Sean Michael Between Friends 02 When Harry Met Jason

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the
author or the publisher.

When Harry Met Jason
An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2008 © by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by Pluto
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-60370-334-5, 1-60370-334-9
All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Torquere
Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: April 2008
Printed in the USA

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Oh, God. Jason was drunk. He was so drunk he couldn’t stand. He was so not driving. Which, as
he didn’t have a car, was probably a good thing. Plus the so drunk he couldn’t see thing. Or was
that stand?

He opened his eyes, the world sort of spinning, people with amazing auras wandering around,
merging, dancing. One of them was waving at him, or pointing or something. Okay, he could see.
Mostly. Sort of. And he was on the couch, so he was sitting. Not standing. Then he was too drunk
to stand, which made him too drunk to drive and he’d just stay right here.

He’d be happier staying right here if it wasn’t so loud. Who knew graduation could be so loud? He
did. Now.

Graduation. Him. Done. All graduated. Him.


He had his little fake diploma somewhere. Back at his little apartment, he thought. He’d gone there
first, before coming to the Phi Beta Delta Gamma Quadrant Fraternity House. Wait. Was that what
it was called? Hell, he wasn’t rushing for it; the name didn’t matter. He was just here for the party.
Which was really loud, and kind of incoherent. And he’d only been drinking beer.

He looked down at the beer in his hand. Only it wasn’t a beer it was a high ball tumbler and it was
empty but for a cherry at the bottom. Maraschino cherry. He liked those. He started fishing for it,
letting the party fade out around him. He nearly had the fucker, too, when everything got loud again
-- a not ignorable loud, at that.

A face pushed suddenly into his. “You have to go!” shouted the face. “The cops are coming. ”

He tried to figure out just how those two things were related. The cops were coming so he had to
go... but he wasn’t sure why. Sure he was drunk, but he was legal -- he’d turned twenty one the
week before. So it couldn’t be that. And he wasn’t making any noise -- he was just sitting here,

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feeling groovy from his head to his toes. He wiggled his toes -- yeah, them.

No, he didn’t have to go. He’d just sit here and if the cops came, well good for them.

People came and went and the music disappeared and he just sat there and watched the cops. For
they had indeed come, and damn, a couple of them were hot. It was probably the uniform. They said
everyone loved a man in uniform and he’d certainly lusted after his fair share of them.

There was one cop in particular he was lusting aft-- looking at. The guy was big. Not just tall, but
buff. And he had short blond hair. And he was hot. He was a stud. Man, he had to be way over six
feet tall, Jason thought, tilting his head to look up and up.

He was even hotter close up and hey. When had the stud cop gotten so close?

Jason grinned and raised one hand waving his fingers. “Hi there, Officer. ”

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Chapter One

Jason tapped his pencil against his desk and turned the page back on his book on educational
development in preteens. He read the last two paragraphs a second time, and then a third.

Sighing he scrubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.

He loved his classes, he really did, and he was an A student all the way through, but finals always
gave him hives.

Jason could hear his bed calling to him. Hell, this room was small enough, all he’d have to do really
was lean too far back in his desk chair and he’d land on one of the little single beds crammed into
the room along with his dresser, desk and overflowing bookcase.

He’d been studying since six this morning, nearly twelve hours with only bathroom and snack
breaks. Surely a short nap wouldn’t hurt anything...

He must have dozed off, because the next thing he knew, his lap was full of wiggling, laughing,
over-caffeinated Sammy.

“ Jase! Honey! ” He was given a hard, happy kiss. “You were sleeping! ” Those black button eyes
just gleamed, shining at him.

He laughed and rubbed their noses together, beaming at Sammy. It was impossible not to respond
in kind when Sammy was happy, he just let all the happy hang out. “I was not. I was studying. ”

“ With your eyes closed?” Those fingers found his ribs, started tickling good and hard, making
him squeal.

“I was... studying... my eyelids,” he managed between gasping breaths and laughter, his own
fingers trying to find Sammy’s ribs so he could retaliate.

“ Such smart eyelids... ” Sammy knew exactly where he was ticklish.

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His laughter pealed out of him and his chair made an ominous noise before collapsing under him,
spilling both of them out sideways onto the floor.

“ Dude! We have cheaptastic chairs! ” Sammy sat up, quick as a flash, and blew a raspberry on his

“ Oh, fuck, Sammy! ” He was going to hurt something he was laughing so hard. He pushed
halfheartedly to get Sammy away from his belly and another raspberry, but mostly he just laughed
and wheezed and tried to catch his breath.

It wasn’t long before Sammy was resting, cheek on his belly, long black hair soft on him.

He stroked Sammy’s hair. “Oh, I think I needed that, Sammy. ”

“Yeah. Finals make you all goofy. ” Sammy kissed his belly, lips warm.

“ Finals are supposed to make you goofy. They’re hard and horrible and oh... that feels nice
Sammy. ” He blinked down his body, hand still petting Sammy’s soft hair as his cock started

“Yeah. I only have one left. I turned all my papers in. ” Sammy kept kissing, the caress warm,
soothing. Sweet.

“ Oh, you’re lucky. I have all four left. Four! But then I’ll be finished. I can’t quite believe it. ” His
eyes closed and he hummed softly, enjoying Sammy’s attention.

“Yeah. Yeah, I don’t... I don’t have any idea what I’m going to do after graduation. Do you?”

“I ’ve got meetings with some schools. If I can’t find something full time, I can try substitute
teaching for a couple places. Oh, don’t stop. ” He spread, legs moving restlessly.

“You still want to be roomies, though, right?” The soft, gentle kisses continued, making his toes
curl, Sammy’s lips heading down toward his cock.

“ Of course! You’re my very best friend and I love you, Sammy -- that’s not going to change just
because... ” He started losing focus on what he was saying as Sammy got closer and closer to his
prick. “Um... ”

“ Undo your jeans, honey. I’ll suck you off. ” Oh. Oh, Sammy was good to him.

He tugged the button open and then slid down the zipper, the sound loud, almost as loud as his
breathing was becoming. He wasn’t wearing any underwear -- not just for staying in and studying -
- and his prick pushed out eagerly.

“ Mmm. ” Sammy hummed and slid down, lips parting for the tip of his cock, the skin rubbing on

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Sammy’s tongue.

“ Oh! ” He cried out, hands sliding into Sammy’s hair, brushing it with his fingers as he bit his
lower lip. Sammy’s lips pushed farther down, the suction soft and sweet, gentle enough to make his
toes curl. Jase whimpered. “Oh, Sammy, it’s so good. You’re so good. ”

“ Mmmhmm. ” The sound vibrated around his prick and Sammy just let him in. Oh. So sweet.
Such a good mouth.

He moved his hips a little, not trying to make Sammy do anything, just needing, oh, yes, for his
cock to slip along Sammy’s tongue just like that. His eyes closed and his hands opened and closed
in Sammy’s hair. It was so good and easy, just warmed him through and through.

As Sammy’s head began to bob, Jase pushed with his hips, cock sliding between those lips,
pushing into Sammy’s throat. “Soon,” he whispered.

Sammy’s hand slid down his thigh, petting him a little, letting him know it was good, it was okay.

“ Sammy! ” He cried out, hips bucking hard as he came, his balls emptying, cock shooting his come
down Sammy’s throat.

Licking him clean, Sammy teased the tip of his cock until he jerked away, the sensation too much.

“You’re so good to me, Sammy. ” He petted Sammy’s cheek, feeling so much more relaxed now.
“ What do you need, honey?”

“Touch me, huh? Please?” Sammy scooted up, cheek on his shoulder.

“ Uh-huh. ” Sammy’s prick was hard and hot against his hip, and it was the easiest thing in the
world to turn his hand and wrap it around that heat. He started off nice and slowly, just how Sammy
liked it.

“Thank you. ” Sammy hummed, rocking a little. “ You’ve got sweet hands. ”

He squeezed gently, smiling, and then angling his head so he could give Sammy a kiss. It was still
soft, they were still moving slowly, his thumb playing over the head.

“ Mmm. You have plans for a midnight snack, honey? After this? I’ll buy pancakes?”

“ Sounds good, Sammy. ” He moved his hand a little faster, thumb playing with the slit just a tiny

“ Uh. Uh. Uh-huh. Jase. Please. ”

Squeezing Sammy’s cock, he sped his hand, letting it fly and slap against his thigh on each upward

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stroke. He watched Sammy’s face, smiling into those dark eyes.

“ Oh. Dude. So nice. ” Sammy came, grinning at him like the world’s biggest dork.

Laughing softly, he kissed Sammy, and then snuggled, not even minding really that they were on
the floor.

“ See? You look more relaxed already. ” Sammy’s eyes were twinkling, dancing for him. “So, how
about it? Pancake? Coffee? Crispy bacon?”

“Yeah, that sounds awesome. ” Sammy loved feeding him -- it was how his best friend dealt with

“ Cool. Cool. ” Sammy looked all sparkly and too-hyped around the edges. They’d been best
friends from the very beginning and now...

Well, Jase thought Sammy was worried this was the end.

He pulled Sammy close, hugging him hard. “You’re always going to be my best friend, Sammy.
No matter what. You know that, right?”

“Yeah? You promise, Jase? You... I don’t want to lose you, huh?”

“You aren’t going to lose me you silly goose. ” He gave Sammy a hard kiss. “I promise. I do. ”

“ Oh, good. ” Sammy leaned in, hard. “Jack told me he was in love with that TA from the Van
Gogh class. ”

Oh. Oh, asshole. Jase held on tighter. “He was a jerk anyway, Sammy. He wasn’t treating you
right. You can do way better than him. ”

“Yeah. I guess. I just... He was hot, huh?” Those dark eyes laughed for him.

“ Well sure, he had a great six-pack. He was an idiot, though. Even more of one than I thought if he
gave you up. ” Damn it, why did Sammy keep going for guys who walked all over his self-esteem?

“ Well, that TA, Corey -- he’s tall and comes from money and he, uh, has a job. ” Sammy did too,
sort of. Sammy was already working on his master’s, already doing some weird work for a
professor about chairs.

“ He’s tall?” Jase started giggling. “Sweetie, if that’s the best reason you can come up with... ”

“ Well, he is! ” Sammy laughed with him, leaning hard. “He’s like a giant! ”

He just loved that laughter. “That doesn’t sound like a reason to go out with someone. Unless it’s

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like a fetish or something. Oh, was Jack a size queen? ‘Cause I mean did you ever see Corey’s

“I didn’t notice? Is that true? Let me see your feet...”

Giggling some more, Jase tried to hide his feet. Sammy started digging for them, tickling and
tugging, making him laugh.

He rolled and they slammed up against the dresser. “ Ow! ” He was still laughing, though, and he
finally offered his feet over.

Sammy took them, rubbing nice and easy. “Not too big. Not too small. Perfect sized for a school
teacher. ”

“ Oh... oh, Sammy you’re so good to me. ” He pulled Sammy back into his arms and held on.
“I ’m not ever letting you go, ever. ”

“ Good deal. ” Sammy kissed his cheek, resting. “ Come on. Pancakes are calling. I’ll help you
study. ”

“ Oh, good. ” He stood up and held his hand out to Sammy. “That’s going to make all the
difference. ”

“You know it. ” A soft kiss was pressed against his wrist.

“I do. ”

Sammy grabbed his hand and he tugged his best friend in the world up and, arm in arm, they
headed out.

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Chapter Two

Two down and two to go.

And they had to pack because they had to be out of here mid-week next week. Which was fine,
really, because it was small and cramped and they couldn’t stay here after they graduated, but where
exactly were they going to go? Jase had visions of his and Sammy’s stuff at the edge of the curb,
the two of them sitting on it, hoping it wouldn’t rain. It would be funny, except it could happen and
he was starting to panic about it, just a little.

And he still had two exams to write.

Studying was not going well; he kept thinking about their living situation. Or rather their lack of it.

“ Jase! Jase, love! ” Sammy came through the door, waving a newspaper. “I found us something! I
did! One bedroom with an office, kitchen. Even a balcony. I could walk to the art building and it’s
not scary. Well, it’s not really, really scary... ”

“ Really? Did you see it?” He bounded up, jumping at the chance to stop going in circles in his
own mind. He’d be fine, really, once finals were over, it was just with everything on top of
everything else...

“I saw one. They have two open. I have enough for the deposit. ”

“Yeah? Want me to go see it again with you? I could use the break from studying. If it’s good we
could sign the papers and everything. ” It would be such a relief to have somewhere they could call

“Yes. Yes, please. Come on. Let’s go see. ” Sammy barely let him slip his shoes on. “There’s
decent windows and tile. It’s not a big complex -- just a little set of eight and I like the upstairs
one. ”

“You liked it a lot. ” He pulled the door closed and followed Sammy down the hall. “What if I hate
it?” he teased.

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“Then we’ll find something else, of course. ”

“I bet I like it, though, if you do. ”

Sammy had parked his temperamental old clunker right outside, obviously counting on not being
gone long enough to get a ticket. “Want me to drive?” he asked.

“Yep. Come on. It’s only up Harding Street behind the art building. ” Sammy tossed him the keys,
bouncing into the passenger seat.

He all but ran around to the driver’s side, Sammy’s eagerness infectious.

“ Come on, sweetie, you can do it. ” He coaxed the car gently as he turned the key and grinned over
at Sammy as the engine coughed into life.

“ See? She wants to go back, too. ”

“It’s a good sign. ” He drove over to Harding Street, Sammy all but vibrating in the passenger seat.
“ What’s the address? ”

“405. See that bright blue place? That’s it -- there’s four in there and four in the bright yellow. ”
Oh, clever and cute -- a little rundown, but homey.

“The one you saw was in the blue one?” The windows were pretty big and there were some trees
on the grounds, actual grass on the lawn.

He pulled around to the little parking area behind the buildings.

“Yeah. Yeah, see the one on the second floor with the little green curtains? That’s the one I saw. ”

“Is it empty?” Places looked different without furniture than they did all dressed up with people
living in them.

“Yes. The landlady -- she’s a drag queen, honey. It’s amazing -- says we can move in this
weekend. ” Sammy bounced up the sidewalk. “Rita! Rita, I brought Jason! ”

Jason giggled. Only Sammy would find the perfect place and the landlady would be a drag queen.
He followed Sammy, curious about Rita, about the house, happy to see Sammy so bouncy so soon
after getting dumped by that asshole.

This huge, tall, linebacker-sized man in a pink housecoat came out. “Oh, you did. He’s a doll baby,
just like you said. You’re going to be a teacher?”

Jase had to look up. A lot. But he nodded. “I hope so. ”

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“ Well, I support the arts and education. Let me get you the key and y’all can go explore. ”

“They have a little courtyard with a grill, Jase. The bathtub’s big enough for both of us. ”

“ Oh, you should have said that from the start, honey. ” Jase laughed, beginning to get excited

Rita reappeared with a key and Sammy took it, arm sliding around him. “Come on, Jase. Let’s go
look. An apartment. For us. ”

He slipped his own arm around Sammy’s waist and looked around as they walked, taking
everything in. The place was older and you could see there were places it was fairly rundown, but it
had also been cared for. Repainted and patched and Jase was willing to bet that with a landlady like
Rita on the premises there were very few break-ins.

“ How much is the rent, honey?”

“About eighty dollars more a month than the dorm, but we’ll have a real kitchen, so we can cook.
Noodles are cheap. ” Sammy led him up the stairs, to a little wooden door with a welcome mat.

“ Oh, wow. We could swing this, Sammy. We really could. ”

“I thought so. ” The door opened into a tiny, sun-lit main room with rainbow painted built-ins.
There was a little office area, a huge bedroom and a decent bath.

“ Oh, look at the tub -- it would fit us both! ” He wandered from room to room, imagining a bed in
the bedroom, Sammy’s crazy quilts on it. “We’ll need a bit of furniture, honey. ”

“ We’ll figure it, you and me. I have connections. ” Connections and the pickiest streak about
furniture that Jase had ever seen.

“You got a line on a bed? That’s what we’re going to need first. ” It would be nice to have a double
bed to cuddle up in. They managed on their two singles, but those belonged the dorm and if they
had a choice...

“I can get a good bed at a discount. ” Those pretty eyes danced. “I got the job at Terry’s. I start
Monday -- the hours suck, but they like that I know furniture. ” God, five years of art history and
Sammy was going to work in a furniture store.

He touched Sammy’s cheek. “I like the place, honey. If it’s what you want we can sign the lease
today. I’m not going to be much help with more than rent and food until I’m working, but once I
am I’ll help with furniture and stuff. ”

“ We’ll figure it, Jase. We will. We’ll go garage sale-ing. ” Sammy turned his head, kissed Jason’s

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He looked around the place, picturing it with Sammy’s special touches here and there, and then he
smiled into Sammy’s eyes. “We will figure it. Welcome home, honey. ”

“Yeah? Really?” Sammy grabbed him, kissed him hard. “Oh, Jase. Our own place! ”

“ Just like we planned when we first became roomies. You remember? We planned it all out. ”

“Yeah. ” Sammy nodded. “We can put a big bed in the bedroom and a futon in this little office, in
case one of us... has a sleepover. ”

He giggled and nodded, rubbing noses with Sammy. “Yeah. Oh, honey, it’s a huge relief to have a
place, you know? And one we both really like. ”

“Yeah. Just somewhere safe and ours and good. A kitchen, Jase! ”

“Are you going to cook for me, Sammy?” As if he didn’t know; he was going to get fat if he
wasn’t careful.

“ God, yes. I can go get my kitchen stuff out of the little storage building and we can bring the
microwave and the coffee maker... ” He chuckled. Sammy’d been on his own for a few years
before college -- hell, Sammy was four years older than he was, escaping foster care when he was

“ Come on, let’s go find Rita and get everything signed so it’s really, really ours. ”

“ Works for me. ” They headed down, meeting Rita on the stairs, papers in her hands.

“You like it?”

Jase nodded at the papers she had. “I think you already know the answer to that. ” He grinned at
Sammy, hugged his best friend tight again. “It’s perfect. ”

“I ’m just glad to get family in the spot. Come on into the office, we’ll sign the papers. ”

He took Sammy’s hand and they followed the broad shouldered drag queen into a little office with
the most amazing purple couch.

It was easier than he’d expected -- Sammy had saved up enough money for first and last month’s
rent, plus deposit, his own credit was okay. They had themselves a place.

He waited until they were back at the car before throwing his arms around Sammy’s neck and
squealing happily. “Soon as I have the money I’ll give you half of everything, I promise. ”

“ We’ll need so much, but we’ll figure it out, huh?”

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“As soon as I finish my finals I’m yours. ” Just two more to go and he could really enjoy this.

“I ’ll start packing our stuff. ”

He took a last look at the blue building before getting into the car and coaxing it back into life.

Him and Sammy had a home.


Now all he had to do was survive his last two finals.

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Chapter Three

Oh, God, he was tired.

Jase had thought finals were bad, but that was before he and Sammy had started moving. At least
this was a different bad. Finals took it out of him mentally, this was entirely physical, and how the
hell had they managed to fit all this stuff in their tiny little dorm room? It didn’t seem possible.

This was the last box to take up, though, and while it might have taken them five thousand, three
hundred and forty seven trips in the old girl, there was just this one last trip to make.

Thank God.

Sammy looked exhausted, worn, and somehow incredibly fucking happy. The man needed a place
to decorate.

“ Hey. This is the last box, hon. We’re almost done. ”

“ Go us. ” They stomped up the stairs, carrying the last load. “Good thing we didn’t get anything
smaller, huh?”

“I know! Our dorm room must have been a Tardis or something. I’m gonna spring for pizza,
‘kay?” Although they were going to have to borrow Rita’s phone -- theirs wasn’t being turned on
until Monday.

“Yeah. Yeah, that would rock. ” Sammy came over, kissed him on the cheek. “Welcome home. ”

“ Oh, yeah, honey. You, too. ” He dumped the box on the floor and looked around. Boxes, pitifully
little furniture, but it was theirs. Theirs. He laughed and hugged Sammy tight. “It’s awesome. ”

“It is. It so is. ” They just leaned together, grinning like monkeys.

“You know the minute I sit down, that’s it. ” He could feel it, feel how he was just about done.

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“You know it. We could wave Rita down from the window... ”

“ Oh, let’s try that. Because I’m really hungry and I want that pizza, but I’m not sure I can do those
stairs one more time. ”

They supported each other over to the window that overlooked the courtyard and Jase cheered as he
caught sight of that linebacker figure. “Hey there, Rita! ”

“ Hey, honey! Are y’all moved in?”

“ We are. ” He looked back at all the boxes. “Not unpacked, but yeah, moved in. Our phone’s not
on yet, though. Do you think you could call for a pizza for us?”

“ Surely. What do you want?”

He looked at Sammy. “Large everything double cheese?” At Sammy’s nod he called the order
down to Rita. “And thank you! ”

They stumbled to the little used futon couch that Sammy’d found, crashing down onto it. “We’re
home. ”

He nodded, leaning his head on Sammy’s shoulder, feeling like he could just stay there for about
twenty four hours. Maybe forty eight. “You did good, finding us this place. ”

“Thanks, honey. I’m glad you like it. ” Sammy’s eyes closed.

He nudged Sammy with his elbow. “No sleeping. We have pizza coming. ”

“ Hmm?” Sammy curled closer. “I like pizza. ”

“ Me, too. ” He looked around, feeling really blinky. “This is our place. ” It was still kind of
surreal. His finals all done. Moved from the dorm room to their own place. All he needed now was
a job. And he didn’t have to think about that today. All he needed to think about was pizza.

“Yep. We’re in. ” Sammy slid down, landing in his lap.

He stroked the long hair and rubbed Sammy’s temples. “Tell me what you want to do with this
room. ”

“I think a little loveseat, maybe a heavy-duty coffee table that we can eat on. Then somewhere to put
the TV and stereo. ”

He nodded. “I guess the bedroom’s our priority, though, huh? And then the kitchen, and then in
here?” Once he got a job and could help out with the money more than just his half the rent.

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“Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I’m watching at the store. Marge says I can buy a slightly off mattress for
more than half off. ”

He giggled. “Slightly off? What does that mean?”

“ Well, you know -- the stitching isn’t perfect, there’s a place in the binding that was double
stitched. Slight imperfections. ”

“ Oh, we can live with that. I had visions of us sliding off it as we lay on it because one side was
thinner than the other or something. ”

Sammy chuckled, kissed his belly. “Nah, it’s all just cosmetic. Still. We could share a bed. We
have a full-sized fridge, even. We might sell the little one, buy a toaster oven... ”

“ Of course we’re sharing a bed. ” He petted Sammy’s head. “

“ Mmm. That feels good. ” Sammy relaxed, hummed softly. “Mark and Ros want me to come back
to the bakery part-time, too. ”

“That’s a lot of working, honey. I’ll find something I can do until the school year starts. ” Sammy
took such good care of him without even realizing it.

“I know you will. I’m not worried. ” And that wasn’t a lie. Sammy believed in him, through and

He bent his back double to give Sammy a quick kiss. “I love you, honey. ”

“I know. ” Sammy nodded. “I know. ”

“ Cool. ” He relaxed back into the futon.

He must have dozed off, because the next thing he knew there was a loud knock at the door,
startling him and making him jump.

“ Oh. Pizza. ” Sammy rolled off the couch, stumbling toward the door, not even awake yet.

He hauled himself up and followed Sammy, digging into his wallet. He figured he should have

Sammy paid for it, waving him off. “You buy some groceries, honey. Oh, God. It smells good. ”

“It does! I don’t suppose we should invite Rita up?”

“ We should, but I’m tired and dirty and things are a wreck. ” Sammy winked. “We’ll invite her
when I can cook. ”

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“ Oh, cool. I was hoping you’d say some other time, I’m not sure I’m up to being polite. ” He sank
back onto the couch, using a box as a table as he opened the pizza box. “We got Cokes, right?”

“ Uh-huh. You want one?” Sammy headed for the kitchen.

“Yeah. Bring us each a couple and then we won’t have to move again. ”

“ Sounds perfect. ” Sammy took off his shirt on the way, jeans just barely hanging on the skinny

He patted the seat next to him, cuddling into Sammy as soon as his friend sat, and they pounced on
the pizza, devouring slice after slice. Before he knew it, they were stuffed, leaning on each other,
flipping channels on the TV and laughing together.

He glanced around the apartment, then looked over at Sammy, and smiled.

Oh, he had a good life. He did.

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Chapter Four

“ Oh, wow, they’ve really done the place up! ” Jase looked around as he and Sammy headed up the
walkway of the Phi Beta Kappa frat house. The place was all lit up with fairy lights, streamers
everywhere. And the party was in full swing, guests spilling out onto the lawn.

“ One last big bash. ” He grinned over at Sammy, his ticket into most of the parties he’d gone to.
“Thanks for bringing me. ”

“Any time, honey. ” Sammy kissed his cheek, eyes reflecting the light. Sammy was meeting
someone -- some big leather-daddy type. Scary.

“You could just stay with me tonight. Dance the night away. ”

“You think?” Sammy leaned in, hands wrapping around his waist.

They went up the stairs together and someone Jase didn’t recognize bumped into them. “Dude!
Gradu-a-tion! High five! ”

Laughing, Jase high-fived the guy, and then he and Sammy went in.

“I do think,” he shouted into Sammy’s ear.

“I can do that, for a while. ” Sammy tugged him onto the little dance floor, bumping and grinding
against him.

He threw his arms up in the air, waving them a little as he bumped and grinded right on back. It was
his first party with no more school ahead of him and it felt great. They danced through one song,
two, and then one more.

“Let’s find something to drink,” he shouted into Sammy’s ear.

“ Sure! There’s a bar set up... ” Sammy went up on tip-toe, looked around. “There! By the stairs! ”

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“ Cool! ” He grabbed Sammy’s hand and held on as they made their way in the right general

They hadn’t reached the bar yet when they bumped into Sammy’s big leather daddy guy. At least
that’s who Jase assumed it was, the guy tall and buff and wearing the tightest pair of leather pants
Jase had ever seen. Holy cow. There was no way those were comfortable.

“I was waiting for you. ”

Sammy blushed dark. “Sorry, I was dancing. ”

Jase hated this shit, guys making Sammy stressed out. “We were celebrating my graduation
today,” he told the guy. “I’m Jason. ”

“ Congratulations. Deke. ” The man had a hand the size of a ham.

He shook it, trying not to cringe when the asshole did that squeeze real tight to prove he was a man

Jase looked at Sammy when he finally got his hand back. “I’m not that thirsty after all, hon. How
about another dance?” How about coming home with me instead of this big lug?

“You’re not? You’re sure?” Sammy turned toward him, frowning, and wonder-guy’s hand landed
on Sammy’s shoulder.


“I ’m sure! Come on, just one more. ” He looked up and gave Deke his best vacant smile. “You
don’t mind, do you?”

“ No. No, I don’t suppose so. ” Those eyes looked mean. Mean. “You’ll make it up to me, Sam. ”

“ Sure. Sure, I will. ” Sammy grabbed his hand, dragged him out onto the dance floor.

He wrapped his arms around Sammy’s neck and pressed his mouth close to one ear. “You don’t
have to go home with him, you know. ” He’d like these guys of Sammy’s a lot more if they
weren’t all so mean-looking.

“I know. I could just stay here with you. ” They laughed together, spinning a little.

Maybe Sammy would -- they were having such fun together. And maybe big mean Deke would
leave and they could find Sammy a nice leather-daddy, though Jase wasn’t sure nice ones existed.
The song morphed into another, and he kept Sammy dancing with him, forgetting all about Deke,
just enjoying being done with school and being here with his best friend.

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“Is he gone?” Sammy shouted in his ear. “I just want to stay here. ”

“I don’t know. I don’t see him.”

The music changed and Jase slipped his arms around Sammy’s waist, stepping close as they slow-
danced. His eyes scanned the crowds though, looking for the tall, leather-clad body.

“ He’s not a bad guy, really... ” Sammy’s cheek was on his shoulder.

He rubbed Sammy’s back, cheek resting on the top of Sammy’s. “Well, he didn’t seem very nice,
either. ”

“ No. He’s not. He wants me though, huh?”

“ Oh, Sammy -- you need to find someone who wants you and who’s nice. Someone like me, only
who’s good with the kinky stuff. ” Sammy needed all sorts of stuff that Jase just couldn’t help him
with. God knew, they’d be perfect for each other if it wasn’t for that.

“Yeah. Yeah, you think they make those, honey?”

“I bet they do. ” He sure hoped so, because Sammy deserved someone who’d adore him and love
him and take care of him.

“I hope so. ” They laughed, friends Geoff and Larry joining them, all four of them dancing now,
laughing. Having fun.

Oh. Better.

He managed another four dances or so before he had to go get something to drink, even if it was
just water. “Going to the bar,” he shouted at Sammy.

“ Okay, honey! I’ll be playing with the boys! ” There was a big group of them now, dancing and
laughing, and no scary leather guy in sight.

There was an extra bounce in his step as he made his way over to the make-shift bar. He was going
to find Sammy someone nice to love on him. Okay, probably not tonight, but eventually. He would.

Grinning, he asked for a beer.

“ Sure, man. ” The brew was bubbling madly, dyed a bright pink. Pink beer. God.

He drank about half of it at once -- dancing made him thirsty -- and at least it didn’t taste pink.
Though he wasn’t sure if colors had a taste. But if they did, this wasn’t pink, it was beer.

He turned around and started walking, looking for where Sammy and the others had wound up.

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Man it was loud in here. And crowded. He downed the rest of his beer, dancing in place to the

What a party.

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Chapter Five

Good lord.

Some asshole had drugged these kids to the gills.

Harrison looked down at the blinky little one smiling up at him. Lord, look at those eyes -- all
puppy-wide and innocent. Where the fuck did you buy pink beer?

“You need to move on, man. Can you get a cab?”

“ Oh, I’m not moving. I jussssed decided I was too drunk to stand. So too drunk to drive. ” He got
another grin, and the guy nodded his head, eyes going wide. “Oh, that wasn’t a good idea. ” There
wasn’t a single word not slurred.

“ Oh, lord. Come on, little one, before you end up in the drunk tank overnight. ” He helped the
sweet thing up, rolling his eyes as Jack laughed at them.

“You saving another one, man?”

“ Shut up and get to work. ”

Those big eyes were staring up at him as the sweet thing leaned against him, patting his chest. “My
very own stud... ”

“Yeah, yeah. You’re stoned, pretty boy. Which dorm’s yours?” God, that was unreasonably
fucking cute. Harry just couldn’t bear it.

“ Oh, no, Officer. ” Head shaking again, the sweet thing blinked and swayed against him. “I don’t
do drugs. Just booze. ”

“ Someone spiked your beer, honey. I mean, the fact it was pink should have tipped you off... ”
God, that was adorable.

“ Oh. Oh! I thought it was pink because I was gay, you know?” God, the kid was just so earnest.

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At least he was until the giggling started.

“ Where do you live, honey? I’ll drop you off. ” At this rate, the rest of the guys had scrambled and
some cabbie would rob the sweet baby blind.

“The blue house. Are you coming with me?” The hand on his chest stroked over his uniform.
“ God, you’re gorgeous, you really are. ”

“ Oh, lord. ” The blue house. “Which dorm, honey? Jacobs? Jester? Where?”

“ No dorm. I gadua... gradja... gra... finished school No more dorms. Yay! ” Thin arms wrapped
around him, the sweet thing giving him a hug.

“Yay! ” He shook his head and checked his watch. Ten minutes until his shift ended. “Come on.
I’ll put you in the patrol car. ”

“ Oh, can I play with the siren?” The kid took one step and nearly fell, legs going out from under

He reached out, caught the poor guy. “Come on, honey. You can sleep in the back seat until I
figure out what to do with you. ”

“You taking me home? That would be really cool. Hot guys like you don’t usually hit on me. ” The
lovely eyes looked happy about how things were going.

“I don’t believe that. ” Like anyone wouldn’t hit on this one. Christ.

“ No? ” The sweet thing tilted his head. “I don’t lie. And you are very hot. I thought so when I first
saw you. Before. ”

“Thank you, honey. Come on. In the car. You can close your eyes a minute. ” God help him, he
needed to find the kid a hotel room.

“Yeah, okay. I’m not feeling so good. ” Yeah, the glazed eyes and flushed cheeks were turning a
little green.

“ Okay, come on. What’s your name?” No puking. Moving. Nice and easy.

“ Um... Jase?”

“ Jase? I like that. I’m Harrison. Officer Harry. Come on. I’m right over here. ” He led pretty,
drunk and queasy over to his squad car, opened the back door.

Jase went in easily enough, and then crooked a finger, inviting him to follow.

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“ Mmm. Tempting, but I have to check some things out, sweetheart. I’ll be back. You rest. ” And
don’t puke in my car.

“I ’ll just close my eyes and wait for you... Harry, right?” He was given a beaming smile. “Harry...
I like that. ”

“ Harry. Right. ” Jesus, this kid was a disaster waiting for a place to strike.

“ Come back soon. ” Those big eyes stared up at him, so trusting.

“I will. I promise. ” Lord. He was fucked.

“ Cool. ” Jase lay back against the seat, all sprawled and loose in that way drunk or high people
had. Shit, the sweet thing was going to be hurting in the morning.

Well, worse came to worse, he could take the kid home, sleep on the sofa. It would be better than
the drunk tank.

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Chapter Six

Oh, God.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

His head hurt so bad, and his stomach was revolting. He was going to be sick for sure.

Jase staggered out of bed and went for the bathroom at a run, not even bothering to open his eyes.
He slammed up against a wall that wasn’t where it should be and sort of crumpled down to the
ground, holding his head.

“ Hey. Hey, honey. Come on. Come on, this way. ” Strong arms carried him down the hall into a
dark blue bathroom. “I’ll get you some more aspirin and ice water. ”

Oh, God. That wasn’t Sammy. This wasn’t their bathroom. Oh, God, he was going to throw up. He
dove for the toilet, tossing his cookies in a very undignified manner.

“ Just had one beer,” he said plaintively, trying to remember where he was and who the strong guy

“I know. I know, Jase. It’s cool. Someone spiked the stuff. You’re okay. ”

He cracked open one eye and his jaw dropped for a second. Oh, wow, this guy was a stud. A real
stud. Harry, that was his name. And he’d been wearing a uniform last night. A cop. Oh, okay.

“ Hey. Here. Aspirin. Water. I’ll get you a towel, huh? And you can hop in the shower. ” God. So

“ Okay, thanks. ” He watched Harry as the guy went, little ass covered by boxers. All those nice
muscles... did they sleep together and he missed it?

Jase closed his eyes, leaning his head against the wall and tried to remember. No, no they hadn’t

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done anything, though not for lack of trying on his part. But Harry had been a perfect gentleman,
which really was too bad. Except that it would have sucked to have made love and not been able to
properly appreciate it.

He was still sitting there trying to remember all the details when Harry came back with that towel.

“ Hey. You okay? That shit didn’t scramble your brains, did it?”

“I was just trying to figure out what happened last night. ” He felt his cheeks heat up. “You
wouldn’t sleep with me. ”

“ Of course I wouldn’t. You were stoned. That would be... wrong, huh?”

“You’re a very nice man.” Really nice. And so good-looking. “And I’m not stoned now. ” Oh,
man, he hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

“ No. No, you’re not. ” Harry smiled at him, winked. “Get a shower, huh? We’ll go get
breakfast. ”

“ Okay, it’s a deal. ” He hauled himself up, smiling back at Harry. Such a nice guy.

“ Cool. You’ll have to wear your own jeans, but I can borrow you a shirt. ”

“I didn’t puke on them, did I?” He didn’t remember any puking until this morning.

“ No. I helped you take them off last night. You were hot. ” He got a quick grin. “Is there anyone
you need to call, Jase?”

“ Oh, God! Sammy! ” Shit, Sammy had to be worried sick about him. “My roommate. Shit, I hope
he wasn’t drugged, too. ”

“The phone’s in the front room. You want to call first or shower?”

He was torn. He was wearing nothing but his briefs and he stank, but Sammy might be so worried,
and frankly, now he was worried about Sammy. “I better call. Then I can relax in the shower. ”
And hopefully the hot water would chase away the pounding in his head.

“ Sure. Come on. ”

The apartment was little, clean, simple. All male -- huge stereo, huge TV, huge leather sofa in dark
colors. It suited Harry down to a T.

Offering Harry a warm smile, he took the phone and dialed home, praying that Sammy was home
and safe.

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The phone rang and rang, then rang some more. He’d almost hung up when Sammy answered.
“ ’lo? ”

“ Sammy! ” Oh, thank God. “You’re okay. Thank goodness. I was worried, honey. Did you guys
leave before the cops showed up?”

“The cops came?”

Oh, good, Sammy had missed all that. “Yeah. Turns out somebody spiked the beer with drugs or
something. I’m fine. I was rescued by a handsome prince. ” He smiled over at Harry who was still
just wearing his boxers and if the man wasn’t careful, Jase was going to jump him.

“ Oh? Oh, good. Good for you. ” Sammy sounded all stuffy, a little weird.

He frowned. “Is everything okay, Sammy?”

“Yeah. Yeah. You gonna hang out with your prince?”

“I don’t know. ” He glanced over at Harry and smiled, waving a little. He wanted to. “You sure
you’re okay, honey?”

“ Fine. Sleepy. I’m going to sleep in and then go in to get some work done. ”

“ Okay, honey. Sleep good. I’ll go have breakfast with Harry. See you later. ”

He hung up the phone and smiled over at Harry. “ He’s okay. Thanks for letting me use the
phone. ”

“ Not a problem.” A soft black t-shirt was pushed into his hands.

“Thanks. I won’t be long in the shower, promise. ” He leaned up, really quickly and added a quick
kiss to his thanks, flashing Harry a bright smile before taking off down the hall to the bathroom
before he could try to make it more than just a kiss.

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Chapter Seven

Waffles. Eggs. Bacon. Sausage. Ham. Home fries. Coffee. Orange juice.

Lord, he was hungry.

After all, spending a night on the sofa while a cute guy in the bedroom kept offering to suck you
into utter oblivion?


Real work.

It looked like Jase was feeling better, too. After nibbling on a half piece of toast, the sweet thing had
waived his hand in the air and ordered a full breakfast with a short stack, eggs, bacon, and home

“This is really good,” Jase said around a mouthful of pancake.

“I love this place. All the cops come here. ” He finished another cup of coffee, grinning as Lacey
poured him another.

“I can see why, the food’s awesome.” Jase smiled at him, one foot rubbing against his calf.


Oh, damn.



No lusting over the pretty little college boy.


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Bad cop. No donut.

“They have a kick ass burger at lunch. ”

“I ’ll have to come back for lunch one day, then. ” Jase licked maple syrup off his fork.

“Yeah. I come in a lot. I don’t cook. ”

Not looking.


Goddamn, to be a fork.

“ Oh, Sammy -- that’s my roommate -- is a wonderful cook! You’ll have to come for supper one
day. ” Those pretty eyes were looking at him like he was the next course.

“In the blue house, hmm?” He remembered that part.

Jase giggled. “How did you know?”

“You told me, last night. I couldn’t guess which blue house, so I brought you home. ”

“ Oh. ” A sweet blush swept across the top of Jase’s cheeks. “I was pretty out of it, huh?”

“It wasn’t your fault, man. No harm, no foul. So are you a student?”

“I just graduated actually. That’s what the party was for -- to celebrate. ” Jase sipped at his coffee.
“I ’m going to be, no, I am a teacher. At least I will be if I can find a job. ”

“A teacher? That’s cool. What age?” God, he couldn’t do that, but he didn’t mind working with
the little ones.

“ Primary school. Anything but kindergarteners, really. ”

Jase took another bite of pancakes and made a little moan-y noise that went straight to Harry’s
cock. “I wish I had more room so I could finish these. ”

He caught himself shifting on the booth seat. “You’ll just have to order them again, next time you
come. ”

Jase beamed at him. “Does that mean you’ll come here again with me, Harry? I’d really like to see
you again. ”

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“Yeah? Sure. Sure, Jase. That sounds good. ” It sounded like torture. Pure torture. Luscious
fucking torture.

“ Oh, good. A real date would be nice instead of a rescue from pink stupidity. That way when I
wake up in your bed I won’t be alone. ” Jase ducked his head at the words, and then peeked at him,
the color back in his cheeks, the sweet thing flirting with him.

“I... Yeah. Yeah, a real date would be nice. ” A real date, sure, but there’d be no ending up in bed on
the first date. He didn’t do that.

“Yeah? Awesome. ” Jase bounced in his seat and finished up his coffee. “When’s good for you?”

“I ’m off tonight and Monday night. I work three to midnight Tuesday through Saturday. ”

And he didn’t date around.

And he didn’t date younger guys.

And he... Yeah.

“ How about Monday night? We could go to a movie and dinner or something?”

“That works for me. ” Was he insane?

Jase’s entire face lit up at his answer. “Cool, Harry. What kind of movies do you like?”

“I like explosions, I like scary movies, I like comedies. I’m not real big on the frou-frou foreign
things. ” He wasn’t your typical gay guy. He was your typical gay cop.

“ Oh, there’s a new scary movie I wanted to see, but I can’t go to those by myself. The one with the
fog? You wanna go to that?”

“I would. Yeah. ” He’d seen it, but he could so see it again.

“ Cool. Dinner first?”

“ Sure. You have a preference? Italian? Mexican?” Cop on a plate? Stop it.

“ Whatever you want, Harry. I chose the movie.”

“ How about Italian, then?” No one was sexy covered in red sauce and slurping noodles.

Jase bounced a little. “Oh, that would be fantastic -- I love Italian! Garlic and tomato sauce and
cheese. ” Jase groaned happily.

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“ Well, then. We’ll meet at Gino’s at six?” He drained another cup of coffee. “Or I can pick you
up, if you want. ”

God, he had to be ten years older than Jase, didn’t he? Wait, if Jase was graduated, the guy had to
be, what? Twenty one? That was only five years...

“If you picked me up you could meet Sammy. I’d like you to meet him -- he’s my best friend. ”
Jase reached out and touched his hand.

“I. ” It was like electricity, shooting up his arm. “Okay. I’ll pick you up tomorrow. ” He was
going to be screwed.

Jase’s fingers squeezed his. “It’s a date! And you’ll know where it is from dropping me off today.
And it really is a blue house. It’s right next to the yellow one. ” Jase’s eyes twinkled, and his hand
was squeezed again before Jase let go. “I’m really glad I met you, Harry. ”

“ Hopefully you’ll keep thinking so, my friend. ”

“ Oh, I’m sure I will. ” Those sweet eyes gazed up at him.

He was in so much trouble.

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Chapter Eight

Jase waved goodbye to Harry and then hurried up the stairs. He practically flew up them, his feet
barely touching the ground.

“ Sammy! ” he called out as soon as he had the door open. “Sammy, the most wonderful thing has
happened! ”

“ What’s that, honey?” Sammy came out of the bedroom, wearing a ball cap and a jacket, dark
glasses. “I was just heading out. Tell! ”

Jase frowned. “Going out? Where are you going dressed like that?”

“I ’m pulling a shift at the bakery. ” Sammy stayed across the room, leaned against the wall. “So?
Your knight in shining armor?”

“Yes! ” He went over to Sammy and grabbed his hands. “His name is Harry and he’s wonderful
and I have a date tomorrow night! ”

“ Oh, congratulations, honey! ” Jesus. Sammy was on fire. Really. “He’s a policeman, you said?”

“ He is and he looks like a god in his uniform. ” Jase pressed the back of his hand to Sammy’s
cheek. “Honey, you’re sick, you can’t go out. ”

“I have to work, Jase. It’s a short shift. I promise. ” Sammy kissed his palm. “Tomorrow, huh?
And he let you spend the night last night? Impressive. ”

“ Well, he kind of had to -- you heard about the pink beer being drugged, right? And apparently the
best I could do about where I lived was ‘the blue house’. He didn’t sleep with me, though, even
with me being all over him -- he was such a gentleman. ” He smiled softly. He hadn’t met anyone
so nice in so long. Most people had agendas, something they wanted from you.

“ Oh, he sounds dear, honey. Really. ” Sammy patted his hand, smiled a little. “I’ve got to hustle,
now. You work on getting the house ready for your knight. ”

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“Are you sure you have to go in? Did you tell them you were sick?” He went to take Sammy’s
sunglasses off. Sunglasses when it wasn’t even sunny out, how silly was that?

“ Don’t. ” Sammy grabbed his wrists, head shaking. “Don’t, honey. Please. ”

“ What? Sammy, what’s wrong?” He tried to look into Sammy’s eyes, getting more worried by the

“I have to go. ”

“ Please, Sammy -- you’re scaring me. What’s wrong? Tell me?”

“I just... I got. I. I’m sorry, honey. I can’t. ” Sammy pulled away, heading to the door.

“ Did you get drugged, too, Sammy? Did something bad happen to you?” Oh, God, here he’d been
rhapsodizing about Harry and God only knew what had happened to Sammy. He went running
after his friend.

“ Please. Please, Jason. ” Sammy stopped, forehead against the doorframe. “I’m okay. I’m just
tired. I have to go. ”

He reached out and stroked a soft hand down along Sammy’s back. “Promise me you’re coming
home soon. ”

Sammy stilled, nodded. Jesus. Jesus, there was something... Something deeply wrong about how
Sammy’s back felt.

“ Sammy?” His voice wavered, his hand shaking now.

“Yeah, Jase?”

He bit his lower lip. He desperately wanted to believe that Sammy was okay, to just let him go and
do his shift. But he couldn’t. “Tell me what’s going on. ”

“I can’t. ”

“Yes, you can. You say Jason, I’m all feverish and acting strangely because... ”

“ Because... ” Sammy sobbed once, head hanging. “I... Things got fucked up last night. I’m home
now. I’m okay. ”

Tears prickled at his eyes. He’d found his prince charming and Sammy had... Sammy’d been hurt.
Again. “Sammy... let me call the bakery and tell them you’re sick and then let me help you. ”

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“I. ” Sammy leaned harder, starting to cry. “Jase. ”

“ Oh, honey. Honey, I have you. I have you now. ” He blinked back his own tears -- they weren’t
going to help Sammy any -- and pulled his friend carefully into his arms. “It’s okay. It’s going to
be okay. ”

Sammy shook his head. “I don’t know about that, Jase. I. I just want to go back to bed. ”

“ Okay, you go and get back in bed. I’ll call the bakery and come meet you. ” He kissed the side of
Sammy’s mouth.

“ Okay. ” Sammy turned and headed back into the bedroom, head ducked.

Jase took a deep breath to calm himself down and called the bakery, telling them Sammy was sick
and really shouldn’t be around people and so Jase was calling in for him. He kept the call short, not
wanting to get questioned. Then he went to the kitchen and got some Tylenol and a big glass of
water along with a can of Coke.

He hurried to the bedroom, needing to find out what exactly was wrong with Sam and dreading it at
the same time.

Sammy was curled in the covers, face hidden in the pillows.

He set the pills and water down on the little antique side table Sammy’d refinished himself, and
crawled under the covers with Sammy. “Let me see?” he asked, fingers sliding through Sammy’s

“ Promise you won’t yell at me. ”

Oh, God. He had a pit in his belly and his spine had gone all tense. “I won’t yell, Sammy. I
promise. ”

“ ’kay. ” Sammy pulled the blanket down and it was all he could do not to cry out. Someone had
beaten Sammy with something -- there were huge black, bruised lumps with the blood seeping out
under the skin.

“ Oh, God, Sammy. ” He kept his voice just above a whisper, to make sure he kept his promise of
not yelling. He did want to scream, though, he wanted to wail for poor Sammy, and scream and
make someone pay. “Who did this to you?”

“I don’t remember. I was dancing and I went down the hall and there were a bunch of guys and... I
woke up in the park by the creek. ”

“ Oh, Sammy! ” He started crying then, petting wherever the skin wasn’t abused. “Oh, honey. ”

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“ Shh. I’m okay. Just sore, ‘kay? Just let’s have a nap. ”

A nap. What they needed to do was get Sammy to a doctor and then the police so Sammy could
report the assault. “I brought stuff for the pain. ” He crawled over and grabbed the pills and the
water, bringing them to Sammy.

“Thank you. ” Sammy took them, the poor face bruised, one eye bright red.

“ Did they rape you, Sammy?” he asked very, very quietly.

“I told you I don’t remember. I made an appointment, though. For a test. ”

“ Okay. I can come with you. ” He pulled the covers up around them and hugged Sammy carefully,
holding on as tightly as he dared.

“Yeah. Tell me about your knight, Jase. Tell me everything. ”

“You sure you want to hear it, honey?” He felt bad; he got rescued by someone wonderful and was
going out on a date tomorrow night while Sammy had... Sammy hadn’t.

“I ’m sure. I’m real sure. I want to know every little detail.”

“ Okay, honey. Every single detail, just for you. ” And if his voice was thick with tears, well Sammy
wasn’t going to mention it and neither was he.

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Chapter Nine

Okay. Nice shirt.

Good boots.

Decent jeans.

Harry walked up to the blue door, knocked. Told himself there was no reason to be all sweaty-
palmed. This wasn’t a date-date. Right?

The door flew open right away, and Jase was as cute as he remembered, big blue eyes making him
feel ten feet tall. “Hi Harry. ” Jase reached for his hand and tugged him in.

“ Hi. ” He just barely caught a glimpse of a little tiny, dark-haired guy heading out of the room.

“ Sammy wait! I want you to meet Harry! ” Jase sighed and leaned in to hug him, arms going
around his waist.

“ Hey, Jase. ” He hugged back, not knowing exactly what to do when Jase held on. “Did I come at
a bad time?”

“ No, no, you’re right on time. Sammy’s just... he’s had some stuff happen. ” Jase finally let him
go with obvious reluctance. “I really wanted you two to meet, but I guess maybe some other time
would probably be better. ”

“Is something wrong? Was he at the party, because we’re still trying to find out who drugged
everyone. ”

“ He was, ” Jase said quietly, tugging him over to a futon couch and sitting nearly in his lap.
“ Somebody hurt him, but he doesn’t remember who. I’m worried about him, Harry. They hurt him
pretty bad. ”

“ Did he file a complaint? Go to the hospital? How hurt?” Goddamn it. He hated this bullshit.

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Jase shook his head. “He doesn’t remember anything. And he got beat pretty badly, but he won’t
let me take him to the hospital. He’s such a great guy, Harry. I just want him to be happy. ”

“ He needs to file a formal report, Jason. It’s important, in case we collar the guys. ”

“I know. I tried to get him to go to the hospital or to the police and he said it wouldn’t matter, he
can’t remember anything. ” Jase blinked hard, obviously keeping back tears. “He just wants to
pretend it never happened. ”

“ Well, he can’t. ”

“ Fuck you, man. I can do what I want. It’s my body. ” Jesus, somebody’d worked that little man

Jase popped up, going over and hugging the little guy. “Oh, Sammy, I’m just so worried about
you. And Harry’s a cop and a really nice guy and he knows what you need to do to make them pay
for what they did to you. ”

“I don’t need the police, Jase. You have a date. Go.”

“Look, no one can make you give a statement, but man, you’ve been whaled on. At least go to the
hospital, huh?” Lord, this is why they said to never try to see victims.

“ Me and Harry could go with you, couldn’t we?” Jase looked over at him, eyes asking and
apologizing all at once.

“ Sure. Sure, Jase. I can do that. ”

“I said no. Listen to me! ” The little thing was damn shrill.

Jase leaned their foreheads together. “Sammy. Please. I’m so worried about you. What if
something’s really hurt inside you?”

“ Nothing is. You two go on. I’m going to bed. ” The bedroom door opened and closed, giving him
a peek at a single large bed. Oh. He hadn’t thought the two of them were together-together.

Jase sighed, looking worried. “I’m sorry, Harry. I didn’t mean for our date to start out with
drama. ”

“ He looks like he’s had a hard time of it. ” Harry patted Jason’s hand, tried not to get too
disappointed. “Are you sure you shouldn’t stay with him?”

“I ’m sure. I checked. He wants me to go out with my prince charming. ” Jase came close and slid a
hand slowly up his chest. “That would be you. ”

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“I... ” Well, hell. What did that mean? Shit. “If you’re sure... ”

Jase nodded. “He’s my best friend, and I’m worried, but he can be so stubborn. And he wants me
to be happy. ” He looked back toward the closed bedroom door. “Gimme just a minute to say
goodbye. ”

Jase squeezed his shoulder and then went into the bedroom, door left ajar as he went over to the bed
to pull the blankets up over the slim form, giving Sammy a kiss on the forehead.

The two talked for a minute and Harry wandered, investigator’s mind searching. They’d just moved
in -- boxes were everywhere. Someone was into antiques and art, someone cooked, neither of them
had a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

Jase came skipping out a moment later. “He insists he’s going to be fine and I’m supposed to just
relax and enjoy myself. ” Jase took his hand. “Thanks for waiting, Harry. ”

“ Sure, Jase. Sure. ” He headed for the door, chewing on his bottom lip. “Italian still good for

“Yeah, that’s cool. Whatever you want, Harry. I’m just happy to be spending more time with
you. ” Jase smiled up at him and squeezed his hand.

“ Cool. ” It was, right? He wasn’t going to get involved-involved. Jason had a partner -- it was
pretty obvious. He knew lots of guys didn’t mind sharing, but he... he just wasn’t that way.
Anyway. This was dinner and a movie. Friends. Fun. “I’m starving. ”

“Yeah, me, too. Sammy usually cooks, but he hasn’t the last couple days and so I’ve been making
due with Ramen and chips and dip. ” Jase sort of skipped along beside him to keep up.

“I can make some stuff -- nothing fancy, just grilled stuff, baked potatoes. Those sorts of things. ”

Jase nodded. “Yeah, you said you were in that diner a lot. It sucks cooking for just one, anyway. ”
Jase kept close as they made their way to his car.

“It does. Of course, I work nights, so I can eat out a lot. ”

“Eating out a lot’s kind of not in my budget. Students are notoriously hungry all time and I’m no
exception to the rule. ” Jase grinned. “You wait, you’re going to be surprised by how much I can
put away. ”

“You make that sound bad. ” He couldn’t help but grin back, smiling at the sweet guy. Man, he
needed to hook up with Troy or someone, just for a little one-on-one.

“ Well, my eyes and stomach are usually bigger than my wallet. ” Jase climbed into the passenger

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seat, doing up his belt.

“ Well, tonight’s my treat, so you don’t have to worry about that part. ” It was obvious those two
were having money troubles, along with everything else.

“ Oh, I wasn’t hinting! ” Jase’s hands fluttered.

“ Hey. Hey. ” He reached over, grabbed Jason’s hands. “No stress. Let’s just go out. Have some
fun. Okay?”

Jase’s hands turned and took his. “Yeah, okay. That sounds really good, Harry. ”

“It does. I’ve been craving red sauce all day. ” Red sauce and spooky movies.

“Yeah? Are you gonna have the spaghetti and meatballs? I’m having the manicotti -- you know
those big shells stuffed with cheese and tomato sauce on top and more cheese on top of that all
baked up crunchy. Oh, and garlic bread. ” Jase’s eyes closed and he licked his lips, the sexiest little
moan coming out of him.

“I ’m craving lasagna, actually. With a Caesar salad.”

“ Oh, that’s good, because if we both have garlic it’s okay. ” Jase bounced a little. “I like that
tiramisu dessert, too. ”

“I ’m more of a chocolate-candy-and-popcorn-at-the-movies dessert fan. I can eat my weight in
popcorn. ”

“I could probably do both. ” Jase’s cheeks went a pretty pink, and he laughed a little.

They pulled up at the restaurant and Jase peered at it. “Is this place new? I don’t remember seeing
it. Of course it’s been awhile since I had an honest to goodness date. ”

“It’s not new. It’s been around for about twenty years, believe it or not. My mother used to work
here, before she died. ” Now he and his dad came here every other Wednesday for lunch.

“ Oh, I’m sorry, Harry. When did she die?”

“ When I was eighteen. She had cancer. ”

“I ’m so sorry. ” Jase petted his hand, just as sweet as could be.

“It was fast. My dad still misses her something fierce. He left Texas for her, you know? Left the
army and came to the west coast. ”

“ He must have loved her a lot. Does he know about you?”

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They parked, headed in. “Know about me how?”

“That you’re gay. I mean I assume you’re out as you didn’t get pissed at me for hitting on you in
the middle of that frat house. And then in your patrol car. And in your bedroom. ” Jase peeked up
at him, eyes twinkling.

“ He was remarkably cool about it. My Uncle Wes? Has been with Uncle Danny for thirty years. ”
Dad had sort of chuckled and snorted and sent him to Massachusetts for a summer to learn about
the birds and the bees with Wes.

“ Oh, that’s wonderful! ” Jase clapped softly, looking so pleased for him.

“I take it your folks weren’t perky?”

“They didn’t take it well at all.” Jase shrugged, lips taking on a twisted little smile. “They kind of
disowned me. ”

“ Oh, dude. That sucks rocks. ” He nodded to the hostess. “Two, please. ”

“Yeah, it does. ” Jase nodded, but didn’t say anything else as they followed the hostess to a table
near the back.

He waited until they got settled, both ordering a beer, before replying. “Well, you know. You just
have to make your own family. ”

“Yes, exactly. ” Jase nodded enthusiastically. “That’s exactly what Sammy and I did. ”

“ Well, hell. Then you did good. ” He wouldn’t give for his dad, but not everyone was as lucky.

“Yeah. We got lucky. ” Jase looked at his menu and nodded. “I do want the manicotti and garlic
bread. ” His stomach growled and Jase just laughed. “And maybe some of the Tuscan soup for an
appetizer. ”

“ Mmm. I want lasagna and salad and the stuffed mushrooms. ” He was as empty as a worm.

Jase’s eyes lit up. “Oh, do you think we could taste a bit of each other’s? ”

“I ’m not opposed to sharing. ” He grinned, winking at Jason. “Not at all. ”

Jason laughed softly and bounced a little in his chair. Eager and sweet and just about the cutest
thing Harry’d seen. Ever.

“ So, tell me. Why teaching? Are you from here?” Have you always been queer?

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“ Because I think I’d be good at it, you know? I have the patience you need and I love that moment
when a kid gets it. And yeah, I grew up in Santa Barbara. ”

The waitress brought them some bread and dipping sauce and Jase dug right in, pulling off a hank
of the bread and dipping liberally.

“ My dad’s from Texas, Mom was an LA surfer girl. We lived in Houston until I was twelve, then
we came out this way. ”

“That explains the drawl -- it’s very sexy. ” Jason’s eyes just shone for him.

His cheeks went red-hot and he grinned. “Thanks. Most folks think it makes me sound like a
hillbilly. ”

“ Oh, no, not at all. ” Jase stared at him for a few quiet minutes, and then he sort of shook himself
and smiled sheepishly. “How long have you been a cop?”

“I graduated from the academy when I was twenty-one. I only have an associate’s degree. So, I’ve
been a street cop for six years. ”

“Yeah? You look really hot in your uniform. ” Jase’s cheeks were red, and he continued on
quickly. “Do you like it?”

“ Being a beat cop? Yeah. Yeah, I do. It’s interesting, it’s never the same, and I like people. ”

“ Cool. Do you always bring home people you meet on the job or am I sp-- an exception. ” Jase’s
eyes dropped as he waited for the answer.

“You’re the exception. You just... you looked like you needed a friend. ”

Jase’s eyes flew to his, the sweet thing beaming. “I was hoping I was an exception. And I’d like to
be your friend. ” Jase cleared his throat. “I’d like to be more. ”

“ Oh. I... I thought you and... ” He cleared his throat, words trailing off as the waitress came up.

She gave them their first courses, the stuffed mushrooms and soup smelling awesome.

Jase waited until she’d gone again before saying anything. “You thought what?”

“That you and your friend were... ” There was only one bed, after all.

Jase frowned. “Me and Sammy? What about me and Sammy?”

“ Well, I mean. Okay, look. I’m sort of a stick in the mud, but I don’t do the whole... sleep with
more than one guy at a time thing. I know it’s unpopular. I know. But... ” He spread his hands.

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“It’s who I am. ”

“ What has that got to do with Sammy and -- Oh! ” Jase blushed and shook his head, and then bit
his lip and shook his head again. “Me and Sammy aren’t. Well. He’s my best friend ever and I
love him with my whole heart. But I don’t love him like that. And besides, there’s the whole... well I
can’t give Sammy what he needs. But we’re friends with, um... benefits. ”

“ What does Sammy need that you don’t give him?”

Jase sighed, toying with his soup spoon. “He’s into kinky stuff. Like really kinky -- S and M type
kinky. ”

“ Oh. Yeah? I mean, does he need help? I know some good shrinks... ”

That made Jase giggle. “I don’t think he’d go for that. It’s just something he needs, you know?
But these guys he finds. ” Jase shook his head. “I’ve done some research on it, on the S and M
stuff and it can be good -- it’s supposed to be. But Sammy keeps going out with these jerks who
just want to hit him. ”

“ Hit him? I... Are you?” God, this was a little fucked up.

“Am I what? Do I hit him? No! I won’t! I won’t do any of that stuff with him. I don’t understand
why he needs it. ” Jase bit his bottom lip, worrying it. “I’m scared that he won’t do anything about
being beaten at the party because he asked for it. Not being beaten, but for the S and M stuff and it
got out of hand and now he feels like he got what he deserved or something. ”

“ Did you ask him? I mean, is that what happened?”

“I don’t know, Harry. He keeps saying he doesn’t remember. He’s such a wonderful guy. ”
Jase’s fingers twisted together.

“ Hey. Hey. ” Harry took a deep breath, relaxed. “ We’re supposed to be hanging out, man.
Breathe. ”

“Yeah. ” Jase nodded and reached for him, touching his hand briefly. “I’m sorry. No more drama
-- just good food, a scary movie and... well, whatever comes up, yeah?”

“That’s right. No drama for us. There can be drama tomorrow. ” He winked at Jason, chuckling
and pointing to their appetizers. “Mangia! ”

Jase nodded and stole one of his mushrooms, soft giggles turning into happy moans. “Oh, it’s
good. ”

“I told you. ” He dug in, humming over the crunch of the batter, the bite of the parmesan.

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Jase was equally enthusiastic about his soup, offering him a spoonful. He leaned forward, sucked it
off the spoon. Oh. Spicy. He approved. He looked up to find Jase watching him, eyes gone dark.

Harry grinned over, trying to keep it light. “Spicy. ”

Jase licked his lips and nodded. “It’s good. ” The husky note in Jase’s voice was nearly his
undoing, but then Jase broke eye contact and went back to his soup, floating a little piece of bread in

He shared his appetizer, both of them finding easy, silly things to talk about. By the time their meals
were put in front of them, Jase was slightly flushed, his eyes glowing happily. That’s when the
serious eating began, Jase packing enough away Harry had to wonder how come he wasn’t bigger.
Of course, he had a hollow leg the size of the jolly green giant, so he knew how much he could pack

Jase stole some of his lasagna and offered a bite or two of the manicotti, and both their plates were
absolutely clean by the time Jase sat back with a sigh, patting his belly. “That was amazing. ”

“ God, yes. I may nap in the movies. ” He winked, grinning at the way Jase looked sort of like a
snake that had swallowed a goat.

Jase giggled. “As long as I can still hold onto you for the scary bits. ”

“I ’ll promise not to snore too loud. ”

“ Oh, that would definitely ruin the mood! ” Jase reached out and squeezed his hand where it lay
resting on the table.

“ Well, I could try to fake it, make it sound like a gasp... ” He ticked the base of Jason’s wrist.

That earned him more laughter, the sound sweet. Jase licked his lips, fingers curling tighter around
his hand.

“You know, like this. ” He threw his head back, demonstrating, making the waitress and Jason both

“ Oh, God, Harry -- you’re funny. ”

He waggled his eyebrows, winked. “I try. ”

“ Harry?” Jack, his partner from the precinct walked up, clapped him on the back. “Hey, man! I
thought that was your car outside. Me and Bonnie have news, man! ”

He stood, grinning down at the little detective. “Yeah? Share! ”

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Bonnie bounced up, black eyes dancing. “We’re pregnant! ”

Jase stood, too, smiling at Bonnie. “Congratulations. ”

“ Bonnie! ” He hugged her, kissed her forehead. “ Guys, this is Jason. He’s a friend of mine. Jase,
I work with Jack down at the station. ”

“ Hi, it’s nice to meet you. ” Jase shook hands with Jack and then with Bonnie.

“ Hey. We didn’t mean to interrupt. We were just out celebrating and saw you. ”

“I ’m glad to know. When’s the baby coming?”

“ December -- a Christmas baby. Won’t that be something?” Bonnie smiled at Jase. “How long
have you known Harry, honey?”

“ Um... not too long actually. ” Jase looked a little like a deer caught in headlights.

“ We met this weekend. ” He winked at Jase. “We’re about to go watch a movie. ”

“ Ooh! First date! Have fun, you two! ” Bonnie was a dear. Kind of a dimwit, but a dear lady.

Jase blushed a little, but he nodded. “We will. It was nice to meet you. ”

“ Same here. ” Jack slapped him on the shoulder. “See you Tuesday, man. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

Jack and Bonnie headed off to their table while he and Jase sat again.

“They seemed nice. Is Jack your partner?”

“Yeah. Yeah, he is. We’ve been working together two and a half years. ” They got along great.

“They seemed very nice. ” Jase looked at his plate as if he thought there should be more food on it.
“ Did you ever want kids?”

“ No, not really. I mean, I enjoy working with them at the job, but I never thought about being a
dad. ”

“I thought about it. Well, I’ve thought about how I wouldn’t be ‘cause I’m gay. And I decided that
was fine. The whole crazy hormone pregnancy thing seems a little scary frankly. ” Jase gave him a

“ Well, yeah. I mean, honey, you want to spend all day with little ones... ” He got the check, handed

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over the credit card.

“ Oh, but that’s not the same as having your own. Are you sure I can’t pay my half?” Jase asked

“You can buy popcorn at the movies. ”

“Yeah, okay. Popcorn and Raisinets. ” Jase seemed happy with that and he was given a brilliant
smile. “Thanks for dinner, Harry. It was most yummy. ”

“It was. ” Jesus. He was in serious, serious trouble. “Come on, man. Let’s get scared. ”

Serious, serious, balls-deep trouble.

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Chapter Ten

He was flying.

Honestly flying.

Jase almost skipped his way along the path to the blue apartment building. He barely felt the stairs
as he climbed them next to Harry.

Dinner had been awesome. The movie had been scary -- he’d watched most of it from between his
fingers, practically in Harry’s lap. That part had been especially good. And now Harry was walking
him home. Flying him home? Jase giggled at himself and squeezed the hand he was holding.

“You coming in for a cup of coffee or something?” he asked as they stopped in front of his door.

“Are you sure I’m welcome? Your roommate didn’t seem tickled... ”

“ He’s probably in bed, so as long as you don’t mind a few boxes. ” He looked up at Harry,
already halfway in love with the guy. “I don’t want our date to end yet. ” Not by a long shot.

“ Well, I’m used to working nights, so yeah. Coffee’s good for me. ” God, Harry was beautiful.

“Awesome. ” Just before opening the door, he leaned up and kissed Harry, lips brushing the side
of the lovely lips. Then he opened the door and let them in, just about floating across the threshold.

Harry was standing at the door when he turned around, just blinking at him a little. It made him feel
bold and he leaned up again, hand on Harry’s chest as he took another kiss, this one full on the

“ Jason. ” Harry cupped the back of his head, tongue sliding on his.

Harry tasted of popcorn and Raisinets and Jase just melted against Harry, leaning into that strong
body and opening his mouth. The kiss didn’t go deep, but Harry kept sharing soft, gentle kisses
with him.

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Jason let his eyes close and just felt, Harry’s warmth, his soft lips... everything else faded away.

“I. You’re dangerous, man. I swear. ”

“ Dangerous? Me?” Was that his voice -- all husky and needy?

“Yeah. Yeah, Jase. I could be in serious trouble. ”

He tilted his head, frowning. “How come?”

“ Because I could. ” Harry stopped, grinned. “Because I could get serious about you and I’m not
the type to get serious after one date. ”

“ Oh. ” His whole body went warm and tingly from that confession. “Then we’ll just have to have
another date. ”

“Yeah. Yeah, Jason. I’d like that. ” He got another, soft, warm kiss.

He beamed, head spinning in the most wonderful way.

The door across the hall opened and Jase laughed softly, tugging Harry inside and closing their
door. “You want actual coffee or some water or something?”

“Yeah. Yeah, a cup of coffee would really rock. ”

He beamed at Harry and half skipped to the kitchen, wondering idly where Sammy was. Humming,
he filled the coffee maker and took out two mugs. “ What do you take in your coffee, Harry?”

“ Just black, please. ”

“ Oh, that’ll be easy to remember. ” He added milk to one of the cups, and then rustled around in
the cupboards, trying to remember where they’d put the cookies.

“This is a sweet little apartment, Jason. You made a good find. ” Harry sat on a bar stool they’d
found in the dumpster, teetering a little.

“It is, isn’t it?” He smiled over at Harry. “Sammy found it. I was busying freaking out over my
final exams and the fact that we had to be out of our dorm rooms soon and he took care of it. You
should see our landlady. She’s the biggest, broadest drag queen I’ve ever seen and really nice. ”

“A drag queen? No shit? That’s handy. ” Harry’s laughter seemed to fill the apartment, just
booming out. Jase loved the way it filled every corner.

He finally found the cookies, Oreos Double Stuf, and put them out on a plate, bringing it over to
Harry while the coffee brewed. Leaning against Harry’s thigh, he offered the cookies.

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“ Mmm. Cookies. My favorite. ” Harry took two, ate the first one whole, and then licked the center
out of the second.

Jase watched, trying very hard not to drool as Harry’s tongue licked away the cream. He wanted to
be that cookie. Very badly. “Harry... ” He swayed closer.

“ Mmm. ” Harry touched his nose. “We’re taking it slow. Remember? Don’t tempt me. ”

Wasn’t that his job?

“I ’m not drunk today, though. ” Though he felt it. He felt giddy and tingly and he just wanted to
melt against Harry and drag the man off to bed.

“ No. You’re not. ” Harry smiled for him, kissed his cheek. “You’re perfectly sober. ”

“I am. I know what I’m doing. ” He reached up and cupped Harry’s cheek, thumb brushing the
generous lower lip.

The coffee machine gurgled like it did when it was almost done.

“ Coffee. ” Harry moaned for him and he felt the sound, balls-deep.

One day he’d hear his own name said like that. He hoped so, anyway.

He leaned up to take himself one more soft kiss, and then went and poured them out their coffee.
“You wanna drink these in the living room? The couch is less likely to give up on you than that
stool. ”

“That works. ”

Harry headed into the living room and the bedroom door opened, Sammy peering out. “Jase,
honey? You okay?”

“ Hey, Sammy. I’m good. We’re having coffee, you want some?” And thank goodness Sammy
was home, was okay.

“ No. No, I just... I heard strange voices. I was scared. ” Sammy waved to Harry. “Hey. ”

He went over and hugged Sammy. “It’s okay, honey, it’s just me. ”

Sammy nodded, groaned a little. “’m going back to bed. Sore. Love you, honey. See you in a bit. ”

“ ’ Kay, hon. Do you need anything? Did you take some Tylenol?”

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“ Got Paul to bring me something. ” Oh, it must be bad. Paul had... connections.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” he asked, whispering the question in
Sammy’s ear.

“Yeah. Yeah. Have fun. ” Sammy kissed him and wandered back into the bedroom.

Jase sighed. He didn’t want to drag Sammy to the hospital kicking and screaming, but if it was bad
enough he was calling Paul... He shook his head and went back to Harry, sitting close, not quite in
Harry’s lap.

“Everything okay? Harry looked concerned, worried. It was sweet.

“I don’t know. I just don’t know. ” He leaned into Harry, comforting himself by petting the broad

“ Shh. Shh. What can I do?” God, could Harry be more perfect?

“I think you’re doing it, Harry. ” He looked up into Harry’s eyes. “Just being here. ”

Harry’s hand landed on his back, petting slow and easy. “Good. ”

He leaned against Harry’s shoulder, soaking up the warmth and comfort, soaking in Harry. They
just stayed like that. Quiet. Still, Harry’s heart beating under his cheek. How many guys would do
that? And on the first date, too.

He pressed closer. Harry was a keeper. Everything about the guy said so.

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Chapter Eleven

Jesus, it was hot.

Harry stepped out of his squad car, heading into the Full Plate cafe for breakfast. The moon was
about to be full and there was a freak heat wave and, damn, that made the freaks come out. It had
been a long damn night to pull a double.

His usual table by the far window was already occupied, and he was about to go sit at the counter
instead when he recognized the dark curls bent over the newspaper. It was Jase.

“ Jason?” He waved to the waitress, nodded when she lifted the pot of coffee. “Hey, man. ”

Jase beamed at him. “Harry! I was hoping I might see you here. ” The newspaper was folded and
set aside.

He slid into the seat across from Jase. Man, it had been a long couple of weeks and they hadn’t
gotten back together for more than one quick cup of coffee. “It’s good to see you, man. Real
good. ” He meant it.

Reaching out, Jase gave his hand a quick squeeze. “ You, too. ”

The waitress happened along with the coffee pot, refilling Jase’s and getting him started.

“Thank you. I’d like my usual, please. ” Three eggs, sausage, home fries, pancakes.

“I ’ll have some sourdough toast, please. ”

“Is that all, honey?”

Jason nodded.

He looked over at Jason, shook his head. “Bullshit. Bring us two, ma’am. I’ve seen Jason eat. ”

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Jason’s cheeks reddened and he lowered his eyes, biting his bottom lip.

“ Good deal. ” She wandered off and he nudged Jason’s ankle with his toes.

“ My treat, man. No sweat. ”

“I didn’t come by so you’d buy me breakfast, Harry. I swear. ” Earnest blue eyes turned up to
meet his. “I just wanted to see you. ”

“I know. ” He did. Hell, even if Jason had come for the breakfast, Harry’d have bought it. People
needed to eat.

“ Okay, cool. ” Jason’s face eased into a smile. “You’ve been pretty busy with work, huh?”

“ God, yes. It’s been insane and there’s this stomach flu going around the precinct. I’ve pulled
doubles for eight days. ” Good money, though. Maybe he could go on a cruise.

“Eight days? Oh, you must be tired. Are you getting enough sleep? Taking your vitamins?”

“I don’t do vitamins. And yeah, tired. How’re y’all doing? Your friend feeling better?” Sweet boy.

“ Sammy’s... he’s okay. He won’t talk about it. And I’m okay. I’ve got a job lined up for the fall
term, but I have to find something to do before then. Sammy’s working two jobs to support us and
that’s just not right. ”

“ Have you applied at the Children’s Home? They’re looking for someone to run the front desk. I
was there last night. ” Dropping off this kid. Christ. He’d been a mess.

“ Oh, really? That would sure beat working at McDonald’s. I’ve been practicing ‘do you want fries
with that’ for days. ” Jase grabbed a little notepad and a pen. “Do you have the address or number?
Who do I ask for? Can I mention your name?”

“It’s over on Mesa -- the big green building with the stars all along the walk. ” He grinned,
grabbed his wallet and dug out a card. “Sheila is the office manager’s name, and she knows me. ”

“ Oh, wow, cool. Thanks, Harry. That would be so awesome. ” Jase pocketed the card and beamed
at him.

“Yeah. Cops know all the places that are hiring. ” He winked, relaxed back into the booth.

Jase giggled a little, the line of worry that had been across his lower forehead easing up. “So are
you going to have any time off soon?”

“ Not tonight or tomorrow night, but then I’ll have a couple of days. I need to schedule a vacation, I
think. Take one of those little cheap three-day cruises to Mexico and just bask. ”

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“ Have you ever done one before? I’ve been on a couple, back when I was younger and still in the
good graces. ”

“I ’ve been on one. They run specials for a couple hundred bucks, you know? Cheap enough that
you can really enjoy yourself. ”

“ Cool. I always liked ‘em except for having to listen to people whine about crap. ” Jase shook his
head. “You’re on a boat, in the warm, with hot and cold running food and folks still find stuff to
complain about. I don’t get that. ”

“ Me either. I just like to relax. Soak up the sun, maybe do a little windsurfing. ”

“ Oh, I bet you look hot in your swimsuit on a board, in the sun... ” Jase’s voice faded, his cheeks
coloring a little as the waitress came back just then with their breakfasts.

“ Oh, that smells good. ” He winked, got another refill on the coffee. “We should plan to go,
sometime. ”

“ Oh! I’d like that. ” Jase beamed at him. “I would like that very much. ”

“Yeah? Me, too. I’m a fan of that whole buffet thing. ” He dug into his breakfast, peppering his
eggs liberally.

“ Gotta love all you can eat. ” Jase started in on his breakfast, too. Clearly just toast would not have
been enough, given that Jase kept up with him no problem in the shoveling it down category.

He started blinking slow about halfway through the pancakes, exhaustion taking him. Jase finished
up his plate first, eating every last bite.

Reaching across to him, Jase shook his arm a little. “ Don’t fall asleep in your food, Harry. It
would be messy. ”

“ Oh. Yeah. Sorry, man. I’d better get home and to bed, huh?”

“Are you okay to drive, Harry? I could take you. ”

“I have to take the patrol car home. I’d invite you over, but I’m not sure I’ll be awake long enough
for coffee. ”

“I could follow you. Just to make sure you made it okay. ” Jase was so earnest, so sweet.

“That works, if you’re not going out of the way. There’s a pool at my condo. You ought to come
hang sometime when I’m not dead on my feet. ” He threw cash on the table, nodded to Heather, and
stood. “You ready?”

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Jase gathered up his stuff, tucking the newspaper and notebook under his arm. “I am. Thanks for
breakfast, Harry. And I’d love to come over and play in your pool. I love spending time with you. ”

“ Cool. ” He’d be more chatty and shit, but... Tired. Really tired.

Jase’s hand slid around his arm as they walked out to the parking lot, his escort bringing him right
to his car.

“You remember how to get to my place?”

“I think so. I’ll make sure I follow you close, though. ” Jase leaned up and kissed the side of his

He nodded, smiled and slid into the car, heading home nice and easy. God, he was too tired to be
hard. Jase’s old clunker followed him, staying a couple car lengths behind all the way to his condo.

He parked, sliding out of the car, smiling back as Jase parked. “You want to come in?”

“ Sure. I could tuck you in. ” Oh, butter wouldn’t melt in Jason’s mouth.

“Turkey. ” He stumbled up to the door, unlocking it. “There’s Coke in the fridge. ” He hung his
piece up by the front door, made sure the lock was flipped behind Jason.

“ Seriously, I can tuck you in. Sing you a lullaby. ” Jase hummed, and then started singing. “Rock
a bye baby, in the tree top.”

Harry chuckled and headed back into his bedroom to change. “Make yourself at home, man. I need
something less uniform-y. ”

Jase followed along behind him. “I could cuddle you until you’re asleep, Harry. ”

“Yeah? That’s not too boring?” He stripped his shirt off, tossed it in the hamper.

Jase licked his lips, eyes riveted. “Um... what? Oh. No, no, not boring at all. At all.”

“ ’kay. If you’re sure. ” He got rid of his shoes, his uniform pants and slipped into a pair of sweats,
just tired to the bone.

“I ’m sure. In fact there’s nothing I can think of that I’d rather do. ” Jase toed off his shoes and
pulled off his T-shirt. “It’s okay if I strip down to my shorts, yeah?”

“ Mmmhmm. ” He crawled into the bed, pulling the covers off. Thank God for air conditioning.

Jase climbed up and curled in close, head on his shoulder, arm sliding to rest on his belly. “Is this

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okay, Harry?”

“ Mm. ” He nodded, already mostly asleep, blindly reaching out to set his alarm. “Good. ”

“ Cool. ” Jase snuggled in a little closer, feeling just right snugged in like that.

“ Mmmhmm. Cool. ” He fell asleep, dreaming of swimming and cruising.

And Jase.

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Chapter Twelve

Jase was having the best dream.

He was on a cruise ship with Harry, lying in the sun and rocking slowly together, his hard-on
sliding against Harry’s thigh. Oh, it felt so good. It felt so real. He opened his eyes and gasped, his
hips still moving, rubbing against Harry as they lay together in the man’s bed.

Harry was still sound asleep, one hand on his hip, thumb rubbing gently. Oh, oh. God, he wanted
this so much. He wanted to be with Harry with everything he had. Whimpering softly, he made
himself stop. He wasn’t going to just take what he wanted because Harry was asleep, that wouldn’t
be right.

“ Jase? Babe? You okay?” That hand pulled him closer, but Harry wasn’t even awake.

Jase melted at the words, plastering himself to Harry. Wake up, Harry, he thought. Wake up. “I’m
okay. Horny. ”

“ Mmm. You smell good. ” Harry hummed, nuzzled his cheek.

“ So do you. ” He rubbed against Harry’s thigh some more. “Are you awake, Harry? I don’t want
to do anything you wouldn’t do awake. ” He hated that Harry was that guy, the one who took
things slowly and didn’t do more than kiss on the first date and took his time. And he loved that
Harry was that guy.

Harry’s eyes blinked open, the pretty blue just shining at him. “Jason. ”

“ Hi Harry. ” He held his breath, hoping so hard that Harry would kiss him and let things happen.

“ Hey. ” Harry smiled at him, kissed the corner of his mouth. “I was dreaming, man. About
cruising. ”

“I was, too! With you. ” He pressed close, let Harry feel how much he wanted. “We were pretty
busy. ”

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“ Mmm. You’re a temptation, babe. I swear. ” Harry grabbed his hips, thumbs rubbing a second,
the man’s heavy cock pushing against his thigh.

Oh, yes! Groaning, Jase pushed against Harry’s hands, trying to get friction for his cock as he
pushed their lips together. It felt so good. Harry felt amazing.

“ Mmm. ” Harry kissed him, tongue sliding into his lips, slow and heated.

He opened wide, welcoming Harry in with a moan, his own tongue moving along Harry’s. Eyes
closing, he sank into the kisses, the rubbing, the feeling of Harry’s hands on his hips.

The tinny sound of ‘Whip it ” started up, getting louder with each passing second, and Jase broke
the kiss with a groan. “That’s my cell... ”

Harry groaned, pulled away. “You’d better get it, Jase. ”

He whimpered, just a little. He couldn’t help it, he was cozy and warm and horny like crazy. Harry
was right, though.

He dragged himself out of bed and followed the sound to his cargo pants, grabbing the phone and
flipping it open. “’Lo?”

“ Jason? Honey? Do you have the car?” Oh. Oh, shit. Sammy.

“ Oh, God. Yes, I do. What time is it? I’m sorry, I feel asleep. ”

“It’s almost two. Can you come get me? I’m at the bakery. My shift at Terry’s starts at three. ”

“ Shit. Yeah, I can do that. Sorry, Sammy. I’ll be there in fifteen, kay?” Man, he’d slept a long time
curled up with Harry.

Harry was already moving, dragging on pants, eyes wild. “Damn. I slept hard. ”

He apologized one more time and said bye to Sammy. “Yeah, me, too. Sammy needs a lift from the
bakery to his other job. I’m gonna have to go. ” He tugged his pants up over his boxers.

“You must have needed the sleep. Call me when you get the job at the children’s home, huh?”

“If I get it. ” His T-shirt went over his head and he tugged it down, looking for his sneakers and
finding them next to Harry’s dresser.

“You will. ” Harry started brushing his teeth, hand smoothing the short-short hair.

He stopped for a moment, basking in Harry’s confidence. Then he went and hugged the man,
holding tight for a moment. “Thanks, Harry. Call me when you’re finished doing the doubles. I

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want to come swim in your pool. ” And blow you. And get fucked. To start with.

“You and Sammy should both come. We’ll have a cookout. ”

Harry really was the nicest man on earth. Jase leaned up and kissed Harry’s cheek. “Call me and
we’ll work out the details. ”

“I will. Have a good day, man. ” Harry nodded, gave him a smile. “Have a really good day. ”

“You too, Harry. ” He squeezed Harry one more time and then took off before he forgot all about
Sammy again.

Man, if he didn’t get to make out with Harry soon, he was just going to die.

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Chapter Thirteen

Harry headed over to Jason’s apartment, bags of groceries in hand. Christ, between the stomach flu,
the doubles, and Jase’s new job at the Children’s facility they hadn’t seen each other in a month.
Jason had asked him to get together for Independence Day, but that was their second busiest night
of the year after Halloween.

So now it was the sixth, he’d called Sheila to make sure Jase was off, and they were having a
fucking cookout.

Harry kicked the door with his foot, smiling as little Sammy opened the door. “Hey. I brought
hamburger fixings, chips, even a pie. ”

“ Dude. ” Sammy blinked, grinned a little. “Come on in. Jase! Honey! Your knight is here! ”

Jase came hurrying over, laughing and beaming at him. “Harry! ” The slender body launched at
him, wrapping around him, the groceries, not seeming to care what he was squishing.

“ Hey, man. I thought we could celebrate a late Fourth. ” He grinned down into those happy eyes.
Shit, yeah.

“That’s an awesome idea! ” Jason’s head tilted and he stood up on his tiptoes, their lips brushing.
“I ’ve missed you. ”

“ How’s the new job going?” He took a soft kiss, but he still wasn’t sure about Sammy. He didn’t
want to hurt anybody.

“It’s going great! ” Jason gave him another kiss, and then tugged him into the apartment, leading
him to the kitchen. “Some of the kids that come in just break my heart, but I keep telling myself the
home is the first step to them getting a better life, even if it’s just getting them away from the
situation they were in. ”

Jase started unloading the grocery bag. “Sammy, come take a look at what Harry brought.
Sammy’s the best cook. ”

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The little guy came over, peering through the bag. “Oh, you brought stuff for potato salad and
coleslaw. There’s a little barbeque grill in the courtyard. ”

Jase grinned up at him and then gave him another hug. “This was an awesome idea, Harry. Thank
you. ”

“ Well, I know I missed y’all’s little block party. ” He’d been working the beach, breaking up
fights and shit.

“Yeah, it was fun. Rita was in fine form. This’ll be nice too, though. And I’ve been missing you. ”
Jase looked up at him, those pretty eyes just full of want.

“ Well, I’ve been running my ass off. We had a busy, busy night. ” He grabbed Jason’s waist,
hugged the sweet man. “So, do y’all have charcoal or is it a gas grill?”

Jase pressed close, hands sliding down to find his ass and squeeze. Tight. “Um... I think it’s
charcoal? Sammy, what kind of grill is it?”

“ Charcoal. There’s some in that little shed dealie. ” Sammy was already peeling potatoes.

“ What can we do to help?” Jase asked, still holding onto him, hands rubbing his ass cheeks. He
could feel a definite hardness against his thigh.

“ We could... ” Damn. Damn. He was getting wood.

Sammy chuckled. Jase’s cheeks reddened and that sweet, hot face got buried in his chest.

“ Come on, babe. ” He looked over at Sammy, dared to grin. “We’re still in the dating phase, I’ll
have you know. ”

“You mean you’re not fucking yet?”

“ Don’t be crass. Christ. ”

“ No, we’re not doing anything. Harry’s... old-fashioned. ” Jase grinned up at him. “And making
me insane I want you so bad,” Jase added in a whisper.

“I hear you, babe. I just. I want you to know how important this is. ” He had cruise tickets for the
second week in August before school started.

Jase cupped his face and looked into his eyes. “I know how important it is, Harry. You make my
heart happy. ”

“I just. ” He was in love and this was how you did it. You wooed and you took care and you made
sure. This was it for him.

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Jase beamed at him. “This is just how you are and it’s one of the things that I... It makes you you
and that’s pretty special, Harry. ” He was given a quick kiss, Jase blushing hard.

“You two are fucking adorable. Go make fire before I gag. ” Sammy was chuckling, teasing hard.

Jase finally let go of him, going to give Sammy a kiss on his cheek. “We’ll have it ready when you
are, Sammy. ” Then Jase took his hand and led him out the balcony and down to the courtyard.

The sun was going strong and he stripped off his tank top so that didn’t get filthy.

“ Oh... ” Jase licked his lips, eyes on him.

“You okay, babe?” He grabbed the big bag of charcoal, pouring it into the grill.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. You’re... you want any help with anything. Or should I just stand here and

“I ’m good, man. ” He stacked the briquettes up, humming under his breath.

Jase fanned himself with his hand. “Man, it’s hot out here. Or maybe it’s just you. ”

“ Huh? No, it’s hot. Feels good, the sun. ”

Jase giggled and came over to stroke his belly. “Yeah, the sun is warm, but that’s not what’s got
me all hot and bothered. ”

Oh. Oh, that felt good. His muscles went tight and his cock jerked, just filling out his jeans.
Moaning, Jase leaned against him, a matching hardness in the surfer shorts Jase wore, pressing
against his thigh. “Harry... ”

“Yeah. We’re making fire, babe. ” He could just turn around and hump Jason. Really.

Jase pressed a kiss to his right pec, tongue flicking out across his skin.

“ Jason. ” His nipple went hard, tight, just like that. Jason seemed so fucking innocent, so young,
and then he’d do something forward and hot and Harry would melt. Ache. He could imagine it,
Jason fucking him, that innocent face...

Oh. Oh, fuck him.

“ Harry. ” Jason’s breath wafted over his nipple, those hot lips closing over it, beginning to tug.

“ Hello there, I thought I heard someone -- oh! Sorry! Didn’t mean to interrupt! ” The speaker was
a very large man, bigger than him even, wearing make-up and dressed in a yellow sundress with

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white polka dots.

“I. Uh. Damn. Goddamn. Howdy, ma’am. ” He wiped his hand on his jeans, held it out. “I’m
Officer Everett. ”

“This is Rita, our landlady. Rita, this is Harry, my boyfriend. ”

Rita grabbed his hand, pumping it enthusiastically. “ Now aren’t you a fine stud of a man! Good
catch, Jason. ”

“Thank you, ma’am. Would you like a hamburger? We’re celebrating the Fourth late. ” Jesus, that
woman was stunning.

“ Oh, I’d like more than one. ” Rita laughed, the sound husky and deep.

Jase grinned. “And you think I eat a lot. ”

“ Well, I brought plenty and I can go back out, if I need to. ” He grinned back, admiring the hell out
of his man.

“ Oh, you won’t have to go out again on my account. ” Rita went over to the grill and started
moving the charcoal around. “Now this thing here can be a temperamental bitch if you don’t get
the bricks just right. ”

Jase giggled and whispered, “Rita’s kind of possessive about the grill. ”

“ Good to know.” He headed over, let Rita hold court, and put on his best policemen-are-your-
friends face, nodding at the appropriate points. He could feel Jason watching him, admiring him,
and sure enough, when he looked over Jase was staring at him, wearing a happy smile.

The fire started and they all settled in lawn chairs, waiting for the coals. Lord, it was a beautiful
fucking day.

“ So is it always this busy at the police department, Harry? With you pulling all these double

“ No. No, there was a stomach flu. Of course, holidays are always harsh for us. Somebody’s got to
work them, yeah?” Someone had to keep the peace.

“Yeah, and I guess a lot of people get drunk. Or put drugs in people’s drinks,” Jase added wryly.

“Yes. ” Or set people’s houses on fire or blow their own thumbs off...

“ Do you want a beer, Harry? Some munchies?”

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“ Hell, yes. That sounds perfect, babe. Thank you. ”

“ Cool. ” Jase bounced up, gave him a kiss and headed back up to the balcony, disappearing
through the door.

Rita chuckled. “You’re all he talks about, honey. ”

“ He’s a good guy. ” Jase was a fine, honest, decent man. He was utterly fucked.

“And you’re in love. I swear the two of you are the sweetest thing I’ve seen in a long time. We
should all get so lucky. ”

Was it that obvious? Harry looked over. “I. ” Was he really that easy to read? Really?

Rita cackled. “Oh, honey, I know it when I see it. ”

The balcony door banged open and Jase came bouncing down the stairs with three beers and a bag
of chips under his arm.

“ How’s Sammy doing with the burgers?” The coals were close to being done.

“ He’ll be down in a minute. He’s doing something ‘magical’. ” Jase made air quotes with his
fingers. “With the coleslaw. He wants you to like his food. ”

“ Jase, I’m a big old redneck cop. I’ll eat four-day old donuts. ” Gourmet, he wasn’t.

“You like food, though,” Jase said handing over his beer and giving Rita one. “And feeding the
people he cares about is what Sammy does. ”

He twisted the top off, nodded. “I can eat, man. That’s for sure. ”

Jase came back and sat next to him, patting his belly. “Do you work out? Because these are
amazing abs. ”

“Yeah. There’s a gym at the precinct. A boxing ring. It’s part of the job, keeping in shape. ”

“I like it. ” Those slender fingers kept stroking, petting him.

“Y...yeah?” It was all he could do to not just pounce Jason, and it was getting harder and harder to
be patient. It was getting harder and harder to remember why he was being patient.

“ Uh-huh. ” Jason licked his lips and he could easily see Jase was just as affected as one leg
crossed the other, trying to hide the way Jason’s prick pushed against his shorts.

“ Good. ”

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“ No fucking by the grill. You’ll burn important bits. ” Sammy brought down a tray of burgers.

Jase giggled, hand sliding away. “I don’t want you burning any important bits before I get to see
them,” he said softly.

“ No. No, I think that would be a shame, babe. ”

Rita took the burgers from Sammy. “Oh, these look real good, honey. Did you do the same thing
to them you did last week? Because those were some good burgers. ”

Jase grinned over at him as Rita and Sammy started arguing over how best to cook the burgers.

“ Hey. You... I have a... What’re you doing the second week of August?”

“ Hmm? Getting ready for my first semester as a teacher. ” Jase laughed. “Well, I’m a sub so it’s
not the same thing as having a full time class to prepare for, but I probably need the practice for
when I do have a fulltime class. ”

“ Oh. I... I don’t suppose you could, uh. Well... ” Damn.

Jase’s head tilted and his belly was given a rub. “What?”

He pulled the tickets out of his pockets, handing them over.

“ Oh, you’re going on your cruise! Good for you, Harry, you could use the break... ” Jason’s voice
faded. “There’s two tickets here. ”

“Yeah. I... I thought. If you’re not busy... ” Oh, God. This was hard.

“ Oh! Oh, you’re inviting me to go with you?” Jason looked so hopeful.

“Yes. Yes. I thought we’d play. ”

“ Oh, Harry. ” Jase threw his arms around his neck, holding on and kissing him. “I’d love to! ”

“ Oh. ” He held on, smiling and staring into those pretty eyes. “Cool. ”

“Yeah. Really cool. ” Jase beamed at him and then brought their lips together, this kiss soft and

Harry got his hands full of Jason’s ass, drawing him close. A sweet, needy whimper filled his
mouth, Jason’s prick hard against his belly.

“ Boys. Boys, no humping in the courtyard. ” He was going to kill Sammy.

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Jase groaned, rubbing harder for a moment.

“ Not like this. ” He eased Jason away. Not with people staring. Jase buried his face in Harry’s
neck, panting, hands clutching his arms.

“ Should we go upstairs, Sammy?” He could hear Rita’s stage whisper.

“I... I don’t know. ”

Jase pulled away and sat back in his own chair, blushing hard. “Sorry,” he murmured, hand
finding his and holding on.

“It’s okay. ” He kissed Jason’s temple. “I just... I’m a private man, huh?”

Jase nodded. “Me, too, but I forgot where we were.” Those pretty eyes looked up at him. “You
make me forget everything but you, Harry. ”

“Yeah. ” He winked, bumped their noses together. “ But we gotta eat, man. ”

That sweet giggle sounded and Jase leaned into his neck to whisper. “I’d like to eat you. ”

“ Oh... ” That was what fascinated him. Right there. That unexpected wickedness.

Then Jase sat back. “Do you need help bringing down the other stuff, Sammy?”

“Yeah. Yeah, let’s grab it. He even remembered paper plates. ”

“That’s my Harry -- he’s considerate like that. ” Jase gave him another quick kiss and then headed
on up with Sammy. He just watched, the sun pouring down on Jason as the fine man walked.

Rita was humming something as she worked the grill, taking gulps of her beer every now and then.
It was easy to just sit and let the sun bake him until Jason and Sammy came back down the stairs
with everything else they needed for their cook-out.

“You got the good paper plates, Harry! You rock. ”

“I hate the drippy plates, man. ” He was a master of paper plates. Hell, he might own his own
plates, but he rarely used them. Paper meant no dishes.

“Yeah, me, too. ” Jason beamed at him, like he’d hung the moon with those plates.

There was potato salad and coleslaw, burger fixings and chips and dip. Damn.

“I ’ll get you a plate -- you want one or two burgers, Harry?”

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“Two, please, babe. ” God, this was easy.

Jase took two burgers for him. “And what do you like on them?”

“ Mustard and pickles. ” He didn’t hold with mayonnaise, much.

“ No onions?”

“You going to have onions?”

“ Only if you do. ”

He grinned, the laughter just pushing up out of him. “Well, then. Onion us up. ”

“ Cool. ” Jase prepared his burgers for him, added heaping helpings of both the potato salad and
the coleslaw and brought him his plate. “Here you go. ”

“ Mmm. ” He grinned over at Sammy by the grill. “ It looks good, Sammy. Thank you. ” He dug
in, humming happily and devouring the food.

Jase took two burgers, too, and almost as much of the two sides, and sat next to him, eating up. Rita
had four burgers, and Sammy only one, conversation non-existent as they had the first few bites of

“You outdid yourself on the coleslaw today,” Jase told Sammy around a mouthful of it.

Sammy beamed, nodded. The bruises were finally gone and Harry could see the pretty in the little
pointed face.

“You’re a terrific cook all right. ” Rita laughed. “I swear I’ve gained twenty pounds since the two
of you moved in! ”

Jase’s hand landed on his thigh, just resting there, those pretty eyes looking over at him now and
then as they ate.

By the time he was done eating, he was starting to doze, his late morning and long hours catching
up with him. Jase took his plate for him and brought him another beer, settling in his lap. Letting
him doze, Jase chatted with Sammy and Rita, the gentle voice and soft giggles chasing him. He got
one arm around Jason’s waist and let himself sleep hard, dreaming idly about this and that, just
relaxed and warm.

Gentle kisses teased across his lips, a warm tongue and soft breath following.

“ Mmm. Babe. ” Sweet love.

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There was that soft giggle and another kiss pressed against his lips. “Wake up, Harry. It looks like
it might rain and we’re going inside. ”

“ Oh. Oh, man. Okay. ” Up. Get up. You gotta get home, Harrison.

Jase’s hand slipped into his and tugged, helping him up. “I know you’ve been working hard so we
let you sleep as long as we could. ”

“I oughta go home, babe. Get some sleep. ” He started moving, stumbling behind Jason.

Jase turned and looked up at him. “Oh. Well you could sleep here... We have a big bed. ”

“I don’t want to put y’all out. ” He yawned, stubbing his toe on the stair.

“ Sammy? Do you mind if Harry sleeps in our bed?”

“ Nope. I’m going to go down and help Rita paint one of the other apartments. She says we can
have any of the furniture left behind, if I do. ”

“ Cool! ” Jase’s hand wrapped in his and they started up the stairs together. “See? We won’t be
put out. ”

He sort of nodded, sort of blinked. Sort of let Jason lead him into a big bedroom, a bed covered in
quilts taking up most of the space. Jase pulled back the covers and then turned back to him,
working on his jeans, hands sliding on his skin.

“ Mmm. Babe. You’re a temptation. ” He toed his shoes off, blinking, nice and slow.

“I ’m just trying to get you comfy for sleeping, Harry, I swear. ” Jase slid soft, warm hands up and
down his chest and worked open his belt.

Harry sat down hard as soon as Jase had his jeans down. “Sorry. Sorry, I’m all full and warm. ”

Giggling softly, Jase tugged his pants off both feet. “I think you’re adorable. ” Then Jase pushed
him back.

“Adorable isn’t very macho... ” God, he was tired.

“ Oh, you’re macho, too. A big stud. A gorgeous big stud. ” Jase’s fingers slid over his abs, and
then smoothed their way up to his pecs.

Mmm. Mmmhmm. Good touching. Very good. Harry hummed, patted Jase on the butt.

Groaning, Jase rubbed against him, shorts scratchy against his leg, and then the sweet humping

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stopped. “I should let you sleep. ” Jase sounded like he wanted to do no such thing.

“ Mmm. ” He would’ve said no, but...


He was already asleep.

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Chapter Fourteen

Jase was going out of his mind.

He and Harry had seen each other once or twice a week for all of July, but they still hadn’t
progressed past kissing. He’d given Harry every signal he could imagine. He’d told Harry how
special he was. He’d brought Harry flowers and cookies made fresh by Sammy.

It wasn’t like he couldn’t turn to Sammy for a little rub and tug, or a blow job if he wanted. But he
didn’t want to be doing that with Sammy while thinking of Harry -- it wouldn’t be fair to any of
them. He did make copious use of his right hand, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t Harry.

Besides, he wanted to make love with Harry, not just to get off, but because it was Harry. Who he
really, really, really liked. Maybe even loved.

Tonight he was off on another date with Harry and they both had the next day off and he was
dressing to seduce. Or at least he was hoping to. At the moment he was just wearing underwear.

“ Sammy! I need you. ”

“ Coming, honey! ” Sammy bounced in, laughing. “Aren’t you ready yet?”

He shook his head. “I want to wear something that Harry won’t be able to resist taking off. ”

“Liquid latex?” Sammy headed for the closet, clothes flying.

Jase laughed, just imagining himself with latex sprayed on over his body. “I’d look like a clown. ”

“ Hrm. Silk shirt? Nah, too queenie. How about a tight black t-shirt? Harry seems like the simple
type. ”

“ He’s not simple, he’s special! ” Jase gave Sammy a sheepish smile. “Sorry. He is, though. Do
you think I’ve got a good enough body to pull off the black t-shirt?”

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“ Hell, yes. You’ve got a cute little ass. He’ll love it.”

“You think I should wear my old jeans then? They’re the tightest ones I have. ”

Sammy tilted his head, Jase could almost hear him thinking. “You don’t want them impossible to
pull off, honey. ”

“ Oh, I hadn’t thought of that! ” He definitely wanted Harry to be able to make him naked. “I want
him to want to get into my pants and to be able to. ”

“ Well, then. Wear these. ” A pair of tight, but not skin-tight jeans were tossed over, the pockets
decorated with a hint of leather.

“ Oh, these are sexy. ” They were also Sammy’s. Lucky for him they were of a size. He hugged his
friend. “Thanks, honey. ”

“You’re welcome. Take condoms. Lube. ” Sammy winked.

He nodded and hugged Sammy tighter. “I will. I just hope I get to use them tonight. ” He tugged
the jeans on and did them up.

“You will. Rita and I have been lighting voodoo candles for you. ” Voodoo candles.

“ Sammy, you’re not serious. Are you?” He tilted his head.

“ Sure. What could it hurt?”

He shook his head. “No, I suppose it couldn’t hurt anything. Goodness knows I need to get laid. ”
By Harry.

“ Well... I’m right here... ”

“ Oh, honey, I know. ” He went over and hugged Sammy again. “I don’t want to just use you,
though, and be thinking of Harry. That would hardly be fair to you. ”

“ Oh, you know I love you. I’ll give you what you want, if I can. ”

It occurred to him suddenly that maybe Sammy needed and he’d been shutting his friend out.
“That works both ways -- you know that, right?”

“I know. ” Sammy looked almost sad for half a second, and then smiled brightly.

“Is everything okay with you, honey?” God, he’d been so wrapped up with what was going on
with him and Harry that he hadn’t been keeping up with Sammy and what was going on in his
friend’s life.

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“I. Yeah. Yeah, Jase. I’m just working, you know? And the semester’s about to start again. ”

He pulled the T-shirt over his head, smoothing it down and tucking the end in his jeans. “We
haven’t had a good cuddle and talk in ages, have we? You, me, and that tub should have a date
soon. ”

“I ’d like that. I really would, Jase. ” Sammy hugged him and held on, shaking just a little.

He hugged back, arms wrapping tight around Sammy. “Do you want me to cancel my date,

“ God, no. No. You go. Get laid. Get loved on. ”

He giggled. “I’m going to do my best. ” He gave Sammy a kiss, and held him tight.

The knock on the door had him giving Sammy another quick buss. “That’s Harry. ”

“ Go on, honey. Have fun. Tell me everything when you get home! ”

“ Okay, hon. ” Laughing, he gave Sammy a last squeeze and ran to get the door.

“ Hi Harry! ”

“ Hey, you. ” Harry looked...

Hell, the man looked like sex in jeans. A starched shirt. Boots. A cowboy hat. Uhn.

Jason swallowed hard, hands moving to slide up over Harry’s chest. He tilted his head, standing on
his tiptoes to take a kiss.

“ Damn, you smell real good... ” Harry’s eyes were shining.

“And you look good enough to eat. ” Please, let me eat you....

“ Mmm. You ready to go get supper, babe?”

He nodded and took Harry’s hand. “I am. Where are we going?”

“ Mexican? Italian? I’m easy. ” Oh, no, Harry wasn’t easy at all. But so worth the wait.

“ We could pick up pizza and take it back to your place. Watch a movie or two. ” Make out while
some cop saved the world.

“ Oh, that sounds perfect. Absolutely perfect. ” That smile burned him to the ground.

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He wasn’t going to be able to keep his hands off Harry and he hoped like crazy the feeling was
mutual. Harry stopped at a little mom and pop pizzeria not too far from his place, both of them
going in.

“ What do you like on your pizza?” Jase asked, surprised to realize he didn’t know. This would be
the first one they shared.

“ Mmm. No fishes. Lots of meat. I like the vegetables, too, though. ”

“ Onions? ” He just loved onions and Harry’d been nice enough more than once to have onions
with his food, too, so they could both have equally offensive breath.

“You know it. Let’s get some cinnamon bread stuff, too. ” Harry’s hand was solid on his back,

“ Cool. ” Harry’s hand stayed there when they went in and it was all Jase could do not to lean
against Harry and rub like a cat in heat. They ordered their pizza, their dessert, even a six-pack to
take back to Harry’s.

“Are you all ready for the cruise next week?” Jase asked as they waited for their food.

“I think so. Have my passport and my swim trunks. ”

“ Maybe you could model them for me after we’ve eaten. ” He wasn’t just trying to get Harry
almost naked in front of him -- if he knew what kind of suit Harry had he could make sure he
matched. Or something like that.

“ Model them? Me?” Harry gave him this surprised look.

“ Well, yeah. You’re a stud -- I bet you look amazing in swim trunks. ”

“ Well, I hope you like blue. They’re what I have. ”

“I like blue a lot. ” He pictured Harry wearing a blue swimsuit. Yeah, he liked blue a whole lot.

Harry grinned, turned a bright red. “Yeah? What color’s yours? ”

“I have a ghastly orange pair that I am planning on leaving at home as long as I can find something
at the store before next week. ”

“ Oh, you’ll find something. I have faith. Maybe something red. You’d look good in red, babe. ”

It was his turn to blush, but he beamed up at Harry at the same time. “I’ll look for something red. ”

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Harry looked hungry, looked like he needed. Jase could just burn up with it. He got caught in that
look, in looking back, nearly missing it when their order was called up.

“ Come on, babe. Let’s go. ” Harry paid, grabbed the bags and headed out, cock hard in those tight

He let Harry get a little ahead of him so he could admire that ass, too, and then he skipped to catch
back up, happy and horny and hoping like hell tonight was the night.

It didn’t take long for them to get back to Harry’s condo, which was good as the pizza was
torturing them with good smells, Jase’s stomach rumbling like he hadn’t eaten in a week. Harry
laughed and stole a kiss as he put the pizza on the coffee table. “It’s cool to just eat in here?”

“It’s your couch, man. I promise to try not to drop pizza on it, though. ” Sitting on the couch meant
he could be close enough to touch. Jase had discovered that food tasted way better if some part of
him was touching some part of Harry. Oh, it was probably all in his head, but he was going with it

Harry put his hat on a hook by the door, alongside his service pistol. “I’m not worried about the
sofa. ”

“ Cool. ” He sat on the sofa and opened the box, humming as steam wafted up. “Oh, that smells
good. I’m hungrier than I thought. ” He patted the seat next to him, admiring Harry as the man
came toward him, his cock perking right up happily.

They popped two beers, started chowing down, some beach volleyball showing on the television.
Man, those men were fine. It was like legal, primetime porn.

“You ever played?” he asked Harry.

“ Not like that, but yeah, I know how.”

“I bet you could give them a run for their money. And I’d love to watch you. ” God, would he love
to watch Harry get all half naked and sweaty like that...

“ We ought to go down to the beach and play sometime, babe. I bet you’d be good at it too, you’re
so quick. ”

“You think so?” He beamed up at Harry and then reached out to stroke shirt-covered muscles. “I
don’t have these. ”

“You have your own, huh? You don’t have to be a big lumbering bear. ” God, those muscles
jumped and shook, dancing under his fingers.

“You’re not a bear and you don’t lumber. ” No, Harry was beautiful, graceful. Strong. Sexy. Jase

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found himself swaying toward Harry.

“ Grr. ” Harry chuckled, leaned toward him.

He was laughing as their mouths pressed together. This kiss was soft, sweet, tentative -- for about
ten seconds. Then Harry groaned and opened up to him. Jase’s hands slipped up around Harry’s
neck, holding on, moaning into the kiss. He pressed close, desperate for contact. Harry groaned and
dragged him onto those hard, heavy thighs, right into Harry’s lap.

His knees fell to either side, his legs spread wide. He felt wanton and needy, and all it took was a
roll of his hips to have their groins pushing together, his cock dragging along the hardness of

“ Babe. ” One hand was on his ass, pushing him closer, rolling them together.

“ Harry! ” Gasping, whimpering, he rubbed, hands wrapped in Harry’s collar as he tried to merge
right into Harry.

“I. We’re supposed to be... ” Harry groaned, leaned back and dragged him closer.

“This,” he murmured, fingers tugging the bottom of Harry’s lovely shirt out of the studly jeans.
His fingers found skin, sliding on it, his hips working faster. Harry felt so good and he’d wanted
this for so long.

“ Uh-huh. This. Want you, babe. ” One hand slid in the back of his waistband.

Oh, God. “Yes. Yes, please, Harry. ” He was begging, he knew it, but he didn’t care. He wanted
Harry so badly and the feeling of that big hand pushing into the back of his jeans was nearly
enough to get him off.

“ Come to the bed. ” It wasn’t a question. Not really.

He nodded anyway. “Yes, Harry. Please. ” Whatever Harry wanted, as long as they could keep
touching and kissing and getting on with the coming, which he was going to do really soon if he
could just get more skin.

Harry stood up. Just stood up, holding him in those arms, and carried him to the bedroom and
Harry’s big bed.

So strong. God, it just made him hornier. “My, what big arms you have,” he murmured, tasting
Harry’s neck.

“Told you. I’m a big old bear. ” Harry swallowed, groaned. Dumped him on the bed. It was a big,
solid bed, the covers dark grey. Very manly. Like Harry.

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He laughed, breathless and happy, so hard he ached. He opened his arms up to Harry. “Too far
away, my big bear. ”

“Let me... ” Harry pinked, but started stripping, showing off that fine skin, those muscles.

“ Oh... yes. ” He nodded and leaned up on his elbows, moaning softly and licking his lips. Harry
really was beautiful. A stud.

“You too, huh? I mean, if you want this. ”

“ Oh! Right! ” He began to strip as quickly as possible, to make sure Harry absolutely realized that
yes, he wanted this. There would be no room for doubt. “I want you, Harry. I’ve wanted you
forever. ” Okay, so he was exaggerating a little, but he had wanted Harry as long as he knew the

“You’re... Damn, babe. ” Harry was so hard, cock full.

He would have felt self-conscious lying naked in bed with Harry looking, except Harry so
obviously liked what he saw, so instead he was just eager to have Harry in his arms. “I’m waiting,”
he said softly.

“You are. I need you. ” Harry crawled down on the bed, lips brushing his belly.

The touch was electric, making him jump and gasp, his fingers going to Harry’s short hair, trying to
find enough to hold onto.

“I want you. ” Harry moved up, groaning a little. “My balls ache from it. ”

“ Mine, too, Harry. ” He slid his hands over Harry’s shoulders, over his back. “I’ve wanted you
since I first saw you. ”

“ Once I start loving you, I’m not taking it back. ”

He shivered. No one had ever wanted him for more than a quick fuck or two. Nobody but Sammy
and they weren’t lovers like that. Like this. “Please, Harry, love me. ”

“Yeah. ” Harry’s lips landed on his, the kiss hard and deep and enough to steal his breath away.

He bucked up, wanting Harry to know he wanted just as badly. Hell, he needed Harry from his
head to his toes. Arms wrapping around that big body, he spread his legs, offering himself over.

Their cocks slid together -- bare and slick, heated and side-by-side. Harry was thick, the tip wet and
sliding on his skin. Crying out into Harry’s mouth, Jase wriggled and writhed beneath Harry’s
wonderful weight. He gasped each time their cocks met as they rubbed together. This is what he’d
been waiting so long for, this kiss of skin on skin.

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Harry wasn’t holding anything back for him, either. Deep, rumbling sounds pushed into his mouth,
the hand under his ass pulling him in tight. His hands grabbed and clutched at Harry and he was
torn between wanting this to go fast so he finally got off with Harry before anything could interrupt
them, and wanting to go slow, to savor each second and make it last all night.

His body took over for his brain about then, and he just humped up as best he could, and kissed
Harry back with everything he was.

“ Gonna. Babe. Damn. ” Harry bit his bottom lip, hips rolling furiously.

He cried out at the sharp pain, his own hips snapping. He beat Harry to the punch, come spraying
out of him. He’d never seen Harry’s eyes look like that -- shocked and happy and horny and wide.
It only took that look before Harry was coming, shooting against his cock.

Moaning softly, he kissed Harry and held on tight, hooking one ankle behind Harry’s thighs.

“ Mmm. Don’t want to squash you, babe. ”

“It feels good, having you on top of me. Feels solid and real. ” He didn’t want to let go anytime

Somehow, he didn’t think Harry would mind.

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Chapter Fifteen

Jase dozed and woke up on top of Harry, fitting perfectly on the strong body, like he was made to
be there. God, he was happy. Really, really. And he thought he just might stay right here forever.

Harry’s stomach was rumbling, growling, making him chuckle.

He nuzzled into Harry’s neck, tongue flicking out to taste the salt there. “Hungry?” he murmured,
happy to keep on right where he was if Harry wasn’t actually awake.

“ Mmm. ” Was that a yes or an ‘I’m sleeping’?

He slid his fingers across one of Harry’s nipples. That should tell him. The little bit of flesh drew
up tight, bumping his fingertip. Groaning, he slid a little, finding that eager little nipple with his lips.
He tugged and licked and threatened it with his teeth, and then licked again.

“ Babe... ” Oh. Oh, he could feel Harry’s cock, filling against his hip.

“ Right here, Harry. ” He rocked as he said it, sliding their bodies together.

“ Mmmhmm. ” Harry’s hands slid down his back, hands wrapping around his ass and squeezing.

“ Oh. Oh, Harry. ” He didn’t know if it was because they’d waited or because it was Harry, but sex
had never been so good, so all over good. He sucked on Harry’s little nipple.

“ Damn... ” Harry’s flesh perked up, calling for his tongue. Nobody’d ever made him feel so

He bit at the tip with his teeth, rubbing harder, loving the way his cock slid along Harry’s skin.
Everything he did made Harry harder, earned him another soft cry. He kissed his way across to the
other nipple, humming and happy, so turned on.

“ Babe. ” One of Harry’s hands landed on his head, encouraging him to continue.

He beamed and wriggled, sucking harder on the little bit of flesh. His hand slid between them,

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touching the tip of Harry’s cock. All those muscles rippled, Harry pushing up into his hand, just
like that.

“ Oh! ” Moaning, he gripped Harry’s prick and stroked the thick length.

“ Damn, babe. Harder. ”

He wasn’t sure if Harry meant harder on his nipple or harder on his cock, so he went for both,
biting down on that hard little bit of flesh and squeezing the cock in his hand. He wanted to make
Harry feel as good as Harry made him feel. So hot -- the way Harry shook and moved, made him
feel like he was the sexiest guy ever, like Harry needed this as bad as he did.

Jase licked his way up to Harry’s neck, tasting the salt on Harry’s skin, and his teeth worrying a
small patch.

“You... ” Harry swallowed, hips punching up into his touch.

“You’re so sexy, Harry. You make me want. I want you. ” He wanted to be inside Harry.

“Yeah. Yeah, I want. ” Harry spread for him, one leg drawing up, rubbing against his side.

“ Oh, yes. Please. ” He nodded, letting go of Harry’s cock so he could touch the little hole between
Harry’s ass cheeks.

“ So hot. ”

That little ring of muscles jerked and tightened, squeezing around his touch.

“I need the slick, Harry. ” He didn’t want to hurt his big stud of a man, not for anything.

“ Uh. ‘kay. Where is it?” Harry blinked, a little confused, a little dazed. Too adorable.

He giggled. “I’m not sure. I could lick you... ” Oh, he’d never done that to anyone, but suddenly
he wanted to see what Harry tasted like.

Harry groaned, hips rolling up, cock throbbing in his hand. Oh, that was a yes. It so was. He gave
Harry a quick kiss, tongue touching Harry’s for a second before he wriggled his way down the
solid body.

“You. Oh, fuck, Jason. You’re so damn fine. ”

Beaming, he rubbed his cheek against Harry’s prick. Oh, Harry’s prick. He couldn’t go by without
a little hello lick. That thick shaft jumped, leapt under his tongue and made him moan. He licked at
the tip, gathering a drop on his tongue, gasping at the taste of Harry in his mouth.

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“ Oh. Oh, babe. Do it again. ”

That made him grin, made him chuckle and lap at the swollen tip of Harry’s cock. His tongue
circled the head a few times, and then he pressed the tip into Harry’s slit.

“ Jason! ” His eyes went wide at that sound. He’d known it would be hot, but he hadn’t known
Harry would make him feel so... sexy.

He took the head of Harry’s cock into his mouth, sucking strongly, his fingers sliding over the
insides of Harry’s thighs. Harry spread for him, those strong thighs parting and letting him in. He
kissed his way down the thick prick, and then nosed Harry’s heavy balls. He could smell Harry all
around him, feel the heat of his body.

Harry was feeding him one sweet sound after another, crying out, over and over. He felt like a god,
like the sexiest man alive. He stroked his fingers across the smooth skin behind Harry’s balls, and
then touched the little wrinkled hole, finger stroking across it. Harry shivered, hips rocking up and
down, like he needed more.

He pressed his face close, tongue flicking at Harry’s hole. The taste was strong and musky, but all
Harry and he licked again.

“ Babe. Babe, you’re gonna make me crazy. ”

“A good crazy?” He licked again, and then again.

“ Uh. Uh-huh. Yeah. ”

“ Good. ” He kept licking, really getting into it now, taking along swipes across Harry’s hole,
pushing the tip of his tongue in.

The bed springs were squeaking, screaming, bouncing under them. He started fucking with his
tongue, pushing it into Harry over and over. His hips pushed his cock against the sheets, so turned
on, wanting so badly.

“ Babe. Babe, I need you. Please. Come on. ”

“Is it enough?” he asked. “I don’t want to hurt you. ” Still, he was climbing onto his knees,
moving between Harry’s legs.

“ Jason, if you do, I’ll fucking tell you. ” Harry grinned at him, dragged him closer. “I swear. ”

“ Okay. ” He kissed Harry, and then lined up, stopping with a gasp as his cock hit Harry’s hole.
“ Oh, God! I need a condom! ”

“I. In the headboard. ”

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He nodded, whimpering. So close. He leaned up over Harry, moaning as their pricks slid together.

“ B...babe. ” Harry arched under him, rubbing hard.

He was just about ready to give up on fucking Harry when his fingers snagged the edge of the little
square packet. “Got it. Thank God. ”

“ Uh-huh. Put it on. I need you, huh? Need it. ”

He nodded, fingers trembling as he got the package open and smoothed the condom down over his
cock. “Okay. Okay. ” He settled back between Harry’s legs.

“Thank God. ” Harry’s smile just made him groan. Wanted him. Harry wanted him.

“Love you, Harry. ” He smiled into those eyes, watching as he pushed in, as Harry’s tight, hot
body swallowed him in.

“ Babe. ” Harry reached up, cupped his jaw.

He nuzzled into the touch and kept pushing, moving until his hips were pressed tight against
Harry’s ass. Then he started to move. “Oh, God! ”

“ Uh. Uh-huh. Good. ” One hand wrapped around his waist and dragged him closer. “So good. ”

His hips kept going, moving him into Harry over and over while he reached up and pressed his lips
against Harry’s. Things slowed down, both of them moaning and rocking, sliding together. So
good. He couldn’t believe how good it was. He got lost in it, in Harry. Tongues and cocks and ass
and he didn’t want it to ever end.

“ Damn, babe. ” Harry moaned into his lips, the tight muscles around his cock squeezing him.

“Yeah. Yeah. ” He nodded, moving faster, pushing harder. He grabbed at Harry’s cock, squeezing
and stroking. Harry jerked, eyes rolling a little, fingers almost bruising. Gasping, panting, he
pushed harder. “I want to feel you come, Harry. ”

“ Jason! ” Harry jerked and stared at him, eyes burning.

He nodded, thrusting harder, giving Harry everything he was. “Come on my cock, Harry. ”

That was all Harry needed, seed spraying over his fingers, so hot. And Harry’s pleasure was all he
needed, the hot channel tightening down on his cock, the smell of Harry’s come, and the look on
Harry’s face all made him fly, his own come filling the condom.

Harry dragged him down, kissed him so hard it made him shudder. He held on, kissing back for all

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he was worth.

Harry smiled at him, body squeezing a little. “Damn. ”

Jason rippled at the squeeze and kissed the side of Harry’s smile. “Uh-huh. That was amazing. ”
He laughed. “You’re amazing, Harry. ”

“ We’re pretty fucking amazing, babe. ”

“Yeah. You and me. ” He kissed Harry again. “I’m glad you found me at that party, Harry. ”

“Yeah. Yeah, man. I. ”

He chuckled, licked the corner of Harry’s lips. His Harry wasn’t the world’s biggest talker. And
then Harry’s stomach rumbled, loudly.

“You want a midnight snack, Harry? I might not be the cook Sammy is, but I do a mean grilled
cheese sandwich. ”

“ God, yes. I’ve got chips and onion dip, too. ”

“ Oh, I could munch. ” He licked at Harry’s lips one more time, groaning as he slid out of the tight
sheath of Harry’s body. “Oh. Oh, I liked being inside you, Harry. ”

“ Does that mean we can do it again?” Look at those laughing eyes.

“ Oh, yes, please. And again. ” He beamed at Harry and got rid of the condom as casually as he

Harry’s hand cupped his ass, squeezed a little. “Cool. Let’s eat and you can tell me about your job,
huh? Sheila says the kids love you. ”

He blushed at the complement, but wiggled his ass back against Harry’s hand. “It makes me sad
that there’s so many of them that need to be helped. I wish the world was a better place for them.
But I love that I can do even a little bit to make cheer them up. ”

He stood up, reluctantly giving up his spot on top of Harry’s amazing body. Of course now he had
the pleasure of watching Harry’s muscles shift and bunch as he stood up, too.

“You do a good job, I bet. ”

“I try. ” Reaching out, he stroked Harry’s ripped abs, sighing happily as his fingertips danced over
the warm skin.

Harry smiled at him, just smiled like this was what Harry needed from life.

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He beamed back, so happy it almost hurt inside.

“ Come on, babe. You promised me grilled cheese. ”

He giggled and nodded, taking Harry’s hand as they walked to the kitchen. He just couldn’t not
touch. “I did. ”

“ Cool. Can we put bacon bits on it?”

“If you’ve got real bacon I can fry that up and we’ll do the grilling in the bacon fat. ” Anything for
his Harry.

“ Oh. Oh, dude. ” Harry grinned and, God, it was adorable. “I do. ”

“ Okay, but we if we’re doing real bacon we need aprons or something because spattering fat and
dangly bits are so a bad combination. ”

“You want some shorts, babe? I have drawstring ones. ” Harry headed for a laundry basket and
started digging, giving him a look at that tight, slightly swollen little asshole.

He followed, drawn to Harry like he was being pulled along by a string. Reaching out, he stroked
very gently over that little hole, the heat from it just wonderful.

“ Oh. ” Harry’s muscles rippled, ass cheeks clenching. “Oh, babe. ”

“I couldn’t resist, Harry. ” Bending, he flicked his tongue across the little hole, his fingers sliding
to fondle Harry’s ass cheeks.

“ Jase. Jase, lord. ” God, listen to that. He was doing that. He blew where he’d licked, one hand
sliding down to fondle Harry’s balls, his breath catching softly in his throat as he reveled in the
noises Harry made. Harry spread a little, rocked. “I can’t get it up again... ”

“ Does it feel good, Harry?” He didn’t care of they came again, he just loved making Harry feel
good, and he loved how Harry taste, moved.

“It. It feels like heaven. It feels... so hot. ”

He nearly melted on the spot. Instead he kept licking and touching, tasting and stroking Harry
wherever he could reach, wherever he thought it would feel good.

“ Makin’ my knees weak. ” Oh. Oh, good.

He laughed, sheer joy filling him as he loved on Harry. Harry’s raw chuckle filled the room, those
muscles jumping. Finally, he stopped, simply leaning against the lovely body and holding on.

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“Love, huh? I mean, really. ”

He nodded, smiling up at Harry, feeling it everywhere inside him. It was so big, so very big that he
wasn’t sure why he hadn’t exploded from it.

“ Me, too, Harry. ” He raised his face for a kiss, moaning as Harry granted it.

Harry pushed a pair of soft shorts into his hands, the fabric brushing him like a caress. He slipped
them on, pulling the drawstring tight enough they would fall back down over his hips and then, with
one last touch to Harry’s skin, he set about making grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon.

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Chapter Sixteen

After they ate, they went back to bed and dozed for a little while, Harry tugging Jase into the curve
of his body, just jonesing on the feel of them together. Naked. Jason was fucking fine, warm and
close, eager.

He was lost.

Jase hummed a little, pressing closer. “Harry... mmm... ”

“Yeah, babe. I got you. ” He pressed his face into the soft skin of Jason’s nape, fingers stroking up
and down that flat belly.

Groaning, Jason rippled for him, cock rising up to nudge at his hand, like it was trying to get his

“ We finally did it,” murmured Jason, blue eyes opening, gazing up at him.

“ Was it as good as you wanted?” His hand scooted down, fingers curling around the long shaft.

Jase gasped for him, eyes going wide. The slender hips pushed, sliding Jase’s cock through his
hand. “My only complaint is that it’s over. ”

“It’s not over. ” Not if he had anything to say about it.

Jase giggled softly, the sound so happy, and all for him. “Then I have no complaints at all. ”
Moaning, Jase pushed through his hand again. “More. ”

“ Mmm. I can do more. ” In fact, he was all about more. His hand started moving, sliding up and
down, jacking Jason nice and easy.

Jase arched for him, making sweet, soft noises. “I want to feel you inside me, Harry. Will you fuck

“You sure?” Would he? Christ. He would. Over and over.

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“ Oh, yes, I’m sure. ” Jason’s hand slid along his belly and down to pet at his prick. “Please. ”

“I have stuff in that drawer in the headboard. ” New rubbers, a new bottle of lube - just in case. Of
course he should have remembered that when Jason had done him earlier. But then he wouldn’t
have been rimmed and oh, fuck, that had been hot. Unbelievably hot.

Jason reached over, body twisting and stretching, looking so fine. His moan was muffled in Jase’s
shoulder, hand moving a little faster, just because. Jase gasped and kept moving into his hand,
managing to get the rubbers and lube and still keep moving, graceful and needy all at once.

His own cock was hard as diamond, rubbing in the crease of Jason’s ass.

“ Oh, Harry. God, I want you so badly. ” He could hear it in Jason’s voice, the sweet tenor gone all

“You have me. You want me to slick you up or do you want to do it?” Either way, he might just
explode from it.

Jase looked back at him, eyes wide. “You Harry, I want to feel you touch me inside. ”

He let go of Jason’s cock reluctantly, fingers held out to Jase. “Slick me up then. ”

Jason’s hands weren’t entirely steady as they worked the tube, the slick spurting out all over his
fingers. That soft giggle sounded, Jase looking up at him. “Oops? ”

They both laughed then, deep and hard, gasping some. Oh, that took that nasty tension away, made
things easy and fun and less like something too big to be simple. He got his slick fingers back
where they needed to go, touching just a little, stroking between bursts of laughter.

Jason rocked back into him, sliding against his fingers, little moans mixing in with the sweet happy
noises. “Love how you touch me, Harry. ”

“You feel fine. ” Like something he didn’t have words to explain. How did you explain something
so right?

“ Gonna feel even better in a minute. Inside me, please. Please, Harry. ”

He nodded, pushed two fingers in and started stroking, making sure Jase was real slick. Jase
gasped, whole body going tight for a moment before a low moan dragged out of him. Then he
relaxed, pushing back into Harry’s touch. Jase was so tight around his fingers, squeezing him,
rippling around him.

“It’s cool, babe?” Not too much?

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Jase nodded. “It’s okay. Been awhile. Me and Sammy, we don’t... not this. ”

“ No? ” That made him groan a little, made him embarrassingly pleased.

“ No. Just did it once. I didn’t... ” Groaning, Jase pushed back harder, whimpering suddenly as he
found Jase’s gland. “Didn’t like it. It wasn’t like this. Oh, Harry. ”

“Yeah. Yeah. I like it. I like it both ways. ” He wasn’t one of those who only wanted to fuck. Of
course Jase knew that, had blown his mind earlier.

“It felt so good being inside you. I want to feel you, too, though. I want it all. ” Jase laughed and
pushed back harder. “God, that feels so good, Harry. ”

“ Uh-huh. You’re just on fire, babe. ” On fire. Tight. Damn.

“ For you, Harry. ” Jase reached back, hand grabbing his hip and holding on.

“Yeah. Yeah. Babe. Put the rubber on me?” He pulled away, let Jason turn around.

Jason’s fingers slid over his prick, squeezed and felt him up. “You’re beautiful, Harry. ” Then
those fingers worked the condom down over his needy flesh.

“ Big. Big lug. Fuck. Babe... ” His head went back, throat working.

“ Beautiful big lug. ” Jase squeezed his cock, stroked it a few times. “I’m ready for you, Harry. ”

“ Ride me?” That way he’d know Jase wasn’t hurting, could watch.

Jase gasped, nodded, and threw a leg over his. “Help me. ”

He grabbed the base of his cock, rubbing the tip against Jase’s tiny little hole. Hands resting on his
chest, Jase groaned and pushed back against his cock. He could feel his cock head slowly
spreading Jase’s hole, stretching it so he could fit.

“ Oh. Oh, fuck babe. ” He panted hard, hands sliding up along Jason’s ribs.

“ Uh-huh. ” Jase licked his lips, a light sweat breaking out over his face. Then Jase took a deep
breath and pushed back some more, taking him in about halfway before Jase stilled again.

“You okay? No hurting, babe. None. ” He took that pretty cock and started stroking.

“I ’m good. You’re just... ” Jase gasped, body going so tight around him. “So big. ”

Groaning, Jase worked down some more, panting as he finally sat fully against Harry’s hips. It was
all Harry could do, not to jerk up, push in deep and just start moving. His balls were tight, aching.

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The tight heat squeezed tight again, Jase’s eyes huge as they met his. “You’re so big, Harry. So
hot. ”

“You okay? This is good?” If Jason said no, Harry thought he’d die.

“ Oh, God, yes, Harry. Just give me a minute. ” Jase’s hands opened and closed on his chest.

“As long as you need. ” He kept touching, kept stroking Jason’s cock and taking deep, harsh

Moaning with every touch, Jase finally started moving, lifting up just the smallest bit before sliding
down again. His eyes fell closed, just so he could control his movements, stay still. Jase kept
moving, moaning and groaning, lifting a little higher each time, gasping whenever he sank back
down. Harry’s cock was throbbing, aching, his thigh muscles so tight he thought they’d snap.

Slowly, but surely, Jase moved faster, sliding on his prick.

“ Oh. Oh, babe. You’re gonna. I’m going crazy. ” His hands landed on Jason’s hips.

“ Help me,” murmured Jason. “Want it harder. Want more. ”

“Thank God. ” He lifted Jase up, pulled Jason down on his cock.

Jason’s eyes rolled back in his head, a high-pitched moan sounding.

“Again?” He didn’t wait for Jason’s answer, just lifted and slammed the lean body back down.

“ Harry! ” Jase shouted his name out, back arching. “ Oh, God! Don’t stop! ”

“Yeah. Yeah, come on. ” Look. Look at that. Fuck.

Jase’s hands held onto his forearms, that sweet arch coming again and again and he thrust up hard
to meet Jason’s body as it came done on his cock. Jase’s prick slapped up against his belly, leaving
wet kisses as they fucked. His legs drew up, his heels digging into the mattress, pushing up into
Jason’s ass.

“ Harry. Oh, God. Love. Harry. ” Jase began to babble, words and gasps filling the air along with
moans and whimpers.

“ Soon. Soon, babe. Come on. ” Look. Look at that.

Jase grabbed hold of his own cock, squeezing and stroking and he could feel it in the way Jase’s
ass squeezed so tight around his cock. “Harry! ” Jase shouted and clamped down tight around him,
heat spraying up over his belly and chest, Jase’s face going slack, eyes and mouth wide open.

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“ Babe. ” He thrust up and up, pushing into that heat, balls tightening as he shot.

Gasping, Jase collapsed forward onto him, ass still squeezing him tight.

“ Oh, sweet fuck. ” He blinked, eyes rolling back into his head. Goddamn.

Jase just clung to him, hands holding on tight to his shoulders.

“You. You okay?” He wasn’t. He was so much more than okay...

“I think I’m perfect, Harry. ”

“ Cool. ” He lifted Jason’s chin, stole himself a kiss. Jase’s tongue slid against his, the touch lazy
and soft.

Harry slid out, got rid of the condom with a sigh. “So good. ”

Jase just curled up on top of him, hands petting randomly. “It was incredible. Wanna do it again?
After a nap. ”

“ Uh-huh. ” He wasn’t tired. Really. He.

He barely felt Jase tug the covers on top of them.

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Chapter Seventeen

Harry hit the sirens and headed over to Harding St. without looking back. Jase had sounded scared
as hell, calling him and asking him to come. Now. As he rounded the corner, he could see Rita
pacing on the front walk and she waved him down as soon as she saw him.

He turned off the lights and headed over, senses tingling, eyes moving, looking for trouble.
“ What’s up?”

“They’re upstairs. Come on. You should hear the message, Harry. It’s hateful. Just hateful.
Threatening those poor sweet things. They’re out of their minds. I find out who left that message
and I’ll tear them to pieces myself. Evil man. ” She charged on up the stairs ahead of him, ranting

“Are they okay?” What the hell?

“ Physically they are. Oh yes, physically. For now.” Rita’s knuckles rapped on the door.
“ Sammy? Jase? It’s Rita, honeys, and I’ve got your big hunk of a cop with me, Jase sweetheart.
Open on up. ”

“ Open the door, Jason. ” He used his official officer’s voice, refusing to get riled up.

The locks were undone, and then the door opened and Jason flew out, arms wrapping around his
middle and holding on tight. “Oh, thank God you came, Harry. ”

“Inside. Come on. ” He got them moving, got the door shut.

“I ’ll make everyone some nice herbal tea,” Rita declared, heading into the kitchen.

Jase pulled him along to the couch where Sammy sat. “It’s the answering machine,” Jase said
softly, face pale.

“Let me hear it. ” He pulled out his notebook, his pen.

Jase swallowed, but nodded, and reached over Sammy to push the button on the answering

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“Listen up good you two bit little good for nothing whore. I know you’ve been talking to the cops
and if you don’t drop it I’m going to come there and cut you so bad you’ll never take another cock
up your ass. I mean it, you say anything to anyone and I’ll rip off your fucking balls and feed them
to you. ” The voice was low and mean, the words shocking in the cheery room.

Jase winced and held tight to Sammy’s hand.

Well, fuck him. “Okay. Let me call my partner in, huh? We’ll need statements and I’ll need the
tape. We’ll start a file, guys. ”

Jase nodded and looked at Sammy. “It’s going to be okay. Harry’ll take care of it.”

“ We haven’t. I haven’t said anything to anybody. ” Sammy looked at him, just vibrating. “Have
you told your police friends about what happened?”

“ No, man. ” To be honest, he’d been so caught up with Jason he hadn’t even worried about it.

“Then why does he think you’ve talked to the police?” Jase asked. “I mean you talk to the police,
you talk to Harry whenever he’s here, but that’s not the same thing at all. Besides, to know you
were talking to Harry he’d have to be the place. ” Jase flashed wide, scared eyes up at

“ Hey. Hey, guys. Everybody breathe. ” He grabbed his phone, called Jack. “Man, I need you over
at 405 Harding St. ‘kay?”

“ Sure. You want the bells and whistles, man, or quiet?”

“ Quiet, I think. Something’s up. ”

“ On my way. ETA five minutes. ”

Jase and Sammy still looked freaked out, Jase worrying his lower lip, Sammy simply quiet as a
mouse and as pale as milk.

“ Rita, have you had any other complaints? Jase, where were y’all when the message come in?
Sammy, get up and make some coffee, huh?”

“ Oh, I’ve just made tea,” Rita said, coming out with a tray. “But Sammy can make coffee if you’d
prefer. I just didn’t think the little darlings needed the caffeine. And no. No, we’ve never had any
problems. ”

“The message came in sometime last night, Harry. I worked late and Sammy was out, but we didn’t
check until this morning. ”

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He grinned at Rita, winked. “I was just trying to get Sammy moving, huh?”

Sammy rolled his eyes. “Asshole. ”

“That’s Officer Asshole. ”

“ Sammy! ” Jase punched Sammy in the arm. “Be nice to Harry. ”

Harry grinned at Sammy. He actually really liked the little shit. Well, he really liked how Sammy
loved Jason.

“ Queen. ”

“ Fuckhead. ”

“ Queer. ”

“ Fag. ”

That got them all chuckling, relieving the tension a little bit.

Jase leaned against Sammy, still holding hands with him, petting the back of Sammy’s hand. Harry
wasn’t sure who it was more comforting for, Sammy or Jase himself.

“ Do you think this guy’s been watching the apartment, Harry?”

“I doubt it. I mean, Sammy’s the one the message is meant for and you’re the one dating me. ”

“Then why does he think Sammy’s talked to the cops? He wouldn’t even tell me what really
happened that night! ” Jase was getting worked up again.

“ Jason. Breathe, man. Someone obviously saw my car and made assumptions. ”

“ Someone awful. First he beat Sammy up and now he’s threatening to do worse. ” Jase blinked
back tears and stood, pushing into his arms.

“ Hey. Hey. Come on, now. ” He hugged Jason, stroking the slender back until Jack’s familiar
knock came to the door.

Jase hugged him tight again and then went to sit with Sammy. “I’m okay. I just needed a hug. ”
Those pretty eyes looked at him like he’d hung the moon and would make everything all right, just
like that.

“ Chill. ” He opened the door and let Jack in, nodding over to the answering machine. “They got

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threats. ”

“ Gay bashing threats?” Jack asked, eyes sweeping over the place, taking in Jase, who waved hello,
and Sammy, Rita sitting on the other end of the couch, looking fierce despite the pink and yellow

“Yeah, man. You remember our raid in May at the university? Sammy here was drugged and
assaulted. ”

“ Did you file a report?”

Harry arched an eyebrow, didn’t say a word.

Jase was the one to shake his head. “He said he didn’t remember what happened. He was hurt
pretty badly, though. ”

“ Harrison. You didn’t insist?”

“ Fuck off, Jack. He’s an adult. ” He’d tried.

Jase surged up, standing between him and Jack, like his own little pit bull terrier or something.
“It’s not Harry’s fault! ”

“ Oh, for fuck’s SAKE! OUT! Get the fuck OUT!”

Harry looked at Sammy. Dude, the man was going to blow a gasket.

“ Sammy! Harry’s trying to help! ”

“I ’m sick and fucking tired of being scared! ”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. He opened his mouth to growl when Jack stepped up. “Then let’s make it so
you don’t have to be scared, man. Let’s fix it. ”

Jase looked over at Sammy. “It makes sense, honey. You didn’t do anything, you didn’t tell
anyone, and he’s still making threats. If he’s going to that anyway, you might as well have done
what you’ve been accused of. ”

“I hate this. ”

Harry nodded, in complete agreement. “Me, too. ” At Sammy’s surprised look, Harry grinned.
“ What? You think I like the bad guys? I like making things right, making shit good. ”

Jack rolled his eyes. “Boy scout. ”

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“ More a knight in shining armor. ” Jase was beaming, though.

“Yeah, yeah. Come on, Sammy. You don’t want to talk to me or Jason, give your story to Jack. At
least what you remember. ”

Jase nodded. “Harry and I can go wait in the bedr-- on the balcony or something, if you want?”

“I should go, too. ” Rita stood and patted both Sammy and Jason on the arm. “You need me for
anything, though, you just let me know. ”

“I ’ll need you to watch, Rita. Strange cars. Strange people. Anything unusual, huh?” Harry knew
Rita could do that, better than any of them.

She nodded. “You can count on me, stud. I look out for my tenants -- they’re family. ”

“I know. That’s why I asked. ” He winked. “Don’t worry. We’re on it, too. ”

“I like being able to count on the boys in blue. Now there’s still tea left and all those cookies on
that tray -- you all help yourselves. ” With that parting shot Rita let herself out.

“ Come on, Jason. Let Sammy talk to Jack, I’ll talk to you on the balcony. ”

“I ’d love to talk to you on the balcony, Harry. ” Jase grabbed his hand and led him out, cheeks a
bit flushed.

He sat, looked over at his lover. “Hey. You doing okay?”

Jase’s cheeks got darker and instead of sitting on the other chair, he came over. “Yeah, I was just
thinking it might be nice to do more than just talk...”

“I ’m on duty, babe. No nookie. ” He winked, smiled. “Are you ready for our cruise?”

“ Oh. ” For a moment Jase’s expression fell, but he rallied, sitting at Harry’s feet and leaning
against his knees. “I can’t wait for the cruise! Sammy helped me find a red swimsuit and I’m all
packed. Although I’ll probably wind up unpacking and repacking a few times... ”

“ Pack light. We’ll spend most of our time being casual, huh?” He kept an eye out, looking for a
place someone would be able to sit, watch.

“ We’ll mostly just need suntan lotion and lube, yeah?” There was that wicked little grin.

“And rubbers and sunglasses. ” His cheeks heated right on up.

Jase laughed, head leaning on his knee. “Yes, those, too. ”

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His hand landed on Jason’s head, fingers petting. Humming at the contact, Jase nuzzled against his
touch. “I still can’t quite believe I’m going on a cruise with you. Have I thanked you for inviting
me, yet, Harry?”

“ Once or twice. ” Once pretty damned spectacularly in the shower, in fact...

“ Oh, good. ” Jase looked up at him. “You look so good in your uniform, Harry. So sexy. ”

The mention of his uniform sobered him, bringing him back to why he was here. “You haven’t
seen anyone watching you, have you?”

Jase worried at his bottom lip, eyes going kind of far away before he shook his head. “I haven’t at
all, but I haven’t been looking for anyone, either, you know?”

“I know. Start watching a little. Make sure you lock your doors. ”

“ Oh, yeah, we’ll lock them, all right. And keep the windows locked, too. ” Jase pressed closer. “I
feel safer knowing you can get here so quickly, too.”

“ We’ll keep an eye on things. The chances are it was just a one-time thing. ” Most of the time, that
was it.

“Yeah, I hope so. Sammy hasn’t dated anyone since the party and that’s not like him. ”

“Is it because of me?”

“ Because you’re a cop? I don’t think so. I think it’s because of what happened. ” Jase was
chewing on his lower lip again.

“ No, I meant because he’s in love with you and I am, too. ”

Jase shook his head. “Sammy’s not in love with me, Harry. He loves me, but it’s not the same
thing. ”

Harry was pretty sure he didn’t believe that, but what did he know?

“ We haven’t had a really good talk lately, though, him and me. I think I should try to spend a few
hours with him before the cruise. Do you think Jack could drive by a couple times while we’re
gone? Just to make sure he’s okay and nothing else has happened?”

“ Of course he will. ” Jack was a good cop and a better man.

“ Cool. Then I won’t have to worry about him while I’m gone. ” Jase gave him another one of
those impish smiles. “All I’ll have to worry about is matching the rocking of the boat. ”

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“Yeah, and not losing your suit in the pool. ” Not that he’d do that, but he’d tease about it.

Jase’s eyes went wide. “You wouldn’t! ”

“ Wouldn’t I?” He fought his grin for all he was. It wasn’t working though.

“You wouldn’t. Not to me anyway. ” Jase started to giggle.

“ No? Are you sure?” He winked, grinning wide.

“I ’m pretty sure. ” Jase looked like he wanted a kiss in the worst way.

Harry actually leaned down to give one when his radio crackled, the dispatch needing them a few
blocks over on a robbery call. “Babe, I have to go. ”

Jase nodded, standing and backing away to give him room. “You’re on duty. It’s very sexy. ”

“You working tonight?” He started moving; Jack was already at the door.

Jase nodded. “Every evening ‘til we go. Two more days! ”

“I ’ll bring by some food on my supper break. We’ll be in touch, guys. ”

“ Cool! See you then, Harry. ” Jase beamed at him, so much more relaxed and happy then when
he’d first arrived.

He nodded, waited until he heard Jason’s door lock, then they headed out to help work the robbery.

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Chapter Eighteen

Jase locked the door and turned back to Sammy, holding out his hands to his best friend. “Come
and take a bath with me, honey?”

“Yeah? Yeah. ” Sammy nodded, hands reaching up for him, eyes filled with tears. “We haven’t
done that in a while. ”

“I know. And we have such a perfect tub for it here.” He drew Sammy in and hugged him tightly,
just wrapping his arms around Sammy’s waist and holding on. Sammy was still for a minute, then
those thin arms wrapped around him, held on tight. He stroked Sammy’s back in long, calm lines.
“It’s going to be all right, Sammy. ”

“Yeah? You promise?” Sammy’s cheek was on his shoulder, smooth and soft.

He nodded. “I do, Sammy. I do. ” He kissed the top of Sammy’s head. “Come on. Everything
looks better from a bubble bath. ”

“You know, it does. I’ll get some chocolate and some white wine. ”

“And I’ll start the bath. ” He gave Sammy a soft kiss. “Meet you there in five minutes. ”

“ Five minutes it is. ” Sammy smiled, headed off toward the kitchen.

Jase watched him go for a moment, and then shook himself and hurried toward the bathroom,
shedding his clothing as he went. He started the bath and looked through their bubble bath. Oh,
lavender and vanilla. That would be nice and soothing, which was just what they needed. He
dumped a whole bunch in under the running water. The soap bubbled up immediately, the soothing
scents filling the air.

Sammy came in with a little tray -- glasses, wine, cheap chocolates. Just perfect. “God, it smells
good, honey. ”

“It does! And that looks wonderful. ” He climbed into the tub and held his arms open for Sammy.
Sammy stripped down and slipped into the tub, into his arms. He wrapped his arms around Sammy,

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pulling his friend back against him. “Oh, this is nice. ”

“ Mmm. It is. It’s been so long, Jase. ”

“It has. ” They hadn’t done this since before the end of year party that had gone so wrong for
Sammy. “I’m sorry, honey. I’ve been so wrapped up with Harry, and it hasn’t been fair to you. ”

“It’s okay. You’re in love. I’m just a friend, huh?”

“ No, Sammy, you’re not just anything. You’re my very best friend in the whole world and I love
you. ”

“I love you too, honey. I do. ” Sammy kissed his jaw, eyelashes tickling his cheek.

“I know. ” He pulled Sammy in closer. “Are you okay, Sammy?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I think I am. ” Well, that didn’t sound positive.

He tried it from a different angle. “You want to tell me about it?”

“ No. No, I want to forget it even happened. I want to just move on. ”

“You think you’re going to be able to do that, honey?” He squeezed Sammy tight.

“ God, I hope so. ”

“ Me, too. ”

He reached for the tray Sammy’d put on the little rack that sat across the other end of the tub,
grabbing the wine and filling one of the glasses. They could share.

Sammy unwrapped one of the piece of chocolate, popping half into his mouth. “You looking
forward to your cruise?”

“I am. Sun and Harry and nothing to do for three days but each other. ” He sighed happily, and
then sighed again. “I feel a little bit guilty, though. ”

“ Why, honey?”

“ Because everthing’s going right for me and it’s not for you. I hate that I’m going away in two
days and leaving you here with that asshole still out there. ”

“I have you. We have our place. I have my fellowship coming up, my work... ”

“Are you happy, Sammy?” It was important to him.

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“ Most of the time, yeah. Nobody’s happy all the time, though. Nobody. ” Sammy stroked his
belly, the touch soft and easy.

“ But you’re okay?” He rested his head on top of Sammy’s.

“ Mmmhmm. I think so. I do. ”

“I hope so. ” He took a sip of the wine and passed Sammy the glass.

Sammy sipped, humming softly. “That’s not bad, for a cheap white, huh?”

“ Nope, not bad at all. I think it’s the company that makes all the difference. ” He smiled down at
his friend and gave Sammy a quick kiss.

“ God, I’ve missed this. ” Sammy’s lips clung to his a little, parted and soft.

“I ’m sorry, honey. ” He pressed their lips together again, the kisses so gentle.

“ Don’t be. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn’t happy for you?”

He rubbed their noses together. “Well, you still should have said something. ”

“ What? Gee, come bathe with me? Come get naked with me and hold me a little while?”

He giggled softly. “Sure -- why not?” He squeezed Sammy tight, stroking the slender back.

“ Okay. Next time, I’m demanding a thorough washing. ” Sammy looked up at him, dark eyes just

Jase rubbed their noses together. “You can demand it this time if you like. ”

Sammy laughed, hands flung open. “Soap me, baby! ”

It felt so good to laugh with Sammy and he grabbed the soap, rubbing it between his palms to make
it suds up. The bubbles started flying, both of them splashing and chuckling, the water going
everywhere. In the end he wound up goosing Sammy, hard, and they both collapsed in a fit of

Sammy rested against him, looking happier than he had in months. “Oh. Oh, man. I do love you,
you shithead. ”

He tried to catch his breath, bubbles everywhere, making Sammy’s hair shine. “Feeling’s mutual,
butthead. ”

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“ Oh, good. ” Sammy reached down, rolled his balls. He gasped, legs spreading at Sammy’s touch.
“This okay?” Sammy touched him, nice and easy.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s good, Sammy. ” His own hand slid down to find Sammy’s hard prick. Just a
couple of hand jobs. It couldn’t hurt, right? After all, it was Sammy. And he’d talk to Harry about it
on the cruise, find out what was crossing the line to his big stud of a lover.

“ Oh. Oh, Jase. Honey. ” Sammy grunted, eyes wide, hips bucking up toward his hand. “Please. ”

God, Sammy hadn’t had anyone do for him since that stupid party. He tightened his grip on
Sammy’s cock, jacking and tugging, making sure Sammy really felt it. Oh, look at that joy, that
desire, the need. The water splashed around them, Sammy’s hands gripping his arms.

He stroked his thumb across the head of Sammy’s cock on the upstroke, hand working faster,
wanting to make Sammy feel wonderful. Sammy arched, moaned, cock throbbing as his best friend
shot. Jase kept stroking slowly, bringing Sammy back down easy.

“ Oh. Oh, honey. Thank you. ” Sammy moaned, panting hard.

He leaned in to kiss Sammy, tongue sweeping through Sammy’s open mouth. “My pleasure. ”

Sammy’s smile was so good.

He reached over and grabbed a chocolate, popping it into Sammy’s mouth before grabbing one for
himself, content to keep floating, holding onto his best friend. He’d have to remember this. Keep
loving on Sammy. Sammy needed it.

So did he.

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Chapter Nineteen

Harry honked the horn, waiting for Jason to come down. They had to drive to the port, park and get
on the damn boat. “Come on, babe! I want to get a hamburger on the way! ”

Rita appeared first, carrying what had to be Jason’s little suitcase, the thing looking absolutely tiny
in the huge hands, followed by Sammy and Jason himself.

“ Hey guys! ” He waved, grinned. “I promise to bring him back in one piece. ”

“ But all melted?” Jase asked, eyes dancing, face just beaming.

Rita laughed and tossed the bag in the back seat before giving Jase a bear hug. “Have fun. ”

“I will. ”

And then it was Sammy’s turn, this hug no less heartfelt.

“ Melted and tan. He’ll be fine. ” Late, but fine.

Jase laughed and gave Sammy a kiss. “Be good! ” he admonished Sammy, laughing.

And then finally Jase was climbing into the car and putting on his seatbelt. “Hi, Harry! ”

“ Hey, babe. You ready? Got your passport?”

“Yes. Wait! Let me check. ” Jason laughed, and opened the little belly bag he had around his waist.
“Yes! ” Jase pulled out the passport and waved it around triumphantly.

“ Cool. You want In and Out, or Jack’s burgers?” He patted Jason’s leg, headed for the highway.

“ Whatever you want, Harry. I thought they were feeding us on the cruise. ”

“They are. I’m just starving now and it’s a couple hours drive to LA, huh?”

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Jase nodded and fiddled with his radio button. “You want some music, Harry? For the drive?”

“You know it. ” He pulled into a burger joint. “You want anything?”

“I could eat. Just a burger and fries, please. ” Jase bounced in his seat. “This is so exciting! ”

“Yeah. Yeah, you. Me. A boat. Sex. ”

“ Sounds like heaven to me. ” Jase laughed.

“ Doesn’t it?” He reached out, squeezed Jason’s fingers. “I’m so ready. ”

Jason’s hands turned in his, holding on. “Me, too. In fact I’ve been ready for months,” Jase

“ Now, now. We just got off yest... ” He pulled up to the window, got their food.

Jason bit his lip while he ordered, but Harry could almost hear the sweet giggles, and Jase’s eyes
just danced. He stole a pinch as they pulled to the second window, delighting in making Jason

As soon as he’d collected their food and rolled the window back up, Jason’s giggles burst out, the
soft laughter delighted. Jason’s fingers slid over his thigh, the touch light and sweet.

“ Have you decided what excursion you want?” They could snorkel, parasail, go on a glass-bottom
boat, swim with dolphins. Hell, just laze on a private beach and drink umbrella drinks.

“The swimming with the dolphins sounded really cool. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to do it
on my own, but with you... ”

“That sounds cool, and as thin as you are it won’t take fifteen dolphins to carry you. ”

Jason giggled. “I hear that they’re very strong. And they protect people from sharks. And are very
friendly. Oh, this is going to be so much fun, Harry.”

“It should rock. ” They headed north, Jason unwrapping his burger halfway so he could eat it.
Man, that smelled good.

“ Just being with you for four whole days would make it special. ” Jason munched on his own
burger and Harry could see Jase’s tongue sliding over his lips out of the corner of his eye.

“ Mmmhmm. Did I tell you I got us a balcony?”

“You did? I didn’t even know cruise ships had balconies. ” Jase bounced in his seat.

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“Yeah. Apparently. We can sit out there and look at the ocean all we want. ”

“Is it private enough to do more than just sit?” Jase asked, grinning wickedly.

“ Maybe. I don’t know. I hope so?” Blowjobs on the water. Long slow lazy lovemaking...

“I hope so, too. ” Jase’s hand was back on his thigh, stroking softly, fingers moving closer and
closer to where his prick was beginning to strain at his jeans.

“ Babe, you’re going to make it tough to drive... ” He could find a rest stop.

Jase’s fingers slid away. “Sorry. ” He didn’t sound it, though, and Harry could feel Jase’s eyes on
him like they were eating him up.

His thighs parted, just a little, just enough to let Jase in more. Making a soft noise, Jase moved that
hand back on his thigh, fingers sliding in right away to stroke his inner thigh. The tips barely
brushed across his balls.

“ Damn. Damn, babe. ” Jase made him nuts, made him ache.

“ Should I stop?” Jase asked, fingertips brushing across the bottom of his balls again.

“ No, just. We have to be careful. ”

“I don’t want to make you have an accident. ” Jase’s fingers kept stroking, touching, driving him
crazy. “That would suck as a beginning to our vacation. ”

“Yep. No wrecks. No accidents. ” Nothing but the two of them, together, goofing off.

“If you found an empty rest stop... ” Jase let the words trail away.

“ Uh-huh. We have time... ” Of course, if they got caught, he’d never live it down.

Jase bounced, sweet stroking fingers disappearing. “ Cool. Find one soon -- I want to suck you. ”

He moaned, damn near creaming his jeans. “Babe...”

“ Uh-huh. Uh-huh. A rest stop, love. I need to taste you. ”

“Yeah... ” It was another mile until he found a picnic area, no semis or trucks around. He’d barely
stopped the car when Jase had the seat belt undone and was attacking his pants. “Babe. Damn.
Please. ” His cock was battering its way out, trying to get to Jason.

Jason’s fingers got his pants open, head bending into his lap, mouth lapping at the tip of his prick.

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Oh. Oh, fuck.

“Yes! ” His hips bucked up, thrusting into that perfect, heated space.

Jase sucked hard, head beginning to bob, pulling him right into Jase’s throat. Everything went red-
hot and fiery, everything. He bucked and twisted, the shocks squeaking. Humming, hands sliding
along his thighs, Jase kept sucking, pulling hard on his cock. He cried out, balls pulling tight, so
fucking close. Jase just kept on, so eager, mouth so hot. It was perfection.

He shot so hard his bones rattled, his fingers tightening on the steering wheel. Jase’s throat closed
around the tip of his cock as he was swallowed down. If this wasn’t pure heaven, he didn’t know
what was.

Jase kept sucking softly, tongue sliding all over his tongue, cleaning him.

“ D...damn. Damn, babe. ” His eyes rolled up, entire body shaking.

Pulling off slowly, Jase turned up to him, beaming up at him. “You taste so good. ”

“Thank you. What do you need, babe?”

“Your hand, please Harry. Please. ” Jase sat back in his seat, fingers tugging open his pants.

“Yeah. Yeah, babe. ” He unhooked his seatbelt, reached for that long, hard cock. “Fuck, you smell
good. ” Jase groaned as he wrapped his hand around the hot flesh, hips pushing, sliding it along his
palm. “I want you. Want to fuck you, feel you in me... ”

“ Oh, God, Harry! ” Jase gasped, hips snapping, hands reaching out to hold on tight to his

“Yeah, yeah, babe. We’re going to fuck five ways to Sunday, I promise. ” Hot. So fucking hot.

“Yes! ” Jase shot for him, spunk spraying up over his hand, filling the car with the musky smell of

He groaned, licked his fingers clean. Oh, fuck. That was something. Whimpering softly, Jase
leaned in to lick at his fingers, too, tongue soft and hot on his skin. Oh, man. He was going to
spring a boner again.

Jase’s eyes were hot as hell, looking right into him. “I think you should have booked a longer
cruise. ”

“I think next time, I’ll have to. ”

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Chapter Twenty

Jase couldn’t believe their room. There was a queen size bed in it, a tiny table and a bathroom.
Everything was clean and pretty, the sheets on the bed a deep burgundy, accents in the same color
around the room.

But the real draw was the balcony. Two long deck chairs sat on either side of a little table. The
balcony was recessed, the roof the next floor up. It was utterly private and even before the ship
started moving there was a lovely breeze out there.

He and Harry stood at the rail as they started moving, flutes of complimentary champagne in hand.

“ Oh, Harry, this is too wonderful! ”

“It fucking rocks. ” They’d done their safety drill, they’d changed into shorts. It was perfect.

He leaned against Harry, torn between wanting to watch as they left port and hit the ocean, and
wanting to go back into their room and fuck like bunnies. Harry wrapped one arm around him,
fingers stroking his belly in slow, random strokes. It made him shiver and he pressed closer. The
bed in their room was looking better and better all the time. Besides, until they really got underway,
the view wasn’t that special, right?

He tilted his head up, lips parted. Harry leaned down, the kiss starting slow and getting deeper and
deeper. Groaning, he melted against Harry, nearly dropping his glass of champagne and not even
caring. The kiss went on and on, both of them moaning, licking each other’s lips. He rubbed
against Harry’s thigh, his balls beginning to ache.

“ Mmm. You feel good. ” Harry rolled his balls, rubbing him nice and slow.

“You make me feel amazing. ” He pressed closer, harder. “Want you, Harry. ” In him, around him,
he wasn’t fussy, he just wanted.

“I ’m here. Want to try out the bed?”

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“Yes! ” He giggled at his own shout. “Yes, please,” he added in a more normal tone of voice.

Harry laughed, hauled him up into those strong arms and dragged him inside. They fell onto the
bed together, laughing and rubbing. It was all so sexy with Harry. Harry got him naked, hands sure
and strong, stripping the clothes off him so that his Harry could touch and lick. His own fingers
weren’t as agile, fumbling to return the favor, but every touch and lick from Harry made him lose
his concentration.

“ Mmm. You smell good. ” Harry licked down his chest, heading south.

“ Oh, Harry. God. Don’t stop. Please. ” His fingers slid over Harry’s head.

“ Not stopping. ” Harry kept licking, kept teasing the head of his cock.

It felt so good, each lap of Harry’s tongue going straight to his balls. The boat began to move,
swaying beneath them, Harry’s mouth moving in time. Oh, God. He could get used to this.
Moaning, he slid his hands across Harry’s head, and down to grab onto the broad shoulders.

It seemed like forever before Harry’s mouth wrapped around the tip of his prick, the tongue teasing
the slit before sliding down. He shouted, hips bucking, pushing his cock deep into Harry’s mouth.
Harry took him in, swallowing hard, throat working around him.

He shuddered, his balls drawing up tight against his body. “Gonna, Harry. Soon. ”

One wide finger pushed into his hole, quirking to tease his gland. He shouted again, hips bucking
as he came. Harry swallowed him down, and then surged up, cock leaking as it rubbed against his

Jason spread his legs and tilted his hips, offering himself over. “Want to feel you inside me,” he
murmured against Harry’s lips.

“ Where are the rubbers, babe?” The head of Harry’s cock slid down, pushed against his hole.

“In our bags,” he wailed, moving against Harry’s cock, making it slide over his hole.

“ Fuck. ” Harry shuddered, teeth tugging his bottom lip, hips rocking restlessly.

“Yes. Fuck. Please, Harry. ” He shifted, trying to get Harry into him, rubbers be damned. Harry
would never do anything to hurt him and that included taking him bareback if Harry didn’t
absolutely one hundred percent know he was clean.

“ Babe... You sure?” Harry was flushed, panting.

“I ’m clean, Harry, I swear. ” He was. He and Sammy got tested every six months. And after the
beating Sammy’d taken, they’d gone down and gotten tested even though it wasn’t six months yet.

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Sammy because he wasn’t sure if he’d been raped or not, Jase for moral support.

“ Me... Me too. ” Well, duh. Harry was... Harry wouldn’t. Not ever. That heavy cock pushed in,
bareback, filling him up.


Oh, wow.

So hot.

So good.

He could feel every single inch of that thick cock. Whimpering, he wrapped his legs around
Harry’s waist, his hands sliding to cling to the broad shoulders.

“ Oh. Oh, fuck. Babe. Babe... ” Harry’s eyes rolled, hips pumping furiously.

His own cock was filling between their bellies, the sensation of Harry inside him without anything
in between them too good.

“Love. Fuck. Fuck, you’re perfect. ”

He shook his head. “You. You’re the one. ” He could barely get the words out as he dug his heels
into Harry’s ass and encouraged Harry to do him harder, faster, deeper. More.

Harry slammed into him, hips pistoning, fucking him deep and hard.

“ Harry! Oh! ” He moaned and jerked, the amazing sensations riding over him. It felt so
wonderfully good.

“ Uh. Uh-huh. Gonna. ” Fuck, he could feel Harry’s cock jerking inside him.

He pushed his hand between them, wrapping it around his own cock. That was all he needed, that
and the look on Harry’s face and the way he could feel Harry about to come deep inside him.
Crying out, he came, clamping down tight on Harry’s cock. Heat filled him, Harry jerking, grunting
out his name.

He held on tight, arms and legs wrapped around Harry like an octopus. Panting, he tried to catch his

“ Babe. ” Harry rested against him, heart pounding.

“I know. ” He petted Harry’s back. “I love you, yeah?”

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“Yeah. Yeah. You’re... you’re it. ” Harry grinned, nuzzled his neck.

“ Mmm... ”

The rocking of the boat and Harry’s warmth and closeness were lulling him, urging him to nap.

Jason petted Harry on the back and let his eyes drop closed.

He could stay here forever.

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Chapter Twenty One

Man. Hot tub. Umbrella drink.

Harry floated, barely awake, legs bobbing in the water. This fucking rocked. They’d gone out
swimming with the dolphins - Harry’d never seen Jason laugh so hard as when they had to call in a
bonus dolphin to drag his heavy ass around the lagoon. He hoped the pictures all came out.

Jase’s body bumped against his, soft giggles sounding.

“ Mmm. Hey, babe. Having fun?”

“ Uh-huh. ”

He opened his eye a crack to see Jase in one of those floaty chairs, right there in the hot tub,
grinning like a fool.

“ What’re you thinking about?”

“I ’m thinking that you’re the most wonderful boyfriend ever. ”

“ Oh, that’s a good thought. Just keep thinking it. ” He chuckled, nudged Jase with his bare toes.

Jase giggled again, hand touching his leg, lingering there.

He spread some, making sure they were basically alone. “Be good, now. ”

“ Oh, I’ve been told I’m very good. ” Jase was wearing sunglasses, but he’d bet his next doughnut
he was being treated to a wink.

“Tease. ” Fuck, this was fun. “We might have to go find us something to eat, babe. You want a

Jase tilted his head. “Hmmm... you know what, Harry? I think I might be more in the mood for a

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big old sausage. ”

His eyes went wide and his cock went hard as nails. “Jase! ”

“ What?” Oh, butter wouldn’t melt in that mouth.

Harry splashed Jason idly. Damn, that was sexy as all hell. Maddening. Jason splashed him back,
hands sliding against his leg during the process.

“ What did you want to do tonight, babe? Fancy dinner? Drinks? See a show? Or we could just
wander. ” He didn’t approve of gambling, but he’d go watch Jase, if Jason wanted him to.

“I ’m easy, Harry. ” He got a wicked grin. “And you can take that any way you like. ” Jase
giggled. “You can take me any way you like. ”

His laughter boomed out of him. “That isn’t for public consumption, babe. That’s all mine. ”

“Yeah, love. All of me. ”

He sorta beamed. Man. Yeah. Yeah. Love.

Jase slipped out of the floating chair and came over to float next to him, hand resting on his belly.

“ Hey. Thanks for coming with me, huh? It’s been kick-ass. ”

“Are you kidding? Thank you for inviting me. And paying for me. I’m having the best time, Harry.
The best. ”

“ Cool. ” He levered himself out of the tub, grabbed a towel. “Come on, babe. Let’s get some food.
I need my energy around you. ”

“ Okay, I could eat. ” Yeah, Jase sure could. He’d put away a huge amount of food at the buffets.

Of course, they both had. There wasn’t anything cooler than coffee and brownies delivered to the
cabin at three a.m.

They gathered at heaping plates full off food and sat on deck, Jase not saying anything for the first
few mouthfuls. Then he started fidgeting, opening his mouth and shutting again like he was going
to say something and then changed his mind.

“ What’s up, man? You cool?”

“I am. I just need to talk to you about Sammy. And I’m not sure how to bring it up. ”

“ Well, that’s a good start, huh?” He refused to let his worry show. He knew Jason was sleeping

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with Sammy. Hell, he shouldn’t have gone bareback.

“Yeah, yeah, I guess it is. ” Jase had another bite of coleslaw and then put down his fork. “Sammy
and I. We help each other out, you know? A hand job here and there when we’re needing. And I
hadn’t done anything with him since I met you, but he needed so bad and we did hand jobs in the
tub a couple days before the cruise. ”

Jase looked at him, eyes earnest. “I’ll stop if you want me to, because I love you, Harry. I’m in
love with you. And I’ll stop loving on Sammy if you need me to, but I can’t stop loving him
because he’s my best friend and it doesn’t mean I don’t still love you with my whole heart. ”

Harry stopped, thought about it. How did he feel about someone else touching Jason? About Jason
touching someone else? “I think that we need to agree on how far y’all will go, Jase. Especially if
you and me are going bareback. ”

Jason nodded. “Ground rules. I know. That’s why I brought it up. You come first, Harry. And I
swear, me and Sammy haven’t ever done penetration. ”

He nodded. “It’s not that I don’t like Sammy, Jase. It’s just... there’s no reason for us not to be
safe, huh?”

Jase reached out and slid warm fingers over the back of his hand. “Is it just the safety issue that’s
worrying you? I mean, I know it’s not usual, your boyfriend asking if it’s okay to jack off his best
friend. ”

“ Shit, babe. You and Sammy are... well, you haven’t lied a bit, and any fool can see y’all make each
other happy. ”

“ Oh, Harry. I think I fall harder for you every minute. ” Jase popped up out of his chair and came
over to hug him tight.

He wrapped his arms around Jason, squeezed. He supposed he ought to be all puffed-up and
jealous, but, damn, the fact that Sammy and Jason weren’t... stingy with their bodies wasn’t news.

Jase stayed, pushing to sit on his lap and lean on him. “I promise we won’t do anything but hands.
It doesn’t even happen all that often. We mostly just sleep together. We’re weird, huh?”

“Yep. Weird as hell. ” He winked, tickled Jason’s ribs.

Laughing, wriggling, Jase tried to get away from his fingers, not having much success as he didn’t
get up off Harry’s lap.

The happy sounds faded slowly, and Jase wrapped his hands around Harry’s face. “You’re a good
man Harrison Everett and I love you. ”

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“Love you, babe. ” He did, no matter that his lover had this intense, weird-assed relationship with
his best friend.

“ Oh good. ” Jase leaned in and took a long kiss, not seeming to care who saw. Leaning back, Jase
licked his lips. “Let’s get back to the cabin, Harry. I need you. ”

“You sure? We could go for a nice, long wander...” He winked, teasing.

Jase giggled for him. “I’m sure. I’d hate to get arrested because I just couldn’t wait and we were
on the other side of the ship from our cabin. ”

“I know. Can you believe how big this damn thing is? ” He’d never seen anything as big as the

“This thing?” Jase asked, face all innocent and sweet, hand pushing between them to grope at his
cock. “It is huge. ”

“ Jason! ” He grinned and swatted Jason’s ass, buzzing with excitement.

That innocent look disappeared, Jase’s eyes going dark with need as Jason slipped off his lap and
held out a hand. “Come on, Harry. ”

“Yeah. Yeah, right behind you, babe. ” Like an arrow to the target.

“Like the view?” Jase asked over his shoulder, hips doing a little wiggle that made that tight ass
shift in the most tantalizing way.

“I fucking love the view. ” He reached out, swatting that pretty ass good and hard.

Jase squealed for him, hurrying as they turned the corner and headed up the corridor that housed
their cabin. He could hear the engines rumbling, feel the swaying of the ship -- it made everything a
little more exciting, a little more fun.

Jase had to swipe his card through the slot twice to get the door open, and he turned back, smiling
up at Harry and laughing. “The more I want in, the more it makes me slow down and do it over. ”

He got a double handful of ass, rubbing nice and slow. “Isn’t that always the way?”

“ Oh. ” Jase nodded, leaning back against him before opening the door. “Last one in bed tops! ”

They laughed, turning around and around before stumbling to the bed, Jason landing hard atop him.
Laughing, Jason wriggled on him, cock hard inside his red swimming trunks. “I get to have my
wicked way with you! ”

“ Ooo. You think you can?” He couldn’t stop laughing.

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“I do. Because you want me to. ” Jason wriggled some more and got a hand between them,
pushing into his trunks to stroke his prick.

“ Mmm. I do. ” He pushed up into that touch, moaning Jason’s name.

Jase squeezed him, stroking him a couple of times and then popped up. “Get naked while I find the
lube. ”

“It’s right by the bed. ” He slipped off his sunglasses, his trunks.

Jase snagged it and wiggled out of his own trunks, eyes eagerly sliding over his body.

“ Mmm. You look damn good. ”

“You, too, Harry. My stud. ” Jase licked his lips and then climbed on the bed.

“Yours. ” He ran his hands down his body, feeling a little like a dork as he showed off, preened.

The way Jason licked his lips and moaned, though, that made him stop feeling like a dork and more
like the stud Jason had called him. That look in Jason’s eyes -- that made him feel like a god.

“ God, you’re gorgeous. ”

“ Just a big old bear, hmm?”

“A beautiful big old bear. ” Jase smiled at him and licked the dip by his hip, hair brushing his cock.

“Y... your beautiful big old bear... ” Oh, fuck. Fuck, yes.

“ Uh-huh. All mine. ” Jason’s mouth closed over the point of his hip bone, teeth nipping, tongue
lapping behind them. Gentle fingers rolled his balls.

Lights flared behind his eyes, his hips rolling with need. “More. ”

“Anything you want, love. ” Those sweet lips nibbled down to the inside of his thighs, spreading
his legs wide.

Everything starting buzzing, tingling. His balls drew up, cock hard enough to drip onto his belly.
Jase’s hot little tongue dove behind his balls, rubbing against his hole.

“ Babe. Jason. ” He grabbed one knee, tugged it up and spread himself.

“You taste good, Harry. ” Jase muttered the words, and then went back to licking him, tongue
pushing right into him.

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“I. Fuck, I want you, huh? So bad. ” He started rocking, moving and rolling down toward that

“I know. Me, too. ” One of Jase’s fingers slid in alongside that wriggly tongue.

He reached up, fingers gripping the edge of the headboard. Oh. Oh, damn. A second finger slid in
with the first, Jase’s tongue lapping at him, at the fingers. Working, searching, Jase’s fingers slid
into his prostate. His mouth opened and closed, his cock slapping his belly.

Jase’s tongue and fingers were suddenly gone. “Oh, God, Harry. I need to be inside you. ”
Fingers trembling, Jase lubed up his cock.

“ Hurry. Hurry, babe. I need to feel you. ”

“ Hold on, love, I’m coming. ” The heat of Jase’s prick pushed at his hole, slowly spread it.

He bore down, moaning at the burn, the sweet, sweet stretch.

“ Oh, God... Harry... ” Jase’s eyes stared down at him, just shining.

“ Uh-huh. Feel you. Damn, babe. ”

Jase set up a quick, hard, pace, eyes burning into him. He’d never been fucked without a rubber,
never felt this -- so close, so hot. Moving faster, harder, Jase was barreling toward the finish line,
face alight.

“Touch me. Jase, please. Touch me. ” He didn’t need much. Not much at all.

“Like this?” Jase asked, breathless, one hand wrapping around his prick and holding on tight.

“ Uh. Uh-huh. ” That was all she wrote. His hips snapped and he came hard.

His body squeezed down around Jase’s prick, and his babe cried out his name, shuddering. Heat
filled him, pushed inside him, Jase filling him up. If he hadn’t come already, that would have done
it. As it was, his cock throbbed. Moaning, Jase collapsed down onto him, breath tickling his skin.

“Love you, Harry,” came the soft whisper.

“Yeah, babe. Yeah. ” He nodded, patting Jase’s ass.

Jase’s prick jerked inside him. “Mmm... ”

Man. This was fucking perfect.

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Chapter Twenty Two

Jase dozed pretty much the entire drive home, the sun and all the making love leaving him feeling
blinky. They pulled up in front of the apartment and he shook himself. “We’re back already?”

“Yeah, babe. Come on, I’ll help you inside before I head home to nap. ” Harry was looking
exhausted, having stayed up all night to get his schedule back on track.

“Are you going to be okay to drive, love?” He got out, still blinking a little as Harry grabbed his
bag and they headed up the front walk.

“ Sure?” Right. Harry looked near dead.

“You can stay here and sleep. You just tell me what time to set the alarm for. ” He didn’t want
Harry having an accident trying to get home. Not when there was a perfectly good bed upstairs.

“If it’s cool with Sammy. ”

“ Sammy won’t mind you sleeping in our bed until you have to go to work. ” He took out his key
and let them in.

“ Get out! Get out! ” Sammy’s scream scared him, made him stumble back. “You stay out you
motherfuckers! ”

Harry, on the other hand, shouldered the door open. “Police! Police! Sammy, you’re safe! ”

“ Get the fuck out! I don’t want anyone in here! I said get out! ”

“ Sammy! Oh, my God. Sammy are you okay?” Jason followed Harry in, eyes wide.

The house was trashed, Sammy pale and shaken, eyes wide, mouth open to scream again. Sammy
closed his mouth with a snap. “Oh. Oh, Jase. Jase, they call whenever I leave the house. They
won’t stop. ”

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Harry was already on the phone, barking out orders.

He went to Sammy and wrapped his arms around the shaking body. “Oh, honey. Oh. It’s okay.
I’m here now. Harry’s here. Oh, my God. Oh, Sammy. ” Oh, he never should have left Sammy
alone, not without whoever was doing this being caught.

Sammy pushed into his arms, holding tight. “It’s been so hard. ”

“ Oh, honey. ” He rocked Sammy, stroking the skinny back. “Oh, love. I have you. It’s okay, I
have you. ”

“I ’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’ve been so scared. ”

“ Of course you have! ” He just kept holding on. “Did they do this to the place? Trash it?”

“ No. No, I just. I went a little crazy, you know? I just freaked out. There’s notes. Awful, awful
notes. ”

“ Did you keep them? Harry and Jack’ll need them.” He looked over to Harry who was still on the

“ Uh-huh. ” Slow tears started leaking down Sammy’s cheeks.

“ Come sit, honey. ” He dragged Sammy over to the couch, hands stroking, trying to soothe his best
friend. “It’s going to be okay. ”

“Yeah. Yeah. How... how was your cruise?”

He blinked back the tears that suddenly filled his eyes. “The cruise was great. I wish we’d brought
you along -- there were lots of single guys there. ”

“Yeah? I could have shaken my booty. ”

“Yeah. There was nobody there who could shake it better than you can. ” Jase looked for Harry.
“ What’s happening?”

“ Jack’s coming over. Why didn’t you call the station, Sammy? There’s a file all set up for you. ”

“ Because he’s scared, Harry. He says there’s awful notes, too. And they knew whenever he left the
apartment. ”

“ Okay. I’ll take those. There’s a car coming to do drive-bys. ”

“ See, Sammy? It’ll be all right now. Harry’s going to take care of everything. ” He kissed
Sammy’s forehead.

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“Yeah. Jack’s coming over to take statements. ”

“Are you still going to stay? You need some sleep, love, or you’ll be falling asleep on your shift. ”
Frankly, he’d feel safer if Harry stayed for awhile, even if he was asleep.

“I ’ll be here for a while, babe, but Jack and I have some things to talk about. Work. You just love
on Sammy until we can get some pictures. ”

“Everything okay, love?”

“Yeah. Yeah, just need to fix this, huh?” Harry looked over at Sammy and smiled. “I won’t have
anyone fucking with my family, you hear?”

Oh, his love was the best man ever. “Thanks, Harry. ”

He turned back to Sammy. “You hear that, Sammy? Harry’s going to take care of this. ” He tugged
Sammy in closer.

“I hear. I’m so sorry, Jase. I swear I am. ”

“ Shh. This isn’t your fault, honey. ”

“ No? You’re sure? You aren’t angry?”

“Are you calling yourself, Sammy? I don’t think so. So no, I’m not angry. ” He stroked whatever
he could reach, just touching, trying to comfort.

“ So? Did you have the perfect time? Tell me everything. ”

“ Do you really want to hear about my vacation while you were stuck here being... scared?” He
didn’t want to rub Sammy’s nose in it.

“Yeah. Yeah, I really do. I want to know everything.” Sammy grinned, head on his shoulder.

He couldn’t help but grin back, and kissed the top of Sammy’s head. “Okay. It was so much fun.
We had a small room with a huge bed. A private balcony. All the food we could eat. God, I ate
everything. ”

“I thought you were getting puffy... ”

He gasped. “I am not! ”

“You sure?” Sammy poked his belly, tickling.

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Jase giggled, poking Sammy back, knowing just how to get his ribs to make him laugh. Sammy’s
laughter was soft, sounding like it could almost break.

He gentled his fingers, and then stopped tickling and just touched instead. “I’m sure -- we got lots
of exercise. ”

“ Mmm. You and Harry are still humping like bunnies? Think that part’ll last?”

“ God, I hope so. I mean it’s only been a couple weeks since we, you know. He wanted to wait. ”
Thank God the waiting had finally stopped.

“I know. It’s unnatural. ” Sammy winked, hugged him.

He laughed, hugging back. “It was! But it feels pretty natural now. Oh! We swam with dolphins,
Sammy! Dolphins! ”

“ Did you get pictures? We’ll have to blow one up, put it on the wall. Jason with the dolphins! ”

“ Oh, that would be cool! ” He rubbed Sammy’s back, fingers sliding down to circle the bundle of
nerves in the small of Sammy’s back, just idly touching. “I talked to Harry about us, too,” he said

“ Was he pissed?” Sammy lifted his head, looked at him.

Jase shook his head and looked over at Harry, smiling at his lover. Harry was amazing and he was
never letting go. “Nope. He was concerned about boundaries and what exactly we did, but I told
him we’d never gone beyond blow jobs and we’d stick to hand jobs from now on and it was
okay. ” He smiled down at Sammy. “He understands how special you are to me and how I can love
both of you in different ways. ”

“ Oh, man. ” Sammy petted his legs, eyes filling with tears. “You should keep him, honey. ”

“I plan to. ” He hugged Sammy tight. “I plan to keep you both, huh?”

“Yeah? You think? Because... ”

“ Because what, honey?”

“ Because you’re my family, Jase. There’s nobody else. You know that. ” He did. Sammy believed
in him like no one else.

He hugged Sammy tight. “And you’re mine. And Harry’s now, too -- you heard what he said
earlier -- nobody messes with his family and he was talking about you. ” Now Sammy had two
people in his corner.

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“Yeah. And I’m going to find the bastard and kick his ass. ” Harry looked furious.

“ See, Sammy? Harry’s going to take care of it.” He gave Sammy a quick hug and then went over
to Harry and wrapped his arms around his lover. “ You really are my knight, you know that?”

Harry hugged his waist. “For what? Being a decent human being? That shouldn’t be special. ”

“You’re way more than a decent human being, Harry. You care. ” He clung to Harry’s strength for
a moment. “Thank you. ”

“ Pshaw. ” Harry patted his ass, and then moved away as the phone rang. “Okay, y’all. Jack’s
here. There’s going to be some questions and some photos, Sammy. You ready?”

Sammy nodded. “Yeah. Okay. Jack’s cool. ”

Jase went back to sit with Sammy, taking his friend’s hand and holding on. “I’ll be right here,
honey. ”

“ We’ll make it right, y’all. Just let us do our jobs, huh?” Harry opened the door, Jack standing

“They slashed your tires, man. ”

Harry cursed low. “Well, let me go outside then, make a scene. Sammy, you don’t answer the
phone; let Jack handle it. ”

Jase was really glad Harry and Jack were both on it now if they were slashing Harry’s tires bold as
day just after they’d gotten there.

He squeezed Sammy’s hand. “Be careful out there, Harry. ”

“ No worries. I’m a professional. ”

“ Well I’m still going to worry. That my job. ”

“Yeah, yeah. ” Harry chuckled, rubbed his tired eyes.

“Yeah. Love you. ” He watched Harry go, honestly worried over how tired Harry was. There
wasn’t much he could do about that, though, so he shifted his attention to Jack, holding tight to
Sammy’s hand. “Do you think you’re going to be able to catch whoever’s doing this, Jack?”

“ Of course. Persistent and loud doesn’t mean smart, guys. ” The dark eyes weren’t worried at all.
“And you, Mister Samuel. You were supposed to call if something happened instead of being
scared. ”

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“I know. I was... ”

“ Scared?”

“Yeah. ”

“ Uh-huh. ” Jack shook his head.

Jase squeezed Sammy’s hand. “I wish I’d been here. I could have helped. ” Two scared heads
were better than one, right? And anyway, he would have called Harry straight away.

“You were busy. You needed a vacation, honey. ”

“ Well, I’m here for you now. ” He put his arm around Sammy and faced Jack.

Jack chuckled, nodded. “Yeah, yeah. Is the voice that calls the same... ” The words trailed off as the
phone rang.

“ Oh, God. ” Jason, held tight to Sammy’s hand. “We should let the machine pick up, shouldn’t

“ Nope. It’s my turn to answer. ” Jack looked almost evil, eyes twinkling. “’lo?”

“ Oh, he’s good,” Jase whispered to Sammy, trying to gauge what the caller was saying based on
Jack’s face.

“Is that so?” Jack looked more amused than anything, texting furiously on his cell phone.

Jase wasn’t sure how Jack could stay so calm if the call was anything like the voice-mail he’d
heard, but he guessed that’s what made Jack a good cop.

“ Huh. Is that supposed to be scary, man? Because I tell you, I’ve dealt with hormonal women; ass
fucking has to be easier. ”

Jase’s mouth dropped open and he turned to Sammy. “Did you hear that?” he hissed.

Sammy nodded, chuckled a little. “It’s way less scary when Jack’s here. ”

“Yeah. ” He snuggled close. “It’s going to be all right. ”

“I ’m sorry I freaked out, honey. Things just got weird. ”

“Are you kidding? I’d have freaked out just as much as you! And you were all by yourself. ” He
hated that Sammy’d had to go through all this on his own.

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“Yeah, but you’re home now, huh?”

Jack’s voice cut through. “...and let me tell you something, you smarmy fucking little coward. This
is Sergeant Watson and I have your fucking location, so you ought to be the one that’s scared. ”

Oh, man, Jase knew he’d be scared if he was on the receiving end of that. As he wasn’t, he felt
better than ever, knowing Jack and Harry were going to take care of things, that they’d be safe.

“You think it’s going to get worse now?” Sammy’s whisper was so quiet.

“ Oh, God, I hope not. But if it does we can ask Harry to stay. ”

“ Okay. Okay, honey. We’ll manage. ” Sammy was trying to be so brave.

“ We will -- I promise you that everything’s going to be okay. And I’m here now. ”

Jase turned to Jack. “That was him, huh?”

“Yeah. There are squad cars heading to the... ” A series of sounds filled the air - like the backfiring
of a car. Bang. Bang. Bang. “Jesus Christ! Harry! Harry, I’m coming! ” Then Jack turned, pistol
drawn as he headed down the stairs.

“ Harry! ” Jase screamed and jumped up, running to follow Jack.

“ Jason! Jason, no! ” Sammy tackled him, dragging him to the ground. “No. You’ll get hurt. ”

He fought Sammy, trying to get away. “I have to! It’s Harry! I have to know if he’s okay! ” His
heart was thudding so fast.

“ Jack’ll tell us. They have guns, Jason. ”

“I haven’t heard anymore bangs. Please, Sammy. I have to know. ” He was starting to shake,
listening hard for more shots, for Harry’s voice. Anything.
What he heard was sirens.

“ No. No, we’re staying. Harry’d want you safe. ”

He blinked hard, trying not to cry, but so scared something had happened to Harry. Threats on the
phone were one thing, watching them was one thing. Shooting? He stopped fighting Sammy and
held on instead, so scared.

Rita came stumbling in, eyes huge. “Y’all? That Jack guy says to tell you not to worry. Harry’s
heading to the hospital, but it’s not serious -- just a bad scratch. He says he’ll be up here in a
minute to take you two with him. ”

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Harry’d been shot! “Oh, God! Sammy, let me up! Let me up! Are you sure it isn’t serious, Rita?”

“I saw him growling and cussing at the EMTs, honey. Just pissed that they were making him go.
His shoulder, I think. ”

“I need to go see him. Sammy, you come, too, I’m not leaving you here by yourself. ”

“ Okay, we need to find out what hospital and stuff, Jase. Will they let you see him?” Sammy
grabbed their wallets.

“ He’s going to Mercy and you two are coming with me for a couple of days. ” Jack stood at the
door, filled it. “He wants you both at his house, huh?”

Oh, he really was going to cry now. Harry taking care of him and Sammy, even when he was hurt.
“ We’re going to the hospital first, though, right? And you’ll tell them to let me see him. ”

“ We’ll call his cell. They’d bandaged his shoulder at the ambulance. The one on his waist might
need a stitch or two. If he’s still there, we’ll go there first. ”

“The one on his waist? Nobody said he was shot twice! Are you sure he’s okay?” He watched
Sammy flitting around, throwing things into a couple of bags for them, clothes and shit, dragging
his dirty clothes out of his pack and putting clean ones in.

He couldn’t believe just this morning they’d been on the ship, having such a wonderful time.

“ He’s good, Jason. I told you. He got grazed. He’s a good cop. ”

He nodded hard. He knew that. He also knew the bad guys were, well, bad. “I’ve never dated a cop
before. ” And until today he’d never really considered just how dangerous a job it was.

Jack nodded, face serious. “It’s the hardest job on Earth, man. I wouldn’t date one for love or
money. ”

“I think your wife would be pretty pissed off at you if you started dating anyone, man. Oh, how is
she doing?” He asked, suddenly remembering she was pregnant. He must actually believe Harry
was going to be okay -- his brain was starting to work again.

“ Craving pineapple and complaining that her tits hurt. ”

Jase giggled and was privately thankful he was into guys.

He grabbed his bag when Sammy handed it over. “Oh. Oh, thank you, honey. ”

“ No problem. I have mine, too. ” Oh. Oh, thank God. He’d half-worried Sammy’d fight them and
want to stay.

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“ Good. ” He hugged Sammy tight and took a quick kiss and then turned to Jack. “Okay, we’re
ready. Take us to Harry. ”

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Chapter Twenty Three

“ Come on, guys. Let’s go in. ” Man, the only good think about getting shot at was the day off.

Jason and Sammy were both a wreck, both worried and weird and he’d told Jack to just drop their
asses off here, that there was no reason to waste the boys’ time. Jackie, though. That son of a bitch
just laughed and winked and said Jase forced him.





“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jase asked him again, tugging at his good arm.

“I ’ll be fine, babe. It’s a little scratch on my side and six stitches in my shoulder, not life-
threatening. I promise. ”

“I know. I just... Let’s get everyone settled and then let me pamper you, okay?” Jase gazed up at
him, so earnest.

“Yeah. Inside. Sammy, you doing okay, man?”

The sweet little queen nodded, holding up bags of food. “Pasta with chicken? Apple pie?”

Oh, hell. “Yeah. Yeah. I got pans. ” A few at least.

Jase grinned. “Sammy cooks. It’s how he helps. ”

“Yeah. I’m going to take a shower, babe. You get him settled in the office on that futon, huh?”
Shower, shot of tequila, nap. Christ, he could so nap.

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“Yeah, I’ll show him where things are in the kitchen, too. And then I’ll come scrub your back,
okay?” Jase’s hand slid along his back.

“ Okay. ” Sounded good. So long as he could nap in the tub. He shut the door and stripped off the
hospital scrubs, the bloody jeans. Then he slapped on a waterproof bandage and turned the water on

In no time at all there was a soft knock at the door, Jase opening it just enough to slide in.

“ Hey, babe. ” He was almost asleep, leaning against the tile. “You okay?”

Jase nodded and then stopped, and then nodded again. “I think so, Harry. We’re safe here, yeah?
And you’re not badly hurt. ” Catching sight of his jeans on the floor, Jase bit his lip. “It looks like
so much blood. ”

“ Shallow wounds bleed bad, huh?” He held one hand out. “At least I think so. I’ve never been
shot before. ”

Jase stripped quickly out of his clothes and stepped into the tub, grabbing his hand. “I hope you
never get shot again, Harry. ”

“ Fuck. Me, too. ” He got Jason settled against him. It didn’t seem real yet. It hadn’t seemed real
then. It was just... surreal.

Jason’s hands stroked over him, warm and soothing. “I was so scared when I heard the shots,
love. ”

“I wasn’t. I didn’t even feel them at first, I was so goddamn mad. ”

“ Because they were coming after Sammy?”

He should have said yes, but he wasn’t into lying. “ I think because they were shooting at all of us -
- you, me, Sammy, Jack. ”

“You were the only one in the line of fire, though. ” Jase hugged him tightly.

He nodded, leaned good and hard. Yeah. Yeah, he had been.

Jase tilted his head suddenly, taking his mouth in a hard kiss. Harry’s eyes flew open and he was
fucking shocked at the flood of need, of pure, furious hunger. Jase pressed hard against him, hands
holding his head as Jase’s tongue pushing into his mouth, demanding he kiss back.

Oh, damn. Babe. Yeah. He was so turned on he could just beg for it -- more, harder, better, now.
Jase rubbed against him, prick hard as diamonds against his thigh.

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“ Want you, Harry. Need you. ”

“Yeah. Now, Jase. Now. ”

“Turn around, Harry. ” Jase’s hands helped him move, fingers sliding to touch his hole.

It was so fucking easy so spread, to push his ass back toward that touch. “Babe. ”

“ Harry. ” Jase dropped behind him, mouth on him, tongue pushing in, wetting him, fucking him
with that hot little tongue.

“Yeah. Yeah, Jase. Hurry. ” Hurry.

Jase tongue-fucked him for a moment or two more and then stood, prick pushing against him.
“ Gotta have you, Harry. ”

“Yours. Babe. Please. ” His skin was so fucking tight, too tight. Burning.

Jase pushed into him, hot and hard, filling him up. There was no waiting, no starting slow, as soon
as Jase was in he started thrusting, hard and fast. Harry’s fucking head was going to explode. Just
what he fucking needed. Just perfect.

Hands hard on his hips, Jase kept fucking him, prick driving in hard. “Love you, Harry. Love
you. ”

“Love. Love. Oh, fuck! There! ” He forgot about everything but Jason’s cock, slamming inside
him. Jase kept hitting that spot inside him, breath panting and hot against his back. “Yeah. Yeah. ”
He reached down, pumping his cock furiously, eyes rolling back in his head.

“ Mine. Mine. Love.” Jase’s mouth closed over his shoulder, teeth biting. His eyes rolled back in
his head, ass squeezing as he shot good and hard. “ Harry! ” Jase shouted, jerking and filling him
with heat.

“Yeah. Yeah, babe. ” His knees buckled; he was suddenly so fucking tired.

Sweet Jason caught him as he went down, keeping him from falling completely. “I won’t be able to
help you out of the tub if you sit, Harry. Come out now and come to bed. ”

“Yeah. I’ll eat, if you want, but I gotta lie down. ” He was just dying.

“You can nap until Sammy’s got food ready. ” Jase helped him out and dried him off. “And then
I’ll feed you in bed. I’ll take care of you, Harry. ”

“ ’kay, babe. ” Right now he’d agree to anything.

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Oh, God. Bed. His bed.

Jase tucked him in, and then slid in with him, hands patting, stroking. “It’s okay, Harry. You can
go to sleep now. ”

“Love you, huh? You’re safe here. ” His eyes were already closed, body already floating.

“I know, Harry. You’re safe here, too. ” Jase kissed his cheek and then settled curled up next to

He reached for Jase, wincing as his stitches pulled. Still, it worked.

Besides, he was already asleep.

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Chapter Twenty Four

Jase watched Harry sleep for awhile. He’d been so worried about Harry, and in the end, it had been
okay. The hospital hadn’t even kept Harry for observation. And now his poor knight in shining
armor was finally getting some sleep.

The cruise seemed like a lifetime ago.

Eventually he kissed Harry’s chest and slipped out of bed, pulling the covers up before heading out
to see how Sammy was doing in the kitchen. God, it smelled so good -- spicy and rich and cheesy
and just comforting.

“ How is he doing?”

“ Sleeping. He was so tired to begin with and then all hell broke loose. ” He hugged Sammy from
behind. “It smells awesome, honey. ”

“I just thought everybody’d be hungry. ” There was bread and pasta, some sauce working and
green beans. A pie.

“ Starving,” he said as his stomach growled, making him laugh. Besides, he knew Sammy cooked
when he was upset. “And when everything’s ready I’ll take some in for Harry. ”

He kissed Sammy’s neck and wandered around the kitchen, looking for the plates and knives and
forks, setting them out on the little table. “How are you feeling, honey?”

“I... better, now that we’re here, huh? Like now everyone’s going to really pay attention. ”

“Yeah, we’re safe here. Harry won’t let anything happen to us. It must have been horrible for you,
while I was gone. ” He opened his arms.

“I should’ve been smarter. ” Sammy cuddled in, eyes closing.

“You should have called Jack right away, but it’s done now, right?” He moved them over to one of
the kitchen chairs, sitting and settling Sammy on his lap.

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Sammy nodded, held on tight. “What did you bring me from the cruise?”

He poked Sammy in the ribs. “I see how it is now; you just want to get your loot. ”

“Yup. Me, I’m in need of the pretty shiny. Cough it up! ”

He laughed and pushed Sammy off his lap. “I think it’s in Harry’s bag. At least I hope so, ‘cause
you dumped all of mine in the dirty laundry back at our place. ”

Sammy chuckled, fingers reaching to tickle his belly, making him laugh.

Happily, Harry’s bag had been dumped by the washer in the tiny utility closet and Jase went
through it, hoping the little trinkets he’d brought home, and the bottle of rum, were in it. They were
and he pulled them out with a flourish, handing the bottle of run over first.

“ Ooh! Rum cake! ” Sammy bounced. “Too cool! You know how I love my rum cake. ”

“You’re not the only one. I might have rhapsodized over it to Harry and he upgraded the little
bottle to a big one. ”

Smiling, he handed over the tissue paper wrapped trinkets. There was a snow globe with a
bottlenose dolphin in it and a little braided leather bracelet with rainbow beads on it.

“ Oh, dude. You so rock. ” Sammy kissed him hard, so pleased.

He laughed, arms wrapping around Sammy. “I’m so glad you like them. ”

“ Of course I do. Dork. You wouldn’t bring me shit I hated. ”

“I ’m not a dork! ” He pushed Sammy down, tickling.

Sammy’s cackle rang out. “You are! My official best dork. ”

“Am not! Dorks are... dorky. ” He rolled his eyes at himself. “Okay, I’m a dork. ”

“Yep. A dork. ” Sammy bussed his lips playfully and stood. “Let me save supper. ”

“ Oh, it’s not ruined is it?” Jase sniffed as they made their way back to the kitchen. It still smelled
really good.

“ Nope. I wasn’t sure how long you two horny-bunnies would be. ” Sammy winked, wiggled his

He slapped Sammy’s ass playfully, cheeks warm as he laughed. “Harry was really tired or we

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would have been longer,” he admitted. He’d needed to make love to Harry, though, to really know
deep in his bones that Harry was fine.

“You were loud enough. Man, that guy can holler. ” Sammy winked, grinning at him.

“ Oh... ” His cheeks were flaming now and he hid his face in Sammy’s shoulder.

Sammy patted his shoulder, laughing. “You two needed some stress relief. ”

“ Uh-huh. ” He agreed wholeheartedly. “What about you? You cook off your stress? ”

“If the pie comes out right, then yes. ”

“I bet it does. If we could afford it, you’d make me fat. ” He went over to the stove and grabbed a
spoon, stealing a little bit of sauce.

“ Do you want to eat with me, Jase? Then take a plate to Harry?”

“That sounds about perfect, honey. ”

“ Cool. There are some good movies that I can watch while you feed him, huh?”

“Yeah, Harry’s got an awesome collection of action movies. ” He rubbed the small of Sammy’s
back as his friend dished up their plates. “You should make yourself at home. ”

“Tell him thank you for me, huh? I’m dying for a nap. ”

“Then you should take one! ” He nuzzled Sammy’s neck as they took their plates to the little table.

“ We could cuddle on the couch for awhile. Your food’ll reheat, right?” God knew, Harry could
use the sleep.

“You know it. That would rock. I’ve missed you, honey. ”

“I know. ” He gave Sammy a soft kiss and then sat to dig into his food. “I’ll be home more now,
huh? I start teaching school next week, so I’ll be home evenings. ”

“Yeah, me, too. The TA position looks solid. ”

“ Oh, that’s great, honey. ” He stroked Sammy’s hand and started to eat. “Oh, God, this is good. ”

“ Mmmhmm. I found it in an old cookbook. I spent a lot of time at the library, when I was scared. ”

“Yeah? What else did you do?” He licked his fork and dug in for another bite.

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“ Cried, which is stupid and I worked a lot. ”

He reached across the table and patted Sammy’s hand. “Did it make you feel better?”

“Yeah. I was almost sane when you got home, huh? Almost in the coping zone. ”

“Yeah, so maybe it wasn’t so stupid, huh?”

“ Maybe. ” Sammy grinned, nodded. “God, it’s good to see you. ”

He nodded, smiling back at Sammy. “Come on. Eat this amazing food you cooked and we’ll go
cuddle on the couch and watch shit get blown up. ”

“ Perfect. Thank you, Jase. I don’t know what I’d do without you. ”

“Yeah, well you aren’t going to have to find out. ”

“ Good. ” Sammy grinned, passed him another piece of garlic bread.

“This really is amazing, honey. I mean the food on the cruise was pretty good, but nothing like the
stuff you make. ”

“ Flatterer. ” Sammy blushed bright pink, grinned from ear to ear.

Yeah, and he thought maybe he was the only one who flattered Sammy. Certainly none of the guys
Sammy went for seemed to dish out the compliments. “Just truth,” he told Sammy, proving just
how much he liked the food by gobbling it all up.

“ We could do dessert in the living room while we watch a movie. ”

“ Works for me. ” Sammy reached across the table, squeezed his hand. “Love you, huh?”

He squeezed back. “I love you, too, honey. ”

They sat like that for a few minutes and then he burped. “Oh. ” He giggled, hand flying to his
mouth. “Excuse me. ”

“ Oh, man. You can do better than that. ” Sammy cackled at him, fingers digging into his ribs.

He fought back, the two of them just laughing and laughing. God, it felt so good to laugh. Almost
as good as it had felt to make love to Harry. He thought maybe he’d needed this as much as that.
Good food, laughter and best friends, they were a great combination.

They laughed through the dishes and through dishing up their pie. He even found some vanilla ice
cream in Harry’s freezer, and after they scraped off the thick layer of scary ice crystals on the top it

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tasted pretty good.

“You pick the movie,” he told Sammy. “I’m just going to make sure Harry’s still asleep. ”

“ Okay, honey. I’ll make him a plate and put it in the microwave, huh?”

“Thank you, that would be great. ” He gave Sammy a quick kiss and then snuck quietly into
Harry’s bedroom.

He stood there for a few moments. God, Harry was handsome. And he looked a lot younger when
he was asleep, too. Not that Harry was old at all. And Jase loved him very, very much. It was like
this huge thing inside him. He mouthed the words and slipped back out again, happy that Harry
was getting the sleep he needed.

Their two plates with big slices of warm apple pie and ice cream were on the coffee table and
Sammy’s ass was up in the air as he fed a DVD into the player beneath the television. “So what
movie are we watching?”

“Independence Day -- Will Smith is hot. ”

“ Oh, he is. Not as hot as Harry, but not bad. ” He sat on the couch, legs curling up under him as he
grabbed his dessert.

Sammy snorted, grinned and settled next to him. “ Harry’s not bad. ”

“ He’s a lot better than not bad! That short blond hair, all those muscles... He’s got the most
amazing abs; I could lick them all day. ” Except whenever he tried that he got distracted by all the
rest of it...

Sammy snorted. “He’s a little too vanilla for me, honey. Just a little too knight in white satin, you

Jase knew his smile had gone dreamy, but he couldn’t help it. “Yeah... he’s perfect. ”

“ Dork. ” Sammy shook his head. “You can tell he loves you. ”

“Yeah? He does. ” Jase licked his fork.

“And you’re so worried about it, huh?”

“ Worried about what?” He finished up his dessert and reached for Sammy to come snuggle with

“ Worried that he doesn’t care. I was just teasing, you know?”

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“I know. I do. He’s got a huge heart. ” He settled Sammy between his legs, head on his chest. “He
cares about you, too. ”

“Yeah? I don’t irritate the fuck out of him?”

“ Of course not! ” He kissed the top of Sammy’s head and rubbed the skinny belly.

“ Mmm. ” Sammy’s head landed in his lap, eyes closing. “Cool. ”

“You can’t watch Will be sexy with your eyes closed,” he said softly. Of course, Sammy probably
needed his sleep more than Harry did.

“I can imagine, huh? You’re better than Will. ”

“ Oh, honey. ” He slid his hand through Sammy’s hair. Sammy always made him feel good.

Sammy murmured something, but it didn’t make any sense, Sammy relaxing for him, straightaway.
He kept stroking, half an eye on the television.

Before he knew it, he was fast asleep himself, all the fun and sun and then stress finally catching up
with him.

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Chapter Twenty Five

Day two after being shot sucked harder than day one. Harry rolled out of bed, blinking against the
daylight. God, how long had he slept? Was it six a.m. or six at night? And damn, he needed some
food. Jase wasn’t in bed with him, so he stumbled out into the living room, finding Jase on the
couch, Sammy’s head in his lap, both of them fast asleep, the DVD screen saver on the TV.

“ Dude. ” He chuckled and found a blanket, draping it over them before hunting food. Oh. Cool.
Microwave food! He made a guess and put it on for three minutes.

Two minutes in and footsteps sounded, Jase’s arms came around behind him. “Hey. I fell asleep. ”

He nodded. “Me too. I guess it’s morning?”

“ Uh-huh. Man, you must be starving! ” Jase wriggled around him and leaned up for a kiss.

“Yeah. ” He eased Jason away from his ribs, the area sore as fuck.

Jase’s face fell and then understanding dawned. “Oh! I’m sorry. Sit down. Sit down. I’ll feed
you. ”

“ No sweat, babe. It’s just tender, huh?” He winked, lifted his arm carefully. “I’m gonna have a
scar. ”

Jase fussed over him, making him sit and tugging up his T-shirt. “Am I supposed to re-bandage
them or anything, Harry?”

“I gotta put antibiotic goo on it and stuff, yeah, but I’m gonna eat whatever this is first. ” Because,
damn. It smelled so good.

Jase chuckled and took the plate out of the microwave, plopping it down in front of him. Then Jase
sat right down in his lap, arm around his good shoulder, and picked up the fork.

“You’re a nut burger. ” It was kind of hot, though, Jase right there, feeding him.

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“ Because I want to feed my man?” Jase wriggled. “That’s love, not nuts. Now open up, this food
deserves to be savored. ”

“Yes, sir. ” He opened up, moaning as the pasta hit his tongue. So good.

Jase beamed at him and offered another bite.

“ God. I should hire Sammy to make me meals. ” He ate as fast as Jase would feed him, and then
asked for more.

Jase laughed and made him up another plate, shoving it into the microwave. “Wait ‘til you taste
dessert. ”

“ Hell, yes. What’s dessert?”

“The best apple pie I have ever tasted. ” Jase gave him a quick kiss and hopped off his lap again to
cut a big piece of pie and put it in the microwave to warm up.

“ Dude. Sounds perfect. ” He rolled his shoulder, the wound aching, but not badly.

“You got pills for the pain, right? You want one?” Jason took the apple pie out of the microwave
and added a scoop of ice cream.

“ Nah. It’s cool. ” He’d save them for if he needed them.

“You sure you’re not just trying to be a hero for me?” Jase was back on his lap, a piece of apple
pie on the fork.

“ Because I’m always playing hero. ” Oh, pie. Yum.

“You are, you know. My hero. ” Jase popped the pie into his mouth, looking at him like he’d hung
the moon.

He chewed and enjoyed, the apples melting on his tongue. “I’m just glad you’re here. You’re
safe. ”

“Yeah, me too, Harry. ” Jase’s smile turned impish. “Really glad. ”

“You two need to stay here until they catch the asshole, though, huh? Where I know you’re safe. ”

Jase nodded. “Oh, yeah. I’m not going anywhere. Gonna stay right here. ” Jase wiggled.

“ Mmm. ” He playfully swatted that fine butt. “More pie. ”

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Jase squeaked, and laughed, wiggling some more as another forkful of pie was offered over.

“ Mmm. Pie. ” He hugged Jase tight, fingers moving and touching wherever they could. Jase
wriggled against him, ass dancing over his prick, teasing. “You be good, babe, or I’ll take you to
the bedroom and fuck you silly. ”

“ Oh, yes, please. ” Jase wiggled some more and licked his lips.

He chuckled, chasing Jason’s lips until he twisted just wrong, pulling the stitches. Ow.

“ Oh, Harry. ” Jase stroked his arm carefully. “Why don’t you just sit there and let me make you
feel good?” With that, Jase slipped off his lap and settled between his legs.

“ Why don’t we... I mean, Sammy’s right in there, babe. ”

“ He’s sleeping, but if you want to go to your room, we can. ” Jase nuzzled into his crotch, making
his cock swell and push against his sweats.

“ Mmm. ” His eyes dropped to that pretty mouth, and he wanted it so bad.

“ Stop me now if you’re going to. ” Jase’s fingers played with his waistband, tugging on it. His
cock jerked and throbbed, trying to get Jason’s attention.

He didn’t stop Jason.

Moaning softly, Jason pulled the sweats down past his cock. A barely stubbled cheek rubbed
against his prick, and then Jase’s tongue slid up one side and down the other.

“ Oh. Oh, babe... ” He tried not to be loud, tried to be so fucking quiet.

Jase flashed a beaming smile up at him, and then turned back to his prick, licking at the tip like he
was an ice cream.

Oh, sweet fuck. That was the most amazing... “Don’t stop. ”

Jason shook his head, but didn’t say anything, just continued licking and lapping. Then one of
Jase’s hands pushed his sweats down further and toyed with his balls. Harry spread, let Jason take
whatever he needed, everything he wanted. Jase’s groan vibrated along his skin, and the lapping
turned to sucking.

“ Won’t last long, babe. Not good as this feels. ”

Jason nodded, head bobbing, mouth sliding up and down along his prick. The hands on his balls
moved, pushing behind them to stroke his skin beyond them. Harry slid down, ass scooting to the
edge of the chair. Jason hummed around his cock, head bobbing faster, lips so tight around him.

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Warm fingers slid, tapping against his skin, and then pushing at his hole.

“ Please. Please, babe. Come on. ”

Mouth taking him all the way in, Jason’s throat swallowed around him as one finger pushed into

“Yes! ” He bucked, riding that touch, begging for more, the kitchen chair creaking.

Jason pushed in a second finger, the pulls on his cock growing harder. Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck yes.
His toes curled, hips bucking up as his balls drew up. Jason knew, too, head bobbing even faster,
fingers fucking him, twisting to find his gland.

Harry shot so hard the room went dim, his cry just ringing out. Jason kept sucking, cleaning his
cock with sweet tongue laps.

“ Mmm. Babe. We ought to. The bed. Huh?”

Jase pulled off and nodded. “I want you. However I can get you without hurting you. ” Tucking
him back in, Jase stood and took his hand. “I want you. ”

“I ’m yours. ” They’d figure it out.

“ My hero. ” Jase gave him a grin and tugged him along, the bulge in the front of his shorts
testament to his eagerness.

“Yours. Is Sammy okay in the front room?”

“Yeah. I don’t think he slept at all while we were gone. ” Jason slipped into his room, closing the
door behind him.

“ He can stay here as long as he needs to. Lock it, huh?” He slipped his hand in the waistband of
Jase’s shorts.

Jason moaned, pushing into his touch, even as the lock shot home.

“ How do you want me?” He was easy.

“ Can you get it up again? I want you inside me. ” Jase leaned against him, hand going into his
sweats again.

“ Can you get me up?” He let Jase get a hold of him, and then they eased back toward the bed.

“I bet I can. ” Jase laughed, fingers warm as they moved on him.

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As soon as they were lying down, Jase tugged his sweats off, fingers moving away from his cock to
explore his belly, his hips.

“ What are we betting?” He didn’t mind a wager at all.

Jase giggled. “What do you want to bet? Blowjobs? Rimming?”

“Listen to you! ” Rimming. Christ.

Jase blushed, but his eyes danced wickedly. “What?”

“That... You know how hot that is?”

“ Rimming?” Jase nodded. “It’s kinky and hot and I want to do it to you. I want you to do it to
me. ” Moaning suddenly, Jase leaned in for a kiss.

He dragged Jason in, tongue fucking his babe’s lips, cock jerking. Jason rubbed eagerly against
him, body pressing close.

“Ea...easy. Sore. ” Damn it.

“ Oh, Harry. ” Jase backed off and shifted to kneel next to him. “What position is going to work
best for you?” Those pretty eyes were slightly glazed, Jason’s lips swollen from blowing him.

“I. I’ll prop myself on the pillows, then you can ride me, huh?” If he perked back up.

Jase’s hands slid over him, petting. “Or I could just snuggle you and use my hand. ”

“I want you. ” He leaned in, whispered in Jason’s ear. “I want to be inside you, fucking you. ”

“ Oh, God, Harry. ” Jase shuddered, hands wrapping around his thighs. Jase nodded hard. “Yes,
please, Harry. ”

“I want to watch you ride, I want to watch your cock throb. ”

“ Uh-huh. ” Jase gave him a hard kiss and then was all about re-arranging the pillows, making him

He worked on making himself hard again. Jase helped, encouraging him to spread his legs and
settling between them. Hot and wet, Jase’s tongue slid behind his balls.

“ Jase. Oh, oh, babe. So good to me. ”

“ Being good to me, too,” Jase muttered and then got back to work. One hand slid up his thigh and
grabbed his growing prick, sliding on his cock.

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His prick perked right up, filling, eager for his babe. Jase took one of his balls into that hot little
mouth, sucking on it, rolling it with his tongue.

“ Jason. Jason, fuck. Good. ”

His ball was slowly released and Jason beamed up at him. “I knew you could get hard again. ” Jase
petted his prick and then dove back in to suck on his other ball.

He chuckled, just shaking with it, just about to bust. Then Jase licked a line up along his cock,
tongue playing with his slit. “Fuck, yes. Get me wet, Jase. Want to fuck you. ”

Groaning, Jase wrapped his lips around Harry’s cock, tongue licking and sliding. He made himself
stay very still, watching. Staring.

Finally, Jase pulled off with a small gasp. “I want you, Harry. ”

“ Need you. Come on. Damn. ” He reached for Jason, needing that tight ass around his cock.

Jason straddled his hips, eyes alight. One hand reached back, grabbing him, holding him as Jase
lined him up.

“You look... fuck, so fine, babe. ” His cock pushed in, spreading Jason’s tight little hole.

“ Harry! ” Jase’s head dropped back, exposing a long line of neck.

He reached up for it, fingers dragging down Jase’s throat. “Yeah. Yeah, babe. ”

Jase’s groan vibrated against his fingers, the hot ass squeezing his cock tight.

“ Ride me. Come on, I want to feel you. ”

“ Mmm... yes, Harry. ” Jase started to undulate, rising up a little, circling, and coming back down

That ass worked his shaft, the muscles moving and rippling for him. Jase moaned and sighed,
working his cock.

“ Damn. Damn, babe. ” He tried not to move, not to pull the stitches, but fuck, it was hard.

“ Harry! God. ” Jase’s hands dropped to his chest and Jase moved faster, riding harder.

“Yeah. Yeah. Come on. Faster. ”

“Touch me,” Jase begged, just bouncing on his cock. His hand slapped around Jason’s prick,

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tugging good and hard. “Yes! ” Jason bounced harder, moaning and crying out.

“Love you. Come on. Come on. ” His cock was hard enough to pound nails.

Jase nodded, mouth opening but no sound coming out. Then Jason climaxed, heat spraying out
over his hand and chest as his babe came. His eyes rolled, Jason’s body shuddering, pulling all
around him. Jason collapsed, careful not to land near his bad side, breathing hard.

“ Mmm. I got you. ” He patted Jason’s back. “I got you, babe. ”

“Yeah, you do. ” He could feel Jase’s smile against his skin. “I love you, Harry. ”

“ Mmm. ” He knew. It was good. Real good. “Stay. Sleep a second. ”

“ Okay. ” A kiss pressed just over his heart. “You sleep, too. ”

“ Uh-huh. Heal. ”

“That’s right. I want you whole and healthy. ”

“ Mmm. Gonna do wicked things to me?”

“You know it. ” Jase patted his nipple. “Gonna sex you up in all sorts of kinky ways. ”

Oh. Oh, man. It hurt to laugh.

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Chapter Twenty Six

Jason was having the best dream. He was floating in the water with Harry. Just floating. There
wasn’t anyplace they had to be or anything they had to do except each other. He giggled softly and
nuzzled into Harry’s chest. Mmm... that felt pretty real. Smelled real, too. Smelled like Harry and
him and sex.

Oh. Right. It was real. He and Sammy were here. Well, Sammy wasn’t here in bed with him and
Harry here, but here at Harry’s place. Jase yawned and tried to go back to sleep where there was
lazy floating and no scary guys out to get Sammy. Harry murmured softly, one hand dragging
down his back. He snuggled in harder. Sleep, he told himself. Just sleep.

“ Jase! Jase, man! I need to talk to you! ” Sammy’s voice slid in and Harry came completely awake.

“ Shh. ” He patted Harry’s skin. “S’okay, Harry. You go back to sleep. ” He pressed a kiss to
Harry’s lips and got up.

Grabbing Harry’s robe he opened the bedroom door. “You okay, Sammy?”

“I have to go to work, Jase. Our car’s at the apartment. ”

He grabbed Sammy’s hands. “Do you think that’s a good idea? Do you think it’s safe at work?”

“I have to work, honey. We’ll lose everything if I don’t. ”

“ Okay, let’s see what Harry says. ”

“I don’t need Harry to tell me I need our car. ”

“ No, but I don’t mind dropping you at the furniture store, man. ” Harry was upright, awake. “Hell,
Jason can take my sedan, drop you off. Jack had the tires dealt with for me. ”

Oh, that made Jase feel better. “There. That way you don’t have to go by the old apartment at all
until we know it’s safe. ”

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Harry nodded. “It’s cool, Sammy. It’s all cool. This asshole’s not going to bother you at work. ”

“I ’ll get dressed and drive you, okay? And then you call when you’re done and I’ll come pick you
up again. ” Nobody was going to hurt Sammy.

“ Okay. Okay, I guess. I just can’t lose my job. ”

“I know, honey. ” Jase wrapped his arms around Sammy and gave him a kiss. “I’ll be dressed in a
flash. ”

Sammy hugged him tight. “Okay. Cool. Thanks, honey. I’ll make supper tonight. ” The door
closed behind Sammy, giving him and Harry a minute of privacy.

Jase grabbed his bag from next to the bed and started getting dressed. “I won’t be long, love. ”

“ Cool. I’m going to get dressed and see if Jack’s making any progress. ”

He frowned over at Harry. “Just remember that you’re supposed to be taking it easy and getting
better. ”

“I ’m fine, babe. I have to get Sammy back in his apartment. ”

“Is it that horrible having him here?” He pulled his T-shirt over his head and tucked it into his

“ Not at all, babe, but it can’t be comfortable, just being a guest. ” Harry looked surprised, maybe a
little hurt.

“ Oh. I’m sorry, Harry. ” Jase went over and gave Harry a big hug. “I didn’t mean to insult you,
love. ”

“It’s okay. I mean, I wouldn’t kick him to the curb.”

“ No, I know that, Harry. ” He kissed Harry’s chin. “I know you’ll let him stay as long as it
takes. ”

“I will. ” Harry met his eyes, straight up. “I’d let you stay. Period. ”

His own eyes widened. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying, Harry?”

“Yeah, Jase. I know it might be too soon for you, but yeah. ”

“ Oh, I love you. I do. ” He threw his arms around Harry.

“ Good. ” Harry hugged him tight, lips on his forehead. “Go take Sammy to work, babe. ”

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“I won’t be long, love.” He gave Harry a quick kiss and then went to find Sammy.

Sammy was all dressed, waiting. “You look like you just got a new puppy. ”

He just beamed at Sammy. “Harry just asked me to move in with him! ”

“ Oh. ” Sammy blinked once, and then smiled. “Oh, man. Jase. Congratulations! ” He got a quick,
hard hug, a kiss on the cheek. “I tell you what. I’ll hop on a cab, huh? You ought to stay. Plan. ”

“ No, I’m going to drive you. ” He gave Sammy a quick hug and grabbed Harry’s keys. “I’m not
moving in until everything’s back to normal and you’re feeling safe at the apartment on your
own. ” He wasn’t going to abandon Sammy.

“I... You don’t have to. ”

“ Of course I do, Sammy. Besides, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t?” Sammy needed
him and Harry understood that.

“I... ” Sammy stared at him, eyes filling with tears. “I ’m so happy for you. ”

“ Oh, honey. ” He threw his arms around Sammy, his own eyes pricking. “Me, too. I just wish... ”

“ Shh. Unless you think Harry’s not going to let us be friends anymore. ”

“ No, he’s not like that. If he was, he wouldn’t be my Harry. ” He wrapped his arm around
Sammy’s waist and led him toward the door.

“ No. No, I don’t guess he would, honey. ” Sammy hugged him tight, fingers twining with his.

“Your guy will come, Sammy. Just you wait and see if he doesn’t. ”

“I don’t know, Jase. I just don’t know about that. ”

“ Well, you’ll always have me. ” No matter what happened. Always.

“And you’ll have me. ”

“ Good. I need my Sammy. ” He gave Sammy a kiss, not caring they were in the parking area
where anyone could see them. “I love you, honey. ”

“I know. ” Sammy nodded, gave him a good, hard hug. “Take me to work, honey. I have to pay the
rent. ”

“You got it. ”

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He had a very best friend and a forever love. Jase figured he was the luckiest guy in the world.

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Jesus, he was more sore than he thought he’d be. Of course, he’d never been shot before, so what
the hell did he know? Still. Ow. He went to take a pain pill, grabbing a glass of milk and pondering
making himself a grilled cheese sandwich.

It showed how bad he was hurting that he didn’t hear Jase come in. He couldn’t miss the slender
arms that wrapped around his belly, though, Jase pressing up against him. “Hey, love.”

“ Hey, babe. You want a grilled cheese?”

“ Mmm... yeah. I can make it. ” Jase kissed his spine and moved to the fridge, bending, looking for

“ Man, if I felt better, I’d grab your ass. ” In a heartbeat.

The ass in question wriggled for him, and then Jase popped back up and came back to him. “You
should sit, Harry. I’ll take care of everything. ”

“You don’t have to take care of me, Jase. ” If felt good, though. Nice.

“I don’t have to, but I want to. So you just sit down and enjoy it.” Jase patted his good arm and set
about making sandwiches.

“ How’s Sammy? He okay?” He settled, finished his milk.

“Yeah. I dropped him at the door and watched him go in. ” Jase buttered the outside of the
sandwiches. “Do you want tomato soup, too?”

“ Do I have any? I’d love some. ”

Jase started going through his cupboards. “Here we are! ” The can was waved in his general
direction and then Jase grabbed an oversized mug and poured the soup into it.

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“Is there enough for both of us?” He needed to go grocery shopping. The cupboards were a little

“Yeah. We can have dessert after. ” Jase turned again, giving him a saucy wink.

“ Oh, you’re in a good mood. ” He grinned over, tickled.

“I am. ” Jase put the soup in the microwave and the sandwiches in the frying pan.

“Yeah?” Was it because of him?

“ Uh-huh. ” Jase came over and straddled his thighs. “I’m in a very good mood, love. ”

“It’s a damned good look for you. ” He reached out with his good arm, tugged Jason in close.

“You’re a damn good look for me. ” Eyes twinkling, Jase pressed their mouths together.

He pushed into the kiss, tickled as hell that Jason was here, with him. Jase’s sweet moan pushed
into his mouth, the slender body moving, rocking against him. He could feel Jase’s cock begin to
firm up against his belly.

“ Don’t... don’t burn the sandwiches... ” Pretty man.

“ Oh. ” Jase nodded and dragged himself away.

The sandwiches were flipped, the tomato soup taken out of the microwave and placed on the table.
“Eat fast. ”

“ Share with me?” He drank deep, humming over the spicy tartness.

Nodding, Jase leaned in and licked the taste right out of his mouth. He groaned and leaned in,
groaning and lapping at Jason’s lips. Oh, man. Pretty.

Jase sank against him for a moment, and then slipped off his lap, rescuing the sandwiches. “Drink
your soup, Harry. ”

The sandwiches were each cut into four pieces and then arranged on a single plate. Jase also refilled
his milk for him.

“You’re spoiling me. ” He was a little swimmy, the pill taking hold.

“ Well that’s because not only do I love you, but you saved Sammy and my lives. You deserve a
little bit of pampering. ” Jase settled across his thighs again, offering him a sandwich quarter.

He opened his lips, moaning at the whole butter-cheese-crunch combo. “Good. ”

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Jase stole a bite from the next quarter before handing it over as well. “I make a mean grilled cheese.
Not as fancy as Sammy’s, but they do.”

“I approve.” He ate heartily, groaning and enjoying every bite.

Jase beamed at him, hips rolling every now and then, making Jase’s eyes go wide for a moment.

“ Mmm. Babe. You’re fucking fine. ” He finished his lunch, and then let Jason lead him into the
bedroom, swaying just a little.

“ Can I suck you off?” Jase asked, fingers tugging his sweats down and off. “You can go to sleep
after. ”

“That doesn’t seem very fair, babe. ” He got down and settled, the bed comfy.

Jase fussed with the pillow for his arm until it was just right. “But you’re hurt, Harry. ”

“Yeah, but... Oh, that’s perfect. ” Jase patted his belly, fingers tracing his abs and slipping along
his delts. “Come kiss me, babe. ” His cock was filling, hard as a rock.

“ On the lips?” Jase asked, eyes twinkling even as he bent to bring their mouths together.

He laughed into the kiss, tongues sliding as they both played, tasted each other. Fuck, he loved this
sweet little son of a bitch, balls to bones. Jase’s fingers were busy, still sliding along his body. It
made him jerk when those clever fingers twisted one of his nipples.

He groaned, chuckled, kissing Jason good and hard. Jason rubbed against him, cock like heated silk
where it slid on his skin. The sweet fingers kept moving on him. His eyes closed, hips rocking a
bit, low groans escaping him. Warm and wet, Jase’s mouth slid on him, kisses slowly moving down
along his chest.

“ Oh. Jason. Jase. I... ” He what? He wanted that mouth on his prick.

“ What?” asked Jason, still moving downward, mouth sliding on his skin.

“ Want. I fucking want you. ” More than breath.

Jase stopped kissing long enough to beam up at him. “You have me. ” Then that mouth continued
teasing its way down his body. Almost there, Jase skirted his cock to lick at his hip bone.

“Tease. ” He grinned, bumped his hips up a little bit.

Jase giggled, the sound coming with a puff of air across the tip of his cock.

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“ Oh! ” His shoulders left the pillows, and pain shot down his side. “Damn. ”

“ Harry! ” Jase popped up, fingers sliding along his chest, smoothing gently over his bad shoulder.
“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah, sorry. That felt amazing. ”

Jase’s fingers rubbed besides his eyes. “You want me to do it again?”

“ Hell, yes. ” He turned his face, kissed Jase’s palm.

A sweet shiver moved through Jase at the touch, and then his lover was kissing down along his
chest again, faster this time, more focused. Harry let his head fall back, eyes close as Jason kissed
and licked and nuzzled. Finally Jase was back at his cock, tongue lapping at the tip, lips closing
around the head and sucking.

This low rumble came out of him, his balls drawing up as the room swayed a little bit. Jase hummed
back at him, mouth making the vibrations run through his prick. His legs spread wider and he just
went with it. It was like a fucking fantasy, but better. Jason sucked him like this was the only
fucking thing on earth the man wanted to do.

Soft touches moved along his balls, tickled the base of his prick, every sensation building with the
others. Jason’s fingers slid behind his balls, touching his hole and he spread wider, letting Jason in.
Everything was cock and ass, that mouth. Those fingers. Jason’s head bobbed over his cock several
times, and then Jason licked at his balls, and against the skin behind.

“ Jase. ” His knees drew up, the offer clear.

Jason didn’t ask him if he was sure, instead that sweet tongue stroked over the soft skin behind his
balls. Oh, that was what he wanted. Right there. Jason licked and kissed, tongue pushing into him.

“ Jase. Jase, babe. So good. ”

Jase hummed and slid a finger in next to his tongue.

“Yeah. Yeah, want you. Want you so bad. ” God, he never talked. Never babbled. Never.

Another finger slipped into him, Jason’s tongue pulling away to lick back up along his cock.
Another moan escaped him, his hips rolling, lips open and parted. Jase’s mouth wrapped around
the head of his prick, slowly taking him in as the fingers inside him kept pushing, fucking him.

“ Mmm. Yeah. Yeah, babe. Just... just like that. Goddamn. ”

Jase’s murmured vibrated around his prick, the dark curls bobbing.

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He was so going to fucking shoot, just blow. Bang. Pow. “Oh... ”

Jase’s fingers pushed deep and twisted, hitting his gland. He came so hard his eyes rolled, heart
slamming in his chest. Jason’s fingers slowed inside him, that lovely tongue cleaning his prick.

“ Babe... ” His eyes rolled back in his head, body going boneless.

Jase made a happy little noise and curled up against him, head on his good shoulder. “Love you,
Harry. ”

“Yeah? Love you, babe. Swear to God. ”

“I know. I do. ” Jase kissed his cheek. Jase’s fingers slid over his chest, drawing random patterns.

“ Gonna... ” He yawned, already more than half-asleep.

Jase chuckled. “Sleep, love. Heal. ”

“ Mmmhmm. ”


He could do that.

Jase snuggled in closer, there for him, holding on.

Yeah, he could so do that.

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Jason liked living with Harry.

Oh, he wasn’t officially moved in yet or anything, and Sammy was still in the guest bedroom slash
office because they hadn’t caught the asshole who was stalking and threatening him. But still. He
was living in Harry’s apartment and sleeping in Harry’s bed and he had as much access to Harry
as their jobs allowed.

Harry’d gone back to work, his arm still sore, but not bad enough to keep him off duty. Jase
himself was still filling in at the Children’s Home, but he was gearing up for teaching next week.

Right now Jase had supper going -- a lovely lasagna Sammy had made and left in the fridge,
heating in the oven. He had garlic bread all ready to be warmed up, beers in the fridge, and a salad
that just needed to be dressed. Now all he needed was Harry.

Jason puttered around, neatening and cleaning and watering the plants.

He heard footsteps, coming to the door, and then the hinges creaked. “Hey, babe. Something
smells good. ”

“ Hey, Harry! ” He went over to the door to wrap his arms around Harry’s waist, head tilting up for
a kiss.

Harry leaned down, took his mouth, tongue pushing in. He opened right up, welcoming Harry into
his mouth, into him. Sliding, his hands moved and landed on Harry’s ass. He squeezed.

“ Mmm. Babe. ” He got a grin, a wiggle. “How’s you?”

“ Good. I missed you. ” He wiggled right back, rubbing them together. “How was your day?”

“ Same old, same old. ”

“ How’s the arm?” His fingers slid up, not quiet touching.

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“ Better. I worked out at the station house today. ”

“ Mmm... my stud. ” He grinned, letting Harry come in properly and closing the door.

Harry flexed, winked, toeing off the heavy soled shoes and placing his gun in the little hidden
drawer in the table by the door. Oh, Harry was so handsome. Such a stud. And all his. Jase grinned
and wrapped his arms back around Harry’s middle again.

“ Did I say welcome home?”

“ Once or twice; you could say it again. ”

“ Welcome home. ” It felt good to say, to welcome Harry home at the end of day.

“Yeah. You good, huh? What smells so good?”

“ Sammy’s secret recipe lasagna. Oh, I have to put the garlic bread into the oven. ” The lasagna had
to come out and sit for a few minutes, which was what the garlic bread needed to warm and melt and
get crispy and for the salad to get dressed.

Sammy was so good to him.

“ Mmm. You need me to make a salad or something?” Harry grabbed two beers, passed him one.

“Thank you. There’s one made up in the fridge. It just needs the dressing poured over it and to be
tossed. ” He took a sip of the beer and then put it down so he could pull out the lasagna. He bent
over the oven, heat and steam hitting him in the face.

Harry got to work, whistling and humming, seeming... happy. Truly happy. Jason did his part and
whenever they crossed paths, they’d bump hips. It was fun and it felt good. Right. Sort of like the
hint of forev...

The front door slammed open, Sammy’s voice ringing out. “Help me! Help me! ”

Jase dropped the salad bowls he was holding and went running. “Sammy! ”

Sammy’s face was bleeding, arm held in front of him, tears staining the pale cheeks. Harry went for
his gun, growling low. “Where are they?”

“ Outside. They took my bike. ”

Harry grabbed his phone and stormed out, in stockinged feet and everything.

Jase went for Sammy, wrapping his arms around his friend. “Oh, honey! Honey, are you all

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“ No! No, I’m mad and my arms hurt and... ” Sammy’s knees buckled, his friend just losing it.

He dragged Sammy over to the sofa, worried about his friend, worried about Harry. “What

“I took my bike today, because the weather was nice and these guys in a pickup started following
me, then they jumped me outside. ”

“ Oh, my God! Did you say guys? Are you okay? I should check on Harry! ” He popped up and
started heading for the door.

Sammy grabbed his wrist, screaming as it moved something in the thin arm. “Jason! ”

He gasped, crying out. “Sammy! Oh, my God! ” He grabbed the phone, dialing 911 as he took
Sammy in his arms.

He heard sirens coming from what seemed all directions and they sank together on the sofa, both
clinging to each other. The phone fell out of his hands at the sound of the sirens and he held
Sammy close. “It’s going to be okay, Sammy, it is. Harry’ll make it all right. ”

“ He’s not a superhero, Jase. ”

“ He’s my hero, Sammy. He won’t let us down. ”

Sammy leaned hard, tears sliding down his shoulder. “I want to go home. ”

“ When it’s safe, honey. ” He stroked Sammy’s arm, trying not to cry himself. “It’s going to be
okay. It is. ” Harry would stop these guys.

“ Okay, guys. I need to you come out, Sammy. ” Harry came up, sweaty, dirty. “You have to
identify them. ”

“ No. ”

“ Now look. ” Harry actually growled a little bit. “You have got to pony up here, Sam. You have to.
Are you going to be a fucking victim your whole life?”

Jase squeezed Sammy tight. “I’ll come with you and Harry will be there, and Jack, too, I bet.
Otherwise they’re just going to keep doing this to you, Sammy. ”

“I can’t. Please. Don’t make me. ”

Harry knelt down, staring. “Sammy, you’re Jason’s friend and I’m going to be around a long

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goddamn time. You want to be a screaming loony, you do it, but you do it after you’ve identified
these fuckheads. ”

Sammy stared at Harry, blinking. “Asshole. ”

“ Weenie. ” Harry didn’t bat an eye.

“ Fucker. ”

“ Flaming queen. ”

“ Pushy cop queer. ”

“ Hey! Don’t we have people for Sammy to identify?” Not that he wanted to interrupt their
bonding or anything, but Sammy was pale and bleeding and needed to see a doctor and they all
needed this done. Sammy especially.

“ Come on, Sammy. Do this, we’ll get you on the ambulance and you can get your life back, huh?
You don’t fucking have to live in their shadows. ” God, Harry was amazing.

“ Harry and I’ll stay with you, Sammy. You don’t have to face them alone. Please, honey. You need
to. ”

Sammy only had to nod once and Harry had them up and moving, down into the parking lot where
three guys where sitting on the curb, watched by a load of policemen. One of them growled and
started to stand and Jack rumbled, taking him right back down.

“ Don’t you move. ”

Harry looked over at Sammy. “This them, man?”

Sammy nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, those three. ”

“Take ‘em in, boys. We have positive ID and the stolen merchandise. I have to follow our vic here
to the hospital. I’ll get a full statement there. ” Harry looked elated.

Jase beamed at Sammy and hugged him tight. “You did it, Sammy! I’m so proud of you. ”

Sammy moaned. “Ow. Jase. I think it’s broken. My wrist. ”

“ Harry! We need to get him to the hospital. Now. ”

“Yeah. Guys, we got someone that needs you. ” Harry whistled and EMTs swarmed, bustling
Sammy into the ambulance and away from the police cars.

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Jase followed, getting stopped at the back doors. “ He’s my friend. I want to go with him. ”

“Let him ride, hmm? I’ll follow y’all in the car. ” Harry flashed his badge and a pretty, tall EMT
helped him in the ambulance. Sammy was getting his face looked at, his arm stabilized.

Jase looked back at Harry. At his hero. “Thank you, love. Thank you. ”

“Anytime. I’ll follow you after I go turn off the oven. ” Oh, that was his Harry -- always taking
care of things.

He nodded, knowing his heart was in his eyes.

Then the doors were closed and he turned his attention back to Sammy.

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Harry pulled up in the parking area for his condo, turning off the engine and turning to his
wounded passenger. “Come on, you goofball. Out.”

“I ’m tired. ”

Harry chuckled. “You’re stoned. ”

Sammy’s dark eyes stared over at him. “I don’t really like you, you know?”

“Yup. Too bad you’re stuck with me, huh?”

Jase rolled his eyes and leaned against Harry. “Come on, Sammy, we’ll help you. ”

“I ’m okay. ” Sammy had a tiny set of butterfly bandages on his forehead, a casted wrist and two
broken fingers. Not deadly, but sore.

“I know, but I’d feel better if you let us help. ” Jase looked up at him like he would know just what
to do. It didn’t matter what he said about just doing his job, Jase thought he was a hero.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go up, have a beer and order pizza. I’m starving. ”

“There we go. Come on, Sammy. ” Jase grabbed Sammy’s good hand and tugged him along to the

The place smelled a little like burned garlic -- okay, a lot like, but Harry opened windows and he
threw things away and it started getting better.

Jason curled up on the couch with Sammy. “You want me to call for some pizza, love?”

Both Sammy and Harry looked at him, and then they all cracked up, the sound just filling up the
whole room.

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“Yes, babe. Meat and mushrooms. ”

Sammy rolled his eyes. “Olives and pepperoni. ”

His Jase’s sweet giggles answered them. “I’ll get a large of each. ” Jase dialed and ordered their

“ Get bread sticks and some dippy sauce, babe. ” Jason nodded, repeated that before hanging up.
Harry shook his head, grinned. “You need something to take your pill with?”

“ He doesn’t get a pill ‘til three. That’s what the nurse told me. ”

“ Oh. ” Shit, Jason was handy. “Did they give him a shot or something?” Come to think of it,
Wonder Sammy was swaying and blinking some.

“ Or something. ” Jase giggled and gave Sammy a hug.

Sammy swarmed over Jase, snuggling in. “They’re in jail?”

Harry nodded. “Until they’re bailed out, but the DAs going for house arrest because they’re hate
crimes. ” It wasn’t good, but it would work.

“They can’t come get you. ” Jase rubbed Sammy’s arm. “And we’ve got Harry. ” He got another
one of those brilliant smiles.

“Yep. ” He leaned down, ruffled Sammy’s hair and gave Jason a kiss. “You still want to be a
cop’s partner, huh?”

“I want to be your partner. ” The words were so sure, not a hint of doubt.

“ Well, then. You have me. ” Jase’s eyes went soft, the slow smile sweet. “Romantic. ” He winked,
rubbed his nose against Jason’s.

Sammy chuckled. “You are dorks. ”

“Yeah, we probably are. ” Jason kept smiling and took a soft kiss.

“ Probably?” Harry snorted, took another quick kisses. “We’re giant-sized dorkolas. ”

“ Dorkolas?” Sammy’s giggles started up.

“ Dorkorinos? ” He could keep this up for days.

Jason jumped in with his own suggestions, his sweet laugher addictive, a sound Harry wanted more
of. “Dorkitos. ”

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“ Would that be nacho cheese flavor or spicy ranch?”

“ Well, there’s two of us who are dorks, so I don’t see why we couldn’t be both. ” Jason stroked
his face and patted the couch beside him. “Sit with us. ”

“That cool with you, Sammy?”

Those big brown eyes rolled at him. “Don’t be an idiot, Officer. ”

Jase giggled and patted the sofa cushion again, making a happy noise when he sat. “All my favorite
people in one spot. I’m a lucky man. ”

“Yeah, yeah. You’ll be luckier when the food gets here. ” Harry got one arm around Jason’s waist,
fingers moving in idle circles.

Jason leaned in. “God, yes. I’m starving. That cafeteria in the hospital couldn’t even get the coffee
right. ”

“They’re meant to drive you away. ” Sammy nodded, head bobbing like it was on some string.

“ Well, it worked. ” Jase rubbed Sammy’s shoulder. “I thought they were going to make you stay
another night. ”

“ No, I’m okay. All fixed up. ” Sammy was something else, but the man hadn’t whined to stay in.

“And those guys are in jail now. ” Jason shuddered. “I hope they stay in a long time. ”

“It’ll work out. ” Sort of. And regardless, they all knew where to look if things went south.

“I hope so. I think Sammy should stay here, though, until he’s better. Would that be okay?” Jase
looked up at him with big eyes.

“ Of course. ” He looked over at Sammy. “You have a key. You can use it. You know you’re
family. ”

“I know. You know that if you hurt Jase, I’ll get you. ”

“ Hey! ” Jason whapped Sammy’s good arm. “He’s not going to hurt me -- he’s Harry. ”

“ Still, it’s my job, man. ” Sammy looked utterly unrepentant. Butthead.

“ Well, if I ever intend to, I’ll give you a holler. ”

Jase whapped him this time. “You’re not going to hurt me. ”

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“True. ” At least not on purpose. “Still, we need to cover all possibilities. ”

“You two are having far too much fun threatening each other. ”

“It’s a hobby, babe. ”

“Yup, Jase. Me and Harry, we’re good at it. ”

Jason giggled, relaxing against him. “You are, I’ll give you that. ”

He reached down, tickled Jason idly. “Lord, y’all. I vote for a day or two or three of peace, huh?”

Wriggling, Jase nodded and started to tickle him back, fingers digging into his ribs. He started
laughing, good and hard, head thrown back against the sofa back. “Oh. ” Jason pounced him,
straddling his thighs and tickling harder.

“ Gonna get you! ” He snorted and tried to retaliate, but damn, Jason’s fingers were quick.

He was hampered by his shoulder, too, but mostly it was the wriggling across his thighs and against
his crotch that had him distracted.

“ Sammy, help a guy out here! ” He laughed as Jase hit another spot.

Jason laughed. “Oh, no -- he’s my best friend. He won’t be helping you. ”

Sammy rolled, leaning against the other arm of the sofa and cackling wildly.

Still giggling, Jason finally stopped tickling, collapsing against him, eyes twinkling and happy.

“ Oh, y’all. ” Harry chuckled, patted Jason’s ass. “ I swear. ”

Jason giggled and pressed their lips together. He gave Jason a quick, light kiss, and then hugged his
lover tight. “Pizza’ll be here soon, huh?”

“Yeah. And we can all eat and relax and watch explosions on TV.”

“ Sounds perfect, y’all. ” It did, too.


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Chapter Thirty

Jason helped Sammy get to bed, tucking his best friend in beneath the sheets. “Do you need

“ No. Not right now. I’m sorry, Jason. I’m sorry all this happened. ” Oh, they were getting to the
end of the Demerol and the beginning of the worry.

“It’s not your fault, honey. ” He kissed Sammy’s forehead. “How about something for the pain?
Do you need a pill?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I do. I’m going to miss you. So much. I wish that we... ” Tear-filled eyes stared up at
him. “But neither one of us can, can we?”

He sat on the side of the bed, pushing Sammy’s hair out of his face, and trying to wipe away the
tears. “I wish I could give you what you need, Sammy. Or that you didn’t need it. ”

“Yeah. Yeah, me ,too. ” But they’d both tried. Miserably. Over and over. Sammy just needed things
he didn’t even understand, let alone could do. Once they accepted that, their friendship had
blossomed into something very special.

He leaned down and pressed their lips together. “I’ll always love you, Sammy. Always. And I’ll
always be here for you. Harry, too, yeah?”

“I know. ” Sammy kissed his cheek. “There’s someone out there for me, right?”

“There is, honey. I really believe that. Someone who’ll love you and be able to give you what you
need and be good to you. ” He really believed it. He’d read up on the stuff Sammy needed, knew it
could be good if it was done right, not nasty and hurtful.

“I hope so. ” Sammy’s cheek rested on his shoulder. “Can I have a pill now, honey? I’m hurting
and so goddamn tired. ”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s time. ” He grabbed the little pill container and shook one out, helping Sammy to
sit and swallow it down with some water. “You call for me if you wake up and need anything,

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okay? Anything at all.”

“Yeah, I promise. I do. I’ll yell. ”

“You make sure you do. I don’t want to find out tomorrow morning that you’ve been suffering. ”
He gave Sammy a last kiss and went to the door, turning off the light, and leaving it open.

He could hear soft sobs as he went to Harry and he turned, but Harry took his hand. “Let him.
He’s had a long day. ”

“I hate to think of him crying there all by himself, Harry. ”

“ Babe, he needs to cry. If he isn’t asleep in ten minutes, go, but he needs a chance to just let it out.
He’s been scared a long time. ”

He bit his lip, but nodded. “Yeah, okay. Bed, huh?”

“Let’s do dishes. ” Harry whispered and kissed his temple. “That way you can walk back by on
the way to bed. ”

“ Oh. ” He wrapped his arms around Harry and hugged him tight. “Thank you, love. ”

“Anytime. ” Harry turned on the stereo on the way through the living room, finding KLUB, the
oldies station, on the way.

He washed the dishes and Harry dried, their hips bumping together in time to the music. It was
nice. It was really nice. He could do this forever.

Harry made a half-pot of coffee, whistling under his breath. “I’ll run the trash to the dumpster,
babe. You want some ice cream? There’s enough for us to share a bowl, I think. ”

“ What flavor?” They’d used up all the vanilla when they’d had apple pie.

“ Strawberry. ”

“ Oh, yummy. I’ll share a bowl of that with you. ” He gave Harry a kiss. “Hurry back. ”

“Yep. ” Harry’s ass wiggled as he went.

He admired it until he couldn’t see it anymore and then he bebopped around the kitchen, grabbing a
bowl and a spoon, and then the ice cream out of the freezer.

Harry was right, there was just enough for the two of them to share. He poured them both a cup of
coffee, too, adding cream for him and a bare touch of sugar for Harry. He stuck it all on a tray and
headed for Harry’s -- their -- bedroom, stopping to listen at Sammy’s door.

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Nothing but soft, slow snores, steady. Sleeping. Oh, thank God. He sagged in relief for a moment,
and then continued on, going straight across to their room.

He heard Harry locking up, turning off the music and closing windows -- normal, happy, good
sounds. Their sounds.

Home sounds.

It felt so good to put the coffees and ice cream on the bedside table, to start stripping, knowing
Harry’d be there with him any second.

“ Hey. He sleeping okay?” Harry pulled his shirt off, tossed it at the clothes basket.

“Yeah, yeah, he is. ” Good thing he was already naked because Harry’s naked chest totally
distracted him, made him stand and stare.

“ Cool. ” Those warm eyes landed on him, Harry’s short hair all mussed. “Coffee smells good. ”

“Yeah, we should have that and the ice cream. ” Even if he wanted Harry first.

“ Was there enough to share?” Harry sat on the bed, shoulders rolling, stretching from side to side.

“ Uh-huh. ” He climbed onto the bed behind Harry and started massaging the wide shoulders.
“ Why don’t you feed us?”

“ Mmm. Sure, babe. ” Harry’s head fell forward. “Don’t stop. ”

“I won’t. ” He kissed Harry’s nape and kept massaging.

Harry eventually reached for the ice cream, took a bite. Then a bite was held over Harry’s shoulder,
offered to him. He leaned in and licked it off the spoon, making a happy little noise at the bright

A drop splashed on Harry’s skin, making Harry jerk and jump. Bending, he licked Harry’s skin
clean, the salt of Harry’s skin mixed with the sweet of the ice cream, making him moan.

“ Mmm. You want another bite, babe?” Harry sounded like he could just purr like a huge cat.

“I do. ” He licked Harry’s neck, dragging his tongue along Harry’s skin.

“That’s... that’s not what I meant... ”

“ No? I’ll have some more ice cream, too, please. ”

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This time the spoon was sort of jittering a little bit. Smiling, he leaned hard against Harry’s back
and slowly lapped the ice cream from the spoon, knocking more ice cream on Harry’s glorious

“ B...babe. ” Oh, he could get used to that, to making Harry stutter.

“ Mmm... love your skin. ” He licked at the creamy pink drops on Harry’s shoulder and
collarbone. “You taste good, love. ”

“Like ice cream?” Harry scraped the bowl clean.

“Yeah, but you’re there underneath the sweet. ” He scraped just a little with his teeth. He got a
deep, low groan, Harry’s muscles rippling. Hands splaying over the broad back, he kept licking and

“ Babe, you’re making me crazy. So fucking hot. ”

He rubbed against Harry’s back, hard and feeling sexy. Harry leaned back and he could see that
hard, heavy cock, full and wet-tipped for him.

“ Oh, God, Harry. ” He slid his hands around and down, palms rubbing over Harry’s nipples.

Harry grunted, those little nipples going tight and hard, just for him. He stopped to play with them,
tugging and pinching, loving every moan and groan. It felt amazing -- to just play, take his time and
enjoy Harry’s body.

He tugged Harry back, lying the man down and then began to nibble. He started at Harry’s neck,
moving slowly toward the hard, eager little nipples. Harry stretched for him, just offering all those
muscles, that beautiful skin.

He reached the skin just above Harry’s navel, licking at the damp patches left by the tip of Harry’s
cock. “Taste so good. ”

“ Want you, babe. ”

“You got me, Harry. Any way you want me. ” He ran his tongue around Harry’s navel, and then
lapped at the tip of that beautiful cock.

“ C’mere. ” Harry tugged his hip, had him turn so that they were lying, side-by-side, on the
mattress, his cock near that mouth.

He gasped softly, his cock jerking at a waft of warm breath over his skin. Moaning, he licked a line
down Harry’s cock. Harry’s lips brushed his balls, the tongue sliding over his sacs.

He spread his legs, resting his ankle on his knee to give Harry better access. “Oh, God. So good,

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Harry. ”

“ Mmmhmm. ” Harry sounded so damn happy, so satisfied. Of course not as satisfied as he was
going to sound, if Jase had anything to say about it.

Rolling Harry’s balls with his fingers, Jase leaned in and took the head of that Harry’s cock into
his mouth, tongue swirling around the fat heat. Harry’s lips wrapped around his balls, pulling nice
and slow, the pressure making him gasp. He closed his lips back around Harry’s cock, whimpering
as the tugging on his balls continued.

Those strong, square hands traced his thighs, his hips, his ass, just touching him, loving on him.
Harry made him feel so good, made him want and need and breathless. Groaning around Harry’s
cock, he shifted, pushing into every touch.

It seemed to take forever, with Harry teasing, playing, working his balls, before that mouth found
his cock. That had his own suction increasing, his tongue sliding along the hot flesh. They moved
together, sucking and tugging, licking and nuzzling at each other’s cocks.

He could feel his own orgasm coming, Harry pulling it up from his toes and his own head began to
bob faster, wanting to bring Harry with him. Harry’s prick swelled, throbbed on his tongue, the
seed spilling, splashing for him. Swallowing, he began to shudder, his own hips snapping as he
came hard.

They slumped together, breathing hard. Harry kissed his inner thigh, whispering something sweet
and soft.

He stroked Harry’s belly, fingertips dancing on the beautiful skin. “Love you,” he murmured,
happy all the way through.

“ Mmmhmm. ” Harry was fading, already relaxed and spread and goofy.

Giggling softly, he flipped over and grabbed a pillow, pushing it under Harry’s head. Then he
snuggled into the big body. Harry grunted, arm dropping over him with a thud.

They’d forgotten to drink their coffee.

Oh, well.

He had all he needed right here.

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Chapter Thirty One

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay, honey?”

Harry was going to beat Jase’s butt if he didn’t stop fretting. They’d cleaned, restocked the pantry.
Replaced locks, installed an alarm system. Vacuumed. He’d fucking vacuumed. It was time to let
Sammy try this, on his own. For real.

“I think so, Jase. Yeah. Yeah. I... I’ll miss you, huh?”

“ Me, too, honey, but I’m just a phone call away, yeah?” Jason pulled his cell phone out of his
pocket, waved it, and put it back into his pants. Then he wrapped his arms around Sammy.

Sammy hugged him tight. “No worries. Rita’s coming up for dinner and a movie. I’ll be fine. If I
get weirded-out... ”

“ He’ll call.” Harry chuckled. “Come on, Jase. Time to go. ”

“ Okay. Okay. ” Jase nodded and hugged Sammy again. “Okay. We’ll go. Love you, Sammy. ”

“I love you. Go. I’ll be fine. ”

If someone started crying, Harry was going to growl. Really.

Jason bit his lip and took a step back, still holding Sammy’s hand. “Call me if you need me. For
anything. Anytime. Okay?”

“I will. I promise. ”

Harry met Sammy’s gaze, rolled his eyes. “Jesus Christ. He’s a grad student, a grown up and he’s
got the best friends in the world. Come on. ”

Jason went in for one last hug. “Okay. Love you, Sammy. See you tomorrow. ” Then he hurried to
the door.

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Harry winked, and then followed, waving to Sammy and closing the door, waiting for the locks to
click. “Where do you want to go for supper?” he asked as they took the stairs down.

Jase’s hand slipped into his as they walked out to the car. “Someplace with steak?”

“ Oh, works for me. Chuck’s? The Knoll?”

“ Chuck’s is good. ” Jason looked back at the apartment as they went down the walk, biting his
lower lip.

“ Okay. ” It was really time for Jase to let go. Really. He headed for the car, trying not to hurry.

Jase trotted along after him, grabbing his hand again. “Sorry. I just keep seeing him all beat up and
bloody. ”

“I know. I’ve got cars doing drive-bys. It’ll be okay. ” They were all going to have to learn that.

Jason nodded and leaned up to give him a quick kiss before going around and climbing into the
passenger seat. “Let’s go eat. It’ll be fine. ”

“Yep. Does Chuck’s have cheesecake or something?”

“They got pies. ” Jason gave him a sweet little smile. “You more interested in dessert than the main

“ Well, no matter where I go, I want steak. Dessert’s the variable, huh?”

They pulled out and Jason’s hands tightened, but he didn’t look back at all. “Well if you want
cheesecake we should go to the Knoll. They’ve got gourmet ones. ”

“ Nah. Chuck’s works. It’s closer. ” He sighed, patted Jason’s leg. “Or we could just grab a
burger, take it down to the park?”

One of Jason’s hands slid over his and squeezed. “ Whatever you want, love. ”

“I want you to relax. I want you to trust in the guys at the precinct. I want you to be here with me.
If that can’t happen, then we’ll go back and hang out with Sammy. ”

“ Oh, Harry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I don’t want to be with you. ” Jason
squeezed his hand again, looking crestfallen. “Let’s go have supper at Chuck’s. I like watching
you eat steak. ”

He pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot, parked back in the back. “Babe, you have to breathe,
huh?” Jesus, was asking Jason to come live with him a mistake? Should he not split Jase and

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Sammy up?

Jason nodded, reaching for him. “Remind me how, huh?”

. “In and out, babe. In and out. ” He leaned over, forehead on Jase’s

Jase nodded, hands sliding over his head, holding onto his neck. “I love you, Harry. I really do. ”

“I know. ” He took a long, hard kiss, just sweeping through Jason’s mouth. Moaning, Jason sank
against him as much as he could, hands petting him. “Mmm. Better?” He tilted Jason’s face up,
rubbed their noses together.

Jason giggled softly at that. “Yeah. Yeah, I am. ” A low rumble came from Jase’s belly, making the
laughter louder. “I think I’m hungry. ”

Well, it was about time. “Come on. I could eat a water buffalo. ”

“I don’t think they serve that here, Harry. ” Jason’s eyes twinkled at him.

“ No? Damn. A T-bone, then. Potato. Rolls. ”

“A big salad and a beer or two. ” They made their way to the restaurant, Jason’s hand squeezing
his for a half second.

“ Oh, hell yes. And dessert. ”

“ Uh-huh. I want the surf and turf. A nice lobster tail with garlic butter. Mmm... ” Jason grinned
and took a skipping step to catch up to him at the door to Chuck’s.

A pretty little girl led them to their seat, the place starting to fill up. Hell, for that grin -- he’d buy
Jason half the ocean. Jason’s foot slid up against his leg as soon as the hostess left them. “I know
what I really want for dessert. ”

“ Cheesecake?”

Jason shook his head. “Beefcake. ”

“ Horndog. ” He winked.

“Yeah, I want that, too. ” Jason leaned in to add in a low voice, “Right down my throat. ”

“ Jase! ” He chuckled, blushed, tickled deep down.

Jase giggled, the look in his eyes positively wicked.

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The waitress came while they were still laughing. “Would you like a little more time?”

“ Nope. Steak. Potatoes. Salads. ” He grinned at Jason, winked.

“And lobster tail. I want my tail. ” Oh, just look at that face -- butter wouldn’t melt in Jason’s

“ Well, there you go. Steaks and tails. ”

As soon as she left, Jason started giggling. He laughed along, reaching under the table to squeeze
Jason’s fingers.

Jason squeezed back. “Love you,” he mouthed.

“I know. ” He leaned back, grinned, just settled in his soul. “You think we ought to get another
sofa? A bigger one?”

“ Oh, that would be cool! ” Jason gave him that wicked little smile again. “One big enough for us
to get busy on. ”

“ Well, yeah. That’s what I was thinking. Leather? Cloth?”

“ Oh, leather would smell amazing. Like yours does, only newer, so more. ”

“ Mmmhmm. We’d stick, though. We’d have to have blankets or something. ” Because sweaty
skin on cowhide, damn.

“ Hmmm... cloth then. ‘Cause on hot days, blankets would be too much. ”

“ We’ll have to go shopping. Later. Some day when we’re bored. ”

“ Oh, I think we should go before then -- they don’t let you shop from the coffin. ”

“I ’ll take that as a compliment. ” He nodded, smiled. “Just plan it for me; you have my schedule. ”

“I do. ” Jason beamed.

Their salads were brought, along with their beer, Jason still smiling away at him. Better. Much

“You happy about moving in, babe? It’s good for you?”

“Yes! I’m so excited about it. ” Jason gave him a wry smile. “It’s just all the threats and stuff
made me a bit on edge about leaving Sammy alone, you know?”

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“Yeah, I get that. I do, and you know, if he needs to, he can stay. ”

Jason nodded, beaming. “I know. And you’re my hero. He seemed okay, though, didn’t he? And
Rita was gonna spend some time. He’ll be fine. And I will be, too. Promise. ”

“ Good. ” He squeezed Jason’s knee, that smile just warming all through him.

Their main dishes arrived and Jason moaned happily, going right for the lobster. He drove into the
steak, enjoying the hell out of it -- they did it real simple here, salt and pepper and garlic, but it was

They didn’t talk much, but Jason moaned through his food, licking his fingers, sucking on them.
The best of it was that Jason didn’t even realize what he was doing. He really needed to feed Jason
seafood more often. Really.

“ Oh, my God, so good. ” Jason pushed his empty plate away and licked his lips. “Maybe we
should get dessert to go and eat it at home. ”

“Are you propositioning me, Jason?”

“ Uh-huh. ” Jason nodded vigorously.

“ Oh, good. I’d hate to miss that. ”

“Yeah, I’d hate you to miss it, too. ” Jase’s foot had connected with his leg again, rubbing along
his calf.

“ We have that leftover coconut pie in the fridge, you know... ”

“ Oh, and I wanted to try that smeared over your... ” Jason winked.

“ Jase! ” His cheeks went hot, but he couldn’t stop laughing.

The answering laughter was sweet and good.

When the waitress came to clear their plates and ask if they wanted dessert, they asked for the
check. Jason’s phone rang when she left and Harry’s heart sank a little, knowing it was Sam. Still
Jason listened and nodded, chuckling a little before he hung up.

“ Sammy wanted to remind me that there were clothes in the dryer and tell me he had the ticket for
all the dry cleaning. ”

Oh. Oh, cool. “Yeah? I’ll pick it up from him tomorrow. They’re mostly mine. ”

“ Oh, that’d be great. Thanks, Harry. ” Jason pocketed the phone. “He sounded good. ”

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“ Cool. He likes going to school, huh?” He’d hated every second of it, up until the Academy.

“ He loves it. You haven’t had a chance to see him talk about antiques. They’re his passion. ”

“Yeah? That’s cool. ” He supposed. Really, it was just neat old stuff, but different strokes and shit.

Jase giggled. “Ask him next time you’ve got a spare couple of hours. ”

Their check came and he signed it.

“Thanks for supper, love. ”

“Anytime, babe. Home? Or do you want to go and see a movie or something?” Say home. Home
home home.

Jason gave him a look, one that said ‘are you crazy?’ “Home, Harry. I have plans. ”

“ Plans? ” He went for innocent, hoping it worked.

“ Oh, yes. ” Jason laughed and grabbed his hand, tugging him along. “Big plans. ”

They headed for the car, hand-in-hand. Solid.


Just damn.

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Jason gave Sammy a hug and a quick kiss, offering Grant a wave.

“I like the new beau,” he whispered into Sammy’s ear. He especially liked the way the guy made
Sammy look so happy.

“Yeah. Yeah, me, too. He’s something... ” Sammy’s eyes were dancing, lit up like Christmas. Oh.
Christmas. They should arrange a tree trimming party.

“Love you, honey. ” He gave Sammy another squeeze and then grabbed Harry’s hand. “I’m
ready, love. ”

“ Good deal. ” Harry nodded to Grant and leaned down to kiss Sammy’s cheek. “Good dinner,
man. I appreciate it. ”

“ Bye, honey! ” Jason waved again and then he and Harry headed off.

Jason waited until they were sitting in the car before saying anything. “Grant seemed nice, didn’t

“ He did. He’s older than I expected, but solid. He’s like a computer guy or something. ”

“Yeah, I think Sammy said something about IT for Hooters, but it might have been Chili’s. ” He
smiled over at Harry, admiring his stud of a man.

“ Uh-huh. Something foodie. ” Harry headed out, whistling softly.

“Yeah, exactly. He’s the first guy Sammy’s dated who liked that he cooked. ” He reached out,
hand sliding on Harry’s thigh.

“ Mmm. Yeah. You coming to the precinct party with me? It’s sort of silly, but there’s food and
booze. ”

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“I ’d love to go with you, Harry. ” He’d do anything for his lover. Anything at all. Besides, he
really liked Harry’s partner and the man’s wife. He couldn’t wait to see the baby.

“ Cool. We need to stop for anything?”

“ Nope. I can wait until we get home for my booty call. ” He let his hand drift across Harry’s lap.

“Listen to you. ” Harry’s knee bent, thighs spreading for him, letting him touch more.

He giggled, breath hitching a little, too. Harry just did it for him, all through. Turning his hand, he
moved his fingers over Harry’s balls. He could feel the heat of them, even through the jeans.

“ Careful, babe. ” Harry drove easily, moaning a little. “Did I see new sheets on the bed?”

“You did. Burgundy with dark grey trim. Did you like them?” He’d started adding some of his
touches around the condo. It would have felt like home anyway, because Harry was there, but it was
feeling more and more like his now, too.

“I did. I like how the red looks with the blanket. ” Harry was a sweetheart, trying to pay attention to
the little things.

He slid his fingers along the seam on the inside of Harry’s thigh. They were almost home. He
could be patient. Mostly.

“ What do you want for Christmas, babe?”

“ Me and Sammy usually do something together. He doesn’t have anyone else and neither did I
after coming out. ”

“ Well, you know he can do whatever with us, but I meant, present-wise. ”

“ Oh! ” He squeezed Harry’s thigh. “I don’t know, love. To be honest, I have everything I could
have ever dreamed of right here. ”

“ Oh, come on. Movies? Music? Clothes? We could get a new TV?”

He let go of Harry’s thigh to pop him in the arm. “Hey! I was being romantic!”

“ Oh. Sorry. ” Harry waggled his eyebrows, grinned. “I’m a guy, you know?”

He giggled. “Well, I am, too, if you hadn’t noticed.” Of course he wasn’t a macho stud like Harry.
“ What do you want, babe? One of those fancy flat screen TVs?”

“ We could do that, just share it together. ” Harry nodded. “I still want a tree, though. ”

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“A tree, lights, Christmas cookies, little plastic Santas. ” He laughed. “The whole nine yards. ”

“ Cool. ” Harry pulled into the parking lot, parked. “I like the peanut butter ones with the chocolate
candies pressed in. ”

“I like it all, but anything with cranberries really gets my vote. ” He undid his belt and leaned
across to kiss Harry. “Race you,” he whispered. Then he threw open his door and took off.

Harry’s laugh chased him, so did the thump-thump-thump of those big old feet. He got his key in
the door, even got it open, but he was breathless and laughing and it was no surprise when Harry’s
arms went around him.

“ Mmm. Caught you. ” Harry muscled him in, kicked the door shut behind him.

“ Oh, no! Whatever will I do?” He managed to get the words out without giggling. Too much.

“You have to beg for mercy. ” Harry laughed for him, tickling his ribs hard.

Jason shrieked and giggled, too breathless to beg for anything. They landed on the couch, laughing
hard, Harry leaning over him, keeping that weight off him. He mashed their lips together. Laughing
kisses were the best.

Harry’s laughter faded, turning into a groan as their tongues slid together. And just like that they
were serious, his eyes locking with Harry’s. Harry shifted, holding all those muscles up with one
arm, free hand sliding around his hip, thumb sliding in a circle. Moaning, he sucked on Harry’s
tongue as he tugged Harry’s t-shirt out of his waistband.

“ Want you. ” Harry’s skin was warm, his fingers tugging just a little on the little hairs on the
ripped belly.

“ Got me. Any way you want me. ” He licked at Harry’s lower lip, and then sucked it in, slowly
working the T-shirt up.

“ Mmm. Good. ” They got the T-shirt caught, Harry shifting back and forth to try to get it off.

Half laughing, half growling, he tugged hard. “Off!”

“ Me? I’m trying to! ” They both dissolved into happy laughter, Harry rolling half-off the sofa.

They finally got the T-shirt off and Jason leaned in, lips wrapping around one little tit.

“ Babe... ” Harry grunted, reached for him and tugged him in closer. Yeah, that was his love.

He cock pushed against his jeans, hard and needy, making him rub against Harry’s hip. He kept
sucking, tongue flicking across the tip of Harry’s little nipple. Harry’s teeth found his earlobe,

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tugging, just a little bit. Just enough. He lost hold of Harry’s nipple a he gasped, his hips bucking
up hard against Harry.

Running his hands down along Harry’s spine, he grabbed the studly ass through jeans that were
just tight enough. “More naked. ”

“ Uh-huh. ” Harry grabbed his shirt, tugging good and hard.

It flew open, several buttons popping and bouncing off the coffee table. God, Harry was strong. He
moaned, rubbing up against his lover, his cock aching now in his jeans, wanting out, wanting Harry.

“ Better. ” Harry’s mouth found his throat, those big hands working his jeans open and down.
There was nothing like Harry - no one wanted him so much.

He put his head back, giving Harry’s mouth room to work as his own hands tugged and pulled at
Harry’s belt, his jeans. “Yeah. ”

“Love you. ” The words were soft as silk, whispered against his throat.

Moaning, he grabbed Harry’s ass, squeezing. “Harry. Love. Yes. ”

The zipper slid down and he pushed at the soft, knit boxer-briefs, needing Harry’s cock, hard and
silk-skinned in his palm. He looked up into Harry’s eyes as he grabbed hold, stroking slowly,
really feeling every inch. “Want you to make love to me. ”

“ Uh-huh. Anything, babe. Anything. ” Harry’s eyes crossed a little, making Jason chuckle, stroke

“You. ” He squeezed Harry’s cock. “Inside me. ”

“ Uh-huh. ” Harry jerked and nodded. “Bed. Lube’s in the bedroom. ”

“Yeah. Nice and slick and hard and hot. ” Each word came with another stroke, Harry feeling so
good in his hand.

“ Uh. Uh-huh. ” Harry wasn’t listening -- eyes closed, hips bucking, throat working.

“ Can you get it up again?” Because he wanted to watch Harry come, wanted to see the pleasure on
his love’s face.

“ Babe... ” Harry arched, thighs bulging.

“Yeah, I’ll get you up again. ” He kept watching Harry’s face, kept stroking the beautiful, big cock.

“ Uh-huh... ” Harry was just lost to it, throat working, the big vein under the pad of his thumb

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Jason’s breath caught in his throat, watching, knowing he was doing that, making Harry need so
beautifully. He could see it -- from the dull flush crawling up along Harry’s belly to the way those
heavy balls drew up. Then Harry grunted, one hand clenching tight as spunk splashed on his

“ Oh, love. ” The scent rose up, making him moan. He wrapped his free hand around Harry’s neck
and tugged him down for kiss. Harry’s kiss was sloppy, lazy, his lover melted, just for him.

He sucked on Harry’s tongue, hand continuing to work Harry’s prick, not letting him go down. It
didn’t take too long for Harry to start moaning again, hips shifting nice and slow.

“ Bed,” he reminded Harry. “Lube. ”

“ Uh-huh. ” God, that whole blinky thing was cute.

Giggling, he helped Harry stand up and they made their way to the bedroom, stopping to kiss and
feel each other up along the way.

“You’re something else, babe. No shit. ” Ah, coherent stud...

“Yeah, you too, Harry. ” He pushed Harry down onto the bed, grabbed the lube and climbed up.

“ Mmm. Slick yourself up for me, babe. ” Harry was just staring.

“ Oh... ” God, nobody had ever made him feel sexy like Harry did. He kneeled on the bed and
reached back sliding his fingers along his crack.

“ Mine. ” Harry’s moan gave him goosebumps.

“Yes. Yes. Yours. ” He nodded, pushing a finger inside himself. He could feel Harry’s eyes on
him, staring, just eating him alive. Moaning, he arched, letting Harry have his need, his want.

“ Want you. ” Those two words meant so much -- meant that Harry loved him, needed him, wanted
to make him feel so good.

He pushed a second finger in, stretching himself quickly. Then he went to his hands and knees,
looking over his shoulder at Harry. “Make love to me. ”

Harry pounced, hands landing on his hips, cock sliding against him without the slightest hesitation.

“Yes, please, Harry. ” He pushed back with his ass, begging.

That heavy cock pushed into him, spread him and stretched him. His back arched, his body

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squeezed around Harry’s cock.

“ Babe! ” Harry slammed in, just pushing into the root.

“ God! Yes! ” He shuddered, grinding back against Harry’s hips.

Lips were on his nape, Harry panting, fucking him good and hard, slamming into him. He locked
his arms, meeting each thrust as best he could, pleasure pounding into him. Over and over, Harry
pushed him, pushed into him.

“Love! Touch me! ” He needed.

That strong hand wrapped around him, stroking hard. He cried out, bucking between Harry’s cock
and hand. Harry was everywhere, in him and around him. He lost it, shouting his lover’s name as
he came. He barely heard Harry’s moan before heat filled him.

“Love you,” he murmured, elbows locked so they didn’t collapse.

“ Uh-huh. Ditto. ”

He giggled breathlessly.

Harry patted his ass gently, then pulled out, landing on the bed with a thump. He let himself go,
sinking to the bed and curling up along Harry’s side. Harry grabbed him, tugged him right in close.
He patted Harry’s chest, feeling loose and easy and loved.

Life was good.

A soft snore ruffled his hair, Harry dozing off with a goofy smile on his face.

Yeah. Life was very, very good.


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