Oh Yum! 14 Karen Erickson Too Tempting

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Too Tempting

ISBN 9781419916144
Too Tempting Copyright © 2008 Karen Erickson

Edited by Kelli Kwiatkowski.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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Karen Erickson

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Trademarks Acknowledgment

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademarked owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Discovery Channel: Discovery Communications Inc.

Ford F-150: Ford Motor Company

McDonald’s: McDonald’s Corporation

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Too Tempting

Chapter One

“Ooh, Caroline’s been holding out on us!” Shawna exclaimed as she approached the

window. “Lookee what I found out here.”

Michele hurried to stand next to her, gazing out the front window. “Holy shit! Who

is that?”

Caroline sighed, shaking her head. “He’s just the neighbor’s kid. He called me a

couple days ago, offered to mow my lawn. He used to a long time ago. I hate doing it so

I’m glad for the help.”

“Well, he can mow my lawn anytime. And that is no kid, Caroline. That is one fine-

ass hunk of man.” Michele clutched the curtain with tight fingers, blatantly spying on

Kevin Travers as he pushed his father’s lawn mower back and forth across Caroline’s


“Mowing lawns? How about trimming my bush?” Shawna laughed, nudging

Michele in the ribs, making her snicker. “He’s hot. How long have you been hiding your

lawn boy?”

“You guys, you’re making a big deal over nothing. It’s only Kevin. He’s been away

at college, just graduated and is back home for the summer, staying with his parents

before he starts some big-time corporate job out of the country.” Having only spoken to

him on the phone, Caroline hadn’t actually seen her neighbor yet. Curious now, she

approached the window to stand between her best friends.

And felt her heart drop somewhere in the vicinity of her toes.

Good Lord, her friends were right!

Wearing a pair of low-slung baggy shorts that hung precariously on his slim hips

and nothing else, he looked incredibly hot—and not from the summer sun. The muscles

in his arms bunched and flexed as he pushed the lawn mower, his tanned skin


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glistening with a fine sheen of sweat in the hot midday sun. Rubbing the back of his

hand across his forehead, he pushed the dark, curling hair away from his face with long

fingers and Caroline was filled with the urge to push it away for him. Run her hands all

over his muscular body, touch his chest…

Wait a minute—was that hair on his chest? On little Kevin Travers?

There was positively nothing “little” about Kevin. Though truthfully, there never

had been. Considering he’d been in his late teens when she’d moved into the

neighborhood, he’d always been tall. But when in the hell had he filled out like that,

become so…manly? And get so damn fine?

With a start, she realized she hadn’t really seen him since he’d left for college—four

long years. She knew he’d interned during the summers and though he’d come home

for the holidays she’d never had reason to see him.

“How old is your little lawn boy?” Shawna smirked.

“I don’t know, twenty-two, twenty-three?” Caroline shrugged, feigning

nonchalance. Inside though, she felt as if she were on fire.

On fire for her neighbor’s son. Who she’d known since he was seventeen and she

and the ex had moved in next door. Back then, she’d been a frazzled stay-at-home mom,

twenty pounds overweight after giving birth to two kids in two years. Her shitty ex had

never been home, always away on business trips, and Kevin had ambled over one day,

offering his lawn-mowing services for a cheap price. She’d happily taken him up on the


Kevin had trimmed her hedges and mowed her lawn for the next year. She’d

appreciated his help, especially when she’d finally kicked out her husband only months

after the move and had to do everything around the house herself.

“That’s not boy age, that’s man age,” Michele sighed. “Does he have a girlfriend? Is

someone lucky enough to get their hands on him?”

“His mom told me he broke up with his girlfriend when he graduated college. They

were going in separate directions, Shari said.” Caroline’s lips parted, her breathing


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accelerating as she watched him, his back to them now. The shift of his ass cheeks

beneath the baggy shorts, his broad shoulders and back, burnished skin stretched over

firm muscle and those two shallow dimples above his waistband—all of it made her

mouth go dry.

Ooh, and he has a tattoo. Just below his left armpit, on his side. Some sort of tribal

thingy or…something. Definitely sexy.

“Well, he’s going to be the star feature of my fantasy tonight when I get off.”

Shawna shook her head and moved away from the window, her hand pressed against

her ample chest.

“Shawna!” Caroline followed her, as did Michele. “You can’t be serious.”

“Hell yes I’m serious! Did you get a good look at him? My God!” Shawna fanned

her hand in front of her face. “Delicious. Invite us over every week for lawn-mowing

day, okay?”

“Yeah, seriously.” Michele smiled and hitched her purse onto her shoulder. “We

should get going, Shawna, so we can beat the traffic.”

“You guys have fun.” Caroline gave them each a hug, watching as they walked out

the front door. She giggled when she saw them blatantly ogling Kevin behind his back

as he continued to mow, oblivious.

Her friends had stopped by to hang out for a while before heading into the city.

She’d shipped her children out to her ex yesterday and she knew they thought she was

a little melancholy, which was true.

Of course, they had also tried one last time to convince her to go to a concert but she

wouldn’t budge. Shawna had somehow convinced Michele but Caroline knew that

wasn’t her scene. She was usually willing to go anywhere Shawna suggested since she

was the more adventurous one of the group, but anything with the words “Hell Goth”

in it couldn’t be good.

It was nice to hang out at home anyway, with a little peace and quiet now that the

kids were gone. For two months every summer, they spent time with their dad in


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Seattle. Yes, she missed Addison and Cole but she enjoyed the freedom of doing

whatever she wanted, only worrying about herself for a little while.

Her friends always encouraged her to find a boyfriend for the summer but it never

happened. She’d been divorced from Stan for almost five years and she’d slept with

exactly three guys during that time. Three.

And they hadn’t been very good. Her vibrator was way better than all three of those

losers put together.

Hmm…her vibrator. Another bonus in having the kids gone for the summer. She

could get off wherever and whenever she wanted.

Now that her friends had left, she locked the door and headed for the bedroom.

Grabbing her favorite rabbit vibrator from the bedside table drawer, she stretched out

across the bed. The whirl of the lawn mower in the distance brought her thoughts back

to Kevin and she shimmied out of her shorts and panties, flicking the vibrator on low.

Would he be good in bed or awkward? He probably had only a few years of

experience under his belt but considering his youth, he’d definitely be enthusiastic.

Hmm, when was the last time she’d had an enthusiastic, attentive man in her bed?

Even her ex had been lacking somewhat in the sex department and she’d married the

guy. Such a selfish bastard, he’d been all about the wham and the bam.

Banishing all thoughts of her ex from her brain, she concentrated on her new

fantasy. The head of the vibrator teased her folds and she imagined it was Kevin’s cock.

It would be big, thick and ready for action. He’d hover over her, gloriously naked, his

green eyes intense as they stared down at her.

Damn, her pussy grew wetter just thinking about him. Shawna was right—he was

the stuff of fantasies.

His hands would run all over her body, hips grinding against hers, cock touching

her folds in an oh-so delicious way. She’d spread her legs wider, inviting him in, eager

for him to explore, fill her, fuck her brains out.


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Closing her eyes, Caroline slid the thick vibrator inside her, gasping at the invasion.

Only it wasn’t a vibrator, it was Kevin’s cock, Kevin’s hand cupping her breast,

pinching her nipple.

Oooh, yeah. She flicked the vibe up a notch, activating the bunny so it tickled her clit.

No, not the bunny—Kevin’s sure fingers. Making her entire body tingle, causing

her pussy to flood with cream.

She was going to come and it had only been a few minutes. Usually she was just

warming up. Her legs stretched, muscles locking, toes curling and her belly clenched,

hanging on to the precipice of orgasm.

The image of Kevin above her, bare chest glistening with a faint sheen of sweat, his

body moving within her, was all it took. She came with a rush, her entire body

quivering with her climax, a little shout escaping her as she pumped the vibrator deep

inside her body.

Holy shit! She opened her eyes and blew out a shaky breath. Flicking the vibrator

off, she tossed it aside, resting her hand on her still trembling belly.

Damn it—that had been too quick. She hadn’t been able to savor the fantasy of

being with Kevin long enough.

Guess she’d have to indulge all over again later tonight.

With a satisfied grin, she stretched her arms over her head, her body filled with the

keen sense of satiation only an orgasm could provide. It was fun to think of Kevin this

way. It felt so naughty, so forbidden.

Though she knew he would never, ever be interested in her. She was the middle-

aged mom who lived next door. The lady whose lawn he mowed a long time ago, no

biggie. She certainly wasn’t a young, wanton sex goddess with perfect skin and an

unlined face.

No, she was a thirty-five-year-old mom of two—a teacher, for God’s sake. Didn’t

lead a particularly glamorous life, was on various school committees and carpooled.


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She made cupcakes for the soccer team bake sale. She was such a suburban mom, it was

downright cliché.

The sudden rap on her back door startled her, making her sit up with a jerk. Who

the hell could that be? She glanced around, saw her crumpled panties and shorts lying

at the foot of the bed and quickly slipped them on.

Shit, it had to be Kevin! What could he want?

Caroline hurried to the kitchen and saw Kevin through the French doors, standing

on her back porch. Turning the lock, she opened the door, trying to keep her eyes

focused on his face.

She didn’t want him to notice her checking him out. Having Kevin in front of her

wearing those shorts and nothing else short-circuited her already fried brain. Her

traitorous eyes wandered over his chest, tanned skin stretched over hard muscles,

catching a glimpse of his mysterious tattoo. She noted the curling dark hairs between

his pecs, the faint line continuing down, bisecting his flat stomach and going beyond his


She yearned to follow that trail of hair with her hands and mouth and see where it


A big, happy surprise, she could only hope.

“Hey, Miz Howard.” His smile was a little lopsided and so damn cute. He smelled

of sweat and freshly cut grass, a heady combination for her overloaded senses.

“Please, I’m begging you, Kevin, call me Caroline.” She actually blushed and she

could feel the heat spread across her cheeks. Did she just say she was begging him? Now

that sounded downright sexual.

Right now, with him so close, everything seemed sexual. The smell of cut grass was

turning her on, for God’s sake!

“Okay, Caroline.” His smile grew and he pushed at his hair again, fingers running

through the wavy, dark strands. “I’m done.”


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“With what?” Her mind drew a complete blank.

“Your lawn?” He waved his hand behind him at the lawn mower sitting near the

patio. “I did the front and back yards like you asked. Need me to trim the hedges? I

noticed that bush in the front yard is starting to cover the window.”

Damn it, she couldn’t help herself. She giggled. Something she hadn’t done in the

presence of another man since she was oh, what? Eighteen?

Trim her bush. She wished.

“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to do that this week.” She sighed and leaned against

the door. “I appreciate you doing all this work, Kevin, especially since it’s so hot


“Ah, it’s cool. I was gonna jump in the pool anyway when I go home.”

The pool. How could she forget her neighbors had a pool? She could spy on that

pool perfectly from the window in her dining room. Wouldn’t it be great if Kevin

skinny dipped at night? Maybe she could get a peek at his naked ass or even better, see

exactly what he was packing.

God. She was thinking like a randy teenager! This man was her neighbor’s son, not

some boy toy for her to fuck at her whim. Not like she ever did that sort of thing, but

still. He wasn’t interested anyway. He couldn’t be.

“You want something to drink?” The words came out before she could stop them.

Sighing again, she opened the door wider for him as he strode into her kitchen as if he

belonged there.

“Yeah, that sounds great. A bottled water if you have it.”

“Coming right up.” Her voice came out a little squeaky and she hastily headed for

the refrigerator, opening the door. Maybe standing in front of it would cool her

overambitious libido.

She heard him approach and stop directly behind her and her knees went weak.

“Ah, that feels good.”


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Hell yes, it felt good! And he hadn’t even touched her.

Glancing over her shoulder, she realized he was talking about the cool air wafting

from the refrigerator. Of course.

Not like he’d be talking about her or anything.

Caroline grabbed a bottle of water and turned to hand it to him, her fingers

brushing against his when he took it. A tingle of awareness shot up her arm at his touch

and she swore he noticed it too. She noticed a flicker in his eyes, a telltale jerk of his


Maybe this did have possibilities…

No. No, it couldn’t.

“Thanks.” He twisted the lid and titled his head back, taking a long pull from the

bottle. His Adam’s apple bobbed with every swallow and her mouth wet dry, panties

went wet.

All from watching him drink.

“That hit the spot.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his free hand, inhaling

deep. He smiled at her again, his eyes dropping from her face to the vicinity of her

chest, lingering.

Glancing down, she noticed her hard nipples pointing through the thin fabric of her

lacy bra and pale pink tank top. A very old tank top she usually only wore to sleep in,

since the fabric was so thin.

Hell, if she’d been wearing the tank top and no bra like she usually did, he’d see the

color of her nipples, the fabric was so transparent.

The idea aroused her beyond measure and she shifted from one foot to the other.

“Well…thanks, Caroline.” His eyes lifted, met hers once more and she felt pinned

by his green gaze. Eyes she had noticed the first time she met him all those years ago,

they were so beautiful. They were a man’s eyes now, more intelligent. More intense.


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Fringed with thick, dark lashes, the color almost unnatural, they watched her, assessed


She couldn’t move, could barely breathe. Still couldn’t get over the sexy way he

said her name.

“You’re welcome,” she finally said when it seemed he was waiting for her to speak.

“Though I should probably be the one thanking you, since you mowed my lawn.”

Kevin shook his head, squeezing the near empty water bottle in his hand so hard

the plastic crunched. “Anytime.”

He walked out the still open back door, pulling it shut behind him. She watched

him through the window as he grabbed the mower and pushed it across her lawn,

heading toward the side gate that connected her yard to his.

When he was out of sight she slumped against the kitchen counter, the sound of her

heart’s rapid beat a dull roar in her ears.

Whoa, what was that? The tension between them had been so thick for a moment

she could almost see it, flashing between them like a living, breathing thing.

Weird, weird, weird.

And a little bit exciting. She’d never thought of Kevin Travers in a sexual manner

before today. Never, ever, ever had she thought of him that way. Of course, she hadn’t

seen Kevin in a long time and he’d changed. A lot.

Women probably swooned at his feet. He could have any woman he wanted. What

would he want with a thirty-five-year-old mom? Yeah, she’d lost the baby weight a few

years ago and could finally fit into those size-ten jeans that made her thighs look

skinny, but shit. He probably liked his women young, firm and gorgeous.

She wasn’t any of those things. She was Caroline the mom. Caroline the friend.

Caroline the nice next-door neighbor.

She couldn’t be Caroline the sex pot, a woman who lured younger men to her bed.

No way, no how.


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Chapter Two

His mother was a complete freak and was driving him crazy. Kevin had only been

home a week. He’d known it was a mistake the second he agreed to it, but living with

his parents for a couple months was a great way to save a load on rent before he started

his new job in China.

Kevin sighed as he flopped onto his bed and grabbed the remote control, turning on

the TV. He was feeling a bit freakish himself. His mind drifted to yesterday when he’d

seen his hot neighbor bent over, yanking weeds out of her flowerbeds a couple days

ago. Seeing her rounded ass barely covered by a ratty old pair of shorts, his dick had

become hard in an instant, catching him off guard.

Though he shouldn’t have been surprised—he’d always had a little thing for the

neighbor. Thank God she hadn’t caught him spying.

When she’d first moved into the house next door, Mrs. Howard had been the

consummate stay-at-home mom. A little chubby, a lot frantic with two toddlers always

hanging on her shirt hem, she’d always been so sweet. Treated him like a grown-up

when no one else would. Always so appreciative when he’d helped her out, she made

him feel like a man when he’d been nothing but a teenaged kid.

The way she’d looked at him this afternoon in her kitchen had him feeling like a

man too.

She’d looked at him the way a woman looks at a man with interest.

His cock jerked in his shorts, adrenaline running through his body at the thought of

attacking her on her spotless kitchen floor. Sucking on those beaded nipples he couldn’t

help but notice through her thin top. He broke out in a sweat all over again and it had

nothing to do with the heat outside.

Hell no. It was all about his neighbor. Caroline.


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Fuuuck, just thinking her name made his dick hard. He wondered what she would

do if he went over there right now, bent her over that overstuffed couch of hers and

fucked her brains out.

He had a feeling, judging from the look he’d seen in her eyes, she might like it.

Might even beg for more.

“Kevin!” His mother’s rapid knock on his bedroom door had his dick immediately

wilting. Rolling his eyes, he muted the TV.

“Yeah, Mom?”

“Dinner’s ready in ten minutes. Make sure you wash your hands!”

Jesus Christ, she treated him like he was ten years old. All of his buddies had

warned him it was a mistake moving back home. He thought it would be no big deal.

He’d be able to come and go as he pleased, hang out with his old friends, maybe bang a

couple chicks and eat like a king thanks to his mom’s good cooking.

Instead, his mom followed him around since she had nothing else to do, his dad

golfed all day and for whatever reason, his mom had gone health-conscious. Dinners

consisted of weird supposed-meat-but-really-tofu concoctions and brown everything.

Brown pasta, brown rice, brown bread…the works.

It all sucked. He’d already snuck down to his favorite burger joint a couple times

after dinner before meeting up with friends. If he wasn’t careful, he’d get fat before the

big China move.

Turning the TV off, Kevin sat up, glancing out the window that overlooked

Caroline Howard’s house. He’d done a good job on her yard today, if he did say so

himself. The perfect lines in the grass made his chest swell with pride. He’d had his

own mowing business when he was a teenager, and made a fat lot of money doing it

too. Lots of tips for his attentive work had paid off, allowing him to buy his first car on

his own.

It also turned into something that held his interest throughout college, though if he

confessed that to his parents—especially his father—they’d have a shit fit. What would


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they think of their son wanting to actually pursue a career in landscaping versus

becoming a world-class investment broker like they envisioned?

All thoughts of landscaping disappeared when he saw Caroline enter her bedroom.

He sat up straighter, watching as she went to the dresser and took off her earrings,

tossing them into a shallow dish.

Shit. He’d never realized he had a front-row seat into Caroline’s bedroom. He

wondered if she kept her blinds open all the time.

Hell, he hoped so.

He moved closer to his window, standing next to the frame and peeking out,

watching her. She was walking around her room, picking up clothes and tossing them

into a basket, folding something and setting it on top of her dresser.

Reaching underneath her shirt and around to her back, she unclasped her bra.

Aw yeah, now he was getting to the good stuff. His hard-on returned with a

vengeance as he watched Caroline tug the bra off through the arm of her tank top,

throwing it in the direction of the hamper but missing.

Thank God for suburbia and the homes built so close together. When she turned to

face the window, there was no mistaking the dusky color of her nipples showing

through the thin fabric of her tank. They were hard too, practically begging to be


His mouth watered. He wanted to be the one sucking them.

Her hands went to the waistband of her shorts and she shucked them in one yank,

panties and all, leaving them on the floor as she stepped out of them. She stood in the

middle of her bedroom practically naked, all pale skin and curves.

Fumbling with the zipper on his shorts, he jerked it down, drawing his hard cock

out. He palmed it, already so turned on he could barely see straight, watching as she lay

across her bed and reached into her nightstand, pulling out a bright pink dildo.


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Hot fucking damn! This was getting better by the second. Stroking himself, he

hardened more when he saw her flick on the vibrator, the head of it twirling around

and around.

Kevin had fooled around with a vibrator when having sex more than once. Had one

ex-girlfriend who’d used it on his cock and balls, which had felt amazing. He’d always

been up for an adventure in bed, pun intended.

Caroline pushed the rotating pink phallus into her cunt, her back arching a little off

the bed. His strokes coming faster, he watched as she thrust the vibrator in and out, her

head thrashing on the pillow, her free hand reaching up to pinch and tug on each


Pre-come sprouted out of the slit of his cock and he knew he was close. A tingle

started at the base of his spine, his balls drawing up tight against his body and when he

saw her maneuver that extension thingy on her vibrator to massage her clit, he was

ready to explode all over his hand—

“Kevin! Dinner!”

Fuck! The orgasm vanished in a flash at the sound of his mom’s shrill voice, his dick

shriveling in his hand like one of those rapidly dying flowers they show for special

effect on the fucking Discovery Channel. He gazed down at himself, disappointed that a

killer orgasm took off like a scared little girl because of his mom.

Looking through the window one last time, he caught Caroline thrashing about on

her bed, her mouth slack, legs trembling, her hand working the vibrator deep inside her

pussy as she came with abandon.

Grunting with frustration, he quickly tucked his cock back into his pants and

zipped up, pissed.

At least someone came. He wished it had been him. Preferably with her.

Caroline Howard.


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Maybe he should look for someone to take the edge off when he went out tonight. It

had been a long time since he’d picked up a random woman.

He grimaced, instantly nixing the idea. The idea of picking up a random chick at a

sleazy bar didn’t really appeal. There was a reason he hadn’t done it in a while. He

wasn’t interested in anonymous sex anymore. He wanted a relationship.

Of course, it was hard to establish one when he was staying at dear old Mom and

Dad’s. No woman would be interested if she thought he still lived at home. And

Caroline probably thought of him as a kid, since he had been the last time she saw him.

And he was moving out of the country, anyway. Why start something that would

end before it had a chance to begin?

Shit. Frustration mounted as he thought of being stuck jacking off in his room the

entire summer to thoughts of his sexy neighbor getting herself off.

Talk about unfulfilling.

* * * * *

Caroline sat on the front porch swing with a glass of wine in her hand, watching the

brilliant summer sun go down. A warm breeze wafted over her, causing her to tilt her

head back and breathe deeply.

It was a night for romance, for lovers. Even a night for families, and the thought

made her ache for her children, feeling lonely, a little bit sorry for herself. Maybe she

should’ve gone out with Shawna and Michele. The Hell Goth festival didn’t sound so

bad now.

A slam sounded in the distance and she watched Kevin bound down the steps of

his parents’ front porch, keys jingling in his hand. He looked especially handsome

tonight though he wore nothing different than the usual. Tight T-shirt that emphasized

every rippled muscle the man had and baggy jeans that hid things she wanted to check



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Just like that, her nipples grew hard at the sight of him. She could only imagine him

walking toward her, a sensuous smile curving his full lips, a seductive glow in those

green eyes before he attacked. Devoured her with his mouth, searched with those big

hands, thrust his cock into her eager pussy…

Her wineglass slipped from her hand and shattered on the concrete porch, the

sound seeming to reverberate throughout the entire neighborhood. Kevin glanced up,

their gazes colliding, and her cheeks reddened.

Damn it, he’d caught her. Luckily enough, the glass broke in big pieces rather than

a bunch of tiny shards and she bent over to pick the mess up.

“You all right, Miz Howard?”

She glared up at him as he stepped onto the porch, trying to be careful with the

glass in her hands. He’d turn her into a fumbling fool if she didn’t watch it. Ha, too late!

“What did I tell you to call me again, Kevin?”

“Oh yeah, sorry…Caroline.” He emphasized her name, leaning against a post. “Do

you need any help?”

“I got it all but thanks for asking.” She spotted an old paper shopping bag folded on

the ground near the door and set the glass on top, then wiped her hands. When she

turned around to face him again, she caught his gaze lingering a bit lower—as if maybe

he’d actually been checking out her ass.

A little shiver moved through her and she shook her head. This couldn’t really be

happening, could it? No. It was all one-sided, this attraction. She’d already had three

orgasms today, all while thinking of him.

“What are you up to tonight?” he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest, his

muscles rippling with the movement.

“Oh you know, the usual.” She waved her hand around, aiming for casual and

feeling anything but. “Hanging out by myself, drinking some wine. Probably having

too much wine, since I broke the glass, a sure sign I should stop.”


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Kevin chuckled, the sound making her warm inside. “You should come out with


Caroline’s mouth dropped open, floored by his suggestion. “Where are you going?”

“Meeting some friends for a couple beers.” There was that lopsided smile again,

doing funny things to her insides, setting her pussy all aflutter. “Come on, you know

you wanna go.”

“You don’t really want me to come with you, Kevin. I’m, well…old. And boring.

Besides, you’ll be with all your young friends. You don’t need your thirty-five-year-old

neighbor hanging around.” Her nose wrinkled and she laughed, trying to pretend this

was all a big joke.

Hell yes she wanted to go, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.

“You’re not old and you’re definitely not boring.” Kevin cocked his head, assessing

her with those eyes of his. If he kept looking at her like that she was bound to strip off

her clothes and beg him to take her right here, right now. “Say yes, Caroline.”

That sounded promising. Sexual. The sound of his deep voice, gone a little huskier

than normal, definitely made her want to say yes.

“I’m not dressed for it.” She glanced down at herself, clad in what she wore to bed.

A tank top and thin cotton pants with little pink flamingos scattered all over them was

definitely not bar-hopping clothes.

“I’ve got nothing but time. Go change, I’ll wait for you right here.” He sat down on

the porch swing, the wood creaking from his weight as he pushed off with his feet,

causing it to swing.

Watching him on her swing, she couldn’t help but smile. He spread his long arms

across the back of the bench seat, his legs spread wide as he continued to push off the

concrete, keeping the swing in motion. The epitome of the casual man without a care in

the world. It was so tempting to pretend this was something it really wasn’t.


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He smiled at her again, flicking his chin toward the front door. “Hurry up. The

beer’s waiting.”

Without hesitation she walked into the house and went straight for her bedroom

closet. Shit, she had nothing to wear. Nothing hot enough to make a young stud’s

eyeballs bug out of his head.

Classy or trashy, what should she go for? She had both options, she was

embarrassed enough to admit. Maybe the hot pink tank top Michele had given her for

Mother’s Day that said “M.I.L.F.” in rhinestones? Nah, that was way too obvious. Or

how about the white gauze peasant top with the tiny row of buttons down the front?

Yeah, that would work. Covered her, yet was a little see through, somewhat sexy.

Yanking the top off the hanger, she tossed it on the bed, grabbed her favored thigh-

slimming jeans and changed her clothes. Her fingers actually shook as she snapped the

jeans closed, her belly trembling with a healthy dose of nerves and anticipation mixed

with a little bit of excitement.

Gazing at herself in the mirror over her dresser, she slapped her hands to her

cheeks. She was acting like a teenage schoolgirl getting ready for her first date!

It was a casual beer with a friend—nothing more.

Damn, she didn’t know how she was going to survive this.

He opened the door for her when they went to his truck, his hand resting briefly at

the small of her back before she climbed in, making her shiver. At least his mama taught

him some manners.

God, the last thing she wanted to do was think about Shari Travers. She felt almost

guilty for having such lusty thoughts about her acquaintance’s son.

Climbing into his Ford F-150 truck, he started the engine, flashing her a quick smile

and making her heart trip over itself. One of the newer models, the truck seemed small

with him in it, taking up so much room. His arm rested on the center console, nudging

against hers as he turned to look over his shoulder. Tilting her face toward him, she

couldn’t help but watch, fascinated with his every moment.


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He backed out of the driveway, his face so close to hers that for a brief moment she

wanted to touch him. Brush her fingers across his jaw and test the faint growth of

stubble she saw there, maybe touch his lips. Such finely sculpted lips. She didn’t miss

the subtle glide of his tongue along the lower one and the sight made her want to melt

right there in the passenger seat of his truck into a liquid, gooey mess.

If he only knew the thoughts running through her head, he’d probably laugh

hysterically and tell his buddies about the crazy, randy neighbor lady. And boy was

that thought certainly humbling.

Clutching her hands in her lap, she gazed out the window as he drove through the

neighborhood, trying desperately to look at anything but him. It was so hard, though,

resisting the urge. His presence seemed to reach out to her, drawing her in, and it didn’t

help that she could smell him. Spicy, clean and masculine, though nothing beat the way

he smelled when he mowed her lawn. All masculine sweat and fresh cut grass—it was

an odd aphrodisiac to her senses.

Get real! Focus! “So where are we going?”

“The Rusty Nail. They’ve got cheap beer.” He shrugged. “My friends like cheap


“Cheap beer is good. I haven’t been to the Nail in forever.” Last she remembered,

the place was a bit of a meat market. She was sure it hadn’t changed. “Won’t I ruin your

game or whatever?”

“Huh?” He shot her a side glance, his dark brows furrowed in amusement.

“You know, picking up girls. Won’t they think you’ve got your mom with you?”

Kevin laughed, a rich, full-bodied sound that filled the cab of his truck. “You’ve got

to be kidding. You don’t look anything like my mom.”

“Well, whatever…but I don’t think I’d make a good wingman.”

“I don’t need a wingman. I’m not going to the Rusty Nail to pick up women. I’m

going there to have a beer with my friends and you.”


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Now that shocked her. “Oh.”

“I’d like to get to know you better.” They came to a stoplight and he turned to face

her, his intense green gaze seeming to look right through her. “I’ve always been curious

about you.”

His words rendered her silent for a moment, surprise coursing through her. “What

do you mean?” His words confused her but not in an unpleasant way. No, more like a

maybe all my fantasies will come to life kind of way.

“I like you, Caroline.” The light changed to green and he gunned the truck a little

too forcefully, a sheepish expression crossing his face. “I always have. I want to get to

know you better.”

“Oh, well…that’s nice,” she said, immediately wanting to smack herself on the

forehead. She sounded like a sweet little mother, or worse, a pleasant teacher fending

off a student crush.

Funny, since she was both those things.

“In more ways than one,” he tacked on, his eyes never leaving the road though his

jaw grew taut, his entire body tense.

Now what did he mean by that?


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Chapter Three

The bar was crowded for a Thursday night, the scent of smoke mingled with too

much cologne filling the air. Kevin glanced about the crowded room looking for his

friends but didn’t spot them anywhere.

Not that it really mattered. He preferred the idea of spending the next few hours

alone with Caroline. Something he thought would never happen in his lifetime. Now

that the opportunity had presented itself, he wanted to take advantage of it.

Asking her to go with him in the first place had been a spontaneous risk, one she’d

surprisingly taken him up on. Yeah, he’d asked her to go out for a beer, but what he’d

really wanted to do was usher her back into her house, attack her against the door. Kiss

her, strip her, fuck her until neither of them couldn’t see straight.

Shit, he was going to give himself a boner in the middle of the bar. Classy.

“Do you see your buddies?” Caroline yelled the question up at him, trying to be

heard over the din.

Pretending he hadn’t heard her, he leaned down, his mouth hovering above her ear.

Her sweet scent wafted toward him, soft wisps of hair touching his face. Closing his

eyes for the briefest moment, he breathed deep, savoring her. “What did you say?”

Her small hand clasped his forearm, fingers burning into his skin as she stood on

tiptoes and spoke directly into his ear. Was it his imagination or did her lips actually

brush against his earlobe? “Do you see your buddies in here?”

Shaking his head, he stood up straight and smiled down at her. “No. Maybe we

should sit at the bar and wait for them.”

“Sounds good.”


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Caroline walked toward the bar and Kevin followed closely, sneaking his hand to

the small of her back, any excuse to touch her. The luscious curve of her jean-covered

ass was below his hand and he was so tempted to let his fingers slip, test the plump

fullness. Just once…

“Ooh, seats.” She made a beeline straight for a pair of recently vacated barstools

and he sat down next to her, their bodies extra close due to the crowd.

He wasn’t complaining.

“It’s packed but I’m not surprised. I saw a sign advertising buy-one-get-one.”

Caroline waved her hand in the bartender’s direction.

“Oh yeah?” No wonder the place was nuts. He was surprised there wasn’t a line

outside. The bar already looked filled to capacity.

She smiled flirtatiously at the bartender and chatted him up for a few minutes

before ordering two beers. Kevin smiled and watched in admiration. He liked how

confident she was, how sure of herself she seemed. It was an incredible turn-on.

Who was he kidding? Everything the woman did was an incredible turn-on.

Feeling his cell phone vibrate in his front jeans pocket, he pulled it out and

answered. “Hey, where are you guys?”

“We’ve been circling the front for the last five minutes. There’s nowhere to park

and the line is forever long,” his friend Dustin replied.

“No shit? We just got here and there wasn’t a line when we walked in.” Kevin

glanced around and saw that the bar was indeed even fuller than it had been moments

ago. Amazing.

“Yeah, well it’s bad now. I think we’re gonna pass.” Dustin paused. “What do you

mean ‘we’? Who’s with you?”

“Caroline. My neighbor,” Kevin said, turning away from her slightly.

“No fucking way! The one you told me about? The hottie?”


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“Yeah, that’s the one.” Glancing over his shoulder, he caught Caroline watching

him, a glimmer of heat in her eyes, her sexy pink lips pursed in a delicious pout. She

faced the bar quickly when he caught her and hope rose within him—along with his


He had been hoping to get laid. He wanted Caroline to be the woman beneath him.

The look in her eyes said she was in the mood too.

“I’ll let you go then, man. Fill us in on the dirty details later.”

Kevin snorted and hung up, slipping the phone back into his pocket and scooting

his barstool closer to the counter—and to Caroline.

“One of your friends?” She turned to look at him, a little smile curving her luscious


“Yeah.” He took a sip of the beer the bartender had placed in front of him, trying to

ignore the way his cock twitched at the first glimpse of her smile. “They aren’t coming.

He said it was packed outside, there’s a line and everything.”

“That’s too bad.”

Funny how she didn’t look like she meant it. He felt exactly the same way.

“I think we’ll have a better time without them.” He wanted her to get the hint that

this wasn’t about two friends hanging out in a bar.

No, this was about him seducing her so he could fuck her all night long.

Caroline’s startled gaze met his and he knew he’d surprised her. “Are you trying to

flatter me?”

“Will I get inside your pants if I do?” He waggled his brows at her comically, took

another sip of beer.

What the fuck? He sounded like a complete asshole. If she reached out and slapped

him, he wouldn’t be surprised.

She blushed prettily and stared hard at the counter, her fingers clutching her bottle

of beer tightly. “Oh, stop with the jokes.”


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“I’m not joking.” This time his expression was dead serious.

“You know what I mean. I’m a lot older than you.”

“That doesn’t bother me in the least.” He couldn’t care less how old Caroline was,

though when she’d mentioned her age earlier, it had startled him. He’d always thought

she was younger.

But he didn’t care. He still wanted her.

“Easy for you to say, you’re young.”

“So are you.” He leaned close, nudging her with his shoulder—and damn if his skin

didn’t tingle at the contact.

He had it bad, bad, bad.

With a sigh, she turned toward him, her beautiful face taut and her eyes serious.

“Exactly how old are you anyway, Kevin?”

“Twenty-three.” Why did he suddenly feel embarrassed by that? There was nothing

wrong with his age. He was intelligent, capable and mature. Hell, he’d landed a

prestigious job almost two hundred other professionals had vied for.

Problem was—he didn’t want the job. He’d taken it to make his father proud.

She laughed, sounding a bit hysterical. “Oh my God. I’m twelve years older than

you! This so cannot happen.”

Kevin shook himself from his thoughts. He didn’t want to worry about his job now.

“Why not?”

“What would your mom think?”

He grimaced. His mom didn’t seem to approve of anything he did. “What she

thinks doesn’t matter. I’m a grown man, Caroline. I can do what I choose.”

“What is it exactly that you want, Kevin?”

Nothing sounded better than his name dropping from her lips. Her sweet voice, the

almost desperate thread in it, tempted him to yank her into his arms and hold her close.


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Feel her surrender against him completely, admitting with her body that she wanted

him as badly as he wanted her.

“You.” His gaze didn’t waver from hers and he saw the subtle darkening of her

eyes, the way her lips trembled the slightest bit before she drew them into a straight


Caroline released a shaky sigh, clearly frustrated…and maybe a bit needy. Good. He

felt the same way.

“No you don’t.”

God, her eyes were beautiful, such a unique color, dark blue and stormy. She was

beautiful. All that thick, long hair—dark and wavy with loose curls that tumbled down

her back—the creamy smooth skin that begged to be touched and her curvy little body.

All of it. Everything about her made him crazy with need.

“Yes, I do,” he finally replied.

He was sick of pretending to want things that really held no interest for him. He’d

been playing by his father’s rules his entire life. He’d played by the rules of his last

girlfriend, who’d always preferred him just so. She’d often said precisely that. “I need

you to behave just so.” It had driven him fucking nuts.

Tonight was all about him and his needs, what he wanted. And more than anything

he wanted Caroline beneath him, naked and squirming and begging him to fuck her


Yes, that sounded perfect.

Her lips parted and her pulse kicked up a notch. He saw the subtle flutter of it at

the base of her throat. “We probably shouldn’t indulge in—each other.”

Ah shit, her choice of words were going to make him harder than stone. He smiled

slightly. “Who says?”

“Me. That’s who says.”


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“Well, maybe we shouldn’t indulge in each other—but I want to nonetheless.”

Reaching out, he grabbed her hand, marveling at how small and soft it was clasped in

his own. Trembling fingers curled around his, her palm hot, burning his skin. He

wondered if she burned all over.

He knew he sure as hell burned all over. So much that steam was probably rising off

his skin.

Her thumb brushed against the back of his palm, the tiny gesture like a direct stroke

to his dick. He was immediately hard, desperate for her.

“Listen, Kevin, I’m flattered, but we shouldn’t even be discussing this, let alone

contemplating doing it.”

“All I think about is doing it. With you.” His voice had dropped about five octaves

and he cleared his throat. The woman was driving him wild and he couldn’t help but

notice the little flare of heat in her eyes that appeared every time she looked at him. He

especially liked the way her hand felt in his, a perfect fit.

He had a feeling their bodies would be a perfect fit too.

“Do you really?” Her voice squeaked.

“Oh yeah.” Kevin brought her hand to his mouth, pressing the lightest kiss to the

back. Her hand was soft and fragrant and he was tempted to lick her, nibble on her

fingers. They trembled in his grasp. He heard the faint gasp and he wondered if he was

coming on too strong. He decided to ease back a bit.

“I think we should finish our cheap beer and get out of here.” He leaned closer to

her and let his chin brush against the top of her shoulder before he spoke next to her

ear. “And then I need to grab something to eat. I’m starving.”

“Didn’t you eat dinner?”

“Have you eaten at my parents’ house lately? I think my mom is trying to kill us.”

He shook his head in disgust.


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Caroline laughed. “I forgot, Shari’s on a health kick ever since your father had his

near heart attack last year.”

“Yeah, it sucks. Everything tastes bland and it’s all so damn good for you. I’ve

snuck out for hamburgers at least three times since I got back.” He smiled, slightly

embarrassed to admit that. He really needed to cut out the burger runs.

“Really? Where have you been going?”

“Pac Out. You can’t find anything else like it in the world.” It was by far the best

burger and fries he’d ever had.

“I haven’t been there in forever.” Her voice took on a dreamy quality and she

sighed, her fingers tightening around his. “Ever since I lost the weight a few years ago I

try to avoid places like that.”

“One night won’t kill you. Come on, what do you say?”

“I really shouldn’t.” She licked her lips and it took everything he had not to yank

her closer and kiss her lush mouth. Save it for later.

“Don’t deny me my one request.”

A delicate brow arched. “I have a feeling this won’t be your only request tonight.”

“Well, at least grant me this one and think on the rest. Trust me, I need to eat, build

up my strength.”

“You look plenty strong to me.” Her eyes wandered over him and he couldn’t help

but puff out his chest the slightest bit. She made him feel like a stud.

“I’ll buy you a milkshake.”

Caroline groaned, shaking her head. “You play dirty, Travers. Okay, fine, let’s go.”

He grinned and grabbed his beer, downing it as fast as he could. The night was

turning out better than he could have planned.

* * * * *


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“Oh, this is so good.” Caroline took another bite of her cheeseburger, the flavors

exploding on her tongue and making her groan in appreciation.

“Told ya.” Kevin sipped from his cup, shaking it to break up the thick milkshake.

“I can’t believe how busy they are.” She glanced about the parking lot, noting the

crowds. Pac Out was an old fashioned burger joint, where you parked and the

waitresses came to the car to take your order. The food was fresh and beyond delicious.

“Summertime. The kids are out of school and they stay open late for the bar crowds

too.” He shoved several fries in his mouth, an expression of pure ecstasy on his

handsome face.

If things were different, she would gladly fix him a meal. Make him smile in

appreciation when she served him a big, juicy steak. Then she’d grab his juicy steak and

have her wicked way with him all night long.

Giggling, she turned away from him, not wanting him to see the crazed expression

on her face. His juicy steak—where the hell was she coming up with this crap?

Lust. She was in serious lust with a guy she couldn’t have. Sure, he’d tried to

convince her otherwise back at the bar. She was surprised she hadn’t orgasmed the

second his lips made contact with her hand. But she’d resisted. She had to.

Though she couldn’t resist his invitation to Pac Out. If she couldn’t have man flesh

then she could at least have a nasty good burger, greasy fries and a fattening milkshake.

“It’s worth it, huh?”

His question startled her and she turned to face him. “What?”

Kevin nodded toward her hand, which still clutched the half-eaten hamburger.

“Coming here, eating all this greasy food. It’s worth it to indulge every once in a while.”

Caroline wondered if he was talking about more than greasy food. How she wished

she could indulge in him. Sitting so close in the cab of his truck, it was difficult to

contain herself. His muscular arms rippled with his every movement, his clean,


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masculine scent made her mouth water and every time he wrapped those sexy lips

around his straw and sucked—whew!

She wanted to fan herself, imagining those lips burning a trail over her body,

wrapped around her nipples…maybe wrapped around her clit. Why did she have the

feeling he would be an eager and attentive lover?

Hmm, because he’s young, with boundless energy and a cock that probably doesn’t stop. Not

like a man closer to my own age…

“It’s good but now I’ll feel guilty and need to work out for an extra hour at the gym

tomorrow,” she finally said, taking another small bite. She couldn’t resist.

“You said you never eat food like this anymore?”

“I really don’t, not even when I run the kids to McDonald’s or wherever. I never

want to go back to that old body of mine.” She meant it too. With a husband who hadn’t

paid her any attention, she’d drowned all her sorrows in food. Once she’d divorced

Stan, it had been easy to get into an exercise regimen, to eat right and feel good about

herself once again.

“You weren’t that bad,” he said, his gaze roaming over her, making her skin warm.

“And you’re a liar. I was chubby.” Just thinking about it made her set the burger

back in its basket. She shouldn’t be doing this.

Any of it.

“Oh no, don’t guilt out on me now. You gotta finish it.” Reaching toward her, his

fingers brushed against her thigh, making her shiver as he grabbed the burger from the

basket on her lap. He held the burger in front of her mouth, a threatening expression on

his face. “Eat.”

Caroline shook her head, smirking. “No. You can’t make me.”

Eat.” His tone dropped, becoming low and menacing and she giggled, though

with her mouth shut.


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“Will I have to shove it in?” He loomed over her, brows drawn together, green eyes

blazing, sexy as hell.

“You’d better not!”

Kevin took advantage of her open mouth and pushed the burger in, holding it

there. Unable to do anything else, she took a bite, chewing as he pulled it away from her

slowly and set it back into the basket.

“You want some fries with that?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

“No! No more. I really need to stop.” Grabbing her shake because she had nothing

else to drink, she sucked the thick, chocolatey goodness as best she could, breathing a

sigh of relief when she was finished. She set it in the cup holder in the center console.

“Wait, you have something right…” He rubbed his thumb against the corner of her

mouth and it caught on her lower lip, lingering there for a second too long to be

accidental. “There.”

Oh God, he’d touched her mouth. Just that light touch was enough to make her

insides twist. Releasing a shuddering breath, her gaze lifted and met his. He looked as

wrung out as she felt.

And then his mouth was exactly where she wanted it to be, pressed against her

own, his lips moist and oh-so soft. Her eyes slid closed when he nibbled on her bottom

lip, tugging and teasing, his lips nudging against hers, wanting her to yield—and so she

did. Her lips parted, allowing his tongue entry and it was tentative in its search,

becoming bolder with each swipe.

Kevin didn’t touch her anywhere else, just lips against lips, tongue sliding against

tongue. She heard a whimper and realized it came from her. She had no idea she could

sound so needy, so desperate for a man’s touch. What she would do to be able to crawl

onto his lap, straddle him, feel his thick cock brushing against her hot, wet core.

Then she remembered where they were and her eyes flew open, hands reaching to

push at the solid weight of his shoulders. His eyes opened too, green and glittering and


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staring directly into hers, making the breath whoosh out of her chest. She pulled away

from him, not sure what to say, what to do next.

He blinked, his breathing harsh in the small confines of the truck, his broad chest

rising and falling rapidly. How she wanted to soothe him, run her fingers through his

hair, smooth her hands over his body.

But she didn’t. She couldn’t.

“Ready to get out of here?” He grabbed his food basket and set it on the plastic tray

hanging from the edge of the window.

“Yes.” She handed him her basket and he tossed it on top of his, flashing the

vehicle’s lights to signal to the waitress they were done.

Kevin didn’t say a word, his jaw tense, lips pressed together as the waitress

hurriedly approached the truck. He handed her a few bills with a smile and she took the

tray from the window with a pleasant goodbye as he started the engine.

Tension radiated from his body as he drove and she wondered if he regretted what

happened between them.

She certainly did, but only because that one simple kiss made her yearn for more.

Her mind raced with possibilities. God, she’d be embarrassed to strip in front of

him, revealing her faded stretch marks from pregnancy, her sagging breasts, her belly.

Yeah, she looked all right clothed but once everything came off, hoo-boy. That’s when

reality set in.

Watching him from beneath lowered lashes, she knew he’d be tight, burnished skin

over firm muscle with not an ounce of flab in sight. She’d seen enough of him earlier

with just those shorts on, hanging so low she’d seen the waistband of his underwear.

That little trail of dark curling hair that stretched from his bellybutton and disappeared

behind his shorts…

Her body quivered and she wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her hands

up and down her chilled skin.


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One time wouldn’t hurt. Just get him out of your system, whisper to your friends you slept

with a twenty-three-year-old. It’ll inflate your ego, make you feel like a sex goddess for once.

“I don’t want to go home,” she suddenly said, determination strengthening her


“Where do you want to go?” He braked at a stop sign, tilting his head to look at her.

Breathing deeply, she scooted a little closer, reached across the seat and rested her

hand on top of his thigh. “Let’s go somewhere and park.”

“Are you serious?” Now he looked really confused. A car honked behind them and

he pressed his foot on the gas, moving through the intersection.

His thigh muscles were tight beneath her hand and she slid it up farther, not yet so

bold as to grab his crotch. “Yes. Let’s go somewhere and make out. Kiss. Whatever you

kids call it these days.” She winced at her choice of words. Great, now she was insulting

him. Damn nerves.

Kevin was quiet for so long she was afraid he was going to turn her down. She

lifted her hand, about to remove it—but his hand covered hers, holding it in place.

Fingers lacing through hers, he squeezed her hand. “If I kiss you again, I won’t be able

to stop.”

Caroline didn’t say a word, imagining him kissing her over and over, all night long.

“You wanna park? Let’s go park. I know the perfect place,” he said.


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Chapter Four

Hearing Caroline call him a “kid” didn’t sit well with Kevin. It made him feel like

he had something to prove. He may be younger than her but that didn’t mean he didn’t

know what the hell he was doing.

He planned on showing her a night she’d never forget.

They’d been driving for fifteen minutes in utter silence up the old highway that led

to the foothills above town. She’d removed her hand from his leg long ago, settling back

into her seat. Seat belt firmly in place, both hands resting in her lap, she stared out the

passenger window.

She hadn’t changed her mind though. He’d been afraid that maybe halfway up the

hill she’d balk, ask him to take her back home. But she didn’t.

Anticipation thrummed through his veins. The kiss he’d given her back at the

drive-in restaurant had been incredible, a taste of what was to come, he was sure.

But she’d just mentioned kissing. Was that all she really wanted to do? Hell, he

hoped not.

Finally, he found the dirt road he’d been looking for and turned left, hitting the

brakes so he could adjust the truck into four-wheel drive. She watched him shift and

turned to him with wide eyes.

“Where exactly are you taking us?”

“Just a little way up this hill. Trust me, it’s worth it.”

The ride was bumpy but doable and he couldn’t help but chuckle when he saw her

grip the door with white-knuckled intensity. Cresting the final hill to get to the top was

a bit hairy and she muttered a few choice words—but then he heard her sigh in

amazement when she saw what was spread out below.


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“Oh, this is gorgeous!”

The entire city was laid out before them like a sparkly blanket, the twinkling lights

looking like clusters of jewels below. The night sky above them mirrored the effect, with

scatters of white stars and a half moon.

He smiled as he watched her take in the scenery, those berry-red lips parting,

making him ache to kiss her. “You’ve never been up here before?”

“Never. I’m so glad you brought me here!” She paused, worrying her lower lip with

her teeth, her eyes narrowing. “Don’t tell me you’ve brought multitudes of women up


Kevin shrugged then shut off the engine and unbuckled his seat belt. “Maybe.”

Hell, he’d lost his virginity up here in the backseat of his mom’s car to Shelli

Stephenson—but he wasn’t about to confess that little tidbit. He’d nearly gotten his

mom’s car stuck on the road that night but it had been worth it.

Caroline socked him in the arm. “You so have, you player.”

“Well, you’re the only one I’ve got up here now, right?” He turned to look at her,

flipping the center console up and out of the way. She could only stare back, her eyes

widening, fingers working the lock on her seat belt until it came undone.

“Wow,” she breathed when he reached for her and hauled her close.

“Wow what?” He couldn’t stop staring at her. He noticed she had the faintest

sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her dark blue eyes were almost inky

black in the faint moonlight and her breasts plumped against his chest, making him


“The look you got in your eyes just now. It was rather intense.” She settled herself

against him, her hands on his chest, fingertips rubbing slightly.

He wouldn’t be able to concentrate if she kept touching him like that. “You mean

my horny look?”


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She laughed, clearly surprised. “Is that your horny look? I hate to see your

seductive look. I’m sure it might kill me.”

“They’re pretty much the same.” Banter was good, flirting was good, right? Keep it

light. Help her relax. And maybe he’d get more than a kiss…

Shit, he hoped so.

Reached down alongside the seat, he pulled up on a lever, sliding the seat back as

far as it would go.

“Come here.” He was too old for this business, fooling around in a vehicle, but he’d

take her where he could get her. He doubted she wanted to do this in the driveway of

his parents’ house and he doubted she would invite him into her home.

Kevin grabbed her hands, pulling her on top of him and sliding his arms around

her waist. Her knees straddled his hips, the knee closest to the door about ready to slip

off the seat. Adjusting herself, she grimaced, arching her upper body against his chest

and he closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. Fuck, he was ready to lose control.

“The steering wheel’s rubbing against my back. And not in the most pleasant way


He opened his eyes to find her face directly in front of his, her lips damp as if she’d

just licked them and her hot breath puffing against his mouth. Lids at half mast, wavy

hair tumbling around her face, she looked like she just woke up. Or she’d been

thoroughly fucked.

She was sexy as hell.

“We’re only going to do this one time.” Caroline’s face came closer to his, her voice

lowering, mouth nearly brushing against his when she spoke. “We can’t let this go any

further than tonight.”

“You don’t know that for sure.” No way would he indulge in this, in her, for only

one night.


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Tilting his head, he kissed her, mouth lingering, nose nudging against hers. He

could literally feel her melt in his arms, her mouth opening, tongue darting out to

tangle with his. He drank from her, his tongue doing a slow sweep within her mouth,

learning her unique flavor, savoring it.

He stretched out his legs with a groan, already feeling cramped in the front seat of

his truck. How the fuck had he managed this in the past in a car? It was so freaking


Reaching alongside the seat once more, he pulled another lever and the seat

dropped back, setting him nearly flat on his back and causing Caroline to gasp.

“Much better,” he said, his hands sliding to clutch at her slim waist. Nudging aside

the fabric, he reached beneath her shirt, touching her warm, smooth skin and a

strangled moan escaped him.

He felt the telltale brush of her hardened nipples against the front of her shirt, loved

the way she squirmed on top of him. The firm pressure of her folded legs on either side

of his hips, her crotch rubbing against his, made his cock surge against his fly.

He had to get inside of her soon.

Slim arms wrapped around his neck and she leaned forward, a soft sigh wafting

across his lips. He captured that sigh with his mouth, kissing her hard, his mouth

almost brutal in his urgency but she took it. A low groan escaped her as she returned

his kiss with equal fervor.

God, she was sweet, her teeth nipping at his lips playfully, fingers buried in the hair

at his nape. His hands wandered beneath her shirt, sliding over the smooth skin of her

stomach until they rested underneath her breasts.

The low murmur deep in her throat was all the encouragement he needed. His

fingers slipped up, the backs of his knuckles brushing against the lace of her bra, her

beaded nipples, and she shuddered, clutching him tighter.

He wanted to feel bare skin. His hands slipped around her and he attacked the

clasp of her bra, unhooking it. Their kisses become longer, slower, the sounds of their


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wet mouths reconnecting again and again loud in the quiet darkness. His hands moved

again to her front, pressing against her belly, sliding upward to tug at her loose bra and

expose her bare breasts to his hands.

“Oh God,” she moaned when he cupped her breasts, his fingers kneading the lush

flesh and she arched toward him so her chest was nearer his mouth.

“Your skin is so soft.” He wondered if she was this soft everywhere.

“Your hands are hot.” She glanced down, watching his hands move beneath her

shirt and she caught her lower lip between her teeth, her chest rising and falling


“You like to watch?” His hands curled around her full breasts, thumbs flickering

against her distended nipples. He knew he sure as hell liked to watch her.

“I imagined you touching me like this earlier.” Her eyelids fluttered when he

applied more pressure, his fingers coming together to pinch her nipples, making her


“You did?” Her words surprised him and his eyes met hers. She looked as shocked

as he was that she’d said them.

“Yes. In my kitchen when you came in the house,” she admitted sheepishly.

“Hmm, I did too. I thought about tossing you onto the kitchen floor and fucking

you right there.” Kevin tugged on her nipples, his mouth watering with the need to

suck them. “I wish I could see you.”

“Thank God you can’t,” she murmured before she kissed him.

He was so gorgeous. Caroline couldn’t believe this was really happening. Kevin

Travers’ big hands were caressing her breasts, his long fingers pinching her nipples, the

unmistakable length of an impressive erection brushing against her own melting hot



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It was like her biggest fantasy come to life. She needed to take advantage of it, enjoy

him as much as possible because the minute she walked through her front door, it was

over. The fantasy was done.

Have your way with him and then move on.

She could only hope it would be that easy.

His lips slid against hers, his tongue licking inside her mouth and her toes curled in

her sandals. The heat of his hands burned her skin as they wandered all over her,

tugging at the hem of her shirt in impatience.

“Take it off,” he whispered against her lips, his tongue tickling the corner of her


She did so, sitting up and tugging the shirt over her head, tossing it onto the

passenger seat. His fingers fumbling with her bra straps, sliding them off her arms, and

the scrap of lace landed on top of her shirt.

“Ah God, you’re beautiful. I want to see you better.” His hands worshipped her

flesh, fingers so gentle in their searching and she shook her head, her breath coming in

harsh spurts.

“If you turn on a light I’ll kill you.”

“If you don’t touch me soon I’ll explode.”

Leaning forward, she gripped his shoulders, ran her hands down his arms, fingers

gliding over every dip and valley of corded muscle. He was so strong. His body exuded

strength even as he lay sprawled out and trapped beneath her.

“Lift your arms,” she said, her hands running up the sensitive skin as he did so. He

shivered beneath her touch, his mouth latching onto a nipple as she grasped his wrists

and moaned.

His mouth was so warm, so wet, and he suckled her, his tongue swirling around

the hard tip. Her fingers clasped around his thick wrists, trying to hold him there, her

body arching into his mouth as he turned to lave her neglected nipple.


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A surge of moisture spread between her thighs and she knew surely her jeans were

soaked with her own juices. He lifted his hips, his erection brushing against her,

tempting her beyond reason and she let go of his wrists.

His hands immediately went to the snap of her jeans, undoing it, the zipper sliding

down almost unbearably loudly in the close confines of the truck cab. Her eyes opened

and she sat up slightly to watch, speechless, as his hand snuck beneath her jeans, fingers

teasing at the wet cotton of her panties.

Intense green eyes met hers, trapping her, his fingers working over the waistband

of her panties, diving in to touch bare skin and damp curls.

“So wet,” he murmured, his fingers moving deeper, brushing against her clit.

Caroline sucked in a breath. She wanted to get naked, wanted him to fill her. First

with his fingers then with his cock.

He shoved at her jeans and panties and she maneuvered and squirmed awkwardly

to push the offending garments down her hips, her thighs, over her knees until they

sagged around her ankles. Sitting up, Caroline straddled him once more. She was

practically naked and he was fully clothed—and she realized that turned her on more.

“Reach around to my back pocket, there’s a condom in my wallet,” he instructed,

his fingers sliding over her slit, teasing at her entry.

With shaking fingers she groped his firm ass, slipping her hand into his back pocket

and pulling out his wallet. She handed it to him and he yanked the tiny foil package

out, tearing into it with eagerness.

She felt as eager as he appeared. Her heart raced her in chest, her belly trembling

with anticipation. He opened his fly and spread the denim wide. Placing her hand on

his, she moved it out of the way, caressing his cotton-covered erection with gentle

fingers, making him arch against her hand.

Reaching within, her hand grasped his thick cock, pulling it out and exposing it to

the night air. It arced slightly, a pearly drop of pre-come filling the tiny slit and she


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licked her lips. Waggling her fingers at him, he gave her the condom and she sheathed

him with slow, teasing touches, making him groan.

Then she was moving over him, the mushroom-shaped head of his cock broaching

her entry and she moaned, tossing her head back, savoring the sensation. His big hands

gripped her hips, guiding her over his shaft and she sank down, gasping when he filled

her completely.

So thick, so long, so much better than her stupid vibrator. She shifted, felt him settle

deeper and they both groaned.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” he said through gritted teeth, adjusting himself.

“You’re huge!” Her eyes opened and she watched him, saw the tension grip his

handsome face, felt his fingers flexing on her hips.

Resting her hands on his shoulders, she began to ride him, keeping it slow,

relishing the slick in and out motion. Even in the cramped confines of his truck it was

good, better than any fantasy she could come up with.

Their harsh pants filled the cab, condensation forming on the windows from the

heat of their bodies and the musky scent of sex surrounded them. Kevin pulled her

forward and rained kisses across her breasts, his tongue licking, teeth nibbling, and she

sank a hand into his hair, holding him to her.

Ah God, she was going to come and she didn’t want to. Not yet anyway. She

wanted to make this last, especially because she promised herself it was never going to

happen again. She gazed down at him and he tilted his head back at the same time, his

eyes meeting hers, his thrusts within her body becoming more urgent.

“I’m close, Caroline. I won’t last much longer.”

She kissed him hungrily, teeth clashing, tongues twisting. Thankful for his honesty,

she moved faster, hips grinding, her clit bumping against his pubic bone with every

down stroke, her orgasm rushing up…


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And then she tumbled headfirst into her climax, her entire body trembling, her

pussy clenching around his throbbing cock. Giving one final push, he came as well, his

hands cutting into her hips painfully, his throbbing cock giving her the single most

powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced in her life. He grunted her name, his mouth

still devouring hers and she nipped at his lips with her teeth.

Then slowly, as their heart rates returned to normal and his mouth moved away

from hers to skitter across her skin, fear clutched at her heart.

Fear that Kevin Travers could prove to be very addictive.


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Chapter Five

Caroline grabbed the ringing cordless phone, reading the number on the caller ID

with her heart in her throat.

The next-door neighbors’ number appeared in bold print, the shrill ringing taunting


God, what if it was Kevin? What would she say to him? She hadn’t spoken to him

in seven days—not since last Friday, when he’d fucked her to oblivion in his truck.

Deciding to hell with it, she answered the phone on the fourth ring, relief coursing

through her veins when she heard Shari’s voice on the other end.

“We haven’t seen much of you lately, Caroline. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, Shari, though I appreciate the concern. Just busy.” Yeah, busy hiding out

from your hot son so I won’t be tempted to throw myself at him and beg him to take me in every

way possible.

“Well, Larry and I were hoping you weren’t going to miss our annual Fourth of July

barbeque. It’ll be the usual party but this year I’ll feature some of my healthier dishes

along with the typical barbeque fare. I wanted to make it completely health-conscious

but Kevin wouldn’t allow it.” Shari chuckled and Caroline did too, though her mind


Wandered to memories of Kevin taking her out for hamburgers and complaining

about his mother’s cooking. That incredible kiss he gave her in the middle of the Pac

Out parking lot…

A shiver ran up her spine and she realized Shari was still talking.

“He’s such a sweetheart and your type too, I think. I was telling Larry what a

perfect match I thought you two would make.”


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“Perfect match? Who are you talking about, me and Kevin?” Heart racing, she

wondered if somehow Shari had found out. Did Kevin tell her?

“Oh my God, no! Where in the world did you get that idea?”

Wow, way to insult me, lady. “I guess I misunderstood you. Who are you talking

about that’s my perfect match?”

“A golf buddy of Larry’s, his name is Aaron. He’s divorced like you, has two

children like you too, though they’re both boys. And don’t ever let Larry know this but

I think he’s very cute.” Shari actually giggled after her confession.

“How old is he?” Now that she’d had someone younger she didn’t want to get set

up with some old fart.

Youth definitely had its advantages.

“I don’t know, early forties maybe? He’s very handsome, very charming and so

funny! What do you think?”

“Sure, you can introduce me, there’s no harm in that.” But she wouldn’t make any

commitments. Next thing she knew, Shari would have them on a double date or


The thought of double dating with Kevin’s parents made her shudder, and not with


“Wonderful! I’m so glad you’re coming, Caroline. Our parties wouldn’t be the same

without you.”

Caroline rang off with promises to bring some sort of sugar-free dessert and set the

phone on the counter with a sigh, wishing she didn’t have to go to the damn party.

What if Kevin brought a date? Some hot, young babe with big boobs and a tight ass?

Just the idea of him with another woman filled her with jealousy.

She had no right to feel that way. He wasn’t hers. She’d made her intentions clear

from the very beginning. One night, she’d told him. One night of indulging and then it

was done. And she’d held herself to that promise too, though it had nearly killed her


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over the last week. Watching him swim in the pool. Watching him tear out the

flowerbeds in his parents’ backyard. Always without a shirt on, always driving her

nuts, causing her to remember how she’d touched his skin, had her hands and mouth

all over him. No one had ever tasted or felt better than Kevin.

Nope, she had no right feeling jealous whatsoever.

She was tempted to march over to his house right now and ask him to mow her

lawn. Weed the front yard flowerbed. Maybe replant the tree she’d had in a pot for the

last three months.

They were all just excuses to see him again—see if she could draw him into the

house and into her bed.

Ooh, she was a bad, naughty, naughty girl.

Determination filling her every step, she went over to the Travers’ house and

knocked on the front door. Pounded on it, actually, she was so amped up. Her foot

tapping impatiently on the brick front porch, she crossed her arms in front of her chest,

nipples chafing against the cups of her bra. Just knowing Kevin was behind that door

was enough to get her juices flowing.

The door swung open and Shari stood there, a surprised expression on her face.

“Caroline! Didn’t we just talk?” she asked unnecessarily.

Caroline nodded once, her expression tight. She could feel her skin stretching across

her face. “We did but I need to talk to Kevin. I need some, uh, help with my yard.”

“Oh how unfortunate. He’s not here.”

“He’s not?” Caroline’s brows drew together, her heart sinking into the pit of her

stomach. Damn it!

“No, he went out to the lake with some friends. Someone rented a houseboat and

they’re out there for the weekend. I hope he doesn’t get into any trouble.”

“Oh, well…isn’t that nice.” Her mouth puckered in sarcasm and she knew Shari

noticed it. Couldn’t miss the questioning look on her face.


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She was making a damn fool of herself. This was so not good.

“He’ll be back Sunday sometime. Shall I tell him you needed him?”

Oh sure, he’d love hearing that. “No, it’s okay, Shari. I’ll figure it out myself. Have a

good weekend.”

“You too, dear. Thanks for stopping by.” Shari closed the door and Caroline

growled in irritation, stalking back to her house.

What kind of luck did she have anyway? Really bad luck, that’s what. After

walking around in a perpetual state of horniness for the past seven days, she’d finally

given in, sought him out and what did it get her?

Another lonely weekend while Kevin was off doing God knows what on a

houseboat. A party boat, more likely, full of booze, food and women, everything a guy

wanted in life.

Shit. This was ridiculous. She was in lust with a frat boy. Maybe she should call up

Shawna and Michele, go out for a night on the town and pick up some hot guy. A hot,

older guy.

Oh who was she kidding? No one else would do. She only wanted Kevin.

Kicking the tree that sat in its stupid pot on the front porch, she entered her house,

slamming the door behind her.

This weekend was going to suck major ass.

* * * * *

“Caroline Howard came over here yesterday looking for you.”

Kevin glanced up from the magazine he was thumbing through, his heart rate

picking up. “She did? What did she want?”

“Mentioned something about her lawn, how she needed your help. When I told her

you were gone, I swear she looked almost mad. Strange.”


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Ha! Served the woman right. After she’d ignored him for a week, he thought it was

kind of cool that he hadn’t been around when she’d come calling. Though if he were

honest, he’d have to admit some guilt of his own—he hadn’t called her either. “What

exactly did you tell her?”

“I told her you were out on a houseboat, of course. Then I told her you wouldn’t be

back until Sunday, which I now realize was my mistake.”

“No, it wasn’t your mistake, Mom. I changed my mind and came home early.”

It had driven him crazy being out in the middle of the lake surrounded by his old

high-school friends who were all constantly drunk, sunburned and ready for action.

The beer had been flowing, the half-naked women abundant and Kevin hadn’t been

tempted whatsoever. Suffered with a major headache that wouldn’t go away the entire

time he was there. He didn’t want to be with his friends or those women, though more

than one of the girls had propositioned him.

No, he wanted Caroline. So he’d practically begged one of his friends to take the

houseboat back to the resort, telling them he had a hot date, and he disembarked,

thankful he’d brought his own ride so he could go straight home. To what he thought

would be another lonely night dreaming about a woman who didn’t really want him.

Now maybe he wouldn’t have to dream. Maybe he could wander on over there

after his parents went to bed and sneak in through a window. Scare the shit out of her

and then pounce on her like a man starved.

Just thinking of pouncing on her had his cock surging in his shorts. Not a good

thing considering his mother sat across the room in her recliner watching TV.

“Where’s Dad?”

“In the bedroom watching a golf tournament.” His mother rolled her eyes. “I swear

all those sports channels are going to be the death of me.”

“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Hint, hint.


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“Well, actually it is, now that you mention it. I guess I’ll go join your father. I can

always read for a little bit.” His mother stood, walking toward him with the remote

control outstretched in her hand. He took it from her and she leaned down, pressing a

dry kiss to his cheek.

“Good night, son.”

“Yeah, night Mom.”

He watched her head back toward the master bedroom, drumming his fingers on

the arm of the couch nervously. How long would he have to wait? Thank God his

parents went to bed relatively early but his mom did mention she was going to stay up

and read. Would she hear him leave?

A man could only wait for so long though, he realized within five minutes of his

mother shutting her bedroom door. Deciding to hell with it, he turned off the TV, shut

off the lights in the house and grabbed his keys, locking the door behind him when he

quietly exited the house.

Glancing down at himself, he wished he would’ve at least changed. He looked like

hell. Old and faded T-shirt, ratty shorts with holes in them and he wasn’t wearing

shoes. He looked like a damn hobo.

Fuck it. He headed toward Caroline’s, sneaking through the side gate so he

wouldn’t have to knock on her front door at ten o’clock on a Saturday night. He really

hoped she was home. What if she’d gone out with friends?

What if she was out on a date?

Clenching his jaw, he ran his hand over his chin, trying to push down the rise of

anger flavored with a hint of jealousy that threatened to overtake him at the idea of her

with someone else. After what they’d shared a week ago, he hadn’t been able to get her

out of his mind. She was all he thought about. He dreamed about her nearly every

night. Hot, erotic dreams that made him wake up with a painful hard-on and the

overwhelming need to fuck her. The dreams were good but nothing like the real thing.


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He didn’t understand why Caroline was avoiding him. Yeah, she’d given him that

song and dance about only having sex once—but he hadn’t believed her. The sex had

been too good, too mind blowing to ignore. Or at least he’d thought.

That was the reason why he was acting like a juvenile delinquent, trying to sneak

into his girlfriend’s house so he could get a fine piece of ass. That’s what a night of

incredible sex did to a guy. Made him horny and desperate and willing to contemplate

breaking and entering.

If she rejected him, so be it. He had to at least give it one more try.

Though the blinds were drawn, he saw a light shining from her bedroom window,

a good sign. It meant she was home. Should he toss pebbles at her window like a

lovesick fool?


Go back to her front porch and ring the doorbell? Risk the chance of a neighbor

catching him on her front step late on a Saturday night?

No, that wouldn’t work either.

Kevin went to her back patio, noticed the faint glow from the recessed light over

her granite kitchen counter and peered through a window of the French doors, looking

for some sign of life. TV wasn’t on. There was no light on in the living room so she had

to be in her bedroom.

Deciding it was now or never, Kevin tapped lightly on the window, hoping like hell

she didn’t freak out. A single woman all alone in her big empty house and a stranger

knocking on the back door? Probably wasn’t his smartest move.

When she didn’t come to the door he knocked again, this time a little harder,

causing the neighbor’s dog on the other side of her house to start barking uproariously.

That fucking dog had always hated him. He’d been around for what felt like

forever. A big, old black lab with a gray muzzle, a ferocious snarl and a lifelong hatred

for Kevin.


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The barking must have done it because Caroline was at her back door within

seconds, clad in a pair of cotton shorts and a tight tank top, showcasing every curve she

had. The porch light flashed on and she glared at him through the window of the door.

But she didn’t open it.

“Open the damn door!” he whispered loudly.

The neighbor’s dog really started going crazy at the sound of his voice.

She flung open the door and glared at him. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I came over because my mom said you stopped by. She said you needed me.” He

couldn’t help but smirk.

Shooting a murderous look toward the fence that concealed the dog, she shook her

head. “I thought you were on a houseboat.”

“I came back.” Kevin shrugged, wishing she would invite him inside.

Once he got inside, he planned to attack her.

The stupid dog wouldn’t stop barking and Caroline sighed loudly, crossing her

arms beneath her breasts. There was no mistaking the hard points of her nipples poking

through the thin fabric of her shirt. Seeing them made his mouth water.

“You should go, Kevin. It’s late. I only needed to talk to you about my yard.”

“Yeah, right,” he snorted.

“You don’t believe me?”

“No, I don’t. I wanna know why you’ve been hiding from me.”

“I have not been hiding from you.” She lifted her chin, looking positively indignant.

“Right, that’s why I haven’t seen you at all in the last what, eight days? Weird, since

we’re neighbors.” God, she was gorgeous. No makeup, just clean, creamy skin, her

dark, wavy hair pulled into a high ponytail, a few loose tendrils curling around her

face. He couldn’t let his gaze wander below her neck. One look and he’d be sporting

major wood in seconds.

He didn’t want to seem like a complete sex fiend.


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“We’re on different schedules, okay?” The dog’s barking increased, the animal

sounding downright hoarse and Caroline narrowed her eyes. “Why are we having this

conversation right now? Go home, Kevin. Go to bed.”

“I’m not leaving.” He copied her stance, crossing his arms in front of him defiantly.

“What?” Her shrill question rang through the night air, really sending the dog into

a frenzy.

“Pipe down, you’re disturbing Buster.” Kevin grinned when he heard Caroline

curse in protest.

The neighbor’s porch light came on and Kevin heard the distinct sound of a sliding

glass door opening.

“What’s wrong, boy?” the neighbor asked the hysterical dog.

Caroline’s eyes widened and she waved her hands at Kevin, encouraging him to

come inside. “Get in here,” she hissed.

Finally. He walked through the open door, Caroline slamming it behind him and

flicking off the porch light. He walked into the kitchen and turned to face her.

“You can’t stay here, Kevin. I told you it was a one-shot deal. I’ll walk you to the

front door—”

He didn’t give her a chance to finish. Grabbing her around the waist, he lifted her

onto the kitchen countertop, his hands moving up to cup either side of her face,

marveling briefly at her smooth, soft skin. Her eyes widened, plush mouth dropping

open in surprise and he swooped in, kissing her with a ferocious intensity that stunned


Caroline responded immediately, her mouth opening, allowing his tongue to slide

inside her hot, wet mouth. A low moan sounded deeply in her throat as she wrapped

her arms around him, fingers tugging at the hem of his shirt and diving beneath to

touch his bare skin.


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His mind whirling, he couldn’t get over how good she tasted, how right she felt in

his arms. How much he’d missed her.

How much he never wanted to let her go.


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Chapter Six

Caroline arched against Kevin, loving the way he held her face so tenderly, his

tongue doing a sweeping search of her mouth. He took a step closer, fitting himself

between her thighs, the heat and scent from his body overwhelming her, making her


She hadn’t meant to do this, really. When he’d knocked on her back door she’d

been lying in bed reading a book, eyelids heavy, ready to pass out. She’d panicked

when she’d heard someone at her back door. Once Buster started to bark, though, she’d

had a sneaking suspicion it was Kevin. That stupid dog hated him, yet rarely barked at

complete strangers.

Sure enough, it was Kevin, looking more gorgeous than any man had a right to

look. His dark hair a mess, his clothes positively ragged, barefoot—but no one had ever

looked better.

It had taken everything she had not to haul him inside and tear his clothes off right

in the middle of her kitchen.

Sliding upward, his hands clutched at her hair, removing the elastic band to allow

her hair to fall free. Running his fingers through the silky waves, he tilted her head and

deepened their kiss. Her fingers pressed into the hot, hard flesh of his back, barely

conscious of the cold surface beneath her butt, her entire being too consumed with


Breaking the kiss, he stared at her, green eyes blazing, breaths coming in heavy

pants. He released his hold on her hair, one hand sliding down, fingers trailing across

her cheek. She could only stare back, her mouth parting when he touched her lips, and

she drew his index finger inside. Her tongue snuck around it and his lids fluttered. She

sucked his finger deep inside her mouth and he groaned.


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“You want this as badly as I do,” he whispered, his voice ragged, his other hand

cupping her breast.

She didn’t answer him, just wrapped her hand around his wrist and slipped his

finger in and out of her mouth. Showing him what she could do to please him.

The idea of having his thick cock in her mouth made her shudder, her pussy flood

with cream.

With a moan, he tore his finger away, his hands going for the bottom of her tank

top. She helped him, reaching down and yanking the shirt up and over her head,

exposing herself. Thank God for dim light.

Nipples hardening even more, she shivered, gasping when he bent his head and

drew one into his mouth. The gentle sucking caused her entire body to tingle and she

sank her fingers into his thick, silky hair, holding him close to her.

“You taste so good,” he murmured, then shifted to lavish the same attention on the

other nipple.

Caroline could only groan in response, dipping her head to watch him. Her

neglected nipple was so hard and wet from his mouth and his stubble-roughened face

rubbed against her sensitive skin, making her cry out.

Letting go of her nipple with an audible pop, Kevin stood to his full height and

grabbed one of her hands, bringing it to his crotch. Her fingers curled around the

ridged length she felt there, so hot even through his shorts.

“See what you do to me? I’ve been walking around in a non-stop state of erection

since I last saw you.”

“My, my.” She moved her hand up then down his cock, causing a strangled groan

to escape his lips. Her fingers went for the snap at the waistband and undid it before

sliding the zipper down slowly, anticipation curling in her veins.


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That first time in his truck hadn’t been a moment to savor. More like a hot and fast

fucking that had made her toes curl and her womb clench. She hadn’t been able to

really look at him, touch him like she’d been dying to do.

If she was going to do this again, then tonight she was going to do what she wanted

to do.

Her hand slipped inside his shorts, brushing against the soft cotton of his

underwear, and his entire body tensed, waiting for her next move. She heard him

swallow, his hips thrusting subtly as her fingers played with the elastic waistband of his

boxer briefs.

Caroline had never really teased a man before. Sexually, she was always the one

who gave up the power first. It felt good—no, it felt powerful to have so much control

over a man. To know she was the one who gave him such pleasure.

“What are you waiting for?”

His voice was raspy, his erection straining against the cotton and she tilted her

head, watching him while she licked her lips. “It’s kind of exciting waiting, don’t you


“I think you’re trying to drive me crazy.” Sweat beaded on his forehead and she

could smell the musky scent of his arousal, causing her pussy to grow wetter.

“I didn’t really get to touch you last time.” The tips of her fingers dipped beneath

the elastic, brushing hot skin and he flinched, muscles jumping at her touch.

“Well you can touch me now.”

With a husky giggle she did, her hand sliding beneath the fabric, coming into

contact with blazing hot, velvety skin stretched over steel. Liquid seeped from the tip of

his cock and she ran her thumb through it, spreading it all over the bulbous head.

Her name tore from his lips with a ragged moan, the sound of it egging her on,

making her want to hear it again. Pushing at his shorts and underwear, she slid them

down his thighs, heard them fall around his ankles before he kicked them off.


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“Let’s get you naked.” Caroline helped him tug his shirt over his head, her eyes

widening when she saw what she had before her.

She knew he was built like a Greek god but to have him so close, all hers to touch

and taste and search…

Her heart going pitter-patter in her chest, she stroked him, her hands sliding over

his pectoral muscles, fingers grazing through the smattering of dark hair in the center of

his chest. His skin was damp with sweat, the curling hairs tickling her palms as her

hands slid down over ridged muscle and bone. His stomach was flat and she circled her

index finger around his navel, making his stomach muscles jump from the contact.

That delicious trail of dark hair continued underneath his bellybutton and she

followed it, wrapping her fingers around his thick cock and sliding her fist up and

down its length slowly.

“You’re killing me,” he said through gritted teeth, his hands cupping her breasts,

fingers pinching her nipples.

“You like it.” She gasped when he pinched her left nipple extra hard and she

squeezed him, his cock throbbing in her hand.

“I’d like it even better if I was inside you.” His hands moved to her hips, sliding her

closer to the edge of the countertop. He pushed on the waistband of her shorts. “Take

these off.”

Caroline released his cock and lifted her hips, allowing him to slip her little sleeping

shorts off. He moved closer, hands grabbing the cheeks of her ass and sliding her

forward so her butt was half-hanging off the edge of the counter. Her dripping pussy

brushed against her hand as she gripping his erection once more.

“I don’t have a condom. Do you?” His hand slipped in between their bodies, his

fingers teasing her pussy’s plump, swollen lips. Spreading her legs wider, she allowed

him easier access, tossing her head back when he searched her intimate folds, his thumb

brushing against her clit whisper light, making her shudder.



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Their gazes met, locked and her lips parted, a soft groan coming from deep within

her when he grazed her clit with his thumb again and again, increasing the pressure.

“I’m on the Pill.” She hated being on the Pill, had been meaning to get her tubes

tied for what felt like forever but hadn’t gotten around to it. She hadn’t had sex without

a condom since her marriage, though near the end, Stan had started wearing them.

Right around the time he’d started cheating on her with his secretary.

Shit, she did not need to think about Stan at a time like this. Not when Kevin was

sliding two thick fingers inside her body, in and out in slow, rhythmic motions. He was

going to make her come before he got inside her. She could feel it coming over her in a

slow, delicious wave of sensation.

“Let go, Caroline,” he whispered and she trembled when he said her name. His

deep voice did things to her, made her shivery with need, caused her head to spin. His

fingers were working some sort of magic deep within her and she moved against him,

helpless, unable to control her body. She could only strain toward her impending

climax, knew that it was close.

Feet arching, toes curling, she unconsciously tightened her belly when it hit her, a

quiver moving through her entire body as her inner walls clenched around his fingers.

Her heart and clit throbbed in time and she clutched his shoulders, riding out her

orgasm with her mouth pressed against his neck.

“You’re beautiful when you come.” He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, his

fingers withdrawing from her body and she lifted her head, completely dazed.

Kevin kissed her, his lips lingering, tongue darting out to lick. She licked back, her

eyes sliding shut when she reached for his cock, guiding him toward her eager entry.

She was sore from hanging off the edge of the counter but she didn’t care. Already she

wanted more, wanted him to fill her and when she felt him brush against the swollen

folds of her pussy, she shuddered.

“Are you sure? I’m clean, I swear. I wouldn’t lie to you, Caroline.”


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Caroline opened her eyes to find him watching her, waiting for her answer before

he entered her. She kissed him, her eyes staying open, his too, and she circled her

tongue lazily around his.

“Yes,” she finally whispered, finding it the most erotic thing in the world to gaze

into his eyes as they kissed, as he pushed himself deep inside her.

A little grunt left her when he thrust deep and still they watched each other. Her

legs slid around his waist and he wrapped his arms around her waist, his big hands

cupping her butt. Slowly he started to move, his cock doing a delicious glide in and out

of her body, the wet suctioning sound of her pussy filling the room.

It was intense, having sex with their gazes locked. She felt as if he could see right

through her, see right into her soul. Her hand came up to rub his cheek and he turned

his face, pressing damp lips to the sensitive skin of her palm as he started to increase his


“Why did you deny us this?”

His question was blunt, completely out of left field and her eyes widened. She

didn’t have an answer, couldn’t tell him the truth, really.

How could she tell him that she did it for self-preservation, that she didn’t want

him to break her heart?

“I don’t know,” Caroline lied, her hands clutching his shoulders, her entire body

focused on his thick cock pushing in and out of her body. She glanced down, saw her

pussy lips flared around the length of his cock as he moved within her and she cried


Just like that, she came again, the sight of his glistening cock gliding in and out of

her body all she needed. She shuddered around him, clutching him to her, riding him.

His pace increased, his thrusts coming hard and fast, almost brutal, and then he shouted

her name, pressing his hips tightly against her, his hot semen spurting deep inside her

body, filling her. His large body shuddering with the force of his orgasm, he leaned into

her, his harsh pants sounding in her ear.


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“Holy shit,” he muttered when the shivering stopped, making her giggle.

“Nice choice of words, Travers.” Her mouth moved over the smooth, hot skin of his

shoulder and she wondered how she could ask him to stay for a little while.

Having sex in a bed sounded pretty good right now. Her ass was killing her from

sliding all over the cold, hard granite.

“That was fucking unbelievable, Miz Howard.” He grinned down at her and she

slapped his chest, unable to stop her own smile from crossing her face.

“Don’t call me that.” It sounded a little freaky when his dick was still buried inside


“Why? Does it make you feel naughty? Like a horny woman screwing the

neighbors’ kid?” Pressing a quick kiss to her lips, he withdrew from her body, helping

her off the counter.

“Yes.” She nibbled on her lower lip, her thoughts already getting away from her.

Kevin was a grown man, an adult. Yet she couldn’t help feeling the tiniest bit guilty.

She felt like Mrs. Robinson. She expected Dustin Hoffman to walk in any minute.

Good Lord, she never thought she’d be a Mrs. Robinson type. Had always preferred

her men older than herself.

Now she realized there were definite benefits to being with a younger man.

“Hey, don’t do that.” He swept her up into his arms and began walking toward the

hallway that led to her bedroom. “I can see the wheels turning in your brain, making

you feel guilty.”

“Put me down, Kevin! I must weigh a ton.” How embarrassing, having him carry

her through the house. She was probably breaking his back.

He tossed her a little bit in his arms, making her squeal. “You’re light.”

“Am not.” She smiled at him, thankful he was so easygoing.

It was as if he knew how to ease her.


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“Shut up, woman. Let’s do this properly, in a bed.” He held her closer, his arms

squeezing her tightly, and she had the sudden urge to beg him never to let go.


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Chapter Seven

Kevin dropped Caroline onto her bed and crawled up her body, letting his semi-

hard dick brush against her. Only minutes after coming and he was already hard,

aching for her.

She shoved at his chest, an arm sneaking out to turn off the bedside lamp and he

grasped her wrist, stopping her.

“I want to see you,” he murmured. He’d always been into the visual.

Her face colored and she looked away from him, nibbling on her lower lip. “I look


“You’re gorgeous.” And she was. All smooth skin and lush curves. He wanted to

explore every inch of her with the light on so he could really see her reactions.

“I have stretch marks. Scars. My stomach is flabby and there’s nothing I can do

about it.” She waved her hand in his direction. “And you, you’re a sex god. How can I

compete with that?”

Kevin smiled, pride filling his chest. “You think I’m a sex god?”

She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“No, really, you think I’m a sex god?” He reclined beside her and hauled her close,

his fingers sliding up and down her arm. No one had ever complimented his sexual

techniques. He knew he didn’t suck but his last girlfriend had been such a downer in

bed. Made him doubt his own abilities more than once.

“Kevin, don’t get a big head.”

“Well, I’m a sex god—I already have a big head.” He leered at her and she slapped

at his chest, shaking her head.

“I’ve created a monster.”


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“A monster who’s going to give you more god-like treatment.” He slid over her

body, bracing his arms on either side of her head.

Fucking her on the kitchen counter had been the single hottest thing he’d ever done.

Watching her come with abandon had been beyond hot too. She was so responsive and

the way she looked at him when he’d entered her had been incredibly intense.

More intimate than anything he’d shared with anyone before.

Kevin didn’t understand why she’d tried to deny them such pleasure. Her

avoidance had been futile. He’d known it would be.

It was almost as if they were meant to be together. As if they were supposed to be


At least until he left for China…

He grimaced. He hated to think about leaving, about going to another country. To a

job he didn’t really want.

“What’s wrong?” Her voice was soft, her brow furrowed in question.

“Nothing,” he lied, diving down for a kiss but she dodged him.

“You had the darkest expression on your face. Something’s bothering you.”

Caroline rested her hands on his chest, smoothing them down in one stroke. “Tell me.”

Sighing, he flopped once more onto his side, his arm draped across her stomach. “I

was thinking about leaving.”

“Leaving? As in right now?” God, the sad look that flickered across her face would

be one he’d remember for a long time. “I understand. We shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Shush.” He hugged her closer, his fingers drawing little circles on the soft skin of

her belly. “You worry too much. I was talking about my move to China at the end of


“Oh.” Her expression brightened for a moment then fell again. “That’s a big change.

Are you nervous? I thought this was something you’ve always wanted.”


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“I thought so too.” Liar. “Now that I’m about to leave soon, I’m not so sure


“I bet that’s nerves talking. You’ve been groomed to follow in your father’s

footsteps your entire life, according to your mother. Being a financial guru in the global

market is an amazing opportunity.” She smiled up at him and he frowned.

Her words were true. He had been groomed to follow in his father’s footsteps. As an

only child, he’d always done what was expected of him, accepting his fate with no

questions. He’d worked hard and followed his father’s lead.

Never once had he given a thought to what he really wanted—until recently.

“You don’t want to be a financial guru, do you?”

She was the first person who’d ever asked. And she was one hundred percent right.

“It’s a smart move.” He shrugged and rolled onto his back

Caroline rose and straddled him, her face above his, her wavy hair brushing the

sides of his face, his shoulders. His arm slipped around her, his hand smoothing down

her back, over the lush curve of her ass and she wiggled against him. “If you could do

anything in the world, what would it be? What do you really want to do?”

He didn’t want to tell her. She’d think he was insane. The one time he mentioned it

to his mother a few years ago she’d looked at him like he was crazy. He couldn’t stand

the thought of Caroline looking at him the same way.

Of course, Caroline was nothing like his mother. She was nothing like anyone he’d

ever known.

“I want to own my own landscaping company.” He was silent for a moment, as was

Caroline, and dread filled his gut. “There. I said it out loud. Stupid idea, right?”

“No, it’s not stupid at all. I thought you only mowed lawns in high school for a little

money and that was it.”

“Actually, all through college I worked for a guy who had a landscaping business.

He taught me a lot about design, said I was good at it. Really good. I even designed a


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few of the yards he landscaped for new homes.” He’d relished every one of those

projects too. Never had a better time in his life than he had working for Rich.

Way more fun than crunching numbers and predicting future stock prices for

foreign markets.

“I saw what you did in your parents’ backyard this week. It looks amazing. And

you did it so fast.”

Pride filled him, a little thrill that Caroline had been spying on him. It proved

maybe she was more interested than she let on. “That was nothing. I only did that

because I thought my mom’s flowerbeds looked so shitty. And I was bored because a

certain someone wouldn’t give me the time of day.”

“Well, it looks wonderful. Way better than my yard, which really isn’t saying

much.” Caroline glanced up at him again, a tiny smile curving her lush mouth. “Maybe

you could draw up some sketches, do a quick redesign of my yard. Ooh, I’d love that!

And then you could show off more of your skills to your parents. Convince them China

isn’t for you, that you have real talent in landscaping.”

Already she believed in him and he’d barely explained himself. Unbelievable. But he

knew his parents didn’t want to hear what he had to say, especially his father. All of his

friends had thought he was nuts when he’d admitted he didn’t want to go to China. Of

course, most of them wished to be on the corporate fast track and wanted his job.

He’d be a fool to toss the opportunity away. But it was an opportunity he’d never


“You don’t think it’s lame to want to do something that requires so much manual

labor? I mean, there’s not a lot of prestige in most landscaping.”

“Are you looking for prestige or happiness? You need to do what you enjoy, Kevin.

What you’re meant to do, not what your father wants for you.”

She was right. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. “My parents are

going to freak the fuck out,” he sighed.


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“They’ll get over it. Ultimately they only want your happiness too.”

Damn, he hoped so. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy though, admitting to them

he was turning down the job. The shit was going to hit the fan, no doubt.

Caroline leaned in close, brushing her damp lips against his, and his cock stirred to

life. “I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to share that.”

He cupped the back of her head, his fingers threading through the soft, dark waves.

“Thank you for listening.”

Smiling against his mouth, her hand wandered down, fingers grasping his cock.

“Maybe you could show me what else you’re good at.”

“How about we try something different? Roll over onto your stomach.”

Watching him with wary eyes, she climbed off him, her body trembling with what

he hoped was excitement.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he commanded, lust coursing through him.

She did so without hesitation and the sight of her pouting pussy lips glistening with

fresh juices was enough to make him want to drive inside her until she fainted from


Instead, he moved behind her and dipped his head down to lick her, tickling her

entry with his tongue, savoring the cream that spilled into his mouth. She cried out,

wiggling her ass in his face and the pink rosebud of her anus taunted him, tempting

him to explore.

So he did.

Smoothing his hands up her ass, he traced the puckered hole with his index finger,

making her jump. He traced again and she twitched. One more time, his finger

lingering, searching every tiny little ridge and she moaned long and low in her throat,

pushing her ass against him.

“You’re so tight here,” he whispered, his index finger dipping into her pussy to

gather her cream before moving back to her tight, resisting crevice.


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“Don’t stop,” she urged.

Kevin didn’t, working the tip of his finger into her ass, feeling her muscles stretch

and work with him, finally giving a bit. He moved slowly, in and out of her tight heat

and her ass rocked, moving with him.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

Caroline shook her head. “N-no.”

“Will you let me?”

“Yes,” she whispered, whimpering when a second finger joined the first.

“Got any lube in your drawer of tricks?”

Her body tensed and she glanced over her shoulder at him. “How did you know

about my drawer?”

Oh shit! “Uh…”

Scrambling away from him, she sat up, glaring at him. “Kevin, how did you


“Um…I saw you one night. With a vibrator you grabbed out of the drawer. I have a

direct view from my bedroom and so, well…I watched you put on quite the show.”

“Oh my God! Let me die of mortification.” She shook her head, covering her face

with her hands and he knew he’d blown it. The mood was totally lost.

“Caroline, trust me, it was hot—the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I wanted to be that

vibrator, thrusting between your legs, buried deep inside your beautiful pussy.” He

moved closer, touching the side of her face. “And now that I have, I feel like a giant

vibrator come to life.”

She laughed hard, leaning into his touch. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be.” Leaning in, he kissed her, wanting to reassure her. “You’re the sexiest

woman I know. Maybe someday you could give me a live performance.”

“How about now?” She stared at him and a slow smile grew on her face. Caroline

waggled her eyebrows at him, reaching toward the drawer.


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Excitement coursed through his blood and he leaned back on his haunches,

watching as she searched through the infamous drawer, tossing a bottle of lube toward

him. He caught it with one hand, glancing down at the label.

“Sexy Booty Lube?” He cocked a brow. “Are you serious?”

She laughed, waving her ass back and forth and he longed to smack it. “I went to a

bachelorette party a while ago and won a prize basket. That was in there and I always

had high hopes. Ah—this was in the basket too.”

Caroline held what looked to be a pen in her hand, pointing it directly at him.

“It’s a pen.”

“No it’s not.” She shook her head and with a sassy grin, flicked something on the

side of it with her thumb. It came to life, a gentle buzzing filling the air and she

skimmed the thin silver pen, vibrator, whatever the hell it was over her breasts, circling

it around each nipple. “Hmmm.”

Her purr of pleasure made his cock jump and he watched, transfixed as she slid the

vibrator down her body, over her curving belly, down farther until it teased the dark

curls between her legs.

“It’s very discreet. I could carry it in my purse and get off whenever I have the

urge.” A little moan escaped her when she dipped the vibrator deeper between her legs

and damn it, he wanted to be that silver little stick more than anything in the world.

“Have you ever done that?” He swallowed hard, surprised he was able to get the

words out.

“No, but I should.” She smiled, running the vibe back and forth between her

swollen lower lips. “And every time I used it, I’d think of you.”

“Fuck.” Growling, he lunged for her, making her squeal. In seconds he had her flat

beneath him, the tiny vibrator clasped between his fingers, thrusting it between her

legs. He moved it around her clit, heard her gasp and he smiled.


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“Ooh yeah, just like that.” She arched against him, her hips moving in slow circles,

legs spreading to allow him better access.

“I want you on your stomach.” He had a plan and it included finishing what they’d

started earlier.

Kevin moved away so she could roll over and she did so eagerly, settling on all

fours. The pale cheeks of her ass quivered with anticipation and she spread her legs,

allowing him a glimpse of pink, glistening flesh. He touched the tip of the vibrator to

her cunt, rimming her entrance and she groaned, burying her face in the comforter.

He coated the vibe with her cream, pushing the thin cylinder inside her to the hilt.

“Does it feel as good as my cock?”

She shook her head furiously. “No!”

Withdrawing it from her body, he ran the vibrator along the crack of her ass,

teasing her puckered anus.

“Do you want this in your ass?” The idea of pumping the vibe deep inside her

while fucking her pussy made his cock hard as steel, the tip weeping with pre-come.

“Yes,” she said on a hiss, her ass thrusting toward him.

Covering the vibrator with a thin layer of Sexy Booty Lube, he teased her ass,

circling the vibe around, dipping just the tip into her rosy hole. He wanted to drive her

wild with it, make her lose control, wanted to see her come apart with abandon. Just

watching her, seeing how responsive she was, excited him.

A guttural groan sounded deep in her throat when he pushed the vibe into her inch

by slow inch, twisting it within her tight hole. He wished it was his cock but he told

himself next time.

Next time he would fuck her ass and make her completely his.

He watched as her pussy dripped with her juices, a dribble of sweet cream sliding

down the inside of her thigh. Dipping his head, he licked it from her soft skin, her

musky taste melting on his tongue, and she jumped with surprise.


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“Fuck me, Kevin,” she whispered, looking at him over her shoulder.

Positioning himself behind her, he brushed his cock against her swollen pussy lips,

teasing her, and she moaned. One hand still drove the vibrator into her ass while the

other guided his cock into her tight sheath, groaning when her wet heat surrounded

him like a velvet fist.

He immediately started to pump, withdrawing and then plunging deep inside her

again and again, the sounds of her suctioning pussy around his aching shaft filling the

room. Working the vibe and his cock, he filled her completely, buried himself balls

deep, screwed the vibrator into her ass again and again.

“Feel good, baby?” Fuck, he’d never felt like this before, so wild, completely

uninhibited. It was like he was an animal made to fuck, to rut with this woman and

make her his.

The thought of Caroline actually being his woman sounded good. Right.

“Harder.” She grunted from the force of his thrusts as he obeyed her request, his

balls slapping against her swollen pussy, his skin covered in sweat. His orgasm edged

closer, the base of his spine tingling, his cock rippling.

“Oh God, I’m coming, I’m coming!” She arched her ass toward him, her cunt

spasming around his cock over and over as she shouted his name.

The milking of his cock triggered his own orgasm, sending him over the brink as his

semen shot into her in hot spurts. He shivered from the intensity of it, his entire body

worn out, and he withdrew the vibrator from her ass, turning it off and tossing it to the


Caroline rolled over onto her back and he slumped against her, exhausted. Her

arms curled around him, fingers sifting through his hair as his eyes drifted shut.

He’d never felt more content.

“Wait till you see the other stuff I have in my drawer,” she whispered, her lips

brushing against his forehead.


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Kevin didn’t know if he’d be able to stand it.


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Chapter Eight

“He’s here, Caroline. Want me to introduce you?”

Caroline turned to find Shari Travers standing in front of her, a hopeful smile on

her face. Nerves made her stomach clench and her gaze flickered to the other side of the


Kevin hung out with a couple of friends, beer in hand, slouching in a chair, clad in a

pair of Hawaiian print board shorts and nothing else. Those intense green eyes met

hers—a knowing, hungry look on his face—before he turned away, laughing at

something his friend said.

Three weeks of illicit meetings with Kevin in the late-night hours had left her in a

hazy state of well-pleasured exhaustion. She’d never been so thoroughly fucked in her

life. She hadn’t known she had it in her.

Apparently, she did.

“What was his name again?” Caroline smiled politely though it felt more like a

baring of teeth. The last thing she wanted was to be set up with one of Larry’s golfing


Especially when she was screwing Larry’s son.

She knew without a doubt Kevin was not going to be pleased. Not that she could

blame him but what else could she do? She was stuck.

Damn it, she never should’ve come to this stupid party in the first place. A gaggle

of women a solid ten years younger than her hung all over Kevin and his group, filling

her with jealousy. She didn’t really want to return the favor.

Of course, she didn’t have any right to feel jealous in the first place. She’d never

specified they were exclusive. If he wanted to flirt with another woman, who was she to


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stop him? And if she had to talk with another man—a much more appropriate man for

her, she might add—then he couldn’t really do anything about it either.

A few weeks of exceptional fucking did not make a relationship.

“Aaron,” Shari said, knocking Caroline out of her thoughts. “His name is Aaron

and Larry has told him all about you. He can’t wait to meet you.”

Great. Tempted to roll her eyes, she held herself in check. “Wow, I hope he’s not


Shari laughed and hooked her arm through Caroline’s, guiding her to where Larry

stood with another man.

An attractive man, Caroline had to admit. Dark blond hair that fluttered in the hot

breeze, tanned skin probably from all the golfing and a solid six-foot frame dressed in a

red polo shirt and khaki shorts. Aaron was handsome. Someone she would’ve definitely

been interested in. Before.

And when Shari introduced them, his hand clasped hers firmly, blue eyes

twinkling. Caroline could concede he seemed charming.

But he wasn’t Kevin.

She couldn’t leave though and she wasn’t a rude person by nature. Larry and Shari

led them to a table where they all sat down. She sat next to Aaron, smiling pleasantly

when he spoke to her, answering the questions he asked. She couldn’t help sneaking

glances in Kevin’s direction and saw that he watched her with narrowed eyes, his

fingers clutching the beer bottle so tight his knuckles were white.

He looked mad—and she couldn’t help the tiny thrill rippling through her, as sick

as it was. Anger meant he cared, that he felt something more for her than lust.

Something she’d been trying to deny since he confessed to her his secret dream, his

reluctance to go to China. She thought of the frenzied way he’d made love to her after

that. The sweet way he’d made love to her every day ever since.


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How excited he’d been to redesign her backyard too. She’d given him free rein, not

letting him see her flinch when he tore everything up. He’d promised to do it on the

cheap and she didn’t worry about that, though she’d been a little concerned when she’d

seen the huge piles of dirt and ripped-out shrubs.

Caroline smiled, remembering how deliciously sexy Kevin had looked working in

her backyard, wearing shorts and nothing else. How he’d fucked her silly yesterday

afternoon after a particularly sweaty workout with the sledgehammer. All of that damp,

warm skin, the taste of salt on her lips when she kissed him everywhere…

She sighed, picking at the stars and stripes tablecloth beneath her fingers and when

she glanced up, she caught Shari watching her with a strange expression on her face.

“Are you okay, Caroline? I don’t think you’ve listened to a word we’ve said.”

Pressing her lips together, Caroline nodded, flashing Aaron an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m a little distracted. I, uh, miss my children.”

Well, that was the truth. She always missed her kids, especially on a holiday, but

she hadn’t really been thinking about them.

Not like she could talk about who she was thinking about, though. That would go

over real well.

“Yeah, I miss my boys too. They’re with their mother for the holiday this year. We

usually trade off,” Aaron said.

“Mine are gone for most of the summer every year, visiting their dad. He lives in

Seattle.” She glanced over toward Kevin—and saw his chair was empty.

Where did he go?

“Did you used to live in Seattle?”

“Oh no, I’m a California native. My ex transferred there for his job. But that was

after our divorce.” Her eyes wandered, looking for Kevin but he was nowhere to be

seen. Had he snuck off with his friends or, heaven forbid, with another woman?


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Dizziness assaulted her, making her head spin and she closed her eyes briefly,

resting her hand against her chest.

“Are you okay?” Aaron’s smooth voice lowered, full of concern, and she nodded

her head.

He seemed nice. It was a shame she couldn’t work up a glimmer of interest.

“I’m okay, really. I think I’ll go into the house and the cool air for a bit. It’s so hot

today, I’m afraid it’s getting to me.”

“Want me to come in with you?” Aaron touched her arm and she practically willed

herself to feel something, some flutter of attraction.

She felt nothing. It could’ve been Shari touching her for all she cared.

Oh God, was she ruined? After Kevin, would no man ever measure up?

That thought was sobering enough to send her running into the house, away from

Aaron, away from Shari’s matchmaker comments and sidelong glances.

Walking into the cool air, Caroline breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed an ice cold

soda from the large tin bucket sitting on the floor of the kitchen. She watched out the

window as Aaron talked and laughed with Larry and Shari, all of it so normal. She

should be out there as well. Not inside the house hiding out, playing chicken,

wondering where the hell Kevin was.

Her eyes closed and she braced her hands on the edge of the counter. Why couldn’t

she be normal? Why couldn’t she be attracted to Aaron? Before this entire affair started

she definitely would’ve been interested, probably hanging off his arm and begging for a


Now she wished she’d never met the guy. In fact, she was going to sneak out right

now, go home and bury herself under her covers. Pretend this day never happened.

She’d explain herself to Shari later, tell her she’d developed a headache and had to

leave. Shari would understand.

She always understood. Caroline bet Aaron would understand too.


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“Why aren’t you sitting with your boyfriend?”

The sound of Kevin’s voice, dark and sarcastic, startled her out of her reverie,

making her gasp. She whirled around to find him standing in the middle of the kitchen,

bulging arms crossed in front of his wide chest, an angry expression on his face.

“He’s not my boyfriend. You know that.” Damn it, her voice was shaking and she

didn’t want to look weak in front of him.

“My mom trying to set you two up?”

She could only nod, immobilized as he walked toward her. Stalked, really, his

entire body tense, his face tight.

“Is he nice?”

“Don’t you know him? He’s a friend of your dad’s.” Hmm, judging by the

darkening expression on his handsome face, maybe that had been the wrong thing to


“No, I don’t know him. Do you want to know him?”

“To be honest, I don’t know.”

Kevin tilted his head. “What kind of answer is that?”

She shrugged, trying to shut off her emotions, feigning nonchalance. “You might be

leaving soon. We knew this wasn’t going to last forever, Kevin. Maybe I should go on a

date with this guy.”

“I can’t believe you’re saying this shit.” He came closer until he towered over her,

his eyes burning into hers. “The first opportunity comes along and you’re tossing me


“I never said anything about tossing you aside.” No, she definitely didn’t want to

do that. Even angry, he still made her want him. Her nipples beaded beneath her

swimsuit. Thank goodness for the cover-up she wore.


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“Okay, so you’re lining up the next guy to take my place when I leave—which I

don’t plan on doing but that’s beside the point. I’m still pondering the fact of how

replaceable I am.”

“You’re overreacting. I talked to him for five minutes tops.” She took a step

forward, resting her hands on his bare chest, feeling all the heat and hardness beneath

her fingertips and it made her crazy with need. “Don’t make a big deal out of this.”

He flinched and stepped away from her. “It’s a big deal to me. How would you feel

if I had some babe hanging on my arm?”

“You did have some babe hanging on your arm,” she couldn’t help but mutter,

immediately wishing she hadn’t.

They stared at each other, the tension so thick she could feel it. She didn’t want to

fight with him, hated that he was angry at her but really, this couldn’t last forever. He

had to see that. Their relationship was a casual fling, nothing more, nothing less.

So why did it hurt so much to have him glaring daggers at her? Why did his words

make her feel so awful?

The door opened and Larry walked in, a hot dog shoved halfway into his mouth.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw them, a guilty expression crossing his face.

“Don’t tell your mother,” Larry said, chewing the loaded hot dog with joy etched

into his face. “She’ll kill me.”

“Dad, hot dogs are full of all kinds of crap.” Kevin glared briefly at her, his eyes

clearly saying, we’re not done.

“I know, and they taste so damn good, especially when you haven’t had one in a

year.” Larry took another bite, a hum escaping from him as he chewed. “You feeling

better, Caroline?”

“I am, Larry, thanks.” She smiled politely, backing out of the kitchen with slow

steps. Here was her chance to escape. No way could Kevin make a scene in front of his

dad. “I’ll be right back.”


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She saw the surprised expression on Kevin’s face but chose to ignore it. It was all

about self-preservation now. She needed to get the hell away from him and fast.

“Caroline! Caroline wait—where are you going?”

Holy shit, she couldn’t believe it! He was actually chasing her through his parents’

house. She hightailed it through the living room, throwing open the front door with a

jerk and hurrying out onto the porch, taking the steps two at a time and nearly falling

on her face. Damn flip-flops.

Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!

Practically running to her house, she bounded up the steps and hurried through the

front door, thankful she’d kept it unlocked. Anxiety built within her, ready to burst, and

the sudden throbbing at her temples didn’t help.

She was going to give herself an ulcer over all this if she didn’t relax.

“Why did you run away from me like that?”

Closing her eyes for a second, she now damned herself for keeping the door

unlocked. Desperate for composure, she turned around slowly, brushing her hair away

from her eyes. “I was not about to go into a deep discussion regarding our relationship

in front of your father, in the middle of your family’s kitchen. Are you crazy?”

“It’s not like I was trying to set up a time for us to get together to fuck.”

Caroline flinched. The expression on his face, the intense glare in his eyes, all of it

spoke of how angry he was. Angry at her.

“I don’t want to fight.” Touching her temples with the tips of her fingers, she felt

the slow throb beating against her forehead. “I think you should leave. We can talk

tomorrow when you’re not so upset.”

“I’m not upset,” Kevin said through clenched teeth.

Throwing her hands up in the air, Caroline turned away from him, stalking toward

her bedroom. “I’m not going to discuss this with you anymore, Kevin. Nothing

happened between Aaron and me, okay? Your mother introduced us, hoping for a love


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match or whatever and it didn’t happen. So stop acting like a macho idiot and grow


Strong fingers wrapped around her bare upper arm, wrenching her around so she

faced him in the hallway. “I don’t fucking share. When I’m with a woman, I’m with that

woman only. I don’t sleep around.”

“I-I don’t sleep around either.” Blinking rapidly, she stared up at him, shocked at

the possessive tone in his voice, the equally possessive words.

Secretly thrilled by both.

His grip gentling on her arm, he pulled her closer. Body heat radiated toward her,

warming her already heated skin, and her nipples puckered beneath her bathing suit.

“You had no problem letting yourself get set up with someone else. How am I

supposed to know you don’t sleep around?”

Well hell, now he was insulting her. She jerked away from him, rubbing her arm

where he’d grabbed her. “Don’t be rude, Kevin. You know I haven’t seen anyone else

since I’ve been with you—with the exception of your dad’s friend for all of five


“Then prove it.” Yet again he grabbed her but this time his touch was much gentler,

almost a caress as he cupped her shoulders, hands sliding down her arms. “When we’re

together, I don’t want you thinking about another man. Only me.”

Kevin drew her closer, the expression on his face pure seduction, his eyes a

dazzling green, seeming to see right through her. She braced her hands on his bare

chest, her fingers tingling at the feel of hot skin and hard muscle. “I don’t think about

anyone else.”

Well…the only time she did was when she compared her past lovers to Kevin. And

there was no comparison.

“Prove it to me, Caroline. Show me I’m the only one you think about. The only one

you want.”


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She stared at him, not exactly sure what he wanted. He watched her expectantly, his

hands still sliding up and down her arms, causing goose bumps to rise on her skin. Her

throat seemed clogged. She couldn’t form words.

“I feel like I show you every time we’re together how much you mean to me but

you always hold a piece of yourself back.”

Her brow furrowed. He was far too perceptive for his age. And what did he mean

she held a piece of herself back?

“You think too much. You’re doing it right now.” His index finger dabbed at the tip

of her nose. “Don’t you ever want to let loose?”

Kevin had helped her let go of so much already—but maybe not enough. Yes, she

had her hang-ups, but who didn’t? “It’s so much easier for you, Kevin, because of your


His jaw tightened, lips firming into a tight line. “Always gotta bring that up, don’t

you? Why does that always have to figure into what’s happening between us?”

“Because it’s a fact I’m over a decade older than you, okay? And it sucks. I’m old, I

have two kids, I’m divorced. Wrinkles in my skin, saggy breasts, stretch marks, the

works! It wouldn’t be any big deal if you were my age because then you’d expect it!”

“I don’t see any of that.” His hands gripped her elbows. “All I see is you, how

beautiful you are. How much you turn me on. Do you know what you do to me,


She shook her head. She knew what he did to her but she really didn’t get why he

was interested in the first place. He was gorgeous, smart, funny and he could be with

any woman he wanted.

Yet he was with her. Was it for the unbelievable sex? Because she couldn’t deny

what they shared was pretty damn unbelievable.


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“You make me believe in myself,” he whispered, his eyes darkening. “You listen to

me when no one else does. I think you’re an amazing mother…an amazing lover. You

make me want to conquer mountains for you.”

Looking away, she bit down hard on her lower lip. This was going somewhere she

hadn’t expected. A quick fling with the hot, young neighbor had turned into something

else. Something meaningful—and she really didn’t want that.

Or did she?

“Let go, Caroline,” he whispered. She’d heard him say that before—but this time it

seemed to hold different meaning. Enfolding her in his arms, he clutched her to him.

“Let go…for me. Please.”

Her gaze lifted and met his. She couldn’t resist him.


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Chapter Nine

The white-hot cloud of jealousy that had enshrouded Kevin at the sight of Caroline

with another man had consumed him, made him nearly blind with rage. Seeing her

with that guy, watching her sit with him and his parents, made him feel like he could

never fit into her life.

She belonged with a man like the one his mom set her up with. Someone

established who could support her and her children.

He’d just graduated. He could never give her everything she needed, everything

she deserved. Could only offer himself…and was that really enough?

Probably not.

Now he had her staring up at him with those midnight blue eyes, her lush mouth

trembling, her entire body leaning toward him. He’d asked her to let go for him but

could she really do it? It always felt like she held herself back emotionally, never really

letting her guard down.

He was tired of trying so hard. For once, she needed to try hard for him.

And if she wasn’t willing then he would walk away, end of story. His emotions

were already too wrapped up in this woman and they’d been seeing each other for only

a short time. What would happen if he continued to see her, make love to her every

night without knowing how she really felt?

His head would be so screwed up he’d probably need therapy.

Without a doubt, if he let this continue, he’d fall in love with the woman. Hell, he

already might be in love with her.

That thought sobered him quickly. What had started out as combustible sex with an

unlikely partner had morphed into a possible love affair. It kind of freaked him out.


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“Come on,” Caroline finally said, withdrawing from him. He followed her down

the hallway, stopping in the doorway when she entered her bedroom. Turning around,

she faced him, pulling her gauzy swimsuit cover over her head and tossing it on the


She wore a turquoise one-piece suit that made his mouth water, made him yearn to

tear it off her. It covered her modestly but hell, she could wear a sack and he’d be

tempted to rip it off her body like a wild animal.

“I don’t know exactly what you want from me, Kevin.” Her fingers fiddled with the

strap on her shoulder before she shrugged it off, the thin blue fabric sliding down her

tanned arm. “I guess I can only show you how much I want you.”

The other strap followed and the entire top of her swimsuit fell forward, revealing

the lush perfection of her breasts. His mouth watered, his hands itching to reach out

and touch but he held himself in check. Anxious to see what she’d do next.

“Spending the last three weeks with you every night in my bed I guess wasn’t proof

enough.” Hands at her waist, she nudged the suit down, revealing her stomach, hips

and then the dark curls at the juncture between her thighs.

The suit went down farther, along her thighs, over her knees, falling to her ankles.

Stepping out of it, she kicked it aside, the movement revealing the glistening pink lips

of her cunt. His breathing accelerated, his cock standing at full attention in an instant.

“Your turn,” she whispered, walking toward him with a sway in her step. Her

hands went to the waistband of his trunks, yanking at the tie in the front. Slowly she

drew them down his legs. His cock caught on the fabric and she disentangled him,

careful not to touch him. He gritted his teeth, watching as she knelt before him. He

couldn’t stop the little whimper that escaped.

Her head lifted, eyes meeting his, her breath drifting across his shaft. “Is this what

you wanted, Kevin? Me giving myself to you? Doing whatever I can to please you?”

Fuck, he had no words for her, not with her down on her knees in front of him,

offering herself to him.


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Slim fingers grasped the base of his cock and he felt breathless as she wrapped her

lips around the head, treating him to a gentle sucking motion. Withdrawing, her tongue

darted out, licking and tasting him, sliding down and then up his erection with

agonizing slowness.

“You taste so good. Doing this makes me want you so much!”

Her words made him ready to come in a gush but he closed his eyes, trying to gain

some semblance of control. Her hands moved around him to clutch his ass, her mouth

sliding up and down his cock. The tight, warm recesses of her mouth felt amazing. Not

nearly as good as her hot cunt, but close enough. He’d learned in the past weeks that

she gave great head but she was extra attentive now. His hips moved of their own

volition, hands clutching at the silky softness of her hair and she moaned around his

dick as he continued to fuck her mouth.

“Caroline!” He muttered her name, couldn’t believe how she made him feel. While

she might keep her heart guarded, she was a completely unselfish lover, unafraid to

experiment, always up for something different, something exciting.

But their late-night conversations were even better. Never had he found another

woman who got him, both in and out of bed. Not like her. Though their conversations

were often a little too one-sided for comfort.

Her pace increasing, she bobbed on him, her hand moving to squeeze the base of

his cock, her other hand cupping his balls gently. Damn it, he didn’t want to come like

this, would rather shove himself deep inside her pussy.

And then her hand slipped farther, pressing at the ridge of skin just beyond his

balls—and he was coming, spurting inside her mouth in uncontrollable waves, a shout

escaping from him. His entire body shuddered almost violently from the unexpected

climax, fingers tightening in her hair so hard he saw her wince. He forced himself to

relax his grip.

Caroline released him, a satisfied smile curling her damp lips. “Did you like that?”


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“Hell, yes,” he growled, a foreign emotion blooming inside his chest. Just looking at

her made him feel giddy inside.

And giddy was not a word he used to describe himself. Ever.

“Hmm, I know.” She stood, tilting her head back, lips pursed slightly in invitation.

He took her up on that invitation, pushing his tongue between her lips, the taste of

himself still lingering in her mouth. She clung to him, her body so soft and smooth

against his, the tips of her breasts rubbing against his chest, making him hard all over


He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss as

he carried her to the bed. He released her and she landed with a bounce, her breasts

swaying, legs spreading to reveal herself to him. Caroline reclined back against the

pillows and stretched, hands cupping her breasts, fingers pinching at her nipples.

Fuck, she was sexy—and really getting into it too. Her dark hair fell over one side of

her face, her knees spreading in invitation.

Only a few minutes ago she’d fled from him as if he was a serial killer and she his

next victim. Now she looked like she wanted to devour him. She intrigued him. He

wanted to understand what she felt, was desperate for it.

“You’ve got that look in your eyes,” she whispered, shaking him from his lusty


“What look?” He crawled onto the bed, over her body, holding himself above her

by bracing his hands flat on the mattress. She stared up at him, her body undulating

beneath his and she smiled, shaking her head.

“The look that says you’re horny.” She laughed, her hands coming up to wrap

around the back of his neck, fingers sinking into his hair. “The one that says you want

to fuck me.”


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“I do want to fuck you,” he said with a growl, dipping his head so he could suck

and nibble on her neck. She arched against him, his already hard cock brushing against

the soft skin of her belly and he groaned.

“Can’t that be all this is, Kevin? Two people who like to fuck?”

He saw her dark blue eyes were glassy with lust, her mouth swollen, cheeks

flushed. Completely aroused in every way possible, offering him what any man would

be a fool to say no to.

Yet he was tempted. Tempted to pull away from her and end this now.

Because what he wanted was more than a temporary fling.

He wanted her. With him. In a true relationship, not some frenzied fucking for a

couple months. And they’d definitely shared more than that, though she seemed hell

bent on denying it.

“Don’t turn this into something more.” Applying pressure on his neck with her

hands, she pulled his head to hers. His eyes slid closed at the first brush of her lips

against his. “Let’s have fun.”

He sank into her mouth, unable to resist, his tongue meeting hers. Her sweet taste

with a hint of his own cream made his cock surge against her, his entire body tightening

with anticipation. It always felt as if he couldn’t get enough—and the idea both excited

and scared him.

Squirming beneath him, she tangled her fingers in his hair, her breasts soft against

his chest, nipples stabbing into him. He refused to answer her with words, hoping

maybe the way he worshipped her body with his hands, mouth and cock would show

her exactly what he wanted.

Kevin slid down her body, raining kisses along the column of her throat, across her

collarbone, down her chest. She arched against him with a low moan and he took the

hint, drawing a pert nipple into his mouth, sucking deep. Her legs spread beneath him,

already anxious for him but he ignored her, paying close attention to her breasts.

Needing her so hot and wet for him she’d be mindless.


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He was already mindless for her now.

She had changed him, subtly at first. Since graduating, he’d puffed his chest and

acted all manly but deep down inside he’d always felt like a kid. A kid playing adult

who’d been offered a high-powered, high-paying job—a kid who’d moved back in with

his parents.

Being with Caroline had turned him into a man. A man who finally knew what he

wanted, both personally and professionally.

A man who was crazy in love with his woman.

Lifting his head, he gazed at Caroline’s face, stunned. A few minutes ago, he

thought he could fall in love with her. But he knew as he stared at her moist, parted lips,

at the dark lashes that swept her cheeks as they hid her beautiful eyes, that his feelings

were real. He couldn’t deny them.

But did he really love her?

Yes, you do.

Four weeks and he was in love. It didn’t make any sense.

Yet it made all the sense in the world.

She stilled beneath him, her eyes opening to watch him warily. “What?”

Kevin shook his head. He couldn’t get over this revelation, wanted to shout it from

the rooftops, whisper it in her ear.

Ha! Yeah, right. This is the woman who told him she wanted to keep it simple.

Who’d once described what they shared as an itch that needed to be scratched.

A declaration of love would not be accepted easily right now.

“Are you all right?” Her hand settled against his cheek, fingers stroking downward

and he nodded, loving the way she touched him, the way she felt beneath him.

“You look shell-shocked. Did you have too much to drink?”

“You’re thinking too much again,” he said in answer, completely ignoring what he

was so tempted to say. Shifting his body, he scooted lower, his face at her stomach,


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pressing kisses to the soft, fragrant skin. The undeniable scent of her arousal wafted up

to his nostrils and he breathed deep, anxious to taste her.

To show her how he felt with his body instead of words. Words would only scare

her. His body, his actions would make her feel good.

“Hmm.” Caroline arched her head back, hands clutching at his hair, pushing him

downward in a subtle movement. He knew what she wanted and he wanted to give it

to her. He always liked how eager she was, though she was also self-conscious. He

didn’t understand why.

She was beautiful. And all his.

“It’s too light in here,” she complained, her eyes opening.

Kevin glanced up, watching the summer sun starting to set through the window.

She always insisted they have sex in the dark, or at most by the dim light of her bedside


“It’s perfect.” He hovered above her pretty pink cunt now, the dark curls glistening

with her juices. He slid his hands up the insides of her thighs, parting her legs more,

revealing her plump lower lips and the pink folds of skin normally hidden between.

Looking his fill, he breathed her scent in deep, watching as fresh cream dripped

from her. He teased her tight little hole with the tip of his finger, watching as it tried to

trap him in its grip and he chuckled.

“So greedy.”

She always was…for him. How could she deny what they shared? How could she

deny that what they had could be even better? It didn’t make much sense.

But it was something he couldn’t worry about now, not when he had her pussy

glistening before him.

Bending down, he circled his tongue around the hard bud of her clit, heard her

release a ragged breath above him. Her taste melted on his tongue, musky and sweet,

and he laved at her again, feeling her clit harden in need, feeling her thighs tremble.


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Kevin slid two fingers inside her tight sheath, pumping slowly, her body moving

against him. Caroline shifted, her gaze meeting his, and he didn’t break eye contact as

he darted out his tongue and licked the length of her slit.

She cried out, her eyes sliding shut, and he continued to lick her, search her, his

fingers picking up their pace. Her stomach muscles clenched, as did her legs, and he

knew she was so close. He wanting to watch her come, wanted to revel in it, knowing

he was the only one who did it for her each and every time.

Just like she did it for him.

“I’m going to come!” she said, sharp pants punctuating each word, her hips moving

hard and fast against his fingers, his mouth. He sucked her clit hard, working his

tongue over the hard kernel of flesh, and a fresh gush of cream flooded his mouth when

she climaxed.

Her inner walls milked his fingers, clutching in a rhythmic motion over and over

and still he laved at her, gentling his movements, awed by the power of her body. He

could watch Caroline come for the rest of his days and die a happy man.

“My God, Kevin!” she panted when her body had calmed, her breathing struggling

to return to normal. “That was unbelievable.”

“And I’m not done.” He moved up her body, his cock so hard it ached, dying to be

deep inside her.

“I’m worn out. Maybe we should head back to the party.” She smiled up at him,

tried to blow the hair out of her eyes and he brushed it away for her, his fingers gentle,

making her shiver.

“Forget the party. What I have planned will be nice and slow. Just let me do all the

work.” He smiled down at her and she smiled back, her eyes glowing, her body

squirming beneath his.

He’d take all the time he needed to convince her. Convince her they belonged

together. For good.


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He slid right into her warmth, going so deep his balls brushed against her ass. With

a groan, she arched beneath his body, her breasts rubbing against his chest, and she

wrapped her legs around his waist, anchoring herself to him.

“You feel so good,” she whispered, her hips moving, body sliding up and down his

cock and he closed his eyes.

Every time they made love, he fell deeper and deeper. The way she looked at him,

the way she responded, the way she said his name. All of it so intense.

It overwhelmed him. It also made him want her more.

He pumped within her again and again, his movements slow but determined.

Fucking her until she went out of her mind—until he went out of his mind—was his

intent and he wouldn’t settle for less.

“Harder, baby. Please!” She moaned the words, her hips bumping faster against his,

and he rammed inside of her with everything he had, all thoughts of gentleness long

gone. He needed to possess, consume, mark her as his.


A strangled cry escaped her as her body was overcome with shudders, her orgasm

causing her to milk his cock over and over again. She wrung his orgasm from him, his

semen spurting with such intensity he swore he almost blacked out.

“Oh my God,” she said when he slumped against her, her hands smoothing up and

down his back.

Kevin closed his eyes and buried his face against her hair. He didn’t know what to

say to her, too overcome with emotion, his body still tingling from yet another intense


If their affair, relationship—whatever the fuck they wanted to call it—continued

like this, he’d be dead by September.


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Chapter Ten

“You wanna go out to dinner tonight?”

Caroline looked up to find Kevin standing on the other side of the kitchen window,

a hopeful smile on his face. The days had cooled considerably for early August and

she’d been able to keep a few windows open lately, letting in a pleasant breeze during

the day.

Kevin took advantage of that little fact by popping over unannounced, whispering

to her through the window. Sneaking through the open French doors to give her a

quick, mind-blowing kiss.

She secretly enjoyed all the sneaking around. Oh, Shawna and Michele knew what

was happening—they gave their approval at her “snagging and shagging a younger

dude” but really, this was turning into more than that.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night when her mind was a whirlwind of worry,

she almost wished the entire affair had never happened. Though she also knew that

was bullshit. She couldn’t imagine her life without Kevin now.

“I planned on making us dinner,” she finally answered, rinsing out the last cup and

setting it in the dishwasher. She shut the door with a loud snap and brushed her hands

together. “Wouldn’t you rather stay in?”

With a sigh, he ran his hand through his hair, making it practically stick straight up.

“I’m sick of staying in. I’m asking you to go out to dinner, Caroline. Are you ashamed

to be seen with me?”

Oh God, she’d been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever. Her face

heated and she knew her cheeks were bright red as she nibbled on her lower lip,

praying he wouldn’t notice through the window screen.


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But of course, he did. His expression changed in an instant, eyes darkening, lips

thinning. Shoving away from the window, he started to walk away.

“Wait, Kevin!” She chased after him, rushing through the kitchen doors and

moving so quickly she surprised herself.

He walked around the side of the house, ignoring her call, his steps quickening. She

broke out into a run, grabbing at his hand and stopping him before he walked through

her open gate.

“Please don’t go. Please don’t be mad at me.” She squeezed his hand but he was

still as stone.

“I can’t do this anymore, Caroline. I can’t be with you if all we do is hide.” He

wouldn’t look at her, his entire body stiff as he stood there with his back to her.

Why couldn’t he keep this simple? Why did he have to complicate everything,

make it so damn hard? All she’d wanted from this was a summer of hot sex. For once in

her life she’d been able to indulge and she’d taken advantage of her opportunity.

But she hadn’t expected to care for him so much, to enjoy what they shared

together. She wasn’t talking about the sex either, though that went beyond amazing.

No, she was also talking about the nights they spent talking, him sharing his ideas

about his new career choice. Helping him plant the last of the flowerbeds he put into

her now amazing yard. Laughing together, watching TV together, cuddling in bed

together, whispering to each other long into the night.

Crap. It sounded like a bona fide relationship.

It scared her. She swallowed hard, nerves fluttering inside her stomach like a

million butterflies trying to break free.

She drew in a shaky breath. It was now or never. She should break it off with him.

It was for the best, really. The kids were coming home in three days. She had things to

prepare for the upcoming new school year. Kevin would be a distraction.


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He’d found an apartment, though he hadn’t told his parents yet. Hadn’t told them

about turning down the job in China either—and he was supposed to leave next week.

She’d told herself it showed his immaturity, not telling his parents his plans. He

should be man enough to do so.

Though secretly she could understand his motives and even sympathize. Hell, she

was keeping a pretty big secret from his parents herself!

He looked over his shoulder at her, his intense gaze pinning her where she stood.

She could only stare back, her lips parting, the words ready to fall from her mouth.

I think we need to end this, Kevin.

It’s been real but it’s over.

Thanks for the fun summer of fucking!

“Let’s go out to dinner then,” she said instead, startling herself.

It was as if she had no control, didn’t even know the words were coming out of her

mouth until it was too late to stop them.

The instant smile on his face made her choice immediately feel right. Really, it

wasn’t fair to treat him this way, to keep him and their relationship under wraps

because she was afraid of gossip.

Afraid of how his parents would react. And her children. Would they approve?

They were only seven and five but this was a huge step, introducing a man into their

world. It had been just the three of them for so long, with visits from Dad on the side.

Now she was possibly bringing a much younger man into their lives.

Shit, she was making a mistake. She needed to end it, pure and simple. Maybe she

could end it tonight at dinner.

“I want to take this to the next level, Caroline.” He squeezed her hand, his fingers

tightening around hers, so warm and sure.

His words frightened the hell out of her. What next level? What else could they do

with this so-called relationship? Nothing could ever come of it. Nothing.


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It would never work.

“Kevin, let’s take it slow, okay? I have to consider my kids. And you haven’t even

told your parents you’re staying here and not going to China. The last thing you need to

do is shock them with us.” There is no us, remember?

“Don’t remind me.” He turned completely around to face her, yanking her so close

she bumped against his solid frame. As usual, her body tingled at the brief contact,

nipples tightening, panties growing wet. That was one thing that never lessened as time

went on.

She wanted him all the time. Being with him, having him fill her every night only

seemed to make her want him more. Like an addiction.

A delicious, multiple-orgasm-inducing addiction.

Wrapping his arms around her, he hauled her closer, pressing a sweet, lingering

kiss to her mouth. “We need to talk.”

Hmm, he took the words right out of her mouth. “I know. We should tonight, at


Perfect. If they were in a public place when she told him they needed to break it off,

he was less likely to make a scene. She couldn’t have planned this better if she tried.

“Sounds good.” He kissed her again, his nose nuzzling against hers and she

warmed inside.

Damn it, she wished this didn’t have to end. What would be the big deal if they

continued to see each other, fall in love? Yes, his parents would probably freak and the

neighbors would talk—but it wasn’t like she was some cradle-robber. This was the

twenty-first century for crap’s sake! She should be able to do whatever she wanted.

God, could she contradict and argue with herself or what?

“Oh my God, Kevin! What are you doing?”

The unmistakable shrill voice of Shari Travers broke the silence and Kevin

immediately let go of Caroline. So fast she stumbled on her feet, nearly falling.


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“Mom, keep it down.”

“Why were you kissing Caroline?”

Caroline risked a glance in Shari’s direction and immediately wished she hadn’t.

The horrified expression on her neighbor’s face was something she’d not likely ever


It also made her feel like total shit.

This was exactly what she hadn’t wanted to happen. What she’d been afraid of all

along but never had the guts to admit out loud. Forget the twenty-first-century woman

thought process. Caroline felt like a small child who’d been caught with her hands in

the cookie jar.

A very handsome and sexy cookie jar—who just happened to be the son of the

hysterical-looking woman before her.

“Let’s go inside so we can talk about this.” Kevin’s voice was low and measured,

his expression tolerant. Like he’d been preparing for this for a long time. And maybe he


Shari shook her head, jabbing her finger in Caroline’s direction. “How long has this

been going on? How long have you been with my son?”

“He’s not a child, Shari,” Caroline said, nerves clawing at her throat, making it hard

for her to speak much louder than a whisper. “I thought about talking to you about this

but I didn’t know how to approach you.”

“We both have, Mom. I wanted your blessing, and Dad’s too. Caroline is…well,

she’s a special woman and I feel lucky to have her in my life. I had hoped you’d see it

the same way.”

Shari shook her head, the negativity coming off her in giant, rolling waves. “No. I

can’t listen to this. You’re leaving for China in a week, Kevin! You need to get your

head together and prepare for your career. You don’t need to distract yourself with

that—that woman!”


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“That woman is your friend,” Kevin reminded his mother.

“You two should talk.” Caroline felt like she could puke. “I think you need some

time alone. I’ll talk to you later, Kevin.” Coward!

He looked at her with sad puppy dog eyes, his mother yammering away at him as

Caroline walked away. She didn’t turn around, couldn’t, too afraid of what she might

do if she saw that look on his face again.

The look that said, don’t leave me. I need you. I love you.

With hurried steps, she climbed up her back patio, slamming the French doors

behind her as she walked inside. Let the dam of tears that had threatened to break ever

since she started thinking about ending it with Kevin finally fall.

She was a damn fool.

A damn fool in love.

* * * * *

“You are completely overreacting.”

“I am not, Kevin! I can’t believe you’ve been cavorting with Caroline Howard! She’s


Cavorting? “So?” Kevin shook his head, glaring at his mother. She acted like she

lived in the damn Stone Age.

“And she’s so much older than you. She has children! What were you going to do

when they came home? ‘Hey, kids, I’m boffing your mother, it’s nice to meet you’.”

Shari shook her head, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Kevin wanted to burst out laughing at hearing his mother use the term “boffing”

but now was not the time. “I’m in love with her.”

Those words spoken out loud hit him like a ton of bricks. He’d been thinking it for

weeks, the words threatening to drop every time he’d come near Caroline but he’d

never admitted it to her. Too scared she’d dump him or, worse, tell him he really didn’t

love her, as if he was some sort of fool admitting a crush.


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Getting the words out, telling his mother, of all people, that he was in love with

Caroline, well…it felt good.

“Oh great!” His mother threw her hands up in the air, looking ready to knock him

upside the head. “Have you lost all common sense? What makes you think you’re in

love with her? You’re leaving in a few days! Are you trying to romanticize all this or


“That’s another thing. I’m not going to China. I already withdrew my job

acceptance. I’m staying here.”

“Is this all because of her? You’re throwing away everything you’ve worked so hard

for because of a woman? Have you lost your mind?”

“No, I haven’t. I know exactly what I’m doing. I found an apartment, I’ll be moving

out in a couple days. I’m going to start working at a landscaping company on Monday.

The same guy I worked for before I left for college. We’ve always stayed in touch and

he wants me to be his apprentice, so to speak. He’s going to sell his business in a few

years and I’m going to buy it from him.”

Shari’s mouth dropped open and she didn’t speak for what felt like an eternity.

“You have got to be kidding me!”

Kevin shook his head. “I’m serious.”

“So now you’re going to be a glorified gardener instead of an up-and-coming

financial powerhouse? Wow, way to step it up, Kevin.”

“Wow, way to be supportive, Mother,” Kevin mimicked, pissed off. She had no

right to talk that way and she needed to realize he wasn’t going to take it.

“I hate to see you throw away a wonderful career for a woman over ten years older

than you! A relationship with her will never work. There are too many differences for

the two of you to overcome.” His mother took a step forward, a pleading look in her

eyes. “Don’t let this chance get away, Kevin. Call the HR people—tell them you made a

mistake! Do the right thing. Make your father proud!”


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“That’s what it’s always been, Mother! ‘Make your father proud, your father would

be so proud, you can’t disappoint your father.’ Well guess what? I’m finally doing

something for me, something I’ve always loved but couldn’t admit because I was afraid

I’d disappoint you.” Kevin blew out a heavy breath and ran his hand through his hair.

“I’m sorry you consider me such a failure,” he said, his voice low. “And I’m sorry it’s

not enough for you to just be happy for me. I’ll start moving my stuff out the day after


“Kevin, wait!”

He turned away from her, both apprehensive and relieved. He’d really unloaded on

his mom. He knew she needed to hear it but it still made him nervous. Made those old

feelings of guilt and fear reemerge—fear of making his parents unhappy.

Well, it was done. He was tired of living for his parents, letting them map out his

future. Caroline had shown him how to be his own man, to take a stand for what he

believed in and wanted out of life. For that, he would be forever grateful.

Now if he could only make sure their relationship wasn’t over before it had a

chance to begin.


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Chapter Eleven

Caroline hadn’t talked to Kevin for two days. The two longest, most excruciating

days of her life. He’d called her the night his mother discovered the two of them

together, told her he’d talked long and hard with his parents. They knew he wasn’t

going to China. They knew about his new career choice.

And they knew about Caroline. According to Kevin, his father had been suspicious

since the Fourth of July party. While not exactly thrilled about any of his decisions, they

had agreed to respect them. They had no choice.

She, on the other hand, had told him she couldn’t talk to him for a few days, needed

to get her head on straight, figure out what the hell she was doing. And instead of

throwing a fit and begging to come over, Kevin had chuckled, told her to take all the

time she needed and then hung up.

His reaction had thrown her for a complete loop.

Addy and Cole were coming home tomorrow evening. She had grocery shopping

to do, the house to clean, things to prepare and she hadn’t done any of it. She’d sat

around feeling sorry for herself instead, ignoring the phone calls from her friends,

watching really bad sappy movies on cable and crying.

Damn if she wasn’t behaving like a lovesick idiot.

Spying on Kevin, she’d watched him and his friends move all his stuff out this

afternoon. Watched him hug his parents goodbye and then drive off literally into the


It had felt like he’d driven right out of her life.

Of course, she could have called him but she’d chosen not to. Seriously, she needed

to figure out what she was doing with her life. Would she continue to include Kevin in

it? She told herself she didn’t need him, it would be best if they went their separate


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ways and remained friends. Friends who were once lovers. It happened all the time,


But then she’d start thinking about seeing Kevin around town with another woman.

A much younger, more beautiful woman—and she’d get so jealous she’d fling the box

of tissue across the room, satisfied with the heavy thud as it hit the wall.

Then she’d scurry over to pick the box back up since she needed the damn tissues

to blow her nose after all the crying.

She was a pitiful, depressing mess.

The loud whir of a motor suddenly sounded and Caroline lifted her head, looking

toward the backyard. It was practically nightfall, the sun only faint orange and pink

streaks on the horizon. The noise sounded like a lawnmower. Did her elderly neighbor

finally lose his mind?

Then she heard the distinct sound of Buster barking ferociously next door—and she

knew without a doubt who was in her backyard.

Why the hell was he mowing her lawn practically in the dark?

Glancing down at herself as she stood from the kitchen table, she shook her head.

She looked a damn mess, hair in a knot on top of her head, the old tank top and

flamingo pants on. Her face was surely blotchy, her nose probably as red as Rudolph’s,

but she didn’t care. Let Kevin see her at her worst. Maybe he’d run away screaming and

then she could reassure herself it would’ve never worked out.

Oh please.

Flicking on the porch light and throwing open the door, Caroline squinted into the

darkening sky, making out the unmistakable figure of Kevin moving down her lawn,

pushing the lawnmower in front of him. He wore no shirt, just those same old baggy

shorts and in the growing darkness, she could still make out the subtle shift of his

muscles as he moved.


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Her heart lurched in her chest, the thought of never seeing Kevin again nearly

sending her to her knees. She’d been in denial for so long but now she had to face the


She was in love with Kevin. And if she wanted this to work out, they had obstacles

to face, ones she’d need to be strong enough to deal with.

“Kevin!” Caroline ran out into her backyard, following him as he mowed in a

straight line. He whirled around, ready to change direction, and he let out a shout when

he saw her, killing the motor.

“You scared the crap out of me!”

“You scared the crap out of me, out here mowing my lawn in the dark. What are

you doing?” Just looking into his gorgeous eyes, his handsome face, made her heart go

pitter-patter, made her body go on instant high alert.

Two days without Kevin was two days too long for her.

He shrugged those impossibly broad shoulders. “I stopped by Mom and Dad’s to

pick something up and saw your yard needed mowing, so I thought I’d do you a


She sighed, fighting the urge to throw herself at him. He was so full of it. “It’s late,

Kevin. And dark. How can you mow a lawn in the dark?”

“I have my ways.”

And how. “I’ve missed you.”

He tensed, though his expression remained neutral. “You have?”

Caroline nodded, taking another tentative step toward him. “So much. I—I need

you in my life, Kevin. What we’ve shared these last couple months…how you make me

feel…has been like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”

He yanked her into his arms, holding her close. She braced her hands on his bare

chest, felt the wild beating of his heart beneath her palms. “What are you saying,



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She sighed softly. “I’m saying I don’t want to be apart again,” she said, hesitantly

raising her eyes to his.

“Me either,” he admitted, a tiny smile curving his sensuous lips.

Standing on tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to those lips, sighing at his delicious taste.

His arms tightened around her, the unmistakable swell of his cock brushing against her

lower belly through his shorts and she sighed in satisfaction. “You’re so naughty.”

“Only for you.” He tipped her chin up with two fingers. “I love you, Caroline.”

Tears formed in her eyes and she blinked. “I love you too.”

His smile grew into that lopsided grin she so loved seeing. “You’re telling me you

don’t care what my parents think? Though honestly, I think my dad’s already

adjusted,” he laughed.

“Well, they are my friends…of course I would like them to approve.”

“I don’t care what anyone thinks, as long as I have you.” Kevin smoothed his

fingers over her cheek, making her shiver.

Just like that she wanted him naked. She knew he was already more than raring to

go. “I love it when you talk to me like that, all possessive.”

“I know.”

He kissed her, stealing the breath right from her lungs. She tugged on his hand

when they came up for air.

“Where are we going?” He sounded amused, though he didn’t resist when she

dragged him toward the patio door.

“I was hoping maybe you could come inside and trim my bush.”


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About the Author

After leaving the crazy working world to become a stay-at-home mom, Karen

realized she needed to stop thinking about it and actually pursue her life long dream of

being a published author. Now multi-published, she is a busy mother of three. Who fits

her precious writing time in between chasing her children, hanging out with her

wonderful husband and pretending she has a maid.

Karen welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Karen Erickson

Stolen Hearts

Virgin Jewels

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

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