What Causes Face to wrinkle

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wh at cau ses wrin kles on you r face




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what causes wrinkles on your face

What Causes Face
and Skin

While no product can give

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you wrinkle-free skin, the
first step in finding the right
anti aging products for your
skin to minimize wrinkles is
to understand what causes

For many of us, the most common anti aging skin care concern is the formation of wrinkles and the need to find an appropriate

anti wrinkle treatment. However, the best cream, serum or treatment to help you reduce fine lines and wrinkles may actually

depend on the cause of your wrinkles. Once you know that, you can help prevent these signs of aging. In this section of the

Murad Anti Aging Skin Care and Resource Center, we’ll discuss the causes of wrinkles and fine lines.

Genetic Aging Can Cause Wrinkles

Genetic factors can lead to fine lines, wrinkles and even deep lines. This process typically begins during the 20s, so it’s best to

start using anti aging and anti wrinkle products when you’re younger to prevent the signs of aging and keep skin youthful-looking.

With age, the body’s collagen production slows; elastin, the substance that causes skin to be able to “snap” back into place from

a furrowed or wrinkled state, begins to lose some of its flexibility; and cellular turnover rate decreases. All of these changes—

along with the skin’s decreasing ability to combat the damage from UV rays, which we’ll discuss in the section on fading age

spots–are unavoidable as we age. Together, these changes cause the skin to sag and look less full, which makes wrinkles more

visible. Of course, your genetic makeup has a great deal to do with how you age. But using a complete skin care regimen, leading

a healthy lifestyle and finding an effective anti wrinkle treatment at the first signs of aging can make a big difference.It’s a safe bet

to take a look at your family. If their skin is still smooth at an older age, you likely have a great genetic makeup for younger

looking skin. If you do, then it’s about making wise decisions about skin care and lifestyle to preserve the skin that your genes

already want to keep looking young.On the Murad Skin Deep Blog. What is collagen ?

Hormonal Aging Can Cause Wrinkles

The hormonal changes that occur before and during menopause have a significant impact on the skin and contribute to the

development of lines and wrinkles on the face and body. That’s true for women who aren’t genetically predisposed to the signs of

aging and wrinkles early on, as well as for women who use an effective anti wrinkle skin care regimen. Estrogen is the key to this

process. Estrogen is the hormone that encourages and controls collagen production, which keeps the skin firm, soft and supple.

During the years that lead up to menopause (the late 20s to the mid-40s), the body continues to produce skin-enhancing

estrogen. However, it produces it in lower and lower quantities. After menopause, collagen production begins to decrease

significantly. In fact, in some studies, skin has been shown to lose up to a full 30% of its collagen in the first five years after


When estrogen decreases and a dramatic drop-off in collagen production accompanies it, skin can become more fragile and thin

with increased wrinkles and sagging. Acne breakouts and facial hair growth may even occur as a result. Because the face has a

high concentration of estrogen receptors, skin changes due to hormonal shifts may be the most visible on the face, primarily in

the form of deep creases, dull tone and a “crepe-like” texture. While women can’t avoid menopause, living a healthy lifestyle and

using products that hydrate and strengthen the skin can help minimize its effects. When the signs of Hormonal Aging do begin to

appear, look for products that hydrate and firm the skin, such as Murad Resurgence®. which is specifically formulated to address

the signs of Hormonal Aging.

Environmental Factors and Free Radicals Can Cause Wrinkles

Every day when we go out into the world, we’re exposed to pollutants and UV rays that form free radicals in our bodies. Free

radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that are missing an electron. Because free radicals have only one electron, they scavenge

them from other molecules, causing a chain reaction. This battle between free radicals damages cell functions and, more

importantly, activates the metalloproteinases that break down collagen. While minimizing exposure to UV rays helps, it’s nearly

impossible to avoid free radicals altogether since most of us are exposed to pollution and toxins on a daily basis. But antioxidants

like Vitamin C and Vitamin E, which are nature’s warriors against free radicals, can counteract their effects. Eating foods that are

rich in antioxidants and using antioxidant infused skin care products, like Murad Environmental Shield®. can help fight the impact

of environmental aging on the skin.

Smoking Can Causes Wrinkles

Smoking cigarettes is obviously detrimental to your health on many levels. In addition to all the side effects you’ve already heard

about, cigarettes contain over 400 types of toxins that trigger biochemical changes in the body that accelerate and intensify

aging. In fact, studies have shown that a person who smokes ten cigarettes a day for ten years or more is more likely to develop

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deep wrinkles and leathery skin than a nonsmoker. In one pinnacle study, researchers were able to identify smokers simply by

looking at the wrinkle patterns on their faces. If you smoke even a little, you’re doing an immense amount of damage to your

body. For the sake of your skin and your overall health, it’s best to quit smoking entirely. If you have trouble kicking the habit on

your own, there are many forms of medical assistance available to help.

Repetitive Facial Patterns Can Cause Wrinkles

A lifetime of making the same facial expressions over and over again can cause lines and wrinkles. Each time you use a facial

muscle, a groove forms beneath the surface of the skin. For example, repetitive squinting causes frown lines on the forehead and

crow’s feet around the eyes. As the skin ages and elastin decreases, the skin stops “springing” back to its original, line-free state,

and the grooves that were once below the skin become fine lines and wrinkles on the surface of the skin. To minimize wrinkles

caused by squinting, wear sunglasses or a hat whenever you’re outside during the day. And be sure to minimize stress—which

causes frown lines–whenever possible to help prevent your facial expressions from becoming permanent lines and wrinkles.

Gravity Can Cause Wrinkles

Gravity has been pulling on your skin for your entire life, and when elastin production breaks down in your 50s, the signs of

gravity’s effect on your skin become even more evident. While one of the most obvious effects of gravity on your skin is an

overall drooping of the skin on your face, the deepness of your wrinkles will increase as well.

While time and age eventually cause wrinkles to form on your face, there are a number of preventive lifestyle choices that you

can make to minimize this impact. These include limiting sun exposure and preventing sun damage; living a healthy, smoke-free,

low-stress lifestyle; and incorporating antioxidants into your diet and skin care. When the inevitable signs of aging do begin to

appear, using skin care products that combat and compensate for the decrease in collagen production and the declining

effectiveness of elastin can help keep your skin youthful-looking, healthy and firm.

Product Resources for Anti Wrinkle

If you’re looking for a treatment to minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles, try the following Murad skin care and anti aging


13 Really Bad
Habits That Cause

You know the drill: Wash off your makeup and apply moisturizer daily. But despite those healthy habits, you're probably making

some pretty common mistakes that might do more harm than good.

1. Tugging at your eyes while

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applying liner.

We know you want the perfect cat eye. but that doesn't mean you should bang up the delicate skin around your eyes to get it.

Aggressive pulling can lead to puffiness, broken blood vessels, and wrinkles. "Use an eyeliner that glides rather than tugs,"

recommends Dr. Julia Tzu of Wall Street Dermatology in New York City.

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2. Thinking a perfect combo of anti-
aging products exists.

Many skin care fanatics use a makeup remover, face wash, toner, serum, moisturizer, face oil, eye cream, eye gel, sunscreen,

and wrinkle filler — each and every day, all in pursuit of perfect skin. Sadly, it doesn't quite work like that.

"The biggest skin care mistake is not realizing that less is more," explains Dr. Mona Gohara, associate clinical professor of

dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine. "They throw all these different products on themselves, which can irritate your skin

and cause inflammation," potentially exacerbating the signs of aging. A better bet? Using tried-and-true products that actually

work. Gohara recommends ones that features retinols, antioxidants, and SPF.

3. Skipping SPF in your car.

Just because you're inside of a vehicle doesn't mean you're protected: In the United States, left-sided skin cancers and wrinkling

are more common because that's where the sun hits you as you're driving. Always wear sunscreen, especially if you're a frequent


4. Assuming "organic" is inherently

Sure, organic can be better for your body when it comes to food, but that's not necessarily true for your skin. Don't assume

something is going to reduce your wrinkles and the signs of aging simply because it says "organic" — otherwise, you could wind

up ignoring inflammatory ingredients. "After all," Gohara says, "poison ivy is natural and organic, but it's obviously not good for

your skin."

5. Aggressively removing your eye

Taking off your makeup at night is important, but you should do it gently. The last thing you want to do is rub, tug, or scrap the

skin around your eyes to get that last little bit of mascara off. "You can cause broken blood vessels and puffiness," warns Gohara.

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6. Sleeping on your stomach or

"Sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent sleep-induced wrinkles," explains Tzu. Love lying on your stomach? Gohara

recommends using a satin pillowcase — they're less abrasive than the cotton kind.

7. Cleaning too thoroughly.

After a long day, you want to get all the dirt, grease, and grime out of your pores by any means necessary, but this is a mistake

that could cost your skin its youthful suppleness and glow. "When people use harsh soap in order to get a squeaky clean feel,

they strip their skin of its natural oils and accentuate fine lines," says Gohara. Stick to a gentle cleanser and don't scrub — your

skin will thank you later.

8. Giving up on products too soon.

Have you ever tried a new product, but saw only minimal (if any) results after a few weeks and decided to toss it or give it away?

Unfortunately, you could be shorting yourself of that product's benefits, says Dr. Janet Prystowsky, a New York City


"The thing is, those creams take months to make any difference," explains Prystowsky, "so unless a product is damaging your

skin, it's better to use it up before buying a new one." A tip that benefits our skin and our wallets? Yes, please.

9. Relying on a single "miracle
product" to stop the signs of aging.

Achieving great skin doesn't require one product or one simple trick — it's a lifestyle. From your eating and sleeping habits to your

exercise regimen and sun exposure, there isn't one simple cream or serum that will fix all your skincare woes.

10. Sitting too close to the
computer screen.

Constantly squinting your eyes andstraining to see the screen causes fine wrinkles around the eyes, explains Tzu, who

recommends sitting about 1 1/2 to 2 feet — whichever is comfortable for your vision. Keep your neck straight to maintain good

posture and decrease horizontal neck lines. Prystowsky also suggests taking a break two or three times an hour in order to

readjust your posture and stretch. You could use a little rest every now and then throughout the day, anyway.

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11. Skipping your annual eye exam.

If you don't feel like your prescription has changed all that much, you may feel tempted to not make an appointment with your

eye doctor. However, furrow lines along your brow can occur if your vision is not properly corrected, so it's better to ensure that

your prescription is absolutely up to date.

12. Smoking cigarettes.

By now, everyone knows that smoking is bad for your body and looks. yet an estimated 42.1 million Americans are currently

cigarette smokers, leading to over 480,000 deaths each year. Skip the cigarettes — your body, skin, and loved ones will thank

you lady.

13. Not wearing sunscreen.

Most people know how important SPF is to long-term skincare. but there are still those who skip sunscreen because they think a

little tan here and there won't hurt. "The vast majority of aging signs come from unprotected skin exposure," says Gohara, "so

by not wearing sunscreen, you're actually accelerating the process."

Expert Written Information

The information published on this site is written and provided by some of America's foremost dermatologists, plastic surgeons and

laser surgery experts. The goal of the Patient's Guide is to provide quality, scientifically accurate information about beauty, fine

lines and anti-aging tips. We also provide a list of physicians offering treatment near you. Physician-supervised treatment of your

skin is ideal as doctors have access to the latest technologies in wrinkle reduction and can provide guidance for what works and

what doesn’t. Information provided by individuals on this website should be considered opinion and cannot replace the advice of

and consultation with a physician, but can be educational and provide insights into new skin care methods currently available.

Wrinkle Treatment Breakthroughs

Rhytides, commonly known as wrinkles, on the face are an unsightly and irritating problem. Photoaging makes our faces look

much older than we'd like, and certainly older than we feel. Initially they may start as dynamic wrinkles, along our squint lines near

the eyes or foreheads creases. Then they may deepen into permanent lines. Brown spots, facial veins or other symptoms of sun

damage may also set in. Fortunately there is hope. The last decade has seen an incredible amount of new research into a variety

of topics including why skin ages from the sun's ultraviolet UVA and UVB rays or from smoking, how to prevent aging with topical

creams such as sunscreen or moisturizing antioxidents, and how to improve the appearance of fine lines with lasers and light-

sources. Dramatic improvements in laser technology and injectable fillers have helped tens of millions of Americans look and feel

more beautiful. A plethora of FDA-approved devices have shown great improvement in reducing wrinkles in the epidermis and

collagen building in the dermis layer of the skin. This website was created by some of the world's leading authorities in

dermatology to give you insight into how to improve your skin with these exciting new breakthroughs.


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Restylane was a great choice to plump up my lips and erase the lines around my lips. After turning fifty, the corners of my mouth

started sinking, so I looked as if I were permanently angry. That bothered me enough to consult it with my doctor and he

recommended a dermal filler. Now I can wear lipstick as I did before, without constant frowning!

I have had dark circles under my eyes ever since I can remember. It’s genetic – my mom had the same problem. I was thinking

about dermal fillers for a while to fix this because make-up simply wasn’t helping. After considering a few treatment options I

decided for Restylane and it was absolutely worth it. I felt only a slight discomfort during the procedure, but it was quick and there

was no pain afterwards. The dark circles are gone and I will definitely do this again!

I hope this will be helpful for everyone out there afraid to take the first step. I was also hesitating for many months whether to

get a dermal filler under my eyes to get rid of the sunken look. But I was ashamed – everyone would always tell me to grow old

with grace. Well, that’s easier said than done, so 2 weeks ago I decided to go for it. My doctor recommended Restylane and I

can’t thank him enough. The sunken look is gone, yet the appearance is so natural nobody would ever be able to tell I had a

cosmetic procedure done!


American Academy of Dermatology: "10 Tips: Selecting Age-Fighting Topicals," " Age Spots," "Causes of Aging Skin," "Slideshow:

Not All Age Spots Are Harmless," "A New Day for Sunscreen," "Sensitive Skin."

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2010, 2011.

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery: "Laser Resurfacing Information."

Bergfeld, W. International Journal of Fertility and Women's Medicine, Mar-Apr 1999; vol 44: pp 83-95.

Elliot, A. PloS One, Apr 2012; vol 4: e34607.

FDA: "Wrinkle Fillers Approved by the Center for Devices and Radiological Health."

Guéguen, N. Color Research and Application . Feb 2012; vol 10.1002: 21718.

Debra Jaliman, New York dermatologist and author of Skin Rules.

McCullough, J. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2006; vol 1067: pp 323-331.

Paes, E. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Nov 2009; vol 29: pp 467-472.

UptoDate: "Ablative Laser Resurfacing for Skin Rejuvenation," Injectable Soft Tissue Fillers: Semipermanent Agents," "Normal

Aging," "Overview of Botulinum Toxin for Cosmetic Indications."

Van Scott, E. Clinical Dermotology, Mar-Apr 1996; vol 14: pp 217-26.

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THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address

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to make decisions about your health. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you

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© 2012 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Vitamin
Deficiency That is

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Written All Over
Your Face

Are wrinkles an inevitable fact of aging or could laugh lines and crow’s feet potentially indicate a vitamin deficiency or even a more

serious underlying health issue?

In 2011, researchers presented findings at a meeting of the Endocrine Society in Boston that revealed that women in their 40’s

and 50’s who have extensive skin wrinkling are much more likely than their peers to have low bone mass.

Researchers noted the relationship between wrinkles and bone density in every single bone tested which included hip, heel, and

lumbar (spine). In addition, this relationship existed regardless of body fat percentage and age.

Epidemiological evidence of Asian women offers further health clues to the wrinkle mystery.

It is known that Japanese women have fewer wrinkles and less skin sagging that women of the same age living in North America.

These two groups of women vary greatly in diet and lifestyle, however.

Even when Japanese women living in Tokyo were compared with women from the Asian cities of Shanghai and Bangok, however,

they showed the least visible signs of aging.

Diet and lifestyle factors for these three Asian groups of women are comparable except for one notable exception: the

consumption of natto in Japan.

Tokyo residents frequently enjoy natto, a strong smelling food traditionally made from fermented soybeans for breakfast. Natto

is loaded with menaquinone, Vitamin K2, and blood samples of the Tokyo women revealed high circulating levels of this fat soluble


Further research which bolsters the notion that getting plenty of anti-wrinkle vitamin K2 in the diet makes for smoother facial

features is found in the research of Korean scientists and was published in the journal Nephrology in 2008.

The rate at which the kidneys are able to filter the blood is an important measure of overall kidney function. Researchers found

that reduced renal filtration rate was associated with increased facial wrinkling.

What does decreased kidney filtration rate predict?

You guessed it – Vitamin K2 deficiency, according to American research published the year after the Korean study.

Testing has been limited so far on the true extent of Vitamin K2 deficiency in the western world, but so far, of those tested, 90%

tested deficient in this critical nutrient.

Avoid the Vitamin
Deficiency That Causes
Wrinkles With These Foods

If you want to avoid a vitamin deficiency of K2, know that it is an elusive nutrient and extremely difficult to obtain with a modern

diet. The highest sources of K2 are natto (fermented soybeans), goose liver, certain cheeses and animal fats like egg yolk, butter

and lard which must come from grassfed animals.

Natto contains a whopping 1,103 mcg of K2 per 3 1/2 ounce portion which blows away every other food by a country mile.

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The second highest food in Vitamin K2 is goose liver pate which has 369 mcg per 3 1/2 ounce portion. While delicious and

wonderful to eat, goose liver pate is very hard to find in most places. It is also a very high end, gourmet food which makes the

price out of reach for most.

Rounding out the top 3 foods highest in Vitamin K2 is none other than the humble Gouda cheese, which boasts 75 mcg per 3 1/2

ounce serving! This compares to pastured egg yolks and butter, which each have about 15 mcg of K2 per 3 1/2 ounce portion.

Brie cheese is also very high in K2.

How much of these K2 containing foods should you eat to avoid a vitamin deficiency of this critical nutrient? That part gets murky

as the official recommended daily intake (RDI) of Vitamin K doesn’t distinguish between K1 and K2 despite their very different

uses in the body. The RDI for Vitamin K is only determined by the liver’s requirement for normal blood clotting factors, not the K2

needed for optimal bone and kidney health and wrinkle free skin. So, getting enough K1 in the diet via leafy greens could still mean

a serious vitamin deficiency of K2.

The good news is that there is no known toxicity of Vitamin K2. so eating generously of Vitamin K2 rich foods as practiced by

Traditional Societies and even potentially taking a supplement to avoid a vitamin deficiency is considered wise by Dr. Kate

Rheaume-Bleue, ND, author of Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox .

Vitamin K2 Update

Recent research has shown that an Aboriginal sacred food is extremely high in vitamin K2, so high in fact that it is nearly as high

as goose liver pate! Click here for where to source authentic emu oil from the genetically pure strain of birds eating their native

diet that produce this nutrient dense fat.

More Information on Skin
and Avoiding K2 Vitamin

December 21st, 2014 6:11 pm Reply

Susan P

Too bad Monsanto and like ruined soy for us all, by genetically engineering it and dousing it in disease-causing chemicals like

glyphosate (in Roundup). So realistically, it is very hard for us to get an uncontaminated source of K2. And if we could find it, it

would be very expensive.

Grass-fed animals are going out of existence. Also very expensive, thanks to the chemical companies screwing up our food


November 9th, 2014 6:32 pm Reply


There actually is organic natto. Not all natto is conventional. I have organic natto in my freezer right now. For me, I can eat pretty

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much anything, but natto was…. almost impossible for me to eat to say the least. But, organic natto does exist. It wasn’t too


November 11th, 2014 11:33 am Reply


“Diet and lifestyle factors for these three Asian groups of women are comparable except for one notable exception: the

consumption of natto in Japan.”

Really? You said that out loud. What about…

– Dramatically lower sugar intake (horrible for bones, wrinkles and the gut bacteria that make K2)

– Dramatically lower phosphoric acid from soda (directly de-calcifies bones)

– Much more soy (keeps post-menopausal skin more youthful)

– An obsession with keeping white skin / high SPF sun protection (rather than fondness for a tan)

– Dramatically lower dairy intake (correlates with much LOWER osteoporosis, not higher!)

– Much higher fish(DHA, EPA) and seaweed (Iodine) intakes.

…I could go on, and on…

Seriously…the one difference you could think of was eating natto?

November 9th, 2014 7:52 am Reply


Hello Lili,

I enjoyed your comment. I am curious to know if you have any additional info to offer regarding diet and wellness. I am

recovering from 30 yrs of the standard american diet and would appreciate hearing anything you may have to share. Thank you


November 14th, 2014 4:44 pm Reply


You make some very valid points. I agree that one should consider all differences and not just focus on one. I just want to say

that, I love this blog and I’m very greatful for all that I have learned from not only the blog posts but also the comments.

December 9th, 2014 9:13 am Reply


Lili, her point was that out of these 3 Asian diets, the difference between these diets was the consumption of natto. She was not

comparing the Japanese diet to SAD.

December 31st, 2014 11:24 am Reply


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There is no “obsession with keeping white skin”, and tanned skin is actually healither than sun deprived skin which is unnatural.

October 4th, 2015 5:50 pm Reply


Natto is high in k2, it has been proven. Women in Tokyo tend to eat it. They have less wrinkles. Not sure what the problem is

with that point.

November 17th, 2015 7:34 pm Reply


You misunderstood. She did not mean the difference between western women and asian women. she meant the difference

between different groups of asian women.

March 13th, 2016 1:31 pm Reply


Is it okay if the Gouda was originally pasturized milk?

November 7th, 2014 12:04 pm Reply


I was researching some things you posted about soy and natto, and I’m a little confused being that there are so many post about

how soy is so bad for us. Here is a bit of one of your posts.

Be sure not to be taken in by the argument that because soy is organic, nonGMO or sprouted that it is just fine to eat it.

Fermented soy in small, condimental amounts as practiced in traditional Asian cultures is the only safe way to consume this

legume and even then, only for those who have healthy thyroid function because it is so extremely goitrogenic. Miso, tempeh,

natto and soy sauce (IF traditionally brewed) fall under this category.

So is it safe for us to take the MK-7 that comes from natto? Does the daily dosage fall under the “small amount”. And if natto is a

natural plant estrogen is it something I should give to my sons and husband?

I truly respect your opinions and your research. Thank you for helping change my family’s life!

April 7th, 2013 11:59 pm Reply


since I started giving the kids gouda cheese. a cavity which my child had stopped decaying further.

we buy goose liver pate in farmers market here in Ontario, it is not very expensive by the way the way. kids love it on bread.

April 7th, 2013 9:22 pm Reply

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My kids all love liver pâté on bread with mustard. I craved it while pregnant.

April 8th, 2013 2:20 am Reply

Susan Swayzee via Facebook

It’s unwise to think that an Asian style diet would produce the same results in American women of European descent. We have

very different biochemistry and abilities to digest certain foods. For example, I am HIGHLY sensitive to soy, it gives me extreme

digestive upset. Just as Asian and Japanese women tend to have difficulty digesting dairy products. Perhaps the K2 is an answer.

Perhaps there are others as well. I believe, though, that the biggest problem we have in our diets is what has been ADDED to

them that shouldn’t be there, rather than what is lacking.

April 7th, 2013 9:04 pm Reply


Of course genetics are different, but it can’t hurt to look at what they are doing differently to give them different results, can it?

You may be sensitive to soy, but have you tried Natto? the point is that it’s very fermented, as is miso. Unfermented soy

products, such as tofu and soymilk, are never recommended for lots of reasons. Everyone is sensitive to those, whether they

realize it or not, because they are mostly indigestible to humans, and the phytoestrogens are toxic to our endocrine systems. No

one is recommending you eat soy. Small amounts of fermented soy, however, have their benefits. Fermentation is key.

April 7th, 2013 10:22 pm Reply

Lisa Self via Facebook

Goose liver? Gross, lol…. Kale has a lot of vitamin K. I don’t know the difference in K and K2 though.

April 7th, 2013 8:56 pm Reply


Japan also does not fluoridate its water and fluoride has been shown to increase hip fractures. I wonder if that plays a role in their


I think I’ll buy some gouda :). Getting K-2 through soy makes me a little nervous. I’m not allergic, but I do try to avoid soy

because of my thyroid and because of estrogen factors. I’m not sure I can get passed that…

April 7th, 2013 6:39 pm Reply


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I am from Japan and we usually eat natto for breakfast. We mix it with raw egg (or egg yolk), sauce that comes with the

package of natto (or soy sauce), some sliced scallions and sprinkles of nori. Pour it over hot rice. It smells and also stringy but

my children and I love it! My husband from Australia didn’t like it first but he eats it now.

April 7th, 2013 5:46 pm Reply


Yum! This reminds me of the time I spent in Japan teaching English. I loved the Japanese food, especially breakfast!

April 18th, 2013 4:24 pm Reply

Joyce Lenardson via Facebook

When my face became extreamly wrinkled it was my thyroid.

What Causes
Wrinkles & How
to Prevent Them

Wrinkles are a tell-tale sign of old age, and something that every woman dreads. The more wrinkles that a person has, the older

they begin to look and the less attractive they begin to feel.

So it’s not surprising that the skin care industry has come up with many different products to help keep wrinkles at bay. As a

result, you can now buy face creams, serums and even undergo a variety of surgical and non-surgical procedures to keep you

looking young for as long as possible.

In this article, we are going to be looking at the different types of wrinkles and the treatments available for them. We will also be

looking at some prevention measures to delay the onset of premature aging.

So whatever your age, and whatever the condition of your skin, you should hopefully find this guide helpful in better meeting your

skin care goals.

Advances in skin care science mean that you can now hold onto your looks for longer.

So to begin with, let’s start by defining the types of lines that can appear on the face as a person ages. This is important to know,

because different types of lines have different treatment implications.

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Expression Lines

Wrinkles can come in many different forms. But there is a type of wrinkle that everybody has, they are called expression lines.

Typically, these tend to appear around the mouth and forehead areas as a result of your most frequent facial expressions.

Expression lines, however, are not really true wrinkles, because everyone has them and they do not occur as a result of the aging


Although expression lines are not caused by age, the aging process can result in them becoming more noticeable over time.

If you want to minimize the appearance of expression lines, you need to avoid contorting your face when you feel a certain way.

This, however, can be hard to do, as people often form facial expressions through habit and without realizing what they are doing.

For example, smiling, frowning or squinting your eyes can all cause expression lines to appear on the face, and the more often

you do such facial contortions, the more pronounced or deeper those lines will become.

Furthermore, expression lines can also lead to fine lines and wrinkles developing later in life, so you may want to pay attention to

how you contort your face.

A good way to do this, is to ask someone if they notice any expression lines on your face when you talk to them. Alternatively,

try looking in the mirror and see how your skin reacts when you display different types of emotions.

Most people don’t notice their expression lines until someone else notices them.

Interestingly, expression lines can give you a clue as to the type of character that a person has. For example, a person who

worries a lot is likely to have worry lines on their brow or forehead.

Whereas, a person who laughs a lot, will tend to have smile lines along either side of their mouth, and will probably also develop

Crow’s feet on the outside corners of their eyes when they get older.

Fine Lines

Fine lines/creases are the first type of proper wrinkle that appears on the face as a result of the aging process. Fine lines are like

mini wrinkles. They are very thin, but not very deep. They can however, progress to larger and deeper wrinkles later on.

Fine lines are most likely to appear around the eye area.

Fine lines occur naturally as a result of aging, but they can also occur prematurely due to having dry skin, smoking cigarettes, not

eating enough fat, not getting enough protein in your diet and not getting enough vitamin C.

Fortunately, fine lines are the easiest type of wrinkle to prevent providing you have a good skin care routine and look after your

skin and body well.

They can also be treated quite successfully with some skin care products such as topical vitamin C, or via mechanical means such

as with a dermaroller or with microdermabrasion.


Wrinkles are a mature version of fine lines that have become wider, deeper and more noticeable with age. Wrinkles make the skin

look old, and most people will start to notice some type of wrinkling by the time they reach their 30s.

Men, however, generally tend to develop wrinkles much later in life than women due to having naturally thicker skin and more


Although men have more collagen and elastin in their skin than women, they are not immune to wrinkles.

Although wrinkles occur as a result of the normal aging process due to declining levels of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, how

soon wrinkles appear will largely depend on how well you look after your skin and also on how much unprotected sun exposed

you get.

Once you start to get wrinkles, your skin also starts to sag. Especially in the cheek, jowl and neck areas. This can then cause

further wrinkles to develop as a result of the sagging or lax skin.

With advancing age the loss of elastin causes the skin to sag and droop downwards.

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The formation of wrinkles can be greatly delayed by using skin care products. But once wrinkles have formed, they are a lot

harder to get rid of.

As a result, you may require a cosmetic procedure such a dermabrasion, the use of substances such as Botox or dermal fillers,

and/or full plastic surgery in the form of a face lift to make your wrinkles less noticeable.

What Can Cause Wrinkles?

Almost everyone will get wrinkles at some point in their life, the question is, how soon will you get them and how many you will


DermTV – What Causes Wrinkles [DermTV.com Epi #200]

Below you will find listed some of the most common risk factors that can result in premature wrinkling of the skin. The more of

these risk factors you can avoid, and the sooner you avoid them, the better your skin will look later in life.

Typically, you will see the effects of how you treat your skin in about 10 years time. For example, how you treat your skin in your

20s will start to show in your 30s. How you treat your skin in your 30s will start to show in your 40s, and so on.

Having no Skin Care Routine

Look after your skin and it will continue to look good for many more years to come.

This is by far the most important preventative measure that you can take to prevent the onset of premature aging. A good skin

care routine should include cleansing and moisturizing with an occasional exfoliation of the skin 1-3 times a week depending on

your skin type.

Many skincare products now contain anti-aging ingredients, and so if you are not using these on your skin, then your skin is likely

to age faster than someone who does use them.

Your Job

Your job can influence the health of your skin and how it looks and feels. For example, if you spend the majority of the day

outside in the wind, cold or sun, then your skin is likely to age more quickly than someone whose skin is not exposed to such


However, just because you may be sitting in doors all day doesn’t necessarily mean that your skin is fully protected. Sun

exposure through windows for example, can also age the skin in a similar manner to how it ages your skin when you are


This man is a truck driver. The picture shows how sunlight coming in through the driver side window has aged his skin.

The same effect can occur when you are driving, or when the sun is shining on your skin through any glass. In fact, studies have

found that people who drive regularly tend to age faster on the side of their face by the driver door window.

This is because although windows filter out UVB radiation, they do not filter out UVA radiation. This type of radiation has been

shown to deplete vitamin D levels, promote the onset of skin cancer and increase oxidative stress which then leads to photo

aging (sun aging) of the skin.


Genetics play a significant role in how your skin looks and how many wrinkles you develop. A good way to determine what type

of “skin genes” you have is to look at your parents.

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Your parents can give you a good indication of how you will age.

If they look old for their age, then you may be more prone to premature aging than other people.

But don’t despair, because their lifestyle also contributed to the appearance of their skin. So it’s important to remember that

genetics are not the only factor that determines how your skin ends up.

Your genetics can also determine when you are likely to show signs of aging. Some people, for example, can start to develop

wrinkles and sagging skin in their 20s, while others may not show any signs of aging until they reach their 50s.

So we each have to live with what we are born with, and fortunately, there are now many products that can help us to effectively

do this.

Bottled Water

The video above shows a news report talking about how drinking bottled water can cause lines and wrinkles around the lips

(smokers lips ).


Women who wear foundation tend to be less susceptible to the aging effects of pollution.

Pollution comes from your surrounding environment, and it can be very hard to avoid if you live in a busy city.

Pollution generates free radicals on the surface of the skin, and also free radicals inside the body when you breathe it in. So the

more pollution you are exposed to, the faster your skin will age.

Skin Type

Another thing which can influence how many wrinkles you get, is your skin type. If you have an oily or acne skin type for

example, then your skin is likely to age slower and develop wrinkles later because it is naturally moisturized by sebum or oil.

Some skin types can take more abuse than others.

On the other hand, if you have dry or sensitive skin, then your skin is likely to age more quickly and develop wrinkles sooner

because dry skin tends to crease and crack very easily which makes it very susceptible to the development of premature lines.

Of course, if you keep your skin well moisturized throughout the day, then there is no reason why anyone with a sensitive or dry

skin type should expect to age prematurely.


The type of lifestyle you live affects the activity and expression of genes that affect the rate at which you age.

In terms of lifestyle, perhaps the two biggest factors that lead to premature skin aging are smoking and unprotected sun

exposure. Both of these can deplete collagen and elastin levels which then leads to fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin.

In addition, smoking cigarettes can cause a dull looking complexion as a result of reduced blood flow to the skin, and sunlight can

cause the appearance of hyperpigmented skin (brown spots/age spots ).

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Bad Diet

Sugar causes inflammation in the body which is known to speed up the rate at which a person ages.

Sugar can also decrease the effectiveness of your immune system, cause you to put on excess weight and increase your

susceptibility to disease.

Eating high glycemic foods accelerates the aging process and makes you more vulnerable to suffering from disease.

The more sugar you consume, the sooner you will start to look old. This includes what you would normally think of as sugar (i.e.

white sugar ) in addition to simple carbohydrates such as white flour products.

Another dietary factor that can lead to premature aging, is not eating enough animal fat. People who go on low-fat diets for

example, or who turn vegan or vegetarian, tend to be much more at risk of developing fine lines and wrinkles than those who

consume sufficient amounts of animal fat, or, as an alternative, coconut oil.


Just like how sugar can create inflammation in the body, speed up aging and increase your susceptibility to disease, so too can


People who live highly stressed lives age faster than those who don’t.

People who live a very stressful lifestyle tend to age faster than people who live less stressful lifestyles. Furthermore, certain

types of people who are very prone to stress (e.g. Type A personalities ) also tend to die sooner.

Note. If you are stressed, be sure to take brewer’s yeast on a daily basis to replenish your vitamin B levels.

Proven Anti-Aging

There are many different products on the market which promise to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or prevent them from

occurring in the first place.

However, whilst there certainly are products that are effective at combating wrinkles, there are also many other products that


Anti-aging creams can contain many different ingredients, not all of which have been proven to be effective.

Below we look at some well-known ingredients that have been proven to have anti-aging benefits. Although there may be many

other ingredients which manufacturers claim to be beneficial for wrinkles, often these are new and not tested on enough people to

judge how useful they actually are.

So if you are shopping for anti-wrinkle creams or lotions, it’s usually best to stick with the known and effective treatments that

have been proven to be successful and which many people have already benefited from. This way, you will get something that

actually works and avoid wasting your money by needlessly buying junk.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinyl palmate, retinol, Retin-A ) is one of the most commonly used anti-wrinkle ingredients. It can come in a wide

variety of forms, although all are vitamin A or derivates of it.

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Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin.

Vitamin A can help to promote skin cell renewal, increase skin turnover and stimulate collagen synthesis. This makes it particularly

beneficial for treating fine lines. For deeper wrinkles, stronger forms of vitamin A, such as Retin-A, can be used to treat

moderately deep wrinkles.

One thing that you should bear in mind when using vitamin A products however, especially the stronger forms like Retin-A, is that

they can enhance the skin’s sensitivity to the sun thereby making it more vulnerable to being burned and aged prematurely.

Stronger forms of vitamin A, such as Retin A, can increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight and so should always be used

alongside a good sunscreen.

So most dermatologists recommend that if you are using strong forms of vitamin A, that you also protect treated areas of skin

with sunscreen when you go outside.

For regular forms of vitamin A (e.g. retinyl palmate) you shouldn’t require sunscreen. But do still pay attention to how your skin

reacts in the sun, such as whether it seems to burn more easily.

Another point worth mentioning about vitamin A, is that it can leave your skin looking red after you have treated it. This redness

will go down in a few hours or overnight, but until it does, you may not want to leave the house unless you are wearing makeup.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)

Alpha hydroxy acids (citric, glycolic, lactic & tartaric acids ) and beta hydroxy acids (salicylic acid ), are weak acids that dissolve

dead skin cells from the surface layers of the epidermis and promote new skin cell growth underneath.

They are usually found in cleansing and acne products, although they can also be found in lotions and skin creams.

Chemical exfoliants remove the upper most layers of skin to reveal younger and fresher looking skin underneath.

Hydroxy acids are more of a preventative treatment, but in some cases, they can also prove to be effective on immature fine


To treat deeper fine lines and wrinkles, you will get more benefit from having a chemical peel instead such as with a Jessner’s

Peel, Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) peel or a Croton Oil/Phenol peel.

These are basically a much stronger and deeper acting treatment than that offered by the hydroxy acids, and although they can

produce excellent results, they could leave your face looking very red for a period of up to 14 days.

Vitamin C

Topical vitamin C is perhaps one of the most promising anti-wrinkle treatments available on the market today. And the good

news is that there is actually quite a lot of scientific evidence to back up the claims of its effectiveness.

Scientific studies have shown that topically applied vitamin C can noticeable reduce the signs of facial aging.

Vitamin C works to protect the skin on many levels. The first is that it acts as an antioxidant by protecting the skin from free

radical damage that can cause premature aging of the skin.

Vitamin C also works as a sunscreen, and so it protects your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. But this is only true is you

apply your serum at night. If you apply it during the day, you can actually increase the rate at which the sun ages your skin.

Underneath the skin, vitamin C helps to increase collagen production. The effect of this is to delay the appearance of wrinkles and

reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles.

However, it is important to note that in order to get such skin benefits, vitamin C must be applied topically either in a cream or in

a lotion.

Ingesting vitamin C does have some skin benefits, but these are not the sort of benefits that you are going to notice in terms of

making an improvement in the way that your skin looks.

Furthermore, some forms of vitamin C are better than others. In cheap face creams that contain vitamin C, you will often find

vitamin C as L-ascorbic acid. Similar to what you would buy in vitamin C supplements.

Cheap face creams usually contain the same kind of vitamin C that you would find in supplements. This makes them very

susceptible to oxidation.

The trouble with this form of vitamin C is that it is not very stable because it is prone to oxidation when exposed to light or air. If

you put oxidized vitamin C on your skin, you will increase free radical production and accelerate skin aging.

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A far better and much more stable form of vitamin C, is tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate. This is found in the higher end products (e.g.

Medik8 C Tetra & CE Tetra ), but it is something that is definitely worth investing in if you have the money for it.

Note: When using an ascorbic acid based vitamin C cream, it should contain no less than a 10% concentration of vitamin C. When

using other forms of vitamin C, such as tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate, a 3-7% concentration is needed.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate ) has similar effects to vitamin C in terms of it acting as an antioxidant, and the two vitamins work

synergistically together as a preventative measure.

Importantly, vitamin E is incorporated into cell membranes which then increases the effectiveness of that membrane from

protecting the internal contents of its cell.

Vitamin E protects cell membranes from free radical damage by acting as an antioxidant.

Vitamin E is often found in sunscreens due to its anti-inflammatory properties, but some studies have shown that vitamin E can

increase the risk of scar formation during wound healing. This is despite the commonly held belief that vitamin E is good for

preventing scars.

Vitamin E is also protective when taken internally as a supplement, so if your face cream doesn’t contain vitamin E then using a

natural mixed tocopherol vitamin E supplement can be just as effective.

Hyaluronic Acid

Many face creams contain hyaluronic acid due to its ability to absorb water and expand which then makes the skin look plump

and full.

Hyaluronic acid creams, however, are largely worthless because the hyaluronic acid molecule is too large to pass through the

skin. As a result, you don’t actually get any benefit from applying hyaluronic acid topically.

A far better way to use hyaluronic acid is to take it internally. The easiest way to do this is to buy hyaluronic acid supplements and

take 100 mg per day. Foods, such as sweet potatoes, can also be eaten to promote the production of hyaluronic acid in the


Eating foods such as sweet potatoes can stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid in the body.

If want something to use on your face, look for a product that contains Phytessence Wakame seaweed (sometimes listed as

Undaria Pinnatifida, Wakame Kelp, Japanese brown sea kelp extract, Fucodian or Fucoxanthin ) as this Japanese sea weed inhibits

hyaluronidase, the enzyme which degrades hyaluronic acid.

For very deep wrinkles, hyaluronic acid can also be used as an effective facial filler (e.g. Juvederm ) by injecting it under the skin.

Green Tea

Green tea is a powerful antioxidant that provides benefit to the skin when applied topically or ingested internally.

Green tea, which contains polyphenols, is a very promising natural anti-aging ingredient upon which a lot of scientific evidence has

begun to build.

It acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and seems to be particularly effective at preventing photoaging of the skin (i.e. aging

due to ultraviolet light (UV) exposure ).

Soy Isoflavones

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Studies have shown soy isoflavones to be effective at reducing the appearance of fine lines.

Soy isoflavones are phytoestrogens, which means that they mimic the effects of estrogen.

Soy isoflavones, when used internally or externally, have been shown to reduce the appearance of fine lines and make the skin

feel smoother.


Collagen is one of the structural components of your skin. Collagen levels naturally decline with age, and with that decline can

come wrinkled and sagging skin.

Increasing the skin’s level of collagen can therefore help to restore a youthful looking appearance to the face and delay the onset

of many of the visible signs of aging.

As collagen becomes depleted with age wrinkles start to show on the skin.

The trouble is though, that like hyaluronic acid, the collagen molecule is too large to pass through the skin.

So despite collagen being added to many expensive face creams, it serves more of a marketing or selling role rather than offering

any real anti-aging benefits. As a result, buying face creams just because they have collagen in them is largely a waste of your


Where collagen can be useful, however, is when it is injected underneath the skin in the form of a dermal filler. In this case,

collagen can be useful in helping to plump up even quite deep wrinkles.

But since the injected collagen will eventually be broken down by the body, the results won’t be permanent and so you will require

continual treatments if you want to maintain your results.

Collagen injections can be used to make the lips look fuller.

Collagen can also be taken via supplements in the form of hydrolyzed collagen, but there are mixed reports about how effective

the ingestion of collagen supplements really is.

Alternatively, bone broth soup made from chicken or beef bones can be used as a rich natural source of collagen in addition to

hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulphate/sulfate and a broad spectrum of minerals.

Choosing the Right Face

Many people look for the perfect moisturizer based on what they see on TV, in magazines or what their friends use.

But the truth is, there is no such thing as the “perfect moisturizer” that will work wonders for everyone, because we all have a

slightly different type of skin and so different moisturizers will work differently for different people.

You don’t have to spend lots of money to get a good face cream, as some of the cheaper products can be just as good if not


As a result, a good facial moisturizer is one that works in harmony with your skin. One that will keep it moist, dewy and protected

throughout the day. When you have used the right moisturizer, your skin will feel hydrated and not tight or dry.

A bad face cream is one that contains ingredients which don’t work in harmony with your skin. The effects of this disharmony can

cause your skin to become inflamed, develop a rash, become irritated or appear red. All of these are signs that you are using a

moisturizer which doesn’t agree with your skin type.

A good moisturizer will make your skin feel good when you use it.

You may, however, get none of these symptoms. But instead your face will just look or feel wrong. For example, if you have oily

skin and use a dry skin moisturizer, then your face is likely to appear very oily and greasy.

Or, if you use a sensitive skin moisturizer on dry skin, then your face will not be hydrated enough and is likely to dry out and crack

throughout the day.

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Types of Skin Creams

Choose a face cream that meets your specific needs and requirements.

Generally speaking, there are three main types of skin moisturizers: lightweight lotions, heavy moisturizers and cosmeceutical


Lightweight day lotions

Lightweight lotions are designed to be worn during the day, and usually contain humectants such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, urea

or sorbitol to help lock moisture into the skin.

Lightweight lotions are ideal because they are easy to apply and are quickly absorbed into the skin. This makes them perfect for

daytime use.

Heavy night creams

A heavy moisturizer usually contains ingredients such as petrolatum, mineral oil, shea butter or cetyl alcohol to soften the skin

and form a protective layer over it.

Heavy moisturizers are usually used at night, such as night creams. These are generally very thick and are slow to be absorbed

into the skin. They also tend to be quite greasy, so they are best applied the hour before you go to bed.

You can get away with using a thicker moisturizer at night as you won’t have to worry about your face looking greasy.

Heavy face creams may be required for people with a very dry skin type, as this type of skin requires lots of moisturizing. They

may also be required if you live in very cold areas or by the coast.

Cosmeceutical face creams

Cosmeceutical face creams can contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are designed to hydrate your skin, give it some

protection and enhance it in some way.

For example, some face creams will come with co-enzyme Q10 or DMAE to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and firm

up your skin.

Can Your Diet Help to
Prevent Wrinkles?

The most successful approach to tackling a problem is to approach it from multiple angles, and when it comes to delaying the

appearance of wrinkles or preventing them from occurring in the first place, this is indeed the best strategy to adopt.

The food you eat determines the health and appearance of your skin.

The reason for this is simple. The health of your skin can not only be affected by what you put on it, but also by what you put in

your body.

As a result, the types of food you eat and your overall general diet, can play a big role in determining how healthy your skin will

look both now and in the future.

So just how does diet affect your skin? Keep on reading to find out!

Vitamin C Foods

It can be difficult to get the amount of vitamin C you need from food alone, so you might want to consider taking supplements.

Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, without which, the underlying supportive structure of your skin will begin to

fall apart. The result? Wrinkles and sagging skin!

Vitamin C can be found in most fruits such as oranges, lemons and berries, although it can also be found in vegetables such as

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broccoli, kale and collard greens.

Try to get some amount of vitamin C into your diet every day. If you can’t manage to do so via food, use a supplement instead.

Lysine & Proline

Lysine, proline and vitamin C is one of the most powerful anti-aging combinations you can take.

In addition to vitamin C, it is also important to eat foods containing the amino acids lysine and proline, because these, along with

vitamin C, are what the body uses to make collagen.

Lysine and proline can be found in meat and grains, but the best way to ensure that you are getting adequate amounts is through


Vitamin A Foods

Cod liver oil is a simple and effective way of ensuring that you get enough vitamin A each day.

Another vitamin which is essential to include in your diet is vitamin A. This vitamin helps to keep your skin moist, and plays an

important role in maintaining the health of your mucous membranes which in turn helps to make you more resistant to infections.

Good sources of vitamin A are organ meats such as liver, fish such as sardines or oils such as cod liver oil. You can also get

vitamin A precursors (e.g. beta carotene ) from vegetables such as carrots, but not everyone is able to benefit from this

particular type of vitamin A. So if you can, try to get your vitamin A from meat, fish and eggs.


Fat is essential for the proper functioning of the body. The brain for example, is largely made up of fat, and when a person doesn’t

get enough fat in their diet, such as because they are on a low-fat diet, they stand an elevated risk of suffering from depression.

People who don’t consume enough fat are much more susceptible to premature aging of the skin.

Fat is also important for maintaining skin, and without adequate amounts of fat your skin will be much more prone to drying out,

cracking and wrinkling.

One of the reasons why fats are important for your skin, is because the fats that you eat are incorporated into the outside

coating of a cell, the cell membrane.

Since cell membranes protect cells from damage, such as free radical induced damaged, you want this protective layer to be as

strong as possible.

What Causes Wrinkles? And The Diet That Causes Wrinkles

Certain fats, such as coconut oil or butter, are predominantly made up of saturated fats which makes them highly stable and


When saturated fats are incorporated into the membranes of your cells, they form a very strong protective layer around a cell

because they are also very resistant to free radical damage.

Polyunsaturated fats however, such as sunflower oil or canola oil, are very unstable and heat liable. As a result, they tend to go

off quickly, especially when they are exposed to heat, light or air.

When these fats are incorporated into your cell membranes, they are much less protective against free radical damage thereby

making you more vulnerable to disease and premature aging.

Polyunsaturated fats, such as sunflower oil, oxidize very easily and so provide little protection to your cells.

So although saturated fats have gained a very bad reputation due to their association with heart disease, it is important not to

avoid saturated fats entirely because they are the best type of fat to consume if you want to remain looking young and youthful

for as long as possible.

In terms of what is best for your skin: saturated fat, then monounsaturated fat (e.g. olive oil ) and then polyunsaturated fat.

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Another hugely significant factor in determining the health of your skin, is the glycemic index and glycemic load of the foods you


Without going into too much detail, these terms describe what type of insulin reaction your body produces to control blood sugar

levels after eating a food.

Sugar accelerates the aging process and makes you more susceptible to disease.

Why this is important is because high glycemic foods, such as sugar, white flour, refined carbohydrates or basically any type of

junk food, cause a huge insulin spike in the body which subsequently causes inflammation.

This in turn can have a negative effect on your health such as by increasing your risk of diabetes, obesity and accelerating the rate

at which you age.

Ideally, you want to avoid high glycemic foods as much as possible and limit yourself to eating only low carbohydrate foods such

as green vegetables in addition to adequate amounts of fat and meat.


If you do consume sugar regularly, even natural sugars such as from fruits or fruit juices, then you may want to consider taking

curcumin (Turmeric ) supplements as this Indian spice has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.


The body is largely made up of water, and when the body starts to become dehydrated, it conserves water so that your essential

organs can still function.

This, however, comes at the expense of your skin, because keeping your skin moist is not immediately vital to survival.

People who keep their skin hydrated throughout the day tend to be less susceptible to developing wrinkles.

One of the most obvious effects of dehydration are dry, flaky and cracked lips. When this happens to the skin on your face, you

put yourself at a much greater risk of developing fine lines and wrinkles prematurely.

Fortunately, premature wrinkles due to dehydration are relatively easy to control and prevent. All you have to do is make sure

that you drink enough water throughout the day and avoid drinking too many beverages that dehydrate you (i.e. diuretics ).

Studies have shown that people who drink plenty of water throughout the day tend to develop less wrinkles than those who

don’t. So make sure that you don’t miss out on this simple and natural way to keep your skin looking at its best.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is one of the best things that you can take for your skin.

We have already discussed hyaluronic acid previously in this article, but because it seems to be so important for maintaining

youthful and wrinkle free skin, we will briefly mention it again here.

People who’s diet is rich is hyaluronic acid stimulating foods tend to have much younger looking skin than those who don’t. The

following video provides some interesting information about this:

Fountain Of Youth

The best way to naturally increase hyaluronic acid levels in the body is by eating sweet potatoes or by consuming a cartilage rich

bone broth soup.

Omega Fatty Acids

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Omega fatty acids, such as omega 3 and omega 6, are classed as essential fatty acids. This means that the body cannot naturally

produce these fats, and so you must acquire them from your diet.

Because they are essential, omega 3 fatty acids need to be consumed on a regular basis to ensure that the body and brain

remain healthy.

What we are really interested in is omega 3, because this seems to be very beneficial for promoting moist and smooth skin. Most

people do not get enough omega 3, and tend to have too much omega 6 which is known to be inflammatory when consumed,

especially when it has been heated.

Omega 3 can be found in oily fish such as sardines, in seeds such as flax seeds and in nuts such as walnut in significant amounts.

Be careful though of eating foods which are advertised as being “enriched” with omega 3, because omega 3, being a

polyunsaturated fatty acid, is not very stable when exposed to heat, light or air.

Sardines are a tasty and inexpensive source of omega 3.

As a result, a lot of foods which have omega 3 added to them contain rancid omega 3, which is obviously not what you want to

be consuming.

This also seems to be a problem with some fish oil supplements. So far, the best source of omega 3 that I have discovered is a

supplement called Vectomega.

Finally, you do not want to consume too much omega 3, because this fat can suppress the immune system and make you more

vulnerable to disease.

How to Prevent & Treat

Now that you have seen how important your diet is for maintaining healthy skin, below we look at some of the best ways that

you can prevent or delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Anti-Wrinkle Creams

Be careful of using products endorsed by celebrities as you never know what other “treatments” they have had done.

Keeping your face moist is absolutely essential when it comes to delaying the signs of facial aging. However, there are now many

moisturizers on the market that also contain anti-aging ingredients such as co-enzyme Q10, retinol, green tea, vitamin E and

vitamin C.

Since you will be moisturizing your face on a daily basis anyway, it makes sense to choose a product containing one or more of

these ingredients.

This way, you will be keeping your skin moist, whilst also protecting it from free radical damage that can produce the visible signs

of aging.

Natural Oils

If you don’t like the idea of using man-made products, or you simply find them too expensive, a great natural alternative is to use

oils such as coconut oil or emu oil.

Coconut oil, for example, is very rich in saturated fat and provides your skin with excellent protection against aging due to its

highly stable nature.

The high saturated fat content of coconut oil makes it an extremely powerful anti-aging moisturizer.

Emu oil can be absorbed very deeply into the skin which makes it extremely moisturizing. It also has anti-inflammatory properties

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which can help to slow down the aging process and it also stimulates collagen production.

You should however, try to avoid using polyunsaturated oils, because as we talked about earlier, these oils tend to be quite

unstable and so could actually end up accelerating the aging process.


Moderate exercise is very beneficial for the skin because it improves blood flow around the body. Blood is what carries oxygen

and nutrients to your cells, so the better your blood circulation is the healthier your skin will become.

Exercise improves the radiance and complexion of your skin due to its beneficial effects on blood circulation.

Poor blood circulation, such as that caused by a lack of exercise or by smoking, can lead to a dull looking complexion,

inflammation as a result of cellular waste accumulation and eventually, sagging skin and wrinkles.

Even if you don’t join a gym, just walking for a few hours spread across the course of a week can be very beneficial to your skin

and overall level of health. So try to do some form of physical activity whenever you have the opportunity to do so.

Face Exercises

People who do face exercises usually notice an improvement in the way they look within a few months.

Face exercise, also called face yoga or facial exercise, is a type of exercise that increases the strength of the facial muscles whilst

also stimulating collagen and elastin production.

Face exercises can be done with your hands or with special equipment to make the muscles of the face stronger. You can find out

more information about how to do face exercises here.


I have one these. It’s really not that bad once you get used to it.

A dermaroller, also called a skin needling roller or a collagen induction system, is a small cosmetic device that contains very fine

needles on a roller. It can be done at home by yourself, or professionally in a clinic or beauty salon by a dermatologist or plastic


When the dermaroller is applied to the skin, it makes tiny puncture holes that stretch through the epidermal layers, and

sometimes, into the uppermost dermis layer. The effect of this is to wound the skin, so that when it starts to heal itself it will also

produce more collagen.

Furthermore, as a result of the tiny holes created by the dermaroller, any anti-aging skin care products that you use will be better

absorbed into the skin due to increased transdermal absorption.

Derma Roller V2.wmv

Micro needling, or skin needling, has been shown to be a very inexpensive and minimally invasive procedure that can be beneficial

for treating not just fine lines and wrinkles, but also hair loss, scars, stretch marks, pigmented and sun damaged skin.

Note. In order for collagen induction to occur, a dermaroller with a needle length of at least 0.5 mm is needed. Anything below

this length will not provide any significant anti-aging benefits.

Skin Resurfacing Treatments

Skin resurfacing treatments are classed as a non surgical cosmetic treatment. They work by removing the upper most layers of

the skin, which then reveals new skin underneath whilst also stimulating collagen production.

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Skin resurfacing treatments, such as microdermabrasion in the picture above, provide a much deeper exfoliation than what you

would be able to do by yourself.

Skin resurfacing treatments are most effective for mature skin, although depending on the type of treatment that you undergo,

they can be used for anything from very fine lines to moderately deep wrinkles.

Some of the most popular skin resurfacing treatments include:

Microdermabrasion. A small device is used to blast mineral crystals at high-speed onto the surface of your skin. This is similar to

having a deep exfoliation and is largely pain-free.

Laser Skin Resurfacing. A more drastic treatment that uses a high-powered laser to essentially burn off the uppermost layers of

your skin. It leaves your face looking very red and feeling very tender after the treatment, but it can work wonders for erasing

fine lines and wrinkles.

Thermage. Unlike the previous two treatments, Thermage works by heating the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate the

production of connective tissue. This produces a mild skin tightening effect.

Chemical Peels. Chemical peels come in a variety of strengths ranging from relatively weak, such as alpha hydroxy acid or

Jessner’s peel treatments, to very strong, such as TCA peels or croton oil/phenol peels. The effect is similar to mechanical

exfoliation of the skin, except that chemicals are used for the exfoliation process.


Botox is a favorite amongst celebrities due to its age-defying effects.

One of the most popular cosmetic treatments amongst women, and increasingly so amongst men, Botox uses a purified protein

derived from a toxin to paralyze certain muscles of the face. The result is increased skin tightness and firming, and a reduction in

the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

If Botox is administered incorrectly however, it can leave you unable to form normal facial expressions or leave you, temporarily,

with an abnormal facial expression.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injected underneath the skin to raise areas of depression. Dermal fillers are most suitable for deep scars and

deep wrinkles, but the results they produce are not permanent and so repeated treatments are required if you wish to maintain

your results.

Dermal fillers provide a very effective, albeit short-lived, treatment for reversing the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the face.

At present, they are probably the most effective treatment currently available for treating mature or heavily wrinkled skin.

Some of the most popular dermal fillers include collagen injections, Juvederm/Restylane injections (hyaluronic acid ), Sculptra

injections (poly-l-lactic acid ) and Radiesse/Radiance injections (calcium hydroxyapatite ).

Face Lift Surgery

A face lift involves surgically removing excess skin from the face to tighten either specific regions or the whole of the face.

Contrary to popular belief however, a face lift is not designed to treat wrinkles.

A face lift will make it less likely for you to develop wrinkles in the future, but it won’t do much for your existing wrinkles.

A face lift can help to reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles, but it will not make them disappear completely. It will, however,

tighten up the skin which can help to reduce the formation of new wrinkles.

So it is not uncommon for people to undergo a face lift, and then later undergo a skin resurfacing treatment to more specifically

target problem areas.

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Sleep Well

If you aren’t getting enough sleep it will show up on your face.

A lack of sleep can leave your face looking tired, puffy and create bags under the eyes. This can then lead to wrinkles around the

eyes as a result of a saggy/droopy upper or lower eyelid.

The most common cause of a lack of sleep is insomnia. You can read more about ways to combat insomnia here.

Sleep Positioning: Can This Cause Wrinkles To Form? – Dr. Heck

Sleeping on your face can also cause wrinkles (sleep wrinkles ) as a result of your skin being stretched and twisted as you sleep.

One way to prevent this from occurring is to use a very soft pillow case, such as one made from silk. Alternatively, you can try

sleeping on your back.

Skin Care Habits

Makeup that is left on the face, especially overnight, can block pores, cause inflammation and accelerate skin aging. As a result,

you should always ensure that your face has been properly cleaned before you go to bed, and never sleep with an unwashed


Not removing makeup before bed can lead to premature aging of the skin.

The same applies in the morning. The face should be washed properly and all makeup should be removed before applying anything


For most women, the use of a cleanser on a cotton pad should be adequate for removing makeup. But if you tend to apply a lot

of makeup, then you would probably benefit from using a makeup remover as a simple cleanser is unlikely to be strong enough.

Sensible Sun Exposure

The sun is known to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest, causes of skin aging. Over exposure to the sun can cause the skin

to develop brown spots, wrinkles and even cause it to sag.

It takes about a decade before you are able to see the effects of sun damage with the naked eye.

The effects of sun damage however, don’t show up until about 10 years later. As a result, it can be quite difficult when you are

young to fully appreciate just how damaging the sun can be to your skin.

Most people though, know that the sun is something they should be careful of if they want to maintain a youthful look for as long

as possible, so fortunately, more and more people are now limiting their exposure to the sun or wearing sunscreen.

This, however, raises several issues. Some of which we shall discuss next:


Applying sunscreen should be the final step of your skin care routine, coming after cleansing, toning and then moisturizing.

Sunscreen should be applied in the morning and also during the day, especially if you will be staying out in the sun for long periods

of time.

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How to Apply Sunscreen

Close your eyes, hold your breath and don’t move!

It is best to use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher, and this level of protection can usually be found in

most good moisturizers or foundations. If not, you can just apply sunscreen over your regular face moisturizer.

Remember to cover all exposed areas of skin, such as your hands and neck, and not just your face. Even when you won’t be

outside for very long.

This is because around 80% of sun exposure comes from incidental light, such as light through windows when you are working,

driving your car or shopping.

DermTV – How to Properly Apply Sunscreen [DermTV.Com Epi #011]

There are two basic kinds of sunscreens: chemical sunscreens and barrier sunscreens.

Chemical Sunscreens

Chemical sunscreens are a cheap and easy way to protect yourself from the sun.

Chemical sunscreens are slowly absorbed into the skin over a period of several hours, after which, they then need to be reapplied.

This is best done at the beginning of the afternoon when the sun starts to get hot.

Chemical sunscreens protect your skin by allowing the sun to reach your skin, but then using chemicals to prevent penetration

and sun damage.

Barrier Sunscreens

Sunblocks provide a protective barrier to stop the sun from penetrating your skin.

Barrier sunscreens, also called sunblocks, usually contain either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as their main ingredient.

Sunblocks work differently to sunscreens as they sit on the surface of the skin and form a physical barrier which prevents the

sun’s rays from reaching the skin.

Sunblocks last longer than sunscreens because they are not absorbed into the skin. This means that under normal conditions you

should only need to apply them once a day.

Staying safe in the sun

Whilst wearing sunscreen or sunblock is important to protect your skin from sun damage and premature aging, not all skin

products are created equal.

Some researchers for example, have suggested that the chemicals found in sunscreens can actually cause skin cancer, and that

absorbing these chemicals can also cause various health problems in the body.

Staying safe in the sun means using a safe product to protect your skin with.

So to stay safe, make sure that your sun skin product is labeled as paraben/PABA free, and offers you both UVA and UVB


Generally speaking, barrier sunblocks are considered to be safer than sunscreens as they contain less chemicals. The only

disadvantage with sunblocks, such as those which contain zinc oxide, is that they may leave a whitish residue on the face. But if

this has been mixed in with foundation (mineral makeup ), or a bronzer, then you won’t notice it.

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Vitamin D

The sun is a very important source of vitamin D production in the body. So whilst you don’t want to burn yourself in the sun, you

do want to get some amount of unprotected sun exposure so that your body will be stimulated to produce vitamin D.

Vitamin D has many benefits, and some scientists believe that it could help to reduce your risk of disease and even make you live


Tips for using sunscreen

• Apply 20 minutes before leaving the house and then again after every 30-60 minutes of sun exposure.

• Reapply after you have been swimming or sweating and then dried yourself off with a towel.

• Waterproof sunscreens should be reapplied every 80 minutes, and water-resistant sunscreens should be reapplied every 40


• Sun related skin cancers are common on the nose, so make sure that you apply extra protection there.

• Throw away sunscreen that has passed its expiration date because it will have lost its sun protecting properties.


Neck Wrinkles
Causes: Smoking,
Aging and More

Wrinkles on a person’s neck are a huge giveaway of a person’s true age. In many situations proper neck skin care is ignored,

leaving the skin vulnerable to environmental conditions that can cause severed and in some cases irreversible damage and

wrinkles. Understanding the top causes of neck wrinkles can help you to take steps to eliminate them, which will then reduce the

chances of you developing any type of neck wrinkle. Use the following information to determine what you can do to reduce the

chances of the appearance of neck wrinkles.

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Smoking, especially for extended periods of time, can dramatically increase the chance of neck wrinkles appearing. The fact is that

those who smoke for long periods of time will actually have necks occur much sooner than they would naturally. However,

wrinkles caused by smoking are not only seen on the neck, and the effects of smoking can actually ravage your entire body. The

only way that you can prevent the damage that is caused by the toxins and chemicals that are found in cigars and cigarettes is

to quit.


Air pollution can have a significant impact on the aging of your skin. You need to be sure that you wash your face every night in

order to ensure that the environmental pollutants do not sit on your skin for extended periods of time. Since the pollutants will

decrease the atmospheres protective layer of ozone, as well, you need to ensure that you use a daily antioxidant serum. The

fact is that sun is one of the leading causes of wrinkles, which is why it is important to protect and cleanse your skin to prevent

any serious effects from environmental factors such as pollution and excessive sunlight.


There is no way to stop time; however, that does not mean that you have to accept what you are dealt. You can prevent

sagging skin that is the result of a loss of elastin and collage by using anti-aging wrinkle face creams on your neck, as well

other as anti-aging skin care products each time you apply them to your face. This does not just apply to creams, but face

masks, cleansers and exfoliates should also be used on your neck just as you would your face to reduce the chance of neck

wrinkles occurring.

Family History

If you do not have a family history related to neck wrinkles, you can hope that you will have great skin on the neck. However,

this is not a guarantee that neck wrinkles will not appear, as there are many other causes of the unsightly skin blemishes.

Exposure to harsh weather, UV rays, poor posture and poor care to the neck skin can all lead to significant skin wrinkles.

Therefore, while family history may contribute to a more severe case of neck wrinkles, lack of neck wrinkles in your family history

does not guarantee that you will not be plagued by them.

Stress on Neck

Your neck is constantly working to support your head and keep it in an upright position. Due to the actual weight of your head

and the fact that you are constantly moving it in a back and forth motion, the neck is experiencing constant stress. Additionally,

the law of gravity applies to this problem. The extra and excessive stress that is on the neck can result in the sagging or pulling

down of the skin on the neck. As you age the loss of collagen and elasticity will further hurt your chances of having tight and taunt

neck skin. The wrinkles that are present on the neck will add a number of year to your appearance, however can be prevented

with massage and proper neck care.

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Abnormal Weight

There are many times when a person may gain or lose weight, which will cause the skin to find it difficult to “bounce” back from

the fluctuation pounds. If you want to achieve firm skin on your neck, you must commit to a lifestyle change. This includes

healthy meals that will fill you up and that contain fresh fruits and also green vegetables. These foods will help you maintain a

healthy weight and provide detoxifying antioxidants that will help to keep the skin hydrated.

Wrong Habits

If you have irregular sleeping habits or types of occupational habits that provide adverse effects to your skin, you may notice

neck wrinkles much sooner than you would with the natural aging process. If your skin becomes dehydrated or even too moist,

or if it is exposed to the sun for extended periods of time it can cause neck wrinkles. If you are going to be in conditions such as

these, you should take steps to protect your sensitive neck skin and help to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

Imbalanced Diet

An imbalanced diet can actually negatively affect the skin that is on your neck, as well as other areas of your body. When you

have a vitamin deficiency, especially a vitamin E deficiency, it can result in wrinkles appearing on the neck at an early age. You

should be sure to consume a balanced diet each day to help and prevent wrinkles on the neck .

The fact is that the skin is a window to your real age. If it is neglected or not cared for properly, wrinkles will appear. Neck

wrinkles can be enhanced by poor habits such as smoking and exposure to sun as well as other factors such as a fluctuating

weight or a family history of neck wrinkles. In order to prevent these wrinkles you must eliminate bad habits and ensure that you

follow proper care for the sensitive skin on your neck. Remember it is never too late to start a proper regimen of neck care. While

there is no magic solution or cream for the wrinkles that are bound to appear on your skin, you can take steps now to eliminate

and reduce the chances of the wrinkles occurring at an early age.

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What are

Wrinkles are creases, folds, or ridges in the skin. They normally appear as people get older, but they can also develop

after spending a long time in water.

The first wrinkles to appear on a person's face tend to occur as a result of facial expressions.

Sun damage, smoking, dehydration. some medications, and environmental and genetic factors affect when and where people will

develop wrinkles.

Most wrinkles tend to appear in the parts of the body which receive the most sun exposure, especially the face and neck, the

back of the hands, and the arms.

Most people do not welcome wrinkles, and billions of dollars are spent globally on treatments to remove or delay them.

Some of these therapies make great claims but have no effect, while others may have moderate, significant, or very considerable


Contents of this article:

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What causes wrinkles?

Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As people get older, their skin gets thinner, drier, and less elastic, and less able to

protect itself from damage. This leads to wrinkles, creases, and lines on the skin.

Environmental factors such as smoking can accelerate the development of wrinkles.

Facial expressions, for example, repeatedly smiling, frowning, or squinting can lead to fine lines and wrinkles at a younger age.

According to the Mayo Clinic. each time a person uses a facial muscle, a groove forms under the surface of the skin.

When a person is young, the skin springs back, but as they get older, the skin loses its flexibility. Springing back becomes harder

and less frequent, resulting in more permanent grooves.

A number of avoidable, environmental factors also contribute.

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. for example, through sunbathing, tanning booths, and outdoor sports increases the chance of

developing wrinkles earlier.

UV light breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. These fibers form the skin's connective tissue. They are located

under the surface of the skin, and they support the skin. Breaking down this layer causes the skin to become weaker and less

flexible. The skin starts to droop, and wrinkles appear.

Clothes that cover the body, such as hats and long sleeves, may delay the development of wrinkles.

People who work in the sunlight have a higher chance of early wrinkles. Jobs that involve this type of exposure include fishing and

farming. Sailors, golfers, beach lifeguards, and gardeners may also be more prone to skin aging.

Regular smoking accelerates the aging process of skin, because of the reduced blood supply to the skin. Alcohol dehydrates the

skin, and dry skin is more likely to wrinkle.

What are the treatment
options for wrinkles?

The two main types of wrinkles are surface lines and deep furrows.

Most basic wrinkle treatments, if they have any effect, tend to help reduce the fine lines. For deeper creases, there are more

aggressive techniques, such as plastic surgery or injections of fillers.


Topical retinoids are derived from vitamin A, and they are said to reduce fine wrinkles, some pigmentations, and skin roughness.

This type of medication can make it easier for the skin to burn sunlight, so the patient needs to use it with a skin-care program to

protect the skin. Possible adverse effects include dryness, itching, a burning sensation, tingling, and redness.

Over-the-counter (OTC) wrinkle creams vary considerably in active ingredients and therefore, also, in effectiveness.

Slight to modest results may sometimes be obtained from retinol, alpha hydroxy acids, kinetin, coenzyme Q10, copper peptides,

and antioxidants. The active ingredient concentration in an OTC wrinkle cream will be significantly lower than a prescription one.

In most cases, if there are results, they do not usually last long.

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Cosmetic surgery and other
medical procedures

A number of surgical options are available.


Dermabrasion is a surgical procedure that involves the controlled wearing away, or abrasion, of the upper layers of skin with

sandpaper or some other mechanical means.

Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but treatments like Botox can put them off for a while.

Dermabrasion is used to remove fine wrinkles, tattoos, nevi, or moles, acne scars, and other types of scar.

It may cause scabbing, swelling, and redness. These generally fade after 2 weeks, but some pinkness may remain for several

months. The desired results are not immediate, and may take several months.

Microdermabrasion uses a powerful vacuum to spray microcrystals of aluminum oxide across the surface of the skin. The

procedure removes the outermost layers of skin cells, and it stimulates cell growth in the underlying layers of skin.

This type of treatment is said to help give a fresher and smoother appearance to the skin, as well as diminishing the appearance

of lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, coarse skin, and sun damage. The patient may have slight redness in the areas of treated


Repeated treatments are required because results are temporary.

Laser therapy

Laser, light source, and radiofrequency (RF) treatments destroy the outer layer of skin with a laser beam, while the dermis, or

underlying skin, is heated up. This stimulates the development of new collagen fibers.

In 2013, a study reported over 90 percent satisfaction one month after undergoing RF, and up to 75 percent satisfaction after 6

months, but the researchers called for further investigations into safety and effectiveness.

When the wound heals, the new skin is smoother and tighter, but ablative laser resurfacing can take several months to heal.

Newer therapies using laser technology may heal more quickly.

Non-ablative lasers, radiofrequency devices and pulsed light sources do not damage the epidermis. The underlying skin is heated,

triggering the formation of new collagen and elastin.

The skin feels firmer and appears refreshed after several treatments, and recovery times are faster, but more treatments are

needed and results are more subtle.


Botulinum toxin type A, commonly known as Botox, blocks the chemical signals that cause muscles to contract. It is used to

treat a number of medical conditions, as well as wrinkles.

It is injected in small doses into targeted muscles. If the muscles can no longer tighten, the skin flattens, giving a less wrinkled and

smoother appearance.

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Botox can decrease the lines on the forehead, the frown lines between the eyes, and "crow's feet," around the corners of the


Treatments generally last 3 months. so repeated injections are needed.

Chemical peels

A chemical peel involves applying a chemical solution to wrinkly areas, causing the dead skin to shed and eventually peel off. The

regenerated skin tends to be smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.

Some types of chemical peels can be bought and used without a medical license, but it is advisable to consult a medical health

care professional for the treatment.


A facelift. also known as a rhytidectomy. is a type of cosmetic surgery that aims to make people look younger. It usually involves

removing excess facial skin and fat, with or without tightening the underlying tissues.

The skin of the face, neck, or both is redraped. Research suggests that after 5 1/2 years, a facelift is still effective, but that the

neck starts to relapse. Healing times may be lengthy, and the patient will experience bruising and swelling for a few weeks after



Soft tissue fillers include collagen, hyaluronic acid, or fat. They are injected into deeper face wrinkles, plumping and smoothing

them out and giving the skin more volume.

Patients may sometimes experience swelling, redness, and bruising in the treated areas for a short period. As with Botox

treatment, for lasting results, the treatments will need to be repeated every few months.

The results are dependent on several factors, including where the wrinkles are and their depth.

Preventing wrinkles and

Aging is a natural process, and eventually, everybody has wrinkles and lines that become more prominent over time.

Moisturizing creams may help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

The following steps may help slow the process down:

Avoiding excessive sun exposure reduces skin damage, because the sun causes the skin to age faster. Hats, protective clothing,

and sun screens can protect the skin from wrinkles by reducing sunlight damage.

Zero exposure to sunlight totally is not recommended, however, because it is a vital source of vitamin D. and vitamin D is

essential for bone strength and other aspects of health. Some sunscreens can protect the skin while allowing vitamin D to be


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Moisturizers do not prevent wrinkles, but they may help temporarily make tiny lines and creases less evident.

Quitting smoking can prevent the accelerated aging of skin. Even a long-term heavy smoker can slow down the process by giving


Avoid alcohol because it dehydrates the body and the skin.

Sleeping at least 7 hours a night, eating healthily and exercising regularly help to maintain overall health, and this may include skin

quality, although this has not been extensively proven by research.

Written by Christian Nordqvist

Article last updated by Yvette Brazier on Mon 30 November 2015.

Visit our Cosmetic Medicine / Plastic Surgery category page for the latest news on this subject, or sign up to our newsletter to

receive the latest updates on Cosmetic Medicine / Plastic Surgery.

All references are available in the References tab.

These tabs require JavaScript to be

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).(N.D.). What causes our skin to age? Retrieved from


Jaffary, R. Nilforoushzadeh, M.A. & Zarkoob, H. (2013, November). Patient satisfaction and efficacy of accent

radiofrequency for facial skin wrinkle reduction. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. Retrieved from


Jones, B.M. Lo, S.J. (2012, December). How long does a face lift last? Objective and subjective measurements over a 5-

year period. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23190814.

Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report:


Nordqvist, Christian. "What are Wrinkles?." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl. 27 Jul. 2016. Web.

27 Jul. 2016. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/174852.php>

Please note: If no author information is provided, the source is cited instead.

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What are Wrinkles?

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Stress Q&A by
Dr. Stöppler

There has been a longstanding belief that chronic stress causes people to appear older, but most of the evidence to support

this fact has been anecdotal (based upon people's perceptions and observations) rather than scientifically validated.

However, a small but significant study in 2004 showed the first link between chronic stress and aging. This study showed

that telomeres (structures at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with aging) also shorten prematurely in people

experiencing long-term psychological stress, in effect, prematurely "aging" the cells. Since then, subsequent studies have

confirmed the finding that shortened telomeres are associated with psychological stress.

While these results support a link between stress and cellular aging, the exact relationship of stress on aging is complex and

isn't yet fully understood. However, stress certainly can have negative effects on physical and emotional health. Anyone

concerned about developing wrinkles or other signs of aging would certainly be advised to practice a healthy lifestyle, which

would include keeping stress levels under control.

Thank you for your question.

Last Editorial Review: 7/17/2013

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Why your face
ages and what

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you can do

Get your copy of Skin Care and Repair

New information on treatments for both medical skin conditions and cosmetic problems is available in this updated Special

Health Report on Skin Care and Repair. This report describes scientifically approved treatments for common medical

conditions from acne to rosacea, as well as the newest cosmetic procedures for lines, wrinkles, age spots and other

problems. An explanation of the ingredients in popular skin lotions and cosmeceuticals is also included.

Age affects every nook and cranny of the body. Along with the wisdom, experience, and accomplishments that come with

getting older, there are changes that occur in our outward appearance. Changes in our faces are most at the forefront.

Dozens of changes take place as the years add up, some of them obvious and familiar:

Foreheads expand as hairlines retreat
Ears often get a bit longer because the
cartilage in them grows
Tips of noses may droop because
connective tissue supporting nasal
cartilage weakens.

There are also structural rearrangements going on behind the scenes. When we're young, fat in the face is evenly

distributed, with some pockets here and there that plump up the forehead, temples, cheeks, and areas around the eyes and

mouth. With age, that fat loses volume, clumps up, and shifts downward, so features that were formerly round may sink,

and skin that was smooth and tight gets loose and sags. Meanwhile other parts of the face gain fat, particularly the lower

half, so we tend to get baggy around the chin and jowly in the neck.

And, of course, there are the wrinkles. Those deep ones in the forehead and between the eyebrows are called expression, or

animation, lines. They're the result of facial muscles continually tugging on, and eventually creasing, the skin. Other folds

may get deeper because of the way fat decreases and moves around. Finer wrinkles are due to sun damage, smoking, and

natural degeneration of elements of the skin that keep it thick and supple.

Choosing how to age

Even if you have great genes and look much younger than you are, age-related changes in our facial appearance are

unavoidable. Those changes reflect our joys and challenges in life. One approach is to simply celebrate our age and

appearance for what they are.

Not everyone is comfortable with that, and some might like to postpone embracing those changes. The age-defying facelift,

which surgically removes excess tissue and lifts sagging skin in the lower part of the face, is one way to try to stem the tides

of time. Facelifts have improved, so the results tend to look more natural. But the surgery is expensive (the surgeon's fee

alone is just under $7,000, on average), and other procedures may be needed to achieve the desired results. The facelift

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procedure is only the 20th most popular cosmetic procedure, and now there are plenty of alternatives for altering the aging


Although most of these rejuvenating procedures are nonsurgical, they're not inexpensive — especially when you factor in the

need for repeat treatments.

Here is just a sample of some of the things that you can do — or get done — to give your face a more youthful


Sun protection. Protecting your face from the sun is the single best way of keeping it youthful. Much of the damage comes

from the UVA part of the light spectrum, so you need to put on sunscreen that protects against it and UVB light, which

causes sunburn. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat is also a good idea.

Creams and lotions. Moisturizers soothe dry skin and may temporarily make wrinkles less noticeable. Moisturizers for the

face contain water to make them less greasy, and many have substances — glycerin, for example — that may help bind

water to the skin. Exfoliant creams can improve the appearance of older skin by getting rid of dead skin cells that don't

slough off as readily as they did when we were young.

Several prescription creams (Avita, Avage, Renova, Retin-A) have been shown to reduce wrinkles and so-called liver spots

caused by sun exposure. These FDA-approved creams contain retinoids, compounds related to vitamin A that seem to work

by inducing collagen production in the dermis and altering melanin, the pigment that causes liver spots. There are several

varieties of retinoids. Tazarotene and tretinoin are the ones used in the FDA-approved products.

Botulinum toxin injections. These injections are used to treat the expression lines of the forehead and between the

brows. They work by partially immobilizing the muscles that form expression lines so the skin smoothes out, although some

deep expression lines may not go away. Botox is the familiar brand name. Other FDA-approved botulinum toxins are

Myobloc and Dysport. The FDA issued a new warning in 2009 about the botulinum toxin spreading from injection sites,

although there have been no reports of that happening when the injections were for expression lines.

Dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are used to treat lines created by lost collagen and fat. After botulinum toxin injections, dermal

filler injections are the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. Prime locations for the injections

are two sets of parentheses: the pair of lines that extend down from the nose to the corners of the mouth, known as the

nasolabial folds, and another pair that extends down from the corners of the mouth to the chin, known as marionette lines.

Many different materials are used as dermal filler. Collagen has fallen out of favor. Currently, the most popular one is

hyaluronic acid, a complex sugar found naturally in many tissues. Hyaluronic acid is more expensive than collagen, but lasts

longer — up to six months in the nasolabial folds. Like botulinum toxin injections, the effect of the dermal filler shots wears

off after several months — how long depends on the injection site — but with repeat injections it seems to last a little


Laser treatments. Lasers can be used to home in on certain pigments: brown, if the goal is to get rid of freckles and liver

spots, red if the target is broken capillaries. They're also used for wholesale resurfacing of facial skin. The uppermost layers

are stripped away, and with them, wrinkles from sun damage and scars from acne. The energy from some "nonablative"

resurfacing lasers passes through the outer layer of the skin to work at a deeper level, in the dermis, to stimulate

inflammation, which leads to collagen formation.

Skin needs time to recover after most laser treatments. It can take a couple of weeks to heal, depending on the type and

extent of the treatment. The nonablative treatments tend to heal a bit faster.

Get your copy of Hearing Loss: A guide
to prevention and treatment

If you think you might need a hearing checkup, you probably do. This special health report describes the causes and cures

for hearing loss. You'll learn about the latest advances in hearing aid technology and find out which kind of hearing device

may be best for you. This report contains in-depth information on the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of hearing loss.

You'll learn how to prevent hearing loss and preserve the hearing you have now.

Is earwax

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connected to
heart disease?

Q. I heard somewhere that the type of earwax you have is linked to your risk of heart disease. Can that be true?

A. One part of that "connection" is correct — humans have different types of earwax, also known as cerumen (suh-ROO-

men). Wet earwax, which is brownish and sticky, contains about 50% fat and 20% protein. Dry earwax, which is gray and

flaky, contains 18% fat and 43% protein. The type of earwax a person has is genetically determined.

In the early 1960s, one small study demonstrated a connection between wet earwax and atherosclerosis. In 1993,

Lithuanian researchers found that people with wet earwax were more likely to have higher levels of apolipoprotein B, a

protein that travels with particles of LDL (bad) cholesterol, while those with dry earwax were more likely to live longer.

These data aren't nearly enough to be "a connection."

In 2009, Japanese researchers discovered that the gene that determines earwax type also codes for a transport protein

called ABCC11 that may play a role in breast cancer. Women with wet earwax were somewhat more likely to have breast

cancer (and a stronger body odor) than those with dry earwax. The researchers suggest that earwax type could someday

be a tip-off of breast cancer risk. Whether they are right, or whether there is an association between earwax and heart

disease, remains to be seen.

— Thomas Lee, M.D.

Editor in chief, Harvard Heart Letter

Originally published: September 2010

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What are

Skin grows older everywhere over the human body, however substantially more where there’s been exposure to the sun.

Alterations attributable to sun exposure comprise “dry skin”, sagginess, epidermis growths such as keratoses (“liver spots”),

and lines and wrinkles.

Wrinkles are generally
split up into two classes….

fine surface area lines and deep furrows. Anti-wrinkle methods are substantially more efficient with regard to fine lines. Much

deeper creases may necessitate additional intense methods, including cosmetic surgery.

Wrinkles are discovered mainly on the various locations of the physique wherein exposure to the sun will be most significant.

Such places particularly range from the facial muscles area (face wrinkles), throat, wrinkles around mouth, the backside of

the hands, as well as the tops of the over arms and smoking wrinkles.

Have you ever heard of the marionette lines? These are another form of wrinkles which are located around the chin area.

Wrinkles and fine lines tend to be the creases and folds which attack the epidermis because of your age or perhaps scarring

damage due to ecological elements. Because we age, the skin we have starts to drop flexibility and volume that causes your

skin to droop in addition to facial wrinkles and fine lines to formulate. There are numerous exterior agents that can induce

problems for the epidermis and deteriorate the collagen materials that handle supplying the epidermis its sleek and firm

visual appeal. Too much exposure to the sun, cigarette smoking, tension, lousy eating routine, along with a lack of exercise,

are generally contributing factors that can induce early aging as well as lines and wrinkles.

Wrinkled face before and after

Fine lines and wrinkles frequently show up on the brow, between the eye brows, around the eyes, and around the nasal area

as well as mouth area.

Wrinkles can be classified as
either static or dynamic:

Most of these wrinkles develop once we create a facial expression. If we are more youthful our skin is far more versatile and

is capable of effortlessly springing into its authentic condition. Nonetheless as we get older, the skin we have weakens and

it’s unable to recuperate from these face muscle contractions. This leads to a lasting or fixed wrinkle.

Such wrinkles show up any time the facial area is at rest and in its standard posture. Static wrinkles result from natural

process of getting older and skin damage brought on by ecological elements. As we get older, the skin gets leaner and we

drop collagen and elastin which causes the epidermis to sagg and fine lines and wrinkles to formulate.

There are a variety of productive treatments for fine lines and wrinkles that can assist a person restore the vibrant and

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glowing presence you used to own. Consult the skin care expert concerning that therapy most suitable for your demands.

What components enhance

Variables which enhance wrinkling consist of:

1. Smoking

2. Light skin type (individuals with blue eyes and simply burnt epidermis tend to be more vulnerable to environmental sun


3. Heredity (a few households wrinkle more)

4. Hair style (a few types supply cover and safety versus sun exposure)

5. Dress (hats, long sleeves, etc.)

6. Work-related and leisure routines (farming, sailing, golfing, using tanning booths, and so forth)

Many of these components tend to be outside of our management. The primary safety measures we could consider will be

to reduce exposure to the sun and never smoke cigarettes.

Fine lines and wrinkles can add decades to a persons visual appeal as well as adversely effect their self-esteem. Luckily,

there are many choices to battle indications of growing older than in the past.

Current treatments for wrinkles

Facial fillers for example Collagen, Restylane and Radiesse try to bring back losing volume in the epidermis that permits fixed

wrinkles and fine lines to generate. This dermal filler is inserted to the anti-wrinkle employing a good needle. The facial filler

then adheres with water and fills up the actual crevice into the preferred plumpness. Individuals can experience a small

stinging throughout the therapy and when required, topical ointment may be used to lessen the location. Individuals observe

speedy outcomes which usually last six months to a year.

Botox is an easy, non-surgical method that calms the facial muscles to prevent dynamic wrinkles from generating. Botox

injections are inserted into the facial muscle using a very fine needle to smooth away wrinkles. Due to the fact, Botox briefly

restricts the facial muscles from contracting, people may also make use of this therapy to stop long term dynamic lines

from growing. People experience virtually no soreness throughout the treatment as well as benefits generally last 3-6


Fractional lasers employ a specific light to focus on the deep dermal levels and make up a managed level of destruction of

regions of the skin in which collagen continues to be impaired. This method energizes the body’s recovery system to help

activate the creation of fresh collagen and make a much softer rejuvenated presence. Individuals typically need four

therapies each month for approximately four months.

Chemical peels employ a mix of risk-free chemicals to eliminate the impaired surface area of the epidermis. The newest,

regenerated skin underneath is smoother as well as considerably less wrinkled. You can find diverse degrees of peels that

offer an alternative amount of penetration within the epidermis. The deeper the actual peel the greater remarkable

outcomes will probably be as well as the more time it may need for your epidermis to recover. Light peels sink into the

upper layer of the skin and therefore are appropriate for shallow wrinkles. Medium peels get to the top of the dermal layer

and therefore are beneficial with regard to moderate to be able to reasonable lines. Much deeper chemical peels concentrate

on the deep levels of the skin and are employed to deal with deeper more serious facial wrinkling.

Microdermabrasion can be a mild exfoliating therapy which utilizes aluminum oxide-crystals to get rid of old skin debris from

your skin surface, developing a more delicate as well as rejuvenated presence. Microdermabrasion likewise helps activate

the development of new collagen to enhance the feel of the epidermis. Usually numerous treatments are required to

observe spectacular benefits.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (FotoFacial)

This treatment utilizes a powerful pulsed light to correct wrinkles from deep inside the epidermis, leaving behind the top

coating unscathed. The high intensity pulses of light make it possible to ease fine lines and wrinkles while enhancing the

consistency of the skin. Typically 6-12 therapies are necessary and individuals can easily continue their everyday living as

well as go back to work right after every process.

Surgical face lift

A face lift is a medical procedure which firms the whole surface of the skin to smooth out wrinkles and remove loose and

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sagging skin. The surgeon commences the process by making a little cut on top of the hairline right down to the ear. The

epidermis as well as muscle mass will be split up, retracted, as well as tightened. Excess fat may also be removed or

repositioned to generate a youthful as well as curved look and feel.

Wrinkle/Facial Line

Wrinkle/Facial Line

What are

Wrinkles are creases, folds, or ridges in the skin. They normally appear as people get older, but they can also

develop after spending a long time in water.

The first wrinkles to appear on a person's face tend to occur as a result of facial expressions.

Sun damage, smoking, dehydration. some medications, and environmental and genetic factors affect when and where

people will develop wrinkles.

Most wrinkles tend to appear in the parts of the body which receive the most sun exposure, especially the face and neck,

the back of the hands, and the arms.

Most people do not welcome wrinkles, and billions of dollars are spent globally on treatments to remove or delay them.

Some of these therapies make great claims but have no effect, while others may have moderate, significant, or very

considerable success.

Contents of this article:

What causes wrinkles?

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Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As people get older, their skin gets thinner, drier, and less elastic, and less

able to protect itself from damage. This leads to wrinkles, creases, and lines on the skin.

Environmental factors such as smoking can accelerate the development of wrinkles.

Facial expressions, for example, repeatedly smiling, frowning, or squinting can lead to fine lines and wrinkles at a younger


According to the Mayo Clinic. each time a person uses a facial muscle, a groove forms under the surface of the skin.

When a person is young, the skin springs back, but as they get older, the skin loses its flexibility. Springing back becomes

harder and less frequent, resulting in more permanent grooves.

A number of avoidable, environmental factors also contribute.

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. for example, through sunbathing, tanning booths, and outdoor sports increases the

chance of developing wrinkles earlier.

UV light breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. These fibers form the skin's connective tissue. They are

located under the surface of the skin, and they support the skin. Breaking down this layer causes the skin to become

weaker and less flexible. The skin starts to droop, and wrinkles appear.

Clothes that cover the body, such as hats and long sleeves, may delay the development of wrinkles.

People who work in the sunlight have a higher chance of early wrinkles. Jobs that involve this type of exposure include

fishing and farming. Sailors, golfers, beach lifeguards, and gardeners may also be more prone to skin aging.

Regular smoking accelerates the aging process of skin, because of the reduced blood supply to the skin. Alcohol dehydrates

the skin, and dry skin is more likely to wrinkle.

What are the treatment
options for wrinkles?

The two main types of wrinkles are surface lines and deep furrows.

Most basic wrinkle treatments, if they have any effect, tend to help reduce the fine lines. For deeper creases, there are more

aggressive techniques, such as plastic surgery or injections of fillers.


Topical retinoids are derived from vitamin A, and they are said to reduce fine wrinkles, some pigmentations, and skin


This type of medication can make it easier for the skin to burn sunlight, so the patient needs to use it with a skin-care

program to protect the skin. Possible adverse effects include dryness, itching, a burning sensation, tingling, and redness.

Over-the-counter (OTC) wrinkle creams vary considerably in active ingredients and therefore, also, in effectiveness.

Slight to modest results may sometimes be obtained from retinol, alpha hydroxy acids, kinetin, coenzyme Q10, copper

peptides, and antioxidants. The active ingredient concentration in an OTC wrinkle cream will be significantly lower than a

prescription one.

In most cases, if there are results, they do not usually last long.

Cosmetic surgery and

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other medical procedures

A number of surgical options are available.


Dermabrasion is a surgical procedure that involves the controlled wearing away, or abrasion, of the upper layers of skin with

sandpaper or some other mechanical means.

Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but treatments like Botox can put them off for a while.

Dermabrasion is used to remove fine wrinkles, tattoos, nevi, or moles, acne scars, and other types of scar.

It may cause scabbing, swelling, and redness. These generally fade after 2 weeks, but some pinkness may remain for

several months. The desired results are not immediate, and may take several months.

Microdermabrasion uses a powerful vacuum to spray microcrystals of aluminum oxide across the surface of the skin. The

procedure removes the outermost layers of skin cells, and it stimulates cell growth in the underlying layers of skin.

This type of treatment is said to help give a fresher and smoother appearance to the skin, as well as diminishing the

appearance of lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, coarse skin, and sun damage. The patient may have slight redness in the

areas of treated skin.

Repeated treatments are required because results are temporary.

Laser therapy

Laser, light source, and radiofrequency (RF) treatments destroy the outer layer of skin with a laser beam, while the dermis,

or underlying skin, is heated up. This stimulates the development of new collagen fibers.

In 2013, a study reported over 90 percent satisfaction one month after undergoing RF, and up to 75 percent satisfaction

after 6 months, but the researchers called for further investigations into safety and effectiveness.

When the wound heals, the new skin is smoother and tighter, but ablative laser resurfacing can take several months to heal.

Newer therapies using laser technology may heal more quickly.

Non-ablative lasers, radiofrequency devices and pulsed light sources do not damage the epidermis. The underlying skin is

heated, triggering the formation of new collagen and elastin.

The skin feels firmer and appears refreshed after several treatments, and recovery times are faster, but more treatments

are needed and results are more subtle.


Botulinum toxin type A, commonly known as Botox, blocks the chemical signals that cause muscles to contract. It is used to

treat a number of medical conditions, as well as wrinkles.

It is injected in small doses into targeted muscles. If the muscles can no longer tighten, the skin flattens, giving a less

wrinkled and smoother appearance.

Botox can decrease the lines on the forehead, the frown lines between the eyes, and "crow's feet," around the corners of

the eyes.

Treatments generally last 3 months. so repeated injections are needed.

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Chemical peels

A chemical peel involves applying a chemical solution to wrinkly areas, causing the dead skin to shed and eventually peel off.

The regenerated skin tends to be smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.

Some types of chemical peels can be bought and used without a medical license, but it is advisable to consult a medical

health care professional for the treatment.


A facelift. also known as a rhytidectomy. is a type of cosmetic surgery that aims to make people look younger. It usually

involves removing excess facial skin and fat, with or without tightening the underlying tissues.

The skin of the face, neck, or both is redraped. Research suggests that after 5 1/2 years, a facelift is still effective, but that

the neck starts to relapse. Healing times may be lengthy, and the patient will experience bruising and swelling for a few

weeks after surgery.


Soft tissue fillers include collagen, hyaluronic acid, or fat. They are injected into deeper face wrinkles, plumping and

smoothing them out and giving the skin more volume.

Patients may sometimes experience swelling, redness, and bruising in the treated areas for a short period. As with Botox

treatment, for lasting results, the treatments will need to be repeated every few months.

The results are dependent on several factors, including where the wrinkles are and their depth.

Preventing wrinkles and

Aging is a natural process, and eventually, everybody has wrinkles and lines that become more prominent over time.

Moisturizing creams may help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

The following steps may help slow the process down:

Avoiding excessive sun exposure reduces skin damage, because the sun causes the skin to age faster. Hats, protective

clothing, and sun screens can protect the skin from wrinkles by reducing sunlight damage.

Zero exposure to sunlight totally is not recommended, however, because it is a vital source of vitamin D. and vitamin D is

essential for bone strength and other aspects of health. Some sunscreens can protect the skin while allowing vitamin D to be


Moisturizers do not prevent wrinkles, but they may help temporarily make tiny lines and creases less evident.

Quitting smoking can prevent the accelerated aging of skin. Even a long-term heavy smoker can slow down the process by

giving up.

Avoid alcohol because it dehydrates the body and the skin.

Sleeping at least 7 hours a night, eating healthily and exercising regularly help to maintain overall health, and this may include

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skin quality, although this has not been extensively proven by research.

Written by Christian Nordqvist

Article last updated by Yvette Brazier on Mon 30 November 2015.

Visit our Cosmetic Medicine / Plastic Surgery category page for the latest news on this subject, or sign up to our newsletter

to receive the latest updates on Cosmetic Medicine / Plastic Surgery.

All references are available in the References tab.

These tabs require JavaScript to be

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).(N.D.). What causes our skin to age? Retrieved from


Jaffary, R. Nilforoushzadeh, M.A. & Zarkoob, H. (2013, November). Patient satisfaction and efficacy of accent

radiofrequency for facial skin wrinkle reduction. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. Retrieved from


Jones, B.M. Lo, S.J. (2012, December). How long does a face lift last? Objective and subjective measurements over a 5-

year period. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23190814.

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Nordqvist, Christian. "What are Wrinkles?." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl. 27 Jul. 2016. Web.

27 Jul. 2016. <http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/174852.php>

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13 Really Bad
Habits That
Cause Wrinkles

You know the drill: Wash off your makeup and apply moisturizer daily. But despite those healthy habits, you're probably

making some pretty common mistakes that might do more harm than good.

1. Tugging at your eyes while
applying liner.

We know you want the perfect cat eye. but that doesn't mean you should bang up the delicate skin around your eyes to get

it. Aggressive pulling can lead to puffiness, broken blood vessels, and wrinkles. "Use an eyeliner that glides rather than tugs,"

recommends Dr. Julia Tzu of Wall Street Dermatology in New York City.

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2. Thinking a perfect combo of
anti-aging products exists.

Many skin care fanatics use a makeup remover, face wash, toner, serum, moisturizer, face oil, eye cream, eye gel,

sunscreen, and wrinkle filler — each and every day, all in pursuit of perfect skin. Sadly, it doesn't quite work like that.

"The biggest skin care mistake is not realizing that less is more," explains Dr. Mona Gohara, associate clinical professor of

dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine. "They throw all these different products on themselves, which can irritate your

skin and cause inflammation," potentially exacerbating the signs of aging. A better bet? Using tried-and-true products that

actually work. Gohara recommends ones that features retinols, antioxidants, and SPF.

3. Skipping SPF in your car.

Just because you're inside of a vehicle doesn't mean you're protected: In the United States, left-sided skin cancers and

wrinkling are more common because that's where the sun hits you as you're driving. Always wear sunscreen, especially if

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you're a frequent driver.

4. Assuming "organic" is
inherently better.

Sure, organic can be better for your body when it comes to food, but that's not necessarily true for your skin. Don't assume

something is going to reduce your wrinkles and the signs of aging simply because it says "organic" — otherwise, you could

wind up ignoring inflammatory ingredients. "After all," Gohara says, "poison ivy is natural and organic, but it's obviously not

good for your skin."

5. Aggressively removing your eye

Taking off your makeup at night is important, but you should do it gently. The last thing you want to do is rub, tug, or scrap

the skin around your eyes to get that last little bit of mascara off. "You can cause broken blood vessels and puffiness,"

warns Gohara.

6. Sleeping on your stomach or

"Sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent sleep-induced wrinkles," explains Tzu. Love lying on your stomach?

Gohara recommends using a satin pillowcase — they're less abrasive than the cotton kind.

7. Cleaning too thoroughly.

After a long day, you want to get all the dirt, grease, and grime out of your pores by any means necessary, but this is a

mistake that could cost your skin its youthful suppleness and glow. "When people use harsh soap in order to get a squeaky

clean feel, they strip their skin of its natural oils and accentuate fine lines," says Gohara. Stick to a gentle cleanser and don't

scrub — your skin will thank you later.

8. Giving up on products too

Have you ever tried a new product, but saw only minimal (if any) results after a few weeks and decided to toss it or give it

away? Unfortunately, you could be shorting yourself of that product's benefits, says Dr. Janet Prystowsky, a New York City

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"The thing is, those creams take months to make any difference," explains Prystowsky, "so unless a product is damaging

your skin, it's better to use it up before buying a new one." A tip that benefits our skin and our wallets? Yes, please.

9. Relying on a single "miracle
product" to stop the signs of

Achieving great skin doesn't require one product or one simple trick — it's a lifestyle. From your eating and sleeping habits to

your exercise regimen and sun exposure, there isn't one simple cream or serum that will fix all your skincare woes.

10. Sitting too close to the
computer screen.

Constantly squinting your eyes andstraining to see the screen causes fine wrinkles around the eyes, explains Tzu, who

recommends sitting about 1 1/2 to 2 feet — whichever is comfortable for your vision. Keep your neck straight to maintain

good posture and decrease horizontal neck lines. Prystowsky also suggests taking a break two or three times an hour in

order to readjust your posture and stretch. You could use a little rest every now and then throughout the day, anyway.

11. Skipping your annual eye

If you don't feel like your prescription has changed all that much, you may feel tempted to not make an appointment with

your eye doctor. However, furrow lines along your brow can occur if your vision is not properly corrected, so it's better to

ensure that your prescription is absolutely up to date.

12. Smoking cigarettes.

By now, everyone knows that smoking is bad for your body and looks. yet an estimated 42.1 million Americans are

currently cigarette smokers, leading to over 480,000 deaths each year. Skip the cigarettes — your body, skin, and loved

ones will thank you lady.

13. Not wearing sunscreen.

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Most people know how important SPF is to long-term skincare. but there are still those who skip sunscreen because they

think a little tan here and there won't hurt. "The vast majority of aging signs come from unprotected skin exposure," says

Gohara, "so by not wearing sunscreen, you're actually accelerating the process."

4 Things You're
Doing That are
Causing Your
Eye Wrinkles

Updated May 05, 2016.

What's there to like about eye wrinkles? Nothing! They make us look and feel older than we are and also make us spend our

hard earned money on product after product. Who needs that?

But did you know you're probably encouraging your eye wrinkles to multiply or even get deeper? It's true! Check out the 4

most common mistakes people make that gives your eyes those dreaded creases. Start changing your habits today and

stop your eye wrinkles in their tracks.

1. Not Wearing Sunglasses

B2M Productions/Stockbyte/Getty Images

I wear glasses, and for the longest time I avoided getting prescription sunglasses because I just didn't want to fork over

hundreds of dollars for frames and lenses that would quickly go out of style. Boy did I ever pay the price. Because of the

decade of constant squinting, I now have crow's feet as well as forehead wrinkles. I would give anything to turn back the

clock and cough up the money from the beginning.

If you don't wear sunglasses for whatever reason, you're encouraging wrinkles! Look in the mirror and squint like the sun is

in your eyes. See the lines that form? After so long they will become permanent lines. Wrinkles form for different reasons

but one reason is repetitive facial movements that over time breakdown collagen and elastin in the skin. This happens each

time you squint because you aren't wearing sunglasses.

Go buy sunglasses and use them year-round. Remember that you also need sunglasses in the winter when the sun is even

brighter reflecting off of the snow. If you smoke cigarettes you probably squint through the smoke. This also causes

wrinkles around your eyes.

Continue Reading Below

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2. Rubbing and Tugging at Your

What do you do when you're tired? Chances are good you rub your eyes. It's instinct! It feels good to rub your eyes when

you're tired or when they are feeling itchy, but it's a habit you must stop today if you want to avoid looking older than you

really are.

The skin around your eyes is so thin that when you rub them it causes them to wrinkle back and forth. Consistently rubbing

them will cause them to wrinkle faster than if you never started the bad habit in the first place.

This goes for removing your eye make up as well. Don't remove roughly. Let the makeup dissolve a bit with a cotton swab

filled with remover before you rub it off. When you remove eye makeup by tugging at the skin around your eye you

breakdown collagen. When you use eyeliner that tugs at the skin around your eyes you are causing further damage to that

skin. As for eye creams. apply your ring finger and gently tap in the cream, don't rub it in harshly.

3. Sleeping on Your Stomach

When you sleep on your belly, the side of your face resting on your pillow is squished for hours at a time. By constantly

squishing your face each night, you are causing creasing which can eventually turn into wrinkles. (Notice sleep lines each


Try falling to sleep on your back. If you find it hard to stay that way, put a pillow under your knees, which will help you stay

in place.

Can't imagine not sleeping on your belly? Consider investing in special shaped pillow that allows you to sleep on your belly

while saving your face.

Continue Reading Below

4. Skipping SPF

The sun causes your skin to age; it's as simple as that. Seeing the skin around your eyes is so thin, the aging can happen

sooner than other areas of your body. Sun exposure is one of the main reasons that collagen and elastin breaks down in

our skin causing wrinkles and fine lines.

Luckily you can find many great eye creams that have sun protection in them so that not only is your eye area getting great

anti-aging ingredients by SPF as well:


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Quick Guide How
to Reduce
Wrinkles With
Lifestyle Changes

There are several medical (topical medicines and creams) and many invasive techniques available for ameliorating wrinkles.

They are all effective to the degree that (1) they change the nature of aging collagen, (2) they stretch the skin, (3) fill in the

depressions in the skin, or (4) they paralyze muscles that cause the skin to crease. They include both medical and surgical


Medical treatments for fine wrinkling

Vitamin A acid (tretinoin [Retin A,
. This ingredient, available by
prescription, has the longest track record
of success in treating aging skin and fine
lines. Creams containing tretinoin must
be used on an ongoing basis. They may
produce redness and peeling at first, but
discomfort can usually be minimized by
lowering the cream's concentration or
applying it less often until the skin gets

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used to it.
Alpha-hydroxy acids. These so-called
"fruit acids" include glycolic and lactic
acid. Preparations containing these fruit
acids are quite safe and cause no more
than mild and temporary irritation. They
produce only subtle improvement though.
Antioxidants. These include
preparations that contain the vitamins A,
C, and E, as well as beta-carotene. There
is very little compelling evidence that
these sorts of creams produce a
significant cosmetic improvement.
Ordinary moisturizers. Creams that
don't contain any of the above
substances can only make wrinkles look
temporarily less prominent ("reduce the
appearance of fine lines").

Procedural options

Glycolic acid peels. These superficial
peels can make a very slight difference in
the intensity of fine wrinkles.
Deeper peels. These peels use

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ingredients like salicylic acid and
trichloroacetic acid and penetrate
somewhat deeper into the skin. Deeper
peels do a better job of smoothing fine
lines. The deeper the peel, however, the
greater the risk of side effects such as
long-lasting pigment changes (changes in
the color of the skin) and scarring. Such
peels may require anesthesia. Mild
sedation helps ease short-term but fairly
intense discomfort.
Microdermabrasion. This refers to
"sanding the skin" with a machine
containing silica or aluminum crystals;
many estheticians offer this service,
usually in "packages" of six or seven
sessions. Microdermabrasion does not
change skin anatomy, though it may
make the face feel smoother. Cosmetic
products marketed as "home
microdermabrasion" are just mild
exfoliants -- harmless but not likely to
produce any meaningful change in
Dermabrasion. This is a true surgical
procedure, often performed under

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general anesthesia. The treating
physician uses a rotating instrument to
sand the skin down. Depending a great
deal on the skill and experience of the
operator, dermabrasion can result in
excellent improvement but can also
produce significant side effects, including
scarring and permanent changes in skin
Laser resurfacing. Using instruments
such as the carbon dioxide and erbium
lasers, physicians can achieve results
similar to those of dermabrasion with
greater reliability and precision. The laser
is passed several times over the area to
be treated until the damage reaches the
middle of the dermis, the skin's second
layer. This helps stimulate the body's
natural collagen synthesis (production),
which plumps up sagging skin and
wrinkles. Some doctors perform laser
resurfacing under "conscious sedation,"
in which the patient remains awake and
receives intravenous medications to calm
and ease pain. This sedation is combined
with the application of topical anesthetic

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creams such as EMLA. as well as
injections of local anesthetics like
lidocaine. Procedures may need to be
repeated to maximize improvement. Skin
takes a long time to heal (weeks to
months) after resurfacing. In addition, this
procedure, like dermabrasion, can cause
permanent pigment changes and
Fractional resurfacing. Newer lasers
work through a modification of traditional
laser resurfacing. Treatments affect not
the whole skin but instead only evenly
spaced spots surrounded by undamaged
skin. Healing is much faster than
traditional resurfacing, with less
"downtime" afterward. Several treatments
are needed to achieve full benefit.
Non-ablative laser resurfacing. Newer
lasers attempt to stimulate collagen
synthesis under the skin without
damaging the epidermis. Studies and
clinical experience suggest that such
procedures can improve fine wrinkles,
though not as much as laser resurfacing.
Several treatments may be necessary.

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These procedures are almost painless
and there is little or no redness, peeling,
or downtime afterward.
Heat and radiofrequency. Another
variation of noninvasive facial
rejuvenation is to heat tissue using
radiofrequency devices and infrared light
sources. Techniques are still being
developed but results to date suggest
that such treatments are safe and can
produce visible and lasting improvement,
though not as much as surgical
techniques like facelifts.
Plastic surgical procedures. Surgical
facelifts, brow lifts, and similar operations
can be very helpful for selected patients.
Botox. Injection of botulinum toxin, the
muscle poison, can paralyze muscles that
produce the "frown lines" on the
forehead, fine lines around the eyes, and
other wrinkles. Improvement lasts several
months and must be repeated to sustain
improvement. Injected properly, Botox is
quite safe; the muscle poison does not
spread through the body to do damage

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Fillers. Fillers are injected into the skin to
increase volume and flatten wrinkles and
folds. In the past, the most popular filler
was collagen. More recently, new filler
substances such as hyaluronic acid
(Restylane. Juvederm) and calcium
hydroxylapatite (Radiesse), lactic acid
(Sculptra), and autologous fat transplants
are being used because their effect can
last six to nine months or even longer.

Anyone considering any of the cosmetic procedures should be sure to consult doctors who have experience in one or

several of these techniques. Patients should fully inform themselves about the risks and potential benefits of the procedure

they are considering before going forward.

Farage, M.A. Miller, K.W. Elsner, P. and Maibach, H.I. "Intrinsic and extrinsic factors in skin ageing: a review." International

Journal of Cosmetic Science 30 (2008): 87-95.

Han, Anne, Anna L. Chien, and Sewon Kang. "Photoaging." Dermatol Clin 32 (2014): 291-299.

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 11/13/2015

Home / facials / What Causes Wrinkles On Your Face

What Causes
Wrinkles On
Your Face

what causes wrinkles on your face – Wrinkles usually folds, bends or May Mountains skin. Almost everyone in general,

wrinkles appear more so as I get older. However, they will generate taxable income Soon our hearts soaked skin Continue

About Time The old air. First wrinkles same Andari to check on her face appears WE tend to help pass with facial expressions

Way. As a result of sun damage, smoking, dehydration, certain medications, and complementary PAID few wrinkles cause to

review the CAN Developing

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what causes wrinkles on
your face

The area is inevitable wrinkles tend to be good from the natural aging process Andari. My partner and I the same old skin

thinner and thinner my will, Reseller dry and less elastic. The ability of the skin to be protected come check my real damage

is also reduced as kindergarten age. Finally, wrinkles, skin folds and mine outline form. Regardless THINGS Posted mentioned

differences, genetic Someone also affect how wrinkled couple me and my Being, than every time delivery where wrinkles

appear. Although wrinkles aspects allow anyone connected with wisdom, most of the orangutans is not welcoming them.

Billions involving funds typically spend Worldwide Care hearts to get rid Subscribe review them. some say make beautiful but

no effect, while others do not moderate, significant or are very large success.Most wrinkles tend to appear anywhere on the

body search of sun exposure fence Auto Andari, including:.

Backs About, Expensive. Neck. Tops involving weapons.

Usually NO 3 major release involving wrinkles.

Surface lines

In furrows. Treatment of wrinkles fence simple, if the effects \ ‘s KIND, tend to revision helps reduce fine lines Andari. Folds

relates MORE hearts add aggressive, similar method or plastic surgery and even injections (fillers) is required. What tends to

become major factors Andari ITU only causes wrinkles? Apart from the normal aging process, Yang Soon taxable income

tend HAL known hearts frame for review of promoting the development of wrinkles associated with Andari.

Smoking: Experts say the initial Associate BETWEEN smoke regularly and premature aging will also be late for review helped

double reduction of blood in the skin. Light skin – light skin Andari long prone to high-level review of the good result of sun

damage, which usually only online Andari Development for Accelerating wrinkles. Genetic factors – Should parents Andari

only supplement designed wrinkles before orangutans, Yang also make choices and usually significantly higher than the

orangutan Parents wrinkles occur later than others with orangutans.

Hair: Hair hd Many needed a little more color to check with other orangutans face.

Clothing – orangutan That tends to wear a hat and long sleeves normally DO wrinkles later in life long lying orangutan

comparison with any skin type it.

Some Occupation: Orangutan work exposes them to sunlight feedback helps tend For more Andari for review wrinkles

before other orangutans WITH. Examples include fishermen, farmers, sailor, golfer, staff sunbed (UV), and gardener.

Exposure to UV (ultraviolet light) other than through any of Yang Yang has observed differences Goods Jobs expose them

to review more Lots of sun, Andari the departure Nice With sun during their leisure hours to Andari supplement can cause

wrinkles before the review.

Facial expressions – the individual repeatedly Yang smile, frown, squint can make or smooth wrinkles Describes The

beginning MORE DIFFERENT TYPES NO make facial expressions and how often. * According Towards the Mayo Clinic, every

day when working with muscles in the face of a slot-shaped Under Andari When the surface of the skin. EVERY time Andari

eye skin young orangutan return air, but like the article came further loss greater flexibility being difficult and less often

return, additional permanent groove.

What usually Andari ELECTION pretreatment aimed at reviewing wrinkles Today? get rid of wrinkles or bring Methods Review

postpone \ “development s is the size almost always optional, because wrinkles generally do not lead the same medical

condition or disease: your new \ ‘usually does not threaten or may be dangerous to the review may review the physical,

Husband really they consider CHOICE is a brand for a review of confinement for Andari husband remember to review the

treatment time

Drug Topical retinoids – Andari husband says to check for reduction of fine wrinkles, pigmentation, skin roughness the series.

Renitoids topical normally comes through vitamin A. Like Andari drugs can cause further skin subject to review can burn

through exposure to sunlight, individual patient needs to review work by husband care program skin for review CAN protect

the skin. Topical retinoids CAN sometimes cause dryness, itching, burning, tingling and redness ALSO. over-the-counter (OTC

previous Andari currently zero prescription required) wrinkle creams: the effectiveness of Andari connected by varying

wrinkle cream without prescription, especially depending Why is active ingredients.

Soon to review the findings His simple will can sometimes be considered retinol posted, alpha hydroxy acids, kinetin,

coenzyme Q10, copper peptides Along with antioxidants. Hearts active ingredient concentration Andari nonprescription

wrinkle creams generally significantly lower compared with the recipe One. Many do not marry TYPE Cares if the results tend

to be considered, usually do not last long.

Operations and other medical procedures

Dermabrasion: Good surgical procedures Subscribe WITH orangutan The controlled wore Go (abrasion) of the skin thick skin

that involves differences EACH hearts of sandpaper or other mechanical device possible. CAN Dermabrasion is used to

connect with opinion remove fine wrinkles, tattoos, nevi (moles), and scars (such as acne Just Like That). It is possible that

the number of scabs, swelling and redness, which usually go several weeks squatting taxable income. Guava can take a lot

of months to review CAN fading. It takes usually results ANY direct ALSO definitely get many months.

Microdermabrasion: STRONG CAN spray microcrystals supposedly empty aluminum oxide ABOUT skin surface. The

procedure removes a thick outer skin layer of skin cells – Part of the horny layer: dermis and also stimulate the growth of

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underlying cells. Microdermabrasion can be said to offer the look of more Fresh and soft against the skin, reduce the

appearance of SO connected with lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, rough skin, as well as a result of sun damage. Patients

Own Andari may have some redness in the area is the subscription to untreated skin. BECAUSE required repeated

treatments are probably the result tends to be temporary. Laser light source Along with radiofrequency – full wounds

(ablative) laser resurfacing, the epidermis (a thick layer of skin-skin exterior) usually collapses derived from a laser beam,

although dermis (underlying skin) heated CAN – The involving stimulating specific development of new collagen fibers. When

the wound heals Andari Solo, the skin smooth and firm newly formed MORE. Ablative laser resurfacing probably get a lot of

months to review can heal. The newer therapies use laser technology will produce faster recovery times. Non-ablative

lasers, pulsed radiofrequency product light source NO ADDITIONAL damage epidermis – dermis Andari heated, causing the

formation of the previous Andari Today Regarding new collagen and elastin. Your skin feels firmer and fresh Appear Soon

taxable income Many treatments, so the recovery time faster hearts; although a review Night Out Extra Care also normally

required Along with generally mild findings. Botox – (botulinum toxin type A) – Botox blocks the chemical Andari When

notifying husband makes muscles contract to help review. CAN is the initial small doses injected into whole muscle Yang

directed. if the muscle is not horizontally extend only skin tightening Andari, not giving fewer wrinkles and delicate

appearance. Botox Work Guidelines regarding WITH IN BETWEEN eyes Andari Along side only (contour lines), except the

crows persimmon (around the corner Andari Andari yourself from the eye). In Treatment General Information Just as the

last review about support three to four months, repeated injections are generally required.

Chemical Peel: Chemical Article wrinkles can actually requested a review of the area is, making off dead skin peeled CAN

Finally, Name Your Own accordingly. Along with the regeneration of the slightly wrinkled than the old skin often Andari

smooth. Subscribe WITH TIN series of chemical peel TYPE AND also awarded the Good without a medical license. However,

patients with the healthcare professionals perform self-care is advised.

Facelift – Rhytidectomy hereafter known, Husband is connected by type of cosmetic surgery intended Supplement opinion

gives a youthful appearance. Contains facelift usually involves adding and removing skin too fat face in the operating room

with the network press Exit below. The patient’s skin of the face and / or neck can covers. * According to the Mayo Clinic,

Health Consultation, Law, treatment usually lasts five to help with the review of 10 years. Healing very long time and

patients may experience bruising and swelling CAN week regarding the immediate operations of taxable income.

Soft tissue fillers – most likely include collagen, hyaluronic acid and fat. MORE hearts injected facial wrinkles, fat and smooth

out, giving the skin added volume. Sometimes patients may experience swelling, redness Along with the bruising in the

treated area is in relation to the group good time is short. Google search the same way Article About Botox treatment,

lasting results with respect Andari Care Today The former could help should always be repeated every few months.

How good results tend Andari Depending on many factors, similar to those wrinkles used words, and also its depth. They

can no treatment at the idea would be to stop the aging process before Andari Today.

Prevent wrinkles and surely there are some line what I can do to help stop the aging process view Yang; ALL orangutan

finally have wrinkles and lines of the CAN, which can be great additional highlight of time. However, the tax base orangutan

immediate steps can help slow down the system Andari. Andari AND ALSO skin to the sun – adding Own Andari Andari skin

usually exposed to the sun toward rapid MORE It \ ‘s going to age. Andari protect skin from wearing a hat, sunscreen and

protective clothing reduce sun damage, wrinkles resulting EXCEPT WITH Developing subscription. Don \ ‘t forget Products

Sunlight can be an important source of vitamin D associated Subscribe to man. Grow previous period currently Experts often

recommend the healthy balance of the skin much sun exposure, time for a review Date avoid over it.

Moisture – TYPE NOT prevent wrinkling process, but while you help Folds Small Outline Together Less obvious.

Smoking: Smoking accelerates aging of the skin. Even if Andari using Long Term Weight Being a smoker, can help long Slow

Surrender rate of aging of the skin last.

Sleep – MEANWHILE Untested Broad clinically, some experts say grain individual Yang get at least 7 hours of good quality

sleep every day can be done through long-term take pleasure in better physical Along with mental health, and quality

protection subscription THAT \ skin.

for more details please read our reference in wikipedia

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Wrinkles mainly happen on the parts of the body that get the most sun exposure, including the face, neck, the backs of the

hands, and the tops of the forearms.

Wrinkles fall into two categories: fine, surface lines and deeper furrows. If your wrinkles bother you, or if you're looking to

prevent them in the first place, you have options.

What Causes Wrinkles?

Factors that promote wrinkling include:

Skin type (people with light-colored skin
and blue eyes are more susceptible to

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sun damage )
Heredity (some families wrinkle more)
Sun exposure

Though you can't control all of those factors, you can do something about two of them: Minimize your sun exposure and

don't smoke.

Wrinkle Treatments

There are several ways to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and even remove them.

Retinoids (tretinoin. Retin-A, Renova ).
Among medical treatments, this is by far
the most proven and effective way of
bettering signs of aging such as uneven
pigmentation, roughness, and wrinkling.
At first, these medications cause redness
and peeling. Although this can be
unpleasant, improvement comes once
the peeling stops.
Alpha-hydroxy acids. These are the so-
called "fruit acids" and include glycolic
and lactic acid. Preparations containing
these fruit acids are quite safe and cause
no more than mild and temporary
irritation. The improvement they produce
is, however, relatively subtle.
Antioxidants. These include vitamins A,
C, and E, as well as beta-carotene.

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Products that have antioxidants may
provide some sun protection (though you
should still wear sunscreen ) and mildly
improve wrinkles.
Moisturizers. These may temporarily
make wrinkles look less noticeable. Ads
often say that they "reduce the
appearance of fine lines." But they don't
make those lines go away permanently.
Glycolic acid peels. These superficial
peels can make a very slight difference in
the intensity of fine wrinkles.
Deeper peels. These peels use
ingredients like salicylic acid and
trichloroacetic acid and penetrate
somewhat deeper into the skin. These
deeper peels do a better job of smoothing
fine lines. In general, however, the
deeper the peel, the greater the chance
of side effects, such as scarring and
changes in skin color. Such peels can be
uncomfortable, so ask ahead of time what
to expect.
Dermabrasion . This procedure "sands"
the skin. Depending a great deal on the
skill and experience of the professional

background image

who does it, dermabrasion can make a
big difference. Side effects, including
scarring and permanent changes in skin
color, are also possible.
Laser resurfacing . Doctors can use
lasers to stimulate the skin's production of
collagen. which plumps up skin. There
are different types of lasers, and you
should ask your doctor about how many
treatments you'll need, how much "down
time" you'll need for your skin to heal, and
any risks.
Plastic surgery . Facelifts. brow lifts. and
other cosmetic surgeries help some
people. For others, more minor
procedures are enough. Talk it over with
your doctor before you decide what, if
any, procedure you want to do.
Injections. Some injections, including
Botox. relax muscles that produce the
"frown lines" on the forehead, fine lines
around the eyes. and other wrinkles.
Improvement lasts several months and
must be repeated to sustain
improvement. Others are wrinkle fillers.
You should only get injections from a

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If you're thinking about getting a cosmetic procedure done, consult experienced doctors. Tell them your goals and ask about

risks, benefits, and costs.

WebMD Medical Reference

WebMD Feature Archive

Aging Skin: Do You Look
Older Than You Should?

Who in the world wants to look older than one's chronological age? Wrinkles may be the road map of life, but no one wants

to read an atlas when they look in the mirror.

Keep in mind, you may be writing a few of those lines yourself. Certain habits and behaviors increase the risk of premature

skin aging. Avoiding them can help keep your skin looking younger, longer.

Leading Cause of Wrinkles: Sun

A "healthy" tan is anything but. Tanning is a sign of skin damage, evidence that the sun's ultraviolet rays have penetrated

and damaged the skin's support structure. Most wrinkles are caused by sun exposure throughout life -- and it's never too

late to halt the process.

What you can do: Wear sunscreen with
sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.
The hands and face are particularly
vulnerable to sun damage. due to their
frequent exposure. Make sunscreen
application part of your out-the-door

Another Top Cause of Wrinkles:

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Beyond question, smoking is bad for your skin. Smoking accelerates the aging process, wrinkling skin and making you look

old beyond your years.

Early wrinkling is visible under a microscope in smokers as young as 20. The more years and packs smoked, the more likely

wrinkles will occur. Wrinkles are also more likely to be deeper in smokers. Tobacco smoke gives skin an unhealthy color and

coarse texture, as well.

What you can do: Stop smoking.
Effective tools are available at WebMD
and throughout the Internet. Search for
"quit smoking ."

How Facial Muscle Contractions
Cause Wrinkles

Wrinkles at the corners of the eyes (crow's feet) or between the eyebrows (frown lines) are thought to be caused by small

muscle contractions. Over a lifetime, habitual facial expressions like frowning, smiling, or squinting leave their mark on our


What you can do: Wear sunglasses or
corrective lenses to avoid squinting from
the sun or nearsightedness. If the
furrowed-brow glare is a regular part of
your facial repertoire, trade it in for a
more Zen-monk-like gaze.

How Sleeping Positions May
Cause Wrinkles

The way you sleep may actually cause wrinkles. No matter how soft your pillow, it puts pressure on your face each night.

Over years, this can etch lines into your chin, cheeks, or forehead. Your personal pattern of sleep lines depends on how you

tend to rest your face on the pillow.

What you can do: Sleep on your back.
People who don't sleep with their face on

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a pillow do not tend to develop sleep

What Causes

As we get older, we are all going to experience wrinkles in some form or another. This is a common occurrence that

everyone has to deal with as we age. But many of us are more interested in learning what causes wrinkles as we get older.

We are interested in finding a way to stop the development of this unfortunate occurrence so that we can continue to look

as young as we can for as long as we can.

What is the Cause of
Facial Wrinkles?

For the most part, wrinkles are ridges, folds or creases within the skin. These wrinkles most commonly appear as we age.

But there are also unfortunate occurrences of people experiencing wrinkles at an age much younger than they should. No

matter what the situation happens to be, figuring out ways to fight back against the signs of aging are definitely in your best


Wrinkles can start as early as the 20’s, but the expressions we make from youth have an impact on wrinkle depth.

In some instances, having wrinkles might make you look old, distinguished and filled with wisdom. But in today’s society,

these things are not valued as much as they once were. People are more interested in youthful appearances. So doing

whatever possible to reduce the signs of aging is definitely in your best interest.

There are certain companies that claim that their lotions, potions and pills can reduce or eliminate wrinkles, fine lines and

crow’s feet. In many cases, this just isn’t that true. But at the same time, there are also plenty of wonderful companies that

do have top-quality products that actually work.

For the most part, wrinkles typically appear on the body in the areas that experience the most exposure to the sun. The

areas that we are talking about include: tops of the forearms, neck, backs of hands, and the face.

There are also two specific types of wrinkles that you should be aware of: deep furrows and surface lines.

For the most part, the more common wrinkle treatments only have the ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines. As far

as the deeper creases are concerned, techniques that are more aggressive are often required – i.e. filler injections or plastic


The Main Factors Contributing to the Cause of Wrinkles

Sure, aging is certainly the biggest reason why people will begin to develop wrinkles. But it is certainly not the only

contributing factor as you are about to find out. Some of the other major factors include:

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Smoking tobacco – this is a nasty habit
to begin with and it can pose all sorts of
health problems far beyond the
appearance of wrinkles. But as far as
wrinkles are concerned, the reason why
smoking is so negative is because smoke
reduces the blood supply flowing to the
skin, and this has a big impact and can
accelerate the signs of aging.
Skin tone – you might not realize that
skin tone plays a role in whether or not
you are going to develop wrinkles, but it
actually does. People with a lighter skin
tone unfortunately experience more
damage from the harmful UV rays of the
sun. And as we all know, too much
exposure to the sun unfortunately
accelerates the aging process and the
creation of wrinkles. So, if you have a
lighter skin tone, it’s best to always wear
sunscreen and avoid too much exposure
to the sun. Avoid tanning beds at all
Genetics – genetic seem to play a major
role in all facets of health, wrinkles
included. If your parents unfortunately

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had wrinkles earlier than most other
people, then there’s a real chance that
you’ll also get wrinkles a lot earlier in life.
Hairstyles – whether you know it or not,
certain hairstyles will provide the face with
more protection than others. Some
hairstyles will protect your face from the
sun better than other hairstyles, and this
will actually make a difference in whether
or not you develop wrinkles.
UV rays exposure – some people have
jobs that will expose them to more
sunlight than others. Then again, there
are certain people that like to spend
much of their leisure time lounging
around out in the sun. The more
exposure that you have to the ultraviolet
rays of the sun, the better chance you’ll
have at getting wrinkles. So if you want to
avoid wrinkles as much as possible, stay
out of the sun.
Facial expressions – certain facial
expressions cause wrinkles. This is
unfortunately true, and it is the reality that
we have to live in. If you regularly squint,
frown, or smile, you can develop fine lines

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and wrinkles around the eyes, around the
corners of your mouth. and on your
forehead. Since it’s practically impossible
to control our reactions and facial
expressions, this is something that you’ll
either have to learn to live with or you can
use top-quality anti aging products to help
overcome these creases.

Treatment Options for Wrinkles

The main treatment options include:

Over-the-counter wrinkle creams
there are many wonderful and effective
over-the-counter wrinkle creams that you
can buy in a local pharmacy. Or even
better, skin care scientists are working
hard to develop products that can easily
eliminate wrinkles, and many of these
companies are selling their products
online. Do not hesitate to search for top
shelf wrinkle creams. serums, and other
products right here on the Internet. Look
for an anti wrinkle ingredient like this one .
Botox – botulism toxin is obviously one of
the most effective ways to eliminate the
signs of aging in the form of wrinkles. It’s
also very expensive and requires a

background image

licensed dermatologist to inject poison
into your face. So the obvious upside is
that your wrinkles will disappear for a
while. The downside is that you’re
potentially putting your health at risk.
Facelifts – facelifts are also a powerful
form of cosmetic surgery that can
eliminate wrinkles, fine lines and crow’s
feet. As you can imagine, this surgery is
very expensive and since it’s cosmetic in
nature it isn’t typically covered by
Chemical peels – chemical solutions are
often used to eliminate the dead skin that
will peel off of your face. When this
happens, it helps to diminish the
appearance of wrinkles as well.

As you can tell, there are many causes of wrinkles. And the good thing is that there are also many excellent solutions that

actually work. Pick your favorite and test it to see if it’s to your liking.

Skincare.net is the authority on skin care. Reviews, do-it-yourself skin care, and tips on keeping healthy skin. We address

those who are tired of reading the same things again and again, and to no help. Those who are looking to know more about

their skin, including skin treatments and conditions. Read More

Glycolic Acid 50% Peel Gel easily penetrates into your skin to exfoliate outer layers of dead skin cells that dull

your complexion and immediately expose a clear, softer, more radiant face.

At the same time, the gel will stimulate the growth of new cells so that your complexion will continue to stay

healthy - looking.

CellBone's Glycolic Acid Peel Gel will also diminish the appearance of age spots, reduce hyper-pigmentation to

even skin tone, prevent blemishes and help reduce acne scarring.

Our advanced formula has been buffered at pH2.4 contains Menthol and Cucumber Flower Extract for an amazingly cool,

soothing and refreshing experience. This pure Glycolic Acid (purity of 99.7%) in the Peel Gel is used to enhance performance

in many topical over the counter (OTC) and prescription (Rx) applications.

Stimulates new skin cells for long-term health

Exfoliates dead skin cells for immediate clarity

Promotes younger looking skin by diminishing wrinkles

Improves skin elasticity, hydration and texture

Reduces appearance of pore size and prevents breakouts

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For safety, peel gel is buffered at pH 2.4

Menthol and Cucumber Flower Extract soothes and cools

Test on a small area of the skin behind the ear before applying to face. If irritation or redness occur, do not apply to face.

Apply a few drops on clean, dry skin and wait for 3 to 4 minutes.

Wash off with cold water. Follow with Cellbone Hydra B5+ or Copper peptide (CP+) Gel or your favorite moisturizer. Use 2

to 3 times a week. Use sunscreen.

Avoid direct contact with eyes. For External use only.

Use a sunscreen and limit sun exposure while using this product.

Store in a cool, dark place

Glycolic Acid (50%, USP), Witch Hazel, Dimethyl Isosorbide, Butyleneglycol, Glycerin, Sodium Lactate, Phenoxyethanol,

Centella Asiatica extract, Cucumber Flower Extract Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Menthol

WebMD Feature Archive

23 Ways to Reduce

Whether you're 35 and just beginning to see the first signs of aging, or 55 with skin that isn't exactly keeping your birthday a

secret, seeking ways to reduce wrinkles is probably on your agenda.

At the same time, experts say, many of us are losing the wrinkle battle, watching helplessly as the glow of youth goes on

the dimmer switch.

"Many women as well as men believe that aging skin is inevitable, but with the information and technologies we have today,

you really can look as young as you feel," says Robin Ashinoff, MD, a dermatologist at the Hackensack University Medical

Center in New Jersey.

To help put you on the right path, WebMD asked Ashinoff and several other experts what really works to reduce wrinkles.

What follows are 23 ways experts say you can make a difference. While some require a visit to the dermatologist, many are

things you can do on your own.

How to Reduce Wrinkles: What
You Can Do

1.Avoid the sun. It's the No. 1 cause of wrinkles. with dozens of studies documenting the impact. In one study that looked

at identical twins, New York plastic surgeon Darrick Antell, MD, found sun exposure was even more important than heredity.

Siblings who limited sun time had fewer wrinkles and looked younger overall than their sun-worshiping twins.

2.Wear sunscreen . If you must go out in the sun, the American Academy of Dermatology says, wear sunscreen. It will

protect you from skin cancer. and help prevent wrinkles at the same time.

3. Don't smoke. Some of the research is still controversial, but more and more studies are confirming that cigarette smoke

ages skin -- mostly by releasing an enzyme that breaks down collagen and elastin, important components of the skin.

Sibling studies done at the Twin Research Unit at St. Thomas Hospital in London found the brother or sister who smoked

tended to have skin that was more wrinkled and up to 40% thinner than the non-smoker.

4. Get adequate sleep . Yale dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, MD, says that when you don't get enough sleep. the body

produces excess cortisol, a hormone that breaks down skin cells. Get enough rest, Perricone says, and you'll produce more

HGH (human growth hormone ), which helps skin remain thick, more "elastic," and less likely to wrinkle.

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Skin Wrinkles

Up Next

Another cause of premature skin aging is smoking, which damages the skin's collagen, causes inflammation, and leaves

telltale lines around the mouth. Smokers are five times more likely to have wrinkled facial skin than non-smokers [source:

Simon ].

Air pollution, smog and toxins in the air can also wreak havoc on your skin by breaking down vitamin E, a necessary vitamin

for your skin's health. Your parents also influence how you age, since genetics play a role in when you'll begin seeing crow's

feet around your eyes and laugh lines around your mouth.

Finally, of course, there is the natural process of aging. As skin ages, it loses its ability to defend itself against the sun,

smoking and the environment. Cells divide more slowly in older skin, making the dermis thinner and less able to hold

moisture. The hypodermis, the part of our skin where fat is stored, begins to loosen. Your skin becomes less elastic, losing

the ability to stretch and spring back into a firm position.

As you age, however, it's possible to bolster your skin's defenses. To find out whether sleep can help you avoid face

wrinkles or actually make them worse, read on.

Toothaches and Wrinkles

What do toothaches and wrinkles have in common? Researchers believe that wrinkles, like a bad tooth, can be the result of

eating too much sugar. A study found that by the time a person reaches the age of 35, the negative effects of sugar begin

to show on the skin. Sugar damages the skin's collagen and elastin, which it needs to be healthy [source: Baumann ].

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<a data-track-gtm="Byline" href="hsw-contact.htm"> Sarah Siddons </a> "Skin Wrinkles Overview" 20 August 2009.<br

/>HowStuffWorks.com. &lt;http://health.howstuffworks.com/skin-care/problems/beauty/skin-wrinkles.htm&gt; 27 July

2016" href="#">Citation & Date

Use a creamy, oil-free face wash to hydrate skin and whisk away impurities. Skin is much more flexible when it is

moisturized, allowing it to move and slide freely across your face without damage. This sort of damage will compound itself

over your lifetime, leading to wrinkles, if you don't take proper care of your skin now.

/4/45/Prevent Wrinkles Step 1.360p.mp4

Use lukewarm water, not cold or hot, to
protect your skin

Lightly massage the face wash into your skin using gentle, circular motions. Use your fingers to work the wash into

your face. Get around the eyes and forehead as well, using the tips of your fingers to work up a nice, gentle lather.

/4/43/Prevent Wrinkles Step 2.360p.mp4

Using a warm, wet towel, pat your face dry. Don't rub or scrub with a towel, as this will irritate your skin and lead to

redness. Your wash has removed a lot of the dead skin, oil, and dirt, so scrubbing now is just hurting the new, younger skin


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/b/ba/Prevent Wrinkles Step 3.360p.mp4

Mix up or apply a collagen mask to prevent wrinkles and firm up your skin. Firm, flexible skin is the enemy of

wrinkles. Masks are a way to soak your skin in collagen (a naturally occurring human protein) as well as essential anti-

oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Let the mask rest for 15 minutes to absorb into your skin. [1]

/2/22/Prevent Wrinkles Step 4.360p.mp4

Some modern masks come in pre-
soaked pads, which you can simply stick
to your face instead of mixing up and
painting on a traditional wet mask.
When done, pat in any remaining mask
essence (sold with the pads) lightly onto
your face.

Apply an anti-wrinkle cream around wrinkle-prone areas. Most of these are very concentrated, so you only need a

pea-sized amount. Focus on your outer eyes, forehead, chin, and around your mouth. Pat the cream onto your face instead

of rubbing it on.

/8/8b/Prevent Wrinkles Step 5.360p.mp4

If you have some extra cream, don't
forget about your neck -- this is one of the
wrinkle spots many people forget.

Pat in some eye concentrate to prevent wrinkles in the most common areas. Crows feet, the wrinkles right around

the eyes, are the most common and quickest wrinkles you'll develop. Using some eye concentrate around the eyes targets

these wrinkles specifically.

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Make sure you get a cream that is
paraben-free, as these chemicals may
hurt your skin over time. [2]

Apply an anti-wrinkly moisturizing body lotion to your body, especially your upper chest and neckline. Your body

skin needs protection too, and many of the same principles used to prevent wrinkles on your face can be applied to your

body, too. A daily full-body moisturizing, focusing on frequently exposed areas like the arms, legs, and upper chest, will help

fight body wrinkles.

/1/1d/Prevent Wrinkles Step 7.360p.mp4

Look for moisturizing creams that aren't
oil-based, which can leave you feeling
Again, search for natural, paraben-free

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products for the best results.

Method Two of Two:
Protecting Yourself Against
Wrinkles Edit

Protect your skin from the sun. As you get older, the genes that control inflammation, the production and strength of

collagen, and your skin's ability to retain water begin encourage the formation of wrinkles. A study found that aged skin that

hadn't been exposed to the sun had about 3,800 genetic mutations while skin that had been exposed to the sun had around

10,000 mutations in the same genes! [3] If the risk of skin cancer isn't enough to get you to wear sunblock and wide-

brimmed hats, let vanity persuade you.

/b/ba/Prevent Wrinkles Step 8.360p.mp4

The sun provides vital Vitamin D, so
make sure you're taking a supplement if
you're worried about Vitamin D levels.
This is a much safer way to get the
vitamin than sunbathing. [4]

Eat, drink, and slather on the antioxidants . When UV rays are absorbed by your skin, they create free radicals, which

are volatile molecules. Those free radicals can latch onto your DNA and cause the mutations that cause wrinkles.

Antioxidants help your body defend against free radicals. [5] Combat wrinkles by eating foods and drinking beverages that

contain antioxidants (pomegranates, açai, blueberries, green tea) and using creams or moisturizers that contain them.

/d/d1/Prevent Wrinkles Step 9.360p.mp4

Don't blame it on your genes. It's true that some people age more gracefully than others. And while scientists are

beginning to gain a deeper understanding of how genetics can influence the aging process, they're also discovering how

much your lifestyle choices can affect your genes. Your genes only govern 30% of how you age; the other 70% is up to

you. [12]

/9/97/Prevent Wrinkles Step 17.360p.mp4

No one can completely prevent wrinkles.
They are a natural part of aging. But you
can help control how severe they are.

See a doctor when over-the-counter products fail to work and you are bothered by your indomitable wrinkles.

Prescription retinoic acid can minimize the appearance of wrinkles. Wrinkles arising solely from excessive muscular

contractions, such as forehead horizontal lines or crows' feet, should be injected with botulinum toxin. Deep wrinkles may

need filler injections.

/0/0a/Prevent Wrinkles Step 18.360p.mp4

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Dehydrated Skin
Wrinkles: How
Affects Your

What are Dehydrated Skin

When a person loses more water from their body than they are taking in, they become dehydrated. Approximately 45

million Americans suffer from skin disorders. Some experts believe that as many as 75% of the U.S. population also suffers

from dehydration. Chronic dehydration is linked to dry skin, wrinkles and other skin problems. We lose water from our skin

when we perspire, when we sweat and through surface evaporation. It becomes harder for water to enter our cells as we

age. Your skin reflects the health of your cells. If your cells are healthy, your skin will be supple and glowing. Your body must

prioritize its use of water when it becomes dehydrated. Priority is given to your vital organs, such as your liver, brain and

lungs. Your skin is not considered to be high priority in comparison to your vital organs.

What Causes Dehydrated

When your body doesn’t have enough water to replace the water lost throughout the day, you become dehydrated.

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Dehydration is often caused by illness or when you don’t have access to safe drinking water, such as when you are

travelling, hiking or camping. Severe, acute diarrhea that comes suddenly and severely can cause dehydration. That is why

it is so important to keep yourself hydrated. If you develop a fever from an illness, you can become dehydrated. The higher

the fever, the worse the dehydration. Since you lose water when you sweat, excessive sweating also causes dehydration.

When exercising or doing heavy work, you need to keep yourself well-hydrated. When you urinate a great deal, you

sometimes become extremely thirsty and dehydration can occur.

What are the Effects of
Dehydration on Skin

When your cells become dehydrated, your skin becomes dry, flaky and wrinkled. Skin wrinkles lose their elasticity as you

age. This is due to a lack of mobility of water inside the body. The primary connective tissue of the skin is collagen. Collagen

is mostly water. When collagen becomes inadequately dehydrated, the strands start to crack and they become joined

together. Wrinkles begin to form on the surface of the skin. Remember, your skin is the largest organ on your body. Your

body rids itself of toxins through your skin.

Dehydrated Skin Signs
and Symptoms

Skin dehydration symptoms are very similar to sunburn. Skin may feel tight and patients sometimes experience a burning

sensation. Dehydrated skin doesn’t always heal as well as healthy skin. It gets flaky and develops dry lines. Extreme itching

is a common sign of dehydrated skin. Itching can become painful and the skin may become red. You can dehydrate your

skin by taking extremely hot showers or baths. Your lipids break down and your skin cracks when you take extremely hot

showers and baths. Beware of certain soap, deodorant and sanitizing products, which can rob your skin of its natural


Expert Opinion

According to the Mayo Clinic website, mild to moderate dehydration can be treated simply by drinking more fluids, but

people who present with severe signs of dehydration should seek immediate medical treatment. Watch out for symptoms

such as extreme thirst, lack of urination, shriveled skin, dizziness and confusion. Children and older adults should be treated

with greater caution. Look for symptoms of severe diarrhea (with or without vomiting or fever), bloody stool, moderate

diarrhea for three or more days, inability to keep fluids down, irritability or disorientation and other signs and symptoms of

mild to moderate dehydration.

How to Manage and Treat

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Dehydrated Skin

In order to treat dehydrated skin, it is important to understand some of the general causes of it. Poor cleansing with harsh

soaps, cleansers and abrasive scrubs can contribute to dehydrated skin. Make sure you’re cleansing regularly with a good

cleanser. Overuse of certain products, such as benzoyl peroxide, hydrogen peroxide and retinoic acid can cause skin

damage. Limit how often you use these products to avoid dehydrated skin. Your skin does not require a lot of exfoliation. If

you over-exfoliate, your skin can become dehydrated quickly. Your skin will also become dehydrated if it lacks moisture.

Make sure you are using good-quality moisturizers on your skin.


When we often think of dehydration, we think of a serious medical condition that sometimes requires professional medical

attention. It is easy to forget about the possibility of your skin becoming dehydrated. Negative things may be happening with

your skin when it goes into dehydration and you may not realize what is going on. Be on the lookout for signs and

symptoms of dehydrated skin. If you see signs and symptoms, start treatment to reverse the negative effects immediately.

Seek medical attention if necessary.

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Your Inbox?

by aestheticlaserandskin on November 10, 2015

Bed Bug Chemical Spray
products are widely
available at stores, but are
they the best option?

Victims of bed bug infestation will attest to the fact that getting rid of these little blood sucking vampires by using chemical

sprays is difficult than previously imagined. But stores like Walgreens and Wal Mart offer products on their shelves that get

barely 3 stars when reviewed by actual users.

You ought to know that any slight thought that the use of chemical sprays and insecticides to get rid of these horrific

creatures, which will do anything to suck your blood for sustenance, is not only misplaced, but also hazardous to your

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safety more than the bed bugs.

This may spell bad news to companies who manufacture and sell over-the-counter insecticides, but the truth is these

chemical sprays don’t work against bed bugs. Instead, these products carry numerous potential dangers, besides their

ineffectiveness in properly fighting bed bug infestations with toxic chemical sprays .

Potential Hazards of Store-bought
Chemical Bed Bug Killer Sprays

You should clearly ask yourself and find the answers to this question before proceeding to use chemical sprays with the aim

of getting rid of bed bugs. Are you completely safe from the use of chemical sprays for bed bugs?

It is clearly evident that chemical sprays have caused illnesses besides actually not working against bed bugs. People who

have been exposed to these chemical sprays have reported far-reaching symptoms such as headaches, difficulties in

breathing, vomiting, nausea and dizziness among others. The potential dangers that these chemical sprays may cause to

your life are worsened by the fact that bed bugs have become resistant to these chemical sprays.

Ultimately the best bed bug killer Walmart doesn’t even carry. This is because of the traditional view that it requires a

chemical spray to kill most household pests, which is a falsely held belief. Many products that use fossilized shell flour are

just as effective as chemicals like Temprix.

Wal Mart carries products like Hot Shot which kill on contact. That’s cool but you could make about the same thing yourself

with alcohol and it’d probably be safer. But then there’s Safer which claims to kill bed bugs but doesn’t list all its ingredients.

DE! is an OMRI organic and chemical free pest control method/solution

A clearer picture of bed bugs resistant to these chemical sprays is portrayed through a recent study by entomologists from

Ohio State University. This study found out that these cheap, insecticide-spraying chemicals that have been marketed for

many years as the best do-it-yourself option for bed bugs were not only ineffective in killing even the most according to this

site reporting on the news, but were also dangerous to the environment.

It would be absolutely right to say that bed bugs have become resistant to the most active ingredients in these chemical

sprays. Again, these sprays don’t work against bed bugs as they are not effectively structured to penetrate into crevices and

cracks where bed bugs hide. These are some of the factors that prove to push chemical sprays used to kill bed bugs to their

death knells as their ineffectiveness is beyond doubt.

This is why products like Defensive End! and other organic bed bug killing products have become so popular so fast.

What are the
Safest and Most
Effective Ways of
Killing Bed Bugs

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in 2015?

One of the most recommended and effective way that can be used in place of the dangerous chemical sprays is the

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for bed bug control. This is a pest control strategy that involves a closer look at the

pests’ life cycle and habitats that may enhance their infestations, thereby using this information to get rid of them. This may

include physical methods such as sanitation, exclusion, and vacuuming, steaming, laundering and cold treatment.

Hiring a Pest Control Operator (PCO) to target and effectively get rid of bed bugs in cracks and crevices is highly

advisable.Using chemical sprays don’t work against bed bugs and should be avoided because of the safety risks that they

expose human beings to. It is, therefore recommended that you use other effective and safe ways such as hiring a pest

control operator to get rid of the bed bugs.

by aestheticlaserandskin on January 10, 2015

Several Suggestions For
Healthy Skin Care Will

It is a good move by you, if you are trying to find the right skin care routine. When you get older, you will thank yourself for

making it a daily habit.

Your skin will look nice much longer when you take care of your skin throughout your life. You need to do this if you don’t

want wrinkles, and you want nice looking skin. Proper skin care has many benefits for your health, but as people age, most

of them are only thinking about their looks.

When you look at skincare and hair care supplements, a common marketing message tends to be there. They are known

for telling people to utilize the vitamins and that it’s great for their skin in many ways.

You must do your homework. There are several reasons that you must get this done. Just because a vitamin is in the

product, doesn’t mean that it is that useful.

Vitamins are only useful for the skin if they can come from the inside and go into the skin that way. It would actually be non-

beneficial to use a topical application for the nutrients.

In the end, you are paying for something that is absolutely useless, though you are spending more money use top wrinkle

reduction cream for young and Healthy skin.

What purpose would it serve to use this product if there is no benefit or reason to do so? There is a lot you can do right at

home using everyday products to help take good care of your skin. One thing you can do throughout the week is to give a

steam bath to your face, which will do wonders for it. I found out that good sleep results in great skin at


This isn’t something you do every day, but more like once a week is plenty. One thing you don’t want to have happen, is

having the water too hot, so that when the steam hits the skin, it is uncomfortable.

First you need to remove your make up, and then your face should be gently washed. No more than 15 or 20 minutes of

steam should be done after that. This will keep your skin smooth and looking nice, and it didn’t take much time or effort.

Have Great Skin With The Help of

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These Skin Care Tips

Skin care needs to be a habit and something you do every day, and your skin will be beautiful. Every day, in the morning, it

doesn’t matter how busy people are, they find the time to get ready.

It doesn’t take long to do the skin care practices, and this is the time to do them. Before you go to bed in the evening is the

best time to finish the routine of your skin care.

If you know the type of skin you have, the you can easily get the best cleanser. Since it is a wise idea to know your skin

type, you should go to a doctor and find out. When you know your skin type, you will know what skin care products will

work, so it is not a silly idea.

Skin Care
Practices That
Are Simple And
Effective –
Tactics Revealed

By creating a skin care program, especially one that requires you to develop new habits, you should have better looking skin

in no time at all.

Your skin will clearly show what type of skin care program you are on based upon his condition. People that do this will see

where improvements can be made along the way as they do their skin care program.

by aestheticlaserandskin on January 7, 2015

Learn About the Best

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Ways to Look After Your
Skin If You Suffer from

The health of your skin plays an important role in the overall health of your body. You may even be giving your skin extra

attention if you have acne.

However, getting rid of acne is just one aspect of looking after your skin. Ultimately, you want to experience long term skin

health, which is why choosing and using safe products and strategies are important. It is possible to get rid of acne and keep

your skin healthy too. That’s what we’ll share with you today so keep reading.

You’ll need to find a good balance if you spend a lot of time in the sun even if it helps clear up acne. It gets a little

complicated because it’s known that UV light causes skin damage, and you’re trying to avoid any kind of damage. If you

want darker skin, then there are alternatives to direct sun exposure such as sunless tanning.

But these products are not created equal, so perhaps look for reviews online or ask your friends, etc. Look for sunless

tanning products that will not clog your pores as this is what happens with acne. Spray on tans, creams and lotions you

apply for a sunless tan – all types and methods.

Acne and Your Skin Care – What
You Can Do

Then there are acne remedies that are so easy to prepare and are made using common household ingredients.

Ordinary toothpaste, for example can be used for eliminating acne. If this is new to you, you don’t have anything to lose by

trying. Many people have actually gotten rid of their acne this way. So how do you use this remedy? You just apply a bit of

toothpaste on your pimples every night.I also finally kicked the skin defeating insomnia at http://www.copeministries.org

Most likely you’ll see that your pimples have shrunk in size when you wake up the next day. However, there are people

whose skin doesn’t react too well with toothpaste. If your skin is irritated by the toothpaste, you’ll need to take a different

approach to getting rid of your acne problem.

When you’re trying to manage acne, you have to be careful how you use makeup. Consider leaving the makeup off until

your pimples disappear. Most cosmetic products cause the pores of the skin to get clogged and this can cause more pimples

to form.

Look for cosmetic products with the “noncomedogenic” label or those that are water-based if you must wear makeup. Your

acne will simply worsen if you continue using oil-based cosmetics. You also want to avoid leaving makeup on overnight. Best

facial toner reviews for best products that suits your skin.

Proper Skin Care
While Dealing

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with Acne

Acne is something you should anticipate no matter how well you’re looking after your skin. If you do get acne, you shouldn’t

let it get you down. You need to find ways to deal with your acne problem and the tips we shared in this article are good

starting points. Unless your acne is so severe that seeing a dermatologist is warranted, your acne can be rid of using simple

natural remedies.

by aestheticlaserandskin on January 4, 2015

Learn What Natural Skin
Care Solutions Your
Epidermal Layer Will Love

There are so many things that we do in an attempt to have perfect skin. We buy lots of expensive products.

The way we look facially, as well as our physique, is important to us. We read magazines, watch television shows and

videos, explore websites and read articles just like this one in an attempt to figure out how best to care for our skin.

We wrote this article to be informative and not to sell you a thing. As you read this, you will realize that our intention is to

help you get gorgeous skin using natural skincare remedies. Use top rated age reversal skin cream to remove wrinkle and

look more younger.

Having a puffy face is something that is commonplace with many people after a good nights rest. Fixing this is not a problem

so don’t worry! There are lots of things that you can do to fix a puffy face. Drinking dandelion tea is an age-old remedy that

will fix this issue.

A face rub down is necessary when you have a puffy face – the Tanka method is definitely recommended. Reducing the

puffiness on your face using this massage has to do with positively affecting the lymph nodes.

The results that you get from using the tea and massage method presented will definitely help you more than over-the-

counter solutions available today.

Simple And Natural Skin Care Tips

Make your own face and body scrubs. If you want to make your own body scrubs, or once for your face, simply find a

recipe online and utilize ingredients you are to have in your house to make them.

To make your skin softer and smoother, as well as prevent breakouts, organic sugarcane, combined with glycolic acid,

makes a great solution to apply.

So instead of having a tube of facial cream, you can mix this up every day so it is fresh and easy to apply. Your pores and

skin will love this sugary concoction.

Have you thought about filtering your shower water? Taking care of your skin is not only facially oriented. Your entire

epidermal layer will benefit from this.

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Skin Care Tips –
Natural And

Standing under a shower with water that has heavy chemicals can be debilitating for your skin condition. They get into your

skin and hair and cause dullness. Chlorine, if filtered from the water, will not be sprayed onto your skin.

If you have suffered with allergies or asthma, you may find that these conditions will abate after you begin filtering your

water. There are many different ways that you can help your skin naturally.

In fact, these natural skin care methods and home made products are much better for your skin than any synthetic

products that you could buy over the counter for very high prices. My skin was suffering from a lack of good sleep too at


Many people still have the misconception that the only good skin care products are expensive and synthetic; this is simply

not true. Overall, clear skin is a reality that you can have by doing simple everyday things. Simply stop paying for products

that do not work that cost too much.

by aestheticlaserandskin on January 1, 2015

Men’s Skin Care Tactics –
Tips And Tricks That Get

Any guy that aspires to look younger, and also feel better physically, and mentally about themselves, should look into men’s

skin care strategies.It is easy for your pores to breathe much more easily if your skin is properly cleansed and moisturized


You will find that your body will benefit greatly. Anyone seeking men’s skin care strategies that can truly help their skin, keep

reading. There are various types of creams available in market. You can check aging cream review online for your selection

of best cream and also watch video for how to apply.

Moisturizing your skin is just as important as keeping your skin clean and healthy. It is true that most men do not use

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moisturizers. That is why their skin can become irritated quickly and easily. Despite the fact there are moisturizers just for

men, many of the brands can work for either of the sexes.

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you may want to look for a moisturizer that has SPF, which also guards you from the

sun. For some people, this will work out very well. They will end up with UV protection in their moisturizer saving the money

on sunblock.

However, they still might need the extra SPF protection. Regardless of your lifestyle, your climate zone, or where you live in

the world, everyday moisturizer on your skin is a good thing to do.

What You Should Know About
Men’s Skin Care

One area that men need to be very careful with is the skin they save. Most men shave every day, and over the years this

can take its toll on the face. There are a few simple precautions that will help reduce the damage that is done.

The best time to shave, for example, is either while you are in the shower or just after the shower while your pores are still

open and the hairs are still soft. Reduce your chances of irritation by using a shaving cream or gel. Most shaving blades will

start to get really dull after a week’s use so change them every week.

Use a gentle cleanser or lotion after you shave to get rid of dirt and bacteria and to prevent razor burn from occuring.In

addition to raising the likelihood of your developing skin cancer, too much exposure to sunlight can really dry out your skin.

Sunlight is helpful because it infuses your skin with Vitamin D but you need to always wear protection when you are going to

go outside. This isn’t just about when you go to the beach or the pool, it’s applicable for whenever you leave the house for

whatever reason you are going to leave the house.

You need to be particularly careful about exposure to the sun during the middle hours of the day, which is when the sun is

strongest.You shouldn’t worry about absolute avoidance of the sun–just be smart during the times when it is sunny and you

are going to be outdoors for a long time.

In conclusion, this article has shown you how to take care of your skin using the skin care tips provided. It is important that

you keep your skin looking its best. It’s not that hard to do. Cleansing and moisturizing your skin is something that you can

do everyday using just a couple minutes.

All you have to do is maintain a healthy diet and take care of your skin in a proper manner. This will ensure the longevity of

your skin for years to come.

Don’t Discount
These Useful
Men’s Skin Care

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by aestheticlaserandskin on December 28, 2014

Natural Skin Care Product
– Make Your Own!

Who doesn’t want healthy skin? This is the reason many of us end up spending a ton of our money in beauty salons and

spas. We end up getting facial treatments and purchasing a lot of skin care products to maintain good skin. But imagine if

you don’t need to do all that and spend a lot of money.

How would you like it if you were able to practice natural skin care without draining your bank account?And what if you could

keep your skin healthy without using commercial skin care products? The truth is that some of the most effective skin care

products can be found in your pantry.

It’s true! In this article, you’ll learn a few natural skin care recipes to try. One of the best (and nicest smelling) facial masks

uses peaches. Peaches can help your skin a lot. You can cleanse and clear up your skin with the help of this face mask. In a

small bowl, mix 1/2 ripe peach, 1/2 tsp of yogurt, and 1/2 tsp honey. For oily skin, mix in chick pea powder (1 tsp).

If you have dry skin, add dry milk powder. Apply the peach face mask on your entire face. Let it sit there for half an hour

and then rise off. Your skin will look so great afterward! Your body’s important to. Are you facing difficulties to choose facial

cream. Read best facial firmer reviews for best product and spent your money for good products.

>Recipes for Natural Skin Care
Products You Can Make Today

Your face isn’t the only part of you that you need to take care of. A natural body scrub you can make consists of 2 1/2 cups

of sugar (white), 1 cup extra virgin olive oil, and 4 tablespoons lemon juice. Mix it together until you have a gritty paste. In a

circular motion, apply the scrub on your skin. Use warm water to rinse it off.

This body scrub is good for 2 months when kept in an air tight container. Adding sea salt or vitamin E oil to the mixture will

help it last longer. This body scrub doesn’t require refrigeration.

Did you know that egg yolks are effective in treating acne? You don’t even need to combine any other ingredients. Do you

have an egg allergy? If you do, this recipe isn’t something you should try. To prepare this recipe, separate the yolk from the

white. Whip the yolk until it becomes frothy and apply it over your face.

After 20 minutes of leaving the yolk on your face, wash it all off with warm water. It will shrink your pores, alleviate the

redness of acne. You can even use the egg white in a healing face mask later.

Quick and Simple
Skin Care

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Products You
Can Make At

There are all sorts of things sitting in your kitchen cabinets right now that you can use for skin care. So why would you

spend your money if there’s no need to in the first place?

The more important question is this: why use chemicals on your skin when there really is no need to do that? Natural skin

care recipes like these are better for your skin and for your body. Give the recipes here a try. Do a quick search online for

more recipes you can try.

by aestheticlaserandskin on December 25, 2014

A Growing Epidemic –
Obesity In Teenagers And

Professionals and researchers have been watching the growing trend since the 1980s. Young kids, pre-teens and even

teenagers have been slowly and surely gaining more weight and there are severe health consequences to this. Over the last

few decades a ton of research and many studies have been done about this subject.

The one thing that is for sure is that childhood obesity is a major risk factor for several terrible diseases that happen later in

life. The important thing for parents to understand is there is more to the story. Clinically obese and overweight kids are

going to experience effects from their condition long before they mature into adulthood.

There is a wide variety to the medical conditions that are going to be experienced by any young child, preteen or teenager

who is obese. There are many influences, some of which will be genetic in nature. Severely obese children can easily develop

various types of conditions and problems of the joints and bones.

Many times the load bearing joints in particular will develop problems. Stress on the skeleton is particularly prevalent in the

hips, knees, feet and ankles. Typically the kids will experience joint pain in their backs as well as constant low but steady

pressure filled swelling around all of their joints. Kids and teens are very commonly diagnosed with arthritis as well.

Just about any person who is obese suffers from a litany of psychological challenges. When a child feels like they are

constantly abused by their peers it can lead to things like severe stress, poor self esteem, a lack of self confidence and even

self hatred sometimes.

Those are all silent symptoms that obese children and teenagers endure and often without any help. If the situation is

allowed to go on long enough the person dealing with it could even develop sociopathic behaviors. We have no data about

the number of obese high school students who go on to attend college.

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Our guess is that the number is relatively small and that there are quite a lot more obese high school kids than college kids.

Who can really blame them, though when they might be imagining more years of abuse and torture. There are many

products available in market as well as online. You can check wrinkle cream review and buy products according to your skin.

Childhood Obesity – The Terrible
Outlook for The Future

The process of socialization and development of a human’s personality and individuality gets a lot faster during the teen

years. Not only that but body image development is particularly fragile during the teen years. Developing normally in these

areas is particularly hard for teens who are obese.

This means that when the teen leaves high school he or she will be at severe developmental disadvantages. It will be harder

for most of them to compete and succeed by normally accepted standards.

If you are a teen or adult who suffers from obesity, it is important to talk to someone who is informed and qualified to help

you with your condition. You should become educated about the causes of your condition. Alternatively, something can be

done about it and you are never too late to try to work back toward good health.

Obesity – The
Bleak and Harsh
Outlook for The

by aestheticlaserandskin on December 22, 2014

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How to Practice Proper
Baby Skin Care

It’s pretty easy to practice baby skin care but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t familiarize yourself with at least a few

basic techniques.

Most of this stuff is common sense, like keeping your baby out of harsh weather and keeping him both dry and warm.

However, there are a few less obvious facts to keep in mind as well, such as not over washing or bathing an infant. Keep

reading to learn other not as widely known techniques for keeping your baby’s skin as healthy as possible.

Important Baby Skin Care
Facts Every Parent Needs
to Know

Frostbite will usually only happen in extreme weather but frost nip is very common. This condition occurs when the

temperatures drop and babies are particularly susceptible to it. Frost nip happens mostly on toes, fingers and ears–which are

especially delicate on babies.

Your primary means of defense for your baby is to keep these parts of the body covered when the temperatures get cold.

Warm socks and mittens and a hat are essential when going outside and riding in a car. A warm blanket can also help,

whether you’re going outside or staying in. It is a good idea, in general, to be watchful over any area of your baby’s skin

particularly when it is cold.

You need to keep a careful watch out because it doesn’t take very long at all for a skin irritation to develop. One of the most

effective actions you can do to your baby’s skin is a massage.You can check anti wrinkle cream reviews online and buy from

there for your child skin as these are good for child body.

You will be achieving a couple of things by doing this; the first is a soothing occasion for your baby and also strengthening

your relationship. It’s also very good for the skin. Given the soothing ability of baby oil; you will want to tenderly massage it

in before you bathe them or they retire for the night.

It doesn’t get much better than a soothing massage before bed. You have to find the right touch, which is gentle but not so

light as to tickle your baby. You should start massaging the body from the feet and move upwards. You will need to be in

tune with your baby’s needs when it comes to how much and how long you need to maintain massage with your child.

Babies are extremely susceptible to negative weather circumstances. Given that the weather may play a crucial role in your

baby’s health; you need to make sure they are not exposed to any of these situations. If the weather is sunny, you would

be well advised in donning a hat on your baby or protecting them in whatever way is necessary.

One of the best protectors from the sun when it comes to babies is a good quality sunscreen. If you have a newborn, the

rules are even stricter when it comes to sunlight. When traveling in a vehicle, protect your baby from drafty windows.

The idea of wind blowing in on you may appeal to you, but will probably not to your child. The same is true when indoors, so

be aware of fans, air conditioners or electric heaters that could cause problems to your baby’s skin.

After you have read these baby skin care tips, you should use them with your baby. It will help you avoid skin problems that

may manifest. At the same time, most babies have certain issues such as diaper rash, eczema or sometimes acne, so

there’s no need to panic if this happens. Ask your pediatrician for advice for skin problems, and do your best to keep your

baby comfortable and protected.

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Methods of Baby
Skin Care

by aestheticlaserandskin on December 19, 2014

Tracking Down The Best
Acne Products

Searching for an acne product that works? Many people are. In fact, there are a few things you need to think about while

looking around. Understanding your skin type is something you need to know.

How bad is your acne? Its severity plays a role in what you are searching for. Your budget is also something you need to

think about. These are considerations that need to be made. Figuring out what type of acne product you need, without

these considerations, would make it very difficult indeed.

So if you suffer from acne, we are going to help you by narrowing the field. We will now present some of the best selling

acne fighters on the market today.

To start with, choose the Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Blemish Treatment Clear Skin Cream to start helping

your skin. It is relatively inexpensive and it is from the masterminds at Neutrogena. You already know that Neutrogena is a

leader in skin care and that alone is reason enough to trust this product.

If you have fine lines or wrinkles, and you want to reduce them, this product (recommended by dermatologists) can help.

Plus, as an added benefit, it reduces blemishes as well. Smooth the product on to your face after you’ve washed it and let it


Locate The Absolute Best Acne
Products – Updated List

Whether you do it in the morning, or evening, the process will still work. No matter what, it will combat the acne. No need to

worry about clogged pores or an oily feeling – this product works perfectly! It might cause some dryness if you have

sensitive skin. It is priced reasonably, so give it a shot! Find anti aging cream review for best quality products.

Many people have been very happy with the Olay Professional Pro0X Clear Acne Protocol. It is a dermatological strength

product (serum) that works wonders, and doesn’t come with the cost of seeing a doctor.

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This product works just like every other product. Just wash your face, and gently apply the solution to your face and let it sit

there. It will go to work on the bacteria that cause acne. It is very effective at eliminating the bacteria that is causing your

acne currently, plus will remove the probability of having it later on.

Best Acne
Products – Top
Ones Listed For

An excellent system to try, the Neutrogena Complete Acne System is one of the best acne products available right now.

Many skin care products are available through Neutrogena. It started long ago with an acne care product that took off, and

now the rest is history.

Basically, this is a three step system that can keep acne breakouts from occurring, fight inflammation, and also reduce the

amount of blackheads which acne can bring. If you really want to prevent your acne from flaring up, or take care of an

existing problem, Neutrogena is probably the best over-the-counter solution you can buy. The system works as well as you

follow the instructions.

It will help you get the best results for your face. Many different acne products exist, coming in all proverbial shapes and

sizes. It is tough finding the best acne product for your particular condition. We’ve outlined a few of the best selling products

in this article to help you get a head start.

If you are still confused, you should check in with your dermatologist. At the very least, he or she will be able to help you

find the best product for your skin condition.

by aestheticlaserandskin on December 16, 2014

Acne Insight –
Understanding What Acne

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Is All About

Do you have acne? Perhaps you have had this once before or maybe all of your life. Not everyone knows how to treat

acne, or prevent it from happening. If you do have this skin condition, there are some general rules that you should follow

that may help with your particular situation. They can be very easy to handle acne, especially using a few useful tips along

the way.

Acne is not usually a serious condition medically, but it can often do quite a bit of emotional damage to people. It’s well

known that teenagers can feel self conscious and ashamed of acne. but adults too can be very concerned about their


In fact, acne can sometimes lead to serious psychological problems such as low self esteem or depression. Acne can also

bring emotional imbalance. You may know someone that has acne and you should never ignore them, especially when they

are feeling more depressed than usual. Just remember that once you find the right treatment for your acne, it will gradually

go away.

You should seek counseling for any emotional difficulties that you may have as a result of having acne in your life. We’re

often told to wash and stay as clean as possible when we have acne. The problem is not with the cleaning of your skin, but

doing it too much which causes additional problems.

You should know that dirt, by the way, does not actually cause acne to happen. Excess oil, as well as too much bacteria in

your skin, can cause acne to form – not dirt! Cleaning is a good idea! However, if you clean your skin too much, especially if

you use something abrasive, you can aggravate your skin to overproduce oil and bacteria which will cause acne to develop.

If your face breaks out when you wash it, you are being too rough and need to lighten up. Finding the right balance is the

secret to your success. Washing with mild soap, just two times a day, usually works fine. Find lots of tip and anti wrinkle

cream reviews here and select best cream for you.

Little-known Strategies And Tips
Related To Acne

Exposure to the elements, especially excessive exposure to the heat or cold, can cause imbalances that may lead to your

acne condition. Acne can actually get worse because of the elements which is why you want to protect your skin when you

can. Sunblock should be used if you are going to be in the sun for any extended period of time.

The excessive heat from the sun may actually cause inflammations to arise, leading to more acne, and not less. Your acne

can actually be exacerbated by oil-based sunblock so avoid using this particular kind. People that are going to spend time in

cold windy weather should always use something to protect their face like a scarf.

Acne is often the result of stress, over-eating due to stress, and many people could stand to get more sleep and balance

their diet.

How To

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Treat Acne –
Important Info
You Need To

By protecting your face from the elements, and being more gentle with your skin, you will notice that your acne will get

better. There are many things to learn about acne, and the better informed you are, the better your chances of successfully

treating your condition.

It can be challenging to get rid of acne permanently, but with the right approach you can certainly bring it under control. Do

some research on your own, and try some natural remedies. If all else fails, see a dermatologist and get a prescription for

something that can help.

My #1 Overall Skin Cream Recommendation

What Causes
Anyway? How
Wrinkles, Lines

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and Sagging Skin

We’re all familiar with the motherly expressions discouraging improper facial movements for the sake of preventing wrinkles

and lines:

“Your face will freeze like that!”
“Don’t make that face! You’ll get
“It takes more muscles to frown than it
does to smile.”

As an adult, you’ve no doubt asked yourself if any of those sayings were true. In other words, what causes wrinkles and

lines on the face, and how do wrinkles form? Technically termed “rhytides,” facial lines and wrinkles form for a variety of

reasons. The major causes of facial lines and wrinkles are addressed here, starting with:

Deep Lines

When it comes to your frown lines and furrowed brows, mom was right. Most deep lines (sometimes called “furrows”) are

formed by facial muscle activity over time. These are classified as “dynamic” lines. Other facial lines are “static,” which

means they are unchanged by muscle movement and will simply stay the way they have formed. Eventually, dynamic lines

become static; so yes, at some point these furrows will become permanent.

If desired, deep lines can be temporarily corrected with facial injectables. Your options include Botox ®, which blocks

(“paralyzes”) the contraction of the offending facial muscle, smoothing the skin and erasing the lines. Facial fillers on the

other hand, such as Restylane ® or Juvederm ®, fill in the line with a hyaluronic acid formula suspended in a dermatologist-

grade gel. Any of these injectable solutions must be repeated over time in order to maintain their results.

Fine Lines

Conversely, when fine lines form they may not necessarily be attributed to facial movement at all. Instead, they often arise

because of irregular thickening of the dermis, or because of a decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis. This

effect is often linked to factors such as sun damage and exposure to environmental toxins (most often, cigarette smoke).

Fine lines can form nearly anywhere on the face, but many people find they are concentrated on areas where the skin is

naturally delicate, such as the cheeks, curves of the mouth, and corners of the eyes.

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Possible treatment options for fine lines include facial injectables designed specifically for fine lines, such as Radiesse®. The

product is comprised of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres, suspended in a dermatologist-grade gel. Doctors

may recommend other injectables as well. Of course, you can also reduce the risk of fine lines forming by limiting sun

exposure and avoiding smoking. Even if fine lines have already started forming, there’s still time to become proactive about

the health of your skin.

Sags and Bags

Unlike deep lines and fine lines, the risk of which can be reduced by a person’s own efforts, skin laxity (technically termed

“ptosis”) is primarily linked to the aging process. As people age, there is a gradual reduction of the fat cells under the skin

(subcutaneous tissue). Other natural occurrences include a decrease in collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis, which reduce

the skin’s strength and elasticity.

Of course, gravity is also a factor; this inevitable component pulls the lax tissue down over time. The accumulation of facial

fat, such as jowls, leads to a loss of a defined jaw line/neck line; this causes the lower part of the face to look “baggy.”

Excess fat around the eyes can also accumulate, causing bags around the eyes. While sags and bags are not wrinkles, they

are a by-product of aging that many people would like to eliminate.

Treatment options for facial sagging do not include facial injectables; these treatments are only appropriate for lines and

wrinkles – sagging cannot be “frozen” or “filled in.” However, the visibility of facial sagging can be effectively addressed with

facelift surgery. The procedure, “rhytidectomy ,” involves removing sagging skin and trimming away excess fat, then lifting

the skin to a tighter position to rejuvenate the entire appearance. In many cases, facelift surgery can cause a person to look

at least 10 to 15 years younger.

Aging Gracefully: Conclusions and Solutions

Today, we understand a lot more about how wrinkles form, what causes facial lines, and why sagging skin occurs. More

importantly, we have more knowledge regarding how to prevent wrinkles or how to delay their onset as much as possible;

and, while we know that nothing can prevent gravity from taking its toll on the face, there is a solution for those who want

it. If you are interested in any of the treatment options above, please discuss them with a qualified, board certified plastic


I had a significant skin infection that I came
to see them for in September 2015. I made
an appointment at their new offices. I had to
come back at least 3-4 times because the
treatments weren't working and they
weren't sure what was causing the lesions
on my face, arms torso. I saw Dr. DeLuca
whom I really liked, but wasn't getting
results. She called in Dr. Kane for a consult
and I was looking forward to meeting her as
she heads the group. I was shocked at how

background image

rude and condescending Dr. Kane was,
especially to another healthcare
professional. I've worked for many years in
research with doctors of many different
specialties and I must say I was very
unimpressed with her and she is one of the
rudest doctors I've ever worked with and
trust me when I say I've worked with a few
very rude, egotistical ones as well as many
great ones. You couldn't pay me to see Dr.
Kane again for any complicated or
significant dermatological problem. Do
yourself a favor and make the drive to the
Dermatology group at Scripp's Clinic in La
Jolla for excellent care. This group is fine
for simple, cosmetic dermatology if you do
not mind having a revolving door of
dermatologists treating you. I would go
back to see Dr. DeLuca for laser, however
Dr. Kane left such a bad impression that I
doubt I would go back when there are so
many other good dermatology groups
available. Was this review …? Dr. Joanna
Chan, receives the 5 Stars rating and Laser
Skin Care Center is fortunate to have on
staff, a knowledgable; highly intelligent;

background image

caring & concerned adult; with tremendous
likability. She has been my favorite care
provider for five years - from her down-to-
earth patient approach to her mild
mannered methods - she cares and shows
concern. We aren' talking icing here. But
more, the counseling; post-op wound care;
stable laser hands; and skill injecting botox,
juvederm; and sculptra aesthetic. Her
insistence, sometimes after office hours
and over weekends, remind this bruiser to
avoid aspirin and ingest arnicare - she truly
is committed to improving her patient's
health and their strong, positive outlook.
Her wisdom is beyond Harvard Teachings
& Fellowship Hands-On Training but in
genuine and not rushed, examinations and
consultations. She alone identified on my
head, and strongly suggested surgical
removal of a congenital epithelial cyst. A
growth many other Doctors over years
hadn't diagnosed. Laser Skin Care isn't all
about cosmetic but genuine and
professional patient wellness. It is
unfortunate that some see it as a spa and
the medical trained professionals as

background image

beauticians. They deserve recognition for
the esteem degrees they have earned.
Came here to see Dr. DeLuca to have
some skin tags removed. Her price was the
best I could find and she came highly
recommended by mom who recently visited
her for the same thing. She was running
behind on her patients and I ended up
having to wait over an hour to see her,
which was quite unpleasant. However, she
was very apologetic and she was so
thorough and took her time. I appreciated
her not making me feel rushed even
though she was so behind. She was so
friendly and I will definitely be seeing her for
all my future dermatology needs. Was this
review …? We visited Dr. Nguyen today for
my 15-year-old daughter's acne, which she
has had for many years and has done all
sorts of treatments. I specifically explained
that a previous dermatologist prescribed
about six different medications all at the
same time, and the uncomfortable side
effects (red skin, peeling, extreme sun
sensitivity, etc.) were just as bad as the
acne. More recently she has been using a

background image

single topical medication with adequate
results. There is room to improve her skin,
but we specifically wanted a conservative
approach in order to determine what was
working and which side effects were
tolerable. Dr. Nguyen smiled and shrugged
and said that really the current approach is
just to throw all the drugs in the pharmacy
at the problem or just go ahead and move
to Accutane. I reiterated what we wanted
several times but it was like talking to a
smiling brick wall. Ultimately we left with a
bunch of prescriptions and I told Dr.
Nguyen that we would test them
conservatively (not all at the same time) to
see what happened. I think Dr. Nguyen is
right in line with the prescription-heavy
approach of most providers these days.
She is young and doesn't have the
experience dealing with all the acne drugs
that have been around for 30-40 years, so
she is inclined to prescribe the newest,
most expensive drugs (mostly just the
same old drugs in slightly different formulas
that the drug companies use to get a new
patent and charge more.) I was definitely

background image

disturbed when she strongly encouraged
us to use the pharmacy in their building as
it was clear that there was a profit motive
for that recommendation. It's a nice new
office and it's clear they are making money.
The office is new and clean. The parking is
easy and free, and the location is
convenient for us. The medicine is simply
par for the course. I heard the staff quoting
prices for cosmetic procedures on the
phone, so they are probably pretty
competitive for cash business. Was this
review …? Since my last post, I have
visited this wonderful skin care group for
other treatments and they exceed my
expectations! They are a highly
recommended quality skin care medical
group! Excellent physicians who deliver the
best treatment with a caring heart! The
entire office including doctors, RN's,
medical assistants and ancillary staff are
wonderful - they make you feel very
comfortable from the moment you walk
through the door. Their beautiful new office
is modern, elegant and extremely high-
tech. I became a new patient about a year

background image

ago at their former location on LB Blvd. Dr.
Chan is my main doctor but I have seen Dr.
Tremaine too. Both physicians gave
excellent screenings, gave detailed
communication for every step of treatment
and there were no surprises. My skin is in
wonderful condition, thanks to them. One of
my skin conditions is Psoriasis. Their
incredible laser technology therapy brought
my 25-year battle of Psoriasis to a halt! I
was skeptical at first, but it works and I am
Psoriasis free! Their Registered Nurse,
Polly has advanced training in laser
technology (Psoriasis and other issues).
She is my skin-savior and I am no longer
embarrassed by my Psoriasis patches. For
the first summer in a long time, I'm showing
skin! This first-class medical group usually
can get busy, however the longest wait time
I've experienced has been 10-15 minutes.
This group is one of the best around! They
have all the latest treatments for almost
anything. I've recommended them to two
friends, and they feel the same way! Was
this review …? Highly recommended
quality medical group! Excellent physicians

background image

who deliver excellent skin care… Highly
recommended quality medical group!
Excellent physicians who deliver excellent
skin care with a caring heart! The entire
office including doctors, RN's, medical
assistants and ancillary staff are wonderful
- they make you feel very comfortable from
the moment you walk through the door.
Their beautiful new office is modern,
elegant and extremely high-tech. I became
a new patient about a year ago at their
former location on LB Blvd. Dr. Chan is my
main doctor but I have also seen Dr.
Tremaine too. Both physicians gave
excellent screenings, gave detailed
communication for every step of treatment
and there were no surprises. My skin is in
wonderful condition, thanks to them. One of
my skin conditions is Psoriasis. Their
incredible laser technology therapy brought
my 25-year battle of Psoriasis to a halt! I
was skeptical at first, but it works and I am
Psoriasis free! Registered Nurse, Polly has
advanced training in laser technology
(Psoriasis and other issues). She is my
skin-savior and I am no longer

background image

embarrassed by my Psoriasis patches. For
the first summer in a long time, I'm showing
skin! This first-class medical group usually
can get busy, however the longest wait time
I've experienced has been 10 minutes. This
group is one of the best around! They have
all the latest treatments for almost anything.
I've recommended to two friends, and they
feel the same way too! Read more Was
this review …? I didn't set an appointment
here although the receptionist, Gina, was
amazingly thorough and helpful. It's not
often Dr offices are familiar w other Dr
offices and their health plans to refer
patients but this experience was a good
one. If they're that sharp just from a call,
imagine the quality above this. I was
impressed. I love good customer service!
Was this review …? Comment from Bryna
K. of Laser Skin Care Center Business
Employee 4/6/2016 Aleks-We are pleased
to hear you had a pleasant experience
when calling our office! We hope to hear…
Aleks-We are pleased to hear you had a
pleasant experience when calling our
office! We hope to hear from you again

background image

soon. Read more I love Dr. Joanna Chan.
because of her, my skin now looks
amazing! I am so thankful I found her! Dr.
Chan is a graduate of both Stanford &
Harvard. so when you go to Dr. Chan, you
know you're going to the best! I've seen Dr.
Chan for both medical (acne) and cosmetic
issues (botox, fillers, lasers, etc). Results
are amazing every time! Dr. Chan is
excellent not just because of her
knowledge & skills but also because of her
kind heart. She truly cares about her
patients. She's very approachable and
always makes me feel at ease. I trust her
and only her with all my skin care needs. I
really don't know where I would be without
her. Was this review …? The doctors are
very through and very knowledgable but
have never seen the doctor even close to
my scheduled appointment time. Be
prepared to wait 20-50 minutes past your
scheduled appointment time for the doctor.
Best if you can try to be the first
appointment of the day. The doctors are
very good 5 stars but my time is just as
important as theirs. Was this review …?

background image

Comment from Bryna K. of Laser Skin Care
Center Business Employee 6/18/2015 Hi
Jon, thank you for voicing your concerns.
We do try to see our patients in a timely
manner, as we… Hi Jon, thank you for
voicing your concerns. We do try to see our
patients in a timely manner, as we do
appreciate that you take time out of your
busy schedule to come to our practice for
your dermatologic care. We pride
ourselves in providing patients with the best
care possible and if something serious
does arise during a patients visit, we must
do our due diligence and take extra time
with those patients, so unfortunately
sometimes we do run behind in our
schedules. You and your time are highly
valuable to us. We do hope you will
continue to be our patient at Laser Skin
Care Center and offer our sincerest
apologies. Read more Dr. Kane does the
most thorough skin examinations I have
ever experienced. She really takes her time
with patients and has been in the
community for several decades. She has
caught many skin cancers among my

background image

friends at an early stage, saving their lives.
I have also had the opportunity to see other
associates at the office for procedures and
my experiences have been excellent. The
new location is amazing! It's brand new and
in Douglas Park. The practice has acquired
several new lasers and devices for hair
removal safe for darker patients like me,
and several effective non invasive anti
aging procedures. because who has
downtime for that stuff? I also love their skin
care product lines, their aesthetician and
their new cosmetic consultant Carime who
met me for free and told me what I could do
to improve my skin. I totally trust my skin
cancer screen and the well trained --- even
cosmetic fellowship trained. ----
dermatologists with my elective procedures.
I would never go a medi spa and let any
random injector near my face. Was this
review …? Both my husband and I have
been patients of this medical center for
more than 15 years, and we both love the
professional treatment we receive. I see Dr
Kane who takes the time to examine my
cancer- prone skin with incredible detail.

background image

The procedures she has recommended
and performed have probably saved my
life. Dr Glassberg has removed squamous
cells and basal cells from various parts of
my body and performed MOHs cancer
diagnosis right in the office. I love these
guys! Was this review …? I have been
seeing Dr. Kane since I was pretty much
born - my mom has been seeing her for
over 25 years. She is a caring doctor and
treats us like family, and is always so happy
to see us. She has an eagle's eye when it
comes to my skin and she has been able to
catch many of my moles that need to be
removed before they spread. Although the
wait time can get long on some visits, my
family is willing to sacrifice that knowing that
we are receiving the highest quality care
from Dr. Kane. Was this review …?
Dr.Glassberg is awesome. He is very
gentle and caring toward his patients. He
worked his magic by making the shadows
under my eyes disappear. My appt for
dermal fillers was painless. I have been a
patient for years and have referred many
patients. The new office is beautiful and

background image

spacious. An extra bonus is he has
received additional training for skin cancer
surgery and has removed a suspicious
mole and did not leave a scar. Was this
review …? Comment from Bryna K. of
Laser Skin Care Center Business
Employee 4/6/2016 Lisa, thank you! It is
patients like you that make us love what we
do! Worst experience I have ever had in a
medical office. I was made to wait an hour
after my appointment time. I was lied to
twice about my appointment time and then
when I brought this to their attention, I was
just put in another room to wait longer. I
had to leave before I was even seen so I
went to the receptionist to make sure I
would not be billed and I was not
apologized to. They did not try to fix it on
the spot, she just said she would make
sure I wasn't billed. During this time, the
doctor I was supposed to see came out and
asked if she could take my appointment
then. I unfortunately had to leave since it
was over an hour after my scheduled
appointment time! This was the worst
experience I have ever had in a medical

background image

office and the worst customer service I've
ever received and the worst blatant
disrespect for my time. These people
should not be in business. Was this review
…? I had a good experience coming here.
Maybe it helps to have a morning
appointment because I did not have to wait
long at all. I saw Dr. Anne Marie Tremaine.
She listened, took time to talk, and it didn't
feel rushed. The only thing I thought about
afterwards was that when I have seen other
dermatologists they have looked over my
face with one of those lights to see if there
were any problem areas or concerns. She
didn't do this, but her recommendations to
help me clear up my skin were very helpful
and I have had minimal breakouts since. I
really want to go back for botox now! Was
this review …? From the business Located
in a beautiful state-of-the art 13,000 square
foot facility, Laser Skin Care Center offers
complete medical, surgical, cosmetic and
aesthetic care for all of your skin …
Specialties Located in a beautiful state-of-
the art 13,000 square foot facility, Laser
Skin Care Center offers complete medical,

background image

surgical, cosmetic and aesthetic care for all
of your skin concerns. Our dermatology
services include comprehensive skin
screening, routine medical and surgical
examinations, mole and wart removal, and
skin cancer surgeries including Mohs
micrographic surgery by our certified Mohs
surgeon. We also offer cosmetic
dermatology services to treat wrinkles,
pigmentation, sun damage, scars, loose
skin, broken vessels, etc. and have in-
office aesthetician services. History
Established in 1997. Dr. Bryna Kane has
been in practice for almost 30 years. Her
partners are Dr. Edward Glassberg and Dr.
Joanna Chan. We are involved with our
Long Beach community. Erase The Past

is a community-based program developed
in 1998 by Dr. Bryna Kane and Dr. Edward
Glassberg in Long Beach, California. Their
mission is to help former gang members
and youth at risk erase their past and go
forward with a productive life including
gaining employment. Dr. Kane and Dr.
Glassberg offer free tattoo removal in
exchange for community service. The

background image

program is available each month to former
gang members and youth at risk.
Applicants are screened by the Long
Beach Police to ensure a clean record for
the past six months. The approved
candidates must provide five hours of
community service for each tattoo removal
session. Since its inception, over 102 tattoo
removal clinics have been held at Long
Beach Memorial Medical Center totaling
over 4,000 encounters with former gang
members and youth Meet the Business
Owner So, after we filmed our TL;DR, we
were curious about something. In Korea,
people protect themselves from the sun. I
wonder if their skin cancer rates are lower
as a result. We asked Soo Zee to look into
this, and here’s what she found: That’s the
list of the most common cancers in four
countries. Korea, then Japan, then the US,
then the UK. Skin cancer isn’t in the top ten
in either Korea or Japan, but 5th and 4th in
the US and UK, respectively. Coincidence?
Anyhow, speaking of skin cancer, we
mentioned in our video a bit about mole
removal and how we got some of ours

background image

removed. You might remember, if you’ve
been around for a while, how we had
bandaids on our faces for a bit. I actually
tried looking for those videos but they’re so
old that I can’t remember. High five to
anyone who does! Point is, we didn’t
remove them for cosmetic purposes, but
because we noticed that they were looking
a bit irregular, and we know that can lead to
health complications in the future. I also
had one on my chin, and at least five times
a month, I’d cut it open while shaving. So,
we went to a dermatologist to get some of
them removed. Quick, easy, painless, and
TEN BUCKS! That’s it! It was ten bucks a
mole. And we didn’t need an appointment
or anything. Just walked in to a place we
were told about and got it done. Then
again, procedures in Korea are pretty
cheap compared to procedures elsewhere,
probably because there are dermatologists
and clinics just about everywhere. Hell,
across the street from us, where all the
chicken shops are located, there’s a
dermatology shop on the third floor. Great
location! Feel like chicken? How about

background image

stopping by for some laser hair removal
first? Great plan! Anyhow, let us know what
skin care is like where you’re from. Are we
wrong in thinking that people take better
care of their skin here in Korea than in
North America? Do you wear sunblock on
your face every day? How cautious are
your friends about sun damage? We’d love
to hear if it’s just a Korea thing! Oh! One
last thing we forgot to mention: a really
cheap and easy way that Koreans take
care of their skin so they can stay looking
young and beautiful is – how could I have
forgotten to mention this? – by clicking on
the subscribe button below. Oh man! It’s so
good for your health! I use a skin “lightener”
now but that’s because I’m old and have
sun damage. I think maybe if they called it
lightener instead of whitener, often they are
called “fade” creams. I use one that has
been around for years and marketed to
African Americans. Black women I work
with have used these products for years.
Not to be white but to diminish the look of
acne scars and even out their skin tone.
I’ve been using one on my face and tops of

background image

my hands now for several years. I mix it in
with my moisturizer even though you can
buy it now with a moisturizer in it. I also use
BB cream but BB cream in the U.S. hasn’t
caught on and doesn’t have a skin
lightener. It’s basically a tinted moisturizer
with 15 SPF. I’ve started using an SPF
moisturizer on my entire body every day
now. I have no desire to bake in the sun
and never really did. I do still have sun
damage anyway. Believe me it makes a
huge difference a few years down the road
how much sun you get. You may not notice
until you hit your 40s. Here in Portugal is
BURN! The toastier you look the better (or
at least that’s what the majority of the
population seem to think). You can find
tanning salons very easily and the trips to
the dermatologist are mostly made to
treat/remove skin imperfections. Luckily for
me, this year there have been more rainy
days than sunny ones so people are whiter
than usual. As a naturally pale girl (that’s
been taking better care of her skin recently)
i don’t feel like the white part of an oreo
cookie whenever i walk around anymore

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XD The tanning culture is very real in the
states. I have a few friends who still use
tanning beds (the coffin ones that are
guaranteed to give you cancer). I’ll never
understand that. But I’ll admit that because
I don’t naturally tan, when I go to the beach
I’ll slap on a boat load of self tanner before
putting on sunscreen. I’m from the
Netherlands and having a bit of a tan is
considered healthy here and having white
legs or arms with shorts/dress whatever is
kind of considered ugly quite a lot. So many
people spend a fortune on tanning spray,
tanning salons or spend hours baking in
the sun. As for myself I’m really pale and
people have asked me if I’m sick when I
wasn’t and last year someone made a
comment my legs can glow in the dark
because they are so white. I take sun
protection seriously. During summer or
sunny days I always use sunblock with a
high SPF as body lotion and apply a special
face cream with a high SPF on my face and
my normal face cream does contain a bit of
SPF too. There is no way I go outside
unprotected when it’s very sunny because I

background image

turn into a lobster very quickly. I tried
tanning spray because people said I should
give it a try but that turned me into a cow so
I just stay pale and I’m happy with it. I also
have a slight allergy to the sun so no the
sun isn’t my best friend. Ohh and people
always think I’m at least 7-8 years younger
then I actually am, no wrinkles what so ever
yet. Here in the US, I have been having a
problem watching YouTube videos
because of a problem with Google
Syndication (or something). I did a search
and found that Windows 8 has an Add-On
that blocks Google. I added this block and
now have no problems watching YouTube
videos. However, I wonder if this block
affects EatYourKimchi rankings as I am no
longer shown by Google as watching your
videos. I do not want to take the bread from
your mouths. What should I do? In
Australia since we are so multicultural for
those who do want tan skin, its either bake
it or fake it. But the general consensus is a
tan is healthy and pasty is bleh… Vitamin D
deficiency? Id rather take supplements than
take chemo thank you very much I read

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about that recently…I think they have linked
that with a bacteria present in the human
intestinal tract but some people are
genetically predisposed to have higher
concentrations which can lead to stomach
cancer….Something like that…I’ll see if I
can find the article again…. I don’t think
that cheap razors can cause acne. You
might get ingrown hairs or irritated sweat
glands on your chin from cheap/dull razors
and using just water though and that’s very
similar to acne. You should tell him that
even a cheap double blade (Gillette/Bick)
and some Noxema instead of shaving
cream would be awesome on anyone’s skin
and not cause “girly” stigma ;) Cheap
razors (plus my friend’s crappy shaving
regimen) irritate the skin/follicles through
razor burn and introduce bacteria, which
can then result in acne. Plus he had some
acne before to start with, and then he ends
up slicing his pus-filled pimples open,
resulting in somewhat of a ripple effect
around the original pimple. Yum! Ah yes
there is a lot of obaasans protecting their
skin in Japan the same way they do it in

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Korea. Sometimes they look a bit scary with
their face covered… I always feel out of
place when I’m wearing my t-shirt and they
have their umbrellas, etc… I wear
sunscreen when I know I’m gonna be long
time in the sun because I might get red,
especially my nose. But I’m not that used to
do it I guess because in Finland the sun is
not that deadly since… winter is dark and
all. And I just don’t go out that often. XD
Sucky thing is that I do want to protect my
skin but sunscreen is kinda sticky and
those arm sleeve things seem hot… I
sweat more than Asians so no can do! OTL
Funny thing about tanning though. As a kid
I wanted a nice tan but as I got into visual
kei and saw those beautiful men with milky
skin, I wanted to have one too. My dad still
keeps saying every summer to me that I
should go out and get tanned and I’m like
NO!! I’m a girl from Poland (cześć) and I
started taking care of my skin when I
started listening to kpop and getting into
korean culture. I went to a beauty salon (?)
and got my face cleaned and the lady told
me to what kind of skin type I really have

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etc. but I didn’t really know or care about it
earlier. People in Poland go to
dermathologist when they have a real
problem with their skin, but I think going to
beauty salon to have your pimples popped
is quite common, especially with teenagers.
But sunscreens? SPF face creams? Not
very common in daily use. And as for
tanning – usually after summer holiday
people would talk about it, but it’s not a
thing here… Hi from Australia! here all
through school they hammer Slip Slop Slap
(Shirt, sunscreen, hat) but asides from my
sister and I know one i know does the sun
protection thing. We love our beaches and
sunbaking (frying) too much. Apparently tho
scientist recently discovered that the sun
on skin produces endorphines, which
means you can legitamately be addicted to
the sun! Oooh let me hop in the sun and
get my fix But look now you can Drink. your
sunscreen. Eeeww? I had a really funny
encounter last year with some korean
exchange students from Seoul and Busan.
They asked me where they can buy these
kind of sleeves Simon and Martina are

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talking about here in Germany. I told them
that this is a korean thing and something
like that isn´t available here. They were so
mind blown and shoked and didn´t believe
me haha. You should have seen their
faces, really it was hilarious…its really a
funny story…. People in Japan too are
definitely more aware of skin health than
back home in the States. Tanning is
definitely a no no. Even on hot days I see
people walking around with jackets on to
cover up their skin. I’m not sure if people in
Japan see dermatologists as often as
people do in Korea. I’ve definitely seen a lot
of acne though. I wondered about products
with “whitening” on the label. Thanks for
clarifying ^^ I’m always amazed by the vast
number of skin and beauty care products in
Japan/Korea. I just wish some of those
products would be sold in the US. BB
cream, for example, is really lacking in the
US. I’m quite pale so even if I buy the
lightest shade it is too dark for me. The last
time I went to Etude House they gave me a
bb cream sample to try and halleluiah it
was like the perfect fit for me. I’m really

background image

going to miss skin care products here OTL I
wish visiting the dermatologist was cheap
here in the States. I can’t even see one
because my family’s insurance doesn’t
cover it. Instead, I have to consult with my
doctor about my skin. When I was in Korea
this past summer, I was so self-conscious
about my complexion since I had so many
crater-like acne scars and everyone had
nice skin. I’ve become more consistent
about having a skin regime though, thanks
to Korea. But being from America, being
tan is still the trend, even amongst my
Asian friends. I live in America and I think a
lot of people here, especially guys, don’t
really care so much about their skin. I don’t
know anyone who goes to a dermatologist
unless they have an issue, and I can only
think of 1 guy who takes care of his skin!
(Happens to be my boyfriend, lol. He tries
to take care of himself, which I think every
human being should, male or female. I
spend way longer on skincare, but at least
he uses face washes). As far as sunblock, I
refuse to go outside without sunblock at
least on my face. I tend to wear jackets all

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the time, so I’m pretty much covered. I also
rarely go outside xD But I’m the only one in
my circle of friends/family that will put
sunscreen on every day, even if it’s cloudy.
Since my eighteenth I’m wearing sunblock
with SPF50+ PA+++. Yes, I’m bloody pale
because of that, but I don’t mind. Since I’m
protecting my skin from the sun, I’ve had
less acne and my skin looks better and
healthier overall. And as you guys
mentioned: my face won’t look old and
saggy when I’m hitting 35. With just putting
on some sunblock every day you can make
so much difference. It’s not a hard thing to
do and you’ll be grateful in the future. My
best friend was born in the Philippines, lives
in Texas- and whenever she returns to
Cebu for a visit her grandmother gushes
about how beautiful it is that she is so pale.
During the visit the grandmother has
someone following her around with an
umbrella to make sure that she doesn’t get
any darker. I don’t know if it is a beauty
standard or a class standard- she doesn’t
want her getting dark because it is
considered less pretty or because you only

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get dark if you are poor enough to have to
work outside and theirs is a well-off family-
but its definitely a generation thing- her
mom and dad don’t care if she gets a little
browner in the summer, but it freaks her
grandmother out. I’m an Asian American
from LA and honestly didn’t think about
protecting my skin from SUNNY DEATH
RAYS OF DEATH until college. In high
school I would never wear shorts because I
had such pale skin and my classmates
would tease me about being unhealthy or
having “engineer’s tan”. My mom on the
other hand, made me shower in sunscreen,
because “cancer! bad skin! wrinkles!
might be a cultural thing, where one culture
values the “healthy, tan” look and another
values…health? haha Thanks for doing a
tl;dr on this! I think it’s time I really put some
effort into nicer skin. Vancouver Laser &
Skin Care Centre Impersonal, factory-like
atmosphere. The dr. I saw pushed hard for
other services. I only wanted botox but
ended up also getting some… Read More
Impersonal, factory-like atmosphere. The

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dr. I saw pushed hard for other services. I
only wanted botox but ended up also
getting some fillers. I was not happy at all
with the effect of the fillers but had to wait
another 40 min. before the dr. would come
back to speak with me. No satisfactory
conclusion to my concerns. Definitely would
not recommend this place - it is past its
prime. Warning to anyone seeking fillers
and Botox. my syringes were not loaded by
the Dr they were loaded by an unqualified
"assistant" and then… Read More Warning
to anyone seeking fillers and Botox. my
syringes were not loaded by the Dr they
were loaded by an unqualified "assistant"
and then injected by the Dr. The only time I
have seen this done in the 13 years I have
been getting Botox at various drs is at this
clinic. This was also the only time I have
gone in to complain as nothing like this has
ever happened where the product did not
seem to take effect. its so obvious there is
a problem with the botox but I learned after
about 1 minute talking with the unqualified
sales person they had no intention of
helping to figure out anything they wanted

background image

to sell me more product to a different part
of my " deformed " face. I do not believe
this clinic practices in an ethical way and I
am convinced the sales person who was
allowed to load my syringes most likely
under filled the botox because she is not
qualified nor is she able due to being a
sales person and not a dr or nurse to even
have the first clue how these products
should be handled . If you have a problem
with the procedures in this clinic they
absolutely will not correct the problem, or
discuss the problem in a professional
manner they will not refund your money but
they will offer you more costly procedures
that you can count on. After juvederm
injection to upper cheek & around the
mouth, I was left with two big rashes which
didn't go away for a year. After 2 days,
my… Read More After juvederm injection
to upper cheek & around the mouth, I was
left with two big rashes which didn't go
away for a year. After 2 days, my cheeks &
mouth got droopy, smile is croocked, I lost
all fat I had in my face before juvederm
injection & I'm a young person. Doctor

background image

didn't want to see me but right away nurse
figured out they screw up something. They
partially refund my money however my self-
confidence & life turned upside down. My
face never returned to what it was. They hit
my facial nerve & I saw a neurologist who
said since my nerves didn't regenerate
over past year, I'm stuck with it or I should
pay to get surgery! It was my first time
doing something with my face and left
disfigured. Nadine S. This is a high volume
factory run by doctors who are not
dermatologists, and you will receive results
and service accordingly. The filler… Read
More This is a high volume factory run by
doctors who are not dermatologists, and
you will receive results and service
accordingly. The filler that I received for my
lips was very poorly done. They try to tell
you that Dr. Susan Braun is a "genius" with
fillers, but her work was substandard. I
have since had my lips filled by a plastic
surgeon (you know, someone with actual
advanced medical training for the face) and
the results are dramatically better. Not only
does she not have an eye for natural

background image

looking results, but the service you will
receive if something goes wrong is horrible!
When my botox went wrong, I was very
frustrated to not be able to get a straight
answer about which specific injection (I had
botox in 3 different areas) had caused it.
They didn't know and eventually suggested
that the absurd deformity of my expression
had always been there. Meanwhile my
friends were asking me what happened to
my face! (And don't even dream of a refund
or discount.) You know, things can
sometimes go wrong with these
procedures, so it's not that that I'm most
upset about. It's the way it was handled.
They are only concerned with making
money and the doctors are very
unprofessional. On the other hand, I did
find most of the technicians to be kind,
friendly and professional. Bottom line, I
have learned my lesson and will only trust a
board certified plastic surgeon or cosmetic
dermatologist with my face from now on.
You might think botox and fillers are no big
deal, but in the wrong hands you will waste
your money or end up with unnatural and

background image

embarrassing results. Yes, those certified
doctors with advanced training do cost
more, but it's worth it. I will not be returning
here. Amazing experience. Everyone from
the front desk to a end procedure,treatment
was so nice! Very knowledgeable the
treatment itself was… Read More Amazing
experience. Everyone from the front desk
to a end procedure,treatment was so nice!
Very knowledgeable the treatment itself
was literally no pain at all I have had
treatments (Botox ) in the past but it was
way more painful.I don't have enough kind
words to say to describe this place
everybody was just amazing. Highly
recommended. I have a scar and I went
here to see what options I had. It is $100
for a consultation where they do tests on
your skin, however this… Read More I
have a scar and I went here to see what
options I had. It is $100 for a consultation
where they do tests on your skin, however
this amount will be used towards a
procedure, if you choose to have one done.
I paid around 375 for Juvederm which is
reasonable since it lasts around 4-5

background image

months, but be careful it's addictive! Dr
Braun is very nice however does not seem
very genuine. The staff become friendlier
as you return for more visits and spend
more money! There comes a time when
every woman needs to come to terms with
aging. Watching my skin wrinkle easier has
been a horrifying experience,… Read More
There comes a time when every woman
needs to come to terms with aging.
Watching my skin wrinkle easier has been
a horrifying experience, AGING
what I believed in my teens and early 20's.
This is where Dr. Braun comes in. I wanted
all the things injected into my face to STOP
THE WRINKLES. I filled out a form for
things I was interested in (EVERYTHING)
and had a consult with a very attractive
woman with smooth skin (she looks great
so I am on board here). I decided to get
Botox and Juvederm done, and
immediately noticed AMAZING results.
There's a stigma about people getting
botox and fillers; YOU WILL NOT LOOK

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OR JOAN RIVERS unless you get super
cray about it. Dr. Braun isn't the kind of guy
who will inject your face with things you
don't need; I wanted to get my lips done
and he was like you don't need it, but
looked at my roommate and told her she
could probably use some. The doctor is
honest with what you need and what you
don't. He know's what he's doing, and he
honestly made my face look 1000000x
better. I coulnd't give this a positive enough
review. This place is super awesome. I'm
going back soon to have the veins in my
face lasered away. I look 24 because of this
place. Miracles. I had gone there a severals
time until one time when susan braun did
my botox treatment for my forehead. About
3 weeks after that i could… Read More I
had gone there a severals time until one
time when susan braun did my botox
treatment for my forehead. About 3 weeks
after that i could still see the lines and they
didnt disappear! So i called to book an appt
with Dr. Martin Braun(who always did my
treatments). So initially i did 16 units and i
paid a higher price per unit, wheras if you

background image

get 25 units or more you get a better deal.
Anyways i went in and Dr Martin did an
extra 16 units Nd i also got a filler for mu
laugh lines. When i was done i realized that
they should give me the price for 25 units
or more, because it wasnt my fault and Dr
Susan told me 16 units would be enough.
So i mentioned this at the desk when i was
paying and the lady whos in charge named
Rhonda was extremely rude to me and told
me that they're not able to re adjust the
price. So i had a little argument with her out
of frustration and said that this is not
customer friendly, and just paid the regular
price and left. About a week ago i called to
make an appt to see dr braun cuz two big
indents have formed on my forhead now
that botox went away. So the girl booked
me an appt. half an hour later Rhonda
called snd said we dont want you here and
this and that. I gave these people so much
business and refferals. I cant believe they
are this rude. Dont go here, at one point
you will get disappointed. They charge u big
bucks and treat u like S--t. View More
Reviews There are more reviews to see! Jo

background image

special for face fillers. The package
included that you could come two times for
the face fillers and the price was $1000, I
called about 2 months later to get my
second round done but was told each time I
called (about 5 times) that its
recommended to get it done two times a
year not the two sessions for $1000 even
though I asked the nurse and the Dr.
several times is it for two sessions and they
said yes. Well I never was able to get my
second set of fillers done so beware about
how they try and sell you things and get it in
writing if you dare go here. The results were
so minimal, I think he was trying to stinge
out on the amount of product as I hardly
seen anything noticeable and no one else
could notice any change. I went initially to
just get Botox. I was unhappy with the
results it had set uneven, when I asked if
that was to happen would I have to pay
again they said no they would fix it. Well
that was another lie they charged me for it
but worse was the bump on my forehead
that was left where he injected me, I believe

background image

its a hematoma. The Botox only lasted 2
months, this could just be my body but I
was told by many it should of lasted longer.
Save your face and money! Lea B.
Impersonal, factory-like atmosphere. The
dr. I saw pushed hard for other services. I
only wanted botox but ended up also
getting some fillers. I was not happy at all
with the effect of the fillers but had to wait
another 40 min. before the dr. would come
back to speak with me. No satisfactory
conclusion to my concerns. Definitely would
not recommend this place - it is past its
prime. C A. Warning to anyone seeking
fillers and Botox. my syringes were not
loaded by the Dr they were loaded by an
unqualified "assistant" and then injected by
the Dr. The only time I have seen this done
in the 13 years I have been getting Botox at
various drs is at this clinic. This was also
the only time I have gone in to complain as
nothing like this has ever happened where
the product did not seem to take effect. its
so obvious there is a problem with the
botox but I learned after about 1 minute
talking with the unqualified sales person

background image

they had no intention of helping to figure
out anything they wanted to sell me more
product to a different part of my " deformed
" face. I do not believe this clinic practices
in an ethical way and I am convinced the
sales person who was allowed to load my
syringes most likely under filled the botox
because she is not qualified nor is she able
due to being a sales person and not a dr or
nurse to even have the first clue how these
products should be handled . If you have a
problem with the procedures in this clinic
they absolutely will not correct the problem,
or discuss the problem in a professional
manner they will not refund your money but
they will offer you more costly procedures
that you can count on. Aww, your browser
has JavaScript turned off! Did you know
that JavaScript does the following? Make
web pages really cool. Compliments you
when you've had a bad day. Can single
handedly save the world from all its woes.
But you'll never know that now. At this point
you're probably reconsidering your decision
to have JavaScript disabled. This is natural.
Please go to the settings menu on your

background image

phone related to your web browser, and re-
enable JavaScript. We'll have so much fun
together once you do. Hey, your location
might be old. Example: There are a few
times in life when a meal is so expertly
crafted and planned that it is nothing short
of genius. Last night, I had one of those
meals - the Mahi Mahi. The dish was
excellently prepared. Grilled, juicy, and
fresh without a hint of fishiness. A glaze of
tangerine sauce brought a hint of tart
sweetness. The fish was placed on a
mound of sweet plantain rice. The
combination of the fish and rice alone was
to die for! However, as only expert chefs
can achieve, additional garnishes provided
even bolder, beautiful tastes. Pickled
onions topping the fish made for an even
finer taste experience, while green beans
hidden under the fish added freshness and
completed each bite Download the app Get
those thumbs ready to leave a review using
the Yelp Mobile App! Specialties At
Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre, Dr.
Braun and Dr. Brock offer a wide variety of
skin care services. Popular treatments

background image

include Botox Cosmetic, injectable fillers,
laser hair removal, vein treatments,
Coolsculpting, facial rejuvenation,
microdermabrasion, and Thermage. Please
visit their website for a full list of
procedures. History Established in 1996.
Cosmetic enhancement is almost as old as
civilization itself. With the recent fusion of
technology and knowledge, more and more
people are interested in turning on the
power of radiant skin. In response to this
need Dr.Martin Braun and Susan Braun
founded the Vancouver Laser and Skin
Care Centre in 1996. Their designated
cosmetic facility provides a tasteful, unique,
private atmosphere for those seeking
individual cosmetic consultations,
physician-grade skin care products and the
most technologically advanced aesthetic
treatments. Meet the Business Owner:
Martin B. Dr. Martin Braun is one of the
most accomplished and respected
cosmetic rejuvenation physicians practicing
in the Vancouver area. His goal is to help
everyone achieve beautiful skin for life,
beginning at any age. As a pioneer in laser

background image

medicine, Dr. Braun has the distinction of
being the first doctor in Canada to perform
laser hair removal over 12 years ago. He
currently injects more Botox® than any
other practitioner in Canada! After receiving
his M.D. from the University of British
Columbia (UBC) in 1984, Dr. Braun
completed his core surgical training at
Vancouver General Hospital. He
subsequently became certified to practice
both Family and Emergency Medicine. He
worked extensively in both areas for 15
years, but in response to rising demand,
Dr. Braun has devoted his practice
exclusively to cosmetic rejuvenation
procedures at his private medical clinic.
Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre
Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre I
wasn't able to visit my usual place for
Brazilian laser hair removal, so I went here
instead because of how conveniently
located they are (Fairmont Medical
Building) and competitively priced. My
appointment was for LightSheer Duet (as
advertised on their website at the time) but
at the consultation I was disappointed to

background image

hear they had just switched to the Fontona
laser. I didn't appreciate not hearing about
this change before (it felt like a bait-and-
switch) but since I was due for a session I
went ahead with it. The technician was
thorough, professional, and friendly. The
service and ambience is very good and
pricing is highly competitive. I plan on
returning to LightSheer Duet but was
pleased with my visit here otherwise and
would consider them for other services.
Was this review …? BEWARE OF THIS
PLACE! They had a special for face fillers.
The package included that you could come
two times for the face fillers and the price
was $1000, I called about 2 months later to
get my second round done but was told
each time I called (about 5 times) that its
recommended to get it done two times a
year not the two sessions for $1000 even
though I asked the nurse and the Dr.
several times is it for two sessions and they
said yes. Well I never was able to get my
second set of fillers done so beware about
how they try and sell you things and get it in
writing if you dare go here. The results were

background image

so minimal, I think he was trying to stinge
out on the amount of product as I hardly
seen anything noticeable and no one else
could notice any change. I went initially to
just get Botox. I was unhappy with the
results it had set uneven, when I asked if
that was to happen would I have to pay
again they said no they would fix it. Well
that was another lie they charged me for it
but worse was the bump on my forehead
that was left where he injected me, I believe
its a hematoma. The Botox only lasted 2
months, this could just be my body but I
was told by many it should of lasted longer.
Save your face and money! Was this
review …? Impersonal, factory-like
atmosphere. The dr. I saw pushed hard for
other services. I only wanted botox but
ended up also getting some fillers. I was
not happy at all with the effect of the fillers
but had to wait another 40 min. before the
dr. would come back to speak with me. No
satisfactory conclusion to my concerns.
Definitely would not recommend this place -
it is past its prime. Was this review …?
Warning to anyone seeking fillers and

background image

Botox. my syringes were not loaded by the
Dr they were loaded by an unqualified
"assistant" and then injected by the Dr. The
only time I have seen this done in the 13
years I have been getting Botox at various
drs is at this clinic. This was also the only
time I have gone in to complain as nothing
like this has ever happened where the
product did not seem to take effect. its so
obvious there is a problem with the botox
but I learned after about 1 minute talking
with the unqualified sales person they had
no intention of helping to figure out
anything they wanted to sell me more
product to a different part of my " deformed
" face. I do not believe this clinic practices
in an ethical way and I am convinced the
sales person who was allowed to load my
syringes most likely under filled the botox
because she is not qualified nor is she able
due to being a sales person and not a dr or
nurse to even have the first clue how these
products should be handled . If you have a
problem with the procedures in this clinic
they absolutely will not correct the problem,
or discuss the problem in a professional

background image

manner they will not refund your money but
they will offer you more costly procedures
that you can count on. Was this review …?
After juvederm injection to upper cheek &
around the mouth, I was left with two big
rashes which didn't go away for a year.
After 2 days, my cheeks & mouth got
droopy, smile is croocked, I lost all fat I had
in my face before juvederm injection & I'm a
young person. Doctor didn't want to see me
but right away nurse figured out they screw
up something. They partially refund my
money however my self-confidence & life
turned upside down. My face never
returned to what it was. They hit my facial
nerve & I saw a neurologist who said since
my nerves didn't regenerate over past year,
I'm stuck with it or I should pay to get
surgery! It was my first time doing
something with my face and left disfigured.
Was this review …? i found that doctors
and nurses in this business are only gridy
sale ppl, not health care providers.… i
found that doctors and nurses in this
business are only gridy sale ppl, not health
care providers. It's really scarey. Had a

background image

horrible experience with filler, waste of
money and left me with scar and bruise and
swollen face for a week. you will look worse
and older after the products wear off. in my
case right after the injection. Be careful.
Read more Was this review …? This is a
high volume factory run by doctors who are
not dermatologists, and you will receive
results and service accordingly. The filler
that I received for my lips was very poorly
done. They try to tell you that Dr. Susan
Braun is a "genius" with fillers, but her work
was substandard. I have since had my lips
filled by a plastic surgeon (you know,
someone with actual advanced medical
training for the face) and the results are
dramatically better. Not only does she not
have an eye for natural looking results, but
the service you will receive if something
goes wrong is horrible! When my botox
went wrong, I was very frustrated to not be
able to get a straight answer about which
specific injection (I had botox in 3 different
areas) had caused it. They didn't know and
eventually suggested that the absurd
deformity of my expression had always

background image

been there. Meanwhile my friends were
asking me what happened to my face! (And
don't even dream of a refund or discount.)
You know, things can sometimes go wrong
with these procedures, so it's not that that
I'm most upset about. It's the way it was
handled. They are only concerned with
making money and the doctors are very
unprofessional. On the other hand, I did
find most of the technicians to be kind,
friendly and professional. Bottom line, I
have learned my lesson and will only trust a
board certified plastic surgeon or cosmetic
dermatologist with my face from now on.
You might think botox and fillers are no big
deal, but in the wrong hands you will waste
your money or end up with unnatural and
embarrassing results. Yes, those certified
doctors with advanced training do cost
more, but it's worth it. I will not be returning
here. Was this review …? Amazing
experience. Everyone from the front desk
to a end procedure,treatment was so nice!
Very knowledgeable the treatment itself
was literally no pain at all I have had
treatments (Botox ) in the past but it was

background image

way more painful.I don't have enough kind
words to say to describe this place
everybody was just amazing. Highly
recommended. Was this review …? I have
a scar and I went here to see what options I
had. It is $100 for a consultation where they
do tests on your skin, however this amount
will be used towards a procedure, if you
choose to have one done. I paid around
375 for Juvederm which is reasonable
since it lasts around 4-5 months, but be
careful it's addictive! Dr Braun is very nice
however does not seem very genuine. The
staff become friendlier as you return for
more visits and spend more money! Was
this review …? There comes a time when
every woman needs to come to terms with
aging. Watching my skin wrinkle easier has
been a horrifying experience, AGING
what I believed in my teens and early 20's.
This is where Dr. Braun comes in. I wanted
all the things injected into my face to STOP
THE WRINKLES. I filled out a form for
things I was interested in (EVERYTHING)
and had a consult with a very attractive

background image

woman with smooth skin (she looks great
so I am on board here). I decided to get
Botox and Juvederm done, and
immediately noticed AMAZING results.
There's a stigma about people getting
botox and fillers; YOU WILL NOT LOOK
OR JOAN RIVERS unless you get super
cray about it. Dr. Braun isn't the kind of guy
who will inject your face with things you
don't need; I wanted to get my lips done
and he was like you don't need it, but
looked at my roommate and told her she
could probably use some. The doctor is
honest with what you need and what you
don't. He know's what he's doing, and he
honestly made my face look 1000000x
better. I coulnd't give this a positive enough
review. This place is super awesome. I'm
going back soon to have the veins in my
face lasered away. I look 24 because of this
place. Miracles. Was this review …? I had
gone there a severals time until one time
when susan braun did my botox treatment
for my forehead. About 3 weeks after that i
could still see the lines and they didnt

background image

disappear! So i called to book an appt with
Dr. Martin Braun(who always did my
treatments). So initially i did 16 units and i
paid a higher price per unit, wheras if you
get 25 units or more you get a better deal.
Anyways i went in and Dr Martin did an
extra 16 units Nd i also got a filler for mu
laugh lines. When i was done i realized that
they should give me the price for 25 units
or more, because it wasnt my fault and Dr
Susan told me 16 units would be enough.
So i mentioned this at the desk when i was
paying and the lady whos in charge named
Rhonda was extremely rude to me and told
me that they're not able to re adjust the
price. So i had a little argument with her out
of frustration and said that this is not
customer friendly, and just paid the regular
price and left. About a week ago i called to
make an appt to see dr braun cuz two big
indents have formed on my forhead now
that botox went away. So the girl booked
me an appt. half an hour later Rhonda
called snd said we dont want you here and
this and that. I gave these people so much
business and refferals. I cant believe they

background image

are this rude. Dont go here, at one point
you will get disappointed. They charge u big
bucks and treat u like S--t. Was this review
…? I have had bad skin pretty much all my
life. Acne, brown spots/freckles, UV
damage, red blotches, dry/oily/combination
skin etc. I have tried many different
products, and even doctor prescribed
products etc. Nothing really made a lasting
difference or created noticeable change. I
even once contemplated taking accutane
(and thank god I didn't - the side effects
sounded awful). I did some online research,
and started to investigate the idea of
microdermabrasion and
photorejuvenation/IPL lazer therapy - and
those treatments seemed to be the answer
to all of my skin woes. Then I did some
research on the various clinics/spas in town
- and the Vancouver Lazer Skin Care
Centre stood out for 2 main reasons: 1)
They have real dermatologists (doctors)
working there. 2) All technicians are
qualified/trained, and extremely polite and
professional. The Vancouver Lazer Skin
Care Centre isn't like some random salon

background image

crap that you can find on Groupon. This is
the real deal, almost a *celebrity* feeling
kind of experience. After a few visits to the
centre, I was totally impressed. So much so
that I decided to write a review. First
impression: all of the staff is absolutely
gorgeous, with gorgeous (but not phoney-
looking) skin, which I took as a good first
sign. The office itself is clean, organized,
and the waiting room even had recent
magazines that you actually want to read
(which I value, I hate Macleans). The
bathrooms are beautiful, clean, have lit
candles and individual hand towels. While
the office looks posh, the prices are very
reasonable - and you can buy treatments in
packages to help you save money. And
because they are treating my FACE, I didn't
want to "cheap out". When it comes to my
face, I want quality care and results. On the
first visit, the staff took detailed
photographs of the condition of my skin (a
real eye opener that was), and I was given
a consultation with the doctor, who
recommend personalized treatments for
me and answered all of my questions. The

background image

IPL lazer and microdermabrasion was one
of the best experiences ever. I started to
see results in about 4 days, and I will be
going back for more treatments. The entire
process was virtually painless (and actually
kinda fun), and I was informed every step of
the way. The equipment used was safe and
clean and I felt very comfortable. I am so
excited to see what can be done - even at
my age (mid-30's. sigh). If you have
struggled with skin issues, or if are looking
a bit "weathered", just do something nice
for yourself. I did, and it is totally worthwhile.
Was this review …? I have been a client
here for years and I would never go
anywhere else for any type of laser. The
most professional (and discreet) clinic staff
I have ever encountered and the clinic itself
is immaculate and clean. Pricey, but I'm not
sure what anyone would expect for such a
specialized service. If you refer a friend,
make sure to tell the friend to tell the staff.
Was this review …? I have no reservations
in recommending Drs. Martin and Susan
Braun and their professional and friendly
staff. I have been a patient of Vancouver

background image

Laser and Skin Care since 2002. The one
thing I was not 100% satisfied with was my
Scuptra treatment. I believe it left bumps
near my cheek bone that look as if they are
bone themselves. Two of three doctors I
have consulted believe that it is the Scuptra
as do I since the bumps appeared soon
after I was treated with the Sculptra. I have
had many other treatments at Vancouver
Laser and Skin Care and am very please
with the treatment and the results. The
doctors and staff are very informative and
will go out of their way to accomodate your
needs and concerns. It lifts my day even if I
pop in to pick up some product. It's one of
my "Happy Places". Luv Luv Luv. Sculptra
bump issues now resolved but at my
expense. Was this review …? I recently
visited VLSC for a consultation. And,
although the staff is friendly and extremely
professional, I feel they lacked sensitivity
with respect to people with skin tones other
than caucasian. I have had lightsheer laser
therapy performed on my skin before (in
other areas). The area I wanted to work on
had medium-fine coarseness of hair, and is

background image

dark enough to be treated by lightsheer -
my skin tone is not dark and there is
enough of a difference for the treatment to
be successful. However, the consultant
categorized me as skin type V and said
they would not be able to treat me with
lightsheer. After I saw the consultant, I did
some research online for what is typically
categorized as skin type V - and the people
in this category are fairly darker than my
skin tone. I almost feel as if she just looked
at me, my ethnicity and automatically
categorized me without taking a closer look
or discussing other options. Textbook
knowledge is great - but you have to have
experience to know what works - and my
prior treatments were 100% successful -
same skin tone, similar hair
type/coarseness, however because they
are not experienced with ethnic skin
variations, I was a little disappointed. I
should add as well, that after the
consultation & doing some research I
discovered that there are other types of
laser that can offer similar (nYag or
Cynosure Elite which has a combo with

background image

nYag), if not better results for ethnic skin
types - it was not mentioned to me at the
time. The only alternative presented was
their other laser treatment option which
would have resulted in routine maintenance
and constantly having to come back. It
would have been nice to hear some of the
other options, even if VLSC was not able to
deliver the service. Was this review …?
Comment from Martin B. of Vancouver
Laser & Skin Care Centre Business Owner
3/7/2012 Hello Cheekie, Thank you for
sharing your concerns with us. At
Vancouver Laser, ensuring our… Hello
Cheekie, Thank you for sharing your
concerns with us. At Vancouver Laser,
ensuring our patients' safety is our number
one priority and since a large portion of our
clientele are skin type 4 & 5, we strive to
give you as much information about
realistic expectations within the
consultation. Our staff are trained to give
you your best options and it sounds like
there was some miscommunication. The
darker one is, the easier you are to burn
with a laser that is attracted to pigment.

background image

Therefore, identifying skin type is important
to ensuring that patients are treated within
safe and appropriate parameters. Skin type
5 is classified as brown to dark brown skin,
typically a South Asian or Indian
background. As you noted, there is quite a
range within that skin type and you needn't
feel that having skin type 5 precludes you
from having safe and effective laser hair
reduction. The next important factor to
consider is the coarseness of the hair.
Finer hairs tend not to respond as well as
coarse hair that is typically found in the
under arms or bikini area. We have full
confidence that we can offer safe &
effective hair reduction for all ethnic
backgrounds, provided the hair is not
blonde or white in which case we will
provide patients with alternate credible
facilities should they wish to pursue
electrolysis, waxing, etc. We are happy to
chat more in depth with you & hope you
know we take your concerns to heart.
Sincerely, Vancouver Laser & Skin Care
Centre Read more From the business At
Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre, Dr.

background image

Braun and Dr. Brock offer a wide variety of
skin care services. Popular treatments
include Botox Cosmetic, injectable fillers,
laser hair … Specialties At Vancouver
Laser & Skin Care Centre, Dr. Braun and
Dr. Brock offer a wide variety of skin care
services. Popular treatments include Botox
Cosmetic, injectable fillers, laser hair
removal, vein treatments, Coolsculpting,
facial rejuvenation, microdermabrasion,
and Thermage. Please visit their website
for a full list of procedures. History
Established in 1996. Cosmetic
enhancement is almost as old as
civilization itself. With the recent fusion of
technology and knowledge, more and more
people are interested in turning on the
power of radiant skin. In response to this
need Dr.Martin Braun and Susan Braun
founded the Vancouver Laser and Skin
Care Centre in 1996. Their designated
cosmetic facility provides a tasteful, unique,
private atmosphere for those seeking
individual cosmetic consultations,
physician-grade skin care products and the
most technologically advanced aesthetic

background image

treatments. Meet the Business Owner Dr.
Martin Braun is one of the most
accomplished and respected cosmetic
rejuvenation physicians practicing in the
Vancouver area. His goal is to help
everyone achieve beautiful skin for life,
beginning at any age. As a pioneer in laser
medicine, Dr. Braun has the distinction of
being the first doctor in Canada to perform
laser hair removal over 12 years ago. He
currently injects more Botox® than any
other practitioner in Canada! After receiving
his M.D. from the University of British
Columbia (UBC) in 1984, Dr. Braun
completed his core surgical training at
Vancouver General Hospital. He
subsequently became certified to practice
both Family and Emergency Medicine. He
worked extensively in both areas for 15
years, but in response to rising demand,
Dr. Braun has devoted his practice
exclusively to cosmetic rejuvenation
procedures at his private medical clinic.
Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre also
recommends Martin B. says, “Dr. Martin
Braun is a cosmetic rejuvenation physician

background image

at Vancouver Laser & Skin Care Centre.”
Skin Care Products Toronto Unlike
traditional skin care products that only treat
problems on the surface of your skin, the
Obagi Skin Health Restoration System
works at the cellular level. The Obagi Skin
Health Restoration System helps to correct
surface discoloration, blemishes, and
stimulate cell renewal to bring back the
glow and softness of healthy, younger-
looking skin. The Obagi Nu-Derm System
incorporates tretinoin therapy with
luxurious, easy-to-use cleansers, toners
and creams to be applied daily. Nu-Derm
System is medically prescribed. Used
faithfully and correctly, the Nu-Derm
System will help to diminish the
appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,
increase smoothness, even color and
firmness, reduce pore size, normalize oil
production, improve elasticity and improve
your skin's overall fitness. Whether your
skin is fair, dark, dry, oily, sensitive, or
anything in between, there is a Nu-Derm
System regiment that is right for you. Obagi
CLENZIderm M.D. System . A three-step

background image

acne treatment with clinically proven
ingredients that penetrate deep into the
skin’s layers to help target acne where it
starts for a clearer, healthier-looking
complexion. Customized to treat a range of
skin types. As a pioneer in skin health, PCA
SKIN® strives to combine aesthetics and
science for healthy, beautiful skin by
continually researching and developing
gentle, yet highly effective formulations.
Their innovative line of skin care products
is clinically tested with patients in their
medical facility in Arizona and is free of any
synthetic colours, fragrances, and alcohol
and designed to deliver results without
irritation. PCA SKIN® is known as the
"originator of advanced blended chemical
peel formulations". They provide medical
clinics and physicians with specially
formulated products to treat skin conditions
such as acne, rosacea, aging, sensitivity,
hyperpigmentation and more. For over 15
years Revision SkinCare has been
providing physicians with the most
advanced skincare resources available.
Revision Skin Care integrates research and

background image

development with state-of-the-art
manufacturing enabling Revision Skincar e
to offer matchless, innovation and product
advancement. Revision products improve
skin tone and texture, reduce the signs of
aging, combat acne, and reduce dark
circles around the eyes. Cleansers,
moisturizers, and sun protection complete
this innovative skin care product line.
Tricomin’s full range of hair care products
are formulated to work together to control
hair loss for both men and women. The
lines uniqueness comes from their Triamino
Copper Complex™, a patented blend of
copper and essential amino acids
established by the brand which has made
the element a gold standard ingredient in
the hair restoration industry. The peptide
blend works to nourish and stimulate the
scalp to extend the activephase of the hair
follicles and speed up healthy hair growth.
Performance Skin Care + Professional
Expertise = The Perfect Combination:
Science-based, high performing ingredients
and an individualized approach? That's
AlumierMD. Partner their effective products

background image

and treatment with the knowledge of a skin
care professional and you've got the
perfect combination. Let AlumierMD and
your skin care professional help you feel
like the best version of yourself! Innovative
Ingredients- AlumierMD uses the highest
grade of ingredients at the correct
percentages proved by clinical studies.
Advanced Delivery Systems- The delivery
system enhances the ingredient either by
keeping it fresh, providing synergy or
increasing absorption. Integrated
Professional Treatments and Home Care-
We seamlessly integrate these 2 entities by
using similar as well as synergistic
ingredients. Science Meets Beauty-
AlumierMD cares about the client
experience from opening the box to
enjoying the results. We create luxuriously
scientific formulations wrapped in beautiful
packaging. Epismooth IngrownOut! is an
easy to use gel that contains a proprietary
blend of lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids.
These active ingredients work to exfoliate
and smooth the skin, while diminishing the
appearance of inflammation caused by

background image

shaving, waxing, laser hair removal, and
electrolysis. This topical solution is perfect
for both women and men - especially men
with thick or curly hair around the jaw line.
IngrownOut! is infused with elegant
moisturizing agents that smooth and
hydrate the skin, while its deep-acting
exfoliators work to free ingrown hairs. It is
gentle enough for use all over the body as
well as before and after hair removal
treatments. A topical gel formulated with
Liquid Silicone, Vitamin C, Emu Oil and
Squalene to help promote the skins natural
healing process and improve the
appearance of scarring. FLAWLESS SKIN
minerals offers a mineral makeup system
uniquely designed for skincare
professionals and their clients. These
award-winning formulations deliver
unsurpassed coverage, UV and
environmental protection and an
exceptional spectrum of mineral pigments.
Talc-free and non-comedogenic, glō
minerals provides the ideal choice for even

background image

the most sensitive skin. Clinically advanced
mineral makeup that's post-procedure
approved to cover, correct and protect.
Skin Care Products Related Information
Welcome to Q Esthetics Laser Clinic At Q
Esthetics Laser Clinic . to ensure the best
results, we exclusively utilize the most
advanced technology and modalities to
provide non-surgical laser treatments in a
professional & ethical environment. For
example, Palomar Starlux is the first IPL
and laser that obtained the FDA's approval
for " Acne Clearing ", and we are one of the
first clinics that use this device, so we have
the greatest number of satisfied patients for
acne treatment in the Greater Toronto
Area. Over the past 14 years, we have
been always looking for newer and better
options to offer our patients. If you have
any skin or cosmetic concerns, we have the
best solutions for you. Having younger and
healthier skin is an on-going commitment.
Should you wish to enhance your
appearance, freshen or rejuvenate your
skin, our medical doctor and highly trained
specialist in cosmetic dermatology will

background image

introduce you to the best treatments and
skin care products . Age Spot Removal
Laser age spots removal is one of the most
common treatments performed at Q
Esthetics.Learn More Laser Scar Removal
We use latest fractional laser to remove
acne scar, surgery scar, burn scar.Learn
More Acne Treatment Nobody has more
satisfactory acne patients than Q Esthetics
in the Greater Toronto Areas.Learn More
Laser Tattoo Removal Cutting edge
technology and most experienced staff
provides you best laser tattoo removal
results.Learn More Mole Removal We
safely remove different types of moles with
less pain and less scarring.Learn More
Laser Hair Removal You deserve a
smoother and more beautiful skin with laser
hair removal by Q Esthetics Laser
Clinics.Learn More Dr. Cheema was very
courteous and considerate and in my
opinion has the perfect qualities of a caring
physician. I would not hesitate to
recommend this practice to anyone seeking
medical help at a walk-in or family practice.
These are what I call true medical

background image

professionals. As a student I came in with
back problems due to some less-than-
beneficial studying positions, but I’ve
considerably improved since then. Great
service, friendly people! Best clinic in
Toronto! A new facility with friendly staff
who are experts at what they do and
they’ve helped me tremendously. I
recommend this place to all my family and
friends who need any sort of treatment. I’ve
never met another set of professionals that
have taken such an interest in my well-
being. Every clinic should strive to emulate
what Cloud Care has done! Cloud Care
Clinics is downtown Toronto’s newest
interdisciplinary medical health practice.
With an emphasis on patient-centered
care, our doctors and therapists draw upon
the various knowledge and strengths of
each of their disciplines, working together
to help patients reach their peak health
potential. 55 Dundas St East, Toronto, ON
M5B 1C6 P: 416-361-6000 | F: 416-361-
6044 | info@cloudcareclinics.ca
http://cloudcare.proitzen.com/ October 29,
2015 (65151) October 29, 2015 (64451)

background image

August 3, 2015 (3256) 55 Dundas St East,
Toronto, ON M5B 1C6 T: 416-361-6000 | F:
416-361-6044 info@cloudcareclinics.ca
http://cloudcare.proitzen.com/ Enter your
email and we'll send you a coupon with
10% off your next visit. Add any text here
Powered By Proitzen, Copyright

Ⓒ 2015

Cloudcareclinics. Skin Care & Esthetics
Specialist School in Toronto Job ready
within months! Small class sizes with
qualified instructors Practical application in
our clinic on real clients Relationship
building with industry partners Program
Objectives We are proud to deliver a well
rounded vocational certificate in Skin Care
at our esthetics school in Toronto. The
program objective is to provide individuals
with both basic and advanced non invasive
cosmetic and skin care theory and practical
techniques. Students will be well versed in
providing basic skin care services such as
facials, specialty skin care treatments, face
and back treatment and electro facials
using electrotherapy modalities. In addition,
students will learn how to perform chemical
peels and microdermabrasion treatments in

background image

a clinical setting. This program provides in
depth and detailed knowledge in client
consultation, health and safety practices
according to Ministry of Health regulations
and protocols, and professionalism in the
workplace. This comprehensive program is
specifically designed for individuals who
wish to begin a career with advanced Skin
Care knowledge along with the practical
and theoretical knowledge surrounding the
services offered in a spa. Students will be
prepared for a career as a Skin Care
Specialist. Career Opportunities The Spa
beauty industry is expanding and expected
to double in revenues over the next 10
years. This unprecedented growth gives
you the opportunity to position yourself in
the heart of this exploding field equipped
with the best training. The successful
graduate will be eligible for employment in
dermatology clinics, skin care clinics, day
spas, wellness centers, destination spas
and more. Program Prerequisites To enroll
in our esthetics school in the Greater
Toronto Area, we require: Personal
interview to determine suitability for the

background image

program Grade 12 graduate or mature
student status (18 years old) with a passing
score on the superintendent approved
entrance test Wonderlic Personnel Test
Treatments – Non Surgical Alternatives to
Cosmetic Surgery At our Dr. Skinlaser
Clinics we offer our patients alternatives to
surgical procedures that are not invasive,
offer more value for money, and carry less
risks than many surgical alternatives. We
can do all sorts of things to your skin to
improve your appearance . Now-a-days,
with modern technology it’s not difficult to
make people who are 50, look 5 or even 10
years younger . I do it every day! The
modern treatments are safe . effective and
often you’ll see the results before you even
walk out of the clinic. The technology has
improved enormously in the last few years
and I’ve kept carefully paced with the
technology; not rushing to the front for the
new stuff, but only going with the stuff that’s
been proven to be stable, safe and good
for the long term. The real secret of good
skin rejuvenation is blending these
processes and knowing how to do it safely

background image

and predictably. Contact our one of our
clinics’ today to schedule an initial
consultation. We will evaluate your needs
and explain our procedure in detail. Make
an Appointment. Skin Care Products Good
skin care is the foundation of maintaining
skin health, preventing premature aging,
shrinking pores, and reducing
hyperpigmentation. Medical-grade skin
care products help our Toronto patients
achieve a more even tone, reduce oil
production, acne, and other inflammatory
lesions, and refine their skin's texture by
increasing exfoliation. The benefits of
exfoliation include a varying degree of
reduction in oil secretion and fresher,
brighter skin. We strongly believe at Visage
Clinic that your skin is the best outfit you
can wear. Find skincare products that
specifically address your needs with the
help of a Royal College-certified plastic
surgeon. Request a consultation online with
Dr. Marc DuPéré, or call our office at (416)
929-9800 . ZO® Skin Health by Zein Obagi
Nearly 3 decades ago, Dr. Zein Obagi
redefined skin care to focus on the

background image

proactive concept of maintaining healthy
skin instead of just treating skin disease.
This new philosophy led to the
development of some of the most widely
recognized skincare products and solutions
recommended by physicians today. Under
the guidance of Dr. Obagi, ZO Skin Health
Inc. introduced its innovative skin health
solutions for daily application in 2007. ZO
Skin Health is a world-class developer of
comprehensive products and specific
regimens that address your unique
skincare goals. This comprehensive array
of products can help you maintain the
results of our skin rejuvenation treatments,
support daily skin health, and protect your
skin from the environment. It is best suited
for both men and women with mildly
damaged skin and to maintain results after
using ZO® Medical products and getting
laser treatments. ZO® Medical by Zein
Obagi Based on new technology, medical
data, and extensive clinical experience, Dr.
Zein's Obagi's company has developed a
new product line, ZO Medical. This
prescription-strength skincare line includes

background image

new protocols to repair damaged and
unhealthy skin, include guidelines to
improve skin quality and optimize
treatments for effective results. These
products are good for all skin types and all
ages. ZO Medical products are optimized to
treat a wide range of skin conditions
including: acne, melasma, sun damage,
age spots, inflammation, rosacea, aging
skin, and discoloration. Forlle'd Forlle'd is a
luxury line of skin care products we offer at
our Toronto clinics that combines cosmetic
and pharmaceutical ingredients to protect
and repair the deeper layers of skin and
provide long-lasting results. We carry both
the elite professional and home care
Forlle'd product lines at our spa so our
patients can follow a customized skin care
regimen between visits to Visage. Because
our patients all have unique skin care
requirements, we offer a menu of Forlle'd
facials and treatments for specific needs,
including: Anti-aging treatments Sensitive
skin treatments Eye treatments Décolleté
treatments We also feature products
specifically designed to meet the skin care

background image

needs of men. SkinMedica® Our complete
menu of skin care products from
SkinMedica includes moisturizers and
serums made using state-of-the-art
formulas to rejuvenate, brighten, and
hydrate your skin. The Lytera® Skin
Brightening System and the TNS™
Essential System are effective at-home
regimens that help protect your skin from
the harsh elements you encounter daily
that cause cumulative damage.
SkinMedica's products are designed to:
SkinMedica products were developed by a
dermatologist and have been popular and
proven effective for nearly 20 years. Using
essential vitamins, amino acids, and
antioxidants, the SkinMedica line provides
you with all the tools necessary to keep
your skin healthy and looking fresh. The
age defense line includes a number of
innovative products that contain retinol, one
of the most powerful anti-aging ingredients
to help give your skin an even texture and
dramatically reduce wrinkles.
Colorescience® Sunforgettable This
mineral-based powder sunscreen contains

background image

micronized minerals that provide full
spectrum UVA and UVB sun protection by
reflecting and refracting light on the surface
of your skin. The powder stays on your skin
even after 90 minutes of swimming. This
product has a 1 percent salicylic acid
formulation that minimizes inflammation
and redness caused by acne and exfoliates
the skin for a smoother look. Sunforgettable
helps maintain the benefits you have
achieved with other laser and light-based
treatments . Sunforgettable is available in 3
formulations: a colourless version and 2
that provide a slight sun-kissed tint to your
skin. The powder comes in a refillable tube
with a retractable brush and is handy to
throw in a purse, briefcase, pocket, beach
bag, or tote bag. Discover The 5 Solution to
a Wrinkle Free Face - ALL EXPOSED
TODAY! Various sources across the
internet have exposed a HUGE celebrity
secret to erase wrinkles - without botox or
surgery! How do Hollywood starlets look so
radiant and youthful well into thier 40's,
50's, and even 60's? Is it always expensive
botox and dangerous plastic surgery?

background image

According to various sources, the answer is
NO! So if they aren't all using surgery to
stay looking great, what is their secret?
Keep reading, it's excitingly effective, safe,
and cheap! A high profile doctor has been
giving advice to clients (rumoured to
include celebrities) to look 10 to 15 years
younger fast, but are scared of the potential
risks of surgery or botox. Many online
sources have expressed suprise over how
shockingly simple, cheap, and effective his
technique was! Read on. “Countless aging
celebs are reported to have admitted they
avoided surgery and look 20 years younger
thanks to the simple advice.” The Best Skin
Solution You’ve Never Heard Of The
wrinkle secret has been reserved for high
paying celebrity clients. until now.
Consumers have reported throwing away
thousands of dollars on expensive anti
aging products or dangerous surgical
procedures that make big promises that
often do far more harm than good. As a
result, a few weeks ago this simple solution
was shared! This anti aging miracle was
reportedly found when multiple celebrity

background image

friends and clients were constantly reaching
out to a high profile doctor hoping for a
solution to look younger to prolong their
career without going in for surgery. The
doctor was reported to have been thrilled
when after months and months of pain
staking tests and research, his team came
across 2 products that when combined
supposedly took 10 to 20 years off
women’s appearance in just a month. More
shockingly it is safe, and costs next to
nothing to try . The two products are
BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
and BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream . “This is
the anti aging miracle of the decade as far
as I'm concerned.” So what is it? 2 Key
Ingredients For Anti Aging: 1. Vitamin C 2.
Hyaluronic Acid These are both natural
ingredients that work together to erase
wrinkles and fine lines at the cellular level –
below the surface of the skin – which is why
they’re so effective. Vitamin C, The
Fountain of Youth: The first piece of the anti
aging puzzle discovered was Vitamin C .
"Vitamin C is the secret to cheat your age”
Vitamin C penetrates deep into damaged

background image

skin and stimulates new collagen – a
protein which makes skin appear plump
and firm. It's all the rage in beauty circles,
much in part because of a 2009 study
stating, applying non-prescription Vitamin C
to your skin caused a large reduction in fine
lines and wrinkles . This is why BELLAVEI
Youth Renew Phytoceramides is so
effective. It was one of the few products on
the market that had Vitamin C in the right
consistency and dosage. Hyaluronic Acid:
He said the second piece, when combined
properly with Vitamin C, can make your
face look two decades younger in weeks!
Hyaluronic Acid works by binding to
moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its
weight in water, making it an excellent
natural skin plumper. Hyaluronic acid helps
your skin repair and regenerate itself after
suffering from dryness, environmental
stresses, or irritation. Products you can buy
over the counter with an effective
concentration of Hyaluronic Acid was found
in BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream. “What
Vitamin C & Hyaluronic Acid do is get rid of
all the old, dead layers of skin and help

background image

your skin generate fresh new ones. Our
tests show that you can erase almost 10 to
20 years off your face in less than 14 days.
But the key is to choose the creams and
serums that contain the highest and purest
quality ingredients, since they’re not all the
same. The only two we found during our
research was BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream. This is what my wife uses. This is
what I recommend to all my celebrity
clients.” "How do I do it?" It's actually very
simple. You simply use both products
before bed. BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream. These two products both contain
high concentrations of pure Vitamin C and
Hyaluronic Acid in just the right
concentrations. His team is also reported to
have discovered that they contain all sorts
of anti-oxidants, an ingredient called
Dermaxyl (also known as facelift in a jar)
and Ester-C (the active anti-aging
compound in Vitamin C). “Getting older is
rough for an actress. I feel like a new
woman!” Put to the Test! As excited as we

background image

were, we wanted to find an example of real
usage of these type of products. We found
one test where a volunteer from the office
was used. A 57 year old mother of 3
jumped at the chance to test this combo
and the results were pulished online. Here
is her story. Brenda's Story & 14 Day Cell
Revival Results: "Brenda is a 57 year old
mother of 3 from here in Chicago. Like
most women her age, the years have
started to give her unwanted lines and
wrinkles. Brenda said she volunteered
because she is so frustrated that nothing
she has tried seems to work. She was even
considered highly risky and very expensive
facelift procedure. This was somewhat of a
last resort for her." Here are the reported
results from the source. Day 1: "After the
first day of using BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream together, I was surprised at how
wonderful they both made my skin feel. It
felt like every last pore on my face was
being tightened and pulled by a gigantic
vacuum cleaner. I don't know how else to
describe it! I could feel a warm tingling

background image

sensation on my cheeks, around my eyes,
and on my forehead. I looked in the mirror
and saw that my face looked a bit rosy - the
result of revitalizing blood rushing to the
surface of my skin to renew my face. After
both products were absorbed into my skin,
my face looked firmer and had a beautiful
glow to it." day 5: The lines, dark spots, and
wrinkles - without question - were visibly
reduced in size right before my eyes! I was
astonished by the results, and literally felt
15 years younger again. It was like
watching all my wrinkles and fine lines
vanish right off!" day 14: "After 14 days, not
only had all my doubts and scepticism
absolutely vanished - SO DID MY
WRINKLES! The lines on my forehead, the
loose, sagging skin on my neck, my crows’
feet – even the age spots on my face had
COMPLETELY disappeared. I've never felt
or seen anything tighten my skin with this
kind of force before, no matter how
expensive the product! After the 2 weeks,
my skin not only stayed that way, it actually
improved every day until it became as
beautiful and radiant as it was 20 years

background image

ago. By this point, all my friends and family
were shocked. They couldn't believe the
difference, and were convinced I was lying
about not getting botox!" The Verdict: Using
the BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream combo, removed virtually 90% of all
her wrinkles and problem areas. It
tightened her face and neck, removing all
signs of sagging, aging, and dehydrated
skin. Will This Work For You? There are
plenty of skincare gimmicks out there, and
most of them are ridiculously expensive.
With so many options it’s only natural for
you to be skeptical about the results, and
so we don't want to promise our readers
anything, we simply want to challenge you
to do what the doctor has recommended:
try it for yourself! Remember, the published
reports suggest you need to use both
BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
and BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream in
combination for best results. For your
convenience, we have provided the links to
the exact products recommended. As of
the writing of this article they are still

background image

offering Free Bottles of both BELLAVEI
Youth Renew Phytoceramides and
BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream with your
orders. Use the links below and you will get
free shipping too! Special Offer Links:
SPECIAL OFFER Step 1: Receive a Free
Bottle Of BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides With Your Order + Free
Shipping Take advantage of our exclusive
link and get your special offer now! This
special may not be available after: Step 2:
Receive A Free Bottle Of BELLAVEI Anti
Aging Cream With Your Order + Free
Shipping Take advantage of our exclusive
link and get your special offer now! This
special may not be available after: “I love
my new skin and I love what I see in the
mirror. I’ve tried dozens of products and
treatments but none worked better than
BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
and BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart!” Before &
After “The only thing is that I wish I could
have watched the show earlier! The results
were so shocking I couldn’t believe it’s my
face. I look 20 years younger and I feel

background image

giddy like a school girl.” “It’s simply
amazing. I can’t believe how quickly I saw
results. Real results! I literally saw results
after the first day. I can’t thank you enough,
I have my youthful face back” (Free bottles
running out fast. Claim now before stock
expires**) Note: Brenda is reported to have
used both BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream to erase her wrinkles, we suggest to
use both products together to get the best
results possible. Update: 6+ Special Offers
Still Available. Promotion May Not Be
Available After: Receive A Free Bottle Of
BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
With Your Order + Free Shipping Take
advantage of our exclusive link and get
your special offer now! This special may not
be available after: Receive A Free Bottle Of
BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream With Your
Order + Free Shipping Take advantage of
our exclusive link and get your special offer
now! This special may not be available

background image

**This page receives compensation for
clicks on or purchase of products featured
on this site. Representations regarding the
efficacy and safety of the products have not
been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. The FDA only evaluates
foods and drugs, not supplements like
these products. These products are not
intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or
cure any disease. “The story depicted on
this site and the person depicted in the
story are not real unless stated otherwise.
Rather, this story is based on the results
that some people who have used these
products have achieved. The results
portrayed in the story and in the comments
are illustrative, and may not be the results
that you achieve with these products. This
page receives compensation for clicks on
or purchase of products featured on this
site.” We are not affiliated in any way with
CNN, WebTV, News Channel 7, ABC,
NBC, MSNBC, USA Today, BBC, 60
Minutes, CBS, U.S. News or FOX. CNN,
WebTV, News Channel 7, ABC, NBC,
MSNBC, USA Today, BBC, 60 Minutes,

background image

CBS, U.S. News and FOX are all registered
trademarks of their respective owners. All
trademarks on this web site whether
registered or not, are the property of their
respective owners. The authors of this web
site are not sponsored by or affiliated with
any of the third-party trade mark or third-
party registered trade mark owners, and
make no representations about them, their
owners, their products or services. WAIT.
Do You Really Want to Miss Out on These
Special Offers. Are you sure you don't want
to take advantage of the BELLAVEI Youth
Renew Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI
Anti Aging Cream Limited Special Offers ?
Don't forget - they may only be available for
today after which you will have to pay full
price. You can give them away if you'd like,
we don't care, as long as you don't miss out
on these great deals! Or give it a shot, like
the celebrities are doing, and transform
your skin. If you are wondering why these
products are available for such a great
price, the simple answer is because the
manufacturers are confident that their
products will help you, and that you will

background image

continue to use their products, and refer
friends and family. Don't miss out on these
great offers! Orlando's Premier
Dermatology Practice At our Orlando
dermatology practice, we treat a variety of
medical conditions that affect the skin, hair
and nails. Our specialists offer cutting-edge
clinical and cosmetic dermatology services.
Aging may be inevitable by nature, but our
physicians, physician assistants, nurse
practitioners and paramedical clinical
aesthetician can keep your skin healthy
and looking great for years to come. In
addition to its clinical and cosmetic
dermatology services, our practice is
committed to providing unsurpassed
Dermatopathology and personalized
services to its patients through its "in-
house" CAP (College of American
Pathologists) or CLIA (Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments) accredited
laboratories. Via 14 convenient locations,
our doctors and staff offer patients access
to the latest and most advanced
dermatologic treatments for surgical and
non-surgical procedures. We are the first

background image

medical center in Central Florida to offer an
alternative to cancer surgery for treating
non-melanoma lesions with low-energy
radiation. This leading edge technology is
non-invasive and during a short treatment
period alters the genetic make-up of the
cells to destroy the skin cancer. It can be
used with excellent cosmetic results on the
arms, legs, back and trunk, but is especially
well suited for skin cancers of the head and
neck regions, the fold around the nose,
eyelids, lips, corner of the mouth, and the
lining of the ear. Our billing specialists work
closely with most major health insurance
companies to help cover your clinical
dermatology costs. In addition, we offer
multiple payment options for procedures
and treatments not covered by insurance.
So, if you're looking for an Orlando
dermatologist or Mohs surgeon, contact our
Orlando dermatology practice at 800-827-
SKIN (7546) or use this website's
convenient form to request an appointment
online. DISCLAIMER: The information
provided by this site is intended solely for
educational purposes. This information is

background image

not to be used for medical diagnostic
purposes and is not intended to serve as a
recommendation for treatment and/or
management of any medical/surgical
condition. Most of all, this information
should not be used in place of a physician
or other qualified health provider. If you
believe you have a medical condition,
please contact your physician immediately.
WELCOME Dr. Surani has a cosy clinic
located in the same building as Glow Spa.
She is very professional and takes all the
time required to diagnose your skin
problems and discuss possible treatments
for you. Although laser hair removal is a
very popular option at any laser clinic, she
also specializes in skin treatments that
rejuvenate the face, and that go far beyond
the results of an ordinary facial. I have had
microdermabrasion and both the IPL
Photofacial and Laser Genesis. These
procedures have an immediate positive
effect that is even better after two or three
procedures. Sue in Leaside IPL
Photofacial, Laser Genesis Dr. Surani is
extremely well qualified and provides

background image

excellent, personalized and effective skin
treatments. I have been impressed with the
reduction in fine lines, redness,
improvement in skin tone and less dry, flaky
patches after facial laser treatments. The
service at this clinic is welcoming and very
professional. I would highly recommend it -
especially for those who are new to laser
treatments and perhaps a bit hesitant. Dr.
Surani will make you feel at home and
comfortable as you experience the benefits
of cutting edge skin treatments. Maureen
Smith, Dr. Surani is very professional and is
a pleasure to work with. I am very pleased
with the results I have had on both hair
removal and laser genesis. The Surani
Clinic has lots of anti-aging, rosesea and
hair removal options and the experience is
personal and enjoyable. Sam J, For years I
agonized with my facial hair growth
problem. I went for regular waxing,
electrolysis and threading. NOTHING
HELPED and I ended up spending a lot of
money with no results. I was so reluctant to
do laser hair removal. When I met Surani
she advised me to do laser hair removal as

background image

it will also help with ingrown hairs, I trusted
her and agreed. That was the best bold
move from my part to be forever free of
facial hair for many years now. Surani
handled my face with utmost care and
Surani analyzed my skin and did a
thorough examination of my face and hair.
She has quite a number of lasers for hair
removal and she used CoolGlide laser on
me for it was the best laser for ethnic skin.
She was gentle and cautious. Whenever I
am in her clinic I get pampered with tender
care. I had great results. I am truly grateful
for Surani’s service and I would
recommend Surani’s service to anyone
who is hesitating to do a laser treatment. It
was painless and it forever liberated me.
Mira Mm, Put simply, Dr. Surani is amazing!
She is extremely knowledgeable and
experienced in what she does, and she
always takes great care with her clients to
ensure that everyone receives the best
treatment possible. She offers a myriad of
services and I've been delighted with every
treatment I've received from her. She
analyzes your skin health quickly and

background image

understands what you need to maintain a
healthy radiance. She kindly goes and
gives beyond what you'd receive from any
other spa or aesthetician. Having visited
other skin treatment clinics in the past and
having had a range of experiences at each
of them, I am so grateful that I found Dr.
Surani. Her quality of work and her kind
manner is nonpareil. more lessness, We
are conveniently located: 1675 Bayview
Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4G 3C1
Welcome to SKIN MED Founded in 2005,
SKIN MED Laser Clinic is dedicated to
restore health and natural beauty to your
skin. Using only FDA or Health Canada
approved technologies, we specialize in
treating brown spots, wrinkles, sagging
skin, facial contouring, acne & scars,
rosacea & facial capillaries, body shaping
and unwanted hair. Dr. Benjamin Choy. Dr.
Godwin Tang. Dr. Maxine Wong and our
team of knowledgeable medical aesthetic
staff will analyze your individual skin
condition and offer you the most effective
and safest skin care solutions that will not
only improve your appearance but also

background image

boost your confidence to present your very
best to the world. SKIN MED Laser Clinic
has been in business since 2005. Please
be aware that our establishment and
location at 9019 Bayview Ave. Unit 5-6,
Richmond Hill is one of a kind, and
unaffiliated with any other establishment
with similar name. Thank you. Toronto
Cosmetic Clinic, Specializing In Plastic
Cosmetic Surgery Why Choose Toronto
Cosmetic Clinic for Plastic Surgery When
selecting a cosmetic clinic, we know that
achieving the ultimate aesthetic result, as
well as the relative comfort and safety of
the procedures, are key areas of
importance for our clients. With more than
two decades of experience, Toronto
Cosmetic Clinic has built a solid reputation
as one of the leading clinics in North
America, thanks to our constant focus on
these key areas. Our plastic surgeon.
cosmetic gynecologist. and facial plastic
surgeon all help to shape Toronto Cosmetic
Clinic’s unique identity. We do not have
any “general surgeons” at our clinic.
Instead, our doctors are highly trained and

background image

experienced specialists in their selected
fields, who focus exclusively on very
specific areas of plastic & cosmetic
surgery.This ensures you get the most
superior care and results. Our plastic
surgeon concentrates on all aspects of
body contouring while our facial plastic
surgeon specializes in the aesthetic
appearance of the face, ears and neck.
Last but not least, our cosmetic
gynecologist is a certified OBGYN who is
also a highly specialized vaginoplasty and
labiaplasty surgeon. We know that
information is pertinent for you when
choosing a clinic or surgeon, which is why
we do not charge for consultations or
assessments. We also feel that everyone
should have a free option to first meet their
surgeon before Experiencing the Beauty of
Change™ . We have tried to put as much
information as possible about TCC on this
site. But if you’d like to find out more about
us, simply contact us, or drop by our
elegant, accredited facility, in Toronto. Our
friendly staff will be more than happy to
answer any questions or concerns you may

background image

have. Discover The 5 Solution to a Wrinkle
Various sources across the internet have
exposed a HUGE celebrity secret to erase
wrinkles - without botox or surgery! How do
Hollywood starlets look so radiant and
youthful well into thier 40's, 50's, and even
60's? Is it always expensive botox and
dangerous plastic surgery? According to
various sources, the answer is NO! So if
they aren't all using surgery to stay looking
great, what is their secret? Keep reading,
it's excitingly effective, safe, and cheap! A
high profile doctor has been giving advice
to clients (rumoured to include celebrities)
to look 10 to 15 years younger fast, but are
scared of the potential risks of surgery or
botox. Many online sources have
expressed suprise over how shockingly
simple, cheap, and effective his technique
was! Read on. “Countless aging celebs are
reported to have admitted they avoided
surgery and look 20 years younger thanks
to the simple advice.” The Best Skin
Solution You’ve Never Heard Of The
wrinkle secret has been reserved for high

background image

paying celebrity clients. until now.
Consumers have reported throwing away
thousands of dollars on expensive anti
aging products or dangerous surgical
procedures that make big promises that
often do far more harm than good. As a
result, a few weeks ago this simple solution
was shared! This anti aging miracle was
reportedly found when multiple celebrity
friends and clients were constantly reaching
out to a high profile doctor hoping for a
solution to look younger to prolong their
career without going in for surgery. The
doctor was reported to have been thrilled
when after months and months of pain
staking tests and research, his team came
across 2 products that when combined
supposedly took 10 to 20 years off
women’s appearance in just a month. More
shockingly it is safe, and costs next to
nothing to try . The two products are
BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
and BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream . “This is
the anti aging miracle of the decade as far
as I'm concerned.” So what is it? 2 Key
Ingredients For Anti Aging: 1. Vitamin C 2.

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Hyaluronic Acid These are both natural
ingredients that work together to erase
wrinkles and fine lines at the cellular level –
below the surface of the skin – which is why
they’re so effective. Vitamin C, The
Fountain of Youth: The first piece of the anti
aging puzzle discovered was Vitamin C .
"Vitamin C is the secret to cheat your age”
Vitamin C penetrates deep into damaged
skin and stimulates new collagen – a
protein which makes skin appear plump
and firm. It's all the rage in beauty circles,
much in part because of a 2009 study
stating, applying non-prescription Vitamin C
to your skin caused a large reduction in fine
lines and wrinkles . This is why BELLAVEI
Youth Renew Phytoceramides is so
effective. It was one of the few products on
the market that had Vitamin C in the right
consistency and dosage. Hyaluronic Acid:
He said the second piece, when combined
properly with Vitamin C, can make your
face look two decades younger in weeks!
Hyaluronic Acid works by binding to
moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its
weight in water, making it an excellent

background image

natural skin plumper. Hyaluronic acid helps
your skin repair and regenerate itself after
suffering from dryness, environmental
stresses, or irritation. Products you can buy
over the counter with an effective
concentration of Hyaluronic Acid was found
in BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream. “What
Vitamin C & Hyaluronic Acid do is get rid of
all the old, dead layers of skin and help
your skin generate fresh new ones. Our
tests show that you can erase almost 10 to
20 years off your face in less than 14 days.
But the key is to choose the creams and
serums that contain the highest and purest
quality ingredients, since they’re not all the
same. The only two we found during our
research was BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream. This is what my wife uses. This is
what I recommend to all my celebrity
clients.” "How do I do it?" It's actually very
simple. You simply use both products
before bed. BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream. These two products both contain
high concentrations of pure Vitamin C and

background image

Hyaluronic Acid in just the right
concentrations. His team is also reported to
have discovered that they contain all sorts
of anti-oxidants, an ingredient called
Dermaxyl (also known as facelift in a jar)
and Ester-C (the active anti-aging
compound in Vitamin C). “Getting older is
rough for an actress. I feel like a new
woman!” Put to the Test! As excited as we
were, we wanted to find an example of real
usage of these type of products. We found
one test where a volunteer from the office
was used. A 57 year old mother of 3
jumped at the chance to test this combo
and the results were pulished online. Here
is her story. Brenda's Story & 14 Day Cell
Revival Results: "Brenda is a 57 year old
mother of 3 from here in Chicago. Like
most women her age, the years have
started to give her unwanted lines and
wrinkles. Brenda said she volunteered
because she is so frustrated that nothing
she has tried seems to work. She was even
considered highly risky and very expensive
facelift procedure. This was somewhat of a
last resort for her." Here are the reported

background image

results from the source. Day 1: "After the
first day of using BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream together, I was surprised at how
wonderful they both made my skin feel. It
felt like every last pore on my face was
being tightened and pulled by a gigantic
vacuum cleaner. I don't know how else to
describe it! I could feel a warm tingling
sensation on my cheeks, around my eyes,
and on my forehead. I looked in the mirror
and saw that my face looked a bit rosy - the
result of revitalizing blood rushing to the
surface of my skin to renew my face. After
both products were absorbed into my skin,
my face looked firmer and had a beautiful
glow to it." day 5: The lines, dark spots, and
wrinkles - without question - were visibly
reduced in size right before my eyes! I was
astonished by the results, and literally felt
15 years younger again. It was like
watching all my wrinkles and fine lines
vanish right off!" day 14: "After 14 days, not
only had all my doubts and scepticism
absolutely vanished - SO DID MY
WRINKLES! The lines on my forehead, the

background image

loose, sagging skin on my neck, my crows’
feet – even the age spots on my face had
COMPLETELY disappeared. I've never felt
or seen anything tighten my skin with this
kind of force before, no matter how
expensive the product! After the 2 weeks,
my skin not only stayed that way, it actually
improved every day until it became as
beautiful and radiant as it was 20 years
ago. By this point, all my friends and family
were shocked. They couldn't believe the
difference, and were convinced I was lying
about not getting botox!" The Verdict: Using
the BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream combo, removed virtually 90% of all
her wrinkles and problem areas. It
tightened her face and neck, removing all
signs of sagging, aging, and dehydrated
skin. Will This Work For You? There are
plenty of skincare gimmicks out there, and
most of them are ridiculously expensive.
With so many options it’s only natural for
you to be skeptical about the results, and
so we don't want to promise our readers
anything, we simply want to challenge you

background image

to do what the doctor has recommended:
try it for yourself! Remember, the published
reports suggest you need to use both
BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
and BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream in
combination for best results. For your
convenience, we have provided the links to
the exact products recommended. As of
the writing of this article they are still
offering Free Bottles of both BELLAVEI
Youth Renew Phytoceramides and
BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream with your
orders. Use the links below and you will get
free shipping too! Special Offer Links:
SPECIAL OFFER Step 1: Receive a Free
Bottle Of BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides With Your Order + Free
Shipping Take advantage of our exclusive
link and get your special offer now! This
special may not be available after: Step 2:
Receive A Free Bottle Of BELLAVEI Anti
Aging Cream With Your Order + Free
Shipping Take advantage of our exclusive
link and get your special offer now! This
special may not be available after: “I love
my new skin and I love what I see in the

background image

mirror. I’ve tried dozens of products and
treatments but none worked better than
BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
and BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart!” Before &
After “The only thing is that I wish I could
have watched the show earlier! The results
were so shocking I couldn’t believe it’s my
face. I look 20 years younger and I feel
giddy like a school girl.” “It’s simply
amazing. I can’t believe how quickly I saw
results. Real results! I literally saw results
after the first day. I can’t thank you enough,
I have my youthful face back” (Free bottles
running out fast. Claim now before stock
expires**) Note: Brenda is reported to have
used both BELLAVEI Youth Renew
Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI Anti Aging
Cream to erase her wrinkles, we suggest to
use both products together to get the best
results possible. Update: 6+ Special Offers
Still Available. Promotion May Not Be
Available After: Receive A Free Bottle Of
BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
With Your Order + Free Shipping Take
advantage of our exclusive link and get

background image

your special offer now! This special may not
be available after: Receive A Free Bottle Of
BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream With Your
Order + Free Shipping Take advantage of
our exclusive link and get your special offer
now! This special may not be available
**This page receives compensation for
clicks on or purchase of products featured
on this site. Representations regarding the
efficacy and safety of the products have not
been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. The FDA only evaluates
foods and drugs, not supplements like
these products. These products are not
intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or
cure any disease. “The story depicted on
this site and the person depicted in the
story are not real unless stated otherwise.
Rather, this story is based on the results
that some people who have used these
products have achieved. The results
portrayed in the story and in the comments
are illustrative, and may not be the results

background image

that you achieve with these products. This
page receives compensation for clicks on
or purchase of products featured on this
site.” We are not affiliated in any way with
CNN, WebTV, News Channel 7, ABC,
NBC, MSNBC, USA Today, BBC, 60
Minutes, CBS, U.S. News or FOX. CNN,
WebTV, News Channel 7, ABC, NBC,
MSNBC, USA Today, BBC, 60 Minutes,
CBS, U.S. News and FOX are all registered
trademarks of their respective owners. All
trademarks on this web site whether
registered or not, are the property of their
respective owners. The authors of this web
site are not sponsored by or affiliated with
any of the third-party trade mark or third-
party registered trade mark owners, and
make no representations about them, their
owners, their products or services. WAIT.
Do You Really Want to Miss Out on These
Special Offers. Are you sure you don't want
to take advantage of the BELLAVEI Youth
Renew Phytoceramides and BELLAVEI
Anti Aging Cream Limited Special Offers ?
Don't forget - they may only be available for
today after which you will have to pay full

background image

price. You can give them away if you'd like,
we don't care, as long as you don't miss out
on these great deals! Or give it a shot, like
the celebrities are doing, and transform
your skin. If you are wondering why these
products are available for such a great
price, the simple answer is because the
manufacturers are confident that their
products will help you, and that you will
continue to use their products, and refer
friends and family. Don't miss out on these
great offers! DR. HUGH A. MCLEAN Dr.
Hugh A. McLean is a plastic surgeon
specializing in aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery,
with a private practice in Mississauga,
Ontario. Because cosmetic surgery
improves a person's physical appearance
and self-esteem, Dr. McLean's philosophy
defines plastic surgery as a creative
science requiring an understanding of
people's concerns in order to deal with their
physical imperfections. AVENUE SKIN
CARE Promotion!- 40% Off Laser Acne
Treatment. Visit Fees & Financing for more
details. Achieve a clear complexion with the
most effective laser acne treatments. Acne

background image

vulgaris, commonly known as acne, affects
people of all ages. Those living with severe
acne or acne scarring can suffer profound
social anxiety, depression, and social
isolation. For men and women seeking
acne treatment in Toronto,
NewDermaMed’s team of highly skilled and
compassionate professionals can find the
right treatment and aftercare regiments for
your needs. CAUSES OF ACNE Acne is
caused by a build up of dirt, oil, bacteria
and other substances such as dead skin
cells, within the pores of the skin. Some
people are more susceptible to acne than
others. Those who have naturally oily skin,
larger pores, or have greater exposure to
acne causing bacteria, are more likely to
suffer from acne. Some acne is also
caused by hormonal changes such as
puberty, pregnancy, menopause and
hormonal birth control. People who have
food sensitivities may even suffer from
acne as a reaction to certain foods. TYPES
OF ACNE There are several different types
of acne. Our clinic in Toronto treats the
most common forms, including:

background image

Comedones - This milder form of acne
presents as blackheads and whiteheads,
usually on the face. Pustules - Moderate,
pus-filled acne is caused when a pore
becomes clogged and infected with
bacteria, dead cells and a surplus of the
oils normally produced by your skin. It
appears on the face, arms, neck, back and
legs. Papules - Another moderate form of
acne. Raised, red papules are caused by
pores clogged with oils or bacteria, which
become inflamed. Like pustules, they can
appear on various bodily areas, but they do
not contain pus. Cysts or nodules - The
most severe form of acne, sometimes
develops when papules or pustules
become aggravated. These large, soft,
sub-surface lesions can also be painful. If
hard discs also appear beneath the skin,
nodulocycstic acne occurs. This in turn
increases the level of pain and the risk of
scarring. If you are living with one or
several of these acne conditions,
NewDermaMed’s acne removal treatments
is right for you. It is important to refrain from
trying to scratch, squeeze, or ‘pop’ your

background image

acne – this might worsen the infection and
produce scarring. It is also important to
remember that acne often isn’t one’s ‘fault,’
as it’s usually a genetic condition. You
deserve professional treatment to regain
your confidence and be your best self.
NewDermaMed team of medical
professionals uses the safest and most
innovative technology customized for each
client’s needs. For our acne removal
treatments we use Nd:YAG Laser and
intense pulsed light (IPL) technologies.
These versatile tools are specifically
designed to treat several forms of severe
acne for a variety of skin types. The laser
emits a wavelength that penetrates through
the skin and is concentrated within the
overactive sebaceous (oil) glands; the root
cause of acne. The heating of the
sebaceous glands causes a mild thermal
exertion that changes the activity and
function of the glands, leading to prolonged
reduction in acne breakouts. In addition to
reducing the activity of the gland, the laser
kills the acne causing bacteria under the

background image

skin. It has proven to be extremely effective
in rapidly bringing the inflammatory lesions
of acne under control, often irresponsive to
other acne therapies. In addition to the anti-
inflammatory action, the laser inactivates
the acne forming bacteria. Furthermore,
since it targets the blood vessels, it
effectively reduces the appearance of
chronic red blemishes and red acne scars.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is ideal for
destorying acne bacteria for rapid
clearance of current acne breakouts. At
NewDermaMed, we use a combination of
Intense Pulse Light and pore-centered
suction to clear out and shrink clogged
pores. With absolutely no pain and
downtime, you will be able to resume to
your regular activities. LASER ACNE
visibile improvement of skin texture and
tone after your initial treatment. Your skin
will become more clear and softer, and
blemishes will fade and disappear,
revealing your natural, radiant skin. To help
retain your new, acne free skin and prevent
the recurrence of blemishes, our medical

background image

professional will review post-treatment and
long term skin care regimen. SCHEDULE
consultation and learn more about Laser
acne therapy, or to schedule an
appointment, CONTACT NewDermaMed
today . New DermaMed Laser skin care
provides laser skin care, laser acne
treatment, laser scar treatment, Botox,
Juvaderm injections, laser hair removal and
more laser skin care treatments to clients in
Toronto, downtown Toronto, Mississauga,
Oakville, Brampton, Ajax, Pickering, York,
North York, Scarborough, Richmond Hill,
Woodbridge, Etobicoke, Newmarket and
Midtown Toronto. Copyright © 2016
Newdermamedlaserclinic.com. All rights
reserved. SpaMedica’s Cosmetic
Dermatology Clinic in Toronto is a one-of-a-
kind facility that combines some of the best
cosmetic dermatologists with a high tech
laser skin care facility. SpaMedica has the
most advanced, safe and effective laser
skin care technologies available in the
world. Our skilled Cosmetic Dermatologists

background image

have been in practice for over 20 years,
have treated thousands of Toronto
cosmetic dermatology patients and are
regarded as some of Canada’s finest laser
skin care and dermatological specialists.
Dr. Mulholland and the laser cosmetic
dermatologists at SpaMedica have
innovated and pioneered treatments for
Mole Removal, Blood Vessel Removal,
Birthmark Removal, Rosacea, Brown Spot
Removal, Wrinkle Reduction and Tattoo
Removal. SpaMedica’s Cosmetic
Dermatology Clinic offers various
wavelengths of pigment removal lasers that
achieve the best results. SpaMedica is
dedicated to providing our cosmetic
dermatology patients with the highest level
of aesthetic skin care, as well as the most
advanced and effective technology and
laser skin solutions to achieve beautiful,
attractive skin. There are many types of
skin care concerns that can be treated by
SpaMedica cosmetic dermatologists with
many laser and other high tech treatment
options available to our physicians.
Powered by Cincopa Video Hosting.

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Because all of our highly trained
dermatologists have over 10 years of
private laser expertise at the nationally
renowned SpaMedica, the largest private
laser centre in Canada, their technical skills
and technology solutions for your cosmetic
dermatology concerns are second to none.
These dermatologists have been in
practice for over 20 years, have treated
thousands of patients and are regarded as
some of Canada’s finest laser skin care
and dermatologic specialists. If you’re
looking for more information about
cosmetic dermatology or any other
cosmetic or surgical procedure you can
continue browsing our website to learn
more. If you have any questions regarding
your face and body treatment options, don’t
hesitate to call us to schedule an
appointment. Our SpaMedica Toronto
office can be reached at 877-712-8367 .
Alternatively, you can book a consultation
online. According to the American
Academy of Dermatology and the
Canadian Association of Dermatologists,
some of the most common aesthetic

background image

concerns for the skin include pores,
sebaceous glands, wrinkles, texture, acne
scars, laxity, red discoloration, brown
discoloration, melasma and acne form
eruptions. So if you’ve been frustrated by
your superficial skin care concerns and are
seeking high quality, reputable and
experienced cosmetic laser dermatologists
then you should have a thorough
consultation with the SpaMedica
dermatologists where a full evaluation and
treatment program customized to your
individual skin needs will be provided. What
is a Toronto Cosmetic Dermatologist? A
Cosmetic Dermatologist is a Board
Certified Dermatologist who is focused on
the treatment of cosmetic issues affecting
the skin. Toronto cosmetic dermatology
patients will seek out those dermatologists
with expertise and experience in treating
cosmetic dermatologic conditions. At
SpaMedica we have always boasted some
of Toronto’s best-trained, recognized,
experienced and talented cosmetic
dermatologists. All SpaMedica cosmetic
dermatologists are leaders in Canada in

background image

the treatment of laser dermatology,
cosmetic dermatologic surgery and the
aesthetic improvement of the skin.
SpaMedica cosmetic dermatologists
include Dr. Paul Cohen. Dr. Ingrid Jarvis.
and Dr. Michael Davis . What Skin
Conditions Do the SpaMedica Toronto
Cosmetic Dermatologists Treat? The
cosmetic dermatologists at SpaMedica
treat a variety of cosmetically concerning
skin conditions. SpaMedica has a
reputation of having Toronto’s best
cosmetic dermatologists which results in
Toronto cosmetic dermatology patients
seeking out their expertise and services.
One can classify the cosmetic dermatology
treatments offered at SpaMedica by the
cause of the condition, or by the treatment
modality used to treat the condition. Below
are a number of commonly presenting
concerns of Toronto Cosmetic Dermatology
patients. How to Treat Red, Vascular
Discoloration and Spider Vein Disorders?
Some of the many conditions treated by the
SpaMedica’s cosmetic dermatologists
include red discoloration of the skin,

background image

including small red and blue spider veins
and blood vessels, rosacea, erythema and
flushing. These are generalized
inflammatory conditions that lead to dilation
of blood vessels and redness, skin
sensitivity and even Acne eruptions. These
red discolourations and disorders of the
skin include rosacea and rosacea-like
illnesses and can be treated with a variety
of topical prescribed skin products, oral
medications, or, most popularly, laser and
light devices. SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatologists have the luxury of treating
their patients in Canada’s largest private
laser centre, which includes multiple
Intense Pulsed Light devices such as the
Cynosure Max G, the Sciton BBL, the
Inmode Lumecca, the Lumenis Quantum
and VascuLight and the Syneron Candela
E Plus SRA. In addition, SpaMedica
Cosmetic Dermatologists can also use the
following lasers for blood vessels and red
color correction, including the Syneron
Candela Gentle Max Pro 1064 nm NdYAG
laser and the Cynosure Elite 1064nm
NdYAG laser, the Dornier 940nm diode as

background image

well as the two best Pulsed Dye lasers in
the world, the Syneron Candela V Beam
Profecta and the Cynosure Cynergy which
includes both the NdYAG 1064nm and
Pulsed Dye in the same multiplexed pulse
form. With all these vascular lasers at their
disposal, it is no surprise that Toronto
Cosmetic Dermatology patients suffering
from red and vascular disorders of the skin
have tremendous success at SpaMedica
eradicating and controlling the blood
vessels, spider veins and red discoloration.
For more information review the rosacea
page. Figure 1. Rosacea patient before and
afters. Toronto rosacea patients can be
treated by a SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatologist with a wide range of different
and effective SpaMedica vascular, spider
vein and rosacea lasers. Figure 2. Spider
vein patient before and after treatment by a
SpaMedica Cosmetic Dermatology
vascular laser. How to Treat Brown
Discoloration, Sun Damage and Brown
Pigment Disorders? The SpaMedica
dermatologists are experts at treating
brown spots, brown discolouration, photo-

background image

aging (UV light damage),
hyperpigmentation and Dyschromia caused
by sun damage. There are many reasons
and etiologies for unsightly brown spots
including age, sun exposure and the
genetic risks of Melasma and
hyperpigmentation. The expert SpaMedica
Toronto Cosmetic dermatology team uses
a variety of topical skin treatments and
medically prescribed bleaching agents, as
well as state of the art laser and energy
devices, such as intense pulse light or IPL
Photofacials, including three of the world’s
leading IPL Photofacial systems, the Max
G, the Sciton BBL and the Lumecca from
Inmode. In addition, the 755nm Alexandrite
lasers are very good at removing brown
spots, such as the Syneron Canadela
GentleLaze Alexandrite, the Cynosure
755nm Accolade, the Cynosure Elite
755nm Alexandrite and the Nanosecond
King the Revlite and the new Picosecond
laser devices, such as the Picosure and
PicoWay lasers. For more information on
treatment of brown discoloration, click on
the brown spot removal page and sun

background image

damage page. Figure 3. Brown spot and
sun spot patient before and after. Toronto
brown spot, sun damage and
hyperpigmented patients can be treated by
one or more of the SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatology top of the line brown spot and
sun damage lasers. SpaMedica Toronto
Cosmetic Dermatologists are also experts
in treating melasma, a precarious and
potentially treacherous brown pigment
disorder of the skin, which is part
hereditary, hormonal and UV light
exposure. Melasma is tricky, as traditional
brown pigment heating lasers and IPLs or
chemical peels will only stimulate the
melasma to be worse. By using a
combination of dermatology skin care and
then the new picosecond lasers, which
work more through a photo-acoustic not
thermal mechanism, Toronto cosmetic
Dermatology patients suffering from
melasma have a tremendous chance to
reduce and control the pigment by seeing
the SpaMedica Cosmetic Dermatology
team. Figure 4. Melasma patients before
and after. Toronto melisma patients, brown

background image

discoloration and hyperpigmentation
patients can have their stubborn deep
dermal melasma treated by the SpaMedica
Cosmetic Dermatology cutting edge
picosecond lasers, the PicoSure and the
PicoWay. How to Treat Wrinkles, Furrows,
Folds and Lines? SpaMedica cosmetic
dermatologists are experts at treating
unwanted lines, folds and wrinkles. The
techniques and strategies to treat
unwanted lines, folds and wrinkles include
the use of fractional Fraxel CO2 and
Radiofrequency (RF) like ablative lasers,
such as the Cynosure SmartSkin CO2, The
Syneron CORE CO2 and fractional radio
frequency devices, such as the Invasix
Fractora, Intracell, Infini and the Syneron
ematrix, as well as integration with strategic
use of Botox and soft tissue fillers. The
SpaMedica cosmetic Dermatologists can
also use non ablative fractional lasers and
RF devices, such as the Palomar 1540nm
non ablative laser, the Cynosure 1440nm
and 1320nm fractional non-ablative laser,
or non ablative RF devices such the
Syneron Ematrix, Affini, or IntraCell devices

background image

to reduce wrinkles gradually with very little
downtime (CO2 and RF ablative lasers can
get a better result but come with down
time). In addition, the use of the Enerjet, a
propulsive technology that propels soft
tissue fillers superficially within the skin
itself allows for greater finesse in treating
fine and deep lines and wrinkles. Figure 5.
Wrinkles patients before and afters.
Toronto Wrinkle patients can have their fine
and deep skin wrinkles treated by the
SpaMedica Cosmetic Dermatologists with
one of the many fractional ablative
(downtime) resurfacing lasers such as the
Fraxel like SmartSkin CO2 or the CORE
CO2, as well as Fractional RF resurfacing
devices such as the Fractora, Ematrix,
Intracel, Infini devices. Find out more
information on the wrinkle treatments page.
How to Treat Enlarged Pores and Skin
Texture Irregularities? The SpaMedica
cosmetic dermatologists can effectively
treat enlarged pores with the use of
advanced fractional lasers and radio
frequency (RF) devices and modern laser
and energy treatment devices. The

background image

fractional non ablative laser and RF
devices, such as the Palomar 1540nm,
Cynosure 1440nm-1320nm, the Syneron
Ematrix, the Invasix Fractora and Intracel
and Infini, non ablative RF bulk heating with
devices such as the Venus Freeze, Exilis
and Forma heat and tighten porous skin,
which Enerjet can propel fillers into
enlarged pores to reduce them. Figure 6.
Enlarged pore (macro pore) patients before
and afters. Toronto enlarged pore and
texture challenged patients can have their
large pores and textural irregularities
treated by the SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatologists with one of the many
fractional ablative (downtime) resurfacing
lasers such as the “Fraxel like” Cynosure
Smartskin CO2 or the Syneron Core CO2,
as well as Fractional RF resurfacing
devices such as the Invasix Fractora,
Syneron ematrix, Intracel and Infini devices
that work nicely on unwanted enlarged
pores and poor skin texture. How to Treat
Stretch Marks? Stretch marks represent
over distended and tensile loaded skin with
microfractures and collagen fractures (like

background image

stretching an elastic band), leading to
white, silvery stretch marks or red
discolored stretch marks that can be
aesthetically unattractive. Fresh stretch
marks can appear red, while white stretch
marks can appear silvery and white.
Toronto Stretch mark patients can develop
stretch marks as a result of growth, weight
loss/weight gain or childbearing.
SpaMedica cosmetic dermatologists have a
variety of excellent ways to treat stretch
marks, first by turning them white if they are
red with a whole host of red treatment
lasers (outlined above) and then, when the
stretch marks are white and hypotrophic
(spread apart and slivery), treatment with a
whole array of new technologies like the
EnerJet, fractional ablative and non-
ablative lasers (outline above) and
fractional radio frequency devices and
under the skin heating systems. For more
information, visit the stretch mark reduction
page. Figure 7. Stretch Mark patient before
and afters. Toronto Stretch Mark patients
can have their unsightly stretch marks
treated by the SpaMedica Cosmetic

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Dermatologists with the Core CO2, as well
as Fractional RF resurfacing devices such
as the Fractora, Intracel, ematri or Infini
devices that work nicely on unwanted
stretch marks present anywhere on the
body. Enerjet propulsion, “needleless” filler
and non ablative RF devices. How to Treat
Scars? Toronto Cosmetic Dermatology
patients often present with unattractive
scars, which can be hypertrophic
(enlarged), red or raised in nature, keloidal
or flat white and spread apart (hypotrophic).
Acne scars, traumatic scars and
inflammatory scars can all be treated
expertly by the SpaMedica cosmetic
dermatologists. Cosmetic dermatologists at
SpaMedica are experts in the use red color
correction pulsed dyes lasers and IPL light
device and soft tissue fillers under or within
scars. The use of energy devices such as
the EnerJet or fractional radio frequency
and laser ablative and non-ablative devices
outlined above can all be used alone or in
combination to improve the appearance of
unwanted scar tissue. For more
information, visit the scar reduction

background image

treatments page. Figure 8. Scar patient
before and afters. Toronto scar patients
can have their unsightly scars treated by
the SpaMedica Cosmetic Dermatologists
with the Cynosure “Smart Skin” and the
Syneron Core CO2 “Fraxel like” resurfacing
lasers, as well as Fractional RF resurfacing
devices such as the Fractora, Intracel,
ematrix and Infini devices that work nicely
on unwanted scars present anywhere on
the body. The redness in the scar can be
removed by one of the may SpaMedica
Vascular lasers and IPL systems, such as
the Profecta V Beam Pulsed Dye laser, the
Cynergy Pulsed Dye and NdYAG
combination laser, the GentleMax Pro
NdYAG, the Elite NdYAG and the IPL
devices such as the Max G, the BBL and
the Lummecca. How to Treat Acne and
Acne Scars? The SpaMedica cosmetic
dermatologists are experts in the treatment
of both acute acne, either adolescent or
adult onset and the skin that can result
from inflammatory acne, including Acne
Scars, depressed cysts, hyperpigmented
acne scars and skin irregularities. The

background image

intense pulse light photofacial is another
redness color disordered lasers and energy
devices, or the Pulsed Dye laser that is
combined with fractional laser and radio
frequency devices that can make
tremendous improvements in the
appearance and reduction of acne. The red
and brown color at the base of the scar can
be reduced and the scars smoothened and
reduced. Blue light combined with a
photodynamic topical chemical called ALA
(aminoleveulinc acid) can be very effective,
especially when combined with stratum
corneum reduction peels. Medically
prescribed oral and topical acne
medications and skin care is often used in
combination with the laser and energy
devices. Your SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatologist will put together the most
effective acne treatment program for your
skin. For more information, visit the acne
scar reduction page. Figure 9. Acne Scar
patient before and afters. Toronto acne and
acne scar patients can have their unsightly
scars treated by the SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatologists with one of the many

background image

fractional ablative CO2 resurfacing lasers,
such as the Syneron Core CO2, the
Cynosure SmartSkin CO2, as well as
Fractional RF resurfacing devices such as
the Invasix Fractora, Intracel, Syneron
ematrix and Infini devices that work nicely
on unwanted acne scars present anywhere
on the body. The redness in the acne scar
can be removed by one of the may
SpaMedica Vascular lasers and IPL
systems, such as the Syneron Candela
Profecta V Beam Pulsed Dye laser, the
Cynosure Cynergy Pulsed Dye and NdYAG
combination laser, the GentleMax Pro
NdYAG, the Elite NdYAG and the IPL
devices such as the Max G, the BBL and
the Lummecca. Active acne is also treated,
usually first, using combinations of
dermatological topical skin care, gentle
peels and active acne lasers and RF
devices like the Fractora. How to Treat
Brown Birthmarks? Toronto brown
birthmark patients can be treated with
advanced laser technologies at
SpaMedica. Toronto Cosmetic
Dermatology patients with large brown

background image

birthmarks need to be assessed by
cosmetic dermatologists to ensure there is
no malignancy (skin cancer, such as
melanoma). Certain hereditary brown
birthmarks can be treated with high-tech,
ultra modern brown spot removal lasers
such as the new Picosure and PicoWay
tattoo and brown spot removal devices that
use an ultra short picosecond to shatter
pigment and effectively remove it with
diminished risk of lightening
(hypopigmentation) of the underlying skin.
The Cynosure Revlite, the Syneron
PicoWay and Gentle Alex pro and
Cynosure Accolade and Elite 755 nm
wavelength lasers are all Spamedica
Dermatology lasers that are also very
effective. Figure 10. Toronto pigmented
(brown) birthmark patients before and after.
Toronto congenital-hereditary pigmented
birthmarks can have their unsightly
pigmented birthmarks treated by the
SpaMedica Cosmetic Dermatologists with
one of the many SpaMedica pigmented
lasers such as the high-tech PicoSure from
Cynosure or the Picoway from Syneron, the

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Revlite by Cynosure and the IPL devices
such as the Max G, the BBL and the
Lummecca. How to Treat Blood Vessel and
Vascular Birthmarks? The SpaMedica
cosmetic dermatologists are experts at
treating blood vessel birthmarks, including
vascular malformations, capillary
hemangiomas and other vascular
birthmarks. The SpaMedica dermatology
department is one of Canada’s largest
private laser clinics and these cosmetic
dermatologists at SpaMedica have at their
disposal the use of advanced, “state-of-the-
art” Pulsed Dye laser systems such as the
Syneron Candela V Beam Profecta and
Cynergy from Cynosure, which combines
the pulse dye and the Neodymium YAG
(NdYG 1064nm) lasers in one single pulse
profile (two laser pulses in one). Using
these technologies blood vessel birthmarks
can be significantly improved or removed
safely and effectively. For more information,
visit the birthmark reduction page. Figure
11. Toronto vascular (blood vessel)
birthmark patients before and afters.
Toronto Vascular birthmark patients can

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have their unsightly vascular birthmarks
treated by the SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatologists with one of the many
SpaMedica vascular lasers and IPL
systems, such as the Candela Profecta V
Beam Pulsed Dye laser, the Cynosure
Cynergy Pulsed Dye and NdYAG
combination laser, the Syneorn Candela
GentleMax Pro NdYAG, the Cynosure Elite
NdYAG and the IPL devices such as the
Palomar Max G, the Sciton BBL and the
Inmode Lummecca. How to Have Effective,
Fast Laser Tattoo Removal? The
SpaMedica Toronto cosmetic
dermatologists have at their disposal the
most modern of laser tattoo removal
technologies including the new generation
of picosecond lasers, the PicoSure with the
532 nanometer and 755 nanometer
Picosecond wavelength together with the
new PicoWay which is 1064 nanometers
and 532 nanometer picosecond
wavelengths give the SpaMedica cosmetic
dermatologists the most effective, efficient
and versatile tattoo removal lasers in
Canada. SpaMedica has over 15 years of

background image

laser tattoo removal experience and
expertise. In addition, SpaMedica cosmetic
dermatology patients get the benefit of not
only the PicoSure and PicoWay, but the
Revlite, Accolade and Affinity nanosecond
lasers, if is any resistant tattoo ink. In
general, 75% reduction of a tattoo can be
achieved in as few as 6 treatments, with
little risk of ghosting (whiting of the skin
from the last tattoo removal). This
compares to 14-16 treatments just two
years ago, before the advent of the
picosecond lasers. Even ink pigments that
used to be traditionally difficult to remove,
such as red, yellow, orange, blue, purple
and light green ink can be as effectively
and successfully treated as the traditional
black ink tattoos with the revolutionary new
PicoSure and PicoWay tattoo removal
lasers. For more information, visit the laser
tattoo removal page. Figure 12. Toronto
tattoo patients before and afters. Toronto
Tattoo patients can have their unsightly
tattoos treated, removed or transitioned
and reduced by the SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatologists with one of the many

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SpaMedica Tattoo removal lasers such as
the high-tech PicoSure from Cynosure or
the Picoway from Syneron and the
Cynosure Revlite. With these ultra modern
tattoo removal lasers, tattoo removal
success of 90% or more reduction can
occur in a few as 4-6 treatments, with the
least risk of “ghosting” or
hypopigmentation. How to Treat Unwanted
Cosmetic Moles? Unwanted cosmetic
moles, either uncoloured, raised, flat, or
coloured can be removed with modern
laser techniques including carbon dioxide
shave excision and non-surgical
techniques that can leave less of a mark or
blemish behind once the mole is removed.
SpaMedica cosmetic dermatologists are
experts at providing mole removal services.
Toronto Cosmetic Dermatology patients
seeking cosmetic mole removal will find the
Cosmetic Dermatologists at SpaMedica
experts at high-tech mole removal. Larger
moles can be expertly excised and the scar
treated with SpaMedica lasers post
excision to remove or reduce the
appearance of the scar. For more

background image

information, visit the mole removal page.
Figure 13. Toronto mole patient’s before
and afters. Toronto mole patients can have
their unsightly moles treated by the
SpaMedica Cosmetic Dermatologists with
either cosmetic excision or one of the many
SpaMedica mole removal lasers such as
the high-tech PicoSure from Cynosure or
the Picoway from Syneron and the
Cynosure Revlite How to Treat Unwanted
Raised Lesions and Inflammatory
Conditions of the Skin The SpaMedica
cosmetic dermatologists have at their
disposal a wide array of laser ablative
devices, as well as blood vessel lasers to
remove unwanted raised irregular lesions
of the skin, smoothen out pores, texture
and inflammatory scars. Figure 14. Toronto
inflammatory scar before and afters.
Toronto patients with raised or flat
inflammatory skin conditions, or actively
forming scars can have their unsightly
inflamed skin treated by the SpaMedica
Cosmetic Dermatologists with one of the
many fractional ablative lasers such the
Core CO2, the SmartSkin CO2, as well as

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Fractional RF resurfacing devices such as
the Fractora, Intracel, ematrix and Infini
devices that work nicely on unwanted
inflammatory scars present anywhere on
the body. The redness in the inflamed skin
can be removed by one of the may
SpaMedica vascular lasers and IPL
systems, such as the Profecta V Beam
Pulsed Dye laser, the Cynergy Pulsed Dye
and NdYAG combination laser, the
GentleMax Pro NdYAG, the Elite NdYAG
and the IPL devices such as the Max G, the
BBL and the Lummecca. Active acne is
also treated, usually first, using
combinations of dermatological topical skin
care, gentle peels and active acne lasers
and RF devices like the Fractora. Who
Seeks the Services of a Cosmetic
Dermatologist? Toronto cosmetic
dermatology patients are those patients
with unwanted skin discolouration, raised
lesions, moles, inflammatory scars,
enlarged pores, acne, oily skin and
unwanted texture that need the expertise of
a certified experienced and trained
cosmetic dermatologist. Other Toronto

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cosmetic dermatology patients include
those with tattoos that they want removed
or pigmented or vascular birthmarks and
red or brown discoloration. These patients
need specialized laser dermatology
techniques and skills that are present at
SpaMedica cosmetic dermatology
department. How are the Cosmetic
Dermatology Procedures Performed?
Toronto cosmetic dermatology patients who
undergo laser treatments are usually
performed under topical anesthesia with or
without an air chilling device. Occasionally
topical cryogen (freezing spray) is
combined with laser treatment and
sometimes local anesthetic is used to instill
under a cosmetic dermatology skin problem
prior to its treatment with a topical
dermatologic laser. Most patients find
cosmetic dermatology treatments extremely
tolerable and can often return to work the
same or the following day. What Kind of
Recovery Occurs After Cosmetic
Dermatology Treatment? The recovery
after a SpaMedica cosmetic dermatology
treatment will depend on the laser and

background image

energy treatment that is delivered. In
general, the ablative treatments using
fractional lasers or radio frequency devices
may have several days of redness and
crusting and be treated with topical
antibiotic ointment. Treatments that are for
unwanted brown discolouration or blood
vessel lesions will usually leave no
disruption of the skin surface other than
slight scabbing or scaling or bruised
discolouration and these can often be
camouflaged with makeup easily. Toronto
cosmetic dermatology patients that visit
SpaMedica will be advised at the time of
their consultation what kind of recovery
time will be required. Many patients
proceed with their cosmetic dermatology
treatment immediately while others will plan
ahead if there is some degree of mild or
moderate downtime required. How Many
Treatments Will be Required for my
Cosmetic Dermatology Therapy? Most
cosmetic dermatology problems will require
between 1-3 treatments that are usually
performed 4-8 weeks apart. At the time of
your cosmetic dermatology appointment

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your cosmetic dermatologist will carefully
examine your skin, discuss with you the risk
and benefits of the various options and
you’ll be informed of the pricing structure
and recovery time of each option. What is
Involved in My SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatology Consultation? You will be
scheduled with one of our SpaMedica
cosmetic dermatologists and upon your
initial consultation you will fill out the
necessary medical history forms and
consult goals and expectations. You’ll have
a personal private consultation with a pre-
eminent SpaMedica Toronto cosmetic
dermatologist, as well as a very
experienced medical aesthetician. The
options and outline of the program of
treatment(s) that will be needed to improve
your cosmetic skin concern will be outlined,
as well as the costs. You can even proceed
with your first treatment that day. What Kind
of Payment Options are Available with a
SpaMedica Cosmetic Dermatology
Program? There are a variety of forms of
payment that are available to you when
undergoing cosmetic SpaMedica

background image

dermatology treatments. Many patients pay
with cash, credit or debit cards. A series of
treatments can also be financed using
iFinance Canada at www.medicard.com.
Payments can be made in advance of a
series of treatments usually at a customer-
client value pricing or payments can be
made for a series of treatments each time
the cosmetic dermatology patient appears
for treatment (“pay-as- you-play” model).
What are the Risks or Complications of
Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments? The
risks of cosmetic dermatology treatments
are low and usually easily managed. The
risks and complications can include the
complications of minor skin laser
treatments or surgical ablation treatments
and include prolonged erythema, slight
lightening or darkening of the skin, textural
irregularities, infection and even
(fortunately rarely) scarring. By ensuring
that you see a SpaMedica Cosmetic
Dermatologist you greatly reduce your risk
of complication by reason of their
experience and multiple different laser, RF
and energy devices at their disposal. Using

background image

the “right device for the right indication”
ensures the highest degree of success and
the least likelihood of a treatment
complication. In the rare circumstance that
a complication occurs, most potential
complications following cosmetic
dermatologic treatments can be managed
with effective local care and completely
resolved. There’s no cost to these
treatments if there’s a complication during
your SpaMedica cosmetic dermatology
therapy. Why Choose a SpaMedica
Toronto Cosmetic Dermatologist? The
dermatologists at SpaMedica are some of
Toronto and Canada’s most renowned
cosmetic dermatologists and laser
dermatology experts. All dermatologists
have been in cosmetic dermatology
practice for more than 10 years and are
some of the most reputable and
experienced dermatologists in Canada.
SpaMedica is Canada’s largest private
laser skin and cosmetic dermatology centre
with over 40 different cosmetic skin lasers,
radio frequency devices and ultrasound
systems. How can I show Dr. Mulholland

background image

my concerns and see if I am a candidate?
Toronto cosmetic dermatology patients
should simply fill out the appointment
request form or “ask a question” form and
upload up to 3 photos for Dr. Mulholland to
review. How Do I Schedule a SpaMedica
Cosmetic Dermatology Appointment? To
schedule an appointment with one of our
SpaMedica cosmetic dermatologists,
Toronto dermatology patients can simply
call 877-712-8367 or book an appointment
online. There will be a fee for the
consultation at which may be applied
against your SpaMedica cosmetic
dermatology program. Cosmetic
Dermatology and Laser Skin Care
Procedures There are many skin conditions
that can detract from attractive, compelling
and youthfully vital looking skin. The
experienced and well respected cosmetic
laser dermatologists of SpaMedica are well
versed in the dozens of laser skin care
technologies and high tech solutions to
improving the appearance of your skin.
Unwanted benign moles on the skin are
fairly common. The moles may be removed

background image

with traditional surgery or curettage, which
may lead to aesthetically displeasing scars
or discolorations. Because medical laser
dermatologists at SpaMedica are well
versed in using high tech lasers to remove
benign, unwanted and visually displeasing
moles, the risk of discoloration or scarring
is minimized significantly. Cosmetic benign
skin growths are extremely common,
especially as we age. There are many
cosmetic lasers at SpaMedica that can
simply, effectively and safely remove these
cosmetic benign skin growths with minimal
scarring and downtime. Acne is one of the
most common skin concerns in adolescent
and early adult onset years. The cosmetic
dermatologists at SpaMedica are well
trained in the treatment of adolescent and
adult onset acne and may deploy many
high tech, non antibiotic, non Accutane,
laser and light based treatments, with a
high degree of success, controlling acne
outbursts and minimizing the risks of
scarring. Small spider veins of the nose,
cheek, chin and face are very common.
Often caused by hereditary and hormonal

background image

factors, these small, little vessels respond
best to high tech laser treatments
performed quickly and simply in an
outpatient environment. Older techniques
such as injection were much more prone to
scarring. However, the new laser removal
treatments of small spider veins can be
done without any visible scarring and with
very little downtime. Laser vascular
birthmark removal is a very common
procedure at SpaMedica. We have high
tech pulse dye lasers, intense pulse light
systems, long pulse lasers as well as the
synergist or combination of pulse, dye and
long pulse YAG lasers for the most
effective and comprehensive ability to treat
discoloured vascular hereditary birthmarks.
Many patients have thought these could
not be removed without significant scarring
but the high tech use of SpaMedica lasers
allows the cosmetic laser dermatologist to
tremendously improve the appearance of
these blood vessel birthmarks without
residual scarring or deformity leading to
significant, often miraculous, improvements
in the appearance of individuals suffering

background image

from birthmarks. Many patients are also
afflicted by rosacea or rosacea acne form
eruptions. Rosacea is an ill defined disease
of the skin characterized by erythema
flushing redness, inflammatory changes
such as dilated pores and even acne form
eruptions over the nose, cheeks and chin.
The use of high tech vascular lasers and
intense pulse light systems allow the
cosmetic laser dermatologists at
SpaMedica to fully control the irritating
symptoms of sensitive skin and rosacea.
Laser brown spot removal is a very
common procedure at SpaMedica and a
very common skin concern. It is estimated
that over 70% of women and men over 35
have unwanted brown spots or sun spots,
also known as age spots, on their face,
neck, chest, arms and hands. Again,
surgical removal or more aggressive
techniques will result in unwanted,
aesthetically displeasing scars and
pigmentation concerns. The use of high
tech lasers specific to brown spots will allow
laser dermatologists, Dr. Michael Davis or
Dr. Ingrid Jarvis, to selectively and

background image

precisely remove these brown spots,
greatly minimizing the risk of any visible
ghosting, pigmentation or scarring. It is
important that you see a laser dermatology
expert like Dr. Davis or Dr. Jarvis to ensure
that these brown spots are not, in fact, early
cancerous growths. Brown birthmarks of
the skin are also very common. Called
small and large congenital pigmented nevi
they may present with or without hair. There
are many specialized types of hereditary
moles and many of them have special and
complicated names. Regardless, Dr.
Michael Davis and Dr. Ingrid Jarvis have
some of Toronto’s most advanced Q-
switched lasers, including the Q-Switched
755 nanometer laser, Q-Switched 1064
laser and Q-Switched 532 nanometer laser,
all of which can be used to specifically treat
cosmetic brown spots and hereditary
pigmented moles. It is important to seek the
expertise of a cosmetic dermatology
specialist like Dr. Michael Davis and Dr.
Ingrid Jarvis because they can assess
these congenital, pigmented moles and
determine whether there are any health

background image

risks due to cancerous transformation of
these birthmarks. As we age, deterioration
and descent afflict our skin and we develop
wrinkles. SpaMedica’s Laser Dermatology
specialists are experts in the use of
fractional lasers, ablative and non-ablative,
as well as ergine and carbon dioxide lasers
to smooth out unwanted wrinkles, texture
and acne scars. Most of these procedures
are performed under local anesthesia as an
outpatient and you’ll be able to see results
within a very short time. Tattoos have
become extremely popular, and as a result
the laser removal of some of these
unwanted tattoos has become even more
popular. The laser dermatologists at
SpaMedica, Dr. Michael Davis and Dr.
Ingrid Jarvis, are some of Canada’s most
experienced laser tattoo removal experts.
The SpaMedica laser dermatology program
is the largest private laser centre in Canada
and has the most effective laser tattoo
removal systems available. The 532
nanometer Q-Switched laser combined with
the 755 nanometer Q-Switched laser and
the 1064 nanometer Q-Switched Nd Yag

background image

laser allows, together with urbium ablative
and fractional CO2 lasers, allows the
cosmetic laser dermatologists at
SpaMedica the most wavelengths and the
greatest degree of technological
sophistication in treating modern day
professional tattoos. The goal of the
cosmetic laser dermatology program is to
give you the best possible, most attractive
skin that can be created using high tech
laser skin care systems. You can be
assured that you will have all the most
effective options available to enhance the
appearance of your skin. Did you Know?
Laser Dermatology Treatment Facts Dr.
Mulholland and the laser dermatologists at
SpaMedica have innovated and pioneered
some of the most modern laser skin care
and high tech skin dermatological
treatments available. SpaMedica has
combinations of pulse dye lasers and pulse
dye Nd Yag lasers for high tech removal of
blood vessel and blood vessel
malformations as well as all the various
wavelengths of Q-Switched pigment
removal lasers allowing the effective

background image

removal of tattoos and brown spots. The
fraction skin resurfacing allows the
SpaMedica dermatology team to effectively
tighten and reduce the appearance of laxity
and wrinkles. Dr. Mulholland has taught
hundreds of physicians from across North
America laser dermatology techniques
such as Fraction CO2 Laser resurfacing,
the laser treatment of blood vessels and
brown spots. The Toronto Laser
Dermatology Center at SpaMedica remains
one of the most advanced and highly
regarded centers of it’s kind in Canada.
Promotion!- 40% Off Laser Acne
Treatment. Visit Fees & Financing for more
details. Achieve a clear complexion with the
most effective laser acne treatments. Acne
vulgaris, commonly known as acne, affects
people of all ages. Those living with severe
acne or acne scarring can suffer profound
social anxiety, depression, and social
isolation. For men and women seeking
acne treatment in Toronto,
NewDermaMed’s team of highly skilled and
compassionate professionals can find the
right treatment and aftercare regiments for

background image

your needs. CAUSES OF ACNE Acne is
caused by a build up of dirt, oil, bacteria
and other substances such as dead skin
cells, within the pores of the skin. Some
people are more susceptible to acne than
others. Those who have naturally oily skin,
larger pores, or have greater exposure to
acne causing bacteria, are more likely to
suffer from acne. Some acne is also
caused by hormonal changes such as
puberty, pregnancy, menopause and
hormonal birth control. People who have
food sensitivities may even suffer from
acne as a reaction to certain foods. TYPES
OF ACNE There are several different types
of acne. Our clinic in Toronto treats the
most common forms, including:
Comedones - This milder form of acne
presents as blackheads and whiteheads,
usually on the face. Pustules - Moderate,
pus-filled acne is caused when a pore
becomes clogged and infected with
bacteria, dead cells and a surplus of the
oils normally produced by your skin. It
appears on the face, arms, neck, back and
legs. Papules - Another moderate form of

background image

acne. Raised, red papules are caused by
pores clogged with oils or bacteria, which
become inflamed. Like pustules, they can
appear on various bodily areas, but they do
not contain pus. Cysts or nodules - The
most severe form of acne, sometimes
develops when papules or pustules
become aggravated. These large, soft,
sub-surface lesions can also be painful. If
hard discs also appear beneath the skin,
nodulocycstic acne occurs. This in turn
increases the level of pain and the risk of
scarring. If you are living with one or
several of these acne conditions,
NewDermaMed’s acne removal treatments
is right for you. It is important to refrain from
trying to scratch, squeeze, or ‘pop’ your
acne – this might worsen the infection and
produce scarring. It is also important to
remember that acne often isn’t one’s ‘fault,’
as it’s usually a genetic condition. You
deserve professional treatment to regain
your confidence and be your best self.
NewDermaMed team of medical
professionals uses the safest and most

background image

innovative technology customized for each
client’s needs. For our acne removal
treatments we use Nd:YAG Laser and
intense pulsed light (IPL) technologies.
These versatile tools are specifically
designed to treat several forms of severe
acne for a variety of skin types. The laser
emits a wavelength that penetrates through
the skin and is concentrated within the
overactive sebaceous (oil) glands; the root
cause of acne. The heating of the
sebaceous glands causes a mild thermal
exertion that changes the activity and
function of the glands, leading to prolonged
reduction in acne breakouts. In addition to
reducing the activity of the gland, the laser
kills the acne causing bacteria under the
skin. It has proven to be extremely effective
in rapidly bringing the inflammatory lesions
of acne under control, often irresponsive to
other acne therapies. In addition to the anti-
inflammatory action, the laser inactivates
the acne forming bacteria. Furthermore,
since it targets the blood vessels, it
effectively reduces the appearance of
chronic red blemishes and red acne scars.

background image

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is ideal for
destorying acne bacteria for rapid
clearance of current acne breakouts. At
NewDermaMed, we use a combination of
Intense Pulse Light and pore-centered
suction to clear out and shrink clogged
pores. With absolutely no pain and
downtime, you will be able to resume to
your regular activities. LASER ACNE
visibile improvement of skin texture and
tone after your initial treatment. Your skin
will become more clear and softer, and
blemishes will fade and disappear,
revealing your natural, radiant skin. To help
retain your new, acne free skin and prevent
the recurrence of blemishes, our medical
professional will review post-treatment and
long term skin care regimen. SCHEDULE
consultation and learn more about Laser
acne therapy, or to schedule an
appointment, CONTACT NewDermaMed
today . New DermaMed Laser skin care
provides laser skin care, laser acne

background image

treatment, laser scar treatment, Botox,
Juvaderm injections, laser hair removal and
more laser skin care treatments to clients in
Toronto, downtown Toronto, Mississauga,
Oakville, Brampton, Ajax, Pickering, York,
North York, Scarborough, Richmond Hill,
Woodbridge, Etobicoke, Newmarket and
Midtown Toronto. Copyright © 2016
Newdermamedlaserclinic.com. All rights
reserved. Welcome to New Derma Med
Dedicated to enhancing your natural
beauty. At Toronto's NewDermaMed Laser
Clinic, our highly trained and experienced
team of board-certified cosmetic surgeons
and other medical professionals are
devoted to helping you look and feel your
very best. NewDermaMed is one of the
most comprehensive state-of-the-art
cosmetic laser centers in Toronto. For your
convenience, we are located in the heart of
the city . in Canada's largest medical office
building. We are equipped with the only the
most advanced FDA-approved laser
technology . to provide you with clinically
proven, non-invasive laser treatments and
other anti-aging skin therapies. New

background image

DermaMed Laser skin care provides laser
skin care, laser acne treatment, laser scar
treatment, Botox, Juvaderm injections,
laser hair removal and more laser skin care
treatments to clients in Toronto, downtown
Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton,
Ajax, Pickering, York, North York,
Scarborough, Richmond Hill, Woodbridge,
Etobicoke, Newmarket and Midtown
Toronto. Copyright © 2016
Newdermamedlaserclinic.com. All rights
reserved. The Plastic Surgery Clinic in
Toronto Our plastic surgeons are renowned
for producing excellent, natural-looking
results, whether you're looking for breast
augmentation, gynecomastia, liposuction,
rhinoplasty, a facelift or a tummy tuck. The
two most important factors of successful
surgery are 1) selecting the right surgeon
and 2) finding the right clinic. Dr. Frank
Lista's qualifications, training and
experience help make your decision a little
easier. His credentials include Certification
with the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada, the American Board
of Plastic Surgery, and membership in both

background image

the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons
and the American Society of Plastic
Surgeons. As a leading plastic surgeon in
Toronto, Dr. Lista has given lectures and
presentations on aesthetic plastic surgery
at various meetings and universities around
the world. At The Plastic Surgery Clinic we
have one simple rule: Do what is best for
the patient. The advice we give patients
and the way we treat them is how we would
treat a member of our own family. This
"Culture of Care" combined with renowned
surgeons and our dedicated team of
nurses and patient co-ordinators gives our
patients the best results possible. With
locations in both Yorkville (Downtown
Toronto) and Mississauga, we offer an
extensive line of plastic surgery
procedures, all provided in a calm oasis
where our patients’ well-being and comfort
is paramount. We invite you to book a
complimentary consultation with Dr. Frank
Lista or Dr. Jamil Ahmad at either of our
locations. Before & After Rejuvenation
Treatments Which Breast Implant Shape is
Best? Discover Luminous Skin Our Clinic

background image

Deciding to have cosmetic surgery is one of
the biggest decisions someone can make,
and selecting the right facility is an
important task for every patient. With two
convenient locations in Toronto and
Mississauga, The Plastic Surgery Clinic is a
top cosmetic surgery centre that
specializes in delivering natural results. Our
board certified plastic surgeons are highly
skilled in a wide range of procedures,
including breast augmentation, tummy tuck,
liposuction, facelift, and more. With over 25
years of experience in the field, founding
surgeon Dr. Frank Lista possesses an
exceptional level of expertise. We
understand that patients considering plastic
surgery want the best care and the best
results possible. We know that prospective
patients want to find the best plastic
surgeon in Toronto. That's why we're
pleased to offer free consultations to make
sure patients feel comfortable and
confident in their decision-making and to
ensure that our staff and clinic are the right
fit. Our Mississauga clinic is housed in a
state of the art building that was custom

background image

designed and built to function as a modern
medical centre for cosmetic surgery with
the most advanced equipment available.
The architecture was specially developed to
take into account every single component
that improves patient care by providing
privacy of access, eliminating visible
sightlines from nearby streets, and
considering all factors that have been
shown to improve patient experience.
Consulting all of the available medical
literature and studies published in plastic
surgery journals, we researched and
implemented every recommendation that
improves patient outcomes with the goal of
creating the best plastic surgery clinic in
Canada. A fully accredited health facility
licensed and inspected by the Ontario
Ministry of Health, our clinic is tailored to
the natural flow of staff and patients so that
we can deliver optimum safety and care for
surgical and non-surgical procedures alike.
Our Toronto clinic is located in Yorkville, an
acclaimed neighbourhood renowned for its
style and culture. Nearby amenities include
a unique blend of designer boutiques,

background image

gourmet restaurants, luxurious hotels, and
illustrious fine art galleries. This discreet
downtown Toronto location provides a
beautiful, serene environment for
complimentary consultations and non-
surgical procedures. Receive a free skin
care consultation from a Miracle 10 Beauty
Advisor at our extraordinary boutique and
shop the full line of Miracle 10 clinical skin
care products. Learn more about our
Toronto and Mississauga clinic locations.
SKiN Laser Clinic People often tell us "I feel
so young on the inside, but when I look in
the mirror, it doesn't reflect how I feel." We
understand. And we can help. Advances in
non-surgical, anti-aging therapies can
deliver excellent results for skin that shows
the signs of time, sun exposure and other
conditions. Skin concerns such as fine lines
and wrinkles, facial veins, sun spots,
sagging skin, tissue loss and even
unwanted hair can be treated with much
greater success than in the past. People
who experience skin conditions such as
acne and Rosacea have options they didn't
have before. The benefit? Looking and

background image

feeling your best. Transforming your
appearance directly impacts your self
confidence, and enhances your overall
sense of well-being. The power of
rejuvenation holds the key to feeling
fabulous and stepping out with beauty and
grace. The Skin Laser Clinic offers a
comprehensive range of skin treatment
services. This includes skin laser
treatments, injectables and facial fillers,
skin tightening, body contouring, medical-
grade skin care products, and more. As a
client at the SKiN Laser Clinic, you will
receive a customized treatment plan based
on an analysis of your skin and a
discussion of your personal skin care goals
and lifestyle. Treatments are performed by
highly skilled team of certified medical
estheticians using state-of-the- art
equipment, in an environment designed for
your comfort, privacy and relaxation. Trust
the SKiN Laser Clinic to reveal your best
you at any age. Because aging with
confidence is a beautiful thing. News &
Specials Put Your Best Chin Forward with
Belkyra - 6/16/2016 - The Skin Laser Clinic

background image

is proud to announce that we are now able
to make Belkyra available to qualified
clients. Read more March Specials Are
Here! - 2/29/2016 - Warmer weather is just
around the corner, so why not get a jump
on Spring? Now is the time to start working
on a fresh, new look. This month we have a
great savings on Botox, clinical skin care
produc … Read more Service Introduction
We are pleased to be the premier provider
of cosmetic dermatology and skin laser
services in Peterborough and the
Kawarthas and beyond. The SKiN Laser
Clinic is proud to offer the latest in cosmetic
dermatology treatments with state-of-the-art
devices for those seeking skin
rejuvenation, improved appearance, more
youthful skin surface and enhanced self-
confidence. SKiN Laser Treatments The
clinic provides BBL / IPL. ProFractional XC
Resurfacing. VariLite. Exilis Elite. Micro
Laser Peel. and Halo Hybrid Fractional
Laser. all of which address a wide variety of
issues for aging skin. The procedures are
appropriate for wrinkles, upper lip lines,
crow's feet, hyperpigmentation, sun

background image

damage, keratosis, scars, facial spider
veins and skin laxity. Do you want to
remove unwanted hair? We offer Light
Sheer Laser Hair Removal. Injectables /
Fillers Fillers restore facial volume.
Substances that are injected into the skin
include Botox. Restylane. Juvederm and
Radiesse. as well as Regen Plasma. These
treatments assist with deep wrinkles and
folds, hollows under the eyes and cheeks,
thinning lips and sagging along the jaw line.
SKiN Care Cosmetic peels and Diamond
Microdermabrasion can provide a
smoother, younger looking skin. The clinic
offers treatments for rosacea and other
skin conditions. The most advanced skin
care lines like NEOCUTIS, iS CLINICAL,
Pro-Derm and more are available, along
with the renowned eyelash enhancement
treatment, LATISSE . Not Sure Which
Treatment Is Right For You? Check out our
Skin Concerns page right here on our
website for a cross-reference that identifies
various skin conditions and associated
treatments. Our expert staff will work with
you to evaluate your needs, skin type and

background image

lifestyle to determine the best approach.
Consultations are complimentary at the
SKiN Laser Clinic. Call the SKiN Laser
Clinic today and begin your rejuvenation
skin care plan for natural results and
maximum confidence. Glow Medi Spa
Cosmetic Skin Services - Redefine Your
Beauty Glow Medi Spa is an upscale
medical cosmetic spa clinic with two spa
locations to serve you in the Greater
Toronto Area, (Yorkville in downtown
Toronto and Aurora). With over 15 years
experience in non-surgical aesthetic
services such as injectables, laser and
light, anti-aging, and spa treatments, Dr.
Diane Wong and the Glow Medi Spa team
were voted as the Best Medi Spa in
Canada and uphold a strong reputation for
quality service and excellent customer
satisfaction in Toronto & Aurora. Dr. Wong
shares her thoughts with ELEVATE
magazine on body-contouring, and tackling
the hard to slim areas that exercise alone
cannot treat. Offering the immensely
popular solution of "My Pollogen Body
Contouring which uses radio-frequency and

background image

is a heat-based treatment that targets the
fat cells specifically at the subcutaneous
layer", says Dr. Wong. "The result: A
smooth reshaping of the treated area with
precise and customized contouring which is
safe for the summer months too. Read
more in the July/August issue of ELEVATE
magazine. "Some clients won`t do Botox,
but they love these treatments" says Dr.
Wong about the VoluDerm treatment. Dr.
Wong shares her thoughts on the benefits
and success of this advanced technology
utilizing micro-needling with radiofrequency
and galvanic energy. She explains why
VoluDerm has become one of the most
popular treatments at Glow Medi Spa. This
article in May's FASHION magazine, "On
Pins and Needles" has drawn much
attention. An excellent read on new and
innovative treatments! I’M THINKING
always encourage clients to do their
homework, even prior to a consultation.
They should decide what level of service

background image

they are comfortable with and determine
the important criteria for selecting their
provider. Is it price, quality of service, level
of experience, safety, bedside manner,
caring nature, availability, convenience of
location or word-of-mouth referral from a
friend that they value most?" DR. HUGH A.
MCLEAN Dr. Hugh A. McLean is a plastic
surgeon specializing in aesthetic (cosmetic)
surgery, with a private practice in
Mississauga, Ontario. Because cosmetic
surgery improves a person's physical
appearance and self-esteem, Dr. McLean's
philosophy defines plastic surgery as a
creative science requiring an
understanding of people's concerns in
order to deal with their physical
imperfections. AVENUE SKIN CARE
Located in the heart of the Distillery District,
AvantDerm is a full service dermatology
clinic, offering both medical and cosmetic
services. We are passionate about
enhancing the patient experience by
offering them increased access to health
care professionals, world class treatment to
patients with all skin types and delivering

background image

tomorrow’s therapies, today. Canada’s first
Rapid Access Clinic Referral today. Consult
tomorrow. Covered by OHIP. AvantDerm is
the only clinic in Toronto to offer walk-in
consultations with certified dermatologists
No more lengthy delays. Patients receive a
referral from their family doctor,and the
following business day, they walk in to
receive a thorough consultation with a
dermatologist professional. No appointment
is necessary. Rapid Access Clinic hours
are from 8 AM – 11 AM. Monday to Friday.
Recent Tweets Events Recent Posts U of
Toronto Dermatology is fortunate to have
experts in specific types of skin disease
and cosmetic care. Below are links to some
of these clinics and research activities. A
quick list of addresses and contact
information can be found by clicking here
Skin Surgery Centre (Mohs surgery, skin
cancer, cosmetic procedures) This state-of-
the-art facility manages patients with skin
cancer and esthetic skin concerns. The
Centre is staffed by skin surgery fellowship
trained dermatologists and their team of
specialized nurses, technicians and

background image

administrative personel. We are fully
affiliated with the University of Toronto and
a recognized training centre of excellence.
(more ) Pigmented lesion (melanoma and
moles) clinic at Women's College Hospital
(more) The Dermatology Laser Centre at
Sunnybrook The Centre offers the safest
laser treatments available including laser
hair and tattoo removal, treatment of veins
and facial rejuvenation. We also offer a
number of injectables to enhance your
skin's appearance including Botox,
Restalane, Juviderm, and many others.
(more ) The Women's College Hospital
Laser Centre The Centre offers a wide
range of Laser and Cosmetic treatments.
More than 6 laser-light devices and over 20
trained specialists provide state-of-the-art
care for all of your cosmetic needs. (more )
PERC (Psoriasis Education and Research
Clinic) (more) Copyright © 2006
Dermatology, University of Toronto
Copyright © 2006 Dermatology, University
of Toronto Who we are? We are Laser Hair
Removal and Laser Essential & Skin Care
clinic. We are one of the best laser clinics

background image

in Toronto. We have many different
treatment options available, including
permanent hair removal (facial hair
removal), stretch marks and scars and
other skin imperfection removal such as
spider vein, pigmented lesion treatment,
rosacea and redness, photo facial and
photorejuvenation, each one tailored to
your individual needs. Our staff is available
for all laser skin services. We believe in
providing only the very best in medical
care. Therefore, we attend regular scientific
meetings to stay abreast of new
developments in this exciting field of
medicine. We value our patients and
therefore treat each and everyone with
special care. Come and experience the
difference…. A Scientific Approach
Everyone wants attractive, healthy looking,
radiant, acne free skin. However, conflicting
information, advertising hype and confusing
jargon make it difficult to choose the right
products for your needs. We understand
your need for honest, straightforward
information. Our treatments are based on
science, independent clinical data and

background image

results, not “hype”. Our staff is
individualized and goal-oriented. By using
state-of-the-art scientifically proven
medical-grade products, together we can
achieve superior results. We have the
technology to effectively treat rosacea, leg
veins, scars, stretch marks, brown sun
spots, freckles, wrinkles, and more! We
also have 4 separate laser systems to treat
ALL skin types very effectively. We will
tailor all treatments according to YOUR
needs. We Care During your free
consultation your skin will be analyzed. We
will discuss your medical history, and the
goals you have for your skin, and will
together develop a plan of action based on
your particular needs. By following a
specially prescribed home care system,
and treatments in our facility, we can give
you the skin you have always wanted 1386
Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M4T 1Y5 (416)
226-0744 Testimonials I had serious
problems with spider veins, which caused
me burning pain and embarrassment. I felt
uncomfortable wearing certain clothes.
Your procedures and the care of your staff

background image

resolved these problems and led to rapid
and complete recovery. I feel good about
myself and can exercise and wear
whatever clothing I choose. The results of
your skills are truly unbelievable. I certainly
will recommend you highly to anyone I
know suffering as I did. I sincerely want to
thank you and your staff for yo… When I
inquired about the microdermabrasion, I
was very inquisitive as to who would be
performing the procedure. I wanted to
ensure that it was safe and that trained and
certified health care staff would in fact be
doing the treatment. The professionalism
within the practice gave me confidence that
I was in the best care. My first
dermabrasion proved to be very beneficial
in removing the weathered and dead cells
from my face, leaving it the smoothest it
has ever been. I feel much more confident
in my appearance. I can wear my hair in
any style because I’m not trying to hide my
face. I don’t worry if someone touches my
face. Overall my self esteem is much
higher. I have tried every hair removal
product you could imagine – Waxes,

background image

bleaches, creams, razors – you name it.
Laser hair removal is the best! First of all it
worked even on the most stubborn hairs! It
even works on my boyfriend’s dark hair…
we both have it. There’s no need to waste
money on various of products that are a
hassle now that you can get help at the
Laser Essential on Yonge” It is a gem of an
idea and I recommend everyone having it
done! I had waxed my legs and bikini line
for 10 years and suffered from terrible in-
grown hairs. After only 1 treatment of laser
hair removal those areas were 100%
better. I have had 3 treatments on my bikini
line and no longer have hair growing where
I don’t want it and my skin is baby smooth!
My main hair issue was my facial hair. It
was very dense & coarse & I suffered with
sensitive skin, so my neck would develop
ingrown hairs, bleeding & shaving rash.
Since having laser hair removal treatments
I no longer have these concerns. My wife
loves it even better then me, because she
no longer has to wake up to a bristle kiss. It
doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t take long and its a
small price to pay for smooth, hair free skin!

background image

The Laser Essential’s efficient and
professional service, thorough
understanding and explanation of laser
procedures, and upfront pricing with no
hidden fees have caused me to have a
completely positive experience – and my
legs look great. I also suffered with shaving
rash under my arms. After 3 treatments
under my arms I am now completely hair
free and the skin is never irritated or sore
anymore. I tell you guys, I was so hairy that
if it weren’t for the nipples you’d confuse my
front with my back. Somebody says it is
sexy – that’s wrong. Back hair is not chest
hair, as well as shoulder hair and neck hair
– none of it is attractive. Have you ever
tried to shave or, even the worse, to wax
your chest? Believe me it is really painful,
annoying and time-consuming procedure.
Not only will you suffer from the itchiness of
re-growing hair but also a stubbly chest
looks ridiculous, and probably … I am a
dark-skinned woman and my complexion is
about slightly brownish however my chin is
much darker due to years of tweezing and
folliculitis (hair bumps). I have tried

background image

electrolysis, tweezing, waxing, shaving,
threading, and a prescription medication
(Vanique) and everything at best is
temporary and often expensive. The only
thing I hadn’t tried then was Laser. I was
told Laser hair removal works best but only
on light skin individuals but I decided to try
it because during a consultation a d… The
laser treatment is fast with little discomfort
and covers large areas such as my back
and shoulders in one session. Hair
regrowth is very slow and Laser Essential
offers progressive results in large areas –
areas that are too large to use electrolysis.
Hairfree Laser Skin Clinics From Our
Editors With thousands of satisfied clients
across Ontario, Hairfree Laser Skin Clinics
continues to help men and women achieve
their ideal looks using advanced cosmetic
technologies that are safe for men and
women with all skin types. A buffet of
services greets arrivals, from laser hair
removal and photo facials to vein
treatments and teeth whitening. A product
line boasting antioxidants and exfoliating
acids helps maintain desired looks at

background image

home, and the trained staff works with client
goals to help eliminate problem areas,
even if they ask nicely to stick around.
Recommended For You View All Nearby
Places Richmond Beauty Bar Downtown
Toronto (1.8 mi) Concepts Salon & Spa
Beauty Bar Laser Clinic Downtown Toronto
(1.9 mi) Downtown Toronto (1.9 mi)
Downtown Toronto (1.9 mi) Buff Nail
Lounge Downtown Toronto (2.2 mi)
Popular Searches Searches Nearby
Groupon has verified that the customer
actually visited Hairfree Laser Skin Clinics.
Company Work with Groupon More Follow
Us Unbeatable Deals for Local Adventures
Get the Groupon Mobile App Grow Your
Business by Working with Groupon U of
Toronto Dermatology is fortunate to have
experts in specific types of skin disease
and cosmetic care. Below are links to some
of these clinics and research activities. A
quick list of addresses and contact
information can be found by clicking here
Skin Surgery Centre (Mohs surgery, skin
cancer, cosmetic procedures) This state-of-
the-art facility manages patients with skin

background image

cancer and esthetic skin concerns. The
Centre is staffed by skin surgery fellowship
trained dermatologists and their team of
specialized nurses, technicians and
administrative personel. We are fully
affiliated with the University of Toronto and
a recognized training centre of excellence.
(more ) Pigmented lesion (melanoma and
moles) clinic at Women's College Hospital
(more) The Dermatology Laser Centre at
Sunnybrook The Centre offers the safest
laser treatments available including laser
hair and tattoo removal, treatment of veins
and facial rejuvenation. We also offer a
number of injectables to enhance your
skin's appearance including Botox,
Restalane, Juviderm, and many others.
(more ) The Women's College Hospital
Laser Centre The Centre offers a wide
range of Laser and Cosmetic treatments.
More than 6 laser-light devices and over 20
trained specialists provide state-of-the-art
care for all of your cosmetic needs. (more )
PERC (Psoriasis Education and Research
Clinic) (more) Copyright © 2006
Dermatology, University of Toronto

background image

Copyright © 2006 Dermatology, University
CARE Buy Natural Organic Skin Care
Products, Vegan, Free of Parabens,
Sulfates & Non-Toxic while being highly
effective for all skin care types from
blemished skin to mature aging skin. We
offer superb quality skin care at affordable
prices. Cruelty Free-NO Animal Testing.
Read scientific evidence about toxic
chemicals in personal care products
Approach to Beautiful Radiant Skin By
adopting a consistent skin care regime, you
will be able to keep your skin looking
smoother, healthier, more radiant and
diminish as well as prevent the signs of
aging. This program consists of 4 easy
daily steps and 2 weekly treatments. In
order to achieve your best skin care results,
select products that are designed for your
skin type and needs. If you are unsure of
which products are best for you, please
contact us and speak to a skin care
specialist. Prevention is always the best
approach but it's never too late to start!
DAILY (morning & night) Step 1: CLEANSE

background image

Nourishes skin, removes surface dirt &
debris from the skin Step 2: TONE
Removes hard water residue, boosts skin
with nutrients & adjusts PH balance Step 3:
CORRECT Repair, replenish and
rejuvenate Step 4: MOISTURIZE Minimize
fine lines, rejuvenate, hydrate, restore lost
elasticity, nourish skin, protect WEEKLY
week) Deep clean pores & remove dead
skin cells MASK (1-2 times per Week)
Improve skin texture & elasticity, deep
clean pores Hairfree Laser Skin Clinics
From Our Editors With thousands of
satisfied clients across Ontario, Hairfree
Laser Skin Clinics continues to help men
and women achieve their ideal looks using
advanced cosmetic technologies that are
safe for men and women with all skin types.
A buffet of services greets arrivals, from
laser hair removal and photo facials to vein
treatments and teeth whitening. A product
line boasting antioxidants and exfoliating
acids helps maintain desired looks at
home, and the trained staff works with client
goals to help eliminate problem areas,

background image

even if they ask nicely to stick around.
Recommended For You View All Nearby
Places Richmond Beauty Bar Downtown
Toronto (1.8 mi) Concepts Salon & Spa
Beauty Bar Laser Clinic Downtown Toronto
(1.9 mi) Downtown Toronto (1.9 mi)
Downtown Toronto (1.9 mi) Buff Nail
Lounge Downtown Toronto (2.2 mi)
Popular Searches Searches Nearby
Groupon has verified that the customer
actually visited Hairfree Laser Skin Clinics.
Company Work with Groupon More Follow
Us Unbeatable Deals for Local Adventures
Get the Groupon Mobile App Grow Your
Business by Working with Groupon Details
Category: Uncategorised Laser Clinic
Toronto Welcome to Canada Medlaser,
where we love beauty and health. We're
combining the latest technology with our
love of beauty to bring you the best results!
Canada Medlaser is the first place to go for
laser therapy in Toronto and the GTA
because we are devoted to what we do and
love bringing joy to others around us.
Lasers are amazing for treating excessive
hair or getting you looking younger and

background image

feeling better about yourself. Laser hair
removal is something that you can do with
ease and lasting results are guaranteed.
We do hair removal procedures both for
men and women and we are proud to see
great results in all cases. If you want to look
younger, take a look at our list of anti-aging
treatments that will blow your mind. We
make wrinkles and fine lines, dark spots
and discoloration look unnoticeable and
gradually disappear. Laser medicine
services can solve a lot of issues and
problems you have, so make sure you give
them a try. Besides focusing on your face,
laser therapy can be great for your body to
help get rid of stretch marks and scars,
pigmented skin and vascular lesions. We
also do skin tightening and cellulite
reductions so get a consultation right now.
Located in the heart of the Distillery District,
AvantDerm is a full service dermatology
clinic, offering both medical and cosmetic
services. We are passionate about
enhancing the patient experience by
offering them increased access to health
care professionals, world class treatment to

background image

patients with all skin types and delivering
tomorrow’s therapies, today. Canada’s first
Rapid Access Clinic Referral today. Consult
tomorrow. Covered by OHIP. AvantDerm is
the only clinic in Toronto to offer walk-in
consultations with certified dermatologists
No more lengthy delays. Patients receive a
referral from their family doctor,and the
following business day, they walk in to
receive a thorough consultation with a
dermatologist professional. No appointment
is necessary. Rapid Access Clinic hours
are from 8 AM – 11 AM. Monday to Friday.
Recent Tweets Events Recent Posts At the
Rosedale Dermatology Centre, Dr. Paul
Cohen offers both cosmetic and medical
dermatology procedures. Conveniently
located just south of Yonge and St. Clair in
central Toronto, we offer the latest anti-
aging techniques. As Canada AM's
resident dermatologist, Dr. Cohen keeps
himself up to date on the latest
technologies and procedures. Dr. Cohen
was recently named one of Canada's best
dermatologists in Fashion Magazine March
2006, 2010, 2011 and 2013. 1366 Yonge

background image

Street, Suite 306 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4T 3A7 Medical Dermatology: 416-487-
3453 Cosmetic Dermatology: 416-487-
3453 ext 5 Skin Care (Rose Lortie): 416-
487-8508 Rosedale Dermatology Centre
has just qualified and become part of the
prestigious network of Leading Medical
Clinics of the World

� - read more. The

new Venus Viva skin technology has
arrived! Click here to find out more. NEW:
BELKYRA - the first and only non-surgical
treatment in Canada for improvement of
the appearance of fullness in the area
under the chin, sometimes referred to as
"double chin". The Rosedale Dermatology
Centre is the only clinic in Canada that
offers Shinso skin care products and the
Shinso Oxygen Lift. Dr. Paul Cohen is
pleased to introduce the naturopathic
services of Dr. Stacey Shillington ND

specializing in mesotherapy, cosmetic
acupuncture and total natural health. Get
glowing, healthy skin! Rosedale
Dermatology is pleased to introduce
Electroporation, a system that transports
customized natural medicines right into the

background image

deep layers of the skin. This treatment
system is used for skin revitalization,
reduced pigmentation, acne, anti-aging,
hair loss and fat reduction. All natural and
pain-free! For more information contact Dr.
Stacey Shillington ND at
stacette@rogers.com. Rosedale
Dermatology has the intraceuticals
hyperbaric oxygen technology. See
www.intraceuticals.com for details. We also
now offer Sculptra and Fraxel Call For Free
Consultation: 604.737.7060 Welcome to
BEAUTYWORKS At Our Vancouver Skin
Clinic you’ll receive the care and
sophisticated Skin & Body Treatments that
have been first, created through deep and
careful knowledge, and then consistently
and meticulously refined and improved
through constant education & experience.
For over 12 years now at our convenient
location(11th Ave. West & Granville), we’ve
been providing these specialized
treatments, which naturally trigger and
stimulate your own body’s physiological
mechanisms, to produce amazing results
in: Reversing the sign of aging on your skin

background image

by increasing Collagen and Elastin
Synthesis with Venus Freeze, LPG
Endermolift & ThermaShape Reducing
cellulite and providing circumferential
reduction by stimulating lypolisis in the body
with LPG Lipomassage, VelaShape II &
Venus Freeze. Facials Slimming
Treatments Cellulite Treatments Laser Hair
Removal Professional Use & Home Care
Skin Products We believe in only the best
skin care products, which is why our main
lines are as reputable, as they are
recognizable. Of course, it’s very important
that your home care products be of the
best quality and that’s why We SELL, and
recommend, ONLY, what we USE during
your treatments. Save Up to 15% NOW by
ordering from the links below! **Specials**
Welcome to Q Esthetics Laser Clinic At Q
Esthetics Laser Clinic . to ensure the best
results, we exclusively utilize the most
advanced technology and modalities to
provide non-surgical laser treatments in a
professional & ethical environment. For
example, Palomar Starlux is the first IPL
and laser that obtained the FDA's approval

background image

for " Acne Clearing ", and we are one of the
first clinics that use this device, so we have
the greatest number of satisfied patients for
acne treatment in the Greater Toronto
Area. Over the past 14 years, we have
been always looking for newer and better
options to offer our patients. If you have
any skin or cosmetic concerns, we have the
best solutions for you. Having younger and
healthier skin is an on-going commitment.
Should you wish to enhance your
appearance, freshen or rejuvenate your
skin, our medical doctor and highly trained
specialist in cosmetic dermatology will
introduce you to the best treatments and
skin care products . Age Spot Removal
Laser age spots removal is one of the most
common treatments performed at Q
Esthetics.Learn More Laser Scar Removal
We use latest fractional laser to remove
acne scar, surgery scar, burn scar.Learn
More Acne Treatment Nobody has more
satisfactory acne patients than Q Esthetics
in the Greater Toronto Areas.Learn More
Laser Tattoo Removal Cutting edge
technology and most experienced staff

background image

provides you best laser tattoo removal
results.Learn More Mole Removal We
safely remove different types of moles with
less pain and less scarring.Learn More
Laser Hair Removal You deserve a
smoother and more beautiful skin with laser
hair removal by Q Esthetics Laser
Clinics.Learn More Welcome to LaFontaine
Surgery Toronto Surgical and Non-surgical
procedures Breast augmentation,
liposuction / tummy tuck -- Nose, eyelids &
ears, face, hair transplants & BOTOX
Permanent make-up & laser hair removal --
Photo-facial, micro-dermabrasion, peels &
skin care Surgical and Non-surgical
procedures Breast augmentation,
liposuction / tummy tuck -- Nose, eyelids &
ears, face, hair transplants & BOTOX
Permanent make-up & laser hair removal --
Photo-facial, micro-dermabrasion, peels &
skin care Where Vision and Technology
Meet 30 years of experience enhancing
your natural beauty Surgical and Non-
surgical procedures Breast augmentation,
liposuction / tummy tuck -- Nose, eyelids &
ears, face, hair transplants & BOTOX

background image

Permanent make-up & laser hair removal --
Photo-facial, micro-dermabrasion, peels &
skin care Welcome to LaFontaine Certified
Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Toronto BREAST
class certified cosmetic surgery clinic. We
engage top Canadian Certified Cosmetic
Surgeons. Current Special Travel To Our
Certified Toronto Cosmetic Surgery Centre
of Excellence Come visit our plastic surgery
clinic for a beauty procedure. Welcome to
the cosmetic surgery and Liposuction clinic
of Toronto . Under the directions of board
certified surgeons, we specialize in a wide
array of surgical and non-surgical
procedures including breast augmentation
surgery, liposuction surgery, nose surgery,
surgical hair transplants etc. Over the past
several years, we have helped many of our
patients to enhance their appearance and
helped them to look good. So whether you
consider breast implants to restore your
perky assets, or consider a simple nose job
to look better, we promise you, you will get
satisfactory results. In our clinic, we provide
a welcoming surrounding where you can

background image

comfortably tell us your personal goals for
beauty to help us to create a personalized
plan for you to get you there. As a world
class certified cosmetic surgery clinic, we
provide a complete list of cosmetic surgical
methods to improve any area of the body
from head to toe, including a complete list
of nonsurgical methods as well. Some of
our surgical procedures include – face
lifting, breast augmentation, liposuction and
more! You can find the complete info from
here ! So, if you are excited about to
improve your looks and want to take this
opportunity to compete with the most
attractive Hollywood actors or actresses,
then make sure you call us to set up an
appointment. We assure you that, your
experience with us will begin the moment
you will be greeted by our surgeons, and
get excellent results in both personality and
looks in the end. La Fontaine Toronto
Cosmetic surgery and Liposuction Clinic will
help you look your very best. We have
constantly been at the forefront of the
industry specializing in breast
augmentation surgery, liposuction surgery,

background image

nose surgery, surgical hair transplants, and
many more Cosmetic procedures. We are
a private Toronto surgical clinic run by
highly professional, well-trained, talented
and motivated medical practitioners, using
state of the art equipment to meet all your
surgical and non-surgical needs. Learn
More About La Fontaine Toronto
Liposuction Clinic Book an appointment -
Call Us today @ (416) 962 4444 Please tell
us about yourself so we can better serve
you. At the Rosedale Dermatology Centre,
Dr. Paul Cohen offers both cosmetic and
medical dermatology procedures.
Conveniently located just south of Yonge
and St. Clair in central Toronto, we offer the
latest anti-aging techniques. As Canada
AM's resident dermatologist, Dr. Cohen
keeps himself up to date on the latest
technologies and procedures. Dr. Cohen
was recently named one of Canada's best
dermatologists in Fashion Magazine March
2006, 2010, 2011 and 2013. 1366 Yonge
Street, Suite 306 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4T 3A7 Medical Dermatology: 416-487-
3453 Cosmetic Dermatology: 416-487-

background image

3453 ext 5 Skin Care (Rose Lortie): 416-
487-8508 Rosedale Dermatology Centre
has just qualified and become part of the
prestigious network of Leading Medical
Clinics of the World

� - read more. The

new Venus Viva skin technology has
arrived! Click here to find out more. NEW:
BELKYRA - the first and only non-surgical
treatment in Canada for improvement of
the appearance of fullness in the area
under the chin, sometimes referred to as
"double chin". The Rosedale Dermatology
Centre is the only clinic in Canada that
offers Shinso skin care products and the
Shinso Oxygen Lift. Dr. Paul Cohen is
pleased to introduce the naturopathic
services of Dr. Stacey Shillington ND

specializing in mesotherapy, cosmetic
acupuncture and total natural health. Get
glowing, healthy skin! Rosedale
Dermatology is pleased to introduce
Electroporation, a system that transports
customized natural medicines right into the
deep layers of the skin. This treatment
system is used for skin revitalization,
reduced pigmentation, acne, anti-aging,

background image

hair loss and fat reduction. All natural and
pain-free! For more information contact Dr.
Stacey Shillington ND at
stacette@rogers.com. Rosedale
Dermatology has the intraceuticals
hyperbaric oxygen technology. See
www.intraceuticals.com for details. We also
now offer Sculptra and Fraxel Welcome to
Nouvelle Maria Spa and Salon! Welcome
to our European style day spa at the
luxurious Omni King Edward Hotel. The spa
is sunny and spacious; we invite you to
linger and enjoy the separate sauna and
lounge facilities for men and women. Our
atmosphere is one of fresh cut flowers, soft
music, and hushed voices. From the
moment the doorman on King Street
welcomes you into the lobby, we promise
you will feel pampered and cared for. This
is our commitment to you. Our team of
Professional Aestheticians offer:
Rejuvenating or Oxygenating Facials
European Facials Skin Treatments Make-
up Hair Care Hand and Nail Treatments
Foot Care Treatments Body Treatments
Waxing Treatments Tinting Our team of

background image

Registered Massage Therapists offer:
Swedish Body Massage Pregnancy
Massage Aromatherapy Massage
Reflexology Sports Massage Couples
Massage 'For Your Soul Massage'
(synchronized-full-body massage by two
RMT's) For a detailed list with descriptions
& pricing, please refer to our Services page
Most foot warts are harmless, even though
they may be painful. They are often
mistaken for corns or calluses, which are
layers of dead skin that build up to protect
an area which is being continuously
irritated. A wart, however, is caused by a
viral infection which invades the skin
through small or invisible cuts and
abrasions. Foot warts are generally raised
and fleshy and can appear anywhere on
the foot or toes. Occasionally, warts can
spontaneously disappear after a short time,
and then, just as frequently, they recur in
the same location. If left untreated, warts
can grow to an inch or more in
circumference and can spread into clusters

background image

of warts. Children, especially teenagers,
tend to be more susceptible to warts than
adults. Plantar warts . also known as
verrucas . appear on the soles of the feet
and are one of several soft tissue
conditions that can be quite painful. Unlike
other foot warts, plantar warts tend to be
hard and flat, with a rough surface and well-
defined boundaries. They are often gray or
brown (but the color may vary), with a
center that appears as one or more
pinpoints of black. Plantar warts are often
contracted by walking barefoot on dirty
surfaces or littered ground. The virus that
causes plantar warts thrives in warm, moist
environments, making infection a common
occurrence in public pools and locker
rooms. Like any other infectious lesion,
plantar warts are spread by touching,
scratching, or even by contact with skin
shed from another wart. The wart may also
bleed, another route for spreading. Plantar
warts that develop on the weight-bearing
areas of the foot (the ball or heel of the
foot) can cause a sharp, burning pain. Pain
occurs when weight is brought to bear

background image

directly on the wart, although pressure on
the side of a wart can create equally
intense pain. To prevent the spread of
warts, follow these tips: Avoid direct contact
with warts, both from other persons or from
other parts of the body. Avoid walking
barefoot, except on sandy beaches.
Change your shoes and socks daily. Check
your children's feet periodically. Keep your
feet clean and dry. It is important to note
that warts can be very resistant to
treatment and have a tendency to reoccur.
Over-the-counter foot wart treatments are
usually ineffective because their use can
inadvertently destroy surrounding healthy
tissue. Please contact our office for help in
effectively treating warts. Our practice is
expert in recommending the best treatment
for each patient, ranging from prescription
ointments or medications to, in the most
severe cases, laser cautery.
Replenishment Service When you order
the Replenishment Service, you'll
automatically receive a new shipment of the
item in intervals you select. We'll charge
your credit card for each order only when

background image

the item is shipped, and you may cancel at
any time. To start the Replenishment
Service for this product, choose a quantity
and delivery schedule during the checkout
process. You'll be asked to provide a
shipping address, credit card and billing
address. Once the order is placed, your
first shipment will be processed and your
Replenishment Service will be activated.
When will it arrive? Provide your US
shipping zip code to get an estimated
arrival date for in-stock items. Provide your
US shipping zip code to get a more
accurate estimated arrival date for in-stock
items. We could not find the zip code you
have entered, so we have provided an
approximate timing below. For more
accurate timing, please re-enter your zip
code. Estimated Delivery Date Estimated
delivery date applies to in-stock items and
may not be available depending on
shipment details. The dates provided are
estimates and subject to change and do
not apply to PO Boxes, APO/FPO/DPO or
U.S. Territories. For pre-orders, please
refer to the estimated ship timing on the

background image

product page. We do our best to estimate
the most accurate delivery time for your
convenience. Once your order has been
shipped, please refer to the tracking
information in your email confirmation.
Discover The 5 Solution to a Wrinkle Free
sources across the internet have exposed
a HUGE celebrity secret to erase wrinkles -
without botox or surgery! How do
Hollywood starlets look so radiant and
youthful well into thier 40's, 50's, and even
60's? Is it always expensive botox and
dangerous plastic surgery? According to
various sources, the answer is NO! So if
they aren't all using surgery to stay looking
great, what is their secret? Keep reading,
it's excitingly effective, safe, and cheap! A
high profile doctor has been giving advice
to clients (rumoured to include celebrities)
to look 10 to 15 years younger fast, but are
scared of the potential risks of surgery or
botox. Many online sources have
expressed suprise over how shockingly
simple, cheap, and effective his technique
was! Read on. “Countless aging celebs are

background image

reported to have admitted they avoided
surgery and look 20 years younger thanks
to the simple advice.” The Best Skin
Solution You’ve Never Heard Of The
wrinkle secret has been reserved for high
paying celebrity clients. until now.
Consumers have reported throwing away
thousands of dollars on expensive anti
aging products or dangerous surgical
procedures that make big promises that
often do far more harm than good. As a
result, a few weeks ago this simple solution
was shared! This anti aging miracle was
reportedly found when multiple celebrity
friends and clients were constantly reaching
out to a high profile doctor hoping for a
solution to look younger to prolong their
career without going in for surgery. The
doctor was reported to have been thrilled
when after months and months of pain
staking tests and research, his team came
across 2 products that when combined
supposedly took 10 to 20 years off
women’s appearance in just a month. More
shockingly it is safe, and costs next to
nothing to try . The two products are

background image

BELLAVEI Youth Renew Phytoceramides
and BELLAVEI Anti Aging Cream . “This is
the anti aging miracle of the decade as far
as I'm concerned.” So what is it? 2 Key
Ingredients For Anti Aging: 1. Vitamin C 2.
Hyaluronic Acid These are both natural
ingredients that work together to erase
wrinkles and fine lines at the cellular level –
below the surface of the skin – which is why
they’re so effective. Vitamin C, The
Fountain of Youth: The first piece of the anti
aging puzzle discovered was Vitamin C .
"Vitamin C is the secret to cheat your age”
Vitamin C penetrates deep into damaged
skin and stimulates new collagen – a
protein which makes skin appear plump
and firm. It's all the rage in beauty circles,
much in part because of a 2009 study
stating, applying non-prescription Vitamin C
to your skin caused a large reduction in fine
lines and wrinkles . This is why BELLAVEI
Youth Renew Phytoceramides is so
effective. It was one of the few products on
the market that had Vitamin C in the right
consistency and dosage.

Document Outline


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