Sean Michael Between Friends Trial By Fire

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the
author or the publisher.

Trial by Fire
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2009 © by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by Pluto
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-60370-875-3, 1-60370-875-8
All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Torquere
Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: December 2009
Printed in the USA

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Chapter One

Jason fussed with his tie. It wasn't something he usually wore; neither was the rest of the suit he
had on, but he wanted to look classy for Harry. The Policeman's Ball was a big fundraiser, and
Harry would be wearing his uniform. Jason wanted to match, that was all. Not that he had a hope
in hell of looking anywhere near as sexy as Harry would. Still. Sammy had told him the dark suit
looked good on him.

"Honey? Are you in here? I brought you the cuff links." Sammy burst in, dark hair wild and
curly from the rain outside.

"Sammy! Just who I needed." He laughed and went over to hug his best friend, not even caring
that Sammy was damp.

"Careful, honey, your suit." Sammy kissed him happily, then stepped back, looking him over
carefully. "You look great."

"Yeah? You think Harry's gonna be smitten?" It was silly, maybe, considering he and Harry had
been together forever, but he wanted to make his lover's eyes light up. And he wanted to make
Harry proud to have him on his arm.

Sammy snorted. "He always is. He's going to lose his mind."

"As long as it's in a good way." He laughed and hugged Sammy again. "Can you fix my tie?"

"I can." Sammy straightened his tie, helped him get his cuff links on. "Where's Harry?"

"Getting dressed in the bathroom. He's wearing his dress blues." Jason couldn't wait to see Harry
all decked out.

"Oh, yum! I want pictures!" Sammy leaned in. "And details. Brunch tomorrow, right? All four of

Their date at the Dog and Duck was eternal, perpetual, and everything he needed.

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He looked down at himself and nodded. "It's good. Thanks, Sammy. What would I do without

"God, you'd be miserably out of fashion and lacking fine chocolate."

He laughed and kissed Sammy's cheeks. "Love you, honey, yeah?"

"I know. I love you. Have a ball tonight, huh?"

"Yeah, I will. See you tomorrow." Half the fun would be telling Sammy all about it. Well, maybe
a quarter of the fun.

Sammy nodded. "We'll see you tomorrow!"

He heard Harry's husky laughter. "Tell Laffy not to be late again."

Jase giggled and waved as Sammy disappeared, then he turned to see his Harry.

Oh, wow. Wow. Harry stood there, broad and strong, the black high-collar coat making his lover
look like the biggest stud in the history of men.

"Babe... look at you."

"Oh, no, look at you." Jase laughed and launched himself at Harry.

Harry caught him, brought him up for a kiss. "You're going to have all those old matrons at the
ball giggling."

"Do I look funny?" He would have looked to make sure his tie was okay, but he was too busy
taking little kisses.

"Stunning." Those big blue eyes were smiling. "Absolutely. And you look more comfortable than

"I might be more comfortable, but I'm with the best-looking, hottest, most amazing stud that ever
lived." And Harry was all his. Jase knew how good he had it, and he thanked his lucky stars
every day.

Harry flexed, and Jase heard the seams on his big lover's uniform creak. He moaned and licked
Harry's lower lip as his cock surged in his trousers.

"Babe..." Harry tugged him closer. "We're going to end up missing the ball. I promised Jack we'd
be there."

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He could smell Harry, he could feel the heat pouring off the big, sexy body. "You didn't promise
we wouldn't be late, did you?" He could suck Harry off as quick as you please.

"No. No, I didn't, babe." Harry looked at him like he was the center of the universe. "I want you."

He beamed at his lover. "You've got me." Not caring a whit about his fancy new suit pants, he
dropped to his knees and began to unzip Harry.

"Jase..." Harry reached down, cupped his jaw, thumb on his lips. He pulled Harry's thumb in,
sucking on it like he was going to suck on Harry's awesome cock. "Jesus. Jesus, babe." Harry's
cheeks went a dark red, eyes closing.

God, he loved how he could get to Harry just by sucking on his lover's thumb. He moaned
around it and then finally got Harry's prick tugged out of his pants. He let go of the finger and
dove for Harry's cock instead.

"Oh shit. Jase. Jase, please. So good." Harry shoved one hand in his mouth, words turning into

That made him suck harder -- he wanted to hear Harry's noises. He lapped at the tip and then
went down on the fat prick. Harry tasted good -- the man always had, from the very first time
he'd finally, finally, let Jason touch, let Jason love him, right up to now.

He sucked eagerly until Harry started dripping pre-come, and then he lapped at the drops,
moaning again over the flavor.

"Jase..." Harry stared down at him, eyes a little wild. "Damn."

He put all his love into his eyes, letting them shine up at Harry, and then he started bobbing his
head, taking Harry in over and over. It wasn't going to be long, he could tell. Harry's cock was
throbbing, swelling between his lips. Jase pushed at Harry's balls, still trapped inside his pants,
stroking them as best he could as his tongue slid around the tip of Harry's cock.

A short, sharp cry sounded and Jason swallowed hard, Harry's spunk filling him up. He kept
sucking until the last little spurts had finished, and then he slowly let Harry's cock slide out of his
mouth. He licked it all over, making sure it was clean.

Harry stared down at him, blinking slowly. "I. Wow."

Giggling softly, he placed a gentle kiss on the tip, and then carefully pushed Harry's cock back
into his pants, did them up. "I love you, Harry."

"You... you need me, babe?"

He stood, making sure to rub against Harry as he went. He was pretty sure he was going to go off

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like a rocket with just the touch of his own hand, but it would be so much better if it was Harry's
hand that touched him. Smiling, he nodded. "Please."

Harry turned him around, brought his back to that broad chest so he could see them both in the
mirror. Harry's eyes were so pretty, so blue as that huge hand unzipped his slacks.

"Oh, love. I'm going to come soon." He leaned his head back on Harry's chest, shivering with
anticipation as he watched.

"Uh-huh. Gonna be hot." Harry nibbled on the side of his neck, hand warm and sure as it pushed
into his slacks.

Whimpering, he pushed up into Harry's hand. Oh, God, it felt so good. Harry's breath was soft,
hot against his jaw.

"Love you, Harry. Love you so much."

"I know, babe." Harry was rocking into him, moaning deep and low, rubbing against his ass.

God, it was sexy. He'd have liked for it to last, to spend time here in front of the mirror, feeling
Harry against him, watching Harry jack him. He was too far gone at this point for that to happen.
So he just watched and let it happen, his orgasm washing over him.

"Mmm. That's so pretty." Harry nuzzled his jaw, smiled, and Jason moaned. Harry'd moved that
mirror just for this.

He leaned against his lover, letting Harry hold him up. "You're so handsome in that uniform."

"You think?"

"Yes. Most handsome stud ever."

"Just a dude, man."

Jase shook his head, admiring Harry in the mirror. "No, not just a dude, the dude."

"Your dude, maybe."

"Oh, yes. Mine." He could get behind that idea, big time.

"Come on. Let's go eat bad chicken and I'll dance with Sue and the commissioner's wife. Then
we'll go to the bar and have a beer."

Jase did himself up and grabbed a tissue to clean Harry's hand. "I'm going to be the envy of

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Harry chuckled. "I do love how you look at me, babe."

"I do love how you look."

Man, he'd made Harry blush. Giggling softly, he went up on his tiptoes and gave Harry a kiss.
God, he was happy.

"Come on. Let's go. I'm already ready to get out of this monkey suit."

"Oh, no. You look too good to waste it by taking it off too soon." Jase took Harry's hand, and
together they headed out.

Jase knew all eyes would be on his handsome lover.

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Chapter Two

"I hate monkey suits, man."

Sammy chuckled, shook his head at Harry. "He looked nice, love. Very official."

"He looked amazing." Jase's eyes shone, his best friend looking more in love than ever.

Peter chuckled, too. "I have to side with the boys on this one, Harrison."

"Laffy, it was ridiculous." Harry leaned back, huge and broad in a T-shirt and jeans. There was a
tiny hickey on the underside of the big man's jaw.

Sammy saw Jase notice it and smile, lick his lips.

"What's that? The way your lover looked at you? Or the way the commissioner's wife did?" Peter
winked as he teased.

"I looked like a gorilla in a suit."

Sammy snorted in his orange juice.

"Oh, no, you didn't." Jase stroked Harry's arm. "You looked like a stud. My stud."

Harry turned toward Jason and smiled at him. "You're in love."

"That doesn't invalidate my opinion!"

"Are you using those great big words again?"

Sammy started chuckling like a fool..

"Oh! You!" Jason laughed and poked Harry. "I am! And you know what it means."

Harry's laugh rang out and so did Peter's, and that warmed him, down deep.

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"So, what are we doing this afternoon, did someone decide?" Sammy looked around, waiting for
an answer.

"I'm easy." Peter held up a hand before he could say anything. "As long as it doesn't involve

Harry groaned. "Oh, thank God."

Sammy rolled his eyes, mouthed 'asshole' to Harry.

"Damn." Jason pouted. "There's a flea market on Ocean Drive..."

"Oooh... We could look for credenzas..."

Peter groaned. "Samuel."

Jason just giggled. "Oh, we could!"

He reached over, squeezed Jason's hand. "Or we could go to that five-story bookstore. There's a
coffee shop, truffles, books, cushy couches."

"Oh!" Jason squeezed back. "That would be awesome. Harry, you like books." Jason giggled.
"And truffles."

"Uh-huh. I like couches, too. That works for me. Laffy?"

"Books and chocolate and, I would assume, fairly quiet?" Sammy nodded when Peter looked to
him for confirmation. "I guess I could manage 'shopping' under those circumstances."

"Does your head hurt, love? Do I need to take you home?" He didn't have to go anywhere if
Peter was ill.

Peter laughed. "I'm fine, Samuel. Just feeling indulgent."

He reached out, stroked his lover's hand. "We could snuggle in a dark corner..."

Harry gagged and Jason chuckled.

"Mmm." Peter's hand turned to hold his, their fingers sliding together. "We could indeed." He
could feel Peter's eyes on him, full of heat and love.

"Like our little queen's going to do anything but pore over cookbooks," Harry teased.

"And you're complaining about that because..." Jase let his words fade away and patted Harry's

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"Because I'm cooking for Peter these days and not the two of you, of course," Samuel chimed in.

"You share plenty." Jase grinned as he ate another bite of his muffin. "This place has nothing on
your food, honey."

He beamed, leaned over, and kissed Jason's cheek.

Jason kissed him back. "And I wasn't just sucking up -- it's the truth."

"I should bring you muffins next week for your mornings."

"Yes, please." Jason didn't hesitate for a moment, just laughed and nodded.

"Blueberry or banana?"

"Oh... um..."

Peter chuckled. "Why don't you make both, Samuel, and we can have half of each, too."

"Because, Peter, you like cranberry with lemon best."

"Ah, good point. I'm not sharing those with anyone, either." Peter's look said he was talking
about more than just the muffins, somehow.

Sammy felt the low, sweet fluttering of desire building inside him. "That's right."

"Mmmhmm." Peter licked his lips.

Jason giggled softly.

"Guys. Guys, really. Public. Don't be nasty." Harry was groaning.

"Shut up, Harrison. I'm wooing my man."

"He's easy, Laffy. No wooing needed." Harry did know him.

"Shut up, Harrison." Peter never looked away from him, though. Sammy felt his cheeks heat. His
lover was so beautiful. Strong. Fine.

"Oh, how lovely." Jase sounded dreamy, the soft giggle sounding next.

Harry made gagging noises again.

Peter stuck his tongue out at Harry and then gave him a warm smile, patted his thigh. "Bookstore
it is."

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"After eggs and waffles, Queen Sammy," Harry teased.

On cue, their waiter came with their plates.

"Timing!" Jason stole some of the fruit from the top of Harry's waffles.

"Uh-huh." He was having waffles, too, with butter and syrup.

Peter chuckled. "Saved by the waffle?"

Jason grinned and nodded, digging into his own pancakes eagerly. Sammy nibbled, distracted by
this and that, eyes following the people as they walked by. Every now and then Peter would
catch his attention, the lovely eyes full of promise. They all laughed and chattered together, but
his heart wasn't completely in it. It was mostly with Peter.

When they were done and the bill came, Peter and Harry began to argue good-naturedly over the
bill, like they always did.

He leaned over to Jason. "How did last night go?"

"Oh, Sammy." Jason got that dreamy look on his face. "Harry was so gorgeous -- he turned
everyone's head." Jason leaned in and whispered. "I blew him before we even got out of the
condo. I had to -- he was that handsome."

He scooted closer. "Did you dance?"

Jason nodded, his eyes all lit up from the inside. "We did. Near the end of the night, when it got
quieter, and Harry'd had a couple of beers." Jason sighed happily. "It was incredible. And he
really did look amazing in his dress uniform. If I could have him like that all the time, I'm not
sure I'd ever let him out of the house."

Sammy grinned. "Oh, that's so good, Jase. You two are the perfect couple."

"Maybe we're tied with you and Peter."

"Maybe." Although Peter was the perfect lover. He was lucky. Happy. Home.

Jason beamed at him, hands squeezing his. "I'm so happy for you, love. For both of us."

"Me, too." It was like a weird, wonderful dream. And if Jason smiled any wider, he was going to
split his face in two. "God, you look happy." Sammy chuckled. "There's a new yoga class in
town on Wednesday nights. Want to try it?"

He'd been thinking about going, but Peter wasn't interested and he didn't want to go alone.

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"Oh, that could be fun." Jason giggled. "Ommm..."

"It makes you bendy..."

"That has potential." Jason gave him a wink and glanced over at Harry.

Harry and Peter were deep in conversation about something, Harry drawing on a napkin and
Peter nodding, pointing.

Jason tilted his head. "I'm not sure any good can come out of that."

Sammy chuckled. "No. They're undoubtedly planning something... painful."

"What do you think their revenge will be for us dragging them off to the bookstore?"

"I think Peter wants Harry to help him make bookshelves."

"Really?" Jason frowned. "You don't have antiques for that?"

Sammy whispered, "It's a hobby thing."

"Oh, Harry knows all about hobbies." Jason nodded and moved his chair a little closer.

"Peter wants to learn about woodworking. You two have the courtyard."

Jason nodded. "You and I can make cookies and stuff while they're working the wood." Or he
could -- Jason always tried to help, but he wasn't great in the kitchen. Cookies were fun, though,
and so were the wine and movies after.

"Are you two making plans?" Peter asked as he and Harry sat back in their chairs, Peter picking
up his coffee.

He nodded. "Cookies and wine and couch time."

"I thought we were going to the book store? Not that I'm complaining about the change of plans."

Jase giggled and shook his head. "No, no. Sammy meant for whenever the two of you get up to
whatever it was that you were machinating about."

Harry chuckled. "We're just talking about making a couple of bookshelves."

"And while you do, Sammy and I will make cookies and watch a movie and get tipsy on
expensive wine." Jason grinned at Harry, just looking happy with life.

"And chocolate," Sammy added.

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"Can you get tipsy on chocolate?" Peter asked.

Jason nodded vigorously. "On the good stuff."

"Especially the ones filled with whiskey."

Peter laughed loud enough that they garnered a few looks from the other diners.

They finished their coffees, then he and Jason headed outside to chat while the macho buttheads
argued over the check some more. They wandered slowly, arm in arm, along the sidewalk toward
the car -- Peter'd driven that morning.

"It's a pretty day, huh?" Sammy was stupid happy.

"It is." Jason sounded like he felt the same way.

"Faggots!" The shout came from some young punk passing them by.

Jason squeezed his arm. "Just ignore him," Jason said quietly.

Sammy flipped the kid off. "Fuck you, asshole."

Jason's hand tightened on his arm as the kid stopped and whipped around. "You talking to me,

"You know I am, you slimy, bigoted piece of shit." Sammy wasn't going to fucking back down.

Jason's hand tightened some more and he felt his best friend in the world stand tall; Jason wasn't
going to let him face this alone.

The kid took a step forward, then stopped as a badge appeared right beside his face. "Do you
really want to do this, kid? I'm off duty, but I could be convinced to go to work."

Harry. Oh, yay.

Sammy relaxed, able to breathe again. Jason relaxed, too; Sammy could hear the little sigh of

Peter appeared on the other side of the guy. "Or you could stay off duty and we could just take
care of him off the record."

Harry chuckled. "That sounds like fun, actually. I haven't kicked someone's ass in days."

"Look, I don't want any trouble." The little asshole was almost pissing himself, trying to back

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"Then don't fucking start any," Sammy snarled.

"That's right." Peter came to put an arm around him. "I'd be more careful in the future. You never
know who the people you're picking on might be partners with."

The kid bolted, and Sammy leaned back against Peter. "You okay, Jase?"

"I am." Jason was tucked under Harry's arm, holding on tight. "You were so brave, standing up
to him."

"I'm not scared of assholes." That wasn't true; he was shaking.

Peter held him closer. "Maybe we should forego the afternoon's activities and just go home?"

"No. No, we were going to the bookstore." He wasn't a coward.

"Are you sure, Samuel? There'd be no shame in it."

"We're good." Jason squeezed his hand. "You're my hero, Sammy."

"Nah, that's Harry's job. I'm like... a stand-in."

Jason started to giggle.

"A sidekick?"

He heard Harry snort. Jason was laughing, though, and moving in to hug him; they were getting
the mood back.

"Come on. Coffee. Chocolate. Couches. Books."

"Yay." Jase took his arm and they went on again, Peter and Harry following close behind.

It was a beautiful day.

Damn it.

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Chapter Three

Peter was wearing his jeans and a T-shirt as he pulled up in front of Harry and Jason's condo. He
parked, and both he and Samuel spilled out of the vehicle. He pulled his brand-new tools out of
the back seat and Samuel grabbed his bags of kitchen supplies. Then they headed in.

He could hear music from the open windows, and there was already a sizable pile of lumber
waiting. He had to chuckle. It all felt so domestic. But it was something he wanted to do that he
and Harry could enjoy together, while Samuel and Jason puttered and cooked and had their own
brand of fun.

"Yo! Harrison!" he called. "You haven't started yet?"

"Nope. I was waiting for your lazy ass to get here." Harry appeared at the door, looking like a
big, redneck lumberjack.

Peter just stared.


He shook himself. "Nothing. The get-up just surprised me, that's all."

Jason peeked around from behind Harry and giggled. "Doesn't he look ready to chop down the
big trees?"

Sammy chuckled and nodded. "'I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...'"

"Oh, y'all shut up. You want to get splinters in your arms, Laffy, you go ahead. I have to qualify
at the range Monday."

Peter stopped laughing and held up his hands. "Sorry, man. No offense meant. You really do
look like a lumberjack, though."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Assholes. Let's get to work."

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Samuel chuckled and took Jason's arm, and they headed inside. "He's in a bad mood, honey. Did
you bite him?"

"Well, you see..." The rest of Jason's explanation was lost as Samuel and Jason disappeared

"Samuel's right. What's up, Harrison?"

"Nothing, man. You ready?" No, it wasn't nothing. Harry was stiff and tight.

"Yeah, I'm ready. You let me know when you're ready, because I can listen while I work."


Peter chuckled. "You obviously have a bee up your ass, Harrison. I'm just offering you a macho
way to share."

"Bitch." Harry cuffed him playfully. "It ain't nothing, man. Work shit. I got a rough case; shit got
bad last night and I'm sore as fuck."

"Hey, if you'd rather go float in the pool instead of this today, I could be persuaded that it's a
good idea."

"No. I... Shit, man. I sorta haven't told Jase yet."

Peter raised an eyebrow. "So he thinks you're just a grumpy asshole because it's early?"

"No. He knows something's up. I wore clothes to bed."

Peter chuckled and shook his head. "Get me started and then go talk to him, Harrison. You know
he and Samuel are going to worry it to death until you do."

"He'll fuss and shit. I hate that." Harry grabbed the plans and a hammer.

"And what's he going to do if he's had a whole day to worry over it with Samuel?" Peter loved
Samuel with all his heart, but he wasn't exactly Mr. Calm Things Down.

"I'm hoping they get drunk, man." Harry winked, then pointed toward the saw. "Get to work,

"Slave driver."


They worked for an hour, then Harry shrugged the flannel shirt off. The bruises that showed

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through the white undershirt made Peter wince. He didn't say anything, but he did move them
around so if Jason looked out the window, he'd have a hard time making Harry out past Peter.

Samuel came out with bottles of water about another hour into it. "Do you want pot pie or soup
for lu..." Those dark eyes looked at Harry's back, then looked away. "Lunch."

Peter put his arm around Samuel's shoulders and walked him a few steps over. "He's fine, but he
hasn't talked to Jase about it yet -- so no worrying the sweet little thing, hmm?"

"Jase knows. He saw. He says that he'll run a bath with Epsom salts later."

Peter chuckled. "Not much gets past him when it comes to Harry, hmm?"

"Nothing, love. Nothing." Samuel kissed him. "Pot pie or soup?"

"Pot pie sounds amazing. Keep you both busy peeling carrots."

"I have oatmeal cookies in the oven already."

"Mmm. Sounds nearly as good as you." He tugged Samuel even closer and took a kiss. "Nearly."

Samuel leaned in, body slender, warm. "Go hammer nails into things, Peter. I'll make you

"How come I'm not thinking of building bookcases when you say that?"

"Mmm. I don't know. You needed a hobby besides me?"

"Maybe, maybe not. It gives you more time with Jason, though, doesn't it?" He gave Samuel a

"It does." Samuel kissed his nose. "Gives my ass a break, too. Ass doesn't count as a curse

He burst out laughing and swatted the ass in question. "Go on. Get back inside and make us a pot
pie to die for. And make sure there's no actual pot in it -- Harry's a cop, you know."

"No shit?" Samuel chuckled and ran from him, the little push and tease enough to heat him up.
Samuel knew that he didn't allow swearing.

He shook his head and grinned. He'd have that ass over his lap tonight.

"You're thinking filthy things, man. Hammer. Nails." Harry pointed.

"That was how I got into this mindframe in the first place," he noted.

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Harry groaned. "Grab the Gorilla glue, man. Let's set this corner."

He chuckled at Harry. "Gorillas. That'll do it." He grabbed the glue and got back into the game.

The bookshelf went together with only a few mishaps, only a few times where they stared at each
other and started laughing. They stood side by side, examining it once they were done. "You
know, that almost looks like a real bookshelf. A bit of a sandpapering and a coat of paint and it'll
be perfect." He was impressed with the two of them.

Applause sounded behind them, Jason and Samuel clapping. Peter bowed to them.

"Not bad, huh?" Harry looked over at Jason, expression a little sheepish.

"Pretty good for someone as sore as you have to be." Jason went over and carefully leaned up to
kiss Harry.

"Yeah. Looks good." Harry leaned down. "Did someone say there was lunch?"

"Yeah. Sammy made the most amazing pot pies. One beef, one chicken." Jason kissed Harry
more soundly. "And then there's a hot bath with your name on it, Mister."

"After I help Laffy get his bookcase home..."

Peter saw Jason's eyes flash, knew there was about to be a fit.

"You don't need to do that, Harry. After all, we still need to paint it, right? Aren't we going to do
that here?"

Samuel nodded. "Not in the condo. The stink would be unbearable."

"There you have it, Harrison. It stays here until it's Samuel-approved." He gave Harry an
unrepentant grin. His friend was going to have to face the music with Jason.

"Ass." Harry mouthed, then squeezed Jase gingerly. "Feed me."

Peter snorted. Harry had ducked this long enough -- it was time to pay the piper.

He put his arm around Samuel's shoulders and followed Jason and Harry inside, where the smell
of their lunch filled the air. Samuel had outdone himself, as always, and the pot pies looked
stunning. So did the cookies and the muffins and the bread. Someone was nervous.

He and Harry were herded to the kitchen sink to wash up while Jason and Samuel finished
setting the table and then fussed over them. Soon enough, though, they were all sitting at the

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Jason was next to Harry, pouring the big guy a beer; Samuel was still up and moving, cleaning
the kitchen, carrying over salt and pepper.

"Samuel." He spoke quietly but firmly. "Join us. Sit."

"I have dishes..."

Peter snorted and pointed at the chair next to him. "You have a pot pie to eat."

Samuel headed over, sat next to him.

"Good. And this all looks delicious, just what we needed after all that physical labor."

"The bookshelf is nice." Samuel nibbled at the food.

"You okay?" Peter asked softly as Jason fussed over Harry.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm cool." Samuel slid closer to him.

He smiled and began to eat. God, it was good. Samuel had a real talent for making food. He
made appreciative noises, too busy scooping in more food to actually find the words. Jason and
Harry ate, too, well enough that Samuel beamed. His sweet nurturer.

When the pot pies were finished, Samuel served up the muffins and cookies with coffee, offering
just one more cookie enough times that Peter was totally stuffed by the time they decided they'd
all had their fill.

Jason was giving clear 'go away' signals, too, fussing over Harry, who was drooping from the
night shift.

"I think we should go, Samuel. My hand has a date with your butt." A good spanking, and even
better fucking, and then he wouldn't be averse to a nap himself.

"Laffy! Don't be gross!"

Jason chuckled at Harry.

He laughed as well and got up to shake hands with Harry. "Thanks for the help with the
bookshelf. We'll do the painting next weekend?"

"Unless something comes up at work, yeah."

"Cool. Have fun letting Jason pamper you." And, no doubt, lecture.

"I just think it's time to crash, huh?"

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Samuel smiled at Jason. "If you get lonely..."

"Oh, no, Samuel is going to be busy for several hours. You can call late this evening, Jason."
Peter wasn't going to have the phone interrupting them.

Samuel's cheeks went hot and Jason chuckled. "Go. I'm good. Happy."

"Good man." Peter gave Jason a hug and Harry a hearty handshake in lieu of a manly backslap.

"Night, Laffy." Harry was asleep on his feet, blinking slowly.

Peter waved and led Samuel out and down the walk. "He had a rough night last night."

"Yeah. Jason said things are really hard since they put Harry on Vice. Jase is worried."

"Well, he sure looked like he'd been worked over. For some reason, he hadn't told Jase yet,

"Jase says that Harry's just being Harry, you know? Big tough dude."

"I know. You'd think that Jase would eventually wear that down, wouldn't you?" He let Samuel
in on the passenger side of the car.

"Huh? No, love. That's who Harry is."

"Yeah. He's always been Mr. Macho. Jason's hero."

Samuel nodded. "It's who he is."

Peter chuckled, finally starting up the car. "How long do you think Jase is going to fuss after

"There'll be two waves. Pre-sleep and then post-nap."

Peter grinned. "You're getting two waves, too, you know."

Samuel looked at him. "What?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You think I missed the swearing at Harry's earlier?"

"Swearing? When?"

He snorted. Samuel knew damn well when; he'd done it on purpose.

"I was just hanging out with Jason..."

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"And working out how best to get yourself a sweet little spanking."

"Are you suggesting that I like spanking?"

The tease made him smile. "No, I would never say anything like that. Never."

Samuel's laughter filled the car. "I just... You know."

"I know." He gave Samuel a smoldering look. "You need. So first the spanking and then the
making love. You won't be able to sit tomorrow. I promise."

"But..." Samuel was beginning to flutter for him.

"Yes, your butt." He turned into the underground garage at the apartment.

"I don't... I have things to do."

"You do. You have to strip and lay your sweet body over my lap."

Samuel moaned. "I need you."

"I know. Come on." He parked the car and unclicked Samuel's seat belt for him before getting

Samuel slipped out of the car, pressed close to his side. He wrapped his arm around his lover,
keeping Samuel right there and focused on him as they took the elevator up to their apartment.

"Did you like making your bookshelf?"

"I did, actually. It turned out pretty good, too, I think."

"Are we putting it in the dining room?"

"Oh, it would go good there, wouldn't it? We'll have to paint it blue, then."

"Or a light gray."

"Mmm, yes, that might be just right." Samuel had an eye for these things.

His lover smiled at him, pleased. Smiling back, he led Samuel right to the bedroom.

"I love you."

"Me, too." He went over to the bed and sat. "Undress us. You first, then me."

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Samuel chattered softly as he stripped down, the flow of words meaningless beyond giving his
lover something to do. Peter simply sat back and admired the slender body as it was revealed to
him. Samuel was a sexy little thing, and his pale skin marked so beautifully.

Then Samuel began to undress him, stroking and kissing each new bit of skin.

"Mmm, yes." He appreciated each touch and made sure to let Samuel know.

"Love you, Peter. So much. You smell like sawdust."

That had him laughing, his hands reaching out to touch Samuel's smooth skin. "We can shower
later. When we both smell like sex."

Samuel nodded. "I like that."

He shifted so he was on the bed, legs on the floor. He spread his knees apart and patted his lap.
"You can put your cock between my legs."

"Do you want me to come or not?" Samuel settled, shivering a little bit. "I need you."

"No coming. Not until I'm inside you."

"Yes, love."

He drew Samuel down, helped his lover get comfy, and closed his legs around Samuel's prick.

"I love you. Tell me this is good."

"It isn't good, Samuel. It's wonderful."

"Yes." Samuel relaxed, kissed his calf.

"Ready, Samuel?"

"I am."

He'd never met anyone who needed so easily. He admired the beautiful, pale ass and fondled it.
Then he let his hand fly. Samuel didn't even tense. He bit back his moan and continued to swat
Samuel's ass.

"Love you. Love you." Samuel arched, pushed back toward his hand.

"I love you, Samuel." Each one of his words was punctuated by a smack.

"Yes." They settled into their rhythm, easy and slow.

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He warmed Samuel's ass until it was rosy, until each time he hit, he could see his fingerprints in

"Sir. Sir..." Samuel spread for him.

"I have you, Samuel. I do."

"I need you."

Peter knew. "Soon," he promised, laying down a few swats at the point where Samuel's ass and
thighs met. Samuel arched, taking those blows, cock leaking against him. "I love you," he told
Samuel, his lover arousing him unbearably.

He smacked Samuel one more time and then rubbed his ass. "Okay, hands and knees on the bed."

"Uh-huh." Samuel moved, cock throbbing, bouncing.

Peter reached for it, taking the hot, hard length in his hand and stroking. Samuel's cry split the

"No coming," he said as he spread the liquid dripping from Samuel's slit.

"I want your cock. I want you."

"Patience, Samuel."

He slid his hand down to palm Samuel's balls and then feel up the hot ass. Samuel's moan was
deep, needy, and made him smile. He grabbed the lube and slicked his cock as he climbed up
behind his lover.

"Please." Samuel spread for him, back arching.

"Yes." He rubbed his prick against Samuel's hole, enjoying the amazing heat. Samuel pushed
back, trying to take him in. "Tsk. Patience," he said again, fingering Samuel's hole.


"Right here, Samuel-love." He slid a single finger into Samuel's eager body.

He loved the soft, raw sound Samuel offered him. His lover was hot inside. Hot and silky and
tight. He pushed another finger inside. Samuel moaned and began to rock, riding his touch. It
made him groan every time Samuel's red ass pushed back against his hand. Scissoring his
fingers, he stretched and played the tight channel.

"Want you." Samuel groaned, squeezed his fingers.

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"Don't worry; you're going to get me." His own cock was hard enough it hurt, but he was going
to take his time stretching Samuel open. Soft words poured from Samuel, gentle and constant. He
added yet another finger, turning the three of them. God, his lover was tight.

"Talk to me."

"You're tight, Samuel. And hot. I can't wait to be inside you."

That sweet ass gripped him, squeezed. "Inside me."

He laughed and leaned down, bit at Samuel's ass. "Patience."

"I try, but I don't have any, not with you."

"I like that." He did. It made him hotter than ever for Samuel. "Not much longer," he promised,
pushing his fingers in hard.

"Not much longer..." Samuel arched and whimpered.

"That's right, love. Soon." He pegged Samuel's gland.

"Fuck. Fuck me." Oh, his lover was far gone.

He slapped Samuel's ass gently, and then withdrew his fingers. Samuel bucked, arched toward
him, offer clear.

"I know, love. I'm coming." He pressed the tip of his cock against Samuel's sweet little hole.

"I love you."

He pushed in just a little bit. "I love you, too, Samuel." He pushed in a little farther.

"Love your cock."

"And I love your ass."

Samuel chuckled, hips wiggling. "Good."

"Works well, doesn't it?"

"Yes, love. It does. Will you make love to me, now?"

"Yes." He thrust slowly, so slowly.

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They found their rhythm easily, Samuel's ass hot around him. His balls slapped against Samuel's
every time he thrust in.


He swatted Samuel's ass, hard. "Just keep swearing, and I'll keep swatting."


Little teasing shit. He swatted Samuel just for the fun of it for both of them.

"I get to say fuck for that."

He swatted again. "No, that one was for questioning what I'd said."

Samuel's laughter made that tight ass grip him.

"Oh, damn." He groaned and tried to keep his rhythm going.

"Uh-huh. Love. Harder."

"Like this?" He started slamming in, his hips picking up the heat from Samuel's ass.

"Yes. Yes. Yes..." Samuel gripped him hard.

There was nothing like this on earth. There was nothing so tight and hot as Samuel's mouth,
nothing so sexy as this man wrapped around his cock.

"Close..." Samuel warned.

"When I say so," he reminded his lover.

"Uh-huh. Still..."

"I won't ask for more than you can do." He was going to push Samuel, though.

"You never do. I need you."

"Soon, I promise." He kept stroking into Samuel, continued to make his lover crazy.

"Love you." Samuel whimpered, body jerking around him.

"Yes, Samuel! You can come now. You can. Now."

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Heat sprayed from his lover, the soft cry filling the air. The hot flesh around his cock squeezed
down on him, pulling out his own orgasm. He called Samuel's name, filling his lover.

They stayed frozen in place for a moment, both breathing hard, then he leaned forward, covering
Samuel. "Love you," he whispered into Samuel's ear.

"Me, too." Samuel squeezed his hand.

"Good." He kissed Samuel's neck. "Very good."

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Chapter Four

Jesus, maybe taking the promotion to Vice was a mistake. Harry sat in his car, watching the back
door of the club while Jack slept. These fucking dealers were like roaches. Kill one, eighty more
popped up.

Three guys came out of the club, the one in the middle tall, with a shock of red hair. That was
who they were here for.

He nudged Jack. "Okay, man. He's moving." Eventually they were going to catch the smarmy
fucker actually committing a crime.

Jack yawned, stretched, and sat up, blinking. "Who're the guys with him?"

"Dunno." There was a decent-sized group. "We'll follow 'em."

"Cool." Jack put on his seat belt and grabbed the binoculars.

Harry waited until the guys got into a low-rider Caddy before starting the engine.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Jack made a face.

"You want to call in backup?"

"Nah. Not yet." Jack checked his piece. "Just keep your eyes open."

"Always. Hard to drive with 'em closed." He pulled out, keeping two cars back.

Jack laughed and punched him in the arm. "Asshole."

"Uh-huh. They're heading into the warehouse district."

"Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll lead us to a lab or distribution center or something." Jack
didn't seem any more thrilled with this move to Vice than he was.

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"Yeah." He slowed down, parked in a spot, and killed the lights. "Okay, I'm going to go take a..."
His words trailed off as the Caddy squealed out of the parking lot.

"Son of a bitch! They made us." Jack slapped the dashboard.

He threw the car into reverse, fighting to get it moving, to catch up.

"Come on, Harry, don't lose 'em."

"Fuck you, man. I'm driving." Trying to drive. Jesus, this wasn't his part of town.

"Right. Up at the next intersection. Come on, man, don't drive like a girl!"

He growled under his breath, took the corner on two wheels.

"Woo!" Jack shouted. "Animal." Then he pointed. "Left at the light! Left!"

He spun the car, saw the parked car at the last minute, and slammed on the brakes. Their belts
caught them and the car was silent for a moment.

"Shit. We lost them."

"You think?" Fuck him. He slammed his fist on the steering wheel.

Jack sighed and rubbed his chest. "That means an entire fucking night wasted."

"Sorry, man." Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Yeah, well, they must have been looking hard to make us. Which means something's going
down. Drive around for a bit; let's see if we can't pick them up again." Jack sounded about as
frustrated as he felt.

"Yeah." Jesus. What a night.

They drove around for almost two hours and came up with zilch.

"Shit." He hated this shit. Hated that these bastards were getting away with it. Hated getting

"Yeah, it sucks." Jack closed his eyes, head resting against the headrest. "Guess we might as well
head back to the station, fill out some paperwork."

"Yeah." He turned the car around, headed out. Jesus fuck. He needed coffee.

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"Let's stop and Joe's 24 Hour Coffeehouse, man." Sometimes he thought he and Jack had worked
together too long; it was like his partner could read his mind.

"Sounds like a plan, friend." Better than going to the precinct and snarling, that was for sure.

"I hate feeling like all we're doing is wasting our time." Jack shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"Man, you ever wish we were back on Homicide?"

Jack looked over at him and nodded slowly. "Yeah, all the fucking time. It doesn't feel like much
of a promotion, you know?"

"I know. I mean, at least there, we could do something." Here, they were putting their fingers in
the dike.

"Yeah. Somebody's got to do it, though."

"That's what we tell ourselves, huh?"

Jack snorted. "Yeah. Just don't look at the logic too hard."

"Shit, Jackie-Boy. I am a fucking cop. I don't do logic." They looked at each other, grinned.

They pulled up into the parking lot of Joe's. "Ah, cop heaven." Jack was chuckling now.

"Coffee and pie, man. Coffee and fucking pie."

"Yeah. Whose turn is it to buy?"

Before he could answer, his cell phone rang. Jase. He flipped the phone open and pointed to
Jack. "Hey, man. What's up?"

"Oh, that's cheating, man." Jack shook his head, but nodded at the coffeehouse and got out of the

"Harry. Hi. Is everything okay?"

"Been a long night, baby. What're you doing awake?" He watched Jack go in the door.

"I don't know -- something woke me up and I just wanted to call and make sure you were okay."

"I'm okay. Bad night and I'm missing you bad, but I'm okay."

"I miss you, too. This night shift thing is sucky." He could hear Jase trying not to pout at him.

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"No shit." He nodded, sighed. "I got to go, baby. You want me to bring home breakfast?"

"Oh, that would be nice. I'll have the coffee ready." Jase kissed him over the phone and softly
added, "I love you."

"I love you, babe. Get a nap, huh?"

"I'll try. Bye, Harry."

"Bye, Jase."

"Bye... love you," Jase said again. His lover didn't hang up, though.

He sighed, stood up, and...

He heard the tires squeal about a second before the gunfire started, the windows of the cafe
blowing out. "Fuck! Fuck! Jack!"

He threw his phone, pulled his piece, and took aim at the Caddy, running after it as it squealed

Jack came racing out of the coffeehouse, gun in hand. "Harry! Are you hit?"

"Call for fucking backup!" He kept running.

"You can't outrun them! Harry! Fuck!"

The lights of the Caddy disappeared around the corner.

"Call for backup!" He spun around the corner, praying that he'd get a shot off. Just one. The
Caddy hadn't slowed down any, but maybe he could get still get that shot. Nothing. Fuck.

Jack came running up behind him. "Backup's on its way."

He could hear the sirens. "Anyone hurt? Are you hurt?"

Jack shook his head. "I'm good, but there was blood on the scene. I called a bus."

"Good." He caught his breath, leaning over his thighs. "Fuck."

"You okay, buddy?" Jack's hand landed on his back.

"Yeah. Fuckers." He kept breathing.

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"Come on. We need to secure the fucking scene."

"I'm on it." He started moving, his legs and lungs burning.

Jack jogged along with him. "You okay, man?"

"Pissed off. Trying to catch my breath."

"Long as you didn't get any holes in you, man."

"I..." He turned, arms out.

"Yeah, yeah, you're good. I don't see any blood."

"There you go." He didn't have a gunshot. He was just pissed.

Three police cars came screaming into the parking lot as they got back to the coffee shop, and
Jack jogged over to them, started issuing orders.

"Man, what happened? This was a good place to have coffee..." Marcy Lewis winked at him and
he flipped her off.

"Drive-by." Jack shook his head. "I think it was the same fuckers we've been following."

Harry nodded. "I didn't see the shooters. It was the same make and model, though."

"Did you get the plates?" Jack asked, not looking too hopeful.

"I got a partial." He rattled the numbers off, trying not to feel like the world's biggest doofus.

"That matches the vehicle we'd been following. At least we've got a link, yeah?"

"Yeah. I'm going to go question folks, see if someone knows anything."

"Sure thing, Harry."

It wasn't until later, maybe when he got back into the car, that he realized he'd dropped his cell.
He flipped the phone open, dialed home.

It didn't even give a full ring before it was answered. "Harry?"

"I'm fine. I'm sorry. There was a drive-by." He'd learned the best way to deal with Jase in
situations like this was information and apology, right up front.

"As in a shooting? You're sure you're okay?"

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"I'm pissed that I didn't catch them, but I'm fine."

"Thank God you're okay!"

"I am. I'll be home later, with breakfast, okay?"

Jason took a deep, audible breath. "Okay, Harry. Be safe. Please."

"You have my word, babe."

"I love you." He got an air kiss blown at him through the phone, and then Jason hung up.

He didn't figure Jase was going to be getting back to sleep. That didn't matter. They'd sleep
together, then. Later. Way later.

He sighed, grabbed his pad, and went back to work.

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Chapter Five

Jason sat stirring the tea he'd made after talking to Harry. It was probably cold now, but he
wasn't going to drink it. Harry would bring breakfast. There would probably be coffee included,
and that would be hot. The stirring gave his hands something to do, though, as he worried and
waited for his lover to get home.

It was already later than Harry usually came off the night shift, but he told himself that was
because there'd been an incident, which meant paperwork, not because there was anything wrong
with Harry. He sighed and looked at the phone, but resisted picking it up. He'd already called in
sick -- he couldn't go into work without knowing that Harry was okay.

Two hours later, the front door finally opened, his exhausted-looking lover walking in with
coffee and two containers of food. "Hey, babe."

"Harry!" He let Harry get the food down onto the coffee table and then he pounced, throwing
himself wholeheartedly at his lover.

Harry caught him, kissed him hard enough that his eyes rolled. His arms snaked around Harry's
waist and he held on for dear life, kissing back with everything he had. Harry was okay. He
hated worrying, hated knowing people were out there shooting.

The kisses finally broke and he looked into Harry's eyes. "I love you," he said, very seriously.

"I love you. It's been a long fucking day, babe." He could tell; it was written on Harry's face --
exhaustion, anger, frustration.

"Sit and eat. Then I'll draw us a bath, okay?" He tugged Harry to the sofa.

"You eat, too. Did you get any sleep?" Harry reached for him, but he slipped away to grab the
coffee, the food.

Once he had the Styrofoam containers open, he grabbed a fork and settled next to Harry. He
speared some hash browns and held them up to Harry's mouth. "Of course I didn't get any sleep."

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Someone had shot at his lover -- you didn't just roll over and go back to sleep after that. He'd
sleep with Harry after their bath.

"Me, either. You called in, right?"

"I did." He squeezed Harry's thigh and then offered over a piece of bacon.

Harry leaned back, lips opening. "Love you. Fuck, I'm tired. Not even sleepy."

"A bath will help. I'll give you a massage." He rubbed against Harry. "And then I'll make sure
you're really alive. That'll make you sleepy."

He fed Harry another piece of bacon and then offered a slice of toast. Harry didn't talk about the
case. His Harry never brought work home, but his lover let him touch and feed, help. They ate
breakfast slowly, him feeding Harry in between his own bites. He could eat now that Harry was
home, now he knew his lover was okay.

Finally, they were done, and he leaned in for kisses.

"I'm okay. I'm home." Harry's hands wrapped around his waist.

"I know." He smiled at Harry and kissed both eyes, wishing he could take away the tiredness and
frustration that seemed to live there these days. He wouldn't complain about Harry's move to
Vice, but he didn't think it was making Harry very happy. In fact, he thought maybe Harry
disliked it more and more every day.

"Come on. We'll have a bath. Bring your coffee -- unless you'd like me to make hot chocolate?"
He was going to pamper Harry with everything he had.

"No, baby. Coffee's good."

"Okay." Jason picked up Harry's coffee and put it in his hands, then got up. "Let me get the tub
going and then I'll come get you."

"I'll be in there in a second, babe."

"Don't fall asleep."

He headed to the bathroom and got the tub starting to fill. He added some oil he'd found that
didn't smell flowery or froufrou at all, but still made the water nice and soft. Once the tub was
about half full, cleans towels out, waiting to be used, he headed back into the living room to get

Harry was sitting, looking at his little notebook. Jason shook his head. It was time to not be a
cop, if only for a couple of hours. He went over and took the notebook from Harry's hands,
closed it, and put it on the table. "Come with me."

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Harry smiled at him, reached up, and took his hands. "You ready already?"

"Tub'll be nearly full by the time we get there."

"'Kay." Harry's arm draped around his shoulders, heavy and muscled.

He put his arm around Harry's waist and led him to the bathroom. It was warm and steamy,
inviting, and probably just what Harry needed.

"Smells good."

Smiling, he pushed Harry's suit jacket off and began working on his lover's shirt buttons.

"Mmm. So good to be home." Harry leaned down, nuzzled his temple.

He tilted his head so their lips pressed gently together. "It's good to have you home, love." He
tugged the shirt out of Harry's pants and ran his hands up Harry's chest, slid them over the broad
shoulders to push the shirt off.

"I'm sorry you were worried."

"I'm sorry you were shot at." He stroked Harry's cheek and then moved on to his lover's pants.
He made short work of the belt, button, and zipper.

"Me, too. It sucks."

"It does!" He chuckled and hugged Harry quickly before tugging down the dress pants and
dragging them right off. The ugly shoes went next. Jase hated ugly cop shoes. Then Harry's
socks. "Okay, lover. Get in the tub."

"Are you coming?"

"Not at the moment, no, but I'm hoping maybe before we nap..."

Harry blinked at him, confused for just a second, and then his lover started laughing. Jason
giggled happily and stripped quickly out of his own clothes.

Harry slid into the tub, head leaned back against the edge. "Pretty man."

Jason beamed and climbed in to sit leaning against Harry. "You want a massage or you want to
just lie here for a bit?"

"We can just sit, babe."

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"Okay. Dozing is okay, but no falling asleep -- I hate waking up in cold water." He petted
Harry's chest, admiring his lover.

"Uh-huh." Harry wasn't listening to him. He could tell.

It didn't really matter, though. They were cuddled together in the water, relaxing and letting the
stress of the night go. One of Harry's hands slid up and down along his back, stroking him in a
sure, steady rhythm. It felt so good -- Harry felt so good.

"Love you," he murmured, pressing a kiss to Harry's chest.

"I know." Harry hummed softly, some random tune that vibrated between them.

He turned his head a little more and licked at Harry's nipple.

"Mmm. Hey, now. We're relaxing."

He giggled softly and then licked again. "I'm relaxed."

"Are you?"

He thought Harry felt pretty damned relaxed, too. "Yeah. Relaxed and enjoying the taste of you."

"Mmm. You're gonna crash and sleep so hard." Harry nuzzled his temple, then turned his chin up
for a kiss.

"After," he murmured into Harry's mouth. He let Harry in, tongue stroking Harry's as it invaded.
God, Harry tasted like breakfast and coffee and, most of all, love.

Simple and easy, those strong muscles supported him, kept him close and warm while Harry
loved on him. His eyes drifted closed and he shifted so he was straddling Harry's lap. Their cocks
slid and bumped in the water. Harry chuckled into his lips, thumbs drawing circles on his hips as
they moved together.

"Love you," he whispered, fingers finding Harry's nipples and stroking across them.

"I know." Harry's teeth scraped his bottom lip.

That made him buck, and he loved the way rubbing against Harry felt, so he rubbed some more.
Worrying made him need. Harry knew this; he knew this. It worked for them. He kept fingering
one of Harry's nipples, using his nail now and then as their bodies rolled together. Water began
to slosh from side to side, following their rhythm.

Harry murmured soft words against his lips, nothing he could understand, but he knew what they

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meant. Moaning, he rubbed himself harder against his lover. "Need you, Harry." He wanted to
feel the big cock inside him.

"I know. You have me." Harry wasn't listening.

He took Harry's fingers and slid them back around to his ass. "I need you."

"Oh." It took Harry a second to catch on, but when he did, he was right there, fingers pushing in.

"Yes!" Jason arched, pushing down onto the invasion.

Harry groaned and pushed deeper, eyes going a bright, rich blue. He tightened his ass around
Harry's fingers, holding that intense gaze.

"Babe." That one word said so much.

He rose up and down, riding Harry's fingers. "You now. You. Please."

"Take me in, babe. I'm yours."

The thick fingers slid away, and Jason reached down to guide Harry's cock to his hole. Gaze still
locked with Harry's, he slowly lowered himself. He could feel every second as Harry's cock
pushed him wide and opened him up. That fat prick spread him, and his hole clenched down for
a second before relaxing to let Harry in. Down and down, he sank, Harry filling him up. So big
and so wide and so very, very good.

"Harry. Harry."

"Mmmhmm." Harry's grip tightened, began to move him up and down.

Jason whimpered, moving with Harry. The water started to slosh out of the tub, but he didn't care
at all.

"I have you. It's okay. I'm okay."

"Love you. Love you, Harry." He moved faster, bouncing like mad on Harry's cock. It felt so
good and he was so close.

"I know. I know, babe. Come on."

He held on to Harry's shoulder with one hand and grabbed his cock with the other, riding for all
he was worth.

"Damn, you're fine." Harry's voice sounded like his throat had been worked over with sandpaper.

That was all he needed. His ass squeezed down tight around Harry's cock as he came. He

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distantly heard Harry's groan, felt his lover's cock throb inside him. He leaned forward to latch
onto Harry's mouth. Harry tasted like heaven -- like anything he'd ever need. The kiss went on
and on; he would have drowned in it if he could.

They sank down into the water, Harry almost up to the neck. He just kept kissing, loving his

"It's good... this." Harry grinned at him. "Tell me I'm off the schedule tomorrow, even though it's
a lie."

"You're off schedule tomorrow, love. It's just you and me for two days." He wished it was true;
Harry needed a break.

"You're a shitty liar, babe." Harry winked.

He chuckled and pressed another kiss on Harry. "You wouldn't be happy with someone who
could lie well. Come on. Let's go to bed."

"Sounds good, babe. Sounds perfect, in fact."

"Yeah, I thought so." He lifted, reluctantly letting Harry's cock slide from him.

Harry patted his ass gently. "It's okay, babe."

"I know." He kissed Harry and then pulled the plug before climbing out of the tub. He held his
hand out to Harry. Harry stood up, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around the muscled waist.
Not before Jason had a nice view of the thick cock, slowly going down. "God, you're a stud."

"Jase!" Harry blushed but posed for him, flexed.

His breath caught and he beamed at Harry. "You really are, Harry. Really."

"Come to bed, man." Harry rolled his eyes, tugged Jason in for a quick kiss.

He laughed happily, enjoying the kiss before leaning against Harry as they made their way to the
bedroom. Their bedroom. Their bed. Their life.

Harry lifted the covers, encouraging him to slide in. He did, and then cuddled up against Harry as
soon as his lover joined him. Okay, so it wasn't perfect, but their life together was pretty damn
good. He raised his face for a kiss.

"Sleep, Jase. Tonight'll be better." Harry's lips covered his in a soft, slow kiss.

"It's already better."

He snuggled back in, happy right where he was.

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Chapter Six

Sammy hadn't slept.

Jase had called at two a.m., terrified, and he'd talked to his best friend until almost four. Then
he'd started cooking. A lot. Jase had called at seven forty-five with the all-clear, just about the
time Peter's alarm clock went off. God. It was going to be a long fucking day.

Peter came into the kitchen and frowned at him. "There you are."

"Uh-huh. Muffin? Scone? I made bread, too. And eggs."

"Good grief, how long have you been up?"

"A while. Did you sleep okay?"

"I slept fine. How come you didn't?" Peter came up behind him, arms wrapping around him.

He leaned back into the warmth. "Jase called. Harry was working and there was a shooting.
Harry's fine, but Jason was scared and he needed to talk." For three hours.

"Everyone's okay?"

He nodded.

"Good. And just how long did Jason keep you on the phone? And just how late was it?"

"I... He called at two a.m." That was fair.

"And you've been up since then? Samuel, that's not fair to you."

"Jase needed help." He closed his eyes. "Muffin?"

"It's good you're helping your friends, Samuel, but you need to think of yourself, as well."

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"He needed to talk. I won't miss work, love."

"Well, maybe you should if you've been up since two a.m. You need your sleep the same as
anyone else."

"Someone has to run the store." He went to pour Peter some coffee.

"You need to take care of yourself, too, or you won't be able to take care of anyone else."

"I always take care for you. Of you." He made Peter's coffee, spilling the milk over his fingers.

Peter's hand slid over his hand, held on. "You're exhausted, Samuel. I'll call Marie and ask her to
go in and open for you."

"No. No, I can work." His head hurt so badly.

"You don't have to, though. I know you have sick days you haven't taken. And I know the boss --
he'd insist you take a day and get some sleep, pamper yourself."

He looked at Peter, tears coming to his eyes. "I can work. It's my fault."

"This isn't a punishment, Samuel. I want you to feel well."

He pushed into Peter's arms, held on tight. Peter's hands slid over his back, his lover holding him

"You're warm." He wasn't going to be a weenie.

Peter kissed the top of his head. "Come shower with me.""

"Aren't you hungry?" He nodded, though, and they started moving toward the bathroom.

"I can have one of your muffins on the way to work." Peter started stripping him as soon as they
made it to the bathroom.

"I should..." He blinked down, so tired he couldn't even see clearly.

"You should just hush and let me get you wet, sex you up, and tuck you back in bed." Peter gave
him a wink.

"Sex me up?" God, he loved Peter -- from the sense of humor to the way his lover touched him.

"Yep. Sexy you up." Peter laughed, fingers moving over his hips.

"I'm not sexy today. Just worn out."

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"Which is why you need to go back to bed, hmm?"

"I have work to do, though."

Peter stepped him back into the shower. "Nothing that won't keep for a day."

"Are you sure?"

Oh. Warm. Nice and warm.

"I'm very sure." Peter picked up the soap and began to rub up bubbles.

Sammy leaned back against the tile, eyes closed. Peter's hands slid over him, slick with soap,

"Peter." His knees might have buckled a little bit.

"Relax and enjoy it, Samuel."

"Uh-huh." He could do that.

Peter's fingers dug into his muscles, lighting up his nerves. His toes curled in pure, unashamed
bliss. Peter worked him from head to toe, rubbing and massaging. He held on to Peter's
shoulders, melting deep down. Once the soap was rinsed away, Peter began to leave little kisses
on his skin.

"Love you." Each little kiss made him gasp.

"I know. I love you, too." The words were punctuated by more kisses.

Peter's fingers found a bruise on his hip, pressed against it. The sting, the ache made him moan,
made him want to bend over and beg for more. The next kiss, one near his right nipple, had some
teeth in it.

"Peter... Sir." He arched into it, letting Peter know that he needed, that he wanted his lover to
touch him, help him.

"I have you." The words were barely there, growled, Peter grabbing his hips and holding on

"Thank you." He was lucky. Unbelievably lucky.

"Mmm, you're welcome." Peter dragged him closer and took his mouth in a hard kiss.

He let himself arch, let Peter support him. Peter's hand was there, spread wide on his back,

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holding him up. Moaning into the kiss, Sammy stopped fighting, stopped thinking, trusting in
that strength. Peter began to suck on his tongue, free hand rubbing his belly. He sobbed once, the
sound bubbling out of him.

"Sweet love." Peter turned off the water and dragged him out of the tub.

"Yours." His feet slipped a little on the tile. Peter caught him, though, not letting him fall.
"Work?" He didn't think Peter was going to let him, though.

"Get dried off and get into bed, I'll call Marie and let her know you're having the day off."

"I... I'm sorry." He could feel himself fluttering.

"Samuel. I'm not angry."

He looked up at Peter. "Are you coming back?"

"I'm going to make the call and then I'm going to come help you get to sleep."

"Okay. Okay." He nodded, dried himself off and picked up some of the clothes from last night,
closed the curtains, fluffed and straightened pillows.

"Samuel." Peter's voice snapped out.

"What?" He spun around, eyes burning and wide.

"I said get in bed."

"I was just..."

"Not getting into bed." Peter crossed his arms. "It's a good thing I called Anita and asked her to
open my shop, too."

"I..." He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think.

"You are getting what you need, Samuel." Peter nodded to the bed. "Lie down. Now."

He stared for a second, heart slamming in his chest, hard enough he was dizzy. Then he moved
to the bed.

Peter went to his toy chest and began searching through it. Ropes. Plug. Cock ring. Paddle.
Sammy groaned, slipped under the covers, hysteria climbing up his spine. Peter came to the bed
and placed the items next to him. Then Peter's mouth found his again. He jerked, pushed into
Peter's body, hips bucking furiously.

"Needy lover." Peter pushed him against the bed, hand wrapping around his hip.

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Sammy nodded, swallowed hard. Needed. Yes. He needed. Now. Peter's fingers shifted, found
his cock and slipped the cock ring around it. "Peter!"

"Yes, Samuel?"

"I... I didn't even know I was hard."

"No?" Peter kissed the tip of his nose. "I knew."

"You always know."

Peter smiled and nodded. "When it comes to you."

"You're like a Sammy expert."

Peter chuckled, but he nodded. "The Samuel Master."

"My Master." They didn't say that, not often.

"Yes, love." Peter stroked his cock, rolled his balls.

"My head hurts, so bad, love." He spread, began moving into Peter's touch.

"Let me take care of you."

"I take care of you..." It was what he was good at.

"Yes. And here, I take care of you."

He nodded, knowing it was true. "I get tired. I'm sorry."

Peter snorted. "You've been up since two a.m., of course you're tired."

Peter's mouth covered his, stopping any reply. He opened up, sobbing softly as exhaustion
warred with need. Peter's slick fingers were suddenly at his hole, tickling, rubbing. He didn't
think, just spread wider, offering everything.

"That's my Samuel." Peter's fingers slid into his hole, one and then two and then one, over and

"Yes." So good. So deep. In him.

Then it was one, two, three, two, one. He was stretched and loved and opened.

"Yours." Sammy started rocking, eyes rolling back in his head.

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"Yes. Mine." Peter's fingers disappeared, the thick heat of his lover's cock pressing against him.


Peter spread him, pushed inside and filled him. "I'm going to plug you when I'm done. So that I
can be with you while you sleep."

He sobbed, arched as Peter's words hit him.

"Yes. Samuel. Mine." Peter settled into a rhythm, hard and fast and just right.

His toes curled and he flew, relaxing into the fucking, trusting in Peter. "So good."

Peter smiled at him, shifting and finding his gland. His eyes drooped and he panted, breathing
through the intensity, the pleasure. Peter kept pounding into him, his lover's cock solid and hot; it
felt so good. Everything fell away, everything but his Peter. His heartbeat. Peter's gaze held his,
his lover looking into him.

"Love?" He needed to hear it.

"Oh, yes, Samuel. I love you."

"Love. Need you."

"You have me. And I know what you need."

Thank God.

Sammy whimpered, arched, and moaned. Peter's mouth covered his, tongue fucking him in the
same rhythm as Peter's cock. He thought maybe his heart was beating in time with Peter's, too.

Peter's fingers slid around his cock, his flesh suddenly free. "Wait for me."

"Wait... Yes. Yes, Peter." Forever. For him.

"Good, Samuel. Soon." Peter's cock kept hitting his gland, filling him up over and over.

He started fighting it, belly tight, heart pounding furiously.

Peter's hand slid on his cock, squeezed it. "Now, love. Now."

He nodded and shot, hard, the action leaving him dizzy and lost. Peter called out his name and
filled him with come.

His. His Peter. His lover.

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Peter's cock slipped out, a plug pushing in. He squeaked a little, but settled quickly. Peter's
fingers slid over him, warm and good on his skin.

"Love you. So much."

"Good. It's mutual." Peter kissed him on both eyelids. "Now, I want you to go to sleep."

"Stay with me, please?" He twined his fingers with Peter's.

Peter nodded. "I told you I called in, too." Peter drew the covers up.

"If Jase calls..."

"I'll tell him you're asleep. Whatever it is, it can wait." Peter put a finger on his lips. "No

"Yes, sir." He cuddled in, sighing softly. So warm.

Peter kissed the top of his head and held him close. Safe in his lover's arms, there was nothing
left to do but go to sleep.

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Chapter Seven

Peter ordered a beer and some hot wings. He was surprised that Harry wasn't already here as he
was a few minutes late himself, but he was sure the man would be along soon. Harry was good
about calling if he was going to be late. Maybe the new shift had something to do with it. It
seemed to be affecting a lot of things.

Harry came in looking like a thundercloud. Someone was grumpy.

Peter asked the bartender for another beer and waited for Harry to come sit. "Hey," he said softly
once Harry was in range.

"Hey, man. How's it going?" Harry looked fucking exhausted.

"Not bad. I'm afraid to ask the same of you."

The bartender put Harry's beer in front of him. "Wings'll be along in a minute."

"Wings. Cool. Just tired, man. These fucking dealers are like fucking cockroaches; they just
come and come and come."

"They're nasty, too, from what I've heard." Poor Samuel had been up more than one night, now,
on the phone with Jason.

"Yeah." Harry sucked back half his beer in one gulp. "Jase thought the murderers were bad."

He shook his head and patted Harry on his back before signaling the bartender for another beer.
"You regretting the move to Vice?"

"Fuck, yes. I'd go back in a second if I could. Me and Jack both."

"Then why don't you?"

Peter hadn't wanted Samuel to continue working at a job he hated, and he felt the same way
about his friends.

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"I can't. There's a policy. Once I transfer, I'm stuck for eighteen months before I can request
another transfer."

"That sucks, man. I'm sorry."

"Yeah. And... well, you know how it is. Jase isn't... well, I'm the one that makes the money,

"It doesn't have to be that way," Peter noted casually.

Harry met his eyes. "No, and you don't have to make sure Sammy doesn't have meltdowns,

"It's not exactly the same thing, and I enjoy what Samuel and I do together, but your point is
taken. But let Jason help where he can, hmm? Our lovers very much need to feel that they are
making an equal contribution."

"Yeah, yeah. He contributes. Here's the wings."

"I'm just saying lean on him a little, old man. It'll make him worry less, not more." He grabbed
one of the wings and took a bite. Spicy. Damn.

Harry didn't answer, but that didn't surprise him. Harry was the most private person he'd ever
met. He took a couple sips of beer and dipped his next wing into the blue cheese dressing.

"How's things going with you? I haven't seen much of Sammy lately, though I know Jase is
going to see him a lot."

"He's in his element, being there for his friend -- he loves taking care of people. Of course, that
keeps me busy as well. The more he takes care of others, the more he needs taking care of."

"Yeah, I imagine so. I'd tell you I'd have Jase back off, but you know them."

Peter snorted. "It would be easier to wipe the city clean of drugs."

"You know it, man." Harry grinned at him, winked.

He chuckled. "If I didn't know how much they both loved us, I'd be jealous." There was no
reason to be, though. He knew Samuel adored him, needed him. There was enough love to go

"What they got, man, is bigger than either of us."

"And given your size, that's saying a lot."

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"Butthead." Harry snorted, swatted at him.

Chuckling, Peter went for another wing. Harry ate heartily but didn't say much.

When the wings were demolished, Peter sat back, drank some more beer. "You want to talk
about it at all?"

"Talk about what? I mean, there are a zillion assholes with money, guns, cars, and a bunch of

"You gotta unload on someone, right?"

"I just... There's no winning. I'll never make things better. I fucking got into this work to make
shit better."

"You don't think getting even one of these jerks off the streets is a good thing?"

"Is it? One is replaced by three. They come out of the pen with more contracts than they went in

"So what happens if you stop, Harrison?"

"Yeah. Yeah." Jesus, Harry looked exhausted.

"You know what we should do, Harrison? We should take Jason and Samuel off somewhere for
a few days."

"You think? I could go for that, man."

"Then we should do it. Four-day weekend. Jason and Samuel can shop, and we can relax with a
few beers."

"Let me see if I can take the time. If I can, I'm in."

"Make the time, Harrison. You look like hell."

"Fuck you, Laffy." There was no heat in the words.

"You've got Jason for that, man." He gave Harry a wink.

Harry chuckled. "Don't you be thinking about my Jason."

"Oh, no! I have my hands more than full with my Samuel." He laughed and slapped Harry's

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Harry snorted. "You want to go catch a movie, man?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. There's that foreign film that got all the awards playing at the

"I could sleep through that. No problem."

"So could I. The new Dawson action flick is also playing there."

"Yeah? Fucking cool. Jase hates blow 'em up movies."

"Let's go, then." He pulled out his cell phone and accessed the web. "I'll check the schedule, see
if we don't have time for another beer."

"Cool. I'll leave the boys a message."

Peter nodded. "I'm pretty sure they're spending the evening at our place, watching movies and
having a bath."


Peter chuckled. "At least they know what works for them."

"I guess."

He let his eyebrows rise up into his hairline. "I'm not sharing a tub with you and spilling my guts,

Harry looked over at him. "Well, thank fuck for that. I'd hate to have to fucking shoot your ass."

Peter put back his head and laughed. He slapped Harry on the back and called for another round
of beer. The movie was sure to go over better with more booze in them both.

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Chapter Eight

"You want to go away with Sam and Laffy for a few days, babe?" Harry sat at the kitchen table,
drinking his coffee, watching Jason get ready to teach while he wound down from work.

Jason turned from the counter, sandwich in a little plastic baggie waving in one hand. "Really?"

"Yeah. Just for three or four days."

Jason put down the sandwich and came over to lean against him. "All four of us? That would be

"Yeah. Laffy brought it up."

Jason's arms came around him, his sweet love beaming at him. "It sounds really good. Can you
get the time off?"

"I'm working on it." It looked pretty good, for a change.

Jason laughed softly and hugged him tight. "That would be so good."

"Yeah. You and me, the goofballs."

More giggles followed and Jason kissed him.

"Mmm. Toothpaste kisses."

"Yeah, toothpaste kisses and coffee dreams." Jason climbed into his lap and snuggled. "I think
it's a fantastic idea, love. Thank you."

"Yeah. I was thinking San Fran, huh? Or Monterey?" Although they could go to Vegas.

"Oh, Monterey is so pretty. Of course, San Fran is friendly."

"You find a little affordable room, then, and I'll look for days off."

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"Okay! Sammy'll be able to find us something if I can't." Jason kissed him again, long and sweet.

He'd do a lot to have Jason smile like that. To have Jase kiss him like that.

He lover wriggled in his lap, and when their kiss ended, Jase looked at his watch. "Oh, I think
there's enough time."

"You have to work, don't you?" He chuckled, licked at Jason's lips.

"I do." Jason's tongue followed his for a moment. "But there's time for this before I have to go."

Jason slid off his lap and settled between his legs.

He chuckled, shook his head. "You don't have to, babe."

"No, I don't have to, but I need to." Jason smiled up at him as nimble fingers worked open his

He traced Jason's face, the long nose, pointed chin. "Love you, huh?"

Jason nodded and licked at his fingertip. "I know, Harry."

Then those clever fingers had his prick out of his pants and Jason's mouth took him in. He
blinked, sort of staring down, watching his cock disappear between those wet, sweet lips. Jason's
tongue swirled around the head and teased his slit, then the real suction started, Jason going
down on him.

"Jase. Jase. Fuck." He grunted, spread a little wider.

Jason's fingers moved over his balls, touched and rubbed them as the suction continued. Harry
scooted down on his chair, offering Jase his hole. The groan around his cock sent vibrations all
the way up his spine. Jason pushed one of his fingers into his mouth along with Harry's cock, and
then that finger slid into his hole.

"Yeah." Oh. Oh, fuck yeah. He groaned and started moving, pushing up into that perfect mouth,
then back onto Jason's finger.

A second finger pushed in, Jason stretching him. His toes curled, hands creaking on the arms of
the chair. Jason's head bobbed eagerly as those two fingers curled and pushed deep, finding his
sweet spot.

"Fuck!" He rose up for a second, holding himself up off the chair. Those fingers went deeper,
brushed his gland again. "Gonna. Don't stop, huh?" He needed to. Right now.

Jason wasn't going to stop, not if the increase in suction was any indication. The only thing that

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changed was that a third finger pushed into him and Jason's head bobbed faster, tongue lashing at
his cock as it slid by.

He shot hard, crying out, his belly hard as a rock. Jason swallowed all around him, taking his
come in. The fingers inside him stilled, but stayed there, filling him as he shuddered a time or
two more.

"God..." He panted, dazed and sated and feeling so fucking good.

Jason rubbed a freshly shaved cheek along his softening cock, and his lover's fingers finally
pulled away.

"You... you blow my fucking mind, babe."

Jason giggled softly. "I don't know, Harry. I'm pretty sure that was your cock I blew."

He rolled his eyes, grinned. "Turkey."

Giggling some more, Jason kissed his cock and then his balls. His lover tucked him back into his
pants and glanced at his watch. "Oops, I better get going!"

"Go, Go, Gadget Sub!" He tossed Jason a box of Altoids and winked, loving the Imspector
Gadget thing.

Jason laughed and kissed him. "Love you, Harry." The pretty eyes smiled at him, adored him.

"I know, babe." He patted that pretty ass. "Go. Work. I'll see you tonight."

Jase nodded and gave him another kiss before collecting his lunch, his school bag, and his keys.
He called out a "Bye love!" as he left.

Harry chuckled, stretched, and watched his lover go. He could do this. He could. Only a little
while and they could transfer.

In the meantime, he had his sweet lover and good friends to help keep him sane.

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Chapter Nine

Jason and Sammy moved between the two rooms of the little suite they'd reserved, checking
everything out. They decided he and Harry would take the king-sized bed while Peter and
Sammy shared the double in the other room; Harry was the biggest out of all of them. They'd
wound up in San Francisco, in a nice hotel instead of a B&B; it had been a much better deal.

"Look at the hot tub!" Jason climbed into the empty tub and sat. "There's room for all four of

Harry chuckled, shook his head, but Sammy was already stripping off his shirt. "Now is good.
That was a long, long drive."

Laughing, Jason climbed out of the tub and turned on the water to get it filling. "Come on, Harry
-- I packed your suit."

Usually he and Sammy would share the tub without any clothes on, but if Harry and Peter were
going to join them, Jason knew they had to wear suits or it wouldn't happen.

"Yeah?" One of Harry's eyebrows quirked up at him. "Okay, Jase."

"Well, if you'd rather go in without..."

Harry snorted. "Y'all can."

"No, we'll wear the bathing suits so you'll be comfortable, too." He went to their bag and dug
through it, coming up with his and Harry's swimsuits. "Ta-da!"

Harry chuckled and took his suit, heading for the bathroom.

Sammy chuckled. "He's so modest."

Jason watched Harry go and shook his head. "He's just not an exhibitionist."

He gave Sammy a quick kiss and grabbed his own suit, following after Harry. Harry was mostly

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undressed when he came in, so he got a long look at that beautiful, tanned body. "God, I am the
luckiest man on this earth."

Harry's warm brown eyes met his, shining. "Good vacation so far?"

"Yeah. Of course, any time I get to see you naked is good."

Harry chuckled, wiggled his ass from side to side.

"I know you're teasing me, but that's the hottest thing ever." He loved to watch Harry blush.

He sat down on the edge of the tub, determined to watch until the show was over -- it would only
take a second for him to change into his own suit.

"What are you doing?" Harry looked over one shoulder at him.

"Watching the best show on earth."

"You're silly." Harry turned, walked toward him, cock bobbing.

He licked his lips, hunger pooling in his belly. "I'm not silly at all."

"No?" Harry's cock started to fill. "You gotta stop, babe. I'll get hard."

He smiled up at his big, beautiful lover. "I could take care of that for you."

"Jason..." Harry stepped closer, almost between his legs.

He couldn't resist; that hardening prick was right there by his lips. Leaning the little bit he
needed to, he kissed the tip.

"Babe..." Harry moaned, fingers sliding in his hair.

He reached out and teased Harry's balls. "We're on vacation, right? This is what it's all about."

"But they're right out there..." Harry spread a little wider, moaned.

"So?" He nibbled on the tip of Harry's cock.

Harry licked his lips, hips rolling forward. "Babe."

He grinned up at Harry and took the tip in his mouth. God, Harry tasted good. So good.

"You know they're listening."

"No, we're not!" Sammy's voice sounded.

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Jason started giggling. He laughed harder when Peter clearly swatted Sammy's ass.

Harry groaned, stepped away. "Good lord. Put your suit on, babe."

He pouted at Harry but did as he was told. Not before he stroked Harry's ass, though. Harry
thumped his cock, grunted as it deflated.

Sighing, Jason finished getting ready to join Sammy and Peter in the hot tub. "Later," he
promised Harry. Their rooms were separated by a door, and there were pillows to smother

"Uh-huh." Harry winked at him.

He took his lover's hand and led him out to the main room, where Sammy and Peter were already
in the hot tub.

They slipped in, and Sammy looked over at Harry. "Sorry."

Harry snorted. "Are not."

Jason patted the muscles on Harry's chest. He judged Harry's mood, then slipped into his lover's
lap. Harry's arms wrapped around him. He leaned back and closed his eyes, the bubbles flowing
all around him. "This is nice."

"Uh-huh." Harry's arms tightened around him.

"So what does everyone want to see while we're here?" Peter asked, hand stroking along
Sammy's shoulders.

Sammy chuckled. "I want to go shopping!"

Harry groaned.

Jason giggled. "We could go to the Fisherman's Market. That's shopping and touristy."

"I'm easy, y'all." Harry was. It was adorable. He leaned back and kissed Harry's chin.

Sammy hummed happily, and Harry flicked water over.

Jason laughed softly and snuggled back into Harry. "I want to ride a streetcar."

"I want to go to Chinatown," Sammy added.

"What about you, Harry?"

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"I don't care, y'all. I just want to relax."

"But we should each get to pick something. That's fair."

Harry tilted his head. "I want to go have a huge steak. I mean, a really good, thick steak."

Peter chuckled. "That sounds like the best thing I've heard so far."

He beamed, reached up, and patted Harry's arm. He hoped this was a good vacation for Harry.
While he wanted to go shopping and hang out with Sammy, he mostly wanted to make sure that
Harry had a great time. He wanted to let his lover rest, renew. Breathe. He wanted that unhappy
look gone for good.

Harry's fingers moved on his belly, soft and gentle, and Jase didn't think Harry even knew he was
doing it. He didn't say anything about it, though; he just enjoyed it.

Sammy's eyes met his, warm, happy, but Sammy didn't say anything, either. Jason smiled back at
his best friend and found Sammy's foot under the water. He started playing footsie. Sammy
chuckled, playing back, grinning at him. Soon he was laughing, wiggling against Harry as
Sammy's toes tickled his soles.

"Y'all are giant dorks."

Jase grinned up at his lover. "You're the giant."

"Fee fi fo fum..."

He collapsed into giggles. Even Peter laughed.

"We should order room service tonight. Relax after our drive."

"That's a good idea, babe." Harry nodded. His lover was fighting to stay awake, to get his
schedule set with theirs.

"We should nap first -- this hot water's got me all sleepy." He looked over at Sammy and Peter,
waiting for them to back him up.

Sammy nodded, smiled, winked. "God, yes. Naps, rest. Then we'll all go for a long walk."

Peter rolled his eyes but stood. "Come on, Samuel. I have plans for your nap."

"Oh. Oh, yes, Peter."

Harry groaned.

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Jason leaned up to whisper in Harry's ear. "We could have napping plans, too."

Harry leaned down, arms surrounding him. "Yes, please."

"Mmm." He rubbed noses with Harry, worried if he did more than that, he wouldn't be able to
stop. And they needed to be out of the tub, to be behind closed doors, before they got to that

Sammy and Peter started moving. Harry pointedly did not look at them.

Jase stood up and held his hand out for his lover. "Come on, Harry. Napping plans." He waggled
his eyebrows.

Harry stood up, that heavy, beautiful cock thick and filling. Jase hurried Harry into their
bedroom. He wanted to see that cock without the damn swimsuit in the way. He wanted that tight
ass, too. He loved the way Harry felt around him, how good it all felt.

As soon as the door was closed, he stopped Harry to take that kiss he wanted. Harry hummed,
bent in to lap at his lips. Jase ran his hands over Harry's chest. All those muscles felt so good
beneath his fingers and palms.

"Mmm." He could feel that hum vibrate under his hands.

He pushed gently, moving them toward the bed as one kiss rolled into another. Harry licked and
lapped at his lips, tongue sliding in to taste him.

Moaning into Harry's mouth, he tugged at the swimming trunks, pulling them down over Harry's
hips. "Sexy," he muttered.

"You're biased." Harry shook his hips, fingers pushing his over the swell of his ass.

He moaned softly and nodded. "I'm also the only guy who's getting this view."

"Ever." Harry smiled, kissed him again.

"I want you, Harry."

"Whatever you want. You know that."

"I want to feel you around me, tight and hot." He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, kissing
him hard. Harry grunted and grabbed him, kissing back just as hard. "Bed," he managed as he
gasped for breath.

"Uh-huh. Now."

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He pushed Harry onto the bed and detoured only long enough to grab the lube out of their bags
before following Harry onto the mattress. Harry's arms were held open for him, drawing him
down against the broad chest. He touched everywhere he could, pressing kisses all over Harry's
face. Harry's lips followed his, chased his.

He found Harry's nipples, pinching one and then the other. He moved back and forth between
them. He wanted to make Harry crazy, need him so badly. He could feel Harry's breath quicken,
feel how each touch made Harry want him more and more.

He grabbed he lube and got his fingers all nice and slick.

"Gonna make me come, babe?" God, he loved that -- loved when Harry talked dirty, loved that

"I am." He pushed his hands down between Harry's legs. They spread for him, Harry rolling a
little, giving him a better target. "God, you're hot, Harry."

Harry chuckled. "Burning up. Touch me."

"Yeah. Yeah." He pushed one slick finger against the wrinkled skin, kept pushing until it slid
right in.

All those strong, heavy muscles moved, rippled for him. It made him moan, and he pushed his
finger in deeper. He twisted it, pushed it in and out a few times.

"You can use two. I like it."

"I know. I'm taking my time." Smiling, he fucked Harry a bit more, his other hand rolling Harry's

Harry grinned. "Man, you look at me like I'm... something."

"You're not something, Harry, you're everything." He pushed a second finger in now, stretching
them out.

"Jase..." Harry blushed a deep, dark rose.

He kissed Harry's chest, just above his left nipple. "It's true."

Harry didn't answer, but those huge hands tilted his head for a kiss. He gave it eagerly, adding
yet another finger into Harry's ass. Jason felt the deep moan vibrating his lips and tongue. He
moaned back, fingers pushing deep. Harry began to move for him, riding his touch, ass

"So tight. Gonna feel so good around me."

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"Uh-huh." Harry's fingers were on his belly, moving down toward his cock.

He stopped them. "No, not yet."

"No?" Harry smiled at him, eyes warm, loving him.

"No." He shook his head and gave Harry another kiss, groaning into the perfect heat of Harry's
mouth. Then he tugged his fingers away. "I can't wait any more. You ready?" He wanted to feel
Harry's tight body around his cock.

"I am." Harry spread and let him in, showed that long body off.

It made this noise come out of him -- something that was a cross between a moan and a whimper.
He lined up and began to push in. Harry was hot and tight and... and Harry.

"Mmm. Jase..." Harry's hands wrapped around his hips, dragging him in.

He pushed in as far as he could and smiled down at Harry. He panted and held on, waiting for
some signal from Harry to start moving. He could feel each and every fucking breath, all around
his prick. It made him whimper again, his muscles wanting to tremble, to move, something.

"I got you, babe. Breathe." His rock.

He leaned forward, cock going deeper, so he could kiss Harry's lips, his tongue flitting along
them softly.

"Mmm... Yeah." Harry's body squeezed him. Hugged him, began to rock on him.

"Yes, yes, Harry." Moaning, he began to move with Harry, gently at first.

It was a perfect fit. Perfect. He moved faster as the pleasure built between them. It was like every
thrust was even better than the last.

"Touch me, Please, babe. Need."

"I love it when I make you need." He wrapped a hand around Harry's cock. It was hot and hard,
leaking at the tip. It felt good along his palm. He traced the heavy veins, stroked the full, thick
shaft. Groaning, he thrust harder. He swore he could feel each of his thrusts through Harry's

"So fucking pretty..." Harry groaned for him, pushed him harder. He let the praise wash over him
as his hips pumped more and more eagerly. "Don't stop. Don't stop, Jase. Close."

He was doing this. Him. "Not stopping." He moved faster, pushing in with everything he had.

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Harry's eyes met his, straight on. "Love you."

"Yes! Harry!" Oh, God, he was close. He pulled harder on Harry's cock -- he wanted them to go
together. Harry squeezed his cock, body working, hips pumping. "Come on, love."

Jason's orgasm rushed over him, but he kept thrusting. Heat sprayed over his fingers, sweet and
male. He shuddered, his own orgasm feeling like it was going on and on.

"That's it. Damn, Babe. Just like that." Harry kept moving, riding him, groaning.

"Oh, God. Oh, Harry." It was like... there wasn't anything like this, nothing he could compare it

"Uh-huh." Harry's eyelids were heavy-heavy now.

His movements slowed and then stopped, and he rested on top of Harry. He patted one of Harry's
pecs as his softening cock slipped from Harry's body. "Good, huh?"

Harry blinked at him. "You okay?"

"I'm feeling pretty amazing, actually. You?"

"Mmmhmm." So close to sleep. Jason grinned, watching Harry fight it.

"Love you," he whispered.

"Uh-huh. Me, too."

"Good." He patted Harry's chest again and listened to his lover's heart beat. It was a good way to
spend a few hours.

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Chapter Ten

"I'm going to walk down to the coffee shop at the corner, love." Sammy kissed the corner of
Peter's mouth, straightened his lover's covers.

Peter chuckled. "You're going to get food to feed us, hmm?"

"Mmmhmm. I'll have a few cups of coffee first, read. Everyone's sleeping. It's early."

"I'm not sleeping."

"You were." He shouldn't have kissed Peter, but his lover didn't like it if he went missing.

"But now I'm not." Peter's arms opened up for him.

"Mmm." He cuddled down, toeing off his shoes as he did. "I was all dressed."

Peter was all warm. "So you can get dressed again later."

"Mmmhmm." The blanket was held up and he slipped in, cuddling close.

"You're supposed to be on vacation, too, you know."

"Mmmhmm." He sighed as the blanket settled around him.

"Am I going to have to tie you up to make you relax and sleep in?"

He chuckled. "That'll creep Harry the Hero out."

Peter gave him a squeeze. "What Harry doesn't know won't hurt him."

"Uh-huh. It's warm in here with you."

"And about to get warmer." Peter tipped his face.

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He smiled, arms wrapping around Peter's shoulders, his sweater riding up. Peter's mouth met his,
the kiss slow, warm.

"Peter..." He hummed, opened with a sigh.

"My Samuel." Peter's fingers slid beneath his sweater, began to drag it up over his chest.

"Uh-huh." His arms lifted. "I could have coffee in a little while."

Peter pulled the sweater over his head and then dragged his T-shirt up, too. "In a long while."

His nipples went tight, belly aching. Peter's lips landed on his again, the kiss leaving him
breathless. Peter. His Peter. He chuckled, so happy it hurt, and he pressed closer.

Peter's hands slid over his body, down to undo and push off his pants. He helped, wiggling out of
them, groaning as their skin met. "That's better," murmured Peter, hands moving all over,
touching him thoroughly.

"Uh-huh." He hummed, trying to figure out why in the hell he'd gotten out of bed to begin with.

Peter nibbled on his ear and then began to suck up a mark on his neck, lips and teeth and tongue
all working together. His quiet peace started turning into hunger, building inside him.

"Mmm." Peter hummed for him, and the sound sent vibrations winging through him.

He pulled the covers over their heads, hiding them. A soft chuckle tickled his skin, and Peter's
mouth slid over his collarbone.

"Mmm. Happy?"

"Uh-huh. You?" Peter kept licking and tasting, kissing.


"Good." Peter slipped down a little further, mouth closing over his right nipple.

It was the easiest thing on earth, to moan, to arch, and to whisper to Peter about how good it was.
Peter's tongue flicked at his nipple, teeth threatening. His breath caught in his chest. They bit
down, once, quickly, and then the flutter of Peter's tongue followed, soothing. That made him
smile, relax deeper into the sheets. Nuzzling over to his other nipple, Peter began to tease it as

"Love you." He was melted. Well, most of him was.

Peter continued working downward, tongue playing with his navel. He moaned a little, but he

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didn't move. He luxuriated in the touches, in the attention. His cock nudged Peter's chin, all on its
own. Peter chuckled and nudged it back. Sammy wriggled, thighs spreading a little wider.

"Someone's eager."

"For you." He always was.

"Good." Peter turned his head and wrapped his lips around the tip of Sammy's cock.

It was dark and quiet and all he could think about was the pleasure flooding him. Peter's tongue
played with his slit, one hand sliding along the inside of his thighs. His moans were made louder
by the cocoon they were in. His lover encouraged more of them, hand moving up to roll his balls,
stroke them.

"Yours." His knees drew up. "Peter."

"You want me, Samuel?" Peter's fingers teased over his hole.

"Have I ever not wanted you?" He wasn't being sarcastic.

He could feel Peter's smile against his cock. "Never."

"That's right. Even before I found you."

Peter chuckled. "You were searching for me, waiting for me to see you."

"Yes. I was being stupid. Taking risks."

"No more." Peter nipped at his hip, teeth sharp.

"No!" He arched, legs spreading wider. "Only yours."

"That's right." Two of Peter's fingers pushed against his hole, and then in.

"P...Peter." His body loved Peter's touch.

"I've got you." Peter's fingers slid deeper, hit his gland.

"Yes." He could feel his eyes rolling in his head.

Peter continued to nibble, taking lip bites from his cock and balls. His skin jerked and tightened,
needing more, needing something. Another finger pushed into him, and Peter's nibbles turned
into sharp, short bites. He whispered Peter's name, growing more and more desperate by the
second. Peter fucked him with those three fingers for the longest time. For long enough that he
was sure he was going to die of frustration.

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"Please..." He needed more.

"Mmm, beg so prettily, my Samuel." Peter kissed his way back up to Sammy's mouth, lips
pressing with his as the long fingers slid out of his body.

"I need you. So much." Peter knew that.

"You've got me. Always." Peter's prick pushed against his hole.

"Always." He sobbed, stretching.

Slowly but surely, Peter's cock sank into him.

"Oh..." That was perfect. Perfect.

Peter's mouth met his as Peter began to move, hips sawing, pushing the long cock in and out of
him. He pushed the blanket off as they built heat together. Peter's eyes opened immediately, his
lover looking into him. He smiled; the sun was coming up. Their bodies came together faster,
harder, Peter's thrusts moving him on the bed now.

"Yes. Peter. Peter, love..."

Peter pushed him close to his climax, and then brought him back, then did it again, not letting
him come, only bringing him close. His cheeks were burning, his heart pounding in his ears.

"Let me hear how good it is."

"They...they'll hear me."

"So?" Peter slammed into him, cockhead hitting just the right spot.

"Peter!" His eyes crossed. So hot. So.

Peter's hips worked hard, sending the long, hard cock into him, against his gland, over and over.

"Please..." Oh, God, he was flying. Flying.

"Soon, Samuel. This morning we'll do it together."

"Yes. I love you. I do." Anything for his lover.

"Mmm... Samuel." Peter gasped and suddenly wrapped a hand around his prick, pulling hard.

Sammy shot hard, the room spinning around him as his cock throbbed, the ache deep and right

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and perfect. Peter's heat pushed deep inside him. His head spun, his blood pounding through him.

Peter's lips slid over his cheek. Blinking, he moaned in pure happiness. Peter settled on him, the
weight good, the heat of Peter's cock still inside him.

"Mmm..." Suddenly he was exhausted. So tired. Ready for a nap.

Peter patted his hip. "Harry and Jason will wake us when they're up."

"Mmmhmm. You don't wan' coffee?" Sleep was pulling at him.

"I want this. Right here."

"Oh..." He smiled, opened to tell Peter thank you, but he was already asleep.

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Chapter Eleven

Peter sat gratefully at a table for four in the hotel bar. Samuel and Jason had run him and Harry
ragged. He didn't know where they got the energy.

He looked over at Harry. "Survived it, old man?"

Harry grunted but grinned. "I swear, gonna keep Jase up all night."

"And here you are, claiming you aren't kinky."

Harry swatted at him. "Movies. Dancing. Coffee. Something."

Peter chuckled and ordered them both shots of whiskey with beer chasers. He ordered apple-tinis
for their lovers.

"Lightweights." Harry grinned as the guys came in, arm in arm, heads together. "They're

Peter groaned. "They are. I think we need to distract them."

"Uh-huh. I blame you. Sammy used to be depressed."

He laughed, but it was smug even in his own ears. He took care of his lover.

Sammy bounced up, landed in his lap. "Jase and I have a plan!"

"Oh, God."

Jase giggled, moving over to wrap his arms around Harry's neck.

His Samuel nodded, grinned, and pressed close. "We were thinking bar food, trivia down here,
maybe a game of poker."

"Oh, thank God." Harry moaned.

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"That sounds almost civilized. I was expecting a show or something. Dancing?"

"No, love. This is a vacation. Let's goof off, have a few drinks, talk. There's darts, pool, onion

"It sounds lovely, doesn't it, Harrison?" He was wondering where the pods were, though.

"Uh-huh. What's the catch?"

Jase hit Harry's shoulder. "There's no catch. This is your vacation, too. Sammy and I don't want it
all to be things we like doing that you maybe aren't so fond of. Tit for tat, you know."

Samuel chuckled. "You said tit."

Jason giggled. "I did!"

Peter rolled his eyes, but he laughed good-naturedly. He liked watched Samuel's silly side come
out to play.

"Besides, we haven't just sat in a long time." Samuel smiled. "That's part of it."

"No, we haven't." It had gotten harder, with Harry working nights in Vice.

Harry nodded, sighed. "Sorry, guys. The new job..."

"It sucks." Samuel piped up.

"Yeah, Sammy. It does."

Jason hugged Harry tight. "It's okay, love."

Harry patted Jason's ass, smiled. "So, bar food. Onion rings?"

"Wings!" Jason wriggled back into Harry's hand.

"French fries." Samuel added.

"Potato skins," Peter added. "And nachos. Hell, let's get one of everything."

Harry laughed. "No, no. They'll get cold and gross. We'll take turns."

"That works. We'll start with the boys' choices."

"Potato skins for me, please."

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He stroked Samuel's cheek. "Pick something you want." And not what Samuel thought he wanted
just to make him happy.

Samuel leaned into his touch, eyelids going heavy. "I want chili cheese fries."

"Then that's what we'll have. When it's my turn, I'll order the potato skins." He slid his thumb
along Samuel's lower lip.

Jason tilted his head. "I'm gonna order the chicken strips, 'cause I want more than just French

"Babe, make those two stop being gross."

Samuel's lips wrapped around his thumb, his lover sucking gently.

"Awww. That's not gross, it's sweet." Jason hugged Harry. "Don't be a fuddy duddy."

"It is my job to be a fuddy duddy."

That had their boys giggling.

"You're supposedly on vacation," Peter noted.

"Fuck you, Laffy."

"No, Officer. He's mine." Samuel sounded very sure.

Chuckling, Peter wrapped his arm around Samuel. "Yes. I am."

"Still, y'all..." Harry winked, rolled his eyes.

Jason took a quick peck. "They're sweet."

"You hear that, Samuel? We're sweet."

"Like sugar." Samuel winked.

Harry gagged.

Jason giggled madly, burying his face in Harry's neck when a waitress came by to take their

Peter went ahead and gave it. "Chicken fingers and chili cheese fries, please. And another round
for everyone."

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"Mmm. Are you going to get me drunk, Peter?" Samuel whispered in his ear.

"I don't need to get you drunk to have my wicked way with you." He turned his head, kissing
Samuel softly. "But a drink or three to help you relax for the evening..." He took a minute just to
admire his beautiful lover -- dark curly hair, dark eyes, flushed with the beginnings of arousal
and happiness. He loved this man, so very much. "Happy?" He knew Samuel was, could clearly
see it. He wanted to hear it, though, too.


He heard Harry groan, then Jason giggled and tugged the big cop toward a pool table.

With them gone, he turned his entire focus on Samuel. "Good, I'm glad you're happy."

"How about you, Peter? Happy?"

"I am. My life is good. And you're the best part of it."

Samuel's cheeks flushed. "Flatterer."

He shook his head. "No, trutherer."

That earned him a happy laugh. "I liked window shopping today. It was fun. Jason should have
bought that jacket."

"We could go back tomorrow -- buy it for his birthday or something."

"Oh, that would be cool. Christmas, maybe." Samuel nodded, fingers tracing his own.

"You're planning it already, aren't you?"

"Of course." As if he was insane for even asking.

Peter chuckled and took another kiss.

"Mmm." Samuel's arms wrapped around his neck and a few bar patrons applauded.

Thank God they were in San Francisco.

He nibbled a little more and then relaxed back in his chair, fingers drawing circles on Samuel's
back. The food came and Samuel munched, laughing as Harry came over to steal some for him
and Jason. It was a nice evening, warm and cozy. Relaxing. He could hear Harry and Jason
laughing by the pool table, both of them focused on nothing but each other.

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He fed Samuel one nibble after another, enjoying the look on his lover's face as Samuel devoured
the chili cheese fries.

"Mmm. Hot, greasy, salty. Perfect."

"And terrible for you. That's what makes them so good."

Samuel nodded, laughed, patted the flat stomach. "Gonna get fat."

Peter snorted. "I sincerely doubt that."

"I might." Samuel frowned, and Peter could see it -- his lover talking himself into not eating.

He swatted that pretty ass. "Enjoy your fries, Samuel."

"Huh?" Samuel blinked at him, jumped.

"Eat. That's an order."

"Peter!" The air got heated, sensual, and sexual between them.

"I mean it, Samuel. You take care of everyone else but never yourself. You are going to eat the
rest of those chili cheese fries, and then you're going to have at least a taste of everything else."
He ignored the way his prick was attempting to mount a coup over his brain.

"It's what I do." Samuel stared at him, so focused. So hot.

"I know. It's a part of your charm. And stop looking at me like that or I'm taking you up to our
room and having my most wicked way with you."

"That would be rude, huh? Although we've got tonight..."

"We do." He put how he felt into his voice.

Samuel moaned, fingers sliding on the table.

"Eat. Eat, Samuel. We'll worry about what we're doing later, later."

Samuel smiled. "Later, later."

A French fry was grabbed, popped into his mouth. He chewed and grabbed another one, feeding
it to Samuel. Samuel opened up, eyes happy as the fry was devoured. He fed his lover another
one, and then another.

It had been a while since he'd tied Samuel up, made his lover rely totally on him for the day. He

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wondered what Harry would do if Samuel showed up tomorrow morning with his hands tied
behind his back for the day. The thought made him chuckle.

"What's funny?"

"Oh, I just imagined Harry's face if I brought you down to breakfast tomorrow morning with
your hands cuffed, your ass filled, cock bound. Not that Harry would know about the second

"He would be mortified." Samuel went a bright red.

"He would go as red as you are now."

"He'd be embarrassed. He... When I go red, it's for a different reason."

"I know. You were thinking about me doing that to you, hmm?"

"Yes. Yes, Peter. I love being here, but... It makes it hard to play."

"It does. Still, we'll manage something tonight, hmm?"

"Yeah? I... Please."

"You could wear the plug tomorrow." It might slow Samuel and Jason down.

"I. I. I." Sweet, fluttering man.

"Yes, I think we need to do that. Who knows, maybe we'll find a few other things we can do that
would remain hidden."

"Peter..." Samuel wiggled, those lovely eyes watching him like a hawk.

"Nipple clamps? I guess that would work, if you wore a sweater. Of course, with a sweater,
there'd be something pressing against the clamps..."

"They would see..." Samuel was so aroused, so hot.

"A jacket as well, then? Or itty bitty clamps." He knew his grin had grown predatory. "Oh, we
could go to one of the sex shops tonight, after we've relaxed."

"Peter. Peter, please. Can we... there's a wash room. Our room? Just for a minute?"

"Look at you -- all worked up. It makes you beautiful. Really." He ran his hand along Samuel's

Samuel was shivering, lips parted.

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"Have this last French fry and I'll take you upstairs to get a clean shirt." Before Samuel could ask
what was wrong with his shirt, Peter picked up the fry and pressed it against the cotton. "Oops."

Samuel nodded. "Hate for it to stain. Jase? Running up to change. Be right back."

"We'll be quick," Peter promised, giving Harry a wink as Samuel's hand slipped into his.

To Harrison's credit, the man didn't tease, just nodded. Maybe Harry understood, a little. Jase
gave Samuel a kiss on the cheek and a giggle and then they were headed for the elevator.
Perhaps they were moving a little eagerly, but Peter didn't care, he just wanted to make Samuel

Samuel's hand was sweaty, his lover vibrating as they waited. He squeezed Samuel's hand, his
lover's need and eagerness fueling his own arousal. His cock was growing harder by the second.

The elevator door opened and they both tumbled in, Samuel fumbling for the button for the
fourth floor.

"Don't turn around," he ordered. He wasn't sure if he could resist his lover if Samuel looked at
him. Better they just stared at the door until they got to their floor.

When they did, Samuel headed for their hotel room, almost running down the hall.

Peter made himself walk at a slower pace. God, Samuel was sexy. Needy and sexy and his.

"Peter..." Samuel turned toward him, cock hard and swollen.

He shut the door firmly, his own cock jerking a little at the sound. He opened his arms. Samuel
launched himself over, their lips crashing together. He plundered Samuel's mouth, tongue
pushing between Samuel's lips. His hungry lover crawled up his body, hips rocking, demanding
more. Such urgency. It was intoxicating.

Peter turned to use the wall to support Samuel's back and he began to thrust.

"Please. Please. I need you."

"You have me, Samuel. Always. Always." He buried his face in Samuel's neck and began to
work up a mark.

Soft cries filled the air, making the room seem warmer. He pushed a hand between them,
working open Samuel's pants as he kept sucking on the salty-sweet skin. Samuel's hand was in
his hair, his beautiful lover writhing against him.

"I love the way you need me." He got the pants undone and pushed his hand in, wrapping it
around Samuel's prick.

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"More than... Oh. Oh, please. More than anything."

He tugged that sweet heat out and stroked it roughly.

"Peter." Samuel humped his hand, crying out over and over.

"That's it. Just like that." He rubbed his fingers across the tip.

"Harder..." Greedy boy.

He squeezed his hand, letting it fly over the hard flesh. Samuel arched, the scent of need heavy,

"You can come for me now." He pressed his thumb into Samuel's slit.

"Love." The single word was bitten out, Samuel arching as he shot.

Peter groaned, the smell making his balls ache. He kept pulling on Samuel's cock, bringing out
the aftershocks. Samuel shivered, clinging to him, happy moans on the air.

He brought his hand up and painted Samuel's lips with his lover's come. Then he bent in and
began to lick it off. He felt Samuel's cock jerk and begin to fill against his belly.

Half moaning, half laughing, he pulled on Samuel's lower lip. "Greedy boy."

"Yes. For you, always. Yes."

"You want my cock, Samuel?" It was straining at his pants.

"Please. Always. Forever."

He slid Samuel's legs from around his waist and put his hands on his lover's shoulders,
encouraging Samuel down. He admired the sweet, swollen lips, the hungry moan. He slowly
undid his belt. Samuel licked his lips, eager, but waiting for his word. He undid the zipper and let
his need push his cock out of his pants.


He knew. "It's all yours."

Samuel groaned and leaned forward, drawing him into that fiery mouth. Groaning, Peter put a
hand on the wall to keep himself upright. His cock was laved and loved, licked and adored. He
could feel each touch in his balls; hell, he could feel it all the way to his toes. Samuel wasn't
teasing. The suction was fierce, intense.

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"Yes! Samuel!" He began to move his hips, his cock sliding in and out of Samuel's mouth.
Samuel took him in, swallowed around the tip of his cock. "Samuel!" He wrapped his hands
around Samuel's head and began to thrust in earnest. Those lips took him in, relaxed, trusting
him completely.

"Love you. Love you, Samuel." His hands tightened as he came. Not a single drop was lost.

His hands gentled and he patted Samuel's head. Dark, beautiful eyes gazed up at him. He pulled
slowly out, and his fingers slid to rub over Samuel's swollen lips. Samuel sucked his fingertips,
pulling gently.

He groaned, fucked Samuel's lips with his fingers for a moment. "So what will it be? A plug or a
cock ring?"

"A plug."

"Mmm... good choice. I love the way you walk when you're wearing one. Especially when you're
trying to pretend that it's not there."

"I love knowing it's there, knowing you want it there, keeping me ready for you."

"That's right. I'm going to put it in, and you're going to wear it all evening long, and then we're
going to come back here and I'm going to take you."

"Yes, Peter. Yes, please."

He stroked Samuel's cheek. "Come on, then. Jeans down to your knees and lean over the bed for
me. I brought the perfect plug for this."

Samuel nodded, moving easily, happily.

He went over to his bag and found the plug and lube. The plug wasn't too big -- Samuel wouldn't
have any trouble keeping it in, but it was long enough to reach that sweet little spot inside his
lover's body.

When he turned, that fine ass was bent and spread, waiting for him, that tight little hole ready to
be touched. Peter stepped up behind Samuel, one hand sliding on the pretty back while he slicked
up the fingers of his other hand. Samuel arched, pushed back toward his touch. Sweet and eager,
he loved the way Samuel responded to him. He slid one finger into Samuel's body.

"Mmm." Samuel went up on tiptoe, humming. The sound was happy, welcoming.

He added another finger gently, carefully opening his lover. Samuel rocked, body moving slow
and steady, over and over. He could have done this quickly, opened Samuel up and plugged him,
but this was more enjoyable for both of them, this slow-motion stretching.

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"Mmm. Feels good, Peter."

"It does. I love how tight you are."

"I want you, all the time."

"I'm always here for you." He pushed a third finger into Samuel's body.

His answer was a soft moan, and Samuel's legs parted, his lover going up on tiptoe. Finding the
perfect angle to hit Samuel's gland, he pushed it over and over again.

"Oh. Oh, damn. I wish. I wish we had time for more."

"Later. When Harry and Jase have gone to bed." He slid his fingers away and pushed just the tip
of the plug inside. "For now, this should keep you ready."

"They'll probably stay up forever..."

Peter chuckled. "That's not really their style, is it?"

"Jason would do it, just to fuck with me. Mess with me. Mess with me."

He smacked Samuel's ass. His hand print rose up on the pale skin, pink and clearly defined.
Groaning, he did it again, on the other cheek this time.

"Peter. Sorry. Sorry." He watched Samuel's ass dance. He didn't think his lover was sorry at all.

He swatted it a few more times. "Just to be sure you are," he murmured.

"Just?" Samuel whimpered softly. "I could cuss again..."

He chuckled. "We're going back downstairs, Samuel. If you're good, I'll spank you nice and hard
when we come back up."

"I love you."

He'd take that as a yes, please. "I love you, too." He pushed the plug the rest of the way in. He
could see Samuel's hole snapping closed around it. "Perfect," he murmured, fingers stroking the
lovely cheeks.

"I should change, huh?" Samuel's arms trembled, his lover catching his breath.

"Yes. Quickly. They're waiting for us."

"Love you."

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Peter didn't doubt that, not at all. He held out his arm as soon as Samuel was dressed and
dropped a kiss on his lover's lips.

"Okay. I'm ready." Samuel looked well-fucked, happy, horny, focused.

"You sure are." He squeezed Samuel's hand, and together they went back down to their friends.

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Chapter Twelve

He didn't want to go home. No, that wasn't true. He didn't want to go back to work. Harry sighed,
sitting at the bar and drinking coffee. His schedule was still off everyone else's, but that was
cool. It gave him a chance to sit. Think. Drink coffee and relax.

He was contemplating the bottom of his cup when a hand slid across his shoulders and Jase
leaned against him for a moment. "Hey, love."

"Hey, babe." He smiled over. "What are you doing up?"

"Bed's lonely without you."

He let one hand settle on Jason's hip. "I was just having a cup of joe." Worrying. Trying to figure
out what the fuck to do.

"All by yourself? It makes me think something's wrong."

He smiled at the best thing that had ever happened. "Wrong? With me?"

Jase looked around. "I don't see anyone else."

"It's the job, babe. I'm not... not looking forward to going back."

"No, I'm not looking forward to you going back to it, either. I worry about you. It's so different
from Homicide."

He nodded. "It is. It's... endless." There wasn't any winning at all.

"I'm sorry, love. What can we do to make it better?"

"I don't know, babe." He sighed, shook his head. He didn't need to be worrying Jason with this
shit. "I'll figure it."

"We can figure it together."

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"We can." He squeezed Jason's fingers. "You want to head upstairs?"

"Sure. If that's what you want." His lover smiled at him, looking happy.

"I want." He didn't need to worry over all this again. Not tonight.

"Come on, then." Jase stole a really fast kiss and then tugged him along.

"Have you had a good vacation, babe?"

"I have. It's been awesome. Relaxing and fun. You?"

"It went good, I thought. I like hanging with Laffy."

"Yeah, you looked more relaxed before this morning. Is it morning?"

"Probably." He rolled his shoulders, listening to them creak and pop.

Jason took his hand and led him into the elevator. He followed, brain back home, back with Jack
and paperwork and dealing with the long list of assholes. The elevator moved them upstairs, Jase
shooting him looks from beneath his lashes.

He looked back, trying to figure out what his lover wanted. Jase gave him a flirtatious little

"You can't possible want to... It's the middle of the night, almost morning. Whatever."

"That makes it the perfect time!" Jason laughed and danced out of the elevator as the elevator
stopped and the doors opened.

He laughed in spite of himself. Jason made him fucking happy.

Jason's hand slipped into his as they walked down the deserted hallway to their room. "I always
want you."

"You have from the start." He grinned, nudged Jase's shoulder. "My little stoner."

Jason blushed and laughed. "Harry!" The giggles continued as they went into their room.

"Shh. Don't wake up Laffy and the Queen."

Jason giggled even louder and drew him over to the bed. "The door's closed, we can do stuff."

"Stuff?" He sat down, dragged Jason onto his lap. "Tiddlywinks? Charades?"

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Those sweet giggles got louder, Jason's face full of joy. "Tiddlywinks." Jason shook his head.
"There's nothing tiddly about your wink."

He snorted, then started to laugh. "Tiddle tiddle tiddle."

Jason leaned against him, giggling madly, having a hard time catching his breath. "Oh, God,
Harry, I love you so much."

"Good." He nuzzled, breathed Jason in. "You glad we came?"

"Uh-huh. You look more relaxed, happy." Jason nuzzled their noses together and then licked his
lips before pushing his tongue in.

He wrapped his hand around Jason's neck, held him close. Jason kissed him and kissed him,
body starting to rock against him. This was perfect, right here, right now. Sweet.

"Harry." Jason whispered his name and then kissed him some more.

The sun was coming up, just enough for the sky to start to lighten. Moaning, Jason moved faster,
rubbing them together through their slacks.

"Hungry." His Jason was, more than anyone he'd ever met.

"For you, love. You make me want you so bad."

"Good." He leaned back and brought Jason down with him.

Wriggling, Jason worked both hands between them and got to opening their pants. Harry worked
on kissing Jase into stupidity. It was a good job. A damned good job.

His sweet lover was soon gasping for breath and moaning into his mouth. Pushing his hands into
Jason's open pants, he grabbed a double handful.

"Harry! Harry!" Jason called his name out again and again.

When their pants were finally open, zippers down, their cocks slid together. Hot and heavy, slick,
he could feel their pre-come dripping on his skin, wetting him. Jason kept moving, kept repeating
his name over and over. He started bucking up, driving up against Jase, letting his lover feel him.
Jason made the best noises, mouth sliding on his, breath puffing over his cheeks. He grunted as
they found the sweet spot -- skin sliding, slick, dripping. Perfect.

"Harry!" Jase's voice was like a sweet caress inside him.

"I got you." Thank God.

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"Uh-huh. Yes. Harry." They rubbed together a few moments more and then Jase cried out --
loudly -- and heat spilled over his belly.

His cock throbbed, his hips jerked restlessly. Fuck, he was close. Jason's tongue pushed into his
mouth, fucking his lips. He nodded, dragged Jason closer. Come on. Now. Jason's fingers found
one of his nipples and slid across it, then one of Jason's nails scraped.

His balls went tight and spunk sprayed from him, hot and wet and perfect.

Jase's movements slowed, eased. "Oh, love. Love."

"Uh. Uh-huh." He patted Jase lazily.

Jase giggled, the sound softer than earlier, sweet. "Yeah."

He could do this. Anything. For Jason.


His lover made it so easy.

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Chapter Thirteen

"Dispatch just called. Our boys just made a drop at Volente." Jack started the car and they
headed out, the sedan moving slow and steady over the streets. Harry was fucking tired of always
being a day late and a dollar short with these assholes.

They were worse than fucking roaches.

"What's the plan, Jack?"

"They're at the wharf. Rumor is there's three. We can take three."

"You don't want backup?" He didn't want to spend another night spinning in circles, chasing
ghosts. For once, Harry just wanted to catch the fuckers and be done with it.

Jack shrugged. "Why bother? They won't still be there. We'll go, see nothing, be pissed, and go
have coffee. This shit's endless."

"So why the fuck aren't we back in Homicide?"

"Two more months, kid."

"Fifty-six days."

"Right. Fifty-five days, five hours, and twenty-two minutes." Jack snorted, the craggy face
wrinkling up in a grin. "Regardless, we'll look less like idiots if we don't have backup helping us
find absolutely nothing at all."


Jack killed the lights as they pulled into the wharf. Skeezy at the best of times, in the dark, the
place was just damn funky, littered with druggies and homeless guys who couldn't find anywhere
else to park. Still, that damned Caddy was there, standing empty, their lights shining through
with no silhouettes inside.

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Why the fuck were they still here?

What were those bastards waiting for?

He slipped out of the car, one hand on the butt of his pistol. Shit, this felt… weird.



"Shh, kid." Jack frowned, moved around the outside of the car, head nodding toward the open
door closest to them. Bad.

Bad shit.

This was bad shit.

He put his back against the corrugated metal, started easing toward the door, ears straining to
hear something -- guys moving, talking, something.


Jack nodded and moved to take the door when the light hit him, the explosion loud enough to
rock him back on his heels. He started firing, getting three shots off blind as the flash and bang
happened again, and again.

He didn't hear anything but the ringing in his ears when the world went black.


Jase had a bowl of popcorn in his lap that he wasn't really eating. He had a movie on that he
wasn't really watching. The truth was that he was tired and he wanted to go to bed, but he
couldn't. Not until Harry called. Every night, just before midnight, Harry would call and say
goodnight and then he could go to sleep.

It was nearly three a.m. and Harry still hadn't called. Jase didn't want to call Harry's cell because
he knew Harry not calling meant his lover was in the middle of something.

He sighed and turned the TV off, put his bowl of popcorn in the kitchen. He was going to be
worthless in the morning. He just couldn't help it, though. Every night since they'd come back
from their holiday to San Francisco, Harry'd managed to call him -- it had become a habit he
needed to go to sleep.

He looked at the phone, fingers twitching. No, he wouldn't call. What if Harry was in the middle
of something he really, really didn't need to be distracted from? Jase couldn't even call Sammy
and bitch because that would tie up the phone. He grabbed a kernel of popcorn and chewed on it.

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They'd had the best vacation, the most fun, and Harry was finally seeming settled, relaxed. Easy.
His beautiful man. Jason's cock stirred and he grinned. He should go and jack off while thinking
about his Harry. That should let him sleep.

He made sure the doors were locked down the hall, grinning at himself. Climbing into bed, he
rolled over to Harry's side and breathed in the smell lingering there. Harry. His Harry. He'd jack
off, sleep, and when he woke up, Harry'd be home. It worked for him.

He took himself in hand and started stroking slowly, imagining it was Harry's big hand around
him. Harry loved touching him, loved holding his cock and going from base to tip. His thumb
slid up along the front of his penis and he squeezed gently as he reached the tip, making himself
gasp. Harry would chuckle at that, would lean down and kiss him.

He moaned, hips lifting, pushing his cock through his hand. He could see Harry, imagine that
smile, those warm eyes.

"Mmm, love you." He did. So much. He had it so good.

His thumb slid across the tip of his cock, spreading the liquid that had started leaking. He leaned
his face over, moaned into the soft pillows, breathing Harry in. His balls drew up against his
body, his orgasm getting closer. He wanted. He wanted it to be Harry next time. Fast and hard.
His breath started to hitch in his throat and his hand moved faster.

It didn't take long at all before he groaned, filling his hand as he shot.

"Mmm." He reached over for a tissue and cleaned himself up. If he kept his eyes closed, he could
almost believe Harry was in bed with him.

The phone started ringing about the time he dozed off. He chuckled. That figured.

He fumbled for the handset by the bed and picked it up. "Hey, love."

"Jason? Jason, this is Greg. Greg Jackson from the Precinct?"

He froze, he didn't even breathe. "Y-yes."

"I need to talk to you, man. I. I'm heading your direction."

"You're coming here?" That. It couldn't. It wasn't. He. Jason took a shuddering breath.

"Yes. I need you to come to the door so we can talk."

Jason shook his head. "No. No, I don't think that's a good idea." It never turned out well when
cops came to talk to you.

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"Jason. I have to talk to you. Jack Morgan's body was found about an hour ago."

"Oh, God. Oh, God." The words kept repeating and he put his hand over his mouth to stop them.

"I'm pulling up outside. Right now."

"Okay. Okay. Okay." He put his hand over his mouth again and then put the phone down.

He had to put on some pants. Harry wouldn't like it if he answered the door naked. He probably
wouldn't like it, either. A sound left him, and he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and headed down
the hallway.

He opened the door, the older policeman he'd met at a dozen functions standing there. Serious.
He stared at Greg for a minute, something rabbiting at the back of his head. He made himself
breathe in and out. "You want to come in?"

"Yeah." Greg came in, shut the door behind him. "Jason, I need you to be strong for me. Harry
and Jack were on a case and things went bad. We found Jack's body in their squad car."

"Jack's dead." That was awful, but it was better than the words he knew were coming; he didn't
want to hear what came next. He looked up at Greg, waiting for the hammer to fall.

"Harry... The bastards have him, Jason. They contacted us an hour ago with their demands."

He blinked at Greg, trying to make sense of the words. It wasn't what he'd been waiting to hear,
what he'd been expecting. "Harry's..."

"Been kidnapped."

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Chapter Fourteen

The phone was ringing. Why was the phone ringing?

Sammy reached over, grabbed it. "'Lo?"

Heavy breathing came over the line, gasps.

"Hello? Is someone there?" He sat up, rubbed his eyes.

A deep breath sounded and then, "S...Sammy?"

"Jase? Honey? What's wrong? Are you sick?" He was up, moving, getting out of the bedroom so
Peter could sleep.

"No. No. Harry." Jase's words were interspersed with loud breathing, like he was
hyperventilating or something.

"Oh, no." He stopped short, then turned on the light. He needed Peter. "Talk to me."

"Oh, Sammy." Jase took another breath, this one sounding more like a sob.

On the bed, Peter sat up, blinking and frowning. "Samuel?"

"Jason, are you at home? We're coming." He motioned to Peter, threw some pants over.

Peter's frown deepened, but he took the pants and started to pull them on.

"He's gone, Sammy. He's gone!"

"Gone where? Where are you?"

"What's going on?" Peter asked softly, handing him a pair of his own pants.

"Greg came and he said they found Jack in the car."

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"Jack? Harry's partner Jack?" Jesus.

"Samuel." Peter's hand was warm on his shoulder. "What's going on?"

"Yes. Oh, God, Sammy. They got their demands!"

"Who got them? What demands? Jason, you're scaring me! Where are you?"

"I don't know! I don't know where he is -- they have him!" Jase sounded hysterical.

"JASON!" Sammy looked at Peter, panicked. "Something's wrong. Peter. Something's wrong
with Harry."

Peter took the phone from him. "Jason. Calm down and tell me what's wrong."

Peter was quiet a moment, face growing more serious by the moment. "We'll be right there.
Jason, do you hear me? Samuel and I are coming to you."

He nodded, dressing quickly, heart pounding. They were coming. Right now. Wherever "there"

Peter hung up the phone. "Come on. Harry's been kidnapped."

"Oh, God. Okay. We need to go." He tossed Peter a pair of shoes. "Jase needs us."

"I know." Peter slipped on his shoes and took his hand. "It'll be okay."

"I hope so." He squeezed Peter's fingers.

"Harry's strong. He'll be fine." Peter grabbed the keys, and they headed out.

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Chapter Fifteen

Peter drove well past the speed limit, foot heavy on the gas to get them to Jason and Harry's. He
pulled into a parking spot in record time. There were two squad cars there, every light in the
condo on.

Samuel sighed. "Oh, man."

He nodded. "I was hoping this was a mistake," It clearly wasn't, though "Come on. Jason needs

"Yeah." Samuel got out and headed in, going right up to the officer at the door, completely
fearless. He followed, joining Samuel at the door in time to hear his lover explaining who they

The officer nodded, offering them a tight nod. "He's in there with Greg."

"Thank you, and if there's anything we can do, let us know, please."

The officer nodded again, and Peter went inside with Samuel.

"Sammy!" Jase flung himself at Samuel.

Samuel caught him, held him. "It's okay. It's okay. I have you. We're here."

Peter gave Jase's arm a squeeze, but he knew Samuel could help more than he could. He went
over to the man in a suit who'd been sitting next to Jason. "I'm Peter, my partner and I are friends
of Harry and Jason's."

"I'm Greg Jackson. I work family liaison."

"Can you tell me what happened? Jase wasn't terribly coherent over the phone."

"They were working a case. At last contact, they were entering a warehouse. Jack Morgan was

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discovered when backup arrived. About two hours ago, the perps called with their demands, and
I came to help Jason."

"They really have Harry? What do they want? Money?" That didn't make sense, Harry and Jase
weren't hurting, but no one would mistake them for being rich.

"I'm not at liberty to tell you that, I'm sorry. There's a federal negotiator assisting the

"And that's it? Is that all you gave Jason to hold onto?" No wonder Jason had been hysterical. He
turned, gaze searching out Jason and Samuel.

"Sir, they have to figure out where Harry's being kept. I'm here in case someone contacts Jason."

"You're looking for him, too, though, right?" God, Harrison kidnapped. It hardly seemed real,
except that it very obviously was.

"Yes, of course. Well, not me personally."

"No, I meant." He shook his head. This was insane. "This is insane." He repeated the thought out

"Yeah. Yeah. I... Jack's body was... You'll all need to be prepared."

He looked over at where Samuel was sitting on the couch, holding tight to Jason. "No, you have
to find him. Alive."

The man didn't answer. Not a word. Jesus fuck. It would not be a good thing. He went over to the

Jason was sobbing and Samuel was talking. "Don't be stupid, honey. Harry is stubborn and he'll
come home to you, no matter what. You know that." Fuck, he hoped Samuel was right. He put
his hand on Samuel's shoulder, squeezing gently. Samuel didn't look at him, focused on Jason.
"They've made contact. That means something, right?"

"They won't even tell me what they want." Jase was barely understandable through his tears.

"They don't want anything you can give them. Your job is to pray and then wait for him."

"I don't know what I'm going to do if he doesn't come back to me, Sammy."

"He's coming back." Samuel was fierce.

Jason nodded, tears beginning to pour down his face again. "Please. I need him to. I love him so
much, Sammy."

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"He will. You're going to make yourself sick. You have to believe."

"The police don't think he's going to be coming back." Jason whispered the words and then
looked up at him. "You know what I mean, Peter."

"Samuel's right, Jase. Harrison needs you to believe in him."

Samuel took Jason's face. "You listen to me. Harry is a hero, okay? Heroes don't die. You have
to make him come home."

"He needs to come home. He has to, Sammy, he just has to."

"Yes." Samuel nodded. "He does. He knows that."

Jason nodded, sniffing hard. He was holding on to Sammy's hands like they were lifelines for a
drowning man. Peter thought, rather grimly, that that was exactly how Jason felt.

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Chapter Sixteen

Hurt. Fuck, his head hurt. Harry blinked, tried to figure out what the fuck was going on.

"Hey, Piggy. Nice to see you, finally. Fucking asshole, you killed Mark, but you're a good trade,
huh? Something nice to play with."

He frowned, growled, and tried to talk, but his mouth was taped closed. He was on the ground,
hands cuffed behind him, the cuffs linked around… something. He pulled, the metal clanking
against metal.

"Uh-uh. No getting away." A lean, scarred face moved down, bright green eyes dancing. "We're
getting tired of you assholes. Really. I don't know who you are, who you think you are, but we've
been working for years, and I don't need a baby cop fresh from the farm interfering, you hear

Oh, he heard. He heard. He was going to get out of here and he was going to rip this fucker's
head off.

Harry looked around the place, hunting clues. There was exposed piping, tons of echoes, and
space. A warehouse. Okay. A warehouse.

Where was Jack? Where did they put Jackie?

"You fucking pay attention!" Fingernails dug into his jaw and his face was forced upward. "You
look here. At me. All the fucking time."

Harry deliberately, slowly closed his eyes. Asshole. Cowardly asshole.

He heard the whistle of the gun as it flew, then that sound was replaced with a screaming, wild
pain as the butt slammed into the front of his mouth.

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Chapter Seventeen

Jason stared out at the fading sun, a knot tight and hard and awful in his belly. They'd given him
something to take the edge off, so most of the day had passed in this weird sort of haze. It was
almost time for Harry to be heading out to work. He should be here, putting on his suit and his tie
and teasing Jason.

It broke his heart that Harry wasn't.

He closed his eyes and sent another prayer up that Harry was going to come walking through that
door. He'd give anything to have his lover come through that door right now.

Sammy was right behind him, hands on his shoulders. "Can you eat something?"

Bile rose in his throat at just the thought and he shook his head. "No."

"Okay. You want some juice?"

"I don't think I can, honey." He leaned back a little, into the heat of Sammy's body. He was so
cold. He was so scared.

"Okay. Then we'll just sit." Sammy was like a rock, so sure.

He turned and wrapped his arms around his best friend, holding on tight. "Thank you," he
whispered. He didn't know what he'd have done without Sammy there with him.

"I love you, Jase. No matter what." For all the years they'd been friends, Sammy had always been
right there.

"Me, too, Sammy." He let Sammy lead him back to the couch, and they sat together. "It's been a
whole day."

"Yeah." Sammy nodded. "He'll come home."

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"Do you think the police gave the people who have him what they wanted?" It seemed like on
TV they never negotiated with kidnappers.

"I don't know. I know Harry's one of their own."

He nodded. "It's just that it's been a whole day. Why hasn't he come home yet?"

"Because the guys who have him are assholes."

That startled a laugh out of him, the sound almost a bark.

Sammy rocked him. "We'll find him. He'll come home. It'll be okay."

"From your lips to God's ears."

Sammy nodded. "Yep. It will."

He leaned against Sammy and prayed his best friend was right.


Sammy made a pile of sandwiches and left them on the counter, fixing a single muffin and a
coffee for Jase. The day was never going to end. Never. No one knew anything, Jason was going
crazy, and Harry was... Damn.

"I don't think I can eat, honey." Jason looked up at him, eyes so lost.

"You have to try. Harry will need you, no matter what."

"I'm here for him. Always. All he has to do is walk in that door. Why doesn't he just walk in?"

Sammy took a deep breath and answered again. "Because the assholes have him."

The corner of Jason's lips twisted up. "You keep saying that."

"It's the truth." He winked.

Jason's arms wrapped around him. "Thank you, honey. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You don't have to worry about it. You have me, however you need me."

Jason squeezed his hand. "I just need you. Period."

"I have you. Eat one bite; have some coffee." Do something normal.

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"I'll try, honey. For you."

"You rock, Jase." He petted Jason's hair, stroking him.

Jason bit his lip and blinked hard.

"You can cry, honey, but you have to eat."

Jase nodded jerkily and grabbed a muffin, picking the littlest piece between his fingers.

"Good man." He patted Jason's shoulders. Jason leaned into the touch. "I promise, he'll come

Please God, don't let it be a lie.



Jack, man. Please.

Harry? Harry, you gotta breathe, son. Okay? In and out.

Oh, God. It's you. Jack. Help me.

He was lying in a pool of his own blood and puke, chunks of teeth poking his cheek. He could
see his shoes, his pants across the room. See his nightstick, covered in.



No, he couldn't see that.

He wouldn't.

Jack. Help me.

He couldn't see out of his left eye anymore. He thought they'd poured bleach over his head. That
was a trick they learned in the pen. His right eye still worked, but… Try as he could, he couldn't
see Jack.

Jack? You still there, man? You have to help me. I got to get out of here. I'm hurt, man. I'm hurt
real bad.

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I wish I could.

What? They're coming back, man. There's three of them -- a dark-haired one and two blond
ones. They're brothers, I think. The younger one's scared. The older one… He ain't human. The
other's a pro. Not the brother. The dark one -- Matt? Mark? Mick? Something. He's in it for the
money. The little one, though. He's the weak link. He has a soul. I think. The one we shot, he was
related. They're so pissed. You have to help me.

It's too late, Harry. I'm so sorry. It's too late. You just… You hold on.

That's when he heard the laughter, heard the sound of a hammer hitting wood.

Please God. Jack. Somebody. Please.


Peter made his way up to Jason and Harry's place. God, what a long day. A long day where,
every time the phone had rung, he'd rushed for it, hoping to hear news about Harry. There was
food -- sandwiches, muffins, cookies, coffee. Samuel'd been busy.

"Samuel? I'm here."

"Shh. Jase is asleep." Samuel looked exhausted.

"You look like you should be sleeping, too." He wrapped his arms around Samuel's shoulders.

"Yeah, Jase needs me. You hungry?"

"Starving, actually." He tilted Samuel's head, brought their mouths together.

Samuel blinked at him, not even responding to him for a long second. He kept kissing. He knew
things were bad, but he would not lose Samuel.

Samuel sobbed once, then pulled away. "You should eat."

"I will if you will." If he knew his Samuel, everyone else had eaten except his lover.

"I have to check on Jase, but then I will."

He kept hold of Samuel's hand and followed along. "How's he doing?"

"Bad. I mean, he's sedated. Greg came by with news, but it wasn't good. The police are asking
for proof of life."

"Jesus. I hate feeling there's nothing we can do to help."

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"I know. We are helping. Jason is here."

"You're right." He stopped Simon and stroked his cheek. "My smart, caring lover."

Samuel blushed, kissed his palm.

They went to the bedroom where Jason was curled around a pillow. The poor man's cheeks were
wet with tears. Samuel sighed and went to Jason, held him, and Jason pressed close, let Samuel
comfort him.

"Let him sleep and come eat with me."

Samuel nodded, then kissed the top of Jason's head. "He'll come home. I promise. I swear,

Peter shook his head, but drew Samuel down the hall before speaking. "It's what we all want,
Samuel, but you can't promise him that."

"I have to."

"And what happens if he doesn't come home?"

Dark eyes met his. "Then Jase blames me for a little while until he's strong enough to cope."

He pulled Samuel into his arms and hugged his lover tight. Such strength there, it was no wonder
why he'd fallen in love with this man. His lover held on tight, squeezing him.

"We'll get through this, Samuel. I promise."

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Chapter Eighteen

"You have to drink or you'll die."

He screamed when the bottle was shoved between his lips, his stomach voiding again and again.

"You have to. Drink it." A young, incredibly scared face appeared before his face. "Jimmy says
you have to stay alive. They want proof of life. You can't die."

"Please." Harry knew they had guns. "Shoot me."

"I can't. You can't die."

"Too late." It was too fucking late for that. People didn't hurt this much and live.

"Bullshit, Piggy." A pair of pliers was held up in front of his face. "Your hands are already
fucked. You don't drink, I'll start pulling off toes."

He sobbed, opening his mouth to let the water -- please God, let it be water -- pour in.

"See, little brother? That's how you deal with farm animals. You get them where it hurts." One of
his ankles was grabbed. "And you make sure they listen."


He felt like a zombie. Jason tried to be strong, he really did. But Jack was dead and terrible,
horrible men had Harry and were holding him. The police didn't even know if Harry was actually
alive. Proof of life. Greg had said they'd demanded proof of life from the kidnappers. A shiver
moved through him.

Sammy patted him. "Shh. It's okay. I'm here. Greg says he needs to talk to you, Jase."

"Greg? Oh, God." So far, it had all been bad news when Greg had needed to talk to him.

"Yeah. Can I let him come in?"

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Jason closed his eyes and wished he could say no. Instead, he nodded and prayed very hard
inside that it wasn't bad news.

Sammy wandered out, then talked to someone outside the door. Greg came in, face serious.

"Oh, God." He twisted his fingers together.

"I have news." Greg looked at Sammy. "Do you want Sam here?"

"Yes." He grabbed Sammy's hand and held on tight.

"Okay. He's alive, Jason. They sent a bit of video, showing him."

"Oh." Everything got really light, and bright. He swayed.

"Breathe, Jase." Sammy was right there. "Have you found him?"

"We have tightened the location. We're searching warehouses now with infrared."

"He's alive." He let Sammy support him, those words ringing in his head.

"Yes." Greg's head dipped. "He... he's in bad shape, Jason."

"But he's alive." He held onto that. A minute ago, he didn't have that.


"Then it'll be okay."

Sammy nodded. "That's right, Jase. No matter what."

He held on tight to Sammy's hand and nodded. As long as Harry was alive.


Sammy walked the officer out, head down, not wanting to ask but knowing he had to. "How

Greg sighed. "It's real bad. I... I won't show any civilian the video. Period."

He nodded. "'Kay." He didn't want to see.

"He's still alive, though, and those motherfuckers will keep it that way as long as they believe
we're giving in to their demands."

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"Are you going to find him?"

Greg sighed. "There were some clues. Harry's leaving us clues. We just have to hope they don't
move him again."

"Again? Damn."

"Yeah. He's our top priority. And as long as they stay put, we're going to get ahead of them."

"Okay. What... what happens when they find him?"

"He'll go to St. Joe's. I'll come here and get Jason and take him there. There will be questioning,
forensics, as soon as possible."

Sammy nodded. So he needed a bag with stuff for Jason and Harry both.

Greg shook his hand. "Keep praying, man."


"I'll update Jason as soon as I have news."

With that, Greg was gone, closing the door quietly behind him.

Sammy took a deep breath, then headed back to be with Jase.

That's where he was needed.

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Chapter Nineteen

Love you, babe.

He didn't hurt, or if he did, he didn't care.

Jack had left. Backup hadn't come. He was sticky with his own blood and there wasn't anyone
left in the warehouse. No people. No sounds. No light.

Just him and his heart.

Love you, Jason.

So much.

Harry could see his lover, right there in front of him.

Promise me you won't date another cop. We're bad partners.

I love you, huh? So much.

I'm sorry. Turn the lights on? Please?

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Chapter Twenty

Peter let himself into Harry's condo. Three days since Harry's been taken. Three of the most
awful days he could remember. They were all exhausted and on edge and Harry was still out
there, being hurt.

He found Samuel in the kitchen getting ready to make supper. He stopped his lover. "Let me
order supper in tonight."

"Jason asked for macaroni and cheese."

"I can order macaroni and cheese from that place down on Centennial."

"Is it good?" Samuel's hands were shaking, just the tiniest bit.

"Not as good as yours, but I don't think Jase will notice right now, hmm?" He sat Samuel down
and got out his cell phone. Samuel sat for about as long as it took him to start ordering, then the
kitchen was being cleaned. Peter sighed, watching Samuel rush and bustle. This whole thing was
as hard on his lover as it was on Jason.

"Sammy? Sammy, I need you!"

"Coming!" Samuel left at a dead run. Shit.

Peter followed, dreading the worst, but hoping for the best.

"Jase? You okay?"

"Oh, God, Sammy. That was Greg."

Samuel went white, but his chin went up. "And?"

Peter put his hand on Samuel's shoulder and squeezed, giving his lover support.

Jason swallowed. "They... they found Harry."

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Chapter Twenty-One

Peter drove them to the hospital. Jason held on to Sammy's hands with a death grip. They were
going to see Harry. The cops had found Harry. Harry. Harry. He was shaking so hard. Gary was
there when they stopped in front of the emergency entrance, and Samuel got out with him, Peter
driving off to find a parking spot.

"I need to speak to you." Gary looked deathly serious.

Jason felt his knees try to give way, but he made himself stay standing, Samuel giving him

"He's alive, but..." Gary closed his eyes. "Come inside. The media is coming."

"Oh, God. Oh, God." He didn't know if he could move, and then Samuel took a step and he
followed along. "But what?" he asked as soon as they were inside and the automatic doors had
slid closed behind them.

"He's been tortured, Jason. Raped. Beaten. Burned. Drugged. They've got him sedated right now,
but... you might not want to see him until the swelling goes down."

"Oh God." He shook his head. He didn't want it to be true. "I need to see him."

"Do you understand, man? He... It's not Harry."

Sammy snorted. "Bullshit. It doesn't look like Harry. It's Harry. Let Jase in."

"I need to see him," he repeated. Samuel was right. He could handle it -- Jase just really needed
to see Harry, to know he was alive.

"Okay. Come on. You'll need to wash up. They were still doing x-rays earlier." Gary led them in,
and Sammy stayed right with him.

At the doors, Sammy stopped, turned him so they were looking at each other. "I'm not going.
Harry would be embarrassed. You remember, no matter what, he's Harry and he lived for you."

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"Oh, God." He wrapped his arms around Sammy and held on tight. "I'm scared." He was scared
to go in by himself.

"I know." Sammy kissed his temple. "And you can be scared with me, but you have to be brave
for him."

He took a few deep breaths and leaned hard into Sammy for a moment. "You're going to stay
here? Right here?"

"I promise. I'll be here and I'll stay with you, every second." Sammy touched his chest, right
above his heart. "Go see your hero."

He kissed Sammy and took another hug and then a deep breath. "Okay. I'm ready."

A nurse came up to him. "I'm Jen. I'll take you back. He's very, very groggy." The nurse was
older, with a kind demeanor.

"Thank you." His voice was shaking. His everything was shaking.

"They've done x-rays and a CAT scan. The doctors are deciding on a treatment plan. The police
have taken their forensic evidence. They were very careful."

"Is he in a lot of pain?" He didn't want Harry to be hurting.

"No, sir. He's been sedated heavily. He has some serious injuries."

He nodded jerkily. "Okay. Lots of drugs. Good."

"Just remember, he can hear you. He'll know you're there."

"Thank you." He just needed to see Harry now. He knew it was going to be bad; he had to see,
had to be there for Harry anyway.

They walked up to Triage Room 3B, and Jen opened the door. There was someone in the bed,
eyes swollen shut, bandages and stitches and blood everywhere. He gasped softly. Oh God. Oh,
God. Oh, God. Harry.

Harry shifted, groaned. "'S there?"

The sound of Harry's voice unfroze him, and he moved over to the bed immediately. "Harry? Oh,
Harry, I'm here, I'm here."

"Jas..." The heart rate monitor sped up.

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"I'm right here, Harry." He had to swallow back his cries, but he did. "I'm here." He looked for
someplace where he could touch. God, there were bruises and cuts and blisters everywhere.

He could feel the tears gathering and then spill over, but he didn't sob -- he wouldn't. He had to
be strong for Harry now. He found the edge of Harry's wrist and set his fingers on it.

"Jason. Sorry."

"Shh, you don't have to apologize to me. You don't."

Harry sighed, a trickle of blood slipping from one corner of his mouth. Jason grabbed a tissue
from the box on the table next to Harry's bed and carefully wiped the blood away. His fingers
were shaking.

"I love you, Harry. I'm so glad you're safe." Harry didn't answer, but he knew -- he knew -- Harry
was listening, was hearing him. "You're going to get better and come home soon. You hear that?
I'm taking you home soon." The heart rate monitor jumped again. "I can't wait. That bed is so big
without you, love. I need you." He would keep talking for as long as he needed to.

Harry groaned, and one tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

"It's okay, love. It's all going to be okay." He wiped the tear away with the same tissue and then
grabbed another one to wipe his own cheeks with. Sammy had been right. No matter what
anyone else saw, this was Harry. His Harry. "I love you," he said again. "I love you so much."

Harry had to know that, had to hear it.


He touched that bit of flesh again, a shaky laugh coming out of him. "Right here, love. I'm right


He'd never heard anything so good as the sound of Harry's voice. "I'm not going anywhere,
Harry. I'm going to stay with you until they let me take you home."

Harry sighed, relaxed, a soft moan sounding.

"Yeah, I'm right here, love. Gonna take care of you."

His Harry. God, they'd brutalized him. Jason realized suddenly that no one had said if they'd
caught the bad guys. It made him shiver and look around. Even if they hadn't, the cops wouldn't
let anyone near Harry here in the hospital, right?

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Then he saw the uniformed officer cross outside the door, hat recognizable in the little window.
He was able to breathe again and he took a deep breath, sagging against Harry's bedside. It was
okay. No one was going to hurt Harry again. If they tried, Jason would stop them, no matter
what. Harry was safe now.

He bent and kissed the corner of Harry's mouth as gently as he could. "I love you so much,

He didn't get an answer, but it didn't matter. He was going to help Harry, and things were going
to be okay.

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Sammy waited in one of the hard chairs, knees up under his chin. Please, God, let it be okay. Let
it be okay. Somewhere inside him, though, he knew that Harry might never be okay. Never

Peter finally joined him, two cups of coffee in his hands. "Sorry, I could only find parking on the
other side of the world."

"It's okay. I'm just waiting." He was trying to remember how to make his hands work.

One of the coffees was held out to him, Peter sitting in the chair next to him. "How's Harry?"

He took the cup. "It's bad."

Peter's arm went around his shoulders and pulled him close. "Tell me."

"They said he was tortured. Beaten. Drugged. R...r..." He stopped, cleared his throat. "Violated."

"Oh, my God." Peter squeezed him tight.

"Yeah. Jase is in there. I promised to wait here. Harry won't want outsiders."

"I wouldn't call us outsiders, but he wouldn't want us, either. Christ, Samuel. How's Jason
holding up?"

"I don't know yet."

"You haven't seen him since he went in?"

"No. No, he was going to stay until they kicked him out. I think the surgeons are coming."

"I guess we'll just have to wait, then."

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He nodded, mind going a million miles a minute. Peter's hands began to rub his shoulders. He
took a deep breath, focusing on not crying, not freaking out.

"Drink your coffee, Samuel."

Sammy wasn't sure he remembered how. "'Kay."

Peter's hand continued to slide over his shoulders and down his back, warm and comforting.

"There are policemen watching. They keep coming and going."

"To protect him. That's a scary thought, that he needs that. Did they catch the guys that did this?"

"They have three or four suspects. I don't know if that's all, or if they have anyone in custody."

"Damn. So we're back to waiting, hmm? At least this time, we know Harry's alive."

"Yeah." He tried to do something, but there wasn't anything to do. Not until Jason came out.

"Why don't you try to get some sleep?"

"No. Jason might need me. Have you eaten? Is... Do you want breakfast? They must have
breakfast here..."

"Samuel. I'll stay awake while you sleep, and if Jason needs you, I'll wake you."

He shook his head. "I can't. You should. Right?"

"Should I ask the nurse for a sleeping pill?"

"Do you want one?"

"For you, Samuel. You've hardly slept at all since this started -- you're not going to be any help
to Jason at all if collapse yourself."

"I won't. I never do." He couldn't.

He wasn't ever going to sleep again.


Peter walked down to the cafeteria to pick up some muffins or something, and more coffee. He
was worried about Samuel. Hell, he was worried about Harry and Jase, too, but Samuel he could
do something about. He knew Samuel needed to help his friends, needed to on some level deep
inside. But Peter was not going to allow his lover to lose himself to this.

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Peter paid for the stuff and returned to the waiting room where Samuel had set up his vigil.

Samuel was on the phone, a list in one hand. " motherfucker, I don't want an argument. I
want a guarantee the supplies can be delivered."

He frowned and sat next to his lover, one eyebrow raised.

"I've got a fucking injured cop, a headache, and a credit card. You have the bed we need by the
time he's released."

Look at his fierce lover. The cursing was unnecessary, but he'd simply take note and address that
at a more appropriate time.

"Bed?" he asked when Samuel got off the phone.

Samuel nodded. "Bed, a nice queen-sized one with lots of room so Jase can share, a shower
chair, a rail for the toilet. He's being prepped for surgery; Jase was out for just a second."

"What surgery? How's Jase holding up?"

"He's coping. They're fixing Harry's hands and Harry's knee in surgery."

"How long is he going to be in surgery for?"

"He'll be going in by noon and out by three at the latest, I think?" Samuel offered him a tired
smile. "Then he'll have a room. Jason said that Harry could be home in a couple of days, though.
He doesn't want to stay here."

"No, as soon as he's well enough, he's going to want to be home. Will you and Jason try and
sleep while Harry's in surgery?"

"They're going to find us a waiting room. Then Jason will have a pull-out chair in Harry's room."

"And you and I will go home and get some sleep." Samuel was spreading himself way too thin.

"I can't leave him here alone." Samuel reached for him, squeezed his hand. "It'll be over soon,

"Are they getting you a pull-out chair as well?"

Samuel chuckled softly. "No. I'm not family, and there's no room."

He growled a little. "Then you need to take a break and come home with me for a couple of
hours. You cannot spend the next few days and nights in the waiting room. Jason has your cell
number, he'll call if he needs anything."

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"I..." Those dark eyes stared at him, tired and sad and worried.

"Samuel." He cupped his lover's cheeks. "Once the surgery is over, Jason is going to sleep
holding Harry's hand. You will come back later this evening, but you need a couple hours, too."

"I hate hospitals, Peter." The words were whispered.

"Oh, Samuel." He drew his lover close and wrapped both arms around Samuel. "Then come
home with me after the surgery. Sleep, food, a shower; they'll fortify you for coming back."

"Maybe for a few minutes..."

"Yeah, something like that." Or a few hours. As long as he could make the man sleep. He wasn't
going to cuff Samuel to the bed and force him to lie there quite yet -- Jason really did need
Samuel right now. But in a few days, when things had settled, all bets were off.

Samuel nodded, leaned into his hands. "Love you."

"Love you, too." He made sure to work all the muscles along Samuel's shoulders and upper back
as he tried to ease his lover.

"You spoil me." Samuel's head fell forward.

"I do not. I treat you the way you deserve." It broke his heart if he let it, that Samuel thought that
was being spoiled.

Jason came out of the doorway with a nurse in tow. "They're moving us to another waiting

Samuel stood immediately. "Okay. Let's go."

Peter stood and offered Jason a hug. "How are you holding up?"

Jase shrugged, looking lost.

"How's Harry?" Samuel asked, gathering theirs and Jason's things.

"He knew me." Jason's smile was tremulous. "And they said him being well enough for the
surgery is a good sign."

"Of course he knew you. That's Harry." Everyone knew Harry loved Jason more than life.

"I was worried, though, after everything Greg said had... Yeah. He knew me."

Peter shook his head. This sucked. A lot.

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They walked through the hospital into another waiting room. They had police escort for the trip.
They settled in the new waiting room. Peter hated the waiting, the feeling useless. Jason sat next
to Samuel, talking hard, squeezing Samuel's hands. Samuel listened and nodded, letting Jason
lean on him.

Peter wandered around the room and finally settled a couple of chairs over from them. He took
out his book and tried to read, close enough that if they needed him, he'd be there, but far enough
away to give them privacy.

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"Leave me alone." Harry jerked away as someone touched him. Pain rocketed through him and
he gritted his teeth against the scream. He would never scream again. Never.

"Can't you give him something for the pain?" He knew that voice. Jason.

"You leave him alone, God damn it. Jase. Baby. Run."

"Harry? Harry, it's okay, you're in the hospital." Soft fingers touched the inside of his arm, near
his elbow.

He stopped, frowned. "Hospital?" Shit.

"Yeah. You were... hurt and now you're in the hospital. Do you remember anything, love?"

Too much. Too fucking much. He nodded. "When do I go home? I need to talk to Jack." Jack
needed to know that those fuckers had taken him. He couldn't open his eyes yet, not yet. But

Jason made a little noise, his breath catching.

"Shh. Shh, I'll be okay. I will." Or if not okay, he'd live. He was about ninety-nine percent sure
he'd never be okay again.

"Of course you will. You're going to be just fine, Harry. I'm going to take care of you."

"Tell Jack that I need to talk to him, as soon as he gets here." Sleep was pulling at him again,
tugging at him.

"I can't... Harry... Jack... he."

"He's a good guy, Jase. You can." Jack liked Jason.

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"You don't understand." Jason took a deep breath, fingers wrapping around his arm. "I'm sorry,

He didn't understand and he was tired. Really tired. "Me, too. Need to sleep, babe."

"Okay, Harry. You sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Mmmhmm." No dreams. No dreams. Never again.


Jason sat, holding Harry's hand while his lover slept. How was he supposed to tell Harry that
Jack was dead? How was he supposed to be strong enough to deal with all this? Tears flowed
down his cheeks and he squeezed Harry's hand tight. He'd be strong enough because Harry
needed him to.

"I love you," he murmured. "I love you. I love you, Harry."

Harry's poor broken fingers tried to squeeze his.

"Shh. It's okay, love." He took a deep breath. He had to get it together. For Harry.

Sammy peeked in, smiled from the doorway. "Jase? Honey? You need anything?"

"A hug?" Sammy'd kept him going when he didn't think he could anymore.

"You got it." Sammy slipped in, hugged him close. "Love you, honey. You're doing so good."

"I don't know, Sammy. He asked about Jack last time he was awake, and I couldn't tell him."

"Oh, man. Maybe there's a police person who can?"

"I think I need to be the one to tell him." He had to do that for Harry.

Sammy nodded. "It's going to be hard. They were partners a long time."

Yeah, and he knew Harry. Harry was going to be so pissed. He sniffed hard, trying to fight back
the tears that were threatening again. He hated this so much. He hated that Jack was dead, but
mostly he hated that Harry'd been taken, been hurt so very badly. He just wanted Harry to be
okay, for everything to be okay.

Sammy looked at him, eyes serious. "You can do this. For him, Jase. I believe in you."

He leaned his forehead against Sammy's and nodded. "I can. He's always been there for me." He

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might hate it, he might just want things to go back to normal, but for Harry, he would do
anything. Anything at all.

Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't going to cry a little when Harry couldn't see him.

"Yep." Sammy nodded. "You're a stud, Jase." The weird part was that he knew Sammy believed

He gave Sammy a soft kiss and another big hug, pulling strength from the contact. "Thanks for
all your help, Sammy. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Starve. You'd both starve."

He heard a pained chuckle. "'Zat Sammy th' Queen?"

"Harry!" He was at his lover's side again immediately, hand stroking over the one place by
Harry's elbow that he knew wasn't hurting. "It is Sammy."

Harry's lips twisted. "Tell 'im I want banana bread when I get 'ome."

Jase laughed softly. "You hear that, Sammy? Harry likes your banana bread. He'll make sure you
get it, Harry, I know he will."

"You know it, man. I promise." Sammy's voice was thick.

Jase reached out and squeezed Sammy's hand. Most of his attention was on Harry, though. "How
are you feeling, love? Do you need anything?"


"I have a cup with a bendy straw here. Just a second." He nearly knocked it over in his eagerness
to be able to do something for Harry.

Finally, he put the straw against Harry's lips, trying not to be freaked out by that poor, swollen
face. This was his Harry. Harry had broken teeth, split lips, broken cheekbone and nose, but
those eyes were familiar -- what he could see of them.

Harry took a couple of awkward sips and Jase smiled down at him. "There you go, love."

Harry nodded, eyes closing. "Mmmhmm."

"Can I get you anything else, love? Do anything for you?"

"Need to brief Jack, babe."

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"Oh, Harry. I'm so sorry. Jack." He took a deep breath; Harry had to know, and Jason couldn't
shirk this and make someone else tell him. "Jack's dead."

Harry went still, so still that Jason was scared for a second that his heart had stopped.

"Love. I'm so sorry."

"I. Get me the captain." Harry started struggling to sit up.

"Harry! You have to stay lying down. Greg wants to talk to you when you're up to it."

"Get me the captain. I have to report. Jack, you motherfucker..."

"Harry, you need to calm down and relax. You've just gotten out of surgery. The captain knows
what happened and I'm sure your report is important, but you getting well is more important." He
was going to have to call the nurse in a second.

"You bastard. You fucking left me there for them, and then you died? You bastard. You fucking

"Harry! What are you talking about? You have to calm down." Jason looked to Sammy -- what
was Harry talking about?

"He's talking to Jack, honey. Just let him get it out."

"Oh." He tilted his head. "Jack left Harry there for the bad guys?"

"Jack was dead, honey."

"I know! He's just so angry at Jack."

Sammy leaned close, talking under Harry's ranting. "If Harry had died, you'd be angry at him,

Jason thought about that for a minute. "Yeah, I would be."

"Still, maybe I should get the doctor?"

"Yeah. Yeah, he's pretty upset, and I don't think it's good for him." Jason turned his attention
back to Harry. "Love, I'm here."

"That asshole... I gotta get up." Harry's body was drenched in sweat and breath rasped in the
broad chest.

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"No, no. The doctor is coming, Harry. You have to stay lying down. Please." He patted Harry's

"Jack... Oh, fuck. They killed him?"

"Yes. Yes, love. I'm so sorry."

"I'm going to tear the fuckers apart. I want out of this bed. I want out now."

The door opened, two nurses and a doctor coming in about the time that Harry started fighting
hard. They sort of pushed him out of the way, but Jason figured he wasn't doing much good,
anyway. He stood back and watched, biting his lower lip. Hard.

Sammy's fingers twined with his. He held on tight and leaned against his best friend.

"It's going to be okay. I promise. It has to be."

He nodded and said another prayer that it would be okay. It was probably the millionth he'd said.

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Chapter Twenty-Four

God, this sucked.

Sammy ran home, fixed Peter's supper, left it with a note, then made a plate for Jason and
grabbed banana muffins for Harry and ran back out the door. He stopped and bought himself a
six pack of energy drinks before he headed in.

He'd stay until midnight, make sure Jase was okay, head home to clean up and bathe, then do
laundry and nap before he got up and opened the store. Just like the last week. Harry was slowly
getting better, but they still had him in the hospital and poor Jase wasn't eating and wasn't taking
care of himself. Not only that, but Harry was getting quieter and quieter every day. Smaller. It
was a little creepy.

When he got to Harry's room, Jase was sitting next to Harry, head on the bed, eyes closed.
Sammy put the food down carefully, trying not to wake anybody. When he looked up, Harry was
staring at him.

He held up the banana muffins. "As requested."



Jase jerked and sat up suddenly, blinking hard and looking around a little wildly. "Oh." He got a
half-smile. "Hi, Sammy."

"Hey, honey. I brought you food." He lifted the bag of chicken and rice casserole.

"You're so good to me."

"You're my best friend." He moved over and put out two paper plates. He put banana bread on
one, casserole on the other.

"It smells good, honey. And look, love -- Sammy brought you banana bread."

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Harry grunted, nodded. Jason smiled at Harry and touched his hand.

"What else do you need? Coke? Coffee?"

"Coffee would be great, thank you." Jason looked tired, but he was hanging in there.

"Okay. I'll be right back. You eat." He headed to the nurses' station, dropped muffins off there,
and smiled at Nan. "He wants coffee. Can I?"

He pointed to the nurses' pot. Nan grinned wide. "Honey, you brought the coffee. You have as
much as you want."

He brought a cup of joe into Harry's room. Jase was feeding Harry a spoonful of rice.

"Here you go." He gathered up Jason's dirty clothes, switched them for the clean ones.

"Oh, thank you." Jase grabbed the coffee and began sucking it down like it was the water of life.

"I brought sleeping clothes. I'll bring you clothes in the morning. There wasn't anything in the
mail that was serious."

"I don't know what we'd do without you, Sammy."

The room was filled with flowers, plants, balloons. He didn't want to bring in more. "I'll always
be around, so you don't have to worry." He winked, grinned. Jase was a dork.

The smile seemed to ease Jase, whose nose went back into his coffee cup. Then Jason picked up
the fork and offered Harry some more food off his plate.

Sammy's phone started ringing and he answered it. "'Lo?"

Peter's voice came through the line. "Samuel. Where on earth are you?"

"I brought Jason clothes and food for everyone. Did you find your supper?"

"Yes. What I didn't find was you."

"I'll be home to do laundry later." Laundry, paperwork, dishes.

"I'm not concerned about the laundry, Samuel. When's the last time you slept? Ate? Made love
with me?"

He was too tired to fuck. Too tired to eat, really. "I'm going to make sure everything's okay here,
then I'll be home."

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"Make it soon, Samuel. I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine. I'm not the one in the hospital."

"You're stretching yourself too thin, though. If you're not careful, you will be." He could hear the
concern in Peter's voice -- his lover wasn't being an asshole.

"I know. I know, Peter. I'm trying."

"I know you're just trying to take care of everyone, but that's why it's more important than ever
that I take care of you."

Jason was giving him concerned looks.

"Okay. I have to go, love. Eat." He hung up, smiled at Jason. "Peter couldn't find his supper." He
wouldn't worry Jason for anything.

"I bet it was in the microwave." Jason smiled back and reached out to take his hand and give it a

"You know it. Is Mr. Harry eating?"

"He is. I'm feeding him."

He knew Jason liked being able to do stuff for Harry. "Excellent. I'll bring breakfast and lunch by
tomorrow, huh?"

Harry looked over at him. "Take Jason out for a coffee or something. He's getting pale in here."

"I can't leave you!" Jason looked scandalized.

"Sammy. Take him to the fucking cafeteria. The nurse is due in to get me to the fucking pot."

He nodded. "Sure. Sure, Harry. Come on, Jase."

Jason leaned over Harry and gave him a soft kiss. "I won't be long, love."

Sammy held out one arm for Jason, encouraging him to follow.

Jason gave Harry another kiss and then came to cuddle into his side. "Are you sure we should go,

"We're just going downstairs. There's the night shift nurse."

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Jason smiled and stopped her. "I'm going to the cafeteria with my friend. Take care of him,

"You know it. Have some pie, or something; I'll need half an hour, easy."

"Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much."

Jason leaned on Sammy as they slowly made their way to the elevators.

"How're you doing, honey?"

"I'm not the one who was..." Jason took a deep breath. "Who was hurt."

"No, but I'm still worried." He rubbed the small of Jason's back over and over.

The elevator came and they stepped into it. "I'm okay, Sammy. Really. Mostly thanks to you, I

He shrugged, smiled. "You're my best friend."

Jason smiled and gave him a quick kiss while the elevator doors were still closed. Jason was
holding up better than he'd feared. Hell, Jason was fighting hard for Harry.

They got off the elevator and went to the cafeteria, Jason looking at the place like he didn't know
what it was. "I'm not really hungry, Sammy."

"So we'll have coffee and talk." He knew Jason needed to unload.

"That I can do."

"You sit. I'll get some coffee for us."

"Okay, honey." Jason wandered over to a table in the corner.

He ordered two coffees, plus a Danish in case Jase changed his mind. As he went back over, he
remembered the hotel reservations. "I got Harry's dad into the Marriot next door. Either Peter or I
will pick him up in the morning and bring him down."

"Oh, honey, thank you so much. You've thought of absolutely everything."

"It's the least I can do." He couldn't help Harry.

Jason squeezed his hand and took the coffee eagerly.

"I got you an apple Danish, just in case."

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"Oh, I don't think I could eat, but thank you."

He nodded, but left it where Jason could get to it. It was like Jason's appetite had disappeared.

"Do you think he looked better today? I think the swelling had gone down on his face."

"He's eating; his voice sounded better. I think he's healing."

"Yeah. He hasn't touched the hospital food, but as soon as we get your meals, he's interested in
trying a few mouthfuls at least." Jason beamed at him.

"Then I'll keep bringing them. Have the police said anything?"

Jason shrugged. "Just the usual -- they're following all leads, they hope to have someone in
custody. I won't feel safe until they catch these guys, Sammy."

He nodded. He understood. Every time he went to Jason's condo, he was scared. "Has he talked
about Jack at all?"

Jason shook his head. "And he wouldn't let me be there when he talked to his captain."

Sammy sighed. Harry was always protecting Jase.

"I'm strong enough to know -- the things I'm imagining are terrible, just terrible." Jason added in
a whisper, "What really happened can't be worse."

"I hope you're right, honey." Jesus, he hoped that with all his heart, but... they'd had Harry a
long, long time.

"I'm imagining really bad things, Sammy. It scares me."

"I know, but... he's alive, huh? That's what's important, right?"

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right." Jason nodded. "How'd you get to be so smart?"

He'd figured out how to be alive. "Lots of TV."

Jason giggled, looking surprised at the sound.

"What? It's true. I swear, Jase, you and me, we need a TV night. Chocolate, wine, bad TV while
Harry and Peter relax together."

"An official night, huh? That's a good idea."

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"I think so. When things aren't so... crazy."

Jason smiled softly and nodded. "It sounds like fun."

"Doesn't it?" He sipped his coffee, letting it warm him all up. "Do they know when they're
sending Harry home yet?"

Jason shook his head. "Soon, I hope. I hate it here. I want him home."

"I bet he wants to be home, too."

"I hope so." Jason nodded suddenly. "Of course he does."

"Sure he does. He wants his life back, huh?"

"God, yes. I want my man back home where he belongs."

Sammy did, too. Honestly. He wanted their happy, joyous lives back. Jason's hand slid into his,
held on tight. "It'll happen. I promise. I swear, Jase."

His best friend nodded. "I believe you, Sammy."

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Peter glanced at the clock and tried not to get annoyed. It was late and Samuel still wasn't home.
He didn't want to growl and complain -- he knew Samuel was simply being the best friend he
knew how to be. His lover wasn't taking care of himself, though. So Peter was going to have to
do it for him.

He glanced again at his watch. He heard footsteps in the hall, heard the key in the lock. Finally.
He went to grab his book and then decided not to. Samuel should know he was waiting, worried.

Samuel looked exhausted, gray, but he was given a warm smile, a kiss. "I got Harry's dad settled
and brought you some hot chocolate."

"Thank you, Samuel." It was hard to berate your lover when he brought you hot chocolate.

"You're welcome. Did you enjoy your supper?" Samuel leaned against him for a second, then
sighed and pulled away, heading to the lopsided pile of things by the door to grab a cup and hand
it to him.

He took the cup in one hand and grabbed Samuel's arm with the other, tugging his lover into his
lap. "It was a lonely meal without you."

"I have to do laundry, love. Don't let me get too comfortable." Samuel cuddled in, though,
nuzzling into his throat.

"I think the laundry can wait, don't you?" He slid his free hand along Samuel's spine.

"Mmm..." Samuel's sigh brushed over the hollow of his throat.

"Did you get any supper?"

"I'm sure I did."

"That doesn't sound like a yes," he noted drily.

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"I just don't remember. Shh." Samuel shivered, leaned hard against him.

"Then how about we go get you something to eat now?"

"I'm good. Please, Peter. Just let me sit here for a second."

"You can sit all evening." He kissed Samuel's forehead.

"Thank you." Samuel's eyes closed, the long, dark lashes accentuating the exhausted bruises.

His arm tightened around Samuel, and he had to fight to keep his growl down. His lover was
still, quiet, and he drank his cocoa and held on, encouraging that peace. If Samuel would sleep,
he'd sit here all night before waking his lover.

After about half an hour, though, Samuel started trying to rouse himself, muttering about chores
and paperwork.

"Shh, shh." He kissed Samuel softly. "Sleep, Samuel."

"So tired. So fucking tired, Peter, and I miss you." He didn't think his lover was awake.

"I miss you, too, love."

Samuel nodded, held on to him. He kept touching, kept dropping little kisses on Samuel's face.

Samuel's phone started buzzing, and Samuel stiffened, jerked awake. "No..."

Peter frowned. "Let me get it for you."

It spoke to him that Samuel did let him get the phone. It was Jason.

He flipped open the phone and hit the talk button. "Hello?"


"Yes, hi, Jason. Is everything all right?" He waited, stiff and at attention.

"Yeah. Harry's good. They uh. The cops. They arrested the guys."

"Oh, thank God. That's good news."

"I need to talk to Sammy, please. I need him to come down, just for a little while."

Peter had to bite back his growl. "As long as it's only a little while. He's exhausted, needs some

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"I know, I just..." Jason's breath hitched. "Just for a little bit."

"He'll be along shortly. I'm glad they were caught, Jason. Now we can all focus on helping Harry
get better."

He hung up and handed Samuel his phone back. "The cops have made arrests. It's over."

"Oh, that's good. He wants me, huh?" Samuel slid off his lap, kissed his cheek. "I'll be back later,
love. You get some rest."

He held onto Samuel's arm for a moment, keeping his lover close. "You need rest, too. If you're
not back in a couple of hours, I'll come get you."

"I'll be okay." Samuel kissed him again. "Love you."

"I mean it, Samuel. You need to eat, you need to sleep. You have to take care of yourself as well
as everyone else." He knew he sounded like a broken record.

Samuel nodded, patted him, but he knew that Samuel wasn't in there, wasn't listening. This was
pure autopilot, and there was only so much longer he was going to put up with it.

The bad guys had been caught now, and Harry was healing. He'd be home soon, and when he
was, Samuel was going to start looking after himself.

Peter would see to it.

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Harry woke up to the oddly familiar sound of his father yelling at the Cowboys on the television.
"Goddamn it. When will those assholes learn how to throw?"

He chuckled, ignoring the twinge of pain. "I guess they need to get paid more."

Pop looked over at him, grinned at him. "That's no lie. How're you feeling, son?"

"Like I've been beaten. You?"

Pop shrugged. "Like my boy's been beaten. I sent Jason home to bathe."

"Good. He needs to get out of here."

"So do you."

He nodded, sighed. "I hear that. How long have you been here?" Things had been fuzzy, fading
in and out. He liked it that way, sort of. If he was too awake, he had to remember shit. Shit that
he didn't want to remember, not ever again. None of them would speak about it -- not on the
force, not anywhere, if he had a say in it. Never.

"Got in last night."

"Cool. You didn't have to come."

His father gave him a quiet, measured look. "You don't have to talk about it, son, but I needed to

"We're not talking about anything. There's a game on."

"I can see your powers of observation haven't faded any." His dad chuckled and turned back to
the television. "Of course, watching this particular game might just be a lesson in frustration."

"Shit, Pop. I know that. I'm in the wrong line of work, to get paid a million plus to fuck up."

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"No kidding." His dad didn't point out that he wouldn't have gotten hurt like this if he'd been in
football, but the words still sort of hung there. Every fucking thing led back to it.

They sat there, both staring at the TV, watching the game, silent. When the door opened, it
startled him. "Hey, Jase."

Jason gave him a warm smile and came right over, hands reaching; Jase knew where to touch
without hurting him. "Hi, love. How're you doing?"

He smiled, or tried to. "Get me out of here, Jason."

Jason nodded. "I'm talking to the doctor today. I can take better care of you than these
overworked nurses." Jason turned and gave his dad a smile. "Hi, Pop."

"Howdy, kiddo. He's been just sitting. I've been shooing the nurses away."

"We need you at night when they come in to wake him up." Jason's fingers slid over his arm
again and again.

"Pop doesn't need to be wasting his time with me."

"Shut up, Harrison. I know what I need."

"You see -- you have to listen to your father because he's your father."

"Uh-huh. He's a grumpy old fart."

Pop chuckled. "Butthead."

"Harry!" Jason was giggling softly, though, eyes smiling down at him.

"What? He is. He woke me up bitching about the game." He winked over at his dad.

His father winked back and started in on the Cowboy's lineup again, which had more giggles
coming from Jason. Harry didn't pay much attention. He needed to piss and he didn't really want
to get up, but he didn't want to wet the fucking bed, either. He really just needed them both out
so he could do his business.

"You need anything, love?" Jason fussed with the covers and then checked his glass of water.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom. Take Pop down to the cafeteria?"

"You don't need any help with that?"

"No." No, he didn't wanted any help. He wanted some privacy.

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Jason's lips tightened for a moment, and then he was given another soft caress. "Okay. We'll go
have some coffee." Jason kissed him gently. "Come on, Pop. You haven't lived until you've tried
the coffee down at the cafeteria."

"Oh, goodie." Pop rolled his eyes, but stood up. "You can ask for help if you need it, son."

"Go on."

"Come on, Pop. He's gonna be stubborn about this." Jason went to the door and held it open for
his father.

"He's stubborn about everything. It's almost cute."

There was Jason's giggle again.

He waited for them to leave, then he slowly moved his legs out of the bed, the brace on one
making it awkward. There was shit that hurt that he didn't know that he had to hurt.

The door swung open and one of the little nurses poked her head in. "Oh! You should have
called for help."

"I need to learn how to do it."

"You don't need to learn how to do it without anyone to make sure you make it, though." She
leaned back against the door. "I'll wait. Just in case."

"I want to go home." He found his balance, his muscles screaming.

"That's not my call, honey. You'll have to talk to your doctor. We're all pulling for you, though."

"Yeah." God, get him out of here. He grabbed the IV stand in the crook of his elbow, then
tottered to the bathroom before stopping to stare at the door handle. His hands weren't working,
he couldn't fucking believe this.

The nurse didn't say a word, she just quietly slipped around him and opened the door for him.

"Thanks." There was one single, solitary good thing about the backless gowns. Easy to get out of
the way. He settled himself down, carefully not looking at his fucked-up cock, his legs, his

When he was done and back in the room, he discovered she'd plumped up his pillows and
remade his bed.

"You want a hand getting back up into bed?"

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"No, ma'am, I'll manage." He shuffled over, sweat pouring off him. "I want a shower. Can you
manage that for me? Please?" He could still feel them, on his skin.

"How about a nice sponge bath?"

"No. No." He shook his head, heart slamming in his chest. No strangers fucking touching him.

"Your partner could do it for you."

"I just want a fucking shower."

"Honey, you're worn out just from going to the can. You can't do a shower."

He met her eyes, serious as a heart attack. "Listen to me. I spent three days in hell with men
doing shit to me that I never want to remember ever again. I've had piss on me, semen, shit,
blood, doctors, cops, forensics. I need a motherfucking shower."

"You'll need a wheelchair to get there, and you'll have to do most of it sitting. And someone's
going to have to be with you, honey. Maybe your partner..."

"Okay. Fine. I want a shower. Now."

"I'll see what I can do, sir."

He nodded, leaning against the bed. "I'll wait here."

"I'll have an orderly bring you a chair."

"Okay." Just go away. Please.

She finally did, leaving him alone in the room.

Harry stood there, staring at the sheets. He was going to survive this. He was. God damn it.
Those fuckers were not going to win. He had no idea how long he'd been waiting there when the
door opened again, and both the orderly with the wheelchair and Jason came in. He looked over,
praying to God that the tears didn't show.

Jason came right over. "They've got a shower ready for you just down the hall, love. There's a
chair for you to sit down on and everything."

"Okay." He nodded. "Where's Pop?"

"I left him in the cafeteria. When Annie told me you were having a shower, I figured you
wouldn't want him here."

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The orderly brought the wheelchair over for him.

"No. I don't. After. I just want you there."

Jason nodded, hand sliding on his arm. "Just me, love."

He eased himself down on the wheelchair. "Go."

Jason led the way, holding the door open for him as the orderly pushed him along. The shower
was just down the hall, but he could feel everyone looking at him, the cop at the door falling in
line behind them. He was fixin' to lose it in a huge, spectacular, meltdown way.

Jason opened doors again when they went into the shower room. The orderly wheeled him in and
then headed back out, throwing a "let the nurses know when you're ready to go back to your
room" over his shoulder.

He looked up at Jason, teeth clenched so hard the broken ones screamed. "I need to get them off

"Okay, love. Let's get you clean."

Jason came over to help him strip. "The nurse made sure we had antibiotic soap that was also
gentle for your skin, and there's a chair in there for when you get tired of standing."

"Turn on the water."

"How hot do you want it?"

"Hot. I want them off me." He was going to melt down.

The room was soon filling with steam, the water beating against the floor. "Come on, then, love."

He stood up, stripped off his open gown, and headed for the water. Harry kept his eyes closed,
turned his face up to the steam.

"I'm going to wash you now, love. I have a soapy cloth."

"I don't know if I can let you do that. If I tell you to stop, you stop." He didn't know if he could
let anyone touch him right now.

"Okay, Harry. You can do it, though. It's me." Jason's voice was soft, but there was something
strong in it. "I'm starting with your face."

He didn't answer; he couldn't. He didn't know.

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Jason was careful, gently running the soapy cloth over his face, his head. Jason's hand followed
the cloth, spreading the soap. They'd touched him. He'd screamed. They'd touched him. Harry
opened his eyes, the water stinging them.

"I have you, Harry." Jason looked up at him, hand helping the water to rinse the soap away.

"They... I have to get them off my skin." He kept saying it, but it was true.

"I'm working on it, Harry." Jason picked up the pace, cloth moving over his shoulders, his back.

"I want to kill them."

"I know."

"They... It's bad."

"It looks like it was bad." That cloth kept moving over him, rubbing the soap gently into his skin,
followed by Jason's hand rinsing it away.

Harry focused on breathing. In. Out. In. Out.

"If you need to tell me, I can take it, love."

"I don't want to tell you. I don't want you to know."

"I can guess at a lot of it."

His breath hitched, his knees starting to shake. "I'm sorry, babe. Fuck."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Jason's words were fierce.

"I didn't want you to have to see this."

"I didn't want you to have to go through it. Don't hide from me, Harry. Please." Jason's cloth and
hand kept moving over him, cleaning him, beginning again at the top after he made it all the way
down to Harry's feet.

"I need to sit down." He was dizzy, queasy.

"There's a chair love. Right here." Jason guided him into it, hands so gentle on his skin.

"Did you go to Jack's funeral? Did you talk to his wife?"

"I did. Bonnie wanted to come visit, but I asked her to wait until you were home. I didn't think
you'd want to see her here in the hospital."

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"Did you tell her I was sorry?" He couldn't remember Jack dying. He couldn't remember much
about the actual attack; he couldn't believe Jack was gone.

"I did, and she knows, love." Jason hugged him suddenly. "She knows."

"I swear, I would've fought to save him." He'd fought to live, hadn't he?

"I know, love. So does she."

"He was a good cop." Jason's hands slid up his thighs and gently cleaned his genitals, the touch
careful, but Jason didn't look freaked out. "He was a good partner."

"He was my friend."

"I know, love." Jason leaned their foreheads together, eyes looking into him. "I know."

"I'm fucked up." In his body, in his soul.

Jason shook his head. "You've been hurt. You're going to heal."

He shook his head but didn't argue. There were parts of him that weren't ever going to heal.

Jason grabbed his shoulders. "You are. We can do it together."

"I'm fucked up, babe."

"We'll fix you. We can do it, love. You're my hero, you can do anything. You can."

He couldn't help but smile. "Pollyanna."

Jason sniffed and laughed softly. "Good thing I'm your Pollyanna, huh?"

He looked into those bright blue eyes. "You're the only thing that kept me alive."

"I was so scared I wouldn't get you back. Thank you. Thank you for living."

"I couldn't leave you here."

"You see? You're my hero." Jason hugged him hard.

He held back his groan, patting Jason with his wrist.

"I love you, Harry. I love you."

Harry nodded. He knew that.

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Jason squeezed tight again and then took a step back. "Okay. Let's finish this shower, huh? What
still needs cleaning, love? You tell me where you're still dirty, and I'll scrub the hell out of it."

He shook his head. "I. Just my back."

"Okay, love." Jason soaped the cloth up and reached over him to work on his back. "You know
you can tell me anything, love. Anything you have to."

"I want to go home."

"Oh, God, Harry, I want that, too."

Jase rinsed him off and he didn't look down at the water going down the drain. "I'll try to talk to
the doctor today." Jase grinned suddenly. "I should sic Sammy on him."

"God, that's funny." He shook his head. "Sammy'd take 'em on."

"He would. He'd win, too. I'm glad he's on our side."

"Yeah." The queasiness started building, the upright and the steam and the stress hitting him
hard. "Babe..."

"What do you need, love?"

"Gonna..." He started to heave, stomach clenching.

"Oh!" Jason moved out of the way, one hand staying on his back. "Just do it, love. The water'll
wash it into the drain."

He groaned, losing his cookies over and over until there was nothing left.

Jason kept up a quiet murmur, hands sliding on his shoulders. "It's okay, love. You're okay."

"I'm not. I'm sorry, baby, but I'm not."

"You will be, though, Harry. We're going to get through this. I swear to you."

He didn't believe it, not yet, but he wanted to.

Jason wiped Harry's face and then cupped his hands for the water to fill. The makeshift cup was
offered to him. He leaned forward, rinsed his mouth out. "Better."

"You want to try to move back to the wheelchair? There's a couple of towels here, and the nurse
left you a new gown."

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"Yeah. Yeah." He nodded and stood, the room spinning.

Jase turned off the water and put one of the towels on the wheelchair before grabbing the other
one and slipping an arm around his waist to help him to the chair. He settled with a moan and a
hitch of breath. He needed to lie down. Now.

Jase quickly dried him and then put his arms in the hospital gown like he was a child. Jason kept
dripping on him, clothes soaking wet.

"You're wet."

"You needed to get clean." Jase gave him a soft smile. "Sammy probably brought me new
clothes for today, anyway."

"I'm sorry. I didn't even think."

"No, you don't have to be sorry about anything, Harry. I chose to do it." Jase put the towel in his
hands. "Now, let's get that orderly in here to take you back to bed, huh?"

"Bed. I'm tired." But clean. He was clean.

Jase nodded and patted his hand. Taking care of it.

This whole thing was going to kill him.


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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Jase got Harry settled, and then changed into the clothes that Sammy had indeed brought with
him. He got Pop settled back next to Harry, watching the tail end of the game, and then he
excused himself and went into the bathroom. He sat on the pot, put his head on his knees, and
cried. Harry's poor body was... one giant sore.

It broke his heart what had been done to his handsome, kind, wonderful lover. He cried until he
was all cried out, and then he splashed his face with a lot with cold water, dried himself off, and
slipped back into Harry's hospital room.

Harry was asleep, but Pop was watching him with sad, haunted eyes, but the man didn't say a
thing. What was he supposed to say? I'm sorry?

He took a deep breath and managed a smile for Harry's dad. "I don't suppose the doctor's been by
yet to see if we can spring Harry?"

"No, sir. I don't know if he's ready, Jason. He looks like hammered shit."

"I know, but he wants out of here, and I can take care of him at home." He would do anything
Harry needed him to do.

"I can stay as long as y'all need me, son. Him and me, maybe he can do some yelling and hitting
in my direction, if he needs to."

"Harry would never hit you, Pop." No matter how angry Harry was, Jason just couldn't see him
taking it out on the people he loved.

"He needs to hit something."

Texans. Jason just didn't think he'd ever understand them.

"Not you," Jason insisted. "I also think… not to be mean, but I think you should go home.
Harry's… you know how he is, Pop, he doesn't want anyone to see him like this. I think you
should go and come back later, when he's feeling more himself and your visit can be because you

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want to see each other and not because of… this." He said it all in one big breath, not wanting to
insult Pop for the world.

Pop gave him a measured look, then looked over at Harry. "I don't want to leave you on your
own. You might need me."

Jason shook his head. "I can handle it." He shrugged. "It's Harry. I can do whatever I need to."

"He's my son. I want to help."

"He's your son, that means you know how much he wants you to be proud of him and how he
doesn't want you to see him like this, when he thinks he's weak."

"He's not weak."

"Well, you and I know that."

Pops patted his hand. "I guess I can get a flight out tomorrow. As long as you promise me you'll
call if you need me for anything -- anything at all."

"You got it, Pop." Jason gave Harry's dad a tight hug. "Thank you."

Pop went back to looking at the TV, and he went over to Harry's bedside, smoothing back his
lover's hair.

Harry's eyes popped open, fastened on him, then closed again.

"It's just me, love," he said softly. "You're safe." He needed Harry home, in a place where his
lover could sleep for hours all night, where every noise wasn't scary. "I'm going to go find a
doctor or nurse, someone who can help us get home."

Harry murmured something, but he took it as agreement. He gave his lover a soft kiss and
marched out to the nurses' station.

He got warm smiles from all of them, nods. "How's it going?"

"Pretty much the same. I was hoping you could help me, actually. Harry wants to go home."

The nurse nodded. "He said. He's in bad shape, but he's urinating on his own, eat--"

"I can take care of him as long as he doesn't need anything like an operation. He'll be happier at
home. He really wants to be out of here."

She sighed. "I can let the doctor know..."

"Please do. He'll recover better at home."

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"I hope so."

"He's strong. He'll do it. He just needs to be home."

He knew he was repeating himself, but he needed her to understand. If Harry wanted to go home,
Jason was going to get him there. He was going to do whatever he had to, to help Harry find his
way back.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Sammy pulled up to the condo, getting as close as he could. "Here we are."

He'd cleaned Jason and Harry's condo, top to bottom, and the kitchen was filled with goodies and
healthy treats. The bed was made, there was a stack of movies to watch.

"Yay!" Jason squeezed his shoulder and then climbed out of the back seat to go around and open
the front passenger door for Harry. "Tell me how I can help."

A police cruiser pulled up behind him, a huge Hispanic man unfolding himself from the car. "I
came to help get him in. Hey, Harry. We're all pulling for you, man."

"Jamie. Hey."

The police officer reached into the car and hefted Harry out, balancing him before smiling at
Jason. "Me and Harry are gym buddies. I'm going to bring some weights starting next week, huh,

"Oh, that's really nice of you, Jamie, thank you." Jason led the procession up to the front door
and unlocked it. Sammy watched his best friend take a deep breath before opening the door and
stepping in. "The bedroom's down the hall this way. I'll just pull back the sheets so Harry can get
right in."

"You want help, man?"

Harry shook his head. "No."

"Cool. I'll stop by Monday at ten. We'll work out." Jamie nodded to Jason, to him. "See you."
Then poof, he was gone.

Sammy shook his head. "Wow."

Harry chuckled. "We're cops, Sammy. We know."

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Jason came back. "Bed's all ready. I put the pillows so you could sit up if you wanted, Harry.
Maybe Sammy could heat us up something for lunch?"

"Sure, honey. I have chicken soup."

He knew where everything was, so it was easy to warm up soup, fix two bowls, along with some
crackers for Jason and a lightly toasted piece of bread for Harry and his poor broken teeth. When
he got to the bedroom, Harry was half-sitting, half-lying on the bed, Jason fussing with the
pillows and the blankets, chattering softly.

"Here's the food. What else do you need?"

Jason smiled warmly at him and took the tray, setting it on the side table. "Harry and I were just
talking about what movie we'd like to see."

"I brought a bunch." He went and grabbed the movies, handed them over. "I have to run to the
store for a few hours, but I'll call, see what you need."

Jason put the movies on the bed and then wrapped him in a warm hug. "Thanks, honey. For
everything. You've been such a big help -- I don't know what we would have done without you."

"I love you both, you know that." He kissed Jason's cheek. "I'm here to help."

"Love you, too, Sammy." Jason kissed him back and gave him another little squeeze. "Don't
work too hard."

"I won't, honey. I'll call, hmm? Before I leave the store."

"Okay. We'll be fine."

"Call if you need me, hmm?"

"We should be fine, but I will call you, I swear. You want me to walk you to the door, honey?"

"No. I'm good. Bye, Harry."

"See you, Sammy." Shit, Harry sounded rough.

Jase blew him a kiss as he left. Harry looked pretty rough, too, what Sammy could see of him.

Please, God. Let it be over soon.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Peter took a taxi from his store to Samuel's,, timing his arrival for just about closing time.
Samuel could drive them both home. The little bell went off as he went in.

"Good evening." He heard Samuel's voice, the sound exhausted, worn.

"Hey." He looked around, making sure the place was empty, then he locked the door and turned
the sign to closed.

"Hey, love. Everything okay?" A mass of unruly black curls appeared. "Just talked to Jase."

"How's their first day at home going?"

"Good. Jason said that they were already in bed for the night. I told him I could come in the
morning, bring more muffins and stuff. That'll give me a chance to catch up here."

"No, it'll give you a chance to eat, to sleep, to spend some time at home." He wasn't having
Samuel spending the evening here at work when his lover could be taking care of himself.

Samuel smiled at him as if to say, "Poor, stupid man, I have to work myself into exhaustion."

"Close up the cash, Samuel. I'm taking you home. Or rather, you're taking me home." He wasn't
going to be fobbed off today.

"Where's your car, love?"

"I took it in for a check-up at the dealer."

"Oh. Was I supposed to do that for you?"

"No. It's my car, Samuel, I'm perfectly capable."

"I know that, damn it. I'm trying to be nice."

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He let one eyebrow go up. "There's no reason to curse, Samuel. Come on, you're exhausted.
Lock up the money and we can go home."

"I know I'm exhausted. Just give me a second to get the deposit ready."

"What can I do to expedite matters?"

"I..." Samuel looked at him. "I can't get the cash to count out. I know it's right. I know it, but I'm
too fucking tired to manage."

"Then sit. I don't mind doing it."

"Okay. I've got a couple of emails to answer."

Peter began to count out the money. "Did that guy who wanted you to find some pieces for his
collection ever write back?"

"Yeah. Yeah, he, uh... It's complicated. I don't know."

"What do you mean, complicated?"

"I don't know. He wants me to find stuff for a whole big hotel and stuff. It's complicated."
Somehow, Samuel's life had begun to move faster.

"It sounds like an amazing opportunity." Samuel would be hard to replace, but he knew private
acquisitions would be far more interesting to his lover, not to mention lucrative.

"I don't know." Samuel shrugged.

"When does he want an answer?" Peter put the float into its bag and the deposit into the bank

"Too fucking soon. I can't think about it right now."

"No, this evening you don't have to think about anything at all." He took the float to the little safe
in the back and then grabbed the deposit bag. "Ready to go?"

Samuel nodded. "You think I should call and check on Jase once more?"

"You told me when I got here that they were on their way to bed already. You'll wake them up if
you call." He held out his arm.

"Right. Sorry."

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Samuel came right to him, cuddling into his side. He wrapped his arm around his lover and
finally took his hello kiss.

"Hey." Samuel pushed up into the kiss, humming softly.

Holding his lover's gaze, he deepened the kiss slowly. Samuel began to shiver, tense muscles
fighting their relaxation.

If they were at home, he'd have taken Samuel to bed and tied him up, spanked his ass rosy. They
weren't, though, so after some time kissing, he pulled away, eyes narrowing as Samuel swayed.
"You need supper, and I know just the place."

"I don't think I'm hungry, Peter."

"You need to eat. We'll go to Jefferson's." The restaurant was quiet, warm, and had amazing

"Oh..." Samuel moaned, the sound orgasmic.

He chuckled and moved them out. Samuel was tired enough that he followed along easily. It took
no time at all to drop the deposit bag at the bank and get them to Jefferson's. The hostess knew
them and seated them in a quiet corner, a candle dancing on the table between them.

"This is nice." Samuel stared across the table at him,

"It is." They hadn't shared a meal together since Harry'd been hurt. He knew their friends had
needed every bit of help they'd offered, but Samuel had worn himself to the bone, and it was
time now for his lover to do for himself.

"Harry seems glad to be home."

"I bet he's ecstatic to be home. He's not the type to appreciate hospitals even at the best of times."
He smiled as the waitress came to take their drink order. "We'd like mojitos, please."

He felt Samuel's eyes on him, but his lover didn't say a word.

"Sure thing. Are you ready to order?"

Peter nodded. "Yes. We'll start with the shrimp cocktails, and then I'll have the steak, medium,
with the potato, and my companion will have the veal marsala with vegetables."

Samuel's mouth opened, then closed. When she'd gone, he raised an eyebrow at Samuel.

"I... I didn't say anything."

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Peter chuckled. "No, you didn't. I want you to sit back and relax, love. Tonight, I take care of

"I don't know if I remember how."

"Don't worry, I'll help you."

"I just..." The drinks came and Samuel leaned forward, inhaling the mint. "Yummy."

He smiled, hoping the bit of alcohol would help Samuel in the relaxing department. A bowl of
warm buns arrived a moment after their drinks, along with a lovely sour cream dip.

"Dig in, Samuel. You must be starving."

"I don't know if I am." Samuel took a roll, tore it into little pieces, not really eating.

Peter took one of the pieces and dipped it into the sour cream. He held it up to Samuel's lips.
"You love this dip. Remember all the tries you made at duplicating it?"

"One day I'll get it." Those pink lips parted for the bite.

"In the meantime, I'm more than happy to bring you here and feed it to you." He slipped the bite
into Samuel's mouth, his fingers lingering on the warm lips.

The blush on Samuel's cheeks made him smile. Someone was starving for attention. He could fix
that, feed that need and hunger. He ached to do it. He took another piece of bread, gathered some
dip with it, and offered it to Samuel again.

"You should have some, too." Samuel ate, though, humming softly.

"I will." He was far more interested in feeding his lover. It was good, seeing Samuel relax a little,
actually eat.

The mojito went down, Samuel relaxing into his chair.

He smiled at his lover. "So tell me about this buying antiques for a hotel thing."

"They want to pay me a commission. Twenty thousand dollars, but it would mean not running
the store. I don't know. It's a couple of months' work."

"You've got an understanding boss. Why don't you ask for a leave of absence?" It would be
excellent experience, and Samuel would find out if that was really what he wanted to do.

"I can't leave you in the lurch, and you wanted me in the store." Under all those excuses, Peter
heard, "I'm scared."

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"I can find someone to take over for two months, Samuel. And I won't stand in your way when
this is something I know you love so much." He took Samuel's hand and squeezed it, made sure
he had his lover's attention. "I'm in your corner, a hundred percent."

"I don't know if I can do this..."

"Sure, you can. You're my best procurer at the store. You know how to find the things you're
looking for -- you know how to get the best deals on the merchandise, too. You can be great at

"What if I fuck up bad, though? He's already taking about other projects..."

"Samuel. First of all, you aren't going to fuck up bad. Second, just do this one job. You don't
have to worry about any others. Just this one. You do it, you like it, then you can talk about other
projects." He was so pleased for his Samuel. Because once he got over his nerves, Samuel was
going to rock this job.

"Maybe. Maybe. I'll think about it." Samuel sighed. "Jase might need me."

Peter shook his head. "I'm sure Jason and Harry still need support, but they don't need you
twenty-four seven, and you can work this job and be there for our friends, both."


"Samuel. It's a great opportunity. Grab it. I've got your back."

Those dark eyes met his, worried, scared, and maybe a little proud. "That's a lot of money, and I
love the idea."

"It is. Way more than you'd pull down at the store. And I'm right here if you need anything, even
if it's just a reminder that you can do this." Peter chuckled. "Hell, you worked in jobs you hated
for ages because you needed the money -- you can do anything for two months."

"I could try to do both, if you can't find someone..."

He shook his head immediately. "I want you to focus on this job, give it a fair shake. That way,
you'll know whether it's something you want to do again or not. If you're stretched too thin, it
won't get a fair shake." If he had to, he'd put a sign on the door to call the other store for help.

"You sure, love? I mean, it's a fucking hot opportunity..."

"I'm absolutely sure and it is a hot opportunity. In fact..." He raised his hand to get the waitresses
attention. She came over right away. "We need a bottle of champagne, please."

"You don't have to do that." Samuel looked pleased, though.

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"I know I don't have to, but this is worthy of a celebration."

Samuel beamed at him, nodded. "Okay. Okay, yeah. I... You know champagne makes me stupid,

"You're cute when you're drunk on champagne."

He got a grin, and Samuel handed him the car keys. He tucked them into his pocket as their
bottle was brought over in a bucket of ice.

"Thank you." He poured them each a glass and raised his. "To my beautiful lover and his new

"To you. Cheers." They clinked glasses.

He drank, eyes on Samuel. "I'm very proud of you, love."

"For what?"

"For being offered this job -- for taking it."

"I was worried that you'd feel betrayed."

"Because you've found a job that you like better than the one you do for me?"

Samuel didn't answer, but those cheeks went a deep, dark scarlet.

"Love, you have a degree, and dreams that go beyond being a sales associate, no matter how
much you enjoy the store you work in. And you and I, we are not just employee and boss, we're
lovers, partners. That's not going to change."

"I know. I do. I just... You're more important than any fucking job."

He was counting each and every curse word. Either Samuel was pushing, or his lover was losing
his head space. Either way, Samuel needed him.

"And you're more important than any employee. I want you to be happy and fulfilled, at home, at
work, all of you."

"A whole hotel, Peter. A fancy one. And the budget is amazing."

"I bet you already know what you want to do."

"I have a few ideas, yes. The place is neoclassical in architecture, and there are some amazing
lines." Samuel started talking furniture and decor, eyes lit up.

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Peter sat back and watched as his lover talked animatedly, hands painting pictures as he talked.
Samuel was never more beautiful than when he was happy and excited.

All that came to a stop when Samuel's phone rang. "It's Jase. I'll be right back."

"Take it here, love." Samuel was less likely to give his evening away if he did.

"You're sure?" At his nod, Samuel answered. "Hey, Jase. Hmm? Having supper with Peter. In
the morning. Sure. If I get up early, that'll be fine. Okay. Okay. Sure. Love you, too, honey."

He let his eyebrow go up. "What do they need?"

"Harry needs a ride to therapy, and Jason needs me to run a couple of errands for him while
they're there. The appointment's at seven, so I'll be able to open the store at ten, no problem."

"Why don't you let me take Harry to therapy, that'll be one less thing for you to do, hmm? You
can drop me there when you pick up Jason, and I'll take him in their car. Then you can trade me
for Jason when you've done your errands."

"Oh... You don't have to. I mean... you don't mind?"

"I wouldn't have offered if I minded."

"That would be great, Peter. Really." Samuel's toe nudged his ankle.

"I'm happy to help." He let his own foot rub against Samuel's calf.

He could see the reaction in Samuel's shiver, in the way his lover went heavy-lidded. It made the
pit of his own stomach heat, and he was about to slide his foot up higher when their waitress
returned with their meals.

"Hold that thought," he murmured to Samuel.

"Oh, it smells so good..." Samuel drank a little more champagne, murmuring happily over his

Peter took a sip from his own glass and then picked up his cutlery. He was feeling very pleased
with himself for having managed to get Samuel to relax, as well as to really think about the offer
to furnish the hotel. And now Samuel was beginning his meal eagerly.

He'd done well.

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Chapter Thirty

He pushed through physical therapy doggedly, head down, doing everything he was asked and
then some. He was going to heal, and then he was going to get stronger. Then he was going to
kill those sons of bitches that had hurt him. Harry could feel his body shaking, feel the sweat
pouring off him, and his heart beat so hard he couldn't breathe. It didn't matter. He wasn't going
to stop.

"That's great, Harry. And enough for today, I think." Anita, the physical therapist, put a hand on
his shoulder.

"No. No, I'm not done. I can do more."

"Your desire to push through and do as much as you can is admirable, but pushing too hard can
be as damaging as not enough. Go home, have a nice hot shower, and relax. You can come back
the day after tomorrow and I'll torture you some more, I promise."

"What can I do at home?"

"If I give you exercises, will you promise not to overdo?"

"Of course." He'd do whatever he had to.

"Okay, then let me show you a few things." She went through a few exercises with him and
reminded him not to overdo. "No more than half an hour a day, Harry. I'm serious."

"Uh-huh. I hear you."

"I'll know when you come back if you've done too much."

"Don't be a bitch, Anita." He winked at her, trying for suave and relaxed.

She laughed. "Sorry, Harry, but that's my job."

"I know, ma'am." They'd all been in here to see Anita for something or another. He knew.

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"Okay, Harry." She patted his shoulder. "Go on. I imagine you've got an anxious young man
waiting out there to take you home."

He nodded. "See you." He stood carefully and headed out, swaying just a bit on the way.

Jason was waiting for him and jumped up as soon as he came out. "Hey, love. How did that go?"

"It went. I have exercises to do at home."

"Only half an hour a day, Harrison," Anita said, her voice ringing out.

"I'll make sure that's all he does," Jason called back to her.

"Quit ganging up on me."

"We have to." Jason slipped a hand around his arm. "There's only two of us and one of you --
we're still outnumbered."

"I want driving privileges back!"

"Six weeks, minimum."

He hated Anita.

Jason patted his arm. "It'll be over before you know it. In the meantime, you have me."

"Are you trying to keep me from snarling?"

"Yep." Jason led him out and toward the car. "You feel like stopping somewhere to pick up

"If you want, babe. I'm just worn."

"Let's go home, then. Sammy's got the fridge stuffed with things to heat up." Jason opened the
passenger door for him and then went around and got in the driver's side. It was weird having
Jason drive.

He leaned back and sighed. This sucked. This whole thing sucked.

Jason patted his leg. "You're doing great."

"I'm sore, fucked up, grumpy, and sweaty."

"Yeah, but you're out of the hospital, eating real food, and now you're even doing physio." Jason
smiled at him. "And you can have a shower when we get home."

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He grunted. "I need to go give a statement at the DA's office at some point soon."

"We can phone and find out when after you're clean and fed and rested."

He turned his head, looked over at Jason. "Since when do you take care of me, babe?" He
winked, making sure Jason knew he was teasing. Mostly.

"I love you, huh? Like, more than anything."

"I know." He did. He just couldn't cope.

"Well, then, since that started, I take care of you. We're a team."

He didn't have anything to say to that. It seemed like every day he had less to say. All he wanted
was to kill something.

Jason got them home and came around to open the door and help him out. His hands were the
worst of the injuries, now. The healing bones had been rebroken, casted, and he was fucking
tired of not being able to do for himself.

Jason's hand slid across his back and settled right above his ass. "You're awfully quiet today."

"Yeah." He nodded and focused on getting in. Things were starting to hurt, deep down.

Jason got him seated in his big easy chair in the living room and bent to take off his sneakers.
"You want some water while I get you something to eat? Or maybe some juice?"

"No. I'm just going to sit."

Jason gave him a soft kiss, turned on the TV to ESPN, and handed over the remote. "I won't be
long -- you just rest."

Harry nodded, staring at the replay of some game. It didn't matter who was on, it was just noise.
He looked down at his hands, opening and closing his fingers in the casts as best he could. The
bones ground together, pain shooting up his arms, and he breathed through his agony.

"What are you doing?" Jase asked, coming back in with a tray of something that smelled good.

"Huh? Watching football."

"You were making a face." Jason fussed with the pillow at his back. "Are you okay?"

"Uh-huh." He knew that he was flushed, that there was sweat popping up on his face.

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Jason grabbed one of the napkins and wiped his face. "Are you sure you aren't getting a fever?"
Frowning, Jason held his wrist against Harry's forehead. "You're all hot."

"I was exercising my fingers. It hurts."

"Oh, love, are you supposed to do that?" Jason tsked and took his right hand, fingers gently
rubbing over his. "You can't hurry broken bones, love."

"I need them to heal. Did you lock the doors?"

"I did. You want me to double check?"

"Yeah." Just in case.

"Okay. You start on the soup." Jason pulled out a TV table and set it in front of him before
putting the bowl of soup onto it and placing the spoon in the tips of his fingers so he could hold

"Go ahead and eat, you'll feel better." With that, Jason disappeared to check the doors.

He ate a bite or two, then leaned back, eyes closed. Tired. He was tired. Jason came back; he
could hear his lover's footsteps on the carpet. What if it wasn't Jase? Harry tensed, heart
pounding in his chest, the room swimming. No way. No fucking way. Never again. He growled
deep in his chest and pushed himself up, ready to fight.

"Harry?" Jase's voice slid over him. "Something hurting?"

He jerked, stumbled back, eyes rolling. "Jason! Get down!" They were coming. They were.

"What? Harry, what's wrong?" Jason's hands slid over his shoulders.

"I heard them. I heard footsteps. Where's my piece?"

"Footsteps? Harry, that was me. It was me, love. I went to check that the doors were locked,
remember? And they were. We're safe and sound and there's no one here." Digging the slender
fingers into his muscles, Jason massaged his neck.

"I need my piece. They might come." He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. "Fuck!"

"Harry! Look at me!" Jason grabbed his face and forced him to look into his lover's eyes.
"There's no one here."

"They might come. They'll hurt you. They'll make you scream and scream. You have to go. You
have to run away. Why the fuck did Jack let them kill him?"

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"He didn't do it on purpose, Harry. He didn't want to die. And I'm safe. I'm here. The guys who
did this to you are all in custody. You know that. They can't hurt you anymore."

"I... I need my gun. Where is it? They took my badge."

"You're on paid medical leave, Harry. You don't need your gun or your badge."

"You're not LISTENING to me!" Screaming felt amazing, felt like he could almost -- almost --

"Jason? Harry? It's us. We brought a good recliner; is Harry okay?"

Fuck. Fuck, Sammy and Peter.

"I'll get rid of them, love." Jason disappeared, the sound of the three of them talking filtering
back to him, but he couldn't hear words.

He slowly knelt, propping himself up on the chair, sobbing softly. They hurt him. They made
him beg.




Jason came back, hand sliding across his shoulders. "They are. I hate them. I hate what they did
to you."

He nodded. "They ruined me. Assholes. They're going to find us again. Fucking vermin.

"They're going to jail. They won't hurt you anymore."

"I need my gun." He hurt. All of him.

"It's not here, Harry. I'm pretty sure your captain has it." Jason leaned their foreheads together.

"I'm sorry."

Jason shook his head. "No. No, you don't have to be sorry. This wasn't your fault."

"I'm sorry you have to do this."

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"I'd do anything for you, Harry. Anything. I just want to help you heal and feel better." Jase
began pressing soft kisses over his face.

"I need to sit down." He didn't want to be kissed. He didn't want to be touched. He wanted to hurt

Jason helped him and then stood there, looking at him. "What else? What else do you need,

"I don't know. I hurt, babe. I hurt everywhere.""

"Do you need a pill? Or just to be? Or to shout and cry? Anything, Harry. I can take it. I can be
strong for you."

He closed his eyes, listened to his heart beat. "I'm just gonna sit, babe. Right here."

"Okay, love." Jason took his hand. "I'm gonna sit right here with you, if that's okay."

"It's okay." Even if it hadn't been, he wasn't that big of an asshole.

Jason sat quietly with him, fingers holding his, just letting him be.

Just letting him hurt.

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Chapter Thirty-One

Jason wasn't sure how long they just sat there together. He didn't care, either. If this was what
Harry needed, then it was what he'd do. It had to have been at least a couple of hours, because
the doorbell rang and he knew it would be Samuel and Peter back with the recliner, and not using
their key this time.

"That's Sammy and Peter," he said softly, warning Harry before he headed for the door.

Sammy grabbed him and hugged him, as soon as the door was open. "Are you okay, love?"

He hugged back tight, leaning on Samuel, but only for a moment, because he had to be strong for
Harry and he could do this. "I am. Harry was just having... a bad moment."

"It happens," murmured Peter, giving his shoulder a squeeze.

He nodded and took a breath and stood back. "So let's see this magical chair you've hauled all the
way over here."

"It's a recliner with a cooler in one arm. He can even sleep in it." Sammy looked so worried.
"Peter and I went and bought you groceries, too."

He rubbed Sammy's arm. "It sounds great. And thank you for the groceries, although heaven
knows we haven't finished all the dishes you've already brought us."

He locked the door once Sammy and Peter had the chair in, and then put the chain on, too,
knowing it would make Harry feel better. Then he led the way into the living room. "Harry, you
have to see this chair Sammy and Peter brought. It's awesome."

Harry looked over, eyes bloodshot and swollen. "A chair?"

"Yes, love. A recliner with a cooler in one arm, isn't that clever?" He went over and fussed with
Harry's pillow. "Do you feel up to moving to the couch so they can bring it in? It'll be more
comfortable than this old thing."

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"You need help carrying it in?"

"Already here, old man." Peter nodded to Samuel, and they set the chair down at the edge of the
rug. "Just tell us where you want it."

"Right where Harry's is now, I think."

He got Harry settled on the sofa, trying not to notice where Harry had bled through the bandages.
God. He found a smile for his lover and then directed traffic as Peter and Sammy moved Harry's
old chair out of the way and put the new recliner in its place.

"It should be really comfortable, Harry, and easy to get up and down with." Sammy was
fluttering a little.

Jason reached out and touched Sammy's hand, squeezed it. "Thanks, Sammy. You and Peter
have done so much for us."

"We just want things to get better, Jase."

"Yeah, we all do. Come on, Harry, do you want to try it out?"

"Sure. Sure." Harry looked at Sammy and Peter, then at the sofa.

"Samuel, why don't you and Jason go and get us something to eat, hmm? I'll make sure Harry
makes it to the chair." Peter made a shooing motion at him and Sammy.

Sammy took his arm and drew him into the kitchen, then hugged him tight. "Oh, God, Jase. I was
so worried about you."

"I'm okay." He nodded and hugged Sammy back. "I am."

"He didn't hurt you, right?"

"What?" He stepped back from Sammy. "Of course he didn't!" No matter how upset he was,
Harry never would hurt him, not ever.

"He just sounded... not like him."

"He needs to let it out, Sammy. I think he'd feel better if he screamed a lot and hit things, but he
can't hit anything with his poor hands."

"Okay. Okay, I get that." Sammy kissed his cheek. "You would know, if he was scary. You're
doing so good with him."

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"I just want him to get through this. I need him to get through this." He needed his Harry back.
Their life.

"He will. I... Is he going to be able to use his hands again?"

"The doctors said he was going to make a full recovery." Jason was counting on that being more
than just physically.

"Good." Sammy started putting groceries away. "You should get him some hobby to work on
when he gets better."

"That's a good idea. Something aside from working out. Anita told him off in physical therapy
today, warned him not to do too much."

Sammy pulled out some bread and cheese. "Leave it to Harry to be the one who does too much
therapy. Are they getting him a shrink?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know if Harry will actually talk to anyone, but I'm pretty sure he'll have to
see someone to get signed on back for work." He wasn't sure he could think that far ahead. He
was taking things one day at a time, and mostly being thankful Harry was still alive.

Sammy patted his back. Then started toasting bread. "Thank God he has you, huh?"

"Yeah. He's always taken such good care of me -- it's time for me to return the favor. Make sure
you don't make Harry's piece too hard."

"Oh, right. Teeth." Sammy looked at him. "Jesus, honey. He survived so much."

"I know." He blinked back the tears that always threatened when he thought about it too much.

All of the sudden his best friend was in his face, fierce, proud. "For you, Jason. You know that
he came back because he loves you."

"I know. And I'm going to do everything I can to prove to him he did the right thing."

"I'm so proud of you." This time Sammy was teary.

"Oh, honey, I just love him, you know?" He hugged Sammy tight and tried very hard not to start
crying. Sammy's embrace was comfortable and right and no one would know if he did, though.
Especially as Sammy's sweater soaked up any tears he did shed. Finally, he gave Sammy one last
squeeze and stepped back. "Peter and Harry'll be getting hungry."

"Yeah. If they're not both napping."

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"Oh, that'd be good for Harry. So what are we making?" Though, really, Sammy would be doing
most of the cooking, but he could follow along and help.

"Cheese toast with turkey."

"Oh, that sounds yummy." Sammy made the best food, which made it easy to entice Harry to eat.

"I thought so. Do you think brownies for dessert?"

"Those homemade ones with the chunks of extra chocolate?" He nodded eagerly. "Harry loves

"Let's get those in the oven for after, then."

"Okay, honey. Just tell me what to do."

It felt easy. Good. And for the first time all day, Jason could breathe.

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Chapter Thirty-Two

God, poor Harry. Poor Harry. Poor Jason. The man had been screaming. Screaming. It wasn't
right. Harry was like this hero guy, this unbeatable man, and those noises had been crazy. Insane.

Sammy cooked the sandwiches and sent Jason out with them before working on cleaning up.

He was nearly done when Peter came into the kitchen. "Leave that for now and come join us."

"No. No, I'm busy. I'll be bringing dessert soon."

One of Peter's hands slid over his shoulder. "You need to eat, too. And to relax instead of going,
going, going."

"I'm okay." He knew he was tense. "I'm just helpful. Does Harry like his chair?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Peter turned him, smiled down at him. "Come visit with our
friends instead of hiding out here in the kitchen."

He didn't want to. He didn't want to see Harry as a stranger, as whoever that was who had been
screaming. He was going to have nightmares for days. "Okay."

He grabbed his Coke and headed into the living room, head down. He'd do this. He would.

Jason was feeding Harry, enticing the big man to eat some more.

He sat on the edge of the couch, eyes on the TV. "Like your chair, Harry?"

"Yeah, Sammy. Thanks."

"Your sandwiches are going down a treat, too." Jason reached over to pat his hand.

"Good. There's brownies, too." He sat, as still as he could.

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Jason fed Harry another bite and then came over and sat next to him. "What's the matter, honey?"

"Nothing. I'm good."

Harry snorted. "Sammy, you're a shitty liar. Come here."


"Come here, dork."

Sammy stood up, headed over to Harry, trying not to shake. This sucked.

Harry met his eyes, dead on. "Sorry I scared you, man. I freaked out."

"It's okay."

Harry shook his head. "No, asshole, it's not okay, but it happens. Now, can we have some
fucking brownies before my dad's daily phone call?"

Peter chuckled. "Now that sounds like the Samuel and Harrison we know and love."

Jase shook his head. "Harry didn't call him a queen."

Harry actually chuckled, but those eyes were serious. "I would die before I hurt him, Sam."

Sammy felt his nose start to tingle, the tears right there. "I know, Harry. I just... You know,

"I know. Now. Chocolate."

Jase sniffed hard and wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

Peter cleared his throat. "Do you need help with the brownies, Samuel?"

Sammy nodded, then leaned forward to kiss Harry's forehead. "Never, never do that again,
Harrison. You scared us."

"Come on, let's get the man his brownies." Peter's hand was warm on his back.

He let Peter lead him into the kitchen, holding himself together by sheer force of will. Peter
didn't help him with the brownies; instead, his lover drew him into strong arms, holding him
tight. Sammy held himself stiff for just a second, then he sobbed, pushing into Peter's body.

"Oh, my sweet Samuel. It's okay, let it all out."

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"Peter. Peter, I want to go home. Please. Please." He breathed out the words, breath hitching.

"We need to get Harry his brownies first, hmm? Can you do that?" Peter's eyes stared into his
own, so serious.

He nodded, holding that gaze. "I need to be home, after. I need to be your Samuel for a little

"You, my love, are always mine. But I know what you need."

Thank God.

"Do you want a brownie, too?"

"I do. Can you wait long enough for us to have a coffee and sweet?"

"Yeah. I need to clean up in here."

Peter's lips pursed. "You know, I don't think Jason would mind if you left him the rest of the
dishes to do."

"He probably wouldn't, but he's got his hands full."

A soft kiss landed on his head. "You're a wonderful friend, Samuel."

"I love you, Peter."

Peter looked into his eyes and slowly smiled. "I love you, Samuel." Then Peter leaned and their
lips met, the kiss soft and hard all at once.

It was a promise, he hoped. A promise that he needed Peter to keep.

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Chapter Thirty-Three

As they walked into the apartment, Peter very deliberately locked the door and put on the chain.
"Do you need anything? Water? To go to the bathroom?" There would be no interruptions once
they started.

Samuel handed him the cell phone, then nodded. "I'll hit the bathroom, wash up a little."

"All right. I'll meet you in the bedroom in ten minutes. No distractions, no interruptions. Be
ready to focus for me." He turned the cell phone off so Samuel could see him doing it, knew he
meant business.

"What if..." Sammy stopped, vibrating, then nodded. "I'll meet you in the bedroom."

"Good man."

He waited until Samuel made his way down the hall and then turned his own cell phone off as
well, and put the ringer on the land line to low. The answering machine would pick it up. Peter
had told Jason he and Samuel would be unreachable until morning.

Once that was done, he made his way to the bedroom and began to set up. He pulled the sheets
from the bed and took light ropes, a crop with four short leather rectangles at the end, a plug, and
the lube out of the toy box. Those he placed on the bedside table so they were within easy reach.

He fetched a bottle of water from the fridge and set in on the little table as well before he began
to strip. Naked, sure he had everything ready, he sat on the edge of the bed and breathed; it had
been too long since they'd done this. His Samuel needed it, needed to be loved, seen.

Samuel took every second of his ten minutes, but then his lover was there at the door, wrapped in
a soft, fluffy robe, eyes huge and dark.

"Mmm. You look lovely. Are you ready?"

"I need you."

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"I know. You have me." He held out his arms.

There was no hesitation, no worry -- Samuel barreled into his arms, pushed close as they kissed.
Peter just held Samuel at first, but as their kisses continued, he worked off the robe, his hands
sliding over soft skin.

"I'm so tired, Peter. I know it's silly because I wasn't hurt, but I am. I'm tired."

"You've been working so hard to take care of Jason and Harry. You haven't been sleeping or
eating properly, and you've been so very worried about them." He stroked Samuel's cheeks. "But
I want you to let that go. You can pick it all back up in the morning, but right now, right here,
you're mine and that's all you have to worry about, think about."

"Yours. I promise. Peter..."

"Good." He drew Samuel down onto the bed. "I'm going to bind you first."

"I..." Samuel nodded, and he could see the beat of Samuel's heart in the long throat.

He picked up the rope and let Samuel see it. Then he dragged it over the lovely skin. "I'm going
to bind you from your feet to your head, to help you get into your space."

"I love you. My head hurts." The soft words would keep coming. He knew it. Samuel knew it. It
was how his lover healed.

"You can close your eyes if you like, but I'll turn the lights down low." He went over and turned
the dimmer switch until the light was low and soft.

Samuel sighed softly, wiggled a minute, then began to relax for him, taking one deep breath after

"There we go." He slid his hand over Samuel's limbs, touching them, sensitizing them. Then he
began, tying one end of the rope around Samuel's right ankle.

"It's soft." He smiled and kissed the inside of Samuel's knee. "It'll hold you still, but shouldn't
chafe." He wrapped the rope so it went across the sole of Samuel's foot and then started looping
it up along his lover's leg.

He made sure the rope was snug along the spot where Samuel's thigh met his torso, and then
crossed the slender belly, missing Samuel's cock -- he'd bind it when he came back down and did
the other leg.

"Harry scared me today. I didn't like the yelling."

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"He needed to let it out, to just scream and cry. He wasn't yelling at anyone, I don't think, just
fate, maybe."

He brought Samuel's arms to his sides and included them in the loops that went up Samuel's
chest. He was careful to keep the tension tight without digging into too much skin. He crossed
the rope directly over Samuel's nipples. The shiny rings bobbed and bounced, then settled against
the ropes.

He was very careful as he brought the rope up along the right side of Samuel's neck and around
his lover's skull, then back down the other side. The rope behaved as he wanted it to, and Samuel
didn't move, so he didn't have any trouble setting it there before continuing his way back down.

"That feels weird, Peter. On my head."

"Kind of makes you focus on it, doesn't it?"

Samuel started to nod, then stopped.

"That's right, love. No moving." He slid his hand over Samuel's face, let his fingers touch the

Then he continued, working evenly and carefully to wrap the rope around Samuel's prick.
Samuel's cock filled for him, slowly, so he gave the rope slack, gave the pretty tube of flesh
space to grow. He made sure to bring the rope along Samuel's crack when he wrapped it around
the back. Then it was down the left leg, tying it off around Samuel's foot.

"There." He stepped back to admire the full effect. The image of Samuel, bound and still, made
his cock ache, made his fingers curl. "Beautiful." He went back to Samuel and began to touch.
He ran his fingers from top to bottom, caressing skin and touching the rope.

Samuel shuddered and twisted the smallest bit, gasping.

"I'm going to use a crop on you today." There were so many areas of skin between the ropes for
him to bring up to rose.

"I don't. I can't move." Samuel's toes curled, his sweet lover groaning.

"That's the idea. You're just going to lie there and feel the crop."

The soft whimper made him smile. He took the crop and began to rub Samuel's skin with the
leather strips at the top. Samuel moaned, seemed to shrink back for just a moment before

"I'll warn you before I hit you with it."

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"Tell me why you do this."

"Because I love you. Because it makes you the center of both of us."

"You loved me from the start."

"I did. My beautiful, amazing, talented Samuel." He bent and began to place random kisses all
over Samuel's body.

"That first night, you made me fly."

"I'll make you fly again tonight." He'd make sure Samuel slept well tonight, full of peace.

"I just want to sleep. I just want to not dream." Samuel shivered, stared at him. "I want you to
make it better."

"I will." He placed one last kiss on the tip of Samuel's cock. "I'm going to use the crop now." He
felt Samuel stiffen and hold his breath, waiting for the first blow. "Relax into it, Samuel."

"I will. I do. I hate the first one."

"Then let's get it over with." He smacked Samuel's left thigh with the crop.

Samuel gave the softest little whimper, a tiny jerk, but that was it.

"Mmm. Good." Peter began to hit Samuel with the crop. He placed a single swat in each patch of
bare skin, except for on Samuel's cock.

Samuel began to wiggle in time with the blows.

"Still, Samuel. Find your subspace and sink into it. Let the pain take you there."

"I don't want to be still."

"What do you want to be?"

Samuel stopped, went beautifully, perfectly still. "I don't know. I want to be quiet, inside."

"Then lie still and really feel the crop as it hits you, Samuel. Feel the way it pulls your blood to
the surface." He began to hit again, starting at the soles of Samuel's feet this time.

Samuel's eyes went wide. "Peter!"

"Focus." He hit Samuel's soles again, and then the big toes.

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"Don't. Don't hit my feet. Oh, God. Peter..." Samuel tried to bend his knees, tried to get away
from him.

Peter smacked the crop hard against Samuel's right sole.

"Fuck!" Oh. Oh, someone needed.

"Samuel!" He smacked the other foot even harder.

"Fuck. Stop it. Don't. Not my feet. Fucking hell."

"You'll have two smacks for every swear word, Samuel." He set about doling out the
punishment, Samuel's soles turning a dark pink.

Samuel started fighting. "Don't. Don't. I have to walk tomorrow. Fuck, it hurts. You bastard!"

"Maybe you won't walk tomorrow. Maybe I'll order you to stay here, in bed, and have a day off."
It would do Samuel good to have a day to himself.

"You can't do that. I have to work. I can't just stay in bed." He could hear pure need in Samuel's

"You can. I order you to spend tomorrow in bed, ice on your poor, swollen feet." He hit Samuel's
feet again and again, watching the skin go dark, the blood right under the surface.

"P...Peter. Peter, please..." There were tears now, Samuel sobbing. "Please."

"Yes. Yes, give it all to me, Samuel. Let everything go."

"Please stop. Please. Please!" Samuel tugged on the ropes, writhing on the bed.

No, he wasn't going to stop. Not yet. Samuel needed just a little more on his feet before Peter
moved on.

"Help me! No more!" Samuel managed to roll over, spin around on the bed.

He moved his swats up along Samuel's legs, slowly climbing toward the rope-bisected ass.
Samuel's frantic motions eased the slightest bit, the scared cries softer now. He smacked
Samuel's ass, set up a good, solid pace, and soon had the lovely globes the same color as the
bottoms of Samuel's feet.

Samuel started to relax into those blows, though, started rocking in the ropes. It was beautiful
when Samuel finally submitted and went with the heat and passion. Samuel murmured
something that he couldn't quite hear, still rocking, moaning into a pillow. He worked the crop

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up along Samuel's spine, and then back down again. His lover had the finest skin, so smooth,
showing every mark.

When he got back to Samuel's ass, he slapped the crop against it a little longer, and then smacked
his way back down Samuel's legs toward his lover's feet.

"Don't. Don't. Please. Please. Don't."

"Two more each, Samuel."

"Then you'll stop? You promise?"

"Then I'll be finished with the crop." It wasn't the same thing as stopping the scene, but it was
what Samuel needed to hear.

"I don't want you to do it. Please, just hurry."

He thought he should take his time. He slowed his progress with the crop, lingering over the
backs of Samuel's thighs, and then calves.

"Peter!" Samuel flipped back over, cheeks damp and flushed.

"What? I never said I'd take the direct route to them."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because you need it." His poor love; he should have done this sooner, should have put his foot
down and given Samuel a night of his own a week ago, at the very least.

"I don't. Please, my feet. I don't need it."

"We said two more and yes, you do." He finally got down to Samuel's ankles. "Now."

Samuel turned his upper body, and the ropes dug into his lover's skin. Hiding his face in the
pillow, Samuel waited, stiff and still. He gave each foot a single, hard hit, and then did it again.

"There." He slid his hands over Samuel's feet, the skin so hot. "You'll have to stay home
tomorrow, love. Lie in bed and sleep."

"Leave them alone..." Samuel jerked himself into a fetal position, rocking himself and sobbing.

"No, I won't." He sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped his hand around one foot, then he
reached for his lover and gathered Samuel, rope and all, into his arms.

"Leave me alone..." Samuel cried, pushing closer to him.

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"Never, Samuel. You're mine and I'll never leave you alone." He ran his hands over Samuel's
back, his ass.

"My heart hurts."

"Leave it with me. I'll hold it and protect it."

They rocked together, Samuel's sobs slowly easing.

"I'm going to take the ropes off now, and then I'm going to make love to you."

He pressed kisses to Samuel's face, licking away the tears. Samuel looked at him, eyes so lost, so
tired. "I love you." It was important that his Samuel know that.

"I know. I need that. You. Us."

He knew. "You have it. Always. Even when you forget that you have it, I don't."

He laid Sammy out on the bed and began to undo the ropes, starting with the knot around the left
foot. Samuel whimpered when he touched the red, swollen foot.

"We'll ice these later." He met Samuel's eyes. "And you'll stay in bed tomorrow."

"What if Jason needs me?"

"No, there are no 'what ifs' -- that was an order." He could field any calls and needs for the day.

Those dark eyes stared at him, stared into him. "An order?"

"That's right. An order."

"I don't know what to do, Peter. I'm so fucking tired."

"You have a day in bed, love. You'll sleep."

He continued to take the ropes off. Samuel needed to come now, to be made love to until his
brain just shut off and he could sleep. Peter even considered shackling his lover to the bed so
Samuel had no choice but to obey.

"Will you stay with me?"

"Yes." He leaned in and removed the rope from around Samuel's prick. "Someone has to feed

"I've been so scared."

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"You have to tell me these things, Samuel." He kissed the tip of his lover's cock. "I don't want
you to be scared or unhappy or worried."

"I have to be. I know how Harry feels. It's so awful..."

"Oh, Samuel." He got the rest of the rope undone and brought Samuel back into his arms. He
should have thought that this would bring all Samuel's old memories back of being beaten and
terrified. "It's never going to happen to you again, my love."

"You don't know that. No one can know that."

"You have someone in your corner now, though. That I do know." He pressed kisses on Samuel's
face and chest.

"I do. I just... I didn't think it would..." Samuel's voice trailed off as their lips brushed.

"I think it's only natural that what happened to Harry's brought your past up." He closed their lips
together and gave Samuel a longer kiss.

Samuel licked his lips, then pushed into the kiss, the sense of desperation starting to creep in. He
took control of the kiss, pressing Samuel down into the mattress, knowing the marks from the
crop would be stinging, taking Samuel's attention from his mind.

He could feel Samuel's cock beginning to fill, to push against his belly. His fingers slid over
Samuel's chest, moving slowly toward one nipple. Samuel murmured into his lips, tongue
fucking his mouth. He grabbed one little nipple ring and twisted it. Samuel bit his bottom lip,
tugged on it. Humming, he twisted the nipple ring as he ground their hips together. His lip stung
as Samuel bit harder, and he groaned. He slid his mouth down and bit at Samuel's neck.

"More." The single word was harsh, husky.

He bit harder, licking the skin around his bite and then moving on to another piece of flesh.

"I fucking love your mouth."

Growling, he bit down, his hand finding Samuel's hip and spanking it hard.

"Ow!" Samuel jerked away, then pushed back. "I... I fucking love your hands, too." Oh, little

"Samuel." He shifted away and turned Samuel over, began to spank the already rosy ass.

"Y...yes. Yes. Fuck... I need you."

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"Samuel! Stop swearing!" He reached down and slid his fingers over Samuel's soles, one and
then the other.

"No! Don't touch!" Was his lover laughing?

Shaking his head, he rubbed Samuel's feet again, tapping his fingers gently against the inflamed

"No! No! Don't touch. They ache!"

"You don't swear, I don't touch them." He gave them one last little tap and then began to spank
Samuel's ass again.

"I want to swear. I want to be bad. I want to just..." Samuel moaned, arched into the next blow.

"Lose yourself in it. Go ahead, love. I've got you." He spanked his hand down along Samuel's

Samuel didn't answer, but the lean body began to rock, dancing over his thighs, pushing back
into each blow. He threatened Samuel's feet again and then headed back up, going to the sweet
ass. His hand was beginning to ache, his palm on fire, but he kept spanking, kept working
Samuel's skin. It was perfect, the way Samuel finally relaxed, finally let him in and trusted.

He kept at it until he was exhausted, then he let his hand slide on Samuel's ass, rubbing it.

"I love you." Samuel spread for him, moaned.

"Me, too." He reached for the lube and slicked up his fingers, sliding two into Samuel's ass.

"Yes..." Samuel's hole was hot, tight, the flesh around it swollen and bruised.

He stretched Samuel, fingers spreading, twisting, and searching for the little gland.

"Please..." Samuel spread wider, hips canting up.

He nodded, not caring that Samuel couldn't see, and withdrew his fingers. He made short work of
slicking up his cock, then he settled between Samuel's legs. Spreading the hot cheeks, he nudged
the little hole.

"Yours. Yours. Love." Samuel pressed back, the tight hole scraping against the tip of his cock.

Groaning, he sank in, loving the tight heat as it engulfed his prick. Samuel was on fire inside, the
muscles squeezing, rippling around him.

"So good, Samuel." He started thrusting, moving in and out of the best place on earth.

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He didn't get an answer; all Sammy did was press back, taking him deeper. He wrapped his
hands around Samuel's ass, adding a tugging motion to his thrusts, to Samuel's pushes. They
moved harder together, faster, skin slapping. Through it all, Samuel was silent, not even

He reached around to grab Samuel's prick. Hard and leaking, that hard tube of flesh slapping into
his hand. He used the force of his thrusts to push it through his palm. It felt good, taking Samuel,
giving him pleasure. His cock ached, his balls were drawn up tight. So close. So hard.

"Come with me, Samuel. Together."

Samuel nodded, moaned low. "Now. Now, love. Need you..."

"Yes. Now!" he shouted, punching in deep.

Spunk sprayed over his fingers, the musk of Samuel hitting his nose. He cried out, hips snapping
again as he came hard. He fell forward, body landing on Samuel. He breathed into Samuel's
hand, hands sliding on his lover's skin.

"I want you to tell me I don't have to see them tomorrow." Now, that wasn't something he'd
expected to hear.

"You're not seeing anyone tomorrow. You're staying in bed. You're sleeping and being pampered
and not thinking about anything."


"I do. I will be the lion at the gate and none shall pass." He'd hoped for a laugh, but the soft,
satisfied sigh would have to do.

Peter slipped out of Samuel's body and curled around him. "I love you."

"I love you, sir. I do." Samuel grabbed his arms and held on tight.

"Good." He kissed Samuel's ear. "Go to sleep, I have you."

And he'd keep the demons at bay, no matter what it took.

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Chapter Thirty-Four

"Scream for us, Pig."

"Look at this. I wonder how a nightstick feels?"

"Beg us, asshole."

Harry jerked awake, stumbling out of the bed and heading for the toilet. He made it just in time
to lose his supper, his entire body shuddering. Jason was there when he was done, rubbing his
back with warm hands.

"Don't... I... Water?"

"Coming right up." Jason filled the bathroom cup and brought it over. "Did you want a shower,

"Yes. God, yes." He nodded, tried to figure how to stand up.

Jason was right there, sliding beneath his arm and helping him up before giving him the cup.
Then his lover started the shower. "There, nice and hot."

"I... Go back to bed, babe. I'm worthless."

"No, you're not. Besides, you need someone to scrub your back." Jason stepped into the shower,
bringing him along, cup of water and all.

The light was still off, and the darkness was comforting, close. The water just hot enough to feel
like it was cleaning him without scalding his skin.

"I'm going to wash you now, love."

"I'm sorry." He leaned against the tile, eyes closed. He'd fucked up, so bad.

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"I wish you'd stop apologizing, love. This isn't your fault." Jason's hands moved over him, soapy
and slick, careful, gentle, loving.

"Things happened, babe. I... I fucked up. Bad."

"Because you couldn't fight off three guys with guns? You aren't dead. You survived what they
did, and you came back to me. That's not fucking up -- that's being my hero, damn it!"

"I'm not a hero. I... I begged them." He'd begged them to stop. To stop the pain. To kill him. And
he was going to have to identify them. Listen to them in court. Know that they knew.

"Did you beg them to hurt you, Harry? Is that what you begged for? Did you ask them to do this
to you? Of course not! You begged them to stop -- but when they didn't, you survived anyway."
Jason hugged him suddenly, wrapping around him. "You are too my hero. You're the biggest
hero in the world." Jason sounded so fierce, so sure.

"I hurt, babe. I want to kill them. I want to hurt them and make them scream."

"And I want to help you."

"No. No." He grabbed Jason, held him close. "No. If they ever... Damn it. No. I. No."

"Shh, Harry. It's okay. They're in custody and they're going to go to prison." Jason's lips brushed
his softly. "We're both safe."

"I don't think I'll ever fucking feel safe again."

"You will. You have to give it time, Harry. Those animals need to go to jail and you need to heal
and you will."

"I... I wanted to die. At the end. They had a hammer. And my hands. I wanted to die."

"Harry... Oh, God, love, I'm sorry. I am, but I'm selfish and I'm glad you didn't die. I am."

He leaned into Jason. "They did things to me... Horrible things. I can't sleep, Jase."

Jason held him close. "You need to talk to someone, love. If not me, then a shrink, someone who
can help you process what happened so you can get over it."

"I have to talk to a fucking shrink for the precinct. I'm not telling some fucking stranger that
three assholes raped my ass with my gun!" He snarled the words out, growled low.

Jason's arms tightened around him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Don't. Don't. Just... I can't... I can't breathe, Jase. I can't fucking sleep. I can't THINK!"

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"So tell me what to do, then, to make it better. I want to help you. I need to help you."

"I don't know." He leaned his forehead against Jason's. "I just don't know, babe."

"It's all right -- we'll figure it out."

Harry couldn't stop his smile. "When did you get so damn macho?"

"Me? Macho?" Jason shook his head. "I just love you."

"I love you, too. I wanted to see you one more time. When it was bad. I wanted to tell you I was
so sorry."

"Thank you for holding on for me, love. I know it was horrible, I know you just wanted it over,
so thank you for holding on."

"I had to. I'm too fucking stupid to die."

"I think the word you're looking for is stubborn."

"Idiotic." He wasn't going to smile again.

"See? Stubborn."

"Uh-huh. You think it's time for another pain pill? I got to get some sleep before the dentist

"Yeah, you can have one. I could heat some milk for you to take with it. That'll help put you to

"Okay. Peter says Sammy's out of commission tomorrow. You're going to have to take me."

"Of course I'll take you." Jason turned off the water and helped him out of the tub before
carefully drying him off. "I'll do anything for you."

He caught sight of himself in the mirror, shuddered, and turned away.

"You'll heal," Jason told him softly, but firmly.

"I'll never be what I was." There was no way. He'd been easy in his skin. Now he was a fucking

Jason stopped him and stroked his cheeks, made him look into caring, love-filled eyes. "You're
still my Harry, though. No matter what else changes, you'll always be my Harry."

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"Yeah. Yeah, babe." That was the easy part.

"Okay, let's get you some warm milk, a pain pill, and bed, huh? You have a busy day tomorrow
and need your sleep." Jason's arm went around his waist, his lover walking him back to bed.

"Yeah. It's not going to be fun." But it would be better than having them broken.

"But think how much better you'll feel once it's done. And you'll be able to eat more than just
soft stuff." Jason fluffed the pillows and fixed the covers.

"In a couple of days, yeah." He settled back in the bed, rested his hands through the holes in the
foam pillow the doctors had given him.

Jason settled the covers over him and then popped a pill into his mouth and held the bottle of
water up to his lips.

"I'm sorry I woke you." The pill went down easy.

"It's okay, love. I'll get back to sleep soon as I've made you your milk." Jason kissed the side of
his mouth and smiled at him.

"I love you, Jason. You know, huh?"

"I know." The smile Jason gave him said it all.


Harry closed his eyes. "Turn on the TV for me before you go to the kitchen?"

"Of course." Jason did that, tuning it to The History Channel, and then gave him another soft
kiss. "I'll be right back."

This was so wrong, this whole thing.

The whole fucking thing.

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Chapter Thirty-Five

It was funny how the days seemed to all bleed one into the other, and then all of a sudden you
turned around and weeks had passed. Harry'd been home for awhile now, and it had been almost
two weeks since his mouth had been fixed.

Jason was trying to be patient and understanding, but he really, very much wanted a real kiss,
wanted to connect with Harry on that level. It made him feel selfish, too, that he wanted that.
And maybe what he really wanted was for Harry to want it, too, to be ready for that intimacy.

He finished warming up lunch and put it on a tray, carrying it out to the living room where Harry
was ensconced in his new chair, the TV making noise in the background. He was pretty sure
Harry wasn't actually watching it.

"Hey, love. I've got chicken noodle soup and toast."

He got a quirky, sad little grin. "When do I get a burger and fries again?" Still, Harry sat up, the
hand braces easier to maneuver than the heavier casts, and took a piece of toast.

"I don't know, Sammy only brings healthy food." He gave Harry a grin. "Maybe we could sneak
through the drive-thru on our way home from physio tomorrow."

Harry did physio three days a week and supplemented it with exercises at home in between.
Anita always knew when he'd done too much and kept him from overdoing.

"I could handle that." Harry sighed, rolled his shoulders. "I'm thinking about going into the
precinct a couple days a week."

Jason was proud of himself for not fluttering at that. "Yeah? You could go in one day for a
couple of hours and see how it goes, how you're feeling."

"Yeah. They'll have to assign me a new partner."

"Do you think..." He took a breath. "What department will they put you in?" He wanted Harry
out of Vice, needed it.

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"I'll go back to Vice. You know that. At least until they can transfer me."

"How long do you think that'll take?" He hated that Harry was going back to Vice. Hated it. At
least he wouldn't be out on the street yet, not with his hands still in the braces. He could handle
this. For Harry, he could.

"I don't know. Not long. It's not safe for me to be out there right now. They all know me. Nobody
will want me on the street."

Jason nodded, feeling better knowing Harry wouldn't be asked go back out there. He sat on the
arm of Harry's chair. "You'd like to go back to at least work the desk, though. I know you don't
like having nothing to do." Harry needed to feel useful, he needed to do his job. And damn it, he
needed to feel like he was helping people, protecting them. Jason wanted Harry to get that
feeling back, to know he was as good as he ever was.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." Harry's moods swung violently these days; his lover went
from icy to boiling from minute to minute. The doctors insisted that it was to be expected, but...
it just wasn't Harry.

"Okay, then. Let's eat." He put the spoon into Harry's fingers and set the TV tray closer. "It's the
last of the soup, so there's lots of noodles and chunks of chicken and carrots."

"You ever wonder if Sammy has stock in chicken?"

That had him giggling happily. "He should if he doesn't."

"No shit. I mean, it's like the little guy has an aversion to red meat." Was that a smile?

Jason beamed back at Harry. "You'll have to ask him. I bet he could talk about it for ages."

"God help us all." Harry had started eating better, finally. "Is there more bread or something?"

"Yeah. I can get you more toast or even some of that nice bread from the bakery." It was good
hearing Harry want more food.

"I can do it, babe."

Jason opened his mouth to say he'd do it; he'd started to stand, too. Then he sat back and nodded.
It was a good sign Harry wanted to do it himself, right? "Okay. If you get the good bread, bring
me a slice, too, please."

"You want butter?"

"Yes, please." He reached out and touched Harry's arm. "Thank you."

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Harry tutted softly, then moved to the kitchen. He wasn't sure how Harry was going to deal with
the knife, but his lover was smart, capable... and stubborn. He had a feeling that that was what
was going to get Harry through this in the end.

Jason made himself take a couple of mouthfuls of soup and then he sat there, telling himself over
and over that he couldn't go check up on Harry; he had to let his lover deal with this himself.

Harry came in with two misshapen pieces of bread, liberally buttered and well-toasted. "Here
you go. Why don't we have any beer?" Like Harry needed beer on top of pain pills.

"Because it's not on your diet."

"My diet?" One blond eyebrow went up.

"You know -- things you're allowed to eat because that's what Sammy brought over." He hadn't
grocery shopped himself since... just since.

Harry looked at him, shook his head. "I hate this place. This condo. This whole fucking city."

"Then we move." He would do anything Harry needed him to. "I have to admit, I'd be happier if
you were working in the 'burbs." Even before this had happened, Jason'd always worried while
Harry was out on the streets working Vice.

Harry looked at him, eyes wide. "What? But your friends are here. Your life."

"I'm not suggesting we move to the other side of the country, but there's some nice places a half
hour's drive or so from here. I've seen them when Sammy's taken me antiquing."

"I..." Harry closed his eyes for a second, swayed. "I need to get out of here, babe. Right now."

"Come on, then. We'll go for a walk." Harry was wearing slippers, and he figured that was good
enough for a walk around the block. He took Harry's arm and led him to the door.

"No. No, I don't have my piece. I can't protect you like this." Harry showed him those poor

He took Harry's face between his hands and made his lover look at him. "It's okay. We can take a
walk around the block and be okay. We can." He wasn't going to panic; the doctor had said
Harry's emotions would be all over the place. This was normal for what Harry had been through.
He could do this. For Harry.

"Jason. Jason, I can't... I can't keep doing this. I'm crazy. I'm losing my fucking mind."

"Then stop it! Just stop it! I need you here with me, with your mind. I need you not crazy -- you
need you not crazy."

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"And if I can't? If I am fucking crazy?"

Jason shook his head. "You're not. I know you're not." He'd seen too many glimpses of his Harry.
He knew Harry was going to get better, knew it deep inside.

"How the fuck can you know, man? How do you know that I'll ever fucking come back from that
hole they buried me in?"

"Because I believe in you. I believed in you when they had you, and you lived, you held on for
me. And I believe in you now." He pushed up suddenly, taking the kiss he so desperately wanted,
needed. He pressed their lips together and put all his love into it.

Harry went horribly, desperately still for a second, but before he could pull away, those strong
arms wrapped around him and pulled him close. Then Harry kissed him back. Jason took in a
breath that was almost a sob and opened his mouth wide for Harry. His tongue flicked against
Harry's lips, begging Harry's tongue to come play.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Harry. His Harry.

The kiss wasn't wild, but it was real and it was right and it was Harry. That sweet tongue touched
his, slid along one side, gentle as could be. He kissed Harry back just as gently, breathing
through his nose and just sinking into the sensations, letting everything else but Harry, right here,
right now, kissing him, go away. One kiss turned into another, then another and another and
another, each one as sweet as the last. Jason didn't want it to ever end. He didn't care if all they
did was kiss, this right here was pure heaven.

"Making me lightheaded. Come sit." Harry was breathing into his lips, panting softly.

He let Harry lead him back to the recliner, and once Harry was sitting, Jason climbed into his
lap. He brought their lips together again, smiling into Harry's eyes. God, he wanted more of
those kisses. More of Harry's kisses.

"You look happy." The words were whispered against his lips.

He whispered, too. "I am. You make me so happy."

"Good." Harry's wrists landed on the small of his back, holding on.

He put his own arms around Harry's shoulders, linking his fingers behind Harry's neck as he
slipped his tongue along Harry's lips. It didn't even feel sexual, which was weird, but he felt like
it was them for the first time. Honestly, truly them, together, whole.

He could have cried from sheer joy, but that would have changed it and he wasn't changing this
for all the money in the world.

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"Love you," he whispered as the soft, sweet kisses continued.

He'd love Harry forever.

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Chapter Thirty-Six

"Yes, David. I'll have the chairs delivered in plenty of time for that. We're well under budget, so
I have hopes we'll make a deal on the le Beaug painting for the lobby."

He scribbled on his calendar, making notes as he went through the mail at the store, sorting it
quickly. He wasn't officially working, but he knew that Peter needed help, and he was in between
errands. The job with David had blossomed into four new clients and a partnership with a major
designer in LA who was doing her own television show for one of the cable networks.

Between that, cooking for Jason and Harry, running errands, doing odds and ends for the store,
cleaning their house, and having Peter's mother in town to entertain for the last two weeks, the
calendar was vital. Completely.

His cell started ringing again, call display showing him it was Jase. He closed his eyes, took a
deep breath, then answered. "Hey, hon."

"Hey, Sammy, how's it going?"

"Good. How's you?" He did the deposit, answered a couple of emails.

"Okay. Harry's at work. His case isn't coming up anytime soon."

"Oh. That sucks, huh? How's he holding up?" He and Peter had been over almost daily, but he
didn't stay long and mostly just left food, took home empty containers.

"A little bit better every day. Hey, it's Saturday tomorrow. Did you and Peter want to do

He looked at his calendar at the open weekend, regretting the loss of two whole days in the
apartment, cleaning and cooking and loving on Peter now that Peter's mother was gone again.
"That sounds great. Do you want to meet somewhere?"

"I'll ask Harry, see if he wants to go somewhere or have you over."

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"Okay, honey. That sounds fun." Sort of. He shook his head at himself. "Hey, what are you
doing? Like, right now."

"Honestly? Trying not to fret about Harry."

"You want to go out to lunch and go shopping for an hour? I don't have an appointment until

"Oh, I'd love to!" He could hear the smile in Jason's voice.

"I'll meet you at Rosie's in ten?"

"I'll be there! Bye, honey!"

Sammy nodded to himself, feeling better already. He needed something easy, something where
they could just sit. He locked up, put the sign up that said, 'by appointment only,' and headed
down to the café.

When he got there, Jase waved at him from a table near the window, smiling brightly at him.

"Hey, you!" He smiled back, headed over. "Tell me you ordered cocktails."

Giggling, Jason stood as he got to the table and gave him a big hug. "Two margaritas."

"Oh, score." He kissed Jason's cheek. "You look good, honey."

"So do you. Sit. It feels like it's been forever since we've just shared a meal and chatted."

"It does." He sat, and Jason reached for his hands over the table. He took them, squeezed hard.

"Tell me what's new with you."

"I have a new job." He waited for Jason's response.

"What? Doing what? What happened to your job at the store?"

"I quit. I'm doing private collections. You know the huge new resort off Beach? I'm doing the
furniture for it."

"Oh, wow. Oh, Sammy, that's wonderful!" Jason laughed and got up, coming around to hug and
kiss him.

"It is, huh? It's kind of scary, but I'm really doing good."

"What did Peter say?"

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"He's being cool about it. I'm trying to work at the store as much as I can, but he's a doll."

Jason beamed at him. "He's a good man, Sammy. I'm so happy for you!"

"He is. How's Harry doing?"

"Okay. He has his ups and his downs. I think it helps that he's at work a couple days a week. He's
not good at sitting around, you know?"

"Yeah." He got that. "How about you?"

"I'm okay. The fall weather's been nice, but I hate having to decide whether or not to book
myself available every day. I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to work. Especially on the days
Harry's at work."

"So don't. Just take it easy, hmm?"

Jason nodded, any other answer he might have given interrupted by the waitress with their

"You guys know what you want yet?"

"You want to share a fish and chips with me?" Sammy asked.

Nodding, Jason smiled at him. "Sure, that sounds great."

"Fish and chips with a green salad, please."

"Sure thing." She wrote something down her pad, grabbed the menus off the table. "Won't be

"Cool. Thanks!" He sipped his drink, the salt and sweet and lime just perfect. "So? You?"

"Really, I'm okay, honey. I miss you. I mean, I know we see you almost every day, but it seems
like we hardly have a chance to talk anymore, you know?"

"I know. I know, Jase. Things have been insane. I'm ready for things to be normal again."

"Oh, God, so am I."

Sammy nodded, took Jason's hand again. "So, tell me something wonderful that's happened."

Jason blushed lightly, his eyes shining. "Harry and I have been kissing."

"Really? Oh, Jase..." He squeezed Jason's hand. As bad as he knew it had been, that was huge.

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Huge. Jase looked like he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. "That's vastly cool, honey. I'm
so pleased." He'd heard about... things. He'd been scared for Jase.

Jase giggled. "Me, too."

"I bet! So, can he... you know..." He waved his hand.

"I haven't pushed it yet, but when I wake up in the morning, he's hard." Jase took a sip of his
margarita. "I keep waiting for him to make the first move, but I think I'm going to have to go for

"Probably, yeah. I mean, I bet he doesn't feel so sexy." He hadn't, not for a long time.

"He still is, though." Jason gave him a sweet smile. "He just does it for me, Sammy."

"Good. Otherwise, it would suck a little."

"Do you... do you think I should do something romantic, like a candlelight dinner or something,
or just, you know, go for while we're kissing?"

"Does Harry like romantic?" Harry didn't seem romantic.

"Well, he can be romantic... in his own way." Jason sighed. "Maybe I should just go for it. I just
don't want him to feel like he has to. I want him to want to."

"Hon, don't stress it. You both know it's gonna be awkward and weird. Just let it be awkward and
weird. Laugh about it. You know... he might cry after. He might freak out. Just sorta... let it be
what it is." He wasn't sure if it was good advice, but it was honest advice.

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea."

Their waitress came back with their fish and chips. She'd brought an extra plate along as well.

"Oh, it looks good."

"Mmm. Crunchy goodness!" He looked at Jason, started chuckling.

Jason's happy giggles were so good to hear.

It was almost like... normal.

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Peter led Samuel into the Dog and Duck, looking for Harry and Jason. It was the first time they'd
all been out together since Harry'd been kidnapped. Hell, he was pretty sure it was the first time
Harry'd been out to eat since then.

There they were in the corner, Harry's back to the wall, Jason beside him, hand on Harry's arm as
he talked. Harry looked pale and drawn, but the man was out and didn't look like he was going to

Noticing them, Jason beamed and waved them over.

Peter chuckled. "Just like old times, hmm?" Maybe not quite, but they were all trying hard.

Samuel went to hug Jason, kiss the pale cheek. Harry nodded at him, offered him one, gnarled
hand. It looked a thousand times better than it had, and he took it, careful not to squeeze.

"It's so good to be out all together," Jason looked happy.

"It is. Thanks for inviting us." He saw Samuel to his chair and then seated himself.

"We need to do this more often, huh, Jase?"

"We do." Jase didn't say 'like we used to,' but the words hung there just the same.

"Well, this is my treat, to celebrate Samuel picking up a new client." Peter smiled.

Samuel's dark eyes lit up. "Three new clients."

"Three?" Peter laughed and leaned in for a kiss. "You are amazing."

"Oh, Sammy -- congratulations!" Jase gave Samuel a big hug. "That's so great."

Samuel shrugged. "It's just... I like it. It's what I wanted to do."

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"I think it's wonderful, Sammy." Jason giggled softly. "We should celebrate with champagne --
mimosas at least."

Peter nodded his agreement. "Excellent idea."

"Just orange juice for me." Harry smiled at Samuel. "Congrats, Queenie."

"Fuck you, Harry." Samuel winked.

Peter snorted and waved at the waiter, getting his attention. "Three mimosas and an orange juice,

"Got it. You ready to order now, too? We're getting pretty busy, and if I can get your orders in
now, it'll speed things along."

"Sure. Samuel?"

"I want the eggs Benedict, please."

Peter chuckled. He'd been about to order that for both of them. "Me, too, please."

"What do you want, Harry?" Jase asked.

"Pancakes, sausage, eggs, scrambled."

"And I'll have the fruit plate, please."

"Okay, hopefully that won't be too long, folks."

Harry sat, still and solid and oddly silent.

"How's the job, old man?" Peter asked.

"I'm transferring back to Homicide next week."

"Looks like we have another reason to celebrate -- congratulations."

Jason beamed at Harry, looking pleased as punch.

"Thanks." Harry almost smiled. Almost.

The waiter came back with their drinks, and Jason and Sammy clinked their glasses together.

Harry watched the boys, then sipped his juice. "Congrats."

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Jason's hand slid over Harry's, the touch gentle and loving. It was good to see.

He met his own lover's eyes and smiled. Samuel grinned at him, and he could see the tired in
them as well as the happiness. They needed to have another talk, discuss a redistribution of work,
make sure Samuel was getting what he needed.

Samuel and Jason talked and talked, just like old times. Harry watched -- him, the boys, out the
window. It broke his heart a little. Harry'd always had half an eye on what was going on around
them -- the man was a cop, of course he had -- but now it was different. Now it was far more

"Peter, are you and Harry going to watch the game together? If you are, Jase and I will go
grocery shopping."

"What do you say, Harrison? Are we going to watch the game together?"

"Sure. At the condo, not here." A grin softened the harsh tone of the words. "I have this great

Laughing, he nodded. "You do. Hopefully, beer and munchies to go with it, too."

Samuel was about to say something, no doubt to tell him about whatever game-time munchies
he'd made, when their food came. They all settled down to it, the food as good as he

Jason picked at his food, and Harry nudged him. "Eat. Is the pineapple good?"

"It is -- you should try." Jason speared a piece and fed it to Harry.

Harry opened up, ate it. "Mmm."

"The papaya's the real treat, though." Jason fed a couple pieces of that to Harry as well, smiling
as Harry snapped it up.

"Now you."

"Yeah, yeah." Jason popped a small piece of melon into his mouth.

Harry put some egg, a bite of sausage on Jason's plate.

"Is it good?" Jason cut the little piece of sausage into three and ate one of the pieces. "It is. The
food's always so good here."

"It is. Eat."

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"I'm eating, I'm eating. You finish your plate." Jase continued to pick at his food and Peter raised
an eyebrow at Samuel.

Samuel shrugged, smiled sadly. "It's just not my food, Harry. He's spoiled now."

Jason giggled, nodded, fork slipping onto his plate. Harry watched Jason, then sighed softly,
head down as he finished his breakfast. Peter's eggs were good, and he finished them about the
same time Samuel did.

"So what are the two of you going to do once you've got the groceries?" Peter asked, teasing.

"We're going to come back to the condo and share a bubble bath, a box of chocolate, and a bottle
of wine while the stew cooks."

"Oh, Sammy, we haven't done that in a million years."

"I know. The boys can grunt at the TV and you and I can relax. Then we'll all share a lovely
supper." Samuel looked completely and utterly smug.

"It sounds like a plan. And a wonderful way to spend the rest of the day." He raised his glass
again before taking a sip from his drink.

It wasn't perfect, it wasn't exactly like before, but it was good.

Today, that was more than enough.

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Harry sat in his chair, squeezing his grip trainers over and over as he pretended to watch another

Jason came out with a couple of hot chocolates. "I put whipped cream on yours, love."

"Thank you, babe." They smelled good.

Jason slipped onto his lap. "It's still really hot, we'll have to wait a few minutes for them to cool

"Okay." He sat his hand exerciser down beside the cups on the TV tray. "They're getting

Jason picked one up and kissed each knuckle. "Good."

"Yeah. I qualify at the gun range in three weeks. I want them to be ready."

Jason kissed them again. "As long as you don't hurt yourself, love."

"I'll be fine." He kissed the top of Jason's head, then leaned back in his chair.

Cupping his cheeks, Jason leaned in for a kiss. Harry couldn't help but smile, and he let their lips
meet. This happy little sound came from Jason, his lover's tongue slipping across his lips and
then between them. Jason had been sampling the cocoa; he could taste it.

One sweet kiss flowed into another, Jason moaning softly, his hands sliding down to hold Harry's
shoulders. It felt nice to hum into the kisses, to just relax and know that they were solid, safe.
One of Jason's hands slid around to his chest, rubbing back and forth along the front of his T-
shirt. His hands rested around Jason's hips, circling carefully, not holding too tight. Humming
into his lips, Jason shifted, moved a little closer on his lap.

"You want your hot chocolate, babe?"

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"In a bit. I have something much sweeter here." Jason looked at him from beneath his lashes.

"Flirt." Like he was sweet.

Jason giggled and went back to kissing. The hand on his chest found his nipple and rubbed
across it. Harry's breath caught, the tingling sensation going straight to his balls. Back and forth,
Jason's finger slid over his nipple. It began to firm up, the tiny piece of flesh going hard.

"Jase..." That... Damn, he wasn't sure if... Oh, fuck, that made him ache a little, in the best
possible way.

"Just want to touch you a little," murmured Jason, hips rolling to press their crotches together.

"I don't know if..." Oh, it didn't matter. If he couldn't get it up, Jason could, and it felt good to

"Doesn't matter," whispered Jason. "Just touching, loving on you."

He was given another sweet kiss, and then Jason licked his chin, ducked under it to kiss his neck.
He let his head fall back, his throat working as Jason loved on him. He could feel his hands,
opening and closing, touching Jason, but it was a distant sensation.

Little licks covered his neck all the way to the collar of his T-shirt. Jason tugged a little. "Can we
take this off?"

"Sure." He raised his arms, his shoulders popping.

Jason grabbed his T-shirt at the waist and slowly, carefully pulled it up and off. He could feel
Jason's fingers on his skin.

"I need to get back to the gym, huh?"

"I don't know, you still look like a stud to me." Jason smiled at him and then bent to flick a
tongue across his nipple, the same one Jason had played with earlier.

"Jason..." His eyes rolled back in his head. "Fuck."

"Just want to touch you, make you feel good." The words were whispered against his skin, and
then Jason sucked on his nipple, tongue flicking across it again.

Nimble, warm fingers found his other nipple and danced across his belly. He shook his head, but
he didn't mean it. He wanted it. He wanted Jase. Jason moved to suck his other nipple in, fingers
continuing to glide over his skin. They were like magic, leaving tingling trails behind them. His
hips started rolling, pushing up restlessly.

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Jason pushed at the waistband of his sweats, moving them down. His toes curled, and he pushed
up and let Jason slide the cloth off.

Jason pulled the sweats down so they were around the tops of his thighs. His sweet lover
moaned, hand moving to circle his cock. "You're beautiful, Harry."

"Am not." Jason had locked the doors, right?

"I think you are." Jason's mouth covered his again, his lover's hand slowly moving up and down
along his cock, making it grow hard.

He moaned, shook his head, then his hand joined Jason's, moving them together.

"I want to taste you." Jason whispered the words, looking right into his eyes.

"What if I taste different now?"

"Then I learn how my Harry tastes now." Jason began to wriggle, sliding down.

This sound left him -- part laugh, part sob. It was fucked up.

Jason settled between his legs, head in his lap. Then his lover looked up at him, eyes full of
adoration. "I love you, Harry. More than anything."

"I know, Jase. There are fucking days where..." He shrugged. "You know."

"I know. But I'll always be here for you, love. Helping you, loving you." Jason stopped talking
and touched the tip of Harry's prick with his tongue.

Harry stilled, watched, and prayed a little. Let it feel good. Please, God. Please, let it feel good.
Let it... Jason's lips wrapped around the tip and the suction started and he almost cried. "Yes..."
Thank you. Thank you. Oh, yeah. That was... right.

Jason made a noise that vibrated around his cock, then his lover went slowly all the way down on
him. Then up again, Jason's head bobbing gently.

His thighs spread and his ass slid on the chair. "Jason." This was his Jason. Thank you, God. So
much. His Jason.

Jason pulled off long enough to grin up at him. "You taste good, Harry. You taste like you
should." Then Jason turned back to his cock, eyelashes fanned out across the top of his lover's

He let one hand rest on Jason's head, fingers tangling in the soft hair. He felt Jason's smile
around his cock, and then the delicious bobbing began again, Jason's lips dragging along his

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cock. The sensations were familiar, comforting as fuck, and the best things he'd ever
experienced. His skin felt tight, his muscles ached where they tensed and relaxed. "Don't stop."

One of Jason's hands found his and twined their fingers together, Jason's slender and lovely, his
gnarled and ugly. Jason didn't stop. The head-bobbing got faster, the suction stronger. Jason was
working him hard.

His orgasm started building, crawling up from the base of his spine and growing, sliding through
him. Jason's other hand found his balls and gently cradled them. "Soon." He spread a little wider,
his heart slamming in his chest.

Jason nodded, the rhythm of the head-bobbing breaking for just a moment before it started up
again. He slammed his hands down on the arms of his chair, the remote falling to the floor as he
humped up, fucking those fine lips. Jason's throat swallowed around the head of his cock every
time he pushed it deep.

Harry grunted, cried out Jason's name as his balls drew up. Jason pulled even harder on his prick,
almost demanding he come. The room spun a little and his balls emptied, his cry turning into a

Jason drank him down, every single drop, and kept sucking as if wanting more.

"Jason. Jason." He shook, and he couldn't quite catch his breath.

Jason kissed the tip of his cock and climbed back up into his lap, just beaming at him. "I love
you, Harry."

"It was good?" He shivered, dragged Jason close. "Love you."

"It was so good. You tasted like heaven." Jason's mouth met his, tongue pushing between his
lips, sweet and salty flavors coming with it.

His hand curled around Jason's hip, and he held on with all he was.

"Do you think... Could you?" Jason fumbled at his own waist and then took Harry's free hand
and brought it to Jason's cock. It was hard, leaking at the top. "Help?"

"Anytime." Harry grinned against Jason's lips, fingers wrapping around that fine prick. "I've been
working them out. Hard."

"Well, I can help with that, anytime you want to do this..." Jason laughed, the sound husky,

He dragged his hand up, measuring Jason from root to tip, then back down.

"Harry. God." Jason made a sound in his throat, hips beginning to roll.

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"That's right. I have you." Jason looked so hot, so fine.

"Love you." Jason's arms wrapped around his shoulders, his lover rocking and moaning.

Harry nodded. "Love." It was going to be okay. It had to be. This was the start of shit being right.

"Love!" Jason's eyes went wide and he jerked, heat splashing over Harry's hand.

His smile made his cheeks hurt, it was so big.

"Love you, Harry. Love you so much." Jason pressed their lips together, his lover smiling just as

"Yeah." He rubbed their noses together. "Little seducer."

Jason giggled, the sound so dear, so good.

"You think the cocoa's ready to drink yet?"

"Oh! I bet it is." Jason gave him a quick kiss and then tucked both their pricks away, giving his a
little pat before climbing off his lap to grab the cocoa from the coffee table. "In fact, I think it's
just about perfect."

"Uh-huh. Come sit, babe. I think Mythbusters is coming on. Grab the remote?"

"Sounds good, love." Jason got the remote, handed him his mug and climbed up onto his lap
again, curling up against his chest.

His free hand found a place to rest in the small of Jason's back.

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Jason hummed as he and Sammy put away leftovers, did dishes, and set out myriad desserts and
after-dinner munchies. Sammy had outdone himself; there was a ton of leftovers, and everything
had been amazingly delicious.

Harry, his pop, and Peter were in the living room 'watching' the game. Probably all in a food
coma. It made him giggle.

"I can't believe this is our last Thanksgiving in this condo, Jase. You really think you'll find a
house in the 'burbs?"

"Yeah, we've been looking. There's some really nice homes, and Harry's been looking into the
job situation; he says it looks good." He was ready to leave the city. More than ready, really.
Harry could do some good in a small community.

"I'll miss seeing you anytime I need to, but I think it'll be great for both of you."

"We aren't going to be that far away, Sammy. A half hour -- forty-five minutes, tops."

"I know." Sammy kissed his nose. "Still."

Jason giggled and hugged Sammy. "You're looking good, by the way. Happy."

"Easy, honey. Last night was... Whoa." Sammy grinned at him, winked. "I love the consulting,
and once Peter decided to consolidate the two little stores into one big one, things got easier."

"Don't tell Harry about last night." He giggled. "I'm so glad, honey."

"I would never. He'd hit Peter in the nose again, there'd be bruising, it would ruin my whole
pecan pie experience."

That had him giggling some more, and he gave Samuel another hug. "We can't have that." The
whole pecan pie experience was turning out rather nicely; he had so much to be thankful for. He

Trial by Fire - 190

background image

heard Harry's voice ring out, his dad's following right behind, urging the team on. Smiling, he
peeked out of the kitchen into the living room. So much.

Sammy hugged him tight, kissed the back of his neck. "Come on. Pie. Coffee. Football. Giving

"Believe me, I am, Sammy." He caught Harry's eye, his lover giving him a smile. He smiled right
back. "All the time."


Trial by Fire - 191


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