Sean Michael Going for the Gold 2 Personal Best 02

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Torquere Press

Copyright ©2006 by Sean Michael

First published in, 2007

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Chapter One
Jacket around his shoulders, Mike turned up his music,

Trent Reznor screaming in his headphones. He kept his eyes
closed, lost himself in his music, in the beat and in the growl
of the guitars.

Nothing mattered right now.
Not the meet.
Not the crowd.
Not the heat or the water or the competition.
It was just him and music and being loose, being ready,

being relaxed, just like Coach had taught him. Breathing and
music, and that was it.

Large, warm hands landed on his shoulders, massaging.
Mike leaned his head forward. Four races this morning,

and his times were good. Better than good, maybe. Better
enough that people were starting to notice, starting to talk.

"Stop thinking, Mike." The low growl penetrated the music.
"Huh?" God, how did the man know? "Sorry, Coach."
"Just forget about the big picture, kid. Stay in your body.

Stay in the water and swim your race. Everything else'll still
be there when you hit that wall."

He nodded. That's right. Him and the water and the wall.

That was it.

"That's it. Nice and loose." Coach's hands worked their

magic, making sure there wasn't an ounce of tension in him.

The bell rang and he stood, stripped off his jacket and

baggy shorts, handing his CD player back without looking. He

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


was in lane four, his favorite lane. "Going to win all four,
Coach, and you're taking me for steak."

"The wall, kid. Focus on the wall."
"You know it." He looked back at his coach, nodded. The

man was a hardass, but what he wouldn't give for the growly
son of a bitch. "I'm up."

Mike settled his goggles and stepped onto the starting

block. Four hundred meter freestyle. Let's go.

The buzzer sounded and he was off, slicing through the

water, focusing on the wall.

* * * *

Jessy watched Mike eating, hiding his grin. The kid had

done good, won all four of his races, and was working on a
twenty-ounce porterhouse.

He didn't want the kid to get too cocky, though; they were

close, moving up in the ranks on the national team, and if
things kept up this way, the Worlds and then the Olympics
were theirs. He'd known. The minute he'd seen Mike swim,
he'd known. He had a knack for that kind of thing.

"Man, Coach. This is going to put thirty pounds on me.

Maybe forty." Dark brown eyes twinkled over at him, almost
the same color as the roots of that bleached hair.

Jessy snorted. "I'll make you work them off."
He got a laugh, Mike sticking his tongue out at him.


"That's my job."
He winked at Mike and waved the waiter over. "I'd like the

cheesecake, please. And a cup of coffee."

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"Oooh ... Do I get a Coke, Coach?" Mike was fighting the

no-caffeine regimen for all he was worth.

"Nope. The deal was a steak. That's what you've got. The

biggest one they serve." God, the kid amused him. Among
other things.

"Damn it." Mike dug into the steak, but Jessy could see the

wheels turning. Mike kept him on his toes. Two years they'd
been working together, the kid pushing, him pushing back. It
was maybe a little unconventional, but it worked for them.

He leaned back, smiling as his cheesecake and coffee were

put in front of him. "Thanks." He took a bite. Damn, that was
good. "If you promise to be good, I'll let you have a bite."

"Define good."
His mouth twitched as he fought his smile. "No


"About what and how long?" Those dark eyebrows rose,

eyes twinkling. The kid was too charming for his own good.

"About the rules. For a week. And no backseat coaching."

He took another forkful of the dessert, moaning a little and
licking his lips.

"Bitch. A whole week? That's worth at least three bites."
"One bite and no backtalk, but I'll throw in a full-body


"Oh." Mike nodded, humming just a little, cheeks flushing.

"It's a deal."

"Finish your steak first." He took another bite of the


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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"Don't eat my bite, Coach." There was no way Mike was

going to finish the whole steak, no way in hell, but the kid
was going to try.

"Would I do that?" He took another bite, this one bigger

than the others, leaving less than half the dessert behind.

"You don't leave my bite and I'm going to get Coca-Cola as

my new sponsor and contract to drink a two-liter bottle a

"And kiss your chances of winning good-bye." He shook his

head. Kid knew he wouldn't go back on his word.

Mike chuckled and nodded, eyes happy. "I bitch, but I

don't break training, Coach. You know it."

He grinned. "And for the next week, you don't bitch


"You give me a good enough rubdown and I'll be too

relaxed to bitch." Cheeky little shit.

"You questioning my ability to rub you down?"
Mike chuckled, eyebrow arching. "Would I do that?"
"Not if you want that rubdown."
"That's cheating. You're supposed to be fawning, now.

Four medals. Four. In one day."

"You've got a big enough ego without me going all fanboy

on you, Mike." He leaned forward, though, and looked the kid
right in the eyes. "You did good. I knew you had it in you the
first day I saw you swim."

Those dark chocolate eyes went soft, proud, those cheeks

pinking. "Thanks. Felt good. Felt damned good, Jess."

He nodded. "I might have bragged a bit."

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Fact was, he was proud of the kid. Fucking proud, and he'd

had to fight hard not to make a big huge fucking deal of it to
the other coaches, to Mike. And it wasn't that he was
superstitious, just ... well, it was too early to be getting a big

A few gold medals where it really counted? A world record

or two? Then they could brag.

"Just a bit?" Mike grinned, leaned back, about three-

quarters of the steak eaten. "It's what? Two weeks 'til the
next meet?"

"Yeah. We'll fly home tomorrow. Most of the teams are

leaving first thing, but I booked us on a later flight. You can
sleep in, but the trade-off is doing laps in the hotel pool." He
took another bite of the cheesecake and passed the plate
over, a very generous bite left.

Mike chuckled. "I can handle that. You going to come down

and count them?"

"You kidding? I'm going to come down and time them." He

winked and leaned forward to put half the leftover cheesecake
on his fork, holding it out for Mike. "Come on, eat up. It's
getting late."

Mike leaned down, snapping up the bite, eyes closing as he

chewed. "Oh, yum..."

"I'm not sure I should let you have the rest. All that sugar

might keep you up all night." The kid looked too cute not to
let him have the second bite, though.

"Man, that was good." Mike stretched, bouncing a little.

"You want to go catch a movie?"

"Whatever you want, kid—it's your evening."

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Those eyes smiled at him, dancing, happy. "'Course,

there's something to be said for HBO and a massage, too..."

He nodded. "Full-body massage, I believe it was."
"Shit. Let's go. I can sneak out and see a movie any


"You mean I can let you sneak out to see a movie any

night." He winked at Mike, taking out his wallet and going to
the front to pay for their meal.

"Uh. Yeah. Right. Exactly what I meant." Mike bebopped

outside, looking around, snapping pictures of the restaurant,
of street signs.

"It's not far; we can walk back to the hotel." It was getting

late, though; they'd taken their time with supper and Mike
needed a good night's sleep after the meet.

Mike nodded, the long, thin body moving through the

crowds easily. Jessy matched Mike's pace, pointing out the
neon signs over some of the bars, waiting patiently whenever
Mike wanted to take a picture of something.

"Next year? We can go get a beer." Mike winked, always

playing, always pushing him.

He snorted. "If you're off the national team, sure."
"Not going to happen."
"Then you'll just have to wait a few more years on that


Some coaches let their kids cheat now and then; he didn't.

No more than a bite of cheesecake on a rare occasion. He
knew it made him look like a hard bastard, but it also made
him a good coach, and his swimmers were the best.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"Hardass." The word was fond, Mike snapping a picture of


He frowned menacingly for show and then let his grin

loose. Mike was good for him; he kept Jessy sharp, on his
toes. And while the kid pushed, Mike was committed to the
program. Mike lived and breathed to be in the water. Hell, his
biggest challenge was to teach Mike to pace things, to quit
going balls-out on every practice, every trial.

He ducked into the hotel souvenir shop and picked up a

stuffed dog wearing a shirt with "Atlanta" emblazoned across
the front for the kid's souvenir shelf and met Mike back at the
elevators, tossing the dog over.

"Oh, cool. Aunt Kathy's going to be talking about building a

trophy case again, when we get home." He got a warm grin,
Mike bouncing again. Thank fuck he hadn't given in on the

"As long as filling it doesn't become your focus."
"Just visualizing the win, Coach."
He laughed as they got into the elevator. Brat. Mike

grabbed hold of the elevator banisters, legs lifting up, arms
pushing himself up and down.

He shook his head. "You're supposed to be taking it easy.

You swam qualifying rounds yesterday and won four heats

"I am. Just got energy to burn."
"Don't burn too much of it, Mike. I've got plans for that


Mike's cheeks heated. "Yeah? Gonna bottle it?"
He grinned. "Something like that."

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Mike chuckled, heading toward their room when the doors

opened. Jessy followed more slowly, admiring the lean body,
the sweet ass. He was damned glad the meet was over and
there wasn't another for two weeks.

Another swimmer met Mike in the hall, shook his hand,

and congratulated him. "You're looking good, man. Me and
Andy and St. Croix are going to party, you wanna come?"

Jessy opened the door to their room, letting Mike answer

for himself. The kid was twenty, and while he rode Mike hard,
Jessy didn't want to embarrass him.

"Shit, no. I just ate half a cow and I'm not bar-legal yet

anyway. Y'all have fun."

He smiled, holding the door open for the kid. Good boy.

Mike bounced in, throwing himself on the bed with a groan
before reaching for the remote.

"You want that massage?" Jessy asked, checking the

phone for messages.

"Uh-huh." MTV came on the TV, music blaring.
He grabbed the remote and turned the TV down to a less

grating volume and then started to pull the covers off the
bed. "Strip down."

"Bossy." Mike bounced up, though, stripping down to skin,

folding each piece of clothing and putting it in the suitcase.

Jessy stripped down to his shorts and found the massage

oil, slicking up his hands and rubbing them together. Mike's
dark eyes looked him over, took a long, lingering look before
Mike cuddled into the sheets.

He fought down his reaction. Mike needed this massage,

needed those hardworking muscles eased. That was their top

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


priority right now. He straddled the tops of Mike's thighs and
started at the shoulders, fingers digging in.

"Uhn..." Mike groaned, head buried in the pillow.
He grinned and kept working, following each arm down to

Mike's hands, working the long fingers one at a time. He
didn't hurry the process, didn't skimp anywhere, just worked
one body part after another. Mike was in top form—wide
shoulders tapering down, not a bit of fat on him. His fingers
slid over the waxed skin, the oil making Mike glow.

Once he'd made it all the way down to Mike's feet, he

smacked the pert bottom. "Flip."

"No, Coach. I'm Mike." Mike rolled over, stretched up tall.
"Brat," he accused fondly, unable to stop the way his cock

reacted to his favorite view.

Damn, the kid looked good. Long and lean, that six pack

just firm as anything, cock long, half hard from all the
touching, skin shaved smooth.

"You know it." Mike's thighs parted, the motion seductive

and teasing and completely unconscious.

Jessy took a breath, counted to ten, and then concentrated

on working Mike's shoulders, glad he'd decided to leave the
shorts on for this.

"Oh..." Jessy whispered. He worked carefully, looking for

any sign of swelling, of tenderness, sighing when everything
felt normal. Too many swimmers got lost to rotator cuff

He didn't linger over the rest of Mike's body, but he didn't

hurry the massage either. There was nothing that would
make him skimp on Mike's care.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Mike was melted when he was done, relaxed and quiet,

focused just on him.

"Tired?" he asked casually, Mike's foot in his hands,

thumbs working the sole.

"Mmm ... just feel good."
"I could make you feel even better." He bent, placing a

soft kiss on Mike's ankle.

Mike moaned, nodded. "You always do, Jess."
He nodded. Yeah, he always did. It was his job. His desire.

He kissed Mike's calf and the back of one knee, the smooth
and warm inner thigh.

Mike's fingers slid over Jessy's crewcut, petting and

touching. "Oh, that feels ... Yeah."

He turned his face, catching one of Mike's fingers in his

mouth and sucking before letting it slide out from between his
lips and going back to what he was doing. He nudged Mike's
balls with his nose, licked at them, and then wrapped his lips
around one hip bone, sucking.

He could smell Mike's need, the long cock leaking, a pool

of clear drops gathering under Mike's bellybutton. He skirted
that heat, though, sliding his tongue along the ridges of
Mike's abdomen and lapping at one little nipple, making the
skin pebble up, go hard.

"Tease." Mike's hand slid down his belly, fingers drawing

long, lazy circles.

Jessy purred at the touches. "I'm gonna finish what I'm

starting, Mike. A tease is someone who doesn't."

"Mmm ... good point. Come kiss me?"

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"I am kissing you," he pointed out, leaving a soft one over

Mike's heart.

Mike groaned, fingers stuttering on his skin. "Oh. Right."
Jessy continued up, leaving soft, sucking kisses at Mike's

shoulder, on his collarbone, his neck, his jaw. When they
were face-to-face, Jessy gazed down, lips a scant space away
from Mike's.

Mike had the most fascinating eyes, expressive and dark

and happy, holding nothing back. "Hey," Mike said.

"Hey, Mike." He smiled and licked at the red lips.
Mike pushed up, taking Jessy's mouth in a deep kiss, so

impatient, so eager. He gave into it, lowering himself along
Mike's body, tongue dueling with Mike's and then pushing into
the kid's warm mouth. Mike arched, lips parting wide and
letting him in, fingers tangling in his hair.

He rubbed against the lean body, chuckling into Mike's

mouth as his damned shorts interfered. Now he was wishing
he'd taken them off. Mike helped, hands pushing his shorts
down, fingers cupping his ass. Oh, yeah ... those long fingers
felt right against his skin, and he rubbed his cock alongside
Mike's and then pushed back into Mike's hands.

He got a low groan, Mike moving faster, driving toward the

finish in this like he did in everything.

He wrapped one hand around Mike's cock, giving the kid

something to slide through. It had been a week; taking the
edge off wouldn't hurt Mike's ability to enjoy a good, hard
fuck. He leaned in and licked at Mike's earlobe. "It's not a
race," he whispered, biting.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"Everything's a fucking race, Jess. Oh. Oh, fuck." Mike's

heels dug into the mattress, hips pushing up.

He chuckled. "This one's not a sprint."
Still that didn't stop him from squeezing Mike's cock,

thumb pushing against the head. Mike gasped, laughing and
groaning together, heat spraying over Jessy's fingers. He
rumbled softly, spreading the come into Mike's skin, mixing it
with the oil.

"Oh. Oh, wow. Jess, that was. Wow." After all this time,

Mike was still gaspy and shivery after an orgasm. It was sexy
as hell and made him feel like a stud besides.

He licked at Mike's neck, slowly making his way back to

that mouth. "You ready for round two?"

"You know it." Mike took a kiss, tongue sliding over Jessy's


He caught Mike's tongue and sucked gently, rubbing his

prick along one sharp hipbone. Mike's knees lifted, calves
wrapping around his thighs. He groaned at the blatant
invitation, hand sliding down so he could probe Mike's tight
little hole. His fingers were still a little slick from the oil, and
he pushed one into Mike's willing body. He got a groan, that
ring of muscles pulling at his finger.

"So damned tight," he murmured, mouth sliding over

Mike's cheek. Mike squeezed him again, body clenching. He
moaned, finger sliding in and out, Mike so hot, so soft inside.

"Oh. Oh, Jess. I ... That feels so good." Mike moaned, lips

sliding against his.

"It does." He pushed a second finger in, stretching Mike

now, searching for that little bump of flesh.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Mike arched, lean strength almost pushing him up off the

bed. "Jess!" Oh, yeah, he'd found it. He stretched his fingers
as wide apart as he could and then slid them deep again, until
they hit Mike's gland. "Oh. Oh, fuck. Fuck. I..." Mike twisted,
body searching for more.

"This what you want?" he asked, finding Mike's gland

again, nailing it over and over.

"Uh-huh. Oh, damn. I need, Jess."
"I know you do." He sure as hell did, because he needed,

too. His cock was throbbing, balls aching.

"So? Fuck me." Pushy boy.
"All in good time." He'd make love to Mike when he was

good and ready to. He teased another finger into the tight

Mike groaned, riding Jessy's fingers. "Evil bastard."
"I am? Are you sure? I'm willing to stop any time you like.

Just say the word."

"Don't you dare stop."
He let one eyebrow go up, fingers stilling.
"Jess..." Mike's body shifting, begging for him.
"Yeah, Mike?" he asked, holding still, fingers buried but not


"I need."
"You're a pushy brat, Mike," he murmured, bending to

nuzzle the skin beyond Mike's ear.

"And you're a growly old man, Jess." Mike groaned. "Good

thing I love you."

He chuckled, nailed Mike's gland with his fingers. "Yeah.

Good thing."

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"Fuck! Again. Again, please." He could get anything from

Mike right now.

He purred, licking at Mike's skin, fingers pushing and

sliding. He wasn't going to be able to wait much longer; his
cock was hard as a rock.

"Yeah. Fuck. Jess. So good."
He let his fingers slide away and pushed his cock down to

Mike's hole, finding Mike's mouth as he slid in deep. Mike's
cry was sweet and low, pushing right into his lips. He kept the
kiss going as he started to fuck Mike with long strokes. Fuck,
Mike was tight and hot, and it felt so fucking good.

Mike tried to control the thrusts, whimpering as he kept

control, kept the rhythm he needed. He buried his face in
Mike's neck, taking in the scent of soap and chlorine, salt and
oil and Mike. He moved a little faster, hips shifting, pushing
his cock in further. The little groans got louder, Mike
swallowing, rocking, holding him close.

He could feel Mike's cock sliding on his belly, hot and hard,

branding his skin. He kept moving, eyes closed, breathing
Mike in as they fucked.

"Oh ... Oh, fuck, I feel you."
"Good." His voice was hard, body throbbing, his entire

focus on what they were doing, on how they were joined,
Mike's body taking him in just like that.

Mike's hand pushed between them, wrapping around that

long, thin cock and tugging. That was Jessy's signal to let
loose, and he did, hips pumping hard, finding Mike's gland
every time he pushed into that sweet, tight heat. Mike
groaned, rippling around him, body milking him.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"Yeah, fuck..." He pushed harder, mouth open on Mike's

shoulder as he started to lose it.

Mike bucked, heat spraying over his belly. He roared,

jerking now, filling Mike with his spunk.

Mike nuzzled against him, humming, holding on tight. He

let Mike take his weight, lying on the warm body, fingers
sliding through the peroxided curls.

"We did it again, Jess. You and me."
He kept stroking Mike's head, breathing in the familiar

scent. "You did it, Mike. I just make sure you keep your

Mike cuddled, nuzzling against him. "Yeah. My focus."
He shifted so he wasn't lying on Mike anymore and

gathered the kid close. "Get some sleep, Mike. You've had a
busy day."

"Yes, Coach. Sleeping in tomorrow, remember?"
He hid his grin in Mike's shoulder. Always fucking pushing.

"Eight A.M., kid. That's when your breakfast shows. I want
you in the pool by nine."

"Oooh. Pancakes and coffee?" Mike didn't bother hiding his

grin at all.

He snorted. "Sure, kid. You can call it anything you want

to." It didn't matter; they both knew there'd be a cheese and
vegetable omelet with brown toast and two glasses of milk
waiting for Mike in the morning.

Mike chuckled, the sound broken by a yawn.
"Sleep," Jessy murmured, pulling the sheets up and curling

around Mike's body.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"Mmm ... yeah, Coach. Night." Mike's hands slid around his

waist, soft snores coming almost immediately.

Closing his eyes, Jessy petted the warm skin, running over

strategy until he drifted off as well.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Chapter Two
Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.
Mike was beginning to feel the burn, muscles getting tired,

the wall getting farther and farther.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.
One week until they had another meet. Then a month to

training camp. Fuck. That was playing with the big boys.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.
Fuck, he'd lost count. How many had he done? How many

were left? Fuck.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.
A long body sliced through the water and started pacing


Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.
Shit, he must have gone over.
Damn it. That meant he went until Coach said stop.
Fuck a duck.
He was supposed to meet the guys for a movie tonight,


Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.
Coach kept moving with him, close enough he could feel

the heat of that body in the water next to him.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.
His heart was pounding, strokes starting to slow, his arms

so heavy.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, turn. Lap.
They did three more, each one harder than the last.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


He was shaking by the end, breathing hard, holding onto

the wall.

"Sorry, Coach."
Jessy's strong body surrounded him, hands next to his on

the wall. "Stubborn fool."

He leaned into those arms, panting. "Who? Me?"
"No, the other guy who damn near drowned out here."

That voice was gruff, angry. Worried.

"Wasn't gonna drown." He could swim in his sleep.
"No?" Coach grabbed his hands and yanked him off the

wall, swimming back into the middle of the pool with him and
letting him go. "Then give me another five."

He growled, "Could have at least let me have the wall,


Then he gritted his teeth and started swimming, forcing his

body to fucking do it. Coach kept pace with him again, never
leaving his fucking side. Just waiting for him to screw up.
Well, he wasn't going to. Damn it. He could go four more

When Mike made the last lap, Coach got out and hauled

him up to lie on the deck. "You stupid fool! If I tossed you
back in and told you to give me ten more, you would! Start
listening to your fucking body instead of just pushing it all the
damned time." Coach started pacing, muttering to himself.

Mike lay there, panting, waiting for the tremors to stop, his

heart to slow.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Coach finally stopped pacing and hauled him up over one

shoulder, carrying him into the weight room and putting him
down on the matted table, big hands starting to work his
muscles. "One of these days that stubborn pride is going to
get you hurt."

"Either that or win me a race." Oh, God, that felt good. So


"Pardon me, but I don't believe you were fucking racing

anyone out there today."

"No. No, I wasn't. I lost count. I'm sorry, Coach."
"Lost your focus. What were you thinking about out there?

The next meet? The big leagues? That trophy case of your

"Training camp." He sighed, shook his head. "Looking


"Damnit, Mike, when you're swimming you need a clear

head. I don't want you thinking about anything except how
many laps you have left to go and how fast you can do
them." Coach walked away again, doing a quick circuit of the
room before coming back to work on his legs.

"I'm trying, Coach. I'm not good at that Zen shit."
"Yeah, well you better get good at it. Our last meet, you

won all four of your races. What were you thinking about
when you swam?"

"The wall."
"So. You're maybe not so bad at that Zen shit after all.

When you try." Coach never gave him a fucking inch. Ever.
He couldn't decide whether to tell Coach to fuck off or to just

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


Those magic hands worked their way back up his body to

work his arms and shoulders and he thought maybe he
should go with the nodding. At least until Coach was done.
Oh, fuck, that felt good. Good enough that he'd pretend to be
good. Sort of.

When Coach was done, a towel was thrown at him. "Steam

room. Ten minutes. And then a shower, and then you come in
for lunch." Coach glared at him. "Ten minutes. Not a fucking
second longer. And it's a cool, short shower."

"Ten minutes." He stuck his tongue out, slid off the table.

"I'll remember. I promise."

"Don't stick that out at me unless you intend to use it,


"I don't have time with only ten minutes in the steam


"Cheeky brat."
"You know it." He headed to the steam room, ass shaking

as best he could.

He was good, too. Ten minutes only in the steam room,

even though he could have sat there in the heat all day, and
then a quick shower. Maybe he'd come down after supper.
Just sit and melt. The movies could wait. He slid on his
shorts, headed up for lunch, trying to remember what
weirdness Coach would be feeding him today.

There was a huge glass of juice next to his plate, which

was piled high with salad. Coach came out of the kitchen with
two more plates, one holding two big-assed burgers and the
other with a little tiny itsy bitsy chicken breast. Three fucking
guesses which was his and the first two didn't count.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"So, you're having burger and chicken together?" He was

ordering pizza with sausage. And Dr. Pepper.

"The chicken's for you, smartass." Coach sat and started


"You're starving me." He chopped the chicken up and

dumped it in the salad, salting and peppering it liberally. "So,
what do I have to do to get a Dr. Pepper?"

"Quit swimming or fire me."
"Man..." He dug into the salad, nibbling on the chicken

mostly, taking bites of lettuce as he went. Like he'd ever do

"You keep complaining and I might change my mind about

this afternoon."

"This afternoon?" Mike tilted his head, taking a sip of the

juice and then guzzling it down when the bright, tart flavor hit
his tongue.

"Yep. You have a meet in a week." Coach was looking at

him, like that was all he needed to figure it out.

"Oh." Oh, man—that rule? Was the worst. No fucking the

week before a meet. Not even a blow job. No toys. Nothing
but the random quick jackoff while Coach was cooking

"Of course, if you don't want to ... Well, you can have

more than the salad and juice to eat if you don't want to."

"I want to." The man was evil.
The stern face eased, and a smile that went to Jessy's eyes

warmed the room. "Good."

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He grinned, cheeks going warm, eating eagerly, drinking

his juice before going to get a bottle of water. "You want
anything, Jess?"

"I think you know what I want, Mike." Jessy's eyes

followed him as he walked.

"I do." He drank deep, swallowing hard before going to

lean against Jess' back. "I do. Upstairs?"

"Yeah." Jessy's eyes turned up to him, looked into him.

"The playroom."

"Yeah." He brushed Jess' lips with one finger. "Yeah."
Jess' mouth caught his finger, teeth holding it in place,

tongue sliding across the tip before letting it go. Mike was
hard as a rock, his cock making an obvious tent in his shorts.

Mike rolled his eyes, giving his cock a good thump, making

it behave. "You done eating?"

"I'm going to finish my second burger, Mike. Now, if you

want to go up and pick some toys out, I wouldn't have a
problem with that."

"Any ... anything you want, in particular?" See him. See

him be thoughtful and not pounce the beautiful fucker

Jess chuckled. "If there's something I want you haven't

brought out, I'll get it myself." He was given a wink.

Mike chuckled, took another kiss, and grabbed an apple on

the way upstairs. The extra bedroom was where they played,
slowly building their collection of toys; adding the big, firm
mattress, the sling. Mike stripped down and pulled the box of
cock rings out, choosing a soft leather one over the unyielding

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He could hear Jess coming slowly up the stairs, giving him

time to get ready.

Mike found his favorite plug—yielding and good-sized, but

nothing he had to work for, nothing intimidating—and a set of
beads, each one bigger than the other.

Jess came into the room and checked out his choices.

"Playing it safe today?"

He shrugged, dared to tease. "You said not to push my


Jess laughed, teeth bright in the tanned face. "Brat."
"Yep. Besides, we jump from reasonable to fist-sized.

Damn." He pushed, poked, seeing how far Jess would let him

"And if we're going to go fist-sized, you might as well take

my fist."

He felt his cheeks heat, but he nodded. "Exactly."
Jess nodded. "Okay. It'll certainly last all week."
He tilted his head; Jess jumped around like a damn

kangaroo rat. "What will?"

"My fist. You'll be able to feel me all week long. Should

keep you from needing too hard."

"I..." When had he agreed to that? Sometimes Jessy made

him feel hopelessly behind.

Jess' eyes twinkled. "Maybe not today, hmm?" Big hands

slid around his hips and tugged him in close. "I want to do it,
though, Mike. Put my hand inside you."

There was something about the feel of Jess against him,

something addictive and necessary and real. He moaned,
leaning in for a kiss, cock hard enough to cut glass. Jess' lips

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met his, the kiss soft but growing teeth as it continued on.
When their mouths parted, Jess rubbed their noses and then
stepped back.

"Take off my clothes."
He pulled the tight T-shirt off, then untied the waist of

Jess' workout pants, easing them off.

"You could suck me off while you're down there," Jess


Mike chuckled, leaning in to nip at that still-flat belly.

"Greedy man." Then he rubbed his face along the thick shaft,

Jess didn't deny it, just slid a hand through Mike's hair,

turning his mouth toward the head of that big cock. He
opened up, tongue sliding over the tip, pressing into the slit
and making his lover shiver and groan.

"Fucking nice, Mike."
This part was sweet, opening up for Jess, taking that cock

and making his lover need, making Jess want him. That groan
sounded again, both of Jess' hands circling his head. The
breathing patterns for sucking Jess off were a lot like the
training exercises, his body falling into the rhythm
automatically, immediately, training taking over for him.

"Damn, that's good," groaned Jessy. "Don't stop, Mike."

The fingers holding him grew tighter, Jess' hips starting to
move, pushing the hot prick over his tongue. No. He wouldn't
stop. He wanted. He wanted it all.

Jess moved faster, cock pushing into the back of Mike's

throat. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. He tugged Jess in, swallowing
hard. Jess moaned loudly and shoved hard, spunk pouring

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down his throat. He took it all, sucking and licking until Jess
pulled away, leaving him swaying.

One big hand slid under his arm, steadying him and pulling

him up. Jess' mouth descended on his, the kiss demanding,
Jess' tongue pushing in. The whole world swayed, his trust in
Jess paramount. Jess' hands slid down to cup his ass,
bringing his feet off the floor as he was tugged against that
warm skin.

He groaned, cock rubbing furiously against that belly.
"Impatient," murmured Jess, eyes dancing.
"Who? Me?"
Jess laughed and pushed their noses together. "Yes, you."
"No way." He chuckled, letting Jess hear how fucking

happy he was.

Jess' mouth took his, tongue pushing in as he was carried

over to the bed. It was like being in the water, not being able
to breathe, to see past right now. He was laid out on the bed,
Jess still licking at his mouth as his hands were cuffed to the

He looked up, tugging on the cuffs, knowing they were

secure. The first time Jess did this, he'd panicked, been so
scared; now it was oddly peaceful. Easy. Jess' mouth left his,
licking at his jaw and down to his neck. Mike's chin lifted,
offering more skin, those lips so soft. Jess purred, licking and
nibbling, exploring. Long fingers counted his ribs, slid over his

"Mmm ... feels good." His heels dug into the mattress, hips

pushing his cock closer to that touch.

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"Don't make me cuff your ankles, too," murmured Jess,

fingers sliding past his hips to push beneath him and cup his

"Love your hands." Mike wriggled, rubbed, teeth sinking

into his bottom lip.

"I know." Jess grinned up at him and then took one of

Mike's nipples between those soft lips and tugged.

Oh, that felt good. Teasing ass. "Love your mouth, too."
Jess nodded and nipped sharply at his nipple. Mike gasped

and bucked up, rubbing harder, needing.

"You're a sexy beast, Mike." Jess' tongue slid over his

belly, hands wrapping around his hips, tilting him so that his
cock bumped Jess' chin.

"Oh. Yours." Oh, that rasp and heat was going to make

him come.

"Yeah, that's right. Mine." Jess' eyes were heated, and

then he looked down as he pulled Mike's cock in deep.

"Fuck!" Mike bucked, heels digging into the mattress, hips

immediately thrusting.

Jess' hands slid back around to push against Mike's hips,

holding them against the bed. Mike groaned, twisting, fighting
those hands. Fuck, he was turned on. Jess' mouth moved
slowly, pulling right off before sliding back down to the base

"Jess..." His thighs parted, hips bucking, eyes rolling. Jess

hummed, moving faster, mouth sliding on him. "Gonna come.
Jess. Fuck."

Jess nodded, chin rubbing against his pubic hair. Oh, thank

fuck. He bucked, spunk pouring from him. Jess swallowed

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Mike down and then took his time licking him clean, tongue
lapping away at his cock. Mike hummed, easing into the
sheets, relaxing. Melting. Jess slid down to lick and suck at
his balls, pushing his legs back as that tongue moved further

"Mmm ... Jess..." He spread, eyes closed.
"Got it in one, kid." Jess chuckled, the puff of air sliding

against his hole.

Oh, that tickled. He jerked, chuckled. Jess blew

deliberately this time and then licked, tongue hot and slick
against him. Mike stretched, hips bucking, shifting against
that tongue. Jess' hands landed on the backs of his thighs,
pushing, holding him open as that tongue danced inside him.

"Oh. Oh, fuck. Jess. Love." Anything. He'd give Jess


"Yeah, it's still me."
One more lick and then something round and hard and

cool pushed against him, pushed into him. The first of the
beads. His hips moved steadily, constantly. Jess purred,
licking at the inside of his thigh as another bead pushed into

He knew he could take these—knew the pressure and slide

like he knew the pool downstairs, the University pool. One
after another, Jess pushed them into him. His lover's mouth
slid over his skin as the beads went in, licking and breathing
on him. Fucking was like swimming—body sliding and rocking,
moving toward the goal.

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And Jess pushed him here, just like in the pool, the last

few beads making Mike's eyes roll back in his head, body
stretching wide over the hard surface.

"No more, Jess. Full. No more." He shifted, groaned, ass

sliding on the sheets.

"I'll make that decision, Mike." Another bead slid against

his hole, pushed in.

Shit. It was like the laps. He thought they were done. "Oh.

Oh, fuck."

"Mmm ... yeah." Yet another bead was seated against him,

teasing, slick and cool.

"I. I thought ... So full."
"You're not supposed to be able to think, Mike." That bead

pushed into him, inexorable, undeniable.

"Oh." His feet pushed against the mattress, body bowing,

and the pressure never let up.

Jess kissed the inside of Mike's thigh again. "Just one


"I. One. One more. For you."
"That's right." Jess licked his hole, tongue teasing the last

bead that had been pushed in. Twisting, tugging, Mike
groaned, trying his damnedest to focus. "Here it comes,"
murmured Jess. That last bead felt huge against his hole.

He was drowning, cock slapping hard against his belly,

balls tight as stones.

"Don't come," growled Jess, pushing and insisting and

sliding that bead right into him.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Jess." His eyes rolled, muscles tight as

he fought the urge to shoot.

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Jess licked at Mike's hole again and then the leather cock

ring circled his prick, tight, binding. He almost screamed in
frustration, hips pumping, wanting to come. Jess pushed his
legs back down, stretching him back out and lying next to
him, hands idly touching.

"You bastard. Fuck. I need." He panted, toes curling, ass


"I know. It looks good on you." Jess licked at his neck, his


He looked over, teeth biting into his bottom lip. "Sadist.

Oh, fuck. It's so big. You and me. So fucking big."

Jess pressed their lips together. "It's everything, baby."
Yeah. The whole fucking world. He slid his tongue against

Jess' lips, moaning low. Jess' tongue danced with his, hard
cock sliding against his leg. The tension eased, became a
sweet, deep ache, something shattering and real. Necessary.

They kissed forever, mouths sliding, giving and taking,

Jess' fingers slowly moving over Mike's skin. He eased,
undulating under that touch, his entire focus on the way Jess
loved him, on the still silence inside him.

"I'm going to pull them out now," Jess murmured. "I want

to be inside you."

"Anything." He nodded, eyes on Jessy's. "Anything."
"I love you," murmured Jess, eyes on his as his legs were

spread again, the beads shifting as Jess gripped the string
that trailed from his body. He groaned, anticipation stroking
up his spine.

"You fucking glow, Mike." The string was tugged, just a

little, just enough to start opening his hole, but not enough to

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actually pull the first bead out. Mike moaned, full and hard
and happy as fuck.

Jess licked at his lips, kissed him once, and then backed

away a bit, watching Mike's body as the beads were pulled
from him, quick and hard, each one opening him up to get

His peace was shattered, just like that, hips bucking, feet

planted on the bed. "Oh. Fuck. Yes."

"Yes." Jess' voice was little more than a growl and he

shifted, coming to rest between Mike's legs and pushing into
him, heat and hardness replacing the slickness of the beads.

"Oh. Yeah. Hard, Jess. Need all of it."
Jess just nodded, eyes dark with passion, hips working to

fuck him hard, just like he'd asked, just like he wanted,
needed. It overwhelmed him, entire body slamming and
jerking, skin slapping together. Jess didn't let up, not for one
fucking second, that hard cock driving into him, not giving
him any quarter.

He started pulling on the cuffs, wanting to touch his cock,

bring himself off, make himself come. Jess growled, blue eyes
gazing down at him, burning into him. His legs were spread
wider, his hips tilted, and suddenly Jess was hitting his gland
with every thrust.

"Oh, sweet fuck!" He wrapped his legs around Jess, forcing

him deeper.

Harder and harder, Jess pounded into him, sending him

into the fucking sky. He almost missed it when those strong
fingers loosened the leather from around his cock, but he
didn't miss that growly voice. "Give it to me."

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Mike screamed when he came, cock jerking, heat pouring

over his belly.

"Yeah. Fuck." Jess moved faster, harder, pushing deeper

and deeper, and then Jess froze and heat filled Mike inside.

He panted, eyes rolling. Fucking sweet. Jess lay on him for

a long moment, letting him feel his lover's weight and
strength, and then Jess slid out, rolled off, and undid his
hands. His wrists were massaged, the blood flow eased by
knowing fingers.

He was never moving again. Twenty-nine thousand laps

and two orgasms? He was just going to die.

Jessy pulled him against the solid body, holding him close.

"You good?"

He thought about nodding, but that would mean moving,

and he'd just given that up. "Uh-huh."

Jessy chuckled and kissed him. "Good."
A light sheet was pulled up over them, Jessy's hands

sliding on his skin in random movements.

Mike hummed, dozing, happy and warm. Yep. Never

moving again.

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Chapter Three
Meets were hard for Jessy.
There wasn't a whole lot he could do, except be there for

Mike and remind the kid to let everything but the wall go, to
just swim, but aside from that he was stuck with watching.
Watching and waiting and just letting Mike do his thing.

He leaned against the side of the stands in the coaches'

area, feigning a casualness he didn't feel. It wouldn't help
Mike out any if he wasn't calm whenever the kid looked over
at him. He glanced at his watch—Mike's final race should be
called any minute. The last race before they went to an All-
Americas meet that would see him playing in the big pool.

Mike's times were good, and if he kept it up, he was going

to stand out with the leaders at the next meet. Jess worried a
bit that Mike wasn't ready yet for that kind of pressure, but
he wasn't going to hold the kid back, not with his abilities.

Mike looked up, and Jessy shot the kid a confident grin and

told himself to quit thinking so hard. One race at a time, and
if he couldn't take his own advice he couldn't put any
conviction into dispensing it. He made his way over to where
Mike was stretching out, listening to that crap the kid called
music. He wrapped his hands around Mike's shoulders,

"This is fast water, Coach. Gonna blow my PB away."
"You know what I have to say to that, Mike."
"Focus on the wall."
"That's right." He kept working Mike's shoulders, just

keeping them loose. "You go out there and you get to the wall

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just as fast as you can. Everything else can wait until you hit
that wall for the last time."

Mike nodded, shoulders rolling, head bobbing in time with

the music.

They called up Mike's race and he leaned in. "The wall,

Mike. That's all you need." He swatted the kid's ass and
backed off, letting Mike do his thing.

And do it Mike did, cutting into the water like a fucking

dream and swimming like this race was his last. He was two-
tenths of a second off world-record pace at 100 yards, closing
on one-tenth at one-fifty and looking to beat his personal best
by almost a second.

The kid was a coach's fucking wet dream. Mike loved the

water, loved swimming more than just about anything, and
had talent coming out of his ass. It was a beautiful thing. He
was cheering and roaring just as loud as anyone there, even
the competition's coaches taking notice of his boy.

Mike reached for the wall, beating the Olympic record and

tying the world record, finishing the race a body length ahead
of his competition. "Yeah! Yeah!" Jessy pumped his arms in
the air and accepted the congratulations of the other coaches.

"That's quite the fish you've got there, Jessy."
He nodded. "Don't I know it."
He met Mike's eyes and gave the kid two thumbs up, let

his pride show on his face. Fucking beautiful.

It was perfect. Fucking perfect.
If he hadn't been watching, he'd never have seen the

wince as Mike pulled himself from the pool. Frowning, he
hurried over with Mike's jacket. "Hey. Are you all right?"

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"Huh? Yeah. Kick-ass race, huh?" Mike shrugged his jacket

on, grinning wide.

He nodded. He'd check that shoulder later. It nibbled away

at his own high, though, and he was watching Mike closely as
the other swimmers came over to congratulate him. Mike was
glowing, nodding, and taking the kudos gracefully.

Hank Richards, the recruiting coach for UCLA's team, came

up, clapped Mike on the back. "Congratulations, kid. Helluva

"Thanks, Hank. It felt good."
"You thought any about my offer? About coming out west

and seeing the beach?"

"Nah. My coach says I should just focus on the wall, man."
Jessy hid his grin. That certainly was what he said, though

it didn't sound quite so hippyish coming out of his own

Hank arched an eyebrow. "You know there's more than

one coaching style, yeah?"

He had to bite his lip on that one. There were plenty of

styles of coaching, and Hank's was not one he'd recommend
for Mike. He wouldn't interfere unless Mike needed him,

"Yeah, thanks." Mike nodded and moved on, just blowing

Hank right off.

Oh, yeah, now that was way more satisfying than stepping

in. Grinning, he nodded at Hank and followed Mike. Mike
headed for the dressing room, bouncing and laughing, visiting
with everybody he knew. Jess headed for their lockers, taking
out Mike's clothes, packing up the rest of their crap, enjoying

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the buzz. Everyone liked being in the water when it was that
fast; even if you didn't put in your own personal best,
swimming with someone who hit Olympic time was special.

"We sticking around or heading out, Coach?" Mike wasn't

one to stand around and rest on his laurels. It was always the
next race.

"Heading out; you need a massage—I don't want those

muscles tightening up." And he wanted a look at that

"Yeah? Cool. What's for dinner? I'm hungry."
"Pasta up in our room." He stopped himself. Mike was

hardly going to hurt his shoulder more by eating. "Or we
could go out and celebrate your time."

Mike tilted his head, winked. "We could have pizza in our

room and celebrate..."

Jess grinned, the kid making him feel special, too. "Yeah,

we could do that."

Those dark eyes just shone. "We beat the Olympic record,

Jess. Fucking cool."

He nodded. "You did, kid. And at a meet where people

were watching, looking for the big fish in the little pond. I'm
proud of you."

"Yeah. Yeah." Oh, yeah. There went the bouncing from his

own little perpetual motion machine.

He laughed and grabbed Mike's towel, packing it away. It

felt fucking good, seeing all their hard work paying off, seeing
Mike start to fulfill his incredible potential.

"I want pepperoni and I want you and I want..." Mike

swallowed. "Juice."

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Oh, that almost deserved the Dr. Pepper. Except it had

been hell getting Mike off caffeine, and he wasn't hooking the
kid back on it this close to a big meet. "Sounds good, Mike."

Mike nodded. "I'm thirsty as hell."
He dug out a bottle of juice and handed it over. "You need

anything else before we go?"

"Nope. I'm good." Mike drained the juice, humming


"You want to stick around to pick up your medals onstage,

Mike?" No reason the kid couldn't sit on his laurels for a
couple hours.

"Nah. By then the adrenaline'll be faded and I'll be bitchy."
He chuckled. "Oh, lucky me."
He gave Mike a wink. He knew how to deal with the

bitchies. Knew how to get that adrenaline going again, too.

Mike chuckled, that left shoulder rolling. "Let's go. There's

a pepperoni pizza waiting for me."

He nodded, keeping his hands to himself. No reason to tip

off anyone that Mike was favoring the shoulder. But he was
going to get to the bottom of the problem before the day was

"After you, kid."
They headed out, the rental car waiting for them, people

cheering Mike as they passed. It made him fucking proud.

He grinned as he helped Mike into the car. "Enjoy it, kid—

you don't have to focus on the wall right now."

"No?" Mike stretched out, grinning ear-to-ear.
He chuckled and slammed Mike's door shut, then walked

around to slide into the driver's side. Mike found a loud,

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insane-making radio station, singing along at the top of his
lungs. Jessy shook his head, but he let it ride. Mike deserved
this, and he could put up with it for the ten minutes it would
take to get them to their hotel.

He stopped for the pizza on the way, getting Mike a large

pepperoni with extra cheese and an all-dressed for himself.

"Mmm ... that smells great..." Mike stole a bite before they

got out of the car. "Yummy."

"Brat." He stole a taste from Mike's mouth, licking those

sweet lips.

Mike's eyes lit up. "Yours."
"Yeah." He licked again and then grabbed the pizza boxes.

"Come on, kid. Let's get upstairs before you start stiffening

"You just want to eat the pizza while it's hot." Mike

chuckled, heading for the elevators.

"You know it." Damn, the view from behind Mike just got

better and better.

They headed up to the sixth floor, Mike bouncing and

humming the whole way. He wanted to push the kid up
against the elevator wall and fuck him blind. Thank God he
was carrying the pizzas.

Mike looked at him, licked his lips. "Want you."
He nodded. "I know." There was a growl in his voice. He

fucking wanted.

"Do you?" The elevator dinged and Mike was out like a

shot, heading for the room.

Did he? Fuck, yes, he did.
Too bad he had a swimmer to take care of first.

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* * * *

Mike ate his fourth piece of pizza, laying on the floor, full

as a tick.

Damn, it had been a good day.
Damned good.
Almost perfect.
If he'd broken the world record? Then it would have been


Mike grinned, stretched. "When's the next meet?"
"Ten days. All-Americas. You ready to focus on that wall?"
"Yeah." Ten days. He could do that. He could push

through, train through. "Then we've got a good-sized lag,

Jess rumbled. "Since when are you anxious for a lag?"
"I..." He shrugged, rolled over so Jess couldn't see his

face. "Man, I haven't had regular sex in months."

Jess snorted. "Do I need to cut you off that, too?"
"Not a chance. I'll do an extra set a day in the pool first."
Jess chuckled. "I'm kind of loath to put an end to that

myself. Come on, strip down, you need a massage."

"Oh. Love your hands." He stood up, pulled his shirt off,

glad that the T-shirt hid his face. God, it hurt. Fucking
shoulder. He'd almost said something two weeks ago, but ...
Hell, just a couple more races.

Just one now.
Jess got out the oil and pulled down the sheets. "Hop to it,


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Mike wiggled out of his pants and popped onto the bed,

stretching on his belly.

"How're you feeling?" Jess asked, sitting on the tops of his

thighs. "Anything sore or stiff?"

"Huh?" Fuck, Coach, Mike thought. Don't make me lie to

you. Please.

"I asked if anything was sore or stiff." Jess' hands slid over

his shoulders, started working them.

He closed his eyes, sighed. "Little twinges, nothing big."
"Twinges? This something new?" Coach's fingers dug in.
"Nope." Not new. Three weeks. But the hurt that kept on

after he got out of the water? That was new.

Jess grunted, continued on down his back, worked his ass,

his thighs, all the way down to his feet. Then one of those
solid hands slapped his ass. "Flip."

"Mmm..." He turned, humming low, relaxed. "Feels good."
"That's the point." Jess grinned at him and started in on

his shoulders again, hands moving slowly, fingers digging

He groaned; he couldn't help it. It hurt. Coach's eyes got

hard, sharp, hands concentrating on his left shoulder, fingers
careful, working each part of his shoulder slowly. He closed
his eyes and focused on curling his toes, thinking about
today's race. Then that big thumb slid across a nerve or
something, sending pain shooting through his shoulder.

"Fuck!" He pulled away, growling.
"Damnit, Mike!" Coach's hands moved over his shoulder,

focusing in on where the pain was, fingers gentler now. Mike
turned his face away, chewing on his bottom lip, knowing he

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couldn't push right now. "You've done something to your
rotator cuff." Coach shook his head. "Your swim was
beautiful, perfect. You didn't do this today. When?"

"Couple weeks. It's getting better." He'd slipped and

caught himself. Stupid.

Coach's hands stopped. "A couple of weeks? A couple?"

Coach got up and started pacing. "Bullshit, it's getting
better—you were just able to fucking hide it until today."
Then those blue eyes were back, glaring at him. "Why the
fuck were you hiding it from me?"

"Ten days left, Coach. Ten fucking days and then we're

gold." He wasn't going on the bench.

"Gold? Gold?" Coach went a dark, almost purple kind of

red, mouth still working, but no sounds coming out. Then he
started pacing the room again.

Mike sat up, put his shorts on again, his shirt, then settled

in the chair.

"All right. I'm putting aside you not telling me. For now.

I'm changing our flight home to the earliest I can find, and
then we're going in to get the shoulder looked at properly.
And once we know what's wrong with it, we can decide what
we're going to do."

"I'm swimming the meet, Jess."
He shook his head. "I can do it. I can."
Coach nodded. "I'm sure you can. And I'm sure you can

take a minor injury and make it a fucking career-ending one
by pretending it doesn't exist."

"One more race, Coach. Just one more."

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"I won't let you make that decision without knowing what's

going on in your arm, Mike." Coach was wearing his stubborn
face. Well, and his angry, pissed off face, too. Fuck. Just ten
days and he could have avoided this whole thing.

He rubbed his forehead, groaning. This was so not fair—he

was supposed to be resting on his laurels, damn it. "I don't
want to fight, Jess. I don't."

"Neither do I. So we'll agree to leave it be until you've

seen the doc tomorrow. I'll just rearrange our schedule, and
then we can go to bed." Jess went over to the phone and
started making calls, face tight.

Mike sighed, rubbed the back of his neck, then stood. He

wasn't any good at fighting with Jess, never had been. He
walked over, kissed the back of Jess' head, and whispered,
"I'm going down to the hot tub, man. I'm not sleepy."

Jess put his hand over the mouthpiece. "I'll join you when

I'm done."

He nodded and grabbed his trunks, tugging them on after

pulling off his shorts, and then snagging a towel. The hotel
was busy, the partiers just starting to leave, all snazzed up
and glittery. It fucking sucked—he'd just beaten his personal
best and instead of celebrating, his lover was pissed, they
were fixing to fly home, and he was going to get back in the


* * * *

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Jess got them on a 6 A.M. flight back home. He called the

sports medicine clinic's service and arranged for a 2 P.M.

And he paced.
It took him over half an hour to calm down enough to grab

his trunks and follow Mike down to the hot tub. Damnit, he
was still pissed off. Maybe hurt, too, that Mike would swim for
two fucking weeks trying to hide his injury. And how the hell
had he missed it anyway?

He shook his head. Neither of them had done their job.

Mike should have told him. He should have noticed. Maybe he
had to back off on their physical relationship, maybe that's
what was interfering with his focus. Mike's was the wall and
his was Mike the swimmer, and fuck it all if he hadn't fucked
that up good.

He took a couple deep breaths as he got off the elevator.

It wouldn't do to go in with both barrels blazing, not until they
knew what the fuck was up.

He went into the hotel's "spa," looking for Mike. He found

Mike floating, neck-deep in the hot, bubbling water, eyes
closed, bottle of Sprite sweating beside the hot tub.

He slipped into the water next to the kid. "How long have

you been in?"

"A while. 'M okay. Just soaking." Mike sighed, not opening

his eyes. "You still pissed?"

"Yeah. I..." He sighed and put his head on the backrest,

closing his own eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"At first? 'Cause it didn't hurt. Then? Because I didn't want

it to hurt. And then because I knew you'd freak out and I

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wanted to race." And because Mike was scared and never
listened to his body and was twenty years old and felt
damned immortal.

"Mike, the only reason I'm 'freaking out' is because you

didn't tell me. For two weeks. Damnit." He sat up again and
opened his eyes, biting back the rest. "If you ever hide an
injury from me again, I'll quit."

"You can't." Mike's head popped up, eyes wide and

shocked. "I need you."

"You don't lie to me again and I won't." He shook his head.

"Full access, kid. That's the deal, and you know it. If we
weren't lovers, I'd still have my hand in that pie. I'd want to
know who and how often and what fucking positions. I can't
coach you if I don't have all the details." And it would kill him
to give Mike up. As a swimmer, as a lover, either or both.

Mike stood up, white as a sheet, and grabbed a towel.


Then Mike was heading for the little private john at a dead

run. Shit. The excitement from the race. Pizza. Hurting.
Fighting. Heat. Put it all together and it equaled one sick

Cursing himself out, Jessy followed, growling when he

found the door locked. "Come on, kid, open up and let me in."

"Just a..." He could hear Mike retching, the pained groans.

Watch the kid pull a groin muscle puking.

He sighed, hand against the door. Shit. Fuck. This was his

fucking fault. He'd let Mike down, he'd lost Mike's complete
trust somehow, and one thing had led to another, and now he
had a sick kid on his hands. Damnit all to hell, he knew better

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than to let Mike float in the fucking hot tub longer than
twenty minutes. Especially with all the other shit going on.

It seemed to take forever, but the toilet eventually

flushed, the door unlocking and opening to reveal Mike
shivering and sweating, splashing his face with cold water.

He wrapped his arms around Mike. "No, I'm sorry. Come

on, let's get you back to our room. You'll feel better after
some sleep."

"Yeah. Yeah, I feel woozy." Mike nodded, leaning into him.

"I wasn't lying to you. I really didn't think it was gonna get
worse. Honest."

"If you get a hangnail, I want to know about it, Mike.

Every single damned thing, you know?" He supported Mike to
the elevators, fighting the urge to just pick the kid up and
carry him.

"Right now I just want to brush my teeth and rest with

you, Jess. I swear, I'm hangnailless." Those pretty eyes were
bloodshot and unhappy. "I don't even know what a hangnail

He nodded, hustling them off the elevator and into their

room. "Come on, kid. Bathroom and bed. We'll figure
everything out in the morning when we've both had a good
night's sleep."

And he had a little perspective.

* * * *

He was so mad he was shaking.

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Category III? No way. No way was he not training that

shoulder. Ice packs. NSAIDs. Physical therapy. A frigging
sling? And the doc was talking steroid shots and possible
surgery. Forget that. He was swimming the All-Americas. He
was racing.

Damn it.
Coach drove home without saying a word. It wasn't until

the car was parked outside their home that Jess turned to
him. "Mike."

"We have to hit the pool, Coach. I have nine days and I

missed laps this morning." He wasn't going to argue.

Coach blinked at him for a moment. "Did you hear

anything the doctor said? Anything at all?"

"Yep. I heard. Nine days. I won't race all of my events, but

I'm racing the 400."

"I'm not sure you can, Mike." Coach gave him a quiet,

serious look. "Racing might just screw up that shoulder for
good. Do you really want to end your career on that note?"

"It won't. I can push through this, Coach. It's not as bad

as all that." If he stopped now, his ranking would crash. Hell,
he couldn't afford to lose his sponsors, his livelihood.

Their livelihood.
"Mike. If we take it easy now, work the shoulder back into

health, take three to six months off, you can come back next
year stronger than ever. If you go out there and train like hell
the next nine days you might not even make it to the race. Or
you might and then blow the shoulder permanently at the
race. One race is not your entire career, nor is it worth risking
your entire career for." He could see Coach's jaw twitching,

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the big hands clenching and unclenching—Jessy trying to be

"It's not one race, Coach. You know it. I know it. Every one

adds up, and if I blow this? I'm the ugly stepsister at the
Olympic trials next year." Six months?

Six months?
He'd go crazy.
"It doesn't matter how you show up at those trials next

year, you're going to get a berth and you know it. Unless you
can't swim. And believe me—you fuck up that shoulder any
worse right now? And you aren't going to be able to swim
next summer, maybe not ever. You think I want to pull you
out? I know how this game works, I know what the
consequences are. I've also seen swimmers race hurt and
then never race again."

Mike shook his head, got out of the car, and headed inside.

He couldn't think about this right now.

He wouldn't.
If he'd only been more careful. If he'd only not flinched. If.
Coach followed him, grabbed his hand. "We need to talk

this out, Mike. Decide what we're going to do."

"I'm going to the meet. I'm swimming the race. Focus,

remember? Focus and train and don't give up. You taught me

"I'm not asking you to give up, Mike. I'm asking you not to

ruin the rest of your life for one fucking race."

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He groaned, fist slamming against the front door, other

hand trying to work the keys in the lock. "I don't want to talk
about this right now."

"No? Well, you're not getting back into the pool until we

do. So that's no skin off my nose." Coach took the keys from
his hand and opened the door. "And don't fucking injure
yourself further."

"I'm getting in the friggin' pool, Coach. I'm a swimmer. It's

what I do." Who he was.

"Not until we've talked this out, figure out what we're

going to do. I've got a regimen in mind that'll improve your
kicking, especially your dolphin kick, and let you practice
fairly hard without overusing your arm. Now it does mean
missing the All-Americans, but it doesn't mean stopping
training right out. With any luck, you'll be good to go without
an operation in a few months, six on the outside, so you can
get in some more meets and remind people who you are
before the Olympic trials." Coach's hand was warm on his
arm. "I'm not the enemy here, Mike."

"I know. I know, Coach. Let me do this meet and I'll start

therapy. Nine days. I can handle it." He sighed, started
walking, pacing.

"I don't know about the meet. I want you to do all your

laps with a flutter board or on your back without using your
left arm for the next few days, and we'll do the icing and hot
packs and go back, see how it's healing. My gut says the
meet's out, Mike."

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"Okay, Coach. Yeah. Two days on the flutter board. That

gives me a week." He nodded, that would work. He could do

He could.
He headed to get changed and get to the pool and start

the day's training.

* * * *

Jessy managed to keep Mike on the flutterboard for three

days, and they'd gone back to the doctor this morning. The
news wasn't bad. It wasn't great, but it was better than he'd
been hoping. There was improvement. Marginal, but enough
that the doctor agreed Mike probably wouldn't need surgery,
as long as he was careful of the arm. It was going to take
some time, but it was going to heal up just fine on its own.
Another week or three and Mike would be able to start
strengthening exercises, as well as swimming using the arm.

Hell, if they kept up the flutterboard work, working on his

kicking, keeping the other arm loose and ready, Mike wouldn't
even lose much of his edge. A strict regimen of staying off it,
cold and hot packing it, and then slowly building the strength
back up in the surrounding muscles, and Mike would be good
to go in three or four months. Six tops. Which did indeed put
them right in line with being ready for the Olympic trials.
Would let them get some meets under their belts before the
trials. Even next year's All-Americans.

But it meant not swimming the upcoming meet. And Jess

knew, he just knew, that Mike was going to give him a hard

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time over it. The kid wanted it so bad he could already taste

He got home and made lunch, setting the burger down in

front of Mike like the peace offering it was.

"All right. Here's the deal. You don't swim in the All-

Americans. You do stay in the water and keep training hard.
In four months, six at the outside, you start going to meets
again, as long as the doc has cleared you. I know it's not
going to be easy, but think of it this way—that's six months
without a ban on sex."

Mike shook his head. "I want this one, Coach. I won't win


"You start using that arm now and it might give out on you

before we even hit the meet. Come on, Mike. You've got to
give your body time to heal, you've got to listen to it. Right
now it's telling you it needs a fucking break." Damn it, the kid
had to listen or he could screw that arm up for good. "I'm the
first one to push you if you want to slack off before you're
tired or your muscles ache from being pushed. This is
different. This is a deep injury that could sideline you forever
if it's not taken care of. Forever, Mike."

"Don't give up on me yet, Coach. I got a week. Seven

days. Let me try."

"I'm not giving up on you! Don't you get it? I believe in

you. I believe that you can race at the top of your game for
the next five years. But not if you screw up your arm now."
This was partly his own fault. He kept telling Mike to look at
the wall, never think beyond the next lap, the next race. It

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was his job to look at the big picture. And if Mike raced in
seven days, that picture was bleak.

Mike sighed, shook his head. "You're talking forever. What

if the sponsors pull out?"

"I'm talking six months at the most, Mike. That's not

forever. Forever is you hurting that arm at that meet in a way
you can never recover from. And let me tell you what—you do
that and you won't ever get them back, no matter how good
you come back. They aren't going to pull out if we tell them
you're injured but that you'll be good as new by the time the
Olympic trials come around. Trust me, the sponsors
understand long-term benefits." The kid was worried about
the fucking sponsors. He shook his head. "Your job is to
swim, kid. Not to worry about sponsors. You listen to me, you
do what I tell you, you swim your heart out when it's time.
It's not time. Not now."

"Not worry about the sponsors. Shit." Mike pushed the

untouched food away, started pacing like a caged cat. "I do
worry. I'm not empty-headed. I know I'm fucked when I get
older and not worth dick to anybody but as a pro in the swim

"We've talked about this, Mike. We've talked about you

taking some courses at the University, about going full-time
once you're done swimming. We can coast by on my savings
and salary as a coach wherever for a while. Hell, if I get in
with a school, paying your tuition'll be a part of the deal." He
got up and went over to Mike. "Sh. Stop. Don't do this to
yourself. You need to get quiet and still and think clearly."
Maybe it was time for a round in the playroom. They hadn't

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fucked since the week before the last meet. It was a hell of a
way to get rid of some of the tension and to focus Mike to
boot. "Let's go upstairs and play a little, get out of our heads
for a while."

To his utter relief Mike nodded, leaning against him a little,

trusting him. Trusting in him. He moaned softly, arms going
around Mike as he let the coach go, let all his walls down so
he could hold his lover.

Mike cuddled in, the softest sound brushing against his

throat. "Need you. Jess. I'm ... I need you."

"I know, baby. I've got you. I do." He picked Mike up,

carried him upstairs. He knew Mike could walk. He didn't care.
He needed to do this, to care for his lover, make him fly.

Mike, for all that those legs were long, didn't weigh 150

pounds soaking wet. Hell, he'd teased his swimmer about
being a bird in disguise. Mike didn't protest, didn't complain,
just held onto him and let him move them.

He went into the playroom because it was the one space

where they could leave everything but this behind, the one
place the swimming never came. He laid Mike out on the bed,
following him down, his mouth finding Mike's.

Mike opened to him, lips trembling, hands pulling him

close, refusing to let him go. Scared. His lover was scared. He
growled softly, tongue invading, lips pressing hard against
Mike's as his hands pushed at his lover's clothes. They
needed skin, they needed each other.

Mike nodded, letting him in, the tension and worry

between them set aside for need. That flat, hard belly jerked
under his touch, made him groan.

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He worked off Mike's clothes first, T-shirt and jeans,

underwear, fingers sliding over warm skin as they came off.
Then it was his own, quick and fast, wanting, needing that
touch of skin on skin. He moaned as they came back
together, Mike perfect beneath him.

"Love you, Jess." The words were whispered against his

skin over and over. "So much."

His throat tightened and he couldn't say the words back,

could only show Mike with every touch of his hands, his lips,
worshiping the man he loved with everything he was. Mike
arched, rubbing against him, throat working. Those strong
hands spread across his shoulders, holding, pulling.

He reached for the lube with one hand, fingers fumbling

with the drawer on the bedside table and finally coming up
with the tube of Astroglide. He put Mike's legs up over his
shoulders and watched his lover's face as he pushed one slick
finger deep inside.

"Yes..." A little of the tension dissolved, Mike focused on

his touch, on his hand.

He nodded. "Yeah." His voice was rough, harsh, his need

burning inside him.

One finger became two and he spread the slick around,

stretched Mike open, free hand dropping to work Mike's cock.
Shit, it was hot and good, the tip dripping with pre-come. He
slid his thumb over it, spreading the liquid down around the

"Jess." That tone—wondering and low, almost shocked,

still—made him soar.

"Fucking love you," he murmured, fingers sliding away.

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He lined up with Mike's ass, rubbing his prick against it. So

hot, so fucking good. He held Mike's eyes as he slid in,
pushing into the perfect heat.

"Oh. Yes." Mike shuddered, body tugging him deep,

clenching around him.

His groan was pulled up from his balls, and he pushed

Mike's legs back, knees to ears, and started to fuck Mike good
and hard. Just like they both needed. He wasn't going to stop
until neither of them could say their own name, let alone

"Harder. Fuck. Jess. Love." Mike writhed for him, eyes

rolling, throat working.

He thrust harder, giving everything he had to Mike, fucking

that sweet ass like it was the last thing they were ever going
to do. Mike's cries filled the air, sharp and sweet, his lover
tight as a fist around him. He bent, burying his head in Mike's
neck, breathing in deeply, losing himself in the scent and
sound and feeling of his lover.

Mike's hand slid over his head, heat spreading between

them. "Jess."

He moaned as Mike's ass squeezed him impossibly tight,

losing himself in the scent of Mike's come. He shuddered,
coming deep inside Mike.

Mike buried that thin face into his throat, holding on. He

slowly lowered his weight, licking at the salt of Mike's skin.
Mike held on, panting, slowly easing into the mattress.

He slid out and shifted, still nuzzling, licking. "I love you,

Mike." He said the words softly, meaning them from the
bottom of his soul.

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"I love you." Mike's cheek rested on his shoulder, fingers

stroking his belly.

He hummed, touching the fine-as-silk skin of his lover.
They could stay here. Right here.
Mike dozed a little, constantly moving and shifting under

his touch, almost like he was swimming. Jessy grinned. The
kid wouldn't quit, no matter what. It could frustrate the hell
out of him, but it was what made Mike great. What made
Mike, well, Mike.

He dozed off himself, just napping a little. He woke to Mike

slowly jacking off—not even trying to get off, just stroking
that pretty cock slow and easy.

"Mmm ... look at that." Reaching over, he ran his finger

over cock and hand.

"Mmm. Just being lazy." Mike grinned at him, winked.
Oh, yeah, that was his swimmer. Lazy to the bone. He

snorted and rolled, putting Mike beneath him, trapping Mike's
hand on his cock. Smiling, he brought their mouths together.
"Let's be lazy together," he said against Mike's lips.

"'Kay." Mike opened right up, tongue pushing up into his


Groaning, he let Mike control the kiss for a few minutes

before pushing back, their tongue dueling, his cock slowly
firming up. One of Mike's hands wrapped around his nape,
tugging him closer. He let Mike take his weight, tongue
pushing deeper as their hips ground slowly together. The dark
eyes stared up at him and he stared right back, letting Mike
see it all—his love, his belief in Mike, his need.

"Jess..." Mike gasped a little, spreading for him.

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"Uh-huh." He nodded, settling in between Mike's legs. "I

know what you need."

"You do?" Wicked boy.
He bent to lick Mike's neck, long and smooth, not a mark

on it. His mouth wrapped around the pulse point, sucking,
Mike's heart just beating beneath his lips. He got off on those
sounds, the way Mike's fingers grabbed him, gripped tight. He
kept sucking, scraping the sensitized skin with his teeth and
then sliding his tongue over it until Mike was squirming hard.

Finally, he let go of Mike's skin, purring at the sight of the

dark mark.

"Jess. Man. That's so hot." It was, watching Mike arch and

beg, swallow and shift.

He wanted the collar, wanted to watch Mike gasp for

breath, watch the pleasure and need in those pretty eyes. He
licked the mark he'd left. "Don't move."

"Okay..." He could see Mike try to stay still.
Chuckling, he licked that spot again, tongue pressing

against the heated spot before getting up and grabbing the
collar out of the cupboard. His eyes were caught by the
dildos, but he shook his head. Just them and the collar.

"What are you getting, Jessy?" Mike wasn't moving, but he

was looking.

"I'm getting what you need." Teasing a little, he pulled out

a huge dildo and waved it toward Mike.

"That thing is for show and we both know it."
"Uh-huh. One of these days, Mike." He winked and put the

dildo back. He tossed the collar over to Mike, the black

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leather landing on Mike's chest, dark against the smooth skin.
"That's all we need tonight."

Mike flushed a dark red, the arousal immediate, intense.

Almost desperate.

He responded to it like a moth to a flame, heading back to

the bed, licking his lips as his fingers trailed across Mike's
neck. "All we need..."

"Jessy..." Mike swallowed, Adam's apple moving against

Jessy's fingers.

"Yeah, baby. Gonna do you right." Bending, he licked at

Mike's lips, then pushed his tongue in, fingers still stroking
Mike's throat.

The kiss went deep, Mike relaxed and moaning beneath

him, hands wrapped around his shoulders. Moaning into the
kiss, he reached for the collar, sliding the leather over Mike's
skin. He dragged it over one nipple. He heard the cry pushed
into his lips, Mike's entire body arching, begging for his touch.
He tweaked Mike's nipple with his fingers and then brought
the collar up to Mike's neck. Breaking the kiss, he slid the
collar into place, the leather dark against Mike's skin.

"Love." Oh, shit. He loved that, loved the anticipation, the

need, the hunger.

"Right here, baby." He slid the rest of the collar behind

Mike's neck, clipping the ends together and tightening it to fit
perfectly around Mike's neck. It wasn't constricting his
breathing. Yet.

"I..." Mike's eyes fastened to his, holding on, the

vulnerability there like a drug.

He brought their lips together. "I've got you."

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Then he settled between Mike's legs again, slowly lowering

his weight onto his lover. Fuck, he needed this. They needed
this. Mike melted a little under him, trusting him, just letting
him have whatever he needed.

He took his time, knowing the anticipation was building in

Mike, his baby waiting for him to start tightening the collar.
Each slow, deep kiss melted into the next, their hips moving,
sliding together. His fingers moved on the collar, tightened it
just a touch, just enough to notice. Mike moaned, riding the
sensations, eyelids closing for a second.

He watched a moment, and then bent and began to lick

Mike's neck, tongue following the top of the collar, tasting
skin and leather alike. His mark was hidden by the collar, as
was Mike's Adam's apple, but he knew where they were and
mouthed them through the collar.

"Love, huh? I do. For real." Mike's cock rubbed his inner


"I know, baby." But he sure as hell liked hearing it. "Me,

too." He brought their mouths together again, kissing hard as
his fingers tightened the collar a bit more, making it a little
harder for Mike to draw in each breath.

He slid one hand down, fingers teasing behind Mike's balls,

his own cock sliding on Mike's belly, along Mike's hip bone.
Mike's little gasps made him shudder, the motions of the lean
body getting faster and faster.

Reaching for the slick with his other hand, he kept toying

with Mike's hole, letting the eager undulations slide his finger
over Mike's skin. "Wait for me," he murmured, slicking his
fingers up before sliding one into Mike's body.

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"I ... I will. Feels good, Jessy. So good."
"It's supposed to." He bent to nip at one of Mike's nipples

as he pushed a second finger in alongside the first. Mike was
so hot inside, body squeezing his fingers as he hit that sweet
little gland.

One little cry sounded after another, Mike shifting, riding

him. "More. Please."

"Greedy, baby." He nipped the other nipple and pushed in

another finger, started really fucking Mike with his fingers, in
and out, sometimes stretching them wide, sometimes angling
them to hit Mike's prostate. He watched the flush climbing
Mike's body, his own cock hard, leaking. Fuck, he wanted.

"Good. Good." Mike tossed his head, panting, hands

reaching up to give him leverage. God, Mike was fucking
gorgeous—long and lean and so damned sexy it hurt.

He let his fingers slide away, chuckling huskily at how

Mike's body tried to keep them in, tried to follow them as he
pulled them out. "Sh, sh. My cock now." He settled between
Mike's legs and rubbed his cockhead over Mike's balls, along
the skin behind them.

"Yeah. Yeah, Jessy. You now." Mike's eyes were closed,

cheeks just barely flushed.

"That's right, baby. Me now." He pushed, Mike's body

opening up to him just like that, sweet and hot.

He pushed in a little and then pulled back, pushed in a bit

further, pulled out again. Slowly, inch by inch, he worked his
cock into Mike's body. Mike moved with him, slowly
demanding more. Harder. Faster. Now. By the time he was
fully seated, they were both panting hard, eyes locked.

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He touched the collar, fingers sliding on the leather, hot

from Mike's skin, and finding the clasp, tightening it a bit
more. Then he started moving again, fucking Mike good and
hard. Mike moved like a demon against him, hot and needy,
ass gripping his cock like a fist. He bent to take Mike's mouth,
the collar tight enough Mike couldn't take full breaths, so their
kisses were short and sharp, hard, and punctuated by each

He could feel his orgasm building in his balls, almost

making him shake, and he tightened the collar a little further,
eyes still holding Mike's. Those dark eyes went wide, Mike's
fingers tight on his shoulders, the heat around him near

"Just let go, baby." He moved harder, faster, slamming

into Mike's body. A twist of his fingers tightened the collar
further, almost cutting off Mike's air.

He could feel Mike's orgasm, feel the ripples shuddering

through his baby before spunk poured from that hard cock.
Mike's body went tight around his cock, drawing out his own
orgasm. His fingers twitched just before he tumbled over the
edge, loosening the collar.

Mike gasped, shivered, lips open as they melted together.

Their tongues slid together lazily, Jessy's hand finding Mike's,
fingers curling together.

"Love you, baby," he murmured.
He grinned, head dropping to Mike's neck. He breathed in

the scent of Mike and sweat and leather. So fucking good.

Yeah. Good.

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Chapter Four
Mike was in the UT gym on the bike, sweating, working,

pushing, music blaring in his ears.

Four days. Four days, and they had two days to decide. To

get plane tickets to Minnesota. To get settled.

To race.
Fuck, this was killing him.
Hank Richards came wandering up, leaned against his

bike, nodded to Jessy. "Haven't seen you in the pool lately.
You slacking?"

"Do I look like I'm slacking?"
"No. No. We're just looking for you. Adam failed his drug

test. We need someone on the relay team."

Oh. Oh, sweet fuck.
"You still condoning the use of performance-enhancing

drugs with your swimmers, Hank?" Jessy didn't sound the
least bit fazed by the opening.

"If a swimmer needs one and gets caught? He's on his

own." Hank gave him a smile. "We need you on the team,
kid. You're the best."

"Drug free, too," growled Jessy.
Mike nodded, sweat pouring into his eyes. "Not even


Hank chuckled. "He never lets you out to play, does he?

What do you say, kid? You help us take the relay gold, you
can come with us to Worlds."

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"Mike's been working his ass off this year. He needs a


One of Hank's black eyebrows arched. "A break? You afraid

you can't do it again?"

"I'm not afraid."
He kept pumping, growling low.
"Look, Hank, the kid's said no, so why don't you take your

questionable coaching methods and get lost." Jessy was
growling a lot.

"He knows if he wants a chance on the relay team in

Beijing, he needs to step up to the plate."

"I'll be there." Son of a bitch. He was not a coward. Not a


Jessy gave him a sharp look. "I beg your pardon?"
"Oh, for chrissake. Quit being a pussy and make a

decision, kid. You're not twelve anymore. He's your coach,
not your father."

He stopped pedaling, getting off the bike and pacing off.
Jessy was up in Hank's face. "Mike's not racing the relay

for you. Back the fuck off."

"Eventually you're going to quit crawling up the kid's ass

and he'll blossom."

"You'd better get out of here before I knock you on your

ass, Hank. And leave my swimmer alone."

"Yours? Christ! The kid's a fucking adult."

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"Stop it. I'm not working with your team, but I'll wipe the

floor with them in the race." He was shaking, so pissed.

Jess pushed past Hank, still growling, bristling. "Don't be

making promises you can't keep, Mike." Jessy kept his voice
low, so only he could hear.

"You're a one-note song, kid."
"Fuck you, man. Let your swimmers talk for you."
Jessy grabbed his arm. "We're going."
He nodded, turning back to glare at Hank. "I win the 400

and you apologize to my coach in public."

"Mike." Jessy glared and started dragging him out.
He followed along, growling, his stomach tight. "Sorry


"You just forget about him. Race or no race, you don't

need that kind of karma."

He nodded, eyes closing. "I'm going to make him apologize

to you."

"The wall, kid. If you race, I don't want you thinking about

anything but that wall."

"Yeah. Yeah, Coach. The wall." He squeezed Jess' hand.
Jess squeezed back. "Hank's an asshole, forget about


Mike nodded. "Only the wall, Coach."
"No promises, Mike."
"We have to go."
"Not if your shoulder's not better."
"I'm racing." He wasn't going to argue anymore. He was


"Not unless there's significant improvement you're not."

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Mike kept walking, heart pounding.
He was going.
He was.
"It's for your own good, Mike."
"Don't. I won't quit." Don't treat me like a kid, Jess.
"No one's asking you to quit, Mike. I just want you to be

able to swim next summer. Damn it, Mike. I'm your coach;
you're supposed to listen to my advice."

"I do. I listen. I do every fucking thing I'm supposed to. I

eat what you say. I do what you say. I listen!" He was going
to just lose it, screaming, shaking, so fucking pissed off.

"But you're still determined to risk fucking your shoulder

up for good by racing."

"I race. It's what I do. One fucking race. You heard Hank.

People are already talking."

"Then let them talk, Mike. We hold a press conference and

tell them what's up. You'll be back in six months, showing
them you're better than ever." Jess spoke passionately,
punctuating his words with sure hand motions. "You can't
force your body to do what it won't, and it's too fucking early
in your career to blow out your shoulder."

"I will be back in six months. After this race." He was

going to be sick. Everything was fucked up. Everything.

Jessy growled. "You race in the All-Americans and you'll be

finding yourself a new coach."

He stopped, heart breaking, and looked over at Jessy.

"Stop threatening me. You don't want to coach me, don't."

"Mike. Coaching you ... that's my life. There's only one

thing I know that's better. But if you aren't going to listen to

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me, I cannot stand by and watch you blow your fucking life
for one stupid race. It's not a threat, it's just a fact. I'm the
coach, I make the rules, you follow them. If that
arrangement's not working for you anymore, then I can't be
your coach." Jess' face was serious, fucking grim, even.

Mike's whole world stopped. Just stopped.
A bus pulled up to the corner where he was standing and

staring—Christ, had they done all this on the street?—and he
slid in as the doors closed. Just got on, dropped a quarter in,
and sat down, leaving Jessy standing open-mouthed on the
corner. He didn't even know where he was going.

* * * *

Mike walked in the door at dusk, sweaty and exhausted.

He'd ridden the bus to the end of the route and then walked
and walked, spending the afternoon wandering. He didn't
know if he had a lover, a coach, both, neither.

Everything was betraying him—his body, Jess, everything.
He'd called his Aunt Kathy, cried a little, fussed a little,

growled a little, and then stopped when he realized she
wasn't listening. To her, swimming was little kids splashing in
the pool, and the races were just about bragging rights and

Jessy came out into the hall, looking drawn and haggard.

"I've been out of my fucking mind worrying about you."

"Come to the meet with me. I need you, Jess. Please." He

was too tired to play.

Jess rubbed his face. "Mike ... I can't condone you racing. I


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Everything in him slumped, and he headed downstairs to

grab his little bag of gear. He'd never done a meet without his
coach. Hell, he'd never done a big meet without Jess.

Jess followed him. "So you're going?" He sounded


"What am I supposed to do? Damn it. What if it doesn't get

better? What if this is it? I'm a swimmer, Jessy. I fucking
swim. I race. Focus on the motherfucking wall. I've been
training for this meet for a year."

"It'll get better, Mike. But not if you fucking push it.

There's other goddamned meets. Focus on another fucking
wall." Jessy took his face in those big hands. "Please, Mike.
Don't do this."

He closed his eyes, leaned into the touch, a tear sliding

down his cheek. "Jessy." He reached out, circled the trim
waist with his arms. "I need you. I need you there with me.
One race. No relays. No bullshit. I need to do this, and I can't
do it without you." He wouldn't.

Jess' thumb brushed away his tear, and those lips touched

his, breathed Jessy's air into him, and he felt as much as
heard the long sigh. "I still think this is a bad a idea. A stupid

"You can yell at me after. When that prick's apologized and

we've got first place." He met Jessy's eyes. "I love you."

"You're not doing this just to show up Hank, are you?"
"No. I'm doing it because I can win. Because I'm at the top

of the rankings and I'm not losing it at the end."

Jess shook his head. "It's a bad fucking idea, but I'll go

with you. And if you make that shoulder worse, I am going to

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be all over your ass for the next year. You think I'm a hardass
now? You ain't seen nothing yet, kid. Nothing." Then he was
being held close, hugged tight. "I love you, Mike. And I won't
abandon you. But I'm not happy."

Oh, thank God. Something inside him eased, something

deep. Jess wouldn't leave him, wouldn't desert him.

"Come on. If you're going to insist on doing this, we'd

better get our gear together and get our asses on a plane.
You'll need a feel for the pool."

"Yeah. Yeah, Coach." He took a quick kiss. "Thank you. I

need you."

Jess took a kiss, too, long and hard. Possessive.
"I need, too, Mike. More than you might know."
He dared to smile at his lover, his coach, his entire fucking

world. "Do I still get six months of anytime sex after?"

* * * *

The All-Americans were a pretty big deal, and the 400

men's individual medley was one of the showcase races. The
stands were packed. Hank's crew was there, along with some
of the big names. With the Olympic trials next year, everyone
was feeling out the competition.

That Mike had made it to the finals was not surprising to

Jessy, or to anyone who'd been following the kid, but he was
the underdog, the unknown, the longshot in this crowd. And,
so far, the kid had been nothing but cool under pressure, all
his focus on the wall, ignoring the trappings, the press.

And this was it. Almost start time for the big race. Mike

had one of the outside lanes. He was going to have to step it

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up to win this one. But Jess knew the kid had been holding
back some, careful to save his shoulder for the big race. The
kid looked great, listening to his music, eyes focused on the
pool. Jess was keeping his distance, not wanting his nerves to
infect the kid.

Those brown eyes met his, serious and focused, sure.

When the call came, Mike put his gear down and headed to
the deck, arms swinging in wide circles, trying to keep that
shoulder loose. Jessy wasn't much for prayers, but he said a
little one for Mike's arm. He'd never wanted to be wrong
about something more than he wanted to be wrong about this

The swimmers settled up on the blocks—eight long, lean

bodies, three of them Hank's boys.

The buzzer sounded and they were off, Mike starting

strong, pushing toward the wall like a sprinter.

Jessy bit his lip, watching intently, every muscle in his

body tight, tense. Mike wasn't going to break any records this
time, but he and the top seed were neck and neck, Mike
matching him stroke for stroke. When they hit the last turn,
Mike opened it up, pushing hard, sliding through the water
like a champ.

Fucking Christ, the shoulder was holding. Mike was going

to do it. And with the top seed in lane four and Mike in lane
eight, Anderson wasn't even going to know he was being

"That's it, kid," he muttered. "Get to the wall, just focus on

the fucking wall and get there as fast as you fucking can." He
held his breath as his Mike dug deep again, the stubborn,

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beautiful asshole kid finding another burst of energy, and
fucking drove it into the wall, the entire stadium on its feet.

He roared, hands pumping in the air. Yes! Yes! Fucking

beautiful! Fucking amazing!

Mike turned, looking up at the boards, face lighting up like

Christmas, arms up in the air. "Yes!"

He met the kid's eyes, pumping his hands in the air,

sharing the joy as the crowd continued to go wild. He headed
over, giving Hank a shit-eating grin as he passed the man.

Mike pulled himself out of the pool and onto the coping,

standing up and waving to the crowd, then those dark eyes
focused on him, mouthing, "We did it, Coach!"

He grinned, mouthed back, "You did!" He'd never been so

glad to be wrong before.

Mike was waiting, watching, never even seeing Anderson

as the man slammed right into him. It was like fucking slow
motion as Mike spun and slid on the slick tile. Long arms
windmilled as Mike went down, body hitting the deck with a
dull crack before rolling limp into the water with a splash.

He was there in an instant, jumping into the water.

Someone tossed him a collar and he got it around Mike's neck
before turning him over, getting his face out of the water.

His heart was pounding, stomach tight again, a fist of fear

in his belly. His lover was out cold, eyes rolled back, just lying
there. Jess could hear people calling for a body board, could
hear the whine of the ambulance.


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He bit back his worry and his fear, leaning in and listening

for breath sounds. Okay. Yeah. Strong and steady, no
whistling, no gurgling. Thank fuck.

He relaxed marginally and started talking, voice low,

mouth next to Mike's ear. "Come on, baby. Come back to me
now. You did it. You're supposed to be celebrating."

He let the lifeguards get the board under Mike but kept

talking, kept trying to reach Mike.

Mike shuddered, eyelids fluttering. "Jess. Jessy? I hurt.


"Sh. Sh. I know, Mike. I'm here. Don't move, okay? You

got hit. Fell. You're on a board and we're gonna get you to
the hospital. Just focus on my eyes, okay?"

"We won, Coach." Those eyes were rolling a little,

unfocused, confused. "We won."

"Yeah, baby. You owned the fucking race."
"Yeah. I ... I want my pizza and home now, 'kay? Just like


"Soon, Mike. You got knocked into the pool via the coping,

hit your head pretty hard. Just need to check you out, 'kay?
No moving, no fretting. Just focus on my eyes, baby."

The paramedics didn't want to let Jessy ride with them, but

he growled and blustered and just simply refused to be parted
from his swimmer, and they finally relented.

Mike shifted from scared to dopey to hurting and back to

scared, answering the paramedics' questions for the most
part, only a little screwy. "My back hurts, man, right beneath
my shoulders."

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Funny, only not, how you went from worrying about a

shoulder injury taking your boy out for more than a season to
worrying about whether or not he was going to be able to

"Soon as we're at the hospital the doc's gonna check you

out, Mike. We're almost there." He couldn't bring himself to
say Mike was going to be just fine, because it just might not
be true and he wasn't going to lie.

"'Kay, Coach." Mike closed his eyes and the paramedic


"Oh, no. You need to stay awake, guy. Come on, now.

Open those eyes. No sleeping."

That familiar, stubborn line appeared between Mike's


"His name's Mike," Jess told the paramedic and then he

turned his growl back onto Mike. "I said focus on my eyes,
Mike. You're not focusing."

"I thought I was taking a break from the wall, Coach."
"Since when were my eyes ever the wall?" That's it, kid,

keep sassing me.

"You know how long it took me to learn to focus on the

fucking wall, Coach. I try to switch now? I'll be at the big
games before I switch back."

The paramedic chuckled as they pulled into the hospital.

"Sir? You'll need to fill out paperwork at the main desk."

He shook his head. "Either bring it to me or I'll fill it out

after. I'm not leaving him."

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Mike's hand held onto his and they headed into the

emergency room, a nurse grabbing him before he could go
into the room. "There's no room for you in there right this
second. Let's get him stable, get him checked in and X-rayed.
You know if he's allergic to anything?"

"No allergies. He's going to freak out without me there—I

thought the idea was to keep him from moving." He tried to
push past her.

"He'll be okay. They'll got him strapped on a body board.

Can you tell me what happened?"

"Yeah. Anderson shoved him hard and he slipped on the

coping, fell onto his back and into the fucking water." He was
going to find that little pissant and beat him into a fucking
pulp, and that asshole Hank, too.

"Coping?" The nurse looked confused. "Was he conscious

when he hit the water?"

"The deck near the pool, and I don't think so. He wasn't

when I got him collared and turned over." He looked past her,
trying to see what they were doing to Mike.

One doctor was shining a light into Mike's eyes, the other

listening to his chest. "Was he coherent when he woke up?
Any vomiting? Any loss of motion?"

"A little out of it. No vomiting. And he was strapped to the

fucking backboard and told not to move." He growled at her.
"He complained about his back hurting, below his shoulders."

She nodded. "If it's any comfort, that's not a bad sign. If

he was numb? Then you'd have a serious problem. You said
he was shoved. Will you need the police?"

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Would he need the police? He considered it. Considered

saying fuck the police and going over there and making good
on the plan to beat the shit out of the kid who'd done this.
The police were maybe a better idea. If it had been
deliberate, and he fucking believed it had, he'd get Anderson
and his Coach, Hank, banned. That wouldn't happen if he got
physically involved. He nodded. "Yeah. I do."

"Okay, I'll help arrange that. My name's Anita, by the way.

I'm your liaison. Everybody in critical care gets one, Mr..."

"Turner, but you can call me Jessy." He shook her hand.

"Listen, Anita, he's going to be frantic. Is there any way I can
get in there, give him something besides the hospital and
being strapped to a board to focus on?"

"Let me go find out. I'll do my best." She patted his arm

and hurried away, speaking to the doctors spinning around

Over and over he heard people saying, "Wake up, Mike.

Come on. No sleeping."

He pushed in, not caring if it was allowed and ignoring

everyone to get to Mike's head. "Come on, baby. You stay
with me, you hear me. No fucking sleeping. Not until I say
you can."

Those dark eyes were steadier now, but still a little dazed.

"'M sleepy, Coach. Tired in my bones."

"I know, Mike, but you can't sleep, not yet, okay? I gave in

on the race today—you let me have this one and stay awake."

He got a grin. "Yeah. I promised to be good ... what? Six

months? A year?"

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One of the doctors chuckled, then met Jessy's eyes. "I

need to get him into X-ray so we can take a look."

"I'm staying with him. I can keep him awake." He was

brooking no arguments. They wanted him gone that badly,
they could call fucking security.

"Okay, stay out of the way. Let's go."
He held onto Mike's hand, the stretcher gliding down the


* * * *

Jess wouldn't leave Mike's side. Not for the cop who came

to talk to him, not for the nurses and doctors doing their thing
to get Mike settled into a bed in a private room. Jessy sat and
held Mike's hand, growling at all comers and talking to Mike
any time the kid looked like he was starting to drift off.

Anita had told him the doctor would be in shortly to tell

him what was what with Mike, and he waited anxiously.
They'd taken the kid off the board and removed the collar, so
he was hoping for the best.

"You want the TV on, Mike?"
"Sure. Cool." Mike blinked slow, shifting his head and

winced. "Shit, my head hurts."

"That, young man, is what happens when one whacks it on

concrete." This tiny, grey-haired, round doctor bustled in,
smiling. "Good evening, I am Dr. Manat. You must be Michael
Gaulliet? And you, sir? His swimming coach, yes?"

Jessy nodded and let go of Mike's hand to shake hers.

"Jessy Turner. What's the news, Doc?"

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"Well, the skull is fine. There is a bad concussion, so no

sleeping for another..." She checked the chart. "Three hours,
please, and we'll keep him overnight, just to watch. The X-ray
shows a herniated disc—it is bruised, yes? And a torn rotator
cuff on the left side. I would visit with a sport physician as
soon as possible. There will be some pain, some swelling. I
will prescribe muscle relaxants for a week, a regimen of heat
and ice. Then your orthopedist will arrange therapy."

He breathed a sigh of relief, not realizing how much he'd

been worried about Mike's back.

"We've got a sports specialist in Austin. When do you think

we can fly home?" He'd fly Jackson out here if he had to, but
Mike would be more comfortable at home. They both would.

"When can I start training again?" Christ, the kid never


"If there is no unusual swelling? You can fly tomorrow,

although I would much recommend first class." Dark eyes
smiled at Mike, the look sympathetic. "You will have to be
very careful. Six weeks before you ease into things. Minimum.
If the disc ruptures? You will have the surgery and there will
be no more races."

"We'll do everything we can to make sure that doesn't

happen." He took Mike's hand again, giving the kid his
support. "We're going to follow doctor's orders, aren't we,

"Whatever you say, Coach. I'll be good." Yeah, for ten or

twenty minutes, tops.

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"You'd better be." He gave Mike his best growl, but his

heart wasn't in it. He was just so fucking relieved things
weren't worse than they were.

"Mr. Turner, if I could have a word with you? Just some

basics in case another physician checks you out."

He raised an eyebrow. She wanted to talk to him without

Mike? That was never good. "Sure. Here's the remote, Mike.
You call out if you need me before I get back, and don't play
the music too loud. I won't be long."

Mike nodded, already flipping channels, and the doctor led

him into the hallway. "It does look very good, and I don't
want to alarm you, but there's a bit of swelling at his brain
stem. It will ease in a day or two, but he might by seriously
off-balance for up to a week and, if you do allow him back
into the water early—which I seriously, seriously recommend
you don't—his breath control may be affected."

"I'm taking him to our doctor in Austin as soon as we get

off the plane. He won't be in the water as long as it takes.
Even if I have to tie him down."

She chuckled. "Athletes are the worst. If your physician

needs my notes, have him contact my office. For tonight, he
can eat, but please alert a nurse immediately if he gets
nauseated. We don't want that stress on him."

"I don't suppose he can have pizza?" What he wouldn't

give for the shoulder being their biggest problem.

"If he wants it, I don't see why not. You can buy it in the


He made a face. "Is it real pizza, Doc? Or should I order

some in?"

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Dark eyes just twinkled. "There's a phone book in the

drawer beside the bed."

"Thank you. It's a tradition, you know? Pizza after a

winning meet."

He looked into the room, making sure Mike's eyes were

open. "There's been a lot of pizza."

"There will be more. He's young, strong." The doctor

nodded. "If I don't see you again, good luck."

"Thanks, Doc. I appreciate your honesty." He shook her

hand again.

A group of people started gathering at the nurses'

station—all boys and coaches he knew. "Coach! Coach
Turner! We gotta see Mike!"

One kid who was Mike's shadow at the UT pool held up a

gold medal, waved it.

He grinned and turned to the doctor. "Can they see him for

a few minutes? They haven't even had a chance to
congratulate him on his win."

"Two at a time. Keep the high-fives to a minimum."
"Thanks." He turned to the kids. "Let me just make sure

he's feeling up to socializing, okay?"

He ducked back into the room. "You've got a whole pool's

worth of visitors, Mike. You up to seeing a couple at a time?"

"Visitors? Yeah?" Mike nodded, winked. "Not Anderson."
He chuckled, though he didn't find it very funny. "Nah, it's

Jason and the others from Austin. I think Jason's got a little
something that belongs to you." He squeezed Mike's hand and
stroked the kid's cheek. "Love you, Mike."

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"Love you, Jess." Those eyes caught his, so serious. "I'm

going to be okay?"

"Yeah. It's gonna be a while before you're back in the

water, but you're going to be okay."

"Gonna race again?"
"You bet your sweet ass. I'll be riding you in no time."
"Okay. Okay. You gonna stay here tonight?" The fingers

around his were trembling, sweaty, holding on tight.

"I'm not going anywhere, Mike, I promise. You can see the

guys, have your pizza, and then I bet your three hours'll be
up and they'll actually let you sleep." He stroked Mike's cheek
again. "It's gonna be okay, baby."

"Okay." Mike nodded, those eyes focused on him, trusting

him. "Bring on the crowds, Coach."

"Two at a time. And the minute it's too much, you let me

know and it's over. You don't need to prove anything to
anyone here, got it?" He gave Mike a stern look.

"Yeah. I just wanna go home." Mike tried to reach up,

stroke Jessy's face, but the shoulder stopped him.

"Sh. Sh. Take it easy." He bent down, pressing their lips

softly together. "First class flight tomorrow. And then we're

Mike nodded, relaxed. "Home."
"Yeah." He kissed Mike again and then went to let the first

couple in.

"Jase. You and someone else can bring him that gold."
"Hey, Jessy." Hank Roberts was standing in the back of the

crowd, just hovering. "He okay?"

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"He's gonna live. No thanks to you and your boys." He had

to resist the urge to rush at the man, both fists flying.

"I didn't have anything to do with it, man. I wanted to

coach your boy. I wouldn't. Hell, man. I wouldn't."

Jessy just shook his head. This wasn't the place or the

time, not with Mike needing him back in his room and the
boys all wanting to go in and see him. He turned his back on
Hank, letting Jase and Bobby in.

Mike found a smile for them. "Jase-man. You see my


"Hell, yes. You rocked. I brought your medal."
Grinning, Jessy stood back against the wall, letting them

visit without him hovering.

The kids chatted, draped the medal over Mike's head. The

conversation went on for a while, one set of kids coming,
another going, Mike sinking deeper and deeper into the

He hurried the last few along. "Sorry, guys. He's tired and


He tugged Mike's hand a bit. "And not allowed to sleep for

a couple more hours. Don't fade out on me yet, Mike."

Mike blinked over, eyes tired. "Hours, Couch?"
"Sorry, but yeah. Two more hours." He squeezed Mike's

hand. "You want a pizza, kid?"

"I want orange juice and ... Cheerios. I want Cheerios."

Mike grinned. "Tomatoes and cheese sound sort of urpy."

He grinned. "Well, I bet the cafeteria will have those."
"Cool." Those eyes twinkled up at him. "I bet a Dr. Pepper

would help me stay awake..."

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He laughed. "No way. You can't get back in the water

before the doc lets you, but there's other ways to train, and
you are not going back on caffeine until your career is over."

"Damn. What good is being on the injured roster then?"

Mike actually relaxed, the familiar struggle easing him.

"I'll make sure you get some perks." He waggled his

eyebrows and winked.

The laughter comforted him, Mike scooting over. "Come

rest with me. I'll eat later."

He considered saying no, not wanting to risk jostling Mike,

but he wanted it as badly as Mike did, so he was just really
careful, lying on his side at the edge of the little bed.

Mike sighed, smiled. "Jess? Today? Deeply screwed up."
He rubbed his hand on Mike's taut belly. "Yeah, I know.

Deeply, deeply screwed."

"I won the race, though. I focused on the wall."
"Yeah. And you did it without totally screwing up your

shoulder." He kissed Mike's cheek. "You did good."

"I love you, Jess. Thank you for being here. I ... God, I

would've freaked without you."

"Sh. I'm here, Mike. There's nowhere else I'd ever be."
"Cool." Mike's eyes closed, his lover cuddling carefully.
"No getting too comfortable." He danced his fingers lightly

along Mike's belly.

Mike chuckled, nuzzled. "Won't."
"Good." He watched Mike's face, happy to be able to do so,

knowing how close he'd come to losing his swimmer, his

"Let's play 'What if.'"

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He got a grin, a nod. "Yeah. Okay. You start."
"All right. What if you won a half dozen gold medals at the

Olympics?" If they were going to play pretend, they might as
well go for the gold.

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Chapter Five
They'd gone from the airport straight to the medical center

and a shitload of tests and pokes and X-rays and, fuck, Mike
was tired. The doc had said a ton of shit that he didn't listen
to, that he just trusted Jess to understand, his whole focus on
staying upright, the room having an alarming tendency to
spin. They grabbed some food on the way home, the smell of
whatever it was making him just a little queasy.

"I don't feel good, Coach. Are we close?"
"Five minutes, but I can pull over if you need me to."

Those blue eyes glanced at him, full of concern.

"No. No, I just want to go home. World keeps spinning.

Doc say that was normal?"

"Yeah, she said about a week maybe, even." Coach's hand

reached out and settled on his thigh.

"'Kay." He just kept his eyes closed, focusing on Jess'

hand. "When can I get in the water again?"

He chuckled. "Patience, Mike. It's going to be a few


"Weeks? I don't think I've ever gone weeks without

swimming, Coach."

"Are you really itching to get in the pool right now, Mike?

You're having trouble sitting. You can start complaining when
you honestly are chomping at the bit."

"Okay." He grinned, nodded. "Just didn't want to get out of


Coach laughed. "Brat."
"Yeah, your brat."

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He grinned as the car stopped. "Does this mean hours of

soaking in the whirlpool and massages?"

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you." Jessy got out and came

around to help him out. "And, yeah. I guess it does."

He groaned as his back twinged, the world spinning.


Jess' arm went around his waist. "I'm likely to hurt you

more carrying you, but you can lean on me."

"'Kay." Like he didn't spend half his time doing just that.
Coach got him inside and settled on the couch. "You want

something to drink, baby?"

"Oh, yeah. Please. Sprite?" He found a comfortable spot

and just closed his eyes. Home. God.

"Yeah, okay." Jess' hand slid on his shoulder, squeezed.

"Be right back."

"Thanks." He could feel tremors starting in his legs, his

belly, shaking starting deep in his bones.

Home. God. Fuck.
"Here you go. Hey." Jess sat next to him, pulled him into

those strong arms. "Hey."

He looked up into Jess' eyes, unexpectedly teary. "I. I. I'm

sorry. I'm okay. I just. Home, you know?"

Jess nodded. "Yeah, I know. And it's safe here, yeah?

You're home. I've got you. As long as you need and then
forever more."

"I know. I know. I was scared." He cuddled in, needing his

lover, his rock, his coach.

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"Yeah, me, too, baby, me, too." Jess held him, warm and

solid, hand sliding along his back, soothing him. Slowly but
surely, those hands eased him, put his world to rights.

"I was thinking of bringing one of the beds down here,

setting it up so you wouldn't have to use the stairs for a
couple of days."

"Is it big enough for both of us?" He didn't want to sleep


"I wouldn't have it any other way, Mike."
"Cool." Jess always knew what to say, knew how to make

it right.

"I want you to spend the next few days relaxing, okay? No

thinking about training or swimming or anything but working
on feeling better."

"I'll try, Coach. We can watch some movies, yeah?" He

frowned, petted Jess' belly. "When can we fuck again?"

"Oh, you must be feeling better." Jess kissed the top of his

head. "Nothing energetic until you've got your balance back.
At the earliest."

"Okay. So. First order of business. Balance."
"Oh, baby, at least I know you're motivated." Jess' fingers

slid across his cheek, warm lips touching his. Mike moaned,
pushing into the kiss, tongue sliding over Jess' bottom lip.
Jess groaned softly and looked into his eyes. "You start
moving and I'm gonna stop. I just want you to lie back and
enjoy it, all right?"

"Okay. Yes. Please." He took another kiss, moaning, prick


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"I mean it, Mike. I probably shouldn't even be doing this. I

just..." Jess' lips slid over his again then moved on to his jaw,
to the skin behind his ear. "Love you."

"Yeah. Need you to touch me, Jess. Bring me home."
Jess' mouth slid over his again, tongue pushing in as warm

fingers worked open the buttons of his shirt. He moaned low,
trying to stay loose, stay relaxed. Jess slid away from the
kiss, mouth following his open shirt and down, licking at his
nipples, his belly.

"Oh. Oh, good." His stomach muscles rippled, responding

to Jess' heat.

Jess hummed, mouth moving down, fingers undoing the

ties on Mike's sweatpants, tugging them down. The air on his
cock was cool, Jess' breath hot. He spread his legs, shifting.

"Stay still," growled Jess, nipping at his hip.
"Y ... yes, Jess." God, he wanted.
"Good boy."
Jess turned his head, tongue sliding along Mike's cock.

Mike whimpered, eyes rolling. Oh. Oh, he'd be good for this.
That hot tongue found the head of his cock, pushing into his

"Oh. Oh. Oh, Jess." He couldn't sit still through this.
"I'm bringing the bed from the playroom down," growled

Jess before sliding down over his cock, taking him all the way
in. He arched, hips rocking, a soft cry leaving his lips. Jess
pulled off him again, blue eyes shining up at him. "And that's
why. Gonna keep you still if I have to tie you down."

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Jess used his tongue again, sliding it around his head,

teasing the sensitive skin. Mike panted, balls tight, need
riding him. Jess hummed and took him in again, slowly going
all the way down on him, sucking hard. Those strong fingers
wrapped around his hips, holding him in place.

"Oh." He wanted to move, to ride Jess' cock until they both

came, to hear Jess' roar of pleasure.

Jess just kept sucking him, head bobbing, pulling the

pleasure right out of him.

"Gonna. Oh, Jess. Now." He let go, balls tight as rocks,

cock throbbing.

Jess pulled off just as he started to shoot, most of his

come hitting Jess in the face. A last kiss to the tip of his cock
and Jess moved back up. "Clean me off, baby."

Mike whimpered, tongue sliding, licking. Oh, fuck. Jess

made him ache, made him feel so good. Jess moaned, tongue
coming out now and then to tangle with his before letting him
get back to licking at Jess' face. Yeah. Yeah, Jess. He
groaned, tongue sliding along the stubbled jaw.

He kept licking even after there was no more come on

Jess' face, and in a few minutes Jess shifted, settling next to
him, pulling him into those strong arms, his head resting
against one solid shoulder.

"You needing, Jess? I got one good arm..." He was melted,

eyes already closed.

"So do I, kid." A kiss was dropped onto his head. "Sleep."
"But I..." The words were interrupted by a huge yawn.

God, he was warm and cozy.

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"How about giving not arguing with me a try, Mike. Just for


"Mmm ... Okay. Just today. I'll start again tomorrow."
Jess' chuckle made his head jiggle a little. "Sounds fair."
"'Kay. Love you." He hummed, then settled right in.
"Yeah, me, too, baby."
Jess' hand slid slowly along his arm, warm and good.
He opened his mouth to say something else, but by the

time he figured out what that was, he was already asleep.

* * * *

Jess was surprised by how good Mike was being. A whole

week since the "accident," and so far the kid hadn't fought
the imposed moratorium on getting in the water or really
doing any strenuous physical activity. He had the kid doing
hours on the recumbent bike because that let him keep his
cardio up without putting a strain on anything, but that was
it. The diet stayed the same, though in smaller portions, and
the caffeine was still off-limits, which was the only thing Mike
had been hounding him about.

Frankly, he preferred the old Mike, the one who nagged

and pushed and was healthy.

Jess had breakfast made up and was just getting ready to

call Mike in from the front room where they'd set up the bed
when the kid walked in. "Hey. Perfect timing."

"Mornin'." It took him a second to figure out what was

different about Mike, to see that the sling for that left arm
was missing.

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He frowned as he put the vegetable omelets on two plates

and set them at the counter. "Your arm feeling better?"

"Yeah, some, and that sling thing was stinky. I put it in the

washer." Mike poured himself a cup of orange juice, staring at
the coffee maker longingly.

"Yeah, well, just be careful with it. Stop making moon eyes

at the caffeine and sit and eat."

Mike stuck his tongue out, grabbed some salsa out of the

fridge. "Bitch."

He raised an eyebrow. "I see you got your mouth back."
"That's not what got hurt." Mike sat, poured the salsa over

his omelet, and started eating.

Jessy snorted. "Maybe not, but it's been on the bench

since you got hurt. I was kind of getting used to it."

"Bullshit. If you hated my mouth, you would have gotten

rid of me ages ago." Mike ate a few more bites. "I want back
in the water."

"Three weeks, Mike. You've made it through one. Don't

start chomping at the bit already or we're not going to make
it without killing each other." He'd been waiting for that,
anticipating it, had his compromise all worked out. Didn't pay
to let the kid know there was a compromise point, though.

"I need to get in the water, Coach. Just need to move, to

float. I'm getting landlegs."

He chuckled. "Your gills drying out, kid?" He ate a few

bites, letting Mike wait.

"Hell, yeah. Hell, I'm getting hairy, Coach. It's just not

working for me, this being hurt thing."

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He chuckled. "Well, I can wax you up anytime, Mike. And

you haven't got a choice on the hurt thing. You are. I guess
we can get you in the water today, though. Flutterboard,
minimal kicking and I don't want you in the pool on your own
until further notice."

"Yeah? Oh, fucking cool, Coach!" Those eyes lit up and he

got a hard, happy kiss. "I'll get my suit."

Then Mike was headed down the hall, breakfast forgotten.
"Hey! Get back here and finish your food." He shook his

head. Mike would live in the water if he could, with only pee
and food breaks.

"Oh. Right." He got one of those grins that, if Mike only

knew how hot they were, would get the kid damn near

He smiled back, fucking horny. They hadn't fucked since

the week before the meet, and it had only been blow jobs for
Mike and hand jobs for himself since then, Mike needing to
keep his back still, let the swelling around his disc go down.

Mike's eyes moved over Jessy's face, those eyes so dark,

happy. "You look good, Jess. Happy."

"You're not dead, kid. That makes me fucking happy."
"'Course I'm not dead. I fell at the pool, not off a cliff."
He chuckled and shook his head. Mike could have

drowned, could have become a paraplegic from that fall.
Things could have been a whole fucking lot worse. And he
wasn't going to let Mike make it worse by swimming too soon.
Still. Being in the pool would help to scratch that itch of

"You look happy, too," he pointed out.

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"Yeah. I'm home. You're home. We're going to the pool.

I'm not dizzy anymore. I can cope."

He nodded. "Good. You have to promise me if anything

twinges, and I mean anything—your right baby toe aches? I
want to know about it. Or if the dizziness comes back or you
have trouble breathing, anything, that you'll tell me right

"Does that include blue balls? Desperate need to be


His mouth twitched, but he held back his smile. "Last time

I checked—and I gave them a pretty thorough going over up
close and personal last night—they weren't blue, Mike."

Mike's laugh rang through the kitchen. "Things change

quick, Coach."

His cock was getting good and hard; knowing Mike wanted

it as badly as he did felt good. "I thought you wanted in the

"I do. I want lots of things." Those eyes met his dead-on.

"You? You, I need, Jess."

Jessy moaned, the look in those eyes enough to make his

cock harder than diamonds. "Let's get in the water, float a
bit. See what comes up."

The water would support Mike some, take the weight off,

maybe let them do more than sucking and hand jobs.

"Cool." Mike leaned down, the motion careful, kissed him

good and hard.

He moaned, hand sliding up to cup Mike's cheek. Fuck, he

loved this kid. Enough that it fucking hurt. Mike purred, eyes
shining, tongue playing with his, sliding and pushing, driving

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him crazy. He shifted and pulled Mike between his legs, hands
sliding over the long back, cupping the sweet ass.

"Mmm..." One hand slid around the back of his neck,

fingers stroking.

He moaned, pushing into the touch and then pushing Mike

gently. "Finish eating, baby. We'll get back to this in the

He got a little pout, but Mike ate his omelet, drinking the

huge glass of juice—Christ, the man got half his calories
there, sucking down that vitamin C. He finished his own
breakfast, hardly tasting it, he was that eager himself. He
hadn't been buried inside that tight heat in too fucking long.

Mike got the dishes rinsed and in the dishwasher. "Do I

need my suit, Jess?"

"Not unless you don't want to get fucked."
"I want. I want." Mike held out his right hand, the left one

tucked against his belly. "Come on."

He took Mike's hand and followed his lover out to the pool.
They both stripped down, leaving their clothes at the edge,

and slipped into the water. Not even the sudden shock of cold
could cool his ardor, his cock still hard and wanting. Mike,
though, looked happy as fuck, sliding through the water
instinctively. He let Mike fuck around a bit, but as soon as it
started to look like the kid was going to start doing laps, he
looped an arm around the trim waist and tugged Mike against

"Mmm ... hey, Coach." Mike grinned, body slipping and

sliding again his own.

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"Hey, Mike." He brought their mouths together, taking a

long, hard kiss, the need huge inside him.

Mike groaned, melting against him, all long, warm need.

Jessy rubbed against Mike's body, wanting to lay his lover out
on the deck and fuck him into the ground. He couldn't
though. Not today, not yet. But he could have Mike here in
the water and that would do. His fingers slid around to Mike's
ass, teasing the crease.

"Mmm ... yeah. Oh, it's been eons." Mike's thighs parted,

drifting around Jessy's waist.

"Maybe a couple weeks. Feels like eons though, I'll give

you that." He pushed one finger into Mike, moaning, cock
throbbing at the tightness, the heat.

"Eons." Mike licked his lips, eyes on his. "Want you so


"I'm working on it, baby."
Brat. Impatient brat.
Sexy impatient brat.
He pushed a second finger in, leaning in to lick at Mike's

lips. "You tell me if anything so much as thinks of saying
ouch, you hear me?"

"Uh-huh. I promise. I will." Mike rode him, holding on with

one arm.

"You better." He worked Mike open, the hot passage

holding his fingers tight. He found Mike's gland, pegging it
with his fingertips.

"Oh!" Mike's eyes went wide, body clenching. "Again."

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"Yeah." And again and again. He was gonna make Mike

fucking fly. Mike panted, ass tight and squeezing around him,
body rippling. "Oh, fuck. Need you, baby." He couldn't wait
any longer.

"Deep, Jess. Fuck me."
"Yeah. Deep as I can fucking get." He tilted Mike slightly

and nudged that hole with his cock, pushing in.

"Yes..." Mike leaned into his hands, a low cry sounding,

pure bliss.

He pushed in deep, moaning, burying his face in Mike's


Oh, God, he'd needed this, they both had.
He kept thrusting deep into Mike's body, just fucking

feeling it, loving Mike as hard as he could without hurting

"Miss this. Miss playing. Miss having you stretch me, body

and soul." Mike's words were bitten out, hungry.

"Fuck, yes." He licked at Mike's skin, tasting the salt under

the chlorine, making him moan and thrust harder.

"Oh. Oh, fuck. Jess. Love." Those cries were stunning, so


One hand on the edge of the pool, he got the other one

between them, wrapped it around Mike's cock, and started
pulling in time with his thrusts. Mike gasped, started to ripple,
to rub against him. "Yeah, that's it, Mike. I want you to come
on my cock, let me feel your pleasure." It was the best
fucking thing in the world, this connection between them.
Better even than watching Mike win a race.

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"So fucking deep, Jess." Mike arched, head brushing the

water, come hot on his fingers.

He moaned as Mike squeezed his cock, milking his

pleasure from him. He shuddered, shook, filled Mike deep.

"Love you." Mike floated, resting easy on the water.
"I know." He kissed Mike's chest and slid away, floating

next to his lover. "I love you, too."

Mike smiled, happy just to be there, legs moving slow and


They relaxed together for a while, just floating and

enjoying the water. Eventually he straightened up. "Come on,
let's go out to a movie and a steak or something."

"Yeah? We haven't spent the afternoon out for a long

time." Mike smiled. "Sounds fun."

"Yeah. If you can't train we might as well date." He gave

Mike a wink.

"Bitch." Mike grinned. "Hell, I don't train soon, you'll dump

me for a competitor."

He shook his head and swam over to Mike, turned that

cheek to look into the kid's eyes. "I'm not dumping you."

"Yeah? You ... you're sort of really like the best, Jess."
"So're you, Mike. So're you." He kissed Mike hard and then

hauled himself up out of the pool. "Easy getting out, Mike."

Mike nodded, took the steps, dragging a little. "Man.

Gravity works."

"Yeah, it sure does. You okay to go out or you just want to

hang out here? We could rent something to watch." He tried
not to fret, not to move in and wrap his arm around the kid's

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"No. I want to get out and play for a little while. Besides,

we're out of sesame sticks and almost out of orange juice."

He chuckled. "Only you would turn a trip to the grocery

store into a date."

"Hey. I take my dates where I can get them."
"Well, let's go get some clothes on, and you can take one

now." He felt good, loose, easy in his bones after making

And he wanted to take Mike out and have some fun.

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Chapter Six
Mike couldn't sleep. He figured it was finally being off all

the muscle relaxants and shit, but he was wired for sound
and it was 5 A.M.

He leaned over, kissed Jess' forehead. "Going for a swim,


Then he slid out of bed and down the stairs, sliding in the

water without a splash. He wasn't training, wasn't pushing,
just giving his body something to do, moving back and forth
and watching the sky lighten.

Jessy joined him after a while, long body keeping up with

him in a lazy backstroke. It felt good, easy, felt amazing and
right, to have Jess beside him. They did some more laps
together, Jess' body sliding against his now and then. Finally
they stopped, both of them breathing together.

"Morning, Jess."
"Hey, baby. You're up early."
"Couldn't sleep." He gave Jess a smile. "Needed to move,


Jess nodded, slid a hand down his side. "If you weren't

hurt, I'd tie you to the bed and fuck you into oblivion."

"I miss that. I miss being okay."
"I know. Me, too. We'll get it back, though, yeah? The

fucking, the swimming. We'll get back to that wall."

"Promise?" He trusted Jess completely. Jess said he'd

make it, he would.

"I've seen your test results and talked them over with the

doc. You bet I promise."

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"Cool." He floated, fingers twining with Jess'. "What's

today's plan?"

"We'll go see the doc. See if your spine is ready for you to

start really swimming again. Get the new round of exercises."

"More needles?" He wrinkled his nose.
"You getting squeamish, kid?" Jess' fingers found his ribs,

tickled him.

"Nope." He wriggled, laughing, sliding away from Jess


Jess grinned. "You think you can get away from me?" Jess

shifted toward him, hands moving on his skin, warm in the
coolness of the water.

"You know I can." He hummed, twisting, spinning.
Jess chased him lazily, not pushing him, but playing in the

water with him. It was sexy, arousing, the water slick against
his skin. He let Jess trap him against the wall at the far end of
the pool, that long body pushing up against his back, mouth
licking at his earlobe.

"Mmm ... you got me." The laugh faded into a low moan,

ass rubbing against Jess.

"Yeah, I do." Jess rubbed back, cock hard and hot along

his crease. "Now what should I do with you?"

"Oh ... I have a list." God, he wanted. Sexy bastard.
Jess laughed, the sound sexy, sliding down along his spine.

"Yeah? What's on this list of yours?"

"Mmm ... You spreading me wide, making me need. I want

all of you."

Jess moaned, mouth sliding on his shoulder. "I like the

sound of your list."

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He groaned, legs parting, whispering low. "I ... I want your

hand, inside me."

A shudder went through that big body behind him. "Yes ...

Oh, fuck, Mike. If the doc says you can start swimming, your
ass is mine."

"My ass is yours anyway." He shifted, begging for it.
"Yeah, but it's going to meet my fist as soon as we have

the all clear, baby." Jess was growling, cock sliding along his
crease, pushing against his hole.

"Yes..." He groaned, arched, taking Jess in deep.
"Fuck, Mike..." He was still loose from the night before, the

burn good instead of too much, Jess' groan making him

"Yes. Hard and deep, Jess. Need you."
"Got me," muttered Jessy, hands gripping the wall beside

his head, cock pushing in again and again, fucking him hard.

He ducked his head and went with it, the pressure and

heat deep and right, his cock slapping his belly. The water
moved around them, familiar and cool, right. Jess' cock was
nothing like the water, hot and hard and penetrating, sending
him soaring.

Oh, fuck, it was good. "Gonna take you in, Jess. Gonna

take you."

Jess just moaned, just kept pushing into him. Mike

reached down, pumping his cock, stroking, ass clenching
around Jess' prick.

"Mike. Yes." Jess' thrusts got harder, faster.
Mike nodded, bucking now, water splashing around them.

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"Mine," growled Jess, taking his mouth and pulling him

down into the water, nailing his gland.

The pleasure increased as his lungs started to burn, Jessy

keeping them down for one thrust after another. Spots
started dancing in front of his eyes, his body beginning to
jerk, and just as suddenly as they'd gone down they were up
again, air filling his lungs.

He cried out. "Yours!" His cock jerked, heat spreading from


Jess was just a second behind him, filling him with heat,

roaring to the sky.

He groaned, floating, grinning ear to ear. "So good."
"Shit, yeah." Jess' mouth slid on his skin, tasting him. The

sensation was familiar and right.

"Mmm ... when's the doctor's appointment, Jess?"
"Ten thirty. We can float awhile."
"Cool." He closed his eyes, relaxed. He'd just rest, trust in

Jess to hold him.

* * * *

Mike was fucking bouncing and Jess was grinning wide as

they pulled up at home. Mike's spine was looking really good.
The swelling at his neck and the herniated disk were both
looking good, and they had the green light for Mike to start
getting serious in the pool. The kid's shoulder was still wonky,
worse now than it had been before the last meet, but they
could work on Mike's legs and do some slow laps with his
arms, do weight work to build the muscles back up.

"Let me guess. You want in the pool?"

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"Oh, yeah. It's been days. Days. I want in." Then those

eyes shone. "Then I want to play."

He laughed. "Days? Kid, you were in the pool just this

morning." He winked, knowing that some easy swimming and
floating didn't count.

Mike looked at him. "Fifty laps each stroke?"
He just looked at Mike and shook his head. "Come on,

Mike. Ten each, and if I find you pushing that arm, you'll be
out of the water faster than you can say my name."

Mike rolled his left shoulder, nodded. "Just ten."
"I expect you to count them," he growled. "I mean it."
He got a grin. "You're not coming down to watch?"
"You bet that sweet ass I am. But it's not my job to count."

It was time Mike started getting back into some important

Mike's laughter was sweet, bright. "Focus on the wall?"
"That's it, Mike. Focus on the wall." He leaned in and

kissed Mike. "Come on, I want to watch you swim."

Mike dragged him downstairs, putting the trunks on,

sliding into the water, starting with a lazy butterfly, warming
up. Fuck, he was beautiful, slicing through the water like a
dolphin. Mike was careful, strokes slow and sure, form

Jessy sat and watched, like he so often did, just getting

mesmerized by the perfect form, the long body slicing
through the water. The fact that Mike had come so close to
losing this hit him, made the bottom of his stomach drop out,
as if now that the worst of it was past he could allow himself
to panic about it.

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Mike was good, sliding through the water, ten laps each.

Up until the end. Then he got a wicked grin, and Mike slid
through the water again. He stood, frowning. What was the
kid up to now? And if Mike made his shoulder worse, Jessy
was going to paddle that sweet fucking ass.

Mike made the turn, ass wiggling a little, then he headed

back, slow and easy. Shaking his head he dove in, coming up
next to Mike.

Mike rolled lazily, teasing him, taunting. "Feels good,


"Don't push it, Mike." He reached out and slid his hand

along the fine belly, Mike's skin warm beneath his fingers.

"Mmm ... Pushing it's my job, Jess." Mike purred, eyes

happy, Mike horny.

"Not when you're on the injured roster, Mike." He repeated

the caress, watching those brown eyes, smiling into them.

"Mmm ... feels good." Mike rippled, moaning low.
"We could get out of the pool ... go upstairs."
"We could." Mike nodded, lips parted a little, shining.
He leaned over and licked at those lips, moaning at the

taste, the warmth.

"Going to take me, Jess? Make me fly?"
"You better believe it."
He gave Mike another kiss and headed for the edge of the

pool. Mike followed him, his lover settled and at peace,
happy. Mike needed routine, structure, all the apparatus so
that his scattered focus could fasten on the wall. Jessy
grabbed a towel and threw one at Mike, grinning. He was
eager, excited to be heading back up to their playroom.

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Mike dried off, stripping down to skin, belly tight, cock

filling. Fuck, Mike was beautiful. His. He reached out, fingers
stroking that lovely belly. Those lean muscles rippled,
twitched, responding to him. He stepped close, looking into
Mike's eyes, smiling as he continued to stroke.

"Oh. Jess. You make me need it."
"That's good, isn't it?" He brought their mouths together,

slid his tongue over Mike's lips, slid it between them.

A low, hungry moan sounded, Mike opening for him,

sucking on his tongue. He took off his shorts, leaving them on
the deck as he pulled Mike against him, their bodies sliding
together. They fit together like a hand in glove, Mike cuddling
into him, moaning low.

"We should go upstairs. Find something to fill that pretty

ass of yours."

Mike rippled, cock jerking between him. "Yes. Yes, please."
He took Mike's hand and headed inside. Mike stayed close,

cock brushing his ass, his thigh. He stopped at the door,
turning to take Mike's mouth, hands wrapping around Mike's
hips and tugging him close. Easy, wanton, trusting—Mike just
followed his hands.

He walked them slowly back toward the bed, which he'd

brought back up yesterday, hopeful. Mike's skin was smooth,
freshly waxed a few days ago, both of them anticipating his
return to the water. Best of all, those eyes were heated,
happy, that dull worry gone.

"Love you, baby," he murmured, mouth traveling along

Mike's jaw, lips nibbling at one earlobe.

"Love you. So much, Jess. More than anything."

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"Even more than swimming, kid?"
Those eyes met his, dead-on and serious. "Yeah, Jessy."
"Thanks, baby." He kissed Mike hard, passion surging

through him at those words, with that knowledge.

Mike pushed him onto the bed, straddling him, tongue

pressing deep. Jessy purred, hands sliding into Mike's hair,
holding him in the kiss. Their low groans joined together,
Mike's cock hot and eager on his belly, leaving wet kisses on
his skin. His hands traveled the silky skin, fingertips dragging
along Mike's spine, his crease.

Mike's hips jerked, body moving faster. He groaned,

sucking on Mike's tongue, bucking up against Mike. Mike
grunted, rubbing hard, heading right for the end. He slid his
fingers along Mike's crease again, one pushing into the tight
heat of Mike's body. Heat spilled over his belly, Mike's cry
ringing out.

He moaned, that scent just making him crazy. He ran his

fingers through the come, bringing them up to lick clean.
Mike's tongue slid along with his, quick and hot.

"Baby ... I want you." So fucking much. So hard for his


"Anything. How?"
"Ride me," he growled. He wanted to take Mike with his

hand, but he was too fucking hard, too needy to take the time
to do it right, to do it carefully.

"Oh, yeah..." Mike shivered, slid back and just took him,

so fucking tight. Unreal.

He bucked up with a cry, hands fisting into the sheets.

"Damn. Mike. Baby."

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"Love. Oh, fuck." Mike's head fell back, throat working.
He reached out with one hand, slid his fingers along Mike's

neck and down, sliding the length of Mike's torso. So smooth,
so fine. Fuck, nothing was so fine as that. Groaning, he
pushed up into Mike's body, his orgasm barreling down on

"Yeah. Yeah, Jess. Come on. So fucking fine."
He shouted out, bucking hard as his balls drew up,

spraying up into Mike's body. Mike's hands slid over his face,

"So good."
He shivered, mouth following Mike's hand, licking at the

salt on his palm. "Yeah. Damn."

Mike nodded, warm and relaxed against him.
He stroked his hands down along Mike's spine. "The police

from Minneapolis called today."

"Yeah? What did they say?" Mike's voice was carefully


"There's not enough proof for them to press charges. Hank

and Anderson swear up and down and backwards it was an
accident." He shook his head. "I saw the look on Anderson's
face; he was pissed off. If that was an accident, I'm a chick."

"We're going to have to watch him. I'm not doing this


"Yeah, I agree." Jessy shuddered at the thought of how

bad it could have been. "I'm not letting him anywhere near
you. I'll shadow you right onto the coping if I have to."

Mike nodded, petting his side. "When's my next meet?"

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He chuckled. "Baby, you just got in the water again. It's

going to be months before you're going to a meet. I tell you
what, though. Give it a month and you can practice with the
UT team again."

"I bet there's only a few practices over the summer. The

heavy racers are headed to training camp." There was a little
sorrow there, but not much. "Maybe we could head to the
beach, train in the waves."

He thought about it. If Mike worked carefully over the next

month, slowly built up his endurance, his muscles around that
rotator cuff, he should be strong enough to play in the ocean.
"That's not a bad idea. Combine training with a bit of a

"Yeah? That would be cool." Mike stretched, grinned, body

sliding on his cock.

He groaned and reached around, touching where their

bodies met. "You still wanting, Mike? Still want my hand?"

Mike flushed, nodded, ass gripping his cock tight.
He moaned softly, cock throbbing. "Damn. Just the

thought of that is sexy."

"Uh-huh. You ever done it before?"
He shook his head. "No. That going to change your mind?"
"No. I haven't either." Mike winked.
He chuckled, moaning as that slid his cock inside Mike.

Mike leaned forward, licking his jaw, nibbling.

"How you want to do this? On your back?"
"I guess. That works. I don't know. How do people do it?"
"I don't know, Mike, it's not like I've sat in on a couple

doing it or anything."

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Mike laughed, and Jessy's cock slid free as those brown

eyes shone at him. Groaning, Jessy almost whimpered at the
loss. "We're going to need lube. Lots of it."

"That shouldn't be too hard to find." Mike leaned down,

kissed him.

"I sure as hell hope not." He took Mike's mouth, rolling

them over to put Mike on the bottom.

Mike inhaled, eyes dancing. "Pushy old man."
He snorted. "Says the pushy bottom."
"Pushy? Me?" Mike arched, pushing him blatantly. "No..."
He laughed, pressing down against Mike, letting his lover

take some of his weight. It felt like it had been forever.

"Oh..." That sound was pure happy, need and want.
He rubbed them together. "I want you, Mike. I want to

hold you in my hand."

Those big eyes went wide. "That sounds so fucking

amazing, Jess. So huge."

He nodded and brought his hand up, making a fist where

both he and Mike could see it. Mike brought it to those lips,
kissing his knuckles.

He groaned. "Sexy."
"Yeah. Oh, yeah." He bent and kissed Mike, hand reaching

to the side table for the tube of lube. Mike's hand stroked the
back of his head, so warm. "I love you, baby. Always."

Jessy slicked up his fingers generously and started sliding

them along Mike's crease. Mike spread for him, thighs parted,
trembling just a little. Jessy kissed Mike's belly and the tip of
his cock, distracting him as he slid two fingers in.

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by Sean Michael


"Mmm ... Love you." Mike moved, rocking slow and easy.
"Uh-huh." Jessy added another finger, mouth still moving

over Mike's skin, licking that hot cock and then the sweet six-

Those muscles jumped for him, the ring of muscles

tightening around his fingers, squeezing. He hummed, mouth
opening up to take one of Mike's nipples between his lips,
sucking on it as he stretched Mike with three fingers.

"Oh. Oh. Jess." Mike arched, rocking between his mouth,

his fingers.

He bit quickly and went back to sucking, letting that

distract Mike as he pushed his little finger in along with the
three others. Mike took him, still relaxed, still moving, nipple
hard as a stone.

He slowly licked his way up to Mike's ear. "You amaze me,


"Just love you." Mike's voice was raw, husky.
A shudder moved through him. He was one lucky man.
He let his hand slide out of Mike, stopped to lube it back

up and then looked into those dark eyes. "My whole hand
now, Mike, okay?"

"Okay. Yours. Yours, Jess."
"Hell, yes, baby. Mine through and through."
He curled his fingers over his thumb and began to push

them in. Those eyes held his, wide and dark, watching.
Trusting him even as those legs shook. He kept pushing, kept
insisting that his hand would fit and Mike just opened up and
proved him right. Slowly, oh, so slowly so he wouldn't hurt his
boy, he slid his hand into that tight heat.

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"Jess..." Mike's lips parted, breath pushing out in a rush.
"Yeah, baby. I know." And then just like that his hand was

in, Mike's body so tight around his wrist.

"Oh. Oh." Mike shook, muscles fluttering around him


"God, Mike. I ... Oh." Wow. He couldn't believe it.
"You. You're inside me."
"I am. I'm holding you, in the palm of my hand." He kissed

Mike softly.

"Yes. Yes." Those eyes were warm, focused.
He smiled down and wriggled his fingers.
"Oh!" Mike shuddered, mouth open. "Jessy. So much."
"Too much?" He wouldn't hurt Mike. Not for anything.
"No. No. So much. S ... so deep."
"Yeah. I can't believe it." Except he could. It was

undeniable, the heat and tightness around him, the
unbelievable softness of the inside of Mike's body.

Mike's eyes closed, breath slowing, body relaxing as his

baby focused, let him in. He kissed the closed lids, tongue
licking gently. He started to open and close his fingers,
wanting to send Mike as high as he could.

"Oh. Oh. Oh, I." Mike arched, moving on his hand, riding

his fucking hand.

He whimpered. Fucking whimpered, rubbing his cock

against Mike's thigh as he moved with Mike. Mike groaned,
hips moving, sliding, taking him deeper and deeper.

"Fuck, baby ... Amazing. Unbelievable." He punctuated

each word with a kiss, almost shaking himself from the
intensity of what they were doing.

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Mike wasn't talking anymore, just feeling, flushed and

sweating, entire body rocking. Jessy watched for a while,
hand moving as Mike rocked, eyes on Mike's, on Mike's cock,
on the place where his entire hand disappeared inside Mike's
body. Then he bent and licked at one of Mike's nipples, then
the other one, and then the tip of Mike's long, hard cock.

"Jessy." Mike arched, gasping, body almost painfully tight

around him.

He moaned at the sound of his name, at the tightness of

Mike's body around his hand, Mike's muscles holding his wrist
in a vise. Slowly, not wanting to overload Mike, not yet, he
took Mike's prick all the way in. A soft keening filled the air,
Mike just vibrating.

He sucked hard, letting Mike's own rocking motions send

the long cock into the back of his throat. He moved his hand a
little faster, pushing deep, stretching the tight ring of muscles
on the downpull. Mike's cock jerked, a low cry sounding as
hot, bitter spunk filled his lips. He swallowed Mike down,
taking the pleasure into himself, whimpering as Mike's body
went impossibly tight around his hand. His whole body was on
fire, responding eagerly to Mike's.

Mike panted, mouth open, eyes rolling. Jessy slowly let

Mike's cock slide from his lips, kissing his way up to red lips
to share the flavor of Mike's pleasure with him. He got a soft
little purr, Mike opening easily. He kept his hand where it
was, deep inside Mike as he kissed his lover, hips working his
cock against Mike's thigh.

"So beautiful, my Jess." Mike's fingers slid over his face,

his shoulder.

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by Sean Michael


He cried out, pleasure shooting through him at Mike's

words, Mike's touch. Heat sprayed from him over Mike's thigh
and he collapsed against his lover, panting. Mike cuddled in,
holding him deep inside.

They lay like that for a few minutes before he shifted and

sighed. "I should come out."

Mike's body squeezed. "You have to?"
"I think I do. If I stay inside you and fall asleep and try to

roll over I could hurt you pretty badly."

Mike winced. "Oh. Yeah. Ow."
Jessy chuckled softly and kissed Mike hard. God, he loved

this boy—man. Loved him with everything he was. His mouth
softened, the kiss gentle as his hand slowly slid back out.

Mike panted, groaning, spreading wide. "Oh, wow."
He stopped immediately. "You okay, Mike?" He reached for

the tube of slick stuff and spread more around his wrist and
Mike's stretched hole.

"It's just ... Huge, Jess. Like you're everywhere. Like

there's no room for anything but you." Oh, fuck, didn't that
just make him want to stay like this for the rest of their
fucking lives?

He kissed Mike again and continued sliding his hand away.

Mike's body held him tight, seeming loath to let him go, but
then, suddenly, he was out, air feeling strange on his skin.
Mike groaned, chest heaving, legs splayed. He stroked Mike's
belly, murmuring softly, just nonsense words of love and
care, soothing.

Mike hummed, eyes closing, smiling. "Love you, Jess."
He nodded. "Yeah, baby. I love you, too."

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by Sean Michael


After Mike fell asleep, Jessy got up and cleaned up, then

returned to the bedroom. He settled on the bed and curled
around Mike, holding his lover, his life in his hands.

* * * *

Mike dozed for a while, every nerve in his body lit up and

buzzing. He could still feel Jess touching him, spreading him.
Holding him. Fuck.

He got out of the bed, hand sliding along Jess' back,


Jess purred and turned, hand reaching out to grab his arm.

"Where are you going?"

He opened his mouth to say "the pool," then thought

better of it. "Just wandering."

"Come back to bed." It wasn't an order, more a lazy


"Mmm..." He could do that. He slid back against Jess,

cuddling, rubbing. "Hey."

Jess smiled, eyes warm, hands on his back even warmer.


He leaned and started licking, moaning at the taste of Jess'

mouth. Jess opened up for him, fingers dancing on his skin,
the solid body cradling him.

"Mmm." This was one of the most perfect places on Earth.
"You feeling okay?" Jess asked, fingers ghosting over the

bottom of his ass.

He shivered, a shot of lightning going straight to his prick.

"Oh, yeah."

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"Oh, you should see the look on your face, baby. One

hundred percent need."

"I feel all awake. I can still feel you."
Jess nodded. "Yeah, I can still feel you wrapped tight

around my hand. It was something else—you're something

"I'm yours." Mike brushed their lips together, grinned.

"Even if you keep me under-caffeinated."

Jess laughed. "Christ, Mike, are you ever going to let the

caffeine thing go?"

"Nope." He winked, chuckled. "You know I'm just playing

with you, right? I don't even remember what the sodas taste
like anymore."

That had Jess laughing harder. "I know you're just playing.

I also know that the minute I relax that rule you're going to
buy yourself the biggest Dr. Pepper you can find and follow it
up with a bag of donuts and some coffee."

"Oh ... Donuts." He hid his grin. "There's a new Krispy

Kreme down the street..."

Jess chuckled. "I'll have to try it out. Still not on your list

of approved foods, though." Jessy winked, pinched his ass.

"Evil man." Mike grinned, wiggled. As much as he bitched,

Jess' rules kept him from hurting, from puking his lungs out.

Jess just nodded, hands sliding on his skin, coming back to

tease his ass again and again. "I have a reputation as a
hardass to protect."

Every time those fingers got near his hole he gasped. "My


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by Sean Michael


"Well, yeah." Jess rolled him suddenly, knee spreading his

legs so Jess could settle between them. "Just like you're

"I'm not a hardass."
Jess laughed, and Mike loved the way that face looked in

happiness. "You sure?"

He wriggled, clenching, gasping as that sent pleasure

through him. "Uh-huh."

Jess purred. "I want to fuck you while you're still like this."
"Oh. Okay. Yeah." He nodded, hips jerking, body needing

to be filled. "Gonna plug me after, Jess? Keep me full?"

Those blue eyes went hot. "Fuck yes." Jess nipped at his

earlobe. "I want to watch you swimming with it in."

"Oh, fuck." He groaned, rubbing now, body aching.
"Yeah. I know how you feel." Jess' mouth covered his,

hand sliding across his belly and then down to stroke the skin
behind his balls. "Feels like you're on fire down here."

"Uh-huh. Empty. Fuck, Jess. I'm empty."
"I'll fill you up, baby." Jess reached for the lube and then

slid two fingers into him. "Oh, fuck, you're hot."

He pressed down, the brush of knuckles against his hole

making him buck and shudder. "Oh, sweet fuck. Feels so

Jess stretched and fucked him with those fingers. "You're

tight but open. You're going to feel amazing around my cock."

He was close to begging for it, needing it. "Jess. Love."
Jess nodded. "Yeah, baby, I'm not going to leave you

wanting." Jess stroked himself a couple of times and then
guided the fat cock to his hole, pushing in. "Oh, fuck."

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by Sean Michael


"Yes..." Things went white-hot and needy, his entire body


"Oh, fuck," Jess repeated the words, pushing into him with

long, slow thrusts.

He rode hard, eyes rolling, desperate. "Oh, love. Faster. I

can't wait."

One of Jess' hands wrapped around Mike's cock, Jess'

thrusts getting harder, faster, filling him over and over again.
Then Jessy's other arm pressed against his neck, slowly
pressing down against his windpipe. That's all it took and he
groaned, arching as he came, squeezing Jess' cock. Jess
shouted, eyes going wide and more heat filled him.

"Wow." He stretched up, held Jess to him.
Jess nodded, resting against him. "Yeah. Wow."
He just held on, panting, breathing hard, periodically

squeezing Jess' cock. Jess responded with a moan each time
he did, hands sliding on his skin.

"So sexy." He felt beautiful, sensual.
"You are," murmured Jess, head dropping to Mike's

shoulder, licking and breathing him in. "Which plug do you
want? The big one today?"

He nodded, moaning low. "Yeah. Yeah, Jess." God, he was

a slut.

Of course that look on Jess' face was worth it, that look

that was wanton and needy and said he was Jess' entire
focus. He blushed, preened, so pleased. All Jess'.

He was given a hard kiss, Jess sliding out of him. Then his

lover went to the wardrobe and came back with a large,
heavy plug.

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He watched, eyelids drooping. "You remember the first

time you used that?"

Jess' chuckle was husky, sexy. "You kept telling me I was


"I was probably right."
Jess laughed outright at that and wagged the plug at him.

"You not only took it, Mike, you just took my hand. Now
who's the crazy one?"

He chuckled, legs spreading wide. "You. Definitely you."
Jess just grinned and lubed up the plug, fingers of one

hand dropping to tease along Mike's crease, to push into him.
Mike shifted, trying to tighten up, to squeeze.

Jess tsked. "Just let me get you slick again, baby, and get

this in you."

"Mmm ... yeah." God, he was hot.
Jess didn't linger, and soon the unyielding coolness of the

plug pushed at him, warming quickly from his heat. He drew
his legs up, panting a little. Jess' free hand landed on his
stomach, fingers stroking as that plug pushed inexorably in. A
groan pushed out of him, and he started rocking, fucking
himself on the plug, taking it in a bit at a time.

"Christ. Baby." Jess moaned, whimpered at the sight of


"For you. Nobody else. Nobody ever."
A growl met his words, and the plug pushed the rest of the

way in. "Mine."

Mike's eyes rolled, hand dropping to pump his cock as his

body was filled. "Yes."

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by Sean Michael


Jess settled the plug inside him and then wrapped a hand

around his, taking it away from his cock. "Not yet. I want to
watch you swim first. Besides, haven't you had enough for a
couple hours?"

"You're the one making me need, Jess." He squeezed his

ass cheeks together, hips shifting.

"Me? What am I doing?" Those blue eyes were happy

though, a smug smile playing across Jess' lips.

He sat up, pounced his lover. "What are you doing?"
Jess laughed. "Trying to talk you into getting into the pool

so I can watch you swim with that thing inside you."

He moaned, licked Jess' ear. "Perv."
Jess grinned and smacked his ass. "Takes one to know

one, baby."

"You know it." He laughed, tongue sliding over Jess' jaw.
Jess moaned, head turning to bring their mouths together.

The kiss was long and slow, Jess controlling it. He didn't fight,
letting Jess' strength ease him.

"Love you, baby," whispered Jess as their mouths parted.
"Yeah. Yeah, Jess." He nodded, carefully stood. "Let's go to

the pool."

Jess gave him a smile, grinned. "I'll follow you."
"No touching."
"Since when do you give the orders?" Jess asked, hand

swatting his ass softly, jostling the plug.

"First time for everything..." He moaned, shivered.
Jess laughed and swatted him again. "Fucking sexy, Mike."
"Yeah. For you." They headed down to the water, Mike's

steps careful the whole way.

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by Sean Michael


Jess settled in his chair at the middle of the deck, next to

the pool. "Ten laps each stroke, don't push. I'll come fuck you
when you're done."

"Evil bastard." He winked, then slid into the water.
Jess grinned and called out, "That's me."
He could feel Jess' eyes on him as he started to swim. The

plug made him hyper-aware of his body, made his stroke long
and stretched. Despite the cold water, despite the work, his
cock stayed hard, and by the time he was nearly done Jess
slid into the water next to him.

They matched each other, swimming in sync. It felt good

swimming with Jess, not racing, just moving together, bodies
occasionally brushing. And then more than occasionally. He
could feel every motion of his body, every muscle. Jess'
hands started to slide on him, random strokes of the hot
fingers over his skin.

"The plug makes things ... focused."
"Yeah?" Jess' fingers drifted slowly down his back, teasing

his crease.

"Uh-huh. I can feel everything." He groaned, stretched.
"You wanna do it in the water or on deck?" Jess asked him,

finger pushing against the base of the plug, jostling it.

"Oh..." He shook. "In the water."
"Like you would choose anywhere else." Jess was smiling

at him, eyes alight. Then just like that the plug was pulled
out, Jessy tossing it onto the deck.

"Made to be here. Made to be in the pool."

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by Sean Michael


"Made to be mine." Jess crowded him up against the wall,

arms under his to hold him up as Jess' hard cock bumped into
his balls.

"Yes. Yes." He was caught by Jess' eyes, body aching.
He put his legs around Jess' waist, and that's all his lover

needed, cock pushing into his body. He was going to be
bowlegged in the morning, but, fuck, it was worth it. Jess'
thrusts were long and slow, sweet like they were going to do
this until sunrise brightened the sky.

"I love you, Jessy." He smiled, licking at Jess' mouth.
"Oh, baby. I love you, too."
Jess moved a little faster, tongue sliding against his, their

bodies moving easily in the water. He rested, their bodies
sliding together over and over. Eventually Jess' hand slid
down to wrap around Mike's prick, the speed of his lover's
thrusts increasing.

"Love." He moaned the word against Jess' neck. "Soon."
"Anytime, baby. Come for me."
"Yeah..." His orgasm was sweet, slow, leaving him

exhausted, utterly spent.

Jess kept pushing into him and then his lover moaned, soft

and low, filling him with heat.

Jess helped him out of the water and then picked him up

and carried him up to the big bed in their room. He didn't
argue, limp and quiet, completely sated.

Jess covered them and wrapped around him. "I love you."
"Mmhmm." He cuddled, body just one warm, melted mass.
"Wake me next time you can't sleep, Mike."
"Hmm? 'Kay."

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Jess' chuckle was warm and wrapped him in his lover's

happiness as he drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

Jessy worked through his paperwork and made sure the

calendar was up to date. A week from tomorrow, Mike had his
first meet since he'd been pushed off the coping. His swimmer
was out at the pool right now, swimming his heart out,
determined not to lose too much ground to the injury. A
glance at the clock confirmed that Mike had been out more
than long enough.

He put everything away and headed out to the backyard,

grabbing a couple bottles of water on the way. Sure enough,
there was Mike, moving slowly through the water, looking like
he was starting to fade. The damned flutter board was on the
side of the pool, not even wet.

Shaking his head, Jessy went over to the boom box and

turned the music off, crouching at the edge of the pool as he
waited for Mike to swim up.

Mike got to him, head popping up out of the water. "Hey,


"Hey. How many laps is that?" Was Mike even counting?
"Lots and lots." Mike was panting, cheeks flushed.
He rolled his eyes. One of these days he was going to get

Mike to actually pay attention; they claimed to be working on
being able to make pigs fly, too. "Get out before I make you
start counting from one." He managed not to growl. Too

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by Sean Michael


"Grumbly, grumbly." Mike hauled himself up, arms


"You insist on pushing yourself too far, then, yeah, I'm

going to grumble." He handed over the water and got a towel
around Mike, hands rough as he dried Mike off.

"Mmm." Mike stretched for him, every muscle trembling.
He should have brought out the orange juice. He stroked

Mike's belly. "I was gonna suggest we go play, but I think you
need to eat and rest first. We'll have chicken and lettuce
wraps, maybe watch a movie."

"Play?" Mike leaned into him, eyelashes so fucking long,

casting shadows on the thin cheeks.

"Well, you've got a meet a week from tomorrow..." He let

the words trail off suggestively as he walked them into the

"Uh-huh. I could play." Uh-huh. Maybe after juice.
He sat Mike down on a stool and passed over a bottle of

orange juice before pulling out the shredded chicken, the
lettuce, sprouts, and tortillas. "You want the this warm or

"Cold is fine, Coach. Can I have a little of that jalapeno

ranch on it?" Mike's throat worked as he gulped the juice.

"One cold wrap with jalapeno ranch coming up." He put

together two of them, adding a bit of sour cream and salsa to
his, putting the jalapeno ranch on Mike's. Then he grabbed a
couple more juices and sat on the stool next to Mike's. "Don't
eat too fast. We've got all afternoon and evening for the fun

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"I won't. I'm being good. I think we should make chicken

soup and grilled cheese for supper. Late." Mike ate like he
was starving, devouring the wrap and then heading to the
fridge for a bowl of grapes.

"Sounds good." Nice and easy, and a good meal for two to

make, too.

He finished his own wrap at a slower pace and then went

to wash their dishes, giving Mike time to finish his grapes and
start digesting. Mike tossing it all up would be a major
damper on their afternoon activities.

"You feeling better?" he asked.
"Yeah. Feel good." Mike stretched again, rolling at the hip,

at the shoulder. "Starting to almost feel like me."

"Good." He stood behind Mike, crowding a little, his hands

landing on Mike's shoulders. He massaged lightly, Mike's skin
still fairly cool from the pool. "You want to shower first? Warm

He got a soft, sweet sound in answer, Mike nodding,

leaning into his touch.

"'Kay." He rubbed his hips against Mike's ass, bending to

nibble at Mike's nape as his fingers kept working Mike's
shoulders. The smooth skin always called to his fingers, his

"Feels good, Jessy." He grinned, loving how Mike shifted

from swimmer to lover, so easily, so perfectly.

"I know, baby." He slid his hands down over Mike's arms,

then across the lean six-pack. "We'd better head upstairs
before I decide I'd rather just bend you over the counter."

"We'd better." Mike leaned back, belly tight as a board.

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He nodded. "It would be a shame to get counter imprints

on your cheeks." He slid his hand between them to goose

"They'd show in my suit."
"Uh-huh." He slid his hands into Mike's Speedos, pushing

them down off his baby's hips. "Of course, they'd show even
more without it."

"I." Mike chuckled, ass pushing right into his hands.

"What?" He loved it when Mike got so caught up in what they
were doing he forgot what they were talking about.

He turned Mike, taking his baby's mouth, hands wrapping

around Mike's ass and squeezing. "Shower. Bed. The good

"Mmhmm. Water. Sex. Love. Gotcha." Mike wrapped

around him, all laughter and want and eager pleasure.

He started walking backward, tugging Mike along with him,

taking sweet, hot kisses. They managed it, too—hallway,
furniture, doors—Mike trusting him implicitly. The stairs were
a little more complicated, made even more so by them
stopping every few steps to touch, his fingers sliding on that
soft, cool skin, feeling it warm beneath his fingertips.

They were breathless when they got to the bathroom, Mike

chuckling into his lips, hands keeping him close. He leaned
over to get the water going, getting distracted by Mike's hip
bone, and leaning in to lick at it. So smooth. So soft. Freshly
waxed, Mike was his own personal wet dream.

The heat of Mike's cock slid along his cheek and he turned

to give it a kiss before concentrating on Mike's hip again. Mike
started moving, hips rolling a little, just going with it.

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"Mmm ... in the shower, baby." He nudged Mike with his


"Uh-huh." Mike stepped back, humming as the water hit


Jessy watched the water sluice off Mike's skin. Water and

Mike just went together like air and breathing. Grabbing the
soap, he started sliding it over Mike's legs.

"Mmm. Feels good." Mike spread a little, balls drawing up


"Uh-huh." He kept washing, hands sliding up Mike's body.

The shower soaked his T-shirt and his shorts, but he just
didn't care.

"You should come now while you can," he murmured,

soapy hand wrapping around Mike's cock. "Because I'm going
to make you wait before I let you do it again."

"How long?" Mike started moving, fucking his hand


"Well, let's see. We have to get you in the cuffs. Fill you

with a plug. Nipple clamps. Cock ring. The collar. I don't
know, baby—maybe all night long." His hand tightened
around Mike's cock. "Make sure it lasts all week."

"Jessy..." Mike whimpered, humping up, lips parted.
"Gonna make you fly, baby." He covered Mike's mouth

with his own, tongue pushing deep as his fingers dragged
over the skin of Mike's cock.

Mike whimpered, prick throbbing in Jessy's fingers as Mike


He hummed, nodding as he slowly stepped back. "Yeah,

baby. Just like that."

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Mike reached up for him, fingers sliding over his skin.


"Gonna get better." He winked and turned off the water,

tossing a towel at Mike as he stripped off his wet clothes.
"Come to the playroom, baby. I've got those plans..."

"Mmhmm." Mike nodded, followed him with a dazed,

happy grin. Yep. He'd melted his swimmer.

He let Mike follow him right to the wardrobe. "You want to

help pick out which dildo I'm going to use on you?"

"No. You pick. You show me what you need me to feel."
He loved that trust. Humming, he slid his fingers over

Mike's cheek. "Then get in bed and wait for me, baby."

Mike pulled him in for a long, lazy kiss, Mike tasting him,

making him weak in the knees. Then his baby headed toward
the bed, tight little ass swaying. He held on tight to the top
shelf of the wardrobe, swallowing as he watched Mike arrange
himself on the bed. Fuck. He wanted to go over there and
fuck Mike into the mattress. But he wanted to do this more.
Maybe needed to.

He grabbed the collar and the wrist cuffs, chose a pair of

little silver nipple clamps and a dildo that wasn't too large but
had a bunch of little ridges on it. Perfect.

"You ready for this, baby?" As if Mike wasn't.
"Mmhmm. Feel ready for anything."
"Good." He made his way to the bed, lightly dropping

everything onto Mike's sexy belly. "Cuffs first. Wrists only

Those long arms reached up for the headboard, the motion

almost normal again, almost right. Sliding his hands up along

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Mike's left arm, he wrapped the cuff around Mike's left wrist
and attached it to the headboard. Then he did the same on
the right side, Mike's skin warm and smooth, so good beneath
his fingertips.

"You look amazing, baby."
"You like it?" Mike wriggled, stretched, spreading for him.
He swallowed hard, his cock giving a little "Hello, I do,

indeed" jerk against his belly. "You make me want, Mike."

Bending, he brought their mouths together, kissing Mike as

he searched blindly for the nipple clamps among the stuff
he'd left on Mike's belly. His fingers got all distracted with
that skin, the muscles under his touch jumping and jerking.

He found one of Mike's nipples and he pinched it, circled it

with his thumb before moving on. Mike's belly was ridged and
lovely beneath his fingertips and it was almost by accident
that he found the chain that linked the two little clamps
together. Moaning, Jessy broke away from the kiss, needing
to pay attention to put the clamps on.

"No marks. People could see," Mike said. Ha. Mike had a

week to heal.

He flicked his finger across Mike's right nipple, and that

single touch was all it took for the tiny bit of flesh to pebble
right up for him. Drawn to it, he bent and licked across it,
took it between his lips and tugged. Then, quick as anything,
he drew back and put the clamp on the nipple.

"Fuck!" Mike jerked, tugging on the cuffs. Oh, no. No way.

That wouldn't do. Mike needed to be easy on that shoulder.

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Growling a little, he reached up and released Mike's wrists

from the cuffs. "Leave them over your head and don't move

"Jessy?" Mike looked confused, hands staying where he

put them.

"I don't want you to pull that shoulder again with the cuffs.

So we're not going to use them. Instead, you're going to be
cuffed by willpower." He winked at Mike, kissed the sweet
lips. "You're going to leave your hands over your head
because I told you to."

"Oh." Mike groaned a little, nodded. "I'll try."
"Like the little green man said, you'll do." He teased Mike's

other nipple, getting it good and hard so he could set the
clamp on it.

"I. Oh. The clamps are big..."
"It's been too long," he murmured, licking at one nipple

and then the other, blowing on Mike's wet skin.

"We've been busy." Healing. Hurting. Needing.
"I know." They weren't too busy now, though. It was just

the two of them. No swimming, no doctors, just them.

He licked his way down to Mike's belly, nibbling and

sucking, chin bumping into the dildo. It rolled and thumped
onto the bed, Mike almost reaching down for it.

"No hands, baby." He blew a raspberry against Mike's skin.
"I..." Mike twisted, laughing.
Chuckling, he licked into Mike's navel, the long cock

bumping his chin. His fingers slid between Mike's legs, finding
the wrinkled skin hidden in Mike's crease. Mike spread for

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him, so easy, so eager, so hot, laughing the entire time. He
loved that breathless, happy laughter. So sexy. All his.

He got some slick on his fingers and slid one into the

beautiful heat.

"Mmm..." Those long legs spread wider, his baby letting

him in deep.

He fucked Mike slowly with his finger, pushing it in again

and again, only pushing in a second one when Mike was
undulating, moving with him in sweet wave after wave. The
look on Mike's face just sent him to the moon. Peace and
pleasure that was only matched by being in the water.

Once he'd stretched Mike, he picked up the dildo and

slowly fed it in, watching as each ridge and bump was
swallowed up by Mike's body. "Beautiful, baby."

That belly went tight, Mike rippling and shivering, cock

filling and turning a sweet, deep red. A shudder moved
through him, his own prick hard, leaking.

"Jessy..." Mike licked his lips, hands opening and closing.
"Yeah, I know." He could feel it, the need riding them


He slid the collar over Mike's skin, letting it catch on the

chain that connected the nipple clamps together, tugging it.

"Want you." Mike groaned, body arching toward the pull.

"That aches."

"You love it." He tugged the chain again, and then slid the

collar around Mike's throat. It always made him ache, to see
the black leather against Mike's skin, to know that he was
giving his baby what he needed.

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"Love you. I wouldn't want it from anyone else." Mike

swallowed, Adam's apple working against the collar.

He growled a little. "Nobody else touches you." Mike was

his. His swimmer, his lover. And he'd give the swimmer up to
another coach if he thought there was one who could do more
for Mike than he could, but this was all his. Theirs.

He brought their lips together, laying his claim right there,

his fingers sliding down to jostle the dildo. Mike opened to
him, jerking, a sweet moan pushing into his lips. So
responsive, so sexy.

Mouth and hand worked together, his tongue and the dildo

both fucking Mike with short, sharp movements. He could feel
Mike getting closer, needier, cock slapping the tight belly over
and over.

He broke the kiss, gazing down into Mike's dark eyes. "You

need to wait for me, baby." He slid his hand along Mike long,
leaking prick. "You need a ring?"

"Jessy..." Mike groaned, humping up into his hand.
He squeezed tight, and flicked one nipple clamp to give

Mike something else to focus on. "I'll be right back." The cock
ring was definitely needed.

"Don't go..." Mike groaned, just barely keeping his hands

where they belonged.

"Not going far, baby."
He grabbed a simple rubber cock ring out of the wardrobe

and turned to go back to the bed, freezing and moaning at
the sight spread out on the bed for him. Mike was all
stretched out, legs spread, the end of the dildo visible from
his ass, nipples clamped, collar bisecting his throat and that

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sweet cock dark with blood. Those lean hips were moving,
rocking, just barely riding the dildo. Each motion made Mike's
belly tighter, made the chains connecting those sweet nipples

Jessy stood and watched for a moment, hand sliding on his

own prick. Then he gave himself a shake and went over,
fingers sliding over Mike's belly on their way to grab the long

"Need you..." He could smell it, musky and salty and rich

in the air.

He wrapped one hand around Mike's cock, tilting it up.

"Feeling's mutual." Then he stretched the rubber cock ring
and worked it down over Mike's prick.

"Don't. Please, Jess. Let me..." Mike rolled, knees drawing

up, those pretty balls tight.

"You need to wait for me and I'm not finished with you

yet." He got the ring settled at the base of Mike's cock, his
fingers moving to cup and roll the tempting balls, before
sliding back beyond them, playing with the dildo again. In and
out, the rhythm was as familiar as breathing.

"Evil, evil son of a bitch." Mike moaned, moving again,

sweet as anything.

"Oh, I can be evil."
Bending, he took the tip of Mike's cock into his mouth,

moaning at the salty liquid that exploded on his tongue.

"Jessy! Love!" Mike's hands landed in his hair, tangling.
He nearly pulled off to growl over Mike using his hands,

but the slightly desperate tugging changed his mind. He liked
feeling that. He went down on Mike's cock, right down to

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where the hot, silky flesh gave way to the rubber. Those cries
and moans filled the air, Mike bucking up, fucking his mouth.
He tugged on the nipple clamp chain, the metal warm from
Mike's body. His other hand pushed the dildo in and out. He
gave Mike every sensation he could.

"Please. Please. I need..." Mike's fingers tightened, tugging

his hair.

He drew slowly up off Mike's cock, lips tight, suction hard

the entire way. "Soon. I want you to remember this all week

"I ... You will. I mean. I ... I will..." Jessy loved making

Mike incoherent.

"Good." He nibbled his way up to Mike's nipples, tongue

flicking the clamp on one as he tightened the collar slightly.

"Jess. Jess. Jess." His name sounded like a prayer,

moaned over and over again.

He pushed the dildo in deep and hard, tongue moving to

work the other nipple clamp. Mike's noises made him just fly
and he wanted more. Wanted as many as he could get.

"Gonna. Need. Jessy..." Mike jerked, rolling them

suddenly, humping furiously against his belly.

He blinked up at Mike, and laughed softly. "This is why we

usually use the cuffs." He slid his hands down Mike's back,
fingers coming to rest on the dildo, tugging it partway out.

"Sorry. Sorry. You feel so good." Mike kissed him, hard

enough to sting.

He pulled the dildo the rest of the way out. "So do you,

baby." His tongue tangled with Mike's, taking over the kiss
but letting Mike continue to rub up against him. Mike worked

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himself up into a frenzy, grabbing and rubbing, pushing and
moaning into his lips. He wrapped one leg around Mike's hip,
tugging him in closer. "Clamps," he muttered, taking the first
one off.

"Fuck!" Mike's teeth sank into his shoulder.
He bucked up, fingers tugging the other one off and

rubbing Mike's abused nipple. Growling, he flipped them,
putting Mike on the bottom again.

"Need you." Mike's legs wrapped around him, demanding,


"Greedy. So greedy." He slid his cock behind Mike's balls,

rubbing but not pushing in.

"Goddamnit." Mike glared at him, tugging him closer.
He laughed, nipping at Mike's lips and then kissing him

hard, rubbing and rubbing. Grabbing Mike's hands, he held
them up against the top of the bed. "You ready, baby?"

"Yes. Ready. Now. Please, love."
"Yes. Now." He shifted, cock searching for that stretched

little hole. He pushed in as soon as he nudged against it,
groaning as the silky walls of Mike's ass grabbed him tight.

Mike stilled, eyes rolling back as those hands gasped him.


"Uh-huh." He started thrusting, pushing into Mike's body

again and again.

There was nothing like this. Nothing.
Mike relaxed, feeling it, feeling him, letting him drive them

both higher and higher. He tightened the collar by
increments, holding Mike's eyes, making sure he didn't take it
too far. Faster, harder, tighter. Faster, harder, tighter.

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Mike's lips moved, that pretty ass squeezing him like a fist.
"Soon, baby." He got a hand between them and tugged off

the cock ring, then tightened the collar again.

He got a sob, a gasp, Mike's lips parted.
"That's it. Just like that." He shifted, finding Mike's gland

and pegging it over and over, watching Mike gasp for each

Mike looked fucking beautiful—reaching for him, crying out

for him.

Coming for him.
He kept thrusting, pushing Mike through it, hitting that

sweet little gland and making it last and last for his baby.
Then he hit the release on the collar, watching the color flood
into Mike's face, as he reached for his own orgasm.

"Love you." Mike's whisper was joined with the barest

clench of that sweet ass.

"Mike!" He shouted, cock throbbing as he shot deep into

Mike's body.

A shudder went through him, and another, then he was

collapsing onto Mike, the lean body warm and damp and
good. Mike nodded, nuzzling into him, panting.

His hands slid, moved on Mike's body, touching randomly.

"Love you, baby."

"Jess." Mike was already asleep, worn out. Sated to the

core. There'd be no midnight swims tonight.

Jessy quietly cleaned them both up and tossed the toys

over onto the bedside table before wrapping around Mike and
pulling the covers over them.

They were back on track.

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Chapter Seven
Jess started pacing again and had to force himself to stop.
It was just a little meet. Mike had to get back on track

again, start working his way up to the Olympic trials. This was
just dipping his feet back in. Of course, Mike had barely
qualified for the final heat, and Jess was worried, because the
kid had never held back in a race before, whether it was a
medal race, a qualifying heat, or a simple swim with a friend.

He watched Mike climb up onto the block and take off

perfectly when the starter's pistol sounded.

The first two hundred meters were solid, sharp, but Mike

started to slow, started to lose ground on the three hundred,
energy just fading. He gamely kept going, but he was a
couple body lengths behind the front runners by the time he
finished up. Damn. Jessy didn't think they'd lost that much

The trick was going to be getting Mike up to speed without

the kid going all out and overdoing it. Mike's face was blank,
eyes furious as he pulled up onto the coping, heading straight
for the locker room, not a word to anyone.

Jessy congratulated Jeff Samuels, coach of the winning

boy, and followed, hand dropping onto Mike's shoulders as
the kid shoved his stuff into his bag. "We knew you weren't
going to be on top of your game."

Mike nodded, pulled on his clothes. Then the sunglasses,

the headphones. Oh, someone was pissed.

"You want to stop for pizza?" he asked.
He got a look, a shake of the head. "Home."

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"Okay." He pulled Mike against him, giving the kid a quick,

hard hug. "We'll work it out, Mike."

"Yeah." Mike turned the music up and headed out to the

parking lot, shoulders drawing up around his ears. Sighing,
Jessy followed.

One of the UT kids caught up to him before he went out.

"Is Mike okay, Coach?"

"He will be. Takes a while to come back from a back injury,

you know?"

"Okay. See you soon?"
"Yep, next practice at Jamail Hall."
Then he went out to the car, glancing over at Mike as he

started the engine. Mike's eyes were closed, a dot of bright
red on each cheek. He reached out and put his hand on Mike's
thigh, just touching, letting the kid know he was right there.

The ride back from Houston was interminable, his normally

bouncy swimmer silent and still, hidden. Any attempt at
conversation was ignored, and when Jess offered to make a
pit stop Mike just shook his head.

Jessy was tense and exhausted by the time they pulled in.
Mike hopped out and grabbed his gear, heading right

inside. It was like watching a wounded cat, all slink and
growl. He followed, trying to decide if it would be better to
herd Mike out to the pool or up to the playroom. Mike decided
for him, heading straight for the pool and stripping down,
diving in without a word.

Sighing, Jessy gave in to the urge to pace, walking the

length of the pool over and over again, keeping an eye on the

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clock. It was to be expected. Mike had taken over a month
off, he'd eased the kid back in slowly.

Hell, maybe it was even a blessing—even at the top of his

game, Mike wasn't necessarily going to have enough to beat
the world leaders, and if he couldn't take losing ... All right,
so Jess didn't believe that the kid was ever going to be last,
not once he got his form back. But Mike had to realize it was
going to take time. Maybe another couple months before he
was anywhere near his old form, and going nuts now was
only going to set him back.

Mike swam, back and forth, over and over, refusing to

back off, to back away, just pushing and pushing. Sometimes
Jessy thought he could see Mike as a little boy, doing lap after
lap, wishing for his folks to come back home. He dove into
the water when it was time for Mike to come out, matching
Mike for a few laps, sliding closer, brushing against the kid.

Those dark eyes met his, unhappy, angry, Mike beating

himself up.

"Okay, Mike. Enough. Get out of the pool."
"I'm not tired yet."
"But you're done swimming. Out." He wasn't taking no for

an answer. There were other ways of tiring Mike out if he
wouldn't talk.

Mike growled—growled—and Jess saw those eyes flare.
"Talk to me, kid. Get out of the pool and talk to me."
"I'm not a kid." Mike hit the wall hard, growling. "I. I

fucking sucked today. I died in the 300."

"Yep. You aren't back up to where you were before you

were hurt. We knew that. And, yeah, we need to step up the

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training, work you a little harder, a little faster. But that
doesn't mean you go all out 24/7 now. Because that'll just
land you back to needing surgery."

He crowded against Mike. "Now get out of the pool."
He could feel Mike wanting to fight him, wanting the outlet,

but Mike hauled himself out, started pacing.

Jessy hauled himself out. "Upstairs." He'd give Mike a safe

place to struggle, to fight, to scream and rail.

Mike slammed into the house, hitting the stairs. Jessy

followed more slowly, grabbing a bottle of juice and a couple
bottles of water, leaving his clothes in the hamper before
going into the playroom.

Mike was still pacing, still muttering, bleached curls

standing straight up, when Jessy got upstairs.

"Bed. Back. Now." No use wasting breath when Mike

wasn't going to listen.

"Bossy." Mike threw himself on the bed, frowning.
"Yep. You got something to say?"
"I'm pissed off. I sucked today."
"Yeah. It happens. You move on and race another day."
"You don't want to fucking know what I'm thinking, don't


"Did I say I didn't want to hear what you had to say?"
"No." The growl was cute.
"If I didn't want to hear you I'd gag you, Mike. I haven't

done that, and I'm not going to." He took one of Mike's arms
and put it in the cuff. "I am going to tie you down."

"I should be better. I shouldn't have slacked."

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"You think the doc and I led you wrong?" he asked, cuffing

Mike's other hand before moving down to do his lover's ankles
as well. "What would you have done differently?"

"I would have worked harder. Pushed harder. I got lazy."

Jessy listened, let Mike let the poison out.

"You got hurt, Mike. There's a difference. You think I would

have let you get lazy?"

"This isn't about you. I know I could have pushed harder. I

should have fought you on it. I should have been able to dig

"Mike ... You had a herniated disk. You had swelling

around the vertebrae in your neck. Not to mention a rotator
cuff that you very nearly needed surgery on. If you pushed
harder, you would have bunged the whole works up, maybe
even wound up in a wheelchair." He shook his head. "This is
an old argument, and what's past is past. You need to take
this anger and energy and refocus it, work on getting your
form back as quickly and safely as possible."

"I'm trying. I came home and swam, didn't I?"
He shook his head. "You were just blowing off steam,

reliving the loss." He stroked Mike's face, that blond-tipped
hair. "You have to let it go."

"I don't know how."
"Then let me love it away." He slid his hands over Mike's

shoulders, squeezing, working at the tension there.

"Oh." Mike moaned, beginning to relax. "I let you down out


"You telling me you held back?" He kept working those

muscles, kept his voice casual.

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"No. I got tired. I just didn't have it."
"Then you didn't let me down." He gave each of Mike's

arms a quick, deep massage. "I've been with you every day,
Mike. I know you give it your all. And I know you'll get back
on top of your game."

"Promise?" God, in some ways Mike was so young, so

dependent on him.

"I do, baby." It was a risky promise. If Mike got hurt again,

it could be years before he was ready for the international
scene, but if he didn't, there would be no stopping him. Mike
relaxed slightly, that reassurance enough, Mike's trust

Jessy finished the massage and then bent and kissed those

sweet lips, opening Mike's mouth with his tongue. Mike
opened to him, letting him in, letting him do his job. His
hands slid over Mike's skin, arousing now instead of soothing,
fingers pinching the sweet little nipples.

Mike twisted, just beginning to tug the cuffs. Jessy purred,

pinching again, sliding himself against Mike.

"Pushy." Mike arched, nipples tight, sweet.
"Me? I'm the pushy one?" He chuckled and slid down to

bite one of those hard little bits of flesh.

"Damned pushy. Bastard." Mike moaned, cock filling.
He grinned and licked the skin he'd just bitten. "Takes one

to know one, baby."

Mike chuckled, rolled his eyes. "I'm in a bad mood, Jess.

You're going to ruin it."

"That would be just awful." He bent to lick at the tip of

Mike's cock and then nipped at that fine abdomen, licked a

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nipple, and brought their mouths together again, kissing Mike

Mike gasped, pushing up hard against him, demanding.
He backed off, smiling down at Mike. "Hold that thought."
Then he got up and went to the cupboard, finding the

nipple clamps, the ones with the plastic teeth. They were
more tight than biting. He turned, let Mike see what he was
getting. Mike groaned, cock throbbing, body showing what it
needed. He grabbed a slim plug as well, something he'd be
able to slide in without undoing Mike's ankle cuffs.

Back at the bed, he settled between Mike's spread legs,

letting the nipple clamps slide along Mike's skin.

"Tease." The chains on the cuffs rattled, wrists and ankles.
"I try." He winked and hit one of Mike's nipples with a


Mike twisted away a little. "Gonna make you try harder."
He chuckled and bent, tongue working Mike's right nipple,

making it hard so he could slide on the clamp. Mike rolled and
pulled the cuffs, playing. Humming happily, Jess let the hard
flesh go and then put the clamp on it, watching the skin right
around the clamp go white. He tweaked the other nipple with
his fingers and quickly clamped it as soon as it hardened up.

"Oh. Oh. Oh." Mike's hips pumped the air, rolling and


He put his hand on Mike's belly, pressing Mike down

against the bed, the skin beneath his fingers twitching,
rippling as he flicked each clamp.

"Bastard." Mike growled at him, sweet as fuck.

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"Yep." He wouldn't deny it. Not that it wasn't exactly what

Mike wanted. What Mike needed.

He let his fingers slide down to stroke Mike's hip, the

hollow right next to it. The kid was fucking gorgeous, all lean
lines and muscles. It made him hard just to watch Mike
writhe in the cuffs.

"Love the way you look at me." Mike panted, shifting

again. "Like I'm all you need."

"Christ, baby—you are all I need."
"I don't want to let you down, love."
He shook his head. "You put in your best effort every

single fucking day, Mike. That's all I need. That's all I've ever
asked you for."

A soft ripple slid through Mike, long body stretching in the

bonds. Jessy watched a moment longer, hand dropping to his
own cock, enjoying the way that long body moved. Then he
slicked up the long, thin plug he'd chosen and slid a finger
inside Mike's body. Mike moved to ride him immediately, eyes
bright. Purring, he pushed in another finger. Mike was so
fucking tight like this, body holding his fingers in.

"Jess." Mike rocked, moving harder, faster.
"Yeah, baby, I'm right here." He let his fingers slide away

and pushed the plug all the way in, in one smooth motion.

"Oh..." Mike shivered, lips parting.
He let Mike's hole close over the base of the plug and then

jostled it with his thumb, his other hand wiggling the clamps
on Mike's sensitive nipples. Mike's hands grabbed the chains,
muscles rippling. He nodded, knowing Mike's focus was this
now, the plug and the clamps, the chains, all the sensations

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twisting together and forcing Mike to let everything go but the
feeling of it.

He knelt across the top of Mike's chest, rubbing the tip of

his prick against those sweet red lips. Mike opened up, eager,
hungry, tongue sliding out to taste. He moaned as that hot
tongue slid across the head of his prick, and he leaned
forward, feeding it into Mike's mouth.

God, Mike took him deep, the suction enough to make his

spine ache. Leaning to rest his hands on the headboard, he
slowly fucked Mike's mouth, pushing all the way in, coming
almost all the way back out again. Coupled with Mike's
suction, the movements made him shudder, made him shake.

Mike was right there with him, the race, the anger, all of it

shoved aside. Jessy didn't hold back, knowing Mike loved
this—the sensation of Jessy's cock deep in his throat, the
desperate pull for breath through his nose. Those eyes were
on fire, starving for him, for this. He held on as long as he
could, fingers going white where they held onto the
headboard. It was just so damned good.

"Come," he muttered, wanting to bring Mike with him.
He felt Mike swallow, that long body going tight as the

smell of Mike's spunk filled the air. He called out Mike's name,
shuddering and spilling his own seed down Mike's throat. Mike
didn't lose a drop, just sucked and hummed, swallowing
around him.

He let Mike clean him, let his prick start to soften before he

pulled out and started his way down the long body to clean
Mike's skin. Mike was humming, moving so slowly against the
sheets. He cleaned Mike's skin, purring over the taste, and

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then sucked in the tip of Mike's cock, determined to get his
lover hard again, to make Mike come again.

He was going to leave Mike limp and exhausted.
The low groan he got made him ache, Mike's cock

twitching in his lips. He nodded, fingers sliding along the
insides of Mike's thighs, fondling the hot balls before moving
back to jostle the plug again. Mike pulled at the cuffs, legs
trying to draw up.

He shook his head, mouth pulling off Mike's cock. "Just

feel, baby."

"I try, Jess. I do."
He licked at Mike's cock and then took it back in, going all

the way down and pulling hard.

"Oh!" Mike jerked, cock filling, going so hard, so full in his


He moaned around it, humming and singing, losing himself

in the sensation of Mike's body. Mike rubbed and rocked, cries
filling the air, hips shifting. He reached up with one hand,
tugging on one nipple clamp and then the other, twisting
them in his fingers. His other hand stayed at the plug,
pushing it randomly.

"Jess. Jessy. Love. Oh, fuck."
Yeah, that was the idea. His head bobbed, lips tight around

Mike's cock, suction high. He wanted Mike's pleasure, wanted
that splash in his throat. Mike gave it up, cry sharp as he
came. Jessy drank Mike down, the taste sharp and familiar,
as sweet as it was bitter, and utterly welcome. Needed.

He slowly pulled off, leaving a kiss or three before he

nuzzled Mike's balls.

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"Mmm ... warm." Mike purred, balls wrinkling under his


"You taste good, baby. Like life."
"You make me fly."
"That's the idea." He licked at Mike's balls, slid his tongue

behind them to tease at the base of the plug.

Mike groaned, thighs shifting. "Uhn."
"What do you think, Mike?"
"Th ... think?"
"Oh good. I'm doing my job." He grinned and nudged the

plug hard with his chin.

"Oh." The chains tugged away, dark eyes rolling.
Yeah, that was it; sensory overload was about the only

thing that was going to send Mike into sleep. Hell, if he left
the kid in the cuffs, he could guarantee Mike wouldn't be
killing himself in the water at 2 A.M. Mike groaned, hips trying
to thrust, cock half-hard. He turned his head and nibbled at
the soft inner thigh, tongue licking, teeth threatening on the
soft skin.

"Jess..." Mike tried to stretch, to pull away.
"Right here, baby. Right here." He rubbed his cheek

against Mike's thigh, a day's growth rasping.

"Yeah. Love you. I do." So raw, so hoarse.
He moved back up to nip at Mike's abs and then licked

around the clamp holding Mike's nipple. "I love you, too."

Mike was panting, clamps shifting in time with Mike's

heartbeat. Jessy growled, hand wrapping around Mike's cock,

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"Again? Jess..." Mike shook, eyes wide, unfocused.
"Yeah. Give me one more, baby, and then I'll let you

sleep." He kept pumping, free hand unclamping one nipple.

"Oh, fuck. A ... always pushing. Fuck. Need you."
Yeah, he was always pushing. It was his job. "Got me," he

told Mike, hand pumping harder as he released the other

Mike groaned, going stiff as a board, hips pumping

furiously into his touch, come sliding over his fingers. He
leaned in and licked at Mike's nipples, sucking on each one in
turn to help pull the blood back into them, making Mike shiver
and shudder.

Finally he stopped, hand leaving the spent prick, and he

smiled down into Mike's eyes. "Feeling better, baby?"

"Uh-huh..." Mike was almost asleep already, just barely

keeping those eyes open.

"All right."
He nodded, settling in next to Mike, fingers stroking idly,

not trying to arouse, just touching. Mike didn't twist, didn't
try to get free, just relaxed, slowly falling into a deep sleep.

He decided to leave the kid's good arm in the cuffs—he'd

take the plug out and make love to Mike tomorrow before
they worked on a new routine aimed at getting Mike back
where he needed to be.

Jess pulled a comforter over them both and settled in to


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Chapter Eight
Mike raced the clock, checking his times against the

competition every day, every day staying in the pool a little
bit longer, pushing it a little bit further, a little bit harder.

The summer was full-on, no classes, no friends, nothing to

worry about but pushing, but swimming. He wasn't ready to
race again. Not yet. Soon. No matter how frustrated Coach

"Come on, Mike. Racing is good experience. Whether you

come in first or last, you need to get out there. And you've
picked your time up. We're going."

"I'm not going." He wasn't going to lose ground, wasn't

going to embarrass himself.

"Yes, you are."
"No." He could be stubborn, too.
"You have a good reason?" Jess was standing, arms

crossed, looking like he was going to stand there all day if he
had to.

"I'm not ready."
Jess snorted. "Can you swim?"
"Can you breathe?" He could be grumpy, too.
Jess didn't even bat an eyelid. "Then you can race. You

start packing it up the first time you don't do well and I can
guarantee you, the minute you hit the Worlds and Olympics
you're going to be in deep shit."

"There's a difference between not doing well and sucking

wind, and you know it."

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"And I guarantee you you won't suck wind. You're so far

ahead of where you were three weeks ago. And making the
fucking finals is not sucking wind!" Jess growled and got up
into his face. "Are you ever going to stop fighting me on
every single fucking thing?"

He pushed right back, seeing red. "No! I'm going to make

your fucking life miserable until the day you die!"

"Well, you're doing a damned good job of it!" Jess growled

again and grabbed his arms, staring straight into his eyes.
"You're going to this fucking meet and you're putting in the
best race you can put in. And if you come in first, fucking
awesome. You come in third, cool. You come in dead last?
That's fine, too. But you are racing."

"Fuck you. I. Am. Not. Ready!" He was shaking, he was so

pissed, and he pulled away, stormed upstairs to the little
room that used to be his. The sound of the door slamming felt
good, the feel of his hands pounding on the bed felt better.

Jess hardly gave him any time to himself at all, knocking

on the door in what felt like seconds later. He looked to make
sure the door was locked and then went back to throwing his
temper tantrum. If no one saw it? It didn't count.

"Damn it, Mike, let me in." The handle turned fruitlessly.
He stopped, sweat pouring off him, pissed as hell, and tore

the door open. "What?"

"We weren't finished, Mike. And I'm sorry if it's going to

cramp your tantrum style, but we need to deal with this."

"I am dealing. I am being pissed off at you!"
"Good. Use that. Swim your heart out."
"You never listen to me!"

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"Not when you're talking nonsense, I don't."
Oh. Oh, he was.
Mike threw his head back and just screamed.
"Right." Jess grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the


He was already in the room before he figured out what the

fuck was up. "What the fuck?"

"You obviously need something other than swimming to

focus on."

His eyes felt huge in his head. Massive. Hot. Almost rolling.
Jess just looked at him, raised an eyebrow. "Unless you

want to discuss this like a rational human being."

He growled and turned his back on Jess, breathing deep,

trying not to be pissed.

"Mike ... You're behaving like a child."
That put a line of pure steel in his spine, his jaw going

tight. "Fine. Then I definitely shouldn't be in here." He headed
out, downstairs to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of milk.

Jess came down the stairs but didn't search him out, going

into the office instead.

Mike didn't know what to do. Part of him wanted to go to

Jess, tell his coach how scared he was, how it was haunting
him, how he worried, constantly, about what would happen to
him when Jess found another star, another swimmer. Part of
him knew that he needed to just get his ass in the pool and
swim. Another part wanted to get on the bike and drive until
he couldn't think anymore.

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Ten minutes later, he still hadn't decided. Jess came out of

the office and into the kitchen, leaning against the counter.
"You ready to talk to me, Mike?"

"What do you want me to say?"
"I want you to tell me why you won't race."
He looked out the kitchen window. "I'm not ready."
"It's not. I'm not ready. I want another tenth."
"You won't go to the meet because you're sweating a tenth

of a second?" Jess looked incredulous.

"Yes. I want another tenth." He rinsed out his glass, hands

shaking. He did, and he wasn't going to forgive Jess for the
child crack either.

"All right, Mike. Talk to me, okay? What the hell is really


He didn't realize he was shaking his head until he stopped.
"Okay, okay." Jess' arms wrapped around him, face buried

in his neck. "Breathe, baby."

He took a deep breath, fingers in Jessy's hair. It was easier

like this, easier to talk with Jess so close. "I ... I'm scared,
Jess. I'm scared that I can't. I'm scared that ... that it's over
and then." He swallowed hard.

"Oh, baby." Jess' hands slid down his back, soothing,

warm. "It's not over. Not for a minute."

"I'm ... I don't want to lose you. I'm greedy. I don't want

to be your has-been."

Jess stood back a little, took his hands in the warm hands.

"You will never be my has-been, Mike. I love you. You.
Trophy case or no trophy case."

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"I love you. I ... I'm sorry. You're right. I'm just a stupid

kid." He backed away, headed toward the pool.

"Whoa, hold up." Jess caught up with him and stopped

him. "I was pissed off, too, Mike. And that was out of line."

He met Jess' eyes, all twisted inside. "Yeah? Because I try,

Jessy. I try so hard to be all you want."

Jess kissed him softly. "You are, Mike, don't you get that?

You are. Just by being you."

"I love you." He rested their foreheads together.
"I love you, too, Mike. So much. No matter what, okay?"

Jess shook his head. "I know there's a lot on your shoulders,
and I'd take more if I could, but you're the one with the
talent. I never had that."

"You have talent, Jess. You put up with me."
Jess chuckled and rubbed their noses together. "That's

easy as breathing, baby."

"You think I can win the races?"
"Hell, yes. And if you don't win the ones this next meet,

you'll win them the meet after. You're the best I've ever seen,

He nodded. "I'm scared, but if you think ... I trust you."
"Mike, losing's a part of the game. Only one person can

win, and it isn't always going to be you. You put in your best
on any given day, and that makes you a winner. Now, when it
comes to you, your best is better than anyone else." Jess
looked right into him. "I will love you no matter what place
you take, Mike. I love you. You."

He nodded, wanting to believe, so badly.

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"You know, everyone thinks I'm so hard on you, when the

truth is that you're harder on yourself than I could ever be."

"I ... You're good to me."
"That's what people who love each do, no? Be good to

each other?" Jess kissed him hard.

Something hard and hurting within him eased and he

nodded, pushing into Jess' arms. Jess purred softly, hands
stroking, mouth sliding over his face.

"Oh. Better. Love."
"Yeah? Good." Jess continued to touch him, to kiss and

nuzzle him.

"Yeah. You ... you make shit easier."
"That's what I do, Mike." He got another kiss. "Now, are

we going to this meet? Because we've got to confirm our
reservations and pack."

"I ... Yeah. Yeah. Let's see how it goes." For Jessy.
Jess gave him a bright smile. "Excellent. You'll see. You're

way ahead of where you were last time."

"Yeah." He nodded, rubbed their noses together. "I'll go


"All right. I'll call the airline and the hotel, make sure we're

good to go." Jessy stopped him as he turned to go. "Thanks,
Mike. For trusting in me even if you couldn't trust in yourself."

"I love you. Trust is part of the deal."
He found a smile, a wink, then headed to get their bags.

* * * *

Well, this was fucking familiar, and Jessy was still forcing

himself not to pace, not to let Mike know he was nervous in

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any way. Mike had made it to the final heat again, swimming
strongly during the preliminary rounds. He was in lane six this
time, too, which meant he was definitely swimming faster. Or
the whole field was swimming slower, but it hadn't looked like
slow water.

Mike climbed up onto the starting block and Jessy held his

breath, waiting for the starter's pistol. Mike cut into the
water, started swimming, and Jessy's heart fell. By the turn
Mike was in sixth and struggling, tense, out of rhythm. Shit.
Mike didn't need to win, but shit, the kid's ego needed him to
finish in the top three. Not fucking sixth.

The turn at the 100 mark was better, Mike pulling into

fourth, beginning to stretch out and feel the water.

"Yeah! That's it, Mike, own the water—it's yours!" He knew

Mike couldn't hear him, but it felt good to shout, to encourage
the kid.

Mike was head-to-head with the leader by the last turn,

and Jessy held his breath, looking for that distinctive burst of
speed, that last minute surge that was Mike. Come on, baby.
Come ... Fuck, yes.

Mike exploded, pulling out ahead. Jessy roared, hands

pumping in the air. He was damned near jumping up and
down as Mike hit the wall. Mike's eyes turned, searching for
the board, grinning even before the numbers came up.

He headed for the coping, eager to congratulate Mike. The

swim was nowhere near Mike's personal best, but he'd found
that tenth he'd been searching for, and continued training
was only going to improve that. "I told you, kid!"

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"Pizza, Coach. You know how long it's been since I got


He laughed. "Long enough, Mike. I'm damned proud of

you." He stepped back, letting the other swimmers and
coaches crowd in and congratulate Mike. Those dark eyes
kept glancing back at him, warm and happy, dancing for him.

Now that Mike had done well, Jessy could admit, to

himself, that he was worried. He had faith that Mike would
eventually come back to his top form, but he wasn't
convinced Mike was anywhere near there yet. He also knew
that Mike needed to show up to these meets, no matter
where he placed, had to get back into the swing, and that
learning to deal with defeat gracefully was important, too.

The rest of the meet went well—Mike swam in six races,

placed in three. His balance was back, focus back on track.
They didn't linger once the meet was over; Mike was showing
signs of flagging, and if his ball of energy was tired, it was
time to get him back to the hotel pronto.

"Come on, kid. You can talk to the boys next week at

practice at UT. We'll pick up your pizza on the way back to
the hotel."

Mike nodded, "Yeah. Yeah. Pepperoni, huh? Dr. Pepper on

the side?" The playful question made him grin.

He laughed and shook his head, just to make sure his

laughter wasn't taken as acceptance. "Sprite on the side, kid."

Mike chuckled, leaning against him. "Hard-ass."
"You know it." He put his arm around Mike's shoulders and

gave him a quick, casual hug. "I do have a reputation to

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uphold, you know. It's our magic secret—everyone thinks you
win because I'm tough."

"I thought everyone thought I won because I'm starving

and need that pizza..."

Oh, fuck, he was going to hurt something if he kept

laughing like this. Damn, it was good to be bantering again,
Mike loose and happy, on top of the fucking world.

Mike settled into the rental car, eyes closing, just opening

when he settled into the driver's seat. "I want to see the
video of the races. The 200 freestyle felt funny."

He nodded. "You were pretty tight through that one. Like

you were still favoring the shoulder some. I'm wondering if
it's just holdover from the injury or if things aren't as far
along as we'd like."

"I don't know. The backstroke felt good, the butterfly

synced. We'll have to watch. It's not weird in practice, is it?"

"I haven't noticed anything." The kid looked beautiful in

practice. "But there's no pressure in practice."

Mike nodded, stretched. "Yeah."
"You feeling good? Any twinges?"
Mike wriggled, arms swinging. "More stiff than twingey."
"Well, it's not like you aren't swimming your heart out

everyday." He frowned a little and put his hand out to touch
Mike's forehead. "You feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, and don't start about me getting sick, now." His

swimmer was warm, not hot, but warm.

"You sure you want that pizza tonight? We could do it

tomorrow and just do something light and a full-body
massage tonight."

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That Mike even considered it gave him pause. "Maybe.

Maybe we could order the pizza later."

He didn't say anything, let it go; he could fret on his own.

"I bet the room service chicken Caesar salad is pretty good."

Mike nodded. "It's sorta hard to screw up, yeah? Lettuce.

Dressing. Croutons. Chicken."

"Yep. We can order it, and then I'll give you your massage

while we're waiting on it."

"Oh. Massage. My second favorite part of winning."
"Only the second part?"
Mike nodded. "The fucking's my favorite."
He chuckled. "Wanting, are you?"
He knew the feeling. Christ, watching Mike swim always

did it for him; add in the hype of a race, the fact they hadn't
done it in at least a week, and damn...

"Always." Mike winked. "Always, Jess."
He reached over again, stroking Mike's thigh until he

turned into the parking lot for the hotel.

Mike grabbed the bag, whistling and bouncing on the way

to the elevator. Jessy followed that sweet ass, feeling better
with this more normal behavior from his bouncy, well-of-
boundless-energy swimmer. Mike got into the room, heading
straight for the shower. Jessy called down for two chicken
Caesar salads and two ginger ales before stripping and
following Mike into the bathroom.

Mike was humming, looking good, if a little pale, shampoo

pouring over those long muscles. Jessy stepped into the
shower and reached out to touch, hands moving slickly along
the soapy skin.

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"Mmm ... Jess." Mike purred, arched into his touch.
He moaned, closing the distance between their bodies,

rubbing, hungry for the touches they'd been denied all week.
Touches that he denied them in an effort to keep Mike sharp,
focused, all the kid's energies going to the swimming.

"Love how you want me." Mike melted into him, pure sex

kitten, long and rubbing, heated and slick.

He moaned, hands sliding around to cup Mike's ass,

guiding the sweet motions, encouraging them to continue.
Mike moved nice and easy, rocking toward him, lips parted on
a gasp.

"Oh, baby. Want you." Damn, the no-sex-before-meets

rule was stupid. Too bad he was the moron who'd instituted

"Yours. Been a week, Jess. Need it." Mike's teeth scraped

across his shoulder.

That only served to fan the fire, and he growled, shoving

Mike against the back of the shower and humping hard,
rubbing their cocks together as he devoured Mike's mouth.
Mike arched, driving now, driving them together just as hard.
Groaning, he pushed a hand between them, fingertips sliding
across Mike's nipples

"Yes..." Mike pushed into his fingers, demanding boy.
He rubbed harder, other hand sliding around their pricks,


"Gonna." Mike shivered, shuddered, pushing into his hand,

heat spraying.

"Yes!" He shouted, body moving fast and hard, and came a

moment later, mouth fusing with Mike's.

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Mike hummed, mouth clinging to his.
He broke the kiss reluctantly as Mike shivered. "Come on,

Mike. Supper in bed."

"Mmm ... 'kay." Mike nodded, holding him, acquiescing

without a struggle.

It made him want to growl and fuss, but he just led Mike

to the bed and tucked him under the sheets, passing over the
remote. He put on his robe and went to see if their food had
been left in the hall. The tray was there, the food looking
delicious. When he brought it in, Mike was cuddled into the
pillows, blinking slow.

"Hey, baby. No sleeping yet. I've got food here." He sat on

the edge of the bed, smiling.

Mike yawned, nodded. "'Kay."
"You want me to feed you?"
"No. Oh ... ginger ale..."
He passed it over, then put Mike's plate on his legs.
Mike drank deep, idly picking at his salad. "Not hungry,

coach. I'm tired."

"Eat a few pieces of chicken for me and I promise not to

fuss too badly."

"I get pizza later, still, right?
"Yep. Tomorrow night, if you're up to it." He slid his hand

along Mike's belly, massaging gently.

Mike ate a few pieces of chicken, a crouton, then finished

both ginger ales. Jessy petted Mike's belly and got up to put
everything back on the service table. Slipping out of his robe,
he got into bed with Mike, tugging the lax body into his arms.

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Mike cuddled right in, falling right to sleep, skin hot against

him. Every six months the kid caught a bug, cuddled, fevered
for a day or two, was adorable and miserable, and then got
better. Jessy thought it was the universe's way of assuring
that the kid slept hard at least twice a year. He'd have to call
and extend their stay, put off the flight home for a couple of

That way he could concentrate on holding and cuddling

and seeing Mike through the worst of it.

He placed a kiss on Mike's forehead and let himself relax,

let sleep have him.

* * * *

His eyes were itchy. His throat hurt. He felt hideous.
And if Jessy didn't quit covering him up while he was so

hot, he was going to lose it.

"I'm hot, Coach."
"Yeah, I'm not surprised. You need to stay covered,

though." The covers were pulled back up to his chin and
tucked in around him.

He growled and wriggled. "You're not listening to me."
"How about some nice fresh-squeezed orange juice?"
"Jess! You're still not ... Is it cold?"
Jess looked like he was trying not to laugh. "It is."
He stuck his tongue out, sat up, pushing the blankets

down. "Don't you laugh. Hand over the juice and no one gets
hurt." He supposed he couldn't accuse Jess of laughing—the
noise was more of a snort, and the juice was handed over, a
big glass, nice and cold.

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He drank deep, wincing as it hurt his throat. Of course, the

cold on his stomach felt so good he kept drinking.

Jess took the glass away from him once he'd finished and

pushed him forward, sitting behind him. "You think you might
live?" Those big hands dropped onto his shoulders, rubbing.

"If you don't smother me, yep." He grinned, stretching


"You need to stay warm." Jess' hands were gentle and

warm, easing some of the aches in his muscles and bones.

"I am warm. You make me warm."
Jess chuckled. "Not that kind of warm, baby."
"Oh, right." He relaxed and snuggled. "I love you, you

know that, right?"

Jess kissed his shoulder, lips cool against his skin. "I know

it, baby."

"Mmm..." He rested against Jess, eyes drooping. "I should

go down to the pool." He really didn't feel like moving, but
swimming was hardwired into him.

"Nope. Day of rest. We're booked on a plane out of here

day after tomorrow, and I want you well enough to fly by
then. We get home? And your ass is in the pool, cold or no

"Hardass." The term was fond, gentle.
"You know it." Jess kissed his shoulder again. "Your


"Yeah. And I'm keeping you."
"Good." There was a bit of a growl in Jess' voice and the

big hands curled possessively around his shoulders.

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He hummed, tilting his head and kissing Jess' jaw. "Feel

like I was meant for you."

Jess nodded. "We certainly are a pretty fucking good


"Gonna win us a gold medal one day, Jess. I will."
"I don't doubt it for a second, Mike. In all my years as a

swimmer and as a coach, I've never seen anyone with the
natural ability and sheer love of swimming as you."

He beamed, pleased all through. "So, you think I can get

on the Wheaties box?"

"If you want that, kid, it's yours."
"So long as I don't have to eat them..." He wrinkled his


Jess snorted. "You shouldn't endorse something you don't

believe in, Mike."

"I believe in Wheaties. I just don't like them."
Laughing, Jess hugged him hard. He leaned in, happy and

quiet—still hot, but happy.

"You gonna try and get some more sleep for me, Mike?"
"Been sleeping for hours." He yawned, shifted so he could

get more comfortable.

"Yep. That's what most people do when they're sick. Sleep

it off, let their body heal." Jess' hands felt good, petting him

"'M not most people. I'm yours."
"I know, baby, I know. But you still need your sleep."
He purred, eyes falling closed. "Sleep is overrated."
"I know, Mike. Do it anyway." The words were soft, just

rumbling against his head where it lay on Jessy's chest.

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"Mmm..." He nodded. "But..."
But he was already asleep.

* * * *

Mike hit the pool as soon as they got home, and Jessy let

him, figuring the kid needed to stretch and get rid of some of
his energy. Mike wasn't a hundred percent yet, but he
seemed to be feeling a whole lot better.

Jessy picked up their messages from the service and

checked the email. News of Mike's return was moving fast;
there were two new sponsors who wanted meetings. He went
through the mail after that, tossing the junk and filing the
bills, and then went up and took a shower.

Clean and refreshed, he went out back to watch Mike

swim. Mike was sliding through the water, the stereo blaring
so the kid could hear it. Grinning, he went over and switched
it to his radio station, the classic rock noisy, beat good and
loud. Those legs kicked up a splash of water, letting him see
that Mike heard.

Grinning, he went back to grab himself a Coke, some

chips, and a jar of salsa. He set himself up in his chair and
watched his second favorite show: the Mike Swims Show. He
was actually looking for something today, looking to see if the
kid was tight, especially in his freestyle.

Yep. There it was. A little hitch, a loss of rhythm, so hidden

in the water he wouldn't have noticed had Mike not
mentioned it. He went over and turned the music off, knowing
Mike would take it as a sign to stop.

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Mike got to the end of the lane, head popping up. "'S up,


"I see what you were talking about on the freestyle. Is the

shoulder still bothering you?"

"Not really. It doesn't hurt." Mike swung it again, no

discomfort showing.

He went over and closed his eyes as he slowly worked his

fingers along Mike's shoulder. "Swing it again."

Mike swung a few times, the joint moving well except for

the slightest pop at the end.

"Back in the pool, let's see the stroke again."
Mike nodded, heading back through the water, just the

tiniest hiccup there, Mike adjusting his stroke.

He walked the length as Mike swam it, going to his

haunches at the other end. "You're compensating for the
injury, which isn't there anymore. You need to stretch a little
harder, reach for the wall."

Mike frowned, "I am. It feels like I am." Mike took off

again, the effort making things worse and Jess chuckled. Mike
had to feel it before he got it.

He cupped his hands around his mouth to bellow out


Mike wasn't getting it, and Jess stripped his pants off and

jumped in the water, holding Mike around the hips. That right
hand pegged the wall, the left coming up short.

"See? You're not extending it fully. Just reach for it without

the stroke first and then try the stroke a few more times."

Mike shifted, worked with him. In this, Mike was a coach's

wet dream—always pushing, ready to move, to work. They

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worked on it for about a half hour before Mike was starting to
pull the stroke consistently right. It was hard work, Mike
panting and red, pushing his body, insisting it do what he

He let Mike swim a few laps, making sure he held the

proper form, and then called for a rest, growling to make sure
Mike knew he was serious. Mike nodded, floating on his back,
breathing hard.

He got back into the water, swimming lazily over to Mike.

"Good job, Mike. You really pulled hard to correct that." Mike
grunted, but he got a wide smile, a pleased grin.

His hand slid over Mike's belly, stroking the fine abs. Oh,

now. That got him a purr. So easy, his baby. He hummed
happily, shifting to place a kiss on the pool-cooled skin.

"Mmm ... Love you, Jess." Mike watched him, relaxed,

easy. "We still going to the beach? Going to play?"

"Did I say we'd do that?" he asked, teasing.
Mike nodded. "You did. You owe me a pizza, too."
He nodded. "Yeah. We can do the beach next week. I want

you to put in a full week working on getting that stroke back."

Mike nodded. "Do I need to change the workout with the


"Yeah, you're not using your muscles to their full capacity.

We'll adjust the arm curls." He marveled again at Mike's
dedication. He'd never had another swimmer who was always
eager to work so hard.

Mike nodded, then grinned, mischievous and playful. His

arm was pinched. "Tag. You're it." Then Mike was off like a

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He chuckled and then took off after the kid, moving at an

angle to cut him off. Mike was fast but not a strategist, and
Jess kept cornering the long body and then letting Mike slip
free. He finally caught Mike up in one corner and brought
their mouths together, taking them both under as they

Mike opened, their bodies rubbing together, sliding

together. Their legs tangled and the kiss went on and on until
Jessy thought his head was going to explode and he let go,
kicking up to gasp for breath.

Mike worked Jessy's shorts down, then popped up for a

quick breath and down for his cock.

Oh, fuck. He loved it when Mike did this. He reached back

for the edge of the pool, holding on as the incredible heat
surrounded him. Mike stayed down for what seemed like
forever, coming up for another quick breath and diving back
down. It was fucking amazing. Had him trying to hump into
Mike's mouth, had him shaking.

Mike pulled furiously, hands almost bruising on his thighs.

Jessy shouted out as he came, shooting into Mike's mouth,
body shuddering with pleasure. Mike pulled away and up,
gasping, hand jerking at that long cock. Jessy covered Mike's
mouth with his own, stealing his lover's air.

Mike jerked, fist moving faster, body shaking. Jessy broke

the kiss long enough for Mike to get a half breath of air and
then sealed their mouths again, tongue pushing in deep,
hands holding Mike up. Mike's eyes rolled, the scent of his
lover's seed mingling with the chlorine in the air.

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He broke the kiss, holding Mike, tugging them close

together. Mike gasped, shivered, body still moving for him.
Jessy moaned, kissing Mike's face, licking Mike's neck. The
scent of his lover mixed with the chlorine was right and good
and his.

"Oh. Oh, fucking wow." Mike grinned, eyes rolling.
He grinned back, laughing, happy. "Yeah, baby. Fucking


Mike floated, flush slowly fading.
"You're something else, baby." He gave Mike a kiss and

slowly moved them toward the ladder.

"I'm yours."
He groaned and stopped to kiss Mike again, hard this time.

Mike was melted in his arms, wrapped around him. He started
to move them toward the ladder again, knowing his own
energy was flagging.

"Love you." Mike finally unwrapped, then stumbled up the

ladder and into a deck chair.

He grabbed a couple of waters out of the cooler set up on

deck and plopped down on the chair next to Mike's, passing
one over. "Yeah, I love you, too."

Mike drank deep, swallowing hard. "Good."
"You look worn out." He hoped they hadn't pushed too

hard too soon; Mike was only just over his cold.

"Mmhmm. But happy."
He smiled. Yeah, that was important. He reached out and

stroked Mike's cheek. "Good."

Mike turned, lips soft against his fingers. "Yeah."

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"So you want to go to the beach next week? Fly out to San

Diego or San Francisco for a few days?"

"Oh, yeah. Or North Carolina. Or Florida. Or, hell, we could

drive to Padre and stay for a couple weeks."

"That sounds fine, Mike. Real fine."
He'd look into it when he got up.

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Chapter Nine
They'd decided on the option of ten days in a nice condo

off north Padre. There was a little kitchen, a pool, a hot tub,
the sand, and the ocean right out the back door. It was
glorious. Mike was up at dawn, in the condo pool for laps, and
then out on the gulf water before Jess even woke up, riding
the waves, fighting the undertow.

Jess came out with a cup of steaming coffee, sitting on the

sand and watching him. Mike's heart was pounding, the
workout amazing, the sheer power of the water thrilling. He
might never come back in. Jess watched for a while and then
stripped and joined him, pulling out strongly through the

"Hey! This is fabulous! Can you feel?"
Jess grinned and nodded. "You shouldn't be out here on

your own, though, Mike. Tomorrow you wake me and I'll
come sit on the beach while you battle the ocean."

"We're on vacation, Coach. I'll be careful." He laughed as

another wave pushed him into Jess' arms, the foam crashing
over them.

Shaking his head, laughing, Jess' arms wrapped around

him, bringing their mouths together. The beach was still
empty, the vacationers still in bed, so he dove into the kiss,
eager, happy.

The waves eventually tossed them up onto the beach and

Jess snorted. "Just like at the movies, baby."

He chuckled, surprised at how tired his legs were. "Man,

hell of a workout."

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Jess nodded, standing and holding a hand out for him.

"That's why you shouldn't swim alone. Come on, let's get a
shower. Sand and nooks and crannies are not a good match."

"Cool. What's for breakfast? Are we going to cook out for

supper? We could drive to Corpus and get groceries. Since
we're on vacation, do I get Ding Dongs?"

Jessy laughed, tugging him along to their cabin. "Ding

Dongs? Are you kidding? Look how up you are just on
sunlight and water. No extra sugar, no caffeine."

"But we're on vacation, Jess!" He tossed the towels across

the racks and bounced to the shower. "Oh. Pancakes. With
butter and ten tons of syrup..."

Jessy laughed and those arms circled him, pulled him in

close. "We could go to Pancake World, I guess..."

"Sounds good." He turned the water on and then went

back for more kisses.

Jessy was practically purring, hands sliding on him, warm

and good. "After we make love."

"Oh, yeah." He nodded, one leg wrapping around Jess'


Jess pushed him up against the wall, rubbing their cocks

together. The wall was cold compared to Jess' heat, making
him jerk and press into Jess. Chuckling, Jess pushed him
back, nipping at his lips. He grinned, fingers sliding over the
short, soft hair at the back of Jess' neck.

Over and over, Jessy pushed against him, their cocks

rubbing, sliding together. It wasn't long before he was
groaning, desperate, needing. Jess squeezed his ass, fingers

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digging into his skin, one just pushing into his hole. He
nodded, pushed back while he reached down for their cocks.

"Yeah. Good." Jess' voice was rough and needy, wanting


He squeezed them together, pumping, pulling. Jessy's

mouth covered his, tongue pressing between his lips. Mike
wrapped his lips around it, sucked in time with the motion of
his hands. Jess moaned into his mouth, warmth spraying over
his hand. He whimpered, loving the heat in Jess' eyes.

Jess kept moving against him, tongue fucking his mouth,

eyes on his, waiting for his pleasure. Mike groaned, jerking,
room spinning a little as he shot. Jess held him up, arms tight
around him, keeping them together as the tongue-fucking

They breathed together, mouths clinging.
A long while later, Jess slowly broke the kiss and bent to

turn off the shower, wrapping him in a fresh towel. "You
enjoying your vacation, baby?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm having a blast." He leaned to lick the water

off Jess' shoulder.

Jess chuckled. "Well, this part we could do at home."
"Uh-huh." But they were fixing to go for pancakes and

shopping and then more of the ocean.

Jess' chuckles turned into laughter. "You're thinking about

the water, aren't you?"

"Huh?" He blinked up, eyes wide.
"You get this look in your eyes, Mike. Pure love."
He blushed, took a deep kiss. "I was made to be in the

water, Jess."

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Jess nodded. "In the water or tied up under me." He was

given a wink and a hard kiss, and then Jess sauntered off,
naked ass swaying.

Oh. Oh, that was pretty. He watched for half a second,

then tackled. Jess went down under him, laughing, happy.

He crowed, straddling Jess' ass, hands in the air. "Woo! I

have you now!"

Jess laughed, ass wriggling. "And what are you going to do

with me, baby?"

He dug into Jess' ribs. "Tickle you!"
Jess started bucking then, arms coming down to try to

protect his sides.

"Oh, no." He kept hold of Jess, tickling harder.
Jess bucked hard and managed to flip him off and turned

the tables on him, sitting on him and tickling. Mike cackled,
wiggling furiously, trying to spin. They wound up in a heap,
struggling for breath, bodies hard and rubbing.

"Jess." He grabbed one of those tight ass cheeks, tugging

Jessy closer.

"Christ, baby, you still make me feel like a teenager.

Always wanting."

"Needing you, Jess. Gonna fuck me?"
"You bet. I'll even do it in bed so you don't scrape your

knees on the floor."

"So good to me." He chuckled, pinched Jess' ass.
Jess squeaked and slapped his hand away. "Behave or I'll

take you right here."

"You squeaked. It was cute." He pinched again.

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And Jess squeaked again and grabbed Mike's wrists,

holding his arms up above his head. "I said behave."

He met those eyes, dead-on, excitement zinging through

him. "Make me."

Jess growled, eyes hot, cock on fire against his belly.

Mike's wrists were both taken in one hand and Jess bent to
kiss him, mouth hard, tongue invading. He arched, pulling,
rocking up against Jess, so hard. Jess bit at his lips, hips
moving counter to his, slamming their bodies together. He
was groaning, hungry, wanting.

Jess shifted, cock nudging at his hole for a moment before

Jess growled and let him go, stood. "The fucking lube's in the

He groaned, rolled over and slid his knees under him,

about to stand up.

"Fuck the lube," muttered Jessy, dropping back down

behind him, hands hard on his hips, thumbs spreading him
open for a hot, wet tongue.

"Jess!" He bucked, eyes huge, burning. "Love!"
"Got it in one," growled Jess, tongue licking and sliding,

pushing into him. He just shorted out, shaking and

"So hot." Jess' tongue disappeared, replaced by the thick,

hard cock. Jess leaned over him, pushing slowly in.

"Oh. Yes. Love you." He pressed back, just panting for it.
Jess pushed all the way in and then started thrusting, hard

and fast, moans and groans almost constant. He met each
thrust, riding Jessy hard, low cries leaving him. Jessy's hands
were so tight on his hips, tugging him onto his knees as Jessy

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sat back. One strong arm wrapped around his neck,
restricting his breathing. The other circled his prick, tugging

He gasped, shuddering, arching for Jess. Please, love.

More. Fuck. Jess kept pushing into him, forcing his cock up
through Jess' hot hand. The arm at his throat tightened some
more. His eyes rolled and he fought to breathe, his cock so
fucking hard, Jess burning inside him.

Harder and harder that cock thrust into him, Jess slowly

tightening the arm around his throat, not hurting, just cutting
his air off, bit by bit. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Ohfuckohfuckohfuck.
Bright spots danced before his eyes, spunk shooting from
him. Jess roared, heat filling him deep, burning inside him, all
he could feel, and then the band across his throat eased, Jess'
arm falling away.

Mike just blinked, swaying a little, gasping for air. Jess'

arms went around his middle and he was cradled back against
the strong body, Jess' forehead resting on his neck, breath
panting on his skin. He groaned, panting, fingers sliding on
Jess' arms.

"Love you, baby."
"Love. Damn." He nodded, grinned.
Jess kissed the back of his neck and groaned. "Wish we'd

made it to the bed."

"Uh-huh. Your fault."
"Oh, no. I wasn't the one lying there with my ass up in the


"I was getting up. Sort of."

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The cock still inside him shifted as Jess laughed. "Getting it

up is more like it."

He chuckled, spread a little. "You know it."
"Christ, you're sexy, Mike. You make me ache."
"Oh." He looked up, turning his head to face Jessy,

blushing dark. "I love you, Jessy."

Jess' mouth covered his, the kiss soft and sweet, special.

"I know, baby. I know."

"Mmm..." He shivered, relaxing.
Eventually Jess slid out of him and stood, bringing him up,

too, and leading him to bed. "The pancakes will still be there
if we nap for a bit."

"I like brunch." They cuddled together on the bed, bodies

settling easily.

"Good." Jess' hands, as usual, slid over his skin, smoothing

and soothing.

He purred, muscles relaxing. Oh, yes. So good.

* * * *

It was amazing how fast ten days could fly when you were

having fun.

Mike practiced every morning and evening in the pool, and

they spent almost all the rest of the time either playing in the
waves or making love.

Tonight they were in a fancy, dancy restaurant, eating surf

and turf, and Jessy had wine while Mike had sparkling grape
juice. It was a pretty fancy place, and the candles were
dancing in Mike's brown eyes, making them glimmer. Jessy
smiled, feeling relaxed, happy.

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"You have fun this vacation, Mike?"
"I have. We should move down here. I love the ocean."
"Seriously? Because we could. Though we'd be hard

pressed to find a place as decked out for training as home is."

"Well, I'm still committed to a class next semester, but we

could think about it." Mike ate his shrimp, appetite huge with
the extra ocean workouts.

He'd have to see how swimming in the ocean had affected

Mike's strokes and times once they got back. They had a
practice with UT scheduled for the day after they got back.

His own food was awesome, and he speared flesh out of

the lobster claw, dipping it into the garlic butter. Damn, that
was good.

Mike cleaned his plate, then cleared the bread basket.
"You want some garlic bread or a salad before dessert?"
"Oh, yeah. Both?"
He raised an eyebrow. "You're going to burst."
He ordered both for Mike and some snails in garlic butter

for himself.

"Won't. Working it off." Mike winked. "And I'm not kissing

you until you brush your teeth. Snails? Are bugs."

He snorted. "You ate the shrimp—you know what their job


"No and I don't want to know. They're not snails."
He grinned. "You'll have to try one."
"Nope. No way. Not happening." Mike shook his head.

"That is so not fun with food."


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"Maybe, but I'm a brave freak who's willing to try new


"Have you ever seen a snail? How starving do you have to

be to look at one and think 'lunch'?"

Their extra appetizers were brought to them. "They're a

delicacy, kid. Like frog's legs." He speared one and hummed
at the strong taste of garlic as he ate it.

"Frogs are also not food."
Laughing, he speared another one and held it out to Mike.
Mike shook his head. "Only if I get a Dr. Pepper to wash it


"Nope. But I'll let you top tonight."
Mike's eyes narrowed. "That's not going to keep the taste

of the bug out of my mouth, Jess."

"I'll fill your mouth for you, baby."
Mike gave him a look and then chuckled.
He winked and smiled. "Oh, come on. It's tiny. And it

tastes mostly of garlic." He dipped it back into the garlic
butter so it was dripping and held it back out to Mike.

"It's a bug. And I want a soda. I deserve a soda." Mike ate

the snail, shuddering dramatically.

He chuckled, knowing it didn't taste bad. The snail was a

little chewy in texture but really had very little taste on its
own, being primarily a vehicle for the spices in the butter it
was cooked in.

"You can have a soda. Sprite, ginger ale, orange crush..."
"Dr. Pepper." The water was guzzled.
"Nope." No caffeine. It was his one inviolate rule.

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"Damn." Mike shook his head. "What do you have against


"It hypes you up and makes you sick."
"I..." Mike gave him a look, stuck his tongue out.
He purred. "You gonna use that when we get out of here?"
"I could use it faster with caffeine." Mike's toe brushed

Jessy's leg as he got a wink.

He bit back his laughter, managing to growl, "Brat."
"Yep, but I'm yours and I love you." Mike gave him a warm

smile. "Share dessert with me?"

"Hell, yeah. Just not the chocolate cake." He winked,

beaming wide at Mike.

"Chocolate is good for you."
"How about the caramel flan?"
Mike tilted his head. "Okay. I like that."
"I know." And he enjoyed watching Mike eating stuff he

liked, enjoying watching that delighted look on Mike's face.

Mike beamed at him. "I'm going to miss the ocean.

Looking forward to the next meet, though. I'm feeling

He nodded. "We've got about a week. Good timing

actually. We can have our last hurrah tonight."

"You know that's a stupid rule, right?"
He ordered their caramel flan for them. "I know the rule is

a pain in the ass, but I believe it helps your focus, keeps you

"It just makes me jack off more."

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"Not where I can see you." Mike knew jacking off counted

as sex.

"That's what the shower's for, baybee." Mike winked.
He shook his head. "You're going to make me dog you

24/7 the week before meets, aren't you?"

"Nope." Mike gave him a look. "Think about it—I'm winning

now. I've been winning. What's dogging my ass going to

Jessy chuckled as Mike fought for his right to jerk off. "It's

going to make you even stronger, even more focused." He
winked, even if the kid did have a point.

"Bah." Mike grinned. "Hardass."
He nodded. "You know it."
Their dessert came and he gave Mike the fork, let the kid

feed him for a change. Mike gave him much more than half,
his lover generous to a fault, eyes warm and watching him.
By the time they were done, he was more than a little hard,
needing Mike, wanting him.

"You ready to go?" Mike's eyes were shining, hungry,


He nodded. "Hell, yeah. I've got a date with your mouth."
Mike laughed, finished his glass of water. "You do? Just my


"Well, no, but I figured that was the most urgent. Given

your need to wash out the taste of snail."

"Ew. Snails."
He laughed, sliding his finger into Mike's mouth for a

moment before inclining his head. "Come on, baby. I want."

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Mike looked at him, wide-eyed, for a moment, then

nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. I ... Me, too." Christ, Jessy loved that
look. Loved that he could still get it out of the kid.

Mike stood, hand draped over his cock casually. Jessy

grinned, feeling smug and studly, all but strutting out to their
car. Mike followed, hands sliding over his ass, squeezing. He
growled, not sure he was gonna make it home before he
jumped Mike's ass.

"Sexy bastard." Mike was all sex kitten, purring.
He growled again and pushed Mike up against the car,

pressing his body against Mike's as their mouths met. Mike
groaned, leg wrapping around his hip, those lips opening right
up. Jesus fuck, this was a bad idea. That didn't seem to be
stopping him any, though; he was just humping away.

Mike rubbed, tongue pushing into his lips, fighting his

tongue. He fought back, their tongues tangling, sliding from
Mike's mouth to his, then back again. Mike was bucking,
rubbing against him, almost riding his thigh. He pushed his
hand between them, pinching Mike's nipples. Mike cried out,
bucking, sucking his tongue into that hot mouth.

It was fierce and hot, wild and fast, and he could feel

himself coming, his roar pushing into Mike's mouth. Mike's
eyes rolled, entire body trembling for him. He pinched Mike's
nipples again, pressing with his thigh as a shudder rocked
him, sweet aftershocks. Mike jerked and arched, went
perfectly still, gasping into his mouth. Yeah, that's what he
was looking for, Mike's need, uncontrollable and on fire, just
like his own.

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He moaned and gentled the kiss before pulling back and

getting Mike's door open. "Hurry. Before the cops show up."
He gave Mike a wink.

"Yeah. That would be awkward." Mike was still flushed and


He chuckled as he went around the car, sliding into the

driver's seat. "Yeah, it would be."

The drive back to their rented cottage took no time at all,

though it seemed long enough, with the heat between them
hardly dissipated at all. Then, thank God, they were out of
the car and at the door of their rental.

Mike was behind him, pushing and touching, breathing

against him. He got the door open and then closed behind
them again, arms already reaching for Mike. Mike was right
there, pushing against his chest, moaning low. His hands
closed over Mike's ass, their mouths fused back together
again as he walked them back toward the little bedroom. He
couldn't wait to get their pants off, but that didn't stop him
from rubbing them together.

"Love you." Mike licked his jaw, up to his ear. "You make

me need."

"Yes. Yes, I know all about that." He nodded, shuddering,

hands tugging Mike's shirt out of his pants.

Mike bit his earlobe, then sucked it in. Jessy jerked, hands

sliding on Mike's skin, fingers pressing against the fabulous,
warm silk. Mike's moan was hot, sweet; it tickled his ear. He
got Mike's jeans off, using Mike's shirt to wipe away the
drying come from Mike's skin. He moaned as his fingers slid
by Mike's cock.

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"Yours." Mike got Jessy's shirt unbuttoned, fingers on his


"Yes. Mine." He growled, mouth sliding to Mike's neck,

licking and nibbling, filling himself with Mike's scent.

Mike nodded, groaning and arching against him. They were

soon both naked, stumbling back into the bed, his hands
reaching everywhere he could. Mike's mouth was on fire,
blazing from his shoulder to his chest. He pushed their hips
together, cocks sliding like fire.

"Jess. Jess. More." Teeth scraped across his nipple, hot as


He bucked hard and flipped them, putting Mike beneath

him and grinding into Mike's heat. The bed was creaking,
Mike clinging to him, cries filling the air.

"Oh, baby. Love you."
He reached for the lube, spreading it on his fingers and

pushing one into Mike and then two and then three, too
needy to go any slower.

"Love. Jess. Need you."
"I know. I know." He did, he could feel it in his own spine,

hard and necessary.

He pushed his fingers once more into Mike and then lined

his cock up with that sweet hole, pushing in with a groan.

Mike arched, a sweet cry splitting the air. "Yes!"
He nodded, groaning as he started thrusting, pushing into

that tight heat over and over again. Mike pushed right back,
riding him, needing him. They pushed and thrust and bucked
and came together hard, bodies slamming together.

"Love you. Fuck." Mike's voice was raw, hoarse as hell.

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"Yeah, baby. Fuck." He just kept moving, kept pounding,

feeling it building inside him, getting ready to explode.

Mike reached up, grabbed the headboard, hips jerking

furiously, driving him. Growling, he grabbed Mike's hips in his
hands, taking over, pulling them into his thrusts as their
mouths crashed together again. Heat sprayed between them,
Mike's body squeezing him tight. He roared again, his own
orgasm slamming through him like a wall of pleasure.

He collapsed onto Mike, hands automatically going up to

undo cuffs that just weren't there this time out. He chuckled
breathlessly. Mike grinned, hands sliding around his

He purred, nuzzling into Mike's neck. "Love you, baby."
"Good." Mike squeezed his cock, body hot and tight.
He groaned, shuddered. "Fuck. Mike."
"Yes. Absolutely."
He got another squeeze.
He groaned and shook his head as his cock tried to stop

deflating. "I'm an old man here, Mike."

"My old man." Fuck, Mike felt good.
"Yeah, baby." He leaned in and kissed Mike, and as his

tongue slid into the sweet recesses of Mike's mouth, he
thought just maybe he was going to get it up again.

Mike's hands stroked his head, holding him close. The kiss

went on and on, leaving him breathless, dizzy. Mike didn't
back away, either, kept moving, kissing, stealing his breath.
Eventually he had to move, sliding his hips, pushing into Mike
in long, slow motions. Mike's body held him tight, so hot, so
soft, milking his prick.

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"So good, baby." The pleasure was unbelievable, like little

fingers all over his body.

"Uh-huh. Like magic." Mike was smiling, laughing for him.
He nodded, hand managing to find Mike's hard cock,

tugging on it.

"Oh..." Mike nipped his bottom lip, sucked it in.
His groan came from his balls and he moved faster, the

sweet heat becoming urgent. Mike nodded, panting, pushing
and pulling and needing him. He saw stars when he came, the
pleasure sliding over his body, making him hot, making him
shake. Mike groaned, heat spreading between them, slick and
wet. He collapsed onto Mike, trusting that his lover could hold
his weight.

"Love you." Mike purred, rocking under him.
"Yeah, baby. Love you." He turned his head and licked at

Mike's lips.

"Mmm ... This was a great vacation, Jessy."
"Yeah, it was, wasn't it?"
He knew he'd sure had a good time.
Mike nodded. "Perfect."
He settled a little more, feeling sleep come barreling down

on him.

"Love you, baby."
"Uh-huh." His back was patted. "Love."
He hummed, happy and already more than half asleep.

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Chapter Ten
He was fucking flying, the still water not even having any

drag, just slipping past him.

Fuck, yes.
Mike hit the wall hard, the turn awkward because of his

speed. His music stopped, Coach's signal to stop.

He lifted his head up, looking around. "Yeah?"
"You're going to have to compensate on the turn, Mike, or

it's going to lose you more time than you're making up. Try
going into just a little sooner to make up for the extra speed."

He nodded. "Feels good, Coach. Damn good."
He was bouncing.
Running ninety to nothing.
Coach grinned at him. "Good. Good. Just don't overdo it."
He nodded, already back in the water, moving to the

music, working the turns, zipping through the water. Coach
didn't stop him again, so Coach must have been happy with
the results. The CD ended, started again, and he kept
swimming, kept moving, started daydreaming about the

It cut out again suddenly.
Damn it.
He got to the edge, looked up.
"You stopped focusing," Coach accused, voice growling.
"How the hell would you know that?"

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"You've been swimming for three hours, Mike. You were

finished with your laps ages ago."

"Feels good." Over-training? Him? Never.
"Uh-huh. Out of the water." Coach's arms were crossed,

and he had that stubborn look on his face.

"Yep, that's me. Nothing but a spoilsport and hardass. Out

of the water."

Man, the edge of the pool looked far away. Ladder. Cool.

Up the ladder. "Do I have to?"

"Mike." Oh, that was the you're-working-my-last-nerve

growl. Which was pretty damned sexy, really.

He dragged his ass out of the water. Man, gravity sucked.
"Feeling a little tired all of a sudden, are we?" Coach put a

towel around his shoulders, grumbling, drying him off and
managing to massage his muscles at the same time.

"Stupid gravity." He wasn't tired. Really.
"Uh-huh. It's all gravity's fault. Swimming all out for three

hours had nothing to do with it." The growl was back, and
Coach was hustling him inside.

"Nothing at all. Felt good. I was fucking flying. Bouncing."
"Yeah. Yeah. Two hours. That's how long you're supposed

to swim in a row."

"Three is close to two..." He was buzzing, wired for sound.
Coach snorted. "Let's get a shower."
"'Kay." He stopped and grabbed a glass of juice, the sugar

going straight to his head.

Coach stopped in the playroom on his way to the shower.
"Whatcha looking at?"

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"Just a toy or two. Gonna find something to do with all that


"Huh? Energy? Me? No..." He chuckled and goosed Jess,


He caught Jessy off guard, making Jessy jump and yelp.

He was cackling all the way to the bathroom. Jessy caught up
with him just as he got there, goosing him back.

"No pinching! You'll leave marks, swellings! Speed bumps

that slow me down!"

"Nothing slows you down, baby." Jessy pushed up behind

him, naked and warm, pushing him into the bathroom.

He moved forward, right into the tub, laughing the whole

way. "Pushy."

"I have to be," murmured Jessy, rubbing against him.
He pushed back, ass rocking. "Why?"
"Because otherwise you'd walk all over me."
"Not me." He spread a little, hips swaying.
Jessy laughed and took a half step back. "No?"
He scooted back into those arms. "Nope."
"Says the pushiest bottom I have ever seen." Jessy's arms

wrapped around him, one stroking his belly, the other holding
his hip.

"Not pushy at all! I? Am a shrink..." He started giggling,

ruining it. "Shrinking violet."

Jessy grabbed his cock, pumping. "Nope. No shrinking


"Oh..." He groaned, hips swaying. "Yeah."
Jessy growled softly, mouth sliding on his neck. "Pushy

fucking bottom."

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"Your pushy fucking bottom."
"You got that right." Jessy's cock nudged at his hole, damp

tip pushing.

"Oh. Yeah. In me." He pushed back, needing.
Jessy pushed and pushed, cock stretching him wide.
"Yeah..." Mike groaned, bearing down on that heavy cock.
Jessy moaned, pushing in harder, going deep.
"Jess!" He groaned again, nodding, needing. "Yeah."
"Yeah." Jess' voice was low, growly. Mike was up against

the tile, Jess starting to fuck him.

He bent forward, hips rocking, squeezing Jess' cock.
"Oh, baby. Feels good."
Mike braced against the tile, nodding, hips bucking

furiously. Jess fucked him hard, hand insistent on his cock,
demanding his pleasure. He bucked again, eyes wide, flying,
so hot, so hard.

"That's it, baby," growled Jessy. "Give it to me. Give me

that pleasure, that energy."

"Love. Need. Want. Jess. Sweet." His voice got louder,

higher, sharper.

"That's it. More. More." Harder and harder, Jess pushed

into him.

"Gonna. Oh. Oh." He jerked, come spraying from him,

balls drawing tight.

"Yeah. Baby." Jess groaned, pushing into him again and

again before coming, filling him deep.

He hummed, panted. "So good."
"Yeah. The fucking best." Jess shifted them, reaching over

to the counter while still buried in him.

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He hummed, snuggling back into Jess' arms. "Warm."
"Gonna plug you now, baby. Keep me inside you. Keep you

ready for me."

"Oh..." He shuddered, panting, thighs parting.
"Oh, you like that, do you?" Jess chuckled, cock easing

from him, cool metal replacing the girth of Jess' cock.

His body clenched around the plug, muscles shivering. Jess

seated it and then turned him, kissing him deeply. He rubbed,
lips opening, cock trying to rise again.

Jess purred. "Now we're going to go into the playroom and

I'm going to tie you up and make you crazy."

"We are? You are?"
"Oh." His toes curled, prick filling.
Jessy was licking the water from his collarbone, hands

sliding along his back, reaching to grab his ass. He rocked
back into the touch, eyes rolling. It was so good, hot. Settling
him deep in his bones. Jess' fingers found the plug, jostling it.

"Jess!" He jerked, cock rubbing against that hot belly.
Jess purred. "We'd better get you to the bedroom. Get that

pretty cock tied up so we can play longer."

"Oh, man. Gonna make me crazy." He kept rubbing.

Maybe he could get off first.

"That's the idea, baby." Jess gave him one last hard kiss

and then turned off the shower and tugged him out, toweled
him off and dragged him off to their playroom.

"I. Jess." He tried to rub against that fine ass.
Jess tsked. "And you call me pushy."
"You are. Pushy and hot and sexy and mine."

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Jess grinned. "Flattery isn't going to get you off any


"If you'd just stand still a minute..." He winked, pumped

his cock, ass squeezing the plug.

Jess laughed and grabbed his hands, tugging him down

onto the bed and getting him cuffed in. "Now you just need a
ring. You want one of the leather ones, baby?"

He shifted, restless and wanting, cock bouncing on his

belly. "Okay."

Jess' hand came down on his belly, stroking gently. "Easy

now, Mike. You know it's better if it gets to build."

Oh, that touch ... He hummed, eased, soothed.
"Yeah, that's it, baby." Jess bent and kissed his belly and

the tip of his cock and then went to the wardrobe and pulled
out some strips of leather.

The leather was wound around his balls and the base of his

cock and then criss-crossed all the way up and tied off just
below the head of his cock, snug but not painfully tight.

"Beautiful," growled Jessy, blue eyes so hot.
"Oh ... Oh, Jess." Mike arched, purring, heat filling his


Jess stood over him, pumping his cock, just watching like

he was the center of the fucking universe. Mike opened his
lips, tongue sliding out, so hungry.

"Christ, you're the sexiest thing I have ever seen, Mike.

You make me want like nothing ever. Have since day one."
Jessy's voice was little more than a needy growl.

"I love you. Want you so bad, Jess." It was the truth, too.

He needed that attention, that love, more than air.

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Jessy nodded. "I know, baby. I love you, too."
Then Jess climbed onto the bed and cuffed his ankles.

Starting there, Jess began to lick him, kiss him, worshiping
his skin from his toes and slowly, so very slowly, working his
way up. He groaned, relaxing in the bonds, electricity running
through him, setting every nerve on fire. Jessy's fingers
started working his skin, barely touching, sensitizing his skin
for Jessy's mouth.

"Oh. Oh, wow. Damn." He shifted, purred, shivering under

that touch.

Jessy hummed and purred, fingers occasionally stroking a

bit deeper, making his blood flow. He arched into those
deeper touches, toes curling, low groans pouring from him.
His inner thighs also got treated to Jessy's fingernails,
stroking along the skin, not hard enough to leave marks, just
to spark.

"Christ, baby, you're amazing.
"Just yours, Jess. Oh. Oh, love..."
"Yeah. All mine. To do with what I want." He got one of

those wicked grins as warning and then the plug inside him
was jostled, shifted.

"Oh!" He shuddered, jerked, tugging on the bonds.
Jessy purred again, licking a long line up the inside of his

thigh, teasing his balls. His thighs trembled, shook, balls
tightening up.

"Smell so good, baby. So fucking good." Jessy buried his

face in Mike's groin, breathing deeply.

"Jess! Love!" He rubbed, moaning low.

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Jess' tongue slid along his crease, circled the base of the

plug. Mike's eyes popped open, staring up at the ceiling,
breath caught in his throat. Jess growled softly, teeth
grasping the edge of the plug, tugging, not hard enough to
dislodge it, just pulling it out a tiny bit.

"Jess. Oh, fuck. Jess. That. Oh." He shivered, eyes just


Jess chuckled, the sound vibrating along his skin. "Love it

when you sound like that."

Jess moved up, tongue sliding over leather and skin on his


"So hungry. Fuck. I need, Jessy. I'm burning."
"On fire," murmured Jessy, mouth closing over the tip of

Mike's prick, sucking hard, tongue sliding along the slit.

His cry tore from him, hips pumping furiously, time

stopping short. One of Jess' hands stole up his belly to his
chest, moving achingly slowly until two fingers grabbed his

He shuddered, gasped. "More."
Jess nodded, jostling Mike's cock. Mike's heart was

pounding, entire body throbbing. Jess' mouth left his cock,
moving to suck on one hip bone, then his belly, slowly
working its way up to one of his nipples. He was whimpering,
shifting, hands twisting in the cuffs.

His nipples were sucked, bitten, licked, one of Jessy's

hands sliding over his balls, his cock, down to jostle the plug.
His eyes rolled, entire body jerking and throbbing. Then
Jessy's mouth was on his, tongue pushing in, fucking his

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mouth. He tensed, jerking, almost convulsing as his need was
stronger than the leather on his cock.

Jess's knee bumped the plug as the leather was undone.

Mike whimpered, still caught in his orgasm. Jess pushed him
through it, hands on his cock, tugging, pulling as that knee
kept the plug moving.

"I. Oh. Oh, Jess. Please." He didn't even know what he was

begging for.

"Yeah, baby, I know."
The plug came out. Just like that, the heat of Jessy's cock

filled him.

"Yes!" He nodded, bucking hard. Oh. Oh, yeah. That was

what he needed. Just that. Fuck.

Jessy didn't say anything, just started fucking him, cock

hard and hot and perfect. Every muscle was into it, hips
rocking and thrusting, jerking down to take more.

"Baby. Mike." Jess groaned, just plunging into him.
"Yours. Please."
"Mine. Mine." Jess growled the words, those eyes burning

into him.

"Yes. Yes, love." He nodded, sobbed, come pouring from

him again.

Jessy roared, jerking into him and filling him with heat.

Mike slumped into the mattress, eyes rolling. Jess slid out of
him, making him cry out at the loss, and then his ankles and
wrists were released, Jess rubbing his skin.

He curled into Jessy's strength, heart pounding.
"Oh, baby, I love you." Jessy's hands were warm, his chest


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Mike nodded. Yeah. Love. Wow. The covers were pulled up

and Jessy's hands slid over him.

He cuddled in, exhausted, worn through. "Never moving


Jessy laughed softly. "Or for an hour. Whichever comes


Anything you say, Jessy.
Anything at all.

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Chapter Eleven
It was Mike's last race. He'd taken gold in everything he'd

entered, just smoking, still flying on the extra speed he'd
picked up from playing in the ocean. They definitely needed
to move out there; Mike obviously thrived like the fish he

A small part of Jessy fretted, worried that Mike was going

to burn out if they made the ocean a permanent part of their
life, but the kid had been swimming since he was little;
surely, if he was going to burn out, he'd already have done
so. They needed to go see the doc after this meet. Just check
that everything was doing what it was supposed to. If they
got the all clear? He'd start looking for places out near Padre.
Or, hell, they could move to the Keys or out west, he

They announced the four hundred relay final, and Jess

swept everything else from his mind, focusing on Mike. Mike
was swimming the third leg, and the team was in fourth by
the time they got to him. Mike looked fabulous—strong and
fast, burning up the water. By the time Mike hit the wall for
their clean-up man, the only way they were going to lose was
if Jason totally screwed up, and Jason was UT's best
swimmer, bar Mike.

All the fans were on their feet, cheering and yelling, the

team's lead impressive thanks to Mike's swim. Damn, Jessy
was proud.

Mike was whooping, jumping, arms pumping as Jason

made the turn. "Come on!"

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Jessy was right there, too, Samuels next to him as they

hovered behind the three boys waiting on Jason to hit the
wall. He lost a little bit of ground, not enough to make it ever
be a question of who was going to win, coming in to touch the
wall almost a full body length in front of second place.

Jeff was bouncing, hollering as UT took UCLA's first place

right out from under them. "Jessy. Man, you don't suppose
you'll give him back to me full time?"

He laughed. "Not my choice, Jeff. You'll have to ask Mike."

He wasn't worried. Not even a flicker.

"Right. That boy worships the ground you walk on." Jeff

chuckled, gave his team a thumbs up and a wave. "Although I
could tempt him with Dr. Pepper and chocolate."

Jessy nodded. "Yep, you just might have something there.

Of course, he'd probably lose time after the first few days of

He grinned, watching as the other boys from UT all came

running up to high five and hug their teammates. He kept a
half an eye on the UCLA boys, too, making sure they stayed
well away from the UT boys on the coping and not completely
relaxing until the group had backed away some.

Mike headed over, all grins, bouncing on the balls of his

feet. "We did good, Coach."

"That's the understatement of the year. You must have

really wanted that pizza the way you were flying." He winked
and then offered congratulations out to the other guys,
several of whom had put in personal bests this competition.
They were all right where they wanted to be for the upcoming
Worlds and the Olympic trials after that.

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Not that anyone but Mike was gonna take gold.
"You know it." Mike grinned, winked. "Only a month 'til it's

pizza and beer."

He laughed and shook his head. "You don't know about the

no alcohol rule yet, kid."

"Man, Coach Turner, you ever going to let Mikey have any

fun?" Jason winked, bumping Mike's hip with his own.

"Oh, I think Mikey has plenty of fun." He left it at that,

careful not to let his gaze linger over Mike. Speaking of fun, it
had been too fucking long since they'd made love. If it wasn't
working so damned well, he'd rescind the damned no-fucking-
the-week-before-a-meet rule.

"Maybe. You wanna go out with us tonight, Mikey? My

treat." Jason's eyes trailed right down Mike's body, hot and

His Mike? Only had eyes for him. "I got plans, man;

thanks, though." He didn't think Mike even knew he'd been
scoped out. The kid's focus was pretty damn stellar, and he
was one lucky bastard to be smack in the middle of it.

"We'll see you back at the pool for practice on Tuesday,

Jeff. I'm gonna take my swimmer out to celebrate."

Mike nodded, grabbed his CD player, and headed to

shower and change, lean body moving nice and easy. Jessy
followed more slowly, admiring from a safe distance, loving
the happiness evident in Mike's body.

Mike greeted the younger swimmers, grinned and chatted

and hugged. Even signed two programs.

He'd be damned.

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Mike'd have to get used to that. Soon as the kid hit Worlds

everyone was going to want a piece of him. Good thing his
boy was interested in the swimming as much as he was.
Focus wouldn't be a problem.

There was a reporter waiting by the changing rooms,

microphone and notebook, long red nails wrapping around
Mike's arm to draw him into an interview. Mike turned his
head, eyes searching, panicking.

He went up to them and draped his arm around Mike's

shoulders casually. "Mike's real pleased with his wins. He and
the UT team really pulled together, and most of the
swimmers swam their personal best this meet. It was a great
meet. Thanks a lot."

He steered Mike into the changing room. "We're going to

have to go through talking to reporters 101, because they're
not going to go away."

"I didn't sign up for reporters, Coach. Swimming. That's it.


"You're going to have to learn to tell 'em 'I'm glad I won, I

love my team, gotta go.' The sponsors want to see your face
on TV and in the papers. It's not so bad, kid."

Mike stuck his tongue out, changing the subject as he

rinsed off. "Jase was saying I needed a tattoo. I'd have to
stay out of the water for two weeks ... How do they do that?
Stay out of the water for that long?"

He had to laugh at the kid. Not willing to stay out of the

water that long. That was his Mike. "What would you get

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"Something like a tribal dolphin, so it wouldn't be too girly.

Or a merman." Mike looked around, pulled his shirt on. "A
pair of 'em."

"A pair of mermen?" He raised an eyebrow. "You got

models all picked out and everything already?

"Well, no. Just the silhouettes, you know?"
"It sounds sexy, baby." He gave Mike a heated look and

then backed off, letting Mike change.

"Yeah, but I couldn't miss two weeks of training. No way."

Mike grinned, shoving everything into the orange and white

"You'll have to wait until you're an old man resting on his


"Then we can both get one." Mike headed out, bouncing,


He chuckled. "Well there's nothing stopping me from

staying out of the water for two weeks."

Mike laughed, ass wiggling, tempting him.
He growled softly. "Just you wait until we get to the hotel."
"Ooh ... big scary coach..." Mike started hurrying.
"You sure 'coach' is the word you were thinking of when

you think of me and big?"

God, Mike's laugh was bright and happy, excited, and it

just settled in Jessy's balls.

He sat behind the wheel, smiling, just riding the high with

Mike. This was what they'd been working for—gold medals
and personal bests and beating the team to beat. It was all in
front of them, just waiting for Mike to reach out and grab it,
touch that wall.

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Mike reached out, twined their fingers together, held on.
"Love you, Jessy. We're doing it."
He squeezed, glanced over at Mike, smiling. "Yeah. We

are." He chuckled. "Well, mostly you—I haven't been in a race
in a lot of years."

"You race with me. Every one."
"Yeah? 'The wall, kid, focus on the wall' echoing in your


"No." Mike blushed dark, looked away. "I always hear,

'come on, baby.'"

He purred, squeezing Mike's hand again. "Come on, baby,"

he growled.

"Yeah..." Mike nodded, gave him a huge smile. "Yeah."
He nodded and smiled back. "Love you, baby."
"We going to the room? To bed?"
He looked at Mike, eyes hot in his head. "What about your


"We can order in."
"You got that right. We can order in. Later."
"Yeah. Yeah, Jess. Later." Mike was watching him,

bouncing. "Need you."

He chuckled and took his hand back to negotiate the hotel

parking lot. "I know, baby. I know."

"Five races. Five. And reporters and the relay and it's all

spinning inside me."

He nodded. "I know how to remind you of what's

important, kid."

Mike nodded back, out of the car as soon as it stopped,

moving, bouncing.

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Christ, this was a familiar scene, the two of them heading

up to their room, Mike vibrating—anger, joy, it didn't matter,
he knew just how to make Mike focus, how to wear him out
and let him sleep.

"Come on, Jess. Hurry. Hurry."
"Pushy brat."
Jessy put his hands in his pockets and followed slowly,

heading for the elevator. Mike groaned, took the stairs,
running them, working that energy. He waited for the
elevator, managing not to take the stairs by a pure act of will.
If Mike wasn't lying spread out and naked on their bed, he'd
eat his hotel key. The elevator couldn't get there fast enough.

He opened the hotel door, already undoing the buttons on

his shirt. Mike was spread, hand working his prick, hips
pushing up into that long hand.

"Getting started without me?" he growled, pushing the

door closed.

"Uh-huh." Mike moved faster, harder.
"Stop. That's mine."
Those brown eyes met his, hand stopped, hips moving.


"Yeah, baby?" He got his shirt off, toed off his shoes, and

started in on his pants.

"I want."
"I know." He growled again, naked, hard, needing, wanting

that long body more than anything.

"Oh. So fucking hot." Mike's eyes were burning, hand

moving again, nipples hard.

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"Stop it, Mike. I told you that was mine." He batted Mike's

hand away, lowering himself down onto the long body,
bringing their mouths together.

Mike arched up, groaning, rubbing against him, tongue

pushing into his mouth. Jessy fought Mike's tongue, wanting
to fuck that sweet mouth with his own tongue. Damn, Mike
tasted good, right, his. He took Mike's hands in his and held
them up and out, knees spreading Mike's legs. Mike keened,
loving it, needing it. Needing him. He growled happily, cock
nudging at Mike's hole and then pushing into that perfect,
tight heat.

"Yes..." Mike rocked into it, bearing down hard.
"Oh, fuck. Yes." He pushed past the tight ring of muscles

and right into Mike's body, sliding deep.

"Yes." Mike's wrists tugged against his hands, those eyes


He loved that, loved when Mike tested him, tried to gain

control of his hands. He purred into Mike's mouth, hips
starting to move. Mike groaned, moving faster, meeting his
thrusts, low cries filling his lips. He pressed in again and
again, belly dragging along Mike's cock.

"Uhn. Don't ever want this to stop..."
"Well, I can go for a while, baby, but eventually I'm gonna

come." He grinned into Mike's face, a groan catching him as
pleasure slid up his spine.

"Yeah..." Mike arched, tugging harder against his hands as

he slid deep. "There. Jess. Again. Fuck."

He nailed Mike's gland again and again, staying there now

that he'd found it, making Mike just writhe beneath him.

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Those dark eyes stared at him, needing, hungry. "Soon.

Fucking soon."

"Yeah, baby. Give it to me." He thrust harder, mouth

taking Mike's.

Mike's body squeezed him tight, Mike's spunk spraying hot

against his belly. He moaned, body shuddering as his orgasm
was pulled from him, Mike's body and the smell of Mike's seed
combining to send him over the edge.

"Mmm. Good..." Mike sounded dazed, happy.
"Yeah." He was feeling pretty dazed and happy himself.
He let go of Mike's wrists, slowly settled on the long,

slender body.

Mike hummed, settling as well. "We did good today."
He nodded, breathing in Mike's scent, licking at Mike's

neck. "You did perfect, baby. Focused on that wall and did
what you have to do."

"The ocean helped. We should go back."
"It definitely seemed to make a difference. Made you

stronger without extra training. We could see about

"I'd just take online classes? Or would I leave the team?"
"Well, I guess we'll have to weigh your options. See what

works best for you."

Mike's degree was something that would be there for him

when the speed faded, but at one class a semester, practicing
with the team and doing a bit of volunteer work at the pool to
make up the rest of his requirements, Mike wasn't getting
there anytime soon, so a few years off probably wouldn't
make much difference in the end.

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"Isn't that what I have you for?" Mike winked, kissed his


"Well, yeah, but I thought we liked to pretend that you

have a choice?" He gave Mike a grin and rolled to his side,
drawing Mike into his arms.

Mike chuckled. "So long as we're just pretending."
He laughed and kissed Mike hard. "You want that pizza

now, baby? You sure deserve it."

"Hell, yeah. Pizza and ice cream." Mike grinned, nodding

happily. "You know it."

He sat and pulled the phone book from the bedside table

drawer, flipping through it.. "Double cheese pepperoni? And
you want a medium or a large?"

"Add green peppers and onions and I want a medium,

please." Mike stretched, back popping.

"Wow, moderation. Don't tell me the rules are actually

starting to rub off on you?" He grinned and winked, ordering
Mike's pizza and a medium double meat for himself, along
with a couple of Sprites. They'd get the ice cream from room
service later.

"Got better things to do tonight than puke up a lung, is


He chuckled. "Yeah? You got plans, baby?"
"Uh-huh. Brought a couple toys..."
"Oh?" He'd expected Mike would want to fuck the night

away, but they didn't usually have toys along.

Mike blushed, nodded. "The big plug. The clamps. The

leather collar. Been a long week..."

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Jessy moaned and moved back over to Mike, kissing him

hard. "Where are they?"

There was no reason Mike couldn't be plugged and

clamped before supper got there, that collar sitting on his
neck and reminding him what was going to come.

"In the red suitcase." Mike was flushed, breathing hard


Grinning, cock definitely struggling back to life thanks to

his lover, Jessy went over to the red suitcase and felt around
the edges, coming up with the plug, clamps, and collar in a
small, velvet bag. "You sweet, wanton boy."

Mike pinked. "I knew you couldn't get us a flight until

supper tomorrow..."

"I'm not complaining, baby. Not for a second."
He stretched back out alongside Mike, hands sliding over

his lover's skin. "I want to watch you get yourself ready for
the plug."

"Now?" Oh, fuck, Mike didn't know how sexy that was, not

at all.

"Oh, yeah, baby. We've got a half hour before the pizza

arrives. I'm not wasting it."

He rubbed his cock against Mike's hip, reaching over to

where he'd dropped the lube, pressing it into Mike's hand.

Mike fumbled the lube open, slicked up two fingers, then

twisted, pressing them in. "This feels so ... Big."

"Those two slender fingers? They're not big at all, baby.

Not compared to what's coming." He nibbled and licked at
Mike's ear, watching those fingers work the little hole.

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Reaching down, he pushed one of his own in as well, groaning
at the heat and silk inside Mike's body.

"Oh. Oh. Jess." Mike nodded, moving a little faster, adding

another finger. Eager.

He moaned, rubbing harder against Mike's hip. Damn, his

baby was sexy. Fucking sexy. The most luscious sounds were
pouring out of Mike, those hips pumping, jerking, riding their

He leaned in and nibbled on one of Mike's nipples, teasing

it to hardness. That pink skin drew tight, going hard and stiff
on his tongue. He played with it a while and then slipped on
the clamp, their fingers still working Mike's ass. Mike's grunt
was just what he needed to hear.

He moved up to Mike's lips, licking and kissing softly,

whispering "mine" against them before moving to work on
Mike's other nipple, the tiny nub of flesh already hard for him.

"Oh. Yours. Yours, Jess. Make me so hard."
"I can tell." He smiled and attached the other nipple clamp,

leaning away to admire them, to admire the muscles jumping
in Mike's belly, the way the long cock curled up over it,
leaving wet spots behind as it touched Mike's skin.

Their fingers were still moving inside Mike, stretching him,

getting him ready for the plug. Soft little whimpers were
filling the air, low and sweet, rich with need. Jessy let his own
fingers slide away from Mike's body, and he grabbed the
leather collar. It was soft and wide and so dark against Mike's
neck. Made those eyes look huge.

"Beautiful," he murmured, picking up the plug and getting

it good and slick.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"For you. Jess. I need it."
He growled, hand sliding along Mike's thigh, fingertips

nudging the tight balls. "Fingers out now, baby. Gonna fill you
with this."

"Uh-huh..." Mike nodded, turned to his hands and knees,

ass in the air, begging for it.

He groaned, grabbing his balls as the sight went straight to

them and threatened to make him come. He started to ease
the plug into Mike's body. Mike rode the plug, sliding and
moving, slowly taking more and more. So fucking amazing,
his Mike. A thing of beauty, in the water and out of it. The
plug finally slid home and he jostled the end, making sure it
was well seated.

"Jess." Mike jerked, hips rocking, hand reaching for that

hard cock.

Jessy batted Mike's hand away and helped ease him down

onto his back, pulling up the covers. "Pizza's going to be here
any minute. You can wait."

He went to the suitcase and pulled out a pair of

sweatpants and his robe, hoping the layers would conceal his
own erection.

"Wait? Jess..." Mike's hand rubbed through the covers.
"Don't make me tie you up," he growled.
"Don't have the cuffs."
"I can find something, baby."
Mike's hips rocked faster, pushing into the mattress.
"Baby," he growled.
"Uhn..." Mike arched, gasping.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


He grabbed his shirt and looped the sleeve around Mike's

balls and his cock, making it good and snug.

"I said wait." Then he propped a pillow under Mike's ass,

getting the pressure off the base of his hole.

There was a knock on the door, and he tapped Mike's

nose. "I mean it, baby. No touching."

"Hardass." The word was low, needy.
"You know it."
He went and paid for the pizza, eager to get back to his

pushy, beautiful swimmer. Mike looked stunning, spread and
hard, flushed and shifting and moaning.

Christ, the fucking pizza could wait.
He locked the door and put the pizza on the table, going

over to the bed and pulling off the sheet.

"Yes..." Mike reached for him, dark eyes huge and hungry.
He kissed Mike hard and then slowly crawled up the long

body, wanting Mike's mouth. Mike worked his robe open,
fingers reaching for his sweats. "Need you, baby."

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Take it. Fuck."
Groaning, he did, guiding his cock into Mike's mouth.

Mike's lips fastened around his cock, suction strong and
immediate, heat pouring through him.

"Baby!" He leaned against the wall, hips moving, sliding

his prick between Mike's lips, eyes on Mike's.

Mike fed on him, so hungry, pulling hard, swallowing. He

moved faster, harder, just taking Mike's mouth. It was so
good, too good. Those low cries vibrated through him, settling
in his balls.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


He shook his head. "Soon," he growled, voice harsh, full of


Mike's eyes were wide, hot.
"Love you," he whispered as he came, shooting down

Mike's throat. He was swallowed down, pulled and sucked.

He reached down to stroke Mike's cheek, slowly pulling


"Love. Oh, Jess..." Mike licked his lips, whimpered.
He bent, bringing their lips together, tongue sweeping in to

taste himself in Mike's mouth. Mike groaned, tongue moving,
fucking his mouth. He purred, reaching down to slide his hand
over Mike's bound prick.

"Oh. Oh, yeah. Jess. I need."
"I know, baby."
He tightened the collar just a tiny bit and slid back down

Mike's body, fingers flicking the clamps as he wet the material
of the sleeve wrapped around Mike's prick.

"Please. Please. Need to come. Jess."
He slowly unwrapped the makeshift cock ring, fingers

jostling the big plug.

"Uhn." Mike's shoulders rose from the mattress, hips

moving furiously.

Once Jessy got the shirt away, he swallowed Mike's prick,

taking it deep and sucking hard. Mike screamed, bucking,
shooting down his throat almost immediately, cock staying
hard, pumping in his mouth.

He purred, sucking hard and then slowly letting Mike's

prick go, licking it clean. "Mmm ... so sexy, baby."

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


"Oh. Thank you. So good. Needed it." Mike was purring,

smiling, all cuddly sex kitten.

He nodded. "I know."
Then he jostled the plug gently before covering Mike with

the sheet again. He grabbed a cloth and cleaned up quickly.
"And you need to eat. Let's hope the pizza's not too cold."

Mike groaned, shifted. "It won't be."
"You want me to feed you?"
"Mmm ... do you want to?"
"Whatever you want, baby. Whatever you want." He

stroked one lovely cheek.

Mike nuzzled, cuddling into him. "Oh, Jess."
"Yeah, Mike. I know." He held Mike close and pressed

kisses on his lover's face until Mike's stomach growled,
making them both laugh.

"All right. Food. And then I want to watch you walk around

a bit with that plug in. Maybe we'll take a shower or

"Evil man." Mike grinned, nuzzling in.
"You love it," he shot back, bending to give Mike a long

kiss before sitting and bringing the pizza boxes over. He
handed Mike a piece, leaving their drinks on the side table
and helping himself to a slice of his own.

Mike devoured the pizza—after the workout he'd had

today, Jessy couldn't blame him. Jess ate most of his own, as
well, not as much because he was starving as because he
knew he was going to need his energy afterward. He cleaned
up the boxes and their drinks once they were done and

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


settled back on the bed, casually pulling away the sheet that
covered Mike's body.

Mike curled toward him, rubbing and snuggling, purring a


"You still wanting?" Jessy teased. As if he didn't know that

plug was making Mike absolutely bugfuck nuts, that those
clamps were fighting the plug for Mike's focus, and that collar
was rubbing, just tight enough that Mike knew it was there.

"Mmm ... Can't a guy snuggle with his lover?"
He chuckled. "Maybe 'a guy' can, but I know what that

rubbing means."

"Hmm? Me? I'm innocent."
He snorted. "Sure you are. And you hate the water, too."

God, a man could live for weeks on that sexy, happy little

Grinning, he stood and stripped, holding his hand out to

Mike. "Come on. Let's get that shower."

Mike moved slow, legs a little trembly, fingers warm in his

own. "Oh ... I ... Mm."

"How's that plug feel, baby?" Jess asked, arm going

around Mike's waist, supporting him.

"Big. Heavy." Mike pinked, snuggling in. "Really good."
He purred, hand stroking Mike's hip. "Good."
"Mmm..." That hardening cock slid against his skin.
He walked them around the room a couple of times first,

enjoying the way their bodies touched, the way that Mike
moved with that big plug sitting inside him.

"Jess ... you're evil." Mike kissed his jaw, his chin.

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


He laughed, the sound husky, his own cock hard again,

bobbing as they walked. "I do believe I am, baby." He kept
them walking.

Mike was purring, rubbing harder, faster. He wished they

had a proper leather cock ring along; he imagined Mike had
forgotten it deliberately. It wasn't like the kid wouldn't be
hard again in a few moments, but he liked making Mike wait,
making him desperate.

Well, he could go with the flow. He stopped Mike and went

to his knees, mouthing the long cock.

"Jessy!" Mike arched, fucking his mouth just like that.
He wrapped his hands around Mike's hips, encouraging the

movements, sucking just as strongly as he could. Fuck, his
Mike was beautiful, uninhibited and free, pushing into him,
cries filling the air. Knowing that with the way Mike was
moving, that plug wasn't going to need any help from him, he
reached up instead, flicking the clamps on Mike's nipples.

"Oh. Oh, Jess. Yeah. Anything. Fuck." Mike's hands fell to

his head, cock pushing deep.

He swallowed around the tip of Mike's cock, loving it when

Mike just went for it. Seed poured into his mouth as Mike
arched, hips pumping in short, little bursts. He swallowed it
all down, pulling Mike in, purring around Mike's cock.

Mike shuddered, blinking up at the ceiling. "Oh. Oh. Need

to ... Jess. Need to sit."

He stood, picking Mike up and carrying him to the shower.

"I'll hold you, baby."

Mike nodded, cuddling right in. "Love you so much."

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Personal Best II [A Going for the Gold Novel]

by Sean Michael


He nodded and got Mike into the shower and the water

running. He propped Mike up against the wall, cleaning them
both quickly. Mike smiled up into the spray, water pouring
over them, looking happy as hell.

Jessy purred, admiring, loving. He wouldn't change a


Not one fucking thing.
Look for Personal Best III, coming in 2008!

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