I Just Can't Stop Loving You Imari Jade epub

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I Just Can’t Stop Loving You

By Imari Jade

Copyright © March 2012, Imari Jade
Cover art by For The Muses Design © March
ISBN: 978-1-936668-51-9

This is a work of fiction. All characters and
events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or
used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including
the right to reproduce this book, or portions
thereof, in any form.

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Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA


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Chapter One

“You have to admit, he does have a nice ass,”

Satoshi Hayashi said to Cristal Gentry. He spoke
of twenty-six-year-old Takumijo Yamazaki, the
choreographer for the Japanese pop group Ao-
mori as he stripped on stage in a skanky little
joint on the outskirts of Paris, France.

“Yes, but I never thought I’d be seeing his

butt quite like this,” Cristal said, not taking her
eyes off Takumijo or the other male dancer on
stage. And the two men were taking it off and
shaking it down to Beyonce’s “Sweet Dreams.”
She’d never be able to listen to the song again
without remembering this sight. She sighed. The
six-foot tall Japanese did make a delightful
temptation as he undulated and shook his muscu-
lar body. When had he learned how to work the

“You’re really into this, aren’t you?” Satoshi

asked as he drew smoke from a Cuban cigar.

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“Not as much as those two,” Cristal said,

pointing over to her left at the lead singer of Ao-
mori, Yori Morioka, and the baby of the group,
Ichiro Yoshida, who both had half-naked women
gyrating above their laps. Cristal gazed over.
Yori had a huge grin on his face as the dark-
haired stripper danced for him. But Ichiro just
watched the dancer through lowered lashes.
Cristal turned up her nose. Both those bastards
had wives back home in Osaka, Japan.

Yori’s wife Amaya was still recovering from a

suicide attempt, and Ichiro’s wife Shaundra was
recovering from a broken heart. Just a little over
a month and a half ago, Shaundra had learned
that Ichiro had cheated on her. Since then, Shaun-
dra hadn’t spoken a word to him and right now, it
didn’t seem like Ichiro cared.

Satoshi blew a circle of smoke her way and

Cristal turned her attention back on her sexy,
dapper-dressed partner-in-crime and piano man
for Aomori. Talk about a heartthrob. Satoshi was
the man of her dreams…a pretty, girly-man face,


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deep chocolate brown eyes, and an aristocratic
chin, all set in a vision of porcelain skin. And he
had the sweetest-looking lips. Oh, God, her
panties would be drenched if she didn’t stop star-
ing at him.

Cristal turned back toward the stage. “He’s

not really going to take it all off?” she asked

“I hope so,” Satoshi said, smiling.
Cristal shook her head. Though pretty to look

at, Satoshi had a strange attachment to Takumijo
and Ichiro she couldn’t explain.

The other dancer on stage, an equally tall and

very blond Frenchman, had stripped down to his
G-pouch. Cristal eyed the pouch curiously. Nice,
but she’d bet anything Takumijo had a nicer

“It’s killing you, isn’t it?” Satoshi asked. “I

mean the suspense. Will he or won’t he?”

Cristal bobbed her head up and down, mim-

icking the Frenchman’s G-pouch as it bounced to


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the saucy song. “I’d pay anything to see you on
that stage.” She gasped. Did I just say that aloud?

“Keep your money,” Satoshi told her. “I only

give private performances.”

Cristal pouted. She’d fucked up royally in that

area a couple of months ago. She had been so
close to getting Satoshi in her bed when she’d
foolishly answered her cell phone that night and
left him hanging to talk to her now ex-boyfriend
Yi-jun Lee. Had she ignored the call, she’d prob-
ably be back home in Osaka, pregnant, and
Satoshi would be in Paris getting a lap dance. Oh
hell no

Takumijo was down to a pair of skimpy black

bikini briefs and grinding over the bent body of
the Frenchman.

Cristal bit her lip. So sexy, she thought as she

wrote yaoi fan-girl prose in her head.

“Let’s go,” Satoshi said, breaking her fantasy.

“They’re signaling for us.”

Cristal took her attention off Takumijo and the

stripper and put it on another man beckoning for


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them to follow him. She rose with Satoshi’s help
and followed him past the stage to the back of the
strip joint. They passed several exotic dancers,
both male and female, in various stages of un-
dress. A couple of women eyed her up hungrily.
Cristal smirked, ignoring them, and thankful that
she’d been blessed with height and a nice shape.
But she wasn’t into women, no matter how pretty
or well-endowed.

The man led them into a smoky room filled

with people sitting at tables gambling. She
smirked again. Now this is more up my alley. Her
and Satoshi were the best card players in the
group, and had won a sizable chuck of change
since arriving in Paris. She’d learned about back
room gaming on her last trip to France with Yi-
jun. Of course, he wouldn’t let her play because
she was a girl. Stinking male chauvinist. Satoshi,
on the other hand, had no qualms about this. He
had always treated her as one of the guys when
they went out. He offered her a cigar once they
sat down and got into the game. Cristal accepted


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the cigar and a light from the handsome dark-
haired Frenchman on her left. Satoshi rolled his
eyes comically at her as the man gazed down at
her bosom. Cristal sighed. Sometimes it was
great being a girl.


Ichiro Yoshida paid the dancer and sent her on

her way. Takumijo had finished his dance and
disappeared backstage to dress, leaving him
alone with Yori, their fearless leader.

“Are you meeting the dancer later?” Yori

asked him.

Ichiro shook his head. “She’s nice, but not ex-

actly my type.”

Yori just shrugged.
Ichiro sighed. Yori had no problem since all

women were his type. “What about you?”

“Maybe,” he said. “If nothing better comes



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A handsome male waiter walked past them,

catching Yori’s eye. Yori nodded and smiled at
the young man, who walked off blushing. Yori
nodded toward the waiter.

“No!” Ichiro answered quickly.
“But we’re in Paris,” Yori pleaded with big

anime eyes.

“Still no. If I wanted some pretty boy enter-

tainment, I’d spend the night with Takumijo.”

Yori laughed at his joke. “You better not tell

him that. He’d drag your pretty ass out of this
club and back to the hotel before you could bat
an eye.”

“No doubt.” Ichiro smirked, knowing Yori

spoke the truth. Takumijo had been sniffing be-
hind him since they were teens. “So not inter-
ested,” Ichiro said, lifting his drink.

A black female took the stage. Now she was

more up his alley. The young woman had nice
long legs, creamy brown skin, big obviously fake
breasts and a nice flat stomach.

Yori looked up at the stage and sneered.


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Obviously, he admired her too. Funny, after

all these years they still had a lot in common, in-
cluding the possibility of the paternity of Shaun-
dra’s babies. Ichiro wiped the thought from his
head as he watched the young woman on stage.
In a couple of days, he would know if his darling
wife had cheated on him with one of his best
friends, or possibly her boss. Before he left
Osaka, he’d taken a paternity test and would have
the results when the babies were born. He could
move forward with his life once he found out.

“She has a nice body,” Yori said. “Perhaps we

could share her.”

Ichiro gazed over at him. “Maybe.” He’d seen

Yori naked before. He had a lean, sinewy, mus-
cular body and stellar abs that were almost as im-
pressive as Takumijo’s.

Takumijo picked that moment to appear fully

dressed and wearing a big smile.









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“And wore a raincoat too,” Takumijo said as

he sat down.

Ichiro shook his head. Takumijo was scandal-

ous. He signaled for the waitress. She arrived car-
rying her order pad.

“What will you gents have?” she asked in the

Queen’s English.

“Bourbon for three,” Yori said, ordering for

them. “And a smile.”

The waitress smiled at him.
Yori winked at her and she left to fill their or-

der. Yori could charm the pants off a nun. The
waitress returned later with a bottle of Bourbon
and glasses.

“Merci,” Yori said in French.
Ichiro noted how the waitress had her breasts

in Yori’s face. They all got an eyeful when she
put the bottle on the table. She left smiling with a
big tip in her hand.

“She’s going to expect to go home with you

tonight,” Ichiro told him.


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“What she expects and what will happen are

two different things,” Yori said. “I promised
Amaya I wouldn’t stray.”

Then what had all the previous talk been about

between them before Takumijo arrived? Yori had







“Yeah, I figured I’d give it a shot. What about


“That’s none of your business,” Ichiro said an-

grily. He knew Yori was just trying to find out
where his head was at.

“True,” Yori said. “But take it from someone

who knows. Don’t fuck up a good thing.”

Ichiro scowled, angry because he’d done that

already, and there was nothing he could do to
make it right.

“She still hasn’t forgiven you?” Yori asked.
Ichiro shook his head. “She won’t even accept

my calls.”

“Do you blame her?” Takumijo asked. “She’s

hurt. You were her baby…the love of her life.”


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Was? Did Takumijo know something he

didn’t? “I made a mistake.”

“The biggest, so I hear,” Yori said. “Never

ever mention another woman’s name in the heat
of passion. And an employee no less.”

Ichiro shrugged. “Shaundra won’t listen. I

never slept with Eri.”

Yori looked at him like he didn’t believe him.

“Then why did you call out her name? You must
have thought about doing her.”

“Thought. She’s very pretty and desirable, but

I never touched her, even though the opportunity
presented itself.”

“Not even a kiss?” Takumijo asked.
Ichiro lowered his head. “Well, she kissed


“Fire her,” Yori said plainly. “Get rid of the


Ichiro stared at him. “What? I can’t just fire

her. She hasn’t done anything, and she’s a good


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Yori leaned his way. “Then what you’re try-

ing to say is that you value her more than you
value your marriage.”

Hope glowed in Yori’s dark eyes. Could he

just step aside and allow Yori a second crack at
Shaundra? “No, nothing is more important than
my marriage. But I can’t just fire a perfectly good
employee for no reason.”

Yori leaned back. “Suit yourself, but you’ll

never convince Shaundra you didn’t have sex
with Eri.”

Ichiro pouted. There had to be a way.
“I would take Eri off your hands, but I’ve cur-

rently reached my limit on beautiful Japanese
women. Amaya is a handful.”

But had Yori reached his limit with beautiful

black women? “I’ll figure out something,” Ichiro
said. “How long can she hold a grudge?” He lif-
ted his glass and sipped. The liquid burned the
back of his throat. Why in the hell am I drinking


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Yori slid his sunglasses down the bridge of his

nose. “We’re talking about Shaundra here.”

Ichiro gulped. Shaundra still hadn’t forgiven

him for calling her a whore months ago. He’d
made her so angry she’d left his ass high and dry.

Yori looked over at him and chuckled. “Life

would be so much easier if you would have
chosen Satoshi over her.”

Takumijo nodded in agreement.
Ichiro frowned at both of them. He did not do

pretty boys.


Satoshi saw the dealer slip cards out of his

sleeve and pass them to the man on his right.
They’re cheating. The player on the right laid his
cards down and won the hand…another one.

Cristal looked at him, nodded toward the deal-

er, and frowned. Good girl. She was on to them
too. But what could they do? They’d lost a con-
siderable amount of money and they were


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outnumbered. He didn’t know about Cristal, but
he wasn’t leaving without his money.

The dealer reshuffled the deck.
Satoshi cleared his throat to get the dealer’s


The dealer looked toward him.
“I think you’re cheating,” Satoshi said. He

wasn’t one to beat around the bush. The dealer
was a big, brawny man who outweighed him by
at least fifty or sixty pounds, maybe more.

“What are you implying, sir?” the dealer asked

in French.

Besides Cristal, everyone in the room was

French and probably regulars. His guess was that
the ones at the table were all in this together and
planned to clean out the gullible foreign players.
“You have cards up your sleeve.”

“What?” one of the other players asked.
Hmm, did he have an ally? “He has cards up

his sleeves and he’s passing them to the gent on
his right.”


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Cristal raised an eyebrow at him. Did he just

impress her with his manliness? He couldn’t be
sure with her. She had her phone in her hand and
was texting someone. Was she texting Yi-jun?
She better not be.

The man on the dealer’s right rose. “Are you

calling me a cheat, pretty boy?”

“Yes,” Satoshi answered. “And I want my

money back.”

“Me too,” the other man answered.
Several men had the three of them surrounded

before they knew it.

“What did you tell them to piss them off?”

Cristal asked as one of the Frenchmen glared at
her angrily.

“Does it matter?” Satoshi asked, ducking the

blow of the big, burly dealer. He rose, landing a
solid punch in the man’s gut.

“Your brother is going to blame me for this,”

Cristal said, hitting one of the men with her
purse. “Who in the hell goes to Paris and gets in-
to a back room brawl?”


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Cards flew everywhere as the fighting escal-

ated. Some of the other guests ran out of the
room. One of the men punched him in the gut.
Satoshi groaned but did not fall. He had to pro-
tect his face. It was his meal ticket. He stood up
and hit the man back.

Yori, Takumijo, and Ichiro appeared in the

room. How? He wondered. They must have
heard the ruckus out front. Or one of the fleeing
gamers told them. A few seconds later, all hell
broke loose when someone touched Ichiro’s hair.
Oh shit, Satoshi thought. Bad move. They hadn’t
been in a brawl in a while. The last time, Ichiro
ended up kicking Yori’s ass and Yori had been
hauled off to jail.

Ichiro kicked the man and sent him flying

across the room. More cards and chips flew
haphazardly in the air. Yori and Takumijo
worked another man over.

“Get Cristal out of here,” Satoshi shouted at



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“I’m not going anywhere,” Cristal said, still

beating the hell out of a guy with her purse. What
did she have in that thing anyway? The man tried
to wrap his big, meaty arms around her, but
Cristal ground her spiked heel into the man’s
shoe. He screamed in agony.

Yori grabbed her and dragged her out of the

room while the rest of them fought with the
crooked dealer and his friends. But it was too late
for them all. The police arrived, burst inside the
room, and forced Yori and Cristal back by gun

Satoshi grabbed their money and crammed it

into his pocket.

“Police. You are all under arrest for illegal

gambling and fighting,” one of the officers said.

Cristal threw him a murderous look and

Satoshi shrugged at her as the officers hand-
cuffed them.

“You said you wanted adventure.”



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“You guys are so grounded,” Masaaki Fu-

gimoto, their manager, said later that evening
when he arrived to post their bail. “I’ve tried and
I’ve tried to give you guys the benefit of the
doubt and give you some freedom, and what do
you do? You go get yourselves arrested for
gambling and fighting. Do you want me to have a
heart attack and lose my job?”

“But they were cheating,” Cristal said in their

defense. “What did you expect us to do?”

“I expect you not to be in sleazy strip joints

gambling,” Masaaki told her. “Mr. Niigata is go-
ing to have a fit when he finds out.”

“Then don’t tell him,” Cristal mumbled. In the

year that she had worked for Niigata Enterprises,
she’d been grounded twice by Masaaki and Mr.
Niigata. Hell, she was twenty-six years old and
could do what she wanted to do.

“Don’t be flip, Ms. Gentry,” Masaaki said. “I

bet your father will be very disappointed to find
out that you’re in jail.”


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“You’re not going to tell Daddy are you?”

Cristal asked nervously. “He’ll make me come
back home to California.” Her father was a re-
tired four star general and he and her boss Goro
Niigata were good friends. Mr. Niigata had
promised to keep an eye on her if her father al-
lowed her to remain in Japan and work as Ao-
mori’s publicist.

“I have a good mind to call him. I expect such

things to happen to these guys, but you’re a girl.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

Cristal asked.

“Girls are supposed to be dainty and smell like

flowers, and stay home knitting or something, not
hanging out in bars and getting into fights.”

Satoshi sniffed her. “She smells like a fine

Cuban cigar.”

Cristal pushed him. “You’re not helping.”
“At least you had the decency to keep your

clothes on. The last thing I needed was for one of
you to get arrested for lewd and indecent expos-
ure,” Masaaki said.


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“Yeah, that would be a shame,” Takumijo


Cristal rolled her eyes at him. Had the police

arrived an hour, earlier they would have busted
him shaking his thing on the stage.

Takumijo winked at her as if reading her


“Can we leave?” Cristal asked. “I’m tired and

my shoulders hurt.”

Takumijo laughed. “You did swing a mean


Satoshi laughed and clutched his stomach.

“Ouch. I think it’s broken.”

“You’re lucky you didn’t get hit in the face,”

Masaaki told him. “All of you. You have another
concert to perform in two weeks in Amsterdam.
Lucky for you I got the strip joint owner to drop
the charges.”

Cristal wondered how much Masaaki had to

pay him for him to do that.

Masaaki turned to Ichiro. “I’m surprised at

you. I thought you were packing. You’re


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supposed to be on a plane tomorrow headed
home to be at the hospital for the birth of your

Ichiro rolled his eyes at Masaaki. “I’ll be


“You better,” Masaaki said. “I promised

Shaundra you’d be there.” He walked out of the
holding cell and the rest of them followed.

Cristal smirked. She’d bet Ichiro wasn’t look-

ing forward to going home. They’d all planned to
be on a plane tomorrow and fly back to Osaka to
be there for the births. They’d finally got Mr.
Niigata to agree and now this had happened.
“Can you hold off telling Mr. Niigata until after
we’re in Osaka?” Cristal asked Masaaki. “I really
want to be there for Shaundra.” She batted her
eyelashes at him like a girl.

“Well,” Masaaki said. “I guess it can wait. But

you better go straight to bed when we get back to
the hotel.”


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“I promise,” Cristal said. She kissed Masaaki

on the cheek and walked over to the claim win-
dow to get her things.

“Suck up,” Satoshi said to the back of her


“If I rear my head back fast and hard, I can

break your nose,” she told him.

“You are so violent,” Satoshi said as she

moved away from the window with her purse and
high heeled shoes.

Cristal waved the purse at him. “I am not

afraid to use this on you.”

Masaaki looked at her.
“I’m just teasing,” she said.
The others collected their belongings and fol-

lowed Masaaki out of the jailhouse.

Cristal looked at her watch. It was nine at

night and they had a six A.M. flight. She sup-
posed she’d just have to sleep on the plane.

Kenshin, their driver and the fifth member of

Aomori, stood outside the limousine waiting for
them. He smirked. “I am so glad I did not go with


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you guys.” Kenshin often accompanied them on
their adventures, but had been sticking close to
the hotel since he was always on call for Masaaki
and Mr. Niigata. He didn’t get in as much trouble
as the original four members, but he wasn’t inno-
cent either.

“Shut up and drive,” Cristal told him.
He poked his tongue at her like a kid and

helped her inside. The rest of the guys climbed in
and he drove them away from the curb as they
headed for the hotel.

Takumijo was asleep before they made it to

the highway. The rest of the guys looked tired too
and her shoulder still hurt.

“Do you think Shaundra will be surprised to

see us?” Satoshi asked her.

Cristal nodded. “She won’t be expecting us. I

can’t let her go through this alone.”

“She’s had other babies before,” Ichiro said

sullenly. “She prefers doing things by herself.”

Cristal ignored him. Most of this was his fault

anyway. The rest of it was Mr. Niigata’s fault for


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booking the tour near Shaundra’s due date. It was
bad enough they had to leave her on her own for
two months with just a nurse to look after her.
Takumijo and Satoshi had gotten the nursery to-
gether just days before they left Osaka. She
hadn’t had time to arrange a baby shower for her
friend, or be there for her after Ichiro destroyed
her world. She’d bet anything Shaundra was
spending her days crying her eyes out for the
gorgeous blue-eyed idiot. Cristal gazed over at
him when he wasn’t looking. What had possessed
him to cheat on such a good and loving wife?
And why had Yi-jun chosen some blonde haired-
starlet over her? Cristal sighed. Men could be so
inconsiderate. If she was Shaundra, she’d divorce
his cheating ass and marry someone like Harper.
The man loved her and would do anything for her
while Ichiro put everything before her.

Kenshin drove the limousine up to the front of

the hotel and parked, but did not turn off the mo-
tor. They got out and walked up through the door
while Kenshin drove off to park the car.


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“Go straight to bed,” Masaaki told them like

they were a bunch of kids. “We’ll be leaving for
the airport at five.”

Everyone groaned, but did not argue with him.
Cristal said good night to everyone and

entered her room excited but tired. In two or
three days, Aomori would be welcoming two
little additions to the fold.


“You got arrested?” Amaterasu Yamaguchi

asked Takumijo as they left the restaurant where
they’d just had a very late dinner.

“Yes,” he answered. “Are you appalled?”
Amaterasu smirked. When she did that, her

eyes twinkled mysteriously and made him go
weak in the knees. “No,” she answered. “What
happened this time?”

Takumijo shrugged. “Satoshi got us involved

in yet another fight.” It sounded horrible even to


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“You guys are the worst,” Amaterasu said

with a laugh. “Shit, how did I miss out on that?
Did you guys tear the place up?”

Excitement flashed in her eyes. As far as girl-

friends went, Amaterasu was the best. “Yeah,
Mr. Niigata is going to have a fit when gets the

“I don’t see any bruises,” she told him.
“I protected my face,” Takumijo said.
“I knew you weren’t an angel when I met


True, Aomori was notorious for getting into

trouble, but instead of it turning her off, she seem
to thrive off the knowledge that her boyfriend
was a troublemaker. The only other people who
would see the levity in the situation would be
Cristal and Shaundra. That little revelation sur-
prised him. Unlike some people he dated, Amat-
erasu would have no problem fitting into the Ao-
mori menagerie. He guessed Masaaki thought so
too when he hired her on as a backup dancer for
Aomori without an argument. The other dancers


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liked her too, which meant less squabbling and
cat fights. The only person in his life who didn’t
like her was Osamu, which didn’t surprise him.
Osamu was jealous of anyone who tried to get
close to Takumijo.

“So, how did you guys get out of jail so fast?”
“Masaaki paid our bail and got the club owner

to drop the charges.”

“Wow, he must be a great manager,” Amater-

asu said.

“He has his moments,” Takumijo said, look-

ing over at her. She looked lovely in the short
gold lame after-five dress that showed off her
spectacular legs. She’d done her long black hair
differently for their date. Instead of pulling it
back in a ponytail, she’d pulled it to the top of
her head in a chignon. He kind of liked it that
way. It made her look classy and adorable at the
same time. And it warmed him inside to know
she’d gone to all this trouble for him.

Kenshin drove the car into the driveway of the

nightclub, but didn’t turn off the motor.


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Takumijo assisted Amaterasu out into the
crowded parking lot. He slipped on his
sunglasses to disguise his appearance, and then
escorted Amaterasu into the club. Kenshin drove
away, but would be returning for them in an

“This place is nice,” Amaterasu said as he led

her over to a booth.

It took a bit of research on his part since he

didn’t know that much about Paris, but he’d
lucked out and found a club where he could take
her dancing. He’d snuck out after Masaaki sent
them to their rooms after they were released from

The waitress arrived.
Takumijo’s French sucked so he had to de-

pend on his date to order for them. The waitress
left and returned a few minutes later with glasses
and a bottle of champagne icing in a bucket. He
smirked, unlike Cristal, who didn’t have a prob-
lem drinking beer; Amaterasu’s tastes were
strictly high class. The waitress uncorked the


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bottle and poured the bubbly liquid into their
glasses and then she left them alone.

Soft jazz music played all around them and

couples danced under the dimmed romantic

Takumijo raised his glass for a toast. “To new

beginnings,” he said, staring into her eyes.

Amaterasu clicked her glass to his. “And good

times,” she replied. She sipped the champagne
and then placed her glass down on the table.
“Let’s dance.”

Takumijo gulped down his drink and followed

her onto the dance floor.

“I like this number,” she told him as she

wrapped her arms around his waist.

Takumijo wrapped his arms around her neck

and began to sway with her. He loved dancing
with Amaterasu. He liked the way she felt in his
arms. His body reacted to hers.

She laid her head against his chest. The pleas-

ant scent of her hair reminded him of a gentle
summer’s breeze.


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Takumijo gulped. If he didn’t control his emo-

tions, he could very well get swept away. She
was the only woman he’d cared about in a long
time and they had so much in common. Like
Cristal, she wasn’t afraid to take chances and
didn’t care what others thought of her. She was
intelligent and witty, and she didn’t seem to mind
his little quirks. He smirked. She had a few
quirks of her own. The music ended. Amaterasu
excused herself and went off to the ladies room
while he returned to the table. She returned mo-
ments later and they continued their conversation
and drank more of the champagne.

He wished he could take her back home to

Osaka, but Masaaki had put his foot down and
said no. Everyone could not go back and the dan-
cers would have to stay in France and continue
practicing for the next concert. That meant he
had to make the most of their time together so
she wouldn’t forget him or be tempted by one of
the other dancers.


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Kenshin came back for them and took the

scenic route through the streets of Paris on the
way back to the hotel.

“This is so amazing,” Amaterasu said, staring

out of the window at the Eifel Tower.

The sight next to him was pretty amazing too.
“We must come back here to see it by day-

light,” she said excitedly.

He supposed that could be arranged. Just the

two of them, alone in Paris. “Sure,” he said, real-
izing he’s just made a commitment. He groaned.
So out of character for him. He didn’t do com-
mitments or long, meaningful relationships.

“I hear they have some great art at the Louvre

too,” Amaterasu said, settling back in the seat
next to him.

Art? He didn’t do museums either. “Okay,” he

agreed, burying himself deeper into this relation-
ship thing.

Amaterasu moved closer and cuddled next to

him. She laid her head against his shoulder.


background image

Takumijo’s body hardened with desire. This

feels like a relationship. Did he have it in him
after repeatedly telling himself all these years
he’d never be swept into such a thing?

“I’m going to miss you while you’re gone,”

she told him. “Practice will be so boring without
you there whipping us into a frenzy.”

His insides felt like it had a frenzy going on.

He chuckled deeply to mask his uneasiness. “I do
like to keep the backup dancers on their toes dur-
ing rehearsal.” To him, their contribution was
just as important as Aomori’s. He leaned over
and kissed her on the top of her head. “I’m going
to miss you, too, but we’re only going to be gone
a week and then we’re flying back. We can’t
spare any more time than that.”

“Why do I get the feeling you guys are more

excited about this birth than Ichiro?”

“It is a big event in all our lives,” Takumijo

said. “They will be the first babies born to Ao-
mori. We have been together since we were kids.


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These babies symbolize our growth and our

“But they’re Ichiro’s babies. Wouldn’t you

like to have kids of your own someday?”

Takumijo’s eyes widened with surprised. He’d

never really thought about it. “Maybe, but I have
a pretty hectic life at the moment.”

Amaterasu chuckled. “Relax. I don’t mean at

this very moment. I think you would make a
great father. You’re kind and caring and you
know how to have fun.”

“Oh, yeah, I’m the poster child for fun. Do

you know how many times I’ve been arrested?
The kid is going to have to live with my

“It’s not like you’ve committed any heinous


No, he supposed she was right, but he did lack

discipline and self-control at times. He sighed.
He supposed he could work on that.

“You just know how to enjoy life.” She

snuggled closer.


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Takumijo reached up and touched his chest.

Why is my heart beating this way? Him, a father?
Pole dancing would definitely be out, and he
guessed he would have to give up stalking Ichiro.
Well, maybe not that.

They arrived at the hotel much too quickly for

him. Takumijo didn’t want their date to end so
soon, even though he knew he had to be up in a
couple of hours to get the flight back to Japan.
He helped Amaterasu out of the car and said
goodnight to Kenshin.

Kenshin winked at him, got back into the

driver’s seat and left to park the car in the hotel’s
parking garage. He and Amaterasu were holding
hands when they entered the hotel lobby and in-
side the elevator. Their rooms were on the same
floor, but down the hall from each other. Tak-
umijo did the gentlemanly thing and escorted her
to her door. “It’s been fun,” he said as Amaterasu
slid the key card into the lock.

“Yes, it has,” she agreed as the door opened.

“But it doesn’t have to end yet.”


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Takumijo turned and looked back at her. “Are

you sure?” he asked. His body was already re-
sponding to the idea of remaining with her for
just a little while longer.

She smiled and nodded. “Yes, very sure.” She

took his hand and gently tugged him inside the
room with her.


Amaterasu gazed over at Takumijo as he

peeled the clothes from his muscular body. Oh
. It was even better than she’d imagined.
Besides the rippling muscles, he had unblem-
ished skin and to die for abs. He had a dancer’s
body, slim but muscular in the shoulders. She
used her hand to fan herself as he danced a little
erotic number just for her while the music played
in the background.

Takumijo had set the perfect romantic mood

with light rock filtering out of the speakers,
dimmed lights, and him. Ooh, it was just too


background image

much. He’d had her out of her clothes seconds
after she locked the door, and he had her posi-
tioned on her back and propped up on pillows so
she could watch his little performance. Her nud-
ity was covered only by a sheet.

“No need to be shy,” Takumijo told her as he

moved his slim hips to the music. “Let me enter-
tain you.”

Of course he’d told her earlier about his scan-

dalous little routine with the male dancer at the
strip club, describing it in intimate detail to her.
She smirked. She would have loved to have seen
that. But he appeared to be recreating a part of
the act right in front of her. The only things miss-
ing were the pole and the naked Frenchman. Ooh,
la la
. Takumijo didn’t need company to turn her
on. All he had to do was shake that nice butt and
he had her.

He turned his back to her as if reading her

mind and began sliding the briefs down his hips,
exposing two glorious white orbs to her delight.
Amaterasu gasped with excitement. The man had


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the best butt in Paris. The briefs slid down his
muscular thighs and legs and now nothing stood
between them. He turned to face her and her eyes
landed on his erection. “I guess you’re ready to
take care of business.”

He smiled and suited up with a shocking royal

blue condom he pulled from his wallet. “Let’s
rock,” he said, sliding onto the bed next to her.

Amaterasu giggled and moved into his arms.
Takumijo moved closer to her and rewarded

her with a big, sexy kiss against her lips.

Amaterasu draped her arms around his neck

and pulled him down on her. His tongue darted
between her lips. The taste of champagne on his
breath excited her.

He kissed his way down her body, gently teas-

ing her breasts and her nipples with his tongue.
She shivered with each flip of his tongue. He
stopped long enough to cup both breasts in his
big hands.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said. His voice

deepened as he looked down on her.


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“Thanks,” she said as she stared into his gor-

geous face. He wasn’t a pretty girly-boy like the
other members of Aomori. His face was manlier,
with a strong chin and dazzling dark brown eyes.
He continued to rub her breasts and stroke the
nipples until they budded. He kissed one as one
of his big fingers decided to do a bit of exploring
between her legs.

She parted her thighs, giving access to her wo-

manhood. “Ah!” she moaned as he eased the fin-
ger inside of her.

“You’re tight,” Takumijo said, like it sur-

prised him. He worked the finger in and out of
her a couple of times to encourage her natural

Amaterasu squirmed a bit as his finger dug

deeper. Takumijo slipped the finger out and then
tried to introduce two. Her thighs closed around
his hand.

“Don’t go all soft of me now,” he told her ten-

derly. “I need to prepare you so there won’t be
any discomfort.”


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She relaxed and her body responded to his


Takumijo lowered his head and kissed her

again. He withdrew his fingers and nudged his
way between her thighs. She wasn’t a virgin, but
it had been a while since she’d trusted a man to
get this close to her both mentally and physically.

She let him take the lead.
Takumijo guided himself to her wet hole and

gently touched the head against her opening.

Amaterasu gulped and prepared to be entered.

He nudged the head through and she wrapped her
legs around his waist, taking in more of him.

Takumijo made love to her slowly and ten-

derly, whispering endearments into her ear as he
brought her over the top quickly. Her body shook
and the orgasm occurred, thrilling her from her
head to her toes and giving him more juice to ride

Takumijo kissed her again and then changed

positions, putting her on top. He filled her


background image

completely this way and she enjoyed the idea of
being in control.

“Oh, girl, you’re so sweet,” Takumijo said as

he helped guide her actions by sliding her body
back and forth while she ground her pussy into
his pelvis.

Passion for the man built up rapidly as she

concentrated on yet another orgasm threatening
to erupt from deep inside of her. “Ooh,” she
gasped as it exposed itself.

Takumijo stopped moving and allowed her to

ride it out and when it was over, he bent her up-
per body toward him and kissed her gently. Mo-
ments later, she slumped against him, exhausted.

Takumijo rolled her over on her back again,

giving her a few minutes to catch her breath, and
then he crawled back between her legs again. His
cock seemed even bigger now that she was a bit
sore inside.

Amaterasu wasn’t the stingy kind of lover.

She wrapped her legs back around his waist and
slid down on his rod to help him out.


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Takumijo screwed her slowly at first and then

his thrusts grew more precise and calculated.
“Ah!” he moaned loudly as he came. His lower
body jerked as the wave rolled through him. One
of his hands landed on the side of the bed next to
her for support while the other ended up on his
chest near his heart. “Ooh,” he said when his
body stopped jerking. “You were fantastic.” He
rolled off her and pulled her over into his arms
while he recovered.

She rested her head against his chest and

listened to his heart. It beat rapidly at first and
then it slowed and returned to normal. The next
sound she heard was his gentle snoring.

Flattered as she was, she knew she had to get

him up and out of her room. He had a very early
flight and Masaaki was a stickler for time. “Tak,”
she said, shaking him gently. “Wake up.”

Takumijo’s eyelids slid open. “What, wo-

man?” he asked.

“As nice as this is, you know you have to get

your sexy ass back to your room. Masaaki will


background image

put an APB out for you if you’re not there when
he looks for you.”

“Fuck Masaaki,” Takumijo said, pulling her

atop him again. “I can lay here and sleep with my
woman in my arms if I want to.”

Amaterasu giggled. “Sure, but I don’t want to

be grounded again. The last time I couldn’t leave
my room for a week.”

Takumijo groaned and kissed her on the fore-

head. “Yeah, you’re right, and I need to let you
get some rest too.” He lifted her off him and
placed her on the bed.

She watched as he removed the condom and

tossed it into the trash. He got dressed. Maybe
one of these days they could discuss their future
and having babies, but not right now. The mem-
bers of Aomori still had a lot of tours to do and
songs to write before they could finally resume a
normal life.

Takumijo leaned over her and kissed her one

last time. “I’ll see when I get back,” he told her


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as he straightened up. “Try to stay out of

Amaterasu chuckled. “Who? Me? Oh please.

Just try to stay away from those male strippers.”

Takumijo laughed as he walked out of the

bedroom. Moments later, she heard her door

She slipped out of the bed and hurried to the

front room and secured the door. She skipped
back to the bedroom. He’d be gone for a week
and she looked forward to his return.


Satoshi knocked on Takumijo’s hotel room

door. Everyone was up and about and Takumijo
hadn’t put in an appearance for breakfast. This
sent Masaaki into a hissy fit and the man sent
Satoshi to go in search for him.

A very grumpy Takumijo finally opened the

door. He had a bad case of bed head and he only


background image

wore the bottom half of his pajamas. “What the
hell do you want?”

“We have to be on a plane in an hour. Get


Takumijo groaned. “I’m too tired.”
Satoshi eyed him curiously. “Why?”
“None of your business,” Takumijo said.
Satoshi crossed his arms in front of him. Tak-

umijo was hiding something. He looked him
over. Blood shot eyes, paler than normal com-
plexion, and guilt written all over him. Sex.
“Don’t tell me you hooked up with one of those

“Leave me alone,” Takumijo said, staring dag-

gers at him.

Satoshi smiled. No, Takumijo would be brag-

ging about instead of hiding it if he’d scored
with a stripper. Satoshi tried to peep around Tak-
umijo, which was impossible since Takumijo’s
shoulders took up a lot of door space.

“What are you doing?”


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“Trying to see who you took to your bed last


“She isn’t here,” Takumijo answered.
Satoshi raised an eyebrow.
“Nothing,” Satoshi said. “Get dressed.”
“You’ve giving up already?” Takumijo asked.
“Yeah,” Satoshi answered, walking away. “I

like her. She’s a keeper.”

Takumijo chuckled and closed his door.
Satoshi headed back to his own room to make

sure he had packed everything he needed. They’d
only be in Osaka for a week, then would fly back
to Paris to rejoin their group and head for Ams-
terdam. But the only thing he cared about was
seeing Shaundra again. He’d talked to her a
couple of times since they left Osaka. She soun-
ded fine, but he knew her well enough to know
that she wasn’t okay. He’d spoken to Daichi a
few times as well. The plans for the christening
had been finalized and would occur once Ao-
mori’s tour ended. He and Takumijo would stand


background image

in as the babies’ godfathers along with Cristal
and Etsuko Yoshida. Speaking of Cristal, he
hadn’t seen her and wondered if she was ready to
go. He picked up his phone and dialed her. She
answered quickly.

“Are you ready?”
“Meet me in the lobby.”
“Okay,” Cristal said. She hung up.
Satoshi smiled. They didn’t have to identify

themselves on the phone anymore. Spooky. One
of these days they’d be finishing each other’s
sentences and wearing matching outfits. He
grabbed the handle of his suitcase and rolled it to
the door and out into the hall.

Takumijo, believe it or not, had dressed and

was walking down the hall in front of him. They
rode down on the elevator together and met the
rest of the gang in the lobby. Cristal looked like
she’d been out all night, hiding her sleep-de-
prived eyes behind a pair of dark sunglasses.


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Satoshi took the handle of her suitcase and
wheeled it out of the door along with his, leaving
Cristal to lug her laptop and purse. They all
climbed into a hotel van. Masaaki climbed in last
and sat next to the driver. Ichiro sat by one of the
windows, looking out. Satoshi sighed. This had
to be rough on him. Their youngest member’s
life would be changing in a couple of days. He’d
be a father with two more mouths to feed. They
hadn’t had a chance to talk privately since they
left Osaka, but he was sure Ichiro carried around
a heavy burden on his shoulders since he and
Shaundra had parted ways over a month ago.

To his knowledge, the two of them hadn’t

spoken, which he knew was eating Ich alive in-
side. But he’d brought most of it on himself.
Maybe he should have dated other women before
proposing to Shaundra. Things might have turned
out differently if he had. Ichiro had told all of
them that he hadn’t cheated on Shaundra. Satoshi
couldn’t be sure if he spoke the truth or not. A
year ago, he probably would have believed him,


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but Ichiro had changed and wasn’t their naïve
maknae anymore. And if he hadn’t actually slept
with Eri, why had he called out her name while
making love with Shaundra? Satoshi settled back
in his seat and fastened his seatbelt. So foolish.
He’d never make that mistake.


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Chapter Two

“What time is the nanny candidate arriving?”

Shaundra Yoshida asked her boss and good
friend Harper Kehoe as they sat in the den of the
farmhouse in Osaka, Japan. So far, she had inter-
viewed about ten people and found fault with all
of them. With less than a couple days before her
confinement into the hospital, she was running
out of time. Doctor Sou, her Obstetrician, had ar-
ranged for her to check into the hospital by the
end of the week for a scheduled Cesarean section
since he didn’t think it was safe to wait any

“Soon,” Harper said, sipping his Earl Grey

tea. “I think you’re going to like this one.”

Harper looked especially good this afternoon

in a dark blue suit and grey shirt that brought out
the color in his hazel eyes. At forty-one, he still
cut a dashing figure, and he had a great body.
They’d been friends for over twenty years now,

background image

since he’d opened his publishing company in
New York and accepted her first manuscript.

Shaundra picked up her cup. “You said that

about the others.” She sipped and frowned.

“What’s wrong?” Harper asked.
Shaundra put the cup down. “I don’t think I’ll

ever get the hang of drinking tea. I miss coffee.”

He reached over and patted her hand. “You

can have all the coffee you want after the babies
are born.”

“I won’t have time to drink coffee then,” she

said with a weak smile. “I’ll be too busy tending
to their needs.”

“Awe, come on. It won’t be so bad.”
Shaundra shook her head. “When was the last

time you changed a diaper?”

“Twenty-four years ago and he’s still causing

problems. I swear, I don’t know where his head
is at sometimes.”

Harper’s son Damien attended graduate school

with her youngest daughter Tricia back in New
York, and had been quite the handful to his father


background image

for years. Harper had another son, Kevin, who at
eighteen was considered a genius and had com-
panies all over the world trying to hire on the col-
lege freshman.

“He’ll be graduating in a couple of months so

half the battle is over,” Shaundra told him.

“If he graduates,” Harper said angrily. “His

grades aren’t the best and he hasn’t decided on
what type of field he wants to specialize in.”

“Ah, so he’s still majoring in fun,” Shaundra


“And minoring in girls,” Harper said.
“So, he’s pretty much a chip off the old

block.” She’d heard many stories about Harper
and his wild youth.

“No, I had calmed down by then and met his


Harper very seldom spoke of his ex-wife and

never in a positive way.

“Well, maybe Damien will find some nice

young woman and settle down,” Shaundra said.

The doorbell rang.


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Shaundra struggled to get to her feet.
“Sit,” Harper ordered. “I can do this.” He rose

and left her in the den.

Shaundra sighed, wondering what this nanny

would be like. Finding someone capable of tak-
ing care of two babies and who could deal with
the Aomori circus was not going to be easy. She
looked over at the television screen. The enter-
tainment news was about to come on, but she had
turned down the volume to talk to Harper. Shaun-
dra reached for the remote. Footsteps echoed in
the hallway that led from the front door. Well,
she’d just have to see the news later.

“Shaundra, this is Dae-Hyun Choi.”
Shaundra struggled to her feet and smoothed

down the hem of her maternity dress. She lifted
her head to see the nanny candidate and a broad
smile graced her face.

“Dae-Hyun, this is Shaundra….”
“Morrison,” Dae-Hyun said. “I’ve read all

your books.”


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A hot blush rushed up Shaundra’s neck and

spread across her cheeks. Before her stood six
feet of incredible-looking Asian yumminess. She
tried to maneuver over to him, but her belly got
in the way. The babies picked that moment to get
active inside her womb. Harper rushed over to
her and steadied her on her feet. Shaundra exten-
ded her hand and Dae-Hyun walked over and ac-
cepted it. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Choi.”
She paused. “Dae-Hyun? That’s not Japanese, is

“No, Korean,” Dae-Hyun answered in perfect


His voice brought on another smile and he had

big hands. Her body trembled and a warm feeling
ran down to her toes. Down, cougar.

Dae-Hyun smiled at her and released her hand.
“Have a seat,” Harper told both of them.
Shaundra looked over at Harper, almost for-

getting he was there too.

Shaundra sat down on the sofa next to him

while Dae-Hyun sat across from them. This gave


background image

her an opportunity to check the young man out
thoroughly. So far, she liked what she saw. “How
old are you?”

“Thirty,” Dae-Hyun answered.
The cougar inside of her growled.
“You should see this resume,” Harper said.

“He has excellent credentials.”

And a cute, sexy little smile, Shaundra mused.

Damn and she thought Yi-jun Lee was a stunner.
He had nothing on this one.

“I’ve checked out his resume and got refer-

ences. He was the nanny for a prominent house-
hold in Korea before the family moved to the Un-
ited States on business.” He handed the folder to
Shaundra. “Stop gawking at the young man and
try to pay attention,” Harper told her.

“Party pooper,” Shaundra told him, watching

Dae-Hyun squirm a little in his seat. She opened
the folder and began reading through the very im-
pressive resume while Harper continued to talk to
Dae-Hyun. He’d lived in a United States a couple
of years, which would explain his English skills.


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He’d graduated from college, majored in Early
Childhood Education, and had several degrees in
martial arts. Shaundra stopped reading, looked
over at him, and noticed the muscles under the
black jacket. She smirked and went back to read-
ing. He’d worked as a bodyguard for about a year
and was a licensed dietician. She lifted her eyes
again and trained them on him. Dae-Hyun had an
amazing set of lips. She shuddered and went back
to the file. His hobbies were ballroom dancing
and preparing international cuisine. He had culin-
ary skills? Now why did that get a rise out of
her? She smirked. Dae-Hyun was just too good to
be true. She closed the folder. “You are aware
that you’ll be responsible for two babies?”

“Yes, Ms. Morrison,” Dae-Hyun said, bowing


“It’s Mrs. Yoshida,” Harper corrected.
“Yes, sorry, Mrs. Yoshida.”
“Shaundra is married to Ichiro Yoshida of the

Japanese pop group Aomori,” Harper told him. “I
suppose you’ve heard of him.”


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“Yes, sir,” Dae-Hyun said. “They’re very pop-

ular in Korea too.” He paused. “Shouldn’t he be
here too? I mean, wouldn’t he want to meet the
person who could be the nanny for his children?”

Shaundra rolled her eyes. “Well, he’s on tour

in Europe right now. You’ll meet him soon
enough. The two of you have many things in
common. He’s into martial arts and he’s a chef.”

“I look forward to meeting him,” Dae-Hyun


She heard the sincerity of his words, but his

eyes said something else. Shaundra smirked.
“When can you start?”


“Tell me more about Mrs. Yoshida,” Dae-Hy-

un said to Harper as they traveled together to the
hotel where Dae-Hyun stayed. The two men rode
in Harper’s chauffeured town car.

“What would you like to know?” Harper



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“Everything,” Dae-Hyun answered. “I can’t

protect her unless I know more.”

Harper looked over at the young man and

shook his head. He’d kind of hoped this one
would not be swept away by Shaundra’s person-
ality like every other man who crossed her path.
“She’s fifty-one years old and has four grown
children who live in the United States. She met
Ichiro a year ago when I dragged her to Japan to
help me promote KiNii, a publishing company I
own with Mr. Goro Niigata, Aomori’s boss.
Three other writers accompanied us and Mr.
Niigata got this idea to join three Japanese
writers with the American writers for publicity.
He also decided that it might be nice to include
Aomori, and it probably all would have turned
out differently had the lead singer, Yori Morioka,
not gotten the hots for Shaundra.”

“Yori and Shaundra had a thing?”
Harper scratched his head. “I don’t know how

to describe what they had, but in the end, she
chose Ichiro.”


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“What else?” Dae-Hyun asked.
“Shaundra and Ichiro got married in the Un-

ited States while Aomori was there on tour. One
of her fans tried to kill her right before that, and
Aomori’s fans still hate her for marrying Ichiro.”

“Define this hate.”
“You know, threatening emails and blasts over

the Internet. So she moved here to be with her
husband and they began having marital problems.
Shaundra left Ichiro and was nearly killed in an
earthquake and tsunami. Luckily, she was res-
cued and taken to a hospital in Tokyo. Everyone
thought she had perished, but then one of the
members of Aomori hired a detective who found
her in the hospital. She was in a coma, but
awakened without any apparent damage done to
her physically. She returned to her husband who
learned for the first time about Shaundra’s preg-
nancy. The two of them seemed to be happy for a
while, and then she told me that Ichiro cheated on
her before he left for the European tour. Now
you’re all caught up.”


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“Not quite,” Dae-Hyun said. “Some things are

still unclear.”

The young man was definitely bright. “Like


“Why are there guards posted around the

property? Why did Ichiro leave a pregnant wife
alone and go on tour? And why are you at the
center of all this drama?”

“Wow, you’re very perceptive.” Harper settled

back in the seat. “Let me see if I can explain. The
guards belong to Aomori. They travel with them
almost everywhere they go. But since the first at-
tack on Shaundra’s life, Mr. Niigata has hired
some others to keep an eye on her. As I men-
tioned earlier, some of the fan-girls can get very
nasty and she’s been receiving threatening hate
mail…some I don’t think she’s even aware of.
It’s been arriving at the New York office.” He
paused. “Ichiro left his pregnant wife behind be-
cause he is a young fool who thinks Mr. Niigata
is some kind of god. Aomori jumps when this
man speaks. They have been taught that the


background image

group comes first and the show will go on. And
lastly, Shaundra and I have been friends for many
years and she is a valued employee.”

“And you are in love with her?”
“Yes,” Harper answered honestly. “But she is

in love with Ichiro. So I am just happy to be her
closest friend.”

“Good answer. Wow, this certainly an inter-

esting client and I will probably have my hands
full with her.”

“More than you know,” Harper agreed.

“While I’m spilling the beans, I might as well fill
you in on some other things. She might be mar-
ried to Ichiro, but two other members of Aomori
are in love with her. You already know about
Yori, but you don’t know about Satoshi

“The piano man?” He paused. “Isn’t Yori mar-

ried to some fashion designer?”

Harper nodded. “Another situation you should

know about. Yori’s wife Amaya hates Shaundra.
She knows that her husband is in love with


background image

Shaundra, but tries to take it out on her every
chance she gets. She even went as far as trying to
commit suicide a couple of months ago to get
Yori’s attention.”

“Stupid woman,” Dae-Hyun replied. “Now

tell me about Satoshi.”

“He’s the one you need to watch the most. He

and Shaundra are good friends now. In fact, I
think she trusts him more than she trusts me.” He
smiled weakly. “Satoshi is the type who puts oth-
ers before himself. He and Ichiro are friends,
which leads to yet another problem.”

“Are you sure you need a bodyguard for Mrs.

Yoshida? It sounds to me that you need to hire a
physiatrist to untangle this mess.”

Harper chuckled. “Yes, I suppose you’re right

about that.”

“How does Mrs. Yoshida feel about Satoshi?”
“I have no idea. She talks to me about Ichiro

and Yori, but she’s pretty mum when it comes to


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“And they don’t seem to care that she’s older

than them, or married to Ichiro and carrying his

“No, Aomori is, well, you’ll find out soon

enough. And as far as those babies, court is still
out as to who the father is.”

“You mean she cheated on her husband?”

Dae-Hyun asked.

“No, but Amaya has put doubt in everyone’s

mind because no one but me knew that Shaundra
was pregnant before she disappeared. Everyone
thinks I’m the father.” He sighed. “Would be
nice, but I’ve never laid a finger on her.”

“Poor woman,” Dae-Hyun said. “Sounds like

she’s involved with a bunch of kooks.”

“The kookiest,” Harper said. “So you’re going

to earn your money if you decide to take the job.”

“I’m taking it,” Dae-Hyun said. “I wouldn’t

miss out on finding out how this is going to end.
So let me get this straight. My mission is to pro-
tect Mrs. Yoshida and her babies from any threat,
no matter what.”


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“Exactly,” Harper said. “She is the most im-

portant player in this story, and I won’t let any-
one, not even her husband, destroy her. Do you

“Perfectly, Mr. Kehoe. I will protect Mrs.

Yoshida and her babies even if it means beating
the hell out of her husband if he tries anything.”

“One other thing, men seem to fall in love

with her the moment they meet her. Neither she
nor I can explain this. She jokes about it, but I
think it worries her sometimes. Shaundra is a
wonderful woman, classy with a zest for life.
She’s not afraid of her sexuality and she says
what is on her mind. She’s independent and
won’t ask for help.”

“And she has beautiful eyes,” Dae-Hyun said.
Harper chuckled. “The rest of her isn’t bad

either. Wait until she has those babies. She’ll be
beating even more men off of her.”

“Or I will,” Dae-Hyun said. “Does she know

you’ve hired me to be her bodyguard?”


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“Not yet,” Harper said. “I don’t want to fright-

en her. She just needs to concentrate on having
those babies.”

“I understand,” Dae-Hyun said. “When is Mr.

Yoshida due back?”

“In a couple of days, but only for a short visit.

He’s flying back to Europe right after the birth of
his kids to finish up his tour in Amsterdam. So
you can be getting the new house ready for that

“Is she sure moving out is the best thing?”
“She believes so,” Harper said. “She’s very

hurt by what Ichiro did to her, and she doesn’t
want to be around him until they work this out.
The nursery at the farmhouse is just a front. The
real one is at her new home, which she will be
moving to right after Aomori returns to Europe.
No one else knows about this except the three of

“Do you think Mr. Yoshida will be a problem

when he comes home and discovers his wife has
moved out?”


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Harper shook his head. “For some reason,

someone trained Ichiro a little too well in martial
arts. He’s competed in competitions as a child
and even after he joined Aomori. I haven’t seen
him in action, but I’ve heard tales that could curl
your hair. I don’t think he’d harm Shaundra, but I
can’t take any chances.”

“Then I better brush up on my skills.”
“He has a mean kick,” Harper told him.
“I’ll prepare,” Dae-Hyun said. “If he raises

that leg to me or her, I’ll break it off.”


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Chapter Three

“What are you doing here?” Amaya asked,

glancing at her nemesis, Shaundra Yoshida, on
the other side of the door.

Shaundra smirked at her. “If I didn’t know

better, I’d swear you weren’t glad to see me.”

Amaya continued to glare.
“Well, aren’t you going to invite me in?”
“Are you armed?”
Shaundra laughed. “If I was, you’d be dead by


Amaya stepped aside and Shaundra entered

her home. She removed her shoes in the foyer.

“Is Yori dead?” Amaya asked, closing the

door and leading Shaundra through the house and
to the kitchen.

“No, why would you ask that?” Shaundra

looked around. “You have a nice home.”

“Thank you,” Amaya said. “Why are you

here?” She offered Shaundra a seat at the table.

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Something had to be wrong. If it wasn’t Yori
then maybe something had happened to one of
her parents.

“I came to check on you,” Shaundra said.
“Why?” Amaya asked.
“I don’t know. The idea just popped into my

head this morning.”

Amaya stared at her. “Would you care for

some tea?”

“Yes, thank you.”
Spooky. Shaundra was the last person she ever

expected to see at her front door. They didn’t
even like each other, had gotten into numerous
arguments and fist fights. Amaya prepared the

“How are you doing?”
“I’m fine. How about you?” Amaya placed a

plate of cookies on the table before her and went
back to the tea.

“I’ve been better,” Shaundra said. “But I’ve

been worried about you.”


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Amaya placed a cup of tea in front of Shaun-

dra and then sat across from her and poured a cup
for herself. “Why?”

Shaundra raised the cup of tea and sipped.
“You’re not afraid I might poison you?”
“No,” Shaundra answered, placing the cup on

the table. “You’re a lot of things, but you aren’t a
murderer. And the answer to your previous ques-
tion is I needed to check for myself that you
won’t try anything foolish as trying to kill your-
self again.”

Amaya gasped. “You’re so rude.”
“Yeah,” Shaundra said. “And you have


“I hope you didn’t come all the way over here

to insult me in my own home?”

“No, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately

and for some reason, I felt I needed to come here
to clear the air between us.”

Amaya raised her cup and sipped. Did Shaun-

dra come to confess? Is Yori really the father of
her babies?


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“First of all, I think you are one selfish young

woman. What did you think committing suicide
would prove? You’d be dead and you still
wouldn’t have Yori all to yourself.”

“I don’t know,” Amaya said. “I just couldn’t

take it anymore. He’s my husband, but he’s in
love with you.”

“Second, Yori is not in love with me. Yori

loves you. He’s just likes to tease. Hell, the two
of you have been friends for years. I’d thought
you’d have him figured out by now. So why am I
here? I’d just like to put your little conniving
mind at ease. I have never slept with Yori and
don’t have any plans to do so in the near future.
He is not the father of my babies. Ichiro is.”

Amaya thought about what Shaundra just said.

“Not Harper?”

“No, honey. Harper is nice, but I fell in love

with Ichiro. I have never carried on wild affairs
and I’ve never cheated on Ichiro. I just thought I
needed to clarify this for you.”

“But you left him.”


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“What would you have done? Well, you

already proved what you would have done. Any-
way. Ichiro and I weren’t even speaking by the
time I decided to leave. He was too busy with the
restaurants and Aomori, and he didn’t have time
for me. I left because I didn’t want to be a burden
on him.”

“But you came back.”
“Only because his friends drug me back. My

plans were to return to the United States and have
my babies without him finding out about them.
But the earthquake happened before I had a
chance to leave.”

“So you knew you were pregnant before you


Shaundra nodded. “I just wanted to make this

all right. To exit out of all of your lives and go
back to mine in New York.”

“Were you depressed?” Amaya asked.
Shaundra nodded again. “I still am. I don’t

have any friends here. I’m separated from my


background image

kids and I can barely speak the language. I felt
the walls closing in on me.”

“I know what you mean.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m here. I felt so bad when

I found out, even though I didn’t show it. So I
thought I’d better come and check up on you and
to try to put an end to our squabbling. I’d much
rather have you as a friend than an enemy.”

Was Shaundra apologizing to her? “I’d like

that too,” Amaya said. “I don’t know how many
nights of sleep I’ve lost wondering if you and
Yori were sneaking off meeting each other

Shaundra chuckled. “No.”
“Thank you,” Amaya said. “For coming. I

know you shouldn’t be traveling.”

“No, I shouldn’t, but I’ll be on lock down for

a few weeks so I’m enjoying my last few days of

“Are you still angry at Ichiro?”


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“Yes, but believe it or not, I do understand.

He’s never been with anyone other than me and
he got tempted. Still, it hurts.”

“Maybe the two of you can see your way past

this. He’ll be home in a day or so. You need to
tell him how you feel.”

“I don’t know if I can. I won’t know if he’s ly-

ing to me or telling me the truth. I don’t know
how many times I’ve told him to just tell me if he
wanted someone else. I would have understood
and stepped aside.”

“You’re a better woman than I am,” Amaya

admitted. She sighed. Maybe she had misjudged
Shaundra. What a wasted year. All the time she’d
spent hating her they could have actually been

“I have to go,” Shaundra suddenly said. She

struggled to her feet.

“I think you’ve gotten fatter,” Amaya teased.
“Laugh all you want. Wait until your turn

comes around.”


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Amaya rose. “Ooh, not for a long time. I can

barely deal with myself.” She showed Shaundra
to the door and watched her slip back into her
shoes. “Are you sure you should be driving your-
self around?”

“No, but I’m fine. I need to go home and fin-

ish packing for the hospital.”

Amaya opened the door and Shaundra

waddled out.

“Life is important, Amaya, and it’s only on

loan to you. Don’t fuck up a good thing. If you
feel like you can’t handle it, call me and I’ll
come over and give you a good, swift kick in
your ass and bring you back to reality.”

Amaya nodded. “I’ll try to remember that.

Thank you for visiting.” She watched Shaundra
get back into her car and drive away. Amaya
closed the door. Maybe I need to go back to bed.
This had been one strange day



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“Hello, beautiful.”
Tricia Morrison looked up from the book she

was reading. She scowled. “What do you want?”

Damien Kehoe smiled down on her.
Tricia tried not to let it affect her since she’d

fallen victim to that smile before. Damien was
trouble with a capital T.

“Why do you want to be like this?” Damien

asked. “You know how I feel about you.”

He stared at her with those amazing green

eyes. The lashes swept his tanned cheeks, making
her panties dampen. Tricia gulped. He was pretty
fine for a white guy. “How many females on this
campus have you fed that line to this week?” Tri-
cia asked as she watched the tiny humor lines
emerge around his eyes and mouth. No, no, no
must not look at the mouth. Oh, shit
. She looked.
Her stupid, treacherous heart did a full gallop as
she gazed over at the rest of him. Tall, blond,
gorgeous, and single. There should be a law








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“I can honestly say that you’re the first one

I’ve told this to today.”

He sat down in the seat next to her and she got

a whiff of his cologne. Wicked. He smelt like sin.
Her favorite scent. “Why aren’t you studying?
Don’t you have exams?”

“I’ll study later after our date?”
“What date?” Tricia asked loudly.
A couple of the other students shushed her.

She supposed they had the right since they were
in a library. Every time she went off with him
somewhere, she ended up fighting off his ad-
vances or getting into trouble. Her grades were
slipping and she feared she wouldn’t be able to
graduate on time if she didn’t get her act togeth-
er. Last semester, the dean personally threatened
to put both of them on academic probation if they
didn’t straighten up.

“An evening drive along the coast, followed

up by dinner and perhaps a little dancing.”

Ooh, so tempting. “Sorry, I need to study.”


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Damien ran his middle finger up her arm, tick-

ling the dark hair. “Awe, come on, Brown Sugar.
Where is your sense of adventure?”

Tricia moved his finger away. “Don’t call me

that. You’re just horny and looking for a little

Damien smirked, but did not deny the accusa-

tion. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. I can
rock your world if you just let me.”

He could also get her expelled, pregnant, and

in trouble with her mother. “No, not a bad thing,
but definitely not what I’ll be doing this evening.
Have you even picked up your Economics book?
I heard the test is going to be a killer.”

Damien sighed. “The economy of the world is

already a mess. What can that book teach me?”

“Well, you need it to graduate, and aren’t you

a business major?”

Damien put his finger to his lip. “Shush, don’t

tell anyone. Anyway, I plan to go to work at my
dad’s publishing company when I graduate, so I
don’t really have to study.”


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Tricia frowned. It wasn’t like Damien couldn’t

get good grades if he tried. He just didn’t try.
“I’m sure your father expects you to do some
work when you start working for him, and it
would be nice to at least earn your diploma. It
would look so nice hanging on the wall of your
plush New York office.”

“True, but what does any of this have to do

with our date tonight? I’ve found this great steak
and lobster restaurant I’ve just been dying to try.
And you need to eat.”

Well, she had missed lunch cramming for an-

other test and there weren’t any other guys beat-
ing a path to her door offering her steak and lob-
ster. “Dinner, but no dancing,” she said. “I have a
test at seven in the morning.”

“Okay, no dancing,” Damien agreed.
“Steak, but no sex,” Tricia added.
Damien smirked at her.
Her stomach clenched. He had the sexiest

smirks. “I’m serious.”


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“Yeah, I know you plan to stay a virgin until

you’re married.” He paused. “I’ve made reserva-
tions for eight.”

Tricia looked at her watch. It was nearly six.

That only gave her an hour or so to find
something to wear and to dress. She closed the
book. “I need to shower and change.” She stood

Damien grabbed her hand. “Do you need

someone to wash your back?”

Tricia slapped at his hand. “No, but you can

carry my books and walk me back to my dorm

Damien rose, gathering her books while she

slung her book bag over her shoulder.

“Are you sure Shaundra Morrison is your

mother?” he asked as they walked out the library.

“Pretty sure,” Tricia told him with a smile.

“She’s taught me a thing or two about men.”



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Damien helped Tricia out of the front seat of

his sports car and closed the door.

“I love the beach,” Tricia squealed.
Damien smirked. “I know that.”
Summer had finally ended and it was cold in

New York, but there were still a lot of people on
the beach. He grabbed her hand and pulled her
toward the sandy shore. “What made you decide
to come here?” Tricia asked as they watched the
tide come in.

“It’s peaceful,” Damien said. “I’ve always

liked the water, since I was a child.”

True, and he had a darn good body to show for

all the swimming he did for the college swim
team. She sighed. If only he put that much effort
in his studying.

“Would you like to go for a swim?”
“Are you kidding? It’s November and the wa-

ter is too cold.”

“My father has a heated pool at his townhouse

in Manhattan.”


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“We’re at the beach and it will be late by the

time we make it to Manhattan.”

She didn’t know why she bothered. She was

just going to end up there anyway. “Maybe,” she

Damien squeezed her hand affectionately.

“Have you heard from your mother?”

“Not in the last week or so. The last thing she

told me was that she’d hired a nanny for the

“Can you imagine her having a baby at her


Tricia shook her head. “No, but she loves

Ichiro. Sometimes that takes precedence over
common sense.”

“Isn’t it dangerous at her age?”
Tricia sighed. She really didn’t want to dis-

cuss her mother. This was a beautiful night and a
bright white moon gleamed on the water. And
she was holding hands with a sexy, cute blond.


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“Yes, but she has a good doctor and Aomori
looking after her.”

“No, they’re not,” Damien replied. “They’re

in Paris.” He chuckled. “They just got their asses
arrested a couple of nights ago and their manager
had to bail them out of jail.”

“No! What happened this time?”
Aomori was infamous for being arrested and

being involved in scandals.

“Apparently, they were in some strip joint in

France and gambling when the place got raided. I
think they were in a fight too.”

Tricia smirked. She’d bet her bottom dollar

Satoshi started the fight.

“Didn’t you used to date one of them?”
They’d gone out a couple of times, but she

didn’t consider it dating. And all the while she
suspected that he had the hots for her mother.
“Yes, Satoshi.”

“The one who plays the piano?”
“Yes, that’s him.”
“Did you sleep with him?”


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Damien pulled her closer to him when she

didn’t answer. “Well?”

“Good. I wouldn’t want to take sloppy

seconds to some old pop star.”

Tricia used her free hand to pop him. “Satoshi

is not old. He’s just twenty-six. And I didn’t
know him well enough to sleep with him.” She
paused. “And who says I am going to sleep with
you? Just because your ass is fine and I’m letting
you hold my hand doesn’t mean I’ll be spreading
for you tonight.”

Damien stopped, pulled her into his arms, and

kissed her. His tongue darted into her mouth and
the world revolved on its axis.

“Please,” he pleaded against her lips.
Tricia crossed her ankles to fight off the pull

of temptation. It was getting harder and harder to
resist. “Just a swim,” she answered.

Damien smiled wickedly at her. “Okay.”



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“Are you crazy?” Harper screamed at Shaun-

dra through the speaker of her car phone while
she drove through the farmhouse gates. The
guards waved her in.

“No, I’m not.”
“You know you’re not supposed to be


“I just took a short ride. Where are you?”
“I’m on my way to see you. I’m bringing your

new contract.”

Shaundra smirked. Harper could have emailed

or faxed it to her. She drove past the farmhouse
door and continued on to the parking lot behind
the house. The nurse had left earlier, meaning she
was alone for a while. Shaundra drove into her
parking spot, grabbed her purse, and eased out
the car while Harper continued to talk to her. A
pain shot through her body. “Oh!”

“What’s wrong?”
Shaundra leaned against the car for support.

“Nothing, just a pain.”


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“What? What kind of pain?
“I think it might be a Braxton Hicks


“You think? Is this the first one?” he asked


“No, I’ve had a few since the other day.”
“And you’re still out driving?” Harper


Shaundra took the phone from her ear and let

him rant. Sometimes men could be such nags.
Another pain hit. This one nearly took her breath
away. “Damn,” she shouted.

“Shaundra, are you okay?”
“Yes,” she gasped as she doubled over again.

“Just another pain.”

“Don’t lie to me. You don’t sound all right.”
Shaundra bit her lip to keep from screaming

and she didn’t think she could straighten up.

“Where are you? Are you still driving?”
“No. I just parked the car in the lot behind the



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“Damn,” Harper said. “We’re still about a

mile away.”

The pain passed, allowing her to stand. “I’m

okay. I’m going to go inside.”

“Don’t hang up,” Harper told her. “Talk to


Shaundra took one step forward and another

pain hit, knocking her to her knees. Water gushed
out of her like piss. “Awe.” She groaned. “I think
my water just broke.”

“What? You aren’t due for another two


“Well, tell that to these two big-headed ba-

bies.” She screamed as another pain ran through
her body like a lightning strike. “God damn it.”

“Step on it,” she heard Harper tell his driver.
She’d had babies before, but she’d never felt

anything like this. Something had to be wrong. “I
don’t feel too good,” she told Harper.

The world spun around her. Shaundra saw

darkness, felt the earth move again, and then


background image

everything moved in slow motion. Another earth-
. “Harper!”

Her thoughts muddled and then clarity hit. She

looked around. Had she imagined the earth shak-
ing a few seconds ago? Her head throbbed and
everything went dark again. Water and lots of it.
She screamed. “Run.” The image passed. What
was happening to her and why did she keep spa-
cing out? Another pain. Shaundra screamed
again. “Ichiro, where the fuck are you?” She


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Chapter Four

Harper jumped out of the back of the car and

hurried over to Shaundra. She lay on the ground
right next to her car. “Damn,” he said, kneeling
next to her. He reached for her hand, checking
for a pulse. He found one…a weak one. “Damn.”

His driver got out of the car. “Is she alive?”
“Yes,” Harper said, lifting Shaundra into his

arms. She weighed a ton. “Get a blanket out of
the trunk and lay it on the back seat.” He wasn’t
worried about messing up the seat. He wanted to
make Shaundra as comfortable as possible.

The chauffer ran around to the back of the car,

opened the trunk, and got a blanket.

Harper had thought about alerting the guards

to go to Shaundra before he got there, but he
didn’t trust them around her. He walked to the
car and gently laid her on the back seat. He then
went back, got her purse and her cell phone, and
placed them near her. The driver got back behind

background image

the wheel and Harper climbed into the front seat.
“Let’s get her to the hospital.”

“Which one?”
“Osaka General.”
The driver turned the car around and drove to-

ward the gate. Harper looked into the back seat.
Shaundra was still unconscious, but her eyes
moved rapidly under the lids like she was having
a bad dream. And she moved fitfully in her sleep.

The driver stopped the car at the guard shack

and Harper rolled down the window as one of the
guards approached. “Mrs. Yoshida is in labor and
I’m taking her to the hospital.”

The guard looked into the back seat and then


“Don’t let anyone except Aomori, Masaaki,

Mr. Niigata or Cristal Gentry past this gate. If the
nurse returns, tell her I’ve taken Mrs. Yoshida to
Osaka General.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Kehoe,” the guard replied.
Harper rolled the window back up. “Step on

it,” he told the driver.


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Shaundra cried out in pain.
Harper looked back at her. She clutched her

stomach as it moved beneath her hand. He wasn’t
an expert, but it appeared that the babies wanted
out and they wanted out now.

The driver sped through the streets. Lucky for

them there wasn’t much traffic in this part of

“Ichiro,” Shaundra screamed. “Where are


Harper frowned. Yes, where are you? Stupid

idiot. How could you leave her like this?

“The water, Doctor Wantanabe. There’s so

much of it.”

Oh, oh. She wasn’t dreaming of Ichiro any-

more, but the tsunami. The psychiatrist had said
this part of her memory might come back

“Run,” Shaundra said in her sleep. She

grabbed her stomach again. “Help me. Save my


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Harper shook his head. It must have been hor-

rible for her. Wait. Shaundra just spoke in

Shaundra continued to rant.
She’s saying something about the earthquake.

When did she learn to speak Japanese so

Another contraction. Harper watched her

stomach rise, fall, and then shake violently. Then
Shaundra went still. He panicked and looked
down at her chest. It moved. Harper breathed out
a sigh of relief. She was still with them. Damn,
why is something always happening to her
? He
had a good mind to kidnap her and take her back
to New York before Aomori arrived. No, they
would find her even if he took her to the end of
the earth. Harper looked at his watch. The band’s
plane was scheduled to land in an hour. He
reached for his cell phone and tried to get Mas-
aaki on the line. The phone rang and Masaaki fi-
nally answered.

“Hello? Masaaki speaking.”


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“Masaaki? It’s me, Harper. Listen, don’t say

my name aloud. Just listen. Shaundra is in labor.”

“Shaundra is in labor and I’m taking her to the

hospital. I found her unconscious in the parking
lot behind the farmhouse. Don’t tell the others
until the plane lands and they’re in the van. Do
you understand?”

“Yes,” Masaaki said. “I understand. Is it


“Yes. I’m afraid so. She looks pale and she’s

in pain…more than normal. That’s why I don’t
want you to panic Aomori. Just get Ichiro’s ass to
the hospital as soon as you can. She’s calling for

Shaundra screamed in pain again.
“I understand,” Masaaki said. “See you

shortly.” He disconnected the call.

Harper dialed Dae-Hyun.
“This is Harper Kehoe. Mrs. Yoshida just

went into labor.”


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“I understand,” Dae-Hyun said. “The house is

in order.” He paused. “Should I come to the

“Not just yet,” Harper told him. “I’ll call you

if I need you. Ichiro and the others will be land-
ing in less than an hour.”

“Okay,” Dae-Hyun said. “Call me if you need


Harper disconnected the call and then looked

into the back seat again. Shaundra had passed out

“We’re almost there,” the driver told Harper.


The plane landed and Masaaki ushered every-

one off and into the airport. After what seemed
like an eternity, they made it through customs,
got their luggage, and headed for the exit. Mas-
aaki stopped. “Damn. Fan girls. Get security,” he
shouted at their bodyguards.


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Two of the guards ran toward the security of-

fice while the others stayed behind and guarded
Aomori. Of all the rotten luck. How in the hell
did they find out Aomori would be arriving

The guards came back with several security

officers to control the crowd.

“We’re home,” Takumijo said as he grabbed

Cristal’s luggage and turned her over to Satoshi.
They had done this so often it was routine.

Satoshi grabbed Cristal’s hand and they

walked quickly down the aisle. The fans tried to
touch them, but Satoshi kept her close to him.
The rest of their group followed while the secur-
ity kept the young people back.

“Get the vans,” Masaaki shouted at Kenshin.
Kenshin pulled out his walkie-talkie and

summoned the other drivers. They were there
waiting when Aomori exited the building. There
were hundreds of fans outside screaming their
names and trying to touch them. Camera flashes


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went off in their faces. More security arrived to
hold back the crowd.

“Yori, I love you,” someone screamed.
Yori waved and climbed into the van behind

Satoshi and Cristal. Ichiro followed him in. Tak-
umijo climbed in next and then Kenshin and
Masaaki. The bodyguards got into the second van
and both drivers peeled away from the curve and
maneuvered their way out of the pickup area.
Moments later, they drove out of the airport.

“Hand me your walkie-talkie,” Masaaki said

to Kenshin.

Kenshin handed the machine over to Masaaki.
Masaaki pressed the button so he could speak

to both drivers at the same time. “This is Mas-
aaki. Drive us to the Osaka General Hospital.
Mrs. Yoshida is in labor and en-route there.”

“What?” Satoshi asked. “Shaundra’s in


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ichiro sit

forward in his seat.

“Ten-four,” the two drivers said back.


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Masaaki handed the walkie-talkie back to

Kenshin and sat back in his seat.

“Yes,” Masaaki said to Satoshi. “Harper

phoned while we were in the air. I heard Shaun-
dra screaming in the background.”

Ichiro moved again.
Masaaki turned to him. “You cannot outrun

this van, no matter how fast you are. Now, sit
back. You’ll get to the hospital in time to greet
your babies.”

Ichiro growled at him.
Masaaki ignored him. Ichiro didn’t frighten

him. Six feet tall or not, he’d drop his ass if he
tried anything.

“Oh, I’m so excited,” Cristal said. “We’re go-

ing to have babies.”

“Is Shaundra okay?” Yori asked.
Finally, someone with sense, Masaaki thought.

But he could not tell him the truth. “Yes. Harper
won’t let anything happen again.”

Ichiro moved again.
“Easy. Be thankful that he found her.”


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Ichiro turned his head toward the window and


Masaaki raised an eyebrow. Maybe he’d have

the doctor sedate Ichiro when they got to the hos-
pital. For all their sakes, he hoped the babies
were Ichiro’s.

“I think she’s having girls,” Cristal said.
“Why do you think that?” Satoshi asked.
“Odds are in her favor,” Cristal said. “Her last

child was a girl. That means it’s possible she
could have two more girls.”

Satoshi chuckled. “Did you pass Biology in

high school?”

“Yes,” Cristal answered. “Barely,” she


Takumijo and Satoshi laughed at her.
“A girl can dream, can’t she?” Cristal said in

her defense. “We’re outnumbered by guys
already. The Lord would not do this to us.”

Satoshi patted her hand. “I tell you what. If

she has boys, I’ll make sure we’ll have girls.”


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“What we?” Cristal asked, punching him.

“You’re probably packing more boy baby DNA
than any of these guys.”

Masaaki fought back a smile. He couldn’t wait

for those two to realize they were in love with
each other. Everyone else knew it, even Mr.
Niigata. The man was already making plans for
turning their offspring in a future pop group,
along with Ichiro’s children.

“We’re ten minutes away from the hospital,”

the driver said through the intercom.

“Okay, you guys. I want you on your best be-

havior at the hospital,” Masaaki told his brood.
“No fighting, no hitting on the nurses, and no do-
ing anything to cause Mr. Niigata embarrass-
ment. And for Pete’s sake, do not stress out
Shaundra.” Hopefully, she would live to deliver
those babies.



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Harper paced the floor of the waiting room

along with other men awaiting the birth of ba-
bies. The orderlies had wheeled Shaundra into an
examination room as soon as they parked the car
and they were still working on her. She hadn’t re-
gained consciousness yet, but she had stopped
screaming. Harper looked at his watch. Where
were Masaaki and the others? He hadn’t been this
nervous since the birth of his own sons.

The doors to the waiting room opened and one

of the interns walked over to him.

“Is she okay?” Harper asked in Japanese.
“She’s stable,” the intern said. “They’re about

to take her into the delivery room.” He paused.
“Are you the father?”

“No, I’m the father.”
Harper swung around. “Ichiro. Thank God

you’re here. They’re about to take Shaundra into
the delivery room and I’m getting too old for this
type of stuff.”

The intern turned to Ichiro. “Are you Mr.



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Ichiro nodded.
“Your wife has been calling for you. Come

on. You need to follow me.”

Harper heard feminine squeals of delight from

outside the waiting room. Moments later, the rest
of Aomori descended into the waiting room. The
nurses in the waiting room squealed when they
recognized them. The bodyguards quickly put an
end to the foolishness.

Masaaki walked over to him while the others

found some seats. “How is she?”

Harper shrugged. “They’re taking her into the

delivery room. Ichiro is with her.”

“Do you think that is wise? The damn fool

nearly bolted out of the van when I told him.”

“He is her husband,” Harper answered.
“You know what I mean. What if…?”
“They’re his babies,” Harper replied. “I never

touched her.”

Masaaki looked at him like he didn’t believe

him. “Never?”



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Masaaki’s entire demeanor changed. “I hope

you’re telling me the truth.”

“Let’s go get some tea,” Harper said. “She

won’t be delivering in the next five minutes.
Ichiro will be okay.”


Ichiro donned the blue scrubs and followed

the intern into another waiting room for instruc-
tions. He looked around. Everything looked so
scary. He’d never been in a delivery room before
and didn’t know what to expect. Hell, he’d for-
gotten everything he’d learned in Lamaze

The intern returned. “Your wife is in the deliv-

ery room, Mr. Yoshida. The doctor is examining
her now.”

“How is she?” Ichiro asked.
“She is still unconscious and in a lot a pain.”
“Can I see her?”


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“As soon as the doctor finishes with the exam-

ination. He’s given her something to ease the
pain, but it hasn’t kicked in yet.”

“Will it harm the babies?”
The intern shook his head. “No. They’ll just

be a little groggy.”

The door to the room opened and a doctor

entered. “Are you Mr. Yoshida?”

Ichiro nodded. “Yes, how is my wife?”
“She is in pain, but her blood pressure is

stable. We have in a call to her regular obstetri-
cian and the anesthesiologist is on the way down
from his office.”

“Can I see her?”
The doctor nodded. “But only for a few

minutes. Follow me.”

Ichiro followed the doctor out the room and

down the hall to the delivery room. There were a
lot of people in there. Nurses monitored ma-
chines and other machines beeped. It was all so
frightening. He walked over to the delivery table.
Shaundra lay upon it looking pale and helpless. A


background image

machine monitored her vitals and the babies’

“Shaundra, baby, it’s me Ichiro. Can you hear


She didn’t respond.
He reached out and touched her cheek. She

felt hot.

Shaundra sat up with a start and grabbed him

by the collar. “You did this to me.”

Some of the other nurses ran over to free him.
Shaundra lay back down and Ichiro stepped

back to catch his breath.

One the nurses telephone the doctor. “The pa-

tient is awake and very angry. Please hurry.”

“What are you doing here?” Shaundra asked.
“Don’t be this way, Shaundra,” Ichiro


“I don’t want you here.”
Ichiro saw one of the monitors come on and

then Shaundra bit her bottom lip. She is having a
contraction and trying not to scream.


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“Take my hand,” he told her. “You can

squeeze it until the pain goes away.”

Shaundra’s body relaxed. “I’m fine.”
Ichiro looked at her. She lied. She wasn’t fine.

Her face was wet with perspiration and her lips
were an unhealthy shade of blue.

Shaundra bit her bottom lip again.
Another contraction. They were coming about

two minutes apart.

A nurse came in and checked her monitor, and

she wiped Shaundra’s brow. “It won’t be long
now, Mrs. Yoshida.” The nurse walked away and
went back to what she was doing.

Ichiro felt so useless. His wife was in excruci-

ating pain and he couldn’t do anything to help

Ichiro walked back over the bed, but stayed a

safe distance. “I’m sorry for everything.”

Tears formed in her eyes. “I hate you,” she

said. “Why did you have to cheat on me?”

“I didn’t,” Ichiro said. “But you won’t let me



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“Get out,” she shouted.
“Ah, don’t be this way, baby.”
She cussed at him in Japanese.
Ichiro’s eyes widened. Who had taught her


Shaundra screamed out in pain.

One of the monitors buzzed and then Shaun-

dra’s eyes rolled back in her head and she passed
out again.

The doctors came running. All the monitors

started going crazy.

“Escort Mr. Yoshida out,” the doctor told one

of the nurses.

“What’s wrong?” Ichiro asked.
“The babies are in distress,” the doctor told

him. “You have to leave. I think I’m going to
have to perform a Cesarean on her. The babies
are too big for her to pass and are shutting down
her body.”

“Save my wife,” Ichiro cried out.


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“I’m going to try to save her and the babies,

but you need to leave. I have to prepare her for

Ichiro turned on his heels and followed the

nurse out of the delivery room.

“Right this way, Mr. Ichiro,” the nurse told


Ichiro was following her and then he got


“Are you all right, Mr. Ichiro?” the nurse


“No,” Ichiro said. Everything went black.


Ichiro’s eyelids flittered open and he sat up.
A nurse hurried over to him.
“Where am I?” he asked, rubbing his head.
“You’re in one of the hospital rooms.”
“Why? What happened?”
“You passed out.”
“What?” Ichiro asked.


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“You fainted in the hall.”
Fainted? Me?
“Don’t worry. This normally happens to first

time fathers. I guess you got too excited.”

“How is my wife?”
“She’s still in surgery. Her doctor has


“Good.” He trusted Doctor Sou.
The nurse helped him to his feet. “Do you

think you can walk to the waiting room?”

Ichiro nodded. He was a little lightheaded, but


“I’ll help you,” the nurse said. “You know I

have all of your records.”

“Thank you,” he said, ignoring her last state-

ment. He didn’t want any woman flirting with
him while his wife was dying on some table in
the operating room.

“I’ve always been a big fan of yours.”
“Thank you,” he said again.
They made it to the waiting room.


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Takumijo sprung to his feet. “What’s wrong

with him?”

“He fainted,” the nurse said.
“I’ll take over from here,” Takumijo said,

sweeping Ichiro up in his arms.

“Put me down you big lug,” Ichiro protested.

“People are staring.”

A couple of the nurses giggled.
Takumijo put him down on his feet and he

walked to a chair and sat down.

Cristal came over and sat down next to him.

“Are you okay?”

Ichiro nodded.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know. Shaundra started shouting at

me and then the monitors started going off and
the doctor asked me to leave.”

“She shouted at you?”
“Yes, and cussed at me in Japanese. Did you

teach her that?”

Cristal shook her head and smiled. “No. What

happened after that?”


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“One minute I was walking down the hall on

the way here and the next thing I knew, I woke
up in a hospital bed.”

“Is there any news yet?”
“No, they’re giving her a Cesarean.”
“Why?” Harper asked, sitting down on the

other side of him.

“Because the babies are in distress. They

thought she could pass the babies, but they are
too big. Her doctor has arrived.”

Cristal patted his hand. “She’ll be okay. You

know she’s a trooper.”

“I’ve never seen her so angry. I mean, she’s

been mad at me before, but never like this.”

“Did you get a chance to explain to her what

happened before you left for Europe?” Satoshi

“I tried, but she wouldn’t listen. She was in so

much pain, but she wouldn’t let me help her.”

Harper patted him on the shoulder. “Men are

useless in the delivery room. We’re only good for
moral support.”


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“She didn’t want me there,” Ichiro said. “I

know I shouldn’t have come.”

“Well, you’re here and it will all be over

soon,” Harper said.

Yes, it will be, Ichiro thought. As soon as the

babies are born and the DNA test is performed, it
will all be over.

“Hopefully she’s stop being hormonal and

will be glad you’re here,” Harper continued. “She
kept calling for you. I think she’s glad you’re
here even though she screamed at you.”

Ichiro shook his head. Harper hadn’t seen see

the look in Shaundra’s eyes when she’d seen


The doors to the waiting room opened about

an hour later and Shaundra’s doctor walked in.

Everyone rose.
“Mr. Yoshida,” the doctor said. “Can I speak

with you for a moment?”


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Satoshi’s heart beat rapidly in his chest. So-

mething is wrong. The doctor had some kind of
envelope in his hand.

Ichiro walked over to the doctor and Satoshi

saw the man pull a paper out of the envelope and
hand it to Ichiro. A few minutes later, Ichiro fell
to his knees crying.

Oh, oh, bad news. Satoshi hurried over to

Ichiro and helped him to his feet. “What is
wrong? Has something happened to Shaundra?”

Ichiro shook his head. “No, she’s fine.”
“The babies?”
“They’re fine,” the doctor said. “They’re

healthy, have ten fingers and toes, and are re-
sponding well.”

“Then what’s wrong?”
“I’ll let Mr. Yoshida tell you. Congratulations

again, Ichiro.” The doctor walked out of the room

Cristal hurried over to them “Are they born


Ichiro nodded.


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“Well, what are they? You can’t keep me in


Ichiro dried his eyes. “Boys,” Ichiro an-

nounced proudly. “I have two sons.” He started
crying again while the others came over to con-
gratulate him.

Satoshi tried to glance down at the papers in

Ichiro’s hand, but couldn’t read them. “Then why
are you crying?”

“It’s nothing,” Ichiro said. “I’m just so


Satoshi shook his head. He’d lived with Ich

long enough to know that something was wrong.
The doctor didn’t need to pull him aside to an-
nounce the birth. That meant the doctor told him
something that he didn’t want the rest of them to

The door opened again and the nurse ap-

peared. “Would you like to see your sons, Mr.

“Yes,” Ichiro said, manning up.
“Hey, what about us?” Cristal asked.


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“I’m sorry,” the nurse said. “Family only.”
“They are family,” Ichiro told her.
The nurse looked them over. “Very well, but

no noise.” She turned on her heels and they fol-
lowed her to the nursery.

The nurse made them wait on the other side of

the glass while she brought the babies to the win-
dow. She rolled both incubators over and every-
one crowded around to see.

Satoshi peered down. “They’re beautiful.”
Cristal gasped. “Look how much they weigh.

No wonder Shaundra looked like a beached
whale the last time I saw her.”

Satoshi sneered at her. “See how much

weight you’ll gain when I knock you up.” He
looked down at the babies again. The one on the
left weighed ten pounds and his smaller brother
weighed nine and a half. Both babies had a head
full of jet black hair, and bronzed skin. She
sighed. They were definitely going to be a couple
of heart-breakers. One of the babies started to cry
and then the other.


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“Oh, here we go,” Takumijo said. “They’re

never going to stop now.”

Harper chuckled. “Say goodbye to your last

night of good sleep, Ichiro.”

“I don’t know,” Masaaki said. “I think they

have nice, healthy squalls. That means they will
be able to carry a tune.”

Harper looked at Masaaki.
“Priming them for their debut already?”
“Yes,” Masaaki said. “I’m a businessman.”
One of the babies stopped crying and opened

his eyes.

Everyone went silent.
“They’re blue,” Cristal blurted out.
The other one opened his eyes.
“Him too,” she said.
Satoshi sighed. So that’s what the doctor had

told Ichiro. The little bastard had ordered a pa-
ternity test. What a waste of time and money. No
wonder he was crying. The babies were his.







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“Congratulations. I think you owe Shaundra one
hell of an apology.”

Ichiro nodded. “If she ever speaks to me


“Then you better get rid of that envelope.”
Ichiro looked at him oddly.
Satoshi glared at him.
Ichiro shrugged. “Sometimes a man has to do

what a man has to do.”


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Chapter Five

I have got to be out of my mind, Tricia thought

as she followed Damien through the gates of his
father’s Manhattan condominium. “Are you sure
we’re supposed to be here?”

“Relax,” Damien said. “I have a key, don’t I?”
That didn’t mean anything. He could have lif-

ted it from his father without him knowing it.
Yet, she still followed him knowing this. The
condominium was huge, by New York standards,
and looked very expensive. Damien took her
through the lobby and to the elevator. Tricia
looked around, gazing up at the security camera
and down the stark white walls. The elevator ar-
rived and they rode up to the penthouse. “This is
nice,” she said as Damien opened the door and
turned on the lights. Her feet sank into plush
crème-colored carpeting. She knew that the Ke-
hoes were rich, but this was just too much. She
walked around admiring the fancy living room

background image

suite, the quaint kitchen, and the downstairs bath-
room while Damien dashed off into another
room. Picture of Damien and his brother Kevin
graced the walls, desks, tables, and shelving. She
stopped to study one of the pictures. “Freaky,”
she said.

Damien came up behind her and handed her a

glass of red wine. “What?” he asked.

Tricia pointed to the picture and Damien

growled. “Hot.”

Tricia nodded and she wouldn’t have thought

a thing about the picture except it was a picture
of her mother. “Why would your father have a
picture of my mother in his apartment?”

Damien smirked, took her hand, and led her

up the stairs to another hall of rooms. He opened
a door, turned on the light, and allowed her to
step inside first.






shelving, and desks were littered with photos of
her mother. The bookshelves were lined with
every book her mother had ever written. There


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were photos of her accepting awards, giving
presentations, and pictures seated at her desk in
the New York office writing. There were also
pictures of her with some of the other writers and
editors from the publishing company and several
of her with Harper. “Obsess much?” Tricia asked
as she walked around checking out the living
shrine to her mother.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Damien told

her, taking her hand and leading her out of the
room and into another at the end of the hall.
“This is my father’s bedroom.”

“I don’t think we should go in there,” Tricia

said, hesitating and a little frightened of what she
might find.

“You have to see this,” Damien said, tugging

her inside.

Tricia gasped. Above the fireplace rested a

huge painting of her mother dressed in a sexy
black formal gown, wearing a super afro and
seated in a high-back wicker chair. Around her
neck was big gold necklace, and big gold


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earrings hung from her ears. Her mother had to
be in her late twenties or early thirties. She
looked like a Nubian goddess about to conquer a
prince of Africa. The painting had been strategic-
ally placed across the room, facing Harper’s huge
mahogany bed. “Hmm, I knew your father liked
my mother, but I had no idea how much.” She
quickly gulped down the wine.

“He’s in love with her,” Damien said, leading

her out of the room and back down the stairs to
the pool area.

“Do you think they had a fling?” Her father

was still alive back then. He’d succumbed to
Cancer when Tricia was a child.

“I have no idea,” Damien said. “It’s possible.”
Tricia sat down on one of the lounge chairs.

She didn’t think her mother was the kind to
cheat. But it would answer some questions, like
why she dropped everything to go to Japan a
couple of years ago when she didn’t like to fly.
And why she looked so cozy dancing with Harp-
er in that YouTube video.


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“Maybe we’re siblings,” Damien teased as she

sat down next to her.

She felt his lips on her neck.
“If that’s true, don’t you think you need to get

your lips off your sister’s neck?”

Damien took the wine glass away from her

and put it on a small table next to the chairs.
“No,” he said, continuing down her collarbone.
“We’ll just be one big happy family.”

“Ooh,” Tricia moaned as the wine snuck up

her. It made her feel warm all over. Or maybe it
wasn’t the wine. Damien’s lips moved from her
neck to her mouth. She didn’t remember him put-
ting on a stereo, but vintage make-out music
played softly in the background, setting the
mood. Shai’s ‘If I Ever Fall in Love.’ Hmm, he
has pulled out the big guns
. “I thought we came
here to swim,” Tricia said once he gave her time
to breathe. Damien was a fantastic kisser. She
must have been out of her mind to interrupt him.

“We will,” he said. “Eventually.” He pulled

her to her feet and into his arms for a dance. For


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a white boy, he had some smooth moves. Their
bodies rocked sensually against each other and
Damien kept his green eyes locked and gazing
down into hers. “I’m enjoying this,” he said.

She knew exactly what he meant. His body

felt warm and comforting next to hers. Tricia ran
some of her test notes over in her head to keep
the lascivious thoughts out, but she failed miser-
ably. His body had hers lit up like the night sky.

Damien raised her chin and placed a kiss

against her lips. Their dancing took on a more
erotic sway as he danced her over toward the
pool. “Let’s go swimming,” he suggested. He
freed her from his body.

“Where can I change into my suit?” she asked,

dizzy from lust.

Damien shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it

on a lounge chair. “What do you need a suit for?
We’re over eighteen.”

Tricia’s gaze landed on his bare chest. She

gulped. Oh shit. We are going to skinny dip. She
continued to stare at him as he took off his pants


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and stood before her in a skimpy pair of briefs.
He had a nice butt. Damien turned slightly and
she got a good look at the front of the briefs. She
bit her bottom lip and sighed. He’s packing some
serious artillery

“Are you going to stand there gawking or are

you going to join me?” Damien asked, rewarding
her with a sexy smile.

Tricia gathered her wits. She had a little more

clothing to get out of than he did. She kicked out
of her shoes and wiggled out of her skirt. A cool
breeze touched her bare legs and she trembled.
The pool water might be heated, but the patio
wasn’t. Finally, she stood before him clad only in
her bra and panties. Damien trained his eyes on
her and she saw the color deepen to an emerald

He lifted his gaze. “I always knew you had a

fantastic body with clothes, but I had no idea how
stunning you would be without them.”

Tricia blushed. Whether he was feeding her a

line, she didn’t know, nor did she care. His words


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confused her, but she felt comfortable with him.
Her mother had taught her respect herself and not
to put out just for anyone she didn’t care about.
The coy, demur and respectful shit wasn’t work-
ing. She wanted to be with Damien, not just spir-
itually, but sexually as well.

Tricia reached behind her and unfastened the

hooks of her bra. The straps slipped down her
shoulders, revealing her breasts.

Damien’s eyes widened, but he did not try to

approach her. He casually slipped out of his
briefs and stepped into the pool.

Tricia gulped again, removed her panties, and

followed him into the water.


Ichiro sat on the floor in the nursery sipping a

cup of tea. His eyes landed on the twin cribs that
he had no part in putting together. Damn, he’d
messed up royally. He should have been the one
to construct the nursery, to paint the walls and to


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drive his pregnant wife to the hospital. He sipped
the tea knowing he couldn’t do anything about
the past. But he hoped to do right in the future.
The only problem was he didn’t know how to
convince his wife to accept his apology. Hell, he
hadn’t seen her since she tried to strangle him in
the delivery room. He frowned. Although he
knew that she couldn’t seriously harm him, he
didn’t want to anger her any more than he
already had. They were both responsible for two
little lives now and eventually, they would have
to get together and discuss the babies’ futures.
But for the present, the two of them had to name
the babies.

Satoshi and Takumijo were nice Japanese

names, but he would feel bad about it if either of
them became fathers and couldn’t use the names
for their sons. He and Shaundra had sat down and
wrote a list of possible names, but hadn’t decided
since they had no clue what the sex of the babies
were at that time. They had been happy back then


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and then shit had gone downhill quickly after

“Mind if I join you?”
Ichiro looked up. Satoshi leaned in the door

with a cup of tea in his hand. “Sure.” He patted a
spot on the floor. “The more the merrier.”

Satoshi sat next to him. “You will be spending

a lot of time in this room shortly. I’ve been told
that babies need a lot of attention.”

“I’ve been taking care of you guys for years,”

Ichiro replied. “What are two more babies?”

Satoshi chuckled. “You have a point, but you

don’t have to get out of your bed at two in the
morning to feed and change us.”

“That’s because you guys are usually still out

partying at two in the morning.” He sighed. “I
was so happy when I found out that we were ex-
pecting, but I never got the feeling that Shaundra
was happy about the news.”

“She has four other kids, Ich, that she had to

raise alone when her first husband died. Tricia
told me it was real hard on her mother. She


background image

hardly ever slept and she struggled just to feed
them and keep a roof over their heads. That had
to be hard on her, so put yourself in her shoes.
She knows you’re going to be on the road a lot so
she faces raising these kids alone too.”

“I know, but I won’t be on the road forever.

And besides, I don’t want to part with them right
now. You should see them. They are so cute and
vulnerable. All I want to do is hold them and pro-
tect them from the world.”

“Ah, the bonding thing. So, when are you go-

ing to see Shaundra?”

“I don’t know,” Ichiro admitted. “She’s still

very angry. I think I might wait until we return
from Europe. You know, give her time to cool

“Are you sure?” Satoshi asked.
Ichiro nodded. “Seeing me upsets her and

sends her blood pressure soaring. She needs to
stay calm so she can be released from the hospit-
al. I would love to see her and see her with our
sons. I should be taking pictures and videos to


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record these loving moments, but with my luck,
she’d hit me with the camera.”

Satoshi laughed. “Ich, she barely reaches your

chest. What can such a tiny thing do to you but
hurt your feelings?”

Ichiro shrugged.
“Okay, I’ll take the pictures. We need memor-

ies.” Satoshi paused. “Have you told your family

Ichiro nodded. “My sisters were so excited.

They’re supposed to be visiting with Shaundra
today. This is good because I need to visit Daichi
and check on the restaurants since we’ll be flying
back to Europe in a couple of days.”

“Yes, I have to check in with my family too. I

suppose Tae is probably waiting to throw my
latest arrest in my face.”

“I don’t understand the rivalry between you

two,” Ichiro said.

“You’ll see. Watch what happens as your boys

grow. Speaking of which, they were pretty big. I
hope Shaundra didn’t suffer much.”


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“I was a big baby,” Ichiro said. “You never

think about things like that when you’re expect-
ing. I’ve spoken with her doctor and he assures
me she’ll bounce back physically, but it will take
some time. She’ll probably have to exercise and
continue to watch what she eats.”

“Are you worried that she won’t be able to

lose the weight?” Satoshi asked.

“No. I’d love her at any size, but it’s not good

for her health. I’ll begin working on a healthy
diet and an exercise routine for her when I return
from Amsterdam.”

“I hope she’s speaking to you by then. Little

Satoshi and Takumijo need both their parents.”

“Oh, that reminds me. There’s something I

need to do in town.” While it was fresh on his
mind, he needed to register his marriage to

“Anything I can help you with?” Satoshi


Both men rose to their feet.


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“No. It’s something I should have done

months ago. I’ll see you later.”

Satoshi nodded and Ichiro dashed out of the

nursery and out of the house.


“Are you sure we’re alone?” Tricia asked

Damien as they splashed in the warm pool.

He swam over to her and wrapped his arms

around her. “Yes, why?”

“I don’t know. I thought I heard a noise.” His

silky skin rubbed against hers, inciting fireworks
through her blood stream. She suspected if she
could see inside her head, she’d see bottle rockets
soaring and flaring colors like the Fourth of July.

“That’s just your imagination,” Damien said

as he rubbed his body against hers. “You are so
soft and you feel so good in my arms.”

Tricia tightened her arms around his neck.

“Don’t go getting any ideas, my prince, unless


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you have a diamond engagement ring and a tiny
Justice of the Peace in your pocket.”

Damien chuckled. “I don’t have pockets at the

moment.” He kissed her on the forehead.

True, they were skinning dipping in his fath-

er’s pool and his cock was having its way with
her navel.

“But I’m not opposed to finding a Justice of

the Peace and making an honest woman of you if
it means I can finally get between those chocolate

“Ooh, stop it. You romantic words are driving

me wild,” she teased.

Damien chuckled. “I love your sense of hu-

mor.” He swept her up his body for a kiss.

Tricia had to wrap her legs around his waist to

keep from falling.

Damien’s hand lost its mind and traveled

down her buttocks to gently squeeze one of the

Normally, she would have been offended and

probably slapped the shit out of him, but she had


background image

chosen to be naked and her booty to him was free

He moved her around until she had no choice

but to hold on for dear life. Her pussy pressed in-
to his stomach and his cock touched dangerously
close to her asshole. “I’d like to see this ass
showcased a thong,” Damien told her.

“I don’t own a thong,” Tricia told him. “I’m

an old-fashioned girl.”

“Nonsense,” Damien replied. “I’m going to go

shopping and buy you all the sexiest lingerie your
heart desires.”

Hall and Oats’ ‘Out of Touch’ played on the

stereo. Tricia couldn’t help herself so she
bounced to the music.

“Oh, don’t do that,” Damien said, trying to

move her around his waist to a comfortable

Tricia continued to dance on him, ignoring his


“I’m not playing,” he warned. “I’m having

enough trouble balancing you this way.”


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Tricia danced and rubbed her butt against his

swollen erection.

“Ooh,” he groaned. “You’re killing me.”
Tricia sang the chorus to the song. “Oh, oh,

oh, oh, oh, oh.”

“Too much,” Damien groaned.
The next thing she knew, she was airborne.

Her arms left his neck and her body sailed into
the water. Tricia made a big splash and then
came up for air drenched from head to toe. “Are
you crazy? I could have drowned.” She looked
up at him just as he tried to hide his engorged
cock from her with both his hands. “Oh,” she
said. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” he said, walking over to a deeper

part of the pool. “It will go down.”

Tricia smirked. “Maybe you should get out of

the warm water and try a cold shower.”

“Very funny,” he muttered. “You have no idea

what this feels like.”

True, she didn’t. And she really wanted to

help him out, but she’d promised herself to stay


background image

out of his bed until they graduated from college.
And if she didn’t get her ass home and continue
to study for tomorrow’s exams, she wasn’t going
to graduate any time soon. “You were the one
playing with my butt,” she said as she swam to-
ward him.

Damien was just about to respond when the

patio door slid open.

Tricia looked up. Two middle-aged police of-

ficers stepped out with their guns aimed at them.

“Is there something I can help you officers

with?” Damien asked.

The officers lowered and re-holstered their

guns. “The silent alarm went off, Master Kehoe,”
one of the officers said.

“Sorry,” Damien replied. “I forgot to call you,

Max, and let you know I’d be stopping by.”

The officer gazed at her. Luckily, the water

covered most of her body.

“Is your father back in town?” Max asked



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“No,” Damien said. “He’s due back in a

couple of weeks and I hope you won’t mention
this to him.”

The one named Max looked at her. “She’s


Damien nodded. “Yeah, but she’s a big tease.

She wants to save herself for marriage.”

Max laughed. “You’re a smart young lady, but

your argument would be more effective if you
weren’t naked.”

Tricia sneered at him.
“I thought you guys were my friends,” Dami-

en said. “Hand me a towel.”

The other officer walked over and got Damien

a towel.

Tricia watched it all in mock interest and got

another glimpse of Damien’s sensational butt as
he climbed out of the pool. He wrapped the towel
around his waist.

Max saw her and smirked. “We are on your

side, but if the young lady wants to wait, what
can you do?”


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“I suppose I’ll have to marry her,” Damien

said. “I have been in love with her since we were

Max gazed at her. “She does look familiar.”

He chuckled. “She almost looks like the woman
whose picture is in your father’s bedroom.”

Tricia frowned. How many people had seen

that picture?

“That’s her mother,” Damien told the two


“Ah, keeping it in the family, I see,” Max


“Yeah,” Damien said. “Who has better taste

than my father?”

“Well, I think we better go so she can come

out of the pool,” Max replied. “Nice meeting
you, Miss Morrison.”

“You too, Max,” Tricia said as she watched

the three of them disappear from the pool area.
She quickly got out of the pool, dried off, and


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Damien returned a few minutes later carrying

two sodas, still wearing his towel.

“Who are those guys?” Tricia asked.
“Hired security,” Damien told her. “They’re

friends of my father and keep an eye on his prop-
erties when he’s out of town.”

“No wonder you didn’t seem surprised to see

them. How often do you come here skinning

“No comment,” Damien said, handing her the


Tricia accepted the can and sat down to dry

her hair. “I swear you’re living up to your name,
demon seed. My hair is ruined. This weave costs
a fortune.”

Damien put down his soda and began to dress.

“I’ll pay for your next trip to the hairdresser,” he
replied. “I’ll even get your feet done.”

Tricia tossed the wet towel at him. “Nails

too,” she said. “I’m a high-maintenance tease.”


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Damien pulled his shirt over his head, cover-

ing that chest and his six-pack abs. “So I’m be-
ginning to realize.”

“We better get back to school,” Tricia told

him. “I need to get some more studying done.”

“And I need to masturbate,” Damien replied.
“Yuck, gross,” Tricia said, stepping into the

patio door.

Damien followed her in and locked the door.

“I don’t know why you’re complaining. It’s your
fault I’m like this.”

“Poor baby,” Tricia teased. “Just think how

much fun it’s going to be when you finally get

“Can you give me an exact date?” Damien

asked as he set the alarm and walked out of the
front door behind her.

Tricia just chuckled.



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“Where are you off to so early in the morn-

ing?” Satoshi asked Cristal as he and Takumijo
waited for Ichiro to bring their breakfast out of
the kitchen.

“I have a meeting and then I have to go over

to KiNii to check on things,” Cristal replied, sit-
ting down at the table.

“A meeting?” Takumijo asked. “Who knows

you’re back in town?”

These guys were truly nosey. “Mr. Niigata and

everyone in at the publishing company. But I’m
meeting a realtor first.”

Satoshi gazed over at her. “A realtor? Why?”
“I’m thinking about moving into an apartment.

It’s going to get crowded here soon.”

“Oh, you mean the babies. They’re tiny,”

Satoshi said, eyeing her up curiously. “How
much room are they going to take up? And be-
sides, Masaaki has already moved out. What are
we going to do without you here to look after


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If he didn’t stop looking at her with those

puppy dogs eyes, she wouldn’t be able to do it.
“You’ll get by just fine,” she finally said. “Ichiro
won’t let you guys starve and you can help
Shaundra with the babies.”

“But that woman’s work, woman,” Takumijo

said. “You should be here to help her.”

Cristal rolled her eyes at him. “I’m sure that

would be nice, but I’ll leave the mothering to
Shaundra. I need my space.” She gazed over at
Satoshi again. His expression was hard to read.

“What area are you looking at?” Takumijo


“This area or something close to the office. It

doesn’t have to be very big, but I need at least
two bedrooms.”

“Expecting guests?” Satoshi asked.
Ichiro entered the dining room pushing a cart

of food.

“No, I will need an office.”
“You sound as though you’ve thought this out

pretty thoroughly,” Satoshi said.


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Cristal nodded. “It’s been on my mind for

some time now. And Ichiro and Shaundra need
their space too.”

Neither man argued with her.
“What’s going on?” Ichiro asked as he placed

bowls in front of them.

“Cristal is thinking of moving out,” Takumijo


Ichiro stopped. “Have you spoken to Mr.

Niigata about this?” Ichiro asked as he placed a
bowl of porridge in front of her.

“Yes, and he agrees that a move would be the

best thing for me at this time.”

“I just think you want your own place so you

can have wild, passionate sex with some guy,”
Takumijo said. “Because in your own place, you
can get as loud and as freaky as you want to.”

“Do you need some help moving out?”

Satoshi asked.

Cristal sneered at him. “You two can help, but

nothing freaky is going to occur unless the two of


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you want to get naked and have fun with each
other,” Cristal told him.

Takumijo looked Satoshi over and shrugged.
Satoshi just smirked and shook his head.
“You guys should think about moving out

too,” Cristal told them. “Shaundra and Ichiro
need time alone.”

“Listen to the woman,” Ichiro said. “Maybe

my wife and I might want to get freaky after
she’s discharged from the hospital.” He sat down
at the table.

“Slim chance of that happening, Ich,” Cristal

told him. “Shaundra is going to be out of com-
mission for a few weeks until her body recuper-
ates from the Cesarean.”

“And she’s still angry at you,” Satoshi added.
“I know both of those things,” Ichiro said.

“But I have a feeling that she will eventually
come around. And she’s gone without sex all this
time too. I bet she’s been counting the weeks un-
til she can get her hands on me.”

Both Cristal and Satoshi chuckled.


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“You better be trying to find a way to con-

vince her you didn’t cheat on her,” Satoshi told
him. “Or else you’ll be using the palm of your
hand for a very long time.”

Ichiro blushed and lowered his head. “You’re

so gross, Satoshi. And in front of Cristal.”

“Don’t mind me,” Cristal said, smiling at him.

“I’m liking the visual.” She went back to eating
her food.

Ichiro groaned. “Maybe your moving out is a

good thing. You’ve been around these two guys
so long you’re getting as bad as they are.”

“Regardless of what everyone thinks, Ich, I

believe you didn’t cheat on Shaundra,” Cristal
told him. “Just like she didn’t cheat on you. But I
must admit, I didn’t believe you at the beginning
either. Shaundra’s real hurt and it may take some
time for her to forgive you. My advice to you is
to just hang in there and prove to her that you
still love her.”

“I do love her,” Ichiro said. “More now that

she is the mother of my sons. I know things are


background image

going to be strained around here when they come
home, but I’m going to try my best to win her
back when we finally finish the tour.”

“I’m rooting for the two of you,” Cristal said,

rising. “But I better get going.” She waved to
them and left the farmhouse. Less than an hour
later, she stepped into the perfect apartment
between the farmhouse and her Osaka office.
One hour later, she signed the lease. The next
day, Takumijo and Satoshi helped her move out.


“It’s nice to see you,” Daichi said to Ichiro

when he stopped by to check on the restaurant
and to make sure they didn’t need anything. The
two brothers hugged.

“And congratulations on becoming a papa.”
“Thanks,” Ichiro said. The idea of being a

father sounded good now that he knew that the
twins were actually his.


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“I’m sorry I haven’t gotten over to the hospital

to see them, but Hana tells me that they are very
handsome boys.” Daichi sat down at the table
and Ichiro slid into a chair across from him. It
was still early in the morning and the doors
wouldn’t be opening for business for another

“Have you named them yet?” Daichi asked.
Ichiro shook his head. “Not yet. We’re sup-

posed to do that this afternoon. Shaundra and the
babies are being discharged tomorrow.”

“Then you better get a good night’s sleep to-

night,” Daichi chided. “All the plans for the
christening have been finalized and by Christ-
mas, the twins will be officially a part of the
Yoshida family.”

Stupid traditions, Ichiro thought. The boys

were already a part of his family the moment
they had been born.

“Have you taken care of that other little



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“Yes,” Ichiro answered. “I registered the mar-

riage a couple of days ago. Shaundra is now Mrs.
Ichiro Yoshida in the eyes of Japan.”

“Good,” Daichi said, breathing a sigh of relief.

“It you weren’t taller than me now, I’d knock you
on your ass.”

“Huh?” Ichiro looked up surprised by his

brother’s statement. “Why?” He and Daichi were
close and Daichi had been the only father figure
in his life since their father and grandfather
passed away.

“What the hell were you thinking by not regis-

tering your marriage? How come you doubted
your wife?”

“Put yourself in my shoes,” Ichiro argued

back. “Men just simply love Shaundra and she’s
a free spirit.”

“A free spirit, but not a cheater,” Daichi said.

“Everyone knows she loves you and has sacri-
ficed a lot to be with you. And you have taken
that love and ripped it apart with your


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Ichiro lowered his head in shame. “But she is

so beautiful and I still can’t believe that she
chose me over Yori.”

“But she did,” Daichi said. “And your life

should be better tomorrow since you’re finally
going to be one big happy family. Do you know
what I would give to be in your shoes? You’re
married to one of the loveliest and talented
writers in the world and she loves you. You
should be dancing on a cloud.”

“Well, not exactly,” Ichiro said. “Something


Daichi glared at him. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything, but now Shaundra isn’t

talking to me because she thinks that I cheated on

Daichi leaned forward. “Why would she think


“Because I accidentally called out another wo-

man’s name while we were making love a couple
of months ago.”


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Daichi leaned back and shook his head.


Ichiro lowered his head again.
“What woman’s name?”
“Eri,” Ichiro answered.
“Fire her,” Daichi said angrily. “I knew this

was going to happen.”

Ichiro lifted his head quickly. “I can’t do that.

She hasn’t done anything.”

“Not yet,” Daichi said. “I am not blind. I see

how she looks at you. Or the way you look at her
when you’re around her. Don’t blow a good thing
for a piece of hot tail.”

He’d never thought he’d hear his brother

speaking that way.

“How far have the two of you gone?” Daichi


“We kissed, once.” Ichiro confessed. “And to

set the record straight, she kissed me.”

“And you kissed her back, got an erection, and

you entertained the idea of getting with her.”


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Ichiro nodded. “Her name just accidentally

slipped out at the wrong moment.”

“You have to fire her,” Daichi insisted.

“Shaundra is never going to believe you.”

“But Eri isn’t a threat to her. And if I fire her,

it will just make me look more guilty,” Ichiro

Daichi shook his head. “You know the two of

them will finally come face to face one of these
days and it won’t be pretty.”

“Maybe I can send Eri to work at one of my

other restaurants. I can’t just fire her without a
good reason.”

Daichi sighed. “Suit yourself. You have al-

ways been the kind not to take advice.”

“I didn’t come here to argue,” Ichiro said.

“Things are going to work out between Shaundra
and me.”

“I still think you should get rid of the tempta-

tion. What are you going to do if Eri tries to kiss
you again?”

“Not be foolish enough to kiss her back.”


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The back door opened and some of the res-

taurant’s employees arrived. Eri was one of them.
She waved and walked over to the table.

“I’m glad to see you,” she said to Ichiro.

“Congratulations on the birth of your sons.”

“Thank you,” Ichiro said, trying not to make

eye contact.

“Is the tour over?”
“No,” Ichiro said. What had he been thinking?

Eri was cute, but his wife was beautiful and she
rocked his world in and out of the bedroom.

“Well, nice to see you,” Eri said. She waved

and left to get ready for work.

“What’s on your mind?” Daichi asked.
“I’m not even attracted to her,” Ichiro admit-

ted. “I didn’t feel a thing just now.”

“That’s because you know in your heart that

Shaundra is the one and only woman for you.
You two are destined to be together,” Daichi told

“Not if she won’t forgive me,” Ichiro said

with a pout.


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“Waitresses can be replaced,” Daichi said.

“Soul mates can’t.”

Ichiro nodded. Suddenly, everything was

clearer. He had to win Shaundra back even if it
meant firing Eri.

“We’ll give her a nice severance package,”

Daichi said. “We’ll blame it on the recession.
She’ll understand.”

Ichiro finally agreed. “You do it. I might get

tempted again.”

“Consider it done,” Daichi told him.


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Chapter Six

Someone knocked on Shaundra’s hospital

room door. She’d just put one of the babies into
the incubator and was feeding the other.

“Come in,” she said.
Satoshi walked in carrying two little stuffed

panda bears and box of chocolate.

Shaundra’s eyes lit on the chocolate. Her-

shey’s. Her favorite and very hard to find in their
neck of the woods. “What a pleasant surprised,”
she said as he placed the teddy bears in the grow-
ing stack on the other side of the room. She bal-
anced the baby in her arm and held the bottle in
the other hand.

“You’re not breast feeding?” Satoshi asked,

pulling out his cell phone and taking her picture.

“No, Mr. nosey man. But he is drinking breast

milk. Breastfeeding is painful and these two guys
are constantly hungry. I swear, their appetites are

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“Then they’re lucky that their father is a chef.”
Shaundra nodded absently.
“So how are you feeling?”
Satoshi opened a Hershey’s Kiss and put it in-

to her mouth. “Not exactly one hundred percent,
but I’m getting there.” Her insides sighed. Real
. “I’m following the doctor’s orders to
the letter so I can get out of this place. I can’t
wait to get home and sleep in my own bed.”

“Is there anything you need me to do for you

at home or bring to you?” Satoshi asked as he sat
down in a chair on the right side of her bed.

The baby in the incubator woke crying.
“A second set of hands might be nice.”
“May I?” Satoshi asked.
“Might as well,” Shaundra said.
Satoshi rose, retrieved the baby, and then sat

down again. “He’s so handsome,” he said, rock-
ing the half sleeping child and trying to get him
to stop crying. “I can see a lot of Ichiro in him.”

Shaundra cursed in Japanese.


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“Where did you learn that from?” Satoshi


“Online,” Shaundra confessed. “I’ve been tak-

ing a couple of courses.”

“And they teach cursing?”
She shook her head. “No, some of my fans on-

line taught it to me.”

“Oh, I see.”
“I guess Ich is pretty proud of himself now,”

she said.

“You mean now that he knows that he’s defin-

itely the father?”

“Yeah, and I guess you can sleep a little easier

too at night now that he won’t try to kill you in
your sleep.”

Satoshi chuckled. “Yes, you had them all

coming and going for awhile. And I couldn’t fig-
ure out why they didn’t believe you.”

“And you did?”
He nodded. “I know you would never do

something like that.”


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“Well thanks for believing in me when every-

one else thought I was a big old slut.” She sighed.
“I’m just so upset at Ichiro for just going off the
deep end. He never once asked me, and when I
found out about the paternity test, I nearly went

“You knew?” Satoshi asked.
“Yes. They can’t perform a test like that

without the mother knowing. And it takes a while
for the results to get back.”

“So, it wasn’t done when the babies were


Shaundra shook her head. “The doctor did it in

vitro by taking a sample while the babies were
still in my womb.”

“But you never said anything.”
“What could I say? That my husband didn’t

trust me enough that he would jeopardize my life
and the lives of our babies for an answer?”

“If it means anything, I think he’s genuinely

sorry things turned out the way they did. He
broke down and cried when he found out that the


background image

babies were his. And the other day I found him
sitting in the nursery sipping a cup of tea. I
haven’t seen him so happy in a long time.”

“I’m glad for him,” Shaundra said sarcastic-

ally. “All the nurses here are in love with him.”

“Would you like to see him?”
“I’m not ready,” Shaundra said, turning the

baby across her arm and stroking his upper back
tenderly until the baby burped. Then she
straightened him up and put him back into the
crook of her arm. “I don’t think I can trust him.”

“He told us that he never slept with Eri, and

for some reason, I believe him.”

“Do you believe him because he’s never done

anything like this before? You know there is al-
ways a first time for everything.”

“No, it’s something in his eyes,” Satoshi said.

“He said she kissed him, that’s all.”

“I wish I could believe that,” Shaundra said. “I

can ignore a kiss, but sex, no. Not after him not
trusting me.” She chuckled weakly. “And Amaya
was the worst. Harper? Please.”


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“Well, if I was a betting man, my money

would have been on him too.” He continued to
rock the baby gently in his arms.

Shaundra watched the tender scene. Satoshi

was going to make a wonderful father and if she
was going to do any cheating, it would probably
be with him. “Why would your money be on

“Ah, come on. Everyone knows how the man

feels about you. And he buys you lingerie.”

“And you think I’d sleep with him because of


Satoshi smirked.
“Please. Harper isn’t my type. I’ve known the

man for years and I could have been his woman a
long time ago, but no.”

“What about me?” Satoshi asked.
“No comment.”
“You’re truly evil,” Satoshi said. “And this

child is sleeping so peacefully in my arms. I think
I love him.”


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“Hope you feel the same way when he wakes

up screaming at the top of his lungs at three in
the morning and he’s colicky.”

“I would say I’d come into your bedroom and

take him off your hands, but Ich won’t let me
near him. I have a feeling you’re not going to be
able to get these kids from him either.”

Someone else knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Shaundra said.
The door opened and Yori walked in carrying

flowers and two stuffed penguins. “I never ex-
pected to see you here,” Yori said to Satoshi. He
put the penguins on the growing stack of stuffed
animals. Harper had bought out the entire gift
shop and there was probably a thousand others
waiting for her back at the farmhouse, along with
her post maternity wardrobe and underwear.

“Now, why would you say that? I came to see

my godsons.”

Yori walked over to the bed and kissed Shaun-

dra on the lips. “You taste like chocolate.”

“Hey, dude, she’s still Ichiro’s wife.”


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Yori walked over and peeked at the baby in

Satoshi’s arms. “He does bear a remarkable re-
semblance to Ichiro.”

“And he smells so good,” Satoshi said. “I

think I want one.”






shouldn’t sniff them.”

Yori walked back over to Shaundra. “How are

you feeling?”

“I’m still sore in the stomach area, but other-

wise, I’m fine.”

He peered down at the baby in her arms. “He’s

a big one, but still the spitting image of his

“But let’s hope they take after their mother in

regards to temperament,” Satoshi said. “Can you
imagine two more six foot tall lethal weapons in
Shaundra’s house?”

“Ichiro was quite innocent in the beginning,”

Shaundra said. She sighed. “They grow up so
soon.” The baby in her arms moved and opened
his eyes. “Say hello to Uncle Yori.”


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The baby yawned, making a perfect “O” with

his lips. And then he threw up. Shaundra wiped
the baby’s mouth while Satoshi chuckled.

“I guess he doesn’t like Uncle Yori. He takes

that after his father.”

“Nonsense,” Yori said. “Ichiro loves me and

looks up to me. We used to be close when we
were teens.”

“Used to be,” Satoshi teased. The baby moved

in his arms. “Ooh, he’s opened his eyes. Hello,
little fellow. I’m uncle Satoshi.”

The baby gurgled and stretched. Satoshi

tickled the baby under his chin.

Shaundra laid the baby in the incubator and

turned her attention to Yori. Talk about a sur-
prise. He was the last person she expected to see.
“Are those for me?”

“Oh, yes,” Yori said, handing her the flowers.

“I remember that you liked roses.”

“Thank you,” she said. “They’re beautiful.”

How did he remember she liked roses, and Baby
Romantica no less?


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“Just like you,” he said, looking into her eyes.
No matter what she told Amaya, Yori still had

it bad for her. She could see it in his eyes and felt
it in his kiss. “How’s Amaya?”

Yori raised an eyebrow at her and rewarded

her with a wicked smile. “She’s fine and told me
to tell you hello.” He paused. “She told me about
your little visit.”

“What?” Satoshi asked. “You went to see


Shaundra nodded. “Yes. I was worried about

her being all alone.”

“And the two of you had a normal conversa-

tion?” Satoshi asked.

“Yes,” Shaundra chuckled. “We even had


“Wow,” Satoshi said like a teen. “I never saw

that coming.”

“Well, I’m very proud of both of them,” Yori

said. “Amaya wants to come see the babies later
after she visits with her parents.”


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“Thanks for the warning,” Shaundra replied.

“I’ll get prepared for the fat jokes.”

“But you’re no longer pregnant,” Satoshi said.
“Doesn’t matter,” Shaundra replied. “I think

it’s just Amaya’s way of expressing herself. And
besides, I have plans on dropping this baby
weight just as soon as I get the okay from my

The door opened and two young nurses

entered smiling. They bowed, giggled at the two
handsome performers in the room, and started
collecting the babies.

“Time for their baths,” one of them said, tak-

ing the baby from Satoshi.

“I feel a little dirty,” Satoshi told the nurse. He

gave her a sexy smile.

“You’re too big for baby bath,” she said with

a smile. “But I have a big tub at home and I’ll
even powder your bottom.”

Shaundra nearly choked.
“Ooh,” Satoshi said with a grin. “I like a wo-

man who can scrub my back.”


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“Stop flirting with the nurses,” Shaundra told


Satoshi smirked. “Don’t be such a spoilsport,

Mrs. Yoshida. You can wash my back when you
get out of the hospital.”

“Dream on,” Shaundra told him.
Yori chuckled.
“Ah, come on. I’m just having a little fun,”

Satoshi said.

“I’ll remember that after Cristal punches you

in the gut for flirting.”

That wiped the smile from his face. “Please

don’t tell her. I’ll be good.”

“You guys are horrible,” Shaundra said.
The nurses left the room.
“So how is the tour coming along?”
“The tour’s fine,” Yori said. “Every event has

been a sell out.”

“No problems?” Shaundra asked. “Have you

guys been behaving yourselves?”

“Define behave?” Yori asked.
Shaundra gazed over at Satoshi.


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“What?” Satoshi asked. “Why does everyone

assume I’m involved in trouble?”

Shaundra raised an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, we were arrested just before we flew

here,” Satoshi confessed.

“For what?” Shaundra asked. “And who is


“Me, Yori, Takumijo, Ichiro, and Cristal.”
“What? Cristal? What did you guys do now?”
“They were gambling in a club in Paris and

the place got raided,” Yori explained.

“Which they?”
“Satoshi and Cristal,” Yori told her.
Getting answers out of Yori sometimes was

like pulling teeth. “So how did the rest of you get
dragged into it? And what were the rest of you
doing while the two of them were gambling?”

“The rest of us were innocently taking in a

show in the front of the club,” Yori said.

Shaundra glared at him. “What type of show?”
Yori raised his hand to his mouth. “Erotic



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“You losers were in a strip joint?” Shaundra

asked excitedly. “And you dragged poor Cristal
with you?”

“It was her idea,” Satoshi said in their defense.

“She likes to gamble.”

Shaundra gazed over at Yori again. “Please

tell me you guys aren’t overseas screwing some
lousy strippers?”

Yori shook his head. “I can honestly say I

haven’t been, but I can’t vouch for the rest of

“You are such a coward,” Satoshi told him.

“No one slept with any strippers. The dealer was
cheating and I called him on it. The next thing I
knew, we were fighting and the police arrived
and carted us off to jail.”

“Cristal must have been so scared,” Shaundra

said. “Poor thing.”

Yori chuckled. “Poor thing started wailing on

some guy with her purse. I literally had to drag
her off him.”


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Shaundra folded her arms. “I swear. You guys

are incorrigible. And I’m surprised at Cristal. I
thought she’d be shopping or visiting tourist at-
tractions with her free time.”

“Why would you think that?” Satoshi asked.

“Cristal is one of us. Don’t let that beautiful face
fool you.”

“I don’t know if you realize it or not, but she

is a girl. You should be wining and dining her in
Paris instead of dragging her to strip joints.”
Shaundra shook her head. “No wonder she left
your ass for Yi-jun.”

“Ouch,” Satoshi said, putting his hand over his

heart and faking hurt. “You wound me, lovely

“Don’t try to con me, player. When are you

going to wise up and marry Cristal? You two are
perfect for each other.”

A strange look crossed Satoshi’s handsome

face. “I have learned from other people’s experi-
ence not to rush into a marriage before getting to
know my future mate.”


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Shaundra rolled her eyes at him, knowing he

was referring to her. “You think I don’t know
what you’re implying? But you’re right. You
never truly know someone until you marry them.
Note to self, never get married again.”

“Low blow, Shaundra,” Yori said. “Do you

ever intend to forgive Ich?”

“No,” Shaundra answered. “I plan to make

him suffer for a very long time. Women are vin-
dictive that way when their men cheat on them.”

“But what if he’s telling the truth?” Yori


“Okay, smart guy. How can he prove to me he

didn’t sleep with her?”

“You can always ask Eri,” Satoshi suggested.
“Yes, I could. But you know how I am. I

might haul off and punch her in the face. Would
you like that to happen?”

Satoshi nodded his head furiously.
“You would. Listen. I appreciate what you

guys are trying to say, but Ich and I will work
this out eventually.”


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“And what if you can’t?” Yori asked.
“Then we’ll amicably end our marriage.”
“You mean you’d divorce him over this?”

Yori asked.

“Hell yes,” Shaundra answered. “For four

months he thought I was pregnant by one of you
guys and he wasn’t man enough to come and ask
me. I love Ich with all my heart, but he’s not the
only man on this side of the Red Sea. If he wants
that waitress, all he has to do is tell me. I will
walk away with no problem.”

“But what about the babies?” Satoshi asked.
“What about them?” Shaundra asked. “I raised

the other four and I can raise them too.”

“But boys need male figures in their lives.”
“They’ll have plenty of those,” Shaundra said.

“But this isn’t about them. If Ichiro wants me to
forgive him, he needs to bring me proof. Only a
fool would accept someone’s word on something
like this. Humans lie, even gorgeous ones.”


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“You are aware that the twins are Japanese cit-

izens and you can’t take them out of the country
without Ichiro’s consent?”

Shaundra nodded. “I’m not leaving the coun-

try and I have no intention on keeping his sons
from him. I’m just making myself less available
to him. I also have a career and once I’m back on
my feet, I plan to throw myself back into my
work. Harper is getting me an office together at
KiNii as we speak.”

“Does that mean you’re going to hire someone

to look after the twins when you go back to
work?” Satoshi asked.

“Yes. I love my kids, but six weeks is enough

bonding time. That’s why God invented

Yori laughed. “Ich is going to love this. He

expects you to stay home and care for his sons.”

Shaundra shrugged. “Who cares?”
“Well, I might as well tell the other bad

news,” Satoshi said.

“What?” Shaundra asked.


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“Cristal has moved out.”
“Oh,” Shaundra said. “She’s finally free.”


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Chapter Seven

The telephone in Cristal’s office rang. She

pushed aside some papers to answer it. “Yes, Ms.
Lee,” she said to her assistant in Japanese.

“You have a visitor, Ms. Gentry. He says his

name is Tae Hayashi.”

Cristal stared at the phone. What? What is he

doing here?

“Are you still there, Ms. Gentry?”
“Yes, please send him in, Ms. Lee.”
Cristal hopped out of her seat, smoothed down

her skirt, and checked her makeup in the mirror
while she waited.

Several seconds later, there was a knock at her

door. “Come in,” she called out.

The door opened and Tae walked in.
“Satoshi isn’t here,” Cristal said politely.
Tae bowed to her. “I wouldn't be here if he

was,” Tae replied. He straightened up. “I’ve
come to see you.”

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A lawyer coming to see her? Why? Who was

trying to sue her and how the hell did he know
where to find her? Cristal walked back to her
desk, trying to look as professional as she could
without letting him see how his fine ass affected
her. The resemblance to Satoshi was uncanny,
except Tae was shorter and had more muscle.
And he clearly looked like a man. She offered
him a seat and he sat down across from her.
“What can I help you with? Do you need publi-
city? Are you looking for a copywriter or would
you like me to do a story on you or some cause
you’re sponsoring?” He looked good in charcoal
grey. It brought out the brown in his eyes. Cristal
shook her head to clear her thoughts.

He wasn’t much of a talker. “Then how can I

help you?” She played with a pen on her desk.

“Go out with me.”
Cristal dropped the pen. “Pardon me?”
“I would like to take you out to dinner.”
She hadn’t seen that coming. “Why?”


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“Because I don’t want to eat alone,” Tae said.

“And ever since I met you I haven’t been able to
get you off my mind. I’m a good conversational-
ist. I’m up on current affairs and I think we have
a lot in common.”

What? “I don’t know. I need to get some work

done.” But her curiosity was getting the best of
her. Was he asking her out on a date because he
liked her? Or was he doing it as a way to get at

“But you have to eat,” he said, staring at her.
He did have a valued point. Since moving out

into her own place a couple of days ago, she’d
eaten only eaten takeout meals. “Let’s just say I
take you up on your kind offer. What’s in it for
me?” Did he even know how to relax? He sat like
a statue in the chair.

“Stimulating conversation,” Tae replied. “And

it’s not like you have a better offer.”

Cristal scowled at him. How did he know

that? “What time?” She hoped she didn’t sound
too desperate.


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“Seven,” Tae said, rising. He smoothed non-

existent wrinkles from his suit. “I have reserva-
tions for two at Scaphinos.”

Impressive. Scaphinos was a fancy Italian res-

taurant in Osaka. “So you were sure I’d accept.”

He smiled at her. The first since he’d arrived.
Damn, he’s cute. But everything about him

told her not to trust him. She’d been around those
four gorgeous demons long enough to know that
looks were definitely deceiving. Pretty didn’t al-
ways equate to husband material. And after all,
he was Satoshi’s older brother and they had this
rivalry thing going. She smirked. She wondered
what Satoshi would say when he found out that
Tae took her out to dinner. Maybe he’d get jeal-
ous and try to woo her again. “Seven it is.”

He bowed. “I will pick you up at your


Cristal raised an eyebrow. No one other than

Satoshi and Takumijo had been to her place since
she’d hurriedly moved out. “How do you know
that I moved out of the Aomori compound? And


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while I’m on the subject, how do you know
where I live?”

He didn’t answer, just smirked. “I’ll see you at

seven, Ms. Gentry. And wear a dress. Something
pretty that shows off those long legs.”

Tae left her office.
Cristal leaned back in her chair. What is he up

to and how is Satoshi involved?


Tricia looked down at her test paper, groaned,

and dropped her pencil on the desk. Her mind
was a total blank. Everything she had studied be-
fore going skinny dipping with Damien had dis-
appeared from her memory. Think, think, think.
What’s the next answer
? She groaned. What did
she need Economics or a Master’s Degree for
anyway? She was going to be a journalist.

Tricia looked around. All the other students

had their heads down and were busy filling out


background image

their answer sheets. Well, not all of them. Dami-
en had his head down on his desk, sleeping. Tri-
cia rolled her eyes. At least she was making a
conscientious effort to at least look smart. She
glanced over at him again, noticing the way his
blond hair gently curled at the nape of his neck.
Her panties dampened. Damn, she had to stop
looking at him.

She picked up her pencil, skipped the ques-

tion, and went on to the next one. Okay, you
know this
. She wrote down the answer and then
gazed at the next question. It was on the state of
the Japanese economy. Who cares? It’s not like
I’ll ever be living there
. Tricia jotted down the
first thing that came to her mind. An hour later, a
buzzer sounded and the professor entered the

“Pencils down, everyone.”
Tricia put down her pencil and sat up in her


The professor walked down each aisle collect-

ing the answer sheets. He looked down at the


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sleeping Damien, shook his head, and continued
on to the next student. A bell rang, signaling the
end of the class. Tricia moved out of her chair
and gathered her book bag filled with resource
notes for her next test. She walked over to Dami-
en and shook him gently.

He raised his head and his eyelids slowly lif-

ted, revealing his green eyes.

“Come on,” she told him. “The test is over.”
Damien yawned and stretched. “What time is


“Noon,” Tricia answered. Their next class

didn’t start until one.

“Good,” he said. “I’m starved. Let’s go get

something to eat.” He moved from his desk,
dragging his backpack.

Tricia walked past him and he grabbed her

hand, stopping her. “How did you do on the

Tricia shook her head. “I could barely remem-

ber how to write my name on it.”


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“Bummer,” Damien said. “You won’t need to

work anyway. I’ll take care of you.”

Tricia shook her head again. She supposed

they could live off of love and a fast food salary.

He took her to the university cafeteria for

lunch. Once they got their food and found a va-
cant table, she pulled out her notes for her
Master’s English Composition class. Damien’s
next class was Humanities.

“Aren’t you going to study?” she asked him.
Damien rolled his eyes at her, but reached into

his backpack and took out what appeared to be

“What’s the test on?”
“Famous eighteenth century artists and their

works,” he told her.

Tricia grimaced. “Have you ever been inside a


Damien picked up his burger with one hand,

bit into it, and nodded.

Tricia smirked. Why didn’t she believe him?


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Damien reached for a couple of fries and put

them into his mouth, watching her.

She raised her notes. The highest percentage

of her test grade would come from a three-hun-
dred word composition on a random subject sup-
plied by the professor. Since it was an English
class, she supposed it would be a story they had
read in class. Which one? She didn’t know. But
she was usually good at winging her way through
the subject. The professor was also giving a
grammar and a spelling test. She made a face. So
. She was twenty-four years old, not five.

“You better start eating,” Damien told her.
Tricia lowered her notes and looked down at

her ham and cheese sandwich. She picked up one
of the wedges and bit into it. She found Damien
staring at her when she lifted her eyes.

“Marry me,” he told her.
Tricia turned her nose up at him. Damien had

proposed to her at least once a week since she’d
known him. “Pass your Humanities Class with at
least a ninety and I’ll think about it.”


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Damien perked up. “Really?”
“Maybe,” Tricia said, trying to tease him.

She’d offered bait to him before and he always
messed up.

Damien started studying, forgetting about his

burger. “I’m not going to lose this time,” he told
her. “Start picking out that wedding dress. So-
mething white, tight, and low-cut.”

Tricia turned up her nose. Why did this man

know so much about women’s clothing?

“And I’ll expect you to wear a white satin

garter and stockings, not panty hose.”

Tricia raised an eyebrow. He really had

thought this out. She picked up another piece of
her sandwich, not a bit worried about him win-
ning the bet. If she didn’t pass the Economics
test, she was going to be in so much trouble with
her mother.



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She’d ridden in limousines, private jets, and

horse-drawn carriages on the way to dinner, but
she never expected Tae to arrive in a vintage
Rolls Royce, complete with chauffer. Hmm, what
do lawyers earn these days
? He also showed up
right on time, dressed elegantly in a dark suit and
tie. He helped her into the car, leaving the
chauffer to just sit in the front seat looking cute.

Scaphinos was the type of restaurant where

rich people dined with important clients and left
their squalling children at home. It was the type
of place she expected someone like Yi-jun to take
her to, so now it perked her curiosity about just
what type of man Tae really was.

The waiter led them to a private booth and

handed them a couple of menus.

“This is a nice place,” Cristal said. “Do you

eat here often?”

“Only when I want to impress a woman,” Tae


Cristal smirked. At least he didn’t lie. She

opened her menu and browsed the selections.


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Every now and then she peeked over at him. He
caught her once, smiled, and then ignored her.

“What do you suggest?” she asked.
“The smoked oysters are delicious,” he told

her. “They are also good for the libido.”

“My libido is fine, thank you very much.”
“Then I would suggest the veal parmesan.”
She wasn’t in the mood for veal or anything in

tomato sauce. They served blackened redfish.
“Ooh, this looks good.” She showed him the

“You’re right. That does look good and it is

probably healthier than veal.”

The waiter returned, took their order, and left

again. They continued to talk while they waited
on their meal to be prepared.

“How is Europe?” Tae asked.
“Entertaining,” Cristal answered. “We’ve been

very busy.” She sipped her imported water.

“So I’ve heard,” Tae replied. “I’m surprised

they let you out of jail so soon.”


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Cristal nearly choked on the water in her

mouth. “You know?”

Tae nodded. “You guys made world news.”
That meant Mr. Niigata also knew. She and

Aomori were in deep shit.

“I told you that Satoshi is nothing but

trouble,” Tae replied.

“To be fair, it wasn’t his fault. Some guys

were cheating at cards and he called them on it.”

“That was chivalrous of him, but he should

not have been gambling in the first place. And he
should not have brought you along for the ride.”

“First of all, he did not bring me. I was the one

who suggested it to him.”

“Let’s not argue,” Tae said, dismissing her.

“So you are a woman with her own mind. I can
deal with that.”

She didn’t care whether he could deal or not.

It was just dinner, which didn’t constitute a rela-
tionship or understanding.

The waiter brought their food. Everything

looked good, including the arrogant guy seated


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across from her. Even though she didn’t want to
admit it, he was a good conversationalist too. Be-
fore she knew it, the meal had ended and they
were back in the car and on their way back to her
apartment. Tae didn’t try anything once they got
there. He just gave her a quick kiss on the cheek
and left her standing dumbfounded at the door.


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Chapter Eight

The doctor finished examining Shaundra and

closed the file he’d been writing in. “You’re re-
covering nicely and your vitals are stable.”

“So, I’ll still be able to go home tomorrow?”

Shaundra asked. Please say yes.

“Yes,” Doctor Sou told her. “You might need

help getting around for the next couple of weeks
and no sex for the next five weeks until I exam-
ine you again.”

“That part I can handle,” Shaundra said. In a

couple of days, Aomori would be going back to
Europe, taking their blue-eyed temptation with
them. She’d have to put up with him today until
they named the babies and then a few days at the
farmhouse, and then she’d be alone again.

“Good, I think you will make a full recovery.”

The doctor headed toward the door. “Remember,
no sex.”

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“Don’t worry. I’m not in the mood for being

bothered with anyone but me and the twins.”

The doctor smiled at her and left her room.
Shaundra adjusted the bed. She had showered,

changed into a clean gown, and had combed her
hair. Now she could relax and go over her plans
for the next couple of days. Her cell phone rang.
Shaundra lifted it for the nightstand. “Hello?”

“Hello, beautiful lady.”
“Hey, Harper. What’s going on?”
“I just called to see how you’re doing.”
“Apparently, I’m doing fine. They’re releasing

us out of this hospital tomorrow.”

“That’s good news,” Harper said. “But I just

called to tell you that I’ll be out of the country for
the next two weeks.”

“Oh, where are you going?” Shaundra asked.
Harper hesitated for a moment and then

answered. “Home.”

“Oh,” Shaundra said sadly. She’d known it

would eventually happen.


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“It’s only going to be for two weeks. The

University called and wants me there for a meet-
ing to discuss Damien.”

“What’s he done now?” Shaundra asked.
“He’s on academic probation. The only class

he managed to pass is Humanities. He scored one
hundred percent on the test and didn’t even both-
er writing his name on the other tests.”

“Wow, he really must love the Arts.”
“Damien could have aced all his tests if he

really tried, but the Dean seems to think he’s dis-
tracted by something.”

“Or someone,” Shaundra said. “He’s twenty-

four. You know what that’s like.” She paused.
“So what are you going to do?”

“Pack him up and bring him back here. He can

retake his last semester at one of the local uni-
versities.” He sighed. “I just don’t understand
him. It was his idea to go to graduate school. He
could have gone straight to work after he got his
Business degree.”


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“We had these kids, but we don’t understand

them,” Shaundra said. “I hope the two new addi-
tions make up their minds early what they want
to be.”

“I don’t think you have to worry much about

that,” Harper replied. “Mr. Niigata will have
them on stage by the time they’re sixteen.”

Shaundra chuckled. “I guess you’re right.

They’ll be a hot commodity. Twin six-foot tall,
gorgeous idols.”

“It’s going to be fine, Shaundra. You won’t

have to go through this alone.”

“How do you know what I’m thinking?”
“Because we’re friends,” Harper said.
“Do me a favor. Check up on Tricia for me

while you’re there. She was supposed to come
for a visit, but got bogged down with her exams.”

“Will do,” Harper said. “Try not to kill Ich

while I’m gone.”

“He’ll be dropping in shortly,” Shaundra told

him. “We have to name the babies today.”


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“Can you handle it? I mean, you haven’t seen

him since you tried to strangle him in the deliv-
ery room.”

“Yeah, I can handle it. I can’t have sex for five

or six weeks so I won’t be swayed by anything he
has to say. He’ll just sign the papers and I’ll send
him on his way.”

“I’ve contacted Dae-Hyun. The nursery is

ready and he’s awaiting your arrival.”

“Thanks,” Shaundra said. “I’ll call him as

soon as Aomori is back into the air.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Harper


“Very sure,” Shaundra said. “If Ichiro wants

my love, he has to work for it.”

“That’s my girl. You take care.”
“You too. Have a safe trip home and tell Char-

lotte hello. I’ll try to call her in a couple of days.”

“I will. I’ll call you as soon as I can,” Harper

said. “Bye.” He disconnected the call.

Shaundra pressed the red button on her phone

and put in back on the nightstand, jealous that


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Harper was leaving while she had to remain in

The door opened and Daichi, Hana, and Es-

tuko Yoshida appeared.

“What are you guys doing here?”
All three came over to hug her.
“We came for the naming of our nephews,”

Daichi said. “We know you don’t have any fam-
ily here so we came to show support.”

“Thanks,” Shaundra said. “Have a seat. The

nurses should be in shortly with the boys.”

“What time is Ichiro scheduled to arrive?”

Hana asked.

Shaundra shrugged.
“Awe, don’t tell me the two of you still aren’t


“Okay, I won’t tell you,” Shaundra said. Hana

and Estuko knew what had happened, but she
didn’t know if they had told Daichi.

The nurses came in with the babies a few

seconds later, ending the conversation. Both
aunts quickly reached for a baby. They cooed at


background image

the boys and spoke to them in Japanese. Thank
God she’d been studying and practicing her
Japanese since she’d returned to the farmhouse.
She was going to get more proficient if she ex-
pected to be able to communicate with her sons.

“I hate to say this, Shaundra, but I don’t see

you in these kids,” Hana said. “Are you sure
they’re yours? Both boys look exactly like Ichiro,
right down to the blue eyes.”

“Well, their skin color won’t be as porcelain

as Ich, but yes, they’re mine.”

The door opened again. Shaundra looked to-

ward it. Her heart melted as the father of her
twins entered looking quite kawaii and mature in
a black suit and a white shirt. His hair was neatly
braided and hung down his back. And he had
tightened up on his mustache and beard.

Ichiro bowed to her and his family. “Good

evening,” he said in Japanese.

“Konnichi wa,” the three siblings responded.


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Shaundra couldn’t say a word, afraid her heart

would make something stupid come out of her

Ichiro walked over and kissed her on the


The scent of his cologne made her heart thud

heavily in her chest. Damn, not fair.

“How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine,” Shaundra said quickly. Don’t you

dare fall for his charm.

Ichiro smiled at her and stepped away. “And

how are my big boys?” He took the baby from
Hana and cuddled him in his arms.

Shaundra’s defenses startled to crumble as she

watched the tender scene unfold. She bit her bot-
tom lip to keep the tears from falling. Her big
baby looked so happy holding his son.

Daichi gazed over at her and pleaded forgive-

ness with his eyes.

Shaundra shook her head and looked away.

She could not forgive Ichiro. The thought of her


background image

innocent baby lying in some other woman’s arms
made her ballistic.

The other baby started to cry and Estuko

rocked him gently, but he baby fidgeted and
squalled in her arms. Estuko got up and brought
the baby to Shaundra.

Shaundra cuddled him near her breast and the

baby moved his head around at the scent of her
milk. “Excuse me,” she said, draping a receiving
blanket over her left shoulder. Pulling one of her
breasts out the gown, she began nursing her son.
The baby latched onto the nipple, making loud,
smacking sounds. Shaundra brushed a jet black
lock of hair out of the child’s eye and cooed at
him. When she looked up, everyone was watch-
ing her intently, including Ichiro. Those almond
shaped blue eyes locked on her. Heat radiated
from them, searing her skin.

The other baby began to cry. Ichiro rocked

him gently. “Shush,” he said. “Mama is busy.
You have to wait your turn.”

The baby refused to quiet.


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“Greedy boys,” Shaundra said, beckoning

Ichiro to bring the baby over to her.

Ichiro hesitated at first and then he walked

over to the bed. He put the baby in Shaundra’s
right arm, exposed the breast with shaky hands,
and the baby latched onto the dark brown nipple.
“Ooh,” Ichiro said. “Easy.”

The baby ignored him and made sounds like

his brother.

A camera flashed in the room.
Both she and Ichiro looked up.
Daichi had taken a picture. “For the christen-

ing book,” he explained.

“But I look like a hot mess,” Shaundra


“No, you don’t,” Ichiro said. “I’ve never seen

you look lovelier.”

Shaundra stared at him blankly. For a mo-

ment, she almost faltered. “Thank you. You are
most kind,” she told him in fluent Japanese.

Ichiro raised an eyebrow, but did not com-

ment. Neither did the siblings.


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Two nurses entered, accompanied by an older

Japanese woman.

“Greedy boys,” one of the nurses said. “It’s

not feeding time yet.” She took the baby from
Shaundra’s left breast while the other nurse took
the one from the right.

Shaundra covered herself. When she looked

up, Ichiro was still watching intently. Shaundra
rolled her eyes at him, knowing he was contem-
plating latching onto one of her swollen nipples.

The nurses left with the babies and the other

lady approached and introduced herself. “I’ve
come to register the babies’ names.” Of course
she said it in Japanese, which Ichiro translated.

The woman handed Ichiro a clipboard and a

pen with the forms.

“Have you chosen names?” Ichiro asked her.
Shaundra retrieved a piece of paper from her

pocket and handed it to him.

Ichiro looked over the names and beamed.

“I’m so glad you decided to use the ones we dis-
cussed.” He quickly filled out the forms and


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signed his name. He handed the clipboard to her
and she stared down at the neat Japanese charac-
ters. She signed her name and handed the clip-
board to the woman who bowed and left.

“So what did you guys name them?” Estuko

asked excitedly.

“The first born is named Raiden Takumijo

Yoshida and his younger brother is Ryoto Satoshi
Yoshida,” Ichiro told her.

“Japanese names?” Hana asked.
Shaundra nodded. “They are Japanese cit-

izens. They’d get teased if we named them Bill
and Phil.”

Daichi chuckled and agreed. “You two have

chosen splendid names.” He rose. “I think it’s
time for us to go. We have to get back to the res-
taurant and Shaundra needs her rest.”

The two sisters rose too.
Oh God, they are going to leave me alone with


He must have seen the horrified expression on

her face. “I will be back tomorrow to bring you


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and my sons home.” He leaned down and kissed
her on the head again. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

Shaundra manned up, damning her hormones,

emotions, and heart for trying to make her for-
give him. “They’re releasing us at ten.”

“Okay,” he said. “See you then.” He followed

his siblings to the door.

The door opened and Satoshi entered carrying

a bouquet of snow white flowers.

“Am I too late?” he asked.
“No, you’re right on time,” Shaundra told


Ichiro looked at Satoshi and then her and then

followed his family out of the door.

“Where are they going?” Satoshi asked, put-

ting the flowers into a vase on the dresser.

“They’re going back to work,” Shaundra told


Satoshi came over and kissed her, not on the

forehead, but on the lips.

“What’s that for?” Shaundra asked.


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“Because you look like you needed it.” He

straightened up and pulled a chair next to the bed.
“I know you’ve just been tempted. Ichiro did
look quite yummy in black with all those new
muscles bulging out underneath that suit jacket.”

“So you’re just making me swap one tempta-

tion for another?”

He didn’t answer, just smirked at her.
Shaundra wasn’t a fool. She knew exactly

how Satoshi felt about her and apparently from
the look he gave, Ichiro knew too. And he did
look tempting seated next to her dressed in a dark
brown leather jacket, caramel-colored turtleneck
shirt, and tight dark brown trousers.

“How did it go?”
“It went very well. We named the babies

Raiden Takumijo and Ryoto Satoshi.”

“Good Japanese names,” Satoshi said. “Thank

you for giving him my name as a middle name.”

“Well, I wanted it to be his first name, but I

thought it would be hard when you and Cristal fi-
nally have a son and wanted to name him


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Satoshi. And it will be even odder when they are
idols and performing with you guys on stage.”

Satoshi smiled at her. “I see you did think this

out thoroughly.”

Shaundra nodded, drawing her attention away

from the deep chocolate brown eyes. “I know
you will make an excellent godfather to him and
see to him right should anything happen to me
and Ichiro.”

“I’ll do my best,” Satoshi said. “For both him

and little Takumijo.”

“He’s not so little,” Shaundra said. “He’s got

one powerful suck and has my breasts sore.”

Satoshi peered over at her. “You’re breast-

feeding him? I thought you decided not to.”

“The little monster started screaming for food

earlier and the milk started seeping from the
nipple and I had no other choice.” It was amazing
how comfortable she felt discussing such things
with him.

“Were Ichiro and the others here when that



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Shaundra nodded. “Then little Satoshi wanted

to eat too, so I had to give him the other nipple.”

“Damn,” Satoshi said. “I would have loved to

see that.”

“Daichi took pictures for the christening

book,” she told him.

“Remind me to get him to make me a copy,”

Satoshi said.

“Stop teasing,” Shaundra told him.
“I’m not teasing,” Satoshi replied. “I bet it

was a breathtaking sight…you nursing two
hungry Japanese babies on your brown nipples.”

Something tightened in Shaundra’s gut.

Would her life be much different if she had
chosen him instead of Ichiro? “Well, I don’t
know about all that, but those two boys are going
to eat me out of house and home.”

“Their father is a chef,” Satoshi reminded her.
Shaundra rolled her eyes at him.
He chuckled. “Still not forgiving him?”
She shook her head. “No.”


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Satoshi sat back in the chair. “For all it’s

worth, I believe Ich.”

She gazed over at him. “Why?”
“Because Ichiro has never lied to me before.

It’s one of his best assets. And I can usually read
his emotions when I look into his eyes. He said
Eri kissed him, nothing else happened.”

Shaundra pouted. Satoshi had just kissed her.

She could not be angry at Ichiro if the thing
between him and Eri had just been a kiss. “I wish
I could believe that,” she said. “I keep seeing the
two of them together in my head, with their por-
celain bodies pressed together and Ichiro is
thrusting inside of her.”

“Don’t say thrusting,” Satoshi warned, mov-

ing around uncomfortably.

Shaundra gazed over and smirked. He had

crossed his legs. “Sorry,” she said. “Sometimes I

“Well, yes, it will go away eventually.”
She smirked at him again, knowing he now

had a raging erection.


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“So when are they releasing you?”
“Tomorrow at ten. Ichiro is coming for us.”
“Then I’ll come too,” he said. “To help with

the babies.”

“You mean to help keep my hands from

around Ichiro’s throat.”

Satoshi nodded. “Everything is ready at


“I can’t wait to get out of here and sleep in my

own bed.”

“You mean with Ich.”
Shaundra shook her head. “He can sleep in

Cristal’s old room.” She paused. “Speaking of
Cristal, why aren’t you over at her new apartment
getting busy with her?”

“Because I’d rather be here getting busy with


Shaundra rolled her eyes at him. “You

couldn’t handle me.”

“Don’t say can’t. I’m not a crybaby like

Ichiro,” he boasted.


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“Why do you keep changing the subject

whenever I mention Cristal?”

“Like you, I still haven’t forgiven her for

standing me up for Yi-jun.”

“Oh,” Shaundra said. “To be fair…”
“Yeah, I know, and I regret it, but I can’t

change the fact that it happened.”

“Well, you can take some comfort in the fact

that he left her for a starlet.”

“She’s been going out with my brother,”

Satoshi said.

“They’ve gone out once since we returned.”
“How did you find out?”
Satoshi sighed. “He couldn’t wait to call me

and throw it into my face.”

“Are they actually dating?”
“I don’t know,” Satoshi said. “They only met

once, but apparently she left a big impression on


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“Forgive me for saying this, but that’s pretty

rotten of your brother. Doesn’t he know that the
two of you are…?”

“What are we?” he asked. “We’re not dating

or lovers.”

Shaundra moved around on the bed. “Well,

that’s your fault. It’s like you’re hesitant about
moving your relationship to the next level.”

“I have my reasons,” Satoshi said in his own


The door opened and a dietician brought in her


Satoshi rose. “I better go so you can eat.”
The dietician put the food on a tray and left.
Shaundra groaned. “The food is so horrible. I

can’t wait to get home. I’m dying for fries.”

“I hope you’re talking about the unsalted

kind,” Satoshi said.

“Yeah, yeah, and a no-salt Coke and steak.”
“Okay, I get the message. I’ll have the Coke

and the steak waiting for you.” He leaned over
and kissed her again. This time, on the forehead.


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Shoot. Satoshi is a good kisser.
He waved goodbye to her and left her to her

bland meal.


“Would you like to go dancing?” Yori asked


Amaya looked up. “What?”
“Dancing? We haven’t done that in a long


She nodded. “I’d like that. Just the two of us?”
Yori nodded. “Not even the bodyguards. Just

me and my best girl.”

“I need to shower and change first,” she said,

scooting out of the kitchen chair.

“And wear something sexy. I want to make

every man in the club jealous.”

Amaya smiled at him and hurried out of the

kitchen to get dressed.

Yori sat back down in his chair, content that

he could make his wife happy with such a small


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gesture. They hadn’t been anywhere since her
suicide attempt a couple of months ago. He still
felt responsible for that. Had he not been paying
so much attention to Shaundra, he would have
seen that Amaya was depressed. He sighed. He
loved his wife because they had known each oth-
er all their lives. But he still wanted Shaundra
more than he would ever admit to anyone. It
shamed him that it didn’t matter that she was
married to Ichiro, or was now the mother of new-
born twins. He just wanted her, if even for just
one night to finally get her out of his system.

Yori rose from his seat and walked upstairs to

the guest bedroom to use the shower and dress.
He hadn’t been able to use the one in their bed-
room since the night he found Amaya lying un-
conscious in the bath tub from a drug overdose.
He didn’t think he’d ever forget the image. And it
scared him to think she might try again sometime
in the future when she couldn’t deal with reality.
He shuddered. Or worse, she might try to harm
their future child.


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Yori entered the room, opened the closet, and

selected a suit before entering the bathroom.
Ichiro and Shaundra had named their twins today.
He wanted to stop in to see Shaundra, but figured
it was smart to wait until she returned to the
farmhouse. He didn’t need to run into Satoshi
like he had the last time he visited her. He knew
Satoshi was dying to find out why he’d shown
up, but was too polite to ask.

Yori dressed after he finished his shower and

walked into the den. Amaya waited for him look-
ing quite pretty in a red dress he’d never seen be-
fore. “Is that a new dress?”

“Yes,” she answered. “Do you like it?”
He nodded. “You look beautiful. Is it one of

your new designs?”

“Yes. It’s part of my new winter line.”
Despite all her issues, Amaya was doing quite

well as a designer.

“Would you like to come with me to Europe

until the tour ends?” This way, he could keep an
eye on her and probably stay out of trouble.


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“Thanks, but I can’t. We’re still working on

the spring line and preparing for a fashion show.”
She patted his cheek. “Maybe some other time.”

Yori sighed. He’d tried. “Okay. We better get

going. I’m in the mood for some smooth dancing
with you.” He donned his dark glasses. Hope-
fully, the fans wouldn’t bother them.


Damien waved his Humanities test at Tricia.
Tricia gazed at the grade. “One hundred per-

cent.” She blushed. Her future had just been set
in stone.

“How about a little pre-marital smooch?”
Tricia gave him a friendly peck on the cheek.
Damien scowled at her. “I’ve gotten hotter

kisses from my grandmother.”

“We’re in the middle of a hall in school, sur-

rounded by hundreds of other students.”

“So?” Damien said. “We’re also adults.”


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Tricia grabbed his hand and dragged him

down the hall and outside.

“How did you do on your tests?” he asked.
“Awful,” she said, sitting down on one of the

university’s benches. “I barely passed.” She
huddled beneath her coat. “My mother is going to
go ballistic. My grades have never been this hor-
rible before.”

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have kept

you out so late that night.” He sat down next to

“It’s not your fault. I didn’t have to go if I

didn’t want to.” She leaned against him. “How
did you do on your other tests?”

“Probably worse than you,” Damien said. “My

dad will not only kill me, but he’ll probably get
Masaaki to ground me.”

Tricia chuckled. Her mother had told her

about Masaaki. “Can you imagine him doing that
to grown men?”

“Nope,” Damien said.


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“How come you made a hundred on your Hu-

manities test and not on the other tests?”

“All the university is going to do is give me a

piece of paper when I graduate. You’re going to
love me and be the mother of my kids just be-
cause I passed this one subject.”

“You’re such a romantic,” Tricia told him.

“And very delusional. I’m going to travel the
world and win a Noble Peace Prize in Journalism
for one of my articles while you’re at home with
the kids.”

“I like kids,” Damien said.
“You need to graduate from this very expens-

ive Master’s program first,” a deep male voice

Tricia looked up. “Oh, oh.”
“What are you doing here?” Damien asked his

father, who glared down on them like a huge
blond wrestler.

“I got summoned here by the Dean,” Harper

told him.


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“How are you doing, Mr. Kehoe?” Tricia

asked politely. If they summoned Harper all the
way from Japan, the Dean must be awfully upset.
This meant her mother had been contacted too.

“I’m fine, Tricia.”
“How’s Mother?”
“She and the babies are fine.”
“You mean you don’t know? She had the

twins over a week ago.”

“What? And she never called? How are they?

What do they look like?”

Harper pulled out his phone. “Here, see for


Tricia looked down at the pictures and

squealed. “They’re so adorable and they look just
like Ichiro.”

“More than you know,” Harper said. “Both of

them have his blue eyes too.”

“Mama should be pleased.” She continued to

talk to him to keep the heat off Damien.


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“Aren’t you going to say something?” Harper

asked his oldest son as Tricia showed him the
pictures of the babies.

“Cute,” Damien said.
“I mean about your grades?”
“What’s there to say, Father? I messed up.”
Harper sighed. “Why can’t you be serious

about anything?”

“I’m serious about a lot of things,” Damien

said in his own defense. “I got a hundred in

“That’s nice if you are going to work in a mu-

seum after graduation, but to work for me, you’ll
need to pass Economics and English.”

“You’re forgetting that I already have a Bach-

elor’s degree.”

“It takes more than that to make it in this

world,” Harper said. “Don’t you have any plans
or ambitions for the future? I’m not always going
to be around to bail you out of trouble.”

Damien rose. “Yes, I do. I have plans for the

future.” He gazed down at her.


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Tricia smiled at him and then she looked over

at Harper.

Harper glared at her. “How are your grades?”
“That depends,” Tricia said.
“On what?” Harper asked.
“On what you’re going to tell my mother if I

tell you.”

Harper groaned. “Shaundra is going to be so

disappointed. She has high hopes for you.”

“Don’t worry about me. I don’t need help get-

ting out of trouble. I’m going to be a journalist
and turn the world over on its ear.”

“You’re so much like your mother it’s fright-

ening,” Harper muttered. “What do you think
she’s going to say when she finds out about your

“She’ll be too busy taking care of her two new

babies to kill me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. She worries

about all her kids and she misses you. She was so
proud when she found out that you wanted to fol-
low in her footsteps and become a journalist.”


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“I didn’t know that,” Tricia said. Damn. She’d

fucked up royally.

“Come on. I’ll take you kids to dinner after I

meet with the Dean.”

“Do I have to wear a dress?” Tricia asked,

rising from the bench.

“Yes,” both Harper and Damien answered.

Father and son looked at each other and smiled.

Tricia mumbled and stormed off to her dorm

room to shower and change.


By their second date, Cristal still couldn’t fig-

ure out what Tae was up to. This time, he took
her dancing at a club in Shibuya. The place
wasn’t like anything Aomori would be caught
dead in. It catered to an older clientele who liked
ballroom dancing. She had chosen to wear a
lovely black dress, designed by none other than
Amaya. It fit her to a tee, molding to her
statuesque frame, but left enough room for her to


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move around in. The hem came down just above
the knee. Since she and Tae were about the same
height, she wore high heels instead of stilettos.

Tae also dressed in a nice black tailored suit

with silver accessories. To everyone else, they
looked like the perfect couple.

“What are you doing?” Satoshi asked her over

the phone the next day.

“What are you talking about?”
“Why are you spending time with Tae?”
“How do you know about that?”
“Our life is a YouTube reality show,” he

answered. “Someone posted a video of the two of
you dancing at some fancy ballroom.”

Damn fan girls. She thought they had left her

alone since she was no longer involved with Yi-
jun. Apparently, she was wrong.

“He asked me out and I accepted.”
“I thought you didn’t like him.”
“I don’t,” Cristal answered. “But I was bored.”
“You should have come to me if you wanted

to go out.”


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“I always manage to go to jail when I do that,”

Cristal replied. “Are you jealous?”

“No,” Satoshi answered. “Tae is only using

you to get to me.”

“I know that,” Cristal said. “I’m not a total


“You knew this, yet you still went out with

him twice.”

Damn, he knew about the first time too. Wer-

en’t there any secrets in Osaka? “Yes,” Cristal
said. “Are you sure you aren’t jealous?”

“No, I’m not jealous. Maybe I would be if we

were in a relationship. I’m just concerned be-
cause we are friends.”

Cristal rolled her eyes at the phone. Satoshi

could be so exasperating. “I went out to dinner
with him and we went dancing. Nothing else. I
don’t know why he asked me, or what he’s up to,
but he hasn’t even tried to kiss me. I think he’s
just lonely.”

“I suppose,” Satoshi said. “I just don’t want

you to get hurt.”


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“I won’t,” Cristal assured him. “He’ll prob-

ably find someone more interesting once I return
to Europe.”

Satoshi sighed and then chuckled. “Yeah, I

guess you right. I’ll talk to you later.” He hung
up the phone before she could say goodbye.


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Chapter Nine

Shaundra didn’t expect to see Takumijo along

with Ichiro and Satoshi when she and babies
were finally discharged from the hospital. She
had already gotten dressed, packed her things,
and sat atop the bed waiting for an orderly to
bring a wheel chair.

The fellows were all dressed casually in jeans

and t-shirts. Ichiro had tucked all his hair beneath
a baseball cap and looked a bit nervous. Two
nurses came in with the babies. Each little
Yoshida wore a light blue knit cap and had an ID
bracelet on their arms so everyone could tell
them apart. The nurses had wrapped them in
heavy blue blankets Shaundra had brought just
for this special occasion. Both babies slept peace-
fully, oblivious to life around them.

The nurses gave the babies to Satoshi and


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One of the nurses gave Shaundra her final in-

structions. “Doctor Sou wants to see you in his
office in five weeks. You are to refrain from
heavy lifting and sex until then.”

Shaundra heard a groan from one of the guys.

Which one, she couldn’t be sure.

The nurse continued. “No strenuous exercise

until the sutures heal and you’re still on a no salt
diet. He sent prescriptions for your medications
and wants you to take them as prescribed.”

“Thank you,” Shaundra said, trying to put the

instructions in her memory.

The door opened and an orderly appeared with

the wheel chair. The two nurses left. The orderly
walked over to assist Shaundra off the bed.

She groaned. Her stomach felt like someone

had kicked her in the gut.

“Easy now,” the orderly told her. “You have

to re-learn how to use the lower half of your

“Yeah, I know the drill,” she said as she sat

down in the wheel chair.


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Ichiro grabbed her suitcase. Thankfully, Ken-

shin had carted all the stuffed animals, flowers,
and gifts home yesterday.

The orderly rolled her out of the room and

past the nurse’s station where several nurses
stood and said goodbye to her, the babies, and of
course, the three handsome members of Aomori.
Ichiro’s cell phone rang as soon as they all
entered the elevator.

“Hello? Hey, Kenny. We’re on our way

down.” There was a pause in the conversation.
“What? How?”

“Is something wrong?” Satoshi asked. He held

his blue blanketed namesake tightly in his arms.

“Fans,” Ichiro said. “Somehow they found out

the babies were being discharged today. They
have the front doors surrounded.”

“Great,” Shaundra said. They couldn’t even

have this one private moment.

“The security guards are trying to clear the

front,” Ichiro said. “We’ll have to exit by the


background image

back door.” He hung up the phone. “Kenshin will
be waiting there for us.”

The elevator doors opened on the lobby floor.

It looked like pandemonium. Ichiro had failed to
mention that the press was also there.

Shaundra groaned. Everyone wanted a

glimpse at Raiden and Ryoto. “Keep the babies’
faces covered,” she ordered. “No one is getting
the first picture but KiNii.” And not even them if
she could help it.

Fan girls were trying to take their pictures and

trying to get around the police and security
guards. Some of Aomori’s bodyguards appeared
from out of nowhere.

One of them looked down at her. Shaundra

gazed up at him. He must be a new one because
she didn’t recognize him. She really couldn’t get
a good look at his face behind the dark shades
and hat.

“Let’s get my family out of here,” Ichiro told

the guards.


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“Yes, sir, Mr. Yoshida,” one of the guards


Everyone did an about face and headed toward

the back entrance, including the orderly.

Kenshin waited with the doors to the lim-

ousine open. He helped Ichiro put the luggage

One of the bodyguards lifted her from the seat

and cradled her in his arms. Shaundra looked up
at him and he smiled down at her. She recognized
him this time. Her cougar growled deep inside of
her. He passed her to Ichiro and the cougar
quieted. Ichiro put her inside the limo while
Satoshi and Takumijo strapped the babies into
their matching car seats. They hopped in too and
strapped themselves in. Kenshin maneuvered the
limousine out of the emergency parking lane and
headed toward the farmhouse.

“Whew, that was close,” Takumijo said. “I

thought for a moment they’d be waiting at the
back door too.” He sighed. “What are they doing


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“They all want a glimpse at the new royal

princes of J-Pop,” Satoshi replied.

“They’re just babies,” Ichiro said. “And

they’re not going to be idols.”

Shaundra nodded in agreement. She wasn’t

going to let her babies go through what Aomori
was going through if she could help it. Her heart
still hadn’t calmed down.

“No, little Satoshi will be a scientist and dis-

cover cures to all the world’s diseases,” Satoshi
said, getting comfortable in his seat.

“And little Takumijo will become a prime

minister of Japan and marry some hot Japanese
princess,” Takumijo said.

Shaundra cracked a smile, even though she

was pretending that she wasn’t being waylaid by
Ichiro’s cologne as he sat next to her.

“They will both be chefs,” he told everyone.

“They will take over the restaurants after their
mother and I retire.”

Shaundra sighed. Poor delusional fool. She

would probably be dead before the boys turned


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twenty-one. But let Ichiro have his fantasy. She
closed her eyes and listened to the music filtering
out of the speakers. It was a beautiful ballad, one
she’d never heard before. “I like this song.”

“Thank you,” Satoshi said. “It’s us.”
“When did you guys record it?”
“Before we left for Europe,” he told her.

“Ichiro wrote the lyrics.”

“It’s very nice, especially the part about the

cherry blossoms in the springtime.”

“How do you know that?” Ichiro asked.

“We’re singing in Japanese.”

“I don’t know,” Shaundra lied. “I guess I’ve

been in Japan long enough to pick up on some

“And some bad ones too,” Satoshi teased.
“Shut up,” Ichiro told him.
Shaundra shook her head. She still didn’t re-

member what she supposedly had said to Ichiro
in the delivery room and she really didn’t care.
Her thoughts turned to the bodyguard. Dae-Hyun.
What was he doing there dressed like one of


background image

Aomori’s guards? She sighed again. It had Harp-
er written all over it. No wonder he didn’t have a
problem flying off to the United States or hiring
the handsome Korean as a nanny for the twins.
Apparently, he had also hired Dae-Hyun as her
bodyguard. Shaundra moved around in the leath-
er seat. Did Harper think she needed protection
from someone? Who?

A warm hand touched hers. She trembled and

opened her eyes. Ichiro looked down into them.

“We’re home,” he told her.
Shaundra moved her hand from under his, still

uncomfortable by his touch. How had they made
it home so quickly? She’d probably dozed off a
little on the way.

Ichiro got out first and then helped her out. He

lifted her into his arms again.

“I can walk,” she told him.
“I know,” he said. “But I want to make sure

you get inside safely.”

The others followed with the babies and the



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Shaundra frowned. Ichiro acted like someone

could be waiting inside the farmhouse to attack
her when she entered. A stalker, if one was cap-
able of getting past the guards at the gate and
around the compound, was less of a threat at the
moment than him.

Ichiro carried her up the stairs, into the house,

and up to their bedroom. He gently placed her on
the bed.

Uncles Satoshi and Takumijo carried the boys

inside, removed their blankets, and placed them
in the nursery.

“Get some sleep,” Ichiro told her as he led his

friends out of their bedroom. He closed the door.

Shaundra rolled her eyes at the door. “I’m

tired of sleeping,” she muttered. After all she’d
been through lately, she wanted real food and for
some reason, a cigarette. She’d given smoking up
about ten years ago, but right now, she could use
some nicotine.



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Ichiro poured sake for Satoshi, Takumijo, and

himself and joined his friends in the den.

“I thought you gave this stuff up,” Satoshi said

as he sipped the rice liquor.

“I have,” Ichiro said. “But I’m celebrating the

birth of my sons.” He sipped and set the cup
aside. He really didn’t want to start drinking sake

“What does it feel like?” Satoshi asked. “I

mean being a father?”

“Frightening,” Ichiro answered. “Suddenly,

I’m responsible for two more tiny little lives.”

“But they’re so cute,” Takumijo said. “Just

like you.”

Ichiro chuckled. “It’s amazing. They don’t

look like I expected them to look. I thought they
would have Shaundra’s eyes and nose, or
something, but all I can see is me.”

“Which is a good thing,” Satoshi said. “For



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Ichiro moaned. “I’m so sorry I doubted her.

Sex with her is so wonderful and I guess I got all
jealous and foolish.”

“I never doubted her,” Satoshi said. “She

doesn’t look at anyone the way she looks at you.
Not even Yori.”

“I am so stupid,” Ichiro said. “I never wanted

to sleep with Eri. I could have if I wanted to, but
I didn’t. I was just so confused when she kissed
me. I’ve never kissed another woman but Shaun-
dra. I guess I was curious, but not enough to
break the sanctity of my marriage.”

“We’re not the ones you have to convince,”

Takumijo said.

“I know, but I still haven’t figured out how to

do it.”

“You can start by firing Eri,” Satoshi said.
“Done,” Ichiro said. “Daichi let her go yester-

day. He told her we were cutting back on

“Good,” Takumijo said. “She knew you were

married when she kissed you.”


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“Yes, but I still feel bad about it. She was a

good waitress and I was grooming her as an ap-
prentice baker.”

One of the babies cried upstairs.
“Now you can groom those two,” Takumijo


“I guess it’s feeding time for them,” Ichiro

replied. “She’s breastfeeding them.”

“But I thought she decided against it,” Tak-

umijo said.

“I thought so too, but I saw her do it on the

day we named the boys. The sight nearly brought
tears to my eyes. She had one baby nursing from
each breast while she talked to us.”

“In front of your family? You mean Daichi

got to see the goods?”

Ichiro shook his head. “No, she was covered.

Daichi took pictures. They’re going into the ba-
bies’ christening book.”

“I bet you wanted to change places with one

of them,” Satoshi teased.

“Yes,” Ichiro admitted. “I am so horny.”


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Satoshi chuckled. “You heard the nurse.

Shaundra can’t have sex for at least five weeks,
and only if she’s speaking to you by then.”

“We’re going back to Europe the day after to-

morrow, so you won’t be tempted,” Takumijo
told Ichiro. “And if you get desperate enough, I’ll
give you comfort.”

Ichiro glared at him. “You touch me and I’ll

kick your ass. Or haven’t you noticed I’m as tall
as you guys are now?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.

Why are you still growing?”

“I eat right,” Ichiro said. “And now Satoshi is

the runt of the litter.”

Satoshi chuckled. “You’ll be the runt of the

litter again when your sons are our age. Those are
going to be some big boys. Shaundra must be
glad they’re finally out of her body.”

Ichiro nodded. “From what I can, tell she’s

lost most of the baby weight. I’m surprised. I
thought she’d retain a lot of it.”


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“Nope,” Satoshi said. “She told me she always

bounces back pretty well after a pregnancy. I
guess it’s her metabolism or something.”

“You and my wife are getting just a little too

chummy,” Ichiro told him.

“We’re friends,” Satoshi said.
Ichiro rolled his eyes at him. “Yeah, I know.

You better not go buying her any underwear like

“Can you imagine how big her butt is now that

she’s given birth?” Satoshi asked.

Ichiro groaned. He was going to kick the piss

out of Satoshi if he didn’t stop.

“She already had a lot of junk in that trunk,”

Takumijo added. “It jiggled when she walked.”

“Yes, it did,” Satoshi agreed.
“Why are you losers discussing my wife’s


“What else do we have to do?” Takumijo

asked. “At least you have that butt to sleep next
to tonight.”


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“No, I don’t,” Ichiro said. “I think I better

sleep in Cristal’s old room. I can still hear the ba-
bies if they cry during the night.”

“Chicken,” Satoshi teased.
“She tried to choke me,” Ichiro said in his

own defense. “What part of that don’t you

Both Takumijo and Ichiro laughed.
Takumijo looked Ichiro over. “You’re six foot

tall, and nearly two hundred pounds. How much
harm can she do to you?”

That was true. Nearly two hundred pounds?

When had this happened? All he wanted to do
was add some muscle, but lately, he’d been living
at the gym trying to work out his frustrations.
“Do you think Shaundra might be scared of me
now? I mean, because I’m bigger?”

“You’ve always been bigger than her,”

Satoshi said as he polished off his cup of sake.

“No, I mean the muscles?”
Takumijo shook his head. “Don’t be foolish.

Women like men with muscles.”


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Satoshi bobbed his head in agreement. “Just

wait. You’ll be beating her off you again.”

“I don’t want to beat her off me. I need her on

me or under me,” Ichiro insisted.

Satoshi and Takumijo laughed at his


“You better get used to your hands,” Satoshi

said. “Five weeks is a long time.”

“I wonder if her mouth is off limits for five

weeks.” Ichiro asked.

Takumijo spat sake across the room and

Satoshi choked.

“What?” Ichiro asked.
“Don’t say that,” Satoshi warned. “I’m liking

the visual way too much.”

One of the babies cried loudly upstairs.
“Get you mind out of the gutter, Satoshi,”

Takumijo said. “And let’s go see if we can give
Shaundra a hand with our babies.”



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Shaundra had just gotten Raiden to sleep when

Ryoto woke up ready to eat. “You guys have this
tag-team thing down to a science,” she said as
she sat down in the rocking chair with him. She
could tell them apart without the bracelets.
Raiden was bigger in the face and turned red
when he cried. And Ryoto had a sweeter disposi-
tion and a heartier appetite. He’d catch up in
weight with Raiden if he kept that up. “You guys
will probably not taste a hamburger and fries for
a long time because Daddy will insist that you eat
nutritious meals. And Mama is never going to
dress the two of you alike. You are individuals.”
She’d chosen blue, brown, yellow, and green for
their layette and decided to interchange the
clothes until they outgrew them. She didn’t want
her babies to be referred to as “the twins.” And
only on rare occasions would she dress them
alike. Probably for publicity pictures or she
would have to kill Mr. Niigata.

Ryoto opened his eyes and looked up at her.

“Why, hello, Ryoto. Are you enjoying your


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meal?” The baby smiled at her like he understood
her. “You’re going to be a heartbreaker one day.
But you need to treat your woman with respect
and never cheat on her. We women don’t like it.”

The baby continued to watch her while he


Shaundra hummed to him and before she

knew it, she was singing one of her favorite
songs to him. It was ‘Beginby Tohoshinki.

The baby continued to watch her as she sang.

She hadn’t felt like doing so in a long time. She’d
grown up in a church, sang in the choir, and
taught Sunday school until Tricia graduated from
high school. Her mother always thought she’d be
a singer because of her deep, throaty voice, and
how she and her sister used to sing duets in the
church choir. Lord, that seemed like eons ago.
She’d discovered writing and gotten married.
Now, she was married to one of the hottest tenors
in all of Asia.



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“Is that Shaundra singing?” Takumijo asked

as they tiptoed upstairs to check on the babies.

Ichiro nodded. “That’s the song we walked

down the aisle to when we got married.”

“I never knew she could sing,” Takumijo said.
“Me either,” Ichiro said.
“She has a lovely voice,” Satoshi said as they

stood in the hall listening. “Like a jazz singer.”

“Why didn’t she ever tell me she could sing?”

Ichiro asked.

“Because you’re the singer in the family,”

Takumijo said. “And she’s the writer.”

“But you think I would have heard her at least


“She sang before with Cristal,” Satoshi re-

minded him. “We were on our way to or from
somewhere and Amaya got all pissed off because
they were singing some American song.”

“But not like this,” Ichiro said. “And in per-

fect Korean.”


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“And she’s singing from her heart,” Satoshi


“Maybe she’s never had something to sing

about before,” Takumijo said.

“Or, maybe she just didn’t want to,” Satoshi


“Where the hell did she learn Korean from?”

Ichiro asked.

They tiptoed back down the stairs to give

Shaundra a chance to entertain her sons.


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Chapter Ten

“What do you mean you’re going to Japan?”

Tricia asked Damien as they sat on the floor in
his bedroom at his father’s New York mansion.

“My father and the Dean discussed it and

came to the agreement that maybe, just maybe, I
would do better at a Japanese University to finish
off my Master’s degree. And they also decided
that maybe I should get a job at my father’s pub-
lishing company and start learning how to be

“But what about us?”
Damien looked over at the love of his life and

tried to pretend none of this affected him. “It’s
not the end of the world. It’s just for a semester.
We can be together after that.”

Tricia pouted.
His cock stirred in his briefs as he gazed upon

those luscious brown lips.

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“A semester is a long time. What if you meet

someone else?”

There could never be anyone else for him but

her. He’d been in love with her since they were
kids. And he knew even back then she was the
one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. “I
won’t even look at another woman while I’m
there,” he promised.

Tricia rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t you

know such things are out of your control? You’re
blond and green-eyed and those little Asian girls
are going to go ga-ga over you.”

“Maybe,” Damien said, lifting her chin and

staring deeply into her eyes. “But only you have
my heart.” He lowered his head and kissed her.

Tricia melted in his arms and his body

hardened with desire. “I want to make love to
you so badly,” he whispered against her lips.

“And I want a wedding ring and a commit-

ment,” she whispered back against his.


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Damien groaned and moved her away from

him. “I think I need a dip in a cold Alaskan

Tricia giggled. “Don’t you think it’s hard on

me too? But I want our first time together to be
special and on our wedding night.”

“I hope you’ve been looking for a bridal gown

and picking out churches,” Damien said. “I plan
to marry you as soon as we graduate and not an-
other day later. I can’t take this anymore.”

“I want a black and white wedding,” Tricia

told him. “All the guys will be in black tuxes
with tails, and the girls will dress in virgin

“And then that night, I’m going to rock your


Tricia laughed and punched him on the arm.

“You better live up to the hype.”

“Or what? You’ll leave me for one of those

pretty boy J-Poppers?”

“I might,” Tricia said.


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Damien grabbed her and they wrestled around

on the floor. He tickled her and Tricia squealed
with delight.

The door opened and eighteen-year-old Kevin

Kehoe stood in the doorway. “What are the two
of you doing? I can hear you all the way down in
my room.”

Tricia and Damien sat up.
“I’m tickling her,” Damien admitted to his

younger, geekier brother.

“Very mature,” Kevin said, leaning in the

doorjamb. “I’m trying to study.”

“You should be out on a date somewhere,”

Damien told him.

“I’m not interested,” Kevin said. “Women are

a hindrance.”

“Hey!” Tricia said.
“Well, maybe not you, but all the rest. I’m not

interested in going to movies or to clubs. I need a
degree, and I can’t get one if I’m gabbing on the
phone to some skirt.”


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“Skirt?” Tricia asked, puzzled. “Are you sure

he’s human?”

Kevin shook his head at them, closed the door,

and walked back down the hall to his room.

“I won’t be a bit surprised if he ends up dating

a guy,” Damien said.

Tricia chuckled. “He’d make a cute Uke with

those big brown eyes and that blond hair.”

“A what?” Damien asked.
“A Uke…the feminine male in a gay relation-

ship. Don’t tell me you’ve never read yaoi?”

“Yo what?” Damien asked.
“Yaoi. It’s like Japanese manga written by


Damien made a face. “No, why would I read

something like that?”

“You better pick up a couple of yaoi manga

and educate yourself. It’s very popular in Japan.”
She pouted again.

“It’s not going to be the end of the world,

baby, and I’ll be too busy with my job and


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getting my degree to have time to read comic

“What kind of work will you be doing?”
“I don’t know. I think I’ll be an assistant to

some publicist.” It’s probably some decrepit little
old man who can’t speak English.”

“How good is your Japanese?”
Damien said something to her.
“You’re fluent?”
He nodded and smiled at her. Why did she

think he was just a pretty face? “Kevin too. My
father has had big dreams for us since we were
kids. He’s always wanted to open a business in

“And you can’t pass Economics?”
“Not can’t. Didn’t want to,” he answered.

“But I’ll graduate and make you proud of me.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” Tricia said. “I

plan to be a high maintenance bride, and I’m ex-
pecting a nice-sized diamond in my engagement
ring. Something pear-shaped with plenty of car-
ats backing it up, and set in a gold band.”


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“Oh!” Damien said. “Then I better brush up

on my ass-kissing, because my father may have
to spot me a loan until they crown me Emperor of

She chuckled. “Okay. I’m only teasing. You

can make the band silver.”

Damien shoved her on her back and rolled on

top of her. “I plan to give you everything your
heart desires. And in return, all I ask is that you
pledge your undying love only to me.”

Tricia wrapped her arms around his neck. “I

think I can handle that.”


“How are you feeling?” Charlotte Martin,

Shaundra’s editor, asked her.

“Swell,” Shaundra said. She hadn’t talked to

Charlotte in a while and felt bad about it.

“I’ve seen pictures of the babies. They’re



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“Thanks,” Shaundra said. “They’re asleep

now and being guarded closely by their father.”

“Have the two of you patched things up yet?”
“No,” Shaundra said. “He’s just spending as

much time with them as he can before he flies
back off to Europe.”

“Oh, yeah. Harper told me that Aomori is per-

forming there.”

“Yeah, they’ll be flying back to France tomor-

row, and then they’re off to Amsterdam.”

“But they will be back in time for the christen-

ing and Christmas?”

“Yes, I think so.”
“Why don’t you sound sure?”
“Because they never really include me in their

plans anymore.”

“You don’t sound upset about it.”
“I’m not. I have a full plate. I don’t have time

to travel and follow them on the road.” She
paused. “Have you had time to look over the
book I sent you?”

“Yes,” Charlotte said.


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“Well, what do you think?”
Charlotte chuckled. “Personally, I think it’s

the best thing you’ve ever written.”

“Girl, I think you got a winner. I can’t wait for

Harper to read it. He is going to flip. It’s sexy
and humorous, and the heroine has more sub-
stance than any other heroine you’ve created.”

“Thanks,” Shaundra said. She knew she had a

good book after it had brought her to tears when
she read over it.

“So when can I get the next book in the

series?” Charlotte asked like a true editor.

“I don’t know. It depends on my two little


“But haven’t you hired a nanny?”
“Don’t go spreading that around. It’s not com-

mon knowledge yet.”

“Do you mean you haven’t discussed it with

Ichiro yet?”

“Why? You don’t think he will like her?”


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“It’s not a her.”
Charlotte squealed. “What?”
“It was Harper’s idea and I agreed with his


“Is he cute?”
“Very,” Shaundra replied.
“I can’t wait to hear all of the juicy details.”
“That’s for a future conversation,” Shaundra

told her.

“Well, you better get back to your little

bundles of joy,” Charlotte said. “I’ll try to call
you in a couple of days.”

“Give everyone my love,” Shaundra said.

“Goodbye.” She hung up the phone, left her of-
fice, and walked slowly back to her bedroom to
check on the babies. She found Ichiro seated in
the chair rocking Raiden in his arms.

He put his finger to his lips. “Shush. I just got

him back to sleep.” He rose and put the baby
back in his crib. His brother snored peacefully on
his back in his crib. Ichiro walked out of the


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nursery and into the bedroom, giving her a good
look at him.

Ichiro appeared much older than twenty-five.

She corrected her thoughts. He would be turning
twenty-six on Christmas Eve. Mr. Niigata was
throwing a party for him.

His body had filled to grown man proportions

and he now sported hair on his face…something
he didn’t have when she met him.

“Can we talk?” he asked.
She really didn’t have anything to say to him,

but she nodded. Shaundra sat down on the bed
and Ichiro sat down in the chair.

“I know things haven’t been right between us

for a long time. And I know it’s because of me.
But I want you to know that I’m still in love with
you and I always will be. I just can’t stop loving
you, baby.”

Shaundra sighed. Words.
“I never cheated on you, Shaundra. I know

you don’t believe me, but it’s the truth. Eri kissed
me. Nothing else happened. I don’t know why I


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called out her name. You’re the only woman I’ve
ever wanted to make love to. You fill me with
great joy and you’ve made me the happiest man
in the world with those two beautiful babies. So
please don’t give up on me yet.”

Shaundra tried to digest all he had told her.

All he wanted her to do was tell him that
everything was okay and that she forgave him,
but she couldn’t. It wasn’t just the sex with Eri,
or the kiss. It was a combination of things. He’d
lied to her, abandoned her, and put her through
that paternity test. And all she’d ever done was
love and want the best for him. Why couldn’t
anyone understand that she was hurting emotion-
ally? Ichiro had wounded her, and it was going to
take more than pretty words to fix her. She’d
been through an earthquake and tsunami, had
stopped breathing a couple of times, and had
been in a coma, all since meeting him. How
much more was she expected to go through in the
name of love?


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“You don’t have to answer,” Ichiro said,

rising. “We’ll talk again when I get back from
Europe.” He walked out of the room.

Shaundra stared at the door. Yeah, whatever.


“I thought you were supposed to stay and help

with the babies,” Satoshi said to Takumijo as he
watched him put the finishing touches on his

“The parents have it pretty well under control

for tonight, and I won’t be out too late. I’m just
going out to see what’s happening in town.” He
paused. “You want to join me?”

“No thanks,” Satoshi said. “I’m tired.”
Takumijo smirked at him. Satoshi just didn’t

know how to have fun anymore. “Are you sure?
You might meet some pretty young thing who is
just waiting to be swept off her feet.”

“Not interested,” Satoshi replied. “I think I’ll

turn in early in case Shaundra needs me.”


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“She won’t need you,” Takumijo said bluntly.

“She has Ichiro.”

Satoshi rolled his eyes at him and rose from

the chair. “Don’t think I don’t appreciate what
you’re trying to say, but I know what I’m doing.”

Takumijo slapped some aftershave lotion on

his face. “Suit yourself. But you’re letting your
life slip away from you. Two years ago, you used
to beat me out of the front door. Now you’re sit-
ting in your room night after night like some
senior citizen. It’s just not healthy.”

“Yeah, but I stay out of trouble that way,”

Satoshi replied. He walked out the door and al-
lowed him to finished getting dressed.

Takumijo looked at his image in the mirror.

Brown, tight-fitting jeans, brown and tan shirt,
silver chain, check
. He looked sweet. He gazed
up at his hair. It had started to grow long again,
and he had basically worn it in the same style for
years. Maybe it was time for a change. He
grabbed his short brown leather jacket as he
walked out of his room and put it on as he


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walked down the hall toward the steps. A gentle
catlike cry stopped him in his tracks as soon as he
made it to the landing. One of the babies appar-
ently wanted to say goodbye to him. Takumijo
smiled and continued down the stairs. He opened
the door and stepped outside. Moments later, he
climbed into his TransAm hoping the engine
wouldn’t awaken the other little bundle of joy. So
far, having the babies in the house hadn’t been as
much of a bother as he thought. In fact, they
made the place feel more like a home. He sup-
posed a year from now things would be different
when he was tripping over toys or the twins were

He started the engine and drove toward the

front gate. One of the guards approached. Tak-
umijo rolled down the window.

“Going out?” the guard asked.
“Yes,” Takumijo said. “For a little while.
“Will you be requiring backup?”
“No,” Takumijo replied. “I’m just going to

Honsu’s Nightclub.” Honsu was a nightclub not


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too far away from the compound that everyone
frequented, even the guards. Aomori had been
going there since the time they became old
enough to legally drink.

“Mr. Hayashi won’t be accompanying you?”
Takumijo shook his head. “No, he’s tired.

He’s probably halfway to beddy-bye land by

The guard laughed at his joke. “Well you be

careful and call us if you need us.” The guard
stepped away from the car, opened the gate, and
Takumijo drove through and continued on down
the street.

It has started to snow and the white, powdery

substance bounced against his windshield and
melted on contact. The babies’ first snow, he
thought excitedly. He couldn’t wait to build
snowmen with them a couple of years from now,
and maybe teach them how to sled. He smirked.
Listen to me. I sound like a parent. The idea of
having any of his own terrified him, but he’d
welcome the experience. Maybe he and


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Amaterasu might have a son or a daughter if their
relationship continued to progress the way it was
doing. She’d make a great mother because she
had a sunny disposition and a lot of patience to
put up with him. He wondered how she was do-
ing in Paris. They hadn’t gotten in contact with
each other since Aomori left a little over a week
ago, but he’d make it up to her the next time he
saw her.

There was a lot of traffic on the street, but

everyone drove slowly since the roads were slick
from the snow. He passed Cristal’s apartment
building. Takumijo gazed and frowned. Tae’s
Rolls Royce was parked in the lot beneath her
window. Not good. He wondered if this could be
the reason behind Satoshi’s self-imposed impris-
onment. He never did like Tae. What kind of man
would move in on his brother’s girl without giv-
ing his brother’s feelings a second thought? And
what kind of girl would date two brothers? He
didn’t like the answer to either of the questions.
And he thought he knew Cristal. Apparently, he


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didn’t, and she was no different than any other
Jezebel in his eyes right now.

Takumijo stopped for a red light. No, he had

to give Cristal the benefit of the doubt. And be-
sides, he had a lot of nerve. He’d never been in a
monogamous relationship before and couldn’t
see himself changing his ways any time soon.
Amaterasu was nice, but he had to have dessert.

Takumijo drove into the parking lot of the

nightclub and parked in the first available spot he
could. He turned off the engine, donned his dark
sunglasses, and stepped outside the car. Music
filtered out of the door each time it opened and
closed. He walked up to the door, showed the
bouncer some identification, and entered. It took
a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dim
lights. Normally, he and the others would get a
booth, but this time, he walked up to the bar and
sat down.

The bartender recognized him, but was smart

enough not to give his identity away. “What will
it be tonight?”


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“Cognac,” Takumijo answered.
The bartender left to fill his order and Tak-

umijo swirled the barstool around to watch the
dancers on the floor. It was a young, but a well-
behaved crowd. The house D. J. spent a mixture
of Korean and American songs, which was one
of the reasons he liked to come there.

“Your drink, sir,” the bartender said when he


Takumijo reached into his pocket to pay for

his drink and then went back to watching the
dancers. His eyes landed on a couple of prospects
in the center of the room. He lifted his glass and
sipped the brandy. It burned his tongue on the
way down and then warmed the pit of his

Takumijo set his gaze on one particular dan-

cer. Nice and exactly his style with shoulder
length dark hair, a slim build, and some impress-
ive dance moves. The cutie was a bit petite,
maybe five-feet-seven, but had potential written
all over those low-riding black jeans.


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Takumijo stepped off the bar stool and made

his way to a booth with his drink so he could get
a better look. He never took his eyes from the
dancer’s butt as it sensually bounced to the saucy

All of a sudden, the dancer looked his way

and Takumijo lifted his glass in a salute. He was
rewarded with a devastating smile. Score. Tak-
umijo smirked. The only other person he knew
who could draw attention like her was Shaundra.
Some people had it and others wished they did.

The music ended and the dancer walked over

to the booth and slid into the other side.

“Would you like a drink?” Takumijo asked.
A gentle nod of the head sent the long black

hair sailing into the dancer’s eyes. “Yes.

Takumijo trembled at the sound of the deep,

sultry voice. He smiled. “Good choice.” He
signaled for a waiter. The young man arrived
promptly. “A bottle of champagne and two
glasses.” Takumijo polished off his drink. The


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waiter left and returned several minutes later with
their order. “What is your name?”

“Terrie Jones.”
Takumijo popped the cork and filled the two

glasses. “American?”

Terrie nodded. “Half. My father was stationed

here when he met my mother. They gave me an
American name since I grew up in the United

Takumijo moved his eyes to gaze over Ter-

rie’s oval-shaped face, taking in the double eye-
lids, the creamy porcelain skin, and the slim

Terrie met his gaze and made Takumijo’s

groin area flutter. “Oh, you have the most beauti-
ful blue eyes I have ever seen.” What were the
chances of finding another blue-eyed Japanese in
the vicinity? And the resemblance was uncanny.
If he didn’t know better, he’d swear that Terrie
was Ichiro’s younger sibling. “Are you a


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Terrie nodded. “I also work part-time as a

makeup artist for a local television station.”

“Oh, which one?” Takumijo asked, amazed he

was actually having a conversation with this de-
lightful creature. Normally, they would be out of
the club and on their way to a love hotel. But for
some reason, he didn’t want to rush. He just
wanted to savor the view.

Terrie told him the name of the station, but he

was too busy gazing into those eyes to hear. “My
name is…”

“I know who you are.”
Takumijo raise a curious eyebrow. “Oh, you


Terrie nodded. “You’re an idol. Takumijo.”
“I’m impressed,” Takumijo said, still swept

away by Terrie’s devastating smile. “Did you
come here alone?”

Terrie nodded, and dark bangs bounced sensu-

ally on the forehead. “I like to dance.”

Takumijo slid out of the booth and held his

hand out to Terrie. “Then dance with me.”


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Terrie looked up, surprised. “You want to

dance with me? You’re one of the best dancers in
the world.”

Takumijo nodded.
The D. J. had selected a slow number.
Terrie hesitated at first and then slid out of the


Takumijo reached for the small hand and led

Terrie to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms
around Terrie’s shoulders and her arms went
around his waist. A soft head pressed against his
chest. Takumijo rocked slowly, leading Terrie
around the dance floor. An alluring scent of co-
logne ticked his nose and made his body harden
with desire. What have I found? And how is this
night going to end?
The song ended, they walked
back to the booth, and continued drinking the
champagne and talking. A couple of women tried
to get his attention, but Takumijo ignored them.
An hour passed, and then two. Takumijo couldn’t
get enough of the conversation. Somewhere
around midnight, Terrie stopped talking.


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“Do you want to sleep with me?”
“Before I answer, have you been with

someone like me before?” Takumijo asked.

Terrie nodded. “I’m not a virgin.”
Hmm. Everything about the situation seemed

surreal. A beautiful, sexy creature, his body go-
ing all sorts of crazy, and a raging hard-on that
begged to be taken care of in the most expedi-
tious way, all made him think he’d stepped into a
dream. “Are you a pro?”

Terrie scowled. “No, I don’t sleep with men

for money. I just like you. You seem like a real
nice person.”

“I’m not nice,” Takumijo said, rising. “But I

never turn down a pretty face.” He grabbed the
bottle of champagne and led Terrie out the club.
“Where’s your car?”

“I don’t have one,” Terrie answered. “I

hitched a ride with a friend.”

Young, beautiful, and no car. It didn’t really

pose a problem for him, but it might make their
time together shorter. They walked to his car.


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“Wow,” Terrie exclaimed. “Is this yours?”
Takumijo nodded. “Can you drive?”
She nodded.
Takumijo tossed his keys to Terrie. “I will kill

you if you scratch it.”

She smiled that sexy little smile and climbed

into the driver’s seat while Takumijo slid into the
passenger seat with the champagne. A trouble
message went off in his head. Takumijo chose to
ignore it. Oh well, I can only die once.


They were in each other’s arms before the

door to the rented room closed. Takumijo kicked
out of his shoes and hopped around on one foot
trying to get out of his pants.

Terrie smirked at him and watched, sliding out

of the jeans and top, easily revealing the most
tantalizing body Takumijo had seen in a while.
Terrie had slim legs, pink nipples, and the cutest
little butt. Takumijo lay down on the bed and


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beckoned her with his finger. She smiled at him
again and Takumijo’s cock rose.

Terrie approached the bed holding a belt.
His eyes widened. “What’s that far?”
“We’re going to play a little game.”
Takumijo smirked. He outweighed Terrie by a

considerable lot and was much taller. How much
damage could be done to him? “Okay.”

“Hold out your hands.”
He did so.
Terrie approached the bed and tied Takumijo’s

hands together and above his head with the belt.
“I hope you don’t mind,” she said, crawling on
top of the bed and between his legs.

Takumijo’s dick disappeared into Terrie’s

mouth before he could utter a sound. “Ooh!” he
moaned as her lips made sweet sucking sounds.
Gently at first, and then it felt like she was trying
to suck him dry. He wanted to run his hands
through the dark tresses, but the belt kept him
from getting any ideas. “Ooh, ooh,” Takumijo
said as his behind lifted from the mattress.


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Maybe he misunderstood who was in charge.
Terrie teased his balls and squeezed hard.

“Am I doing this correctly?” Terrie asked, tak-

ing a breather.

“Yes,” Takumijo said quickly, overwhelmed

by the soft, warm mouth and baby blue eyes. “If
you improve any more on your technique, I
won’t be able to hold back.”

Terrie smiled, displaying twin dimples.
“Oh my,” he said. He was a sucker for

dimples. “Come here.”

Terrie crawled to the top of the bed and re-

leased Takumijo from the belt.

He gathered her into his arms for a kiss. His

eyes widened as her tongue darted between his
lips and moved around in his mouth hungrily.

“Umm,” Terrie moaned. “You’re the best


Takumijo wrapped his arms around the petite

young hottie. “I’m an even better lover.” He
rolled her over. “Let me show you.” He moved
atop her, kissing from her lips down her chin, to


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her neck and then sucked on a spot near her

Terrie wiggled beneath him. “I’m ticklish.”
Takumijo chuckled deeply. “Let me see how

much.” He continued downward, licking Terrie’s
body and flicking his tongue over her pert nipples
and then her navel.

Terrie continued to giggle.
“Now that I have your attention, let me intro-

duce you to my fingers.” He stuck two into his
mouth to wet them. Takumijo found the spot and
inserted one finger into her hole.

Terrie gasped. “Your fingers are so big.”
“You’re a little tease,” Takumijo said as he

moved the finger in and out.

“Yeah, I know. Ooh!”
He lowered his head, ran a tongue around Ter-

rie’s abdomen, and then tickled the cute little na-
vel to distract Terrie while he inserted a second

She stopped giggling and gasped. “Oh my.”
Takumijo moved his tongue lower.


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Terrie gasped as his mouth replaced his


“You taste so sweet.” He went back down,

making love to her with his mouth.

She moaned and thrashed above him as he ro-

tated between his mouth and his fingers. Her hips
lifted and Takumijo removed his mouth.

“Not yet. I need to suit up.” He slid off the

side of the bed and rummaged through his wallet
until he found a rubber. And then he rejoined
Terrie on the bed.

“Let me help you with that,” she said, taking

the little foil package.

A couple of seconds later, Takumijo felt the

plastic slide over his dick. He shook his head.
He’d never met anyone like Terrie. Besides being
cute, tasty, and ticklish, she knew just how to
please a man. Takumijo took back control of the
situation. “On your back and spread ‘em.”

Terrie smiled that alluring smile again and

obeyed like a wide-eyed little puppy.


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Takumijo lifted Terrie’s hips, found the mark,

and then pushed the head of his cock inside. So

“Oh,” she gasped. “You’re going to split me.”
He backed out slightly and then advanced. He

inched more of his dick inside and then slid out
slowly to tease.

Terrie responded with a lusty moan.
That’s all the encouragement Takumijo

needed. He reared up, raised Terrie’s hips, and
thrust deeply.

Her eyes widened in shock and then settled

back into that alluring stare. “More.”

Takumijo was only too willing to oblige. His

legs shook after several more minutes of deep
thrusting. Normally, he was good for a couple of
hours of lovemaking, but Terrie had him fully
aroused, throbbing, and about to bust a nut. “I
want to take you from behind.”

“I like it that way,” Terrie said, rolling over.
The tantalizing little ass jotted out for his in-

spection. Takumijo ran one of his hands over


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both cheeks, admiring the softness. “I’m going to
love rocking these,” he said as he ran a finger
down the crack of her ass.

She trembled beneath him. “Hurry. I need you

deep inside me.”

Takumijo eyed the tiny pink hole again, wish-

ing he had some lubricant so he wouldn’t tear
Terrie’s delicate flesh. Spit would work just fine.
He lowered his head, sampling the delicate flesh.
“Ooh, you taste like a million dollars,” he told his
trusting bedmate. Terrie just giggled innocently.
The sound went straight to Takumijo’s heart. “I’ll
try to be gentle.”

“I trust you,” Terrie replied as Takumijo

spread the cheeks. She jumped slightly when the
head pushed through.

“I’m sorry,” he said. She was so tiny.
“I’m okay,” Terrie assured him as their bodies

moved together.

Takumijo ran his gaze to the back of Terrie’s

head, transfixed by all the long black hair as it
bounced along her pale shoulders. He reached out


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to touch it while he rolled his hips. The hair felt
like silk. “Arg,” he groaned, trying to stay the or-
gasm churning in his loins. He fought hard, try-
ing to concentrate on anything that would help
him to keep from exploding. But Terrie kept
grinding against him, taking him deeper. Tak-
umijo bit his bottom lip to keep from moaning
aloud as his dick slipped in and out of the tight
little hole.

Terrie rocked back on him, taking more of his

cock inside.

“Oh shit,” Takumijo said. He gripped Terrie

around the waist and humped harder.

She whimpered but did not stop grinding

against Takumijo’s groin. They were both sweat-
ing profusely from the passion and both trying to
give the other what they needed.

Takumijo kept up the thrusting, losing track of

time and not caring. Masaaki would just have to
ground him, because there was no way he was
going back to the farmhouse anytime soon. Ter-
rie’s ass was just too good not to savor.


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They changed positions again, this time with

Terrie seated on his lap facing him. “Ooh,” Tak-
umijo moaned as his cock disappeared inside of
her. She didn’t help matters by looking at him
like he was the only man in the world and kissing
him aggressively.

Those long-lashed lids slid back, revealing

pools of blue.

Takumijo gulped. He didn’t know how much

more of the seduction he could take.

“Kiss me, Takumijo,” she ordered.
He liked to give orders, not take them. But he

lowered his face and kissed Terrie deeply while
the vixen made love to him. His tongue moved
between her lips, tasting, while he kept thrusting.

Terrie shuddered above him. “Tak! Oh! I’m

about to come.”

“Me too, darling.” Takumijo continued kissing

her as both of them exploded. Time seemed to
stand still and then the earth revolved. “Oh shit,”
Takumijo uttered. “I think I’m in love.”


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Chapter Eleven

A very loud wail woke Satoshi from his sleep.

He jumped and was about to bolt from the bed
when reality sank it. One of the babies. He
looked over at the clock on his nightstand. It was
four in the morning. He heard the door open and
suspected it had to be Ich coming out of Cristal’s
room. Footsteps plodded down the hall and then
another door opened. “Yup,” he said. Satoshi was
about to burrow back beneath the covers when he
realized that he needed to get up and get packed.
Their plane was scheduled to leave from the air-
port at eight and there was still so much to do be-
fore they flew back to Europe.

He crawled out of his bed and headed for the

shower. Thirty minutes later, he exited clean,
shaven, and in a much better mood than he
entered. By five, he’d finished packing and took
his luggage downstairs to the foyer so it could be
loaded into the van. He heard a noise coming

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from the kitchen and went to investigate. He also
smelled food and heard conversation as he
entered the dining room. Satoshi stopped in the
door of the kitchen.

Ichiro looked up. One of the babies cooed in

his sitter.

“Good morning,” Satoshi said. “What are you


Ichiro was already dressed for travel and

wearing an apron. “Giving Raiden his first cook-
ing lesson.”

Satoshi walked around the kitchen table and

stared down into the baby seat. A wide-eyed
newborn infant stared back at him. The baby was
dressed in a green sleeper with a little teddy bear
on the pocket. Raiden smiled at him. “What are
you doing up, Raiden?” he asked like he expec-
ted the baby to answer.

“Ryoto’s up too,” Ichiro told him. “He’s feed-

ing, so I took this guy to give Shaundra a break.”

“What are you preparing?”


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“A traditional Japanese breakfast. I figured

you guys would like that since it’s our last day

“That’s sweet of you, Ich,” Satoshi teased. He

reached down to touch the baby’s hand and
Raiden wrapped his tiny fingers around
Satoshi’s. “Hey, big guy. You want some rice
and pickled vegetable?”

Raiden cooed.
Satoshi sat down and entertained the baby

while Ichiro cooked. “I’m going to miss these
little guys.”

“Me too,” Ichiro confessed. “But not the two

and the four o’clock wake up calls.”

“So selfish,” Satoshi said. “Put yourself in

Shaundra’s shoes. At least you don’t have to
nurse them every two hours.”

“I’ve been worried about that,” Ichiro said.

“She’s not getting much sleep.”

“How is she going to handle them when you

leave?” Satoshi asked, freeing himself from
Raiden’s grasp and his hypnotic stare.


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“I think she’s going to go back to bottle feed-

ing them. She can pump the milk from her
breasts and put it in the refrigerator until they
need it. I’m so glad that I put a compact refriger-
ator in the nursery so she wouldn’t have to run up
and down the stairs every time she needed a

“I’ve never been so jealous of a baby before,”

Satoshi said.

“Me either,” Ichiro said. “They get to suck

from Shaundra’s soft brown nipples while staring
up into their mother’s beautiful face.” He voice

“Don’t do this,” Satoshi said, trying to com-

fort Ichiro. “Maybe the time apart will do the two
of you some good.”

“I don’t want to leave,” Ichiro said almost

tearfully. “I want to be here for my wife and

It broke Satoshi’s heart to see Ichiro so sad.

He didn’t want to leave Shaundra either. Maybe
the separation would do him some good too. He


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wanted to wrap his arms around Ichiro and tell
him that everything was going to be okay like he
used to do when they were young, but he didn’t
think Ichiro would allow it since he was trying so
hard to be strong.

“But what if the babies forget about me?”
“They won’t,” Satoshi told him. “They know

you’re they’re father. All we can do is our best
on the road and return safely to them.”

Ichiro nodded. He went back to preparing their


The door opened and a sleepy Shaundra

walked in carrying another baby seat. Her hair
stood out in every direction, her gown had wet
spots near her nipples, and she was barefoot. She
plopped into the seat on the table in front of
Satoshi next to Raiden. Little Ryoto looked up at
him, drooling and smiling innocently. “Good
morning,” Satoshi replied. Shaundra looked tired
and had dark circles under her eyes.

“Please bond with your godson. I need about

an hour of sleep and he thinks my breasts are his


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personal cafeteria.” She walked back out of the

Satoshi and Ichiro looked at each other and


Ichiro shook his finger at Ryoto. “I understand

they’re nice, but leave some for Daddy.”

The baby gurgled.
Satoshi played with the babies while Ichiro

went back to cooking. He noticed Ichiro’s mood
had turned for the better now that Shaundra had
put in an appearance.

Takumijo came through the door fully

dressed, but he had darker circles beneath his
eyes than Shaundra. He would have had some
sympathy for him if he Takumijo hadn’t woken
him out of sound sleep around two in the morn-
ing when he came in from the club.

Takumijo looked down at the babies. “What

are you two guys doing up and in the kitchen?”

“Mama’s napping,” Ichiro told him. “They’ve

be competing for her attention every two hours.
They think she’s a moo cow.”


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Takumijo chuckled. “And Mama Satoshi is

seeing to them? How sweet.”

Ichiro giggled. “He is going to make one good


“You guys are just jealous,” Satoshi said, still

playing with both babies. “I can’t wait until
they’re young men. I’m going to take them to
their first soccer game.”

Takumijo sat down at the table across from

him. “I thought you were about to say you
couldn’t wait until you could take them to a

“Me too,” Ichiro said. “I never knew he had a

paternal side.”

“No, I don’t think these two will need my help

in that area. Women are going to love them.”

The babies drifted off to sleep one right be-

hind each other. “They’re sleeping,” Satoshi

Ichiro dished up their breakfast and served it.

“Why do you look like death warmed over?” he
asked Takumijo.


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“He’s been out all night partying,” Satoshi

answered for him.

“I just went out for a little while and before I

knew it, the sun was trying to come up.”

“You must have been having some fun,”

Satoshi said. “Were you partying with your usual
group of losers?”

Takumijo shook his head. “Actually, I just

drove over to Honsu’s. The place was jumping
and I actually had a good time.”

Ichiro eyed him curiously. “You don’t look

hung over.”

“I’m not. I only had a little cognac and some


“Champagne?” Satoshi asked. “Something

does not smell right. You met someone. The only
time you spring for champagne is when you’re
trying to impress.”

“You are right as always,” Takumijo said,

slowly eating his rice. “I met someone.”

Both Ichiro and Satoshi leaned closer to get

the information.


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“But I won’t tell you who it is.”
Satoshi snarled at him. “You big tease. You

can at least give up a description.”

“Okay. Picture long black hair, a rocking

body, and big blue eyes.”

Satoshi looked at Ichiro. “You went out with


Ichiro frowned at him. “Don’t be ridiculous.

He’s not talking about me.”

“Could have been your younger sibling,” Tak-

umijo replied. “It was nice, but now I have to fly
back to Europe.”

Satoshi continued to watch him. “You met

another blue-eyed Japanese that looked like
Ichiro, and you’re ready to fly back to Europe?
Man, are you crazy? That’s the answer to your

“Why?” Ichiro asked.
Both Satoshi and Takumijo smirked at him.
“Oh, you guys are ridiculous. I don’t do pretty



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Satoshi picked up his cup of tea and sipped.

Takumijo now had a goofy look on his face.
Could it be possible that the big dummy was in


Shaundra woke to the sound of the front door

opening and closing. She gazed over at the clock.
Seven A.M. She yawned and got out of bed. Ao-
mori would be leaving shortly and she needed to
say goodbye to them. Shaundra peeped in on the
babies on the way to the bathroom. Both boys
were sleeping peacefully. She hurried into the
bathroom as fast as her stitches would allow her,
got into the shower, and then dressed. She still
couldn’t wear pants, so she opted for a button up
dress and slippers.

Kenshin was busy loading the van when she

walked down the stairs. She found the others
gathered in the den. All eyes turned in her


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“What are you doing out of bed?” Masaaki


It was the first time she’d seen him since the

day she gave birth. “I needed to say goodbye to
you guys, and besides, I’m tired of lying down.”

“But you need to rest to get your strength

back,” Satoshi told her. “You looked pretty
wiped out earlier.”

“A nap is all I need,” Shaundra said. “Besides,

the boys are asleep and it gives me time to hob-
nob with the adults.”

“They are fine sons,” Masaaki said. “I peeked

in at them before Ichiro brought them back to the

“Thank you,” Shaundra said. “They are basic-

ally good babies. It’s going to be fun watching
them grow.”

“Are you going to be all right on your own

with them?” Yori asked.

She hadn’t seen much of him either for a


Shaundra nodded. “I’m good.”


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“I wish you would have agreed to a nanny,”

Masaaki said.

“I’m good,” Shaundra repeated. “I’ll sleep

when they sleep.”

“What if you have to take them somewhere?”

Masaaki asked.

“Their car seats are loaded in the back seat of

my car, but I don’t anticipate going anywhere for
another five weeks. And if an emergency occurs,
I know how to call an ambulance.” She noticed
the worried look in Ichiro’s and Satoshi’s eyes.

“Maybe you should go stay with my family,”

Ichiro said.

Shaundra shook her head. “It’s my problem.

I’ll call them if I need anything.”

“I don’t understand why you have to be so

stubborn,” Ichiro said. “They are your family.”

Shaundra rolled her eyes at him, making sure

everyone saw her do it. “You guys have a nice
flight back,” she said, turning on her heels and
heading back toward the stairs.


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“Man, why do you have to antagonize her?”

she heard Satoshi ask.

Footsteps sounded behind her, and a warm

arm wrapped around her shoulders. A nice co-
logne ticked her nose. Satoshi.

“Don’t let Ichiro get to you. He didn’t mean

anything by his comment, and he’s hurting too.
He doesn’t want to leave you and the babies.”

“I know,” Shaundra said. “I’m going to be

okay. I don’t want you guys to worry.”

“Call Harper if you need anything. I’m sure

he’ll drop everything and come running over.”

Shaundra chuckled weakly. “I can’t do that.

Harper went back to New York for two weeks.”

“What?” Satoshi asked. “I wasn’t worried

about you because I thought he would be here to
check up on you.”

Shaundra smirked. “I thought he would be the

last one you would ask me to call on if I needed

“The man loves you. He won’t let anything

happen to you.”


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Shaundra reached up and touched his cheek.

“You still don’t have to worry about me. I just
had babies. I’m not helpless, won’t be passing
out any time soon, and it’s not the end of the
world.” She lowered her hand. “Now go and get
your last minute instructions from Masaaki.”

Satoshi slowly removed his arms from around

her shoulders. He hesitated for a moment before
leaving her. He looked back once and then disap-
peared into the den.

Shaundra walked into the kitchen, poured her-

self a cup of coffee, and then went back upstairs.
She didn’t even bother watching them leave. She
just listened as the van drove away. The babies
were still asleep. Shaundra picked up her cell
phone and dialed a number.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” Shaundra said in Korean.

“They just left.”

“I’ll be over to get you shortly,” Dae-Hyun

said. “Make sure you and the babies are warmly
dressed and are ready to leave.”


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Chapter Twelve

“Can we rest?” Yori asked Takumijo. The

balls beneath his feet hurt. Takumijo had thrown
himself back into training and was literally dan-
cing their feet off to get them ready for the up-
coming concert in Amsterdam. They had been
back in Europe for two weeks now, the costumes
were completed, and Cristal had done a bang up
job with the promotions. Mr. Niigata had been
busy all day on the phone talking to someone in
Spain, and had told them he’d come to see them
later if he found the time. He’d taken Cristal
along with him to act as his secretary.

“You rested for nearly a week,” Takumijo told

him bluntly. “No one told you to lie around your
house with your pretty wife getting lazy.”

Some of the backup dancers laughed.
Yori growled at Takumijo as he sat down on

the floor to stretch his muscles. “I did not sit
around being lazy. The in-laws kept me very

background image

busy being their go-fer.” Amaya’s parents had
been very glad to see him and had no problem
making him pitch in to help with their upcoming
fashion show. Once again, he would be out of
town on the night of the show so they couldn’t
entice him to walk the catwalk. “I can’t help it if
you have this need to dance your brains out. I
don’t see why we have to rehearse. We’ve been
dancing since we were kids.”

“Because we’re not as young and flexible as

we used to be,” Takumijo answered. “Do you
realize that we’re nearly thirty years old? We
have to work our asses off to stay on top now that
all these young groups are debuting.”

Yori could care less if his career ended tomor-

row. He was tired and he bet the others were too,
but too afraid to admit it. He groaned, rose, and
got back in place.

Takumijo introduced them to the new dance

routine for one of their new fast songs. After the
rehearsal ended, both he and Satoshi laid down


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on the stage exhausted while the others trotted off
to the showers.

“I think he is trying to kill us,” Yori said. “All

of a sudden, he’s a changed man.”

Satoshi sat up. “I think he’s in love.”
Yori sat up quickly. “You mean with


Satoshi shook his head. “No.”
“Spill it.”
“I think he met someone back in Osaka before

we came here.”

“And you didn’t question him about it?”
“Of course I did, but all he would tell me was

this someone looked like Ichiro right down to the
blue eyes.”

“Are you sure it isn’t Ichiro? You know Tak’s

been hot behind him for years.”

Satoshi chuckled. “No. It’s not Ichiro. It was

someone he met a Honsu’s.”

“A pretty Japanese woman who looks like

Ichiro? Are you sure it’s not one of Ichiro’s


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“Ichiro’s sisters do not hang out in clubs,”

Satoshi reminded him. “And neither of them have
blue eyes.”

“Normally, he likes to brag about his con-

quests,” Yori said. “We have to find out who it

Satoshi nodded.
“And I thought he and Amaterasu were hitting

it off so well.”

“I did too,” Satoshi said. “He’s hung out with

her a couple of evenings since we returned, but
he’s always back in his room early and alone.”

Yori struggled to his feet and walked over to

his gym bag.

Satoshi followed.
“I guess we won’t find out anything until he is

ready to tell us.”

“Let’s go change,” Satoshi suggested. “I’m


They walked slowly toward the showers, hold-

ing their backs.


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“Have you talked to Shaundra lately?” Yori

asked Satoshi.

“No, not since we left home. I’ve been mean-

ing to call her, but Mr. Niigata has kept us so
busy with promotions and rehearsals.”

“I wonder if Cristal has spoken to her.”
Satoshi shrugged. “Probably.”
“Would you ask her? I’ve spoken to Amaya,

but she says she hasn’t heard from Shaundra.”

“That does not surprise me,” Satoshi said.

“They’re not exactly the best of friends. Shaun-
dra probably doesn’t have time to talk on the
telephone. She’s has her hands full with the

“Do you think Ichiro has heard from her?”

Yori asked as they entered the locker room.

Satoshi shrugged. “I doubt it.”
“Stupid fool,” Yori said. “Luckily, we only

have about another month and then we’ll fly back
home again.” He tossed his gym bag into a locker
and stepped into one of the vacant shower stalls.


background image


The elevator opened and Damien stepped out

of the door after his father and into the adminis-
trative office of KiNii Publishing.

“Welcome back, Mr. Kehoe,” a young woman

behind a big secretarial desk said.

“Thanks, Barbara,” Harper said. “It’s good to

be back.”

“How was New York?”
“Cold and crowded.” He nudged Damien for-

ward. “Barbara, this is my son, Damien. He’s go-
ing to be working here part-time.”

Barbara rose from her seat and walked around

to meet him. She appeared to be in her early
twenties and an America, which Damien thought
odd in a basically Japanese company. Barbara ex-
tended her hand to him. “Nice to meet you,

She was pretty with short red hair and hazel

eyes. Damien accepted the hand. “Nice to meet


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“Barbara works part-time too,” Harper ex-

plained. “She’s a student at the university you’ll
be attending. She’s journalism major.”

“What will you be taking?” Barbara asked


“Damien is getting his Master’s degree in

Business,” Harper answered for him. “He just
needs to finish up a couple of classes and then
he’ll be working here full-time. But for now,
he’ll be Mrs. Gentry’s assistant.”

Barbara smirked. “Does she know that?”
“Yes,” Harper answered. “She’s been crying

for an assistant for months now. I’ll introduce
them when she returns from Europe in a couple
of weeks. But right now, he’ll be working with
the junior editors getting to know the business
from the floor up.”

“What my father is trying to explain is that

I’m the company’s new go-fer.”

Barbara smiled a wicked little I have a father

who gets on my nerves too smile. “Good, you


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have a sense of humor. You’re going to need one
around here.”

Damien raised an eyebrow at her. “Huh?”
“And you’re cute, which means I’m going to

love working here.”

Damien smirked. Definitely an American fe-

male. “Thanks again.”

Harper chuckled and led him through the ad-

ministrative office while Barbara went back to
work. He introduced him to most of the person-
nel. The office environment was pretty much
what he expected…huge and elaborate like his
father's office back in New York. There was a
mixture of Japanese and Korean with a couple of
Americans sprinkled here and there. And every-
one seemed happy like back at Kehoe Publishing
in New York.

“What’s this Ms. Gentry like?” Damien asked

after he and his father stopped at the snack room
for coffee and pastries.


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“Who, Cristal? Oh, you’ll like her. The two of

you have a lot in common. She’s about twenty-
six, tall, pretty, and is a very good publicist.”

A twenty-six-year-old female supervisor? She

wasn’t much older than him.

“You’ll get to meet her when she returns with

Aomori,” Harper told him.

“She works for them?”
“Yes, in an administrative capacity. Cristal

handles their publicity.”

“Oh,” Damien said. He didn’t think he’d have

to deal with the competition so soon.

“You’ll get to meet Aomori too since she has

a close relationship with them.”

“And I would want to meet them why?”

Damien asked sarcastically.

“Because they are the hottest pop group in


“And because the love of your life is married

to one of them,” Damien said.

Harper scowled at him. “Mrs. Yoshida and I

are just friends.”


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“Um hmm. Tell that to someone who hasn’t

seen that living shrine you have in our New York

“You don’t have a New York condo,” Harper

said sarcastically. “She’s my best friend and my
best client.”

“And my best friend’s mother.”
Harper nodded. “Yes, well, I’ve been meaning

to talk to you about that. You two seem to be get-
ting pretty serious.”

He knew this was bound to come up. “Tricia

is a nice young woman,” Damien said. “And
we’ve been friends since we were kids.”

“Are you’re in love with her?”
“Yes,” Damien answered, hesitating.
Harper chuckled. “Then be prepared for many

sleepless nights, frantic phone calls, and a lot of
cold showers.”

“Been there,” Damien said. “She wants to wait

until we get married.”

“Smart girl,” Harper replied. “That would

make your life much easier if the two of you


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would just remain friends until you both graduate
and get married.”

Damien shook his head. Pathetic. His father

still hadn’t given up the hope of getting with
Shaundra. “How is Shaundra doing?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to her since I

left for America. I suppose she’s still recovering
from childbirth.”

Damien sipped his coffee. “Any chances that

they’re yours?”

Harper shook his head. “Not a snowball’s

chance in hell. I’m still taking a lot of cold
showers too.”

Damien smirked. “I guess it must be hard on

her with her husband always on the road.”

“I guess,” Harper said. “But Shaundra is a

trooper and very capable of taking care of her-
self, despite what others think of her. She raised
Tricia after her first husband died, and she didn’t
turn out too bad.”

No, in fact, his future bride was damn near

perfect. “Is she still pretty?”


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“What’s with all the questions?” Harper








Harper nodded. “Yes, she’s still the prettiest

woman on earth. Tricia comes from a good gene

“So what’s Aomori like? I’ve seen pictures of

them and heard a couple of their songs, but what
are they really like?”

“Idiots,” Harper said. “They’re the hottest

singing group in Asia, but they have a lot of is-
sues. One being their penchant for getting into
trouble. You should get along splendidly with

Damien curled his lip in snarl. “I don’t always

get in trouble.”

Harper nodded without hesitating. “But don’t

go drinking with them unless you’re prepared to
one, get into a fight, and two, go to jail.”


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Sounded like his type of friends. “Yeah, I’ve

seen them on YouTube. Shaundra too. She packs
a mean right punch.”

Harper straightened his suit jacket. “Well, let’s

hope motherhood has mellowed her. I don’t think
she’ll be doing much clubbing with twins at

Damien smirked. “Well, let’s hope not.”
“Would you like to see my office and yours?”
“I have an office?” Damien asked. “I thought

you were going to lock me away in a mail room
or something.”

Harper nodded. “Of course you have an office.

It’s one of the perks of being the boss’s son.” He
rose and Damien followed him out of the snack


“This is very good,” Shaundra told Dae-Hyun,

sampling the food he had prepared for her. The


background image

babies were asleep and she was famished.
“What’s it called?”

Dae-Hyun had prepared her Hanjoengsik, a

full course meal with an array of side dishes.

“It’s called Kongguksu. It’s a cold noodle dish

with a broth made from ground soy beans.”

“Umm,” Shaundra replied after sampling

again. “I can grow to love this. Komawoyo.
Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, and you’re picking up

Korean really well,” Dae-Hyun said as he ate his
meal while seated across from her.

“That’s because you are a great teacher and

don’t make me feel like an idiot like some people
I know.”

“Japanese was hard for me to learn too. It just

takes practice. And from what I’ve heard, you
speak Japanese well too.”

Shaundra put her hand to her lip. “It’s a secret.

I’ve been practicing so I can speak to my babies.”


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“They are going to be the most sought after

boys at parties since they’ll be able not only to
speak Japanese, but Korean and English as well.”

Shaundra went back to her food. “I’ll just be

glad if they stay out of trouble, find nice young
women to marry, and stay off the stage.”

Dae-Hyun smiled. A rare and beautiful thing

to see. In the short time they’d been together,
she’d gotten to know him pretty well. He rose
early in the morning and went to bed early too.
He didn’t like chocolate and he knew how to
handle babies. He was a bit shy around her at
first, but had learned to relax. He took care of the
boys during the day while she handled them at
night. Then he’d retire to his little house on the
property after he made sure she ate dinner with
him. In between diapering babies, he taught her
Korean and martial arts to help her get back into
pre-baby shape. Unfortunately, she was growing
very dependent on him. He saw to her every need
made sure she ate three meals a day and took her


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“Do you regret moving out of the compound?”

he asked.

Shaundra shrugged. She had a pretty sweet

setup now. The house wasn’t quite as large as the
farmhouse, but it had plenty of land with cherry
blossom trees and a smaller house on the prop-
erty. And it was hidden away from the highway
so there wouldn’t be much traffic. Dae- Hyun
had also installed a state-of-the-art security sys-
tem just in case they got any unwanted guests.
“Sometimes you have to do what you have to for
peace of mind. The farmhouse belongs to Aomori
and I’ve never felt comfortable living there and
taking it over from them.”

“Won’t your husband be angry when you’re

not there when he returns?”

Shaundra nodded. “But he’ll get over it. I

couldn’t continue living there, seeing him day
after day after what he did.” She’d told Dae-Hy-
un everything, including the argument they had
when Ichiro called her a whore.

“Won’t he want to see the babies?”


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“Oh yeah. Probably more than he’ll want to

see me,” Shaundra replied. “I have no intentions
of keeping them from him. I’m just making my-
self unavailable.”

“Are you afraid he might get violent? I mean,

are you afraid he might hit you?”

Shaundra stopped eating. “Ich? Hit me? No.

He’d rather cut off his own arm.” She paused.
“Why would you ask that?”

“Because Mr. Kehoe seems to think that Mr.

Yoshida could be a threat since he’s a martial

“Is that why Harper hired you? To protect me

from Ichiro?”

Dae-Hyun nodded. “And to protect you from

over-zealous fans.”

“Oh, them. Well, I don’t really think they’d do

anything to me or Ichiro either. But I am con-
cerned about the boys.”

“No one will get near them,” Dae-Hyun prom-

ised. “They will have to kill me first.”


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Ooh, Rambo with a Korean accent. Groovy.

She stared at the handsome man and her heart did
that funny little thumping thing. “Thank you, but
as far as Ichiro, well, he’s one of the sweetest
people I know. True, he does get angry on occa-
sion, but everyone does. I don’t think he’d even
hurt a fly.”

“I will stop him too if I have to,” Dae-Hyun

told her. “Despite what you think, your husband
is capable of doing great harm. I’ve done a bit of
research on him. Do you know that his family
was once involved with the Yakazu?”

“Yaka-what?” Shaundra asked.
“The Japanese mafia. And his uncles were

training Ichiro to become a full-fledged member
since he was a small child.”

Shaundra laughed. “Are you serious? I’ve

meet his siblings. They are so nice and

“Yeah, well, they might be now, but the gen-

eration of Yoshida before them wasn’t. After
their parents died, Ichiro’s older brother moved


background image

them from Kagawa to Osaka to get Ichiro away,
but one of his uncles followed and continued to
train him.”

Shaundra thought about what Dae-Hyun told

her. Her baby? A deadly killer? Well, he did slay
her in the bedroom. But no, there must be some

“I’m not telling you this to frighten you, but I

think you should be aware of his family history
since you’re now a part of that family.”

“Is the mafia still active in Japan?”
Dae-Hyun nodded. “But not as much as they

used to be.”

She’d never considered this before, but it

would explain a lot of things. She supposed she
could ask Daichi the next time she saw him.
“Thanks for the information,” she replied as she
watched him place a piece of meat into his
mouth. Shaundra sighed. Why did all the men in
her life have such great lips?


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A shrill cry radiated through the baby monitor

and broke her fantasy. Shaundra pushed her plate
back and attempted to rise.

“Sit and finish your meal,” Dae-Hyun told her.

“I’ll get Raiden.”

“How do you know that’s Raiden?”
“I know his cry,” Dae-Hyun explained as he

walked out of the kitchen.

Even she didn’t know that. “Wow!”


Satoshi peered through the curtains, checking

out the audience.

“What does it look like?” Yori asked from be-

hind him.

“A vast sea of heads,” Satoshi replied. “The

place is sold out, just like Mr. Niigata told us.”

“Good,” Yori said. “I have a mortgage to


Good old Yori, Satoshi thought. His mind was

always on money and practical things now that


background image

he was married to Amaya. It must stem from the
fact that his wife is a shop-a-holic.

Ichiro was still in wardrobe getting fussed at

because he was still gaining muscle after their de-
signer told him to stop. Yori was starting to put
on the weight he’d lost with the Amaya incident,
and his skin had colored and cleared again. They
walked back to the dressing room. A makeup
artist worked on Kenshin, and their resident styl-
ist, Hisao, was giving Takumijo a new do.

“What does it look like out there?” Takumijo


“Another full house,” Yori answered.
“Good, I like that. That means we’re still


Satoshi smirked. Takumijo liked being the

center of attention. “Nice do,” Satoshi said.

“He wanted something different,” Hisao


“It is most becoming.”
“Bite me,” Takumijo replied back to him. “I

know I look good.”


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“I wasn’t being sarcastic,” Satoshi explained.

“I really like it. The color goes well with your
complexion and makes your eyes appear more

“Next time I’ll freshen you up too,” Hisao told

Satoshi. “You’re been wearing your hair the
same old way since you were a teen. You can’t
keep hiding behind those bangs.”

What is wrong with my bangs?
“You should let the world see that beautiful


Satoshi shook his head. “No, if you’re going

to change my hair, I need something to draw at-
tention away from me.”

Yori nodded in agreement. “He needs a manly


“What about you?” Hisao asked Yori.
“I’m game if you are. I’m ready for a new


“Do you think Ichiro would let me do

something with his?”

“No,” all four singers answered.


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Hisao looked surprised.
“The hair is Ichiro’s thing,” Satoshi explained.

“It’s what makes Ichiro unique.”

The stylist shook his head. “Those blue eyes

make Ichiro unique. He’s a father now and he
needs to look like one.”

Ichiro entered the dressing room and everyone

trained their eyes on him. “What?” he asked, sit-
ting down in a seat.

“Hisao wants to know if you’ll let him give

you a new hairstyle.”

“Sure,” Ichiro said. “Maybe it’s time to get rid

of all this hair.”

Satoshi gawked. “No,” he whined. “Don’t do

it. Shaundra loves your hair.”

Ichiro laughed. “You sound like she only likes

me for my hair.”

“No,” Satoshi said non-convincingly. “But it’s

one of the things she does like about you.”

“So you mean to tell me Shaundra would not

like me as much without this hair?”

Satoshi didn’t answer.


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“I’m going to prove it to you that you’re

wrong,” Ichiro said. He turned to Hisao. “Pencil
me in for a total body makeover.”

Satoshi shook his head. “I think you’re mak-

ing a big mistake.”

“My mistake to make,” Ichiro replied.
Someone knocked on the door. “Ten minutes

to curtain.”

“Come on, you guys,” Kenshin said. “Let’s

get this party started.”


Cristal looked down at her cell phone as it vi-

brated in her hand. Now who on earth could be
calling me at a time like this
? She ignored the
call and let it go to voicemail. The house lights
lowered and the curtains slid back.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the announcer said.


Aomori appeared singing and dancing their

way onto the stage in their new costumes.


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Masaaki leaned toward her. “Don’t they look


Cristal nodded. The costumes were so deli-

ciously tight and the boys were rocking that song.
The audience came alive, jumping to their feet
singing and dancing with them. It had just been
released a month ago and it already sat at the top
of the charts. She didn’t care what anyone said,
the losers knew how to rock a house. Her cell
phone vibrated again and then the message
beeped. Someone was definitely trying to get in
touch with her, but all the noise made it difficult
to communicate or hear. She looked down at the
display. Tae. She wondered what he wanted. This
was the first time she’d heard from him since she
left Osaka.

Aomori performed for about an hour and a

half and then the curtain lowered for intermis-
sion. When it dimmed again, Aomori returned
dressed casually in jeans and t-shirts. The fe-
males in the crowd went wild once they got a
look at Ichiro and his new muscles. They did a


background image

few skits with the audience participating and then
sang a couple of their old numbers before break-
ing out the newer ones. Ichiro saddled up to the
lead mike and the women shouted his name from
the rafters. He waved and then he spoke.

Cristal pulled out her video camera and began


“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and

thank you for coming to our show. The next song
we’re about to perform is something new we re-
corded a couple of weeks ago to celebrate the
birth of my twin sons Raiden and Ryoto. It’s
called ‘A Father’s Pride.’”

The music began slowly with Aomori singing

the introduction of the song. Ichiro removed the
mike from the stand and began walking the stage
so he could sing to the entire audience. He
stepped out on a partition and the spotlight fol-
lowed him. He began singing the most beautiful
song Cristal had ever heard. Satoshi walked over
to the piano and another spotlight followed him.


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He sat down and began to play and then he sang
the next verse.

Damn, Cristal thought. He could belt out a

moving number just as well as Ichiro. The or-
chestra followed turning the song into a soulful
ballad. The song was so beautiful and joyful it
sent shivers down her spine. Cristal sighed.
Ichiro might be a jerk, but he did love those boys.
“Did you know about this?” she asked Masaaki.

Masaaki shook his head. “Those dummies al-

ways do stuff to surprise me.”

Cristal continued to record as Ichiro sung his

heart out about how happy he was to be a father.
By the end of the song, she didn’t think there was
a dry eye in the house. The crowd went wild as
the handsome tenor took a bow and left the stage,
obviously overcome by emotions. The concert
ended and the lights were raised.

“Whew!” Masaaki said, dabbing at his brown

eyes behind his glasses. “That was certainly


background image

“It was beautiful,” Cristal said. “Those guys

are so talented. They must have just recorded the
song before we left Osaka, and got with the or-
chestra without anyone knowing. I bet the media
is going to go crazy with this song. It’s going to
be one of those numbers every father is going to
want to hear or perform at his child’s christen-
ing.” She wondered if Ichiro would perform it for
Cristal at the twins’ christening next month.

Masaaki nodded. “Sometimes they even sur-

prise me how much they’ve matured. We all tend
to forget that they are Aomori.” He smiled. “Mr.
Niigata must be beaming with pride upstairs in
the executive viewing stand with the rest of the
promoters. It has been his dream all the while
that they reach this degree of excellence.”

“I’m pretty proud of them too,” Cristal said. “I

wish Shaundra could have been here to hear
Ichiro sing that song for the first time. Oh well,
she’ll just have to relive it through video.”

“It has just been bad timing for her,” Masaaki

said. “Well, at least we’ll be home for Christmas.


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Maybe he’ll sing it for her then.” He rose. “Let’s
go backstage and congratulate them.”

Cristal rose. Her phone rang again. Even if she

answered it, she still couldn’t hear who was on
the other end. She ignored it and followed Mas-
aaki backstage.

Mr. Niigata and the promoters had made it to

Aomori and dragged along the paparazzi too. Ao-
mori was too busy taking pictures and giving in-
terviews to notice her at first. Cristal made her
way over to Ichiro. “That song was truly beauti-
ful, Ich. Did you write it?”

He nodded and wiped sweat from his brow. “I

wrote it right after the boys were born and I saw
them for the first time. I had plenty of time on my
hands at the hospital after I passed out.”

Cristal smirked. “There wasn’t a dry eye in the

audience once you finished. I predict an Asian
music award or an American Grammy. You even
made Masaaki cry.”

“I was not crying,” Masaaki said. “I just have

something in my eyes.”


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“Yes, tears,” Cristal teased.
“Masaaki has always been a softie,” Satoshi

said, coming over to them. He put his arm around
Cristal’s shoulders and hugged her to him.

Takumijo, Yori, and Kenshin continued to

pose for pictures. Cristal heard one of the report-
ers comment on Takumijo’s new look.

Cristal finally got a good look. She wondered

if he knew that it made him look very youthful
and quite pretty. She liked it and it made her fe-
male parts dampen below the waist. She chas-
tised herself, especially since Satoshi’s cologne
had the same effect on her. Stop it, Ms. Gentry.
It’s just Takumijo
. Satoshi planted a kiss against
her cheek. My, he’s in a friendly mood.

“Did you like the show?”
“Yes,” Cristal said, suddenly aware of how

close he was to her. Was he trying to get her
aroused? She’d fucked up royally the last time he
was in such a loving mood. Her phone rang again
and she slid it out her pocket. Tae’s name ap-
peared big as day. Satoshi removed his arm from


background image

around her shoulder. Oh, well, I guess I’ll be
sleeping alone again tonight

“Why is he calling?”
Cristal shrugged. “I guess I better answer.”
Satoshi just looked at her.
Cristal walked away to find a spot where she

could hear, leaving Satoshi with Aomori.

“Hello, Cristal. I’m just calling to see how

you’re enjoying Amsterdam.”

“Amsterdam is fine. We haven’t seen much of

it though. We’re doing a tour tomorrow.”

“I tried calling you earlier, but the phone kept

going to voicemail.”

“That’s because Aomori was giving a concert

and I had it set to vibrate. How is life back in

“Pleasant,” Tae answered. “But lonely without

you here. But that’s not the only reason why I’m
calling. You still haven’t given me an answer.”

Tae had invited her to share Thanksgiving

with him in Amsterdam. He planned to fly there


background image

and spend a couple of days with her. “Sure,” she
said, since she didn’t have a better offer and
Satoshi was pissed off at her again. “I’ll call you
tomorrow to get the details and to make any ar-
rangements you need for your stay.”

“Thank you very much, beautiful lady.” He

paused. “How was the concert?”

“Perfect,” Cristal said, watching Satoshi ig-

nore her. “Aomori always puts on a good show.
You need to check them out some time.”

A young female reporter sidled up to Satoshi

and engaged him in conversation. She heard him
laugh and her heart melted. Why does this always

“Maybe I’ll catch their show while I’m in


“They’re performing the night before Thanks-

giving. You can sit with me.”

Tae chuckled. “Don’t think I don’t know what

you’re trying to do. You can’t mend riffs that
have been broken for years.”


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“I think I can,” Cristal told Tae. “All you have

to do is show up.”

He didn’t argue. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” Tae

disconnected the call.

Cristal slipped the cell phone back into her


Satoshi wouldn’t even look at her when she

walked back over to the group.

“I’m starving,” Kenshin announced once the

reporters began to leave.

Mr. Niigata patted him on the back. “I’m tak-

ing you guys to the best restaurant in Amsterdam.
Go on and remove that makeup and those cos-
tumes and join me in the limousine.” He and
Masaaki walked off, pulling her with them.
About a half hour later, Aomori appeared one by
one with freshly scrubbed faces and street
clothes. They boarded the limousine, but instead
of Satoshi sitting next to her, he got in one of the
other available seats. The one Shaundra would
have occupied had she been with them.


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They took the scenic route through around

Dam Square, the real core of the city, and saw the
Royal Palace. There were a bevy of souvenir
stands and street performers and many restaur-
ants. She spotted way too many pigeons even at
night. Unfortunately, it was way too late to check
out the Kalverstraat and Nieuwendijk, the main
shopping streets. They ended up at a restaurant
that served Austrian, German, and Swiss food.


It was very late when they arrived back at the

hotel. Everyone seemed sleepy except Takumijo
who was busy texting someone.

Both Satoshi and Yori noticed.
“Probably Osamu,” Satoshi said to Yori.
They didn’t talk much about the actor around

her, but from the little that they did, she deduced
they didn’t like him and only tolerated him be-
cause he was one of Takumijo’s oldest friends.
From what she learned, Osamu was married to


background image

some CEO’s daughter, but in name only. Osamu
was notorious for his fun-loving lifestyle and of-
ten dragged the gullible Takumijo into trouble
with him.

Takumijo finally stopped texting when they

got out of the limousine and headed into the

“I’m so tired,” Satoshi said.
“Me too,” Yori agreed. “I can’t wait to go to


Everyone seemed to agree except Ichiro. “I’m

going to try to call home to check on the boys.”

“But it’s so late,” Masaaki told him. “Shaun-

dra might be asleep.”

“I tried to call her earlier before the concert,

but I couldn’t reach her. I’m starting to worry.”

“Maybe she’s trying to keep an eye on the ba-

bies,” Satoshi told him. “She might not have time
to talk on the telephone.”

“I don’t know,” Ichiro said. “It’s been three

weeks and I miss my babies.”


background image

They all rode up the elevator together and dis-

appeared into their rooms.

Cristal’s phone beeped with a message shortly

after she got into her room. What does he want
? Tae must have forgotten to tell her
something. She looked down at the ID. Yi-jun.
She clicked on the tiny phone to retrieve the
voice message.

“I’m sorry. I miss you, and I’m coming to

Osaka for Christmas.”

Cristal quickly sent the message to the trash to

delete. She sat down on the bed. “Damn!”


Ichiro dialed home. The phone rang a couple

of times then went to the answering machine. He
hung up without leaving a message and redialed.
The same thing happened. Next, he tried to call
her cell phone.

“Hello?” Shaundra said groggily.
“It’s me, Ichiro.”


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“I recognized the number,” she said. “What’s


“Nothing is wrong,” he said. “I just wanted to

talk to you and to check on the boys.”

“It’s three in the morning, Ich. Can’t this


“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “We just got in

from the concert.” He remembered one concert a
long time ago when the two of them tried to ren-
dezvous without Masaaki or the others finding
out about it. Mr. Niigata had called a meeting,
blocking their initial meeting ,and then he’d
snuck to her room once he returned to the hotel.
Shaundra had been up waiting for him. He
smirked. Then a damn fire alarm had gone off,
putting an end to their lovemaking before it even
began. When had they become old and tired?
“How are you?”

“I’m getting better every day,” she told him.
“And the boys?”


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“Good,” he said. “I got worried when you

didn’t pick up the house phone.”

“I didn’t hear it,” Shaundra replied. “How was

the concert?”

Had they been reduced to this question and

answer game? “Good,” he said. “I’ll let you go
back to sleep. I love you.”

“Yeah,” Shaundra said. She disconnected the


Ichiro looked at the phone and then tossed it

on the bed.


background image

Chapter Thirteen

Tae climbed out of the limousine behind

Cristal and followed Aomori’s manager and their
boss into the huge Amsterdam Arena. His plane
had landed early that morning and Aomori’s
driver Kenshin had picked him up at the airport
and took him to the hotel. He’d spent most of the
morning resting, had lunch with Cristal, and had
chatted with the rest of the members of Aomori
whom he’d known for years.

Satoshi hadn’t had very much to say to him,

but acted cordial. He suspected only because he
didn’t want to cause a scene in front of his

Tae smirked. Had it been him, he would have

punched Satoshi in the mouth for stealing his girl
right from under his nose.

Masaaki escorted them to a row of seats up

front. Cristal sat between him and Masaaki while

background image

Mr. Niigata joined some promoters in a private
booth upstairs.

Tae looked around at the huge audience. He’d

never been around so many people at one time,
but he supposed Aomori was used to it. “You
look beautiful,” he said to Cristal.

She smiled at him. Cristal was all dolled up in

a short, strapless, silver after-five dress. Her long,
reddish-blond hair was piled atop her head in a
bun, allowing her gorgeous face to show. She
wore the barest of makeup and jewelry, which he
liked. Tae sighed. Cristal was no doubt the pretti-
est woman in the arena, and he felt like one of the
luckiest men in the world to be her date.

The lights lowered and the show began. The

announcer thanked everyone for coming. The or-
chestra struck a lively tune and Aomori appeared
on stage dressed in black tuxedos and began their
act. Three hours later, he joined the rest of the
audience in applause after Aomori performed
their latest song, a lullaby dedicated to the birth
of Ichiro’s twins. Aomori disappeared from the


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stage, ending the show, and Tae joined Cristal
and Masaaki as they went backstage to congratu-
late Aomori on a stellar performance.

“Well, what did you think?” Cristal asked

once she got his attention.

“I enjoyed it very much,” he told her, staring

into her light brown eyes. “Aomori truly has tal-
ent and that last song just blew me away. It’s the
first time I’ve ever seen Ichiro so animated.”

“He’s a proud father,” Cristal said. “He’s been

walking on a cloud since their births.”

Tae looked around. “Is his wife here?”
Cristal shook her head. “No, she’s back home

in Osaka. She’s still recovering. The twins are
just five weeks old.”

“The separation must be hard on them.”
Cristal nodded. “I don’t know how Shaundra

does it. I don’t think I could be separated from
my husband for weeks at time.”

“Well, you won’t have to worry about that if

you stick with me. I hardly ever travel.”


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Cristal smirked and led him over to Aomori.

She congratulated them and he did not miss the
fact that Satoshi has stopped smiling when they

“You guys put on a great show,” Tae told

them. “I had no idea you were so good.”

“Where have you been, man?” Takumijo

asked him. Tae smirked. He expected no less
from him.

Masaaki thanked him for the compliment.

“You should bring your parents to the show next
time Aomori performs in Osaka.”

“Maybe I’ll do just that,” Tae said as he

watched Aomori pose for pictures. He looked
over at his brother and saw how happy he ap-
peared posing for the photographers. He had to
admit, Satoshi did have talent, and the fans
simply loved him.

Tae joined Cristal back in the limousine and

Kenshin drove everyone back to the hotel. His
plan was to spend the night with Cristal, but she
begged off with a headache. He smirked, lying


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alone in his bed in his hotel room. Even if he
didn’t get that far with her, at least he’d enjoyed
the sad look on Satoshi’s face when he’d stepped
into the hotel this morning. He loved his brother,
but he just didn’t like him much. All his life, he’d
lived in Satoshi’s shadow. He was the good
brother, the professional brother, or the older
brother of a superstar. Satoshi always got treated
special because he was the baby of the family.
Well, it was time for him to be in the limelight
and he’d get there no doubt by dating Cristal
Gentry. The fans already loved her because of
her association with Aomori and Yi-jun Lee and
he had no problem using her to get what he

Tae frowned. He’d never had liked Yi-jun

either. He and Satoshi had been friends since
they were kids growing up in the United States.
And for some stupid reason unknown to him,
Satoshi had set Cristal up with Yi-jun. Some
people would call the act chivalrous, but he just
thought it was plain stupid. Only a fool couldn’t


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see that Satoshi was very much in love with
Cristal. That’s why he didn’t have a problem
moving in and stealing Cristal from him. If
Satoshi could give her away to his best friend,
then he didn’t see a reason why he couldn’t date
her. After all, blood was thicker than water.

Tae rose from the bed and changed his

clothes. Tomorrow, he would be spending
Thanksgiving Day alone with Cristal. Hopefully,
she wouldn’t have a headache tomorrow night,
because he’d be flying back to Osaka the next


Satoshi lay in his bed, still awake, thinking

about the events of the day and angry at himself
for not saying something when Tae just showed
up out of the blue. But he was even angrier at
Cristal for inviting him to Amsterdam. He
punched the pillow into submission, pretending it
was Tae’s head. He did not understand his


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brother. He could have any woman in Japan.
Why did he have to mess with Cristal? Well, he
wasn’t going to let either of them see him like
this or know how much it hurt him. If she wanted
Tae, fine. He’d just step aside and let her have
him. There were other women out there and he
was tired of sleeping alone. He sighed. All talk.
He didn’t want some other woman to warm his
bed. Satoshi didn’t know what he wanted. He
was torn between his love for his female best
friend and the wife of his best friend. Life had
been so much easier when he just slept around
just for the hell of it. Now he was bogged down
with these feelings and emotions, and he hated it.

Shaundra. Now why was she on his mind to-

night? He supposed it was guilt. He hadn’t called
her since he left Osaka. Satoshi looked at the
clock. Damn, it was two in the morning. He
could always count on her to keep him sane, but
he couldn’t call and disturb her. He’d call her to-
morrow and wish her a Happy Thanksgiving.


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Satoshi reached over on the nightstand for his

MP3 player and put the plugs into his ears to help
block out all the negative thoughts running
through his head. Before he knew it, sleep over-
took him.


The house smelled sinfully fattening, Shaun-

dra discovered, as she walked through the rooms.
Dae-Hyun had been busy since yesterday cook-
ing and baking their Thanksgiving meal. She’d
invited Harper and his son Damien over, since
they had returned from New York. They were
scheduled to arrive later, a visit she looked for-
ward to since she hadn’t seen Harper in nearly a
month. She called home to wish her kids and her
mother a Happy Thanksgiving and she’d even
gotten a chance to speak with her sister Deidre,
whom she hadn’t spoken with in a couple of
months. She and Deidre used to be so close, but
had drifted apart when Shaundra moved to New


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York to start her writing career. Her cell phone
rang. Shaundra picked it up and answered.

“Hello, Shaundra.”
“Satoshi. How nice of you to call.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to calling

you sooner, but we’ve been very busy.”

“That’s perfectly understandable,” Shaundra

told him. “Are you enjoying Amsterdam?”

“It’s truly a nice place,” Satoshi said. “We’ve

done a little sight-seeing, but not much. I just
wish you were here.”

“How is Cristal?” Shaundra asked, changing

the subject. Something was wrong with him, but
she couldn’t put her finger on it. He sounded sad.

“I guess she’s okay.”
She knew it. “Okay, what happened?”
Satoshi sighed. He sounded like a wounded

puppy. “Cristal is spending the day with my

“I don’t understand,” Shaundra said. “What is

your brother doing in Amsterdam?”


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“Cristal invited him here. I think they’re


Shaundra sighed. “You know, maybe I’m the

last one who should speak on this issue, but why
isn’t she dating you? You didn’t do something
foolish again like set the two of them up before
you left for Europe?”

“No, I didn’t,” Satoshi said in his own de-

fense. “He and I were never close. Tae met her
when I took her home to meet my parents and ap-
parently he liked what he saw. I had no idea the
two of them would get together, especially since
Cristal didn’t seem to like him.”

“You mean he just brazenly took up with her

even though he knew that you and Cristal are in

“Yes, to the first part, and I don’t know to the

second,” Satoshi said.

Shaundra sighed again. “I think you still

brought all of this on yourself, but since we’re
friends, I guess I have to sympathize with you.”


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Satoshi chuckled. “You always find a way to

make me smile. Well, enough about me. How are
the princes of J-Pop?”

“They’re napping at the moment. They’ve had

their liquid lunch and will probably wake up for
their dessert in about an hour.”

“Are you getting any rest?” Satoshi asked.
“Some,” Shaundra replied. “They’re starting

to sleep longer.”

“Maybe it has something to do with your milk.

One taste and you’re relaxed.” He paused. “Do
you think you can air deliver me some? I’ve been
feeling a bit tense lately.”

Shaundra chuckled even though she knew he

was serious. “If I thought it had magical proper-
ties, I’d be drinking it myself. So what are you
guys doing to celebrate the traditional American

“We’re all going out to eat dinner with Mr.

Niigata. Ichiro wanted to cook for us, but we
don’t have a kitchen at the hotel. But he did


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promise to make us a scrumptious meal for
Christmas. How about you?”

“I’ll probably grab something later,” she lied.

It wasn’t good to stress him out any more than he
was. “Try to enjoy your meal with your friends
tonight and don’t worry about your brother and
Cristal. I’m sure there is some reasonable explan-
ation for seeing Tae.”

“Like what?” Satoshi asked.
“Maybe she’s horny. We women do have our


Satoshi cleared his throat. “Noted. Take care

of Shaundra’s horny needs when I return to

“Imbecile,” Shaundra teased.
“We have needs too, Shaundra.”
“Well, some of us are just better at handling

loneliness than others,” she replied. “Maybe you
need to share that delightful body of yours with

“I won’t take sloppy seconds to my brother.”


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Shaundra chuckled. “Just because he’s in the

neighborhood doesn’t mean she’s going to open
the door and let him in. Do you understand what
I’m trying to tell you? Cristal might just be look-
ing for companionship.”

“I understand,” Satoshi said.
No, he didn’t. She could hear it in his voice.
“And I wouldn’t have a problem with them

dating except he’s my brother, and some things
you just don’t do.”

She was well aware of the evils of dating

friends. “No, it isn’t right, but you try to have a
nice Thanksgiving anyway,” she told him.

“I’ll try,” he said. “I’ll call you soon.”
“Bye,” Shaundra told him. They ended the call

and she walked to the nursery to check on the
twins. Ryoto was awake and cooing his bed.
Shaundra lifted him out. “Someone is stinky.”
She cleaned the baby up and disposed of the
soiled diaper.

Raiden continued to sleep, allowing her time

to nurse Ryoto. She sat down in the rocker,


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pulled out a breast, and offered it to her son.
Ryoto latched on to it with his mouth and then
rested a small hand on top of it, marking his ter-
ritory. Shaundra smiled and leaned back to let
him enjoy his meal. Harper and Damien wouldn’t
be arriving for a couple of hours, which gave her
time to take a shower and fix herself up.

She felt herself getting stronger and stronger

every day now and she had lost most of the baby
weight. She still the need to tighten up her body a
little and hoped the martial arts lessons Dae-Hy-
un had been teaching her would soon start paying
off. It didn’t hurt having a sinfully gorgeous
teacher giving her the lesson. And he could cook
too. The house still smelled good. Dae- Hyun
promised her apple, sweet potato, and pecan pie,
and she was holding him to that promise. Her
minded drifted back to her conversation with
Satoshi. What was up with Cristal? Maybe she
should give her friend a call to find out where her
head was at. Shaundra didn’t think of it as inter-
fering or being nosey, especially since everyone


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had been all up in her business since she arrived
in Japan.

Ryoto went back to sleep and Shaundra put

him in his crib. Then she dashed into her room
for a quick shower before Raiden’s stomach
clock went off. An hour later, she joined Dae-
Hyun downstairs in the kitchen. The turkey was
out of the oven and he was busy with the side
dishes. He looked especially delicious in his
black pants, turtle neck, and red apron. He was
eye candy du jour, single and had a great ass. “It
smells so good up in here,” Shaundra told him.
“Do you need any help?”

“Not with the food, but you can finish setting

the table.”

He’d already put the brown and gold holiday

tablecloth on the table, so the rest was easy. He’d
taken out the good china and the glasses from the
cabinet so she didn’t have to strain herself
searching for them.

“How are the boys?”


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“I just got Ryoto back to sleep. He woke up

with a stinky diaper and a smile.” Dae-Hyun

She liked the sound of it. Quite manly, and it

did funny things to the pit of her stomach.

“I’m surprised Raiden didn’t get up at the

same time.”

“That’s because Ryoto was being a good boy

and not making any noise. I think he wanted
Mama all to himself.”

“You think a five week old baby already has a

sense to be conniving?”

Shaundra shook her head. “Yes. He knows it’s

more milk for him and more personal attention.”

“He’s already caught up to Raiden in size. I’m

even having trouble telling them apart now.”

“Raiden has more hair,” Shaundra replied.

“And he turns red in the face when he cries.”

“What is going to happen when Ryoto’s hair

grows and he turns red in the face when he cries?
How are you going to tell them apart?”


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Shaundra shrugged. “I’m hoping they learn

their names so when I call them, the right one
will answer. But I have a feeling they will be
playing tricks on me when they get older.” She
chuckled. “It’s spooky that they look so much
alike even for identical twins.”

“How are you coming with your Japanese?”
“I’ve been practicing writing the characters.

I’m getting better every day,” she bragged.

“Good,” he said. “You’re also progressing

with your Korean. Before we know it, you’ll be
speaking like a native.”

Shaundra frowned. She didn’t want to get too

comfortable in Japan just yet. “I still have a
southern accent, which I’ll probably never lose.”

“Don’t,” Dae-Hyun said. “I like it.”
The doorbell rang before she could comment.

“That’s probably Harper,” Shaundra said. She
walked out of the kitchen to answer the door.

Harper pushed a bouquet of fresh daisies at



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“Thank you,” Shaundra said, accepting the

flowers. He kissed her on the lips and then
hugged her. “You look great,” he told her. “And
you’re wearing pants. Sexy.” He stepped inside
the house, leading Damien with him. “You know
the boy.”

Shaundra peeped over at Damien. “You’re

hardly a boy anymore. Look at you.” She
gathered Damien into her arms and hugged him.
“Welcome to Japan.”

“Arigatou gozaimasu,” he said to her in fluent


“Do itashi mashite,” she told him. “You’re


Damien smiled at her and she saw a young

Harper in him. Dangerous, especially with her
cougar still on the edge from her conversation
with Dae-Hyun. A woman could only take so
much. “I like him, Harper. I can certainly see
what Tricia sees in him.” She showed them
where to hang their coats and winter gear. Harper
looked dashing in a tan turtleneck sweater and


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pants, while his son sported a royal blue pullover
sweater and navy pants that brought out the green
in his eyes.

“Don’t tell him that,” Harper said. “It will go

straight to his head.”

“Speaking of my loving daughter, how is she

really doing in school?”

Damien stopped smiling.
“Um hum,” Shaundra said, leading them

through the house to the kitchen. “I figured as
much. I just talked to her the other day and we
talked about everything under the sun, but she
never mentioned her grades. I figure they were
less than usual.”

“Don’t blame her,” Damien said. “I kept her

out pretty late on a date the night before our

“I won’t even bother asking where you took

her since you’re both adults. But you both need
to graduate and get good paying jobs so your
father and I can retire. We’re getting old.”


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“Speak for yourself,” Harper said, opening the

kitchen door.

Dae-Hyun was just pulling an apple pie out of

the oven when they entered.

“You must be in your glory,” Harper told

Shaundra as he got a good glimpse of Dae- Hyun
in his apron.

Shaundra nodded. “I’m walking on sunshine.”
The three men shared pleasantries while she

put her flowers into a vase. A few minutes later,
the baby monitor turned on, alerting them to the
fact that both Yoshida brothers were awake.

“I’ll get them,” Dae-Hyun said.
“No, you cook,” Shaundra said. “I’ll see to


“Do you need any help?” Harper asked.
“Do you know anything about babies?”

Shaundra asked him.

“I think I can manage to change a diaper.”
Damien laughed sarcastically. “Make sure you

take a picture of that, Ms. Shaundra, so I can
send it to my brother. We’ll both get a big


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chuckle out of our playboy father getting

Harper scowled at him. “You’re not too old to


“He’s taller than you are,” Shaundra reminded

him. “Talk to Dae-Hyun and learn something
about cooking,” Shaundra said to Damien. “Tri-
cia will love you even more if you can prepare a
decent meal for her.”

“I’m not wearing an apron,” Damien


Dae-Hyun chuckled. “Women like a man in an


Shaundra nodded, pushing Harper toward the

kitchen door. “It’s sexy.”


She wouldn’t say it was the best Thanksgiving

she’d ever had, but at least she was eating at a
nice restaurant, and she wasn’t alone like poor
Shaundra. Cristal raised her glass of red wine and


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toasted Tae. They had spent a delightful morning
together touring Amsterdam, and the evening
was winding down. All the while, she wished
she’d done all those things with Satoshi, but he
hadn’t asked, or wasn’t even talking to her since
Tae had arrived.

“Would you care for dessert?” Tae asked once

he got her attention.

“Sure, why not?” Cristal said. “It’s not like

I’m watching calories.”

“You have a beautiful body,” he said. “I’m

sure my brother has mentioned it to you by now.”

“No, he hasn’t.” Cristal replied. She knew

what he wanted her to say, but she wasn’t going
to do it. “Why does everything have to be com-
petitive between you two?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Tae said,

looking over the dessert cart.

Okay, play stupid. For weeks now, she’d been

trying to find out what made Tae tick. Given the
choice of the two brothers, Satoshi won hands
down. He was a little slow on the courting part,


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but at least she didn’t have to worry about him
using her for some kind of revenge stunt. She
couldn’t wait for the holiday to be over, because
she hadn’t made Satoshi jealous as she planned.
All she had done was saddle herself with a pom-
pous ass. Cristal selected cheesecake from the
cart. Tae would be on a plane tomorrow heading
back to Osaka and she would resume her life pin-
ing for Satoshi’s affection.


“What do you guys feel like doing?” Tak-

umijo asked after they returned home from eating
Thanksgiving dinner at some restaurant Mr.
Niigata had chosen. “I’m bored.”

They sat around the hotel lobby taking up

space and getting strange looks from the hotel
guests and the employees.

Yori shrugged. “I’m game for anything you

guys want to do.”

“Let’s go to De Wallen,” Satoshi suggested.


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“Why?” Yori asked.
De Wallen the notorious red light district in


Satoshi sat down on the arm of the chair next

to Takumijo. “Because I’m ready for some ex-
citement and De Wallen is supposed to be the
best place to go for it.”

“What’s De Wallen?” Ichiro asked, pronoun-

cing it with a thick Japanese emphasis.

Satoshi shook his head. He could not get used

to Ichiro’s new look. He wanted his old Ichiro

Takumijo’s cell phone beeped loudly, indicat-

ing a text. Satoshi looked down to be nosey. Ter-
rie? Who the hell is Terrie
? Probably the one
Takumijo met before leaving Osaka the last time.
He looked up to find Yori staring at him. Satoshi
mouthed the name Terrie to him as Takumijo
typed a message back on the tiny keyboard. “De
Wallen is a red light district,” he finally said to


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Ichiro still did not seem to understand. In

some ways, he was still such an innocent.

“It’s a place with legal prostitution, women of

ill-repute, and drugs,” Satoshi explained.

Ichiro frowned. “Count me out. I’m in enough

hot water with my wife.”

“She won’t know unless you tell her,” Tak-

umijo said, finally putting away his phone.




“What about you, Yori?” Satoshi asked.
Yori gave him a thumbs up.
Ichiro shook his head, like he was disappoin-

ted in Yori’s decision.

Good, the old Yori was back. “I’ll just be

looking,” he replied. “The women perform for
you behind a glass. It’s all perfectly legal.”

“And then what?” Ichiro asked. “I’ll be horny

and I have to come back here with you losers. No
thank you. I’m good.”


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Takumijo laughed. “You are so pussy-

whipped. Shaundra won’t find out. None of us
will tell her.”

Ichiro continued to shake his head. “Listen, I

love you guys like brothers, but I don’t trust two
of you as far as I can throw you. I can just see it,
I hook up with some European shortie and the
video version of our rendezvous will get back to
Shaundra before I bust a nut.”

“Ooh,” Satoshi said. “Ich is using sexy talk.”
Ichiro ignored his comment. “And then one of

you snakes will go and comfort her and person-
ally escort her to a divorce attorney.”

All three of them looked at Ichiro.
“Where do you come up with these things?”

Yori asked. “We would never do that to you.”

Takumijo chuckled. “Sure you wouldn’t.”
Yori tried to hide his smile. “Well, I wouldn’t

exactly take her to a divorce attorney, because
she’s probably already has the name of a good
one by now.”

Ichiro hissed at him.


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“But I would be there to comfort her. Amaya

would understand since they’re friends now.”

Ichiro laughed. “Don’t hold your breath on

that. Shaundra was just being nice since Amaya
tried that foolish stunt. But no doubt she won’t
hesitate to stomp her ass if she steps out of line

“So you aren’t going with us?” Satoshi asked,

getting bored with the conversation and glad
Ichiro wasn’t reading him his pedigree.

Ichiro shook his head. “I’m going to bed.”
“I bet he’s going up to take a very cold

shower,” Takumijo teased.

“Where’s your partner in crime?” Yori asked

Satoshi. “We should take her and Amaterasu with

“Amaterasu has cramps,” Takumijo an-

nounced. “So she won’t be going anywhere with
us. The last time I talked to her, she was moaning
and about to take a pain pill.”

“Cristal is having dinner with Tae,” Satoshi



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“What’s up with that?” Yori asked.
Satoshi shrugged. “Forget both of them. I’m

ready to have some fun.”

Yori took his cell phone out of his pocket and

texted someone. His phone beeped several
seconds later. “Kenny’s coming with us,” Yori
announced. “He’s bringing around the car.”

“Good old Kenny,” Satoshi said. “He’s prob-

ably desperate for some female company too.”

“I’m not desperate,” Takumijo replied. “My

boo is traveling with me. She sexed me up real
good before the cramps arrived.”

Satoshi turned up his nose.
“Are you and Ameterasu an item now?” Yori


“Sure,” Takumijo said.
Both Yori and Satoshi smiled at the lie.
Takumijo rolled those big beautiful brown

eyes at them. “You guys are just jealous.”

“Man, she likes girls too,” Satoshi replied.
Ichiro gasped. “Shameful.”
“How is Osamu?” Yori asked Takumijo.


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Takumijo shrugged. “I guess he’s okay. He

should be back from filming by now.”

“Did his wife go with him?”
“Yes,” Takumijo said. “She often accompan-

ies him when he goes overseas.”

“Then why doesn’t he take her when you guys

go clubbing?” Yori asked. “I find it a bit strange
that he prefers your company to that of his beau-
tiful wife.”

“The woman is a bitch and Osamu has good

tastes,” Takumijo said, rising and heading toward
the hotel door.

“See you guys later,” Ichiro said, turning to-

ward the elevator. “Try to stay out of trouble.”

Cristal and Tae entered the door just as Tak-

umijo and the others were about to leave.

“You guys on your way out?” Cristal asked.
“Yes,” Yori answered. “How was your date?”
Leave it to Yori to ask such a rude question.

Satoshi awaited the answer.


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“The food was great and I was with a pretty

woman,” Tae replied. “That makes for a perfect

“When are you leaving?” Yori asked rudely.
“Tomorrow morning. I have an early flight

back to Japan. So I plan to go to bed shortly.” He
smiled smugly. “Unless I get a better offer.”

Cristal continued over to the elevator and

struck up a conversation with Ichiro.

“You mean if Cristal lets you in her room,”

Takumijo said. “Let me know how that turns

Satoshi pushed past them. He had heard


“What’s wrong with him?” he heard Tae ask.
“I don’t know,” Yori said. “He’s your brother.

Maybe you should ask him.” He bowed. “Have a
pleasant evening and disaster-free ride back
home.” He exited and Takumijo followed him
out of the door.



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Ichiro dialed Shaundra’s cell phone as soon as

he got back to his room. She picked it up on the
first ring.

“Hello, baby.”
“Hey, Ich.”
“I just called to wish you a Happy


“Same to you.”
It was like talking to a stranger. “How are the


“They’re eating their last meal for the night,”

she told him.

“Are you still breast-feeding them?”
“Yes,” Shaundra answered. “I like spending

time with them and they are getting so big.”

Ichiro sighed. “I hope they remember me.”








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“Lonely,” Ichiro said. “I miss my family.” He

waited for her to respond. She didn’t. “How did
you spend the holiday?”

“Harper and his son stopped by and we had

dinner together.”

“Harper has a son?” Ichiro asked.
“Two, Damien and Kevin. Damien has moved

to Japan to finish his master’s degree and he’s
working at KiNii.”

“Good,” Ichiro said. “I hate to think that you

spent it alone.”

“It’s just a holiday,” Shaundra said. “It doesn’t


He heard one of the babies smacking. “Which

one is that?” Ichiro asked.

“I think it is Ryoto. I can barely tell them apart

now. They look exactly like you. He’s really
greedy and thinks my breasts are his own person-
al domain.”

Ichiro chuckled. “Smart boy.” He paused.

“Tell him to save some for me.”


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Shaundra chuckled this time. “Ryoto barely

wants to share with Raiden. You should see him.
He’s just as big as his older brother now.”

“I can’t wait to get back to see them. And

you,” he added.

“Where are the losers?” Shaundra asked.
“They went out,” Ichiro answered.
“And you didn’t want to go out with them?”
“No, I’m not in the mood to get arrested.”
Shaundra chuckled. “Smart boy.”
“Well, I better let you get back to nursing. I’ll

see you in a couple of weeks.”

“Okay,” Shaundra said.
“I love you.”
“Yeah.” Shaundra said. She disconnected the


Ichiro shook his head and tossed the phone on

the bed. She was still mad at him.



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“Now there’s something you don’t see every

day,” Yori said as they watched a young woman
perform an erotic show for them through a plate
glass window in the red light district of De Wal-
len. They had arrived and went to a bar first,
threw back a few drinks, and wandered the
streets until they found the real entertainment.

“And certainly not in Japan,” Satoshi agreed.

“No, that isn’t true.” He had had quite a lot to
drink and wasn’t feeling any pain. Except now he
had a raging hard-on after looking at twat for the
last couple of minutes. “I wonder how much they
charge an hour.”

“I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole,”

Takumijo said. “No telling who’s been there be-
fore you.”

Satoshi frowned and glared at him through

bloodshot eyes. “When have you gotten so

“Since recently,” Takumijo said. “I didn’t

come all the way to Amsterdam to get the clap.


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I’ve had enough penicillin shot up in my ass for a

Yori chuckled. “At least you’re honest about


“I need to get laid,” Satoshi announced.
“You could have stayed back at the hotel for

that,” Takumijo said. “All you had to do was
knock on Cristal’s door. But like a fool, you left
her there with Tae.”

“I won’t take sloppy seconds to that bastard,”

Satoshi said. “And besides, I’m tired of waiting
for her to come around. I’ve been celibate long

Yori chuckled at his expense. “I was wonder-

ing when you were going to snap out of it. I kind
of miss the old Satoshi who had a different girl
on his arm every weekend.”

“Well, I think you’ll be definitely be seeing

more of him,” Satoshi announced. He pulled his
collar tightly around his neck to fight off the


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“Especially since you still can’t get next to

Shaundra,” Yori teased. He did know how to
push a button and work a nerve.

“That’s because she’s still recuperating from

childbirth. Other than that, I’d be all in that if I
thought I have a chance right now. But since I
don’t, I’m going to pick me up a cutie, take her
back to the hotel, and screw her brains out.”

“I refuse to ride in the limo with a skeezer,”

Takumijo said to him.

“Satoshi is just talking shit,” Yori said.
“I don’t know,” Kenshin said, still watching

the blonde in the first window. “I think he’s seri-
ous. I’ve been checking him out lately. He seems
depressed about something, and my guess, it’s
caused by his brother suddenly showing up in

Satoshi ignored their conversation. What did

they know?

“That’s because Tae is a lowlife bastard,”

Takumijo said. “What kind of man moves in on
his brother’s territory?”


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answered as they walked up to the next window.

“Not funny,” Yori said. “I would never touch

Cristal. She’s not exactly my type.”

“What’s wrong with Cristal?” Takumijo


“She’s mean and she has a Satoshi attitude,”

Yori answered.

Kenshin agreed. “And she can’t make a decent

pot of coffee.”

“And she’s one of the fellows,” Takumijo


“All good qualities,” Satoshi said.
“Plus, she’s destined for Satoshi,” Yori said.

“The two of them were made for each other.”

If so, then why did he feel so bad?
“And I can’t wait for them to have some cigar-

smoking, card-playing babies,” Takumijo said.
“Raiden and Ryoto need friends.”

“Who?” Kenshin asked.
“Ichiro’s sons.”


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“Is that what Shaundra named them?” Ken-

shin asked.

“Man, where have you been?” Yori asked.
“Puppy-dogging behind Masaaki,” Takumijo

answered for him. “Yes, those are their names. I
wonder how big little Takumijo has grown.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re still calling him

that?” Yori asked. “He’s name is Raiden and he’s
going to be the lead singer of a future pop group.
Women will love him.”

“What about Ryoto?” Kenshin asked.
“He will probably become a publicist for his

mother,” Yori answered. “She will need someone
to look after her affairs once she divorces Ichiro.”

“Shaundra is not going to divorce Ichiro,”

Kenshin argued. “I’ve seen how the two of them
make out.”

Yori shook his head. “All in the past. She

thinks he cheated on her, so the making out is

“You are wrong,” Kenshin said. “I know

Ichiro. He wouldn’t cheat on Shaundra and you


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guys know it too. Why would he cheat on her
when he has the best piece of ass in Asia? Her
shit is so good she has all you fools fucked up in
the head.”

Satoshi couldn’t help but smile at Kenshin’s

description of them and their involvement with

“You guys are no better than Tae. You just do

a better job of hiding your dark side.”

“What dark side?” Yori asked. “I don’t have a

dark side.”

Takumijo and Satoshi walked down to the

next window.

“I still don’t understand why she doesn’t have

an effect on Takumijo,” Kenshin said.

Yori led Kenshin with him. He peered into the

window. “Oh my,” he said.

Satoshi chuckled at Yori’s discomfort. The

dancer had long black hair, a pretty face, huge
breasts, and a long cock. “Shaundra does not af-
fect Tak because she’s not exotic enough for his


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Yori pulled both Takumijo and Satoshi away

from the window.


Cristal had just turned out her light for the

night when she heard her drunken friends coming
down the hall. Damn, she wished she would have
gone out with them instead of fighting off Tae for
the last couple of hours. She looked over at the
clock on the nightstand. “One.” She sighed. Well,
at least they hadn’t been escorted home by the

Cristal closed her eyes. Tae had turned in

early after striking out with her. She just didn’t
see him in a romantic capacity, even though he
bore a striking resemblance to Satoshi. The fact
that she didn’t trust him either played a lot on the
decision she had made tonight. She knew his
only interest in her was hurting Satoshi and mak-
ing a name for himself. But, not even she was
foolish enough to fall for it. Luckily, he took the


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rejection easy enough and went up to his hotel
room to pack. After he left, she telephoned her
family in California to wish them a happy
Thanksgiving, and then she worked on the pro-
motion for Ichiro’s birthday party that Mr.
Niigata was planning.

Someone knocked on her door.
Cristal crawled out of bed, wondering who it

could be. “Who is it?”

“It’s me.”
Satoshi? She opened the door. “What do you

want? It’s late.” He smelled like he’d been
drinking hard liquor and a lot of it.

“Where is he?” Satoshi asked, pushing the

door open and entering without an invitation.

Cristal quickly closed the door. “Have you

lost your mind? No one is here.”

Satoshi turned on his heels and looked at her.

“Is that what you wore to seduce him?”

She tried to cover up her teddy. “What are you

talking about? I didn’t seduce anyone. I’ve been


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in my room working since I returned from

“Don’t lie to me. I bet he’s in your bed sleep-

ing it off.”

He slurred his words. Cristal frowned. She

didn’t like where this was leading. She pushed
past him. “There’s no one in my bed and even if
there was, it’s none of your business.” She
guarded her door.

Satoshi shoved her aside roughly and entered.
Cristal rubbed her arm. Satoshi had never

treated her that way before. What had he con-
sumed besides liquor? She entered the room. She
found him checking out the bathroom and the
closet. “I told you that no one is here.”

“Then he must have gone back to his own

room after fucking you,” he shouted.

She frowned at his crude language. He soun-

ded and acted more drugged than drunk. What
had those other idiots let him take? “You need to
go to your room and sleep off that attitude.” She
turned to exit the room and Satoshi grabbed her


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arm and kicked the door closed. He threw her on
the bed so hard her head ached.

“Hey, what is wrong with you?”
Satoshi unloosened his tie and tossed it on a

chair. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off too.
“You're what’s wrong with me,” he shouted at
her. “Now shut up and fuck me.”


What the fuck have I done? Satoshi sat up straight
in the bed the next morning after he woke up. He
was still dressed in his clothes, reeking of bour-
bon, and had one hell of a headache from the
drug he had taken. And he deserved to suffer for
what he had tried to do to Cristal. Oh yes, he re-
membered everything, each and every second of
the verbal attack on her until she got him out of
her room. He trembled. She was his best friend
and he deserved to go to jail for how he had
treated her.


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Satoshi punched the side of the mattress. He’d

never tried to take a woman by force before, and
he had even slapped her when she cried. And
Cristal hardly ever cried. He looked over at the
phone. Should I call her and apologize? No, she
probably wouldn’t answer the phone and he
wouldn’t blame her. No. He would have to face
her like a man, clean and sober, and beg her for-
giveness. And he would probably need to get a
good defense attorney if she decided to press as-
sault charges against him for slapping her. The
attack had happened on foreign soil, so they
would probably lock him up for a good long
time. His brother might be his best bet if he
needed an attorney, but he’d rather rot in jail than
ask him for help. He looked over at the clock. It
was nearly noon. That meant Tae should be on
his way back to Japan by now to tell his parents
on him.

Someone knocked at his door.
That was probably the police coming to arrest



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He manned up and walked to the door to meet

his fate. A fist caught him in the face the minute
he opened the door. “Fuck,” he screamed from
the pain and the surprise. He fell to the floor.

A very angry Takumijo stood over him.

“What did you do to Cristal?”

Satoshi scooted away from Takumijo.
Takumijo closed the door and turned the se-

curity lock.

Satoshi gulped. He hadn’t seen Takumijo this

mad, ever. “I made a mistake.”

Takumijo grabbed him by the hair, pulled him

to his feet, and punched him in the gut with the
other hand. “You want to beat up on women? I’ll
teach you how to do it properly.” He punched
Satoshi in the gut again, and he went down on his

“I’m sorry,” he whined. “I didn’t mean to slap

her. I just got so mad at her for cheating on me
with Tae. I didn’t mean for it to go this far.”

“But it did,” Takumijo said angrily. “Are you

crazy? You should see her. She has a black eye.


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You slapped our princess, you bastard. I don’t
think I can ever forgive you for this.”

Satoshi rolled around on the floor, groaning

from his injury.

“And for the record, she did not invite Tae

here. He came on his own and she was just being
polite keeping him from bothering you. That’s all
it’s been all along. I thought you knew Cristal
well enough to how she feels about you.”

“I’ll make it up to her,” Satoshi said, spitting

blood. It felt like one of his vital organs had ex-
ploded from Takumijo’s punch. “I’ll even go to

“All she ever did was love you. All of this is

your fault and you better fix it,” Takumijo told
him, pacing the carpet like a caged animal.

Satoshi struggled to sit up. “Does anyone else


Takumijo sat down on the chair. “No. She just

called me. She’s too embarrassed to face anyone


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“Tell me how to fix this,” Satoshi cried. “I’m

so sorry.”

“Just stay the fuck away from her. I’ll fix

this.” Takumijo rose. “And take a bath. You’re a
mess.” He walked toward the door and unlocked
it. “I am so glad we’re going back to Osaka
soon.” He walked out the door, leaving Satoshi to
wallow in his own sorrow.


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Chapter Fourteen

Shaundra wiped the drool from Raiden’s face.

“You’re a sloppy baby,” she teased. “But you
have the cutest little chubby cheeks.”

“I think that borders on spoiling him,” Dae-

Hyun said as he wrestled Ryoto into a clean di-
aper. “Besides, I think this one has the chubbiest
cheeks. All four of them.”

Shaundra smiled. She hadn’t felt this happy in

a long time and she had Dae-Hyun to thank for
it. They were taking the boys out for a walk
around the property in the stroller. December had
arrived and it was getting colder, so they needed
to bundle the twins up before taking them out.
And she also needed some exercise. She had only
left home once for her check up and she was get-
ting a bit stir crazy.

“We’ll just walk around the property a couple

of times and then we’ll come back inside,” Dae-

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Hyun said. “Hopefully, the walk will put them
asleep so we can have another lesson.”

They’d been practicing for seven weeks now

and she was getting pretty good and liking every
moment of her martial arts lessons. He’d started
her off with karate and then jujitsu and now he
was teaching her tae kwon do. And when they
weren’t sparring, he was teaching her Japanese
and Korean. Dae-Hyun tested her by making her
hold a conversation with him without using

Shaundra looked forward to today’s lesson.

She had finally stopped bleeding and her stitches
had dissolved. Other than a slight pull around her
navel and a little backache, she felt almost back
to her old self again. Once a day she spoke to
Ichiro’s people on the phone. She put off visiting
them or allowing them to visit her because she
didn’t want them to tell Ichiro that she had
moved out of the farmhouse. No one else knew
except Harper and Damien and she knew neither
one of them was going to say anything. And she


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made sure she told everyone to call her on her
cell phone and not the house phone because she
didn’t want them to disturb the babies.

And the stupid security guards had bought the

story that she was staying with Ichiro’s people
until he returned, so they probably hadn’t even
gone back to the farmhouse to check to see if she
had returned. Mr. Niigata should fire all of them.
She’d driven off the property and met Dae-Hyun
the same day and she never went back.

Shaundra got into her coat and gloves while

Dae-Hyun put the coats on the babies. Minutes
later, he left her to put the double stroller on the
sidewalk outside and then he came back inside to
get Ryoto while she carried Raiden. This was her
life now and she was making the best out of it.
The only other person she kept in constant con-
tact with was her editor, and just the other day
she found out that some movie studio was inter-
ested in turning her latest best seller into a movie.
That didn’t concern her too much at the moment
because she had things on her mind. Aomori


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would be returning soon and she wasn’t prepared
to face Ichiro.

It took about an hour to go around the prop-

erty twice. It was a beautiful winter view. Snow
fell lightly and the leaves crackled under their
feet as they strolled. Dae-Hyun told her some
more about his life back in Korea, and she prom-
ised that she would go with him the next time he
went back because she wanted to visit Seoul in
the spring time. They arrived back at the house,
took the boys out of the stroller, and carried them
back into the warmth of inside. Dae-Hyun went
back for the stroller while she got the twins out of
their coats. She changed both of their diapers and
tucked the sleeping infants into their cribs. After
that, she changed into her tae kwon do costume
and went down to the exercise room. She put on
some music to entertain herself while she waited
on her sensei to join her.

Dae-Hyun showed up a few minutes later.

“Sorry to make you wait. I had to answer a phone


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“Anything important?”
“Just Mr. Kehoe checking up on us,” Dae-Hy-

un answered.

The look on his face told her there was more

to the conversation, but she didn’t pry. “I like this
song,” Shaundra said, dancing with an imaginary

“You dance real well,” Dae-Hyun said, watch-

ing her.

“I used to have a life before I had kids,” she

told him. “My first husband and I used to go dan-
cing every chance we got. Do you dance?”

“A little.”
“Then join me. I need a partner.”
Dae-Hyun hesitated at first and then walked

over to her.

“Put your arms around my neck.”
“I don’t know if I should,” Dae-Hyun said. “It

wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“We are just dancing. I don’t know what’s up

with you Asian guys. It is the oldest form of


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exercise and entertainment. It’s an expression of

Dae-Hyun wrapped his arms around her neck

and Shaundra put her arms around his waist and
moved him around the floor. “See. No harm, no

Dae-Hyun was a fast learner. Their roles re-

versed and he waltzed her around the floor.

The music changed to a faster pop number and

Shaundra left his arms and dance around him.
“This is how we do it down south in America,”
she told him. “It’s called backing that thing up.”

Dae-Hyun folded his arms in front of him and

watched. “That should be considered illegal.”

Shaundra laughed. “It probably is in some

prudish country, but not in this exercise room.”

“And were you doing that when you caused a

fight in that nightclub?”

Shaundra rolled her eyes at him. “Ooh, low

blow. Who told you about that?”

“Mr. Kehoe. He told me never to take you to

a club.”


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She chuckled. “No.” She walked over to her

CDs, found Silk, and put on “Freak Me Baby.”

Dae-Hyun listened to the song in its entirety.

“Oh, now I understand why your husband got so

“You think he got mad then, wait until he

comes home and finds his kids gone.”

“I’m prepared,” Dae-Hyun said. “Now please

re-start the song. I’m interested in dancing to it
with you.”

Shaundra smirked at him and her cougar

reared its head. Why do I feel like I should say


“Are you excited that your boss is returning

tomorrow?” Barbara asked Damien as he sorted
through Cristal’s correspondence and organized
her appointment and meetings into her calendar.

“Yes,” Damien answered. “I’ve heard so many

wonderful things about her.”


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“She’s a fun boss too,” Barbara added. “She

curses and she’s dating Yi-jun Lee.”

“Who is Yi-jun Lee?” Damien asked. The

name sounded more Korean than Japanese.

“He’s a famous Korean actor,” Barbara told

him. “He’s in the United States right now filming
a movie.”

“Oh, so they’re having a long distance


“It’s a long distance relationship any way you

look at it. Yi-jun lives in Korea and she lives in
Japan. But he takes her to wonderful places like
France and she joined him in the United States a
couple of months ago before the tour.”

“And they’re still together?”
Barbara nodded. “I heard he’s coming to

Osaka for Christmas.”

Yes. He knew long distance relationships

worked. They just had to because it was the only
way he could keep his sanity until he could see

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Barbara asked.


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“Yes. We’ve been dating since we were kids

and we’re getting married as soon as we gradu-
ate.” Might as well erase any fantasy she was
having about him. Barbara was cute, but she
wasn’t Tricia. His baby was fine chocolaty

“Is she here in Osaka?” Barbara asked, getting

deeper into his business.

“No, she goes to school in New York.”
“Oh, so that’s why you wanted to know about

long distance relationships.”

“Do you love her?”
Damien picked up another envelope and

opened it. “More than life itself.”

She chuckled. “You sound way too serious.”
“I am serious,” Damien told her. “She’s the

woman I want to spend my life with and have my

“What’s her name?”
“Tricia Morrison.”
“Why does that name sound so familiar?”


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“Her mother is Shaundra Morrison, the


“Ooh,” Barbara said. “Didn’t she date Satoshi

Hayashi of Aomori a couple of years ago?”

“Yes, we were on a break.”
“And she broke up with him to go back with


“Why do you say that like it’s impossible to

believe? Apparently, I am the better man.”

Barbara looked over at him, checking him out.

“I guess so, because Satoshi is really hot.”

“American men can be hot too,” Damien told

her. “And he can’t be as hot as everyone says he

Barbara looked at him oddly. “Have you ever

met Aomori?”

“No,” Damien replied. “I can’t say I’ve had

the pleasure. Anyway, she is so over him.”

“I heard your new boss dated him once

too…before Yi-jun.”

Damien raised an eyebrow. “How do you

know so much about these people’s lives?”


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Barbara pursed her lips. “Because I have noth-

ing better to do while I’m getting an education
and working.”

Damien laughed.
A few of the other employees walked through

the office, returning from the first lunch shift. He
and Barbara were assigned to the second lunch
shift. After a month, he had this work down pat
and he was actually doing quite well in school.

“Would you like to go to lunch with me

today?” Barbara asked.

She’d asked him to lunch several times before

and he had always turned her down. “Where at?”
he asked. He was in a generous mood since he’d
talked to Tricia last night. His baby was spending
some time with his geeky brother and missing
him desperately.

“I’m in the mood for a burger,” Barbara told

him. “And fries.”

“Real hamburger?” Damien asked. “Because

tofu burgers leave a lot to be desired.”


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“Real beef,” Barbara said. “And greasy, salty


That got to him. Since coming to Japan, he

had to sacrifice his tastes and try new stuff. It
came as quite a culture shock. Thank God for his
future mother-in-law. She really put out the
spread for Thanksgiving and he didn’t feel so
homesick now. “Okay,” he agreed. “And those
burgers better be good.”

“Great,” Barbara said, finishing up her mail.

“The place is owned by Americans. You’re going
to love it.”

He’d better, Damien thought. Because he felt

so guilty now for going to lunch with the young


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Chapter Fifteen

The tension was so thick on the plane Yori

could cut it with a knife. He wasn’t stupid. So-
mething had happened in the last two weeks and
it involved Cristal and Satoshi. Normally, the two
of them sat together whenever they traveled, talk-
ing or playing cards. But now Cristal sat by Tak-
umijo while Satoshi sat in a seat next to Masaaki
reading one of Shaundra’s books. He might be
wrong, but he guessed that the two of them had
argued about Tae and weren’t speaking to each

“What’s wrong with Satoshi and Cristal?” he

asked Ichiro. The two of them had mended their
squabble since they left for the European tour and
started spending time in each other’s company
without wanting to kill each other.

Ichiro shrugged. “I noticed it too. She’s been

wearing those dark sunglasses twenty-four-seven,

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and he’s been staying as far away from her as
possible. I think they broke up.”

Yori nodded. “Maybe it’s for the best. She

probably likes Tae better and finally told

“Tae is a douche,” Ichiro said. “I didn’t think

Cristal had bad taste.”

Yori smirked. He missed Ichiro’s analogies.

“Are you excited about going home?” Their
European tour had been a smashing success,
made them a lot of money, and earned them a lot
of new fans.

Ichiro nodded. “I miss my wife and my


“Yeah, I miss my wife too,” Yori admitted.

“I’m tired of touring.”

“Me too,” Ichiro agreed. “And I’m so glad that

they relaxed the rules about our military duty
while we were away. I wasn’t looking forward to
leaving Shaundra for two years.”


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“Yeah,” Yori said. “I don’t think I would have

made a good soldier. You know I like giving or-
ders better than taking them.”

Ichiro nodded. “I’m thinking about retiring.

I’m tired and I just want to stop.”

“Me too. After our contract expires next year,

I plan not to sign a new one.”

Ichiro shook his head in agreement. “What do

you think the others will do?”

Yori shrugged. “Probably hire two more lead

singers or go solo.”

“Takumijo isn’t a soloist,” Ichiro said.

“Maybe he’ll go into acting, and Satoshi will
probably retire too. He’s mentioned moving back
to the United States a couple of times before.”

Yori shook his head. “He won’t go as long as

Shaundra’s in Japan.”

“What do you mean by that?” Ichiro asked.
“He’s her soul mate.”
“I thought that’s what I’m supposed to be.”
“No, you are her baby and the love of her life.

He’s the ultimate best friend, just like Harper.


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They might go on and marry others, but their
hearts will always belong to her.” Who was he
kidding? He felt the same way about her.

“I don’t think I like that,” Ichiro said


“It is totally out of your hands,” Yori ex-

plained. “It’s a spiritual thing. I bet the two of
them know more about your wife than you and I
will ever know.”

“I guess you’re right,” Ichiro said, settling

back in his seat. “At least she’s talking to them.”

Yori looked over at him. “Tell me honestly.

Did you cheat on her?”

Ichiro glared at him and Yori got lost in the

blue sea. “No. I did not cheat on Shaundra.”

Yori sighed. “I believe you. In fact, a part of

me has always believed you.”

“Thanks,” Ichiro said.
“You’re young, Ich, and you have a beautiful

heart and soul to match that face. “

“A lot good it does me. Shaundra just won’t

believe me.”


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“You have to make her believe. Take her

somewhere and rekindle the flame.”

“I’ll try,” Ichiro said. “I won’t lose her to

Harper or Satoshi.”

“What about me?” Yori asked.
“Not even you,” Ichiro said. “But if I die, I

want you to look after her.”

“Done,” Yori said.
“But I’m not telling you to try to kill me off to

do it.”

Yori smirked. “I’ll take her back to the United


“Why?” Ichiro asked.
“Because Shaundra wants to go home,” Yori

said. “She’s an American on Japanese soil and
she’s gone through a horrendous time since she
met us. Harper may be a bastard, but he told me
that Shaundra lost most of her memory during the
earthquake and tsunami and is struggling with
trying to get it back. He said she blacked out a
couple of times on the way to the hospital to de-
liver the babies and she cried out in her sleep


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about the water and the dead bodies that she

Ichiro stared at him. “Why didn’t someone tell

me about this? I could have gotten her help.”

Yori shrugged. “I guess none of us thought

you were old enough to cope with this, but I
think we were wrong. She won’t admit it you, but
I think she might need to see a shrink to help her
with this.”

Ichiro groaned. “I’ve been so selfish. I think

I’ll take her home after Christmas. It will be my
present to her.”

“What about the diamond ring you bought for

her in Amsterdam?”

“Oh, she’ll get that too, but I think she’ll enjoy

going home more.”

“Good,” Yori said. “I’m sure she wants to see

her mother and kids and introduce them to their
new siblings.”

“Do you think I can convince her by Christ-

mas Eve?” Ichiro asked.

“Why Christmas Eve?” Yori asked.


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“Because it’s my birthday and the only gift I

want is for us to get back together and celebrate
my babies’ first Christmas together as a family.”

“You have two weeks,” Yori said. “I still be-

lieve in miracles.”

The public address speaker came on.
“Good evening, everyone,” the pilot said. “We

will be landing at Narita Airport in twenty
minutes. It’s a chilly thirty degrees outside, so
bundle up.” The announcements continued and
then finally, he said, “Welcome to Japan.”


Satoshi’s cell phone rang as he walked away

front the baggage claim counter. “Yes?”

“Satoshi, this is Shaundra.”
“Yes, I recognized the number. What’s up?”
“I have to tell you something.”
Satoshi stopped walking. “Is anything wrong?

Are you okay?”


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“Yes, I’m okay and the boys are fine. Listen. I

moved out of the farmhouse,” she confessed.

“What? When?”
“The day you guys flew back to Europe.”
“A month ago?”
“Yeah. That’s why I’m calling. I want you to

be there for Ich when he finds out and try to calm
him down.”

“Why did you do it?” Satoshi asked.
“Because I can’t cope. And I hurt so much in

my heart.”

“Where are you?” he asked.
“Not too far away. I rented a house.”
“He’s going to go ballistic.”
“He won’t if you explain it to him. I left a

note. I needed time away to think about things
and to get my life together.”

“He’s going to want to see his sons.”
“And he can. I don’t plan to keep my where-

abouts a secret. I just can’t stay under the same
roof with him until I work this out in my head.”


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“Okay, give me the address.” Satoshi dug

around in his bag for a pen and paper. Shaundra
gave it to him. “You’re right. You’re close by.
Do you want me to come over?”

“After you calm him down.”
“This is wrong on so many levels,” Satoshi


“Yeah, I know. But I do love him. That’s why

I’m still in Japan. I could have taken off and left
his ass, you know.”

“I have to go,” he told her. “See you in a

couple of hours.”

“Bye,” she said, and hung up.
“Damn,” Satoshi said as he disconnected his

phone. No wonder he couldn’t reach her every
time he tried calling the house. Why now? It
wasn’t like he didn’t have his own problems to
deal with. He rejoined the others. Takumijo
hovered closed to Cristal. She wouldn’t even
look his way. He hadn’t gotten a chance to apolo-
gize to her yet. Takumijo hadn’t spoken to him


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either since their little altercation in his room at
the hotel. His stomach still hadn’t recuperated.

Masaaki’s cell phone rang. He answered it and

hung up. “The lobby is full of fans.”

“We were expecting that,” Takumijo said.
“Security is in place. Let’s get out of here,”

Masaaki told them.

Satoshi sighed. The more things changed for

them, the more they remained the same. But one
thing did change. Instead of him fleeing the fans
with Cristal, the honor now fell on Takumijo.


An hour later, Ichiro got the surprise of his life

when he got home and found his family gone.
The biggest surprise was that he took it better
than Satoshi expected. He’d found Shaundra’s
note and he sat down and read it.

“Where is she?” Ichiro asked him.
“Why do you think I know?” Satoshi asked.


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“Because you are her soul mate. If she will tell

anyone, it would be you.”

“She has rented a house not too far away. She

called me at the airport after we landed and told
me everything.”

“Is she with Harper?” Ichiro asked.
“No,” Satoshi said. “She did this all on her

own. And it’s our fault. We deserted her for Mr.
Niigata. I suspected something like this would

“Come on,” Ichiro told him. “I’m going to get

her and bring her back home. She doesn’t need to
be alone anymore.”

“Do you want me to get Takumijo?” Satoshi


“No, this doesn’t involve him. Just us. We’ll

take the new Escalade I bought.”

Ichiro had bought a bigger SUV to chauffer

his bigger family around. They left the house
without telling Takumijo they were leaving. Ten
minutes later, they drove up to the house.


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“Is this it?” Ichiro asked. “It’s smaller than the


“How much room does she need for herself

and two babies?” Satoshi asked. “It looks rather
nice, like a picture out of a book, and look at all
the land.” He opened the passenger car door and
Ichiro turned off the engine and stepped out the
driver’s side. They walked up to the metal gates
and Satoshi pressed the button to call inside the

“Yes?” Shaundra answered.
“It’s me, Satoshi. Ich is with me.”
The gates slowly opened and they entered and

walked up to the door. Satoshi rang the doorbell.
Moments later, the door opened and Shaundra
appeared. She looked at him and then Ich. Her
eyes automatically fell on Ichiro’s new haircut,
but she didn’t say a thing. Satoshi chuckled to
himself. He told Ichiro she wouldn’t like it. She
bowed. “Welcome back to Japan. Come in.”

They entered and she led them into the den.
“Where are my sons?” Ichiro asked.


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Satoshi shook his head. So he’d been mis-

taken. Ichiro wasn’t as calm and composed as he

“Asleep,” Shaundra said. “In the nursery.”
“You look good,” Satoshi said. “Are you sure

you just had babies?”

“Thank you,” Shaundra said. “But it’s been

over a month since you’ve seen me. I’ve been

“I want you to come home,” Ichiro said.
“I am home,” Shaundra told him.
“No, I mean the farmhouse.”
“I know what you mean, but I’m happier


One of the babies cried and Ichiro walked off

in the direction of the sound.

“He’s taking this awfully calmly,” Satoshi


Shaundra nodded. “Where the fuck is his



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Satoshi smirked. “We all decided to get

makeovers while we were in Europe. The stylist
thought it was time for a change.”

Shaundra looked him over. “Cute. You look

like a hot Uke.”

“What is a Uke?” Satoshi asked.
“Believe me, you don’t want to know.”
Ichiro appeared carrying one of the babies.

“Pack their things,” he said. “I’m taking my sons
back to the farmhouse where they belong.”

“It’s too cold to take then out tonight,” Shaun-

dra said.

“Which one is that?” Satoshi asked.
Ichiro shrugged. “Their armbands are gone

and I can’t tell them apart.”

“That is Ryoto,” Shaundra said.
“How do you know?” Satoshi asked.
“I know my babies.”
“I want you home tonight,” Ichiro said.
“Don’t give me any orders,” Shaundra told

him. “I’m a grown damn woman and I don’t have
to do anything I don’t want to do. You can’t just


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waltz in here, pretending everything is okay
between us, and just demand I follow you.”

“You are my wife,” Ichiro said loudly, start-

ling Ryoto.

The baby began to cry.

Satoshi rose. “Give him to me so the two of

you can talk.”

Ichiro handed the baby over to him and the

two parents faced off. Satoshi walked Ryoto
through the house, checking out the place. It was
small compared to the farmhouse, but nice. He
could see himself being very comfortable there
with Shaundra and the boys. He found the nurs-
ery. Raiden continued to sleep through the argu-
ment between his parents. It grew louder. He
could hear Shaundra reading Ichiro his pedigree.
His money was on her.

Something hit the floor loudly. Satoshi put

Ryoto in his bed and ran back to the front of the
house. Ichiro was trying to drag Shaundra out of
the house and a lamp had been knocked over in
the process.


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“Ichiro, stop this,” Satoshi shouted at him.
“You stay out of this, soul mate. She is my

wife and she’s going home whether she wants to
or not.”

“You can’t just kidnap her,” Satoshi argued.
“I can do what the hell I want to. I am her hus-

band and she will obey me.”

“Get your hands off of her,” someone said be-

hind Ichiro.

Satoshi looked out of the door.
Ichiro dropped Shaundra’s arm and spun


A very tall and muscular Korean dressed in a

black tae kwon do costume stood on the porch.
He looked vaguely familiar.

“Who the fuck are you?” Ichiro asked. He

looked at his wife and then back at the man.
“Who is this, Shaundra? Is this your lover? Did
you move out to be with him?”

Shaundra backed into the house, but didn’t


Ichiro turned on the man and tried to kick him.


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The man caught Ichiro’s leg, spun him around,

and kicked him through the front door into the

Shaundra bent down to see if Ichiro was okay.
The Korean continued into the house, pulling

Shaundra away from Ichiro and pushing her out
of harm’s way.

Hmm, competition, Satoshi thought. He leaned

against a wall, watching with mock interest.

Ichiro tried to get off the floor, but the kick

had knocked the wind out of him. He made it to
his knees, but the Korean stood over him, wait-
ing. He looked up and glared at him.

“Welcome home, Ich,” Shaundra said. “Meet

Dae-Hyun, my bodyguard.”

Ichiro fell back down on his butt.
Satoshi chuckled and walked back to the nurs-

ery to bond with his godson.

The End


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Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.


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@Created by

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