Anderson Andi Men Of Charlestown 3 Daniel's Dream

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Daniel 's Dream

Men of Charlestown, Book Three

Andi Anderson


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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Haley Stokes

Daniel’s Dream © 2011 Andi Anderson

ISBN # 9781920501655

Attention Readers: This book uses US English.

All rights reserved.

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To my readers and to my beautiful husband.

Thank you for making all of my dreams come true.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following

wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Frisbee: Wham-o Toy Corporation

Explorer: Ford Motor Company

Diet Sprite: The Coca-Cola Company

Disneyworld: The Walt Disney Company

Universal Studios: Universal Studios, Inc.

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Chapter One

Daniel watched the black second hand of the clock slowly move up another minute until

three o'clock. Ever since spring break, the days at school seemed to be longer and longer. He
decided he would rather eat yucky brussel sprouts than sit in a classroom when it was sunny

Fifteen more minutes.
He grabbed his pencil and started doodling on his sheet of notebook paper. Even though

he knew he should be doing math right now, he couldn't force himself to concentrate. He issued a
small 'thank you' to God that there was only one more week of school left this year. He couldn't
wait to be off for summer vacation. He was excited to go swimming this summer. Uncle Josh and
Nick had promised him that they were going to buy him one of those fancy blow-up pools from
Wal-Mart so they could swim all they wanted this summer. It was going to be awesome!

Daniel looked up and into Mr Thompson's kind eyes and his face flushed guiltily. Gosh,

he hated it when he caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do.

"Yes, sir?"
"Will you and Andrew take the erasers outside and dust them off for me?" Mr Thompson

asked as he glanced at the page that Daniel had been doodling on.

His face burned with embarrassment, and his tongue itched to tell Mr Thompson that he

didn't want to go anywhere with Andrew, but he found himself nodding reluctantly instead. He
didn't like being around Andrew. He was mean.

Daniel stood up and started gathering the erasers from the bottom of the chalkboard. He

glanced over and noticed Andrew doing the same. He groaned inwardly as he walked to the door
and waited for the other boy to join him.

Everything about Andrew made him nervous. From his spiky black hair to his stocky

build, Andrew was the strongest boy Daniel had ever seen. Plus, Andrew excelled in sports and
by far was the smartest kid in class. He wanted to be Andrew's friend, but the popular boy hated
him for some reason and when he wasn't making fun of Daniel, he ignored him.

Andrew really was a butthead.
He pushed past Daniel as he walked through the door. Of course, Andrew had to be first

out the door. Andrew had to be first at everything.

Daniel's heart beat faster as he followed Andrew out of the classroom and down the hall

until they reached the front of the school. Once they were outside, Andrew stopped and turned
around, and Daniel tripped over his feet to avoid running into him.

A lump formed in Daniel's throat as the boy's icy blue eyes glared back at him. He had

hoped that Andrew wouldn't say anything mean to him, but it looked like that hope was going to
be in vain.

"Hey Dan-yell… Mr Thompson caught you spacing out again, didn't he? You know the

only reason he's lettin' you do this is because he feels sorry for you because you're such a freak.
What were you thinking about anyway… your fag uncle and his boyfriend?" The boy sneered as
he started banging two of the erasers together. Chalk dust rose from them making Daniel cough.

Daniel's heart lodged in his throat as he looked down at his scuffed up white tennis shoes.

He shrugged, wishing he had the nerve to tell Andrew to shut up and then bang one of the erasers
over the top of his black spiky hair.

The thought of Andrew covered with chalk brought a small smile to his face.
"What are you laughin' at, fag? Thinking of having a boyfriend for yourself? I oughta slap

those freckles off of your ugly face, you freak." Andrew threw the erasers down and took a
threatening step toward him.

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Daniel hated being the shortest boy in his class and to make matters worse, Andrew was

not only bigger, he stood a couple of inches taller than him. He heard himself whimper as he took
a quick step back and away from Andrew's angry presence.

"I'm n-not l-l-laughing at y-you," Daniel managed to stutter out as he reluctantly dragged

his eyes up to meet Andrew's angry blue ones.

Andrew's eyes widened and he bent over at the waist and started laughing cruelly. After a

few moments of hearing Andrew's fake laugh, he straightened up and took another threatening
step toward him.

"P-p-p-oor D-D-Dan-yell…c-c-cat got y-y-your t-t-t-ongue," he mocked and then

snickered at his own joke.

Daniel had never been good at standing up for himself. Plus, he was used to being around

people who liked him. He had never been around someone as mean as Andrew. As much as he
wanted to defend himself to Andrew, fear and uncertainty kept his mouth shut and he stood
frozen in front of this angry boy. Daniel knew no matter what he did it would never be okay with
the bully standing in front of him.

"God, Dan-yell, you really are a wimp, aren't you? I guess livin' with those fags made you

a sissy, too." Andrew nudged Daniel's shoulder roughly with his own, causing Daniel to stumble
back a few steps.

Daniel took a deep breath. It irritated him that Andrew said hateful things about his

family. He didn't understand why Andrew insisted on saying such hurtful words about two of his
favorite people. He knew for certain that if Andrew had ever taken the time to know him and his
family, Andrew would like them and never say things like that.

"Don't talk about t-them like that."
Daniel didn't know who was more surprised that he spoke up, him or Andrew. But, as

quick as his open-mouthed, shocked look appeared, Andrew shook it off, his blue eyes gleaming
with an angry light.

"I'll talk about them any way I want. Daddy says that we'd all be better off without people

like you and your family. Why don't you just do us all a favor and move somewhere else? Your
kind isn't welcome around here," Andrew yelled. He bent down and picked up his erasers and
started hitting Daniel all over with them.

Daniel couldn't believe this was happening. He stood stunned as his attacker continued to

hit him all over his body and top of his head with the dusty erasers. Soon he was covered with
chalk dust and wheezing. He dropped his erasers and held his hands out in front of him to ward
off the vicious attack, but it didn't help. Andrew continued to taunt and smack him until a male
voice shouted.

"What in the world? Andrew Knight, stop that this instant!"
At those words, Andrew stopped his attack. Daniel looked up through the chalky air and

saw Mr Thompson glaring at the other boy.

"Andrew, march yourself right to the principal's office right now. You know we don't

tolerate any form of violence or bullying at this school." Daniel had never heard Mr Thompson's
voice sound so angry before.

"Aww… Mr Thompson, Daniel and I was just playin' around. Isn't that right, Daniel,"

Andrew coaxed. He smiled innocently at Mr Thompson before he reached over to dust the chalk
off Daniel's shirt.

Daniel jerked away from his hand.
There was no way he was going to let Andrew ever touch him again.
Mr. Thompson shook his head and pointed to the glass doors. "No, Andrew. I watched

you hit Daniel with the erasers, so I know you weren't playing around."

Andrew looked beseechingly at Daniel. "Tell him, Daniel. Tell him that we were just

playin' around."

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Mr. Thompson put his warm hand on Daniel's shoulder. That gentle grip somehow gave

him courage to answer honestly. He cleared his throat and glanced up into his teacher's kind face
and then back to Andrew's pleading one.

"Andrew said some mean things about me and my family. Then he hit me with the erasers

for no reason."

Andrew's eyes widened and his face turned beet red. "You little fag! How dare you lie and

get me into trouble." He jumped toward Daniel with his fists clenched and raised. Mr Thompson
grabbed Andrew's arm and pulled him back before his fist hit Daniel's face.

He watched Mr Thompson escort Andrew back into the school before a few parents who

had witnessed the whole thing surrounded him. They were waiting for their children to be
dismissed from school for the day.

"Are you all right, boy?"
"Did you see that?"
"Do you need to see the nurse?"
Questions came at him from everywhere, confusing him. Daniel's face burned from

humiliation and his vision blurred from unshed tears. He wouldn't be able to answer any of the
questions because if he tried, he'd start crying, and that was last thing he wanted to do in front of
these strangers.

"Danny? Oh my god! Are you alright?"
Nick's voice had never sounded so good. He broke through the circle of people and ran

into Nick's open arms.

"Oh, Danny… I'm sorry. I tried to get to you as soon as I saw what happened, but I was

parked too far away to get to you in time. Are you okay?" Nick hugged him close, and within the
warmth and safety of his friend's arms, Daniel could breathe again. But he still couldn't talk, so he

Nick was here now and he would make everything all right.

Chapter Two

Nick couldn't believe what had happened. One of his worst fears had come true. Some

punk kid had dared to deliberately hurt his Danny-boy. Daniel had been through so much in the
past two years. Both of his parents had been killed instantly in a horrible car accident. Since then
Danny had been living under his Uncle Josh's guardianship and although they had always loved
each other, both were living with the grief over the loss from losing Danny's parents and Josh's
twin sister, Jolene.

There were many nights that he and Josh had discussed the grief and guilt Josh had been

feeling that first year and a half with Danny. Even though both Josh and Danny had tried, they
had never been able to breach the wall between them.

Nick remembered the first time he had laid eyes on both Danny and Josh. He had been

sent by an employment agency to apply for the Nanny position that Josh had advertised for. Once
he met both of them, his protective instincts had kicked into overdrive. Both Josh and Danny had
the saddest eyes he had ever seen.

Soon after Nick had been hired, they started to establish a family together. Not only did

Danny feel like the son he'd never had, Josh was the love of his life. They had just really started
to build a tight-knit and happy family.

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Now as he looked down into Danny's light green eyes and tear-streaked freckled face, it

flabbergasted him that Danny had experienced such hatred from another. This was a new
experience for both of them. He was furious with the kid who had dared to raise his hand to this
loving child, and sorrowful to see the pain in those amazing eyes that reminded him so much of
the man he loved.

He hugged Danny to him and the boy's shoulders shook from weeping silently against

him. Nick's heart broke seeing his young Danny-boy so devastated.

"Shhh… Danny… everything's going to be all right. I'm here now," he coaxed, as he ran

his hands up and down Danny's trembling back. The powdery feel from the chalk on Danny's shirt
angered Nick even more. But now wasn't the time to give into his warring emotions. Danny
needed him to be calm, so he took a deep breath and forced himself to simmer down.

"He… he wouldn't stop. Why does he hate me so much?" Danny's sobbing voice almost

brought tears to his eyes.

He took another deep breath and gently disengaged himself from Danny's firm grip. He

knelt down on the ground and looked the young boy at eye level. "I don't know, Danny. He's
probably just a very unhappy boy that wants to take his anger and sadness out on other people."

Or he's some little shit that takes pleasure on picking on others that can't defend


"Mr. Kirkland? Is he going to be alright?"
Nick looked up into the concerned brown eyes of Danny's teacher. He had met Mr

Thompson at the last parent-teacher conference and they'd developed an instant mutual respect.
Mr Thompson showed great compassion when he'd heard about Danny's past, and his
encouragement and understanding disposition allowed Danny to thrive in his classroom as well.

"I think so, he's understandably upset and frightened right now."
Mr. Thompson leaned down and placed his hand on Danny's trembling shoulder. "Daniel,

how about you and Mr Kirkland come into our classroom for a while?"

Danny didn't answer. He wrapped his small arms around Nick's neck firmly and clung to

him as if Nick was a lifeboat in the middle of the endless sea.

Nick glanced around and noticed that not only parents but students had gathered around

them. Danny's teacher was right. They needed to get Danny away from the onlookers and
somewhere safe to calm down.

"Come on, Danny. We'll go to your classroom with Mr Thompson and make sure you're

okay, all right?" Nick made sure his voice sounded calm and soothing.

He was reassured by Danny's slight nod against his neck.
That's my boy.
Nick stood with Danny in his arms and worked his way through the crowd of onlookers.

Several people expressed concern for Danny and patted him on the shoulder as they passed by.
He followed Danny's teacher into the school and down to the empty classroom.

Mr. Thompson ushered Nick to his chair behind the teacher's desk. Nick eased down on

the seat with his precious bundle still wrapped up in his arms. Mr Thompson pulled up a small
chair and sat across from him and gently started patting Danny on his back.

"Daniel, Andrew's going to be suspended from school for the rest of the year. You know

we don't tolerate bullying here at school, so maybe after Andrew receives his consequences, he'll
think twice about his actions before he does something like this again."

Danny raised his head from Nick's shoulder and looked up into Nick's eyes. Nick could

tell from the fear and desperation he had on his face that Danny wasn't convinced that this would
change the boy's cruel behavior at all.

How long had this been going on?
Apparently by Danny's expression, Mr Thompson had the same thought. "Daniel, has

Andrew picked on you before today?"

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Danny's eyes looked down and he stared at Nick's shoulder.
"Danny? Will you please answer Mr Thompson?" Nick gently wiped Danny's tear-

streaked freckled cheeks.

Danny slowly looked back into Nick's eyes and he slightly shrugged his shoulders.
"Come on, little man. Tell us what's been going on."
Danny took a deep shuddering breath and nodded. "Andrew has never liked me. He's

always said mean things to me and he never lets me play kickball or basketball if he's playing. He
told me that I'm a freak because I'm short and not good at sports, and because you and Uncle Josh
are boyfriends, I'll end up being a fag like both of you."

Even though he tried to keep his face neutral, Nick couldn't help but cringe at Danny's

words. He and Josh had many discussions about this possibility, and even though he thought they
were prepared for this, it still hurt just the same. Mr Thompson wasn't thrilled by that statement

"Danny, I wish you would have come to your Uncle Josh and me sooner. I'm sorry you've

had to deal with the terrible things that boy said to you."

Danny shrugged and gave him a watery smile. "You and Uncle Josh have always told me

to turn the other cheek, so I did. It hurts my feelings when he says those things, but most of the
time I just try to ignore him. Today's the first day he hit me."

Nick couldn't get over how brave and sweet his young ward was. He was pretty positive

that had it been him, he would have whacked the boy upside the head if he had done that to him.

Mr. Thompson kneeled down beside them both and put a reassuring hand on Daniel's

shoulder. "Daniel, I wish I had known that Andrew had been picking on you. You know we don't
tolerate bullying in our classroom. If anything like this happens again, will you come to me and
tell me?"

Danny looked at Mr Thompson and nodded and wiped his eyes. "I just didn't want to get

anyone in trouble."

"I understand that, but sometimes it's more important to tell an adult when someone is

picking on you. Andrew's behavior is unacceptable, Daniel. He has to learn to treat others like he
wants to be treated. He also should learn to tolerate and accept that everyone isn't going to be like
him and his family," Mr Thompson said.

"I just wanted him to like me." Daniel mumbled and looked down at his lap.
Nick swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and he hugged Danny's small body

against him. Nick was always amazed how ignorant and horrible people could be when it came to
allowing others to live their own life. He had hoped that his relationship with Josh wasn't going to
affect Danny, but it looked like that hope may have been in vain.

As Nick looked down at the special child sitting on his lap he couldn't help but wonder if

this was just the beginning of things to come.

Chapter Three

Nick paced the floor anxiously and checked the time on his watch for what he knew must

have been the hundredth time. Where the hell was Josh? He knew that his fiancée should have
been home at least fifteen minutes ago. He walked over to the kitchen window and looked out
into the backyard to once again check on Danny.

Danny and his beloved basset hound, Fred, sat on the porch steps together. His slight

shoulders were hunched over as he picked at a thread on his shirt. Fred leaned heavily against his

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side and licked his cheek, making him giggle. He watched Danny's small arm reach around and
hug the dog to him.

Damn, Nick loved that dog.
If anyone could get Danny out of a funk, it was Fred.
Nick wished Fred could do the same for him. Unfortunately, doggie kisses didn't do

anything for him. Nick needed Josh. Josh's calm demeanor and voice of reason was something
that both Nick and Danny relied on.

Nick rubbed his hands up and down his arms trying to ward off the uneasiness that

threatened to overwhelm him. He couldn't forget the vision of Danny being attacked by that
horrible boy. Even with him being parked among the congested school traffic, he witnessed the
attack quite clearly. As soon as he saw the bully hit Danny with the erasers, he dashed out of his
car and ran toward them, but he didn't get there in time to stop the attack, and the guilt weighed
heavily on his shoulders.

He knew he should have left the house earlier to pick Danny up after school. If he had, he

would have been able to park closer to the front of the school, and he could have gotten to Danny
sooner. He was supposed to protect Danny and knowing that he failed to do so, made him feel
sick with remorse. He anxiously twisted the gold promise ring that Josh had given him. Over the
past year, touching that ring had become a comfort to Nick whenever he was nervous.

Nick spun around and sprinted toward the foyer when he heard the front door close.
"I'm hoooooommeee! How are my two favorite people doing?" He heard Josh's tenor

voice sing off-key.

His feet dashed toward Josh's voice, and it seemed like minutes passed before he stood

directly in front of his lover's smiling, welcoming face.

Between Nick's body language and facial expressions, Josh immediately realized

something was wrong. His smile vanished and a look of concern crossed his handsome face.

"Oh my god, Nick… what's wrong?" Josh's warm hands cupped his face and his light

green eyes looked worriedly up at him.

At six feet, Nick stood a couple inches over Josh's five foot ten inch frame, but there were

times Josh's comforting presence made him appear larger than life.

"It's Danny…" he began.
A look of pure terror washed over Josh's face. "What about Daniel?"
Nick took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves before he continued. "He was harassed

and attacked at school by a fellow classmate this afternoon right before school let out. Danny and
this horrible boy were dusting out the erasers in front of the school, and the boy said some cruel
things to him and started hitting him with them."

A look of astonishment fell over his lover's face. "Our Daniel was bullied? Who would

pick on such a sweet child?"

Nick nodded and brought his own hands up to Josh's waist. "Apparently, this Andrew boy

and his father believe that Danny is a freak because he lives with a couple of fags. According to
them, our kind isn't welcome here and we should just pack up and leave before our disgusting
lifestyle influences others."

Josh's green eyes blazed with anger. "What the hell? Is he all right? I thought that school

has a no-tolerance policy! Has this been going on long?"

"He's a little shaken up, but he's fine. We had a long talk with his teacher and evidently

Andrew has been picking on him for some time now. Danny chose not to say anything because he
wants the boy to like him and he didn't want to get him into trouble. Today is the first time
Andrew took it to another level and attacked Danny. Mr Thompson and the principal assured us
that bullying is not tolerated at school, and Andrew has been suspended for the rest of the year.
They're also going to make sure that Andrew and Danny don't have the same class together next
year so this doesn't happen again."

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Josh nodded and pulled Nick close to his warm body. The smell of rubbing alcohol

lingered with the fresh scent of his cologne. At first, Nick thought that the aroma was an unusual
combination, but since Josh often came home from his job from the hospital in his scrubs, that
smell soon became a comfort to him.

Josh pulled away and looked up into Nick's eyes as he cupped both sides of his face. "It's

going to be alright, Nick. We knew something like this could happen. Now that it has, we'll deal
with it like we should… as a family." He stood on his tiptoes and pressed his warm lips against
Nick's cold ones in a quick kiss.

"Now, gorgeous, how about you order us a big cheesy, pepperoni pizza and I'll go see how

Daniel is doing. We'll watch one of Daniel's favorite movies and maybe pop some popcorn…
what do you think?"

Nick pressed his forehead against Josh's for a moment and nodded slightly. He knew that

Josh would put everything into perspective. Nick took a deep cleansing breath.

Josh was here. Everything would be better.
"Okay, babe, you make the call for the pizza and I'll go talk to our boy," Josh said and

then gave Nick one more quick peck on the lips before he eased himself out of their embrace and
walked through the house and out the back door to join Danny.

Nick took his iPhone out of his front blue jeans pocket and scrolled down until he got to

the number to the pizza parlor. After he ordered the pizza and breadsticks to be delivered, he went
to the kitchen and tried to busy himself pouring sodas for all three of them. He looked out of the
kitchen window and saw Josh sitting beside Danny with his arm around the young boy's slight
shoulders. Fred leaned heavily against Danny's other side, and the sight of Danny being
surrounded by so much love and support filled Nick with a wave of contentment.

Nick used to dream of finding a partner and having a family, and ever since Josh and

Danny had come into his life, the love that they all shared between them made a happier reality
than any dream he had ever had.

He watched Danny wrap his skinny arms around Josh and hug him tightly.
God, he loved those two.
Josh stood up and swung Danny into his arms and started spinning around in circles. Fred

immediately joined in the fun and started barking and bouncing around them. He heard Danny
squeal with delight as Josh continued to spin around and around. He stopped and set Danny on his
feet and both of them wobbled around comically as they tried to get themselves steady on their
feet. The scene brought a smile to Nick's face and he began to feel immediately better.

Maybe everything will be alright.

Chapter Four

Josh stepped out of the shower and grabbed the blue fluffy towel off of the rack. He

hastily dried himself off and slid on his favorite red and green checkered flannel lounge pants,
confiscated from Nick a long time ago. Even though they were too long for him, Josh loved them.
They had been Nick's favorite pair, but once Josh borrowed them, he never got them back.
Wearing his lover's clothes made him feel sexy.

He quickly ran a comb through his short, dark brown hair and eyed himself critically in

the mirror. He saw the beginnings of fine lines around the outer corners of his eyes, and he
grinned making them appear a little deeper. He knew most people would be upset at seeing this,

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but not Josh. He was particularly proud of them. He knew those lines came from the laughter and
joy he had shared with Nick and Daniel and he had earned every one of them.

Josh still couldn't believe how much his life had changed ever since Nick had arrived.

Both he and Daniel had been deep in mourning, and even though Josh had done his best, he and
Daniel struggled to connect with one another.

It had been a big change for both of them, and also the hardest time of both of their lives.
He had been plagued with worry and guilt, afraid of not raising his young nephew in a

happy and warm environment like the one Daniel had with his loving parents. Josh had even had
nightmares of his sister, Jolene, reading him the riot act for the lousy job he did raising her son.
And just when Josh thought things were never going to get better for either of them, he hired Nick
as a live-in nanny a short space of time they formed a strong relationship and provided a happy
family for Daniel.

He knew he was blessed.
Things had been going smoothly for their small make-shift family. So much so, that when

Nick met him at the door, looking all pale and worried, he had a nagging sense of that old familiar
worry. But, after talking to both Nick and Daniel, Josh knew that everything would be fine.

Josh realized that his and Nick's relationship might raise some eyebrows and possibly

cause Daniel some grief. But Danny assured Josh he was happy with both him and Nick; Andrew
was the only one at school who ever said anything to him about it.

They were lucky to live in a more alternative lifestyle friendly town like Charlestown, but

there would always be bigots and hate-filled people who were never going to approve of the life
they led. Hell, even as an Emergency Room nurse, he still dealt with prejudices of being a male
RN every day. He had heard all of the jokes and the snickers behind his back, but Josh had
learned to hold his head high, and he was determined that between the love and support that both
he and Nick gave Daniel, his young nephew would learn to do that too.

He hoped.
He heard the bathroom door open and through the mirror's reflection saw Nick stand

behind him. His looked at Nick's smiling face and appreciative glance and gave him one of his

"Hello, Green Eyes."
Between Nick's deep, sultry voice and the mischievous twinkle in his indigo colored eyes,

his heart fluttered with happiness.

Damn he really loved this man.
The warm press of Nick's strong body against his back made Josh smile. He felt the

hardness of Nick's erection pressed against his lower back and ass as Nick started rubbing his
body suggestively against him.

Josh moaned.
The feel of Nick's hard body and the heady scent of his clean, citrusy smell were going to

drive him crazy with need.

"Want you, Green Eyes," Nick whispered into Josh's ear. The warmth of his breath against

Josh's ear and neck brought chill bumps all over his body. Nick hummed a little, and pressed his
moist lips against Josh's neck in a barely there kiss, right before he grabbed the back of Josh's hair
and gently pulled his head back and began to run his tongue down the side of his neck.

"Want you, too. God, baby, you drive me crazy sometimes," he panted.
At Josh's words, Nick's mouth latched onto the side of his neck and he started sucking, not

hard enough to leave a mark, but with enough pressure that Josh's cock filled in anticipation.

Nick's warm, soft hand traveled down his side and then glided over up to his nipple,

tweaking it. Needing more, Josh put his hand over Nick's wayward one and guided it down his
stomach and through the elastic waistband of his flannels to his hard cock. As Nick was kissing
up Josh's neck to the side of his face, Josh turned his head slightly and their mouths met in a

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passionate kiss, their tongues tangling and exploring. Josh groaned from the taste, smell and feel
of his man against him.

Nick's hand grasped his cock and he rubbed the tip of his thumbnail across the slit. He

spread the sticky wetness of Josh's precum around the head and shaft. He then took a firmer hold
of it and started pumping his hand up and down the length, just the way Josh liked it.

Josh pulled his mouth from Nick's and nearly lost himself in Nick's passionate indigo

gaze. "I love you, baby."

Nick flashed him that boyish grin that Josh loved and gave his lips a quick, hard peck. "I

love you, too, Green Eyes. Let's go to bed before I fuck you into the bathroom counter."

Josh turned within Nick's embrace and slid his hands up Nick's t-shirt covered chest,

smiling wickedly at him. "Baby, you can fuck me any way you want."

Nick noticeably swallowed and growled at Josh's words. He let go of Josh's cock and slid

his hands around to Josh's ass, squeezing it lightly and lifting Josh off his feet. Nick's aggressive
actions startled Josh, but he quickly snapped out of it, and wrapped his legs around Nick's waist
and held on as Nick walked them out of the bathroom and to their bedroom.

Josh leaned up, nipping and sucking on Nick's neck. As soon as Nick laid him on the bed,

he pulled Nick's t-shirt from his jeans and pulled the soft material over his lover's head. Nick's
smooth chest beckoned for his touch and, unable to resist, he pulled Nick down on top of him.

"God, you're gorgeous," Nick breathed as his gleaming blue eyes roamed over Josh's face

and body appreciatively.

Upon hearing Nick's declaration, a feeling of happiness and love flowed through his body.

He couldn't stop the smile that formed on his lips as he ran his fingers through Nick's hair and
gazed up into his beloved's face.

Nick returned his smile and Josh was once again struck by Nick's boyish charm and

handsome face. At that moment, he knew he was the luckiest man alive to have found such an
amazing man.

"As much as I love looking into those green eyes, my dear Joshua, I've got something that

needs to be taken care of." Nick's adoring smile turned impish as he looked down to Josh's flannel
covered cock and slowly back up at him.

Josh groaned when Nick covered his nipple with his mouth and started sucking on the

tight bud. Nick's hot mouth made his cock even harder and when Nick's roaming hands were
easing the elastic waist of his pants over his aroused cock and down his hips, Josh lifted his lower
body up. He worked his pants off of his calves with his feet and, finally freed of their
confinement, he spread his legs apart and cradled Josh's body between them snugly.

Nick worked his way from one nipple to the other. He ran his hands down Josh's stomach

and once again grabbed Josh's cock and started pumping it within his firm grasp.

Josh ran his hands up and down Nick's silky smooth back and then pressed Nick's head

closer to his chest. That wickedly, wonderful mouth worked wonders on worshipping his nipples
and Josh heard himself pant heavily when Nick's mouth made his way down his chest to his
stomach. Nick flicked his tongue in and around his bellybutton before he gave the tip of his cock
a light, teasing lick.

Josh raised his head off of the pillow and looked down at his love. The erotic sight of Nick

holding the base of his prick and that pink tongue licking down the side of the shaft to his balls
just about made Josh come right then and there. Unable to watch any longer without losing
control, Josh's head fell heavily back onto his pillow. Nick's warm breath and the gentle tonguing
and sucking of his balls caused hot and slick precum to leak from his prick down to his groin.
Nick immediately spotted it, and licked it up.

"You taste so good, Green Eyes. You're so scrumptious, I'm going to have to feast some

more on you." Nick's rough, passionate voice and moist breath against his balls made Josh

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"That's right, Joshua. Your body is mine to taste, touch, and fuck all I want. Lift those legs

up to your chest, Green Eyes. I've got some more exploring to do."

Josh's heart beat with anticipation as he grabbed the backs of his thighs and pulled his legs

up to his chest, opening himself completely to his lover. He loved it when Nick got all growly and
demanding like this. Nick always seemed to instinctively know just what to say and do to turn
him on like no other before him.

Nick licked and nibbled down Josh's perineum down to his pink hole. He grazed the

entrance, teasing and sucking at it, making them both moan with intense pleasure. The feeling of
Nick's firm, hot tongue swirling around and into the opening of his anus made Josh's hips buck
with the anticipation of Nick making love to him.

A finger soon joined in worshiping, stretching and preparing him for Nick's thick cock.

Soon, one finger became two and Josh groaned at the welcoming burn of Nick opening him up.
He kissed back up to Josh's balls while he continued to gently stretch Josh's hole. He tongued
Josh's balls and covered them with his scorching mouth. He then hummed gently, and Josh bit his
bottom lip not to scream in ecstasy.

Josh reached down and grabbed the base of his cock firmly to keep from coming. As

much as he loved Nick's thorough exploration of his body, he wanted to come when Nick was
inside him.

"Please, baby… I can't wait much longer. I need you to fuck me now." He somehow

managed to say between pants.

Nick gently released his balls with an affectionate lick and sat up on his knees. Josh

watched Nick quickly unbutton his jeans and push them and his red boxer briefs over his hips and
off of his legs. Josh reached over to the nightstand, grabbed the small bottle of lube, and passed it
to Nick's outstretched hand.

Nick took the bottle from him and uncapped the lube. He squeezed a liberal amount onto

his long, artistic-looking fingers and started rubbing them.

Ever since their first time, Nick always warmed up the lube before putting it on Josh. To

Josh, it was just one more way that Nick showed him how much he loved and cared for him.

After the lube had warmed, Nick slid his fingers gently back into Josh's entrance and

began to move them in and out, scissoring and readying him further for Nick's cock.

Between the pleasurable stretching Nick was giving him, and the sight of his strong

athletic body, Josh knew there would be no way he could last much longer.

From the low light the lamp gave out, Nick's sweaty, golden body practically gleamed

with health and vitality. His strong swimmer's build and washboard abs only enhanced the beauty
of Nick himself. His tousled, sun-streaked hair flopped over one indigo eye, giving him a rakish
look. His cheeks, neck and chest were flushed with arousal and he panted as he gently removed
his fingers from Josh's entrance and then coated his cock with another healthy amount of lube.

"Are you ready for me, Joshua?" He grinned with full kiss swollen lips.
"Yes… please."
Nick lined his cock up to his entrance and eased Josh's legs over his strong shoulders. Josh

could feel the tip of Nick's cock gently push in. He relaxed and thrust up against it, soon fully
enveloping Nick's prick.

Josh looked up into Nick's passion-filled face as Nick started to slowly move within him.

Nick reached between them and took a firm hold of Josh's prick and started pumping his cock in
tandem with the movement of their bodies. As Nick slightly changed the angle of his cock it
moved over Josh’s sweet spot with every thrust. A wave of pleasure went through his body as
Nick continued to pound in him, being them both closer to ecstasy.

His whole body shook as his orgasm quickly approached. Nick shouted as his hips moved

faster and with a final hard thrust, Nick came deep inside him. Seeing Nick orgasm brought on his

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own and hot, sticky semen shot out of the tip of his cock and all over their chests and up to his

Nick eyes widened at the sight, and groaned before he leaned down and licked Josh's

semen from his chin.

"I love you." Josh knew he would never get tired of saying those three wonderful words.
Nick's gorgeous blue eyes lit up as he smiled lovingly down at him. "I love you, too."

Chapter Five

The bright sunlight from the bedroom window fell across his face and slowly woke him

from a pleasant slumber. Josh opened his eyes, groggily looking to the empty place next to him
on the bed and grinned. His lover would probably be found in the living room with Daniel,
watching cartoons with him.

The faint aroma of coffee brewing invaded his senses, as he eased out of the warmth of

their bed. He slipped on his flannel pants and a faded green t-shirt and stumbled over to the
bathroom to take care of his early morning necessities.

Shortly after he finished washing his face and brushing his teeth, he made his way into the

living room and was greeted by his two favorite people sitting on the couch watching television

Just like he knew they would be doing.
Josh stood there a few moments and took in the wonderful feeling of belonging in a close-

knit family. He hoped that really soon he'd even be able to make their makeshift family even
more permanent.

Daniel looked adorable with his red hair sticking up in comical angles all over his head.

His Batman pajamas fit comfortably on his slim form. He held a small, plastic glass that had all of
the superheroes plastered over it in his small hand. His loveable nephew took a healthy drink of
milk, and then laughed at one of the cartoon characters' outrageous antics.

Nick's deep laugh soon joined Daniel's and this brought a smile to his face. Their

combined sounds of joy would always be one of his favorite sounds. Their laughter and happiness
was always like a healing balm to Josh's heart.

Nick sat beside Daniel and took a sip of his orange juice out of another of Daniel's

superheroes cups. Josh knew it tickled Daniel that Nick would drink from one of Daniel's favorite

His eyes roamed over his lover's form. His sun-streaked hair looked slightly damp from an

early morning shower. His white t-shirt fit loosely over his firm chest and body. He wore his
favorite pair of red pajama pants that Josh and Daniel had given him for Christmas last year and
his feet were covered in black slippers.

Nick looked good enough to eat, but then again to Josh, he always did.
Fred looked up from his place at Daniel's feet and barked happily at Josh, breaking the

spell. Both Daniel and Nick turned and looked at him with twin welcoming grins on their faces.

"Uncle Josh! Nick and me were talking about maybe having a barbeque at the park today.

What do ya think? Can we?" Daniel set his glass on the coaster on the coffee table, and leaped
over the back of the couch to stand in front of Josh. His freckled cheeks were flushed with
excitement and on his upper lip was a big milk mustache.

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Even though he knew he should probably scold Daniel for jumping over the back of the

couch, he couldn't find the heart to do it. Daniel practically bounced with excitement and Josh
couldn't help but laugh at his nephew's enthusiasm, and his adorable milk mustache.

"That sounds like a great idea. We'll go this afternoon, okay?"
"Yay! I'm going to go get dressed now. Can we take my kickball and Frisbee with us too?"
Josh grinned down into Daniel's pleading face and ruffled the top of his carrot top head.

"Of course. Don't forget to make your bed before we go, okay?"

Daniel whooped delightedly and ran toward his bedroom with Fred running right behind


Josh looked over and saw Nick grinning over at him.
"I noticed you didn't say anything to him about jumping over the back of the couch. I

wonder where he got such behavior…" Nick mused.

"I have no idea where he got that from." Josh shrugged nonchalantly. He took two steps

and leaped over the back of the couch and landed heavily on the seat beside Nick.

"Yeah, no idea at all," Nick laughed and leaned over and planted a quick peck on his lips.
Josh batted his eyes and gave Nick his most innocent smile.

* * * *

After eating, finishing chores, and hitting the grocery store, they parked at Charlestown

Park. They settled in a small pavilion with its own built in barbeque grill, that was close to the

Nick spread the plastic, red checked tablecloth over the medium-sized picnic table and

started unloading some of their supplies onto it to keep the wind from blowing it away. He
grabbed the small radio they packed and turned it onto his favorite nineties rock station and
started singing along to a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers.

"Hey baby? Did we bring Daniel's Frisbee?"
"It's in the very back of the Explorer. Will you grab his kickball too, while you're at it?"
Josh nodded and he and Danny ran to the back of the SUV to get the toys. Soon they were

all in the middle of tossing the Frisbee back and forth to one another. Of course, like many eight
year old boys, Danny soon got bored and started playing with one of his classmates he spotted at
the playground.

After yesterday's drama, everything began to feel like it was going back to normal, and

Nick was glad. He hoped there weren't going to be many days like they had yesterday.

The bench creaked a little as Josh sat beside him. Both men watched Daniel squeal with

laughter as he chased his friend across the playground.

"He seems okay, doesn't he?" Josh asked as he handed him a diet Sprite.
Nick took the soda from him and looked at Josh and gave him his best reassuring smile

and nodded. "He does. Let's hope that yesterday's incident isn't something that he'll have to
continue to face. We'll have to keep watching out for him and be even more pro-active in his
school activities."

Josh looked over and watched Danny slide down the slide. "You're right. I'm going to start

questioning the teachers and Daniel more when he comes home. I don't want to see him go
through anything like that again."

"But he's going to Josh. You know that, don't you? There is always going to be someone

who doesn't like him, or doesn't like the way we live. All we can do is support him and to try to

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be there for him as much as we can through tough times. But Danny's resilient. He's experienced
so much loss in his short life, and he's adapted very well."

Josh looked at him and nodded. "Realistically I know that. I wish there was some way we

could save him from all of the grief and drama he's going to experience growing up among his
peers, and you're right, Daniel can be a very strong-willed child. We'll work through it and all
come out stronger in the end because of it."

Nick knew that Josh was right, but it still sucked that Danny would be facing shit like that

in his future. He reached over and grabbed Josh's hand. A pensive look crossed Josh's face and he
looked like there was something weighing heavily on his mind.

"What's going on, Green Eyes?"
Josh sighed and gave him a nervous smile. "There's something I've wanted to talk to you


Nick fought the urge to panic. Josh was normally so upfront about everything; he knew

that whatever he had planned on saying would be serious.

"You know you can talk to me about anything," he said giving Josh his undivided


Josh grabbed Nick's diet Sprite from him and took a long swallow. The hand holding the

soda shook slightly and he looked nervous. Nick mentally braced himself.

Josh put the can down and grabbed Nick's left hand with his own. Their matching gold

rings glistened together in the sunlight.

"I know we've talked about having a commitment ceremony. I also know that we've put it

off because we've been hoping that Arkansas will pass a law that allows us to marry." Josh
entwined their fingers tightly together. "Honestly, I'm tired of waiting, Nick. I don't need some
lawmaker to tell me it's okay to be committed to the man I love. Maybe if it was just us I wouldn't
mind waiting, but it's not. We have Daniel to think of, too."

Nick reached his right hand up and cupped Josh's face. "What are you trying to say,


Josh leaned his cheek against Nick's hand and gave him a hopeful smile. "I think we

should have a commitment ceremony, Nick. I want everyone to know that we're officially
together and a family."

Nick's heart beat faster in his chest. "You want to have a commitment ceremony soon?"

He couldn't believe that this was happening now. He knew that they had discussed it several
times, but Nick had always thought it would be something that would happen in the distant future.

"I do. I think it's time, Nick. I also talked to my lawyer about getting papers prepared to

make you a Daniel's guardian. You're just as much of a father to him as I am, and it eases my
mind to know if anything ever happened to me, you would be the one to take care of our boy."

Nick was stunned. They had never really talked about what would become of Danny

should something ever happen to Josh. Nick had hoped that Danny would always be with him,
but he'd assumed Josh's parents in Florida would end up acting as guardians.

Tears welled up in Nick's eyes and he gave him a watery smile. "I love you, Josh. The

trust you have in me humbles me. You and Danny are my whole life… my heart. It would be my
honor to commit myself to you and be Danny's guardian."

Josh whooped loudly and pulled Nick to him and pressed his lips against Nick's in a quick,

sweet kiss. Josh pulled back and cupped Nick's face with his warm, shaking hands. "We're going
to have a very happy life together, baby. Let's make plans to get commitment ceremony this
summer, okay? We'll invite our close friends and family and make it official."

Nick grinned and nodded.
"Uncle Josh… Nick… what's going on? Is everything okay?"

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They both looked into the questioning green eyes of their Danny boy. Josh released Nick

and reached for Danny's hand. Nick reached out and took his other one. His small hand was
sweaty and dirty from the playground and the most precious thing that Nick had ever held.

Their Danny's hand.
His soon to be adopted son.
"Daniel, you know that Nick and I have always planned on having a commitment

ceremony, right?"

Danny nodded and squeezed Nick's hand. His dirt-streaked face wore a hopeful expression

and he looked back and forth between them.

He wants this as much as we do.
"Nick and I have been talking and we're going to start planning it for this summer. What

do you think about that?" Josh asked.

A huge smile formed over Danny's face. "I think it would be cool! Can I help plan it?

Please?" He looked at both of them beseechingly as he jumped up and down with excitement.

"Absolutely! We wouldn't have it any other way, would we Nick?"
"That's right." Nick grinned as he fought the urge to jump up and down himself.
"Yay! Can we have a big cake and have orderderves to eat?" Danny asked.
Nick bit his lip to keep from laughing at Danny's saying orderderves instead of hors

d'oeuvres. Evidently, Josh struggled with keeping a straight face, too. He coughed and hid his
grin behind his hand.

"We sure can! We'll order the biggest cake you've ever seen and we'll have plenty of hors

d'oeuvres, too." Nick was pretty proud that he said it with a straight face.

"I can't wait! I once saw this movie and they had little hotdogs in rolls as an orderderves,

and I always wanted to have one," Danny said excitedly. His face lit up with happiness.

Nick couldn't contain his laughter any longer. Danny's happiness and his hope for pigs-in-

a-blanket as a main appetizer at the wedding were really cracking him up.

"There's one more thing I want to talk about with you Daniel." Josh's quiet, serious voice

simmered down both his and Danny's laughter.

Nick held his breath. What would Danny think of him becoming his guardian?
"We want Nick to be your guardian, too, but we want to talk to you about it first. If

something should ever happen to me, you and Nick would be able stay together as a family and
never have to be separated," Josh said as he gave both of their hands a reassuring squeeze.

Danny cocked his head to the side and looked at them with a thoughtful look on his face.

"We are a family. I already knew that. Is it time to make the hamburgers yet?"

The weight of the world lifted off of Nick's shoulders. He looked at Josh and his lover's

smiling face and his heart fluttered with a joy. It always amazed Nick how perceptive children
could be. In Danny's heart, they were already a family, so to him everything else was just a

Just as it should be.

Chapter Six

Daniel excitedly squirmed in his seat as he waited for the final bell to ring.
The last week of school had been great because mean Andrew wasn't there and his Uncle

Josh and soon to be Uncle Nick were going to finally get married. When he had made his
Christmas wish to God a year and a half ago, he had never dreamed that he would ever be this
happy again. He missed his mom and dad, and thought about them every day, but he knew they

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were happy in heaven with God. Now Mom and Dad would be even happier that Daniel finally,
officially got the family he had prayed for with his Uncle Josh and Uncle Nick.

Since Nick had come into their lives, Daniel's life had been so much better. Thank

goodness now that the grown-ups had finally decided to get married, they would truly be the
family that he always dreamed of. He didn't have to worry that they would be split up somehow
and not be together forever.

Just like God and his parents wanted it to be.
He couldn't keep his legs from jumping under his desk from excitement. He only had a

couple of minutes left of this school year, and both Uncle Josh and Uncle Nick were going to pick
him up. They were going to go look at some wedding cakes for the wedding this summer and
Daniel couldn't wait. He heard Mr Thompson's kind voice tell everyone to have a safe and happy
summer, when the bell finally rang.

Mr. Thompson excused the class and Daniel grabbed his Toy Story backpack and hustled

out of the door with his other classmates. He waved goodbye to some of them, but he didn't want
to stop and talk. He had a cake to pick out and he couldn't wait to get there.

He ran down the front steps of the school and immediately spotted Uncle Josh's black

Explorer. Uncle Nick grinned and waved at him from the passenger's side window, and Daniel
waved back and ran as fast as he could over to them.

He quickly got to the SUV, opened the back door and hopped in.
"Danny! How was your last day of school?" Uncle Nick turned around in his seat and

patted him on the leg.

"It was awesome! We turned in all of our books, played a lot of games outside and got our

report cards." Daniel reached into his backpack and handed his report card over to Uncle Nick
and then hastily fastened his seatbelt.

Why weren't they moving yet? He needed to get to the yummy cake store. NOW!
"Wow, Danny! Congratulations! You made straight A's! Now that is what I call

awesome!" Nick turned around in his seat and gave Daniel a high five.

"Thanks! How much longer before we get to the yummy place?" Daniel asked. He was

proud of himself for getting good grades on his report card, but right now it was more important
to pick out cakes than to talk about grades.

For some strange reason, Uncle Josh laughed and finally drove the SUV out of the school

parking lot. "I'm proud of you, Daniel. You've worked hard this year and it shows. We're
definitely going to have to get that pool you've been wanting this year after we pick out the cake."

The day just couldn't get any better. Daniel whooped and clapped his hands excitedly.

They were picking out the cake and getting the pool today? This was turning out to be the best
day ever!

They all talked excitedly to each other until they pulled up into the building where the

yummy cake place was. As soon as the Explorer came to a stop, Daniel quickly unfastened his
seatbelt and practically ran toward the store with colorful rainbow covered flags in the entryway.
The delicious smell of baked goods made Daniel's mouth water.

He and Uncle Josh came here a lot on Saturday mornings to pick up donuts and

sometimes other desserts. Daniel really liked the owner, Shiloh and his partner Allen. Both men
were always really nice and Shiloh always gave him a cup of Hawaiian Punch, which Daniel
loved, every time they went there.

Daniel opened the glass door and heard the tinkling of the bell above it. He loved that

sound. It always made him feel good to be here.

"Daniel! You're here! Did you leave Josh and Nick at home?" Shiloh teased from behind

the counter. As usual the short man was dressed in a dark purple shirt and a brightly colored
apron that always looked like it was covered with flour.

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The owner, Shiloh, was pretty for a man. Daniel thought his shoulder length dark hair

looked cool and his yellow colored eyes were creepy looking in a really neat way. He always
enjoyed being around him, even if he was more bouncy than any girl Daniel had ever met.

"Hi, Shiloh! How's it going? We're here to look at wedding cakes," Daniel announced

proudly as he walked over to the glass counter and looked at all of the delicious looking
cinnamon buns and colorful cupcakes displayed there.

"I know! We're going to have so much fun picking out the perfect cake, Daniel. How

about some Hawaiian Punch while all of you pick out the one that will be perfect for the
wedding?" Shiloh winked at him and waved at uncles as they walked into the building and stood
behind him.

"That would be awesome…thanks!"
Shiloh gave him his fruit drink and his uncles the water they had requested. Daniel would

never understand why anyone would pick water to drink over Hawaiian Punch, but adults could
be weird sometimes.

Then the small colorful man led them into another room. They all sat at a large round table

and Shiloh gave them huge books to look through. Daniel couldn't believe all the different
designs and sizes the cakes could look like.

As they continued to look through the books, Allen came in with a cart filled with small

pieces of different types and flavors they had to choose from. Daniel loved every one of them, but
the pink strawberry one with the cream filled icing was his favorite.

He noticed that his uncles liked the chocolate one best and he tried to smile, a little

disappointed. It was true that the chocolate one was delicious, but the strawberry one tasted
yummier. He had really hoped that would be the one they were going to choose.

Uncle Josh looked over at him and placed his hand on his shoulder and gave it a light

squeeze. "Which flavors do you like best, Daniel? Nick and I like the chocolate, but it's important
to us that we all agree on it."

Daniel looked up from the pink crumbs on the plate where the piece of cake once sat, and

noticed that all of the adults were looking at him like his opinion mattered, and that made him feel

"I liked the chocolate, but the strawberry one is my favorite."
His uncles looked at each other and back at him.
"Well… the strawberry cake is delicious," Uncle Josh said and winked at Uncle Nick.
Nick grinned and looked over at him and nodded. "I think you're right, Danny boy. The

wedding cake should be strawberry, and we could have the chocolate as an extra one."

A huge smile formed on his face and he took a sip of his fruit drink. Daniel loved that the

adults in his life listened to him. They didn't always agree with him, but they always gave him an
opportunity to talk. This made Daniel feel special.

After looking through many pictures, they all three settled on a beautiful three-tiered

wedding cake. Daniel knew it would be perfect for the wedding.

"Now that y'all have picked out the perfect cake for your wedding…what day will the

happy occasion be?" Shiloh asked as he scribbled down information on pink colored paper.

His uncles looked at each other and then back at Shiloh.
"I think it should be the weekend of Father's Day," Daniel quietly stated.
"Why is that, honey?" Shiloh asked with a sweet smile on his pretty face.
Daniel looked over at the two men that he loved more than anything else in the world. "It

should be Father's Day weekend because not only am I getting two dads this Father's Day, we're
finally going to be a real family forever."

Both of his uncles smiled at him through tear-streaked eyes. Daniel quickly hopped out of

his chair and walked over and stood in between the both of them, and he was soon caught up in a
tight, three way hug that made him feel loved, safe, and secure.

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"June eighteenth it is." e Shiloh sniffled.
He pulled away and looked into the loving eyes of his Uncles' and smiled happily. He

loved the way they made him feel. They loved him and his opinion mattered to both of them. He
knew he was a lucky boy.

Daniel couldn't wait until June eighteenth.

Chapter Seven

Nick eagerly looked for the perfect outfit to wear. He had a hot date with Josh tonight, and

he wanted to look his best. Danny had asked to spend the night with a friend, and the men had the
night alone. Although he and Josh loved being around Danny, it was nice to have a night to
themselves once in a while, too. They planned on having a nice supper in Fort Smith, maybe take
in a movie that wasn't a cartoon for once, and a night at their house alone without young eyes and
ears monitoring their every move.

After some deliberation, he decided on a snug navy T-shirt and his tightest dark jeans. The

shirt was one of Josh's favorites because he said they brought out the blue of his eyes, so he
figured he'd stick with what he knew Josh would like.

He got dressed and took one last glance at himself in the mirror. With his hair perfectly

tousled, and the five-o'clock shadow on his cheeks against his tanned face gave him that rugged,
thrown together look that he knew would please his lover.

He walked into the living room and waited for Josh to return from dropping off Danny at

his friend's house. He picked up the Sports Illustrated magazine that he had discarded earlier on
the coffee table and thumbed through it, his mind wandering over the past month.

He couldn't believe how fast time went by these past few weeks. They had been working

hard to get everything ready for their commitment ceremony. It had been an easy decision to have
it at Charlestown Park; it was the rest of the planning that had been a challenge. Between multiple
visits to the florist, Yummy Indulgences and trying to get all of the decorating and catering
ordered, it had really been hard work to get everything done in time. Now their wedding was only
a week away, and all three of them were buzzing with excitement.

Nick loved that Danny wanted to be involved in every decision. It made both of them

proud and happy that Danny was just as excited about it as they were, and that young boy really
did feel like they were a family. Josh's lawyer had the paperwork completed that would finally
make Nick Danny's guardian. Since both of them wanted Danny to be included as much as
possible in the ceremony, it had been decided that after the two of them exchanged their vows, all
three would sign the paper. Making a final commitment to live the rest of their lives together as a

Even though Josh's parents had offered to watch Danny while they took their honeymoon,

it didn't feel right to be separated from Danny so soon. They decided to rent a two bedroom condo
on the beach and take Danny to Disney World and Universal Studios instead. The condo was only
about an hour away from both amusement parks, and if they really wanted to have a night to
themselves, Josh's parents lived pretty close to Orlando, too.

He doubted they would need a lot of time alone. They loved having the young boy around

and were used to him being under foot most of the time. Josh and Nick knew that, before they
would be ready, Danny would be all grown up and have a life of his own. They would have
plenty of time to be alone, and until then, they wanted to enjoy every moment they had together
as a family.

Fred jumped up on the couch put his head on Nick's lap and whined.

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Nick scratched behind the basset hound's ears and sighed. "I know you miss him boy.

He'll be home tomorrow night."

Nick grabbed Fred's favorite squeaky toy and threw it across the room. Fred immediately

ran after it and scurried off into the kitchen instead of bringing it back to Nick to play catch.

Nick laughed. Fred never did like sharing his toys.
He heard the front door open and close.
His lover was finally home.
Josh leaped over the back of the couch and landed right against Nick and gave him a

playful grin. "Hello, baby, where have you been all of my life?" He asked and waggled his
eyebrows flirtatiously at him.

Nick laughed.
Someone was in a good mood and he loved it.
"Why, I've been sitting here waiting for you, Green-Eyes." Nick leaned over and pressed

his lips against Josh's and gave him a soft kiss.

"Damn, I'm a lucky man." Josh's light green eyes sparkled as they slowly looked his body

up and down.

Nick laughed and pulled Josh into a bear hug. "I'm the lucky one."
"We both are."
Josh pulled away and lightly traced Nick's lips with the tips of his fingers. "There's

something I want to show you before we go eat."

Between Josh's gentle touch and his suggestive words, Nick could feel his prick start

pressing against the zipper of his tight jeans. Deciding to take Josh up on his offer, Nick grabbed
Josh's wrist and slid Josh's index and middle finger into his mouth and started sucking them. He
bobbed his head up and down the length of them, as if he was sucking on Josh's hard, tasty cock.

Josh moaned. "If you keep that up, you won't get to see your surprise."
Surprise? What surprise?
Nick released Josh's fingers with a quiet 'pop'. "What are you talking about?"
"Come with me and I'll show you," Josh said. He gave Nick mischievous look, stood up

and offered his hand out to Nick for him to take.

He allowed Josh to lead him out of the house and into Josh's Explorer. Josh opened Nick's

door and got him settled into the SUV. He closed the door and jogged around to the driver's side
and hopped in.

"What are you up too, Mr Thomas?" Nick asked.
Josh just winked at him and started the vehicle. They were silent as they drove out of their

neighborhood and into town. Nick reached over and grabbed Josh's hand. Josh gave it a
reassuring squeeze, looked at him and smiled mischievously at him.

Nick's stomach fluttered with anticipation as they drove past the courthouse to the large

building where old Dr. Baker practiced before he retired last fall. They pulled into the small
parking lot and parked directly in front of it.

Josh turned off the ignition and turned to face him.
"I know it's been your dream to work with children. You’ve put your own ambitions aside

so you can take care of both Daniel and I. You will never know how much I appreciate the
sacrifices you've made to make our lives easier and content. I talked it over with Daniel, and we
both feel it's time for you to start working to achieve your own goals, too. I love you. We love you
and we both thought this would be a great place to start your own daycare."

Listening to Josh's words stunned Nick. Josh's smiling face and hopeful expression meant

he was serious, but Nick didn't know how Josh's suggestion would ever work.

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"Josh, how in the world am I ever going to afford this right now? I have a little money

saved, but not enough to start a business. I also don't want to neglect the time I have with you and
Danny. I just don't know how it can be done."

An overwhelming feeling of helplessness washed over Nick. Before he met Josh and

Daniel, he had worked at a daycare for years and loved it until it closed down. He had hoped to
open his own one day, but he didn't have enough money saved to do it. He also didn't want to
sacrifice his family time because of it. He loved taking care of Josh and Danny. It seemed selfish
to mix everything up so soon after making a commitment together.

Josh shook his head and grinned. "Don't worry about the money, Nick. I've been putting

money into savings ever since I started nursing over ten years ago. I have plenty of money saved
to make a down payment on this building and to get the business started."

Nick shook his head. "No, Josh. I don't want you to spend your life savings on me. That's

not fair to you or Danny."

Josh reached out and gently put his hands on either side of Nick's face. His warm hands

were comforting against Nick's cold skin. "Baby, listen to me. For one thing, it's not my money…
it's our money to spend. I think it's going to be a great investment for our family. Plus, I thought
we could turn it into a family business, too."

Nick's brain was still reeling from the 'my money, our money' statement so he almost didn't

hear the last few words of Josh's explanation.

"Family business? What do you mean?"
Josh leaned up and pressed their foreheads together and spoke softly against Nick's lips.
"I thought that we might run this together. The daycare could use a RN on staff and with

both our ideas and hard work, we could make this daycare everything you've always dreamed of
and more."

Josh's warm, cinnamon smelling breath and the hopeful words he spoke washed over Nick

like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Tears of joy slowly slid down Nick's cheeks. Josh kissed
away his tears. "Say yes, baby," he whispered beseechingly against Nick's wet cheek, and then
kissed another tear away.

"Yes, baby," Nick grinned through happy tears.
Josh chuckled and pulled Nick into a bear hug. They held each other for several long

moments before they pulled away.

"Are you sure about this, Josh? You really want to leave the job that you love for me?"
Josh nodded. "I've been thinking about this for a long time, Nick. My long hours at the

hospital take too much time away from my family. I think this would be a great way for us to be
able to work together as a team and still have plenty of time to spend with each other and our

"I love you, Josh. Thank you." He gave Josh a watery grin.
"I love you, too. Now let me show you our daycare." Josh gave him a light kiss on the

lips. "Last one to the front door gets to give Fred a bath before the wedding." Josh hopped out of
the SUV and dashed to the front door in record time.

Nick just laughed at his lover's antics and slowly followed behind him.

Chapter Eight

After they explored the building and made a list of different ideas and things they thought

it was going to need, both men decided to forgo going out for a dinner and movie. They picked up

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some thick T-bone steaks from their local butcher, rented an action movie from the local video
store and headed home to have a nice, relaxing night together.

They were greeted by a happy and wiggly barking Fred at the front door. They gave him

plenty of attention before Nick started the grill and Josh worked on the salad and baked potatoes.
He popped them into the microwave, went to the refrigerator, and grabbed a couple of beers then
walked out onto the back porch to join his lover.

Nick stood at the edge of the porch, against the railing and looked out into their backyard.

Between the birds chirping and the gentle breeze in the air, it really had turned out to be a
beautiful day.

Josh stepped out onto the back porch and watched his lover silently for a few moments.

Josh was happy at how everything turned out. He had been thinking of approaching Nick with his
idea for months, but he never knew how to broach the subject with his stubborn lover. He knew
Nick would initially balk at the idea of spending Josh's life savings for his dream, but Josh didn't
look at it that way. If the money he had saved could help them build a solid business and
foundation together, then it was money well spent. Besides, thinking about spending every day
together, and more time with Daniel, made the idea even more appealing.

Yes, it was a risk; with today’s economy one really never knew. But, Josh was confident

that it would be a successful venture for them. Granted, even though many of the townspeople of
Charlestown were quite liberal, he knew that there would be some parents who would not approve
of leaving their child in a daycare run by an openly gay couple. But, there would be others for
whom it wouldn’t be an issue.

He walked up behind Nick and handed him a beer. Standing there, Josh set his beer on the

porch railing, wrapped his arms around Nick and pressed his body close. Nick placed his free
hand on top of Josh's arms and leaned heavily back into his arms. They stood like that quietly,
and took in the colorful foliage and sounds coming from the birds in the backyard.

Josh heard Nick take a deep breath and his deep baritone voice barely rose above the

sounds of nature around them.

"I was just standing here thinking about how much my life has changed since I met you

and Danny. I never knew how empty my life was until I met the two of you. I love you both so
much, Josh. Thank you for making my life complete."

Josh pressed his eyes closed and took a deep breath, inhaling his lover's clean citrusy

smell. He loved the comforting way Nick's body fit perfectly against his own. "I feel the same
way, Nick. You know that, don't you?"

Nick gently disengaged from Josh's embrace and turned around to face him. His indigo

eyes shone with sincerity and love. "I do. We're going to be very happy, aren't we?"

"Damn right."
Nick laughed and the thoughtful mood was broken. "Come on Green-Eyes, let's check on

the fire."

While Nick checked the coals, they heard a happy bark coming from next door. Josh

looked over and saw his next door neighbor's German Shepherd, Shep, running along the fence
and barking playfully at Fred.

Shep was a friendly dog and both Daniel and Fred loved to play with him.
"Shep! Come here boy!" The masculine voice of his neighbor called over the excited


"I'll be right back," Josh said as he walked down the steps of the porch and over to the

fence to talk to his next door neighbor.

Jackson Edwards was a quiet man. He and his partner, Ben, had lived next door to Josh for

years. Josh remembered the many barbeques they used to throw and they were always surrounded
by family and friends, but ever since Ben's death several years ago, Jackson's once outgoing and
fun personality changed, and now he was always seemed sad and alone.

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"Hi, Jackson. How've you been?" Josh offered his hand to the handsome man.
Josh was rewarded by one of Jackson's rare smiles. "Good, Josh. It's been a while, huh?"
Jackson pushed his long brown hair off of his face and shook his hand. He had dimples on

both cheeks that make him look younger than his thirty-something years and his dark green eyes
sparkled with amusement.

"Sorry about Shep. He still thinks he's a pup." Jackson gave him a wink and released his


"No problem. You know we adore Shep. If Daniel was around, he'd be begging for Shep

to come over and play with him and Fred." Josh laughed.

Jackson nodded. "Where is Daniel?"
"He's spending the night with a friend tonight. Nick and I actually have the house to


"That's nice for all of you."
"It is. Did you get the invitation in the mail? We're having our commitment ceremony next

week and Nick and I both hope you'll be there." He reached over the fence and patted the top of
Shep's head.

"I did. I'll be there, Josh. I'm thrilled for the both of you." A wistful look fell over

Jackson's face.

"Thanks, Jackson."
"Well, Shep and I have an appointment with a pot roast and a good book. I'll see you next

week. Congratulations, Josh. I hope you have many happy years together." Jackson gave him a
small smile and wink and turned away to walk toward his house.

Josh watched Jackson and Shep walk into their house and was saddened for the man. He

wished Jackson would snap out of his solitary shell and rejoin the living.

Maybe someday he would.
"Josh! Supper is ready."
Josh turned around and walked toward his smiling lover and thanked God for the life they

had together.

* * * *

After they ate a delicious supper, Josh and Nick settled down to watch the action movie

they had picked out. Both men had changed into their favorite pajama pants and were sharing a
bowl of popcorn between them.

"Vin Diesel is a badass," Nick said as he grabbed another handful of popcorn.
"No shit. I think Paul Walker is pretty hot, too."
Nick looked at him and raised his eyebrow. "I didn't say Vin Diesel is hot. I said he's a


"I know what you said."
Nick growled and threw a piece of popcorn at him. "Well… Vin Diesel is hot."
Josh laughed. "You know you kind of look like him."
"Paul Walker. Especially when he was younger and he sported that sexy beach boy look.

You look like a combination between Chase Crawford and Paul Walker, just better looking and a
lot sexier."

Nick gave him a heated look. "You think I'm sexier than both of them?"
"Hell yeah. Much."

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"Oh, Mr Thomas, you are so getting laid after that comment." Nick removed the bowl of

popcorn off of Josh's lap and set it on the coffee table. He grabbed Josh's hand and pulled him off
of the couch and led him to their bedroom.

They stopped at the edge of the bed and Nick pulled Josh to him and pressed their lips

together. Josh slid his tongue into Nick's warm, wet mouth. Their tongues and lips explored each
other's passionately as they pulled at their clothes. They disengaged only long enough to remove
their t-shirts and resumed their heated kissing. Josh lay back on the bed and pulled Nick on top of

They ground their bodies against each other and a warm hand ran down Josh's hip and

below it. Nick cupped his hand on Josh's buttock and lifted slightly, so their hard cocks started
rubbing together with delicious friction.

The vibration of Nick's moan against his mouth made him answer with one of his own. He

could feel the sticky, warmth of their precum as their cocks moved in tandem.

Josh pulled away from Nick's mouth and latched onto Nick's neck and sucked. "Slide up

here, baby. I need to taste you."

Nick pulled away and looked down at him. His face was flushed with passion and his blue

eyes blazed brightly down at Josh. He gave a slight nod and sat up on his hands and knees. Nick
worked his way up Josh's body until he held onto the headboard and then that gorgeous, hard
cock was mere inches from Josh's mouth.

Josh reached up and took a firm grasp of Nick's cock and gave it a couple of strong

pumps. Nick moaned when he reached down with his other hand and cupped his balls and gave
them a light squeeze.

"Please, Josh… don't tease." Nick panted from above.
Josh lifted his head up and licked the tip of it. It was hot and slick and had a clean and

slightly salty taste. Wanting more, Josh opened his mouth and slid it around Nick’s cock and gave
one strong suck. He pulled back far enough for it to almost fall out of his mouth. He wrapped his
free hand around the base and started moving his mouth slowly back and forth as he sucked and
teased the underside with his tongue.

"Oh yeah… take it Green Eyes… take it all in." Nick's deep voice panted from above.
Josh worked Nick's cock deeper into his mouth and worked his mouth and his hand in

sync, harder and faster. Nick moaned loudly and moved his hips in motion with Josh's hand and
mouth. Soon, Nick took control of the movement as he began to actively fuck Josh's mouth.

"So go-od… I'm cooooming." Nick stuttered and then gave a loud groan.
Semen spurted out of Nick's cock to the back of Josh's mouth. Josh quickly swallowed

down Nick's salty essence and rubbed his hands softly down Nick's ass and thighs. He loved the
way Nick tasted. Hell, he loved everything about Nick.

Nick gently pulled away from Josh's mouth and his cock was released with a soft 'pop'. He

slid his backside down onto Josh's stomach and leaned down and gave him a kiss.

"Your turn, Green Eyes."
Josh reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of lube. Nick reached his

hand out, and Josh opened the top and poured a liberal amount on his fingers and started warming
it up. He lifted up and moved back to spread the warmed lube all over Josh's hard cock.

Nick's slick fingers worked their magic, coating Josh's prick. Nick started working his

hand up and down it with a firm, confident grasp that made Josh's toes curl. After a couple of
strokes, Nick would rub his thumb over to the tip of it, and tease the slit of it lightly with his

"I want to fuck you, Nick." Josh said as he grabbed Nick's hips and pulled his ass closer to

his cock.

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Nick rarely bottomed, and when he did, he didn't like a lot of prep. He seemed to like the

burn and being stretched by Josh's cock instead of fingers. Josh also knew that Nick would be still
be relaxed after his intense orgasm.

Nick straddled his hips and reached behind him. He had a firm hold of Josh's cock as he

aligned it to his entrance and slowly started lowering himself down onto it.

Nick's hot, tight body was like a welcome vise holding Josh's cock. He forced himself to

remain still as Nick slowly slid Josh’s cock into his entrance. Nick bit his bottom lip and a look
between ecstasy and pain crossed his handsome face, which along with his chest and neck were
flushed a light pink and damp with sweat.

Nick placed his hands on Josh's sweaty chest and he heard himself groan when Nick had

finally worked Josh’s cock all the way inside of him.

"Ride me, Nick."
Nick looked down at him with gleaming indigo eyes and gave him a wicked grin. He

began to slowly move his body up and down on Josh's shaft. Josh grabbed Nick's hips and started
moving his own, to match their rhythm as they started moving faster and harder together.

Nick changed his angle slightly, and Josh could tell by the slight widening of his eyes and

the way Nick's cock jutted out from his body, he was rubbing against Nick's sweet spot with
every thrust.

As sexy as Nick looked as Josh fucked him and as much as he wanted it to last forever,

Josh could tell by the tightening of his balls and nearly overwhelming urge to come, that he
wasn't going to last much longer.

"I'm about there, baby."
Nick nodded and started moving his body faster and with more purpose. Before he knew

it, Josh's body shook with ecstasy as he filled Nick's channel with his seed. He heard Nick groan
and semen shot out of Nick's cock between their bodies.

They were both sweaty and sticky, but Josh didn't care. He leaned up seeking a kiss. Nick

smiled and met him halfway. They caressed each other's mouths with gentle tongues and lips.
Josh eased himself out of Nick and pulled the younger man on top of him.

Nick gave Josh's shoulder a tender kiss before he lay his head on it. Josh wrapped his arms

around him and held Nick tightly against him.

After their heavy breathing got back to normal, Nick lifted his head off of Josh's shoulder

and grinned. "You know that movie would have been a lot better if Vin Diesel would have fucked
Paul Walker on top of that classic car, don't you think?"

Josh nodded and laughed.
Yeah, that would have been very hot indeed.


Daniel stood in the corner of the pavilion and watched the grooms straighten each other's

white bowties. They had chosen to all wear matching white tuxedos and were doing last minute
adjustments before they walked down the aisle.

In the distance, he heard the pretty music playing from the string quartet and watched

family and friends sitting in white fold out chairs, quietly talking among themselves. There were
multi-colored streamers and flowers everywhere making everything look bright and beautiful.

Daniel's chest pumped up with pride as he watched the two most important people in his

life give each other a quick kiss and then walk over to him with huge, happy smiles on their faces.

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"It's about that time, Danny. Are you ready to do this?" Nick put hand on his shoulder and

smiled down at him.

"Almost… I need to ask y'all something first." He worried his teeth with his bottom lip.
Both men gave each other a 'look' before they crouched down and looked at him eye level.

It meant a lot to Daniel that they realized there was something important that he needed to say,
and were both willing to listen to him when he knew they were excited to get on with the

"What is it, Daniel? Is everything alright?" Uncle Josh asked.
He looked worried and Daniel hated that, but there was something important that he

needed to ask.

"I'm okay… great really…" he began. He took a deep breath and crossed his fingers

behind his back. He hoped that they would be okay with what he wanted to do.

"I was wondering if it would be okay if I called y'all something besides 'uncle'. I talked it

over with God and he said it would be good if I called you both something different like pop or
dad. I miss momma and daddy, but now I think I have a real chance at having two dads, which
would be even more awesomer than having just two uncles."

Uncle Josh and Uncle Nick looked at each other and then back at him with smiling faces.

Uncle Josh's face became serious and he gently grabbed Daniel's upper arms. "Are you sure,
Daniel? I know you miss your Mom and Dad a lot. Neither one of us would ever ask you to do
anything you're not comfortable with doing."

Daniel smiled and nodded. "I know that, Dad. You and Poppa Nick are the best fathers I

could have ever asked for. I want to be more than just your nephew." He looked at Nick. "Or your
adopted nephew… I want to be called your son because both of you are the dads of my heart."

Both men smiled at him through tears and nodded.
"We'd be honored to call you son, Daniel. We both love you very much and will be very

proud for you to call us your fathers," dad said. He leaned down and gave Daniel a big hug and
soon they were joined by Poppa Nick in a three-way hug that made Daniel feel loved even more.

"Come on, son. Let's go do this." dad grinned and held out his right hand.
Daniel grabbed it and looked up at his Poppa Nick and held out his right hand for his other

dad to take. Poppa Nick winked at him and took his hand.

Daniel knew God and his parents were smiling down at them this very moment, and that

made him happy.

Together, hand in hand, they walked down the aisle and into their bright future together as

a family.

Just as it was meant to be.

The End.

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About the Author

Andi Anderson not only loves to write homoerotic romances, she's obsessed… er… a fan of

reading them, too!

When she's not writing about two gorgeous men who fall in love and find their Happily Ever

After, she's hanging out with her own Prince Charming, a menagerie of dogs and fish, spoiling

her beloved niece rotten and living a happy life of her own.

Andi loves hearing from her readers!

You can contact her at





Also by Andi Anderson

Available at Silver Publishing

The Sweet One


His Christmas Wish
Yummy Indulgences

Daniel's Dream

Available at All Romance Ebooks

Got Mistletoe?

A Realistic Romance

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Reviews for His Christmas Wish say:

"This is a nice sweet gentle tale of love...I'm very happy I was able to read this, even if it is after

Christmas already. It keeps the spirit of love, Christmas and hope alive."

—5 Kisses from Michele at Top2Bottom Reviews.


"This is definately on the sweeter side to read with fun characters that pulls at your heartstring

with how desperate they need each other but just could not take that next step to getting there.

The Christmas Wish is just the thing for a short break in your day, there is no big drama involved

and everything was simply and surround the relationship between these three. To be honest there
is nothing not to like about the story or the characters, this is a seasonal read and it hits the spot."

—Erotic Horizon: E.H. on Books and More


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