Missy Welsh Yours Forever

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…Twice, once last month and once this month, Danny had gone

away for three days and come back exhausted and making up stories
about what he’d done while he’d been gone. Danny was a terrible liar.
Rick had been left to imagine, and his imagination had created a guy
kept on the side, who was so exciting he drained Danny of his energy
after three days of adventurous fucking. Rick couldn’t have that. He
had to show Danny that he could be exciting, too. That he could be all
Danny needed.

Rick stood there in the shadows under the stairs, his car parked a

block away, wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt and black jeans,
handcuffs in his pocket. He’d kidnap his lover and take him up to the
lake to fuck the life out of him. He could do spontaneous. He could do

Tears burned Rick’s eyes as Danny got out of his car, unfolding a

beautiful, thick, six-foot frame from the ugly little Honda he loved so
much. Even in the harsh glare of the parking lot’s lights, Danny just
radiated dark, angelic beauty. His face was perfect, like a model, and
the black hair flopped in his eyes on one side only made the blue of
them that much brighter. And those lips! God, every emotion Danny
had showed through his kissable mouth. Rick had never kissed a
boyfriend half as much as he kissed Danny. Once they’d even spent
two whole hours kissing and caressing each other. With their clothes
on! It had been such a sweet heaven.

He couldn’t lose Danny…

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Come Cuddle Me

Happy Endings: Briefs

Happy Endings: Shorts

Oscar’s Soul


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This book is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the

author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,

or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC


All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in

writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief

excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2012 by Missy Welsh

ISBN 978-1-61124-286-7

Cover Art © 2012 Trace Edward Zaber


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Werewolves, Jason!

I really did write about werewolves.

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When Rick Granger was fifteen, his dad caught him having sex

with Paul, the boy who lived next door. Rick had been in the
process of coming all over himself, screaming his head off, Paul
buried inside him for the very first time. Up until his dad walked
in, Rick had been in heaven. Him and Paul had messed around,
gotten each other off, figured out blowjobs, but both of them had
started getting more curious. There hadn’t been any discussion
about who would do what, and Rick had liked where he’d ended
up. But in the four years since, he’d never bottomed again. It made
him too vulnerable ever to consider it after that day, and the scar
on his forehead from his father’s West Point ring was a reminder
never to be that accessible again.

Standing here in the shadows of Danny Coughlin’s apartment

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building now, Rick felt very vulnerable. He’d been seeing Danny
for two months—his longest stretch ever—but something was
going on with Danny that made him think the end might just be
near. That maybe Danny wasn’t getting everything he needed from

He couldn’t lose him, though. Just couldn’t…because he loved


As fucked up as his life had been since that fateful afternoon

with his father and Paul—who’d gotten out of there as fast as
possible and never looked back—Rick knew what love was
because he felt it every time he saw Danny. Like right here, as the
big man pulled into his parking space, the car vibrating with the
bass from the radio, Rick felt hot and jittery. He wanted to rush
over there and hear the end of whatever classical piece of music
Danny listened to this time, ask him about his work at the bar, tell
him he loved him desperately, then take him inside and show him.

But twice, once last month and once this month, Danny had

gone away for three days and come back exhausted and making up
stories about what he’d done while he’d been gone. Danny was a
terrible liar. Rick had been left to imagine, and his imagination had
created a guy kept on the side, who was so exciting he drained
Danny of his energy after three days of adventurous fucking. Rick
couldn’t have that. He had to show Danny that he could be
exciting, too. That he could be all Danny needed.

Rick stood there in the shadows under the stairs, his car parked

a block away, wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt and black jeans,
handcuffs in his pocket. He’d kidnap his lover and take him up to
the lake to fuck the life out of him. He could do spontaneous. He
could do exciting.

Tears burned Rick’s eyes as Danny got out of his car, unfolding

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a beautiful, thick, six-foot frame from the ugly little Honda he
loved so much. Even in the harsh glare of the parking lot’s lights,
Danny just radiated dark, angelic beauty. His face was perfect, like
a model, and the black hair flopped in his eyes on one side only
made the blue of them that much brighter. And those lips! God,
every emotion Danny had showed through his kissable mouth.
Rick had never kissed a boyfriend half as much as he kissed
Danny. Once they’d even spent two whole hours kissing and
caressing each other. With their clothes on! It had been such a
sweet heaven.

He couldn’t lose Danny.
Rick blinked away those stupid tears, forcing himself to believe

this would work, and watched Danny walk closer. He lived
opposite where Rick stood, so when Danny was in front of him and
facing his door, Rick planned to grab his arms and lock the cuffs
on as fast as he could. Danny was big, but he wasn’t a violent sort,
so fighting back wouldn’t come to him quickly. And Rick wasn’t
going to let him panic or anything. As soon as the cuffs were in
place, he’d let Danny know it was him.

Then Danny paused halfway up the walk. He looked like he

was breathing fast, his eyes sliding around the shadows. Suddenly,
a grin stretched his lips and his eyes seemed to zero right in on
Rick’s exact location. Rick sighed. So much for a sneak attack. He
should’ve known. He’d never snuck up on Danny in the two
months they’d been seeing each other.

He stepped out of the shadows, smiling as Danny rushed over.

He looked so happy to see him. If he’d had a tail, it would’ve
wagged. How could he look like that at him, but be seeing
someone else?

“What’re you doing here? I thought you had to work.”

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“Wanted to surprise you, so I said I was working to throw you

off the scent.”

Danny chuckled, then leaned in and kissed him. It was his hello

kiss, the little peck he gave him every time they met. That kiss was
the only thing Danny ever did first. It hadn’t taken a lot of figuring
to see how much he wanted to be dominated in bed. To be tied up,
manhandled, made half-crazy with wanting to come, and Rick not
letting him until he felt like it. Danny loved it all, and Rick loved
giving it to him.

Rick let the handcuffs dangle from his finger. A little gurgling

noise left Danny as his blue eyes went wide. A second later, he
stood back and had his hands in front of him.

“Aren’t we eager?” Rick murmured with a smile. He watched

Danny start to pant as he snapped the cuffs in place around those
pale wrists. “I’m not going to blindfold you since you know it’s
me, but you don’t say a word until I let you.”

Danny swallowed, still looking stunned, and nodded. He stared

down at his cuffed hands for a moment, grinning madly.

Rick couldn’t help his laugh. All right, he’d be the tough Top

when they got to the lake. “Come on, you,” he said and took hold
of the cuffs, pulling Danny along behind him.

He walked them around the block to his car, an old orange

Camaro. He opened the passenger door and helped Danny inside,
taking the opportunity to fondle him as he snapped on his seat belt.
Danny groaned so nicely, spreading his legs, and Rick gave him an
extra squeeze before going around to his own door.

While he drove up toward the spot he’d picked out by the lake,

he glanced at Danny a few times. Each time, the big man was just
grinning, relaxed back in his seat, his eyes closed. Trusting. Rick
kept one hand on Danny’s thigh, stroking the hard muscle and

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teasing his groin for little sounds of pleasure.

Just before the sign for the Academy of Divine Living—a.k.a.

The Brainwashing Compound—Rick turned right and headed
down a dirt road toward the water. It was the spot where people
backed their boats into the lake, so it was open to the clear, starry
sky, but surrounded on both sides by thick pines. He didn’t
imagine any of the extremely devout sheep to be up this late at
night, so he’d have a nice long time to drive his lover insane with

There was a light at the corner of the small dock and the moon

was a nice crescent, so he had plenty to see by when he parked the
car parallel with the lake. Danny gave a lovely sigh, looking out
his window at the water, still grinning.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he said, unbuckling Danny.
He nodded back.
Rick leaned close, brushing his lips on Danny’s ear as he

whispered, “Doesn’t hold a candle to you, puppy. Doesn’t compare
at all to what I’m about to do to you either.”

Danny shivered and hummed for him, tilting his head like he

was giving Rick his neck. So Rick leaned closer and opened his
mouth, not really biting, but resting his teeth on Danny’s tender
throat. The man groaned like he was dying, shivering again and
shifting in his seat. Rick had no idea why that always got Danny so
hot, but it did. He’d really bitten him once, leaving marks, and
Danny had kept sneaking looks at it in any mirrored surface,
smiling so proudly. Maybe tonight he’d do that again.

“Come on, big boy,” he said, getting out. He closed his door

and walked around to open Danny’s. “There are some seriously
dirty things I want to do to you before the sun comes up.”

Danny only gulped and shivered as he got out.

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Rick led him around to the front of the car, backed him up until

his calves were against the bumper, then told him, “Step out of
your shoes.”

Danny toed off his white sneakers and kicked them aside with

bare feet.

“Undo your jeans.”
He unbuttoned them, revealing a V of tented red briefs. Rick

smiled at that, then shimmied the denim down over those hard
thighs and off each leg. The man had great legs. Just the right
amount of dark hair to pet, the muscles strong and flexible. He
stroked his hands back up from ankle to hip, feeling Danny twitch
and start to pant again.

Red briefs and a red T-shirt. The look made Danny seem

younger than his twenty-two years. But then Danny had always
made him feel like the older and stronger of their duo. Though
he’d pitched exclusively since Paul, Danny was the first to want
him to be a real Top. Or as much of one as he knew how to be. He
hoped tonight would show Danny that he could be a damn good
one. The only one he’d ever need.

He pulled down Danny’s briefs and helped him out of them,

then gave that thick cockhead a kiss. While Danny moaned, Rick
smeared his lips with pre-cum and licked them clean again. Danny
whimpered when Rick stood back up, making Rick smile at that
needy noise.

“Not yet, puppy,” he said, using Danny’s favorite pet name.

“Gotta get you out of the shirt first.”

Danny held out his hands, obviously expecting to be uncuffed.

Rick grinned, knew it was a little evil, and produced his

Danny’s eyes went huge and his breathing picked up. Rick

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watched as that heavy cock stiffened and then swayed when Danny
shifted his weight.

“Now hold still so I don’t cut you.” He took hold of the hem

and slid his hand up under the T-shirt.

He held the knife facing forward, but tapped Danny’s chest and

belly a few times with the back of his hand just to see him twitch
and hear his little gasps. Danny watched intently as Rick pressed
the sharp blade to the collar and pulled. The thin cotton gave
easily, splitting right down the middle to reveal the bulges of
Danny’s pecs and that washboard stomach. Bless the man for being
so fucking fit!

Danny moaned with every exhalation by the time Rick had the

sleeves cut, too. He pulled the broken shirt off from the back,
revealing the straining body in front of him in all his naked glory.

Except for the locket.
Danny always wore a plain gold locket on a chain long enough

to hide it under his shirt. He never took it off, even showering with
it on, and wouldn’t talk about what it meant to him, except to say it
was important.

Rick ignored it, trying hard not to speculate on who had given

it to him.

“Goddamn,” he said to distract himself, “look at this perfect

body belonging to me.”

A whine and shifting of feet was all Danny added.
“Lie back on the hood.”
Danny shivered again and sat, one foot on the bumper, as he

glanced behind himself before lying back. Oh fuck, yeah. All that
pale skin draped over the burnt orange of the car looked real damn

“Hands over your head. Get your fingers gripping the lip of the

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Danny did, making those biceps bulge as his cock lay over on

his hip. The head left a wet mark as Danny shifted around until he
was comfortable.

Knowing Danny would never be able to keep from talking

through what he planned to do next and not wanting to have to
“punish” him, Rick said, “You can talk now, but you can’t come.”

“Yes, Ricky,” he whispered, those eyes watching him. When

Rick wrapped his hand around that lovely, dark plum cock,
Danny’s hips shot up. “Oh God, Ricky!”

“No coming,” he reminded him, using the pre-cum to slick the

stroke of his hand.

“I won’t.” He gasped, squirming, but not thrusting. “Promise,

Ricky. Promise.”

He stroked a while longer, playing, just enjoying the feel of

satiny skin all slick and hot in his hand. Then he leaned in and
kissed the fat head again. He licked at the slit, teasing it open so he
could fuck it with the tip of his tongue. Loved that. And Danny
loved it, too, by the sound of his cries.

He couldn’t take all of Danny into his mouth, but he stroked

what wouldn’t fit and sucked on the rest. For a guy who claimed to
be a Top, he knew he loved giving head way too much for it
actually to be true. The feel of a cock on his tongue, the taste and
scent, could get him coming in his pants if he wasn’t careful.
Having it be Danny’s wonderful cock in his mouth made the desire
to keep him there until he came down his throat a powerful

But Danny wouldn’t want to come so soon into their game, and

Rick had more plans for both of them. Starting with getting a little
relief for himself, actually.

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He stood back, loving the groaned complaint from Danny and

the wetness of his dick as it snapped back onto his belly in defeat.
Chuckling at his own wickedness, Rick opened his jeans and
scooped out his hard cock and heavy balls.

“Oh, God.” Danny moaned. “Please, Ricky.”
“Please what?” he asked, slowly stroking himself.
“Please fuck me. Hard, Ricky. Make me cry.”
“No. Not yet.”
“Oh, Ricky.”
Rick stood between Danny’s spread legs and jacked himself

quickly, aiming at Danny’s heaving stomach. He knew his smile
looked sinful as he watched Danny staring and panting and

“Gonna come all over you, puppy. Paint you with it.”
Danny groaned, the muscles of his arms bulging as he strained,

arching his back, but he didn’t let go of the hood.

Rick licked his lips, staring at Danny’s smooth, pale skin

stretched taut over rigid muscles. “So fucking beautiful,” he
muttered, thumbing his slit to get that zing of electric shock to his
balls. “Soon, puppy. Gonna cream your perfect body real damn

Danny moaned, now rubbing the inside of his thigh on Rick’s

hip. “Come all over me. Make me yours, Ricky. Mark me.” He
moaned again, his own words seeming to inflame him.

“Yeah, I’ll mark you. I’ll rub it in, leave it there, make you

wear me home.”

Danny thrashed against the car, his head thrown back, howling

at the sky. His dark cock strained hard, waving at him as he
couldn’t seem to stop moving. Rick leaned over him and licked at
the wet spots, tasting his essence. Danny cried out, and it seemed

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that sound and taste were all Rick needed.

He aimed his dick and pumped hard, making his cum land all

over Danny’s abs and groin. Danny groaned, too, writhing,
muscles twitching. With a rough laugh, Rick let himself go and
spread his fingers into the jizz on Danny’s skin.

“Oh, God,” Danny said, watching, taking deep breaths. It made

Rick certain Danny really did get off on the smell of Rick’s cum.
“Yes! Ricky!”

“You’re mine now.” He rubbed the slick into Danny’s skin,

into the hairs around his dick, over his hard balls. “All mine.”

“Yes! Yes!”
Reveling in his own deviousness, Rick reached into his pocket

and pulled out the leather strap. He dangled it up so Danny could
see, then laughed as he recognized it and groaned in agony. His
hips shot up off the car, thrusting his dick up at him, begging for it
without saying a word.

Rick wrapped the ring around his cock and balls and snapped it

into place as Danny groaned. “Look at you. All pushed out and tied
up. So fucking obscene.” He leaned in and licked up Danny’s dick,
lapping at the wet that leaked, smelling them both. He chuckled as
the man he loved whimpered and writhed.

Taking the packet of lube and a condom from his pocket, Rick

pushed his pants down to his ankles. He gave Danny a few minutes
just to breathe, to back himself off. Then he moved one of Danny’s
legs to put his foot back on the bumper. It spread him enough Rick
could reach his hole and open him up.

He slicked up a finger, leaned over on his other hand on the

hood, and slipped into Danny’s tight ass.

Danny groaned, lifting his hips. “Oh, fuck,” he said when he

realized the move drove his cock up into Rick’s belly.

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“Yeah, puppy, I’m gonna fuck you now. Gonna flip you over

and do you right here.”

“Oh, Ricky, yes!”
Rick added more lube and another finger, playing inside him,

giving himself time to get hard again. He hadn’t gone soft—Danny
was just too fucking hot for that to happen—and it wouldn’t be
long before he was ready to go again. He stayed away from
Danny’s prostate for the moment and leaned closer so he could rub
their cocks together. Danny’s moan was tortured, but his sensual
mouth slid into a grin before his blue eyes looked up at Rick.

“Rub on me, Ricky. Use me. Use me to make yourself feel so


He bit his lip to keep from groaning himself at those words.

Use him? Jesus. He wanted to, he really did, and that Danny
wanted him to made it so much sweeter. He pulled his fingers out
of him and stroked himself a bit before putting on the condom.

“Roll over. Gimme that hole.”
Danny let go of the hood and slowly stood. His grin looked a

little drunk, but then he turned around and arranged himself over
the hood again, spreading his legs. He stretched his hands back
above his head, getting another grip on the lip of the hood.

Rick took a moment to admire the view and smooth his hands

over that delicious ass. Man, he could touch Danny for days and
still find something new and exciting about the man’s body. He’d
never noticed, for example, the depth of the little dip there above
his crack. He leaned over and licked the spot, tasting sweat,
smelling it, and loving it. Nothing better than a sweaty, aroused

The little sigh he heard made him smile.
“You better be ready for me,” he said in his best growly voice.

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Danny shivered. “Ready. Yes. Use me, Ricky.”
There was that word again. Goddamn, he liked it.
He spread Danny’s cheeks, fit his dick to his stretched and

shiny little hole, then watched himself sink inside. One of his
favorite things, watching this ass stretch around his cock. Seeing
and feeling the hard muscles flutter and clutch as he demanded
entrance and Danny gave in.

“Oh, puppy.” He couldn’t help sighing.
Did he just call me icky? Shaking his head at how well he

already messed with the man’s ability to speak, he slammed
forward the last few inches just to get Danny to scream. He didn’t
disappoint, the pleasured cry seeming to echo off the lake.

He leaned on him, grinding into his ass for a bit, savoring the

feel of those fat cheeks cushioning his groin, the tiny hairs tickling
his balls. Then he just had to say it. “I love you,” he said into
Danny’s shoulder, smoothing his hands up his thick arms.

He felt him shiver. “Oh, yes. Love you, too. So much!”
Smiling at that, Rick wrapped one arm around Danny’s waist,

low enough to protect his cock from the car as he thrust into him.
He wasn’t going to be slow or gentle, but he didn’t want to hurt

He loved Danny’s moans and cries when he fucked him like

this. The man purred when they faced each other, but he sounded
wild and slutty from behind. He was never quiet, but this position
seemed to draw out the whore in him. And it drove Rick just as
crazy, making him pump his hips faster and harder, embedding an
impression of the grill onto his arm as he grunted and thrust.

Hands suddenly grabbed at him from behind!
“What the fuck?” he hollered, as two guys dragged him back.

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Danny gave a yell as Rick’s cock left him too quickly, the

condom not making it all the way out. Rick struggled as Danny
moved to turn around.

“Danny!” he shouted in warning as three other guys grabbed at

his lover. “Let me go, you fuckers!”

One of those bastards caught Danny’s cheek with a hard punch,

snapping his head around. Rick jerked and yelled, feeling the
punch himself.

“Don’t! Don’t hurt him!”
Because, Jesus Christ, he’s handcuffed!
“Shut up, you damned sodomite,” one of the guys holding him

snarled before hauling a fist back to punch him in the head.

Rick turned away, catching the hit on his jaw instead of straight

on. The pain sang up into his ear and down his neck, but through
that he managed to see a truly sick sight. The other guy holding
him wore a sweatshirt emblazoned with the crest and name of the
fucking Academy of Divine Living.

Another punch forced the breath out of him.
“What the hell?” the guy said above him.
“Fucking hold this one,” the other guy said before they backed

him against a tree. “Hold him!”

Rick’s arms were wrenched behind him, nearly tearing them

off, as the one guy held him and the other took off. Rick swung his
head around, feeling dazed and blinking hard, trying to hang on to
consciousness through sickening pain. “Danny,” he wheezed.

Somehow, Danny had managed to get his hands free and two of

the guys were already unconscious on the ground at his feet. It was
an awesome sight, really, one that made Rick smile. A beautiful,
pale god of a man, his cock dark and hard and bound, muscles
ripped and fists clenched, wailing away at stupid, weak-minded,

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black-souled sons of bitches. The third guy fell from a one-two
combo worthy of any heavyweight champion before Danny
advanced on the new guy.

The bastard who had hit Rick turned and fled, then the one

holding him against that fucking tree let go and took off, too. Rick
dropped to his knees, his arms screaming.

“Ricky?” Danny hit the ground in front of him, hands holding

his face. “Are you okay? How bad are you hurt, baby?”

“Rattled,” he said. He reached up to hold onto Danny’s

forearms and frowned at the cuffs on each of his wrists. He’d
broken them?

“I saw them punch you, yeah. Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

He also seemed to know about his arms because he was careful to
help Rick up with an arm around his waist instead of under his
shoulders. “Can you get your pants yourself?”

“Yeah.” His arms didn’t feel quite as bad going in front of him

as they did going back. “I’m going to need a shit ton of

“I’ve got plenty at home.”
Danny grabbed up his jeans, then paused, reaching behind

himself. Rick laughed when Danny threw the condom on the face
of one of their still-unconscious attackers.

“Lovely souvenir, honey. That’s nice of you.”
Danny laughed as he got his pants on and shoved his feet into

his sneakers. The laughter died on a sob, though.

Rick did up the button on his jeans, then stepped close and

pulled Danny down into his arms. It fucking hurt, but he ignored it
as best he could because Danny needed him.

“It’s okay, Danny,” he murmured, cheek-to-cheek. “You were

amazing, you know?”

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Danny squeezed him just a bit and pressed his lips to his

temple. “I was so scared, so angry. I nearly changed and fucking
killed them for touching you.”

It would’ve taken a hell of a change to get this man to be a

killer; that he’d fought so well was amazing by itself. He made
Danny move back and cupped his face so he could look up into
those bright blue eyes. “I was scared, too. Until I saw my
boyfriend turn into The Hulk and save my scrawny ass.”

Danny laughed, then gave him a quick kiss. “Come on,

Scrawny. I’ll drive.”

Rick wasn’t going to argue about that and headed for the

passenger door. He looked back when he saw Danny bend over in
front of the car. He wasn’t sure what to make of the sight of him
scooping one of those guys up from the ground and tossing him
into the bushes…while using only one arm.

* * *

There wasn’t a mark on him.
Rick couldn’t stop staring at Danny as he slept beside him

because there wasn’t a single bruise or cut on the beautiful man.
He knew it had all happened last night because his shoulders still
ached and there was a bruise on his jaw and his stomach. But
Danny had nothing. His jaw should be purple from that first punch.
His knuckles should be messed up from all those hits he got in.

It was almost like some other Danny had been there—Danny’s

superhuman twin. He was grateful his man wasn’t hurt, but he
couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t.

He touched his pink cheek, wanting and not wanting to wake

him up and ask him. Danny blinked slowly, a little smile curving

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his lips as his blue eyes focused on him. Rick couldn’t help smiling
back as Danny sighed and then he couldn’t help kissing him.

He kept the kiss sweet and soft, petting all that warm, satiny

skin on Danny’s chest. He was even gentle with one beaded nipple.
Danny’s moan sounded lazy, and Rick wanted inside this sleepy

When he reached down to get a hold of his cock, though, he

discovered Danny still wore the leather ring.

“Danny!” He lifted the blankets up. “Why didn’t you take this


Rick did now, checking for damage. His skin looked a little

angry, but not terribly so.

“My master put it on,” Danny whispered, still looking so sleepy

sweet. “It wasn’t my place to take it off.”

A shiver snaked down Rick’s spine and set his cock to filling

faster. That was the first time Danny had ever called him master. It
was like when he’d said he should use him. Forbidden and wrong,
but really fucking hot.

He surrounded Danny’s thick dick with his hand. “Just for that,

puppy, you get to come however you want to. Tell me what you
want and it’s yours.”

Danny blushed, those pink cheeks turning darker, as he nibbled

his bottom lip in naughty thought. “I love your mouth, Ricky.
Would you suck me off and then fuck me real slow?”

He smiled, rolling the big man fully onto his back. “You got it,

puppy. Know why?”

“Because you love me?”
Rick nodded. “Because I love you.”
He sucked that big cock with single-minded dedication, letting

himself give his all for Danny’s pleasure. He licked and tongued

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the head, played with the slit until Danny begged. He mouthed
those hairy balls, breathing deep the scent of sex and hot skin.
Then he rimmed his ass, loving how his muscles fluttered on his
tongue and pulled at his thumbs as he held him open. Loving how
Danny writhed and moaned and keened at the ceiling, his hands
gripping the headboard or crushing his pillow.

Rick sent two spit-slick fingers inside him and sucked in most

of his cock, pumping and sucking to pull his lover over the edge.
When he finally got the hoarse cry and a mouthful of cum, he
moaned himself and swallowed it all down. As it always was, he
didn’t want to stop sucking that perfect flesh, holding on until he
knew Danny couldn’t stand it anymore before slowly pulling off.
He savored one final taste, then opened his eyes to look up at
Danny’s flushed and panting face.

“Fuck me,” Danny whispered. “Please, Ricky.”
He sat up, wincing a little at the pain in his shoulders, and

reached into the bedside for one of the pre-lubed condoms.

As Danny lifted his legs up and out, baring his ass, Rick slid

the condom on and smiled at his lover’s shameless display. Heavy
legs spread, cock spit-shiny and resting on his belly, balls loose
and that little pucker just begging to be stretched… And his eager
face, the soft grin.

“Fucking love fucking you,” he said before pushing all the way

in at once.

Danny didn’t tense or flinch, just groaned and rolled his eyes

closed as his body twitched and hugged him tight. God, it was
good! Tight and hot and just so Danny. The big man loved it like

Rick kept his strokes long and slow, savoring the grip Danny

had on him, determined to make this last. But he wasn’t the

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superhuman one, so he had to shorten his thrusts, move a little
faster. He did manage to add a bit of torture for his lover, though,
by breaching his amazing ass over and over. Poke, poke, poke!

“Oh, fuck.” Danny threw his head back. “Christ, that’s good!”
Rick smiled, watching, then remembered how he’d planned to

bite Danny’s pale neck last night to give him an extra added treat.
So he pushed in deep and started fucking fast, slamming their
bodies together, knowing Danny would go nuts as soon as he felt
Rick’s teeth on him.

Leaning close, only his hips humping him, Rick set his teeth to

Danny’s bared neck and bit down hard.

“Oh! Oh, God! Yes, Ricky,” he hollered, grabbing at his back

and his hair, holding him fast. “Yours! Oh God, I’m so yours,

Danny’s ass squeezed him tight over and over, and Rick let go,

coming with a groan around the mouthful of muscle between his
teeth. He had to release him so he could suck in air, feeling his
orgasm roll through him in waves as Danny kept clenching on him,
giving him everything he had, too.

Panting, he lay down on Danny’s chest, feeling his fast breaths

and pounding heart, getting lost in whose was whose. His arms
ached, but it had been worth it. With Danny, it was always worth

“Thank you, Ricky,” Danny whispered. He smoothed his hands

up and down his back. “Love it when you claim me.”

Claim him? Oh, the bite mark. He lifted his head to look at it,

seeing an angry red ring of obvious teeth marks. On that pale skin,
they’d probably bruise for a few days. Like last time.

So why the hell isn’t his cheek bruised from last night?
Rick pushed away, muttering for Danny to stay put, and got off

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the bed. He tossed the condom in the bathroom trash, then got a
washcloth nice and hot. It would make Danny groan to have it
pressed to his ass, soothing those muscles before he cleaned him

Danny groaned as expected, a little smile on his face again.

“That feels so nice.”

“Wish you had a tub so you could soak.”
“Mmm… That would be good. Or a hot tub.”
He grinned. “Fuck you in the bubbles.”
Danny chuckled, closing his eyes and looking so relaxed, while

Rick’s head was full of questions. He sighed, gently wiping at him
now, before refolding the cloth and pressing it to him again.

“Do you shoulders hurt, baby? You want more pain meds?”
Rick shook his head and suddenly couldn’t keep quiet any

longer. “Why will the bite mark bruise, while the bruise you
should have on your cheek isn’t there? And your knuckles are fine.
Like nothing happened last night.”

Danny’s face went wary, his lips stretching thin. Just like

before, when he’d lied to him about where he went every month.

“Fuck,” Rick said with a snarl and got off the bed. He went into

the bathroom again and threw the washcloth into the shower only
to have his shoulder scream at him. “Fuck!”

He stalked back into the bedroom, finding Danny sitting up in

the middle of the mattress. He looked sad and unsure, but enough
was enough.

“Why aren’t you hurt? How did you break those handcuffs?

How did you take down all those guys so fast? Where the fuck do
you go every month?

Tears rolled down Danny’s face, and Rick wanted to apologize,

comfort him, but damn it, he had to know.

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“I was waiting,” Danny said, seeming to try not to sob the

words. “I have to tell you, but sometimes it goes bad, and I was
scared of losing you, so I’ve been waiting.”

Now Rick was scared instead of angry and got back onto the

bed, taking those big hands in his. “Are you in trouble, Danny?”

He shook his head. “No, I… It’s just so huge, Ricky.”
“You’re not messing around with those Russians, are you?”
“No. No, nothing like that.” He shrugged. “Well, not really.”
“God, Danny, if you’re into something illegal—”
“No! Ricky, I promise it’s nothing like that.”
“Then what?” He held tight to his hands, shaking now.
“I… Ricky, I’m…” He swallowed audibly. “Ricky, I’m a


He stared at him for a moment, then shoved his hands away.

“Goddamn it, Danny, that’s not fucking funny. I’m serious here!”
He got off the bed to look for his pants.

“I’m serious, too! I swear I am.” Danny reached for him, but

Rick dodged away. “God, I’m going to have to show you,” he
muttered, raking his fingers through his hair and looking a little

“Oh, really?” he said with a sneer. “Fucking hell, Danny, that’s

your worst lie yet.”

“I’m not lying! Ricky, I can’t lie to you.”
He found his pants and tugged them on. “Sure, you can’t. So

you go hunting with a bunch of family friends every month, huh?”
He snatched up his sweatshirt, stabbing into it. “Did you know that
nothing’s in season right now, you asshole?”

When there was no comment from the bed, Rick looked back

and then froze.

Fear for himself was his first reaction and he stumbled back,

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away from the half-man, half-something else shifting around on
the blankets where Danny had just been. Then he felt afraid for
Danny, for what was happening to him, and stepped back up to the

“Danny?” he asked, his voice croaking. He reached for him,

but pulled his hand back, nervous he might hurt him as a moan
came from the thing on the bed.

Black hair pushed up through pale skin. Bones and muscles

moved under that skin and fur in ways they only did in horror
movies. Rick couldn’t catch his breath as it became obvious that
the man became a dog, a wolf. A big, midnight black wolf. Big
like a Great Dane, only definitely a wolf.

“Holy God,” he whispered. His legs trembled seconds before

he hit the floor on his ass.

A whine sounded over his head, and he looked up in time to see

the wolf peer over the footboard at him. Then it dropped down to
the floor, big blue eyes watching him. He realized the whole
creature looked nervous, moving slowly.

The wolf was afraid. And the wolf was Danny. Danny was


“It’s okay,” he whispered. “Don’t… Don’t be scared, Danny.”
Danny came closer, his head down and tail tucked under, like a

dog expecting a smack on the nose.

“Jesus, Danny, look at you!”
He reached for him, and his tail came up and started wagging.

There was a glint of happiness in his blue eyes and his tongue
lolled out as he panted. He sat down just in front of him, so Rick
got up on his knees to be eye-level with the big wolf who was his

“I… I had no idea that… Fuck, that creatures like you are

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really real!”

His tail thumped against the floor and he scooted closer.
Rick moved closer, too, and reached out for him with both

hands. Danny gave a little bark, a happy sound, and licked his hand
from wrist to fingertips with a warm, wet, oddly rough tongue. He
knew that tongue, recognized it from Danny’s kisses, and when he
licked his cock and drove him crazy. He’d always wondered why it
was so rough…

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, now close enough to bury

his fingers in soft, black fur. It was so thick, so warm. Was this
why sleeping with Danny felt like sleeping next to a furnace?
“Wow, Danny.”

It suddenly struck him that this was a big deal. A huge deal. He

could see why Danny had been worried about telling him. And,
Jesus, the trust this showed! This was a secret of monumental
proportions Danny trusted him with right here.

“I won’t tell anyone.” He smoothed his hands over Danny’s

face and those big ears. “Thank you for telling me, but I won’t say
a word to—”

Who the hell did he have to tell? There was only Danny. He

was all Rick had. Which had been why he’d freaked at the idea of
losing him and started their night of fun and pain and worry. He
had no one and nothing but Danny.

“You know my family’s all fucked up,” he whispered, burying

his fingers in that thick black coat. “You know I can’t ever go
home again. And maybe you know…” He swallowed the lump in
his throat and fought back tears. “Maybe you know I’m completely

Danny whined and put his big head on Rick’s shoulder like a


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“I took you out last night because I wanted to show you that

you didn’t have to go anywhere else for excitement or love or
whatever you need. I thought you were seeing someone else
because I wasn’t enough to keep you happy.”

Danny jerked and blinked. Then he barked, eyes narrowed, and

it sounded very much like a firm no.

Rick nodded and stroked down his neck, over the chain of that

locket. “I know. Now I know. But, Danny, I can’t lose you.” His
damn tears spilled over. “I can’t be alone anymore.”

The wolf whined and licked at his face, cleaning up his tears,

then moved away and started changing back. Rick watched the
weird, painful-looking push and pull of muscle and bone and skin.
He just waited, nervously fidgeting because so very much rode on
Danny’s response.

The first thing Rick noticed was that Danny’s bite mark was

gone. So he’d changed some time during the night and healed his
injuries? Jesus. Finally, Danny shook his dark head, wobbling a
little and blinking a lot as he spun around to find Rick again. “Love
you.” He grunted, as if his voice wasn’t quite his yet. “Only you.”

Rick managed not to sob as he gathered Danny into his arms.

Only him. Okay. God, that was good. “Yeah? Promise?”

“You’re my mate, Ricky.” He pulled him in close, getting him

to straddle his thigh. “I knew we were meant to be from the
moment I met you.”

“You did?”
Danny petted his hair back, kissed both cheeks. “I did, baby.

We’re a true-mated pair, you and me. There’s no one else for me
but you.”

No one else. Oh, God…
Danny’s skin felt clammy when he leaned in and hugged him

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tight. “You feel so cold. Are you all right, Danny?”

“It’s normal.” He ran his chilly hands up under Rick’s

sweatshirt. “It’ll fade.”

Rick rubbed and stroked and kissed every part he could reach

anyway, trying to warm him up. Danny chuckled at him. “Are you
trying to get me hard again?”

Rick sat back and cupped his face, smiling, and finally let out

his own secret. “Only if you’ll fuck me this time.”

He regretted saying it like that when Danny’s face showed his

shock. Then Rick pushed worry away and held firm to his request,
knowing he needed this. Needed to admit to needing this.

“Yeah, I know.” Rick could feel his face heating. “But could

we anyway?”

“Of course, baby,” Danny said, his voice all soft and tender.

“How do you want it?”

Rick smiled and sighed, relieved. He gave him a quick kiss.

“Behind. Want you deep.”

They stood together, Danny lifting Rick’s sweatshirt off of

him, then helping him back out of his jeans. Rick got up on the bed
on his hands and knees.

Danny got on the bed, too, but pulled Rick down onto his side.

“How about like this?” He tucked Rick’s back to his chest. “I want
to hold you.”

Rick sighed. Yeah, he wanted to be held. “Okay.”
“Let me get the stuff.” He twisted around and opened the

nightstand drawer. “Um, Ricky?”

“Yeah?” He turned enough to see.
“We don’t really need the condoms. I can’t get sick or make

you sick, so unless you want them for clean up or something…”

Rick smiled, even as his head spun. God, that was huge!

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“That’ll, um, save us some cash.”

Danny rolled his eyes. “You know, for most couples, this is a

big deal.”

He swallowed and shivered. “It is for us, too. Really. And…I

want to.”

“I get to feel it first.” Danny caught his chin and pulled him

around for a kiss.

He laughed, rolling his eyes now. “Don’t make me get all

bossy.” He wiggled his ass against Danny’s dick, making the big
man moan.

Rick curled his legs up when he heard the cap on the lube.

Then one of Danny’s thick fingers circled and teased his hole. Rick
took deep breaths, trying to relax, knowing he wanted this, needed
it, even though it had been four years. The only reason he’d started
topping exclusively was to avoid being vulnerable, but last night
had taught him there was no safe way to love someone. It was
always a risk, but sometimes the risk was worth it.

He groaned when that teasing finger pushed in, backed out,

pushed again. “Oh, man.”

Danny made a happy noise behind him that tugged a smile out

of Rick. Maybe his big bottom liked being a top now and— “Oh
fuck!” He arched his back as Danny’s damn finger nudged his

“So you are paying attention.”
A wheezing laugh left Rick. “What are— Oh God! Right there.

Right— Yes! Fuck!”

Danny chuckled, then there was more lube and another finger.
“Oh, hell,” he said, burying his face in a pillow. If his fucking

fingers felt this good…

“You feel ready to me, baby. What do you think?”

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Nudge. Nudge.
“Yes! Christ!”
Rick wanted to comment on Danny’s little laugh, but his hot,

slick dick was suddenly a-knockin’. “Oh, my fucking God…”

“Easy, baby.” Danny got his arms around him, working his

dick slowly deeper. “Damn, you feel so good on me, Ricky.”

Rick tried to relax, tried to let Danny in, but his muscles were

freaking out. Danny, bless him, didn’t complain or try to force his
way in. He just coaxed and waited, pushing in in tiny increments.

Finally, with one of Danny’s arms under Rick’s head and

across his chest and the other looped around his waist, Rick
moaned and relaxed. Being wrapped in Danny was such fucking
heaven, and the pleasure of the hold went off the charts when
Danny started moving deep inside him.

“Jesus, Danny,” he said and groaned, rocking, only to have

Danny hold him still. He grinned and let his head rest over on
Danny’s arm when Danny nuzzled into his neck.

“You can have this whenever you need it, Ricky,” he said, his

voice that tender purr again. “Just tell me. I’ll do anything you

“Always need you.”
“I’m not going anywhere, baby.” He kissed his neck, then

licked a line up over his cheek. “You’re stuck with me, Ricky,
because wolves mate for life.”

Tears burned his eyes suddenly. For life. “Danny… Oh, God!”
“You’ll never be alone now,” he said, his arms tightening as his

thrusting grew faster. “I’m yours forever, Ricky.”

“Forever.” He held Danny’s big hands, squeezing his fingers as

he moaned over and over from the perfect pleasure of his lover
snug and hot inside him. And that promise… Jesus!

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Words stopped being possible as Danny kept driving into him,

so deep, so full. Then their hands wrapped around his dick and
pumped with each stroke into his ass, making Rick cry out over
and over, until the snap of his orgasm burned through him. He shot
and clenched, grinning as he panted because Danny came with
him, buried inside him.

“Love you,” he said, squeezing those arms closer around him.
A rumbling sound vibrated against his back as Danny tucked

his face into Rick’s neck. “I love you, too, Ricky. Always.”

* * *

Six months later

“Hi, Amanda, Chloe, Tom,” Rick called as he closed his car

door and went around to let Danny out. “Sorry we’re late. Are they
still around?”

Danny got out of the passenger seat, his black fur already

letting him blend into the night. Only the full moon glinting off his
sleek coat gave him away as he trotted beside Rick over to the little
group of people.

Tom said, “They’re here and there. Something big went down

to the east not long ago, though.” The tall, lean man with a
perfectly bald head sat in a picnic chair near the back of his truck.
He was the human mate of another gay wolf named Leon.

“Lots of howling,” Chloe said with a grin, as she waved her

fingers at Danny. Her mate was a wolf named Carl, who was as big
as Danny only bright white.

Amanda rocked her baby son Aaron, patting his back, a bottle

beside her hip where she sat in the bed of Tom’s truck. “I’m

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expecting a report from Sully any— Oh, there he is.”

A howl that sounded young and super-excited cut through the

night. Sully was Amanda and Reese’s oldest son and tonight was
his first moon shift, where all the wolves old enough to do it were
forced to change for three days each month. And they liked to get
together and go hunting as a pack, regardless of what was in

Danny threw back his head and howled. His call created a

flurry of answers from wolves all over the property the pack
owned way outside the city.

Rick ruffled Danny’s head, then smacked his rump. “Have fun.

See you later.”

Danny gave him a happy bark and took off. Only when he was

gone from sight did Rick remember he’d had something to remind
him about.

“Damn. I wanted to tell him no friggin’ rabbits this time.” He

sat down on the tailgate beside Amanda. “I really hate the dead

They chuckled at him, no doubt much more used to the gifts

their own spouses brought back to them since they’d all been
together longer than he and Danny. This was only their sixth moon
change together.

Only… He smiled to himself. He and his mate had been

together for eight months now. He pulled his feet up onto the gate
and hugged his knees, feeling the giddy happiness of their
commitment all over again.

It wasn’t just how he had Danny now, he had Danny’s pack,

too. A few days after Danny’s big reveal, he’d taken him out to the
alpha’s house to introduce him. As soon as Danny had said, “This
is my mate, Rick Granger,” he’d been totally accepted right into

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the pack. The family. Everyone wanted to meet him, was so happy
for him and Danny, and it had nearly set him to crying when the
alpha presented him with a locket matching Danny’s. His hadn’t
contained hairs from the head of somebody named Saint Vincent—
which was, apparently, the only thing that kept a werewolf from
being a crazy demon when they changed—but Danny had put a
lock of his own black hair inside once they’d gone home.

He was a member of a huge, extended family, and that still got

to him sometimes.

Amanda bumped his shoulder, giving him a wicked grin.

“What kept you tonight?”

He smiled, glad for the near darkness to hide his blushing.

“Yeah, yeah, we wanted one more go-around before he changed.”

And, oh, it had been a good one! Danny had already started to

feel his change coming on when they’d started, so it had been a
frenzied fuck to the finish line. Rick’s ass still ached in that really
delicious way. They never much talked about who would end up
doing what to whom since that first time he’d bottomed for Danny,
but he was always happy wherever he found himself. And he knew
Danny was, too, from the enthusiasm with which the man plowed
him. God, it was so good!

“Have you tried the leather cuffs?” Amanda asked.
“La-la-la,” Chloe chanted, fingers in her ears, while Tom just

shook his head and chuckled.

During his second time meeting Amanda and the other human

mates, Danny’s cock ring had fallen out of Rick’s pocket when he
went to get his keys. It turned out Amanda and Reese went in for
the kinky stuff, too, sometimes. Go figure.

“After this moon,” he said, smiling. “You know how they are

when they change back.”

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Tom chuckled and said, “I’ve already started stretching.”
“Oh, knock it off,” Chloe complained with a grin.
“Not like that! My back.”
Rick laughed with them, then heard a now-familiar howl in the

distance. Danny, checking in like he’d do a few times tonight. Rick
didn’t feel stupid doing it anymore, so he just cupped his hands
around his mouth and gave a howl to answer him.

“That boy really loves you, Rick.” Amanda snuggled Aaron

into a bouncy chair behind her.

“Yeah,” he said with a sigh. “He really does.”

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Missy Welsh has a Master of Arts in Writing Popular Fiction that
was a gift she gave herself for making it through an undergraduate
degree; she’s still paying for that gift, too, so she thanks you for
your contribution to that end with the purchase of her stories.
Romance has always been the main theme of her writing, even
when she was twelve and concocting little tales for her friends. She
grew up watching tough-guy action movies with her dad and
stealing her mom’s romance novels, so it seemed perfectly normal
to pair up the two and see what happened. As long as there are men
being brave and falling in love, Missy plans to fantasize about—
um, she means, write about them.

For more information about Missy, please visit her website at

* * *

Don’t miss What

by Missy Welsh,

available at AmberAllure.com!

Sam’s life completely changes when Jeremy, his sexy and muscular
boss at a tattoo parlor, finally reveals the secret he’s been keeping
from Sam since the day they met: they’re mates, and not only is
Jeremy a panther, but so is Sam.

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With rules to follow so they can be together, Sam has to step up
and be the patient lover his formerly straight mate needs him to be
while learning about his new self as a shapeshifting panther…

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