Angela Castle [Moon Shadows 02] Sin's City [WCP] (pdf)

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Angela Castle


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Published by


An Imprint of Whiskey Creek Press LLC

Whiskey Creek Press

PO Box 51052

Casper, WY 82605-1052


2012 by Angela Castle

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work
is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without
monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years
in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are

products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any

resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons,

living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of

the author or the publisher.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including

photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and

retrieval system, without permission in writing from the


ISBN 978-1-61160-184-8


Cover Artist: Gemini Judson

Editor: Dennis Hays

Printed in the United States of America

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Winner of Risqué Reviews Top Pick Award

“Angela Castle wrote a very great story. I used to think all of

the plots authors use now were clichéd. But Castle has thrown me
for a spin. She incorporates the best romance formula out there. I,
for one, will look for more of her stories. This series has me
Risque Reviews

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Other Books by Author Available at

Torrid Books:

Abducting Alice
Tempting Tara
Resisting Rachel
Claiming Claire
Dragon Down Under
Moonlight Captivation

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Thank you, Margaret M,

for helping me brainstorm the critical moment of the book.

Thank you, Serna T,

who ironed out all the kinks,

and thank you to my critique partners

who helped me keep at this book,

even when I was at the verge of chucking it in!

We did it!

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Chapter 1

Steam from the dishwasher wafted across Eve’s face,

momentarily blurring her vision. Her arms ached from straining
under a heavy stack of white plates. Damn! She couldn’t see a

No amount of blinking could rid her eyes of the persistent

sting. She blindly set down the stack of plates on the counter,
somewhere to her left.

As she opened her eyes, she stepped forward, but her hip

caught the counter and pushed her off balance, and the stack of
plates leaned precariously to the side. Eve groaned and tried
desperately to regain her balance, but suddenly, someone behind
her yelled.

Eve jumped with fright. To her humiliation, the stack of plates

finally tipped too far and fell off the counter with an ear-splitting
crash. As her eyes swept the kitchen, Eve found everyone staring at
her, some of them sniggering. She cringed inside, heat flooding her
cheeks with embarrassment. Eve wished the tile floor beneath her
would open up and swallow her whole.

“Eve!” Mr. Munro shouted angrily above the silence. “That

was the last straw! Get your worthless ass out of my kitchen––
you’re fired!”

The others quickly returned to their work.
She managed to save a single plate from the stack before it

crashed to the floor; now, she hurriedly returned it to the

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countertop. Still hurrying––she could not get out of the kitchen
fast enough––she didn’t push the plate far enough onto the
counter. Sure enough––crash!––it too smashed to the floor, adding
to the pile of broken china.

Eve’s chin wobbled, as she struggled to hold back tears. Three

jobs in one week! How was she going to support her elderly
grandmother, who depended upon her––and pay for the medicine!
What Eve needed was a miracle.

* * * *

Sin, six-thousand-year-old Moon God of Ur, and second born

twin of the great Summerian God Enkil, was restless.

Long gone were the temples and worshippers of the past, in

their place were bright artificial lights of human technology. He
replaced his long-lost temple with a shining glass-and-steel replica,
known worldwide as The Moon Temple Casino in Las Vegas.

Sin moved, silent as the moon above, as he scanned the

darkened shadows of the back lot behind his property.

He was born seconds after his twin brother, Neman, who had

been the previous Moon God of Ur. These days, Neman was busy
hunting rogue demons and, along with keeping the Human Realm
relatively demon-free, he looked after his pregnant wife. It was
from Neman that Sin acquired the title of Moon God on the day his
older twin had lost all his powers, and was no longer able to fulfill
his duty as a god.

Sin snorted at the thought of Neman married again. He had

always been a soft-hearted fool. Sin figured there were simply too
many beautiful temptations flittering around each and every realm.
It didn’t make sense to be tied to just one. He was free to do
whatever, whenever, and whoever he pleased. He enjoyed
partaking of the many pleasures offered in the Human Realm.

Sin’s Moon Temple Casino was a Mecca for all kinds of

humans––from the wealthiest, down to those in the middle class.

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He even entertained the nonhuman, as long as they stuck to his
guidelines for human/nonhuman interaction.

He used his own powerful magic to dampen the use of magic

by others in the temple––especially on the casino floor. No one
could cheat; the odds were fair to all. The only use he had for
human money was to keep his human staff at his beck and call.

Teleportation was restricted to the upper floors, where

humans were not permitted to wander. He couldn’t have Outer
Realm creatures popping in and out, scaring the human patrons.

As fleeting as they were, humans had been a constant source

of amusement and pleasure, especially the women. There was no
end to the parade of beautiful women bowing down and opening
their arms––and legs––for him. Even the odd goddess would stop
by to indulge in the pleasures he was known to provide.

Moon Temple Casino was Sin’s city. He created it. He looked

after it, and swiftly dealt with any demon or creature from the
Outer Realm who brought trouble to town.

Walking the perimeter of his temple, sniffing the air, the foul

scent of Lower Realm demons lingered. Four of them had already
tried to breach his defenses twice tonight.

What are they up to? Most demons knew better than to attempt

to breech the defenses of his temple. Still, he’d come down to
personally investigate and make sure these creatures were not
causing havoc.

Sin paused in the shadows near the main supply entrance. The

doors were flung open, and two men in casino security uniforms
escorted a small woman in kitchen whites, held between them.
One of Sin’s managers, Devon Munro, followed closely behind.
The woman could not have been more than five feet three and a
little on the plump side. But what startled him was a pair of
strikingly clear, green eyes. The men roughly shoved her forward,
and she stumbled to the ground.

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“I don’t ever want to see you here again!” Munro yelled, his

face reddened in rage at the woman.

“I’m really sorry, Mr. Munro. It was an accident. Please!

There has to be something I can do! I really need this job.”

“You’re nothing but a walking disaster!”
Hurt and fear flashed across the girl’s pretty face.
Sin didn’t usually bother with the mundane task of running

things in the bowels of his temple, but he also didn’t like seeing
human women treated so poorly––especially this human woman.
She was short, frail, and, well, human.

The security team dumped the girl’s belongings on the

ground, spilling the contents of her backpack. Then they turned
and went back inside. The supply entrance doors slammed shut.

Sin watched for a few moments.
She pulled off her white hat. Lovely, long, honey-blond hair

fell free. The locks cascaded past her shoulders, down along her
back and reached clear to her waist. Very pretty indeed.

He stepped forward, crouched and scooped up several of her

things, which had scattered in his direction.

“Problems, sweetheart?”
She gave a surprised yelp and fell back heavily onto her

bottom. Her wide, green eyes stared up at him, first with fear, and
then with confusion.

“Easy, little one. I mean no harm. I saw what happened. Are

you all right?”

He saw her relax slightly before giving a nod of her blond

head. Her green eyes now regarded him with suspicion.

“I’m a klutz. Mr. Munro is right. I’m a walking disaster zone.”
Sin suppressed a smile. “I very much doubt that. How much

chaos could such a little thing like you have caused?”

“Enough to get me fired from my third job this week,” she

said with a sad sigh.

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He realized he was staring at her lips. They looked soft, pink,

and full and glistened with a hint of wet moisture. No doubt they
would redden and puff beautifully when thoroughly kissed.

No, she wasn’t classically beautiful. Sin had known his share

of unsurpassed beauty, but there was something about her. A shy
innocence, maybe?
Her nose a little wider than he liked, but that
didn’t seem to matter, nor did the dusting of pale-brown freckles
scattered along the bridge. That moment, he decided he admired
her high cheekbones, as well as the way the pale, milky skin of her
cheeks flushed a deep pink.

Her lovely, green eyes widened in embarrassment, as she saw

what he collected from her spilled bag. He glanced down at the
items in his hand––a candy bar and a box of tampons. She
scrambled to her feet, snatching the small box and the chocolate
bar and shoving them into her bag. He couldn’t suppress a chuckle
this time, quite enjoying the high color of her face. This girl’s
innocence greatly appealed to him. It was a refreshing change from
the many jaded women who had crossed his path in the casino.

“Um, thanks. I’d better go,” she said sheepishly.
Sin stood and offered his hand. She looked up at him before

slipping her hand into his. Instantly, her warmth hit him. His skin
tingled with awareness, causing a blood rush straight from his brain
into his dick.

He frowned, let go of her hand, and stepped back to examine

the sensations suddenly assaulting him. He felt lust for this small
human woman, that much was certain.

The other feeling was harder to identify, and it bothered him

greatly. After six thousand years of existence, he should have
known exactly what he felt, yet this sensation was something which
escaped him. He frowned at the thought. There was little he didn’t
know, and what he didn’t know, he needed to discover.

He didn’t want to let her go.
“You don’t have to leave.”

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He surprised himself by how genuine he sounded. Eve paused

and peeked up at him, from under lovely, long, blond eyelashes.
Sin saw the suspicion return to her gaze.

“You want a job, don’t you, sweetheart? I happen to know the

owner here, and I’m positive we can find you a new position.”
Naked and beneath him. Sin smiled. He would get her an easy job,
even if he needed to make one up. He’d seduce her, and they
could both enjoy some carnal pleasures for a while. When he was
finished, he would make sure she was well compensated for the
rest of her short, human life.

The girl’s pretty face brightened hopefully. “Really? Why

would you do that for me?”

He stepped forward and took the bag from her shoulder with

one hand. His other arm gently encircled her waist and guided her
back towards the supply entrance doors. It was a possessive move,
but he didn’t care.

“Let’s just say, I cannot refuse a damsel in distress,” he said.

“Allow me the pleasure of helping you.” The feel of her pressed
against his body shot another jolt of desire through him. She
blinked up at him and then nodded. “What’s your name? As much
as I enjoy calling you sweetheart, I’m sure you’d appreciate if I used
your real name.”

“Eve Gardner, or just Eve for short.”
She sounded breathy.
“I’ll do just about anything; I don’t mind hard work.”
He could feel the nervous pounding of her rapid pulse and the

lovely smell of feminine arousal. He smiled inwardly with the
knowledge he was affecting her, as much as she affected him.

It’ll be a breeze to get her into bed.
“Eve Gardner. A very pretty name.”
Sin stuck his hand into his pocket, flashed a swipe card into his

palm, then pulled his hand and the card back out. Opening the
door without swiping a card would have made her suspicious.

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Around mortals, he needed to take care and act as normal as
possible. He swiped the card over the electronic panel, watching it
beep from red to green.

“Who are you to have such influence with the owner?”
He gave her his best dazzling smile. She faltered and stumbled

again. If he hadn’t been holding onto her, she would have tripped
over her own feet. This clumsiness amused him even more. She
had claimed to be somewhat of a klutz. Again, it didn’t matter. She
wouldn’t be causing any accidents when he had her pinned securely
beneath him, plowing into her soft lush body.

“Oh, the owner and I have an extensive history.” Well, it

wasn’t exactly a lie.

* * * *

Eve had been in a daze ever since the tall, overly handsome

man put his arm around her waist. She felt the heat from his body,
and smelled his spicy masculine aftershave. She liked the way he
smiled as he casually led her through the corridors, into an elevator
and up several floors. Only after he sat her down in a chair and
moved away did she start to breathe again. She glanced around the
office. It looked sterile and free of any personal objects, not even
photos on the desk. Deep down, she was starting to suspect there
was more to this man than met the eye. The way he smiled at her,
the way he touched her, the way his hand lingered and almost
caressed her––it was more than just casual. Each and every one of
his touches sent her pulse into overdrive and refused to calm.

She sat awkwardly in the chair across from his desk. She could

feel the dampness in her panties. This man was pure decadence to
gaze upon, with slightly tilted, golden eyes, which never seemed to
miss a thing. Her gazed lingered on his high, masculine
cheekbones, a strong, square jaw line, a cleft in the middle of his
chin, a straight nose and full sensual lips, and when he smiled, he
had matching dimples. Everything about his face held a perfect
symmetry. He was tall, much taller than she was. Eve guessed a

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good six three or four, compared to her measly five two, or maybe
three on a good day.

Her breasts felt heavy, as if aching to be petted, and her

nipples abraded against her plain bra. She felt hot, inside and out,
all because of this hotter-than-hell man.

He made her a drink and placed it in her hands. Once again he

touched her, but the caress was much more pointed this time. She
took the drink and gulped it down quickly. The fiery liquid burned
her throat and she coughed. She wasn’t used to drinking such
strong alcoholic drinks.

“Easy, there.” Sin gently patted her back and then, with the

final pat, left his hand there slightly longer than necessary.

It was a dual sensation, as heat from the alcohol and heat from

his touch flooded her body.

“Who are you, really?” Eve asked. She watched as he removed

his neat, expensive jacket and flung it carelessly over a chair. He
took the glass from her hand and walked back to the small bar to
refill it. Eve felt her head begin to swim from the buzz of the

He turned back to her with a seductive smile on his face,

crossed the room and handed her the second drink. This time, she

“I’m Sin Templeton.”
She gasped. She knew that name. There weren’t many people

in Vegas who didn’t. He was the elusive owner of the casino in
which she sat and had just been fired from.


” She began, and then frowned and corrected her

words. “You don’t know the owner––you are the owner.” Fuzzily,
she wondered why the Moon Temple owner would help a lowly
employee like her. She met the stare of his golden eyes and
pondered the reason behind his interest in her. His intense gaze
lingered on her, making her squirm in her seat from his scrutiny,

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almost as if he was trying to see inside her mind. She lowered her
eyes. The alcohol in her system made it difficult to think clearly.

“Guilty as charged,” he admitted. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I

promised you a job. Trust me, I am a man who always keeps his

He took a seat, as if he were trying to look less dangerously

sexy. It didn’t work.

She was unmistakably turned on by this attractive, powerful

man. However, she knew she needed to stay level-headed. Still,
she placed herself in this precarious situation––and was amazed she
hadn’t turned into a blubbering mess around him.

“You are very pretty, little Eve,” he explained. “I’m going to

be direct. I find you attractive, and there is something special about
you. I would like to find out what that something is.”

She felt her jaw drop and gripped the glass tightly as she stared

wide-eyed at the man in the chair.

“In simple terms, I want you, and I know you find me


“Hell, who wouldn’t?” She slapped her hand over mouth in


As if Sin heard such things on a daily basis, he gave a casual


“Yes, it’s true.”
His golden eyes darkened with a dangerous desire. She

swallowed hard as he moved in on her.

“Let’s dispense with the seduction routine. I want to offer you

an opportunity you cannot refuse.”

He squatted beside her chair as his hand skirted up her outer

thigh. She jumped and trembled at his more intimate touch.

“W-what opportunity?”
“You can have anything your heart desires––and I do mean

anything. In exchange, I get to have you, whenever I desire, for
however long I wish.”

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As she sat there in stunned disbelief, his hand slid to her waist

and then up over her breast, his touch sending electric shocks
through her entire body.

She already burned with lust for him, and yet, her mind

battled her body. She was out of her depth, overwhelmed. Her
reactions and feelings towards Sin frightened her. She knew she
needed to stop this craziness before it went further.

With help from the alcohol running through her body, Eve

found enough courage to stand up to Sin. This act of bravery was
quite out of character for the timid little mouse she was known to

“N-no,” she stammered. “It’s an offer I can refuse.”
She slapped at Sin’s hand and shoved his shoulder. He was

already somewhat off balance, so he fell flat onto his ass. She
jumped to her feet, and the remainder of her drink splashed across
the plush carpet floor.

From his bemused expression, she could tell he wasn’t used to

being told “no.” She glared down at him.

“I can’t, and I won’t do that. I don’t care who you are.” She

turned to leave, but her foot caught on a chair leg and she tripped.
She never hit the ground––Sin caught her! How did he move so damn
She was stunned. She wrenched out of his grasp and insisted,
“I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m

I’m not a whore!”

“Easy, sweetheart, I never said you were.”
His touch sent more shockwaves through her system, and she

battled the conflicting emotions of wanting to jump into his arms
and, at the same time, run screaming from the room.

“We’re two grown adults. There’s no reason we can’t enjoy

each other’s company,” he calmly continued.

In one smooth move, he slipped his arm around her waist and

pulled her against his hard length. Automatically, she put her palms
on his chest, which trapped her hands between them.

“I can feel the reaction of your body, so I know you want me.”

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His voice deepened into a huskier tone, and a shiver ran

through her body and centered in on her clit. Oh God, she did
want him. But this still wasn’t right. His hand slipped up to the
nape of her neck and on into her hair, tugging it back. His strong
arms around her felt oh, so good. Everything about him felt too
damn good.

He dipped his head, and his mouth closed over hers. The hot

suction of his lips on hers sent her thoughts scattering. She had
been kissed a few times in her twenty-seven years, but never like
this. She couldn’t control the moan which rose in her throat, as his
tongue plunged suddenly and deeply, like a man starved, needing
to devour. She wanted to be his meal.

The room seemed to spin when Sin broke the kiss; blinking,

she sucked in a lungful of air. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw
him smiling––like he just won a major prize. The prize, of course,
was her.

“That’s it, baby, you’re mine now,” he whispered.
He swooped down to claim her mouth again, but an

unfamiliar anger flashed through Eve’s entire being.

“No!” she snapped, turning her head. His lips fell on her

cheek, and she shoved at his chest, while struggling to escape his

* * * *

Sin sighed and let her loose. He was harder than damned

steel! Eve tasted so sweet, her body soft and, for a moment,
compliant. It may have been a small sample, but now that he had
tasted her, he wanted a hell of a lot more. Still, he never took an
unwilling woman. He watched her back up against the door, her
heavy breathing making her bountiful breasts heave beneath the
plain, white top she wore. She looked almost fearful and ready to
flee. To be genuinely turned down by a woman was an unfamiliar
position for Sin. Some women pretended to resist him, but she, to
her credit, was truly trying––and doing quite well.

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“I won’t force myself on you,” he reassured her. “Please don’t

fear me.”

Eve watched him wearily, her pink tongue darting out and

swiping along her lower lip, which was slightly reddened and
swollen from his kiss. The motion of her tongue left a moist trail,
sending a painful jolt of blood into Sin’s cock. It took a lot of self-
restraint to stop himself from closing the gap between them and
forcefully taking those lush lips again.

“I suppose I don’t get the job because I won’t sleep with you?”
He could hear she was trying to keep her voice from


“I’m not a bad man, little Eve. Of course you will be gainfully

employed here. I keep my promises. But you should also know, I
don’t give up easily. I still want you, and I want you to keep my
offer in mind.”

He watched as she swallowed hard. He knew her pulse was

still hammering, and her breathing was still rapid. The way she
fought her own natural desires and impulses was strange to him.

He gave her a friendly smile. He knew, if he kept the pressure

up on her arousal, she would soon be unable to stand it and cave in
to her desires. He walked across the room and crowded in on her
personal space. Her eyes widened in panic, but he made no move
to touch her. He just leaned down and whispered in her ear.

“Think of how good I am going to make you feel when I touch

you, kiss you, lick every inch of your beautiful body, until you
scream in pleasure. Then I’m going to take you, fuck you so hard
and deep, you’re going to see the heavens.”

Then he pulled back. Eve’s pupils were dilated and her

breathing was shallow. He smiled seductively. He had planted his
seed, planted it deep, and now, he just needed to nurture it. After
all, he wasn’t a fertility god for the hell of it. He backed up and
headed to the door.

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“Wait here, sweetheart, I’ll get one my staff to locate a job for


Pretending to be casual and unaffected by her mere presence

and her heat, Sin yanked open the door and strode out. Outside,
with the door shut, he teleported straight into his security offices.

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Chapter 2

“Hey, boss! Who’s the girl?”
Kane was Sin’s head of security and CEO of the temple. He

had been watching the monitors. Sin mentally kicked himself for
using a room under surveillance. How could he have forgotten to
turn off the monitors? Oh, well. There wasn’t much Kane didn’t
already know about him and the operations of the temple.

Kane was one of the few people who knew his true nature as a

god and still wanted to work for him. Besides, Sin liked the mortal,
and they had become good friends.

“My new acquisition,” Sin explained. “I need you to find a job

for her, something easy, out of the way. Hell, I don’t even care if
you make up a job, but I want her here.”

Kane studied the monitor more closely. As he did, his

expression became cynical. “She doesn’t look like your type.”

“Since when do I have a type?” Sin glared at Kane.
“Well, most women you fuck are tall, leggy, and stick thin.

Mind you, I like this one, she’s a pretty little blonde with nice
dangerous curves. She reminds me of the girl next door when I was
growing up. I had the biggest crush on her.”

Sin suppressed a jealous growl; he’d never felt jealousy over a

woman before. It got him wondering what other emotions this
small woman could bring out in him––and after having known her
for less than an hour.

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“Go find your old next-door neighbor. This woman is mine

and off-limits.”

“You want me to find her a job, though.” Kane’s grin was

pure amusement.

“If you have a point, get to it.” Sin gave into his jealousy and


“She hasn’t readily fallen into your arms like every other

woman has?”

“Not from lack of trying.”
Kane made a face of mock horror. “This is one woman I have

to meet––refusing the great Moon God of Ur!”

“It’s not a refusal,” Sin reasoned. “All women enjoy being


Kane snorted. “Since when have you ever had to chase a


Suddenly, Kane’s eyes lit up with sudden understanding.

“Ahhhh! That’s the allure of her, isn’t it? Been there, done that —
needing to chase a woman, enjoying the thrill of the chase and then
the pleasure of capture. But what I want to know is, what will you
do with her after you’ve had your fill of her?”

Sin knew the human would persist and badger him until Sin

told him what he wanted to know.

“She will be well provided for until the end of her mortal


“Always the romantic.”
Sin didn’t miss Kane’s mocking tone. Kane turned his

attention back to the monitor showing Eve, his expression

“I tell you what, I’ll take care of the job details, and when

you’ve broken her heart and ruined her for all other men, you
leave her to me so I can pick up the pieces. I’ve been looking to
settle down and have a few little Kanes running around. She just
may do. And if she flat-out rejects you, I get first dibs.”

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Sin couldn’t help himself. He stared at Kane as if his right-

hand man suddenly morphed into a three-headed hydra.

“You’ve got hundreds of beautiful women to choose from,

and you want the one I want?” Sin shook his head. “You haven’t
even met her.”

“I know a good thing when I see it.”
Sin agreed completely, and that was the problem. Most times,

he could easily walk away from a girl, like this one, without a
backward glance. Instinct was telling him it would be different
with Eve.

“She’s the girl next door, remember?” Kane smiled. “They

make better wives and who’s to say she’s not beautiful? I like her
green eyes, and did I mention those great curves? Bet she’s got a
soft, lush body.”

Sin’s temper simmered at the thought of Kane wanting to

marry the woman he desired. He had no plans of keeping her after
he discovered what made him want her so badly. Once he figured
that out, Kane could have her. Or could he? Sin frowned. He had
never been so fucking indecisive in his life, and he didn’t like it.
The sooner he figured it out, the better.

“Fine.” Sin huffed. “She’s yours when I’m done, but hands off

until I say, understood?”

“Understood, boss.” Kane turned back to watching the

monitor. Eve accidentally toppled a vase, but caught it just before
it crashed to the floor. In her panic, though, she still managed to
knock over the vase’s stand, as she swung to catch the vase.


You might want to childproof the casino, while

you’re at it.”

They both stood glued to the monitor, as Eve carefully placed

the stand upright again and gingerly set the vase on top. She backed
away slowly, with her hands raised, returned to the couch and sat.
Eve’s hands began fidgeting in her lap.

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“Oh yeah, she’s a definite keeper.” Kane’s grin widened. “I’ll

go see what kind of job I can create which won’t get her––or the
casino––into any trouble.”

“Run a complete background check on her, as well.” Sin knew

Kane would also want to know about his potential, future bride.

* * * *

To Eve, it seemed as if she had left the land of average men

and entered Hunks-R-Usville. She was used to seeing ordinary,
everyday people up close. Sure, a handsome movie star might pass
by once in a while on his way to gamble away his earnings.
Wealthy, handsome people filtered by, from time to time, to
throw away their money. But she never mixed or mingled with

Her gaze ran over the man who now entered the office, his

mop of light-brown hair, big brown eyes, a strong square jaw, and
all-around American, good-boy looks. His smile could melt butter
in the Antarctic. He was shorter than Sin, maybe six two, with
broad shoulders on which a woman would be content to rest her
head, and strong arms to securely wrap around someone special––
and hold someone close to his hard-muscled chest.

“Hi, I’m Kane Sullivan, and you must be Eve Gardner. Sorry

to keep you waiting. It took a while to track down your personnel
file. Come with me, and we’ll get you situated so you can go

“Uh, thanks, Mr. Sullivan.”
“Oh, call me Kane please, as long as I can call you Eve.”
Kane’s smile made her respond in kind. She followed him out

of the sterile office, down the hall and into an elevator.

It figured Sin hadn’t returned to oversee her employment,

since she rejected his attempts to get into her pants. They were still
uncomfortably damp, and her body throbbed with need, while her
lips still tingled from his kiss. Sin’s words still rattled around in her

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brain. Eve imagined the things he could––or would––do to her, if
only she let him.

Was she totally crazy in refusing him? It all happened so

quickly. She felt panicked and unable to breathe.

“Yes, sure


Kane.” Eve smiled shyly at him. She didn’t

know what they put in the casino drinks, but he was clearly flirting
with her, just more subtly than Sin had. Sin went straight for the
meat in the sandwich and wanted to throw the rest away. Two
gorgeous men in one night––her libido was running in hyper

During the elevator ride, Kane talked to her about her last

two jobs, but she was having trouble staying focused.

“Uh, sorry, what did you say?” She felt her cheeks flush with

embarrassment; she hadn’t been listening. Instead, she’d been
thinking about sex.

“I said, I think you would be perfect for reception on the

casino floor—a pretty, friendly face to answer client questions.
What do you think?”

She met his curious, brown gaze.
“Yes,” she answered idly. “That sounds wonderful.”
“But first, you need to have dinner with me.”
She startled at his words, and her full attention returned to

Kane. “Pardon?”

Kane smiled seductively, leaning casually against the elevator

wall, looking like a tempting, tasty treat.

“Forget about Sin, baby doll, have dinner with me.”
She stared at him; a sudden panic made her chest tighten.

“Uh, do I get the job if I say no?”

“Sure you do. Rain check then?”
She let out a relieved breath, giving him a faint smile. “Sure,

rain check.”


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Kane rubbed his hands together, satisfied with her answer. He

offered his arm in a most gentlemanly manner, as the elevator
doors opened. She regarded him with suspicion before placing her
hand on his arm. She allowed him to lead her out of the elevator
and down the corridor.

Kane’s office more closely resembled how Eve expected a

normal office to appear. The office was littered with personal knick
knacks scattered about, a plush couch against one wall, and a bar.
Several photos of friends and family sat on the desk and hung on
the walls. She glanced at a photo of Kane and Sin standing together
outside the casino entrance. Careful not to touch anything, she
clasped her hands together and sank into the chair behind Kane’s
desk. The soft deep drawl of his voice felt soothing, as she half-
listened to him on the phone, talking to his staff.

He hung up and smiled back at her.
She met his blue gaze. “I appreciate you going to so much


“Oh, no trouble at all,” he insisted. “Boss man promised you a

job, and you’ll get one. All right then, baby doll. You’re all set for
tomorrow evening. You can pick up a floor uniform in the
personnel office. I think you know where it is.”

“Yes, thank you.”
He came around the desk, holding a little white card.
“Just use this.”
Kane folded the card into her hand and she felt the warmth of

his touch as he enclosed both his hands around her fist. A flash of
renewed heat speared through her. Her eyes widened, startled and
confused by her reaction, especially after feeling the overwhelming
attraction she felt towards Sin, but Kane too?

“Any questions?”
He released her, stepping away while studying her obviously

flushed face.

“Um, five ’til ten thirty, right?”

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“Yup,” Kane confirmed. “You can go home now, unless I can

still tempt you into dinner?”

Eve shook her head. She needed out and to start breathing


“I do appreciate all you’ve done, but I need to get home.” She

rose to her feet and walked to the door.

Suddenly, the door was shoved open from the opposite side,

and it hit Eve squarely in the face. She stumbled backward, lost her
balance, and fell to the ground. The back of her head thumped
heavily against the carpeted floor. Pain exploded through her skull,
making her groan.

“Oh shit,” gasped the woman, now staring down at Eve.

“What the hell was she doing there?”

Kane was kneeling over Eve, then gently scooped her into his

arms. He lifted her with ease and carried her to the couch in the
corner of his large office.

“Cindy, get me some ice from the bar,” Kane ordered.
The tall, perfectly-manicured, blonde woman in a blue-

sequined evening gown strode to the bar.

Eve heard Cindy huff with annoyance and then the sound of

clinking ice. A moment later, a cold, linen napkin was placed on
her forehead.

“Baby doll, are you alright?”
“Can I go home now, please?” Eve whispered, the raging

headache subsiding slightly.

“Sure, baby doll, as soon as I know you’re alright.”
“I’m fine,” she lied, struggling to sit up. Kane didn’t look


“All right, but I’m having a car take you home.” Kane’s

expression was firm and uncompromising. “No arguments.”

Eve felt too tired and sore to protest, so she simply nodded.
“Good girl.”

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He gave her a heart-warming smile. For the first time in a

long while, she felt safe.

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Chapter 3

Eve shut her apartment door. Grandma Pat sat on a small

brown couch, watching TV with her heavyset, Latina neighbor
from down the hall, Mrs. Quando. Eve paid the middle-aged
woman to come sit with her grandmother whenever Eve couldn’t
be there.

Mrs. Quando looked up as Eve set down her bag on the small,

rickety table behind the couch. “You’re home early, did you get
fired again?”

“Yes and no.” Eve wasn’t exactly sure how it all happened. “In

the end, I managed to get a better job.”

Eve approached her grandmother and gave her a kiss on the

forehead. “How was she tonight?”

“Much better,” Mrs. Quando assured her. “She seemed very


“Betsy,” Grandma Pat said, with a glazed look in her hazel

eyes. “Oh, it’s good to see you again, Betsy.”

Sadness made her heart ache as she smiled at her


“I’ll take over now.” Eve fished two hundred dollars from her

pocket, part of the five hundred which Kane had shoved at her as
she left the casino. He insisted she was underpaid for her previous
work, and if she didn’t take the money, he was going take out
spanking rights on her. Shocked by Kane’s threat, she accepted the

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“Here, I know I didn’t pay you last time, so here’s two


Mrs. Quando’s eyes brightenedas she took the cash from Eve’s


“You’re a good girl, Eve,” Mrs. Quando replied, gathering her

knitting supplies and needles and then heading for the door.

“Can you be here from four tomorrow? My new job is from

five til ten thirty.”

“Not a problem.” Mrs. Quando smiled, before exiting the

apartment, then closed the door softly behind her.

Eve flopped down on the couch next to her grandmother.
“I’ve had the craziest evening, two handsome men tried to

seduce me––me, of all people! And I broke too many things to
count––again. And this job

I’m not really sure it is a job. My

boss wants me to sleep with him, and of course, I told him no. But
I wanted to, Grandma. I’m twenty-seven, and I’ve never had a
man in my life. What’s wrong with me for turning him down?”

“Nothing is wrong with saving your virtue for the right man,

dear,” Grandma consoled her in a rare moment of clarity.

“I’m beginning to think there’s no such thing as the right man

or perfect man. There are just men, nothing more.”

“Pish posh, young lady, you’re meant for great things, you’ll

see. Now, I’m tired, Betsy. Do you have any soup; I do like
tomato soup.”

Eve sighed. Even in the best of times, her grandmother’s

dementia was difficult to deal with. Eve didn’t mind caring for
Grandma Pat. She’d taken care of Eve ever since her parents died.
It was only right she take care of her grandmother in return.

“I’m tired too, Grandma, let’s go to bed.”

* * * *

Sin paced. He wasn’t the kind to walk back and forth, but he

was pacing now, his mood dark and his temper short. What the

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fuck was wrong with him? Every time he closed his eyes, all he
could see was wide-eyed, little Eve.

Vividly, he recalled the taste of her sweet lips, how good her

lush body felt against his. He was still a walking hard-on, and he
needed release. He couldn’t remember the last time he had to take
matters into his own hands, so to speak. As he searched through his
memory, he couldn’t come up with a single time he’d ever jacked
off. Starting in puberty, there were always willing women.
Handmaidens of the gods were always keen to meet his needs and

What was with this sudden urge to wrap his own hand around

his cock? Sin snorted in disgust. After Kane escorted Eve into a
chauffeured car, Sin headed down to the casino’s main gaming
floor to ease his discomfort with a willing woman.

The women there were all tall, elegant, beautiful––and

willing. None of them held his attention, though. Not one of them
had the same softness as Eve, or the right shade of hair, or the same
green eye color. He left the gaming floor alone, with his mood
darker than before his arrival.

“Fuck, I need to have her.” He was determined to get her out

of his system as quickly as possible.

* * * *

By midmorning the next day, Sin felt murderous. He brooded

in his private quarters away from the thrum of the human world.
He scowled at Kane, as he strode into the office without knocking,
file in hand.

“Thought you should see this,” Kane began. “Seems your

acquisition––and my future wife

” Kane smirked just to annoy

Sin. “Well, she has quite a sad little history.”

Kane handed the file to Sin. He flipped it open to begin

scanning the details to see what Kane and his network had dug up
about Eve.

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“When she was a child, her parents were killed by intruders,”

Kane explained, as Sin continued leafing through the file. “She’d
wandered off to eat sweets at the neighbors. Bloody lucky, she did!
Her home was stormed, torn apart and her parents brutally
murdered. They’ve never caught who did it, either.”

The file contained crime scene photos, depicting the bloody

mess of what was left of Eve’s parents. Sin scowled. He knew it
was not a typical human murder.

“The report said a wild animal must have gotten in afterward

and mauled them. Eve’s such a sweet little thing. I’d like to get my
hands on whoever did this to her.”

“This was a demon kill.”
Kane’s eyes widened in surprise, craning his neck to restudy

the photos. “How can you tell that?”

“Claw marks on the bodies.” Sin indicated to Kane where they

were on the bodies. “It looks like the parents’ flesh was torn apart
by claws and teeth.”

Kane’s expression morphed into anger––matching the

emotions Sin already felt. Eve was clearly an innocent. Why would
demons target and murder her parents?

“Could have been a random attack.” Kane knew enough about

the demon world to understand random attacks were not unheard

Sin nodded in agreement.
“She was taken to live with her grandmother,” Kane said,

carrying on with his summation of the file’s contents. “They’ve
travelled around and lived in different parts of the States. They
landed in Vegas about a year ago. Poor old granny has dementia,
and my sweet, little Eve looks after her.”

Sin clenched his fist giving Kane a glare; Kane’s mouth

quirked up, humor dancing in his eyes.

“What has my little Eve been living on?”

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Kane chuckled briefly, then his expression turned serious

again. “Up until recently, Eve’s parents had a trust fund, but
medical expenses for granny have eaten up the bulk of it. That’s
why she needs the work.”

“You will—” Sin began.
“Already taking care of it.”
They were both on the same page where their new woman

was concerned. They both had vested interests in her. Sin knew,
despite his possessive feelings, that Eve would benefit from Kane’s
assistance as much as she would Sin’s.

“We’ll move them both into the casino. It’s much safer in

here than in the neighborhoods around this place.” Sin was well
aware that the lower, socio-economic areas of his city always had
the higher human crime rates.

“Grandma Pat and Eve can have their own suite,” Kane added.

“I have a feeling she’s going to protest––loudly. Working on her
with some of that godly charm you’ve got might be helpful.”

“I noticed you laying on your own charm,” Sin accused.
“Paving the path of good intentions, which is more than you

can say about your intentions.”

Kane straightened. “Want me to look into her parents’ death a

bit closer?”

“No, I’ll take care of this one.”
“Right!” Kane turned and headed back toward the door. “I’ll

leave you and your strange powers alone now.”

Sin shook his head and grumbled, “Whatever happened to

godly reverence?”

Kane chuckled as he opened the door.
“Welcome to the human race, boss.”

* * * *

Eve sat behind the desk, smiling. She directed those who

asked to wherever it was they needed to go, and she handed out
small maps of the casino’s lower floors. She tried to hide how

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bleary-eyed and tired she was due to a head full of erotic images
involving one decadent Sin Templeton. She startled, when Kane’s
handsome face flashed into her mind; good god, what was wrong
with her, thinking about two men at the same time?

“I’m definitely perverted,” she mumbled, reaching for her

well-used vibrator. Later she gave up, still feeling hot, horny and

When her mind wasn’t filled with these libidinous longings,

she worried over her situation and Grandma Pat. How quickly the
medications and doctor’s visits were eating up her trust fund.

Even with this new job, there would be barely enough to live

on and provide medically for her grandmother as well. Accepting
Sin’s offer would provide comfortably for her grandma. After all,
being a casino owner’s mistress wasn’t the worst thing in the
world––and there were plenty of worse men to whom she could
give up her virginity.

“Hey, baby doll!” Kane called to her. “Still looking beautiful, I


She automatically felt her face heat at his compliment. She

was not used to receiving them, especially from such gorgeous men
as Kane. She raised her eyes to meet his handsome, smiling face.

“How’s it going? Any problems?”
“No, it’s fine, thank you,” Eve managed to get out with a

small smile. “And thank you for the job.”

“Hey, it’s the least I could do for such a lovely lady.

Remember, if you have any trouble, or just want to talk, have a
drink, or anything, my door’s always open.”

He flashed another megawatt smile. Then, the man of the

hour, the one who made her heart pump faster than a hundred-
mile run, strode up behind Kane.

“Bothering the staff again, Kane?”
Sin’s deep voice sent shivers down her spine. She wanted to

melt and submit to anything he desired.

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“Your joint wouldn’t run smoothly if I didn’t.” Kane didn’t

miss a beat.

The men glared at each other. Eve glanced from one to the

other, wondering what was going on between them.

“Well, go bother the rest of my staff now.” His tone was

almost a growl. Kane just grinned at him.

“Sure, boss man.” He gave Eve a wink. “Let me know if the

knucklehead boss man gives you any trouble. I’ll sort him out.”

Sin folded his arms as Kane strode away.
“Ready for a break?” Sin turned his intense, golden gaze back

on her.

He leaned on her desk, and his heated stare reminded her of

the day before in his office.

Remembering the way his heat electrified her when he pulled

her into his arms and kissed her, she knew she stood on dangerous
ground around him. Which was what she wanted, wasn’t it?


it’s not my break time yet.”

“My casino, my rules,” Sin reminded her. “C’mon.”
He picked up the closed sign and placed it on the high desk.

Eve relented. She swung around in her chair and almost lost her
balance. She would have toppled to the ground, but Sin was there,
taking hold of her arm and steadying her.

“I think you need me around, sweetheart.”
Sin’s decadent smile made her pulse leap.
“Someone strong and steady to keep you on your feet, or

better yet, to sweep you off them.”

Sin’s touch ran through Eve’s system like liquid lightning. He

knew which strings to pull, and he was unabashed about yanking all
of hers.

“I don’t understand,” she admitted. “Why would you want

me, with all the beautiful, tall, skinny women around you could
have. Did you lose a bet or something?”

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Eve watched Sin, as he thoughtfully pondered her question.

Then he looked directly into her eyes.

“No, I didn’t lose a bet; I have always known what I want, and

I want you. You have a kind of beauty which surpasses the
superficial, Eve. Any fool who can’t see past the exterior isn’t
worth knowing.”

Eve’s heart skipped a beat at his words.
“And you see past it, Sin?” Eve wanted to know, for sure.
“I know beauty when I see it, sweetheart, and you are


Eve swallowed hard. Sin sounded so genuine and sincere.

How could she say no to this man? He knew just the right things to
say to her. She was absolute putty in his hands.

Sin gripped her hand tightly in his, as he guided her across the

thrum of the casino floor. Eve could not help noticing the beautiful
women in expensive dresses, each one glancing seductively in his
direction. One tall, leggy blonde stepped directly into their path to
proposition him.

Eve’s confidence grew when Sin slipped a possessive arm

around her waist, smoothly dismissing anyone who tried to take
him from her. A surge of pride overtook the sudden rise of
jealousy pulsing through her veins. Sin took no interest in any
other women. The scorned women shot pointed, hateful glares at

“You have quite a fan club,” Eve mused dryly.
Sin kept a firm grip on her, as he guided her toward a casino


“I’m a popular man, what can I say? But I’m not as popular as I

wish to be with you.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully.

She couldn’t help but smile at his antics.
“You’re a dangerous man, Sin Templeton.”
“Sweetheart, you don’t know the half of it.” Sin’s secretive

smile was as sexy as his name suggested.

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“Where are you taking me?”
“I have a little something I wish to show you.”
The doors of the elevator opened, he pulled her in, and the

doors closed. He released her to pull out a swipe card, and then he
pressed the button for the casino’s highest floor.

Total Eclipse of the Heart played as the elevator ascended to

Sin’s chosen destination. The song appeared to amuse him.

“Have you thought about my little proposal?”
Swallowing, she nodded.
“I do hope it’s an answer in my favor. Desperation is an

uncommon sensation to me, but it’s what I feel around you and
acutely without you.”

His words added fuel to the fire burning within her. Eve tried

to calm her ever more rapidly hammering heart. She gazed up into
his golden eyes and saw they shimmered with the same desire she
felt. Why should she fight it, or him? She would know the right
man, her grandma told her, whenever she found him.

She suspected her attraction to Sin was more than just

physical. She was certain he was the ‘right man’ her grandmother
always mentioned, even if the whole situation was a little
overwhelming and frightening.

She opened her mouth, but Sin leaned forward and placed a

fingertip across her lips.

“Wait, sweetheart, tell me after I show you this.”
She felt something like an electric charge in the air, something

heavy and powerful. Hairs prickled along the back of her neck and
arms. The elevator opened.

He turned her to face the open doors. The warmth of his palm

on her lower back guided her off the elevator and into a lush,
tropical garden on the roof of the casino.

She turned in a full circle, awed by the sight.
“This is one of my private sanctuaries.” High above, in the

glittering stars of a clear, Vegas sky, hung a huge moon.

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This is


She moved through the garden, noticing that every flower

bloomed under the moon’s glow. She inhaled their sweet, fragrant

“It’s night, and they’re in full bloom?” Never had she seen

such a thing.

“Only when the moon’s out; I call them moon blossoms. They

are quite rare and delicate. One of my specialties.”

Eve also could not help but notice how Sin himself glowed,

shimmering in the moonlight with skin which seemed ethereal. She
wondered if the word could be used to describe such a masculine
man, but he really was beautiful.

The heat of Sin’s body pressed against her back, and his strong

arms slid around her waist, pulling her tightly against the hard
planes of his body.

“I know your answer, sweetheart, and I promise you shall not

be disappointed. I’m going to take very good care of you.”

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Chapter 4

The urge to pick her up, toss her down upon the settee, tear

off her clothes, and sink his aching cock into her was
overwhelming. Eve deserved more tender care, not a rough, hasty
fucking. Sin pulled her against him and feathered kisses downward,
along the nape of her neck. Her skin smelled fresh, like early
morning dew. He ran his hands along her arms and then up over
her shoulders, trying to relax her.

He reveled in her softness and began to explore her lush

curves. He agreed with Kane; they were dangerous and addictive.

She shuddered at his touch, her breathing accelerated. He

used the friction of their clothing in a sensual caress. Slowly, he
turned her in his arms. He wasn’t letting her escape this time.

Threading his fingers through her hair, Sin loosened the band

keeping it piled atop her head. Eve’s locks fell free across her
shoulders, and he gripped them, tugging her head back. He gazed
down into her lovely, wide, green eyes. They were dark, smoky,
filled with an unfurled passion, a passion he was ready to unleash,
turning this shy little kitten into his prowling tigress.

“Breathtaking, sweetheart,” he whispered, an inch away from

her lips. “My moonlight agrees with me.”

A puzzled expression flickered across her face.

” she murmured, “so are you

Their gazes locked, and something undefined passed between

them. It was the same something he struggled to pin down earlier.

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Something made him feel different with Eve, an uncommon
sensation. He did not want to think about it now, so he pushed the
thoughts to the back of his mind. He had other things to focus on.

He bent further, gently sucking on her lower lip. When they

parted, it was to expel hot, sweet breath. He covered her mouth
and kissed her softly, coaxingly, but it was not enough. He
hungered for this woman. He increased the pressure, plunging his
tongue deep to taste every sweet recess of her silken mouth.

She moaned as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She

gave a surprised gasp when he lifted her from her feet and carried
her to the settee. Not for a moment did he relent, ravaging her
mouth, lowering them down, lying beside her. When he pulled
back to let her breathe, he nipped, licked, and sucked his way
down her throat and to her collarbone. He growled and gripped
the material, which restricted access to her flesh, and yanked. The
fabric tore easily under his strength; she gasped again. He groaned
with delight at the plain, white bra covering her two, gloriously
full breasts.

“Mummmm, perfection,” he purred, his mouth watering at

the taste of bountiful delights awaiting his mouth and tongue.

“I don’t have any fancy lingerie.”
He glanced up from his prize and saw her flushed face. He

wasn’t certain if the reddening was due to passion or
embarrassment, but her words suggested the latter. Her shyness
made him burn even hotter.

“Sweetheart, it’s not the wrapping that counts. It’s what’s in

the package.”

He grinned mischievously before burying his face into her

cleavage. She shrieked with laughter, a musical sound he loved to
hear. Her fingers threaded into his hair, as he licked and tongued
his way across the top of her bra line. His hands snaked around her
back and unhooked her bra. He shoved away the offensive

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material, revealing two dark aureoles, surrounding her tight,
dusty-pink nipples.

Sin had always been a breast man, and Eve’s were simply

divine. He squeezed them together, supple and plump under his
hands and fingers, and then flicked his tongue across her right
nipple, nipped at it, sucked it into the cavern of his mouth. She
gasped and moaned while he played.

Not content to toy with just one, he moved over to her left

breast, sucking and nipping. She panted for breath, and her skin
pricked with goosebumps. With her back arched, she mumbled his
name with a soft whimpering and pleading. Her fingers tugged at
his head and he knew she couldn’t decide whether she wanted him
to stop or to continue his feasting. He relented, moving away. But
he had another goal in mind, one which would result in him
sinking his desperate, aching cock deep into her body.

He shifted over her body, moving back slightly, only to find

more fabric barriers. “Too many clothes.”

He tore off her skirt, kissing his way across her ribs, enjoying

her soft skin and rounded stomach. How did he ever enjoy stick-
thin women? He could hold onto Eve, her feminine softness, the
perfect counterbalance to his hard-muscled body.

Tugging down her panties, Sin found the core of her body. He

inhaled her arousal, heady, musky, maddening. Gently, he pushed
apart her thighs. He groaned, his cock straining to the point of pain
against his trousers. When he slid his fingers through her blond
curls and parted her folds, he found her oh, so wet. He felt her
body stiffen, before relaxing into his touch.

Expertly, he massaged her clit with the pad of his thumb and

slipped a finger into her hot, wet channel. He groaned, feeling the
tightness of her inner walls. Her body writhed beneath his
attention. Her moans and little mewls spurred him on. Sin
dropped his head between her legs and pushed her thighs wider
apart. He let his tongue swipe her sensitive, swollen clit. He heard

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her inhale sharply, her delicate fingers sliding into his hair in a
surprisingly strong grip, as he toyed with her clit briefly before
sucking it into his mouth.

Eve cried out. Sin could feel her body winding up––it

wouldn’t be long before she came. He pushed a second finger into
her, slowly—slowly finger fucking her, as he suckled her clit. Her
body shook, trembled, as she bowed beautifully, crying out as she

Satisfaction purred through him at having pushed her to the

first of many climaxes he planned for her tonight.

She shook, still gripped in the throes of pleasure before her

body went limp in his arms. He pushed his fingers deep into her
wet heat, only to pause and frown. He pulled back. Surely not. He
pulled back in surprise. He slid his fingers in again and felt the
irrefutable barrier marking her a virgin.

“How are you still a virgin?” He raised his head and

immediately winced at his tone. Fuck. He didn’t mean it to sound
like an accusation.

For the second time in his life, Sin was indecisive.
Her glazed, sated expression slowly cleared as she registered

his brash words. He withdrew his hand and moved atop her body,
staring down into her confused eyes.

“Surely, it doesn’t matter. Last I heard, men like having


The offense in her tone was clear. She struggled, trying to get

out from under him. He frowned quickly, pinning her arms to her
sides, nealty holding her firmly in place.

“Sweetheart, forgive me. What I meant is how could someone

as beautifully alluring as you, stay untouched for so long?”

His gaze tracked her pink little tongue, as it left a moist trail

on her lips.

“I’ve tried twice to lose it. My first boyfriend––I accidentally

kicked him, and he fell off the bed and broke his collarbone. My

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second boyfriend––well, a drunken driver ran into us while we
were parked. It crushed his leg, while I was unharmed.”

Sin wanted to laugh as he imagined these funny situations of

little Eve trying to lose her virginity. But, then again, a sense of
relief flooded through him—her past attempts had failed. Her
clumsiness was his blessing, not her curse.

He smiled at the sudden thought ramping through his head.
“I think the fates have been keeping you for someone special.”
“My grandma always told me that.”
“Wise lady,” he murmured, dipping his head to nuzzle into

her soft stomach. He felt her body slowly drain of tension.

Those other men were damn lucky not to have touched her,

as he would now take her, possess her, and show her that she was
his. Otherwise, he would have to seek them out and kill them. He
tightened his grip on her as new emotions assaulted him––
possessiveness and fear topping the list.

Fear was for the vulnerable and weak. Gods were not

vulnerable and far from weak, and, as for fear, it was laughable. He
was not weak. He was the all-powerful Sin of Ur, Moon God of
ancient Sumer, Mesopotamia and many other longstanding

How had this tiny, human woman brought out in him things

he always deemed foolish in others? Sin laughed at those who loved
blindly. He resolutely told himself that he would never be ruled by
those feelings. He always believed falling in love was to be trapped,
held hostage and ruled by emotions, rather than common sense.

“Sin?” Eve’s gaze held worry and concern.
She deserved better than what he could give her. She deserved

children, happiness, someone who would care for her until the end
of her mortal life, not some possessive god.

If he took her here and now, he knew he would never let her

go, never. And he would be trapped with her. She was mortal, and
she would eventually die, turning to dust. After managing to avoid

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that kind of pain and aggravation for over six thousand years, why
would he start now?

He released her and backed off the bed.
“What have I done wrong?” She sat up and looked at him with

worry and hurt.

“Nothing, sweetheart,” he comforted. “You have done nothing


He snatched up her clothes and shoved them at her. “You are

too beautiful and too good for a scoundrel like me.”

The pained look on Eve’s face cut him deeply. He turned

away from her gaze, unable to look at her.

“Why? I mean, you said you wanted me. I’m always doing

something wrong, but


you said you would take care of me.

Was it all a lie?”

Angry at himself for letting this get out of hand, he whirled

around on her, gripping her shoulders roughly and pulling her to
her feet. He marched her toward the elevator, using his powers to
make it appear instantly, then opened the doors and shoved her

“I will take care of you,” he insisted. “You will want for

nothing, I swear it, but I can’t touch you again. Go talk to Kane.
He’s on the twenty-second level.”

Seeing Eve’s chin wobble, her eyes growing watery with

tears, he knew it was time to make a hasty retreat—the coward’s
way out. Silently, he cursed as he stepped back and the elevator
doors closed. A sudden self-loathing hit him. He knew very well
the pain he was causing her, damning himself to the seven pits of
hell because of it.

* * * *

Confused, hurt and naked, Eve clutched her clothes. Tears

blurred her vision as the elevator started moving. Frantically she
scrambled to pull on her garments. She realized her bra and panties
were still on the rooftop. Her top was torn, so it wouldn’t stay

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closed. Trying to tug up on her skirt, it caught her ankles and
threw her off balance. She stumbled and fell against the side of the
elevator. Finally, she managed to right herself and pull up her skirt.
As the elevator doors opened, she noticed her skirt was torn as

“Eve? Are you alright?”
She looked up to see Kane standing at the elevator doors. His

worried expression turned to anger as he took in her disheveled
condition. Eve couldn’t help herself, she burst into tears. In the
next moment, Kane’s warm, strong arms enveloped her, leading
her out of the elevator. As she stumbled, trying to keep her clothes
together, he simply bent over, hooked his arms under her legs and
picked her up.

“Don’t worry, baby doll,” he murmured soothingly against

her hair. “I’m going to take care of you.”

She cried harder against Kane’s shirt. She felt used, discarded,

and unwanted. After giving in to what Sin wanted, only to have it
thrown back in her face, his rejection made her stomach contract
into a tight ball. What hurt more was she wanted it, too.

“Did he hurt you?”
She lifted her head, realizing they were in Kane’s office. He

set her down on the couch, removed his jacket, then draped it
around her shoulders.

“No.” She sniffed.
He produced a clean, pressed handkerchief and handed it to


She wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you dare apologize, none of this is your fault,” he

growled. “It’s Sin I’m going to kill.”

Eve wiped her nose and watched his broad back as he took a

glass from the bar. “Let me get you a drink, and then you can tell
me what happened.”

“Don’t hurt him,” she pleaded. “He didn’t do anything to me.”

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He frowned, clearly unconvinced.
“It sure doesn’t look like nothing to me. I want you to be

honest with me.”

He strode across the floor, sat down beside her, and placed

the drink into her hands.

“I saw you in the elevator on the monitors and intervened

before it reached a more public destination.”

“Thanks for that––and this.” With trembling fingers, she lifted

the drink and swallowed the fiery liquid. It burned on the way
down, making her cough. He patted her back, lightly. Heat fused
into her cheeks in embarrassment, while she struggled to form
words to explain what Sin did and didn’t do.

“He said he didn’t want me. I thought he did. He and


got so far, and then he just stopped when he found out


” Eve took a slower sip of the drink.

“Go on, baby doll,” he encouraged gently.
“When he found out I was inexperienced with men, he

became angry and pulled away, shoved my clothes at me, and put
me into the elevator.” More tears flowed down her cheeks.

Kane took her drink and set it on the coffee table. He pulled

her into his arms. His touch contained no sexual overtures; he
simply held her. She had to admit she felt safe and comforted, and
she let herself relax as her tears subsided.

“Don’t you dare blame yourself, do you understand me?”
He pulled back and lifted up her chin, so she could look into

his lovely, blue eyes.

“Sin may be a complete idiot, but I’m not. I know this may be

the wrong time to tell you, but I think you’re a beautiful woman,
inside and out. And I don’t care if you’re inexperienced with men.
It makes me want to get to know you all the more.”

“You’re very sweet, Kane. I just don’t know what to think or

do right now.” Eve’s head was in turmoil. She needed time to sort
through her thoughts and feelings.

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He pulled back to give her some space. “I’m going to take you

to a room and have some clothes sent up, okay? Take all the time
you need, and then decide if you want to go back to work. If not,
I’ll have a car take you home.”

She appreciated his kindness and understanding. “I think going

back to work would be best.”

Kane leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Okay, c’mon,

we’ll take the private elevator to your suite. Then you can head
back downstairs to your station whenever you’re ready.”

He stood and tugged Eve to her feet. He kept his arm casually

wrapped around her shoulders as they walked out together, his
comforting words helping her to feel better.

* * * *

Kane slammed the door as he stormed into the office, rage

evident in his expression. He pointed a finger at Sin.

“What the hell is wrong with you? How dare you treat Eve

like that!”

Sin kept his expression neutral. He had been expecting Kane’s

anger, and yet, he still inwardly winced. The anger was deserved.

“It wasn’t my intention to hurt her, but I couldn’t take her


Kane paused and frowned, clearly puzzled by his words and


“So, she’s a virgin? That hasn’t stopped you before. I guess no

one is good enough for the almighty Moon God. Look around, Sin.
Where are your worshipers now? Dead and gone, that’s where. I
don’t care what you are. If you ever hurt Eve like that again, I will
find a way to pound your smug face into the nearest wall!”

Sin didn’t blame Kane. He felt bad enough as it was. His cock

still ached, and he was going to get blue balls before too long.
Denying himself Eve hurt him more than he thought it would.
Eve’s hurt expression in the elevator played over and over in his
mind, tormenting him.

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“Is she all right?” Sin asked before he could stop himself.
“She’s fine.” Kane folded his arms. “With a new set of clothes.

She’s going back to work. So, what are your plans now, hotshot?”

“Watch your tone.” He gave Kane a warning glare. “I

promised to take care of her. As a god, you know I can’t break an
oath. So, I’m giving her to you. I know you will take care of her.
Marry her, if you want, just make her happy.”

Palming off Eve to Kane was, hopefully, a way to ease his

present discomfort. If she belonged to another man, then he would
have no qualms about bedding another woman. Or would he? Sin
wanted to hit his head against a brick wall, wanted to knock out the
ongoing wave of indecision which plagued him since meeting Eve.

Kane’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Are you fucking with


Sin shook his head. “I found out what I wanted to know about

her. She’s yours, Kane. Take this as my gift to you. Just take good
care of her.”

“I don’t understand. Why the change of mind? This isn’t like

you at all.”

“Understanding me is none of your fucking business,” Sin

snapped out forcefully. He pushed himself to his feet, walked
toward the window and stared unseeingly across his city. He
needed to get out for a while. He felt trapped, closed in, and
needed to reestablish his sense of freedom.

Every liberty he once enjoyed––and took for granted––

suddenly tasted like ashes in his mouth. He wanted to shake the
smothering emotions, especially those regarding Eve and the
pounding need in the back of his mind and body to go find her,
take her, make her his.

“I’m going to marry her as soon as she says yes,” Kane said

tentatively, trying to gauge Sin’s reaction.

“Then congratulations.” Sin refused to look at Kane. “The

casino is yours for a few days. I’m going to visit family.”

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Escape, although a cowardly move, was the only way he could

think of to avoid becoming ensnared by Eve. Once Kane married
her, then everything would return to normal. Sin would have his
usual complement of beautiful women falling at his feet.

He charged his powers and ‘popped’ out.

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Chapter 5

Revenge thrummed through Bella’s veins as if it was a vital

substance, the only thing which kept her going. Learning to survive
as a human, in their world, was a hard adjustment, but that’s what
she was good at––adjusting, making the most of what she had,
climbing back by any means to where she had been. She used her
body as a bartering tool. Human men were selfish and greedy
about their desires, eager to give in to what she wanted to get what
they wanted in return––sex.

Bella targeted rich and powerful men of the human world,

until she found the one who suited her needs. Joshua Jones was
obsessed with gaining immortality and power. The two of them
had much in common. He saw past her perfect female exterior and
beautiful face to the wealth of knowledge she possessed,
knowledge of Lower and Outer Realm creatures. Joshua had no
qualms about using her knowledge, even if she could not speak of
her past.

And yet, demons saw her for who she was. Some sneered and

threatened her now that she was a mere mortal, but others, still
loyal to her former high status and powers, offered their services.

Now, she had only two goals: regain her power, and break the

curse upon her. Her power, drawn from several different sources,
was limited in the Human Realm. With Joshua’s help, she needed
to plan and execute her course of action carefully. And, of course,
he must not know she planned to kill him the moment she regained

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her powers. Then again, he helped get her this far enabling her to
put her plan in place. Perhaps, she would keep him as a pet.

She stuck her knife into a bloody red steak. She missed the

taste of fresh blood on her tongue.

“You seem in a good mood tonight,” Joshua observed.
Bella flicked a glance at him. She shrugged casually.
“I will be in a better mood if all goes as planned.” She sliced a

strip of rare, bovine flesh, slipped it between her teeth and chewed
slightly. She swallowed, appeasing her hunger.

“It will this time,” Joshua assured her.
This time. There was always a ‘this time’ with Joshua. Many

of his plots and plans had gone astray, thanks to interference and
ineptitude from the people around him. And his own ability to do
things right was a bit lacking. This time, Joshua let Bella take the
lead. Nothing would go wrong––she would not allow it.

“We have been keeping a close eye on the target, how will

you know if she is what you say she is?”

“I sent a few demons to test her out; they will know if she is

the right one.”

For a long moment, she watched as Joshua gazed thoughtfully

at the glittering Vegas lights. Her search led them to this city––and
to the thing she was tracking.

“The power of a god,” he mused. “I wonder what it would be


Bella could have told him. She had come close, so close to

having unimaginable power. If only she had not been stopped, then

And now, she couldn’t even speak her true name. She

knew who she was inside. She would get back there again.

She gripped her knife tightly, anger curling through her entire

body. Soon, nothing would stop her bloody vengeance.

* * * *

Kane eyed the dirty hallway with disgust. The smell of rotting

garbage wafted in through an open window, leading to an unstable-

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looking fire escape. The only lovely, sweet-smelling thing in the
entire hallway came from the mixed bouquet of flowers clutched in
his hand. He ignored red roses, the traditional symbol of romance.
Instead, Kane went for a soft pastel mix of carnations, irises, and
lilies––sweet like his Eve. His other hand held a bag filled with
meats, breads, and fruit. If she was not going to take him up on his
offer of dinner, he would simply bring lunch to her and her

She was not his, yet something nagged at the back of his mind.

Sin’s hasty rejection of Eve and the lost, remorseful expression on
the god’s face, even though Kane could tell Sin struggled to hide it.

He had never known Sin to treat a woman like that.
Sin was a notorious rogue, and Eve, a virgin, should have been

all the more attractive to a creature like him. It didn’t add up.

Kane shook his head. He would figure it out, but right now he

had more pressing issues. First to get Eve and her grandmother out
of this dump they called an apartment block, and into the safety of
the casino. If she did not want to live there, he owned a nice house
on the outskirts of Vegas.

Ever since Kane saw Eve on the casino monitors with Sin, he

felt a stirring of home and family, something he left behind when
he set out in his youth to become successful.

The first step was joining the police force, later he became a

private detective, but the deeper he delved into the underworld
trying to solve crimes, the stranger things became. He witnessed
things, and saw creatures which defied normal explanations. Until
one shadowy character pointed him towards Sin and his casino. Sin
was more than helpful, he opened a whole new world to him,
things he would never have believed if he had not witnessed them
firsthand. At the top of the list were demons, creatures from what
Sin called “The Outer Realm.”

Sin explained that some things were better left to the demon

hunters and not cops. Sin offered him a job, needing a good honest

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man to help run his casino. Kane liked the cocky god. They easily
became friends. He enjoyed the job and hadn’t looked back since.

Kane straightened his tie, raised his hand, and knocked on the

worn, stained door. He stepped back and waited.

He could almost smell the fresh whisper of a country sunshine

scent belonging to the lovely lady. A smile curved his lips, thinking
her clumsy tendencies charming. Instinct told him that she would
make a beautiful wife and a devoted mother to their children.
Without a doubt, his parents would approve of her.

Sin be damned if he was idiot enough to let her loose. Kane

would take full advantage of the moody god’s folly.

He heard a shuffle, the clicking of a chain and the turn of a

dead bolt. Kane frowned, knowing these precautions offered no
real protection from intruders who really wanted in.

The door opened a crack, the first thing catching his attention

were Eve’s lovely clear, green eyes as she peered out. Her eyes
widened in surprise.

He loved the breathless way she spoke his name.
She opened the door wide. “What are you doing here?”
A tight, pink tank-top stretched across her ample breasts.

Kane got an instant hard-on. Her nipples poked out slightly
through the plain, white bra under her top. Eve wore denim
shorts, giving him a much-appreciated view of her lovely, creamy
legs. He glimpsed her half-naked on the elevator monitor, and any
man would have been blind not to notice her beautiful, abundant
curves. He liked the way she felt in his arms that evening, soft, lush
and all woman.

Kane gave her his best charming smile and presented her with

the bouquet, enjoying the way the color rose into her cheeks. He
couldn’t wait to see her flush when he had her naked and making
love to her.

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“I’m here because I couldn’t stay away, and I wanted to give

you these. Not as beautiful as you are, but would you accept my
humble gift?”

Eve took them into her hands. Kane bit back his urge to

chuckle as she raised them toward her nose to inhale their flowery
scent and nearly poked herself in the eye with a sprig of baby’s

“Thank you, Kane. They’re wonderful.”
She stumbled forward; he leaned slightly, catching her around

the waist. Her small fingers curled into his jacket as she pushed
herself up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. God she smelled good.
Drawing in a deep breath, he took in her scent—most definitely
warmth and sunshine.

Damn, she made him feel like a teenager on a first date.
“Won’t you come in?” She stepped back.
Kane strode into the apartment. He saw it was clean and neat,

despite the obvious decay of the building around them. Seated in
front of a small TV screen was a thin, elderly woman, with a neat
gray bun pinned at the nape of her neck. Dressed in a pale lemon
dress, the woman looked up at him with narrowed brown eyes.
This must be Grandma Pat. Strangely, she bore no resemblance to

Eve walked over to her grandmother and laid a hand on her


“Grandma, we have a visitor. This is Kane Sullivan from The

Moon Temple Casino. Kane, this is my grandmother, Patricia
Gardner. Or, just Grandma Pat.”

“He’s very tall, Betsy,” replied Grandma Pat, with a vacant


Sadness passed through Eve’s expression. Instead of

continuing to tower over Eve’s grandmother, Kane sat beside her
on the two-person couch.

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“A pleasure to meet you, Grandma Pat.” Kane kept his tone


The elderly woman seemed to regard him for a brief moment.

“She’s a good girl, my Eve. Are you going to be good to her?”

“Very good, if she will allow me,” he answered honestly,

looking to Eve. He watched the heat creep into her cheeks again.
“She has refused my dinner invitations, so I brought lunch. I’m
going out on a limb hoping you haven’t eaten yet.”

“Kane, you shouldn’t have.”
“Yes, baby doll, I should, I shall, and I will.” Kane rose to his

feet. He carried the bag into the kitchen and set it on the bench.
On the nearby table lay an open newspaper. Several jobs were
circled in red marker.

Eve followed Kane into the kitchen. He took out the

containers, placing them on the bench.

“Looking for a new job, baby doll?” He turned toward her.
Eve was forced to raise her head to meet his gaze.
“I think it’s best.” She looked away and moved to close the


“No.” Kane reached out and took hold of her hand, keeping

her close. She lifted her eyes, meeting his gaze.

“Don’t let what happened with Sin chase you away. Plus, I

won’t let you quit.”

“You won’t let me?”
She tugged her hand away and stepped back. Annoyance

flickered across her expression.

“I asked around the casino, Kane. There is no need for me to

be working where you placed me. That job didn’t exist until I
came along.”

He liked finding she was a heck of a lot smarter than he had

given her credit for.

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“Did Sin or you do it?” Eve lowered her voice, stepping

forward. “I just want someone to explain why I’m so interesting all
of a sudden. I’m nothing, but

“Hold it right there,” Kane interrupted with a scowl. “You

deserve the truth. Yes, your job was made up because Sin wanted
you in the casino, and I’m the one who made it happen. We both
saw something special about you, Eve, but Sin was an idiot to do
what he did to you. I’m not an idiot. My interest in you is genuine
and honorable. I hope

He shifted closer, gently running the back of his hand along

her face, enjoying the softness of her skin on his fingertips.

“I hope you will give me a chance––to wine and dine you, to

take care of you, to kiss you.”

He adored the way her eyes widened, and she did not resist

when he bowed his head to brush his lips lightly over hers. She
gave a soft sigh of acceptance.

What Kane wanted was to pull her into his arms and kiss her

with reckless abandon, but considering where they were and
present company

He was not like Sin, barging in and

demanding. Eve deserved a romantic courtship and a soft

* * * *

Kane’s kiss was soft, gentle and seductive. Somehow, Eve

expected the same fiery passion which Sin had evoked within her.
She liked the difference of Kane compared to Sin. Kane had a
fierce, hard-nosed demeanor, yet his touch spoke volumes of the
man inside. A good man with a good heart, he warmed her heart
and her body. She felt a familiar arousal growing in the pit of her
belly. When he pulled back, she opened her eyes and gazed up at
him. He offered safety and assurance. Eve knew he was someone
she could rely on, someone who would care for her and help care
for her grandmother. Kane was an extremely likable man.

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Repeatedly, she revisited in her mind the time on the rooftop

with Sin––the way he made her feel, inside and out. The
tormented expression on his face still haunted her.

She was not sure, but in hindsight she could have sworn it was

fear. She assumed Kane and Sin must be close friends, and she was
beginning to suspect some rivalry between them, a rivalry
concerning her.

“How honorable are your intentions, Kane? Or is there

something else going on? Some game you and Sin are playing?”

“No game, baby doll,” he assured her. “I want the whole nine

yards. So, what do you say? Go out with me, give a guy a chance.”

She couldn’t help but smile. She detected the hint of a

southern accent coming out in Kane’s voice, adding to his charm
and appeal. She could think of no reason not to give him a chance.

“Okay, a chance.”
“You won’t be disappointed!”
He grabbed both of her hands, kissing first one and then the

other. She smiled warmly at him. Disappointing her was not the
problem. What she feared was disappointing him.

He let go of her hands, swiveled around and began searching

through her cupboards.

“I hope you like smoked chicken and truffles. Where do you

keep your plates?”

* * * *

Sin moped for two days, lolling about in his heavenly Realm.

But with the passing of each hour, he simply fell into a deeper
depression. All he could think about was Eve.

After a brief visit with his mother, he decided to head back to

the Human Realm to visit his twin brother.

Sin popped in to the beachside villa, which Neman and his

wife, Vanessa, owned in the Bahamas. Vanessa was heavily
pregnant with twin boys, who would one day be exceedingly
powerful creatures. She lounged in a recliner with her feet raised,

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her belly a prominent feature and a book in her hand. Sin’s little
nephews were still a few weeks away from their due date.

Vanessa glanced up. “I think the expression ye gods just doesn’t

cut it anymore.”

“Where’s Neman?” Sin lowered himself into a chair next to


“Well, hello to you too, brother-in-law.” Vanessa smirked.

“I’m fine, thanks. Pregnancy is going well. Neman’s off on a job.
Seems some demon by the name of Gremlock avoided my little
side trip with Neman’s powers a while back and is now causing

Gremlock was the demon henchman to the evil queen Jezabel.

Vanessa somehow managed to take his brother’s god powers and
used them to wipe out the threat against her and her infants, but it
was only temporary and Vanessa was human. Neman explained
that the twins within her belly helped her control and use the
powers before the babies absorbed them, leaving her immortal, but
still human.

So, his brother was demon hunting again.
“If you came to talk, you could always try me. Sure, I’m kind

of still human, but, hey, why not live a little?”

Sin stared at her, wondering how Neman put up with her

constant chatter, but she was better than nothing.

“Got women problems?”
Sin frowned. “How’d you

“Hey, Neman gets the same frowny expression when he’s

annoyed with me.” Vanessa shifted her seat. “So, what’s her name?
Human or other?”

“Eve, she is human,” Sin muttered, not quite believing he was

having this conversation with Neman’s talkative wife.

She smiled a knowing smile at him. “Bit you in the butt, hey?”
“I believe I’m unfamiliar with that expression.”

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Vanessa rubbed her pregnant belly thoughtfully. “Feel free to

correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m gonna take a wild stab in the
dark. You’ve met a woman, you have feelings for her, and it’s
interfering with your carefree, godly bachelor lifestyle.”

“Where did my brother find you again?”
She shrugged. “Blind drunk in an alley, but back to the point.

You’re a six-thousand-year-old god. Haven’t you ever been in
love, Sin?”

He kept his eyes on the waves rolling across the beach in front

of them, pondering Vanessa’s question. Had he ever been in love?

He mentally sorted through his long history. Certainly, there

had been women he was fonder of than others. He had
relationships which lasted a few mortal years at best, but nothing
longer. Sin suddenly realized how empty and meaningless his life
was. Sure, at one stage he was worshiped and adored by millions,
still it meant nothing.

It was the same strange feeling he encountered the first night

he met Eve. Sin realized it was the feeling of completeness. She
was the part missing from a place within him. He loved her.

Along with this feeling came a whole host of other emotions,

which opened him wider than the Grand Canyon. They left him
feeling raw, vulnerable, yet alive. His stomach pitched, realizing he
may have already lost her––by giving her to Kane.

“I’ve given her to another man,” Sin muttered, more to

himself than for Vanessa’s benefit.

“Oh, Sin. Big no no. If you try and outrun fate, it will only

end in disaster. I may be only a baby in your eyes, but even I know
that. Love is a rare, beautiful thing, and it’s something which does
not come along very often. She’s human and you’ve got powers.
Use them for some good.”

Frustrated, Sin ran a hand though his short hair and then

scrubbed it across his face. Too blinded by fear to see the truth of
what and who Eve was, he only made matters worse by giving her

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to Kane. It tore at his heart and mind, knowing he may never again
find the other half of his soul. It was a heady revelation. The great
Moon God Sin needed a simple human woman.

“I’ve never needed anything or anyone before,” Sin confessed.

“I’m not sure I like this feeling.”

“I know you’re an all-powerful god, Sin.” Vanessa sighed.

“I’ve felt the power you possess, but it can’t protect you from what
your heart and soul need. On that score, you’re just like the mortal
race. Embrace the chance you’ve been given. Don’t throw it away,
or you’re likely to spend the next six thousand years wallowing in

Sin studied his sister-in-law. “You’re a scary woman, Vanessa.

Are you sure you’re not part oracle?”

“Nah. It comes with being extremely pushy and nosey.”
He watched her struggle to get up. Being a good brother-in-

law, he jumped up and helped her to her feet.

“Well, all this talk has made me quite hungry. Want some


Sin watched her waddle uncomfortably into the kitchen. She

radiated with a beautiful, healthy glow. A vision flashed through his
mind—Eve, rounded with his child and glowing with the same
radiance. He summoned his powers, and in the blink of an eye, a
huge feast spread before them on the table before Vanessa reached
the kitchen. Dazed, she stood quietly for a second before her lips
quirked up in a smile.

“Hey, thanks. Can I keep you around next time I have a

dinner party?”

“You’ve earned it,” Sin said appreciatively. “Tell Neman I’ll

see him later. Vanessa, thank you.”

“Go get ‘em, studly.” She grinned, immediately reaching for

the heavily iced chocolate cake.

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Chapter 6

When Kane walked in, Sin was staring at the monitors. The

images showed a view of Eve sitting at her desk. Her easy-going,
friendly face greeted the guests, who came to the information desk
for help. Her honey-gold hair was plaited down her back. Sin
closed his eyes, remembering the softness of it sifting through his
fingers, the lingering floral scent of her shampoo.

“Nice of you to let me know you were back.” Kane stood

behind him. “I see you’re admiring the view, again.”

Sin swiveled around and glanced up at Kane, recognizing the

anger in his expression, as well as the tightness in his tone.

“I suppose you wouldn’t consider giving her back to me?”
“Just so you can hurt her again? What game are you playing,

Sin? You want her, then you don’t, and now you want her back?”

“Kane, I’m six thousand years old. I have witnessed the rise

and fall of civilizations and humans have always been nothing but
fleeting toys to me––until now. Eve has changed everything.”

Sin hooked his thumb back toward the close-up of Eve. Kane

stared at him. Sin could see he was trying to figure out what he

“I think

yeah, now get it.” Kane nodded thoughtfully. “You

hurt her and ran, because the great moon god was frightened of a
human woman.”

Sin hated this, hated having to admit his weakness to another.

He pushed to his feet, holding Kane’s gaze.

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“In those six thousand years, she is the one who I have

dreaded, and yet have been waiting to meet. When a god finds his
other half, it is a completing of his soul.”

“You’re in love with her? And you haven’t even fucked her?”

Kane shook his head. “If I back off to let you in, it’s only going to
confuse and hurt her again. If you care for her, then you won’t let
that happen.”

Sin forced himself to remain calm. He wanted Eve, and he

could easily remove Kane from the picture by using his powers.
But he wouldn’t. It would not be right to do such a thing to a
trusted friend.

“She said yes to you then?” Sin needed to know.
“She’s agreed to let me court her.” Kane was clearly irritated.

“For all intents and purposes, we’re dating. I’m trying to convince
her to move out of that unsafe apartment of hers.”

“You’ve been too good a friend for me not to warn you that I

will fight to get her back.”

“And what if she doesn’t want you back? Have you thought of

that? And what about me? I have feelings for her, too. Besides,
she’s human and so am I. If you decide to fight me for her, what
chance do I have against a god?”

Ordinarily, Sin would not feel an emotion like guilt, but now

everything he thought he knew about himself had been thrown into
a blender and shredded into billions of molecules––all in less than a

He didn’t want to hurt Kane or ruin their friendship, because

Kane was bloody good at his job. Nor did he want to lose Eve. He
swallowed his godly pride.

“It’s clear we both want her.” Sin folded his arms. “What do

you suggest we do?”

Sin watched Kane’s jaw clench. He broke eye contact with Sin

and looked at the monitor, showing a smiling Eve.

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“You need to apologize to Eve and set the record straight.”

Kane drew in a breath. “After that, we let her decide what and
who she wants. There is no way I am backing down. And when she
decides, whatever she decides, the other will gracefully bow out.”

“All right.” Sin nodded in agreement, feeling completely

confident he would emerge victorious.

“I’m not going to make it easy on you. We need ground rules.

First, you’re going to promise not to use your powers on her. You
have to act human to even the playing field.”

Sin bristled against this ban on his powers around Eve, but so

far he didn’t need them with her, so he could cope with that.

“Second, we have to let Eve know what’s going on. She’s a

heck of a lot smarter than you think. She’s already worked out the
job we gave her was one I made up. Although, I admit she’s doing
well with it. Reception management reported guests use her
services regularly. And third, as for fucking her, whoever she
accepts into bed first, gets her first.”

Sin frowned. He royally screwed up that one. He was so close

to having her. It was one mistake he would not make again. He
would have her and soon.

“Very well, I promise by the gods not to use my power on

her.” Once the words were spoken, an unseen force snapped into
place, meaning he could never break his oath until Kane released
him from his promise.

Sin offered his hand to Kane. Kane grasped it, shaking it

firmly. “We’ll do this the human way.”

Sin pulled back his hand and turned to the monitor to watch

his woman. The light to his dark, the completion of his soul, he
would do anything to win her. Yet, considering all the women he
slept with through the centuries, never had he done the chasing to
woo and win a woman. All too eagerly did they fall into his arms.
Surely, it could not be that hard? He knew how to pleasure them,

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yet he completely ignored human courting rituals. It seemed Kane
already held the upper hand in this area.

Sin shook his head to clear his foolish thoughts. He could and

would succeed.

“May the best man win,” Kane challenged.
Sin smiled for the first time in several days.
“I intend to, my friend.”

* * * *

By Vegas standards, the night was young, but Eve, finished for

the evening, was ready to head home. Sin wanted to intercept her
before she could leave, but got held up in meetings with Kane and
two managers from different departments in his Temple.

She managed to slip out of the casino without his noticing. He

needed to see her. He needed to apologize for being an asshole.
Besides, Kane informed him that she took public transport, which
was unacceptable to Sin. He wanted to keep her safe. Damn it, it
was his duty to protect his woman.

He strode out the back of his casino to search for her. He was

told by some of the departing staff the street behind the casino was
where the bus stopped. What caught his attention was not Eve, but
the foul scent of the Lower Realm. A demon was nearby.

Sin came to a halt. He let his powers flow to pinpoint the

location of lurking demons from among the thrum of passing
humans. Demons often disguised themselves as human, but nothing
could hide the sulfurous odor of flame or their red-rimmed eyes.

Zeroing in, he saw a pair of demons following their intended

target. Calmly, he walked forward to see who they followed. Just
ahead of them, he spotted Eve, her small frame and blond hair
catching the artificial lights of his nighttime city. Instant anger shot
through him. He saw her pause and scan the area, unaware of the
evil presence which now hunted her. She joined the small queue
waiting at the bus stop.

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He knew he couldn’t make a scene. He could not draw on his

powers, or even use a blade to kill them. So, he moved with swift
efficiency, avoiding the humans and passing the demons to reach
Eve before the evil did.

“There’s my girl!” Sin cheerfully greeted her, as he smoothly

moved in, wrapping his hand around her upper arm. It felt good to
touch her again, to be near her soft floral scent, but now was not
the time to indulge.

Eve’s lovely, green eyes widened in surprise, but before she

could even open her mouth to protest, he pulled her from the
queue. He glanced over her head, aiming a deadly warning at the
demons. They stopped when they realized exactly who and what
he was. They backed up and looked at each other before turning
and making a hasty retreat.

Why were demons following Eve? Did they assume she was

easy pickings? Did they know she was still innocent? Demons had a
fondness for virgin blood. Could this somehow be linked to her
parents’ death? He didn’t know, but he was going to find out. No
one stalked his woman and got away with it.

As for her innocence, he was going take her tonight. It was

nearly killing him to go without sex for so long. No other woman
would do—only Eve could satisfy his needs, for now and the rest
of eternity.

“Sin, what the hell are you doing?” Fire sparked in her green


He focused on her again as he continued to half-drag, half-

walk her down the alley back towards his Temple.

“Stop.” She struggled, trying to pull away from his grip. “Let

me go.”

“Sorry, sweetheart, I need to talk to you.”
“I need to get home to my grandmother.”
“I’ll drive you home, and we can talk along the way.” Sin

softened his tone. “Please, Eve.”

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She stilled her struggles, but continued eyeing him with

wariness. He couldn’t blame her. He loosened his hold and she
yanked her arm away.

“There is nothing I want to talk to you about; the bus is a

perfectly safe mode of transport.”

“Not anymore. Not for you.”
Sin saw the questions in her eyes. There was no way he was

going to tell her that demons were following her. The thought
suddenly struck him that she may not take the news of him being a
god too well, either.

“I don’t appreciate being pushed and shoved around.” She

glared at him. “I’m not a toy, Sin Templeton, and I won’t go
through another round with you.” She spun around on her sneakers
to walk away. Sin moved swiftly to block her path, and she ran
smack into him. Sin grabbed her around the waist before she fell

For a moment, he didn’t know what to say. Then it occurred

to him that being open and honest may be the best way to go. She
was a sweet, sensitive soul and she would understand.

“I know you’re not a toy, sweetheart. I was a first-class

asshole to do what I did to you. I’m sorry.”

Eve huffed with annoyance and tilted her head back to stare

up at him.

“I don’t care if you are the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, sorry

just doesn’t cut it. Anyway, I’m seeing Kane now.”

Sin’s lips twitched at her words.
She tried to pull herself from his arms, but he wouldn’t let her

go, not just yet.

“You frightened me, Eve, that’s why I couldn’t make love to

you that night. I knew if I took you, I wouldn’t be able to let you

He took hold of Eve’s right hand and placed it over his

pounding heart, watching her responses to his touch and words.

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Her breath quickened, her pupils dilated slightly, and he could
detect the beautiful smell of her arousal. Sin struggled to dampen
down his rampant desire for her, his whole body throbbing to have
this woman, his woman.

“You brought out a feeling in me that I have never felt before,

and it scared me, so I ran from you.”

Sin could scarcely believe he was telling her these things,

battling with his old self to keep it all inside or turn and run again.
Yet, he was bound to this woman in an inexplicable way. No logic
could define it. She possessed a power greater than any of his. She
held the power to his future happiness and his heart in her small,
fragile, mortal hands.

Her angry expression melted, and her green eyes softened.

Her body softened as well against his.

“Y-you have feelings for me?” Eve blinked in disbelief.
“Sweetheart, the instant I saw you at the back of my casino, it

was life-altering. I didn’t know it at the time, but after two days
away from you, I realized what an asshole I’d been. I need you in
my life more than I need to breathe.”

No longer able to resist the urge, he threaded his fingers into

her hair, controlling the angle of her head as he lowered his mouth
to taste her lips.

* * * *

A sinister smile snaked across Bella’s face. She watched from

the shadows as the Moon God kissed the small, blonde woman.
This was so much better than she hoped, but at the same time,
much more complicated.

He was smitten with the target. It would make luring him into

a trap much easier, but it would also be harder to snatch her if she
was guarded by Sin. Still, she needed to be tested. The demons
were meant to do the job, but Sin sent them scampering away––
they were smart enough to know who they were dealing with.

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Bella pondered over the thought about the woman seeming
oblivious to Sin’s power was just another point in her favor.

Sin could not detect Bella as he had the demons. It meant she

would have to use human labor to get the job done.

Turning from her place in the dark, she walked back down the

street, ignoring the stares of men she passed. As she reached the
dark-windowed black limo, the door opened, and Bella gracefully
closed herself inside.

“Success?” Joshua asked, his gaze lingering on the swell of her

breasts beneath the sheer fabric of her dress.

Bella smiled seductively. She slid her ass across the plush

leather seats and ran a hand along Joshua’s inner thigh. He tensed
slightly, knowing how he was reacting to her.

“My demons were not successful, but I was.” As she spoke,

Joshua raised his hand to her throat and stroked down the curve of
her neck to her breast. “We are going to need your resources after
all, and you’re going to give me all I want and need.”

She spoke sweetly, as she reached for the fly of Joshua’s

trousers. He groaned as her fingers slid inside the opening and
curled around his hard cock.

“Whatever you need, Bella,” he groaned as she petted his

cock, “you shall have.”

As it should be. Then she lowered her head, her mouth taking

the place of her fingers.

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Chapter 7

Eve’s thoughts turned to Kane. Guilt swamped over her. Had

she just cheated on him by accepting Sin’s kiss? As soon as his lips
touched hers, his smell and his flavor intoxicated her. Eve’s
thoughts scattered. She surrendered to the feel of his touch, his
lips, his demanding tongue as it slipped into her mouth, plundering
its depths.

He pulled back. Slowly she opened her eyes feeling

bewildered, dazed and extremely aroused.

“Come on, sweetheart, I’ll take you home to your


Mutely, she let him guide her towards a black Jaguar. He

pulled a set of keys from his pants pocket.

She thought it strange he wasn’t demanding more than just a

kiss from her, but the night was far from over, and he’d just
opened up to her in a way she never expected, either.

With a click of the black electronic-locking device, he opened

the car door and assisted her into the passenger seat. The car smelt
like it had just rolled off the assembly line, the interior freshly
polished black leather, trimmed in blue.

“What’s worrying you, sweetheart?” He slipped behind the

steering wheel and studied her intently.


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“We have an understanding,” he muttered, looking slightly

irritated she’d brought him up again. “That’s something else I need
to discuss with you.” He started the car.

She buckled her seatbelt and noticed Sin didn’t.
“Safety first. Buckle up.”
A flicker of amusement crossed his face. He reached for his

seatbelt, complying with her command.

“Thanks, sweetheart. Looking after me already, I see.”
“That, and the cops could pull you over. Now what’s this

about an understanding?”

He pulled out smoothly onto the road, navigating the traffic

and the Vegas streets with ease. He headed toward the outskirts of
the eastern side of Vegas. It didn’t worry her that he knew where
to go. As she had with Kane, she assumed he already knew her
address from her personnel file.

“It’s a simple understanding; you will have to choose between

us. It seems neither of us wants to give you up.”

Apparently, moments of stunned silence for Eve were

becoming a frequent occurrence around Kane and Sin––especially
around Sin. It took her a few seconds to assimilate Sin’s words.
Her stomach knotted in shock, yet he’d spoken as if it was the most
normal thing on the planet to say.

“You’re going to make me choose between you?” Surely, she

misheard. She gawked at him in disbelief. He forced a smile,
suddenly looking nervous.

“I know it’s not the ideal situation, but Kane is a friend and



” Sin faltered.

She narrowed her eyes, as her anger began to simmer.
Despite his being tall, dangerously sexy and able to make her

feel for him in ways she never thought possible, he seriously lacked
skills when it came to dealing with other people. He just laid things
out as he saw them.

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“And did either of you think to ask me? I just might decide to

walk away from you both.”

He gripped the steering wheel so tight, Eve thought he might

tear the thing off.

“That won’t happen. I won’t allow it.”
“You won’t allow it? Who died and made you God?” The look

Sin gave her was baffling.

“Well, I’m not the God, just a god,” he muttered.
Oh great, the man has a god complex to boot.
Eve gripped onto the armrest of the Jag and stared ahead at

the road. As soon as Sin pulled up outside her apartment block, she
opened the door.

“Thanks for the lift.” She scooted out of the car.
Sin moved way too damn fast, easily catching up with her

hurried strides. It seemed he had no intention of letting her escape.

“Eve, wait.”
“You don’t need to walk me in. I’m home and I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. I know from your expression that I’ve said

or done the wrong thing again. I’m not going leave you here in this
place alone. I want you to move into the casino, where you’ll be

Eve gave a snort. What was it with these men suddenly trying

to take over her life and run it as if they owned her?

“You two really are in league with each other.”
“When it comes to keeping you safe, Eve, we are in complete

agreement. You and your grandmother will be better off in your
own suite, and I did promise to give you whatever you wanted. I
would have thought a smart girl like you would take advantage of
that, even if it’s just to provide better care for your grandmother.
You care about her, so that makes me care, too.”

Eve wanted to curse him for making such a damn good point.

She did want better care for her grandmother. Even if Sin did

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sound half-crazy, she knew he was wealthy enough to provide her
grandmother with better medication and care.

“All right.” She sighed.
Sin followed her with a triumphant smirk, but the smile fell

once he entered the building. He took hold of her hand and they
walked up three flights of stairs to her small apartment.

“The sooner you’re out of here, the better.”
Eve could tell he was trying to hide the disgusted tone of his

voice, but just like Kane, he had little success.

Sin stood sentry as she unlocked the door and opened it. Mrs.

Quando smiled up as Eve entered. Her eyes widened in surprise to
see Sin standing behind her.

“My, my, Eve. Of all the things to have followed you home.”
Eve felt a sting of jealously as Mrs. Quando admired Sin.
“This is Sin Templeton, Mrs. Quando. He’s my, um, boss. He

gave me a lift home.”

The older lady chuckled, rose to her feet and walked towards

the door. “No need to explain, Eve. Your grandmother went to
bed just a half-hour ago.”

Eve reached for her purse, but startled when Sin placed his

hand on hers to stop her. He whipped out a black leather wallet.

“Thank you for your services to Eve’s grandmother, but they

will no longer be required after tomorrow.” He pulled out more
hundred-dollar notes than Eve could count and placed them in
Mrs. Quando’s hands.

“But of course, sir.” Mrs. Quando smiled widely, as she

pocketed the cash. “Got yourself a good man here, Eve.” And with
that, Mrs. Quando made a quick exit.

Sin closed the front door and slid the bolt into place. Both

nervousness and excitement ran through Eve. She licked her lips
and took a few paces back into her apartment, almost tripping
backward over the coffee table. Sin was quick to catch her before
she fell.

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A seductive smile played on his lips as he tugged her tight

against his body. She gasped when he bent his large frame and
nuzzled his lips against her neck. Eve’s pulse quickened faster than
galloping horses.

“I need you more than the moon needs to shine in the

heavens, sweetheart.”

“I-I need to check on Grandma Pat,” Eve managed

breathlessly. She felt Sin’s reluctance to let her go, but he did. On
wobbly feet, she managed to walk the short distance to her
grandmother’s room, opened the door a crack and peered in.
Seeing the steady rise and fall of her grandmother’s chest as she
slept peacefully, Eve shut the door quietly.

She returned. Sin leaned casually against the island bench of

her small kitchen. His golden eyes regarded her with a burning
intensity which stole her breath. He pushed away from the counter
and moved towards her. Eve was trembling, even before he raised
his hand to run it gently down across her face, feathering his fingers
over her chin and following the curve down her neck. He stopped
just below the neckline of her top.

“You are beautiful to me, Eve. You have made me feel so

much, in such a short time. It makes me want to run from you and
to you at the same time.”

At that moment, she realized this big, powerful man was

humbling himself before her. He placed the choice into her small
hands. She could destroy him by telling him no, but she didn’t
want to.

She reached for his hand, nuzzling into his palm.
“Don’t run again.” Her body, already aroused, heated further

when she glanced up to see his gaze turn predatory. His golden
eyes darkened with the same hungry desire she had seen the first
time he almost made love to her.

Quick as a flash, he wrapped her in his arms and held her

against his hard-muscled length.

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“Know, sweetheart, once we start, I will not stop this time.”
She let her fingers slide up to hold onto his shoulders. She

didn’t want Sin to stop, but the thought of her grandmother in the
next room and Kane, who she agreed to date, forced her to cling
to a last shred of reason. She pushed on his shoulders, and Sin
pulled back slightly, with his beautiful eyes searching hers.

“We can’t,” she whispered.
“Why not?” A wounded look flashed across Sin’s face.
“Grandma and Kane.”
“Sweetheart, I promise no one will hear you scream your

pleasure for me

Eve’s stomach clenched at his words, and she felt her panties

dampen even more than they already had.

“And Kane is not going to mind. Besides, I know he will want

his chance with you later. That is, if you want.”

Sin didn’t look too happy with the idea, but it did make her

wonder about the other man.

“Tonight, be mine. Let me give you pleasure beyond the


“And what happens tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow and the rest of eternity are in your hands. The

choice is yours, but understand this, no matter your choice, I am
never going to leave you. I am your fool to command for the rest
of time.”

Like butter in his hot hands, the last of her resolve melted by

the vulnerability in Sin’s words and eyes.

A realization came over her that he was just as much hers to

command as she was his. This knowledge imbued her with a new
sense of power, power she never felt before. It made her bolder,
impish even.

“I do believe you owe me, Sin Templeton.” Eve watched as

surprise and confusion flickered across his face. She snaked her

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fingers around the back of his head. “You promised me a night of
passion I wouldn’t regret. I’m now holding you to your words.”

Sin groaned against her lips, as she tugged him close and

kissed him with the heat and fever burning inside her.

“Mine,” he breathed between her lips and hungrily kissed her

back. He plunged his tongue to taste and overtake her mouth.

She gave in to the decadence of Sin.
He lifted her. Automatically, she wrapped her arms around

his neck and her legs wound round his waist, opening her body to
him. Sin ground his pelvis against hers, and she felt his hard cock
through the barrier of their clothing. It hit right into her core as he
pressed her back against a wall.

Lost in a haze of lust-drunk sensation, she whimpered and

shifted her hips, trying to get closer to his cock and increase the
pleasure shooting through her body.

Through it all, Eve realized Sin moved them into her small

sparse bedroom.

“I only have a single bed,” she managed to gasp.
“Sweetheart.” Sin shifted her again.
She squealed as she was thrown down on the bed. Sin hovered

over her, his hands running across her hips and finding the
waistband of her shorts. He hastily tugged them down and off her
body. “We are not going to be doing much sleeping.”

Naked before him while Sin still had on most of his clothing,

Eve gazed up to where he hovered above her, scared he would do
what he did before. But then he hastily peeled off his clothes, not
even bothering with the buttons of his expensive silk shirt. He tore
it open and shucked it off, tossing it carelessly to the ground. Next,
his pants came off just as haphazardly. Either Sin was not practiced
in undressing himself, or he was too desperate to care. To have
such an effect on him was both humbling and empowering at the
same time.

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She didn’t have time to admire the expanse of his wonderful

golden body; she only glimpsed muscles, flesh and skin honed like
a perfect work of art made by the gods themselves.

In the next moment, her brain short-circuited, all thinking

ground to a halt and pleasure took over at the feel of his hot, naked
flesh pressed against hers. He pushed her down into the mattress.
She loved the feel of his weight and his heat. His hands were
everywhere on her body at once. He stole her breath, sucking the
air from her lungs, as his tongue hungrily stabbed into her mouth.

At the feel of his thick fingers sliding down into her wet heat,

she arched her hips.

“You’re wet, sweetheart, but I need to make you wetter

before you can take me.”

Sin’s voice sounded strained, husky and desperate.
Yet, Eve hadn’t registered his words until he shifted off her

and grabbed her knees, pushing them wide. He threw her legs over
his shoulders, and then he buried his face between them. She
yelped at the first long swipe of his tongue over her clit, before she
relaxed into the wet fire of Sin’s mouth. He lapped and swirled at
her sensitive bundle of nerves.

Her skin pebbled with tight goose bumps, and perspiration

broke out over her body, as the intense sensation pushed her
towards the peak. It took only a few moments before her world
and body shattered. Eve wailed and sobbed out her orgasm. She
clutched at Sin’s head, trying to push him off, but he wouldn’t
move, nor would he relent. Instead, he pushed two thick fingers
into her spasming channel. It burned as he scissored his fingers,
stretching her.


” she gasped, “I can’t

ooh, God.”

“Yes, you can. Trust me. I know you can take it. I need to get

you ready to make it good.”

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He pulled back, gazing up at her from between her legs. “If

want me to stop, tell me. I don’t want to hurt you. Promise me
you’ll tell me, okay?”

“I promise.” she whispered, touched by concern. “I want this,


Sin again sank his fingers into her. She moaned, giving her

body over to Sin’s talented touch. He continued to slowly push in
and out of her with his fingers, bringing her down. He suddenly
sucked on her highly sensitive nub again and pushed a third finger
into her, pushing them deep. She winced in pain when he hit her
barrier, but didn’t push through it. He kept tormenting her,
winding up her body. When he lightly bit down on her clit, she
went spiraling over into another climax so fast, it left her light-
headed and dizzily panting for breath.

Sin withdrew his fingers, moving so swiftly she hardly noticed

him shift. He placed himself between her thighs. She felt the large
head of his cock at her entrance. Sin distracted her by reclaiming
her lips, licking, sucking and nipping at them as he pushed his cock
slowly into her.

“By the great God Anu, you’re so damn tight.”
Sin groaned, shifting his hips while sawing into her, forcing

her walls open to accommodate the invading cock, pausing only
when he hit her barrier.

He felt so damn big, almost too big. If she hadn’t been so wet

or so relaxed with the two climaxes he’d given her, Eve would
have been panicking. But she understood it would have hurt a hell
of a lot more if Sin hadn’t made her ready.

Sin caged her in his arms and paused to let her adjust. His

large hands cradled her head.

“Look at me, sweetheart.”
She opened her eyes and stared up into the deep, golden


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“I can’t promise you this won’t hurt, but I will make it good. I

swear on it by the gods.”

Sin shifted his hips suddenly, plunging all the way in with a

single, powerful thrust. She gaspe in surprise by the burst of pain,
but he was there covering her mouth with his own, catching her
cry. His body stilled for a long moment and his kiss gentled. The
pain began to ease, to be replaced with a feeling of being
overwhelmingly full.

An energy pulsed through her, her whole body tingled and

shook. Her body began to hum with a strange power, making her
feel stronger, smarter.

Relishing the feel of Sin inside her, Eve knew there was more

to come. She was ravenous for it. Slowly, he released her lips and
raised his head. She saw his concerned, strained expression.

* * * *

“Sweetheart, are you alright?” Seeing the pain flash though

Eve’s lovely green eyes tore at his heart and soul, even if he knew
it was unavoidable. Her tight channel squeezed around his cock.
He struggled to remain still while she adjusted. Instantly, he knew
he could never have any other woman but her—he was where he

He watched her swallow, drawing in deep breaths, then felt

her trying to shift her hips making her already tight channel clench
around him. He groaned.

“So good, give me more!”
Her expression was one of pure want. His tigress burst forth

from her shy kitten shell.

Sin couldn’t contain his smile. “My pleasure, I did promise

you a deep, hard fucking.”

“Yes, do it.”
She clawed at his shoulders, shifting her hips and locking her

legs around his.

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He loved her eager responses. Sin moved his hips, pulling

almost all the way out of her. The slickness of her juices, combined
with her virgin blood, now spilled on his cock, making his path
easier. He plunged back in, and she gasped at the force of his

He wasn’t going to relent. He pounded into her as deeply as

ever, her rounded, soft body a cushion for him, as he thrust into
her at a jack-hammering pace. He could hold onto her tightly and
not fear her breaking.

Sin closed his eyes and enjoyed the pure bliss the friction of

their bodies coming together caused. For a moment, he actually
forgot about reining in his powers as he needed to do with every
mortal woman he fucked. They pulsed and shimmered around
them as the pleasure grew, pushing him towards the pinnacle. The
sound of her crying out his name, the feel of her tight pussy
convulsing around him, as she came pushed him over the edge.

His thrusts became shorter and jerky as he strained to reach

completion, a completion which only his Eve could provide.

The stars of the heavens exploded behind his eyes as his body

shuddered and his every nerve ending felt bathed in rapture.

Drained of strength and utterly sated, he collapsed forward

onto Eve’s soft body. When she muffled a protest at being crushed
by his weight, he barely managed to grip her tightly and roll to the
side, not wanting to be parted from the wet heat still encasing his

“Never have I felt like this.” His limbs felt languid and heavy.

He draped her body across his like a blanket and gazed up into her
emerald eyes.

“What is it you feel?”
Sin could feel the fog of sleep tugging at him. He wrapped his

arms around her to keep her close. “Complete, sweetheart.
Complete,” he murmured, before letting the darkness claim him.

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Chapter 8

Eve’s eyes snapped open and she glanced over at Sin. She

must have dozed off. Sin’s soft snoring told her that he was still

Eve pulled from his arms. Her tingling body and alert mind

made her feel more alive than she ever felt before. Energy buzzed
through her being, making her hungry, filling her with a craving,
but not for food. She wanted more sex.

Oh, so strange, yet exhilarating at the same time. Shouldn’t

she be feeling sore? No pain, no discomfort, only a hunger coursing
through her like high voltage electricity. She gazed down at her
sleeping lover. Her body cried out, wanting to release the energy
captured inside.

“Sin?” She shook him; he snored in response. Eve was

annoyed––annoyed he wouldn’t wake up when she wanted more
of him, more of his cock deep inside her. She climbed off the bed
and stood up.

Sin dominated the the small bed. His naked feet hung off the

end. “Sin, I want more.” She tried shaking him again. This time he
grunted and turned over, mumbling something in a strange

Eve paced like a caged tiger. The vibrant feelings running

through her needed to be let out, her body needing, no craving a

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She huffed out a breath. Fine, if Sin couldn’t provide what she

needed, someone else would. Her mind instantly swung to Kane.
She remembered the hungry look in his eyes. Hadn’t Sin said Kane
wanted her too?

With the idea now firmly planted in her mind, she stomped

naked from the bedroom and into the bathroom. She quickly
showered, hastily dried herself off and returned to her room—Sin
still snored.

Eve yanked open her closet to examine her clothing. A smile

spread across her face as she reached for a little black dress she
bought long ago. But she never had an occasion––or the courage––
to wear it out in public.

She snorted in disgust. That was the old Eve. This Eve was

alive and hungry for more of the sensual pleasures Sin had given
her, and she would do anything to get it.

She dressed and ran a brush through her hair, applied a touch

of cosmetics, then searched the floor.

Eve bent down and scooped up Sin’s black pants, fumbling

around in his pockets until she found his car keys. Without a
second thought, she left the apartment and headed downstairs.

* * * *

A buzzing sound woke Kane. He rolled over to stare bleary-

eyed at the clock on his bedside table. It was two thirty in the
morning. Grego was supposed to be on duty for the graveyard
shift. Kane frowned as the buzzing of his door became more
insistent. Grumbling, he yanked back the sheets, then grabbed a
robe from the nearby chair, covered his naked body and marched
through the suite he stayed in at the Casino.

“This better be damn good

Eve!?” Surprised at the sight of

her standing there, Kane faltered. His gaze roamed across the sexy
little black dress. It hugged every fantastic curve of her body. The
six-inch fuck-me high-heel shoes added some height to her short

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frame. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders and, backlit by
the hallway light, gave her an angelic glow.

Kane swallowed. His body instantly reacted to just how damn

sexy she looked gazing up at him with her big, green eyes.

Kane frowned.
What is she doing here at such a late hour?
Before he could voice his concern, Eve grabbed his satin robe,

yanked him down with a strength he never knew she possessed,
and kissed him deeply with a hungry, wanton passion.

Kane groaned as he wrapped his arms around her. He lifted

her off her feet and stumbled backwards into the suite. Then, just
as her hot little tongue pushed into his mouth, he tripped and fell
on his ass.

“I need you, Kane, right now,” she whispered breathlessly

between kisses across his chin and down his throat. “Say you want
me. Say you need me.”

Her hands skimmed up and down his torso. The friction of the

dress and no bra brushed erotically against his chest. She turned
and pushed her ass against his now-exposed hard cock.

Kane realized she was not wearing any underwear.
“Good god, baby doll. I need you, but are you sure?” He

gasped when she deliberately slid the crack of her ass along his

Overcome by his need and his lust for her, Kane pushed aside

his sense of reason, enjoying the aggressive tigress now pawing at
him with her claws. Kane managed to slam the door shut with his
foot before Eve sat up on him and peeled off her dress.

The glory of Eve’s lush body only inflamed his lust. He

reached up to cup her full breasts in his hands. He was in breast
heaven. Certainly, her breasts were something he would never tire

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She leaned over him invitingly. Kane didn’t hesitate to suck a

hardened nipple into his mouth. Eve’s delighted whimpers spurred
him on to taste and tease each in turn, but Eve seemed more
desperate than he was. Pulling back, her hand reached around and
stroked his hard cock.

“Baby doll, I wanna take this slow and make love to you as I


“No,” she growled, moving to position herself over him.
Feeling the wet heat of her pussy had him clenching his

stomach muscles to stop himself from coming.

“Need you in me, now.”
They both groaned as she sank down, enveloping him in her

tight, wet heat. Kane threw back his head at the sheer bliss of her
surrounding him. Good god, she was tight. So wet and hot. It took
him a moment to realize there was no virginal barrier. Someone
had fucked her first and Kane knew exactly who.

He emptied his mind of thoughts. When she rolled her hips,

he focused on the intense pleasure. She shifted her hips, pulled
herself up, and then let the weight of her body sink her back down
on him. He opened his eyes to see her face taut with pleasure, as
she moved quickly, settling into a rhythm. She panted and moaned.

Kane gripped her hips, trying to regain some measure of

control. He tugged her close and rolled them until she was under

“Harder, faster! Fuck me, Kane!”
Her breathless demands made him lose control, and he thrust

wildly into her, taking his pleasure. Each of her whimpers and
moans pushed him higher.

Eve’s body convulsed. She cried out, as her tight pussy pulsed

and clenched around his hammering cock. Kane’s thrusts became
shorter and faster and he groaned when the orgasm started to race
through his body.

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He bent down to kiss her, feeling a sudden spike of energy

pass into him as he came. Eve went limp beneath him, as his cock
jerked, emptying his seed into her, then Kane fell forward onto her
soft, lush body.

Not since his youth had he come so quickly with a woman,

but then again, he never experienced such intense emotions
towards a woman as he did Eve. The sex was amazing, because she
was amazing. Kane felt energized, alive, and once again, in

“Baby doll, you are an incredible woman, you know that?

Even better than I imagined.”

Her honey blond eyelashes fluttered open, her eyes were

unfocused, glazed.

“Tired,” she mumbled. “So tired.”
Even before he pulled from her body, Eve’s soft, even

breathing told him that she’d fallen asleep on the carpet. Kane
withdrew from her, then gathered her sleeping form in his arms.
Lifting her, he carried her to his bed, removed her shoes and
tenderly kissed her forehead, as he settled her under the covers.

He wondered about the change in her. This was not the shy,

accident-prone woman he knew. Something was up for her to act
so out of character. A brief flicker of guilt came and passed. She
wanted him, and he had taken advantage of this situation by letting
her have her way.

The whole situation smelled of Sin’s magic. Accustomed to

the powerful tingle in the air whenever he was around Sin, he felt
it now pass from Eve into him. No doubt Sin had been up to no

He had broken their agreement and used his powers on her. It

meant the gloves were off. If Sin wanted to fight dirty, so would

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He let out a slow breath as he climbed into bed and curled

himself around Eve’s beautiful body. He loved the way she fit so
nicely against him.

Sin may have fucked her first, but Kane would now have to

find out what had been done to his little Eve. Right now, he wasn’t
complaining. She was here in his bed and he would use every
earthly power at his disposal to keep her there––Sin be damned.

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Chapter 9

Groggy and unfocused, Sin rolled over only to encounter

nothing but air. His head hit a bedside table, toppling a lamp, as he
fell with a heavy thud onto a threadbare carpeted floor.

Sin cursed loudly as he sat up. What by the gods’ names was

wrong with him? Never in all his existence had he felt like this. Did
he have what humans called a hangover? Impossible, alcohol didn’t
affect gods the same way it did humans.

Memories of Eve flashed through is mind, the blissful pleasure

of her soft body as she writhed beneath him, the tightness of her
virgin channel sheathing his cock.

That particular recollection had him growing hard.
His clothes lay in a rumpled heap on the floor. Sin summoned

his powers. The simple action of making the rumpled clothing
vanish and a fresh set appear on his body left him panting for
breath. What the hell? Why do my powers feel weakened?

He took a moment to examine his god powers. There was

little Sin couldn’t do while living in the Human Realm, but then
again, he was the son of a god and goddess. His powers were
genetically inherited.

He tried to think what could have happened, but drew a blank

after falling asleep while holding Eve in his arms.

He should ask her. What would he ask her? Sweetheart, know of

anyone who could have drained some of my god powers? Oh, by the way, I
forgot to tell you, I’m a six-thousand-year-old Sumerian moon god

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Sin envisioned her either running screaming, or classifying

him as utterly insane. Sooner or later, he was going to have to tell
her the truth.

He sucked in slow, even breaths to calm his breathing before

he yanked open the bedroom door, then marched out. Eve was
clearly not in the tiny apartment. He walked to Grandma Pat’s
door and peered in on the elderly woman, relieved she slept

Sin closed the door, suddenly uncertain of what to do. Why

did Eve leave me alone with Grandma? Would she be back? Is she out
fetching breakfast?

Damn fire demons, he knew nothing about her daily life,

apart from her working at his Temple. It was something he would
rectify as soon as possible. He would make sure she received a cell
phone or put a tracker on her from now on. Not knowing where
she went was unsettling. What if she is in trouble?

He stood still, closed his eyes and summoned his powers to

seek her out. When nothing came to him, he started to growl in
frustration. How could the woman be beyond his power to track

He summoned a cell phone; the object appeared in his hand.
As much as it grated against his pride, he called Kane. If

anyone could locate his little wayward mate it would be him.

“You’ve got a hell of a lot to answer for, Sin,” Kane answered

on the second ring.

“You know where she is?”
“The little beauty queen is still asleep in my bed.”
Kane’s answer momentarily stunned him, then he growled in

anger, knowing she left their bed to go to Kane.

With a pop, Sin teleported to stand outside Kane’s apartment

in his casino.

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Sin could feel his weakened power slowly regaining strength,

but even the simple act of teleporting left him winded. Whatever
the hell was going on, he didn’t like it.

He waited a moment, and then reached for the door handle of

Kane’s apartment. It swung inward before he even touched it.

“I thought you’d turn up, you two-faced bastard.”
Sin glanced over Kane’s half-naked form.
Kane shoved him with surprising force, making him stumble

several paces back into the corridor. Kane closed the door behind

“You fucked her!” Sin growled angrily, letting his temper go.

She was his woman, damn it.

“And you haven’t! She wasn’t a virgin when she came to me

early this morning; you did something to her. You used your
powers on her.”

“I did not. I’ve never used my powers directly on her.”
“Whatever you did, it messed with her.”
Sin clenched his fist, ready to deck Kane, when he suddenly

felt it. He froze to focus on the subtle power emanating from
Kane, not just any power, but his.

“You have my power.”
Kane gave him a blank stare. “That is impossible, I do not.”
“I can feel it, Kane; how the hell did my powers transfer from

me to you?”

Kane’s confused expression showed exactly what Sin felt.
“I’m human, in case you didn’t remember and there is no way

I could have your powers unless you gave them to me. I think
you’re changing the subject. Did you or did you not use your
powers on her or around her?”

“I gave you my word as a god, Kane; you know I can’t break


Kane relaxed his stance, but folded his arms across his chest.
“Then what do we do?”

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“Continue with the plan, as well as find out what the hell is

going on with my powers.”

“You’d better come in then and have a talk to our little lady

when she wakes up. It’s time she made a choice and time we told
her the truth.”

“What if she runs on us?” The thought twisted Sin’s gut.
“Let’s face it, are either of us going to let her do that?”
Kane was again right. Even if she did freak out at the news,

she would eventually have to calm down and face the truth. They
wouldn’t let her go anywhere until she had. For now, she belonged
to them.

* * * *

Eve groaned and rolled over, trying to shake the heavy groggy

feeling from her mind before attempting to open her eyes.

Small rays of sunshine were attempting to break through the

heavily curtained window across the large room. Eve frowned in
confusion. This wasn’t her bedroom, or her bed. She swallowed,
her mouth felt a little dry, like she had drunk too much last night.

“Morning, baby doll.”
Her eyes followed the deep voice, and she sat up to gawk at

Kane standing at the foot of the bed.

“Where am I?”
“My room at the casino; you were one hell of a little vixen last

night, not that I’m complaining, but Sin’s here and we need to
have a talk.”

“We had sex?” she blurted out, feeling the heat rise into her


Kane raised a surprised eyebrow.
“You don’t remember? Surely I wasn’t that bad? You came.”
She opened her mouth, and then closed it again, not sure of

what to say.

“Next time, I’m going to have to make sure you remember

everything we do.”

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He came around the side of the bed, clutched the back of her

head and bent down and kissed her deeply, hungrily.

The grogginess slipped away to be replaced by the heat of

desire. Eve curled her fingers into his shoulders, tugging him

She heard him groan, and in the next instant, he pushed her

back on the bed.

“This is not talking.” Irritation dripped from Sin’s tone.
Startled, Eve broke the kiss, trying to scramble out from

under Kane. He calmly kept her pinned to the bed, as he glanced
sideways at Sin. He stood in the middle of the doorway with his
arms folded, his expression matching his irate voice.

Kane smirked and slowly pushed back, releasing her from his

grip. “You know just as well as I do how tempting she is.”

“Keep it in your pants. We need to talk, remember?”
It was then Eve realized she was buck naked. Gasping, she felt

herself flush even more crimson. She grabbed the sheet, ripping it
off the bed to cover herself.

Kane chuckled. “It’s a bit late for modesty now, baby doll.

I’ve seen every gorgeous curve you got, and by the sounds of it, so
has he.”

He hooked a thumb towards the still scowling Sin.
She didn’t care. She was not used to being naked around men,

even if she had slept with them both. Sin she remembered, but
Kane she didn’t.

Kane walked to a chair, grabbed a robe and tossed it at her.

Sin turned and walked out. Kane followed, leaving her feeling like
she’d been caught with her pants down and her hand in the cookie
jar, all at the same time. Only she didn’t understand why.

She pulled on the robe, climbed off the bed, feeling something

sticky between her legs. She bent over, glancing at the drying
semen on her inner thighs. Shit, she wasn’t on birth control. She

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slapped her palm against her head at her own stupidity. If she got
pregnant, she wouldn’t know who the father was.

She was in it deep—Sin or Kane? The thought of being forced

to choose between them made her feel ill. In just one week, both
Sin and Kane had barreled into her life, turned her small little
world upside down and inside out.

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, making her feel

dizzy. She’d fallen in love with them both. Is that even possible? Oh
God, what a mess she was in.

What was she going to say to them? What would her

grandmother think? She froze, thinking of her grandmother; she
was alone in the apartment.

Eve swiveled around, seeing a black phone by the side of the

bed. Quickly, she dialed Mrs. Quando’s number.

Thankfully, she was in and more than happy to go and watch

over her grandmother, as she’d been paid really well the last few
days. She had a spare key for such emergencies. But Eve needed to
go home in the next few hours as Mrs. Quando was going to her
pottery class. Eve promised she’d be there.

She found the bathroom and hurried through a shower. With

nothing else to wear except the robe Kane gave her, she belted it
tightly around her waist, toweled her hair dry and combed it out.
She sucked in a deep breath before padding out barefoot to face her
two men.

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Chapter 10

He wanted her badly; the sheer silk robe Kane had given her

did nothing to hide her generous curves. The pale skin of her bare
legs and thighs made him hard enough to chisel marble. Sin leaned
against a wall near the window, tracking her every move.

Her hair hung down and curled around her shoulders, making

him want to slide his fingers into her damp tresses and inhale her
scent before licking her neck and tasting her skin. His mouth
watered at remembering how good she tasted.

Sin noticed Kane walked a little awkwardly, realzing he

sported a hard-on. He glared at Kane and understood he was
having similar thoughts about his woman.

The frown of worry on her face didn’t do anything to help his


“Why did you leave last night?” Sin demanded, and then

inwardly winced at his harsh tone, knowing it would have an
adverse effect.

“I don’t remember leaving; I don’t remember coming here

either, or anything until I woke up,” she defended herself, flushing
crimson at his accusation.

Now he felt bad for upsetting her.
“Way to go, genius.” Kane glared at him. “Don’t blame her

for your stupid mistakes.”

“Don’t take that tone with me, Kane,” warned Sin. He pushed

off the wall taking a threatening step towards Kane.

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Irritation mixed with arousal was making him unable to think

clearly. Sin was feeling more like a primitive beast, wanting to
simply drag Eve off to his cave and keep her there. Then again,
he’d never been in love before and the whole thing made him

“Don’t fight!” Eve demanded, standing between them. Her

head moved from him then towards Kane like an umpire in a tennis
match. “Sin, I remember our time together. You made me feel
wonderful.” She softened her tone, meeting his gaze, then turned
to look at Kane “But, I seemed too have blacked out after. I’m
sorry, Kane, I can’t remember what we did.”

“Baby doll, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
Sin stood rigid in anger, as Kane crossed the floor to take her

into his arms.

“Damn the heavens, stop poaching in on my woman!” Enough

was enough. He stalked forward, took hold of her arm, pulling Eve
out of Kane’s arms. Sin spun her around, tilted her head back and
caught her lips with his in a deep, punishing kiss.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he plundered her

silken depths. Damn it, he wanted to fuck her again right now and
he didn’t care if Kane watched. Sin would stake his claim to her in
front of him, proving once and for all she was his.

“If you’re going to do that in front of me, you could at least

have the courtesy of leaving, or letting me join in,” Kane said in a
tight voice.

Sin broke their kiss to turn around and glare at Kane. Eve

drew in a sharp breath, her eyes glazed over in passion and

“I’m not sharing her.”
Kane folded his arms. “Looks like we already have. What do

you want, baby doll? Or, should I ask, who do you want? I think
we need to settle this once and for all.”

“Who do you want, Eve, me or Kane?” Sin repeated.

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“Neither of you, if you’re both going to keep acting like

childish school boys. I’m not a toy you can fight over.”

She pushed at Sin’s chest. Reluctantly, he let her go. She

stumbled back a few feet.

“We know you’re not a toy.”
Kane stepped forward, but Eve put up her hand to ward him

off, making Sin smirk in satisfaction.

“I can’t choose either of you, because I love you both!”
She gasped and slapped her hand over her mouth. She looked

as surprised by her declaration as Sin and Kane were.

“Both of us?” Kane asked first.
“I-I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that, but you both made

me so mad at your childish behavior. Kane, you’re sweet, caring,
sensitive, everything a woman dreams of having. Sin, you’re a bit
strange around people, but I love your cocky confidence and strong
determination. I tried to deny the attraction and thought you were
both crazy, but I can’t help but love both of you.” Eve’s chin lifted
in clear determination. “How can I possibly choose between you?
Well, I’m not going to and you can’t make me.”

Guilt swamped over Sin for forcing her into this situation. Her

angry expression morphed into one of clear distress. Her chin
wobbled and she started backing towards the bedroom door.

“I’m sorry if it puts either of you out, but it’s how I feel.” She

choked on a sob, swiftly spun on her heel and fled the room.

Making Eve cry was bad enough, but he knew it wasn’t

entirely his fault. Sin turned on Kane.

“Make her choose, you said. Who’s the genius now?” Sin was

of two minds, not knowing whether to beat Kane senseless, or go
after Eve. Instead, he stood there glaring at Kane, undecided.

“How was I to know she’d fall in love with us both?” Kane

suddenly grinned. “She loves me. Not that I can blame her. After
all, I am irresistible. How she ever fell in love with you, though, is
a complete mystery. But stranger things have happened.”

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“Shut up.” Sin ran a frustrated hand through his dark hair. “If

this is being in love, then I’m not sure I want it.”

“Well, you’ve got it and so do I. Damn, this opens up one hell

of a big can of worms.” Kane walked over to his bar by the corner
of the room, taking out two glasses and a bottle of malt whisky.
Kane poured out two glasses before walking back over to hand Sin
one. “I know this doesn’t affect you, but I’ve got a hard-on from
hell, and right now, I need this.” He threw back the drink.

Sin followed suit, feeling the burn of the liquor as it ran down

his throat before letting the brief, dizzying buzz pass, as it always
did when he drank alcohol.

“I don’t know about you, Sin, but I love Eve and I’m willing

to do just about anything to make her happy. Even if it means I
have to share her with you.”

Share the one woman destined to be his one true soul mate

with another man? Just how much had he fallen for this human
woman? Deep down, Sin knew it was a hell of a lot. He studied
Kane’s passive expression. Still, he clung to the hope he wouldn’t
have to share her, that he could keep her for himself. But the
possibility became more remote with every breath he took, and it
wasn’t as if he hadn’t shared women before. He and his twin did it
often in their younger years. But Eve wasn’t some woman—he
loved her.

“I am a god; I don’t share.” Even in his ears, his words

sounded childish. Damn it.

Kane slammed down his glass on the bar top. “Just how long

are you going to keep this ‘I’m a god’ shit up? If anything, in a few
measly years, both Eve and I will be dead, anyway. So why the hell
are you bothering? Eve is human and so am I, damn it. Either deal
with it, or get the hell out.”

Sin shook his head and walked to the bar, snatching the bottle

from Kane’s hand before he could pour himself another drink.
Lifting it, he drank down half of it, and then slammed it back on

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the countertop. He pointed a finger at Kane, while the buzz of the
whiskey passed through him.

“That woman has turned my cozy little life upside down. I

have feelings I never wanted to feel, finding myself indecisive and
unsure. And now, all because of her, I have to deal with sharing?”

Kane gave him an irritated look. “It’s what’s called being

human, Sin. You’ve never experienced what we lowly mortals
have to go through. What you’re feeling is just the tip of the
iceberg. When it boils down to the quick, you have to ask yourself,
what are you willing to do to keep her? Does she really mean that
much to you, or not. And can we get along well enough to share

“We were friends before Eve walked in, and I see no reason

not to continue that way. It could work, especially in her favor. I
mean, what woman doesn’t fantasize about two men at her beck
and call? Just as the bulk of men fantasize about two or more
women to pleasure them.”

That point Sin couldn’t refute. He’d had more than his share

of harems over the centuries. He didn’t want to lose Eve, as she
was special and he needed her.

“Feel honored, mortal, I’m even considering this.” Sin


Kane gave a strained laugh. “Just keep your dick away from

mine and it’ll work out fine. Now, I think we better go comfort
our woman as a united front before she thinks we don’t care at all
and tears out of here even in that robe.”

Sin clenched his fist. “Like fuck, she will.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
Sin reached out, gripping Kane by the shoulder, then he drew

every last jolt of power out of the other man, pulling it back into

“Ouch, what the fuck, man?” Kane ripped himself away from

Sin’s grasp, rubbing at his shoulder as if he’d been burned.

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“Just taking back what’s mine, Kane. I don’t know how you

got my powers, but I will find out.”

“Fine, but right now we need to focus on Eve.”
Sin nodded his agreement and followed Kane into the


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Chapter 11

Eve searched through Kane’s closet, finding and slipping on

one of his white t-shirts. She was looking for pants when the door
to the bedroom opened.

Both men stood in muted silence while she poured her

feelings out to them. Her heart twisted in pain and anger; why
hadn’t they said anything? She figured they were more content to
argue with each other, than listen to her.

It is too late, isn’t it? She needed to get out, go home and

maybe try and resume some kind of normal life without either
man. The thought of being alone made her heart ache.

Sin’s deep, sexy voice startled her. She jumped, swinging

around only to lose her footing and fall backwards into the closet.

“See, there’s the woman I know and adore.”
Kane bent down, gripped her wrist and shoulder, tugging her

up and out of his closet.

“Hmmm, baby doll, I love seeing you in my clothes, but I

think I prefer you out of them. Come on, let’s have that talk we
were supposed to have.”

“You’re not going to start fighting again, are you?” She eyed

each one with suspicion.

“No, sweetheart. Kane and I have had a little talk and we have

decided you mean too much to us to fight over. If you want us

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both, you can have us. Mind you, if you do ever decide to favor
one over the other…”

Amusement shone in Kane’s deep, blue depths, as he gave her

a crooked, half-smile.

Sin winked at her and Eve forgot to breathe. The pounding of

her hammering heart thrummed loudly in her ears. Just a look, a
wink, a smile and her body went into nuclear meltdown. Slowly, it
penetrated Eve’s fuddled brain what Sin had just told her. She
could have them both?

“You’re going to share me?”
“We can’t see any other alternative. We both want you, and I

know for certain I’m already desperately in love with you.”

Kane loosened his hold, guiding her over to the end of the


“You love me?” She blinked, assaulted with sudden,

overwhelming happiness. Kane loved her. Yet, at the same time
utterly confused, since she couldn’t see the practical side of being
in love with two men. How is it going to work? How does sharing work?
She was afraid one of them was going to get hurt. At the same
time, she already stated there was no way she could choose
between them.

“Baby doll, Sin may have found you first, but I think you stole

my heart first.”

He slipped his arm around her waist, and pulled her flush

against his body, encircling his strong, warm arms around her. Not
in a sexual way, but the kind of embrace Eve needed. She felt safe
and comforted.

Gently, he tipped back her head.
“You make me want to tear out my own heart and give it to

you when you look at me with your beautiful, big, green eyes all
washed with tears.”

Kane brushed his lips lightly over hers.

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“Eve, sit down, I think there are some things you should know

about me before we go any further.”

Sin gently pulled her from Kane’s arms.
Kane released her, and Sin drew her to the side of the bed.

She sat down. Kane leaned against the mirrored closet, and seemed
to be waiting, as much as she was, to hear what Sin had to say.

“There is no easy way to say it, so I’m just going to tell you

straight out.”

She frowned, worrying what it could possibly be.
“Eve, I’m a god, not the god, but a god. I am Sin Moon, God

of ancient Sumer, Mesopotamia. I’m over six-thousand-years old.”

Okay, this was not what she expected Sin to say. She glanced

over at Kane to help her confirm Sin’s mental instability.

“Sorry, baby doll, he’s telling the truth. I’ve been working for

him long enough to know.”

“Looks like I’ll have to use my powers to prove it to you, back

in a moment.”

She gasped as Sin suddenly vanished before her eyes. In the

next moment, he reappeared with an arm full of red and white
long-stemmed roses.

“Cheap trick,” Kane muttered.
“I can give you anything you want, sweetheart, and if you ask

for the moon, it’s yours. I’m a moon god after all.”

Sin laid the roses down by her side and took her hands into

his. He raised her fingertips to his lips, kissing each one in turn.

“This is utterly insane. You’re a mythological god?” Eve

couldn’t seem to wrap her mind around it. “Such things are for
books and movies, real gods don’t exist; the next thing you’ll be
telling me is the Easter bunny is real, too.”

“I think she requires more proof.” Kane pushed off from the


“I swore not to use my powers on her,” Sin growled at Kane.

“You have to release me from my oath to do that.”

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Eve stared at Kane. “Even though we are now working

together, I still believe in a fair playing field.”

“Are you some kind of deity, too?”
“Sorry, I’m one hundred percent human, just like you. Believe

me, I’ve known Sin for a while and have seen some of the things he
can do.”

“You haven’t seen what I can really do; hold on to your hats,

mortals.” Sin stood up and gave a dramatic sweep of his hands. In
the next instant the whole room changed into an eastern style, with
silk and satin and richly colored fabric all around. Incense lanterns
hung from the ceilings; a large banquet table, laid with food, sat on
one side. Sin wore loose-fitting pants and a long, flowing, purple-
and-gold robe, his whole presence shimmering and glowing.

“You’re a god,” she gasped in awe, trying to wrap her brain

around the concept.

“We are not just mythology, my love; there is a whole

different world of creatures that hide beneath the surface of the
human world.”

She rose to her feet, realizing the soft plush rugs were soft on

the soles of her feet, and she noticed Kane was missing. She spun
around with an accusing glare.

“Where’s Kane? What did you do with him?”
“I’ll bring him back in a moment.” Sin’s golden eyes gleamed

as he smiled down at her. “I know this is a lot for you to take in.
There are things in this world most humans never have a clue
about—gods, demons, fairies, dragons. A whole multitude of
creatures exist, sweetheart. Most of them live in a different Realm,
but many of them are here, living in the Human Realm.”

“And the Easter bunny?”
Sin chuckled. Moving in on her, he picked up her hands,

before placing soft kisses along her knuckles. “No, but I can make
him real for you, if you want. Kane may love you, too, but you
have humbled the heart of a god, sweetheart. I, along with all that I

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am, are yours to command. I love you, Eve, and I want you to be
mine, not just for now, but all of eternity.”

Eve’s head spun with trying to comprehend what she heard

and saw. He pulled her into the circle of his arms. Her love for Sin
and Kane confused and overwhelmed her. But everything now
made a strange kind of sense.

“I knew there was something different about you, but it

doesn’t make me love Kane any less than I do you. I’m sorry I can’t
choose between you; you both have come at me so strongly, I
didn’t know which way to turn.”

“Don’t blame yourself; as much as I hate to admit it, Kane is

right. And as long as you can put up with us, we are yours.”

“I have to know, why me? There must be thousands of

prettier, thinner and taller women you could have?”

“Eve, we’ve been through this before; you are beautiful, and I

love your body, so does Kane. To us, you are perfection, and I
don’t ever want to hear it refuted, or I’ll have to spank this pretty
ass of yours.”

Eve gasped at the suggestion of receiving a spanking from Sin.

Her whole body flamed, her nipples, already hard, tightened
further, and fresh juices were leaking from her pussy. These men
could light her fuse quicker than a firecracker. He gave her a smile,
lowering his head to nip and nibble along her jaw line. Then he
threaded his hand up into her hair—it seemed he liked doing that,
having control over how he kissed her.

And she liked it too. Wrapping her arms around him, she

kissed him back with all the love and passion she felt inside.

“Make Kane come back,” she whispered breathlessly when he

let her up for air.

Sin gave a groan, but in the next moment, a cursing Kane

reappeared. He had specks of sand over his chest and on his feet.

“Damn it, Sin, I hate it when you teleport me!” Kane glared at


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“Suck it up, Kane.”
“Where did you send him?” Eve raised her eyebrow at Sin.
He grinned mischievously before glancing at Kane.
“Sahara desert, I’m sure.” Kane brushed remnants of sand off

his pants. “You two are looking cozy. I take it you believe us now?”

She nodded, holding out her hand to Kane. He didn’t hesitate

to move in and sit down. She lifted her head to receive his kiss.

She felt as if her skin was on fire as Kane’s tongue tangled

with hers. She moaned as his kiss became deeper, more
demanding. Eve hardly noticed when Sin relieved her of Kane’s
shirt, as he left a trail of open-mouthed kisses up over her back. He
brushed her hair aside to continue his assault on her neck.

She gasped in surprise when Kane wrapped his arms around

her waist, lifting her onto his lap, spreading her legs on either side
of his, opening her up to him. She felt the bulge of his erection
press into her weeping center.

“You are so beautiful, baby doll,” Kane murmured against the

side of her lips.

There was a rumble of agreement, as Sin’s hands slipped

around to cup one of her full breasts. Sin kneaded and squeezed
them. “Have you ever seen such a beautiful, full bounty as these,

“Our bounty indeed. I’m in love with her gorgeous, round

ass, can’t wait to sink myself into it.”

Sin’s husky chuckle from behind her sent an erotic shiver

skating down her spine. Her breathing became rapid and shallow.
Good God, Kane and Sin were making her head spin. She didn’t
know which way was up, and her body was on fire thinking about
Kane’s cock in her ass.

“I think she likes the idea of you doing that,” Sin commented.

“I will want my turn to fuck her delectable ass. You know we are
both going to make love to you at the same time, with one cock in

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your sweet, tight pussy and the other in your ass. Imagine how it
will feel, sweetheart,” Sin whispered seductively into her ear.

“Wait, stop,” she managed to gasp out, trying to hold onto

some rational thought beyond wanting them to fuck her senseless.
Both men stopped, and much to her disappointment, pulled away
from her.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Sin asked first.
Eve had to think about why she wanted them to stop. Oh,

yes, now she remembered.

“You didn’t use a condom, and even if I didn’t remember

what we did, I sure as hell know you didn’t either, Kane. What if I
get pregnant?”

She glanced over her shoulder at Sin. He simply grinned,

lifting his shoulders in a casual shrug.

“The prospect of parenthood doesn’t sound scary. What do

you say, Kane?”


I say three, no four little Kanes, would be the best

thing ever, apart from making them.”

Sin pulled her out of Kane’s arms, stood her up and turned

her around. He was on his knees before her.

“Some of those kids will be mine, little demigods.”
His golden gaze met hers. He pushed her back towards Kane.

Kane took hold of her hips as Sin forced her to sit on Kane’s lap.
Sin pushed her thighs apart.

“I used to enjoy being worshiped, but now I know the

pleasure in being the worshiper. I plan to worship you and your
body for the rest of time.”

She felt Kane brush her hair aside and kiss the back of her

neck, leaving a wet trail across her collarbone and up the side of
her throat. Eve’s head fell back onto Kane’s shoulder in a sigh of

Sin’s hands glided up her inner thighs, then he stood up and

leant over her. He pressed his mouth against hers, running his

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tongue along her bottom lip, demanding entrance. She gave in to
the demand. His tongue plunged in, taking, possessing every part
of her mouth.

Kane’s hands slid up from her waist to cup her breast,

squeezing her plump flesh. She moaned into Sin’s ravaging mouth
as Kane pinched her nipples, tugging on them.

Sin’s finger threaded through the blond curls at her open

thighs, and slipped straight into her weeping pussy. Eve winced,
only now realizing how tender she was.

Sin sensed her discomfort and pulled back.
“Sore, sweetheart?”
She opened her eyes, gazing into his beautiful, golden depths.

She could see the concern on his face, which touched her heart.
Unable to find her voice, she nodded.

Sin smiled. “Relax, let us take care of you.”
“I get back door,” mumbled Kane, before his lips moved up to

swirl them over the shell of her ear.

When he plunged his hot wet tongue in, Eve gasped and

desperately clutched at Sin.

He pulled back slightly to chuckle.
“She likes it, Kane,” said Sin.
He lowered his head to attach his mouth to her right breast.

Good God! She didn’t care how sore she was, her body was burning
hotter than the core of the planet. She needed them, and she
needed them, now!

She slid her fingers into Sin’s hair and yanked. He moved to

meet her desperate, hungry kiss. He got the message when she tore
at his clothes and in an instant, Sin was naked. Eve barely
registered Sin using his ‘god powers’ to remove them.

“Want you, now!” Her voice was raspy with desperation.
“Let’s give our lady want she wants,” rumbled Sin, his tone

tight with desire.

A desire she mirrored.

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In the next moment, she felt herself lifted off Kane, and

placed on the center of the bed. Sin broke the kiss to start a hot,
wet trail down her body, just as she sucked in a lungful of oxygen.
Kane, now laying on her right side, captured her swollen lips,
kissing her heated passion.

The only thing going through Eve’s mind was mine, want, mine!
Sin was again tormenting her breasts, nipping at her hardened

nipples. She writhed and undulated between them, wanting more
of everything they had to give.

Eve’s hands were far from idle; wanting to touch their warm,

hard flesh, she slid them over their skin, one on Kane, the other on
Sin. She found Kane’s hard cock first, enjoying the feel of the long,
solid, velvety muscle. It was pure pleasure to feel him under her
palm, as she stroked him up and down. Kane’s breath hissed,
breaking their kiss.

Her left hand felt the wonderful definition of Sin’s torso,

delighting in the way his muscles clenched and released under her
touch, renewing her sense of power over him.

Not just Sin, but Kane also—two men. My two men. A

possessive growl emanated from her throat as she clutched Kane’s
cock tighter, fluid seeping from his tip when she stroked up and

“Baby doll, I’m not going to last long if you keep it up.” He

nipped on her lower lip. “I want to be deep inside your virgin ass
when I come.”

“Time to introduce her to the delights of a sixty-nine. I want

her lips wrapped around my cock so badly.”

Eve gave a yelp of protest when the men lifted off her. She

opened her eyes.

“On your knees, sweetheart.”
Before her brain could process Sin’s command, she was

flipped and lifted onto her hands and knees. Sin knelt before her,
and right in her line of vision was his massively beautiful length,

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richly veined with a perfectly formed mushroom head, which made
her feel wonderful things when it was moving inside of her. She
licked her lips. But Sin gripped her chin, stopping her from
reaching her prize. Her heart hammered in her chest, as she looked
up and met his golden gaze.

He gave her a seductive smile. “Not yet, sweetheart, but


Air hissed from her lungs as Kane wrapped his arms around

her middle, pulling her back up against his hard body, his cock
pushing down between her ass cheeks, making her gasp again, and
suddenly she comprehend what Kane was going to do.

“Do you want this, baby doll?”
Kane was nibbling on her earlobe, his hands cupping her

breast possessively. Eve swallowed and licked her dry lips. Did she?
Her body was already way beyond desperation and yes, she did
want this. To feel Kane deep in her ass and anywhere else he
wanted to put his cock.

“Yes, Kane, I want this.”
If Kane hadn’t been holding her securely, she would have

fallen forward when Sin suddenly pushed her legs apart.

Eve glanced down to see Sin place his head right between her

legs. Sin’s cock jutted up against his stomach, as Kane lowered her
gently down over Sin’s massive body.

Before she could even lick Sin’s length, a sudden puff of hot

air and the feel of Sin’s tongue laving through the folds of her sex
made her yelp, then loudly moan.

“Hummm, Kane, our little kitten is very wet.”
The vibration of Sin’s voice through her core almost sent her

body over the edge. Sin, as if sensing she was on the verge of
climax, stopped. Eve held back her wail of protest.

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“Use that mouth of yours. Sin’s waiting; you have to focus on

pleasing him while he pleases you,” murmured Kane, while his
hands roamed over her ass. “Sin, lube.”

She couldn’t see it, because her eyes were on Sin’s cock, but

she felt it when something cool dribbled down her ass crack.

“Come on, kitten, let me feel your mouth.”
She felt Sin’s hot breath between her legs.
“Every time you stop, so do I.”
Eve tried to ignore what Kane was doing behind her and focus

on what was in front of her. Leaning on one hand, she wrapped the
other around the thick base. Her fingers tickled on the scattering of
pubic hair. She ran her tongue up the side of Sin’s cock, flicked it
across the salty, bitter top, then back down the other side. The
shuddering responses of Sin beneath her indicated she was doing
the right thing. Never having sucked cock before, she decided to
do what she wanted and enjoy herself.

Eve opened her jaw wide to take the head of his cock into her

mouth; she ran her tongue around and around while suckling. Sin’s
mouth latched onto her clit and sucked in much the same manner
as she was with his cock. She gasped and stopped her sucking. Sin,
true to his words, also stopped.

Eve forced herself to concentrate, trying to balance on one

arm, as she held the base of Sin’s cock and sucked again. Sin again
sucked on her clit. She tried hard to ignore the fire spreading from
between her legs.

When something hard and long suddenly pushed into her ass,

Eve yelped around Sin’s cock.

“Easy, kitten, that’s just my finger; I need to get you ready.”
She moaned and sucked harder on Sin, as if she was trying to

pull the very life from him. Sin suddenly jerked.

“Hurry up, Kane,” groaned Sin, sending more vibrations

through her pussy.

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Kane’s finger slowly pumped in and out of her ass, making her

moan louder. The pressure intensified as he added a second finger.
Waves of intense pain and pleasure pushed her towards the
accumulative edge of a climax.

“Hold it together,” Kane ground out. His fingers withdrew.

Eve moaned her disappointment around Sin’s cock. But it did not
last, as something larger suddenly pushed against her hole and did
not relent, until the muscles of her ass gave way and the head of his
cock slid into her ass. A shock wave of pleasure edged with pain
rocketed though her so hard she almost bit down on Sin’s cock.

“Of fuck, she’s tight! She’s going to squeeze me to death.”

Kane’s voice was strained.

Words were beyond Eve, as she licked and tugged harder on

Sin’s cock with her hot mouth; she wanted to drag the seed from
his body, and feel it running down her throat. It spiked her desire
to work harder to pleasure him.

The fire between her legs added to the intense pleasure.
It hit her without warning, as the climax slammed into her.

Her cries, muffled by Sin’s shout as he shook beneath her. She
swallowed hard, forgetting for a moment to breathe. Kane thrust
into her ass, keeping her peaking, like a current of electricity
jolting through her. She pulled off Sin’s cock and screamed as the
pleasure intensified. Kane gave a deep, guttural groan as he came
deep in her dark channel. It all became too much, her head spun.
She slumped down on top of Sin, blacking out.

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Chapter 12

Kane lay on the bed, breathing heavily, completely stunned at

the power flowing between them. It had been mind-blowing and
life-altering. He knew he’d made the right decision in suggesting
they share her. Normal sex would never be the same again. He was
hooked on Eve for the rest of his life.

It took him a moment to notice Eve’s limp form sprawled on

Sin. He pulled from her tight ass and moved around them.

They were both completely out of it. He wasn’t surprised

about Eve, but Sin was a different matter. He checked the steady
rhythm of her pulse. She was breathing evenly.

Normally Kane would be too exhausted after fantastic sex like

that, but his body hummed with energy. He felt like he could run
full on across the country and hardly be winded. He scooped her
off Sin and laid her down on the right side of the bed.

She stirred, languidly opening her eyes as if they were


“What happened?” Her voice was slightly slurred. Her gaze

flicked over him as he sat by the edge of the bed.

“The most amazing sex of my life; you are the most amazing

woman, Eve.” He bent and kissed her lips. Her arms crept up,
latching onto his shoulders. Gently, he pulled away. “You blew god
boy away. He’s down for the count.”

“Is he alright?” she asked, her concerned gaze roaming over a

sprawled Sin.

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“He’s a god, baby doll. Not much can bring him down, but it

seems you can.” Kane chuckled. “Don’t worry, he’s fine.” Kane
grabbed a silk coverlet from the end of the bed and tossed it over
his lower half.

“Take a nap, and then we’ll go and get Grandma. We’re all

family now, and you will never have to worry about another

She smiled, and her beauty shone through, especially all

rumpled from her sex romp. Kane had never seen anything more
sexy than his woman well fucked. Kane couldn’t resist capturing
her lips in a languid kiss before pulling away.

“You’re leaving?” She pouted at him.
“Got work to do, Sin’s here. I’ll be back later.”
“I love you, Kane,” she whispered. Her eyes started to drift


“Love you too, baby doll,” he murmured, placing a soft kiss

on her forehead. Kane turned and strode towards his bathroom.
With the woman he loved in his bed, sharing her with Sin didn’t
bother him as much as it should, just as long as he got to keep her.
From his perspective, life looked pretty damn good.

* * * *

Eve stretched her arms above her head like a languid cat. Her

muscles ached in protest. She felt good, mind and body. Her eyes
opened and she rolled over, encountering a warm, hard body.

Sin lay sprawled where they’d left him, his soft snore making

her smile. This was the second time he’d fallen asleep on her. Did
sex with her exhaust him so much?

Moving down the bed, she curled her body against his, placing

soft kisses along his fabulously, sculptured chest.

Still, she tried to wrap her mind around Sin being a six-

thousand-year-old god. No, not just any god, her god. She felt
exceptionally spoiled having two gorgeous men. Who, for reasons

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which defied logic, loved her. This made her heart sing. She felt
giddy with happiness.

Yet, there were so many questions hovering in the back of her

mind; she needed some extra reassurance this was going to work
out between the three of them.

Eve turned, leaning over him, exploring his skin with her lips.

He tasted uniquely divine and slightly salty. She loved it. Upon
reaching the first of his masculine nipples, she nipped lightly, and
inwardly grinned when he uttered an annoyed, sleepy growl as he
began to stir.

She gave a chuckle, and Sin opened his eyes. He really had the

most striking, mesmerizing golden eyes. Everything about him was
exceptional, including his god status. It didn’t faze her in the
slightest now.

“Evening, sleepyhead,” she greeted him, with a mischievous


He moved fast. She shrieked, as he gripped her around the

waist and arms, then flipped her onto her back. He hovered above
her, his weight and warmth pressing her down onto the mattress.

He grinned down at her. “Damn the gods, woman, what did

you do to me again?”

“Me? You’re the god, how am I supposed to do anything to

you?” she teased. “If you ask me, you get wiped out after sex.”

He lowered his head to kiss her lips softly, before dipping

further down to nip and suck at her throat.

Her breath quickened in response. “Never used to happen

before. I have no idea if this is normal with my true mate.”

“True mate?” Eve had trouble concentrating as Sin’s lazy, large

hand skimmed a path up and down the sides of her body, lightly
brushing the sides of her breasts.

“Every creature of the Heavenly and Outer Realms knows

they have one true mate, even gods. It is very rare to find them.

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Over six thousand years I have been looking for you, sweetheart,
and now

As he spoke, the words vibrated against her skin, sending

shivers of renewed heat through her body.

Her heart stuttered in her chest, overwhelmed by her feelings

of love for him.

I have found you.”

“That is so beautiful.” She met his lips, pouring all the love for

him into her kiss.

“You are beautiful, sweetheart, and all mine.” Sin’s tone was

reverent. He raised his head, regarding her with a smile.

“And Kane’s,” she reminded him.
He chuckled. “And Kane’s, but now I have you to myself.”
She squirmed in his grip. “Remember, I have to go get my

grandma; Kane’s waiting downstairs to take me over to my

He groaned in disappointment, dipped his head to kiss her

breathless once more before rolling off her. Eve sat up and took his
offered hand; he tugged her off the bed.

“Go on, before I forget myself and ravish you again. Next

time I make love to you, sweetheart, we’re going to my place.”

Eve searched for some clothes. “Where is that?”
He gave her a sexy, secret smile. “Once I get Kane to release

me from his damn oath, I’ll teleport you there.” He swatted her
naked ass.

“I need clothes.” She sighed, walking towards the bathroom.

Sin made a show of clicking his fingers and soft, silver clothing
suddenly appeared on the end of the bed. She blinked in surprise.
This was going to take some getting used to, but not too much.

He winked cheekily at her. “Remember, anything you want,

it’s yours, sweetheart. Now I’d better go before I really do forget

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His tone was husky as his gaze swept over her naked form.

Eve squeaked, turned and ran into the bathroom when he started
to stalk towards her. She smiled hearing his chuckle as she closed
the door.

* * * *

Kane playfully teased her with little kisses on the exposed

parts of her skin. The dress Sin gave her revealed more flesh than
she was used to. Kane seemed determined to take full advantage.
Finally, he pulled her snug against his body, deepening the kiss,
making Eve’s head spin and her body throb. She felt breathless and
dizzy when he finally pulled back. His blue eyes, deep pools of
desire, gave her a thrill to know she turned him on.

“You have to stop doing that to me,” she said in a husky tone.
“Doing what, baby doll?”
His expression was one of mock innocence, while his hand

skirted up her inner thigh.

“Stop turning me on.” She pushed at his chest, but with not

much effort.

“Never, all I have to do is think about you and I’m ready to


Eve’s small shriek turned into a soft moan when his fingers

slid up to cup her breast through the material of her dress.

“Behave yourself, Kane,” she scolded half-heartedly, trying to

wiggle out of his grasp.

“These limos are made for privacy, baby doll, even from the

driver.” Kane grinned.

“Oh, no, I just managed to escape Sin’s clutches earlier—no

more sex until I’ve got my grandma settled. We’re already running
late as it is.”

Kane pouted and removed his hands, but kept her close to his

side. He nuzzled into the side of her head, and then whispered into
her ear.

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“Soon, I’m going to tie you to a bed so you will have nowhere

to run and no escape. You will have to simply endure while I
pleasure you until you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”

Eve’s skin prickled with anticipation of him doing just that. “I

thought you were the sweet one?” She smiled, staring into his
lovely, blue depths.

“Baby doll, you have no idea how wicked I want to be with

you, and I will be, but all in good time.”

The limo rolled to a stop in front of her old, crumbling,

apartment block.

“Come on then, the sooner we collect Grandma, the sooner

we can get her settled, and the sooner I can make love to you

Eve blushed crimson as the door of the limo opened and the

driver helped her out, Kane following close behind as they made
their way inside.

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Chapter 13

“Mrs. Quando is not going to be happy to have missed her

pottery class.” Eve inserted the key into the lock.

“You won’t have to worry about it anymore; we’ll hire a

qualified nurse to take care of Grandma and the best doctors,”
Kane assured her.

She turned, giving him the most beautiful smile.
“No wonder I love you so much.”
“I love you too, baby doll.” He leaned forward to kiss her

cheek. He stood back as she opened the door and walked in.

Eve’s sudden scream almost pierced his eardrums.

Instinctively, he grabbed her, yanking her out of the apartment,
then cradling her protectively in his arms. Her face buried in his
chest, while her whole body trembled. Kane looked past her into
the apartment’s dimly lit interior.

Kane had seen some horrific crime scenes in his time, but this

one outdid them all. Blood and body parts coated the walls. He
knew they were not her grandmother’s as she lay sprawled, still in
one piece on the small couch, impaled on a long sword.

He closed the door and reached into his pocket, pulling out

his cell phone. Kane new from that one glance that this was no
ordinary attack. He hit the speed dial for Sin’s number.

“Sin, get the fuck over to Eve’s apartment, now!” He

continued to hold her tight, whispering soothing words, as she
sobbed in shock. Sin popped into the hallway outside her
apartment. There was anger and concern on his face, taking in

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Eve’s trembling, distressed form. Kane nodded his head towards
the door.

* * * *

Sin pushed open the door of Eve’s small dwelling, greeted by

the bloody sight of two dead women. Eve’s grandmother still lay
on the couch, her eyes closed. She had been impaled through the
middle by a jagged sword. The hilt was ceremonial, one Sin
recognized. As for Grandma Pat’s sitter, pieces of her were flung
around the apartment and even spattered on the ceiling.

Sin bent over Eve’s grandmother to pull out the sword. Her

eyes opened suddenly, startling him when she grabbed onto his
wrist in a surprisingly strong grip.

“Son of Enkil.”
Sin frowned, how did she know him? More to the point, who

was she?

“Protect her,” she wheezed. Her face crinkled, and blood was

gurgling up, and dribbling down the side of her mouth.

“Eve?” More questions to add to the puzzle surrounding the

woman he had fallen in love with. Just who is Eve?

“Swear on your godhood that you will protect her.”
Her fingers bit into the flesh of his wrist.
“Who are you?”
“Swear!” she persisted.
“I, Sin of Ur, Moon God of ancient Sumer, Mesopotamia

swear to protect Eve.” It was a heartfelt promise.

Expelling her last breath, her grip loosened and her hand

dropped back onto the couch. Her eyes glazed over in death. Sin
gently closed them.

Sin yanked the blade from her body and mentally catalogued

everything in the room. He made the sword vanish to his private
rooms back in his top-floor apartment. Within the blink of an eye,
Sin cleared the room; everything was back in its place, all blood
and bodies taken care of.

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Exiting Eve’s apartment, he gazed down her trembling in

Kane’s arms. His chest tightened upon seeing the pain in her
watery, green eyes, as she looked up at him. Kane raised a
questioning eyebrow and Sin shook his head in silent
communication—now wasn’t the time to talk about it.

“I’ll teleport you back to the casino.” Sin kept his tone calm.
Kane shook his head. “You know what teleporting does to

humans; she’s in no state to be popped anywhere.”

Reluctantly, Sin conceded, knowing Kane was right. “I’ll ride

with you, safer that way.”

Kane gave him an understanding nod.
Kane turned Eve and began walking her down the corridor to

the stairs. Sin’s needed to know who would do this and why.
Involving the human law was useless; it was out of their area of
expertise, this was an Outer Realm matter when it came to
demons killing. This was his city and he wouldn’t let the crime go

Sin left Kane to tend to Eve, only after giving her a reassuring

hug and informing her he was going to take care of everything.

Her face was red and puffy with tears.
“Why, who?” she stammered.
“I will find out, I swear.” She nodded and let Kane guide her

away. As soon as she was out of sight, Sin started digging in
earnest, going to his known demon sources to figure out just what
was going on.

* * * *

Sin hung up the phone when Kane entered his office.
“I had Adam take over management for a while,” Kane said,

sinking heavily onto the seat opposite Sin’s desk. He could see the
strained concern for the woman they loved.

“How is she?” Sin asked, worried over Eve’s mental state.
“Still in shock. I made her take a sedative; she’ll sleep for a


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Sin gave an approving nod. Kane’s gaze swept over the sword

on Sin’s desk. The metal blade was clean of blood.

“What the hell is going on, Sin? Why would someone kill her

grandmother and caretaker?”

“Not someone, demons. The fact they left this behind, means

they want us to know it.”

“They were after Eve?”
“Without a doubt, there have been more demons hanging

around the casino perimeter since she’s been here. There’s more to
Eve than she or even we know.”

“You don’t think she knows anything?” Kane’s forehead

furrowed with concern.

Sin shook his head, leaning back in his chair.
“I’ve been talking to a few of my contacts, tracing Eve’s and

her grandmother’s background. From what my sources have dug
up, Eve’s grandmother wasn’t her biological grandmother; she was
her guardian, a part of the Omega cult. They are guardians of
Heavenly and Outer Realm treasures. Sometimes, these treasures
can be physical, nonphysical or other. Whatever Eve is, or has, the
demons want her for it,” Sin explained. “I need you to release me
from my oath; I need to touch her mind to find out what is going
on. You know I would never harm her.”

Kane nodded. “I formally release you from your promise not

to use your powers on Eve.”

As soon as the words were spoken, Sin pushed out of his chair

and teleported directly into Eve’s room.

He stared down at her lovely face, mesmerized by the soft rise

and fall of her chest. He sat down on the edge of the bed, unable to
stop himself from wanting to touch her. He reached forward and
gently brushed a few strands of blond hair from her face.

Sin used his powers to put her into a deeper sleep before

placing a hand on her forehead. He closed his eyes and went
searching through her memories, her history. His eyes snapped

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open in surprise; he couldn’t get in. Well damn, this is a first. She
stirred. He realized his power to send her into a deeper sleep
hadn’t worked either. She is immune to god powers? He concentrated
and pushed harder. She gave a soft sigh, but the resistance and
barrier was definitely there. Perhaps this is why the demons
wanted her. He knew he had not directly used his powers on her,
only around her.

“Stay out of my head, Sin,” she murmured in her sleep. Eve

turned onto her side and nuzzled into his hand.

He gripped her shoulders, attempting to teleport her, again it

fizzled out. He couldn’t teleport her. Confused, Sin stood up,
studying the sleeping woman. What the heck is she? What kind of
human is immune to magic and the great powers of a god?

He stood and teleported back into his office.
“What did you discover?” Kane glanced up.
“Nothing?” Kane raised a surprised eyebrow. “How could you

have learned nothing; didn’t you use your powers on her?”

“I tried, but it didn’t work.” Sin sat down, his mind searching

through his long history, trying to figure out the puzzle of Eve.

Kane’s expression darkened. “If you’ve done anything to hurt

her, god or not, I will find a way to kill you.” Sin suddenly
straightened, as his brain finally kicked into gear upon hearing
Kane’s threat. All the pieces of the puzzle dropped into place.

“Fuck, that’s it, that’s what she is!” Sin jumped to his feet.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Eve is completely immune to my powers. I’m willing to bet

I’m not the only one. I have to go check this out. Don’t let her
leave the casino. She’s protected while in the confines of these
walls. I need to go confirm my suspicions.” Sin charged his teleport
and “popped” out.

* * * *

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The Hall of Archives was one of many hidden places in the

Human Realm; here he found all prophesies and historical records
dating back further than even him.

Sin swung around to glare at the old wizard in his long black-

and-red trimmed robes, long white hair and beard hanging down
across his shoulders back and front. The old man looked to be in
the process of having his lunch. He sat at an ancient stone carved
table, on an equally ancient stone carved chair.

“Sin,” he corrected.
“Oh, for a moment I thought Neman had cut his hair. What

can I do for the second born son of Enkil? Don’t get many gods
here, you know.”

The old wizard picked up a chicken leg and bit into it, tearing

the flesh away with his teeth.

“I need to know about mortals who can resist powers and


“Hummm, I see,” he mumbled thoughtfully, between bites of

his chicken. “Only two kinds, to my knowledge. One is an
amalgamator, the other a destroyer. Room three hundred and
twelve, row three hundred and thirty-six, shelf eight hundred and
three, row fifteen.” The old wizard records keeper pointed the way
with the remainder of his chicken leg.

“Thanks.” Sin imprinted the directions into his memory,

turned on his heel and went searching through the archives of the
ancients. A bad feeling made his body tense, knowing he wasn’t
going to like what he would find.

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Chapter 14

Sin dumped the old books onto Kane’s desk. Kane waved his

hand, trying to dispel the dust expelled into the air around him.
“She’s an amalgamator.”

Kane felt he was living in a world of perpetual confusion

around Sin. Sin’s knowledge was long and extensive; he knew
things Kane struggled to comprehend. “A what?”

“I thought her kind was a myth, every god has heard about


“Okay.” Kane stood up, taking the top book off the pile, and

noting the language was not English or anything he recognized.
“You might want to start at the beginning and tell me what the hell
you’re talking about.”

“Take your seat if you want me to start at the beginning as

we’re going back to the start of creation here.”

Kane raised his eyebrow, but took Sin’s advice and sat back

down while Sin continued to pace in front of his desk.

“There has always been good and evil, ever since the

beginning of time. When the gods were set in the heavens, they
put in place a set of cosmic laws to keep order and balance
between each new creation, such as humans, demons, and gods.
This stops evil from gaining too much power, overrunning and
destroying everything in creation...”

Sin drew in a breath. “One of these laws was: no one could

ever possess the power of a god unless they were born of a god. If

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any other creature tries to steal god powers, it simply destroys
them. But everyone knows there is an exception to every law, to
every rule. Eve is the exception.”

Kane frowned in confusion. “I don’t get it; Eve is human, isn’t


“Oh, she is, and that’s the beauty of it. Amalgamators are

totally unaware of what they are. I bet you perfect odds that she
has no idea what she is capable of doing.”

“What is she capable of doing?”
“Through her, you have the ability to take all my powers.

She’s a powerful tool to be used by anyone or anything. If you’re a
creature with any kind of powers or magic, she can drain you dry,
rendering you mortal. It is no wonder I feel so drained after we
make love to her. It’s also why you feel so empowered; my powers
are draining from me into you and back again. I would bet a few of
my powers that we’re now more closely connected through the
sharing of Eve’s blood.”

“That’s kind of freaky and sounds weird. How exactly did we

share her blood?”

Sin gave him a dry look. “Eve was a virgin last night,

remember? Her blood was spilt when I made love to her, then of
course, she scrambled over here not long after, and her blood was
still fresh.”

“Aaah, okay, I got ya now. So when we had our little

threesome, your power drained from you, through Eve and into

“Then back again. I would have sensed it if you’d retained any

of my powers as you did before. It kind of explains why the sex is
amazing, and why Eve and I felt so drained after.”

“You have to admit she is an amazing woman,” Kane

commented with a thoughtful expression.

Both Kane and Sin chuckled upon recalling the morning


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Sin sat down in the chair opposite Kane’s desk with a faraway

look in his eyes.

“So, is it just us, or is there more to this Amalgamator thing?”
Sin regained focus, and turning his head, met Kane’s gaze.

“Through her anyone can possess powers, mine, a demon’s,
anyone’s. A simple ritual, the spilling of her blood, and the laws set
in place are broken.”

Kane thought this over. “You mean the rule: no one can

possess god powers, unless you’re a god or part god.”

Sin nodded.
“So, she could potentially kill you?”
“Not Eve, but anyone who knows how to use her. That’s why

the demons killed her parents, and why her guardian has been
traveling around the country with her most of her life. Pat wasn’t
Eve’s grandmother, but a guardian set in place by the ancients to
protect her, to keep her from falling into the wrong hands. And
that is why she is immune to my powers, and I’m also betting any
kind of magic.”

Kane frowned. It was hard to believe sweet little Eve could be

what Sin was describing.

“Are you sure?”
Sin leant forward and thumped his hand on the dusty books.

“Yes, I’m sure; I’ve just spent the last few hours researching this,
even had to fight an old wizard and his chicken bone just to borrow
his books.” His gaze narrowed. “I’m in love with someone who
could be the source of my extinction. I caught a few demons
following her just the other night. Someone knows who she is, and
wants her for something, which you can guarantee is not good.”

“You’re the god, what are you going to do about it?”
Sin glared at Kane. “We, this is a team effort, if I remember

correctly, unless you want to forfeit your share of her?” Sin asked

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“Not going to happen, she’s just as much my woman as she is

yours. If she is going to keep draining your god powers, does that
mean you can’t fuck her again?”

“Had it been just me, then sex would have been off the table,

but thanks to you, I can indulge in all that is Eve as often as she lets

Kane gave a snort, leaning back into the chair. “I understand

you need me in this relationship, someone safe you can let your
powers go to and get them back from. And I’m in it, because I’m
willing to do what it takes to keep Eve in my life.”

“I’ve never put my trust in a mortal before, but I think of you

like a brother, Kane. Yes, you can take it as high praise from a

“I’m honored.” Kane chuckled, but the laughter fell when

Sin’s expression became grim.

“I need to tell her the truth about who her grandmother was

and what she is.”

Kane drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “The woman

who raised her and by appearance, the only family she had was
brutally murdered. I think we need to give her a little more time
before we spring the whole ‘honey, you’re an amalgamator’ thing
on her. In the meantime, I’ll have a twenty-four-seven watch put
on her. We’ll know if anyone tries to get to her. We’ll take it in
shifts to make sure she’s safe.”

“You just want to fuck her again,” Sin accused.
Kane didn’t deny it. “I know you’re thinking the same damn

thing. I’ll give you time alone with her and vice versa. We’re all in
this together, and we have to learn to share and get along if it has a
chance of working.”

Kane and Sin studied each other with care. “I can live with

that.” Sin rose to his feet, offering his hand to Kane in friendship.

Kane stood up and grasped Sin’s hand, shaking it. It was a

strange situation to be in, but Kane found himself looking forward

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to a positive future. He didn’t care if the relationship was a bit off
the norm. As long as he had Eve, he could live with just about

“I’ll toss you for poll, bed position, before Eve wakes up.”
“No need, you go be there for her. This is my temple after all,

I should tend to its running. I’ll get my turn later.”

Kane was surprised at Sin’s offer to go do what he always

considered the ‘mundane’ running of the casino. He’d always left it
up to him and the other senior staff. If this was Eve’s influence
bringing about such a change in Sin, then Kane was all for keeping
her centered in their lives.

“Someone or something is after Eve to use her ability; we

need to find out who and what they are up to. They’re using
demons, so I’m going to bring in a demon hunter to help,” Sin said,
breaking Kane’s chain of thought.

“A third party?”
“Don’t worry. I’ve known this hunter a long time. We’re

family. You met him at his wedding.”

“Your brother, Neman,” Kane clued in. “Isn’t his wife


Sin nodded. “He’ll come, especially when I tell him about


Kane stood up and walked around the desk. “On that note, I’ll

go and watch over her while she sleeps.” He was eager to have her
safe in his arms again, warm and soft against his body—the simple
thought made him hard. He knew she was grieving for her
grandma and would need comfort and by Kane’s reckoning, a lot
of comfort.

* * * *

Bella wanted to peel the skin from their useless bodies.
“You idiots! Killing the old woman was not the plan. We need

the younger one; she is the amalgamator, and now you’ve screwed
it up. How the hell are we going to snatch her now?”

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The demons didn’t look the least bit disturbed or threatened

by her, as they would have been not too long ago. It made her
blood boil in rage.

“We’ll get the sweet little treat, but I ain’t going near that

god. He could vaporize us by just blinking.”

“Incompetent, worthless fools.” She turned around, stalking

back across the large warehouse they set up. She jerked open the
door to the office Josh commandeered, slamming it angrily behind

“Joshua, we are going to need your other employees. Demons

are idiots to deal with.”

“I told you we should have used them first.” He slipped out

the cell phone from his pocket. “They may not have powers, or the
strength of demons, but they are sly and get the job done by other

Bella let her anger drain away and gave him a seductive smile.

“A man after my own heart, sly and utterly evil.”

Joshua laughed. “Beautiful Bella, I only hope one day you

reward me by telling me who you really are.”

“If all goes to plan, you will know very soon.”
She listened as someone answered on the other end of the

line. “Ahh, Mr. Morgan, about the little job I told you about, well
you can go ahead and take the package; you know where to deliver

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Chapter 15

“Well, look who’s back. How’s the love life, Sin?” Vanessa

grinned at her brother-in-law.

Neman set Vanessa’s feet aside and rose to greet him with a

brotherly embrace and a slap on the back.

“Complicated.” He gave her a smile. “I need to talk with

Neman, alone.”

“She’ll just badger me for details later, so you might as well

spill it here,” explained Neman.

“Sin’s got a girlfriend,” Vanessa singsonged.
Neman raised a curious eyebrow. “Is it true, or just another

passing fancy? I’ve yet to see the day my brother will settle down
with just one woman.”

“As I said, it’s complicated. I’ve got demons after her. I

discovered my little Eve isn’t just any ordinary human, she’s an

Neman’s eyes widened in surprise. “I thought they were


“So did I, until we...” He gave an uneasy glance in Vanessa’s


She snorted and rolled her eyes.
“Oh, say it. You had sex, but what’s an amalgamator?”
Neman turned back towards his wife. “Remember the

universal law which prevents anyone from possessing god powers if
they aren’t at least part god? An Amalgamator is someone who can

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break those laws and from what I understand, are immune to magic
and any kind of powers. They are the only things that could bring a
god to their knees and kill them.”

“I see, and she’s your girlfriend, Sin?” asked Vanessa.
“She’s more than that, Eve’s my destined mate.”
Neman gave him a low whistle.
“Looks like you’re in, hook, line and sinker.” Vanessa grinned

at him. She pushed off her chair, struggling to get to her feet.
Neman was quick to grab her arm, and help her up.

“Trust you to fall in love with an Amalgamator. If you’ve had

sex with her, how are you retaining your powers?” Neman hooked
an arm around Vanessa’s nonexistent waist and rubbed her large,
pregnant belly almost absently.

“I told you the relationship is complicated,” growled Sin.

“There’s more than just me.”

Neman raised an eyebrow. “You’re sharing her? That’s

something we used—” He cut himself short, as Vanessa eyed her
husband curiously.

“I don’t care what kinky stuff you got into before me, but I

want to know all the details about your brother’s kinky stuff.”
Mischief gleamed in Vanessa’s eyes.

Neman chuckled, bending to kiss his wife. “Thanks,


“So, are we going to Sin’s casino? I haven’t had a chance to

play roulette or the slots, and I want to meet this Eve.”

“Free credit on the house,” Sin said, making Vanessa

practically bounce in her husband’s arms.

“Sweetness, you know how close you are, perhaps you should

go stay with Slazz and Darren.”

“Oh, hell no, the twins aren’t coming yet. I think the flashing,

neon lights of Vegas and a bit of gambling will be fun. Hey, I’ll call
the guys; they can join in the fun.”

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“You know my temple is protected and as long as Vanessa

remains within its walls, she’s safe.” Sin’s words clinched the deal.
Neman gave a resigned sigh, and Sin smiled, knowing Neman had
given in.

Neman gave his wife a stern look. “Okay, but only if you

promise me not to overdo it.”

Vanessa kissed her husband. “I promise!”
Neman glanced back at him. “We’ll be there tomorrow.”
“Great, I’ll let Kane know you’re coming.”
Sin was eager to get back to Eve, despite what Kane said

about giving her time. From experience, he knew telling her the
truth sooner, rather than later, was the right thing to do.

* * * *

Eve woke warm and secure in Kane’s arms. Her body was

starting to feel off-kilter with the odd hours she’d been keeping
since coming into Sin’s casino. She knew Kane slipped something
into her drink, but trusted him enough to drink it. Oblivion was
the best option for the moment; it helped her deal with the sudden
shock of seeing her grandmother brutally murdered.

Kane snored lightly against the back of her neck, with his

strong arm wrapped around her waist. Her ass butted against his
hard cock.

She smiled, knowing he was aroused in his sleep, but the

horror of what she saw in her apartment left her feeling cold,
deadened. She turned in Kane’s arms and his breathing patterns
changed. She watched him awaken, admiring the way his facial
muscles twitched before he opened his eyes. She gazed into his
lovely, sleepy, blue depths.

His lips curled into a smile. “You are the most beautiful sight

to wake up to, baby doll,” he said, his voice rough and husky from

She found him incredibly sexy. “How long have I been


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Kane rolled over slightly, reaching for his watch at the side of

the bed. He glanced at it before setting it down. Then he rolled
onto his back, tugging Eve into his arms.

“Eight hours. You needed it and so did I.”
She almost forgot Kane was human. Eve drew in a deep,

shuddering breath, the sadness pulling at her heart.

“My grandma? I-I don’t understand why someone would do

that to her.”

Kane’s warm hand stroked up and down her back in comfort.
“Sin’s looking into it, so you don’t need to worry. With all his

weird powers, he’s bound to find the culprit and deal out justice.”

Kane was right. If anyone was able to find out who did this, it

was Sin.

The pain in her heart made her feel numb and detached. The

loss of her grandmother, the woman who had raised her since early
childhood, was almost more than she could bear.

Her fingers curled into Kane’s arms as she clung to him,

burying her head against his shoulder. Oh God, she wanted to feel
something other than the ache inside her. She raised her head,
slightly pressing her lips against the center of his wonderfully
sculptured chest. Her hand roamed over his skin, taking pleasure in
the softness wrapped over hard muscle. Also, touching him gave
her something else to focus on.

His body stiffened. “Baby doll, if you keep doing that, I’m

afraid I won’t be able to stop what happens next. I know—”

“I want you to make love to me, Kane,” she interrupted. “I

want what happens next.”

He slipped his hand under her chin, raising her head to meet

his gaze. “I have enough trouble saying no to you as it is, but you’re
grieving, you’re vulnerable.”

Eve gave him her best wide-eyed, wounded look. He

groaned, knowing she easily won the small battle. He caved in
completely when she slid her hand down his chest, finding his erect

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cock. She enjoyed the feel of his smooth, velvety flesh, hot and
hard in her hands.

“I love you, Kane, and right now, I need to feel how much

you love me.”

Dipping his head, his lips met hers, softly, slowly, languidly

kissing her. Boldly, she met his tongue when he pushed it into her
mouth. His kiss turned fierce, demanding and possessive. Moving,
he shifted over her. The weight of his hard, muscled body on top of
hers felt so good.

She whimpered in protest when he broke from her mouth.

But moaned louder when he lay open-mouthed kisses and nips
down her throat, his hand coming up to plump and massage her
breast. He took the first, taut peak into his mouth, making her
moan louder, to show her pleasure at feeling his hot, wet mouth
teasing her to distraction.

Her skin pebbled as he trailed his tongue from one breast to

the other. Her breathing was harsh and she cried out in desperate
need to have him inside her.

He was far from finished, and ignored her whimpered pleas;

he gripped her knees, pushing them wide as he shifted further
down the bed.

“You have the most beautiful, lush body,” he murmured, with

a puff of hot breath between her open thighs and exposed sex.

She held her breath, on feeling the slide of his thumb and

forefinger along her cleft, parting the folds of her flesh. A jolt shot
through and her hips arched off the bed when his hot, wet tongue
made contact with her swollen clit.

Her fingers threaded into his silky hair. Her cries of pleasure

filled the room, as he licked and sucked on her hard bud, building
the fire within her to an explosive climax.

She shuddered. Her eyes squeezed shut, her cries echoing

through the room. She tugged on him, trying to bring him back to

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her. She needed to feel him deep within her, not knowing where
he started or she ended, but merged as one.

Kane’s mouth left her clit. He moved over her, his mouth

capturing hers. She tasted herself on him.

Still quaking from the climax, she didn’t have time to breathe

before she felt the blunt head of his cock pierce her open, waiting
channel, and driving home deep.

Eve cried into Kane’s mouth. He broke contact and Eve

sucked in a lungful of air.

Desperate and hungry, he withdrew and plunged into her

over and over, setting a strong steady rhythm, and restoking the

Her mind cleared of all thoughts other than the delicious

friction of him moving in and out of her. She knew her heart and
soul belonged to him forever.

His pace became frantic, no longer in control, seeking his own

pleasure; it pushed her over the edge. She cried out for the second
time, her body awash with her second climax surging though her.

Kane gave a guttural groan as he came, his breathing rapid as

he tightly clutched her, burying himself deep, jettisoning his seed
into her.

Eve body felt like a limp rag doll. He managed to move so his

weight wouldn’t crush her.

He held her tightly against his chest, no words necessary, as

they basked in the pleasant afterglow of their love.

He kissed her head. “I love you, baby doll.”
She smiled against his chest. “I love you, too.”

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Chapter 16

“I really think you should reconsider, you’ve been through a

hell of a lot,” Kane persisted, as Eve dressed to go downstairs to
work. She called for one of the laundry staff to bring her a
uniform. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Sin
and I are here to take care of you.”

“I know and I love you for it, but I don’t want to sit here and

wallow in misery. I need to be doing something. You already said
Sin was taking

care of

” She faltered as the bloody images of her

dead grandmother flashed in her mind. Tears blurred her vision;
her stomach felt like it was in knots.

He shot off the bed and pulled her into the security of his

arms. “I worked as a homicide detective for many years in L.A. I
understand things like this are not easy to get over. It takes time.
You know Sin is out there doing all he can to find the culprit. He’s
a god, so you know he will find them and justice will be served.”

She sucked in a deep breath and brought her emotions under

control. She met Kane’s blue gaze. “I know, but life does go on and
so must I. I need to do this, please.”

“Baby doll, you never have to plead for anything with me. Is

this is what you want?”

“Yes, Kane, it is.”
He held her tightly for a moment and kissed the top of her

head. “Okay, but I’ll be watching from the security room.”

“You have security watching me?” Eve didn’t know whether

to feel annoyed or flattered.

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“Sin and I are in agreement when it comes to protecting what

belongs to us. There will be no arguments on the matter,” Kane
said sternly.

She felt a chill of pleasure run through her realzing how much

they did care for her. She gave him a smile of gratitude.

“Okay, but don’t make it obvious please.”
“Discretion is my middle name.” He gave her a wink. “Well,

it’s actually Simon, but I think you get the point.”

He released her from his arms and she went up on tiptoes to

kiss him lovingly.

“I’ll see you later.” She turned, scooping up black, flat strap

shoes she got along with the uniform and walked out of the

* * * *

Kane didn’t like it. He hovered in the main security room, his

eyes glued to the monitors watching Eve’s every move. Adam
Grego, his second-in-charge, sat beside him.

“What’s with the girl, is she in that much danger?”
“She is my woman and yes, I believe so.”
Adam frowned in confusion. “I thought I saw her with the

boss man; you say she’s yours?”

“Adam, I hired you because you’re good at your job, not to

make judgments on others’ lives. Eve is important to both of us
and that’s all you need to know.”

Adam raised his hand in a mock surrender. “Hey, don’t shoot

me, man. I respect everything weird and wonderful around here.
It’s what keeps me coming back. The team will watch over your
woman, don’t worry.”

Kane gave the man a nod. “It’s appreciated.” Kane turned

back to the monitor. One of the security guards was approaching
Eve’s desk. Kane frowned, not recognizing the slightly stocky man
with a dark receding hair line. The guard was now in conversation
with her.

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“Who’s that?” Kane asked.
Adam studied the monitor. Eve nodded, then picked up and

placed the closed sign on her desk. Adam frowned. “Not sure. I’ve
certainly never seen him before and I interview all the security staff
in the casino.”

Kane zoomed the camera lens in on the man’s badge number.

“6689 Carl Chisslet.”

Eve stood up from her chair and followed the guard towards

the front entrance.

“Carl is five feet nine and has blond hair,” Adam informed


The pit of Kane’s stomach dropped; the man was no demon.

Kane suddenly realized they were using humans to get to Eve
because demons couldn’t step foot within the casino.

“Radio down and stop them!” Kane yelled, leaping from his

chair and racing for the door.

* * * *

Eve smiled up at the casino security guard.
“Miss Gardner, Sin Templeton has asked me to take you to

him.” He smiled. “I wasn’t supposed to say, but something about a

Eve brightened, wondering what kind of surprise he had for

her. Knowing Sin, probably a very naughty one.

“If you’ll follow me, please.”
She placed the closed sign on her desk, stood up and moved

from behind it to follow the guard. She studied him and couldn’t
recall ever seeing him before. He was not as tall as most of Kane’s
security team, but there were hundreds of employees in Sin’s
casino. They crossed the main lobby, walking out where a line of
sleek, expensive cars and a few black limos waited for their high
profile customers.

The guard guided her towards one of the limos and the

uniformed chauffer opened the door with a welcoming smile.

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“Eve, stop!”
Eve twirled around at the sound of Kane’s voice. She frowned

as Kane hurriedly pushed his way through a group of people
entering the casino.

She gasped, as the guard suddenly seized her arm and shoved

her forward, propelling her into the darkened limo then slamming
the door shut behind her.

Sprawled on the plush backseat, she regained her balance, as

she searched the empty limo. Gripping the door handle, she
yanked at it desperately trying to make it open. Through the
window, she saw Kane approach the car and the gleam of a sleek,
metallic blade. The man, who she now knew was not a security
guard, pulled a concealed knife on Kane.

Raw panic surged through Eve. She screamed, toppling

backwards as the limo shot forward, but it was too late; the guard
swung the blade and sank it into Kane’s stomach.

A sickening wave of terror welled up from her belly, as she

tried every door, then banged on the divider between her and the
driver, screaming at him to stop to let her go! All her efforts were
to no avail.

What the hell is going on! Why would anyone want to kidnap

her and kill Kane? Fear, horror and shock made her break out in a
cold sweat.

If ever she needed Sin, it was now. Where the hell is he and his

god powers? Eve fought the urge to burst into tears. Losing her
grandmother was hard enough to bear, but losing Kane made her
feel like her heart had been ripped out. She loved him too much;
she couldn’t lose him as well!

By sheer willpower, she forced herself to calm down. If ever

there was a time to think rationally, it was now. Panic would not
help her situation. The bad feeling only grew, and she knew things
were about to get a hell of a lot worse.

* * * *

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Popping straight into the security rooms in search of Kane, Sin

frowned to find it staffed by lower-ranked security officers.

“Where’s Kane?”
The man almost fell out of his chair at the sound of Sin’s voice

behind him.

“Sir! Kane’s been taken to hospital. He was attacked out front

and a lady he was attempting to help was kidnapped.”

Sin felt his mood darken. The security man paled, as Sin’s

rage became apparent.

“Which hospital?” Sin struggled to keep a calm tone.
“UMC, I think.”
“You think?” thundered Sin.
“I know, yes, they took him to UMC!” stammered the man.
Sin turned and yanked open the door, stalking out. He

charged his powers and teleported directly to the hospital.

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Chapter 17

So focused on getting to Eve, Kane saw the blade a split

second too late. It sliced through his flesh, straight into his

Stunned and unable to react, he saw the man smile spitefully

down at him, then shove a piece of paper into his hand.

“Tell your god to come here,” he growled, viciously twisting

the blade before yanking it out. The man turned and bolted across
the street, disappearing into the Vegas crowd.

Blood pounded in his ears louder than a base drum. He

staggered before collapsing onto the hard ground. His real security
team came running. They hovered over him, yelling for an

“Find Sin,” Kane gasped, his head swimming before everything

turned to black.

Kane came around, swimming in a sea of pain radiating from

his torso up and down his body, but still he clutched the little piece
of paper. He knew he was dying, yet he refused to yield to the
hospital staff who tried to pry the paper out of his hand.

Bright lights shone down on him. Men and women in masks

bustled around injecting needles into his arms.

“Mr. Sullivan, let go of this, let the police take care of

whatever it is you’re guarding.”

“No, Sin.” His voice was hoarse, his throat dry.
The lights flickered on and off before his eyes, as the doors of

the surgery room burst open. Everyone stood stock still in stunned

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surprise as Sin strode through. The power and anger radiating off
him was enough to make any sane person cringe in fear.

“Leave!” he thundered in a booming voice.
Kane realized that Sin was in full ‘wrath of god’ mode.
The medical staff scrambled away like frightened animals as

Sin approached where Kane lay. Sin’s golden eyes were glowing as
he gazed down at him.

Kane stretched out his hand, unfolding it to reveal the paper.
“They have her, save her.” Kane began to choke on the blood

bubbling up his from his stomach. Sin leaned forward, placing his
right hand on Kane’s forehead.

“She would have my hide if I did not save you first.” Sin’s tone

softened slightly. “We’re in this together, remember?”

Sin started muttering in a language Kane didn’t understand,

but the sudden power surging through Kane was undeniable.
Kane’s body shook and bucked. Sin held his hand over Kane’s stab
wound, keeping him pinned to the gurney.

Just as swiftly as it happened, it stopped. The pain was gone

and his mind felt clear. Kane opened his eyes and blinked. Sin
stood there, studying the piece of paper.

“Hurry up, can’t keep our woman waiting.” Sin turned,

striding out of the operating theatre.

Kane sat up in a bewildered state and swung his legs over the

table. He looked down at his stomach, touched the skin, only to
find there was no wound. His bloodstained shirt was the only
evidence of his injury.

“What did you do?” Kane slipped to his feet, running to catch

up to Sin.

“I healed you, and for Eve’s sake I’ve made you immortal.”
“Immortal?” repeated Kane, still feeling like he’d been hit by a

stun gun. He was trying to wrap his mind around what just
happened. “Why did you make me immortal?”

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Sin turned his gaze on him. “If you love Eve as much as I do,

you will want forever.”

“Yes, but you didn’t have to.”
“Are you going to harp on about this all dammed day? Just

accept the gift and be done with it. Plus, I may need you to back
me up because this,” Sin waved the crumpled note in front of his
face, “is a trap set only for yours truly. Someone wants my god
powers and is using Eve to get them. As you have no powers and
are now immortal, I will need you to watch my back.”

Together, the word bounced around in Kane’s head. Sin was

right, they were in this together; they were a family, together.
Kane felt a deep rage. Their Eve was in danger, and their new little
family was threatened. He would follow Sin into the depths of hell
and fight any demon to bring her home safe and sound.

* * * *

Eve, although trembling inwardly in fear, glared angrily at the

driver as she climbed from the back of the limo. He gripped her
bicep and pointed a hand gun into her side to ensure her
cooperation and avoid any attempt at escape.

Eve struggled to keep up with his long strides as he took her

across the floor of a large warehouse. Eve figured with a place this
big, it must be in the industrial area of Vegas. She noted the huge,
black screen erected around half of the warehouse. She couldn’t
see what lay beyond it as her captor took her into a small, white
office which stood out from the rest of the building. He shoved her
roughly inside.

Two people rose up from plush seats, which looked out of

place in the dingy, decaying office building. A tall, beautiful
woman with long black hair and green eyes smiled malevolently as
her gaze swept over Eve.

The other was a tall willowy man, with brown eyes and a

dusting of gray though his hair, dressed in an expensive suit. The

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woman wore a sleek green silk dress, leaving nothing to the
imagination, and showing off her stick-thin model’s body.

“Your package,” declared the driver. “The message was

dispatched along with one of her guards. I want my money.”

Eve gasped, swung around and slapped the man as hard as she

could across the face. “How dare you! You

you murdering


The woman chuckled and snapped her fingers as the driver

gripped Eve’s wrists, pinning them to her sides.

“You don’t know who you’ve just kidnapped,” hissed Eve.

“There’s gonna be hell to pay when he comes for me.”

“Oh, I know sweet little amalgamator. It’s what I’m counting

on; your moon god will soon come to your rescue.”

Eve stilled, her chest heaving with the effort to breathe. “Who

in the hell are you?” Eve glared daggers at the woman.

“Who in the hell indeed, sweet little thing. I am the one who

will finally get all she has ever wanted.”

The tall man behind them cleared his throat. “Bella,” the

man’s tone held a note of warning, “I let you take charge of this
operation, but you’re still under my direction.”

Bella flicked back her long black hair, swaying her hips

seductively as she strode towards him.

“Joshua, there are a few things I need to explain to you.”
Eve could hear the overly sweet fake tone in the woman’s

voice. Her hand swept over a table, picking up a dagger and laying
it along her hip. Eve witnessed the woman’s sleight of hand move,
but doubted the man had. Bella drew in closer to him.

“I am so close to finally getting what I want.”
Eve hesitated a moment too late to call out her warning. The

second Bella got close enough, she swung the blade, thrusting it
forward with speed and skill.

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Eve gasped in horror as the blade sank into the man’s

stomach. Bright red blood oozed out, staining the once crisp white

Eve’s captor chuckled with amusement.
“One: immortality is not what it seems. Two: I never take

direction, and three: you have only ever been a means to a
beginning—my beginning and your end,” said Bella, as Joshua sank
onto the floor. Still gripping the long stiletto blade, she stepped
back and gave a shrill whistle.

Two ghastly-looking creatures suddenly appeared from

nowhere. The demons’ skin shone with a glossy black color,
looking like a cross between a gremlin and a jungle jaguar with no
fur and wrinkled skin. The other was six feet tall with a round,
pudgy belly, its skin streaked black and red. Its hands were long,
with sharp-looking claws, and its feet were hooves. Demons, Eve
realized. She remembered back to what Sin was telling her about
realms: Outer Realm, Human Realm and Lower or Hell Realm.
These were demons from the Hell Realm. Pieces of the puzzle to
why they kidnapped her started to fall into place.

“Oh, shit,” exclaimed her kidnapper, shoving Eve aside and

bolting for the door.

Bella swiveled around, glancing down at the cat demon. “Go

give the human his just rewards, then call in the army.”

Eve’s kidnapper vanished through the door as the black

demon bounded after him. A moment later Eve winced at the
horrific screams echoing through the building.

Bella leveled her evil gaze on Eve, who raised her chin and did

her best to hide her fear and trembling hands.

“You’re after Sin?” Eve said with surprising calm. “He’s a god,

what could you possibly do to him?”

“Not I, human, you. You really have no idea what you are, do


Eve shook her head. “Why don’t you tell me what I am?”

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“You are an amalgamator, the rarest jewel in any realm which

has ever existed. Gods fear you, because creatures like me can use

Eve frowned in confusion. What the hell is the crazy woman

talking about?

“You see, there are laws which prevent anyone who is not

born of a god from having any kind of god powers, so even if they
can be stolen, no one can use them.”

Eve still didn’t see her point.
The crazy woman huffed in obvious annoyance. “I want what

Sin has, and you’re my way of getting it”

Understanding began to dawn—she was after Sin’s god

powers. The thought angered her. “And just who the hell are you?”

Hatred twisted the perfectly symmetrical features of Bella’s

face, making her appear ugly. “You will know soon enough. Take
the amalgamator and tie her into the circle. Her god will be coming
for her very soon,” Bella ordered the second demon.

The bulky red-stripy demon advanced on Eve. She stepped

back until she hit a wall and could go no further. The demon
gripped Eve’s arm, pulling her out of the office and back into the

The catlike demon was licking its long sharp claws with a

satisfied smirk on its blood-smeared face. Eve shuddered in disgust
as they passed it. Its glowing red eyes watched her with renewed

The demon tied her to a pole in the center of a circle around a

pentagram. The rough bindings on her wrists bit into her skin as
she squirmed, trying to wiggle her way out. She was firmly tied.
She sighed, glancing around. More and more demons appeared by
the second. The warehouse started to fill with every type of
creature from hell.

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She lost count after thirty-five. Each and everyone’s eyes,

except Bella’s, glowed, bright red. Eve swallowed nervously.
Watching them watch her, waiting for something.

Bella strode forward through the crowd of demons. “You

really have no idea what you’re capable of, do you? You are the
key which can unravel the whole universe for those who know how
to use you wisely. Long have I been searching for the likes of you.”

Eve shuddered as she lifted a blood-red painted fingernail,

than ran it down the side of Eve’s face. “Through you, your moon
god’s powers will be mine and that’s only the beginning. I intend
to use you over and over until I have taken all the powers of the
gods. I will be unstoppable, invincible.”

“You’re a deranged bitch is what you are,” Eve said dryly.

“The only thing you’ll be getting is swift kick up the ass and a ride
in a white van with a new straight jacket ensemble.”

The woman’s gaze narrowed in rage. She grabbed the back of

Eve’s head, viciously jerking her head back. Pain shot through
Eve’s scalp, and she struggled to hold in her whimper.

“A little bit of respect for your Mistress, Eve. You are my

slave now, so get used to it. Accept this as your fate.”

Like hell I will. Eve glared angrily, but kept her mouth shut.

Bella released her head and patted her cheek.

“Behave and you’ll be taken care of. I know many ways of

breaking you,” Bella gloated with wicked intent.

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Chapter 18

“Nice of you to join us.” Sin didn’t turn his head as his twin

appeared on his left side. He stared at the old warehouse. His
woman was in there. By hell or high water, he would get her back.

“I had to make sure my wife was safe. I came as quickly as I

could.” Neman waved his hand in front of his nose. “Phew, I could
smell them halfway across the planet.”

The strong, pungent, sulphuric odor, now wafting from the

warehouse grew steadily stronger, which meant there were more
than a handful of demons within.

A tall white-haired elf suddenly appeared next to Neman. It

was hard to forget Slazzamar the Sneak. The half-elf, half-demon,
ex-demon spy had turned his talents towards a better course since
he found true love with his mate and Vanessa’s best friend, Darren.
Slazzamar took over the running of Neman’s Moon Shadow

“So, who we fighting this time? I thought Sin had full god

powers, why does he need our help?” Slazzamar slid out a long,
thin sword attached to his back; he had other shiny sharp and
deadly blades strapped at various points on his body.

Sin glared at Slazzamar. “My woman is in there.”
“Hey, it’s cool with me. All for love right? I’m down with


“You’re sounding too much like Darren,” muttered Neman,

sparing a glance in Slazzamar’s direction.

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“She’s not just your woman,” Kane put in indignantly. “I don’t

have a weapon.”

“He’s the one you’re sharing her with?” Neman studied Kane

for a moment as if sizing him up. “He looks human.”

“I’m Kane Sullivan, newly immortal and what have you been

telling everyone, Sin?”

“You’re sharing a woman?” Slazzamar piped in, his curious,

lavender gaze flicking from Sin to Kane.

Sin’s patience was at an end. His power level grew as he

simmered. Everyone fell silent, waiting for his lead.

“I know this is a trap, but only really stupid creatures think

they can trap a god.”

“It takes a hell of a lot of powerful magic to do that,” Neman

supplied. “I was the exception since I was drugged. But that’s
beside the point, we know, we are aware.”

“Exactly.” Sin nodded towards his twin. “I’m going to rip this

building apart.”

“It will draw attention,” Slazzamar added. “And not only that

of humans. You use enough power and it will attract any other
Heavenly Realm creatures within power-sensing distance.”

Sin leveled an angry frown at the demon-elf, who wisely shut

his mouth and nodded.

“Getting Eve to safety is the main priority,” Sin continued.
Kane nodded in approval. Sin teleported a short sharp sword

into his hand. Kane glanced down at it before he raised his head to
meet Sin’s gaze. They were of the same mind—get to Eve, make
sure she was safe and kill everything else between.

“Why can’t you just teleport her out? She’s human right?”
“Neman, you can fill your elf in on that one. Hang on to

something, gentlemen, things are about to get rough.”

Sin looked up at the sky. He raised his hands towards the

warehouse and pulled in everything he had.

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He threw a teleport dampening spell over the area. It was

time to show those bastards exactly who they were messing with.

* * * *

Either Eve trembled so hard her whole body vibrated, or the

ground beneath her feet shook with the power of an earthquake.

She wasn’t the only one who noticed the ground moving. All

the demons looked to the ground beneath their feet before glancing
around at each other. The question clear in their red, glowing eyes.
What is happening?

Eve wrapped her hands around the pole to which she was tied.

A gut instinct told her to hang on, and hang on tight. She wasn’t
wrong, because the whole building suddenly started to shake and
sway violently. Metal beams and sheets of roof metal, along with
years of accumulated dust and sand, fell crashing down on the
crowd of gathered demons.

The noise level grew and they started to yell and shriek as

panic set in. Standing next to Eve, Bella gripped onto the pole
keeping her steady on her feet.

“I can’t teleport!” screeched many of the demons, now

running for the exits.

The front of the building suddenly tore off. Wind whipped

around the area lifting writhing demons off their feet, and
throwing them violently against the side of the building. Screams,
snarls and grunts could be heard over the rushing wind. Eve
struggled to see through the thrum of panicked demons as they ran
from a small group attacking them. She spotted Sin, his golden eyes
aglow, as he swung a flaming sword. Anything it came in contact
with disintegrated. She gasped when she saw Kane with a metal
sword of his own fighting his way through.

Bodies and ash piles quickly piled up as demon, human, and

god fought savagely.

“Well, isn’t this interesting?” Bella said snidely. She swung

around after watching the carnage for a long moment.

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“Look, lady, you’re a dead woman when Sin catches up with

you. I’d cut your losses and run while you still can,” Eve helpfully

She didn’t in the least seem fazed. She reached up to Eve’s

binds, slicing through the ropes with the same long slender blade
she’d used on Jones. Gripping Eve viciously by the hair, she
dragged her along after her.

Eve struggled against her, and Bella pressed the blade into

Eve’s side. “Go ahead, keep struggling, I’m sure you don’t need
every body part to stay alive.”

Eve stilled and found herself helplessly dragged along.
“Jezebel, I should have known.” The sound of Sin’s voice

made Bella swing around, pulling Eve directly in front of her.
“Vanessa should have killed you when she had the chance.”

Eve could feel the anger radiating off Bella, or rather Jezebel,

in waves. “Don’t you know, Moon God, I always find a way of
getting what I want.”

“Not this time, bitch.” Sin took a menacing step towards

them. “Let Eve go.”

Eve felt the sharp point of Bella’s blade press against her

throat. She stiffened, her eyes fixed on Sin. “This is one blade you
can’t teleport out of my grip, I will know if you try to use
anything. I will kill her, and I think you know me well enough to
understand I don’t make idle threats.”

Sin’s eyes narrowed, staring past Eve at the woman who held


“If you kill her, where will that leave you? Still powerless, and

I’ll have your blood for doing this.”

“You think so, Moon God?” Jezebel lowered the blade from

Eve’s throat.

Eve felt it press in against her lower back. She stiffened in cold


“I think this time, I will win the day.”

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Eve gasped when she felt the blade as Jezebel thrust it

forward, sliding easily through the center of Eve’s body. Just as
quickly she yanked it back and threw Eve forward towards Sin.

“No!” Sin roared, lunging forward and catching her before she


Eve noticed the front of her blouse turning crimson with

blood. Was that her blood? Sin sank to his knees, cradling her in his

Jezebel loomed over them both. Sin grunted as Jezebel

viciously thrust her blade into Sin’s right shoulder.

“Blood is such a wonderful, life-giving power.” Jezebel

sneered, grabbing firm hold of Sin’s arm.

He cried out, his body convulsing, and forcing them both to

the ground. Eve struggled onto her hands and knees, only to
collapse. She closed her eyes, panting, trying to push back the pain
radiating through her body. Only one thought vibrated through her
mind—she needed to save them.

* * * *

Damn the demon bitch. With every breath he took, he

weakened. Helplessly, he watched Eve labor for breath. She was
dying and no powers could save her; he needed to get her to a
hospital, fast.

He gritted his teeth, ignoring the searing pain in his shoulder,

as he swiveled around gripping Jezebel and throwing her off him
with all the strength he could muster. She flew backwards, landing
heavily on the ground. Her body was still.

Even as he struggled to his feet, he knew it was too late.

There was only one hope left—get his powers back before she
could awaken and use them.

His eyes darted around. The others still battled with the

demons, fighting desperately and dirty.


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Kane sank his blade into a demon, his head whipping around

at Sin’s shout.

“Eve! Get her out of here, now!”
Kane nodded.
Sin refocused on his target, hal- stumbling across the floor to

where Jezebel lay.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Kane battling to get to

Eve. Sin reached out his hand towards Jezebel.

Her eyes snapped open. In the next instant, Sin was gripped

by an invisible power wrapping around his throat, a move which
would have killed any human. Even without his powers, he was
still immortal and regained some strength.

Jezebel’s strangling grip vanished. Sin gasped for breath, only

to find himself flung backwards, landing heavily on the concrete
floor. A sudden boom and shockwave burst outwards, knocking
everyone still standing clean off their feet. Eyes blazing red,
Jezebel rose to her feet. They were now at her mercy. Sin felt
weak and powerless against her.

Neman and Slazzamar jumped back to their feet, charging

towards the demon queen only to be hit with a bolt of god power,
which knocked them both clean out.

“What the hell?” Kane stood up, his sword drawn.

” Sin’s vision began to dim, and he groaned.

Jezebel cackled with laughter. “Revenge is mine! One-by-one,

I’m going to destroy you all!”

“Not in this fucking lifetime,” growled Kane, advancing on the

deranged woman.

“So be it, little human.” She flicked her hand.
Sin was helpless to protect Kane, or anyone, as Jezebel blasted

him with the full effect of her stolen powers.

“Demon spawn!” she shrieked, and the remaining demons

came running, falling to their knees before her.

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“Oh great Queen, let us serve you. Let us destroy the


“Gather up those who dare defy me,” she ordered. “I will deal

with them each in turn.”

Sin and the others were now helpless, as the demons

scrambled to obey. They were roughly seized, dragged along and
shoved to their knees before the Demon Queen. Sin glanced to
where Eve lay motionless, soaking in her own blood.

Sin was relieved to see Eve’s chest rise and fall. She was still

alive, but for how long? Anguish tore at him for letting this
happen. He’d royally fucked up Eve’s rescue and thrown them into
the hands of the cruelest demon queen ever to have existed.

It would take a miracle to stop Jezebel and save their sorry


* * * *

Eve forced her eyes open. What the hell is going on? She

groaned. Her whole side throbbed, as she rolled over, then
struggled to her knees and stared down at her blood-soaked side.

Despite feeling weak, something strange was going on inside

her. It was the same kind of empowerment she felt the first time
she and Sin made love. Brimming with a newfound confidence and
determination, she glanced around. Jezebel stood over four men,
two of them were her men. A few remaining demons stood
menacingly back, as if waiting to see what Jezebel was going to do.

Anger curled through her. This thing, this demon bitch, Eve

didn’t know what the hell she was, but she didn’t care. Right now,
she was going to pay.

Eve searched the pile of rubble surrounding her and picked up

a long, heavy piece of piping, gripping it tightly as she rose to her

“Did you really think you could ever defeat me, that you

could silence me? I am Jezebel, Queen of the Underworld, and
now I will take this human world apart piece by piece. Your

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spawn, Neman, will never see the light of day. Your female will
pay for what she did to me.” Jezebel was pointing at the spitting
image of Sin, only his hair was longer.

It took a moment for Eve’s befuddled brain to kick into gear

and realize she was staring at Sin’s twin. Why hadn’t Sin told her
he had a twin brother? There was still so much she didn’t know
about her men. But first things first.

Eve didn’t bother creeping up. She met the gaze of Sin’s twin,

who frowned with worry. His eyes gave a silent warning not to try
anything stupid. Eve ignored his silent pleading. She simply winked
at him and stood directly behind the demon queen as she made her
dramatic speech.

Fed up with Jezebel’s rantings, she cut in, “Blah, blah, blah,

sounds like a load of hot air to me.” As Jezebel spun about, Eve felt
a swirl of air spin around her. Jezebel was trying to use Sin’s power
on her.

“Forget something, bitch?” Eve swung the lead pipe with all

the force she could muster walloping the woman straight in her

Air whooshed from Jezebel’s lungs, her eyes widened, and she

wheezed as she struggled to draw in breath. She collapsed forward,
clutching her wounded stomach.

“I’m immune to all powers, and I don’t take kindly to being

kidnapped, stabbed, or you daring to harm my men!”

Without missing a beat, she swung the pipe down onto

Jezebel’s skull with a sickening, wet thud. Jezebel slumped
unconscious onto the floor.

The men jumped to their feet, attacking the now fleeing


“Eve!” Sin and Kane stumbled towards her. Kane reached her

first, pulling her into his arms, crushing her against his chest.

“Oh, Kane, that man, I-I thought you were dead.”

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“Shhh, it’s alright Eve, I’m fine, really. Sin got to me before,


it’s good, really.”

“Sin!” She reached for him, feeling her body weakening.

“Quickly, take back your powers.”

Sin nodded, took her hand and reached down to the

unmoving body of Jezebel. She felt the jolt as the power coursed
through her once again. A few moments later, she knew it was
done. Sin closed his eyes, drawing in a steady breath, and his pale
complexion turned a healthy, glowing pink. The stab wound on his
shoulder vanished. She could see the power flowing from every
pore of his body.

Eve felt her legs turn to water. Sin caught her before she

collapsed. She felt the pull towards sleep; her whole body felt

“Sweetheart, stay with us now. Kane is going to get you to a


“She’s lost too much blood; her body’s going into shock.”
Kane’s voice sounded as if it was down a long tunnel.
“Hurry, take her, I need to clean up the mess here; I’ll be with

you as soon as I can.”

Eve felt like she was floating far away.
“Keep your eyes open.”
Kane’s commanding tone made her open them as far as she


“Tired,” Eve mumbled her protest
“I don’t care; you have to stay awake, and there is no fucking

way I’m going to let you leave us now.”

He carried her outside. She noticed someone opening a car


“I’ll drive, you keep pressure on her wound.” She realized it

was Sin’s twin.

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Kane climbed into the backseat, holding her close. The car

started, swaying and bumping along the road with Sin’s twin
speeding towards their destination.

“Come on, baby doll, talk to me. I was going to wait, but I

wanted to ask you to marry me. Hell, the first time I saw you on
the casino monitors, I wanted to marry you.”

Surprise pierced through her tired, muddled brain.
“Marry me?”
“You don’t think I was only in this for fun? I want the whole

nine yards—wife and kids. I have a nice home on the outskirts of

“And Sin?”
“He loves you too; you can marry him as well if you want.”
She was glad to see no hint of jealousy on his face. “You’re

going to have to face it, neither of us wants to ever let you go. So
stay awake.”

“Hum, okay, yes.”
“Yes? To staying awake?”
“Yes to marrying you and Sin, but only if he asks.”
Kane gave a strained chuckle, squeezing her tighter against


As for staying awake, Eve could no longer ignore the pull.
“Sorry about the other,” she said, her voice barely a whisper as

the darkness claimed her.

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Chapter 19

Panic flooded Kane when Eve lost consciousness, her

breathing became shallow, her face deathly pale.

“Damn it, hurry, we’re losing her!”
Neman nodded, flooring the gas pedal and weaving

dangerously in and out of traffic with practiced ease.

Kane shook Eve, trying desperately to rouse her. She flopped

about like a rag doll in his arms.

“C’mon, baby doll, let me see those beautiful, green eyes.”

He pressed his fingers to her pulse point. It fluttered too damn

“Hospital is ahead,” Neman said from the front, twisting the

wheel as he smoothly made a sharp corner.

Kane felt the pull of the brakes as the Jag pulled into the

emergency bay of the hospital. He flung open the door, hurriedly
carrying Eve inside while yelling for help.

A nurse ran forward, eyeing Eve’s blood-soaked and pale


“This way.”
Kane followed her deeper into the emergency room, then

placed her on the gurney in the center. A doctor came running in,
shoving Kane aside as soon as he placed her on the gurney.

“What happened?” the doctor asked, as he searched Eve for

the cause of her near-death state.

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“Stab wound through her lower back; she’s lost a lot of

blood,” Kane managed, his voice choked with fear.

More hospital staff poured in, swiftly cutting away her

clothes. Kane’s throat tightened upon seeing the gaping wound in
Eve’s side.

“She’s stopped breathing!”
They scrambled to place a respirator over her mouth. Sin

suddenly appeared beside him.

“Neman told me where you were. How is

” Sin’s gaze fell

on Eve as the medical team worked frantically on her.

Kane couldn’t talk, suddenly swamped with a feeling of

helplessness, anger and pain. None of this should have happened.

One of the staff tried to usher them out of the room, but

neither of them would budge. They stood against the wall
watching, waiting, and praying.

Her heart stopped. Kane felt as if his had too watching them

desperately trying to revive her.

What seemed like an eternity later, the doctor finally pulled

back, sadly shaking his head.

“Time of death

“No! Don’t you damn well stop now; you can’t let her die!”

Sin shoved forward, bearing down on the doctor.

Kane grabbed onto his arm, but Sin shrugged him off.
“I’m sorry, we’ve done all we can do to save her, but her

heart was just too weak. The blood loss, too great.”

“I’ve just found her; nothing in this universe is going to take

her from me!” Sin thundered in his booming, god voice, sending
hospital staff running for cover.

Kane watched as Sin hastily yanked out all the tubes from her

body, picked her up in his arms, then looked back at Kane.

“Sin? What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m going to bring her back.”

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Before Kane could open his mouth to reply, he felt the charge

of Sin’s power. With a ‘pop,’ he vanished, along with Eve.

“Sin!” Frustration and pain made him cry out. “Damn it, she’s

my woman too!”

Sin reappeared. “Hold on.”
Kane didn’t need to be told twice, he gripped onto Sin’s

wrist. He felt the power twist at his gut as they teleported out.

* * * *

The last place Kane expected Sin to take them were lush,

green fields, with the grass so high it reached his thigh. Rich blue
skies spanned above them, cloudless. A slight breeze cooled his
sweat-laced skin and teased at his dirty, battle-worn clothing.

Sin, still cradling Eve’s body in his arms, walked forward.
Kane jogged to catch up and keep stride with him.
“I don’t get it. I thought you couldn’t use your powers on her

and couldn’t teleport her.”

“She’s dead. The part of her which was the amalgamator went

with her soul. This is just her body.” Sin’s tone was tight.

“Where are we and why are we here? If she’s dead then

“We’re in the Heavenly Realm, or otherwise known as the

human afterlife. We need her body to bring her soul back. And we
have to bargain with the God of the Afterlife to have her returned
to us.”

“You can’t bring her back?”
“Bringing back the dead is beyond my powers, but not for

Nergal, Master of the Underworld and the Dead.”

“And this Nergal has Eve’s soul?”
When no reply was forthcoming, Kane assumed the answer to

his question was a yes.

“Okay, call me thick but why are we in a field?”
“You are looking at whatever your mind has imaged it to be.

Such is the place between the living and the dead. Every creature
who passes through these planes sees something different.”

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“What is it you see?”
“I see the multitude of people wandering between life and

death, waiting for their souls to pass either to the torments of the
fires of the Hell Realms, or into the eternal bliss of Heaven.”

“No shit, I don’t see anyone.” Kane again glanced at Eve’s

limp body. “Can you see Eve?”

“No, but having her shell will help summon her soul.”
Sin came to an abrupt halt. Kane watched as he studied what?

The air?

“Take her.”
Kane was quick to take Eve, holding her still warm body

against his. Sin met his gaze. “We can take nothing without a price,
and knowing my half-brother, the price will be heavy.”

“But I don’t have anything a god would want, do I?”
Sin’s hard features softened. His gaze again fell to Eve’s body

in Kane’s arms. “Don’t worry, I promised Eve not to let anything
get in the way of our friendship. I doubt you’ll be required to give

Kane didn’t like where this was going.
“Just promise you’ll take care of her.”
Kane’s brow furrowed in a frown. “Sin, you know I will, but

tell me you’ll be here as well. You know she won’t like it if you’re
not around.”

“She matters more, Kane. You can’t turn me from this path.

It’s what I choose for her and you.”

Kane understood the power of Sin’s love for Eve, because he

felt the same way. For a moment it flashed through Kane’s mind to
try and stop him. He swallowed, kept his mouth closed and

With that confirmation, Sin turned, raised his palms out and

began muttering in an ancient language.

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A huge crack of light suddenly flashed, silhouetting a massive

door at least ten feet wide and twenty feet high. Kane squinted
against the blinding light.

“Right, time to face the music and get our woman back,

follow me.”

* * * *

Eve sat up, blinking against the bright sunlight. Cool water

lapped gently around her feet, as she gazed across a crystal blue

“Where the hell am I?”
“It’s not hell, Eve; you are in the afterlife.”
She spun around in the sand. There stood her grandmother,

looking a hell of a lot younger than she did before she died.

Memories of seeing her grandmother’s mutilated body made

her stumble forward in shock. How could this be the same person?

“Grandma Pat?”
Pat smiled. “Believe it or not, yes.”
Eve frowned. “Afterlife? But that means, I’m, I’m

” Eve

struggled to say the last word.

“Dead,” Grandma Pat helpfully supplied. “I’m afraid so, which

means Son of Enkil did not keep his promise to protect you.”

“Oh, no, no, no, I can’t be dead; I need to get back to Sin and



” A lump formed in the back of her throat thinking

about never seeing Sin or Kane again.

Pat stepped forward, touching her shoulder with a

sympathetic expression. “I’m so sorry, my darling; you’ve been
through so much. I did my best to protect you from the world and
those who would harm you.”

Eve sucked in a deep breath, refusing to give in to tears. Pat

was right; she’d been through a hell of a lot and had grown
stronger for it. She refused to believe this was it and she was dead.

She looked around. “Why are we on a beach? And why do you

look so young?”

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“I have discovered the place you wake up in is a part of your

subconscious. Remember the soft white beaches and crystal waters
I used to tell you about when you were younger?”

“The smell of the sea, and the warmth of the air

” Eve

finished, now remembering. “So this is whatever my mind makes
of it and you, are you real or in my imagination too?”

“I’m real, I felt your confusion and desire to be close to

someone you knew.”

Eve took a moment to process all the new information

swirling around in her brain. There was something else she needed
to ask her grandmother.

“Did you know about my abilities?”
A guilty expression crossed Pat’s youthful face. “When your

parents were murdered, I was assigned as your guardian. With the
funds left to you by your parents, I took you traveling, hoping to
lose ourselves in the world.”

“Assigned as my guardian. Are you even my grandmother?”
“I’m sorry, Eve, but no, though I loved you like my own

daughter, rather than granddaughter.”

Eve suddenly wished for a chair to sit on. A comfortable beach

chair appeared out of thin air and she sank down onto it as she
began to understand that her whole life had been a lie.

“Why? What is the purpose of an amalgamator anyway? Who

are ‘they’ to assign you to me?”

A second chair appeared and Pat sat down beside her. “I don’t

know, the powers that be are as mysterious here as are the gods in
the heavens or the demons in hell. Every rule has an exception and
they come in all forms, human, object, animal. I, along with many
others am dedicated to keeping the universe safe, to stop the tools
from falling into the wrong hands.”

Eve felt gutted. “So I’m nothing more than a tool to be used.”

Eve didn’t bother to keep the bitterness out of her tone. At least
no one would be using her now that she was dead.

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She thought about her men, Sin and Kane, neither of them

treated her like an object; they had done nothing but care and
treasure her, as if she mattered.

Her heart broke. Again, she struggled to hold back tears. She

wanted to see them. There was no way she was giving up and
simply accepting her death.

Eve bolted up from her chair, her mind churning over. If

everything in this afterlife was connected with her mind, why
couldn’t she summon things other than a chair? Concentrating, she
made the beach disappear, her clothes changed into jeans, t-shirt,
and boots.

This afterlife would be pretty cool if not for the fact she

wanted her men and her life back.

“Eve?” Pat stood up and her expression was one of surprise.
“Is there any way out of this place?”
“The only way out is for the God of the Afterlife to return you

to your body.”

“Sin’s a God, and I know damn well he won’t be letting go

without a fight, so neither am I.”

She turned to face Pat. “You seem to know all about this.

What’s this afterlife god’s name?”

“Eve, to bargain with a god, you need something to bargain

with, and you have nothing but your soul.”

“Really? I thought I was an amalgamator, Grandma? It has to

count for something, doesn’t it?”

Love shone in the other woman’s eyes. “You still called me

grandma, even though you now know I’m not.”

Eve smiled warmly. “I don’t care who you are. You gave me a

secure and loving home, for which I will always be thankful. But
now, I think it’s time to stand on my own, do things for myself.”

Pat pulled her into a tight hug before letting her go.
“I have two men out there who need me, so please tell me his


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Pride shone in Pat’s gaze. “Nergal. I also believe he is Sin’s


“Great, let’s hope they have a nice family relationship.”
Eve wasn’t sure if it would work; focusing on Nergal’s name,

she threw back her head and bellowed for the god.

At first, nothing. “Nergal, I, Eve, amalgamator, summon you.

Get your godly butt out here!”

A brilliant flash of light suddenly blinded her. She covered her


“Rather distasteful of you, don’t you think?” A deep voice

boomed across the nonexistent sky like thunder.

She raised her hand to peer up at the twenty-foot tall god,

who stood there, glaring down at her. Pat was nowhere to be
seen—just as well. Even though he was big, much like Sin, he
abounded with muscles, strength and power; his hair long, rich and
black, flowed down around his shoulders. He kind of looked like a
leather-bound biker. She met his swirling silver gaze with her own
determined glare, refusing to be intimidated.

With her hands hooked on her hips, she asked, “You’re

Nergal?” She kept her tone sounding less than impressed.

The god shrank himself down to tower above her at six foot


“And you are an amalgamator?” His gaze went over her from

head-to-toe in a critical manner.

“Want to step closer and find out?” she challenged with a half-


He folded his arms, making the muscles bulge on his sleeveless

arms. “I would rather not. What is it you want, amalgamator;
remember, this is my realm, subject to my laws. Choose your
words with care.”

“There are two things I want, and I think you and every other

god aware of my existence will want it too.”

* * * *

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Kane stood out of the way, still holding Eve’s body. He

watched Sin pace impatiently in front of an alabaster dais with a
large throne in the center. As wondrous as it was to be in the home
of a god in a completely different realm, this was Sin’s domain, his
world; it was best if Kane kept out of it and let Sin handle the
situation. If at any moment he thought Eve or Sin were in danger,
Kane wouldn’t hesitate to jump into the fray and offer anything for
Eve’s life.

“Where the hell is he?” Sin grumbled.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my older half-brother.”
Sin skidded to a halt. Kane could see the other god was as tall

as Sin. His gray tunic was sleeveless and crossed with a black
leather belt over his torso matching the leather pants, giving the
god an ancient and powerful aura.

“I’ve come to bargain with you for a soul.”
“It seems to be the day for people wanting souls returned, and

you seem to be the god of the hour.”

Kane watched Sin frown in obvious confusion, matching his


“I have no time for riddles, Nergal. I want Eve Gardner’s soul

returned and I’m willing to pay whatever price you name to have
her back.”

They were words of a desperate man, leaving Sin open and

vulnerable for the other god to exploit him. Kane realized Sin truly
loved her. He could understand Sin’s feelings as he studied Eve’s
pale face. For her life and love, he would give anything, regardless
of the cost to himself.

Nergal swiveled on a thickly booted heel, walked over to and

lowered himself on the stone throne. He tugged at a soul patch
under his bottom lip in apparent thought.

“My, my, the great Moon God Sin snared by one simple

human woman. I never thought I would see the day. How
pathetically you have fallen.”

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Sin growled low and dangerous.
“Insult me all you wish, but never my woman. When you find

the other half of your soul, Nergal, you too will understand. Until
then, I want her returned, so name your price.”

Nergal glanced in Kane’s direction and down at Eve.
“Why bring him here?”
“Kane is my trusted friend; we both love the woman.”
“Both? You are willing to share your supposed half-soul with a


Kane’s anger grew at hearing the sneer of distaste in Nergal’s


Sin raised his hand to stop Kane when he would have stepped

forward to defend himself.

“This is a business deal, Nergal, so keep your personal

opinions to yourself.”

After a seemingly long moment, Nergal slowly rose to his


“It seems this is your lucky day. Your amalgamator has already

approached me with a proposition, but I will take your offer as

Surprise at Nergal’s words struck both Kane and Sin.
“Eve? What kind of bargain? If she has done anything foolish,

I’ll take responsibility for any bargain she made.”

A sinister smile curved Nergal’s lips. “Fear not, she did not

offer anything I would not have already wanted, but you must
surrender to me your title and power. I will then return your
human’s soul.”

“For my power you must also render her immortal; the three

of us are not to be separated.”

Nergal looked astounded, clearly he was not expecting Sin to

easily agree.

“You would give up everything for one woman?”
“For Eve, I would give my very life.”

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“As would I.” Kane stepped forward.
“Fools, each and every one of you. Love makes gods and

humans alike weak. Yet, let it not be said I have no sympathy. If
this how you want it, I am only too willing to facilitate your

“Wait, what is it Eve bargained with?” Sin demanded.
“You should be worrying about what I am going to do to you,

rather what I took from your woman. As it is, without it, I cannot
make her immortal, nor can I have an amalgamator running loose or
you would have more than only demons chasing her down to gain
power over the gods. I have taken her abilities. Only by doing so,
can I place her soul back in her body.”

Kane couldn’t help but smile at Eve’s clever thinking.
Sin nodded. “Very well, I freely give you my powers, but

please leave my immortality. I still need enough power to protect
her and what is ours.”

Nergal nodded. “Bring the woman’s body. Place her before

me.” He indicated the spot at his feet.

Kane didn’t need to be told twice as he carried her over and

put her gently down.

“This is the deal: if you want an eternity together, I will bind

the three of you. If one of you dies, the others die also. I’ll leave
you more than that. Surrender yourself to me, Sin Moon God of

Sin sank down his knees. Nergal’s piercing silver eyes turned

to Kane. He realized he was expected to kneel also and he did so at
Eve’s feet.

“Place your hands on her.”
They both obeyed Nergal’s instructions.
Kane caught Sin’s gaze and Sin nodded his approval.
“For her.”
“For her,” Kane echoed, understanding they were both on the

same page.

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Nergal reached out, gripping Sin’s shoulder. Sin’s painful roar

shook the foundations of the temple around them. A bright,
blinding light made Kane squeeze his eyes shut. A sudden power
seized him so tightly, he thought every bone in his body would
break. Kane realized he was feeling what Sin was going through.
His breathing became shallow, and he was helpless as darkness
dragged him down.

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Chapter 20

Sin bolted upright, momentarily disorientated before realizing

he lay on his bed in his private suite in his casino temple.

Nergal’s draining of his powers packed a hell of a punch, not

only for him, but for Kane. They were now connected, the three
of them, together forever.

Although he could no longer feel the thrum of power he was

born with, he didn’t feel weak. His heightened senses still
remained, along with his strength and his ability to teleport. Nergal
had kept his word.

Sin glanced to his side, smiling tenderly as he watched Eve’s

soft, even breathing. He pondered how he would ever live without
this woman. She was the completion of his soul, the light to his
dark, perfect for him in every way.

“What the hell!” Kane bolted upright on the bed, a wild

confused look in his eyes.

“We’re back.” Sin kept his tone calm.
Kane blinked at him, then down at Eve before looking down

at his bare torso.

“Why am I naked?”
“No idea.”
“You did it, I mean, you got Eve back, you saved her.” Kane

heaved a sigh of relief. “Are you regretting giving up your powers
for her?”

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Sin thought about it. “No, I honestly don’t. I know you would

do the same thing in my position. She’s worth more than all the
powers in the universe. Are you regretting being bonded to us

“Stuck with you for eternity? I’m sure it can’t be so bad, as

long as I have Eve. I’m pretty sure I could put up with almost

Sin chuckled, relieved to see his friend’s sense of humor


Approval and worry showed in Kane’s eyes. “We have to look

out for each other now. If I understand it correctly, if any one of us
dies, we all do.”

“Correct. I have to say, out of all humans, I am glad to have

you guarding my back. The three of us will always be there for
each other, a binding partnership.”

Kane nodded. “Friends, partners.” Kane held out his hand

over Eve.

Sin didn’t hesitate to take it and shake it.
“So, let me understand this fully, you are no longer a moon

god with great powers, and we’re all immortal. And, from what I
understand, Eve is no longer an amalgamator?”

“Correct. Nergal took out that part of Eve before placing her

soul back into her body making her human, only with the added
perk of being immortal, just like you.”

“And you?”
Sin gave him a small smile. “I still have a few powers, basic

ones, but they may come in handy. We’ll never want for anything.
You know as well as I do that my wealth is extensive.”

“What about the demons and Jezebel?”
“I gave her to Lord Derkin, a demon ruler of a territory in the

Hell Realm. There is no way she will be escaping his prison. The
casino still has its protections in place. It does not mean we can

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relax. It’s our duty to protect her, as well as it is to love her and
make her happy.”

Kane nodded thoughtfully as he stroked a hand gently across

the side of Eve’s face.

“Good, with that out of the way, we can get down to the

serious stuff.”

Sin arched a questioning eyebrow at Kane, who gave him a

salacious grin.

“Making those babies I want.” Kane shifted on the bed,

reaching for the sheet covering Eve, then pulling it down her naked
body. “Remind me to send a thank you note to Nergal for leaving
us all naked.”

Sin’s cock hardened and his mouth watered at the sight of his

woman’s lush, pale skin. He chuckled.

“Ahhh, my friend, I couldn’t agree more.” Sin zeroed in on his

favorite items to play with and he lowered his head to taste heaven.

* * * *

Eve awakened to fire sparking through her body. Warm, wet

heat was tugging on her nipple, making her part her lips and moan
softly. Her hands automatically went in search of the head, sliding
her fingers into soft hair. Somehow, she knew it was Sin’s head. A
smile spread across her face, which ended on a sharp gasp, as he bit
down on the nipple sending a shooting spike of pain before he
soothed it with swirling his tongue gently around the peak.

Eve opened her eyes and smiled lovingly at Sin as he lazily

trailed his tongue down between the valley of her breasts and up to
her neglected nipple. He pulled it into his mouth and sucked hard,
making her belly clench and her clit throb in anticipation, as her
back arched in a silent offering.

She smoothed her hands over the taut muscles of his

shoulders, then back into his hair, tugging at him to bring his lips to
her own. For several moments he ignored her demand, as he
teased her nipple until it was fully engorged with blood.

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Moon Shadows Book 2: Sin’s City


“I love these babies as much as I love you,” said Sin, huskily.
He raised his head; his piercing, golden eyes met hers.
In the back of her mind, hazy memories of the afterlife and the

deal with Nergal lingered. Yet, she didn’t feel any weaker for
having a part of her soul ripped out, instead she felt free and


where are we, what happened?”

“Shhh, sweetheart, you’re safe, and we’re fine. Right now, let

us hold you, make love to you as we should. You can ask your
questions later.”

Who could argue with that? Eve gave herself over to Sin’s

wicked talented mouth, as he shifted to her other breast, sucking it
deep into the cavern of his mouth, then flicking the hardening bud
making her writhe and moan.

“K-Kane, where is, ooh

A hand slid up her inner thighs and she knew exactly where

Kane was.

“Hello, baby doll, time for breakfast, and I’ve got something

sweet and creamy to feast on.”

He pushed her legs wide. A puff of hot air over her exposed

center was all the warning she got before his tongue swiped over
her clit, licking and sucking at her sensitive bundle of nerves. Sin,
with his hands and mouth on her breasts, drove her out of her
mind. She pleaded with them to be filled, fucked and made to

“I want her ass this time.”
Eve groaned her complaint when both her men pulled back,

only to lift, flip, and reposition her and themselves. She gazed
down at Kane while straddling his lap. Not needing any
instruction, she hungrily gripped his cock to guide herself down on
his hot, rigid length. They both moaned as she sank down.

“That’s it, sweetheart.”

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Moon Shadows Book 2: Sin’s City


Sin’s husky whisper by her ear sent spikes of shivers running

down her spine making her inner walls clamp down on Kane’s
length within her.

“Kane’s filling your sweet little pussy, and I’m going to fill

your tight little ass. What do you think about that, sweetheart?”

“Oh, god, yes!” She wanted it, wanted both her men in her at

the same time, filling her and making her writhe.

Sin chuckled, pushing her gently down to Kane.
She met his passion-filled gaze. He gripped her head, pulling

her lips to his, then kissing her with the same reckless abandon she
felt within.

Her mind spun out of control. Their hands stroked her


“That’s it, baby doll,” he groaned, pulling her hips up until his

cock nearly slipped from her body then he pushed her back down.

She groaned low in the back of her throat. “Oh, god…oh,

god.” Kane’s hands slipped up her back, urging her forward to lie
atop his chest. His lips closed around hers, and he gently sucked
her tongue into his mouth. Her sudden gasp drew his breath into
her lungs, giving her an electric rush. Eve ground her pussy against
Kane’s groin as she felt the heat of Sin’s chest press along her back.
The soft hairs of his upper body stimulated her now ultra-sensitive
skin as he rubbed against her. The head of Sin’s cock nudged her
ass, and Kane’s hands grabbed her cheeks firmly, pulling them

She felt a finger stroke gently across the rosette of her ass. She

then felt cool lube being spread over her bud seconds before a
single thick digit delved inside and coated her entrance. Then, she
felt the pressure. Sin pressed the head of his cock against the tight
muscles of her anus and pushed, breeching her opening.

“Gods,” Sin ground out.
“Ahhh,” she panted, pulling away from Kane’s kiss. He

brushed his lips along hers again.

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Moon Shadows Book 2: Sin’s City


“Relax, baby. Let him in,” he whispered. “We want to make

you feel so good. Let us love you.”

Sin pushed deeper, spearing Eve from behind. She stiffened

and gasped for breath. Sweat peppered her soft skin as Sin
continued to feed his cock into her. Once he was deep inside her
ass, he expelled a shaky breath.

She moaned and wriggled between the two men sandwiching

her. Her mind was gone, and she’d lost the last of her control as
Kane and Sin began to move in sync, driving her body toward

She was unable to move as Kane and Sin took possession of

her body, mind, and soul. Her eyes closed again, completely lost
within the pleasure with the exquisite fullness of having both her
pussy and ass full of thick, delicious cock.

Two cocks thrusting relentlessly in and out of her drove her to

a hard, intense climax. Her body shuddered violently as her pussy
and ass tightened and gripped at the shafts impaling her.

She only experienced a slight descent, because they doubled

their efforts, thrusting harder, faster, pushing her over the edge
again. Her two men groaned, gasped and grunted as their cocks
thrust into her.

“I’m going to come,” Sin groaned.
The three moved as one. Sweaty bodies slapped together, the

smell of sex filled the room, and the sounds of their lovemaking
drove them to culmination.

“Hold it, Sin, just a little longer,” Kane growled. “Eve, you

going to join us, baby doll, one more time?”








it…yes…yes…harder…please…” Her mind blanked as her body
released a second time, pushing the two men over the edge.

Kane and Sin shouted their releases simultaneously, Kane

shooting his seed deep inside Eve’s convulsing pussy and Sin
finishing in her ass. The three collapsed in a heap of sweaty,

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Moon Shadows Book 2: Sin’s City


quivering bodies in the middle of the king-sized bed, gasping for
breath, with their limbs entangled as all six hands stroked and
caressed one another.

“I gotta admit, I thought it couldn’t get any better while we

were all sharing Sin’s powers.” Kane was the first to speak. “More
than happy to be wrong. God I love you, baby doll.”

She leaned in to Kane’s heartfelt loving kiss.
“I love you, Kane.”
“Hey, save some of that for me.” There was no jealousy in

Sin’s tone, only simple amusement as he gently tugged her away
and turned her to cover her mouth with his.

She melted into his loving, reverent kiss. “So, you two going

to tell me what exactly happened up there?” Her voice was
breathless after breaking away from Sin’s plundering mouth.

“We got what we wanted.” Sin grinned.
“Sin gave up his god powers and status to bring you back.”
Eve gasped, staring at Sin. “But, Sin, why? I surrendered the

amalgamator part of me, was that not enough?”

“Gods are fickle, selfish and greedy, and that’s catching them

on a good day, sweetheart; there is nothing I wouldn’t give to you
or give up for you. You own me—heart, body, mind and soul.”

Overwhelmed with emotion, tears blurred her vision.
“Oh, Sin.” She threw her arms around him, holding him close.

“You shouldn’t have done it.”

“None of that now. I want you happy, not full of regret. I

want to know you love me, now and always.”

“I do, and I will always. I love you so much, thank you,” she


“We’re all in this together, you, me and even lughead over

there, bonded together forever.”

“Hey,” Kane protested half-heartedly while stroking her back,

sending renewed shivers of arousal through her body.

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Moon Shadows Book 2: Sin’s City


“You know, I suppose you could show us your appreciation.”

Sin waggled his dark eyebrows at her, making her laugh at his

“Anything for my men. After all, you’ve given up so much for


“Nothing we wouldn’t do all over again,” Kane stated, before

kissing her shoulder.

Eve boldly ran her hand over Sin’s wonderfully muscled

torso, then glided her other hand over Kane’s hip down to his cock
jutting out between her ass cheeks.

“Is it just me, or have I recovered at an amazingly alarming

rate? Not that I’m complaining,” Kane said.

“Welcome to the world of the immortal—best sex in the

universe.” Sin’s loving gaze caught hers. “Times it by a million
when you have the one woman you love.”

Eve felt her chest would burst with the joy and love she felt

for her men.

“Let’s put it to the test, shall we?” The vibrations of Kane’s

mouth on her neck made her moan, and she couldn’t agree more.

Six months later

“You know, I love you and Kane, and my home is wherever

you are, but living in a casino is no place to raise children.”

Eve rubbed her extended belly and pouted at Sin.
Sin gave her a secret smile, while wrapping his arms around

her, and nuzzling into her neck. “I know, which is why Kane and I
have decided on a few things.”

She eyed him with suspicion. “Is that right? Just what have you

been up to, god-boy? And where is Kane? I know when you two
are conspiring.”

Sin chuckled. “Nothing apart from giving our wife whatever

she desires.”

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Moon Shadows Book 2: Sin’s City


The private wedding took place on Sin’s rooftop garden,

surrounded by her new family. Her new sister and brother-in-law,
Vanessa and Neman, sat holding two new additions, identical twin
boys only a few weeks old. Vanessa went into labor on the casino
floor, much to the dismay of her husband and casino staff. Neman
quickly ‘popped’ her and her best friend Darren, who apparently
was a qualified nurse, to help deliver the twins.

Kane and Sin were determined to get Eve pregnant. She

wasn’t about to complain, considering she had two of the most
gorgeous men on the planet devoted to pleasing and pleasuring
her. Quite frankly, she couldn’t get enough of them either.

Sin slipped his arm around her shoulders, and led her across

the room into the bedroom. For a moment, she thought Sin was
going to toss her down on the bed as he liked to do. Instead, he
stopped in front of a closet door she hadn’t noticed before. On the
door, Eve noticed an intricately designed lock.

Eve already had more clothes than she would ever need, but

waited for his explanation.

“Kane wanted a country location for our home, and I wanted

a seaside villa. As neither of us would change our minds, I decided
on both.”

“Both?” Eve’s eyes widened in confusion.
“Yes, both, or all three. I have a few connections and got an

old friend to make us a dimension gate. This key,” he opened the
palm of his hand to show her a long, silver key, “will take you to
either of our homes.”

Sin placed it into Eve’s hand, which was trembling with


“Put it into the lock, turn it to the left and it will take you to

the country house. Turn it to the right and it will take you to our
beachside villa. On the other side both doors will bring you back
here, to the temple. Kane’s to the right at the moment.”

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Moon Shadows Book 2: Sin’s City


Eve slipped the key in and turned it to the right, then reached

for the door handle. It was late evening in Vegas, but the moment
she opened the door, bright sunlight streamed in. Eve brought her
hand up to shield her eyes as she stepped through into a spacious
open living room, which opened out onto a balcony. The fresh
warm salty sea breeze surrounded her. Eve took a deep breath and
let it out slowly. She walked through on gleaming warm brown
tiles out onto the balcony. To the right, a line of steps led down to
a secluded beach inlet. Eve saw a man she recognized lounging on a
beach chair, clad only in a pair of swimming trunks. She grinned,
knowing it was her other husband, Kane.

“Oh, Sin,” she exclaimed in awe.
He was only a step behind her as she swung around and

launched herself into his arms covering his face with kisses of
gratitude. “This is perfect! Thank you! Thank you!”

He chuckled, holding her close. He caught the back of her

neck, threading his fingers up into her hair, and holding her head.

“You’re welcome, my love,” he said huskily, before capturing

her lips.

Eve met his kiss with abandoned passion and love.
“Are you two going to stay up here forever? Get our girl

naked and in the water. Time for a swim.” Kane walked up the
villa’s outer steps.

Sin pulled back and let Eve go. Kane tugged her into his arms.

“Sounds like a brilliant idea, my two wonderful, sexy husbands.”
She grinned at Kane.

Kane slanted his lips over hers, heating her blood and body

even more from the hungry way he devoured her lips, and
plundered her mouth. Eve was barely aware her clothes vanished.

She squealed in delight when Kane picked her up and carried

her down the stairs, towards the pristine white sandy beach and
crystal blue waters.

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Moon Shadows Book 2: Sin’s City


“When do I get to see our other home?” Eve asked, as they

reached the water’s edge.

“One thing at a time, sweetness. First we have to make love

to you in every part of this home, then we’ll work on the other
one, but it’s going to take a long, long time before we’re finished

Eve laughed. “Sounds like you have everything planned out.”
“You better believe it, baby doll. You are ours for the rest of

eternity. I don’t know about him, but I plan to spend the better
part of it making love to you.”

Eve ran her fingers over Kane’s chest and leaned back as Sin

turned her head for a kiss. While they moved deeper into the
water, it did nothing to cool her overly heated skin.

They were hers as much as she was theirs. An eternity in their

arms. Eve knew she couldn’t find a more perfect place to be.

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Let’s see

breaking it down into a list, I’m a: wife, mother,

cook, cleaner, sewer of buttons and darner of socks, waitress,
nurse, teacher, gardener (well, sometimes), handyperson, and writer
of romantic books, just to name a few.

I am obsessed with the color blue, and a chocoholic (Please feel

free to send donations to the chocoholic cause).

I live in a small corner of Australia, and have been writing

ever since my teenage years, and living in a fantasy world almost
endlessly. I have to thank my hubby and kids who often knock me
back to Earth and keep me grounded.

In my younger days I discovered romance novels, then

paranormal romance. I’m a sucker for the ones where the hunky
hero can wield a sword, save the day, and get the lady.

I welcome feedback from my readers, so feel free to e-mail

me at, or you can visit my website,

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