayed Tybalt would remain safely
hidden beneath him.

Mal didn't stay still, though. He could hear the man crawling over the floors, heading toward the
noise. The man was going to get them all killed.

Gideon held onto Tybalt and prayed they would all be safe.

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Chapter Thirteen

He'd had enough.

Mal growled under his breath and watched the figures moving through the rubble. Monk had
sworn that their people weren't down here yet, weren't in the line of fire.

These assholes, though?

They were in range.

Mal crouched low, praying that they didn't have the sensitive equipment that he did. Otherwise
he didn't have an ounce of surprise left.

He gave himself one more glance back, let himself look at his Hercules. The man might be
dying, but he wasn't going to let it happen without someone paying for it. The figures moved
closer, and now he could hear voices, foreign accents, then Tybalt's name.

He threw the door open and opened fire, screaming out his fury as he shot. Shots were fired
back, one hitting his arm, but it didn't deter him. He barely even noticed the pain, and before he'd
unloaded his gun, he realized he was the only one still shooting.

He looked down, checked his monitor, watching the fading heat, the falling life signs. Assholes.
Dead assholes.

"Monk! Monk, we need you down here! Now!" Blood was pouring down his arm, sliding
between his fingers and making them sticky. It wasn’t important.

"On my way, Boss." Monk sounded grim, but strong, determined.

"Mal," he heard Gideon hiss out his name, voice urgent.

"What?" If Gideon told him Herc was dead, Mal was going to shoot the man.

"Is it clear?"

"Yeah. Yeah, they're dead." He leaned, checking closer.

"We need medics, Mal. Now." Gideon was shouting now, half panic, half order.

"I fucking know that! I know!" He thumbed his comm again. "Monk!"

"I'm coming. We're right here."

Gideon shouted again. "Hercules needs help. Now!"

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Mal dropped the communit, ran to his lover. "Don't you fucking die on me!"

Hercules moaned, eyes rolling behind his lids.

"You listen to me! You listen!" He grabbed Herc's arm in full-blown, furious panic.

One of Herc's eyes opened, looked at him.

"Herc." He stopped. "Don't you fucking die. I killed people for you. Don't you die."

Hercules' lips moved and he had to bring his ear to his lover's mouth to make out the words. "My

"It's half here. We could move." He didn't care if they just walked away.

Hercules moaned. "People?"

"Just you and Tybalt and the bad guys. The emergency drill worked." Perhaps not strictly the
truth, it was what Hercules needed to hear.

Hercules' mouth opened and closed.

"Excuse me, sir, we need to get to him." The emergency medic pushed him out of the way and
was immediately busy with medical equipment.

He nodded, stepping away. "Get him and Tybalt out of here." Get them to the doctors. Make
them well.

His weapon dropped to the rubble, his hand numb.

He watched as they carried Hercules and Tybalt off, Gideon at the slender sub's side.


Gideon paced in the small room as he waited for the doctors to finish with Tybalt.

Both Hercules and Tybalt had been flown over to the hospital from the chaos that was the Velvet
Glove and then they'd been whisked away, he and Mal shunted off into this waiting room. There
were a half dozen uncomfortable-looking chairs -- he didn’t know for sure if they were as awful
as they looked, as he had yet to actually sit in one -- a small table, and a very unhappy-looking
plant. There were no windows.

Mal was sitting on one of the chairs, barking orders into his comm.

The head of massage came in, covered in dust and blood. Bowie -- that was the man's name.

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Gideon swallowed and went to him, the memory of the man holding one limp boy and crying for
the other coming back to him. "Your boys?"

The man nodded stiffly. "I found them both. They're going to be okay."

"Good. That's good news." Gideon couldn't help but be jealous.

Bowie looked over at Mal. "The Boss?"

"I don't know yet." Mal’s words were clipped.

"He and Tybalt are in surgery." Gideon was pretty sure he was in shock. There was a part of him
that insisted this was all a nightmare and he would wake up at any moment. He wished that part
had it right.

Bowie looked shell-shocked himself. "Are you both okay?"

Mal growled.

Gideon managed a nod. "We'll be better when our lovers are safely out of surgery, hmm?"

Bowie grunted. "Yes, I know exactly what you mean."

Gideon nodded and stood there awkwardly. What could he say? Especially given his main focus
was on Tybalt, not the men who were with Mal and Bowie. Maybe it was selfish, but he just
didn’t care. He needed for Tybalt to be out of surgery, to be well and back in his arms.

"Tybalt will be fine, Gideon. He'll be fine." Mal kept saying it, over and over.

He nodded. "As will Hercules. These are the best surgeons here." Still, he imagined Mal would
only believe it when Hercules told him, just as Gideon himself was waiting to hear it from

Mal nodded, head down.

Monk, the head of security, came in, the huge man filling the doorway. "Any news?"

"Not yet." Gideon felt sick; it was becoming more real with each new person who came in.

Monk nodded. "Mal?"

"I'm fine. How bad's the club?"

"Bad, but we have all the members safely relocated."

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"What about the animals who did this?" Gideon asked. He knew Mal had killed some of them; he
hoped they were all dead. Every last one of them.

"Dead. All of them. The second bomb got most of them; it looks like Mal got the rest."

"Good." He couldn't keep the vehemence from his voice; he didn’t even try.

"I agree," growled Bowie.

Mal nodded. "I'd do it again. Where the fuck are they?"

"I'll go find someone to update us." Bowie headed out, still covered in bits of plaster, blood, and
dust. Monk trailed along behind him.

Gideon sat down, legs going, praying to the gods to help him, to help Tybalt. He could not bear it
if his sweet darlin' didn't make it through this. He bit back his moan as just the thought shot pain
through him.

"Stop it. They'll be fine."

He shot a glare in Mal's direction. "Yes, that's what I'm counting on." No matter how many times
Mal said it, wouldn’t make it so until it really was so.

Mal rolled his eyes, stuck his tongue out. He couldn't understand how Mal could be so calm.
Perhaps the man just hid his worry better.

They sat together, not looking at each other.

Just waiting.

A man in a uniform came in and cleared his throat. "I'm looking for anyone involved in the
Velvet Glove incident."

Gideon stood.

Mal looked up, "Are they out of surgery?"

"I don't know. I'm with planet security. I need your statements."

Gideon growled. "A group of terrorists came in and tried to kill my lover!" What more did
security need to know?

"And they're all dead now, conveniently enough," the Fed rumbled softly.

Mal arched one eyebrow. "They were killing our people!"

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"We have at least four here right now, being worked on. Including the owner of the club."
Gideon knew Hercules’ name carried a lot of weight with the planetary authorities.

"Who's is command there, then?"

"That would be me." Mal stood, one hand behind his back. Gideon barely held back his gasp.
The back of Mal's leathers were soaked with blood, the chair pooled. Mal was bleeding out. "I
want the people taken care of. As soon as the Boss is awake, we'll contact you."

When the man would have continued, Gideon growled. "We have nothing else to tell you. Our
lovers are in the hospital -- you'll know exactly where to find us. Give us some peace until we
know that they'll live."

The man's back went ramrod straight, but Gideon stared him down. He was used to having his
orders obeyed, damn it.

The man finally nodded and went with a growled, “I’m not finished with either of you, yet.”

As soon as he was gone, Gideon immediately rounded on Malachi. "You're hurt."

"Back the fuck off." Mal was ghost-white.

"You're not going to do him any good if you're dead." Gideon strode to the door. "Doctor! I need
a doctor in here!"

"Gideon! Someone has to be in charge!"

"And who exactly is that going to be when you pass out from blood loss?" Gideon waved a
woman in a white coat over. "This man is badly hurt."

"Don't touch me. I'm fine." Mal stepped away and Gideon could swear -- swear -- he could hear
the blood squishing in Mal's boots.

"Give me the damn communit, Mal. Monk and I will take care of things while the doctor takes
care of you."

"Your friend is right; you need care. I'd rather not have to call the orderlies to come subdue you."
The doctor looked ready to do exactly that.

Mal stared her down, the effect broken by the swaying. "No."

"Oh for the love of--" Gideon growled and got into Mal's face. "If anything happens to you,
Hercules is going to beat you to death, and then me for letting it happen." He grabbed the comm
from the man's hand. "Don't be an idiot."

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"Don't..." Mal's eyes rolled back until only the whites were showing, then the man collapsed in a

"You're going to need those orderlies."

The doctor was already on it, though, speaking into her personal comm and checking Mal out.

Gideon closed his eyes and took a breath.

He wanted this day to be over.

Very badly.

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Chapter Fourteen

Hurt. Hurt. Hurt.

"Gideon. Gideon. Help me." Tybalt struggled, trying to sit up, to move, to get away.

"Shh, shh, darlin'. Don't try to move." Warm hands held him down. Oh, he knew those hands;
they felt so good on his skin.

"Gideon..." Tybalt sobbed. "There's a bomb. They're coming."

"No, no, it's over. They're all dead. You're not." Even Gideon’s voice sounded warm.

"No. No, they're coming. Run, Gideon. I love you. Run away..." Gideon needed to get to safety.

"Tybalt." Gideon squeezed his arms. "Look at me, darlin'."

His eyes flickered open, his heart pounding.

Gideon smiled down at him. "There. See? You're in the hospital -- it's all over."

"Gideon..." He gasped, reaching for his lover. "Hercules is hurt. It's all my fault."

Gideon sat close, stroked his face . "No, darlin'. It's the fault of those terrorists. But Malachi and
Monk took care of them. They're all dead now and we're safe. We're all safe."

Dead? Those men were dead? "All safe. All of us? The club?"

"The club's a little worse for wear, but everyone's been relocated. Hercules is next door. He's


Oh, God.

It was all his fault.

All of it.


"Shh, shh. You need to relax, Tybalt. You need to focus on getting better." Gideon kept touching
him, fingers stroking, warm.

"I..." Relax. He couldn't. "I'm sorry."

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"Listen to me, darlin'. It's not your fault. It's not, Tybalt." Gideon was growly, and when he really
looked, he could see how tired his lover was.

"They wanted to hurt me. I ruined everything."

"They ruined everything, not you. Not you."

He was so tired, too tired to argue. "Is Hercules angry?"

"No, darlin'. No one blames you." Gideon pressed kisses over his face.

He sobbed softly, holding tight. His Gideon. He'd been so scared. So worried.

Gideon kept touching him, kissing him, whispering softly. It felt good. It was the only thing
about all this that did.

"Is it... Do you still... Am I still yours?"

"Of course you are, darlin'. Nothing and no one will ever change that. Ever." Gideon’s fingers
tightened on him.

"You swear?"

"I promise you, Tybalt. You are mine." He could hear the truth of it in Gideon’s voice.

"I hurt."

Gideon’s touches grew gentle again. "I know, darlin'. You were injured pretty badly. The doctors
say you're going to be just fine, though."

"You'll stay with me? For a little while?"

"I'll stay with you forever, Tybalt. Forever."

He nodded, limbs and eyelids heavy now, weighted.

"I'm right here, darlin'. Right here with you."

"Okay." He held on, fingers trembling.

"Good, darlin'. That's very good."

"Love. Stay."

Love him. Hold him.

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Gideon watched as Tybalt slowly relaxed back into sleep. He stroked his sweet darlin's hair; it
was lank, dirty. Tybalt needed a shower in the worst way. And a shave.

It all meant one thing, though. Tybalt was alive.


Gideon took a deep breath, and then another and another.

He couldn't relax yet. He had Mal's communit. Hercules and Malachi were both in hospital beds
of their own. He didn’t know who was supposed to be in charge if both of them were out of
commission. He needed Hercules to wake up. One of the nurses was supposed to let him know
when that happened.

The communit buzzed against his leg, startling him, Kestrel's face appearing when he took it out
of his pocket and thumbed it on. "Mal? Mal? I don't know what do to. I need some direction,

"Kestrel. It's Gideon. Mal is fine. He just needed a break." A break that included a bag of blood
and an IV with fluids after they’d fished out the bullet in the man’s arm.

"Gideon? I. I need to talk to him." Kestrel was white as a sheet.

"He's sleeping, Kestrel.” Passed out might have been more accurate, but sleeping would do. “Tell
me what you need."

"I... I don't know what to do. The government is here and wanting things."

"Tell them they have to wait for Hercules." Kestrel was not dealing with the government. He
knew the man was a master at guest services, a genius, even. But Kestrel was not made for
dealing with the authorities, especially when he was already overstressed.

"All right. I have the staff in the safe part of the building, locked tight. Monk relocated all the

"Good man. If you need anything, you comm me. I'm here for you."

"Have... Can you find Jim, Gideon? I can't find him." There was a sick, horrified terror in
Kestrel's eyes.

He forced his voice to stay calm, even. "I'll find him, Kestrel."

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"Thank you. Thank you very much." Someone called Kestrel's name and the man turned, pasting
on a smile. The comm went dark.

Gideon sighed, then took a look at Tybalt, getting strength from the pale, beautiful face. It was
selfish, but he was fiercely glad that he knew where Tybalt was, that Tybalt was safe.

He thumbed the comm, calling Monk.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting, Mal?" Monk looked like he'd aged a thousand years. "Oh.
Gideon. What do you need?"

"Monk. Have you seen Jim?"

"Jim? Kestrel's Jim? I... I'm not sure."

Damn. Gideon closed his eyes and counted to ten. "Haven you seen him since the bombing?"

"No. No, he was on the other side of the building. He would have been evacuated to the street."

That meant Jim hadn’t been able to get in contact with Kestrel yet, but was safe, right? Gideon
was going to work under that assumption. "All right. If you see him, tell him to give Kestrel a
call. Do you need me for anything right now?"

"No. No, sir. I'm relocating people, making sure we know where everyone is. The media are

"Do you know what to say to them?"

"I'm hoping Kestrel will?"

Gideon didn’t know if Kestrel did or not, but that was in the man’s bailiwick, so he was going to
trust things would be all right on that front. He couldn’t be everywhere and do everything, and he
trusted Hercules’ people. "All right. If either of you need anything, let me know. I'm on Mal's

Which Monk knew. Gideon was just... angry. He was angry.

He wanted his life back.

He wanted Tybalt to be whole and their home to be whole and no one to have been hurt.

And for what? It wasn't as if Tybalt was trying to get his family's rule back. He was happy here
with Gideon. Tybalt just wanted to live his life in peace, to be happy. That’s all any of them

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Gideon just couldn't imagine so much hatred.

"Gideon out," he growled, turning the comm off.

"Gideon? Gideon?" Tybalt was dreaming.

He stroked Tybalt's cheek. "Shh, shh, darlin'. You're all right."

"I... There's a bomb. Did you know? There's a bomb."

"It's all over, darlin'. Everyone is safe." It broke his heart how Tybalt was trying to warn him

"You ran? It didn't hurt you? I wanted you to be safe."

"I'm safe, darlin'. Right here with you and safe. We're both safe." He pressed kisses on Tybalt's

His lover relaxed again, drifting back into better dreams, he hoped.

Gideon watched Tybalt sleep and tried very hard not to think anymore.

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Chapter Fifteen

The first time Hercules woke up, he was alone and thirsty, and he hurt. He wasn't even sure what
hurt, it was more or less everywhere. He wasn’t sure why he hurt or even where he was. He
opened his mouth, wanting his Malachi, but he couldn't make the words come out.

The second time he woke, there were a doctor and nurses and everyone was bustling around him.
He was at the hospital. They fussed and poked, and at least they also gave him water; one of the
nurses put a straw between his lips and he managed a few weak sips. He opened his mouth again,
wanting to know what the hell was going on and where Malachi was, but his eyes were heavy
and it just seemed like too much trouble to talk.

The third time he struggled into consciousness, Hercules could remember the explosions and
gunshots. He could remember lying protectively over the slender body of a king. A king? That
couldn't be right; he couldn't remember any king at the club. What the fuck had happened and
where was Malachi?

Someone was going to be in big trouble if he didn't get some answers, soon.

Part of the problem was that he couldn't make any sounds come out of his mouth. He drifted off
again, still parched, the ache now a dull pain in his head and between his shoulders.

He actually felt marginally better the next time he woke.

"Ah, our sleeping beauty awakes." The doctor chuckled and smiled down at him. "How are you
doing? Can you speak?"

Hercules opened his mouth.

"Don't worry about it, your mouth is probably dry and your voice rusty. You'll be fine after some
liquids and more rest."

He made a sound as the doctor went to leave. Turning around, the doctor raised an eyebrow; he
came back to Hercules' bedside. "What's got you all worked up?"


"There was an attack at the Velvet Glove. You were caught in it."

Hercules growled -- he knew that.

"Nurse, this man needs some water, please." The doctor patted his arm and left.

The nurse helped him drink some more water, fussed with his covers, and fiddled with his IV.
She chattered inanely about the weather and who knew what else -- he'd stopped paying
attention. Then she was gone, too, and Hercules was left alone to worry about what had

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happened to his club, and, even more unsettling, to his sub. Malachi should have been here by
his side.

The next time he woke up, he wasn't alone and it wasn't doctors and nurses in the room with him,
thank the skies.

He focused on the slender man sitting in the chair next to him. One of the workerbees. He
couldn't come up with a name, much as he wracked his brains for one. Still, he recognized the
boy and that was something.

He had opened his mouth to speak when the boy noticed he was awake. The workerbee jumped

"Master Hercules! You're awake! Let me get a Master!" With that, the wee thing shot out the
door and he was left alone once again.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He was never, ever going to find out what the hell had happened to his club. And when Malachi
finally got his ass back here, he was going to beat it black and blue. Abandoning him like this.

Kestrel came fluttering in. "Hercules. Oh, my. You're awake."

Ah, finally someone who should have some answers and who knew how to jump when he spoke.
He growled. "Kestrel. What the hell is going on here?"

"You're hurt, but you're healing well. The repairs on the Glove are on hold. All the members
have been relocated."

Hercules stared at Kestrel, waiting for him to start laughing, to tell him it was all a sick joke. He
knew something had happened, but that...

There was no smile, just an exhausted, sick look. "There will be a lot to do, when you're ready. I
will need you to help me know what to do."

He swallowed. His club. Repairs on hold. All members relocated. He tried to make the words
make sense. He had a bigger concern, though.

"M..." He almost couldn't ask. He took a deep breath. "Malachi?"

Kestrel's eyes hit the floor. "He... he's not-- he was shot, sir. He lost a lot of blood. He's not
woken up."

Suddenly, nothing else mattered, not the club, not how long he'd been here, not anything. He
struggled to sit up. He had to see for himself.

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"Sir, please. You need your rest."

He gave Kestrel his most intimidating look. "I need to see Malachi. You can either help me or
you can get out of my way." He should have known something was wrong when Malachi was
never by his side. He should have stayed awake sooner, damn it.

Kestrel didn't looked cowed. "I have been dealing with all of the fallout, I have been dealing with
meds, security, Feds, my Jim is... " Kestrel swallowed. "Don't threaten me."

He was caught for a moment, the pain Kestrel's words touching the place inside himself that was
terrified of how bad Malachi might be. "Your Jim is?"

"They don't know. They say... it's bad. Worse than Mal. He may not..." Kestrel shook his head.
"I'm trying very hard to do my job, sir. Very hard."

"I'm sorry, Kestrel. I really am. Help me see Malachi, I need to know he's alive. I need to see
him. And then you can update me and I'll take over the dealing."

"Yes, sir. Let me find a chair. That will be easier."

Kestrel disappeared, reappearing almost immediately with a wheelchair.

"Good man." He let Kestrel help him get out of the bed and into the chair. He was dismayed by
how much effort the short move took.

"He's not conscious." They zoomed down the hall, moving incredibly fast.

"I still need to see him. You must understand." If Kestrel's lover was in worse shape... How
many of his staff and clients had been hurt? What about the little sub who'd said it was all his
fault, the one he’d been trapped with when the explosions had taken down the club? "How is...
Tybalt?" That was the man's name.

"He's awake, aware. Gideon is in with him."

That was something at least. "Was anyone else hurt?"

"There are about twenty hurt. Jim is the worst, then Mal."

None of his people were dead. He took some small comfort in that. And he would see to it that it
stayed that way. "And the perpetrators, the terrorists?" He hoped they were dead.

"All dead. All of them."

"Good. Good."

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Kestrel stopped in front of a door and Hercules took a breath.

"Are you ready?" One lean hand landed on his shoulder, offering him comfort.

He reached back and touched Kestrel's hand, squeezed it, and hoped he gave comfort even as he
took it. "Yes. I am." He braced himself, not sure exactly what to expect.

At first, all he saw was medical equipment. Then he saw Trip and Ghost moving around the bed.
Ghost's eyes met his, the pale face streaked with tear stains.

That scared him more than anything Kestrel had said.

"Herc." Trip looked utterly exhausted. "He's... he's not waking up. We don't know why. He
simply is... unresponsive."

"Get me closer," he demanded. "Let me see him." He would not let Malachi just disappear on

Kestrel moved him, pushed him close enough to see his beloved Malachi, pale and still in the

He reached out, his hand taking his lover's. "Malachi. I'm here now -- you can wake up."

He could hear Kestrel and the others speaking softly behind him.

He tugged himself closer, his hand reaching to touch the pale face. "Come on now, Malachi.
Don't be a stubborn ass. Wake up."

Herc could swear that Mal's eyebrow twitched.

"That's right. I'm here and I'm not going to let you lie there and ignore me."

He heard Ghost's gasp. "Trip."

He didn't spare Trip or Ghost a glance. Malachi needed him -- and he needed his flame, damn it.

He rubbed Malachi's hand. Malachi was still, but warm, and that warmth gave him hope.
Malachi was in there. Waiting for him.

"Come on, Malachi. I'll make it an order if I have to."

He barely heard Kestrel's gasp.

He wasn't imagining it. Malachi's breath came faster.

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"That's right. You open those eyes and look me in the eye because I'm right here." He needed to
see his lover's icy blue eyes. He needed to see a sign of life.

Malachi's mouth moved.

"You don't have to talk, you just need to look at me. Do you hear me, Malachi? Open your eyes
and look at me."

That mouth moved again, this time in the shape of his name.

Hercules squeezed Malachi's hand tight. "That's right. It's Hercules."

"He's trying, Trip. He's trying to come back." Hercules could hear Ghost's little whisper.

Hercules felt like laughing. It wasn't his imagination. None of it was. Malachi was in there.
Ghost could feel it.

Kestrel's soft sobs were on the air.

"Come on, Malachi." He leaned in, made it an order. "Open your eyes, now."

Malachi's fingers twitched, jerked in his hands.

"Nice try, Malachi. I said your eyes." His voice was firm. He was singing inside, though, his
heart beating hard, a wide smile spreading his lips.

The pale eyelashes twitched, then bloodshot eyes met his for a heartbeat before closing again.

"Yes. Did you see that?" he demanded of the others in the room.

Trip was over, opening Malachi's eyelids, shining a light into his eyes.

"He's in there. He was just being stubborn, waiting for it to be me."

Malachi was going to be okay -- he knew it. Now that he'd seen those eyes, that he'd seen
Malachi respond to him, he felt it truly in his heart.

"He was looking for you. Keeping you safe." Ghost's voice was soft.

He looked over at the pale boy, nodded. "Yes. Yes, maybe he was. We're both going to be okay,
though. I need him to help rebuild my club."

His life.

Ghost nodded. "Our home."

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It was dark.


Hercules was hurt.





Mal struggled, trying to figure out where he was.


"I have never known anyone so stubborn in my life. You did it once, you can do it again. Look at
me, damn it."


Mal stilled, turning to look, this way and that.

"H..." Oh, his throat hurt.

"That's right, Malachi. It's Hercules. You stay with me now."

Mal frowned, fingers searching the darkness, for...


Oh, there.

His eyes flashed open, the light blinding, hurting him.

He heard Hercules' laughter. "Oh, yes. There you are. You saw it that time, Trip, didn't you?"

"I did. Come on, Mal. Wake up."

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He didn't listen to that voice, only Hercules' laugh. He could feel Hercules' hand on his, rubbing
over his skin.

"You're going to be okay, my flame. You're coming back to me."

This time he caught a glimpse of his lover. His Hercules. "Hur...hurt?" Are you hurt, sir?

"They tell me you were shot. You're going to be okay, though. I need you, Malachi."

"You?" He forced his eyes open again, head pounding. His Hercules.

The familiar face came slowly into focus and Hercules' hands framed his face, warm on his
cheeks. "I'm fine, Malachi."

He moaned, tension leaving him in a rush. "Boss." Thank all the gods.

Hercules chuckled again. "That's right. Oh, love." Hercules' lips pressed against his, warm and

He kept his eyes open, staring into Hercules' dark ones.




"My Malachi," murmured Hercules.

"Yours." He blinked, took one deep breath after another.

Hercules rumbled, nodded. "Always, my flame."

A nurse was suddenly there, bustling about them. "You should probably go back to your room,

"No," Hercules growled. "I should stay right here."

"Stay." Malachi reached up, holding on.

"I'm not going anywhere, Malachi."

He nodded, trying to swallow, trying to clear his throat.

Hercules stroked his cheek. "What do you need, my flame?"

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"You." Water could wait.

Everything could wait.

His Hercules was fine.

"You have me." Hercules stood and then sat on the edge of the bed, despite the protests of the
nurse and Trip and Kestrel, who was fluttering in the background. "I'm not going anywhere."


His eyes fell closed, exhaustion taking him.

As the blackness covered him, he heard Hercules' voice. "My flame, my love."

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Chapter Sixteen

Everything was burning.


The flames were everywhere, every way that he turned. They burned higher and higher. Tybalt
sobbed and stretched, searching for a way out, needing help, knowing this was all his fault.

All of it.

"Gideon! Gideon, please!"

Large hands slid over his shoulders. He knew those hands -- it was Gideon. His handsome lover
was stuck in here with him, stuck in the flames. "Tybalt. Wake up, darlin'. It's just a dream."

"Gideon! It's burning!" He fought to open his eyes, screaming out his terror. He had to save

"Wake up! You're dreaming, Tybalt." The hands holding him tightened and Gideon shook him

His eyes popped open, Gideon right there. No flames. No heat, bar the warmth coming from

"Hey, darlin'. See? You're all right. Still in the hospital, but recovering." Gideon kissed his

"Oh. Oh, Gideon. It was burning. The club." It had been so real.

"There was an explosion -- do you remember? You were knocked about, but you're all right. The
doctor said you might have some problems remembering stuff."

"It's my fault."

Gideon shook his head. "No. No, darlin'. You didn't plant any bombs or come into the place with
guns blazing. I believe that means it's not your fault."

"They were..." He started rocking, tears falling. "Looking for me. Is Hercules?"

Not dead.

Please let Hercules be not dead.

"Hercules is fine. We went over all this when you woke earlier. You don't remember? It's okay if
you don't, but try." He could see worry in Gideon's face, in his lover's eyes.

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"I..." He stopped, closed his eyes, tried to make the speeding thoughts slow down, get organized.
He didn't remember much, and what he did remember was weird, disjointed. It seemed both
nightmarish and at the same time terribly real.

"Shh. Shh. It's okay, darlin'. Don't strain yourself. It'll all come back." Gideon's hands were so
warm on his skin, and each new soft kiss to his face made the burning flames fade a little.

"My head hurts a bit. Are you okay? Are they feeding you?"

Gideon chuckled. "I'm not the one in the hospital bed, darlin'. Don't you worry about me."

"I have to. I love you." That was clear and sure, even if everything else was confusing.

"Mmm, and I love you, too. But I'm just fine, all right? More importantly, aside from the bad
dream, how are you feeling today?"

"I..." He thought about it. "I want to go home."

"I'd like that, too. The doctor needs to check you out first and I need to find out from Kestrel or
Hercules what the status on our living quarters is. Hercules is using this opportunity to remodel
everything. He woke up yesterday and is back in charge." Gideon looked relieved about that.

"Okay. Okay, now is good for that."

A doctor wearing white scrubs came into the room. "Well, hello there. I see our patient is awake

"Can I go home?" He needed out of here. Needed it.

"Oh, you're eager. That's a good sign." The doctor picked up his holochart and looked at it.

He nodded. Out. He wanted out.



"If he's ready," murmured Gideon, hand patting his shoulder.

"I'm ready. I want to go home." He was. He needed to go.

Gideon's fingers slid down over his arm. "Let the doctor examine you, darlin'."

He vibrated, but nodded, relaxing back as the doctor checked his vital signs. The doctor shone a
light in his eyes and listened to his heart. His ears and mouth were both examined.

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He was careful not to flinch or shake. He wanted to go home. They needed to let him and Gideon

The doctor made a few notes in the holochart. "Well, everything seems to be in order. You're
very lucky -- head injuries can be tricky. I'll arrange for the discharge note and prescriptions.
You should be able to go in a few hours."

"Thank you," murmured Gideon, shaking the man's hand. Once the doctor had left, Gideon's
attention turned back to him. "Everything all right, darlin'?"

"I just want out of here." He needed to breathe.

His hand was taken, held. "You don't like hospitals?"

"I don't like being so out in the open, knowing they're looking for me." They had to know where
he was. They had to. It wasn't safe.

"There's a guard on the door. In fact, the hospital is full of guards. They called out the army to
beef up security. You're safe, darlin'. No one who doesn't belong here is getting in."

He nodded. He was going to get out of here and go underground. Gideon would understand.
Tybalt couldn't protect him, Tybalt couldn't make it right. It was all his fault.

"The terrorists were all killed, and there's a manhunt on for any more of the blue-skinned people.
Planet-wide. We're working on making it universal."

He could feel the panic building inside him. "Gideon. Oh, Gideon, they'll come and come. Say
no one's said who I was."

"They know you're my lover, darlin'. That's who you are."

"I have to go." He sat up, pulling the lines from his veins. "You stay here, okay?"

"Tybalt! Stop that!" Gideon grabbed his arms and held him tight. "What are you doing?"

"I have to go. I have to..." His eyes rolled, blood dripping down his arm. Blood, there would be
more blood and flames to reach the sky. "Gideon."

"Tybalt, stay with me." Gideon pressed the button for the doctor, finger pushing it again and
again. "Stay with me!" Large hands wrapped around his arm where it bled, pressing tightly, and
he was tugged in against Gideon's warmth.

"I have to protect you. My Gideon. My love." He couldn't be responsible for Gideon being hurt.
Or worse.

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"I'm safe, darlin'. I'm safe and so are you. The terrorists were killed." Gideon pressed little kisses
on him, petted him. "You need to concentrate on getting completely well."

"I'm scared for you." He curled into Gideon's heat, groaning as the physicians came pouring in.
Too many people -- what if one of them wanted to hurt him?

Gideon began to rock him. "You don't have to be, darlin'. I'm fine. And I have you. You're safe.
We're both safe, darlin'." The words were sing-song-y.

"You'll have to move, sir, we need to see to him." The doctor spoke with authority, but Gideon
didn't release him.

"No. No, please. Please, Gideon." He could hear the hysteria in his voice as he clung to Gideon.

Gideon's arms tightened around him. "I'm right here, darlin'. Right here."

"Sir, please! We need to get to him!"

"Right here," he repeated Gideon's words. Wrapping his arms around Gideon, he held on.

He heard Trip's familiar voice. "Please. I'm his regular physician. Please, just back off."

There were murmurs, the sounds annoyed, some even angry, but the other doctors backed off,
leaving him with Gideon and Trip, the room becoming quiet again.

Ghost's face materialized in his line of sight, the pale man smiling. "It's all right. Please, don't be

Gideon's face appeared next to Ghost's. "He's worried about the terrorists. I've tried telling him
it's all right, they were killed and there are so many guards, but I don't think he believes it.
Tybalt? Darlin'? It's all right. You're all right."

"Hercules has leased a secure building for the short term. I think maybe we should move you
both, let you get settled." Trip looked sure, calm. "Lutrell and I are trying to get everyone in a
central location."

"That sounds good. Did you hear that, darlin'? They have a safe place for us. Does that sound
good?" Gideon continued to hold him, warming him.

"Let's go. Please. Now." He needed out. "Can everyone come?" He needed everyone to be safe.

Ghost smiled. "They're moving Mal and Jim via air."

Gideon's fingers stroked the inside of his wrist gently. "You see? Everyone is coming and we're
all fine."

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"I'm just so worried." He leaned over, let Gideon hold him.

"You don't have to worry, darlin'. I have you. You're safe." Gideon's fingers slid through his hair,
stroked his scalp.

Tybalt took a deep breath, then let himself shatter, trusted Gideon enough to fall apart. Through
his sobs, he could hear Ghost's voice, reassuring Gideon, Trip.

Through it all, Gideon held him.


Gideon shot Ghost and Trip a look as Tybalt fell into a restless sleep in his arms. His sweet
darlin' seemed so slight and fragile. "Are you sure he's all right?"

Trip nodded. "He's incredibly stressed and emotionally exhausted, but his body is healing

"Is he going to get over this? His worry that they'll come back for him doesn't seem that
farfetched in the light of what happened."

Ghost met his eyes. "Gideon, they'll keep coming. These men, they hate Tybalt, they hate that he
lives. As long as one of them lives, they will hunt the Unkali. Especially someone from the royal

"But the terrorists are dead now."

"They are. Are there more of them?"

Gideon felt his blood go cold as he suddenly realized what Ghost was trying to tell him. "There's
a whole planet of them. But surely they're not all terrorists." Surely an entire race could not hate
so much.

Ghost shuddered. "I hope not, but..."

"What are we going to do?" Gideon demanded. "Because he's right, we can't risk everyone we
care about. What happened at the Glove was bad enough. No more!"

Trip stopped, chewed his bottom lip. "We kill him."

"You're not serious!" Gideon put himself between Trip and Tybalt. "You're not touching him!"
Had the man gone insane?

"Listen to me." The doctor met his eyes, so serious. "We stop his heart, make a big deal of his

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death, then you take him into the club, into hiding. He'll be running the rest of his life, Gideon,
hiding. Why not do it where he's safe and happy and with you?"

Gideon considered it. Hiding but not having to run, being together. "It's just crazy enough it
might work. Are you sure you could get his heart started again?"

"Nothing's a guarantee, Gideon. You'll have to let him be dead long enough for the staff here to
notice and leave. Then I'll come in. It's risky."

Gideon frowned. He wasn't sure he could risk Tybalt truly dying from this. If Tybalt died...

"You think on it. I'm going to check on the others. I'll be back. Ghost." Trip squeezed his hand
once and then the doctor left, his assistant close behind.

Gideon closed his eyes and held tight to Tybalt. He couldn't believe he was considering this.

His beautiful man. Dead.


Then hiding forever.

It wasn't fair, that his choices were this or risking more terrorists coming after his lover. Not that
life was fair. But this...

He reached out, cupped Tybalt's cheek. If they did this, they'd be hiding together, forever. Both
of them. But his Tybalt would be alive and would be with him.

Gideon couldn't make a unilateral decision about this. He couldn't force a decision like this on
Tybalt. But how did he bring that up? "Hey, darlin', I want to shave your chest, oh yes, and after
that we'll stop your heart and then pretend you're dead. Forever."

A soft, hysterical laugh escaped him. How did this happen? How did this work?

He squeezed Tybalt tight. He just wanted to live with his lover, for the two of them to be happy,
safe, enjoying their lives without constant worry.

Tybalt moaned, pressing close, eyes rolling behind his lids. Gideon couldn't imagine Tybalt
living with fear forever. He also knew that Tybalt would do anything, anything to protect him, to
protect the people that they loved.

Even risk his own death.

Gideon's heart began to pound.

"Gideon?" Those lovely eyes stared up at him, worried.

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"Hey, darlin'." He smiled down and then took Tybalt's lips in a kiss.

Tybalt opened to him, moaning softly, the sound almost happy. He slid his hand through the long
hair. It needed a wash and those pretty cheeks were all stubbled. But his Tybalt was alive.


His heart was beating.

Trip wanted to stop it.

Trip wanted to kill this.

Kill Tybalt.

Gideon shivered and clutched Tybalt closer until he was sure he could feel his lover's heart
beating against his chest.

He... This was impossible.


What was he going to do?

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Chapter Seventeen

Tybalt woke to hear quiet, constant pacing. Something was wrong.

Something was going on.

Something was wrong.

Tybalt opened his eyes.

Gideon moved steadily from one end of the room to the other, passing by the foot of his bed
again and again. His lover was muttering to himself, words too quiet to hear. Gideon looked
worried, upset. Something was definitely wrong.

"Gideon? Love?" Tybalt frowned.

His lover started and then turned to him, a smile breaking out across Gideon's face. "Tybalt.
Darlin'." Gideon came to him immediately, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed and taking his

"What's wrong?" As he said the words, the sheer idiocy of them hit him.

"There's nothing wrong, not exactly. But what about you? How are you feeling?" Gideon stroked
his cheek, frowning slightly as his stubble caught on Gideon's palm.

"I want to go home, but I can't, can I? I've ruined it all."

"You haven't ruined anything, darlin'. Not at all. And Trip has a plan." Gideon sighed and his
frown became deeper, the worried look in his eyes stronger. "I'm not sure it's a good plan, but it
is a plan."

"A plan? Do I have to leave you?"

"No, no. I won't let you go." Gideon bent to kiss him lightly. "Trip has a plan so you can be

"What do you want me to do?" He'd do anything. Anything to make it right again.

"I don't want you to do it, but it might be the only way we can have our life together, the only
way you'll be safe." Gideon was dancing around something, not saying something.

"Do what? I'll do whatever you need me to."

Gideon paused, then sighed, then looked right at him. "Trip wants to kill you."

His world stopped.

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Just stopped.

Gideon continued. "He wants the doctors here to believe you're dead, and then he wants to revive
you when everyone leaves. You and I will go hide in the Glove. We'll effectively be prisoners,
but we'll be alive and together and safe, and no one will be coming after you."

"I can't do that to you. You have a life."

"I don't want a life without you, darlin'. But I'm not sure I can do that to you. There's a danger
that Trip couldn't bring you back, that you'd really die." Gideon's hand squeezed his, that worried
look right there.

"That might be the best thing, Gideon."

Gideon hissed, growled. "No. No, we've had what? A few months? The universe could not be so
cruel as to give you to me only to snatch you away again."

"I love you. I'm so sorry." He should have done... Something. Anything other than what he'd

"Stop apologizing. It's not your fault." Gideon kissed him and then drew back, looking
determined. "I'm going to shave you."

"Now? Here?"

"Yes. Now. Here. I can't do anything, we can't make a decision until you're mine."

"I am yours." He was confused, reaching for Gideon.

Gideon took him into the strong arms, held him close. "Yes, but we must make you look like
mine again."

"Whatever you need." He leaned in, closed his eyes.

Gideon kissed each eyelid. "I need for you and I to do this. To reconnect before we risk
everything. To have a moment that's just us."

Tybalt nodded, squeezed Gideon's fingers. "It's okay. I'm not scared."

"I am. I don't want to lose you. But the truth is that if we don't do anything, those animals will
keep coming after you, won't they?"

"Until I'm gone. Will it hurt? What Trip does?"

"No. He'll come and explain it all to us when I call for him. Shh, now. Clear your mind and

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concentrate on right here and right now." Gideon grabbed a small shaving bag and pulled out
soap, a little bottle of water and a razor from it. Clear his mind.

He chuckled a little, considering whether to just run screaming into the hospital.

Gideon smiled down at him. "I know. I just want to have a few moments with you that feel

"It's been so good, loving you." He could hold onto this forever.

"I feel the same way. My life was complete the day I met you."

"Then things will be fine." He could do this.

"They will be. I promise." Gideon's hands slid over his cheeks, spreading the familiar-smelling
lather over his skin.

He kept his eyes closed, pretending that he wasn't here, that he wasn't about to do this, that the
world hadn't ended.

Gideon's hands were steady as they began shaving his cheeks. "I love you, darlin'."

"Love you." He barely moved his lips.

His lover took a long time with the shaving, fingers moving over his skin once it was smooth.

When it was over, he was shivering, more than a bit undone by the care. Gideon pulled the
covers back and climbed onto the bed. His lover held him, touched him, stroked their cheeks
together. He turned toward Gideon, let himself take that strength, that energy.

"Is there anything you want, darlin'? Anything you need before we do anything else?"

"Just tell me that... that you don't blame me. That we're going to be okay."

"Of course I don't blame you!" Gideon's arms tightened around him. "None of this is your fault."

"I never asked to be hunted. I tried to hide. People got hurt."

"I know, darlin'. You just wanted to live your life. You stayed out of the limelight, you stayed
mostly hidden." Gideon shook his head. "It is not your fault. Nobody is blaming you."

"I am."

"Then stop it. This isn't your fault. You can't help who you were born as and you can't make
other people not be insane. That's on them, not you."

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He chuckled, then those chuckles became soft laughter. Gideon's kisses covered his face and
then landed on his lips so his sounds pushed into his lover's mouth. They kissed for a long time,
both holding on to each other, pressed tight.

They didn't part until Trip came in and cleared his throat.

He sobbed once, pressed his face to Gideon's throat.

Gideon held tight to him. "If there was any other way, darlin'."

"Is it going to hurt?"

"No, it's not." Trip's voice was soft, gentle. "I'll inject you with a substance that won't be
detected. It'll look like your heart has stopped, when in fact the drug will have put you in a coma-
like state. Once the hospital declares you dead, we'll take you away in a funeral van."

Gideon's arms tightened as Trip said "declares you dead."

"Okay." He looked up at Gideon. "I love you. If... If... I'll always be yours, 'kay?"

"No ifs, darlin'. I know you're mine. Through and through."

He nodded, took a deep breath. "Can Gideon stay with me? Do I have to be alone?"

Trip's answer of "He can stay," came at the same time as Gideon's "I'm not leaving you."

Then Gideon held his cheeks and met his eyes. "We don't have to do this. If you want, we can

"No. No more. You deserve better. You deserve a life. I should have told everyone, right from
the start."

"And what would we have done? You did tell me. I didn't realize what lengths they would go to.
I didn't understand that you having left and living a private life wasn't enough for them."

"I love you." He held onto Gideon, not watching Trip, just holding on tight.

"I love you, darlin'." Gideon held him in return, staring into his eyes.

Trip's voice floated in from behind Gideon. "We need to do this soon, before anyone comes to
check on him."

"Do it. Hurry up before I get scared again."

Gideon nodded. "Do it, Trip."

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His lover's arms stayed around him, Gideon's gaze holding his. "You're coming back to me."

"Promise?" He felt a strange warmth on his arm where the IV was. "Gideon..."

"I promise, darlin'. I'm not going to lose you. I love you."

"Love..." He blinked hard, the sound of his heart so loud. "Please."

"I have you, Tybalt. I'm right here, darlin'. I'm not letting go."

Tybalt sobbed once, staring into Gideon's eyes as the world went black.


Gideon watched, horrified, as the life went out of Tybalt's eyes.

A strange noise came out of his mouth.

Before he could panic, Trip had a hold of his shoulder and tugged him. "Off the bed, man. The
doctors are going to be in here any second and you need to be every inch the grieving lover."

Somehow, he thought he could manage that.

He stepped away from the bed and Trip moved in, the machines beeping stridently as more
doctors came in.

"What happened?" Doctors were swarming, Trip in there with them.

"He's been failing. His heart was too weak." Trip was every inch the good doctor, working to
save Tybalt alongside the others.

Ghost was standing next to Gideon, hand sliding into his.

Gideon held on tight. "Please. I don't want him to die."

"He'll be okay, Gideon." Ghost's voice was soft, so only he could hear it.

Trip was moving around, touching Tybalt, doing things to him. Gideon had to believe Ghost was
right or he would have never let Trip do this. He wasn't sure what he would do if Tybalt didn't

Ghost squeezed his fingers, whispering. "Trip's not scared, Gideon."

He looked at Ghost, saw the truth of the words in the young man's eyes. "I'll try not to be."

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Ghost nodded, held on.

Tybalt was simply... lying there.

Eyes open, lips unmoving -- Tybalt was gone.

He couldn't stop his cry. It didn't matter that Trip wasn't scared, that the man understood how this
worked and believed Tybalt would be saved. Right now, his dear, sweet, precious darlin' was

Trip sighed, hand falling to his side. "It's over."

The other doctors nodded and one of them looked at the watch on his wrist. "The patient died at
eleven-twenty a.m."

"No." Gideon closed his eyes and swallowed back his tears. "No."

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Chapter Eighteen

He felt eyes on him, willing him to wake up, talk. Focus. Mal sighed, trying to figure out if he
really wanted to or not.

Something warm slid around his hand, squeezed. "Are you going to make me order you to wake
up every time I come in?"

"Possibly." He squeezed back, smiled. "Hercules."

"I'd rather you just got better." Hercules sighed and kissed the back of his hand.

"I'm working on it." He opened his eyes, tried to sit up. "How's the club? How're you feeling?"

"I'm tired. I'm pissed off. The club is... Well, I had planned to remodel, but I think maybe we
need to rebuild from the ground up. For now everyone has been found secure lodgings."

"Okay." He nodded, thinking of the hours -- years -- of work that entailed. "How's Kes?" They
were going to need his help.

"Kes is fine physically. His lover... Jim is going to need a lot of help to recover. Help and time. I
cannot ask Kestrel to continue on as our host. Jim needs him."


Hercules sighed. "Jim is blind."

"Kes needs me." He struggled to sit up, hands scrabbling at the tubes in him.

Hercules grabbed his wrists and pressed them against the bed. "You need to stay in bed, Malachi.
You also need time to recover."

"I need to help. I have to help you. I have to work." He growled under his breath, his rage sudden
and shocking, his loss of control frightening him.

"You have to get better." Hercules glared at him. "And you can help me from right here."

"How? How?" His emotions were spiraling, and he forced himself to stillness when he wanted to

"You can help me figure out what we're going to do." Hercules grabbed his chin, held him with
strong fingers. "Find your center, my flame."

He met Hercules' eyes, sharing his panic, his fear. He could have lost Hercules.

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"Breathe. We are here. We are safe." Hercules' hands shifted, moved to take his, their fingers
twined together.

"Your club." Their home.

"Can be rebuilt. We can make it better, hmm?"

"Can we?" He wanted to take Herc, run.

"We can. New club, new lead staff." Hercules tilted his head, a considering look crossing his

"You... you would want a new lead?" He didn't know how to feel about that.

"Well, you see, I have this island that I bought when the club first turned a profit. I have always
thought I would retire there."

"An island?" An island?

"Yes, an island." Hercules smiled. "Private and warm. All we would need are a few bungalows to
start with..."

"What are you suggesting, Boss?"

"That we move to an exclusive setting. You and me, Kes and his man. Gideon. Just a select few.
We'll rebuild the club from the ground up and find some good people to run it. I think Hawk and
Jester would do a good job of it."

"Hawk and..." He blinked, shook his head. "You mean... There'd be a place for us? Somewhere
exclusive? Private?"

"Yes. On the island. A place of our own. Ours and Kestrel's and a few others for whom the
Glove is a refuge they will not or cannot leave."

He tried to imagine that, but he couldn't. He simply could not. "Would you be happy, letting
someone else run your club?"

"If I have you, yes. Besides, it has grown into something unwieldy for one man to oversee."

"I'm yours. I go with you, as you need me."

"Then let's enjoy the spoils, hmm? We've put in a lot of years of hard work and this..." Hercules
waved his hand. "This whole thing has made me realize that if we don't enjoy what we have
together now, we're wasting time we won't get back."

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"Do you... I." Fuck. He needed to know if Herc wanted him, still, wanted to be his Dom.

"Spit it out, Malachi."

He snorted. "It's nothing. When do I get out of here?"

"I'm hoping today. There's a house on the island. Big enough for three couples. It's a start if
everyone I have in mind is ready to be moved." Hercules eyes suddenly went hot. "There's a
room outfitted for us, with your size used as specifications."

"Is there somewhere safe for the others?"

His size.

His size.

That tension in his chest eased.

"For now, there are secure rooms in what's left of the Glove. But there are a number of couples
I'd like to invite to the island. I've already spoken to the builders. They'll be working on luxury
bungalows. I was hoping to go over the list with you, actually."

"Sure, Boss." He fought again to sit up, shocked at how weak he was.

Hercules grunted, arm coming around his back to help him stay up while Hercules fiddled with
the pillows. When Hercules let him go again, they were stacked and soft and comfortable and
holding him up.

"Obviously, Kes and Jim can stay as long as they'd like. Payment for services rendered -- that
flighty friend of yours has always been a marvel with the guests."

He nodded. "Kes is a good man. He deserves this."

"He does. And I know he's your best friend. You'd like to have him near, I'm sure."

"I would." Mal smiled. "We tried to be lovers once. It was... disastrous."

Hercules snorted. "He's not a top, Malachi. And even if he was, he wouldn't be what you need."

"No, he wouldn't." Herc was what he needed.

If it wasn't his imagination, Herc was looking rather smug and cat that ate the creamish about

He chuckled. "There's Jax. Angel."

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"Yes. A double bungalow for them, hmm?"

He nodded, considered. Most everyone would stay. Most everyone loved the city, their lives.
"Dev and Connor?"

"You think they'd want to go into exclusion? I imagine Luttrell and Dent might be happy for the
chance to go into seclusion, and Gideon..." Hercules paused, mouth tightening. "He left for the
island this morning."


Hercules looked around and then bent in, giving him a hug, chin resting on his shoulder. He
barely heard the whispered words. "Trip's faked Tybalt's death. As far as anyone will know,
Gideon is in 'mourning' and will remain in isolation on the island."

He didn't change the look on his face in the least, keeping it still, quiet. "Poor Gideon."

Hercules squeezed him gently and then sat back. "I know. I can't imagine losing my lover. It
would be devastating."

"I have imagined it." He closed his eyes. "I thought..."

"That I was dead. I'm not. I'm right here, Malachi. And as soon as you're well enough, there's a
whip with your name on it that I intend to use until you're absolutely convinced of my vigor."

"What will you do with me, Boss, if I don't have a salle to attend to?"

Hercules chuckled, eyes dancing with amusement. "I won't have a club either, my flame. I'm sure
we'll come up with something to amuse ourselves."

"Do you think so?" An island. A home. A place for them. "We'll have to find someone to cook,

Hercules laughed. "A cook. Some pretty boys to clean and make drinks. And then, of course,
someone to rule over them with a great paddle hand."

"Indeed. Someone trustworthy who needs a harem of his own."

"Exactly. I trust we'll find what we need." Money was no object for Hercules; it hadn't been for
some time.

"You always do."

"Yes. I do."

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"Spoiled man," he teased.

"Possibly." Hercules leaned close and took a kiss.

The taste of his lover hit him and Mal moaned, believing for a moment that he would survive.

"We need to be careful not to set your monitors off." Herc gave him a wink as he drew back.

"I need to be done with this place. I need to help."

"I couldn't agree more." Herc took another kiss and then sat back. "We have a club to rebuild and
a home to escape to."

"It doesn't seem possible."

"What, specifically?"

"Everything. Only a few days ago..." Things had been unchangeable.

Hercules put a hand on his chest, over his heart. "The things that are important are the same."

"Yes." He rested his hand over Herc's.

Hercules smiled at him and they stayed like that, together, quiet.

Finally he blinked. "You really bought an island?"

Hercules chuckled. "I did. Several years ago."

"And I thought I was reaching, buying my own aircraft."

"I'm the boss, I'm supposed to be extravagant."

"Mmmhmm. You should let me take you for a ride sometime, Boss. It'll be a thrill."

"Perhaps when you're feeling one hundred percent again."

"Perhaps." He smiled again. "An island. For us?"

"That's right. The house built there is to my specifications for you and I. And it'll be all ours once
the bungalows for the others are built." Hercules took his hands and looked at him, the violet
gaze serious. "I love you, Malachi. You are mine."

"Yes. All of me."

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Hercules leaned over and pressed the button to call the nurse. "It's time to make these people let
you go."


It wasn't hard to pretend that he was devastated.

Gideon followed the gurney containing Tybalt's body out. They were at the top of the hospital, a
transport waiting for them, ready to take them... to the club, he presumed. Where he and Tybalt
would go into hiding.

If Trip could bring Tybalt back to life.

He climbed into the helicopter, his eyes on the still form inside the body bag. If this didn't work,
if Trip couldn't bring Tybalt back to life, Gideon wasn't sure what he would do.

The transport lifted and moved quickly through the sky.

Ghost's hand was soft on his arm. "Believe."

"I'm trying. I am."

He took a deep breath and looked around, frowning. "This can't be right." They were over open
water; this wasn't the way to the club. In fact, it was the opposite way from the club.

"What?" Ghost leaned against him, looking out as well.

He pointed out the window to the water below them. "The club's in the city -- where are we

"Trip? Trip!" Little Ghost began to flutter.

Trip turned from his seat in front next to the pilot. "What's wrong, Ghost?" One of Trip's hands
landed on Ghost's arm, calming the man immediately.

"Where are we going?"

"A safe place that belongs to Hercules."

"Oh." Ghost nodded. "See?"

Gideon wasn't convinced everything was fine yet. "I thought we were going to stay at the club?
Has that changed?"

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Trip nodded. "Hercules has someplace where it will be easier to hide, where you will have some
freedom -- a beach, the ocean, your own house, though I understand at the moment you'll be
sharing with Hercules himself."

"Huh." Gideon relaxed back against the seat. Frankly, he didn't care where they hid, as long as he
had Tybalt with him.

"Trip, are we moving?"

"I don't know, Ghost. But we're taking Gideon somewhere private."


He smiled, or tried to. They needed to wake Tybalt up. He looked over at the body bag again and
tried to pick up some glimmer of warmth, of life, some way of knowing his Tybalt was inside

"Do you feel anything?" he asked Ghost.

Ghost tilted his head. "I feel quiet."

"Is that... I..." He shook his head. He would wait until they'd gotten to wherever they were going.

The transport began to land.

It was a beach. A beautiful, deserted beach. He could see a large house in the background.
Several security guards were moving to meet the transport. "This is Hercules' safe place?" The
man was amazing. Gideon was impressed.

"Apparently so. No unauthorized landings."

He and Tybalt could be safe here, hidden, without being prisoners in a couple of rooms.

They piled out of the transport and two security guards grabbed the gurney, Trip leading the way.
Gideon followed, keeping up with them, sharing Trip's urgency to get this done.

The house was huge, old-fashioned, not sleek and metal and shine. It was fascinating. There was
precious little time to look or explore, though. They hurried in and straight into a room that was
set up like Trip's medical office at the club. The body bag containing Tybalt was moved to the
examination table and the two security guards left, closing the door behind them.

"Trip. You need to hurry." Ghost moved immediately to help.

They pulled the body bag open. Tybalt was so pale it caught Gideon's breath. "What can I do?"

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"Talk to him. Encourage him to come back."

He could do that.

Gideon took Tybalt's lifeless hand and held it between his. "It's time to wake up now, darlin'. I
need you to open your eyes and look at me." He needed Tybalt to be all right.

Trip and Ghost worked around, but he simply focused on his lover.

"You should see this place, darlin'. It's beautiful. There's a beach with white sand and blue, blue
water. The house is... I've never seen anything like it, but I'm going to wait to really explore it
until you can do that with me."

He just kept talking, kept willing Tybalt to wake up, to look at him and smile and be all right.
"This is going to be our home now. It's an amazing place. And we'll be safe because everyone
thinks you're dead."

Tybalt took a single, tiny breath.

"That's it, darlin'. You breathe for me. I have so many plans. We'll have a wonderful life

"Wake him up. Come on, now. Wake him up." Trip sounded urgent.

Gideon nodded and kept pressing, pushing. "You have to open your eyes, darlin'. You need to
wake up. Look at me."

"He's in there." Ghost's voice was awed.

Gideon cheered inside. "Come on, darlin'. For me. Open your eyes for me."

Another breath, this one deeper, stronger.

"I love you, darlin'. And I know you love me, but I want to hear you say it. I want to see it in
your eyes." He would talk all day and night if he had to.

"It's safe, Tybalt. You're safe, now." Ghost's voice joined his.

"That's right, darlin'. We're safe here. You and I are safe here and can be here forever."

Another breath, and another, and another, and Tybalt's color returned.

Gideon felt tears begin to gather in his eyes and he blinked hard. "Come to me, darlin'. Come to

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"Gid..." Tybalt began to move, hands opening and closing.

"Yes, darlin', I'm right here." He squeezed Tybalt's hands. "Right here, darlin'. It's done. We can
be together forever now. Safe and together."

"Safe. Gideon." Oh.

Oh, his love.

He laughed, the sound shaky, even to his own ears. "Yes, darlin'. I'm right here and we're safe.
Both of us."


"Yes, my darlin'. Home. Our new home and it's beautiful. You must wake up and see."

Tybalt took another deep breath. "I was dreaming."

"Were you, darlin'? Good dreams?"

"I don't remember."

"That's all right. You're here now, that's all that matters. That's all."

"Yes." Tybalt nodded, those eyes slowly opening.

Gideon moaned softly, the sight of those sweet eyes staring up at him the most beautiful thing
he'd ever seen. "Darlin'. Darlin'."

"Gideon." The smile was breathtaking.

"Tybalt. Look at you. So beautiful."

"I'm alive, right?"

"You are!" Gideon laughed again, the sheer joy in that fact almost overwhelming.

"Oh. Good." Tybalt closed his eyes again.

"No, no sleeping, darlin'. You've been sleeping for far too long." He looked over at Trip. "How
long will he need to stay in bed?"

"You'll need to get him up and moving, Gideon. We need his heart working, his lungs, his

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"That's what I want to hear." He turned back to Tybalt and smiled. "Come on, darlin'. I want to
show you the beautiful beach."

"I'm so tired, Gideon..."

"I know, but you've been sleeping for too long. Come on, I'll help you." He slid his arm beneath
Tybalt's thin shoulders and encouraged him upright.

His lover was almost frail -- he needed sunlight and food, water and activity.

"You can do it." He helped Tybalt get his legs under him, supported his darlin' when Tybalt
would have fallen.

Trip watched, but didn't move to help.

Gideon took that to mean that he was doing fine, and he got Tybalt moving. "I know you want to
see the beach. I think we might spend a lot of time out there, in the sunshine."

"I..." Tybalt was panting as they crossed the room. "So tired."

"You're doing fine, though." He looked over at Trip. "Maybe I can carry you."

Trip nodded. "He's been through a lot, but he'll make it."

Gideon smiled his thanks at Trip and swept Tybalt off his feet, cradling his darlin' against his
chest. He could feel Tybalt's heart beating, the pace strong, sure.

He strode through the hall, not really paying attention to their surroundings. How could he when
his arms were full of the man he loved? The man he'd worried was truly dead.

He stepped out through the front door, the sun shining brightly down on them. "Look, darlin'.
Look how beautiful our new home is."

Tybalt stared out into the unspoiled beach, the quiet. "Is it real?"

"It is. Apparently this belongs to Hercules and we can stay here. Everyone thinks you're dead and
that I've gone into seclusion to mourn you. We won't ever have to leave and we'll never have to
look over our shoulders."

"Will there be others?"

"I believe so. I imagine Hercules will retire here one day with Malachi. And I know that Kestrel's
lover is blind. This would be a wonderful place for them to live."

"Oh..." That guilt crossed Tybalt's face again. "I'm so sorry."

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"You do not need to apologize, darlin'. This was not your doing." He would like very much to
kill the people responsible; Tybalt was most definitely not among them.

"I didn't want them to hurt anyone."

"Of course you didn't. But it's not your fault that they did."

He carried Tybalt right out to the beach and sat down with his darlin' still in his arms. There was
a beautiful breeze coming off the water, and the sun felt so good on his skin.

"It's lovely."

"It is. Almost as lovely as you."

Tybalt kissed the underside of his jaw, so softly.

"Mmm. I do love you, darlin'."

"I know. Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me -- loving you is the easiest thing in the universe."

He closed his eyes and raised his face to the sun.

Tybalt was warm and alive in his arms, and there was nowhere else he'd rather be.

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A week in the sunshine had done amazing things for Tybalt.

Gideon glanced over at his lover, not able to contain his smile. Tybalt looked healthy and happy,
like days spent on the beach with no more company than the insects and birds were exactly what
he'd needed to recover. He could scarcely believe it had only been a week; already it felt like a

Gideon had to admit that he himself like their new living arrangements. They weren't entirely
isolated, but they had privacy in a way they hadn't at the club. Not to mention what had to be the
most beautiful beach planetwide.

He was enjoying himself thoroughly.

They'd spent another day in the sun, being lazy and admiring the waves, and were now on their
way to deal with Tybalt's whiskers. He was anticipating it with relish; it would never get old.

Hercules met them in the main hall as they came in from the beach, the tall man looking as
distinguished in sweats as he did in any business suit Gideon had ever seen him wear.

They were given a smile. "Good evening, you two. You both look like you've enjoyed the sun

Tybalt seemed to shrink, head ducking. The guilt weighed heavy on his darlin's mind.

Gideon put his arm around Tybalt's waist, offering support and love; Tybalt didn't need to feel
guilty, he wasn't to blame. Maybe one day his sweet lover would believe it. "We did, Hercules.
Thank you."

Hercules nodded at him, but turned most of his attention to Tybalt. "Now don't tell me you're
going to turn into a wilting flower every time you see me, Tybalt."

"I... I'm so sorry."

"You have already apologized more than is necessary, young man. When are you going to
believe Mal and Kes and Jim and myself when we tell you that you are not at fault here? I can't
speak for them, but I'm beginning to get irritated."

"I just... You got hurt."

"Yes. And so did you. But you weren't the one who invaded my club and set off bombs."
Hercules sniffed, his lips thinning for a moment.

"No. No, I would never."

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Hercules put his fingers beneath Tybalt's chin and forced his face up. Hercules' eyes were very
serious. "Then it is not your fault and you must stop feeling guilty about it, stop apologizing."

"But I am sorry that you were hurt."

To Gideon's surprise, Tybalt reached out, hugged Hercules.

Hercules blinked and then slowly returned the hug. "And I'm sorry that you were hurt in my club,
that you were not safe, as you should have been."

Tybalt nodded, cheek on Hercules' chest. "I'm glad that we can... be neighbors."

"I am, too." Hercules looked surprised by what he was saying, but the words themselves rang
with truth.

"By the stars, Jim you're never going to believe what I'm seeing!" Kestrel rounded the corner
from the kitchen, Jim holding onto his arm.

"What, pretty bird?"

"Herc is getting himself a hug." Kestrel was painfully thin, haunted around the eyes, and Gideon
knew Malachi would be close behind.

"From Mal?" Jim ventured a guess.

"From wee Tybalt."

Jim smiled suddenly, chuckled; it brightened his face. "Really? I'm not sure I believe you."

Hercules cleared his throat and stepped away from Tybalt's hug. "Let's not get overexcited.
Tybalt and I were putting a thorny issue to bed." He patted Tybalt's back rather awkwardly.

Gideon bit back a smile.

Mal was there in the doorway, eyes on Kestrel, then on Hercules. Then the man was gone again,
without a sound.

Gideon nodded back toward the door where he'd disappeared. "I think someone needs you,

Hercules nodded. "He does. But first." Hercules dug a hand into his pocket and pulled it out as a
fist. He held it out to Tybalt and then slowly opened it. Sitting there was the precious stone,
glinting brightly. "I believe this is yours."

"Oh! Oh, thank you!" Tybalt threw his arms around Hercules again.

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Hercules hugged him back, very briefly this time, and then stepped back. "If you'll excuse me."

Kestrel smiled and watched Hercules go.

Gideon gathered Tybalt close and offered a smile to Kestrel. "We were just going to clean up
after our day out on the sand."

"Jim and I were heading for a nap in the sun."

"Sounds good. Have a good one." Gideon well knew the healing properties of the beach. The
proof was right beside him.

Jim smiled, head leaning briefly on Kestrel's shoulder. "We will."

Tybalt watched them leave, stone clutched to his chest, and then sighed. "Everything's very

"It had to be, darlin', after what happened." A big thing like that left ripples that were far-

He began to walk them to the rooms that were theirs until they had a house of their own.
Hercules had promised them a bungalow, built to their specifications.

"I know." Tybalt relaxed as they moved down the hall.

"I quite like it. I like that you can paint and relax and not worry that someone is going to see you
and try to kill you."

Tybalt nodded, then chuckled. "Yes, that's an improvement, hmm?"

"A huge improvement." And that was a huge understatement. He stopped and kissed Tybalt hard.
"I don't ever want to see you die again."

"No. No, that was... I didn't like that." Tybalt's arms wrapped around his neck.

"Neither did I." He grabbed Tybalt's ass and lifted his darlin', carrying Tybalt the rest of the way.

Tybalt's face was hidden in his shoulder, but his lover didn't tense, let him carry their weight.

Their rooms were lovely, all done in blues that echoed the water outside. There was a bedroom, a
living room, a small dining area, and a lovely bathroom, complete with a shaving chair for

He placed his lovely darlin' down onto it. He knew the soft leather would cushion his darlin',
make Tybalt as comfortable as he could be.

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Tybalt's eyes were warm, shining a bit. "We don't have to do this."

Gideon laughed and let his finger rasp along Tybalt's cheek. "Yes, we do."

"My Gideon." Tybalt's eyes closed, pretty face relaxed.

"Yes, darlin'. Yours." He kissed Tybalt's forehead and then turned to collect his shaving

This place was a little slice of heaven -- quiet, simple, private. Safe. It had everything they could
ever want or need.

He began to hum quietly as he filled his hands with shaving cream and then spread it gently over
Tybalt's cheeks.

"Do you think this will be our life? Loving and painting, touching? Forever?"

"I do. I certainly hope so."

"I do, too. This is... better than I'd dreamed of."

"My wish is that you'll always think so."

Tybalt's eyes opened, caught his. "Yes."

Smiling, he nodded and began to shave his beautiful lover.


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