2005 ang g r test

background image

Red, White and Blue – gimnazjum – etap rejonowy

Strona 1 z 4

Wojewódzki Konkurs
Języka Angielskiego

dla uczniów gimnazjów województwa pomorskiego
w roku szkolnym 2005/2006

Etap rejonowy. Czas na wykonanie zadań – 60 minut.

Kod ucznia

A. Uzupełnij luki w tekście. Pamiętaj, że w każdej luce może pojawić się tylko
jedno słowo. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza.


At eleven o’clock the family went to bed, and by half-past all the lights were (1) ………. and

the darkness fell all over the house. Some time after, Mr. Otis was awakened (2) ………. a strange
noise in the corridor, outside his room. It sounded like the clank of metal, and seemed to be
coming nearer (3) ………. moment. He got up at once, struck a match, and looked (4) ………. the time.
It was exactly one o'clock. He was quite calm, and felt his pulse, which was not at (5) ………. fast. The
strange noise still continued, and with it he heard the sound (6) ………. footsteps. He put on his
slippers, took a small bottle (7) ………. of his dressing-case, and opened (8) ………. door. Right in front
of him he saw, in the moonlight, a terrible old man. His eyes were (9) ………. red as burning coals;
long grey beard fell (10) ………. his shoulders; his old-fashioned clothes were dirty and torn, and
from his wrists and ankles hung heavy chains.

"My dear sir," said Mr. Otis, "I really must ask you (11) ………. oil those chains. I have brought

you a small bottle of the Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator. It (12) ………. said to help after just one
drop, and some people confirmed that. I (13) ………. leave it here for you by the bedroom candles,
and will be happy to give you more, if you need (14) ………. ." With these words the United States
Minister laid the bottle down on a table, and, closing his door, went back (15) …… his room to rest.

(16) ………. a moment the Canterville ghost stood angry without (17) ………. movement; then,

throwing the bottle violently (18) ………. the polished floor, he ran down the corridor screaming and
emitting a strange green light. Just, however, (19) ………. he reached the top of the great staircase, a
door was opened, two little white figures appeared, and a large pillow was thrown past his head!
There was (20) ………. time to be lost, so, speedily adopting the Fourth dimension of Space as a
means of escape, he disappeared and the house became quite quiet.

After reaching a small secret room, (21) ………. leaned up against a moonbeam to recover his

breath, and began to try and realize his position. Never, in a brilliant career of three hundred years,
(22) ………. he been so insulted. And after all this some wretched modern Americans were to come
and offer him the Rising Sun Lubricator, and throw pillows (23) ………. his head! It was quite
unbearable. Besides, no ghost in history had ever been treated (24) ………. this manner. Accordingly,
he determined to have vengeance, and remained (25) ………. daylight in an attitude of deep thought.

Adapted from Oscar Wilde “Canterville Ghost”

background image

Red, White and Blue – gimnazjum – etap rejonowy

Strona 2 z 4

B. Podaj prawidłową formę czasownika w nawiasie. Jeśli w nawiasie jest również
inne słowo musisz wykorzystać je w odpowiedzi podając słowa w prawidłowym
szyku. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza.




(wait) for you when you come out.


A: You’ve just missed the last train. B: Never mind, I




When you


(sign) the hotel register the porter will take you to the room.


But for his quickness, I


(be) killed.


I arranged


(meet) them here.


When he reaches Land’s End he


(walk) 1500 miles.


The cheese looks as if the rats


(nibble) at it.




(work) here for fifteen years next year.


Hello! I


(try) to telephone you all week!


Come in now. I’m sorry


(keep) you waiting so long.


I wish you


(tell) me last week.


I know I ought


(write) to you before, but I was so busy.


We will get down to business as soon as we




This bill isn’t right. They


(make) a mistake.


Pay no attention to Graham. He


(just be) sarcastic again.


I’d rather the children


(not turn on) the television without permission.


No sooner


(I reach) the door than I realized it was locked.


If interested,


(apply) within.


I must get my car





(I know) I would have protested strongly.

C. Podaj przymiotniki o znaczeniu przeciwnym do podanego (antonimy).
Kontekst przymiotnika, a tym samym jego precyzyjne znaczenie, określony jest
przez rzeczownik w nawiasie. Należy wykorzystać pierwszą literę podanego słowa
i przepisać odpowiedzi do arkusza.

Przykład: big (lawn) - Small

46. second-hand (car) n ...........................

47. wavy (hair)

s ...........................

48. noisy (room) q ...........................

49. generous (man) m ...........................

50. paperback (book) h ...........................

51. dry (towel)

w ...........................

52. domestic (animal) w ...........................

53. sharp (pencil) b ...........................

54. thick (line)

t ...........................

55. mature (student) i ...........................

56. obedient (pupil) d ...........................

57. shy (man) o ...........................

58. beautiful (face) u ...........................

59. married (man) d ...........................

60. temporary (job) p ...........................

61. safe (street) d ...........................

62. close (village) d ...........................

63. shut (bar)

o ...........................

64. funny (joke) b ...........................

65. major (problem) m ...........................

background image

Red, White and Blue – gimnazjum – etap rejonowy

Strona 3 z 4

D. Podaj czasowniki opisujące czynność przeciwną do podanej. W nawiasie
podano rzeczowniki, które opisują, dla ułatwienia, kontekst czynności. Musisz
wykorzystać podane pierwsze litery słów.

Przykład: to leave (home) – to arrive

66. fill (bottle) e ...........................

67. hide (face) s ............................

68. join (club) l ............................

69. put on (shirt) t ............................

70. catch (bus) m ............................

71. lift (hand) l ............................

72. export (cars) i ............................

73. climb (mountain) d ............................

74. button (shirt) u ............................

75. stretch (shorts) s ............................

E. Uzupełnij wyrażenia idiomatyczne wstawiając jedno słowo. Przed każdym ze
zdań podana jest angielska definicja tego wyrażenia. Pamiętaj, że możesz użyć
tylko pojedynczych słów o liczbie liter równej liczbie podkreśleń.


to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do something
The plan failed after sponsors got cold f e e t .

76. to be impractical , unrealistic or absent-minded
Don’t ask him, he always has his head in the _ _ _ _ _ _ .

77.to get permission to proceed
The preparations were complete and we got the _ _ _ _ _ light to start construction.

78. to pay a great amount, pay too much
In the city centre restaurants, you pay through the _ _ _ _ for your meals.

79. to guess something that is not said directly
I'm reading between the _ _ _ _ _ , but I think they're both unhappy.

80. the thing or an action that is too much or goes too far
When he didn't come home that night, it was the last _ _ _ _ _ .

81. to ignore someone intentionally
Joan and Chris used to be friends but now she gives him the cold _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

82. to say very directly what you think about someone or something even if this is rude
Some people say Peter is generous with his money, but I call a _ _ _ _ _ a spade. He
is simply foolish.

83. to rain heavily
The weather was awful. It was raining _ _ _ _ and dogs.

background image

Red, White and Blue – gimnazjum – etap rejonowy

Strona 4 z 4

84. to face a difficult situation directly
You never know how your parents will react to bad news unless
you take the _ _ _ _ by the horns and tell them.

85. unwell, ill
I've been feeling a bit _ _ _ _ _ the weather this week.

F. Uzupełnij zdania. Przepisz odpowiedzi do arkusza.

86. The largest city in Great Britain is .............................. .

87. The official currency of the UK is pound .......................... .

88. “God save our ____ Queen” is the first line of the UK anthem.

The missing word is ............ .

89. In Great Britain hills and mountains dominate in the western and .......................... regions.

90. The name of a set of British examinations, usually taken by secondary school students

at age 14–16 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is ......................... .

91. Geoffrey Chaucer is the author of the famous “Canterbury ......................... .”

92. The UK became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in ............ .

93. The main four of The Channel Islands include Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and .................... .

94. The Channel Tunnel was opened in .............................. .

95. The title of the national anthem of the United States is "The Star-Spangled ............ ".

96. The group of ............ states are in the single region between Canada and Mexico; the

group is referred to as the continental or contiguous United States,

97. With the Declaration of Independence, the ............ colonies proclaimed themselves to

be nation states modelled after the European states of the time.

98. The three largest cities in the USA are New York, Chicago and ......................... .

99. Thomas Jefferson, who wrote most of the Declaration of Independence was the ............

president of the United States. (first, second, third, fourth, fifth?)

100. Aaron Copeland, Charles Ives and Leonard Bernstein were American ..................... .


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