Sean Michael Jarheads Rig and the Gym Bunnies

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Rig and the Gym Bunnies: A Jarheads Short

By Sean Michael

The alarm had gone off at the gym. They'd gotten the call at two a.m. and Dick had volunteered to
go in. He'd been asleep since nine anyway -- he'd gone to be for a "nap" after a horizontal workout
with Rig and Rock and hadn't woken up until the phone call, so he wasn't hurting for sleep.

It was almost four by the time Dick got back, and he was hungry. So he toed off his shoes at the
door, left his jacket on the hook and made his way to the kitchen. If there was some chicken left
over he was having a nice big sandwich, complete with cheese and lettuce and tomatoes. Maybe
he'd even grill it on that new fancy doodad grill thing Rock had bought Rig.

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He grinned as he poked through the fridge. They even had mayo. Score.

"Everything okay at the gym, Pretty?" Rig wandered across the kitchen toward the coffeemaker.
Fuck, the man was addicted.

"Yeah. A couple of squirrels got in through the roof -- I told Rock we needed to get that fixed this
year." Nothing had been damaged, this time, but it needed to be dealt with because he sure as hell
didn't want to make a habit of midnight visits to make sure everything was okay.

Dick stood frozen to the spot as he watched the long, naked body moving around. Fuck, but Rig
was still as sexy as the day they'd first met.

"I'm not going to volunteer to fix it. I fall off three stories and Rock'd kill me." Rig filled the
coffeepot and started grinding the beans. "You want breakfast, Pretty?"

"I was thinking more a midnight snack." Four in the morning didn't count as actual morning in his
book. He let the fridge door close and leaned against it. "You do realize the sun's not coming up for
a couple more hours, right?"

"It's four. I've been waking up this time for damned near thirty years." Rig stretched, hands sliding
through his curls.

"Yeah, but for at least half of that I've been coaxing you back to bed and back to sleep." He grinned
and gave up on his sandwich. There were much more interesting things on the menu.

"More than half, I'm thinking." Rig gave him a warm smile, one that told him everything he'd ever
need to know about how much he was loved, then his cowboy turned and started pulling out coffee

He wandered over slow and easy, draping himself over Rig, hands sliding along Rig's belly. "The
coffee can wait."

"Oh..." Rig leaned back into him, stomach muscles sliding under his hands. "Your hands feel so

"Yeah? Your skin is soft, warm. And you smell good. Always smell so good, Rig." He nuzzled
Rig's neck, breathing in. It wasn't cologne or soap or anything like that; it was just Rig.

A soft moan answered him, Rig shivering with pleasure. "Are you trying to seduce me?" The husky
tone and that sweet drawl was enough to make a dead man need.

And he wasn't dead. Not by a long shot.

"You're the one who's naked, Rig. I think you're trying to seduce me with your fine skin and your
good smells and your sweet drawl."

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"Mmm... Whatever keeps you close and loving me, Pretty." Rig cuddled back against him.
"Whatever works."

"You want to take this back to the bedroom?" he asked, fingertips sliding along the sharp hipbones.

Rig nodded, moaning softly. "Anywhere."

He turned Rig, bringing their mouths together as he shuffled them toward the bedroom. His feet
knew the way by heart and he didn't need to be paying attention to get them there. Open and
trusting, Rig followed easily, moaning into his lips.

By the time they got to the bed, he was hornier than fuck, Rig's mouth working its usual magic.

His T-shirt had been removed somewhere in the hallway, his pants unfastened by the time they hit
the bed. He kicked them off, sliding naked against Rig's body, moaning as their pricks came
together. Rock was a warm bulk next to them, making it home.

"Pretty..." They sank into the mattress, Rig curling into his arms.

"Fuck, I love you," he whispered the words in the dark, passing them into Rig's mouth.

"Yes. God, yes. Oh, Pretty...want to feel you deep."

He nodded, licked his agreement on Rig's skin, hand sliding up beneath the pillows, finding the
plastic tube. One long leg bent, curling around his hip, opening and offering him everything. He
groaned, slicking up his fingers and pushing one inside the tight heat of Rig's body. Rig's face
rested in his shoulder, lips parted and panting as Rig rocked on his finger, sliding slow and easy.

He could do this forever, this slow work to join them together. It was almost with reluctance that he
slid a second finger in. Rig gave a gentle sound like a purr, soft and warm around him, beneath
him. So open, so willing.

Two fingers became three and then Rig was ready and he needed, so he shifted, spreading Rig's
legs wider and sliding in.

"Oh. Just what I need..." Rig arched and took him deep, the happy cry heralding the first hint of
dawn in the bedroom window.

"Oh fuck. Rig." He started to move, pushing in as far as he could before pulling it out and doing it
again. This was bliss; it was hot and good and right.

Rig's hands cupped his face, drawing him in for one soft kiss after another. "Pretty. My pretty

He pushed moans into Rig's mouth, feeling like a god -- Rig did that to a man, made him feel like

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the center of the fucking universe. Rig held him, rocked with him, so hot and needing and happy,
those gray eyes drugged with passion.

It wasn't going to last forever, but for a moment it felt like forever and then the pleasure peaked and
he cried out as he came, shudders going through him. He hadn't felt Rig's orgasm, lost in his own,
but the sweet musk was there, the wet heat of his belly, the long limbs relaxed and loose.

He let Rig take his weight, reveled in the warm body beneath his own for a moment before slipping
out and moving to the side.

Rock rumbled softly, pulling Rig in tight, one hand reaching to stroke his skin, soft snores
resuming immediately.

Gray eyes blinked over at him, a grin wreathing his cowboy's face. "Someone's not ready for me to
get up."

"Two somebodies," he murmured, bracketing Rig in by pushing close and wrapping his arm around
both Rig and Rock.

Rig gave a gentle sound -- one that spoke of pure happiness -- and relaxed against him. "I can
probably manage a nap."

"Yeah? Good."

He was feeling tired now himself, the interrupted sleep catching up with him now. Rig's breaths and
Rock's snores lulled him into sleep.


The gym more or less ran itself these days, under Julie's eagle eye and light management hand.

Still, Rock liked showing up every morning for a few hours and going through the reports, doing
some reps, just being there. He'd been working since he was eighteen, and while he hated getting up
in the morning, it was habit.

Most days he didn't have much of an excuse to be there beyond noon, and if the kid had come in
with him, he and Dick would head on over to the clinic and take Rig out for lunch.

Or keep Rig in for lunch.

Today was an in day. They stopped at Salads To Go and Taco Loco on the way and headed over to
the clinic for more than just food.

He gave Rig's nurse a bright smile. "Hey, Helen, is the doc in?"

"Hey there, Rock. Yeah, he's in his office doing paperwork, patients went fast this morning." He

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got a grin, Helen's face wrinkling. "I've worked for doctors my entire life... I've never met one so on
time. That man's scary organized."

He gave her a wink. "You should try living with him."

"Oh, sweet Jesus, no. He'd organize the cans in the cupboard, and I'd kill him. He's not got any
patients until three-thirty p.m. Three hours, all yours."

"Oh, sweet," murmured Dick.

He nodded, gave Helen another wink and headed on to Rig's office. He rapped sharply.

"It's open." Rig's voice was muffled, and they walked in to find their cowboy pulling off a light
sweater, the late spring sun pouring in on his white button up. "Hey, boys. What's up?"

"The kid, unless he's started carrying a golf club in his pants."

Dick whapped him on the arm, but pushed up against him from behind, proving he hadn't lied.

"A golf club? Impressive." Rig nodded toward the little round table. "What smells good, and y'all
want water or tea?"

"We can eat after, Rig. It'll keep."

"Yeah," agreed Dick. "It'll keep. Me and Rock might not."

Rig gave them both a long, slow, burning smile, then closed the blinds tight. "Lock the door."

"I got it," said Dick, bouncing back to the door and snapping the lock shut.

Rock just kept his eyes on Rig and started stripping. Rig watched him, leaning up against the desk,
gray eyes hot as fuck.

"See anything you like, cowboy?"

"Oh fuck, yes." Those eyes were almost a touch, steady and stroking. "You're beautiful men."

Dick was soon just as naked as him; the kid was a master at clothes removal. "Hey, Rock. What's
wrong with this picture?"

"Not enough naked men."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

One white eyebrow went up, Rig's cock a hard bulge in those slacks.

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"So do we pounce him and tear off his clothes, or just go at it with each other and give him a
show?" Dick asked, getting up close behind him again and rubbing that long prick against his ass.

Rigger moaned, lips parting. "Sexy bastards."

"I think he wants to watch," murmured Dick, nibbling on Rock's ear.

"Guess we better give him a show then." He pulled Dick around and kissed the kid hard.

"Oh... fuck, yeah." He heard a zipper and the rustle of fabric.

Rock smiled against the kid's lips. "I think he likes what he sees."

"Of course he does, Rock, look at you!"

Oh, he gave the kid an extra good kiss for that one.

"You two are the sexiest fucking things on earth." Rig was panting softly, practically purring at

Rock preened a little -- and it wasn't easy preening while you were making out with one of your
lovers, but he did his best.

"Fuck me," murmured Dick and he nodded. Yeah. He could do that.

"Do it where I can suck Dick off."

He grinned. There was only so much watching his Rabbit could do.

"Floor," murmured Dick.

That made him groan, but Dick was licking his neck. "I'll lie on my back; you can collapse onto me

He growled. "Just for that I will."

Rig laughter filled the air, warm hands moving over his skin. "So good to us, Blue."

He wrapped one arm around Rig, pulling his cowboy in for a kiss. While he was doing that the kid
pressed a bottle of lube into his hand and lay back on the floor, assuming the position.

Rig whimpered, pushing into the kiss, tongue thrusting into him. "Fuck, y'all are fine."

"We gotta keep ourselves looking good for our doctor," said Dick. The kid was lying on the floor,
stroking himself lazily, six pack twitching and jumping, demanding attention.

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"I was yours way before the whole doctor thing." Rig was hot, staying close.

"Yeah, but we were marine studs back then." Rock grinned and goosed his cowboy, getting a good
feel of the sweetest ass in the whole damned country.

"Mmmhmm. Now you're just studs." Rig licked his shoulder. "My studs."

"You better believe it."

"Uh-huh. Now can the two of you get down here and do me?" Dick was on the verge of whining;
he supposed he couldn't blame the kid.

Rig dropped to the floor, nipping Dick's lips. "Hey. Some of us are still at work."

"'S three hours before your next appointment," moaned Dick.

Rock nodded. "We did reconnaissance before coming in." He dropped to his own knees between
the kid's legs, hands sliding over the long cock.

"My brilliant men." Rig took the kid's mouth in a hard kiss, Dick rippling, pushing up into his hand.

Rock loved the kid's noises. Their own fucking porno soundtrack, still as loud today as when he'd
first brought Dick home. And if he did this... he slid his finger into Dick's ass, making the kid buck
and get even noisier, despite Rig's mouth muffling things.

"Easy... Dr. Greene will have my balls if she thinks we're fucking in here." Rig's fingers found
Dick's nipple ring, stroking and twisting.

Rock snorted, as Rig's movements were designed to make the kid louder. "If she doesn't already
know it, she's the most unobservant person ever, and I'd hate for her to be my doctor."

"Asshole." Rig grinned over at him.

"Slut," he shot back.

Dick moaned, riding his finger impatiently.

"Neanderthal." Rig leaned in and kissed him.

He would have protested, would have shot back a rejoinder, but his mouth was busy and Rig's
kisses were too fucking good to argue around. Rig palmed the kid's balls, one long finger sliding
inside Dick's body along with his. Dick wailed, body shaking.

Fuck, their cowboy was one sexy mother fucker.

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Those gray eyes flashed at him, hot and ready like they had been twenty fucking years ago.

Fuck, his Rabbit was trying to make him come without a touch to his body.

He'd promised the kid he'd fuck him though, and that was what he was going to do.

Rig's finger slipped away, lips covering his again as his cock was taken in Rig's hand, brought to
that tight hole and eased in. Both he and the kid groaned and he pressed in, Rig's hand sliding
around to his ass to guide his rhythm. Rig's other hand found Dick's cock, moving them together,
slow and easy.

Oh, yeah. He could still do this all fucking day.

Rig was whispering against his lips, watching him, turned on as much as if that sweet ass was the
one being fucked. He bit and nibbled and then kissed Rig deep, fucking Rig with his tongue like he
was fucking Dick with his cock.

Rig moaned into his lips, rocking against his side.

"I hate to be greedy," gasped Dick. "But somebody said they were gonna suck me while Rock
fucked me."

He chuckled into Rig's lips. The kid was greedy. Greedy as fuck. Rock couldn't see as how he could
blame Dick. Not for a second.

"Picky, picky, picky." Rig took another kiss, then slid down to take Dick's cock in that mouth.

Kid didn't make any comeback aside from a fucking needy sounding moan. Oh yeah, that mouth
was fucking heaven. Rig's hand slid around Rock's thigh, touching him, reaching to tease his balls
as he fucked Dick's tight hole. He growled, letting Rig and Dick both know how fucking good this

Rigger bobbed his head, sending the kid's eyes rolling back, Dick's hands burying into Rabbit's
white curls.

He took Dick hard, pounding into the kid's ass. He knew between them, they were gonna have Dick
over the fucking moon in no time flat. Which would leave him ready to nail his Rabbit through the
floor, too.

Rig reached up and muffled Dick's cry with one hard, swallowing hard as the kid convulsed around
his cock, milking him. He pegged the kid's gland a few more times, making Dick jerk and shudder.
Yeah, perfect.

Rig sucked a bit longer, then kissed Dick's belly. "Taste good, Pretty."

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Dick groaned, hands sliding through Rig's hair. "Your turn -- Rock's got quite the wood left."

"I do. Gotta take care of my men."

"You do a good job, Rock." Dick grinned at him, a goofy, sated smile.

"He does." Rig stood, moving across the room. "He always has. Couch, old man. Your knees will
love me for it."

He just growled, but it was a fond growl; his Rabbit knew him well. He gave the kid a good, hard
kiss as he pulled out and went to make Rig fly.

Rig pushed him onto the long couch, straddling him easily, one knee on the couch, one foot on the
floor. "Hey, Blue. Looking damned good."

He growled, hands sliding over smooth skin. "Not so bad yourself, cowboy."

Dick shifted, turning to watch them.

He got a long, slow grin, lean body stretching for him. The gold ring in that hard little nipple
glinted as Rig sank down on his cock, wrapping around him.

He groaned. Fucking perfection.

Dick crawled over and he held a hand out to the kid, groaning again as Dick's fingers twined with
his own.

"That's it. Fucking sweet." Rig was hot and moaning, riding him with the ease of years.

He watched those fucking joy-filled gray eyes as the pleasure grew. His Rabbit never held back,
gave everything up -- the pleasure, the wanting, the happiness, the love. Just gave him every
fucking thing like it was easy.

Dick's hands were busy loving on both of them, and it was good. It was fucking awesome. Rigger
was moaning, flushed and tight, rocking around him. He and Dick reached for Rig's prick at the
same time, sharing the heat.

"Oh, fuck," Rig whimpered, body jerking. "Yes."

"Yeah," whispered Dick, leaning up and taking Rig's mouth. Fuck, they looked hot together.

He could feel Rig's pleasure rippling around his cock, pulling and squeezing him.

He squeezed Rig's cock hard. "Together," he growled.

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"Yeah, Blue. Now." Rig's voice was raw, body jerking in his hand.

He pushed up hard, letting himself go and filling Rig with heat as pleasure washed over him. Dick
held Rig up when the thin body would have fallen forward, kissing those sweet lips.

Sweet fucking perfection. Dick and Rig and fucking for lunch. Who could ask for anything more?


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Rig and the Gym Bunnies

Copyright © 2006 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or
reviews. For information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / June 2009

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

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