Ace of Hearts by Greta

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Ace of Hearts

By Greta

Chapter 1

Many things could be said about Craig Taylor: he was a real gentleman, worth of the respect of his equals; he was
an important column of the upper Boston Society, and he loved his family, now reduced to his only son, after the
death of his wife. He was smart too, very accurate and very tactful in his job as senior partner in one of the most
important legal offices of the town, and, last but not least, Craig Taylor was the prideful owner of enormous
properties in the country. First of all there was Angel’s Rest, the ancient residence of his wife, Jennifer.

In spite of all of that, nobody could deny that Craig had only one, but overwhelming, vice, one thing that was able to
obscure every other thought in his mind since his wife’s death.

As matter of fact, for the last ten years he had been completely captured more by a sudden passion for gambling, and
poker and dice were his favourite games. That night, like every other Saturday in the last years, he was at the pub,
playing his chances at the gaming table. Lately, the blind goddess hadn't smiled often at the man, but that night,
magically, everything seemed easy. Every hand was a winning one, nobody seemed able to stop him. And it was
time that it happened: in those last months, his vice had brought him to forfeit a lot of his possessions... even some
of his most valuable estates had changed owner after very bad luck hands at the green table.

That night everything seemed perfect, and also his young protégée, the last addiction to his legal office, Ethan Gold,
appeared calmer, or perhaps more resigned than usual. "Tonight I'll be able to face my Justin without shame..." the
man whispered with a smile, something very rare to see on his face, lately.

"Yes, sir. You've won a lot of money... don't you think it's time to quit now?" The other players seemed on point to
comply, but even they were a little happy for the man who was slave of the game, and who thought that a winning
could make his son happy, and that the emotion, the pathos of the challenge could help him to forget his wife.

Craig lifted his head: he knew that a gentleman wouldn't quit after winning, that he had to give a return, and his eyes
scanned the other players, ready to give in, to remain if even only one of them had wanted another chance.

"You've been lucky tonight, Craig. You own us a return game, but not now. Go back to your son, there'll be other
occasions" Horvath, one of the player, said, smiling. Ethan was happy: for a moment he had thought that the others
would have kept the man from his weak resolution to abandon the pub, but now it was over. They were waiting for
their coats, when a strange, but well-known, nasal voice stopped them.

"Now... isn't it Craig Taylor? It's quite a long time since our last meeting. How's your beautiful son?” Yes, he was

Saperstein, universally known by the only abbreviation 'The Sap', was one of the more disgusting and mysterious
men of Boston. Nobody knew how he built his fortune, how it was that he became one of the most feared
businessmen of the city. Rumours murmured that he started his career as owner of immoral 'clubs', places where
men could find everything they wanted... either girls or boys, and that his fortune had multiplied thanks to his skills
as gambler, earned in the saloons of the west coast.

"Sap... sorry you didn't arrive earlier. It would be a pleasure to challenge you tonight" Craig answered defiantly,
feeling the fire of challenge burning into his chest.

"It’s not too late, if you want to face a real player. You know... it's been a long time since your last victory over me.
Ooops, I forgot... you have never defeated me" and the Sap laughed.

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"Sir, he's only trying to provoke you! We've to go" Ethan tried to convince his employer.

"NO! I don't want to withdraw… tonight is my night, I'm sure I can defeat him!" Craig passionately replied,
forgetting his coat and following Saperstein in the main room. He knew he was acting like a child, but he was sure,
he was mathematically sure that that was his occasion, his possibility to regain his self respect, to regain his dignity,
his right to look into Justin's eyes.

They chose the dice. It was easy, rapid... who got the higher score won. Half an hour later, the whole audience was
captivated by the challenge between the two men. Initially the results were balanced, but soon it was clear that
Craig's lucky night was at an end. The Sap seemed unstoppable: every time he threw the dice he made a score just a
little higher than Taylor's. And, in no time, the passion seemed to devour the older man: first he needed a chair, then
he started to sweat, and soon in his eyes were equally visible with fever for the game and desperation.

"Don't you want your 'revenge'?” the revolting man said, when it was clear that Craig had lost everything he had, all
his money, every possession, on the table.

"I... I have nothing more to offer..." the lawyer whispered, tightening his head between the hands.

"Are you sure? I think you've something else I could be interested in" the Sap answered. There was silence in the
pub, as everybody wanted to follow every single detail of that complete debacle. And it was in that moment that the
heavy door was opened and Brian Kinney entered in the room. Feeling the strange atmosphere, but not caring to
show any interest, he reached the back of the saloon, taking a sip from his wine glass, and concentrating his attention
on the deep red of the thick liquid.

"Brian... and his usual grand entrances!" Ted Schmidt whispered, one of the most successful Boston's accountant, to
his long time friend, Ben Bruckner.

"He's the only one who has the poise to do that" the muscular guy confirmed, trying, and failing, to exchange a
glance of recognition with the new guest. But there wasn't time to waste on the dark Brian Kinney: all the lights
were on the couple of men engrossed in their challenge.

"I've nothing else to put on the table... you've everything I owned..." Craig sighed with his head bowed.

"No, it's not true. There something you own and that I've wanted for a very long time..." Every eye in the room was
glued to The Sap, not a breath could be heard in the pub.

"NO!" was the only answer from the older man.

"Yes, your enchanting son. Besides, I know that in few years he'll be the heir of your wife's fortune, and I want him.
I don't like the way he treats me like... rubbish. The disdain in his beautiful eyes doesn't do him any justice".

"No, not Justin!!" Ethan tried to whisper, but his words escaped more like a choked scream.

"Everything you've lost tonight against little Justin. I think I'm being very generous..." the evil man insisted.

"I can't give something I don't own. We're talking about a person, not an object" was Craig's weak objection.

"We both know the boy: he will do everything you want, in order to protect the honour of the Taylor's" there was a
brief pause, then the nasal voice insisted: "So, Craig Taylor? You can regain all of your properties on a hand..."

"I don't think this stake should be accepted..." Ben whispered to Ted.

The accountant shook his head, but he was really curious to see if a man could fall that low. And Craig could.

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"All my possessions for... my Justin. I know..." and he turned towards Ethan "I know I'll win this game... and Justin
won't ever know about this! Do you understand?" he screamed, facing all the people now around the table "do you
understand that I can't come back home and say to my son that we've... NOTHING?!"

Nobody said a word and many people stared at everything except for the desperate man. In few instants the paper
was written and signed, and the sheet was on the table. Craig Taylor shook the container with the dice...

A loud 'OOOHHH' was whispered by the crowd: six and four.

And now was Saperstein's turn: he briefly shook the wooden box and then tossed the dice.

It was impossible... Shaking on his legs, Craig dragged himself towards the door, Ethan immediately by his side.
The Sap smiled, then he looked at the dice: six and five...

He extended his arm and brought the paper: Justin was his, he thought, heading for the door."Hey, hey... you seem
in a rush" a voice echoed in the room "Don't you want to try your fortune one more time, Sap?"

Once again the crowd's complete attention was glued to Saperstein:

"Brian Kinney... what a pleasure to see you again" the man said, clenching his teeth "Didn’t know you were here to
play... to lose".

The tall dark man reached the table and started to roll the dice. "Why not... it seems such an interesting night, so far.
Don't you want to improve your prize?" he added, getting out of his pocket what seemed a heavy velvet bag.

Another challenge, and like Craig Taylor some hours earlier, The Sap was tempted to decline the offer. He turned
around, and it was immediately clear that everybody was waiting for his answer.

He lifted his head: after all it would be nice to give a lesson to that arrogant bastard of Brian Kinney! "Dice again, or
do you prefer some other game?" he asked, approaching the table.

"I think it would be more exciting" and at this point Kinney lifted an eyebrow "to continue with the dice. You
seemed very lucky tonight".

"As you like it... but we have to decide the stake. Are you up for a... spiced bet?"

"Always" and then Kinney threw the content of the heavy bag on the table. Little shining diamonds rolled on the
green carpet "These ones for the house and the boy" he smirked.

"What... boy?" suddenly Sap seemed upset and suspicious.

"The Taylor boy. He appears to be very important to you".

The other didn't answer.

"Ok, if you don't have the courage to..."

"I do have, Kinney. The house and Ju... the boy, for your diamonds. They seem...amazing!" Saperstein murmured
with a sudden sparkle in the eyes.

"They are pure and extremely rare".

"So is my stake" said the older man "Let’s start".

Both of them wore their best game face. The challenge started, it was all or nothing on one roll of the dice.

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Saperstein was the first: after a rapid shake, he threw the dice on the table... and again it was quite perfect: five and
six. With a smirk, The Sap presented the little cubes to his adversary. Brian Kinney was equally rapid and he tossed
the dice, remaining with his eyes glued to those of his rival.

"It can’t be true!" Ted was shocked and mesmerized like the others patrons of the pub.

"The luck of Irish" Ben whispered.

The dice were on the table, six and six.

"I think these are mine" Kinney smirked, gathering the papers signed few minutes earlier by Craig Taylor.

Nobody was able to add a word because, suddenly, a shot echoed in the old rooms of the club... and it seemed to
come from the library. There wasn't time to try to understand, because the heavy door was opened again and Ethan
Gold entered slowly in the room, obviously shocked: "Craig Taylor... Craig Taylor has killed himself!"

Chapter 2

"Brian, it's been three weeks... aren't you curious to see your prize?" Ted Schmidt couldn't believe that his long time
friend wasn't at least a bit intrigued to see the result of the bet he had won so much time before.

"No. I’ve more important things to do" Kinney answered, moving his queen on the square board and giving no
escape to Ben Buckner's king.

"You won again! I hope someday you'll give me a chance. It's not amusing losing every time!" smiled the muscular
man, standing up and heading for the liquor chest.

"It's not my fault you're such losers!"

"Brian... you were fantastic!" and this was obviously, Michael Novotny, one of his older friends, one whose brain,
unfortunately, had remained blocked to the day they met.

"Well, the house... and the boy! Don't you want to know why The Sap was so interested in them?" Ted insisted.

"Don't you see you're bothering Brian?" Michael replied visibly upset by the idea of the house... and especially of
the boy.

"Once you know Sap, you can't think what interests him could have a minimum appeal on you!" Ben added, trying
to smooth the atmosphere with a laugh.

"As I said I've more important things to think about, and honestly I've completely forgotten all the Taylor's story"
Kinney paused, then added "And I think that this has been for the better: I believe the last days had to be hard for the
family". Craig Taylor had killed himself with a gunshot and now all his financial mistakes were exposed at daylight.
His legal office had been picked up for few bucks by the rival firm, and The Sap hadn't lost time to reclaim all the
Taylor's possessions won that last night.

"Angel's Rest is not so far... it's ten miles from Boston. How about a contest?" Ben proposed, suddenly sharing Ted's
curiosity "It could be an amusing way to end the night!"

"BEN! What are you talking about? It's a waste of time... I'm sure we'll find a forty years old man in a wheelchair
and full of pimples!" Michael objected. Craig Taylor was near sixty, so it wasn't an improbable description.

"Your kind of man..." Brian mocked, shaking a little at the idea.

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"Well, are you up to my contest? Ten thousand dollars for the first who reach the house!" Ben suffered the long
winter nights and he was always happy when they could find something new to amuse themselves.

There were some moments of silence than Brian stood up and, stretching his arms,said: "Ten thousand... without

"But... Bri!!!"

"You can stay home if you don't want to come" Ted suggested, knowing very well that this was something Michael
would never do.

"No, no... I'm in" Michael replied even if he was far from happy to go to see Brian's prize.

When they arrived at Angel's Rest, Kinney was obviously the first having had the advantage during the whole trip.

"Well I'm richer everyday no matter what I do..." he smirked, getting off from the horse and assuring the black
stallion to the fence with a rope. After few instants the four of them were at the heavy wooden door beating the old

"How they dare to leave us out here in the cold?" Michael whined, resting the hand on his best friend's arm.

"Probably Taylor is oiling his wheelchair..." Ted muttered, trying to hide his smirk.


"Stop!" Kinney ordered. He didn't think their coming was a great idea, but had also the strange feeling that behind
that door there was something very important for his life "You're acting like children".

At that moment a man in his early fifties very pale and a little unsteady on his feet opened the door looking
inquisitively at the fours.

"I'm Brian Kinney, I've to talk to Mister Taylor" Brian said with a very assertive tone.

The man let them space and they entered in the hall of the old house. It was obvious by the few lamps lit up that the
occupants had just retired. While they were trying to look around low sounds were heard from the head of the dark
stairs and first a shadow then a man made its appearance in front of them. Neither Ted nor Ben tried to hide their
smirks while Michael made a whole act in order to show openly his satisfaction: the man was in his late twenties and
his 'style' was a little flamboyant. Absolutely not a Brian Kinney's type. The man stopped at the bottom of the stairs
and Brian, forcing himself to be his usual unattached self and to not show his delusion, opened his mouth in order to
introduce himself, but his mouth remained open for a very long time...At the top of the stairs appeared what seemed
to be nothing less than a blond angel. Wrapped in a long white night vest with slightly sleepy eyes, fair skin and the
bluest eyes the four of them had ever seen, was a boy about fifteen years old.

The kid started to descend the stairs, stopping near the strange man who had showed before him: "Brian Kinney?"
he asked with a boyish voice, probably accentuated by the sudden wake-up, and trying to focus his attention on the
little crowd facing him.

"I am" the tall man answered "And these are my friends: Ted Schmidt" and the accountant tried a little bow, his eyes
still glued to the boy, "Ben Buckner and Michael Novotny".

Michael reaction was a very fake smile, a not very felt token to gentlemen's manners.

"You must be thirsty after this long trip. Emmett" and the blond turned to the man he was near to "could you take
our guests to the dining room? and Vic" he said to the man who had opened the door "Probably we'll need some

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"You've to put some clothing on sweetheart, it's cold here" murmured the man called Emmett, visibly taking care of
his young master.

"Yes, I'll be back in few minutes. Make yourself at home".

"I didn't think he would be so young" Ted whispered once they were in the dining room.

"His father was quite old but I don't remember having ever seeing his wife...probably she was younger than him"
Ben offered, observing the shelves heavy with very ancient and precious books.

"Brian, he could be our son!" Michael said, hoping the big age difference could be a stop to the strange sparkle he
had seen in his friend's eyes.

"Shut up, Mikey" Kinney shot back. He felt strange. That kid was in every way different from anything he was
expecting. When he had challenged The Sap, he had believed that the disgusting man was after an easy inheritance,
and it had been only the fun of seeing the man scorned that had brought him to play the game. And now there was
this different from all the men he was usually attracted to... he appeared so young, so fragile, he seemed a
strayed cat, at first sight, but Brian felt that he had a steel will, that the boy wasn't so weak as he appeared. And it
enticed him.

"Mister Taylor... you've been very kind. This wine is amazing..." Ben declared, standing up at their guest

"I'm glad you like it. Our Vic brought it back from his last journey to his home land, Italy".

"Oh, I've been there for the 'Grand Tour', when I was younger" Ted began, but he was immediately stopped by
Brian: "...that was a long time ago" the dark man mocked "Mr Taylor, I think it's time for a little chat between the
two of us".

He didn't know why, but it had been very bothered to assist to the little exchange between the boy and his friends.
He didn't like to be ignored in favour of a loser like Ted.

"All right, Mr. Kinney, I think we can retire in the library" Justin proposed, heading for the door.

The room was warm, a brilliant fire was burning in a corner and the low lights projected strange shadows on the
books and the armchairs.

"You're younger than I thought" Kinney stated, staring at the boy's face.

"My mother was my father's second wife. She was much younger than him. This is why I'm not what you were
expecting. My mother died when I was seven..." the boy explained plainly.

"And that was..."

"I'm seventeen, if this is what you'd like to know" Taylor smiled with a little sadness in his eyes.

He was beautiful, and wonderful, and perfect. Brian tried to imagine how his smile could be without that sadness,
and the only word he thought would be fitting was 'sunshine'.

"So you don’t have either of your parents. This complicates my position" Brian stated.

Justin lifted his eyes:

"Why? I don't understand..."

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"You can't stay here alone. You're too young. I'm going to look after you. First of all, I think it'll be better for you to
move out of here... In any case, I think I'll sell this mansion even because, after Saperstein" and at this point the tall
brunette lowered his voice "after 'he' claimed all of your family's possessions, there are still your father's previous
debts. I think that this house's value will help to cover for them and solve your situation. So, as you can see, you
have to leave, and I think the best solution is moving you to my family estate. You'll be with Michael Novotny's
mother. She's a close friend of mine and an amazing woman... she lives in my mansion and I think she could look
after you.

Ok, that's settled" Kinney ended, showing the satisfaction for the solution he had thought.

"I don't need anybody looking after me. I'm not a baby" Justin replied, coldly.

"Yes, you're. And you're mine now, and I can't allow anything wrong happen to you".

"And I've to follow your decisions, is it? I have to respect my father's's a question of 'honour'..." the boy
remarked, with a bitter tone.

"I knew you'd understand. If there's anything you'd want to take with you, you can. Write down a list, and my
employees will be advised to bring everything to The Shell" the other instructed.

"Could I bring my assistant Emmett, and my cat and my horse, too?" the boy whispered, his glance lost in the fire.

"Obviously. And... Justin, remember what we are: only two strangers put together by a game of chance". (*)

Justin nodded, and then Brian Kinney left the room in order to gather his friends and go back to his town house.

A week later Justin Taylor, having packed all his belongings, left his house for the Kinney's mansion. After a little
investigation, he had found that the dark and mysterious man didn't have a family in Boston. His parents had died
some years earlier and his sister had gone back to Ireland with his husband. He lived in town, in a bachelor's
apartment and very rarely he gathered with the mother of his best friend, Deborah Novotny, at the old country

The trip to The Shell was strange but exciting for the young blond. In his seventeen years rarely he had left the
Angel's Rest. His mother loved that house and when he was a baby they liked walking through the park, eating near
the lake and then drawing the house, the woods,the animals... everything was a surprise, a game. His mother was a
very sunny woman, and she could change quite everything in the most fun thing of the world.

Sometimes his father joined them also... those had been the happiest moment of Justin's life. But after his mother's
death everything was different and the smile that had always enlightened his father's face was definitely gone.

In the last years Angel's Rest had become more of a jail to the boy, but he feared to leave it, it was his cocoon, his
nest. He knew everything,every corner of the propriety, and now a stranger, a dangerous man who everybody feared,
as Ethan had said, was going to be his 'master'. In spite of his sadness, Justin smiled: Brian Kinney wasn't his master.
Probably he would be in The Shell till his twenty-first birthday, and then with his mother's money he would be able
to buy back his freedom. The boy closed his eyes while the coach approached his new home and the last image
before the sleep captured his senses was of a pair of enticing hazel eyes.

Chapter 3

"So you're little Justin Taylor!"

The blond was mesmerized: he stayed still, gazing at the red-headed woman in front of him...

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Novotny" he finally found the voice to answer politely.

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"And you're a very well mannered boy, sweetheart!"

Justin smiled, that was the same nickname Emmett usually used for him.

"And you have a sunshine smile, too! Come over here".

Justin reached the woman, and then he was captured in an unexpected hug:

"You're very scrawny, Mr Taylor, I think you've to eat more!" the woman said, releasing the boy who had been
squirming during the passionate welcome, fighting to gain oxygen.

"I eat a lot... but Emmett says I've a great metabolism" he explained.

"Ok, but you've to try my cuisine: I like cooking, even if they have always tried to keep me from it! And I'm sure I'll
be able to put some meat on your ribs" she said, looking sceptically at his thin body.

"They?" Justin was curious.

"Yes, my husband, when he was alive, because he thought that a woman of my position was not fair to stay in the
kitchen, and then my son, Michael. Only Brian said that I have to do what I prefer. Brian Kinney is a very particular
guy..." the woman stopped then, out of the blue, she asked "Are you going to be his lover?"

For a moment Justin couldn't breathe and he felt an attack of nausea in his stomach... what was this woman

"What... I don't understand what you're talking about!” he affirmed, conscious to having become the colour of a

"Don't you know?" Deborah Novotny smiled "That's a very good thing: you're a very charming man, and I don't
want you to be used and discharged by Brian. I love him as a son of mine, but he can be a little... selfish when it
comes to his pleasures. Stay careful, and you'll be fine. And if you have any problem, come to Debbie and I'll help

Finally alone in his new room Justin was unable to forget 'Debbie' words. Why did she ask if he was going to be
Brian's lover? Mr Kinney liked... men?! Justin was not so naïve as a lot of people thought, especially thanks to his
closeness to Emmett Honeycutt He also had more than one suspect on his own preferences, but suddenly the fact
that he was owned by a mysterious man who seemed to love using others for his pleasures seemed really
frightening. Ethan had told him how the night of the challenge had gone, how Saperstein, that disgusting man who
was used to throw little innuendos whenever they were in the same room, had challenged his father, pointing on his
weakness, and then had gained the right to be his 'owner'. Justin had been happy, so far, that Kinney had saved him
from a future in the Sap's hands, but now he was terrified and…ashamed. Yes, ashamed, because that night in the
library he had felt something... strange... for that man, something that had to remain hidden, for the Taylor's honour.

And now, knowing that the hope, the temptation was more real, he was afraid of his weakness, and of where all of
that could take him. He was educated to act and to think following a set moral, and he knew very well that if he
deviated even only once, he would be banned from 'his' society.

Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't hear the low blows against his door.

"Sweetheart... I thought you were sleeping” Emmett whispered, approaching his master.

“No, Em, I'm completely awake..."

"And a bit sad, too. What happened? Are you thinking about your father? You've to think he has finally joined your
mother. Don’t be sad..." the young man tried to comfort him.

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Justin shook his head: "Today a strange thing happened" he started, and then referred to his friend the whole
conversation with Debbie.

"Oh, honey... you don't have to be scared! I'll always be with you, and I think even if rumours said strange things
about Mr Kinney, he has something that tells me we can trust him. And the sparkle I saw in his eyes, that evening...
well, I don't think it was one of lust. And believe me, I can recognize that!" and Emmett laughed lightly.

"EMMETT!! Don’t say such things!" Justin exclaimed "But... what do you think of my feelings? Do you think I
must be ashamed?" the boy added, bowing his head.

"Sweetheart, your feelings aren't wrong or right, they just are. But you have to be careful, because I know that once
you're in love, you'll give all of yourself, then you must make your choice carefully, ok? I love you, baby” and the
tall man gave his master a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you too, Emmett".

"So... am I your choice?" his friend joked.

"Yes, you're my choice as best friend!" Justin replied immediately.

"All right! I think I've to live with that. It seems that I should have at least hazel eyes to have a chance..."


Meanwhile, in his apartment in the centre of Boston, Brian was pacing through the main room. Usually he visited
The Shell three or four times a year, but suddenly he felt the need to control his manor's situation. He knew that
Justin Taylor had arrived; Debbie had sent a message immediately after the boy had touched the ground, and now he
felt a sudden necessity to reach The Shell.

"Michael Novotny, Mister" his housemaid said, entering in the room.

"Let him come in" Brian answered, trying to hide his disappoint. His whining friend was the last person he wanted
to face now.

"Brian!! I'm so happy to have found you! I was thinking about going to the pub, would you join me? It will be fun..."

"No, Mikey, I'm not interested" his last visit to the pub had been the night of Craig Taylor’s death.

"Why? What are you doing all alone at home when we could get out together?" Michael insisted.

"Michael, it's obvious you aren't listening to me: I DON'T WANT TO GO OUT" Brian said slowly.

"It's all about that kid, isn't it?" the other scowled.

"What kid?" the conversation had started to bother Brian, but he couldn't kick his friend out, even if it was exactly
what he wanted to do.

"That blond. He's cute, but I didn't think him to be your type... And he's too young. You're twenty nine, Bri, I think
you need someone more mature" the other reasoned.

"And do you have any suggestion?" Kinney smirked, knowing too well his friend's true intentions.

"I think you need someone who knows you, who doesn't expect you to change. Someone who accepts you for what
you are" Michael explained.

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"Mikey, Mikey..." and Brian laughed "If I weren't sure that you know we won't ever be anything more than friends,
I'd think you were suggesting yourself. Luckily, I know you'd never think such a stupid thing!" and he laughed
again, even if his smile didn't reach his eyes.

Michael had to smile, but inside he wasn't able once again to comprehend his friend: why didn't Brian see what was
so obvious to anybody else? They were made to be together... and he was sure that the obstacle wouldn't be a stupid
little twink with starry eyes and nothing else.

After Michael was gone, Brian decided he wouldn't go to The Shell till the next morning. He had to spend the night
alone in order to pass over this unusual dissatisfaction that was bothering him since the night at the Angel's Rest. For
a moment he thought about the morning meeting he had had with his lawyer...probably he hadn't done the right
thing, but lately he had scored more than one nice coup, and then his decision to cover Craig Taylor's debts with his
own money wouldn't take too much trouble. He thought at Angel's Rest as Justin's house. Once his... the boy turned
twenty-one, he could pay him back with his inheritance. In a certain way, this was only a loan.

The next morning, he covered in less than an hour the ten miles to the family manor. When he stepped into the
house he was slightly out of breath, but as usual he was able to cover his feelings behind an impassive mask.

"Brian!! You didn't tell me you were coming for a visit! I'm so happy to see you so soon, kiddo" Mrs Novotny said,
presenting him the cheek for a kiss.

"Good morning, Debbie. Sorry I didn't warn you in advance. It's a last minute visit... there're some questions I've to
solve" he explained, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Emmett!" the woman called "Is Justin up? I think you could let our sweetheart know we'd like him to join us for

"Yes, ma'am" the man answered, with a badly hidden grin on his face.

"Emmett Honeycutt is a very nice man. I think our Justin has been pretty lucky to have him around" Debbie said,
sitting at the table of the dining room.

"I hope little Justin is not too much... attached to his *friend*" Brian remarked, dryly.

"What... are you jealous, Kinney?" the woman joked.

"You know, Debbie: I don't do jealousy".

"I've known it for a long time, but now I am starting to think you're changing!"

"I'm too old to change" Brian shot back.

She laughed: "I didn't think I'd see the day you put yourself and old in the same sentence!"

He shook his head, lifting his eyes to the ceiling. That impossible woman was really on to him.

Few minutes later a still drowsy Justin Taylor joined them in the dining room: "Good morning Debbie, Mr Kinney"
he politely said, sitting down and waiting for his breakfast.

"Morning Sunshine. Did you sleep well?" the woman asked, smiling at the boy.

"Yes. Everything was perfect. Even Gus slept very well... it's a first, he doesn't like changing places".

Brian lifted an eyebrow:

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"Gus?" he asked, looking at Debbie.

"Gus is my cat. You said I could take him..." Justin replied, suddenly self-conscious.

"Sure, Mr Taylor, your cat is welcomed in my house, if he stays in your room and I don't find his hairs on every
cushion of my house" Brian tried to apologise, even if without saying sorry.

When the servant brought the strawberries, the boy shook his head, opting for an apple, instead.

"Don't you like strawberries, Justin? They're from our gardens" Debbie inquired.

It was very unusual to find boys who didn't like the sweet red fruits.

"Sorry, Debbie. It's that a lot of things make me sick, and unluckily strawberries give me hives, make my eyes water
and a lot of other troubles. But they seem so beautiful so I think I'm going to draw the plants in the could
be a sort of tribute to them, don't you agree?" the boy explained lightly.

"What a nice thought. Strawberries are going to be very happy to be considered worth of your art!" Brian arrogantly
stated. There was something about the boy that forced him to impose his own presence on any other topic.

"Would you prefer it to be you for my drawing subject, instead, Sir? I think we could arrange that, if you insist and
stay still during my work..." the blond playfully shot back.

"Justin, you're playing with fire! Brian doesn't like to be made fun of!" Debbie warned him, noticing the dark
shadow on Kinney's eyes.

Justin turned his face towards the older man: "I didn't want to be offensive. I'd like to draw you, Mr Kinney, you've a
very particular... I don't know how to explain... but you've something that's every artist dream to capture on the

Once he had pronounced these words, the blond felt suddenly ashamed, Debbie's words of the previous day were all
but forgotten.

"Sorry, Mr Taylor, I've a large amount of portraits. You can find a lot of them in the gallery, if you have this sudden
need to look at me for a long time".

After Brian's words there was only silence. The three of them seemed equally surprised by the unexpected
development of the discussion.

"Well, Debbie, thank you for breakfast. Now, Excuse me, but I've to attend a meeting with Ben about the renovation
of the property. Mr Taylor..." and then Kinney left the room.

"He's a little strange, but not bad. I think... I don't know, he's acting in a very weird way with you! Usually he isn't
this moody..."

"It's nothing, ma'am, I think I made a mistake being so bold with him" Justin answered. Then the topic changed
again, and the two talked about Boston common acknowledges.

Chapter 4

After a long morning with Ben Buckner, spent talking about the restyling of The Shell, and after a rapid lunch with
the administrator, Brian decided to spend some time alone walking through his property.

His thoughts were one more time about Mr Taylor: in any other circumstance, he'd act without a second thought. He
knew that the blond would not refuse him, if he acted in the "right way", but he also knew that his "right way" was
get the greatest pleasure and then discharge the boy, without a second glance. And in a strange way, the thought of

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Justin's pain was not so tempting. Walking through the woods, he was suddenly aware that he was not alone. The
quite sounds of a childish song reached his ears. Driven by the voice, he found the object of his lucubration sat on a
rock with a sketchpad and a pencil, apparently drawing the little lake hidden among the high trees.

He stayed still for some minutes, looking at the effect that the rays of the sun had on the blond hair, and then he
decided to get near the boy. When he was just behind his back, Brian was sure he was going to be greeted by a
sketch of the lake, but when he lowered his glance on the sheet he smirked, noticing that from the paper a very
familiar face was scowling at him.

"I thought you needed a model in order to draw a portrait" he whispered.

Justin jumped: so engrossed in his work as he was, he hadn't noticed the arrive of the older man. Immediately he hid
the paper below the others, blushing furiously.

"I didn't hear you" he stammered.

"It was pretty evident" the other smirked.

"What are you doing, here, Mr Kinney?" the boy shot back, trying to regain his composure.

"Last time I checked, I owned this place".

"I know" and Justin smiled, shaking his head "I thought you were still working with Mr.Buckner".

"We've just finished" then he made a step closer to the boy, who immediately reacted stepping back. "You do know,
Mr Taylor... the paper signed by your father gives me some rights on you..." Brian insisted, advancing towards the
boy with the tongue pressed against his cheek.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about..." Justin stammered, stepping back again.

"Well, in a certain way it makes you my... slave?"

"I'm sure you aren't speaking seriously..." and the blond tried again to put some distance between their bodies, now
dangerously close.

But they were near the lake edges, and with the last step Justin foot hit the unsteady margin. When he was losing his
balance, risking falling in the cold water, Kinney's strong arm went around his waist keeping him still.

"Thank... thank you, sir," the blond said, squirming and feeling very uncomfortable.

"Thanks to you, Sunshine" and Brian's mouth descended implacably on the boy's lips.

Justin shrugged, trying to free himself from the other's embrace, but Kinney was taller, broader and stronger than
him, and, besides, a kiss was something he wasn't prepared to fight. When he tried to protest, Brian took advantage
of the opportunity to thrust his tongue into the boy's cavern, engaging a moist duel that ended with Justin's total
oblivion of anything else other than his attacker's mouth. After some very passionate minutes, Brian stepped back
and he smirked when the blond followed his face, trying to prolong their 'exchange'.

"Hey, hey, I thought you were a pure, naïve blond... not a naughty boy instead. Did your parents know you cultivate
these particular 'wishes'?” he mocked.

Justin, his eyes still heavy with passion from the kiss just shared, stared at the other with an interrogative glance, but
when Brian's words reached his brain, he blushed of humiliation and rage and he lost his temper, giving up to his
first impulse. After his hand had hit the older man cheek, he hissed: "How do you dare, pervert! Try something like
this again and I'll kill you!"

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Then the boy ran away, letting a both amused and pissed Brian Kinney staring after him...

When Brian get back to the manor Debbie informed him that Mr Taylor wasn't feeling very well and that he wasn't
going to join them for dinner.

"He acts like he's strong, but I know all the things that have happened to him in the last weeks are hard to overcome.
He's only a child, Brian and it'd be nice if you didn't add other troubles to him, understand?”

"Debbie, I really don't know what you're talking about" Brian answered with the tongue in his cheek.

The woman shook her head: "I have a strong feeling that this time you could be burnt, Kinney. Don't say I haven't
warned you!"

The following morning when Emmett woke Justin up, the first thought of the blond's was of his mysterious master:

"Em, what do you think about Mr Kinney?" he asked, trying to convince himself that getting up was really a

Emmett stopped picking the boy's clothes for the day: "What happened Justin?" he asked suspiciously.

"Nothing" the blond replied, a little too quickly.

"Jus! Tell me immediately what that monster has done to you!" the older man yelled. How was possible that in only
one day that... that Kinney had just caused troubles?

"He hasn't done anything... Ok” Justin added, knowing he wasn't being very convincing "almost anything".

"And this almost... what does it consist in?" Emmett tried again, forcing himself to be patient.

"Hekissedmenearthelake" and then the boy jumped off the bed disappearing in the bathroom.

"What... WHAT HAS HE DONE?! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!!!!!" Emmett screamed, but when he saw the door
closed on his face, he couldn't avoid a little smile. It seemed that this Kinney was a man of action! More important,
at this point, was to understand what his real intentions were. Emmett loved Justin as a little brother and he wasn't
going to allow some selfish pervert to hurt his boy.

That morning Justin decided to visit the inside of great manor. It was very different from Angel's Rest; it was darker,
more mysterious, exactly like his owner. Angel's Rest instead, had his mother's features: even in the worst days of
his father's desperation, their house was full of light, a peaceful place where you could feel safe. Justin loved the
sunlight entering in his room at sunrise, or the warm reflections of a sunset in the library where he used to draw till it
was dark. Now visiting The Shell seemed like a strange adventure. Walking alone in the long corridors the boy
admired the big portraits, and sometimes felt discomforted facing those solemn faces, so like the actual master's.
Suddenly he stopped in front of a painting: the plate stated 1712, and the name was Gale R. Kinney... but he was
ABSOLUTELY identical to Brian!

"Surprised? Yeah, you've discovered my secret: I'm immortal".

Justin jumped; that amused voice had echoed totally unexpected in the room.

"What are you doing here?!" the boy asked, trying to hide his fear.

"I think I could ask you the same thing, Mr Taylor. This is my home and these are my... relatives" Kinney smirked,
focusing his attention on his ancestor's portrait.

"Well... I think your manor is pretty mysterious and I decided to have a look," the blond explained shyly.

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"So you're very curious, too. It's ok..." he added, noticing the boy's frown "I don't care, better, I think you could use
a guide for the tour. Does it bother you if I propose myself for the task?” he joked, bowing slightly in front of the

The other smiled, really unsure of how he was to behave. Brian Kinney wasn't a man easy to understand, but Justin
felt that he wasn't able to deny much of anything to the older man.

The brunette grabbed the blond's arm, and then started to show the various ornaments of the rooms, telling a brief
story for every one of those who seemed to capture Justin's attention.

"Thank you very much" the boy said when they reached the door to his room "I've had a very interesting morning. In
some ways I think I can consider this house more mine after our tour" he explained without looking at the other's

"I'm very happy about that Justin. I want you to feel at home here, even if I know my manor can't substitute your

Justin lifted his head: it was so amazing that this man could act in so many different ways at distance of few hours!
He could be cold and polite, as in their first meeting, or arrogant and violent, as near the lake, or caring and warm,
like that morning. The boy was used to more ordinary people, and because of that he found the man the most
interesting and charming person he had ever met.

Justin smiled one of his more shining grins, and Brian replied with a funny smirk, something in the middle between
a laugh and a sneer, then the blond boy opened his room's door. At this point he was stopped by the older man's
voice: "Did Debbie tell you that tonight we are having a little reception? You'll soon be accustomed to them: my
social duties impose me to play party guest sometimes" Kinney whispered, raising his hand as he had wanted to
caress the boy's hair, but lowering it before reaching his goal.

Justin shook his head: "No, she must have forgotten. Do I have to take part in it?"

The boy wasn't very sure of it. In fact, he didn't know what was his role in Kinney's system.

"Yes, you do. As matter of fact, I think that a lot of my guests are especially coming in order to see you. Rumours
have spread and I think that I should gain more than a little advantage if they see with their eyes that you're fine and
I haven't eaten you with maple's syrup" and again Justin noticed that move that must be one of Brian's favourite: his
tongue pressed firmly against the cheek and that mocking sparkle in his eye.

"You have such a fame! Well, I'll let them know that I'm fine, then" he replied.

"Up until now, 'cause you know... I like a lot fresh meat with maple's syrup!" the other said, turning around and
heading for the stairs.

Justin remained puzzled, and then shrugged his shoulders. He had to stop trying to read hints in every innocent
phrase! Kinney knew that he couldn't play games with him. The boy's words at the lake had been loud and clear, and
Justin had every intention to remain faithful to them… even if Brian Kinney had at the moment, an important place
in his heart and he feared the moment when the man would return to his town house, leaving Justin behind.

A little before the party's beginning, Emmett Honeycutt entered his master's room in order to help him with his
choice of clothes: "Sweetheart, have you just decided what you're going to wear?" he asked, finding the boy still in
his morning attire.

"I don't know. At Angel's Rest it was very unusual to receive guests. What do you think I should choose?"

"Ok, let's open the closet and I'll help you to select the right ensemble!" choosing one's attire was one of Emmett's
favourite activity.

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After a lot of work, and a lot of snubs by Justin, who didn't always agree with his friend's tastes, the blond was

"You... you're beautiful, sweetheart!" Emmett whispered, covering his mouth with the hands.

Justin grinned one of his sunshine smiles, and then made a twirl in front of the mirror.

The older man laughed: "I'm sure you'll be the most beautiful... KID of the party, and everybody is going to remain
astonished in front of you... perhaps even a dark haired man will claim you for a dance, don't you agree?"
The answer was a pillow on his chest, and a fake pouting from Justin, who could hardly hide his excitement about
the imminent ball. "Well, KID, I think you must hide this violent side of your character from...someone, at least till
the wedding" Emmett added, too amused at his master's happiness for stepping back.

"First of all, I'M NOT A KID; second: watch yourself... I've a strange feeling that it could be YOUR night, instead. I
don't think I mistook a light interest somebody we both know showed for a tall and muscular man that night at
Angel's Rest. Be careful or somebody else could steal the man from under your nose!"

"You're a real little pest!"

"I know. It's one of my best features," the boy answered, showing his tongue.

"Ok, stop with the nonsense, it's show-time. You've to join the party, Mr. Justin” Emmett stated, trying to adjust the
last particulars of the blond's outfit.

"Ok. Wish me good luck".

"I don't think you need it. Go, kid!"

Justin descended the wide stairs with his heart in his throat. It was strange, because it wasn't the first time he had
gone to a reception, even if it wasn't frequent at Angel's Rest, but he didn't want to shame Brian with an
inappropriate behaviour.

"Oh, Justin... you're... wonderful!” Debbie said, as she pointed him "The little chicken has become a cock!" she
added, whispering.

"Justin Taylor? I knew your father... I'm really sorry...” a guest intervened.

"Oh it was true then that Kinney took you to his manor" another interrupted.

"A debt has to be paid Mr. Taylor, no matter what..." the third added, shaking his head compassionately.

"JUSTIN, come here!"

In the middle of those voices, Brian words were the only thing able to clear Justin's fog up. As in a dream, he walked
towards the man, reaching out his hand to be captured by a warmer one.

"Everything is all right Justin. Stay by me" and then that warmer hand squeezed the blond's. "I've to pay my
compliments to your look: even with my competition, you've really awoken this crowd of dinosaurs!" the same
voice added.

Justin tried a little smile, and then he tightened his grip on Kinney's hand. He didn't want to think about what that
people said, he didn't want to think about his family, it was so... painful. And at Brian's side it seemed that no sad
things could reach him.

Chapter Five

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Justin was enjoying the night. He had thought it would have been an interesting occasion to study his guest, but he
discovered that it was a lot more than that. He was happy that Kinney, even if seemed to pay not much attention to
him, was always fast to tighten the grip on his wrist when he tried to leave his side. And a lot of times Justin did it
on purpose, 'cause Brian's bothered glance and his squeeze were a clear sign that the older man wanted him by his
side. Nevertheless the blond had to admit that the majority of the talk spread over the main rooms of the old manor
was quite boring. Politics was not a topic his father had used to discuss with him, and worse than that, was when
those gentlemen decided to talk about laws or business. In spite of his smile firmly plastered on his face, sometimes
Justin had the temptation to scream.

"I have a little surprise for you..."

The blond startled, too lost in his own thoughts to register the sudden move that had brought Brian’s face very close
to his own.

"What..." he said, flushing uncomfortable.

"An old acquaintance of yours" and Brian raised his chin towards the few steps people had to descend in order to get
in the saloon.

Justin's smile widened, and he turned towards Kinney with his best sunshine beam:

"How... how did you know?" he asked, fighting the urge to raise his arms around Brian's neck, a sudden temptation
he had not the time to be ashamed of.

"I thought you could feel alone among my guests, so I decided to give you some distraction... You can go to
welcome him, but remember who... where you belong now. Go" Kinney whispered, getting a little sharp by the end
of his speech.

Justin was going to question the man for this change of humour, but decided to give up. He was too happy that
among all those stranger faces, there was someone who was obviously come only for him.

"Ethan..." he called softly, when he was sufficiently close to his father's former employee.

"Justin! I thought I'd never see you again! How are you? How is your new life...I was astonished when my
housemaid told me there was a letter from The Shell! You... you're beautiful, Jus" and the dark-haired man took a
step back in order to have a better view of his friend. He had suffered the sudden separation. It was years that he had
more than a little infatuation with the blond.

"They are a lot of questions!" Justin replied, incapable of containing his happiness. It was as a little piece of his
former existence had reached him, remembering that he really had had a life before coming to The Shell "I'm fine...
really!" he added noticing his friend's concerned look "Kinney has been really nice to me, and now I live here, with
the mother of a friend of his. You have to meet Debbie... Mrs Deborah Novotny, she's the funniest, nice, amusing
and wise woman I've ever known!"

"You seem really excited. I don’t want to ground you, Justin, but remember that sometimes people are not exactly
what they seem. Be careful: Brian Kinney has really a reputation in Boston and I've heard...".

Justin shook his head: "Don't say anything, Ethan. I don't want to know what people say about Mr Kinney. I know
he won't ever do anything to make me suffer... at least intentionally. Leave him alone" he said, bowing his chin at
the sudden memory of their exchange near the lake.

Ethan reached out his hand, taking Justin's and rubbing the soft skin with his thumb: "You know that if... if you
decide to leave this house I'll always be at your side. We could go to New York; my parents will be more than
pleased to help us".

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"You're a real friend, Ethan; I know I can always count on you, but I don't think an escape would be an acceptable
solution for a Taylor. I've a debt towards Mr Kinney, and I'm more than determined to stick to my father's word".

Ethan was going to add some complaint when Justin was pulled back until he found his back firmly against
someone's chest and two hands strongly grabbing his shoulders: "Am I interrupting anything?" a slight annoyed
voice hissed.

Justin couldn't see Brian’s eyes, but evaluating from Ethan’s reaction, they must be pretty scary.

"Even if you are, I don't think you care." the dark boy coldly replied.

Brian smirked: "I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the evening, Mr Ian" then he addressed his boy, "Justin, Debbie wants
to talk to you: it seems that one of the ladies has been scared by a horrible beast...".

The blond looked at him, clearly confused.

"Kid, I'm talking about your cat".

"Gus?! Gus isn't a horrible beast! I want to talk to that woman...".

Brian couldn't help but smile: "Go and take your pet to your room. Then join the guests for supper: Debbie has
everything under control, but she doesn't want food cold and wasted for your laziness".

"Ok, Mr Kinney, I'll be back soon".

When Justin had gone, Brian turned towards Mr Gold:

"Dear Mr Ian..."

"It's Ethan" the young lawyer corrected him, evidently pissed.

"It's the same. I've invited you only because Mr Taylor doesn't have any friends here, and I wanted him to feel
better. That's all that it is: be his friend for a night, but don't even think to put strange ideas in his head.

"Justin is a friend of mine. I don't care about what you think, Mr Kinney. And don't believe that 'cause of this
horrible situation you can decide of his life. I'm not going to step back or give up. I hope I've been clear, sir".

Brian shrugged his shoulders, then before leaving, he warned the other man again: "I'm not joking, Ian. I don't
appreciate your presence around Justin. His life is different now, and I don't want you to add any trouble for him".

When supper was announced Brian gathered all the guests in order to reach the dining room. Debbie had been
superlative: everything was perfect and sophisticated, the food seemed spectacular, and everybody looked eager to
start the supper.

Kinney was the last entering in the saloon, but when he was in the first thing to capture his glance was Justin,
motionless near the table. Brian tried to follow his eyes and immediately Brian's face changed expression, his eyes
now darkened by an angry look: "What the..." he hissed, approaching the blond.

"What... what is he doing here?!" Justin slapped astonished.

"I didn't know..." Brian started, but the other didn't let him finish.

"Why Kinney, what did I do to you? What have I done to deserve this?"

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"Justin, I said I didn't know!" Brian declared, and then he headed for the man seated at the table "What the fuck are
you doing here, Saperstein!".

"Good evening, Mr Kinney! Thank you for your invitation: I didn't expect it, but I've to thank you for giving me the
chance to meet one more time… my beautiful boy!" and then the disgusting man threw a lustful glance to Justin.

Brian tried to maintain his composure because the last thing he wanted was a scene in front of the crème of Boston's
society: "You know perfectly well that I didn't invite you, Saperstein. I thought that even you would know better
than impose your presence on people who don't appreciate your company" he hissed.

"It happens I have the invitation-card with me".

"Brian, what's happening?"

Perfect! Michael was really the last person Brian wanted around at that moment.

“Nothing, Mikey, leave us alone" he slapped.

"Oh, Mr Novotny, it seems Mr Kinney has been a little surprised by my presence here. Wasn't he aware of your kind

At these words, Brian turned towards his long term friend, and then towards Justin. The blond was shaking,
obviously upset about this sudden development.

"Michael, is it true?" the tall man inquired icily.

"But... Bri, I didn't think it would be a problem! You always say I'm free to add some guests to your list, and..."

"Some guests, Michael? Even you couldn't be this stupid!" his voice was louder and louder, but suddenly he felt a
hand on his arm: "No, Mr Kinney. I... I can stand it. I'm strong enough to face" and here the boy looked at The Sap
"the man who killed my father, because it's him that has to be ashamed and guilty, who has to escape, not me".

Brian made a little smile, than he turned towards the other guests, noticing that only a few of them had followed the
scene, and finally he faced his former best friend again: "We have not finished, Michael. We're not over, yet".

"I don't understand, Bri! Why are you so pissed at me? I've done nothing bad, and..."

But Brian had just left him alone, taking Justin with him.

When people sat at the tables, Justin made sure to sit as far as he could from Saperstein. He had always hated the
man, those glances that were able to make you feel naked, that smirk on his face that seemed to underline he was
better than anybody else, and then his way to pass the tongue over his lips, like he was tasting you... it was odious!
Reading the markers put beside the glasses the boy discovered he was placed near Ben Buckner, Mr Kinney's

"Aaaahhh, I’m really tired... there's nothing worse than listening to all those stupid chats! I think I'm not as mundane
as I need to be!" the tall man said, sitting on the chair.

"I thought you were used to these occasions..." Justin replied smiling. He liked Mr Buckner and the fact that Emmett
shared his impression confirmed it for him.

"Yeah, I'm used to it, nonetheless I'm still bored. I don't know how Brian can stand all the parties he joins with his
mask still in one piece! But Brian is the best" and Ben laughed.

"What mask?" Justin couldn't help but ask.

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"Do you think that Brian appreciates this routine? He doesn't like parties, he's really a 'lone wolf', but this is his duty,
and he tries to accomplish it. With his actual position in Boston’s society he has to mingle with the old 'aristocracy'
of the city".

"You make it seem like there's a hidden agenda behind his politeness...".

"Mr Taylor" and Ben turned towards the blond "I think you're too young and naïve to understand, but every
exchange that has happened in this room has been for business. Everyone has a goal, and these occasions are only
more relaxed than an official business meeting".

"And isn’t there ever one moment when you're relaxed and enjoy other people's company?" the boy asked, still
incredulous at the cynical views of his new acquaintances.

"Obviously when we're among friends!" then he looked at the blond "Mr Taylor, don't consider us worse than we
are: Ted, Michael, Brian and I love each other deeply. We're sincere when we're together".

Justin remained in silence for few moments, forcing himself to taste Debbie's specialities, but then he couldn't hold
back the question he was feeling from the moment they entered in the dining room:

"Michael... Mr Novotny is a very close friend of Brian's?" he asked, diverting his eyes.

"Sure! I think he's Brian's best friend... at least that’s what Michael repeats continuously" the other asserted. Ben
hadn't followed the little scene among the three a few minutes earlier so he hadn't a clue of Justin's feelings towards
the other man.

"I'm... I’m happy for them. I've never had a best friend. My life has always been very reclusive”.

"But you have your friend... what was his name? The young man who has followed you here".

Justin smiled inwardly; he was happy Emmett had impressed the man. "You're talking about Emmett Honeycutt. I
agree with you: without him it wouldn't have been the same. He has always taken care of me".

"Yes, he seems that kind of friend" Ben nodded, lost in his thoughts.

Justin smiled again... he couldn't wait to report the conversation to Em!

During the dinner, more than once Brian exchanged glances with the boy. He was happy that Justin had shown his
strength, facing that horrible situation with a maturity unusual for his seventeen years. He made a mental applause to
the blond... but he also warned himself: everyday he was more enticed by the boy, and it wasn't right. Restraining
himself to not claim the blond had required all his forces, and now he was very doubtful he could continue to do it
much longer.

He had the leave The Shell. It was for the boy's sake as well as his own. After the last guest left the manor Brian
decided to remain in his studio, in order to clear his mind with a smoke and a shot of whiskey. The night had
brought with it a lot of different issues he had to face, sooner or later: Saperstein had to be taken care of, because the
man seemed to not understand that Justin would always be off-limit for him. And then there was Michael. Brian felt
a little guilty for his actual situation with his former best friend: during the years of their friendship he had always
known that the other man felt for him a lot more than what would be right, and Brian had never faced and solved,
unequivocally, the situation. Michael’s initiative for the invitations had clearly showed that the man had all but give
up on his feelings and that he was ready to do everything he could to destroy any eventual concurrence.

And this led to the blond…

Knowing what thoughts the whole situation would raise, Brian took the whisky near the armchair and the one shot
became a good bottle. Justin... no, Mr Taylor. His boy had been proud that night... a fearless young man that had
faced his greatest enemy without stepping back. He smiled, raising the glass: cheers to the blond...

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"Mr Kinney, are you here?"

Brian turned towards the door. There in the dark frame there was exactly the person he was thinking about.

"What, Mr Taylor?" he shot back, a little pissed for this intrusion in a moment when he didn't feel completely sober.

"Sorry... I didn't want to bother you. I only wanted to thank you for staying by me this evening. It was... well, a little
unexpected to find that... man here. Ok, now I'm going to sleep".

"Good Night, Taylor" Brian whispered, without looking up.

"Good night, Mr Kinney" Justin answered a little ashamed. It was obvious he had disturbed the other man.

When the boy reached the door however, he twirled and approached the armchair again, this time stopping few
inches from the man. He stood there, unsure of what he was going to do, even because Mr Kinney's attitude (the
man was continuing to stare at the fire burning in the fireplace) didn't help him a bit. Then gathering all his courage,
Justin leaned over and placed a very light kiss on his master's temple. Brian turned, looking at the blond with an
unreadable glance and lifting an eyebrow.

"Thank you. I wouldn't have made through the night without you!" the boy whispered, answering to the unspoken

Brian stayed still, then nodded briefly and refocused his eyes on the fire.

Justin left the room, suddenly scared by his own initiative. He didn't want Mr Kinney to be pissed at him, and it was
exactly what seemed to have happened. When he was alone again, Brian sighed: yes, he had to leave The Shell very
soon. He didn't know what hidden strength had helped him from grabbing the younger man and ravishing him on the
couch, some minutes before.

Chapter 6

The day after the party and Justin’s kiss, Brian decided it was time to leave The Shell for his town apartment.

“Are you sure, Brian? I thought you were happy, here. It’s the first time this manor seems a real home… our little
sunshine has been able to turn our lives up-side-down in few days!”

But Brian didn’t smile. The events of the night before had worried him: it was impossible he’d be able to fight
longer the urge to claim his boy, and he knew it wasn’t a very wise thing at the moment. Taylor was not one of his
usual conquests, a one-night stand ready to be used and discharged.

“Brian… Brian! Are you listening to me?”

The man raised his eyes, trying to refocus his attention on the woman in front of him:

“I was so captured by your beauty I lost your last words” he smirked with the tongue pressed firmly against his

“You’re really unforgivable, kiddo! Ok, if you have to return to Boston, try not to vanish for months, as usual. Justin
and I need some company around, and…” and here the woman lowered her voice “I’m a little scared that man,
Saperstein, could organize something to damage my sunshine. Yesterday I couldn’t believe he even was in our

“Don’t worry, Debbie. The Sap is not a problem, I’m going to take care of him” and of Michael, he added in his

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“Make sure you are successful. I don’t like the way he looks at Justin. I know he has something in mind, it’s
something I feel in my skin”.

Brian stood up, clearly bothered “I’ve said I’m going to take care of him, Debbie. Stop to make a fuss about it, it’s
not a big deal”.

The older woman wasn’t so sure about it, but she knew that it was totally useless to continue her complaints “All
right, kiddo. Could one of your most affectionate friends tell you that we’re going to miss you? It’ll not be the same
to stay at The Shell without you” and then she pecked him lightly on the cheek.

“I’m sure the kid and you will be able to chat without pause after my departure. Only one thing, Debbie I want to be
told about everything that is happening to the both of you. Try to send to me a daily report… and with ‘try’ I mean
you must do it”.

He went to the stable immediately after breakfast, while he knew Justin had to be still in the bed. Considering the
party had ended deep into the night, he was sure the boy would not crack an eye open before noon, so he was safe to
leave the manor without a further meeting.

But, as always when Justin was concerned, Kinney was wrong.

He was just getting on his stallion when the frail figure of the blond appeared in the doorframe. With his long white
night shirt, the wild blond hair and the blue eyes wide opened, Justin really seemed a little fairy.

“Why are you leaving without telling me? Have I done something wrong?” the boy asked, nearing the tall horse
without showing any fear.

“I have business in town. This was supposed to be a short visit. You know, Taylor, I stay here the least I have to. I
don’t like the place” and then he pointed the horse towards the big gate.

“Brian… Mr Kinney!” Justin whispered, and for the older man the desperation in that voice was unbearable. In spite
of spurring his horse as hard as he could, Brian found himself turning back. Stopping the horse at few inches from
the boy, he leaned down and, lengthening his arm, he grabbed the blond by his waist, lifting him on his saddle.

The dark haired man lightly smiled when he saw the sunshine beam immediately substituting the sad expression on
his boy’s face.

“Why do you have to make everything so much harder, Justin?” he whispered, his eyes lost in the deep blue of the

Justin didn’t answer, but his arms raised and he braced around his master’s shoulder. And that did the trick, because
Brian’s will to restrain himself to any intimate closeness weakened definitely and his mouth captured Justin’s lips.

It was a different kiss from the one they shared near the lake: this one was not taken by surprise, but shared with
equal passion. Brian’s arms squeezed his boy’s waist, and Justin fingers were running through the older man hair,
caressing tenderly the soft dark mane.

When both of them were out of breath, Brian pulled back, putting some distance between their faces. With a sigh,
Justin leaned against the broader chest, supporting his head on Brian’s shoulder:

“Don’t go, don’t leave me alone” he murmured.

“Don’t be a Drama Princess, you’ve been without me in your life for years, I think you can still stay by your own .”
Kinney answered trying to seem un-detached, but with his fingers playing with the golden locks.

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Justin felt hurt by those words. It was unusual for him to show so boldly his affection towards somebody who
wasn’t family, and the fact that Brian had rejected his feelings so lightly made him feel really childish. What had he
hoped? That they would ‘live happy even after’?

He tried to get off the tall horse, but when he began to wriggle Brian’s arms strengthened their grip around his back
“Let me go, Mr Kinney!” he snapped, being careful to avoid the other’s gaze.

Brian shook his head “Could you stop being such a child? I’ve to get back to Boston, and I wasn’t kidding when I
said I don’t like The Shell, the years passed here haven’t been the best of my life… Anyway,” he caressed the
blond’s nose with a fingertip, “even if I wanted, I couldn’t stay here longer. Don’t worry, I’ll be back, sooner or
later, and in the meanwhile I’m sure you’ll be able to see me in your dreams…” he ended, lowering his voice.

Justin rolled his eyes “You’re really the most arrogant man I’ve ever met, Mr Kinney! Don’t think you mean this
much to me… I’ve a lot of more important things to dream about than you!” he shot back, really pissed by the
other’s self-confidence and by his own weakness when he admitted aloud his feelings towards the man.

“Little shit!” Kinney stated with his usual smirk “Go back in the Manor, and try to stay out of trouble. You’re under
my wing now and I don’t want people say I can’t look after what’s mine”.

Justin tried to punch him on the shoulder, but ended with being kissed another time… then Brian made him slide off
the horse.

“Later, Justin” the older man whispered, spurring the black stallion.

“Later” the blond replied automatically, remaining still in the cold air till the man and the black horse were
definitely out of sight.

When he was back in the Manor, he found Debbie waiting for him in the hall with a thick blanket in her hands
“Come over here, kid. You were out in the cold with only that shirt on! What, do you want to catch a cold? Don’t
even think Brian would come back cause of it, it wouldn’t work and your only result would be to scare the shi… to
scare Emmett and me, understood?”

Justin stared blankly at the woman, without registering her words, so lost as he was with the thought of the dark man
who had been able to occupy the most important place in his heart in so little time.

“Ok, you’re impossible… both of you! Even if you seem to not understand what I’m saying, do you think it would
help to have breakfast together?”

The lack of response made the woman’s eyes roll again, then she decided the only way to reason with the boy was to
treat him as the child he was, so she grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the dining room.

“What happened, Mrs Novotny?” Emmett said, seeing his master being taken in such a rude way through the house.

“I think we’ve a very strong case of head over heels, Em” the woman answered.

“Brian Kinney?” the young man inquired.

“Who else?”

And then both of them shook their heads, gazing with both sweetness and pity at the young boy still lost in his
thought in front of them.

When Brian Kinney arrived to Boston, the first thing he did was regaining control of his business. The party at The
Shell must have reached the goal, because he found on his desk some really interesting letters. He smirked, success

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had always meant everything to him, it was his way to show his superiority over Boston’s aristocracy. It was always
a pleasure to see some heirs of the most important families fail and ask for his kind help with desperation in their
begging… anyway he was too smart to show his real feelings, instead he gave his help quite liberally, because he
knew, sooner or later, the strong link so established was going to be more advantageous for him than for them.

When he finished checking his business, he decided it was time to meet his friends, and especially one of them…

“Bri, what a wonderful surprise! I thought you were at The Shell… last night Mom said you were going to stay there
for a while. I’m happy you’re here. I knew you couldn’t stand to stay much longer with an aged woman and a child!
Come over here, I’m preparing some tea”.

Brian shook his head, Michael was more childish than he thought if he believed his invitation for The Sap was
something to be forgotten so easily.

“Do you want anything else in?” Michael asked, passing him a cup “Maybe a little liquor?”

“I’m not your old aunt, Mikey, I don’t correct my tea.” he snapped back.

“Ok, ok. Well, what do you think of going out, just the two of us, tonight? I’ve heard there’s a new pub downtown,
we could check it out. They said there’s…fresh meat, and I have special invitations!” he suggested, raising an

“Don’t know, Mikey. Somebody told me this new club is owned by Saperstein… or perhaps is it only a rumour?”

Brian was playing as a cat with a mouse, but he was too pissed to have mercy of his friend.

“I don’t know, really. But I don’t think it’s important who owns it! We can drink a lot and then choose some
company. Don’t you think it’d be wonderful after last night? I’m sure it’d be amazing!”

“So you gained two invitations at Sap new club for an invitation at my party. I think your business skills are
improving, Mikey!” and Brian took a sip from his cup of tea.

“I… I don’t understand what you’re talking about…” Michael weakly replied.

The taller man stood up, then neared his old friend “I’M TALKING ABOUT YOU SELLING MY… JUSTIN
TAYLOR FOR A NIGHT AT A CLUB! This is what I’m talking about, Michael, something I never thought could
be possible!!”

“I didn’t sell anybody! I don’t understand all your concern about that kid! Don’t you see that with Saperstein he
could find his own way? I’m sure the man is really interested in the kid, and so that blond wouldn’t stay with you
and everything would return normal, Bri! That kid is really a nuisance, a bug in the ass…”

“What a caring friend I have! Yeah, why not? We could send Mr Taylor to Saperstein and let that disgusting man
use him as his boy-toy, before sharing him with his guests. You’re right, Mikey, what more could Justin want?” then
he shook his friend by the shoulders “I didn’t think you could be so low. Try something like this again, help
Saperstein with his games, and your life in Boston will be a real hell”.

“Brian! We’re best friends, you could not mean it!” the other whined with tears in his eyes.

“We were, Michael. At the moment I don’t even want to think what you have become.

Thank you for the tea” and then Brian headed for the door.

“It’s all that boy’s fault! If you hadn’t bet for him that night, everything would have been all right!”

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Brian turned back and neared his ex friend again, his fist struck the man on his nose, making him fall on the floor “If
I was you, I wouldn’t say such a thing again, Novotny, you’re not worth of even thinking about that boy. He is a
million times better than you.” he hissed, shaking his hand still sore for the impact.

And those were the last words between the two of them.

In one thing Michael was right; that night when he had challenged The Sap at the game table, Brian’s life had
changed. But what his ex best friend didn’t want to recognise was that this change had been for the better.

When he arrived home after that long day, he found a letter from Debbie. He read it after dinner, sitting comfortably
on the great armchair in front of the fireplace. He couldn’t hide a smirk reading the obvious advice the woman felt
her duty to send in order to protect him when he was far away, and was captured when she described Justin’s
reaction at his departure. The boy was really shaken, listening to Debbie’s words, but the blond was also happy for
some strange reason the woman said to not understand. Brian shook his head, Debbie knew perfectly what was
happening, and her claim of cluelessness was her attempt to hear the words from him.

At the end of the letter there was a little post script added by Justin. It was only a word.


Brian smiled. He knew that his sudden departure from The Shell was done in order to tame his feelings for the
blond, but reading that single word had melted something deep inside his chest.

It was not his heart, he was sure he hadn’t one, but it was the warmest sensation he had ever felt.

Later? Would there be a moment when settling down would be right for him? He wasn’t sure, he was used to be
alone, to be the only owner of his time, of his life. Caring, loving another person would represent a real hurricane in
his organised life.

But he wanted to see again the boy, he wanted to know his thoughts, to hear his voice, to taste his mouth,
everything, and that was as dangerous as it was appealing.

He stood up, pacing in front of the fireplace. The best thing, at the moment, would be to find some trick in order to
make through the night. He was sure that the following day Justin’s image would start to fade. He looked at the
clock, and then at his coat, there was enough time to reach some of the places he knew could provide some relief…
he neared the window; the night was dark, and the idea of starting the chase was not so tempting. Besides, in the
days passed at The Shell some business had stayed behind and now was waiting for his attention.

He sat again, and for the nth time his eyes ran through the lines written by Debbie, and then stopped on that last

The following days were going to be long ones. But one thing was as clear as the sunshine; he had to solve the
situation with Justin. He had to send the boy somewhere else, far from him, because Brian’s feelings were all but
tamed. He didn’t want to start something that could only cause unhappiness, he wasn’t a man able to commit to
someone else, he wanted to stay free, as he had always been, he had his life style and he was happy with it.

Justin had to go away. It was for the boy’s happiness.

Chapter 7

It was harder than he had thought, for a long time he played with the pen in his hand, trying to find the force to write
the words he had been thinking the whole night. Finally, in a rush, he scribbled down his lines. When he reread the
letter he grasped all the coldness and the harshness of his settings, but again he said to himself that this was the right

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solution to protect Justin, to allow the boy the freedom and the possibility to choose his own future. It was the first
time, Brian thought, that he was doing something for someone else, Justin was the only thing he had to think about.
Everything else was just egotism.

After sending the letter, he started to set the details for Justin’s move. He knew that his boy had to stay somewhere
as far as possible, but the place had also to be one where the blond could still be under his protection. It was not an
easy task to accomplish, but he had to find a way to solve the problem.

Brian was the owner of many estates around the country. A lot of the debts contracted with him by Boston
aristocracy had brought houses and manors as paybacks, and now he had only to find the one that suited Justin and
their actual situation… and suddenly the right solution appeared in front of his eyes. Yes, it was the best idea he
could have! Justin wasn’t going to be close but neither too far. The little house on Prince Edward Island, in Canada,
was exactly the right choice. Brian had gone there only once, but he was sure that the place was going to be the right
one, it was the best choice to allow Justin to develop his own personality and maybe talent besides keeping him out
of Brian’s influence.

The solution struck Kinney as the best one. He was aware of the fact that the boy was enticed by him, that it would
be very easy to convince Justin to become completely his, but Brian didn’t want anything that could destroy Justin’s
trust. Maybe one day, when both of them would be able to make choices without that strange link owner-owned that
now connected them, they could meet again and try to see if their relationship (what a difficult word to pronounce!)
could follow what seemed its natural development.

Not so happy as he thought of having found the solution to Justin’s situation, Brian decided it was time to finish his
plan with the operative details.

When Brad and Bob, his twin servants, answered his call, he gave them the instructions. He had to repeat everything
four times, at least.

“In two days you are to reach the Shell. Mrs Deborah Novotny knows everything, but you better take this note with
you, this way you are sure to gain her help. Have I been clear? I don’t want any surprise, understand?”

The twins nodded and Brian, shaking his head, decided that he could only hope they’d accomplish the task without


At the Shell, when Brian’s letter was delivered Debbie’s reaction was of incredulity and rage, and for the first time
loud curses were heard in the Manor’s old rooms.

“Debbie, what happened?”

Ben Bruckner hurried towards the woman, alarmed by her sudden screams.

“That… that bastard!” Debbie shouted, she was trembling.

“What did Brian do, this time?” Ben asked knowing too well who should be the target of Debbie’s rage.

“Read for yourself.” the red-haired woman lent the letter to the man.

“Mrs Novotny! I’ve heard your voice… is there anything wrong?” Emmett had just arrived and, in spite of Ben’s
distracting presence, was hoping to be useful.

Debbie shook her head, and then collapsed on a chair. Emmett turned towards Ben.

“Mr Bruckner?” he asked, trying to learn something more as well as to hide his uneasiness.

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“Good morning, Emmett” answered Ben, to whom the meetings with the younger man always caused strange
sensations, like the difficulty to formulate words and to avoid those beautiful, sweet eyes.

“Why is Mrs Novotny so bothered? Is there anything I can do?”

Ben had ended the reading and now knew and shared completely Debbie’s feelings.

“Mr Kinney sent a letter. I dare to say that in the near future there will be some changes about our
accommodation…” the administrator stopped abruptly. For the very first time the consequence of those words hit
him. If Justin had to leave the Shell, that meant Emmett would leave too.

“What do you mean? Sorry, but I don’t understand” Emmett whispered. Justin had just experienced so many
changes… why would these people stress him more? It was not right.

Perhaps… perhaps Mr Kinney wanted the boy in Boston, in his house, because he couldn’t live without Justin! Yes,
this had to be the change, nothing they could not survive, even. Besides, Boston was not so far from the Shell and its

“Mr Taylor will be here in few minutes. I think he’ll be happy to know the news” he tried to understand Debbie’s
worry but considered it a little selfish.

“NO, I don’t think my baby will be happy!” the woman snapped “The selfish bastard couldn’t have a worse idea!
Why can’t he stay in Boston and leave us alone?!”

“Debbie… Mrs Novotny, you know that Brian cares about Justin; it’s not so strange he wants him closer” Emmett
tried again, hoping his words wouldn’t seem too harsh.

Two pairs of eyes met his with a clear _expression of incredulity, “What are you talking about? That’s not what
Brian wrote in his letter” said Ben, eyeing Debbie in order to have her consent to pass the sheet of paper to the other

The woman nodded and Emmett started to read. Once he had finished, his hands were trembling and his eyes were

“It’s not possible! Why…?” he whispered.

Ben put an arm around his shoulders: “We don’t know, Emmett. It’s been a surprise even for us, but I know Brian
and I think he has his own reasons” he murmured “You were right, Brian cares for Justin, so I think that he thought
this decision for the best.” the broad man concluded.

“But… why do we have to move!” Emmett insisted.

Neither of the other two could answer him, because in that exact moment Justin’s voice echoed in the room.

“Good Morning. Sorry, I’m late… you didn’t have to wait for me” he excused himself, noticing that the food served
for breakfast was still untouched.

Debbie stood up, then approached the blond. She hugged him with watering eyes.

“Yes, we wanted to have breakfast together, sweetheart” she whispered.

Justin was taken aback by her reactions. “Debbie, something wrong?” he inquired, a little worried by her unusual

“No, honey. Come over here and have breakfast with us”.

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Ben and Emmett tried to act naturally during the meal; even without an explicit agreement, they wanted to spare the
boy the news as long as they could.

Later in the morning Debbie decided the situation was grieving and bothering her so much that she had to find
someone to share her feelings with. This someone couldn’t be Ben, always on Brian’s side, or Emmett, who was not
in condition to reveal his real feelings due to his submitted position.

She took paper and pen and wrote to her son, because even if he was Brian’s best friend, he knew when the man was
wrong. Explaining the situation, she tried to transfer her anguish and especially her hope that Michael could interfere
with his friend and change his mind. Ok, it was a feeble hope, but it was her last card.

She sealed her letter and then post it with the other mails.

Now that her rage was a little tamed, thanks to all the curses she poured on Brian in the mail, she needed a little time
to decide how to explain to Justin the situation.

Perhaps she could leave the task to Ben, but it would be an act of cowardice and certainly Ben wouldn’t be able to
console the boy, while she felt as a mother to him and her tangible sympathy could help Justin to lessen his obvious


When Brian had sent his letter, he knew perfectly well what was going to happen at The Shell. He could see right in
front of him Debbie’s pissed face, or Honeycutt disbelief and even Ben’s disapproval. But the most important
reaction, the one he didn’t want to think about, was Justin’s. Every time he thought about the blond, he tried to shut
the image off because the pain in his boy’s eyes was something that caused him to ache over his own body.

In two days Brad and Bob would be heading for The Shell and Justin would be out of reach, even if not out of his
life. In few years a lot of things could change for the better or the worse, anyway the boy would become a man and
like a man he he could decide about his future for himself.


Debbie was worried. Since she had told Justin what Brian had planned, the boy hadn’t said a word. He stayed still in
his place, his _expression totally lost and his eyes full of disbelief.

“Justin, sweetheart, everything all right?”

She knew the futility of her words, but she couldn’t remain impassive in front if that silent desperation.

Justin stood up, turned towards the door and left the room. Debbie started to follow him, but a strong hand grabbed
her forearm stopping her.

“It’s better he face this alone, Debbie. We can’t help him now” Ben’s voice was low and steady.

“He’s just a child…” Debbie started.

“No, he’s a young man looking like a boy. Leave him alone to deal with this” the administrator repeated. At first the
woman agreed unwillingly, then she tried a sad smile and nodded with more conviction.


Justin was alone in his room, curled up in a ball on the bench below the window.

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He couldn’t understand why…

After their goodbye, just two days earlier, Justin had thought it was only a question of time and soon Brian would
have understood that they were meant to be with each other. And now that letter… and in particular that tone, the
coldness of those words… what had he done to deserve all of that?

Gus jumped onto his lap, starting to brush against his hands. The light blue big eyes seemed almost
sympathetic..Caressing the soft coat, Justin let the first tears spill off. Ok, he was sure they were due to his allergies,
even if the sadness he felt contrasted with this explanation.

The heavy drops slipped along his cheeks and Gus lifted his little head when a tear hit one of his ears. Justin tried to
smile and caressed the smooth mane even more slowly and tenderly. Two days and he’d be out of the Shell. Brian
hadn’t specified in his letter where he was going to send him, but Justin was sure it would be a very far place,
someplace where his face couldn’t bother the older man.

For few moments, when they were kissing on the horse, the boy had thought that he would have always been part of
Brian’s life. Obviously he was wrong… the usual little dumb blond who believed in love and happy endings.

Looking around the room, he sighed. Ok, he had to be strong. He had to submit to Kinney’s rules, but in few years
he’d be back and then dear old Brian would have to be careful, because he wouldn’t know what was going to hit

This resolution succeeded in cheering him a little up, and now a firm and dull expression was on his face. Two days
and an undefined number of years, months, weeks, days, a very long period of loneliness and desperation was
waiting for him, but he and Brian weren’t over. They had a link that the older man had to recognise and accept. That
day near the lake Justin had felt Brian’s passion, and again the night of the party, when they had experienced a
special closeness…and what about their goodbye at Brian’s departure? All of it meant they had something, even if
both of them had tried, for different reasons and in different moments, to deny it.


The following day Debbie’s letter reached her son. When Michael read his mother’s words, he was anything but
disappointed by his best friend’s decision. It was time Brian got rid of the little brat! And his mother’s whining was
surely going to stop once the boy was out of the door. With Justin out of The Shell, far away from Boston,
everything with Brian was going to return exactly as it was before the blond arrived.

However, rereading the letter Michael felt a chill running along his back. What if Brian wanted to move Justin in
one of his numerous estates in order to reach him during the breaks and turn the twink into his boy-toy? No, it
wasn’t possible, it was unbearable… Brian would never fall so low!

In spite of his more than rational reassurances, the thought of Brian and Justin together was one he couldn’t get rid
of… it was a bug tormenting his little brain. His best friend hadn’t seemed like himself in the last few days. He
looked like a puppet in that boy’s hands, and he was always in a very protective mode around the blond. As his older
and closer friend, Michael believed it was his particular duty to save Brian from the hell of desperation he was going
to live with Justin. Brian was not acting rationally, he must have had a crisis of some sort and wasn’t himself.

Michael HAD to do something in order to get his friend back, to save him like only a best friend could do, and he
was ready to do everything in order to reach the goal.

He put the letter in his pocket and then called his housekeeper for coat and gloves, it was time he went downtown.
He knew somebody there who would be more than happy to help him and he absolutely had to contact this man as
soon as possible.


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Brian gave Brad and Bob the last instructions. The twins had to reach The Shell, and then take Justin to the new
destination, making sure the boy arrived to Canada safe and sound. For an instant he had the temptation to go with
them in order to kiss his boy goodbye, but he knew that if he saw Justin one more time, he wouldn’t have been able
to let him go. So he decided to remain in Boston, even if it was hard to remain still while his two employees went

With a loud sigh, Brian grabbed one of his bottles. This was one of the moments he considered himself more than
justified to drink until passing out.

While everything around was becoming unfocused, his last thought was about sad blue eyes…


“Justin, can I come in and help you?” Emmett repeated for the third time just outside his master’s bedroom. And
once again only undistinguishable noises answered him from the inside.

Emmett was worried, after Mr Kinney’s letter Justin’s face had become a dull mask. The boy was trying to deny, to
hide completely what he was feeling, and none of them could even scratch the surface of his desperation. He and
Ben had had more than one council in order to figure out something that would help, but until that moment their
attempts had always failed… and the next morning two of Kinney’s employees were going to take Justin and him
away, towards some far location they weren’t worthy of knowing.

“No answers?”

Emmett turned towards Debbie.

“Nothing at all. It looks like he wants to shut everything off. He’s collecting his things, but he wants to do
everything alone. I know him, it’s his way to cope”.

Emmett had lived with Justin long enough to know a lot of things about the boy that the others ignored. Shutting the
world off was his way to face and defeat the pain, and certainly he didn’t want to face anybody until the moment he
had to leave the manor.

Emmett headed for his room, even for him that situation was hard, he had felt at home at the Shell. Sometimes he
had even thought that his dreams regarding the wise administrator would have become reality in spite of their social
differences, but now he and Justin had to restart everything. Every time it was harder, every time they were lonelier,
more isolated.

When he reached his door, he found Ben in the corridor, leaning against the wall.

Emmett shut his eyes, whatever the other man wanted, it wasn’t the right moment. Even a little gesture, a simple
touch would only add more pain to the situation.

“Emmett…” the older man whispered softly.

He knew he had to walk straight, to nod lightly and then fake a total disinterest, but that wasn’t himself.

His eyes were wet and soon he was in Ben’s arms…


The following morning the people of The Shell started their day very early.

Kinney’s envoys were to wait for eight in the morning, and by that hour everything had to be ready.

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Debbie had slept very badly, the thoughts of Justin and Emmett far away, as well as the fact that Brian was denying
himself a perfect happiness, had bothered her during the whole night. She had come to deeply love the little boy and
his flamboyant friend, and now she couldn’t do anything to detain them by herself.

She personally arranged a tray with everything she thought could tempt the blond, who hadn’t eaten from the
morning before, then brought the food to his room.

Justin was sitting under the window, absently playing with Gus. His luggage was ready, all his things perfectly

“Sweetheart, I’ve brought something for you to eat. Your trip will be long and you need your strength” she

The boy tried a tired smile without looking at her.

She sat down by him.

“I know what you’re feeling…” she started “I don’t want you to go away, I’d strangle Kinney myself if I could put
my hands around his neck…”

Justin couldn’t hide a little smile.

“…but you have to not think you’ll be out of our life. I’m not so easy to get rid of! I want you to write everyday, and
I want to know all the things you’re going to experience, and you are to send to me sketches of your new house,
garden… people you’ll know, everything…” heavy drops of her tears prevented her from continuing, and then she
felt Justin’s slender arms around her shoulders. They stayed this way for a long time, finally Justin disentangled
himself from the strong hug.

“I’ve to go, Deb. It’s better this way, without further words… I love you, Debbie, and I promise to write soon, but
now I need to leave this house as soon as possible. It’s too hard for me…” Justin stopped abruptly and turned his
face away.

Debbie tenderly caressed his hair, then left him alone… she felt and shared the same grief.

An hour later two men with a letter containing Brian’s instructions arrived at the Manor. When Debbie saw Brian’s
employees, she couldn’t hold back a disapproving smirk.

“Kinney’s puppets, I suppose” she hissed to the unwelcome guests.

“We’re not here of our own initiative, Mrs Novotny, we’re executing an order” they shot back, looking very anxious
to complete their mission.

“We’re ready” Justin’s soft voice declared. He kissed Debbie and was hugged strongly, then he shook hands with

For Emmett it wasn’t any easier his night with Ben was something hard to forget, but he tried to show dignity as he
joined Justin. In few moments they were off, headed towards some unknown destination.

The Shell was just left behind when the coach suddenly stopped and someone opened the door. Justin and Emmett
were taken by surprise, the two men who should be Brian’s employees came inside and before Justin and Emmett
could understand what was happening, tied them up. They even had blindfolds to cover their eyes…

“What are you doing?! LET US GO, IMMEDIATELY!!!” Justin shouted, still stunned by the impudence of those
men’s action.

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“Why, honey? Why have you always to make things hard? Aren’t you glad to see me again? I promise I’ll provide
you with a very enjoyable trip… baby”.

Justin’s eyes were wide of horror and disgust. It was a nightmare… that voice couldn’t belong to…


He couldn’t be at Sapperstein’s mercy!

Chapter 8

Brian felt that something wasn’t right. He was trying to work on some of his investments when he suddenly stopped
himself, his pen falling on the floor.


Ok, it was anything but unusual that he envisioned his boy’s face right in the middle of the day, but now the image
had something wrong and it sent shivers along his back.

Standing up, he tried to calm himself, by now Brad and Bob should have reached The Shell, and probably at the
moment the five of them, the twins, Emmett, Justin and Gus, were headed towards Canada. For a moment his heart
stopped. Canada was really far and God knew how many years he and Justin would live apart.

Even though his own reassurances about the blond’s safety, he couldn’t relax; there was something that in spite of
all his thoughts and plans screamed about danger, about grief. He had to regain his self-control, he was acting totally
out of character. Whenever had a little boy been worth of all this worry? Justin was alright, he was going away, his
memory was going to quickly fade and in no time Brian would come back to his old life.

And regarding his old life-style… yes, it was time he started to plan his evening. He felt it was time for a little
distraction and he knew the place where he could find it. It had been days since he had relieved himself with a trick,
and it was a first because usually he rarely spent a night without an anonymous encounter. Now he felt that in order
to shut Justin out of his mind, there would be nothing better than thrusting in and out some willing body, without
feelings involved.

No! Not again! Images of Justin; when he saw him for the very first time at Angel’s Rest, Justin near the lake, when
they kissed, Justin the night of the party, showing his strength, and Justin that last morning, when they kissed their
last, for a very long time, goodbye.

Brian shook his head and tried again to bury himself in his work, and somehow he succeeded in spending the whole
morning and half of the afternoon in his office.

The tall man was thinking about a walk in the park, in order to relax before the night’s activities, when he heard loud
knocks against his door. He wasn’t in the mood for any annoying visitor, so when he opened the door, he was ready
to get rid of the unwelcome guests… and he didn’t expect to see right in front of him the two employees who, in that
exact moment, should be travelling around the country.

“What the fuck…” he started, his voice full of rage and worry. Everything about them was in disarray and showed
on their faces clear signs of a fight that they should have anything but won.

“What happened?” now Brian’s voice was clearly upset. He wanted to know what had happened and at the same
time he was praying that, whatever were the circumstances, they didn’t involve Justin.

The twins startled and stepped back without saying a word.

“SPEAK!” he screamed.

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“Two men… two men assaulted us on the way towards the Shell…” Brad started hesitantly.

“They wore masks, we don’t know who they were. They beat us and then took our wallets and your note away with
them. When we regained consciousness we were alone, tied up. We needed time in order to free ourselves and then
we ran here as fast as we could” Bob continued, trying to justify themselves to their boss.

Brian grabbed and shook Brad, the closer of the two, by his shoulders. “And you weren’t able to fight them back?!
What are you, stupid fairies?”

His voice was angry and he couldn’t believe his employees’ words.

“They had guns…” whispered Bob, bowing his head.

“You… YOU TWO! Go away, leave this house immediately! You’re of no use, and I’ve been a fool to trust you
even about an easy task like going to my Manor!” he shouted, punching his fist against the table.

The twins retreated without a word, relieved to leave still in one piece.

“Bring me my coat and gloves!” Brian ordered to his housekeeper once he was alone. Brad and Bob had been
assaulted and robbed, but one thing he couldn’t understand, the thing he feared about, was the fact that the assaulters
had stolen his note. He had to be sure that Justin was alright; during the whole day he had felt a strange feeling and
now his fears had reached the state of panic.

He had to reach The Shell as soon as possible.


Justin and Emmett had been tied up, blindfolded and carried to an unknown place. Luckily they were together and
they could talk, even if every attempt to free themselves from the ties had been unsuccessful.

“What do you thing they are going to do, Justin?” Emmett asked, more to break the silence than because he wanted
to know what Sapperstein was planning to do with them. He knew too well what the older man’s feelings towards
his master were.

“I don’t know, Em” Justin whispered. He didn’t want to deal with their situation. He hoped that, somehow,
somebody would come to their rescue, even if he knew it was a very feeble hope.

“Maybe Mrs Novotny has given the alarm, somebody could just be on our tracks…” the taller man insisted,
struggling in order to free his hands.

After some moments of silence, Justin called for the cat.

“Gus… come over here!”

The Sap hadn’t considered the little cat a threat and had left him with its owners.

“Don’t worry, he can’t be hungry, he ate a lot this morning” Emmett stated, not understanding how Justin could
think about his cat in a moment like this. Perhaps it was a way to avoid their horrible situation.

“Gus… here!” Justin called again.

The little cat headed for the blond boy, and in no time he was at his side.

Emmett heard some noises. It was like Justin was trying to adjust his position.

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“What are you doing? I don’t think we can free ourselves. It has been hours that I have been trying to loosen the
knots, but they are too tight” and he shook his head. Their situation didn’t have an escape.

“Ouch!” Justin cried in pain.

“Jus… what happened?! Don’t make me worry!”

“Nothing, it’s only Gus… he has bitten my wrist”.

“Your wrist?!”

“Shhhh! I don’t want them to pay attention to us!”

Emmett remained silent, then he understood. Justin was trying to make Gus bite and loosen the ties! There were not
a lot of possibilities that his master’s plan would succeed, but at the moment what they needed was a hope, and the
little cat was giving them just that.


It took Brian almost two hours to reach The Shell. During the ride, he continued to repeat to himself that nothing bad
could have happened to Justin Taylor. The boy had had grief enough for a lifetime, it was just not right he had to
experience new pains.

When he entered in the Manor and met Debbie, the woman was very surprised and absolutely not happy to see him.
“Bri, I thought you were in Boston. What are you doing here? Do you want to verify that Justin’s really gone
away?” the snapped, deciding to show all her disapproval.

“Where’s Justin?” he shot back, without even greeting her.

“I didn’t think you cared about him” she insisted, continuing with her game of solitaire.

“TELL ME IMMEDIATELY WHERE JUSTIN IS!” he hissed, turning over the little table and all the cards that
were on it.

“BRIAN!” Debbie stood up with her eyes full of rage “You know perfectly where he is, it’s you that sent him


Brian collapsed on a chair, taking his head between the hands.

“Brian… I don’t understand you” now Debbie’s voice seemed sincerely concerned, and her hand caressed her
kiddo’s hair “Two men, two employees of yours, came this morning carrying a note with your signature on it. They
were here to take Justin and Emmett to Canada…” she really didn’t understand what was happening, why Brian was
in such disarray.

Brian remained silent for some moments, then explained in a whisper.

“Debbie, they weren’t my employees. Somebody assaulted Brad and Bob and robbed them. I don’t know what their
plan is, who is behind all of this, but Justin and Emmett are in danger… I must save them and I don’t know what to

In spite of all the things Debbie could criticize about Brian, she loved him and she knew how much he was
suffering, and usually she was one of the few able to know the feelings hidden behind his cold façade.

“You love that child, don’t you?” she whispered, knowing better than Brian which was the right answer.

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“What are you talking about?! You know I don’t do love”.

The woman shook her head.

“You know perfectly well that you love him and that I know. Don’t add anything” she interrupted his denials “Now
the most important thing is that we find him! Do you have any idea who could have kidnapped our kid?”

“No, I don’t have any idea. Justin won’t inherit his money for a long time, and even when he’ll be able to do it, I
could claim back his heritage. I don’t think money is the kidnapping’s cause, and that leaves open less pleasurable
possibilities…” and here his voice cracked.

“There’s that boy… Ethan, his father’s employee. Do you think he could organize this kidnapping in order to free
Justin from your ownership?”

Brian shrugged. “It could be, but nobody knew about my plan to move them to Canada. I can’t understand how…”
but he couldn’t complete his phrase because the sight of Debbie with a hand on her mouth stopped him. “What
happened… Debbie! You know something!” he stated, standing up and approaching the older woman.

“It’s not possible…” Debbie whispered, her voice choked in her throat.

“TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!” Brian stood right in front of her, resisting the urge to grab and shake her

Debbie bowed her head, then turned around, facing the big window.

“Did you tell anybody my intentions?” the man tried softer.

She nodded, but still didn’t say a word.


His question was superfluous, both of them knew the name, and Brian’s ‘who’ seemed more like a ‘why’.

“I don’t understand… it can’t be him!” Debbie’s tone was almost imploring.

Brian didn’t bother to answer; that was the last drop and if Michael would be still alive the following day, he could
only be thankful to be Debbie’s son.

Riding towards Boston, he couldn’t think anything except how to save Justin. Michael couldn’t have acted alone, he
wasn’t able to organise such a plan, and a kidnapping was something the whining man had not the brain to think of.
So he must have passed the information to somebody else and Brian’s heart clenched thinking who this accomplice
could be. He hadn’t to be a genius to know that the man behind Michael must be Sapperstein.


“One last effort, Gus…” Justin murmured while the cat continued to bite the ties.

“Justin, do you think we’ll find a passage back to the outside? I don’t understand where they’ve taken us” Emmett
asked, careful to keep his voice low.

Suddenly a loud knock was heard against the door.

“Good afternoon, Justin” close footsteps were heard approaching the two tied men.

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Emmett heard a loud ‘meow’. Probably Justin was trying to send Gus away, in order to avoid Sapperstein
discovering his little plan.

“Aren’t you happy to hear my voice?” this time he had to be very close, and Emmett felt a shiver of terror along his

“You’ve no right to keep us here, away from our house and friends. Let us free and I won’t press any charge against
you” the boy replied, trying to maintain his voice firm.

There was a deep laugh from the other man.

“Do you really think I’d let you go back to that… Kinney?” now his tone was harsher “I can’t stand the idea of him
with you! I hope he” and now he grabbed Justin’s chin in a strong hold “he hasn’t done anything to damage my little
blond boy. I wouldn’t like to have a second-hand boy toy”.

Justin tried to free himself, struggling and shaking his head.

“Oh, ooh, you seem like a little wild cat, but I know the way to tame you. Your father always hated me and forbad
our closeness, and then there has been Kinney, but now we’re together, Justin, together forever” and he laughed

Emmett was dying to know what was happening, how he could help his master, but with the blindfold everything
was blank.

“AAAAHH!” he suddenly heard, and then a slap.

“JUSTIN!” he called, trying with all his strength to move from his spot.

“Try again something like this, little wild cat, and you’ll deal with a lot more than blood from your mouth!”

“You’re a disgusting, old perverted! You may torture us, but you’ll never break our hate. And it’s funny, you seem
to understand what you are because you hate only people much better than you!” Justin hissed, spitting every word.

The other displayed a fake smirk.

“I don’t care if you call Kinney’s name when I am fucking you, it would be even more exciting, Justin. Your life
will be a real hell because the more you rebel, the more pleasure I’ll feel in breaking you down”.

“You’ll never be half the man Kinney is” Justin stated “and if you want to break me, gather your strength ‘cause it
won’t be an easy task. I hate you, always have and always will, and if my life will be hell, yours won’t be better”.

Emmett heard another slap, this one harder than the previous one.

“I’m sure sooner or later you’re going to regret your words. And don’t think I don’t have a plan to destroy that
narcissistic bastard you seem to admire so much”.

Seconds later the two prisoners heard the door slam, and they were left alone again.

“Justin… I fear your words have only made him angrier, are you sure yours is the best tactic?” he tried to reason.

“Emmett, sometimes you seem more naïve than me. Do you really think that if I were nicer he’d treat me better and
let me go?”

His friend shook his head. The boy was obviously right.

“Gus… come here!” the blond called.

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When Brian reached Boston, he headed straight towards Michael’s apartment. When they had met few days before
he had thought that it would have been the last encounter for a very long time, instead he was again at that same
door. And if the previous time he had been angry, now he was simply furious. He breathed deeply, trying to regain a
minimum of composure, then knocked loudly.

It wasn’t the housekeeper to open the door but directly his ex-friend.

“Brian! I wasn’t expecting you…” the short man began, avoiding the taller man glance.

Brian pushed the door open, and, after he was in, slammed it violently.

“Brian… what happened? Do… do you want a glass of wine?” Michael tried to calm him, stepping back.

“You’ve only one option, tell me immediately what you’ve done, Michael. This is your last chance, otherwise I’m
not going to have any pity for you, our friendship won’t count for anything and I’ll destroy you” Brian hissed.

“I don’t understand… what are you talking about?” Michael showed a little smile, even if his eyes continued to
avoid his friend.

“JUSTIN, Michael, I’m talking about Justin. Tell me what you’ve done” Brian repeated, trying to stay calm.

“Really, Bri, I don’t understand you. I don’t know anything about Mr Taylor. Last time I checked he was at The
Shell… has he left without notice? I can’t say I’m surprised…” Michael declared nonchalantly.

Not even a second later, the short dark haired man found himself with the back pressed against the wall, his head
hurt by the strong impact with the hard bricks.

“Listen to me, little whiney stupid child, I WANT TO KNOW WHERE JUSTIN IS, AND YOU HAVE TO TELL
ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT IT! Do you think I’m so stupid I don’t know you told around my plan to
move him?”

“But Brian…”

“Stop it, Michael. Be a man once in your life”.

“I love you” the dark haired man whispered, tightening his grasp against the other’s shirt.

Brian remained silent, then slowly, freed himself from Michael’s hold.

“That stupid boy isn’t worthy of you… I’ve only helped you. I didn’t want you to destroy your happiness with
that… child”.

“Who has kidnapped him?” Brian asked plainly.

“That man, Sapperstein, the owner of the most famous club of Boston. I knew he was in love…”

“In lust” Brian corrected harshly, clenching his teeth.

“He loves the boy, has loved him for a very long time. Sapperstein assured me that Taylor would be fine, that he
cared about the boy and had every intention to look after him the best he could”.

“And you believed him. Michael, either you’re more stupid than I thought or you wanted to believe his lies. Either
way, it’s over between us!” Brian snapped, turning towards the door.

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“But… Bri! You said that if I had told you everything you’d forgive me!”

Kinney turned around and again Michael’s back hit the wall.

“I can’t stand you or your face, Michael. I don’t ever want to see you again. For me you’re dead, and you’re lucky
because if you weren’t one of my oldest friend and Debbie’s son, now you’d have been dead for real. And now,
before I disappear forever from your life, tell me where Sappertein has taken Justin and Emmett”.


“Emmett! Gus has loosened my ties… only a minute and I’ll be able to take off the rope and the blindfold” Justin
said with a tone of triumph.

“Great, Taylor! I can’t stand another minute in this darkness!”

Five minutes later they were finally free. It took some moments to adjust to the light and to the possibility of moving
their stiffened limbs.

“Do you think it is open?” Emmett whispered, heading for the old heavy door.

Justin didn’t answered but pushed the hard wood, and slowly the door turned on its hinges.

“Wow!” Emmett whistled.

They were advancing carefully through the house, when they heard a horse’s neighing and soon after loud bangs
against what had to be the main access.

Justin, Emmett and Gus hid behind a wall, and from their position saw Sapperstein’s men heading for the door.

“I want to see your boss, immediately” a very well known voice hissed.

The men stared at the unexpected guest without saying a word.

“Are you deaf?” the same voice asked, the smirk evident in his tone.

And then another voice, that nasal squeak Justin hated so much.

“Well, well, well… look at who’s come for a visit! Welcome to my poor home, Kinney” Sapperstein mocked.

“I want Justin Taylor back” Brian shot back, his voice sharp and cold.

“I don’t think I’ve what you’re looking for, Kinney. You must have come to the wrong person”.

At this moment Justin went out from his hidden spot and ran for the door.

“BRIAN!” he shouted.

But he didn’t succeed in reaching the man. A hand grabbed his wrist and a moment later a sharp blade was pressed
against his neck.

“Don’t be in such a hurry, blondie, I don’t think I’m ready to send you away” Sapperstein hissed in his ear.

Chapter 9

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Caught off guard by the scene in front of him, with Sapperstein pointing the dagger against Justin’s skin, Brian made
a step forward, whispering the boy’s name.

“Stay away, Kinney, or I won’t stop the blade” the Sap threatened, pressing the knife against Justin’s skin till a
heavy drop of blood slid along the blond’s neck.

“Don’t hurt him” were the only words Brian was able to hiss.

“It’s your call. Leave my house and he’ll be sound and safe. I…” and here the older man smirked “I promise I’ll
take care of him” and then lifted seductively Justin’s chin with his forefinger.

“He’s not your toy, Sap. Let him come back home, he doesn’t belong to you” Brian tried to reason, even if he was
burning inside for the desire to kill the man right there.

“If it hadn’t been for you, he would have been mine for a very long time, and we could have avoided all this stupid
drama, Kinney.”

“Let me go…” Justin whispered, trying to stay still and avoid the knife’s tip.

“Shut up, honey. You have to learn to obey, and the sooner you do it, the better it will be for all of us”.

“I’m not… YOUR HONEY!” and with that suddenly Justin hit the Sap in the ribs with his bony elbow and tried to
reach a safer spot.

Emmett was immediately by his master’s side and at the same time Brian was between the two of them and

“Finally we’re face to face, Sap. And now we get to see… are you man enough to fight me without threatening
Justin? I don’t think your history proves your ‘courage’… without at least three of your men you aren’t able to take
a step. Do you have the balls to prove I’m wrong?”

The other man tried to hit him with a fist, but Brian was fast enough to avoid the punch.

“You seem to need some training, your skills seem a bit rusty” he smirked, though careful to keep their battlefield as
far as possible from the two prisoners. Luckily Sap’s men seemed to be too caught up by the fight to pay attention to
Justin and Emmett.

“I’m sure this will be more effective!” and Sapperstein grabbed a sword from the rack hanging on the wall.

“BRIAN!!!” Justin screamed, trying at the same time to warn him and to let go his own pain.

Kinney avoided the long blade by only few inches, and then with a very fast move grabbed the sword Emmett had
thrown to him.

Now armed with the same weapons, the two faced each other studying their respective moves.

Brian was surely faster, more clever and skilful, but he knew that Sapperstein’s rage and desperation were
something he had to be careful of.

He decided to wait for the other’s first move, and continued to keep the battlefield in the centre of the room.

“I thought you were a man of action, Kinney. You are waiting like an old lady” the Sap hissed, stepping forward and
trying to hit his adversary on the shoulder.

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Brian remained silent. He didn’t want to fall into the other’s obvious trap. It was clear that the Sap was trying to
distract him from the fight in order to hit him by surprise.

He followed every move of the older man, ready to make the most of any possible wrong action taken by his

Sapperstein tried again to hit him, this time on his forearm, but Brian was fast enough to step out of the other’s

“You won’t succeed forever in your strategy. Sooner or later my blade is going to reach its goal…” Sappestein
warned, attempting another shot.

“We have to do something!” Justin cried out, hoping that between him and Emmett they could come up with an

“It’s their duel honey, we can’t do anything” the taller man explained, worried to keep Justin safe.

“It’s a stupid duel! And they are acting as if I was their prey. I’m not the stake of their bet, not anymore! They are
completely wrong if they think I’ll stay with the ‘winner’ like a little obedient puppy” the bothered blond affirmed,
really pissed by the fact that the older men seemed to consider him only a child ready to submit to their wills.

“I know, Jus. Nevertheless I hope Mr Kinney will win over that perverted disgusting man. Don’t you think it’d make
everything easier?” and Emmett smirked, squeezing his master shoulders.

Obviously he gained only a glance of disapproval, even if he was sure that the boy thoroughly agreed with him.

While they were whispering these words to each other, Brian’s yelled to be careful… and in fact the two men of
Sapperstein’s seemed to have awoken from the initial surprise and now were heading towards Emmett and Justin in
order to take them as hostages.

Emmett, despite his quite feminine look, revealed to be in great shape and caught his aggressor off guard, punching
him in the face; Justin, instead, was far too fast to be reached by the other and was now defending himself with a
stick found near the big fireplace.

“Don’t take your guard off” Brian ordered, while avoiding another assault of his own adversary.

“Mind about yourself” was the answer the other two shot back at the same time.

Kinney shook his head and got his attention back to Sapperstein. He was tired of the man and once and for all he
wanted to get rid of him.

With a sudden jump forward, he forced his adversary to defend himself with a difficult save, then he tried a feint on
the right, backing on the left at the last moment.

Sapperstein was caught off guard and his belated attempt to save his right side failed when Kinney’s tip hit his
shoulder. He made a jump back, trying to escape the other’s blade, but blood started to tinge his shirt.

“Fuck, Kinney!” he yelled attacking again, the rage blinding his reason.

Another shot, this one near the neck.

Justin was watching with his teeth clenched. Sapperstein was a monster, but the spectacle in front of him was no
better. Watching himself from the man he was fighting with, the blond boy was trying at the same time to follow the
development of the other duel.

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From the beginning of his life everything around him had seemed to scream of pain and sufferance. His mother’s
death, his father’s desperation, the suicide, his life apart from anyone… it was not fair! Now that he had found Brian
Kinney and with him a new family, it was again a false hope because the man didn’t want him and considered him a
boy, a possession won in a moment of boredom.

With a sudden jump, due more to his desperation, to his need to run away from his own life, he hit Sapperstein’s
guard, leaving him bleeding on the floor. Justin’s eyes went wide. He stared at the man in front of him, unbelieving
it was him who caused this suffering…

Brian had followed the whole scene, trying at the same time to control his own adversary. He hadn’t known Justin
for a very long time, but that light in those blue eyes warned him immediately. His boy was going to collapse.

Brian hadn’t wanted to hurt the Sapperstein, only to get rid of him, but now he had to end this duel. With two blows
very well dealt, he hit the man first in his right side, and then on his shoulder, leaving him unarmed.

“Only a move and you’re dead” he hissed, leaving the man in order to reach Justin.

Brian hugged to boy from behind, whispering words of comfort and rocking him back and forth.

“It’s ok, Justin, you’re with me now…” he murmured, caressing the boy’s arms, trying to heat him up “That man’s
not dead, you’ve been perfect, he’s unarmed but alive…”

Justin tried to keep back his tears. He didn’t want to look like a child, but he was tired, he wanted to be alone, away
from all of this.

“Justin…” Brian repeated. It was the first time he wanted another human being’s happiness more than his own.

“KINNEY!!!” Emmett yelled, trying to warn the man.

Brian turned around just in time to see Sapperstein pointing his dagger _towards them.

“If I can’t have him, nobody will…” the man hissed.

At the same time, Brian’s sword transfixed him right through, and Justin saw the horrible grimace the man was
wearing in his death. He hid his face in Brian’s shoulder, and that was his last memory before he fainted.


When Justin recovered, he was in a bed. It was not the bed he had previously occupied at The Shell, but a bigger,
fluffier one, in a room he had never stayed in before.

He blinked a few times, trying to adjust his eyes to the bright light of the lamps.

“Where…” he tried to murmur, his throat raspy after the long inactivity.

A warm hand caressed his forehead, smoothing his hair back.

“You’ve worried all of us, honey.”

“Em…” Justin whispered, letting go a smile.

“In person, Mr Taylor” the older man joked “How are you, now? The doctor said you fainted for terror and
exhaustion. Tomorrow you’ll be better” Emmett explained, continuing to soothe the young boy.

After a moment of silence, Justin turned towards the window shutting his eyes.

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“Where am I, now?”

“At The Shell. After Sapperstein… well, you know, Mr Kinney brought us here. Debbie has yelled like a mad for
hours, she feels responsible for our kidnapping. I think she considers herself the mother of all of us” Emmett replied,
smiling and shaking his head.

“She couldn’t know their intentions” the blond answered, his eyes closing again, trying to erase what had happened
during the last few hours.

“Kinney was very worried about you.”

Justin didn’t reply. It was not the moment to think about Brian, the man who wanted him out of his life and was
ready to send him away without a blink.

“Just in case you haven’t noticed, this is not your room… it’s his” Emmett insisted.

“He has been really kind…” Justin stated bitterly but couldn’t hold back a tear.

“Ok, baby, now you need some rest. I’ll be back in few hours… ok, Jus?”

“Thank you, Em.”

Pacing in his studio, Brian stopped to raise his eyes at the old clock hanging on the wall and to ask himself if it was
normal that Justin was sleeping so much.

“He has woken up…”

Kinney turned abruptly and spotted Emmett Honeycutt in the doorframe.

“What are you talking about?” he hissed, taking a sheet of paper from the desk and feigning a sudden interest for the
strange, meaningless words written on it.

“You know. Justin woke up some minutes ago. He’s still shaken and is trying to rest some more.

I thought you could appreciate to be informed about it.”

Kinney stared at the man in front of him as if he was having a hard time trying to process his words. Emmett didn’t
wait for a reply and slowly turned around in order to leave the room. When he was out of the door, he stopped and
hiding a smile noted

“I think you need some rest, too. And your bed seems big enough to allow two persons in…”

Brian remained still for a moment, then surpassing the man and heading for the stairs, shot back.

“When I’ll need any advise from you I’ll let you know, Honeycutt. I don’t like people intruding in my personal life.”

It was hard but Emmett was able to catch the hidden meaning. Behind the harsh words there was a Thank you.

“Hey… are you worrying about everybody else, as usual? How would you react about someone who’d like to take
care of you, just for once?”

Emmett startled then lifted his head, following the voice. He smiled then hurried towards the man suddenly appeared
in the doorframe, burying his face in the strong chest of Ben Bruckner.


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Someone was knocking gently against the door but Justin didn’t answer, instead he covered his head with the pillow,
trying to avoid all the horrible memoirs of the day.

“Hey, sleeping beauty, I know you’re awake.”

He didn’t even need to crack an eye open to know who had come in. He decided it was safer to continue to pretend
to be asleep.

Suddenly the mattress sank and his ‘master’ reached him on the bed.

“Sunshine, you scared the sh.. scared me very much, today” then Kinney’s tone became softer “How are you? I
know it was a horrible experience. I’m… ok, I’m sorry to have put you in such a bad situation.”

Brian Kinney wasn’t used to apologising, but he knew he owed it to his boy.

“I’m fine…” Justin whispered, keeping his back towards the dark haired man.

A gentle hand rested on his shoulder.

“I didn’t want this to happen.”

“I know. You only wanted me out of here.” the blond shot back, trying to gather all his strength in order to not give
in to the tears.

“I didn’t want you out of here, I wanted you safe” Kinney replied softly.

Justin remained silent for a while, then whispered, hardly audible.

“I feel safe when you’re around.”

The hand continued its soothing circles.

Justin turned towards the older man’s hazel eyes, then captured the strong hand between his.

“Is it so hard loving me? I’ve heard you… you have had a lot of… lovers, why don’t you want me?” he shook his
head “Why are you doing this to me?”

“What am I doing to you?” Brian asked, lifting the other hand and starting to caress the soft blond locks that had
enticed him since the first time the two of them had met.

“You act like you care about me, then decide to send me as far as you can imagine, and finally you come to my
rescue… wasn’t it easier to leave me to Sapperstein?”

His heart clenched only to mention the man who had killed his father, but Justin had to put Brian Kinney in a
position and force him to say the truth, to admit his real feelings.

“Don’t ever say anything like that again” Brian shot back, freeing the hand the boy had previously captured and
cupping gently the fair face “I’ll never let you go again, you’re all I’ve been thinking about since the day we have
met” he admitted, bowing his face in order to hide his emotions.

“I’ve loved you from the very first moment. I hoped you were the ‘Brian Kinney’ that had won the bet when your
friends and you came that night at Angel’s Rest” Justin revealed, blushing.

Now that he knew Mr Kinney returned his feelings, that his dream about the older man had some chances to become
reality, he was ashamed and didn’t know what to do.

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“I thought somebody we both know said, by a lake nearby, that if I tried to kiss him again he would kill me… Do
you think he’ll still give the same advice?” Brian asked, his tongue firmly against his cheek in his usual smirk.

“I don’t know” Justin was flushing more and more “I think the best way to know is to try first hand” he suggested,
lowering his head to hide the happiness in his eyes, ‘cause he was sure it had the semblance of a very silly smile.

Brian Kinney, the man who didn’t believe in love, who didn’t do boyfriends, who made all his choices alone,
decided to give a try to the boy suggestion.

Slowly he lowered his face towards Justin’s lips, and very soon they were lost in a very passionate kiss. When
Brian’s tongue tried to access the other’s mouth, Justin parted his lips, giving up the control to the other.

At the end of the exchange, they both knew that a kiss was hardly enough to calm their passion.

Brian lifted an eyebrow and Justin couldn’t help but smile.

“What are you thinking about, Mr Kinney?” he asked, following the strong line of the older man’s jaw with his

Brian didn’t answer, but captured the boy’s red full lips again, while his hands started to roam on the blond’s chest,
slowly gaining access to the smooth white skin.

Justin’s clear signs of appreciation left Brian with the strong need to deepen their activities, but he didn’t know how
much he could expect from a boy who was clearly untouched.

He tried to put some distance between the two of them.

“I think it’s time for you to rest. It’s been a long day” he managed to say, even if the only thing he could think about
was how it would be to bury himself insight the wonderful boy he was still lying on top of.

“Don’t even try to leave at this point, Brian Kinney. Do you really think I could rest in this condition?” and Justin
blushed again, his fair skin redder with each word… and thought.

“No?! And what are you suggesting to do in order to make you… more comfortable?”

The younger boy punched him on the shoulder, and then Brian grabbed the tiny wrists and pinned them against the
mattress, above Justin’s head.

“I want you, Justin Taylor, and this is your last chance to stop me. Do you really want me to go ahead?” he
whispered, staring into those wonderful blue eyes.

The blond didn’t answer at first, but lifted his head and captured the older man’s lips again, then murmured.

“I want you too, Brian Kinney. Just… be gentle” he added, caressing the dark mane.

It was the first time for both of them. It was the first time Justin was made love to, was touched, kissed, taken…
showed what passion and love could do; and it was the first time for Brian too, because it was the first time he made
love and not just sex, it was the first time passion was not due only to an animalistic need of possession but was the
natural outburst of love. He had cared for Justin since the very first time, and he had been scared by his own
feelings, ‘cause of the weakness he was afraid those feelings could give him…instead after everything they had done
together, awake in the middle of the night, caressing Justin’s hair, face, chest, hands, he could only think that what
they had together made him stronger, gave him something to fight for.

He was unbelievably happy and strangely calm while he stayed awake waiting for the first sunlight, snuggling with
his wonderful boy and following the regular breaths that proved everything was alright with him.

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If Justin’s smile would remind of sunshine, Brian smile was more like the first rays of sun after a long rainy
afternoon. Yes, his smile was the promise of a wonderful future to share with the only man able to conquer his heart.

The End


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