The Tempest A Guy of Gisborne S

The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } The Tempest A Guy of Gisborne Story By Charlotte Hawkins The Tempest Copyright@2010 by Charlotte Hawkins All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of a brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews. This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously ISBN: 1449993974 Printed in the United tates of America To Avalon, for all of her support and friendship and To R.A. for being such an inspiration Chapter 1 Nottinghamshire, England June, 1193 Cassia lifted her head, listening to the distant sound of the church bellsŚa distinct sound, for the current time was neither daybreak nor dusk. In the middle of a day, as it was now, the bells tolled for only two reasonsŚa death, or a wedding. She looked over at her father, who sat hunched over a bucket as he milked one of their goats. Taking in a little breath, she tried to seem nonchalant as she broached a subject she knew was most sensitive. śIt is mid-day. The wedding ceremony shall commence within the hour. Are you certain we will not attend?” Robert DeWarren shook his head. His tone was firm. śI will not celebrate the nuptials of Sir Guy of Gisborne. I will not honor anyone loyal to the Sheriff of Nottingham, or Prince John, for that matter. King Richard is the true leader of this kingdom. I will not bow down to his pretenders.” So you have been telling me for quite some time, she thought. Turning back to the laundry hanging on the line, she gave a little sigh. As she took down a bed sheet and folded it, she watched her father rise from his milking stool. He had more to say on the matterŚof that she was certain. He paused just before her, and she glanced up to look at him. His brown eyes, while kind as always, were deeply serious. śI am much aware of your curiosity, daughter. All of the village is stirred over this wedding, but we shall not indulge in such hypocrisy. Our loyalty is to the King, and we shall honor him by keeping well away from Nottingham.” She nodded, watching him as he disappeared into the house. He would be there for some time, occupied with turning the fresh milk into cheese. If she slipped away for a short while, he would not take immediate notice. Neither would he be at all pleased when he found her gone. But she was eighteen years of age. She had a mind and a will of her own. And she, like so many of her neighbors, wanted to be in Nottingham. There was a great event about to take placeŚand she intended to be there to witness it. widthlign="CENTER" height="0" width="0">***** Heavens, he was magnificent to watch. She looked in awe upon the man pacing the stones in front of Nottingham Church. His arms were crossed, his broad shoulders hunched. His head was lowered, causing the unruly waves of his dark hair to fall forward, almost covering his eyes. Except for the red and gold coat of arms etched upon his surcoat, he was dressed entirely in black. His long legs took up great strides as he moved back and forth, giving him the likeness of a prowling panther. Impatience was written in every line of his face and figure, and after several long moments, he entered the church to speak with the VicarŚand Cassia could not take her eyes from him. śGod be with Lady Marian.” Those words broke her reverie. She glanced at the person who had spoken them. He was no one of significanceŚjust one of the many villagers gathered around to witness the wedding about to take place. But he spoke for so many of his neighbors. śHeaven have mercy on her, good woman that she is.” Such a sentiment was shared by nearly everyone in Nottingham. It had been all the talk of lateŚthat Sir Guy of Gisborne was to wed Lady Marian of Leaford. Just a few days before, the Sheriff’s guards had made the rounds to every home, giving orders that everyone was to attend or face punishment. They were to celebrate with as much fanfare as possible. They were told to give great applause and cheering, to wave flags, to throw flower petalsŚanything to show they supported the new couple and wished them well. Sheriff Briwere liked a semblance of loyal subjects at every occasion, be it a wedding or an execution. It thrilled him to have a crowd gathered around himself. But under the forced smiles, a great tremor of fear and anxiety flowed through the crowd. Poor Lady Marian, many whispered. Everyone knew that her heart belonged to Robin of Locksley. And yet, she would soon be taking the hand of Sheriff Briwere’s notorious Master at Arms. Just the dark presence of the man was enough to send a chill through every heart. Lady MarianŚthe beautiful, kind and gentle defender of the peopleŚmarried to such a barbaric human being. Sir Guy’s reputation for cruelty preceded him, and everyone was praying for some miracle that would save Lady Marian from her fate. Cassia understood their worries. Like so many of those around her, she feared Sir Guy and his ruthlessness. And yet, she’d never been so besotted with any man before. So many times, she’d watched him from afar as he rode through the village, tall and darkly magnificent as he sat upon his horse. She thought of his eyes. What a strange, beautiful shade of color they wereŚgrey a of hstormy sky. When she looked at him, she found herself spellbound. To her he seemed like a great tempest...a dark, powerful storm on the horizon. FrighteningŚand yet, completely fascinating to behold. He was all that was forbidden and dangerous. But she could not help her feelings of attraction, even though she knew that everyone in NottinghamŚespecially her fatherŚthought him the very definition of darkness. But as deeply as she loved her father, she could not share in his contempt. She was his assistant when it came to aiding the poor. She even tolerated the occasional appearance of Robin Hood and his gang, who sometimes came to her father with a sick child or wounded villager. But she did not hold with his ideals about the saintly King Richard. Though she knew it was treason, she saw their King in the way she saw all royalty. Power hungry, vainŚeach cruel in their own different ways. While the Sheriff terrorized here at home, under the orders of Prince John, Richard was doing the same in the Holy Land. The blood of men was the blood of men, no matter where it was spilled. It was all senseless slaughter, no matter how one tried to justify it. And Guy of Gisborne was no innocent bystander. But God help her, there was something about him. Something that captivated her, no matter how often she heard ill of him. Her heart was breaking now as she mingled among the wedding guests. She imagined Guy at the altar, slipping a wedding band on the finger of a woman who didn’t love him. A woman whose heart and soul belonged to another. Why was he so obsessed with her? Everyone knew she possessed a great dowry. That alone was enough to attract many a nobleman’s interest. Briwere might have had her for himself, were it not for his own wifeŚalbeit, one he’d had locked in a convent. But it seemed that Guy was interested in something more than her wealth. Everyone had heard rumors from the servants at Nottingham CastleŚthat Sir Guy pursued Lady Marian at every turn. That all she had to do was crook her little finger and he would follow her anywhereŚallow her anything, even access to parts of the castle where few others were given admittance. No matter that she was rumored to consort with outlaws in secret forest rendezvous. He was unwavering in his devotion to her, and now he would have herŚtoo blind to see how much she truly despised him. Oh Guy, she thought with despair. Why can you not see her as I do? I have seen her with the outlaws. I have heard her speak of you with such disgust. I have seen her with Robin Hood. She stands in his arms, speaking of her great love for him. And yet she smiles at you, saying she will give herself to you in every way. You will take her to the marriage bedŚbut what face will she be seeing when she lies with you? The quiet afternoon was broken by the pounding of horse’s hooves. All heads turned to look as a rider came thundering to the church. It was a castle paige, judging from his garmentsŚand the crowd watched in confusion as the boy skidded to a stop, leaping from his mount to rush into the church. He fell on his knees before Sir Guy. śMy lord Gisborne! Lady Marian has disappeared!” Those spectators that were close to the doors watched and listened as the boy stammered an explanation. śThere was a rope made of sheets that was hung from the windowŚand there was this parchment, tacked to the wall by an arrow.” An arrow. Everyone within earshot knew what that meant. Those who could see the activity insideŚCassia in particularŚwatched as Sir Guy scanned the note in his hand. Then in a moment he crumpled it furiously, tossing it asideŚand stormed off to exit the church. Seeing him emerge, everyone bowed in submission. Cassia’s head was lowered as well, her long hair obscuring the troubled expression on her face. As she bowed her head, she heard a faint snicker or two among the crowd. Sir Guy has been abandoned at the altar. That tidbit was sure to stir up the gossip mills around town. Most of the villagers, and quite a number of the nobles as well, would find great delight in seeing him made such a fool. Though they feared his violent temper, they also laughed in their sleeves at him when he passed. He was, after all, a favorite target of humiliation for the Sheriff. More than once he’d been publicly degraded, usually when he failed to capture Robin Hood, or when Hood made one of his many notorious escapes. And now, Sir Guy’s degradation was complete. Cassia couldn’t help herself. She knew it might mean her life if she lifted her head to lookŚto dare cast her eyes upon a scorned nobleman, one who could very well choose her as a means to satisfy his thirst for revenge. But she had to look at him. Slowly, her gaze rose. And her heart felt a shock when her eyes met his. He was staring directly at her, an unreadable expression on his face. Then he turned away, rushing off with a band of guards following behind him. Many months would pass before she would be so close to him again. ***** Stealing. It was a petty crime, but one punishable by the removal of a limb. It was an end that hardly justified the meansŚat least, in his eyes. But she had taken the risk. And lost. Guy stood with arms folded, his eyes cast aside, as Marian was brought into the square below. He feared that if he let his gaze fall on her, he would see her looking back at him, pleading for his help. But she didn’t deserve his mercy. Lying, scheming bitch that she was. Standing near him on the observation platform, Sheriff Briwere stepped to the railing. Tall and thin, his blond hair short and severe, he had an air of menace about him, particularly in his eyes. They were pale blueŚchilling when cast on those he looked down upon. He lifted his arms, calling for the attention of the crowd below. śPeople of Nottingham! Cast your eyes upon this deviant criminal whore! Think not that her position as a noblewoman will benefit her, for she will face punishment as would any vagabond who dares patronize with criminals! Five days hence, you will all be witness to her death. And when her traitorous body hangs from the gallows for all to see, let it be a reminder that no man, woman, or child escapes justice under my regime!” He made a motion, a signal to the guards to take her away. As he turned from the platform, Guy followed behind. śMy lord, perhaps we should assign more guards to the task of watching her. While she is in custody, Hood is sure to be plotting her rescue.” The Sheriff snorted in reply. śSuch would not be the case if you had captured him the first time. But do not trouble your simple mind with him or his associates. I have my own plan regarding any attempt to hasten to her rescue.” Always a plan, Guy thought. And always a failure. But as always, he had no opinion to give. His duty was not to question, but to followŚwhich he did so in silence. They stood within her cell. Guy kept his eyes lowered, only occasionally glancing up to see The Sheriff traipsing back and forth. There was a shining of evil delight in his eyes, one that Guy knew all too well. Briwere always enjoyed taunting prisonersŚbut this was no ordinary captive. And Briwere seemed gleefully aware of it. He walked back and forth just inside the room, his long robes flowing behind him in dramatic fashion. He eyed Marian with utter contempt. śWell, well. The woman of Robin Hood, awaiting her death with such stoicism. How noble.” Guy did not want to look at MarianŚbut he found he could not help himself. She sat in a chair, her spine so straight it made no contact with the back of the seat. Her hands were folded neatly in lap, and she stared silently out the window. In the face of doom, she was proud and uncowardly. The Sheriff, however, was not impressed. śWhat a pity,” he said. śA true pity indeed that her beloved outlaw will not reach her in time to save her neck.” Guy saw her flinch. But she did not turn, even as the Sheriff went on with a jovial menace in his tone. śRobin Hood has fallen for a trick. He thinks he has several days to formulate a planŚthat his beloved will have a trial before she faces justice.” The tone of his voice suddenly darkenedŚand raised to a near roar. śWRONG! Your neck will stretch first thing in the morning! And may your deceitful soul burn in purgatory!” He turned away in a furious movement, leaving the room. But Guy did not follow. He slowly turned to herŚand his lip curled in a sneer. Eyes narrowed, he spoke coldly. śThou art a fool, Marian. Do you see where your loyalty to Robin Hood has placed you? Had you been true to me, you would not be in this danger.” At long last she spoke. She did not turn to look at him. But her voice, which had once fallen on his ear with such warmth, became bitter with loathing. śGuy of Gisborne, Śtis you that has been the fool. Did you truly believe I would dishonor my people and my country by wedding an enemy of the king?” He snorted in disgust. śYour country and your King indeed. All that you do is for Robin Hood. You have lied and stolen on his behalf. You commit treason because of him. Will you now be a whore for him as well? A whore for an outlaw?” śI would rather be called an outlaw’s whore than to be cursed with the name of a man I despise. You are despicable, Guy of Gisborne.” Her hatred smote his soul. This woman, whom he had been so deeply in love with, was nothing but a liar and a fraud. All this time she had been deceiving him, using himŚand he wanted her to pay for her treachery. He had an impulse to go over and strike her across the faceŚto see her cower before him in fear. He wanted her to feel the agony that he was feeling at that moment. Instead, he turned and left her, slamming the cell door shut behind himŚblind with hurt and rage. And he silently cursed her soul. ***** Late that night, he sat in his castle chambers, staring into the fire. He knew he should have been in his own bedchamber at home. Several times he’d attempted to rise and depart. But he could not go. He was besieged by thoughts of her. Her beauty had always been his weakness. Dark-haired, ivory-skinned, with a pair of emerald green eyes that shined so brilliantly. He had known many attractive women in his life, but they all paled in comparison to her. He had sworn to give her everything he hadŚhis heart, his hand, and a share of all his possessions. He had wanted no other woman for his wife. And in the end, she had blatantly rejected him for another man. He wanted to hate her for it. He wanted to rejoice in her punishmentŚto see not only that she paid the price for betraying him, but that the manloved would know ultimate suffering. Her true love. Robin of Locksley. The elusive, cunning little bastard. He tried to imagine Hood weeping over the death of his beloved Marian. He wanted him to feel pain like he’d never felt before. He wanted him crawling on the floor, wailing in misery. For a few moments, Guy felt a deep wave of satisfaction at the thought of his enemy in such torment. But then he had a mental image of Marian in the hands of the guards. Of her being bound at the wristsŚbeing lead up the steps to the scaffoldŚthe noose being placed around her neck. And when he thought of the trap door falling beneath her feetŚthe agonizing sound he knew would followŚit was more than even he could endureŚ His boots pounded along the stones of the castle tower. His expression was dark, his mouth drawn in a deep frown as he made his way through the dimness, his path illuminated by the dancing light of a torch. As he neared the door to her room, he spoke silently to himself. He would take her as his wife. Her consent was not required. He could take her, bound and gagged if necessary, and force her to kneel before a priest. There was no other way to keep her from executionŚand he did not care if she despised him. He would not allow her to hangŚnot when he could save her. At the cell door, he held the torch aloft as the guard turned the key in the lock. Ducking into the dark room, he held the torch up as he searched the chamber. There she lay on the narrow bed, on her stomach, her long waves of black hair splayed down her back. He wondered why she did not stir. Surely she did not sleep well on the night before her execution. Going to the bed, he kicked the side of it to shake her out of her slumber. śMarian, wake up.” She lay still. Too still for his liking. He called her name again, feeling a nervous knot forming in his belly. Something was not right. He could sense it, and drawing closer, he reached down to shake her shoulder. His voice grew more demanding. śMarian, wake!” Nothing. No sound, no response. Shoving the torch into a holder on the wall, he reached down to grasp her shoulders, turning her overŚand he saw before him her blank stare. Her green eyes, once so sparkling and beautiful, were dull and lifeless. He grasped her with both his hands, shaking her in a desperate attempt to see some sign of life. He shouted her name, the sound an agonized wail tearing out of his soul. śMarian! Marian!” He held her in his arms, refusing to believe she was dead. When the door burst open and the guard rushed in, he shouted in agonized fury. śFetch a physician! Now!” The guard only stared dumblyŚas if he wondered what the concern was for a woman already condemned. Guy leapt to his feet and struck the man across the face. śDO AS I SAY!” With a petrified look, and a quick bow, the guard rushed outŚand Guy turned back to Marian. With one arm he held her body. With the other he cradled her head, mad with the hope that somehow, she would respond when he called her nameŚ ***** With the coming of the daylight, the cause of Marian’s death was found in a corner of the room. It was there that a maid, sweeping out the now unoccupied chamber, found an empty vial. Poison had been her instrument of suicide. Marian of Leaford was deadŚand with her had gone all hope of redemption for the fearsome nobleman she’d left behind. Chapter 2 Late February, 1194 The thunder of horse’s hooves trampled over the virgin snow. Leading his śmen” once againŚand he used the term looselyŚGuy felt the cold in his very bones, despite the heavy cloak that covered him. He pulled the fur collar closer around his neck, but it did little to provide him warmthŚand nothing to calm his temper. Briwere be damned, he thought. Sending me out on another chase. All he wanted was to stay hidden in his bedchamber at home, numbing himself with darkness and drink. But Robin of Locksley had thwarted the law once again. And once again, the one giving chase would be the Master at Arms, not the Sheriff. He could picture his fair-haired master sitting before a blazing fire,pping spiced wine as maidens tended to his every need. There was no need for him to brave the cold when he could send his right-hand man out to do his bidding. And this search would likely end as all the others hadŚin failure. Despite the bare trees that left virtually no place to hide, it would be just like Hood and his gang to go to ground like the filthy animals that they were. The outlaws would slip through his fingers againŚslinking, slippery little ferrets that they were. And he, Sir Guy, would go crawling back to Nottingham with his tail between his legs. Humiliated in defeat, and then to be made a fool of by a lord to whom he was irrevocably bound, who saw nothing of value in himŚwho found great joy in his sorrow and humiliation. It was enough to drive any man to madness. How many times had he lain awake at night, asking himself why he didn’t just end it all? Only his mad desire for self-punishment kept him alive. He knew he deserved this fateŚthis living purgatory. For all the evil things he’d done, he wanted to be punished. And if death came to claim him in the meantime, he would accept it. The fiery pits of hell were where he deserved to be, for he had destroyed something pure, something innocentŚhe had destroyed the only woman he’d ever loved. And an eternity of punishment would never be enough to right such a wrong. In the distance, a movement caught his eye. Two figures were hunched over the carcass of a deer, preparing to hoist it onto the back of a horse. He knew the men before him. One was a tall, grizzled beast of a man. The other was slender and sandy-haired, garbed in dark green with a quiver of arrows across his back. The two of them paused for a moment, looking up. Hood. Guy’s eyes narrowed dangerously at recognizing his enemyŚand he shouted the command forward. śSeize them!” Giving his horse the spur, he charged forward with his men close behind. The two criminals abandoned their kill, mounting the horse together and fleeing fast. Guy led his men in a mad dash across an open meadow, keeping the outlaws in sight. He was almost upon them when there came a dreadful sound from behind him. Slowing his mount, he turned his head to lookŚand saw the sickening sight of his men, one by one, sinking into the ground that wasn’t ground at all. It was ice, hidden by a layer of snow. There was a melee of screaming men and beasts as the entire band collapsed down into the frozen waters, and his eyes looked in horror as the cracks in the ice came zigzagging fast in his direction. He urged his horse to flee, but the frightened animal suddenly reared up violentlyŚand his foot was tangled in the stirrup as he was thrown off. A violent twisting of flesh and bone, his ankle being broken, made him scream in agony. Then the ice gave way beneath him. All became inky blackness around him, the icy water shocking his heart, sapping the air from his lungs. Instinct screamed at himŚ Breathe! Breathe! In his head, he knew that if he opened his mouth, it would seal his doom. But the panicked survival instinct was too strongŚhis lungs burning for air. And he couldn’t keep from gasping. Ice cold water filled his lungs. Deprived of air, his mind began to grow dim. Only by a slight sense of understanding did he feel it when his horse made a final, desperate lunge for the bank, yanking his body along. On the solid but snowy shore, his foot at last slipped from the stirrupŚand his body collapsed in a battered wreck of flesh and bones. Unconsciousness claimed him fast, his injuries and the elements taking their toll as the wind blew through the silent forest. * * * * * Cassia dropped the armful of firewood she’d been carrying. Merciful heavens, what a sound of terror that had passed! It came from the lake, less than a half-mile away. But what on earth would create such a frightful noise? There was now a sudden and eerie silence. WhoeverŚwhatever had made that sound, it was the sound of terror. Of suffering. And she knew she must do something. Rushing to the house, bursting through the front door, she called out in rushed words. śFather! Come quickly!” Robert came from the shadows of the back room, looking curious as to what the commotion was. śWhy are you shouting, daughter?” Her breath came fast. śFather, Something has happened! I heard a crying out, and then all became silent! I feel something terrible must have happened!” He held up a steady hand. śCalm thyself child.” Taking his hooded cloak from the hook on the wall, he fastened it securely around his neck. He slipped on his gloves as he led her outside. śFrom whence came the commotion?” śIt came from the direction of the lake.” She shook her head, her voice full of fear. śOh Father, never have I heard such a sound! And if there are injured down there, this cold will surely claim them fast.” Together, they made their way along the path and down the slight slope that led to the lakeŚand Cassia gasped in horror as they came upon the sight. Her voice was a whisper. śSaints preserve us.” Five men, who looked to be Nottingham soldiers, bobbed lifelessly on the surface of the lake, chunks of broken ice floating all around them. Their horses had escaped the water and were on the opposite shore, but Cassia had to turn her head away from the sight of the dead. She covered her mouth, a tear falling from her cheek as she tried to blot the horrific image from her mind. That was when she heard the snort of a horse, which came from somewhere nearby. Looking allaround, she at last saw a riderless stallion standing near a great pine tree. The animal was shivering, its breath fogging quickly as it tried to take air into its lungs. śOh Father, look.” She rushed towards the poor beast, while her father searched the area for any signs of possible survivors. As he looked about, his back turned away from her, Cassia managed to get hold of the horse’s reins, and she spoke soothingly to him. There was something rather familiar about the raven-black destrier, though she could not be certain where she’d seen him before. He was a very fine animal. Too fine, in fact, for just any owner, judging from his expensive gear. And destriers were expensive horses that no commoner could afford. His master must certainly have been someone of great importanceŚcertainly of higher rank than a simple soldier. But where was the man in question? She glanced around as if the answer might be close at handŚand there, under the branches of a pine, she saw a soldier’s body. She cried out. śFather!” Moving the horse, she fell to her knees beside the man. He was too heavy to move on her own, but with her father’s help, she succeeded in turning him overŚand she gave a cry of shock at the face before her. śGod Almighty! Father, it is Sir Guy of Gisborne!” She watched in horror as her father leaned down, pressing his ear against Gisborne’s chest, and then to his mouth. Please do not let him die, Cassia pleaded silently. Lord, have mercy on this man. Robert rose up quickly. śHis heart beats, but he does not breathe. Cassia, you must give him air, else he will die.” She nodded, not thinking or hesitating for a moment. Forcing open Sir Guy’s mouth, bending down to place her mouth over his, she forced all the warm air into him that she had to give. Coming up for a moment to refill her lungs, she bent and gave him all her breath again. As she backed away for a moment, a gush of water suddenly spewed from his mouth, followed by a gurgleŚand then the blessed sound of violent coughing. śHe breathes," Robert said. "But we must work quickly. Daughter, rush quickly to the house. Bring the litter, heavy blanketsŚa flagon of wine. I will check for further injury. Go!” She ran with all the speed she could muster, gathering the things from the house. Dragging the litter along, she tied it behind Sir Guy’s horse while her father threw the blankets over Gisborne’s body and forced the wine down his throat to warm him. Together they hefted him onto the litter. Robert led the way, guiding the horse as Cassia walked alongside, never taking her eyes from the sad sight of the unconscious Sir Guy. Moving as fast as they could they untied the litter and carried it into the house, taking him into the single small bedroom. As they hoisted his heavy body to the narrow bed, Cassia feared the look in her father’s eyes. śHe mery well die yet,” Robert whispered. śAnd if the Sheriff finds that he has died under our roof, God have mercy on our souls.” Cassia’s reply was instant, and firm. śThen we must pray to God that he does not die. And he will not, Father. I will not let him.” There was a long moment of silence between themŚand then Robert shook his head, as if to return his focus to the man before him. śLight, daughter. I must have more light. Bring more candlesŚa lamp.” She went out and came back quickly, setting several large beeswax candles on the bed stand. Lighting them with the fire from the lamp, the room quickly grew bright. Her father looked the patient up and down. śWe must remove his garments,” he said. śAnd quickly.” At her father’s statement, Cassia felt a slight tremor of shock, and she couldn’t help but imagine what she would see under Guy’s sodden clothing. He was such an imposing figure, wide of shoulders and long of limbs. It was obvious, even hidden under layers of material, that he had a fine physique. But there wasn’t time to think of such things. Her father quickly removed the heavy cloak from Guy’s shoulders. She helped support the upper body as her father removed the sodden wool coat. He stripped off the wet tunic and the undershirt that was plastered to the skinŚand Cassia’s eyes grew a little wider as the upper body was revealed. Strong and superbly toned armsŚthe arms of a man who hefted a heavy broadsword. A solid, muscular chest and a flat, rippled abdomen. It was difficult to look away from such a sight. But when it came to the rest of Guy’s garments, her father paused in his actions. He glanced up at her. śFetch my shears. Bring water and rags.” She left to fetch the materials. When she came back, Guy was covered from head to toe with several heavy blanketsŚhis head and feet now the only things exposed. Bringing the things to her father, she came close and examined Guy’s face, which was bloody and battered. Under one eye was a jagged cut, and many blue and black marks were already forming all across his skin. It pained her to see his strong and manly features so marred. śHow do you suppose he sustained the facial injuries?” Robert shrugged. śI must assume it was the broken ice that damaged him so.” Walking to the end of the bed, he examined the foot that was swelling fast. He pressed his fingers to Guy’s ankle. śSince he was lying near his horse, I believe he must have been dragged to the spot he was in. Perhaps that also explains the ankle. It is certainly broken, judging from the feel of the bones. But we shall see to that later.” Taking up the shears, moving back to the head of the bed, he began quickly cutting away Guy’s matted hair. śWhen I felt his skull before, my fingers came away with blood. My hope ihat the wounds there are only superficial. If there is internal damage, I fear there is nothing we can do for him.” Cassia held out a small basket to catch the long, dark locks, and she couldn’t help thinking that in a way, she was glad to see the ugly mane removed. Since the death of Marian, Guy had grown into quite the vagabond. Since that day at the church, she had rarely seen him, even at a distance. When she had managed a glimpse of him, it had made her sad to see him so disheveled, so deep in his bitterness that he began looking more like an animal than a man. She was glad, now, to restore himŚat least in partŚto his former self. As the hair was cut away, she saw the gruesome wound revealedŚa large, bloody gash just at the base of his skull. She watched, anxious, as her father probed the wound. And she sighed with relief when he declared it deep, but not life threatening. There were other small cuts in places, but the large wound was of most concern. śHis skull feels intact. But we shall have to bind the skin. Daughter, fetch me a needle and thread. You will have to support his head while I sew it closed.” Nodding, she went out again and came back quickly. Handing him the materials, she then took Guy’s head and gently held it against her shoulder. The sight of the bloody wound, of the needle working its way in and out of the flesh, didn’t move her. She’d seen such doings many times before. But it was the thought of Guy enduring such a gruesome procedure that tormented her. Many cases she’d seen had been wide awake during such a process. They’d been given a stick of strong wood to clamp between their teeth, and nothing more. She gave silent thanks to God that Guy was unconscious through all of it. After her father applied a healing salve over the area, they carefully set their patient back against the pillows. As Robert pressed his hand to Guy’s forehead, his face was grim. While he cleaned the facial wounds and applied salve to them, he turned to her. śA fever has begun already. Go quickly and boil a tea with willow bark. If we are to save him, we must get his fever under control.” She hurried away, and when she came back with the steaming cup of tea, she saw how Guy’s figure was starting to shake under the covers. Sickness had a firm hold on him already. As she brought the healing tea to his lips, sending it into his throat, all she could do was pray that he would live through the night. * * * * * Fever held him in a firm grip. And yet he was coldŚso very cold. Though he tried desperately to force calm upon his muscles, he could not cease the shaking. Then it seemed he was thrown into a great inferno. Heat burned his every limb, sweat beading from every pore. And during all of it, he felt himself drifting aimlessly. What was real and what was not? He came in and out of sleep so often, he hardly knew the difference between waking and dreaming. At every moment, agony was his constant companion. He felt it now, especially in his foot, the hurt so excruciating he swore he could hear the pulsations. And in the midst of ain, there were strange moments of sensationŚa constant presence, and a constant fragrance. Soap and lavender, he was certain. The scent of a woman. Marian. Opening his bleary eyes, he could perceive the soft glow of candles burning. And illuminated by the candlelight was a young woman, her long dark hair loose around her shoulders. In his delirium he reached for her, clutching her hand in a desperate hold. He felt it as she tried to pull free, but he pleaded with her. śPlease stay. Do not leave me. I could not bear it if I lost you again.” A tear slipped from his eye, and he clasped her hand ever more tightly, terrified that she would slip away. With held breath, he waited for her to speak. And at last her voice replied gently to him. śI will not leave you. I swear it.” He squeezed her hand in response. Then he felt her other hand covering his, comforting and soft. The feeling remained with him, giving him solace, even as his eyes again grew heavy with sleep. * * * * * Cassia once again wiped the moisture from Guy’s brow, watching as he trembled in his sleep. And she listened as he murmured Lady Marian’s name time and time again. Even now, all these months after her death, he still mourned her as if he’d lost a part of his soul. He was tearing himself apart because of her, and for Cassia, it was both painful and infuriating to witness it. This past summer, word had spread that Lady Marian had taken her own life. Supposedly, she had declared her undying love for Robin Hood, and before dawn the next morning, Guy had found her lying on the bed of her cellŚdead by her own hand. It was widely thought that he’d been driven to madness because of what had happened, and according to those who saw him, he had indeed looked and acted the part. It was clear from seeing him that he teetered on the brink of insanity, disheveled and wild-eyed as he was. There were whispers that he spent most of his free time in a drunken stupor, racked with guilt over Marian’s death. And most residents of Nottingham agreed that living in such misery was just what he deserved. He had sinfully coveted a woman who belonged to another. Her blood had been on his hands, just like the blood of so many others. In their eyes, he had no right to sympathy. Cassia’s own father had even said so. She knew he would not go so far as to let Gisborne die, for such a crime was not in his nature. But he had always made his feelings clear. śGuy of Gisborne possesses no soul. If he rages like a madman over what he has done, it has naught to do with guilt. His anger stems from being denied the thing he coveted. ŚTwas a crime of possession, not passion. And now he must live forever with his own darkness.” As she looked upon the man lying before her, she thought of her father’s wordsŚand shook her head in denial. If this man had no soul, no feelings, then why did he writhe in torment the way he did, calling desperately for a woman who was no longer there? Why did he weep for r, as she’d seen him do several times now? There is goodness in this man. I know there is. And yet, she was no fool. She knew there was still rage swirling within him. Though she could comfort him now, remain at his side and speak gently to himŚthough she could look on his rugged face, admiring its masculine beauty, she knew these moments would not last much longer. In a day or soŚGod willingŚhis fever would break. He would regain his sense of reality, of time and place. The broken man before her, who needed her and depended on her, would fade away. The tempest would soon make his return. And when he came back, he was certain to be darker and stormier than ever. Chapter 3 His eyes opened slowly, taking in the sight of a tiny room dimly lit with candles. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, he realized he was waking with a clear headŚalbeit, a head throbbing with pain. And a foot he would have seen chopped off, if it meant it would stop the torture it was causing him. Why was it hurting so? Then, he recalled being thrown from his horse, his foot being twisted in the stirrup. And he could still remember the icy water. He gave a shudder at the thought of that frightful darkness. But beyond that, what had happened? Why was he in this shabby little placeŚthis grey, dim little room with barely enough space to contain the bed he lay on? Why was he not at home, or in the castle? Had his men abandoned him here? Worthless cowards. They will pay dearly for their desertion. Then, another memory suddenly came to him. Marian. Had he really seen her? Was it she who had held his hand through the night, comforting him in his dark hours? Frantically he looked about the room, searching for her. But the only oher occupant of the room was the one in the corner chair, and she was fast asleep. Her slender, shapely figureŚher pale skinŚher long dark hair. It was easy to see how he could be mistaken. She certainly seemed a lot like Marian. But she wasn’t Marian. And the thought tore through him, making him furious in his despair. To have her back for those few precious moments, only to wake up and find it had all been his imagination. It was like losing her all over again. He was alone once more, except for the woman sleeping there in the corner. His lip curled into a sneer as he looked at her. A peasant girl obviously, judging from her plain russet dress and the plain linen cloth binding back her hair. A commoner. Probably one of Robin Hood’s little spies. Locksley. Thinking of his mortal enemy, his fury boiled over. Picking up the nearest object at handŚa pitcher on the bed tableŚhe launched it at the wall, right near the sleeping girl’s head. At the shattering sound, she jumped and cried out in shock. śSir Guy! You are awake!” Just that simple act, that brief outburst of rage, was enough to drain every ounce of his energy. Falling back against the pillows, he gasped for breathŚeven as he sneered at the girl. śYou will address me properly, woman. And I demand to know what is happening here. What are you about? Why am I in such a state?” He started to cough, his mouth plagued with dryness. She came close, moving cautiously as she brought him a cup of water, from which he drank greedily. His thirst slaked for the moment, he turned his eyes to the woman at his side. Between intakes of breathŚand he struggled for themŚhis demands were strong. śWill you not answer me?” She put the cup aside and dabbed his mouth with a cloth. śYou had an accident. You fell through the ice of the lake.” śI know that!” he shouted. śBut why am I in a peasant hovel? Why was I not taken back to Nottingham?” Dunking a rag in a bucket of water, wringing it out, she brought it to his face and gently wiped his skin. śSnow storms have been raging off and on. It would have been an impossible journey. And even if we had attempted to take you back, it would have been too difficult a task for my father and I alone.” śWhat of my men? Were they so incompetent? Did they flee at the very moment I was in need?” śAll were drowned, my lord. You alone survived.” As he took in her words, a middle-aged man came rushing in. Like the woman, he was dark-haired, except for the silver hair at his temples and the grey in his beard. His eyes were wide with worry, but the girl turned to him calmly. śAll is well, father. It was an accident, Śtis all. I broke the pitcher. Go now, and sleep.” The man hesitated a moment. Then he nodded, leaving them. As he went, Guy suddenly recalled more of what had happenedŚthe sight of his men and their horses, falling through the collapsing ice. But he had lived. And this lowly woman and her father had found him, rescuing him from the jaws of death. But he could find no joy in being brought back from the brink. What good was it when he was in such pain as he was? Trying to adjust himself against the pillows, he found that even the smallest movement caused him terrible painŚand he glared at the woman who, in his eyes, was responsible for a good part of his suffering. śYou were a fool to make the effort. Because of your ignorance I must live in this useless condition. Do not be so unwise as to expect my gratitude.” He turned his eyes away from her, wishing her to feel the sting of his displeasureŚto be hurt by it. But she said nothing, quietly bending down to pick up the broken pieces of potteryŚand her calmness irritated him. She wasn’t supposed to react this way. She was supposed to cower in fear, to beg his forgiveness for her ineptness. It was what his subordinates had always done. While she silently tended to the mess, he reached up to massage a spot on the back of his head. He could feel the gash there, and the thread keeping it closed. It throbbed with pain and itched like mad. And it was then that he felt his hair, cropped much too close to his scalp. It made him scowl all the more, and he looked to the woman, his demand fierce. śWhat have you done to me?” She glanced up from her place on the floor. śMy lord?” śYou have sheared me like a sheep,” he snarled at her. śI lie here subjugated, garbed in this lowly peasant nightdress. What game of degradation do you play at?” She came to stand near him, shaking her head. śI play at no game. We cropped your hair to tend to your head wounds. Your clothing is too burdensome to tend you in. It is why we have put the nightdress on you. You will be easier to care for.” He sneered at her noble gesture. "As I said, your heroics were a wasted effort. I suffer more because of your folly. And my foot hurts like the blazes. What is wrong with it?” śIt is broken quite badly,” she replied, setting aside the ruined shards of pottery. śYou will be without the use of it for some time.” She came to him, adjusting the pillows behind his head, and he grumbled at the way she seemed so intent in caring for himŚwhen he knew very well she had ulterior motives. Just like all women. He turned his head away for a moment, muttering darkly. śLeft alone to die. Hobbled and broken. Why have you wasted your time on me?” She adjusted the quilt around him, her reply quiet and calm. śIt is my duty, my lord. My Christian duty. I will not flinch from it.” He gave a disgusted snort in reply. Stupid, stubborn little wench, he thought. As she adjusted the coverlet, he felt a wave of heat from his fever. He pushed away the offending quilt. śI am on fire. Do not cover me.” She became silent again, wordlessly reaching for the cup of water. As she handed it to him, he took a moment to examine her. She briefly met his gaze before looking away again, and he noted the darkness of her eyes. Deep brown, almost black. Upon closer inspection of her, it seemed her hair was not as dark as he’d first thought. Chestnut brown, it wasŚand lustrous in the shine of candlelight. No, she was not quite the same as Marian. Still, she was something to look at. What a disappointment that such beauty was wasted on a lowborn commoner. She was hardly worth a second look. And yet, he knew a few things she was probably good for. He almost found pleasure at the thought of it. Perhaps when I am recovered, I will use her like any other servant girl. They always serve a purposeŚfor ten or fifteen minutes. He wondered if she would shrink in fear if he voiced his thoughts to her. He enjoyed the thrill of making others afraid of him. There was so very little in the world that a man could truly control. There was strength in power, in domination. And she would certainly be a sweet conquest. He opened his mouth to speak, to say what he was thinking and see how she would react. But suddenly she walked away, leaving him to wonder what she was up to. His thoughts became dark, full of suspicion. I should not be surprised if she has Hood waiting in the next room, ready to spring forth at any moment. Filthy peasants. Every one of them the same, keeping in league with outlaws and other scum of the earth. When she returned, he saw she was very much without company. In her hand she carried a cloth bundle, which she brought to the end of the bed. When she reached down to touch his ankle he flinched, scowling darkly at her, his voice almost a growl. śDo not touch me.” She shook her head slightly. śI am sorry my lord, but if I do not apply the compress, the pain will only intensify.” She reached for his foot again, but he would not allow it. śCan you not hear properly? I said do not touch me!” But before he finished speaking she pressed the compress to his foot, and he shrieked in pain, cursing her. śGod’s teeth, you little witch! That hurts!” śIt must hurt if it is to heal! You should be grateful to havice at hand!” The sudden force of her voiceŚthe power in her toneŚshocked him for a moment. But then his eyes narrowed dangerously at her. śHow dare you speak to me in that way.” Her voice softened, but was just as firm. śI am sorry my lord, but if I stand by and do nothing, you will only be in more pain.” Saying nothing further, concentrating on her work, she secured the cold compress by binding his foot tightly with linen. He clenched his teeth as she tended to him. And after a moment or so, he came to a strange realization. I cannot feel the pain so intently. The cold affects it. But I will be damned if I let her know she is right. śI am hungry,” he muttered. śFetch me something to eat.” She only stared at him for a moment, as if she were offended by his commanding tone. He half-expected her to raise her voice to him again, and he was prepared this time to make her shrink in fear when she refused. But he was quite surprised when she turned and walked away, coming back a few moments later with a mug. śHere is broth. It will restore your energy.” He balked at the offering. śBroth? I asked for food, woman. Have you no ability to understand?” She shook her head. śI am sorry, but it would not be wise for you to ingest solid food right away. You have been ill, and your stomach may not hold its contents.” He wanted to fight with her. He was tempted to reach out and knock the cup from her hands, to see it spilled and broken on the floor. But he was too weary now to act on his angry impulseŚand too in need of sustenance to refuse what she offered him. He attempted to take if from her, but his hands shook quite badly. Starving for nourishment, he allowed her to bring the cup to his lips as he drank the warm and salty liquid. For a few moments he allowed her to be near as she fed him. But when the cup was empty, he pushed her hand away. śGo. Leave me be.” Obediently she bowed her head. But as she turned away from him, he caught a sharp little gleam in her eye. It was that look of haughtinessŚthat same one she’d worn just a few moments ago when she’d applied the ice to his foot. She was a troublesome wench, and if it wasn’t for his being so weary, he would have berated her properly. But that would have to do for another time. A time when he wasn’t falling under the power of sleep, which he soon succumbed to in full. * * * * * liquiany days he remained, for the most part, in a state of exhaustion. It seemed to be something he could not helpŚas if some spell was cast over him to make him always weak and weary. At first, he wondered if the womanŚor perhaps her fatherŚwere participants of black magic. He’d heard stories that peasants were often found to be doing such works of the devil. Maybe they were slowly poisoning him, weakening him day by day. But as time went by, he saw no signs of witchcraft. One or both of them was always in the room, seeing to the smallest of his needs. He could not imagine them having time to practice dark arts, not when they were always so occupied. All of his life he’d had servants around him, but he’d never been so dependent on people as he was forced to be with this woman and her father. He could not get up from the bed on his own, and having to rely on two peasants, even for the smallest of things, was the epitome of degradation. Their devotion did little to ease his darkness of mind and spirit, even though they saw to even the smallest detail of his needs. They kept the room neat as a pin, always sweeping and cleaning to ease the smells of sickness. They changed the horrible bedding every few days. It was a straw mattress he lay on, and not the soft feathers he was used to. Who knew what manner of vermin he might be lying with if it weren’t for the fact that they kept the bedding fresh. But it was all of little consolation. Being so cooped up, so idle, was not something he was accustomed to, and he could not help taking it out on those that tended to him. They had taken this chore upon themselves when they’d found him, and it was his opinion that they should accept his dark moods whether they wanted to or not. If only the woman could have gotten such a notion into her head. For the most part she was a quiet creatureŚalways diligent in what she was doing. But now and again he caught those searing glances of hers. They were always slight, as if she were trying to disguise them. But he managed to see them most timesŚand they were a strange contrast to her usual manner, which was most often calm and kind, no matter how he treated her. He watched her now, coming into the room. It was evening, and he fully expected to be brought his usual meal of soup. He was tired of liquid meals, and watching her come forward with a bowl in her hands, he snorted with displeasure. śDo not bring me more soup,” he demanded. śI will not have it.” She shook her head. śNo soup, my lord. I think you can now have something more substantial.” She put the bowl in his hands. He looked down at the contentsŚand curled his lip in distaste. śPorridge? You bring me a meal given to children, or the elderly and infirmed?” A hint of a smile came to her lips, and he suddenly realized what she was thinking. With that sly little look, she was silently reminding him that it was hi> who was infirm. She probably supposed that the meal suited him perfectly, cripple that he was. He had a sudden, furious impulse to dump the offending meal on the floorŚor better yet, to throw it at her and see that smug little look wiped from her expression. But just as he neared action, she spoke in a soft wayŚand her voice took the sword from his hand. śI stirred in cinnamon for you. I think you will find the taste quite pleasant.” For you. There was something in those words that sounded so sincere. But he could not believe she was truly selfless in her actions. No one had ever done anything on his behalf without being coerced or paid. Why did she play at this game of kindness? He shook his head at his own foolishness. Looking down at the bowl in his hand, he was hesitant to actŚbut he soon took up the spoon and began to feed. He told himself that he was only eating this undignified meal because he was so very hungry. No matter that it tasted very goodŚthat the spice of the cinnamon was a sharp, delicious taste on his tongue. The wench had been right beforeŚabout the ice for his foot. And she was right this time about the taste. But there was no need to give her more credit than she deserved. Chapter 4 In the barn, Cassia stood before Guy’s horse, brushing him down. She’d just brought him in from his walk, which she tried to do every day, so long as the weather permitted. She knew that he wasn’t accustomed to being lethargic. The fresh air was good for her as well, and she enjoyed spending time with the horse. He was a calm and quiet animal, and he seemed to enjoy the little attention she was able to give him. On="0">ng was certainŚthe beast didn’t match his owner in temperament. As she finished her work and headed back into the house, she sighed with disappointment, thinking of what little headway she’d made with the patient in her care, at least in the sense of his disposition. He’d been with them for nearly two weeks now. While his fever had broken, and he seemed to be regaining his energy, he was still suffering from a broken ankle, and there was little that could be done for it until it healed. Between now and then, he would have to endure it...and his own knowledge of his helplessness certainly didn’t make him a better patient. She was not foolish enough to believe he would become a perfect gentleman. That was wishful thinking, if ever there was such a thing. But she had hoped he would at least be civil, if nothing else. So far, there had been no sign of even thatŚand part of her wondered if there ever would be. The smell of fresh stew was strong as she came inside. Her father was stirring a kettle on the fire, and she saw him yawnŚa sign that he would soon be retiring to bed. It was near the end of his day, and the end of his watch in the sickroom. With night coming, it was her turn to watch over the patient. śHas he been fed?” she asked. Robert shook his head. śI was just about to take him his meal. He has been calling for it.” Taking off her cloak and gloves, she went over and took the bowl from his hands. śI will take it to him.” She placed the bowl on a small wooden tray. Picking up the teapot, she filled a cupŚand finding a nearby vial, she put in a few drops of medicine. Reluctantly, she carried the tray into the room. She was careful to set it aside, out of his reach. He’d behaved that first time she’d given him a bowl of porridge. In the days since, he’d eaten his meals without much trouble, and even seemed to like what she served him, despite her certainty that he did so against his will. She almost trusted him to be calmŚbut not quite. The last thing she wanted was to give him something to throw in a fit of temper. Taking up the cup, she approached him cautiously, prepared to be barked at, which she knew would happen if the mood set him right. śDrink this,” she urged him, handing him the cup. As ridiculous as he’d been in his previous outbursts, she half expected him to spit the liquid out. But to her surprise, he only grumbled at its bitter taste. śThat is the most horrible concoction I have ever tasted. What are you poisoning me with?” She sighed, her tolerance wearing thin. śIt is a healing tea. It will help ease your pain.” He thrust the cup back to her, turning his head aside like a spoiled child. śIt is bloody awful. Take it away and bring the food I smell.” Unable to hold her tongue any longer, she narrowed her eyes at him. śSir Guy of Gisborne, you are an ungrateful bugger.” He clasped her wrist tightly, causing the cup to fall from her hand. He yanked her close to him. śThis is not the first time you have spoken out of turn to me, woman. If it were not for my being so indisposed, I would see you punished severely.” She flung his hand away. Putting the cup down forcefully, she walked from the room, leaving the food tray well out of his reachŚand ignoring his furious protests. śWhere do you think you are going? How am I supposed to reach the damnable meal if you have left it way over there? Come back here!” She didn’t turn back. Even as he continued his rant, she crossed the front room and went to stoke the fire. Her father looked at her, inclining his head towards the sound of the shouting. śWhat noise is there, daughter?” She shook her head. śDo not mind him, father. He is just making a fool of himself with all of his blustering. But do not fear him. I have put a bit of something in his tea to make him sleep. I shall tend to him in peace, for once.” Indeed, it wasn’t long before the noise in the room ceased. And for the first time in a long while, she and her father enjoyed a quiet, hearty meal. After they’d finished, Robert retired for the night, leaving her alone with her thoughts. With Guy and her father both asleep, she had a few precious moments to herself. She went to the cot in the corner to rest. It would not be long before Guy would wake up. He would be very hungryŚand probably, very unhappy with her for leaving him as she had. Heaven only knew how he would act. There was goodness in that manŚbut Lord above, it was buried deep. Perhaps too deep. Maybe it was beyond reach. If kindness and compassion couldn’t bring it out, then perhaps what he needed was a dose of his own medicineŚa bit of tough handling. And if that didn’t do anything to change his surly ways, she didn’t know what she would do with him. ***** śHe wants a bath and a shaveŚand he will not allow me to touch him.” Cassia paused in her needlework, her mouth slightly open in shock. śSurely you jest, father. It might do for me to see he has a shave, but I cannotŚbathe him. ŚTwould not be proper.” Robert looked quite flustered, as if his patience had reached its limit. Gisborne must have been quite harsh indeed to make him so upset. He grumbled in fustration, handing her the cloth bundle with the shaving materials. śHe will not allow me to tend to him. And he is in desperate need of a wash. The smell is growing intolerable. Only wash that which is necessary. And if there is trouble to be found, call me inŚand I shall think of something.” Even in the light of the fire, her face grew red. But in truth, she knew her father was right. And even with a patient as difficult as Sir Guy, she knew it wasn’t proper or healthy to leave him in such condition. But to think of being in such close quarters with him, in such an intimate situationŚher heart beat fast to think of it. But then, she lifted her chin in a stubborn way. He has done this on purpose, she thought. He wants to torment me as revenge for leaving him hungry. But if it was his intention to taunt her, he would find she wasn’t so easily beaten. Going out to the well, she brought up the bucket of waterŚand of course it was near freezing. For a moment, she considered washing him in such ice-cold water to teach him a lesson. But sick as he’d been of late, she knew that wouldn’t be wise. He didn’t deserve more of her kindness, awful as he’d been to her and her father. But he was still unwell, and it wasn’t in her nature to be so cruel, even to him. Taking the bucket, she brought it to the fire to let it warm a little. And a few moments later she heard him shouting from the sickroom. śWhat in blazes is taking so long? I cannot tolerate this neglected state a moment longer!” Taking up a rag and a bar of soap, she walked in the room and paused in the doorway. The sight of him lying there, half-exposed, was enough to give any woman pause. Thankfully, his lower half was covered with a sheet. She couldn’t imagine what her own reaction would have been to seeing him stark naked. Shaking her head at the shameful thought, she set her shoulders determinedly and went to him, ignoring the tiny little smirk on his face. Her brow was stern as she hefted the water bucket up, placing it on the bed table. Opening the shaving kit, she took up the razor and began sharpening it, and as she worked it back and forth she glared at him. śI know not what game you play at, but if you think to humble me, you will find yourself quite disappointed.” Before he could make a remark, she lathered her hands with soap and rubbed it on his face, making a particular point to be rough in her actions. When she applied the razor, he was wise enough to keep still and silent. But when it came to bathing him, he began looking at her with a devilish gleam in his eye. Dunking the rag in the water, lathering it with soap, she began scrubbing him in a rough manner, careful not to let her hands roam in one place for two long. But it was impossible to be so close to himŚto touch him, even briefly, and not notice the firm muscles under her fingers. She bit her lip stubbornly, determined not to think of such a thing. But he made it nearly impossible, smirking at her as he was. Pompous bastard, she thought. śYou would make a good hand maiden,” he said. śWhen I return to Nottingham, perhaps I should take you back with me and put you to work as my personal servant. I’ll wager I could find more for you to give me than a simple washing.” Finished with him from the waist up, she re-dunked the rag and threw it at his chest. śYou will do the rest yourself, my lord.” As she turned away, she felt the sudden grip of his hand on her arm. śYou will wash my hair before you go.” She watched as he turned himself so that his legs hung over the edge of the bed. He leaned his head down, waiting. For a moment, she stared at the top of his head. Then she heard him grumble. śWell, what are you waiting for?” With a little smirk of her own, she picked up the heavy bucketŚand poured the entire load of water down on his head. The great slosh of water was like music to her ears, as was the shouting and sputtering that came in its wake. But she didn’t stay to see what he would do. She fled the room quickly, gleeful at the sweetness of revenge. Even his furious shouting couldn’t keep the smirk from her face. śEvil, nasty little witch!” Her father looked up from the fire, where he was stirring a pot. She smiled at him, triumphant. śHe is clean, father, though I would take some towels with you when you go in. There was a bit of water spilled on the floor.” ***** Late that night, when she went in to relieve her weary father, she purposely sat in the corner with her needlework and didn’t look at the scowling man sitting up in the bed. For some time, she let the quiet linger. If neither of them spoke all night long, it wouldn’t have troubled her in the least. But it wasn’t long before Gisborne seemed to grow tired of the stillness. śWhy do you sit in stone silence? Do you not have some witch’s brew to force down my throat? Or is there another drowning in the cards for me?” She punched the needle in and drew it out, ignoring him. This was a test of wills that she was determined to win. If he could not speak to her with a civil tongue, she was determined not to speak to him at all. After all she and her father had done for this man, the least he could do was to treat them with a speck of decency. śWhat is your name?” The question was spoken in a rough mannerŚand yet, it was a question she hadn’t expected. Why does he care what my name is? Why should I give it to him?font> And yet, there was a part of her that wanted to answer. Despite his bad temper, his ungratefulness, and his cruelty, there was something about Guy of Gisborne that fascinated her, even now. Hadn’t he always been this way? Dark and broodingŚmoody and unpredictable as weather. Perhaps it was his voice, so deep and as smooth as velvet, that prompted her to pause in her stitching. And she answered him. śCassia, my lord. My name is Cassia.” He said nothing to the revelation of her name. Turning his head slightly, he gave a little snort, as if her name annoyed him. She sighed, shaking her head, and went back to her stitching. Then he spoke again, a surprising note of want in his tone. śMy foot hurtsŚand so does my head.” He wasn’t so sharp, so demanding as he’d been before. She sensed that he was in pain and sought relief, though he couldn’t bring himself to ask for it directly. But at least he wasn’t shouting, or throwing things. His manner, while not exactly kind, was at least tolerable. Setting aside her needlework, she rose to her feet. śI shall fetch you some ice for your foot. And so long as you promise not to knock the cup from my hand, I will bring you your tea.” His answer was an unintelligible grumble. Her mouth turned up just slightly, and she left to bring him what he asked for. Chapter 5 Guy watched her as she scrubbed the floor. He was not sure why he cared to observe her, doing the same mundane tasks that she did nearly every day. Perhaps it was mere boredom that led him to study her. After lying about now for more than a month, the idleness was nearly driving him mad. He was sure that was what drew him to observe. But there was also the knowledge that under that quiet demeanor of hers, there was a little spitfire. She had him intrigued, recalling the way she’d boldly handled him on more than one occasion. He wondered about her, wishing to ask her questions, to learn something more of her. And yet, he could not bring himself to converse directly with her, unless it was to make demands. He’d spent most of these last days in sullen silence, thinking about a number of different things. As he so often had, he thought of Marian. She had been in his dreams every night for so long, and always the scene had been the same. He would see herŚan apparition, one who always remained just out of his reach, no matter how far or fast he pursued her. When he cried out for her, she never gave him an answer. She would look over her shoulder for a moment, and then flee from him again. But her expression seemed to speak for her, as if to tell himŚ This is your punishment, Guy of Gisborne. In dreams, just as in life, I will always be beyond your reach. But of late, the dreams had begun to change. He would see her, and call her name. He would pursue her, as he always did. But part of the way in his chase he would slow, and then stop, just watching as she fled. After all this time, it seemed his heart was beginning to understand the hopelessness of following her. And he was losing will to continue. In his waking hours, he found himself thinking more and more about his little nurse. He had taken to sleeping during the day and sitting up most of the night, preferring her company to her father’s. Robert was quiet, just like his daughter, but his manner was much different. While Cassia seemed rather content in what she was doingŚeven giving him an occasional smileŚ Robert showed little hospitality. While he was always thorough in his care, it was clear he was not comfortable with the presence of his patient. Guy cared not what the old man thought of him. And to avoid those cold looks, he rested in the daylight hours and stayed awake most of the night when Cassia came into the room. Each night, usually around dark, she came in and brought him something to eat. She would check his ankle with her fingers, testing the soundness of the bone. It hurt like hell, of course. But of late, he found himself gritting his teeth and biting his tongue, rather than shouting at her. Perhaps it was the touch of her hands that eased his temper. At first, he’d been in too much agony and angry despair to take note of it. But in time, his aches and pains had started to ease. The wound on his head hardly bothered him now, although it itched like mad. Cassia assured him it was a sign of improvement, and her words were proven when one morning, her father removed the stitching that had bound the skin. Now, only a long scab remained, and soon that would fade into a simple scar. And as for his foot, he found that it hurt a little less with each dayŚthanks to the distraction of Cassia’s touch. He began looking forward to her rituals of care. And watching her now, he felt the need for her attention. śI want ice for my foot.” He saw her pause in her work, looking up at him. He knew his command was gruff. And for a moment, he did not think anything of it. But then, he saw something in her look that made him realize his own harshness. He knew he should have tempertone of voice. And so he added, almost reluctantlyŚ śIf you please.” Her expression softened then, and she left the room to get the ice for him. Whenever she tested his foot, she was always as gentle as she could be, and she was quick to re-apply the ice and the linen wrapping. She did so upon her return, and the cold was a great relief to his pain. But it was the feeling of her fingers against his skin that he found most soothingŚand, in a strange way, thrilling. Her hands were so warm, so soft. Each time she brushed her fingers against him, he felt a charge shoot up his knee, through his legŚand more often of late, the feeling spread to his groin. But he wasn’t embarrassed by it. Hell, he was only human. And she was quite lovely to look at, even if she was only a lowly peasant. What would it be like to have those little hands of hers moving up his leg? Touching his knee, grazing his thigh. Then wandering higherŚ śIs something wrong?” She’d been watching him, it seemed. And to the sudden interruption of his thoughts, he shook his head and groaned. śI am in pain.” If you only knew what kind, you would probably run from the room in a fright. He nearly smirked at his own wicked thoughtsŚbut a moment later he felt a different kind of reflex, when her nail accidentally brushed the sole of his foot. His leg jerked, and he gave a little cry of surpriseŚto which she gave him a curious look. And then she grinned as she realized what she’d done. śSir Guy of Gisborne has ticklish feet? Well my my, the little surprises that life brings.” He felt his face flush with shame. Not since he was a little boy had anyone tickled his feet, or for that matter, even known of the embarrassing ailment. He tried to withdraw his foot from her reach, but she smirked as she reached out and stroked his sole again. Giving another little shout of protest, his temper suddenly flared at the weakness she had found in him. śDo not do that again!” She withdrew her hand, the smile falling away from her face. Now came that familiar look of distance in her eyes. It was the look she’d worn several times, particularly that night after she’d dumped the water over his head. She’d sat in her corner, not looking at him, not speaking to him. He might as well have been invisible for all the attention she had paid to him. Now she looked at him that way again. Quickly finishing up her linen wrappingŚand binding it a bit tighter than usualŚshe did the very same thing she’d done that night. Leaving the room in silence, she was gone for quite a long time. He waited, wondering where she was and what she was doing. A slight feeling of regret came over himŚbut he pushed it away. Hadn’t he spent enough time wallowing in guilt over a woman? And what had it gotten him other than months of living in hell? Crossing his arms over his chest, he was damned determined not to give in to his remorseŚeven as the feeling grew stronger with the passing of one hour, then another. But in the end, he found he couldn’t tolerate the silence nor the empty room a moment more. He opened his mouth to call her name. But he hesitated briefly. I will not cry out for her like a fool. I don’t feel that remorseful at hurting her feelings. śCassia!” It wasn’t a furious shout, but neither was it kind. He hoped he didn’t sound either too demanding or too soft. Somewhere in the middle was what suited his current mood. And would she answer at all? Would she pull one of her little tricks and say nothing, leaving him stranded? It would be just like her, the little hardhead that she was, to teach him a lesson in obedience that he didn’t want to learn. With each passing moment, he was becoming more frustrated that she didn’t come back, or even bother to see what he needed. Growing angry, he was about to call out and demand her presenceŚbut she suddenly appeared in the doorway. And she had brought something with her. śThese are for you to use. A woodcarver made them for us to serve patients.” She brought him a pair of crutches, and at the sight of them, he scoffed. śYou will have me hobbling around like a cripple?” śYou will use them or you will be a cripple!” As before, her sudden rise of voice took him by surprise. But this time, there was no soft apology afterwards. With her brow stern, she came to his side and yanked away the blanket that covered him. Tossing it aside, she took firm hold of his arm. śI have let you lay about long enough. Your muscles will soon suffer from ill use.” With a strength he’d never seen in a woman, especially one of her slight stature, she hefted him to a sitting position. Her manner was almost rough, as was her way of speaking. It was the first time he’d seen her so unkind, and it left him at a loss. He looked perplexed as she ranted, yanking his arm around her shoulders to support him. śThe sooner you are up, the faster you shall heal. And then you can return to your precious Sheriff and your vile treatment of the whole human race. The only gratitude my father and I request is that you never make us lay eyes on you again. Now put your foot on the floor and stand up!” Forceful as she was, he found himself doing exactly what she said, and without argument. He was too stunned to fight her. And in a moment he found the crutches under his arms. His one good foot was on the floorŚhis bad foot was lifted instinctively. The poles supported his weight. And he was standing on his own, for the first time in more than a month. He could feel his leg wavering slightly, his arms shaking a bit as his body adjusted to the strange distribution of weight. śNow you will walk.” She spoke firmly. And he gave her an look. She’d forced him to stand, and he’d managed. But now she was demanding that he walk as well? śHow in the name of all that is Holy am I suppose to do that?” She grumbled impatiently. But she showed him just what to do, how to lean just so and move properly. He couldn’t believe what he was doing, hopping around on one leg like a fool. But he was moving, and the accomplishment outweighed mere pride. Besides, who was there to see it? Robert was asleep in the next room. And as for CassiaŚ He examined her, having a strange desire to see a look of pride in her expressionŚpride at how far she’d brought her patient in his healing. He cursed himself for his thoughts, his pride not quite willing to relinquish the smallest amount of thankfulness to her. Gratitude had never been one of his strong points. Hell, he couldn’t recall the last time he’d given anyone the least bit of praise. But despite himself, he could not help what he feltŚthe need to acknowledge her in some way. And he found he did not like that look on her face. That air of contempt. Though he’d caught it on occasion, it was not the softer, more gentle look he’d grown quite accustomed to. He wanted to bring the softness back to her features. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to thank her up front. He tried to keep an edge to his voice. śYou are kinder than you should be. Even when you scowl in that way, it fails to hide your generous nature.” She didn’t look up, but he heard her give a little huff, as if she doubted his sincerity. śTake care, my lord. You are not given to compliments, and you might strain yourself with the effort.” Despite his best effort against it, a tiny smirk broke on his face. śYou are a sharp-tongued little witch, aren’t you?” She sighed. śOnly when the occasion calls for it. And forgive my manner of speaking, my lord. But with you, the occasion is called for more often than not.” A bubble of laughter came up in his throat, but he swallowed it down before she could hear it. It was difficult to recall the last time he’d truly been amused by something. But in her strange way of managing things, Cassia had managed to bless him with a few moments of joy. Once, he’d seen fear in her eyes and had enjoyed beholding it. But now, it was becoming clear that she wasn’t afraid anymore. And strangely enough, he was pleased by the fact. There was something to be said about a woman who carried herself bravely. A sudden thought of Marian came to him. She had possessed spirit and courage, just like Cassia. They even shared a familiar stubbornness in their loyalties. But Marian’s loyalty had been to her King, her countryŚand to Robin Hood. The man she had loved all along. You are despicable, Guy of Gisborne. Even after all this time, it still tortured him to think of those words. And looking over at Cassia, he wondered if she would soon turn on him as well. Was he a fool to think there was such a thing as a truly noble woman? Then his thoughts drifted to a small while ago, when she’d first come to him with the crutches, her expression furious and almost disgusted. She’d been ready at that moment to wash her hands of him, and she’d told him so. But in that same dark look, he was sure he’d seen a glimpse of pain. Was she truly tired of him, or was that her self-defense against hurt feelings? Did she really care what he thought, or was she just pretending? It had been many moons since he’d considered how his words and actions affected someone elseŚexcept for Marian, of course. He had treated her like the most precious of gems, and in the end it had all been for naught. If he showed Cassia that same kindnessŚif he opened himself up to her, would she turn out to be an illusion as well? He thought about each night that she’d spent at his side. When he ranted and raved, she was always there. Even when she left him alone as a means of scolding him, he could always be sure that she would soon return, making sure he was taken care of. If she is an actress, he thought, She is a damned good one. Did he dare to hope? Was it truly possible that someone could have real feeling for him? Part of him wanted desperately to believe it. But another side of him still doubted it, fearing that the growing little flame of hope would soon be dashed. He had to know, one way or the other. And the only way was to draw the answer out of her. Weary from his movements around the room, he made his way back to the bed, sitting on the edge. And he looked at her, his expression suddenly dark. śWhy are you so quick to be rid of me?” Her eyes grew large at his question, but he didn’t let her wounded look deter him. śHave you no loyalty for your lord and master?” She opened her mouth a little, but before she could answer, he grasped her collar and yanked her close, his voice dark. śDoes your true heart lie with Robin of Locksley, just like every other vile peasant lurking in Sherwood Forest?” He shook her head slightly. But she didn’t shrink away. I knew you would not back down, Cassia. Now, let your anger show me the truth. He saw her face grow red with fury. She shouted back boldly at him. śI am servant to no master! Not you, not the Sheriff! Not even Robin Hood and his King!” He brought his voice down to a low growl. śWhy should I believe a little liar like you?” She yanked her arm awayŚand then he felt his neck whipped to the side as she slapped him hard across the face. But her reply stung and shocked him more than the blow. śKing Richard killed my brother and my husband!” Chapter 6 She could have smacked his arrogant face againŚnot just for turning on her as he was so apt to do, but for uncovering a matter of the heart she’d long buried. Turning away, she intended to flee, not wanting to look at him for another moment. But when he reached out and grasped her wrist, she gave pause. His hold was surprisingly gentle, despite the fact that he’d just been raging at her, accusing her of treachery. She looked into his eyes, and there was something there that was trueŚsomething soft that she hadn’t seen before. He seemed to be asking, without words, for her to tell her story. She suddenly found herself confessing all that she felt...and her tone was harsh, filled with the bitterness of old wounds freshly opened. śMy husband and I were wed but a fortnight before he flocked to Richard’s banner, taking my brother along with him. I begged them not to go, but what are the pleas of a wife and a sister? All men do what they intend to, despite the consequences. And they both were lost to me.” He continued looking at her, his expression losing its harshness, becoming almost tender. If she didn’t know better, she would have sworn his look was one of pity. But why did he have to choose this moment to reveal his more gentle nature? It was painful and infuriating all at once, and she pulled her hand from his grasp. Needing something to occupy her hands, giving her reason not to look at him, she pushed him aside, forcing him to hobble out of her way and seek rest in the corner chair. She began pulling the old linens from the bed. There was a long moment before he spoke again, and his voice was surprisingly gentle. śHow do you know they are dead, Cassia? You cannot be certain of it.” She shook her head furiously. śI have my husband’s wedding ring and my brother’s dagger. Robin of Locksley brought them to me when he returned from the Holy Land. He dared to preach to me that they died with honorŚthat I should be proud they gave their lives for their King and their country. I should have spit in his face for such a lie.” Going to a trunk, she took out clean linens and a fresh blanket, setting them aside. Hefting the mattress of straw off its frame, she dared to glance at him, and saw that he was watching her with great interest. If he wanted to know, then she would tell him all and be done with it. Then she could re-bury the past and never bring it back again. śKing Richard has ruined countless lives with his foolish quest. And Robin Hood shares as much of the blame as his precious King. He rallied men to join him on the pilgrimageŚan ignorant attempt to force our religion on others. The blood of thousands, including my brother and my husband, are on both of their hands. And your Sheriff is not blameless either. He seized my husband’s home and his property, giving them to nobles who would support him in his mission against the King. And now I have nothing and no one, except my father.” She heard the own hitch in her voiceŚfelt the slight lump that rose in her throat, but she refused to let him see her brought so low. Putting the old bed linens under her arm, clutching the end of the mattress with her free hand, she quickly took both outside, needing to be away from him as fast as possible. Out in the yard she draped the sheets and blanket over a fence. They would be washed tomorrow. She would dress the bed with fresh linenŚunless she chose to forego giving Gisborne a clean bed. It was a thoughtŚto let him sleep in the chair all night, rather than re-stuffing the mattress and dressing it with fresh linens, all in an effort to make him comfortable, which was something he had no right to demand. But she found herself seeing to the chore anyway, disposing of the old straw that was starting to grow ill. Reaching up to her cheek, she brushed away several tears that had spilled free. Bloody great oaf, she thought. T’would serve him well to lie in a bed riddled with vermin. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to carry out such a punishment. Perhaps he was the most ungrateful git she’d ever known. But she refused to stoop to such a level of selfishness. He would be punished somedayŚwhen his ungrateful soul was burning in hell. It was that thought that gave her courage as she brought the mattress back into the house. As she made up the bed in silence, refusing to look at him, she could feel him watching her. Forcing herself to ignore any stirrings of feeling his eyes were creating, she came to him and helped him get back to bed. He was looking at her in that strangely gentle way, and it prompted her to speak of something she’d wanted to say to him for a long time. śWe are both pawns in a mad game, Guy of Gisborne. You are bound in servitude to a master who sees no real worth in you. And I am but a woman. As such, the world has little need for me, except to bring more men into existence. And for me, even that purpose has been stolen.” He gave no reply. And still he continued with that lookŚthat soft grey gaze of tenderness. Lord above, that soft look was more potent than any look of fury she’d ever witnessed in his expression. It was making her heart beat fast, stealing her breath. She had to turn away to escape from it, unsure of where such intense feelings would leadŚand not certain she truly wanted to know. ***** She had been married . The notion was still a shock to his brain, so much so that he wasn’t able to respond quickly enough to keep her from leaving his sideŚand he didn’t want her to go. Not yet. There were too many questions he wanted to ask, and he didn’t intend to sit there in silence. Reaching for the crutches, managing to balance himself, he slowly moved himself into the front room where she had gone. She was sitting in front of the fire, and though she didn’t look up at him, her tone was calm and firm when she spoke to him. śYou should be resting, my lord. Overexertion will not do for your recovery.” He snorted, and spotting a chair nearby, he moved over to it. śI cannot remain in that room a moment longer.” She started to rise and help him, but he shook his head. śI can manage on my own, if you do not mind.” Falling into the chair, he let out an exhausted sigh. She answered him in her quiet way. śWhatever your prefer, my lord.” śStop calling me that!” Right away he winced at his own tone of voice, knowing he was being harsh but unable to change what had long been a habit. Her look was one of hurtŚand frustration. Frustration at him, and the idea that she might be tiring of him was something that didn’t sit well with him. He tried to sound softer when he replied, though he couldn’t quite keep the edge off his tone. śI call you by your name, so you will call me by mine.” Her look was one of curiosity. But it was preferable to that wounded expression of hersŚand ten times better than her look of anger. One of her little smiles would have been a great gift at that moment, but he didn’t want to push too hard. It was enough for the moment that she wasn’t throwing him out entirely. After the way he’d handled her just a little while ago, he wouldn’t have blamed her. He watched as she turned her attention back to the hearth. And as he looked at her, he found himself enjoying the light of the fire as it glowed on her hair. Her lithe little body looked so soft, bathed in the glow of firelight. What would she do if he went to her right then, pushed her to the floor and had a taste of her? It had been too long since he’d known the sweetness of a woman’s mouth. He hadn’t properly kissed a woman since Marian, and she had never been truly willing. She’d never been soft and yielding when he pressed his lips to hers. He recalled the way she grew tense at the feeling of his hands upon her. He silently cursed himself as he reflected on it. What a fool he had been not to see that her hesitation wasn’t born of girlish naivetéŚbut of contempt for his touch. There had been other women since her, but kitchen maids and serving wenches didn’t spend much of their time with kissing. And suddenly he wonderedŚ How sweet would it be to have a woman like Cassia in his bed? Watching her, seeing her lean over to stoke the logs in the fire, he felt a fierce wave of heat surge through his blood. Only one thought kept him from going to herŚfrom acting on the impulse to press her down in front of the fire. She was a widow. The idea that she was no innocentŚthat she’d once belonged to a husbandŚstill had a great hold on his mind. The woman before him was truly thatŚa woman. She was not a simple maiden. There was much more to learn about herŚand he intended to satisfy his curiosity. śWhat was your husband’s name?” She paused in her actions, but did not look at him. śEdwin.” śAnd what of him? What sort of man was he?” He knew he had no right to pry, but he was too curious. He wanted to know, and he intended to press for information, even if it made her uncomfortable. He was glad, then, when she answered his question without much hesitation, though she still kept her eyes from him. śHe was a sword maker. The Middleton family were all fine craftsmen of the blade. My brother was apprentice to Edwin’s father.” A sword maker, he thought. Such men of talent were of great value in society, even though they were without rank. He could now see what a great loss it must have been for Cassia. She had not only lost a husbandŚa chance for a home and familyŚbut with her husband’s death, she had lost her chance for something better in life. To be a merchant’s wife would have been something of value. Not so high a place as a noble, but not so poor a position as she was in now. That point of curiosity satisfied, he now found another matter creeping into his thoughtsŚone of a much more personal nature. As before, he knew he should not ask it. And as before, he did so all the same. śDid you love him?” She turned to him, wide-eyed with surprise at his question. He looked into those eyes of hersŚso dark, so beautiful. And so lonely. Why had he not seen it before? Maybe he’d been too busy trying to find fault with her. Or perhaps he’d simply refused to let himself see deeper into her soul. But now that he knew this secret she had kept, everything changed all at once. A young, beautiful woman such as sheŚit was ridiculous to have thought her unwed at her age. Or widowed, as the case was. To his question, she gave a tiny shrug of her shoulders. śHe was my husband. And in the short time we had together, he was kind and generous. So yes, I loved him.” There was something in her answer that he did not like. It would have been more tolerable if she’d spoken ill of her late husband. If she had told a story of a cold, cruel man who cared little for his mate, it would have given him to use as leverage. He could have told her how she was better off without such a man. And if only she’d been regretful of her lost mate, perhaps the feeling of resentment growing in his heart would not be as strong. Silently he muttered to himself. You are such a fool, Gisborne. What right have you to envy a man you never knew? But then he thought of her soft little hands touching someone elseŚher sweet voice whispering in someone else’s ear. These last weeks, he’d grown so accustomed to her. At times he’d wondered what had first possessed him to ever wish her away. Now as he sat watching her, he imagined her gentle attentions being bestowed on anotherŚand it sent a fierce wave of jealousy through him. Another man had already claimed her, when he’d been toying with the notion of keeping her for himself. It brought a deep scowl to his expression...and directed his questioning along a more inappropriate path. śDid he please you?” If she had leapt up and slapped him for such a question, it wouldn’t have surprised him. But his jealousy was stirred, and he had to know. What did he manage to do for you, Cassia, in just a fortnight? His eyes held hers, urging her to tell him what he wanted to know. But she turned her back to him. Her reply was cool. śThat is hardly something to discuss with a man not my husband.” Husband. Just the mention of the word made him burn with envy. But in that same moment of spite, a sense of opportunity arose. A lovely, vulnerable woman like Cassia, left alone for all these years. It seemed so very improper. What she needed was companionship. And a little smirk rose in the corner of his mouth as he imagined what kind of companionship it was he could give her. Perhaps it was better that she was no simpering virgin. They were more trouble than he cared to tolerate. He’d occasionally thought about making her his ownŚand now that he knew there was no need to school her in matters of the flesh, the idea of having her was more enticing than ever. She would probably be more than willing. He recalled how he’d once imagined her submitting in fear to him. But now, that thought was almost laughable. She wouldn’t tremble with fear. Not her. She would tremble with a feeling much more profound and pleasurable. And if he had anything to do with it, she would soon lose any lingering memories she had of another man. He would be the only man she would think of from this day on. Chapter 7 She knew he was watching her, for she could feel the burn of his gaze. Lord, why must he look at me that way? It was so much easier to tolerate his evil glares, his looks of contempt. This heated stare she felt directed at her, his suddenly soft way of speaking, was almost too much to take. She could guess what he was thinking, the way he leering at her now. Knowing the look of lust in a man’s eyes, she couldn’t let it go on without interruption. Without turning to him she spoke as firmly as she could, despite the feeling of her heart beating fast. śYou examine me, Sir Guy. Do you suddenly find something interesting in this lowly peasant?” There was a slight lingering moment before he replied. And when he spoke, the deep rumble of his voice was unnerving. śPerhaps I do.” She could sense his eyes looking her over. For a moment, she was incapable of forming a response, only able to wonder what he would say next. śBut then again,” he added. śThere is little else for me to occupy my mind with.” Any physical response, any warmth she’d started to feel was glazed over with a frost, turned cold by his discourteous reply. She sighed, stung by his words. And yet, when he was being his typical boorish self, at least conversing with him was not so difficult. Still keeping her eyes averted from him, her tone was cold. śJust when I think you capable of civility, you give another stick of the knife. I should cease any attempts of kindness on my part.” His response sounded odd, almost as if he were offended. śI am capable of civility. But such a weakness is not suited to a Master at Arms. What would you have me do when I arrest criminals, or collect taxes from delinquent villagers? Shake their hands and ask them to share in a cup of tea?” he shrugged. śI care not what you do when you go about your duties to the Sheriff. It is of little consequence to me. But when you are in this house, you might make less of an attempt to bite the hand that feeds you.” He scoffed, giving a sort of laugh. śYou speak of how I give you a Śstick of the knife’ as you like to call it. But I dare say you are not so innocent. You wound me in much the same way when it pleases you.” śIt does not please me, my lord. It is merely done in self-defense.” His words became dark, serious. śYou are fortunate I do not correct you properly for such wickedness.” She knew his words should have caused her concern. But as used to his temper as she’d become, she knew it was but an empty threat. If he truly meant to hurt her, he would have managed it some way by now. Other than the pot that had crashed near her head, and the few times he had gripped her arm, he hadn’t carried out any real physical violence against her. And somehow, she sensed he was even less capable of it now. She thought to test her assumption. Feeling a bit bolder now, she turned and rose to her feet, folding her arms as she stood before him. śWhat would you do, Sir Guy? Pursue me on one foot, and then beat me about the head with a crutch?” He tried to look away, but she caught the little smirk of amusement that came to his mouth. She couldn’t contain her own smile, even when he turned his eyes back to look at her, and the smirk was gone. śA good beating would serve you well. You are a hard-headed woman, Cassia.” She shrugged, turning back to the fire. śSo you have said before.” Somehow, the mood in the room had taken a very comfortable turn. He seemed to be, if it was possible, quite amiable. What had brought about such a change, she couldn’t say. But she chose not to question it. It was quite possible that it would not last very long. So she chose to enjoy the rare moment of calm between them. Taking up the kettle that had been warming by the fire, she poured some of the contents into two mugs. Taking one for herself, she came to his side and held one out for him to take. He looked up, eyeing her suspiciously. śWhat is it? More of your poison?” At first she didn’t answer, keeping her arm extended with the mug she offered to him. After a moment he took it, and as she sat down in the chair nearby she glanced at him. She saw that he was about to sip from the cup. And trying to hide a slight smirk, she blurted out quicklyŚ śEye of newt, toe of frog, wool of bat, tongue of dog.” She saw how he made a face and started to put the cup aside, but she just laughed as he gave her an odd look. śIt was only a jest, my lord. It is hot cider, stewed from dried apples. And I promise there is no potion mixed in it. I made it only for the enjoyment of the drink.” His look was skeptical. She saw how he tested the smell of the brew before sipping it. But then he took a drink, and his face relaxed as he realized there was indeed no trick. śThe taste is not unpleasant,” he said. She smiled. śI am pleased that you enjoy it.” A quietness fell over the room. And for a few moments, it was a comfortable silence as they both sipped their drinks. But after several minutes of lingering quiet, she began to feel his eyes upon her again. A warm flush came to her cheeks. It was impossible not to feel utterly exposed under the intensity of his gaze. But how many other woman had he looked at in that same way? She thought back to all the times she had watched him from afar, admiring his every move. He was beautiful to her still, even now. His hair had grown a little since it had been cut, and though it was in need of a wash, it was wonderfully alluring the way his dark locks curled in places. Then there were those eyes of his. Those stormy grey eyes which held a power that defied description. At one time, she would have given anything to have those eyes look at her as they were now, with that smoldering intensity. Heaven help her, a part of her wanted to go to him right at that moment, to throw her arms around him and press her mouth to his. How many nights had she dreamed of being in his arms? It mattered not that he was a notorious villain. What she saw when she looked at him, even now, was what she had always seen. A lonely and bitter man, one nearly broken by the blows of life. But despite all the overwhelming love she felt for him, and despite the fact that he was the most sensuously appealing man she’d ever knownŚLord, how he could set her entire being on fire, and with only a lookŚshe knew in her heart that it was all for naught. It was true, there was goodness in him, as she’d always suspected. She’d caught little glimpses of it, especially in recent weeks. But was it enough to give him her trust? If she gave him what he wantedŚwhat, in truth, she wanted just as badlyŚwould he discard her as he’d discarded so many other women? He might have had the potential for goodness, but that did not mean he was capable of acting on it. He’d proven that many times over. Being there beside him, feeling the sensual tension so heavy between them, she could hardly breathe. Needing fresh air, wanting to gather her senses, she rose to her feet. She did not look at him directly, but she could see from the corner of her eye how his expression had changed slightly. His brow was raised in curiosity, his eye looking her up and down. śWhere are you going?” he asked. She gave a little cough, to clear her throat and reclaim her voice. śIt will soon be dawn, my lord. I must see to chores before my father wakes. Perhaps it is wise that you return to your bed and rest.” She turned away from him. Then she felt a sudden and sharp tug of her hand, and before she could react she was falling backwards. In a moment more she was looking up into his eyes. His nose was but a fraction away from touching hers. And his arms were holding her tightly, pressing her firmly against his muscular chest. śYou should warm my bed. It would be a better cure than any witch’s brew you could concoct.” His lips were nearly touching hers, the heat from his body intoxicating. She felt her body aching in placesŚaches of a kind she hadn’t felt in so long. And they were crying out for fulfillment. śDid your husband satisfy you, Cassia? Was he capable of giving a woman like you what you truly need?” At the mention of her husband, something suddenly went cold within her. What was she doing? Just minutes ago, she had reminded herself how he was with womenŚhow he used and forgot them without regard. If she let this moment linger, she knew she would only become another casualty. Giving his body a hard shove, she pushed him away and came to stand before him, defiant and angry. śI am not a whore, Guy of Gisborne. If that is all you seek, you will not find it with me.” Snatching up her cloak, she stormed towards the door. Just before she went out, she turned to him, eyes narrowed. He was staring into the fire, but she knew he was listening. śDrag yourself back to Nottingham and find a willing wench to serve your needs. And after you are done with your disgusting bit of rutting, I hope she curses you with a pox!” With that she slammed the door, the sight of him too much to bear for another moment. ***** If it weren’t for the pain in his foot, he would have followed her. Sitting there, staring into the fire, his mouth curled wickedly as he imagined cornering her in some way, blocking any exit. Approaching her slowly, seeing her anxiety slowly changing to longing and desire. Then he would lean in, his hands at either side of her head, preventing escape. But by now, she wouldn’t want to get away. She would look up at him, those brilliant dark eyes of hers shining with passion. Then he would claim her with a deep kiss, savoring the taste of her. Lord! The woman was utterly bewitching, and the deliciously painful ache between his legs seemed to confirm it. She might have been a low-born peasant, but he couldn’t recall ever wanting a woman so badly. And not a woman who feared him, or despised himŚas Marian had. Why hadn’t he ever listened to that small warning voice, the one warning him of her duplicity? He’d always been suspicious of her actions. And yet, all she had ever needed to do was to smile at him, to reach out her hand to him the slightest touch, and he’d lost all control of his senses. But in hindsight, was it really love he’d felt for her? Or had it been nothing more than the thrill of the conquest? He’d relished the thought of possessing a woman that belonged to his enemy. He’d fantasized about taking her to the marriage bed, bringing her to such heights of passion that the image of Locksley would be forever erased from her mind. And he had come so close to attaining his goal. Or so he had foolishly believed. She’d devoted herself, body and soul, to Robin Hood. Even if he had married her, taken her to himself and made her his own, who would she have seen when she closed her eyes? Her image was there in his mind. But suddenly it began to change. Green eyes became almost black. The voluptuous curves became slender, her breasts smaller but no less tempting. Her hair became less black and more brownŚlustrous and softŚand he longed to run his fingers through it to know it’s texture. Then there was the one aspect of difference that couldn’t be seen on the surface. The one aspect that kept him from fully merging the image of two women into one. Except for her father, Cassia swore loyalty to no oneŚespecially not to Robin of Locksley. Good God, it was an exhilarating thoughtŚto imagine having a woman who was nearly his equal. Her station in life was too low to consider her in marriageŚat least in the eyes of the lawŚbut she would make a delightful mistress. Having her as a mistress would give him all that he craved, without the trappings and expectations of having a wife. Marriage was a permanent binding, most often severed only by death. A mistress was an interim relationship, which he could end whenever he preferred. Although, he couldn’t see himself losing interest in Cassia in any small amount of time. Despite their differences in station, there was much they shared in common. A proud, stubborn nature for one. A shared loathing of certain ideals, for another. Then there was the matter of being aloneŚa hell of a thing for two people to have in common. But there was one point of sharing that was foremost in his mind, and it made his smirk become a full and devilish grin. Folding his hands against his chest, he stretched out his legs and leaned his head back, feeling quite smug as he thought of it. She wants me, as much as I want her. He knew that look in a woman’s eyes. He’d seen it in the faces of countless women. But Cassia wasn’t some easy piece of flesh to be had. She wanted him, but she wasn’t going to give in easily. Obstinate little minx. It would take some clever plotting, and maybe a bit of time, to bring her around. But what else did he have besides time? Chapter 8 Over the week that followed, Cassia began to wonder if she’d made a mistake in giving her patient a pair of crutches. Now that he had some independence, Guy was not content to be idle. Refusing to wear the long nightdress he referred to as a śwretched garment,” he now wore his own clothes againŚand he took advantage of his mobility. He hardly remained in his room, except to sleep. His preferred choice of location seemed to be a chair near the front room fireplace, where he often just sat and observed. And quite often, even when her father was in the same room, she felt Guy staring at her with a certain look. A dark, lustful look. And no matter how she tried to ignore him, he seemed intent on making her uneasy. Most troublesome of all was the change in his mood. He was not as dark as before. His scowling became less frequent, usually reserved for his moments of pain. Now he seemed almost relaxed, as if he were making himself at home. Even when making demands, which he still did frequently, he no longer bellowed in rage. Instead, he said what he wanted and sat back with an air of expectancy. Robert wasn’t sure what to make of his strange behavior. But after several days of silently tolerating his new way of being, Cassia felt she must speak to him of it. śDo not become so comfortable, Sir Guy. It will not be long before you are able to return to your own life. And when you do, then we shall gladly return to ours.” Even as she said it, trying to be stern, there was something about her own words that troubled her. One thing was certain. When Guy leftŚand as she’d said, it wouldn’t be long nowŚthey would have their lives back. But things would never be the same again. And the thought of it became more painful as that time began to draw near. ***** A scuffle on the floor behind him made Guy scowl, for he knew it wasn’t Cassia, who had stepped outside to send to something. It was her father, who seemed to become more surly towards him with each passing day. Robert wanted him away, and wasn’t shy about expressing his wishes, even if it wasn’t said in so many words. The few words he did say were brief and to the point, spoken at times with a bit of a harsh overtone. And though he’d ignored it at first, Guy was beginning to grow a bit tired of the old man’s disrespectful attitude. Robert DeWarren, after all, was only a commoner. He watched as the old man brought in a plate of bread and cheese. As he pulled a small table near Guy’s chair, placing the tray of food on it, Guy could see the man’s slight scowl of displeasure. But being in an almost agreeable mood, thanks to pleasurable thoughts about Cassia, Guy disregarded the air of contempt. Glancing at Robert, he let out a deep breath, speaking silently to himself. You and your daughter brought me here. Now you must contend with me whether it pleases you or not. śI want a cup of wine. Fetch me some.” Robert looked up, his eyes darting in confusion at the sudden demand. śI am sorry, my lord Gisborne. We have no more wine to speak of.” Guy snorted in displeasure. Then a thought came to himŚa perfect way to remove Robert not only from his presence for a time, but from the house altogether. With that bit of distraction removed for a while, Cassia would have to stay nearby, should he need anythingŚand the thought of that made him quite pleased. But he kept his tone sharp in speaking to Robert, who had turned to leave. śWhere are my things? The ones you took from me when you brought me here?” śIn a trunk, my lord. For safekeeping.” śFetch me the purse that was on my belt. Unless you have stolen it and pocketed the contents.” Robert looked nervous, as if expecting to be accused of treachery whatever his response should be. Still he answered. śNo, Sir Guy, it was not touched.” śThen go and get it, and make haste.” Robert nodded slightly, leaving the room. When he returned, he held the velvet bag out to Guy, who pushed it back to him. śTake it into the village and purchase the wine. What remains, you may keep, so long as you do not speak of my generosity. It will be your neck if you do.” Looking skeptical, Robert remained rooted to where he stoodŚuntil Guy glared at him, growing impatient with the old man’s seeming dumbness. śWhat are you waiting for? Be gone.” A moment passed, and Robert reluctantly went. Donning his cloak, he made for the door just as it opened, and Cassia nearly ran right into him. Guy watched father and daughter, seeing the concern in Cassia’s expression. Worry over her fatherŚs troubled expression, or worry that he was in traveling garb, seemingly leaving her on her own? śFather, where are you off to?” Robert tightened the collar of his cloak. śThe village, daughter. I must go to market.” śBut there is a chill in the air. Can it not wait?” śIt is a sunny spring morning. I will be well.” He reached out and gave her cheek a gentle pat, turning to go. But she touched his arm, stopping him. śWait, father, before you go. May I have a word?” Guy watched them, and hearing that they would speak in private, he wondered what Cassia was up to. Straining his ears to listen, he caught only a few words, but it was enough for him to decipher that she didn’t want to be left alone with him. The revelation of her concern made him smirk. Apprehensive about being alone with me, are you Cassia? As well you should be. And you well know why. You fear your own weakness. When Robert left, Guy looked at Cassia, who stood in the doorway with her arms folded. She glared at him, but he only smirked at her. śAll alone, are we? Hmmm. I wonder what we shall do to pass the time?” Cassia’s answer was fast and firm. śSleep, Sir Guy. And you will do so alone, as will I.” He clucked his tongue at her, wagging his head. Reaching for a hunk of bread, he brought it to his mouth and chewed it slowly, never taking his eyes from her. śWould you like to share a meal with me, Cassia? There is plenty here for two.” She shook her head. śNo, I would not. I am tired, not hungry.” She was a stubborn little thingŚhe had to give her that. And the struggle she was putting up was becoming more amusing by the minute. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so entertained. śThere is room in my bed, you know. Although sleeping is not exactly what I had in mind.” Her eyes narrowed at his insinuation. śYou are nauseating. I will find ample rest in the barn loft, thank you. And now that you can move about somewhat, you can manage alone for a small amount of time. I am in great need of sleep after sitting with you all night.” He gave an exaggerated sigh, shaking his head again. śYou would rather lie with vermin than with me?” She raised an eyebrow at him, and he knew she was about to give one of her pointed remarks. She did not disappoint. śVermin in the hay, vermin in the hou. One is no different than the other. Except that the ones in the barn do not speak.” He only chuckled at her jibe as he watched her go. It wouldn’t be long before she was back. She couldn’t remain out of doors forever. And in the meantime, he did indeed find himself growing heavy-eyed. Finishing his meal, he took up his crutches and made his way back to bed. Lying back on the pillows, he smiled to himself. After a good bit of sleep, he would be able to think clearly. Then he would be able to decipher what the next move in this game would be. ***** Later that afternoon as he woke, he sensed a presence in the room. He smiled slightly and mumbled, his voice still sleepy. śYou could not stay away, could you?” He rolled over to face her, feeling a stirring in his sensesŚand he might as well have been doused with cold water. śWho the devil are you?” he demanded, looking upon the dour face and large frame of an old womanŚand an ugly one at that. She was so thin of hair he could see her scalp in places. Her nose was long and pointedŚand her thick-fingered hands were planted on her hips as she looked down at him. śHello, you scrawny, smelly little booby. You may call Sophie, if you choose to give me my name, though I am certain you will call me much worse before the day is out.” She wrinkled her nose at him, looking quite displeased. śNo wonder Mistress Cassia wants naught to do with you in this state. She’s beseeched me to clean you up proper. And seeing how she saved me and mine from a grave sickness last spring, I believe I must return the favor. So come on now. Up with you.” She reached for him, but he smacked her hand away. śCrone! Do not lay a finger on me!” His hope of scaring her off was useless. He knew it by the way she rolled her eyes dismissively. śOh belay your bellowing. My husband was hands taller than you and twice as strong, and I handled him many a time. You smell like a pig in its pen. So it might be proper to hog tie you if the occasion calls for it. Or you can consent peacefully. Make up your mind, and fast.” He stared up at her. And while he considered what his course of action should be, he thought to himselfŚ Cassia will soon pay the price for this humiliation. Of that he vowed to be certain. But at the moment, it was this hideous old witch he had to contend with. She was standing there, hands on hips. And he knew he could either consent, or be trussed up like a Christmas goose. At the foot of the bed was a small empty tub, towels spread on the floor around it. A large buckeater sat beside it, and a stool. Using his crutches, he hobbled over to the stool and sank onto it, and he hardly had time to sit before she pushed his head down so he was leaning over the tub. Scooping up a gourd full of water from a bucket, she doused his head thoroughly. It reminded him of another dunking he’d receivedŚa deliberate, dirty trick that had been played on him. Wait until I get my hands on that woman, he thought. Rough fingers lathered soap through his hair and harshly worked his scalp, which in all honesty, was rather pleasing to feel. Not that he would dare admit that to the old woman who was doing the work. She doused his head again with the water, rinsing away the soap, and he had to admit that it felt quite good to have the grime washed away. śRemove your clothes now, so we can wash the rest of you. And do not be telling me of how you cannot be seen in the flesh. I have had a husband and sons, and my eyes seen many a grown man’s naked rump. You have nothing to impress me with.” He pulled his shirt over his head and removed his trousers, tossing them aside. He felt his face growing red with shame under her gaze, but she didn’t seem to take notice of it. She continued ordering him to action. śPut your good foot in the tub and stand up.” He gave her an odd look, but felt it best not to argue with her. She came to him, helping him to stand. śStanding so will catch the water.” She gave him one of his crutches to lean on for support while she doused him with water, and handed him a soapy rag. Allowing him a small bit of privacy, she turned her back to let him scrub himself. śWash yourself good,” she instructed. śUnless you want me to come and do it for you.” He did as she said and fast, wanting to be done with this humiliation as quickly as possible. Grumbling at her that he’d finished, she turned and doused him with water a final time. Then she came to him with a towel. He felt a bit like a child as she vigorously rubbed his hair dry and wrapped another towel around his waist. Helping him back to the bed, she threw a clean shirt and a pair of breeches at him. śHere. Dress yourself with these until your others are washed. At least the smell has been taken off of you.” She left him at last. He was glad to be cleanŚbut it was the least of his thoughts. When he saw Cassia again, she wasn’t going to get away. She would get what she deserved for this trickery. And he was going to enjoy every moment of it. ***** Peeking around the corner, covered in shadow, Cassia watched the scene unfold. When she’d spoken to her father, she had asked him to visit Sophie on his way to Nottingham. She’d beseeched him to send their ofriend to the house, knowing that Guy would be no match for one as headstrong as she. The thought that she would knock him about a bit, figuratively speaking, was too much to resist. Cassia wasn’t so concerned about his seeking revenge, though she was certain he would plot something. It was her hope that he would be so outraged that he wouldn’t even want to look at her, much less be in the same room with her. Watching, she had to place her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle as Sophie ordered Guy about as if he were one of her sons. Only she would have had the nerve to do such a thing. Cassia smiled at the sour expression on Gisborne’s face as he submitted to having his head scrubbed and washed. He looked like a fussing child as he was tended to. Serves him right, she thought with glee. Arrogant fool. Clearly, he didn’t enjoy Sophie’s company or her attentions, but what choice did he have except to endure them? If she could trust that he would behave himself, she would have gladly been the one to assist him. Particularly, when she saw what occurred nextŚand her smirk slowly changed to an expression of awe and wonder. He removed his clothes, and as he cautiously stood, she looked upon his full male splendor for the first time. Though her face flushed crimson, she could not look away. The time he’d spent lying sedentary had obviously not done him much harm. He was such a picture of masculine beauty, lean and muscular from head to foot. And with the water sluicing down his body, he was temptation incarnate. She could only recall glimpses of her husband’s nudity, as she’d hardly had time to commit him to memory. They’d lain together only a few times, for he’d been more concerned with preparing himself for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. He’d spent most nights out in the fields, working and training, leaving her alone in a lonely bed. Now, looking at the luscious form of Guy of Gisborne, it was hard to recall much of anything regarding her husband, particularly when Guy turned just slightly, giving her a good view of his splendid backside. Good God, what a fine thing it was to behold, especially with the water dripping off of it. Taking a slight step back, closing her eyes, she had to take a breath to calm her beating heart. But in a moment her eye was back to where it had been, and she was slightly disappointed to see he now had a towel wrapped around his waist. But all the same, the view of his well-chiseled abdomen and toned arms was a good feast for the eyes. Sophie suddenly came into view, and Cassia took a step back. The interruption of her line of sight brought her back to her senses a bit, and she realized it was probably not wise to remain where she was. What if her father caught her watching? Worse, what if Guy caught her spying? Oh good Lord, he would never let her hear the end of it. Her face burned with shame at the thought of what he might do, and she quickly slipped away before anyone could see her there. ***** śYou should have let the beast drown.” Cassia looked up from the kneading of her bread dough to see Sophie coming out of the room. To her friend’s comment, she just shook her head and smiled. śT’would not have been right, even if he isthe most difficult of men.” Sophie balked loudly. śDifficult hardly describes the likes of him. You would find a wolf more agreeable than that one. He says he wants no one to disturb him. He sulks like a child, and if I were you I would leave him to it for as long as possible.” Cassia couldn’t help but smile at the suggestion, nodding her head in agreement. śI will. And Father will be home from Nottingham soon, so I do not fear being alone for long.” They talked for some time, exchanging smiles and laughs, until the sudden noise of the geese squawking alerted them to a presence outside. Cassia glanced towards the sound, then back to Sophie. śThat must be Father. Thank you Sophie, for your help. I think you served him with a proper bit of humiliation, just as he deserves. Smug devil.” śA fine looking devil, though,” Sophie replied. śFrom every angle.” śSophie!” Cassia’s face went crimson, but she couldn’t help smiling. As she walked her friend to the door, Robert came in with two wine jugs. He looked at Cassia with slight concern. śWas there any trouble to be had whilst I was away?” Cassia shook her head. śNothing to fear, Father. Sophie saw to my guardianship while you were gone. And I daresay she took good care of our guest.” Robert nodded, his expression calmer now. Sophie nodded in return, making her farewell. śI must be on my way. Good day to you both. And if you shall require my help again soon, you know where I can be found.” They watched her go. Then Cassia turned to her father. śIt was well I thought to bring her here this morning. Sir Guy is not at all pleased by his encounter with her, but it will serve us both well, for he is adamant now about being left alone. So you will not need to remain with him all day.” He shook his head in approval. śThat is fine for me. I have much to do in the yard.” śSee to it then. I will be well here, making bread. If I have need of you, I shall let you know.” She leaned and kissed him on the cheek, sending him on his way. Then she turned back to the table where her flour dough waited. As she pressed her knuckles into the dough, her thoughts turned to what Sophie had said. A fine looking devil, from any angle. It made her smile to think of that declaration. He was very fine, and he certainly could be a devil. But he had his rare moments of pleasantness, as was proved by the few small compliments he’d given, and the slight smiles he somehow managed. If only he was that way more often, he would be near perfection, at least in her eyes. Thinking of him, remembering the sight of his beautiful male figure, she felt her face flush a little. And for some strange reason, she had a momentary thought of Marian, if only to shake her head in dismay. You were a fool to let such a splendid piece of manhood get away. Even if his temper is not always so agreeable, I am certain he could make up for it in many ways. Delightful, sinful ways. Shaking her head at her shameful thoughts, she turned to fetch a pitcher of waterŚand cried out in great surprise to see Guy standing beside her. She took a step back, her hand held over her heart. śSir Guy! You gave me a fright!” She took a small step back, taking a deep breath as she tried to compose herself. śWhat are you doing up? Sophie said you wished to be alone.” Looking up at him, she saw his familiar smirk. But there was something more there. Something that troubled her, making her take another step back, for his look was that of a wolf eying its prey. That was when she noticed he wasn’t using his crutches. śYou should not be putting all of your weight on that foot. It is too soon.” It wasn’t concern for his health that prompted her question. It was the intent she saw in his eyes, in his very movement. Even as she saw clearly that his foot caused him pain, it was evident that he didn’t care if he injured himself further. He moved closer, his movements predatory. śDid anyone ever tell you that you speak too much? You are a woman. You should be seen and not heard. Maybe I can find a better use for such a bold mouth.” Her eyes grew wide as she realized his intention. She took another step back, but he moved towards her. Going around him was impossible, for the table stood to one side of him and the wall was to his other sideŚand the door was behind him. Her only means of escape was to take a few more steps back and get around the other side of the table. She made a dash to put the piece of furniture between them. But he reached out with a fast hand and got a hold of her apron strings. She squealed as he yanked her back, and a moment later she was pressed against the wall, her heart beating madly as he put his hands on both sides of her head. śSending that old witch after meŚthat was not pleasant. But I have come to expect such wickedness from you.” She glared at him, trying her best to put up a brave and angry frontŚeven as her heart increased its beats because of his closeness. śIt serves you right, Guy of Gisborne. You are sorely lacking in humility, and I am glad she humbled your pride.” He suddenly dipped his head towards her neck, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the assault. But she felt a strange sensation as he brushed his nose against her earŚgrazing the sensitive spot just behind it. śThe scent is lavender, is it not? I have come to enjoy that fragrance very much.” Her breath grew shortŚher heart beginning to pound. He spoke of her scent. But his was so intoxicating, so masculine, clean and fresh from the bath he’d been forced to take. And he was so warm. He wasn’t touching her, but the heat coming off of him was intense. Bringing his eyes to meet hers, she saw how their color had darkened slightly, shaded with the potency of lust. His lips were so close, so temptingŚand only a grain of her sense kept her from quickly giving in. She had to resist until the last possible moment, so he would know she had fought her hardest. He may have had her cornered, but he would know she was no easy conquest. When he made to brush his lips to hers, she turned her head away. śI told you I will not be your whore.” Reaching out, he took her chin between his finger and thumb, making her look at him. śI do not wish you to be. You are far too clever, too proud to be a common trollop.” śThen what would you have me be?” She looked into his eyes as they searched hers, and now she found she hadn’t the power to look away. śYou will be my lover. It has a much more pleasant connotation, does it not?” He grazed her ear with a brush of his lips, sending a sharp wave of pleasure through her body as he whispered softly to her. śWe are so very similar, Cassia. Castoffs, the both of us. We have no real place in the world, no one to return to at the end of a weary day. We have only ourselves to think about.” Her eyes closed for a moment. When she opened them again, his burning gaze was on her once more. She felt herself weakening, powerless against him. Yet still she managed to speak one last time. śYou think far too much of yourself already.” He smirked in that way of his. Then his mouth met hers, his lips firm and demanding. It had been so long since she’d known a man’s kiss. It was an incredible sensation that had been long forgottenŚuntil now. Years of repressed emotions and bodily sensations came flooding back to life, a powerful force she could not deny, and with a whimper of defeat she brought her hands up to travel through his hair. Clasping his head firmly, she pressed his mouth closer, relishing the taste of himŚwanting more. When his lips urged hers to part she could not resist, letting her tongue dance madly with his. His hands wandered down her back to her waist, then to her hips, and gripping her firmly he pulled her body tightly against his, and she could feel his hardness against her belly. She knew it was wrong to want him so badly. She knew that he would probably use her a few times and grow bored. But at that moment, she didn’t care what happened after. She only knew she didn’t want him to stop. But a noise from outside penetrated the fog in her brain. The geese were squawking loud. Someone was coming to the house. Father. Oh good Lord! She pushed at Guy’s shoulders, but he would not budge, clingŚun her as his mouth still plundered hers. It wasn’t until his lips sought her neck that she was able to speak, and with his hot, damp mouth ravaging her skin, words were not easy to form. But if she did not speak, disaster would soon fall on them both. śGuy, we must stop. If my father finds us, the consequences will be dire.” For a moment she feared the worst, certain he would not listen. But his movements stilled, his breath heaving hotly against her neck. She carefully disengaged herself from his arms, unable to look at him, for to look at him again was to face temptationŚand in that moment temptation was too great a danger. She moved on shaky limbs back to the table, and from the corner of her eye she saw Guy sink into a nearby chair. Just as he did, the front door opened. Robert walked in, but Cassia could not look at him. It was well enough that she managed to keep on her feet, for the encounter with Guy had shaken her to the core. And she knew that nothing would ever be the same again. Chapter 9 If he’d had a weapon at hand, he might have killed Robert DeWarren. It took every bit of discipline he had not to act on his murderous impulse. His body was so at mutiny with his mind that when he sank into the chair, he had to turn his face away from the boith them. Especially from Cassia. Closing his eyes, he tried to clear his mind. But he could not forget the way her soft body molded perfectly to his, or the taste of her kissŚsweeter than honey mead, with her little tongue moving against his so eagerly. She’d responded with such fervor, and if it hadn’t been for her damned father, he was certain they would have enjoyed each other properly. śMy lord Gisborne, I would like a moment alone with my daughter.” The sound of Robert’s voice startled him slightly, shaking him from his thoughts for a momentŚand it angered him. His response was low and cross. śHave your blasted moment then, DeWarren. But do so outside if you wish for privacy. I am quite unwilling to leave the comfort of this chair.” Discomfort was a more fitting word. Having had his lustful wishes unfulfilled, it would take some time to calm himself. And yet, the moment he saw Robert leading Cassia out, his curiosity was instantly stirred. He was no simpleton. They were going out there to discuss him. Despite the pain overtaking him, in his foot and everywhere in between, he pulled himself from the chair to hobble towards the door. Every step was torture, but he gritted his teeth, reminding himself that he’d endured more agony than this before. He’d had enough of being lamed as it was. But at the moment, that thought was a small one. He was more occupied with discovering what DeWarren was up to. Leaning against the doorframe, he listened to their low-spoken conversation. ***** śWhat goes on between you and lord Gisborne? Her eyes widened a little. Not wanting to lie, but not wanting to upset him further, she shook her head slightly. śNothing, Father.” He narrowed his gaze, scrutinizing the expression she wore. śDo not lie to me, Cassia. I have seen the burning in your face. It is still there. Did he accost you in some way?” She shook her head, insistent. śNothing happened.” There was a long moment, and Cassia watched her father’s expression, which was quickly set with a light of finality. Clearly, he had come to some sort of decision, and she feared now to hear what he would say. śHe can no longer remain here. You are in peril so long as we house him. And he is well enough now to return to Nottingham.” She wagged her head again, only now it was with alarm. Despite every good reason there was to be rid of Guy of Gisborne, the thought that he would actually be gone was crushing. No matter what he had done, or what he would do, she found herself terrified at the idea of losing him. She fought for a credible reason that he should stay. śHe cannot go, Father. His ankle is not yet healed.” But Robert shook his head in denial. śIt matters not,” he insisted. śGisborne is a threat, and I will tolerate his presence not one moment longer.” śBut FatherŚ” śWe will not discuss it!” Dropping her eyes to the ground, she felt the burn of tears. She knew why he wished Guy away, and she could not find it in her heart to think ill of him for it. As much as she loved Gisborne, she loved her Father even more. When his voice became soft and kind, her tears spilled forth. He reached out with a gentle hand to grasp her shoulder. śI lost your dear mother in childbed, and your younger brother with her. I lost your brother Stephen to the pilgrimage. I will not lose my only daughter as well.” With a lump in her throat she could hardly speak, except to whisper a few short words. śWhat will you do about him?” śYou need not concern yourself with that, daughter. Just know that when he is removed from our lives, it will be for the better.”How? She wanted to ask. How can it be better if I lose the man I love? But she did not ask it. To protest further would be a gesture of disrespect. And in truth, she knew that her Father spoke wisely. Guy of Gisborne was indeed a dangerous secret to keep. Not only because of his volatile personality, nor his powerful position as a noblemanŚbut because he had her heart, and it did not matter to him in the slightest. She loved him and wanted him more than ever, but deep inside she knew that he couldn’t return those feelings. If he felt anything for her, it was only a passing interest spurred on by the power of lust. There was no love in his heart. And if she was foolish enough to give in to him, despite their powerful attraction to one another, she knew it would only lead to her own ruin. śI must see to the milking," Robert said. "You will finish your work as well. Dark comes soon.” She did not raise her head as he left her. It was several long minutes more before she turned to go back inside. And when she did, she did not at first see Guy as he stood in a shadowed corner. It wasn’t until he spoke from the darkness that she realized he was there. śSo your Father thinks to be rid of me, does he? She spun around quickly, startled by the broken quiet of the room. But taking a calming breath, she turned away from him to return to her bread making. śHe is right. We can keep you here no longer. You know as well as I that you have no further need of us.” His steps grew slowly closerŚand his voice became soft. śWhat we need and what we want are two different things, are they not?” He paused, and she could feel his eyes upon her. He was just a few steps away, so close she coud almost feel him. Breathing deep, she tried her best to be calm, even under the heated scrutiny of his gaze. śWhat we want is of little concern in this life. Now please leave me. I have to finish my work.” Even as she spoke, she knew he would not go. A moment later she felt him moving again, drawing close to her side. She could feel his warmth, just as before. Her heart trembled as she felt him beside her, his eyes looking down on her. He was so close she could hear his breathing. And yet she refused to look at him, knowing that if she met his eyes, she would lose herself to him all over again. She turned away from him, even as he lowered his head to murmur a question close to her ear. śHave you considered my offer?” She moved a small step away, seeking distance from him, squaring her shoulders firmly. śThere is nothing to consider. My only concern is for my father, and I will not shame him by becoming your mistress.” Even as she declared her words, she felt his hand reaching out to twirl a lock of her hair around his finger. He continued to speak in that low, velvet tone. śYou could profit quite handsomely if you were mine. Fine clothing, jewels. Maids and valets to see to your needs. You would not need to serve anyone.” śExcept you?” Now she turned to face him, unable to help herself. He smirked. śJudging from what occurred just a short while ago, I do not believe you would mind it.” I would not mind it, she thought. I would give anything to be with you. I want to be with youŚOh Lord, how much! She wanted to tell him so. She was but a moment from throwing herself into his arms, pleading with him to kiss her as he had before, to press his strong and solid body against hers once againŚand only one thought kept her from seeking his arms. śI cannot abandon my father. I will not abandon him.” His response was a careless shrug. śPerhaps I can find him a position as a servant in my household.” She eyed him with a cynical expression. śYou would make him a servant, and let him suffer utter humiliation? Do you not think your other servants would talk about him, whispering that his daughter lies with the master of the house?” She shook her head stubbornly. śI will not dishonor him in that way.” He let out an angry breath, the sound almost a growl. He reached out to take her by both arms, holding her firmly, pulling her tight against his body. śYour willfulness is infuriating. And you should consider yourself fortunate. If I was inclined to force you to my will, you would not have the power to stop me.” Bringing her gaze up, she looked directly into his fierce eyesand behind that angry light shining there, she could see something else. He is not capable of violence against me. In her heart, she knew it was the truth. And yet, she knew he was not yet able to admit such a vulnerability. His pride kept him from it. And in handling him, a touch of defiance was still needed. śIf you force yourself on me, you will not find the conquest you seek. To take me that way is to have only my physical being. My heart and soul are mine to give or keep as I choose.” A long moment passed, rife with tension. Then she felt his grip loosen. He released her, and slowly he turned away, silently moving to the chair in the corner. For several moments she watched him, wondering if he would look at her or say something. But he was still and silent. So she turned back to her bread makingŚuntil a faint noise from outside caught her ear. śDid you hear that?” He didn’t answer. Turning towards the door she strained her ears to listen, and a sudden fear gripped her when she realized there were several voices coming from outsideŚand they did not sound friendly. śBandits,” she said, more to herself than anyone else. But Guy must have caught what she said, for he rose from his seat and came near. śBandits?” he said, looking skeptical. śWhat would thieves find here to steal?” śWhatever they please,” she answered. śOur chickens, our geese, our milking goats. Anything that might fetch even a small price.” She snatched up a heavy iron skillet from the table. śI must go out there and stop them.” He reached out and gripped her arm. śAre you out of your mind? Do you think a woman with a cooking pan is any match for determined criminals?” śMy father is out there and I will not let him come to harm!” For a few moments he simply looked at her, saying nothing. And then he pulled her back, away from the door. A determined look was in his eyes, and she watched as he disappeared into the sick room for a moment. When he came back, her eye moved to his handŚwhich the handle of a long, shining dagger. śStay here. Do not come outside, do you understand?” Thinking only of her father, she ignored his demand instantly and stepped forward to follow himŚuntil he pushed her against the wall and held her there. śDO AS I SAY!” His demand was so fierce, so powerful, that she was stunned into silence. She could only nod slightly, watching as he went out the door. ***** Drunkards. The sound was not dificult to discern. Probably it was some neighboring peasants who had tipped back too much ale. Now they were wandering about in search of troubleŚbut they would find more than they’d bargained for, if he had anything to do with it. Criminal scum. Time served in the dungeons is too kind. A knife to the throat or the gullet would serve them better. But as he approached, he saw it wasn’t peasants at all. It was three Nottingham guardsŚand if there was anything more useless than the poor, it was Briwere’s men. At least peasants could be put to work. What were the guards, other than to be expendable. And right then, the worthless fools were ransacking Robert DeWarren’s animal pen. One guard was forcing chickens into a burlap sack, while another held Robert back to keep him from strugglingŚand the third guard was leading a horse out of the barn. His horse. He heard their drunken glee at finding such a prize. śWell, mates! Look here at what I found! He will fetch a proper price, won’t he?” The man holding Robert twisted the old man’s arm tighter, chuckling at the painful gasp it produced. Spitting on the side of his captive’s face, he sneered at him. śTell us, old man. Where did a lowly peasant like you get such a fine beast?” Guy’s voice came from the dark. śHe is mine.” The guard who held Robert tried to turn and look at who had spokenŚbut a moment later a dagger was thrust up between his shoulder blades, piercing his lung, killing him instantly. Mouth wide open, eyes wide in shock, his body fell to the ground as Guy pulled out the knifeŚand trained his eyes on his next target. The guard who held his horse stood frozen in fear, eyes huge with shock, as he looked upon the face of his long lost master. Just before he reached the petrified man, Guy could suddenly smell the stench of pissŚevidence of a man who was certain he was being confronted by a spirit. The guard fell to his knees, begging for mercy. śSpare me, ghost! Spare me!” He was silenced by a violent twist of the neck and the snap of bone, and the next moment he lay dead on the ground. Guy turned for his third victim, who was staring in bald shock and slowly backing away, preparing to flee. Knowing he was in no condition to run, Guy still moved forward in pursuitŚuntil a shadow appeared from the darkness. Then there was the sound of iron meeting a human skull, and the guard crumbled to the ground. As the form came closer Guy realized it was Cassia, who held her skillet in her hand. He scowled at her as she came to the side of her father, who had fallen to his knees. Guy’s eyes narrowed in anger at her. śI thought I told you to stay inside.” Her words were defiant. śAs if your commands mean anything to me.” She put her arms around her father, slowly helping him to his feet. While she led him back to the house, Guy examined his horse and found the animal to brcin. He glanced around, his eyes focusing on the bodies of the three guards. Two would have to be buried. The third he wasn’t sure of. Was the man alive or dead? In all honesty he didn’t care either way. But he knew he couldn’t leave corpses lying around to be discovered. He saw his horse settled, and returned the chickens to their pen. Then he slowly dragged each of the two dead men into the woods, throwing leaves and brush over their bodies. They wouldn’t be missed, and in all likelihood they would become a feast for some wild animals before anyone even gave them a thought. Dragging himself back towards the property, his foot throbbing viciously from overuse, he looked about for the third guardŚand found he was nowhere in sight. For several minutes he scanned the area, but he knew that the guard had probably come to life and was likely headed back to Nottingham in a hurry. Would the man remember what, or more particularly, who he had seen? Would anyone even believe the rambling of a drunken guard? Shaking his head, he dismissed the thought altogether, too exhausted and in too much pain to think of anything but getting back to the house. As he stood in the doorway, he watched Cassia with her father. Robert sat in a chair with a blanket around his shoulders, while Cassia handed him a cup. Seeming to sense Guy’s eyes upon her, she slowly turned to look at him. His expression was blank, but his eyes burned bright as he looked at herŚsaying just what he was thinking. One good deed deserves another, Cassia. What are you willing to give me as repayment? Chapter 10 śAre you prepared to reward me, Cassia?” She raised her eyes to himŚthen just as quickly she lowered them, her face flushing with warmth. Kneeling at his feet as he rested in a chair, she examined his swollen ankle. To his question, she gave no reply. Instead, she remarked on the condition of his injury. śThe bone is sound. You are fortunate not to have damaged it again.” He reached out and grasped her chin, making her look up at him. His scowl was dark. śDo not attempt to change the subject. I saved your father’s life, at possible risk to my own. Such heroics should be rewarded accordingly.” She swatted his hand away. śThen where is my reward, Sir Guy of Gisborne? Where is my father’s reward? You forget, it was we who saved you from certain death. I should say that neither of us now owes the other. Our debts are paid in full.” śOh, so we are at an impasse, then?” She nodded. śYes, Sir Guy. There is nothing more to be said.” She made to turn awayŚbut suddenly he reached down to take her by the arms, pulling her close. He brought her face to within inches of his own. śThere is much more to say, Cassia. I have been more tolerant of your defiance than I have ever been with a woman. But my patience is at its end. I will have what I want.” śWhat about what I want?” He released her, his eyebrow raised in curiosity. śWhat are you speaking of?” śYou insist on claiming me, by force if necessary. On that you will give me no choice. But if I consent to your wishes, will you consent to mine?” He snorted, looking at her as if he thought her insane. He did not answer, choosing instead to stare into the fire. She turned away, moving to the little store room where her father lay sleeping on a cot. Leaning down over him, she placed a kiss on his forehead and pulled the blanket over him. For a moment she just sat there, looking at him. After bringing him inside, she had insisted he drink a goblet of wine to calm himself. Fearing that the incident had strained his nerves, she had added a powder to the drink that would make him sleep deeply. He did so now, relieving her fear that some ailment would befall him as a result of the attack. And yet, she could not help but worry what trouble the future might still bring. He was not a young man, and age was coming upon him much too quickly for her liking. She feared for the loss of himŚthe only family she had left. He had lived such a difficult life, like so many of his fellow laborers. And he had always tried so hard to make her lif easier. He’d been such a good fatherŚso loving and kind. Looking down at him now, she wondered if, perhaps, she now had an opportunity to repay him in some way. She thought of what Guy had saidŚof how she could benefit by giving herself to him. He had said he would deny her nothing. She need only consent to being his mistress. And would being his mistress truly be so terrible? Needing a moment alone to thinkŚnot looking at Guy as she wentŚshe stepped away from the house to breathe the night air. For a mid-April night, it was quite comfortable out. She wasn’t fearful of more prowlers lurking about. Those men had stumbled upon the property, in their drunken state, probably by accident. And they had paid for their mistake, very dearly. But her thoughts didn’t linger on them. Her mind was on Guy, as it always was. She thought about what he had saidŚthat he would have what he wanted, whether she agreed or not. Selfish bastard, she thought. But it made her wonder if she should be just as selfish as he was. Why not make demands of him? After all she and her father had done for him, they deserved to benefit from their good deeds. Suddenly she heard Guy’s voice behind her. śName your conditions, Cassia.” She was startled by his sudden appearance, but only for a moment. As he came to stand beside her, she took a cautious step awayŚand being so close to him, feeling the sudden tension of his presence, she tried to redirect his thoughts. śYou should be inside, restingŚ” śAnswer me,” he demanded. She let out an irritated sigh, hating his tone. But then she turned to him, arms crossed, shoulders squared as if ready for a fight. śIf you are to keep me, you will do so quietly. I will not be flaunted as another of your whores.” He scoffed, looking her up and down. śHow will I manage to keep you Śquietly’ as you say? If you are to be mine, to live under my roofŚ” śI will not live at your manor house.” He stared at her, his mouth open slightly in shock. He gave her an odd look, her meaning not quite clear to him. She clarified. śThere is a cottage in a glen, north of Nottingham. It has been abandoned for some time. You will set me up there.” He shook his head in disbelief. śWoman, are you mad?”font> height="0"> śYou will set me up thereŚ” she went on. śAnd you may come to see me when you wish, so long as the secret is kept between us. I have no need of servants, so there will be no worry over loose tongues.” śAnd what of your father? Do you think he would consent to such an insane arrangement?” śHe will not know of it. You will concoct a tale to tell himŚsomething that alleviates his fears, but does not reveal the truth of the matter.” He raised a curious eyebrow. śYou would lie to him?” śIt will not be I that lies to him. It will be you, and somehow I doubt that your conscience will trouble you over it. And you will watch over him. You will see that he is well cared for. That he does not want for anything.” His sneer was cold. śWhy should I give in to such demandsŚthe demands of a woman?” She pulled free from his hold. Then she pushed him back a step, quite forcefully. śWhy should I give in to the demands of a man? An ungrateful, selfish beast of a man who has no place in his heart for anyone or anything save himself. I was a fool to think that I was ever inŚ” She caught herself just in time, just before the words fully escaped her lips. To confess her love, especially now, would be beyond foolish. He would never return her feelings of the heartŚnot the way she needed him to. The thought of it was so hurtful, she could not look at him for a moment longer. She turned to goŚbut he reached out to grip her wrist in a firm hold, and he would not let go. śYou were a fool to think what, Cassia?” She tried to shake him off. Refusing to look at him, she wagged her head as she replied in a firm tone of voice. śNothing. Have we a bargain, or have we not?” śNot until you tell me what I want to know.” śLet go of me! I told you it was nothing!” She broke away from him. Walking away quickly, she hoped he would leave her in peaceŚthough she doubted he would do so. She found herself in the barn, where she hoped to linger in the darkŚto escape him for a while. In her current state, with her mind so frazzled, she did not know if she could handle a confrontation with himŚnot after all that had happened this day. But before she could find refuge, he was there at her side. He grasped her upper arms, giving her a slight shake. śYou will tell me what you meant to say!” She struggled against his hold, and her rage boiled over. Why did he have to be such a heartless bastard? Why couldn’t he show one moment of real compassion, of caring? Even the rescue of her father hadn’t been done out of kindness, of that she was sure. He’d probably done it for his own selfish reasons, knowing that he could use it as a bargaining chip against her. He’d never cared about anyone except himselfŚand Marian. align="JUSTIFY" height="0" width="48"> Marian. Just the thought of that unworthy woman made her seethe with jealous rage. Marian had never cared for him in the least little way, and yet he’d worshipped her. But here she wasŚa woman who had done so much for him, who felt so deeply about himŚand he was too blasted ignorant to see it. The realization that he was so blind and unfeeling, even after all this time, made her wild with fury. She broke from his hold and shoved him back. Then she flew at him with her teeth clenched, her fingers curled with the urge to scratch his eyes out. She cursed his wretched soul. śStupid, selfish brute! I wish we had never found you by the lake! I wish you had gone to the fiery depths of hell where you belong!” He easily dodged her first few swings. Then he caught hold of her wrists. He threw his arms around her, pinning her tightly so she could not move. She tried in vain to struggle free, even as he brought his lips to her ear. śTell me, Cassia. Tell me what you want to say.” His breath was warm against her skin, making her limbs tremble. She was growing weakŚand yet she managed one last small attempt at resistance. śI cannot say it. Not now.” She made another feeble attempt to push him away, but he was immobileŚand now he was trying to turn her face up, seeking to meet her eyes with his. śWhy can you not say it?” She tried to look away, knowing that if she met his gaze, all was lost. śBecause my feelings mean nothing to you,” she said, her voice growing soft. śI used to believe there was something more to you than just a vicious, scowling, cold-hearted bastard. I was ignorant enough to believe that kindness could change you. Now I know I was wrong all along.” śDo you hate me, then?” The way he was holding her so firmly, it was difficult to reply. śYes, I do.” With a firm hand, he cupped her cheek and turned her head, forcing her to look at him. śIf that is the truth, then why did you agree to be my mistress?” Looking at him, his face so near hers, she could not lie again. śBecause I do not want to lose you.” A moment of silence passed between them. Then his lips came down on hers, hot and demandingŚand this time, she didn’t want to push him away. If she couldn’t have his heart, at least she could have this to live on. As he anchored her head in his hands she wound her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through his hair. It had grown longer in the last weeks, curling in that way she had always loved. Now she felt the texture through her fingers while his mouth was opening with hers. Wanting to feel more of him, her hands wandered down his back. The shirt he wore hung loose and she took advantage of it, running her fingers around his sides to his muscular stomach. She heard a muffled groan escape him, and she echoed the sound when she felt his warm hand firmly stroking her breast. To feel his touch through the barrier of her clothingŚit wasn’t nearly enough. She knew he felt the same desperation, for he broke away from her lips to focus on the laces of her dress, making short work of them. With that same ease of hand, he pulled down the sleeves of her gown and the straps of her thin linen shift all at onceŚleaving her bare from the waist up. In the dim light she could just make out the smug expression he wore as his eyes looked their fill. It was the look of a man who had played this game many timesŚa look of pure lust, one she knew he’d no doubt given to many women. But she refused to linger on the thought of others who had been in her place before. Instead she focused on the moment, and at the moment, turnabout was fair play. Gripping the hem of his shirt, she quickly lifted it over his head and tossed it aside. A flash of memory came to her, of those few brief moments when she’d seen him completely nude during his bathŚand seeing his beautifully sculpted torso before her now, it wasn’t nearly enough. She wanted to see all of him. She wanted to feel all of him. Quickly she reached for the ties of his breeches. And when she dared to glance upŚthough the light around them was dimŚshe could see his eyes. And the way he was smirking wolfishly. śEager, are we?” Instantly she paused in her actions, reaching both hands up to cover his mouth. She narrowed her eyes at him. śDo not speak. When you do, you have a tendency to ruin a pleasant moment. I will not allow that now.” Dropping her hands back to her task, she at last freed him from his laces, pushing the material down his legsŚand her breath caught at the sight of his intense arousal. She couldn’t help but stare, until she felt his fingers lifting her face up to look at him. He didn’t speak, just as she’d told him not to. Instead he brought his mouth down to hers, making her head spin with the intensity of his passionate kiss. She brought her fingers up to run through his hair once more, while his fingers quested over her shoulders, trailing down her arms and then up again. A moment later his hands lowered to her breasts, cupping their slight weight in his palms. She whimpered at the pleasure of his touch, trembling with anticipation. When his hands moved away for a moment she made a sound of disappointment, until she felt him undoing the sash at her waist. It soon fell away, and her gown dropped to a pool around her feet. They both looked at one other, no barriers between them. Then she was in his arms again, and they were falling down into the hay. The pent up feelings of raw passion, only briefly sparked before, now exploded between them. Her hands roamed everywhere, wanting to feel every inch of his skin. His lips traveled down her cheek, her jaw, and her neck, the slight bristle of his stubble feeling wonderfully sensual against her skin. Then his mouth was moving lower, tracing a damp path to her breasts. His mouth tasted her, the feeling agonizingly hot. She clutched his head there, overwhelmed with the sensations he was stirring in herŚsensations she’d long forgotten, and now longed desperately to feel again. When his hand drifted down her abdomen, she felt her pulse throb madly, her breath coming fast as his fingers sought out the source of her pleasure. Instinctively she pushed herself against his hand, wanting more. She felt his mouth wet and open against her skin as his fingers caressed her relentlessly. At last she could stand it no longer, and she moaned his nameŚan urgent plea to end his delicious torment. And he willingly obliged. Moving between her legs, he entered her in one swift movement. She gasped at the sweet pleasure, the hot feeling of him. He had paused for a moment, as if to test her reactionŚand she thrust her hips, silently urging him to move. It was all the encouragement he needed. He caught her mouth with his and pushed deep into her, making her moan with delight. Raking her nails down his back she bucked hard in rhythm with him, meeting his every thrust, telling him without words how wildly her desire burned. They rose and fell madly together, gasping and panting until they both shattered in a unison of pleasured cries. ***** His eyes were clenched, pressed against her shoulder. His arms held her in a fierce embraceŚunable to let her go. Even as their wild breathing eased, their heartbeats slowing to a calmer rhythm, he held tightly to her. He could not loosen his arms, unwilling to lose the incredible warmth of her body. Every nerve he possessed was heightened. He brushed his jaw against her neck, nuzzling her. Just that slightest of movements sent a rush of excitement coursing through his body. He’d never felt this kind of wildness beforeŚthis overwhelming intensity in every fiber of his body and soul. Somehow, he had known that it would be this way with herŚthat she would be like no one he’d had before. He could still feel the sting of her nails on his back, and the thought made him wild with wanting her again. For once she wasn’t resisting him. She wanted him. She was positively wild for him, judging from the eager noises she’d made and the way she’d clung so tight to him. Even now she was pressing her soft breasts against his chest, encouraging him with the delicious feel of her nipples. He went hard again, still sheathed within her, and her gasp of pleasure made him move against her. His momentary impulse was to drive himself deep and fast into her, to try and satisfy the insane craving he had for her. Instead he began moving slowly, purposely taking his timeŚwanting to make her mad with longing for him. She had taunted him for so long, denied him and made him suffer. Now it was her turn to experience tormentŚsweet, pleasurable torment. With deliberate haste he ground his hips into hers, pulling out slightly before sliding back in again with purposely slow movements. He lowered his mouth to her breasts, first one and then the other, grazing his teeth over the hardened nipple, tugging it lightly. Then his tongue swept over it, teasing herŚand he smirked triumphantly when he heard her whimpering. She hissed her frustration out loud. śWicked, evil man.” He silenced her words with a kiss, drinking in her sweet taste, relishing the sensation of her hot mouth as she kissed him back with unbridled eagerness. She was greedy for him. He felt it in the way she clung to his body, her arms and legs wrapped around him tightly. Her inner walls pulsated around him, trying to pull him in deeper. It was nearly his undoingŚbut with all the discipline he possessed he held back, reaching his hand down between their joined bodies to touch her. She cried out as he ravished her with his kiss, her release coming hard and fast. When he felt her hands clenching his backside, his control broke. He drove into her again and again, all gentleness gone. His movements went wildly on until he exploded within her, his own cry of release a guttural sound against her mouth. They were both struggling to breathe. Even when the violent beating of their hearts ceased, and he reluctantly withdrew from her, he didn’t release her from his arms. Instead he rolled to his back and took her with him, delighting in the feel of her slight weight on his chest. Their skin was covered with a fine sheen of sweat, their breathing still rapidŚand he felt his eyelids grow heavy from exhaustion. As he fell asleep he clung to her, hoping that when he woke she would still be there. ***** Sometime later he stirred. Opening his eyes he found, much to his relief and pleasure, that she was still pressed against his body. Her legs were entwined with hisŚher arms still around him. Her hair cascaded over him in fabulous display as she slept. And just looking at her so displayed, it made him want her all over again. He grinned slightly at the thought that having her once or twice wasn’t near to being enough. He could not remember when he’d so fiercely desired a womanŚnot even Marian. Lord, he’d been such a fool over her. A complete and utter fool, he now realized. Months ago, he would never have fathomed wanting someone else. He had sought her relentlessly, blindly and stupidly believing that in time, she would grow to care for him. Desperate, lonely fool that he had been, it had not mattered to him that at times, an expression of loathing had crossed her features. She’d never wanted him. But Cassia did. I do not want to lose you, she’d said. It sent a fierce wave of possessiveness through him, as he realized that he didn’t want to lose her either. She had talked of being his mistress, and then she’d given herself to him in the most powerful way. As far as he was concerned, she now belonged to him body and soul. Never had he felt such wantŚsuch insatiable craving for another human being. He recalled how, at one time, he’d thought so little of herŚthat she would be nothing more than another convenient fling. But now, he knew what a fool he’d been to think of her so. Now that he’d discovered her, he felt he’d found a priceless treasureŚand he had no intention of giving her up. He heard her make a soft sound. It seemed to be a murmur of contentment, and he lazily ran his hands over her shoulders. His fingers roamed her beautifully tapered back and her sides, stroking her soft, warm skin. She lifted her head, looking at him with those beautiful, shining dark eyesŚeyesv hld a power over him that he willingly succumbed to. He leaned in to claim her mouth, threading her soft hair through his fingers. As the kiss grew deeper, his entire being sprang to life with anticipation. His breath quickenedŚhis blood pulsed madly. But then she tried to break away. Bereft at the notion of losing contact with her, he tried to pull her back, but he felt her hands pushing him away. They had hardly said a word until now, talking being the least of their mutual desires. But as she removed herself from his arms, slipping away from him to reach for her clothing, he could not be silent. He reached out his hand, intent on bringing her back, but her movements were too swift. The silken texture of her leg was all that he managed to touch before she slipped completely out of his reach. śWhy are you going so soon?” He watched, disillusioned as she slipped into her linen shift. She eased the mood slightly by coming back for a moment to kiss him, and from the joyful little sound she made, it was clear to him that she wasn’t so willing to part from him yet. It thrilled him to know that she had no regretsŚthat she was just as needy as he was. Eagerly his hands moved over her soft body, feeling her warmth through the thin garment. He clenched the material in his fists, wishing to tear it away so there would be no impediments between them. When she tried to stay his hands he resisted, groaning his protest. śYou cannot leave me now.” He kissed her neck, tenderly nibbling the soft skin. Her arms went around him in response, and he chuckled triumphantly, certain that he’d wonŚuntil she pushed at his shoulders, telling him that he must cease. He tried not to hear her, but she pushed even more strongly against him. śI must return,” she insisted. śIf my father wakes and finds us both gone, he will surely know what has transpired.” His first thought was a curse. Who gives a damn about your father? But even in the madness of wanting her, he managed enough of his sense to keep himself silent, at least where the subject of her father was concerned. He also knew she was rightŚthat if they stayed here much longer, their risk of discovery would be great, and that was a dangerous game to play. He pressed his lips to the base of her throat, trying to draw out one last moment of pleasure. When she tried again to withdraw from his arms, he let her go, though he could not help scowling at the loss of her sweet flesh. Reluctantly he reached for his own clothes. Pulling them on, he looked at her as she tied the laces of her dress and bound her sash around her waist. He was transfixed as he watched her running her fingers through her hair, picking out the stray pieces of straw. There was something intoxicating about the sight. Perhaps it was the thought of how glorious that soft mane of hair felt in his hands, or the remembrance of how her touch could so easily ignite the fire in him. As she stepped towards the doorway he reached out for her, pulling her back into his arms, bringing his mouth down to hers to kiss her fiercely. She clung tigt to him and kissed him back, her mouth as demanding as his, and in moments they were breathless, struggling to remain upright. He didn’t know how she had the strength to do so, but she managed to pull away. They were both breathing hectically, and his words were heavy with lust. śWhen will I have you again?” She shook her head, and her own voice was thick. śSoon, I pray. But not here.” There was a certain sadness in her tone that made him almost fearful. He dreaded now to hear what she would say. śYou cannot remain here. Not after this.” He shook his head in denial. śWhy must I go?” The thought of leaving her now, after what had just occurred, was too much to comprehend. He held fast to her, his nose buried against the softness of her neck. But she was insistent. śI cannot risk discovery. And if you were to stay, we would surely be found out. To remain so close, yet knowing we cannot be togetherŚit is a chance I cannot take.” She suddenly rose on the tips of her toes so she might reach him better, her fingers rough against his scalp as she kissed him feverishly. Then she parted from him, her voice soft and breathless. śYou must go. Before my father wakes.” He leaned his head against hers, wondering how he would ever manage to depart. Now that he’d had a taste of her, he hungered for so much more. She felt so warm, so inviting. His body tensed in frustration when she said, almost in a sad wayŚ śI will bring your things to you now. Tis’ wiser if you do not go in.” He saw how she lowered her eyes as she spokeŚas if the notion of his leaving was deeply painful to her. Then she was gone from his arms, headed back into the house to fetch his thingsŚto send him away. He found his horse in the stall and brought him out. As he saddled the stallion, he paused several timesŚrage and frustration taking over him. To be denied, especially in this way, was something he was not accustomed to. For as long as he could remember, he’d demanded things and had his wishes met. With the exception of Marian, he’d never had to bide his time when it came to having what he wanted. And he wanted Cassia. The notion of going felt like a noose tightening around his neck. For some time now, as he’d gradually improved in health, the notion of his departure had been a growing thought in his mind. But he’d kept pushing the thought aside, thinking that behind the end of each day was another day. He’d convinced himself that he would have sufficient time to adjust, and when the moment came to return to his old life, he would be ready. But how could he have known it would be this way? So abruptŚand so unwelcome. He suddenly thought of the great transition he would now have ake, being thrust back into his former existence. And the thought of it was punctuated by one great burning questionŚ What was there to return to? As Cassia had once reminded himŚthe Sheriff saw no real value in him. Briwere would likely use the return of his Master at Arms to his own advantage. There would be no warm welcomeŚnot from Briwere, not from soldiers or servants, and certainly not from anyone else in the village. There was but one person in the world who gave a damn about him. And here he was, being forced to walk away from her. It was painfully unjustŚand it made him angry. He wanted to refuse. What was there to keep him from having his way? The answer came fast upon him. Cassia. She had succumbed to him this once. But she was so strong of mind and spirit that if she chose to, she could make herself be ice and rock to him. When it came to her father, she was fiercely loyalŚso much so that in order to protect him, she would deny herself what she wanted. And she would not give herself willingly againŚnot unless she had her sense of security about her. They had made a bargain, and she would not let him renege on it. And to keep his vow, he would have to return to Nottingham right away. He would have to reclaim his place with the SheriffŚtake back his own wealth and power. Only then could he give Cassia what she desiredŚand only then could he have her completely for his own. Leading his horse from the barn, he looked up to see her coming, carrying all of his possessions. She came to him in silence, and neither of them spoke as he was prepared for his departure. She fastened the cloak around his shoulders, and adjusted his sword belt around his waist. She helped to ease his feet into his boots, being careful with his ankle that was still in need of attention. He saw how she avoided looking at him, and he knew what she was feelingŚwhat she was thinking. She did not want him to go. She was pained by the thought of his leaving. And the idea that someone would long for himŚthat he would be missedŚwas a powerful and overwhelming realization. He reached out and pulled her close, taking her face in his hands. He placed a hot kiss on her lips, speaking in a deep, ragged breath. śI will come back for you, Cassia. You are mine now, and I will have you again.” He turned away, unable to remain a moment more without giving in to the temptation of her. With some trouble he mounted his horse, the pain in his ankle now throbbing with the pressure from his boot. But no longer would there be someone to tend to itŚat least, not anyone he wanted. He was certain there would be some servant he could command, but there would not be the special touch of gentleness that Cassia possessed. He would have to endure without herŚand he knew it was just one of many troubles he would have to face in the days ahead. He rode towards Nottingham. Several times he brought his horse to a pause, turning to look back over his shoulderŚonly to force himself to turn around and go on. And as he went, he could not help but long for everything he had let behind. ***** Her father still slept. It was her one consolation as she stood within the silent house...the silent, empty house. Tears filled her eyes as she wandered into Guy’s room. Even on the bad daysŚdays when he had been the worst of devilsŚshe had always come into this room with the anticipation of seeing him. His presence, however dark, had given her a purpose in life. In all the times she had wished him away, she had not meant it truly. And now that he was really gone, it felt as if a part of her was missing. Going to the empty bed, she brushed her fingers over the pillow that had cradled his headŚthe blanket that had covered him. Both were still warm, if only slightly. Soon they would grow cold. His scent would fade away as well, leaving her with only her memories of himŚof what they had shared, and of what he had promised her. And she could only hope that he would be a man of his word. Chapter 11 śWell, well. Tis’ not yuletide, and yet it seems we have a miracle before us. Welcome back, Gisborne.” Guy was silent, his head bowed in obedience as he stood before the Sheriff. Briwere, still in his night robe, walked back and forth in front on the fire in his chamber hearth. śSo,” he said. śYou did not perish with your men, after all? You have taken leave these last two months, have you?” Guy shok his head. śNo, my lord. I was incapacitated. But due to the efforts of Samaritans, I am able to return now to my duty.” The Sheriff looked at him with great interest. śSo, that drunken fool of a guard was not mistaken, then. He did see his former master in the flesh. I suppose I dispatched him a bit too quickly.” Despite his words, there was no hint of regret was in his tone. He stopped suddenly, looking at Guy with a curious expression. śSamaritans, Gisborne? Who were they?” There was a long moment as Guy thought of how to respond. And knowing Briwere as he did, he chose his answer carefully. śNo one of consequence.” There would be no further explanationŚat least none that he would give willingly. Cassia and Robert might have been lowly peasants, but they had given him his life. And he would not endanger theirs now by revealing their existence. It was his hope that Briwere would ask no further questions of how he came to be hereŚand that, as it turned out, was just what happened. śWell then, Sir Guy,” he said with a bit of glee, tapping his fingers together as the wheels turned in his head. śIt seems you may finally be of real use to me. I have just had the most brilliant of thoughts. When the brainless peasants of this village see you have returned, they will no doubt believe that the devil has risen to haunt them. We must make the most of their superstitious ignorance.” Guy gave him a curious look. śMy lord?” Briwere chuckled. śWhen you were believed dead, your home was in my hands of course, to do with as I wished. I fully intended to install a new tenant there. But it remains unoccupiedŚand the reason for that? There was a great belief that your ghost roamed the corridors.” Guy shook his head slightly, not seeing the point. śI am afraid I do not understand, my lord.” Briwere waved a hand, rambling on and continuing to speak as if Guy were not even there. It seemed he was quite enjoying the vocalization of his strange train of thoughtŚand while the Sheriff’s back was turned for a moment, Guy gave an irritated shift of his eyes. śOh you shall have your home back, Gisborne. You will need new servants, but that is for you to see to. What I am interested in is the fear your presence shall bring. Because you see, fear keeps the ignorant in their place. And that is what these people needŚto always be reminded of their lowliness, and of who their masters are.” As if they are not well aware of it, Guy thought. But feeling that it was not his place to question why, he said nothing. In truth, whatever ridiculous plotting Briwere had in mind, Guy knew his own opinion of it did not matter. He was back in the hands of his lord and master. A pawn in a mad game. He recalled those words so clearly. She had been so apt in her description, one that spelled out in bold letters just what he was to his betters. And there was nothing he could do to change it. ***** Guy of Gisborne was back from the dead. That was the news that swept like wildfire through Nottingham, and many villagers truly believed he was a walking demon. According to whispers, he had appeared like a phantom in the night, demanding to see the Sheriff and terrifying all those who came across him. Guy found himself the leader of nocturnal raids upon the village residents. Barging in with torches in their hands, the guards pulled people from their beds in the dead of night and forced them to kneel before Gisborne, whom they looked upon with absolute terror. Many had taken to wearing small makeshift crosses around their necks in the hopes of warding off his evil presence. Their cries of mercy, pleading for their immortal souls, fell on deaf ears. It was his feeling that if they were ignorant enough to believe in such nonsense, they deserved what they got. Briwere was quite pleased with his strange game of intimidation. He had his favorite henchman back to do his dirty work, and he reveled in itŚalthough he could not help but notice Guy’s lack of interest. One afternoon, only a few days after his return, they stood watching an execution, and Briwere saw how Guy turned his head away. At the gallows, a dark-haired young woman and her family were being put to death. Looking from them to Gisborne, Briwere snorted in disgust at Guy’s obvious discomfort. śWhat is the matter with you, Gisborne? Does the wench remind you of your deceitful former fiancé? Will you weep like a fool for her for the remainder of your useless life?” There was no reply. And Briwere had no way of knowingŚit wasn’t Marian that Guy was thinking of. ***** He was home at last. After several weeks residing in a room at the castle, waiting for the manor to be made ready, he was finally back on his own groundsŚback to his own life. Chenivier had been his residence for many years, and he had feared the loss of it as a result of his absence. But for once, his reputation seemed to have been an aide rather than a hinderance. Dismounting from his horse, handing it off to the groom, he made his way inside. All of the servantsŚsome of them familiar, some of them notŚhad assembled in greeting. They bowed in obedient submission. But he had no desire to speak to them, except to make an inquiry to his housekeeper. śIs my bedchamber in order?” She nodded. śYes, my lord Gisborne.” There was a nervous light in her eyesŚone that he saw in the faces of nearly all who were around him. But he disregarded their fears, thinking only of his own concerns. śDo not disturb me. If I require anything I shall call for it. Is that clear to you?” Again she noddedŚand he passed them all by, climbing the stairs to his room. Walking into his bedchamber, he glanced around at the comfortable surroundingsŚso different than the Spartan conditions of Nottingham Castle. Except for Briwere’s private chambers and those reserved for important guests, the castle bedrooms were considered as barracks, with the luxuries kept to a minimum. It had been so long since he’d known these comforts, he’d almost forgotten what they were likeŚand he looked forward to re-familiarizing himself with them. The large feathered bed was turned down and waiting for him. The candles were lit, the fire burning strong in the hearth. On the bed stand was a flagon of wine and a jeweled goblet. He went to it, pouring himself a full cup and downing it quickly. Filling it a second time, he carried it to the large velvet-cushioned chair before the fire, where he sat down with a weary sigh. Everything was quiet and comfortable. All was as it should have been. But just as it had been in his castle chamber, there was something about the room that struck him cold. There were just too many things that the space around him lackedŚand sitting in his chair now, he knew very well just what was missing. He let out a breath, longing for the soothing smell of lavender. Over the last two months it had become very familiar to him, its essence so calming. But it wasn’t nearly as soothing as the sound of a certain voice. He had come to enjoy hearing those dulcet tones of hers, whether they were speaking gently to him when he was in painŚor cursing him for some foolish thing he had said or done. Even in her angry moments, there was something in her eyes that told him she wanted to be near himŚthat she desired his presence as much as he desired hers. It wasn’t the look he was given by the people who surrounded him. Most times, there was fear in their faces, and a clear desire to escape his presence as quickly as possible. Then there were the looks that some of the servant girls gave him. He’d seen those lusty glances before, particularly from the women residing in the castle. Obviously, the rumors of his being some sort of evil being didn’t turn them all away. But since his return, he had been in no mood for company, even of the female kind. He was too preoccupied with other things, one of them being his old injuries from the accident. The pain of his foot seemed, if possible, worse than ever. It flared at the most inconvenient times, usually as he was walking fast. He was often forced to stop for several minutes until the wave of pain eased. At times he received strange looks from passersby, who wondered why he stood with his head hung as he groaned in misery. As if to mirror his thoughts, he suddenly felt a throbbing of pain in his ankle. Putting his wine goblet aside, he reached down to remove his boots. Pulling a stool close, he elevated his foot on it, and while it helped to have his foot free of the confines of oot, it did little to ease the ache. He closed his eyes, resting his head against the back of the chairŚand he thought of what he truly needed. What he truly wantedŚ A pair of soft, warm hands. A gentle touch that could ease his body and soul, even on the darkest of daysŚ ***** Not long after his return home, he found himself being closely watched. He often felt the eyes upon him as he walked through the door, and at various other moments during the day. It was a pretty young maidŚblond, buxom, and doe-eyedŚwho looked at him so closely. At first he ignored her, having too much on his mind to consider her flirtatious movements and her wicked looks. Lusty serving wenches were the last thing on his mind. He’d tolerated his duties before. But now, he was finding them almost unbearable. While the night-time raids were random in their timingŚBriwere wanted to use the element of surpriseŚthe rest of his duties were back to the strict regimen of previous days. His mornings were filled with menial tasks, particularly the endless hours of meetings with Briwere and his council of nobles. Those gatherings were mind-numbingly boring, and each afternoon he had been relieved to escape to the silence of his private chamber. He might have been glad of itŚif it weren’t for the fact that rest did not come easy. There was an ache deep inside of him, almost like hunger. But food did not appease him. Neither did wine did not soothe him, though both were in plentiful supply. He tossed and turned in his bed, his rest fitful. Such sleeplessness only made his days worse, especially when Briwere took notice of it. One morning, as the council was assembling, Guy could not stifle his yawning. His eyes were blearyŚhis hair unkempt and his face unshaven, as he’d been in no mood to tend to such things. Briwere gave him a disgusted look. śGood God, man. You look wretched. What have you been doing at nightŚshagging whores like an animal? You might try and control yourself for once and remember your duties.” Guy gave no answer to the insult. It was enough that he was able to keep his temper in checkŚinstead of sending his fist into his master’s jaw. No doubt that would have been one way to relieve some of his tensionŚif only for a moment. ***** As he had on so many nights of late, he sat in his chair before the fire. And as it had become his habit, he sighed in frustration. A bottle of honey mead sat on the table beside him, untouched. He’d reached for it several times only to put it back again, knowing it would not cure his ailment. It had been nearly ten days since he’d returned home to Chenivier, and three weeks since he’d come back to Nottingham. But time seemed to have stretched into an eternity. It felt like a lifetime since he’d seen her. And he wanted nothing more than to leap on his horse an ride back to the house in the forestŚto throw open the door to her house, toss her over his shoulder and carry her off. It was a Neolithic impulse, but one that was so strong, he almost acted on it. He knew that if he chose, he could do as he pleased. There would be nothing to stop him, for he was a powerful man who was used to having what he wanted. She was just a woman. But he remembered her words of caution. To take me that way is to have only my physical being. My heart and soul are mine to give or keep as I choose. She had meant every wordŚand it was enough to keep his selfish impulse in check. He thought of her eyes. In them, he had always seen a softness he could not quite describe. Even when she was angry, that light had not diminished. It struck something deep within him, touching a part of his soul that no one else had ever reached. It was affection, he had slowly come to realize. She cared for himŚtruly and deeply. No one had ever looked upon him with such feeling, and somehow he knew that if he forced his hand, that tender light would fade away. She would surely despise him if he acted so selfishly. And the thought of her turning against him was a notion that was almost painful. After having herŚrecalling the eagerness of her arms and the intensity of her desireŚit was disturbing to imagine her growing cold or hateful towards him. Until she had her sense of security about their relationshipŚuntil she was certain they could meet in absolute secrecyŚhe would have to maintain his distance, no matter how difficult a task it was. And God help him, it was beyond difficult. There were times when he felt the impulse to call out for her, thinking that she would appear from the next room. But then he would remember where he wasŚthat she was no longer near, to come to him whenever he was in need. Each time a servant came to his aide he was overwhelmed with deep disappointment, for there was only one face he wished to seeŚand for the moment, she was beyond his reach. Nights were even more unbearable, as his imagination cruelly taunted him with images of what he had to be without. Even now he envisioned her. Those soft lips on his skinŚthat sweet voice whispering heated endearments in his ear as her arms slipped around his neckŚ His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock upon the door. He ignored it, silently cursing the disturbance. But it came againŚand then the door was squeaking open. A low, throaty female voice spoke from behind him. He knew which of his servants it was. He didn’t have to look. śMy lord, is there anything you require this evening?” He heard the familiar sound of an invite in her voice, and for a moment he considered her. Perhaps a mindless encounter with a willing female was what he needed to ease his frustration. Perhaps he could close his eyes and pretend it was the woman he wanted, and not just some convenient piece of flesh. Cassia would not have to know about itŚnot that he required permission to do as he pleased. Without turning to look at the maid, he called her overfont> śCome here, wench.” He listened to the sound of the door closingŚthe sound of her slight footsteps as she slowly approached him from behind. A moment later he felt her hands upon his shoulders, gently massaging them. Then she came around his chair to face him, and she wasted no time in undoing the laces of her gown, exposing her ample breasts. Moving herself close she placed herself in his lap. She brought her lips to his ear and softly nibbled his lobe, while reaching down with an eager hand to fondle him. Her lips were full and moist, and she tried to bring them to meet hisŚbut he turned his head away. Kissing was much too personal, too intimate for this. He wanted no emotions between them. He didn’t even wish to know her name. She was here to slake his lust, and nothing more. But even with her fingers stroking him, and her mouth dropping hot, wet kisses on his chest, he found himself responding with only the slightest twinge of excitement. She was lacking in several ways that were making him lose interest quickly. Her hair was much too lightŚnot the rich chestnut tresses that felt like silk when running through his fingers. The face was a bit too round, the eyes an uninspiring shade of hazel. He wanted to behold a pair of eyes that were dark and deep in their color, glittering like two onyx jewels. Staring at the inadequate form before him, with her eyes now meeting his, he saw how her lips were parted slightly in anticipation. Using her free hand, she linked her fingers with his and guided his palm to her breast. She began thrusting against his handŚand he found both the feeling of her body and the expression in her eyes to be repulsive. What he saw was pure, selfish lust. No real feeling. He could have been any manŚany nobleman, particularlyŚand it would not have made a difference. How many other men had she spread her legs for, all in the hopes of seeking some kind of personal gain? Her lewdness was appalling...and he’d had enough of her. śGet out,” he growled at her. She blinked in response, confused by his sudden demand. He pulled his hand from hers. He gripped her roughly by the shoulders, shaking her. śI said get out! Now!” Her face turned quite red, and she fumbled with the ties of her dress as she slid from his lap. When she was gone from the room he went and slammed the door, bolting it, lest there be any others who would try their hand at tempting him. He wanted none of them. He turned instead to the bottle of wine on the table. Partaking of wine wouldn’t solve his problem. But perhaps if he got roaring drunk, he might pass out and find some measure of peace. ***** It had been more than a month since his return, and in that time he had not forgotten the bargain made between he and Cassia. The incident with the maid had not been without benefit. It had served to erase his doubts on one particular pointŚthat he wanted Cassia back, more so than he’d realized before. He needed her back. He would not be satisfied otherwise. He had vow*** Forcefully he gathered several villagers together, giving them the task of making the necessary repairs to the house in the glenŚand threatening them with punishment if they dared tell anyone what they were working on. According to the carpenter he’d found to assess the property, it would take some time to dig a new well and rebuild parts of the house that had fallen in, as well as to clean and refurbish it. At hearing of such an impediment to his plans, he growled with impatience and anger. śFind a way to get it done, or you shall find yourself on the executioner’s block.” His frustration was reaching its breaking point, particularly after a long night raiding and half a day of being ordered about by Briwere. He would fall into his bed exhausted, only to find that his rest disturbed by vibrant imaginings. Those few hours he’d spent with herŚhe relived each delicious moment, only to wake and find himself alone in his empty bed. It was a torment the likes of which he’d never known, and he didn’t know how much more he could take. He had to be with her again. Being without her was almost a form of starvation, slowly wearing away at him until the hunger became unbearable. Perhaps it was foolishŚeven unmanlyŚto be in such great need of someone, particularly a woman. But his obsession had a hold of him. Whether or not it was foolish, he did not care. He would have her again, one way or another. But how could he go to her? To simply appear at her door would be ridiculous. He gave thought to sneaking in to see her during the dark of night, and for a moment the salacious thought brought a little grin to his face. He imagined himself moving about in the night like a prowler, crawling through a windowŚsneaking into her bed. But then his smile faded away, for the fact still remained that her father would be thereŚand as much as he and Cassia longed for each other, it wasn’t likely they could keep their activities quiet. It seemed that until the cottage was built, he would just have to wait. ***** Spring was changing into summer, and with the change came a blessing that seemed to come from somewhere up above. Briwere was plagued by a stomach ailment and fever, leaving him confined to his bed. Guy was now in temporary control of NottinghamŚand he used it to his advantage. Rather than carrying out orders he now gave them, putting the burden of work on the rest of Briwere’s men. And in doing so, he now had a bit of time to do as he pleased. He would go to see her. The only trouble was finding a way to encounter her when she was alone, to avoid trouble with her father. He stood before his window one morning, trying to think of a wayŚwhen inspiration suddenly came to him from one of the servants. She tapped on his door, and in a grumbling voice he bid her to enter. Her voice was small, fearful. śWould you like a bath, my lord?” He started to refuseŚto throw something at her and shout at her to leave. But then he changed his mind. Without turning to look at her he answered. śYes I would indeed. And make haste with it.” As the tub was dragged in and pitchers of hot water poured to fill it, he recalled overhearing a conversation between Cassia and that old witch, Sophie. I miss my Saturday bathing in the lake. How I long for the warmth of summer and the feeling of water all around meŚ Tomorrow was Saturday. And the weather had been quite warm of late. She might very well be making a journey to the lakeside. And perhaps he would be there waiting for her. It seemed a perfect situation. He had no worries about being missed in town. Briwere was still abed with his illness, so there was little fear of repercussions if he went away for a little while. As he sank into his steaming bathwater, his scowl changed to a little smirkŚfull of anticipation of the day to come. Chapter 12 The June day was warm and bright, the birds making merry noise in the trees above. But Cassia only paid it all a small amount of attention. Her mind was on Guy, of courseŚas it had been for nearly six weeks. It had been that long since she’d seen him. He’d vowed to come back for her. The intensity in his expression, the fire in his eyes, had made her sure that he’d meant it. He’d certainly not wanted to go, and it had taken every ounce of willpower she’d had to send him away. Nothing in her life had ever felt as incredible as being in his arms, feeling the heat of his kisses and the thrilling strength of his body. Every night she dreamed of him, and every day she secretly listened for the sound of hoof beats that might signal his approach. She watched the path that came from Nottingham, hoping that at any moment he would appear, sitting astride his dark horse in all of his imposing and beautiful glory. But even while she longed for him, she wondered how they could be together as they wanted to be, and yet keep the world from intruding on their happiness. She was quite aware how the world would see their relationship. She, a simple peasant girl, and Sir Guy of Gisborne, a high-born noblemanŚpeople from two completely different worlds. They were not meant to be together in this way. In the eyes of society, a woman of her low birth held only two places for a man like Guy. She was either his obedient servant, or she was his whore. There was no middle ground to stand on. It was impossible that there should be any sort of feelings between them, for it was not only scorned upon, but it could be very dangerous. If someone in a higher social standingŚthe Sheriff for oneŚdiscovered their amour, they could threaten her with any means of punishment for disrupting the strict moral code. If they wished, they could even strip Guy of his title and his lands, leaving him with nothing. They both played with fire by giving in to their desires. But her heart was winning over all that her head was warning her about. She was certain he did not love herŚand perhaps he never would. Perhaps his heart had been stripped of the ability to love. But she loved him now more than ever, and at the very least, he desired her. Compared to the notion of having his heart, it was a small substituteŚbut in a cruel and unjust world, she felt fortunate to have any measure of happiness at all. But it had been six weeks since she’d last seen him. And in that time, while she waited and dreamed of him, she had heard rumors about the goings on in Nottingham. One of the rumors she knew to be ridiculousŚthat Guy of Gisborne was a demon risen from the grave. To that she had simply shaken her head in disbelief. But what she did find troubling was how quickly he had fallen back into his old ways, terrorizing villagers and following Briwere around like a loyal dog. Had the months under her care done nothing to change him, even in the smallest way? And if he was reverting back to those behaviors, was he falling into other old routines as wellŚroutines that involved chamber maids and other kinds of female company? It hurt deeply to imagine him in the arms of some unknown woman. And as the days went by, with no word coming from him, she began to think it quite possible that he’d changed his mind about coming back for her. What was there to return for, anyway? She was just another woman, and there were plenty of those to be found in Nottingham. Perhaps it would be better if she faced the truthŚthat he’d gone back to his old life, and there was no place in it for her. At least there was one good thing to look forward to, now that the weather had turned for the better. The lake water would be cool, for it was only early June, but it would feel like heaven after bathing from a bucket for so long. In her arms she carried a change of clothes, a comb, and a bar of soap, and she couldn’t wait to wash away the grime from her body. At the water’s edge she put her bundle down, and reaching out a bare foot she tested the feeling of the water. It was lukewarm, and that would do well enough. She loosened the ties of her dress and untied the sash at her waist, and as the gown fell away along with her shift, she gave the pile of clothing a slight kick, glad to be free of their confines. Stepping into the water she wasted no time in dunking down below the surface, coming up with a sigh of contentment as she ran her fingers back across her scalp. She washed and rinsed her hair, and cleaned the rest of herself quickly to be done with it. Then she dove under the water and swam for a while, enjoying the complete freedom of movement and weightlessness. For several moments her eyes were closed as she took in the peaceful feeling all around her. Then a familiar voice broke the silenceŚa deep, velvet voice that brought her back from her dreaming and made her look frantically about. She turned to look behind herŚand there he was, watching her. śAll alone, my lady Cassia? Perhaps you could use a bit of company.” Her heart went wild with joy at seeing him. But she felt a nervous tremble creep up her neck. It was much too bold of him to be here in the open, in the broad light of dayŚlooking at her the way he was. What if someone came upon them? And besides, he was being so smug, his lip curling slightly in that roguish way. Not that it wasn’t the most alluring thing she’d ever seen. But it would not do to let him see her eagernessŚnot just yet. śI think I need no company,” she replied. śI am quite content with being here alone.” She saw him wag his head, smirking in the devilish way that said he would not stop until he had what he wanted. That look of superiority, of complete self-assurance, was infuriatingŚand downright thrilling. She watched as he sat down on a fallen log, reaching down to remove his boots śI beg to differ,” he said. śI do believe I should join you.” Her heart beat a little faster, knowing his intention. But tempting as he was, he was also the most stubborn human being on earth. He was spoiled and selfish, and someone needed to challenge himŚeven if, in the end, failure was inevitable. Her answer to him was simple and firm. śNo.” She saw how he raised his eyebrow at her defiance. śNo?” He had removed his tunic, revealing the loose undershirt beneath it, which he was slowly raising. śYou should be aware that I do not respond well to that word.” He pulled the shirt over his head and cast it aside. Her breath grew short at the sight of him clad only in his breeches. Still, she held back her interest, at least for a little longer. śThat hardly concerns me, Guy of Gisborne. Methinks you should be gone and leave me with my privacy.” She turned away, wondering if he would really continue with his shocking behaviorŚand the answer was a loud splash. When she turned to look he was surfacing a few yards away from her, a predatory look in his eyes. He moved towards herŚand she swam away quickly, feeling a mischievous desire to taunt him. He had stayed away for so long, and it didn’t seem fair to allow him instant indulgence. śStay away,” she warned him. And feeling especially bold, she splashed water at him. The look of shock he wore gave her great satisfaction, making her chuckle with glee. Until the light in his eyes became fierceŚalmost primal. He lunged for her, and she just managed to evade him, swimming closer to the edge of the lake where her feet touched bottom. The water was still at neck level, enough to cover her, but with her feet on solid surface she felt that escape was easy enough. But where had he gone? She knew he was lurking somewhere below, waiting to pounceŚand yet he took her completely by surprise when he came up from behind. She gave a startled shriek when he threw his arms around her. śGotcha!” He placed a hot, wet kiss on her ear, holding her tight against his chest. She felt a familiar ache between her legs, knowing that when he was as close as he was now, her resistance would not last long. Still, she felt she had to try. She turned in his arms, intent on pushing him awayŚbut the hard muscles of his chest were pressing against her, making her breasts tingle. She could feel him hard against her thigh, and her insides pulsed with anticipation. Her protest was small, her voice weak. śYou should not be here this way. Not in the clear light of a morning.” śI am quite aware of the time of day.” He brought his head down, his lips hovering over hers, his breath warm and his voice seductive. śI am quite aware of where I should not be. I am quite aware of many things.” He covered her mouth with his, and it felt like a gift from heaven. All things seemed to vanish around them, her mind thinking only of how exquisite his taste was, how deliciously his tongue was sweeping hers as he kissed her. She held fast to him, not wanting to lose one moment of contact, her arms locked around his neck as she felt herself being lifted up. One arm under the bend of her legs, the other around her waist, he carried her the few steps to the bank and laid her down on the soft grass. A moment later she welcomed the weight of his body on hersŚthe rough feeling of his hands roaming everywhere. When she felt him pulsing against her, seeking entry, she parted her legs wide and welcomed him, gasping her pleasure when he moved fast and hard, filling her completely. Impatient, seething with need, she ran her hands down his spine and grasped his muscular backside, silently pleading with him to move. She felt his mouth at her neck, his breathing hot and rapid as he drove into her, and she met each and every thrust with her own. Her thighs gripping him tightly, her legs hooked around his hips, she cried out as her peak gripped her with fierce intensity. He thrust into her once, twice, three more timesŚand called out her name as he exploded within her. ***** The tremors slowly faded, the world around her ceasing to spin so wildlyŚbut she kept her eyes closed, as though it would somehow shut out reality. She wanted to hold him this way forever, and be held by him in return. Tenderly she stroked his dark head where it lay upon her breast. He had slipped from her body and shifted his weight to one side, but his arms remained about her. After several long minutes of quiet,he spoke softly. śFor so long have I dreamed of this.” She smiled at his words, though the skeptic in her wondered if they were really true. śHave you now?” She heard him sigh, feeling the stubble of his jaw as it stroked the sensitive skin of her breast. She felt a rush of pleasure and desire at the contactŚand at hearing his admission. He sighed. śYou cannot fathom how often my sleep has been disturbed these many weeks.” Moved by his admission, she still could not help but tease him. He lacked light and humor in his life, and she so longed to hear him laugh or see him give a true smile. śDid you not try counting sheep?” she asked. He lifted his head to look at herŚthe slightest smile coming to his face, and she could not help but smile back. She closed her eyes for a moment as she felt his lips at the hollow of her throat. But then she stiffened slightly. When he brought his eyes to hers, questioning her slight resistance, her expression became somber. śI am sure there were plenty of ways you found to ease your mind. You have never lacked for company, if the stories are true.” He reached out a gentle hand to caress her cheek. śIt may please you to know that of late, many a female has been very disappointed with me.” His eyes looked deep into hers. śYou have bewitched me, woman. I can find pleasure in no one but you.” Joy flooded her heart and soul at his confession. Looking in his eyes she knew it was the truth, and when he brought his lips to hers she responded with a rush of fervor, clutching his head to kiss him back with all the passion she had within. He had thought of herŚjust as she had thought so often of him. He’d had no one else while they were apartŚand the thought made her almost possessive. Pushing him to his back, she straddled him and leaned down with her face close to his. śI am yours and you are mine, Guy of Gisborne. Have me now. Show me what you feel for me.” With his hands guiding her hips he positioned her, showing her just what to do and how to do it. She hadn’t touched his manhood until now, but from the way he arched his neck, making a sound of joyful agony, she knew she was doing something that pleased him. She grasped him gently but firmly, easing him into her body, and raising herself up fully she felt him inside her more acutely than ever before. Eyes closed, head thrown back, she moaned in delight as she rose and fell with him, and when her end came she dropped into his arms, panting breathlessly. But it was not yet over. Still joined with her, he rolled her to her back and took her again, ravishing her with powerful thrusts, making her world shatter once again before he reached his own raucous finish. ***** As she lay against his sider arms embracing him, his hands lazily roamed her warm figure. Gone was the emptiness. That slight ache, which had plagued him for so long, was replaced by a deep feeling of contentment. Never in his life had he known such a feeling of happiness. And something within him knew it was more than the feeling of her soft, warm body against his. It was everything about herŚher boldness, her humor, her wonderfully giving nature. He ran his hand along the swell of her breast, moving along her side and down to the flatness of her belly, admiring the beauty of her delicate form. He didn’t want to be without her again, and he felt a sweet pain in his heart as he realized his growing feelings for her. He’d been so certain that his soul was too damaged, his heart too often broken to be capable of affection. But it was full now, filled with feelings much too powerful to remain unexpressed. śI want you with me, Cassia. Not just in my bed, but in my life.” She gave him a little smile of amusement. śI am in your life now. And as for a bed, I certainly would not mind something a bit softer on which to lie. Which begs the question. When will you be taking me to the cottage?” It was a question he had hoped to avoid, for he knew that the answer was not one he wished to give. But there was no way to get around it. śSoon, I pray. It is nearly done.” He heard her little outlet of breath, and knew that what she would say now was not what he wanted to hear. śSo until then, we must endure in this way. In secret.” He abhorred the thought of just an occasional meeting, of being in her arms and then having to go. To have her, but only on occasion, would never be enough to satisfy him. He’d been too long without her, and this one morningŚthese few short hoursŚcould not begin to make up for the time that had been lost. Placing himself over her, he snaked one arm under her to pull her close. His free hand came up to brush the hair back from her face. He spoke softly, imploring her. śCome and live with me at Chenivier.” In an instant, he saw the refusal in her eyes. Not wanting to hear her say no, he kissed her long and deep, hoping that it would somehow tempt her enough to change her mind. But when she broke from his kiss, he saw how she was shaking her head. śI cannot live there with you. You know I cannot.” There it wasŚthat blasted willfulness of hers. It could not be conquered with any amount of force nor coercionŚand his frustration made him bitterly upset. śYou can live there with me. But you choose not to. It is infuriating.” He moved away from her, sitting beside her with his head turned aside in anger, though he glanced over to see her sit up beside him. He heard her sigh, and there was a sharpness to her tone, telling him she would not be swayed. śInfuriating it may very well be. But I will not live openly with you.” He let out a breath of displeasure. She was everything he desiredŚand yet, she was the most maddening creature he’d ever known in his life. He could not mute his frustration. śGod’s teeth, woman. You can be so damned impossible at times. You are nearly as hard headed as Marian.” The accusation slipped out before he could stop it. He knew his error was grave. But he was not prepared for the hard strike of her handŚthe look of utter contempt she wore as she turned her back on him. By the time he recovered from the shock, she was already in her shift and reaching for her dress, intent on leaving. He reached out to grip her wrist, trying to pull her back to him. But she yanked her hand away. śDo not touch me!” It startled him to hear her say that. But she would not go, because he would not let her leaveŚnot like this. He reached for her again, only to have her take a wild swing at him with her fist. He dodged it, though just barely, and determined not to let her try again, he threw his arms around her as she stumbled from the missed strike. He held her back against his chest, embracing her tightly even as she struggled like mad against his hold. She spat furious words at him. śVile fiend! Let go of me!” He shook his head stubbornly. śNo, I will not.” Despite the strength of his arms around her, she squirmed with surprising force. Her words were full of venom. śIs that all I am? A poor substitute for your precious Marian? Remove your hands from me this instant!” śNot until you calm yourself.” śI will not calm myself when you compare me to that woman!” He had never heard her speak with such loathing. He wanted to know why she reacted so wildly to Marian’s nameŚbut to mention it at the moment would not be wise, for she still fought against his hold. He wanted her to be quiet and still so they could speak. But most of all, he didn’t want her to flee. Bringing his lips to her ear, he spoke gently and softly. śForgive me. ŚTwas not my intention to upset you.” She was silent, and though she’d stopped squirming, her body was rigid under his hold. He wanted her soft and compliant, and he pressed his cheek against hers, his tone soothing as he whispered several more apologies to her. For many long minutes she would not speak. He turned her in his arms so she was facing him, but she tried to push him away. When he tried to kiss her she turned her face from him, refusing his affection. To see her this way, cold and unloving, was painful in a way he wasn’t certain about. One fact, however, he was quite certain of. He was not going to release her until she gave in, no matter how long he was forced to hold> DBut he didn’t have to wait so long as that. At last she seemed to relax in his arms, and it gave him courage to speak, though he was careful to use a gentle tone. śWhy do you despise her so?” Her tone was anything but gentle. śMarian of Leaford was a selfish deceiver. I saw it at the church that day, when she deserted you for Robin of Locksley. I heard it when she helped Robin Hood bring the sick and injured to our door. I remember the hateful words she used when speaking of you. And I care not what her reasons were for her duplicity. If she did not love you, she should not have carried on with you as she did.” He was shocked by her bold words, and the way she spoke them with such passion. No one had ever been angry on his behalf, and certainly not where it had concerned Marian. He had always been sure that Marian was universally loved and revered. To hear her spoken of with such spiteŚand to hear himself as the subject of pityŚwas bewildering. He grasped for understanding. śWhy are you so angered by her deception?” It was a long moment before she answered. śBecause she gave up true love. She gave up someone who would have given her the world. Instead, she ran back to a man who once deserted her to satisfy his high ambitions. A man who has hardly mourned her after her death. For her blind ignorance, her coldness and cruelty, I can find no pity in my heart.” There was some part of her reply that was lacking. His memory flashed back to that night in the barn, when she had stopped herself from finishing her statement. I do not want to lose you, she had said. But something told him there was moreŚsomething deeper that she was not telling him. He lifted her face to his, making her look at him. śWhy does her deception anger you, Cassia? Tell me truly.” Looking into her eyes, he saw a raw honesty that he’d never witnessed in anyone beforeŚand what she said nearly stole his breath. śBecause I love you, Guy of Gisborne. I always have, and I always will.” Somehow, he had known those would be her words. And yet to hear them was so shocking, it left him incapable of a reply. śCassia, IŚ” He fought for what to say, but she reached up to bring a finger to his lips, urging him to be silent. śDo not speak. I do not pretend to hope for a grand offer of marriage, or a great declaration of love. At this moment, if physical love is all you are capable of expressing, than I shall be content with it.” He felt her hands slowly reaching up, cupping his face as she brought her lips to his. As he felt her hands moving to his neck, her arms curling around to cling to him, the shock of her words faded away as the fires of passion were reignited. It was incredible to him how her kiss could put his soul at easeŚhow quickly the rest of the world went away nearly sts in his arms. Soon he was easing her down to the ground once again, only this time, he wanted to linger with her. He was aware that time was slipping away. All too soon, he would have to leave her again, and he wanted to evade the separation for as long as he could. They loved slowly and sweetly, exchanging long lingering kisses and allowing their fingertips to leave no part of one another’s bodies untouched. When it was over, he reluctantly dressed and went to retrieve his horse from where he’d left him. He returned to fine her waiting for him, her dress neat and proper, her hair combed and loosely gathered back. She was the picture of purity. Were it not for the telling smile she wore, there would have been no way of knowing that just a short while ago, she was lying naked and trembling in his arms. He reached out his hand to her, and without hesitation she took it in her own, stepping on the toe of his boot to spring up before him in the saddle. She leaned her head against him as they rode, and every now and then he felt the pressure of her cheek against his breast. It was all he could do to keep from turning his horse in the direction of Chenivier and riding away with her, but he knew it was not possibleŚnot just yet. He came to a stop a safe distance from the house. Climbing down first, he reached up to help her down, and while he held her at the waist, her hands on his shoulders, he tilted his head up to meet her lips for a kiss. She gave it gladly, her arms around his neck as she slid slowly down to the ground. It was a kiss goodbye. And at the thought of their separation, he felt the return of the ache within himself. Gathering all of his self-discipline, he kept a stoic expression, trying to keep the pain from showing in his face, though he was certain she could read it in his eyes. She looked at him for a long moment. Then she reached into her dress pocket to retrieve something. It turned out to be the silver chain and cross that he’d always seen her wearing, and she put the trinket in his palm, closing his fingers around it. śKeep this, GuyŚplease. If something should ever happen, I want you to look at this and remember me.” He shook his head, deeply troubled by her insinuation. śDo not say such a thing. To speak prophetically is to bring bad fortune. And I will not let any harm come to you.” She lowered her eyes. śThere is no certainty in this life. Not even the all-powerful Guy of Gisborne can determine fate, no matter how hard he tries.” Her words were unsettling, but they only served to make him more determined. śI will not lose you, Cassia. Not to anyone.” She pressed the trinket into his palm, holding his hand in both her own. śKeep this just the same, and think of me until we are together again.” He shook his head. śI need no token to remind me of you.” She brought his closed hand to her lips, kissing his fingers. For several moments she clutched his hand to her cheek, and he pressed his lips to her head. He held her in a firm embrace. But all too soon she was leaving his arms, and he watched h. Chapter 13 Guy rolled over in his bed. Saturday had come again, he realized. For a moment he smiled, his entire being flooded with anticipation. Until he heard the sound of the rain. His smile gradually faded. Rising from the bed, he slowly walked to the window, where he leaned his hands on the casement and looked out upon the gloomy day. The showers were falling in constant sheets, drenching everything. There would be no venturing out in such weather. And he muttered a curse at the heavens for foiling him. All week long he’d planned on visiting her again. He’d thought of it all the time, and every now and then the idea had flowed through him with great anticipation, at times threatening to break the dark look he was forcing himself to wear. Briwere was not pleased by the occasional look of pleasantness that sometimes slipped out. Indeed, Guy was sure that Briwere thought it revolting for his lieutenant to find pleasure in anything beyond his duty. He would often grow angry, demanding answers. śWhat are those ridiculous looks, Gisborne? Have you found some hot-blooded harlot to replace Marian?” At such derogatory statements, all of the light would vanish from Guy’s expression, and he would become dark of mood once again. śIt is nothing,” he would snarl. Then he would say no more, and no amount of shouting or threats could force him to divulge. After one particular angry exchange, Briwere cursed him and ordered Guy out of his sight. But Guy did not care. He’d been subject to such scorn too many times to count, and he was almost numb to it. For once in his life, he had something to look forward to, and nothing...not even trouble from the SheriffŚ could diminish his hope. But Mother Nature seemed to think otherwise. Staring out at the grey and miserable weather, he let out a ragged breath. If only she were here, this torrent that falls would be a blessing, giving us reason to spend a day in pleasurable occupation. But she was not there. And the thought of it made his spirits lower than ever. Lord, how I miss her so. He found that he was constantly repeating it to himself. And as the thought echoed over and over in his mind, he began to realize it was not just physical intimacy that he longed for. Just her being thereŚher presence alone, if nothing elseŚwas a comfort he sorely missed. He recalled the times during his recovery when he’d been without herŚeither because her father had been in her place, or because she’d left him alone. In those times, he’d always had a sense of her presence, even when he could not see her. He thought of those first days of his illness, when she would come quietly in and out of the room to see that he had all he required. Growl and shout as he would, she had rarely deserted him in his hour of need. Of course, there were moments when she had rebelled against his cruelty in her own little wayŚand while that made him smile with fondness, thinking of how stubborn a soul there was behind that innocent face, it also brought a sense of guilt upon him. Remorse was not a feeling he was at all familiar with. But when he thought of how he had treated her in those daysŚhow cruel he had beenŚhe wanted to crawl on the floor in shame. She was one of heaven’s greatest creations. She deserved to be up on a pedestal. Why such an angel as she would want a lowly, worthless dog like him was beyond his comprehension. And yet she loved him. It was not just in her words, but in her every movement and look. He could not for the life of him understand it. All he knew was that she filled a deep void in his soul that no one else could, and when they were apart this way he felt lost and helpless. He could not go on this way, being without her for such long stretches of timeŚand in his desperation, he began to plot a scheme. The house in the glen would be finished in less than a fortnight, so the carpenter had said. Between now and then, she could work at Chenivier as a servant, as could her father. She would protest of course, refusing to live in the same house with him. But if he promised to keep himself away, perhaps she would reconsider. He could stay in a room at the castle until the cottage was finished. And Chenivier was only a short ride away. Surely it would not be wrong to visit his own home for a few hours of the day, just to see her and talk to her. Anything would be better than not seeing her at all. As soon as the weather improved, he would go and fetch her home. This was where she belongedŚunder his roof, at his side, and soon enough, in his arms again. ***** He knew he would have hell to pay for vanishing from Nottingham without word. But as he rode along towards the DeWarren place, he gave little thought to Briwere or anything else. All he wanted was to see Cassia again, and finally get her away from her woodland seclusion. He would make up an excuse to the Sheriff later. Right now, all he wanted was to get to the house, and he urged his horse to move faster. But as he approached the clearing, he could see through the brush that there was a crowd gathered a distance from the house. Closer observation revealed that they were all standing over an earthen mound with a wooden cross imbedded in the centerŚand Cassia was at the foot of that grave. Her father’s grave, he quickly realized, for he glanced about with the thought that he might see Robert, but it was not to be. Robert DeWarren was dead. How or why, Guy knew not. All he knew was that at this moment, Cassia must have been shaken to her core with grief. And he felt a part of his own heart break for her. But his first impulse was not to go to her. He’d never been particularly comfortable with pathos. And besidesŚmourning and tears were the territory of women. It was the duty of a man to soldier on and to know that death was inevitable. Why weep about it? His instinct told him to goŚto leave her in peace so she could grieve in private. But as he sat there on his horse, observing, he saw how the small crowd seemed to be on the same wave of thought as he was. One by one they came to Cassia with a touch of the hand or an embrace, and then walked away from her. Soon she was standing alone. When he saw her go down upon her knees with her head bowed, he lost all ability to follow his own command of desertion. He thought of those many times when he had been in such pain, both physically and spiritually. She had not abandoned him, as the rest of the world would have been glad to do. He owed her everything, he realizedŚand he would not leave her this way. Getting down from his horse, he approached with slow and quiet steps. As he neared her, he had a flashback to a similar scene of despair. Once, he had gone to visit Marian and found her weeping for the loss of a dear friend. He had made a feeble attempt to comfort her but she had brushed him off, and in a fit of anger, she had demanded that he leave. What if, like Marian, Cassia rejected him when he tried to sooth her? He pushed away the very thought of Marian, not wanting her in his head for another moment. If Cassia refused him, he would hold fast to her until she relented and accepted his consolation. He would be there for her, as she had been there for him. He knelt down at her side, his tone low and soft as he said her name. She gave no reply. She did not even look up. But he was not put off by it. śI am sorry for this. Robert was a good man. I owed him my life.” She continued to sob, and he could not remain passive for another moment. His movement was awkwardŚuncertain and unsure. But slowly he put his arms around her. And to his relief she did not refuse him. Instead she huddled against him like a scared kitten, pressing her head against his breast as she poured out her sorrow. He stroked her back, talking softly to her. śCassia, I am taking you with me to Chenivier.” He felt the shake of her headŚthe tension that grew in her frame. He knew that a refusal was coming. And he quickly shushed her. śI promise I will not remain there. You shall have your peace of mind, I swear it. I shall tell the servants something to silence their curiosity, and you shall have all that you require to ease your pain while you mourn. But I will not leave you here alone.” After several moments, he felt her figure soften in his arms. Confident that she would not fight him now, he adjusted his embrace and picked her up from the ground. Carrying her to his waiting horse, he lifted her into the saddle and followed behind her. Securing her in his arms he gave his mount the spur, not looking back as he took her away. ***** Before emerging from the cover of the trees, Guy stopped his horse. It would not do to ride into plain sight with Cassia before him this way. His servants would have to see her as his unwilling captive. Considering the way her eyes were swollen red, her face full of misery, it would not be hard to convince them that she was unhappy. He sighed, wishing there was an easier way than having to put her through this, but they were at an impossible impasse. She wanted to isolate herselfŚbut he needed her close by. This plan he had concocted was the only way there was, and it was best to get through the charade and be done with it. At least she would not have to be paraded through the streets like a true prisoner. He had arrived at the back of the house, where there would be less chance of curious eyes watching them. And as for the interested eyes of his staffŚthey would be silent if they valued their lives. Getting down from his horse, he reached up and brought her down to the ground. Gently he reached out to brush the hair back from her face. śDo not fear. My staff are loyal, and they will treat you well. But you must play the farce of being a captive. Will you do that?” She gave him a small nod. Taking her by the arm, he led her towards the house, half-dragging her to make the appearance more genuine. As they approached, he bellowed for a groom to take his horse. The young man came rushing forward, and at seeing Cassia, a curious look flashed in his eyes. But he did not linger. Quickly he took the horse and led it away, while Guy held Cassia by the arm and led her into the house. Near the door, she gave a half-hearted attempt to pull away, and he spoke harshly to her so the servants would be certain to hear. śTry to flee and I shall bind you at the hands and feet. Do you understand me?” In the kitchen, the cook and two scullery maids bobbed curtseys when they saw Guy, and they looked strangely at the girl he held beside him. He put on his darkest expression. śThis girl is a prisoner. She is here under house arrest, and no one is to ask questions about her staying under this roof. If you must answer an inquiry as to her presence, you will say she is a kitchen maid and nothing more. Not even the Sheriff is to know of her. Do I make myself clear?” The three women nodded, the fear in their eyes quite evident. He walked quickly, pulling Cassia behind him. At the end of the hall in the servant’s quarters was a small bedroom, and pushing the door open, he brought her inside. When the door was shut and secured, he reached out to gather her in his arms, whispering so only she could hear. śYou must forgive me for that bit of unpleasantness. I promise you will not have to endure it again.” Leading her to the narrow bed, he helped her lie down. Her head had hardly touched the pillow when she started crying again, turning her face away from him. Her tears were painful to witness. Did she weep just for the loss of her father, or because he had brought her here without her full consent? He did not know. He only knew that he wanted to crawl into bed with her, to put his arms about her and let her empty her heart of its misery. But that, he could not doŚnot when the entire household would grow suspicious, wondering why he lingered so long in her chamber. And what if she pushed him away? It was quite possible she would, for he had brought her here against her will, and he knew she might be bitter with him for doing so. Though he longed to stay, he knew it was best that he leave her in peace. He rose from the bed and went to the door, turning at the open archway, taking a moment to look at her. śRest, Cassia. I shall have a meal brought to you soon.” Reluctantly he turned and left. As he came down the stairs, he shouted for a maid. The girl came running in, and he curled his lip in an ugly sneer. śGet the girl food and see that she has a bath and a change of clothes. I do not want the foul smell of a peasant lingering in my house.” The maid nodded. She turned to go, but he reached out and yanked her by the collar, holding her close. śYou will do well to inform the other staffŚutter more about her than I have instructed, and I will cut out all of your deceitful tongues. Is that understood?” Her eyes were wide with fear. She seemed almost to the point of tears, but she nodded. He released her, watching as she scurried away to do his bidding. While Cassia was here, she would not have to worry about her safety or her reputation. If he had to personally threaten the lives of everyone in his house, he would do it to keep his promise. ***** For nearly a week, he saw little of her. When not carrying out Briwere’s orders, he kept to his room at the castle. But at times he found the chamber so quiet and lonely that it became unbearable, and he took to walking the grounds after sundown. His nights were his own again, as he had refused to carry on with the nocturnal terrorizing of villagers. With Cassia so close by, and she being within earshot of servant gossip, he feared of her hearing that he’d engaged in such cruel activities. Briwere had been furious at the refusalŚbut Guy had been in no mood to listen to the temper tantrum. Having had enough verbal abuse for one day, and bitter with longing for Cassia, he had reached out in a blind moment of temper and held Briwere by the neck, pinning him to the wall. śI give enough of my time to you during the day. Find someone else to be your night specter, for I am done with it.” Briwere had sneered, trying to seem unmoved by the threat, but Guy had seen the fear in his beady little eyes. And the next night, the raids in the darkness ceased all together. They had never served a true purpose anyway, except to frighten villagers into further submission. As far as Guy was concerned, the villagers were cowardly enough as it was, and he was glad not to be subjected to their screams and pleas when they were shaken from their sleep. His own nights would now be more peacefulŚif only he had his woman beside him in his bed. Only twice that week did he visit his home, and that being a very brief stay. He inquired after his śprisoner”, as the servants knew her to be, and was told that she kept mostly to her room. She ate very little of the food she was served, and spent most of her time sleeping. She hadn’t said a word to anyone thus far, giving only a shake of the head or a nod in response to questions. It seemed she was grieving more intensely than he’d realized, and though he pretended to take no notice in front of the servants, in private it worried him quite badly. He needed to get her away from everyone and everything. He needed to take her to the cottage in the glen, where he could be with her and not worry that eyes and ears would be intruding on them. He would give the workers a few more days to finish, and no more. He’d waited long enough to have Cassia for his own. He was only a man, after allŚand no man’s patience lasted forever. ***** She wasn’t sure how many days had passed, and truthfully, she didn’t care. The pain of her father’s loss was heavy on her heart, so much so that it left her with little will to even rise from her bed. Good Lord, what would he have thought of her being here at Chenivier? He would have been hurtŚterribly hurt that she’d allowed herself to be taken away from home so easily. And more so, he would have been upset and fearful to know that she’d put herself in such a precarious situation as this. Much as she loved Guy, it was madness to think that they could be together here. It was true he had left her to herself of late. But how long would he continue to do so? He was not a man to be denied, as he had proven time and againŚand heaven help her, she missed him terribly. She wanted to be with him. His warm, strong body would be such a comfort right now. But here, within these walls, just speaking to each other was a risk. It was painful to think about, but maybe it would be wiser to break away from Guy altogether. Maybe it would be better if she slipped away during the night. Sophie would take her in, of that she was certain. But knowing Guy, he would come charging back to claim herŚand it made her wonder if she would ever be more than a passion of his. He seemed to care for her very much. But was it love he feltŚor was she just some favorite possession, like a valued pet that he turned to for companionship? It was too much to think about now, and she turned her head into her pillow, wishing only to sleep and lose all thought and feeling. She heard the creak of the doorŚand as this was the dark of night, her safety instinct made her turn to look. A large figure appeared in the doorway, and then anotherŚand by the light of the moon she could just make out that they were both hooded men. She opened her mouth to scream, but a hand clamped over mouth, and then a gag replaced it. Strong arms were holding her tight, making movement all but impossible. She felt her hands being tied behind her back. She tried to kick her legs, but another pair of arms was holding her there, and then her feet were being bound. The man holding her arms brought his lips to her ear, his voice cold as he whispered. śMake no sound, do you understand?” She nodded, terrified that he would draw a weapon to kill herŚor worse, attack and violate her, and then leave her battered and broken for one of the servants to discover in the morning. A moment later she felt herself being lifted, and then her head spun as she realized she was upside down, hanging over a man’s shoulder. So the end would not come in a house, where someone would find her body and bury her in a proper grave. The end would come in some secluded place, where she would be left for the animals to feast on. She closed her eyes, praying that the end would come quick. Whoever these men were, they were stealthy criminals. As she felt herself being carried down the stairs and out of doors, they hardly made a sound. For some distance they walked along. She realized they had gone to the woods, and her heart beat in terror at the prospect of being thrown on the ground at any moment. She swallowed a lump in her throatŚand a moment later she was being hoisted up and off the man’s shoulder. He spun her around and gave her a shove, and she landed in the hands of yet another man, who lifted her in the air and sat her upon a horse. She felt him rise up behind her and situate himself in the saddle. Then, without a word spoken, they were moving alongŚand she realized there was something familiar about the man holding her. The feel, the scentŚit was Guy who was taking her away. She was sure of it. Then she heard his voice in her ear. śDo not be afraid, Cassia.” She felt the gag being taken away. The bindings were cut from her legs and wristsŚand as soon as her hands were free, she reached up and struck him hard across the face. Her voice trembled with anger and fear. śYou bastard! I thought I was to be murdered! If you wanted to secret me away, why could you not have managed it better?” He put his arms around her to comfort her, and despite her anger with him there was great relief as well. She was glad to be so near him again. And now that she knew there was no danger, she allowed herself the comfort of his embraceŚdespite the urge she had to hit him again for terrifying her as he had. She heard a soft rumble in her ear, and realized he was laughing softly. Ihe first time she’d ever heard him do that. Not a sound of arrogance or wickednessŚbut a sound of genuine amusement. śYou know,” he said, śYou are the only woman who has ever dared to strike me more than once. I think I am growing accustomed to it.” śThen perhaps I should find a new target on your person. You deserve to suffer for frightening me so.” She felt his kiss on the top of her head, his hand stroking her hair gently. śForgive me, Cassia. But by some means, the Sheriff heard rumors that I was lodging a prisoner under my roof. He gave orders that you were to be brought to the castle immediately." "And that was just cause for binding me? For making me fear for my life?" "I had to convince the Sheriff's men that you were being abducted. I have told them I would dispatch you myself, and now they will return to the castle with word of the crime. Tomorrow, I shall take evidence to Briwere to be assured that he is convinced of it." She snorted in displeasure at his explanation. "You might have warned me in some way. Foolish man." He said nothing, and she sought no further questions of him...nor did she ask what "evidence" he would give. She was not entirely sure she wanted to know. All she did know was that she was exhausted from many sleepless nights, and still trembling with fear from her "abduction." Despite still being quite angry, she leaned against him as they moved on...and in truth, she was grateful to be in his arms again. ***** They came in sight of the house and he stopped, looking at it under the light of the moon. With its drab grey stones and dense woodland surroundings, it looked dark and dreary. But he was certain that with a good fire in the hearth and human habitation, the gloom would fade away soon enough. He leaned down to speak in her ear. śCassia, we have arrived.” She made no sound, no movement. He smiled as he realized she was asleep. These last daysŚlosing her father, being taken from homeŚhad not been easy for her. Now she’d been scared half-senseless, which was entirely his fault. No wonder she sought comfort in rest. From now on, he intended to see that she would know no fear, and she would want for nothing. The house was not grand in scale compared to some places, it being only a hunting lodge. The generous living space made up most of the floor-plan, with a passageway leading to the kitchen and a small servant’s chamber at the back of the house. A door near the hearth led to the master chamber. It was not difficult to navigate, even in the dark, and Guy carried her to the master bedroom where he gently laid her down. She made a soft murmur as she rested her head on the pillow and sank slightly into the soft featherked dress. He couldn’t help but think that she’d probably never rested in such a grand bed before. He thought of the bed he’d lain in while recovering from his injuriesŚhow the straw stuffing had nagged him at times, prodding its jagged pieces into his flesh. Cassia and her father would never have known the difference, having been used to nothing better. But she would have better nowŚthat he was certain about. He reached out, touching her cheek, and the feel of her soft skin sent his senses reeling. He clamped down hard on the urge to lean in and kiss her, for he knew she needed to be left in peace. She didn’t need pressure from him and his lustful advances. But even as he told himself to go, he found it impossible to leave her side. He had to be near her, even if the notion of it was selfish. Going to the other side of the bed, sitting down carefully so he wouldn’t disturb her, he removed his boots and his tunic, leaving on his other clothes. With a slight barrier of garments between them, perhaps his passions wouldn’t be so easily aroused. It was his intention just to hold her in his arms while they slept. Nothing more, at least for now. He crawled into bed beside her, sliding an arm over her waist, drawing her to his side. For some minutes, all was chaste and serene. But then she turned in her sleep. Where she had lain on her back before, she now rolled and pressed her body against him. Her arms clung to him, her head snuggling against his chest. His reaction was instant and overwhelmingŚa strong surge of lust that made him want to kiss her awake and rouse her passions, to ravish her right then and there. But just the slightest thread of control remained in his mind, and he closed his eyes against the sight of her. He took a deep breath, hoping it would help to calm his wild impulses. But in breathing in, he took in the intoxicating scent of her, and it was too much. If he remained with her this way, so close, he wouldn’t be able to resist. And at that moment, what she needed was distance and time to heal. Near impossible as it was, he loosened her hold and moved away from her, keeping to the opposite side of the bed. As he turned his back to her, he sighed in frustrationŚwondering when in the hell he’d become such a decent man. Chapter 14 Cassia awoke to the sound of birdsong. Blinking, she squinted for a moment at the bright sunshine falling on her face. When her eyes adjusted to the light, she looked out and saw a little bluebird perched on the window ledge. The little fellow seemed to be heralding a beautiful new dayŚand indeed, for a few moments, it made her feel quite happy to wake to such a lovely sight. But as she grew more alert, looking around the room, her spirits fell slightly as she saw she was quite alone. There was neither sight nor sound of Guy, and a short trek through the house did not find him about. In all likelihood he had left for Nottingham very earlyŚprobably before dawn. She felt a slight ache of sorrow that he had not stayed. But she understood that he had his duties. What truly hurt was the remembrance of the night before. He’d remained distant the whole night long, and this she knew because she’d come awake several times only to find his back to her. She remembered the promise he’d madeŚthat she would have distance and time to bereave the loss of her father. But it was surprising to think that he’d gone so far as to not even touch her. In truth, she wasn’t emotionally healed enough to play the lover, and so in part, the distance was a relief. And yet, there was a certain part of her that wanted just to be held and comforted. But perhaps he wasn’t capable of something so subtle. He was a man, after all, and perhaps he was incapable of such complex emotions. She sighed, wondering if he would ever learn to give on a deeper, more emotional level...not just on a physical one. Then, she thought back to the morning of her father’s deathŚhow Guy had come to her and put his arms around her, comforting her. If he had held her then, why not now? The man was such a puzzle. One, she feared, she might never find all the pieces to. But suddenly she lifted her chin high, as a wave of stubbornness came over her. Damn that man, she thought. I have gotten him this far in his reformation. I will not cease my attempts now. She’d always seen the vulnerable human being buried deep down inside of him. His humanity had never been fully obliterated, no matter how he tried to disguise it. And though the progression seemed painfully slow, he was changing little by little. Perhaps with timeŚand loveŚhe would finally lose the darkness that had always hung over him. ***** A mistress she may have been, but she saw no reason to be idle and useless. Just because she was not his wife in truth, she did not see the harm in performing wifely tasks. Sadness still prevailed in her heart. She knew she would never truly recover from her father’s death. Until the time came to reunite with him in heaven, she would always long for his comforting presence. But she could not lose herself in mourning. She needed to heal her broken heart by filling it with loveŚand Guy was all she had left now. When he came back, she intended to welcome him. To the eyes of the nobility, she knew this house must have seemed simpleŚeven unworthy in its way. But to her, it was a small piece of heaven. All of her life she’d resided in wattle and daub dwellings, without h light nor space. She’d considered herself fortunate to have wood planks for flooring, while so many others had to settle for dirt beneath their heels and toes. But now, her feet walked across a smooth stone floor, and through the large window openings, light abounded. Even the kitchen seemed grand, particularly since she’d never cooked in one. Meals at home had always been done on the hearth. It would be delightful to make a good meal here, with plenty of room to work and a real brick oven to bake with. If only there were goods to be found. Checking the kitchen cupboards, she discovered there was only dust and cobwebs to see. She sighed, thinking of all Guy had done to make this house ready. The polished furniture, the finely woven rug in front of the front room fireplace, the tapestries on the wallsŚall the fineries that a man of means expected to have in a house. And yet, he hadn’t taken a moment to see that the kitchen was properly stocked. It wasn’t such a surprise, to be sure. He was a nobleman, after all. He’d had his food brought to him since he was a boy, without a thought or care as to where it had come from. Gathering food or visiting the marketplace for goods was what servants did. Foolish man, she thought. She shook her headŚand looking about, she saw a basket gathering dust as it hung on a hook. Taking it in hand she brushed it off. And hooking it on her arm, she set off for the outdoors. Nature would provide food, if she could not rely on the man she loved to provide it for her. Not far from the house, she was pleasantly surprised to find an orchard. It was teeming with apple, pear, and fig trees, and her little basket was soon full. Once she’d brought them to the kitchen, she set out again to see what else there was to be discovered. Happily, she found wild strawberries growing in abundance near the house, and a walnut tree that provided a small harvest of nutmeats. Now if only there was yeast to be found, and grain to grind into flour, some of the fruit would make good pies. Fresh game would be pleasing as wellŚperhaps smoked fish or roasted pheasant. But until Guy returned and brought such things, the fruit and walnuts would have to suffice. There were wildflowers growing everywhere, but the soft purple of lavender caught her attention right away. The delicate flower had always been her favorite, particularly because of its many uses. Cooking with it gave food some delightful flavor, and the scent was wonderful in a bath, but it had been especially dear to her and her father for its healing properties. The oil helped to heal burns and cuts, and soothed headaches by rubbing it on the temples. Having found this treasure from nature, she gathered up many basketfuls and brought them to the kitchen, where she set about working. Aside from her hunger, the desire to set herself right with a good bath was overwhelming. In her despair over her loss, she hadn’t cared so much about her appearance. But as memories of her father came to her again and again, she thought of what he would say if he knew she was being so slovenly. As peasants, they did not have much of anything and had no need to impress, but he’d always encouraged his children to take pride in themselves. Guy hadn’t seemed troubled by the way she lookedŚbut then again, he wasn’t the perfect model on keeping up appearances. Either way, she intended to see to herself again from this day onwasat her father would have wanted, for her to keep her strong sense of self. To honor his memory, she would do just that. In the servants quarters she found some materials for soap making. Sesame oil, potash, alkali and some limeŚall she had to do was mix them all together and boil them, and then pour them in a mold. Some of the lavender mixed in would give it a pleasant scent. A little while later, as the molds were cooling, she went about the house in search of fresh garments, wondering if any had been left behind by the previous tenant. Rummaging through a large trunk in the master chamber, she found several nightdressesŚall of which were quite large in size, and judging from the design, meant for a man. But one of them would do until she could wash her own clothes. And here in seclusion, who would know the difference? It was late afternoon when she returned from the river, where she’d bathed and scrubbed out her dress. Now returning to the house, she sat before the hearth in one of the large nightdresses, her basket of lavender flowers beside her as she worked to further extract their oils. On her other side was a small bowl of sliced apples, which she planned to roast and share with Guy when he returned. She’d also found a large wooden tub in the barn, and somehow she’d managed to roll it into the house. When Guy returned, he would probably enjoy a hot bath and a good meal. But when he would be back, she did not know, and she couldn’t help but be troubled. It was growing dark outside, and the idea of being alone in an empty house was frightening. The sound of an approach fell on her ears, making her hurry to the window. The sky was dim, putting much of everything in shadowŚbut there was no mistaking that figure. She breathed a relieved sigh, watching him as he neared the house. It was upon closer inspection, however, that she noticed how he was slumping slightly in the saddle. In all the times she’d seem him ride, he’d always been proud and strong in his stance. Something was not right, and she hurried out to see what it was. He was dismounting when she came out on the stepŚand she saw him sway slightly. Just in time she rushed to his side, letting him lean on her as he nearly fell. śGuy, what happened?” Right away she noticed his disheveled state. His clothes were covered in mud and who knew what else, judging from the horrid smell. His face was drawn and weary, and a fine sheen of sweat covered his brow. And yet he denied the seriousness of it. śI am quite well. Do not fuss.” She led him inside, demanding answers as they went. śWhat happened to you? And do not tell me it is nothing, when clearly it is something.” He sighed, a defeated sound. śI was in a tourney, in honor of Prince John’s birthday. I was not the victor. And the Sheriff had banned me from his sight for three days, due to my failure.” She began to ask another questionŚbut a look down at his arm let her see the long gash that had torn through his sleeveŚand the blood that was congealing there. She gasped in horror. śMy God, you’re bleeding!” śTis’ but a scratch,” he muttered. śMy opponent’s sword broke through my mail. But it needs no attention.” She wanted to strangle him for saying such a foolish thing. śAre you daft?” she cried. śIt must be cared for at once! Sit down this instant.” He seemed too exhausted to give much of an argument as she led him to a chair. Once he was settled, she looked around frantically, trying to think. She was sure she had sewing materialsŚshe had always carried a little leather purse for emergencies, and it had been on her person the day Guy took her from home. But going to it now, she found her spool of thread was almost bareŚnot nearly enough to sew up such a wound as his. Then an idea came to her. Rushing outside, she went to Guy’s horse and yanked a long hair from his tail. The beast didn’t seem to mind, and she swore she’d soon reward him with apples for his generosity. Hurrying back in, she set the thread aside as she pulled at Guy’s tunic and undershirt. He was silent as she removed his garments, giving only a slight grunt of pain. Taking the offensive clothing outside, she dropped them on the stoop and fetched a bucket of water from the well. When she came back in, Guy was slumped forward in the chair, but still she set about cleaning the arm. Using some of the oils she’d extracted, she rubbed the area with it. Then she took to preparing her needle and thread, and Guy watched her as she worked. śIt will heal on its own. It does not need binding.” śDon’t be so foolish!” she scolded him. śNow be as still as you canŚthis will be unpleasant.” She pierced his skin and began carefully weaving the needle in and out, but not once did he complain or flinch. When she’d finished, she forced him to stand again, and this time she walked him to the waiting bathtub. When she told him to remove the rest of his clothes, he muttered a protestŚwhich she ignored. śYou shall sleep better if you are clean. Now stop being so quarrelsome and do as I say.” He hardly seemed aware of what he was doing, even as he finished undressing and stood there, naked as the day he was born. Her thoughts weren’t lascivious as she helped him in. He was more like a child she was taking care of, and the moment he sat down his head fell back against the rim. Diligently she washed him, including his matted hair. Despite his initial protest, he made contented little sounds as she worked, and occasionally he opened his eyes to look at her. śYou have blessed hands, Cassia.” She smiled slightly. śHave I?” She ran fingers through his soapy hair, scrubbing his scalp. śI do not know what I would have done without you when I was ailing.” Making him lean forward, she gently rinsed the soap from his head, thinking of those days when they’d first known each other. śI could not have in good conscience let you suffer. You were in such a state at the time. I did what I felt was neededŚdespite the occasional abuse I endured for my efforts.” She had hoped to be lighthearted in the conversation. But after a long moment of silence, he turned his eyes to herŚand the sadness there was so deep, it was nearly her undoing. śYou cannot know how I regret my actions. Words are incapable of expressing how it makes me feel to recall them.” He turned his head away again, this time lowering it in shame. śHow can you love such a man as I? I am two and thirty years of age, and all of my life has been a useless waste. All of the world seems to see what you do not.” She swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to sound strong for him. śAnd what, pray tell, do you think they see?” He muttered darkly. śA degenerated wretch of a man, full of ugliness both outside and in. My sins too numerous to count. Their hatred and scorn is a punishment I deserve.” To see him this way, so full of pain and bitternessŚit cut her heart to the quick. Leaning in, she put her arms around him, resting her cheek against his temple. She spoke soothingly to him. śIt is fortunate, then, that I do not see the world through the eyes of others, but through my own.” He said nothing to this, but it did not matter to her. Caring for him was her main concern, and making him rise from the tub, she saw that he was patted down with a towel and that his hair was as dry as she could get it. It would not do for him to sleep with a damp head and catch the ague. With his arm around her for support she helped him to bed, not bothering to try and get him in a nightdress. He would sleep more comfortably with the coolness of the sheets on his bare skin. When she let go of him, being sure that his injured arm was not the one he was resting on, he was already deep in slumber. She went around to the other side of the bed, crawling under the sheets with him. Snuggling against his warm back, she soon fell asleep to the rhythmic sound of his breathing. ***** In his sleep, Guy tossed and turned, his heart thudding with fear as a dream tormented himŚ On the horizon a soldier appeared, mounted on a fine white stallion. At first Guy did not pay him much attention, for he sat under a tree with Cassia, her head resting lovingly on his shoulder as he held her in his arms. But the soldier soon drew closer. And when Cassia turned to look, seeing the mysterious man, her eyes grew wide with recognition. Guy said her name, hoping to draw her back to his arms. But her look of love was no longer for him. Suddenly she ran to the side of the mysterious soldier, who reached out his hand to herŚand without looking back, she put her hand in his, letting him pull her onto his horse. śMy Lord Husband,” she said through tears. śYou have come home to me at last.” Guy gave a strangled cry, reaching out in an attempt to take her back. But the soldier gave his horse the heel, riding away with Cassia in tow. Guy called for her again and again, but the figures grew smaller and smaller on the horizon, until at last they were gone from viewŚand Guy fell to his knees and wept. He woke with a gasp, his eyes damp. He looked around in desperate confusion, unsure if he was in reality or some mad continuation of his nightmare. Quite soon his senses returned to a calmer state. But still shaken, he lay his head back against the pillows, staring at the ceilingŚdeep in troubled thought. He couldn’t fathom the idea of losing Cassia, to anyone or any circumstance. This situation he’d allowed them both to be entangled inŚliving here, she being his mistressŚwas more precarious than he’d realized. The dream he’d had served as a reminder of how easily lost his happiness could be. They couldn’t go on like this, wondering if some misfortune would befall them. Sooner or later, someone was bound to catch on. Briwere was suspicious enough already, and Guy would not have found it surprising to learn that the Sheriff was having him followed. Neither would it have been far-fetched to imagine that Briwere had planted a spy at Chenivier. It was that concern that had made him steal Cassia away during the night. The śevidence” he had given to the SheriffŚa tattered dress splattered with animal bloodŚhad produced a proper reaction of disgust, and there had been nothing further said about the matter. As to whether or not Briwere had truly been convinced, Guy was not absolutely certain, as the celebration of Prince John’s birthday had been foremost in the Sheriff’s mind. He was engrossed in impressing his betters, so for several more days at least, he wouldn’t be giving much attention to his Master-at-Arms. But what would happen when Briwere turned his thoughts back in their original direction? The risk was too great. And if something were to happen to CassiaŚif he were to lose herŚthere would be nothing left for him. She was fast becoming the sole focus of his life, and there was but one way to be certain of his future with herŚonly one way to be sure that she would always be his, and his alone. Judging by the sunlight and position of shadows, it was late afternoon. He had not slept for so long in quite some time, and as he turned to sit up, his aching body gave him a good reminder of why it would be more comfortable to stay in bed. In the joust of yesterday, having been thrown from his horse, the impact of hitting the ground had been quite harsh. Then there had been the counter attack he’d had to defend himself from, which had ended with his lacerated arm and a sword tip poised at his throat. It had been pure humiliation and pain, and he’d actually been glad to be dismissed from Briwere’s sight. Though it had not been easy to accept an unmanly defeatŚand he’d been quite ashamed to return to Cassia in such disgraceŚin the end, none of it had mattered. He’d come home to her, and she’d showered him with all of her love and kindness. How blessed he felt to have such a woman, one who could make him forget his woes so easily. Even now, there were little signs of her devotion around him. Looking around, he saw that his clothes had been cleaned and were folded over the back of a chair. His boots were there too, sitting just so on the floor, the mud and filth washed away. On the table beside the bed was a small tray of fruit, a jug of wine, and a goblet. And then there were his weapons, resting neatly on top of the dresser. Looking at his sword-belt, he wondered if she’d seen the little silver chain and cross wrapped around itŚher gift to him, which he’d kept on his person since that day at the lake. He’d not thought of it at the time, but that simple bit of jewelry had probably been the only valuable thing she’d ever owned. She shall have so much more than that, he said to himself. And soonŚvery soon. Forcing himself from the bedŚand groaning from his achesŚhe went to the wash basin to clean himself up. His stomach growled from hunger, but food was not his main concern at the moment. Pulling on his trousers, he was just reaching for his shirt when he heard the sound of Cassia’s footsteps approaching. He turned, and saw her pause just at the doorway. He watched, seeing the way her eyes examined him in his state of half-dressŚand his senses reacted quite well to such a look. The tension in the room became quite heavy, their eyes meeting in a long and heated exchange. Then he moved his arm just so, and the pain of his wound broke the tension quickly. He saw the change in her expression. It went from longing to concern in an instant as she rushed to his side to look at his injury. śIt has not opened, has it?” She ran her fingers over the stitching, and he wondered if she knew just what her touch was doing to him at that moment. It was all he could do to keep from grasping her by the arms, tumbling her down to the bed and releasing his passions on her. It had been much too long since they’d been together in that way. But temptation would have to be held back for just a bit more time. He had a mission in mind, and he intended to see it through quickly. śIt is quite well, I assure you,” he said of his arm. He stepped away from her to finish dressing, and all the while she was watching him, probably wondering why he was leaving again so soon. But he was quick to reassure her. śI must go to Locksley for a short while, to see to some matters of importance. I shall return soon.” She followed him as he went out, a slight hint of amusement in her voice as she spoke. śMayhap when you are in the village, you will find food to bring back. Strange, but I found the cupboards to be quite bare.” He nodded, silently berating himself for his stupidity in not thinking of something so simple. śI shall find provisions. Do not worry.” At the front step, he lingered for a moment, looking at her. Unable to resist, needing just a small bit of her affection to appease him, he reached out and cupped her face in his hands. śI will not be away for long. I promise.” He kissed her lips gently, and it was almost painful to keep it so chaste. But he did, and he broke away from her to go. śSafe journey,” she called out to him, waiting on the step and watching as he mounted his horse. Just before he reached the path into the woods, he turned to look at her again. She was still there, her eyes meeting his. They smiled at one anotherŚand then he turned to go, intent on coming back to her as soon as he possibly could. Chapter 15 It was near sunset when he returned with two sacks of goods, along with a few pheasants he’d taken from the smokehouse at Chenivier. They would have a fine meal this nightŚand God willing, there would be other pleasures that went beyond dining. He’d seen it in her eyes that morningŚfelt it in her kiss. She wanted him back in her arms again. She would always mourn her father, but she was ready to move ahead with her lifeŚand to be his once more. As he came in the house, nearing the kitchen, he could hear her humming a little tune. Taking in the game birds and the small sacks of flour and salt he’d obtained, he approached quietly, putting the goods down in a chair without making a sound. Her back was turned to him, allowing him to watch her as she stood over a small table, cutting apples. He looked at her, seeing her grey woolen dress, thinking of how ill it suited her. She should have been wearing velvets or silk, with jewels around her neck and rings on her fingersŚfitted like the very fine lady he knew her to be. There should have been a maid doing this kitchen work, while she saw to more leisurely tasks. It bothered him to see her working this way, though she didn’t seem to be troubled by it. He scowled slightly, and found he could no longer be silent. śCassia, you should not be doing the work of a servant.” She jumped slightly, turning to see him there. To his comment, she gave him a curious look, though she smiled. śA peasant, a servant. We are one in the same, Guy of Gisborne. We are born for this manner of duty.” He wagged his head, frowning. śI should have found a youngster to bring here for you, to work so you should not.” Now she laughe approd it was her turn to shake her head. She came to where he stood, seeing the things he had brought. śI need no one to manage small tasks here. When you are gone on your business, the work gives me needed occupation. And I see you have brought fresh meat, among other things. These shall make a fine meal, if you will please skewer them and fit them on the turning spit.” His eyes widened slightly. śMe?” śOf course. What else will you do with yourself while I prepare the meal? Stand about with that scowling face of yours, watching me as you do?” Her smile was infectious, causing him to smirkŚdespite his opposition to the idea of working like a commoner. There would be no arguing with her, at any rate. And in truth, he felt a great need to please her. If doing this one kitchen task made her happy, what would be the harm in trying his hand at it? It wasn’t as though there were a house full of people watching, wondering why he was debasing himself with woman’s work. Going to the fire, he picked up the metal spit and stared at it. He looked back and forth between the spit and the pheasants, wondering what on earth he was supposed to do. He felt like a great fool for just standing there, and his pride kept him from asking Cassia for help. But in that way she had of doing thingsŚseeming to sense his confusionŚshe came and showed him, without patronizing him, how to set things right. śNow, just sit there and turn it. And don’t stop, or that meat will burn.” Doing as she said, he soon found his arm growing wearyŚand the heat from the fire was almost more than he could bear. śThis fire is intolerable. I shall be as cooked as the pheasant before all is said and done.” She only gave a little laugh, and commanded him to keep turning. He did as she said, and all the while he silently spoke to himself. Soon there will be other hands doing this, as they were meant to. And CassiaŚmy CassiaŚwill never set foot in a kitchen again. ***** śI am not so indecent as a cook, am I?” At the table where they sat, he saw her smile as she delicately pulled at slivers of the meat. The birds had roasted to a golden brown and tasted delicious, and he couldn’t help but be proud of the effort he’d made. Along with the fresh bread and goblets of wine, it was a generous and satisfying meal they were both enjoying. But soon enough they were finishing the last of it. And as they did, a great tension began to fill the air. Night was upon them. The candles had been lit just at dusk and were now the only illumination, giving off a softly sensual lightŚand looking at Cassia, Guy knew she felt the tension as much as he did. The time for their reunion had come, and they were both keenly aware of it. Only one question remainedŚwho would make the first gesture? She slowly rose to her feet and he watched in anticipation, wondering what she would say or do. He was disappointed when she picked up the plates and took them away. Taking the scraps outside to dispose of them, he sat waiting for her return. Reaching into his pocket, he shuffled around for the little object he’d brought from home, along with everything else. He clenched it in his fist, feeling quite nervous at what he was about to do. He recalled the last time he had made such an attemptŚand how it had gotten him only heartbreak and humiliation. He took a long drought of wine, gathering his courage as he watched her come back inside. Wiping her hands and face with a towel, she turned to him with a little sigh. śIt grows late,” she said. śI think a good sleep will be well.” She glanced at him for a long momentŚand he wanted to speak, to say something grand and romantic. But the words would not come. She looked rather hurt, and gave him a small smile as she turned to goŚbut before she could leave, he reached out to grasp her hand. śDo not go yet.” For a moment she seemed surprised. Then her eyes took on a loving, sensual lightŚas if she knew just what he was thinking of, and had been thinking of it just as much. She leaned forward as if to kiss him, and he ached to meet her lips with his own. But first, he placed the little object in her hand. She seemed shocked by the strange and sudden movement, the feeling of something he’d given her. He watched as she opened her palmŚand he felt his pulse race as she took in a breath, staring at the emerald ring. śMarry me, Cassia.” The words came out in a rush, as if they’d been fighting to escape his lips for a long time, and were finally free. He looked up at her, waiting for her reply, half mad with impatienceŚand fear. śGuy, IŚ” śMarry me,” he said again, almost demanding it. Her hesitation frightened him, making him terrified that she would refuse. And he could not bear to face rejectionŚnot from her. He clutched her hand in both his own. śSay you will be mine. Tell me you love me and will stay with me always.” Tears began rolling down her cheeks, and his fear grew to near frenzy. Her voice was low. She shook her head. She lowered her head, looking at the ring she held in her palm. śGuy of Gisborne, how can you marry me? I am but a poor peasant, with nothing to offer. No dowry, no lands. Not even simple status. You are not meant to have such a lowly wife.” He rose to his feet, gathering her in his arms. śI care nothing about status or rank. I need no lands, no dowry. It is only you that I want.” She said nothing, only weeping silently. And he could bear the tension no longer. Taking the ring from her, he quickly put it on her fingerŚand in his mind, they needed nothing more. She wore his ring, and for him t> As he held her in a crushing embrace, their mouths wildly seeking one other, some wild part of his mind feared that this was all an illusion. This woman he held in his armsŚthis beautiful, incredibly passionate and loving creature could not really be his. He was not a man to be so blessed by fate. And yet she was here with him, clinging madly to him and returning his kisses with a fierceness that matched his own. But what if she were to vanish? What if she was just a dream, soon to fade away and leave him hereŚabandoned, hopeless. All alone, as he’d been so many times before. Desperation gripped him. If, by some merciless stroke of fate, he were to lose the one great thing he’d ever possessed, she would know how he’d cherished every moment they’d had togetherŚhow very much she meant to him. Pulling back from their kiss for a just a moment, his breathing was hecticŚhis voice trembling with intense emotion. śI love you.” Looking deep into her eyes, he saw her love for him reflected back. She gave him a little smileŚand when she whispered his words in return, the dam that had held back his passions crumbled. Overwhelmed with need, he pressed her back against the window casement, resting her bottom on the stone ledge while her hands quested through his hair. He quickly unlaced himself. With their mouths still fused together he lifted her skirts, running his hands along the backs of her thighs, grasping her behind her knees. Pulling her forward in one swift movement, he plunged into her welcoming body, groaning with pleasure at the hot feeling, and without hesitation her legs wrapped around him to hold him in place. He wanted to grind himself into her like mad, to pour into her every ounce of passion he possessed. She was whimpering now, urging him to take her. With the slightest thread of self-discipline, he kept himself from it. She was no longer his mistressŚsome momentary vessel to satisfy his lust. She was his heart and soulŚhis very essence, and he would not consummate their love in this way, up against a slab of stone like some common doxy. Grasping her hips firmly he carried her, still joined together, out of the kitchen. The small servant bedchamber was nearest, just across the hall. It would have to be there, for he couldn’t wait much longer to have her, and from the desperate little pleas she was making in his ear, neither could she. śOh Guy, please love me now,” she whispered. Within several strides they were within the bedchamber, and they tumbled down upon the feather mattress as they moaned together in their eagerness. At last he moved, thrusting violently into her, each gasp of pleasure she gave urging him on. Her hands clenched him through his trousers, begging for him to drive himself as deeply as he could. Over and over he thrust hard and deep into her, mindless with desire, until he felt the end building. He tried to hold it back, never wanting this mad pleasure between them to cease. But when she cried out his name, her own release sendinger over the edge, it was his undoing, and with a harsh cry he erupted within her. Panting wildly, still fully clothed except where their bodies were joined, they lay tightly intertwined, neither willing to release the other. For many moments they remained so, until Guy lifted his head from her shoulder, looking at her intently. Her eyes still burned for himŚand he still burned for her. Their explosive joining had hardly taken the edge off of their hunger for each other. He longed for the feel of her soft skin against his. He wanted to explore the loveliness of her body with his fingertips. He wanted to feel her hands on him, the wonder of her touch unleashing deep emotions that he’d never known with another human being. His arms under her, he rose with her to a sitting position. Quickly he untied the laces of her gown, eager to free her from the confines of her clothing. Gladly she lifted her arms as he pulled the dress over her head, tossing it aside. Seeing her clad in just her thin underclothes, he was seized by a wave of lust that made him pull her close, kissing her deeply. She eagerly opened her mouth to him, sighing at the rough velvet feel of his tongue. It was enough to make him wild again, and he was briefly tempted to push her back down and forget the matter of undressing. But she pushed at his shoulders, making him release her from the kiss for just a moment. Her voice was breathless. śThe boots,” she said to him. He smirked wickedly, bending down to remove his boots. And when he turned back to her she was pulling off her shift, leaving herself in complete and glorious nudity. Eagerly he reached for her, but she pushed him back slightly to clutch at the hem of his tunic. Without hesitation he worked himself out of it, along with his undershirt, and he was rewarded with the feeling of her hands on his bare skin, grazing his shoulders and his chest. Snaking his arms around her he pulled her body against his, groaning at the thrill of her soft breasts pressed against him. Then he felt her hands dipping down, running along his abdomen and then lower, and he gasped against her mouth as he felt her fingers around him. Quickly as he could he pulled off his braises and breeches, throwing them down to join the other garments on the floor. And at last they were both completely bare, fully exposed to each other in every way. As he leaned her back down again, his hands moved wondrously, exploring the smooth plane of her back and the beautiful slopes of her shoulders. His lips sought her neck and traveled down to her breasts, his hands palming the soft skin as his mouth taunted the rose-colored peaks. With his hot mouth he teased her until she was pleading with him to end the delicious torment. His hand traveled down her belly, the way her fingers had just done to him, and he touched her sensitive little bud, making her gasp with fevered desire. She came hard against his hand, crying out, and as she was trembling with completion he joined their bodies again, thrusting rhythmically within her. Their bodies rocked together again and again, desperate for one another until at last they reached the greatest heights of ecstasy, their cries of joy in unison as they fell back to earth togetherŚand still it was not enough. It would never be enough, for either of them. Though not completed satisfied, they were both fatigued from their passionate coupling. Content enough for the moment to give in to their weariness, they adjusted their positions for comfort, but still held fast to one another a as y drifted off to sleep. ***** When she woke, she found he was still quite asleepŚand looking about, she saw that they were now in the great bed of the master chamber. He must have brought her in while she slept, and seeing his long rangy body stretched out, it was understandable that for the sake of comfort, a narrow bed like that in the servants room would not suit him. She smiled at the sight of his peaceful expression, so different from the look of fierceness he usually wore. She thought of his look when he’d proposed, how his eyes had burned with an intensity she’d never seen before. It might have been a frightening thing to witness, were it not for the fact that the same flame of intensity burned in her own heart. For so long she’d been madly in love with this man, wanting him more than anything on earth. Now, here he was beside her, his head sharing a pillow with hersŚas in love with her as she was with him. I love you. It was overwhelming to recall those words falling from his lips. And yet, when he’d said them, there had been such a light of fear flickering behind his eyesŚand she knew well the reason why. Under that dark facade of his there was a deeply wounded man who longed for acceptance and love, but in a strange way was terrified of it, for fear it would be taken away. But she was determined to reassure him, to comfort him and make him see that he would always have her heart, come what might. She wanted to eradicate the darkness that had poisoned his heart for so longŚand she began by moving just that small space between them to kiss him while he slept, gently pressing her lips to his forehead, his eyelids, and his lovely angular nose. And when she softly kissed his mouth, she was rewarded with the opening of his eyes. His beautiful gaze met hers and he smiled, a wonderfully loving gesture she gave back to him instantly. śYou are so very handsome when you smile. More so than usual, and that is saying quite a lot.” His smile lessened, and he made a little grunt of doubt. śI do believe you are the only one who looks at me with such flattery. My looks have never been an attribute.” Her eyebrow raised in doubt. śI find that quite difficult to believe, if the rumors I’ve heard in the past are true. It is said that many women sought your company.” He gave a little sigh. śYes, but I do not think it was my face that caused them to seek me out.” Without a second thought she punched his shoulder quite forcefully, unable to quell the sting of jealousy that arose from his insinuation. Even when he looked at her with a curious expression, as if he wondered what he had said wrong, she couldn’t help but feel resentful about his past liaisons. After a moment, he seemed to realize his blunder, and propping himself up on one elbow, he looked down at her. śWhat I meant was not what I implied. What I should have said was that women seeking out a nobleman such as I are most often attempting to gain a higher status.” He shrugged then, seeming to give further thought to what he was trying to say. śPerhaps there were more base reasons for their actions, butŚ” śPerhaps?” She raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to look her in the face and lie. She knew that, aside from his status as a nobleman, his reputation with women was quite the talk. He was dark and dangerous, and even if women didn’t find him to be the most handsome man in the world, they certainly wanted to find out what he could offer in the way of carnal knowledge. Thinking on the incredibly passionate times they’d had togetherŚwhat his touch could do to her, how incredibly delicious his kisses wereŚit made her almost furious to imagine other women knowing him that way. Looking at him now, she could see him almost reading her mind. And in his voice, she could hear him seeking forgiveness for his past sins. śI am no longer that man, Cassia, and I do not wish to be. Whatever my former indiscretions, I wish only to leave them in the past and forget them.” In his eyes, she could see that he meant it. And yet, she could not resist giving him a stern look, and a slight hint of warning in her tone. śThat is as it should be, Guy of Gisborne, for you belong to me now. And woe to the errant female foolish enough to set her sights on you.” He chuckled at her feistiness. śYou need not worry on that score. I've said before that you've bewitched me. You’ve placed me under your spell, blinding me to the charms of all women but you. And I do not see that ever changing." śGood,” she replied. And then she smiledŚa look of triumph on her face. śI pray that your memory is wiped clean of every lingering look, every naughty little gesture. Even whispered conversations.” śWith other women, there was littleŚconversation.” She gave him a slight grin, and a wily reply. śWhat was there, then? Only monosyllabic grunting noises and other crude sounds?” A low, rumbling laugh escaped him. Lowering himself over her, she welcomed the feel of his strong chest pressed against hers. śGood God woman, you are direct.” śSo I am, but would you have me be otherwise?” He ran gentle fingers through the hair at her temples, and she studied him closely. There was something so wonderful about his expression at that momentŚas though when looking at her, he saw something he cherished above all things. Her heart beat fast at receiving such a gaze of admiration. He smirked in the way she adored so much, his voice soft. śI would not want you to be any other way. I adore that fire about you.” Feeling a womanly possessiveness for him, she gave him a slight push with her body to roll him to his back, and he allowed it quite gladly, if the growing flame in his eyes told the truth. She lowered her head to hover just above his, her lips grazing his seductively, her voice nearly a whisper. śTell me what else you adore about me. I would love to be so enlightened.” She felt his hands crawling along her spine, moving down to grasp the soft roundness of her buttocks. Her mouth fell open in a silent gasp at the incredible feeling of his slow entrance. Instinctively she moved herself to take in every burning inch of him. His words to her were as potent as the heat coming from his body. śI would much rather show youŚMy beloved Cassia.” With gentle fingertips and heated brushes of his lips he worshiped her body, telling her without words how very much he needed her. They made love with deliberate slownessŚsharing long, deep kisses as they caressed each other, their lower bodies moving together as one. When the wave of desire rose to a dizzying height and then fell in an incredible motion of sensation, they gripped each other tightly, whispering words of love to one another and wishing they never had to part. Chapter 16 He looked at her as she lay beside him. Her head was on his shoulder, her arms around him. Snuggled close against him, soft and warm, she was peacefully settledŚand he pressed her slightly closer. The realization dawned on him that in a few hours, they would be greeting the morning together. This time, there would be no need to partŚno concern for time or fear of discovery. The notion of such freedom, such peace of mind, was something he’d never known before. It was incredibleŚthis feeling of absolute peace she brought to his soul. He shifted his weight, turning to his side. She moved in her sleep, adjusting her position with him, pressing her cheek against his neck. There wasn’t the slightest space between them, and he did not wish there to be. He wanted only to remain there in the moment, basking in her warmth. But outside, rain had started to fall. A low rumble indicated a coming storm. With the windows open as they were, some of the torrent would soon find its way inside. He gave a reluctant sigh. Gently removing himself from her arms, he rose from the bed to close the window. While he was up he checked the other windows of the house as well, and saw to other little necessities. After washing up he went back to the room, and as he came in he saw her stirring. She sat up in bed, her tousled hair falling in fabulous display around her body. She clutched the bed sheet to herself, and he found something incredibly alluring about such a gesture of modestyŚcoming from a woman of such incredible passion. Just the sight of her, lush and tempting as she waited for himŚit stirred his senses to a fever pitch. He started towards the bed, intent on having her at that very moment. But she rose from the bed and started out of the room. He reached for her hand, whispering close to her ear. śWhere are you going?” She whispered back. śI shall not be gone long.” She gave him a peck on the lips before slipping away. He smiled, crawling back into bed to wait for her, thinking of how perfect a mate he had found in her. He sighed, smiling at the thought of having her for his wifeŚof her being a mother to his children. The thought of siring heirs had always been on his mind. The subject had been drilled into him since childhood. It was the duty of a man to seek a wife, to have many children, and continue the family lineage. He had always thought of it as just thatŚa duty. An obligation he knew he must one day keep. But until now, he’d never imagined it as a joy he would long to have. To think of Cassia as a mother, giving all of her love to his childŚto their childŚit filled his heart with an almost painful kind of joy. It was quite possible that at this very moment, she was carrying his babe. He found himself filled with wonder at the possibility. This feeling of bliss he now feltŚof being with someone he was meant to be with, someone who complimented him in every way. It seemed too good to be true. He felt so complete when she was nearŚand so very empty when they were apart. Even now, just having her a room or two away, he felt a slight pain of separation. A feeling of relief, of joy and anticipation, came over him as he saw her shadow in the doorway. Out of nowhere, a flash of lightning lit up the room, and a crack of thunder rattled the entire house. Cassia gave a shriek, rushing forward to the bed. As she threw herself into his arms, hiding her eyes against his shoulder, he couldn’t help but smile. It was the first time he’d seen her truly frightenedŚand though he still wanted her, he felt his excitement cool for the moment, desires giving way to the need to comfort and protect the woman he loved. Holding her securely in his arms, he ran his hands gently along her back, trying to sooth her. śThe storm frightens you, does it?” She nodded her head against him. śAlways have I feared storms. Thunder and lightning especially. I used to run and hide from them when I was a child.” Gently stroking her hair, he smiled at her admission. śI find it difficult to believe you are afraid of anything.” She sighed, her cheek brushing softly against his chest. śThere is much that I fear.” The tone of her voice made him sense that she was troubled. An anxious feeling slowly came upon him, though he remained silent, listening to her. śMy mother believed that storms were an admonition from GodŚa forewarning of dreadful things to come.” His brow furrowed, concern growing quickly within his heart. He knew of what she was thinkingŚand he wanted to silence her before she talked of it. But she spoke too soon. śGuy, what will happen if Briwere discovers us here?” div height="0"> His answer was fast and firm. śHe will not find out.” The reply came out a bit more strongly than he’d intended. And it seemed to quiet herŚbut only for a few moments. śBut Guy, what if he does find out?” śHe will not. He cannot.” The thought of things going wrong, of his losing what he cherished yet again, made him lose all sense of reason. He could not imagine the loss of her. His tortured mind refused to contemplate itŚbut still she pressed the matter. śPerhaps I was foolish to propose coming here, thinking I might procure a chance at something better for myself.” He could hear no more of it. These doubts, these thoughts of misfortuneŚhe wanted none of them. Rolling her to her back, he cupped her face in his hands. He shook his head. śSpeak not of fear and calamity.” He pressed their lips together in a long kiss. When he drew back, he grazed her cheek with his fingertips, looking into her eyes. śI have word that in five days, there is a ship that sails from Portsmouth. The day after tomorrow, we shall travel to the coast and depart for France. It is there we shall marry.” śYou will not seek a priest here?” He shook his head. śI trust not a soul in Nottingham, whether he be priest or common man. When we are in France, we shall exchange our vows. It is there that we will live our lives in peace. We will forget Briwere and Nottingham, and every wretched memory this place has thrust upon us.” He kissed her again, needing her compliance and the assurance of her love. He refused to think about fear and darkness. He’d had enough of it to last several lifetimes. She was all that he wanted to think and feel. śYou delivered me from darkness, Cassia.” Winding his arms about her, he pressed his cheek against her breast. śYou are my redemption. My reason for being. You shall be my wife.” He felt her fingers in his hair, gently caressing him. His voice grew softer. śTell me again. Tell me that you love me. I need to hear it.” Her hands traveled down to his face, lifting his head. He positioned himself over her, gazing down into her eyes. śI shall love you always, GuyŚin this life and into the next.” He opened his mouth against hers, her words of love exciting him beyond reason. The soft feeling of her hands on his backŚher delicious little tongue twining with his. It made him wild. He reached down to touch her, and found her damp and ready for him. Moving between her legs he thrust hard into her unwilling to wait any longer, ravenous for the feeling of her heat pulsing around him. He felt her heels at the base of his spine, spurring him on. He surged in with the force of his need, mad with love for this woman who threatened to drive him beyond endurance. She was a fever in his blood that could not be cooledŚand he gladly succumbed to the incurable condition. With each downward lunge of his hips she lifted hers, meeting him every time with equal force, whimpering his name in his ear and begging him not to stop. Her nails were biting into his shoulders, little points of pleasure pain that drove him wild. He lowered his head and plundered her mouth again as he felt the end approaching, his hands clenching in the softness of her hair. As she peaked violently she broke the kiss and threw her head back, giving a shattered cry. Moments later he thrust into her a final time, holding fiercely against her as spasms gripped him, his mouth open against her neck as he groaned his loud pleasure. A well of emotions threatened to overtake him as he held her, feeling the mad throbbing of both their hearts. Much as he fought to deny it, there was a flicker of fear whispering to him in warning, reminding him that nothing would be secure until they were on their way to France. Dear God, how he wished they were there already. He was not a man given to practicing religion, though he did believe in a higher power. But he gave a small, sincere prayer to the Almighty, pleading for this one blessingŚ Dear Father in heaven, grant me this one true happiness. I beg you, do not let her be taken from me. ***** The storm had passed. The morning sun shined in as the birds serenaded the two lovers, still wrapped in each other’s arms. Cassia was the first to rise and greet the day. Stretching her arms above her head, she smiled a sleepy smile as she thought of the glorious night that had passed. It was tempting to remain just as they wereŚblind to the world around themŚso content in their love for one another. She looked down at Guy, sound asleep beside her. It was tempting to stir him, for she longed to see him smile in that cheeky way of his. But she chose to let him remain as he was, resting peacefully. She made use of the privy, and after returning she washed herself with the cool water in the basin. Slipping into her nightdress, she came back to the bed and found him still asleepŚuntil she sat beside him, and her slight weight was just enough to rouse him. He woke slowly, and seeing her, his eyes lit up. Then, in a fulfillment of her wish, he smiled. She leaned over to kiss him, thinking him utterly adorable with his hair unkempt and his face in need of a shave. He gently held the back of her neck to draw her closer. She whispered softly against his mouth. śGood morning, my love.” śGood morning indeed,” he replied, his kisses growing deeper and making her head spin. Despite the way he was stealing her breath, she managed to speak. śAre you hungry?” His answer was more of a groan than a reply. His lips were softly kissing her neck and shoulder, his align= twining around her waist to pull her against him. For a moment she considered foregoing everything just to lie with him and indulge in his attentions. But there were other tasks to be doneŚsmall tasks, but necessary ones, and somehow she managed to push him back. Even though he gave her a petulant look in return, she didn’t give in to him, difficult as it was. śI am ravenous, my lord. Being in your company has sapped my energy, and I must break my fast. Come, join me in the kitchen when you’ve gathered yourself together.” He gave her a withering look, but she only laughed at his childish expression. She gave him a peck on the cheek. Dodging his attempt to pull her into his arms, she giggled and hurried from the room. In the servants bedroom she found her dress, blushing as she recalled how fast it had been discarded the night before. She found Guy’s things and gathered them up, carrying them into the hallway, stopping just at the open door to the bedroom. Peeking around the corner, she saw that he was occupied with shavingŚand standing completely nude. If she went in the room now, she was in danger of forgetting her hunger altogether. And tempting a sight as he was, one of them had to have some sense. She cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. śI shall leave your things here by the door,” she called to him, her voice trembling slightly. śWill you not bring them to me?” She rolled her eyes, smiling at his obvious invitation. śI shall see you in the kitchen, my lord.” ***** They broke their fast with the remaining bread from the night before, along with fruit and wine. They fed each other, enjoying the intimacy of being so close and having no one around to interfere. When the meal was over, Guy was quite willing to return to the bedchamberŚbut Cassia shook her head in denial. śWe cannot spend the day lying about. If we are to travel to France, I must have more than this one dress to wear. I shall raise many an eyebrow if I am seen in the same poor clothes every day. And since you snatched me away so quickly, I have no others. Will you fetch me material so I might stitch together a few simple garments?” He nodded, knowing she was right. In his haste, he’d nearly forgotten the trivial matter of appearances. Even when they were safely away from Nottingham, it would be impossible for a nobleman to have a woman on his arm who was obviously not of his stationŚthough in his eyes, she was more noble than any of the so called śladies” he’d known in society. He smiled at her, kissing her slender fingers. śWhen we are wed, your hands shall never again labor with a sewing needle. Perhaps you shall do needlework for pleasure, as many fine ladies do. But for your clothing you shall have a seamstress at your disposal, to keep you in beautiful garments every day of the year.” She smiled sweetly. śThat may be very well someday. But under the current circumstances, I must put my own hands to use.” He was not pleased with the idea of her laboring over anything. But if it pleased her, he was willing to consent. Though he was reluctant to leave her alone again, he ventured into town to do her bidding. All that he could do to make her happy, he would, for she had brought a quality to his life that could never be repaidŚthough he intended his damndest to try. ***** When he returned from Nottingham, having been careful to avoid the Sheriff at all costs, he carried two parcels under his armŚand wore a slight smile on his face. As he’d ventured into town, he’d thought about her requestŚand chose to amend it. He wanted her to shine like the rare and precious gem she was. And her request for simple material simply wouldn’t do. If there had been time, he would have enlisted a seamstress to make new gowns. But alas, a few days was hardly enough time. It would have to be managed another way. There was a youngster he knew ofŚa boy who worked in the castle kitchen. He was also a good thief. At first, the boy had been terrified when Guy approached him. But when a small purse of gold was dangled in front of him, he became less apprehensive. Guy’s instructions were simple. Go to the chamber of Lady StraffordŚa guest staying on for the Prince’s visitŚand steal a few of her finest gowns. Elizabeth Strafford was about Cassia’s height, and very close to the same slender shape. She also had a king’s ransom in gowns, and she would not miss two or three. One of the gowns stood out from the restŚan exquisite garment of turquoise color, and Guy could just imagine how beautiful Cassia would be in it. He could hardly wait to see it on her. Riding up to the house, he saw her a distance away in the fields of wildflowers, with a basket on her arm. How perfect she looked at that moment, holding a tender blossom to her nose. Her long hair flowed freely down her back, occasionally ruffled by the breeze. He called to her and she turned, smiling as she came to him. As he slid from his horse, she teased him. śI was beginning to wonder if you’d traveled to France without me.” She threw her arms around him and kissed him, making a sweet little sound of pleasure that he gladly returned. Then he took her hand, leading her into the house. After she’d set her basket aside, he held one of the parcels out to her. She smiled, taking it with her to sit in front of the fireplace. When she untied the cords and removed the linen covering, her mouth fell open in surprise. śOh Guy, this is hardly the simple material I asked of you. These gowns are too exquisite.” She ran her hands over a dress of pale green silk, ornately patterned with leaves. The other was of dark purple velvet, embroidered with gold thread. She looked up at him, and he could see a protest coming. But he shushed herŚand held out the other parcel. She gave him a curious expression, taking it carefully from him. He watched as she untied the binding. And hedelighted at her little gasp when she saw what was insideŚa gown of turquoise silk, decorated with hundreds of tiny gold beads. śThis will be your wedding gown,” he said. śI hope you find it pleasing enough.” She rose slowly to her feet, clutching the elegant garment against her breast. He smiled in a smug way, quite happy with himself for having found something to please herŚuntil he saw the tears in her eyes. Confused by her reaction, he reached out to take her hand, wanting to comfort her. śWhat is wrong? Does the color not please you? Why are you not happy?” Suddenly she fell into his arms, weeping softly into his shoulder. śI am happier than I have ever been in my life.” He raised a curious eyebrow. Gently taking her by the shoulders, he held her a slight space away, studying her as she dabbed her eyes with her sleeve. śThese are tears of joy, then?” She nodded, and as he gathered her against him once more, he smiledŚbut sighed as well. If he were to judge by her expression, he would never have guessed that she was as joyful as she said she was. Lord, he wondered if would ever understand the ways of women. They were such odd, complicated creaturesŚa riddle he was certain he would never solve. ***** They spent another joyous night together, equally giving and taking from one another with all the passion of their previous times together. When the dawn broke, even Cassia was as unwilling to leave the bed as Guy, though she made several weak attempts to do so. He would not let her go, pulling her back each time she tried to move away. With small but persistent kisses he convinced her to linger, and they whispered and giggled like mischievous children. With her arms looped around his neck, she smiled up at him. śDo you not think it sinful to be so lazy?” Gently he pressed soft kisses across her face. śYes, it is indeed sinful. Wholly wicked and shameful.” She softly laughed as he pressed his face against her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her in a snug embrace. She knew they should rise and greet the day properlyŚbut his arms were too inviting, his kisses too loving and gentle. This once, she let herself be truly spoiled by his attentions. It was nearly noon before they chose to rise, and even when they were both dressed they found it impossible to stay apart. He pressed her back against the bedpost, running his fingers through her hair as he admired her beautiful face. He was just about to lean in for one more kiss when he heard a sound that rent the air like a knife. śGISBORNE!” They froze as one, their heads both whipping towards the soundŚand then they on ofed at each other. Fear, cold and undeniable, shined in both of their eyes. And they both knew the reckoning had come. Chapter 17 In an instant Guy was moving, taking her by the hand. He headed for the windowŚonly to stop when he saw two of Briwere’s guards close by, keeping watch at the back the house, positioned just by the door of the kitchen. If there were guards waiting there, then there were guards all around them. They were surrounded. Guy looked at Cassia, terrified. śI must go out and confront them.” Her reaction was instant, and furious. śAre you out of your mind? Do you think you can take on an entire swarm of men all alone?” śI have no choice!” śThere is always a choice, you fool! And I will not give you up that easily!” He could see the wheels spinning in her mind, but she gave him little time to study her further. Grasping his hand, she pulled him along with her. Opening the bedroom door just a hair, she peered out to see if anyone was in the hall. Finding it empty, she moved along carefully to the front room, where she crouched down low and pulled Guy down with her, keeping below the level of the windows. Pausing for only a moment to reach his longbow and quiver, which she thrust at him, they slinked past the front room and around the corner. Moving down the servant passageway they came to the kitchen, where keeping low, they could see the two guards just outside the window. Guy looked at them, then at Cassia, wondering what fool thing she had in mind. śMake your aim true,” she said. He realized that from this position, he could shoot with perfect aim and the guards would never know what was coming. But what then? How could they manage to cross the open field without being spotted? śDo not waste time thinking,” she whispered. śIf we do not make for the woods now, we may not have another chance.” He knew she was right. To slink away, without facing the enemy head-on, was cowardly. But if they wanted to get away, it was their only choice.aking careful aim, he set his sights on the first guard. His arrow flew, striking its target in through the neck. As the body fell, the other guard hardly had time to react before an arrow pierced his neck as well. Taking her hand again, he moved to the door. He opened it cautiously, realizing that just because he’d only seen two men watching the back door, it didn’t mean there weren't more. Peering around the corner of the house, he counted eight guards along with Briwere. The odds were stacked so high against them. If he tried to stand and fight, he would surely lose. If they both tried to run, they might be spotted and captured. But there was no other choice. It was either run for the woods, or stay and be found. śGo!” He gave her a push. She hesitated for a momentŚand then she ran like a doe in flight. When she was safely across, he let out a sigh of relief. Now it was his turn, and he took in a deep breath. He ran for it, trying to stay low in the tall grass, hoping to get by unnoticed. But just as he reached the trees he heard a shout from somewhere behind him. śSeize them!” His blood went cold at the sound, knowing that escape was impossible now. And yet he ran, unwilling to give up until the bitter endŚand that end came suddenly, with a searing pain through his thigh muscle. In agony he fell to his knees, an arrow lodged deep into the back of his left leg. From a distance in front of him heard Cassia scream his name, and then she was at his side. But forcefully he pushed her away. śLeave me!” he demanded. śGet away!” With equal force she shouted back at him. śI will not leave you here!” In a moment they were surrounded, swords and arrows pointed at them. From behind the soldiers came Briwere, clucking his tongue as he wagged his head. śIs this not a pretty picture? Two lovebirds clinging together. What a shame to break up such a happy pair.” There was a long pause as he sneered down at them. Then he snapped his fingers. śTake them both.” Two men snatched Guy. He tried to hold fast to Cassia, struggling against the hands of the guards, but it was a useless effort. They were wrenched apart, and both of them had their hands bound tightly with rope. Briwere gestured at Guy’s leg, commanding one of the guardsŚ śRemove the arrow. It can be used again for other purposes.” One of the soldiers reached down and yanked the arrow from Guy’s flesh, causing him to cry out in agony. Cassia cried out as well, saying Guy’s name and cursing the guard who’d hurt him. śVicious whoreson!” she spatŚand then her captor slapped her hard across the face to silence her. She hung her head, stunned by the blow. Guy saw through a haze of red. śBastard scum! I will rip your heart out for that!” The guard only sneered. And Guy made a silent vow to himself. When I am free, that coward will be the first to die. Briwere rolled his eyes in disgust. śShut up, Gisborne!” He went to the man holding CassiaŚand struck him across the face. śDo not damage her, piss wit! I do not want her desensitized. When she faces justice, I want her to feel every moment of it. Now get her on a horse and get moving.” He turned to another soldier. śYou, fetch Sir Guy’s horse and get him on it. I won’t waste time dragging him behind.” As he turned, there was a sound of pain from one of the menŚand looking back, Briwere saw Cassia’s guard falling to his knees, clutching himself between the legs, while the other men laughed. It took two more men, one to hold her and another to bind her ankles, before she was fully restrained. The Sheriff turned to Guy with an evil smirk on his face. śYou have always taken a fancy to the feisty ones, haven’t you? Too bad you will not be rutting between her legs anymore. Sorry to spoil your fun.” Guy watched helplessly as Cassia was shoved forward and then hefted up on the saddle of a guard. She lifted her chin defiantly, sitting with her back straight, refusing to cower in the face of fear. She was so courageous, even now. For a moment, he thought of begging for them to be imprisoned together, so they could at least be of comfort to one another. But knowing that Briwere would only mock such a foolish request, Guy was silent, refusing to give the Sheriff any kind of satisfaction on that score. His leg screaming with pain from his wound, his hands tied, he could not give much fight as he was hoisted onto his horse. It was little consolation that he was being allowed to ride, instead of being forced to walk behind like so many prisoners. Like so many prisoners, he thought. Just like all the ones I’ve sent to their deaths. He almost laughed at the irony of it. The fearsome Guy of Gisborne, once a servant of the Sheriff’s cruel form of justice, would now be one of the very captives he’d once loathed and spat at. Somehow, he was sure he deserved this punishment. But not Cassia. All she’d ever done was act for the good of others. She was suffering because of himŚfor loving him. He was a tainted man. In loving him she’d been cursed, bringing disgrace and punishment upon herself. At that moment he would have gladly taken torture, if only it meant her freedom. As they approached the castle, he looked up at the familiar stone walls and battlementsŚand a knot fear began to form in his stomach. What would become of her now that they were within the walls of Nottingham? So many lives had been destroyed with this place. His question was answered almost before he’d finished thinking of it. śLock her in a tower room,” Briwere instructed. śMake sure she has nothing to kill herself with. That will take all the fun out of it when she meets her fate.” śWhat fate?” Guy demanded. śWhat will you do with her?” He was well aware of the many forms of death that Briwere enjoyed watching. Few of them were quick, such as a beheading. The sick bastard liked slow, painful deathsŚand Guy feared what he had in mind for Cassia. But to his concern, Briwere only sneered. śIt shall be a surprise, Gisborne. Everyone loves surprises, do they not?” One of Guy’s captor’s questioned Briwere. śShall we throw him in the dungeon, my lord?” Briwere brought a finger to his lips, thinking on it. śNo. I’m feeling rather generous today. Lock him in a tower room as well. But not close to the girl, mind you, where they can whisper little love messages to each other. I am not feeling that generous.” The guard nodded, leading Guy away with the help of another soldier. His leg wound kept him from walking well. Several times he was roughly dragged back to his feet when the pain made him unsteady. Soon a door was opened, and he was unceremoniously shoved inside. He fell against the wall and sank to the cold floor. The room was smallŚjust enough room to lie down, though there was not a bed nor even a pallet to rest on. Above his head were several arrow slits, but no window. There was just enough light to see, but what was there to look at? He closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the stone wall, trying not to think about his wound or even his own possible death. All he thought about was Cassia. And he prayed to God to spare her from a terrible fate. ***** A scream ripped from his lungs as a hot iron was touched to his wounded leg. He was thrown down to the floor, his trousers around his feet, and the door was locked behind him. Crawling forward only a small space, he fell in exhaustion and agony, uncaring about his state of humiliation. All he could think of was the blinding pain, and it soon became too much. He fell into blackness, and lay still as death until nearly dawn. When he woke, his head throbbed violently, and his leg wound ached nearly as much. Somehow he managed to pull his trousers back up, but he suddenly wondered what the point was of trying to maintain modesty. It wasn’t as if there was anyone to see or care what state he was in. For four days and nights he’d been locked in his cell, sleeping on the hard floor, and occasionally relieving himself in the chamber pot that was the sole object in the room. The smell in the room was becoming unbearable, made worse by the heat of the summer day. It was enough to make him wretch, and the only relief he found from it was by hiding his head in a corner, closing his eyes and trying to breathe shallow breaths. His only visitor...other than the "Physician" that had been sent...was a servant girl who brought him stale bread and a flagon of water twice a day, which she slid to him through a small opening in the bottom of the door. He knew it was a young woman from her slight footsteps and the sound of hevoice, which she limited to very few words. When she first came to him he tried to make her stay, hoping he might question her, but she dropped the rations and scurried away, leaving him shouting in frustration. Each time she came again he demanded answers, only to be left in silence. His one hope was that she would tell him something of Cassia, for he was nearly going mad with worry over her. Briwere had commanded his men that she wasn’t to be harmedŚbut Guy knew very well that the Sheriff’s orders weren’t always followed as they should have been. He tried not to think of it, but there were moments when he agonized at the idea of her being beaten or violated. The thought it nearly brought him to tears. And what of her keeping? Was she trapped in a cell like this, suffering from the isolation? Or was she dead already? What if the Sheriff had already executed her, and was keeping the information from him just to torture his mind? He thought of Briwere’s plan for MarianŚhow he had purposely moved up her execution. If he chose to do the same to CassiaŚ If she was deadŚOh, God, he didn’t know how he would endure. He buried his head in his hands, tormented by his dark thoughts. A shuffling of footsteps outside his door made him turn his head. He rushed to the door, waiting for the moment the rations would be pushed throughŚand in a swift move he grabbed the girl’s wrist, clenching it tight. He heard her shriek, and he tried to shout over her. śI just want to speak to you! Do not run away! I need to know about the girl who was taken prisoner with me!” He felt a boot smash down on his hand, then a pounding on the doorŚand a male voice shouting at him. śCaptive filth have no right to speak to anyone! Get back from the door and shut your mouth!” The boot lifted and he yanked his hand back insideŚonly to smash it against the door in frustration. He bellowed in rage, in pain and despair. But was answered only with silence. ***** The light was slowly fading away in his cell. Soon he would be in total darkness, but he ceased to care. At least he had his memory to keep him from going mad, and turning to the wall, he lost himself in thoughts of Cassia. Even in this living hell, she was his one light of hope. He even managed to smile as he recalled the first time he’d seen her be the spirited little thing she was. He could almost feel the pressing of ice against his footŚof the sharp, stabbing pain that had followedŚand he could hear himself shouting at her. śGod’s teeth, you little witch! That hurts!” śIt must hurt if it is to heal! You should be grateful to have ice at hand!” That look in her dark eyesŚthe flash of fury, as if he were a naughty child she was about to strike across the face for talking back. It made his heart swell with pride and passion for her, the lovely little firebrand that she was. Thinking back on it, he knew he shold have been punished for biting the hand that fed him. He’d been such an ungrateful, arrogant swine in those days. But then he remembered how she’d gotten even with him in her own little way. He recalled how he’d lowered his head, expecting a gentle flow of water from a gourdŚonly to feel the impact of an entire bucket load of water slamming the back of his skull, leaving him sputtering like a fool and shouting childishly while she ran from the room. Then, there was the final humiliationŚhaving that old witch sprung on him without warning. Strange, but in a way, that moment had marked a great turning point in his life. After that debacle, he’d gone after revenge against his little tormentor, intent on conquering her once and for all. But with one kiss, it was he who had been conqueredŚand in those days, he could never have imagined how sweet a surrender it would turn out to be. A noise came from the dimness. The sound of his nightly visit from the servant girl. And with her came a low series of whispersŚunexpected, but oh so welcome. He strained desperately to hear, for she was speaking so softly it was barely audible. śThe lady fares well enough. I’ve seen that she has more water and food. And she sends you her affection.” He let out the breath he’d been holding. He wanted to ask moreŚbut the footsteps scurried away, and he knew they would not return until the morning. He leaned back against the wall, sliding down until his face touched the cold stones of the floor. Thank God, Thank God, he muttered. She was alive, and considering the circumstances, she was unharmed. And even now, she thought of himŚcared for him, loved him. It would be enough to see him through another night, and hopefully, through another day. ***** A cold blast of water startled him awake. He shook his head, and through bleary eyes, he could see Briwere standing before him. Two guards were with him, and before Guy could react, they hauled him to his feet and bound his hands. The Sheriff stepped forward, a little sneer curling his lip. śGood God, man, you stink.” He took a small step back, clearing his throat. Then he spoke, his tone almost business-like in its manner. śWell, Gisborne, I imagine by now that you’ve been racking what little brains you have, wondering how you came to be in these plush accommodations. It is quite simple, really. You see, spies are a delightful source of information, particularly young ones. They are so eager to please, you see, and your stable boy was a wealth of information. He informed one of my loyal pages that he saw a strange woman, supposedly a captive of yours, at Chenivier But then, she suddenly vanished one night. That explained the rumor that you had supposedly murdered another woman. I expect you thought that would be the end of your little rouse.” His voice roseŚgrowing sharp and loud. śWRONG!” he shouted. śThe boy saw you come and go from Chenivier several times, behaving in a very strange way, as if you were in a great hurry. Then, just a few days ago, he spied you in town again, and this time he followed you to your little hiding place. One thing led to another, and now, here wandine.” Guy broke in sharply, demanding. śWhat have you done with her?” Briwere just smiled, snickering. śOh, nothing yet, dear boy. Do not worry. You shall see her again. In fact, I have arranged a special reunion of sorts, just for the two of you.” He gave a snap of his fingers to the guards. śBring him.” They dragged him away, along the corridor and down the steps. Soon they came to the courtyard, and Guy felt his stomach turn as he was forced to an observation platformŚthe same platform where he’d watched so many people put to death. He looked out across the way to where a hooded body was tied to a cross, set up in the middle of the square. Standing beside the prisoner was a masked man, holding a flaming torch in one handŚand with a gesture from the Sheriff, he yanked the hood away from the captive. A furious wail tore from Guy’s throat. śNO!” He felt his heart tear in two at the sight of her, bound with rope to the cross. Her hair had been hacked off. He could see her chest rising and falling fast in terror, knowing that her last moments of life were upon her. Briwere chuckled, rubbing his hands together. śAh, there she is. Your little lover. This is your chance to say farewell, Gisborne. How fortunate you have the opportunity that so many do notŚto see the one you love at the very moment they pass on.” Guy fought wildly against his bonds. śYou cannot do this! Put me in her place and let her go!” His voice broke in mad despair. Desperate to reach her before it was too late, he cried out for her like a man possessed. But his words went unheeded. śToo late, Gisborne. My mind is made up.” They dragged him off as he screamed her nameŚhis last sight of her an agonized view of the straw being put to flame around her feet. śCassia! No, no! Not her! Let her go and kill me instead!” In a state of frenzied madness he cried out, fighting with his captors who hardly managed to hold himŚuntil a third guard intervened, striking him on the head with the butt of a dagger. He slumped in a daze, and they dragged him down a long passageway towards the dungeons, with the Sheriff following not far behind. Even in his daze, he muttered Cassia’s name again and again. Briwere snorted in disgust. śStop mewling, Gisborne! Maybe you should have learned your lesson the first time about associating with women! Now you shall have all the time in the world to think about it!” They forced him into the cell, throwing him against the wall. Just as they were about to chain his feet, a sound of running boots came from down the corridor. A guard came rushing in, nearly out of breath. śMy lord Sheriff! A peasant revolt! Robin Hood and his men are laying siege to the castle!” The guards nodded, bending down to follow the orders and chain Guy’s hands and feet. They cut the ropes binding his wrists. Suddenly he rose up, elbowing one guard in the face. He snatched the other by the neckŚand looking at the man’s face, he saw that it was the same one who had hit Cassia. Without pause he smashed the man’s head into the iron bars. His rage unchecked, he brought the head back and slammed it again before throwing the man to the ground. The first guard had hardly recovered from the jab to the face when he was thrown against the wall and his arm was jerked behind him, the bone snapping as he screamed in agony. Stealing a knife and a sword from his victims, Guy viciously cut both of their throats, wanting to be sure they were dead. Then he tore from the cell and flew down the corridorŚhoping to God he would get to Cassia in time. He rounded the cornerŚand saw Briwere being pursued by none other than Hood himself. Seeing Guy, both Robin and the Sheriff froze. Briwere looked back and forth between the two, clearly terrified. Robin and Guy both advanced, one with sword drawn and the other with his arrow at the ready. śHe will face justice from the King, Gisborne. You will not kill him.” Guy drew a step forward, never taking his eyes from Briwere’s face. śHe will die by my hand for what he has done!” śYour woman lives, Gisborne. Now put down the sword.” Your woman lives. Those words registered in only the smallest way, for looking at Briwere, all Guy could see were the years of humiliation and pain, of self-loathing and anguish that had been brought by this vile little being standing before him, cowardly trembling now as he faced his certain end. From out of nowhere, everything around them shook violently. Without thought for himself or thought of escape, seeing only revenge in his sights, Guy rushed forward and plunged his knife into Briwere’s stomach, hardly satisfied with the blood that soon gurgled from the Sheriff’s mouth. When Briwere hunched over, holding himself, Guy swung his sword in one swift stroke, decapitating his enemy, desecrating his body and silently wishing him to burn in hell. From close by he thought he heard Hood shouting a denial, but the words were lost when part of the tunnel came crashing down. Guy felt a sudden blow to the head. He could feel himself fallingŚand then all went black around him. Chapter 18 Dim light glowed against his closed eyes and a soft breeze brushed his face. Fresh airŚnot the damp, sour smell of the castle dungeons. He blinked, and felt a slight weight over part of his body. Gaining his senses, he saw that part of a wall had fallen over him, leaning against another wall in a way that left him cocooned in the rubble. As his head cleared fully, he realized that most of the corridor where he’d been standing had collapsed, except for the one small space he was in. By some miracle he was alive, and testing his limbs, he found he hadn’t been crushed or mangled. But he didn’t dwell on amazement. Moving carefully, praying that the wall would not collapse, he wriggled out from under the debris. He coughed, the dust in the air choking him. He shook his headŚand suddenly remembered everything. Cassia. His last sight of her had been of the straw being lit at her feet, of her about to be put to death. But Hood had said she was alive. Had he rescued her? Had he taken her back to his camp? Desperate for answers, he slowly stumbled to his feet and rushed forwardŚonly to be stopped by a startling sight. There, not far from where he stood, was Robin of Locksley, pinned under the heavy weight of stones. Guy went to him, prying away the piles of rock and mortar that covered him. He was alive, but barely. Most of his body had been crushed in the collapse. Blood trickled from his nose and mouth, and Guy could hear him gasping. It was a pitiful site, even for his mortal enemy, and he felt a wave of pity come over him. But other matters suddenly flooded his mind, selfish intentions as they might have been, and he took hold of Hood’s shirt. śLocksley, can you hear me? Where is the girl? What have you done with her?” Robin wheezed, his voice barely audible. śHe is taking her to Marseilles, by way of Portsmouth.” śHe? Who? Who is taking her to Marseilles!” It was a demand, not a simple question, for he could see death taking its hold. Hood gave a gasp. He let out a gurgle, his body shakingŚand then nothing. The air slowly escaped his lungs, the light of life fading from his eyes. He was dead, and the answer gone with him. All around him was chaos, people running to and fro. Hood was dead. The Sheriff was deadŚand Cassia was gone. He rose to his feet, rushing away from the scene, done with Nottingham and all the misery it had ever brought him. Only Cassia mattered to him nw. He rushed towards the castle stables, needing to find a horse, and fast. He was shocked to find the building intact, and even more shocked to see his own familiar horse among the pack. Briwere had probably kept the animal with the intent of selling him, but had never gotten the chance. But it didn’t matter now. Rushing in, he saddled the horse fast and jumped on its back. He arrived at Chenivier in barely five minutes, leaping from his mount and barreling through the front doors of the house. He flew past the shocked servants in a rush for his bedchamber, where he emptied a jeweled box of its contents. Dumping the gems and gold coins into a velvet purse, he rushed back out again and leapt upon his horse. Bone weary, battered and disheveledŚcrazed with intentŚhe started to ride hard towards the coast. ***** As he went, a stark realization came over him. Whoever had taken her was well on the road ahead. In the time he’d lain senseless under the castle remains, they’d had many hours to travelŚand in his condition, he might kill himself with the effort of trying to catch up. Portsmouth was at least two days away, and not even the fastest horse in the world would make it in much less time. For hours he rode on, fighting against the realities of the situation and the desperation to get to her. But the realities eventually won out. He’d not slept properly in days. He’d hardly eaten. From the abuse he’d endured at the hands of his captors, and the collapse of the castle walls, he was battered and bleeding. He was in no shape to go much further, and he knew he must see to himself. It was dark when he came to a small village, where he at last consented to stopping for the night. His horse was tired, and it wouldn’t do to kill the animal who had brought him this far on his journey. Staggering to a nearby inn, he dug into his purse and found a coin, which he flipped to a stable boy who saw to his horse. He wandered into the establishment to order a room. At first the innkeeper looked at him suspiciously, wondering who this bedraggled, beaten man was and what his intentions were. But when Guy emptied a handful of coins on the table, the innkeeper’s eyes lit up. śAt your service, my lord. There is a room at the left of the stairs. I’ll send a servant up right away.” Guy’s voice was ragged. śFind clean garments for me. Bring wine and a meal. And have a hot bath prepared.” The innkeeper nodded, scurrying away, and Guy dragged himself up the stairs. ***** He sat in the steaming hot water, his elbows braced on his knees, his weary head in his hands. He was clean for the first time in days, having viciously scrubbed the filth and stench of the prison room off his body. His belly was fullŚhis nerves slightly dulled from the wine. By all accounts, he should have been falling into a deep slumber. But his mind was too haunted to be claimed by sleep. Was she well? What if she was in the hands of someone who meant her harm? Imagining her at the hands of some brute, he trembled with rage. If anyone dares harm her, I will sever their cowardly limbs from their bodies. Had the fire touched her in any way? Hood had said she was alive. But what of it? Had she been burned by flame or poisoned by smoke? How much damage had been done before she’d been saved? Did she know he was alive? Would she still be in Marseilles when he got there? It was maddening to think of travelling so far, only to find her gone. No, he thought, shaking his head wildly. She must be there. He feared for the loss of his sanity at the idea of her being gone. But he would not rest until he found her again. She was his life, and nothing mattered to him but having her back. With fierce determination he rose from the bath, drying himself thoroughly before slipping under the clean sheets. As soon as dawn came he would go after her. He would have her back, and that was all there was to it. For a few short hours, he slipped into a deep sleep. But late in the night, he suddenly came awake. He tossed and turned, wavering between despair, hope, and rage, as his mind went wild with a terrifying thought. What if her husband was alive? He sat up in bed, breathing fast with fear. His hands came up to cup his mouth. What if Edwin Middleton had returned to claim what was rightfully his? Thoughts of his previous dreamŚof the man on the white horse, taking her awayŚtore at his mind and ravaged his heart, and he found himself fighting back a lump in his throat. It was unthinkable. CassiaŚhis woman, his lifeŚwith someone else. Being held. Being kissed. BeingŚ He shook his head. IncensedŚhorrified at the thought of her with lying with another man, he rose up from the bed in a mad dash of movement. He prowled the floor, coming to stand before the window. Placing his hands upon the casement, he hung his headŚletting out a shuddering sigh. His pain was sharp and sickening, a barbed thing that could not be extracted from his chest. His head began to wag in denial. Oh God, how can I let her go? I cannot give her upŚI cannot live without her. She could not be lost to him. To lose her love would be his end. Already he felt crippled by the silence surrounding himŚthe empty space. A reminder that he was alone, and that the distance between them was vast. But he did not care how long it took. He would have her back. And he did not care if her husband had reclaimed her. Cassia is mine. If he thinks to take her from me, he will suffer my wrath. If he had to, he would force his way in and steal her back. And this time he would not rest until they were far from any and all who thought to keep her from him. ***** Cassia felt a constant jostling back and forth, and heard the sound of two male voices speaking quietly. Confused, unsure of where she was and why, she forced her heavy lidded eyes to open, looking upŚand she jumped at the sight of a strange red-haired man, dressed in servants clothes. Another man was sitting beside him, this one fair-haired, dressed in the garments of a noblemanŚand he seemed to look on her with concern. But all she could think was that she was being kidnapped. The smoke from the flames had made her dizzy, but the fire had not burned her. Someone had cut her bonds and taken her down from the cross, and now these men were taking her away to finish Briwere’s plan of murder. She was certain of it. And she was certain she would not let them. She had heard Guy’s voice calling for her, desperate in its woe. But then he was gone. Just before losing consciousness she had seen him being taken awayŚand she had to get back to him. If she had to gather Robin Hood and his gang to help her, she would. But first she had to get away from these men. She made a wild leap from the moving carriage, hitting the ground hard and rolling to absorb the impact. Then she was on her feet and running. But it wasn’t long before she heard one of her pursuer’s behind herŚand he was shouting her name. How he knew her name, she cared not. All she knew was that she had to get away from him. She ran on, as wild and fast as her legs would carry her. But a hidden root suddenly caught her toe, and she tumbled to the ground. A moment later she felt hands grabbing hold of her, and without thinking she bit and clawed at her attacker, screaming for helpŚuntil her captor’s voice shouted over her. śCassia! It is Stephen!” She went still, looking intently at his face. She knew those emerald green eyesŚthe very same eyes her father had possessed. But it couldn’t be Stephen. She shook her head in denial, trying again to free herself, clawing at his hands until he seized her wrists, shaking her. śIt is I, you fool! I am your brother!” She shouted back in denial. śLiar! You cannot be Stephen! He was killed on the battlefield three years ago!” He shook his head. śNo, Cassia. I am alive. And I have come back to reclaim what is left of my family.” Stunned into silence, unable to move, she felt him picking her up by the shoulders to embrace her. At first she remained stiff, unwilling to believe it was truly the brothr she’d lost all those years ago. But as he patted her back, speaking gently to her, she began to realize he was indeed real. The sound of his voice fell on her ears like an old sweet song. Still, it seemed too incredible to be believed. śRobin Hood told us you were dead. He told us you and Edwin had both been killed. He brought us Edwin’s ring and your dagger.” śI know he did. Edwin was indeed lost on the field, and I was near to joining him. But by the grace of God I survived. I came home weeks ago, only to find father’s grave, and you gone. I sought out Sophie, and she told me that you had vanished. I searched, but found no trace of you. Then I found Robin of Locksley a few days ago, and he helped me to rescue you. He also told me a wild tale about you and Sir Guy of Gisborne. Cassia, what happened?” Guy. At the mention of his name she came alert, recalling her last sight of him. She gasped, trying to pull away from Stephen’s arms. śI have to go back! Guy needs me! The Sheriff has him imprisoned!” He shook his head in denial. śYou can do nothing for him now!” She pushed at his chest, furious at the thought that he would stop her. śYou cannot keep me from him! I will go back if I have to walk every step of the way!” śYou can do nothing for him now, CassiaŚbecause he is dead!” His words were a slap in the face, stunning her into silence. She wagged her head, refusing to believe what he told her. It was impossible. She would not believe it. śYou’re lying! He is alive, and I must go to him!” But the way he was looking at herŚso solemn and serious. She felt herself crumbling inside as she looked in his eyes. His voice was gentle, full of sadness for her. śThe castle was destroyed. I saw it with my own eyes. If he was within, he could not have survived.” With feeble hands she tried again to push him away, still refusing to hear what he was telling her. But he only held her close once again, trying to comfort her, and she felt her heart shatter as the truth dawned on her. śNo, not Guy. Not my beloved Guy.” She began to sob uncontrollably against her brother’s shoulder. He picked her up, carrying her back to the waiting carriage. He spoke tenderly to her. śWe shall travel to Marseilles, dear sister. King Richard has granted me a fine home there as a reward for my service to the crown. You shall live a better life there, I promise.” She wept bitterly, knowing a truth that he could not possibly fathom. Without Guy, there is no life left for me to live. ***** The road to the coast was a ride of two long and wearisome days, and the sailing from Portsmouth to Cherbourg was not an entirely smooth one. The tedious journey tested the limits of all the passengers, particularly Stephen. His faithful servant, Chadwick, did his best to be cheerful. As they stood at the ship’s railing, he gave his master a pat on the back. śWhen we are home, my lord, the Baroness will welcome you with open arms and make you forget your troubles. As will the Mistress Katherine and Master Stuart.” Stephen smiled as he thought of his wife and two young children, waiting eagerly for him at home. Rosalyn was a good and generous wife. He felt he’d made a good choice of her from the ladies at court, for although she was born of noble blood and he was not, she did not secretly scorn him like many of the nobility had. His position as a Baron was given to him by the King, who looked with favor upon a young peasant soldier that had saved his life. But being on good terms with King Richard did not earn him respect among all of his peers, some of whom looked down their noses at him because of his lowly birth. Rosalyn, however, was a gracious and loving woman who accepted him as he was. She had blessed him with two healthy children and she kept his household running smoothly, and if the nobles at court talked ill of him, he cared not. He had a happy life and family, and that was all that mattered to him. He only wished his sister could look forward to such happiness. But seeing her as she was now, sinking into herself with deep misery, he wished he had been able to come back and find her much sooner. After his marriage nearly three years earlier, he had wanted to make the journey back to England. But when he found Rosalyn to be with child, he had not wanted to leave her. He had remained to witness the birth of his son that winter, and in the spring he attempted the journey to England, only to fall ill and be forced back. After a long recovery, he was surprised to find that his wife expected their second child. In November, just as Stuart was nearing two years of age, his darling Katherine had been bornŚand seeing her, he longed even more for the family he’d left behind. This past May he had reluctantly said goodbye to his wife and children and finally set out for the land of his birth. It had been his intention to bring both his father and Cassia back with him. But alas, it was not to be. And now he wondered if his sister thought to do herself a harm in some way. These several days she’d hardly said a word to him. At night he could hear her softly crying, and though he had tried to question her about Gisborne and why she was so affected by him, she refused to speak of it. What had Gisborne done to her to make her this way? He remembered the story Robin had told himŚthat Sir Guy had taken Cassia away to some hidden place, and the two of them had apparently had a love affair of sorts. But how could a woman have a love affair with a man such as him? He was a murderer, as cold and heartless as anyone could ever be. He’d destroyed a woman he’d once been engaged to, for the love of God. He had been more monster than man. How could anyone love such a beast? He must used coercionŚtricked her into living with him. Maybe he’d given her gifts and made her false promises. And she, being a vulnerable young woman, had believed his lies. It was hard to imagine his clever little sister being swayed by such tricks, but stranger things had happened. He was living proof of it. Despite the way she mourned his loss, he had to believe she would see the light in time. If Guy had been so worthy, he would have married her instead of keeping her as a mistress. But what did it matter now? Gisborne was dead, and no amount of grieving on Cassia’s part would restore him. She was better off as she was, with people who would love and care for her. He sighed, leaning out over the railing to watch the sea as it passed by, cresting in white swells against the side of the ship. He wished Rosalyn were here. And he felt great frustration in knowing that it would be many weeks before he saw her again. The journey from Nottingham to Marseilles was one of more than a thousand miles, and even with following seas and swift horses they might not cover more than thirty or forty miles in a day. It was a deplorable thought, and if his wife were here, at least he would have someone for comfortŚand Cassia would have someone for female company. Women understood each other’s strange behaviors, and with her gentleness and soft spoken ways, his wife would have been just the right person to bring Cassia around. Perhaps when they got to Marseilles, she would improve. Surely the coastal breezes and the warmth of the Mediterranean would make her forget her troubles. Besides that, he was now a man of means, with a fine home and enough wealth to live a comfortable life, and he intended to see that she had everything a woman could ever need. Chapter 19 Two months later Late August He wandered aimlessly along the bustling streets of Marseilles. The chatter of villagers and merchants as they bargained, the noise of fisherman, the laughter of children as they ran through the streetsŚthey were all pleasant sounds when compared to the sounds of misery in Nottingham. But he paid it all little attention. His eyes were frightening to those who would look at him. In his gaze was a desperation and turmoil that made people keep their distance. Somewhere in the corner of his mind, he knew he must have looked like a madman of sorts as he walked along, as if in a trance. His hair was nearly to his shoulders and unkempt. It had been days since he’d bothered to shave, and his jaw was covered with the shadow of a beard. He was sure that people wondered at his odd appearance and behavior, particularly when he suddenly snatched the arm of a brown-haired young woman that passed by him. She cried out in fear, cowering at the sight of this tall dark man who accosted her. But as he looked at her face, his expression moved from frenzy to deep sadness, and he released his hold, speaking gently. śForgive me, my lady. I thought you were someone else.” She stared at him for a long moment before hurrying offŚand he turned away, moving on along the street. He’d been in Marseilles for nearly two weeks. The journey here had been long, taxing, and unbearably lonely. Having spent the last of his own funds on the passage from Portsmouth, he’d taken to stealing money from the purses of wealthy travelers, and it was just enough to keep him fed and provide lodging at an inn. Upon arrival he’d immediately started his search, inquiring with whoever might be a source of information. But with each inquiry he found no leads regarding a woman by the name of śCassia.” He offered her married name to those he inquired with, but with no luck. His only other hope was that someone might be familiar with her maiden name of śDeWarren.” He was shocked, almost elated, when he saw recognition in the face of the innkeeper he gave the name toŚbut he was crushed with disappointment to hear that the only DeWarren the man knew of was a Baron Stephen DeWarren, who lived with his wife and children in a home at the coast. They were of no relation, he knew thatŚCassia was a peasant, so what connection would she possibly have with a man of nobility? Over several days time, however, the name of the Baron was constantly in his mind. Stephen. There was something familiar about it, and no matter how hard he tried to shake it offŚthinking it to be only his mind grasping at strawsŚthe name would simply not let him be. It was on his mind one afternoon as he wandered back towards the inn. And he decided that he had to investigate the possibility of a relation, no matter how miniscule the odds were. If nothing else, he needed to satisfy his nagging curiosity. Mounting his horse, he rode towards the seashore, with a strange little light of hope daring to flicker in his heart. ***** For some time he traveled along a road beside the sea, and soon a grand manor house came into view. He was almost afraid to approach it, certain that the owner would look upon this wreck of a once proud knight and have him arrested for trespassing. But if they had the smallest speck of information that would help him find Cassia, he would brave arrest and even assault. As he was turning his horse towards the drive, he heard the sound of merry voices coming from the beach just below. Simply out of curiosity, he moved a few steps forward and looked down, where he spied a young couple and their children playing in the sand. The young woman, long blond hair streaming in the breeze, sat at the edge of the water with a babe whom she was holding by the hands. The man was wading knee deep in the surf with a small boy, who squealed in delight as his father dipped him halfway in the water and then picked him up again. It was a pretty pictureŚone that he almost envied, thinking of Cassia and how they’d been robbed of their chance at such happiness. But he could not dwell on that at the moment. These people were obviously someone of importance, dressed as they were. Though the man wore only breeches and a loose linen shirt, and the woman wore a light summer dress, their clothes were still very fine. And only people of means could take time to frolic as they were doing. Hoping they would be of helpŚand hoping they were willing to give itŚhe dismounted, slowly making his way down to where they were. They didn’t seem to notice him at first, and he wondered how he might speak to them without looking like a hopeless fool. But his thoughts on that were cut short when the lady glanced over at him and gave a small shriek of fear. In a moment the man with the boy moved fast, handing the child off to his mother and snatching up a sword that rested nearby. He stood before his family, weapon at the readyŚbut Guy held up his hands to show he was unarmed. śForgive me, I mean no harm. I am looking forŚ” śYou are Guy of Gisborne.” Guy blinked, wondering how this stranger could possibly know him. He had no connections here, and surely his dark reputation had not travelled so far from England. He opened his mouth to speak, but the man gave him no chance. śRosalyn, please take the children back to the manor. I shall follow you shortly.” The lady nodded, gathering her children and departing quickly. The man watched them goŚand then turned back to examine Guy. śHas the devil risen from his grave? Or am I just imagining the sight of your malevolent presence?” Guy shook his head. śNo, I am quite flesh and blood, I assure you. And I tell you that I do not wish to cause trouble.” The other man sneered. śThat is quite a laughable statement, coming from the man who followed the Sheriff of Nottingham like a dog for so many years, harassing and torturing the innocent, including women and children.” A sudden spark of anticipation lit Guy’s eyes. If thisman knew him, if he knew of Briwere and Nottingham, then there was a chance he knew something of CassiaŚand suddenly a burst of memory came to him, of a long ago conversation between Robert DeWarren and his daughter. I lost your brother Stephen to the pilgrimage. I will not lose my only daughter as well. It could not be possible that this man and her brother were one in the same. But his desperate heart dared to hope. And he had to know. śAre you Baron DeWarren? Stephen DeWarren?” śWhat matter is it to you?” He arched a suspicious eyebrow at Guy, who almost pleaded with his next question. śDo you have a sister named Cassia?” A look of loathing crossed Stephen’s face. śYou dare to speak of her, after all you have made her suffer?” Guy felt the weight of the world lift from his shoulders. He thought he might weep with relief, and falling to his knees, his breath came hard and fast. śI must see her. I have been traveling for months, trying to find her.” Stephen thrust his blade under Guy’s chin, his eyes narrowed. śThat is hardly reason to let you know where she is. How do I know you will not do her harm in some way?” Guy swallowed the lump in his throat, his voice anguished. śI would never willingly let harm come to her. I love her as my own flesh, and I will do anything to be with her again. Please, let me see her.” Slowly, Stephen lowered his sword. Though the light of mistrust was still in his eyes, he took a step back, allowing Guy to stand. śCome to the manor. We will speak firstŚbefore I decide whether or not to trust you.” He turned and walked away, up the slight incline leading away from the beach. Guy turned in the opposite direction to retrieve his horseŚand quickly rode to the manor, his heart full of hope for the first time in months. ***** Riding upon the property, his first instinct was to look for her. He could not help himself. He hoped to see her walking nearby, perhaps among the wide expanse of green lawn or in the nearby fields. When his eye did not find her there, he found himself looking up at the windows, hoping to see her face. Where was she? She was nearŚhe could almost sense it. It was all he could do to keep from jumping down to the ground, running like mad through the front doors and calling out her name. What kept him from it was Stephen, who was walking along the stones in front of the manor, his arms crossed as he waited for Guy’s approach. He looked very much like a wary guard dog, disciplined enough to maintain his temperŚbut prepared to unleash hell should the occasion call for it. A groom came rushing forward at the sight of a visitor, and though he hesitated at the dark presence of the stranger, Stephen gestured for him to take the horseŚand then he turned his attention to Guy. śLet us go inside and speak plainly to one another.” Guy nodded, following along behind through the great arched doorway, into the great room. He saw an enormous set of stairs leading to the second story, and he wonderedŚ Was she in one of those upper rooms? His heart beat fast at the thought, making him long to rush up the steps two at a time, tearing through the halls and into each room until he found her. Only the sound of Stephen’s rough command kept him from following the impulse. śCome, Gisborne. Do not stand about like a bit of furniture. You will not find her wandering by, if that is your hope.” He sighed. śI fear she keeps very much to herself, almost always remaining in her room. It has been rare to see her outside of it.” Concerned, Guy moved quickly to join Stephen in the adjoining dining hall. His breath was coming fast, his nerves close to their breaking point as he watched Stephen pace before the fire. śYou have said she suffers. Is she ill?” A maid came near, pouring a goblet of wine and handing it to Stephen, who answered in a gruff tone. śNo. Her suffering is of the heart. She loves you, Gisborne. She has grieved deeply for you since we left England. Until today, it was assumed that you were killed in the destruction of Nottingham Castle.” Guy advanced quickly, his strides determined and angry. śThen let me see her and tell her the truth!” śIt is not so simple as that!” shouted Stephen. śHow do I know you will honor her as you should? How can I be certain you will not ruin her as you ruined Lady Marian?” Guy found it difficult to control his temper at such an insult. It was all he could do to keep from lashing out with his fistsŚbut he clenched his hands tightly, keeping them at his sides. śWhat happened with Marian was a mistakeŚa horrible crime I shall live with until my last hour of life. On the day of judgment I shall pay the price for not doing more to save her. But Cassia is everything to me. I love her more than I have ever loved anyone, and I would gladly give my life for her.” The two men studied each other, and Stephen’s eyes remained suspicious. When he lifted his hand and rang a bell to summon another servant, Guy felt certain he was about to be dismissed. If they try to remove me, I will fight them each and every one, he thought wildly. When a maid appeared, he prepared himself to do battle. He watched as Stephen slowly turned his eyes to the servant> śFetch Lady Cassia. Tell her she has a visitor.” śThe Lady Cassia has gone walking, my Lord.” Stephen looked at her, troubled. śWalking? Where?” śMy lord, she did not say.” A fearful look came over Stephen’s face. śFind her,” he demanded. śGather all the servants and conduct a search.” At the tone of Stephen’s response, Guy’s blood ran cold. He watched as the Baron headed off towards the Great Room, and he followed fast behind him. śConduct a search? What for? What concern is there over a simple walk?” śCassia never goes for a walk. She has not set foot outside this house since I brought her here.” śWhere do we begin?” Guy demanded. śSearch the shore, Gisborne. I will go to the village, and the servants will search the house and the grounds. Just hope that she has gone for a bit of fresh airŚand nothing more.” ***** He’d been riding along for some time, but had seen no one. Down below, where the grassy bank of land dropped off and led to the beach, the waves were gently rushing in and out. Other than the ocean and the gulls screaming overhead, there were no other signs of life, and part of him said to leave here to look elsewhere. But another part of himŚa stronger kind of senseŚtold him to go on. Then, just as he was about to turn back, he spotted something. Footprints in the sand. For one moment he sank with relief, knowing he must be on the right path. Leaving his horse behind on the bank, he walked down the sandy slope that led to the shore. He cupped his hands around his mouth, calling out for herŚand he heard no response. They had to be her footprints, as strongly as his instincts were telling him so. Looking ahead, he could see how the beach ended in the distance, changing from soft sands along the water to a rising green slope, which eventually led to a narrow ledge of rock that jutted out over the cove. Following the footprints, he saw how they suddenly ended at the bottom of the embankmentŚand slowly raising his head, he spotted a little figure standing high above on the rocky ledge. Her short dark hair ruffled in the wind. Her long blue dress billowed out behind her. No one in their right mind would be in so dangerous a place as she was...unless they intended something tragic. He could see her poised just at the rock precipice...poised as if ready to leap. A strangled cry escaped him. śCasia!” He rushed up the slope. It was a slippery, rugged climb, but not an impossible oneŚand he hoped against hope that he would reach her in time. ***** Standing at the edge, looking down at the waves below, she could see the rocks jutting up at the bottom of the cove. They would bring an instant endŚand a new beginning, if she chose. With one step further, she would be submitted to that life to come, and this old world would pass away. She wanted it toŚfor what was this world without the man she loved? At first she’d struggled against the idea of his death. All along the journey from England, she’d hoped and prayed that he would suddenly appearŚthat he’d somehow survived the destruction of the castle, and would come for her. At the manor she’d found herself staring out the window each day, looking for that imposing dark horse with its dark rider, galloping forth to claim what belonged to him. But each day had passed and he had not come. At last she realized there was no hopeŚand no amount of love and attention from her newfound family would set it right. Rosalyn was warm and gracious, welcoming her instantly and trying her best to make her feel wanted. She sat with her for hours, usually with her children in tow. Little Katherine was a quiet and sweet baby, and young Stuart was one of the few reasons she found to smile. At nearly three years old, he was a bundle of energy that kept his mother and the servants quite on their toes. He had a particular habit that Cassia couldn’t help but be amused by. When his mother scolded him, he would put his little hands on her face and whisperŚ Mama, I must tell you. I do not like that. Rosalyn always succumbed to his sweetness, and left the real discipline up to others, usually to his nurse, but even she was not always immune to his charms. When she wasn't entertaining Cassia with the children, Rosalyn often talked of the places they could visit if they chose, and quite often she would bring small gifts. She even called in a seamstress and had a whole wardrobe of ornate clothing tailored. Cassia graciously accepted the gifts, and stood for the fittings, not wanting to hurt her sister-in-laws feelingsŚbut in truth she cared little for the grandeur of her new life. Because of Stephen’s status she was now a woman of rank, but titles meant next to nothing. All she could think of was the short time she’d shared with GuyŚhow those few days they’d had together, at the lake and at the cottage, had been some of the happiest moments she’d ever known. Now those days were long gone, just as he wasŚand there was nothing left in this life that could ease the pain of his loss. Now, standing at the edge of the ridge, she was prepared to let her misery end. She let her foot slide forwardŚand heard a strange voice carried on the wind. She turned her head to listen. It was a deep, familiar tone that called her name. She knew that soundŚknew it as well as she knew her own voice. And yet she refused at fir believe it. Her head was playing tricks on herŚher memories of his long gone presence still reverberating in her anguished mind. She turned back to face the wind. And then she heard her name again, this time louder, clearerŚand drawing closer. She took a step back from the edge, her eyes searching for the source of the sound. And then she saw the dark figure rushing towards her, just like a storm cloud coming forth. A tempest on the horizon. She found herself managing only a few shaky steps forward before she was swept from her feet. Powerful arms wrapped themselves around her. The solid wall of a chest crushed against hers, stealing the breath from her lungsŚand an anguished voice spoke in her ear. śCassia, Cassia!" For several moments it was all he said. Stiff with shock and confusion, she leaned back in his arms, her hands searching his beloved face, feeling the rough texture of his unshaven jaw line. Was he real, or some desperate figment of his imagination? She searched his beautiful eyes, seeing the shine of tears in themŚand a wild, desperate light. He grasped her by both arms, shaking her. "What in God's name were you thinking just now?" A moment later he was kissing her, his breath coming in ragged gasps. And she suddenly realized it was no dream. śGuy! Oh, Guy, is it really you?” She threw her arms around him, clinging tightly to his neck, running her hands through his dark hairŚand as if to answer, as if to convince her of his substance, he kissed her again with a long hot press of his mouth on hers. When he broke away for a moment to take in a breath, she clutched his face in her hands and peppered it with small and urgent kisses, wanting to feel every scrap of skin she could touch. He fought her for dominance, rushing his lips hotly over her face and neck. Suddenly he clutched her tightly and pressed his cheek against her breast, his arms locked around her, while her hands held him firmly in place, stroking his hair. His voice was ragged, full of pain. śOh Cassia, if you had gone to the rocks below, I would have followed. To think what would have happened if I had not found youŚ” Tears fell from her eyes as she leaned her cheek against his dark locks. śI am so sorry, my darling. I will never bring you such pain again.” śNo,” he declared with a shake of his head. Putting her face in his palms, he brought her lips to his and kissed her firmly, speaking breathlessly against her mouth. śWe will never be apart again, I swear it.” She buried her head against his chest, weeping wildly with joy. She felt the brush of his chin against her temple, and she closed her eyes against the tide of emotion welling in her heart. He held her safe and secure in his arms as he rocked her back and forth, and she heard him whispering with a trembling voice. śMy love, my life. I shall never lose you again.” Chapter 20 It was nearly sundown before they moved from their rocky perch, neither of them willing to leave the other’s arms. But with the setting sun came a cool breeze, and Guy did not want her remaining in the night air. Taking her hand in his he kissed each delicate finger, and together they slowly walked back to where he’d left his horse. Occasionally they paused, turning to one another to share a passionate embrace and a kissŚboth still in awe at the miracle of their reunion. After they reached his horse, when he lifted her in the saddle and rose up behind her, she once again touched his rugged faceŚand studying his features, she suddenly noticed the slight darkness beneath his eyes. She took in the length and unruliness of his hairŚand frowned slightly. śOh Guy, you have suffered so. I can see it. How it breaks my heart to think what you must have been through.” He brought a finger to her lips to shush herŚthen replaced it with a sweet kiss. He leaned his forehead against hers, his words gentle and soothing. śWe will not speak of those things now. We are together again, and that is all that matters.” A tear ran down her cheek. She buried her head in his chest, holding him tightly in her arms. He leaned down, placing a sweet kiss in her hairŚand then he gave his horse the spur, holding her in his arms as they rode back towards the manor. ***** Just before the house came into view, Guy pulled at the reins of his horse. From his arms, Cassia looked up at him, puzzled. śWhy have you stopped?” He slid down the ground, though he still retained her hand. He looked up at her with a little smirk. śI do not think your brother would look favorably upon me if I returned with you in my arms.” He kissed her hand, letting his lips press against her skin for a long moment. Then, taking hold of the reins, he led his horse up the long graveled drive. Almost at the moment they arrived, they were surrounded by several members of the household, many of whom came running towards them only to stop half-way, seeing Cassia upon Guy’s dark horse and unsure of what to make of it. It was Rosalyn who at last came forward, though she stopped just short of coming directly to Guy himself. śCassia, thank heavens. We have been looking everywhere for you. Are you well?” Cassia smiled as Guy helped her down. śI am quite well, I assure you.” She glanced up at Guy, who smiled at her in return. Then, as he handed his horse off to a groom, Rosalyn took her by the hand and pulled her close, walking with her towards the front steps. śDearest, you seem a different person. What has happened?” Cassia’s eyes sparkled with joy. śOh Rosalyn, it is a miracle. My true love has returned to me.” She gripped the hands of her sister-in-law, whose eyes grew wide with disbelief as she looked between the two of them. śThis? This man is the one you have been longing for?” śYes, he is.” Rosalyn shook her head, stunned. śHow can this be?” śIt is a gift from God. A blessing such as I never thought to have.” śAre you quite certain of him? He seems soŚ” Cassia grinned. śI know he appears quite dark and fearsome. But there is another side to him. A wonderful, loving side to him.” There was much skepticism in Rosalyn’s expressionŚand concern. śI would be quite fearful of such a man.” She looked over at Guy, examining him as he talked to the groom. For several moments she studied himŚand then she sighed, a more optimistic light coming to her eyes. śHe is quite handsomeŚin a rakish sort of way.” She turned her eyes to Cassia, and smiled sweetly. śAnd he seems to have brought out such light in you. I wish you every happiness, dear sister.” They embracedŚjust as Stephen came thundering up the walk, his white charger scattering gravel as it skidded to a stop. Leaping to the ground, he seemed quite upset as he approached his sister, and yet he was clearly relieved to see her there. śCassia, good God. You had the entire household in an uproar.” She lowered her head slightly, but she could not fully hide her smilem sorry, brother. But I have returned. And I am very well, as you can see.” Guy walked up to stand beside her, his eyes full of tenderness and warmth. She could not help but return his loving glanceŚeven knowing that Stephen was eyeing them both as if he were a shepherd, she were a favorite lambŚand Guy was the wolf hovering nearby. śGisborne, I should like to speak to you alone. Come to the dining room.” At his command, his forceful tone, the smile fell from Cassia’s expression. She took a small, worrisome step towards him. śStephenŚ” śThis is not your concern, Cassia.” His tone was firm, unbending. There would be no arguing with his authority. śGo with Rosalyn and dress for supper. I shall see you when we dine.” ***** As the maid fastened the laces at the back of her dress, Cassia frowned deeply. In the looking glass she stared at the reflection of Rosalyn, who was seated in a chair near the fireplace. Cassia sighed, looking to her sister-in-law for reassurance. śWhat do you suppose they are speaking of?” Rosalyn shrugged. śI cannot tell you, dearest. The business of men is not for us to concern ourselves with. Whatever comes of their conversation, we must accept it.” Cassia felt her heart sink, even as Rosalyn tried to shine a better light on the words she'd spoken. śI am certain your brother will take your feelings into consideration. He loves you very much, and family is of utmost importance to him.” The encouragement was of little consolation. Thinking of those long ago days in England, when her father and brother had talked so passionately about King Richard and the cause, she was fearful. Guy of Gisborne and Sheriff Briwere had been the topic of many conversations, and always with such hatred and disgust. Now, Guy was downstairs with a man who held a deep-rooted loathing and mistrust of him, and if Stephen chose to be rid of him, there was little that could be done about it. It wasn’t just the matter of Stephen being a BaronŚoutranking Guy, and in truth, able to command him. The simple fact was that Guy was under Stephen’s roof, and as master of the home, he had absolute say in who remained and who did not. If he chose to send Guy away there was little she could do to change his mind. But Stephen does not know us, she thought. We will do what we must to be togetherŚeven if we must defy my brother’s authority. She knew that Guy must have been thinking along those same lines. He would do whatever it took to be with herŚhe had proven that many times over. And if the worst should happen, she would sacrifice her newfound family and status to follow him. Her only pe was that it would not come to that. They both deserved a happy, peaceful life without fear of judgment or repercussions. Now, they had only to await Stephen’s decisionŚfor it was his decision that would ultimately decide the path that lay ahead for them. ***** With Rosalyn at her side, Cassia slowly walked into the hall. Stephen was in his place at the head of the table, waiting for the approaching servant to bring him the hand-washing bowl. Cassia knew it was not her place to make demands of the master of the house, but she could not help herself. She tried to sound calm as she took her seat, but there was a fear in her voice that she could not mask. śWhere is Sir Guy?” Stephen looked up from drying his hands, his expression unreadable. It was a long, tense moment before he answered. śI sent him upstairs to make himself ready. If he is to dine with us, I will not have him seated at my table looking quite so much like a vagabond.” Cassia let out the breath she’d been holdingŚbut still she was nervous. Stephen had consented to letting Guy have a place at the table. But as to whether or not he would remain beyond the meal, it was not yet clear. She started to ask. But her attention was caught by a new presence in the room. All heads turned to look. And there stood Guy. Her breath caught at his transformation. His hair was clean and trimmed shortŚhis face freshly shaven. But it was his clothing that made him seem like a different man. Gone was the somber black that he’d always favored. In its place he wore a tunic in a rich burgundy tone, with an undershirt of deep golden color beneath it. Doeskin breeches showed off his long, muscular legsŚand Cassia couldn’t help staring at him as he walked, her heart beating fast at the sight of his gorgeous and manly presence. Stephen rose to his feet to address those around him. śWife. Sister. I would like to introduce you to my new Steward.” ***** Several times during the meal, Cassia had to clamp down hard on the wish to leap from her chair with joy. She wanted to hug Rosalyn. She wanted to throw her arms around Stephen and kiss his cheek, to express all the love and gratitude she suddenly felt for him. But mostly she wanted to run to Guy’s arms, to celebrate the happiness she felt flowing all through her. She longed to feel his embraceŚto share the warmth and passion of their kisses. But she knew full well that the smallest impropriety was not welcome at the dining table. Stephen seemed to emphasize his desire for decorum by directing the women to entertain themselves while he spoke business matters with Guy. Cassia knew that the position of a Steward was, essentially, nothing more than a servant. Stephen had probably given Guy the job with the intention of pressing him under his thumb. But if Guy willingly accepted such a status, so then would she. If it meant he would stay, she cared not what his place was in the household pecking order. Stephen had one Steward already in residence. But Wentworth was an elderly man and the burden of his duties was becoming quite a lot in his old age. The job would now be divided in two, with Wentworth overseeing the household staff and activities, and Guy managing the local tenants. During the meal they discussed the job, with Stephen explaining to Guy about the amounts of land he would be overseeingŚhow many tenants, how much rent they paid, when to collect, and so on. It seemed more of a business meeting rather than a supper conversation, but Cassia was content to at least see them speaking to one another in a civilized manner. During the meal, on the rare moment that Stephen’s eye was trained elsewhere, Cassia found Guy looking at her. His smile was slight, his looks very brief, for he knew as well as she did that he must comport himself properly, for his position as a Steward would certainly be given a probationary period. But his glances said all that he could not express in wordsŚand those grey eyes were dark with longing. It had been far too long since they’d truly had time alone. Those moments at the seaside, when they’d held each other so desperately, had been moments of deep emotion. There had been little of the physical cravings they’d always had for one another. But now that fears were banished, and happiness was at last within their reach, she could see in his eyes that he wanted her back in the most primal wayŚand she wasn’t ashamed to admit that she wanted him just as badly. When the meal was done, and they all rose to their feet to depart, Cassia secretly hoped to follow Guy from the room. But Stephen bid her to stay. śSir GuyŚRosalynŚI should like to speak to Cassia alone.” Rosalyn nodded. śI must go up and bid goodnight to the children.” She took her leave, and Guy followed a few moments later. śI believe I shall take in a stroll along the grounds before retiring.” He gave a slight bow, and his eye caught Cassia’s for a moment before he too departed. His look was quite meaningful, and it did not escape her attentionŚor Stephen’s. Once Guy had quit the room, he turned to Cassia with a stern expression. śYou will conduct yourself properly if he remains. Will you not?” She turned to look at himŚand for the first time since they’d been reunited, she found her temper rising. Though she maintained her composure, she could not keep the edge from her voice. śI am not a child, Stephen. And I know quite well how to conduct myself, thank you.” śDo not strike such a tone, Cassia. I am only acting as our father would have. And now that he is gone, it is my duty as your brother to see that you are looked after.” She folded her arms, defiant. śI have looked after myself for a very long time. I am quite aware of my place as a lady and as the sister of a Baron. You need not fear that I will shame you in some way. But I am a fully grown woman, and if I am to show you proper respect then you shall do the same for me.” He looked quite stunned by her declaration. She wondered if he would rave and bluster in some way, declaring his power over his home and all who lived under it. But he did not. Instead he folded his arms as his brow furrowed, and he turned his back on her to stare out the window. She took it as a sign of consent, however reluctant it might have been. śGood night, brother,” she declared. Then she slipped from the roomŚand went in search of Guy. ***** He could hear the gentle whisper of her voice. śGuy? Are you out here?” It made the corner of his mouth rise. He wanted to call out to her, to hasten her to his arms that had longed for her all these months. But instead he remained still, seated on the little stone bench in the alcove. It was a perfect setting for a romantic rendezvous, particularly on a night such as this, when the light from the moon was not so full, but just bright enough to allow the eyes to see. The garden path was a long and winding walk lined with jasmine, roses, and all other manner of scented delights. Along the walk were occasional alcoves for sitting, and at one such spot that was a good distance from the gate he had taken a seat to wait for her, knowing that it would not be long before she found him. He heard the rustle of her dress as she nearedŚthe soft fall of her footsteps. Moving his booted foot out a space, he waitedŚand was rewarded when her toe caught and she stumbled, falling across his outstretched arm just as he’d planned. Moving her so that her face was looking up at him, he smirked at her, his eyes full of fire. śWell now, this seems quite familiar. But I pray it turns out better than before.” She gave a little giggle, and he pulled her close against him, leaning back with her into the privacy of the alcove. Her arms came up to wind around his neck, and his first impulse was to kiss her senselessŚto recapture every moment of love they had lost these last months. But such was his desire to know the joy of her, particularly her enchanting smile and the sound of her laughter, that he couldn’t resist taking just a moment to tease her. śAs I recall, the last time I caught a woman this way, it ended with her wishing a pox on me.” She giggled againŚa sound of such delight and love that it fired along every nerve he had. He adored her to no end, but there was something especially tantalizing about her when she was happy in this way. Meeting his forehead with hers, he thrilled at the softness of her voice. śThere will be no such curses this time.” He drew her close to kiss herŚbut she placed her two soft hands against his cheeks, looking into his eyes. And hers were shining with tears. śOh Guy,” she said. śHow can this truly be? I thought to never see you again. Tell me now, my darling. How came you to be restored to me?” He told her of his escape from the dungeon, the death of the SheriffŚand of Robin Hood. She was stunned, to say the least. Resting her head against his chest, she gave a sad little sigh. śGod rest his soul. Though I did not hold with his principals, he always did that which he thought to be honorableŚat least in his own view of the world.” She raised her head, looking into his eyes. śAnd he led you back to me. For that, I am eternally grateful.” He could keep himself from it no longer. Their lips met, and she needed no encouragement in opening up for him, letting him drink in her sweet taste. Lord, it had been so long since they’d been this way, and he wanted to be fierce in his love for herŚto ravish her mouth with fire hot kisses and loosen her clothing so he could brazenly touch her. But somewhere in the haze of desire, he chose not to rush. They had all the time in the world now, and he wanted to linger in every heated moment. He broke from her lips, chuckling at the little sound of protest she madeŚand then he smiled wickedly when the sound turned again to contentment, caused by the soft exploration his lips were making along her neck and shoulders. śOh Guy, I have missed this,” she whispered. śI have missed youŚso very much.” She arched her neck, baring the column of her throat to him, and his burning lips pressed the smoothness of her skin as he murmured softly. śI thought of nothing but you. Every moment, every day. My heart and soul have been in such torment.” One of his hands began slowly raising the hem of her dress, gathering the long material up until he found her bare knee. He heard her intake of breath at his touch, and he covered her mouth with his to absorb the sweet sound of delight that she made. Slowly his hand was traveling up, moving along the silkiness of her thigh. It came to rest on her hipŚand then, ever so slowly, he moved his fingers across the top of her leg, his touch oh so slight as it moved to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. She gasped against his mouth, encouraging his touch. Her hands were in his hair, telling him without words just how eager she was for him. śLady Cassia!” The sound of a servant calling. At the sudden interruption, Cassia let out a little curse of frustration. Guy removed his hand, dropping her skirt back to its proper place, knowing they would have to part to avoid discovery. But he couldn’t force himself to let her go completely. His arms wound around her and he buried his nose in her hair, breathing in her sweet lavender scent as he recalled another heated moment that had been so rudely disrupted. He muttered his frustration in her ear. śBlasted hell! History has a damned inconvenient way of repeating itself.” The servant called out again, and they both knew they must part before they were found. Even as she extracted herself from his arms, he received several more of her tender kisses, which he returned in kind. She spoke softly between presses of her lips to his. śDelay for a few moments. It would not be wise to have us both emerging from thegarden at the same time.” A mischievous light shined in his eyes. śI shall need several moments delay to recover my senses.” Realizing what he insinuated, she grinnedŚand leaned to whisper in his ear. śWicked man.” Then she clutched his face, kissing him hard and hot on the lips. śI shall find you again soon.” He smirked up at her. śI shall be all anticipation.” She smiled, scurrying away, leaving him to wait for the right moment to emerge from their hiding placeŚand aching for the moment when she would return to him. ***** Coming out of the gate, she hurried up the steps leading to the graveled walk. Then she slowed her steps, assuming a more dignified airŚjust as a maid came into view. śOh, Lady Cassia. The Master was looking for you. He was quite worriedŚ” śThere is no need for concern. I stepped out for a breath of fresh air, but now I shall retire to bed. Good night.” The maid curtseyed and Cassia turned up the walk into the houseŚwhere she found Stephen waiting just inside the front vestibule. Leaning on his arm against the doorframe, he eyed her suspiciously, but she only looked at him in the most innocent way. śDid I ever tell you that the outdoor privy seat is freezing cold?” His expression suddenly changed from suspicion to shock. śWhat?” śThe stone is positively freezing on my hind quarters.” He looked utterly revolted at her statement. śDear God, Cassia! Could you be more uncouth and unladylike? Lord above!” He turned away from her in obvious disgustŚand it made her smirk, silently congratulating herself for her quick thinking. Not that it had been so difficult. Men could be so simple-minded at times. She sighed and hurried up the stairs to her room. ***** The house was falling into silence as it was shut down for the night. In Cassia’s room, the maid had helped her out of her clothing and into a nightdress, but she drew the line at being tucked into bed like a child. In a firm but kind tone she dismissed the servant, who curtseyed obediently but did not immediately go. She went about the room and extinguished the candles, and Cassia lay with just the sheet covering her, watching the slow movements of dutyŚwishing she would be gone. When the last candle had been snuffed out, and only the low fire in the hearth remained, the maid at last made her departure. When the door closed, Cassia threw the sheet off and sat up, listening. She knew not to rush out of her room quite yet, just in se there were a few souls lingering about. Guy’s room was a distance away, and she had to be certain the entire house was asleep before she ventured there. Going to her dressing table, she examined herself in the looking glass, and sighed in frustration at the length of her hair. It had grown quite a lot since that day at the castle, when it had been so brutally cut away. Still, it seemed so shameful to look at. For a moment she wondered if Guy secretly found it displeasingŚbut then she shook the foolish thought from her head, knowing that such a matter of feminine pride meant little to him. He loved her. He had come back to her, and that was all she needed to know. She smiled to herself as she rose to pace before the fire, a giddy feeling running all through her. She could hardly wait to be with him again, and it mattered little to her that they were taking such risks to be together. They’d been through enough trials and tribulations, but still had managed to find their way back to one anotherŚand so this chance they were taking was a small one. As long as they were cautious, who would be the wiser? She sat on the edge of the bed, waiting. After a fair amount of time had passedŚthe fire had burned down to embers as she’d waitedŚshe rose to her feet, unable to delay a moment longer. She went to the door and cracked it open, peeking into the hall. All was quiet and darkness. Carefully closing her chamber door behind her, she slinked down the corridor, silent as a cat, feeling her way along the wall, moving carefully past the stairway. The guest quarters were on the other side of the house, some distance away from the family chambers. She was not quite sure what room was his, but it would not be too difficult to find. He was the only guest in residence at the moment, and though there were several rooms to choose from, she was certain he would leave her some clue. Looking down the corridor, she strained her eyesŚand was just able to see a light underneath a door. She smiled, knowing she had found the right place. She tiptoed to the door, taking a deep breath as she paused at the threshold. She lifted the latchŚand slipped quietly in. Chapter 21 He was sitting before the fire, his booted legs stretched out in front of him. Sipping from a goblet, he did not turn his head when she came inŚbut she could see the sly little smile on his face. His voice had a low, sultry tone. śWhy, Lady Cassia. What an unexpected surprise. Did the little lamb wander from the safety of the fold and lose her way?” She checked the door to be certain it was locked. When she turned back to him, he was watching her intently, his eyes looking her over with heated scrutiny. Her own eyes became bright with anticipation as she slowly walked over to his chair. Standing behind him, she leaned her chin on his shoulder and let her arms creep around him. Her words were soft in his ear. śThe lamb did not get lost. She escaped when the shepherd closed his eyes to rest.” He chuckled. śDid she expect to wander into the den of a wolf?” śShe sought him out...and with much eagerness, I might add.” She placed a teasing kiss on his ear. She felt him shiver slightly at her touch, but still he did not move. He seemed to be playing some sort of game, being deliberately cool when she wanted him to be full of fire and fervor. Coming around to stand before him, she took the goblet from his hand and put it aside, quite out of his reach. Placing herself on his knee, she looped her arms around his neck. She looked deep into his shining eyes, seeing his sly expression. śThe door is bolted,” she softly said. śAnd so long as I am in my own chamber before dawn, there is nothing to fear. Now please kiss me, Guy. We were so rudely interrupted before, and I will not be denied a second time.” She leaned in to kiss him, but he pulled away slightly. From the smug look he wore, he was clearly entertained by the notion that she’d come to him this way, and his words provided proof of it. śSo eager. So demanding. Most men find that unbecoming in a woman.” She narrowed her eyes at his teasing, impatient for him to act and not to speak. śHow fortunate for me that you are not like most men. But I did not come here for conversation, Guy of Gisborne. Talking can wait for another time.” She tried to kiss him again, but still he hesitatedŚand if it wasn’t for the fact that she wanted him so terribly, she would have smacked his handsome but arrogant face. He seemed quite amused by her frustration. śI do not think your brother would approve of this wanton behavior.” Her eyes grew bright with growing irritation at his delayŚand at the mention of Stephen, who was the last person on her mind at that moment, she became quite perturbed. śMy brother is not my keeper. I am a grown woman. I have been engaged, married, widowed, and engaged again. I hardly think he has the right to judge what I can and cannot do.” Guy raised an eyebrow. śSo u would defy him, then?” Her answer was bold. śFor you, I would defy all things.” At last she felt the melting of his resistance. His arms were slowly finding their way around her waist, pulling her closeŚand when she brought her face close to his, he did not pull away. His eyes were dark with longing, his voice low and seductive. śYou are an incredible woman, Cassia. A beautiful, wicked womanŚand I find such wickedness extremely delightful.” Then at last, he kissed her, and they both uttered a little sound of delight. ***** As their kisses deepened, she moved herself so that her knees were on either side of his legs, her bottom on his lap. She buried her fingers in the soft waves of his hair. While his mouth hotly tasted hers, his hands were slowly pulling at the white silk ribbons on the front of her nightgown. When it was gaped open, one of his hands crept in to caress her, his fingers circling the soft skin of one breast. His other hand went around her waist to the small of her back, pressing firmly there to encourage the little movements she was making with her hips, pressing herself against the bulge of his arousal. Moving her shoulders so that her sleeves fell, leaving her more exposed to him, she arched her back and thrust her breast against the warmth of his palm. When his lips moved down to that hardened peak, his tongue expertly teasing it along with his fingers, she whimpered and clutched his head against her. Moving her mouth to his earlobe, taking it between her teeth, she spoke hotly between gentle nips of the skin. śTake me to the bed, Guy...please.” He chuckled softly, but obeyed her. He rose with her, his hands cupping her backside, her legs wrapped around his waist. Her arms clung to his neck as he carried her to the edge of the bed, and when he gently put her down, she fully anticipated falling back and taking his weight upon her. But he remained only half-reclined, kissing her quite boldly, his tongue dancing wildly with hers, his hands grazing her neck and bare shoulders. Her fingers traveled beneath his collar, wanting to feel his skin, and she found great frustration in the restrictive design of his clothes. The tunics and undershirts he’d once worn had always been slightly open at the neck, the ties always lazily done and easily conquered by a pair of willing hands. But these finer garments were much less accessible, and she clutched fistfuls of the material, tugging at it in her haste to have it off. Guy, sensing her frustration, broke the kiss for a moment and pulled the high collared tunic off. The shirt quickly followed, leaving him bare from the waist upŚand Cassia pulled his head back to recapture his mouth. While one of her hands clutched the base of his neck, trying to pull him down to the bed with her, her other hand traveled down his chest to his stomach, and then to the band of his trousers. When she felt his fingers close over her wrist, she thought he meant to undo the ties himselfŚbut then he suddenly stepped back, as if heught heave her. She reached for him, confused by his actions, but he stilled her questing hands. There was a strange, almost dark smirk on his handsome face as he slowly pulled up the hem of her nightgown. She looked at him, curious, when he did not raise it higher than her thigh. Instead of his hands venturing up, his fingers went to the bend of her kneeŚand then, lifting her slender leg, his fingers traveled down her calf to her foot. She’d never imagined such a sensation, but when his lips placed a hot kiss on her ankle, she felt a pleasurable shock ripple through her body. He began a slow path upwards, kissing and softly nibbling the skin, and her heart thudded in her ears when he paused at her calf to look up, his eyes meeting hers. śSmooth as silk,” he whispered. And then he smirked. śBeeswax and honey?” Her reply was breathless. śWith a bit of strawberry. And just how would you know about that?” His lips moved back to her skin. śWe all have our little secrets, do we not?” She wanted to speak. But as his hot mouth crept past her knee, it became clear to her what he intended. When he slowly knelt down, placing himself between her legs, she gasped at the sight of his dark head in such a wicked position. His kisses traveled along the tender flesh of her inner thigh, his breath hot against her skin, and she felt herself trembling with a feeling so intense that she bit her lip, fighting the urge to scream. Her inner core was pulsing as she felt his fingers touching her, exploring herŚand then she felt it. His mouth fastened on her tender nub of flesh, suckling her. She was struck by an explosion of lightning sensation, waves of ecstacy crashing over her, and she threw her head back with a jubilant cryŚthen she slumped forward, clutching his head. Her heart labored wildly, her breathing so rapid she was certain she might faint. Stunned beyond words, trying hard to catch her breath, she could hardly comprehend it when Guy tugged her nightgown the rest of the way down and slid it off her legs, tossing it aside. Fully nude, weak from what he’d done to her, she was limp when he lifted her and moved her to the center of the bed. He joined her a moment later, now naked himself, and moving over her, he covered her mouth with his. This time, it was a wild ravishment of a kiss. Despite the incredible heights he’d just taken her to, she found the sensations building all over again, the flame within her reignited in an instant. She clutched at his head, whimpering as his mouth devoured hers. His hands were everywhere, roaming over every bit of skin, and her nails ran sharp down his back. Her fingers clenched the firm muscles of his backsideŚand she could contain her urges no longer. śI need you, Guy. I need you now.” Almost before she’d said the words he was there, buried deep. She sucked in a sharp breath at the feel of him, rigid and throbbing within her body. Then he was moving, hard and fast, surging relentlessly as she clamped her inner muscles around him. Both of them were moaning, panting heavily with their exertions. Their mouths opened eagerly together, hot and hungryŚand trying to stifle the ecstatic sounds escaping them. When they broke from kissing it was only for moments, just long enough to gather breath. As they rushed to those last frantic moments they ground their mouths together once again, shattering as one, absorbing one another’s explosive cries of fulfillment. Sral quiet moments passed, their breathing hectic, their hearts pounding. Covered in a sheen of perspiration, arms and legs tangled, their bodies were fused togetherŚand neither was willing or able to move. Guy’s voice was ragged when it softly broke the silence. śWild, wanton little woman. You might have brought the entire household awake with such noise.” Narrowing her eyes, she gave his arm a pinch. He lifted his head from the crook of her shoulder to look at her, his expression one of mock hurt, his breath still fast. But the corner of his mouth went up crookedly. śOuch! What was that for?” She tried to look angry with him, and she whispered furiously. śFiend. If the entire household heard me, it was all your fault.” He only smirked, taking her lips in a soft, lingering kiss. Then he rolled to his back, taking her with him to hold her close, and she nuzzled her cheek against his breast. She sighed with contentmentŚand wonder. śWhat you did to meŚbefore. I never imagined finding pleasure in such a way. It is so very sinful.” She felt his hands tenderly stroking up and down her back. She softly moaned at the wonderful feeling of his touch. śThere are many ways of making love,” he quietly replied. śSome are much more wicked than others. But when performed with one that has your heart, there is no sin in sharing such joys.” Smiling, she rose up to be nose to nose with him. śAnd I found much joy in it,” she declared. She placed a soft kiss on his lips. śWill you show me other such delights?” His eyes shined with love for her, and he smiled. śWith pleasure, my beloved. But I fear such lessons may have to wait. I have hardly slept these last days, and now you have drained every last ounce of my energy.” She kissed the tip of his nose. Settling into the comfort of his arms, she felt her own eyes growing heavy. His strength and warmth, the events of a long dayŚtheir exuberant lovemakingŚall combined to make a potent drug that soon found her sound asleep in his loving embrace. ***** He stirred slowly, coming awake to the feeling of her back pressed against his chest. With a pleasured smile, he snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her even closer. He had been without her for so long, and too fresh was the painful memory of their separation. To ease his soul, he needed her as close as comfort would allow. She murmured in her sleep, but did not stirŚand he found that for once, he didn’t mind. He wanted just to look at her, to think of her. In the quiet of the night, holding her soft little body, his mind was in awe of how intensely she affected him. What he felt for her was so deep a feeling, he could not express it. Not in words, and not even with kisses or the joing of their bodies. He could only look upon her, as now, and wonder how he’d ever been satisfied with something less. He knew there was no way of erasing every sin he’d ever committed. But God in heaven, it tore at his insides to think of all the countless women he’d wasted time with. They’d not meant much to him then, but now they meant less than nothing, and he wished somehow that he could wipe his memory clean. But they were a stain that could not be wiped away. Those thoughts, those dark memories, were only lost when he was with Cassia. Needing the balm that only she could give him, he leaned down to softly kiss her shoulder. It was incredible that just that tiny bit of affection, that brief contact of his lips on her skin, was enough to bring some sense of calm to his soul. And to spark his desire. He heard the happy little sound she made as she woke. He smiled, brushing his nose from her shoulder to her neck, nuzzling her gently. He placed a soft kiss behind her ear, and he was pleased when she sighed with contentment. śMmmm. What a lovely way to be woken up.” She turned in his embrace, looping her arms around his neck. They shared soft, tender kissesŚpassionate, but unhurried. And though he knew words could not quite capture his feelings, he could not fight the urge to try. śYou are so beautiful, Cassia. There is not a one who can ever compare to you.” She giggled softly, nibbling at his ear. śContinue with this, if you please. I am quite enjoying it.” He allowed it for a few moments. But then he pulled back, capturing her face in both his hands. śI am being quite serious. You are such a lovely, radiant thing. At times I find it difficult to believe you are truly mine to have and keep.” Her fingers came up to lightly clasp his wrists. śI feel the same, Guy. Every time I look at you, I feel so very blessed. And after what we have endured, it is truly a gift to have this second chance.” śAnd we shall not waste another moment of it. Tomorrow, I shall ask your brother for his blessing. We shall be man and wife, even if we must seek out the priest on our own.” She pulled his face to hers, worshiping him with tender kisses. śI love you, Guy.” He returned her kisses, loving her more and more each passing moment. śI love you, Cassia. More than words have the power to say.” She gave him a low, naughty chuckle. śDeeds are more powerful than words, so it has been said. Perhaps we should put such wisdom to the test.” Sharing her mirth, adoring her boldness, he cradled her in his armsŚand proved that the old adage was very true indeed. ***** Lying beside him, their heads sharing a pillow, she heard him make a tiny sound of amusement. She looked at him, seeing ts. ht smile that came to his face. Though she delighted in seeing that handsome expression, she had to wonder what had prompted it. śSomething amuses you?” she asked. He took in a slight breath. śI was recalling a dreamŚwell, it was perhaps more of a nightmare. I once envisioned that we were together, as we are now. Happy, as now. But then, a knight on a white horse appeared, seemingly from nowhere. He took you from me, and I was helpless to stop it. And you went to him willingly.” She moved so that she could look down into his eyes. Her expression was solemn. śWhy would I do that?” His eyes met hersŚand his smile had lessened. śIt was your husband.” She opened her mouth, but found no words. śBut I am smiling because now I realize it was just the twisted logic of dreams. It was your brother returning to find youŚit was not your husband. And it was my fear that triggered the illusion.” Her look was pained. śYou feared that I would leave you?” He nodded, and she leaned her head against his shoulder, putting her arms around him. He embraced her, letting out a deep breath. śI am aware of how foolish it must seem now. But in those days, I always feared that you would suddenly see the lightŚthat you would see what you had bound yourself to, and wish to escape.” She clung tightly to him. śWhy would I ever want to leave a man such as you?” He sighed again, the sound almost sad. śWell, for one, there is the matter of my sordid past. And then, there is the matter of my physical presence. I am not what one would call an ideal image of a man.” She lifted her head, taking his face in her hands, her demeanor almost aggressive. śYou are my ideal of perfection. I do not desire a fair-haired paragon on a white horse.” Then she smiled, her eyes glowing with mischief. śI like my knight dark and dangerous, with a pair of sinful eyes that can melt me into a puddle with just one look.” He raised an eyebrow, his little smile teasing her. śHe sounds quite intriguing. Do I know this person?” śYou should. He is quite tall, with an incredible physique that would turn the head of any sensible woman. But it is quite fortunate for me that he is mine, and only mineŚ” ***** They slept once again, close together as they had been each time before. But when Cassia woke, turning her head to glance out the window, she knew that the darkness would not remain for much longer. She was careful in removing herself from Guy’s arms. Several times during the night, she found that when she moveven the smallest distance awayŚto stretch or adjust her positionŚhe would tighten his hold on her, as if he feared being separated from her. When she was out of his embrace, she crept from the bed and found her discarded nightgown. After she slipped back into it she sat on the edge of the bed, tying the ribbonsŚand she smiled when she felt the weight shift on the bed behind her. A moment later she felt his arms around her shoulders, his breath hot upon her neck as he murmured softly. śMust you go so soon?” She smiled, leaning back against him. And she sighed. śThe moon is low in the west. The servants will be up soonŚand I must be in my chamber before the house begins to stir.” Despite the words of caution, despite the knowledge that their night was at its end, neither was willing to go. Guy was more vocal in his displeasure, grumbling his protest softly against her skin. śI can hardly bear these separations.” He rocked her back and forth in his embrace, as if seeking comfort from the motion. She turned in his arms, pressing her cheek against his shoulder, her arms clinging to him. She tried to sound more cheerful than he. śI shall not be so far away. We will share company in the afternoon and in the evening.” His whisper had an urgent note to it. śThat shall hardly suffice.” She heard him sigh. Then, he held her back slightly to look in her eyes. śWill you come to me again? Tonight?” Her answer was instant. śOf course. And every night, if I am able to manage it.” He let out a ragged breath. śI can hardly wait until we are wed.” He kissed her firmlyŚand then he smiled. His eyes were shining with amusement. śI think it is time you made an honest man of me.” She giggled, kissing him back, wishing she could stayŚbut knowing she could not. Before temptation could lure her back to his bed and his willing arms, she pulled away and rose to her feet. He followed her to the door, his fingers linked with hersŚunwilling to let her leave until the last possible moment. Just before she slipped out, he grazed her cheek with his fingertips. śGood night, my beloved.” She clutched his hand, pressing it against her face for a long momentŚand then she left, taking great caution to move as silently as she had only a short time ago. ***** She slept quite late into the day...and cursed herself for it. She had wanted to see Guy at breakfast, before Stephen took him out on their journey to meet the tenants and examine the property. But as she lay in her bed, thinking on the night that had just passed, she smiled sheepishlyŚthinking perhaps that meeting him so soon again would not be wise, particularly if others were watching them. She had a strange wish to be a little bird at that moment, so she might discreetly follow along with Guy and Stephen and hear their conversation. Guy had said he would seek Stephen’s blessing today, and she prayed that her brother would be rational. He had his reasons for not liking Guy, but surely he would not deny her the happiness of having the man she loved. At her request the maid prepared a bath and brought her a tray of food, and soon she was left alone with her thoughts. Rosalyn had said that Stephen would take her feelings into considerationŚand he’d made Guy his second Steward, which made her think he was at least trying to be reasonable. But she was well aware that marriages were not meant for love. A lord based his allowance of marriage on what he thought to be the best situation for the parties involved. It mattered not that she was Stephen’s sister. She could only pray that he would allow his heart, and not his pride, to ultimately affect his decision. Later that afternoon, impatience gnawed at her as she took a long turn around the property with Rosalyn. The children accompanied them, escorted by their nurse. While the three were at a distance ahead, Cassia and Rosalyn walked side by side, observing them. Stuart ran far ahead, as fast as his little legs would carry him. Then he came running back, a wide smile on his face. śMamaŚAuntieŚI can run fast!” Rosalyn gave him a loving smile, reaching down to smooth his flaxen hair. śWe see, darling. But be careful. Do not fall.” He gave a little giggleŚand proceeded to run full speed ahead down the path. śHe is a fine boy,” Cassia said. śSo sweet, and so full of energy.” She smiled, watching Stuart as he bravely managed the few steps leading down a section of the path. śHe reminds me of Stephen’s temperament when we were children. He was always bold and gregarious.” Rosalyn beamed with pride. śMy son will make a fine knight one day.” To that, Cassia’s smile waned. śI must confess. If I have sons, I hope that their ambitions do not venture towards warfare. I can recall too clearly how painful it was to see Stephen and Edwin gone to seek such glory. I would prefer that my sons look to commerce, or agricultureŚperhaps even the clergy.” Rosalyn looked sympathetic. But as always, her compassion was tempered by her aristocratic upbringingŚher total devotion to the rules of society and of her status. śIf only it could be our decision to make, dear sister. Sons shall follow their fathers. It is a fate that we mothers cannot change.” Cassia sighed. śPerhaps. But it is my hope that my husband directs our children on a more peaceful path in life.” śDoes Sir Guy speak to you of his wishes for the future?” She shrugged. śAt present, we would be grateul just to begin our lives together. He seeks my hand, Rosalyn. He told me he would speak to Stephen today.” Rosalyn took her hands, joyfully squeezing them. śOh Cassia, that is splendid news.” śOnly if Stephen accepts us.” She lowered her eyes, coming close to tears. śWithout his consent, Guy and I can make no such plans.” Rosalyn gathered her in her arms, and Cassia leaned on her, grateful for the small comfort. As they turned back to the house, a footman appeared from within. He gave a bow to Rosalyn. śMy lady, the master returns.” Cassia felt her insides quiver with nervousness, wondering what news Stephen would bring. Rosalyn gave her hand a gentle pat, and together they walked in, the nurse following behind with the children. They waited near the staircase, and at the sight of Guy walking beside Stephen, Cassia’s heart beat fast. When he walked through the door, he remained at a polite distance as Stephen came forward to greet his wife and children, and to give Cassia a peck of the cheek. But her eyes remained on Guy, as his eyes were on hers. She found it difficult to restrain herself. She wanted to rush to him, to throw her arms around him and kiss him. But such behavior was not permitted, and this they both knew. He appeared cool and restrained, the way she had often seen him in those days when he’d carried out his duties in Nottingham. But she knew he must have been eager to speak to her, to tell her what had transpired between himself and his new lord and master. And he was eager to express his affection. She could see it in his expression as he came close. It was in his eyes, which darkened in color as he took her hand, pressing his lips lightly to her knuckles. śMy Lady Cassia.” śSir Guy.” He was not even permitted to give her his arm to escort her to the table. They had to walk side by side, as if they were mere acquaintances and nothing more. And when they spoke, it was in quiet tones and short sentences, as if they carried on a small and simple conversation of little importance. śI spoke to Stephen.” She tried to keep her voice calm, though she was trembling with anxiety. śYes?” Guy sighed. śHe is withholding his decision until tomorrow.” Her heart sank, and she fought the urge to curse. śThis is maddening,” she declared. śHe knows my feelings, and yours. And yet he remains so deliberately stubborn.” śI know. I assure you, I was not at all pleased to hear it. But for one more day, I shall maintain my civility and exercise my patience.” śWill you tell me more of your conversation? Tonight?” Her voice held a note of promise, of anticipationŚand his was the same in reply. śI look forward to it.” She smiled, and though she dared not look up at his faceŚshe would find it difficult to look away if she didŚshe knew he was smiling too. Chapter 22 When she made her way to his room that night, she found him standing before the fire with his arms crossed. Clearly he was deep in thought, but still he managed to turn to her with one of his lovely smiles. He held out his hand to herŚand she went to him instantly, slipping her palm into his. But rather than kissing her right away, he drew her against him, holding her close. She sighed against his chest, wondering at his thoughtful expression. śYou look so pensive, my love. What is on your mind?” He rested his head against hers. śI was just thinking of today. Of all that your brother and I discussed. There is much responsibility in the job he has given me. It would be quite a pity if the duty were to be given to another. And I will let it go to another, if he does not give his consent tomorrow.” She leaned back in his arms, looking up at him. śGuy, tell me truly. Did Stephen give any indication as to how his decision might go?” śI am afraid not. He was quite stoic in all that he said and did. Your brother has a true soldier’s disposition. He hides his thoughts and feelings quite well when he wants to.” Cassia sighed. Still holding Guy’s hand, she went to the edge of the bed and sat down with him. He put his arm around her, drawing her to his side. śBeloved, are you certain of leaving your newfound relations? It troubles me to think that I will separate you from a family you have only just come to know.” She buried her head against his chest as she replied. śYou will be my family, Guy. You and our children.” śI know. And the notion of a familyŚour familyŚis something I dream of. But all the sameŚ” A sudden pounding on the door interrupted their conversation. And then a raised voice made them both give a start. śGisborne! I want to speakwith you, immediately!” Guy looked at her, putting his finger to his lips. Taking her by the hand, he led her to the side door. Once she’d slipped out, he walked calmly to the chamber door and unlatched itŚand Stephen didn’t waste a moment rushing in. śIs my sister here?” Instantly he began looking about, moving quick through the room. Guy shrugged, his expression above suspicion. śNot that I am aware of, my lord.” śAre you certain?” śQuite certain, I think. Unless she is hiding here without my knowledge.” śWell she is not in her room.” Raising an eyebrow, Guy gave Stephen an odd look. śForgive me, my lord, but I do not understand.” śNever mind, Gisborne. Forget my intrusion.” He swept from the room as quickly as he had come in. Guy closed the door behind himŚand he grinned, quite entertained by this little game of cat and mouse. If he knew Cassia, she was already well away from danger. And even if, perchance, she found herself cornered, she was clever enough to wiggle her way out. She’d encountered more formidable beings than Stephen DeWarren. Hells bells, she’d taken on him and been victorious. That in itself was a feat worth a heap of rewards and recognition. ***** Slipping out the door of the opposite room, Cassia wound her way down the back stairs, through the servants’ passageway and into the kitchen. Stephen would no doubt come looking for her, and if he found her in the kitchen, it would provide a credible alibi. Taking an apple from the larder, pouring herself a goblet of wine, she sat at the table to waitŚand it wasn’t long before she heard the commotion of a search. She sighed, taking a long draught of her wine. Then she heard her name being calledŚand she called back, not hiding the displeasure in her voice. śI am in the kitchen, and I am quite well.” She turned her head to see Rosalyn, along with several servantsŚand coming up behind them, Stephen. Sighing, she shook her head. śIs it such a crime to appease one’s hunger at this hour? I hardly think it necessary to send the entire household to find me.” Stephen came forward, his face full of concern. śYou worried me, Cassia. I did not find you abed, and I thoughtŚ” Rising fast to her feet, she spoke before he could. śI think I know precisely what you thought, brother. And I must say I am very hurt by your scrutiny.” She brushed past him, not caring that everyone was watching. She heard him telling all to return to their beds, and then she heard him calling out to her. But she paid him no mind, calmly returning to her own room and her own bed. She latched the door, unwilling to speak to him, even when she heard the soft rapping that she had known would soon flow. She heard his voice slightly muffled through the door. śI want to speak to you, if you please.” śWho is it?” she asked, standing with her arms folded. śYou know who it is. It is Stephen.” śWho is it?” she repeated. śIt is Stephen, Cassia. Open the door.” śI ask again, who is it?” There was a long silenceŚand then he replied, śIt is I. Your brother.” She opened the door to him, but only a space. And she glared at him. śAre you certain you are my brother, or are you my jailer? Of late, I have a hard time distinguishing between the two.” śMay I come in?” he asked, his tone more gentle than she’d heard it before. śI do not wish to converse in the hallway.” She considered his request for a momentŚand then she stepped back. But instantly she turned away from him, her arms folded defensively. śIt is your home. You will do as you please with or without my consent.” śCassia, do not be a child.” He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. śI came here to speak to you, and to offer an apology.” He approached her, but she sat on the bed and faced the window, giving him her back. śSpeak if you will. Apologize if you must. It does not mean I will hear a word of it.” He walked back and forth, his hands clasped behind his back. śYou are angry with me, and you have every right to be. But I have my reasons for all that I do. You are my sister, and I cannot help being protective.” She rose to her feet, coming to stand before the window, her back still turned to him in silence. śI made Gisborne my Steward as a favor to you. I am aware of your feelings for him, and for that reason I am willing to allow him to stay here. But you cannot know how difficult it is for me to fully accept him.” Now she turned to him, furious. śHe is not the man you knew all those years ago! You do not know him as I do!” Stephen did not answer. He crossed his arms, continuing to pace back and forth. Now Cassia came close to him, sitting on the edge of the bed as she looked at him. śI love him Stephen, and he loves me. Whatever his past actions, they are simply thatŚpast actions. He is the only man I wish to call my husband. And you know I will do anything to be with him.” śI know that very well!” His shout took surpriseŚand his next words nearly knocked her down. śAnd that is why I’m allowing the union.” She clutched the bedpost for support, completely stunned. śAre you in earnest? Will you truly not stand in our way?” He shook his head, though he kept his eyes on the floor. śIn the morning I shall make the announcement.” Clearly, he was not pleased with his own decision. But he had consented. He had given his blessing of marriage...and she was so ecstatic, she leapt up and threw her arms around him. At first he was reluctant to embrace her, but she was too happy to care. She clung to him all the same, tears of joy sliding down her cheeks. śThank you, brother. I cannot tell you what this means to me.” At last he put his arms around her. His voice was sad, and he sighed. śYou are my sister. I cannot pretend to understand your feelings for that manŚbut I do not wish to battle with you. We have been too long apart for such pettiness.” She kissed his cheek, hugging him even tighter. After several moments he withdrew himself, holding her slightly away. He placed a kiss on her templeŚand left the room, saying nothing more. When he was gone she jumped on her bed and fell back on it, bouncing like a giddy little girl. ***** Sitting in his chair by the fire, Guy tried his best to be patient. He had poured a goblet of wine and sat sipping at it, trying to relax as he waited for her return. He was certain that she was simply being cautious, biding her time until she could make her way back to him, and he told himself that at any moment she would come slipping in like she had before. He longed to see her there, looking so soft and beautiful in her white nightgown. But as the minutes went by, he found himself rising from the chair to walk back and forth, occasionally straining his ear in the hopes of catching the sound of her footsteps falling on the hall floor. But except for the crackling of the fire, all was silent. He began to wonder if she’d been detained in some way. Perhaps Stephen had caught her in the hallway and ordered her back to her room. But if he’d done that, then wouldn’t he be here flying into a rage? His curiosity and concern became too much at that moment, and setting his wine goblet aside, he moved to his door and eased it open. Peering out into the hall, all was dark silenceŚand he made the decision to go in search of her. If she couldn’t come to him, he would go to her. Perhaps it was a foolish thing to be slinking about in the dark as he was, boyishly eager to be with the woman he loved. But he’d hardly seen reason since those first yearnings he’d had for Cassia, and there was no point in being sensible now. In the gallery between the guest quarters and the family apartments, he paused at the glow of a candle across the way. Stephen was leaving Cassia’s room. It seemed it was just as Guy had suspectedŚher brother had sent her to her chambers and probably ordered her to remain there. His eyes narrowed bitterly, feeling a surge of anger at the Baron’s treatment of his sister. Brother he may have been, but he was treatr more like a ward. Stephen had been treating her as such ever since Guy had first known himŚand he was growing tired of such disregard. Although he had never been a man of easy temper or great patience, for Cassia’s sake he had tried to tolerate Stephen’s overbearing ways. But enough was enough. In the morning, the Baron would make his decision about the marriage. If he allowed it, then all would be well. But if Stephen refused it, then by God, he would take Cassia and run with her to find the nearest priest. Let not that which has been joined together by God be parted by man. So said the scriptures, and so it would be. He waited a few long minutes, giving Stephen ample time to reach his bedchamber. When he was certain all was safe, he moved to her door and stole into her room, latching the door behind him. He turned to see her sitting up on her bed, a slightly stunned expression on her faceŚbut she was quite pleased to see him, judging from her little smile. He wondered at her happy mood, if she had been confined to her quarters. But he couldn’t help but smile back at her. śI waited for you,” he said in a whisper, crossing the floor quickly. śBut patience has never been one of my strongest virtues.” On the edge of her bed she rose to her knees, holding her arms out, and he fell into her embrace. The warmth and softness of her body never ceased to temper any ill feelings he had. Instantly her brother was forgotten. The thought of all other things was replaced by the contentment of having her in his arms. Then she spoke, softly and tenderly, her tone full of great joy. śHe said yes, Guy. He is allowing our marriage.” He pulled back for a moment, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. śAre you quite certain?” She nodded, clutching the back of his neck to pull him close for a kiss. Winding his arms around her, they fell down on the bed together, embracing and sharing small heated presses of their lips. śHe is not altogether pleased with himself,” she said between kisses. śBut it matters not. He has given his blessing.” His words were muffled slightly, his lips exploring her neck. śThank God for that.” śNo more sneaking about like criminals in the night. Now we can be together just as we wish to be.” He raised himself up, looking at her. śAs often as we wish to be?” He stroked her cheek, and smiled at the daring look in her eyesŚthe crooked little smirk she wore. śVery often, I hope.” He brought his lips to her ear. śBelieve me love, if I had my way, we would hardly set foot outside our bedchamber.” He felt her shiver when he placed a kiss just behind her earŚand his heart beat fast with delight when she giggled. śYou are a brazen, debauched man,” she whispered, laughing softly at the same time. śAnd I never want you to change. Stay just as you are, you wicked beast.” She clung to him tightly, and ahe put his head upon her shoulder, a deep feeling of tranquility came over him. For the first time in his life, he looked to the future with a complete sense of hope. There was no fear, no despair. He closed his eyes against a wave of great emotion that came over him. He loved her so very much, and at last he knew that she truly was hisŚand that she would always be. śMy Cassia,” he whispered. śMy love and my life.” ***** After the wedding announcement was made the next morning, the manor became a whirlwind of activity. The happy couple, having been openly introduced as being engaged, would have enjoyed some time to themselves, but the chaos of nuptial planning left little time for anything else. They would be wed in a fortnight, which meant that every moment was precious. Cassia was immediately summoned to make decisions about her bridal attire, leaving Guy to begin his new duties as Steward. To say the least, it was a hectic time. But they continued their late night meetingsŚneither of them willing to relinquish what time they could manage together. The only trouble was how quickly the nights passed. Guy in particular was growing frustrated with the limitations. śNine days feels like an eternity,” he lamented, as they strolled through the garden one evening. śI shall be very glad when we can be done with these formalities and nocturnal meetings.” Then he gave her a wicked little smile. śNot that I mind our little meetings. I just wish we did not have to be so secretive.” The happy look faded from her expression, becoming more solemn. She sighed. śGuy, I think it best if I keep to my own bed for a time.” He paused in their walking, making her turn to look at him, and his face was full of disappointment. śWhy?” he asked. She hesitated for several moments. But after a bit of prodding, she made him bend down so she could whisper the reason in his ear, and then her face flushed pink with embarrassment. His own expression was one of shock, for as many women as he’d known, he’d never dealt with their womanly troubles before. The subject made him quite uncomfortable. But when he saw the mortified look on Cassia’s face, he tried his best to be understanding. śYou are a woman, after all. Do not be ashamed. We shall wait until the time is right.” They continued on in silence, and he expected her demeanor to change with his attempt at consolation. But she continued to frown, and he knew there was something more that troubled her. śBeloved, what is wrong? I do not like to see you forlorn.” She sighed, her tone sad. śI was hoping to be with child. And this means I am not.” It was a lng moment before he replied, and when he did, it was with his own outlet of breath. śI see,” he said gently. After another brief pause, he tried to change his tone to a more pleasant one. Gathering her in his arms, he rested her head on his breast, stroking her back. śDo not be distraught, my love. We will have children soon enough. I am certain of it. And what is more, they will be born in wedlock. I am sure that thought has crossed your mind at times. And while you wait and hope for our own children, you can take delight in your niece and nephew. They are quite fond of you, from what little I have observed.” Now she smiledŚhe could hear the change in the little sound she made as she leaned against him. And then he found himself being the one who frowned. śI fear they do not feel the same about me. Stuart, in particular. He flees when I look at him.” She chuckled. śI have seen that. And I think perhaps he’s not certain what to make of you. You can be quite intimidating, you know.” śYesterday, he gave my leg a swipe before he ran away.” Cassia pulled back in his arms, looking up at him. śReally? He must have been trying to test himself. Mock charging, like young animals do. I would not be surprised if he makes more attempts. And when he does, you should encourage him. Come down to his level in some way. Let him see that you are not so frightening.” It was a strange thing to imagine a child not being afraid of him, and he had to wonder if Cassia would be right in her suggestion. He’d spent so many years being a monster in many a youngster’s eye, and he wasn’t quite certain if he could shake the reputation, even now. But when he thought about his own children to come, he decided that he should attempt to right those past wrongs. And what better way to learn than to interact with a child who was at hand. When Stuart came along the next time, Guy vowed he would be ready. Even if he looked foolish in his attemptsŚeven if he failed in some aspectŚhe would try and learn for Cassia’s sake, and for the sake of the family he wanted to have someday. He’d failed in so many aspects of his existence thus far, but his future with his wife and family was a precious gift. They would be his chance to start his life all over again, and he didn’t intend to let this opportunity pass him by. ***** Over the next week, Guy was quite busy as he helped to settle several property disputes that had come about with some of the tenants. The matter of getting to know his soon-to-be nephew was quite far from his mind, as he was rarely in the house before dark, and the children were already in the nursery when he returned. While Guy was quite occupied with his work, the house continued to be a hive of constant preparations. Additional help had been brought in to assist with the numerous tasks to be done, and each member of the house had their own jobs to do. Only the children were exempt, and Stuart took the opportunity to run from room to room, bouncing on beds and ducking under tables to watch all the activity. His nurse had quite a task in keeping up with him, and on more than one occasion when her attention was diverted, he managed to escape her and go about exploring on his own. His curiosity sometimes found him in precarious situations, and on one very busy afternoon his climbing led to a tumble from a garden wall. The height had not been great, but it was enough to provide a gashed knee and many tears, and his outburst caught the attention of several people in the stables nearbyŚGuy in particular. His horse had thrown its shoe, and since he was not far from the manor, he had gone back to see to a repair. While he spoke to the groom, he heard the sound of a child’s cries. Rushing out to investigate, he and the stable hands found Stuart lying near the garden wall, clutching his knee and wailing. Guy came to him, unsure at first of how he should respond. His first instinct was to panic, as the stable hands seemed to be doing. The two boys shouted to each other about rushing to fetch help, but neither was willing to go, for fear of attracting blame for what had happened. But then Guy thought about CassiaŚhow she would have remained calm in such a situation, assessing things before leaping to action. He waved off the two nervous young men. śReturn to your duties, and I will see to him.” He knelt down at Stuart’s side as the hands looked on, uncertain about his orders. But he waved them away again. śGo,” he repeated, more firmly this time. And reluctantly, they left him. He turned to the little boy, who was still wailing quite loudly, and Guy spoke as gently as he knew how. śCome now, young gentleman, it cannot be so bad. May I look at it?” Stuart’s wailing softened somewhat, but he allowed his hand to be pulled away from the wound, and Guy smiled slightly at seeing it was only a cut. It bled, but not so very much, and it didn’t appear to be deep. He didn’t know much about tending wounds, but he was certain that Cassia would know if it needed more attention. Gently brushing away the dirt, he talked to the boy in the hopes of distracting him. "How old are you Stuart?" Rubbing his eye with one hand, he held up three fingers with the other, replying through his tears. "Almost this many." Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, Guy folded it into a band. "You are a brave boy for one so small." He tied the cloth around the leg as a way to stem the trickle of bloodŚand he was stunned by Stuart’s reaction. The boy looked down at the material that hid his wound. It seemed that when he could not see his injury, he was not so upset, and his sobbing was reduced to sniffles and hiccups. śYou make it better?” he asked. Guy smiled. śI hope so,” he said. śBut let us take you to your Aunt. She will set it right.” Picking Stuart up, he carried him to the houseŚand he could not help but be amused by the way the boy babbled softly, alternating between complaints of his pain and exaggerations of how high up he had climbed before he fell. Guy found himself engaged in a strange but entertaining kind of conversation, and as he carried Stuart through the front door, a swarm of household staff came running to them, many in a state of near panic and all speaking at once in their native French. Stuart’s nurse was at the front of the small crowd, her face red with tears as she rattled on and on, and Guy suddenlfound himself feeling quite protective of his young charge. He ordered everyone away except for Cassia and Rosalyn, who was weeping as she tried to take her son in her arms. But Stuart shook his head. He looked up at Guy. śYou take me to my room,” he said. Guy looked at Cassia and Rosalyn, who could only look at each other in surprise. They showed the way, and Guy followed them quickly. After he deposited Stuart on the bed, he stood back for a few moments and calmly explained what had happened. Cassia was cool and collected, as she usually was. Rosalyn was much more distressed and visibly upset, though she had now managed to regain her composure, and she thanked Guy many times for his help. śThe hurt cannot be much,” he assured her. śAnd Cassia knows just what to do.” He looked at his fiancé, smiling, and she returned the gesture. Then Cassia took Rosalyn’s hand, comforting her. śI will take care of him, sister. Do not fear.” Rosalyn nodded, leaning down to kiss Stuart’s head and hands. Guy watched them, both moved and entertained by the motherly affection he was witnessing, and Stuart’s reaction to all of the attention, particularly his mother’s tears. He had ceased his crying altogether, and he looked at his mother with compassion, as if she were the injured party. śDo not cry, Mama. Be like me. I am a brave boy.” Rosalyn’s face lit up with love and amusement. Cassia chuckled as she gently removed the handkerchief, assessing that it was only a minor injury. She rose from the bed and came to Guy’s side, her eyes still on mother and son. śI will bring something for the wound, Rosalyn. As Guy said, it is not so bad. I will return shortly.” She walked out with Guy, and after she closed the door behind her, she leaned back against it and folded her arms, grinning at him. He raised his eyebrow in curiosity. śWhat?” She came to him, standing on tiptoe to give him a kiss. śI thought to adore you enough already, but now I find another delightful aspect to your personŚthat of hero.” Guy snorted, but the tiniest hint of a smile came to his lips. śI should return to my duties before your brother comes in search of me.” He leaned in to return her kiss, loving the look of intense affection in her eyes. It was tempting to stay longer, to linger in her armsŚbut he knew he had his work waiting for him, and reluctantly he left her, asking her to send words of well wishes to Stuart. He left the house and went to the stable, where his horse was ready and waiting. There was a small dispute between two tenants that had to be settled, and he hoped to have it done quickly so he might return to the manor sooner rather than later. Anticipating his return, he thought of the small incident that had just passed, and for a moment, he smiled to himself. It felt quite good to be appreciatedŚto do a kindness and see it rewarded with praise and admiration. He hadn’t known quite what to think when Cassia called him a śhero.” He’d been called the opposite for so very long, it was almost embarrassing to be cast in a good light. Cassia, of course, had always seen worth in himŚand he began to wonder if was really deserving of such praise. He’d spent nearly all of his adult years in darkness, dispensing cruelty and committing horrible crimes. He longed to be free of those things, but would any amount of good-doing erase a lifetime of wickedness? Would his soul ever truly be cleansed? On his way back to the tenant’s farm, he passed the church where he and Cassia would be wed, only five days from now. He found himself drawn to the quiet temple in a way he’d not been before. In former days, he had avoided any and all places of religion unless he was required to be there. Guilt had often been his companion when he did set foot upon a sacred place, and many times he had thought to sense the eyes of a higher power looking down on him with scorn. Anger and doubt had struck him at other times, making him wonder if there truly was a God when all he saw around him was misery. But now he understood that it was not the doing of the Almighty. It was the imperfection and wickedness of menŚones like himself, who chose a life of sin and vice over goodness and mercy. His past miseries had been his own doing, and standing now in the silent chapel, looking up at the light streaming through the stained glass, he was humbledŚand felt a deep need to find reconciliation. Kneeling at the altar, he closed his eyes and bowed his head, saying a silent but sincere prayer. Merciful Father. Grant me forgiveness for those sins which I cannot undo. Give me the courage to do what is right, to live one day at a time and to enjoy each moment. Let me trust in you to make all things right if I surrender to your will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next. Amen. Chapter 23 On the steps of the church, three figures stood before the priest. Guy on the right, Cassia on the leftŚand Stephen between them, prepared to give his sister in matrimony. The priest began, speaking to the three before him and to the great crowd gathered behind them. śDearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God in Paradise, and into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. Therefore if any man can show any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, by God's Law, or the Laws of the Realm; let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.” Only birdsong broke the silence of the brief pause. śI require and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, that ye confess it. For ye be well assured, that so many as be coupled together otherwise than God's Word doth allow are not joined together by God; neither is their Matrimony lawful.” There was another brief pause. Then the priest lifted his hand to Guy. śGuy of Gisborne, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?” Guy nodded obediently. śI will.” Turning to Cassia, the priest lifted his hand now to her. śLady Cassia DeWarren, wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou obey him, serve him, love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?” Cassia bowed her head. śI will.” The formal betrothal done, they advanced forward into the church, led by the priest. At the altar he turned to the assembly. Stephen took Cassia’s hand, placing it in Guy’s. Then he stepped back, merging into the crowd, watching as Guy and Cassia stood before the altar. The priest dictated the vows, and Guy repeated. śI, Guy of Gisborne, take thee Cassia DeWarren to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth.” Now it was Cassia’s turn, and she spoke in a soft voice. śI Cassia of DeWarren take thee Guy of Gisborne to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to be bonny and buxom at bed and at board, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereunto I plight thee my troth.” They let go their hands. Guy placed their rings upon the holy book, and the priest gave the rings their blessings. śBless these Rings, O merciful Lord, that those who wear them, that give and receive them, may be ever faithful to one another, remain in your peace, and live and grow old together in your love, under their own vine and fig tree, and seeing their children's children. Amen.” Taking Cassia’s ring, the priest gave it to Guy, who repeated the given words. śWith this Ring I thee wed.” He slid it on her thumb, and next to her index finger. śWith my body I thee honor.” At last he moved it to her ring finger. śAnd with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Now it was Cassia who performed the ritual, taking the ring, moving it in the same way as she repeated the words. Then they knelt, and the priest spoke once more. śLet us pray.” All heads bowed in reverence. śO Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life; Send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in thy Name. That, as Isaac and Rebecca lived faithfully together, so these persons may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof this Ring given and received is a token and pledge, and may ever hereafter remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” The priest joined their hands together. śThose whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.” Then he spoke to the crowd. śFor as much as Guy and Cassia have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth each to the other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands, I pronounce therefore that they be Man and Wife together, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” He turned back to Guy and Cassia, blessing them. śGod the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve, and keep you. The Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen.” He turned them to the crowd, and as they kissed one another, a great round of applause and cheering went upŚat long last announcing them, officially, as husband and wife. ***** He could not keep his eyes from her. He was aware that many glances were being cast their way. Custom dictated that a bride groom should not be excessively eager for one another. But no one else knew the power she possessedŚhow she could make him weak with only a look. Or even without a look. Just watching her as she sipped her drink, the delicate way her mouth touched the rim of her goblet, it made his heart beat fastŚand he fought the impulse to knock the cup from her hand, to yank her into his arms and taste the wine that was shining on her lips. If only they could get away from all of the noise and commotion of the weddg celebration. It was all pointless spectacle, anyway. These kinds of feasts were simply an excuse for nobles to gather together, to gorge themselves on food and to drink themselves into a stupor. If he and Cassia had been penniless and without rank, they would have had a brief celebration with neighbors and friends, and then gotten on with things. It was one of the few times in his life he wished he weren’t a nobleman. Then he wouldn’t have to be enduring these formalities, and he would be celebrating in true fashion by being in the loving arms of his wife. One distraction that helped to ease his mind was his nephew. Stuart could hardly contain his excitement as he ran among the guests. He had a new nurse, younger than his previous one, who kept up with him more easily. And yet he still managed to stray on occasion, and this night he made a bee line for Guy and Cassia’s table. Seeing Guy, he went right to him, holding out his armsŚand Guy looked down at him, uncertain what the boy was doing. śUp, up!” Stuart demanded. Awkwardly, Guy picked him up, not sure just what to do with him. But Stuart positioned himself on Guy’s lap and was quite content, chattering happily and pointing at the performers doing their tricks. The jugglers and fools made him clap his little hands in delight, and when he saw the acrobats, he pulled on Guy’s sleeve and pointed. śLook at that, look at that!” he cried, and Guy couldn’t help but smile. śI see them.” Despite his impatience for his bride, he was quite entertained by his nephew, and it helped to distract him for the time. It was impossible to ignore the boy, for if Guy turned his attention away for more than a few moments, he would feel a little tug on his shirt or sleeve, and a demand that he look at the action on the floor. When the minstrels came out to play music, Guy saw how Stuart’s head was starting to droop, though the child kept lifting it in an attempt to stay awake. It was a sign of how very late it was, and though he enjoyed his nephew’s company, he knew it was time to say goodnight to him. He motioned for the nurse, who came to his side and took Stuart from Guy’s arms. He smiled as he heard Stuart protest weakly. śI not tired yet. I want to stay with Uncle Guy.” It pleased Guy to know that he was so admired. But what pleased him most about being a favorite of Stuart was that Cassia seemed to find great delight in their little bond. There was a certain look that came to her expression when she saw he and Stuart togetherŚa look she was wearing now, her eyes shining bright with amusement and so much more. He knew she was anxious to be away as well. It was written in her eyes when she glanced at him, for though her looks were brief, they were full of love and promise. Just as he grew tired of waiting, preparing to take her by the hand and depart with her on his own terms, she was approached by a maid who leaned and whispered in her ear. Cassia smiled at Guy, saying nothing, and yet saying everything. The maid was escorting her to the roomŚto their room, to prepare her for the night. He would have preferred to take her upstairs himself, to lessen the time he would have to wait. But noŚshe was being led away and he would have to remain there, a table, waiting until the moment when he was permitted to depart. ***** Cassia sat at her dressing table while the maid removed the flowers and decorative pins from her hair and brushed it loose. It had been a long, trying day and she was glad to be rid of all the finery she’d been wrapped in. Not that she didn’t love her beautiful wedding gown. It was turquoise, with tiny gold beadsŚalmost exactly like the dress that Guy had once given her as a gift. She would cherish it always, and someday she hoped to hand it down to her own daughter. But as much as she loved the garment, it was the tight bindings underneath it that she was glad to be rid of. Now she sat in a nightdress of delicate lace, free from the trappings of a bride, waiting for her new husband. At the knock on the door she gave a start. As the maid went to answer it, Cassia looked at herself in the mirror and wondered why she was feeling so nervous. It wasn’t as if she were an untouched innocent, unfamiliar with a man and scared of the unknown. Feeling a bit foolish for her apprehension, she took up the brush to finish what the maid had begun. A moment later Guy entered the room as the maid held the door open. Behind him was a male servant carrying a tray. Once the tray was placed on the small table, Guy dismissed them both, and after securing the door, he slowly turned to look at her. He smiled, his expression soft and very warm. śAlone at last,” he said. She smiled back at himŚand found herself looking at her hands, which were gathered together in her lap. When he crossed the floor and came to her, she felt his hands reaching down for hers. Slowly she brought her eyes up to meet hisŚand then she laughed, pressing her cheek against his palms. śThis feels so strange,” she declared. śI keep expecting someone to be waiting outside the door, ready to barge in and discover us.” He smiled. Then, taking her face in his hands, he kissed her repeatedly in an expression of great joy. Passion would come soon enough. They were both giddy, still in awe of the notion that they were truly marriedŚtruly bonded forever. She squealed as he swept her up in a quick motion, reaching the bed in a few quick strides, and she giggled as he dropped her on it, following her down to stretch himself alongside her. Covering her with his upper body, resting on his forearms, he examined the wondrous beauty of her face. She sighed, a satisfied and happy sound. śI am so happy to have you for my own,” she said. He kissed her softly. śAs am I to have you. And I will not share you in any way, even if it means breaking with tradition.” She smiled at that, knowing what he spoke of. While it was custom to have observers on the wedding nightŚto have them witness the consummation and spread word of itŚshe had dreaded the thought of enduring such humiliation. But in his stubborn way, he had not allowed anyone near their door. There had been an argument between he and Stephen just last night, and though she hadn’t caght all of the conversation, she had surmised from catching several words of it that they were speaking of the wedding night. He looked in her eyes now, and his were dark and serious. śI was not so fond of the thought of observers in our bedchamber. The only judge of our abilities should be each other.” She smiled for a momentŚbut then she sighed, and her mouth turned down slightly as a long forgotten memory came back to her. She tried to push it away by pressing her lips to Guy’s warm mouth, wanting to forget everything but him, and the here and now. But he seemed to sense her trouble, and he pulled back for a moment to look at her. śCassia my beloved, what is it? Something troubles you.” She sighed. For a moment she hesitated. But then she thought again. He was her husband, and there would be nothing left unsaid between them. A tear fell from the corner of her eye. śThe first time I was a bride, there were many peopleŚwatching. It was so very humiliating. And I love you so much for sparing me that.” Bringing his mouth to hers he kissed her possessively. Wrapping his arms around her he held her in a fierce embrace, and she held him as tight as she could, kissing him back with every bit of love she had within her heart. They parted for just a moment as his fingers untied the ribbons of her nightgown. His tone was strong, almost demanding as he spoke. śDo not let your thoughts linger on such hateful memories. The memories that you and I make together are the only ones you will know from this day on.” As she raised her arms, he pulled the gown over her head and discarded it. Gathering her nude body against him, he spoke hotly in her ear. śLet us begin making those memories right now.” The moment their lips met, it was fire ignited. They were famished for one another. She pulled at his clothing, wanting him free of them. He was holding her so close, unwilling to break from her, as she was unwilling to break from him. But they had to part for just a moment, if only to divest him of his clothes. She gave his shoulders a hard shove, and hearing his little groan of disappointment at losing her kiss, she laughed. śI am unclothed. Tis’ only right that you should be as well.” Smiling wickedly at her, he pulled the tunic and undershirt over his head all in one motion, dropping them carelessly to the floor. He reached for her, drawing her body up against his. śIs this better?” He kissed her neck, lighting nipping the sweet skin. She laughed again. śIt might do for a moment.” Running her hands down his ribs, snaking her hands around to the small of his back and down, she gripped him firmly. śBut I trust you can do much more.” Breaking from her, he bent to pull off his boots, impatiently kicking them aside. Rising to his feet at the side of the bed, he turned to her as he untied his trouser lacings, and while his hands were occupied she rose to her knees in front of him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled his lips to hers in a hot kiss. Their mouths fused as one, never parting for a moment as he finally freed himself from the last of his clothes. Falling back to the bed together, her legs parting wide to welcome him, he quickly joined his body with hers, groaning at the delicious feeling of her soft heat wrapped around him. He could not be slow, nor tender. His desire was too greatŚand judging from the way her fingers were clenched in his hair, it was clear she was as greedy as he was. She’d never been meek in his bed, and he thanked God for it as he moved fiercely within her, moaning at the incredible pleasure, her sounds of eagerness spurring him on. Gripping her bottom he withdrew and thrust again, each movement of his hips more powerful than the one before. She wrapped her legs tight around his waist, trying to take him in further with each stroke. Her mouth opened against his ear, panting hotly as he ground himself into her, and he moaned her name again and again. In a frenzy of white-hot desire they clung to each other, hating the moment when it would end. They burned wildly for each other, and when the rapture came it was a fiery explosion, both of them crying out together. His cheek lay against hers, both their mouths open as they fought to catch their breaths. The tremors still shook them, and it was some time before they came back to their senses. Looking into each other’s eyes, each could see the burning passion reflected back. One intense coupling had hardly quenched it. They kissed once more, slow and deep, savoring each other. In a slow roll of tangled limbs he moved to his back, taking her with him. His palms settled on her hips, intent on positioning her atop him, wanting to look up at her when they came together. But when she moved his hands away, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of itŚuntil she pressed a burning kiss on his chest. Then her lips began a slow journey downward, brushing hotly on his abdomen. Realizing her intention, his already roused senses ignited like wildfire. His heart raced. His breath became short, and it was all he could do to manage words. śAre you certain you wish toŚ” He could hardly think. He wanted this more than he’d wanted anything in his life. But he did not want her to feel shame in the act. He looked down at her, offering her the chance to stop is she wishedŚeven as his eyes pleaded with her to proceed. She smiled at him for a moment, saying nothing. Then she lowered her headŚand his fell back as he felt the soft, wet feel of her mouth on him. For several long moments he lay there, gasping in pleasure, enduring the exquisite torment. He’d never been so aroused in his lifeŚand he was dangerously close to losing control. He’d gone that far with other women, spilling his seed without thought, caring only about his own desires. But as near as he was to his peak, he refused to let it end in that wayŚnot with her. Reaching down he grasped her arms, pulling her up and away. She looked surprised at his sudden reaction, but he spoke in a heated rush of words. śIf you go on, I shall be unmanned.” He crushed her mouth to his, and rolling her to her back he drove himself into her, managing only a few powerful strokes before his climax overtook him. When the blinding pleasure had ceased, he felt a sudden sense of guilt, knowing she had not attained the heights he’d ju reached. She’d given him his release without reaching her own completion. And yet, when he raised his eyes to her, she was smilingŚso loving, so beautiful. śI am sorry,” he said, his tone soft with regret. śThat was much too hurried.” She shushed him, bringing his head down to her breast. śWe have all the time in the world, my love.” Shifting his weight off of her, but keeping her in the circle of his arms, he sighed with great contentment as he drew her close...falling asleep against the softness of her body. ***** Without opening his eyes he reached for herŚbut his hand found only empty space. Forcing himself awake, he looked around to see where she had gone. A movement of shadow in the firelight made him look towards the hearth, where he saw her kneeling as she stirred the logs in the grate. Moving to the end of the bed, he rested his head on his arms, looking at her. She was wrapped in a silk robe, but it left little to the imagination, and in the glow of the fire, she looked exquisite. śWhat a lovely vision before my eyes.” She turned, smiling at him for a moment before returning to her task. śThe room was growing cold.” He shrugged. śI had not noticedŚuntil you left me all alone. If you return, I shall see you are warmed properly.” She rose to her feet, and he drank in every graceful movement as she came near. He was all anticipation, hoping she would come back to join him. But she slipped past. śAll in good time, my love.” She walked over to the table to retrieve the tray of wine and fruit. śI am hungry. You must be as well.” He smirked with a naughty gleam in his eye, and she shook her head at him, though she smiled. At the end of the bed was a long narrow trunk where she placed the tray. Sitting down, she took up an apple and sliced it as he rose to his forearms. He reached out to brush his fingertips over her knee, trying to tempt her. But rather than rushing into his arms with great haste, she just smiled down at him. śInsatiable man. You must satisfy more than your lustful appetites. You cannot sustain yourself on me alone.” As though to disprove her statement, he moved to sit up, clearly intent on kissing herŚbut he was halted by a slice of apple that she playfully pushed in his mouth. They both laughed, and from the remaining fruit on the tray they fed each other, whispering sweet words and exchanging heated looks. When they had satisfied their hunger for food, they put the tray aside and came back to each other’s arms. They loved each other with long, lingering touches and brushes of lips against skin. Later, they lay for some time just holding one another, exchanging an occasional caress and kiss, talking softly. Guy lay reclined against the pillows, with Cassia resting her head on his chest. Her robe had been discarded, and with a soft touch he ran his fingers along her bare back. śYou have made me so happy. I cannot fathom how my life could become any sweeter.” She pressed her cheek closer against his chest. śThere are many days and many years to come, my lord husband. I suspect that things will only grow sweeter with time, so long as we cherish each moment.” Reaching for her, gently grasping her arms, he drew her up so they were face to face. śI shall look forward to each and every one.” He pressed his lips softly to hers, and she draped her slender arms around his neck, returning his tender kisses. Her voice was soft. śPerhaps someday soon, I will carry your son. I want to give you that, Guy. More than anything.” The corner of his mouth crinkled, and he raised an eyebrow. śWhat of daughters?” She smiled. śI long for what God will bring, of course. I shall love and cherish all of my children. But every man desires a male child above all, do they not?” He shrugged. śI wish only that they be healthy. If I am blessed with sons, I shall take great pride in them. If I am given daughters, I shall cherish them with all my heart.” His little smile broke into a full grin. śIf they resemble you, they shall need many brethren to assure they are protected.” With a soft laugh she kissed him, and he brought himself to a sitting position, winding his arms around her. Wrapping her arms and legs firmly around his body, trying to press ever closer to him, she brushed her cheek against his neck. śI love you, my dearest husband. When I look at you, I am reminded of how very fortunate I am.” There was some surprise in his reply. śFortunate to have me?” śYes, to have you,” she answered. śYou are a good man, Guy of Gisborne.” He sighed. śIf I am anything worthwhile, it is because of you. I would be nothing without you, my beloved wife. That day you found me, Śtwas not just the cold you saved me from. You saved me from myself, and I cannot fathom how I managed an existence before you.” Drawing her head back, she looked into his eyes. śI thought we would not speak of those dark days past. Not when the future now shines bright before us.” śI cannot help but think of it at times. When I recall what a dark and miserable wretch I once wasŚ” Before he could say more, she reached up to pull his face to hers, kissing him hard on the lips. She pulled back for a moment, smiling at him. śWhen you start to speak of such dreadful things, I shall have to silence you as best I know how.” He laughed softly, running his fingers through her hair, loving the silken feel of it. Looking at her as he had so of Gisbotimes before, marveling at her beauty, he was in awe of her perfectionŚboth inside and out. Her cheeks blushed at his intense stare. śWhat?” Gently he grazed her cheek with his fingers. śEach time I look upon your glorious face, I think it impossible to love you more. But with the passing of each day, I am always proven wrong.” Tilting her head slightly, she looked at him with a little smile. śWhen there are many Decembers showing in my face, will you still love me?” He smiled at her question. śYou can be certain of it. And what of me? Will you still love me when I am hoary of hair and short of memory, with bones that creak while I moan and groan?” She grinned, her eyes taking on a mischievous light. śI shall love you alwaysŚespecially when you moan and groan. If you were to do so now, you would hear no complaints from me. Indeed, I would be very much pleased.” His eyes grew dark with desire, his smirk full of naughty intentionsŚand he saw to it that she was pleased many times over by the time the sun rose. Chapter 24 May, 1195 Stalking back and forth along the length of the dining hall, Guy muttered to himself again and again. Stephen, sitting nearby with his man-servant, played at a game of tables. Now and then he looked over at Guy and shook his head. śYou may as well cease your repetitive walking, Gisborne. It will not make the child come faster.” Guy ran his hands through his hair, groaning under the weight of the worry on his shoulders. śThis is intolerable. I simply do not know how you twice managed to endure it.” Stephen shrugged. śI was not at home when Stuart came. And Katherine came upon us so quickly that I had little time to trouble my mind.” Guy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. It seemed that fate was intent on playing yet another cruel trick on him by making Cassia’s labor as long as possible. Her pains had started nearly a full day ago, and like any other father he was banished from the birthing room and forbidden to go near it. It seemed quite cold and cruel to his way of thinking, when he’d spent the last nine months occupied with few other things. He had seen to it that she had everything she could ever want or need. He had rarely left her side through it all, parting from her only when his duties required it. But now here he was, being forced to step aside and put his beloved wife in the hands of others. Thus far he had managed to keep his distance. But his patience was at its end. He was through with waiting. Turning sharply on his heel he walked out of the room, hearing the sound of Stephen calling out to him. śGisborne, where are you going? You cannot go to her until it is done.” He rose to follow after him. Guy walked on, turning to look at Stephen as they ascended the stairs. His look was fierce and determined. śI will know something of her progress. She is my wife. She brings my child, and I will not be deprived of at least knowing how they fare.” As they neared the upper room, they could hear the noise of a woman’s agony. Guy paused for a moment, stunned by the sound. He knew that women had to endure pain in childbirthŚbut to hear it, to know it was his own woman enduring such torment, it made him terrified for her. It seemed to him that her cries were much more agonized than they should have been. Something was wrongŚhe was certain of it. He rushed towards the door. śListen to how she cries out!” he said to Stephen. śYou believe I should stand by and do nothing?” Without pause he went to pound on the door, demanding entrance. When it opened slightly he tried to push past the young girl who stood there, but Stephen forced him back. śGood God, man. Get a hold of yourself. Maintain your senses, will you?” Calmly he turned to the girl, who looked quite petrified as she shifted her eyes between the two men. Stephen looked down at her with a cool expression. śHow fares the Lady Gisborne?” śThe labord doween difficult, my lord,” she replied. śBut madam says the mother is nearly there.” From within the room there was a great cry of pain. Guy tried to lunge forward but was pushed back once again, and then there was an angry shout for the servant girl to return to her duty. śI am sorry my lord, but I must return.” Stephen nodded. śVery well. And bolt the door from within.” She curtseyed, and then the door closedŚand Guy gave Stephen a shove to the shoulder. His eyes were dark with fury. śBolt it from within? You will keep me from my own wife?” śYour wife is also my dear sister. But I will not allow you to storm into the room in a fit of madness. The midwife and her aides must concentrate on their patient, and not on worrisome fathers.” Guy knew he was right. He hated being told what he could and could not do, especially when it came to Cassia, but he knew there was nothing more to be done than to sink helplessly into a hall chairŚand wait. * * * * * The door opened at last, and the young woman emerged once again. śAll is done, my lord.” At hearing the announcement, Guy rushed forward, fear written in every line of his weary face. śHow is the lady?” he demanded. The maid nervously looked between the two men. śThe lady has come through well enough. They are tending to her now.” Stephen put forth his own hurried question. śWhat is it? Boy or girl?” śI am not permitted to say, my lord. The Lady Gisborne requests that her husband be the first to know, and she wishes to tell him herself.” Guy rushed into the room. He could hear the sound of splashing water and infant wailing, but he hardly gave it a thought as he rushed straight to Cassia’s side. Rosalyn was there with her, adjusting her pillows and smiling lovingly down at her. She was in a clean nightdress, and her hair hung in a loose braid. She looked quite serene lying there. But he could see how the labor had taken its toll on her. Weariness was etched in her every feature, and her smile was weak when she saw him. He fell to his knees at her side, clutching her hand and kissing it fervently. śMy beloved. I have been beside myself with worry. Are you well? Is the child healthy? Is there anything I might do?” She reached out to touch his face. śI shall be fine, dear husband. And our children are indeed very healthy, judging from their lusty wailing.” He started t smileŚbut then he realized what she’d said. Children. Not child. His eyes grew wide with shock. śChildren?” he said. śYou mean there is more than one?” Before she could answer, two servant girls came close, each holding a babe in their arms. śWe have twins, Guy. A boy and a girl.” Guy rose slowly to his feet, watching with mouth slightly open in shock as the two tiny bundles wrapped in linen were placed in their mother’s arms. Rosalyn motioned for Stephen, who had been observing from the doorway. He came forward and pulled a chair close so Guy could sit. And Guy sank to the chair in disbelief, shaking his head. śThat cannot be possible. Can it?” Cassia smiled. śIt is so, my love. And they are quite beautiful. Look for yourself.” Leaning forward, he examined the faces of his tiny son and daughter. Both were quite pink, and each had a fine crop of black hair. They looked so fragile, he was almost afraid to lay a finger on them. But before he could protest against it, Rosalyn took one of the children from Cassia’s arms and held the babe out to him. śThis is your son, Sir Guy. His name is WilliamŚnamed after the great conqueror, of course, and he is a very handsome lad. You should indeed be proud.” She placed the boy in his arms, and as he looked down in wonder at his son, Stephen came to look at his nephew as well. He smiled, and they all agreed that William was a fine looking child. But then, as the babe moved from his father’s arms to his uncle’s embrace, the time came for Guy to meet his daughter. With a smile, Rosalyn took the baby girl from Cassia and turned to Guy, who looked up at her almost with fear. śSir Guy, this is Theodora, in honor of the beloved empress. Just as your son is quite handsome, so your daughter is very beautiful. I think you shall agree.” When she put his daughter in his arms, he was rendered speechless. She was so very smallŚso incredible warm. And beautiful. He was overwhelmed and humbled by the idea that two tiny people were a part of him. He had helped to create two fragile lives. And there were no words to describe the feeling. Rosalyn placed a hand on Stephen’s arm. śMy lord husband, I daresay we should leave this family so they might get to know one another.” Stephen nodded. He went to Cassia, returning William to her arms. Both he and Rosalyn gave her a gentle kiss on the head and wished her well. Then they took their leave. Guy carefully rose from the chair, fearful of moving too fast and frightening the child in his arms. He sat on the edge of the bedŚand then he looked at Cassia, who was smiling down at their son with a look of love like he’d never witnessed before. When she brought her eyes up to meet his, that same wondrous look was given to him, and to their daughter. He shook his head, still in disbelief. śI can scarcely believe it. Two children.” He smiled softly at her. śI shall never cease to be moved by the miracle of youŚand the miracles you are capable of bringing.” She smiled lovingly at him, her eyes shining with tears. She was about to speak when the midwife came to her side. śMadam, we must take the children to the wet-nurse now. And then to the church immediately after.” The look on Cassia’s face was one of horror. Guy knew of the ritual regarding newbornsŚthat they were to be taken to church and baptized immediately. Infants were so very fragile, so easily lostŚand they were expected to be baptized as soon as possible to purify their souls, should they be called back to heaven too soon. But Guy refused to follow that tradition to its full extent. He narrowed his eyes coldly at the midwife. His words were sternŚquite forceful. śYou will not take my children from this house.” She stared at him, dumbstruck. śBut my lord, they must be baptized at once.” śYou will not take my newborn children out. They have just breathed life, and I will not have them exposed to the world and its dangers. If they must be baptized, then fetch a priest here. But they will not be removed from this house until their mother deems it appropriate. Now, take them to the wet-nurse so they may be fed.” She gave a stiff curtsey, clearly not happy, but unable to do anything about it. śAs you wish, my lord.” Handing the children to two of her servants, she directed them out of the room, and Guy glared at her until she was gone. Then he turned to Cassia, who gave him a grateful smile. śThank you, husband. If you were not here beside me, I fear my word would not mean much.” He held her hand to his cheek. śThey may not heed your word, but they shall heed mine or suffer the consequences. All that I am able to do for you, I shall. Is there anything at all that you require?” She took his hands in hers, pressing her lips to his knuckles. śI only beseech you to care for yourself, and not just for me. I can see that you are weary. You must sleep.” śI shall not go from your side. I will sleep later.” She shook her head. śNo, my love. You should sleep now. I will not have you fall ill from lack of rest.” He knew that for the sake of her condition, he was expected to sleep in a separate bed until she was recovered. But he could not imagine being in another room, so far away. śI shall lie on the couch,” he insisted. śBut I will not sleep in a strange bed, alone. I would have no peace without you beside me.” She just smiled, her eyes growing heavy. She opened them one more time to look up at him. śI love you.” His heart swelled, the way it did each time she said those words, and he cherished each opportunity to repeat them back to her, as he did now. śI love you, too.” Her eyes had closed, but he saw the corner of her mouth turn up. Her fingers went slack in his hand as sleep overtook her. Reaching out, he brushed her hair back from her face. Pulling the blanket over her, adjusting the pillow under her head, he wanted to be certain that she was in need of nothing, even in sleep. He would be beside her all night, and his would be the first face she saw when she woke up in the morning. ***** Sitting beside her in the early morning, Guy watched his wife as she slept. It had been three days since the birth, and there was a nagging trouble in his heart that something was not right. He understood that she was recovering from labor. That was expected. But just last night he had heard an exchange between the wet-nurse and the midwife, who had come to look in on the new mother. The two women had spoken in low tonesŚones that weren’t meant for his earsŚsaying how the birth had been more difficult than they’d expected. They had talked of excessive bleeding and tearingŚof how it was a miracle that Cassia had survived the ordeal. Now, as he looked down at her, he felt himself growing tense with fear. These few days past, she had spent most of her time sleeping. But when awake, she was so sedate. To see her so frail and weak was deeply troubling. He had a sudden and fearful thought that she might succumb to childbed fever. So many women were lost in that way, usually within days of bearing childrenŚand when he recalled what the midwife had said, it filled his heart with great pain and dread. Leaning forward, he kissed the softness of her forehead. Just the thought of her falling prey to illnessŚor worse, not recoveringŚwas enough to make him half-mad. When he pressed his lips to her cheek, her lashes fluttered and her eyes opened. Seeing him, she gave him a sleepy smile. He tried to smile back. His wish was to hide his worry from her, so she would not be burdened by his troubles. But she seemed to sense that something was not right. She looked at him with a curious, concerned expression. śGuy, what troubles you?” He shook his head, trying to smile. But no amount of will could hide the sadness in his eyesŚthe fear that was barely held in check. śTell me, dear husband. It pains me to see you with such a look.” For a moment he held back. Then, in a gradual fall of his defenses, he lowered his head until it rested in her lap. He sighed as she ran her fingers through his hair. śYou are unwell, Cassia. And I cannot bear the thought of it.” She swept the hair back from his forehead. Her tone was soft and gentle. śMy love, do not fear for me. I shall recover soon.” She reached up to remove the cross from around her neck, showing it to him. śDo you recall when you returned this cross to me, newly embedded with an amethyst jewel?” He nodded, remembering how that simple pendent had always been in his possession, even during the days of his imprisonment and the long months of their separation. He’d had an amethystŚthe gem of health and protectionŚplaced in its center, and he’d given her the re-christened necklace as a wedding present. śYour gift has brought me good fortune thus far,” she said. śI see no reason why it should cease to do so now.” śBut how can you be sure?” Her fingers caressed his cheek. śI feel it in my bones. Just this morning I took a turn about the room without assistance. Could that be the way of an unhealthy woman?” Hearing that, he rose up to look at her, appalled to hear what she’d done. śIt is the way of a stubborn woman. You might rush your own doom by being so foolish.” She laughed softlyŚto which he scowled at her, angry that she did not take her illness seriously. śMy distress amuses you, does it?” She said nothing, only smiling all the more as she put the cross back around her neckŚand it distressed him to no end. He found her lightheartedness very difficult to understand. śHow can you be this way? Are you not concerned for yourself?” Her answer was a wag of her head. śWhat will be, will be. One cannot alter it. But I feel no need to pursue that course of thinking. I know in my heart that I will soon recover, so please do not burden your mind.” Lowering his head, he frownedŚutterly unconvinced. śYou make light of your situation.” She reached out to take his hand, and he gripped her slight fingers as she spoke in her soothing way. śMy love, there must be one of us who is an optimist. And since your thoughts are ever dark, I shall take it upon myself to be of good cheer.” The cynic within him doubted her pretty outlook on the matter. And his stubborn nature tried to repres any hope that might dare to rise in his heart. But then she forced him to raise his head. Gently she pressed her lips to his, her hands soft on his cheeks. She was trying to weave one of her spells on him, attempting to use her loving nature to distract him. He tried his hardest to keep the scowl on his face. But the sweetness of her kisses, placed so gently but firmly on his face and lips, were too much to fight off. Gently twining his arms around her, still aware of her frailty, he allowed himself to bask in her loveŚthough he could not help adding a dash of cynicism. śStubborn wench, forcing hope upon me. What sort of man am I to be so easily defeated?” She only laughed softly, resting her head on his shoulder. ***** With the passing of several days, Guy gradually allowed himself to be a bit more optimisticŚthough cautiously so. Cassia seemed determined to prove him wrong, rising from bed not only to take turns about the room, but to wander across the hall to the nursery. Though he was glad to see her so determined, he still feared that she might be doing too much, and he often scolded her, though in a gentle way. śBeloved, it pleases me to see you up and about, but do not rush your recovery. You must rest.” She would smile, almost convincing him that she intended to listen. But he knew her better than that. He would see the little gleam in her eye, and each time he would smile to himself and thinkŚ Obstinate little minx. You are the picture of a bullheaded woman. But oh, how I do adore you. Chapter 25 The familiar cries could be heard in the room across the hall. Guy stirred, the sounds of his children being something he’d grown used to in the last several weeks. But what he could not adjust to was the knowledge that his wife would attempt to rise instantly, going to them on her own instead of allowing the children’s nurse to see to them. He and Cassia were allowed to share their bed again, though they merely slept in it and nothing more. Intimacy was not permitted so soon after the birth, a fact which Guy understood and accepted. He was just glad to have her at his side. But some time during the night, he would feel the weight of the bed shift. She tried to slip away quietly, perhaps hoping that he would not notice. But he did notice. Occasionally he would just let her go, pretending to sleep so she could have her way. He understood why she did it. She was fearful of losing the bond with her children, for she’d confessed as much to him on many occasions. The young nurse, Rebecca, was a kind and gentle caretaker, and they both liked her well enough. But Cassia was mournful at the idea of someone else looking after her son and daughter. At times she broke into tears over the idea of it, and despite everyone’s urgings that she should allow Rebecca to see to her duty, she often rose during the night to see to their nursing herself. She was going now. He saw her slipping from the bed, slipping into her robe. He reached out to grasp her hand. śYou must rest,” he insisted. śRebecca is capable of seeing to them during the night.” śI know, but I must go to them. I cannot help my feelings.” She would go, no matter how he tried to convince her otherwise. And as he had done so many times in recent weeks, he rose and put on his own robe, following her into the room across the hall. Rebecca was there at the cradle, picking up TheaŚthe shortened name they now called her by. While Cassia took William in her arms, Guy came to gently take his daughter to himself. Knowing it was what his wife desiredŚand in truth, it was his desire as well...he quietly instructed Rebecca to return to her bed. śWe shall take them in with us,” he said to her. śGo back to sleep.” She curtseyed, doing as he bid her to. Then he followed Cassia back to the bedroom. He sat beside her on the bed, watching as she put William to her breast. They’d done this ritual many times before, and it never ceased to amaze him. It was quite moving to behold her with their children, loving and nursing them. He wondered how anyone would look at something so beautiful and find it repulsive. It was incredible, too, how just the sound of her voice seemed to sooth their cries. It seemed they knew her instantly, and he wondered if they would ever have that connection with him. He looked down at his daughter, who was staring up at him with shining eyes. śDo you suppose they know who I am?” Cassia smiled. śIf they do not now, they will in time. But I think they are becoming familiar with you. Thea quiets when you speak to her, and William watches you with curious eyes. I think he studies you.” Guy smiled at the thought that he might be a source of interest, and not fear, to his children. He hoped it would always be so, for he was finding that fatherhood was fast becoming a role he enjoyed very much. ***** Of all the surprises he’d had in his life, his absolute delight with his daughter was something he would never have expected. He adored both of his children, but there was a fondness for his little girl that he just could not express. She could be quite tempestuous at times. When she was hungry or in need of a changing, she wailed loud and strong and could not be ignored. She demanded attention, protesting when left alone in her cradle. William was quite different, content to entertain himself by chewing his tiny fist or kicking his hands and feet, which were in constant happy motion. He liked to be held, but did not fuss when placed in his bed. Cassia quite often remarked that she saw great intelligence in his eyes, and Guy liked to imagine that such a keen mind would make his boy a very important man someday. He’d always imagined having a sonŚthe pride that would swell in his heart at having an heir, knowing that he’d done his duty as a man. He felt it each time he looked at William. No man could be more delighted with a son than he was. But he’d never imagined the incredible feeling of love he would feel when holding a daughter. That precious little thing, with her tuft of black hair and soft blue eyes, framed by long lovely lashes, already had him wrapped around her tiny finger, and he found he wasn’t the least bit ashamed to admit it. What he loved most about his daughterŚand he knew it was a selfish delightŚwas that she seemed to prefer him to anyone else. She protested loudly when approached by Rebecca or any other members of the household. With her mother it was less so, reduced to whimpering and fussiness. But when held by her father, she became quiet and gentle. He even took to calling her his ślittle lamb.” No one seemed to know what power he had that could calm her so easily, and he was never sure of it himself. He only knew that he reveled in it. Other than his wifeŚand StuartŚhe’d never been anyone’s favorite before, and he found he enjoyed it very much. At times when he looked at his daughter, he thought of all the women he’d known in his lined havind how badly he had treated most of them. They had all been this innocent once, this delicate and fragile. Suddenly he understood the protectiveness Robert DeWarren had once had for Cassia. Thinking of all the dangers in the worldŚparticularly of men such as he had once beenŚit was terrifying to imagine his little girl falling prey to such things. And he vowed then and there that he would never let anything of the kind happen to her. One afternoon he said so to Cassia as they strolled along the beach, each of them with a babe in their arms, letting their children enjoy the warmth of a fine summer day. śI do not think I shall ever allow Thea to marry. No man will ever do for her, of that I am certain.” Cassia seemed quite amused by his declaration, laughing softly. śI am certain that when she comes of age, she will have much to say to the contrary. She will look to her father to find her a reasonable match, and I am sure you will do your utmost best to make her happy.” To that he only grumbledŚand Cassia smiled at his protective nature. śWhomever she does marry, they will have quite a fearsome father-in-law to contend with. I do not envy them that.” Now it was he who smiled. śI shall be fearsome. For the man that takes my daughter from me shall have to prove himself ten times over, and even then I may not be convinced of his worth.” Cassia laughed again, stretching up to kiss his cheek, and they walked on. ***** Before retiring for the night, Guy ventured into the nursery to look at his children. William lay in his bed, quite content in his kicking and drooling as he gummed a silver rattle. Guy picked him up, smiling at the tight grip his son kept on the toy. For one so small, his son was quite strong, and it made his heart swell with pride. But Thea was not so happy. She was quite red-faced, crying as Rebecca walked about the room with her. As Rebecca turned, she saw Guy watching. śOh, good evening, Sir Guy.” He put William back down in his cradle. Then he stepped forward, examining the distressed face of his daughter. śWhat has troubled her this time?” Rebecca sighed. śShe has just been changed, my lord. I am afraid it does not please her.” He smiled as he reached for his daughter. śMy lamb, you are truly your mother’s child. So headstrong.” Just as he anticipated, the moment he placed her against his shoulder, she became quite dole. It wasn’t long before she was asleepŚhe knew it from the sound of her breathing. Handling her with great delicacy, he placed her in her bedŚand then, bidding pleasant dreams to both of his children, he crossed the hall to his own bedchamber. Cassia was lying in bed, seemingly asleep. He could not blame her for being exhausted. Not only was she a mother, but of late, she had taken up the duty of caring for the sick, both at home and around the estate. He was not pleased with it at first, fearing that she would put herself at risk for catching the illnesses she treated. But she scoffed at his worrying, insisting that she had spent most of her life exposed to all manner of sickness. She had not caught her death yet, she said, and so she was not afraid. Her work sometimes left her quite worn out, but she insisted it was a happy exhaustion. It pleased her to do good, and he knew that the tenants thought her to be an angel in disguise. They always spoke so fondly of her, and it made him proudŚalmost giddyŚto know that at the end of every day, he was coming home to be with her. She was his, and his alone, and he wondered if any man had ever been as content in marriage as he was. After his valet helped him remove his boots, he dismissed the help. It had been a long day, and he wanted no company besides his wife. He moved about the room and blew out the candles, leaving only the light of the fire. Going to the bed, he sat down to remove his clothes, tossing them over a chair. He slipped under the sheet, moving against his wife’s side. Putting his arm around her, he put his head on his pillow and closed his eyes. śWorking your magic on our children once again, are you?” The sudden sound of her voice brought his eyes open. He looked down at her and smirked. śI thought you were sleeping?” She shook her head. śI am not in need of sleep.” For a moment he studied her, noting the inflection in her voice. Then, underneath the covers, he felt the sensation of her foot against his leg. śYour feet are cold,” he said. She smirked up at him. śThat is why I put them there. They are in need of warmth.” The way she was looking at him, he suddenly realized what was on her mind. She was amorousŚhe could see it in her eyes. And it thrilled him along every nerve he possessed. But it seemed too good to be true. The very last thing he had wanted was to hurt her in any way, and for the sake of her health, they’d refrained from full marital relations for a little over two months. She’d found ways to please him without resuming the deepest intimacy, and while it satisfied his basic needs, he missed the great emotional and spiritual bonding they’d had before. But now, here they were together. She was looking at him with such clear intentionsŚand he prayed that it wasn’t just his imagination. She slinked her arms around him, moving herself so that her body lay pressed against his. They were breast to breast, nose to nose. Her voice was soft and warm. śI was thinking, my love, that we are mother and father. But we must not forget that we are also husband and wife.” His breath quickened as he spoke. śAre you certain?” Her answer was a seductive, loving smile. śQuite certain.” He was thrilled for a moment. But then his expression fell. śWhat if I should harm you in some way?” Her smile became one of amusement. śThere is no danger. It has been nearly ten weeks since the children were born. I have been walking daily, regaining my strength and energy. I feel fully restored to my previous state of health. And I have missed you very much.” He smiled, his eyes shining with love. śAs I have missed you.” She kissed him then, and as he kissed her back, he gave a silent plea of thanks that his beloved was returned to himŚreturned to him, body and soul. ***** śWould you suppose it indecent if we were to go on a picnic tomorrow?” He smiled at her proposal. They lay blissfully content and entwined, as they had been so many times before. Her head rested against him, her fingers gently stroking his skin. When they were together in this way, he knew the very nature of her thoughts. A picnic, indeed. He could not help teasing her. śWhy on earth would you want to go on a picnic? Tomorrow is the Sabbath.” śYes, I know. What of it?” śWould you rather not spend your day in holy worship?” She lifted her head and gave him an indignant lookŚto which he smirked. And in response she gave him a fist to the shoulder. śWorship indeed,” she replied. śI shall find quite enough of that in church. But after that, I want to be with you, and you alone. Are you aware of how long it has been since we’ve been absolutely without company?” śToo long,” he replied. śIn all honesty, I cannot recall the last time.” śNot since our honeymoon trip. That is how long it has been. And much as I adore our children and our family, I feel a great need to have my husband all to myself, even if it is only for a little while.” When she was being this way, so eager for him, he adored her more than ever. He threaded his fingers through her hair, gntly cradling her head in his hands as he gazed at her. The corner of his mouth rose upŚand a wicked gleam shown in his eyes. śYou shall have me to yourself. And perhaps we will spend more than an afternoon together.” She smirked, her own eyes starting to shine with mischief. śMore than an afternoon, hmm?” He brought her lips to his, kissing her repeatedly between the words he spoke. śPerhaps we will slip away early in the morn, before anyone has the chance to encounter us.” śWe shall cause a scandal with such behavior.” Gently he rolled her to her back. His kisses traveled a path downwards. śYes, I am certain we will.” śPeople shall talk, you know.” śLet them, then. I have been the ill subject of many discussions. It is of little consequence to me.” She giggled, her hands ruffling softly in his hair. śWicked man. I thank the maker that you are not so decent as some. What a dull existence that would be.” He chuckled, continuing to worship her with his lips, his touch, and all the love he had in his heart. Once, a long time ago, wickedness had held a truly evil connotation when attached to his name. But now he took it as the best of endearments, because he knew it was born of pure love. Her passionate kisses, her sweet embracesŚeach adoring look and loving word were a reminder to him of how very fortunate he was. He was deeply loved, and for the first time in his life, he felt deserving of that love. At long last, Guy of Gisborne had found peace. Table of Contents Start


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