Ashton, Avril Make Me Burn

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Evernight Publishing

Copyright© 2012 Avril Ashton



Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Marie Medina


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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I have to thank:

The wonderful readers who waited oh-so-patiently while I took my
own sweet time with Wes and Jayce. I had to make it good for my

Marie Medina, who had me giggling like crazy during edits.

And Mr. A, who has since amended our Spousal Contract to include
mandatory mention in my dedications. In return I get cake!

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Bringing the Heat, 2

Avril Ashton

Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Wes raced after the paramedics, keeping his sights on the

gurney as they wheeled it into the emergency room. Strapped down,
coated in blood from her mouth to her chest, Ever didn’t move.

And Wes couldn’t breath. If she died…if she died…He pushed

the thought away as a nurse ran up to the medics.

“What do we have?”
The younger of the two men flanking Ever, dark-skinned with

a trim goatee and neat braids, spoke. “Knife wound to the throat, it’s
bleeding like a mother. Blood pressure dropping. Fast. ”

Wes covered his mouth with a trembling hand as the nurse

pointed to a curtained off room.

“In here. Now.”
The paramedics did as commanded, a bloodied Simon Dakin

right at their heels. The man refused to leave Ever alone, hopping into
the ambulance before anyone could say otherwise. Wes didn’t mind.
He didn’t think he could be strong enough to look at Ever as she lay
there so still and not fall apart.

Damn that fucking Angus. He refused to leave them alone,

refused to set Ever free. Thank God he’d been killed when Simon and
Jayce fired on him. Whose bullet hit where they didn’t yet know, but
Wes couldn’t care about that, not when Angus may have achieved his

Ending Ever’s life.
Numb, vision blurry, Wes paced as people hurried in and out

of Ever’s room. Simon hadn’t come out yet. He probably wouldn’t

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until Ever could as well. The man loved her, the intensity of it
palpable and out there for anyone to see. Though he might be mad at
Ever and Wes for deceiving him, Wes figured Simon wouldn’t hold it
against them if Ever pulled through.

“Please.” Wes sent up a quiet prayer for the same thing. Ever

deserved happiness, she deserved the future Angus tried so hard to
steal. And after protecting Wes, she deserved nothing but the best of
what life had to offer.

Blinking grainy eyes, he moved over to the nurses’ station.

“Excuse me.” He held the corner of the desk to steady himself,
waiting until the woman tapping away at a computer looked up.
“Where’s your chapel?”

The woman pointed down the hall to her left. “That way. Turn

left at the first corner and it’s three doors down.”

“Thanks.” Throwing one last furtive glance at Ever’s room,

Wes made his way to the chapel.

Inside the small room outfitted with six benches, three on each

side, and barely lit with a few flickering candles, he staggered to the
front and dropped to the red carpeted floor. He stared up at the cross
tacked on to the wall above a makeshift altar and clasped his hands

“Ah, I know it seems I only call on you when I’m in trouble.”

He winced. “But I really need you today.” His voice cracked and he
cleared his throat softly, swallowing to wet the dryness. “Please make
Ever better. She needs to wake up and be all right.”

Twisting his fingers around each other, bottom lip quivering,

he growled, “Nothing else is acceptable. She needs to be better and
get that happy ever after she deserves.” He couldn’t imagine his life
without Ever and he didn’t want to even try. She’d wake up. The
knife wound in her neck where Angus tried to slice her throat would
turn out to be really a scratch. They’d put a band-aid on it and she’d
be all good.

Tears slid down his cheeks and he doubled over, wrapping his

arms around his midsection. He and Ever had been through so much.
Was it wrong to want a boring life where they didn’t have to worry
about people trying to frame them as weapons dealers, put them in
jail, or kill them?

Just once he wished he didn’t have to worry about Ever and

himself. He wanted normal.

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A warm hand clasped his shoulder, startling him upright.
He looked up into the dark eyes of Jayce Santana. Wes’ throat

closed, this time for an entirely different reason. His pulse sped up.
Jayce affected him, moved him.

“Are you okay?” Concern flickered in the depths of Jayce’s

gray eyes as his gaze roamed Wes’ face.

Wes’ body heated. Damn it, Jayce would see he’d been crying.

He dipped his head and sniffed. Shit. He never wanted to look weak
in the other man’s eyes.

Jayce crouched beside him and grabbed his chin, forcing Wes

to look at him. He suppressed a shiver at the rough scratch of Jayce’s
hand on his skin.

“Hey.” Jayce brushed a thumb over Wes’ cheek, wiping away

his tears. “It’s okay for you to be scared.” He smiled encouragingly.

Wes blinked up at him. When had they moved past Jayce

growling and snarling at him to this, the other man offering comfort?
From the moment he’d set eyes on Jayce inside Simon’s office earlier
that night, Wes had sported a semi. The brooding Jayce seemed intent
on hating him, even though in one unguarded moment Wes had
recognized the spark of interest in Jayce’s eyes.

He didn’t know enough about Jayce to know what team he

pitched for, but it was leaning more and more towards Wes’.

“Wes, are you with me?” Jayce raised an eyebrow.
“Uh, yeah.” Wes licked his dry lips, doing his best to ignore

the erection in his pants growing bigger with each stroke of Jayce’s
thumb over his cheek. “I, ah, I need to move.” Fuck, he was rapidly
losing his ability to speak. He shifted away from the man at his side
and rose swiftly to his feet. He couldn’t stay in here, not with Jayce so
close and Ever out there.

He turned away, faced the door, but Jayce grabbed his arm.
Wes stiffened. For a man who’d wanted to shoot him so bad

mere hours ago, Jayce sure seemed to like touching Wes now.

Something in that voice, in the way Jayce spoke his name set

Wes’ stomach to fluttering. He refused to turn back, refused to look at
Jayce. He’d see how much Wes wanted him. He’d see. Wes held his
breath, cursing his traitorous body as his cock pulsed and throbbed.

From the barest of touches…and his name on Jayce’s lips.

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“Wes, look at me.” Jayce kept his voice low in the quiet room,

but Wes recognized the command in his tone.

He bristled and swung around, into the hard block of Jayce’s


“Oomph.” Wes got a nose full of musky sweat clinging to

Jayce’s skin and the tight white t-shirt he wore. He slapped his palms
flat on Jayce’s chest to push himself back, but those hard arms locked
around him, caging him in.

He held his breath, shifting so his lower half wasn’t pressed

against Jayce. The hard-on would be a dead giveaway.

“Why are you holding me?” An inane question, but he awaited

the answer while trying to twist his way out of Jayce’s hold, without
much luck. All he managed to do was grind against Jayce.

Sweet as fuck. Breath hissed out from between his teeth.
“Quit it.” Jayce’s hot breath singed his forehead.
Wes froze and lifted his head, meeting Jayce’s gaze. His lips

parted on a gasp when he saw the heat and hunger in Jayce’s eyes.
They mirrored the need coursing through Wes.

“Oh, God.” The whispered words tore from his throat.
Jayce’s lips curved and he dipped his head.
He took Wes’ lips, tongue stabbing deep inside without asking

for entry. Wes curled his fingers in the front of Jayce’s t-shirt and
held on. Jayce pressed close, the bulge of his erection rubbing against
Wes. Molten lava spread through Wes, nice and slow, matching the
rhythm Jayce set as he flicked his tongue in and out of Wes’ mouth,
fucking him there while his hips rocked.

Wes moaned, reeling under the intense heat. Just a kiss and he

wanted to strip naked and ride Jayce into tomorrow.

Jayce moved a hand from around Wes’s waist and anchored it

in his hair, blunt fingers digging into his scalp. Wes reciprocated by
grinding into him, cocks bumping over each other as they rocked.
Lost in all the delicious sensations, Wes’ prick strained against his
zipper, leaking. He curled his tongue around Jayce’s, sucking hard.

Jayce grunted, his fingers clutching Wes’ hair tightened. His

remaining arm around Wes moved down and down, cupping his ass.

Wes moaned and wiggled, spreading his legs wider. Hungry

moans bubbled in his throat, caught by Jayce’s kiss before they could
spill from his lips.

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“Hmm.” Wes sank his nails into Jayce’s muscled arms,

digging in.

Jayce reciprocated by shoving a thigh between Wes’ thighs,

pressing against the balls drawn up to the underside of his cock. Wes
rode that thigh, mewling and shaking as he lost himself in Jayce.

His body burned, need overwhelming him, and he broke the

kiss on a grunt. “Jayce, fuck.”

“We’re in a chapel, Wes.” Jayce chuckled, but Wes made out

the strain in his voice and caught the tremor in his body.

Wes staggered away, sinking onto a bench as Jayce’s cell

phone went off.

“Isn’t that supposed to be turned off?” Wes frowned up at

him, but Jayce threw him a wink and answered his call.

Wes sat with his head in his shaky hands. He’d almost allowed

Jayce to—to do stuff to him in a chapel. A freaking chapel. God!

His balls ached, his lips felt swollen, and his limbs were

rubbery. Usually he’d be feeling those effects after a night of some
heavy fucking, not a simple kiss and dry hump.

“Yeah, I heard you. I’ll be there in time.”
Wes glanced up as Jayce ended his call and turned to him.

Regret stared back at Wes from those damn intense eyes and his heart

Already Jayce had regrets?
“Wes. I…” Jayce cleared his throat. “I have to go.”
Wes frowned. “You have to—where? Where are you going?”
Jayce glanced away. “Out of town on a job. It’s…I can’t not


Wes laughed, but nothing about the fucking situation was

funny. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been an experiment
before.” God, his chest hurt.

“What are you talking about?” Jayce slid his phone into his

back pocket and folded his arms across his chest. “How are you an

Wes jumped to his feet and crowded him. “I bet you’ve never

sucked cock before. I can also bet you’ve never spread ‘em for
anyone. You saw me and decided you’d experiment, didn’t you?” He
pointed a trembling finger at Jayce chest. “You saw how much I
wanted you and used me to fulfill some sick ass fantasy.” Wes voice

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cracked as he said, “Now you’ll scratch that off your list and go back
to business as usual, fucking those uptight women you usually do
‘cause they just lay there and take it.”

Jayce’s eyes narrowed. He stepped forward, chest brushing

Wes’. His gaze was intimidating as fuck, but Wes held his ground,
refusing to back down or lower his gaze.

“You got all that from me saying I have to go out of town?”

Jayce’s tone was deceptively soft.

“I don’t do straight men, which is exactly what you are.” Wes

shoved a hand through his hair. “I’m not okay with being used as an
experiment, or to fulfill some gay fantasy.”

Jayce stared at him like he’d lost his mind then turned and

walked to the door. Every step he took sent Wes’ heart plummeting
lower and lower.

At the door, Jayce turned around. “All those bets you just

made? You’d lose them all, big time.”

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Chapter Two

Six Months Later

The frigid Chicago burned his exposed ears, but Wes ignored

it and his teary eyes. He huddled in the doorway of the apartment
building as his…what did he call Dominic Scotto? Lover? Boyfriend?
None of those words really fit the relationship they’d fought
fruitlessly to salvage these past months, but he blew into his palms
and rubbed them together as Dominic spoke to his driver before
walking over to Wes.

The yellow streetlight glinted off of Dominic’s jet black hair

and dark features. Dressed in a black pullover and form fitting jeans,
the sexy Italian looked more like the gorgeous boy next door than the
only son of an international billionaire.

“Hey.” Dominic stood in front of him, gaze steady on his face.

“I’ve got to go.”

Wes nodded. Three days. Dom would be gone out of town for

three days, leaving while they were still in the middle of figuring out
if this thing they had should be saved. Dom’s decision to up and leave
without much input from Wes put that firmly in the no column.

He didn’t say anything and Dominic’s jaw ticked. “I’ll…we’ll

talk when I get back, okay?”

Pushing away from the door, Wes shrugged. “What is there to

say, Dom? You’ve made your decision.” He’d spent the past four
months with Dom, the first two almost chained to his bed, but the
mourning he’d expected at the loss of yet another relationship didn’t
materialize. Maybe in the end he didn’t want to be with Dom anymore
that Dom wanted to be with him.

Dominic grabbed his elbow and dragged him back inside the

warmth of his apartment lobby. The doorman looked away discreetly
as Dominic crowded Wes.

“You’re doing this now?” Hard anger burned in the dark eyes

Wes once loved looking into. Dom’s fingers tightened where he held
him. “I told you this trip is important. I couldn’t get out of going even
if I wanted to.”

Wes shook his head with a sigh. “Dom, look. This has been

coming for a while now. We’ve drifted apart.” Glancing at the

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doorman, he lowered his voice. “We haven’t shared a bed in at least a
month. I miss that, but it’s more.”

Dominic squinted. “More what? Things have been crazy at the

business and with my father, I told you that.” The petulance of a child
sounded in Dom’s tone before he dropped Wes’ elbow and stepped
back. “What more do you want?”

“You’re being deliberately obtuse.” Wes shoved his fingers

through his hair. “There’s no need to talk when you get back.”

Once again, anger blazed in Dominic’s eyes and he opened his

mouth, but his driver chose that moment to poke his head through the
open door.

“Sir, we have to leave if we want to keep to the schedule.”
Dominic flinched. The muscle in his jaw ticked, something he

did when he felt cornered. Helpless. Wes had noticed that many times
during the run of their brief affair, but usually it occurred after
Dominic saw or spoke to his father.

Leaning forward, he brushed a kiss over Dom’s stiff lips.

“Go,” he whispered. Strong arms circled his waist and pulled him
tight against Dom’s chest. The lips under his opened and Dom sank
into him, kissing him harsh and deep.

Wes stiffened but responded to the kiss. Dom seemed intent

on proving there was still something to revive in the wasteland of
their relationship. The kisses that used to set his balls to aching and
his heart to racing left him unmoved. The arms holding him so tight
used to make him feel safe and cared for, but now they only restricted
his ability to move.

It was over.
Dominic appeared to finally get the message because he

abruptly released Wes and pulled away. Eyes narrowed to flints,
nostrils flared, Dom searched his gaze. “Wes.”

Raw anguish reached out to Wes, pouring from the small

sound of his name. Surprising him. He thought Dom didn’t care.

“Sir.” The driver still waited.
The emotions he’d yearned for from Dom finally made an

appearance, shimmering in those dark eyes, when Wes had finally
given up. He stepped back. “Goodbye, Dom.”

“We’ll talk when I get back.” Dominic pivoted after issuing

the words like a command, walking away without a backward glance.

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Wes stayed inside the building, frozen fingers shoved into the

pockets of his jeans, staring out into the darkness until the taillights on
Dominic’s SUV disappeared. He’d known he wasn’t in love with
Dominic—no, someone else held the dubious honor—but he’d cared
for the smoking hot Italian he’d fucked the first time they’d locked
eyes in a Chicago nightclub. The one time hookup was supposed to be
just that, until a burning rejection and a broken heart drove Wes back
to the club looking to forget.

He’d found Dominic.
They settled into an unnamed affair, exclusive to each other,

but no labels. The honeymoon soon wore off though, once Wes
realized how much Dom catered to his father, running and jumping
whenever Vitor Scotto said go.

Tonight was no different. They’d planned this night for weeks,

a time to sit down without distractions and really talk, decide what
direction—if any—they wanted their affair to go, but Vitor called and
Dominic ran.

Straight to New York.
“Sir, would you like me to call you a cab?”
Wes jerked his head up at the sound of the doorman’s voice in

the quiet space. He turned around. “Yes, Matty. That would be nice,
thank you.”

“Very good, sir.” Matty picked up the phone behind his desk

and punched in a number. The diminutive older gentleman refused to
call Wes by his name even though he’d begged many times.

“Five minutes, sir.”
Wes smiled. “Thank you, Matty.” He walked over and held

out a hand. “It’s been a pleasure.”

Matty enclosed Wes’ hand in his own white gloved palm and

shook vigorously. “Same here, sir.” His eyes crinkled at the corners.
“You lasted the longest.”

Wes barked a laugh. “Didn’t I, though?”
Wes hopped out the cab, shoulders hunched as he fished his

keys out his pocket. Behind him, the driver sped off, burning rubber.
He hurried up the driveway, looking forward to an evening spent in a
hot bath since he had the house to himself.

Even though his best friend, Ever, hadn’t officially moved in

with her man, Simon, she spent most of her time over at his house.

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After years of it being only the two of them, Wes actually liked the
peace and quiet of his suddenly mundane life.

He unlocked the door and stepped inside, flicking on the light

as he kicked the door closed. “Freaking cold.” No matter how long he
lived in The Windy City he’d always complain about the brick
weather. “Freezing my nips off out there.”

“Is that so?”
Wes stumbled backward, crashing into the closed doorway

with a stifled scream. His heart pounded like a thousand drums in his
ear as he clasped a hand to his throat. “What the fuck?”

“Hello, Wes.” The tone of those two words matched the

mockery in the stormy gray eyes perfectly. Seated in Wes’ favorite
chair repositioned to face the front door, swathed in black, Jayce
Santana watched him with a smirk on those way-too-memorable lips
and a gun on his lap. His hair was longer. The scruffy beard and cut
above his left eye was new, but nothing else about that cowardly
bastard had changed.

Not even Wes’ body’s reaction to him.
“Get out.” His voice shook, so Wes tried again. Louder.

Clearer. With more conviction. “Get the fuck out of my house, now.”

Jayce barked a laugh that didn’t reach anywhere near his eyes.


“You son of a bitch!” Wes advanced on him with angry steps.

“You have no right. None. This is my house and if you don’t leave
I’m calling the cops.” Six months. One fleeting taste of heaven and
his body still hardened in remembrance.

Jayce leaped out the chair at the mention of the cops, stalking

Wes with the gun in his hand. Wes braked, fists clenching and
unclenching. He didn’t think Jayce would shoot him, but he wasn’t
taking any chances. Hard, gray eyes pinned him in place and Jayce
stood inches away.

His musk of heat and the hint of a woodsy cologne reached

out and touched Wes in his throbbing groin.

He shifted. Jayce grinned.
“You’re spreading them for the rich boy, huh?”
Wes flinched at the icy accusation. How dare that bastard

show up after all this time and accuse him—an icy retort formed on

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the tip of his tongue, but Wes swallowed it. Jayce wanted that
reaction, he wanted anger, but Wes wouldn’t deliver.

He kept his tone even. “I happen to be a single man, Mr.

Santana. I can spread them for whomever I want. At any time.”

Fire practically crackled and popped in Jayce’s eyes. Violence

swirled in the air around them as Jayce growled. “Does Scotto know
you’re a single man? From what I saw tonight he’s not as through
with you as you are with him.”

Shock ran through Wes. “You were spying on us? On me?”

He gaped up into those cold eyes. “Son of a—”

“You used that one already.” Jayce winked. “Try something


“Why are you here, Jayce?” Wes’ body vibrated with the

anger he struggled to contain. “Why the fuck did you come back

“How long have you been fucking Scotto?” Jayce grabbed his

arm, barraging him with harsh questions. “How long has he been
feeling your skin on his? Hearing those sexy cries you make?”

“Are you serious?” Wes yanked his hand away. “Do you own

me?” he shouted. “You have no fucking claims on me. You left—”
He broke off at the gathering darkness in Jayce’s gaze. “What
Dominic gets and for how long doesn’t concern you.” Turning away,
he walked over to the door and opened it. “Please leave.”

“The fuck I will.” Jayce launched himself at Wes, grabbing

him by the throat. Wes struggled, clawing at Jayce’s arms as he
kicked the door shut and turned them until Jayce was backed into the

Jayce yanked him closer, Wes’ back against his chest, and

sank his fingers into Wes’ hair to hold him still.

“How long?” Jayce’s scalding breath singed the side of Wes’

neck as he spoke against his skin. “Does Scotto know about you and
me? Does he know I’m the one who ruined you for him and all men?”

Bastard was so full of himself. Wes remained quiet and ceased

his struggles. He could breathe since Jayce’s hold wasn’t too tight.
But his chest heaved and his groin throbbed like a mother. He hated
how he responded to the slightest touch from Jayce.

Jayce shifted, pressing his hard cock into Wes jean-covered

ass. A whimper swelled in Wes throat and he froze, else he’d be
pushing back on that erection.

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“You can’t show up six months later and expect to pick up

where you left off.” Wes sounded out of breath as he tried to distract
himself and Jayce. “Things change, Jayce. Please.”

Jayce dragged his hand down Wes’ chest and cupped his


Wes trembled.
“Some things change, Wes. And some stay the same.” Jayce

sank his teeth into Wes’ shoulder as he squeezed the cock in his palm.

Wes cried out at the overload of pain turned pleasure, bucking

against him. Jayce rubbed on him, his cock pressing into Wes’ ass.

“I could fuck you right here, Wes.” Jayce’s voice was an

aroused growl. “Sink all the way deep into that tight ass right now,
then send you back to your rich boy with my cum leaking out of you.”
He kissed his way up Wes’ neck and slid his tongue into his ear while
squeezing him and grinding into his ass.

Wes whimpered, his mind empty of everything but the feel of

Jayce. He dug his nails into Jayce’s forearms, pushing back and
undulating on his bulge.

“Would he forgive you, do you think?” Jayce dragged his

teeth along the tendons in Wes’ neck until he got to the point where
neck and shoulder met. “Or does he already know you’re mine?” He
sank his teeth in and sucked hard.

“Jayce! Oh…Oh.” Wanton cries fell from Wes’ lips. He thrust

into Jayce’s palm, molten heat flooding his boxers as he came.

“Those cries are mine,” Jayce whispered in his ear.
Head spinning, nearly blinded from his climax, Wes couldn’t

make sense of his harsh words.

“I don’t give a fuck about your denials.” Jayce bit the words

out. “You’re mine, not his. Not now, not ever.”

He released Wes and stepped back, walking out the open door

as Wes crumbled to the floor.

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Chapter Three

“Well. Well. Well.”
Wes’ eyelids fluttered at the drawl. “Hmm. What…” He

stretched achy arms over his head and blinked the sleep out of grainy
eyes. “Where—”

“Are you?” The disembodied voice moved from above his

head to further away as someone straddled his midsection. “You fell
asleep on the couch. Fully dressed.” Laughter warred with the censure
in his tormentor’s voice. “That Italian is wearing you out, is he?”

“Ever!” Wes’ eyes flew open. “Stop calling him that.”
His best friend’s green eyes danced with mirth. She cupped his

jaw and leaned over to press a kiss to his lips. “What should I call

“You know his fucking name.”
“Dominic. Oh, Dominic,” she sang shrilly. “He must be

something else the way he leaves his stamp on you.”

Wes refrained from threatening to ring the little

troublemaker’s neck. “What stamp and why aren’t you with
whatshisface?” He rose up on his elbows and winced at the pain in his
lower back and his…damn, the right side of his neck burned.

Ever sat up. “Simon’s busy, and I’m talking about that huge-

ass hickey on your neck. I think it can be seen from space.” She
chortled at her attempt at funny.

“What hickey?” He brought a hand up to cup his neck, the

area that stung. The area where Jayce… “Oh, God!” Wes bucked.
Ever scrambled off his lap and he leaped off the couch, running for
the downstairs bathroom. Flicking on the overhead light, Wes
crowded the mirror, turned his neck, and squinted.

The hickey stood out bright red on his neck, roughly the size

of a quarter.

“That bastard. The fucking bastard, I’ll kill him.” Shame

washed over him at how quickly he’d succumbed to the heat of
Jayce’s arms. How wantonly he’d behaved when he knew better.

Knew the risks.
To his heart.
“Oh, God.” He slumped over the sink, forehead pressed to the

mirror as his body remembered the things Jayce said. Those harsh
whispers still burned his skin.

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“What’s going on?” Ever spoke from behind him. “Are you

okay?” The concern in her voice grated on his nerves.

“I’m fine.” Wes spun around, squeezed past her and stomped

over to the couch.

Standing over him with a hand on her hip, she sniffed. “Yeah?

Coulda fucking fooled me.”

“What do you want to hear, Ever?” His tone sounded weary.

He wanted to crawl under the covers and hide away.

Ever crossed her arms, stretching the gray cashmere sweater

she wore taut over her full chest. She planted legs covered in dark
denim tucked into knee high tan equestrian boots apart and met his
gaze. “I come bearing news I thought you’d be interested in hearing,
but maybe not.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and studied her
nails. “Maybe you don’t care to know who suddenly showed up in

Wes sighed. Dropping his head on the back of the couch, he

grimaced. “I may have an idea.”

She shook her head. “I bet you don’t.”
“I do.”
Her eyes narrowed. “How did you—” Those dark green eyes

widened. “Oh, hell.” A wide smile split her face. “The bastard of the
hickey and death threats?”

He flung an arm over his eyes. “Yes.”
“Oh, honey.”
He heard movement then she wrapped her arms around him.
“Are you okay?”
Emotion clogged Wes’ throat and he swallowed. “No.”
Ever kissed his chin. “What are you going to do?”
What could he do? What should he do? “I don’t know.


“Come again?”
He dropped his arm and met the incredulity in Ever’s gaze.

“What? What do you think I should do?” He already knew how much
she wanted him and Jayce to be together. She was clearly biased since
her man and Jayce were best friends.

Ever straddled him, wrapping her legs around his waist and

hugging his shoulders. “I know you care for the Ital—for Dominic.”
She flashed a lopsided smile. “He cares for you, too. I see it, but is it
what you want? You lo—”

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“Don’t say it.” His voice cracked. “Six months ago, Jayce and

I had brief, isolated incident when I was distraught over you. He
turned tail and ran. I moved on. There’s nothing more.”

Ever’s gaze turned side as she gave him a solemn smile.

“You’re forgetting who I am, Westin Dumont?” Voice pitched low,
she bumped their foreheads. “I know you better than anyone and I can
see the truth in your eyes despite the lies falling from your lips.”

Damn her, she did know him. Wes didn’t bother again with

the denials. “I broke up with Dominic last night, it wasn’t working
between us.” Her eyes lit up and he rushed on. “But I can’t deal with
Jayce and all that mysterious anger he harbors for me.” He clenched
his fists against the couch cushions. “I can’t let him in.”

Ever pulled away from him and met his gaze. “I think it’s too

late for that.”

He feared the same. He’d never gotten over Jayce. A small

kiss in a moment of weakness and he’d been branded. Oh, God. What
am I going to do?

“You’re going to have to make a decision,” Ever said softly.
Had he bemoaned the question out loud?
Ever’s countenance turned grim. “I do not envy you that.” Not

too long ago she’d had to make a similar decision. She’d chosen to
walk away from the man she loved. In the end she got her happy
ending, but what about him?

Would he be as lucky?
“I’m not telling you what to do,” Ever said. “But I think I

know what you want and who you want. There’s always the potential
to hurt and be hurt no matter who you’re with, so I want to know if
you’re brave enough to make that leap and go after what you want.”

Wes’ lips curved. “You came here with a prepared speech,

didn’t you?”

She nodded. “I did.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“I do.”
He chuckled and pulled her into a hug. “I love you, E.”
“You too, babe.” She squeezed him tight. “What are you going

to do?”

“No idea.”

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Jayce grunted with each punch he threw, pounding out his

frustration and aroused anger on the black punching bag swinging
from the low beams in the empty loft. His bandaged hands ached,
fingers stiff, but he couldn’t stop.

He had to hit something. Else he’d be hunting down and

fucking someone and not just anyone.

Bright blue eyes danced in front of his gaze and he pounded

harder on the stuffed bag, shoulders aching, sweat bathing his naked
chest. He couldn’t get past the anger. At Wes for moving on. At
himself for leaving, for wishing he’d stayed.

For still wanting Wes when he couldn’t have him.
Six months his need had simmered for the blond hacker and

now he was thisclose to incineration. He didn’t have to come back
here after his undercover work in Mexico was over. He’d had his pick
of cases to choose from. He’d planned on taking the open and shut
smuggling case in the Caribbean, but he’d seen the surveillance
photos of Dominic Scotto wrapped ever so tightly around Wes and he
had to come back.

He had no point of reference to compare his feelings for Wes

with. He’d never experienced anything as raw and hot as his yearning
to feel Wes’ skin against his, all he knew was the need bordered on
obsession and it scared the fuck out of him. Thus sending him to seek
refuge in places he’d swore he’d never revisit, with people he’d
preferred to keep at arm’s length.

Running to Wes meant he ran from one of his biggest

mistakes. He couldn’t face it, couldn’t seem to correct it, couldn’t
bear to see the look of pained disappointment and anguish in another
person’s eyes.

He wanted to castrate Dominic Scotto for taking what was his.
For knowing what Wes looked like naked, what he felt like.

What he looked like when he first woke in the mornings.

Dominic knew all those things and Jayce hated him for it. He

envied all the knowledge of Wes that Dominic had. Jayce wanted to
blame Wes, he wanted to blame Dominic, too, but he couldn’t.

Not for that.
From the instant Wes appeared in Simon’s office all those

months ago, with his cocky attitude and unapologetic devotion to his
best friend, Ever, Jayce had wanted him. He wasn’t a stranger to the

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want or to the gender since he loved both men and women. What
threw him was the intensity, the fire that blazed out of control when
he met Wes’ gaze.

He’d always thought no matter his back and forth preferences

between his sexual partners he’d settle down with a woman. His
future flashed before his eyes that night in Simon’s office and it was
all about Wes.

Him and Wes.
He remembered his limbs trembling, his heart beating out of

his chest, as he fought Wes’ pull. He also remembered the fear, bitter
in his throat at how much he wanted to give in to that pull. Hours after
promising himself he’d stay away from Wes Dumont, Jayce had his
tongue down Wes’ throat in a hospital chapel.

The subsequent phone call he’d received to reprise his role as

a mid-level drug dealer in the foothills of Mexico was expected, but
he’d hated how he’d left Wes. In the same vein he’d needed the time
away, to think. Clear the fumes of lust and want out of his head.

Six months was a long time, but not long enough. He was

right back where he started, hating the burn yet luxuriating in it.

After what he pulled with Wes last night, did he even deserve

a chance to set things right? Would it make a difference?

This shit is beyond complicated. He scrubbed a hand over his

jaw, grimacing when the rough material of the wrap on his hand
scratched his skin. He glanced out the window of his loft, watching
the sunset dispassionately. Time to jump in the shower and head out
to get something to eat. His cupboards and fridge were practically
barren, so it was take out until he found the time to do anything about

Jayce pushed away from the counter with a ragged sigh,

dropping his empty water bottle into the recycle bin underneath
before making his way to the shower.

Under the cool spray of the water, Jayce took his cock in his

hand, thumbing the slit and fondling his cock with eyes squeezed
shut, Wes’ image floating around in his mind. He pulled the one from
last night, Wes’ body pressed against him, wiggling as those fucking
cries fell from his lips.

The sexiest sounds.
One palm flat against the wall of the shower, Jayce brought

himself to the edge, Wes’ name whispering past his lips. He stroked

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his prick, hips rolling, thrusting into his palm as his balls drew up
under his erection and shivers ran down the length of his spine.

This was his normal for the past six months, bringing himself

off to Wes’ image, calling out his name as the pleasure crested.

He widened his stance as his climax rose up, tightening his

strokes from base to tip.

Then the doorbell rang.
Jayce jumped, breath hissing out of his nose. His chest rose

and fell as he ignored the sound, but the visitor wasn’t going away.
Whoever it was leaned on the damn thing and he rolled his eyes.

“Fuck!” Yanking aside the shower curtain, he pulled a white

towel from the rack and wrapped it around his hips as water sluiced
down his body. Holding the towel together at his hip, Jayce grabbed
his gun from atop the sink and ran on tiptoe to the living room.

He shivered as the cool air hit his skin. Damn. His erection

shrunk to half mast as he peered through the peep hole, then filled
again just as quickly at the sight of the blue eyes staring back at him.

Jayce closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to the cool

door. He could ignore him, pretend like he wasn’t home. Sooner or
later, Wes would give up and leave. How’d he even know where
Jayce—Jayce grunted softly. Fucking Simon.

The doorbell went off again and Jayce found his hand on the

knob, turning it, pulling the door open. Sucker. He was a sucker.

Willing his twitching cock to stay still, he met Wes’ gaze with

his gun at his side. “What?”

That icy blue gaze raked his body from head to toe, making

Jayce feel like he’d been mauled…in the way he liked. His sphincter

Wes pushed his way inside, jaw set. Jayce backed away,

watching through narrowed eyes as Wes closed the door softly then
met his gaze.

“Is it your plan to torment me?” Wes spoke in a low tone,

never taking his eyes off Jayce’s face.

“Excuse me?’ Jayce moved to cross his arms over his chest

then remembered the towel. His fingers flexed. “How am I tormenting
you?” This was rich.

Pulling down the neck of his sweater, Wes exposed his neck.

The bright red bruise decorated the raised skin, looking almost like a
bug bite. His bite. He’d wanted to leave his mark so Wes and anyone

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else would see. Looking at him now made his palms itch to grab Wes
and bite him all over, decorate his entire body with his marks.

“Were you trying to prove something with that stunt last

night?” Even though Wes hadn’t raised his voice, anger flashed in the
depths of his eyes and poured off him in waves.

Jayce curled his lips in a smirk. “I have nothing to prove to


Wes’ eyes said he thought otherwise, but instead he said, “I

don’t want you anywhere near me ever again.” He turned toward the
door. “And stay away from Dom, do you understand me?”

Jayce saw red. “Who the fuck are you, his father? Don’t tell

me what to do, I’ll do whatever the hell I want.” God, he sounded like
a petulant teenager.

Wes swung back to face him. “Stay away from me and Dom,

Jayce.” His voice shook and his fists clenched. “I’m warning you.”

Jayce barked a laugh and raised an eyebrow. “Or what?” He

moved into Wes’ space. “Let me tell you something, Wes. I don’t
give a motherfuck about Richie Rich.” He sneered. “Dominic doesn’t
matter to me, because I know he doesn’t matter to you. I know when
you’re with him you’re thinking of me. You’re wishing I was the one
pounding into your ass.”

Wes’ jaw dropped and his eyes glazed over. His lower lip

trembled and Jayce kept pushing, because he wanted Wes out of
control and off balance as he was.

“I see through your bluff, Wes. I know Dominic is just a poor

man’s substitute—your substitute—for me.”

Wes’ hand shot out. Jayce barely made out the blur as pain

exploded in his head, his teeth clicked, and he tasted blood. His head
snapped to the side under the force of the blow.

“You left, you son of a bitch!”
Jayce blinked. Nostrils flared, face red, eyes wide and wet,

Wes raged at him.

“You left and now you have the fucking nerve—” He swept

his gaze over Jayce’s body covered in only the towel. “You want to
know what I gave Dom? What you ran away from?” He dropped to
his knees.

Jayce’s heart stuttered. Wes. Words froze in his lungs.
Angry fingers pulled away the towel, cupping his wet-tipped

prick with a warm, but less than gentle hold. Heat raced through his

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body, weakening his limbs, thawing out his lungs enough for a ragged
moan to escape.

Heavy pants filled the room as Wes stroked him, jerking his

cock from root to tip, thumb dipping into the slit. A hot palm cupped
his balls and Jayce threw his head back, squeezing his eyes shut as his
hips moved.

He shouldn’t…he couldn’t. But it was Wes’ hands on him. For

Wes’ touch he could do anything.

“Look at me.”
He obliged the harsh command, opening his eyes and staring

down. Wes’ blue gaze clashed with his, but where they were cold
before only fire blazed, blue needy flames fanning his own arousal.

“Watch me. Watch what I did to him.” Wes leaned forward,

his gaze burning Jayce as he opened his mouth and swallowed him

Sound gurgled in Jayce’s throat. He couldn’t breathe under the

onslaught of pleasure, but he could watch. Fisting his hands at his
sides, he watched as Wes bobbed, taking his cock to the back of his
throat. Those lips stretched around his thickness was amazing, the
tongue swirling around his sensitive head was even more amazing.

Wes took him deep, nose pressed against Jayce’s groin as he

hummed. The vibrations ran down his length and tickled his spine,
drawing up his balls. Mouth open, Jayce panted.

He wanted to pour his cum down Wes’ throat, but he didn’t

want it to end.

Wes released him with a pop, working him with his hands as

he spoke, never breaking eye contact. “He loves when I suck him,
when I take him deep.” Tapping Jayce’s wet crown against his cheek,
Wes smiled. “He loves coming down my throat and watching me
swallow.” He shifted, taking Jayce inside again.

This time Jayce cried out. This time the anger warred with the

pleasure and he bucked. Wes’ throat contracted around him as he
gagged. Jayce kept thrusting, fucking Wes’ mouth with his cock as
harsh groans filled the room. He rammed himself down Wes’ throat
again and again, fighting to wipe away the memory and taste of any
other man.

Specifically that man.
Fingers sank into his ass cheeks, pulling him closer and deeper

into Wes. Jayce locked his knees and buried his hand in Wes’ silky,

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blond locks. They stared each other down, neither willing to look
away as Wes pleasured him.

Saliva dripped off his chin, those sexy whimpers sounding the

air as he bobbed his head again and again. His tongue swiped over
Jayce’s cock head then dipped to the underside, tracing the ridge with
infinite slowness.

Fuck me.
The orgasm swirled at the base of his spine, growing hotter

and wider as Wes thumbed his balls, squeezing and rolling.

“Ugh…Wes…gonna...” He found his voice, or what was left

of it because he wasn’t making sense.

Wes understood him, those blue eyes encouraging him to

come, to let go as Wes sealed his lips tighter around him. The younger
man hollowed his cheeks, sucking with purpose, and Jayce

The orgasm tore through him, drawing a roar from his hoarse

throat as his eyesight dimmed. He slammed his hips forward, his seed
shooting out into…the air.

Wes’ mouth was no longer on him. Jayce registered the

absence in the back of his mind as he sank to his knees, hand gripping
and pulling on his cock as he emptied himself on the stained wood

He stayed there, the cold floor digging into his knees until the

sound of rushing blood subsided from his ears. Lifting his gaze to
Wes’ he flinched. The cold aloofness was back and he hated it.

“What Dominic got, you’ll never get,” Wes said softly. He got

to his feet smoothly, brushing a lock of hair away from his eyes.

Jayce shuddered at the loss as Wes turned his back and walked


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Chapter Four

Wes pushed his glasses back up his nose with one finger as he

stared at the computer screen. Roadblock after roadblock. No matter
the fire walls he obliterated over the past four hours, he still was no
closer to figuring out why Jayce was back in Chicago.

Orange cheese dust covered his keyboard, transferred from the

large bag of cheesy popcorn he’d been munching on all day. He kept
meaning to get up and eat something, but never did. Half the day was
gone and he needed food and a shower.

He grunted as he shoveled another fistful of the crunchy

popcorn into his mouth.

What he needed was to find the reason Jayce was back in

town. Sure as hell can’t be because of me. He was too angry, too

Too fucking yummy. He licked his lips, remembering Jayce’s

intoxicating taste. It took all he had not to swallow all that creamy
goodness, but he’d wanted to prove something to himself. To Jayce.

He set out to prove Jayce held no power over him, that he

could control himself around the intense pull between them, but all he
managed to do was get drunk on Jayce’s taste. His scent.

The feel of him, so hot and hard, throbbing against his tongue.
Wes swallowed, silently berating himself. He couldn’t help

feeling like he’d betrayed Dominic by doing what he did with Jayce
last night. Even though he knew he no longer wanted a relationship
with Dom, even though he’d told him as much, deep-throating Jayce
made him feel like he’d cheated.

His computer beeped a familiar sound. No information


He took a sip of his soda and cut his eyes at the screen.

Wherever Jayce was for the past six months had to be deep
undercover. There was absolutely no trace of him anywhere.

Nothing. Until he popped up on the radar again two days ago.
Wes stretched, leaning back in his chair as he stared at the half

a dozen computer screens in front of him. At one time he’d had all of
them up and running, making deals with known gangsters and gun
runners. All things he’d down at the command of Angus Brennan,
known to the underground criminal community as the elusive Ghost.

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Wes and Ever had been pawns in Angus’ twisted power game,

unable to escape for fear of Wes being handed over to the Irish
authorities for murder. He’d killed Angus’ brother in self-defense
when the man tried to rape Ever, but Angus didn’t believe that. He’d
put Wes and Ever through hell, but they’d gotten out with the help of
Jayce and his partner, Simon.

Now Simon and Ever were together. Wes did his best to move

on from Jayce, but that one memory wouldn’t leave him alone,
haunting every chance he’d had with a man who wasn’t the one he
really wanted.

The full realization of that dawned on him, freezing his breath

and locking his limbs in place. All the men he’d turned to after that
one night with Jayce were placeholders.

Jayce had been right.
Wes sat up, mouthy gaping open. That fucking bastard was

right. Oh, my God.

The cordless phone next to his keyboard rang, jarring in the

stillness of his basement. He picked it up with an unsteady hand.

“Hey, babe. Whatcha doing?”
He smiled at the sound of Ever’s voice. She always made him

feel better. “Nothing, just sitting here.” He brushed away the telltale
signs of his snack from the wireless keyboard.

“Uh-huh. Sitting here, where? In front of those computers?”

She knew him too damn well.

“Um…” He hedged as he eased out of his chair.
“Did you even eat anything all day?”
He spared a glance at the time at the bottom right-hand corner

of the computer: Five-twenty-five pm. “As a matter of fact—”

“That was rhetorical,” she griped. “The cheesy snacks and

soda you’ve got crammed in the fridge and cupboards don’t count.”

Wes sighed. “I know, mother.” He brushed his hair out of his

eyes. “I’m actually getting up right now to make a sandwich.” Though
he doubted he had any of the ingredients necessary to perform that

Ever grunted. “I’ll do you one better. Come have dinner with

Simon and me. We haven’t done that in a while.”

And for good reason. Wes scowled. He liked Simon Dakin

fine enough, respected the man even, but he always felt left out

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whenever the three of them got together. He realized Ever went out of
her way to include him, make him feel included, but the sight of them
together brought his loneliness to the forefront.

Even while he was dating Dominic.
“Wes? Please, say yes.”
Ever’s soft plea had the desired effect. He couldn’t deny her


She heaved a sigh and he smiled.
“Good, I’ll come pick you up at—”
“Not necessary, I’ll take a cab there and back.” Back when he

and Ever lived together, she’d owned a car and they’d had
bodyguards driving them around when they went out in public. Wes
never got around to getting a car.

“I’ll take a cab, woman. Damn.”
Ever sniffed. “When exactly are you planning on getting

yourself a vehicle, Westin?”

He rolled his eyes heavenward. “I’ll do it soon, E. Now leave

off with the name calling, will ya?” He hated when she invoked the
use of his full name. It made him feel chastised as she well knew.

“I’ll stop when you start taking care of yourself properly.” She

softened her tone. “Did you see whatshisface yesterday?”

“Uh-huh.” He offered no more than that.
“And?” Her voice rose in his ear. “Don’t make me beat it out

of you. What happened?”

“I’ll see you in about an hour, we’ll talk then.” He hung on her


Ever and Simon lived in a gated estate in one of the more

upscale neighborhoods in Chicago. Wes gave his name at the gate and
the cab drove through when it opened. Reaching the front door, he
lifted his hand to knock, but it swung open, startling him. Ever pulled
him into her arms.

“You’re here,” she squealed.
Wes peeled her away with narrowed eyes. “Well, yes. I did

say I was coming.”

“So you did.” She glanced over his shoulder. “Um, so don’t


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Unease crawled down his spine. He tried meeting her gaze,

but she refused, staring straight ahead. “Don’t freak? Why shouldn’t I

“Come.” She grabbed him by the elbow and pulled him inside

the house.

Wes dug his heels into the floor as the door closed behind him.

The delicious smells of food teased his nose, making his stomach
growl. Coming from the bitter cold of the outdoors, the heat inside the
house was a welcome embrace.

Halfway down the narrow entranceway leading to the kitchen,

Ever looked over her shoulder. “Wes, come on.”

Why the hell was she whispering? He ran after her, grabbing

her shoulder to hold her in place. Backing her into the wall, he held
her chin and forced her meet his gaze. “What aren’t you telling me?”

She bit her bottom lip.
He gasped. That small action was her tell. “You are keeping

secrets from me.”

“No!” She sighed. “I—it’s not a secret. Just promise you

won’t be mad at me.” Her wide, green eyes pleaded with him.

“Don’t do that.” He groaned. “You know what those eyes do

to me.”

She batted her lashes.
“Fine,” he barked. “I promise. Now, what are you hiding?”
“Jayce is here. In the kitchen with Simon.” She looked up him

from below her lashes, waiting.

What did she expect him to do? Run like his head demanded

he do? Stay, like the heart now banging against his ribcage demanded
he do?

Gritting his teeth, he asked, “Are you trying to set us up?”
She hugged him close. “I want you to be happy, that’s all.”
Why was she so convinced Jayce could make him happy? All

he’d gotten from Jayce since he’d returned was anger and hostility.

Ever cupped his jaw. “Will you tell me what happened

between you two yesterday?”

Yesterday. “I went to his loft and interrupted his shower.”
She frowned. “That’s it?”
“I punched him…then I blew him.” Wes moved away from


“That’s great.”

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He cut his eyes at her and the smile on her face froze then fell


“Sooo…not great?” Confusion wrinkled her brow.
He shoved trembling fingers through his hair. “Let’s get this

shit over with.”

He should’ve smelled a set-up. Jayce’s fingers tightened

around the bottle of beer in his hand as Ever stepped into the dining
room, Wes at her heel.

He tried looking away, but his eyes kept going back to Wes

where he stood, hands in his pockets, eyes watchful behind black,
square-rimmed glasses. He cut a distracting figure in dark jeans, a
tight charcoal gray shirt—its sleeves rolled up to his elbows—and red
Chuck Taylors.

That cerulean-blue gaze swept the room, landing on the table

filled with food, Simon pouring the wine, then on Jayce. The force of
Wes’ attention rocked him back on his heel and set his groin to
throbbing. Wes’ nostrils flared, his Adam’s apple bobbed, and those
decadent lips parted slightly, bringing back the images of them
wrapped around his cock.

“Wes, how’s it going, man?” Simon pulled Wes into a bear

hug, slapping him on the back before releasing him. “You’ve been
staying away.”

Wes’ cheeks pinked. “Ah, yeah. Been busy.”
Simon laughed. “Dominic Scotto’s keeping you busy.” He

winked and Jayce wanted to punch him.

Wes stared at Ever accusingly and she shrugged. “I tell him

and about you and the Italian, so what?”

Wes lunged for her, she danced away with a giggle and Simon

clapped his hands together.

“All right, children. Take a seat.” He looked at Jayce over his

shoulder. “You too, Jayce. Stop skulking in the shadows.”

Jayce grunted. He wasn’t aware standing in the kitchen

doorway qualified as skulking in the shadows. He walked over to the
table, hurriedly taking the empty seat next to Simon who regarded
him with twinkling eyes.

He knew that bastard and Ever were setting him up. Ignoring

the looks the love-birds exchanged, he loaded up his plate with pasta
and dug in. The muted sounds of conversation buzzed around his

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head, but he ignored it, concentrating on eating fast so he could get
the hell out of dodge.

He sat across from Wes and the other man seemed to be of

the same mind, ignoring all else in favor of the food in front of him.
Jayce tried his best to ignore the heat radiating from Wes, but he felt
singed all the same. The subtle musk of spice and heat he’d come to
associate with Wes wafted to him, stuttering his pulse and hardening
his cock.

Jayce shifted in his chair, trying to inch away from the

nearness of the all the things he wanted but couldn’t have.

“So, Jayce.”
He jerked his head up when Ever spoke his name.
“Long time no see.” A tight smile curved her mouth. “Where

have you been?”

The tension pouring from Wes ratcheted up. Jayce watched as

the fingers holding his fork tightened. Still, Wes didn’t look up.

“I was in Mexico,” Jayce told Ever. He was confident in

knowing neither Ever nor Wes would blow his cover as Ernesto
Sandoval, trafficker of drugs and women. “Up in the mountains, deep

Ever nodded solemnly. “You got your guy?”
“Yeah, he’s doing thirty to life for drugs and human

trafficking.” And still had no idea the man he’d considered his right-
hand had brought about his downfall.

Simon slapped him on the back. “I always worry about you

when you assume that identity.” He met Jayce’s gaze with serious

Simon had a right to be worried, though he’d never really

know the person Jayce had to be to fit in with those men. The things
he had to see…and do. No one would know but Jayce, his own

Wes’ gaze was a tangible touch on his skin. Jayce fought the

pull to turn into it, to meet those blue eyes.

“Hold up,” Ever said. She frowned at Simon. “You knew

where he was this whole time?”

Simon’s gaze darted around the room. “Uh…”
“Son of a bitch.” Ever threw her chair back and jumped to her

feet. “You listened to me bitch and moan about what he did to Wes
and you—”

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“Ever.” Wes spoke for the first time. “Don’t.”
Jayce sat back in his chair, arms folded on his chest, and

watched the drama. What did he do to Wes? What had Wes told his
friend transpired between them?

Ever bit her lip and looked at blinked furiously at Wes. “But


“Sit the fuck down, Ever.” Wes’ voice was calm, way too

calm for the death grip he had on the stem of his wine glass.

Ever’s lips twitched but she did as her best friend commanded,

falling back into her chair. “This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook,”
she promised Simon.

Jayce didn’t envy his friend at all after he caught the

determined glint in her eye. That woman could be dangerous.

Simon planted a loud kiss on her lips then faced the table and

cleared his throat. “So the real reason we wanted you guys here was
to announce that…” He held Ever’s hand, lacing their fingers. “We’re
getting married.”

Jayce whooped. “Congrats, man.” He patted Simon’s back.
A wide grin split Ever’s face. “He’s finally gonna make an

honest woman out of me.”

Wes hugged Ever close, kissing her cheek and whispering in

her ear. They both laughed softly, but Jayce caught the strain around
Wes’ mouth.

Wes pushed his chair back and stood. “Congratulations,

Simon.” He stuck out his hand and Simon rose as well.

“Thanks, Wes. I’ll take care of her, I promise.”
Wes’ Adam’s apple worked. Jayce almost missed the tremor

in his bottom lip.

“I know you will.” Wes’ voice cracked. “I know you will.” He

looked around, expression panicked. “Can I—I need to leave, I’m
sorry.” He raced out the room.

“Wes!” Ever ran after him. “Wes!”
Jayce jumped up, tipping his chair. What the hell was wrong

with Wes? He raised an eyebrow at Simon, who shrugged.

“He left.” Ever burst into the room. “He just walked out in the

freezing cold.” She looked lost, eyes wet and red-rimmed. “I-I don’t

Simon wrapped his wrapped his arms around her. “It’s okay.”

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Jayce pulled out his car keys. “I’ll find him and take him


Ever moved away from Simon and stood in front of Jayce. She

looked up at him, those green eyes piercing, brown skin glowing.
“Don’t let him turn to you if you can’t give him what he needs.”

“Ever.” Simon touched her elbow, but she shrugged him off.
“No.” Accusing gaze pinning Jayce to the floor, she said,

“You ran away from him six months ago. If you’re back to break his
heart again, you should’ve stayed away. I won’t accept anything less
than your love for him, do you understand me?”

Jayce snapped a half-hearted salute as he flashed a crooked

smile. “Got it.”

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Chapter Five

Wes couldn’t feel his toes. His breath swirled in clouds of

white in front his face, and the tips of his ears burned. He’d worn
gloves but not a hat or scarf to buffer against the cold. Hadn’t
anticipated I’d be walking my ass back home.

He’d have to call Ever and apologize for being an insensitive

fool. He couldn’t believe he’d run out on his best friend when she
announced her engagement.

Married. Ever and Simon were getting married. He was happy

for Ever, happy for them. He just couldn’t grin and laugh with Jayce
sitting there, a real-life reminder of what Wes couldn’t have.

It had to be a cosmic joke.
At least now he knew where Jayce had been for six months.

He’d seen the shadow in the other man’s eyes when Jayce talked
about Mexico. Bad things happened there.

He stopped walking, shivers wracking his spine as he pulled

his coat tighter around him. For all the good that did. He pulled out
his phone and hit redial. Please let the car service have someone

“Car service.”
“Hi, I called earlier?” He gave the dispatcher his location, stiff

fingers crossed, and waited as she tried finding him an available

“I’m sorry, sir.” She did sound genuinely contrite. “We don’t

seem to have anyone near that stretch of road. Try us back, please.”
She hung up in his ear.

“Fuck!” He felt like flinging the phone away, but where would

that get him? The dark stretch of road he travelled wasn’t out of the
way, but since he’d begun walking not one single vehicle had passed

“Just my freaking luck.” He wrapped his arms around his

middle then cocked his head to the side. Could’ve sworn I
…Yes, the sound of an approaching vehicle. He turned around
as headlights speared the darkness. The brightness blinded him and he
shaded his eyes with a hand as he hooked a thumb out.

This is so not a good idea.
The approaching vehicle, slightly familiar, passed him then

slowed down, pulling to a stop a little way down the road.

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“Make me work for it, why don’t you?” he grumbled under his

breath as he ran to catch up. The dark colored sedan idled as he slid
along the gravel. When he finally caught up, he gulped air into his
lungs as he bent and looked through the passenger window.

Ah, fuck me.
Jayce regarded him with hooded eyes. “Get in.”
Catching his bottom lip between his teeth, Wes contemplated

the situation. He weighed the pros and cons. Freezing his balls off
versus going another round with Jayce.

Steeling his spine, he opened the car door and got in.

“Thanks.” He didn’t get a chance to secure the bloody seatbelt before
Jayce was peeling away like a fucking drag racer. Wes pursed his lips
against the urge to complain. Beggars shouldn’t be choosers.

They travelled without speaking. No radio on, only the sound

of the wheels on the road and the heavy wind to break up the quiet

Half way to his home, Jayce spoke. “What’s your problem

with Simon and Ever getting married?”

“What?” Wes turned to him. “I don’t have a problem with

Simon and Ever getting married.”

Jayce grunted. “Coulda fooled me, the way you hightailed it

outta there.”

Wes started shaking his head before he stopped speaking.

“Drop it. You don’t know anything about me.” He faced forward, fists
clenched at his sides. Nobody brought out the anger in him quite like
Jayce did. He hated how easily the man pulled emotion from him.

“I think it’s selfish you couldn’t table your shit to be happy for

your so-called best friend.”

“Okay, you know what?” Wes twisted to look at the righteous

bastard sitting there all calm and shit. “Don’t speak to me, all right?
Just…don’t speak to me.”

“We’re in my car.”
“Then stop it and I’ll get the fuck out!” Why the hell was

Jayce pushing him? Wes unbuckled his seatbelt. “You didn’t have to
pick me up, you could’ve left me right there at the side of the road.”

The area around Jayce’s mouth tightened. “I should have.

Save myself some grief.”

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Wes spluttered. The son of a bitch really was unbelievable. “I

cause you grief?” He poked his chest. “I’m the one causing you grief?
Stop the freaking car.”

Jayce ignored him.
“Stop the fucking car!” Wes grabbed the steering wheel,

jerking it from Jayce’s control.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jayce pushed him away as he

fought to right the weaving vehicle.

“Stop it!” Wes had no idea why the hell his eyes were burning,

why he was tearing up. “I want to get out. Let me out.”

“God damn it!”
The car careened to a stop inches from a pole.
“Are you crazy?” Jayce grabbed his jacket and pulled him

forward. “You could’ve gotten us seriously hurt.”

“Fuck you!” Wes wrenched away from his hold and scrambled

out the car. “I can walk home. There’s no need for you to
inconvenience yourself with me ever again.” He ignored the hitch in
his breathing from the cold air and huddled into his jacket as he
walked away.

Behind him a door slammed.
“Get your ass back in the car, Wes.”
He ignored the growl. Why did he have to be in love with

someone who hated him? Jayce hated him, Wes saw it in his eyes. All
that anger and bitterness. Jayce hated the attraction between them,
wished it non-existent. Wes saw it and he couldn’t bear to be in the
company of someone who didn’t want to want him.

He couldn’t bear to be the only one wishing for touches and

kisses and…more.

A heavy hand landed on his shoulder. “Wes, get back in the


He shook off Jayce’s hold, stumbling on the uneven ground.

Steady arms wrapped around his shoulder, holding him upright.
Stupid tears blinded his eyes and he struggled in Jayce’s hold.

“Don’t fucking touch me.” He righted himself and pushed

Jayce away.

Jayce stumbled and grabbed Wes’ lapel. The two struggled,

Wes pushing and Jayce pulling.

“Damn you, Wes.” Jayce grabbed him by the shoulder and got

in his face. His breath warmed Wes’ face. “I promised Ever I’d take

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you home. Now, I’m taking you home, even if I have to tie you the
fuck up.”

“Fine.” Wes pushed him back before he got accustomed to

Jayce’s heat. He turned abruptly, heading for the car. Behind him
gravel crunched as Jayce swore. He slowed his strides as he
approached the vehicle, idling as he waited for Jayce to catch up.

Jayce speared him with a cold look as he headed back to the

driver’s side door. Wes licked his lips and spoke.

“Just tell me one thing.”
Jayce stopped but didn’t turn around.
Wes took that as permission to continue. “Why do you hate

me so much? All that anger and resentment burning in your eyes
when you look at me, what did I do to warrant it?” His heart thudded
in his chest as he waited, breathing in the icy air.

Jayce turned slowly and walked over to him. His dark eyes

glinted in the night as he stared at Wes. “Why do I hate you?” He
stood inches from Wes in front of the car.

Wes nodded. “Ever since we met you’ve hated me. Why?” He

hated how much of his feelings were in that last wobbly word.

“I don’t hate you.” The words fell from behind gritted teeth. A

muscle in Jayce’s jaw jumped. “I don’t fucking hate you, Wes. I hate
how I can’t stop wanting you. I hate that I can’t put your face out of
my mind.”

The force of those words drove Wes backwards. He stumbled

then righted himself. What…?

Jayce moved forward, jaw set, eyes blazing. He reached out,

grabbed Wes’ collar and yanked him into his chest.

Clouded breaths tumbled from Wes’ parted lips.
“It suffocates me, this need I have for you.” Jayce spoke as

though in pain, his heated breaths battering Wes’ face. “It steals my
breath, leaves me weak, and I hate that I don’t have you to help me.
To breathe for me.”

Oh, God. Wes raised a trembling hand and cupped Jayce’s

rigid jaw. “Jayce.”

“Six months.” Jayce shook. “I’ve been breathless for six


Wes rose on tiptoe and crushed their mouths together. Jayce

held him tight, lifting him as he opened his mouth and allowed Wes
inside. Wes sobbed into the kiss. Jayce tasted of desperation and need

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as their tongue twisted around each other. Jayce grunted into his
mouth as Wes got the sensation of moving.

Jayce slammed him down on the hood of the car, climbing

him as their tongues dueled. Wes grabbed the edge of Jayce’s jacket,
cursing the gloves on his hand as he dug underneath in search of skin.
Jayce rocked into him, his erection hard and throbbing through Wes’

Lifting his legs, Wes wrapped them around him, locking him

in place as they rocked on each other, grinding, clawing at each other
in search of skin. Jayce got there first, rough fingers dragging down
Wes’ side, leaving tingles in its wake.

Groans fell from Wes’ lips as he undulated, rubbing his aching

cock on Jayce, loving the shudders racing through the man in his arms
and the hitch in his breathing. Fire sparked and hissed in his
bloodstream at the animalistic grunts Jayce made.

This man didn’t hate him. He never did.
Reaching down, Wes grabbed Jayce ass cheeks through his

jeans, squeezing as he undulated.

A car horn blasted, jarring them, bursting their lust-filled

cocoon. Wes lifted his head and wrapped his arms around Jayce’s
shoulders. Burying his face in Jayce’s neck, he inhaled the
intoxicating musk of hot sex.

He licked Jayce’s ear, smiling when he shivered. “Take me


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Chapter Six

They stumbled through the door of Wes’ house, hands tearing

at clothes, lips mashed together, both fighting to control the kiss. The
house was dark save for the moon and streetlights filtering through
the blinds, and Wes had more important things to do than flip a light

Jayce kicked the door closed and palmed his ass, lifting Wes

onto him. Wes groaned into his mouth, tongue stroking deep, legs
wrapping around Jayce. The combined scents of their arousal
perfumed the air.

“Clothes,” Jayce grunted into his mouth. “Get rid of ‘em.”
“Hmm.” Wes rocked on him.
Jayce’s shoulders banged into the door and he reversed their

positions, shoving Wes against the door. Unsteady fingers cupped his
cheek, forcing him to open his eyes and meet Jayce’s gaze. Wes broke
the kiss, staring into Jayce’s dark eyes, which glinted in the near

They just looked into each other’s eyes, no words, no sounds

but their harsh breaths. Jayce pushed his pelvis into Wes, his hardness
more than evident.

“I’m fucking you tonight,” Jayce growled.
Wes’ cock jerked in response, but he didn’t say a word.

Instead he held a glove-covered hand up to Jayce’s mouth. His man
tugged the gloves off with his teeth, first one hand then the other,
never breaking eye contact as he dropped them on the floor.

With the gloves off, Wes trailed a finger down Jayce’s nose

then traced his lips. Jayce watched him steadily, hips rotating slowly.

“You’re fucking me tonight,” Wes whispered. He kissed Jayce

again, hard and bruising. Using his strength to anchor him to the door,
Jayce unzipped Wes’ jeans, tugging them down and circling his
dripping cock.

“Ugh.” Wes moaned into his mouth, fingers digging into

Jayce’s nape.

Jayce thumbed his cock head with one hand, the other he used

to unbutton his own jeans and push them down. Wes tugged on
Jayce’s jacket, pushing it off his shoulders and to the floor, before
dipping his hand under the sweater he wore. He slid his palms across

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the hot, smooth skin of Jayce’s back, loving the shudders Jayce
couldn’t hide.

Jayce stroked Wes as he trailed a finger down his ass crack,

pressing against his clenching hole.

“Oh.” Wes rolled his hips.
“No lube, I’m fucking you dry,” Jayce grunted against his ear

as he dipped a finger into Wes.

Wes shivered. He’d feel everything, the burn, the pain. He’d

feel Jayce. He nipped at Jayce’s neck. Pushing back on the finger
invading him.

Jayce’s body trembled in his hold. “Fucking tight.”
“Yours,” Wes whispered into his neck.
“Yes.” Jayce removed his fingers and spat on them. Wes

leaned back, head banging against the wall as he watched. He reached
down, stroking himself as Jayce lubed his fingers then brought them
back to his hole.

He pushed two fingers inside with no finesse.
Fire blazed on his skin and Wes groaned, fucking himself on

those fingers. Letting go of his cock, Wes licked his palm, spit into it,
then wrapped it around Jayce’s pulsing prick. He stroked him
roughly, slicking him with the crude lube from base to slippery tip.

Jayce worked three fingers into Wes’ ass, stretching him with

a pleasurable burn. Wes panted. Rolling his hips, he took those
fingers deeper until his eyes crossed.

Jayce pulled his hand away from Wes roughly. “Hold on


Wes tightened his legs around him, locking his knees as Jayce

lifted him higher and his cock pushed in. Wes fought for breath,
fingers clawing at Jayce’s back as his throbbing cock speared him.

“God. God.”
Jayce rested his forehead on Wes’, arms straining around him

as he slid inside deeper and deeper. Wes felt every vein, every ridge,
every twitch as Jayce dragged along his passage.

“Wes.” His name tumbled from the lips hovering above his.

“Babe.” Jayce shuddered as he bottomed out then he stilled, heavy
breaths fanning across Wes’ face. “You’re so fucking tight. The
perfect fit.”

Wes clenched at the words.

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Jayce yelled, body jerking. He reared back, cock sliding out,

then plunged in hard and punishing.

Wes cried out, his grip on Jayce loosening. Jayce repeated the

stroke, pulling out and pounding in, knocking on Wes’ prostate,
words—a blend of Spanish and English—falling from his lips.

“I dreamt about this. Your heat, your taste.” Jayce placed a

palm on the wall behind Wes’ head and thrust.

“I brought myself off, night after night, with images of this in

my head.” Jayce swiveled his hips, caressing Wes’ prostate. “I hoped
it’d be this good. This hot.”

“Ah. Jayce, please.” Wes caught Jayce’s face between his

hands. He kissed him, deep and sure, his tongue mimicking Jayce’s
cock plunging in and out of his ass. When he broke the kiss, Wes
didn’t release his hold on Jayce. “I didn’t want to hope for this, but I
wanted it.”

Jayce bumped his prostate and Wes’ eyelids fluttered.
“So much. I wanted this so bad.”
Jayce canted his hips, plugging away at Wes with each stroke.

“Now you have me.” He slowed his tempo, pulling out and sliding in
so slowly.

“Yes.” Wes shuddered, fingers clawing. He threw his head

back, banging into the wall. Eyes closed, he reached under Jayce’s
sweater, fingers searching, nails scraping until he found Jayce’s flat
nipple. He tugged and twisted it.

“Fuck!” Jayce shuddered. The cock in Wes’ ass jerked.
“Good?” Wes contracted around him.
“Better than.” Jayce kissed him hard, bruising. “Better than.”

He anchored his hands on Wes’ hips and pistoned in and out.
Reaching between them, Wes palmed his cock, tugging furiously.

Jayce pounded away at him, every thrust sending his cock

head ramming into Wes’ prostate. Heat swirled in his limbs,
scorching his spine, drawing up his balls.

“You’ve always been mine,” Jayce grunted. Lodged deep

inside Wes, his cock swelled, growing thicker, pulsing hot. “From the
first word.”

“Yes.” Wes tightened his hold on his cock, ass working as he

fucked himself on Jayce. Blood roared in his ears.

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Teeth nipping his earlobe, Jayce growled, “Love.”
“Yes! Fuck!” The word sent Wes over. He came in short

spurts, his cream splattering on Jayce’s sweater and lower belly. His
ass contracted wildly.

“Ah, Wes!”
Jayce’s hot seed flooded his ass, triggering another burst of

cum from Wes. The spunk poured over his fingers and slid down his
cock onto his balls as his eyes rolled back in his head. His legs went
lax and his body slid downward. Jayce wrapped his arms around him
and lowered them to the floor.

Somehow they ended sitting at the bottom of the stairs, with

him on Jayce’s lap, still stuffed full of Jayce’s cock. They panted in
the darkness, sweat cooling on their skin, without words. Just kisses
and soft touches.

Wes tried reconciling the man he was experiencing now with

the man he’d met in Simon’s office. The man who’d regarded him
with anger and open hostility. He expected that man to make an
appearance any minute, to denounce their coming together.

Hands wrapped around Jayce’s shoulders, face buried in his

neck as Jayce’s palm slid up and down his spine, Wes waited for the
other shoe to drop. For someone—Jayce—to take away the hope he
felt even now, growing, blossoming in his chest.

Love. The word Jayce growled in his ear, the word that sent

him over the edge. Was Jayce calling him “love” or telling Wes he
loved him? He didn’t know and Wes found he wasn’t brave enough to

“You’re thinking way too hard.” Jayce tugged on his hair and

Wes lifted his head slowly. “What’s up?” Jayce searched his gaze.

Wes pursed his lips with a shrug. “I just…I think I’m waiting

for you to morph back into the bastard I’d love to dropkick.”

Jayce’s lips twitched. Wes followed the movement with his

eyes, gasping when the cock in his ass jerked.

“It appears my cock likes the way you stare at my mouth.”

Jayce winked and rolled his hips.

Wes moaned, laying his palms flat on Jayce’s chest. He

squeezed his muscles around Jayce, who growled.

Fighting for breath, Wes tried to collect his lust-fogged

thoughts. “I can’t help it, but I…” He regarded Jayce under his lashes.
“I keep waiting for you call this a mistake and walk away.”

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Jayce stared at him without speaking. Wes’ face heated. He

should’ve kept his fucking mouth shut. Biting his lip, Wes looked

“Hey.” Jayce cupped his cheek. “I’ve had a long time to think

about this, to consider what I’d do if you allowed me back into your
arms. My mistake was in disappearing without telling you how much
I wanted you.” Brushing a thumb over Wes’ bottom lip, Jayce said,
“My mistake was in thinking I could erase you from my heart.” He
brought their lips together, his tongue flicking over teeth and tangling
with Wes’.

Eyes burning, Wes kissed him back. Emotions choked him, so

he allowed the press of his lips and the stroke of his tongue to convey
his feelings. He was in Jayce’s heart. The one place he’d wanted to
take up residence from the very start.

Below him, Jayce shifted on the floor. “Let’s take this

upstairs. My ass is numb and not in a good way.”

“Oh, shit. Yeah.” Wes eased off Jayce’s lap, Jayce’s heavy

cock dragging along Wes’ passage as he lifted off. “Ung, fuck.” His
legs wobbled when he stood. Moving away from Jayce, Wes flicked
on the light and gathered his clothes from the floor.

Jayce’s seed leaked out of his ass, dripping down the back of

his thighs. “A shower is in order.” Halfway up the stairs, he looked
over his shoulder. Jayce stood at the foot of the stairs, staring at him.

Wes frowned. “What?”
“Bend over.”
He lifted an eyebrow and Jayce climbed the stairs toward him.
“Do it. Bend over right there.” A predatory gleam entered

Jayce’s eyes and he licked his lips.

Wes had no idea what he had planned but something told him

he’d like it. He did as ordered, bending over right there on the stairs.
Curling his fingers round the banister for purchase, he waited.

“Ass in the air,” Jayce growled behind him.
Face flaming, Wes did as ordered. Exposed as he was in that

position, Jayce would see Wes’ hole contracting, Jayce’s seed pouring

Teeth nipped his left butt cheek, then his right.
Breath hitched in Wes’ lungs. He arched his back, waiting,

heart thumping. Pulse racing. Something slick and wet skated over his

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He bucked, cried out. “Jayce. Oh, God!”
Jayce flicked his tongue over his hole, licking.
Wes didn’t know what to do, what to say. He’d never

experienced such unselfish pleasure before. He shuddered, harsh
groans tumbling from his lips.

Jayce gripped his hips, pulling him back into his stiffened


“Oh. Oh.”
That wicked man behind him tongue-fucked him, penetrating

his entrance and dipping inside again and again. Wes pushed back,
riding the waves of intense pleasure, abandoning all questions of why
to just feel.

Jayce stopped his plunder long enough to bark, “Touch


Wes did, stroking his cock, thumbing his balls as he

undulated, rocking on Jayce’s mouth. Two fingers pushed into his ass,
lubricated with Jayce’s cum and saliva, pushing deep as Jayce flicked
his tongue around the outside, circling, rimming.

“Oh. Jayce.” Wes panted. “I-I…”
“Hmm.” Jayce slurped around him.
The fingers in his ass tripled, stretching, burning, curving as

they scraped his prostate, and Wes shot off like a fucking rocket. His
body shook uncontrollably as his seed poured from him and onto the
carpeted stairs.

“God.” Wes pitched forward on his stomach.
Jayce stayed behind him on his knees, cleaning up his seed,

licking from Wes’ hole to the back of his legs, flicking over his balls
as he hummed.

When Jayce finished he grabbed a fistful of Wes’ hair and

pulled his head back. Wes stared at him, eyes asking questions he was
afraid to put voice to.

Jayce kissed him. Wes opened with a sigh, tasting the bitter

musk of his and Jayce’s combined essence.

Jayce gathered him in his arms. “Which bedroom?”
Wes lifted a weak arm, pointing out his bedroom before

slumping against Jayce’s chest.

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Chapter Seven

Jayce rolled over in the bed, flinging out an arm in search of

Wes. Nothing but rumpled sheets, cool to the touch. Cracking open an
eyelid, he glanced around the room.

No sign of the man he’d spent the better part of a night

fucking. After their first taste of each other downstairs last night, he’d
carried a near comatose Wes upstairs, cleaned him off, and fucked
him twice more.

Inhaling a deep breath, he took in the stale musk of their


Did he have regrets? Not about giving in to his feelings for

Wes. He regretted the mistake he’d made all those years ago that
haunted him now. A mistake he feared voicing else he’d lose Wes.
But how did he build a relationship with the secret hanging over his

And what of Dominic Scotto?
A part of Jayce knew Wes couldn’t still care for Dominic and

sleep with him, but Jayce had to tell Wes what he knew about the
criminal practices involving the Scottos.

He sat up, the blanket tangled around his waist and legs.

“Wes?” Swinging a foot over the edge of the bed, he got to his feet,
the sheet wrapped around his lower half, and walked out the bedroom.
“Wes, where are you?”

Silence filled the house so he reentered the bedroom, flinging

away the sheet and grabbing his jeans where they lay at the foot of the
bed. He pulled them on as the phone on the night table beeped.

“Jayce?” Wes’ voice echoed in the room and through the

house. “I’m downstairs in the basement. Come find me.”

Confined in his jeans, Jayce’s cock throbbed at the sound of

Wes’ voice. Damn. His ass clenched and he inhaled sharply. The
effect Wes had on him was crazy.

His stomach rumbled.
He needed food. Taking two strides to the night table, he

rummaged inside the drawer until he found what he sought. Food had
to wait. His body called strongly for something much more potent and


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The sound of computer keys clacking reached Jayce’s ears

before he cleared the last stair. At the bottom he stood, condoms and
lube in hand, and observed his man in his natural habitat.

Hunched over a wide computer screen, Wes sat in the black

office chair dressed in striped pajama bottoms and a black t-shirt.
About a dozen other computers surrounded him in the wide office-
styled area, some screens blinking on and off, others were shut-down

As Jayce watched, the black rimmed glasses slid down Wes’

nose and a lock of his dark blond hair fell over his forehead and into
his eyes. Without taking his eyes off the screen in front of him, Wes
pushed up the glasses and brushed the hair away with his left hand.

His right hand flew unhindered over the keyboard.
A smile curved Jayce’s lips. Wes was an amazing tech whiz,

capable of hacking into many top secret agencies. He was supposedly
reformed from his shady past with the death of his blackmailer,
Angus Brennan, so why did it look like he’d never stopped?

“Hey.” He approached Wes slowly, hands behind his back.
Wes’ gaze flicked to him and back to his screen in a

nanosecond. “Hi. How did you sleep?”

“Great…until I turned over and you weren’t beside me,” Jayce


“I know. I’m sorry, but I have to do this thing for a friend and

he’s really counting on me.” Pushing away from the desk, Wes swung
the chair around to the computer to his left and began tapping away at
the keys there. “I’m almost finished and then I’m all yours.”

“What’s this favor? Is it legal?” Jayce stood behind Wes’

chair, peering at the screen over his shoulder. He couldn’t make heads
or tails of the numbered mumbo jumbo on there. “And who is this

Wes flipped his hair out of his eyes again. “Uh, his name’s

Cruz. He’s down in the Bahamas.”

Jayce brought his lips to Wes’ ear. “Uh-huh, but is the favor

illegal? You haven’t answered me yet.”

Wes shivered, and his fingers slowed on the keyboard. “I-


Jayce flicked his tongue over the shell of his ear, then nipped

his lobe. “You what?”

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A shaky sigh left Wes’ lips and he leaned into Jayce’s touch.

“It’s not wholly legal.”

Jayce nibbled down his neck. Wes abandoned the computer,

his nimble fingers now white knuckled as he gripped the edge of his

Jayce dropped the tube of lube and the pack of Magnums in

Wes’ lap. “Time for a break. I want your cock inside me.”

“Shit.” Wes spun around in his chair, facing him with color

high on his cheekbones. “Yeah.”

Unbuttoning his jeans with one hand, Jayce shoved them

down his hips as he leaned over and took Wes’ mouth. They tongued
each other down in hurried strokes, swallowing each other’s moans
and groans.

Wes fumbled with a condom, easing up off the chair to tug

down his pajama bottoms and cover his cock with the rubber.

Flicking his tongue over the roof of his mouth, Jayce took the

lube from Wes’ fingers and squeezed a large dollop in his palm. He
gripped Wes’ throbbing cock in his hand, slathering him with the
slick as Wes bucked and dug his fingers into his shoulders.

“Oh, fuck. Jayce, you gonna make me blow.” Wes arched into

his hold, hips working.

Jayce released him and turned around, giving Wes his back as

he eased down on the hard length. Wes held himself upright, breath
hissing out of him as his cock head bumped Jayce’s entrance.

Jayce gritted his teeth, grabbing hold of the desk in front of

him as Wes’ prick sank deeper and deeper inside him. He’d
deliberately chosen not to stretch himself and now the burn of the
invasion took his breath away. He threw his head back as he eased up
then sank down in one hurried stroke.

“Oh!” Wes clawed at his hips, thrusting into him.
“God!” Jayce shuddered as Wes hit his prostate with every

stroke, his aim sure and true. “Damn, Wes…” His heart thudded in his
chest, fire raged under his skin. So good. The feel of Wes taking him
was better than he’d ever imagined and he’d imagined that shit every
day for six long months.

Eyes squeezed shut, he took all of Wes until he sat tight on his

man’s lap. His prostate pinged, sending electricity coursing lightning
fast through his veins. Hands fisted, his nails dug into his palms. Wes

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pulled him back onto his chest and Jayce went, head nestled in the
crook of Wes shoulder.

They stayed in that position—Wes seated, Jayce in his lap—

and moved. Wes allowed Jayce to set the pace and he opted for a
steady rhythm, grunts leaving his throat at every thrust, every graze of
Wes’ flared head against his channel.

Wes’ heavy breathing echoed in Jayce’s head, the heat

scorching the side of his neck. Linking their fingers, Wes brought
their hands to the front, stroking down Jayce’s chest before he scraped
his fingernail over a nipple.

“Ah!” Jayce arched, his ass clenching at the shot of pleasure-


Wes cried out, pistoning up. Jayce slammed down. Wes’ body

jerked, the action rattling Jayce’s bones as his dick swelled.

Jayce’s balls tightened, drawing up at the base of his cock. He

took himself in hand, thumb swiping at his slit as the orgasm bubbled
over. Cum shot of him, filling his palm. He increased his strokes,
riding Wes harder.

His man bucked, crying out as his hips snapped up faster and

faster. Then he tensed. The heat of Wes’ climax scalded his insides
even through the condom. Wes rode him through his orgasm,
thrusting in shallow strokes until he slumped against Jayce’s

Jayce turned his head, taking his man’s mouth, drinking in his

stuttered breaths as he tightened his fingers in their hold.

They remained quiet, steadying their breathing until Wes


“I rolled over this morning and you were beside me looking so

peaceful.” He shook his head. “It’s not real to me that I finally have
you in my arms after all the wishing and hoping. I don’t want to let
you go.”

Unlinking their fingers, Wes grabbed Jayce’s chin and forced

him to meet his eyes. “I don’t want to let you go,” Wes whispered.
His blue eyes stared deep into Jayce’s soul. “Ever.”

Despite the sinking feeling in his guilty stomach, Jayce

granted him a small smile. “You don’t have to worry about that, it’ll
never happen.” He tunneled his fingers in Wes’ unruly hair. “Besides,
you’re my breath. My air. I couldn’t let you go even if I wanted to.”
As honestly as he meant those words, the bitter taste of hypocrisy

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lingered in his mouth. He had to find a way to deal with the past
waiting for him in Texas.

Happiness flashed in Wes’ eyes, the glow so bright it hurt

Jayce’s heart. He grabbed Wes, pulling him into a bruising kiss before
breaking it off and pressing their foreheads together.

“I want you to tell me why you’re back,” Wes said. His gaze

searched Jayce’s eyes.

Damn man was way too inquisitive. “Why do you think I’m


Wes shrugged. “I’d like to think you’re here strictly to see me,

but I don’t think that’s the case.”

Jayce heaved an internal sigh. Easing off Wes, he grunted as

Wes’ limp prick slid out of him. “Ah, shit. That feels good.” He didn’t
meet Wes’ eyes as he grabbed his jeans and stepped into them.

“There’s another reason why I’m back in town, yes.”

Straightening his spine, he met the open curiosity in Wes’ steady
gaze. “It’s the excuse I used to come back, to see you, but it is a very
serious case.”

Wes nodded and got to his feet. “If you’re on the case then I

expect it to be serious.” He removed the used condom, dropping it in
the small, metal trash can next to his desk, then tugged up his pajama
bottoms and pushed his glasses back up his nose. “So? Can you share

“I could, but...” How did he tell Wes Dominic Scotto was


“But what?” Wes cocked an eyebrow. “But you’ll have to kill


“Har-har-har. Funny man.” Wrapping an arm around his

shoulders, Jayce dropped a kiss on Wes’ head. “Come on, we’ll talk

He managed to find a few things to make an omelet in the

barren wasteland Wes called a kitchen. As the younger man sat at the
kitchen table, those gorgeous eyes tracking his every movement,
Jayce added mushrooms, green peppers, and cheese to the egg and did
his thing over the stove.

“Talk already.”
Well, someone was mighty impatient. He grinned at Wes’ put-

out grumble as he folded the egg mixture in the pan.

“Pour us some OJ, will you, babe?”

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Wes shuffled over to the fridge, grumbling about Jayce taking

his time under his breath. His impatience brought a grin to Jayce’s
face, but it didn’t last long. He’d be delivering bad news about
someone Wes once slept with.

He still had no idea about the status of that relationship.

Transferring the omelet to their plates, he asked, “What’s the deal
with you and Dominic Scotto?”

Wes finished pouring their juices and sat down with a huff, a

scowl on his face. “What do you think is the deal with us?”

“Jesus, Wes, don’t give me the fucking riddles. Not now.” He

sat down, taking Wes’ hand in his. “Not after last night.”

Wes looked away, his throat working. When he met Jayce’s

gaze moments later, he grimaced. “Dom and I…we’ve been
struggling.” He waved a hand. “Don’t get me wrong, we were good in
the beginning.” Looking at Jayce from under his lashes, he confessed,
“But for the past month or so it’s been really hard. He lives to please
his old man, always at his father’s beck and call. It put a strain on us.
We stopped…um…we stopped sharing a bed last month.”

“But you haven’t broken up?”
He shook his head. “I thought we could fix it. I didn’t want to

be alone, so I endured.”

“What’s wrong with being alone?”
“Being alone meant I was sitting here thinking about you.”

Wes’ voice rose, along with color in his face and on his neck. “Being
alone meant I’d have time to wonder where you were and why you
left. I chose not to be alone, but it didn’t make a difference. I was
alone in that relationship.”

Jayce felt like such an ass. He had an opening to confess to

Wes but he didn’t take it. Swallowing a bit of his omelet he convinced
himself this wasn’t the time. Telling Wes about Dominic was more
important. “I’m sorry for the pain you felt at me leaving.”

Wes shrugged. “I coped.”
“So what about now? How does Dominic fit into your life?”
“He doesn’t.” Wes met his gaze squarely. “I broke it off with

him the night he left for New York.”

“That easily, huh?”
“No.” Wes forked some food into his mouth. “It wasn’t easy,

but it was necessary.”

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He grunted. “How did he take it?”
“Not well, but he didn’t have a choice.”
“Okay.” Jayce took a sip of his orange juice. “This

case…technically, it’s only in the beginning investigative stages, but
it’s about an embezzlement ring.”

“Interesting.” Wes leaned back in his chair, arms folded.

“Who are the suspects?”

“I can’t—”
“Don’t give me that crap.” Wes grinned. “Who’ll know you

discussed the case with your lover? My lips are zipped, so come on,
tell me already.”

Lover. Jayce liked the sound of that. “The leaders of the

embezzlement ring—which stretches from Chicago to London, by the
way—are Vitor and Dominic Scotto.”

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Chapter Eight

“Impossible.” The word flew from Wes’ lips automatically,

but he didn’t take them back. He held Jayce’s gaze, daring him to say
something. No way was Dominic into anything illegal. Wes would

Jayce frowned at him. “You’re not even going to hear me out


“What else do you have to say?” Wes raised an eyebrow. “Do

you have proof?” Shaking his head, he answered his own question.
“No, otherwise they’d already be in custody.”

“It’s true we don’t have much solid evidence.” Jayce placed

his fork on his plate slowly. “What we do have is one hundred and
fifty civilian complaints, a whole lotta unexplained income from both
men, and suspicious activity.”

“Suspicious activity?” Barking a laugh, Wes leaned back.

“Tell me Agent Santana, what exactly constitutes suspicious activity
nowadays? Dom fucking me?” Was Jayce serious with this shit?

Eyes darkened to almost black, Jayce glowered at him. “Don’t

say shit like that to me. And this isn’t about you and him, it’s about
the Scottos’ victims and what they deserve. You may not want to
believe you’ve been sleeping with someone cold-hearted enough to
squander the life savings of decent folks, but that’s the truth.”

Wes refused to believe a word of any of it. Not Dominic. For

all his faults—and he had many—Dominic wouldn’t be as cold as
that. The elder Scotto maybe. Vitor Scotto was an unfeeling bastard
who didn’t give a flying fuck about his son except when he wanted
something done. Something to benefit him, never Dominic.

“If there’s any truth to this, then it’s all Vitor.” He shook his

head when Jayce opened his mouth. “This isn’t because I care and
refuse to see anything bad about Dominic. I had the unfortunate
pleasure of having dinner with Vitor Scotto once. Just once because I
refused to be in that man’s company for any reason after that.”

“What happened?”
Wes rubbed the back of his neck as he remembered. “Dominic

wanted to introduce me to him, his lover and his dad.” A grunt left his
mouth. “Vitor refused to call me by my name, instead choosing to
refer to me as ‘him’. He hated his son’s lifestyle, hated that Dom was

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gay. He hated there’d be no heirs to the Scotto kingdom and that Dom
showed absolutely zero interest in his business.”

“And you know this how?” Jayce still didn’t seem inclined to

listen to Wes’ defense of Dom.

“They argued right there at the table in the middle of the

fancy-ass restaurant Vitor chose.” Wes remembered the humiliation
vividly as Vitor named him the cause of all the problems between him
and Dominic. From where he’d sat that night, Wes had to bite his
tongue to keep from informing Vitor that dubious honor was all his.

“But how does Dominic live?” Jayce brought his elbows onto

the table. Those gun-metal eyes were steady and hard, his face
unreadable. Must be his interrogation mask showing. “If he and his
father don’t get along, Dominic has to be making bank the way he
lives. The condo over the lake, the Rolls, the clubs and the expensive
clothes. That boy is rolling in some kinda paper, baby.”

Wes allowed his lips to curve into a lazy smile. Keeping his

expression mild, he asked, “Are you asking if I know how Dominic
Scotto makes his paper?”

That dark gaze narrowed. “I am. Do you?”
“I do.”
Silence reigned. Jayce cocked his head to the side and eyed

him. Wes met his speculative stare with what he hoped was wide-
eyed innocence.

“Will I have to beat this information out of you?” Jayce


The words had Wes’ cock jerking in his pants. He squirmed

under the predatory stare, shivers tingling his spine when Jayce

Knowingly evil, that grin revved the flow of blood through

Wes’ veins.

“Would you like me to beat you, Wes?” The words rumbled

low in Jayce’s chest, sparking fire on Wes’ skin.

He jerked his gaze away from the swirling heat in Jayce’s eyes

and forced himself to focus. “Uh…so—I know where Dominic’s
fortune comes from, only he doesn’t know that I know.”

Jayce perked up at that, straightening his spine and clearing

his throat. “And why is that?”

Wes shrugged with feigned nonchalance. “I’ve been through

too much to just allow anyone into my life without knowing them

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fully.” Meaning he’d dug long and deep for any dirt on Dominic
before their relationship progressed beyond dry humps and handjobs
in club bathrooms.

Jayce studied him silently, something like wariness in his


“You did your digging on me too, didn’t you?”
Wes didn’t mistake the tightening of Jayce’s knuckles on the

fork he’d picked back up.

Wes pursed his lips and glanced away. “I may have.” He had

dug, but there wasn’t much to be found on Jayce. Even when he
breached the firewalls of the FBI, very little information was

“What did you find?” Was that a tremor in Jayce’s voice?
Wes squinted at him. “I didn’t find anything I didn’t already

know. Is there more?”

Jayce leaned back and there was no mistaking the flash of

relief in those eyes. He was hiding something.

“There’s nothing else, I’m just curious.”
Wes snorted. Even Jayce didn’t sound convinced. Wes just

knew there was something hidden away and he vowed silently to find
it, but in the meantime he said, “Dom’s secrets are his and well, mine,
but only because I’m really good at what I do.”

“K, a touch of bragging.
Jayce’s lips twitched. “Proud of yourself, are you?”
Wes pursed his lips but didn’t reply. His skills spoke for

themselves, especially right then when he knew something even the
big bad FBI didn’t.

“They’re not good people, Wes.” Jayce pushed his chair back

from the table and stood. “The sooner you accept it, the sooner the
Scotto’s victims can get justice.”

“I’m telling you, you have the wrong guy.” Wes jumped to his

feet and grabbed Jayce’s arm as he walked past. “Listen.”

Jayce stopped and faced him.
“Dominic is nothing like the image you see in the

newspapers,” Wes whispered. He’d been surprised by many things
about Dominic Scotto. “That’s why I liked him so much, why I stayed
with him for so long.” A dark storm gathered in Jayce’s eyes and Wes

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quickly ended his defense of his ex. “Whatever the file you have on
him says, ignore it.”

“There you go with your cryptic shit.” Jayce shook his head.

“I don’t get it.” His jaw tightened and Wes released his arm.

“Whatever you know about Dominic Scotto can help, Wes.”

Jayce grabbed his wrist, held him steady as his dark eyes stared into
him. “Any information can help us to find where those innocent
people’s money went and return it to them.” His voice dropped an
octave and Wes found himself leaning in, gaze on Jayce’s mouth,
losing himself in that deep baritone.

“Tell me what you know.”
Wes blinked up at him. “Oh, you’re good.” He snatched his

hand away. “Did you just try to use your FBI shit on me?”

Jayce’s expression hardened. The corded muscles in his arm

bunched when he folded his arms. “Did it work?”

Bastard. “It’s not my secret to tell.” Jayce opened his mouth

and Wes continued, “If I thought for a second that Dom was guilty of
what you say he is, I would tell you. But I don’t so I won’t.”

Jayce’s gaze narrowed with every word Wes spoke and when

he finished speaking, Jayce waited a bit then spat, “Fine. I gotta go.”

The snap of anger in his tone damn near gave Wes whiplash.

He stared at Jayce’s retreating back. What the hell happened? Did
they just have a fight?

“Jayce.” Wes stood in the kitchen doorway as Jayce paused on

his way up the stairs. “Where are you going?” His words were cool
enough, detached enough, but his insides churned. Had he driven
Jayce away with his fierce defense of Dom?

“I have to go to my loft, make some calls.” Jayce didn’t look

at him.

Wes nodded. “Will you be back?” He immediately hated

asking that question. He sounded needy and clingy. Not himself at all.

“I’ll bring dinner later.”
Jayce continued up the stairs and Wes called out, “Jayce, are

we having a fight?”

Jayce stopped again, this time meeting Wes’ gaze with dark

eyes. “I think so.”


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Jayce left with a curt promise to see Wes later. Wes stared at

the closed door once he’d gone, replaying the conversation they’d had
in the kitchen in his head. He didn’t think it was too much, his
defending Dominic, but apparently Jayce did.

I won’t apologize for that. Wes climbed onto the couch after

clearing the breakfast dishes and picked up the phone. He owed Ever
a call and an excuse for running out on her like he had. He covered
his legs with the plaid blanket thrown over the back of the couch and
turned on the TV, leaving it muted.

He geared up for having Ever put his ass through the ringer for

his insensitivity on her big night, but when she answered the phone he
suddenly couldn’t find his voice.

“Wes, are you okay?”
Her shrill cry rang in his ear and he cringed.
“Wes, honey. Please.” She sounded damn near tears, worried

for him after what he’d done to her.

“I-I-” He cleared his throat and tried again. “I’m okay.” And

he really was, except for that little fight with Jayce.

Ever heaved a sigh. “Thank God, I was so worried. I couldn’t


Now he felt like shit. “You don’t have to worry about me so

much, you know. You have Simon and even though I don’t act like it
sometimes, I’m a big boy.”

They’d been together for so long, only the two of them, he

knew it was hard to not worry. He still got jealous every now and then
when he saw Ever and Simon together. Resentment at Simon taking
his place in Ever’s life reared up every so often, especially when his
mind turned to Jayce and what they might have had.

“Shut your mouth, Wes.” Ever’s voice rose with her anger.

“You’re my best friend, of course I’ll always be worrying about you. I
love you.”

His eyes misted and Wes stared up at the ceiling. “I love you,

too. I’m sorry about last night. I was…jealous.”

The better question was why did she sound so astounded by

his confession?

“You have Simon, and I see the way he looks at you. You’re

his entire world.” His voice grew raspy and he fought to calm himself.

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“I want that, you know? And last night, hearing your news and seeing
Jayce there, thinking I can’t have him—I couldn’t deal. I’m sorry.”

“Fuck Jayce,” Ever snarled. “If he can’t see how great you are,

there are others who will. What about the Italian, maybe you two can
work things out?”

Wes giggled. “I’m not getting back with Dom, but I do have

someone else in my life.”

“What!” Ever’s squeal almost short-circuited his brain.

“You’ve been holding back, bitch. Spill already. Who? When?”

“Jayce. Last night.” He grinned as she yelled.
“No! Shut up!”
“Make me.”
“Yep.” He gave her the abridged version of the night before

and she sighed when he got to where Jayce kissed him by the side of
the road.

“Fucking romantic.”
Wes shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, did he have to make me

suffer so damn much?”

“Cease your bitching and continue with the story,” Ever

insisted. “What about the bump and grind, when does that come in?”

“Last night and this morning.” His face hurt from smiling.
“Oh, my God. How was it?” she asked. “Good? I bet it was

good. Jayce looks like he knows his way around a cock. And that ass
of his…wow!”

Wes laughed, hand clutching his cramping stomach. “Does

your fiancé know you’re ogling his best friend’s ass?”

“He may have caught me on more than one occasion,” she

said nonchalant. “No biggie.”

“I bet.”
“So where is Jayce? Still laid up?”
“Ah, nope.” Wes bit his lip. “We had a fight and he left.”
“Jesus, Wes. Already?” Ever sighed. “What was the fight


He told her and she grunted.
“Maybe you overdid it with defending the Italian. I mean,

what do you really know about him?”

“I know enough. I’m not going to go round two of this with


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He knew that fucking tone. She used it when she was

chomping at the bit to say something, but didn’t want to hurt his
feelings. “Crap, just spill it already.”

“It’s nothing really. Simply wondering why you’re pushing

Jayce away now that you have him.”

He lurched upright. “I’m not pushing him away.”
“Really?” Disbelief dripped from Ever’s words. “Because it

appears to me that Jayce has a valid point concerning the Italians. Not
that I’m defending Jayce, great ass or no, but you finally have the man
you love in your bed and already you’re driving him away. And over
someone who can’t be bothered to fight for you, I might add.”

She paused and he stared off into space. Is that what he was

doing, driving Jayce away? Using Dominic as a shield between them?

He flopped back onto the couch. “I didn’t look at it like that,

but you may be right. I just might be pushing Jayce away.” But why?

“Really?” Ever was skeptical. “Cause I was just talking out of

my ass, but okay.”

“No,” he whispered. “You make a valid point and I have to

examine my actions to find out the cause.”

“Huh. Yeah, do that.”
“I have to go, we’ll talk soon.” He hung up on her protests and

dropped the phone next to him on the cushions. Why am I trying to
push Jayce away?

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Chapter Nine

Jayce met his eyes in his bathroom mirror. He didn’t like the

person staring back at him. He didn’t recognize himself, jealousy
eating away at his insides, guilt riding his shoulders. He had no right
to the jealousy. His actions brought Wes and Dominic Scotto

His actions. His fear.
The guilt was also a prison of his own making. He’d known

better, known the cost…at least he thought he did. The right thing
didn’t turn out so right and once again he found himself running from
responsibility and hiding from the ghosts that haunted him.

He sat cross-legged on the floor of his bedroom and checked

his phone. Twenty missed calls, the same amount in voicemails. He
listened to one, cringing, stomach turning at the need and
helplessness, and then erased them all.

If he could go back, he’d do so many things differently. But he

couldn’t. Hell, going back was what brought him to this fucking mess
to begin with. Going back to where it all started, running back into the

Going back home was not all it was cracked up to be.
The cell phone rang in his palm. His heart lurched, relaxing

only after he checked the caller’s identity.

“What’s up?”
“You good?” Simon asked.
Jayce’s mouth twisted. “What do you think?” The only other

person who really knew how much of a mess he’d made of things was

“I heard you finally came to your senses about Wes.” Simon

paused. “Does he know?”

Jayce barked a bitter tasting laugh. “Fuck no! Where do I even

begin telling him something like that?”

“Jayce, come on,” Simon pleaded. “He has a right to know. I

say this as your best friend, if Ever finds out I knew about this and
didn’t tell her, if she leaves me, I will fucking kill you.”

“Relax. Ever won’t leave you, the two of you are sickeningly

in love.”

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“That is not the point and you know it,” Simon growled.

“When she finds out I knew about this and didn’t share, she’s going to
be mad. A mad Ever is not someone you or I want to tangle with.”

“Fuck, Simon.” Jayce dragged agitated fingers through his

hair. “I can’t deal with this right now.” He couldn’t even think about

“Too bad! You have to make a choice. You’re in love with

Wes so what’s stopping you from ending things with—”

“Damn it, it’s not that simple!” Simon didn’t understand.

Jayce would be breaking someone’s heart. Someone he loved at one
time. Someone he still cared deeply for.

“Looks pretty simple from where I’m standing,” Simon said.

“You know what you have to do, do it.” He hung up.

Jayce squeezed the tiny phone in his palm, itching to throw it

against the wall. See it shatter into a million pieces. He’d known the
day would come, but he’d tried so hard to put it off. The problem
wouldn’t go away unless he dealt with it. If he wanted Wes, if he
wanted a shot at the man who occupied his every waking thought and
his every dream, he had to deal with his past.

The thought of what he’d say froze words on his tongue. This

wasn’t a conversation to be had via telephone, but coward that he was
he welcomed the distance. He dialed the familiar number with numb
fingers and pressed the phone to his ear.

He swallowed. “It’s me. We need to talk.”
The dreaded phone call turned out to be not that bad. Jayce

berated himself for taking so long to do what needed to be done. After
hanging up, he felt loads better than he ever did. He took a shower
then checked in with the cops tailing Dominic Scotto.

They had nothing to report so he grabbed take out from around

the corner from his place and headed over to Wes’. There’d been no
contact between them since he left this morning and, of course, Jayce
recognized it as all his fault. He couldn’t be neutral when it came to
Dominic Scotto and neither could Wes.

He hated how his lover defended the man like he was someone

totally misunderstood by society and Jayce. Unless Jayce had
concrete proof to the contrary, his assessment of those bastard Scottos

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Still, he didn’t like the way he’d left things with Wes that

morning. His lover deserved an apology and an explanation, though
Jayce didn’t think he could explain. Not tonight, at any rate. Wes did
deserve to know everything and he would.

Food in hand, he rapped a knuckle on Wes’ door and fidgeted

from foot to foot. The cold seeped into his bones through his jeans
and wool coat. He was used to it, but it was damned uncomfortable,

Wes pulled the door open wearing sweats and an army-green

t-shirt, stretched at the neck. He peered at Jayce from behind his
glasses with wide eyes.

“Hi.” He opened the door wider and stepped aside. “Come in.”
Didn’t have to tell him twice. Jayce stepped inside and Wes

closed the door behind him.

Wes sniffed loudly and Jayce turned around. His lover’s gaze

was on the bag in his hands.

“You brought food, I see.”
“Told you I would.” Jayce held it up. “Chinese.”
“Ah-hah.” Blue eyes blinked up at him and Jayce reached out,

grabbed the front of Wes’ t-shirt and pulled him close.

“I’m sorry about this morning,” Jayce murmured. He kissed

those pouty lips softly, delving inside when Wes sighed. Jayce moved
his hand from Wes chest to around his waist, securing them together,
chest to chest, lips to lips.

Body to body.
Wes kissed him back sweetly, thoroughly. Tongues twisting

and darting as they grinded on each other. Wes’ erection rubbed
against Jayce’s and he grunted into the kiss, cock hard and throbbing.

Jayce eased up on the kiss, pulling back and finally breaking

them apart. “Let’s eat. Sustenance first. Indulgence later.”

They ate in silence at the kitchen table, but Jayce felt Wes’

eyes on him like a brand on his skin.

He swallowed a sip of water and lifted his head, gaze clashing

with blue eyes. “What?”

A shade of red crept over Wes’ face and neck. He licked his

lips. “I-I’m sorry, too. About the way I defended Dom.”

Shit. Dominic Scotto was the last person Jayce wanted to talk

or think about. He shrugged with a nonchalance he sure as fuck didn’t
feel. “You care about the guy. I get it. Let’s drop the topic, okay?”

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Hesitance turned Wes’ eyes a darker hue. “I just don’t want

this to come between us. It shouldn’t because Dom isn’t in my life
anymore. We’re over.”

Yet you insist on protecting him. Defending him. Jayce bit his

tongue to stifle the words. He didn’t want arguments and awkward
tension between him and Wes. He wanted them in sync, together.
Loving on each other, making up for all the time he’d foolishly

“Babe, I don’t care about that.” He leaned over the table,

caressed Wes’ slender throat with the pad of his thumb. “All that shit
is for the birds. It’s you and me. Here. Now. And I need you.” He
swallowed, fingers tightening on Wes’ pale skin. “I’ve needed you for
so long.”

The confession rattled in his chest, breath huffing from his

nostrils as he drowned in the calming depths of Wes’ gaze. Need rode
him hard, had his body shaking and he stood abruptly, racing around
the table to yank Wes to his feet.

His lover came willingly, a startled gasp smothered by Jayce’s

kiss as he took his mouth roughly. Wes moaned, bucking against him,
fingers digging into Jayce’s back.

Trapped behind his punishing zipper, Jayce’s cock throbbed

like it had its own heartbeat. He deepened the kiss, pulling on Wes’
hair, teeth knocking, cocks grinding. Desperation flared bright in his
chest, in his heart, and he needed to stake his claim. Make it known to
the world who Wes belonged to. Who Jayce’s heart belonged to.

He tore his mouth away, lips skating past his lover’s jaw and

earlobe before latching on to his neck. Wes bucked, a wail escaping
when Jayce sank his teeth in and sucked. Hard.

Each pull resonated in his balls. In his toes. Wes rubbed on

him like a cat in heat, seeking release, and Jayce cupped his ass,
fingers sinking into his cheeks through the soft material of his sweats.
He lifted Wes, who wrapped his legs around him, his erection trapped
between their stomachs.

Jayce continued sucking on Wes’ neck as he shuffled them

from the kitchen to living room, making for the couch without even
looking. Wes humped him, moans and groans falling from his lips,
the front of his sweats wet.


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Dipping a hand under the waistband of his sweats, Jayce

trailed a hand down Wes’ ass crack, stopping when he felt something
protruding from Wes’ entrance. He traced it with his fingers, grinning
against Wes’ throat.

His lover wore a plug.
Jayce played with it, pressing the round base, pushing it

deeper until Wes flinched and the wet cock between them jerked.
Then he twisted the plug, pulling it out then pushing it back in.

“Need you.” Wes leaned back, lips swollen, pupils dilated,

cheeks flushed bright. “Fuck me.”

Jayce twisted the plug and Wes moaned, teeth sinking into his

bottom lip as he shook.

“Please. Jayce.”
Jayce deposited him on the couch, dropping to his knees and

tugging off Wes’ sweats with violent yanks. Wes threw off his t-shirt
and Jayce swept his gaze over his lover’s slim build. Muscles hard
and defined, skin pale like he didn’t spend much time in the sun.

Wes didn’t have much body hair save for the dark treasure

trail leading to his short pubes. Unlike Jayce, his cock was cut, the
flared crown crimson and wet, thick veins prominent.

As he watched and drooled, Wes fisted his shaft, pulling on it

with sharp twists of his wrist, body arching.

“Jayce. Fuck.” The aroused strain in Wes’ tone spoke

volumes. “Do something.”

With a lick of his lips, Jayce bent his head, flicking his tongue

over Wes’ cock head.

“Ugh!” Wes thrust up.
Jayce shifted away.
Jayce chuckled as he worked his zipper, releasing his aching

cock. He tugged on his dick as he moved closer, inhaling Wes’ heat
and want, before opening his jaw and swallowing him down.

“Aahh!” Wes grabbed the back of his head, held him still as he

thrust up into him. “Yeah, fuck.”

“Hmm.” Jayce hummed around the cock in his mouth, eyelids

fluttering as Wes’ taste brought his taste buds alive. He sealed his lips
around the thickness, tongue dipping into his slit, searching out that
sweet pre-cum. His head swam, balls drawing up, as he bobbed his

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Wes spread his legs wide, hips rolling, hitting the back of

Jayce throat with each move. A climax hovered in his periphery,
itching his scalp, but he squeezed the base of his cock. He smoothed
his free hand over Wes’ thighs then went for that plug, twisting and
tugging on it, fucking Wes with it.

“Jesus!” Wes rode the plug while thrusting into Jayce’s

mouth, his movements uncoordinated and rough, slamming into
Jayce. “Like that. Shit, just like that.”

Jayce loosened his lips around Wes, dipping his head until his

nose pressed to Wes’ short and curlies. He held himself there, with
help from Wes’ hand on the back of his head, holding his breath until
his lungs burned and dots appeared in his vision. Only then did he
retreat, gasping air into his lungs, lips circling only the crown and

Wes’ hips lifted off the couch, fingers gripping the cushions.

“Jayce, please. I’m gonna come.”

Not yet. Jayce wanted inside. He squeezed Wes’ hard-on at

the base and moved away, fumbling for the condom in his wallet with
one hand.

“Spread wide,” he snarled.
Wes did, eyes wide, body flushed a gorgeous red. Their heat

and sex scented the air, musk and spice. Jayce managed to tug the
condom on with one fucking hand, gritting his teeth at the touch of his
fingers on his sensitive dick.

Wes scooted closer to the edge of the couch, pale ass tilted in

offering as he stared up at Jayce, expression so trusting. So open.

Jayce felt raw, his emotions bare. He stroked himself, shifted

closer, and choked when Wes palmed his ass and pulled the cheeks
apart. The plug was still there, silver with a flat round base. Jayce
removed it slowly, mouth drying out at the site of Wes, pink and tiny,
ready for him.

He licked two fingers, pushed them in without finesse and a

long groan split the air.

Wes was hot in there. Tight.
“Fuck.” The tight clasp was amazing. Jayce twisted his

fingers, pressed against the bundle of nerves, and Wes jackknifed off
the couch.

“Oh, fuck!”

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Jayce removed his fingers and plunged in, sinking in deep. His

entire body was engulfed in heat and his shout blended with Wes’

“God damn, babe.” Jayce couldn’t hear his words over the

roaring in his ears, but he knew he spoke them. “Fucking tight.”

Wes fisted his cock, jerking off, hips rolling. His lips were

parted, pink and moist, legs wrapped tight around Jayce’s waist. The
expression on his lover’s face, full of hunger and need, open and
loving, tore through Jayce like a bullet.

His throat burned as he slammed into Wes’ body over and

over. The sex was great, amazing, but it was more. Looking down on
the face of the man he’d run from for so long, nothing felt as right as
now, touching on Wes.

Loving on Wes.
Tight muscles gripped him, fire-hot. He dug his fingers into

Wes’ hips and pounded in and out, spine curving, toes curling at the
delicious sensation. The fervor flared in his blood, drugging him, and
he couldn’t hold off the climax any longer.

“Gonna come, Wes.” He locked his knees. “Fuck, babe. Come

with me.”

“Yes.” Wes’ tugs on his cock sped up, ass muscles clamping

down on Jayce.

“Ah, God!” The damn burst and he shot, pouring his seed into

the latex protecting them. “Shit.”

“Yess. Yess.” Wes stiffened under him, spurting in his hand,

eyes rolling back in his head.

Sliding out, Jayce collapsed on Wes’ stomach, the cum on

Wes’ skin gluing them together. They lay clutching each other, lower
bodies hanging off the couch. Thick emotion clogged Jayce’s throat,
his tongue itching to spill confessions long overdue.

He cupped Wes’ jaw, turning him so they looked into each

other’s eyes. “I’ve always considered myself bisexual,” he said softly.

Wes’ eyes flared with panic, then his expression shuttered.
“I always thought I’d settle down with a woman, have kids.”

He attempted a smile that fell flat. He couldn’t read Wes’ face, but the
sudden stiffness in the body he held spelled it out. “I like men and I
like women.”

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Wes’ mask fell then, despair stark and bright. His throat

worked, but he didn’t speak and Jayce had an impression of how
much it cost his lover to remain silent.

“You scared me.” The words were thick, sticking in his throat.

“You scare me still.”

“Why?” That one word shook, but Wes’s gaze held steady.
Jayce touched the tip of Wes’ nose with the pad of his finger.

“You blew into my life like a fucking whirlwind,” he confessed, voice
subdued. “I looked into your eyes in Simon’s office that night and I
saw my future.” He blinked away the sting in his eyes. “It was you.
All about you and I couldn’t reconcile that with what I’d planned for
myself. For my future.”

Wes trembled in his arms, violent tremors that worked their

way to Jayce. He shifted, contorting his body until he lay stretched
out on the couch. Wes moved with him, lying half on, half off his
chest, and Jayce felt his lover’s reluctance to melt into him. Into them.

“I snatched the first opportunity I could to run,” he confessed.

“I was only protecting me. I didn’t think about you, what my actions
would put you through, and I’m sorry.”

Wes made a sound, a whimper maybe. “Would you have come

back? If you weren’t investigating Dom, would you have come back
at all?’

God. Jayce turned his gaze to the ceiling. “It didn’t matter

where I went, I couldn’t escape your face. Your eyes. I craved another
taste of you. I ached for your touch. I would’ve come back.” He
turned back to Wes, meeting those wet eyes. “I would’ve come back.”

Wes shook, lips trembling.
“Wes.” Jayce wiped away a tear as it slid down his lover’s

cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

“I loved you.”
The words appeared torn from the deepest parts of Wes,

hitting Jayce like a punch. Before he rejoiced he remembered the past
tense. Loved?

“I was halfway gone, infatuated with a photo of you when I

investigated you and Simon,” Wes said. “Being in the same room
with you, looking into your eyes, I was lost.” His wet eyes clung to
Jayce. “I loved you then, and I’m in love with you now.”

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Jayce grabbed the back of his head, yanking him close. He

took Wes’ lips in a brutal kiss, speaking when he finally came up for
air. “I love you, too. From day one.”

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Chapter Ten

Wes lay naked under the covers, hands behind his head as he

smiled up at the ceiling. He couldn’t get the stupid grin off his face.
He’d gone from complete bliss with their lovemaking to sheer panic
when Jayce began talking about being bisexual and then to undeniable

Jayce was in love with him.
He looked at the bathroom door, left ajar, as Jayce showered.

He hadn’t anticipated the emotional confession Jayce made, but he
respected it, welcomed it. Now he knew why Jayce left. Big, bad
Agent Santana was as human as the rest of them. He got scared and he

He appreciated Jayce’s apology, but Wes didn’t need it. He’d

forgiven Jayce the night he allowed him into his body for the first
time. They’d talked a bit about their future together when they moved
from the couch to the bedroom, Jayce mentioning he’d already put in
for a desk job at the Chicago branch of the FBI, same as Simon.

No field work. Wes could live with that. He hadn’t gotten

Jayce to talk about his time undercover in Mexico, but he would.

He rubbed against the sheets, the cool material like heaven on

his skin. His neck stung a little where Jayce had bitten him and he
knew there’d be a mark tomorrow. He wouldn’t be surprised if Jayce
also left his fingerprints on his hips.

“Hmm.” He rather liked being marked by Jayce. He wiggled

and winced. His ass was major sensitive. The plug and then Jayce’s
pounding would make it difficult to sit tomorrow. Wes had no idea
why he’d put in the plug, but shit, he was glad he did.

Sore but contented, he drifted off listening to Jayce sing off-

key in the shower. Seconds later he jerked upright when the bedroom
door opened.

Wes blinked at the figure dressed in black in the doorway.

“Dom, what the hell are you doing here?”

Dominic stepped into the room, narrowed gaze sweeping over

Wes as he clutched the covers. “I’m back early, thought we could
talk. I did say we’d talk.”

Christ! Jayce was in the bathroom and Dom was in his

bedroom. Not fucking good. “How’d you get in?”

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“Door was open.” Dom paused. “What’s wrong? You look—”

He looked around the room, gaze falling on the bathroom door.
“Who’s in your shower, Wes?”

Why did he feel like apologizing? They’d broken up. “We’re

over, Dom. Been over.”

Dark anger clouded Dom’s face and he curled his hands into

fists. “You’re fucking somebody else?”

He advanced slowly and, of course, Jayce chose that moment

to exit the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist. Water dripped
off his hair and ran down his chest.

Wes managed not to lick his lips.
Jayce braked, seizing up Dom.
“Dom, I—” Fuck. “I’m really sorry.” Dom’s angry mask

slipped and the intense pain in his gaze bowled Wes over. “Shit.

“Why are you apologizing?” Jayce voice was tight, short. “I

thought you’d broken things off?”

“I did.”
“I can’t believe you, Wes.”
God, Wes didn’t anticipate the hurt in Dom’s voice or the ache

in his chest. He scrambled off the bed, grateful he’d pulled on some
shorts earlier.

“Dom.” He planted himself between a devastated Dom and a

glowering Jayce. “It’s been over for such a long time. Dom, please,
don’t make me the bad guy here.”

Naked vulnerability stared back at him from Dom’s dark eyes.
“I told you we’d discuss this when I got back and you jump in

bed with somebody else?” Dom’s voice was harsh. “I turn my back
and you do this to me?” Dom poked his own chest as he inched closer
and Jayce snarled.

“Don’t fucking move a muscle, Scotto.”
Wes whirled on him. “Jayce, stay out of it.” His lover opened

his mouth and Wes begged, “Please.”

Eyes narrowed, Jayce crossed his arms over his chest and

jerked his chin in a nod.

“This is him, isn’t it?”
Wes turned back to Dom. “Who’s who?”
“This is who’s been keeping you from giving yourself to me,”

Dom spat. His eyes flashed, a dark mix of anger and hurt. “I’ve

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always suspected there was someone out there you were missing,
pining over. Someone between us.” He glanced over Wes’ shoulder.
“Now I know.”

“I—” Wes didn’t know what to say to that.
“You want to know why we never worked?” Dom asked.

“You were with me, but always thinking of someone else. I saw it in
your eyes enough times.”

“Don’t fucking blame him for your shit,” Jayce growled.
“I blame both of us,” Dom whispered. “You for using me as a

placeholder for the real thing, and me for praying and hoping you’d
let me in. Let me be more.” His voice broke and Wes really wanted to
hug him. Comfort him.

“I’m so sorry.” He felt like a hypocrite and a broken record.
Dom met his gaze with wet eyes. “Me, too. Goodbye, Wes.”

Dominic walked away, shoulders hunched under his black coat, soles
of his shoes silent on the wood floors.

Wes brought a fist to his mouth, stifling his cries as he

crumbled to the floor. Jayce grabbed him, held him as he cried.

So much time wasted. Hearts broken, prides bruised and hurt.

Dominic deserved more. Six months he’d spent with the man and he
was just now coming to that realization. He hadn’t noticed how he’d
treated Dom, and Dom had never called him on it. He was right, he’d
been pining for Jayce, using Dom as the balm to soothe his broken
heart, but it wasn’t right.

Wasn’t fair.
Jayce kissed his head, held him close, murmuring Spanish

words in his ear. Wes wrapped his arms around him, breathed in the
clean scent of soap and Jayce. This is what he’d been missing for so
long, the strength and comfort of Jayce’s touch. He’d sought it out in
Dom, but it wasn’t the same.

Never the same.
Wes sniffed and tilted his head up, lips brushing Jayce’s jaw.

“He’s right, you know. I used him to help me get over you, but it
didn’t work.”

“I’m glad.” Jayce cupped his nape, hot gaze drilling into him.

“I’m glad, because I’m back.” He kissed Wes, hard. “I’m back and no
one else will be by your side but me.”

Those fierce words went straight to Wes’ groin. He shifted,

pulling away the towel around Jayce’s waist and straddling him.

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“I love you.”
The next day Wes spent the day with Ever, both squealing like

teenage girls over the huge rock Simon leveled on her finger. Over
manicures and martinis he spilled the Dom fiasco from the night
before and flushed when recounting Jayce’s prowess in bed.

From the moment Ever saved him from bullies in the park at

fifteen they’d been sharing everything, but this time he felt strange
discussing his sex life with Jayce. He did tell her about Jayce saying
the ‘L’ word and he got all choked up when Ever’s face lit up.

Happiness. They both had it in the palm of their hands after

that bastard emotion eluded them for so long.

After dinner that evening, he kissed Ever goodbye and waved

away her nagging about him getting himself a vehicle as he hopped
into a cab. He and Jayce had a date for the movies and he couldn’t
wait. His lover had spent the night and woken up that morning with
soft kisses and an insistent hard-on.

Wes reveled in it. In waking up to and with the man he loved,

making sickening eyes at each other over the breakfast table and
jerking each other off right there, too.

Perfection…except for that one thing he knew Jayce was

keeping from him. Whatever it was, Jayce was really nervous about
Wes finding it, which meant Wes had to find it.

He’d barely made it out the shower and dressed before Jayce

was there, knocking at his door, weakening his knees with that intense
look in his eyes. Dressed in a black wool coat over dark sweater and
jeans, he looked so dangerous.

And hard.
Just hard all over.
Wes grabbed the gloved hand Jayce held out, pulling his lover

in for a taste of those lips.

“Hmm, hi,” he murmured.
“Hmm.” Jayce flicked his tongue over Wes’ nose. “Let’s go.”
They settled for a comedy, sitting in the back of the almost

empty movie theater, knees brushing, heads straight ahead. Wes had
no idea what the hell was on. He lost track halfway through the movie
when Jayce’s hand crept onto his thigh, squeezing and travelling ever
closer to his cock, which was getting harder by the minute.

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“Please tell me we aren’t about to be a cliché,” he whispered

to Jayce. “Feeling each other up in a dark movie theater.”

Jayce nuzzled his neck, chuckling against his skin. “Too late.”

Cupping Wes’ nape with one hand, Jayce kissed him, tongue delving
in as his wandering hand unzipped Wes’ jeans and crept in.

“Sss.” Wes sucked in a breath as the rough pads of Jayce’s

fingers caressed his cock. “Mmm, yeah.” He bucked into Jayce’s
palm, head falling back.

“Want me to make you come here?” Jayce nipped his chin and


“Fuck!” Already an orgasm reared up. Wes jumped to his feet,

pulling Jayce with him. “Bathroom. Now.”

They bum-rushed the door, dodging lines of people outside in

their haste to the men’s room. Jayce doubled over, checking to make
sure the stalls were empty before he pushed Wes into one then
followed and locked the door.

“Fuck.” Wes shoved his jeans down his hips, his wet-tipped

cock springing free. He kissed Jayce hungrily, his body on fire, both
of them fumbling at Jayce’s zipper. Soon as the damn thing gave a
little bit, Wes dipped a hand inside, fisting Jayce, jerking him off.

“Ugh, fuck. I’m there.” Jayce slammed into Wes, forcing him

into the wall separating the stalls, grinding on him. He cupped Wes’
balls, squeezing, stroking.

“Shit. Wait. Wait.” Wes pulled away and Jayce frowned at


“Come here.” Wes pulled Jayce closer then took both their

dicks in his hands. “Like this.” He bumped Jayce’s wet crown with
his, groaning at the sensation. Jayce cursed.

“Pull your foreskin forward,” Wes told him. “Cover me.”
Jayce’s eyes widened, but he did it, pulling his foreskin over

Wes, covering his cock.

Jayce grabbed him, taking his mouth, teeth clinking as they

came as if coordinated, seed mixing, fountaining, painting each other
with sticky cream.

“Goddamn!” Jayce panted. “Where did you learn that shit?”
“Take me back to your place, Agent Santana,” Wes purred

into his chest, “And I just might tell you.”

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They finally made it back to Jayce’s loft, playing grab ass and

kissy face all the way. Wes had never actually seen the inside of
Jayce’s loft, but he figured with his cock throbbing like he hadn’t shot
off less than a half hour before, that would have to wait till morning.

The elevator took forever, finally depositing them on the sixth

floor. One hand wrapped around Wes’ waist, Jayce fumbled in his
pocket while they kissed, chuckling into each other’s mouth.

“Hmm, love you,” Jayce whispered.
Wes barked a laugh. “You sound drunk.”
“Do I?”
“Jayce? Jayce, is that you?”
The man in Wes’ arms turned into a stone statue at the demure

female voice. Wes looked over Jayce’s shoulder at the tiny woman
standing in front Jayce’s door, a small red suitcase at her side.

“Casey, what are you doing here?” Jayce disentangled himself

from Wes and approached the woman. Wes followed closely, eyes
narrowing to slits when Casey threw herself in Jayce’s arms.

“I had to come.” Casey’s hair was flame red, gorgeous really.

She stepped away from Jayce and turned glittering green eyes on
Wes. “Who is this?”

“Wes Dumont.” Wes held out his hand. “Jayce’s boyfriend.

And you?” He smiled at her.

“Casey Wilson-Santana.” She smiled back, a brilliant dazzle

of perfect white teeth. “Jayce’s wife.”

“Damn it, Casey!” Jayce yanked her away. “What the hell do

you think you’re doing?”

Jayce was yelling, but really, Wes wasn’t sure he heard

anything beyond the wife thing. He blinked and took a step forward,
slow motion. His gaze clashed with Jayce’s and he knew from the
blank expression on his lover’s face, what that tiny woman said was

Jayce had a wife. Tucked away somewhere. She did look like

she could fit into someone’s pocket, tiny thing.

But he was rambling. In his mind, shying away from the

obvious. He blinked a few times, bringing his wavering vision into
focus. And his hearing too, since he’d apparently gone deaf.

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Blind. Deaf and Dumb.
“You can’t just walk away, Jayce.” Casey was a whiner,

beauty queen looks notwithstanding. “We’ve been through too

“Just sign the fucking papers, Casey.” Jayce turned away from

her, turned to Wes, and he took a step back.

“Wes. I can explain.”
Wes took another step back then another, but Jayce kept

coming at him, dark eyes pleading. How fucked was it that Wes never
thought to be wary of him? Totally fucked. He turned away, intending
to make a dash for the elevator, but Jayce caught him.

A rough hand clasped around his wrist, the touch so familiar.

That burn so sweet. That simple touch popped the cap on the dam of
his emotions. The pain and anger boiled over, shaking his body,
rattling his teeth, and Wes hauled away from that touch.

Spinning around, he brought his right hand up, landing his

closed fist dead center. Jayce’s nose. The sickening sound of bones
crunching didn’t bring satisfaction.

“Don’t touch me.” His soft tone surprised the hell out of Wes.

“Deal with your wife.”

Jayce’s jaw worked. “Wes, don’t.”
“No, you don’t.” Wes stepped into the elevator and punched

the button for the ground floor. “Don’t talk to me.”

The elevator doors closed and Wes crumbled in a corner, fist

stifling his anguished cries.

Wes refused to take any of his calls and coward that he was,

Jayce found he wasn’t brave enough to contact Ever directly. Through
Simon he learned that Ever was with Wes, glued to his side.

Two days. Two days since his life went to shit. He couldn’t

believe Casey had the nerve to come all the way from Texas to
confront him about those damn divorce papers. He’d given them to
her six months ago and she refused to sign, refused to believe he
didn’t want to give what they had one more go.

What they had fizzled and died a long while ago. She knew

that, but she still held on and he hadn’t pushed. Didn’t have a reason
to, until now. Now he had a man he loved, a man he wanted to build a
future with, and he’d shot any chance of that straight to hell.

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Wes’ devastated eyes haunted him, refused to leave him alone.

He’d called and called for the past two days, but his lover wasn’t in
the answering mood, so he’d have to go to him. Wes needed to hear
his explanation and damn it, he would.

He took the time, sat down with Casey and spelled out in

intimate detail why they wouldn’t work. She’d always been his fall
back plan when things turned rough. The pull of the familiar. After
ten years of the back and forth, their time was up. He knew she bided
her time, thinking maybe he’d get over his attraction to men, always
there with a willing body if he felt so inclined.

He used her and she used him, but no more. He let her know

what he wanted, what he needed she couldn’t provide. She wasn’t
Wes, and that’s who he needed. Who he wanted. Who he owed an
explanation and some major groveling.

It took a while and the patience of a fucking saint, but Casey

finally put pen to paper, signing the copy of the divorce papers he
held in front of her. He hustled her off to the airport after that, no way
was she sticking around to fuck things up even more.

He loved her, cared deeply, but Wes was his future and if she

couldn’t respect that she had to go.

Now, he stood outside Wes’ door, freezing his nuts off,

strengthening his spine for the confrontation to come. Simon called
him, giving him a heads up that Ever had left Wes alone to go home
for a change of clothes. Jayce counted on Simon to stall his woman
while he fought to get his man back.

He knocked and waited, blowing into his hands to warm them

up. Took a minute, but Wes finally opened the door in pajamas, bags
under his eyes, his hair a mess. His lover’s eyes grew wide on
recognition and he started to shut the door, but Jayce stopped it with
his foot.

“Wes, baby. Please, I want to explain.”
“I don’t want to hear it.” He turned away.
Fuck! “I love you. Please, hear me out.” The bitter cold wind

bit into his exposed nape and Jayce winced. “It’s damn freezing out
here, babe.”

Wes whirled around. “It’s not that warm in here, either.”
“I’ll take my chances,” Jayce begged. “Five minutes then I’ll


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“Fine.” Wes stepped aside, closing the door behind him. “Five


Jayce heaved a sigh of relief, the knot of tension between his

shoulder blades easing just a bit. Following Wes into the living room,
he took a seat on the couch and began.

“Casey and I have been together on and off since college. One

weekend we took a trip to Vegas, got smashed and hitched. Typical
story. She’s always known about my attraction to men, but I think she
thought it a phase. That I’d snap out of it one day.”

Wes sat at the other end of the couch, gaze on the hands

folded in his lap.

“After three months, we weren’t getting along and we went

our separate ways. I went into the Bureau and she went about her
business. We didn’t see each other for months at a time, even as long
as a year, but when we did it was great. If we were both single we’d
fall into bed. No one brought up the fact that we hadn’t actually done
anything about dissolving the marriage. It worked for us, simple and

Jayce inched closer to Wes and his lover started, red infusing

his cheeks, eyes darting around for an escape route.

“I care for Casey, love her even, but she’s not who I want. Not

even close.” Jayce took one of Wes’ hands in his. “Six months ago I
had my lawyer send her divorce paper, because you see, I’d finally
met someone who made me wish for a future with him.”

Wes licked his lips and looked away.
“I met you, Wes.” Jayce wanted him to know the impact their

first meeting and kiss had on him. “After that kiss in the hospital
chapel, on my way to my assignment in Mexico, I called my lawyer. I
needed to end my marriage before I even thought about you and me.”

“Let me guess, Casey didn’t like that.” Sarcasm dripped from

Wes’ words.

“She didn’t sign the papers, but I couldn’t deal with it until I

came out from undercover.” He shook his head. “Even then I didn’t
have time, because I learned about you and Dominic Scotto and the
investigation and I came here.”

Wes brushed a lock of hair from his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell

me all this before? I why is Casey here now?”

“I didn’t want to tell you until I had those damn papers

signed.” Jayce sighed. “She came because I called her, told her I’d

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met someone I was in love with and that I needed her to sign those
papers ASAP.”

“So she came to try and change your mind?” Wes snorted.
“If she thought she could then she really doesn’t know me.”

Jayce slid his hands into Wes’ hair. “I love you, so much. I can’t
breathe without you near.” He pressed Wes’ palm to his chest, over
his heart. “No one else will do. I know this like I know my name. The
color of your eyes. The taste of your skin.”

Hauling Wes into his lap, Jayce kissed him. Soft. Reverent.

Basking in the heat and smells he’d missed for two whole days. “I put
Casey on a plane back to Texas. She signed the divorce papers, too,
so I’m also putting her in my past where she belongs. You’re my
future.” Emotion clogged his throat.

Clasping Wes’ face between his hands, Jayce begged some

more. “Forgive me for not being upfront with you. Give me one last
chance to make it up to you. To erase whatever damage I caused.”

He mentally crossed his fingers and toes, heart in his throat as

he stared into the bright blue eyes of the man he loved. More than life.

Wes leaned forward, placing his lips against Jayce’s throat and

his pulse leapt. Soared.

“I love you so much,” Wes whispered. “My heart can’t take

another hit like that. I can’t.”

“You won’t,” Jayce promised. “Never again.”
Wes searched his gaze, a slow smile spreading across his face.

“Good, take me upstairs. Your punishment begins now.”

The End

Other Books by Avril Ashton:

Make Me Sweat

Midnight Seduction: Manlove Edition

Far From the Usual

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Evernight Publishing


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