Claiming Lori Marteeka Karland

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Claiming Lori

Marteeka Karland & Shara Azod

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2011 Marteeka Karland & Shara Azod

ISBN: 978-1-60521-656-0
Formats Available:
HTML, Adobe PDF, EPub
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader

Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

Editor: Katriena Knights
Cover Artist: Marteeka Karland

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Claiming Lori

Marteeka Karland & Shara Azod

Lori is sick to death of the brothers McAlister ruining
all her fun. They’re always sticking their noses into her
business when all she wants to do is let her hair down a
little, and yeah, have a good time between the sheets.
She can’t get a date, let alone get laid, with the three
brothers from next door chasing away all her potentials.
Heck, she can’t even go out on the town without them
showing up!

How is she supposed to know they have more than a
little fun planned for her luscious curves? But when
Michael, Alex and Jackson tell her exactly why they feel
it’s their right to keep other men at bay, will Lori be
able to give them what they demand?

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Chapter One

Lori Saunders squealed when she turned on the

light to her living room to find three incredibly huge,
incredibly hunky men sitting on her sectional. They’d
scared the hell out of her. Especially since she’d shut the
door and had broken out into a chorus of “Baby Got
Back,” all while shaking her ass in a little shimmy.

On one level, though, she wasn’t the least bit

surprised to see all three of her usual tormentors waiting
for her as she stumbled back into her house. They had
keys, after all. It was just startling.

“Now, guys.” It was really hard not to sway on

her too-cute boots, especially when confronted by three
very sexy, very pissed visions of male loveliness. They
sat in her living room as if they had every right to be
there, glowering something fierce. “I’m a big girl now.
And legal, to boot. If I want to go have a little fun, damn
it, I’m entitled.”

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She was an only child, but it had never stopped

the three knuckleheads from next door from acting like
she was their kid sister. Being the only child of a single
father, it had been nice when she was a kid, but the three
busybodies had taken it to a whole different level since
she’d first sprouted breasts. When her dad had retired
and moved to Florida, leaving her the house, she
should’ve known these three would hinder her
newfound independence.

It was Alex who came over to steady her. Good

old Alex, with his gorgeous auburn hair and bright blue
eyes. Damn, he was tall. When had he gotten all large
like that? All three brothers had always been
hunkalicious, but this was a bit beyond the regular old
hot and made a beeline toward sublime. Why hadn’t she
noticed that before?

“You know, you are one hot firefighter.” A bevy

of giggles escaped before Lori could call them back. Shit,
now they were going to know she was sloshed. Still, it
was funny. Hot firefighter, what a cliché.

“And you are headed toward having one hot little

ass, sneaking out like that.” Alex’s reply was delivered
with one of those lopsided grins designed to get a girl all

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wet and wanting. Man, did it ever work.

At twenty-four, she hadn’t had an actual boyfriend

in like… well, never, really. Guys she called herself
interested in never lasted for long with the three
Neanderthal McAlister brothers nosing around.

Alex, who had just turned twenty-nine, was

usually the first to ferret out any and all pertinent info on
any prospective male friend. He would then turn over all
he knew to Michael, who was now thirty-two. If the two
of them couldn’t find anything bad enough to warn her
off, they would turn to thirty-five-year-old Jack to
intimidate the crap out of the guy, making sure he’d
never return. She could see it when she was sixteen, but,
damn it, she was legal! A girl deserved a little fun in her
life. Which was why she’d snuck out tonight.

“Do you know how dangerous it is, going out and

getting drunk?” That came from Jack. Black Jack, as she
referred to him somewhat ironically, had jet-black hair
with faint reddish highlights. He had the same sapphire
eyes as his brothers, though, making him devilishly
handsome. Unlike his two younger brothers, Jack wasn’t
a firefighter, but a cop. A detective now. “What if
something had happened to you, Lori? What if someone

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attacked you or your friends? What would you have
done then?”

Jack didn’t come forward as Alex had. Instead he

sat there taking up the corner of the sectional, where it
turned into a big armchair, looking like he was the man
of the house. Didn’t that thought just give her the
shivers? Black Jack, all big, strong and fierce, walking
around shirtless, pulling her down in his lap, maybe
coming home and taking her right there against the front
door as she greeted him…

“Lori, are you listening to me?” The sound of

Jack’s voice snapped her back to the present.

Unfortunately, her wayward tongue forgot she

was no longer daydreaming. “I would totally love to see
you naked,” she blurted out, almost falling forward in
Jack’s direction. Luckily, Alex caught her in time.

“Our baby girl is good and toasted.” Michael,

who was generally the quiet one, spoke up for the first
time, looking like he was biting back a full belly laugh.
“I think the lecture can wait until morning, Jackson.”

“Yeah, what he said.” Lori would agree to just

about anything to get herself out of the current situation.
Her brain wasn’t communicating with her mouth too

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well. That could only get her into worse trouble. “And I

not your baby anything. I told you for the last time I

am a full grown woman, damn it.”

Lori decided the best thing she could do was

emphasize the point, so she cupped her breasts,
impressive D-cups that no “baby” would have, and
shoved them up a notch or two for good measure. The
sweater she was wearing hugged her curves, with a deep
V in the middle for just the right amount of cleavage. No
way they could miss those bad boys now.

“Holy crap, Michael, I think you should pour our

little drunk into bed before I say or do something I’m
gonna regret.” Alex actually stepped away from Lori like
she’d just shoved a snake in front of his face.

That was so not fair. Lori wasn’t conceited or

anything, but she worked hard to keep in shape. What
the hell was his problem?

“Shut up, Lori.” Alex fixed a hard stare right at her

when she opened her mouth to give him a piece of her
mind. “You’re drunk, and I am not in the mood right
now. I’m so damned pissed you went out like that --” he
waved his hand all up and down her front, “-- knowing
other guys were looking at what is ours, I could tan your

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hide right now. But you’re too drunk to feel it.”

Wait -- “ours”? What the hell did that mean?
“Huh? I am not yours or any-damn-body else’s!”

She was sick of this shit. “How can I be with the three of
you hovering all the damn time?”

There, she’d said it. No going back now. At least

they would know how she felt. It would be one thing if
any one of them would step up to the plate, but they
treated her as if she were their little sister. Well, she
wasn’t. She was a woman with needs, damn it, and it was
high time they realized it.

“You’re still ours,” Jack said quietly, looking

rather amused by the situation. “You always have been.
You’re a little too drunk to prove it tonight, but
tomorrow, baby girl… ” Slowly rising to his feet, Jack
came over and caressed the side of her face with a single
finger. Lori felt her heart pounding against her
breastbone, goose bumps breaking out all over.
“Tomorrow we plan on showing you just how much you
belong to us.”

Lori was left dumbfounded, watching Jack and

Alex walk to the front door. She was too scared to even
breathe, terrified she might wake up at any given second.

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If Jack had meant what she thought he did, then one of
her most torrid fantasies was about to come true.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Michael came

over and guided her to her bedroom with a firm but
gentle hand. Lori went with him, not sure what else to

She stood there as he stripped off her sweater,

boots and jeans, even the lacy underwear she’d worn just
in case she got lucky. Truth be told, it wasn’t that she
hadn’t gotten any offers. It was just that none of the guys
who approached her seemed worth it. None of them
could measure up to those damned McAlisters.

“You really are gorgeous, Lori.” As if to put an

exclamation point on his statement, Michael placed a soft
kiss on her belly before ushering her over to her bed.
“It’s gonna be hell not touching you tonight.”

She wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but

the margaritas she’d had made it too hard to think, let
alone ask life-altering questions. Her eyes were
suddenly too heavy, and her tongue seemed glued to the
roof of her mouth. It sounded like Michael was stripping
off his own shirt and jeans. She only wished she could
open her eyes a little wider to get a good look.

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As he climbed into her bed and pulled her against

him, she had her answer. There would be questions later.
Right now she was just really tired, and Michael felt so
nice and warm. She’d ask in the morning.

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Chapter Two

God, she was gorgeous. Michael knew he needed

to move away from her delectable little body, but fuck,
she felt so damn good all cuddled up against him; the
generous globes of her ass cradled his cock perfectly. But
he had to move; if he didn’t, he was going to make mad
passionate love to her this morning, and his brothers
would pitch a bitch. They had agreed to do this together
-- they had to. Lori needed to know they were dead
serious about her, about building a lasting future with
her. Unfortunately for him that meant he really, really
needed to get out of this bed before…

“Mmmm, Mikey, you feel so good. I love sleeping

next to you.” Her speech was still slurred in her sleep,
but man! Her voice was so fucking sexy!

He froze, afraid to move, terrified not to. Lori

wasn’t really awake, but she arched in what had to be the
world’s sexiest stretch, complete with her ass sticking out

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to rub all along his aching erection. His hands clenched
at his sides, determined not to reach and touch. Holding
her through the night as she’d snored in an alcohol-
induced semi-coma was one thing. This -- well, he
couldn’t be too sure of where his hands might go

Only, her head came back to rest on his shoulder,

the long, elegant line of her neck exposed, her breasts
thrusting forward, free from the bra that usually
managed to somewhat hide their glory from the avid
watcher. Holy crap, her chest was beyond beautiful. All
full and round and juicy with all the pert arrogance that
was Lori. He couldn’t help but wonder how those
glorious, mocha globes would look in contrast to his
paler hands. His dick twitched and jumped against the
cheeks of her perfectly rounded bottom, seeking entrance
between them. Just one little feel. He could do that,
right? Nothing bad would come of it, surely. He could
control himself.

“Michael, put your hands down and roll away

from her.”

Jackson’s voice was like ice water on Michael’s

raging desire. As irritating as it was, he was grateful his

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brothers had walked into Lori’s bedroom as if they had
every right. Rolling away from the warm bundle of
temptation was one of the hardest things he’d had to do
in his life, but if they hadn’t walked in, he would’ve
betrayed their agreement. Because none of them would
back down in their pursuit of her, they had agreed they
would share her. Polygamy usually ran in the other
direction, with there being one man and a few women,
but Lori was more than enough woman for the three
men. At least, that was what Jackson had expressed when
they’d decided to stop fucking around and let Lori know
how they really felt about her.

Damn. It was a great deal chillier out of the bed

and away from Lori’s warmth. His only consolation was
that she woke as soon as she lost his body heat. That had
to be a good sign. At least on some subconscious level
she was aware of him and missed his warmth, if nothing

“Why are you guys in my room?” Funny, Lori

didn’t sound even a little bit hung over. She looked
annoyed and grumpy but, as she was not a morning
person, that was nothing unusual. She had one eye
cracked open in a mere slit, a fierce frown marring her

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otherwise perfect complexion. “Aw, man, it wasn’t all a
dream was it? You were here when I came home last

Michael thought about replying, but thought

better of it. Instead he allowed Alex, who was generally
considered the sweetest of the three brothers, to speak.

“How much do you remember, honey?” Alex

went over and sat on the edge of the bed, toying with the
braids on Lori’s head. Michael’s own hand grasped his
thigh, itching to touch her too.

Lori opened both eyes wide and round, sitting

straight up in the bed. Michael had to bite back a groan
at the way her cami hugged her curves. Last night he had
helped her get ready for bed without really paying
attention to what she demanded to sleep in. His objective
had been just to get her into bed so she could sleep it off.
Getting a good look at the skimpy excuse for a shirt, he
sent up a prayer of thanks he hadn’t really noticed last
night. He would’ve been all over her.

He was an introspective kind of guy. Michael

liked to think things through before acting. Alex was
more a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of guy, and
Jackson had always been an ultra control freak. When

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Jack had suggested all three of them “marry” Lori,
Michael honestly hadn’t thought it would work. Now,
the possibility Jackson’s scheme might pay off lay out
there tantalizing him almost as much as the woman
before him. They all loved her, had for years. While any
one of them would be happy for his sibling, they would
suffer a deep loss if any one of them couldn’t be with her.
Lori was a firecracker of a woman. She had deep
passions -- passions that had been stifled for far too long.

The question might not be if she could handle the

three of them, but if they could handle her. Not because
she was loose or anything, but just because she was so
damn full of life. She would lead them all on a merry
chase, that much was for sure. And she had no clue just
how sexy and desirable she really was. Sure, she thought
she was cute, without the obnoxious kind of conceit. The
thing was, Lori had bypassed cute, or even beautiful,
and run headlong into stunning on a level that went far
beneath the skin.

“Umm, you all were here frowning at me as soon

as I got home.” She shrugged, a move that made her full,
unbound breasts jiggle a little. Michael could have
sworn he heard Jack moan under his breath. “There was

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the usual disapproval and then… ” She shook her head
and jumped out of the bed, away from Alex’s comforting
strokes to her head. “No way. There was no way that
other part was real.”

“Relax, Lori. We can talk about this rationally,

right?” Michael knew she was about to go into one of her
long, exhausting tirades about the unfairness of it all. She
really didn’t think they’d been serious. She was looking
for the usual lecture about her safety and what men
want. She was in for quite a surprise.

“Why don’t you take your shower and get

dressed.” Jack stopped her before she could respond,
using his most authoritative voice. Michael was amazed
how well it still seemed to work on her, although she
was long past childhood. “Michael will go next door and
do the same, and Alex will make coffee.”

“Oh, yeah? And what will you be doing, Mr. King

of the World?” That was about as far as she would go in
challenging Jackson. It was as irritating as it was
amusing, but she never pushed Jack too far.

“I will be right here, little girl, so jump to it,” Jack

shot right back at her without missing a beat. “I’ll pull
out something for you to wear, so all you need to take

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with you into the bathroom is a robe.”

* * *

Michael watched her go, his mouth watering as

she stomped around the bedroom in that damn cami and
a pair of boy-cut panties. He had been sleeping next to
that, all night long. His cock twitched, coming back to life
just when he thought he had it completely under control.

“Holy hell. That woman is going to be the death of

us. Mike, you better hurry the fuck back,” Alex muttered
before moving toward the bedroom door. “Because if she
says yes, it is on.”

She would say yes. Michael might not have

thought so before, but he knew it in his gut now. Her
breathing had become a little heavier as she realized it
hadn’t all been a fevered figment of her imagination. Her
nipples had already been hard, much to his delight, but
they had seemed to grow longer, harder, as the three of
them watched her. Michael knew he wasn’t hiding any of
his hunger for her. Neither were his brothers. It was
obvious to any who looked at them they wanted her.
Hard. Yeah, he needed to hurry but his feet refused to
move until she had flounced out of the room.

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“Still think she won’t go for it?” Jack was mocking

him, but this was one of the rare times Michael didn’t
mind at all. He was thankful he’d been dead wrong.

“I think I need to get my ass in gear.” Michael

knew Jackson was skirting the edge of control, as was
Alex. He needed to get his ass back before Lori sat down
to her first cup of coffee.

He could only imagine what was going to happen

today, but he didn’t want to miss any of it. Lori was
going to hit the roof, come back down, then hit the roof
again. There wasn’t a thing sexier than Lori all pissed off
and loaded for bear. He couldn’t wait to see all that
passion directed toward something other than arguing
with them. It was going to be an explosive day, and
Michael was eager to see it through.

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Chapter Three

“You know she’s going to try to kill us first. You

do realize that, right?”

Alex hadn’t really asked him a question, so

Jackson didn’t answer him. He was well aware what they
were up against. Lori was headstrong and stubborn as all
get out, but in the end she wanted them -- all of them. If
he wasn’t sure of it, he would’ve never suggested such a
crazy thing as sharing a woman, really

sharing her with

his brothers. This wasn’t about sex, though Lori would
jump to that conclusion once they actually convinced her
they were for real. This was about finding that one
woman who completed them, the one woman who could
make them all happy and complete.

“You better have that coffee ready,” Jackson

suggested, walking over to the bed and lounging back to
wait. “You know how she is before coffee in the

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Alex retreated, mumbling as he went, leaving Jack

to his thoughts. They were taking a huge risk; there was
a possibility they could lose Lori forever, but he really
didn’t think so. He just had to make sure he handled this

“What are you doing still in my room?”
He had to smile at the picture Lori made,

pretending to be mad while swathed in the bathrobe
she’d taken from him. She was always doing things like
coming over and “borrowing” their clothes. Usually they
never saw the item in question again unless they
happened to glimpse her wearing it. In so many ways
she was already a wife to each brother, albeit in different
ways. She cooked for them all from time to time. For
Alex, she listened to his outrageous stories, laughing as
if he were the funniest man on earth. The two of them
shared secrets, often laughing at private jokes no one
else got.

For Michael, Lori bolstered his confidence. She

was always his biggest cheerleader, egging him on when
he needed it. She brought him out of his shell without his
even realizing it. She’d been doing it forever too; Jack
was convinced Mike would have never entered the

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Academy had it not been for Lori’s constant pushing.
Turned out Mike was one hell of a firefighter, and all it
had taken was Lori’s encouragement.

“Waiting for you, brat.” Holding up her jar of

body cream, he sent her a rare smile, one he knew would
get her a little excited. He had noticed it when she turned
twenty, though he spent a couple of years trying like hell
to deny the look he saw whenever he sent her a crooked
little smile. “Come on, let me help you lotion up.”

She didn’t argue with him, but he’d known she

wouldn’t. Taking her little foot in his hand, he pretended
to be engrossed in massaging the cream into her foot.
This wasn’t the first time he’d performed the task, though
usually it was only her feet, maybe her back. This time,
Jack had no intention of stopping there.

“I’m still pissed at you.” Her voice sounded

sullen, but she was faking that too. Lori was confused
and unsure whether or not to trust her memories of the
night before. She often fell back on a show of pure
battiness when she didn’t want to face up to something.
“And I want to know why the hell you guys would say
something like -- well, like you did? And why was
Michael in my bed this morning?”

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“We said it because we meant it.” Although he

answered her evenly, without equivocation, he didn’t
look up at her. He couldn’t. Big, bad Black Jack, as she
loved to call him, was scared. This was the biggest thing
he had ever taken on in his life, the only one that
mattered, and he was dragging his brothers into it with
him. “We want you, Lori. Badly. We want to love you
and take care of you, protect you and make you the
happiest woman in the world.”

“Stop mocking me, Jackson!” Lori tried to jerk her

leg away from him, but there was no way he was letting
go. “This is a load of crap, and you know it! You have
never shown the least bit of interest in me, not ever. Alex
and Michael, I can believe, but there is no way this is
real. And fuck you for… for… ”

He looked up then, completely unprepared for

what he saw. He’d seen Lori defiant, unsure, pissy,
bratty and even horny. But there had only been one other
time he’d seen her this vulnerable, this unsure of herself.
That was when she was all of twelve and had just lost her
mother. She’d tried to keep a stiff upper lip, but there
had been a fragility about her that forever implanted her
in his heart. He swore he never wanted to see her like

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that again, and now look what he’d done. Hell, this was
the last thing he’d expected.

“For what, Lori?” Jack slid his hand up her leg,

tugging her until she tumbled into his lap. “Tell me,
baby, what do you think I’m doing?”

“Playing with my emotions?” God, she looked so

forlorn and lost, it broke his heart. His own little force of
nature looked like she might cry, and that was something
Lori just didn’t do if she could help it.

“I wouldn’t do that, and you know it. Don’t you?”
Jack had been more than a little pissed when he’d

walked in and saw Michael dangerously close to
forgetting their promise not to get intimate in any way
without all brothers being present, yet here he was, so
fucking tempted to do the same. Her lips weren’t more
than an inch away from his, and the robe she wore was
gaping, daring him to look down. He wanted to. God,
how he wanted to.

Luckily, Alex stepped in to defuse a dangerously

hot situation. “Here, drink some coffee.”

Jack wasn’t sure if he should thank Alex or hit him

for his timely interruption. Even though his baby brother
pressed a mug of steamy hot liquid into Lori’s small

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hand, Jack didn’t allow her to get up out of his lap. Alex
looked at him in question, but Jack couldn’t give him an
answer, not one that would make any sense.

They had waited too long. They were walking the

edge between a happy life and losing her forever, and
Jack knew if they didn’t strike now, they

would lose her.

Thankfully Alex was perceptive, saying nothing, but
standing by as Lori drank her morning elixir. Michael
came in about halfway through, took a hint from the
silence in the room and went to stand on the other side of
her. The tension was painfully thick, an aura of
expectation hovering in the air.

She had to feel it. There were three large, very

interested men hovering around her; she had to feel what
was going on. Yet, once she had downed the coffee, she
seemed to collect herself, throwing a very large,
completely false smile around at them all.

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Chapter Four

Waiting for Lori to drink her coffee was hellish for

all of them. Michael had returned, looking like a wet
panther ready to pounce, and Jackson refused to move
from her side on the bed, gazing at her with the hunger
they all felt. Alex felt just as ready and intense as his
brothers, but he could also clearly see the fear Lori was
trying so hard to hide. She wasn’t afraid of the three of
them; she knew them too well for that. She was scared of
her own reaction to what they wanted.

Hell, what decent woman wouldn’t be? Three

guys asking for one woman to be theirs -- collectively. It
was no small thing. Alex would’ve been against it if he
hadn’t known his brothers and Lori so well. She was
scared, but she was excited. For one thing, she hadn’t
bothered to put on clothes, which gave them all an
excellent view of the way her nipples were poking out
against her robe. The room was quite cozy, and she was

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drinking hot coffee, so he knew she wasn’t cold.

Alex watched her as she tried to hide the fact that

she studied them from under those long lashes of hers.
Those things were weapons, and man, did she know how
to use them. Maybe it was subconscious on her part, but
she kept peeking out at each man, studying them. It was
as if she had yet to make up her mind what she would
do with the three of them, and was afraid to examine her
feelings too closely. Then, her eyes lingered on each
crotch. Her lips parted slightly and her eyes snapped up
to meet his. He supposed that, on some level, the little
minx was all too aware of what she did to each one of
them, but there was still that innocent girl they’d all
fallen in love with playing close to the surface. Now, it
was up to him and his brothers to bring out the woman.

To top it off, there was the little matter of her

thighs. While Lori had a feminine streak a mile wide and
a hundred stories high, she tended to sit like a guy most
of the time when in their company. Alex had lost track of
the number of times she had plopped down on a chair or
couch, legs gaped open no matter what she was wearing,
like it didn’t matter. It was an unconscious thing,
showing her complete comfort in their company. Right

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now her thighs were pressed together so tightly he
doubted air could get between them.

He should have never let his thoughts wander

there. Now he was so hard his head hurt. Damn.

“You guys are silly.” Lori finished her coffee and

handed Alex the mug. He set it on the dresser and
moved closer to the bed, getting on his knees slightly to
her side. Lori cast him a startled glance, so he smiled. He
knew what he looked like -- probably something like a
wolf right before he ate the little lamb he just caught --
but damn it, enough was enough. She was theirs, she
needed to understand that. “Okay, you win. I promise
not to sneak out anymore, all right?”

“Right.” Alex grinned. “I just bet you won’t.”
“Damned straight she won’t,” Michael finished.

“She’ll be too busy trying to keep us off her to sneak out.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I plan on doing
anything and everything she lets me.” He grinned
wolfishly. “Of course, I plan on coaxing and tempting
her into letting me do all kinds of things.”

Lori groaned and twined her arms around Jack’s

neck as if seeking his protection. Alex knew better,
though. She was beginning to relax and accept what had

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been inevitable since they’d first staked their claim the
night before.

* * *

It was about to happen. Lori knew it with every

fiber of her being. Her whole relationship with the
brothers was about to change and she wasn’t sure she
could stop it. Or if she even wanted to.

Alex reached out a hand to her, eyebrows raised

as if asking for her permission. Lori took his hand
without hesitation but looked warily at them. Her heart
raced. This was it. It was strange, really. It was like she
was looking over her life and knowing there was
something missing that they were about to complete.

She almost groaned as unbidden images from her

most erotic fantasies sprung to her mind. Sweat erupted
over her as Alex helped her lie on the bed. Her stomach
did a little flip. This was her house, damn it! She should
be inviting them into her bed, not the other way around.

“Don’t you think it’s a little presumptuous for you

to think I’d want you in my bed?”

“No.” Jack didn’t miss a beat. “I don’t. It wouldn’t

matter, anyway. Actions speak louder than words, and I

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can tell just by looking at you you’re as into this as we
are. Besides, I’ve found over the years that people say
and do things when they’re drunk they may not normally
do, but always wanted to. You let us know in no
uncertain terms you wanted us.”

It was desperation on her part, and she knew it.

She had no will to fight these men. Why would she? She
might lose her heart in the process, they might be
playing a cruel joke on her, she might be reading more
into the way they intruded on her privacy, but she didn’t
have the strength of will to force them out. If there was
even the slightest chance this would lead to them
spending the night with her in that big bed of hers, she’d
let it unfold as it would. Even if it crushed her heart.

In all the years she’d known them, they’d only

ventured up here when they knew she was hurting. All
three of them, at one time or another, had lain with her in
her bed and held her when she needed it. When her
father had been gone for weeks at a time, or forgotten to
attend a piano or dance recital, one of them would let
themselves into the house and make their way up here.
They never said a word, only held her until she cried
herself to sleep. When she’d wake up, they’d be gone.

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But only one of them. Never all three of them. Having
their big bodies here now, surrounding her like a pack of
wolves going in for the kill, made her normally spacious
room seem incredibly small.

She felt her face heat, and she broke out in a fine

sweat. They were right, of course. She wanted them
badly. All of them sported jet-black hair and the bodies
of Greek gods. All towered over her fragile five foot,
three inch frame by a good foot, and she totally idolized
them. Had since she was, like, six. This wasn’t something
she could walk away from now that she had the chance.
She just hoped they didn’t tread on her heart when they
left. They might promise forever, but she knew better.
Nothing was forever. She’d learned that lesson when
she’d lost both her parents. Her mother to a car crash, her
father to a broken heart. She’d been on her own for most
of her life. As much as she wanted it different, she knew
this was likely just a passing fantasy for them.

But she’d damn well live the dream as long as

they’d let her.

While she considered Jack’s words, Michael

tugged her closer to him and bent to kiss her lips. It was
gentle and tender at first, but as soon as she started to

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respond to him, his kiss became ravenous and hungry.
Before she realized fully what she was doing, she was
clinging to him, desperately kissing him and thrusting
her tongue into his mouth even as she sucked his.

She felt hands on her waist, tugging her robe off.

Michael gave the belt a yank, and it fell away. Taking her
arms from Michael’s neck, but never breaking their torrid
kiss, she let the garment fall from her arms even as she
felt her robe slide from her body.

Michael’s big hands came around her back,

sliding down to her ass, where he squeezed the soft
globes, and lifted her with little effort. Still fully clothed,
Michael ground his pelvis into hers, leaving a wet spot
on his jeans where her cunt had wept.

“Get undressed, Mike,” came Jack’s voice.

“There’s no rush. We’ve got all the time in the world to
play with her.”

Michael raised his head from hers and paused a

moment. “You’re ours, Lori. The sooner you realize that,
the better off everyone who tries to stake a claim will be.
We’re the only ones who get to see this delectable little
body ever again.”

“That’s fine,” she answered a little breathlessly.

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“No one’s ever seen it, anyway. Well, other than my
girlfriends at sleepovers or in the gym locker room.”

All three of them broke out into huge grins.
“Perfect.” Mike grinned before kissing her once

again. He stood then to remove his clothing, and all that
bronzed skin made her fingers itch to touch and her
mouth water to taste him. All of him.

“I knew all that hard work would pay off one

day,” came Alex’s reply. “Do you have any idea how
hard it was to keep the hounds at bay, Lori?”

At her confused look, Jake added, “You don’t

honestly believe there weren’t tons of men out there just
itching to get in your pants? Not counting the ones you
actually tried to date, there were a great many others.”

“Yeah,” Alex added. “We’re just too vicious and

mean. They knew to keep their distance.”

Lori laughed. “Well, I’d hoped it wasn’t just me. It

was kinda cute, actually, until I reached my eighteenth
birthday, and there seemed no hope in sight of losing my

Alex and Jack had already undressed and

immediately filled Michael’s position. Alex settled
himself between Lori’s legs and breathed in her essence

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while Jack sat beside her, palming her plump breasts.

“She’s gorgeous, don’t you think, Alex?” Jack


“Oh, yeah. She has a cute little bald cunt. When

did you shave it, Lori?” he responded.

“I-I’ve shaved it since it started getting hair. I

didn’t like the way it looked.” She was getting really hot.
They were driving her nuts! She never imagined she’d
get to play out this little fantasy. Ever.

“I’m going to suck these fantastic tits, and Alex is

going to eat that wet little pussy of yours until you
scream. When Michael gets back over here, you’re going
to suck his cock and get him ready for your cunt. Then
the fun will begin.” With that, both dark heads dipped,
and she became one writhing, moaning nerve ending.

Lori had never felt such pleasure before. It wasn’t

just their loving of her body, it was their words, too.
She’d never really considered erotic talk to be, well,
erotic, but damn! They had her hot!

Jack sucked her nipples until the dark little points

stood out a good inch and begged for attention, while
Alex lapped and sucked at her cunt, making growling
sounds like an animal, raising his head occasionally to

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tell her and his brothers how good she tasted and how he
couldn’t wait to stick his dick in her tight little cunt.

When Michael offered her his cock, she opened

her mouth, taking in the head. It was too big for her to
get much more than the head inside her mouth, but she
probed it with her tongue and sucked him in when he
pushed forward slightly. He threw his head back on a
groan and tangled his fingers in her wealth of raven hair.

“Yeah, baby. That feels

so good!”

“You should see how wet she is,” came Alex’s

voice from between her thighs. “She’s fucking dripping

“Stretch her a little, Alex,” Jack instructed. “Spread

her with your fingers so Michael doesn’t hurt her too
much when he takes her.”

Ever the obedient brother, Alex inserted first one

finger, then two into Lori’s drenched canal. Her hips
arched into his questing digits, and she groaned her
pleasure around Michael’s engorged cock. Another
finger joined the two, then another, and Lori’s pussy
began to burn from the invasion.

She let Michael’s cock slip out of her mouth with a

loud pop and said, “It’s a little uncomfortable, Alex.”

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“Careful, not too much,” Jack said in response.
“Sorry. She’s so goddamn wet!” With that, Alex

buried his face back between her legs and began sucking
her clit as he slipped one of his four fingers out of her
pussy and continued to fuck her with the other three.

“Have you sucked cock before?” Michael asked a

little breathlessly.

“Only once,” Lori said around a mouthful. “I

didn’t like it then, but you’re yummy.” And she could
say no more because her lips slid easily back around
Mike’s big dick.

“God! She sucks like a pro!” Michael seemed to be

in heaven as she worked her lips, tongue and teeth
around him. Taking her cues from him, she gave him all
the pleasure she could while her other men made her

Jack nipped and licked at her nipples and neck,

encouraging her when she reached for his cock and
started to stroke it. “That’s it, sweetheart. Make me ready
for you.”

Jack was really getting into this. He was actually

going to make Lori his. Any qualms he’d harbored
before went out the window the second she confessed to

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before went out the window the second she confessed to
wanting to see him naked. He’d have pushed the issue,
anyway -- he was too far gone not to -- but he might have
felt the tiniest bit bad about making her face the fact that
they all wanted her. If he’d been a moral man. He wasn’t,
at least not where Lori was concerned. He wanted her.
He knew his brothers wanted her. And, damn it, he
would take her any way he could get her.

Alex raised his head. “I think she’s ready. She’s

about to come. I can feel her muscles clenching my

“You know, I never thought having the smallest

dick in the family would ever get me anywhere.”
Michael laughed. “But I get to deflower this beautiful
woman because of it, and I can only be grateful.”

Lori burst out laughing. “Smallest dick? Michael, I

could barely get my lips around the head of you!”

“Hey,” he said as he moved into position, “I said

smallest of the three of us. That doesn’t mean I’m smaller
than the average guy.” His grinning face was handsome,
and she smiled back at him. “Ready, sweet?” he asked.

She nodded, her breath coming in shallow little

pants. If he didn’t get on with it soon, she was going to

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have to hurt him.

He lowered himself as his brothers moved away

to either side of Lori. Michael kissed her. She responded
eagerly, pushing her body against him and clutching his
back even as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

“Easy, Lori. I don’t want to hurt you,” Mike

rasped. She was really driving him crazy with her

“I never knew it would feel this good. I want you

inside me, Mike. I’ve been waiting for this forever!”

Mike dropped his forehead to Lori’s. “Are you

sure you want this? Are you sure you want me to be
your first? You have to know that I’m never letting you
go once we start this. None of us will.”

“You guys have been there for me as long as I can

remember. You’ve all taught me about a lot of things,
and I can’t think of better teachers for this. You care
about me and about how I feel. Most guys probably
don’t give a damn. So just shut up and fuck me.”

“Oh, you’ll definitely have a good time. We

wouldn’t settle for anything less,” came Jack’s reply.
“Now, Mike. Take her now.”

Mike spread her legs open again, guided his

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swollen member to her slick entrance and pushed the
head inside. She tensed and sucked in a breath, wide
eyes never leaving his face. Letting her adjust to the
sweet invasion, Mike paused a moment. “Okay?”

“Yes. I want it all.”
In one smooth stroke, Mike sheathed himself

inside her juicy cunt. Lori yelped when the sharp sting
signifying the release of her virginity tore through her,
but the brief pain was soon gone, and she relaxed as
Mike began to slowly move within her.

Jack and Alex let them move together for a

moment without touching, as Lori got used to the feel of
a man inside her. Then Jack laid his massive cock against
her cheek and said, “Suck me.”

Lori smiled up at him while Michael gently

stroked within her, then she opened her mouth to receive
Jack. The large head was all she managed to take, but
that was okay with Jack. The feel of her warm mouth and
the sight of his brother fucking her was more than
enough to make him ready to partake of her sweet cunt.

* * *

Alex watched as he stroked himself. This was a

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lovely sight indeed. Lori was even more responsive than
any of them had hoped for. She moaned around Jack’s
dick, pushing her hips back at Michael and wrapping her
legs around him once more, bringing him closer to her.

“That’s it,” said Alex. “God, you’re so fucking


Lori groaned and sucked Jack’s cock all the

harder. She reached blindly for Alex’s as well, so that all
of them touched her. It was a heady experience for Alex
and he knew his brothers loved it as well.

“Here, Alex,” Michael gasped, pulling his cock

out of Lori with a wet suctioning sound as she
whimpered her protest. “I don’t want to come just yet.
She’s so wet and tight… ” His statement trailed off, and
Lori saw him shiver slightly, goose bumps popping out
all over his body.

“Oh, yeah. Let me.”
Lori was on her back, legs spread and mouth still

around the head of Jack’s cock while her hand pumped
him as he was instructing her. Alex thought she looked
sexy as hell. Her other hand came between her legs to
dip into her pussy and rub her clit while Alex settled
himself into the cradle of her hips and plunged home

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with a grunt.

Alex furiously pounded Lori. Only Michael’s

gruff, “Turn her over. Work on her ass while you fuck
her, Alex,” helped him hold off his orgasm.

Jack grunted his approval as he pulled out of her

mouth, while Alex flipped her over, raised her ass and
started pounding her again. This time, he wet his fingers
and gently inserted one, then two into her asshole,
fucking her there as well.

Lori threw her hips back, obviously loving what

he was doing to her. She didn’t protest when Mike slid
his body beneath hers, positioning her legs around his
hips and caressing her ass, or even when Alex pulled out
of her pussy. Pulling on a fresh condom, he pressed the
head of his cock at the entrance to her ass. She stilled,
letting Jack’s cock loose from her lips.

Alex gingerly pressed himself forward and

stopped when he felt her stiffen. “Are you okay?”

“It hurts, but it’s bearable. Just go slow.”
Everyone was still. Alex let Lori set the pace of

this new invasion. She slowly rocked her hips back and
forth, sliding a little more of Alex into her ass with each
backward movement. It wasn’t long before she felt his

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muscled abdomen against her ass, and she looked back
at him.

“Are you all the way in?” she asked a little


“Yes,” Alex said through clenched teeth. “God,

your ass feels good!”

“Slowly. Do it slowly for a while,” Lori said as she

again reached for Jack’s cock.

Alex did as she asked, and Michael continued to

caress her ass cheeks and back, pulling her pelvis so her
clit rubbed against his dick as it lay on his abdomen
between them.

It wasn’t long before Alex was fucking her ass as

easily as he had fucked her cunt, and Lori was throwing
her hips back to meet his aggressive thrusts, moaning
around Jack’s cock as she did. Alex gave one final,
punishing thrust before he stopped, ready to come.

“Oh, God, Jack. She’s so hot and tight.”
The two men exchanged places. Reaching for

another condom, Alex watched, not offering his cock to
Lori’s eager mouth. Michael used this pause in the action
to slip into Lori’s cunt while Jack positioned himself at
her rear entrance. Mike kissed her as Jack slid gently into

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her and then all three began moving, slowly at first, then
with more vigor as Lori became used to the sensation
and got more turned on. Soon they were both pumping
furiously into her like she had been doing this for years.

Jack pulled out of her ass and disposed of his

condom while Mike turned her over. Lori groaned as
they moved her into the new position, balanced her on
her arms and legs. Alex had never seen a sexier woman
as she took her pleasure without hesitation.

“Just lay on top of me, sweet. I’ll support you,”

Mike murmured.

Easing herself back on Mike’s strong chest, she

brought her arms down to her belly and spread her legs,
bending her knees and simply relaxing into his strength.
Alex loved her passionate expressions. It was obvious
she loved what they were doing.

“That’s it, Lori,” Jack breathed. “Spread your legs

for Alex. Use your hands and spread your pussy lips for
him. Show him how you want him inside your cunt.”

She did as he instructed, looking up at Jack with

lust in her eyes. Alex glanced at his brother and saw the
same intense emotion reflected in his eyes as well. He
was hungry for her, as they all were.

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“Fuck me. I want more!”
“You’re going to come this time, baby. I want to

feel your cunt squeeze the life out of my cock. Do you
want to come?” They all were on the verge, and Alex
wasn’t sure how he’d ever live without this. Of course,
he didn’t intend to try.

“God, yes!” she all but screamed. “Make me

come. Please.”

* * *

Alex slid into her with ease as he and Mike gave

her the ride of a lifetime. Mike slid into her ass as Alex
was sliding out of her pussy and Jack fucked her mouth.
The pace became so intense there was no way she could
keep up with them; all she could do was lie there
between her men and enjoy the ride. And enjoy it she

It wasn’t long before she felt it. It started at her

cunt where Alex was joined to her, then spread through
her abdomen and legs. Soon, her toes began to curl, and
she wrapped her arms around Alex, gasping for breath,
and let out a war cry of pleasure. Her nails raked Alex’s
back unconsciously as she bucked and thrashed about

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between them.

When the last of her spasms began to wane, Jack

pulled out and, with a hoarse shout, came on her breasts
and stomach, with some of his seed dripping down to
her bald pussy. Michael swelled inside her and, not
being in a position to pull out, shot his load deep inside
her ass with a groan.

Lori felt Alex’s cock growing in his excitement as

well, but she wanted her lips around him when he came.
Tugging at him until he offered her his cock as his
brothers bathed her in their cream, she eagerly sucked
and pumped him, making him lose his control. Lori held
him to her until she’d sucked the last drop from him.

They all lay still for a few minutes, Lori still on

top of Mike, Jack and Alex to either side, all of them

“God, that was fantastic!” Michael said, his voice

muffled in Lori’s ear as he nuzzled her neck.

“You can say that again.” Lori sighed. “Thank

you, guys.”

“We should be the ones to thank you,” Jack said.

“This kind of relationship isn’t for everyone. I just hope
you can live with it.”

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“Somehow, I don’t think it will be a problem.”
They all rested a while, then Mike carried Lori to

the shower and bathed her before all four piled up on
Lori’s bed. Just before she drifted off to sleep, draped
across Mike and Jack with an arm stretched out to touch
Alex, Lori mumbled, “All of you better be here when I
wake up in the morning.”

Jack chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “No

worries, sweet. We’re not going anywhere.”

“Ever,” Alex agreed.
There was a short silence before Mike added, “So,

just keep that in mind the next time you try to sneak

Lori giggled and snuggled closer. “I don’t think

there’ll be any sneaking out anytime soon.”

“Ever!” all three men interjected. Lori just giggled

again. One thing was for sure. She was definitely going
to have fun driving them as crazy as they’d driven her
over the years. And she’d enjoy doing it for a very long
time indeed.

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Six months later

Lori sighed happily as she assessed how she

looked in the full-length mirror. Hair just right, makeup
perfect; she was just about ready. Still, she had a hard
time wanting to leave the exceptionally large master
bedroom. The room itself gave her so much pleasure.
The whole house was something out of a fairytale.
Jackson, Alex and Michael had really outdone
themselves when they presented her with the plans of
the home they were planning on building just outside of
town. The place was absolutely perfect, with wide-open
spaces and plenty of room for a huge family. It was
something she’d wanted her entire life, being the only
child of a widower who was rarely at home. She wanted
lots of kids, lots of love and a home filled with laughter.

They were waiting for her, she knew it, but she

wasn’t about to hurry. Making her men wait was
something at which she excelled; why they expected

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today to be any different was beyond her. Besides, she
wanted everything to be perfect.

“I swear I think you love driving Jackson crazy.”
Lori smiled over her shoulder at Alex and

Michael, who were supposed to have walked her down
the aisle about five minutes ago. Alex, who’d just
spoken, fidgeted in his tuxedo, casting glances at his
watch every few seconds. To the world, she was the
beloved fiancée, soon to be wife, of Jackson McAllister.
Here, in their own private little world, she would be the
wife to all three. They were even having a private
ceremony after the wedding guests had gone to solidify
their pact. It was more than a dream come true -- it was
an absolute fantasy.

“Just Jackson?” She couldn’t even bring herself to

fake a pout. She was just too happy.

“You know you have us all wrapped around your

little finger.” Michael didn’t hesitate to come up and
wrap his arms around her. “But if you don’t get your
sexy ass going, Jackson might come up here and throw
you over his shoulder to get you to the altar.”

Too true. Her Black Jack had been champing at the

bit for days, more anxious for this day than even she was.

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bit for days, more anxious for this day than even she was.
It was so cute to see the big, bad head of the family sweat
every last detail for their wedding, wanting it to be
perfect for her. Lori understood his need to make sure
she was legally married to at least one of them. It gave
them all a sense of security.

“Okay, I’m ready.”
No nerves, no doubts. Lori stepped boldly

between two of the three men she loved with all her
heart, ready to begin their lives together.

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Marteeka Karland

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room

tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard
to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts.
She has been creating stories from her warped
imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of
writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it
developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent
style her English teachers tried hard to rid her of.

Want to see what’s up with Marteeka? Check out

her website at or join her






welcomes e-mail from her readers. You can reach her at

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Shara Azod

Shara Azod is the first one to admit she is a little

off. Her favorite movies are

Steel Magnolias and Apocalypse

Now, with a little Godfather and Animal House thrown in
for fun. When not planning to take over the world, she
can usually be found having deep and meaningful
conversations with her kids about the meaning of life or
trying to talk her husband into buying her weapons --
just in case of Armageddon.







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