Melinda Barron Tygers 4 Sweet Awakening

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Melinda Barron


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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered
offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the
laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where
they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

* * * * *

DISCLAIMER: Many of the acts described in our BDSM/fetish titles can be dangerous. Loose
Id® publishes these stories for members of the community in which these acts are known
and practiced safely. If you have an interest in the pleasures and pains you find described
herein, we urge you to seek out advice and guidance from knowledgeable persons. Please do
not try any new sexual practice, whether it be fire, rope, or whip play, without the guidance
of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id® nor its authors will be responsible for any
loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

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Tygers 4: Sweet Awakening

Melinda Barron

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by
Loose Id LLC
1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924
Carson City NV 89701-1215

Copyright © February 2008 by Melinda Barron

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of
this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing,
photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 978-1-59632-637-8
Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Maryam Salim
Cover Artist: April Martinez

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Thanks to the usual suspects who keep me honest and sane while writing. Special

thanks to Maura, for the wonderful title. Your ideas are always better than mine. Thanks to

Maryam for her suggestions and subtle (or not so subtle) proddings, which always bring up

new ideas and add to the story. This one is for Angie, who always has great praise and

constructive criticism that help me along. Plus, she always says, “What’s next,” which makes

me very happy. As always, remember that this is a work of fiction. And remember that all

BDSM play should be SSC: Safe, Sane, and Con ensual. -- MB


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Chapter One

Harper Sampson’s hands shook. She felt moisture bead on her upper lip, and on her

brow. Ty had assured her the owner of this detective agency would take her seriously, but

she wasn’t so sure. She’d talked to one other investigator who had flat out laughed in her


Of course, the police had been doing that for two weeks now, ever since Helena had

gone missing. Harper remembered the condescending look on the detective’s face when he’d

said, “Your sister’s a grown woman, and she went to that place of her own free will. If she’s

not back in a few months, call us.”

His emphasis on the words “that place” had made her want to reach across the desk and

slap him.

“Self-righteous, moralistic bastard.”

“I’m sorry?”

Harper tensed, then tried to relax and smile at the woman who sat behind the desk at

Los Solvers. She hoped they could solve her problem and that they wouldn’t laugh at her.

Ty Kessler, the owner of the BDSM club Tygers, had assured her Diego Fuentes and his

associates would take her seriously. She hoped he was right.

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“I’m sorry,” she said softly, lifting her shaking hand to tuck a stray hair behind her ear.

“I’m just very nervous.”

“That’s understandable. Can I get you some tea? Or a soft drink, Ms. Sampson?”

“Tea would be nice. And, please, call me Harper.” Harper sat up straighter as the

woman winked at her and left the room. She read the nameplate on the desk: Sorcha

Morales. She was a pretty, heavyset Hispanic woman, who wore a thin collar of green stones

around her neck. Harper knew the collar denoted her submissiveness and the fact she

belonged to one of the men at the agency.

Harper herself had tried BDSM, at her sister’s urging, but she hadn’t had any success

with it. She never had success with relationships, unlike Helena, who attracted men and

women like flowers attracted honeybees.

Her sister’s bisexuality had never bothered Harper. She loved Helena too much to

judge her on any aspect of her life. They’d always been there for each other. Until now. New

tears welled in her eyes and she dashed them away as Sorcha carried in a tray with two cups

on it.

“Here. I have sugar, fake sugar, cream, and fake cream.” She laughed and set the tray on

the table.

Desperate for something to do with her hands, Harper took a cup, doctored it with all

the real stuff, and took a large gulp. The hot liquid scorched her throat; she sat up straighter

and coughed.

“Too hot?”

“No, it’s fine, thanks.” She took another sip, then cut her gaze to the door as it opened.

A thickly built Hispanic man stepped inside, followed by a very tall man with shoulder-

length blond hair.

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“Sorry we’re late.” The first man held out his hand, and Harper stood and took it.

“Diego Fuentes, and this is one of my partners, Walker Bryant. We’re happy you took Ty’s

advice and came to see us.”

Walker stepped forward and she shook his hand too, hoping neither of them would

notice how her hand trembled.

“Let’s go into the office,

mi juguete

,” Diego said to Sorcha, kissing her cheek.

“Whatever you say, my liege.” She picked up the tray and inclined her head toward an

open doorway. “In here, Harper.”

Once they were all seated around the table, and the men had been served coffee, Diego

nodded at Harper.

“Ty tells me your sister is missing, for two weeks now.”

“That’s right. She went to Paragon’s, the BDSM resort in the Caribbean. That was two

weeks ago. The people there tell me she stayed her week, and then she left.”

“So technically, she’s only been missing a week.”

Harper turned to the blond man, her stomach churning. They were going to dismiss

her concerns too; she could tell by the tone of his voice. “She was supposed to be home a

week ago Saturday. The airline won’t tell me whether she used her ticket to fly back to

Miami, or if she cashed it in or anything. I’ve been told she’s an adult and can do what she

wants. But Helena would never worry me like this. Something’s wrong.”

She darted her gaze between the two men, who watched her intently. She knew they

were studying her, to try and get a handle on her. Finally, Walker spoke. “You and your

sister are very close?”

“Yes. We’re Irish twins, born eleven months apart. We’re all each other has.”

“What about your parents?” Diego lifted his cup and took a drink.

“We have different fathers, and neither of us have ever met them. Our mother is, well,

she was seventeen when Helena was born and eighteen when I was born. She’s always been

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more interested in men, and having fun, than in her daughters. Right now she’s in Europe,

with an Italian man she met. I’ve left several messages, but she hasn’t returned my calls.”

“I’m sorry,” Walker said. “It must have been hard.”

“It was, Mr. Bryant. We lived with our grandmother until she died. I was nine, and

Helena was ten. Then, we lived under our mother’s roof.”

Diego narrowed his eyes at her. She could tell he was trying to hide a smile. “That’s an

interesting way to put it, living under her roof.”

“Theresa was never much of a mother, Mr. Fuentes. She would work when she had to,

but most of the time she looked for a man who could pay the bills for her, in exchange for



. Helena and I took care of ourselves, and of each other.”

She ignored both men’s upraised eyebrows and sat up straighter. “Are you going to help

me, or am I wasting my time?”

“Relax,” Walker said. “We’re just trying --”

“Mr. Bryant, I don’t want to relax. I want to find my sister.”

“We understand that. And, please, call me Walker. We’re just trying to get some feel

for the situation. You have to understand that to the authorities, a grown woman being gone

for a week, with no signs of foul play, is nothing to be alarmed about. Maybe she met a new

Master, or Mistress. She is a submissive who likes to play.”

“Yes, she is. But Helena would never be gone for a week without telling me. I’ve tried

to call her cell phone, but it goes immediately to voice mail. I’ve left message after message.

The only way she wouldn’t call me back is if she were…”

Harper’s voice cracked, and she looked down at the table as new tears flooded her face.

When Sorcha put her arm around her shoulder, she flinched. She took the tissue the other

woman offered. Then she turned her face away from the men, settled into the woman’s

shoulders, and cried, her shoulders shaking as Sorcha patted her back. When her emotions

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were under control again, she wiped her face, lifting it back to the men sitting across from


“Will you help me?”

“We will,” Diego said. “But you have to be totally honest with us, with every question

we ask, no matter how much it upsets you.”

“I understand. Do I pay you now?”

“The retainer is four thousand dollars,” Walker said. “Then it’s five hundred dollars a

day, plus expenses.”

Harper nodded and Diego gave her an assessing look.

“You don’t seem worried about the money.”

“When she was nineteen, Helena married a very rich man. He was thirty years older

than she and had no heirs. She always said he wanted to get her pregnant so he would have

someone to leave his money to. But he died four years after they got married, and she’d lost

the only baby she’d conceived. He left her everything, and we share it.”

“Wow. Are we talking thousands?” Walker asked.

“We’re talking millions, nine of them,” Harper said. “And if it takes every last dollar to

find Helena, then that’s fine with me.”

Diego’s eyes widened. “Nine million dollars is a hell of a lot of money. Are you sure

this man had no other heirs? People aren’t above killing for that much money.”

Harper stiffened, then tried to relax. “He had two brothers, who had just as much as he

did. Their father, some sort of Texas oilman, left all of it to them. Neither of them laid claim

to any money when Shawn died. In fact, they offered Helena investment advice to make the

money grow. It started out as five million, and now it’s nine.”

“How long ago did he die?” Walker leaned toward her, his hands clasped together.

Harper glanced at him and then looked away.

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“Ten years ago,” she replied. “We don’t flaunt our money. Helena doesn’t want to

work, so she doesn’t. She travels a lot, and I stay at our house and take care of our animals,

and I work.”

“Where do you work?” Sorcha patted her hand.

“At Sapphire’s on the Square.”

“Oh, gourmet lingerie. I’ve always wanted to go in there,” Sorcha said. “But one bra

costs more than these men pay me in a week.”

The woman’s lighthearted statement made Harper feel much better. “It’s not that bad.

Come in and I’ll get you a discount. I’ll get you a whole ensemble that will please your, um,

your husband?”

“He’s not my husband. Not yet, anyway,” Sorcha said. “But my Master will love it.”

“Yes, I will,” Diego said, his voice heavy with desire. They exchanged a look that made

Harper very jealous. No man had ever looked at her that way. After a few minutes, he turned

a serious gaze on Harper. “But back to the situation at hand. We have a contract for you to

sign; then you need to write us a check. Once you do that we’re officially hired, and

anything you tell us is privileged. After that I want you to tell us everything about your

sister, and about the week leading up to her leaving for Paragon’s, the week she was there,

and the week she’s been gone.”

Harper nodded and reached for her checkbook.

“I’m going to order food, since this might take a while,” Sorcha said. “Everybody like


* * * * *

Walker tried to keep his thoughts focused on Harper’s words, but it was hard. His gaze

kept drifting to her, to her body, which was soft and curvy. He pegged her as 38-30-36, and

he was very good at guessing figures.

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He’d listened intently as she’d gone over the details of her upbringing, then of her

sister’s marriage and move away from Albuquerque. When Helena’s husband had died, she’d

moved back to Albuquerque. She’d been a little older, a lot richer, and a lot more


“You disapproved of her involvement in the BDSM lifestyle?” He lifted his gaze from

her cleavage to her eyes so he could gauge her reaction.

“At first, yes. Shawn got her into it. But it made her happy, and it didn’t seem to hurt

her, at least not permanently.”

“Permanently?” Walker leaned forward. “Pardon my question, but is your sister into


He watched her swallow, hard, her eyes glazing over, and then she nodded.

“Does she have a Master or a Mistress?” He thought about Oscar. He’d have to ask his

friend if he knew Helena Tisdale. After all, Oscar was a master at delivering erotic pain.

“Not right now. She’s had a few, over the years. Mostly she plays at Tygers, though,

and stays uninvolved emotionally. She told me she likes it that way. That’s why she likes to

go to Paragon’s. Hard sex for a week with no involvement.”

“And you don’t approve of her love of pain, or her submissive tendencies?”

“Mr., um, Walker, Helena’s sexual preferences don’t concern me. I know she enjoys it,

and it makes her happy to be submissive. I tried it a few times and didn’t like it. At all.”

That’s because you didn’t have me for a Master

. Walker nodded, then turned to Diego.

“So, nothing unusual happened during the week before or during her stay at


“No. I talked to her twice during the week. She was having a great time.”

Walker cleared his throat. “You do know that unattached submissives are auctioned off

at Paragon’s? She would have belonged to someone during that week. Did she tell you who it


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“It was a couple,” Harper replied. “She said the man was the Master, and the woman

was a switch. Helena, um, was with them.”

“Just to be clear, she served them during the week? They


her for the week?”

Walker asked.

“Yes.” She spoke the word fast, and he could see the conversation was making her very

uncomfortable. She picked up a pair of chopsticks and stuck them in a half-empty box of

sweet-and-sour pork; she speared a piece and ate it quickly. It was the first piece of food he’d

seen her eat that afternoon. Her lips were full, and he imagined what they would feel like

wrapped around his cock. She would suck him in hard, her tongue dancing around his balls.

He could tell she would be perfect at sucking cock.

He also knew thinking about those things during a business meeting was wrong.

Terribly wrong. This woman was affecting him in ways that could lead to big trouble.

“Tell us about the day she was supposed to be back.” Walker silently thanked Diego for

speaking up. If he hadn’t, Walker might have ordered the woman to her knees.

“I was supposed to pick her up at the airport at two. I went, the plane landed, and she

wasn’t on it. I asked the airline and all the woman would tell me was that Helena hadn’t

gotten on the plane.”

He could tell she was on the verge of crying again, more out of frustration than

anything else.

“And then?” Diego prompted.

“I called the Miami airport and they had her paged. No one answered. I called the

Miami police. They told me to wait a few days. I called the resort. They said she’d left on

time, that morning. I tried her cell phone, over and over. It went straight to voice mail. Then

I called the Albuquerque police.”

He watched her frustration turn to anger, and her lips tightened. “They basically told

me an adult woman who would visit a sex resort could take care of herself, and without

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evidence of foul play, they would just consider her off playing somewhere. After all, she’s

rich and beautiful.”

“Speaking of rich,” Walker said. “Has she used her accounts? ATM? Credit cards?”

“No. I check the accounts daily, since they’re in both our names. I’m the only one

who’s used them. There’ve been no calls made on her cell phone, either.”

“What about the couple who bought her?” Diego asked. “Have you talked to them?

Maybe she went home with them. Maybe they were having a good time and decided to

extend the contract they had.”

She looked angry, then resigned. It was obviously hard for her to think of her sister as a

couple’s bought-and-paid-for sex slave for a week. “The resort won’t give me their names.

They said it was private.”

“We could hire someone to hack into their computers.”

Walker bit back a laugh as Diego turned toward her. “Sorcha? Have you forgotten what

happened the last time you tried that?”

“No. I’m just saying it could work.”

“No.” Diego’s voice was firm. “I’m sure Ty knows someone at the resort we can talk to.”

Harper had put down her chopsticks and was looking toward the open window. The

room grew silent, and then she sighed heavily.” How will you find her?”

“We’ll make some phone calls,” Walker said. “I’ll go to Tygers tonight and talk to Ty,

get a name. We have friends in legal circles who can figure out whether or not she boarded a

different plane in Miami. What does she look like?”

“Short, just a little over five feet. About a hundred and twenty pounds. Dark hair.

Green eyes.” While she’d been talking, she’d reached into her purse and drew out a photo,

which she slid across the table.

Walker took it, his eyes widening in recognition. “I know her. But I don’t know her as

Helena. She’s been with Oscar a few times, at Tygers.”

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“Helena’s mentioned that name before.” Harper looked hopeful. “Are you friends with

him? Maybe he knows something if he’s been with her so much.”

“He’s a good friend of mine,” Walker said, sliding the photo toward Diego. “We top

together sometimes. She’s been with Oscar a lot, yes, but I don’t think he knows anything

about where’s she’s at now.”

“If you didn’t call her Helena, what did you call her?”

Walker cleared his throat and shook his head.

“Tell me.” She begged him with her eyes and he sighed. He looked at Diego, who


“Oscar calls her his pain slut. She’s very much into receiving pain, and Oscar likes to

give it.”

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Chapter Two

“Man, I can’t believe she’s missing. Maybe she’s just off somewhere, getting nailed. And

I do mean that literally.” Oscar Ruiz fell into step beside Walker as they headed toward

Tygers’s front door. The two men had brought their own cars since Walker planned to work,

and Oscar planned to play. They didn’t want one to get stuck waiting on the other.

Tygers was hopping that night, and they’d parked at the back of the lot, several cars


“Doubt it. She and her sister are very close. Or hasn’t she mentioned that?”

“We don’t exactly talk about our families while I’m applying cane to butt, know what I


“Sometimes I worry about you,” Walker said.

“Oh, please, you love to watch so don’t make me the bad guy for loving to do it.” They

neared the front door and Walker nodded at the doorman.


“Master Walker. Master Oscar. Welcome.” The large man opened the door, but they

stopped in front of him.

“Call your Master, subbie Chess,” Walker said. “Tell him I need to talk to him.”

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“Yes, Sir.” Chess pulled out his cell phone and Oscar shook his head. “It’s just sad

Helena’s gone.”

“Maybe,” Walker replied. “But I’m not into pain the way you are.”

“Bullshit. With a little time, you could be as much of an expert as I am, taking them

right to the edge and then sending them flying over, screaming in ecstasy.”

“You mean screaming in pain.”

“Six of one,” Oscar replied, holding up his hands in mock surrender.

The front door opened and Ty walked out, his hand offered in greeting. “Come on in.

Harper said you would come by. Chess, call Price to watch the door; then come to the office

and strip.”

“Yes, Master.”

The men moved inside, walking quickly through the crowded public room. They

paused at the entrance to the members’ area. Walker wasn’t surprised to find it just as

crowded. When they got to Ty’s office, Ty ushered them in, then shut the door.

“I hope you don’t mind if Chess comes and sucks me off while you watch. I just saw a

particularly erotic scene with Mistress Sasha and a new subbie named Lissa. If I don’t get

relief soon, my cock might fall off, and as you can see, we’re hopping tonight.”

“That’s fine,” Walker said. “I’ll get right to the point. I need to talk to someone at

Paragon’s about Helena Tisdale. Do you know someone?”

“I do. After I talked to Harper, I made a call. The owner is an old friend named Bruce

Sawyer. We just call him Sawyer. He’s expecting your call.”

Chess entered and started to undress. Walker flicked a gaze to him, then looked back at

Ty, who was stroking his cock through his jeans, his gaze fastened on his sub.

“What kinda person is this Sawyer?”

“Good. About fifty. Longtime Dom who runs a clean resort. He’s just sick about


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“I imagine he is,” Walker said. “From the sounds of it she visits three or four times a

year, and from what I’ve read on the Internet, that place ain’t cheap.”

Chess started to walk toward them. Walker glanced at him, looked back at Ty, then

jerked his gaze back to Chess, his eyes widening.

“Is that a lock on his cock?”

“Yes, it is,” Ty said. “Runs through his piercing. It reminds him I own that dick, doesn’t

it, my slut?”

“Yes, Sir.” Chess stopped in front of them, clasped his hands behind his back and

lowered his head.

“Get it hard.” Chess’s hand went to his cock, stroking it back and forth until it rose.

The lock hung from the end; Walker grimaced.

“That’s gotta hurt. It looks heavy.”

“Not that bad,” Ty said, thumping the lock and sending it rocking. “Just a few ounces.

Kneel on the desk so our guests can see your locked cock.”

“Yes, Master.” Chess climbed onto the empty desk, facing them and kneeling. Walker

couldn’t help himself. He stared at the lock, shaking his head.

“Who has the key?”

“Why me, of course,” Ty said. “Nobody unlocks it but me. I make him wear it to work,

so he remembers I own him. Sometimes I make him wear it while I fuck him. My thrusts

send it rocking, and the movement reminds him that his cock is mine.”

“I love it,” Oscar said, his gaze fastened on Chess’s cock. “I’ve only topped a few men,

but I’m checking piercings on the next one and making sure I have a lock on hand.”

Ty laughed, then ordered Chess to his knees on the floor. When Chess started to undo

Ty’s fly, Walker held up his hand.

“I hate to interrupt the fun, but I’m on the clock. I don’t know how I’d bill Ms.

Sampson for watching you get a blowjob. Do you have the number?”

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“Right.” Ty took a piece of paper from his desk. “He’s expecting your call tonight. Use

one of the rooms for privacy.”

Walker nodded and headed for the door. He turned back as Oscar got on his haunches,

then lifted his gaze to Ty’s. “May I?” Oscar asked.

“Of course,” Ty replied. “Give him a good yank or two. I’ll have him suck you off when

he’s done with me, or would you rather fuck him? I like to watch him get fucked.”

Walker laughed, then went into the hallway. Behind him, he heard Chess moan

deeply. He wasn’t sure if it was in pain or pleasure, and figured it was a mixture of both,

knowing Oscar.

He went downstairs to the desk and found a pretty little submissive helping a couple

book a room. When they were done, he nodded at her.

“I need one myself. Someplace quiet where I can make a phone call.”

“Of course, Master Walker. How about number nine? Shall I tell the sub waiting for

you which room you’ll be in?”

Walker gave her a confused look. “Excuse me?”

The hostess looked nervous, then glanced at her book. “Subbie Harper. She’s waiting

for you in the public bar.”

Walker slid through the double doors and scanned the crowd. Sure enough, Harper sat

at the bar, a glass in her hands. She looked very nervous, and he could tell she was trying to

gently dissuade Mistress Sasha, who sat nearby.

He hadn’t expected her to come tonight, after he’d told her he would contact her

tomorrow, and he thought about letting her fight off Sasha’s advances on her own, but

something made him stop. This woman called to him, in more ways than one.

He wanted to fuck her, yes, but more than that, he wanted to top her, to take her to

new heights and teach her how to relax and enjoy herself. She seemed so uptight. Of course

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she was worried about her sister, but he could tell by her mannerisms she was uptight 90

percent of the time.

His cock grew as he thought about putting a lock on her clit, much as Ty had put a lock

on Chess’s cock. Then he’d tease her to the point of orgasm, pull back, and watch her squirm

and come down just a little, before taking her back up and bringing her back down again,

before taking her back up and allowing her to come. The teasing would increase the intensity

of her orgasm, and judging from the way she acted this afternoon, she could use a good

orgasm. Or two.

Sure, she was nervous about her sister, but she needed to relax just a bit before she gave

herself a stroke. It had been a long time since he’d seen a woman wound as tightly as Harper


He watched her for a few more minutes, then crossed the room, stopping behind her

and focusing on Sasha. The dominatrix saw him, but she ignored him, snaking her hand out

to caress Harper’s thigh.

“We can go upstairs together,” Sasha said softly. “Would you like me to give you a good

spanking? Then we can see what your tongue can do.”

Harper sat ramrod straight, her gaze lowered to the hand on her thigh. When Walker

gently touched her shoulder, she jumped and turned to him. Relief flooded her face and he


“I didn’t expect to see you tonight, Harper,” he said, lifting his gaze to Sasha, who

withdrew her hand, disappointment evident on her face.

“Well, maybe next time,” Sasha said. “Master Walker, I give you the floor, and my

chair.” She left and Walker slid into her seat. He ordered a beer from the bartender and then

nodded toward Harper’s glass too.

“What are you drinking?”


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“Well, then, refill the lady’s water,” he said to the bartender.

“What have you found out?” She leaned toward him, her nervousness evident.

“Nothing yet. I just got a name and phone number.” He took a drink from his beer.

“Why don’t you have a drink, say a Cosmopolitan? Something to relax you.”

“I don’t want to relax. I want to know what happened to my sister.”

Walker took another sip from his beer, then narrowed his gaze at her. “Go home.

You’re expecting immediate results, but you’re not going to get them. You need to let me do

my job without interference from you.”

She shook her head. He could see tears sparkling in her blue eyes. “Please don’t shut

me out of this. Make the call. Let me listen.”

“No. Because you’ll be standing there the whole time trying to butt into the

conversation. Ms. Sampson -- Harper. Listen to me. You’re very upset, but you’re not doing

the investigation, or yourself, any good. I know it’s hard, but the best thing you can do is go

home and wait for me to call you tomorrow.”

She shook her head. “I can’t wait that long. Are you going to call now?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact I am.”

“I won’t cause any trouble, really I won’t. Please don’t shut me out.” She stared at him

and then glanced over his shoulder. He turned to see Oscar moving toward them, his

demeanor confident as he stopped to greet several pretty subbies. Then he sauntered over

and slapped the bar.

“Barkeep. Whiskey.” He laughed and turned to Harper, giving her an assessing look.

“Hello. Who are you?”

“This is Harper Sampson, Helena’s sister.”

“Really?” Oscar took her hand. “A pleasure. I know your sister well.”

A furious blush spread over Harper’s cheeks and she looked down at her glass. Walker

shook his head at Oscar, who gave him a curious glance.

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“I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you entertain Harper while I go and make a phone call?”

He held up his hand to still Harper’s objection. Oscar moved closer to her and slid his

hand along her back.

“It would be my pleasure.” Oscar frowned. “Is that water you’re drinking?”

Walker made his getaway. Oscar would keep Harper occupied while he found the

information he needed. Then he would decide where to go from there.

And he would have to decide how to get a handle on Harper. She had to learn to be

submissive to him, hopefully in more ways than one.

* * * * *

Oscar pushed the glass of wine toward Harper. Her hand shook as she pushed it back at


“No, thank you.”

“What’s wrong; are you afraid it’s drugged? You saw him pour it.”

“No, I just don’t want it.”

“Fine. You don’t drink. You should have told me.”

She looked toward the door where Walker had just disappeared. When she went to

stand and follow him, Oscar gently pushed her back down in her seat.

“Stay here. Let him do what he needs to do. Just sip it.”

She exhaled loudly, then took the glass of wine and downed half of it in one gulp.

When she came up for air and started to tilt it back to drink the rest, he pulled her arm

down, jostling the liquid in the glass.

“Whoa there, slick. I said a sip, not a gulp.” He took the glass and set it on the table.

“So, you’re Helena’s sister.”

She nodded. “She’s mentioned you.

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“She and I are, well, we’re very suited to each other. I’ve topped her. Walker has


He watched her process the information. “Helena and I are nothing alike.”

“You don’t look alike; that’s for sure.”

A smile lit her face and he studied her. “She’s dark; you’re light. She’s short; you’re tall.

I must say, though, that you’re both nice and curvy.”

Harper laughed nervously.

“Are you submissive?”

She squirmed under his gaze. “No.” She spit the word out, and he lifted his brows at


“You seem awfully sure of that.”

She averted her gaze, taking in the scene around them. “I’ve tried it, at Helena’s urging.

I hated it.”

“What did you try?” He put his finger under her chin and turned her face back so she

was facing him.

She pulled away from his finger and a scowl appeared on her face.

“Submission. I hated it.”

He took a drink from his bottle and studied her. “What specifically did you try?”

She snorted in disgust and turned away from him. “I’m not telling you that. It’s none of

your business.”

“I’m just saying that different subs have different needs, and different Doms provide

different stimulation to meet those needs.”

“So, you’re saying the Dom Helena set me up with wasn’t right for me? That if I’d just

had the right Dom things would have been perfect?”

“Maybe. What gets you off?”

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Harper hopped off the stool so fast, the woman sitting next to her yelled out in


“Hey, relax,” Oscar said, putting his hand on her arm. “I’m sorry if I offended you.”

He moved her so she was standing in front of him. “We don’t have to talk about this if

you don’t want. I just thought it would take your mind off of Helena for a little while.”

She nodded, then gulped down the rest of her wine.

“Can I have another, please?” She put the glass on the bar, and Oscar nodded to the

barman. When he turned back to Harper, he held out this hand.

“Give me your car keys.”

“What?” She took the new glass and gulped part of it down.

“I said, give me your car keys.” He took the wine and set it back on the bar. “Either

that, or no more drinks.”

“It’s only my second one.”

“Yet, I’ve defended many people who only had two beers and ended up causing huge

wrecks.” He wiggled his hand in front of her face. “The keys. Now.”

She dug into her purse and dropped a set of keys into his hand. Then she took another

large sip and Oscar held up his finger to get the barman’s attention.

“Give my new friend a spritzer this time, heavy on the spritz and light on the wine.”

“You got it, Master O.” The barman started to mix the drink, and Oscar looked back at


“You don’t want to get me drunk and take advantage of me?”

He took a sip of his beer. “No. The first time I top you, I want you totally sober, so we

can both enjoy it.”

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Harper’s hands shook as she lifted the glass to her mouth. This wasn’t how she’d

envisioned the night going. She’d planned on coming to Tygers, talking to Walker, and then

going back home.

Now here she was, half drunk, sitting next to one of the sexiest men she’d seen in a

long time. She’d been impressed with Walker this afternoon, but his friend was dark and

gave off an air that could probably make most women come on demand. Too bad she wasn’t

most women.

She drained her glass, then grabbed the new one. As long as he had the keys to her car,

she might as well take advantage of the situation.

“I didn’t plan on this tonight. I’m not the type to get drunk.”

“Then we’ll make sure we stop off at the store on the way home for some aspirin and

orange juice for the morning.”

She nodded, the world sort of tilting with her nod. She’d drunk those first two glasses

of wine way too fast.

“Tell me about your first experience with submission.”

“I don’t talk about things like that.”

“It wasn’t a suggestion; it was an order. Tell me. Now.”

His deep command sent chills up her spine. She could see why her sister would be

attracted to this man. Of course Helena was attracted to most everyone.

“It was a year or so ago. I don’t remember a lot of it.”

‘Liar.” The silence grew and he took a sip of his beer. “No one has ever accused me of

being patient. Tell me. Right. Now.”

“He…well…touched me, and I didn’t care for it.”

“Well, that was the film-at-eleven sound bite. Give me the real story.”

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“Helena always said I was wound too tightly. She said submitting to her friend would


She took another drink, then glanced at a group of people near them. A woman was

stretched across two tables. Her top and skirt had been pulled up, exposing her breasts and

pussy. Another woman held her hands above her head, and there was a woman at each

ankle, holding her legs wide apart. She was wiggling in delight as the people around her


“What are they doing to her?”

“Probably put vibrating clamps on her clit and nipples. The sensations will make her

want to come, but she’ll wait for permission from whomever is holding the remotes.”

Harper watched the woman wiggle and squirm. Just once, she wanted to do that. She

wanted to be the woman who was the center of attention, just like Helena always was.

“You need to finish your story.” His voice sounded deep in her ear, his breath hot on

her neck. She shivered and drained her glass. This time the room did more than tilt.


“Your story.” He took the glass from her and set it down.

“Can I have another drink?”

“No. Tell me.”

“Tell you what? He tied me to a cross, and I just couldn’t…I couldn’t…” Harper

focused on the woman who lay across the tables. A woman had straddled her face and was

riding her as the submissive’s body continued to wiggle. The crowd made lurid suggestions.

“Is that submission?” She stared at them. The woman on top was caressing her own

breasts. Seconds later she cried out in orgasm. The crowd clapped louder, and she yelled out


“Not really,” Oscar replied. “It’s more of a sex game to entertain the people around.

Now, you were saying?”

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“Master O?”

Harper turned to him as he fixed his gaze on the woman who had just spoken. She

followed his gaze, trying to focus on the women had walked up. She looked a little fuzzy.


“Master Walker has asked you to meet him in room nine. He also asked that you bring

your new friend.”

Oscar nodded at her and stood. “Let’s go, slick.”

Harper stood, then wobbled back onto her seat. “I think I’m drunk.”

“Yes, I think you are. It’s a good thing I’ve already taken your keys.” He helped her

stand, his arm tight around her waist.

“I hope I can make it up the stairs.” She took a step and tripped. The only thing keeping

her upright was Oscar, who turned her toward him. He wavered in front of her. At least she

thought he did. Maybe she was the one who was doing the wavering.

Seconds later the room was upside down, and the crowd cheered. It wasn’t until they

got to the stairs that Harper realized he’d thrown her over his shoulder, caveman fashion.

But she didn’t care. She was more relaxed than she’d been in a long, long time. And a

handsome man had her in his arms.

When they’d climbed the stairs, he set her down, propping her against the wall. She

smiled at him, or was there more than one of him?

“Master O?”

“Yes?” He bracketed her hips with his hands, his thumbs gently caressing her and

stepped closer.

“I think I’m gonna be sick.”

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Chapter Three

Harper could hear voices. Deep male voices. Deep, angry male voices.

“Great. I leave you with my client for ten minutes, and you get her falling-down

drunk. Thanks a lot.” That was Walker’s voice; she knew that much.

“It was more like twenty minutes, and she only had two glasses of wine.” Oscar. Sexy,

sweet Oscar, who’d carried her up the stairs.

Did I drink that much so quickly?

“Okay, maybe three. But the third one was watered down.”

Third one? I had a third glass of wine?

Harper squeezed her eyes shut tighter, then tried to open them. Her head burst with

pain, and she groaned slightly. A cool cloth wiped her brow.

“Relax.” This was a woman’s voice. “You’re gonna be fine.”

A third male voice was added to the mix. “From the contents of her, um, stomach, I’d

say she hasn’t eaten in a while. You mix an empty stomach with three glasses of alcohol in

twenty minutes, and yeah, she’s gonna be drunk. And very sick.”

The content of my stomach? Oh, Lord, I threw up all over eve yone




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“I’m so sorry,” she groaned out. She opened her eyes and peeked out. The woman

standing next to her had a smile on her face. She was naked under an open robe and had a

metal collar around her neck.

“Shush. Just stay down.” The woman turned her gaze to the men. “Master, she’s


“Thank you, Vixen.” The man moved next to the woman, his gaze fastening on Harper.

“Hi. I’m Dr. Lake Ross, and this is my wife, Lucy. Ty asked me to come in and check on you.”

She tried to sit up, but Lucy pushed her back down.

“Just relax for a while,” Lake said, his hand on her wrist, his gaze now fastened on his

watch. “Alcohol and an empty stomach don’t mix. When was the last time you ate?”

“This afternoon?” It had been this afternoon, hadn’t it? Or was it this morning? No,

she’d eaten some of the Chinese food. Not much, but some.

“Is that a question?” He narrowed his eyes at her, and she tried to laugh, but she ended

up coughing instead.

“Vixen, would you go downstairs and get Harper a light soft drink, please?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Where am I?”

“At Tygers, in room nine.” Walker walked up and stroked her arm. “Sorry for my

friend’s bad manners.”

“Hey,” Oscar said, stepping forward. “Don’t apologize for me.”

Harper groaned. “It’s not his fault. I was nervous and just… I’m so embarrassed.”

She turned her head toward the wall and her eyes widened. Numerous whips,

restraints, and other sexual devices hung there. On a table flush against the wall sat various-

sized dildos and anal plugs. She looked back toward the men, her face now very red. When

she tried to sit up, no one stopped her. The table was stone and not very comfortable. Her

gaze locked on the restraints fastened to the end.

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“Easy,” Lake said. “Just relax, we’re in no hurry.”

“Thank you, Dr. Ross.”

“Just Lake. And as much as the idea might make you nauseous, you need to get a little

bit of food in your stomach. Nothing spicy. Some bread or some crackers.”

She stroked her neck and licked her lips. Lucy came in and handed her a glass of clear

liquid, which she drank from greedily. It burned slightly going down, but it felt very good.

“I’m all right. A little shaky, maybe, but fine. I’ll go home and sleep after Walker tells

me what he found out about my sister.”

Before Walker could open his mouth, Lake stepped back. “My work here is done.

Vixen and I will leave you to it.” He turned to other the two men. “Make sure she eats.”

When they were gone, Harper sighed. “What did you learn?”

“Where do you live?” Walker stepped closer.

“What? I don’t want to --”

He repeated the question and she shook her head.

“We live in Corrales.”

Oscar whistled. “Wow. Pricey.”

Walker turned to him. “My house is closer. You drive her car. She can ride with me,

and we’ll come back later for yours.”

“Sounds good.”

“Excuse me.” Harper tried to sound intimidating but knew she’d failed. “I’m the one

paying the bills. You work for me, remember?”

“Yes, I do,” Walker said. “But right now, I’m in charge. You get no information until

you eat something. I hope I make myself clear.”

“But --”

“But nothing,” Walker said. “Don’t make me spank you.”

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“Everyone wants to spank me here. First that Sasha woman, and now you.” She looked

at Oscar who looked as if he could eat her in one bite.

“Oh, me too. But I prefer to use the word ‘whipping.’ It has such a great sound to it.”

* * * * *

“So he couldn’t tell you where she’d gone?” Harper took another bite of her bread. Her

stomach still didn’t like her, but the bread helped. She sat on a chair in Walker’s dining

room, dressed in one of his shirts while her clothing was going through the wash cycle. He

sat on one side of her, and Oscar sat on the other. She felt more than a little exposed, since

she was half naked and sitting between two very gorgeous men. Two very gorgeous, very

dominant men.

“No. There are some people at the resort right now who were there when Helena was

there. If you’re willing to pay for the trip, I’ll go down and interview them, and I’ll talk with

the employees. They always see things they’re not supposed to.”

Harper nodded, then took another bite. “I’m going with you.”

“Why don’t we all go,” Oscar said with a laugh. “I’ve always wanted to know what that

place was like. Sounds like fun.”

“This is a business trip, not a chance for you to play. And Harper, the answer is no.

You’re not going anywhere with me.”

“Won’t it look weird, a single man going down there by himself?”

“No. I’m a Dom who wants to play, remember? I just ask questions on the side.”

She took another bite of her bread and looked to Oscar for help. He narrowed his gaze

at her, a gleam in his eyes.

“Don’t you think people would clam up if they knew you were investigating a woman’s


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She turned to Walker in time to see him shoot an evil glare at Oscar. “Mind your own

business. This is not playtime.”

“No, but if we went as a threesome, people might open up to us more.” Harper

swallowed hard. Had those words just come out of her mouth? A threesome, as in the three

of them together? As in having sex with both of them? As in submitting to both of them?

The room grew quiet before Oscar spoke.

“It’s an interesting idea. Two Doms, one sub. Go in undercover, with the owner’s

permission of course. People are more likely to give out information if they think it’s gossip,

and talking to another guest would be gossip. Talking to a private investigator is like talking

to the cops. Nobody wants to do it.”

Walker was silent for so long Harper thought he would say no again. He watched her

intently, his face unreadable. Finally, he sat back.

“Are you submissive?”


“Liar.” This came from Oscar. “You told me you hated it. That’s the only drawback as

far as I’m concerned. We could go as two Doms and buy a submissive for the weekend we’re


“No!” Harper slammed her fist on the table. “She’s my sister, and I’m going.”

“Glad to see you’re feeling better,” Walker replied. “I have to agree with Oscar on this.

If you’re not submissive, it won’t work. This is a BDSM resort. Someone will spot a fake in a


“Not if I’m trying to learn the ropes,” she said, turning pleading eyes on Walker. “You

can tell them I’m a trainee. Please?”

He watched her for a few more minutes, then muttered, “Shit,” under his breath before

standing up. He walked into the living room and Harper started to stand.

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“No,” Oscar said, putting his hand on her shoulder to keep her seated. “Stay there and

give him a chance to think. It also gives you a chance to finish your story. You never did tell

me about your one stab at submission.”

“There’s not much to tell. Helena fixed me up with a friend of hers. He tied me to a

cross and used a flogger on me. I hated it. I felt exposed and used. When he was done

whipping me, he untied me and made me suck his cock.”

Oscar sat back in his chair. “Kinda threw you into it, didn’t he? Did he talk to you

about it first?”


“Did he ask you what you liked? What got you off?”

“No.” She whispered the word, then glanced toward the living room.

“Did you have an orgasm?”


He leaned toward her and whispered, “Did you like the pain?”

“No.” She turned her head away from him. Lord help her, she couldn’t tell him the

feeling from the flogger had been the only good thing from the experience. But the man

himself had been crude and hadn’t cared about her at all. He’d only wanted to see to his own


“It’s okay to like the pain, Harper. Really, it is. Let me teach you that.” His face was

inches away from her now, and she resisted the urge to look at him. “You’d like it if I did it

to you, I promise you.”

She shivered and shook her head. She looked up as Walker walked into the room. He

stood at the end of the table and studied her.

“Prove to me you can be submissive. Bare your breasts to us.” His voice was deep. Oscar

sat back, putting his elbow on the table and leaning on his fist as he studied her.

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Harper hesitated for a few seconds, then opened the shirt she wore. She reached

behind her to undo her bra, but stilled when Walker said no.

“Just lift it over your breasts.”

She did as he asked, the elastic of her bra biting into the top part of her breasts. Her

nipples peaked under the men’s perusal, and she flushed with embarrassment.

“Take off your panties.”

She wanted to scream no, but she knew if she did, her trip to Paragon’s would be over

before it even started. She stood and inched her panties over her hips, stepping out of them

and lifting her gaze to Walker.

“What now?”

“Straddle the chair,” Oscar said. “But stay standing. Then clasp your hands behind your


She did as he asked, her hands shaking.

“Eyes down, shoulders back.” Walker moved right next to her, so she had one man on

each side. They each cupped a breast, testing its weight in their hands. The tightness of her

bra across her upper chest was starting to hurt just a little. She closed her eyes and ignored

her discomfort. She could do this. She could be submissive.

They each started to play with a nipple, rolling them around until she moaned softly.

And then they both pinched. Hard. She cried out and they increased the force of their

fingers. Her nipples throbbed under the pressure, and she shook her head.

“Please, stop.”

“We’ll stop when we want to,” Oscar said.

Their fingers tightened yet again and then suddenly released. Her nipples throbbed

harder as they gently caressed them. Then, they pinched the nubs again, this time harder

than the last.

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Harper cried out and Oscar’s free hand dipped between her legs, parted her slit, and

delved inside.

“She’s wet,” he said. “Very wet.”

His other hand tugged her hair so that her head moved back. “You make sure that

pussy’s bald the next time I see it. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

His index finger found her clit, and he flicked it a few times. Harper stiffened as she

waited for the response from the bundle of nerves. It was there, yes, but muted as always.

She thought Oscar would pinch it, but he didn’t. Instead he lifted his fingers to her


“Clean me. Suck your juices from my fingers.”

Her stomach was 100 percent better now, but still, the idea of tasting herself was not

pleasant. She licked him tentatively, the taste not nearly as sour as she thought it might be.

She licked his fingers clean; then Walker moved the chair away from her.

“Bend over until your face touches the table,” Oscar said. When she was in position, he

rubbed her behind. “Now, spread your cheeks, wide, so Walker and I can see your sweet

little asshole.”

Her insides quaked at his order. She’d never been on display like this before, but she

knew it was a test. If she failed it, she wouldn’t be going to Paragon’s to help search for her

sister. She did as he asked, trembling when his fingers traced her puckered opening.

“You’ve never been fucked here, have you?” He pressed his thumb against her and she


“No, Sir.”

Please, please, please let me stand up. Don’t leave me like this


As if reading her thoughts, Walker bent over until his mouth was even with her ear.

“You stay here, and don’t move. Keep yourself nice and spread so we can enjoy the view.

Master O and I need to talk.”

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“Yes, Sir.” Harper was grateful for the support of the table. Her hands shook as she

stood there, her cheeks spread. She’d never been so open, never felt so vulnerable before. She

wondered if this was what Helena had always talked about when she mentioned “bonding”

with Doms or Dommes.

“I give myself over completely,” she’d always said. “You have to trust them one

hundred percent or it’s just not worth it. Only then can you get the feelings, both physical

and mental, that make you enjoy submission.”

She could hear the men talking, but she couldn’t make out their words. What were

they saying? Would they use her, and then tell her she couldn’t go with them to the resort?

Somehow she doubted it. She knew Helena trusted Oscar, because she’d submitted to him

many times. She wouldn’t have gone back for more if he weren’t trustworthy. If Helena

trusted him, then so could she.

But Walker? She’d never heard Helena mention him before, which surprised her

because the two men seemed to be very good friends, to be very in tune with each other.

What could they be talking about? What was taking them so long? Either they were

going to top her, and let her prove she could follow their orders, or they would send her

home. If they did the latter what would she do? Would she fire Walker and try to find

someone else to take her case? She doubted she would get someone who took her as seriously

as they did.

After what seemed like forever, she heard them walk back into the room.

“Stand up, but keep your legs spread and keep your hands on your cheeks so they’re

spread,” Walker said.

She did as he asked, keeping her eyes lowered.

“Very good,” Oscar said. “I’ve written my office address here. Meet us tomorrow at 3:45

sharp. Don’t be late.”

“Yes, Sir. What happens now?”

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“Now you go upstairs,” Walker said. “There are two guest bedrooms you can choose

from. Go in, go to sleep. I’ll more than likely be gone when you get up. Just pull the door

shut behind you, and it will lock. I’ll come by at noon and set the alarm.”

“That’s it? I thought we were going to, um, play.”

“Not tonight,” Oscar said. “You’ve had an emotional day, but you’ve proven your

willingness. You need to rest for a while. We’re going to go pick up my car. You do as

Walker said and go to bed.”

She nodded, wondering if they would give her any other orders. But they didn’t. They

both said good-bye as they walked through the door, and she heard the click of a deadbolt.

She looked around the house, so different from the one she shared with Helena.

Walker’s house was very attuned to the area. Southwest art hung on the walls, and the

furniture was large and overstuffed. She walked to a bookshelf and glanced at the titles. All

spy novels or recent thrillers.

She glanced at her watch. It was after one a.m., which really didn’t surprise her. She

was very tired. It had been a long, long day and Oscar was right, it had been very emotional.

She climbed the stairs, wondering for the first time if Walker had a dog. She hadn’t seen any

signs of one, but he seemed the type who would have a dog, who would take it for walks and

play fetch in the park.

At the top of the stairs she saw three doors. The first door on the left was a bedroom,

with dark coverings on a full-sized bed. Directly across from that was another bedroom, this

one with a twin-sized bed. One wall contained a trophy case. She walked over to examine it

and found photos of Walker in various football poses. There were trophies and framed news

articles dating back to the 1980s.

She looked harder at a framed photo of two high school football players whose jerseys

read “Mustangs.” A smile crept on her face. It was Walker and Oscar. They had their arms

around each other’s shoulders.

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A photo near it showed them both in the Lobos football uniforms of the University of

New Mexico in Albuquerque. There were also photos of them in various athletic uniforms

from younger ages.

“Longtime friends,” she said softly. “Looks like they dominated on the fields, and now

they dominate women. Together. How interesting.”

She examined some of the articles and trophies, and then she left the room, making

sure to turn out the lights and shut the door. There was a bathroom next to this room, and at

the end of the hallway was a closed door she was sure led to Walker’s bedroom.

She rolled her head as weariness took hold. She stopped in the bathroom to wash her

face and used a sealed toothbrush she’d found to brush her teeth. Then she went back to the

first door she’d opened and made herself at home on top of the covers of the full-sized bed.

She was asleep within minutes, her last thoughts centering on Helena and what she was

doing at that very moment.

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Chapter Four

When Walker came into Sapphire’s on the Square the next morning, Harper was

sorting lingerie that was about to go on sale. She’d just finished putting the naughty bits onto

one table when she spotted him. He was watching her, a smile on his face.

She crossed to him and returned his greeting. “I didn’t expect to see you until this

afternoon. You have news?”

“Yes, I do. Let’s walk down to La Tienda Dulce and have some coffee.”

She turned to the woman behind the counter. “I’ll be back soon, Jenna.”

Once they were on the street, he put his arm on the small of her back. “You don’t have

to tell your boss when you take a break?”

“I am the boss. Helena owns Sapphire’s, and I manage it.”

“Really? You failed to mention that yesterday.”

“I told you we’d increased our monies.”

“Yes, but you said it was through investments.”

Harper nodded and wrapped her arms around herself. It was chilly for April, but the

leaves on the trees were in full bloom, and the square was beautiful. They rounded a corner

and came to the bakery.

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“You come here often?” she asked as they stepped inside.

“Yeah. Good food. Plus, Angel is living with a friend of mine, Eric Neal. He’s a cop.”

“Really? One of the ones who wouldn’t help me?”

“I don’t know. Although I think if you’d talked to Eric, he’d be more sympathetic.”

The smells of the bakery assaulted her and her stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten

breakfast. True to his word, Walker had been gone when she’d woken up, and Oscar had

been nowhere to be found. she’d hurried home to shower, change, and get to the store.

They ordered breakfast burritos and sweet coffee before Walker urged her to a booth in

the corner.

“Tell me.”

“A baggage handler at a small airport in Miami remembers seeing Helena. He said she

was on a private plane with a bunch of other people.”

Harper’s heart soared, but at the same time it fell. How could Helena have gone

somewhere and not told her? They never did that to each other. Their pact was to stay

together and to keep tabs on one another.

“Where did the plane go?”

“The kid wasn’t sure. He’s not even sure she stayed on that plane. He was helping to

load luggage, and someone asked him to take some boxes inside the plane.”

Their food was delivered and Harper attacked hers, taking three quick bites before

glancing up at Walker, who was smiling at her. The food tasted like heaven, and she

swallowed quickly and scooped up some more.

“Glad to see your appetite’s back.”

“Last night was sort of a wake-up call. I can’t help Helena if I’m sick from not eating.”

He put his hand on her free one. “Harper. Helena doesn’t need help. She’s off playing.”

“How do you know that? Maybe that person kidnapped her.”

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He sat back and took a bite of his own burrito. “Nobody kidnapped her. The kid said

she was putting on a show for the people on the plane, masturbating with a long, glass wine

bottle. He stayed to watch, until he got caught. But that wasn’t before Helena screamed in

orgasm, turned over, and gave the bottle to a spectator to use on her --”

“I get the point.” Harper put down her fork and took a long sip of her coffee. The food

she’d just eaten felt like lead in her stomach.

“Harper. She’s off having a good time. You’re wasting your money.” His voice was

gentle, and it should have made her feel better, but it didn’t.

“No. I’m not. I’m telling you something’s wrong. I can feel it.”

The silence grew, and then she leveled a glance at him.

“Where did the plane go?”

“The kid wasn’t sure. There were several that took off that night, and she may not have

even stayed on the one he saw. He just couldn’t wait to tell his friends what he’d witnessed.

One friend told another, and that’s how the PI that I hired in Miami found out.”

“Is he sure it’s Helena?”

“She showed the kid a picture lineup. He picked her out with no problem, no


She took another bite of her breakfast, but this time it didn’t taste of a wonderful blend

of eggs, chorizo, peppers, and hot sauce. It tasted like ash.

“Can you find the plane?”

“We can. Liza didn’t go forward, because she wanted to check with me first. If you

want to authorize her to try and locate the plane and see where it went, then she will. It

might take a while.”

“Yes. Do it, please.”

“All right. You still want to go to Paragon’s?”

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“Yes. When do we leave?”

They stared at each other and then he shook his head. “Don’t get your hopes up, please.

I’m afraid your sister is just being irresponsible and hasn’t called to tell you she found a new


“No, she wouldn’t do that. When do we leave?” She emphasized the last words and he

took a sip of his coffee.

“I’ll book the room today. I suppose there are no travel restrictions for you, since you’re

the boss.”

“That’s right. I can go whenever I want and stay gone as long as I want. Jenna is very


“All right. Then I’ll meet you this afternoon at Oscar’s office. Be ready for some intense


Harper nodded and took another bite of her food. “What does Oscar do, by the way?”

“He’s a lawyer. A damned good one.”

He looked up and greeted the woman who approached.


, Angel.” The woman slipped into the booth next to him and bussed his cheek.

She winked at Harper.

“Hola, Walker, and to you too, Harper. We don’t usually see you this early.”

“I was hungry. Good morning, Angel. It’s delicious, as always. Plus, I didn’t know you

two knew each other until earlier.”

“Small world,” Walker said. Harper was happy he was so discreet. She didn’t want

everyone to know Helena was missing. Or was she? Was Walker right? Had she just found a

new friend at Paragon’s and decided to go off with this person? Or persons?

Helena had never done anything like this before. They always talked, at least every

other day. Still, if she’d been doing what the baggage handler said she was, then maybe she

hadn’t been taken against her will. Helena had always been over the top sexually.

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Masturbating with a bottle while others watched might disgust Harper, but she knew it

would thrill Helena.

She’d never judged Helena on her sexual appetites. That was part of who her sister was.

She was just afraid this time it had led her down a path that held a great deal of danger, and

that’s why she hadn’t been in touch.

Or had she? If Harper found Helena sitting on a beach somewhere giving blowjobs

she’d throttle her for making her worry. Maybe, Walker was right. Maybe that’s where she

was, off having fun while her sister worried. The thought made her blood boil.

“Are you sure you don’t want another one? The way you inhaled that one makes me

think you haven’t eaten in a week.”

Harper stared at her empty plate. She hadn’t realized she’d been stuffing her face while

she’d been thinking. She was about to say no when Walker said, “Yes, bring her another one.


Angel made hand motions to the woman behind the counter who nodded in

agreement. Then she got up and took their cups. “I’ll be back with more

Café de Olla

. Relax

and stay for a while.”

When she was gone, Harper lifted her gaze to Walker.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but I’m more determined than ever to find Helena. When did this boy see


“Saturday. Which means she was playing with someone the week after she left

Paragon’s. It also means it was just four days ago that someone saw her.”

Harper exhaled in relief, then looked down at her empty plate. “At least it means she’s

not dead.”

“No, I don’t think she is.”

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She lifted her gaze back to him. “If I find out she’s worried me for nothing, she may

wish she is when I get hold of her.”

* * * * *

Oscar’s office was in an old, renovated building in downtown Albuquerque. Harper left

her car in a garage that was attached to it. Then she walked the stairs to the third floor. The

exercise would do her good, since she’d been like a pig at a trough all day long. She’d inhaled

the second burrito that morning; then, at lunch, she’d had three slices of pizza. It was like

making up in one day for a week of picking at her food.

Her thoughts had been on Helena all day, ranging from fear that she was hurt to anger

that she was playing, and was thoughtless not to call her sister and say, “Hey, I found new

fuck buddies.”

Walker’s news had made her feel much better about Harper’s disappearance, but it

hadn’t made her want to stop the investigation. Helena could be off having fun, yes, but she

could as likely be held against her will.

When she reached the door to the third floor she stopped, then sat down on the steps

leading to the fourth. She wasn’t frightened about what was about to happen, not really. She

supposed if she let herself go, she could enjoy it. But she wondered how Walker and Oscar

would handle her little secret when they found out.

Most men didn’t care, but she had a feeling these two would. They would make a big

deal out of it, and she was sure it would make her mad, and it would ruin everything. She

wondered for the millionth time why she couldn’t be like Helena, who felt pleasure at every

turn. That would make things so much easier.

She took a deep breath, stood, and made her way to Oscar’s office. She’d thought it

would be a small office, with him by himself, so she was surprised to see four names on the

door. Barton, Martinez, Sneed, and Ruiz.

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The male receptionist smiled at her, then led her to Oscar’s office without making her

wait. She glanced at her watch; it was 3:45 on the dot. She was on time. And she’d followed

his instructions and shaved her pussy that morning while she was in the shower.

The receptionist knocked on the door and opened it. “Your 3:45 is here, Mr. Ruiz.”

“Thank you, Charles. Show her in.”

She stepped into the office, and Charles closed the door after her. She glanced around,

taking in her surroundings. The office was elegantly furnished. Oscar sat behind his large oak

desk in front of a bank of windows now covered by closed curtains. There was an oak table

surrounded by chairs in one area.

Off to the left she saw a door that was partly open. She glimpsed a sink and knew it led

to a bathroom. Sitting just beyond that was an old-fashioned wooden bar. Two stools sat in

front of it. Behind it was a glass shelf with various bottles of liquor.

She tried to block out images of her sister fucking herself with a bottle. She wasn’t sure

what to do after she’d examined the room so she stood there, staring at Oscar. He was

working on papers, his head bent to his desk.

Finally, he put down his pen and lifted his gaze to hers.

“Good afternoon, slick. You’re looking better than when I last saw you.”

“Thanks. I feel better.”

“Good. Strip.”

“What?” She stared at him.

“Take off your clothes. All of them. Right now. Fold them up and leave them on the

bar. Don’t make me wait too long.”

He started to work on his papers again as Harper fought to get air back into her lungs.

She couldn’t strip in an office. What if someone came in and found her? Charles had opened

the door without waiting for an answer, which meant people could just come and go.

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Still, if she didn’t follow his orders, or if she waited too long, she’d fail this test. That’s

all this was, a test. He just wanted to make sure she could follow orders.

She put her purse on the bar and took off her jacket, folding it neatly before

unbuttoning her blouse. He didn’t lift his gaze to her as she took off all her clothing. She

shivered when she was naked, partly from the cold and partly from the fear of discovery.

“What now?”

“Come to me.” He put down his pen and swiveled his chair toward her. “Spread your

legs, arms behind your back, head down, shoulders back.”

She did as he asked, a feeling she couldn’t quite place seeping into her veins. Was it

pleasure? Or fear? She wasn’t sure, but she knew it made her feel warmer, and it made her

nipples peak.

His hand brushed her thigh and she quivered. “Very good,” he said, and she knew he

was talking about her pussy.

She watched from her lowered gaze as he opened a drawer behind him, extracting

what looked like several long pieces of nylon. Was he going to tie her up? Here in his office?

He shook out the object and she could see it wasn’t rope, but more straps. He found the

center and turned back to her, wrapping one strip around her waist and fastening it.

Her gaze darted to the door and he slapped her thigh.

“Eyes down. Do not look anywhere but at the floor. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

When the strap was around her waist, he lifted a smaller one to her neck, fastening it.

They were hooked together by a tie, and another band trailed down her back. There was a

large D-ring on the collar around her neck. Her heart beat faster as she realized those straps

on the back had cuffs on them.

“Hands behind your back.”

“I…what are you going to do?”

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He slapped her ass and she jumped. “Ask one more question and it’s over; do you

understand me? I’m in charge and you will do as you’re told. Put your hands behind your


She did as he asked, and he fastened the cuffs around her wrists, then linked the cuffs

to the strap around her waist. When he was done, he stood, putting his finger under her chin

and lifting her gaze to his own.

“This is to test your resolve. If you go to Paragon’s with us, the slightest slipup will give

us away. You must learn to obey, and to obey without question. Follow me.”

Oscar walked behind the bar and she trailed after him, her body in full-alert mode. He

pointed to the floor.


He didn’t help her as she lowered herself to her knees and then set her bottom on the

plush carpet.

“Spread your legs and scoot so you’re sitting on your tailbone.”

Harper obeyed him, then bit back a gasp as he extracted yet more bindings. He

attached cuffs to her ankles, running the lead from them through small clips set into the

cabinet behind the bar, pulling them so her legs were tightly bound, her ankles resting on

the ground.

“One more,” he said, and she knew what it would be. He walked to his desk and took a

rope from the drawer. He attached it to the D-ring on her collar, then linked the rope to

something on top of the bar, she wasn’t sure what. Her head was now tilted back, and she

couldn’t move.

“Perfect. Now, I have work to do, for about an hour or so. I can see you while I’m

sitting behind my desk, but no one else will be able to see you unless they come back here.

There will be people in and out of here, so, if I were you, I’d be silent. If you make noise,

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they might want to come and investigate. They’d find you naked and bound, and it might

prove embarrassing for both of us.”

She nodded, but didn’t answer.

“Stay silent and be good eye candy for your Master.” His fingers dipped into her pussy

and she gasped. She was wet. Oh, my Lord, she was wet. How could she be enjoying this?

“Good girl. Nice and submissive.”

He walked back to his desk and sat down, going back to work on the papers on his

desk. Harper tried to move, but even the tiniest of movements made her flinch. Her tailbone

started to ache, but so did her clit. The tingling sensations in her clit were so new to her, that

she wondered why it was happening. Was she excited about what was happening? Or was it

fear that produced the tingling she felt?

She licked her lips and tried to slow her breathing. Oscar worked steadily, every once

in a while glancing her way. Once, he swiveled in his chair and stroked his cock through his

trousers, his hungry gaze fixed on her. Then he went back to work, leaving her wondering

what would happen next, and when.

Harper wondered how long it had been when he finally stood and stretched. He took a

sip of water from the bottle on his desk and crossed to her.


“Yes, Sir.” He hunkered down next to her and gave her a few sips. Then he undid the

ties on her legs and neck.

“On your knees.” Her body, sore from staying in the same position, responded slowly.

When she was on her knees, he attached the ankle cuffs to different hooks, these ones on the

edge of the bar. A rope was attached to the cuffs around her wrists and then fastened to the

back of the bar. He left her neck untied, for which she was grateful. When he reached into

his pocket, she gasped when she saw what was in his hand.

“No. Please. Oscar, I mean, Master O, no. Please.”

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He covered her eyes with the blindfold, pulling it down to make sure she couldn’t see.

Then he leaned over and whispered, “I like to hear you beg.”

She felt him stand and move away. Then he went to his desk and she heard him pick

up a phone.

“Janice. Would you bring the papers on the Sanchez file in here for me, please?”

He put the phone down, and then the noise of curtains being opened filled the room.

“No. Please, no.”

“That’s it, beg more. It makes me hard.”

The warmth from the sun hit her and yet she shivered. Was there a building across the

street? She couldn’t remember. And if there was, would someone looking out the window

see her naked body bound to his bar? Would they call the cops? Would the cops bust in here

only to discover it was a sex game?

The door to the office opened and she started to shake. Was this Janice? Or someone


“Here you are, Mr. Ruiz.”

“Thank you, Janice. Let’s move to the table.”

Harper could hear chairs being pulled out and papers being shuffled. What would

Janice think if she knew there was a naked woman sitting not ten feet from her? Of course it

obviously wasn’t the first time it had happened, because the hooks were there for just this

purpose. What other woman had sat in this exact spot and worried about being found? Had

Helena done this?

Wetness flooded her pussy and Harper tried to fight it off. It wasn’t right to be so

excited by this, was it?

Harper could hear Oscar and Janice’s low voices as she pointed out places for him to

sign. When the papers were slapped against the table, she knew the signing was over.

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Her heart caught in her throat, though, when he said, “Would you get the Patterson

file off my desk for me?”

The woman’s approach was silent, and since she was blindfolded, Harper didn’t know if

Janice reached across the desk or crossed behind it. She held her breath for a minute, then

tried to gulp in air without being loud.

When Oscar said, “Thank you,” Harper sighed in relief. There had been no surprised

screams, and no “what the hell,” from Janice. But then again, what if Janice was a sub who

had sat exactly where Harper was now? What if she looked at Harper with longing, wishing

it were her sitting naked on Oscar’s floor?

“Did you reschedule all my appointments from Thursday to Tuesday?”

“Yes, sir.”


Thursday to Tuesday? Did that mean they would be leaving then? They would have the

weekend at Paragon’s, to explore and find out who Helena had left with.

The door to the office opened and Harper wondered who this was. When Janice called

out a greeting to Walker, relief flooded Harper’s body. Maybe this was done. Maybe he

would release her now. After Janice left.

“Long day?” Oscar asked.

“Yeah, I need a drink. Get me one.”

“Get it yourself,” Oscar replied.

“Oh, I’ll do it,” Janice said with a laugh. Harper swallowed a gasp, wiggling against her


No! No! Don’t let her come back here.

“That’s fine, Janice,” Walker said. “I can do it myself.”

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Harper could hear footsteps crossing the carpet, and then a body stepped in front of

her. Voices filled the room, and the sound of a zipper coming down sounded right in her ear.

Seconds later a cock was at her mouth. It pushed against her lips and she opened up, sucking

him in.

Was this Walker or Oscar? Whoever it was had a long, thick cock. And he was hard.

He moved his hips into her face and she tried to take him in as fast as he moved, fighting

back the gagging reflex. That noise would alert Janice, who would surely come to investigate.

The cock was pulled from her mouth, and the zipper went back up. There was the

sound of a drink being made, and then he moved away. Seconds later Janice’s laughter filled

the room.

“I guess you have to get your own.”

There was a grumbling, and then another man moved in front of her. A zipper came

down and another cock pushed against her lips. This one was a little shorter, but thicker,

than the last one. He was very hard, though, and he moved his hips quickly, fucking her

mouth in short, sharp thrusts.

She wondered what Janice thought. Surely she could see the man, either Walker or

Oscar, making fucking movements behind the bar. Or was her back to the bar? Had the other

man distracted her so his friend could get a blowjob?

He gave her several hard thrusts then pulled away. The zipper went back up and she

could hear ice hitting a glass, liquid being poured, and then the man left. She could hear the

three of them talking, and her anxiety increased. What if the men who had been fucking her

mouth weren’t Oscar or Walker? What if someone else had come in when the door had been

opened and that person hadn’t spoken? Or she’d missed the greeting because she’d been so


The time seemed to drag by. Harper’s knees hurt from staying in one position. They

needed to make Janice leave, to let her up. Instead they laughed, joked, and drank. She closed

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her eyes and tried to focus on her inner peace. It would be over soon. They couldn’t keep her

here forever.

“Do y’all want another one?” Janice laughed. The two men spoke at once, saying there

was no need for her to be a servant.

Harper sighed as a man appeared in front of her again. Once more the zipper came

down and he fed her his cock. She sucked greedily, surprised she was actually enjoying it this

time. It was the second cock she’d tasted, the shorter, stouter one. His hip movements were

fast, and when warm liquid flooded her mouth, she tried to pull back. His hand went to the

back of her head and kept her in place.

She had no choice but to swallow. If she didn’t she would gag, giving herself away. She

swallowed as quickly as she could, trying not to cough as he pulled back and sprayed the rest

of his warm seed over her breasts.

He put his cock back between her lips, and she licked the tip, taking the last of his cum

into her mouth. Who had she just sucked off? Walker? Or Oscar? And would the other man

come and have her do it to him too?

He patted her head much like a Master would pat his dog for doing a good job, and

then he left. She heard them talking again, and then she heard Janice say it was late and time

to leave. The door opened and closed, and seconds later Harper had another cock in her


The man put his hands on either side of her head, moving her up and down on him,

sliding himself in and out of her as she sucked him hard. It didn’t take him long, and when

he did come, he gave her just a taste before stepping back and coating her body with his

fluid. The stream hit her breasts and stomach, trickling down to her bald pussy.

“Please untie me.” She turned her head, wondering who was standing where. The man

she’d just sucked reached behind her and undid the lead on her wrist cuffs. He pulled them

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apart, and then stepped away from her. She could feel both of them watching her. She knew

they were standing together.

“Make yourself come,” Walker said.

His words made her shiver. She hoped she could pull this off, because if she couldn’t,

then all would be lost.

Her hands dove into her pussy, madly searching for her clit. It was hard, and it

throbbed under her touch. She moved it back and forth, just as the women in the videos

she’d watched did, rubbing harder and harder, faster and faster.

The feelings rose, then sank and rose again. She was close, she knew it. She had to be


“Faster,” Oscar said. “Come. You have to come when we tell you to.”

She rubbed harder but knew it was lost. She’d thought it would happen. Thought this

time would be different. But she couldn’t let them know. She threw back her head and

moaned loudly, moving her hips back and forth, playing the drama out.

When she was done, silence reigned in the room. Then, Walker spoke, his voice

dangerously low. “When we give an order, we expect it to be followed.”

“What?” Her blindfold was pulled from her face, and she blinked against the light.

“You expect us to believe that?” Oscar shook his head. “You didn’t come. You faked it.


“I did. I swear it.”

“Don’t lie.” Oscar’s voice was deep and commanding. “Tell us why you faked it.”

“Because I can’t come, all right? I’ve never had an orgasm. Never. Are you satisfied?”

She pulled against her leg restraints, and when Walker’s arms went around her from

the front, she tried to buck him off.

“Get off me!”

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“Calm down.”

“No! Leave me alone.” Tears flooded her face. It was so embarrassing, so humiliating.

Here were two men who regularly gave orgasms to women and she couldn’t get one from

them. Why had she thought it would be different?

She put her head on his arm and cried, hot tears flooding her face. He held her close,

and when a hand stroked her hair, she knew it was Oscar.

“Shit.” Walker said. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“It’s not exactly dinner conversation,” she said around her hiccups. “Oh, by the way, I

can’t climax. Could you please pass the butter?”

They both laughed and Walker pushed her back. Oscar stood behind him, leaning

against the shelves.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “If I can’t fool you, then I guess I won’t be able to fool the

people at the resort, will I?”

“You won’t have to,” Oscar said.

Her heart broke at his words, because she knew that meant they were leaving her here.

She was inadequate, sexually. And it meant she couldn’t join in the hunt for Helena.

She lifted her gaze to Oscar and his smile, which looked like it belonged on a

mischievous child, made her shiver.

“I always did love a challenge.”

“Exactly,” Walker said. “We play tonight and tomorrow at Tygers, and we play hard.

Are you ready for it?”

“But what about the fact I can’t climax?”

“You will,” Oscar said. “It may take a while, but you will. Once you’ve had one, it will

open the floodgates and you’ll be coming all over the place.”

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Chapter Five

Oscar pushed a margarita in front of her. “Make sure you eat some chips and hot sauce

with it.”

She smiled and looked down at the table. They’d chosen a popular Mexican restaurant

just off I-40. They were hungry and wanted to eat before they went to Tygers to play. She

sipped at her drink and began to eat the chips and salsa as they waited for their meals.

“What do we do now?” She looked at them both in turn. They were in a circular booth,

with her sitting in the middle. They were turned toward her, so she sort of felt like the meat

in a Walker and Oscar sandwich. She’d made use of the shower in Oscar’s office and

wondered the whole time what they were talking about. Were they disgusted because she

was so inadequate, because she couldn’t climax like a real woman?

Were they changing their mind about taking her to Paragon’s with them? She didn’t

think so, and they hadn’t mentioned it as they drove to her house and left her car in the

garage, with Walker’s truck parked in the driveway.

Oscar munched on a chip, then took a sip of his beer. “Well, first, I punish you. And

Walker watches. He likes to watch me punish subbies.”

His words made her stomach roil.

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“And just so you know, I usually start slow and build up. But since we’re trying to pass

ourselves off as being long term, I’m going to start hard and get harder. No easy route for


“Plus,” Walker said. “It might help you in that other department. Maybe hard

stimulation is what you need to climax.”

“I’m so embarrassed.” She let her gaze drop to the table.

“Don’t be,” Walker said. “I just wish you’d told us.”

“Yeah, it sucks to order a sub to come and then find out she can’t,” Oscar said. “But

we’ll take care of it.”

His hand caressed her knee, moving up her thigh. “Do you feel anything at all? And be

honest, because it will help us.”

“Yes, I do. My doctor says there’s nothing wrong, physically. He says it’s a mental

block. I get tingly, and I can feel it dancing around the edges, and then it just suddenly


“You’re too tense,” Walker said. “You need to learn to relax and have a good time.”

“I know. I think I’m afraid of becoming my mother.”

“Why?” Oscar gave the waitress a flirtatious look as she delivered their meals. She

responded with a grin and he laughed. Then he turned his attention back to Harper. “Your

sister’s free with her affections, and you don’t think badly of her. But you do of your


“Yes.” She took a bite of her enchilada, the cheese dripping down to the plate. “My

mother’s a hedonist.”

“That might be true,” Walker said. “But what about Helena? Isn’t she a hedonist too?”

“No. She may enjoy physical excitement, crave sexual things, but she cares about others

too. She cares about me. My mother’s never cared about anyone but herself.”

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“So, are you afraid to let yourself climax because you think you’ll turn into your


Harper turned to Oscar. “Are you a lawyer or a psychiatrist?”

“I’m just saying it fits. Maybe you’re afraid you can’t learn to balance sexual pleasure

and caring, like Helena does. Maybe you’re afraid you’ll go to the dark side, like your


“And maybe you shouldn’t be psychoanalyzing me.”

“Sometimes you have to look into the problem,” Walker said, putting a bite of burrito

in his mouth. He chewed quickly and swallowed. “If you feel it physically, but you won’t let

it come, then there’s a problem. You’re afraid to let yourself feel pleasure.”

“You know what, screw you. Lots of things bring me pleasure.”

Oscar swallowed a bite of food and took a sip of beer. “Like what?”

“Excuse me?”

“Like what? What gives you pleasure?”

The table got quiet and Harper stared at her plate. It was such a loaded question that

she wasn’t sure how to answer it.

“I get pleasure out of the store. I get pleasure from being with Helena.” Her voice was

low, and she bit her lip, trying to come up with more. It took her a few minutes to realize

she couldn’t think of anything else.

Walker put his fork down and wiped his mouth. “Is that it?” There was no

condemnation in his words, only a soft-spoken question that made her shiver with

disappointment in herself.

“Yeah, I guess it is.”

“It’s the reason you’re so upset about Helena,” Walker said. “She’s one of the only

things that brings you pleasure, and now she’s disappeared. So you’ve thrown yourself into

looking for her. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but the baggage boy who saw her proves

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she’s alive, and she’s well. So, you need to take a few steps back and concentrate on yourself

for a while.”

“You mean concentrate on the two of you?” She glanced back and forth at them.

“What he means is if you let yourself, you can learn a lot from submitting to a Dom. In

this case, two Doms. You can learn not only sexual things, but also things about yourself as a


Walker moved closer to her. “I think, in your mind, if a person feels pleasure they’re a

hedonist, just like your mother.”

“That’s not totally true.” She shook her head.

“Yes, it is,” Oscar said. “Look deep inside yourself, and you’ll know it’s true. You think

it about Helena, and about us, and about all the people in the lifestyle. That’s why you were

so adamant about how much you hated it the first night you and I met.”

Tears built behind her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Were they right? Did she

think that about everyone, including Helena?

“I don’t think that’s right. I love Helena with all my heart.”

“Yes, you do,” Walker said. “But you still don’t approve of what she does. You know

your mother abandoned you and your sister, and she did it because she needed to get sexual

pleasure. You won’t let that happen to yourself, so you’re determined to help the people you

love. And if it means forgoing pleasure, then that’s what you’ll do.”

“I suppose that’s partly true,” Harper said. “I do think about the hedonist thing, but I

want to have an orgasm. Really, I do.”

“Yes, you do,” Oscar said. “But I think you’ve got a mental block. Allow us to guide

you, open yourself up to us. I can guarantee we’re going to ask a lot of questions about you

and what gets you off.”

“You mean like pain?”

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“It could be,” Oscar said. “The most misconstrued idea about BDSM is that it’s a bunch

of masochists and sadists who get off on being hurt, or hurting someone. True Dominants

care about their submissives, whether they have a long-term thing or just for one scene.

They care if their sub feels pleasure.”

“It takes trust to play in the BDSM world,” Walker said. “That means you have to open

yourself up, on many different levels, and be willing to take what is offered, both physically

and mentally.”

“Harper.” She turned to Oscar. “Everything we do is consensual. If, at any time, you

decide you don’t want to play anymore, all you have to do is say ‘smoke.’ That’s your safe


“Safe word?”

“Yes,” Walker said. “If we hear that word, we’ll know that you are not interested in

continuing, and we’ll stop. No matter what we’re doing or where we’re at. Understand?”

“Yes.” The idea made her feel much better about tonight. About everything.

Harper toyed with the food on her plate. “Why am I being punished tonight?”

“For not telling us about the orgasm thing,” Oscar said. “That was information we

needed to know. You knew we were going to be intimate, and you tried to trick us. That’s

just not going to fly. You have to trust us for this to work, and we have to know everything

about you so we can have fun, and have fun safely. You not telling us about that could have

been potentially very bad if we tried to force the issue. We need to know what gets you off

so we can have a meaningful, and fun, time together.”

“Nothing gets me off. I think we’ve already covered that subject.”

“We’ll find the right button to push,” Oscar said. “Just give it time.”

* * * * *

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Tygers wasn’t nearly as busy as it had been last night. Of course it was only nine. She

figured it would pick up as the night wore on. They moved through the public area and into

the members’ area very quickly. Oscar went to the front desk with Harper and Walker

standing nearby.

She was very nervous, but also excited. Part of her was angry they’d analyzed her the

way they did, but she supposed it came with their professions. A lawyer had to analyze

people, so he could decide how to handle their cases best. And a private investigator would

have to do the same, so he could tell if the people he was dealing with were telling the truth

or not.

She wished she could hear what Oscar was saying to the woman behind the desk. It

would give her a clue about what to expect. The woman handed him a bag, and he turned to


“Let’s go,” Walker said, propelling her forward by putting his hand on the small of her


They followed Oscar up the stairs and then into room two. It was much like the room

they were in last night, or at least she thought it was. Harper didn’t remember a great deal

about last night, except for getting sick in the trashcan in room nine.

The room was divided into two parts, a small antechamber and the larger room itself.

Walker went into the main room and Oscar turned to Harper.

“Take off your clothes. Leave them in here. Then come and stand in the circle in the

center of the room. Don’t speak, just stand there in what is position one. That’s with your

legs spread, your arms clasped behind your back, and your head bowed. You need to

remember that, understand?”

“Yes, Sir. Position one.”

“That’s right. When either one of us tells you position one, that’s how you place

yourself from now on. Don’t take long.”

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When he was gone, Harper quickly took off her clothes. Being naked in front of them

didn’t bother her anymore. She was a little concerned by what was about to happen, but she

felt better after they’d talked to her tonight.

At least they weren’t throwing her into it head first. She took a deep breath and

stepped into the main room. The two of them sat in chairs, talking. She saw the circle Oscar

had mentioned and she stepped inside it, getting into the position he’d told her to.

They studied her in silence, and then Oscar stood. He walked around her, staying

outside the circle.

“Have you been a bad girl?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Tell us what you did wrong. I want you to be very clear about why you’re being


“I’m being punished for not telling you I can’t have an orgasm.”

“That’s right. You need to remember to be honest. For the first part of the punishment

we’ll go down to the public room.”

“The public room?”

Oscar stopped walking. “Did I give you permission to speak?”

“No, Sir.”

“You will not question your punishment. You will do as you’re told; do you


“Yes, Sir.” Harper’s nerves were beginning to jump. She thought it might be excitement

coursing through her veins, but she wasn’t positive. She’d never felt anything quite like it.

“Now, we will go downstairs for the first part. You will do as you’re told. If you

question us in public, if you put up a fuss, your punishment will go that much harder.”

Walker stood up and stepped toward the circle. “Come to me.”

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Her chest rose and fell with her increased heart rate as she stepped toward him. He

held his hands out toward her, a piece of leather stretched between them.

“In a normal situation it would be too early for this, but it’s not normal. You have to be

accustomed to wearing a collar while we’re at Paragon’s. This collar marks your

submissiveness, to us. You will wear it when we are here, and from now until we leave.”

“Kiss it.” Oscar’s voice was deep and demanding. “Embrace your submission.”

She closed her eyes, feeling a deep mixture of dread and excitement. After this

afternoon, she’d thought she could face anything. But she knew once she put that collar on,

and they took her downstairs, anything could happen. And although she had trust in them, it

was still scary as hell.

She told herself she was doing this for Helena, so she could go to the resort and find out

who her sister was with, what she was doing. But deep down inside she knew that was only

part of it. These two men fascinated her. And they’d pegged her perfectly. Maybe they could

help her to open up, to find pleasure and know it didn’t make her a bad person.

She lowered her head to the leather, kissing it quickly.

“Attach it around your neck,” Walker said. When it was in place, she got back into

position one.

“Very good,” Oscar said. “Now, you walk behind us down the stairs. You’ll receive the

rest of your instructions once we reach the punishment room.”

“My clothes?”

“You don’t need clothes for this,” Oscar said. “You need to get used to being naked.

You’ll spend most of our trip naked, in private and in public. Keep your hands clasped

behind your back when you walk.”

They moved toward the door and she fell into step behind them. She wasn’t ashamed

of her body, and she knew they were right. If she couldn’t do it here, she wouldn’t be able to

do it at the resort, and that could result in disaster.

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While they were on the stairs, Harper tried to tell herself people weren’t staring at her.

After all, there were a lot of naked men, and women, at Tygers. She just fit into the mold.

They passed through the main room and entered into a room marked “Penance.”

There were a few people inside, three Doms and a male sub. The sub stood balanced

between two chairs. A rock was tied to his hard cock, and he strained as one of the Doms

slapped his dick over and over with a ruler.

“Keep it up. If it drops again I’m adding weight; do you understand me?”

“Yes, Master Sir, forgive me, please.”

“We’ll see, slut. Slap his cock again. Harder.”

The sounds of wood hitting flesh made Harper jump. Harper cringed when the Dom

said, “Slap his balls. Hard.”

The sub cried out in pain as the ruler came down on his sensitive flesh over and over.

Harper shivered and cut her gaze toward them.

“You pay attention to us, not to them,” Walker said.

“Over here,” Oscar said. She crossed to him and he pointed to two circles on the floor.

“One foot in each circle.”

They were about three feet apart, and she knew standing in them wouldn’t be

comfortable. The sub behind her cried out again as she put her feet in the circles.

“Now, put a hand in each circle, the ones right above your head.”

Harper lifted her gaze. There were several circles painted on the wall. She selected two

that were a little higher than her head, but Oscar pushed her hands to the ones above it.

“Very good.” He held an object in front of her. “Do you know what this is?”

“It’s a dime.” She gave him what she hoped was a sincere look instead of a “what the

hell do you think it is” look.

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“That’s right. I’m going to put this dime on the wall, and you’re going to hold it to the

wall with your nose. It’s the smallest of our coins, so it will be a little difficult. Each time the

dime drops, you’ll receive five swats. When it drops, you will pick it up, put it back on the

wall, and get back into position. Your hands can only leave the circles to pick up the dime,

and your feet may not leave their circles at any time. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Oscar put the dime on the wall and whispered, “Start now.”

She moved her head toward the dime, capturing it quickly. Oscar moved behind her

and she tried to concentrate on what she was doing, not on the sub behind her who was now

crying for relief.

Her shoulders started to ache from their unnatural position, and she moved slightly.

The dime shifted and she panicked, trying to pull it back up with her nose. She lost her

purchase on it, and it dropped to the floor.

“Crap,” she said.

“That’s five,” Oscar said. “Pick it up.”

She had to twist her body to get to the dime without her feet leaving the circles. When

she put the dime back on the wall and got back into position, she wondered if she wanted to

play this game. She coughed lightly and the dime dropped.

“Shit!” She laid her forehead on the wall.

“Pick it up.” Oscar spat the words out, and she wanted to tell him to go to hell. She was

scared, trying something in public for the first time. Her emotions were high, and his harsh

words wouldn’t make it any better. At least this afternoon there had only been a slight

chance of her being seen, and then only by Janice.

“I said, pick. It. Up.”

She bent to retrieve it, discovering it had fallen behind her.

“I’m not a contortionist,” she said. “How am I supposed to get it?”

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“I suppose you’ll have to move your feet out of the circles, and get more swats,” Walker

said. “But you’re wasting time, and Oscar isn’t a patient man.”

She tried to use the wall as leverage to keep her feet in place and reach behind her to

take the dime, but failed. Finally, in frustration, she straightened and bent to pick it up.

“There. Now you have more reasons to punish me because that’s what you want, isn’t


Oscar shook his head. “Get back into position. This time, don’t drop it. Then you won’t

have to worry about picking it up, will you?”

“Give me a break. This is my first time.” She stomped her foot and sniffled.

Oscar slowly walked to her. If he’d moved quickly she wouldn’t be as frightened as she

was right now. He caressed the small of her back and said, “Don’t think your tantrums will

work with me. If you need incentive, then I can provide it.”

As if to accentuate his words, the sub behind her cried out in pain and denial as the

Dom said, “Put his balls in a vise. We’ll see how much he likes it.”

“I think five minutes in the stocks might get my point across.” He caressed her gently,

and her eyes widened.

“Stocks?” Surely she hadn’t heard right.

Walker startled her by appearing at her side and attaching a leash to her collar. Oscar

took it and led her toward the door.

She glanced at the sub as she left. A man knelt by him, tightening a wooden device

around his balls. The sub cried out, begging for relief. His Master told the tormentor to

tighten the screws. She tried to block out his cries as Oscar led her through the door.

Harper’s gaze roamed the main room. She wanted to pull back, to make him stop so

they could talk, but she knew that wasn’t going to work. Surely when he said stocks he

didn’t mean the ones used in the olden days. But as they neared the far side of the room, she

knew he had.

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There were three sets of them, and one set was full with two females and one male.

The stocks sat on a short dais and she wondered how she’d missed them before. She also

wondered why the people in the stocks seemed to be so high up. It didn’t take her long to

realize the stocks were on a hydraulic system of some sort. Once someone was fastened

inside, it would be lifted to give everyone a perfect view of the person being punished.

As they approached, a man wearing a black hood walked toward them and stopped,

waiting on them. Oscar handed him her leash and said, “Five minutes.”

“Yes, Sir.” The man took the leash and tugged Harper toward an open unit. She

grabbed the leash and pulled on it, trying to get away from him.

“Stop fighting him, Harper,” Walker said. “Or we’ll increase your time.”

They stopped in front of the stocks to the left. She stared at them, her eyes widening.

There was a place for her hands and neck, and a place for her feet. She knew from this

position her head wouldn’t be facing the room, her body would, which meant anyone could

see her anus and pussy.

She turned pleading eyes to Walker and Oscar. They both stared at her, their faces


“Step in,” the man said. “Fight me and I’ll pull out the whip.”

She closed her eyes. The idea of the whip spurred her into action. She stepped onto the

base, putting her hands on the designated slots. She started to lower her head, then stopped.

I can do thi . I can do this. It’s just five minutes, unless I screw up, and then it’s longer



She lowered her head into the slot, jumping when the wooden beam above her fell into

place. The man slammed a lock shut and then stepped away. The base started to rise and

Harper shivered. When it stopped, she heard a dial twist, and then there was the

unmistakable sound of a clock counting down. She had to listen to the time dwindle? That

would make waiting that much harder.

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The position was more than a little uncomfortable, and her mind whirled as she

imagined people staring at her while she was being punished. It wasn’t fair. How could she

be expected to hold a dime on a wall with her nose, while her arms and legs were being

forced into unnatural positions? She wanted to scream that what was happening wasn’t right,

but she didn’t, and she wasn’t quite sure why.

“What did the slut do wrong?” A man’s voice sounded behind her. She couldn’t see

around the wood, so she couldn’t see who was talking.

“She’s in training,” Oscar said. “She seems to think talking back is acceptable. She has

to learn to follow directions.”

“I see. Do you loan her out? That’s an ass I’d like to fuck.”

Harper stiffened and then gasped when neither Oscar nor Walker answered. Were

they considering the man’s offer? She tried to still her breathing as more people made

comments about her ass and her pussy.

Finally, when she thought she would scream out that she was done, that she didn’t

want to play anymore, Walker responded to the man. “Sorry. But until she’s fully trained, we

won’t lend her out. We enjoy playing with her too much.”

The clock continued to tick and Harper tried to tune out the people around her. No

one touched her, but the way they talked about her body made her shiver. She was sure

humiliation was part of the punishment of the stocks, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

Walker and Oscar had to know she was uncomfortable. Why didn’t they stop it? Surely by

now they knew they’d made their point?

Her back started to ache and her feet hurt from trying to balance on the base. The

people next to her were lowered and released, so she was the only person on display. The

comments increased, with soft feminine laughter making her more than a little angry. She

knew if she screamed at the women she would get into more trouble.

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She wanted to scream out the word ‘smoke,’ to let them know she was done. She hadn’t

expected to be put into stocks as punishment. Finally, the clock dinged and the device


When the hooded man finally slipped the key in the lock, she sighed in relief. Five

minutes had never seemed so long before. He lifted the wood and ordered Harper to stand.

She did so, turning to the crowd. Only Oscar and Walker stood there. They didn’t look

happy, just resigned. She walked toward them and Walker stroked her cheek.

“Shall we go and try again?” The look Oscar gave her made her shiver.

“Yes, Sir.” The stocks were definitely a practice she didn’t want to experience again.

She was amazed, though, that she’d said yes. Why was she still allowing this to happen? She

knew if she said no, then they would stop all play.

“Good girl. Then let’s go.”

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Chapter Six

On her fourth attempt she kept the dime up longer than a few seconds. She kept it

nailed to the wall for twenty seconds and when it dropped, she lowered herself down gently,

not moving her feet, picked it up, and did it again without complaining.

“Very good,” Oscar said. “You may stop now, but stay turned to the wall. I think you’ve

learned your first lesson in obedience. Did you count swats in your head?”

Yes, Sir. Thirty of them.”

“That’s right. You will choose the instrument. We’ll use a wooden board, but there are

several types you can select from, so make sure you examine them carefully.”

“Can I ask questions about them?”

“Yes, you may,” Oscar said, approval in his voice. They were alone in the penance

room now. When they’d come back in, the male sub had been on his knees, the vise still

around his balls. His Master was spraying cum on his face and chest. He’d then ordered the

sub to scoop up the cum and eat it. Only after he’d completed the task was the vise released.

While his Master praised him, the sub had jacked off into his Master’s hand and licked

up his own offering. His cries of pleasure had been intense, and Harper had felt more than a

twinge of envy. She wanted to feel that way. She wanted to come that hard and to receive

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praise from her two Masters. She wasn’t sure where the feeling had come from but it was

there, strong and hard.

“Come to us.” Walker’s voice broke into her reflections. When she was standing in

front of them, Walker stroked her thigh. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t want to be enjoying this, because it’s punishment.”

“But you are,” Oscar said. “Harper, remember what I said last night? It’s okay to like

the pain. It’s fine to let yourself go and experience new things.”

“But this wasn’t pain, it was humiliating.”

“Yes,” Oscar said. “The stocks are humiliating. But they focused your energies on

following your punishment like you were supposed to, didn’t they?”

She nodded, looking down at the ground. “Are you going to whip me in public?”

“No,” Oscar said quickly. “I’d like to, but for the first one I think a private session will

teach you more. Half from me, half from Walker. And then we’re going to fuck you.”

Harper’s insides quaked. She loved the idea very much, since it had been almost a year

since she’d had sex, barring the incident in Oscar’s office this afternoon. Still, she worried

she would disappoint them once again.

“What happens when I don’t come?”

“You’re thinking about it too much,” Walker said. “Just relax and enjoy the sensations.

Don’t let your mind invade your physical pleasure.”

“Will I be punished, though?”

“No,” Oscar said. “But Walker’s right. You just need to relax and enjoy the sensations.

That will bring you closer to orgasm than thinking about it ever will.”

They led her out of the room, back toward room two. On their way through the public

room she noticed three women in the stocks. These women were giggling as the hooded man

spread apart their cheeks and displayed their rosettes to the people watching.

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“Is that punishment?”

“No, it’s an auction,” Walker said. “Sometimes subbies who are not attached allow

themselves to be put on display and auctioned.”

“For real money?”

“No, it’s fake money, and it’s done for the enjoyment of it. It’s much like Helena would

have been auctioned off at Paragon’s.”

Harper tried to block the idea of her sister up for auction, but it ground into her mind.

She had to remember Helena was a grown woman, who did these things for pleasure. No one

forced her into it, and no one was forcing Harper. She’d given up the idea she was doing this

totally for Helena. It would help keep her part of the search, true, but more than anything

right now Harper wanted to experience BDSM with these two men, who were proving to be

so fascinating to her.

When they were in room two, Walker sat down and Oscar led her to a table with

numerous wooden paddles. Some were short and round, and others were long and thin, or

long and thick. She stared at them, unsure what to pick, or what would be the proper one to


“I don’t know,” she said softly. “I’ve never been spanked. Never. Not even when I was a


“You were a good girl?” Walker said from his chair, amusement in his voice.

“Yes, but not even Helena was spanked, and she was a bad girl. Our grandmother

wouldn’t do it, and our mother wasn’t around, and when she was, she’d just laugh off

everything Helena did.”

“We’ll use two, then,” Oscar said. “I’ll use one, and Walker will use one. Would you

like an idea about how they feel?”

“Yes, please.” Her voice shook as she spoke. The idea of receiving thirty swats was hard

enough to swallow, but using two different implements was a tough idea too.

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“The thinner boards can hurt as much as the thicker ones. To show you the difference I

think we should choose one of each. You decide whether it’s round or long.”

“What’s the difference?” Harper stared at them, wondering if Oscar, or Walker, had

tried using each of the boards on a submissive.

“The difference is in what it covers,” Walker said. “The shorter ones stay in one area,

obviously. The longer ones will strike both cheeks at the same time.”

Harper stared at them, then pointed to a thin round one and a thin long one.

“Choose one that’s thicker,” Oscar said. “It matters not if it’s the round one or the

longer one, but one needs to be thick.”

“I don’t want a thick one.”

“Very well, I’ll choose the longer, thicker one. Walker will use the round one, and he’ll

start off. You need to go and bend over the stone table.”

“Can’t we do this tomorrow?” Harper felt like her system had been overloaded. First,

the afternoon session in Oscar’s office, then the stocks and the dime. And now the spanking.

“No,” Oscar said. “Remember this is a crash course, and we still have quite a bit to do,

not the least of which is taking your ass cherry. We’ll do that tomorrow night.”

Harper shivered, hugging herself. “I thought we were going with the idea that I was a

novice who wanted to learn new things.”

“We are,” Walker said. “But Paragon’s has a strict rule about subbies not being too new

to the lifestyle. I told Bruce Sawyer you were experienced. That’s the only way he would

agree to the undercover idea. We have to keep up that ruse, or we’re sunk.”

Harper nodded, then closed her eyes in pleasure when Oscar caressed her cheek.

“Don’t worry. Walker will fuck your ass first. He’s much gentler than I am. Now, go and

bend over the table.”

The stone was cold under her skin, and she supposed it added to the excitement of a

“scene.” She tried, and failed, to relax.

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“We’re going to deliver a few swats to each cheek to warm you up a bit,” Oscar said.

“These won’t be hard. We’ll deliver them with enough force to tingle. When the actual

spanking starts, you will count. No need to say thank you or mention names. Just numbers

will do for now. It is your responsibility to keep track of the number. Fifteen from Walker.

Fifteen from me.”

Harper nodded, and when Walker slapped one cheek, and Oscar the other, she didn’t

cry out. They alternated swats, slapping her with the palms of their hands. Her buttocks felt

warm, and the tingly feeling shot through her body.

Would this produce the much-anticipated orgasm? She hoped so, but somehow she

doubted it. When Oscar moved away and she felt the paddle on her backside she tensed.

“Don’t do that,” Oscar said. “The pain will be worse. You need to relax.”

“I don’t think I can,” she said softly.

“You can, and you will,” Oscar said. “Each time you flinch your buttocks we’ll add five

strokes each.”

Harper tried to stand but Walker’s hand kept her pressed to the table. “That is so


“You get five more each for that little outburst,” Walker said. “You need to learn to

obey, and not talk back. That is the first thing that will give us away.”

“Yes, Master Walker.”

“Good girl. Now, let’s start.”

Harper tried to relax. She closed her eyes and waited for the first swat. Walker rubbed

the paddle against her bottom; then he moved it away before coming down again. The swat

wasn’t hard, and she counted it as Master O had told her to. She did the same with the

second, the third, and the fourth. When he delivered the fifth one, the intensity of the swats

increased, and she flinched.

“Five more,” Oscar said. “Remember not to do that.”

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“Cut me some slack,” she said to Oscar as Walker delivered three more swats. “Ouch.

Ouch. Six. Seven. Eight. Ouch.”

She grimaced when Oscar took a handful of hair and bent to her, pulling her face close

to his own. “You do not give me orders; do you understand?”

“I just --” The paddle came down and she groaned. “Nine.”

“Do you understand? The only words that will come out of your mouth until we are

finished are numbers. Anything else and we will add swats.”

She nodded as their gazes held. He released her hair and her head dropped. The paddle

came down again and again, but she kept up with the counting. When they finished

Walker’s twenty, her behind throbbed, and there were tears in her eyes.

Harper knew, though, that Oscar’s spanking would be much harsher than Walker’s.

Walker had kept the paddle on her buttocks, alternating between the cheeks. She wondered

if Oscar would keep it on her fleshy skin, or if he’d move the paddle down to her thighs.

Helena had told her in great detail once about a Dom who had whipped her with a cane on

her thighs. She’d been too shocked to do more than stare at her sister at the time. Now,

though, she understood why Helena would remember it.

The pain had been intense, and while it had hurt, the experience had been stimulating.

Some of the swats had shot straight to her pussy and stirred feelings Harper hoped they could

build on. Maybe Oscar was right, and it was okay to like the pain.

She waited for him to begin, and when he didn’t start right away, she started to squirm.

“May I stand up for a little while?”

“No,” Oscar said. “I’m just letting the feelings from that one fade a bit. Plus, I want you

to relax more. Trust me when I say that whippings hurt worse when you’re tense, and mine

are harder than Walker’s.”

“So, you’re doing it for me?”

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He snorted out a laugh. “Asking questions and being smart mouthed is fine, for now. If

you were truly my sub you would be punished for that remark. As it is, I’m willing to

overlook it. This time. Don’t let it happen again.”

“Yes, Sir.” His cool tone of voice made her shiver. She knew Oscar was holding himself

back right now, but wondered exactly how long it would last. Would he show her his true

colors here, or wait until they were at Paragon’s?

The room remained silent for a few more minutes. When he moved behind her, her

breath caught in her throat. She mentally repeated his instruction to relax, then laid the

palms of her hands down on the table.

“I love watching Oscar whip a woman,” Walker said. “Would you like to know why?”

She turned her gaze to him. “Yes, Sir.”

“Because he’s unpredictable. You think he’s going to spank her just a little bit, or follow

the agreed-upon method, but he doesn’t. I love to watch her reaction jealously and to see

him at work.”

The paddle came down and Harper yelled out. It came down again and again, without

giving her time to count the strokes. She kicked out her feet in protest, yelling that it wasn’t

fair, that she wasn’t ready.

“You’ve had more than enough time,” Oscar said as the paddle landed over and over.

Her behind was on fire, the pain shooting through her like nothing she’d ever felt

before. She continued to squirm and had given up the idea of counting, of trying to keep

track of the number of swats.

Walker had warned her, but she hadn’t had time to renegotiate. The paddle strikes

moved to her thighs.

“No! Ouch, no!” How could one man be so strong? How could he hold her with one

hand and wield a huge paddle with the other with such accuracy and such force? She knew

there had been more than thirty swats, but she also knew she’d been tensed up, and

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according to his first rule the more she tensed, the longer, and harder, he spanked. She was

sure he’d delivered at least fifty swats, spanking her harder with each one.

No, not spanking her, whipping her. For that’s what this was, a whipping. She knew

she would feel it tomorrow, and she wondered if it would leave strike marks on her bottom.

She was crying fully when he stopped and rubbed the wood against her fiery cheeks.

“Now, have we heard the last of your smart mouth?”

“Yes, Sir.”

The paddle came down again and again and again.

“Are you going to behave and do as you’re told?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He delivered ten hard swats. Five to her buttocks and five to her thighs.

“Do you belong to Master Walker and me?”

The idea of “belonging” to them was foreign to her, but it made her feel warm inside.

Even if it was just for this weekend, even if this was just for them to pull off a united front at

Paragon’s, the idea was thrilling.

“Yes, Sir.”

He rubbed the wood against her buttocks.

“Very good. What shall we name her, Walker? I think ‘Slick.’ Do you have another


Name me? I already have a n me

. Even as she processed the idea of being renamed by

her two Masters she remained silent.


“No,” Walker replied. “I think ‘Slick’ is perfect.”

“Very well,” Oscar said. “Tomorrow night we’ll claim you, and give you a collar, Slick.

Then we’ll start on our adventure together.”

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When he moved away from the table, she started to stand. But Walker came up next to

her, stroking her back. “Stay there for a while, just let your whipping soak in.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Her crying was under control now, but her cheeks were still wet with her tears. She

took several deep breaths to steady herself, then stood. This time they didn’t stop her. They

were both still fully clothed and she sniffled a little. Walker smiled at her, and Oscar gave

her a look that made her toes curl.

“On your knees,” Oscar said. “Serve your Masters.”

She knelt down and swallowed hard when they undid their pants and pulled out their

cocks. Walker’s was long and thin; Oscar’s just a little shorter and much thicker. She

remembered sucking them that afternoon while she’d been blindfolded. She’d tried to guess

which was which, but had given up after a while. Now she knew.

They stepped toward her and she took Walker first, sucking him in deeply as Oscar

stroked her hair.

“Play with your clit,” Oscar said. “Keep the stimulation hard on it, hard and steady.”

The little bundle of nerves was hard, and she moaned as she stroked herself. She could

feel the stirrings of sensation, the pleasure rising and falling as she stroked.

After a few minutes, Walker pulled away and Oscar took his place, fisting his hands in

her hair and moving her head back and forth. She sucked him hard as her hand continued to

work on herself. Would this be it? Would she come now? It certainly felt as if something was

building, but she wasn’t sure she could bring it to the forefront or not.

Stop thinking about it, Harper! Stop thinking, just do it


Oscar released her hair and pulled back from her. She turned to Walker and was

surprised to see he was now naked. She watched him sheath his cock in a condom.

“On all fours,” he said, his voice rough with passion. She did as he asked and he

mounted her quickly, sliding inside her in quick, even strokes.

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“She’s so wet and so tight.” He fucked her with long, fluid movements, rocking into her

as Oscar’s fingers began to stroke her clit.

“Close your eyes and relax,” Walker said. “Just relax and enjoy it. Does it feel good?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said. “I think I’m close.”

“Don’t think,” Oscar said, his fingers pressing harder on her clit. “Just feel.”

She turned her head enough to see Oscar had shed his clothes too. His cock stood hard

and ready for her, and she wanted to take him in her mouth while Walker pounded into her

from behind.

Walker slammed into her harder, and within seconds she felt him stiffen and knew he

was coming. He grabbed her shoulders and pounded into her, the thrusts sending her aching

bottom cheeks jiggling. It was painful, true, but it felt incredible. She tightened herself

around him, hoping to increase his feelings, and praying the combination of Walker’s

thrusts, and Oscar’s fingers, would send her over the edge.

When it didn’t, she cried out in dismay.

“It’s all right, Slick,” Oscar said, his voice gentle. “This isn’t a race. We’ll get there.”

She nodded, her voice catching in her throat. He stood and sheathed himself, moving

behind her to take Walker’s place.

“Put your shoulders down,” he said. Oscar knelt behind her, mounting her with his feet

planted on the ground, his knees bent. He pushed on her back so her butt was high in the air.

He grabbed her hips and thrust into her hard, making her moan in pleasure.

Walker’s hands now worked her clit as Oscar’s stroked her hips, and then he moved

back to grab her aching buttocks. She whispered a soft, “no,” right before a loud groan of

pleasure released from her throat. It felt so good, and it felt as if the promise of an orgasm

was on the rise again.

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Oscar fucked her in long, hard strokes, his cock pounding into her in almost painful

jabs that sent intense feelings of passion through her. She knew he was holding back, trying

to give her time to come before he did. She also knew it wasn’t going to happen.

Her feelings were intense, true, but she didn’t think they were anywhere near orgasmic

levels. She clenched his cock tightly to try and let him know it was fine for him to come; in

response he slapped her already aching ass over and over again before groaning in


Walker’s fingers stroked her aching clit gently as Oscar pushed himself off her.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I tried, really I did.”

“One more sorry from you and I’ll put you back in the stocks, with your ass full of a

plug,” Oscar said roughly.

“You’re trying too hard, Slick,” Walker said. “Tomorrow you concentrate only on what

is happening, not on what could happen.”

“Yes, Sir, I mean Sirs.” She laughed and Oscar slapped her behind playfully. “Wow,

nice and red. I love it.”

“I’d make a smart-ass comment but I bet it would get me whipped, again.”

“You bet your ass it would,” Oscar said. “I’m glad to hear you learned something


He helped her up and they both stepped forward.

“Be honest,” Walker said. “Did you enjoy the rough play? The spankings? The hard


“Yes, I did. I was so close, really I was. I’m so…I mean, I don’t know what to do.”

“We’ll figure it out,” Oscar said. “As long as you’re telling us the truth about enjoying

what happened tonight, then we’re fine.”

Harper smiled at both of them. “Strangely enough, I did enjoy it. All of it. Which sort

of scares me.”

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Oscar’s mouth flattened into an almost evil grin. “Like I said, Slick, it’s okay to like the


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Chapter Seven

“You could try stimulating her G-spot,” Lake said. “Give her a good hard pounding

from behind.”

“We both did that, just last night,” Oscar said, taking a sip of his coffee. “I even got on

my toes to get a better angle. It didn’t work.”

“And did she feel anything?”

“She says she gets close, and then it goes back down. Come on, Lake, you’re a doctor.

Help us out here. Give me a clue. I’ve never had this problem before.”

“Give her a good licking.” At Oscar’s upraised eyebrows Lake laughed. “I’m talking

about with your tongue, not your belt.”

“Yeah, we can try that. But we stimulated her clit last night for a good thirty minutes,

and nothing.”

Lake sat back and took a drink of his own coffee. “You could have over stimulated her.

It’s been known to happen.”

“Well, doctor, tell me what I can do to make this woman come.”

Lake shook his head. “Most women learn to orgasm through masturbation. It’s not an

ingrained thing with them like it is with men. It’s harder for them, so what you really need

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to do is set a night aside and set the mood. Do some fantasy thing that will take her out of the

real world, make her think of nothing but the two, no, make that the three, of you. Then,

stroke her arms and legs as she masturbates. Play with her breasts, whisper sweet nothings in

her ear. Try a vibrator on her. Put it on her clit and move it around. The vibrations should

produce sensations that will make her climax. It does with most women.”

“Are you saying she’d prefer gentle play, that she’s not into BDSM?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying. It sounds to me like she thinks too much. She needs to

relax and learn to let go. Once it’s happened the first time, she’s not going to be as worried

about it the second time, and it will come easier.”

Oscar nodded, then pursed his lips. “Fantasies, huh? To me a fantasy is six women lined

up, waiting for a whipping.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s going to be a great fantasy for her, although I could be

wrong. You and Walker are smart men, I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

* * * * *

Harper wrapped tissue around a particularly naughty piece of lingerie and placed it in

the bag.

“This gift will go over perfectly at your friend’s bridal shower. I’m sure she’ll be very

thrilled to get it.”

The customer laughed. “Thanks so much for your help. It must be great to have access

to such beautiful clothing.”

“It is,” Harper said, even though she’d never once owned a piece of lingerie in this

store. Helena had loved most of it, but Harper had never tried on anything.

“Come back and see us,” she said as the front door opened. She swallowed a grimace. It

was ten minutes until six, and the store closed at six. Leave it to people to come shopping at

the last minute. The woman took her package and walked toward the door.

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Harper’s gaze followed her, her eyebrows arching when she saw Walker and Oscar

standing there. Walker held a picnic basket and Oscar held the door open for the departing


When he shut the door, he threw the bolt.

“We’re not closed yet,” she said.

“You are now,” Walker replied. “We’re very wealthy customers and we want to do

some shopping. And we’d like you to model for us.”

“Me? You want me to model lingerie?”

“That’s right,” Walker said. “You’re the perfect size, and you have beautiful breasts. I

can’t wait to see them encased in some of these fine things.”

He placed the basket on the counter, and the two men walked toward the shelves. She

watched as they examined the bras and underwear, sliding over to the garter belts and hose.

“Um, one or two items?” She walked toward them.

“No, ma’am,” Walker said. “We want to spend lots of money. A few bras and undies,

yes, but we also want to look at your naughty things; your lacy outfits can be used in

fantasies. If you were going to choose a few outfits for fantasies, what would you select?”

Harper giggled like a schoolgirl. “Fantasy outfits? Um, well, I usually tell customers it

depends on their lovers. Different people like different things.”

“What would you like, Miss…what is your name?” Oscar held out his hand and she

took it.

“Sampson, Harper Sampson. Oscar, this is --”

“Yes, I’m Oscar and this is my friend Walker. So, tell us, what would fuel your


Harper gave them a confused look. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but it was

exciting. Her two new lovers were playing out some sort of fantasy right before her, and she

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wasn’t sure how to respond. She tried to think of outfits she’d wear for a fantasy, and she

turned to face the shelves.

“We have the most naughty outfits in another room, things that could be considered

very titillating.”

“Would you show us?”

“Of course. And I’ll try on anything you like.”

Like your cocks


She led them to the other room and stood back as they perused the shelves.

When they started to select things, she brought out a wheeled cart she gave to

customers to hold their selections while they shopped.

When the basket was full, they turned to her. “We brought a picnic. You can model for

us while we eat, because we’re hungry.”

Their playful tones made her smile as she led the way to a large dressing room. “I’ll go

next door and change, and come back to model.”

“Oh, no,” Walker said. “Undress for us. We want to watch.”

Her heart beat faster as they shut the door. They pulled cushions from the two

wingback chairs in the room and sat down on the floor, opening the basket.

“Try the fishnet first,” Oscar said. “I’m looking forward to that one.”

She rummaged through the clothing and pulled out the fishnet dress. Harper had sold

quite a few of these dresses recently. It hit just below the genital area and looked beautiful on

most women.

Deciding to get into the fantasy, whatever it was, she discarded her clothes and wiggled

into the dress. When a champagne cork popped, she laughed. She knew they were planning

on taking her anal cherry tonight and figured they were trying to calm her down, to make it

easier on her.

“You two thought of everything,” she said, taking the glass they offered her. Then she

held out her arms. “What do you think?”

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“Beautiful,” Oscar said. “Very beautiful.”

“I agree,” Walker said. “But what about the silvery one? I really liked that one.”

“Oh, yes,” Oscar said. “Try that one, with the hose and garter belt. But leave the panties


Her heart rate increased as she shimmied out of the dress. The silver outfit was made of

satin, trimmed with lace. A thin strip of material ran between the breasts, breaking off to run

under each one, leaving them exposed. She followed their instructions and left the

underwear off, fastening the garter belt around her waist and slowly lifting the stockings

over her calves and up her thighs.

They watched her with hunger in their eyes, which made her feel very sexy. When she

was done, she stepped toward them.

“How about this one? Do you like it?”

“Love it,” Walker said, patting the space between them. “Come and sit down. Enjoy

some champagne. She wiggled in between them, and gasped in pleasure when they each

poured champagne over her breasts. The liquid soaked into the material and she knew she’d

just bought a new piece of lingerie, but she didn’t care.

This was sexy, and oh so much fun. She threw her head back as they started to lick her

breasts, each of them sucking in a nipple deeply, biting it until she cried out in ecstasy.

Harper could feel pleasure building inside her. The wonderful sensation of impending

climax. She pushed away the thought that it wouldn’t come and concentrated on Oscar’s

hand, which reached out and clasped her own.

“Masturbate for us. Play with that beautiful pussy.”

She lay back and put her hands between her legs. Each of them took a leg and pulled it

across their own so that she was spread wide. She stroked her slit and dipped her fingers

inside, moving her wetness up and down until it surrounded her clit, which throbbed in

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response. She stroked it gently, marveling at the sensations of not only her fingers, but of

Walker’s and Oscar’s hands as they caressed her thighs.

She felt sexy and wanted, needed. Neither of them had demanded she climax. As her

fingers worked, her feelings grew. But this time she didn’t worry about disappointing them.

They knew she wouldn’t come, yet they’d given her this time to enjoy before they turned

her over and fucked that part of her no one ever had before.

Her sensations increased when something unfamiliar was placed against her clit. A

whirring noise filled the room as it moved, and she realized they’d placed a vibrator on her

clit. She had one, true, but she’d never really tried to use it come. She’d figured it was a lost

cause since her fingers never worked.

It was Walker who had it in his hands, moving it gently back and forth over her

swollen nub. Oscar stroked her breasts, pinching her nipples until she moaned in pleasure.

She closed her eyes. Oscar moved behind her and she laid her head against his thigh, the

feelings taking over. When Oscar pinched her particularly hard, Walker turned up the

vibrator and held it down on her clit.

Unfamiliar feelings ran through her as he moved it up and down, and then Harper

cried out as her orgasm overtook her. She bucked her hips against the vibrator as Oscar

pinched her nipples harder.

“Yes! Oh. My. God. Yes!” Her hips moved violently, but Walker held her close, the

vibrator still working its magic on her. When the feelings had subsided, and her hips had

stopped moving, she collapsed against Oscar’s thighs.

And when Walker’s fingers found her clit and pinched, she came again, her hips

shooting skyward as the almost painful sensation ran through her. This one didn’t last nearly

as long as the first one, and when the room stopped spinning, she started to laugh.

Harper sucked in lungfuls of air as the laughter overtook her. Then, she stopped, and

looked at them both in wonder.

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“I had an orgasm.”

“Yes, you did,” Walker said. “Two of them to be exact.”

“You let yourself relax enough to not think about it,” Oscar said, stroking her breasts.

“Now you know what it takes. Shut off mind. Engage body.”

She broke into laughter again and then relaxed into Oscar’s arms.

“And here I thought you were just trying to relax me so you could pop my anal


“Oh, we’re here to do that too,” Walker said with a leer.

“So catch your breath and roll over,” Oscar said. “’Cause your ass is nice and ready for

him now.”

Harper sat up, her body still tingly from not one, but two orgasms. She’d had two


“I’m nervous about this,” she said. “I did some reading on it, and it sounds like it hurts.”

“Not when it’s done right,” Walker said. “You just have to relax and follow my lead.

The initial penetration might hurt, but you’ll get used to it. And it’s a very intense feeling, or

so I’ve been told.”

“So you’ve never done it?”

“I’ve had a tongue up my ass; does that count?”

Harper gave him an astonished gaze and he laughed.

“We had a sub who craved it,” Oscar said. “And we both loved it; that’s for sure.”

Harper shook her head and they both laughed.

“Don’t worry, Slick; we’re not pushing for it right now.”

“Well, I’m very happy to hear that. I’m not sure about doing it here. Can’t we go to the


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“Oh, well, see, we came prepared,” Oscar said. “This lovely, huge room is perfect. Don’t

you wonder what’s in the basket?”

Harper looked at it as if seeing it for the first time. “I guess I hadn’t thought about it.”

Walker opened the basket and took out a large box. “An air mattress, with a built-in

pump. It inflates in minutes, and is ready for use. We brought this, some towels, and some

lube. And condoms, of course.”

She hugged her arms around her. “You thought of everything.”

“We did,” Oscar said. “And don’t worry, you’re only taking one of us tonight, so relax

and enjoy it.”

Relax and enjoy it? She wanted to ask if he would enjoy having something inserted in

his ass, but she didn’t.

“I’ll be very gentle,” Walker said. He’d taken the bed out of the box and started filling it

with air by turning a valve. “We’ll get you nice and greased up, and go very slow. Trust me

when I say that you’ll enjoy it. We’ll make sure of that.”

“What do I have to do?”

“Not much,” Oscar replied. “When you’re ready, Walker will put his cock at your

opening. When he pushes in, you push out slightly. This will open your muscles and allow

him to slip inside. Then, you’ll do it one more time. He’ll go slowly, until you’re accustomed

to him. And then he’ll ride you until you’re screaming in pleasure again.”

Harper knew this was expected, that it was something many people, not just people in

the BDSM world, did on a regular basis. But it wasn’t something she’d ever really thought

about. She knew Helena loved it, but Helena loved all things sexual.

“The bed’s ready,” Walker said. “The wonders of modern technology.”

When she didn’t move, he cocked his head at her. “Remember what we said about

trust? It’s important, Harper, for you to trust me. If you don’t trust me, then we’re never

going to convince people. Come over here and lie down on your belly and just relax.”

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Harper thought about it for a few minutes, but then the promise of another orgasm

threw her into motion. Was Oscar right when he said now that she’d had one orgasm she’d

have more? And if she tried new things what were the chances of those new things

producing orgasms?

It was worth a shot; she knew that. She crawled to the bed and lay down, trying to stay

calm. When Walker’s hands stroked her back, she tensed just a bit. He smacked her bottom

and she jumped.


“Still sore from last night?” Oscar asked.

“As a matter of fact, yes, if you must know. I wonder why that is.”

“Sore bottom doesn’t equal loss of smart mouth, I see.”

She looked at Oscar who shook his head. “We’ll have to look up the spanking room at

Paragon’s when we arrive. It will be our first stop.”

“Behave,” Walker said, and Harper wondered if he was talking to her or Oscar. She put

her arms under her head and used them as a pillow. Walker and Oscar began to rub her back

and buttocks, and all she could think about was the wonderful feelings her first, and second,

orgasm had produced.

“Still a few nice marks on her behind,” Oscar said, grabbing a handful of her buttock

and squeezing. She moaned and tried to fight back a sob. Her behind still ached something

fierce from the whipping she’d received last night.

He let go and they began to rub again. She sighed and laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Walker said.

“You two rubbing my back and bottom. It doesn’t seem like something two dominant

men would do.”

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“Well, then, we need to continue your education,” Oscar said. “Just because we’re

dominant doesn’t mean we’re not loving or incapable of doing things that produce soft

feelings. True dominants can be both gentle and harsh, depending on the situation.”

“The loss of someone’s anal cherry is not something to be rushed,” Walker said. “You

need to be calm and relaxed, and that’s what we’re trying to help you do.”

“Um, yes, you are.” Harper closed her eyes as their hands roamed her body. It felt

wonderful, truly wonderful. When Oscar parted her cheeks, and a finger coated with lube

caressed her rosette, she sighed with pleasure.

“That feels nice,” she whispered.

“Yes, I’m sure it does,” Walker said.

The finger pushed inside and she moaned.

“You like that?” Oscar probed deeper as Walker’s hands rubbed her shoulders.

“Yes, it feels good.”

“Wiggle your hips,” Oscar said. She did as he asked, then gasped as he added a second

finger. She felt full and stretched. Oscar held his fingers in place for a few minutes, and then

started to move them gently, sliding them in and out as she continued to move her hips.

“That’s it,” he said. “Good girl. Take a deep breath and relax. Just enjoy it.”

She was surprised she was enjoying it. The feelings were intense as he continued to

probe her. He thrust faster and she moved her hips in tune to him. When he stopped and

added more lube, she knew what was coming, but she still wasn’t quite ready for it. He

pulled his fingers out and spread the lube around, and then he pushed again, this time with

three fingers.

“No, too many. It feels so full.”

“Shush,” Oscar said, moving his fingers back and forth. “Just getting you nice and

opened up for Walker.”

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He fucked her with his fingers, moving in and out, faster and faster. Then he stopped

and she moaned in regret. “Lift up on your knees. Move your hips. Fuck my fingers with

your ass.”

She lifted up to her knees and moved tentatively at first, going slowly until Oscar

slapped her ass with his free hand.

“Faster. Do it!”

She started to rock, his fingers filling her ass over and over. His free hand caressed her

clit and she shuddered in ecstasy. It felt so wonderful, something she’d never expected. She

didn’t feel the build up to orgasm that she’d felt earlier, but she felt extreme pleasure that

kept her moving on his fingers.

When he pulled them away, she groaned loudly. Until she felt Walker climb in behind

her. She heard the tear of a condom package and then felt warm lube on her behind again.

“How is the lube so warm?” Her voice sounded dreamy, even to her.

“I’ve been warming it with my fingers,” Walker said, wiping his hands on a towel.

“You owe me.”

She laughed, then gasped when she felt the head of Walker’s cock press against her



“It’s all right,” Walker said. “Just relax. I won’t penetrate until I think you’re ready.


Oscar’s hands were on her shoulders; then he lifted her face by putting his fingers

under her chin. “Look what I have for you,” he said. His cock bobbed in front of her face.

“Lift up just a bit and suck me in. Concentrate on my cock.”

She lifted up and licked the head of his cock, then sucked him in, moving her teeth

over his shaft until he moaned. He held her close for a few minutes, then took his cock out of

her mouth.

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“Push back,” Walker said. The pressure on her anus increased and she pushed. Walker’s

cock slipped into her anus, and when she opened her mouth to object, Oscar pushed his cock

into her mouth.

“Gentle,” he said. “Don’t bite me. Just suck. Concentrate on me.”

She felt speared at both ends, her mind not quite sure which feeling to concentrate on.

Walker pushed himself inside her, going very slowly and stopping every few seconds. Oscar

had her face in his hands, so he could fuck her mouth.

Walker pressed in more and she groaned around Oscar’s cock. He pushed himself

further into her mouth, and then she felt the top of Walker’s thighs against her own thighs

and knew he was totally inside her.

Oscar fucked her mouth gently, then pulled his cock out and stroked it, moving closer

to her.

“Lick my balls. That’s it, faster.” She moved her tongue around his heavy sac, lapping at

him. Her anus felt stuffed, the feeling not exactly pleasurable, but not exactly painful either.

Oscar had one hand wrapped around some of her hair and the other around his cock.

Walker grasped her hips and started to move faster and faster. She moaned, the painful

feeling giving way to the pleasurable. Not entirely, but enough so she was enjoying what was

happening to her.

Walker slowed his movements and stroked her back. “Play with your clit.” His hands

parted her buttocks. The feeling wasn’t entirely pleasant, since her behind still hurt from

Oscar’s attentions last night.

Oscar let go of his cock and pushed himself back in her mouth. When he started to

move, Walker did the same thing, one going in while the other was going out. Their rhythm

was so perfect she couldn’t help but wonder how many times they’d done this, how many

times they’d speared a woman at both ends.

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She could tell she wasn’t going to orgasm, but that was fine with her. Tonight had been

a breakthrough, an awakening she’d never expected her body to have. When Oscar pulled

her head closer and squirted his seed into her mouth, she accepted it without pulling away,

sucking it down so quickly she didn’t even taste it.

It only took several thrusts more before she heard Walker groan in pleasure. When he

was done, he pulled away from her slowly, his hands caressing her buttocks.

“I think she liked it,” Oscar said.

“Yes, I did.”

“It’s the idea of it that freaks most people out,” Oscar said, standing. He handed her a

towel and then tossed one to Walker.

Harper sat up on her knees. Her anus ached a little, and she knew she would be sore for

a few days. Knowing where they were going, she wondered how many days it would be

before she took Walker there again. For that matter, she knew Oscar would be chomping at

the bit to take her there too.

The idea wasn’t unpleasant, but she hoped for just a little bit of time to recover from

losing “her cherry.”

The thought hit her front and center and she gasped, then laughed.

“What’s wrong?” Walker leaned down to give her a questioning look.

“I just realized I made love in my store, in the dressing room. Every time I come in

here now, I’m going to think of this moment.”

“Good,” Oscar said. “It’s nice to have memories to attach to things.”

They helped her to stand. Her legs felt wobbly and she nodded at them both.

“We leave tomorrow, right? Someone’s set up to take care of my house and animals.”

“Right,” Walker said. “The plane leaves at nine, and with layovers and such, we don’t

get into Paragon’s until after seven. We have to take a boat from Trinidad, since Paragon’s is

on a private island and there’s no flight service there, except for private jets.”

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His mention of private jets made her think of Helena and what she might be going

through. It was very possible her sister was being held against her will, and here she was,

taking it up the ass in her dressing room.

“Stop that,” Oscar said. “Do it again and I’ll whip you. Understand?”

“How did you know?”

“Because I read people, plus I’ve come to know you, and I’ll use any excuse I can to

punish you. That includes the thoughts you were just thinking.”

She nodded, making a mental note to learn to school her face better when she was

around Oscar.

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Chapter Eight

The ocean was beautiful. Harper leaned over the side of the boat to watch the crystal-

clear waters rush by. The boat had traveled north from Trinidad and was now traveling east

to the island named Paragon’s. The BDSM resort of the same name stood there, taking up the

whole island.

She wasn’t sure what she had expected to find when they got here, but it wasn’t the

people that were on the boat. While they’d waited at the airport, everyone had been sedate

and happy to be going on vacation. There were all sorts of people, but most of them seemed

to be middle-class businessmen and their wives. There were people of all shapes, sizes, and


Once they got on the boat, though, and it was far enough away from the shore, the

party began. People began stripping out of clothes, and subs, both male and female, donned

their collars and leashes. Harper wasn’t sure what to do, so she’d slipped away to the side of

the boat to look.

She’d been gone about ten minutes now, and she figured Walker and Oscar were

looking for her. She should probably go back and find them, but she wanted just a few

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minutes by herself. She wondered what Helena did while she was on this portion of the trip.

She had been by herself, and she didn’t have a collar to wear.

Did she immediately find a Master or Mistress to work with, or had she waited until

after the auction? The people who had welcomed them on the boat hadn’t said anything

about the auction, only that they would be welcomed with a get-acquainted soiree when the

boat docked, and after that they were free to play as they saw fit.

“Oh, look, Walker, it’s a runaway slave. What’s the punishment for that crime?”

Harper shrugged and turned to Oscar. “Sorry. I just needed a little bit of time by


“Your time is our time, Slick. You don’t leave our presence without our permission,


“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

“So am I, sort of. I’m sorry you felt the need to run off, when you knew better. But now

we have an hour’s boat ride ahead of us. And it’s time for you to be properly punished.”

“Take off your clothes, Harper.” Walker moved in behind him.

She nodded and undressed quickly. Her crash course in submission came down to this.

If she messed it up, people would know they were lying. If that happened, they might never

find Helena.

When she was naked, Walker handed her a thick strap of red leather. There was a large

D-ring on the front of it.

“Kiss it, and then put it on.” She did as he asked, then waited for more instructions.

When they both drew leashes out of their pockets, she inhaled sharply. Walker attached his,

and then Oscar did his.

“Your little escape has cost you,” Oscar said. “I hope it was worth it.”

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They turned and walked as one, Harper trailing behind them with her hands clasped

behind her back. Her stomach was in knots, because she knew the real Oscar was about to

make an appearance.

They walked down a narrow, steep flight of stairs, and then down a small corridor. A

man in a uniform motioned them toward an open doorway, and they went inside. Harper

gazed around the room, then fought down panic when she saw the swing in the center. It

was just an ordinary leather swing, but she knew it was waiting for her.

A woman came toward them, and her Doms gave her Harper’s leashes. Without saying

a word she pulled Harper to the swing, stopping at the center.

“Sit, slut.” She pointed at the chair and Harper complied. It moved as she sat, but as

soon as she was situated, two more women came up and bound her legs and arms so that

they were spread wide. They took her leashes and wrapped them around her arms. The chair

moved up and Harper gasped.

It stopped when she was about five feet off the ground, and the first woman stepped

toward her.

“Open your mouth, slut.” When Harper complied, she placed a ball gag in her mouth,

fastening it around her head. Then she turned to Oscar and bowed.

“Your slut is prepared, Master O.”

“Thank you, Madelyn.” The room was filling with people and Harper was glad for the

ball gag. It kept her from crying out. She looked at Oscar and her eyes widened when she

noticed the flogger in his hand. Since she was on her back, she knew what part of her was

about to be whipped. Her breasts and pussy. They hadn’t practiced this, so she wasn’t quite

sure what to expect.

It was frightening and she pleaded to him with her eyes. He narrowed his eyes and

gave his head an almost imperceptible shake. He walked around her, trailing the flogger ends

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over her arms and legs. The strands were soft, feeling almost like suede. She didn’t think they

would feel soft when they were landing on her body, though.

Her gaze roamed the room until it landed on Walker. He sat in a chair not far away, his

eyes fixed on her. She could tell by the look on his face he would enjoy the scene about to

play out in front of him. She knew he would whip her when necessary, but it would never

be anything like what Oscar would do.

Oscar moved right next to her, holding the flogger so the strands tickled her skin. He

ran it over her breasts and stomach and then trailed it down to her pussy. She shivered at the

contact, wishing he would start so it would be over with quickly.

He trailed it over her thighs and calves and then stood between her legs, staring at her

displayed pussy. He stared at her, his eyes dark and unreadable. And then with a flick of his

wrist, he sent the strands across her pussy. They stung and she cried out, the sound muffled

by the ball. He struck her pussy again and again and tears filled her eyes.

Oscar moved around her body, flicking the flogger over her stomach and rib area, then

up to her breasts. Her nipples peaked as the suede touched them repeatedly. The reaction

was surprising to her, since she was feeling pain, not pleasure. He worked the flogger over

her body, moving between her breasts and pussy until she thought she would die of

frustration. She wanted him to stop, badly, but each time he met her gaze he would just

shake his head, and continue to flog her.

Finally he stepped back, examining her body as if it were a work of art. Her nipples

ached and her clit throbbed. Would it be possible, she wondered, to come from being

whipped? It almost felt that way. It made her hate her traitorous body. To go for so long

without climaxing, and then to be on the edge while being whipped, in front of a whole

room of people she didn’t know, was almost too much to bear.

She studied Oscar as he looked at her, and when he turned to Madelyn and handed her

the flogger, she sighed in relief. Until he opened his mouth.

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“Bring me the slapper, please.”

“Yes, Master O.” Madelyn bowed, then went to the wall. She returned with an

instrument Harper had never seen before. It was two long pieces of leather strapped together

onto a circular handle.

She shook her head and when Oscar stared at her, her heart sank. He knew she was

close to orgasm, and he knew intense stimulation would probably send her over the edge.

Harper didn’t want to have an orgasm this way. She wanted to have one like she’d had last

night, with Walker and Oscar stroking her, with the vibrator sending tendrils of pleasure

through her body.

When he slapped the leather against her breasts, she moaned. The sound of the leather

straps hitting each other was loud and made many people in the audience moan. Harper

wished for the ball to be removed from her mouth so she could tell them she would gladly

trade places with them.

He delivered five hard slaps to each breast, then moved between her legs. When the

slapper struck her pussy, she stiffened. Oscar narrowed his eyes at her in warning, and she

remembered his instructions not to flinch or stiffen during a whipping. She tried to relax as

he brought the leather down repeatedly on her sensitive flesh.

Her clit throbbed harder with each stroke and Harper tried to fight the orgasm she

knew was building. She didn’t want to come in front of these people. It was bad enough they

were witnessing her whipping, witnessing her punishment.

The whipping stopped and he caressed her thighs with the leather. She watched the

slapper, watched Oscar’s hand. It was the lull before the storm.

And she was right. When Oscar delivered seven hard, fast strokes, she was lost. At the

end of the seventh he turned the handle and pressed it into her clit, rubbing it back and



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And Harper did, hating herself, but loving the feelings that rolled through her body,

over her aching breasts, and out through her toes and fingers. Oscar continued to push the

handle into her clit and she groaned when he mouthed, “Again, if you can.”

She didn’t think she could, and she strained against the instrument torturing her clit.

The nerves jumped, then settled back down as her hips bucked to no avail. She finally let

them settle into the swing and gave Oscar a sad look.

“Good girl,” Oscar said. “You’re our good girl.”

The audience members clapped, and Harper let her head fall into the swing. Her body

ached and she prayed for them to release her. Instead, Oscar came up on one side of her and

Walker on the other. Madelyn released the ball gag, and Oscar put the slapper in front of her


“Kiss it. Thank it for your orgasm.”

She pursed her lips against the leather, then looked at Oscar.

“Thank it.”

How did you thank a piece of leather? It had been Oscar who had made her come, not

the leather. But she knew if she didn’t do as he said, she would receive more swats.

“Thank you for my orgasm,” she said to the leather. Her Doms stepped away and the

swing lowered. Madelyn undid her bindings and then pulled her up using her leashes, which

she then handed to her Doms.

Harper let them lead her to a corner, wondering what would be next since the

weekend had started with such a bang.

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Chapter Nine

They had a room with an ocean view, on the third floor. The building was new, but it

had been designed to look old. It had huge, curvy staircases with thick banisters. The

windows ran floor to ceiling and opened with the sashes sliding up. There was a huge set of

French doors in the middle.

The room itself was huge and divided into two parts. The bedroom had two full-size

beds, with a floor mat in the middle and a blanket and pillow. Harper knew it was for her,

but she wanted one of her Doms to share the bed with her. She wondered if they would.

During the last few days she’d stayed at Walker’s house and slept in the bed in his spare


She stared at the ocean, wondering what room Helena had stayed in, and with whom.

She felt the warmth of a man behind her, and a sixth sense told her it was Walker. His hands

slid around her, cupping her breasts. She winced at the contact, angry when Oscar snorted.

“Wimp. It was a little whipping. Obviously I didn’t do a good job in preparing you for

that if you’re angry about it.”

“It hurt.”

“You’re a submissive, Slick. Here to serve us.”

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“No,” she said. “We’re here to find my sister. My being submissive is a cover.”

Walker pinched her nipples and she groaned. “We need to talk about the way you’re

looking at this. While we’re here, Harper, you’re a submissive. You serve your two Doms

with no questions asked, and with no strange looks either during, or after, a scene. If you do,

people will start to question. Harper stayed in Albuquerque. Slick is with us now,


Harper nodded, trying to come to terms with what was happening. There was a

difference between a little pain, and the pain from a whipping. The fact that she liked both

frightened her.

“Besides, you loved it,” Oscar said. “Your body is perfect for whippings.”

“No” -- she shook her head -- “I hated it.”

“Your nipples peaked and your pussy flooded,” Oscar said, his voice harsh. “And let’s

not forget the fact that you came, and you came hard.”

That fact hadn’t escaped her. She had come, and she’d come on his command. What

did that say about her? Was she into pain, like her sister? Was it something genetic,

something physical that was passed through them? Or was it psychological? Did she have to

feel pain to have pleasure? She knew that wasn’t right. She’d come in Albuquerque without

there being pain involved.

“Just remember your place,” Walker said. “If you mess up and do something another

Dom or Domme doesn’t like, then you will be punished in public again.”

“Yes, Walker.”

“I’m afraid we’ve been lacking in your training in that too. Here you will call us Master

Walker and Master O. Even when we are alone.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now, we have an appointment with Sawyer, and then we need to see about

finding some of the people Helena might have had contact with during her stay here.”

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“Has your PI been able to find the plane she was on?”

“Not yet,” Walker said. “Surprisingly, after the baggage boy, everyone has been very

closemouthed. She’s having a few problems, but she’s still plugging away at it.”

Harper nodded but continued to face the ocean. Now that they were here she wasn’t

sure she should have come. This trip was making her look at things she didn’t want to. Like

why she’d come from being whipped with a flogger and a slapper.

She was happy about one thing, though. She wasn’t naked. They’d let her wear the

fishnet dress she’d tried on the other night. Her body was still on display, but she had the

illusion of clothing to soothe her mind.

“Slick.” She turned her head toward Oscar’s voice. “Get on your knees.”

She wasn’t sure if she should turn her body to them or not, then decided since he

hadn’t ordered it, turning wouldn’t be a good thing. She sank to her knees, still facing the


“Who do you belong to?” His voice was deep and it made her body tingle.

“You, Master O.”


“And to Master Walker.”

“Very good,” Walker said. “Shall we go?”

“Not yet,” Oscar replied. “I want to make sure our point is made. Crawl to the far bed,

then bend over it.”

She wanted to yell that she wouldn’t crawl, that she would get up and walk on her own

two feet, but she knew that would be disobeying his orders. And the worst-case scenario

would be if she did that, they would send her home.

So she did as he asked, feelings she couldn’t place taking hold in her body. When she

was at the bed, she bent over it, waiting.

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“Spread your cheeks.” She obeyed Oscar’s command. In return he handed her a bottle

of lotion.

“Rub this on your asshole.” She closed her eyes. He was going to fuck her up the ass,

right now. He hadn’t done it yet, and she supposed he wanted to do it now to prove his

mastery over her. She spread the cream and tried not to panic. She’d done it once. She could

do it again.

“Hold your cheeks open.” She waited for the sound of his zipper. Waited to feel the tip

of his cock at her opening. But it didn’t happen. When he placed something there, she knew

it wasn’t him. It wasn’t thick enough, and it felt like plastic. It was a plug.

“Push back.” When she did, the tip of the plug penetrated her. He pushed it in, going

slowly. A wider spot in the shaft entered her and she groaned. And when another spot, this

one wider than the last, slipped inside, she groaned louder.

It didn’t take long for him to fill her with it. She tried to gauge its size. Four inches?

Three? Maybe an inch and a half wide? Not nearly as large as Walker’s cock, and she’d taken

him. She could take this too. She would wear it for a few minutes; then he’d take it out and

they’d go to their meeting.

“Stand up.”

Confusion hit her as she obeyed him. Her backside felt full and she wiggled her hips.

Oscar slapped her ass and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Hold still. You’ll wear the plug until we say otherwise. It will remind you you’re ours.

The base will hold it in place, and you will not remove it without permission from myself, or

Master Walker.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you remember position two?”

“Yes, Sir. Knees, hands behind back, legs spread.”

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“Good,” Walker said, standing. He picked up the leashes from the bed and handed one

to Oscar and then turned her around, attaching them to her collar one at a time.

“Let’s go,” Walker said. “We don’t want to be late.”

* * * * *

Harper stood between the chairs where her two Doms sat. At Oscar’s order she’d

gotten into position one, so she hadn’t really got a good look at the man behind the desk. She

wanted to study him more, but knew that would be breaking the rules. She kept her head

down, despite the need to see him.

This man could help her find Helena. She knew he could.

“Would your slave like a chair?”

“No, thank you,” Oscar said. “I prefer her to get the full effect of the plug by standing,

or kneeling.”


“Show him.” Walker patted her leg and she turned. She spread her cheeks to show her

host the plug inside her.

“Very nice,” Sawyer said. “And very like her sister. Helena’s a true butt whore, but

then again she’s a pain slut too.”

“Yes, she is,” Oscar said. “Slick, position two.”

Harper got down on her knees. From this position she really couldn’t see Sawyer.

“I hope you’ll let me play with her at least once while you’re here.”

“Most assuredly,” Walker said. “If you let us watch.”

“Of course. Now, how may I help you? I must admit I’m curious why you’re eager to

find Helena, when I just saw her last night.”

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“She’s here?” Harper lifted her gaze to the man. He was in his early fifties, with salt-

and-pepper hair. He had a handsome face that contained a few wrinkles that looked to be the

result of repeated exposure to the sun. His eyes twinkled as he watched her.

“Slick! Eyes down.” This command came from Walker, and it shocked her a bit. Usually

it was Oscar who gave such demands. She lowered her gaze.

“Forgive me, Master Walker.”

“We’ll deal with it later,” he said.

Sawyer’s laugh was genuine. “Still in training, isn’t she?”

“Yes,” Walker said. “But we’re making great progress.”

“Yes, I can see that. Still, she’s not as experienced as you’d led me to believe. And not

nearly as experienced as we’d like here.”

“She’s concerned about her sister,” Oscar said. “It’s not like Helena to not make


The room grew quiet, and then Sawyer sniffled. “Well, I can understand that, I

suppose. I know that Helena received permission to use the phone several times while she

was here. She always called Harper. And frankly, when I saw who she was with last night in

Miami, I was a little concerned myself. I tried to get close to her, to tell her you were

coming, but her new handler wouldn’t let me near her.”

“Handler? Not Master or Mistress?” She could hear the concern in Walker’s voice.

“I feel like I’m breaking the confidentiality of my clients, but the man Helena was with

is not really the type of client I’d like to attract. He considers himself a true Master.”

“Slick.” She lifted her gaze to Walker. “A ‘true Master’ is a man who thinks he is

omnipotent. He thinks he needs control over every aspect of his sub’s life. To me, they are

not true Dominants, but overbearing men looking for people to conquer. He wants total and

complete control over people. In other words, he wants a sub who has no say in their lives.

It’s not a good thing.”

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“And Helena is with this man?”

“Yes,” Sawyer replied. “He was at the resort while she was here. He played with her

quite a bit, with the permission of the couple that bought her.”

“May I have names?” She could tell by his tone of voice Walker expected a no. And

that’s what he received.

“I’m sorry. This type of resort thrives on confidentiality, even of a member I don’t

totally approve of. Of course, you’re free to ask questions, discreetly, of the staff and other

guests to try and find a name.”

Sawyer stood. “Come. There’s a get-acquainted event going on. You can meet some of

our regulars there, like the Mixons, the Stuarts, and the Johanssons.”

Harper smiled as Oscar ordered her into position one. Sawyer wanted to help, but he

didn’t want to do it by flat out giving away information. She knew the people he introduced

them to would be less discreet. Or at least she hoped they would be.

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Chapter Ten

The room was huge, filled with people and with long tables. Some of the tables were

full of submissives being whipped or just being played with. Harper drank it all in, from the

submissives who were being ridden like horses to the male subs who were being led around

by leashes attached to their cocks. It really was fascinating, all of it.

She wanted a chance to explore, to see everything, but she knew Sawyer was on a

mission. He led them to the far side of the room, coming to a stop at a table where a man lay

prone. He was tied to the table with leather, and another man stood above him, stroking his

cock. She stared at his cock and bit back a gasp. His balls were tightly encased in leather

straps, bulging through the small openings. When he was hard, the man stroking him

attached three leather straps around his cock, straining to make it fit around the man’s girth.

The cock pulsed and looked near to bursting. The standing man turned to a woman.

“He’s ready, Mistress.”

“Thank you, slave. You may lick my cunt to thank me for letting you play with his

cock.” She stepped in front of the man and he dropped to his knees, lapping at her as she

stroked his hair. She wore thigh-high boots and an open robe over her naked body. She was

plump, with large breasts and hips.

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“Good boy. Now, go find a statue and make yourself comfortable until I call for you.”

“Yes, Mistress.” The man moved off and Sawyer leaned over to Walker and Oscar.

“That’s Mistress Megan Mixon and her husband, Woody. They come to play quite often, and

they were here the weekend Helena was here.”

Harper watched as Woody sought out a statue. She hadn’t really noticed them before,

but there were plenty around the room. All had erect penises on them at various places.

Woody found one and lowered himself onto a cock. He bounced a little and Mistress Megan

barked at him.

“Did I say you could fuck it?”

“No, Mistress. Forgive me.”

“You’ll pay for that later. And keep your cock hard.” She turned back to the man at the

table, trailing her fingers over his cock. “Does it hurt?” Her voice was gentle.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Not yet it doesn’t, trust me. Slut Mindy. Bring me a riding bat.”

“Yes, Mistress.” A naked woman hurried away, returning with a short stiff piece of


Harper thought it was wrong to watch another man’s pain, but she was entranced.

Mistress Megan rubbed the bat against the man’s cock. He groaned and she slapped it, hard.

When she slapped it repeatedly, his groans turned into cries of pain.

“Does it hurt now?” She slapped his cock again and he groaned out the word yes. “I

don’t think so. Not yet.”

Harper watched in fascination until, finally, Megan stopped.

“Slut Mindy. Release him.”

“The submissive workers here are called sluts, whether they’re male or female,” Sawyer

said. “They’re naked, except for the white sashes around their waists. That’s how you can

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spot them. The dominant workers all wear red sashes. They’ll be easy to find, if you need


Megan had ordered the submissive to his knees. His cock was still encased in leather

and she stroked the bat against his shoulder.

“Come on my boot.” He jacked himself off, the pain mixed with pleasure evident on his

face. When he’d covered her boot with cum, she narrowed her eyes at him. “Clean it, slut.”

The man started to lick his own cum, and Megan stroked his back with the bat, striking

him occasionally.

“Slut Woody, come help your new fuck buddy clean up his mess.” The husband hurried

over, bending to lend his tongue to the task. Megan turned to them and laughed.

“Sawyer. What a surprise. You don’t always attend these events.”

“I heard you were here, and you know how I love to watch you work.”

Megan laughed and looked down. “It seems I made a good purchase for the weekend.

Now we just need to see how he takes it up the ass.”

She turned a hungry gaze to Harper, who let her own gaze fall to the floor.

“Yummy. A newbie.”

“She’s Helena’s sister.”

Megan’s eyebrows shot up. “Truly? How wonderful. And you belong to these two

gorgeous men. Well, I hope they’ll let you come out and play.”

“Shall we make a play date?” Walker stepped forward. “Say, tomorrow morning?

Around eleven?”

“Sounds perfect,” Megan replied. “I’ll bring the Johanssons. They owned Helena the

last time she was here. I’m sure they’d love to meet her sister.”

“Sounds like fun,” Oscar said. “Slick. Lick Mistress Megan’s pussy to seal our date.”

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Harper swallowed panic. She had known this might happen, but she hadn’t expected it

to happen so quickly. Damn Oscar for doing this to her. She wasn’t ready for it and he knew

it. Of course she’d told them she was ready for anything.

“What a generous offer,” Megan replied. “Give me just a moment.”

She turned to the men at her feet, who were still licking cum from her boots. “Did you

get it all?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Woody said.

“Good. Slut Aaron, go and bend over the table so Slut Woody can fuck you.”

“Yes, Mistress.” The man who’d just come scrambled to the table, and Megan stroked

her husband’s cock with the riding bat.

“Go and give him a good ride. Let’s see if he’s worthy to serve me.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Woody walked to a station where he put a condom on his cock, then made his way

back to his new friend.

“We encourage safe sex here,” Sawyer said. “For anal sex it’s a rule. For the others, it’s a

suggestion, one we hope all our guests follow. Even though everyone’s had health exams, we

still want to be as safe as possible.”

“Good idea,” Walker said.

Harper listened to them with one ear. She wanted Walker to rescue her from having to

lick Mistress Megan’s pussy, rescue her from the mess Oscar had put her in. But she knew it

wasn’t going to happen. She hated Oscar with all her might.

Mistress Megan watched Woody mount Aaron, who groaned under the assault.

“Do not come without my permission, slut, or you’ll pay for it.”

When the two men started to rock, Megan turned to Harper.

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“Slut Mindy, bring me a chair.” The woman complied at once, bringing a padded chair

for Megan to sit in. She sat down and threw one leg over a side, spreading herself wide.

“Now, come to me, little one.”

Walker, please! Get me out of this. I’m begging you


Harper knew if she looked at either of her Doms it would be disastrous. They wouldn’t

have the play date, and they would learn nothing about Helena.

She crossed to the woman and knelt down. “Very good.” Megan stroked Harper’s hair.

“I can tell you’ve never done this before. Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. Just do

what you like to have done to you. And smile, I’d like to think eating me is not that

unpleasant an idea. It won’t take me long to come. I’m all worked up after the whipping.

And I’m being oh-so-nice to you. You should thank me by being enthusiastic.”

“I’m sorry, Mistress, I’m just nervous.”

“Lick my pussy.” She applied pressure to the back of Harper’s head, bending her toward

her. The smell of pussy juices assailed her, and she closed her eyes to fight her panic.

Somehow it helped to know Walker watched. She felt safe with him, knowing he would

help her if something went wrong. She knew Oscar wouldn’t. He would just whip her for

doing something bad.

Harper flicked out her tongue. She touched Mistress Megan tentatively. Her folds were

soft and didn’t taste nearly as bad as she thought they would.

Mistress Megan’s hiss of pleasure sent chills up her spine. Maybe this wouldn’t take

long and it would be over. She applied pressure, moving her tongue up and down Mistress

Megan’s pussy.

“Good, girl. That’s it. Like that. Don’t forget my clit.”

Harper moved the tip of her tongue over the tight bud and Megan moaned, pushing

her head in further. “Suck it. Be a good slut.”

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Harper followed her orders, moving her tongue faster through the woman’s juices. Her

own body responded. Her nipples peaked against the dress and her pussy twitched. Her ass

throbbed around the plug. She couldn’t believe it. She was getting aroused by licking another

woman. This couldn’t be happening, could it? She wasn’t attracted to women.

She wanted men in her life. Big, strong strapping men who could make her orgasm like

Walker and Oscar. No, not Oscar. She hated him. She wanted a man like Walker.

Mistress Megan’s hips were moving quickly now, and she held Harper’s head between

her hands. Harper knew the Domme was close to coming, and she knew if she didn’t do

what she was supposed to, it would go on longer. She licked harder, circling the woman’s clit

with her tongue.

“That’s it. Right there. Oh, good girl. Right there. Yes!” The Domme came, pushing

herself into Harper’s face. Harper licked and licked, then pulled back when her head was


“Very good. Not quite as talented as your sister, but you’ll learn. The things Helena

does to my clit are heavenly.” She turned her head to the table. “Slut Woody. You may come,

but not in his ass. Pull out and come in his mouth. Slut Aaron, don’t miss a drop of it.”

Harper flinched when Oscar touched her shoulder. She wasn’t sure how she knew it

was him. She just did. She wanted to shrug him off, but she didn’t. Her mind tried to come to

terms with what just happened. And her body screamed for release. She wanted to fuck.

Needed to fuck. She needed to come.

“Stand up, Slick.” She wanted to push away from him, but instead, when he offered his

hand to help her up, she took it. “You did good.”

“I hate you,” she whispered under her breath. She expected him to scream at her.

Instead he laughed.

“Don’t hate me because I make you do things, Harper. You could have said no. There’s

always that choice. You know what really bothers you? Deep inside you, you know you liked

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it. It turned you on. Your pussy is dripping with juices and you need to fuck. I’m proving to

you that you’re a natural submissive. That’s why you hate me.”

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Chapter Eleven

“So, we have a play date for tomorrow and will hopefully learn quite a lot,” Walker

said as they walked into the hallway.

Harper’s body ached with need. She hated to admit Oscar was right. She needed to

fuck, to come.

“You did good, Slick,” Walker said. “I’m impressed.”

Oscar lounged against the wall, smirking at her. “She did, didn’t she? I think we need

to mount her on one of those statues. That would be a sight to see. Her pussy full of stone

and her ass full of jellied plug.”

“Not a bad idea,” Walker said. “Watch her ride the statue until she climaxes. But I’d

rather have her ride me.”

“What about me? Do I get to go first this time?”

“We’ll take her together,” Walker said. “She’ll be stuffed full of cock.”

“Perfect,” Oscar replied. “But let’s explore some more first. I love this place.”

“I’m game,” Walker said. “Let’s go.”

Harper followed behind them, still on her leashes. She wanted to make the suggestion

they go back to their room, so she could ease the ache between her thighs, but she didn’t.

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Plus, there was a huge part of her that wanted to see the different rooms of the resort, to see

what they were like and who was participating in what event.

They found the punishment room first, and Harper cringed as they walked inside.

Various levels of moans and screams filled the air. The sounds of whippings and spankings

competed with the screams; submissives were held in various positions, tied to walls, crosses,

or even suspended from the ceiling.

She hated to admit she was fascinated, but she was. The people being “punished”

wiggled in a mixture of pain and ecstasy. Walker led them to one area where a female

submissive was tied to a St. Andrew’s cross. She was flat on her back, and two Doms were

dripping candle wax over her breasts and pussy.

“Ouch,” Harper whispered.

“Actually it’s quite fun for everyone,” Walker said. “You have to make sure you follow

safety precautions, but the sensations are quite pleasurable for the submissive, or so I’ve been


“And what does the Dom get out of it?”

“Pleasure from having someone submit to them,” Walker said. “You remember when I

told you that a true Dominant wants his sub to feel pleasure, and he wants to care for her, or

him? For their well-being?”


“That’s what I get out of it. Pleasure from that.”

“What makes a true Dominant different from what Sawyer said this man with Helena

was, a true Master?”

“A Dominant doesn’t want control over every part of his submissive’s life. I would hate

to have a submissive whom I had to guide in everything. I want one who thinks for herself,

and who knows what she wants.”

“You mean one who knows she wants to serve you?”

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“Exactly.” He stepped in front of her. “Would you like to try the wax?”

“No. I mean, maybe, but not… I don’t know.”

“I’m very good with wax.”

Harper lifted her gaze to him. “You? I would think this would be more up



“I heard that,” Oscar said.

Walker laughed. “Bad, Slick. I think I have to punish her.”

“It’s been punishment enough wearing this plug for the last two hours. May I take it

out, please?”

“No,” Walker said, his voice firm. He looked down at her. “It stays in until we get to

the room. And you have a punishment coming. Follow me.”

He took her second leash from Oscar, who gave it willingly, then led her around the

room. He seemed to be searching for something, but she didn’t know what. They passed

racks and chairs being used for whippings. She cringed when they got to the stocks. She

didn’t want to be put in the stocks again. She’d hated that, and she was sure she would hate

this one even more.

People were throwing balloons filled with pudding at the submissives who were in the

stocks, coating their bodies. And they could walk around them, so they could get the front as

well as the back.

She breathed a sigh of relief when he passed it by. Until she saw where he was heading.

“Master Walker, please.” She pulled on the leashes. “Please. Don’t make me.”

“This is punishment, Slick. You opened your mouth and a smart-assed comment about

one of your Masters came out, and that can’t be tolerated. I want you to use this time to

think about why you’re really here. You know Helena is alive and well, so that’s not it. I

want you to think about the things we’ve done, and whether or not you’ve enjoyed them,

because I believe you do. I think you don’t want to, but you do. Allow your mind to work,

Harper, because you have some things to work out without help from Oscar or myself.”

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He stepped closer to the corner of the room. A man in black leather stepped toward

them. He was heavily muscled and very handsome with dark hair and piercing eyes. If she

wasn’t so nervous, Harper might have been impressed with him. Instead, she was just scared

to death.

“Welcome, Masters. I’m Master Dominic. And you are?”

“Master Walker and Master O. This is our sub Slick.”

Master Dominic bent down to look into her face, humor glinting from his eyes. Harper

wanted to scream at him that this wasn’t funny. That there was no way she was letting this


“Welcome, Slick. Have you been a bad girl?”

“Yes, she has,” Walker replied. “Thirty minutes?”

“Perfect,” Dominic said. “I’ll have her ready for you when you return.”

He took her leash and started to lead her away. She pulled on it and turned to Walker.

“Please, no.”

“Now, Slick,” Dominic said. “Don’t make me add time on of my own accord. Come


She glanced back and forth between Walker and Oscar. It was Oscar who stepped


“Do you want to use your safe word?”

She swallowed hard, her heart beating out a heavy rhythm. Did she? If she said it, she

knew it would end. And how strange that it was Oscar, and not Walker, who made the offer

to her. She wouldn’t have expected it of him.

There was a large part of her that wanted to say yes, but there was a larger part that

didn’t. Maybe Walker was right. Maybe she needed to think by herself. But she thought this

was sort of over the top. She wavered back and forth until finally, she shook her head.

“No, Sir.”

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“Then go,” Walker said softly. “And remember what I said.”

“Be a good girl, Slick,” Dominic said. “Come with me.”

He tugged on her leashes and she followed him, her hands shaking as she walked.

Walker and Oscar stood on the other side of the railing. Dominic stopped at a cage and

dropped her leashes. He went to a board and wrote “Slick,” with the number thirty behind it.

Then he crossed back to her.

There were other names on the board, and Harper knew that meant there were people

in the cages suspended from the ceiling. The cages were covered in black, though, so you

couldn’t see the person inside.

“Give me your wrists.” She held them out, surprised when Dominic stroked her

shaking hands.

“There’s no pain involved in this. You don’t need to be frightened of me.”

“Maybe not physical pain,” Harper replied.

“Very true, but you have to trust your Masters, and me, on this. Use your time in the

cage to reflect on why you’re being punished. It will do you a world of good.”

Dominic turned Harper toward the cage. It was slim and round, about six feet high.

“Step inside.” His voice was soothing, but she had no doubts in her mind that if she

fought him on this he would fight back, and win. She stepped inside the cage, the metal cold

on her feet. He attached her bound wrists to a chain and then pressed a button. The chain

lifted her arms around her head.

“Thirty minutes,” he said. He nodded to a submissive who placed a blindfold over

Harper’s eyes.

“No. Please.”

“Shush, Slick. Since it’s your first time I won’t gag you, but if I see you here again this

weekend, I will. I’m going to leave the covering off so I can watch you. I do it with all

newbies. That’s why you’re blindfolded, though.”

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The door clanged shut and he said, “Take her up.” The cage moved on its lift. It seemed

to rise forever, and then it stopped. Harper fought down panic as she twisted on her


“Relax, Slick,” Dominic said. “Use the time to think. Use the time to reflect. No one’s

going to leave you up there, I promise. When you’re relaxed, your time will start.”

What? Her time hadn’t started yet? That wasn’t right. She took several deep breaths, in

through the nose and out through the mouth. Finally, she stopped moving, put her head on

her arm to relax, sighing when Dominic said, “Start the clock.”

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Chapter Twelve

She tried not to think of the people watching her. She knew a naked woman chained in

a cage would draw attention. But then again, most people were probably concentrating on

the punishments going on around them.

Her arms would be sore when this was over, but that really didn’t bother her. She

knew Walker was right. She needed time alone, to think. This wouldn’t have been the

optimal choice for her, but she guessed she would have to make it work.

What was it Walker had said? He wanted her to “think hard about the things we’ve


She knew that was very true. Her heartbeat had slowed to normal now, and her hands

had stopped shaking. She thought about all the things they’d done, about the spankings, and

the whipping Oscar had given her. She thought about the dreaded stocks and about them

fucking her, both in her pussy and in her ass.

But most of all she thought about the way they’d made her come for the first time. No

one had ever taken the time to make sure she enjoyed a fantasy enough to have an orgasm.

Was it true what they said, that a real Dominant cared about what his submissive was

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feeling? Because whether she liked to think it or not, she knew both Walker and Oscar cared

about her.

The idea boggled the mind, but it made her feel very good about herself. And it made

her wonder about what Oscar had said.

Don’t hate me because I make you do things, Harper.

You could have said no. There’s always that choice. You know what really bothers you?

Deep inside you, you know you liked it. It turned you on


That was the part she was having the most trouble with. Deep down inside she had

enjoyed it. All of it. She’d enjoyed the intense stimulation they provided, and yes, truthfully,

she even enjoyed tasting Mistress Megan.

The front part of her brain told her it was disgusting. That she was becoming a slutty

hedonist, just like her mother. The back part was telling her it was fine to enjoy physical

pleasure, to let herself go and explore new things.

She could control her feelings. She could control herself. Just because she liked sex, and

liked submitting to Walker and Oscar, it didn’t mean there was something wrong with her.

It meant she’d found something she gained true pleasure from. To ignore it would be a crime

against herself.

Which brought her full circle to what Walker wanted her to do. Figure out why she’d

come to Paragon’s with them. He was right, although she hated to admit it. She knew Helena

was alive. Maybe she was in a bad situation, but they were doing what they could to find

her. She hadn’t had to come here with these two men to find her sister.

What were her real reasons for being here? To find Helena, or to discover more about

herself? And if she was here for herself, was that a bad thing? True, she’d found out things

about her sister, but she’d also learned more about herself since this had started than she had

about Helena. She wondered if Helena had gone on this same journey when she’d started on

the road to submission. Had she thought about her reasons and considered what she was

doing, or had she just dove right in and let the chips fall where they might?

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Knowing Helena, it was probably the latter.

And what happened now? Did she tell Walker and Oscar she wanted to be submissive,

that the things they had done were thrilling to her and she wanted to experience more?

What would they do to her if she said that? Would they play with the wax? Would they tie

her up?

She shifted her weight and laughed inwardly. She was already tied up and in a cage

right now. And she stood there with a plug stuffed into her behind. She wanted down. She

wanted to go to her Masters and tell them she was sorry. She’d been looking at this situation

the wrong way the whole time they’d been together.

It had been an experiment to her, a learning experience that had awakened new

feelings in her. She wanted to submit to them when they got home too. She didn’t want it to

end with this weekend.

How much time had passed, she wondered. Was she close to being let out of her cage,

in more ways than one? She shifted again and Dominic’s soft, sensual voice drifted up.

“Relax, Slick. Just a little longer. You can make it.”

She knew she could make it, but she didn’t want to. She wanted out now so she could

talk to her Masters. She shifted again and the plug inside her moved.

“Masters,” she whispered. “Please let me down.”

“Shush,” Dominic said. “If you disturb the other slaves I’ll add more time.”

Harper closed her eyes, and prayed for her confinement to end.

* * * * *

“Do you think she’ll figure it out?” Oscar crossed his arms over his chest and stared at

the cage where Harper currently resided. She looked relaxed enough, and he wondered what

was going through her mind.

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The old Harper, the one they’d met a week ago would have been screaming to beat the

band by now. The new one was calm, and hopefully figuring out what he and Walker

already knew. She was a born submissive. She loved the feelings and the sensations. She just

had to open herself up to the fact.

“I don’t know,” Walker said. “We can only hope.”

“True. But we have decisions to make too.”

Walker’s sigh made Oscar laugh.

“That’s true, since we’ve never had a permanent sub together. That’s what we’re

talking about, isn’t it? Both of us want her. Both of us see great potential in her. I know she

provokes strong feelings in me, and I think in you too. I think we’re both good for her.”

“Yeah,” Oscar replied. “But having three people in a 24/7 Dom/sub relationship could

be a tricky thing. How do we work it out? Three houses? Set meeting times? And which

Dom’s really in charge?”

Walker stared at his friend. “Have we ever stepped on each other’s toes? We’re two

totally different Doms. We play off each other well, remember?”

“Yeah, but this changes things, and you know it. We’re good together, topping

together. But that was for temporary relationships. I don’t want to give her up. And I know

you don’t either.”

“You’re assuming she’s going to be amenable to a permanent thing.”

“She will be,” Oscar said. “I can feel it.”

“Yeah,” Walker said. “Me too.”

“We have to make some decisions, so we have some things to suggest to her when we

propose a three-way contract.”

Walker turned to him. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? You want the three

of us to move in together? As Master/sub/Master?”

“Why not? It could prove to be interesting.”

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“It could prove to be weird. I don’t wanna live with you,” Walker said, a mock frown

on his face. “I’m not sure I like you.”

“Bullshit. We’ve been friends since grade school. You like me.”

They both laughed and turned toward the cages. Dominic was signaling to a sub, and

then Harper’s cage was being lowered.

“I’m not moving into your house,” Walker said.

“And I’m not moving into yours. Harper’s house is nice. We could all live there. But

Helena lives there too, and that could prove to be really weird.”

“Yeah, well I’m thinking we need to make a change there,” Oscar said. He started

toward the cage area, and Walker fell into step behind him.

“Let’s not mention this to her until after we’ve found Helena and know what the hell is

going on. Plus, we need to find out how Harper really feels.”

“Deal,” Oscar said.

Dominic removed Harper’s mask, and she blinked against the lights. Then he undid her

arms and wrists and led her out of the cage. She looked at them, her face impassive at first,

and then she smiled.

“Oh, yeah,” Oscar said. “She wants us.”

* * * * *

“Just take a deep breath and push,” Walker said.

Harper shook her head. She knelt on one of the beds, with both her Doms examining

the plug still in her ass.

“Not yet,” Oscar said. He took the base of the plug in his hand and moved it around.

“We want to make sure she’s nice and open for me, ’cause I get her ass this time.”

She shivered at his words, and at the sensations from the plug as it moved inside her.

Just as she was starting to really enjoy it, Oscar pulled it from her.

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“Look how nice and stretched she is,” Oscar said. “Love it.”

“Oh, yeah,” Walker agreed. Then he slapped her ass. “Stand up, Slick. Take this to the

bathroom and use some of the gel to clean it. Then we need to talk about your time in the


She hurried about her task, and when she came out, they were sitting one on each bed.

Walker pointed to a spot on the floor between them.


She followed his command, then lowered her gaze.

“Well? What sort of things did you think about? How much you hate Oscar? How

much you hate being submissive?”

“Well, I did come to find out I don’t like to eat pussy.”

“Good to know. That’s a nice punishment idea, then,” Oscar said. “But you can say that

all you want. You liked it.”

Harper dropped her head more.

“What? Tell us,” Walker said.

“I’m scared.”

“Why?” Oscar asked. “Because you did like it? Because you’re afraid of what it means?”

She swallowed hard. “In the cage, it was easy to say yes, I liked it all, even the pussy

eating, and I want to serve you both. But now that I’m outside, the reality of it is frightening

and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say, or what happens next. Where do we

go from here?”

“Now that we know you’re willing, we go with the three of us,” Walker said. He leaned

down and stroked her cheek. “You belong to us, now. We’ll figure out the details as we go

along. You just remember we’re your Masters, and you obey us. This is no longer an exercise

just to find your sister. You’re ours.”

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“All right.” His words sent a thrill through her like she’d never felt before.

She turned her gaze to Oscar, who licked his lips. “Take off that dress.”

“Yes, Master O.” She wiggled out of the dress and let it drop.

They stared at her for a few minutes, then quickly undressed and stood before her.

“Alternate between the two of us,” Walker said. “But don’t try and make us come.”

She took Walker in first, his long, thin cock feeling wonderful in her mouth. Oscar

stepped behind her and put his hands on her head, moving her up and down.

“Suck him. Suck him hard. Yeah, that’s it.”

Walker pulled away from her and she turned to Oscar, taking him in deeply as Walker

held her head. When Oscar pulled away, she knew what was coming. They had talked about

it earlier, and now that they’d told her she was theirs, it took on a whole new meaning. They

were going to take her together. She was sure it was something they’d done before, but it was

something she’d never done. Something she’d never dreamed of doing.

Of course she’d done a lot of things she’d never dreamed of doing since she’d met

Walker and Oscar. This one, though, would be special. This would seem to cement their

relationship as a threesome.

The words rolled through her mind. A threesome. The three of them, together, in a

relationship. She was a little freaked out about the prospect, but she was more than willing to

give it a try.

“Have you ever done it before?”

“Double penetration?” Oscar gave her a look that asked if she remembered who she

was talking to. “Of course we have.”

“No, I didn’t mean the sex, I meant the relationship part. The two Doms, one sub


“We’ve topped together for a long time,” Walker said as he climbed on the bed. He

sheathed his cock, then stroked it and crooked a finger at her.

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“Come here, Slick. We’ll talk later.”

She felt almost bashful as he looked at her, cocking his head and winking. This wasn’t

submission. This was sex, like they’d had the other night in the store. She crawled to him

and lowered herself onto his cock, taking him deep and rocking back and forth. He felt

wonderful inside her, and she moaned softly.

“That’s a beautiful sight,” Oscar said.

She hadn’t realized he’d gotten onto the bed too, until she felt his fingers pushing apart

her bottom cheeks. He had lube on his fingers and he probed her gently. She was already

very prepared for him because of the plug she’d worn all night. She glanced back at his

condom-covered cock.

He was much thicker than anything she’d taken back there, and she couldn’t help but

wonder if she was as prepared as she thought she was. He stroked her back as if he knew

exactly what she was thinking.

“Relax, Harper. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you; you know that.”

She lifted her eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, really? And what was that whipping you gave

me on the boat?”

He straddled Walker’s legs and gently pushed her forward. “I called it great fun, and

from the way you reacted, so did you.”

“Shush,” Walker said, pulling her forward. And then he kissed her. She was so shocked,

she relaxed into him and at the same time, Oscar pushed his cock into her anus. She moaned

at the fullness she felt and Walker kissed her again. This time he held her mouth close to his,

pushing his tongue into her mouth as Oscar worked himself into her ass.

She groaned against his mouth. He tasted delicious. They hadn’t kissed her before.

They’d kept that part out of their relationship, and she totally understood, since they had

been there just there to play, and the relationship wasn’t going anywhere.

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Until now, that is. A kiss was so intimate, something people didn’t do to everyone. She

moaned and sank into his chest as their tongues danced together. It took her a few minutes

to realize Oscar was fully inside her, waiting for them.

“Are we ready?” He kissed her shoulder, then turned her head, claiming her lips for

himself. His tongue parted her lips and she took him inside, moaning around him as the

three of them started to move. The intimacy of their kisses made her insides melt. Walker’s

kiss was demanding, yet somehow gentle. Oscar’s mouth was punishing, his tongue like an

invader plundering her mouth. They traded kisses as they fucked her, filling her with their

cocks and tongues. She felt as if she was stuffed full, and she loved it.

They hadn’t been moving very long when they both stilled. She wiggled, trying to

encourage them to continue.

When Oscar whispered in her ear, she shivered. “Beg for it.”

“Fuck me.”

“Oh, please, you call that begging? Beg us or we stop.”

“Please, Master O and Master Walker, fuck me. Fuck me hard.” She looked down at

Walker who gave her a look that showed exactly what he thought of her begging.

Oscar grasped her hair and pulled her head back, his breath hot on her cheek. “Beg. Do

it now or we take you to the statue and let everyone watch you fuck it, first in your pussy,

and then in your ass.”

“Fuck me! Please! I need you inside me. I need both of you inside me.” She could hear

the desperation in her voice. “Please, please! Fuck me!”

“Very nice,” Oscar said, his voice almost gentle. “You’re learning. Now, tell us who

owns your pussy, who owns your ass.”

“You do.” The words sounded so foreign, yet they made her insides quake with need,

with longing.

“Please, Masters, fuck me. I’ll be so good, I promise.”

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“Touch yourself,” Oscar groaned in her ear. “Tug on your clit. Make yourself come.”

Her bundle of nerves jumped under her touch, and she wondered how long it would

take her. She didn’t think she’d ever be like those women who said they could come at the

drop of a hat. But she was thrilled she’d found two men who were willing to work with her

to make her come, no matter how long it took.

They rocked together as one. Their bodies molded together, their groans and moans the

only sounds in the room. When Oscar pulled out, she looked over her shoulder in


“New position,” he said. “Get up, sweet one.”

She did as he asked, and when he lay down and she started to straddle him face first.

He stopped her and shook his finger. “On your back. Lower your ass onto my cock.”

It felt different taking him from this angle. Her ass felt fuller and she moved on him

slowly. She fastened her gaze on Walker, who sat on his knees near them, stroking his cock.

When he moved toward them, her eyes widened.

“Lie back,” Walker said. “Just relax and let me back in.” She thought he would go slow,

but he didn’t. He entered her in one hard stroke, and she cried out in pleasure as his cock

raked across her G-spot.

Walker moved faster, which in turn sent her body rocking on top of Oscar. Their cocks

moved in and out and Oscar’s fingers found her clit and stroked it. She came within minutes,

squeezing around them and yelling out both of their names.

When she was done, it took her a few minutes to realize they, too, had come. Walker

stared down at her, a smile plastered on his face.

“How did that happen?” She moaned and tried to move, but Oscar held her close.

“We should enjoy the aftermath,” Oscar said. “It doesn’t happen very often. Just the

right amount of pressure for all three of us.”

“How romantic,” she said with a giggle. “You know, Oscar, I’m still not sure I like you.”

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He nipped her shoulder and she yelped.

“Liar, and if that’s true, you don’t have to worry about it. You’ll grow to like me and

my unpredictability.”

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Chapter Thirteen

The next morning, Harper put on outfit she’d brought from her store. A crop top tied

around her breasts and a short jagged skirt. She attached her collar without thinking about it,

then picked up her leashes.

Walker and Oscar stood near the doorway, staring at her. Walker was smiling, and

Oscar had a possessive look on his face that made her shiver.


“You need a new collar,” Walker said.

“Something that lets everyone know you’re ours,” Oscar continued.

“This one won’t do?” She touched the red leather around her neck.

“No,” Oscar said. “We need something distinctive. We know someone back in

Albuquerque who can design one for us. We’ll have a collaring and claiming ceremony when

we get back home.”

“Claiming? What does that mean? And what does this all mean about us, at home?”

“We’ll decide at some point,” Walker said. “There’s no reason to rush into it now. We

do need to make our play date, though. Which means we need to go and have some breakfast

and then meet our new friends.”

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The ocean breeze blew in from the open windows. She shivered just a bit at the

thought of the changes about to come in her life. She was excited and nervous.

She picked up the leashes and moved toward them. “Here you are.”

They attached them to her collar, and warmth filled her body. Whatever happened

later, she was happy right now, under the thumb of two very handsome Doms.

* * * * *

They’d barely entered the dining room when Mistress Megan called out to them. She

waved them to her table, where Woody and Aaron knelt at her feet.

“I was hoping to catch you here. I reserved a room in the dungeon for us, and I’ve had

three St. Andrew’s taken in. Plus some fun torture devices. I hope that’s acceptable.”

“Sounds perfect,” Oscar said. “Slick could use some torture.”

Walker and Oscar sat and Harper knelt down between them. They hadn’t discussed it

first, but since all the other subs were kneeling next to their Doms/Dommes, she figured that

was what she was supposed to do. She wanted to let Oscar know she didn’t appreciate his

comment, but she stayed silent, knowing that was part of the plan now that she was actually


The idea felt strange, but the wonderful feelings that it brought overpowered those that

made her think it was wrong. She and Oscar would always butt heads, but she had to admit

that he raised strong feelings in her. Feelings that she couldn’t ignore.

When she was on her knees, Oscar offered her a bit of bread. She wasn’t sure if she

should take it with her hands or with her mouth. She looked at him and he gave her an evil

glint of a smile, so she knew she would be getting no help from him. Walker was talking to

Megan, and she couldn’t exactly ask for his advice.

She took the bite with her teeth, nipping at Oscar’s fingers and returning his stare. His

face was impassive as he stood, motioning to one of the subs employed by the resort.

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“Can I get a table, please, a small one that can handle a woman that weighs about” -- he

studied her -- “about one hundred forty-five pounds?”

She shook her head. “One sixty.”

“Sounds good. One sixty then.”

The sub nodded and bowed while Harper stared at Oscar. She wondered what he was

about to do.

Two subs brought the table, placing it next to the one they were sitting at.

“Oh, good,” Megan said. “Nothing like entertainment for breakfast.”

“Stand up,” Oscar said to Harper. She did as he asked, her nerves on edge. “There’s a

rule about clothing in the dining room, and you’re lucky, or else you’d be doing this naked.

Get onto the table and get on all fours.”

“I’m not wearing any underwear,” she said softly.

“Good,” Oscar said. “Get on the table. Now.”

She scrambled to obey, afraid if she didn’t the punishment would be worse than what

he’d already decided on. People were watching them now, and when she climbed up, she felt

vulnerable and on display.

Oscar stood. “Your attention, please. My unfortunate sub has eating problems and

apparently thought that my finger was part of breakfast.” The crowd laughed, and there were

cries of “Shame on you” and “Naughty girl.” Harper swallowed hard, fearing what was about

to happen.

“If anyone would like to help me teach her manners, I’d love your help. You can feed

her one bite of food, and then give her five swats. Please, though, a limit of two bites per

person, and nothing but hands for swats.”

Harper’s mouth fell open. Had he just offered her ass as a whipping post for every

person in the room? No, every Dom/Domme in the room. She shook her head, trying to fight

off the frustration he always brought out in her.

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“Me, first! I love games.” Megan jumped up and rounded the table, a croissant in her

hand. She broke off a piece and offered it to Harper. She took the bite and had barely

swallowed it when Megan offered her another one. She quickly moved behind Harper and

delivered ten hard swats.

“Can we come back for seconds?” She laughed and rubbed Harper’s bottom. “She’s

delicious. Truly she is.”

She hopped back to her seat and Harper tried to pay attention to what she was saying

when a Dom she didn’t know offered her food. She took it, then took another and tried to

relax while he swatted her bottom ten times. It happened seven more times, and with each

one, the swats seemed to get harder.

Oscar watched her closely even as he listened to Walker and Megan talk. When Megan

got up to leave, he stood and kissed her hand.

“Why don’t you give her ten more, just for the hell of it?”

“Oh, I don’t mind if I do,” she said. When she was done, she stroked Harper’s thigh.

“We’ll see you in an hour?”

Walker and Oscar agreed they would see her at the play date. She hurried out of the

room with her two subs in tow.

“Can I get down now, Master O?” She kept her voice low.

He looked around the room and then stood. “Anyone else? We’ll give ten swats for a

bite of food just for those of you who are left.”

Two Doms took him up on the offer, both giving her two bites of food. Her bottom

ached and she wanted to throttle Oscar, but she knew it wasn’t his fault, really. It was hers.

She was the one who had bit him, trying to get a rise out of him. She’d done just that, and

she had to remember not to do it in the future.

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“You can get down now, Slick,” Oscar said. When she got off the table, the subs

appeared to take it away. She knelt down between them, angry when she found Walker


“It’s not funny,” she whispered.

“Oh, yes, it is,” he replied. “One of these days you might learn never to underestimate


“May I ask a question?” She cringed at the sarcasm in her voice.

“Yes,” Walker said. “And you will watch your tone of voice. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t let it happen again,” Oscar said. “What you received this morning was very,

very mild.”

“Yes, Sirs. Exactly what type of punishment is Mistress Megan talking about?”

“I’m not sure,” Walker replied. “But I’m betting it will be fun.”

“Easy for you to say,” she whispered. “You’re not the one being tortured.”

* * * * *

They found the dungeon room easily enough. Mistress Megan had selected one that

was closed off from public viewing to “break the newbie in gently.”

The items around the room made Harper more than a little nervous. Three St.

Andrew’s crosses were lined against the wall. And in the center was a wooden structure with

nothing but rope in the center. It looked to Harper much like she would have expected a

rack to look like in a castle dungeon. It took her a few minutes to realize that was exactly

what it was.

She averted her gaze, hoping that it wasn’t meant for her.

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Mistress Megan was supervising her subs, who were wrapping each other’s cocks in

some sort of hard leather spirals in various sizes. When both of them were encased, she

ordered them to stroke each other to hardness.

Their groans of pain made Harper wince.

“The harder they get, the tighter their cages get,” Megan said. She wore thigh-high

boots and a leather bustier with leather panties. “I love to see their cocks strain against

restraints. It makes them come that much harder.”

When the men were erect, Mistress Megan turned to the Doms. “Shall we focus on

your sub, since she’s in training? I’d like to zipper my boys, and then they can help us

torment your lovely little toy.”

“A perfect idea,” Oscar said.

Harper wasn’t exactly sure what a zipper was, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to ask.

“Boys, attach Harper to one of the crosses so she can watch.” Oscar’s voice was deep

and the look he gave her said that if she gave him any trouble, she would regret it. “Slick.

Take off your clothes.”

It didn’t take her long to comply. Using leather restraints with soft suede insides, the

two male subs attached Harper to the cross. She was in full panic mode. Mistress Megan had

said she was going to watch, but what if she changed her mind and decided to do things to

Harper first. Something told her that neither Oscar nor Walker would mind.

A soft sigh of relief escaped her mouth when Mistress Megan held up two long ropes

containing clothespins. She handed one to each sub.

“You know what to do,” she said. “Start with the nipples and work your way down.”

Fascination took over as Harper watched them attach the pins to each other. They

placed them at various places on their chests and stomachs, leading down to their groins.

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Walker and Oscar had each taken a seat and were watching the proceedings with as

much interest as she was. She closed her eyes and prayed they wouldn’t get any ideas. She

wasn’t sure how she felt about having her body covered with clothespins.

When they’d used every last one on the strands, they stepped back and held their

hands behind their backs.

“Very good,” Megan said, walking around them. “Are they beginning to pinch?”

“Yes, Mistress Megan,” the men said together.

“Good. I should explain to our newbie that clothespins can bring extreme discomfort

while on the body, and extreme pleasure when released. My sluts are already aroused, so

they’ll enjoy the sensations when they come off. The trick will be not to give into the desire

to come. And to make it harder to come, I attach clamps to their balls, two for each man, one

for each sac.”

Harper shivered at the thought, then cringed when Megan did just that. She worked

slowly, getting as much of the sensitive flesh into the clamps as she could. Each man gasped

with pain when she locked the clamps into place. She stepped in between them and took a

cock in each hand, tugging.

“On your knees.”

The men complied and she stroked their hair. “Lick my boots.”

They kissed and licked their way up Megan’s boots and Harper marveled at their

restraint. They were obviously in pain from the clamps, and yet they obeyed without one

word of dissent. Would she ever learn to do that? Somehow she doubted it. It was a nice

idea, but she wasn’t sure that she had it in her.

When Meagan was satisfied that she’d been worshipped properly, she ordered Aaron to

stand near the cross next to Harper.

“Do I need to restrain you?”

“No, Mistress. I’ll be a good boy.”

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“I’m sure you will.” She caressed his chest and gave his cock a tug. When he leaned

back his head and moaned in pleasure, she grabbed two ends of rope at the top of his chest

and pulled. The clips came off rapidly and Aaron groaned and twitched but stayed in place.

“Such a good boy,” Megan said. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

She leaned down and released the clamps on his balls. He cried out again and his cock

twitched too. Harper knew he was close to orgasm, and she wondered how he held back.

The exercise was repeated with Woody, and then Mandy allowed the men to come,

jacking off into each other’s hands and cleaning up “the offerings.”

Their cries of pleasure made Harper jealous. It also made her nerves jump because she

knew she was next. When Mandy turned to her, she wanted to look at Walker and beg him

to let them leave.

Instead, he stood and walked toward her.

“Time for you to play, Slick. Are you ready?”

Despite the almost overwhelming urge to scream no, she nodded. Oscar came up and

undid one side of her restraints, while Walker undid the other. Then they led her to the

table and she took a calming breath.

“You have to trust us,” Walker said. “You have to give yourself into our hands. Are you

ready to do that?”

“Yes, Master Walker.”

Without waiting for an order she stepped toward the table, gingerly climbing onto the

rope and lying down. Woody and Aaron secured her arms and legs, and she stared at the

ceiling, praying for anything but clothespins.

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Chapter Fourteen

Harper sighed as Oscar’s fingers probed her pussy. He was gentle as he explored her,

and she was more than a little surprised at his touch, and embarrassed that she was wet. Had

watching another person’s torture aroused her, or was it being tied to the cross?

He tugged on her clit and she closed her eyes, waiting for the clamp she was sure he

was going to place on it. When that didn’t happen, she opened them to find Walker and

Megan staring at her from either side of the table.

Oscar continued to probe her, and when the first metal ball slipped inside her, she

groaned. It was quickly followed by one more, giving her a feeling of fullness that reminded

her of the wonderful way they’d taken her last night.

When the balls started to vibrate, she groaned and moved.

“Hold still,” Walker said. “If you move, you’ll get the flogger.”

She tensed up and wanted to cry out when Oscar’s fingers moved lower and toyed with

her anus.

“Woody, the lube, please.” He sounded so cultured that it almost made her laugh. The

cold cream made her wince, and when she felt a ball at her anus, she willed herself to relax.

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He pushed in the first one, and then another one. Seconds after they were in, they, too,

began to vibrate.

She rolled her hips, then cried out when Walker slapped her pussy. The balls inside her

moved against each other, shooting tendrils of painful feelings through her sensitive flesh.

“I said, hold still. That little slap will remind you until Oscar can flog you properly.”

“I’m sorry, Master Walker.”

He didn’t respond, and it caused an ache inside her. She wanted his approval, his

acknowledgement of her. When he and Megan moved away, she wanted to cry out for

Walker to come back.

Instead, Oscar appeared next to her, a flogger in his hand. This one didn’t seem as

lethal as the one he’d used on her during the boat trip. And his strokes were not hard, either,

after the first five.

“This is for disobeying,” he said as he delivered each one.

She groaned as he placed them, then shivered as he gently caressed her skin with the

strands. He moved them over the pussy and her breasts and stomach, trailing them across her

arms and legs.

The balls inside her continued to vibrate, and an almost overwhelming sensation to

come came over her.


“Please what?” Oscar said. “Remember what I like. Tell me, Slick.”

“Please, Master O, let me come.”

“No. Not yet. We’ve barely begun.” He continued to tease her, and she sought to

remain still. “Pain can come from not getting what you want, Slick.”

He delivered a few hard slaps, then leaned near her ear. “We’re ready for the real fun

to begin.”

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The table moved up and she took several long breaths. Oscar stepped up near her head,

caressing her forehead. Woody and Aaron drew a curtain from either side of the room,

moving it so that it trailed across her neck, separating her and Oscar from the rest of her

body, and their view of the room.

The sound of the door opening made her flinch, and then voices filled the room.

How many people were coming inside? Who was here? Would she ever know? Hands

started to caress her already aroused flesh and Oscar bent over.

“Give yourself over to it, Harper. Relax and enjoy their attentions.”

She shook her head. “I can’t. Please make them stop.”

“No. The more you fight it, the longer it will go on. You need to relax. You need to

enjoy what’s happening. Feel their caresses. Feel their fingers.”

“Who is it?” She could hear the panic in her voice.

“How do I know? I’m over here with you. It could be men or women, or Doms or

Dommes, or subs. It’s whomever Master Walker invited in. Invited in to see his beautiful sub

on display.”

The vibrating balls sped up, and Harper groaned.

“Describe it to me. Tell me where their hands are. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

She shook her head, surprised when he stroked her gently. “Tell me.”

“They’re on my breasts.”


“My pussy.”


“My arms and legs.” Hands, so many hands. She couldn’t really make out how many

there were, only that they were caressing her and making her feel flushed and wanted.

“Where exactly on your breasts are your new lovers’ hands?”

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“My nipples.”

“Are they pulling on them?” The soothing manner in which he spoke was so different

than what she was used to with him. It made her feel very sexy and wanted.

“Yes, Master O.”

“And on your pussy? Where are they? Are their fingers inside you?”

There hadn’t been until then. Fingers pushed inside and moved the balls around. A

second hand tugged on her clit, and she struggled against her bonds.

“They’re on my, oh, Lord, on my clit. And, oh, inside me.”

“Do you want to come, Harper?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then relax. When I think you’re relaxed enough, I’ll let you beg for release.” He

stepped away from her and Harper tried to relax. The hands continued to caress her, some

soft feminine hands, and some the harder pull of masculine hands.

Her body was on fire, an overload of sensations that she thought might drive her crazy.

She relaxed her shoulders and tried to breathe normally. After what seemed an eternity

Oscar came back, caressing her forehead again with gentle fingers.

“Beg them. Ask them to make you come.”

“Please.” Her voice was low.

“You can do better than that. They probably didn’t even hear you.”

“Please, please make me come. I’m begging you. Please.”

“Tell them what to do; tell them what will make you come.”

“Pinch my clit. Fuck me with your fingers. Please.” She knew she sounded like a

whiney child, but it worked. Someone tugged on her clit, and fingers moved inside her,

moving the balls around as Harper rolled her hips.

“Master O?”

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“Come, Harper. Come hard.”

Whoever had their fingers on her clit pinched harder, and Harper sailed over the edge,

her body feeling as if she were flying through space. The vibrating balls inside her pussy sped

up a notch. Someone pulled a string, and the balls inside her ass came out quickly, one right

after the other as Harper screamed in pleasure.

The other side of the curtain broke into applause, and Harper blushed furiously. Oscar

dipped down and kissed her gently.

“How do you feel?”

“On fire,” she said. She could hear feet moving on the other side of the room and knew

that when the curtain was opened, it would just be the three of them again. And it was. They

released her quickly and then made her get on her knees.

“Flex your muscles until the balls come out,” Walker said.

Embarrassment, mixed with a silent thrill, ran through her as she obeyed him. The

balls came out and dropped onto the floor, making a plopping noise. When all of them were

gone, Walker lifted her and turned her over. She heard the ripping of condom packages, and

then Walker took her first, fucking her with a gentle force that made her insides quake.

When Oscar replaced him, she sighed in pleasure. His thrusts were harder than

Walker’s but made her body tremble just as much. All too soon he was gone, and they

ordered her back on her knees.

“Jack us off,” Walker said. “You may not use your mouth on us. Nor may you speak

until we’ve come.”

She felt clumsy at first as she worked their cocks, trying to get a rhythm that they both

would enjoy. She’d never jacked off one man, much less two at one time.

Still, it gave her a feeling of power as their cocks pulsed in her hands. They both

groaned softly, so she knew they were enjoying it. Each time their hips moved she stroked

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them harder, loving the feel of the two of them, fascinated by the way they each responded

to her touch.

She worked her hands over their shafts, up over the heads of their cocks and back

down. When she thought they were close, she tightened her fist, working her hands faster.

Walker came first, and Oscar quickly followed, both of them shooting hot liquid over her

breasts and stomach. They both groaned in pleasure.

“Rub it into your skin,” Oscar said. “Make us a part of you.”

She lifted her gaze to them as she did, glancing between the two of them. None of

them spoke, but she knew there was no need. Something had changed between them, and it

made Harper feel very needed and loved.

She’d only ever trusted Helena, and now, with these two men, she knew the circle had

expanded. It was a strange coincidence to her that in searching for her missing sister she’d

found herself. And she hadn’t even known she was missing.

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Chapter Fifteen

They’d let Harper sleep that afternoon. She was a whirlwind of emotions, wondering

how she’d missed the wonderful aspects of submission during her first attempt. When she’d

posed the question to them, she’d received the answer she’d expected.

“Because you weren’t with us,” Oscar had said, his voice deep.

Now she stood in front of the open French doors, letting the breeze from the ocean

wrap itself around her. The feeling was sweet, and sensuous. She almost wished for sweet

lovemaking tonight instead of what her Masters had planned. Almost. She knew that they’d

spent the afternoon talking to guests about Helena.

Walker had made it a special point to tell her that she couldn’t take part in the

questionings. She was too close to the situation and too likely to fly off the handle and make

someone clam up. She needed to stay in the room and rest, to prepare for tonight.

She wasn’t sure what preparing for tonight meant, but she was sure they would have

something fun planned for the three of them. A few days ago she would have screamed that

it wasn’t fair that “something fun” would be “something fairly painful” for her. Now, though,

she was fine with the idea. It didn’t necessarily have to involve pain, she knew. This

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morning’s play date hadn’t, that was for sure. She’d experienced an incredible climax from

the scene, and then she’d had a fantastic bonding experience with Walker and Oscar.

She wondered what would happen when they got back to Albuquerque. They hadn’t

talked particulars, but she wasn’t too worried about what the future held. She felt safe in the

knowledge her Masters would do nothing to harm her. She trusted them.

Just as the thought raced through her, the door opened and they walked in.

“What a shame,” Oscar said. “I had hoped to find you still in bed.”

“I’m sorry, Master O. Would you like me to lie down?”

“No. But I would like you to take off all your clothes. I like you naked.”

Clothes fell to the floor as she complied. He walked toward her, taking a nipple in each

hand and squeezing gently. She shivered under his touch and moaned softly.

“Good girl.”

“What did you find out?” She turned to Walker.

“Not much. The Johanssons bought Helena, as we knew, but they shared her with a

man named Franklin Guest. He was the man Sawyer told us about but didn’t want to name.”

“Do you think he has her?”

“He’s unpredictable, from the sounds of it,” Walker said, keeping his voice low.

“What aren’t you telling me? Please, don’t shield me.”

“Guest is a sadist,” Walker said. “From what I’ve heard, I wouldn’t put it past him to

tell Helena that everything was a game and then keep her against his will.”

“Where does he live?”

“Boston. But he’s a playboy and has lots of money. I called Diego, and he’s hiring a PI

in Boston to check into things for us. We should know something more tonight or


“Sounds good.”

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“We’re going to have a picnic on the beach,” Oscar said. There are cabanas out there

with play equipment. We’re going to eat and then play.”

His fingers had been on her nipples the whole time she and Walker were talking. Now

they pinched, hard.

Harper shivered and tried to pull away.

“Stop that.” He pinched again. “Submit to what I want.”

“But it hurts.”

“Harper.” She tried to relax, and she swallowed.

“I’m sorry.”

“I have ways to deal with it,” Oscar said. “But you have to learn not to pull away from

me, just because I’m a little harsher than Walker.”

“A little harsher?” The sarcasm was back in her voice. “That’s like saying there’s a

difference between night and day.”

He pinched and kept her nipples compressed. She groaned in pain.

“You know what to do.”

“Please, Master O. It hurts.” She tried to pull away and he pinched even harder.


“Please! I’m sorry. Please, let me go. I’ll be good, I promise.”

She cried out as he gave one final hard tug, then released her aching buds.

“Position one.” When she was in position, he put his hand between her legs and

caressed her. “You’ll learn to like it in your mind too. You’ll learn not to rebel. But,

hopefully, not too much. I like the fact that you pull back. Gives me reasons for corrections.”

A knock sounded on the door and Walker went to open it. She remained in position,

Oscar’s hand probing her pussy. A male sub came in, carrying a wicker basket.

“Masters.” He bowed. “Where shall I put this?”

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“On the bed,” Walker said. The sub complied and then waited for instructions. After

he’d dismissed him, Walker picked up the basket.

“Let’s go. I’m starved, and it’s too pretty a day to spend inside.”

He gave Oscar both of Harper’s leashes, which Oscar attached to her. He led her out

the French doors into the warm Caribbean air. She pulled on the leashes and stared at him.

“My clothes?”

“You won’t need them,” Oscar replied. “We want you naked.”

* * * * *

Harper had expected lunch, but she hadn’t expected to provide the entertainment, so to

speak. They spread out a blanket at the beach; then both of them fed her a sandwich and

chips. When she was full, they sat back and took out food for themselves.

“Masturbate,” Oscar said. Harper looked around her at the full beach.


“You heard me. Sit at the end of the blanket and masturbate while we eat. Consider

yourself the lunch entertainment.”

“But don’t come,” Walker said. “Not without our permission. And here, use this.”

He tossed her a large cucumber, and she stared at it. Despite her misgivings, she knew

she had to behave, had to do as they said.

People stopped to watch as she stroked herself, rubbing her clit and moaning loudly

under Oscar’s direction. When she teased her swollen flesh with the cucumber, the

assembled people offered encouragement, telling her to “stick it in deep.”

It was somewhat embarrassing, but it was also titillating. She felt free, and she felt

wonderful. This time last week, she wouldn’t have been able to climax. Now she knew that

she could. All she had to do was wait for permission.

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She slid the vegetable inside her, sliding it in and out quickly, the sensations from the

prickly surface bringing new feelings.

By the time her Masters were done eating a crowd had gathered. Harper wanted to

come, but she didn’t dare ask. She lay on her back, one hand on her clit, while the other one

moved the cucumber in and out of her pussy.

Walker cradled her head in his hand, holding her hands above her head as Oscar

fucked her harder and harder with the cucumber.

“Please, I need to come.” Her body tingled with need.

“Glad to hear it,” Walker said. “But not yet.”

Oscar continued to work on her, and when he pushed the cucumber in her mouth and

told her to eat, the crowd went wild. The vegetable was tangy from her juices, and Oscar fed

her the whole thing. When she’d swallowed the last bite, he gently stroked her clit.

“Come for us, Slick.”

Her orgasm hit her in the center of her belly, rocking her body with pleasure. When it

was over, she felt sated and still very excited.

They gave the basket to a sub and headed toward the cabanas that were labeled on the

outside, and took a quick tour. Oscar and Walker made Harper read each label, asking her if

she would like to visit inside.

There was sub wrestling, to which she said no; clamp torture, which made her cringe;

and bondage, which was an interesting idea.

But Walker had other plans.

“Let’s go back to the main house,” he said. He and Oscar exchanged a look that she

knew meant something, but she wasn’t sure what. Once inside they led her to the playrooms,

stopping in front of the one marked “Wax.”

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Harper swallowed panic as Walker opened the door and led her inside. The room was

well lit, and candles burned throughout. There was one Dom working with a sub, but other

than them, the room was empty, save for the monitor. She approached them with a smile.

“Shall I, or would you like to?”

“I would,” Walker said. “We’d like her restrained flat on her back, and we’d like to

paint with two different colors, red and blue.”

The Domme snapped her fingers and a sub appeared from another room. “Restrain her

on table two. Then set up what her Masters require.”

The sub nodded, and when Harper was tied down, he moved a table next to her. On it

sat a large pot on a double boiler. Various brushes sat on the table. A second table appeared

on her other side with the same equipment. The sub dropped small pieces of colored wax

into the already melted wax and stirred it. Red on one side, blue on the other. Then he used

a thermometer to test the temperature.

“One twenty-two, Mistress,” he said.

“Very good. Masters. I can tell you know what you’re doing so I’ll leave you to it. If

you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Harper closed her eyes as each of her Doms picked up a brush.

“The warmth will feel good, Slick,” Walker said. “We’re going to use your body as a

canvas. Don’t wiggle too much, or you might ruin our art work.”

They started on her nipples, painting the hot wax over each one.

Harper hissed in pain as the heat ran through her. But it quickly cooled and the warm

wax felt sexy against her skin. They painted identical lines down her stomach and toward

her pussy, stopping just above it and moving back up. At times they crossed the brushes,

mixing the colors.

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She closed her eyes and let the feelings rush over her. She’d expected it to burn more

than it did, and although it was uncomfortable at first, it quickly cooled and left a pleasant

tingly feeling on her body.

They moved the brushes around a lot, and she tried to keep track of what they’d done,

but it was hard. One thing she did know was that they’d left her breasts mostly bare. She

wondered why, but didn’t ask. Talking would ruin it, ruin the ambience of the scene.

When she felt like every surface of her upper body was covered in wax, she sighed.

Then watched as her Masters picked up larger brushes.

“This may hurt more, Slick.” Walker dipped his brush into the wax. “But it will leave

pretty little marks on you that show you as ours.”

He touched the brush to her breast, and she hissed and cried out. She felt the brush

move quickly over her breast and knew he was painting a ‘W’ on it. When he was done,

Oscar followed his lead and painted an ‘O’ on her other breast.

When they were done, they stepped back to study their work. Her body felt heavy

from the wax, but she also felt very relaxed.

“When will it come off?”

“As you move,” Walker said. “Or we’ll peel it off. For now, we’ll leave it for everyone

to see.”

“You look so beautiful,” Oscar said. “Marked as ours.”

They stepped back so the Domme could take pictures. She went to a computer and

printed them out, giving a set to her Doms and putting another set on her wall. After Harper

was unshackled, her men helped her to stand.

She wondered if Helena’s photos were on the wall, but the Domme shook her head,

saying she didn’t recognize the name. Knowing that subs were renamed, Harper and her

Doms searched the photos but didn’t find any of Helena.

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Before they left, Harper lay back on the table and her Doms peeled the wax from her

body, carefully lifting their letters from her breasts. The Domme placed the initials in wax

paper, then secured them in a box and handed the box to the men.

“What are we going to do with them?”

“Put them on the wall at someone’s house,” Walker said. “It’s a great souvenir.”

Harper knew this was the perfect time to ask about houses and living arrangements,

but she didn’t. There would be plenty of time for that later. After they’d found Helena.

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Chapter Sixteen

At breakfast the next morning, Harper was shocked when Oscar repeated the scene

from the previous morning. She balked, saying it wasn’t fair because she hadn’t broken any

rule. He told her that she would behave, or he would let the Doms/Dommes deliver seven

swats per bite of food.

In response, she’d stomped her foot, and he’d increased it to ten.

Her behind ached by the time breakfast was over, and her mind had settled on

disliking Oscar. When she was back on her knees between them, she sighed.

“So what’s the plan for the day?”

“I’m meeting with the Johanssons during the pony races,” Walker said.

“They race ponies here?”

“Yes, human ponies.”

She gave him a confused look, then whispered, “Oh,” as realization set in. “That should

be different.”

“I’ve always wanted to see a pony race,” Oscar said. “This ought to be a great deal of


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“Well, I’m going to talk to a few more staff members,” Walker said. “You two go and

I’ll meet you there.”

* * * * *

The warm breeze acted as a cooling agent to Harper’s warmed bottom. She knew

people were looking at her, and she also knew that word had spread about Oscar offering her

up for public spankings in the breakfast room two mornings in a row.

When a man came up and asked Oscar if she was going to be dinner entertainment,

too, she swallowed a sharp retort. She wanted Oscar to give him one.

Instead, Oscar told her to bend over, and he let the man give her twenty swats. A

crowd gathered and Harper fought to stay obedient. She knew if she didn’t that the

punishment would be much worse than what was already happening.

When her torment was over, Oscar said good-bye to his new friend, and they started to

walk through the crowd.

“I just want to repeat, and I’m sure this will get me in huge trouble, but I hate you.”

“Good,” Oscar said. “Hate’s a strong emotion. It will keep you on your toes.”

When he saw Sawyer, they made their way to him. Sawyer was talking to a group of

people, and he welcomed them into it.

“Where’s your friend?” Sawyer’s voice was soft so no one else could hear. “I have some

information for him.”

“Out interviewing suspects,” Oscar said with a laugh. “But you can tell me if you like.”

“All right. The man I told him about, has he figured out who he is yet?”

“Yes, he has. Do you have more information for us?”

Sawyer looked around, then sucked in a deep breath, pulling them off. “You’re not

dressed for pony play, Slick.”

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“Dressed for it? You mean the blinders and the halter and bit and everything? I have to

be a pony?” She wasn’t sure she was ready for this.

“No, not today. At least not for you. The pony races are for experienced ponies only.

But we do have a booth where you can buy tails for the subs to wear to get into the spirit of

things. Why don’t you both come with me and we’ll pick one out.”

“Sounds terrific,” Oscar said. “Lead the way.”

They walked to a booth that sold tails, and even a halter set that could be used to lead

subs during the races. She balked at the tails, which were long and attached to butt plugs.

She wasn’t up for the idea of wearing a plug again, but she knew she didn’t have much


These plugs were long and slim, with a wide spot around the base. Oscar asked to see

two, then chose a blonde one, to match her hair.

Sawyer took a bottle of lube out of his pocket. “Let’s go over here and get her suited

out.” He pointed to an area near a tree that was mostly deserted.

Once there, Oscar ordered her to put her hands on the tree and bend over. Someone’s

fingers spread lube over her anus, and then they started to work the plug inside her. The hair

from the tail tickled her thighs, and Harper knew this wasn’t something she was going to

particularly enjoy.

She didn’t want to wear a tail. She didn’t want to be a pony girl, either. She could hear

Sawyer and Oscar talking in soft voices, and she wondered what they were saying. When the

plug was fully inserted, Oscar slapped her already aching behind.

“Stand up.”

She did as he asked, muttering, “Asshole,” under her breath. She was going to have to

get a handle on her feelings about Oscar, or they would continue to get her into trouble.

She turned around to see Sawyer walking back to the races.

“What did he say?”

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“We’re leaving in the morning,” he said, frowning.

“Why? Is he kicking us out?”

“No, your sister’s going to be in Miami. And this time it sounds like the auction is for

real, and she’s not a willing participant.”

They hurried over to the races, stopping so Oscar could watch.

“What are you doing? My sister is in danger.”

“Relax,” Oscar said. “The auction isn’t until tomorrow night, and Sawyer still has to get

us an invitation. And you can’t go.”

“I’m going.” She stomped her foot, and several people turned to stare at her in


“Slick! You will behave, or we’ll visit the punishment room again.”

“No. Oscar, you don’t understand. Please, we need to go and find Walker.”

“And you need to learn to behave. Walker is coming to us. If we go looking for him,

we’ll miss him. You need to listen to me.”

“Are you serious? My sister’s life could be in danger!” She threw up her hands in

disgust. Her tail tickled her legs, and she was tempted to pull it out and throw it at him.

Walker walked up at that moment, stepping between them. “I can’t leave you two

alone for a minute, can I? What’s going on?”

Harper opened her mouth to speak, but Oscar put his hand over her mouth. “Not here.

Not in front of all these people. Remember, we’re here as guests; we’re not working.”

In her mind she knew he was right, but in her heart she was scared to death. If the man

who Helena had taken up with was planning to sell her to someone, there was no time to


“We do need to talk, but now’s not the time,” Oscar said. “We’ll watch a race, then go.”

Walker nodded, then looked at Harper’s backside. “Are you wearing a tail? I like it.”

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“I don’t. Can we talk about --”

He was behind her, investigating her tail. She moaned softly as he traced where the tail

rested in her behind. He was close enough that no one could hear him but her.

“No, not yet. Listen, where the investigation of your sister’s disappearance comes into

play I’m in charge. You need to remember that. Let me finish asking the necessary questions

and making the necessary arrangements, and then we’ll talk.”

She took a deep breath and focused her anger on the racetrack. This leg was between

two pony girls. Both of them wore brightly colored outfits that included plumes on their

head, bits in their mouths, and halters. One pony wore pink, and the other green. They

sparkled in the afternoon sun.

Both had small carts attached to the harnesses they wore, and Harper was fascinated,

despite the fact she was worried sick about her sister.

A starter gun went off and the race began, the ponies trotting down the lanes trailing

their carts. Harper watched them, trying to take her mind off what she thought they should

be focusing on. Walker and Oscar watched the race that the pink pony, whom she later

learned was named Miss Sprinkles, won.

When it was over, the two men put their heads together. She knew if she went over

there, they would push her away until they were ready for her to hear, so she turned to the

race track again. Miss Sprinkles was being adorned with flowers, just like the winner of a

horse race, and her owner, a woman who looked to be about fifty, held a trophy aloft.

The crowd cheered and Harper wondered how many races would be run today. She

also wondered how a pony girl was trained. It looked interesting, but she knew there was

nothing like this back home.

She cut her gaze back to Walker, who looked pensive. He and Oscar talked for a few

more minutes, and then he left. When Oscar came up to her, she stayed silent. Then, she

inclined her head at him, hoping her posture would let him know she was curious.

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“He’s meeting the Johanssons in an hour, and then the boat leaves at seven.”

She nodded. “What about Helena, and the man she’s with?” She whispered the words,

hoping no one overheard.

“You let Walker work as he needs to. You and I need to talk about that little temper

tantrum you threw just a little while ago.”

He put his hand on the small of her back and led her away from the crowd. Cheers

went up, and she knew another leg of the race had started. She wondered if they gave out

trophies for each leg, and if the people involved were as excited about each winner as they

had been about the last.

The beach was mostly deserted except for a few groups of people further off. They

walked a ways in silence until Oscar cleared his throat.

“You and I butt heads quite a bit.”

“Yes, we do. I’m sorry about that. I know I have a lot to learn about submission, but

where my sister is concerned, I’m quite passionate.”

“Yes, you are. That’s a good thing, don’t get me wrong. But when we came here, we

knew it was to be an undercover thing. Blurting out things like you did, and then getting

angry with me would alert anyone involved in the situation pretty quickly, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, it would. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have thrown a fit.”


“And, I know I’m going to be punished.” Harper sighed deeply, not exactly sure how

she felt about getting another whipping from Oscar. It hurt yes, but the one on the boat had

produced a fantastic orgasm. If she could have that happen again, then maybe punishment

wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

She glanced at him as he studied her.


“You learned a lot during your time in the cage.”

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A feeling of dread crept up her spine. “Yes, I suppose I did. That doesn’t mean I’d like

to repeat it. Not really.”

They walked a little more up the beach. He studied the ground around them and

nodded. ‘This will do.”

“Do for what?” The feeling of dread increased.

“I’m going to bury you. Well, not me exactly. You’re going to dig the hole, and then I’ll

get two of those nice male subbies to come over and cover you up.”

“Bury me?”

“Don’t worry, I’m going to leave your head above ground so you can breathe, but I

want to pack the sand around you so you can’t move. Just a little immobilization.”

“Is this punishment?”

“Yes, it is. Punishment isn’t always about pain or sex. This is a mind game, and I think

you’re suited for this one, a sort of sand mummification.”

Harper frowned, not sure she’d heard correctly. She’d heard about mummification. It

was total immobilization of a person, and she didn’t want to be unable to move, and she told

him so.

He winked at her and she stared at him.

“Go up to the lifeguard stand and tell them you need a shovel. We won’t go too deep,

maybe two feet. Enough to bury your body.”

Harper stood still, knowing in her heart this was the first real test of her desire to be a

submissive. If she said no, then she really had no business trying to be submissive. If she

didn’t want to serve, she should go back to the hotel, pack up, and ask for another room.

Then, when they’d found Helena, she could tell Walker to send her a bill.

The problem, though, was that she wanted to be a submissive. And if she wanted to be,

should the idea of being buried frighten her?

“Have you ever done this before?”

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“Yes.” Oscar narrowed his eyes. “Go and get the shovel. Now.”

Harper weighed her options and her desires. Then she turned toward the lifeguard

stand, and a shovel.

* * * * *

It took her more than an hour and a half to dig a hole the proper size. Every time she

thought she was close, Oscar would shake his head and tell her to go deeper. It was taking so

long he got two of the male subs to help her.

When it was ready, he nodded in appreciation. “Very good. Now, take off the rest of

your clothes and lie down.”

The feeling of dread returned. He’d let her take off her tail while she was digging, and

then partway through he’d ordered her to take off her blouse, so she’d been shoveling


She shimmied out of her skirt and stared at the hole. “Can I have towel? I really don’t

care for the idea of sand in the crack of my ass or pussy.”

Oscar looked as if he was contemplating her suggestion, and then he shook his head. “I

don’t think so. Lie down.”

As far as punishments went, Harper figured this was pretty tame. She lay down in the

sand, wiggling into the tight hole with her head on the surface.

“It looks like it might be just a tad uncomfortable,” Oscar said. “Dig out a depression for

your head. That will make it better for you.”

Harper did as he asked, then lay back down. He was right. If she’d stayed the other way

she would have had a pain in her neck.

“You sluts will fill her in, please, and make sure she’s packed tightly. I don’t want her

to be able to move.”

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The first few shovelfuls of sand didn’t bother Harper as much as she thought they

would. But then when the subs packed it down and continued to fill in the hole, she

panicked. This was nothing like the cage, where she’d been able to move. She was bound

tight in the sand, unable to move even her fingers.

The filling in took much less time than the digging, and soon Harper was totally

encased in sand. She battled against the wave of panic that rolled through her body as Oscar

stood at her feet and pronounced her good and tight.

“Come back in an hour, sluts. You can dig her up then.”

When they were gone, Harper stared at him. “An hour?” She tried to move again,

straining her muscles to try and shift the sand, to no avail.

“Yes, it will give you time to think.” He stepped back and studied her. When he

stepped away from her a few paces, she tried again, but the sand, which had seemed so

weightless before, felt heavy and suffocating on top of her.

“Why were you a bad girl this morning?”

“Master, please.” Her voice shook with panic.

“Answer me.”


“Answer me!”

“I just wanted to make my point known. We need to go after Helena.”

“Walker is in charge of that, not you. That’s why you’re paying him, remember?”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts. You threw a tantrum, and that is unacceptable behavior.”

“Forgive me, Master O.” Harper let her gaze follow him as much as possible as he

walked around her. Her panic had lessened somewhat, although it was still there. It wasn’t as

overwhelming as it had been at first.

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“I should leave you here for longer than an hour, wait until the tide comes up and

almost swallows you before I let you go.” His voice sounded calm and bored.

Harper moved her head, her panic rising again.

“No! Please, I’ll be good. I promise. I won’t do it again.”

“Won’t you? I find that hard to believe.” He stopped at her feet and waved. “I’ll be back

later. You be a good girl.”

“No! No! Please, Master O, Please! Please don’t leave me!” She watched his retreating

back and strained against the sand. A new wave of panic set in, moving down her body.

“Master O! Please come back, please!” She screamed out the words, and when he didn’t

return, she screamed out his name again. He appeared at her head.

“Did you want something?”

“Please don’t leave me.”

“You expect me to stay here and be punished with you? You’re the one who was bad,

not me. You’re the one who needs punishing. Why should I punish myself and stay in one



“That’s not an answer, is it?” He shook his head. “If we had something interesting to

talk about I suppose I could stay. Politics? Money? Movies? Books? No? How about sex?”

“I would think the only thing worse than not being able to move would be not being

able to move while you’re sexually aroused.”

Oscar’s voice had taken on a dreamy quality. “Are your nipples hard? Aching to be

touched? Are they trying to push out and can’t, because they’re bound by layers of sand? Is

your cunt wet?”

She nodded as much as she could, and Oscar studied her. “Would you like to fuck? But,

wait, you can’t right now.”

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Harper shook her head. “Master, please.”

“Please what? Do you want my cock? I suppose I could straddle you and let you suck

me off. Make you dream of having your pussy stuffed with me. Of flipping you over and

claiming your ass, sliding my cock in and out of your tight hole. Yes, maybe you should suck

me. I’m getting rather hard thinking about you.”

He acted like he was considering the idea; then he shook his head. “No, that wouldn’t


Oscar’s gaze roamed the almost deserted beach. “I suppose everyone is still at the races.

Except for those two strapping sluts over there. Shall I make them suck me off while you

watch? One mouth for my cock and one for my balls. Would that make you hot?”

Despite her panic, her body tingled with desire. Harper didn’t want to believe she

would be aroused by watching the two subs perform on him, but she knew it would. It

would also make her confinement almost unbearable. Her mouth would want to join in, her

pussy would want to clench around Oscar’s cock, even though it wasn’t inside her.

“You, there, both of you. Come over here.”

“No. Please, Master.”

“But I’m hard, and I need relief. I shouldn’t have to wait until after your punishment

because that punishes me.”

The two subs stopped and got into classic pose.

“Yes, Sir. How may we serve you?”

“Stroke your cocks.” When they’d obeyed, Oscar studied them. “Stand over Slick and

stroke each other.”

Harper swallowed hard as each sub took the other’s cock in his hand. Within seconds

they were hard, their cocks straining as they continued.

“Very nice,” Oscar said from her feet. “Maybe I should make you suck them. It might

be the ultimate punishment. Bound and forced to pleasure other subs.”

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Her pussy pounded with need, and she moaned softly.

“No. I think you don’t deserve pleasure right now, but there’s no reason I can’t have it.”

He undressed quickly and moved so he straddled Harper’s body, his cock in hand. He put his

hand on the first sub’s head and moved it toward his cock.

“Suck me. Tell my bad Slick how good I feel.”

“You feel wonderful, Sir. You taste so good. I love the feel of your cock in my mouth.”

“Good boy. Suck harder.”

The sub moved his head up and down on Oscar’s cock. Harper closed her eyes and

shuddered. She wanted to be the one sucking him.

“Watch! I didn’t give you permission to close your eyes.” His gaze darted to the second

sub. “I bet if I bent you over and stuffed you full, you’d love it, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Slick likes it when I fuck her ass. She screams in pleasure. Would you scream in


“Yes, Sir.”

“Give us an example. Pretend I’m fucking you.”

“Please, Master. Fuck me harder. Oh, yes, feed me your cock. Fuck me. Please, Sir,

please, fuck my ass.” The sub’s voice was loud and full of passion.

“Very good. And as tempting an idea as it is, I’d rather you sucked me.” He pulled his

cock from the first sub and turned to the second. He was still right above Harper, and she

could see everything.

Watching them was torture. When the sub swallowed Oscar’s cock, Oscar groaned and

reached behind him, grabbing the other sub’s hair and pulling him close. “Lick my balls and

fuck my ass with your tongue.”

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Harper tried in vain to move. Her body was on fire with need, and Oscar’s moaning as

the men served him didn’t help.

“That’s it. Fuck my ass with that tongue. How do I taste?”

“Magnificent, Sir.” The sub had Oscar’s cheeks spread, his head bobbing up and down

as he worshipped Oscar’s ass.

“Good boys. Very good boys.”

Finally, Oscar pulled away and masturbated himself to orgasm, shooting his stream in

the sub’s open mouth. The sub behind him continued to lick his balls and ass, and Oscar’s

yells of delight made Harper’s misery that much stronger.

“Oh, very nice.” He looked down at Harper. “If you’d been a good girl today, you could

have played too. He stepped away and patted each sub on the head as if he were giving

approval to a pet for a job well done.

“Sixty-nine each other right next to Slick. Make lots of noise so she can listen. I’ll tell

you when you can come.”

Harper shivered as Oscar lay down next to her on her other side, his lips as close to her

ear as he could get.

“It’s a shame you’re not going to be able to come today. Maybe tonight. I’m not sure.

But I will not tolerate your temper tantrums. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

“As long as we understand each other. Now that I know whipping will make you come,

it’s no longer a viable punishment option. But torturing you like this will be. And if I don’t

have sand, I can purchase body bags.”

Harper shivered and shook her head violently.

“Good.” He turned to the subs, who were nosily sucking each other. “Come, and

swallow it all.”

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Their muffled moans and groans increased then Oscar stood. “Good boys. Now, dig up

my little Slick, and let’s see how wet the sand is under her pussy.”

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Chapter Seventeen

M’s Playhouse was nothing like Tygers, in the physical sense. Tygers sat out in the

open, in a warehouse-type building. M’s Playhouse was on a huge tract of private land, in a

plantation-style home that sat near the ocean.

A person couldn’t get through the front gate without an invitation, and Sawyer, who

had decided to come with them, was their invitation since he was a member.

Once inside the building, Harper thought she could be in Tygers. The place was

teeming with people, in various stages of undress. There were bars in various rooms, but

there was no public room, as in Tygers.

Harper stuck close to her Doms, her gaze roaming the crowd in search of her sister.

The information Sawyer had given them on the boat ride over had been more than

disturbing. The Johanssons had informed Walker they had purchased Helena for the week

they were there. But Helena had asked to bring in a new friend, a man she’d met named

Franklin Guest.

They’d said Guest was a true sadist, and that at times his brand of dominance made

them uncomfortable. By the end of the week, they’d signed ownership of Helena over to


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Sawyer told them Guest was on probation on his island from a previous visit. If he’d

known about Guest’s involvement with Helena, he would have intervened.

“I’d had complaints about him before, from both Doms and subs,” Sawyer had said.

“He’s a rich boy, bored with his life. I had no idea he would take things so far as to actually

sell a sub against her will.”

But according to the information Walker had received, that’s exactly what was

happening tonight. Helena had been advertised as “a pain slut” who had to be kept in line

and was unwilling to have a new owner, information that boggled Harper’s mind.

“I thought all BDSM was consensual,” she said as they moved into another room.

“The good stuff is,” Walker said. “But just like everything, there is an underground. I

suppose Guest is part of it.”

“But to do it in public? Why wouldn’t she run? I don’t understand.”

“He could be using a threat of some sort,” Oscar said. “Maybe she told him about you,

and he threatened to kidnap you in case she didn’t cooperate. Or maybe it was all fun and

games at first, and by the time she realized it wasn’t a game, she couldn’t figure a way out.”

“How could that be? She could call me.”

“Not if he’s monitoring her every move,” Walker said. “If he stays by her side 24-7 or

ties her up when he’s not around. If she tries to make a phone call, he might beat her. If she

tries to run and he catches her and punishes her, she might give up after a while. He could be

messing with her mind.”

At Harper’s stricken look, he stroked her cheek. “Relax. We’re going to find her.”

They searched through all the community rooms and came up empty.

“She must be in a private room,” Walker said. “Those are going to be harder to search.”

Sawyer shook his head, then flagged down a waiter. “I understand there’s an auction


“Every night,” the man said. “Second floor.”

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“No, not the fun kind. The real kind.”

The man looked uncomfortable and looked around. “We don’t allow that here.”

“What if you know about it but don’t


know about it?” Oscar waved a hundred-

dollar bill in front of the man’s face. “Pretty, dark-haired woman. Very short, busty.”

The man looked around nervously. “I don’t know about a dark-haired woman, but

there’s a short blonde woman in one of the cabanas outside. Rumor has it her Master is

auctioning off her services for a week at a time. Some of our more, um, wicked members are

out there.”

Harper opened her mouth, then closed it when Walker took her hand.

“Which cabana?” he asked the man, who had grabbed Oscar’s money.

“Four. The auction starts at midnight.”

Harper’s hands shook in fear, and in anger. She took off for the front door, pushing past

people, and ignoring Walker’s yells for her to stop. She wanted to find Guest and rip his balls

off. She’d just found a path that led toward the water when arms came around her waist.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Walker’s voice was dangerously low.

“I’m going to find my sister. Let me go!”

“No! And don’t even try to argue with me on this. You’re staying here with Sawyer.

Oscar and I will go and find Helena.”

“Screw you!” She kicked out at him and then went still when a man screamed out,

“Hey. Is there a problem here?”

“Yes, there is. You’re auctioning off human flesh, you asshole!”


“All ‘slaves’ are willing,” the man said. “Who are you people? I don’t recognize you.”

“T.K.” Sawyer stepped forward, and the man’s face lost some of its anger.

“Sawyer. Long time, no see. You wanna let me know what’s going on here?”

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Walker glanced at his watch. “What do you know about what’s happening in cabana


“It’s a private party,” the man replied. “Who are you again?”

“Walker Bryant. This is Oscar Ruiz and our sub, Harper Sampson. We believe her

sister, Helena, is being auctioned off in cabana four, against her will. Dyed blonde hair, about

five feet tall. I believe if you ask her, she’ll tell you the truth.”

T.K. took a phone from his belt and engaged the talk button. “Security to four. Find a

short woman with blond hair and bring her to me in my office. Now. I don’t care what kind

of trouble her Master gives you; I want to see this woman for myself.”

“Yes, sir,” a deep voice answered.

He held out his hand to Walker and Oscar. “T.K. Holing. Let’s go inside and wait.

They’ll get the job done better than we can; I guarantee it.”

“But my sister,” Harper said, her voice breaking. “We need to go ourselves.”

“If she’s here, they’ll bring her,” T.K. said. “I promise you that.”

They followed T.K. inside the building, and when they were in his office, Harper

studied him. He was a huge man. She guessed his height at six-four. He was of mixed race,

with beautiful cocoa skin. His head was shaved, and his eyes were dark and piercing.

He walked to a bar and returned with a bottle of water that he handed to Harper, who

was working to hold back her tears.

“Drink this. If your sister’s here, we’ll find her.”

She nodded and took a sip of the water. Walker and Oscar stepped near her, their

hands on her shoulders. Their presence made her feel warm and safe. But she still worried

about Helena.

“Everyone else can help themselves to the bar if they like.”

No one moved, and seconds later T.K.’s phone vibrated. The voice they’d heard earlier

sounded in the room. “Backup to four. Backup to four.”

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“Shit.” T.K. took off out a back door, with Walker and Oscar hot on his heels. Oscar

pointed to Harper. “Stay here!”

He disappeared out the door, and she turned to Sawyer. “Like hell. Don’t even try to

stop me.”

She took off after them, bounding down the stairs and taking off at a run across the

lush lawn. People were running out of a cabana and Harper stopped, searching the faces of

the women. She didn’t see her sister, but when the crowd had thinned, she stiffened when

she heard Helena scream.

“Over here!” She turned around, disoriented in the dark, and saw a man dragging

Helena toward the trees.

“Help me!”

“Walker! Walker, over here!” She took off at a run again, her heart beating wildly.

Right before she got to the trees, a man screamed in pain.

“Bitch! You fucking bit me!”

“Walker!” Harper screamed at the top of her lungs as she rushed to her sister. She’d

almost made it there when Walker and T.K. rushed past her, Walker grabbing for Helena

and T.K. slamming his fist into the man’s face.

Harper tried to run to them, but Oscar’s arms came around her waist. “Don’t you



“Helena.” Her voice was almost a cry as she watched her sister struggle against

Walker’s arms. “Helena, it’s all right. He’s a friend.”

“Helena, it’s me. Walker, from Albuquerque. I’m with Harper. Stop fighting me. Stop!”

Harper laughed in relief as her sister went still. “Harper?”

“It’s all right, baby. You’re safe now.” He released her, and Helena wheeled on him,

ready to fight. When he stayed still, she turned toward Harper, running across the lawn.

Oscar let Harper go, and the sisters threw their arms around each other.

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“Harper, I’m so glad to see you. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Harper held her sister’s trembling body close, her eyes focusing on the

spot near the trees where T.K. was on top of the man she figured must be Franklin Guest.

Walker stood near them, doing nothing to stop the punches T.K. was delivering.

Oscar quickly moved toward the men, and together, he and Walker pulled T.K. off.

Helena pushed back from her sister and looked up. “What are you doing here?”

“Why, rescuing you, of course. I brought my two Doms with me.”

“Your two what?”

“My Doms. Walker and Oscar. We’re together. The three of us.”

Helena stared at her, then sniffled. “When did this happen?”

“When you disappeared. I’ll tell you later. Are you all right?”

Helena nodded. “I was stupid. I never thought he’d hurt me. I thought it was a game.”

Two large men rushed past them and took control of Guest. The Doms walked to the

women, and Helena greeted Oscar and Walker.

“Thanks.” She glanced at T.K. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Not your fault. But I would like us all to go inside and discuss this.”

“Are you calling the cops?” Walker asked.

“Do you want me to?” T.K. asked Helena.

“No. I blame myself for a great deal of it. I just want him hurt.”

“Don’t worry,” T.K. said. “I took care of that.”

* * * * *

Helena took a sip from her drink and stared at her sister. The men were talking in a

corner and she leaned closer to Harper.

“How did you get with Walker and Oscar?”

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Tygers 4: Sweet Awakening


“I went to Diego Fuentes’s new detective agency to hire someone to find you. I was


“Thank you so much, baby sister.” Helena kissed her cheek, and then put her head on

Harper’s shoulder.

The ordeal Helena had described was terrible. It had started off as fun, and she’d

enjoyed Guest’s attentions. But then he’d gotten more demanding and insisted on her doing

things that made her uncomfortable. When she’d refused, he’d beaten her and made her do

them anyway. He’d even offered her a ride to Miami, but then wouldn’t let her go.

“You should press charges,” Harper said as she stroked her sister’s hair. There were

bruises on her arms and some cut marks that Harper thought needed attention. Harper didn’t

want to know how they’d happened, but it made her stomach roil as she thought about the

pain her sister had endured.

“No. I don’t want to do that. The only thing I want is for no other woman to have to go

through what I just did. It was horrid.”

“If he was in jail, that wouldn’t happen.”

Helena looked up at her sister. “Harper, you’re smart. You know he’d get off. He’s rich

and can hire a ton of lawyers.”

“You’re rich too. Hire some yourself, and sue him for false imprisonment or something.

Oscar’s a lawyer. Ask him.”

The sisters grew silent and then Helena laughed. “You’re in love with him. In love with

both of them.”

“No. I hardly know them, I can’t love them. Not yet. Although they did give me my

first orgasm.”

Helena squealed in delight. “You had an orgasm?”

The four men standing across the room turned to stare at them.

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Melinda Barron

“Hush. Yes, I did. More than one.” She shivered under the knowing gazes of Walker

and Oscar. The look on T.K.’s face was pure amusement, and Sawyer laughed out loud.

“I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, but you didn’t have to announce it to the world.”

“Sorry. So, if you move in with them, we can sell the house. Or y’all could move into

that one.”

“Helena, you’re putting the cart before the horse. We haven’t talked about that, and I

don’t think it’s something that’s likely to happen.”

“Please, they taught you how to orgasm, and I’ve seen the way you look at them. Wake

up and smell the coffee, baby sis.”

Harper stared at the two men across the room who had so captivated her attention for

the last week. One blond, one with black hair; one tall, one a little shorter. Both of them

Dominant males who wanted to get their way in everything. And both of them totally

gorgeous and able to make her come.

Could she live the rest of her life with them? Could she share herself with them? She’d

always wanted to get married and have children. Living with two men wasn’t conducive to a

normal relationship, was it?

“Now who’s jumping the gun,” she whispered, as she watched her sister cross to the

men and hug them all. Helena batted her eyes at T.K., who gave her an appreciative glance.

“Leave it to Helena,” Harper said as Walker and Oscar came up to her. “She’s flirting

with him.”

“I think she’s a little shell shocked, and maybe this is her way of trying to gloss things

over,” Walker said. “But Helena’s a survivor. It might take her a little bit, but she’ll bounce

back and be her old self.”

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Tygers 4: Sweet Awakening


Harper watched her sister. She could see that Walker was right. She was trying to put

on a good front, as if nothing was wrong. She wanted to go to her and hug her, tell her things

would be fine. But she knew that would upset Helena even more.

Instead, she turned to her Masters and batted her eyes at them. “How am I doing in the

flirting department?”

“Perfect,” Walker said. “You’ve got me hard.”

“That makes two of us,” Oscar said.

“Good. We’ve found my sister, so you’re no longer my employee, are you, Walker?”

“That’s right. I’ll end the billing cycle at, say, eleven.”

“What time is it now?”

“Eleven oh one,” Oscar said, turning to T.K. “You have a flogger I can borrow? Or

maybe a riding crop?”

“Yes, I do,” T.K. replied. “Would you like a room, or do you want to go public?”

“Public,” Oscar said, looking back at Harper. “I have a subbie who can’t follow orders

when she’s told to stay put. A riding crop across her sweet ass might get my point across.”

“Don’t count on it,” Helena said with a laugh. “Harper always did have a mind of her


“That’s good,” Oscar said. “As long as she learns to follow directions, we’ll be just fine.”

He took the crop that T.K. handed him and flexed it. The instrument bowed slightly,

and then snapped back into place. “Perfect. What do you think, Slick?”

“I’m thinking that, although it was frightening, I liked the punishment without pain


“Well, let’s take a vote,” Oscar said. “There are three of us. All for the whipping, raise

your hand.”

Oscar’s hand went up, and so did Walker’s.

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“This isn’t fair. I’ll always be outvoted.”

“Yes, you will,” Walker said. “And you’ll love losing every vote. Trust me.”

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Melinda Barron

Melinda Barron loves to explore Egyptian tombs and temples, discover Mayan ruins,

play in castles towers, and explore new cities and countries. She generally does it all from the

comfort of her home by opening a book.

Melinda is the fourth of five children born to an Army officer and his wife. A longtime

newspaper journalist, Melinda has loved to read and write from an early age. Now she lives

in the Texas Panhandle with two cats, Amelia and Pippin, and enough books to, according to

her brother, open her own library. In addition to reading and writing Melinda enjoys travel,

cross-stitching, watching movies and spending time with her friends and family.


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