Ray Sostre [Love Out of Lust 01] Love Out of Lust Part One [MF] (pdf)

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Love Out Of Lust

Part one


Ray Sostre

Written by: Ray Sostre

Edited by: ELICIA STOLL.

Cover Design by: Ray Sostre

Photography: Public Domain (Assumed)

Afterdark press ©2013

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Marisol entered the two bedroom apartment and slammed the door, hard. She

stormed past Daryl, who was sitting in the living room watching TV. It startled him. She

didn’t want to face Daryl, in fact, halfway past her bedroom, he overheard her sobbing.

“Mari, what’s wrong?”

“Just leave me alone! I don’t feel like talking!” Marisol cried, just before she

slammed her bedroom door.

Daryl was concerned for her, but he respected her wishes. He knew she’d been

through a lot. She’d had a terrible year. Her brother was killed in a car accident in the

beginning of the year, and her mother died just a few days before Christmas from a

massive heart attack. She stayed with Daryl, since she couldn’t afford an apartment on

her own. She was fortunate to have a friend like Daryl, but he wished she would tell him

what her problem was. She was sobbing, and the only thing he could think was she was

having issues with her boyfriend again.

Daryl didn’t like her boyfriend. He was a typical piece of shit, always criticizing

her for what she wore, what she did and always telling her who she could hang out with.

If she didn’t act right in front of him, she’d get belittled. You’d think he would show her

a little sensitivity, since she lost her brother and mother in the same year.

Daryl got up from the sofa and walked down the hall toward her room. He was

worried and willing to listen to whatever she ranted about. He leaned by her door and

thought about knocking but figured it was best to leave her alone, so she could cool off.

Good thing he changed his mind about knocking. Just before he returned to the

living room, he overheard her scream, “I fucking hate men!”


A couple of hours had passed, and Daryl was in the living room drinking a glass

of Crown and water. It was his favorite way to start off his weekend doing nothing but

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having some drinks and staying home. He considered himself a mature man of twenty-

six. He was tall, dark and handsome, yet single. His friends urged him to get out there

and look for women, but he wasn’t interested in meeting them. He was recently divorced

and wasn’t looking for any kind of relationship. In fact, he was happy being alone. He

didn’t think much about it – being alone, but he liked it so far.

He remained on the sofa, flicking through channels for something interesting to

watch, while sipping from his large cup of Crown and water. The buzz was beginning to

hit, and the simple drama he was watching had him glued to the set.

He heard Marisol’s door open and then footsteps. He was so busy and into the TV

show, he didn’t pay attention to what she was wearing; a dark blue robe. And the only

thing that held her robe together was the belt that wrapped around her curves. She sat at

the other end of the couch. She looked sad. Daryl thought he knew what had happened to

her. Her boyfriend likely embarrassed her in front of her friends; it wasn’t the first time.

Daryl had met him before, and the two didn’t like each other. Marisol had only been with

Jose for about two months, and she was already thinking of moving in with him. Living

with Daryl was more stable, which is what she needed. Her relationship with Jose was

unstable and unsure at best.

She reached over the wooden coffee table and grabbed his bottle of Crown Royal.

She opened the bottle and took a sip, in fact, a big sip, and set it back down. Daryl looked

at her in disbelief. When did she start drinking?

She gave a harsh look in reaction to taking a swig from the bottle, but the flavor

somehow evened out, and Marisol looked back at Daryl.

Okay, so she needed a drink. Obviously something was wrong. Now spill it; I

want to help.

“You know, other than you, I really fucking hate men.” Marisol vented, and her

tone bitter. “I finally broke up with my boyfriend. He was nothing but a fucking loser.”

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“I’m sorry to hear that.” He knew what the problem was but continued to listen to

her vent.

“Jose and I were at McDonald’s with some friends, and he belittled me, saying I

was an ugly-ass bitch.” She put up one finger. “First of all, I don’t like being called that.

She put up another finger. “Second of all, he had the nerve to embarrass me in front of

my friends just because we were joking around with him.”

“He was bad news from the start.”

“I should’ve never taken him back.” She almost sobbed. “He had the nerve to say

when he first got with me I wasn’t pretty at all. I was someone he wanted to give a

chance, because he felt bad for me.”

What a fucking asshole! Daryl shook his head.

“I just flipped the finger at him and walked away.” She took a long, deep breath.

“I knew if I’d stayed at McDonald’s a little longer, I probably would have thrown my

soda at him. Before I left, I told him about his size being smaller than his ego.”

Daryl snickered. At least Marisol got her last licks in. “There are better men than

him. Fuck him; you don’t need him.”

“You know what, I don’t.” She giggled, “And I’m beginning to like this drink.

The Crown Royal is beginning to sit well with me. I like the buzz.”

“I thought you didn’t like it?” Daryl gave her the third degree look.

“I don’t give a fuck. I needed something strong.” She reached over and grabbed

the bottle off the coffee table, twisted open the cap, and took another swig. “Can I ask

you a question?”


“Do you think I’m pretty?”

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Was this a trick question? It seemed what Jose said at McDonald’s had really

affected her. Of course Marisol was pretty, but even better, she had a beautiful body. She

was no goddess or a model fresh off the cover of a magazine, but she was pretty. She had

long dark hair, brown eyes, and a nice olive complexion. And now that he’d noticed, she

had nice perky breasts and an amazing ass. He’d grown up with her and her brother, but

she was at least four year younger than him. And when they met, she was in elementary

school, while he was in high school with her older brother; the one who had passed away.

Daryl never looked at her that way; she was more like family. He had no brothers

or sisters. Their relationship was somewhat like brother and sister, even though Marisol

had an older brother she’d looked up to. He’d never noticed how she’d grown into a very

attractive woman until just now.

“You’re a very beautiful woman.” Daryl responded with a look, realizing her

beauty. He noticed nice cleavage underneath her robe, and emphasized the fact by

looking over. “And you’re a sexy momma.” He chuckled after noticing her smile. “Look,

there is nothing wrong with you, Mari. Don’t let that asshole get to you. He’s only being

that way because he’s ugly inside.”

“You’re right. You know, my mom was right about you. You’re a great listener

and a great guy. Look, you’ve been divorced for almost a year, why aren’t you out there

meeting women and shit at the clubs?”

He shrugged, and then joked, “I don’t know. I guess I don’t want to meet another


“You didn’t deserve what that bitch did to you. At least I wouldn’t do that to

you...” Realizing what she said sounded awkward, she rephrased. “Well, that’s if I had a

man just like you... You know what I’m saying?”

He chuckled, knowing what she meant and nodded. “Yeah, I know what you


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Daryl was married to his high school sweetheart until he divorced her almost a

year ago. He was coming home from work early when he caught her in bed with another

man he knew – his boss. Daryl came through; paying the bills and always listened to her

nag and complain over the slightest things. His ex-wife even bitched at him for staying

out late with Hector, drinking. But to catch his wife sleeping around with his boss was a

pure blow to his ego. He didn’t need her anymore; he divorced her and then quit his job.

Although he didn’t need to be reminded of that, he understood what Marisol meant.

“I don’t want to be in a relationship, not for a long time at least.”

He raised his glass. “Ditto.”

“You know what, I actually like Crown Royal.” She grabbed the bottle again and

took another swig. Again, she gave a harsh look from the taste of the liquor. “I see why

you like it with water.”

“It’ll get you fucked up if you drink it straight.”

“I don’t care. I kind of want to get over it.” She took the bottle, this time sipping

lightly, so she could get used to the harshness of Canadian Whisky. “You know, I just

wish to be in a relationship where I don’t always get my feelings hurt. Forget this bullshit

about commitment. I don’t want to be committed to a relationship. I just want to have

someone to talk to and fuck every now and then.”

“Like a sexual relationship?”

“Yeah, but it’s too bad, because there’s usually feelings involved after that.” She

set the bottle on the table. “I mean, I just want someone that’s available for a booty call,

and that’s all.”

“Now you’re starting to sound like a guy.” He raised his eyebrow.

“I may, but don’t tell me you never thought of it.”

“I had, but I haven’t found someone who thought of it like you.”

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“Come on. When was the last time you had sex?”

Daryl paused. He knew it’d been a while since he’d had sex. He was suddenly

growing hard under his sweatpants. Just thinking about it was a feeling he couldn’t

control. Then again, he hadn’t had sex with his ex-wife for quite a long time; more than a

year. Every time he’d wanted to have sex, his wife would turn him down, telling him she

didn’t feel well or she had a migraine. If he’d known her excuses were the result of

having an affair, he’d started fucking around behind her back a long time ago. But he

looked at Marisol and remembered that he had to answer her question.

“A very long time,” he exhaled and then looked at her with admittance. “I’ve

masturbated more than I’ve gotten some.” He pointed her out. “You’ve probably had

more than I have.”

She shook her head, admitting the most shocking truth. “No, I’ve only had sex

twice with one guy. He was my first.”

He looked at her shocked. “Really?”

She shook her head. “Yeppers! I was with some guys after high school, but I

never had sex with them. You know, I wanted it to be serious, maybe save myself for the

right guy and get married. But I realized that life’s too short; I just wanted to fuck first.”

Daryl couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There was something about Marisol

he was becoming attracted to – her openness about her sexuality, but was she for real?

“Can I be honest with you?” Marisol asked.

“What’s that?”

“I too have masturbated more than I’ve had sex. So don’t feel bad.”

He sighed with a slight frown, go ahead rub it in, but wondered what she’d look

like while she masturbated? He’d heard her a few times, and now here they were sharing

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their most intimate moments about themselves. He was turned on, and he wondered if she

felt it too. To add to it, what was she really wearing underneath her robe?

However, he played it off. “I never thought you’d masturbate.”

“I have ever since I was twelve; I experienced my first orgasm at that time. I even

keep my toys in my bedroom.”

“So that explains the strange sounds coming from the other room,” he joked.

Marisol reached over and tapped his leg, laughing. “Shut up. You act like you’ve

been quiet. I can hear you play porn in your bedroom.”

“Oh, but you’re louder.”

“No I’m not... am I?”

“I’ve heard you moan but never bugged you about it.”

“Am I really that loud?” She asked with a sense of insecurity.

“Yes, you’re that loud.” He emphasized the meaning. “Here’s how. Just a week

ago, I heard you moaning out of pleasure. At first, I thought you had someone in your

bedroom but realized it was just you alone. I heard something buzzing from your

bedroom, and that sucker was really loud. Then I heard your screams. You suck at

muffling them, especially when I’m trying to sleep.”

Her face reddened. She somehow remembered that night. “Oh, my god, I didn’t

know I was that loud.”

“You were. I heard you masturbate all through the night, I...” he paused,

wondering if he should admit what he did.

“You what? Tell me,” she pushed.

“Nah, nothing.”

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Her eyes widened in reaction. “Wait a minute, you masturbated to me


His expression was one of discomfort, a dead giveaway to Marisol. He looked at

her reaction and wondered if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Daryl did masturbate

thinking about her; he blushed in front of her as he finally admitted to it. “I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be. I’ve masturbated thinking about you too. In fact, twice; once


Daryl couldn’t think of what else to say, except he was flattered she had lustful

thoughts of him. When he masturbated to her, he was listening to her erotic sounds

behind closed doors, but what was on her mind when she was masturbating to him?

“Can I make a confession? The first time I masturbated to you was when I was

young. I saw you naked, taking a shower, when I, and a few other girls, snuck into the

men’s locker room to watch you all shower. There you were. I saw you. For some

reason, I wanted to watch you shower all day long; too bad one of the guys caught us.”

He couldn’t respond, but her confessions were turning him on. His hardness was

beginning to bulge out from under his sweatpants. He was stiffer than ever hearing her

lustful thoughts.

She noticed his expression and laughed. “Don’t be so shy. I mean, say


He gave her his most wanton look. “I honestly don’t know whether I should feel

turned on or change the subject.”

“To be honest with you, I’m really turned on just thinking about it.”

“You’ve only had sex with one guy?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she nodded. Then she shook her head. “We’ve been friends for so long. I

can’t believe I’m confessing my sexual fantasies to you.” Her heart beat like never

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before. What an adrenaline rush. She began to lick her lips and a lustful thought began to

loom about him. “I’m sorry, but I’ve dreamt of kissing you. It’s been something I need to

get off my mind.”

Daryl could feel his cock ache and throb with torment. He knew what’d happened

if they kissed. He could feel his heart punch through the walls of his chest. The more he

looked, the more he was suddenly attracted to her. He’d never looked at her that way...

until now.

It was just years ago, when he first met her, she was this tomboy, flat-chested, ten

year-old. Now, here she was a beautiful twenty two year-old that had blossomed into a

voluptuous female, and by god she had such goodies under the sexy robe she wore.

“Me too.” he responded.

He stood up and waited for Marisol to get up and kiss him. Despite the

anticipation, he couldn’t help his cock from sticking out of his sweatpants. He was quite

big and impressive. Marisol smiled in approval.

She kissed him. It was a nice, small peck. Her lips felt soft and luscious. His hard-

on remained painfully stiff. Then, without warning, he felt her hand on his cock. “You

feel really nice...” She caressed his shaft and responded with amazement. “And big,” She

looked up. “May I see?”

Daryl wanted her to see so badly. He anticipated her touch on his throbbing, dark

member. He felt his sweatpants pull open, and when she got a glimpse of his hardness,

she moaned in delight. “Mmmmm.... you’re big. Want to see mine?”

“Sure.” Now that she brought it up, Daryl couldn’t wait to see what she looked

like underneath her robe. He’d only seen her in the sexiest outfits her delicious body

could slip in, but he never knew what she’d looked like without any clothes on.

“I haven’t shaved yet, but I’m not jungle or anything.”

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She undid the knot on her belt, and then opened up her robe to reveal her most

delicious tidbits. Marisol had the most amazing figure under the robe; her body was ripe

and ready. Her breasts were perky, with areolas that were just a shade darker. He was

filled with absolute lust. To add to her luscious appearance, her nipples were hard and

filled him with pure desire, causing his mouth to water.

His look was of pure lust. “Wow, Marisol, you have really grown.”

“I know.” She nodded, equally giving him her most wanton look. She stepped

forward and kissed him again.

The kiss transcended into something more erotic. Daryl slipped his tongue inside

her mouth and felt the movements of her tongue. It was sensual, erotic, and flavorful. He

inhaled the pheromones of her desire – delicious! Their kiss turned deep, they gripped

onto each other, encircling their arms around their bodies. Daryl, without realizing,

moved his hand down her back to the flesh of her ass. Marisol’s ass felt smooth, cool, and

round. She’d always had a nice booty, but for the first time, he was paying attention to all

of her assets.

Marisol broke away and whispered in his ear. “Oh, my god, you should feel how

wet I am. Just put your hands down by my pussy and feel it. My thong’s soaking wet

right now.” She whimpered, “Oh, I want you now!”

He slipped his hand down to her pussy, and felt her most intimate parts. Marisol

wasn’t kidding; she was wet. Her thong was soaked with the scent of her desire.

He growled under his breath. “Let me taste you.”

She would love that feeling but protested. “No, not yet.” She gave an

embarrassing grin. “I really need to shower. I was at the gym earlier.” She kissed a peck

on his neck. “Just take off your pants, and we’ll fuck on the couch.”

“I don’t have any condoms. Do you?”

“No, but I’ve been taking birth control since I was teenager.”

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Oh, my gosh, she’s on the pill! For all the things he could truly think of doing to


He looked into her eyes and asked for her assurance. “So, you’re safe?”

She replied matter-of-factly, “Oh, yes, I’m definitely safe.”

The two locked lips one more time. Daryl’s cock ached like it never had before.

He felt her pussy; Marisol wanted him as much as he wanted her. The two were lost in

their passion; they took off each other’s bottoms.

“Oh, Daryl, I just want to fuck right now.” She started to suck on his neck.

For a woman who stood five foot seven, she knew how to get him turned on by

sucking on his neck while pulling down his pants. Daryl, on the other hand, was five foot

ten, just a few inches taller than her, and he struggled to get her thong down past her ass.

When they backed away, Daryl was naked from the waist down, his member

standing at attention. Meanwhile, he took a nice glance at Marisol’s body. She was fully

naked under her robe. He watched her sit on the couch and spread her legs wide; open

enough to see her slit. She wasn’t hairy like she said, just a shade. This was the first time

he’d seen her fully naked.

He moved over her on the couch and held his cock at her entrance before sliding

inside her pussy. He watched her anxious expression. Marisol couldn’t wait for that

initial moment.

He slid inside her with no resistance at all. The two let out a gasp. It was erotic.

Marisol’s especially. She was so wet; her juices covered his entire cock. Marisol wasn’t

only just wet but tight as well. His cock twitched inside the sweet velvety walls of her

pussy. He needed to take it slow, but he felt a sweet aching swelling in his balls. It was

tightening, but he managed to avoid cumming too quickly.

He extended her legs more and buried his cock deep in her pussy. They shared a

passionate kiss, and he felt her rocking herself into his thrusts. Their mouths ravaged each

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other like never before. Just a couple of hours ago, Marisol had had the worst night of her

life, and now she was fucking her friend and loving every second of it.

“Oh, my god, you feel so fucking good!” She moaned. “Oh, keep fucking me!”

Daryl rocked himself on top of her. The sweet aching to cum passed, but loomed

in the distance. He started rocking her, his cock pistoning in and out of her pussy, while

she watched his shaft glisten with her juices.

He watched her expression. It was the most interesting expression he’d ever seen

on Marisol’s face. He could go on all night and watch her lustful expression. She was

licking her lips, keeping them wet while he pumped her on the sofa. Her legs were spread

wide open and each time he pounded into her, their bodies made a sound; familiar, but

unusual to them – their bodies coming together during sex.

His pace started to pick up, and Daryl was beginning to sweat. Marisol was

screaming out of pleasure. By now, he was pounding her hard. The two shared a hot,

passionate kiss, and Daryl was feeling that familiar ache under his balls. This time he

couldn’t control it any longer.

He howled, “Oh, god, I’m cumming.”

“Oh, cum in me,” She placed her hands on the sides of his back. “I want to feel


Daryl pumped her with all his might before he straightened his cock, shooting his

load deep inside her walls. He buried his cock as deep as he could. His cock twitched

uncontrollably. Then he could feel Marisol climax as she let out a loud moan. Once he

was spent, he almost collapsed on her, but instead muffled the rest of her orgasm with hot

kisses. Daryl could feel the coolness of her tongue, while ravaging his lips with her

kisses. He was moving his tongue along with hers, and then suddenly, the kissing

stopped. What happened?

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There was a weird look on Marisol’s face – the look of guilt. She stopped kissing

him and never uttered a word. What was wrong with her? It was like she was ready to

burst into tears.

“Something wrong?” he asked. After all, he did care.

“No, but I think I need to go to bed.” Marisol responded, her voice hollow.

Daryl knew something was wrong with her; her expression showed regret, and it

was concerning him. Did he just ruin a friendship between him and Marisol? He’d known

her since she was little, and in the heat of the moment, they may have really changed

their feelings in the end.

He got off of her, heaving a sigh of regret. What have I done? He knew this was

going to change things between them.

He watched her get up and fasten her robe, retying a knot in the front.

“I’m sorry.” She sniffled.

Daryl couldn’t think of anything to say. He knew there was nothing to be sorry

about. But he couldn’t find the right words to sooth Marisol. He bent down to put on his

sweatpants, but watched her walk away, not sobbing, but visibly shaken from their

impromptu encounter moments ago.

He attempted to stop her. “Marisol, wait.”

“No,” she shook her head, waving him off. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just

need to go to bed.”

“Couldn’t we just talk about it?”

“Not now. I just…” she sighed “need to be alone for now.”

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Daryl watched Marisol walk down the hallway. He wanted to persuade her to stay

and talk about it, but maybe it was best to let it go. She did say he didn’t do anything

wrong, but then why did he feel so guilty?

Daryl sat back down on the couch and bowed his head with regret. Oh, god, what

have I done?


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About the Author: Ray Sostre

New York born, East Coast raised, and West Coast bound

Writing erotica happened by accident in the summer of 2010. That same

year, he established a story submission site – AfterDark Online, a place

where people are free to publish erotic stories.

He lives in Nevada with his long-time girlfriend, is an avid listener of

electronica, and enjoys writing and publishing articles. He jokes: “I’m

always looking for writing material.”

Visit his blog:

The AfterDark World with Ray Sostre

or Facebook Fan Page:

Author Ray Sostre


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