Sean Michael Going for the Gold Halloween Birthday

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Halloween Birthday

By Sean Michael

Happy birthday to him. Happy birthday to him.

Mike bounced into the house, still dripping from the pool. Having a Halloween birthdayrocked .

"I want greasy burgers and chili fries and a two-liter of Dr. Pepper and a Snickers bar!" He rummaged

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through the fridge for a snack, grabbing some cut-up apples and heading for the peanut butter.

He knew the rules. Helived for the rules. Especially the 'no rules on your birthday' rule.

"And people in hell want ice water, baby." Jessy came out of the office and snagged an apple slice.

"Mine." He swatted Jessy's hand. "Are there any almonds? It's my birthday, you know. Anything I want.
Dude... chocolate sundaes."

"It's your birthday?" Jessy reached for the almonds at the top of the cupboard and handed them over.
Then Jessy's hand slid over his belly in an almost absent caress. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Right. Like I haven't been dropping heavy-duty hints. Thanks, Coach." He munched happily, the fruit
and nuts just what he needed. "Man, I was rocking the butterfly today. Did you see?"

"I did. I swear you get faster all the time." Jessy looped his arms around Mike's middle, smile warm and

He grabbed another handful of nuts and leaned hard. "It feels good."

"It looks good." Jessy's fingers were so warm on his skin, tracing down his abs, moving to stroke his
hips. "I made reservations for us at the Steakhouse, but if you really want greasy hamburgers and chili
fries, I can cancel them."

"Ooh. Steak. I approve." He nodded happily, cock jerking a little. "Do I get a birthday massage,
Coach? Before we go rent scary movies?"

They had developed a routine and over the last three years; they'd never missed it. They ate, they
watched horror flicks, they made love. After all, it wasn't just his birthday and Halloween. It was sort of
their anniversary. Kind of.

"You get anything you want, baby." Jessy's wandering hands slid up to his shoulders, already digging into
his muscles.

"You. You know that, huh? You."

Jessy chuckled. "I've got you incoherent already, do I? It's going to be agood birthday."

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"I deserve a good birthday, Coach."

Jessy's eyes met his. "You deserve a good everyday, baby."

Oh. Oh, man. He pushed fully into Jessy's arms, heedless of the wet.

Jessy's mouth came down over his, the kiss hard and sure. Mike forgot about everything but right now,
the kiss, the pleasure. The passion. It didn't matter how long they were together, how many times they
did this, Jessy still made his heart go faster, made him hard and needy. Jessy's hands slid over his back,
warming him. They moved right down into the back of his Speedos, squeezing his ass. He pushed back
into those hands, cock filling almost painfully as Jessy groaned for him.

"You want a shower to wash the chlorine off, or you want to go straight to bed?"

"Mmm. Shower. I'll shave, then I'll be all yours."

"I was thinking of joining you, actually. I could help shave."

Of course if Jessy 'helped' it would take at least twice as long. "Help?" He chuckled, nodded. That could
be hot. Fun.

"Cool." Jessy grinned, grabbing a bottle of water and another of juice out of the fridge and nodding
toward the back of the house.

Mike snagged one more handful of almonds on the way, humming the whole time. "Did you buy candy
to put out for the trick or treaters?" And where was it?

Jessy laughed. "You just want to know if there's chocolate in the house for you to steal."

"Yep. Birthday benefit, you know."

"You're going to make yourself sick if I let you go crazy." Jessy followed him down the hall, fingers on
his ass.

"I might not."

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"Let's see, Dr. Pepper, greasy burgers, chili cheese fries, Halloween chocolate... anything else?" He
could hear the teasing note in Jessy's voice, the happiness.

"You promised me sex, steak, and a massage. Oh, and shaving."

"You'll note that none of what I promised you will leave you hanging over the toilet, tossing your
cookies. Oh, and by the way, that should be great sex. Or even fantastic or amazing sex."

"The Dr. Pepper never made me hurl." He wiggled out of his Speedos, much more interested in the
great, fantastic and possibly amazing sex.

"You can have some with your steak. Later. Now we've got showers and shaving and the really good
stuff." Jessy stripped down, too, body hard and solid as it was bared.

"Really?" He stared, distracted just for a second. "Who are you and what did you do with my coach?"

"Itis your birthday. And youdid win your gold at the Olympics. I think you deserve a little indulgence,
that's all." Jessy put on his stern coach face. "I could take it back."

"Fuck, I won five golds and two silvers and... " He stopped, grinned. "And yeah, I'll want you to take it
back. I don't want the soda, man. I just like to push."

"My pushy baby." Jessy grabbed him up and kissed him, holding him against the warm body. "I like you

"I know." He kissed the corner of Jessy's mouth. "I like when you push back."

"So I should beextra bossy and pushy on your birthday." Jessy manhandled him into the shower.

What was he supposed to say to that? Yes, please.


Jessy got the water started and then nodded at the nozzle. "Hands on the shower head, baby."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay." Mike stretched and reached, stomach going tight, cock bobbing.

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"Mmm... pretty, pretty." Jessy reached for him, fingers sliding over his body, tracing the muscles on his
chest, stomach and hips.

His nipples went tight, the ink on his belly, his arms shifting and moving.

Groaning, Jessy leaned in and bit at his right nipple. "So sexy, baby. You make me want to do such
wicked things to you."

Mike was all for that plan. One hundred percent. "Anything."

"That's what I like to hear." Jessy dropped to his knees and the next thing Mike knew, his cock had
been swallowed, tip pressing against the back of Jessy's throat.

He cried out, hips bucking, pushing forward and filling Jessy's throat. Strong fingers wrapped around his
hips, Jessy holding him still. Then Jessy's head began to bob, lips tight around his cock.

"Oh. Oh, fuck. Jessy. Jessyplease ." He reached down, touched Jessy's head.

Jessy came off his cock immediately. "Did I say you could stop holding onto the shower head?"

"Huh?" He was breathing hard, blinking down at Jessy.

"Hands. Shower head. Now," growled Jessy.

His cock jerked visibly and he nodded, crying out once, sharply.

Jessy waited until his hands were back up, his body stretched out. Only then did the blow-job resume,
Jessy's lips hot and tight around his prick.

"Oh, God. I. Jessy." He was going to scream.

Jessy hummed or groaned or something around his cock, the vibrations going straight to his balls.

"Gonna. Please. Please..." He groaned, lifted his face to the water and held his breath.

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Jessy's fingers grew tight on his waist, tugging him in over and over, suction tight, so damn good. Just as
he didn't think he could hold his breath a second longer, Jessy slapped his ass and swallowed around his

He cried out and came hard, knees buckling as his balls emptied. Jessy swallowed him down, arms
going around his thighs, holding him up.

"Oh, God. So good. So fucking good." He was babbling.

Jessy chuckled and let him go, making sure he wasn't going to sink down before standing. "Love you,

"Love." Uh-huh. Really.

Jessy took a kiss, lips pressing, tongue pushing, sliding into his mouth. Oh, fuck. Jessy tasted like him.
The kiss stole his breath, Jessy pushing him back up against the tile. He held on, clinging, almost climbing
up his lover.

The kiss slowly gentled, Jessy backing off slightly, smiling at him. "Shaving now, more great sex later."

"Mmmhmm. Shaving. Great sex. Possible birthday kink. I'm there."

"No, baby, you're here." Jessy's eyes danced.

"Dork." He swatted Jessy's ass.

Jessy just laughed, giving him another hard kiss before reaching for the shaving gel. There wasn't much
hair, really. All the years of waxing kept it thin. Still. There was some, and having Jessy shave him was

"Hands back up on the shower head," Jessy ordered, rubbing the gel between his hands.

"Hmm?" He teased a little, stretching up.

"Gonna make me growl." Jessy winked and started spreading the foaming gel over his body. Jessy's
hands were hot on his pits, his chest, right on down to his pubes.

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"I like the growl."

"Perv." Jessy's fingers curled around his balls as the word hung in the air.

"You know it." He grinned down, loving the look in Jessy's eyes.

That earned him a chuckle, and then Jessy picked up the razor and the air began to sizzle. "Ready,

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm so ready." His cock was starting to fill again, to lift.

"Yeah, I can see that."

Jessy started at his pits, shaving carefully, the drag of the razor almost sexual. Mike closed his eyes,
fighting the moan, the need. When Jessy was done with his right pit, a soft kiss graced his freshly saved

"Jessy." He was going to die from needing.

"What, baby?" Jessy moved to his other pit.

Mike stretched, the water sliding over his skin. "Hot."

He could feel Jessy's grin against his skin.

The razor kept moving, tracing his muscles, following his skin. God. Jessy started moaning, the sound
making it that much hotter as Jessy shaved his chest, his belly, down toward his cock.

"Look how eager you are," murmured Jessy, fingers stroking over his cock as it began to curve up to his

"I can't help it." He needed this like he needed the water.

"Good." Jessy was growling again, fingers moving his cock aside as the razor slid down beside it.

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"Don't cut it off." He was leaking, aching with need.

Snorting, Jessy kept shaving, clearly unperturbed. "I don't think you need to worry about that."

"No. No, I don't think I do." Still, he had tosay .

His balls were carefully shaved, and then Jessy made short work of his legs.

"Wh -- what next?"

"Turn around and bend over. I'll get your ass."

"My ass? You're not serious."

"Just bend over like you've been told."

"But..." He moved, shivering a little, and bent.

"There you go." He could hear Jessy spurt more of the shaving gel out and then hot, sure fingers, rubbed
the gel along his crack, sliding over his hole.

"Jessy." Oh, fuck.

"Just relax, baby."

Jessy spread his ass cheeks apart with the fingers of one hand, and then the blade carefully shaved
around his hole. His mouth opened and closed, his hole clenched. Oh, God.

"Do you have any idea how much of a turn on this is, baby? Trust is so damn sexy."

His cock was fully hard again, leaking, bobbing. Jessy rinsed him off, fingers lingering along his crack,
stroking across his hole.

"Okay, baby. Playroom."

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"Playroom. God, I want you." His hole was tingling.

"Feeling's mutual."

Jessy turned off the shower and tossed a towel at him. "Get yourself dry."

He dried off quickly, his freshly shaved skin screaming at him.

"I'll cream you up in the playroom," Jessy told him, proving yet again that Coach saw all, knew all.

"How do you do that?" He loved it.

"I take this bottle of body lotion, squirt it in my hand and rub it over your skin."

He reached out, pinched Jessy's nipple, hard. "Ass."

"You're the one who asked!" Jessy laughed and chased him into the playroom, tackling him onto the

He bounced, wrapping his arms around Jessy's shoulders on the rebound. Jessy's mouth covered his, the
kiss hard and sure. Sharp teeth nipped at his lips, not quite hard enough to draw blood. He could feel
Jessy's cock, drilling against his thigh, pushing and nudging, over and over.

"Want you," growled Jessy, fingers finding his nipples and pinching at least as hard as he'd tweaked

"Yours. You know that." He had been from the beginning.

"I know." Jessy reached for something at the top of the bed, coming up with nipple clamps. Someone
had planned ahead.

Mike twisted, groaning low. "No fair."

"I never said I was fair." Jessy's tongue flicked across his right nipple, making it hard. He knew what was
coming next, and sure enough, Jessy put the nipple clamp on him.

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"Fuck!" He reached for it, his nipple burning.

Jessy grabbed his hand and stretched it up over his head. "Hold onto headboard. With both hands."

"Jessy. It burns." He groaned, fingers moving, hips punching up toward his lover.

"Yeah, I bet it does." Jessy tweaked his other nipple, putting the clamp on it as it reacted, reaching up.
He was going to beat Jessy with a shovel. After they were done, of course.

Next, Jessy tugged the wide collar from beneath the pillow, trailing it over his skin. Mike stilled, the
touch of that collar still so exciting, so wicked, so forbidden. Jessy moaned softy, mouth sliding on his
throat, tongue hot and wet. Mike nodded a little, whimpering, every nerve in his body alive and aware.

Teeth closing on his skin, Jessy bit and sucked, working up a mark Mike knew he'd be able to feel the
collar rubbing against.

"Love you." He whispered the words, stretched out long and hungry.

Groaning, Jessy let his skin go, tongue sliding over the mark, pressing against it and making it ache.
"Love you, baby."

"I know." He wrapped one leg around Jessy's, squeezing.

Jessy rubbed against him as the collar was tied around his throat and drawn tight. He started panting, his
excitement bubbling in him.

Jessy's eyes met his and strong fingers slid over his chest. "Hmm... you need that cream." Grinning
suddenly, Jessy climbed off the bed.

"Bastard." His hands opened, fingers letting go of the headboard.

"I didn't say you could let go, baby." Jessy poked through the wardrobe and came up with a bottle of
body lotion.

"You're making me nuts, Jessy."

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"Oh, good. It's working." Jessy grabbed a thick dildo out of the wardrobe and hefted it before shaking
his head and putting it back.

"What are you looking for?" His hole twitched.

"Oh, I thought I wanted to fill you with a plug or something, but I think I'd rather just fill you with me."
Jessy turned so he had an excellent view of the hard prick.

"You could, after."

Nodding, Jessy fished out a plug, this one quite wide near the base. "I could."

Mike’s entire body rippled.

"This one it is." Jessy came back to the bed, casually tossing the plug next to him. "I'll fill you after, keep
me inside you."

"Oh, God." Happy birthday to him.

Straddling him, Jessy started to rub the lotion into his flesh, focusing on the skin around his nipples.
Every touch jostled the clamps, making him jerk and shiver. Jessy watched him closely, eyes shining.
Leaning down, Jessy kissed him, the thick cock rubbing against his own for the duration of the kiss. He
arched, rubbing back, needing so bad, right now.

Jessy slid away, lotion-y fingers sliding down to rub around his cock. His cock loved that idea, bobbing
to try to get more attention. His legs were spread next, those slick fingers rolling his balls and moving
beyond them.

"Oh. Oh, God." His ass squeezed tight.

"No, just me." Jessy gave him a wink, fingers stroking along his crack.

Mike kept trying to be suave, it just wasn't working. Then Jessy's fingers slipped into him, one after the
other, a tease, really, and he didn't care about being suave. "I need... Jessy. Jessy, I gotta have more."

"I won't leave you wanting, baby." Jessy leaned over him, still rolling just one finger after another into
him. "Trust me."

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"Kiss me?" He couldn't think.

"Whatever you want, baby. It's your birthday." Jessy's mouth closed over his as the long fingers

He dove into the kiss, tongue fucking Jessy's lips, the headboard creaking under his hands. He could feel
the heat of Jessy's cock, pushing between his legs and nudging his hole. Shifting, Mike pushed down,
crying out as the heavy prick spread him, filled him like he needed.

Jessy began to move, so slowly, letting him feel every inch of that cock as it slid in and out of his body.
Eyes closed, he focused on the kiss, his ass. That was when Jessy flicked the right nipple clamp.

"Fuck!" He jerked back, slamming up against Jessy.

Moaning, Jessy moved to lick at the skin around the clamps, tongue hot and wet on his super-sensitized

"Fuck. Jessy. Oh, God." He didn't know whether to beg Jessy to take them off or not.

Jessy moved slowly to the other one, flicking the clamp with his tongue before licking all around it.
"Gonna hurt so good when they come off."

"Gonna... gonna get 'em pierced when I retire."

"If you ask nicely, you are." Jessy kissed back up to his neck, cock thrusting into him, pushing hard.

"As--" Oh. Oh, fuck yes. So good. "Ask?"

"Nicely." Jessy grinned, hips making little circles as they pushed into him.

"No way. Oh, right there. Right there, Jess."

"Here?" Jessy pushed in hard, nailing his gland, Jessy's eyes staring into him, watching for every reaction.
No words came out, he just nodded and groaned. "Right here." The head of Jessy's cock hit that same
spot over and over and all thoughts of piercings and asking and anything else disappeared entirely.

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Things went white hot and fine, his breath huffing out of him. It wasn't possible, but it got even hotter as
Jessy tightened the collar, stealing his breath. Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck yes. Yes. The words just swam
around his brain, over and over and over.

"Now, baby." Jessy's voice whispered in his ear, cock slamming into him.

He came, full body, all-out, balls drawn up tight.

"Mmm... yeah." Jessy kept moving, cock hard and hot and good inside him.

He floated, giving himself to Jess, nerves buzzing happily. He barely even noticed as Jessy loosened the
collar around his neck.

Jessy groaned. "Gonna be soon, baby. Taking off the clamps."

"Mmm." He thought that meant no, but he was too buzzed to be sure. His nipples screamed as the
clamps came off.

"Fuck!" He snapped up, hands reaching for his nipples.

"No touching!" Jesse shouted, hips snapping as he came, filling Mike.

Mike's hands stopped, halfway there, his eyes wide open.

"That's better." Panting, Jessy bent, mouth closing over his right nipple.

"I. Fuck." He held Jessy's head, lips open on a cry.

Sucking and licking, Jessy eased the sting in his right, and then his left nipple.

"You're pure evil." He let his head fall back as the pain eased.

"And you love me for it." Jessy smiled up at him, reaching for the plug.


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Grinning, Jessy moved, positioning himself to slip away and replace the wonderful heat with the plug.
The plug stretched Mike, had him arching, crying out softly.

"God, you're sexy, baby." Jessy nuzzled him.

"Love you, Jessy." He stretched, riding it a little. "You gonna dress up as a vampire for dinner?"

"That depends. What're you dressing up as?"

"A swimmer."

"Then I'm going as your coach."

"Sounds perfect."

"Mmm... it does."

Jessy settled on the bed, tugging him close. "Happy birthday, baby."

"Mmm. Thanks, Coach. It's been a good one, so far." And, like so many other things, it only looked like
it was going to get better.


Halloween Birthday

Copyright © 2008 Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For
information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680

Printed in the United States of America.

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Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / October 2008

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