Matura Repetytorium PR Quick Test 9A

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SCORE: …………………………… / 15

I. Zaznacz wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych. (4 pkt)

1. album drama single band

2. painting canvas landscape violin

3. novel weekly broadsheet


4. audience engraving play stage

II. Dopasuj wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby utworzyć poprawne wyrażenia. (4 pkt)

Express Publishing: Matura – Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 9A











a a film
b show
c a painting
d reviews
e a reputation
f role
g magazine
h release

III. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, używając podanego wyrazu w niezmienionej formie, tak

aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj od dwóch do pięciu wyrazów.
(3 pkt)

1. ‘Could you buy two theatre tickets for Nancy and me?’ he asked.

ASKED He ………………………………… two theatre tickets for him and Nancy.

2. ‘I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long,’ he said.

APOLOGISED He …..………………………………… for so long.

3. ‘And don’t forget to book seats in advance’, her husband told her.

REMINDED Her husband …………………………… seats in advance.

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Express Publishing: Matura – Repetytorium. Poziom rozszerzony Quick Test 9A



Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Dobierz brakujące zdania (A–F),
tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. W każdą lukę (1–4) wpisz literę, którą
oznaczone jest brakujące zdanie. Dwa zdania podane zostały dodatkowo i nie pasują
do tekstu. (4 pkt)


This tremendous festival has been held in Cracow for over fifteen years now. 1) Although the
district may still be somewhat rundown in parts, it is now one of the most spellbinding areas in
Cracow, and the Festival of Jewish Culture is undoubtedly one of the brightest feathers in its cap. It
is an event like no other, during which the entire city quarter of Kazimierz is transformed for a week
into a centre for Jewish and Yiddish culture. The programme includes concerts, workshops, gallery
exhibits, museum presentations, dance, and food. 2) It also gives them a chance to meet their
audience and sip coffee with them in the many cafes that have sprung up in Kazimierz.

Every year in June or July visitors are able to enjoy celebrated Jewish and Jewish-inspired arts from
across the globe strutting their stuff in Kazimierz’s synagogue, cellars, theatres and cafés.
3) The festival culminates in a huge open air concert on the picturesque Szeroka Street. It’s a
lot of fun and there’ll be plenty of dancing and merry-making to round things off.

The festival offers a unique insight into Poland’s rich Jewish legacy. During the Renaissance and
Baroque eras, Jews talked of Cracow as a ‘Jewish Paradise’, such was the extent of their liberties
and of the richness of cultural life in the city. To visit the city during the festival is to see how a
small but dedicated group of people are trying to recover the multicultural heritage of their country.
4) While there are other good Jewish music festivals in Europe, Cracow with its excellent
organization and an army of young volunteers, who guarantee that everything flows smoothly, is
certainly the Big One.

Adapted from

and from “The Festival of Jewish Culture, Krakow”

posted by Dumneazu on

A. Their efforts can make an annual festival the cornerstone of a cultural

movement that ensures that the Jewish culture of Cracow endures all year

B. Opportunities arise to learn Hebrew and Yiddish and study the works of

Polish Jewish literature and folklore.

C. Among these venues, the glorious Tempel Synagogue stands out: a classic

19th-century synagogue restored to a fully functional state, with excellent
acoustics and room for a large audience.

D. During this period, the former Jewish district of Kazimierz has itself steadily

regained its colours.

E. This recently opened enterprise could not come more highly recommended if

you’re curious about Poland’s Jewish legacy.

F. It is pure joy to be there, not the least because it gives the performers a

chance to spend some real quality time hanging with each other, hatching
new musical projects.


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