Two Americans Aim to Plug Into the ‘Matrix’ through Black Market Brain Implants

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Two Americans Aim to Plug Into the ‘Matrix’
through Black Market Brain Implants

According to The Mirror, the two men are looking for a doctor who is skilled enough and willing to
propel them into the matrix. The procedure itself has a high risk of failing, since the technology at
hand hasn’t been tested before (at least on humans).

If they come out of this alive, the two men will be able to establish a direct communication route
with the first forms of artificial intelligence that’s currently available. This “cranial chip” may
provide the first step towards creating “the matrix.” If this proves to be successful, the
unprecedented advantages will probably tempt others to undergo the same surgery, and eventually
have the entire population plugged into this new reality.

Zoltan Istvan, the global leader of the Transhumanist movement and US Presidential candidate,
claims to personally know the two matrix innovators, and even more, supports their mission as he is
convinced that humans should utilize technology to artificially boost their intelligence and physical
capabilities. His vision of the future allows for basic body functions to be stimulated using these
futuristic implants that would allow humans to heal or access unreachable functions of the brain.
The technology is similar to what DARPA is currently developing for the future soldiers.

Interviewed by The Mirror, Istvan stated the following: “I have friends who are buying tickets to
Central America to perform this kind of surgery. I know two people who are doing this, but it’s
secretive because even getting a doctor to do this in Central America is difficult.”

According to Istvan, one of them will try his luck with a doctor from Honduras, while the other will
travel to Eastern Europe. Their identities remain undisclosed because otherwise, American
authorities could attempt to prevent them from traveling abroad to perform the unusual surgery.

They work in AI and it would be the very first time someone got an implant specifically to use
brain waves to connect with rudimentary artificial intelligence,” Ivstan furtherly revealed. “The
technology will allow them to carry out basic conversations. That’s how far this telepathy idea has

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The daring pair of computer geniuses have been preparing for this surgery for over three years, all
they are missing now being a skilled doctor to perform the brain operation.

The real trick is finding a doctor to perform this and keeping themselves safe,” Istvan added.

A warning sign has been drawn by certain academics about the possible bad repercussions of such a
brain implant and the future of transhumanism. Even the renowned David Icke left the ruling lizard
class aside to warn the world about this futuristic technology that may one day shape the world in a
nocive direction.

What this has all been heading towards is ‘implantables,’ where the devices are inserted under
your skin and start to affect human consciousness from a central grid,” he said. “The people in
charge have always been massively outnumbered and their greatest fear is the human race waking
up, but once they’re able to alter our thoughts processes from a central computer it’s game over.
That’s the biggest threat we’re facing over the next few years.

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