Sean Michael Velvet Glove 05 3 Velvet Dragon

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Velvet Dragon - 1

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Velvet Dragon

Copyright © 2010 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles or reviews. For information address Torquere
Press, PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.

Printed in the United States of America.

ISBN: 978-1-61040-086-2

Torquere Press: first electronic edition / October 2010

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, PO
Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.

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Velvet Dragon

By Sean Michael

Chapter One

Serius waited in Malachi's office, looking out the
window at the people below. Small. Little. Like most
people, living half lives.

Hercules had assured him that the members of the
Velvet Glove lived life to the fullest, explored all their
possibilities. Assured him that if he worked for the club,
they would find him someone to play with, someone
willing to explore possibilities.

Serius was a smart man, he wouldn't believe anything
without seeing it first, but he knew if anyone could
deliver him everything he wanted, it was Hercules.

Now, if Hercules' man would arrive...

Malachi walked in, arm wrapped in a thick towel, blood
slowly staining it. "Serius, yes? I'm Mal. Forgive me for
being late, I just had to let a top go. Please, have a seat."

Mal tapped his communit. "Monk, cancel Mr. Llano's
access immediately and escort him out. Trip, I need to
see you in thirty minutes. Kestrel, please send Dragonne
in. Boss? I need an appointment at your leisure to review
security tapes."

Serius sat, eyebrow rising. "If you have business to
attend to... I can leave."

"No, not at all. One of the people sent from another club

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-- undisciplined man -- could have injured Harley and I
won't have it." Mal sat, arm resting against his belly.
"Now, Hercules says you're one of the best. What's your

He laid his riding crop on the table, folding his hands
together in his lap. "There is my beauty. I am adept with
any of her sisters as well. I also believe order and
discipline are more than just words."

Mal nodded, gave him a bit of a grin. "Good stance to
take with me today, definitely. My notes say you require
a sub as a benefit of employment. Do you have any
specific requests?"

"I was just thinking about that. Someone with
possibilities. Someone willing to explore those

"Specific temperament, beyond curious? Body type? Do
you like the teaching aspect of topping?" It was rather
impressive, how the man was totally focused on him, on
the interview, even the man bled.

"I don't suppose you're available?"

"No, but thank you for the compliment." Mal tilted his
head. "So, you prefer strength, control, not the amazing
servile sub?"

"If I wanted a slave, I'd buy one." He gave Mal a smile.
"Your Boss assures me you have what I need here."

"Actually, I believe I do. Dragonne is what many would
call a challenge, but his submission is where the

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challenge lies. He is masterful at the appearance of
submission, while never allowing the top control, never
pushing his boundaries. He has never safeworded, to my
knowledge, never truly submitted, but he has the perfect

"He does sound like he has potential to keep my interest.
This is the Dragonne you sent for earlier?"

"It is. Hercules and I spoke for a moment this morning,
and I had a feeling that you might find him intriguing."

Efficient. Serius liked that. Perhaps he would find a
home here after all. Or at least an interesting diversion.

"You have rooms for me and my potential sub?"

"Of course. Two sleeping areas with a large bathing
facility. Two fully equipped playrooms -- any speciality
items can be ordered through me. There is a cooking
area, a common room. Dragonne is no longer an
employee, so he would be at your disposal."

He raised his eyebrow again. "That sure of my needs,
are you?"

"Pardon me?" Mal's head tilted. "The quarters are
standard for our mid-level employees."

"I meant that you had already terminated this
Dragonne's contract so that he could attend me."

It was a shame this one had refused his offer. He had a
hunch Malachi would be a real challenge, one he would
have enjoyed.

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"Oh, no. Dragonne's position here was given to him a
cycle ago. A rather... reckless guest wagered that he
could break Dragonne and his membership went forfeit."
Mal grinned, eyes twinkling. "Of course, the guest in
question purchased a new membership and is currently
ensconced with a set of twins whose purpose is only to

The door opened, an olive-toned man, compact and
strong, black eyes still as stones, entering the room.
Shaved bald, barring a long braided queue, fine
shoulders tapering down into a tiny waist and hips, the
look was striking.

"Good afternoon, Dragonne." Mal nodded to the man,
then to him.

He stood and walked slowly around Dragonne. "I am

The man smelled warm, spicy, the thin cotton clothes
simple, tailored.

Mal stood. "Would you be offended if I left you two to
get acquainted? I have an appointment in the med unit."

He waved his hand. "Go."

Mal nodded, heading for the door. "Welcome aboard.
Your palm code opens room 334 and the training salle."

Dragonne gave Mal a head tilt and a quirked eyebrow at
the bloody towel, but didn't speak.

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"Malachi informs me that you are a free agent, looking
for the right dominant, perhaps?"

"Yes, Sir. My employment here was recently
terminated." The man's voice was stunning, deep and
rich, lightly accented.

"And how do you deal with pain? What are you looking

He continued to walk around Dragonne, moving slowly,
stopping to examine the man from every angle.

"I am well-versed in control, in the acceptance of pain. I
am looking for..." The sharp featured face tilted.

"You've never been pushed." It wasn't a question. "I am
good at pushing."

"I am told I am good at holding my center."

"Excellent." He picked up his crop. "Shall we find room

"Yes, Sir. The lifts are just this way." The door was
opened, and he was led out into the deep violet decor of
the club.

"How long did you work for the Glove?" He waited at
the lifts, letting Dragonne push the call button.

"Four years and eight months." The entire club spoke of

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class, elegance. The lift opened silently, and they
stepped in.

"You've been a free agent for a short time, I understand.
If you are looking to play the field, as they say, that
would be understandable, but I want to know now." He
would not waste his time.

"I am not, by nature, promiscuous. I am seeking a

"Excellent. I prefer working with someone committed to
seeking fulfillment with me. Butterflies are pretty, but
they flit from flower to flower and never find a home."

This man would suit him well, if he was as advertised.

"Dragons tend to create a lair, if I remember my
mythology correctly." The lift opened, and Dragonne led
him down a quiet hall to a silver door.

"Indeed, Dragonne. Tell me," he asked, as he palmed the
door, putting another positive checkmark for Hercules'
club as the door slid open to him. "Were you named
Dragonne at birth, or did you assume the name for

"My name in my native language is Leung, which means
dragon. It is simpler for others to remember Dragonne."
The room was pristine, simple, but luxurious.

"Mmm. Leung. I like it. Simple and clean in a way
Dragonne is not."

He noted his bags sitting by the door. Two with clothes

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and three with toys. Anything else he needed could be
bought right on the premises. "Well, here it is, Leung.
My lair. All that is missing is a dragon."

Dragonne nodded, a quiet smile crossing the red lips.
"Indeed. Would you have me stay with you, Sir? Or
shall I retain my own quarters?"

"I would prefer you to move into the second bedroom
here. Ease of access." He offered a small smile. "You
may begin by moving and unpacking my bags, and then
moving your own things in."

"Of course. Is there a system you prefer your clothing

"I will leave that to your discretion. As with the toys." It
would give him an insight into his dragon's mind.

"Yes, Sir." The bags were carried, clothes unpacked
with a swiftness that spoke of practice, the motions neat
and quick. No time was spared to admire, barring a long,
quiet caress to a deep blue silk robe.

Sensual. Excellent.

"You will be naked when we are here. You may wear
linen or silk in blue tones when we are out."

"As you wish, Sir." The man removed his clothes,
quickly, quietly. Serius caught flashes of bright colors --
crimson and cobalt and emerald, splashed across the
strong shoulders, clinging to the flat belly, curled around
one thigh.

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Interesting. This dragon of his had much potential.

The bags were stored, then the toy bags retrieved, taken
into his playroom. The room was sterile, making him
wonder if all the rooms were this way or if they were
stripped for each new resident.

He leaned against the wall, crop sliding along the tops of
his boots. "Show me your favorites as you unpack

The clamps and plugs, bonds and blindfolds were put
away. Ass toys, cock and ball bindings, whips, floggers
-- all were carefully placed in their cabinets. The gags
were offered to him, as was the paddle. "These are my
most favored, although I am experienced in them all."

He picked up the paddle and examined it, smacked it
against his hand. "Bend over."

Dragonne bent without hesitation, hands bracing on the
cabinet. Serius let the sweet ass have two hits in quick
succession. The paddle was well-weighted, not as nice
as his crop, but a good tool.

The olive skin pinked nicely, flushing for him, flesh
resilient. Leung made no move, no sound.

"Not bad. My crop is better." He fingered his lovely, his
sweet beauty. "Safeword?"

"Lemonade." Leung was warm, tempting, so controlled.

"Lemonade. Excellent. Be sure to use it if you need it."

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He applied his crop to Leung's ass, his beauty singing
through the air, landing with a lovely sound against
Leung's skin. Leung's breath slowed, muscles relaxing,
skin going red where the crop landed.

"Tell me about the gags." He carefully placed another
blow across Leung's ass.

"They allow me to relax. I do not need to remember not
to speak, not to make sounds."

"They let you be lazy." He put a little muscle between
the next two hits. Oh, that flesh looked lovely, dark,
Leung's skin responding to him even as he received no
response. "You can throw them out when we're done."

He brought the crop down again, and again. "When I say
you won't make a sound, you won't. By your own

Pink turned to fiery red, Leung's breath steady, silent.

Impressive. It was time to see how good Leung really
was. "Of course, I never gave such an order."

He let his crop fly, working Leung hard. The only sign
that Leung was feeling him was the sheen of sweat that
covered the curved spine, the scent of male growing
stronger. He took a deep breath, enjoying pushing
Leung. He kept hitting, alternating where the crop fell to
avoid breaking the flesh. Leung would be feeling it for
days. The dragon tattoo on Leung's shoulders rippled,
flew, moved with each blow.

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He kept hitting until Leung's ass was all but raw. The
silence was broken, soft sighs filling the air, muscles
beginning to tremble. There it was, the reaction he was
looking for.

He hit the top of Leung's thighs, letting the crop catch
the sensitive flesh at the bottom of Leung's ass. The
pattern of Leung's breath faltered, then continued again,
audible, forced.

He put down his crop, refusing to beat Leung any worse.
Instead, he slid his hands over the hot flesh, digging his
fingers in. Swollen, burning, the muscles jerked between
his fingers, fluttering.

"Such strength. One of the qualities I'm looking for." He
continued to massage, to stimulate the nerves further.

"Only one?" The low voice was almost a growl.

"I want a well rounded sub. So yes, strength is just one
of the qualities you must have for this to last."

"Oh." Leung's breath evened out. "I will do my best."

"Yes. That is one of the other qualities I demand. You
will do your best. Every day. Every moment of every
day." He slapped Leung's ass.

Leung gasped, then stilled. "Yes, Sir."

"Very good." He leaned over Leung, the heat of the
man's ass palpable, even through his leathers. He rubbed
against Leung's ass.

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Leung shivered, the vibration almost too fast to notice.
He slid his hand down and around, grasping Leung's
cock. Surprising, or perhaps not, Leung was not fully
hard, although the long prick jerked at his touch, filling
quickly, growing in his hand.

He kept rubbing his crotch against Leung's ass, hand
insistent as he brought Leung to full hardness. "You
have permission to come."

"Thank you." And even now that low voice was steady,
calm but for an underlying need.

Someone with as little emotion as himself? Could it be

Serius kept tugging on Leung's prick, thumb sliding
across the tip of his dragon's need, pressing into the slit.
There was no cry, no show or thrust and arch and
shudder, simply a quiet gasp and heat pouring over his

He cleaned his hands on Leung's skin, rubbing the man's
come into the colorful tattoos before stepping back. His
task was obvious. Make Leung want, make him cry out
with wanton pleasure and uncontrollable need.

Leung slowly straightened, blinking, swaying just a bit.
He reached out, steadied his dragon.

"You will shower and have a glass of water and then
meditate for an hour or two."

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"Meditate on any particular topic, Sir?" There was a
drop of sweat sliding along Leung's collarbone.

His mouth twisted with some amusement. "Oh, I think
the state of your ass and the fact that you'll be sitting on
it will present you with a ready topic."

He received a nod, then Leung turned to go, stopping
only at the communit to arrange for Dragonne's things to
be delivered.

Serius wasn't entirely convinced that things would work
between them. But then he was a cold bastard and
enjoyed a challenge, so perhaps Dragonne, or rather
Leung, was exactly what he was looking for.

Serius made his way to his room, to have a shower, a
glass of water and then to meditate on the red patterns in
his dragon's ass.

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Chapter Two

Leung did as Serius asked, showered and meditated, his
mind blank and quiet. It was more natural than breathing
-- this silence, this external quiet that took him away
from the dull, burning ache in his ass, the raw pain of
the muscles.

When the time was up, he moved carefully to unpack his
things. The walls were draped in jewel toned silks,
myths and dragons and gods painted on them. His bed
was remade in the softest bedding -- the cloth old and
rich, a memory from his home. Then the bookchips were
arranged -- thousands of them carefully organized and
boxed, labeled and enjoyed.

Leung looked around, pleased. There was much in this
place that was different, odd. Here he could possibly be
at home. Or as at home as he could be.

His comm buzzed, and he answered it, Katashi's familiar
face appearing. "Leung, you have moved again?"

He nodded, bowing his head to the man who was a
priest of the cult which had been most feared by his
father. "I have. Malachi offered my services to a Mr.

Katashi shook his head. "That a boy raised to be king
would be offered to another is an odd swing of fate."

"Indeed. But offered to another is preferable to the fates
of my brother, Sa'Katashi. I will be always in your debt
for this sanctuary."

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Katashi nodded, offered him a smile. "If you have need
of spiritual guidance, Ta'Leung, I am forever at your

The comm went silent, still.

A message came through to him, informing him that
Serius expected his company for a light dinner in the
club itself and that they would then take in the
demonstrations. If he did not have silk or linen clothing
in the appropriate colors, they would be provided.

Most of his clothes were white, as suited his position
and age, but there was a single, simple pair of loose
pants and knee-length tunic that would suit and be soft
on his bruised skin. His queue was brushed and re-
braided, the weight familiar.

He had time to read for a quarter-hour before leaving his

Serius was immaculately dressed in leather pants and a
black silk shirt that flattered the man. The riding crop
was in Serius' hand, and Leung was beginning to
understand that it was an extension of the man, a part of

"Good evening."

"Good evening, Leung. I expect you to be my guide
through the club, as you are familiar with it." There was
little emotion in Serius' words, and the grey eyes were
like steel, cold and impenetrable.

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"Of course." He led the way to the door, opening it and
heading for the lift. "The swimming areas are beneath
the main floor. The medical office is on the third floor.
The massage studio, the body modification studio, the
weight room, the semi-public demonstration rooms,
dining rooms and gaming rooms are all on the second
floor. They can be reserved through Mr. Kestrel or
though any of his assistants."

"And I understand there is a portion of the kitchen that
one might use as a grocery store, and leather and
clothing are obtainable through the club? That one truly
need never leave the doors?"

"You have the option of ordering a set menu of meals or
sending a limited grocery list. There is a courier service
to provide specialty items. Mr. Mouse and Peep run the
leather store, and they have many pre-made items for
sale and do custom work, although that takes time.
General clothing is available via vid-shopping. This is a
small commissary for personal items. Mr. Malachi and
Mr. Hawk build specialty fetish items on request." He
had learned all he could learn about this place, once the
word came that he was to be fostered here.

"Quite the sanctuary from the real world then." Serius'
hand landed in the small of his back as the doors opened
and he was guided out into the club.

The place was busy, full of onlookers and guests,
regulars and staff. "The dance floors are to the right, the
dining areas to the left."

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"Do you dance, Dragonne?" Curious, Serius used his
English name now that they were in public.

"I do not. The dances that were common in my
homeland were... very different from the dances here."
The intricate katas were meditations, prayers, exercises.

"You will have to show me those dances. I've reserved a
table and was told the waitstaff would -- Ah. Here we
are." Serius followed the waiter who had presented
himself to a seat in the midst of other diners.

He settled carefully in his seat and hid his smile as he
noted they were beside Katashi and Glous, his self-
appointed guardian.

"Is your bottom all right?" Serius asked him, putting his
napkin across his lap and taking his menu from him.

"The muscles are bruised, but the skin is whole and
well-creamed." He was a touch taken aback at the way
Serius took his menu, but he forced himself to relax, to
act appropriately under Serius and Katashi's eyes.

Serius ordered for them both and then settled back, eyes
scanning the crowd, taking it all in.

Friends and tops came to greet him, to introduce
themselves to Serius. He had been well received here,
well-liked. Harley came up while Serius was speaking to
Desmond, sneaking beside his chair. "So, exclusive?

"It appears so, for the moment." No one wanted him for

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long. He was... what did Mr. Malachi say? Ah. Unable
to truly submit. "How are you?"

"Sorta bummed! You always covered for me when I was

"Yes. I am not sure if I will be encouraged to take
scenes for money or not."

"Who is your friend, Dragonne?" asked Serius,
interrupting their conversation as Desmond left.

"This is Harley, Sir. Harley, this is Serius." He smiled as
the bubbly blond stuck his hand out, grinning wildly.

"Serius? Cool name. I was just telling Dragonne that
we're gonna miss him. He was always up for an extra
shift, always willing to help a tired guy out."

One of Serius' eyebrows went up. "Well, Harley, I
believe I will be keeping Dragonne quite busy." That
cool look was turned on him. "And I do believe I asked
if you were looking for a commitment or were looking
to play around."

"Yes, Sir." He nodded. He was uninterested in random
connections with strangers.

"Good. I did not think we had misunderstood one
another. I am sure, though, Harley, that Dragonne will
have some time to visit with his friends." The words
sounded as if they were a challenge.

Whatever Serius meant, Harley picked up on it and
nodded. "That would be lovely. Thank you. Have fun,

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Drag. If you get a chance, we're all going swimming in
the morning. Gotta run before Mal catches me and tans
my ass. I'm supposed to be on the second floor doing a
waxing demonstration, but ow! I think Paul'd let him
borrow Peter. Bye, lovely!"

He tilted his head and watched Harley rush off.

"Is he a friend or someone who uses you when he needs
a break?"

"I believe he is both. He uses and is willing to be used
without thought. He and I are... different in our

"And what is your philosophy?" Serius asked, holding a
hand up in a 'wait a moment' gesture as their plates were

They had identical meals, vegetables and meat quick
fried in a sauce that smelled of teriyaki, all on a bed of

The plates were smaller than the usual portions,
obviously custom sized.

Serius thanked their waiter and nodded at him. "You
may answer."

"I live by the words of the Vo'toa -- the universe drives a
man where he needs to go and to try and control that
destiny brings only heartache." He picked up his fork,
slowly eating the vegetables off the plate.

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"So you sit back and let it all come to you, accept

"That is the goal." He chewed, swallowed. "The truth is
often less neat."

"Well thank goodness for that." Serius gave Leung a
sardonic smile and began to eat his own food.

The words stung, and he ducked his head for a moment.
Then Katashi met his eyes from the other table, the
steady gaze proud of him, and he straightened, sinking
into the core of peace that filled him, the thousands of
stories that occupied his mind.

"You don't eat meat?" Serius asked as the meal wore on.

"I have no opposition to it. I have not yet grown used to
it. There is no meat served in my homeland, only fish."

"Then try a little. You won't become used to it if you
never eat it." Serius finished his own meal and placed
his fork and knife neatly on his plate. "I have ordered us
sherbet for dessert."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you." Oh, sherbet was one of his
favorites -- fruity and cold and bright on the tongue. He
was careful not to show his pleasure, his anticipation. So
far, any of that had not been well taken. He ate a small
bit of meat, the texture chewy, unusual.

"Do you like it?"

"The meat? It has a good flavor, a curious texture. It

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lacks the crisp bite of vegetables, but seems to hold the
sauce well."

"And the sherbet?"

Damn the code that said to lie was a great dishonor. "It
is one of my favorite dishes."

"Excellent." Serius tilted his head and looked at him for
a long moment. "You are a cipher, aren't you?"

He tilted his head, confused. "Pardon me?"

"You are like a river with a calm, dark surface that hides
everything beneath." Serius gave him a small smile.
"Because I do not believe the face you present is entirely
true." Serius raised a hand. "Not a lie, but not all of you.
Not even close."

"Is this a bad thing?" He ate one last bite of meat.

"It is if it means you never share of yourself. Tell me,
what do you get out of a scene?" Serius was sitting back
casually, but that cold, grey regard was piercing.

"A test of my control, of my center."

"And what do you give to the Dom?"

"My obedience, my submission." There was something
about this man, something that made his belly twist.

"I have been told you do not submit, that you appear to,
but do not truly."

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"I do not know how to do more than I have." He held his
hands open. "I do not understand where the error is."

"I am not accusing you of anything, just telling you what
I have been told about you." Serius leaned forward
suddenly, pinning him with that gaze. "Whatever has
happened in the past, you will submit to me."

"I will do my best." Those eyes were fascinating, hard,

Serius chuckled and sat back. "No, my dear dragon. You
will do better than that."

He wasn't exactly sure how one could, but he kept that
particular observation to himself. His ass was still quite

Their sherbet came, a tray with ten small bowls, each
containing a different colored ball. The tray was placed
in front of Serius, along with ten long spoons with small

Leung chuckled, amused by the colors and the variety.
"Are they different flavors?"

"So I'm told." Serius picked up a spoon. "What is your
favorite color?"


There were two reds -- a bright one and a deep one.
Serius dipped the spoon into the bright one and tasted it.
"Water berry."

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The spoon was laid next to the bowl and another picked
up, Serius tasting the other red sherbet. "Oh, that's tart! I
like it."

"It makes your lips dark." It was most clever, offering
many different tastes instead of one large one.

"Perhaps you would like a taste."

He was beginning to believe he was playing a game he
did not understand the rules to. "I would."


Serius took another bite of the deep colored sherbet,
eating messily, and then leaned forward, offering his
sherbet stained lips.

He tilted his head, then leaned forward, tongue lapping
from Serius' lips. The act was surprisingly intimate,
pleasant, unique.

"Well?" Serius asked quietly, eyes softer this close up.

"It is more intense than I remembered. Very good." His
heart was pounding.

"Would you like some more?"

"Yes, please."

"What color would you like to try next?"

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He looked over the offerings on the tray, deciding.
"Green, I think."

Serius took a new spoon and scooped the iced treat into
his mouth, again letting it liberally coat his lips. "Help

"Thank you." Leung leaned closer, feeding from the
cool lips, the sherbet, citrusy and tart, making his eyes
go wide.

Serius smiled, tongue sliding out and touching his, just
for a moment.

He returned the smile, cleaning the sweet from those
lips. "Did you like green?"

"I did. I think the orange has potential to be my favorite,
though. Shall we try it?"

He nodded, enthusiastic, enjoying the sweet and the
method of eating. Serius ate some of the orange and
leaned in again, eyes watching him. His cheeks heated;
he felt unaccountably off guard, but he moved forward,
tongue sliding along Serius' lips.

"That is definitely my favorite," murmured Serius. The
tray was pushed toward him. "Now I would taste the
others from your lips."

Oh. Oh. He nodded, reaching for a pale yellow ice,
moaning as the tart sweetness exploded in his mouth. He
turned his face up to Serius.

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Serius' tongue was warm, hot even as it slid across his
lips, gathering the lingering sweetness.

"Oh, yes. Very nice."

Leung nodded and tried the deep violet, finding it rich
and almost alcoholic. Serius' tongue slid along his lips
again, dipping in between them this time and darting
away again.

Something blue and just a touch bitter was next, his lips
offered again, his body shivering. Serius lingered longer
this time, dipping back into his mouth several times.
Leung shivered all over, gasping.

"There are several more. I would like to taste them all."
Those grey eyes never left him, watching him so closely.

"Yes, Sir." He found another scoop, taking a deep
breath, forcing himself to relax, to stop his fingers from
trembling. Oh. Berry of the Yarund Pine. So good.

Serius blinked once, long and slow, and then licked his
lips, tongue sliding. He opened to Serius, lips parting,
offering. Wanting. He wanted.

Serius' tongue darted into his mouth and then out again,
licking at his mouth as if it were the treat. A soft sound
escaped him, slid into Serius' mouth.

"Dessert has always been my favorite part of the meal."

"Yes. I find it... fascinating."

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"Indeed. By my count we've two flavors left. Would you
do the honors?"

"Absolutely." There was a white scoop and a bright
peach. Leung choose the white, the scent of coconut
hitting his nose.

Serius licked at his lips and wrinkled that nose, pulling
away. "I don't like coconut."

He nodded, leaning back and wiping his lips with a
napkin. Katashi and Glous were gone, the restaurant full,

"Would you like to try the peach?"

"No. I want the blue one again." Serius leaned in again.
"I liked the way it tasted on you."

"Yes, Sir." He nodded, eating a tiny bite first to clear the
coconut away. Then a true spoonful spread upon his

"Yes." Serius' tongue licked at his lips, so slowly,
dragging across his skin. "That's better. I can't abide

"I will remember that."

"Good. I'd like another taste."

"Yes." He took another bite, lips chilled, wet with the
sweet ice.

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Serius' tongue was so hot, seemed to burn against his
lips, burn as it slipped into his mouth again, lingering
this time, stealing the flavor from him. He opened,
moaning low, breathing in the sweet air they were

"One more taste, my dragon. I leave the choice of
flavors up to you."

"Citrus." My dragon. That built a heat in the pit of his
belly. He took the spoon up, taking the last bite and
moving toward Serius with open lips.

"Excellent choice."

That tongue came out again, sliding along his lips,
sliding into his mouth and stealing his breath. Serius'
lips sealed against his. The sounds, the people, the club,
everything stopped, the kiss capturing his focus. Serius'
tongue was like a live thing in his mouth, sweeping,
touching, tasting. His own tongue touched Serius',
caressed it.

Then the kiss ended, Serius pulling back, sitting easily
in his chair.

"That was excellent. Thank you for sharing the dessert
with me."

He nodded, entire body thrumming and warm. "Thank
you. I have never enjoyed one more."

Serius gave him a satisfied smile. "Yes, I am in an
excellent frame of mind to observe some scenes."

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Standing, Serius held out his arm in an old fashioned

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Chapter Three

Dragonne stood, hand circling Serius' arm, feeling warm
and relaxed, excited, happy. "There are two levels -- the
main floor scenes are true performances, plotted acts, if
you will. The more..." He searched for the word.
"Honest? Real? True? Public scenes are on the second

"Which do you prefer?" Serius pushed the button to call
down the lift with his riding crop. "As an observer and
as a participant?"

"I prefer the second floor to observe. I have never
performed on the main floor. My skills seem to lean
toward more intense demonstrations." He was -- had
been -- hired for his capacity to accept pain.

Serius chuckled. "They don't like to scare the newbies
on the main floor, do they?"

"No. Not at all." He surprised himself by offering Serius
a smile. "I sometime feel that the main floor is meant to
ease the shock of leaving the club."

"The shock of leaving?" The lift doors opened and they
went in, Serius pressing the button for the second floor.

He frowned, searching for a good explanation. "Our
lives here are... padded? We are all lovers of men. All
involved in a certain... lifestyle? And the outside does
not always understand that. It would be easy to go
outside and believe all accept you."

"Very perceptive." Serius gave him a nod and then

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guided him out of the lift into the corridor lined with
public playrooms. "I shall let you be my guide this
evening. I shall let your choices be my guide to you as

Dragonne looked over the list, deciding carefully.
"Seven is accepting a branding -- most intense, but the
smell is unpleasant. Love is performing -- he is a most
beautiful man, but he holds much anger in his heart. Oh,
Alain and Sampson. They are beautiful together. It is...
almost a dance."

"Then Alain and Sampson it is. We could peek in on the
other two first."

"Of course." He offered Serius a smile, a nod. "Would
you like a beverage? This is the place to order one."

"Order something you like, as I'll be drinking from your
mouth. Non-alcoholic."

"And no coconut." He nodded and moved to the bar,
greeting Van and ordering a fruity, light drink that
quenched the thirst.

"Quite right." Serius leaned casually against the wall,
watching him, not quite grinning.

Van worked quickly, smiling at him. "You look good,
Dragonne. You working tomorrow? There's a swimming
party. Lots of splashing and lube."

"I'm no longer available to work, Van, but thank you. I
have other plans." He took the drink, nodded. "Have a
good evening."

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Serius held out his arm again. "Seven's branding first?
Giving us time to get the smell from our noses before
we witness your dance?"

"Yes, Sir." Truth be told, the brandings frightened him,
unnerved him for some reason he was unsure of.
Perhaps it was the scent, or the fact that the scars were
deep, unrefined, raw.

They came into the observation lounge, Serius choosing
seats for them near the door.

Seven was spread wide, looking for all the world like
the demons in the picture books Dragonne's mother had
read to him as a child. Inked and scared and wild --
Leung shivered even though he knew Seven, knew the
calm peace, the easy laughter with those he called

Mal was carefully shaving and cleaning the inside of one
thigh, right up near the top.

The twins were fluttering around at the base of the stage,
getting items ready, their stocky redhead watching them

"Well, I recognize Mal, and that must be Seven. Who
are the others?" Serius' mouth was at his ear, breath
warm and soft on his skin.

He cleared his throat, happy for the distraction. "The
twins at the front are Peter and Paul -- they run body
mods. Peter's the shorter one with the long hair. The
man watching them? That's Bowie. He runs the massage

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area, and they say he may be the most amazing top ever,
even though he doesn't work as one. He tamed the twins,
though. There aren't any screaming battles anymore."

"Did these twins do your body-work?"

"No. They are..." He stopped, suddenly unsure what to
say. Symbols of age and honor and rank? Training
tools? Signs of control? "They were done before I left
my home planet."

"They are quite beautiful. You'll have to tell me about
them. Another time."

There was movement on the stage, Mal stepping back,
Peter and Paul going to work.

He nodded, focusing on Peter, who was behind Seven,
fingers on Seven's skin, whispering and murmuring
softly. He didn't watch those spread thighs, or look at the
little electric brand Paul would use to make the design.

"Fascinating. Do you think this Seven will make any

"Yes. He roars. It is part of the appeal."

"Really?" Serius watched the stage. "Is it sexual?"

"Is what sexual?" He tilted his head, confused. "The

"The whole experience. Is it sexual for Seven? For those
that watch him? For you?"

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"For Seven, I believe it is a release, a freedom to lose
control. Many people find both the pain and the loss of
control sexual. I have only seen one other branding, and
it did not seem sexual to me, no."

"But you do find pain sexual. Why not the branding?"

"The smell, perhaps. The ugliness of it? The..." He
shrugged. "I am not sure, exactly."

"It certainly leaves marks a far cry from yours. Oh,
they're starting. We'll leave immediately after, avoid the
smell." Serius sat forward in his chair, eyes intent.

Leung didn't watch -- oh, his eyes were open, but in his
mind, he was as far away as if he were being whipped,
in the quiet safety of his void. Seven roared, the sound
impossible to shut out, and then Serius stood. Leung
followed immediately, eyes on Serius' spine.

Serius turned to him once they'd exited. "You didn't
enjoy that."

"No." He was shocked into total honesty. "It bothered


"I don't know. The idea sc... worries me."

"Scares you how?"

He fumbled for words. "It is... There is no growth to it?
No building? No control."

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"What about the experience for its own sake?" Serius
leaned against the wall, those steel grey eyes watching
him closely. "You are into pain, right?"

"Yes." He loved the endorphins, the test. "But there are
different types of pain."

"Indeed, there are." Serius nodded at his drink. "And I
am thirsty."

He almost offered the glass to Serius, then remembered
that he was to quench Serius' thirst from his own lips.
He took a sip and moved toward Serius, offering his

"Nice," murmured Serius, bending. That hot tongue
slipped into his mouth, dipping into the liquid he held
like a hummingbird.

The action was arousing, exciting, intimate, and Leung
found himself trembling. Again and again, Serius'
tongue slid into his mouth, taking juice back into Serius'
mouth with it.

Then Serius straightened. "Thank you."

"Thank you." He blinked as he heard a crash and a wail
from down the hall, then Mal moved from Seven's room
toward the one that held Love.

"Damn it, Reggie! I told you not to put Love on the
floor with an inexperienced top. I'm going to make
Freddie come visit the little bastard."

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Leung grinned. "Love. He's... different."

Serius arched a brow. "Undisciplined by the sound of
things." That arm was offered to him again. "Let's go
straight to your dance and share something sexy rather
than annoying."

He took Serius' arm and nodded. "Love is the most
beautiful sub here. He is perfectly formed, and he is
aware of this and is very... wicked." Mean, even, and
wiling to get another in trouble if it suited him. Well,
except for the nights when Love's top came. Then Love
was most decent.

Serius shook his head. "Physical beauty cannot hold a
candle to control, discipline, a desire to learn, to push
oneself to the point of breaking. Submission is far more
beautiful than anything skin deep."

He thought on that as they entered the much smaller,
much more intimate room where Alain and Sampson
were performing. It was almost full, but they found a
small loveseat to sit on. "Alain is another beautiful

"Is that all he has to offer?" Serius asked.

Kestrel appeared from around the seat, hair flying. "Oh,
no. Not at all. Alain's a dear and a love He and Harry
did the slave-master thing, which is uncommon, but
okay, but then Harry died, which isn't okay, but then
Sampson came and loved him and that's perfect and
Alain just glows. Oh, you're Serius, yes? Kestrel. Nice to
meet you.

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"Mal says Sampson's a cat-o-nine-tails master and I'm
sure you two can work together and oh, Dragonne,
you're looking happy and lovely. Have you seen Jim?
He... he left the nicest gift for me on the bed -- ring and
a note and it says 'will you?' and I think I will, but I want
to make sure I'm willing to the right thing, you know?"

Leung blinked, then shook his head. "I have not."

Serius had gone stiff and still beside him. The man
inclined his head at Kestrel in a cool greeting. "I'm sure
I will see this glowing for myself."

"Oh, absolutely. They're beautiful together. It was very
nice to meet you. If you need anything let me know. It's
what I do. Make things right, that is. Oh, maybe Mal's
seen Jim. Bye lovelies!" Then Kestrel was off,

"Well, he's certainly an experience all on his own."

"Yes. He..." Leung smiled. "He knows everyone and
how to manage anything. He and Mr. Malachi are old

That eyebrow went up again. "It seems an unlikely
friendship. Malachi has a very controlled mind."

"Well, in truth? Kestrel must be very controlled, I would
think, to run everything. I believe he is simply moving
so quickly it appears random -- like the hummingbird."

He got an intense look from Serius. "Intriguing. I'll have
to give that one some thought."

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The lights dimmed then, leaving only the stage spotlight.
Leung settled back, eyes on the stage, Alain seeming to
float onto the stage, black hair shining with the lights.
Nude, except for perfectly applied makeup, the man was
breathtaking stretched up.

Sampson walked on slowly, wearing only black leather
pants, a cat 'o nine tails hanging from one hand. Leung
had seen Sampson around, knew the tall man often
slouched and ducked his head to bring him down to the
height of others, but on stage, in this place, he was tall
and proud.

Alain was relaxed, easy and fine under the lights. The
long, black hair was gathered up, bound by a series of
ties, exposing the intricate butterfly inked on the thin

"They are an exquisite pair," murmured Serius.

Sampson walked slowly around Alain, touching here
and there, entire focus on Alain. Leung nodded,
watching the way Alain responded, the beauty and dance
between them. Then Sampson kissed Alain's forehead
and stepped back, shaking out the cat before letting it
fly. Alain gasped, body rippling, skin going rose almost

Serius sat a little straighter in his chair, watching

Sampson worked the whip over Alain's body -- back,
front, arms and legs, Alain's entire body was marked.
Alain stayed stretched and spread, constantly moving,

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responding to the touches, body almost begging for

Leung watched, the mixture of envy and curiosity
twisting inside him.

By the time it was over, Sampson was soaking with
sweat, Alain's body red and mottled with dark bruises.
Alain's body looked much like Leung's ass did, and
Alain was beginning to shiver, to tremble as the
applause started, filling the air. Sampson didn't even
seem to hear it, his entire focus still Alain. His whip was
dropped, Alain released from the restraints and gathered
into the long arms. Alain wrapped around Sampson,
undone, eyes wet, lips whispering.

Sampson made a cutting symbol with his hand, and the
stage lights dimmed, the observation room lights coming
up, giving Alain and Sampson some privacy.

Leung swallowed hard, stretching, still a little awed.

"Now that was a scene." Serius sounded satisfied,
almost as if he himself had been involved.

"Yes. They are most amazing."

"Perhaps one day we will be ready to give a
demonstration of this caliber."

Leung wasn't sure he could be so beautiful. "It would be
an amazing thing."

"Yes, it would." Serius stood. "Come along, Dragonne.
We'll retire to our rooms now."

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"Yes, Sir." He followed, nodding to the people he knew,
introducing Serius to the few tops that stopped them.

It wasn't very long before they were in the lift again,
heading up to their rooms.

"I am thirsty, Leung."

He nodded, sipping the no-longer cold drink, stepping
close to give Serius his lips. Serius' hand came up and
took him by his queue, tilting his head before covering
his mouth with hot, red lips. He jerked, surprised by the
touch, by the unconcerned possession in that hand. His
lips parted, though, immediately, eagerly.

Serius lapped at the liquid in Leung's mouth, drinking
his fill. Leung moaned softly, lips open, offering Serius
his desire. Serius turned the lapping into a kiss, tongue
plundering his mouth. He gasped, moaned into the kiss,
cock filling, eager.

The lift came to a stop, doors opening, and Serius broke
the kiss and put a hand at the small of his back, guiding
him out of the lift and down the hall. Goose pimples
rose over his flesh, the motion of his queue against his
shoulders enough to make him shiver.

Serius opened the door, guiding him in. The hand at his
back slid in small circles. His entire focus was that hand,
that touch. Serius tilted his face again, mouth closing
over his. Leung met those stone grey eyes, hands
fluttering, unsure whether he was allowed to touch.

Serius just kept kissing, one hand in the small of his

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back, the other again holding his queue. Those eyes
stared into him. His head jerked a little, the sensation
unusual, distracting. Serius' hand tightened on his hair,
tilting his head further back. He groaned, spine
stiffening before he relaxed into the sensation.

His mouth was plundered, Serius' tongue pushing in,
owning him. His hands found Serius' shoulders, holding
on, room spinning. Serius just kept kissing him, making
him breathless and light-headed, holding him slightly
bent back. He was off-center, unbalanced, unable to find
a rhythm and settle himself.

Serius didn't seem inclined to stop, the kisses growing
more and more intense. Leung moaned and gasped,
fingers holding on tight, body drowning in sensation.
Sharp teeth nibbled at his lower lip, not quite causing
pain, just threatening it, the sensations soothed by that
hot tongue. His shaft was hard, full, aching and
throbbing against the silk, his balls heavy.

Serius' teeth moved from grazing to biting, the pain
sharp but brief. He groaned, feet shifting to keep him
balanced, help him center. Serius just pushed him
further off-balance, holding him by his back and head,
bent over the air. He tensed, heart pounding, eyes
meeting Serius' as his body fought the illusion of falling.

"I have you, Leung," Serius told him, eyes implacable.

He nodded, trying to relax, to trust, telling himself that
the worst that could happen was a short drop. So
difficult, so strange -- he was practiced in controlling
himself, not in trusting another.

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The kisses and sharp bites continued, Serius' tongue and
teeth invading, taking. It was unnerving and arousing
and frightening and heady all at once. He could not relax
enough to center, couldn't breathe enough to focus. It
just went on and on, Serius seeming intent on spending
the rest of the night driving him mad.

Leung couldn't figure out what to do, so, true to his
training, he stopped fighting, allowed Serius to have
whatever the man could take. Serius seemed to know the
moment he stopped fighting, and the invasion became
more intense, long fingertips sliding across the nerves in
the small of his back, hot through the silk.

Purring, his body rippled with pure need, muscles
seeming to clench and relax in slow waves. His fingers
relaxed, hands sliding over Serius' shoulders. His tongue
was tugged into Serius' mouth, sucked on. Oh. He
pressed against Serius, hands sliding down the strong
back, so aroused, so wanton.

Serius' fingers continued to slide in circles in the small
of his back, the skin becoming more and more sensitive.
Shivering, his body moved in time with those touches,
finding Serius' rhythm naturally. His tongue was
released, Serius' entering his mouth, fucking him with
short jabs. He was caught between tongue and hand,
focus split.

Serius' tongue pressed deeper and deeper, sliding against
his own. He fought the urge to come, unsure if he
should, so focused on Serius and Serius' will. Serius'
fingernails scrapped against the most sensitive spot on
his lower back, tongue pushing in hard.

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Leung came with a soft cry, surprised and overwhelmed
and more aroused than he could comprehend.

The hand at his back continued to move, slowly now,
soothing. As was the way the kiss gentled, bringing him
down. He blinked, dazed and breathless, trying to
understand what had just happened. At length, Serius
righted him so that he was standing on his own feet

He met Serius' eyes, breath slowing, lips swollen and
tingling. "Thank you."

Serius inclined his head slightly, eyes warm, no less
intent than they'd been all day. "You are welcome,

He was unsure of his next step, unsure of where he was
expected to go now. In his experience so far, after a
scene, he went home and read and slept. But he was
home, and he wasn't sure if that was a scene or sex or
simply dessert, and Serius hadn't climaxed, which
seemed unfair.

Serius reached out and stroked a finger along his lower
lip. "You are an interesting man, Leung. I will enjoy
working with you. Go now, shower, clean yourself
outside and in, fill yourself with a small plug, meditate
for an hour and sleep. I will expect you to be ready to
continue at sunrise."

He nodded, the act brushing his lips against Serius'
finger. "Yes, Sir."

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Oh. Sunrise. Blah. That meant no reading.

Or at least only finishing the one story he'd started.

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Chapter Four

Serius slept well and deep, waking just before dawn
crept across the sky, as was his wont.

He was quite pleased with the progress he and Leung
had made the night before. Leung was extremely
controlled, calm, and he had found a way in, had, he
believed, surprised the boy.

They would begin today with some meditation, Leung
would learn the pattern of his breathing. They would
feed each other with their fingers.

He took a quick shower, dressed in his blue silk robe
and went to meet Leung in the playroom. Leung was
waiting for him, in a manner of speaking. The boy was
kneeling on the floor, nude, still, queue brushed and
braided, sound asleep.

Serius tapped the riding crop he always carried with him
against Leung's ass.

Leung jumped, a low guttural word barked out before
the boy settled, blinked. "Good morning, Sir."

"Good Morning, Leung." He sat across from Leung. "I
trust you are well?"

"Yes, Sir." Leung nodded, eyes heavy lidded.

"Did you not receive enough sleep?" He wanted the
boy's full attention.

"I did. I simply wake slowly." The olive skin grew

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warm. "I woke myself early to allow for that, but fell
asleep again."

"I shall have to take that into account in the future. Are
you ready to meditate with me, Leung?" He would have
to send Leung to bed earlier, make the boy wake well
before sunrise so that they could be in sync.

"Yes, Sir." Leung nodded, pulled his queue around and
tangled his fingers in it. "I am ready, Sir."

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that always how you

"Yes, Sir." Leung looked confused, questioning.

"What is the significance of holding your tail?"

"Well, the Sa', the masters who teach us to meditate, tell
us that it is to connect the work of the hands to the
thoughts of the head. Practically, one can count breaths
or time with each bump of the queue, and it occupies the

"Interesting. Today I would like you to focus on my
breathing. Match yours to mine, learn the rhythm of my
heart at rest." Serius laid his hands across his chest and
closed his eyes, breath slowing as he sank into the calm
and peace of meditation.

Leung seemed to understand this, breath matching with
his easily.

Ah, it was peaceful. Sweet. It had been a long time since
he had slipped into meditation with someone else. Too

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many of the subs were 'specializing', refusing to explore
outside of their favorite stimulation. And though Leung
was obviously familiar and comfortable with meditation,
it dimmed his peace not at all.

He could smell Leung -- soap and warmth and a hint of
musk. It was enticing, and he had to fight to keep his
breath slow and even, to keep his body quiet. He almost
purred, loving the challenge. He could just hear the
sounds of Leung's fingers, moving on the slick, shiny
black hair, the barest scratch and slide.

He let his breath come back up to regular speed. Leung
answered him, the sun fully up when his eyes opened.

"Excellent. Tell me the story of your queue."

"All men of a certain rank in my home have a queue. It
marks honor and age. When a boy receives his first
marks, the excess hair is shorn away and burned. It must
be washed every day before the day's work, and no one
of lower rank may touch it or see it unbound."

"And what rank did you hold, Leung?"

"I..." For the first time, he saw a true flash of strong
emotion, a crack in the layers of peace. "I was my
father's eldest son."

"Was?" He would keep pushing. Eventually Leung
would not be able to hide any longer.

"Yes. My fa... My rank has no meaning here."

Oh, there was a story there.

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"And what meaning did it have?"

"It..." Leung swallowed hard, obviously uncomfortable.
"It meant that I would take my father's place upon his
death, take his responsibility, his lands, his duties."

"You don't like talking about your father. Why not?" He
was not known for coddling his subs, making them
comfortable was just the opposite of what he wished to

"Because I have been told not to speak of him, and yet I
have no wish to lie to you."

His eyebrow went back up again. "Can you tell me at
least who told you not to speak of him and why?"

"I came here seeking sanctuary. I do not leave this
building under any circumstance. The priest, Sa'Katashi,
arranged for my position here. Well, my original
position. The other parts I seem to have found for

"Indeed." He filed away that information, making a
mental note not to ask Leung to leave the building, at
least until he learned more of why. He wondered if the
man had done something illegal. He let it go, though.
One day Leung would tell him. "Are you ready to break
your fast with me?"

"Yes, please. Thank you." Those long fingers untangled
from the braid, little bloody half-moons just visible
where those hands had fisted. "Would you like me to
arrange a meal?"

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"I've taken care of it. There should be fruit, raw fish and
warmed tubers waiting for us. We will feed each other."

"Yes, Sir." He was offered a smile as Leung's stomach
growled audibly. "Thank you."

He chuckled and stood, stretching. "The food was to be
left in the sitting room." He led the way out. Leung
followed him, steps silent on the floor.

The food was indeed waiting for them in the sitting
room, spread out on the low table like a feast. He sat on
the couch and petted the cushion beside him. "I do
believe we shall continue to explore sustenance and our

Leung sat, more carefully today than yesterday, the
bruised muscles would be at their most sore, even as the
skin seemed to heal. He would play that pain against the
pleasure of their feeding.

He picked up a piece of salmon and placed it between
his lips, leaning forward in an inviting gesture. Leung
leaned forward, smiling, obviously eager to explore this
further. The boy's lips were warm, soft, the fish nibbled
at. He ate the other half himself, holding Leung's eyes,
licking his own lips.

Leung smiled. "It is very fresh. May I show you

"Indeed, you may." Information volunteered. How

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Leung reached down, quickly slicing two of the fruits
and some fish into almost transparent slices, then rolling
them together. "This is how it would be served in my
homeland." The delicacy was offered to him from
between Leung's lips.

He bent and took a morsel from Leung's mouth. It was
delicious. "Most excellent. I shall let you prepare the
rest of the meal for us."

"I would be honored." Leung sliced and rolled a number
of mixtures, the shapes and colors attractive.

They proved to taste as good as they looked, and he fed
slowly from Leung's mouth, licking and sucking and
biting while he was at it. Leung's lips grew swollen and
dark, the look sexual, sensual.

"Are you aroused?"

"Yes, Sir. Is that allowed?"

"Indeed. Allowed, encouraged. How does it make you
feel? That I can get to you with only our mouths

"Get to me?" Leung pinked. "If you mean arouse me, I...
This is very different than I have experienced. I do not
know what you expect, what the rules are."

"I expect you to be honest with me. That is all." He
smiled, enjoying setting Leung off balance. He
suspected it was not a place Leung often found himself.

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"Like last night, when I made you come with a simple
kiss. That was an honest reaction."

"There was nothing simple about your kiss, Sir."

"And yet it was just a kiss. How many times have you
come from a kiss?"

"Once. Last night."

Serius tried not to be too smug, honestly he did, but he
had rocked Leung's world last night. With a kiss. "That's
what I thought."

"You..." Leung stopped, thought for a moment. "It is
difficult to maintain balance with you, to find my

"I don't want your balance or center, Leung."

He got a surprised look. "You don't?"

He chuckled. "No, Leung. That is something you do for
yourself. I want your submission."

"I do not understand. Am I not submitting to you?"
There was an honest confusion, a curiosity, that was

"That you believe you are is fascinating, but no, you are

Leung twisted his lips into a bow, frown marring his
forehead. "I do not understand."

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"No, but in time you will." He nodded toward the juice.
"I would like something to drink."

"Of course." Leung poured a glass of the juice,
beginning to offer it to him before stopping. "From my
mouth or the glass, Sir?"

"You need to ask, Leung?"

"I suppose not." Leung grinned and took a sip, leaning
toward him and offering those wet lips.

Chuckling, he licked at Leung's lips, enjoying the sharp
tang, the hint of sweet. Then he dipped in, tongue
sliding through Leung's mouth as he pulled the liquid
into himself. Leung opened, tongue just brushing his,
caressing it. He tangled their tongues together,
swallowing the last of the juice and continuing the kiss.

One of Leung's hands settled on his chest, fingers
stroking the silk of his robe. Bold of the boy. He
deepened the kiss. Leung fed him the softest sound, a
sigh just grown into a moan. Oh, he wanted more of
those. He was sure Leung had a lot of them in the lovely
body, and each one belonged to him.

Leung was warm, responsive, curious and hungry. And
that, too, belonged to him. He increased the force of his
kiss, bending Leung back. Leung gasped, hand reaching
back to steady himself.

"No hands," he murmured, breaking the kiss and sitting

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"Pardon me?" Leung blinked, fingers stroking those full

"If I bend you back, I expect you to let me do so. No

"Oh. Yes. I'm sorry." Leung nodded.

"You didn't know. That is how we learn."

His words brought a smile to Leung's face, the look less
amused than nostalgic. "Yes. I am a strong student."

He chuckled. "And I am a strong teacher."

"Do you still hunger?" Another small bite was offered in
long fingers.

"Yes, but not from your fingers. Never from your
fingers." He would only take food from Leung's mouth.
It would keep his dragon aroused, wanting. It would
keep those lovely lips red and swollen.

"Oh." There it was again, the gasp that wanted to be a
moan. The fruit was placed in between those beautiful
lips, offered to him.

He leaned in, licking at Leung's lips first before
wrapping his own lips around the fruit and sucking on it.
Leung held onto the berry, making him take it, steal it.
He bit into it, the juices running between them. Leung
chuckled, tongue sliding out to catch the juices from his
chin. He slid his tongue along Leung's and then licked
those lips clean.

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Leung's lips clung to his, eyes watching him so closely.
He looked right back, tongue stroking the silky insides
of Leung's mouth. Leung shivered, tongue sliding
against his, moan low and sweet.

He bent Leung's head back again, catching the warm
body as Leung fell back. It pleased him that, although
there was a moment of stiff surprise, those hands didn't
move, Leung relaxing into his arms.

He leaned over Leung, making the kiss deeper,
plundering Leung's mouth. Leung arched, naked body
pressing against him, hot and hard, wanton. He purred
softly, pleased with Leung's response. His purr drew a
moan, a shudder in the body pressed against him.

Such a sensualist. He explored Leung's mouth
thoroughly, keeping Leung pressed back, off balance so
there was nothing to do but trust and focus on the kiss.
Those dark eyes were dazed, passion-drunk, the look
soft and needy. He slid his lips along Leung's jaw,
nibbling the warm, smooth skin. Leung lifted his chin,
offering access to the strong throat.

He chuckled softly and ignored the direction, choosing
instead to nibble his way over to Leung's earlobe. He
found a ticklish spot just below, Leung giving a
surprised giggle, twisting in his arms. He held Leung
down and licked mercilessly. The laugh he got was
throaty, full, sensual and sexual.

He changed it up, nipping sharply at Leung's earlobe.

"Oh!" Leung stilled, waited.

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He licked at the ticklish spot again, waiting until Leung
was squirming and laughing again before biting the soft
earlobe once more. Leung gasped, stilling again. He bit
and then took Leung's ear into his mouth, sucking softly.

Leung melted beneath him, a soft sigh sounding. "Oh..."

"You like that," he murmured, blowing into Leung's ear.

"Yes..." Leung was flushed, teeth sunk into that full
bottom lip.

"Which do you like better? The soft," he sucked Leung's
earlobe in again. "Or the hard?" He bit again, teeth

"The contrast."

"Excellent." He could work with that. He slid his tongue
back along Leung's jaw and then dragged his teeth over
the same skin. Leung shifted, body hot and hard, cock

He bit at Leung's lips again before pulling the bottom
one into his mouth and sucking firmly. Another quiet
little gasp sounded, then Leung's tongue slid against his
lips. He gave up Leung's lip in favor of the warm, wet
tongue, sucking it in before biting sharply. Leung's eyes
went wide, body pulling away from him, then pushing
back as if confused.

Serius bit again and then sucked, reveling in keeping
Leung off balance, in surprising and arousing. He could
see the fight in his dragon's eyes, trying to understand

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what was expected. He sucked and bit and sucked and
bit, moving between Leung's jaw, mouth and tongue,
pushing the attempt to understand into pure feeling.

Just like the night before, Leung finally submitted,
relaxed and accepted his will without question. He kept
up the biting and sucking, pushing Leung back some
more, pressing his advantage now that his dragon had
submitted. Eager and aroused, Leung was beautiful in
submission, holding nothing back, lost in his touches.

He dragged his nails down along Leung's neck as he slid
his tongue deep into Leung's mouth. Leung jerked, the
scent of seed strong in the air, hot on his belly.


He explored Leung's mouth for a few moments more
and then backed away, leaving a tiny stinging bite on
Leung's lower lip before he sat back.

"Oh..." Leung moaned low, fingers brushing his own
lips, trembling.

He smiled. "You're welcome."

Leung looked debauched, face lovely and marked and
covered in tiny bites and bruises. They would go out for
lunch, perhaps a swim or a turn in the weight room. He
wanted everyone to see his marks all over this calm,
quiet and serene man.

"Do you..." Leung motioned towards his cock. "Do you

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He shook his head. "No, I'm fine."

His cock was hard and throbbing. It felt good. And his
release would feel even better at the end of the day.

"Clean yourself. Change into something white. We're
going out."

"White? Yes, Sir." Leung stood, stretched and headed
for his rooms, queue bouncing against the bruised curve
of that ass.

Serius licked his lips and adjusted himself, petting his
prick, getting a little buzz of pleasure along his spine
and in his balls. He went to his room and changed into
black leathers. Repetitive maybe, but he liked the way it
felt, the way it made him look. The way the leather

Returning to the sitting room to wait for Leung, he
commed Mal.

"Morning." Mal nodded, gave him a smile, arm well-
bandaged from yesterday. "You settling in?"

"I am, thank you. How is your arm?"

"Stitched and nuskinned. I'll heal. How is Dragonne

"Very well, thank you. You can tell Hercules that I'm
impressed with his staff. I would like to show him off
today, in fact. What are our best avenues to be seen?"

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"It depends on who you're wanting to see him. General
public? Main floor. Other staff? There's a huge party in
the pool area. Then there's always the lunch crowd."

One of Leung's friends had mentioned the pool party.
That sounded like a good place to start. "Do we need an
invitation for this pool party?"

"No, it's for the staff and you're staff and the worker
bees all adore Dragonne." Mal tilted his head, smiling.
"I've got you in a three week training phase, starting
Fifthday. Just so we can see where you'll fit."

"Excellent, thank you." He signed off, waiting for
Leung's return.

Leung didn't make him wait long, returning dressed in
the same loose, flowing clothes he'd seen before.

"We are going to attend that pool party that was
mentioned yesterday. You do swim, do you not?"

"I do, yes." Leung nodded, queue swinging, lips swollen
and kiss-bruised.

"Excellent. I assume no one will be shocked if you swim
nude." He put his hand in the small of Leung's back and
escorted his submissive from their rooms.

"No one ever has before, Sir." Leung followed his lead,
relaxed and quiet.

He chuckled. "Yes, this is quite an interesting place."

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The lift ride down to the swimming area was uneventful,
Leung showing him the private pools as they passed. In
short order they were at the pool.

The place was a madhouse, people laughing and
squealing and chasing. Kestrel from the night before was
there, sleeping in a man's arms, another man, face
similar to Leung's, sat in a corner, watching them.

"Who's the man in the corner?" he asked.

Leung looked over, face carefully still. The man there
looked at Leung's face, lips, throat, one eyebrow
arching. His dragon flushed, cheeks dark and red.
"Katashi, Sir."


"And who is this Katashi that he can cause such a
reaction from just a single look?"

"He is... a priest. My sponsor here."

"Ah, wonderful." He remembered now that Leung had
mentions a Sa'Katashi the day before. "We should go
and pay our respects. Come along." He guided Leung
with his fingers on the man's back.

Leung moved, the stillness and silence wrapping around
the boy the closer they came to the seated man.
"Sa'Katashi? This is Serius. Serius, Katashi."

The man stood, graceful, calm, and bowed.

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Serius inclined his head. "Sa'Katashi. It is a pleasure to
meet you. I am told my dragon is here under your

"Indeed. His father and I were acquainted. He seemed
suited here."

"I have certainly enjoyed his company in the short time I
have known him." He grinned, looking from Katashi to
Leung. "You are very similar in demeanor." Though he
could tell that Katashi was more well-versed in...
whatever it was they were doing.

"I should hope so. Leung's tutors were trained by my

"May I join you while Dragonne swims?" He would not
use Leung's name in public. It was a private name
between them.

"Of course. Glous is in the water, Dragonne. He misses
your presence sorely. You have been busy."

Leung nodded, obviously nervous.

"You may go swim," Serius told Leung, taking the chair
next to Katashi. "Forgive me, I met so many people
yesterday -- Glous is your student?"

"My life partner." Katashi watched Leung move over to
the side of the pool and begin to strip. "We have been
together since before Dragonne arrived. Glous is fond of
the boy."

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"While you are not?" he teased lightly. It was obvious
Katashi had a lot of affection for Leung.

"He, unlike his brothers, was worth saving, yes."

Serius raised an eyebrow. "Here, I imagine, is a story
worth hearing."

Katashi tilted his head. "He did not tell you his
background? That surprises me. When he spoke to me
last night, you had made quite an impression."

"He was very cautious about what he said. I got the
impression he felt he was protecting someone." He knew
he'd made an impression. Still, it was nice to have it
confirmed by someone who obviously knew Leung
better than anyone else here.

"He protects me, partially, and himself. Dragonne was a
member of a ruling family. He was expected to rule
himself. Unfortunately, politics is often a bloody
business, and his future has been altered."

"Ah, that explains much. Are you also confined to the
club for your own safety?"

"No. I remain here because I choose to be. However, I
do not have enemies. Dragonne's father does."

"And Dragonne chose exile over standing with his

"His father was beheaded. His two younger brothers let
the enemy into the front door. Dragonne escaped simply

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because he was leading the Queen Mother out to
freedom, to our monastery. She requested that her son be

Serius raised an eyebrow. "What happened to the

"They were hanged by the new ruling party and their
heads placed on pikes as warning." Katashi gave him a
quiet look. "He is a most controlled man."

"His control and his honor saved his life." He returned
Katashi's look. "I find him most fascinating."

"He is young and most... literal, but his heart is pure and
he is a good student, an honorable man."

"You don't have to sell me on him, Katashi." No, he was
quite taken with his dragon, happy to explore and learn
the man.

"Of course not." Katashi settled back, quiet and still.

Serius turned his attention to the pool, eyes
automatically searching out Leung's decorated form.

The little blond from last night was draped over his
dragon's back, the twins on each shoulder, laughing and
teasing, fingers touching the marks he'd left behind.
Leung was certainly well liked. Serius would have to
make sure they enjoyed as many of these outings
together as they could. It seemed to him that Leung
would happily sink into himself.

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He would also have to make sure Leung sported marks
as often as possible.

Katashi chuckled. "It is hard to believe that his
childhood was spent in training and lessons. That his
first friends were here."

"Actually, it isn't that hard to believe. He is a very
serious young man. It speaks of a serious childhood."

"Are there any questions you have about his training?"
Katashi was very generous to answer his questions.

"What kind of sexual training has he received?"

"With me? None. I believe he is not a virgin, but he did
not perform sexual acts with the tops here."

"So his liaisons have all been with his fellow bottoms?"
Interesting. There had been no complaint of the sexual
activities that they'd indulged in.

"As far as I know. We have not discussed it." Katashi
shrugged. "He has never seemed a sexual person to me.
His focus in his work as a sub was control, obedience."

"But not submission."

"Submission is not a quality one develops in a crown
prince, yes? And if one finds the tendency, one trains it
to appear as another form."

"But he is no longer a prince, instead works as a
submissive, surely a man must change with his

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"Indeed." Katashi smiled. "However, he has worked
here for quite a while and you and Mal are the only two
to remark on it. And, as you said, he responded well to
you. It seems he is changing with his circumstance."

"Indeed, he does seem to be adapting well to my

He shared Katashi's smile.

He would have swum, if there had been swimming
going on, but he wasn't one to get into the water and
play. Instead, he watched Leung interact with the others,
trying to guess which ones his dragon might have
indulged in sex with. The well-built bartender and the
blond seemed the most likely suspects, the blond freely
touching and the bartender watching every move his
dragon made. They would make an interesting
threesome. His cock throbbed at the thought.

A game of ball started up, stealing the blond's attention,
his dragon and the bartender swimming, talking,
laughing together.

Serius wandered slowly over to the edge of the pool,
sitting on his haunches next to where Leung and his
friend had wound up. "Are you have a good time,

"Yes, Sir, thank you." Those eyes were warm, laughing,
smiling at him.

"And your friend?"

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"Van, this is Serius. Serius, Van. He works as a

Van held a square, sure hand out toward him. "Hello.
Thanks for bringing Dragonne down."

He raised an eyebrow. "I brought him down for his and
my pleasure."

"Cool." Van nodded, hand falling, then clapped Leung
on the shoulder. "See you around, man."

"Yes, thank you." Dark eyes looked up at him, "Are you
ready to leave, Sir?"

"Have you finished your swim?"

Leung looked over at the crowds playing and pushing.
"Yes, Sir."

"Are you quite sure?"

"Yes, Sir." Leung looked confused, worried.

"Excellent. Come along."

He went back to sit next to Katashi as he waited for
Leung to dry off and get dressed again.

A lovely man was sitting at Katashi's feet, Katashi
stroking the dark skin. "Ah, Serius, this is Glous, my

"Glous. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand, shook
Glous'. "That's a beautiful collar."

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Katashi's hands lifted Glous' chin, further exposing the
black and silver collar.

"Yes. Just lovely."

Glous glowed. "Thank you."

Leung walked up, offered them a quiet smile. "Hello,

Glous smiled happily. "Hello, Dragonne, you look..." the
man's eyes slid over Leung's marks. "Well."

Leung turned a dark red, but the boy nodded. "Thank
you, Glous. I am."

Glous grinned. "Good."

Katashi's eyes twinkled, hand sliding down to draw
symbols on Glous belly. The sub started becoming
aroused, body shifting and sliding on Katashi's lap.

Leung averted his eyes, looking over at the pool, and
Katashi chuckled.

Serius leaned forward and gave Leung an intent look.
"Do you not enjoy watching the pleasure they would

Leung's eyes went wide. "I... Katashi is my teacher, my
tutor. He knew my father."

Serius bit his lip and cleared his throat, containing his
laughter. "I see."

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Katashi met his gaze, laughter obvious. "He is a most
proper boy."

"Indeed." He gave Katashi a wink. "I shall have to see if
I can beat it out of him."

"Somehow, friend, I believe you just might."

He chuckled, reaching out to stroke one red cheek.
"Come, my dragon, go and get us all something to drink
and then we will sit and with Katashi and Glous."

Leung nodded, nuzzling into his touch immediately, the
action speaking volumes. "Yes, Sir." The boy moved
away, obviously knowing what Katashi and Glous

He wondered how Leung would react to having him
drink from the warm mouth in front of Leung's former
teacher, a man he obviously held in high regard.

Katashi drew Glous more firmly onto his lap, fingers
seeming to move randomly, tapping and stroking. Glous
arched and pushed into the touches, gasping and
moaning now and then. It was fascinating. "I have
training in the art of nerve patterns, of junctures. It is a
welcome skill."

"Yes," moaned Glous. "It is."

Serius chuckled. "Perhaps you will have time for a
proper demonstration at some point."

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"Of course, although your dragon will groan and roll his
eyes and peer through his fingers."

"No, he will sit and watch, as I bid him." There was one
thing he knew he could trust and that was Leung's

Katashi gave him a smile, a nod. "You are a strong man.
He is a lucky man."

"Thank you. I think so as well." He smiled at Katashi.
Perhaps a kindred spirit.

Leung walked along the side of the pool, carrying a tray
with four glasses, moving carefully, focused. Not even
seeing the two boys roughhousing, one riding the other's
shoulders, careening toward him. Serius winced as all
three and the tray of drinks went into the water.

A squeal filled the air, and a beautiful, albeit soaked sub
started screaming. "You stupid bastard! You got my hair
wet! I'll have you fucking fired."

Leung gathered the glasses up, then the tray. "I do not
believe that is one of your options, Love."

Katashi watched. "Love and Leung are not friends."

Serius chuckled wryly. "I would never have guessed."

He stood and walked over to them, putting a finger
under this Love's chin, raising the pretty, clearly spoiled
boy's face. "Eh." He shrugged. "Come along, Leung, I
believe you need to get some refills."

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"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry." Leung's clothes were see-through,
sagging, material clinging to the strong ass as he moved.

Love glared at him. "I don't work with house tops. They
give you the trash and save us for paying customers."
Love spun, heading for the door.

"Child, I wouldn't top you if you begged me to."
Chuckling, he strolled back to the chair he'd left. "Such
an undisciplined boy. I'm surprised me that Hercules
keeps him on."

Katashi smiled, rolled his eyes. "Love is a challenge
and, if rumor is true, when submitting, quite lovely. He
does not interest me."

"He's a spoiled brat and needs to be whipped hard and
often." He waved his hand dismissively. "Who wants to
spend all their days punishing their sub?"

"Not me. I'm much more interested in exploring with
mine, yes, Glous?"

Serius could see as Leung started back again, keeping
toward the wall this time, so careful.

Glous purred and rubbed against Katashi. "My pleasure
comes in being pushed, not pushing."

"Mmm... yes." Katashi drew Glous down for a kiss, as
Leung placed the tray on the table without spilling a

"Come sit and feed me my drink, Dragonne." Serius
held his arm out to Leung.

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Leung stepped forward, eyes pleased, warm. "Would
you like me to find a towel, Sir? To protect your

"No. I'll take you as you are."

He got an honest, grateful smile, the compact body
moving eagerly into his arms. He took Leung's weight
easily, purring and looking forward to drinking from the
sweet lips. Leung reached for a glass, took a sip and then
leaned in, feeding him cold, tart juice. He slid his hand
behind Leung's head, tilting the calm face slightly so he
could slide his tongue deep.

Leung opened to him, lips parting, eyes focused only on
him. He lapped the juice from Leung's mouth. He
believed he might never drink from a glass again. Leung
looked at peace, pleased, the sweet mouth warming for

Once the juice was gone, his tongue continued its
explorations of Leung's mouth. Yes, he could do this
forever. When the kiss ended, Leung was leaning
against him, breathing hard. He murmured happily, hand
sliding down to stroke along Leung's back.

Leung offered him another of those sounds, quiet and
still, but so full of desire.

Suddenly, Serius didn't want to be among the splashes
and laughter of the party. He broke the kiss, nipping on
Leung's lips. "Tell Katashi and Glous goodbye."

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"Yes, Sir." Leung stood, nodded to his friend. "Have a
good day."

Katashi smiled, nodded. "You will, also."

"Yes, he will." Serius smiled and offered Katashi a small
bow. "It was good to meet you."

Then he put his hand in the small of Leung's back and
guided his dragon back out toward the lifts. Leung
followed his lead, relaxed and easy. "I hope you didn't
mind leaving." Not that it would make a difference. He
was determined now to have the man.

"No." The lift came, and they went in. Up.

"Excellent. I suddenly had the desire to have you all to
myself." He gave Leung a smile, guiding the boy to their
rooms. "Let's see if your palm print has been added to
the door."

It had -- the people here were imminently organized --
and they moved into the main room together, the door
clicking closed behind them.

"Undress yourself and then undress me." It was time to
take his pleasure. He had waited long enough to take
what Leung had to offer.

It was, perhaps, a little eager for him, but he put it down
to not having taken care of his own needs in far too
long. Yes, that was it.

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"Yes." Leung's still damp clothes were removed and
neatly set aside, then his own worked open, Leung's
fingers warm on his skin.

His cock pushed out of his leathers, hard and eager. He
watched, waiting to see if Leung would touch, or would
ignore. Leung settled on his knees, cheek sliding against
his cock in a warm caress as his boots were worked off.
Another sweet touch came to his balls, Leung inhaling
as his pants were worked off.

He purred softly. "You may touch me as you will." No
reason to keep Leung tied to 'accidental' touches.

"Oh..." Leung explored, lips and cheek and hands
sliding over his skin. Such sensuality, such calm

He moaned, hand sliding over Leung's scalp. "How
many partners have you had in your life?"

"Two." Leung smiled at his touch, nuzzling into his

"Who were they?" He kept his pleasure at the number to

"Harley and Van -- you've met them both. They both
helped me when I was new and lonely."

"They certainly seemed affectionate toward you today in
the pool. What did you do with them?" The image of the
three of them writhing together came again to his mind,
making his cock throb.

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"They are lovers. They touched me, allowed me to touch
them, watch them." Leung leaned forward, tongue
sliding out to taste the clear drops forming on the tip of
his cock.

He groaned. "The three of you would be beautiful
together. Do you think they would like to touch you

"Yes. They are very generous with their lips, their
hands, their hearts. Good friends."

He moaned. Oh yes. He would have to set it up. "Did
they penetrate you?"

"Only with a finger. They said that was a gift I could
offer another..." Leung blushed, tongue flicking out

"Excellent. They are indeed good friends." And they
would be rewarded with that gift. After it had been well-
used by himself of course.

"Did they take you in their mouths? Let you penetrate
them? Did you take them into your mouth?"

"We used our mouths, we touched. They let me watch as
Van took Harley." Leung's voice was husky, aroused.

"And which one did you want to be? Van or Harley?"

That blush got darker. "I... Harley. I wanted to feel..."

"Excellent." He bent and put a finger beneath Leung's
chin, raising the face to him. "When the three of you

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perform for me, you will be in the middle, penetrating
Harley while Van penetrates you. But first. I will have
the pleasure, have that gift of you."

Those dark eyes were so hungry, so wide, the distance
and aloof look gone. "Yes. Yes, please."

"Take my cock into your mouth, Leung. Make me come
-- I will last longer, give you a better ride, if I've already
come." He was most pleased to have that passion turned
on him. Most pleased indeed.

Leung moaned, nodded, eyes on his. "Oh, yes. I would
taste you." Then those lips surrounded him, gentle and
hot and careful.

His hands slid over Leung's naked head, as he resisted
the urge to shove into Leung's mouth. He would let
Leung find his own path in this. Unpracticed, but not
frightened, not worried, Leung explored his cock,
licking and sucking, hands moving over his body. It
spoke of positive memories, good experiences, this
hunger and curiosity.

It was almost more exciting because it was untrained,
and he closed his eyes, let the pleasure take him. He
moaned now and then, letting Leung know he was
enjoying the ministrations. Leung was thorough, head
bobbing, pulling against him, wanting him.

The pleasure built in his balls, his cock growing harder.
"Soon, my dragon," he murmured, warning.

He could feel Leung's moan around his cock, the suction
increasing. Groaning, he let himself go, hips jerking as

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he came down Leung's throat. Leung swallowed around
him, drinking him down, fingers sliding along his

He sighed happily, hands stroking over Leung's head.
"Very nice, my dragon."

Leung offered him a quiet little smile. "Thank you."

"Are you aroused, Leung? Do you want me?"

He slid his cock across Leung's face, hardly even
softening before he was hard again.

"Yes. Yes, Sir." Those lips chased his cock, open and

He chuckled, enjoying the occasional brushes from
Leung's lips and mouth. "Wanton," he murmured. He
was delighted, Leung kept this part of himself so
carefully hidden.

"Am I? It pleases you?" Those eyes were alive, bright,

"Indeed, Leung, it does." He petted the sleek head once
more and then pulled away. "Find the lube, Leung. I will
not wait any longer to have you."

Leung nodded, moving off to the playroom, queue
swaying. Purring, Serius admired the swaying queue, the
fine ass moving with each step. Soon he would be
buried deep.

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Leung returned quickly, gold tube in his fingers, cock
full and dark.

Serius licked his lips. Lovely. He accepted the tube from
Leung, bending to slide his tongue into Leung's mouth,
hand dropping to lightly pump the heavy prick. Leung
opened to him, cock hard and hot against his palm. He
slid his fingers along Leung's face, exploring,
awakening nerves.

Leung fed him soft, low sounds, tongue sliding against
his, eyes closed. Lovely. So responsive. His hand slid
down along Leung's neck, fingertips skittering across
Leung's collarbones. Leung murmured into his lips,
almost chuckling.

He nipped at the boy's lips, fingers pinching one small
nipple. He got a gasp, Leung shivering, eyes fastening to
his. He smiled, fingers still travelling, learning the paths
of Leung's muscles and sinews. It was lovely, the quiet,
honest responses, Leung genuinely eager.

He kissed and touched Leung until he was hard again,
need dripping from the tip of his cock. Leung's fingers
stroked him, touching, dragging along his shaft.

"Are you ready, Leung?" His hand slid down Leung's
back, teasing the top of the boy's crack.

"I believe I am." Leung pressed closer to his body, hips
moving slowly.

"Lean over that chair, legs spread."

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Leung nodded, body reluctant to part from his, but
obeying. The sweet ass still showed his marks, still
showed his will upon it. He moaned as Leung bent,
fingers sliding softly on the abused flesh until he
reached to pop open the lid of the gold tube.

Leung's breath evened out as he touched and stroked,
becoming steady, rhythmic.

"Are you still with me?" Serius would not have Leung
meditate his way out of feeling this entirely.

"Yes. Yes. I..." Leung turned to meet his eyes. "My
body says I should retreat, focus. My spirit tells me that
is not the path. It is difficult, not to take the travelled

"Follow your spirit, Leung. Your retreat now, and really
at any time, would make me angry."

Leung nodded. "I will give you my best, Serius."

"Yes. You will."

He stroked Leung's cheek and then slicked up his
fingers, pushing one against the tiny, never before
breached hole. The ring of muscles tightened, jerked,
moving against his touch. He hummed softly, finger
stroking the hot, wrinkled flesh. Leung took a deep
breath, hips rocking toward his touch.

"Yes, Leung. So sensual. Such pleasure to be found." He
let Leung's own movements pull his finger in. The
motions slowed, Leung moving for him, sliding against

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him. "How does it feel?" he asked, loving the tight heat
around his finger, imagining it around his prick.

"Unusual. Warm. Alive. A bit unnerving."

He groaned and slid a second finger in alongside the
first. "And now?"

"Oh. Full." Leung gasped, shivering.

Serius bent and kissed the back of Leung's head, just
above his queue, fingers slowing. "Relax, Leung, accept
my fingers. They bring pleasure, if you let them." Leung
nodded, breathing deep and slow, skin warm beneath his
lips. "Don't move away from it, move into it."

Those lean, muscled legs shifted, spread, hips pressing
toward his touch.

"Beautiful," he murmured, fingers pushing harder,
deeper, searching for the little piece of flesh that would
make Leung fly.

When he found it, Leung's head lifted, a low, shocked
cry filling the air.

He moaned again. "Yes."

"Serius." The word was purred, gasped.

He murmured happily, fingers sliding back and forth
across the little gland.

"Oh." Leung rippled and almost stood, gasping, hips

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He slid a third finger in while Leung was still reeling
from the sensations sparking along the slender spine.
Leung moaned, crying out low, taking a step forward.
He slid his free hand over Leung's lower back. "Sh. Sh.
Don't fight it, Leung. Let me pleasure you."

Leung took a deep breath. "It's full. So hot."

"Yes. And my cock is bigger. Hotter. My fingers merely
prepare the way." He stretched Leung's opening and
worked the tiny gland, pushing his dragon toward the

"Bigger..." Leung dropped his head, panting audibly.

"It will be good, Leung, I assure you." He kept moving
his fingers, pressing the small gland, keeping Leung off

Leung began riding his fingers, body undulating,

"There you are. So wanton. Searching for pleasure."

"Y...yes." A dull flush began crawling up Leung's spine.

He bent and whispered into Leung's ear. "You will not
come until I command it."

"Oh. Oh, yes. Yes, Sir." Leung shook, lips parting.

Moaning, he pulled his fingers from Leung's body,
moving to step into place behind his dragon.

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That tight hole was slick, exposed, waiting for his cock,
his need. He pushed slowly in, sliding deep. Tight heat.
So good. He moaned.

Leung's cry was soft, low, body rippling and moving
around his cock. "Full. So full."

He leaned over Leung, speaking softly. "So full of me. I
am all around you."

"Yes. I am yours."

"Yes. Yes, you are Leung." He kissed the back of
Leung's neck and then straightened and began to move,
rocking slowly.

Leung held him tight, body gripping him. So good. So
tight. He petted Leung's back, fingers sliding along the
sweet spine, tracing the intricate tattoos.

"Oh..." Leung undulated, almost purring, hips sliding on
his cock.

"There, my dragon. There." He moved with Leung,
pushing into the sweet body again and again.

"Yes." Oh, this one was so beautiful once the barriers
were passed, once the worries were left behind.

He kept thrusting, burying himself in perfect heat over
and over before sliding one hand around to circle
Leung's prick.

"Oh! I..." Leung threw his head back, a desperate cry

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Serius leaned forward and bit at the back of Leung's
neck, whispering the word 'come' against the warm skin.
Leung's body tightened, gripping his cock, the scent of
his dragon's need sharp, heady.

"That's it." He pushed harder, faster, searching for his
own pleasure now.

Leung was shaking coming down, body accepting him,
holding him. He stroked his hands along Leung's sides,
keeping his dragon warm, present in the moment.

"Yours." The word was whispered, almost too quiet to

He purred. "Yes, Mine." Another thrust and he was
coming, filling his dragon with his heat, marking Leung

Leung leaned down against the chair, breathing hard,
sweat sheening the olive skin.

He pulled out slowly, hands soothing along Leung's
back. "Beautiful."

"Thank you." Leung's breath slowed, his dragon drawing
that calm peace around him.

"You are most welcome, Leung. I just wish you did not
need to hide from me." He helped Leung to straighten,
turning the boy to look into the dark eyes.

He got a shy, almost scared look. "You could hurt me,
inside, in my heart. That frightens me."

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"I will try not to, Leung." He stroked Leung's cheek, not
making promises he couldn't keep.

Leung nodded. "As I will try not to hide."


He kissed Leung softly. His dragon leaned into him,
warm, quiet. He walked them over to a large chair,
sinking into its warmth and bringing Leung with him.
He let the boy rest against him.

Leung relaxed, eyes closing, staying in contact with him.
"Did you like Sa'Katashi?"

"Yes, I did."

"I'm glad."

"And more importantly to you, perhaps, I believe he
liked me."

Those eyes opened, Leung's head tilted. "Of course he
did. You are a good man."

"I'm glad you recognize that. It is a great trust you've
given me, and I do not take it lightly." He slid his fingers
lightly over Leung's smooth skin, enjoying the warmth,
knowing his dear dragon's skin would be quite sensitive.

Leung made a soft, nearly rough sound, muscles rippling
for his hand.

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"I believe one day soon I will have to make you come
just from this, from touching." It would be magnificent.

Leung made no answer, except for a soft intake of
breath, a hitching gasp.

"I will make you feel things you have never even
dreamed of feeling."

Leung's breath sped, and he knew that his dragon was
beginning to become aroused again, to need him.

"How is your entrance? Are you sore? Uncomfortable?"

"It feels... unusual. Stretched. Heated."

"Good. You will remember me there for several days, I

"Yes, Sir. I believe I will."

Dropping his hand to Leung's prick, he stroked it a few
times. "I'm going to bind you for the night."

Leung vibrated for him, then that control settled again,
surrounding the man. He loved seeing the evidence of
his words in the man, seeing Leung fight for that control
because of what he did to the boy.

"Go and bring me a ring. One that will bind your balls
and your cock separately."

"Yes, Sir." Leung moved gingerly, proving that the lean
body still felt him indeed.

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He watched until Leung disappeared down the hall and
then sat back, feeling good and lazy. It had been a good
day, and it would be a good night. He was smiling as
Leung came back.

The binding Leung chose was a deep, rich red, the straps
embroidered, decorated. "Oh, that is stunning." He took
it from Leung, the silk slipping and soft in his hand.

"It is a work of art."

"Is there a story to go with it?"

"It is the color of the gods, the design on it tells of how
the gods trapped the tears of heaven and fed the people."

"Oh, how lovely." He smiled and stroked Leung's cheek.
"It will look even better around your genitals."

Leung's eyelids went heavy, lowered, lips swollen and

He shifted so he was sitting and patted his legs.
"Straddle me. Back to my chest."

He received the quickest of confused frowns, but Leung

"Very good." Leung's skin was cool now against his
own, but he knew his dragon would warm quickly as
their skin touched.

He ran his hands down along Leung's chest, heading
toward the lovely cock and balls that he could see over
Leung's shoulders. Leung swayed, stiff and uncertain.

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"Lean back into me." Leung had to trust him completely.

"Yes, Sir." Leung leaned back, a soft, happy sigh

"That's better." He fondled Leung some more, admiring
the heavy balls, the long, thin cock. Leung's breath
seemed to speed for a moment, then was forcibly
slowed. "I enjoy your reactions to my touches. To me."

"My body seems to be focused on your hands."

"As you should be. I don't touch you so that you can
ignore me."

"No. No. I... I do not ignore you. I simply... I strive to
control myself."

"And it is my job to shatter that control." He swiped his
fingers across the tip of Leung's cock.

Leung 's body jerked the tiniest bit. He did it again, and
then pressed his index finger into the slit. For that, he
felt the muscles of Leung's thighs go tense against his

"I'm not going to let you come again tonight." Which
didn't mean he wasn't going to torture Leung with

"Yes, Sir." That seemed to be something Leung
understood easily, something that relaxed the man.

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He stroked Leung's cock a few more times and then
began to carefully wrap the silk around the hard flesh.
The silk would feel cool against the heat of Leung's
shaft, would feel like a cool grip around Leung's need.

He wrapped Leung’s balls together, tightening the silk
slowly. Leung's calm breaths became quicker. He played
with the head of his dragon's cock, squeezing it.

It was a sweet victory, when those long fingers gripped
against the sides of the chair. It was only then that he
began to wrap Leung's length. The slender shaft seemed
to burn, the vein pulsing with blood as he bound his

There was such quiet, deep beauty to Leung. It was
magical, spiritual. Even better than that, it was offered to
him and he wound accept it.

He finished his binding of Leung's cock, tying a knot
around the base of the head. Then he wrapped his arms
around Leung's middle and tugged his dragon close.
Leung took a deep, deep breath, lungs expanding,
pushing against his arms before relaxing.

He leaned his head over Leung's shoulder and rested
their cheeks together, breathing with his very own

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Chapter Five

Leung did the slow and steady motions of his morning
exercise, forcing himself to sink into the meditation, into
the ebb and flow of each movement. He hadn't slept; his
mind had been racing, running over the things that his
master had taught him.

"You are lovely, my dragon. So graceful." His master's
voice was like a caress.

He tried not to let the praise affect him, but it did. His
skin flushed, his heartbeat sped.

"When you're finished, I'm going to use my Beauty on
you. I imagine you'll be even more graceful when every
step is on pins."

"Yes, Sir." His penis filled, becoming swollen within its

"Don't let me distract you from your morning exercise,

"No, Sir." He closed his eyes, focused on his center, his

He could still feel his master's eyes on him, though, and
he knew that Master Serius would not miss a single
movement, the tiniest breath. It took a few movements,
then he was going, soaring, moving beyond the room he
was in. It almost felt as if he brought his master with

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By the final movements, he was sheened with sweat,
entire body awake and aware.

"That was lovely, my dragon." Serius held a towel out to

"Thank you." He wiped his face, willed his breath to

Serius disappeared, returning a moment later with a
bottle of water and another cloth, this one damp. Giving
him the water, his master began to rub him down. He
drank deeply, his skin alive and tingling from the
attention in a way it never had been before.

"There. Five minutes to make sure you're in the right
head space, and then my Beauty and I will make your
skin sing."

"Yes, Sir." He would do his best.

Serius left him, but returned five minutes later and asked
him to bend over, his hands on his knees. He leaned,
mind going back to that empty, silent, safe space.

"If you need to make noise, I would like to hear your

He shivered, nodded. "Yes, Sir." He could not cry out
and keep his center. He could not.


"Yes, Sir."

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"Very good." The crop hit his ass, the snap sharp.

He sucked in a quick breath, hands clenching on his

Serius didn't just indiscriminately lay down the crop, the
hits came slowly, carefully. Each one was placed exactly
where his master wanted it.

Quiet. Silent. Centered. Controlled. Please.

The back of his neck. His shoulders. His lower back. His
ass cheeks. The backs of his thighs, knees and calves.
He couldn't make out the pattern, but felt there was one.

Then Serius stopped, spread the comforter from the bed
onto the floor. "Lie down on your back."

His stomach clenched, and he had to force himself to
move, to shift. So hard. So difficult. Serius' hand was
there to guide him, though, and when his back touched
the comforter, it seemed shockingly cold. His breath left
him, the muscles in his chest tight.

"Breathe, Leung."

His eyes were open, staring up into Serius'. They were
warm and full of confidence -- his master believed he
could do this. His muscles relaxed, and he took a deep,
deep breath.

"Yes, my dragon. Very good."

Serius let his crop fly, again each hit placed very

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deliberately. Several criss-crossed over his chest, one
touching his nipple and making it burn. His belly
tightened, his breath pushing out of him. Two hits
landed on his stomach after his breath left him, then
once on each thigh and across both shins.

He closed his eyes, fighting desperately for his center.
Then Serius laid down two blows to the soles of his feet.
They were quick and short and sharper than anything so
far. Leung bit out a curse, his entire body shuddering as
he fought not to strike out.

"Well done, Leung." Serius bowed briefly and then held
out a hand to him.

He was panting, sweating, and he desperately needed a
moment alone to center, but he took his master's hand.
Serius pulled him up onto his feet, the welts left by the
crop indeed feeling like pins in his soles.

"Light pants and no top or shoes. We'll break our fast
downstairs where everyone can see and admire my
beautiful dragon."

No. No, he needed a breath. "Yes, Sir."

"I'll meet you by the door in five minutes."

"Yes, Sir." He waited until the door closed, then he went
to the bathing room and poured water over his face and

Each of the welts from his master's crop stung; it would
have been easier if there had been more, if they'd all
blended into one pain. He cleansed himself in icy water,

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the shock easing the sting, enough to relax him. By the
time he'd done that, his five minutes were nearly up.

He slipped on a pair of loose pants and bound his queue,
clipped on a bracelet.

When he came out, his master was already waiting by
the door. "Ah, there you are."

"Yes, Sir." His mind was whirling inside his skull,

Serius smiled and put a hand on his lower back, right in
a patch of skin that had no welts. They went out
together, the lift stopping almost immediately at their
floor. He focused on settling himself, on his breathing.
How difficult this new world was. How interesting.

Serius escorted him into the lift and down to the public
dining room. The place was about half-full. Many of the
members at the club stayed up until late. Master Katashi
and his submissive were there, though, and they waved
Serius over.

"Master Serius. Bright morning. Leung."

He bowed to Master Katashi, bending deeply.

"Good morning, Katashi, Glous. May we join you to
break our fast?" his Master asked.

"Of course. It is a lovely day. The dawn was spectacular
this morning." Master Katashi had perfect control, an
unshakable center.

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Master Serius seated him, the crop marks dark against
his skin under the morning lights. "We enjoyed our
morning as well," Serius noted with a smile for him.

"I can see that. He marks beautifully."

Leung ducked his head, confused, unsure of his

"He does. He endures it beautifully as well. I've never
known anyone so stoic."

"Years of training. Release is often more a challenge
than control."

"Yes, I believe you're right in your assessment." Serius
nodded to a waiter who was hovering. "We'll have the
fruit plate and grains in milk for two."

Leung focused on the beat of his heart, on the feel of the
lights shining warmly down on him. Serius' hand slid
down along his back, the touch on the welts making the
pain of them sharp. His skin shivered, and he didn't
know what to do.

"I want you to feel it, my dragon."

"Yes, Sir."

Master Katashi's man tsked softly. "So difficult, at that
stage. Everything is so different."

Serious tilted his head. "Did you have trouble adjusting,

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"Of course, Sir. You must find the balance between
control and release. The emotions that I felt battered at
me, but I needed to feel them to find my center."

"It's lovely to see how well the two of you fit together
now. Is it not, Leung?"

"Yes, Master." He met Master Katashi's eyes, briefly,
needing something to tell him he was walking the right

Katashi gave him the barest smile, head dipping almost
imperceptibly. Leung dropped his eyes again, slowing
his breath, focusing on his toes, on the arches of his feet.

Their breakfast came, and Serius hummed, sounding
happy. "I will feed you, my dragon."

"Yes, Master."

Glous carefully arranged Master Katashi's food, the
motions relaxed and perfect. Meanwhile, Serius fed
Leung with his fingers, one tasty, juicy piece after

He ate eagerly, suddenly hungry, empty inside. His
Master's fingers slid over his lips and teased his tongue,
felt up his teeth. That surprised him, and he had to force
himself not to pull away. One of Serius' eyebrows rose.
He hadn't moved, hadn't jerked back, so he said nothing.

"More?" Serius finally asked.

"Yes, Sir. Please."

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Picking up a spoon, Serius fed him some of the grains
soaking in milk. "I want you to enjoy each bite, to feel it
in your mouth, to notice all the flavors."

He couldn't answer, but he closed his eyes, focusing
solely on the earthy and sweet flavors rolling over his

"I want you to feel everything, Leung. To experience
every part of your life to its fullest." He thought he could
feel the others'eyes on him. "Each welt on your skin
should enhance the experience of taste and smell."

He nodded, swallowed.

"Very good, my dragon." The pleasure in his Master's
voice was like a caress.

His body flushed, warmed from the words. The next
fruit had a sharp, sour bite to it at first, and the flavor
burst across his tongue. He gasped, tongue pulling away
from the bite.

"That one is like the crop, isn't it?"

He nodded, swallowed. Yes. Yes, it was.

"I want you to embrace it. I want you to show me how it
makes you feel."

He didn't understand what that meant.

Serius chuckled. "Ask questions if you need to, Leung."

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"I don't understand what you're asking, Sir."

"I know that your calm is hard-fought and won, your
control complete, exacting, but I need you to let me in."

His heart sank. It was the same complaint. There was
something broken within him somehow. Something
wrong. "I will do my best."

His Master smiled widely. "And I will do my best to
earn a way into your calm."

Master Katashi's lover moaned, and he did not look. It
made him profoundly uncomfortable -- the idea of
Katashi as a sexual being.

"A glorious sound, is it not?"

He dropped his eyes. "I am pleased that they have found
each other."

"Are you sure. You look... uneasy."

"I am pleased." He met his Master's eyes. "Master
Katashi is my mentor, like a parent, in many ways."

"Ah." Serius smiled and nodded. "I understand."

"Yes, Master. Thank you." He found a smile of his own.

Serius' hand drifted to his knee, settled there, warm,
sure. His focus tightened onto his knee, on that solid

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"Have you had enough to eat?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then I think we should walk so you can properly feel
the effect of the welts on your feet."

He refused to wince. He hated the sting, the burn. That
made him blink. Hated. Odd. "Yes, Sir."

Serius stood. "Thank you, Katashi, for allowing us to
join you."

"You're welcome. Have a successful day."

"We plan to."

He stood, fighting to ignore the sting in his feet. Serius
put one of his hands on his Master's arm and then, with
an incline of the head to Master Katashi and Glous,
Serius began to slowly walk from the dining room.

"How do your feet feel?" his Master asked, as they
finally arrived at the lifts.

"They burn."

"Good." Serius patted his hand. "Are you finding it hard
to maintain your calm?"

"Somewhat." He was fighting emotions he was unused
to experiencing.

"Excellent." Serius looked very pleased about that. The

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lift doors opened, and Serius pressed the button, not for
their rooms, but for the public salons. "Can you feel
each individual welt, or just a general burn?"

He didn't want to think about it. "They burn."

"Hmm... I had been hoping that you would feel each
welt individually. Perhaps my Beauty was too thick for
the job. I shall have to investigate and see what else
might do better."

The doors of the lift opened, and they went to the board
listing the scenes going on in each of the rooms. "Which
one would you most like to watch?"

He looked. There were few options this early -- a
binding, a whipping, a spanking, human furniture.
Submissives as art. "The art sounds peaceful."

"It does sound peaceful. Let me rephrase the question --
do any of them excite you?"

"No, Sir. I... I have..." He took a deep breath and met his
Master's eyes. "I have feelings inside me, Master. They
are distracting me, keeping me off-balance." He would
trust Serius with this. He was not used to such things
with the Masters he'd worked with before.

"I wish to hear about these feelings, Leung." Serius drew
him to a room that was empty, and they sat together in
the near darkness, facing each other.

"I cannot find my center. I cannot focus. I have an... an
anger? A rage?" He wasn't sure what the emotion was,
but it was large, too much.

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Serius' hand took his. "What is it you are raging at?"

His fingers curled around his Master's, held on. "There
is... There is a wall inside me, around me. The emotion
wants to breech the walls." He could not bear that, could
not allow it.

"What would happen if you let it?"

"I have been trained to never allow that. To do so is...

"You are no longer in the same situation as you used to
be, though. Now you are here, safe, and with a Master
who would work through every emotion with you."

"I am frightened." He held on tight.

"New things can be very scary. Can you tell me what
you're frightened of?"

He considered that. "No. No, Sir. I am sorry, but I don't
know." How could he not know?

Serius' fingers squeezed his. "You don't know? Truly?"

"They are so large." He whispered the words, forcing
himself to breathe slowly, steadily, to remove himself
from this.

"Your emotions?"

"The emotions, yes."

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"I wonder if the problem is that you've pushed them
inside that wall for so long that they've gotten too big to
hold back anymore." Serius tugged him close, until they
were nose to nose and could clearly see each other's eyes
despite the relative dark of the room. "I will help you to
tap into them and release them."

No. No, he did not want to feel them, to consider them.
He did not want to be afraid. He had fought for years for
the perfect control and Serius wished to shatter it. Him.

"Yes, Master. I will... try."

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Chapter Six

Serius led Leung from the small room they'd had their
conversation in, still wondering how he would manage
to break through the man's reserve, to truly get to
Leung's heart and soul. He would start by trusting that
his submissive would indeed try to let the carefully-held
emotions go, let them out, let them have a voice within
the still, beautiful body.

"So, binding, whipping, or spanking? Which one excites
you the most?" He wouldn't let Leung once again choose
the 'peaceful' art.

"To watch? The binding. The spanking, if it is a... caring

"Yes? Explain what about them excites you." He would
keep pushing -- it was his role, after all.

"The binding is lovely, and if the men care, then the
spanking is..." Leung's head tilted. "Incredibly intense."

"Mmm. Yes." He put his arm around Leung's waist and
led his dragon toward the room where the spanking was.
"Let us hope for a committed couple at the spanking."
He thought he could feel Leung trembling, just the
barest bit, under his hand.

"I want to hear your feelings as we watch," he
whispered, as they entered the room and sat near the

"Will that not be rude? I do not wish to offend."

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"You will speak quietly against my ear -- it will not
disturb the spanking."

"Yes, Master." Leung settled at his side, quiet and drawn
deep inside himself.

He found Leung's hand and held it as they focused on
the couple at the center of the room.

Richmond and Nat came into the room, the focus on the
red-headed sub perfect, complete. Nat was meant for
this role, this life. Richmond. Excellent. They couldn't
ask for a more caring and committed couple. The scene
would be everything either of them could hope for.
Serius had had a chance to see them together before he'd
officially joined Hercules' team.

Richmond sat, murmuring for Nat to strip. The lovely
sub did so easily, and Serius believed in his heart that a
fire could start and Nat would only notice if Richmond
desired it. With a gesture, Richmond had Nat lie over a
marble table, his ass high and exposed to all. It was a
lovely picture.

Almost as lovely as his Leung. Almost. He glanced at
his beautiful dragon, both to enjoy the view and to
gauge what emotions, if any, might be flitting across
Leung's face. There was nothing but a distant calm, a
smoothness. That much vaunted control.

"Do you find them beautiful?" he asked quietly.

"Nat is."

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"But not his Master?"

"His Master is... different."

He turned his attention fully to Leung. "Go on."

Leung blinked at him. "Go on? He... I know Nat."

"And because you know Nat, he's beautiful, while his
master is not?" He was trying to understand Leung's

Leung trembled for a moment, then visibly centered
himself. "I know Nat's happiness. He has shown it to
me. Happiness is beautiful."

"That is beautiful. But why did you tremble when I
asked the question?" He wanted Leung to let go of his
emotion, to share it, not pull it in even tighter.

"I did not intend to say his Master was less, to give

"I knew you meant no offense." He patted Leung's arm.

Leung nodded. "Master Richmond is... fierce. Much
different than yourself or Master Malachi."

"You don't think Malachi is fierce?" He couldn't think of
a more efficient top.

"Master Malachi... burns."

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"And me?" Leung's mind was truly fascinating, and he
wished to delve into it.

Leung met his eyes. "You are... You are a... I cannot
deny you."

"Undeniable. I like that, my dragon."

Leung blushed, the color flooding the lovely body.

He brought Leung's hand up to his mouth and kissed the
back of it, and then directed his dragon's attention back
to the center of the room where the spanking was about
to begin.

Nat was plugged, spread, completely at peace on the
stage. It was definitely beautiful. Richmond bowed to
them, murmured to Nat and then began, big hand flying,
smacking Nat's upturned ass. Nat stretched, arched into
the blows with a happy-sounding sigh. Richmond was
fierce, his face full of pleasure, his entire focus on his
sub. The power in the man's hands was amazing.

Leung watched, but that distance was in the man's eyes
again, the focus on Nat's face, or perhaps just beyond.

"What part do you like best?" Serius asked, trying to
draw his dragon out again. "The sound of their flesh

"No. I like his eyes."

"What do you see in them?"

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"Can't you see it?" Leung met his eyes. "He is home."

"Are you, my dragon? Do you believe you've come
home yet?"

There was a flash of an overwhelming sorrow in Leung's
eyes that was immediately quashed.

"No, Leung, do not hide from me. Even if you think it
isn't what I want, don't hide it."

"My home is gone, and I do not know if there is another
one, no matter what Master Katashi says." Leung
blinked, gasped, then scrambled away, bolting for the

No, Serius wouldn't let Leung run away from his own
truths. Serius followed rapidly, catching up with his
dragon just outside the door to the salle. Leung glanced
at him, then kept going, refusing to look directly at him.

He called out one word, not loud, not angry, just firm.

Leung's steps stopped, the man seeming to shrink a bit.

"My dragon." He went to Leung and took his
submissive's hand and again drew Leung into a quiet,
empty room. "Why did you run?"

Leung's breath came in quick, quiet pants. "Forgive me."

"No, because there is nothing to forgive. I asked for how
you felt, and I expected an honest answer. You gave

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one." He put his hand beneath Leung's chin and tilted his
dragon's head up. "You did as I asked."

"I miss my home, and Master Katashi says I must turn
my mind away from it. I may never find a place I belong

He nodded. "That must be very hard to live with. It must
make it very hard to find happiness in anything." Leung
hid everything so deeply -- he needed to let all these
worries and fears out.

"I must go. Meditate. Find my center." Hide.

"No. Doing that for how long now has done little to help
you with this fear."

There was a hint of stubbornness in the dark eyes. "I
must meditate."

"No. You must talk to me."

The tremors began to grow, and Serius could almost see
the fight inside his dragon. He took both of Leung's
hands in his and held on. No matter what Leung
believed, he wasn't alone.

"I must meditate." The words held a hint of panic.

"What emotions are you running from?"

"We do not indulge in emotion. I have control."

"You told me that you would try to tap into your

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emotions instead of pushing them down inside you." He
rubbed his thumbs over Leung's hands.

Leung's eyes closed, hands opening and closing, over
and over.

"Look at me, my dragon. Let me see your emotions. Let
me see your heart."

"They're too big."

"All the more reason to share them with me. Two easily
carry more than one." He and Leung were partnered

"I want to find my home."

"Yes. Of course you do. I want to help you find it,
Leung. I truly do." He squeezed his dragon's hands.

"Do you believe I can? Master Malachi does not."

"I believe you can. Master Malachi is very busy helping
to run this place, while I have time to focus solely on my
dragon and help him find his home." Somehow this man
had found a way deep inside him, touched his heart. "It's
nearly paralyzing, isn't it? This fear."

"I am trying, Master, to be what I am supposed to."

"And what are you supposed to be, Leung?"

"I do not know." So scared, so sad.

"Then how are you supposed to be what you are if you

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don't even know what that should be? No wonder you're
trying so hard to lose yourself in calmness."

Acting purely on impulse, he leaned forward and kissed
Leung, hard. Leung's eyes popped open, then his dragon
opened for him, let him in. He pressed the advantage,
now making his offer physically, hoping Leung would
accept it.

A soft, needy cry pushed into his lips, Leung's arms
wrapping around his shoulders. Yes! He exulted inside,
and then fed that emotion back into the kiss. His dragon
pressed closer, moving into his arms, against him. Still
exulting, he drew Leung right onto his lap. He continued
to demand Leung's heart, emotion, need.

Leung's tongue slid against his, the heat between them
flaring as the kiss was shared. Holding on, he carefully
worked on fanning the flames of that heat. Anyone
could kiss. Leung could kiss. He wanted far more than
that. He wanted what was hidden deep inside Leung.

He prayed that he got it.

For both their sakes.

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Chapter Seven

Leung curled on his bed, chin on his knees, reading. He
could not complain, even the slightest, about his master's
understanding where his stories were concerned. He
spent much of his sleeping time engrossed in one novel
after another, meditating away any tiredness.

Soon he would need to meditate, seek out his master and
see what plans they might have for the day. For now,
though, he would read.

A soft knock interrupted him, making him start a little.

"Coming!" He put his pad aside and headed for the door,
opening it immediately.

Serius was there, smiling down at him, eyes warm.
"Good morning, my dragon."

"Good morning. Am I late?" His smile answered his
Master's, the man seeming happier every day.

"Not at all. I was up early and discovered a flower show
in the park down by the market area. I have arranged for
special permission and protection for you and I thought
we could go, perhaps break our fast in the park." Before
he could answer, his master bent and covered his lips.

The kiss flooded him with emotions that he did not
understand, but experienced more and more often with
his master. He opened, feeling like a bloom spreading
for the sun. Serius' tongue lapped its way into his mouth,
exploring him, tasting him, making those feelings

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He found himself stepping closer, his body drawn to his
master's. A happy sounding hum that came from his
master vibrated all through him. His body began to
respond, to warm and fill. The cold regard he'd been
learning had faded into a pleasurable joy, the happiness
leaving him eager to experience more.

Serius' hands slid over his back and moved down toward
his buttocks. A soft, needy sound slipped from him,
surprising him.

"Perhaps we should start our morning staying right

"Master." His hips rolled, begging for that touch.

Serius took hold of his rear, squeezing the globes of his
ass gently. "Is here all right, or would you prefer to
come to our big bedroom?"

"You're welcome here, always, but the mattress is very
small." He met Serius' eyes. "And you are not."

His master laughed softly. "You're absolutely right, my
dragon. We would be more comfortable on the big bed."
Without warning, his master grabbed his ass tight and
pulled him up against the long body.

"Yes, Master." The words were breathless, almost gasps.

Master Serius carried him, moving down the hall to the
big bedroom. He almost laughed, the sensation of being
carried enough to make his heart light. His Master
rubbed their noses together, pressed a kiss to his lips.

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The temptation to press into the kiss was too big to
ignore, and he kissed Serius back. His tongue was
sucked right into his master's mouth. Leung felt his eyes
widen, his hips rocking closer as sensation flooded all
through him.

His master laid him out on the bed, hands sweeping over
him. His breath came faster, a hunger beginning to
build. His master's fingers found his nipples and brushed
across them, the touches almost too light.

Leung took a deep breath, trying to center himself,

Serius bit at his tongue, sharp and quick. It shocked him,
and his hips bucked without his permission.

"Yes." Serius lay on top of him, pressing him into the

"I don't understand."

"I want your honest reactions, no holding back."

Wasn't he supposed to control himself?

Serius' hand slid down and pushed beneath him, grabbed
his buttocks. The grip was strong enough that his toes
curled, his body pressed into that touch. "I want to make
you feel, Leung."

That frightened him, to release, to let go.

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"I am here to hold you together." His Master slid his
tongue along Leung's neck.

His throat worked, and he lifted his chin. Teeth
threatened, scraping once before his Master's tongue
returned, hot and wet. The sensation relaxed him, bone
deep, left him swallowing one moan after another.

Shifting to lie beside him, Serius' fingers danced down
his body toward his cock. That touch hit spots that made
him gasp, that made him fight his chuckles. Serius
began to nibble on his throat, all the different sensations
fighting for his attention. His breath wanted to speed, his
heartbeat matched it.

Several fingers slid over his cock, tapping his skin. The
sensation was maddening -- too light to be intense, too
much to be ignored. Then his master tapped the head of
his cock, ran that finger over the sensitive flesh. His lips
parted, his gasp sharp on the air.

"Very nice." Serius bit at his nipple, teeth almost
snapping together.

His muscles tensed, body wanting to flee. The hurt
eased, his master beginning to lick and lap at him. His
muscles relaxed, and his eyelids went heavy. That
tongue moved all over him, leaving a warm, wet trail
behind. Leung found himself floating, melting into the

His master's fingers wrapped around his cock again,
thumb pressing into his slit. A deep sound was pulled

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from him, raw and needy. Serius' thumb slid down to
rub his own pre-come against his entrance.

He spread, but only a bit. His legs felt weighted, heavy,
That thumb pushed in, breaching him. This sensation
was familiar now, welcome, the pressure exciting and
comforting all at once.

Serius' mouth found his again, the kisses almost gentle,
a counterpoint to the way his Master's thumb pushed
into his ass over and over. His breath found his Master's,
their bodies moving together, Serius humming into his

Serius' thumb disappeared, and then two fingers pushed
into his body, slick and long, opening him up. He
pressed back, moving onto the touch.

"My lovely dragon." Serius shifted, moving to lie
between his legs.

The heat suffused him, and he beamed. "Yours."

"That's right, you are mine."

He could feel the amazing heat of his master's need,
pressing against him. He arched, making his offer clear.
Serius pushed into him, his body opening to
accommodate the length. Leung moaned, the pressure
sweet and deep, filling him to the core.

"Mine." It was only a murmur, but it slid through his
whole body.

He didn't understand why, but he knew that Serius was

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looking at him, looking into him. One of his Master's
hands wrapped around his prick, tugging in time to each
and every thrust into his body.

Pleasure began to build inside him, and he panted,
controlling the sensation. Serius growled, mouth landing
on his, teeth digging into his bottom lip. It surprised
him, and he jerked, hands landing on Serius' shoulders.
The bite was soothed, his master's tongue rubbing along
his lip.

He blinked, opened wider. Serius' tongue pushed deep
into his mouth, hand working his cock. The touch to the
tip of his prick was firm, steady, enough to drive him

"I want you to come while I'm inside you."

Leung nodded; that request was easy, simple. Something
he wanted, too. His master beamed at him, hips
snapping harder, making him light up from the inside.

"Master." His shoulders left the mattress as he fought to
find his completion.

"My Leung." The long fingers squeezed around his
prick, thumb brushing over the tip, back and forth.

He cried out, hips jerking restlessly, the burn large,

"Come for me, Leung. No, come with me."

"Master..." He reached out, cupped Serius' face, heat
pulsing from him.

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Serius smiled at him, bent and kissed him again, sweet
and loving, as heat filled him. It was the loving, the
gentle care that moved him, more than any firm

Serius slid from him and shifted to lie next to him.
"Mmm. Good morning, my dragon."

"Yes, Master." He blinked, smiled, fingers tracing the
full lips.

"It's going to be a great day."


It was a beautiful day, and the park's gardens were
stunning. Serius was pleased to be there with Leung.
They wandered slowly, and, as had become his custom,
he watched Leung carefully, wanting to learn which
plants and flowers drew his dragon's attention.

Leung seemed truly happy -- relaxed and peaceful
beside him, enjoying the unheralded time outside of the
club, smelling blooms and stroking petals. Every so
often, a particularly lovely bloom was offered to him.
He accepted each one with a smile and a kiss.

His dragon was blooming with each expression of care,
of fondness.

They'd wandered for an hour or so when he pointed to a
secluded, shaded area. "Shall we break our fast over
there?" He had a blanket and a basket of food with him.

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The club had thought of everything, even arranging for
their protection to be so discrete as to not be noticed.

"It's lovely." Leung took the blanket, spread it out for

He set the basket down and sat next to it, began to
unload the dishes the kitchen had prepared for him.
There was fruit of every color to match the flowers
around them, juices, water, and little pastries dusted
with sugar.

"I hope Master Katashi had the chance to come here and
see the flowers. He would enjoy them."

"You'll have to ask him next time we see him. What did
you like the best?"

"The deep purple blooms that smell so spicy. Which did
you enjoy?"

"I enjoyed the red poppies with the black centers. Such a
lovely contrast."

Leung prepared him a plate, serving him easily. "There
were some that smelled like honey."

"I noticed. The bees must like those best."

Leung almost chuckled. Almost.

Serius grabbed one of the melon pieces from his plate
and offered it over to his lover. The dark eyes met his,
twinkled in the sunlight, then the melon was plucked

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from his fingers. He grabbed a piece of the fruit for

Then Leung carefully cut a piece of flaky pastry and
offered it over. He took it from Leung's hand with his
mouth, careful to make sure he licked his lover's fingers.
It tasted all the more sweet for doing so.

The little expressions of pleasure, the care, seemed to
affect Leung more than any bonds, any whips. The usual
methods made his sub's focus and control stronger
instead of breaking through. It was a good thing he was
a man who could adapt.

Leung fed him easily, licking the fruit juices from his
hands. It was nice, to be doing something like this with
Leung, something where they were just themselves,

He tilted his head back and closed his eyes as a breeze
carried the scent of flowers across his face. A soft touch
caressed his throat, gentle and sweet. He hummed,
smiled, but didn't say or do anything, curious as to what
Leung might do next.

The touches continued -- meant to relax and learn,
gentle, curious, dear. He cracked one eye open to look
into Leung's face. Leung's eyes were closed, features

"What are you thinking?" he asked softly.

"Your skin is warm, like a petal, but stronger."

"You are a poet, Leung."

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The fine skin flushed a dark rose, Leung's hand falling
away. "Would you like another bite? Perhaps some tea?"

"I'd like whatever you have to offer, my dragon."

That sweet blush deepened.

"What are you feeling?"

"Warmth. The beauty here is stunning."

"We could come again." He wanted his dragon to be

"I would like that." Leung met his eyes, smiled. "I have
not been allowed out of the club since my arrival."

"Then we'll have to also find other places to visit. The
club is wonderful, but no place to be forever." Hercules'
men had proved themselves discrete and effective -- no
one had approached them, nor even tried.

Leung blinked at him, the look almost comically

"What? Even a place that is your home can become a
prison if you aren't allowed to leave it."

"Thank you." A soft kiss was pressed against the corner
of his mouth. "Master."

He took Leung's chin in his hand and turned the touch
into a caress. "You are welcome, Leung."

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Most welcome.

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Chapter Eight

Serius hummed softly as he put on his clothes for
evening meal. He had invited Katashi and Gloucester to
partake it with them in their quarters. It was all a part of
his plan to make Leung feel more and more like this was
his home. They had been on outings together, gone
shopping, and his dear dragon had a whole library in his
own room for reading and relaxing and starting his day.
All good things, all working toward that same goal.

Happy with how he looked, relaxed and comfortable
rather than elegant -- it was their home after all and their
guests were friends -- he stepped into the hall and made
his way to Leung's room, knocked on his dragon's door.

There was no answer, but he heard the sounds of
splashing, of water running, from the bathroom beyond.
So he knocked again, louder this time, and let himself
in. "Good evening, my dragon," he called out, not
wanting to startle.

"Good evening, Master." Leung sounded... blissful.

He was so pleased; perhaps Leung wasn't letting go
completely, surrendering as Serius yearned for, but his
dragon was working on it, and was clearly happy. They
could take as long as they needed on this journey -- the
goal was more than worth it.

"Are you ready for our friends? They should be here

"Almost. I was enjoying the water." His dragon had the

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long queue of hair tied up into a knot, body clean

For someone with a name associated with fire, his
dragon was certainly fond of the water. It was one thing
he tried to indulge as much as possible; they frequented
the pools often. He would have to see about doing some
scenes using water. He would have to think about that --
work out something exquisite for Leung.

He sat next to the tub and reached in, fingers sliding
over smooth skin. Leung arched, pushed up into his
hands gracefully. Serius traced the lean lines from
Leung's shoulders, down to his hip, finally cupping the
naked balls.

The lean thighs spread, and Leung's cock filled.

"Yes, my dear Leung?" He rolled his dragon's balls in
his hand and licked his lips as he watched the sweet
cock grow hard.

"We... our company?"

"We have ten minutes or so, and it would bring us both
pleasure to do this."

"Yes, Master. Yes." Leung slid in the water, graceful
and aroused.

He moved his fingers up to wrap around the long, thin
prick. Leung's dark eyes stared at him, the look heavy-
lidded and wanton.

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"Should I continue?"

"As you will, Master." Leung nodded, the motion clearly

"What I will do is make you feel pleasure, make you
come so you are easy and relaxed in your skin."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Master." Leung licked his lips,
hips moving steadily in the water.

"Beautiful." He rubbed his palm over the tip of Leung's
cock. His Dragon panted, shivered for him. "Can you
feel the pleasure gathering in your balls?"

"Yes. Yes, Master. Aching. So good."

"Perhaps, instead of relaxing you, I should bind you as
you are now, not let you come until after Katashi and
Gloucester leave."

His Dragon's cheeks heated, cock pulsing in his hand.

"Oh, yes. I think that would bring us both greater
pleasure than the fleeting one we could have this
instant." He stilled his hand.

Leung's hips moved a few more times, his dear dragon
reaching up for his touch, seeking friction.

He shook his head, smiling at his beautiful sub. "No, I
do believe making you wait is the way to go."

He reached for one of Leung's hair bands with his free

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hand, grabbing the length of black ribbon and wrapping
it around Leung's balls and then up along the length of
his dragon's long prick. Leung looked debauched,
swollen, incredibly aroused.

"Lovely," he whispered, as he leaned to press kisses on
Leung's lips. He could feel his dragon trying to center,
trying to settle.

He bit at Leung's lips, pressed hard, both keeping Leung
somewhat unsettled and making sure it would be clear
what those lips had been up to for anyone who cared to
look. That earned him a moan, the sound sweet as it
pushed into their kiss. Yes. He wrapped his tongue
around Leung's and pulled it into his mouth, sucking

Leung's body breached the water. He slid an arm around
Leung's back and helped his dragon leave the water,
never breaking their kiss. Leung was focused, shivering,
moaning for him.

Once he had Leung out of the tub, he grabbed a towel
and began drying the smooth, sensitive skin. He paid
attention to the dark nipples, the bound prick, glorying
in the needy sounds Leung fed him.

When his sub was well flushed, prick straining at the
ribbon that bound it, he drew Leung into the bedroom
and quickly pulled out some soft, simple linen clothes.
Leung was shivering, flushed. Perfect.

He'd just helped his dragon into the last of his clothes
when a knock sounded. "Ah, our friends have arrived.
You should go let them in."

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Leung shivered, looking well-fucked, wanton, hungry.
"Y...yes, Master."

"Very good, my dragon." He offered Leung a warm
smile and then followed his beautiful submissive as
Leung made his way to the door.

Leung opened the door, head down, breath coming in
forced rhythm. "Welcome."

He added his own welcome, opening his arms and
gesturing for Katashi and Glous to come in.

Katashi's eyes were twinkling, but the man gently
acknowledged Leung before coming to him. "My

He shook Katashi's hand and smiled at Glous. The man
smiled back and then touched Leung's arm, and he
thought he heard a whispered, "Masters can be so mean,
but we love them for it."

Leung offered Glous a tentative, shaky smile.

Glous smiled back. "You look good, Dragonne. In fact,
I'd say you're glowing. Isn't he glowing, Master

"Indeed. Desire suits him."

"Come and eat. Leung and I have each requested two of
our favorites from the kitchen to share with you." Eating
with friends was the perfect opportunity for deepening

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"Excellent." Katashi wrapped one hand around Glous'
hip, the act possessive. Glous responded beautifully,
looking happy and serene.

Serius approved, and he slid his own arm around
Leung's waist. His dragon shivered, looked worried,
then took a long, shuddering breath and relaxed.

"We are in our own home and with our best friends,
Leung. They think you are glowing -- as you are. Be

"Our own home..." The words were whispered, almost
like Leung was tasting them.

"That's right." He kissed Leung's forehead and pulled
out a chair for his dear dragon.

Leung sat, and he couldn't help but notice the careful
way Glous settled, cheeks flushing. It made him smile
and think of Leung's bound prick. In a subtle way, both
their subs were on display tonight.

"Would you like to share with us the first course, my

"Yes, Master. This is fried benna root with berries. It is
crispy, sweet." Leung passed out the plates, and Katashi
smiled. "These were very popular, in the nursery."

"They look delicious." Serius offered Katashi first
choice from the plate.

"You honor me." Katashi dipped his chin in thanks, took

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enough for himself and Glous, sliding the sub's empty
plate beneath his own.

"Put some on a plate for me, Leung."

"Yes, Master." Leung gave him the end piece, which he
knew was his dragon's favorite.

He cut it in half and offered a piece to Leung. His
submissive smiled at him, the look warm, happy. It was
what he was aiming for, and it made the piece of the
benna root taste all that much better.

They ate together, Katashi feeding Glous, Leung warm
beside him. The food was all simple, but good, the way
only old favorites could be. He'd left the matter of
dessert to the kitchens.

There were teas, sips of wines. Katashi regaled them
with tales of myths and legends, Leung listening in
fascination. He could see his dragon enjoying himself,
feeling relaxed and happy. At home.

Eventually, Leung leaned into his side, relaxed into him.
He met Katashi's gaze over the top of his dragon's head,
and they shared a smile. The approval felt good -- even
if he didn't need it. He knew he was on the right track
with Leung.

Now, he just needed to convince Leung to let go and
relax like this during a scene -- to lean into the emotions,
the pain, the bindings. His will. He wanted Leung to go
beyond control, to dive into the experience in all its

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"Shall I serve dessert, Master? It should have arrived."

"Yes, but I think we'll take it in the main room."

"Yes, Master." Leung smiled at their friends. "Would
you like caff?"

"No, but you can make some if our guests do."

"No, no. We don't need any. We rest early, wake early."
Katashi patted Glous' hand. "Assist Dragonne."

He and Katashi retired to the long couch in the living
room as their submissives worked on their dessert. "So,
Katashi. How have you been?"

"Good. Good. Glous is a joy. How is Leung

"He is beginning to relax. I believe he will come to
believe he has a place in the world. A home here with

"Has he learned to submit?" The question felt sincere,
more concerned and less curious.

"He's working on it." His dragon would get there; he
believed it wholeheartedly.

"I am pleased to hear that. He is a good man, in his
spirit. He deserves happiness."

"He does. Now he just needs to be convinced of that."

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Soft laughter floated in from the kitchen, and they both
smiled, Katashi's head bobbing. "Listen to that."

"I hear. It's a beautiful noise." He wanted to hear more
of it. On a daily basis.

"Yes, my friend." Katashi leaned back, eyes closing for
a moment, and they both enjoyed the happy noises.

Glous brought out a tray with little cookies on it, along
with a pitcher of milk and a bowl of sugar. A pot of tea
came out next, then a bowl of iced cream.

"Oh, now this looks like a dish to be fed to a lover." The
kitchens here never failed to impress him.

Glous and Leung both flushed. Serius couldn't help but
chuckle as he patted the section of couch next to him.
He was so pleased to see Leung letting the long-hidden
emotions out.

Glous settled on a pillow at Katashi's feet, head on one
knee so Katashi could pet and caress the man's hair.

"You may feed me, Leung, and then I will return the

"Yes, Master." Leung poured him a cup, preparing it as
he preferred, then carefully created a sandwich with iced
cream and cookies.

He tugged his dragon closer to feed from the delicate
fingers. The sweet was luscious -- creamy and cold and
sweet, melting on his tongue.

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"You have to try this, my dragon," He turned Leung's
hand around so his dragon could feed himself.

Leung's lips parted, eyes closing. Serius leaned in,
licking Leung's soft lips before pushing the sweet in
between them. Leung gasped, eyes flying open to meet

He smiled. "Good, isn't it?"

"Yes. Yes, thank you."

He could tell that Leung was unsure how to respond
with their company here.

He nodded toward where Glous was being fed by
Katashi, clearly enjoying the food. "Do not let their
presence ruin your enjoyment of the sweet, or of me."

"No, Sir. I will not."

He drew Leung into his lap, and his dragon came easily.
He hummed approvingly, his fingers running along
Leung's spine. He could feel the still-hard cock, though
the earlier need had faded some.

He wanted to see the wildness, the need, the desire,
pouring through this man. He wanted Leung to let go, no
matter who was here to see or where they were.

"Would you like more, Master?"

"I would like more of you."

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"More of me?" That honest confusion was delicious.

"Your fingers, your mouth, your pleasure."

"Here? Now?"

"Yes, my dragon. Let our passions rule us."

Leung held his gaze, allowed him to see the worry, the

"Trust in me. It will lead to joy."

"Yes, Master." Leung nodded, touched his lips. "I do. I
trust you."

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Chapter Nine

Leung bowed as the door closed behind Sa'Katashi and
his lover Glous.

He was afire -- his skin was singing, his was alight, and
he was caught in a world of need and pleasure. He could
not remember ever feeling so much.

As soon as the door had closed, Master Serius locked it
and then put an arm around his waist, pulling him back
into his master's body. He shivered once, the warmth
perfect, the solid strength fascinating.

"They are very good friends and I love having them
here, but I have never been so happy to see anyone leave
as I am that they have." He was not given a chance to
reply to the words, his master's mouth descending upon
his own.

For all they'd been kissing all evening, this kiss was
different. This kiss engulfed him, delved into him and
demanded his response. This kiss he felt in every part of
his body. Every part.

Leung moaned, arms wrapping around his master's
shoulders as he bowed back. Strong hands landed on his
buttocks, his master pulling him close and up, carrying
him down the hall toward the bedroom that housed his
master's big bed. His prick ached, throbbed, his need
pulsing inside him.

"My beautiful, wanton dragon. Will you breathe fire for
me tonight?"

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"If I can, Sir." The room was swinging, swaying.

"I'd love to see that." His master put him on the bed.

He wasn't sure what his master asked, but he would try.

"Less clothing, Leung. Far less clothing."

He nodded and unwrapped himself from the soft
clothing, his bound prick still hard, stiff, proud.

"Mmm. Look at you, my beautiful Leung. All wrapped
up for me like the best gift."

"Master." He arched, so pleased, so proud. He couldn't
help the emotions -- they were what he felt.

"Yes, and you're my submissive. Mine. Through and

"Yours." He wanted to belong, he wanted his master's
touch, his master's heart.

"That's right." Serius disrobed and climbed onto the bed,
his master's eyes like a touch themselves.

His cock jerked, and he wanted to push close, to beg for
Serius' attention. His lips parted, the urge to ask huge.

"I want to hear what you want to say to me, Leung."

"I have so much need, for you, Master. To be yours." So
much, almost too much to dare look upon.

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"I love that need, Leung. I wish to fan it, to make it

"It is a large feeling." A frightening one.

"The way I feel about you fills me up." His master's
words were a confession, a benediction.

He met Serius' eyes. "I have never felt these things

"I am honored that you feel them with me for the first
time." Serius came to lie next to him, kisses pressing
over his face.

Leung believed, quite privately, that he would feel this
way for none other.

The kisses continued, his master murmuring in between
them. "And I will tie you to me with those feelings.
They bind us together, my dragon."

"Yes, ba'ta'mi." Beloved heartbeat.

Groaning, his master lay down on top of him, body hard
and heavy, but good as well, right. He moaned, their
breath joining together. He could feel Serius
everywhere. Not only where their skin touched, but
inside as well, as if his master's spirit was entering him
along with the man's breath.

He whispered a secret prayer, the words spinning around

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"I will fill your body with my seed, with my essence, my
breath." Long fingers pushed between his legs, sliding
against the entrance to his body.

"I would be yours." His breath sped, the need surprising.

"You are mine, and soon you will believe it. You will
know it." One of Serius' fingers pushed, breached him.

He moaned, the stretch wonderful and not enough in the
same breath. His master's finger disappeared, but before
he could make any sort of protest, it had returned, slick
this time and pushing deep. His body arched, bearing
down. He wanted more.

"Such need." Another of his master's fingers joined the

His answer was a sigh, a moan. Yes. So much need.

"For me." Serius beamed down at him, and then took
another kiss,

Yes. He moaned the agreement into Serius' lips.

The fingers inside him grew by one more, so thick, but
not as thick, he knew, as his master's prick. He would
stretch to accommodate them.

"Full." His stomach tightened, drew taut.

"Of me." Serius made the point and pushed his fingers

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"Yes..." He fought the urge to beg for more.

"I don't want to wait any longer." His master's fingers
disappeared, the full heat of Serius' cock pressing
against his hole.

His body accepted the pressure, bore down, took his
master in. And in and in. Master Serius felt huge.

"Full. Full. Master."

"Yes." Finally, his master was in as far as he could go.
"So tight, go good, Leung."

His body squeezed tight, gripped the flesh inside him.
Groaning, Serius brought their lips together again,
joining them in a second place. His lungs filled with
Serius' breath, Serius-flavored air.

His master moved them, hand wrapped around his hip as
the prick inside him moved, their bodies rocking gently.
His eyes were held to his master's, his body open,
welcoming Serius in, his very spirit opening.

"My dragon. My Leung." The words were breathed into
his mouth, slipping over his tongue and into his body.

"Ba'ta'mi." Master. Heartbeat.

One of his master's hands slid between them, working at
the ribbon that bound his cock to his master's will. His
balls drew up tight, the light touches maddening. The
rhythm of their bodies together slowed as his master
worked, the sensations being stretched out now.

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Part of him wanted to move, to demand more, but more
of him was caught in Serius' will, in the speed of their

His master didn't say anything with words, but Serius'
eyes were shining down at him, full of love and pride
and a need that might match his own.

Home. This was his home. He cried out, the knowledge
hitting him so powerfully it hurt. Just then his master's
fingers freed his prick from the ribbons and the word
"come" whispered through him. Seed poured from him,
offered to his heartbeat.

Serius didn't make a sound, but his mouth opened wide,
his eyes closing as he thrust several more times and then
filled Leung with wonderful heat.

They floated together, their heartbeats pounding as one.

Serius placed soft kisses over his face, and once in a
while, would circle his hips, moving the thick cock
inside Leung.

"What, my sweet dragon, is 'ba'ta'mi'?"

"Beloved heartbeat. The one who lives within me."

"Oh, I see." Serius hugged him very tightly. "I like it."

He hummed, arms sliding over Serius' back. "Master,
may I... If it pleases you, can I stay?"

"It does please me, Leung. It pleases me very much."

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"Thank you, Master." He settled. "Ba'ta'mi."

Serius made a pleased noise and held him.

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Chapter Ten

Serius woke with a smile. His dragon had asked to stay
and was now sleeping with him, a warm, lovely
presence beside him. His dragon who had called him
Beloved Heartbeat. Leung had made him feel very
special. He would make Leung feel the same way.

He stroked his hand along Leung's soft, warm skin. His
dragon moaned, body arching, so sensual. He moved a
little closer, placed a kiss on Leung's shoulder.

Leung's dark eyes popped open, more than a bit
surprised. "I... I have slept so long."

"It's early yet." Of course, it never seemed to matter how
early he rose and went to his dragon, the man was
always up. Usually reading in bed.

Leung's smile warmed him. "It is, but I am rarely
sleeping at this time."

"I'm glad you were today." He leaned in, nose and lips
pressed to his dragon's.

Those sweet lips parted, then Leung kissed him back
with more than a hint of passion. Groaning, he wrapped
his arms around Leung. It was so good when his dragon
gave himself over like this. There was such potential --
for fire, for passion, for need. He so enjoyed slowly
opening Leung up, drawing out that fire.

He opened Leung's mouth, sucked on the sweet tongue.
Serius could feel the man's heartbeat quicken, feel the
way Leung arched into him.

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"You are beautiful in your need, Leung." He could see
Leung fight the urge to pull away, to shut down. "Do
you hear me? You are beautiful like this. And I am so
honored that you share this part of you with me." He
would help his dragon fight that urge, the habits so long

"Thank you, Master. It is yours, alone."

"Oh, yes. I do not wish you to share it with any other."
Leung was his, of that he was growing more and more
sure every day. He would never allow anyone else to
know Leung as he did.

Leung nodded, moved close to him, their legs
intertwining. That felt so good, like a huge step forward,
having Leung make such overtures on his own. He
definitely could see that Leung was home here, with
him. He could only hope his dragon saw it, too. Felt it.
At moments like this, he was sure that Leung did.

He brought their mouths together, kissing the sweet lips
until they were swollen and red.

"Master..." The word was whispered, moaned against his

"Touch me, Leung. Make me feel wonderful this
beautiful morning."

"Yes, Master." Leung was gratifyingly eager, hands and
lips exploring his body. He knew this intimacy and
eagerness also belonged to him.

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He watched as Leung worked to make him feel good,
the touches slowly building the need inside him. When
Leung's lips wrapped around his cock, tongue sliding
over his shaft, he cried out and almost came from the
first touch of Leung's mouth on his prick, but he held
back, wanting to enjoy this fully. The caresses were
simple, sweet, and went right to his cock.

A part of him wanted to grab onto Leung's long queue
so he could push in deep and take the lovely mouth. The
rest of him wanted to let Leung give him pleasure the
way Leung wished to.

Leung's head began to bob, the motions slow and
languid. Moaning, he let Leung know how good it was,
how much he was enjoying it. He felt Leung's answering
groan, the soft tongue vibrating against his shaft.

He reached down and patted Leung's head, licked his
own lips. At his touch, Leung's mouth took him down to
the root.


Those dark eyes blinked up at him.

"Good. So good." Surprising and sudden, but so very
good. He smiled, stroked Leung's head.

His dragon hummed, the suction resuming.

"Yes. Good." He moaned again, his hips beginning to
move, to push back and forth a little. His fingers tangled

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in the long hair, mussing it. "Don't stop, Leung. Don't

The suction didn't stop, in fact, it grew stronger, headier.

"It won't be long." It wouldn't, not with the way Leung
was swirling that sweet tongue around his cock, making
his balls ache. Gentle fingers nudged his sac, tugged his
balls, caressed them.

"Leung! My dragon!" His hips jerked as his balls
emptied and his pleasure poured down Leung's throat.
His dragon swallowed him down, moaning around his

He panted as he settled back onto the bed, shivers of
delight still working through him. "Thank you, my

A soft kiss brushed the inside of his thigh. "Thank you,

"Mmm." He stroked Leung's head. "And do you have

Those lean cheeks flushed. "Yes, Master."

His fingers drifted down to slide over the heated skin of
his dragon's face. "What do you need, Leung?" His
dragon would tell him.

Those dark eyes met his. "You, Master. I need you."

"Yes, my dragon. You do. Don't ever forget it." He

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dragged Leung up and kissed the swollen lips, tasting
himself there.

When he was breathless, he broke away. "And right
now, what do you need me to do to you?"

"I need your touch. Please."

"Such a needy dragon. It makes me happy, Leung, that
you're sharing your need with me." He slid his hand
down along Leung's back. "That I am your Ba'ta'mi."

"Yes. Yes, Master. I thought there would not be one for
me. I thought I would always be alone in my heart."
Such fear. Such loss.

"You are not, though, my Leung. You never will be
again." He wanted his dragon to feel the peace of
knowing that, feeling it deep in his bones, in his heart.

"Thank you." Leung gave him a sudden, unexpected

"Oh." He smiled and hugged Leung back, the embrace
simply the sharing of themselves rather than sexual,
although really, it wasn't simple at all. It said more than
any words.

His dragon held on, face buried in his shoulder, taking
comfort from his touch.

"I have you," he murmured softly.

He would keep Leung, too. Until the end of time. And

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then he would keep his dragon until even the end of time
was just a memory.


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