Escape to Love Kimberly Hunter

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Escape to Love


Kimberly Hunter

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Escape to Love
Copyright© 2011 Kimberly Hunter
ISBN: 978-1-60088-714-7

Cover Artist: PJ Edwards
Editor: Devin Govaere

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in reviews.

Cobblestone Press, LLC

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For the tenth time, Rory looked at the clock at the back of the bar.

Coot was almost two hours late. Not unusual in bad weather, but Mother
Nature had deemed to bless them with clear and sunny skies for the last
several days, melting a good chunk of snow and making the few roads in
the area more than passable. And even if the flights were behind, Coot
could make up for it with his chopper. Lord knew it wouldn’t be the first
time. But no, this was different. Rory’s gut was telling him that something
was wrong.

‚Cooter still not back yet?‛
The question made him blink with confusion for a moment, the

deep and gravely voice of Pete St. John bringing him out of his musings.
He quickly regained his composure, wiping down the bar then getting a
beer for Pete.

‚Not yet.‛ He handed the beer over. ‚The guy’s flight must have

been delayed. And it doesn’t help that Lillian, as well as Aunt Rhea, has
called several times.‛

Pete nodded in understanding, taking a healthy swallow of his beer

then carefully wiping the foam from his handlebar mustache. ‚The
weather could have changed out that way. We’re due for another big one
before spring.‛

‚Yeah.‛ Still, that didn’t dispel the feeling of unease Rory had.
Before either of them could comment further, there was a

screeching of tires and a slamming door. Coot then burst through the
pub’s door, his white hair wind blown, blue eyes bright with panic. His
expression was one of sheer terror.

Rory didn’t hesitate. He just jumped over the bar and rushed to

Coot’s side. ‚What happened?‛

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‚Your new boarder, he’s in a bad way, Rory. Real bad.‛ Coot then

turned and went back out, Rory fast on his heels, Pete following as well.

Getting to the back passenger door of Coot’s Land Rover, Coot

opened it, revealing a small man laid out on his stomach. His pale and
lightly sweat-sheened face was partially covered by long, red-blond hair.
His breathing was shallow, and he was shivering despite the thick coat
and warm clothing he was wearing. His full lips were compressed in a
grimace, eyes closed. He was out cold.

‚Christ, Coot, what the hell happened?‛ Rory carefully pushed the

long hair away from the man’s face to reveal fine features. His skin, on
closer inspection, was not only pale, but sheet white. He let out a low
moan, clearly in pain. Rory thought he was the most arrestingly beautiful
man he had ever seen regardless of his current condition.

‚Damned if I know.‛ Coot huffed out a breath. ‚He looked like shit

when I picked him up at the airport, but he didn’t say a word, so I thought
maybe the flight must have been rough. Then half way here, the guy starts
breathing heavy and sweating like a whore in church. Next thing I know,
he passes out on me. Had to get George to help me get him into the Rover.
But every time we touched his back, he would scream. God, Rory, I don’t
want to hear anything like that again, man, ever. That’s way we laid him
on his stomach.‛

Rory touched the man’s brow, noting that he didn’t have a fever

despite the sweating, his skin clammy and chilled. ‚Its fine, Coot. You did
good, my friend. We’ll take care of him.‛

‚Thanks, Rory.‛ Coot let out a gusty breath, clearly relieved.
‚Alright, guys. Pete, go get Doc Greywolf. Tell him what’s

happened.‛ Rory glanced at Pete, getting a nod, then the man was off.
‚Coot, we’ll need to take him up to my place for now. The rental is too far
considering the condition this guy’s in. And since you said it was his back,
we’re going to have to carry him face down.‛

Easier said than done. The poor guy had cried out in pain several

times and even lost what was left of his lunch before Rory and Coot
finally got him to Rory’s bed. The man was covered in sweat and
shivering even more, moaning softly as they started to remove his clothes.
They were about to get his shirt and pants off when Doc Greywolf finally

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came in.

Jason Greywolf was full Cherokee. A transplant from North

Carolina, he’d opened his medical practice to help those in need of good
medical care who didn’t have a lot of money. None took advantage
though. At well over six-four and close to two hundred twenty pounds,
not many would even try. Of course, the town’s citizens liked and
respected Doc too much anyhow.

‚What have we got here, boys?‛ His deep baritone filled the room

as he laid his black bag down. He then came to Rory’s side and helped
finish undressing the young man.

Under the clothes, they found his entire back, butt, and upper

thighs covered in thick bandages. Some of the ones on his shoulders had
large spots of blood on them. Even his wrists and ankles showed a slight

Doc looked everything over with a critical eye then went back to

his bag to retrieve a pair of purple latex gloves. After putting them on
with a snap, he began to carefully peel the bandages away to show what
should have been a gorgeous expanse of smooth pale skin. Instead, what
they saw was a horrific maze of healing welts, stitched cuts, and dark
colorful bruises.

‚Jesus H. Christ.‛ Rory’s soft voice held all the dismay that the

others in the room were no doubt feeling. Of course, Coot running from
the room and the sounds of retching was proof of that.

‚From the width of these welts, I’d say a belt was used,‛ Doc

surmised as he looked over the man’s wounds.

‚And the buckle,‛ came a scratchy, pain-filled voice.
Rory quickly pulled over a footstool and sat. Then he fell into the

most beautiful emerald green eyes he had ever beheld.

‚Hey,‛ he said softly, helping the young man brush the long

strands of his strawberry blond hair away from his pale face.

‚Hey.‛ The voice was a little hoarse, but the small smile went

straight to Rory’s heart. And other parts of his anatomy. ‚Could I have
some water please?‛

‚Of course.‛ Rory looked over at Pete, but Doc stopped him before

he could hurry out.

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‚While you’re at it, prepare some of Mother Owl’s tea too. Our

guest here is going to need it.‛

‚Sure thing, Doc. I’ll check on Coot as well.‛
He wasn’t gone long before he was back with a cup of water,

handing it off to Doc, then gone again. Doc brought it over, he and Rory
helping the young man to sip it slowly. His face paled even further, sweat
beading on his upper lip when he finally got his fill.

‚Can I ask who did this to you?‛ Doc crouched down, a strong

hand lifting the young man’s wrist to take his pulse.

‚I…well…‛ The green eyes were full of agony and shame, but then

he took a deep breath and let it out, looking directly at Rory. ‚My

Rory gave him a reassuring smile. ‚No need to be afraid of who or

what you are here, little one. I think you’ll find the people in this town
more understanding than you realize.‛

Those luminous orbs widened, and Rory couldn’t help but chuckle,

reaching over to gently touch the young man’s cheek, the feel of stubble
making his fingers tingle.

‚From the looks of the wounds, I’d say they aren’t even a couple

weeks old.‛ Rising to his full height, Doc’s experienced gaze looked over
the area of the man’s injuries.

That assessment caused the young man to give Doc a questioning


‚Sorry, I’m Doctor Jason Greywolf.‛ He smiled, giving the man’s

hand a light pat.

‚Oh, Sebastian Kynser.‛ Bright eyes then turned to Rory.
‚Rory Blevins. I own the pub downstairs and the cabin Lillian

rented for you. Her partner, Rhea Blevins, is my aunt.‛

Sebastian closed his eyes with a groan. ‚Christ, I’m so sorry, Mr.

Blevins. I—‛ They opened when Rory interrupted him.

‚Hey, none of that now.‛ He took Sebastian’s hand, the need to

touch this beautiful man strong. ‚It’s Rory; my father is Mr. Blevins.‛ He

‚Alright…Rory.‛ The smile was tentative but genuine.
‚You can call me Doc,‛ Doc told him as he continued to look

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intently over Sebastian’s injuries. ‚Now that we’re all friends here, I need
to ask you some medical questions.‛

‚First is what you’ve been taking for pain and when was the last

time you took it.‛

‚Oh, uh, the ER doctor prescribed Percocet. I took one after I got on

the plane then a half one after I got to Seattle.‛ He huffed out a short
breath at that. ‚Now I’m thinking I should have taken a whole one, but I
was afraid it would make me too loopy.‛

‚Mmm hmm, and some of the thicker pads probably had an

anesthetic on them?‛

‚Yeah, Novocain.‛ Sebastian huffed out another breath, his small

frame starting to shiver.

‚Cold, little one?‛ Rory asked.
Sebastian grinned, though it came out more of a grimace. ‚Yeah.‛
‚We’ll pile the covers around you, and Rory can stoke the

woodstove. I want to take a closer look at some of the deeper cuts. The
stitches have come loose, and even out of a few of them, so I want to
ascertain if they need to be re-stitched. Also, did the ER doctor prescribe
any antibiotics?‛

Rory got up and did what Doc wanted, making sure the covers

were piled close enough to Sebastian’s body without hindering Doc’s
exam. Then he went to the room’s woodstove and added more wood to it.
He would need to get more in the morning. It could be a while until
Sebastian would be able to have any kind of heavy covering on his back or
even clothes. Keeping the room warm would be a must so he didn’t catch
a chill and get sick.

‚Yeah, but only for a week. He said they were strong and would do

any job needed.‛

‚Idiot.‛ Doc snorted. ‚Some of the worst cuts look a little infected.

You allergic to anything?‛

After Rory made sure the woodstove was putting out enough heat,

he reclaimed his seat, again taking Sebastian’s hand. He didn’t seem to
mind if his shy smile was any indication. Lord, but Rory could fall for a

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smile like that.

‚You know what antibiotic the ER doctor prescribed?‛
‚Not really. I wasn’t exactly up for paying much attention at the

time. Sorry.‛ His expression was sheepish.

‚That’s fine. Just give me the name of the hospital and I’ll find out.‛
‚No!‛ Sebastian made to rise but collapsed back to the bed with a

shout that turned to a whimper.

‚Easy, little one, easy.‛ Rory felt Sebastian squeeze his hand, those

gorgeous eyes closed tight as he panted for breath, Rory petting his head.

When those emerald orbs finally opened, they were a little glazed

with pain. ‚You…you can’t call or tell anyone I’m here. Lillian and Rhea
are the only ones who know.‛

‚Because of your ex?‛ Rory asked.
‚That’s why Lillian and Aunt Rhea didn’t tell me your name.‛ Rory

sighed, a tad annoyed that he hadn’t been more informed.

‚I’m sorry. But after he…Jackson h-hurt me, he was arrested. When

he got out not long after, he found me in the hospital. He…‛ Sebastian
choked on a sob, his slight frame trembling.

‚Easy, baby.‛ Rory wrapped an arm around Sebastian’s neck,

pulling him close but being careful of his injuries.

‚He said he’d use h-his riding crop on me th-the next time.‛ Tears

were falling from those beautiful eyes. ‚Th-then he put a scalpel in my
f-f-face, laughing at me. I was s-so scared, I couldn’t do anything. Even
after he c-cut my shoulder with the scalpel, all I-I was able to do was

Rory and Doc looked at the place on Sebastian’s shoulder that was

different from the other marks. It was also longer and deeper, several
places oozing a bit of blood where the stitches had come out, the
surrounding skin an angry red.

‚He…he ran when I screamed, but if he f-found me in the hospital,

I…I knew he would get me at h-home.‛

With that last word, the dam broke, and Sebastian’s entire body

shook violently with grief and pain. Rory quickly gathered him close,
careful not to jostle him too much, and let him cry. It was heartbreaking,

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the sobs full of anguish. Seeing and feeling his pain, Rory was unable to
stop a few tears of his own from escaping, only able to imagine the terror
Sebastian had been through.

When the last tear fell and Sebastian seemed calmer, Rory took

some tissue from the bedside table and gently wiped Sebastian’s cheeks,
helping him to blow his nose. He then threw the tissue in a nearby trash

‚Better, baby?‛ Rory smoothed back those silky locks, offering

what comfort he could.

‚Yeah, sorry,‛ he rasped, voice scratchy from crying.
Rory got the cup. It still had some water left in it, so he helped

Sebastian to take a couple sips. ‚No need to be sorry.‛ He smiled as he put
the cup back on the bedside table. ‚Seems to me you’ve been keeping that
in for a while.‛

Sebastian nodded, lines of exhaustion bracketing those full lips,

green eyes looking sleepy. ‚Didn’t have time, needed to get somewhere

‚You’re safe here, baby. I promise.‛
Those luminous eyes shone with a grateful smile as Sebastian

reached out tentatively to touch Rory’s cheek. ‚Thank you.‛

Rory took his hand, briefly laying a tender kiss to his palm then

tucked it back under the pillow. The smile never left his lips as Sebastian’s
eyes closed, his breathing evening out.

Feeling a moment of panic, Rory looked to Doc. ‚Doc?‛
‚He’s asleep.‛ Doc took his pulse again. ‚With all he’s been

through the past couple days, well, weeks actually, I’m surprised he’s
lasted this long.‛ He then went to his bag and took out a small alcohol
packet, a bottle and a syringe. ‚Still, I don’t want him waking up while I
see to these wounds. This mild sedative will help make sure he stays
asleep so I can tend to him without him feeling any more pain.‛ Doc
opened the packet and swabbed Sebastian’s upper arm with the alcohol
pad then administered the shot.

Gently touching Sebastian’s cheek, Rory thought he looked much

younger asleep, the lines of pain gone. A feeling of fierce protectiveness
rose strongly in Rory, the need so powerful it left Rory reeling.

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‚I knew you’d find him someday.‛ Doc’s softly spoken voice jerked

Rory out of his thoughts as he looked up into knowing chocolate eyes.

Doc chuckled. ‚Remember what Mother Owl told you all those

years ago? ‘Your other half will come out of the blue. He’ll need you as
much you need him.’ I think you’ve met all the requirements here, don’t

Looking back at Sebastian’s sleeping form, Rory shook his head

with a grin. ‚Out of the blue, yeah.‛ Then he frowned. ‚Although from
the looks of his wounds, I’d say he was lucky. This ex is one sick bastard.‛

‚He doesn’t seem to be playing with a full deck either.‛ Doc

nodded. ‚Following Sebastian right to his hospital bed says the man isn’t
overly concerned with the consequences of his actions or getting caught.‛

Closing his eyes, Rory counted to ten, hoping it would aid his

growing frustration and unease with the situation. When he opened his
eyes and looked at Sebastian’s sleeping, battered body, he knew that no
amount of counting was going to help. Of course, Lillian and his aunt
Rhea certainly hadn’t helped either. Those two had some serious
explaining to do.

‚Lillian and Aunt Rhea should have told me about this. I think I

deserved to know about some wacko wanting to finish what he started.‛
And if the guy did show up, Rory was going to leave a few marks of his

‚Well, if I had to make a guess, I’d say time was a huge factor.‛ Doc

went closer to Sebastian’s back and lightly touched around some of the
worst wounds. ‚These injuries have barely begun to heal. And these
bruises, these aren’t merely surface bruises but deep tissue bruises. The
kind that can take weeks to heal.‛

‚So instead of waiting to heal a bit more, he takes a couple of pain

pills, grits his teeth, and runs.‛

‚That’s what it looks like to me. Not that I can blame the poor boy.

His ex probably knows all his favorite spots.‛

‚No, I can’t blame him either.‛ Rory sighed deeply but was saved

from further comment by Pete bringing in a tray loaded with a tea pot, tea
cup, and three large mugs of steaming coffee.

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‚Brought us a little caffeine boost. Thought we could use it.‛
Rory directed him over to a chest of drawers in the corner, getting

up to take one of the mugs of coffee that Pete handed him. He then took a
cautious sip, enjoying the smooth, creamy flavor.

‚Thanks, Pete, its perfect.‛ He then went back to Sebastian’s side

and sat down on the footstool again.

‚After nearly twenty years of friendship, I should think I’d know

how you like your coffee.‛ Pete chuckled, grabbing the other two mugs
for himself and Doc.

‚Keep mine warm, Pete. I need to get over to the clinic for some

supplies. I won’t be gone long.‛ He peeled off the gloves, putting them in
a biohazard bag and turned to go then stopped. ‚And, Rory, let Pete in on
what we talked about.‛ He then left.

‚Problem?‛ Pete took a deep swallow of his coffee, leaving Doc’s

on the tray, then came over to stand by Rory, his gaze traveling over
Sebastian’s battered form. ‚Poor guy,‛ he murmured.

Rory explained what had happened to Sebastian as well as what he

and Doc had surmised.

Pete shook his head with clear disgust. ‚Damn, his ex, huh? Well, I

can certainly understand not waiting around for round two. From the
looks of it, he’s lucky he survived round one.‛

Rory nodded in agreement. ‚He’s strong, but even strength has its

limits. Making it as far as he did in the shape he’s in is a miracle.‛ He let
out a harsh breath, knowing the next several days wouldn’t be easy for
Sebastian. ‚He’ll stay here for the time being. Maybe even indefinitely.
The cabin is a good ways outside of town, and with the threat of a cracked
ex looming, I’d feel better if Sebastian were here.‛

‚And it doesn’t hurt that the only major highway is two hours

away. Longer if the roads are bad.‛

‚There is that. Plus we’d know if any strangers showed up, so that

should help as well.‛ Rory reached out a hand to smooth over that
glorious fall of red-blond hair.

‚It also seems that you’ve become attached.‛
Looking up at his friend, Rory could see amusement twinkling in

Pete’s hazel eyes. Rory couldn’t help the heat that crept up his neck as he

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‚Shows, does it?‛
Pete snorted. ‚A little, yeah.‛
Rory chuckled, turning back to gaze at Sebastian’s features, soft in

slumber. ‚There’s just something about him, Pete. I don’t know, just…I
can’t explain it.‛

‚You always did go for small and sleek.‛ Pete laughed softly.
He couldn’t help grinning carnally at that. ‚Yes, well, it’s more than

that, my friend.‛ His eyes moved over the short, yet well muscled, body.

Despite the wounds, Sebastian was a well-built man. That bubble

butt alone would be starring in his fantasies for quite a while. But from the
moment he laid eyes on Sebastian, it was as if he felt a connection. He
wasn’t sure if Sebastian had felt it or how he was going to feel about Rory
in general. That caused Rory to frown. Escaping from an abusive ex,
Sebastian was sure to be wary about being with someone new.

‚That frown tells me you’re thinking too hard.‛
Pete’s voice interrupted Rory’s depressing thoughts. ‚Not hard

exactly, but…he’s going to need time I’m afraid. And for more than just
his injuries.‛

‚I think you’ll manage.‛ Pete chuckled.
Rory glanced at his friend, smiling at the comment, then looked

back at Sebastian. ‚Yeah, I think so too.‛

When Doc returned, he gloved up again and made quick work of

fixing up Sebastian. A couple of the shallower stitched wounds had come
undone, but rather than re-stitching them, Doc put butterfly bandages on
them. The scalpel cut was another matter entirely. It was too deep to leave
as it was, so it had to be re-stitched. Done with that, Doc cleaned every
inch of Sebastian’s wounded skin with antiseptic then put strong
antibiotic cream on everything, the re-stitched cut especially. He then got
out a brown bottle of liniment, another creation from Mother Owl, and
rubbed it into the bruises. Once satisfied, he covered Sebastian with a light
sheet, explaining he didn’t want to cover any of the stitched wounds with
bandages yet. Reaching into his other bag of supplies, he got out another
bottle, clear with murky liquid inside, as well as another alcohol pad and
syringe. It was an antibiotic. Already Sebastian had begun to run a low

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grade fever. Whether from the slightly infected wounds or something else,
Doc didn’t want to take any chances. He pulled the sheet a ways back
from Sebastian’s butt cheek. He then swabbed an unmarred spot and
administered the shot.

‚He should sleep well into the morning,‛ Doc said as he cleaned up

and put his supplies away. The biohazard bag was nearly full. ‚When he
wakes, make sure to give him one of these antibiotics.‛ He handed Rory
two bottles of pills, one with a blue cap and the other with a white cap.
‚After he eats, he’s to take one. Those are the ones with the white cap.
Nothing heavy though and plenty of liquids. Mother Owl’s tea especially.
If he starts to hurt, give him a pill from the blue cap bottle. Those are
Tylenol 3. If the pain gets too bad, call me.‛

Rory took the bottles, placing them on the nightstand in easy reach.
‚I’ll be gone most of the day tomorrow but should be back in the

late evening to check and see how he’s doing.‛

Rory nodded. ‚I’ll make sure to have Cookie save you a plate for

supper then.‛

‚Sounds good.‛ He grabbed his black medical bag and the

biohazard bag, making sure both were sealed tight.

‚Thanks, Doc.‛
He gave Rory a wide grin. ‚It’s what I do, man.‛ He reached out

and squeezed Rory’s shoulder. ‚Just make sure he stays warm tonight.
He’ll be fine otherwise.‛

‚Will do.‛
Doc clapped him on the arm then looked at Pete. ‚You coming or

staying for a while?‛

‚Let me get the tray first.‛ He started to walk over and get it, but

Rory stopped him.

‚Just leave it, Pete. I know you guys are beat. I’ll get it later.‛
‚You sure, man?‛
‚Yeah. You guys head on out.‛
‚Alright. Come on, old man,‛ Pete said to Doc. ‚You need your

beauty sleep.‛

Doc snorted. ‚Says the man who’s older and uglier than I am.‛
Pete laughed, continuing to trade insults with Doc as they walked

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out the room.

Rory couldn’t help but smile and shake his head at their antics.

From the moment the two met after Doc had arrived in town, they’d been
inseparable. But finding out that they were better friends than lovers still
didn’t stop the two from living together in Pete’s sprawling log cabin just
outside of town. Rory was happy for them. True friends were few and far

Checking on Sebastian, Rory made sure he would be alright while

he went down to the bar. Seamus Cameron was his night manager, a very
large blond with a heart of gold, but with needing to take care of Sebastian
for a while, Rory would need Seamus to run things. After he’d talked it
over with the big man, Rory discovered Seamus was happy to help. And
with baby number two on the way, the extra money would be needed. It
definitely took a load off Rory’s mind. The pub was Rory’s love and
livelihood, but something told Rory that Sebastian was going to need him
close for the next few days. His injuries notwithstanding.

With that problem easily fixed, Rory left Seamus to close up and

get the receipts. Rory then went up to the attic and got his dad’s old Army
cot, taking it, along with some extra sheets, pillows, and blankets, back to
his room. He wouldn’t be sleeping in his bed for a while because he didn’t
want Sebastian moved. In fact, if he could arrange it, Sebastian would
never leave his bed. But that was for later. Now was for taking care of
Sebastian and making sure he was safe.

He placed the cot near the bed and made it up. He then checked the

woodstove, adding another small log. That would keep them until
morning. Dusting his hands off, he went to the bathroom to take a shower
before bed. As he let the hot water run over his body, Rory thought again
about the man in his bed. It had been nearly five years since his last steady
lover. That affair had ended as abruptly as it had begun. And although he
hadn’t been in love, the break-up had still hurt. Rory couldn’t place the
blame of that failed relationship solely on his own shoulders either. Brock
had been twenty and fresh out of the closet. Rory should have known
Brock would want to explore then move on. How could he not? Young
and new to the gay lifestyle? The signs were there from day one. But while
he never felt the stirrings of something deeper for the young man, he had

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cared a great deal for Brock. Showing him the pleasures two men could
find together had been a heady feeling, one Rory had enjoyed to its fullest
for almost eight months. Brock had been a fast learner, so fast that one day
he and Rory were together, and the next, he was gone. Off to use his
newfound knowledge with another man.

Looking back, Rory was surprised their relationship had lasted that

long. Since that time, he had gone in to Anchorage to scratch his itch when
the need arose and his hand wasn’t enough. But now that he’d met
Sebastian, just the thought of being with another man made his stomach
hurt. And he’d yet to even touch the man. That alone made Rory think
something was there. Still, he needed to be cautious. They had just met,
and Sebastian was recovering from a brutal beating and was on the run
from a crazy ex. The last thing he needed was a virtual stranger wanting
him to have a relationship based on a few feelings and Mother Owl’s
word. Yeah, that would go over well, he thought. No, he needed to give
Sebastian time. They both needed it really. Not as if either of them were
going anywhere.

Finishing up, Rory turned off the water and got out, grabbing a

towel and drying off. With the towel wrapped firmly around his hips, he
went back to his room and the chest of drawers. He usually slept in the
buff, but with a guest in his bed, he didn’t think that was wise. He
rummaged around for a pair of sweats, put them on, then threw the towel
over a chair near the closet door. He was about to climb into the cot when
his cell phone rang. Grabbing it from the nightstand, he opened it quickly
so it wouldn’t disturb Sebastian and sat down.

‚Why the hell haven’t you been answering your phone? Where’s

Sebastian? Is he alright? What’s happened?‛

Lillian’s frantic voice came across the line, the volume rising with

each question.

‚Calm down, Lillian. Sebastian’s here, and he’s safe.‛
‚Oh thank God.‛ She breathed with obvious gratitude.
Rory gave her a moment then slowly counted to ten lest he say

something harsh. ‚Why didn’t you tell me, Lilli?‛ He used the pet name
he had called her since he was a small boy.

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‚What was that, hon?‛ she asked, her tone sweet, the exact

opposite of moments before.

‚Don’t play coy with me, Lilli. Sebastian was unconscious when he

arrived.‛ That earned him a sharp gasp from Lillian. ‚After I called Doc,
we found out why.‛

‚Dear Lord. Is…is he alright?‛
‚Yeah.‛ Rory let out a tired sigh. ‚He was able to give us a few

answers before he fell asleep. Doc gave him a mild sedative as well to help
him stay asleep while his injuries were taken care of.‛ He paused for a
moment, trying to reign in his temper. ‚You should have told me, Lilli. I
had a right to know. Hell, knowing how bad a shape he’s in, we could’ve
had Doc waiting at the airport just in case. God knows what could have
happened to him if Coot hadn’t been there.‛

‚I know, I know. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Rory. But I…I was scared,

alright. I was scared Jackson would get to him before I could get him to
safety.‛ That last was said on a choked sob.

‚Okay, Lilli, okay, just settle down. Everything’s fine now, and he’s


Christ, he hadn’t heard Lillian this upset since his Aunt Rhea’s

breast cancer scare eight years ago.

‚Alright, yes, he’s safe now, safe with you.‛ The sound of sniffles

could be heard as well as Lillian taking deep breaths.

She took another deep breath and let it out. ‚Yes, thank you.‛
‚Good.‛ Rory took a couple breaths himself. ‚Now, I need to know

what I’m up against here, Lilli. Who is this Jackson bastard?‛

‚His full name is Jackson Brantley Thorpwood the Third. His

family is old money, and he’s pretty much been living off his trust fund
for years.‛ The contempt was clear. ‚He’d met Sebastian at one of his book
signings. Apparently the ass is a big fan of Sebastian’s Sci/Fi series.
Anyway, they started seeing each other not long after that. They were
together for about four months. Then the last month, Sebastian called me
saying that he was going to call it quits with Jackson because he was
getting too possessive. He’d been hounding Sebastian to cut back on his
writing and move in so they could spend more time together. When

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Sebastian refused, Jackson slapped him, splitting his lip. I wanted to call
the police, but Sebastian said to just let it go and broke it off that night.‛

‚Christ,‛ Rory groaned.
‚A few days later, Jackson shows up at Sebastian’s place with

flowers and an apology. Sebastian called me while Jackson was there, and
I told him to throw the bastard out. But Sebastian thought he might as
well hear what he had to say, so I made sure that Sebastian called me back
in an hour so I knew he was alright.‛

‚He never called.‛
‚No.‛ She croaked the word out. ‚I immediately called the police

then rushed over to his place. Not long after I got there they showed and I
opened the door with the spare key. God, Rory…when we found him…‛

Rory heard her muffled sobs. He wasn’t too far from crying himself

even though Sebastian was right beside him safe and sound.

‚Take a breath, Lilli. You don’t have to say anymore. I’ve seen the

SOB’s handiwork,‛ he growled.

When Rory got his hands on that bastard, he was going to beat him

bloody. And not for just what he’d done to Sebastian, although that was
more than enough. But seeing Sebastian like that had been a traumatizing
experience for Lillian, one she and Sebastian shouldn’t have had to go

‚Thank you, hon.‛ The sound of a nose blowing came through.

‚Jackson was arrested that night but didn’t spend even an hour in jail. He
came after Sebastian, finding him at the hospital. The police were called
again and are still looking for him, but with his money and connections, I
thought it best to get Sebastian far away instead of waiting around for the
police to catch him. If they ever do.‛

‚Yeah, I would have done the same,‛ he agreed. ‚And just so you

know, Lilli, if that asshole comes here, he may not leave alive. We take
care of our own out here, you know that. Also…well…‛ He looked over at
Sebastian’s peaceful sleeping face. ‚Sebastian, he’s…‛

A husky chuckle came across the line. ‚Like that, is it?‛
‚He’s something special, Lilli.‛ He couldn’t help chuckling as well.
‚I’m happy for you, hon, and strangely relieved as well.‛ The

happiness in her voice was clear. ‚Not long after I took him as a client, he

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decided to tell his parents he was gay. They kicked him out and disowned
him. He was devastated, of course. Being nineteen at the time, he was at a
total loss. But I helped him get back on his feet, and, well, he’s like a son to
me, Rory.‛

‚Well, it seems like we have more in common than I thought.‛ His

parents, too, refused to have anything to do with him after he came out.
Even going so far as to sell him their share of the pub and moving to
Rhode Island.

‚Hmph, you’re both better off.‛
Rory laughed softly at that. He knew her thoughts on the matter.

She and his Aunt Rhea had been lovers and partners for nearly thirty
years, so she was no stranger to the opinions of others. Family especially.

‚Just so you know, he’ll be staying here for now. It could be days

before he’s up and able to move around. And with the cabin so far out of
town, it’s just safer that he remain here.‛

‚And maybe longer if you get your way?‛
He grinned at that. ‚Yeah, but I’m not going to rush him. He’s got

enough on his plate without adding me to it.‛

‚I know you’ll take care of him, hon, and honestly, you’re just what

he needs.‛

Seemed as if Sebastian was just what Rory needed as well.

‚Thanks, Lilli.‛

‚Alright, enough of this mush. You need sleep, and I need to get

some work done.‛ She laughed. ‚I’ll call back in a couple days to check on
him and to let you both know any news.‛

‚I’ll let him know you called.‛
‚Sweet dreams, Rory.‛
‚Bye, Lilli.‛
When she clicked off, Rory closed his phone and put it back on the

nightstand with a deep sigh. That had certainly gone better than he
thought it would. His own anger aside, he knew Lillian would never have
sent Sebastian where her friends and extended family lived if she didn’t
care a great deal for him. She would never risk putting everyone in
danger. Now he knew without a doubt.

He got up and checked on Sebastian again, making sure he was

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comfy and warm with only the sheet on and the blankets piled around
him. Then with a last gentle touch to his cheek, Rory went to his cot,
reached up to turn the lamp off, then burrowed under the blankets. He
was asleep in moments.

* * * * *

Slowly coming awake, Sebastian wasn’t sure what ached more, his

entire back or his full bladder. Both could be easily taken care of when he
was able, but in his current condition, emptying his bladder was going to
be an adventure. Not one he was looking forward to.

Slowly glancing around the very masculine room, he found it

empty. Well, this isn’t good. But Mother Nature was calling, and she didn’t
seem to care about how he answered, just as long as he did.

‚This is going to be fun,‛ he murmured as he braced himself then

slowly maneuvered his legs and hips to the side of the bed and off until
his feet touched the floor. Just that small movement made him grit his
teeth from pain and sweat to pop out on his forehead.

He was about to try and stand when he heard footsteps and a loud


Those footsteps hurried to his side showing Sebastian it was Rory,

the owner of the rental he was supposed to be staying in and probably one
of the most drool-inducing men he’d ever encountered. If he wasn’t
hurting so bad and needing to pee something fierce, he would be a lot
more embarrassed to be found in such a position and naked as the day he
was born. As it was, he was greatly relieved to see the gorgeous man.

‚Are you alright, baby? You didn’t fall, did you?‛
Sebastian could hear the concern in Rory’s deep, velvety voice, but

being called baby surprised him. It also made his stomach flutter.

‚No.‛ The word came out as a grunt as Rory helped him back onto

the bed. ‚Just needed to use the bathroom.‛

He turned his head toward Rory, getting help to push the long

strands of his hair out of his face. Rory then pulled up a small stool and
sat down, looking right at him. Sebastian was struck dumb. Without the

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haze of drugs and blinding pain, he could clearly see just how beautiful
Rory really was. He was tall, at least six or seven inches taller than
Sebastian’s five foot eight height, his body solid muscle. His short hair
was a mass of dark auburn curls, making his golden tan stand out and
letting Sebastian know that this was an outdoor kind of man. The
lumberjack physique definitely showed.

But it was the eyes, the color of a glacier, that had Sebastian

mesmerized. They were filled with concern and something else Sebastian
couldn’t name, and they were trained right on him. Without thinking, he
reached out and traced those high cheekbones, the blade of a nose, and the
strong, square jaw, all while gazing into those ice blue eyes. Rory took his
hand, placing a soft kiss in his palm. Sebastian felt his cheeks heat but
didn’t remove his hand from Rory’s. It felt too right being there.
Unfortunately, his bladder chose that moment to remind him it was full
and needed to be emptied, now.

‚Uh, not to be more of a nuisance, but how am I going to get to the

bathroom?‛ He felt his face flame again. It was one thing to be naked so
his injuries could be seen to, quite another to ask someone to help him so
he could take care of his bodily needs. Someone who was a virtual
stranger. Gorgeous, but a stranger nonetheless.

‚Not to worry.‛ Rory gently squeezed his hand, placing it back on

the bed then walked away for a moment only to come back with an empty
metal water pitcher.

Sebastian looked from the pitcher to Rory then back to the pitcher,

letting out a deep sigh.

‚I know, but Doc didn’t want you moving around too much for the

next few days.‛ He smiled with understanding. ‚If it’s any consolation, I
had to use this a couple years ago when I had pneumonia.‛

‚Oh, using it isn’t the problem. It’s, well, you having to empty it.‛

If his face kept heating with embarrassment, it was going to melt off.

Rory sat on the stool again and touched his cheek with gentle

fingers, light eyes serious and full of caring. ‚Hey, none of that now.
You’re hurt, and I’m glad to help anyway I can, okay?‛

It wasn’t as if Sebastian had much of a choice, but he nodded

anyway. ‚Thank you, Rory, really. I appreciate everything you’ve done

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for me.‛

‚Anytime, baby.‛ Rory cupped his cheek, and Sebastian briefly

closed his eyes, reveling in the warmth of that strong hand.

What was it about this man that made Sebastian want to get close?

He was usually a lot more reserved than this. Even with Jackson, it took
him nearly a week before he’d agreed to go out on a short date with the
bastard. With Rory, it was as if one touch, one look, and the reservations
and doubts fell away. On an instinctive level, Sebastian felt that this man
would never hurt him. That was telling, considering the condition he was
in. But condition or not, he still needed to be careful. Attraction and
instincts aside, he knew nothing of this man other than he was willing to
help a stranger in need. He didn’t want to hurt Rory’s feelings, but he sure
as hell didn’t want his to get trampled on again either.

Opening his eyes, Sebastian slowly moved away. There wasn’t any

hurt in Rory’s expression, just a knowing and understanding. Sebastian
was relieved. He might not know the man, but the little he did know, he

‚Let’s get this done so you can eat and take your antibiotics.‛
Rory helped him on his side, giving Sebastian the pitcher, and then

turning his back so Sebastian could have as much privacy as possible.
Sebastian was grateful for that. Bad enough he had to do his business in a
water pitcher. He sure as hell didn’t need an audience to watch him do it.

Bladder finally empty, Sebastian set the pitcher up straight so it

wouldn’t fall over. He didn’t need a urine bath on top of everything else.
Then without a word, Rory turned around and took the pitcher out the
room. The sounds of a toilet flushing and water running followed. When
he came back into the room, he set the empty pitcher on the floor by the
bed and helped Sebastian back to his stomach, covering him with the

‚Now that we have that taken care of, how ‘bout I get some food

into you?‛

‚Yeah, I could eat.‛ Even though his appetite was low, Sebastian

knew he needed to eat something.

‚Great. I’m sure Cookie has something ready by now.‛

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Rory grinned. ‚My cook. Retired Navy. Knows his way around a

kitchen better than most five star chefs. He’ll fix you something good.‛ He
gave Sebastian a wink then went to the door. ‚Sit tight, be back in a few.‛

Sebastian let out a deep sigh after Rory left. He hated having to rely

on him so much. Yes, he was more than willing to help, and Sebastian was
grateful, but being helpless like this was bound to cause problems. Rory
had a business to run, employees to take care of, and bills to pay. The last
thing Sebastian wanted to do was put Rory in a bind. And speaking of
businesses, Sebastian had two books that needed edited and another that
was almost finished.

‚Shit, my bag!‛ Sebastian looked around the room as much as he

was able, the realization that he had no clue where his luggage had gotten
to causing him to momentarily panic. His clothes were no big loss; those
could be replaced. But if his messenger bag was gone with his laptop in it,
then he was screwed. Even his backup flash drives were in that bag.

He groaned at that thought, calling himself all kinds of a fool. Of all

the things to not notice that he didn’t have with him.

‚You okay, baby? You’re not hurting again, are you?‛
Rory’s velvet voice startled him, the sounds of rattling dishes

breaking through Sebastian’s meltdown.

‚Oh, uh, no, not precisely.‛ He looked over to find Rory putting a

loaded tray on the nightstand. ‚It’s just…well…you wouldn’t happen to
know where my luggage is, would you?‛

‚Sure. Coot brought both your bags by this morning.‛
‚Oh thank God.‛ Sebastian let out a relieved breath. Now he

wouldn’t have to shoot himself for losing nearly four months of work.

‚Something important in your bags?‛
‚Yeah, my laptop with two new books and one nearly complete.

That’s almost four months of work I do not want to lose or re-write.‛

Rory gave him a reassuring grin. ‚Not to worry. Both bags are safe

in the guest room, and if you like, I can bring your laptop in here after you

‚I…I’d appreciate that, thank you.‛ What was it about this man

that caused Sebastian to get all flustered with the kindest gesture? Jeez, he
was acting like a teen with a first crush. So not cool.

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‚Also, Lillian called last night. I let her know you were safe and

being taken care of.‛

‚Shit.‛ He groaned. He’d totally forgotten to call and let her know

he had made it. ‚She wasn’t too upset, was she?‛

‚Frantic was more like it, but after I explained everything, she

calmed down.‛

‚Damn, I’m sorry. I should have called her once I got to Anchorage,

but I was feeling so bad it slipped my mind.‛

Rory smiled in understanding. ‚Like I said, she knows what

happened, so no worries. Said she’d call back in a couple days to check on
you and give you any updates. You can reassure her then.‛

He let out a breath. ‚Yeah, thanks. Not that she won’t bite my head

off for scaring her.‛

‚You’re on your own on that one.‛ Rory chuckled. ‚Now, about

getting you fed. I think we’re going to need to rearrange you.‛

That was probably a good idea. No way could he eat the way he

was, facing the headboard, and sitting wasn’t an option. Even laying on
his stomach, everything hurt or ached in some way now that his focus was
off his bladder. His back most of all. Just thinking about putting any kind
of pressure on it made him feel queasy.

‚Alright, I think I know of a way. Be right back.‛
Sebastian looked toward the door Rory had just exited, hearing

footsteps and rummaging around. Minutes later, Rory came back carrying
what looked like a dozen pillows.

‚Because you can’t sit yet or even recline, I figured that since my

bed doesn’t have a footboard, we’d move you to the foot of the bed, prop
your chest and stomach up with the pillows, and then you could eat. Be a
lot better for your neck too.‛

‚Sounds good.‛
Putting the pillows down, Rory helped Sebastian turn to face the

foot of the bed. It wasn’t easy. His earlier attempt to get out of bed
combined with the previous day’s activities had made Sebastian’s already
stiff and sore muscles ache even more. And the cut on his shoulder
seemed to throb with every beat of his heart now that he was moving
around. By the time he was situated and propped up enough to be

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semi-mobile and comfortable, Sebastian was wrung out. He was also
hurting all over a lot worse than before.

‚Here, baby.‛
Sebastian looked into concerned light eyes as Rory handed him a

cup of steaming liquid and a pill.

‚Thanks.‛ He took them both gratefully, noting that the liquid was

an odd tasting but soothing tea. He commented on it as Rory brought the
tray from the nightstand over and laid it near him on the bed.

‚That’s one of Mother Owl’s herbal teas. She’s the local tribal

healer. A medicine woman if you will. Uses a lot of natural and herbal
remedies that actually work. That tea is what helped get rid of my
pneumonia. The antibiotics were doing fine, but drinking that tea sped up
my recovery.‛

‚Wow, that’s something.‛ Sebastian took another drink, trying to

place the flavor as Rory dished him up a plate of scrambled eggs with
cheese, toast, and a bowl of oatmeal drizzled with honey. ‚It tastes odd,
but not in a bad way. What’s in it?‛

Rory chuckled. ‚Haven’t a clue.‛ He put the plate in front of

Sebastian then gave him a fork and spoon. ‚The recipe is a family secret
and has been passed down to each healer for nearly seven generations.
Doc’s been trying to get it for years now, but unless he marries Mother
Owl’s youngest daughter, which will never happen, he’ll keep wondering
like the rest of us.‛

‚Is Doc already married or just not interested in the daughter?‛

Sebastian asked between bites of his food. It was delicious. The eggs were
light and fluffy, the cheese on top sharp yet creamy. The toast was
sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, and the oatmeal just melted in his

Rory shook his head. ‚Not married, and it’s not that Red Bird isn’t

a beautiful woman because she is, model beautiful that is, but Doc bats for
our team, and Mother Owl knows it. She just likes yanking his chain.‛

That news brought Sebastian up short, remembering a very tall and

strikingly handsome Native American man. ‚Wait, Doc’s gay, and the
tribal healer knows and doesn’t seem to care?‛

Rory laughed at that. ‚Like I told you last night, this town is a little

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Done with his meal, Sebastian pushed his plate over to Rory. He

loaded it along with everything else back on the tray, then poured them
both some of the tea. ‚Just how is that?‛

Taking a sip of his tea, Rory smiled, making Sebastian’s heart

flutter. ‚Even though we’re near a major highway, this town and its
inhabitants are still at least two hours away from it in good weather.
That’s why Lillian had you flown in. Faster that way. That said, not many
want to live so far out or deal with the harsh conditions that winter
throws us, females especially. Then there are those like Doc who just got
tired of the bigotry. He wanted to start fresh as well as to help others. He’s
not the only one. There are at least a dozen men who have moved here
over the years with, if not the first goal, then at least the second one in
mind. And the local tribe doesn’t see homosexuality as something wrong
or unclean. To them, the land and Mother Nature are harsh enough. You
take love in whatever form it’s in and feel blessed it was bestowed on you
at all.‛

‚That’s…wow, that’s incredible.‛ To think that in a small town in

the middle of nowhere in Alaska, he’d be more accepted for being gay
than back home was truly amazing.

‚Yeah, well, not that there aren’t a few jackasses around, but those

people are few.‛ He grinned wryly as he finished his tea.

Sebastian grunted good naturedly at that. ‚Better a few than

many.‛ His own humor morphed into a yawn.

‚Tired, baby?‛
‚Yeah, a little.‛ Now that he was full and whatever Rory had given

him had kicked in, he was getting very sleepy.

‚Not a problem. You need the rest.‛ Rory then got up and went to

the nightstand and opened a bottle of pills with a white cap. He got one
out and brought it over for Sebastian. ‚Here, it’s an antibiotic. Doc said the
Tylenol 3 I gave you earlier wouldn’t interfere with it.‛

Sebastian took it, washing it down with the last of his tea. Rory

took his cup, putting it with the other dirty dishes on the tray. He then
helped Sebastian get comfortable by taking the extra pillows away and
covering him fully with the sheet.

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‚I’m going to put some more wood in the stove then take this tray

down.‛ He touched Sebastian’s cheek with a warm hand. ‚I’ll come wake
you for lunch.‛

‚Mmm, okay.‛ He nodded sleepily, loving the feel of Rory’s touch,

his eyes already closed.

‚Sweet dreams, baby.‛
The sound of that warm voice and the feel of soft lips on his

forehead followed Sebastian into slumber.

* * * * *

For the next month, Sebastian slowly got better. His strength

returned along with his ease of mobility. After the first week, he was able
to sit up for long periods of time. The week after that, he was able to stand
and even take short walks with help. The week after that, he was able to
walk unaided. And all the while, the attraction between Sebastian and
Rory grew. The long days of recovery gave each man the perfect
opportunity to learn more about the other. And the more Sebastian
learned, the more he liked. After realizing this, the inevitable questions
arose. Why him? Why now? Why, out of all the men in the world, couldn’t
he have met Rory sooner? Then he would feel a twinge in his shoulder or
back and remember that if it wasn’t for escaping to this place, he never
would have met Rory at all.

Unfortunately for Sebastian though, it seemed as if even after a

month of his full recovery, Rory wouldn’t take their budding relationship
to the next level. Sebastian had tried to force his hand a couple times,
stealing quick kisses that, although nice, were never more than a peck.
Rory never let him take them further or deeper lest they both get carried
away. Sebastian wanted to get carried away. He wanted everything those
brief touches of lips promised, that spark and connection that he knew
would lead to bliss. He was denied at every turn, Rory being the perfect
gentleman, wanting to give him more time. It was a sweet thought, but
Sebastian was starting to burn.

The nights were the hardest. Rory refused to let him use the guest

room after Sebastian recovered, stating that Sebastian would probably

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need him for something and Rory wouldn’t hear him. They both knew it
for the lie it was. Not that Sebastian wanted to leave Rory’s bed anyhow.
Surrounded by his masculine scent and watching him sleep on the cot
next to the bed was the closest he could get to sleeping with the man. But
it made Sebastian wonder what it would be like to be held in those strong
arms, to be close to all that smooth skin and solid warmth all night long.
That fantasy had followed Sebastian into sleep many a night only to find
he’d wake up feeling bereft.

A month to the day after he arrived, he finally found out why,

though not in the way he intended. He was having nightmares. They had
been subtle at first, his mind too full of recovering to dwell on anything
more. But as the days passed and he became stronger, the nightmares did
as well until he started to relive that awful night, the pain and fear rising
up to choke him. He would wake screaming to find Rory holding him as
he cried and shook. Rory’s solid strength would envelope him, reassuring
him in that velvet voice that he was safe. He’d fall back asleep, secure in
the knowledge that Rory was there, only to wake and find Rory back in
his cot or gone. After several days of that, Sebastian had had enough. This
distance hurt, and he was tired of hurting. He wanted Rory, and he knew
Rory wanted him. It was just Rory’s own sense of nobility that was
keeping them apart, and Sebastian wasn’t having that anymore. It was
funny, really. Even after getting the crap beaten out of him, he yearned for
Rory. Yearned for the touch of a lover. Shouldn’t he be feeling just the
opposite? Shouldn’t the result of his beating be the fear of having another
touch him? Apparently Sebastian’s mind didn’t work that way. Oh yes, he
had fears because of his attack, but Rory was not one of them. His mind
and body knew that Rory would never hurt him. And the long
conversations they had, along with Lillian and Rhea’s seal of approval,
confirmed that Rory was genuine. Now he just had to convince Rory that
he was more than ready.

So one morning after Rory flew to Anchorage with Coot for some

supplies, Sebastian got dressed and went down to the pub for coffee and
his bowl of oatmeal. He was hooked on the stuff thanks to Cookie, whose
real name was Virgil Santos. He was shorter than Sebastian with dark hair
and eyes and had become a good friend to Sebastian, as had Seamus.

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Sebastian knew he could count on them to help with his plan. It was time
to begin Operation: Seduce Rory.

* * * * *

Once the supplies were stacked in the storeroom, Rory dusted his

hands off then turned to Pete and Coot.

‚Thanks, guys. I’ll come down in the morning to inventory


Pete and Coot looked at him funny then Coot left, muttering and

shaking his head.

‚What’s up with him?‛
‚Him? What’s up with you?‛
‚Huh?‛ Rory was completely confused with Pete’s attitude.
‚Are you kidding me?‛ Pete waved his hands at Rory. ‚Hello,

gorgeous young man sleeping in your bed.‛

‚Yes, and you know why I’m not sharing it with him,‛ Rory said

tightly. Hell, he didn’t need the reminder. The last few nights had given
him the perfect example of what holding Sebastian in his arms felt like.
His balls were beyond blue, but no way was he going to take advantage.
Sebastian needed comfort, not sex.

‚Seriously?‛ Pete’s voice was incredulous. ‚I know how much you

want him, Rory, and I can see that you care for him a great deal. Hell,
everyone in town can see it when you look at him. Mother Owl even
asked if you’d claimed your soul mate yet.‛

‚She did not.‛
Pete gave him a bland stare.
‚Okay, I believe you.‛ He let out a deep sigh, rubbing his face with

both hands. Christ, what was he doing? Denying them both was driving
him insane.

‚What are you so scared of, Rory? And don’t give me that shit

about him needing time because we both know better.‛

Shoulders slumping in defeat, he sat down on a box of canned

tomatoes. ‚I’m afraid my touch will remind him of the night he was
beaten.‛ There, he’d said it. His worst fear was out in the open. He was

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sure Pete would understand.

‚Are you completely stupid?‛
Rory looked up at his friend with surprise. ‚What?‛
‚You heard me.‛ Pete snorted. ‚And if you’d get your head out of

your ass, you might notice that your touch is just what Sebastian wants.‛

‚What the hell are you talking about?‛
‚Christ, you really are clueless, aren’t you?‛ Pete rubbed the back

of his neck. ‚The way you look at Sebastian is the same way he looks at
you. With hunger, like a man starving for steak when all he’s been getting
is bologna. That doesn’t seem like being afraid of your touch, Rory. More
like begging for it.‛

‚Looking isn’t the same thing.‛
‚And how the hell are you going to find out if you don’t try? My

God, Rory, he hasn’t left your bed since the first night he arrived here.
That’s not fear.‛

‚No, it’s security. He feels safe in my bed, and I don’t want to upset

that by making a move that could cause him pain.‛ He wasn’t about to
explain that he’d practically ordered Sebastian to stay in his bed, but it still
didn’t alter the truth. Sebastian needed time, and Rory was going to give it
to him.

‚You’re a moron, you know that?‛ Pete shook his head with

astonishment. ‚I’ve seen that boy throw every signal at you known to
queer kind, and you’ve been blind to them all. Amazing.‛

‚There have been no signals, Pete. You’re seeing what you want to

see.‛ As much as Rory really wanted it to be true, he knew it wasn’t.
Sebastian had been through hell. Holding that sleek and trembling body
after he’d woken up screaming was clear proof of that. No way was Rory
about to ruin the budding relationship they had by pushing for anything
more intimate. Sebastian deserved better than that.

‚Seeing things, huh?‛ Pete folded his arms, his expression

mutinous. ‚Then why did Seamus tell me he overheard Sebastian
complaining to Cookie that he wished you’d give him more than a few
friendly kisses? That sure as hell doesn’t sound like fear or security to

Rory frowned. ‚Seamus must have heard wrong.‛

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‚He didn’t hear wrong, Rory, and it’s not like Seamus to make

something like that up either. The man is honest to a fault.‛

‚But…‛ It couldn’t be true. Sebastian was still healing emotionally.

There was no way he could want anything physical. Not so soon. ‚It’s
barely been a month.‛

That earned him a soft smile. ‚I hear love can heal all kinds of


‚Love?‛ He gave Pete a look that said he’d lost his mind.
Pete just shook his head again and helped Rory to his feet. ‚Go on

up to your young man, Rory. You’re both what the other needs.‛

As Rory stood there thinking about Sebastian and how he had tried

to give him more time, it finally dawned on him that sometime during the
last month, he had fallen in love with Sebastian. Fallen in love with his
quick wit, his dry humor, his lightning fast intelligence, and sparkling
personality. But more than that, he fell in love with the man who, even
after taking a severe beating that would have stopped most people from
going on, Sebastian had picked himself up and got on with his life. Yes, he
had run and found a safe haven, but he didn’t let that stop him from
living his life. That, more than anything, was what Rory loved most about
the man. His innate strength of will and perseverance.

He stared at his friend, the realization that he loved Sebastian

making him feel as if he could fly. ‚I love him, Pete.‛

‚I know you do, my friend.‛ Pete reached out and squeezed his

shoulder, sharing Rory’s happiness. ‚Now why don’t you go up and tell
your young man that? I’ll close up for you.‛

Without waiting a second longer, Rory rushed up the steps leading

to his room. It was late, the pub having been closed for a while, but there
were a few lights to brighten his way. Strangely, when he got near his
room, he saw a flickering brightness. It was odd. Sebastian should be
asleep at this hour. Curious, he stepped quietly to the threshold of his
room. The sight that greeted him made his breath catch and his dick go
hard in seconds.

‚About time.‛ Sebastian’s husky voice went right to Rory’s balls.

‚Thought you were never going to come to bed.‛

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‚Sebastian.‛ The name came out on a choked moan.
The room was illuminated with half a dozen candles, giving it a

soft glow, and his cot was conspicuously absent. It was the occupant on
his bed that was Rory’s main focus though. Lying in the center, Sebastian
was nude, his long, glorious hair fanned out to resemble a red-gold halo.
His skin glowed like warm ivory in the candlelight, eyes sparkling to rival
the finest emeralds, and his cock was erect. Standing straight up, it was
long and slender, the head mushroom shaped and dark red. Rory’s mouth
watered for a taste, but it was Sebastian’s expression that had Rory
mesmerized. The smile that had captivated Rory from the beginning was
now full of carnal promise and need. It was an invitation, one Rory had no
hope of declining.

‚Come to bed, Rory.‛ He held an elegant hand out.
Rory removed his clothes in what had to be a new land speed

record, gathering Sebastian close the moment he climbed onto the bed.
That warm, slender body fit perfectly in his arms.

Sebastian wasn’t able to finish because Rory took his mouth in a

breath-stealing kiss, his tongue plundering as he finally laid claim to the
man he loved.

The taste and heat of Sebastian went right to Rory’s head, goading

him to take more, to go deeper. His skin was warm and supple, and his
body soft and hard in all the right places. Even the smell of him was
perfect—smoky, spicy, and all man. Never had he wanted, needed, like he
did at that moment. Sebastian had come like a thief in the night and stolen
his heart without even trying. Rory wasn’t getting it back, nor would he
even want to.

‚Oh, God, Rory…please,‛ Sebastian pleaded when Rory finally let

them up for air.

‚You’re so beautiful, baby,‛ he murmured as he placed wet kisses

down Sebastian’s neck to the hollow of his throat then to his chest. ‚Tastes
like heaven.‛ He groaned as he took a dusty pink nipple between his lips,
his tongue lapping at it as if it were the tastiest of treats.

‚Rory!‛ Sebastian gasped, back arching. ‚Please…don’t make me

wait any longer. Please.‛

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Rory looked up into passion-glazed eyes. They were nearly black

with his arousal, and his face was flushed. He was the most gorgeous
creature Rory had ever seen. And like his love, Rory didn’t want to wait
either. Feeling that sleek body writhing under him was taking all Rory
had to hold back. Now it seemed that his baby was of the same mind.

‚We’ll go slow next time,‛ he promised as he moved back up

Sebastian’s body then leaned down to give him another mind-altering
kiss. ‚Take my time to learn all your sweet spots.‛ He took another kiss as
he reached over and pulled the drawer out of the nightstand to get lube
and a condom.

‚God…oh, please…Rory,‛ Sebastian panted, his hands moving

smoothly all over Rory, warm lips sipping at his neck.

How he was able to put on the condom, slick himself, and his

fingers with Sebastian distracting him, Rory would never know. But once
he rubbed a slick finger around that tight pucker, trying to figure it out
wasn’t relevant. All that mattered was the warm body moving sensuously
under his, a hard cock nudging his hip, and his baby’s velvet heat
surrounding his finger as he slowly entered Sebastian’s body.

‚So beautiful,‛ Rory moaned as he watched those gorgeous eyes

close and Sebastian’s head thrown back in obvious pleasure. ‚Want you
so much, baby.‛

‚Can’t…can’t wait…please.‛
Trying not to rush his prep of Sebastian, Rory knew that if he didn’t

get into his love soon, it would all be over for both of them. Inserting a
second then a third finger caused Sebastian to moan deeply, his body
beginning to tremble.

‚Oh, God…now…now!‛
Rory didn’t need to be told twice. He climbed between Sebastian’s

legs, wrapping them around his waist, and guided his hard length to
Sebastian’s opening. With slow deliberation, he entered, starting and
stopping to let his lover get used to him.

‚Christ, you feel so good, baby.‛ Rory hoped he would be able to

last long enough to give his love what he needed.

When Sebastian undulated beneath him, indicating he wanted

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more, Rory was happy to oblige. He slammed home, sinking to the hilt.

Sebastian’s nails dug into Rory’s back, urging him on. Rory was

more than happy to keep going. Even through the condom, the heat and
tightness surrounding his cock was probably the closest to heaven he
could get.

‚Oh, God, baby…so good.‛
‚Please…Rory, I need…‛
Finding his sweet spot, Rory hit it with every in stroke, wanting to

bring his love over first. Then, with a hoarse cry, his body stiffening
beneath him, Sebastian came.

Seconds later, Rory followed with a shout, the orgasm the strongest

he could ever remember having as Sebastian’s anal walls contracted
around him.

When both had finally calmed, Rory made to move, only to have

Sebastian stop him.

‚Not yet.‛
Rory gave him a warm smile, pushing back sweat-soaked hair.

‚Not going anywhere, baby.‛ He pulled Sebastian close but was careful
not to crush him.

‚I love you, Rory.‛
That confession shocked and pleased Rory at the same time. Mostly

pleased though.

Looking down on that dear face, Rory cupped his cheek. ‚I love

you too, baby.‛

His smile and the look of joy in those gem-bright eyes alone was

enough to make Rory shout his happiness from the rooftops. He settled
instead for kissing sweet lips and finally falling asleep with his love snug
in his arms.

* * * * *

The next few weeks passed in a haze of blissful joy for Sebastian.

For the first time in his life, he had finally found a man who loved him for

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who he was. Who accepted him, quirks, deadlines, and all. And it was
wonderful. So wonderful that Sebastian could almost forget the madman
of an ex looking for him. Almost. The latest news from Lillian wasn’t
good. Jackson was still on the loose and hadn’t been sighted in weeks. The
police surmised he must have flown the country with the threat of jail.
Sebastian wasn’t holding his breath. He was still out there, but good thing
for Sebastian, the man never knew about Lillian and Rhea’s connection to
Rory or the small town where Sebastian was holed up. Not many did.

‚Baby, I’ve got to go out to Pete’s. He’s helping Doc today, so I

need to go make sure the cabin is locked up ‘till they get back.‛

Sebastian was on their bed, working on his latest novel. ‚Okay, I’ll

be working for another couple hours.‛

‚I’ll be back by then.‛ He leaned down and gave Sebastian a

devouring kiss.

‚I sooo love your kisses,‛ he panted.
‚And I love you.‛
‚Love you, too.‛ Sebastian smiled. ‚Be careful.‛
‚I will.‛ With another peck on the lips, he was gone.
Sebastian sighed dreamily, so giddy with love and happiness, his

feelings were bubbling over. Never had he felt so good, so satisfied and
content. He never wanted it to end.

An hour later, his stomach began to grumble. He knew he was

never going to finish the new scene with an empty stomach. So saving his
work, he closed his laptop and went down to the kitchen. It was Monday,
so the pub was closed. The day off gave everyone a much needed break
and Rory time to get the books done and the inventory updated as well as
re-stocking the kitchen and bar. Good thing too because Sebastian was

Going to the big commercial fridge, Sebastian found just what he

needed to make subs. He wasn’t much of a cook nor did he want to make
a mess in Cookie’s spotless kitchen. Dirtying a knife and plate was easier
to clean up than a couple of pots and pans. Unfortunately, he never got to
make those subs. As he was reaching for a head of lettuce and the mayo,
pain exploded at the back of his head, then blackness engulfed him,
sending him into unconsciousness.

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* * * * *

Rory couldn’t believe that he could ever be so happy. For the last

couple weeks, he had been sporting a permanent smile. And it was all
because of Sebastian. Finally, after what felt like forever, Rory had found
the man of his dreams. Someone to hold and love, to talk to and share
things with, someone to grow old with. Which was why he had told
Sebastian he was going to Pete’s. It wasn’t a lie, not really. He did go to
Pete’s, just not to check on the cabin. Pete had gone to Anchorage for him
to pick up the engagement rings Rory had ordered. They were beautiful
platinum bands with the infinity sign etched onto them and set with small

Rory couldn’t wait for tonight and the special dinner he had

planned so they could exchange them. Even though they couldn’t legally
get married in the state of Alaska, Rory knew deep in his soul that
Sebastian was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Of
course, if a ceremony was something his baby wanted, then he was sure
Mother Owl would be more than happy to conduct it. She wasn’t just the
healer of her tribe, but also their spiritual leader. Uniting two hearts and
souls in everlasting love was practically a job requirement.

Driving through town on the way back to the pub, Rory waved at a

few friends. Not many were out during the lunch hour, but most of them
looked to be grabbing a quick bite then heading back to work. And with
spring finally settling in, the town looked livelier, despite the few souls
out and about.

Nearly to the pub, Rory caught a flash of yellow out the corner of

his eye. It was a 4x4 Jeep Wrangler with big traction tires. No one he knew
had such a vehicle.

When he pulled into his spot behind the pub and got out, he was

still trying to figure out who could possibly own the Jeep. Then he noticed
the back door to the kitchen standing ajar, and his greatest fear slammed
into his heart.

‚No!‛ he whispered with anguish.
He hurried into the kitchen to find the fridge door wide open and a

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head of lettuce on the floor. He took out his cell phone and called the
sheriff then Pete and Doc. Not knowing just how dangerous Jackson was,
Rory wanted to make sure he had backup. That taken care of, he went to
the stairs leading up to the living quarters. He meant to go slowly so as to
get the drop on Jackson, but the sound of Sebastian’s agonized scream
nixed that idea. All that mattered was getting to his lover.

Racing up the stairs as quietly as he could, Rory charged into the

room to find a tall, slim man with mussed brown hair and a cheap tan. He
was classically handsome, his fine clothes speaking of wealth. But it was
the crazed dark brown eyes that made Rory’s blood run cold. Of course,
taking in the scene straight from one of Sebastian’s nightmares also caused
his stomach to clench with terror. Jackson had a riding crop in his hand
and Sebastian tied to their bed face down. There were already several
large welts on his back, and he was struggling to get free as tears streamed
down his pale cheeks.

Rory saw red. He rushed at Jackson, catching him off guard enough

to get him away from Sebastian, but he wasn’t quick enough to avoid the
man pulling a knife. They landed on the floor in a heap, each grappling
with the other. Rory landed a few good blows, splitting the man’s lip, but
Jackson, in his insanity, was stronger.

‚He’s mine! Mine!‛ Jackson screamed as he elbowed Rory in the


The blow caused Rory to see stars, and it gave Jackson the edge he

needed as white hot pain seared into Rory’s shoulder.

As he lay on the floor, he dimly heard Sebastian scream his name.

He felt wetness trickling down his arm and side.

‚Oh, God, no! Rory! Help! Someone, help!‛
‚Calm down, my angel. Now we can be together, like we were

meant to be.‛

Through a haze of burning pain, Rory watched Jackson rush to

Sebastian’s side, trying to calm and comfort him.

‚Get…get your hands off him,‛ he demanded through gritted


Cold brown eyes landed on him, their depths devoid of any kind of

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sanity. ‚You, you defiled my angel. Made him unclean.‛ The words were
made more chilling by the tone of quiet rage from the man as he stalked
over to Rory and grabbed up the riding crop along the way. ‚He will need
to be purified to make him perfect again.‛ He tapped the knife protruding
from Rory’s shoulder with the riding crop.

The pain shot through Rory’s body like red lightning, making him

gasp and gray to edge around his vision.

‚Once my angel is purified and perfect again, I will take him, let

you see what should never have been soiled by your hands.‛ He smiled
then, the expression on his face one of evil anticipation. ‚Then I will
delight in killing you. Very slowly.‛

‚No!‛ Sebastian shouted, his struggling now frantic.
Jackson rushed back to his side, trying to soothe him. ‚It’s alright,

angel, you’ll see. Everything will be perfect again; you will be perfect.‛

He raised the crop to strike, but before he could land the blow, a

booming voice called out, ‚Drop your weapon and step away from the
bed. Now!‛

Rory turned his head to see Sheriff Coombs’s big, burly form

standing in the doorway, his gun drawn and pointed at Jackson.

‚You don’t understand, officer. This is my angel; he needs to be

purified. He’s been defiled by another, his perfection soiled,‛ Jackson
pleaded, clearly trying to get the sheriff to see his side of things. ‚If he is
not free of that man’s vile touch, my angel will never be perfect again.‛

‚Boy, I don’t care if that’s the pope and he’s been dipped in the

river Styx. You will drop your weapon and move away from the bed or I
will do a little purifying of my own.‛ Coombs cocked his weapon, letting
Jackson know he meant business. ‚Now, boy.‛

For a moment, it looked as if Jackson wasn’t going to move, but

then, instead of standing back from Sebastian, he turned to Rory, dark
eyes deep pools of hate.

‚You did this,‛ he snarled. ‚You took my angel, soiled him, and

now he will never be clean. He will never attain perfection.‛ Then that evil
smile returned. ‚But I will delight in cutting your heart out as

In what seemed to be slow motion to Rory, multiple actions

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happened at once. Jackson raised his crop then flicked it down to reveal a
slim blade at the tip. The sheriff, along with Pete and Doc, came farther
into the room, trying to get Jackson to stand down. He wasn’t listening.
All his focus was on Rory. Then, in a blink, he lunged, coming at Rory
with the crop raised and death in those dark eyes. He didn’t make it two
steps before a shot rang out. Jackson fell to his knees, a look of surprise on
his face as blood blossomed on his chest, over his heart.

‚Angel,‛ he whispered as he fell over in a bloody heap.
After that, time returned to normal speed as everyone rushed

inside. Doc came quickly to his side, cutting off his shirt to look at the
knife in his shoulder. Rory didn’t much care. He needed to make sure his
baby was alright.

‚S-Sebastian, is he okay? That bastard hurt him again, Doc.‛
‚I know, my friend,‛ Doc said in a calm voice. ‚I’ll make sure he’s

taken care of.‛

That was all well and good, but he needed to see for himself that

Sebastian was safe. He was about to tell Doc just that when he heard
Sebastian call his name. Then his baby was by his side, those beautiful
green eyes swimming with tears.

‚Oh…oh, God, Rory. I’m so sorry, so sorry,‛ he sobbed.
‚Come here, baby.‛ He reached out with his good arm and pulled

Sebastian close. ‚I would do it all over again just to keep you safe, alright?
You by my side is all that matters.‛

Sebastian nodded in agreement, though he didn’t look happy about

it. Rory didn’t care. His love was safe, and Jackson was dead. It was all

‚I need to get you back to the clinic, Rory,‛ Doc interrupted. ‚I

can’t risk taking the knife out here.‛

‚Sure.‛ Rory was so tired it was getting hard to keep his eyes open.

And now that he knew Sebastian was safe, exhaustion was hitting him

He gave Sebastian a reassuring smile. ‚I’m fine, baby, just tired. So

tired.‛ He closed his eyes and whispered, ‚I love you, baby.‛ Seconds
later he fell into the void with Sebastian screaming his name.

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* * * * *

When Rory came to, he found himself in one of the clinic’s rooms

with an IV in his good arm and feeling as if he’d been run over by a
Zamboni. The only consolation to it was seeing Sebastian there with him.
His head was near Rory’s hip, a hand resting on Rory’s stomach. He was
fast asleep, his features peaceful in repose. Rory hated to wake him, but
sleeping in such a position was going to do more harm than good. He
raised his good arm; the other was strapped to his chest, and the wound
covered in thick bandages. It didn’t hurt as bad as he’d thought it would,
but then, that was probably the painkillers. He reached out and gently
shook Sebastian’s shoulder.

‚Baby?‛ he croaked, throat dry as he shook Sebastian again.


Sleepy green eyes blinked open, and a look of confusion crossed his

features as he slowly sat up and looked around.

Rory couldn’t help but grin. ‚Sorry to wake you, baby.‛
‚Rory!‛ he gasped, his confusion turning to concern. ‚How do you

feel? Are you hurting? Do I need to call Doc?‛

‚Just some water, please.‛
‚Sure,‛ he said quickly and jumped into action, getting a cup from

the bedside table and filling it from a large water pitcher beside it. He
even put one of those bendy straws in it. ‚Here, but not too much. Don’t
want to make you sick.‛

‚Alright.‛ He nodded.
Sebastian held the straw to his lips, letting him take a few small

sips. It felt good going down his parched throat.

‚Better?‛ Sebastian pulled the cup away and placed it back on the


‚Yeah. Thank you, baby.‛
Taking his seat again, Sebastian reached over and took his hand.

‚How are you feeling? Are you hurting?‛

‚I’m fine, baby,‛ Rory assured him. ‚A little achy and stiff, but

otherwise in good shape. The pain meds are doing their job. How about

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you? Are you alright?‛

‚I’m fine. J-Jackson only hit me a couple times. I’ll have some

bruising, but Doc gave me some of Mother Owl’s liniment to take care of
any soreness.‛ He paused a moment, clearly upset. ‚I…Rory…‛ His hand
squeezed Rory’s gently, and his emerald eyes started to fill with tears.
‚God, I’m so sorry, Rory. I’m so sorry.‛ He sobbed into Rory’s side,
shoulders shaking with the force of his grief.

Rory let him get it out, continuing to hold his hand. There was no

way his stubborn lover was going to listen otherwise.

When the tears finally slowed to sniffles, Rory took his hand away

and reached over to the bedside table for some tissue. He then handed
them to Sebastian, waiting for him to wipe and blow and get calm.
Satisfied that he was, Rory began.

‚First of all, you have nothing to be sorry for.‛
‚No. You are going to listen, understand?‛
Sebastian nodded, albeit reluctantly.
‚Good. Now, as I was saying, you don’t need to apologize. It’s not

as if you stabbed me or wanted some bat shit crazy psycho to follow you
all the way here to Alaska. That’s all on him, baby. And if God is merciful,
then that bastard is roasting in hell for what he’s done.‛

‚At the very least.‛ Sebastian smiled tentatively.
‚Yeah, the very least.‛ He grinned then reached up to cup his love’s

cheek. ‚Baby, I love you more than life itself, and if I had to fight a
hundred bat shit crazy Jacksons wielding knives to keep you safe, I

‚Oh, Rory.‛ Sebastian’s luminous eyes began to fill with tears


‚This pain…‛ He nodded to his shoulder. ‚This is nothing

compared to what I would have felt had I not gotten there in time to stop
him from doing more than he had already done.‛ A crystal tear rolled
down that creamy cheek, and Rory wiped it away with his thumb. ‚Never
again, baby, never again.‛

Sebastian nuzzled into his hand and kissed his palm, his lips warm

and soft. Rory wanted more than that. He pulled Sebastian up and took

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his lips in a deep but tender kiss, needing to taste that sweet mouth and
confirm for himself that his lover was okay.

‚Rory,‛ Sebastian moaned into his mouth then laid his forehead

against Rory’s. ‚Damn.‛

Rory chuckled darkly. ‚Yeah, and when I’m better, we are never

leaving our bed again.‛

‚Promise.‛ Rory gave him a light peck on the lips then suddenly

remembered his pants. ‚Shit! Where are my pants?‛

Sebastian jerked back with surprise. ‚Huh?‛
‚My pants. Where did Doc put ‘em?‛ He looked around the small

room but saw none of his clothes.

‚Uh, in the closet with the rest of your stuff.‛ He got up and went

to the closet, taking out a clear bag. ‚I should have washed everything,
but I didn’t want to leave you.‛

‚That’s okay, baby,‛ he soothed as Sebastian took out his pants and

gave them to Rory. It was a good thing he didn’t wash them, Rory thought as
he reached into the right front pocket for the small black box.

Once he had it safely in hand, Rory let out a relieved sigh as he

held tightly to the box. With closed fist, he nudged the pants away until
they dropped to the floor. ‚Come here, baby.‛ He thumped a spot beside
him on the bed.

‚Rory?‛ Sebastian did as he asked and sat beside Rory. He was

clearly confused yet curious.

Giving his lover a reassuring smile, Rory opened his hand to show

the black box lying in his palm. ‚I wanted to do this right, ya know? Some
candlelight, a nice bottle of wine, an intimate dinner, a little soft jazz. But
if there’s one thing this whole mess has taught me, it’s time and place
don’t matter. It’s having the one you love at your side, safe and sound and
happy.‛ He gestured for Sebastian to take the box. ‚Open it, baby.‛

With trembling fingers, Sebastian opened it then gasped. ‚Oh my

God! Rory!‛

‚Sebastian Kynser, will you do me the honor of being my husband,

of sharing our lives and growing old together?‛

Sebastian pulled both rings out and held them up, looking at them

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then at Rory, tears starting to stream down his cheeks and a bright smile
lighting up his face.

‚Oh, Rory.‛ He laughed. ‚Yes! A thousand times, yes!‛
Rory took the smaller ring and placed it on Sebastian’s trembling

finger then kissed it, sealing his vow. Sebastian did the same, his
expression one of pure joy. He then lay down beside Rory, Rory’s one
good arm pulling him tight as he snuggled close.

‚Even though it’s not legal in Alaska, we can head over to Canada

if you want.‛

Sebastian gently shook his head. ‚We’re married in our hearts;

don’t really need a piece of paper to make it so.‛

Rory couldn’t help but chuckle at that. ‚Whatever you decide is

fine with me, baby.‛ He kissed his lover’s forehead, content and warm.
‚But you’re right; we are married in our hearts. A thousand pieces of
paper couldn’t change that.‛

Letting out a deep sigh, Sebastian hugged him carefully. ‚I love

you, Rory.‛

‚I love you too, baby.‛
He kissed Sebastian’s head again, thinking that Mother Owl had

been right. His other half had come out of the blue, and they’d both
needed each other. He smiled at that as sleep began to pull him under.
Yes, Mother Owl had been right. When his Sebastian escaped from
danger, he’d not only found safety but love. They both had. The forever

The End

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Author Bio

Hmm… Not much to tell really. I've been reading for what seems

like forever. Writing was a natural extension of that. Of course, having a
very active imagination helped. LOL!

I live in a small town in North Carolina and have been with a

wonderful man for seventeen years, married almost ten of those. Our son
is twenty and out on his own. We have a very spoiled German shepherd
that keeps us on our toes.

My writing is somewhat eclectic. I write in several genres.

Unfortunately, the day job keeps me from pursuing my writing full time.
But I'm working on it. One day. *sigh*

Like most writers, I'm always coming up with new books and have

plenty in the works. Check out my blog for news and updates.


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