Amarinda Jones Oh Yum! Unbreakable (Pdf)(2)

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


ISBN 9781419916182
Unbreakable Copyright © 2008 Amarinda Jones

Edited by Helen Woodall.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Amarinda Jones

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To unbreakable women everywhere. Those who go without so others in need do

not miss out, those who push boundaries because they can and those who realize that

truth and honor are more important than boob or butt size. Real woman are


Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Brady Bunch: CBS Studios, Inc.

Cliff’s Notes: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

Jell-O: Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc.

Rabbit: Ann Summers Limited

Snickers: Mars, Incorporated

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“Harder…I need more.”

“Sugar, I am going to make you scream your lungs out as you come.”

“Oh yes,” India Blake moaned as she wrapped her legs tighter around the man’s

waist. His cock was lodged high and firm inside her. It was exactly what she needed.

Her three-speed, power-thrust, ruby-red Rampant Rabbit vibrator was good but it was

not the real thing. She needed the heat and power of a solid human cock. Nothing beat

that. It had been so long since she had ever felt this primed to be taken. The force of his

thrusts made her body bounce up and down on the hood of the car she sat on. She

could feel herself sliding back and forth in her own juices.

“Shane…” India squirmed in pleasure at the hands that clutched her ass and the

mouth suctioned onto her breast as if he needed to taste her or die.

“It’s Shaun,” the man corrected her, not sounding like he even cared what she

called him. He pulled his shaft out halfway and then slammed back inside her again.

India squealed with delight and clutched him closer to her. Oh yeah, this was

exactly what she needed.

“Shane, Shaun, whatever, just give me more!” She wasn’t looking for marriage or

commitment. She was just looking for a real male-induced orgasm. The name did not

matter, only the penis did. Was she a slut? No, not usually. It was just like at the

running of the bulls in Spain. Sometimes you needed the thrill of a young male bull

pounding down on top of you. This particular bull had to be fifteen years younger than

her and hung like a god. It was not like she was going to pass up the opportunity of sex

with a young deity. They had seen each other, wanted each other and taken the other

up on the offer of no-fuss, wild, what-was-your name-again sex.

“You are so hot.” His tongue lapped at her nipples greedily.


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India sighed happily. She had never indulged in stranger sex before. To think she

had been missing out on these wild thrills all this time. Would she do it again

tomorrow? Probably not. That’s why she intended to make this encounter memorable.

“Fuck me hard, wild man.” She bit down on his shoulder and marveled at the

stamina of Shane, Shaun, whoever. She could not remember the last time she had an

uncomplicated fuck like this. It reverberated so deliciously throughout her body.

“Mind if I join in?”

“Go for it, man.” Shaun grinned down into India’s eyes.

India stiffened at the sudden sound of another man’s voice. Holy crap. Someone else

was here watching them? India was perched naked and sweaty on the hood of a car in

the darkened car park with a man’s cock thrust up inside her. She was both

embarrassed and strangely turned-on. Shane–Shaun was a stranger. So was this guy

and it appeared he also wanted her. What was it with her pheromones? They were on

high attraction alert it seemed. Could she take another? She was throwing caution to the

wind anyway so what was one more young bull rammed up inside? It would be bad

and naughty. And therefore worth doing. Tomorrow I will repent happily.

“I…ah…” What? Want both of you? How did one remain a lady and say that? The

etiquette for fucking strangers was not written down in any rule book India knew of.

She felt the other man beside her. She turned to face him.

“No, don’t turn your head. I am the stranger you want. Don’t ruin the fantasy.” His

hands pushed her forward off the hood of the car.

That voice was so familiar. She knew him somehow. India suspected the throaty

growl was just a ruse to disguise who he was. She felt two sets of hands now on her

body. The first guy pulled her into his arms and kept her impaled on his cock while the

second guy slid in behind her.

“Do you want more?” he murmured in her ear as she was pushed back toward him.


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India felt the warm breath on her neck and the sound of a zipper being drawn

down. Suddenly she could feel a large erect cock parting the cheeks of her ass


“Oh…” Yes please.

The man at her back chuckled.

“Do you want me fucking your ass while he fucks you in front?”

There was only one answer. Her dreams were never this good.

“Yes.” She heard the tearing of foil and she knew there was no going back. The

invitation had been issued and accepted.

“That’s all I to know.” He grabbed her around the waist as Shaun-Shane pushed her

back against him. “Bend her forward. I need access.”

India knew he had to be sitting back on the hood of the car as her feet were now

touching the front guard with her knees bent. Her back was arched so her breasts

pressed into the warmth of Shaun–Shane’s chest and her ass was completely exposed to

the man behind. She had a moment of panic as she felt insistent fingers probing at her at

her anus.

“Do you want me tight in your ass?”

Oh God, yes.

“Yeah, take her man. She’s red hot and tasty.”

“I have a lubricated condom. I want you and I know you want me. I can feel it in

the way you shiver against me.” The unknown man sucked down on her neck as his

hands moved to the wetness between her legs.

India squirmed as she felt his fingers play in the slick moisture. She gasped as she

then felt one finger then another push inside her ass past the taut ring of muscle to slide

into her, stretching and preparing the way. Shaun was not moving inside her. He

remained rock-hard, his eyes watching the action hungrily.


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“I’ve never—” India’s words died on her lips as the man’s fingers began moving

slowly inside her. She bit her lip and moaned.

“Never had two men at once? Been fucked in the ass?” He pulled his fingers out.

“Then you will enjoy this. Relax. Lift her higher.” He grasped her hips and positioned

his cock at the entrance of the tight puckered hole. “Perfect. Slide her back slowly.”

India bit down hard on her lip as the head of his cock pushed into her ass.

“Oww, it hurts,” she whimpered. This was not how she imagined it.

“Relax,” the man crooned softly. “Just think how good it will feel with two men

fully inside you. That’s it, push her all the way down on me. Yes.” The man sounded


India closed her eyes as the long heated shaft slid all the way into virgin territory.

She had often wondered what anal sex felt like but never dreamed it was anything like

this. And two men at once. She felt stretched beyond her normal limits and she wasn’t

sure if she was more scared or intrigued. She felt so full and packed tight inside. And

once she passed the initial discomfort, it was a feeling to die for. She felt her whole body

tremble with a hunger she was unaware she had even possessed until that moment.

“Do you like this?” the man behind her asked, his hands going up to caress her

breasts as he placed light sucking kisses on her shoulders.

“Yes.” The two men ground in and out, their thrusts strangely coordinated. India

pushed her ass back against the unknown man and gave in to the heat of his touch.

“She’s something else,” murmured Shaun as his lips recaptured her nipple.

“Yes, she is.” The man’s hands wrapped around her waist possessively “Tell me, do

you always strip off and have sex with strange men, darlin’?”

“No,” India panted, trying to keep pace with the thrust and pull of the dueling

cocks within. She knew she was in for the mother of all orgasms.

“Why now?”

“Because I needed it.” I needed you and this moment to make me feel alive again.


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“Were you empty and aching between the legs, darlin’?”

“Yes.” He could darlin’ her any day of the week.

“Aching now?”

“It’s a different kind of ache. I want to come.”

“I think we’ll let you do that.”

He sounded like he believed he had the power to deny or grant her an orgasm.

Almost on cue the two men increased the rhythm of their thrusts.

Twin cocks pumped deep and stiff into India’s body, making every nerve tingle and

resound within. She keened low in her throat as the pressure built up and she felt a

tremendous release rip through her stomach, up her spine and down into her toes. She

yelled out loud at the intensity and clutched at Shaun, scared that she was going to

explode into a million pieces and disappear. As the man behind came powerfully

within her, India Blake knew she would never forget this night.


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Chapter One

“I will do anything to pass this semester,” India announced in glib frustration to her

fellow classmates as she dropped her books down on the table in a haphazard mess at

the start of the evening tutorial. She was over the whole study thing and she was only

two weeks into a twelve-week course. Who the hell had time? She had to attend college

at night and work during the day at her office job. She looked at the people around her.

Young, smart, study nerds. She stuck out like a sore thumb. It was high school all over

again. Only this time she was forty-three and high school had been a long, long time


Why she had ever thought she could go back to school was beyond her. Initially

India had some vague idea that she could easily pass this Ethics in the Workplace

course her boss had enrolled her in at the local college. How hard could it be? She was

forty-three, no longer the inattentive teenager she had once been at school, so passing a

simple course and getting a promotion to become a level six manager did not seem like

such a big deal. But it was. All the reasons why she had been an inattentive teenager at

school came crashing back to her. School was boring.

India looked up as Dashiel Lombard—call me Dash—came into the room. Tall, dark

with shoulder-length brown hair and soulful brown eyes. He had the whole Heathcliff

thing going on. And that voice. Oh boy! Deep, husky and sensuous. India could listen to

him for hours. This man could make cricket scores sound sexy. He was sex on a stick

and he was the main reason she had stuck out the first two weeks of this class. She was

in lust with Dash Lombard. But India was not silly. She knew whatever fantasies she

had of her lecturer were never going to come to fruition. She was like the rest of the

horny women who sat and salivated over him. The chances of being fucked by him


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were limited but a girl could dream. Added to that the man had to be in his late

twenties and it was not like he would be interested in a forty-three-year-old woman.

Yet India felt her heart beat a little faster when he looked at her. Dash was the kind

of man who looked at each student individually as if making them feel important. Each

time he looked at her, India felt a thrill shoot straight through her body and down to

her pussy and she had to close her legs tightly to contain herself. But that did not stop

her spending more time in class wondering what he looked liked naked than paying

attention to what he was trying to teach her. India loved his voice but it was the sound

and not the content that had her fantasizing ripping off his clothes and sliding down on

what she was sure would be a sublime cock, if the interestingly large bulge in his jeans

was anything to go by. How ethical was that? India had a feeling she could be the

poster child for unethical behavior.

India shook herself mentally and dragged her eyes off the man’s jeans. She knew

she should be listening to the content of her lecturer’s words and not trying to work out

if he was wearing boxer shorts or going commando under that denim, or if his cock was

semi-erect as she suspected. After that delightful interlude in the car park last night she

was as horny as hell and she craved the strong, thrusting feel of a cock or cocks inside

her once more.

Who was that man behind her last night? It was still on her mind. Shane–Shaun was

okay but that other man was something else. Maybe it was that elusive quality of not

knowing that intrigued her. He had disappeared as soon as she had come gasping in

Shane–Shaun’s arms. The minute he had pulled out of India she had felt empty. When

she had turned around to catch a glimpse of him he had already vanished. And Shane–

Shaun had not been any help. He had sworn he did not know the other man but India

did not believe him. But maybe that was best. Fantasies were just that. A moment when

you let go and did what you wanted to do most.

“What’s your opinion, India?” Dash Lombard turned amused eyes on the woman

in question.


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Oh crap. Had he see her staring at his crotch? How ethical was that?

“I…ah.” Bugger. What was the question? India was fairly sure he was not asking her

opinion on what underwear he was wearing. “Can you repeat the question please?”

* * * * *

Dash Lombard smiled at India Blake and knew he had to have this woman again

soon. Last night in the car park had left him hungry for more. He wondered if she knew

who had been behind her, stiff and thrusting. Ever since she had walked into his world,

his cock had been in a permanent state of anticipation. She was everything he desired in

a woman, with her long red hair and buxom delectable body. He often watched her

walk out of class swinging her curvaceous ass. It was an ass just begging to be impaled

by his cock. He had wondered what it would feel like if she knew it was him shafting

her as he grabbed her full breasts and made them both come hot and powerfully.

The woman liked the fantasy of stranger sex and he had been happy to give it to her

but Dash wanted something more permanent. Last night he got to taste her. It had been

even better than he imagined. Dash enjoyed the fact that she was staring at his groin

now, as it indicated a definite interest in him. It was an interest he planned to pursue.

The fuck in the car park was just a prelude to other plans he had for her. After just

hearing her announce she would do anything to pass, Dash had an idea he wanted to try

out on Miss Blake. He shifted slightly to ease the tension in his jeans. His cock wanted

to come out and play, though now was not the time. But he had plans for later.

India intrigued him. He guessed she was in her early forties as she had the

confidence so many younger woman lacked and he liked that self-assurance. That she

did not want to be there was obvious. He guessed she was only here for the semester to

pass his Ethics in the Workplace course to get a promotion. He had seen many of her

type come and go from his class. Dash could understand that need to get ahead at

whatever cost and it did not bother him one bit. He liked to teach and he knew there

were different types of students. Some were hungry for knowledge and others had a


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different hunger. The way she looked at his trousers indicated where India’s appetite


“I asked whether sex in the workplace or maybe even in a college setting like this,

between two consenting adults, was ethical because of consent or unethical because it

was not professional.” Dash watched as India licked her lips in thought. He often

imagined those lips on his mouth, his skin, his cock. “Well, India, what would your

answer be?”

India gulped at the knowing look her gave her. How embarrassing to be caught

staring at her lecturer’s groin. Did the other dozen students notice? She thought not as

they were all study nerds who paid attention, scratched down notes and who wanted to

pass for the right reasons. When she had flippantly informed her classmates that she

wanted to pass for promotion and a bonus they had let it be known they were there to

be ethical. Stuff being ethical. Ethical did not always get the bills out of the way or the

holiday to Bali paid for. Besides, they were all too young to understand how the world

worked yet. Most of them were barely twenty. They all still had pie-in-the-sky dreams

about studying hard to get the job of their dreams then marrying to have the statistical

two-point-three kids. Maybe in Brady Bunch-land but not in real life.

“It would be…er…um, unethical,” India responded, knowing this was most likely

the answer she was supposed to give but knowing that no situation was ever black and

white when it came to sexual desire. Look at last night for instance. It was all the colors

of the rainbow.

“So you would not have sex with someone to achieve your goals, India, if it was

possibly illegal?”

Hell yes, if it was you. Just the way he said “sex” and “India” in the same sentence

made India wet between the legs. The idea of breaking rules and being out of control

appealed greatly to India. It was unlikely to happen but the fantasy of it intrigued her.

“Everything has a price and I would weigh up that price.”


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“And if it was the worth the cost but it was maybe not ethical?”

I would fuck you in a heartbeat. Not that he would ever offer. The man was her

teacher. It would not be right. But it would be awfully good.

“I would do it.” To hell with it. She was not a goody two-shoes and she could not

pretend to be. There were too many shades of gray in life to be ethical all the time. As

long as no one was hurt India did not believe the rules always had to be obeyed. She

was relieved when one of her classmates interjected and gave her prissy-assed opinion

to the questions. India looked at the earnest young woman as she spoke. What the hell

did she know? She looked like she was twelve years old. She probably would never

stare at Dash Lombard’s groin.

The rest of the class went quickly, mainly due to the fact that the rest of her

classmates were an ethical bunch and thrived on the subject. India had just sat and

listened to them rabbit on, as she wrote her grocery list to stop herself staring at her

lecturer’s denim-covered cock. She was more than happy when the bell sounded to

indicate class was over. She needed to get home. All this lusting after her lecturer had

India thinking about her ruby red Rabbit vibrator at home and her need to relieve some

tension. She grabbed her books and headed out, wondering if there were Cliff’s Notes

for the assignment Dash had just given them.

“Can I have a moment of your time back at my office, India?”

India jumped at his words. Whoa! Dash was standing right behind her. He had

moved awfully fast. She could feel the heat that emanated from his body. It reminded

her of last night. What would it be like if it was him all hot and tight inside her? She

turned and looked into his sultry eyes and wanted to give him whatever moment he

wanted. India wondered if Dash Lombard was aware just how drop-dead gorgeous he

was when he looked at her like that.

“Oh, ah, yeah, sure,” India stammered, clutching her books to her breasts to slow

the erratic beat of her heart. I’ll be bloody swooning next. India followed him back to his

office that was only a few doors away. She sat down on the chair he indicated and


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placed her books on the table beside her. Here comes the lecture on paying attention in class.

It was like she was sixteen all over again and in the principal’s office.

“Is it true that you would do anything to pass?” Dash asked as he shut the door to

his office and sat down on the edge of his desk facing India. “I overheard you before I

came into class.”

This was not a question she expected him to ask. India had been expecting a lecture

on being prepared and attentive in class or maybe one about not staring at his groin.

She looked up at him and wondered what was going on.

“You know it’s not that I don’t like your class. It is very interesting.” She was

pleased at how almost sincere that sounded.

“I know you here because you have to pass to get a promotion.” Dash watched

India’s eyes register surprise at his words. “So would you do anything to pass?”

“Is this an ethical question? Are you testing me?” India wondered what exactly was

going on. She liked everything in life to be simple and straightforward and tests sucked

when you weren’t sure of the answers.

“No, it’s just merely something I am wondering about.”

India doubted whether this man “merely” did anything. He seemed like the

deliberate, calculating type. Young but still her type.

“Okay, if this is not a test, I would say yes, I would do anything to pass doing as

little work as possible.” That was the plain truth of it so why pretend otherwise? Bad


“Would you have sex with me to pass this course, India Blake?” Dash smiled when

she sat bolt upright in her chair in shock at his words.

“You’re kidding me?” He had to be, surely? Sex to pass? Sex with him? It was

totally unethical. Swapping sex for grades? She could see the teasing light in his eyes.

Oh, this is a game. Excellent. It was good to know she was not the only one feeling the

attraction. She knew there was no way he could let her pass on sex but then that was


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not what he was asking. Dash wanted to know if she could allow herself to lose control

at the command of another. Half of her screamed “God, yes, let’s do it now” and “How

fast can I get my knickers down?” The other half was instantly on guard as no one

offered anything—regardless of how possibly orgasmic it might be—for no reason.

Besides, no matter how horny she was she had some principles. She knew that while

what he offered was hot and forbidden, it was also illegal. Sex for grades was a no-no.

Yet the thought that even as a role-play she could be “allowed” to gain a grade made

her knees tremble. There was also the fact that he was younger and it would be the

whole Mrs. Robinson thing. Though Mrs. R didn’t do too badly out of that. “Are you

serious?” This was her ethics lecturer, a man younger than her whom she lusted after,

asking this question. How ethical was that? Did she care when there was the promise of

hot sex? Um, no.

“I am deadly serious.” Dash looked at her speculatively, as if wondering just how

far she would go. “I am intensely attracted to you and I have an overwhelming need to

fuck you.”

India’s mouth dropped open in shock and she felt her inner thighs begin to sweat.

Yep, this had nothing to do with grades and everything to do with hot, wild attraction.

Though the naughtiness of a possible unlawful action with her ethics teacher was a

huge turn-on. She was so stunned she could not form the words to speak in response.

Fantasy was one thing but the reality was shocking and wildly exciting.

“I am forty-three years of age.” India decided to get that out in the open before it

became an issue.

“So? I’m twenty-nine and I believe you feel the same way about me.”

“I…” I what? What did she say? Hell yes. Shove that cock inside me now. Take me? Or

Golly, no. I’m not like that. India looked at him, wondering if this was some joke or

payback for staring at his groin in class. His eyes were earnest and, other than the

amused curl to his definitely kissable lips, Dash looked like he meant every word. So

what the hell did she say or think? She looked into his eyes and saw infinite


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possibilities. After last night she found she was open to just about anything. Higher

learning was turning out to be a good thing. He was right. She did want him. But it

seemed so wrong and yet at the same time so intriguingly right. And what could it


“Do you want me, darlin’?”

Of course India wanted him. The answer had to be obvious to him or maybe he had

lot of women staring at his groin so he felt he needed to ask. Or maybe it was an ethical

thing—ask before assuming and taking. India bit her lip as she thought of being taken

wildly and powerfully by this man.

“Is this like some embarrassing form of payback for me staring at…” India stopped

dead when she realized what she was about to say.

“Staring at my groin and wondering about the size of my cock?” Dash laughed as if

amused that he had the power to silence her instantly. “Come on, darlin’, I’ve been

wanting to fuck you since the moment you swung your pretty ass into my classroom

and I know you have felt the same way about me. Do you want to do something


With you? Oh yes. India had to admit she had been doing a bit of ass swinging to

catch Dash’s eye but she had no idea it would work this well.

“Do you ask women students to have sex with you like this all the time?” If he did

then the answer to his question was going to be a big fat no. Sure, the man was not a

monk—not with the face and body—but India was never part of a conga line.

“I take my job seriously. We both know what I am not going to let you pass on

having sex with me but what if for one moment you allowed yourself to believe I could

control you. Would you do it? Are you strong enough to let someone take complete

command over you?”

Oh yeah, India knew she was a goner. Those eyes and that voice were sincere. This

man promised a hot fuck and she needed that badly. She would be a fool to pass that

up. A vibrator could not do what a hot cock could. As for taking command over her


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body? It both scared and thrilled her. This had nothing to do with grades and

everything to do with desire.

“This does not seem very ethical to me,” said India, the woman who doodled most

of her way through the lectures and the tutorials she had been to so far, wondering

about her lecturer’s penis.

“Consenting adults do what they like.”

India was definitely an adult who was on the brink of consenting and she was a

great believer in doing what she liked, so it all seemed pretty logical to her. Sex it was.

“Yes, I want you.” Just saying the words made her hot all over.

Dash smiled in satisfaction at her answer.

“For one week, India Blake, wherever and however I choose, you will give yourself

to me unquestioningly whenever I ask and I will guarantee you will pass the semester.”

One week of sex with Dash Lombard to pass this damn course? If only she could

really have that happen. But she was as aware of the rules as he was. His words were

just a tease to allow her the fantasy of breaking those rules.

“A whole week of sex?” It sounded both doable and delicious but there had to be

more to it.

“One week of submitting to whatever I require you to do.”

Ah—submission? There was the catch. India Blake was not the submissive kind.

She liked to be in control.

“It’s only seven days out of your life to allow yourself the chance to let loose and be

mastered by another individual,” Dash said as if sensing her indecision. “Are you

strong enough to allow yourself to lose control for a week?”

There was the question. India believed herself to be a strong person. But strength to

her meant having control of any given situation. Being submissive wasn’t something

she was sure she could do even with a man she lusted after and she sure wasn’t into


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humiliation as a turn-on. And what about being submissive to someone so much

younger? Could she do that? Did he have a mommy fetish?

“This isn’t some mommy thing, is it?”

Dash threw back his head and laughed.

“You are priceless, darlin’.”

She had her moments. India looked at him thoughtfully. The submissive thing was

the catch. And there was something familiar in the way he called her “darlin’”.

“I won’t hurt you.”

Strangely enough India did not think that he would. She was more worried about

her own actions hurting herself. Could she have sex with this man who to all intents

and purposes was a stranger? Hello, you had sex with two strange men last night. Okay, so

that was a yes. As for Dash, she had certainly fantasized enough about him and he was

her teacher, so in theory he wasn’t a stranger. But could she make fantasy into reality?

Could she be at his sexual beck and call for one whole week? Despite the whole being

submissive thing the idea was wild and exciting and there was something about being

lusted after by a younger man that appealed to her.

“One week and I’ll pass this course?” She said the words as if she believed them

and India wanted to. She craved the idea of being made to do something. The chance to

be bad was an overwhelming aphrodisiac to her.

“Yes, but you must attend every tutorial and lecture as normal to avoid anyone

getting suspicious.”

She loved the fact he was playing this game so seriously. It turned her on even

further. Sneaking around with the lecturer yet being all demure in class.

“When would this week start?” When would she be “made to” submit to his

demands? She shivered at the thought of it.

“Right now, darlin’,” Dash growled out in a throaty whisper.

Darlin’? Her eyes snapped wide open in shock as sudden realization hit.


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“Holy crap, it was you.” Dash Lombard had been the unknown man from last

night. “You planned this all along.” She was embarrassed, intrigued and flattered.

“Yes.” He made no move to touch her. He just stood waiting.

“Why didn’t you say something?” This man had seen her naked and very

vulnerable. Fantasy was one thing but reality was another. She felt vulnerable and at his

mercy and she wasn’t completely sure whether she hated the feeling or not. There was

something about this man that made her shiver, but not in fright.

“I have been watching and waiting for you, India. Last night I had the perfect

opportunity to taste you.”

Bloody hell. Watching and waiting for her? Stalker or man in lust?

“Last night…” How could she explain that? I was on drugs? Or maybe—I accidentally

and repeatedly fell on two cocks at the same time? Oops?

“It was excellent.”

“Okay, yes, but it was a one-off.” Wild and fantastic but not a do-over. Or actually it

was. Hadn’t she just agreed to a week of sex to pass her course? Was she a complete

and utter slut? Not completely.

“You gave in to a fantasy. There’s nothing wrong with that, darlin’. And you know

this is no one-off between us. Nothing that good can ever stop that suddenly.”

Just the way he kept calling her darlin’ in that hot-chocolate-fudge-over-ice-cream

voice of his made her knees wobble. Thankfully she was sitting down or she would be

falling down. She looked him in the eyes. He was so young and so hot and he wanted

her. She saw nothing malicious or sinister but then most crazy people did not show

their madness until the crucial moment. Was he mad? India did not think so. Was she

mad? Undoubtedly. At forty-three she knew only too well sanity was overrated. Could

she have wild, submissive sex with the hot younger man? Of course she could. Did she

want to?

“Yes.” Such a small word and yet it could change so much.


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“Good.” Dash nodded his head in satisfaction. “Stand up and take off your


“What?” That was it? No preliminaries, just drop ‘em? She was kind of

disappointed. In her fantasies Dash was a wild, hot lover who teased her to a wild

crescendo then made her come, screaming herself hoarse. Last night he certainly had

but in the cold light of day maybe there was no fantasy. Damn shame that. She had

been looking forward to the crescendo thing.

“I want to look at you,” Dash explained, a small smile on his lips as he took in her

confusion. “I want to savor every second of our being together. Take off your clothes.”

“Now?” India had never been asked to strip in front of anyone but her doctor.

Normally sex was a mutual and frantic tearing off of clothes where much flesh was

exposed by both parties. “You saw me naked last night.”

“And I want to see you again now. Strip,” Dash said firmly as if he expected no

further resistance.

With his deep brown eyes on her, India hesitated momentarily. This was awkward.

India knew she was not like the hot young women he would have fucked. She wasn’t

ashamed of her body but she wasn’t enamored of her flabby thighs and fat ass either.

She had cellulite to burn. How would he feel when he saw that in the daylight?

Moonlight always made you look good. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt.

“Are you going to undress?” This was daunting. Stripping in front of such attentive

eyes was beyond intimidating. She felt naked already and she had not removed any of

her clothes.

“Maybe,” Dash responded, his eyes following the path of her hands as she undid

her shirt, exposing the deep pink lace that encased her full breasts. “Do you want to see

me naked?”

“Well, yes, I do.” She had never had a man ask her that before. Usually they just

dropped their trousers in a flash. But this was a man she had to see. She’d only felt him

last night. If he looked half as good as he felt this would be one hell of a week.


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“We’ll see.”

We’ll see? What sort of an answer was that?

“I’m in control, remember, darlin’. Now strip off those clothes.” Dash watched as

India placed her shirt on the chair. “Take your jeans off.”

India did as she was told, which surprised her as she was not one to do just

anything because someone ordered her to. Though the memory of him stiff and sizzling

up her ass had a lot to do with accepting the orders.

“For the next week I want you to wear skirts only and no underwear.” Dash saw

India’s eyebrows arch in query. “I want easy access to your pussy at all times when I

want to fuck you.”

Easy access. India shivered at his words. She was his for a week to do as he pleased.

What the hell had she let herself in for? The rational part of her wanted to tell him to

rack off and the horny half of her was thinking of the hot sex this man promised. On

that promise alone the horny half won out, for how could she pass up the opportunity

of fornicating with this man again?

“I have to wear a bra.” She had large breasts. They were the bane of her existence.

India could not allow them to wobble around free as they had the potential to take

someone’s eye out. Added to that, the older she got the more conscious she was of

delaying the effects of gravity.

“Okay, I accept that, as you do have such magnificent suckable breasts. However

when we meet off-campus, no bra and no panties.” Dash’s eyes locked on her breasts.

“Take your bra off now.”

India knew the husky timbre of his voice would be her undoing. She undid the

snap on her bra and pulled it off before she gave herself any more time to think.

“You are beautiful.”


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The way Dash said it made India want to believe it. She pulled off her panties and

stood naked before him with her forty-three-year-old body. Now was the time for him

to change his mind.

“Turn around slowly.”

“Oh boy…” she muttered to herself as she turned. Better he see the whole shooting

match before he committed himself.

Dash’s eyes roamed her body as India did a slow turn before him. “Great fuckable

ass, darlin’. I have been wanting in there for weeks and last night was heaven.” He

crooked his finger and motioned her. “Come to me, India.”

She walked toward Dash. He was no longer her lecturer. He was no longer just a

man she fantasized about. This was reality and she wanted him. No man of any age had

ever made her feel this horny and out of control. When she stood before him, Dash

placed his hands on her shoulders. She shivered at his touch.

Dash ran his hands slowly down to her breasts, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Do you want me to suck you?”

“Yes,” India moaned softly as his fingers circled her nipples. She loved having her

breasts sucked by a hot eager mouth. She whimpered in disappointment as his hands

left her breasts.

“I will suck you very soon, darlin’.” Dash’s hands moved down her body slowly,

tracing each curve with deliberation.

India was so wet between the legs that she was almost embarrassed when Dash

slipped his hand between her thighs.

“So deliciously wet and all for me.” He kept his eyes on hers as he slowly started

rubbing her clit. “Do you want my cock inside you?” His other hand went around and

caressed the cheek of her ass.


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“Oh yes,” India moaned, her legs naturally spreading to allow him whatever access

he desired. She reached out her hand to his denim-covered cock but Dash pushed it


“What would you do to have me inside you?”

“Anything.” Absolutely anything. She was ready to orgasm under his hand as he

massaged her clit with a quiet intensity that tightened her nerves in anticipation. “You

want to come now, don’t you?” Dash asked as he pulled his fingers out from between

her legs.

“Yes…” India hissed slowly. She hoped this was where he fucked the stuffing out

of her.

“Get on your knees now.”

India looked at him. What, no please? Her genetic impulse was to say no when

ordered to do something. Bend to his will or go home to her vibrator?

“Do it. We have a deal, remember.”

Like she could forget. Fuck the spunky, young lecturer. Or get dressed and storm

out offended and never get a pay raise. India let her eyes wander down the large bulge

in his jeans.

“Unzip me and suck me off now.”

Slap him or suck him? On the plus side she would finally see the cock she had been

fantasizing about. She was, after all, at college to further her education. She sank to her

knees before him before she could change her mind.

As soon as her hands unzipped his fly, his straining shaft jumped out into her palm.

Frisky sucker. She looked at his cock in amazement.

“Bloody hell!” Wow, this is not something you see every day. “You’re pierced.” He had

three rows of barbells, six altogether, on the underside of his cock just below the tip. She

had read somewhere they were called speed bumps. Were they in her last night?

“Suck me now.”


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This was so wrong, him telling her what to do. Why didn’t she get off her knees like

any smart, independent woman would? Because, India, you are turned-on.

India leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. She smiled as she felt Dash

tense. Good, she wasn’t going to be the only one losing control. She ran her tongue

along the metallic speed bumps. Hmm, different. Not something India would hurry over.

“I said suck not lick,” Dash reminded her sternly.

Picky, frigging picky.

India slid the head of his cock into her mouth and sucked slowly. The male

muskiness of him excited her. Some men were good to suck and he was one of them.

She edged the cock farther in, letting her teeth lightly graze over the surface of the

heated flesh as she sucked down hard. India was pleased when she felt his hips buck

forward in eagerness.

“Stop,” Dash commanded.

India kept his mouth on his cock. He wanted submission? India wasn’t going to be

the only one submitting.

“India, stop or you will fail.”

Was he kidding? How many men asked a woman to stop fellatio?

“I mean it. Do as you are told.” Dash pushed her head from his groin.

India watched as his cock bounced wetly before her as if angry at the abrupt


“Stand up.”

India did as she was told, surprising herself as she did. She watched as Dash

reached back into a drawer behind him and grabbed something.

“Turn around and put your hands on the desk and stick that luscious ass of yours


Okay, this was more like it. He was going to fuck her from behind. Perfect. It was

exactly what she craved. She eagerly did as he requested. I could get used to this


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submission thing. Dash’s body moved close in behind hers, his hand on her hip with his

wet, turgid cock against her ass. Oh yes. His hands pulled her ass cheeks apart and his

suddenly gooey fingers probed the tight puckered hole. India spread her legs wider.

She wanted all he had to give.

“Hey! What the—?” She grunted as Dash slid something hard, tight and slippery

inside her and it wasn’t his cock.

“Anal plug, darlin’.” Dash made sure it was wedged in tightly. He then rubbed his

cock back and forward down the cleft of her ass.

“I want you inside me.” The plug wasn’t unpleasant but it wasn’t what she needed.

“I need to come.”

“Well, I’m not going to let you.” Dash said it as if he was the boss. “I’m not going to

allow you to come until I tell you.”

“What?” India looked at him in desperation. Was he kidding? She was on the brink

of a knee-wobbling orgasm and he decided to call it quits? She was a willing woman

and he wanted to stop? “Why?” she asked in confusion.

“When you come it will be with me inside you when I think you are ready.”

“Trust me, I am ready now. I need you.” Did he want her to beg?

“No, not just yet.”

Fucking bastard! He was playing a game with her. Well, India did not need him or

his cock. She had her handy-dandy vibrator at home and it did what it was told and at

whatever speed or gyration she required. No one was going to control her pleasure like

that. And as for the butt plug it was out of there.

“Do not even think of removing that,” Dash said, as if reading her thoughts. “I need

you to be open and ready to receive.”

“But I am.” Oh God, how whiny did that sound? She had to get home to her vibrator



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“And I’ll know if you come without me, darlin’.” Dash slapped her ass lightly. “Get


India’s mouth opened. Cripes! Was he psychic as well as sexy? She watched as he

pushed his cock inside his jeans with great effort. What a waste of good, ready-to-go


“You’d better get going. I have another class soon.”

She was being dismissed? Just like that? He wanted her but he didn’t want her? She

was hot and desperate and he was telling her to go like some slave girl? India did not

care for these rules.

“Fuck you, Dashiel Lombard.” What a pig! Thank God she saw his true colors before

she did anything dumber. She turned around and reached for her clothes.

“No, I’ll fuck you, India Blake, on my terms and you will enjoy it,” Dash told her as

he watched her pull her jeans inside out.

India snapped the leg of her jeans at him in fury.

“Yeah, well, I’m not going to give you that chance.” Sex with a god to pass or slog

away and pass on your own merits? Who knew she would do the merit thing?

“You want me, darlin’, and you know it.”

“The only thing I know is that you are an arrogant prick and I don’t need to pass on

your terms. I’d rather fail than have sex with you!” She was just about to put her foot

into her jeans when Dash swiftly moved over and caught her up in his arms. India

struggled wildly as he carried her naked body over to a nearby sofa.

Dash sat down and pinned India facedown and flailing on his lap.

“India Blake, you need to be shown who is boss.”

“Let me go!” India yelled as she felt the sudden sting of his hand on the side of her

thigh. What the—? He was spanking her like a naughty child?

“Who’s the boss, India?”


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“Fuck off!” she spat out as she tried to pull herself off Dash’s lap but he held on

firmly and spanked her again. The blows on her fleshy thighs were not hard but they

were humiliating to her pride. She guessed the butt plug prevented him from paddling

her butt. It felt nice having the pressure of that inside her mixed with the tingle of his

palm against her leg.

“Who’s in charge?”

“I am!” India roared indignantly. Slap. This was embarrassing and weird and yet as

hot as hell. She squirmed as she felt his cock against her stomach. Good to know she

wasn’t the only one turned-on by this. “I don’t want this or you!” Slap. It was wildly

erotic to have all this man’s attention focused on nothing but her ass and trying to make

her bend to his will. Maybe there was something to this submission thing.

“I know you want me and I want you, darlin’.” Slap. “Now be a good girl and tell

me who the boss is.” Slap.

“You are!” she snapped out in anger. India was more pissed off at herself for being

turned-on than at him for making her submit.

“And you will do what I want?” Dash’s hand was much softer as he delivered his

next slap on her ass.

“Yes.” The hand on her ass started to caresses the twin mounds of flesh. India

moaned in response. What the hell was wrong with her? She hated being humbled by

anyone yet she wanted his hand on her hot, stinging flesh.

“No questions asked?”

“I can’t guarantee that.” India’s answer was met with another slap on her ass.

“Okay, no more questions!”

“Good girl.” Dash hoisted her up from his lap. “Get dressed, darlin’.”

India looked at him in confusion as she did as she was told. She peeked down at his

groin. That Dash wanted her was beyond question. His jeans were bulging alarmingly

with the pressure of his cock seeking escape. She wasn’t sure what she should be


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feeling. Angry? Humiliated? Or just incredibly turned-on? Her whole body was alive

with feeling and excitement. Yep. She was turned-on. India started to put on her


“No underwear,” Dash ordered in a tone that brooked no dissent.

India saw the warming look in his eyes. To defy or not to defy? Her ass stung but it

wasn’t unpleasant. She dropped the panties to the floor and pulled her jeans on.

“I need the bra.”

“For the moment that’s acceptable.” Dash went over to the desk and wrote

something on a piece of paper. “I want you meet me at this address in two hours.”

India’s first thought was bugger off and no way. Her second was two hours before she

could relieve the ache between her legs?

“That’s it?” She pulled her bra and shirt on hastily.

“You know the rules. No underwear, a skirt at all times unless we are alone and

then you will be naked and I am in charge.”

“What if I don’t show up?” Teach the teacher a lesson.

“You’ll show, darlin’.” He handed her the paper with the address. “And by the way

when we are in the lecture hall you are to sit up front with your legs open and ready for

me.” Dash was amused by the militant look on her face. “You will do whatever I ask for

one week.”

“Bloody will not,” India muttered softly to herself as she collected her books from

where she had placed them.

“What?” Dash asked pleasantly, his eyes locked with hers in challenge.

“Nothing.” Less than fifteen minutes alone with Dash Lombard and she was

agreeing to whatever he wanted. India needed away from him now. She had to think

about her own reactions to what had just happened.

“I’ll see you in two hours.”



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“You will show, India, or you will face the consequences and I am not talking just

about failing.” The look Dash gave India left her in no doubt of his intentions. “You

made a deal with me. I expect you to honor it. You are mine for the next week.”


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Chapter Two

India stood outside room 221 and wondered why she was there. In the last two

hours she had changed her mind a dozen times. One minute she was thinking no bloody

way. Dash Lombard was clearly an arrogant prick who required obedience and India

wasn’t big on following anyone’s rules but her own. And she was going to remove that

ridiculous thing shoved up her ass. However, the next minute she was thinking about

the man who wanted to give her pleasure and was that really such a bad thing? Dash

was hot and sexy and one week of being told what to do by a young god wasn’t such a

big deal. The fantasy of been “commanded” to submit to get a passing grade was not

the real reason she was there. It was the thought that she could be made to do

something. And the butt plug was nice and tight and it filled her with anticipation of

tighter and bigger things to replace it. Higher education was more of a challenge than

she thought.

In the end it came down to one thing. India Blake had felt compelled to come to

Dash Lombard. What was it about that man? The age thing seemed utterly irrelevant.

The fact that he had not taken her in his office, when she was clearly wet and willingly,

was strange yet exciting. And, in retrospect, his I am in charge thing was wildly sexy.

The fact that a man could order her to do anything chafed against her feminist ideals

but also gave India a secret thrill that he could take control of her and she would do

nothing about it.

So here she stood outside a hotel room in a short jade-green dress without panties

or a bra and a butt plug up her ass, knowing that the man inside was going to make her

submit to God knows what and part of her badly wanted to be totally and utterly out of

control with Dash Lombard. India blew out a deep sigh. Yep. Most confusing. A smart

woman would turn around and go home. She was older and wiser and this was some


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crazy midlife fantasy of having sex with a toy boy. But then a smart woman wouldn’t

have said yes to the fantasy of having sex with the lecturer to pass. She would have

laughed it off like any rational person. Good and no sex? Being bad and out of control

and great sex? India knocked on the door before her courage failed her.

“Hello, darlin’.” Dash opened the door dressed only in low-slung faded jeans.

India’s eyes locked on his hair-roughed chest. She gulped loudly. The man had a

silver ring in his left nipple. Lickable chest alert.

Dash noted her interest with a satisfied smile as he invited her inside with a wave

of his hand.

“You are wearing a dress. Good girl.” He flipped up the edge of the short skirt. “No

panties—even better.” He spun her around and parted the cheeks of her ass to see the

butt plug. “Good girl.” He fondled her ass.

India hesitated on the threshold. She had a pretty good idea how a harem girl felt.

She was something to be owned and used for a week. God, what had she let herself in



“No,” she scoffed as she forced herself to step inside.

“Good, because you are mine and you have no choice, darlin’.” Dash placed his

hand on the small of her back and helped her all the way in.

India looked nervously around the hotel suite. This was an expensive hotel. She had

driven past it often but she had never been inside before. When Dash had scrawled the

address down she had wondered what to expect. Okay, yes, she had visualized a mirror

above the bed, chains or bondage gear. But there was none of that and India realized

that Dash needed no help. He could control her with a look. A touch. She dropped her

handbag on a chair as she took in the king-size bed, silver bucket of champagne and

two video cameras. Oh boy. She was wet before but now she dripped with anticipation.

“So how does this work?” India felt as nervous as if it was her first time.


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Dash poured them both a glass of champagne. He handed one to her.

“Do you trust me, darlin’?”

“I really don’t know you.” India loved champagne but she was too on edge to sip at

the chilled liquid in the crystal flute. Okay, she knew she was going to have sex. She

wanted to have sex with Dash. But what would she have to do in order have it? The

anticipation was both scary and thrilling.

“Do you trust yourself?” Dash asked as he looked at her tense stance as she

clutched the glass in her hand.

“Yes.” Normally this was something India never questioned. She trusted her first

reaction to every situation and the belief of following her gut to see where something

would lead her. Should she do this now instead of making a bolt for the door? Or were

her feelings more to do with her slut-like hormones and a certain itch that needed to be


“And is your judgment usually correct?” Dash sipped his champagne as he

watched her speculatively.

“Generally.” Where was this going?

“Would you have come to me if you thought I was a bad guy, no matter how badly

you think you want to pass?”

“I do want to pass.” She allowed herself to be easily caught up in this fantasy. There

was no thinking about it required. She wanted him to control her. It was not like she

was there for any other reason she told herself, wanting to believe that was the case.

“And no, I would not have come here if I thought you would hurt me.”

“Good.” Dash took her glass from her hand and placed both of them on a nearby

table. “Give me your hand, darlin’.”

“Where are we going?” India placed her hand in his, feeling the strong warmth

enfold her.

“You’re going to have a shower.” Dash pulled her toward the bathroom.


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“But I’m clean.” This was not at all what she expected. “Are we having a shower

together?” All that wet slippery flesh sliding against her would be excellent.

“No, not this time. I want to watch you shower. I want to see how you touch

yourself when your hands are all slick with soap.”

God, what did she say to that? I never do that—much. Yet it seemed harmless enough

in a voyeuristic way. India allowed Dash to pull her along. The bathroom was large and

lush. The sort of bathroom India dreamed of with its large bathtub, sparkling white

tiles, gilded mirrors and oversized shower. How many people could fit in that? Water

conservation or an invitation to an orgy?

“Are we alone?” While two men was a novelty she preferred one-on-one.

“There will be no one else for you but me.” Dash put the palm of her hand to his

mouth and kissed it. “Possession is, after all, nine-tenths of the law.”

Whoa. Was it hot in here or what? Early menopause or pause for reflection before she

did what she really wanted to?

“Take off your clothes, India.” He dropped her hand and stood back to watch the


Wanting and needing got the better of her. She reached behind her and unzipped

her dress. That Dash was watching her intently was almost as good as his touch.

Almost. She shimmied out of her dress, kicked off her shoes and stood naked before

him. Lust won over embarrassment and fear was not going to be part of her vocabulary


“I am so looking forward to sucking and licking every inch of your body, darlin’.”

Oh yes please. Her knees shook with need. She had never felt such an overwhelming

desire to be with another man. Was it his age? His confidence? Or was it that he could

seduce her with words alone? Whatever it was she was his for a week.

“How many lovers have you had, India?” He made no move toward her.


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“Three before you and Shane, er, Shaun.” Every other man had been average,

boring and safe compared to the man before her.

Dash chuckled lightly.

“And why Shaun?”

“I needed…” What? To feel something other than boredom? To be thrilled for one brief

moment of my life by someone so completely different from my normal boring life? Maybe I

needed to be flattered? “I just wanted a man.” There was no existential reason so why lie?

“And the truth shall set you free.” Dash reached around behind him and pulled out

a camcorder from one of the cupboards.

“Are you going to film me?” India knew her voice sounded anything but shocked.

The idea of being filmed all hot and naked had always been a fantasy of hers. She licked

her lips in anticipation. For every reason it was wrong there was a thousand reasons

why she could not pass up what she knew could potentially be the best week of her life.

“I know you want me to.” Dash adjusted the settings on the camera. “Tell me, did

any of your past lovers really know you?”

Ah, the man wanted her naked—body and soul. She would play the game as long

as it suited her. The guarantee of great sex and a passing grade awaited her.

“No.” No one really knew her.

“That’s a shame.” Dash leaned in and turned on the water to the right temperature

and gently pushed India into the shower cubicle. He then pulled over a nearby chair

and placed the camcorder to his eye. “What do you do when you’re all alone in the

shower, darlin’?”

India felt the warm water slide gently over her body. That Dash was filming her

every move made her incredibly hot. He wanted her to touch herself. That request

seemed wildly sinful. It was not something she had ever imagined a lover would ask

her and she liked it.


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She lathered up the soap between her hands and smiled lightly. India would make

him feel as turned-on as he was. She ran her soapy hands over her breasts and

massaged the twin mounds slowly, her eyes on the man with the camera. If she had

been worried about her aging body before, she knew she had nothing to worry about as

at that moment she had Dash Lombard’s full attention. Men were so easy to control.

India let go of her breasts, making them bounce enticingly. She smiled as she saw him

swallow hard. Excellent. Her hands trailed down her stomach and to the wet curls

between her legs. She slid her soapy hand between her legs and started to lather up her

pussy. India rubbed her clit slowly. She knew it would take almost no effort to come

and she needed to badly. She shoved her ass out and spread her legs wide and started

to slide her fingers toward her vagina.

“Stop,” Dash commanded as he pulled the camera from his eye. “Only I am

allowed to be inside you.”

India allowed her fingers to continue down where she pulled out the anal plug. She

wanted to feel him again tight and taut behind her as he took her hard once more.

“Well, come inside then, teacher-man.”

Dash desperately wanted to do just that. He longed to be up inside India again. He

had amazed himself that he had not taken her in his office when he had dearly wanted

to bend her back over the desk and slide his cock inside her so it touched her heart. But

that was not the plan. He had one week to make himself indispensable to this woman.

He wanted India not to be able to walk away from him once the week was up.

If it was crazy to fall in love with a woman he barely knew, then Dash had done it.

That he wanted to control her was part of his personality. He did not want to hurt her

or for her to lose her own personality, he just wanted her to be his woman and no one

else’s. India was right. He was an arrogant prick but he was an arrogant prick who

knew what he wanted and he wanted India Blake. He would make her fall in love with



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Dash watched as her hand went back to slowly massaging her clit. He knew she

was testing him to see what he would do. Not many women challenged him and he

liked it. When he saw her fingers slide into her vagina, he stood up, slammed the

camera down, reached in, turning off the water, and pulled her out of the shower into

his arms.

“You’re not doing as you’re told, darlin’.”

“I do what I like.” Oh yeah. The man wanted her. India could feel the bulge of his

denim-covered cock as he pulled her wet body into his arms. Good to see she wasn’t the

only one having control issues. “You cannot break me that easily, teacher-man.”

“Wrong answer.” Dash picked her up in his arms and carried her into the next

room, dumping her unceremoniously on the bed.

India bounced as she hit the softness beneath. She tried to sit up but Dash flung his

body down on top of hers. His bare chest melded to her breasts and his nipple ring

scraped her skin in a soft, delicious way. She spread her legs wide in invitation.

“Oh dear, a wrong answer,” murmured India in mock concern. “Whatever will

happen to me now?” Whatever it was she knew it would be good.

“I need to teach you a lesson about being patient.” While keeping his body covering

hers, Dash reached over and pulled out the drawer of the bedside table.

India’s eyes opened wide as she saw the long white strips of satin he pulled out.

“Are you going to tie me up?” This was not something she was comfortable with.

Wild sex was one thing. Losing complete control while being bound was another. She

squirmed beneath him. “I don’t want this.”

“Yeah, you do,” Dash responded in a soft knowing voice as he grabbed hold of one

hand and looped the satin around her wrist and secured it to the bedpost.

India bucked beneath him.

“No, I don’t want to—”


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“Lose total control?” Dash grabbed her other wrist and tied it up as well. He sat up

on his haunches, astride her. “Darlin’, you’re going to have no control when it comes to

wanting me.”

“I’ll do whatever you want, just undo me.”

Dash swung off from her body and made short work of tying up the legs that

thrashed out at him.

“Just give in and enjoy yourself, India. You know want to.”

Yes, she did want to enjoy herself but not at the cost of losing all power. India

tugged at the restraints. They held firm. She was wide open for his use. A shiver ran

though her body. He could do whatever he wanted and she could not stop him.


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Chapter Three

“You’re going to film this too?” Bloody hell, was she going to end up on the

internet like some sad-assed middle-aged wannabe suburban porn star? “Two


“I want to catch every moment.” Dash adjusted the camera tripods to make sure the

angle was right on each. “This is for our exclusive use, darlin’. I want us to look back on

this when we are old and gray.” He switched the cameras on.

“I’m already going gray and this is just one week of my life.” He made it sound like

a long-term commitment.

“Is it, India?” Dash sat down beside her on the bed and trailed his hand down her

body. “You’re very beautiful and infinitely fuckable.”

“Well, fuck me then and get this over and done with.”

Dash chuckled and reached into the drawer he pulled the satin ties from.

“You don’t want a quick shag and neither do I.”

Yeah, actually I do.

India looked at what he held in his hand. It was a silver bullet and not the kind

used to kill werewolves. He was going to put that in her and even if she could stop him

she knew at that moment she wouldn’t.

“How badly do you need to come, darlin’?” Dash’s hands went down to her pussy.

One stroked between the curves softly while the other held the bullet. “You’re so

deliciously wet.” He leaned forward and licked her clit. He smiled as India shrieked.

“Did you like that?”

“Yes, oh God, yes,” India writhed beneath his hand.

“Do you want me inside you?” Dash blew softly against the wet pink flesh.


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India’s toes curled at the sensation.

“Yes, I need you now.” She did not care how needy she sounded. She just wanted

Dash inside her.

“Maybe later,” he said as his fingers slid the bullet inside her and turned it on.

India closed her eyes as the vibrations started slowly. If he was trying to kill her,

this was certainly the way she wanted to go.

“Open your eyes, India,” Dash growled in command. “You need to see and know at

all times what I am doing to you.” He ramped up the speed of the bullet.

“Oh God,” India moaned as a wild thrill of sensation shot through her body. She

was so close to coming.

“Do you want to come?” Dash leaned forward and licked her clit again.

“Yes.” As he slowly tongued her she whimpered.

“Will you do anything I ask?” Dash looked up into her eyes.

“Anything.” India was so close to the edge of an orgasm that she would agree to

whatever he wanted.

“Good to know.” Dash sat up and switched off the bullet’s controls.

“No, don’t stop now.” The bullet had stilled and yet India’s body was still teetering

on the edge.

“I need a snack.” Dash stood up and walked away from the bed.

“You what?” she yelled at his back as he left the room. “Come back here, you

bastard!” How could he leave her like this? She was so hot and needy and she couldn’t

do anything about it. “You prick!” She squirmed on the bed, trying to relieve some of

her tension but it only made her more aware of the bullet lodged firmly and silently

inside her.

For five minutes India swore and sweated and planned terrible revenges on Dash

Lombard. What sort of a man walked away from a woman who was clearly giving him

an open invitation to fuck her?


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“Son of a motherless goat.”

“Who is?” Dash asked as he walked back toward the bed, chocolate bar in hand as

if he did not have a care in the world.

“You are,” she hissed angrily, not only because she was trussed up but he was

eating a Snickers and she loved those.

“Why? Because I won’t let you come?” He sat back down on the bed and chewed

his chocolate with gusto.

“Yes.” How could he be so casual about this? India looked at the bulge in his jeans.

The man clearly had a well-developed sense of control. She would have admired that if

she did not hate him so much at that moment.

“You want a bite?” Dash offered her the candy bar.

“Piss off.”

“Being helpless is hard for you, isn’t it?”

“You know, if this is some game of yours to humiliate a frustrated middle-aged

woman, then congratulations, you have succeeded.” How stupid was she to think he

actually desired her? This was just some sort of sick entertainment.

Dash swallowed the last of his snack.

“So you’re really angry with me?”

Why did sexy men always seem to be so dumb? Was it some genetic law?

“So if I stripped off now and wanted to fuck you senseless you would object?” Dash

stood up and undid the top button on his jeans.

Ooh, hard question. Hate him or fuck him?

“I am, as you know, at your mercy.” She licked her lips anticipation. “Fuck me,


“Will you do what I tell you to?” Dash slid the zipper of his jeans down. His cock

jumped out eagerly.


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“You know I have no other option.” Her mouth started to salivate, thinking about

that cock inside her. Mmm…barbells.

“You could always say no, darlin’.”

As if she would or wanted to. India watched as he pulled his jeans down. At the top

of his left thigh was a twisted tribal tattoo that circled the muscle. It was so sexy India

felt another rush of moisture rush between her legs. She needed the bullet out and him

in now.

As if reading her mind, he reached between her legs and pulled out the glistening


“You will not question anything I want to do?” Dash asked as his fingers took the

place of the bullet.

As he thrust slowly back and forward inside her, India knew she was his no matter

what happened.

“Yes, anything. Just please fuck me.”

“Good girl.” Dash swiftly undid her restraints. “On your hands and knees.”

“About time,” India muttered softly as she did as he requested.

“What?” Dash slapped her ass in warning.

“Nothing.” She would play the game because her need was so great. She turned her

head to look at him. What was taking so long? Her eyes widened as she saw him sliding

into a strap-on harness that had a long flexible cock attached to it. “Oh my…” Two hard

cocks and both for her. How lucky could a girl be?

“I know you liked it with two men.” Dash said as he rolled a condom over his

straining shaft. “But there will be no other men for you but me to give you pleasure.”

A zing of excitement rushed through her body. India knew this was all part of his

game but she had to admit the sound of possession in his voice thrilled her. She spread

her legs wide as Dash applied lube to the strap-on.

“Turn around, darlin’. I know you crave the feeling of being fucked by a stranger.”


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That he knew her so well after so little time was scary. She normally tried to keep

her distance with lovers but this man was not one to be held at arm’s length. She felt the

rubber tip of the strap-on at her anus and pushed back against it as he mounted her

from behind. The anal plug had made her open and ready. As the rubber dildo slid into

her ass, his cock sank into her vagina and India sighed happily. This was what she


Dash chuckled at her response as he began thrusting deep and hard within her. His

fingers slid around and massaged her clit.

“Oh boy,” India groaned at the sensation. She was so full of Dash that she knew she

would come any moment.

“You are not to come yet,” Dash ordered as he continued pumping inside her.

“I have to. I can’t stop it.”

Dash stopped and slapped her ass lightly.

“No, you will come when I tell you.”

“Okay.” India would agree to anything as long as he moved. When he restarted

thrusting India knew that all the orders in the world were not going to stop the

inevitable. As the orgasm ripped through her she screamed and slumped onto the bed

with Dash still hard inside her. “Oh God, that was good.”

“On your knees.” Dash pulled her up from where she lay facedown.

“Oh right, you did not come.”

“No, and you did not come when I told you to.” He pulled his cock and the strap-

on halfway out of her and then slammed back into her.

“I don’t come on request.” Though if he kept up what he was doing now she had a

feeling she could. The depth and heat of his cock within and the delicious strangeness

of the dildo made that a very good possibility.

“You can and you will,” Dash responded as he slapped her ass again.


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The light, stinging blow felt good and she pushed back against him, wanting to

grant his demand. She knew from the sudden ramp-up of his speed the man himself

was close to the edge. As Dash ground himself into her, India heard him groan and felt

him come rapidly within her.

“Hey, I did not come again, teacher-man. Wasn’t that what this bit of macho crap

was all about?” She felt another clap to her ass and he pulled out.

“You have so much to learn, India Blake.” Dash pulled her around to face him. “Get

on your back.” He sat back on his haunches.

India was just about to ask why but she decided against it which was strange for

her. Usually she wanted to challenge everything and everyone. She flopped onto her

back and watched as he removed the strap-on and the spent condom. His hand went

back into the naughty drawer. What would he pull out next? Her eyes widened at the

bright purple vibrator he pulled out. It was huge.

“I need time before I go again.” She usually only came once a night. It was never a

repeat performance.

“You will come when I say.” Dash dropped the vibrator on the bed and grabbed

her legs, pulling them over her shoulders.

“Who do you think you are? The master of the frigging universes?” India gasped as

he pushed the vibrator into her vagina. She had never felt anything so large inside her.

“Yeah, I am the master of your universe, India.” Dash pushed the buttons on the

vibrator and began thrusting it back and forward within her.

The pulsating head writhed inside her like a sensuous big purple cock. Why had

she never seen this model on the market before? She could see Dash’s cock was already

rapidly inflating for the next round.

“No, I can’t again,” she whimpered as that old familiar feeling washed over her.

“Yes, you can,” Dash murmured knowingly.

And he continued his vibrator thrusts until she did exactly as he wanted. She came.


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“Bloody hell, that was good.” Sex with younger men was excellent. Great stamina

and promises that came true. She looked at Dash as he pulled out the vibrator and

reached for another condom. “No, really, that’s it for me, teacher-man.”

“No, it’s not, darlin’,” Dash said as he plunged his cock deep inside her and kept up

a fast rhythm designed to make them both come immediately.

India screamed as she exploded with pleasure once more. Her legs felt numb and

her heart raced as Dash came with a pulsating jerk moments later.

“Do you still think you are unbreakable, darlin’?” Dash asked as he let her legs

down and gently pulled her into his arms. “You are my woman and never forget it.”

His lips locked on hers on a deeply, possessively kiss.

India slumped exhaustedly against him, powerless to do anything but give in to

him. Unbreakable? She used to think that no one could make her do anything other than

what she wanted. In her world she called the shots. No man, let alone a younger man,

had ever had control over her. Yet this man had pushed her to the point of breaking and

caught her just before that happened. It had been thrilling. India knew no lover would

ever compare with Dash Lombard.

“Who do you belong to, India Blake?”


* * * * *

“Someone will see us,” India said as Dash pulled her down onto his cock. She was

buck naked and sitting astride a man on the balcony of a hotel room. All around them

were windows. Anyone could see them.

“I don’t care what other people see or think.” Dash’s mouth latched on to one

nipple and sucked hard.

India closed her eyes as her head dropped back as she gave in to the hot tug of his



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“Do you do this to all women or is it some weird turn-on for you that I am older

than you and you want to control me?” She rocked back and forward slowly as his cock

pulsed within.

“Darlin’, age is irrelevant. I want you and your body.” Dash licked at her nipples in

between words and his hands controlled the movement of her hips as she ground down

against him.

“But do you do this with younger women?” India bit her lip, trying to control the

urge to shriek at the feelings that assailed her. They were, after all, out in public. She

did not want to make more of a spectacle of herself than she had already.

“Younger women bore me. And scream if you want to, darlin’. The man watching

us expects a show.”

“What?” India turned her head to look around her. “Where?”

“To the left with the binoculars.”

“Pervert.” She started to get off Dash but he held her firm.

“As soon as you come we will go back inside.”

“But—” Whatever words she had been about to say were swallowed up by his lips

on hers. She broke off the kiss and pushed back from Dash. “I can’t concentrate with

someone watching.”

Dash looked at her thoughtfully.

“Fair enough. I want you to come because it’s unstoppable and inevitable. Not

because it’s forced. Get up.”

“He’ll see me.”

“Darlin’, he has already seen the whole shooting match.” Dash lifted her off. “He’s

just a pathetic man who needs to get his rocks off. He means nothing to you. Now let’s

go inside and watch our movies.” Dash stood, erect in both posture and cock, and held

his hand out to India. “You are a queen and he can only but dream of ever touching



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That was sweet. But was it just because he wanted sex with her or was it something

more? Was she crazy to be having this strange feeling of intimacy with a man who only

wanted her for her body? India knew she had to get a grip. Next thing she would be

falling in love with him and that would be crazy.

Back inside the hotel room, Dash set up the DVD player and sat down on the sofa.

“Come and sit, darlin’.” He gestured to his lap where his engorged cock waited

impatiently to be covered.

India knew there were so many reasons why she should break off what was

between them but none of them seemed as compelling as the need to live for the

moment. She went to him and moved forward into his arms.

“No, turn around and face the television screen.” Dash placed his hands on her hips

and swiveled her from him.

India did as requested and, with his gentle guidance, backed onto his lap until she

was impaled on his engorged cock. She sighed as he wrapped his arms around her,

hugging her to his body as if not wanting to break contact for a moment.

Dash turned on the television and their writhing bodies were instantly recognizable


“See how good we are together? How your eyes beg me to take you even though

you want to refuse me but can’t.”

“Yes.” India moaned as she moved slowly back and forth on top of him. She had

thought seeing herself on-screen would make her cringe but it didn’t. She was amazed

at how strangely beautiful she looked in Dash’s arms.

“Come for me now, darlin’.”

“Yes, Dash,” she obeyed, clutching the hands that held her breasts.

“Promise it will only ever be me, India,” he whispered in her ear as he pumped into


“Only you, Dash.” The orgasm hit her on cue. “I promise.”


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* * * * *

“So why ‘India’?” Dash asked as he lay with India in his arms on the bed. After the

film they had taken a long, hot soapy shower together that was all about touching and

feeling but not taking. Although Dash wanted in India like no other woman before, he

also wanted her to feel comfortable with him. She may not see it now but he was

determined to become a permanent fixture in her life.

“My parents did the hippie trail thing. They called my sister Shalimar. Totally crazy

for two kids born in Australia.”

“Ever wanted to do the hippie thing?” Even as he said it, he could not imagine

India living rough in the name of spiritual enlightenment.

“No, I am too boring and in control for that,” India responded with a contented

sigh as she snuggled further into her arms.

“Are you?” To Dash this woman was anything but boring and no one interesting

was ever that much in control of their lives. Only the dull-spirited were.

“Okay, not with you and I can’t work out why.” She looked at him searchingly.

“Yeah, you can but you just don’t want to admit it.”

“What don’t I want to admit?”

“That you have fallen in love with me,” Dash told her as if it was logical to him. “I

feel the same for you.”

“Oh, you do not.” India struggled out of his arms. “This is just sex to pass a grade.

I’ll admit that I am turned-on by the whole submission thing but that’s all it is.” She sat

up and looked at him. “You cannot possibly love me.”

“Why not?” Dash lay back and put his hands behind his head and looked at her.

The expression on her face was interesting. It was like a light had gone on that she had

never expected to see.

“You are too young for me.”


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“That’s such a crock, India.” Dash wasn’t surprised that was the card she would

choose to play. “You cannot hide behind your age.”

“Easy for you to say at twenty-nine.”

“You are forty-three, darlin’. You are a beautiful, vibrant woman.”

“Whose tits are sagging and whose ass is a firm as Jell-O,” India responded


Dash shook his head at her in disappointment.

“I thought better of you, India Blake.”

“You fall in love with your eyes. I have the body of a forty-three-year-old woman.

You cannot possibly have fallen in love with that when you are surrounded by tight-

assed blonde bimbos of twenty-three on campus.”

He smiled at her words. He understood the insecurity he heard. Dash had not

expected to fall in love with India. It had happened and he wasn’t going to fight it.

“Did you fall in love with my body?”

“I feel in lust—yes,” India admitted with a snort as she sat with her knees against

her chest as if trying to protect herself from something.

“So why can’t I have done the same as you and don’t tell me because you’re some

old broad.”

India sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

“This is just a fling for me to pass the semester and for you to have a sex slave. It’s

nothing else.”

“Isn’t it?” Dash questioned. It was so much more than that and they both knew it.

They had been attracted to each other at first sight.

“What is it you think you know about me that you find loveable?”

“You’re funny, you’re smart and you are spirited. You want to fight what you feel

for me but you’re not sure how so you are throwing the age thing in our faces,” Dash

told her, knowing that she was not going to succeed. “I love the taste and feel of you. I


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love how you scream when you come. And I know even now, as you sit there, you are

trying to think of some way to get out of this hotel room before you commit yourself

further than you have.” He could see by the look in her eyes he had hit his mark. “I’ll

make it easy for you, India. Go home.”

“What?” India jerked back as if this was the last thing she had expected to hear.

“You heard me. I want you to go home and think about what you have with me.

You’ll realize I am right. This is not just sex or grades. This is the beginning of the best

love you will ever know.”


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Chapter Four

The lecture theater was packed. It usually was when Dash Lombard gave a lesson.

Even women not in his classes would turn up just to watch him. He was that kind of

man. He was the kind everyone lusted over and few were lucky enough to have.

India sat and stared blankly at the whiteboard as she wondered for the seventh time

why she was there. He had been right. She had spent the entire work day thinking

about him. His words—This is the beginning of the best love you will ever know—played

over and over in her mind. She had been determined not to attend campus that evening

because she had to stop thinking about him. It was not like she did not have better

things to do and she had pretty much given up on the idea of a passing grade and a

promotion. The cost was too high. Dash was right. She was falling in love with him and

it was wrong. She was too old to be infatuated with someone like Dash.

India squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. Her thigh muscles were strained, her

butt ached and her skin was bruised by Dash’s possession and yet she had never felt

more alive in her life. And that was the reason she was there. Despite all the arguments

against it, she needed to see Dash again. She could either sit at home and think about

him or come and see the man in the flesh. Besides, she had half convinced herself that

the real reason she was there was to prove to him that she felt nothing at all and that

she was not scared to face him.

“Yeah, whatever makes you feel better, India,” she muttered to herself.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” greeted Dash as he walked in the lecture theater. “Full

house, I see.”

Yes, full of women who want to jump your bones and—oh my God, I’m jealous.

India only had to glance quickly at him to know if he demanded she have sex with

him to fulfill their bargain that she would. She would cave in. The feminist side bucked


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against such submissive thoughts as it was wrong and manipulative that someone

could have such control over another. And yet there was that other side to her that she

was trying to deny. The side that needed to be wanted, protected and loved. So why did

she think she could find that with Dashiel Lombard?

“Oh jeez, I don’t know,” she murmured in quiet frustration.

“Did you say something, India?” Dash asked, his eyes locked on hers knowingly.

Smug bastard.

“No, nothing.” No doubt he felt pleased with himself that she had come to his

lecture and that she was sitting up front as requested. If she wore a short skirt it was

because she wanted to and not because he told her to. She was going to prove to herself

and him that she could sit through an hour-long lecture without feeling anything but

boredom. It was a damn fine plan. She knew Dash was looking at her legs significantly.

He expected her to open them submissively toward him. That was not going to happen.

India deliberately crossed them tightly. Score one for me.

Dash had been amused by the militant look in India’s eyes and the determined way

she had crossed her legs as if barring him entrance. He had not been surprised to see

her at the lecture. He knew her need for him was exactly the same as his desire for her.

If he had not seen her car in the parking lot of the campus he would have gone and

found her.

He got through the lecture as quickly and as professionally as he could. He ignored

the various come-on looks from other women in the theater as there was only one

woman for him. Maybe some would call it a snap decision or a rush judgment but Dash

wanted India for life and he was not about to let her walk away from that.

“India, can you come here a moment please?” he called as the class ended and

everyone filed out. He had to catch her before she had a chance to flee as he knew she

so desperately wanted to. He smiled as India halted mid-stride as if struck by

something that compelled her to stay against every wish she had to leave.


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“We can’t have sex here,” India told him as she approached him reluctantly, her

books clutched in front of her chest defensively.

“Did I say we were going to have sex?” Dash asked as he watched the confusion

rush over her features.

“Well, we had a bargain,” she began unsteadily.

“So you still want to honor it?” If it made India happier to think it was still some

bargain they had struck then fine. Dash wanted to be with her any way he could.

“Don’t you?”

Dash smiled at small sound of disappointment he heard in her voice.

“Come to me, darlin’.” Dash held his hand out, his heart in his eyes. He wanted her

and he intended to make her believe that.

When he looked at her like that she could not think straight. India could almost

believe he loved her.

“I need to go home and…” And what? Study?

“You need to come to me.”

“Okay, here’s the thing. I think after last night we should just call this off.” One of

them had to be rational about this and it appeared it had to be her.

“Darlin’, I said one week and I meant it. Anytime, anywhere and however I want

you.” Dash stood his ground. “And I want you now, India.”

His words were so primal, so possessive and her heart beat wildly. How could this

man, younger than her, make her feel like a giddy schoolgirl? Against all logic and

reason she went to him.

Dash pulled the books from her arms.

“Undo your blouse,” he ordered. “I know you have no bra on as I watched your

nipples pressing against the fabric of your blouse throughout the lecture. While I would


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like to think you were obeying my no underwear order, I think you did it as more of a

challenge to let me know what you planned to deny me having.”

The man was spot on. That’s exactly what she had planned but that plan seemed to

have gone pear-shaped.

“What if someone comes in?”

“They won’t. No one is scheduled in here for the next hour,” Dash told her. “Now

do as you are told.”

India’s fingers shook as she undid buttons. All thoughts of denial went out of her

head as she looked at his mouth and remembered how those lips had sucked on her

nipples. Surely it was not submission if you wanted it? When his mouth latched on to

her nipple as soon as she uncovered it, she cried out in pleasure and held his head to

her breast, urging him on. If someone came in now no doubt she would be mortified

but what was a little mortification when there was the promise of great fornication on


Dash’s hands slid under her skirt and grabbed the cheeks of her ass.

“You are mighty delicious,” he said as his mouth slipped off her shiny red nipple

with a pop.

India squirmed against him as his hand went next to her pussy, his fingers sliding

into the cleft and starting to slowly rub her clit.

“You are so wet and all for me.”

“Yes.” It was the truth. She would be insane to deny it.

“Excellent.” Dash smiled at her as if it was the best news he had heard. “Now,

darlin’, I need you on your knees,” he ordered gently but firmly. “Unzip me and suck

me and don’t think about other people. There is just you and me and you will do as I

tell you.”

“I…um…” India stammered. Yes, she wanted his cock but in such a public place?

“Do you want to pass?”


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“Yes, but…” This was no longer just about passing. It was so much more and they

both knew it. She was submitting to more than just sex. This was something greater. It

was love and only for love would she do something as rash as what he suggested.

“On your knees for me now, India.”

She dropped to her knees in admission more than submission. India unzipped his

jeans and his penis jumped out as if happy to see her again. She held it in one hand to

steady it and licked from the tip to the base in one long stroke. India felt Dash shudder

and she repeated what she had just done. It was then that she realized that while he had

ordered her to suck him, she had always had the power to say no. She just hadn’t

wanted to. Okay then. That she could live with. She was just as much in control as he

was. India sucked the head of his cock inside her mouth and was pleased when Dash

gave a hoarse, husky cry.

“Enough for the moment, darlin’,” Dash growled as he handed her a condom. “Put

it on.”

There was something about slowly rolling a condom on a man that India found

incredibly sexy. She liked the way Dash tried not to jump as her hands caressed him

upwards, over hard flesh and barbells until the latex covered all of him.

He drew her to her feet and pushed her toward the whiteboard.

“Spread your hands and legs wide,” Dash said as his body closed in behind hers.

“And if anyone comes in now they will just see my ass thrusting back and forward as I

fuck you.”

India did as he requested. The notes from his ethics lecture were still on the

whiteboard. It seemed kind of ironic to be taking her against notes that talked about the

ethics of ensuring personal space for the individual. She jumped as he pulled her ass cheeks

apart, slid his finger into the tight puckered hole. No personal space here.

“You like it when I fuck you from behind, don’t you?”

“Yes.” She felt a second finger slide into her as his other hand slid to her pussy.


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“I love how tight you are and how you moan for me.” A finger slid into her vagina.

India bore down hard on his hand and panted in excitement. This man could do

anything to her and she would love it because she loved him. She stiffened in

realization. Bloody hell. It’s true. I love him.

“Do you need me now, darlin’?” Dash kissed her shoulders lightly as he slid his

fingers slowly in and out of both orifices.

“Yes please.” If she was honest she had needed him the minute she saw him more

than two weeks ago.

“What do you want me to do to you?” he whispered against her ear as his body

ground tightly against hers.

“Fuck me.”


“In the ass.”

“With what?”

“Your big, fat, hard cock.”

“The one you just sucked?” Dash licked the soft skin behind her ear. He smiled as

she shuddered.

“Yes.” If he did not take her now she was going to spontaneously combust she was

so hot.

“Oh darlin’, how can I deny you that when you rub your plump ass against me so


India felt the force of his penis in between her cheeks and could wait no longer.

“Now, Dash,” she begged, as she felt him pull his fingers out from her ass. India

watched as he rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out a thin tube of lube and a

couple of extra condoms. She was so excited at the possibilities that she was breathless.

“What?” Dash growled as he slapped her ass lightly and squirted the gel into her

puckered hole.


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She would play whatever game she had to for him to slide on in.

“Fuck me now, sir.”

Dash pushed inside her in one long stroke. India squealed at the welcome intrusion.

If someone had of told her three days ago that she would be begging for an ass fucking

she would have called them mad. “Harder,” she cried as her hands smeared the writing

on the board.

Dash pulled out of her and slapped her ass.

“I give the orders,” he said as he slapped her ass again. “Will you do as you are

told, India Blake?” Dash delivered another slap.

“Yes, sir.”

Who knew she would be reduced to this—at the sexual beck and call of a man? Her

backside tingled and she was contemplating thwarting Dash for another couple of more

stinging slaps because she liked the feel of his hand on her ass.

Dash turned her in his arms and kissed her passionately as if she was the most

luscious flavor he had ever tasted. He pushed her back onto a nearby table and spread

her legs up wide in the air.

“Which tight hole will I fuck now?” He ran his finger back and forth between her

legs. “This one?” Dash slid it inside her vagina. “Or this one?” He fingered her anus. He

smiled as she jumped.

“Either, sir.” Just do it now.

It seemed to take forever for him to removed one spent condom and slip on


Dash plunged his cock into her vagina and kept her legs spread as he pushed

slowly in and out.

“Imagine someone coming in here now and seeing you like this. What would you

say, darlin’?”


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“Whatever you wanted me to,” India panted out as she tried to catch her breath as

he changed pace and started pounding into her.

“Good answer,” Dash murmured as he leaned down and kissed her lips

lingeringly. “You deserve a good, hard fucking for that.”

India no longer cared who heard her scream. The need to come won out over the

need for decorum. She clutched at Dash as she heard his strangled cry and he came

with her.

“You are stunning, India,” Dash said as he collapsed onto top of her.

She held him tightly to her. Oh yeah. She loved him. She had never wanted to hold

onto anyone like this before.

“Yeah, for an old hag. I’m okay,” she quipped.

“Wrong answer.” Dash lifted off her and flipped her over and started spanking her

again. “This is about you and me. This is about love and need and not age. Do not sully

what is between us with this with ridiculous talk.”

The pressure of his slaps was light, but enough to make her pussy rub against the

table each time he hit her ass. It was a wondrous sensation and India knew if he kept

this up she was going to come again in no time. She moaned lightly.

Dash stopped and looked at her.

“Oh no, I won’t let you come again. You are not worthy of that at the moment.” He

removed the condom, pitched it into a nearby bin and pushed his cock inside his jeans.

“You need to think about what’s important. You need to think about us as a permanent

couple, and until you do, no sex for you.”


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Chapter Five

“I’m dropping out of the course.” India faced Dash across his office desk and tried

to remain calm and cool, which was always hard to do around him. But she had spent

the whole day convincing herself she was capable of acting as rationally with him as she

did with any other man.


India gulped silently. Dash could make one simple world speak volumes.

“The promotion is not that important.” This had never been about any promotion

and they both knew it.

Dash arched his eyebrow at her disbelievingly.

“What about the money?”

“I’ll live without it.” She dropped her eyes from his and ran her finger lightly over

the desk between them.

“Liar.” Dash shook his head in disappointment.

“What?” Okay, sure, she was lying. India needed the money big time. But this

whole thing with Dash was too weird for her. It wasn’t the sex. That was knee-wobbling

and exciting. It was the fact that she had fallen in love with a man who was so much

younger that her—and in a couple of days.

“You can’t handle what’s between us.” Dash walked around the desk toward her.


“No, it’s not that. The sex has been great.” She turned and backed into the desk to

get away from him.

“It has been fantastic,” Dash agreed as he came to stand before her.

“Well, yes…”


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“So?” Dash reached out and lightly massaged her shoulders.

“Um…” Why was she suddenly tipping back onto the desk? “I thought you said we

would not have sex again until I thought about us as a couple.”

“I lied,” Dash murmured as he pushed her flat on her back. “I’m allowed to. I am in

charge.” He flicked up her skirt and smiled. “Did you really think wearing panties

would stop me, India?” He wrenched them down her legs.

Yeah, she had. India knew she should stop him now. That this was wrong for all the

half-assed reasons she had come up with last night but when his hand covered her

pussy she did not want him to stop.

“Um, I realize my ambitions don’t lie in my job,” she said as he hoisted her legs

over his shoulders. She had to admit she liked the way he did that. It was so possessive

and primal.

“Where do your ambitions lie?” He leaned in and blew on her wet pussy. “What

makes you hot, darlin’?”

This does.

“This is wrong.” Good but wrong.

“Why, because you like it?” Dash’s tongue licked her clit. “Do you feel guilty about

being with me?” He licked her again.

India gasped and squirmed. Oh God, if he continued she was screwed—literally.

“No, why would I feel guilty?”

“Because you have some strange idea that the difference in our ages makes it some

sort of mortal sin.”

When Dash licked her like that she could not think straight and what was a little

sinning after all?

“Well, when I was twenty you would have been six years old, for God’s sake!”

“I’m all grown up now and I want you.” His mouth fastened down on her clit.


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Any coherent thought India had flew out the window as he sucked on the nub

between her legs like a starving man.

“Oh, bloody hell,” India muttered between gritted teeth. She really wanted to

scream but she knew students passed by Dash’s office on a regular basis. She clutched

at his shirt front and bit her lip as she came. “You bastard.”

Dash dropped and legs and pressed his body against hers.

“I love you, India. I will do whatever I have to for you to stay in my life.” He kissed

her with a passion that confirmed his words.

The taste of her own juices on her lips was hotly erotic. She wanted more of

touching and tasting with Dash but other than a thigh-shaking orgasm where would

that get her?

“Oh, Dash.” What the hell do I do now?

“I don’t understand why this is such a big deal to you, darlin’. It’s only fourteen

years.” His hands cupped her face. “Tell me, if our ages were reversed would it make

such a difference?”

“Yes, because it’s more acceptable for a man to be older.” India was not normally

one who cared about what others thought but the whole age thing threw her normal

common sense approach to life out of kilter.

“To whom, India?” Dash looked at her as if she was mad.

“It just is.” Yeah, good, half-assed answer that one.

“And since when have you cared what others thought?” He pulled her up so she

was sitting facing him.

“I don’t, it’s just…”


“I’m scared. Okay?” There, it was out. Though saying it did not make her feel


“Of me?” Dash’s eyes held a sudden look of understanding.


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“Of you, of me and the way I feel when I am with you.” It was hard to explain to

someone like Dash who was so confident, what her fears were. “I want to do anything

you ask—give you anything you need.”

“And how does that make you feel?” His hands went to her waist in support.

“Vulnerable.” And it scares me.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” That was never in question.

“But you don’t trust yourself,” Dash said it like it was fact.


“I just don’t think we can go any further with this relationship.” It was a lie but it

was one she could live with if she had to.

“You really don’t believe that any more than I do.” Dash shook his head

dismissively. “Do you love me, India?”


“Don’t be crazy.”

“I am in love with you.” Dash’s eyes locked on hers with certainty. “I believe what

we have is an unbreakable bond that does not come along every day and I don’t want

you to mess this up for us because you are scared about what people think. There is

only you and me in this, India.”

“Unbreakable bond?” The honesty of his words shocked India. He really loves me.

“You’re in love with the moment,” she retorted, shooting herself in the foot as

cowards tend to do when faced with hard choices.

“Yeah, you’re right. I am but that’s because you are in it.” Dash lifted one hand to

brush the hair from her face. “But I will still be in love with you tomorrow and ten years

from tomorrow if you don’t stuff this up for us.”

“Me?” Well, of course her. Who else was dumb enough to ruin something

wonderful through fear?


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“Yeah, you.” Dash swatted the tip of her nose with his finger affectionately. “Do

you honestly believe all I want from you is sex, darlin’?”

“Well, I have been…” What was the word? In heat? A slut?

“Accommodating?” Dash supplied with a grin. “You have been sublime. I don’t

want another woman. I want you. I like the fact that your desire for me challenges your

need for independence. I like when you kick and scrape to maintain control even

though we both know you secretly want to lose it.”

Dash was right in so many ways.

“I don’t know what I want,” India mumbled as she looked into the deep brown

eyes of the man before her. He made it sound so simple.

“Do you want me?”

“Yes.” There was no debate on that point.

“Do you love me?” A sudden knock on the door interrupted them. Dash sighed in

frustration. “Huh, saved by the knock. However, we will continue this later tonight at

your place.”

“I won’t be home. I’m going out.” All thought of wallowing in self-pity on her sofa

eating pizza went out the window. Having Dash in her home was a big deal. It was the

sort of thing normal couples did. They weren’t normal.

The sound of persistent knocking made Dash swear.

“You will be home and you will be waiting, India.”

“You may be surprised, Dash.”

“So may you if you give me a chance.”

* * * * *

Of course the obvious plan to thwart Dash was to attend the midnight-to-dawn

session at the local cinema. Only the desperate and the pathetic hung out watching


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films at that time of night. And she fit into both of those categories. Besides, it was

peaceful with just the scattered handful of patrons around her.

“He gets the girl in the end, you know,” Dash whispered in her ear as he came up

in the row of seats behind her.

India’s popcorn flew up in the air as she jerked up in surprise.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Even if there was not enough light to see him

clearly India would recognized Dash Lombard if she was blindfolded and had her ears

stuffed with cotton wool. She brushed the popcorn from her lap and looked at him. She

had gone to the late-night session of the movies to avoid him. Yet here he was, in her

face. He was the reason she had bought the extra-large, extra butter popcorn and giant

caramel milkshake. He was the reason she was not at home watching her fat intake.

Actually, when you looked at it like that, everything was his fault.

“You can’t hide from what you feel for me, India.” Dash picked a piece of popcorn

from her hair.

“I’m not hiding. I was very interested in this movie.”

“Oh yeah? What’s it called?” Dash grinned knowingly at her.

“Um…” What was it called? And how could she concentrate with his breath warm

on her neck, knowing how his breath also felt on other parts of her body? She gulped

loud enough for them both to hear.

India looked down at the movie ticket stub on the seat beside her. “It’s called,” she

squinted to read the title in the dim light. Togetherness on the Railway Platform.

What the—? She had bought a ticket for that? At the time of purchase, her main aim

had been to avoid Dash, so choosing a movie wisely had not been foremost in her mind.

“Oh crap, it has subtitles,” India muttered to herself. She had been watching this for the

last ten minutes without realizing it. She hated subtitled movies as she needed her

glasses to read them properly.


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“It certainly sounds riveting, darlin’.” Dash jumped nimbly over the seat to sit

beside her.

“It is.”

“Pretty desperate move, India, to hang out with the lonely and displaced.” Dash

eyed the scattered patrons significantly.

“I’m not desperate,” India hissed at him in annoyance. She hated it when people

could read her so easily.

“Shush.” The peeved voice of an audience member cut through the quiet.

“Oh, you shush,” she snapped back at someone who had every right to be pissed

off with her for making noise. But it was easier to be mad at them than confront her

fears with Dash.

“So what’s the story, darlin’?”

“I just wanted some entertainment.” That sounded pathetic even to her.

Dash chuckled in at her words.

“I can provide you with all the entertainment you need.”

Oh boy, could he ever. India’s thighs sweated just thinking about it.

“Okay then, I needed a break.” She hated explaining herself to anyone.

“From me?” Dash’s slid his arm round her shoulders, pulling her in close to him.

“Yes.” Oh yeah, that felt good.

“You’re a chicken, Blake.”

“Yep, that’s me.” Why bother denying it. They both knew it was the truth.

“Shush,” hissed an unknown man.

“Oh, piss off and go somewhere else, mate.” India was not about to put up with

aggro from anyone.

“You are so tense, darlin’.”

“You make me tense, teacher-man.”


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Dashed leaned in close to her, their lips inches apart.

“I make you hot.” He pulled up the armrest between them.

“What are you doing?” His body met hers and all the reasons she wanted him gone

from her life seemed not worth worrying about.

“This is what people do in the movies, darlin’. They cuddle up.” His other hand slid

under her skirt.

“Do you have to do that?” Even as she said the words her thighs dropped open at

his touch.

“Yeah, I do.” Dash grinned at her boyishly. “Hmm, no panties. You learn well or

were you hoping I would find you?”

“Don’t be insane. And get your fingers out of there.” She tried to close her legs but

his questing hand made it impossible.

“You don’t want me to stop.” Dash’s fingers found her clit.

India moaned softly as he massaged the nub.

“Teacher-man, there are other people here.” Not that she particularly cared what

they thought. Morally it was wrong to fuck blindly in a theater. However, physically

and spiritually it would feel damn good.

“It’s dark.” Dash’s other hand moved from her shoulders to her breasts.

“It’s not that dark.” India slapped at the hand that was expertly flicking the buttons

on her blouse open one-handed.

“I need to be inside you, India.”

“What? Here?” She tried to sound appalled but she failed miserably. All she could

think of was flesh, heat and need. “We can’t.” Can we?

“Why not?” His fingers left her clit and plunged into her core.

“Dash, please,” India groaned helplessly as he filled her.

“You are so sweetly wet for me.” He picked up her hand and put it on the front of

his jeans. “I really need to fuck you, darlin’, and I know you have the same need.”


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“Not here.” Yet her hormones screamed Why the hell not?

“Here is perfect.” Dash got out of the seat and dropped to his knees in between her

parted legs. He pulled her hips forward as he flicked up her skirt.

India’s eyes widened in shock as she realized exactly what he was going to do.

“No, Dash.”

“Yes, India.” Dash buried his face in her pussy and sucked down hard on her clit.

India squeaked out a shrill shriek as she clutched at his shoulders. She slumped

down in her chair and spread her legs either side of him.

“Oh, Dash,” she whimpered as he tortured her with his lips. Once during a dry

spell in her love life, she had foolishly thought chocolate to be better than sex. As if. Sex

had the infinite advantage of no calories.

“Do want me to stop?” Dash asked as he licked her inner thigh.

“No…” she choked the word out. She did not want to think or speak. She only

wanted to feel.

“Do you care what other people think of you with your legs spread wide as your

younger lover licks your pussy?”

“Fuck, no.” What people? There was no one but her and Dash in the world at that


“Good girl.” Dash licked the cleft between her legs in long savoring licks.

India panted and squirmed. She could not care less who saw them at that moment.

“Put your fingers inside that honey pot of yours, darlin’,” urged Dash in between


“But I want to come with you.” Getting there by her own means wasn’t the same.

“And you will.” His eyes met hers. “But you know I like to watch you touch


India looked around her at the dark shapes of people. The theater was suddenly

very quiet but for but the unintelligible chatter on the screen. She did not believe for one


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second that the other patrons were not aware of what was going on. Were they

watching her in the semi-darkness? The thought that they were made her even hotter.

She pushed her fingers between her legs and into her vagina.

“That’s it, darlin’. Move them in and out nice and slow. I want you to imagine how

good it will feel when I am inside you.” Dash leaned forward and started licking

around her hand.

India whimpered. She was completely on the edge of losing all control and she did

not care. She thrust her fingers harder in and out.

“Nuh-huh, you are not to come under your own hand.” Dash’s voice was most

insistent on this point.

“But I want to.” Relieving that itchy feeling was her main focus at that moment.

“No.” Dash pulled her fingers out and replaced them with his tongue.

India screamed. There was no shushing now, only the sound of heavy breathing,

the rustling of clothing and the metallic zing of zippers being undone. She knew she

should be horrified but horror was not on the top of her list of feelings. She just wanted

to come and Dash’s tongue would do it. India started to squirm wildly, grinding her

pelvis into his face.

“Not yet, darlin’.” Dash withdrew from between her legs and took her hand. “On

you knees now.”

Was there enough room between the chairs? Did she care? Um, no. As long as she

was with Dash that was all she wanted.

No longer worried about what others thought, India dropped to her knees and

allowed Dash to maneuver her so she was looking at the screen and he was behind her.

It was then she saw the man and woman two rows in front of her watching them. The

man was fondling the woman’s naked breasts as he looked at India’s bare nipples.

“You are making everyone hot and horny.”

She knew it was crazy but it gave India a wild sort of feeling of power.


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“I want you to fuck me in the ass, teacher-man.”

“You want a man younger than you to take you from behind with everyone

watching you?” Dash unzipped his trousers. His cock sprang out and prodded her in

the ass.

“Yes, I want you now.” Age was not relevant. Only need was and India needed

Dash like oxygen. She spread her legs wide and clutched the back of the chair before

her. There was something sticking to her left knee but she did not care. Only one thing

concerned her.

“Will you scream for me when you come, darlin’?” Dash hurriedly pulled a

condom from his pocket and rolled it on.

“Yes.” That was guaranteed. She felt his fingers sliding into the tight puckered hole

and past the resistant muscle. “Oh yes.” This was what she needed.

Dash held his cock in his hand and slid it back and forward between her legs,

coating it in the slick wetness.

Being finger-fucked behind and the fast friction of his cock sliding back and forth

between her legs made her want to come then and there.

“Now, Dash.”

“Will you ever try to hide yourself from me again?” he whispered in her ear.

“No.” She was his.

“Do you care about the age difference?”

“No.” And it surprised her to hear the words from her own mouth. What did it

really matter when you had what she had with Dash?

“Good girl.” Dash removed his fingers and replaced it with the head of his shaft.

India shrieked loudly as he pushed past the tight ring of muscle and seated himself

tightly within.


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Her body stretched to accommodate the fullness. India knew this was so much

more than just a physical connection. She had a real, lasting bond with this man. She

had just been too stubborn and scared to accept it.

“Please move.” India needed the heat and the friction.

“Will you do anything for me to move?”

“Yes, anything.” Whatever Dash needed or desired he could have.

“So whatever I ask now or in the future after this you will do?” Dash hugged her

close to his body as he kissed her neck softly.

“Yes,” she hissed as she tried to hold on to what little patience she had. As far as

she was concerned he could fuck her in the middle of the Queen Street Mall in

downtown Brisbane and she would beg for more.

“Excellent.” Dash started thrusting back and forward in long, deep strokes. He

grabbed her breasts and teased the nipples.

“Oh man, do you see that?” choked out a strangled voice.

“Holy fuck,” gasped another in shock.

India looked at the couple in front. India could see the woman’s legs around the

man’s shoulders and she knew by the sound of heaving and panting that no one was

paying any attention to the film.

“Dash,” she whimpered as the intensity began to overwhelm her.

“Yes, darlin’?”

“I love you.”

“Thank you for saying it.” He turned her head and kissed her lingeringly. “You had

my heart the minute I saw you. Now let’s hear you scream this theater down.”


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“Take off your clothes.” India looked at the man before her. “I want to see how you

touch yourself.”

“Did you lock the door?” Dash asked as he looked from her to his office door.

“What do you care if someone sees you?”

“I care about no one but you,” Dash replied as he started to unbutton his shirt.

“Correct answer.” She licked her lips as his bare chest came into view. Yum. “Now

hurry up.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Dash hurriedly removed the rest of his clothes until he stood naked

before her. “I never tire of this game, darlin’.”

“Did I tell you to talk, teacher-man?” Even after twelve months of being together,

the thrill of Dash Lombard was still as fresh as it was the day she met him. She no

longer worried about the age difference as it was really no difference at all. The fact that

they loved each other exclusively was the important thing. “Show me what that cock of

yours is made of.” There was something about Dash pulling and caressing his penis

that made her wild with excitement. That firm, unyielding, pierced flesh fascinated her.

As India watched him tugging expertly on his shaft, she knew she was not going to last

long. Besides, she wanted to get in on the act as well. She owned that cock.

India watched as Dash dropped down on his knees before her in submission.

“What do you want?”

“I want to taste you,” he said as his hands reached out and slid up her legs.

“Should I let you?” Like she was going to stop a virile, naked man from tonguing

her clit.

“Please,” Dash entreated, his heart in his eyes.


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“I don’t know,” India looked at him thoughtfully as if trying to decide. She was so

wet with need she was surprised she hadn’t pushed Dash to the ground and pinned

him down as she rode him like a wild cowgirl.

“I’ll be good,” Dash insisted in a humble voice.

I bet you will be.

“Beg me, teacher-man.”

“I beg you, darlin’. Let me taste you.” He kissed her feet lingeringly.

“Oh, who am I kidding?” India muttered as she dropped down to the floor and into

his arms.

Dash chuckled at her actions.

“You know you are not good at being bossy and making me submit, India.” He

rolled her so she lay beneath him. “You give in too easily.” He flicked her skirt up and

smiled in satisfaction. “Mine.”

“I always was.”

“I love you, India Blake.” Dash’s words were spoken as a solemn as a pledge. “We

are unbreakable.”

Yes, they were. Whatever fears she had he had diminished with his deep love and

commitment to her.

“I adore you, Dashiel Lombard.” She kissed his lips hungrily. “So are you going to

taste me or what?”

“Actually I’m going to fuck the stuffing out of you.”

“Excellent,” India sighed happily.


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About the Author

Amarinda Jones believes anything is possible and sometimes just asking for the

impossible will surprise someone enough that they will give it to you. Writing is like

that. Put it out there and wait for a response. There is always the possibility you may

fall on your ass, but after all, that’s what cellulite is for. Amarinda believes in taking

chances, speaking her mind and aging disgracefully. Twenty years from now she plans

on being the neighborhood witch that all the kids are scared of. But then, everyone has

to have a hobby.

Amarinda welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at

Tell Us What You Think

We appreciate hearing reader opinions about our books. You can email us at

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Also by Amarinda Jones

Because I Can

Mad About Mirabelle

Maid for Death

Marlow’s Curse

Seducing Celestine

Shades of Gray

Thief of Mine

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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