Sean Michael The Butcher and the Beast

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Torquere Press

Copyright ©2006 by Sean Michael

First published in, 2006

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Chapter One
"Elizabeth, please. I'm not going to Hades to fight the devil

himself, I'm taking my constitutional. Simply wait tea until I
return." Stephen shook his head at his sister and her swollen

Ever since the damnable rumors about pirates attacking

their fair isle, the woman had been an unbearable worrywart.
The entire scenario was pointless, ridiculous. Bloody childish.
Admiral Lipincott was the finest in Her Majesty's fleet,
keeping them all safe and supplied. There wasn't a pirate
alive foolhardy enough to attack Santa Maria.

"Brother. Stephen. Please. Mary Ann said..."
"Mary Ann is a twit and a gossip and a child trapped in a

woman's body." He stood, glaring down at her. "Now,
honestly. Calm yourself and I shall be home before you know
it." He loved her dearly, he did, but damned if she didn't drive
him batty.

He stormed out of the drawing room, nodding to George as

he passed. "Tea will be late."

"Yes, Doctor Grey. Have a good walk." Yes, good man.

This was why he kept the old man on the payroll. He knew
when to agree.

Stephen wandered down the cobblestones, nodding to the

random people he met, heading to the long stretch of planks
by the docks. His boots thumped against the wood. The
sound of the water against the dock was quite relaxing.

There was a soft splash and then two men appeared before

him, in the shadows. "You're the doctor, eh?"

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"I am." Hell's bells. He started backing away, gripping his

cane firmly.

"Good." They each grabbed one of his arms and went over

the side of the pier, landing in the water with a splash.

"Unhand me! Help! Constable!" He struggled, trousers and

shirtwaist soaked through and heavy immediately, the water
cool and slick. Oh, Elizabeth was never going to let him forget
this nonsense.

One of his captors turned to glide through the water on his

back, tugging him along, hand over his mouth. In moments
he was being pulled up into a rowboat.

He still had his cane and as soon as he could find his

balance and pull away from the fiends, he swung, hoping to
make contact. "What wickedness is this?"

There was a yelp from in front of him and a laugh from

behind him and the cane was yanked from his hand and
unceremoniously tossed overboard.

"We're taking you to a patient, Doctor. This how you treat

all of 'em?"

"I beg your pardon? The governor sent you?" Did they

think him a fool?

They laughed. Not the polite titters he was used to either,

but full out belly laughs.

He looked around, judging the distance to the shore, the

weight of his clothing. He was not the strongest swimmer on
the isle, but he could survive. Stephen tensed, diving for the
edge of the rowboat. His hopes were dashed as one meaty
hand wrapped around his arm, holding fast.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"Now, now, sawbones, don't be thinking of going anywhere

before you see the Cap'n."

"Captain? Captain of what? Captain who? I know everyone

on the isle." His mind could not imagine it, could not come to
terms with this insanity.

"Not taking you to anywhere on the isle, now are we?"
"Shut it, Dawson."
"You shut it!"
"Both of you shut it," came a third voice as they drew up

next to a large ship.

"I am here under duress! I insist upon being taken back to

shore!" Oh, he despised ships, the rocking and rolling.

That brought another loud round of laughing and he was

unceremoniously hauled on board.

"Cap'n's below."
"Below? Below where? What is wrong with him? Why did

you come fetch me? What on earth is that stench?"

"That'd be me, 'ya butcher." A foul-breathed giant of a

man pushed into his face, laughing before grabbing his arm
and pulling him along.

"I say! Unhand me! What on Earth do you expect of me,

without my bag, my tools?" Fiends. Foul, beastly fiends.

"We expect you to fix up the Captain, sawbones. He dies—

you die."

They started going down. Oh, my. The stench was ...

Unbearable. People honestly lived this way? Apurpose? Utterly

"Stop hovering, Havers, and get me the thrice damned

whiskey!" The angry growl came from the direction they were

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


going in and a sailor pushed passed them like the very devil
was on his tail.

Oh, facing the bear in his den. Goodness. What tales he'd

have to tell tomorrow over breakfast.

He was brought into a little cabin with barely enough room

to stand upright. The bed and desk took up most of the
space, his escort taking up most of the air in the small place.
But it was the man on the bed who seemed to take up the
most room.

Lying absolutely naked on the bed, the Captain filled it

entirely with a long, muscled body. In fact Stephen was quite
sure he'd never seen such an excellent specimen of humanity,
even marred as the man was by a deep gash on his chest and
a wound that looked to be made from a musket on his upper

"Good Lord." He went from Stephen to Dr. Grey in a mere

heartbeat. "I suppose clean bandages, soap and water, are
out of the question? Cat gut—you have supplies?"

"Havers," shouted the Captain. The sailor who'd pushed

passed them came scurrying back with a bottle of whiskey.
"Get those lazy roustabouts to shore for whatever the butcher

"Wouldn't it be easier for both of us to return to my


Their laughter was starting to become very annoying.
"Just tell Havers what you need," the Captain ordered.
"There is a black bag. I require that. The bottles of

laudanum. Soap. Bandages. Cat gut and needles. Ether.
Please, no one knows better than myself where the supplies

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


are kept. Let me return to fetch them." And scream and alert
the navy. Rogues.

"Oh, I don't think so. Havers, go get what he asked for.

Take Ruby with you and try not to kill too many people while
you're at it. I'd rather not have the entire navy fleet after us."

The Captain pinned him with a sharp gaze from eyes the

color of a bright blue sky. "You know if I die so do you."

"Pardon me?" He swallowed hard, backed away a few

steps. "I say! I never asked to be brought to your aid."

"Which would be why we've put in the caveat, now

wouldn't it?" The men laughed again and the Captain reached
for the whiskey, downing a third of the bottle in two easy

"And if you die from overindulgence before proper supplies

arrive? Am I to be held accountable for that?" His knees were
actually trembling.

The Captain laughed again, those blue eyes twinkling at

him. "My dear doctor, do you really think my men will know
the difference?"

Beast. He wrinkled his nose, eyes searching the room for a

weapon, a defendable spot. Anything.

"Relax, sawbones. You're not going anywhere and no one'll

hurt you if you do as you're told." The whiskey bottle was
held out to him.

He looked at the bottle, shook his head and immediately

regretted it. The bottle would have made a weapon. "No. I'll
need it to clean the wounds and I don't want to work tipply."

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"Good plan, sawbones. Good plan. You don't really mind if

I indulge, do you?" From the twinkle in the man's eyes, he
doubted his opinion actually mattered.

He didn't answer, simply looked at the wounds, the room,

anything but those eyes, that solid, bared body.

It seemed an age before Havers came back with his bag

stuffed full of practically his entire pharmacy.

"Good Lord. You'd think I was starting a hospital here." He

grabbed his bag and the whiskey out of the beast's hands.
"Now then, I'll patch your chest and then fetch the ball from
your thigh."

"Yes, you will." Those blue eyes still looked amused and

then flicked away from him. "Tell Matey to set sail, Havers.
Before our good doctor's loss is discovered by someone."

"Set sail?" He shook his head. "How will I get home? I

cannot stay here!"

Havers' 'yes, sir' drifted back to them, the man

disappearing, leaving behind only the captain and the guard.

He met those blue eyes, truly worried now. "I wish to be

returned to my hospital. I will aid you, but once I have done
so, I must be returned."

"Just do your job, Doctor and worry not about what is

going to happen after."

"No. I need your word that I will be released when you no

longer have need of me."

"You have my word." The Captain had begun to go pale,

pain under the amusement in the low voice.

"Thank you." He gave the man a dose of laudanum to ease

the pain, then started cleaning out the chest wound.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


The guard loomed over him while the Captain watched

what he did, not seeming at all queasy to watch himself be
worked on.

He used liberal amounts of whiskey, then carefully stitched

the wound up. It was a clean gash and the man was obviously
healthy. "There. One down."

He grabbed his forceps and washed the bullethole out. He

got his first indication that the Captain might be in pain, the
man grunting and the big fists growing white. "Have you
something to hold onto? I must get the round out, else you'll
go septic."

The big fists tangled in the sheets. "Just do it."
"Right." He bent to his work, only slipping once on his

quest to get the little ball of lead free from the muscled thigh.

"Got it." He held the ball up, triumphant, pouring whiskey

in to clean again before binding the wound with thick

"Hand that whiskey up, Butcher."
"I am not a butcher, you beast." He handed the near

empty bottle up. "Now tell your hooligans to return me to the

The man downed the last of the bottle and then shook his

head. "I can't do that."

"You gave your word." He grabbed his bag, held it close. "I

did as you requested."

"I gave my word that I would release you when I no longer

had need of you, good Doctor."

"What devilishness is this? I have patched you well and

good!" His fingers wrapped around his scalpel. If he could

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


reach the deck, he would throw himself into the ocean and
swim for shore.

"I'll decide when I no longer have need of you, Butcher."

The Captain nodded at the guard. "Take his stuff. He can
bunk in here."

The guard laughed. "Bit old for a cabin boy, isn't he?"
Stephen pulled out his scalpel, brandishing it. "Take a step

towards me and I will slice you." By all the hosts of heaven,
please, help me escape, he begged silently.

The scoundrel looked at him for a moment and then began

to laugh. To laugh!

The poor fool must be unhinged with drink and pain. "I

assure you, I am most serious."

The Captain's hand came out, fast as a snake, grabbed his

wrist and twisted until he let go of the scalpel in surprised

"I demand to be released!" Oh, sweet heavens. He

grabbed for the scalpel with the other hand, a low, angry
sound escaping. What would Elizabeth say? What would the
governor do? What would happen to his patients?

The Captain took the scalpel and tossed it out the port hole

before tugging him close. "Demand something else, Butcher,
it's a sweet look on you."

"Release me at once!" How could anyone so recently

wounded be so strong?

The man purred. Purred! "And what will you do if I release


"I wish nothing but to return home!" He pulled with all his


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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


The Captain tugged him right down, grunting as he landed

on the bandaged chest. "I'm not done with you yet, Doctor."

"You won't get a moments peace from me, I swear it!"
"Oh, I can think of a way of keeping you quiet."
He twisted, feet kicking, hair coming loose from its thin tie

and sticking to his face. His captor growled softly and forced
their lips together, tongue pushing into his mouth. He went
still, in total shock, eyes wide and stunned. His mind simply
could not comprehend such a thing.

A purr filled his mouth along with the Captain's hot, slick

tongue. The sound brought him to life, his head pulling away,
struggles returning ten-fold. "Demon! Beast!"

Chuckling, his captor let him go, which sent him crashing

to the floor.

He bolted for the door, he wasn't a large man, but he was

quick and sure as a cat. The door was unbarred and no guard
stood beyond it. He guessed, correctly it seemed, that the
Captain was not up to giving him chase.

He ran up the wooden stairs, quiet as he could. The sun

had faded away by the time he hit sea air and he could see
no hint of the island, nary a light nor a fire.

"Blast!" He crept around, searching for something—a small


"Oy, lookie 'ere, it's the butcher!"
"He's right pretty, ain't he?"
"Yeah, an' you can look, but don't be touchin'. I 'ear the

Captain's already claimed 'im."

"Wot's 'e lookin' for?"
"'ell if I know."

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Oh, sweet Lord preserve him. "Let me be. I ... I'm merely

taking in the night air." Closer to the edge now. Come,
Stephen, better to drown than to be a prisoner of such

It was Havers, or someone who looked very much like the

man, who grabbed his arm. "Come on, sawbones. You're to
stay with the Captain, 'member?"

"Unhand me!" Did no one keep their hands to themselves

on this vessel? "I was promised a return home!"

"You'll have to take that up with the Captain, sawbones,

we just follow orders." He was led back down into the bowels
of the ship.

"Please, no one will know if you let me go. Tell them I

jumped overboard. Tell them anything, but allow me to go!"
Honestly the motion of a ship did not agree with him.

"You'd rather drown than stay on board?" the man shook

his head, chuckled. "I'll never understand the gentry."

"I am not here of my free will." Would no one listen to


"You're hardly the first to say that, man. Suck it up."
"I will not. I demand to be released! I refuse to remain!"
Havers chuckled. "Refuse all you like, sawbones. You're

here regardless." They entered the captain's cabin again, the
man sleeping now, moving restlessly.

He tried to pull away, fist connecting with the man's

shoulder. "Let me go!"

The man shoved him hard, sending him sprawling to the

floor. "You can do this easy or hard, sawbones. There's them
here that want you to make it hard, I wouldn't give 'em the

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


chance if I was you, but it's not my choice." He got a glare
and then the door slammed closed, leaving him alone with
the captain.

Stephen went to the port hole, looking, wondering if he

could possibly squeeze through.

"What are you doing?" the man on the bed asked, voice


"Looking out of a prison, apparently. Go back to sleep."
The Captain chuckled. "If you're trying to appeal to my

conscience, Butcher, you'll find that I don't have one."

"I simply ask that you honor your word. I doctored you.

Let me go." He tried to open the port hole.

"I gave you my word that I would release you when I no

longer have need of you. They are your words, Butcher, not
mine. I still have need of you."

"I have bound your wounds, stitched you up. What else do

you need from me?"

"Use your imagination, Butcher."
"I am not a butcher! And I refused to waste my talents

patching up your band of ruffians!" He stamped his foot, fury
filling him.

"I would have thought you had more imagination than


"Pardon me?" His head ached, as did his chest, a dull,

pained sensation that refused to fade.

"Warm body. Love the curls, Butch..." The Captain's eyes

closed, the big body lax on the bunk.

He rolled his eyes, the man was obviously rotten with drink

and pain. He tried the door, growling as he found it locked.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Fine. He would find a weapon, take the wounded man
hostage and demand his terms. Immediately.

The ships lurched.
As soon as he finished being ill.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Chapter Two
John floated in and out of sleep for several hours, but he

couldn't be sure what was real and what wasn't. The pain and
the whiskey and the stuff the doctor had given him made
everything kind of swim.

The rocking of the boat was real though, familiar, as right

as his own skin.

He opened his eyes at the sound of retching.
Ah, the slender doctor with the fine curls. Those curls were

damp with sweat now, skin pale as the bandages on his chest
as the man curled over the chamber pot, gagging.

The retching wasn't sexy, but the sweat and pallor did

nothing to diminish his desires for the doctor. If it wasn't for
his damnable injuries, he'd have had the man already.

The pot was placed aside, the doctor wiping his lips with a

handkerchief, swaying a bit.

"You'll get your sea legs in a day or two."
Those eyes popped open, glared at him. "Let me go


He grinned, absolutely delighted by the man's ire. "No."
"Bloody liar." The man turned, refusing to look at him.
He chuckled. "I didn't happen to lie to you. Yet. But you

should know that I don't take offense at being called a liar."
He didn't get a response, simply a snort.

"It's a good lesson for you, actually. Make sure you pay

attention to what you are agreeing to. If you had insisted on
my promise to take you home as soon as you'd finished
patching me up, then my keeping you would be a lie."

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"I obviously haven't the practice at dissembling that you


"Oh, you're young yet, Butcher, I'm sure you'll get plenty

of practice." He was having fun. It would be even better if his
wounds didn't ache so.

"I am the Governor's physician and betrothed to the

Admiral's daughter. They will come for me."

"Excellent! We're out of practice, which is how I ended up

with the wounds." His crew had grown soft, forgotten how to
take a ship, how to come out on top.

The doctor seemed to shrink a bit, pull into himself. John

couldn't have that. "Come here."

"No." Simple. Stubborn. Angry.
"Don't make me get up, Butcher. Come here."
"Amuse yourself by hurling threats from afar, Pirate."
He hauled himself up, holding back his groan and his

wince. Damned wounds were more painful now that they'd
been treated than they'd been originally. He got to his feet,
barely swaying at all. The doctor stayed seated, curled

He made his way over and leaned down to grab the man's

collar. The doctor stood quickly, brandishing a heavy statue,
using its weight to knock him backwards. He stumbled back
to the bunk, sitting down hard, winded, dizzy. "If you kill me,
my crew will have you and then kill you."

"I have no wish to kill anyone. I simply wish to return to

my home. Tell your men to allow me a rowing vessel and I
will find my own way."


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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"Please, I have no wish to harm you. I have taken an oath

to support life, but I will not remain on this ship." The man
was grey, swaying, hands trembling.

"On the contrary, Butcher. You will stay until I say that you

may go." Stubborn fool. Once he was no longer injured he
would enjoy that stubbornness. It would lead to many lessons
he was sure.

"I will not." The statue was raised in those long, trembling

hands. "Forgive me, Lord."

He snorted and smacked the statue from the doctor's arm,

sending it crashing to the floor.

"Hells!" The doctor stumbled back, tripping as the ship

lurched, going crashing to the ground.

He rolled his eyes. Goodness, the man needed to find his

sea legs and he himself needed to be back on his feet. When
the doctor didn't stand again, he looked down, frowning at
the blood seeping from a cut on the pale temple, the bruise
already showing. Damn the man to Davy Jones' locker.

"Havers!" He shouted for the man as he lay back on his

bed. Well, if the butcher proved to be more trouble than he
was worth, they could grant his wish and toss him overboard.
The doctor came around just as Havers burst through the
door, the action knocking the man down again. John rolled his
eyes. "Help the man up. I suppose he'll have to share my

He hauled himself up again so Havers could get the doctor

into the bunk and then lay down, crowding the man against
the wall. "Get his bag and doctor him up as best you can. And
I need another shot of whiskey."

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Eyes the color of stormy seas fluttered open, unfocused

and dazed. "I ... My goodness..."

"You fell. Twice." He poked the man in the side, earning

himself a glare and a wriggle. "I imagine you'll live."

"It seems as such, yes. You, stay out of my bag! Those are

my tools!"

"Calm down, Butcher, he's just looking for something to

clean up your head with."

"Clean up my ... Oh. Oh, my..." Those long fingers brushed

along the mark, coming away bloody. "Messy."

He grabbed some gauze from Havers and dabbed at the

cut. "You're fine."

"Of course I am. I'm a pirate's captive on a leaky boat

headed God knows where. I'm perfectly fine."

"My ship is not leaky." He bristled.
"Leaky and smells of pitch."
"It's the best boat on the Pacific you dandy." How dare the

man insult his beautiful lady?

"I? Am Governor Sheffield's personal physician. I am not a


He snorted. "Well it seems that Governor Sheffield has lost

his physician. Very clumsy of him."

"Lost? I have not been lost!"
"Call it what you like, the good governor—himself a

scoundrel, I'll have you know—will have to find himself a new

The doctor suddenly seemed to realize that he was lying

on a bunk, sitting up suddenly. "Why have you chosen me to

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"Because you react so beautifully, Butcher. With your curls

flying about and your cheeks stained red."

"I am no butcher!" The frustration and fear and panic were

clear in those maddening eyes. Oh, it was arousing, that look.
He leaned in and licked the man's lips. The doctor squeaked,
scrambling back against the wall. "Are you mad?"

"You wouldn't be the first to make the accusation." He

crowded the doctor into the corner, pain all but forgotten in
the wash of pleasure at having a toy to play with. "Havers.
Get lost."

"Don't leave me here with him! He's crazed!" The doctor's

eyes shot left and right, panicked.

"They respect and fear me too much to interfere, Butcher."

He brought their mouths together, grinding his lips against
the doctor's.

The doctor was not as big a ninny as he appeared,

however, and instead of freezing, those fingers pressed
against his wounded thigh, driving him back. "I am no
woman! Have you lost all your senses?"

He growled, wishing again that his wounds were healed. "If

you were a woman you wouldn't be in my bed."

"You make no sense!" The slender man scrambled to the

end of the bed, breath coming quick and light.

"Perhaps it is you who make no sense, has that occurred

to you?" He must be feverish, trying to get into a battle of
wits with the doctor.

"Of course not! I am a learned man, well-versed in logic."
"Yes, yes." He was bored of the rhetoric at this point and

tired, his wounds aching, especially his damned thigh no

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


thanks to the doctor, and he wasn't up to simply taking what
he wanted and enjoying it. "The brilliant Butcher. You'll have
quite the tale to tell when you are finally released. Though I
imagine you'll keep the best parts to yourself."

"The best parts?" The man was either truly innocent or the

best actor upon the seas.

"You'll find out, Butcher. All in good time."
"Your thigh is bleeding." The man went from scared to sure

faster than the wind. Those hands unfastened the bandage, a
soothing salve worked in.

It felt good enough in fact that he refrained from pointing

out that if the good doctor hadn't been poking it in the first

"Dammit, man—what's your name?"
"Doctor Stephen Grey." Another bandage was wrapped

around his wound.

"Grey the Butcher," he muttered. It had a good ring to it.

The man would make an excellent pirate.

"Dr. Grey."
Stubborn bastard.
Beautiful, stubborn bastard.
He chuckled. "Of course."
Those stormy eyes met his, so tumultuous. "If you refrain

from attacking me, perhaps your wound will heal."

"I believe you attacked me, Grey. With that god-awful


"I'm your captive. I'm supposed to attack you." Oh, a

sense of humor! Impressive. He chuckled, lying back, eyes

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


closing despite his best efforts. The doctor's cool hand fell on
his forehead. "Rest, you pirating bastard."

He turned his head toward the touch, murmuring, the

touch surprisingly comforting.

"What on God's earth am I to do?" The soft whisper faded

as he sank into sleep.

* * * *

Stephen spent hours carefully tying the Captain to the bed,

making sure the ropes were strong against the bed posts
before binding wrists and ankles. Honestly, he appreciated
the need for his help, but it was time to take him home.

He found a kerchief to use as a gag, should he need it, and

then patted the Captain's cheeks. "Come now, rise and shine.
I need you to tell your men to take me home." He was rather
proud of himself, really. It was a clever plan.

The Captain moaned, the sound surprisingly sultry, almost

wanton. He readied the gag, carefully wetting the Captain's
lips. The dark green eyes opened and the Captain shifted,
frowning as he couldn't move.

"Shh. I don't wish to gag you. I don't wish to harm you at

all. I simply wish to return home. You must understand."

One of the Captain's eyebrows went up and then he

started to chuckle. "Oh, Butcher, I do admire your pluck."

"Well, that's something, indeed." He met those eyes,

trying to make the man see reason. "All I ask is that you tell
your men to return me to Santa Maria. I will tell no one who
kidnapped me. I will do you no harm."


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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


He clenched his fist, almost shaking. "Why will you not

listen to reason!"

"I have no need to listen to reason, Butcher, only to my


"I have you bound, you are my prisoner, now. Does that

mean nothing to you?" His heart pounded deep in his chest,

"I am your prisoner for as long as I allow it and no longer."
Well, now, that made no sense. "The ropes are sure, sir, I

vow it."

The Captain growled, arms flexing. Then there was a roar

and the bedpost holding the Captain's right hand secure split,
tearing from its base.

"You are quite correct. The ropes are sure."
Stephen blinked, staring, completely taken aback. "Bloody


The Captain laughed. "Oh, poor Butcher. Props for trying."
He was speechless. Utterly. Completely.
"One thing you need to realize, Grey. I am the Captain and

this is my ship. Things will go my way here."

"I..." He backed away, unbelieving.
"You are a sweet, innocent boy, far away from your much

beloved civilization. You will learn to appreciate my allure, I
am sure." The Captain shook off the bedpost and then the
rope and began to untie the rest of his limbs.

"I..." He swallowed hard, heading toward the door, praying

that by some happenstance it would be unlocked. It wasn't
and the Captain's laugh filled the small room. Panic suffused
him, his vision going sparkly around the edges.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


It wasn't long at all before he was pressed up against the

door, the Captain's long, hard body against his back. "Even if
you escaped, Butcher Grey, there's nowhere to go."

His breath came quick and shallow, heart triphammering

within him. Please. Please. He only wished to return home.
The Captain growled softly and rubbed against him,
something hard and hot poking at the small of his back.

"R ... release me. Y ... you're wounded." He tried to shrink

away, wincing.

That maddening chuckle came again. "I am not that

wounded, Grey."

"You are mad."
His shirt was pulled away from his neck and something hot

and wet slid along his skin. The Captain's tongue.

"What are you? Stop!" He twisted, trying to break free.
The Captain let him twist, but only enough so that now it

was his back pushed up against the door. The Captain's lips
covered his, the kiss hard, fierce.

He cried out, stunned and scared, hands beating against

the strong shoulders. Never! He had never even! He was a
gentlemen! Beast! The only effect his efforts seemed to afford
him was to be pressed more tightly between the door and the
Captain. The kiss never broke, the Captain's tongue pushing
into his mouth and sweeping through it.

He made desperate sounds, fighting with all he was. Never

in his life had he been so truly frightened, so scared that he
thought he would not bear it. The Captain just swallowed
each sound, making purring noises, rubbing that hard prick—

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oh sweet lord, it was the man's prick that was hard and hot
and poking against him—into his belly. He sucked in his belly,
pulling into himself, trying to escape that maddening touch.
The next affront was the Captain's hands, pulling open his
blouse, tearing it apart.

"No! Unhand me! Help! Someone, please! He's gone mad!"

A burst of strength and he slid free, tearing his skin as he
tore past the hinges and put a chair between himself and the

The dark eyes were hot, amused, pinning him to the spot.

"You are a fiery one. I like that, Butcher." The Captain stalked
toward him.

He grabbed whatever was in reach, hurling things at the

encroaching man. "Help me!"

The Captain batted each incoming object away with ease

and pulled the chair away from him. "Now what?"

"I ... You're a beast." He feinted toward the door, then

scrambled toward the bed, grabbing one of the posts and
staggering under the weight. Good lord.

The Captain grabbed the other and tugged it from his

hand. "Excellent choice. The bed is much softer than the wall
or the floor." He was pushed down onto his back on the
mattress, the mad pirate following him down, pressing
against him.

The room was whirling, his heart pounding. "Let me go."
"But Butcher Grey, can you not tell I have need of you?"

The Captain ground their hips together, prick hard and
insistent against him.

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"You have need of a clergyman, to help you excise this


"I am at peace with my inner demons, Butcher. Are you?"
Before he could answer, the Captain again brought their

mouths together, tongue invading him. Stephen's eyes met
dark blue, his entire being so confused, so scared, so
completely overwhelmed by situation and happenstance. His
captor's purr vibrated in his mouth and one of the Captain's
hands slid along his ribs, the touch firm, but not painful.

He tried to shift away from the touch, tried to shrink away.

However much he pulled away though, the Captain's hand
just followed. Then one thick thumb slid across his nipple, the
nail dragging slightly. A bright sensation filled him and he
jerked away, crying out. The rogue's eyes twinkled down at
him and the touch was repeated.

"Stop!" Tremors moved through his body.
"Why?" That finger stroked across his nipple again.
"It's unnatural. I do not belong here." His voice sounded

rough, husky, scared.

"Your point?" murmured the pirate and then his mouth was

plundered again, his other nipple treated to the same rough
touches. He was breathless, burning alive, eyes rolling
furiously. His captor half rolled off him, giving him hope, but
instead of leaving him be, one large hand pushed into his
breeches, grasping his prick.

"No!" No one had ever touched that but him. No one ever!
"Yes," insisted the pirate captain, hand moving


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To his mortification, his body began to respond, fill. He

closed his eyes, thinking of the most vile things, squeezing
his legs tight around his testicles so they ached. Control. The
Captain's good leg pushed between his, spreading them as
that hand continued its torture.

"Please. Please, do not do this." His member filled and

grew for the vile touch, eager without his giving it leave.

"I do as I please, Butcher."
He screamed, spending the last of his fading energies to

rail and hit, wriggle and fight. The pirate purred, hard prick
sliding against his side as his own was pumped mercilessly,
the Captain seeming to be spurred on by his struggles.

His hips were jerking trying to ... To pull away from the

touch. He could not manage it though, no matter what he did,
he was truly trapped, caught between the Captain's body and
that big hand tugging him faster and faster.

Stephen's eyes rolled, teeth baring as he fought the urge

to thrust, to buck, to beg. The Captain bent to lick at his
teeth, to bite at his lips, that hard prick at his side pushing
harder and faster against him. No less hard and fast was the
hand upon him, drawing his need into his balls, insisting on
his surrender, demanding his completion.

Heat poured through his body, exploding from his

member, the musky smell of seed dizzying, infuriating,

The Captain gave a triumphant roar, hand wiping his seed

upon his chest as that hot prick pushed even harder along his
side. Then, with another roar, the pirate took his own

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pleasure, prick throbbing against him, splashing him with

He rolled away, curling into himself with a low moan,

holding the tattered edges of his shirt together. The Captain
gave a satisfied grunt and shoved him to the inside of the
bunk, trapping him again between the hull and the solid body.

It was only moments later when the snores began, one of

the Captain's hands lying across his hip.

He closed his eyes, knees drawing beneath his chin,

exhausted, undone.

At sea.

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Chapter Three
The next time John woke, he felt far better than he had in

days. His wounds throbbed not nearly as badly and his body
thrummed with life, with excitement. His prick was hard,
needy—no doubt due to the warm body curled up against the

Ah, the good doctor proved to be such entertainment. He'd

heard the rheumy Butcher Patterson had passed away from
too much drink and had been delighted to find Grey in the
man's stead. The man had spirit, good looks and, unless he
had it wrong, was a virgin to boot. Grey was just the
diversion he needed. The man was flexible, as well, curled
into a tiny ball, thin spine and hips the only thing exposed. He
reached out and traced the knobby spine, purring at the
warmth beneath his fingertips. A soft moan sounded, the skin
rippling under his fingers.

Such delicate skin, such a delicate and civilized upbringing.

Such delicate sensibilities. He loved that look of shock and
dismay and fear the doctor had sported. It would be a lovely
fight, taking this one, taming him.

The good doctor began to wake, pulling away from his

touch. Chuckling, he rolled to his side, ignoring the stitch in
his chest as he snuggled into Grey. The little ball of man
tightened even further, a quiet noise sounding.

He rubbed his erection against Grey's ass, groaning at the

heat of the man. Grey would be tight. So very tight. "You're
mine, Grey," he murmured. "Mine to do with as I will."

"No." The pretty curls bobbed as Grey shook his head.

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He chuckled at Grey's protest, amused to the bone. Such

fun. "Yes, Butcher. All mine."

"No. I am betrothed. I am employed by another."
"Your affianced and employer may both have what's left of

you once I tire of you." He leaned in and bit Grey's shoulder,
lips closing to suck around the wound, pulling up a fantastic
mark. Grey shuddered, uncurling and crying out, pulling away
and leaving the rent shirt in his fingers. The mark he'd left
was already dark red—it would be purple with his teeth marks
by morning. He pressed his thumb into it. "Most excellent,

"I am no butcher! Don't touch me!"
"That refrain, Butcher, is beginning to wear. As for

touching..." He rolled Grey back toward him. "I will touch you
whenever I want."

The fight began again, the thin limbs working desperately,

increasingly weak. He took the lovely mouth, bruising the
good doctor's lips as he drove his prick along the man's belly.
The low cries of protest were heady, Grey pushing at his
shoulders, his hips.

"Fight me harder," he demanded, hand wrapping around

Grey's prick again.

"Don't touch me!" The doctor leaned forward, biting his

shoulder, kicking furiously. A shudder went through him as
the doctor's teeth sank into his skin. He pinched Grey's
nipples, one and then the other, humping madly against the
writhing, kicking body. Grey was like a wild thing beneath
him, trying to escape his touch. He pressed in for another
kiss, climaxing as the man bit him.

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"Beast." Grey's lips were bloodied, bruised.
He purred, bending to lick at those lovely lips. His

debauched angel was so lovely. Panting, gasping, Grey
shifted away. He let Grey shift away from him and lay back
again. "Well I've an appetite, I'm sure you must have too,

The doctor wiped the flat belly with a corner of his blanket,

glaring at him. "You seem to have an abundance of appetite."

He laughed, delighted. "Indeed, Grey, indeed. However I

need sustenance before I indulge myself with you again." He
winked and stood, pulling on a pair of breeches before going
to the door.

Simpson, their second youngest crewman and one with

whom he'd taken more than one delightful evening, waited at
the door. "Breakfast for two, boy. And make it quick."

The doctor made a try for the door, the bastard was quick.

He got a hand in the beautiful curls, pulling the doctor up
short and dragging him back in.

Closing the door, he slammed the doctor up against it.

"There's nowhere to go, Butcher, and I promise you, if you
leave my cabin half dressed as you are, you'll find my crew
much rougher than I am."

Those stormy eyes rolled, head tossing like an unbroken

stallion, nostrils flaring. It was more intoxicating than any
whiskey or rum he'd ever indulged in. He could feel the
slender muscles clenching, struggling against him.

"One day you will beg for my attentions," he whispered

into the doctor's ear.

"Never." That long throat worked.

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"Then you will never escape me." He only grew bored

when his captives grew complacent.

"I am not as weak as you imagine me to be."
"On the contrary, Butcher, I am counting on your


The doctor growled low, struggling again. "Set me free."
"And what would you do if I did, Grey?"
"Bash your skull in and steal a rowboat and head toward


"And which direction, pray tell, is home?" Oh, he hadn't

had prey this delightful in far, far too long.

"You have been heading due south, so I shall head

north..." Oh, a flash of worry, there.

"You can tell by the list of the ship, can you? Or perhaps

by the swell of the waves? Did we turn while you were
asleep? Perhaps we turned more than once. Maybe we've
sailed right by your isle again and thumbed our noses at your

"The sun, you fiend. It has shone in your porthole in the


"Well, in what you have believed to be mornings."
There was a knock at the door and he winked at Grey

before pushing the man back onto the bed. "Ruin my
breakfast and you shall feed upon nothing but my seed for a

He got a horrified look, legs curling under the pointed chin.


He chuckled, opening the door for Simpson and letting the

boy set the table for them and place their food.

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"Is there any ale, boy?"
"Yes, sir."
"Bring some for the doctor, he needs something filling."

The doctor snorted, face leaning on those knees. He grinned.
"Come and eat, Grey. You'll need your strength if you're
going to fight me."

"You're enjoying yourself."
"I am, Butcher." A smart one indeed, catching on quickly.

Those long arms wrapped around the ragged cloth of the
doctor's trousers, eyes closing. John chuckled. "You'll be sorry
you didn't eat later."

The doctor did not speak, but the man's stomach growled,

snarling low.

The boy brought the ale, two large mugs full, and set them

on the table. Once he'd gone, John grinned over at Grey. "I
thought you were a civilized man, but you refuse to dine with

"Pardon me?" The barb caught his doctor, those eyes

flashing. "I haven't a shirt and you haven't a stitch on. This is
not civilized."

"Use your imagination. I'll even call you doctor for the


The doctor moved, settling gingerly in the chair farthest

from him, eyes flashing. "Satisfied, Demon?"

"Thank you, Doctor." He bit back his grin and pushed a

plate and one of the mugs of ale in front of the man.

Grey paled, but took up the bread, color returning as they


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He waited until the man had eaten a goodly portion of

bread and drunk some of his ale before speaking. "So tell me,
Doctor, how long have you been on the fair isle?"

"Eight years. Since I was a young man."
"Oh, I'd say you're still pretty young, Doctor." And a virgin

to boot. What strange creatures 'civilized' men were.

"I have twenty and thee years." The age was given as if

the doctor was ancient.

"Don't tell me you were a doctor at only fifteen years!" He

wondered if the man would be surprised that he could do

"No, though I was Dr. Patterson's apprentice and worked

in the debtor's hospital before we voyaged to Santa Maria."
Those eyes blinked slowly, a touch unfocused. Surely a half a
mug of ale could not be causing that. Could it be that the
doctor was a teetotaler on top of everything else?

"And to whom is it that you are promised and why is it that

you have not yet taken her?"

"Miss Bellington, the Admiral's daughter, and because we

are not wed, of course."

"You and I are not wed, but that didn't stop me," John

pointed out, keeping his grin to himself by taking another
mouthful of bread. The long face paled and Grey pushed away
from the table, breakfast largely uneaten. "Come now,
Doctor, we were having a conversation, like civilized men.
How will you teach me to be civilized if you will not stay?"

"Civilized persons do not discuss self-abuse at the

breakfast table."

He frowned. "Self-abuse?"

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"Yes. That which you did earlier. Drawing ... emissions. It

is most unhealthy and steals a man's vigor."

It took him a moment to realize the good doctor was quite

serious and then he began to laugh. "I assure you, Butcher, I
am in excellent health and, as you may have noticed, have an
abundance of vigor."

"If you are so healthy, sir, then you will keep your word

and release me."

"I have told you, time and again that I have need of you

still. Certainly not in your capacity as a butcher—excuse me,
doctor—but in your capacity as a warm-blooded, vigorous

The doctor shook his head. "I cannot ... attend you."
"You have no choice, Butcher Grey."
"All men have choices."
"You believe you have a choice in this matter?" Oh, that

was intriguing. He had already proven he could, and would,
take what he wanted from Grey.

"I have free will. You cannot have me, only the base

pleasure you steal from your evils."

He waved his hand. "I have what I need of you. Your body

is mine to do with as I will."

Those grey eyes looked away, the doctor's expression

distant, cool. John chuckled and finished his meal, taking his
time, letting the doctor stew. The doctor stood and quietly
reorganized his bag, putting all the equipment to rights, then
began mending the torn shirt. John would have the
opportunity to rend it again—very kind of the man.

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He drank the rest of his ale and the doctor's as well before

standing and stretching. He felt good. "Do you need to check
my wounds, Butcher?"

"You haven't a fever, nor are you complaining of sepsis. I

dare say you are mending."

"But I wish to feel your hands on me, Butcher." He sat on

the bunk. "Change the dressings. Check your handiwork."

The shirt was shrugged on, the doctor's bag brought over.

His bandages were unwrapped, wounds checked, the man
touching him as little as possible. The wounds did look
healthy, well-cared for. He took hold of Grey's arms once the
man was done, pulling Grey between his legs. "You are good
at what you do, Butcher."

Grey pulled from his grip. "Unhand me!"
"No." Oh, the doctor was absolutely wonderful. Such fun.

He got a better grip and tugged Grey closer, bringing their
chests together. "I have no wish to."

Grey stretched that slender neck, keeping their lips apart.

How lovely. Bending, he put his lips to Grey's neck, tasting
the sweat of the man, the flavor beneath that of skin. The
entire lean body trembled, fighting to pull away from his lips.
He put one hand on Grey's back, fingers splayed as he kept
the man close. His other hand wrapped in Grey's hair and
arched him, pulling his head back, which made the lean body
push into him. His tasting grew teeth.

"Stop." The word was bitten out, Grey's hands pulling quite

viciously at his hair.

He hummed at the pain, teeth sinking into Grey's neck,

mouth sucking up a mark. The cry he received was luscious,

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rich—pain and fury and passion. He moved his mouth over,
made another mark beside the first.

"Let me go!" The pulling became blows, the doctor beating

upon his head and shoulders. Growling, feeling the pleasure
sing through his veins along with lust, he grabbed the
doctor's arms and held them behind Grey's back, bending
again to his task of marking the pale neck with as many of his
dark marks as he could.

Those hands moved constantly, twisting and tugging

against his, the doctor refusing to yield. It made him hard,
made him want to turn the doctor over his bed and take him.
He wished to be whole for that though, his wounds healed
enough that they didn't twinge with effort. Instead he lay
back on the bunk, pulling Grey down on top of him and
rubbing up against the writhing body. The man slid away,
trying to avoid contact with his groin. He put one hand on the
lovely ass and insisted upon the contact, so that he could rub
and get himself off.

"No. No, let me go." The man's hips bucked into his touch,

Grey biting at whatever part he could reach. Such will, such
desire to remain chaste, to rule over his body. Delicious. John
rubbed harder and the doctor's teeth sank into his upper arm,
hard, pain sharp.

"Yes!" He shouted, come spurting from him as his climax

rolled through him.

"Animal!" The Doctor's lips were stained with blood, eyes


He growled softly for the doctor, reaching up to lick away

the blood from the tempting lips. The good doctor bared his

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teeth, vibrating, eyes rolling. Absolutely intoxicating. He
would be spending a lot of time in his cabin, he could tell.

A single bead of sweat trailed down Grey's marked throat,

the man shivering. Purring, he leaned in and licked it off,
tongue following the trail it took back up to Grey's jaw. "You
make me need, Grey."

"You are mad." That long throat worked.
He threw his head back and laughed, the accusation

beginning to sound familiar from Grey. "Perhaps."

Grey pushed against him, knocking him down. "Beast. You

mock me."

He lay back against the lush coverlets, lounging as if it was

where he meant to be. "You lay yourself open to it, Butcher."

The doctor backed away, grabbing a napkin and wiping his

seed from the dark trousers, the mended shirt. "I am not a
butcher. I am a good doctor."

"Yes, Grey, I'll give you that." He brought one leg up,

exposing himself thoroughly to Grey. Those eyes went wide
and then slid away, the man refusing to look. Chuckling, he
wrapped his hand around his prick, pumping lightly. "You
could join me, Butcher. Relieve the itch in your balls."

Those eyes went wide, cheeks blushing dark. "I would


He let his gaze rake Grey from head to foot and back up

again. "A shame."

He laughed. "Yes, my dear Grey, I am."
"It is no wonder you are mad, abusing yourself so..."

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"Do you really believe it to be abuse? I assure you that I

enjoy every moment of it." Such odd notions these 'civilized'
men held.

"It is unhealthy. It makes men wild, blind."
He started laughing again. He couldn't help himself. "I

might give you wild, Butcher, but I assure you that at thirty-
eight years, my eyes see as well as they ever have."

"Thirty-eight?" Those eyes actually met his, surprised.

"You cannot be so old."

"As surely as I'm a scoundrel and a thief, I have thirty and

eight years, Butcher."

"Perhaps it is witchcraft."
He growled. "There are no witches aboard this ship." He

turned and spat on the floor. "'tis evil luck to even speak of

He got a surprised look, a head tilt. "Indeed?" He nodded

reluctantly—he'd just given the good doctor ammunition.
"Hmm." The doctor arched one eyebrow. "I should have
muttered incantations at your men, perhaps they would have
let me alone."

He chuckled. "Perhaps they would have at that, Doctor. I

will have to make sure they know you are not a witch. It
cannot work, so don't bother trying it."

The doctor sighed, rolled his eyes. "Bah."
"Eventually you will come to thank me for your time here,

Butcher. And you will beg me not to send you home." No one
could resist his charms for long.

"It will never happen. Beast."

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He grinned at the doctor. "Time will tell, Butcher. Time will


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Chapter Four
As the Captain slept, Stephen took a single dose of

laudanum, letting it drug him into a restless sleep, dreams
filled with phantasms and ghosts, Ginny staring at him with
accusatory eyes.

Water. Stars. Sun. Wind.
Beasts with teeth. Midnight blue eyes.
He groaned, running from those things that hunted him.
A hand fell on his arm, pulling him to safety, to warmth.

He relaxed, wrapping himself in the sweet heat. A low purr
sounded, something warm and heavy sliding to rest atop his
legs. He sighed, fears easing, safe for the first time in days.

"You see, Butcher? Already your body knows me, wants


He stiffened, fighting the drug, the dazed dreaminess.
"Ah, your mind vexes your body. Poor Butcher." Warm

fingers slid across his belly and he frowned, reaching to pull
his blouse around him, trying to make his eyes focus. "You
are mine and safe in my arms, Butcher Grey."

"Not..." He reached up to slap his own cheek, wake himself

from his odd lethargy.

"And you accused me of self-abuse."
"I did. You do. I mean. You are."
"You're the one hitting yourself, Butcher."
"I am no butcher." He tried to sit up, get up. Get away.
The hand around his waist and leg over his pulled him back

against the pirate captain's heat. "Stay."

"I..." His eyes closed again, body relaxing.

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"There you are." The Captain's warm fingers slid across his

belly again.

He sighed, confused, dazed. "Here I am?"
"Listening to your body, sliding into my arms where you


"I belong..." He couldn't focus, floating, swaying. That purr

came again, low and vibrating along his back, matching the
fingers that were stroking along his belly, sliding across the
tip of his prick...

His eyes fluttering open. "I cannot..."
"Yes, you can." The captain's hand slid into his breeches

and wrapped around his prick, hot and sure, solid.

"N ... no ... oh..." He whimpered, legs shifting.
"Oh, yes, Stephen. Yes." That hand began to move, sliding

up and down along his flesh in the most maddening manner.

"I ... Please. Please, no." He shook his head, hips shifting.
"Please no or just please?" That hand kept moving, using

the movements of his own body against him.

"I need..." Water. Ale. Air. Something.
"Yes, I can feel." That hand squeezed around his prick.
"Oh. Don't. I cannot..." His hips were moving as if

possessed by an ague.

"But you can and you are."
"I..." He shook his head, gasping, heat filling his belly.
"So hot. Have you touched yourself like this, Stephen? Felt

the heat and the silk of your own prick?"

"No." He sobbed softly, shivering. "It is wrong..."
"How could something that feels so good be wrong?" That

hand continued to stroke him, to insist on his pleasure.

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"Please..." He couldn't breathe, couldn't think. "I cannot..."
"I don't believe you." His prick was stroked harder, faster,


He was pushing into the touch, thrusting, need sparking

along his skin. "Oh..."

"Mmm, yes, so good. I can feel your heart beating in your

prick. You need as much as any pirate."

"No. No..." He stretched, eyes rolling, body betraying him.
"Your body knows. Your body doesn't lie."
"No!" He jerked away, panting, body thrumming with


He was pulled back against the warmth of his captor's

skin. "Yes."

That hand stroked him harder, faster, moving on him,

touching him where no one had, where even his own hand
was not allowed. Stephen arched, sobbing softly as heat
poured from him, pleasure stealing his breath. The captain
purred in his ear. "Lovely, Butcher. Like a debauched angel."

He shook his head, muscles trembling, sacs aching. One

solid hand slid down and cupped them, rolling them in
warmth. Someone whimpered, the sound soft, desperate. The
captain pressed against his back, hard prick sliding along his
backside. He shifted away, shaking his head.

"Oh, now, I gave you your pleasure, it is my turn now." His

body betrayed him, rubbing into the warmth. "Yes ... so hot
and good. You're going to be lovely and tight."

"No. No..." He pulled away, moving across the bed, eyes

focused on the porthole, the sun.

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One big hand landed on his hip and hauled him back

against the captain's heat. "You say that quite often."

"I cannot. I have never." His lethargy was slowly fading.
"Yes, I was counting on that." There was satisfaction in

that voice. He was so tired, so tired of being scared, of being
panicked. The captain was rubbing against him, prick sliding
along his crease, the invasion almost unbelievable. He
couldn't conceive of this, could not believe it, could not think
of it. Faster and harder, the hard prick slid along his backside
and then suddenly it pressed between his legs, bumping his
balls as it slid forward. He wriggled, moving against the
sensation, against the heat.

The Captain moved, sliding that hot prick between his legs

again and again. He stretched, legs tightening. The Captain
groaned, hands sliding to his hips, holding him tightly. So hot,
the man was so hot. Faster and faster, the Captain moved,
taking his legs as if they were ... he was...

"No!" He pulled at the rough sheets, hips slamming back

against the man as he fought to get free.

"Yes! Don't stop!"
He cried out, scared, confused, desperate as he struggled.

The more he fought the harder the Captain's hands held him,
moans and grunts coming from the man. Then teeth sunk into
his shoulder, heat splashing between his legs from the
Captain's prick. He groaned, stomach clenching, breath
panting from him. The Captain pulled away, lying back with a
satisfied sounding grunt. He crashed onto the floor, retching
as his world dipped, swayed.

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"Tsch. Tsch. You wound me, the way you vomit on my

hospitality." That thread of amusement was back.

Slow tears slid down his cheeks and he reached for his bag

again, curling over it, drinking deep from the vial within.
Escaping. Those strong hands wrapped around his upper
arms, hauling him back up again, trapping him against the
Captain's heat. He moaned, swaying somehow, more
exhausted than he had ever been.

"You're safe from everything but me here, Butcher. Sleep."
Oh. Sleep.
He wrapped himself in the warmest of blankets and sank

into a void empty of dreams.

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Chapter Five
John put on some clothes and headed above deck.
He nodded at the men, making his way slowly toward the

wheel, filling his lungs with the fresh sea air.

"You're looking fit, Cap'n."
"I am." And he was, though he suspected his vigor was

due as much to the Butcher's charms as his abilities as a
surgeon. "We're riding high on the water. I think it's about
time we looked to filling our hold. Bring us about, we're
bound to find some prey closer to the islands."

With any luck they wouldn't actually find any ships for a

few more days when he'd be feeling more fit. Still, they didn't
need to know he was hedging his bets.

"What about the butcher, Sir?"
"What about him?" he growled.
"If he's seen..."
"Then we'll just have to make sure we leave no survivors."
Matey laughed and began to shout out orders, bringing the

ship around.

John spent a couple of hours at the wheel, the sun shining

on his face, the smooth wood worn and familiar beneath his
hands. Sooner than he was ready for, his wounds betrayed
him, and he headed below deck before anyone noticed.

The butcher was still there, curled around a pillow, eyes

fluttering behind his lids. Now there was a sight to bring back
his vigor. He unbuttoned his cuffs and pulled off his blouse.

The doctor's long body was fine; lean, buttocks sweet and

curved. His cock took as much notice as the rest of him did,

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filling. Purring, he slid his hand into his leggings, giving
himself a tug or two. The butcher shifted, moving away from
him, away from the edge of the bed.

"So kind of you to make room for me, Butcher." Chuckling,

he pushed his leggings and boots off and climbed into the
bed, pressing up against the warm length of the man.

"Not ... not a butcher." The words were slurred, soft.
"No, and I don't arouse you either." He laughed, sliding his

hand along Butcher Grey's hip.

"No. You don't. Not at all. Beast." Grey moved again,

nearly heading toward the floor.

John slid his hand around Grey's belly, hauling the man up

against his body. Grey's ass was lovely against his cock. "Are
you sure, Butcher? Shall I test your prick for the truth of

Grey growled, legs kicking at him. "Unhand me!"
There was that fire he loved. He put his leg over Grey's,

holding them down as his hand reached for Grey's prick. "No.
In fact, I believe I shall 'hand' you."

Grey's struggles brought them together, again and again,

the heavy prick near leaping into his hand. Groaning, body
thrumming with it, he enjoyed every bit of fight, every brush
of their bodies. His hand wrapped tight around Grey's cock,
sliding along it, knowing he could make the man come.

"Let me be. I have no use for you!"
He laughed, the sound husky—the man was affecting him,

he could not deny that. "But I have use for you, Butcher."

He ran his thumb around the head of Grey's cock,

spreading the liquid that slowly leaked from there. He tilted

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his thumb, let the nail drag across the small slit. That earned
him a gasp, a twist, a jerk as he touched. Just so, even in
fury, the doctor could not deny the heat between them.

He turned the Butcher's face and brought his mouth down

onto Grey's for a hard, take no prisoners kiss. Those lips
parted for him, reluctant and heated all at once. He stabbed
his tongue into Grey's mouth, taking it as he would eventually
take that sweet, virgin ass. Those sharp teeth threatened,
fighting him even still, legs scissoring beneath his own. The
threat of them made his cock jerk and he began to hump
against Grey, hand tugging the man's cock with hard strokes,
intent on bringing Grey right over with him.

The bedstead creaked, the linens damp with their sweat.

Soon it would be more than that staining the sheets and he
had half a mind to see the butcher scrub them, pale skin
exposed to the sun. For now he would settle for leaving a
mark of his own to mar that perfection. He wrapped his lips
around the skin of Grey's neck.

The deep cry echoed, the splash of the waves diminishing

it not at all. He bit as his hips pushed harder, sliding his prick
against Grey's ass. His hand kept moving, insisting on Grey

"Now all who see you will know you are mine," he growled.
"Never. I belong to no one!" How he loved that fire.
"Mine," he growled again. "And I will prove it." He pulled

harder on Grey's cock, thumb working the tip. "Come now,
Butcher. Spend yourself." Another sharp cry rent the air, then
heat spread over his fingers, rich and thick. "Yes," he hissed,
hips humping hard, sending his own prick along Grey's

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backside several more times before he too came, his seed
spraying up along Grey's back.

Grey groaned, trying to curl into himself.
"Are you a man or a turtle, Butcher?" Chuckling, he held

his hand, wet with Grey's own seed, to the man's mouth.
"Taste the proof of your pleasure."

Teeth sank into his hand, sharp and quick, stinging him.

His hips jerked and he nipped at Grey's ear. "You have such
passion hidden beneath that very thin layer of civilization,

"You know nothing of me. Nothing." Of course not. Nothing

about the furies that lived within Grey.

"And I have all the time in the world to prove to you that I

do indeed know you." He wiped Grey's come off his hand on
the man's cheek and neck.

Grey winced, pulled away. "Beast, trying to soil me."
"It's your seed, Butcher." He leaned forward and bit at

Grey's ear. "Lie still and I'll clean it off. With my tongue."

"Beast." Grey arched, shuddered, shaking against him.
"So you keep saying." He pushed Grey onto his back and

dragged his tongue across Grey's cheek. Grey looked as if
he'd been keelhauled, eyes wide and shocked, unbelieving.
He'd forgotten that such purity existed, that there were men
who could still be shocked.

"I'm glad I amuse you."
He grinned. Oh, that fire inside made him burn. "You do,

Butcher. You do."

"You ... you bastard." He received another bite, this one

deeper, marking him.

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He growled. "I am the one who does the marking around


He chose a new spot on Grey's neck, one that would not

be hidden by the man's shirt and bit down, lips wrapping
around the warm skin as well and sucking, pulling the blood
to the surface. Grey arched, went taut, feet thrumming on the
straw-filled mattress, hands opening and closing in his hair.

He kept it up, Grey's reaction heady, intoxicating. At last

he was done and he pulled away, purring at the sight of the
lurid mark upon the pale skin. "Mine. Everyone can see that

"See ... see that you're an animal..." The passion in those

eyes captured him.

"Yes," he agreed. He was proud to give into his baser

nature, his animal instincts. He did not fear them. "And they
will see the mark and assume you have rutted with me."

"They will be wrong."
He grinned. "For now." He slid a hand over Grey's hip and

pushed it between the man's legs, fingers teasing behind the
warm balls.

"Please!" There was a moment of honest fear, of

desperation and panic.

He slid his nose along Grey's cheek, licked at the marks

he'd left on the lovely neck. His fingers stroked across Grey's
hole, though he made no attempt to push them in. Not yet.
"Do you beg for me, Butcher?"

"I will beg not to be ruined." Those eyes stared into him. "I

am a physician. I know how such things might tear, rot, kill a

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"I will not hurt you, Butcher. I know what I'm doing." He

stroked the hot, hidden flesh again. "I will prepare you, make
the way slick. And you will beg me, Butcher. When the time is
right." It sent arousal through him, the thought of this proud,
beautiful man giving in to his baser desires and begging to be

"You swear it. I wish your vow that you will not damage


"I swear I will take you and that it will not damage you."

He wanted Grey to be clear that he would take the man. That
was not in question.

"I will not beg."
"You will. Perhaps you will not today—but you will." He

pressed his finger against Grey's hole, not quite penetrating
as he pushed his tongue into Grey's mouth. He would have to
be careful, he could get lost in this distraction.

Grey's body went tight, but those lips parted, accepted him

in. He fucked Grey's mouth, enjoying the heat and taste of
the man, enjoying the way Grey's body responded to him,
despite every verbal protest. He stroked the hidden entrance
now and then, sending shivers through the lean body. So
sensual, all hidden under that proper mien.

His prick slowly grew hard again, caught between his body

and Grey's. "I would have your mouth, Butcher. As well as
your ass."

"No. I will bite you."
"I thought you butchers took an oath to hurt no man?" The

words hadn't made his prick deflate in the least though.

"For you, I would make exception."

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He laughed and took Grey's mouth hard, shifting so that

their pricks rubbed together. He took Grey's hands and held
them above his head. "And if I made it a choice? Your ass or
your mouth?"

Those swollen lips went tight, head shaking. He purred,

putting both wrists in one hand, the other sliding down along
Grey's stretched body. "Yes. I think that will be your first
choice. Your ass or your mouth."

Grey's hands tugged, eyes rolling, head shaking. So lovely,

the long body struggling beneath his, exciting him almost

The knock on the door made him growl, made him snarl.

"Who is it?"

"Tom, Sir. I have your mid-day meal."
He chuckled and let Grey's hands go. "Saved by my

stomach, Butcher."

Grey rolled away, dressing with a furious haste. Chuckling,

John didn't bother with clothing, just lazily made his way to
the door to let Tom in. The boy gave him an admiring look,
which made his grin even wider and he nodded toward the

"Did you bring utensils?" he asked the boy. "Butcher Grey

believes they're civilized and I'm in a mood to humor him."

"Utensils? You need more than a knife to eat?" Tom looked

from him to Grey.

Grey's eyes rolled, just a touch, but the smile Tom

received was not cruel. "A spoon? A fork?"

Tom smiled back, but then turned to him. "There's no

gruel on the tray, Cap'n."

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"I know. Bring the man a spoon anyway. And there should

be forks in the cargo—that load from the governor's
shipment. I'll bet there's dinner plates and fancy bowls and all
sorts in there. You bring that up and we'll see if next meal we
can't make the butcher believe he's eating at the king's table
itself." He gave Tom a wink and a pat on the head, the lad
heading off as soon as he'd finished setting out their meal.

"You see, Butcher? I know a little of the needs of a genteel

man like yourself. I can woo you if I must." He managed to
keep his mouth from twitching too hard. Those eyes rolled
like dice, the doctor's lips pursed. "Doesn't it exhaust you,
Grey?" He sat at the table, still happily naked, though that
was more for Grey's benefit than comfort—he wasn't in the
habit of wandering without at least his breeches on—and
nodded at the other chair. "Being so proper all the time?"

"Of course not. It is necessary." Grey sat, chin held firm,

eyes just a touch haunted.

He took the dark loaf and split it, giving the slightly smaller

half to Grey before dipping it in the stew they'd been served.
"Necessary? But why?"

"One cannot have a polite society without proper


He snorted. "And what does polite society get you except

for uptight and unhappy people?" He popped the dripping
bread into his mouth, tongue snaking out to capture the
gravy that had escaped onto his chin. He licked his fingers as
well, being noisy about it.

"A barbarian such as yourself could never comprehend."

Grey ate quietly, carefully.

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He stabbed a piece of meat with his knife and ate it with

relish, watching Grey managing with only his knife and his
bread to maintain his polite and prim mien.

"A pirate I may be. And a barbarian, too. But I assure you,

I am not stupid. I would take care not to make the mistake of
believing that I am. Those who have in the past have found
themselves separated from their belongings, their loved ones,
and many, their lives." Stupid men did not become captain of
their own ship.

"I never accused you of stupidity, only baseness."
"I have played the dandy, Grey. Does that surprise you? I

know it does not surprise you to know that I far prefer my
'baseness' as you call it." He leaned forward. "Being civilized
gave me nothing but heartburn."

His words surprised a laugh from the butcher, the sound

welcome and real, intriguing. He grinned, watching the way
the pale eyes lit up, Grey's whole face becoming lighter for a

He might have said something more, but Tom knocked on

the door and barreled in without waiting on a reply. "I've the
fork and a spoon, Cap'n. And you should see the hold! There's
a whole chest full of fancy stuff for eatin'. Cookie came with
to tell me what was what, and there's even stuff he don't
know what it is."

"Bring it on up, lad. I've a mind to eat with my fingers off

the governor's best plates."

"Beast." Grey took the fork from Tom, cleaned it on the

remains of his blouse. "Thank you."

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"There was some swish clothes down there, too, Cap'n.

You want me to find some for the Butcher?"

He shook his head. "No, just the plates." He turned his

gaze back to Grey. "I like the looks of the Butcher as he is."

Flesh peeking from the torn blouse, the tattered ends no

longer covering the front of Grey's leggings.

"You are evil incarnate." The soup was eaten more quickly


Tom gasped at the insult, but John only laughed and

handed over his bowl of stew to the boy. "Take that and soak
your bread in it, lad. You need some meat on your bones." He
waited until the door closed, just grinning at the Butcher.
"Perhaps I am, but I doubt only evil enjoys seeing one as
lovely as you all debauched."

"I am not." The doctor stood, moving about the cabin,

buttocks taut and hard.

"Well I shall have to try harder then, to make sure that

you feel as debauched as you look." He stood as well,
stopping Grey in his tracks. "Your lips are swollen, your
clothes in tatters and you have this..." his fingers stroked
over the dark, lurid marks on Grey's throat. "You should see
yourself, Butcher. I am sure even your prick would rise at the
sight of yourself."

Grey jerked away. "I'm sure I look as an animal."
He licked his lips. "No. No, Grey. You look all man to me."

A fact his prick was rising to agree with.

"Behave yourself."
"I thought we had already established I wasn't very good

at behaving?"

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"You cannot blame a man for hanging onto hope, Pirate."
He cornered Grey by his bed and cupped the man's head,

tilting it. The light from the tiny porthole shimmered over
Grey's features, the reflection from the water leaving it
dappled. "No, I would not have you hopeless." He would not
lose that fight and passion.

"You quite confound me, I swear." He could smell the

butcher's musk.

He stepped closer, his prick kissing his belly, and breathed

deeply. "I imagine that doesn't happen very often to you."

"No. Not often, but entirely too often where you are

concerned." Grey stepped away.

He reached out and let his hand slide along Grey's ass.

"Good." Those pale brows lowered, the butcher pulling away.
John growled a little and then settled back against the wall,
hand wrapping around his prick. "You going to put on a show
for me, Butcher? Stalk around the room and tell me what an
animal I am?"

"I will not." That stubborn chin lifted, eyes fastened to his


He stroked his prick, sliding his palm along it, thumb

caressing the head. "I can smell you, you know."

"Then allow me to bathe."
He laughed. "It wasn't a complaint. But that's an excellent

idea." Grey would have to get naked to bathe. He knocked on
his door. "Tom. Bring water. Lots of it."

Grey gave him a surprised, untrusting look. "Thank you."
"You are most welcome, Grey." He managed not to smile,

his hand slow on his prick, his stroke lazy, enough to keep

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himself feeling good, but not to come. Not yet. "I'm sure
you'll come up with an appropriate way to show your

"I swear not to slit your gullet."
He threw his head back and laughed. "I'll take it."
The door knocked and he let go of his prick to allow Tom

in, the boy dragging a large bucket full of water. "Good lad."

He went to the drawers beneath his bunk and opened one,

finding one large and one small cloth, along with a packet of
soap he'd purloined from a lady aboard a small vessel several
years past and liked the smell of.

He handed it over along with the towels. "There you are,

Butcher. Bathe."

The doctor took the rags of a shirt off, started washing his

face, the cloth.

John slid his hand down over his chest, along his belly to

wrap again around his cock, the thick heat jumping against
his palm as he watched. Grey steadfastly refused to look at
him, simply washing and rinsing, cleansing himself. John
worked with what he was given, enjoying the sight of Grey's
pale skin and light muscles as they became wet. He groaned
as the cloth went across Grey's little pink nipples, his hand
working harder along his prick.

The breeches came off next, the knit cloth beneath so thin

as to be near see-through. He didn't try to hide his groan, his
hand moving faster, his breath becoming shorter. He could
see no reason to wear such a piece of clothing aside from
arousing one's self, or one's lover.

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"Beast. Such noises you make." The underclothes were

pulled away, the soapy rag cleaning the hidden cock there.

"I would hear them from you, Butcher." His voice was

husky, his pleasure evident in it. "I would have you take
yourself in hand and find your pleasure. I would even have
you look upon me to aid your search for it."

"I would never, never abuse myself so!" So, look at the

fire in those cheeks.

"A shame, that. You do not know what you are missing."

He stroked himself harder, groaning as his thumbnail dragged
across the very tip of his prick. He would be buried inside
those pale cheeks soon and Grey would love it.

The thin legs were washed, the tattered pants well-shaken

before they were donned again, hiding the fine buttocks, the
heavy sacs again.

"And there's another shame, Butcher. Hiding such beauty

from the world. Even from yourself."

It wouldn't be long now, he would come soon. He stepped

forward, intent on painting the doctor's sweet belly with his

"Men left Eden long ago." Grey stepped back, the two of

them almost dancing.

"Which is why we search for paradise where we can find it,

Grey." He nodded toward his prick, still flying through his
hand. "I find it as often as I can."

He moved closer again, a moan catching in his throat as he

shot, spraying Grey's stomach. Those eyes flew open,
shocked, even now.

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Purring at the lazy sensation coming left in him, at the

sight of those pretty eyes so full of surprise, he stepped
closer, rubbing his prick in the mess on Grey's belly, letting
the man feel the heat of his flesh. "Now you smell like me."

"I ... I ... I..." Oh, look at the man sputter. "I had just

cleansed myself!"

"Are you saying I'm dirty, Butcher?"
"I am saying you made me dirty, Pirate!"
He laughed, his hand taking over what his prick had

started, making sure his seed was well-rubbed into Grey's
skin. "There's a lot of things I will make you, Butcher. No
longer a virgin is the one I anticipate the most."

"Your pleasure in destruction is a true pathology, you do

realize that?" Those muscles were tight, jumping beneath his

He continued to touch, to watch his fingers slide on Grey's

skin, utterly fascinated. "Would you like to make a study of it?
Of me?"

"You are too dangerous to study, too dangerous indeed."
He nodded. "And that, dear Butcher, is the smartest thing

you've said since you've been here."

He bent and took Grey's mouth, hands sliding up along the

bare chest. He wondered how long it could take before those
surprised gasps would fill his lips, before those hands pulled
him closer instead of pushing him away. He caught them in
his own, tugging them behind Grey's back, bowing the
slender body so that Grey's belly pushed against his own.

Grey moaned, struggling, panting into his lips. Oh yes, the

fight, the passion. Still as intoxicating as it had been the first

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time. His butcher had such strength in him—a core of steel.
He tugged tighter on Grey's hands, pulling the man back even
further and rubbing the two of them together. The doctor's
cock began to grow hard, stiff and firm against his belly. Yes.
Grey's mouth might protest, those hands might push, but the
man was clearly aroused, clearly needed and wanted. Just
like any other man. Just like him.

His laughter filled Grey's mouth.
Grey's hips rolled, entire body shuddering and shaking,

eyes wide. He used Grey's own hands, pushing them against
the man's ass to bring their bodies closer together. The heat
and hardness of the man could not be hidden by the thin
breeches. The struggles became less random, more rhythmic.
A groan came from deep inside him and he matched the
movements of Grey's hips, letting the butcher lead this dance.

"You have satyrisis, truly. It is unhealthy."
"Satyrisis?" He laughed. "No, my dear Butcher. What I

have is you."

"No!" The word was pure fury, the Butcher's hips rutting

against him.

He spared a moment to wish Grey's breeches, thin as they

were, no longer impeded the glide of their flesh together,
before sliding his lips along Grey's neck. "No? It feels very
much like aye to me, Butcher."

He tightened his hold on Grey's wrists and scraped his

teeth along one of his marks on Grey's neck. That earned him
a cry, deep and raw, the doctor's chin lifting. Grey's mouth
kept saying nay, kept complaining and denying, but Grey's
body ... oh, Grey's body told a most different story.

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He pressed his tongue hard against a gently swollen mark,

shifting just enough so that Grey's prick had the solid muscle
of his thigh to rub against. He felt the motion when it
changed from a struggle to escape to a struggle to climax.
John let go of Grey's hands, cupping the doctor's ass and
guiding him, helping him find a rhythm that would drive him
to what he needed.

"I ... I..." Grey's hands found his shoulders, eyes rolling

like a mad horse's.

He brought their lips together, cutting off Grey's words. He

was interested in no more of the man's protests, not when it
was quite obvious how much the man wanted. His own prick
slid against Grey's belly with each movement Grey made.

Grey groaned, pushing into the kiss, for the first time truly

responding, the sensation enough to steal his breath. John's
hands tightened on Grey's ass, tongue sliding along Grey's,
encouraging the kiss, the push of hips. He began to forget the
battle and lose himself in the response. The heat between
them grew, bloomed like a storm over the Cape. Their
tongues tangled, the kiss so much more, so much better with
Grey's response, with that need laid out to be devoured.
Grey's motions grew restless, random, soft sounds just
pushing into his lips. His grip on Grey's ass firmed, guiding
the man's hips, so the motions had purpose again.

As confounding as the fight had been, the surrender was a

fascination, Grey's plummet into passion catching all his
attention. He watched Grey's face, felt the muscles bunching
and releasing beneath his hands, and against his prick. The
need there was everything he'd imagined it would be.

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Groaning, he pushed at Grey's breeches, sliding them

down past the man's hips, releasing the thickened prick. Grey
jerked, skin soft and fiery where it scraped against his thigh.
So hot. He growled a little, sucking on Grey's tongue.

He grabbed one of Grey's hands again, bringing it around

to his prick. Those fingers closed around his flesh, then
opened, then closed again. Oh, the war within Grey was
delicious and he bit at Grey's lower lip, making a soft noise.
More Grey. He wanted more from the man. The little sting
caused Grey's fingers to squeeze, touch him, feel him.

"Yes!" He pushed against Grey's hand. "More."
"I. I." Grey groaned, pushing back into the kiss, hand

squeezing him.

He purred, tongue pushing into Grey's mouth, deepening

the kiss, hips sliding his cock through Grey's hand. He didn't
leave the good doctor hanging, either, wrapping one of his
own hands around Grey's cock, showing the man what felt

They rocked in time with the ship, driving toward their

passion, their climax. Grey was quite good at this dance, a
natural once he gave into it. John couldn't wait to see Grey's
face as he came. Those eyes went wide, needy, the hunger
pure and undeniable.

"That's it, Grey. Let go, give in to the pleasure of it." His

hand moved faster, bringing Grey ever closer to the edge.

"I ... Don't. I don't..." Grey's head fell back, throat


"But you do, Butcher. You are." He latched onto Grey's

neck again, tongue delving into the little hollow where Grey's

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collarbones met. The taste was so good, so male and hot,
flavored by Grey's need.

Heat sprayed over his fingers, Grey convulsing as the cry

filled the air.

"Aye. Oh, yes, Grey." The scent was magnificent and he

breathed in deeply. It was sweeter somehow this time. He
wrapped his hand around Grey's on his own prick, kept it
moving. Grey leaned against him, face hidden from him,
fingers still squeezing his flesh. A kinder man might have left
it at that, but he was a pirate—the captain of pirates—and as
he felt himself draw close to finishing, he took Grey's head in
his hand and tilted it so that those pale eyes could watch his
face as his seed spilled from him.

He groaned, holding Grey's eyes as he came.
Grey stumbled back a half step, cheeks flushed, chest

heaving. He chuckled as Grey nearly tripped over his falling
hose, but his hands were gentle as he tugged them back up
and redid the clasps. "You see, Butcher? The same seed that
pulses from me also finds a home in you."

"I..." Grey shook his head, trembling visibly.
"Were magnificent, once you left your silly notions behind."

He cupped Grey's cheeks and brought their mouths together
again, pressed their bodies close so that he could feel that
trembling against his skin.

Those lips were sweet, parted and swollen, shock and

satiation keeping them open for him. His tongue swept
through, his kiss lazy, taking and tasting Grey's mouth. He
knew this trembling, pliable man in his arms would not
remain so for long. Soon enough Grey would recover and his

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misguided notions of civility and decorum and propriety would
return full force.

Still, this moment was quite delicious, near reeked of


He slid his hands down to cup Grey's ass again, enjoying

the feeling of the twin globes within his hands, bringing their
bodies close. Grey's skin was hot, almost feverishly so, the
trembling growing stronger as he devoured Grey's mouth.

They settled onto the mattress, his hands smoothing over

the butcher's skin, refusing to allow the man a moment's
respite, refusing to allow Grey a moment to think. He slid the
breeches away once again, their bodies sliding together skin
on skin from head to toe.

Grey tensed, shivering against him. "I cannot. My clothes."
"They were in the way, Butcher." He wrapped his hand

around one beautiful buttocks again, tugging Grey close.

Grey's eyes closed, relaxing against him, breath slowing,

bit by bit.

The Butcher, sleeping in his arms. By choice.
John smiled. Oh yes, he was accustomed to winning all his


He gave in to his own exhaustion, the pleasure and his

wounds hurrying him to sleep as well.

* * * *

He had gone mad. That was, of course, the only logical

solution. He had gone quite mad and possibly—no, almost
definitely—the marks that bastard had left upon his skin had
somehow befuddled him.

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Perhaps he had broken a vessel.
That was it.
A broken vessel.
Fouling what little sense he'd had.
Stephen nodded, stitching his blouse up, while the great

pirate snored. Perhaps he should bash the man's head in,
remove the problem altogether.

A knock came to the door, and the snores stopped, but it

didn't seem that the pirate woke.

"Sir?" called Tom. "I have your evening meal."
Stephen stood, opened the door. "He's sleeping, Tom. I

was considering bashing his head in to stop the awful sounds
escaping him, but your knock appeared to do the trick.

Tom's eyes went wide at his words and then the lad

giggled, coming in to put the tray on the table. "If you rub his
back, it makes him stop snoring."

"My plan was much more entertaining, young master


Tom giggled again. "You sound like a pirate."
"That's because we'll make a pirate of him yet, Tommy."

The Captain sat and stretched, muscles going tight and then

"That is highly unlikely, Beast."
"You can call me John, if you like. Though I must admit, I

rather like Beast. It has a certain ring to it." The Captain's lips
twitched. The pirate was laughing at him.

Tom giggled again. "Do you want anything else, Cap'n?"
"No, we're fine, lad. Thank you." John's eyes slid over

Tom's form and then his own.

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Stephen rolled his eyes, going back to his mending. Next

time he would bash the man's head in. Truthfully.

The pirate actually pulled on a pair of breeches, the

material tight, outlining the generous cock. "Look at you.
Stitching so carefully. I've a shirt that needs mending. You
can do that next."

"Balderdash. I am not your woman."
John laughed. "Indeed, you're very much a man. You

showed me that earlier."

Stephen felt his cheeks heat, ducked his head and fought

his groan. "You have no class, sir."

"I do, Butcher. I just choose to live in a world where it

matters not." John speared a chunk of meat with his knife.

"Where did you come from? Surely you weren't born upon

the sea..."

"Perhaps I was born upon the foam like Aphrodite." That

image caught him, captured him and made him laugh,
amused him to the bone. "You should do that more often,

"Do what, Beast?" He cut the thread with his teeth.
"Laugh." Leaning forward, John slid a finger along his

lower lip. His lips opened, pure shock keeping him still. "Yes,
that's a nice look as well. Makes me want to take your
mouth." John's finger pushed in and out of his mouth in a
suggestive manner.

He pulled away, growling, frowning at the pirate. "It is not

yours to take."

"Oh, but my dear Butcher it is." John closed the distance

between them again, finger pushing roughly into his mouth.

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He bit down, groaning, growling. Refusing to let the pirate
push him too far this time. John jerked, but didn't pull his
finger away. "You remembered I like it a little rough. I'm
touched, Butcher."

Stephen pulled away, scooted back, body threatening to

betray him, to fill. "You are quite mad."

"Is that your diagnosis, Butcher?" Those eyes kept

wandering from his own, sliding over his skin left bare as he
fixed his blouse.

"Yes." His nipples drew up as that gaze crossed over them.
The noise John made was animalistic and went straight to

his cock. Reaching out again, John's finger slid across his
nipple this time. "So responsive. There is such passion locked
inside you, Butcher."

He gasped, he couldn't resist, could not help himself. A low

hum came from John, the pirate's eyes narrowing, heating.
John's finger slid across his nipple again, turning at the last
moment and scrapping the nail over his flesh.

"Don't." A flash of lightning pushed through him, lips open,


John just held his eyes, finger passing over his nipple

again. "Who's going to stop me?"

"I can." His belly rippled, near ached.
Lips twitching, John's fingers grabbed his nipple outright

and pinched. "Oh, really?"

He groaned, fingers wrapping around John's wrist, tugging

at the strong hand.

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"You have lovely hands, Butcher. No match for mine, but I

like the feeling of them on my skin." John seemed determined
to turn everything back to sex.

"You..." He was going to lose his mind.
"Yes. Me." Leaning even further, John took his mouth, lips

pressing hard to his. He stumbled back, tripping over his own
feet, arms windmilling as he fought for balance. John grabbed
at him, arm going around his waist and pulling him up tight
against the solid body. "Careful, Butcher."

"I." Did one thank your captor for catching you up?
"I'll take a kiss for saving you a nasty fall." There was a

wicked look in the pirate's eye and John kept him tight,
mouth descending upon his once again.

His entire body arched, off-balance, breath stolen. John's

tongue pushed into him, sliding obscenely within his lips. He
groaned, hands grabbing hold of John's shoulders as his head
spun. John's fingers slid along his spine, the man's other hand
squeezing his ass hard. The smell of the sea and water
soaked wood faded, was replaced by something male and

"Do you do nothing but rut?"
"I eat. I drink. I fight. I sleep. I dream of rutting." He was

given a wink, John laughing at him.

"You should pray for your eternal soul, Beast."
The sound of John's laugher vibrated against him where he

was pressed up against the wide chest. "I'm a pirate, Butcher.
A little rutting is the least of my eternal soul's problems."

"This does not bring me great comfort, Beast."

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"It wasn't meant to, Butcher." The hand at his ass

massaged his muscles, one finger sliding along his crease,
pressing the material of his breeches against his skin.

"Find another to occupy yourself." He arched away, trying

to keep his groin away from John's touch.

That arm about him was solid and he only succeeded in

having John tug him closer still to the long body. "You are the
one who intrigues me, Butcher. I want no other."

"I..." He shook his head, hips rubbing into the pirate's


John purred, thumb sliding along his crack. "Yes, you."
He would never offer that willingly, never trust that hand

not to ruin him, tear him. "Never."

That wicked laugh sounded again, drowning out the sound

of the sea, the sound of his own heartbeat. "Never will come
sooner than you think, Butcher."

So tired. He was so very tired of the fight, of the perpetual

worry and passion and fear.

"Nothing to say, Butcher?" Fingers pressed against his

entrance, only the thin material of his breeches keeping them
out of him.

"You quite exhaust me." He squeezed his body tight,

groaning in protest.

"It is you who exhaust yourself, Butcher, fighting me so."

His head was tilted, another kiss taken from him. His breath
was quite stolen away, heart pounding inside him. The kiss
went on and on, John biting at his lips as it finally came to an
end. "Or perhaps it is yourself you fight."

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"You know nothing of me, nothing." His cock was full,

heavy, aching in his trousers.

John's hand slid around him, finding it unerringly, fondling

him through the cloth. "I know enough."

His errant body rejoiced, bucking up into the touch,

desiring it even as his mind rebelled. John's kisses resumed,
tongue pushing into his mouth like it belonged there, fingers
pushing into his breeches to wrap around his prick, skin on
skin. He groaned, torn between sensations, between needs.
The pirate obviously had no such qualms, the hand around his
cock moved with sure purpose, pulling such pleasure from
him. If only he could think, could feel something beyond the
pleasure, the heat, then he might be able to ... The heavy
thumb scraped across the slit of his cock, made him jump and

John's kisses became harder, more intense. He could feel

the demand in it, in the hand that worked his prick. His body
insisted that he move, press into the touch, into that hard,
wonderful hand.

"That's it, Butcher." John spoke against his lips. "Take

what you need."

"Don't. I can't..." But he could and he did and to protest

seemed foolish.

"Of course you can." John laughed, biting at his lips,

tongue pushing in between them, fucking his mouth.

Heat flooded him, his desperate noises loud and shocking

in the cabin, in the air around them. John's purrs and growls
joined them, the man's other hand sliding along his buttocks

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and pressing against his entrance as his cock was roughly
stroked with the other.

"Don't ... don't ruin me." Shudders rocked him, entire body

caught in the storm.

"Not this time, Butcher. I will not take your virginity—you

will give it to me." John's hands kept moving, pulling on his
cock and sliding along his crease; there was no cessation, no
moment to breathe or think. He shook his head, gasping, hips
moving in random little jerks and pulses.

"Keep saying no, Butcher. I'm sure you don't know the

meaning of the word." Stephen wasn't even sure what the
man spoke of, all he knew was the fire inside him. A fire John
continued to stoke, to build until it was all consuming and
there was nothing but their bodies caught within the flame.
Heat poured from him, one wave of heat after another
crashing over him.

"You should see your face, Grey," murmured John, hand

slowly sliding away from his cock. It was held up to his
mouth. "Taste yourself."

"Please." He could not see which he begged for—to stop or


One of John's fingers pushed into his mouth, covered in his

own seed, the taste sharp, salty and bitter. He had two
paths—to bite or suck, and his body chose the path of
damnation for him. John's purrs surrounded him, the seed
soaked fingers sliding in and out of his mouth. The pirate's
other hand landed on his shoulder, pushing a little. "I would
have your mouth, Butcher."

"No. No, I cannot." It was sinful, the road to madness.

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"You keep saying that word, and yet, here we are with

your seed on my fingers..." The hand on his shoulder
continued to push, not quite forcing him down.

He stepped away. He would not. He could not.
John growled, one hand going to his own prick, the other

wrapping around Stephen's arm and tugging him in for a
bruising kiss. His hand joined John's, lips parting under the
onslaught. This would be the final time. Only madness
awaited him in this cabin. Only madness.

Seed poured out from John's cock, hot on his hand,

burning the proof of his sins into his skin. "You see, Butcher?
You are mine."

Only for a moment longer. He would bear this no more,

god save his soul.

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Chapter Six
The doctor slept hard—John suspected the man had taken

something from his bag of tricks to help with that. He himself
felt completely healed and in good spirits. In great spirits in
fact—Grey's responses to his advances had made the last
couple of days most enjoyable. The man's body was like putty
in his hands, pliant and needy, so responsive. It was perhaps
time to convince Grey's mind to follow.

He grinned. Oh, yes, a seduction rather than a taking—he

could just imagine it, Grey making the first move, Grey
kissing him. Grey offering himself. That way he would not
break that lovely spirit that attracted him so, and yet he
would still have the man. After all, he had already more than
proved that the person Grey fought so hard was not John, but

John laughed, climbing the stairs and turning his face to

the sun. It felt good to be above deck, the spray of the
seawater and fresh air made him feel whole and hale. Grey
would come to enjoy this. Would become one of them, he was
sure of it.

He checked in with everyone, making sure they all knew

he was well, still in his prime. He even dealt out some blows
with the cat 'o nine tails, one of the men having disobeyed
Matey's orders. They all knew when he wasn't around, Matey
ran the ship, but sometimes ought needed reminding.

They were a good crew though, on the whole.
He spent a few hours above before the lure of pale skin

wearing his marks and sweet, angelic curls sent him below

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again. There was a battle of wills waiting for him. One he
would win. He grew hard just thinking on it.

He opened the door, shocked to find the man gone,

disappeared. He stepped out and closed the door again,
asking Tom if the lad had been standing guard the whole

"Yes, Captain, sir."
He went in again, looking around. The bed was made, the

room straightened, the doctor's bag still there, but only half
full. So they were back to this. He steeled himself, ready to
be attacked with any manner of strange tool the butcher used
in the course of treating his patients.

"Show yourself, Butcher." John would not indulge in a

game of search and seek. He was the captain. Silence
answered him.

He sighed and went to the porthole, opening the glass and

letting the breeze in. The bedclothes ruffled, the sound of the
ocean soothing. "I do not understand how a man could lock
himself to the land. There is nothing to compare to the
freedom of the ocean." He knew the good doctor listened,
heard him, watched and waited.

"I am the master of my own destiny. The ruler of my own

rolling country. There is none can tell me what to do, how to
live my life." He stood proudly, watching the ocean. One day
she would take him deep into her arms and quell his breath,
but for now she was his savior, keeping him safe and free.

Something behind him shifted, slid upon the floor. He was

ready to pounce, but he gave no outward sign. Instead he
continued to watch the water. "She is a most constant lover.

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Perverse, violent, treacherous, beautiful. But always here,
always welcoming me into her arms." The single constant in
his life.

He felt the air shift, heard the glide of feet on the floor. He

turned, quick as a sea snake, grabbing the doctor's wrists and
slamming the man up against the hull. Those storm-filled
eyes met his, the anger clear as morning.

Absolutely beautiful.
He growled softly and leaned in to nip at Grey's lower lip.

The man made no sound, moved not at all, the unwilling
responses of the last few days missing. His growl got louder
and he bit this time, bringing blood up. Those eyes never
flinched, held his, so strong. He licked the blood away, letting
the taste fill him as he pushed their hips together. Grey
refused to move, to look away, to do anything.

Damn the man! He pushed harder, prick rubbing along

Grey's, hands tightening on the trapped wrists. That stare
didn't falter, fingers clenching into fists. He kicked Grey's legs
apart, hand reaching down into the man's pants to squeeze
Grey's balls. He would get a reaction. Those eyes went dark,
jaw clenching. There, he was close.

He pushed his hand beyond the sensitive balls, finger

pushing along Grey's entrance, relentless, insistent. Those
eyes filled with tears, but still stared, throat working, body
tight. He pushed his finger in, taking what was his to take,
thoughts of seduction fading under Grey's refusal to admit his

Grey's eyes closed, the doctor shuttering himself away,

drawing into a still silence.

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With an angry half-roar, John yanked his fingers away,

flipping Grey so he faced the wall and ripping the man's
breeches from his ass. Grey went limp, motionless, refusing
to fight him. Angry, he tore the rest of the man's clothes off,
kicking Grey's legs further apart. Grey refused to stand,
refused to move, stayed as limp as a rag.

John roared and flung the man from him, tossing Grey to

the floor. "Where is your pride now, Butcher?"

Those eyes stared at him, angry, cold, strong.
"Would you prefer I toss you to the dogs in my crew,

Butcher? They'll make easy pickings of a sweet thing like
you." If Grey stopped being entertaining...

One eyebrow arched, those eyes snapping.
"The devil you know or all his little minions, Grey—your


Moving faster than he'd give the man credit for, Grey

moved across the floor, grabbing a heavy statue and hurling
it at his head. He ducked out of the way, purring, prick
perking up. Yes. There was that fire, the response he craved.

A cutlass was pulled from beneath the bed, Grey holding it

with a surprisingly sure grip.

"Well, well, well. There's your back bone. You almost look

as if you know how to use that thing."

A strong feint came, slicing the sleeve of his shirt, the

threat clear.

He was impressed. "Not bad," he murmured casually,

moving to the right, giving himself more room to maneuver.

The sword flashed again, cutting the other sleeve, driving

him toward the door. Make that very impressed.

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"And what exactly do you plan to do once you've run me

through? Throw yourself overboard?" By the black-hearted
devil, he wanted the man. And more, he wanted Grey to be
equally as moved. All that anger and passion turned on him.
He nearly groaned from it.

"Open the door and lead me to a longboat, or I'll slit you

from jaw to hip."

"Come now, Butcher, I thought you'd taken an oath to

preserve life." He didn't know when he'd ever been so hard.

Another flash, another lunge, a line of blood appearing

above his nipple. "The door."

John swallowed his whimper, forced his hips to still. Oh, by

the horned devil, he wanted. Grey would give himself or he
wasn't John the Beardless, pirate captain. "What about it?" he
asked, playing dumb.

"Open it and tell your men to stand back. Then you will

walk me to the rowboats and set me free."

He laughed, genuinely amused. "Oh, Butcher, I can't do


"I will unman you, Pirate, do not mistake me."
A shiver of excitement went through him, would Grey

actually attempt to do it, did the man truly have that kind of
strength? The thought of it was indeed intoxicating. "I will not
let you do that, Butcher."

The blade struck again, nicking his hip. "You are not

armed, Demon."

"But you cannot hurt me." He watched the blood slowly

stain his breeches. "I like your version of foreplay, Butcher."

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"You are mad." The blade pointed at his throat, vibrating.

"The door."

He groaned, prick hard as stone. He could not lose this

one—he had not seen such passion, such anger and vigor in
an age. He could just imagine what Grey would be like were
the butcher to come willingly. Keeping his eyelids at half
mast, he gave a lazy smile and then, quick as a snake, he
reached up and grabbed the blade. The pain was insistent,
undeniable and sharp as anything, as he twisted the sword
from Grey's hand. He pushed it away, ignored the screaming
of his nerves.

He had a few heartbeats of pure shock, Grey gaping at


He collected the sword with his uninjured hand, holding his

other in a tight fist. "Well there you are, Butcher—I have need
of your services again."

Grey shook his head. "Completely mad, I vow. Why must

you fight me so?"

"I am not fighting you, Butcher—you are fighting me,

remember?" He leaned back against the door, beginning to
feel a bit weak. He needed to get rid of the sword. He needed
to assure himself that Grey would dress his wound.

The doctor took over, Grey tearing a strip from the bottom

of the man's own blouse and binding his hand tight. "Fool."

"You would have been killed," he murmured. "My men

would not have allowed you to continue to hold me as

"Oh." Those storming eyes met his. "They would not have

obeyed you?"

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"Not with your blade at my throat, no, they would not


"You should sit. If you fell, I could not catch your weight."
He nodded and slid down the door, beginning to see spots

behind his eyes; the pain was everything for a moment or
two, pushing all thoughts of seduction and taking, of having
Grey in his bed, away. He felt the doctor ease him to the
floor, a soft pillow under his head. It was a strange
dichotomy, to receive comfort and care from this man he'd
violated, this man who had threatened to run him through.

"'Tis a shame I value my life, or I would kill you now and

pay the consequence."

"I do not believe you would, Butcher."
"Hush. You are in no position to mince words."
He managed a chuckle, the sparring allowing him to push

through the pain. "If it weren't true you would deny it."

He heard the man snort, but Grey didn't argue.
He felt as if he was falling, knew he'd lost a lot of blood.

"Help me onto the bed." It was undignified to lie on the floor
if it was not due to drunkenness.

"Stay where you are, man. Let your hand knit some."
He tried to sit up without the help, grunting with the effort.
"Stubborn fool." Grey helped him stand, staggered under

his weight as they made toward the bed.

He collapsed down onto it, head going between his legs as

the world grayed out.

The doctor eased him back, covering him. "Well, you

obviously don't suffer from an excess of bodily humors."

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"What?" Was the man saying he wasn't impressive? He


"Humors? Blood, seed—you seem to lose them at a rate

that would impress a leech."

"It is the butcher I wish to impress, not the leech." He

frowned. Had he spoken aloud to the doctor? He would not
have Grey know such things.

"Sleep, Pirate. We will war again on the morrow."
He growled softly, unhappy to be letting down his guard so

completely in front of his prisoner. But the pull of
unconsciousness was too much to resist and he found himself
sliding down into dreams of green eyes and blond curls
mingled with blood.

* * * *

The man was maddening.
Food kept coming at regular intervals, along with ale,

which he kept feeding the captain. In truth, he was now less
scared of the huge man than the rough, frightening men
above. He'd heard several of them arguing with Tom at the
door, some wanting to see the captain, others wanting to
know when the man would be done with him so they might
have their turn. John slept and rested for three days, hand
red and seeping for the first day.

Tom slid into the room with the tray of food on the fourth

day as Stephen was again mending his clothes. "Is the cap'n
gonna wake?"

"Eventually, I am sure."

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Tom looked about nervously. "I'm afeared there's mutiny


"Mutiny. I'll skin any man who even thinks of it," growled

the Captain from the bed.

Stephen arched an eyebrow. "Mutiny? Why?"
"Cap'n's been below. There's ... there's somes thats talkin',

there is. Somes that are saying we oughta slit the doctor's
gullet and leave you on an island." The lad looked nervous.
"I'm not wanting you marooned, Cap'n."

The low growl got louder and John sat up, hardly swaying

at all. "No one's marooning me, Tom Simpson." John came to
the door, stroking the lad's cheek almost tenderly.

The lad nuzzled into the touch, nodding. "Yes, Captain.

Thank you." Those eyes looked up at the man, worshipping.
"It's Blackie and the Turk, sir, doing the talking."

"Now why am I not surprised? Get me my uniform, Tom.

It's high time they remembered who captains this ship."

"Aye, sir." The boy hurried about and Stephen found a

perch against the wall, staying quiet, still.

John pulled his clothes off and sat heavily, letting Tom

dress him, fingers reaching out now and then to caress the
boy. The amount of ... contact upon this vessel was unreal.

It wasn't long at all before John was dressed in what had

to be a stripped uniform of Her Majesty's Royal British Navy.
Tom was on his knees, helping the Captain get on his boots.
Now and then the boy would lean his cheek against John's
crotch and rub.

John purred, hand stroking Tom's hair. "Another time,

Tom. Once the matters at hand are taken care of." John

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looked right at him. Filthy beast! Madman! He looked away,
refusing to be drawn into the lure.

"Doctor? If you value your life you'd best come with me

and agree that you are a part of the crew now. They'll be
happy to have a butcher aboard; we suffer from plenty of
injuries in the course of our ... duties. If you don't stand with
me, I cannot guarantee your safety." John was standing now,
hand on the boy's shoulder.

Oh. Oh, dear. It was the devil's own choice. He could not

stay and yet if he did not agree to ... "Might I have a jacket?
My shirt is ... rent."

John laughed. "Rent? I tore it. No jacket. The crew is

aware of my proclivities."

"Beast." He managed, barely, not to stamp his foot upon

the floor. John purred, seeming to be pleased at the insult. "I
will stand with you, if you swear you will not give me to your

"I will not give you to my men. I don't like spoiled goods."
"I will hold you to your word, Captain." He stood,

straightening his clothes.

"I assure you that in this matter, I speak true. Tom here

will speak to that."

The lad nodded, eyes friendly, warm. Aside from John,

Tom was the only other person he'd seen much of since he'd
been taken, the lad not seeming as rough as the other men.
"The Cap'n always does as he says. Always."

"Well, then. I suppose I must trust in that."

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"You don't have much in the way of choice, do you,

Butcher?" Unless he was mistaken that sounded like
sympathy in John's voice.

"A man always has a choice, Captain."
"Well then, you've made yours. Let us go and end this

mutiny before it begins." The Captain moved confidently out
the door.

Stephen took the cutlass that had been taken from him by

John, sliding it down the leg of his trousers. In case. Just in

They climbed up to the deck, many of the pirate sailors

they passed ceasing their activities to follow. They came to a
stop only when John stood by the wheel of the ship. Stephen
stayed close to Tom, keeping his chin held high.

The Captain didn't play coy. "Blackie! Turk! Front and

center!" The two men scrambled to stand beneath the stairs
to the wheeldeck, looking up at John. "I understand you two
want to mutiny."

The surprise that rippled through the ranks was audible,

visible, the shock and horror on the two men's faces obvious.

"N ... no, Cap'n. No. No one would dare." The man who

spoke was large, almost as big as John, black hair filthy and

"Do you think that just because I am not above deck that I

do not know everything that happens on this ship? At least
have the decency to stand up for yourself and tell the truth,
man!" John glowered.

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The second man glared at little Tom, baring his teeth.

Stephen stood taller, glaring back at the man. Tom was just a
lad, and more loyal than any of these filthy beasts.

"I had hoped you would confess your mutinous ways

instead of trying to hide them. Then at least I could have
trusted a whipping would have solved the issue. Instead you
may choose between having your gullets cut open or being
marooned on the next deserted isle we find."

"No! No, Cap'n, please!" The second man stepped forward.

"We was just thinkin' the sawbones had ... had bewitched

"The doctor has joined the crew to fix our wounds and if

you disrespect him, you disrespect me. There will be no
mutineers borne aboard this ship."

"He's stayin', Cap'n? He's one of ours? We got ourselves a

butcher?" The questions came left and right.

John raised his hand and the crew quieted. "We have

ourselves a butcher. But we also have ourselves a pair of
mutineers that need to be dealt with."

Stephen leaned down to Tom. "What happens next?"
Tom shrugged. "Follow the Cap'n. 's what we do."
"Fifty lashes each and if I hear anything—a whisper, a hint

of a whisper—on the matter of mutiny again I will start
gutting you like fish." The Captain glared at them all. "And
you all know that I am a man of my word."

Fifty lashes. Stephen shuddered, winced. He would have

work to do there.

"Does anyone else have anything they'd like to say?"
The silence was terrifying, vast. Quite stunning.

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"Excellent." John made his way to the wheel. "Bring her

about, Matey. We've had no luck here. We'll try the other side
of the islands. I'm sure there are vessels just waiting to be

Plucked? Vessels? He shook his head, unsure where to go.

What to do. A roaring cheer went up among the pirates and
John smiled, looking for a moment like the very devil himself.
Stephen backed away, moving until his spine was against a
bulkhead, no room for anyone behind him. John wandered
through the crew, talking to his men, establishing his control
once more.

"The whippin'll be at dawn tomorrow," Tom whispered.
"Are we expected to watch?"
Tom nodded. "Mutiny punishments are real serious."
"Oh." He couldn't help wincing, shaking his head. "I doubt

I am the mutinous type."

Tom looked up at him and then opened and closed his

right hand. "No?" The boy shrugged. "I know I'm not. I'll be
here to cheer the Cap'n on."

"Indeed." He nodded, looking about, refusing to shrink

from the eyes of these rough men.

After some time, John returned to them, hand falling onto

Tom's shoulder. He could see the pallor beneath the man's
tan. "Come, lad." He was given a long, lingering look. "Come
along, Butcher."

"I am not a butcher." He sighed beneath his breath, hand

on the hilt of the cutlass as he moved.

John chuckled. "Poor Butcher, lost among the uncivilized."

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"This is not a situation of my own making." He met the

midnight blue eyes, still fighting.

Heat flared in those eyes.
"Perhaps not, and yet, you are here." He was given a

wicked grin. "With me."

"Beast." They moved below deck, the sunlight fading.
John purred. "Say it again, Butcher."
"Perverse beast." The man truly was irritating.
John's laughter filled the ship as they went below. It was

dark down here after the bright sun on the water above. He
considered pulling the cutlass and beating the man about the
head and shoulders. Then his chance was gone, the three of
them in the Captain's cabin once again, John sagging.

"You are not well." He pushed the man toward the bed.

"You do not allow yourself time to heal."

"And what would you have me do, Butcher? Let them gut

you and leave me marooned?"

"I can think of better ways to spend my time, yes." He

looked over at Tom. "Help me get these boots off him, the
man needs rest."

The lad nodded as John lay down. "Two of you, taking care

of me. I like it."

Stephen rolled his eyes and snorted. "Beast."
"I thought it was perverse beast, Butcher."
"Madman works as well."
John chuckled and sighed as he and Tom finished

undressing the man. John looked almost as pale as the

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"He needs some ale and some beef stew, Tom. Can you

find it for him?"

Tom nodded and stroked the Captain's thigh a moment

before heading off.

"You're giving orders now, are you?" John asked him, the

grumble tamed by the weakness in the low voice.

"It does seem so." He gave the man an arch look, shaking

his head. John growled a little, no heat in the sound.

He checked John's hand, nodding at the pink, healthy


"The crew believed you'd worked some evil charm upon

me. Is it true, Butcher? Is that why I'm so weak?"

"No. You're weak because you tore a blade from me and

almost sliced your thumb from your hand."

"See—it's your fault."
"No, Beast. You tore me from my home." He re-bandaged

the wound, wrapping it well.

"You were stagnating there—you'd never even bedded

anyone, man!"

"I was betrothed! It would have come in due time."
John chuckled. "In due time." The next sound was

definitely a snort.

"Bah." Stephen tossed his head. "I will father many sons."
"Only if I grow bored with you quickly."
He couldn't stop the blush, hot and red, traveling up his

throat. John chuckled and grabbed his hand, tugging him
down against the broad chest.

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"Unhand me!" He pulled back, struggling, trying to keep

his traitorous body from responding. "You'll open your

"There's something I want to open, but it isn't my hand."

John was practically purring.

"Beast." He rolled his eyes, moving away. "You have to


"And what about you, Butcher? Are you hungry. I would

have you dine on me."

"You are obscene." His cheeks were flaming, burning.

Beastly man.

"I do try, Butcher Grey." He got a wink.
He chuckled, he couldn't help it, it simply escaped. Oh,

that made John look smug. Stephen wandered over to the
porthole, hiding his cheeks, his grin.

Tom came back in with the food and John grunted, pulling

himself into a sitting position. "Go get yourself something to
eat, lad."

He looked over, stomach growling. Tom nodded and kissed

the captain—on the lips!—before heading off. He hadn't
noticed the by-play between them much before now, he'd
been too wrapped up in his own predicament. He told himself
it made him angry that John was taking advantage of the lad,
that there was nothing else to his reaction.

Those dark eyes looked at him. "Hungry, Butcher?"
"I am." On the lips ... bloody hell, the man was a demon.
"You can share mine." Oh. He smoothed his shirt—what

was left of it, mended and mended again as it was—over his
belly before walking over to the bed. "You have to give me

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something in return. Don't worry, nothing extraordinary—a
kiss for each bite."

His eyebrows climbed up into his hairline and he backed

away, finding a chair across the room and sitting.

"Oh, come now, Butcher. Surely there's no harm in a few


"You are too old to be asking kisses with your supper, sir."

It was one thing to have them taken from him, quite another
to give them of his own free will. There was a hill too slick to
venture near.

"A man is never too old for that. And I can assure you I

would never tell your affianced."

Stephen chuckled again at the thought of the trembling

hands, the fluttering eyelashes, the little girl not even able to
speak a single word with the huge pirate. John gave him a
grin and a come hither look that any seductress would be
proud of.

"You..." He couldn't help but grin back, shaking his head at

them. What a peculiar situation.

"Come and eat and entertain me, Butcher." So much

confidence in the big pirate.

"I will not kiss you, Beast." Still he stood and sat on the

bed, most amused.

"You will deny me that which will heal me fastest?"
"Nowhere in my books are kisses mentioned as a remedy."

He stole a sip of ale.

"There are many things that have never made it to books,

Butcher. Think of the education you will receive aboard my
ship." Those dark eyes watched his every move.

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"You do not feel I have education enough?" He refused to

blush, simply refused.

"Frankly, Butcher, it is quite obvious that there are a

number of areas where you are sadly lacking." John took his
arm and he was tugged, not hard, not forced this time. "Now
come kiss me so that you may begin to fill your belly."

"I will..." He overbalanced, landing against the man, eye-


"Excellent," murmured John, lips closing over his.
He gasped, lips parting for a moment as he tried to regain

his balance. John took advantage of his gasp, tongue sliding
into his mouth. Stephen pulled away, heart pounding. "You
are wicked."

"You don't know the half of it." The words were purred,

John's voice satisfied. "Help yourself to a bite of stew." He
wanted to growl and fuss, but his belly was empty and he was
starving and the stew smelled perfect. So he took a bite,
enjoying the flavors, the beef upon his tongue. "I'll let you
have the next bite for feeding me a spoonful."

"A beast and spoiled." Still he scooped up a spoonful, sure

there was ample meat in the bite. He kept his thought that it
was lucky he had insisted on such simple civilized amenities
such as spoons to himself.

"Captain's privilege," John murmured, taking the spoon in,

mouth slowly sliding off the silver.

Stephen rolled his eyes and determined to keep this

civilized, after all they had the fancy bowls and silverware—
they could also have some polite dinner conversation. "Have
you always lived at sea?"

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"Since I had about seven years."
"My goodness, how awful." He took a bite for himself.
"On the contrary, I cannot imagine how awful it would be

to live without the roll of the ocean beneath my feet." The
spoon was taken from him. "I need another kiss."

"You have had one more than I agreed to allow you!"
"And you've had a spoonful more of stew than I agreed to

allow you. Come now, is kissing me really so awful?"

"That is not true! The second bite was offered for feeding

you. Cheating is a terrible habit." He ignored the question
about the kissing, stealing a swallow of ale.

John chuckled. "But I've let you get away with drinking my

ale—now who's cheating?"

"You didn't say I couldn't drink. Pay attention." He felt

most wicked, it was a heady sensation.

John laughed outright this time, the sound deep and warm.

"You're learning, Butcher. Now give me a kiss so we can have
another bite."

He leaned forward and barely brushed their lips together,

just breathing the man's air before pulling away.

A soft, low chuckle made him shiver. "Now feed me, Grey."
"The kiss was for my bite." He took a small bite of stew,

then offered a larger one to the John.

The man ate hungrily and then demanded another


"Beast." He fed the red lips another bite, distracted against

his better judgment by the sight of John's lips on the spoon.
He received a low hum in reply, one large hand landing on his
knee, stroking up his thigh.

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"Watch your hands, sir!" He shifted away, belly going tight.
"I don't need to watch them, I know what they are about. I

would much rather watch the effect they have on you in your

"I ... You mustn't." His heart beat furiously, confounding

him, confusing him. Dammit, he'd sworn he would not allow
his body to respond again.

"Oh, but Stephen, I find that I must." That hand returned

to his thigh, fingertips sliding across his groin.

He stood with a jerk, stumbling away. "You must eat."
"Were we not eating?"
"I ... Yes. Yes, we were." He must be catching ill, must be

feverish. Whatever madness had taken hold of him earlier
was now back and he needed to fight it.

"Then come back, Butcher Grey, and we shall eat."
"Not a butcher." He slowly wandered back, trembling

within and without. His own reactions to John confused him,
confounded him, his mind unable to sort it out.

"Come give me another kiss and I shall not only give you

another spoonful, but call you doctor as well."

"For how long?" He would not be fooled twice.
"Oh, a very quick study." John tilted his head. "I want a

proper kiss from you, full and open mouthed—initiated and
carried out by you. And in return I will call you doctor until
sun-up tomorrow."

"Until sun-down and I can have three bites." He was not

an utter fool and not so far descended into madness as that.

One of John's eyebrows went up. "It had better be a quite

amazing kiss, Butcher."

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He refused to look away, meeting those eyes. "Those are

my terms, Beast."

"I accept."
He took a deep breath and leaned forward, bringing their

lips together, his heart trip hammering in his chest. John
purred and opened his mouth, otherwise making no move to
guide the kiss. He was unsure, but he let his tongue slide out,
tracing John's bottom lip. One hand slid slowly along his back,
the touch almost soothing as John's purrs got louder. Stephen
exhaled, body leaning into the kiss, encouraged by the hand
on his back. John's mouth opened wider beneath his, tongue
touching his for just a second.

His responded, tip just brushing John's before he backed

away. Oh, what was he doing? What on earth was he doing?

* * * *

John was quite pleased with himself.
He'd put down a mutiny, convinced Grey to officially join

the crew as their new butcher, and now had the man feeding
him kisses, one after another, each better than the last. He
bit his lip to keep from grinning as Grey backed away from
the last kiss, eyes stricken. Instead of smiling he frowned.

"Now wait a moment, Butcher. I know we've joked about

cheating and whatnot, but you promised me an amazing kiss
in return for three bites of food and my calling you doctor
until sun-down tomorrow. That kiss was nice, but hardly

"I ... Perhaps your definition of amazing and my own


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He did grin then, chuckling a little. Oh, Grey did amuse

him. He was growing most fond.

"Perhaps it does, but you have asked for an goodly lot in

exchange for this kiss, I do believe it is on your shoulders to
deliver a kiss that I find amazing."

"You are most aggravating, Beast." Grey almost smiled,

those eyes lit most suddenly.

"Coming from you, I do believe that's a compliment,


He pursed his lips, fingers patting them. He wanted his


Stephen leaned in, lips brushing his, soft and heated, open

against his own. John put his hand on Grey's back to keep
himself from cupping the man's head and pressing their
mouths harder together. The game was to get Grey to come
to him, to initiate kisses, not to take.

He hummed softly, enjoying the flavor of Grey's mouth

and his eyes stared into Grey's, willing the man's tongue to
come and play. He got only the softest touch, the slide of that
tongue against his bottom lip taunting him with promise
before Grey backed away. He groaned, both disappointed and
excited, his prick beginning to push at his breeches.

"How would you like a new blouse?" he asked, voice low,

rough. Grey looked mighty fine in tattered clothing, but he
imagined he could earn another kiss, possibly more, for clean,
whole clothes.

"Pardon me?" He could see the man's nipple, hard and

rosy, aroused.

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He licked his lips, tongue passing where Grey's had been;

he swore it tasted different right there. "I said would you like
a new blouse? One that's not rent and torn." They had plenty
in the hold, he was sure. Or better yet, one of his own would
hang off Grey, maybe let him play look-see with those pretty
nipples some more.

"I would, to be sure. What would you have me barter for


"What do you think would be a fair trade, Doctor Grey?"

What will he give willingly without being asked for it?

"I..." Now that question confused the man, made him gasp

and tilt his head.

"A whole blouse after all is worth more than a single kiss,

wouldn't you think?" His gaze moved from Grey's face to that
hard, little nipple and back.

"What would you count its worth as?" So sweet, that tight

bit of flesh.

"Your mouth on one of my nipples and your hand on my

prick. I will of course return the favor."

"I..." He could see the quick mind working. "I could

manage that."

Oh, he should have suggested more. He knew it would

come eventually, but patience had never been his strong suit.

"Payment first," he demanded. "And you must take off my

shirt as well as your own before the touching commences."

"That was not part of the agreement, Pirate." Stubborn


He held up his bandaged hand. "But, Grey, how can I

disrobe so you can suck on my nipple without your help?"

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"You said nothing about sucking; you said my mouth upon

your nipple." Grey undid his ties, eased the shirt off his arms.

"Why else would you put your mouth on my nipple if not to

suck?" He loved Grey's quick mind, the challenge. He was
going to be kept on his toes with this man. The thought only
made him harder. He sat forward a little so the shirt could be
pulled down far enough to expose one of his nipples, the little
bud of flesh hard in eager anticipation. "It wants your

"You have no shame." Grey bent to the task, lips swollen

and soft, near gentle on his skin, hand cupping his groin.

He could no more have stopped his hips from pushing up

into Grey's hand than he could have stopped breathing, a low
groan leaving him at the twin assault.

"Your tongue, please," he begged, proving Grey right—no

shame at all.

His nipple was licked, lapped much like he was cream and

the doctor a large cat. His hands curled into fists to keep from
grabbing Grey about the head and holding him right there. He
made a sound suspiciously like a whimper. Grey was far too
good at this for an innocent virgin—the man would be a wild
wanton in bed once he let himself go, of that John was sure.

His hips pushed, sliding his prick against Grey's hand. That

hand—so clever, so very needy—slid against him, stroked

"Aye," he whispered, body easily finding Grey's rhythm

and moving with it, his prick nearly jumping beneath Grey's
fingers. His nipple ached, sensation shooting from it to his
prick every time Grey licked it. Grey moaned, shivered, then

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pulled back as if his own need had frightened him. John
panted, trying to catch his breath. He could feel his own
heartbeat in his prick, in his nipple, the air cool against the
wet flesh. "Now you. Remove your shirt."

"What is left of it." Those hands were trembling as Grey

pulled the rag away.

"You'll have a new one soon enough."
His eyes were drawn to those pretty nipples, Grey unable

to hide his need, his body betraying him. John reached out,
purring as his finger pressed against the hard, little nub. Grey
pulled back, moaning low.

"You'll have to bring your flesh to my mouth, doctor." Grey

needed to come to him, to want it so badly he could do
nothing else. John let his thumb slide gently across Grey's
nipple, and then again.

"I ... You offered me a blouse." Oh, Grey felt him, lips

open, heart pounding visibly in the thin chest.

He could smell Grey, the salty musk of the man's need

beginning to rise between them. "Indeed, but first I must
return the favor of mouth and hand upon your body. You did

Grey moved closer, the scent heady now, strong and

wanton. John slid an arm around Grey's waist and tugged him
just a bit closer, mouth closing over that tempting nipple.
Grey's whimper was most gratifying, the arch of the pale
spine even more so. He flicked his tongue across Grey's
nipple, the little bit of flesh hard, almost seeming to beg him
to do it again. So he did. He touched Grey's other nipple with
his uninjured hand and then slid his fingers along the fine

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flesh, all the way down to cup the hardness he found within
Grey's breeches.

Grey moaned, rolling into his touch, the sound deep,

needy. The temptation to pull the man down, to roll the lean
body beneath him and take what he wanted was huge. But he
did not. In fact he took a final lick and pulled away.

"M ... my blouse." Grey was flushed, needy, eyes flashing.
John licked his lips and nodded. "In the drawer." He

pointed toward the space beneath the bed that housed his

The butcher knelt down, giving him a long look at perfectly

formed buttocks, a long, lean spine.

He moaned softly, rubbing at his aching prick. "You torture

me, Doctor."

"I do not." A pale shirt was pulled free, draped over the

lean body.

"But you do. Constantly. I ache for you." He rubbed his

prick again, admiring the way his shirt hung off one of Grey's

"Eat your stew, Beast." The words were short, but the tone


He reached out and grabbed Grey's hand, tugged him back

near. "I find I have more appetite for you than the stew, but I
will eat if you will continue to feed me."

"You believe I care if you starve?"
"Yes." And he found it wasn't just game playing, he didn't

believe Grey would let him go hungry.

"We're fools, the both of us." There it was, that look so

very close to panic, to acquiescence, to surrender. John had

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seen it in captives, in enemies, even in a horse being broken
to the saddle. It was always the same, wide-eyed and
worried, panicked and wanting the confusion to stop all at

He reached out and cupped Grey's cheek, licking his lips.

"Insults are unnecessary, Grey."

Grey shuddered, almost leaned into his touch. "You cannot

feed off me."

"Are you quite sure, Doctor?" He winked and let his fingers

slide away from Grey's cheek, fingertips stroking.

"I am completely sure, Pirate."
"Then you must feed me. I will let you give me a spoonful

for every kiss that you give me."

"I am not offering kisses so that you might sate your


Well it had certainly been worth a try. "No? Then what will

you offer them for?"

"I ... I want to not witness the whipping. I do not wish to

see that."

"It is mandatory, but—doctor. If I make an excuse for you

not to be present ... well I need more than a kiss." Here was
where he would make his move. He would have that mouth or
he was not Captain of this ship.

"I will tend the men, but I ... I would not see the damage

being done."

"I will allow that, but only if you put your mouth on me,

Grey. And not for just a moment, either. I would have you
suck me properly."

"You are ... You cannot mean ... Not until you spend?"

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He reached out and casually slid a hand along the front of

Grey's breeches. "That is the general idea. I will of course
return the favor. So not only do you get out of witnessing the
whipping, but you get untold pleasure as well."

"I have never ... I would choke." Grey was trembling,

shaking like a flag upon the mast.

"I would not allow you to choke." He pressed his hand a

little harder against Grey's prick.

"I have your word?" Grey's body pressed forward against


"You have it." He was nearly shaking himself, anticipation

making him ache. Grey was lucky—he was not likely to last
long before spending himself in that luscious mouth.

"I do ... I do not know what you want me to do..."
He lay back against the pillows. "The first step is to take a

breath, and then you may take my prick from my breeches."

"Must you make everything difficult?" Those hands reached

for his breeches, tugging them open.

He almost whimpered, turning the sound into a husky

chuckle instead as his prick leapt out eagerly. "It is not so
difficult as all that, is it?"

"You are maddening." Grey's fingers wrapped around his

shaft, stroking, caressing him.

He licked his lips, his cock throbbing in Grey's hand. "Only

because you find yourself wanting me despite your reticence."

"Bah." Those hands kept working, rubbing. "You have a

fever, here."

He laughed. "You know the way to cure it, doctor? You

must use your mouth." Grey leaned forward, tongue sliding

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so carefully on his shaft, heated, wet. John groaned, his toes
curling. "Grey. Don't stop now."

Another lick, another touch and Grey would drive him mad.

He reached for Grey's head and stopped himself, burying his
fingers in the sheets to keep from taking what he wanted.
Grey needed to do it himself. Grey's tongue slid and stroked,
caressing and wetting him. Tasting him. More, he needed
more. "Please. Grey. Please."

"What? It cannot hurt..." Those eyes were wide, that

mouth too far away.

He shook his head. "It aches, but only with need. I need

more. Please."

Grey nodded, hands and lips touching him, wrapping

around him. Willing. Heated. He gasped, Grey's lips soft, like
wizardry around his flesh. He kept his hips still, fingers
reaching out to slide through Grey's curls. Grey sucked
carefully, hands around the base of his cock, squeezing,

"It will not fall off if you are more vigorous." The touches

were sweet, gentle, good, but not enough. Those eyes flashed
up at him, teeth scraping his shaft.

He jerked and cried out. "Grey!" Such a quick study, so

very smart; his butcher was a treasure indeed. The suction
increased, those teeth sharp, dragging along his skin. It made
him cry out again, a shudder going through him. His fingers
tightened in Grey's hair, his hips twitching. "Faster."

Grey heard, responded, eyes fastened on him as that head

bobbed. The sight of the good doctor, so civilized, so prurient,

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golden curls bobbing over his prick, was almost as good as
the sensations. Almost.

"Soon," he warned.
Grey pulled back, lips on the tip of his cock, the sensation

sharp. His hips jerked, come spilling from him as the pleasure
sped through him. The doctor pulled away after the first
pulse, seed on his cheek, his chin.

He reached out, finger cleaning Grey's face. "That was not

so distasteful now, was it?"

Grey blushed dark, eyes unsure and needy all at once. He

made a soft noise and tugged Grey up, bringing their lips
together. The taste of his seed on Grey's lips was intoxicating
and had he not just spent, he'd surely be hard again. Grey
shuddered, hips pushing into him, cock near burning against
him. He slid a hand around to Grey's ass, tugging,
encouraging the doctor to rub against him. Grey humped
against him, eyes rolling like a terrified horse.

He broke the kiss, lips sliding on Grey's skin. "Move up,

Grey, bring your cock to my mouth."

"What?" The man was lost to sensation, blinking at him.
He put his hands on Grey's hips, tugged them upward as

he shifted down on his pillows. "Bring me your prick."

"I. Yes." That cock dripped and throbbed, aching for him.

Offered to him.

"Yes," he growled, licking the tip. Grey was salty, bitter

with an underlying sweetness. He let his tongue play over the
head, watching Grey's face. Gray was lost, his. His own at
this moment. He took the long, hard prick into his mouth,
letting Grey's frantic movements push it deep. It wouldn't be

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long; it couldn't be. Grey's need was too close to the surface.
He slid his good hand around, fingers sliding along Grey's
crack as his head bobbed, his suction increasing on Grey's

Salt and heat exploded in his lips, Grey shuddering,

shaking above him. Purring, he swallowed Grey's need down,
mouth softening, but not releasing the spent prick. He pulled
aftershocks and shudders from Grey before slowly coming off.
Grey slumped to the sheets, lips open, eyes closed. Leaning
over him, John traced Grey's swollen lips. The man looked
debauched, sexy. Damned good in his bed.

Grey moaned, shivering just a touch for him.
The best part of it was that Grey had done it all himself,

Grey had given him the kisses, the licks, had taken his prick
into that lovely mouth without being forced. It made the
man's surrender that much more delicious.

"We shall have to make a habit of that."
"Beast." The word almost sounded fond.
He chuckled and bent to nip at Grey's lower lip. "You would

be most disappointed if you put your mouth on any part of
me and I did not respond."

He got no answer, barring a bare grin, a soft laugh. "You

refuse to allow me a moment's respite."

"My dear doctor, the last time I allowed you that you

attacked me with a blade! No, I like your actions better when
you must run on instinct and you let your body take what it
wants, what it needs."

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"And you argue that you are no animal?" Grey stretched,

lean and pale, skin lovely, especially his mark on the dark

"Did I argue that?" He laughed, let his fingers slide over

Grey's belly. "I would argue that we are all animals, yourself
included. Do not hide from yourself, Doctor. Revel in yourself.
In me."

"You are a demon, in truth." Yes, and the doctor had

discovered temptation.

"And what does that make you?" he asked, before taking

Grey's mouth with his, reminding Grey that the man had
made love with this demon.

Grey moaned, accepted his kiss, hands wrapping around

his shoulders. He pulled the blankets up over them, covering
them in darkness as the kisses continued. After some time he
gave up control of the kiss, let Grey lead it, guide it.

The passion was abated; this was something different.

Something else. It was something he had never done with
anyone else and yet he tolerated it with Grey. No, not
tolerated, enjoyed it.

It was most intriguing, most fascinating.
He might be compelled to keep this butcher.

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Chapter Seven
Stephen sighed at Geoff, wrapping one arm with a

bandage. "You must keep the wrap and the salve on it or you
will lose the arm."

Three weeks he had doctored the crew. Three weeks he

had dealt with the worst ideas of what medicine was.

Three weeks.
Still, it was improving. Slowly.
"You'll take me arm? I knew it! Butcher!" Geoff stood, his

chair going flying behind him. "I'll not let ye."

"Oh, for God's sake. Just keep the wrapping on, you great

bloody fool. You have better use of it than I do."

There was a growl from the door. "There a problem down

here?" John stood there, arms crossed, looking every inch a
pirate captain.

"Yes. Your man is going to lose his arm if he does not

listen to me." Infuriating. They were all infuriating.

John glared. "Geoff. Do what the butcher tells you."
Geoff grumbled a "yes, cap'n" and stomped off, muttering

about drink.

Chuckling, John came in, eyes sliding from his head down

to his toes and then back up again, those eyes like a touch.

"Thank you, Beast." He would not look away, not flinch.

Unfortunately he could not prevent his body's response.

And the man knew it, damn him, those lips twisting into a

wicked grin. "I know a way you could show your

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"You have no shame and I have patients." He turned away,

hiding his own grin.

"I have no need for shame and your last patient just left,

Butcher." John's voice deepened, became husky. "You know
you wish to."

"I will not dally with you here, Beast." He lifted his chin.

"And I am no butcher."

"Where will you dally with me then ... Doctor?"
His lips parted, caught between aggravated and wanton.

"Your quarters, only."

"There is a bed here." John nodded toward the tiny cot

Stephen used as an examination table.

"A filthy cot and I have already told you no."
"But I called you doctor. And I told Geoff to listen to you. I

deserve a reward." John was incorrigible.

He laughed, shook his head. "Have some ale."
"I want you, Grey." John's hand reached out and wrapped

around his arm, tugging him up against all those muscles.
"And then the ale."

He groaned, tried to pull away. "Not here. Not here, you


"Why not? What does it matter where?" He could feel

John's prick against his hip, hard and hot.

"There are old bandages, the room smells of illness. Have

some care, John."

John's eyes rolled and the hand on Stephen's arm

tightened, but the man turned and tugged him out of the
room. "My cabin then." The words were growled, but Stephen
recognized the sound of need in it now, rather than anger.

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"Yes, Beast. Your cabin." There was little good in denying

his own need.

It was not very far at all, only a few steps to the end of the

dark hall and they were in the captain's quarters. It was just
weeks ago that he'd been a prisoner in this room at the pirate
captain's mercy. Now he was ... He was unsure of what he
was. Of his place. He spent hours not considering it.

"Here we are, Grey. No more stalling. We both want this."
His head was tilted, John's mouth descending upon his

own. The kiss enflamed him, his hands tangling in John's hair,
the heat between them an addiction. John's tongue pushed
into his mouth, sweeping through it before sliding away,
almost daring his own to follow. He moaned, chasing John's
tongue, his own sliding along before pulling back again.

A groan vibrated deep in John's chest, one big hand sliding

down along his back and landing on his ass like it belonged
there. They pressed together, both moaned as their bodies
rubbed. Insanity. Madness. Lust.

John's free hand slid up under his blouse, sliding across his

belly before climbing, headed right for his nipple. He went up
upon his toes, his nipple tight, hard, embarrassingly eager for
sensation. The kiss turned into nibbling, John's lips grabbing
his lower one between them, teeth testing his skin.

"Is this what you want?" John asked as his fingertips slid

across the small bud of Stephen's nipple.

He groaned, pressing against that touch.
"My passionate butcher," murmured John, lips attaching to

his throat, covering the mark that had not faded since it had
first been left on his skin.

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"Not ... not a butcher." Heat flooded him, his chin lifted,

passion making him ache.

John chuckled, teeth scraping along his skin, fingers

pinching his nipple. "Are you sure?"

"Sure?" He arched, lost in sensation.
There was no answer, only more biting, more pinching and

tugging and rubbing. It felt like John was everywhere, all
around him. His own hands slid down John's arms, John's
chest, petting and stroking.

"That's it, Stephen. More. Skin. Come now, Butcher, you

know you want me."

"Be quiet, Pirate." He pushed John's shirt up, hands

dragging over the rippled belly.

John laughed, stomach fluttering beneath his fingers. The

sound soon turned into a moan, the suction on his neck
growing fierce. His own moan drove him closer, his hips
bucking against John's thigh. Strong fingers pushed his
leggings from his hips, freeing his prick to the air.

"John." He would not beg, he would not.
John drew back, those blue eyes staring into his own. "I

like the way you say my name, Butcher. As if you need."

He stared back, unsure what to say, whether to speak at

all. Chuckling, John's hand slid around his prick, began to
stroke it, pulling roughly. Everything inside him went tight,
hips jerking desperately.

"Tell me what you want, Stephen." The words were little

more than a growl, lodging in the base of his spine, in his

"John. I..." He moaned. He could not.

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"So very, very stubborn," murmured John, eyes holding his

as John went to his knees in front of Stephen. "Tell me what
you want."

Oh, dear lord. His eyes rolled, that mouth so close. "You.

You, I want you."

John licked his lips, tongue just brushing Stephen's prick.

"This?" John asked, tongue swiping across the tip of his cock.
Those eyes shone up at him and John did it again, but then
waited for his answer.

"Yes." Heaven forgive him. Please.
The tip was licked again, John's tongue pushing against his

slit for a moment before that hot, hot mouth dropped down
around his flesh.

"John!" His thighs spread, hips pushing forward


John's hands wrapped around his hips, tugging him back.

His prick left John's mouth with a pop. "Should I stop?"

"St ... stop?" What was wrong with the man? John's lips

twitched, those eyes dancing wickedly up at him. Then John's
mouth was around him again, the pirate's cheeks hollowing,
the suction around his prick incredible. His cry echoed, seed
pouring from him in a rush, hips snapping, pushing into
John's lips. John hummed around his cock, mouth gentling,
but not ceasing the sweet pulls. Aftershocks shook him again
and again until John slowly let his prick go. He whimpered,
knees buckling, only his hands on John's shoulder keeping
him upright.

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by Sean Michael


John's lips slid along his belly, warm and soft. Now and

again the sharp scrape of teeth shot sensation through him as
John made his way slowly upward.

"B ... beast." John lowered them to the bed, both of them

easing down.

He could feel the heat of John's prick against his hip, the

man's breeches no impediment. "I need, Stephen. You have
come in my mouth. What will you do for me in return?"

"Always a barter with you, Beast. Always."
"I could just take what I want, Butcher. But I do not."

John's eyes glittered in the fading light from the porthole,
watching him. There was never anywhere to hide from the

"What do you want, pirate?" He refused to look away, to

back down.

"You know what I wish. That which you refuse to offer

me." John's hand slid beneath his buttocks, one finger finding
his crease.

"I..." It frightened him, the idea of being hurt, of being


That finger slid along his most private flesh, sending

shivers through him. He could hear his own heartbeat, almost
as loud as his breath, the only sounds for long moments.
"When will you stop denying yourself, Stephen?"

"The act you desire ... It frightens me."
"You still believe I would hurt you? You protest and

complain and pretend you don't like the games we play, yet
you have enjoyed everything we have done, Butcher. Do not
deny it, for I have seen it in your eyes, tasted it in your

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by Sean Michael


seed." John's finger slid across his opening and then returned,
teasing the flesh there with a surprisingly gentle touch,
tapping against it.

"John." He moaned, hips arching, pulling away first, then

moving closer again.

"Your body knows. It has always known." His mouth was

taken, the kiss soft, John's tongue probing gently, echoing
the finger that pressed against him again and again. Against
his better judgment, Stephen melted, opened and offered
himself into a pirate's hands. John's growl of triumph filled his
lips, the sound the only thing louder than the beating of his

More fingers joined the first, stroking along his crease,

pressing against his entrance each in turn, though not
breaching him. He pressed close, hands in John's hair, the
kisses deep and languid, stealing his breath. The kisses lasted
forever until he was swimming in them, in the sensations
John plied upon him, one melting into the next and the next.

The heat of John's body seemed to increase, the hard prick

had never seemed so large as it did now, rubbing against his

"Please. John." He pressed them closer together, body

liquid and relaxed.

John drew back so those blue eyes could look into his face.

"What was that, Butcher? Was that a plea?"

His cheeks flushed, lips going tight together. "No. It was a

... request."

"Oh, you are a very, very stubborn man, Stephen." He

knew John would not have him any other way. His lower lip

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by Sean Michael


was nibbled upon, and then his neck, John's mark licked,
sucked, darkened even more. Then one of his nipples was
taken between John's teeth, the flesh worried and then
soothed with John's wicked, hot tongue. Those eyes flashed
up at his gasp. "I will give you what you have asked for,

"Not a butcher, Beast."
John laughed and nipped sharply at his nipple before

getting up, stripping as he went to the small chest in the
corner of the room. "But your eyes shine so whenever I say

Aggravating monster. He felt chilled without John close,

legs drawing up beneath his chin.

John pulled off his leggings before bending to open the

chest, the taut buttocks exposed to him as John pulled out a
little silver bottle with a jeweled stopper. The pirate turned
slowly, eyes hot as they met his. The view was even more
impressive from this angle, John's prick hard, curving up
toward the muscled belly.

Stephen could not decide whether that sight aroused or

worried him.

John strutted—there was no other word for it, John

obviously proud of the figure he cut while naked, not a single
trace of shame visible—coming back to him with the little vial.
It was handed to him. "Oil. Stolen from a nobleman."

He looked at it, curious as he unstoppered the vial. It

smelled of spices, quite warming. John slipped back into the
bed, sitting next to him. The man's warmth drew him, a moth
to John's flame.

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by Sean Michael


"I imagine he put it to the same use we will."
"I ... I cannot see a civilized man sharing such madness."
"Can you really not, Butcher? Are you so convinced only a

beast like me would give in to his needs and wants?" John's
fingers began to slide on his skin, so hot, leaving trails of fire
behind them. They pushed beneath him, settled cupping his
ass. "And what does that make you?"

"Bewitched." Lost. Seduced.
John laughed. "I've been accused of many things, Butcher,

but I do believe this is the first time I have been accused of
using magic." Still chuckling, John brought their mouths
together, lips pressing against his, tongue pushing in as it
always did, so aggressive. So hot and wet and good.

He allowed himself to be lost to it, caught within it as he

always seemed to be. He hardly noticed as John's fingers took
the vial of oil from his own, as he was moved back to lie down
upon John's bed. John's tongue played inside his mouth,
made him melt and press against the strong body.

He did notice when John's hand returned to his ass, a

finger again finding his crease. He stiffened, body going tight
without thought.

"You asked for this," John reminded him, finger stroking,

not trying to push into him, just sensitizing his most private

"I..." He knew. He wore the mantle of coward poorly.
John growled, but his fingers were still gentle, touching

carefully. "You will enjoy it, Butcher. You will."

"As if you can simply will it to be so."

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"I am the captain of this vessel. My word is law." John

kissed him again, moving him again, rolling him onto his
stomach. The kiss broke and John's lips slid around, his hair
pushed away as sharp teeth bit gently at his nape. His hips
pushed up and back, the motion instinctual, immediate.

"You see. You will." The words were purred against his

skin, John's hands beginning to massage him, to slide on his
skin with firm, warm touches. The pirate's kisses began at the
top of his spine, slow, sucking kisses that were noisy and
good and moving downward.

"John..." His eyes rolled, heart pounding furiously in his

chest. He had never considered his back to be so sensitive,
such as erogenous zone.

John's answer was only a purr, the man's hands moving to

work the tops of his thighs, fingers sliding between his legs,
spreading them slightly so John's fingertips could tease the
inside of his thighs. The slow kisses continued to move down
his back, each one more intense than the last.

"John..." He tried to turn, the pleasure blossoming within

him, too huge to bear.

"More begging, Stephen?" The purr slid along his spine,

seemed to echo along his skin.

"I ... I do not beg." He groaned, hands scrambling on the


"But you want me. You want things you believe are wrong

and filthy and barbaric." John's lips nuzzled the bundles of
nerves in the base of his back, the sensations sparking all
through him.

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by Sean Michael


"You fascinate me. I cannot help myself." He fought to pull

away, deep sounds filling the air.

"I would have you not even try to help yourself, Butcher."

John's tongue was suddenly at the top of his crease, a hand
on each buttock, spreading him wide as that hot, wet tongue
slid down toward his entrance.

"John!" Shock caught him, set him to utter stillness. What

madness was this?

John's cheek rubbed against his ass and then the lick came

again, John's tongue sliding again and again over his hole. He
near sobbed, a mixture of need and panic and pleasure and
the unknown crashing over him.

"I have you, Butcher," murmured John, one hand sliding

beneath his hip to wrap around his prick, holding it in a tight
grip as that tongue began to tease at his hole, pressing
against it now, threatening to enter him.

His sight went a bright grey, hips starting to shift, to rock

without his permission. His prick slid through John's hand and
then he moved back against the man's tongue. The
sensations were unbelievable, knowing what it was John was
even more so. Then, suddenly, he rocked back and John's
tongue pushed right into his body. Everything went quiet and
still within him, his only focus that touch, that tongue. It
pushed deeper and deeper into him, John's face pressed hard
against his ass as it wiggled inside him. Inside him. Then out,
then in again, fucking him there as surely as it had ever
fucked his mouth.

"Please. Please. I." He. He. "I need."

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by Sean Michael


A pleased purr sounded, John's tongue vibrating inside him

as it moved in and out a few more times.

Then it disappeared, John shifting, covering him with that

long, muscled body and one of John's fingers pushed, slid
deep into his body. He pressed up against John, the heat
driving his hunger, the pressure inside him new.

John's pleasure was evident, the thick cock pressing

against his thigh, leaving a wet trail as John rubbed against
him. Sharp teeth, soft lips and hot tongue slid over his
shoulder, John's finger moving in and out, assuaging his need
and making it bigger at the same time.

"I will spend." He panted, eyes rolling, wide.
"Then spend." A second finger pushed into him, John

twisting them and they hit something inside him that made
an explosion of sensation happen.

His scream tore from him, body bucking violently, seed

pouring from him in a rush. Those fingers kept pressing that
place inside him, making the pleasure go and go until he
thought he would surely faint.

John's fingers finally slid out of him and he was turned. "I

want to see your face as I take you."

All he could do was follow those hands, that touch, eyes

still rolling with the sensations inside him. John's hands slid
along his legs, spreading them, bending them at the knee and
pushing them back, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

"I have you," John told him, holding his eyes as something

very hot and very large pressed against his entrance.

"Will you keep me?" He panted, heart pounding in his


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by Sean Michael


John stopped for a moment that seemed to on for an

eternity and then he nodded. "I do believe I will, Butcher."
Then the heat pressed against him, pushed and pushed,
insisting that his body stretch, that it accept that bulk.

Stephen groaned, eyes wide, the burn deep within him.
The head of John's cock spread him wide before John

stopped. Bending, John pressed on his lips, tongue sliding in
deep, tasting of John and himself. "Just relax, Stephen."
John's voice was low, husky, the prick inside him pulling away
and then coming back, pushing in again, going a little deeper
this time.

"I..." He nodded, moaned into John's lips as his body

accepted the invasion. Slowly, inch by inch, John rocked into
him. The pirate would move back and then forward again,
always pushing just a little bit deeper each time.

"So tight," groaned John. "I knew you would be."
"Full." Impossibly full. "You will never seat yourself fully


John nodded. "I will, Butcher. Have faith and let me in."
The slow invasion continued, John pulling out and rocking

back in. The burn was fading, replaced by the incredible
fullness and something else, something warm that made him
want to shiver. Soon he was pushing back into each thrust,
body eager, prick full and aching.

"Yes. Yes." John repeated the word with every rocking

thrust, the word a low growl. Then John shifted and that prick
jerked across that place deep inside him that made
everything else disappear.

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by Sean Michael


"John. John." Everything within him melted, eased, grew

more and more heated.

"Told you." John kept moving, kept hitting that spot. Then

he wrapped a hand around Stephen's cock and everything got
even better. His own hands wrapped around John's upper
arm, squeezing tight, body gripping. Low moans came from
John, and grunts, panting, each thrust having its own noise,
it's own feeling inside Stephen.

John just kept pushing, kept thrusting, sending him higher

and higher.

"I will. I must. John. Please."
John growled, the sound triumphant. "Yes. Come, Butcher.

Give it to me." The thrusts became harder, the tugs to his
cock more forceful, like John would pull his climax right out of

He offered it freely, entire body convulsing as he climaxed,

pleasure drowning him. John roared, jerking into him, more
heat filling his body.

They collapsed onto the bed together, both panting, trying

to find breath. It was all he could do to cling and pant, heart

"Easy now," murmured John, shifting, prick sliding away

from his body, leaving him empty, so very empty.

His whimper escaped him, impossible to keep in. John's

hands slid on him, soothing and warm, drawing him closer
and petting. He cuddled in, moaning, collapsing into John's

"You are truly mine now." The words rumbled in John's


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by Sean Michael


"Am I?" Should that bother him?
"Yes." John pulled the blankets up and chuckled. "And I'm

sure you have any number of comments or protests to make.
But they'll keep 'til morning, Butcher."

"Not a butcher. Beast."
One big hand slid around his hip and tugged him back

against John's body. "But you are mine, Butcher."

"Perhaps you are mine, Beast."
John laughed. "You'd like that, would you?"
He wasn't sure what the answer to that would be.
What the answer should be.
So he didn't say a thing.

* * * *

John stood at the wheel, watching the sun set over the

water, wind blowing in his hair.

There had been slim pickings in the last few weeks, and

they'd met no real challenge since his wounds had healed. He
knew the men were grumbling, unhappy. They needed a good
fight now and then to keep them sharp, and food in the
galley, gold in the hold.

Still, he was feeling too good to suffer the same mood as

his crew. And the reason for that could be laid at the feet of
the butcher they'd taken on. Just thinking of Grey had his
smile widening and he shook his head. It would not do to let
people know that Stephen was perhaps more to him than a
butcher on the crew and a good time. It would not do to have
that vulnerability exposed.

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by Sean Michael


So instead of following his desires and going below to find

Grey, he stayed where he was until the sun was gone, the
water getting darker and darker and then going black as
sunset turned to dusk and became dark, stars twinkling in the

Tom came by with a lantern. "Cap'n, sir? I brought your

late meal to your cabin. Will ye take it here instead?"

John shook his head. It was a good excuse to go below

and find his butcher. "Matey, you have the bridge."

"Aye, sir." His first mate took the wheel from him, settling

behind it with a grin. John chuckled; he wasn't the only one
who loved to feel the wheel in his hands, the sea beneath

He followed Tom down below eagerly. He had taken Grey

the night before, the butcher offering himself, asking and
then begging to be taken. It had been delicious—the
surrender so sweet, earned. Just taking Grey would have
been fun, but it would have broken that spirit that aroused
him so. This had given him the best of both; he had played
his game well and won.

They had both won.
He left the lantern with the lad outside the door as he went

in, trusting Grey would have lit something in the cabin.

Grey was sleeping, clad only in a nightshirt, the man's

regular clothes washed and hung to dry. It must have been a
bloody day for him. There was a single candle on the table, a
tray there with bread and a hank of cheese, two mugs of ale.
Slim pickings indeed if this was the best of their fare.

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by Sean Michael


Tomorrow they would make a run at Santa Maria, but not

the town itself. There were farms on the island and they'd
grab some livestock and other stores.

He swigged down half his ale and stripped out of his shirt

and his boots before going to sit at the edge of the bed. His
hand slid along Grey's shoulder. It made him chuckle, how
the man could do the things they did together, but would
never climb naked into bed to sleep.

Grey sighed softly, shifting lazily upon the sheets. His

butcher really was a sensual man. John could scarcely believe
that Grey had successfully kept that hidden not only from
others, but from himself as well. Civilized men had such
stupid ideas of what was proper and right, they imprisoned
themselves in rules and regulations—such nonsense.

Bending, he licked Grey's lips and then nipped the bottom

one sharply.

Those bright eyes flew open, Grey's hands sliding up his

arms. "Beast!"

He purred, slid their lips together, enjoying the way Grey's

body reacted to his so instinctively. His hand tugged at Grey's
nightshirt, pulling it up to bare the pale legs. Those legs
spread, sliding open, making an offer.

His moan was low, pleased, and he slid his hands up along

Grey's legs, letting his fingers linger on the soft skin of Grey's
inner thighs. His own prick pushed at his breeches as his
tongue invaded the sweetness of Grey's mouth.

"You ... you have food to eat, Beast. A meal." Grey clung

to him, lips meeting his again and again.

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by Sean Michael


"I find the meal in my bed far more appetizing than the

one on the table."

He slid his breeches off and pushed Grey's nightshirt right

up, exposing the little, rosy nipples. Bending, he tasted one,
purring at the clean, musky flavor. So sensitive, the butcher
moaned, chest pushing right up into his lips. The little nipple
hardened beneath his tongue and he lapped at it, fingers
sliding up to fondle Grey's soft, warm balls. The sac was
wrinkled, hairless, the orbs within it heavy, beginning to

Grey began to move, rock under his touch, his lips, moans

coming more and more frequently. Groaning, John moved to
the other nipple, licking at it, nipping occasionally and loving
the way it made Grey jerk and cry out. He slid his fingers
behind Grey's balls, teasing along the heated, velvet skin.
Hot, swollen, that sweet hole nearly throbbed under his

He stroked it, taking Grey's nipple between his teeth and

biting at the same time. He glanced up, wanting to see Grey's
reaction. His sensual lover was lost, lips open on his name,
eyes closed in bliss.

He'd done that. Him. Made his butcher forget everything

but his touch, but the need that filled Grey with every one of
his touches. Growling a little, he leaned up to lick at his mark
upon Grey's neck as he searched the bed for the vial of oil.
His hand closed upon it and he growled again in triumph.

"Hungry, Pirate?" Stephen's cock rubbed against his belly,

wet-tipped and heated.

"Yes. And I'm well-matched by my hungry butcher."

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by Sean Michael


He unstoppered the vial and coated his fingers with oil as

he nibbled his way from neck to jaw to lips. He licked and bit
at Grey's slightly swollen lips, his fingers again finding that
sweet, hot hole. He pushed one in, tongue sliding into Grey's
mouth at the same moment.

That cry sounded sweeter than any honey, the honest

need a true addiction. Grey's body was tight around his
finger, but yielding at the same time, accepting the invasion,
welcoming it even.

His mouth returned to Grey's nipples as he pushed in a

second finger, stretching Grey wider.

"John. I ache." He imagined so, ached and twinged, near


"I will ease your ache for you, Butcher. I would not leave

you needing, wanting. He pushed a third finger into Grey,
working the hot, tight passage, getting it ready for his prick.
His cock throbbed in anticipation and he met Grey's eyes, let
the man see his pleasure.

"You ... it is as if you would devour me."
He nodded. "Yes, Butcher. I wish to consume all of you."
The light from the flame of the candle made Grey's pale

skin lovely and John did wish to taste every inch. Even more
he wanted to bury himself once again inside the tight heat
that grasped at his fingers as if loathe to let them leave
Grey's body.

Grey's moans were a constant chant, body moving on his

slick fingers with a steady, eager motion. He watched the
sensual dance, his prick growing harder with each movement,
each sound from Grey's lips.

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by Sean Michael


With a groan of his own, he let his fingers slide away and

wrap around his own prick, slicking it up with the oil. "Do you
want me, Grey?" He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear
the words from the butcher's own lips.

"Do you want me, John?" Those eyes stared up at him,

bright as the north star.

He growled; he took what he wanted without asking, he

was the pirate captain. Still, growling again, he nodded and
bent to take Grey's lower lip between his teeth. "I do." He
spread Grey's legs wider with his knees, his cock resting
against Grey's hole. "Now tell me. Ask me. Beg me."

"I want you, John, unholy or no." Grey reached up, tongue

sliding against his lips. Moaning at the touch, the way Grey
gave of himself, John pushed, his prick sliding into Grey's
tight heat. His tongue chased after Grey's as he pushed, cock
slowly going deeper and deeper. Swollen and heated, Grey
seemed to grip him like a fist encased in velvet, holding him
close and firm. He went deep and stayed buried for as long as
he could, but it wasn't long before his body demanded he
move and he pulled partway out, thrusting gently back in
again. Stephen moaned, rippling as if formed from the sea
herself. "Again."

He did it again, pulling out further this time, thrusting back

in harder, his eyes watching Stephen meet the thrust.

"Yes. John..." They began to move, bed creaking as badly

as the ship itself, the ropes holding the mattress complaining
at the weight.

He found Grey's lips with his own, tangled their tongues

together before drawing Stephen's between his lips and

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by Sean Michael


sucking on it. The rhythm built between them, became more
intense with every thrust, every suck, every creak of the bed.
Grey's hands wrapped around his back, tugged him closer,
deeper within. The man truly wanted him.

His roar was part triumph, but mostly need, and he moved

faster, one hand wrapping around Grey's prick as he pushed
into Grey's body over and over. The soft groans that
answered him sent him soaring, the feel of Grey's body
milking him truly wondrous.

"My butcher." The words were barely more than groans,

his hips working hard.

"My beast. Please, John. Soon."
He thrust harder, being called Grey's making him shudder.

"Yes, come for me, Stephen. Show me how much pleasure I
bring you."

"Yes..." Heat sprayed over his hand, his fingers, that

heated sheath he was buried within fluttering about him.

His own hips jerked, Grey's body demanding his climax. He

gave it, heat pouring from his prick into Grey. He collapsed
against Grey, breath panting from him.

"Are ... are your appetites slaked, Beast?"
"Perhaps." He gave Grey a wink, sliding from the hot, tight

body with a groan. "What of yours?"

"Quite." Stephen pulled the nightshirt back down around

him. "Pirate."

John chuckled, convinced Stephen wanted more than he

was willing to admit, that the butcher wanted as much as he

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by Sean Michael


He slid his hand beneath the nightshirt again, letting it

come to rest on Grey's belly. "You let me know when your
appetite returns, Butcher."

"I should simply have to wait for yours to make itself

known, Beast."

He laughed again. "You almost make me wish to challenge

you." Almost, but he was not very good at denying himself
and this was a treat he'd only just acquired.

"Almost." Stephen smiled at him, fingers just brushing his


He purred at the touch, each one Stephen offered of his

own volition was sweeter than those he took or manipulated
the man into giving. "I know where my strengths lie,

"Most men do, I would think, else they would be

unsuccessful men."

"And I am very successful." He stroked Grey's belly, the

skin soft and warm.

Grey's laughter warmed him. "You have bread and cheese

to dine on, the crew rumbles for meat. You are sure of this?"

"Impudent Butcher!" His hand slid up to pinch one of

Grey's nipples and he bent to nip sharply at one lip. He was
still laughing though and the bite turned into a lick which
turned into a kiss. They were both panting as he pulled back.
"Tomorrow evening we will be in Santa Maria and we will find
meat, among other booty."

Grey's eyes went still suddenly, dull and empty as if the

life was sucked from them. "The men will be pleased."

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by Sean Michael


John frowned at the sudden change in the man. "You

disapprove? It's what we do. We are, as you have so often
accused, pirates."

"No. No. I ... You have had your conquest and it is time for

another." Grey slid from the mattress, pulling on the still
damp breeches, a dull flush coating the lean back.

Surprise filled him at the words and he sat up. Surely not

... "You're jealous," he accused. His butcher did not want to
be replaced.

"Nonsense." Next came the blouse, then the growing hair

was tied back.

"No, I'm right. You wish to stay here and not be replaced

by another." He watched closely for the effect his words had
on Grey, noting his own lack of interest in doing such a thing.

"What kind of fool would do that? Become enamored with

a pirate?"

His mouth twisted, finding that he cared whether or not

Grey was that kind of a fool. "Enamored or not, I am not yet
finished with you, Butcher." He reached out and grabbed
Grey's arm, tugging the man close and taking Grey's mouth
in a hard kiss. "Not finished at all."

Grey struggled a moment, then pressed against him,

opening to him. Wanting.

He grabbed Grey's ass in his hands, squeezing it through

the material of the man's breeches. He would have to make
sure medical supplies were stolen, and a gentleman's clothing
so that Grey could dress as he preferred. John growled at
himself, and kissed Grey harder, bending the slender back.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Such need. Stephen held him, murmuring promises and

pleas into his lips, whispering bare confessions. He slid his
hands beneath Stephen's blouse, tugging it off again, fingers
finding the eager buds that reached for his touch, begging
him just like the rest of Stephen's body did.

"John." Teeth sank into his bottom lip.
He groaned, his prick leaping. "Stephen," he answered.
"My pirate." Another bite, those eyes sparking fire.
He squeezed Stephen's ass, pulling the man closer as

another groan left him, the sound wanton and needy. Still
damp, still tender from their previous encounter, that fine
rear pushed into his hands, then pulled away.

He would not breach the doctor again tonight—despite

what Grey called him, he was not a beast, but he knew the
sensation of light touches could make the man ache, need. He
pressed his thumb into Grey's crease, his other hand coming
around to find the swollen cock.

"I cannot spend again. Cannot need again. You'll sap my


"Do I seem weakened to you, Butcher? For all I have come

inside your mouth and your ass and against your skin again
and again?"

"You seem inhuman." Stephen growled at him, unafraid,

eyes flashing. "And I am no butcher."

He took Stephen's hand and pressed it against his heart.

"Feel my heartbeat."

Then he dragged that hand down to his prick, wrapping

Stephen's fingers around it. "Feel my heat. I am human just
like you, Stephen."

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"My name sounds good in your voice, John."
He purred and then said it again. "Stephen. Mine."
"Will you keep me, then?"
He looked into those eyes for a long time. And then he

nodded. "Aye, Stephen. That I will."

That smile was unlike any he'd ever received, filling him

deep down. Gasping, he pulled Stephen to him, bringing the
man back into his bed.

Where he belonged.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Chapter Eight
Stephen watched the green island quickly fade, a stretch

of ocean growing.

The cabin door was not barred, no one had bound him,

prevented him from simply going above deck and leaving the

Leaving the pirates.
Leaving John.
He had not.
Instead he had stayed below, watching the men disappear

onto the island and then come back, triumphant, with their ill-
gotten booty.

The door suddenly flew open, John striding in, blood upon

his cheek and the sleeve of his blouse. A bundle was tossed
onto the table, the pirate laughing, eyes wild and alive.

"Is the blood your own, Beast? Am I called upon to patch

you again?"

Those eyes met his, something hot flaring within them.

Then John looked down at himself and laughed again,
stripping quickly out of his blouse. "Indeed, Butcher, it seems
that it is and you are."

"And I suppose there are others in need of my services as

well then?"

John shook his head and moved closer. "Twas an easy

plundering and you are not needed anywhere but here."

The scratch was shallow, more an irritation than a true

wound, but he cleaned it, plastered it. John crowded him, half

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


purring, half growling as he moved much closer than was

"Aggravating man. Allow me to work." He pushed back,

John's excitement contagious.

John's hands landed on his waist and this time, instead of

John pushing into his space, he was pulled into John's, their
hips coming together, John's arousal clear.

"Did you enjoy your outing?" He pretended not to notice,

chin lifted, keeping their lips apart.

"I did, Butcher. Can you not tell?" John's eyes twinkled at

him, hips circling, grinding against him.

"Beast." He refused to smile. "I am no butcher."
"No, for a butcher, you are a half-decent doctor." John

winked and grinned, hands beginning to wander upon him.

"You are too smug for your own good, honestly."
"I have reason to be smug. We have raided the island and

not lost a single man." He was given a look. "Not one. We
have replenished out food stores. Brought back treasures. My
very own butcher tends to me."

"Your own, you say?" He smiled, took a sharp kiss.
John moaned into his lips, hands squeezing his ass. "My

own," came the answer as their lips parted.

"Yes. Your own." There was no sense denying that now.
John took the bandages from his hands and tossed them

toward the table, not looking to see if they'd made it or not.
"Show me."

"Pardon me?" Show him how?
John rubbed against him and nipped at his lips. "Show me

that you are mine."

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"How?" How could he do that more than by his presence

here? He moved closer, hands reaching for John's belly.

John purred, eyelids dropping heavily. "That's a start,


"Perverse pirate." He moved his hands, pushing the shirt

up, fingers brushing the peaked nipples.

John jerked, pushed into his touch. "You know me so well,


"I do. You fascinate me."
"I believe I like that." John's fingers slid beneath his blouse

and pushed it up and off his body.

"The sun is still up, Beast."
John laughed. "And what has this got to do with you and

me, Butcher?"

"It is perversity, pure and simple." Perversity. Beauty.

Sheer hunger.

"And what is this then?" John asked, fingers pushing into

his breeches and wrapping around his prick.

"My ... Proof of my damnation, my need." His hips rolled,

pushing toward that touch.

John's hand continued to move on him, sliding, hot. "Is it

so terrible, Stephen? To be damned?"

"No. No, not terrible at all." He whispered the words

against John's lips.

"Yes." The word was fed into his lips, John's tongue

sweeping in, the hand around his prick squeezing.

Then John let go of his cock and took a half step back,

undoing his breeches, pushing them down. The pirate stood
naked and proud before him. "Undress, Grey."

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"You still believe you can order me about." He chuckled,

breeches stripped away, baring his need.

John licked his lips, eyes on him, heated. "I do. If they're

orders you wish to follow. Now kiss me."

He stepped forward, prick slapping against John's belly,

the smooth skin almost cool against his heated flesh.

"Kiss me, Stephen. Like you want to." John's hands

twitched, but they didn't reach for him.

He went up on his toes, body sliding up along John's, lips

reaching for the kiss. John didn't bend, made him stretch, but
the beast's mouth opened to his, let him in and John's tongue
met his, tangled with it. They moaned, both rocking together,
rubbing, bellies tight and hard. John reached back to hold
onto the bed, hips pushing into him, moans filling his mouth.
The heat between them grew, steady and strong, the passion
intense enough to steal his breath.

John reached out and grabbed his ass, squeezing, pulling

him in closer. "Want you."

"Yes. Yes, I..." He nodded, offered himself over, yet again.

"Yours, John. I would be your own."

"You are my own." John's hands spread his cheeks, finger

pressing along his crease.

There was laughter and cheers coming in through the

porthole, the crew singing as they sailed further and further
from land, making good their escape.

"And you will keep me." It had been said before, but he

knew it now, somehow. Knew it deep in his bones.

"Aye, Stephen." John grabbed his arms and pushed him

onto the bed, following him down. "I will indeed."

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"Good." He wrapped around his own pirate, hips pushing,

rocking them together in a semblance of orgasm.

John's mouth met his again, meeting each of his

movements, breath pushing harshly into him. His fingers
brushed over the wound on John's arm, sliding over the
plaster there.

John groaned and nipped as his lower lip. "Just a scratch,


"Still, you are mine to care for."
John rolled suddenly onto his back, grinning, arms spread.

"Then care for me, Butcher. I ache."

He rolled over, laughing, biting John hard right above one

peaked nipple. John moaned, back arching, pushing into his
mouth. His teeth would leave marks, and that knowledge
excited him.

One of John's hands landed on his back, fingers kneading

his skin as sounds of pleasure filled the air. "More, Stephen."

His mouth slid down, sucking and purring, moaning over

John's skin.

"Yes, just like that." John writhed beneath him,

encouraging every touch, every kiss, every bite. His teeth
found John's nipple, worrying it, nipping it.

"Grey!" John bucked, lifting him, cock sliding along his.

The fingers on his back dug into his skin.

He bit harder, thighs spreading to straddle John's hips.

John's hands reached for his ass, grabbing and holding on,
chest rising and falling beneath his lips. His body vibrated, the
pleasure and need making him plead for more. John reached
for the oil, body stretching beneath him, nipple pushing up

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


into his mouth. Hot, slick fingers returned to his ass, sliding
along his crack.

"John." Heat flooded him, knees sliding on the sheets as

he spread.

Those blue eyes held his as one of John's fingers slid into

him. "The hunger looks good on you, Stephen."

"You bring it out in me." He arched, hips tilting as he took

John in.

John looked pleased, a second finger pushing into him,

sliding and twisting. They lit that place inside him, sending a
jolt through him.

"John ... Don't. I. More. More." The words were torn from

him, raw and needy.

A third finger pushed into him, all three going deep,

making his body sing. "You can ride me when you're ready."

"Beast..." Ride the man like a great pony, indeed.
A hum was his answer, John's fingers pushing into him,

spreading him, readying him. Finally they slid away and John
oiled up that cock, sliding it against his ass. He sat up, heart
pounding as he pressed back against the heavy prick, bore

John's hand slid along his thighs, over his hips and

brushed his prick. The pirate's hips remained still though,
giving him control. His lips parted on a gasp, body accepting
John's shaft, John's passion.

"So tight," groaned John. One hand slid around his hip, the

other teased across the tip of his prick, fingers sliding over
the wet slit.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


"Yes." He began moving, sliding up and down along that

heated flesh. Groaning, John began to meet his movements,
pushing him a little harder, a little faster. His hands landed on
John's chest, bracing himself, balancing.

"Ride, Stephen. Take what you need, what you want."

John's hand slid and wrapped around his cock, giving him a
tight tunnel to push through.

The only sanity was to move, push faster, demand his

pleasure from John with a deep cry.

John matched him movement for movement, cry for cry,

muscles moving beneath his hands, between his thighs.
"Soon, Stephen."

"Yes. Yes, John. Soon." He nodded, panted, eyes near

rolling in their sockets.

John's hand tightened upon his prick, the other slid up,

fingers finding one of his nipples and tugging, twisting. His
body went tight, stiff, seed pouring from him in a rush.

"Yes!" John shouted, hips snapping up. Heat filled him,

John's muscles all tight as he climaxed.

Stephen slumped down, panting, heart just pounding. John

stroked his back, the wide chest rising and falling rapidly
beneath him.

There was a fiddle playing somewhere below deck, the

sound faint.

"The crew sounds pleased." He was not too far gone to be

beyond decent conversation.

"Drunk at least." John chuckled. "It was a good raid. Not

as good as the last one we made." He was given a squeeze,
John's cock shifting inside him.

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The Butcher and the Beast

by Sean Michael


Stephen chuckled. "It isn't every day a pirate crew finds

their captain a butcher."

"No. And not every day a butcher finds his passion."
He pinched John's belly, chuckling. "I am no butcher, you


"No. Beast."
John laughed and grabbed him, rolling until he was

beneath the strong body. "I'm going to keep you anyway,

"Do I have your word on that, my John?"
"You do." No fancy flourish or pretty words, just two

simple words.

"Then we have an accord, Captain."
"What we have, Butcher, is one another."
John's mouth descended upon his, hard and quick. He

opened to it, hands tangled in John's hair, heart pounding its

He had nothing but a pirate captain, a beast.
It was enough.

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