Naked Cowboys 1 Stark Naked Desiree Holt

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To the real Matt Stark. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Chapter One

“I’m really glad you came out to visit tonight,” Amy Stark said, carrying two margaritas into the

family room of Stark Ranch. “And that you moved here. It’s been too long since we saw each other.

Reenie Davenport accepted the drink, took a tiny swallow of the icy liquid and stared out at the

landscape, the rays of the dying sun pouring in through the big picture window. She’d spent a fair
amount of time getting ready for this visit. She hadn’t seen either her friend Amy, or Amy’s very
good-looking brother, since college graduation, so shoot her for wanting to look her very best. She
caught her reflection in the glass of the window and eyed herself critically. Jeans and a simple
sweater that made the most of her petite figure. Her naturally sun-streaked hair loose and swirling to
her shoulders.

California girl comes to Texas. How did she look to Amy? And how would she look to her


Not that I care. I’m done with men. Finished. Living a blessedly single life.
“I don’t like cows. I’m not even sure I like cowboys.” She threw her arms up in the air. “So how

the hell did I end up in Texas?”

Amy Stark took a sip of her margarita. “Because you got a good job offer and it was a chance to

wipe California Dude out of your mind?”

Reenie made a face. “California Dude? Well, yeah, I guess that’s a good way to describe him. But

I think I like Asshole Aaron better.”

Amy laughed, and Reenie found herself smiling, realizing the pain in her heart over the jerk’s

betrayal had finally dialed back to a dull ache. Her old college roommate had always had the ability
to make her smile, even laugh at herself. Which was why Amy had been the first one she called when
she made the leap to Texas and a new job. And why she’d jumped at the invitation to spend a
weekend at Stark Ranch.

Moving to Texas was the most impulsive thing she’d ever done, but suddenly the state of

California hadn’t seemed big enough to hold both her and Asshole Aaron. Especially since his
betrayal had screwed up both her personal and professional lives. When an agency client had come
calling just at the moment she needed an escape, she jumped. They were taking their graphics and
marketing in-house and wanted her to be part of the new department. It had taken a few weeks to make
it all happen, weeks of avoiding Aaron at work, of dodging her friends’ questions. And all she knew
about Texas came from watching reruns of that old nighttime soap Dallas.

But Southfork Ranch had been almost in downtown Dallas and filled with beautiful people. Stark

Ranch, on the other hand, was in the middle of no place. The sprawling ranch house had impressed
her at once, with its vast open rooms and comfortable furniture that even in its simplicity still
shrieked “expensive”. But although it was nestled in a copse of shade trees, there was nothing as far
as she could see except rolling pasture. She felt completely out of place, like someone who’d gone to
sleep and woken up in the wrong room. How did anyone live with this much open space? She needed
walls, definitions.

“I just can’t believe you actually live out here so far from…from…civilization,” she went on.

“With all these…these…cows.”

“Cattle,” Amy corrected her. “Beef on the hoof.”

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“Cattle. Cows. It’s all the same to me,” Reenie said. “I can’t imagine being out here with nothing

but animals.” She turned and winked at Amy. “I prefer the two-legged kind.”

“Oh, we’ve got those.” Amy grinned. “And believe me, they’re mouthwatering.” She pushed

herself out of the big leather chair and came to stand by her friend. “Anyway, I’ve never thought of
this place as isolated. I can be downtown in San Antonio in forty minutes. It took you less than that to
drive out here tonight.”

“I guess it just feels like you’re a world away,” Reenie protested. She frowned. “Somehow in the

movies ranches always looked…busier. With more people. Doing stuff.”

“We are during the day. Life on a ranch, especially one this size, gets pretty hectic. Which is why

on Friday nights the hands all get a chance to cut loose. Something you should do my friend. You’ve
been strung tighter than a bow since you came to Texas.”

“I know, I know.” Reenie sighed. “I just can’t seem to put the pieces of my life back together.

Taking this job was an impulsive move. I just wanted to get away from Asshole Aaron and California
didn’t seem big enough to hold both of us. And you’re here and we haven’t seen each other since
college.” She sighed again. “A long time.”

“But now we’re making up for it. And I’ll do my best to get your mind off the Double A.”
“Double A?” Reenie couldn’t help grinning. How appropriate.
“Well, he is. Anyway, I thought we’d hit Charlie’s. It’s the end of the week so the place will be

packed. All the ranch hands will be ready to raise hell.”

“Oh. Well.” Reenie let out a breath. “Actually, Amy, I don’t think I’m quite ready for the meet-and-

greet scene yet. I need some distance from it.”

“Double A really did a number on you, didn’t he?”
Reenie hated the sympathy in her friend’s voice. “No more than I allowed him to. It just took me

too long to see him for the self-centered, conceited jerk that he was.” The sex was so good I didn’t
even look around to see he was banging half the women in the office and stealing my promotion out
from under me. So, no, I don’t think I’m quite ready yet to jump back into that pool.”

“Maybe tomorrow night. See how you feel then. You’re here for the weekend, so tonight we could

just pop in a DVD, watch a chick flick and get trashed on margaritas. Girl stuff.”

“That sounds pretty good. Thanks.”
Amy pushed herself out of the chair. “Okay, then. First let me at least give you a tour of the barns

so you can say you know what happens on a ranch. You can’t visit a ranch without seeing what it’s
really all about. And Stark Ranch is one of the best operations around. Then I’ll get us margarita
refills and junk food.”

“Okay, okay.”
Amy opened the back door at almost the same moment a man on the porch raised his hand to knock

on it. He had to be close to sixty. His dusty jeans and boots indicated he’d been outside working. He
pulled his worn Stetson from his head and walked over to Amy.

“Everything’s bedded down,” he reported. “Night shift’s about to take over. I’ll just be heading

into town if that’s okay.”

“Go ahead, Hank. I guess everyone else is already at Charlie’s.”
He looked at Reenie, then back at Amy. “You ladies planning to join us? Might give your friend a

taste of Willow Creek.”

Amy shook her head. “No, thanks for the invite, but we thought we’d just hang here and get blitzed.

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Anyway, I don’t think my friend’s really into noisy cowboys and local bars.”

“Shame. She doesn’t know what she’s missing.”
“I tried to tell her.” Amy laughed.
“Well, whatever you do, don’t set her up with that brother of yours. I swear he’s written a whole

new set of rules for male behavior. All right, ladies. Have a good night.”

“Isn’t he a little old to be a cowboy?” Reenie asked Amy after Hank left. “And to be out boozing it


“Are you kidding? Hank’s tough as nails. He’s been doing this forever. He might miss a step now

and then, but he can still take on the new hands anytime.”

“What did he mean about your brother?” Amy had never said much about Matt Stark, although

Reenie knew the two were close. She vaguely remembered a picture of a young man with hair and
eyes as dark as Renee’s at graduation, but that had been twelve years ago and a lot of water had
rushed over the dam since then.

“Oh, just that Matt’s a player who goes through women the way the cattle go through feed. But my

brother’s a hard worker. When our parents moved to New Mexico after Dad’s heart attack most of the
responsibility for the ranch fell on Matt’s shoulders.”

“I guess that’s a lot to take care of.”
“Uh huh. It’s a big operation, Reenie, one that takes a lot of hard work. I might disagree with his

social outlook but I don’t begrudge him. We’re two different people, that’s all.”

“Where is he tonight, anyway?”
“We signed a huge contract to supply beef today, so my guess is he’s out celebrating with the

buyers. Or out with one of his women. Like I said, he plays as hard as he works. And he always does
it with such style you can’t even be mad at him. So, if we aren’t going to Charlie’s let me at least give
you the nickel tour. We’ll take a quick run through the barns and you can see what goes on there.”

“Oh, Hmm. The barns?”
Amy laughed. “Come on. If the cattle or horses try to bite you I’ll be your protector.”
She followed Amy who walked with a long-legged easy gait, her black pony tail swinging with the

rhythm of her body. It was obvious she was completely at ease in this environment, and while Reenie
stepped gingerly into the first barn, Amy walked as if she owned the place. Well, duh. She did
indeed. She and the horny brother, Matt.

She looked around with a mixture of curiosity and distaste, wrinkling her nose at the mingled

aromas of hay, sawdust and manure. What did people like about this, anyway? It all looked so
different in the movies.

Give me the Malibu sand and the roar of the surf any day. Even the smell of fish is better than

this. Why oh why did I think Texas would be a good place to live?

She did her best, however, to be polite as Amy rattled off details about the various horses in the

stalls, toured her through something called the tack room, explained how the horses had to be trained
to do specific jobs. But she balked at something called the breeding barn.

“If you’re going to show me cows fucking I’m going home,” she said and made a face. “Of course,

they’re probably getting more action right now than I am.”

Amy smiled. “Actually, it’s pretty scientific, but I think we’ll skip that for now. Maybe tomorrow.

It’s really Matt’s bailiwick. He can tell you about it better than I can.”

Reenie controlled a tiny shudder. Just what she needed. The horny cowboy telling her about horny

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cows. Outside Amy pointed to the pastures where the cattle were grazing, explained how they moved
them around to allow the hay to grow back, how they separated the heifers, whatever they were, from
the yearlings, whatever they were, and other details that blew past Reenie’s head.

“Okay, okay,” Amy laughed as they walked past the corral. “I can see you’re on overload and this

isn’t exactly your thing. I’ll take pity on you and fix us more margaritas.”

“You really do have a great operation here,” Reenie said politely.
Amy laughed again. “And you’re a very good guest. Come on. The tequila’s calling.”
They were sprawled in the family room watching a chick flick, working on their third round of the

citrusy drinks, when Reenie heard the roar of a truck engine, the squeal of brakes and the slamming of
a vehicle door. She looked at Amy, raised an eyebrow.

“Probably Matt. He’s not exactly a quiet driver. Although that’s a little noisier than usual.”
The front door opened, slammed shut, and boots clacked on the hardwood floor.
“Well, well.” The low drawl sent a shiver dancing along Reenie’s spine. “Amy, you didn’t tell me

we were having company. I’d have come home a lot sooner.”

His words were slurred just a little, but Amy seemed to pick up on it right away. “She’s my

company, not yours, hotshot.” She frowned. “And exactly how much have you had to drink?”

Reenie stared, the man’s lopsided grin making her stomach do funny flips as it had years ago.
“Just a few shots to toast our good fortune.”
“I hope the others aren’t as toasted as you are. And that you got drunk after the papers were


“Of course.” He winked at her. “And our fortune is really, really good, kiddo.”
“I know, but holy crap, Matt. You look like the tail end of a Friday night at Charlie’s Bar.”
“Hey, give me a little break here.” He staggered into the family room, stumbled slightly and leaned

against the wall for support.

“Please tell me you didn’t drive home this way.” Anxiety washed over Amy’s face.
“At least give me credit for some brains. I called the bunkhouse and Andy Givens came and

fetched me.” He chuckled. “Think I cut into his night life a little. He sure took off out of here like a bat
out of hell.”

“I’ll send someone to pick up your car first thing in the morning.” Amy’s voice was tight with


“Already covered. Someone will bring it home later tonight.”
Amy sighed. “I can’t believe you got this blitzed, Matt. This just isn’t like you.”
Reenie stared at the man and the sight was a punch to the gut. Every hormone in her body raced full

tilt. She’d remembered him as being cute, but this? God, this was beyond cute. A surge of lust rolled
through her, making her pulse kick way up and an insistent throbbing pounded between her thighs. No
wonder he was a player. He probably had to hand out numbers.

Even in his present state he was sex on the hoof. Tall and lean, his tanned face was framed with

thick black hair that at the moment fell in disarray over his forehead. His long legs were encased in
dark slacks that kissed every muscle and the plaid western-style shirt was open at the throat, sleeves
rolled up, revealing dark hair curling on his chest and dusting his skin. The Stetson on his head was
tilted to the side.

She could practically see the electricity crackle in the air between them. And even in his drunken

state, she knew Matt Stark felt it too. Saw it in the darkening of those almost black eyes lit by a hot

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spark of interest.

Holy shit! Does he remember me the way I remember him?
“Matt, this is Reenie Davenport, We—”
“Roomed together in college,” he finished for her, giving her a wink. “I definitely remember.”
Reenie shivered. His voice was a caress, like a tongue licking at her skin.
“Yes, and we’ve got time for all the pleasantries in the morning.” Amy’s voice held an edge of

annoyance. “You look like you’re about to fall down and I can smell the booze from here.”

“Hey.” He tried for indignation but in his condition couldn’t quite pull it off. “We just had a few to

celebrate the deal and then… You know.” He pushed off the wall, stumbled, groped for the wall

Reenie watched him, transfixed. She knew she should probably excuse herself and let Amy handle

the problem but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the man. California had more than its share of
good-looking men, but pound for pound this man had more of a sexual presence than any she’d ever
met. There was just something so…earthy about him.

No, no, no. Hang out a sign on him that says Trouble. You’re off men, remember?
“Jesus, Matt.” Amy’s disgust was evident. “Come on. I’ll get you to your room, and hope Reenie

won’t hold it against me that my brother’s a drunken mess.”

She set her drink aside, pushed herself out of the big leather chair and hurried to her brother’s side.

Dragging his arm over her shoulder she leaned into him, maneuvering him away from the wall and
into a short hallway.

“Hey,” he slurred, “how ’bout having Reenie put me to bed.” He turned his head. “Whaddaya say,


Reenie just stared, unable to tear her eyes away from him.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Amy had a firm grip on Matt now, dragging him down the hallway. “I’m sure Reenie would say if

she’d known what a bum you are she might not have come out here to visit me.”

Reenie could hear the man muttering all the way to what she guessed was his bedroom. A door

closed. After a long time it opened again—click, snick—then closed. Amy’s heels tapped on the
hardwood as she hurried back to the family room.

“I don’t even know how to begin apologizing to you for this…this…fiasco,” she said, reaching for

her drink and downing almost half of it. “Matt’s not usually like that. Or at least if he is I don’t see it.”
She sighed. “I guess he’s entitled to blow off some steam now and then. I’m just embarrassed you had
to see it.”

“Hey, no harm.” Reenie smiled. “Shit happens to all of us. Remember that night our junior year

when we…”

And they were off on a trip down memory lane, laughing and giggling. Suddenly Amy’s eyes

widened and her face turned white then red as she stared at something past Reenie’s shoulder. Reenie
turned to look and nearly passed out. Leaning in the entryway to the short hall was Matt Stark. And he
was completely, starkly naked.

She felt her jaw drop. It certainly wasn’t the first time she’d seen a man naked, but she’d never

been greeted this way by a man she’d never been intimate with. To make it worse, he was the sexiest
man she’d ever laid eyes on. Better than any memories. And just when she’d sworn off men

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Her hands clenched and unclenched and her breath felt trapped in her throat. Reenie knew she

should turn away, move away, something, but she was mesmerized by that very sexy body. The initial
slam of physical attraction kicked up at least ten notches. Now she could see the definition of every
muscle, his flat stomach, the thick pelt of hair on his chest arrowing down to a cluster of hair from
which rose what had to be absolutely the most magnificent cock she’d ever seen. Even semi-erect it
was long and thick, the head broad and flared and the color of a ripe plum. Below it hung the heavy
sac of his testicles, brushing his thighs.

Icy heat flashed over her, the pulse in her cunt drummed harder and her panties were suddenly

damp at the thought of that erection sliding into her waiting wet warmth.

Okay, what was she supposed to do? Pretend this was an everyday occurrence for her? Faint like a

bodice-ripper heroine? Be shocked? Disgusted?

Amy’s shout startled Reenie out of her trance, and wrenched her gaze away from the man. Seeing

the embarrassment on Amy’s face, she politely covered her own with her hand. Still, she couldn’t
stop herself from peeking between her fingers. Yup, he was still naked. The first thing she thought
was what an ass. The second was what a hottie. Every one of her nerve endings sat up and begged.
Great. Just what she needed. Not. And then the image of Asshole Aaron flashed across her mind, her
stomach cramped and she thought, Not again. Please, God, not again.

“Hey, Reenie?” That warm as molasses drawl crawled over her, even in her stupefied state.

“Reenie, Reenie, Reenie. I came out to see if you’d come keep me company.”

The voice drew nearer and Reenie squeezed her eyes tightly shut, forcing herself not to peek

between her fingers. She should probably get up off the damn couch and get out of the room, give
brother and sister some privacy, but her body didn’t want to move. What was wrong with her?

“Damn it, Matthew Stark.” Amy’s sharp voice cut through the air. “Get back to your room. Right


“I said right now and I mean it.”
“Okay, but…”
Reenie heard a thud, felt the vibration of something heavy hitting the floor.
“Oh, shit.” Amy’s voice sounded again. Angry and frustrated. “Damn it, Matt. I’m going to kick

your ass from here to El Paso. Oof. Ouch.” There was a long pause. “Reenie, I’m so, so sorry but I’m
afraid I need your help here.”

“Me?” she squeaked.
“I have a little problem here,” she huffed. “Matt, get up. Now.”
There was no answer from Matt. The only sound Reenie heard was a snore.
A snore?
Slowly she peeked out between her fingers and didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or run like hell.

A very drunk, very naked Matt Stark was sprawled on the floor snoring loudly. And Amy, probably
half his weight, had her hands under his arms trying to tug his inert body with little success.

“Please, Reenie.” Amy sounded ready to cry. “I need to get him to his room and he weighs a ton. I

can’t move him by myself.”

“Um, Amy…” Automatically her eyes dropped to his very exposed groin and she tried very hard

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not to drool. “You’re kidding me, right? I mean…” She waved at his cock and balls, which were very
obviously front and center. Not that she wouldn’t mind looking a little longer, but decency dictated
she be more outraged than aroused.

Shit, shit, shit.
“Oh, um, yeah.” Amy followed her eyes. “Shit. Wait a minute.” She dropped Matt’s arm, raced to

the kitchen and came back with a dish towel. She quickly draped it over his cock and balls. “Okay.
Semi-decent. Now will you help me?”

“Okay, okay.” Reenie uncurled from the couch. “Just make sure the towel doesn’t move.”
This is the strangest overnight I’ve had in a long time. Oh, well.
“So, is this his usual way of doing things?” she asked as they dragged Matt out of the family room.

“At least I can see why he’s such a big hit with the ladies.”

Big being the operative word.
“Please. I’m already mortified beyond words. I want you to know that.”
“It’s okay, really. Really.”
Pulling and tugging, they managed to get Matt to a huge room at the end of the hall, his naked ass

bumping along on the hardwood floor. Every few feet the towel would shift and Amy would quickly
jerk it back in place. Reenie alternated between trying to avert her eyes and stealing peeks at the
gorgeous male body. If all cowboys looked like this, maybe…

Don’t go there. He’s obviously turned into a boozer and a pussy hound. Not my type at all. And

I just got out of one bad relationship. I sure don’t need another. Not that he’d even be interested…

Reenie mentally shook herself. No way should she be having these kinds of thoughts.
The carpet slowed their progress but at last they finally managed to get him next to his bed.
“He’ll probably have rug burns on his butt,” Amy said, “but no more than he deserves.” She pulled

back the comforter and sheet, but when they tried to lift him he was dead weight. And the towel kept

“We can’t do this,” Reenie puffed. “He’s just too much for us.”
“You’re right.” Grabbing two pillows off the bed, Amy then shoved them under Matt’s head then

covered him with the comforter. “That’ll have to do. He deserves to sleep on the floor, anyway, the
way he smells.”

“Nothing as fragrant as a sweaty drunk,” Reenie told her. She waved her hand in front of her face

in an attempt to dispel the alcohol fumes. “Is this a special welcome you offer certain guests or does
he do this for everyone?”

“Reenie, I can’t apologize enough for this. I promise you Matt’s not usually like this. Oh, he likes

to party and all and he works hard enough to earn it. But I’ve never seen him like this before. You
don’t know how mortified I am.” She shook her head. “All I can think is they got to celebrating and
didn’t bother to eat dinner.”

“That’ll do it.”
Amy pulled the door closed as they backed out of the room. “I guess I’m lucky he made it home in

one piece.”

“It’s okay,” Reenie assured her, but it really wasn’t. Nothing seemed to be turning out right for her

these days. She knew she’d never be able to last the weekend here, never be able to sit across the
breakfast table from Matt like a polite guest after tonight. But if she left this minute Amy would be
very upset.

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“Let me make us another batch of margaritas and get some crackers and cheese to go with it.”
“Listen, Amy, that sounds good but I think if I had another of those lethal concoctions I’d be in

about the same condition as Matt. I’m really tired anyway. Would you mind terribly if I went to bed?”

She hated the look of disappointment tinged with humiliation on her friend’s face, but Amy dug up

a smile.

“No, I understand. No problem. We’ll have a big cowboy breakfast in the morning and then I’ll get

the four-wheeler and take you around the ranch.”

“That sounds good.” She gave Amy a hug. “Thanks for asking me out here, regardless of everything

else. Being new in town can be a pain in the ass.”

“Hey, what are friends for? Anyway, it isn’t everyone I let haul my brother around naked.”
Reenie forced a laugh. “I’ll say this. You sure know how to show a friend a good time. See you in

the morning.”

But when she was safely in her room, Reenie repacked everything she’d taken out of the little

overnight bag and lay down on the bed to wait. The door was cracked open barely an inch, just
enough for her to monitor the sounds in the house. She saw the lights go out in the family room, heard
the tapping of heels as Amy moved around the kitchen then headed to her room and closed the door.

Reenie lay rigidly on top of the quilt, frequently checking the LED readout on her watch. She

wondered again if she’d made a huge mistake tossing everything aside in California, moving here,
taking this job. Of course, she’d only been here for a month. Not enough time to settle in. But she
wouldn’t be hurrying back to Stark Ranch for any more visits any time soon, and that would just be
another problem to deal with.

Not for a million dollars would she ever let Amy know how she’d reacted to Matt Stark. How

conflicted she was at the sight of his naked body. How every pulse point in her body was throbbing
with insistent demand. But she couldn’t get those come-fuck-me eyes, that voice filled with sexual
heat, that body whose image still danced in her brain, out of her mind. No way could she spend the
rest of the weekend doing her best to avoid him, dealing with Amy’s embarrassment and her own
intense awareness.

Finally at four o’clock, when she was sure everyone was dead to the world, she took her little bag

and tiptoed to the front of the house, sticking the note for Amy on the table where she’d be sure to see
it. The front door was heavy but she managed to open and close it with only the softest clicks. Thank
the Lord her car was parked on the opposite side of the house from the bedrooms because an engine
turning over wasn’t the quietest sound in the world. Then she tromped on the accelerator and made
tracks for the city and the safety of her townhouse. Amy would be hurt but she’d find a way to make it
up to her. She didn’t turn on her headlights until she reached the two lane ranch-to-market road.

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Chapter Two

“What do you mean, she’s gone?”
Matt popped two more aspirin in his mouth and washed them down with coffee, nearly burning his

mouth in the process. A hammer was still pounding steel inside his head and his stomach felt as if
he’d had a bad case of the flu. His muscles felt as if tiny elves had pounded nails into them for hours.
He was sure he’d have to get better to even die.

“Just what I said. She left. After your big appearance stark naked with your pecker hanging out can

you blame her?”

Matt winced. He had only the very vaguest recollection of the scene Amy had described to him

twice already, in very graphic terms. He watched her as she moved around the kitchen efficiently,
refilling and turning on the huge urn the hands used to fill their thermoses, popping bread in the
toaster, cracking eggs into a bowl.

“Well, what did she say? I mean, did she say something about me? Is that why she left?”
Amy stopped moving and turned to him. The anger in her eyes seared him nearly as much as the


“She didn’t say anything because when I got up this morning she was already out of here. She left

me this note. Here.” She yanked a piece of paper from the pocket of her jeans and shoved it at him.

Matt had to squint to focus his eyes. The writing was long and smooth, slightly slanted.
Thanks so much for the invitation. I really enjoyed spending time with you. Sorry to leave like

this but I just remembered something I have to take care of. I just think when we see each other
again it should be in the city. I’ll call you.

Amy topped off his coffee mug. “So, thanks for being such an entertaining host, big brother. And

for running off a friend I just reconnected with after twelve years.”

Matt squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I mean it, Amze.”
“You are definitely a sorry piece, Matt Stark. You haven’t gotten that drunk since you were

eighteen years old, and Daddy made you work a solid week digging post holes to atone for it.”

“Don’t remind me.” He took another swallow of coffee and wished his eyeballs didn’t feel so

singed. Jesus, what had he been thinking about? Nothing apparently.

“Anyway, I’m not the one you should apologize to, but unfortunately she’s not around to hear you.”
“Did you call her?” he wanted to know. “What did she say?”
“Yes, and nothing. She’s letting everything go to the answering machine or voice mail.” Amy took

a sip of her own coffee. “I’ll probably be lucky if she ever talks to me again. Sheesh, Matt. How
could you do that?”

“It isn’t like I planned it,” he snapped, then rubbed his aching forehead. “God. I can’t believe I

made such an ass of myself in front of her.”

“No kidding. Especially since you secretly lusted after her all those years ago.”
His eyebrows lifted. “You knew about that?”
“You have no secrets from me, big brother. I know you too well.” She heaved a sigh. “If you still

had any interest in her, I think you pretty much killed your chances last night with your excellent

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performance. Not to mention the fact that our friendship could be shredded. She’ll probably never
come near the ranch again. Or you.”

“Shit.” He rubbed his forehead again. “What’s she doing here now anyway?”
“She’s working in the marketing department at Orion Promotions. New job. She just moved here

from California.” She slammed her hand down on the counter, the vibrations sending shards of pain
streaking through Matt’s body. “I was trying to reestablish our friendship. And maybe see if the two
of you…you know… So much for that.”

Matt frowned. “She came all the way here from California to do marketing work? I thought

California was the hub of marketing.”

Amy turned away. “She has…issues. She needed a change.” She turned back to him, angry again.

“Which I’d hoped to help her with until last night. Holy hell, Matt. Like I pointed out, she’ll probably
never want to have anything to do with me now.”

“Maybe you could try inviting her out here again. I’ll make myself scarce, not even be around.”
“Forget that.” Amy flicked her hand in the air. “I don’t think she likes ranches or cowboys.

Certainly not after last night.”

Matt lifted an eyebrow, wincing at the pain from even that miniscule movement of muscle. “You’re

kidding, right? I think that’s actually un-American. Anyway, if she feels that way why did she come to

“Let’s not discuss that. Her business. And right now I’m in no position to persuade her she might

be wrong.”

He was silent for a while, sipping the coffee, willing his system to settle down.
“Anyway, how did I end up on floor in my room last night and not in my bed?”
Amy made a face. “We dragged you. Reenie and I. That was as far as we could take you.”
“Dragged me?” He stared at her. “While I was naked?”
Amy finally laughed. “We didn’t take the time to get you dressed, you idiot.”
He rubbed his butt. “That must be why my ass is so sore this morning.”
“And no less than you deserve.”
“So…you…she…did this while I was still, um, naked?”
She laughed. “I took pity, on her not you, and threw a dish towel over your family jewels.”
“Jesus.” He buried his head in his hands. “Shit, shit, shit.” He looked up. “Okay. I think I should go

and apologize to her.”

“What?” Amy whirled around, screeching the word. “Are you crazy? You stay away from her.”
But Matt went on as if she hadn’t said a word. “She can’t be too hard to find if she has a phone.”
Amy punched him on the arm. “Don’t you dare.”
“Ouch!” He rubbed the spot where she’d hit him. Every inch of his body was supersensitive today.

“I’m going to make this right.”

“The only way that happens is if you stay out of it. Let me handle it. I’m going to wait until this

afternoon then drop by her place and throw myself on her mercy.”

“Hey, not a bad idea. Thanks.” He rose painfully from the bar stool where he’d been sitting, rinsed

his cup in the sink and headed toward his bedroom. Throwing himself on Reenie Davenport seemed
like a very appealing idea. Especially if the little he’d seen of her last night was in any way correct.
She was a woman now in full bloom—at least from his foggy recollection of the night before—not the
young college girl he’d first met. And his interest was definitely piqued. At the very least he needed

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to find out if what he felt was new interest or just a lingering memory. And to do that he’d have to find
a way back into her good graces.

“Matt,” Amy shouted after him. “Leave it alone. You’ve embarrassed yourself—and me—enough


Matt shut out her words. A hot shower did a lot for his aching muscles but he was still a long way

from being close to normal. He shaved very carefully, aware that his hand still trembled, splashed on
aftershave and combed his hair. Clean shirt, hip-cut slacks and his favorite hand-tooled boots and he
was ready. He grabbed his Stetson, his wallet and his keys from the dresser and headed toward the
front door.

“Tell me you aren’t really going to find her.” Amy stood by the door, arms folded across her chest.
“Out of my way, Amze.” He reached for the door knob. “I don’t need your permission. And I need

to do this.”

Amy stepped aside, her face a thundercloud. “You are making a huge mistake. She’ll never ever

speak to me again.”

“We’ll see. We’ll just see.”
Matt was afraid Reenie Davenport might have an unlisted phone number and he’d have to call in a

few favors, but all he needed was Directory Information and his GPS. Forty-five minutes after pulling
out of his driveway he was sitting at the curb in front of a row of townhouses. The neighborhood had
been around long enough for the trees to be mature and the brick on the buildings to have weathered
and aged some. A nice neighborhood, comfortable for a single woman.

All right, you ass, get out of the car and do your thing.
But he wasn’t exactly sure what his “thing” was going to be with Reenie Davenport. Sad to say the

only women he’d spent time with in what seemed like forever beyond those in the ranching
community were those who were as much a player as he was. His impression of Reenie was a
combination of memory and last night’s hazy impression, but he was pretty sure she was a whole
different breed.

He’d rehearsed his speech on the drive in from Willow Creek, ran over it again once more in his

mind, finally forcing himself out of his truck and up to Reenie’s front door. His nerves were actually
jumping when he pressed the doorbell. And when she opened it his mouth went suddenly dry and his
brain emptied out as all his blood flowed south.

Today she had on a pair of tight faded jeans that hugged every mouthwatering curve and a T-shirt

that showed not only the outline of her breasts but the hardened points of her nipples. Her thick mane
of hair was pulled back in a messy tail, her face was devoid of makeup and she held a dust cloth in
one hand.

And she was every man’s wet dream. Certainly his. Every lingering memory he’d had of her, every

residual feeling, suddenly came into sharp focus and grabbed him. Immediately his cock stood up at
attention and begged to be recognized and his balls felt as if a giant fist was squeezing them. His
mouth dried up and he nearly swallowed his own tongue.

Oh, fuck. I am in big, big trouble.

Reenie stared at the man standing on her doorstep, remembering the few times he’d driven Amy

back to college and then spent a few minutes flirting with her. He’d certainly grown up. A lot. Last
night she’d been so rattled by the whole situation she’d avoided looking at him as much as possible.

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But today? Oh, today was a whole different story. He looked fluffed and buffed to within an inch of
his life and whatever aftershave he was wearing should be a banned substance. As it drifted past her
nose that traitorous pulse in her cunt set up its drumbeat again. Feelings for him that she was sure
she’d long forgotten came roaring back in an unwelcome rush. What was it with this guy that all these
years later he still made her want to break every self-imposed rule? And what was he doing here

Self-consciously, she brushed a few strands of stray hair back from her forehead.
“Yes?” Very polished, Davenport.
“Um, hi.”
“Hi.” She stared at him, wishing he’d take off the sunglasses so she could see those come-fuck-me

eyes again.

“So, remember me?”
Reenie felt a smile trying to break out and did her best to squelch it. She let her eyes travel down

the length of his body and back up again.

“I don’t know. Take off your clothes and I’ll let you know.”
It was the first time she’d ever seen a man blush. Even his ears turned red. His mouth opened but

nothing came out. She was about to lose the battle with the smile.

He cleared his throat. “Okay. I deserve that. And more.”
He swallowed and her eyes were glued to the flex of the muscles in his throat. Even that movement

was sexy. The man was damn near lethal, and a definite danger to her in her present no-men state. She
could have eased up on him but she was fascinated to see what he’d say or do next, so she just stood
in the door and watched him.

He tilted his head slightly. “I admit that wasn’t my finest moment, but I’m trying to make up for it

here. Should I get down on my knees? Grovel?” His grin was wicked. “Lick your feet? Or any other
part of your body?”

Reenie couldn’t help herself. She burst out laughing. Matt Stark was incorrigible. She wondered if

he ever thought about anything besides sex and cattle.

He took off his sunglasses and despite being bloodshot his eyes had that same hot look. “Listen. I

really did come to make a sincere apology, Reenie. My behavior last night was, well, reprehensible.”

“Ooh. Reprehensible.” She fanned herself with the dust cloth. “Big words too.” She tilted her

head, studying him, wondering why she hadn’t just slammed the door in his face. “I was thinking more
like disgusting. Although I do have to say Texas hospitality is very unusual. I don’t think I’ve ever
been greeted by a naked drunk.”

“And I don’t usually greet guests at Stark Ranch that way.” He rubbed his jaw. “My only excuse is

the deal I closed yesterday was enormous financially. The beef market’s been a little unstable and I
have a very large operation to support.” He lifted his hands. “So, big celebration. Too much booze,
too little common sense.”

“Uh huh.”
“That’s not my style. Really. I respect women and certainly try never to do anything to embarrass

my sister and her friends. Come on, Reenie.” His mouth curved in a boyish little grin. “I’m still the
same guy you met when you and Amy were roommates.”

“Not hardly.”
He held up a hand. “I swear to you. So how about a second chance here?”

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I should just accept his damn apology, slam the door and go about my business. What’s wrong

with me? Why don’t I?

“Okay. Apology accepted. Scram.”
She would have closed the door if he hadn’t reached out a hand and pressed it open.
“Hey. Wait a minute. How polite is that? A guy comes to say he’s sorry and you kick him to the


She sighed, not bothering to conceal her exasperation. “No offense, but I’ve had my fill of guys like

you. So, have a nice life. Bye.”

“Guys like me?” He was still blocking the door, preventing her from closing it. “You mean


“Ha ha. Very funny. I mean men who collect women. Who should be branded with an A for

arrogant.” Her smile was almost a sneer. “Or for asshole. Take your pick. Just leave me alone.”

“Look. Reenie. I’m not going away until I convince you I’m really a nice guy.”
“I guess you’ll be spending a lot of time on the doorstep then.”
But he went right on as if she hadn’t said a word. “So could we pretend it never happened and start

all over again?” He held out his hand. “Hi. I’m Matt Stark. You and my sister, Amy, roomed together
in college, remember? Nice to see you again.”

How could you stay mad at a guy like this? She pushed thoughts of Asshole Aaron out of her mind

and actually found herself smiling. Matt was just impossible. And unfortunately, impossibly sexy. The
kick of lust she’d felt when she’d seen him naked surged back in full force. Damn it anyway, she
didn’t need another alpha male screwing up her life. But somehow his determination got to her. Okay,
she’d play nice and send him on his way.

“Hi.” She took his hand. “Reenie Davenport. Nice to meet you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really

have things to do.”

And I have to get away from you before I do or say something stupid.
But he wasn’t budging. His gaze flicked to the dust cloth. “Like cleaning your house? That your

idea of fun on a Saturday? Anyway, how dirty can it be? You just moved in.”

Reenie lifted her chin. “I like to keep a clean house.”
He grinned. “God. You sound just like June Cleaver.”
Heat crept up her cheeks. She wanted to pull her T-shirt over her face but that didn’t seem to be

too practical. “At least June Cleaver didn’t have naked men falling at her feet.”

The words popped out of her mouth as if her brain had disconnected. Holy hell.
Matt cleared his throat, and Reenie wondered how such a simple sound could be so sexy. At least

the part of her brain still functioning wondered. The rest of it seemed not to belong to her anymore.
Even Asshole Aaron—and what a great name for him that was—had never had her this revved up.
What the hell was the matter with her?

“Let me try this again,” he said. “I probably should have brought flowers and chocolates. So let me

just say that I’m humbly sorry for making an ass of myself and embarrassing you last night. Instead of
flowers and chocolates I was wondering if I could take you out to lunch.” His mouth kicked up in that
grin again. “I promise to be a gentleman and keep my clothes on.”

Lunch? With him? Her mind was yelling no, no, no. No men, remember? But her body was

screaming yes. Hot guy.

“Um, well…” She couldn’t seem to make her mouth work properly.

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Matt looked around to either side of him. Reenie realized people were outside now taking

advantage of the nice weather. Puttering in the miniscule yards. Washing cars. Eyeing Matt with
curiosity. “Maybe you could invite me in and we could discuss it a little further.” When she didn’t
answer him, he shrugged. “Okay by me, but I thought you might want to take this away from your

Reenie did not want him inside her townhouse. He might be on his best behavior, but she was still

too vulnerable and he was too tempting. Nevertheless, she couldn’t make herself send him away.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!
He looked up at the sky. “Nice day. Sunshine. Blue skies. Perfect for eating Tex-Mex food outside

under an umbrella. Maybe having a drink. Come on, Reenie. What can it hurt and I’ll feel a lot

“All right,” she said at last, suddenly aware that the neighbors were staring openly. She knew she

was stupid for doing it but he made it sound so appealing. And what could happen out in the open? It
sure beat dusting and cleaning the bathroom. “You can wait in the living room while I change.”

She opened the door to let him step over the threshold. Thank heavens the first floor was in

presentable shape. She’d just unpacked the last of the boxes this morning so she didn’t look like a
nomad moving in or moving out.

“That chair is comfortable.” She pointed to the big arm chair where she loved to sit with her

laptop, then handed him the television remote. “Since it’s Saturday there must be something on the
sports channels to watch.”

He stared at the big-screen television. “Holy cow. I didn’t think women bought televisions like


Reenie had bought it because she loved college football, but she wasn’t about to get into that with

him. At least not right now. No discussions about anything. She’d have a polite lunch with him, accept
his apology and that would be that.

“Enjoy yourself. I won’t be long.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he smiled. “That’s what they all say.”
He dropped into the chair, placed his Stetson on the table next to it and turned on the television.

With his long legs stretched out before him, the fabric of his slacks clung to the muscles she
remembered all too clearly from the night before. The dark curls of chest hair peeping over the open
neck of his shirt brought back the image of his hard chest and flat abs and his…

Stop! Stop, stop, stop!
Reenie stood there for a moment longer, searching for something to say, then bolted for the stairs.
He looks too damn good sitting in my living room.
She tried to chase away the butterflies in her stomach while she showered and washed her hair.
Lunch. It’s just lunch. Not a date. Not with Mr. Sexy.
She kept up a running dialogue with herself while she blow-dried her hair, smoothing out the wild

curls with a big brush, and applied makeup with more care than she took dressing for work.

What to wear? What to wear?
Not too dressy. This was just a Saturday lunch and she certainly didn’t want him to think she was

primping for him.

Oh, yeah. Like that’s not what I’m doing right now.
Not too casual either.

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She finally settled on a pair of cream-colored slacks and a deep blue short-sleeved sweater that

brought out the blue in her hazel eyes. Gold studs at her ears. Feet slipped into the fancy Yellow Box
sandals, and she was ready. One last look in the mirror and she almost chucked the whole thing. Who
was that stranger with the glowing skin and the heat of expectation flashing in her eyes? Damn. He
might think she was actually looking forward to this.

Well, dimwit? Aren’t you?
Purse. Keys. Deep breath.
“All set?” Matt asked, taking one last look at the television screen before turning it off.
When he rose and turned to look at her, the expression on his face, as if he’d just been pole-axed,

made all the extra care she’d taken definitely worthwhile.

“Well.” He just stared at her. “Too bad I don’t have a big stick with me. I’ll need it to beat off all

the other men. Just remember, you dance with the fella who brung you.”

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Chapter Three

He took her to Casa Rio on the famous Riverwalk. It was a warm spring day and the locals as well

as the usual tourists were crowding the walk on either side of the narrow San Antonio River. Opened
in the 1930s following a disastrous flood and the construction of a dam that created a narrow bend in
the river, Paseo del Rio is a network of walkways along the banks of the river with shops and
restaurants taking up every inch of space on either side. Casa Rio was the first restaurant to open
there and even in California Reenie had seen pictures of the restaurant with its colorful outdoor
umbrellas and the gaily outfitted waitresses.

They sat at a table right at the river’s edge among the throngs of people moving along the stone

pathway. Sightseeing barges with drivers calling out areas of interest floated by and pigeons hopped
around looking for handouts.

“I guess I should thank you for helping Amy get me into my bedroom,” he said after the waitress

took their drink orders. “Sad to say the last thing I remember is standing in the doorway to the family

“You do remember you were naked, right?” she teased, and was rewarded by the flush creeping up

his face.

“As if I could forget,” he muttered and rubbed one hand along his hip. “I’ll have a reminder of that

for a long time. And thanks to whoever tossed the dish towel over me. I hope it covered my, um,

Reenie swallowed her grin. “Are you asking for a recommendation? I wouldn’t think you’d need


“I’m not sure exactly how to take that.” He gave her a lopsided grin.
“Only that I understand from your sister that you’re quite the player. You should be able to get

plenty of letters of reference. Maybe from all the women in your little black book.”

“My sister should learn to keep her mouth shut,” he grumbled. “Anyway, she tends to exaggerate.

Greatly. And I don’t have a little black book. Or a book of any color.”

“Oh, come on. All you guys do. It’s your personal record.”
Matt opened his mouth to reply but whatever else he might have wanted to say was interrupted by

the waitress bringing their drink orders—frozen margarita for Reenie, who had discovered last night
they could be very addictive—and beer for Matt. He was tilted back in his chair, tipping the bottle to
his mouth. She tried not to stare at the flex of the muscles in his neck when he swallowed or the strong
lines of his body as he sat there loose and relaxed. A tiny shiver walked down her spine and she
wished again that he didn’t make her skin hum and her blood sizzle. Wished she could get the image
of his naked body out of her mind so she could stop drooling mentally. She knew behind those
sunglasses his dark, dark eyes were focused on her.

Of course, he was funny and that Texas drawl was smooth as butter, sliding all over her. His

natural charm immediately drew her in while at the same time it put her on her guard. She could feel
herself falling for him that quickly. Damn. She was just a glutton for punishment. It took every effort
of will she had to keep herself in check.

“You know,” he said in his hot deep voice, “people who come here say the Riverwalk is the place

for romance.”

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“Really? Well, today it’s just a place to eat, right?”
“You’re tough, Reenie,” he said at last. “Did anyone ever tell you that?”
She bit delicately into a warm tortilla chip. “I’ve heard that a time or two.”
He leaned forward slightly. “I’d sure love to find out what makes you tick.”
Just taking me to lunch my ass. I knew this was a mistake. I just knew it.
Reenie had so many conflicting feelings regarding this man. She wanted to despise him, to flip him

off in disdain like a disgusting insect. Instead she kept remembering his naked body, the sight of his
impressive cock. And the way her own body had responded to the sight of him. And now, listening to
his deep voice with its easy Texas drawl, she felt herself drawn to him like a fly into a spider’s web.
Emotions she didn’t want to deal with were battling their way to the surface.

She’d run to Texas to get away from men like him and then one had fallen naked at her feet.

Literally. But he was so good at this, whatever this was. She was sure it was a technique he’d
perfected over the years, one that easily lured women into his arms and his bed. She’d been caught
like that before by Asshole Aaron—Mr. Double A—and he hadn’t been nearly as smooth as Matt
Stark. Men like him should come with a warning label.

She nibbled on another tortilla chip and sipped at the chilled margarita. No way was she giving

this man any kind of clue about herself. She needed to get past this meal, get home and try to pretend
he didn’t exist. She’d had enough of men like him.

“This is going to be a very boring lunch if only one of us is talking,” he teased. “I thought maybe

we could get to know each other a little. I could tell you a little something about me, you could do the
same. Pretty soon we’re almost friends.”

He tipped up the bottle of beer again and Reenie could hardly drag her eyes away from the flex of

muscles at his throat as he swallowed. Clutching her own drink, she took a large swallow, blinking
her eyes at the sudden burn in her throat.

“Easy, sweetheart,” he said. “Margaritas are meant to be absorbed slowly into the system. I’ll go

first. Remember me? I’m Amy’s brother and I run Stark Ranch. Five thousand acres, ten thousand
head of cattle. I can ride a horse and rope a steer.” He grinned. “And even play guitar.”

Reenie wished she could erase the erotic images cluttering up her mind, but the more Matt Stark

talked the more she remembered his naked body and his impressive package. She took another
swallow of drink as if that alone could wash everything away.

“Your turn,” he prodded, when she didn’t say anything. “Come on. It’s real easy.”
She let out a slow breath. Okay, she’d play his little game, get through lunch, then send him on his

way. Damn it.

“Reenie Davenport. I do web designs and maintenance. Right now I’m working for Orion

Promotions. End of story.” She wished he’d take off those damn sunglasses so she could see his eyes.
You couldn’t tell what a man was thinking if you couldn’t see his eyes, although she wasn’t really
sure she wanted to know what Matt Stark’s thoughts were.

“So what do you do at Orion that’s better than what you did in L.A.? What is Orion anyway?”
“A special promotions company. Events. Fundraisers, Stuff like that. We used to do their web stuff

and promotional material for them, but they decided they wanted to take it in-house. They knew me
from the work I did for them and offered me the job.”

“There.” He grinned, that lethal, sexy twist of his lips. “See how easy that is?”
Reenie found herself sitting on the edge of her chair during lunch, chewing and swallowing without

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really tasting her food. Which was too bad because they were eating at a great place, the sun was out,
a soft breeze danced in the air and the food was excellent. Under normal circumstances she’d be
kicked back enjoying herself, the color and the ambience.

But these circumstances were far from normal. For one thing Matt Stark was a tempting treat and

he knew it, slowly seducing her with his molasses drawl and his teasing comments. She wanted to be
in control but somehow she had a feeling that control was slowly eroding. The sexual tension she’d
felt the minute she opened her door to him was like the elephant in the room, invisible but taking up
all the space.

For another, it seemed every good-looking woman strolling the Riverwalk knew him and stopped

to say hello. If looks could kill, the ones thrown at Reenie would have had her dead under the table.
She lost count after a while of how many stopped by, kissed him with total disregard for her
presence, trailed their well-manicured fingernails down his cheek and whispered in his ear.

At first Matt seemed to enjoy it, almost as if he wanted her to know what a catch he was. But

before long, Reenie saw his body stiffen as women approached, his attitude toward them growing
less and less receptive. He reached across the table at one point and took one of her hands in his, a
silent signal that caused more than a few frowns.

“You told me you’re not a player,” she teased after a long-legged blonde tried to press a

particularly hot kiss to his mouth. “Doesn’t look that way to me.”

He shrugged. “No big deal. I’ve lived here all my life and know a lot of people.” But he didn’t

look at her when he said it, and there was no mistaking his discomfort.

“Uh huh.” She shook her head. He could make excuses but none of the women who’d stopped at

their table acted like casual friends. No matter how incredibly sexy Matt Stark was, she had no
intention of being another name on what was obviously a very long list.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the men going by ogling you,” he told her.
“Ogling?” She grinned. “Who even uses that word anymore?”
“I do. I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy.”
“Oh, yeah. Right.” She forked a bite of enchilada into her mouth. She had noticed one or two men

giving her more than a passing glance. Her ego needed it after all the women fawning over Matt.

“And that’s what they were doing,” he insisted. “So don’t go throwing stones at me.”
“At least they weren’t undressing me with their eyes and looking like they wanted to strip me

naked. Or giving me seductive caresses or trying to kiss me.”

“Okay. Good point.” Then he grinned, a curving of his mouth that got to her like nothing else. She

had to clench her jaw against its power. “Maybe all those predatory women could have asked me for
a description of your unclothed body,” she suggested with a hint of sarcasm.

“Predatory?” He laughed. “You do have a way with words.”
“I’d be very happy to provide one, you know. Although I get the feeling with most of them it

wouldn’t have been necessary.”

“Maybe next time you can take pictures,” he teased.
“There won’t be any next time.” She glared at him. “I don’t think this is a good place to get totally

naked,” she told him, “but maybe you’d just feel more comfortable with your fan club if you just took
off your shirt.”

He took another swallow of beer. “You have a really smart mouth, you know that?”
She laughed. “Goes with my smart brain.”

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He leaned forward. “How about this. I’ll take off my shirt if you’ll take off yours.”
Reenie felt the heat creep up her cheeks. “I thought you didn’t want men flocking around me. That

would definitely draw attention.”

“Good point.” He laughed. “Okay. Nobody gets naked.” He paused. “Here.”
“Ever,” she insisted.
“Well, maybe not now but at some point,” he drawled. “I promise you.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she warned.
Matt just laughed that low, smoky sound and drained the last of his beer.
She could hardly remember what else they talked about. She knew she’d given him more

information about herself than she’d intended to. For his part, he talked a lot about Stark Ranch, about
how close he and Amy were, about their activities in the community. But while he poked and prodded
at her for more personal information, he gave up little about himself. That figured.

For dessert he ordered the traditional Mexican flan, insisting no meal was complete without it. She

felt his eyes on her behind those dark glasses, watching every spoonful she put into her mouth as if
observing some erotic ritual. Regardless of how irritating she found him and the whole situation, how
insufferably male he was, she couldn’t seem to put a lid on the physical desire that exploded inside
her just from being near him. And that pissed her off more than anything.

Finally the meal was over and Reenie didn’t know if she was glad or regretful. When Matt pulled

up in front of her townhouse he insisted on getting out and walking her to the door, despite her

“This is totally not necessary,” she protested, digging into her purse for her keys.
“My mother would be horrified if I didn’t act like a gentleman,” he told her.
“And you’re always a gentleman, right?” He shook his head, knowing she was referring to the

previous night as well as that afternoon.

“I sure try to be. Am I forgiven yet, Reenie Davenport?” he asked. “Have I done penance for my

unforgivable sin?”

How could you be mad at a man like this? It was impossible. She needed to get inside immediately

and take a cold shower. Wash him out of her system and chill her galloping hormones.

“That was a very acceptable apology. I enjoyed lunch. Your conscience is now clear.”
“Are you brushing me off?” he asked.
“Just letting you know you’re absolved of…whatever you need to be absolved of.”
“And now I should run home and not bother you anymore.” He moved closer each time he spoke

until he was totally in her space.

“You said it, not me.” She was struggling to ignore the sizzle and snap of the air between them. But

when she opened the door and turned to say goodbye she knew she was in trouble.

“What if I don’t want to run off? What if I want this?”
Move, feet. Hurry inside.
But he was right there, reaching behind her to grab the doorknob and cage her with his arms.

Something hummed deep inside her. And then his mouth came down on hers, soft at first like an
angel’s kiss, his breath against her skin like a summer breeze, and all rational thought fled.

She was frozen in place, transfixed by his scent, by the aura of power and the overwhelming sense

of sexuality. So she just stood there, immobilized, while his tongue played over her lips, tracing the
seam, licking at the corner. Maybe if the kiss had been a full-tilt assault to begin with she could have

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shoved him away and escaped inside. But instead he was reeling her in on an erotic thread.

He moved his mouth back and forth, teasing, tasting. His teeth nipped gently at her lower lip,

nibbling the edge of it. Her eyes drifted closed, giving in to the seductive touch. This—this—was
what had lingered in the back of her mind every time she’d seen him all those years ago. A fantasy
she’d never really allowed herself to think about. When she opened her mouth in automatic reflex his
tongue invaded like a guided missile, exploring like he was discovering a new world. When he
touched his tongue to hers, heat shocked her system, rushing through her veins, firing her nerve
endings, drumming insistently in her hardening nipples and her throbbing cunt. Her legs turned to jelly
and she grabbed Matt’s upper arms to steady herself.

Everything inside her burst into flame. Every inch of her skin felt sensitized, as if the nerves were

too close to the surface. Her breasts turned heavy and achy, all of her erogenous zones throbbed
insistently and a hunger she hadn’t even known she had rose up like a rabid wolf and bit her. Desire,
raw and powerful, gripped her, wiping everything away except this man and his touch and its effect
on her.

Somehow his mouth never left hers as he backed her inside the townhouse and closed the door

behind them, his tongue still doing its wicked dance. One muscular arm banded around her, pulling
her close to him so she felt everything from his hard, flat abs to the swelling thickness of his cock. So
many sensations swamped her she was sure she would have fallen if he hadn’t been holding her so

She finally pried her eyes open, only to find herself looking into those nearly onyx eyes with heat

dancing in them, golden flames that told her he was as aroused as she was. Somehow he’d ditched the
sunglasses along with his Stetson and the power of his gaze penetrated clear to the bottoms of her

Holy shit!
How was this happening? One minute they were eating lunch and the next he was kissing her like it

was his only mission in life. And she was letting him. And kissing him back. Wanting to get naked
with him. Reenie struggled to pull the tattered edges of her mind together, but it seemed to have
vacated her body. Some little warning bell was telling her to pull back, pull away, kick Matt Stark out
of the house, but her body was ignoring it all. Instead it was screaming more, more, more!

And what was up with that? She wasn’t even sure she liked him, never mind… Never mind what?

She was desperately scrambling for some sanity in a situation that had stolen it all away. Matt’s hand,
his mouth, his body were destroying her. She couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe.

Sweeping her up in his arms, he headed for the stairs.
“Bedroom?” he asked, his face still so close she was drowning in his eyes.
“Matt…” The protest sounded weak even to her.
With his mouth on hers, he said, “I’m not going to fuck you on the couch like some after-hours

quickie. Believe it or not, I have more class than that. And trust me, Reenie, Davenport. I’m going to
fuck you within an inch of your life. So, bedroom?”

“On the right,” she managed in a feeble voice, her body trembling with an unexpected explosion of


And then he was striding into her bedroom—thank God she’d tidied it and made the bed—and

standing her on her feet.

“Just so you know, I’m not giving you a chance to change your mind.” His hands roamed up and

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down her back as he talked. “I know what you’ll do. And I want you too badly to give you that

He slipped his hands beneath the soft material of the sweater and slid them up along her rib cage

until he found her breasts and took their weight in his palm. His mouth was touching hers again, as if
lifting it away now might break the link between them. His hands were like individual flames searing
her even through the thin satin of her bra. When his thumbs grazed her nipples, electricity shot through
her and suddenly her panties were soaked with her arousal. Reenie didn’t think she’d ever wanted a
man as badly as she wanted this one.

“I took one look at you,” he murmured, “and I was dead meat. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a

woman this much. Let me look at you. I have to see you.”

His eyes were those of a predator, devouring her everywhere they looked. Her head was spinning,

disconnected from her body, leaving her wrapped in a cloud of intense sensations. Every place his
gaze landed she felt zapped by electricity, a lightning bolt that shot straight to her core.

And God help her, that was what she wanted too. That and a lot more.

Matt moved enough to ease the sweater over her head and then tossed it aside, eyes glued to the

ivory skin he’d exposed. Almost reverently, he ran one fingertip across the upper swell of her breasts
and up to touch the hollow of her throat where her pulse beat wildly. The fierce throbbing told him
she was as aroused as he was. When he reached behind her to unclasp the bra, her breasts sprang free
and his head dipped almost automatically so he could close his lips around one nipple. It peaked and
hardened in his mouth.

Not in his wildest, most erotic dreams could he have imagined that making love to Reenie

Davenport would ever be like this.

He sucked on it, pulling and licking and nibbling as if it was the last morsel he’d ever taste. He

loved feeling the pebbled surface on his tongue, loved the heat of the silken flesh in his palm. When
he moved to the other breast a low moan vibrated in her throat, echoing in his own body and sending
shards of electric heat to his balls. Jesus. This woman turned his body upside down like no other
woman ever had.

He had to force himself to go slowly, to ease her slacks and panties down her hips and legs, lifting

each foot out of the pooled material and brushing it away. His hands caressed the velvet surface of
her slim thighs and toned calves, touching, smoothing, pausing to place kisses here, there. Kneeling
between her legs, he brushed his fingers over the soft nest of curls at the top of her sex before gently
opening the lips of her cunt. Leaning forward, he inhaled her scent then touched her clit with the tip of
his tongue.

Reenie jerked beneath his hands at the contact and clutched at him with her fingers, rocking slightly

and moaning again, a delicious sound that echoed through him. Cupping her ass with his hands, he
lifted her to the bed, spread her legs wider and stared at the delectable pink flesh glistening between
her thighs. Breathing heavily, he gave himself up to the feast waiting for him. Such a mouth-watering
taste, sweet like peaches or honey. Such slick, satiny skin, wet with her cream. And her clit, a
swollen bundle of nerves that heated beneath the lap of his tongue.

He lapped at her, licking the heated flesh with long, slow strokes. When he closed his mouth over

the pink nub of her clit she bucked beneath him, crying out. He pulled on it with his lips, teased it with

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his teeth, loving the small, sexy sounds she made and the way her hips arched up to meet him.

When he eased two fingers inside her, the hot muscles of her pussy clenched around them. Lust

curled deep and hard in his belly and he nipped her clit with his teeth. God, she was so responsive.
She was close. He could tell. He desperately wanted to watch her come apart in his arms, but he
wanted to be inside her when that happened.

Reluctantly slipping his fingers from the grasp of her body, he stripped off his clothes, taking

precious seconds to fish a condom from his slacks and roll it on. Then he moved her farther up on the
bed to make room for himself and knelt between her thighs. She was wide open to him and his self-
control was totally shredded.

“Reenie, Reenie, Reenie,” he murmured, half out of his mind with need.
Bending her legs back so she was exposed to him even more, he positioned himself at the entrance

to her very delectable cunt and with a roll of his hips thrust inside her. Oh, Jesus. She was so wet and
tight, her slick flesh like liquid flame wrapping itself around his cock. And he, the master of control,
knew he wasn’t going to last half long enough.

Leaning over her at just the right angle so with every stroke he’d rub her hungry clit, he rode her

through the gathering heat, through the storm of desire, feeling it rise and watching her face, her eyes,
doing his best to hold back as long as he could. She matched his rhythm stroke for stroke, hips
thrusting, inner walls tightening around his erection like a hot fist. Her legs wrapped around him,
heels digging into the base of his spine as she pulled him closer to her, deeper inside her. Wait, wait,
he cautioned himself, gritting his teeth. But when the first shudders ripped through her he gave it
up and let himself ride the crest with her and freefall into velvet space.

Despite the effort it took, he kept his eyes on her while the shared orgasm shook them wildly,

watching the way her eyes widened, her skin flushed and those tiny little cries kept exploding from
her. He emptied himself into the latex reservoir, pumping hard, burying every bit of himself in her, the
world spinning out of control.

When the fierce spasms subsided to rippling aftershocks he collapsed forward, trying to catch as

much of his weight as he could on his forearms, dragging air into his lungs.

What a clod he was. He’d meant to take his time with her, build it slowly, take her over the edge a

time or two before the big bang. To savor the moment. Bring her to every level of pleasure
imaginable. Show her he knew how to treat a woman. Which he did. In spades. It was his trademark.
And here he’d just done his own version of wham, bam, thank you, ma’am.

Shit, shit, shit.
Some voice deep inside him warned that this woman was different than all the others he’d slept

with, all the others he’d spent time with. Different with a capital D. He had no idea why, but it both
intrigued and terrified him.

When his heart rate had slowed enough that he was sure it wouldn’t burst out of his chest, he

brushed damp strands of hair from her flushed face and placed light kisses on her forehead, her nose,
her cheeks.

“Well,” he told her, smiling, when he could draw a full breathe again, “you did tell me to take off

my clothes.”

“Um, that was just a…you know.”
“Smart-mouth remark?” He smiled back. “I know that. But aren’t you glad I took it seriously?”
Matt brushed his mouth against hers, loving the soft fullness. He tried to pull in the frayed edges of

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his brain. He couldn’t ever remember a time when sex had shaken him like this had, reached deep
down inside him to his very core and yanked out something he didn’t even know was there.

And all he could think was, Now what?

Reenie closed her eyes, waiting for her heart rate to settle and her breathing to even out. What the

hell had just happened here? Oh, wait. The naked guy—the one from her long-ago dreams—had
shown up in clothes, taken her to lunch and…and…oh my God. Fucked her brains out. She’d done it
again, lost herself to an overabundance of charm and heated sexual pull. Well, hell. How stupid could
she get?

She maneuvered one arm free and flopped it over her eyes. Maybe if she lay still long enough

when she looked again he’d be gone. She counted to ten slowly then opened her eyes.

God. He was still here. His warm body pressed to her, his onyx eyes staring into hers. A tiny smile

quirking at the corners of his mouth.

“Are you laughing at me?’ she demanded. “Because if you are, important parts of your anatomy are

in serious danger.”

The smile widened. “Laughing? Uh uh. Smiling with pleasure would be more like it.”
“Damn.” She closed her eyes again, but when she peeked he was still there.
“I have to say that’s not a comment I get very often,” he told her.
“And I’ll bet you have plenty of women who praise your performance.” She pushed at him. “Well,

I’m not one of them. You took advantage of me. Caught me off guard.”

“Hey.” A puzzled look spread over his face. “I wasn’t the only one getting enjoyment here. I’m

surprised your screams didn’t bring the neighbors pounding on your door.”

Now she pushed harder at him, enough to roll out from beneath him and get to her feet.
“I don’t know how this happened,” she groaned.
He chuckled. “Darlin’, I know exactly how it happened. Didn’t you take biology in school?”
“This was a big mistake.” She pointed at the door. “Out. Now. Go.”
Matt rolled to his side and leaned on his elbow. “Has anyone ever told you that you look cute


“Naked?” Reenie looked down at herself. “Ohmigod. You saw me naked.” She could feel the red

heat of embarrassment creep up all the way from her toes.

He had the nerve to laugh. “Well, now, that just makes us even, right? Reenie, people are usually

naked when they have sex.”

“Shit, shit. Shit.” She opened a drawer, yanked out an oversized Live Green T-shirt and pulled it

over her head. There. Covering her body helped restore some of her dignity. “You have to leave right
now. Now. Go.”

Matt moved lithely to his feet, placed a kiss on her nose as he passed her and headed for the

bathroom to dispose of the condom. When he walked back into the bedroom Reenie was standing by
the bedroom door, arms folded across her chest. This was just a disaster. She didn’t do things like
this. Especially with a man who probably believed it was his duty and responsibility to service the
entire single female population of the state. Been there, done that, had the scars to prove it.

I am an intelligent woman. I have a brain. I will find it and sue it and get this man out of here.

And out of my life.

Matt dressed deliberately, tucking in his shirt and tugging on his custom boots. Then he shoved his

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hands in his pockets and stood watching her, a quizzical look on his face.

“I’m leaving,” he said, “but before I go I want some answers.”
“No answers,” she said stubbornly. “Just out.”
“First.” He held up one finger. “I think this has been a long time coming. Something simmered

between us all those years ago but we were younger and each of us in a different place.”

“Matt,” she began.
He added another finger to the first. “Second, Reenie, I wasn’t the only enthusiastic participant in

what we just did. I’m no novice at this and I’m pretty sure you were into it as much as I was. And it
wasn’t just an exercise to work off steam. So what’s the problem?”

“It was a mistake,” she insisted. “A big mistake. You aren’t my type at all.”
She wanted to brain him when he burst out laughing. What was so funny anyway?
“Your type?” He shook his head. “Darlin’, I don’t think your type means shit right now. We’ve got

something here that’s worth pursuing. I’d hoped we could spend the afternoon together. See where it

“Nowhere. It’s going nowhere.” Because you’ll destroy me if I let you, just like Double A.
“Reenie, I’m not asking you to marry me. Just see if we have a good time together.” He lowered

his voice. “You can’t deny you’re as hot for me as I am for you. Come on. Loosen up.”

Reenie exhaled slowly. “Matt, you’re definitely a charmer. But see that’s what I mean. What can

you say about a man who flashes his sister’s friends? Who gets mobbed by a string of lovers while
he’s eating lunch? No matter how I might feel, your whole life apparently is one good time. I’m not
going to be just another name to add to your list. And marry you? Not on the best day in the world. If I
were you, I’d leave before I had something else to apologize for.”

His eyes narrowed and the smile nearly disappeared. For a moment he looked as if he was going to

argue more with her. Finally he shrugged. “Okay, if that’s what you want then I’m gone. But only for
today, Reenie. Only for today. I’m going to find out what’s wrong and fix it, I promise you.”

She locked the front door after him, leaned against it and banged her head once. What had she been

thinking here? Maybe the shock of him showing up at all had frozen her brain cells. All she could
think of was, Holy hell! It’s Asshole Aaron all over again. But somehow, deep inside her, she knew
she was wrong. The Double A had never, ever given her the ride Matt Stark had. Or touched
something deep inside her. And that scared her more than anything.

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Chapter Four

“You have to tell me what happened.”
Reenie squeezed the telephone handset and tried to ignore the demanding tone in Amy’s voice.
“Nothing happened,” she insisted. “He came to apologize, took me to lunch and left.” No way was

she about to get into any of the details. Not even where they’d eaten.

“Reenie.” Amy’s voice was insistent. “I know my brother and I know that’s not the whole story.

He’s acting like a horse with a stone in its hoof and you hardly return my calls.”

“I’m sorry.” Reenie instantly felt contrite. None of this was Amy’s fault. “I’ve been busy at work.

Really. Truly. I promise to do better.”

“Lunch tomorrow then,” Amy demanded. “I’ll drive into the city and we can eat on the


“No!” Reenie almost shouted the word then lowered her voice. “Not the Riverwalk.”
“No?” Silence hummed along the connection. “But the Riverwalk’s the place in San Antonio.

What’s wrong with going there?”

“I, um, am really snowed under with a new website I’m designing and it will just take too long.

Listen, there’s a pretty good restaurant on the first floor of this building. And there’s a parking garage
right next door. How about if I meet you in the restaurant tomorrow at one. That work for you?”

“All right.” Amy’s sigh was audible over the connection. “I’ll see you then. But I’m still going to

get you to the Riverwalk. You aren’t officially in Texas until you eat there.”

Reenie disconnected the call, leaned back in her chair and sighed. Had she fled from one

disastrous situation only to fall knee deep into another? A week had passed since that Saturday and
Matt had called with frustrating regularity. She’d screened calls at home and let the machine pick up.
At work she told Misty she was having problems with an old boyfriend harassing her.

“Please don’t put any calls through,” she told the receptionist. “Just take messages and say I’ll call

them back.”

If only Matt Stark hadn’t given her the sexual ride of her life. If only just the thought of him didn’t

make her nipples peak and her panties soak through. She went to bed each night with an incredibly
unfulfilled feeling, an ache that speared through her pussy and spread to every part of her body. And
none of her toys could seem to satisfy her. Not even the extra-large dildo with four vibrating speeds.
She refused to admit that part of the reason—a big part—was the fact he’d touched other parts of her
body too. Like her heart.

I am in such a bad way. I need help. Psychiatric help.
Sighing, she turned back to her computer and the website she was currently putting together. One of

the things Orion did was offer temporary websites for major events that people could access for
information. This one was for a fiftieth birthday party and she was having a lot of fun with it. When
the intercom buzzed she pressed the button impatiently, irritated that she’d been disturbed.

“Hey, Reenie?”
Why did Misty always have to sound so perky? On the other hand, what did she expect from

someone named Misty?

“I’m here. What is it?”
“Jay wants you in his office right now. Double time he said.” Was that a giggle in her voice.

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Reenie frowned. Jay Sanborn was Orion’s CEO. Sometimes he stopped by her tiny office space to

chat with her about projects, and they always interacted during staff meetings. But she didn’t
remember ever being summoned to his office this way.

“Reenie?” Misty prodded. “He said right now.”
“All right, all right. I don’t suppose he said what he wanted?”
“Uh uh. Just to get you there in a hurry. New client asking for you.”
Reenie’s eyebrows lifted to her hairline. “Are you serious? I haven’t been here long enough for a

client to request me.”

She could almost see Reenie lifting a T-shirt-clad shoulder. “Not my business. But if you don’t get

hopping it will be and I’ll get fired.”

Reenie laughed. “Fat chance. But okay, buzz him and tell him I’m on my way.”
She took a moment to run a brush through her hair and swipe some gloss over her lips. For a

moment she wished she was wearing something besides jeans and a casual top, but that was the usual
office dress here. Oh, well. If the client had sought them out then he knew they were a far-from-formal

Orion’s offices took up two floors in the building, connected by a spiral staircase that rose from

the wide lobby. Jay’s office was at the top of the stairs. Reenie waved at Misty as she hurried up the
stairs and knocked on the oak door.

“Come in,” she heard Jay call from inside.
Wiping her hand on her jeans, she turned the knob and pushed the door open, pasting her

professional smile on her face.

“You wanted me?” she began, walking into the room. Then, spotting the person in one of the client

chairs, she came to a dead stop. Her heart kicked into overdrive and her palms began to sweat in

“I think you know our guest.”
Jay’s voice was like a distant buzzing. All she could focus on was the man sitting in front of her.
“Hey, Reenie.” Matt Stark, wearing a broad grin, rose to his feet. “Nice to see you again.” Today

he was dressed in grey slacks, a western-cut blazer with a white-on-white shirt open at the neck and a
pair of grey hand-tooled boots. The obligatory Stetson rested on the corner of Jay’s desk.

“I see you’re wearing clothes for a change.” The words popped out before her brain connected and

she slapped her hand over her mouth. “Oh, shit,” she whispered.

Despite the fact that his face reddened, he kept the grin in place. “I can take them off if you like.”
“Reenie?” Jay’s voice startled her. “Is there something going on here I should know about?”
“Just Reenie’s weird sense of humor,” Matt joked.
She pulled in a deep breath, let it out slowly and shook her head. “Matt, what are you doing here?”
He winked. “I’m a client. I want to hire Orion.”
She stared from him to Jay and back again. “Is this some kind of joke?”
“I wouldn’t like to think so.” Jay Sanborn’s voice was uninflected, his face impassive, but Reenie

saw the anger flickering in his eyes. Orion was a laidback place to work but Jay was all business. If
he thought she was doing something to damage that, playing some kind of game, she’d be history. And
if Matt was putting her in a position to screw up her job she’d kill him. Slowly and painfully.

She planted her hands on her hips and glared at him. “You want to hire us? For what?”
Matt shrugged. “You promote. I want you to handle a promotion for me.” He grinned again. “And a

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“Matt…” She looked at Jay, anger and helplessness warring within her.
“It’s a legitimate business deal,” he insisted. “I’ve already given Jay a rough outline of what I’m

looking for. Maybe you should sit down and we can all talk about it.”

“Yes, Reenie.” Jay’s voice was firm. “Sit down. Mr. Stark is prepared to drop a bundle here and I

wouldn’t want him to feel he has to take his business someplace else.”

Because of you. He didn’t say it, but it was implied.
Matt waited for her to sit gingerly on the edge of the other client chair before taking his own seat


“Now,” Jay continued, leaning back in his own chair, “why don’t you hear what Mr. Stark has to


“Oh, by all means.” Reenie had her hands clasped so tightly in her lap her fingers cramped. Please

just let me get out of here without embarrassing myself. “So, tell me about your, um, project, Mr.
Stark. And how I can be of assistance.”

If she hadn’t been looking right at him she wouldn’t have seen the flare of heat in his onyx-black

eyes or the tiny tilt of his mouth at one corner.

Okay, Mr. Smartass. Let’s see how good you are at playing this game. But screw with my job

and you’re dead meat.

“Matt tells me they have an annual barbecue and fundraiser every year at Stark Ranch,” Jay put in

when no one said anything. “It’s part of the scholarship program run by the Cattlemen’s Association.”

“A very noble cause.” Please don’t let me sound so sarcastic and piss Jay off. “How can we help


“My sister heads the committee that pulls in all the items for both the silent auction and the live

one,” he told her. “Usually she makes all the other arrangements but I thought this year I’d give her a
break. I checked into what y’all do and figured you could take care of all that.” He paused. “Since
you and Amy are such good friends I figured you’d jump at the chance to work with her. It would be a
natural fit.”

Natural fit my ass.
“Sounds good to me.” Jay rocked back in his desk chair. “You just need to give us a general idea

of what you want, how many people you expect and we can take it from there. You also said
something about a website?”

“Yup. When Reenie and I had lunch the other day she told me y’all create them for events so

people can go there and get information. I figured it could also be set up as a place where people can
register to attend. That’s a big part of what you do, right, Reenie?”

There was that damn wicked grin.
“We can do it all,” Jay assured him. “And I know Reenie will be happy to do that for you.”
Matt slid his glance at her. “I was kind of hoping she could be in charge of the whole thing. You

know, since we’re such good friends and all.”

Reenie thought she might faint. “Matt, I don’t…that is, I…”
“We have people who specialize in those areas,” Jay told him. “I can assure you they’ll do an

excellent job.”

“Well, then. They can probably be a big help to Reenie.” He pulled a slim checkbook from the

inside pocket of his jacket. “I’m prepared to give you a substantial retainer, but I want Reenie in

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charge of the details. Website and all.”

Reenie looked at her boss, frustrated. “Jay? You know I—”
“That’ll be fine,” Jay interrupted her. “We’ll make sure she has everyone’s full support. Let’s get

the contract signed. After that, Reenie, I think you and our client should spend some time in the
conference room putting an outline together so you can get started.”

Reenie was so mad she was sure the top of her head would come off, but she stood and forced a

smile. “I’ll get set up while you gentlemen finish your business. Mr. Stark, the conference room is
right next door.”

She made her exit with her head high and her jaw clenched, her insides boiling with irritation and

unwanted lust. Hell. Just the sight of that man and she was ready to hop into bed with him again.

No, no, no, no, no.
She made sure the Keurig coffee machine was stocked with a variety of flavors and set out two

clean Orion cups next to it. From one of the cupboards she pulled a variety of event folders, a yellow-
line pad and a handful of pencils. She had Misty bring up her laptop and she had just set it to the slide
show of Orion websites when the door opened and Matt walked in, still wearing a cocky grin.

“I should just kill you and get it over with,” she told him in a low voice.
“Now, darlin’.” He tossed his hat onto the table and bent over her. “That’s no way to talk to a

friend, is it? Especially one who’s a new client.”

“Why are you doing this?” she asked in a low voice.
“It’s actually a legitimate contract, Reenie, but I also had to do something when you wouldn’t take

my calls.” He was so close to her now she could feel his warm breath on her skin. “Not afraid of me,
are you, sugar?”

Before she could stop him or even realize what he was doing, he’d placed his mouth on hers and

licked her lips in that sensuous motion that inflamed the lust already blooming inside her and sent a
rush of liquid arousal into her panties. She tried to reach for sanity but his tongue just kept licking the
outline of her mouth and playing across the seam.

“Open,” he breathed.
As if it had a mind of its own, her mouth opened obediently and his tongue slipped inside, a liquid

torch. Heat burned her inside and out, a pulse began to beat heavily in her womb and her breath
seemed trapped in her throat. When he lifted his head she sat there, dazed.

“Just making sure I remembered correctly the way that felt. I wasn’t wrong.” His eyes bored into

hers like twin lasers. “We have something here, Reenie. Stop lying to yourself about it.”

She shook herself mentally. “You have something with half the women in Texas, Matt. I’m just

another challenge to you. And it’s dirty pool to use my job to get to me. If you leave right now we can
just pretend nothing happened.”

“Nothing?” He lifted an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t say last Saturday or even that kiss just now were


“Matt!” She ground her teeth in frustration. “This is absurd.”
“Actually, I think it’s a great arrangement. I have an event I need handled. You take care of events.

See how nicely that works?”

She saw that arguing with him would get her nowhere, so she pulled on her business face and used

it as a barrier between them. Filling the coffee mugs, showing him brochures, asking questions helped
her pull herself together. Somehow she managed to keep focused while they discussed the details of

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what he wanted and he looked over her materials. When she had everything she needed to get started
she handed him a plastic jewel case with a DVD in it.

“This is a copy of the slide show you just saw with different websites on it. Take it home. Look it

over. Get some ideas from it of what you want and then call the office. We’ll get to work on it.”

“Uh uh uh. Remember?” He ran his finger along the edge of her jaw. “You’re my project leader.

That means we have to work very closely together.”

“Matt, let’s be reasonable here. First of all, I’m not an event coordinator, I do web designs. There

are other people here much more experienced than I am at the other details.”

“Jay said you could have all the help you needed,” he reminded her.
“Secondly,” she went on as if he hadn’t spoken, “you can have your pick of any woman in Texas.

Why can’t you just cross me off the list and move on to the next one?”

His laugh was low and hit her like smoke curling in her belly. “Maybe I don’t want anyone else,

Reenie.” He reached out and stroked her cheek. “Maybe I want the fire I see and feel in you. We
connected. We’re good together. Don’t deny it.”

“You see me as a challenge,” she told him. “That’s all. Forget me and move along to the next name

on your list. If Saturday was any indication, that list is endless.”

“Reenie, Reenie, Reenie.” He shook his head. “You wound me. I think we just got off to a bad start

here. My fault,” he admitted as she opened her mouth. “But we’ve got something going here. Don’t
you want to see where it takes us?”

“I know where it will take me,” she told him. “In the discard pile. And I have no intention of

putting myself in that position.”

He leaned close to her. “I think you’re afraid.” His voice was low and smoky. “I think you know

how good we could be together and it scares the pants off you.”

She slid her chair back, needing space. The moment he got this near to her body her sanity fled and

her body started screaming for him. “Not even close. I’m just being sensible. There’s nothing between
us at all.”

“Prove it.” He pushed out of his chair and settled his Stetson on his head. “Come out to the ranch


Reenie shook her head. “Not a good idea.”
“You need to have a good look at where the fundraiser’s being held, right? Otherwise how will

you know what kind of pictures to use on the website or what kind of arrangements to make?” He
touched her lips with the tip of one finger. “Scared of me, Reenie? Or yourself?”

Both. Yes. No. Damn it.
“Neither. I can always just picture you naked and passed out on the floor.”
“Oh, darlin’.” He gave her that lethal wink. “I’d love for you to see me naked all the time. And

vice versa.” He walked to the door, opened it. “One o’clock. I’ll give you the special tour.”

Before she could say another word he was gone.
Well, hell.
She tossed her pencil on the table and shut down her laptop just as Jay walked into the room.
“Get everything settled?” he asked.
“No problem.” She gathered her things together, piling them on top of the laptop.
He studied her face carefully. “I was under the impression you and Stark are friends. Is there some

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problem I need to know about?”

Yes. No.
“Not at all. Actually it’s his sister I’m close to. Things are fine. Good. Wonderful.”
And I can’t afford to lose this job after I dumped my old life to start over again here.
“Good. That’s good. Because he gave us a big fat retainer and we’ll not only get a huge fee out of

this but a lot of referrals if the event goes well.” He paused. “Make sure it goes well, Reenie.”

She swallowed. “I will. Of course.”
“Good. Put everything together in an outline. The event is four months away. I’ll call a staff

meeting next week so you can present the project. I’ll make sure everyone knows who’s running the

Great. Just fucking great.

She had never been so glad to have a day end. Staying calm with Matt Stark’s electric presence so

close to her took all the willpower she had and then some. What was it with her that she kept falling
for men who were poison to her?

Wait a minute, falling for him? Not in this lifetime.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
How had this happened anyway? Dealing with men like Matt and good old Double A took more

energy than she wanted to expend. The sex was always great, but damn, they just insisted on
spreading it around. Hadn’t any of them ever heard of monogamy? Were the only faithful men the
boring ones? She just couldn’t go through the same kind of garbage again like she’d experienced with
Asshole Aaron. She’d believed in him. In them. And it had all blown apart when she found him with
not one, but two other women in their bed, of all places. On a weekend she was supposed to be away.

And of course, to top it all off, he’d been banging their boss on the side and managed to sabotage

her projects at the agency.

Well, okay, she was done with that. She’d button on her professional armor, get through this fiasco

with Matt and then insist Amy come to San Antonio if she wanted to see her.

She probably should have eaten, but food held no appeal for her. A hot bath worked out the knots

of tension the day had created, helped along with two very nice glasses of a special chardonnay she’d
been saving. Finally, soothed and relaxed, she fell into bed.

“Reenie? Reenie, wake up.”
It was Matt’s voice, deep and warm like melted butter.
“Hmm? What?”
She opened her eyes to see him leaning over her, his naked, hair-roughened chest gleaming in the

soft light from the bedside lamp.

“Uh huh. You don’t want to sleep through this, do you?”
His mouth brushed against her, soft as the kiss of a butterfly. Just the way he’d kissed her before.

His scent surrounded her, something outdoorsy and very masculine. Heat seeped through her,
warming her blood and making her toes curl. She wriggled against him, loving the feel of his big,
hard-muscled body against her, the pressure of his thigh against her leg. And most of all the hard
thickness of his swollen cock.

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“You’re so soft,” he murmured, nibbling at her earlobe.
She shivered when his tongue traced the inner shell of her ear.
Her hands came up to thread through the thick black silk of his hair, gripping his head as he moved

his mouth slowly along her jaw line, down her throat to the hollow where her pulse beat fiercely. He
pressed his tongue to the pulse then trailed it down between her breasts until he reached one swollen
nipple. He circled it carefully with his tongue, round and round, while her breasts grew heavy and

Reenie tried to hold his head in place but he laughed softly against her skin and moved his mouth to

the other nipple, giving it the same meticulous treatment. When he nipped at her with his teeth,
electricity crackled through her, sparking along her skin and firing every nerve in her throbbing cunt.

“More,” she whispered. “Please.”
“Not so fast.” His voice vibrated against her. “I want to go slow this time.”
And despite her pleading, that was exactly what he did. He paid careful attention to every inch of

her skin, the mounds of her breasts, the line of her ribs. The indentation of her navel which he traced
over and over with the tip of his tongue.

When he moved his mouth down her tummy she arched up to him, silently pleading with him to go

lower, lower.

He laughed softly. “Slow, remember? God, your skin is like the softest satin. I could spend hours

every day just licking you all over.”

His words as much as his actions were arousing her, drawing erotic images in her brain. She

moved her hands over his powerful shoulders and down his back, loving the play of muscle beneath
taut skin. As he moved down her body she felt the slide of his erection, now pressing against her leg
like a burning rod.

His hands were everywhere now, his mouth following their path along the crease of her hip, the

length of her thighs, down one leg and up the other. Hungry, needy, she cupped her own breasts and
pinched her nipples, desperate to ease the ache there. If only he could touch her everywhere at once.

His hands slid beneath her ass, cupping the cheeks, spreading them slightly so his fingers slid into

the crevice between them. Fingertips teased at the tight ring of sphincter muscle, driving the lust
uncurling low in her belly upward with the force of a cyclone. A hoarse cry ripped from her throat as
he gently probed and pushed.

“Feel good, darlin’? You feel good to me, I’ll tell you that.”
She let her legs fall wide, welcoming his attention, and he didn’t disappoint. His mouth fastened on

the lips of her pussy like a heat-seeking missile, sucking the tender flesh and pulling it into his mouth.
When he feasted on every inch of her labia he thrust his tongue inside her wet channel, gathering the
cream she could feel there waiting for him before returning his attention to her clit.

One large hand slipped around to allow him to thrust his fingers inside her while his mouth

returned to her clit, his tongue tracing heated circles around it over and over. He found just the right
rhythm for her between his tongue and his fingers, slow and steady when she wanted him to rush, to
hurry. Go faster, faster. But he wouldn’t be hurried, instead slowing down before increasing the pace

She could feel the orgasm building inside her, rising like a curling wave in the ocean until her

entire body began to shake with the force of it. When she finally exploded he rode her through it,
murmuring to her, his wickedly clever mouth and fingers knowing just where to touch and stroke.

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She had barely caught her breath before he began driving her up the spiral again, touching her in all

the right places, whispering erotic things to her. But this time when she climbed to the crest he was
there, ready, and pushed his hot length inside her.

Her entire body shuddered. She threw her legs around him, pulling him deep inside her body,

pushing her hips up to him. Deeper, deeper, she wanted to shout.

But then his body tensed as hers did and they fell into space together. Tumbling, whirling, shaking

with the force of the shared climax. He shouted her name as his cock flexed inside her again and
again. Reenie clung to him, seeking an anchor in the erotic, sensual storm.

“Matt!” she cried. “Matt! Matt!”

Reenie sat upright, eyes wide open, heart thundering, body covered with a fine sheen of

perspiration. What the hell had just happened here? She felt sore everywhere—her breasts, between
her thighs, even her ass. And she realized instantly what had happened. She’d just had the erotic
dream of her life and it left her totally shaken.

When she could breathe evenly, she swung her legs out of bed and hurried into the bathroom and

turned on the shower. She leaned against the tile wall, letting the hot stream of water beat down on
her, but nothing could wash away the memory of that dream now burned into her memory.

Ohmygod! I am in such big trouble.

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Chapter Five

Matt thought the week would never end. He tired himself out as much as possible, moving the

calves to a new pasture, riding fence with the men, repairing a stretch of pipe that carried water to the
cattle. Each night he stomped in the house, dusty and tired, swallowed his dinner and fell into bed.
But as busy as he was, still each day dragged by.

Lying in bed at night, trying to will himself to sleep, instead he replayed every minute he’d spent

with Reenie over and over like a video caught in a perpetual loop. Agonized over it. Chewed on it
like a dog with an old piece of rawhide. And he wondered just when what he felt had turned into…
Well, whatever it had turned into.

He was still mortified by his performance in front of both Amy and Reenie that first night.

Embarrassing Amy that way was unforgiveable. And totally unlike him. He was, after all, a
respectable businessman, a rancher with a reputation in the community. Oh, sure, he played hard, and
was fortunate enough to pretty much have his pick of women. But he prided himself on always being
in control. Always. All the time.

But that deal he’d sealed had been a real biggie. He’d had a few drinks with the buyers, then run

into a couple of people he knew and had a few more. He should have taken time to eat dinner, but
he’d been having too good a time and the hours had just slipped away. He was just damn grateful he’d
had sense enough to talk one of the hands into a ride home.

What an ass. No wonder she keeps pushing me away.
But he hadn’t imagined the combustible heat that exploded between them last Saturday. She’d been

just as aroused as he was, and it wasn’t just Saturday afternoon play time. Something very intense had
happened between them. Matt had more than his share of experience to make comparisons, but he’d
never, ever, had a sexual experience like the one with Reenie.

Just remembering it made him hard as a rock, painfully so. When even cold showers didn’t help, he

found himself lying in bed stroking himself to completion, something he hadn’t done since he was

But holy fuck, he could still feel the wet walls of the delicious pussy tightening around him. Still

roll the taste of her around on his tongue. A flavor that made the alcohol he’d swallowed last week
pale in comparison. He wanted to stroke her skin again, cup those warm breasts in his hands. Tease
those sweet nipples until they grew and swelled and hardened and he could lick and nip at them.

Jesus! I’m doing it to myself again.
The problem was he couldn’t seem to get past that damned first impression. It wasn’t that Reenie

was a prude whose sensibilities had been shocked. Far from it. She was a very sexy woman with a
good brain, a smart mouth, and a chip on her shoulder bigger than his prize Angus bull. Someone had
done a real number on her, bad enough to send her hightailing it from California to Texas. Matt
wished he had five minutes alone with the jerk, whoever he was.

But that wouldn’t solve the problem. He thought he’d been pretty tricky hiring Orion for the big

fundraiser and maneuvering Reenie into being in charge. At least it would give him enough contact
with her to break down some of those walls she was so good at erecting. But it would be a challenge
and he couldn’t afford to make a mistake.

By the time Sunday rolled around he was more nervous than he’d been asking Raelene Johnson to

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his senior prom.

“Wow!” Amy lifted an eyebrow when he walked into the kitchen. “I didn’t know we were having

company today.”

Matt filled a coffee mug and took a slow sip. He deliberately hadn’t mentioned Reenie’s visit to

his sister. “What makes you say that?”

“Could the fact that Sundays you usually hang around the house in sweats and an old T-shirt but

today you’re spiffed up have something to do with it?”

“Just trying to look decent.” He turned away from her so she couldn’t read his expression. Amy

was too good at that. “Anyway, I’m having company, not you.”

“Excuse me? Explain yourself please.”
“Reenie might be stopping over this afternoon,” he mumbled.
“What?” She walked around to stand in front of him. “My friend is coming here and you didn’t tell

me? Anyway, I was pretty sure after your spectacular display last weekend she’d never show up here
again. So how did this happen? And how come I’m just now finding out about it?”

“Because she’s my guest, not yours.” He took another swallow of his coffee. “And I’d really

appreciate it if you’d find someplace else to be.”

“Wait a minute. Wait just a damn minute here.” Amy reached over and set her mug on the counter.

“Look at me, Matthew. I want to know what’s going on here, and I want an answer right this minute.”

He tried on a smile. “What’s the matter? Don’t you trust me with your friend?”
“No, as a matter of fact. Especially not after what happened. So give, or I’m planting myself on the

front porch.” She snapped her fingers. “Wait. You never did tell me what happened when you went to
apologize to her. And she’s been avoiding me all week. So let’s have it. Right now.”

Matt sighed. He loved Amy. They’d always been very close. Running the ranch together had made

them even closer. But he was walking a high wire here and he really, really didn’t want Amy around
watching him maybe make a fool of himself. Or telling Reenie what a bad choice he might be.

“Listen. I’m going to ask a huge favor here.”
Amy burst out laughing. “This must be very good. Begging doesn’t come easily for you. What do

you want?”

“I want you to listen to me and not interrupt. Please. And then make yourself scarce.”
She hitched herself up on a stool at the island counter and picked up her coffee again. “Okay. My

curiosity’s got the best of me. Talk.”

Matt went to stand at the kitchen window and stared out at the horses playing in the corral,

something to keep himself calm while he spit out his words. As briefly as possible he told her about
hiring Reenie for the barbecue, making the arrangements with Orion and signing the contract.

“Without talking to me?” Her surprise was evident.
“Yes, and I apologize. I know how hard you work on this every year and I had no business making

a decision like this without you. But Amy, I want to handle this with Reenie myself.” He turned to
look at her. “Please.”

She stared at him and her mouth turned up in a slow smile. “My God, you actually bit the big one,

didn’t you? And with Reenie Davenport, of all people.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Yes, you do. I don’t know what happened last Saturday but if I had to make a guess, I’d say

you’ve fallen way hard for Reenie Davenport. Oh my God.”

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“You’re wrong.” He gritted his teeth. “I just… I only…”
“And I’ve never seen you at a loss for words before either. So let me guess. Reenie told you to go

peddle your papers someplace else.” She threw her head back and laughed so hard tears rolled down
her cheeks. “Oh, this is so good. The great playboy Matt Stark sniffing after a woman who won’t give
him the time of day.”

Oh, but she did. And it was the best time I’ve ever had. Now I have to convince her not to stop


“Are you finished?” He gripped the mug so tight he wondered the handle didn’t break off in his


“Oh, oh, oh.” She swiped at her face with the back of her hand. “Pardon me, but I haven’t had such

a good laugh in ages.”

“Okay, okay. Enough.” He was holding himself together by a very worn thread and he needed to

get Amy’s cooperation here. “Can we save the questionnaire for later? Can you just this one time do
something for me because I ask you to?”

Her face softened. “This is really important to you, isn’t it, big brother?”
“Yeah, it is.” He’d rather have bitten off his tongue than tell her that, but he was in a very big bind.

“And I promise, the three of us will sit down and go over all the details of the fundraiser. You can be
as involved as you want. Just please give me this afternoon.”

“The promise I want from you is that you won’t trash her like you do with most of your women.”

She shook her head. “God only knows why they keep coming back for more.”

“Let’s hold the discussion of my love life for another time. Okay?”
She studied his face for so long he wondered if she’d actually do what he asked. Finally she

nodded. “Okay. But only because I sense Reenie is different for you than all the others. But, Matt, if
you do anything to hurt her, the fact you’re my brother won’t be enough to keep me from killing you.”

He nodded. “Point taken. And thanks.”
“Oh, one other thing.”
“Yes? Now what?”
“Try to keep your clothes on this time.”
“Ha ha ha.”
She grinned at him as she headed upstairs.

Matt didn’t realize exactly how tense he was until Reenie’s car headed down the long drive and

pulled into the graveled parking area. He let out his breath and stood up from the porch steps where
he’d been waiting. Amy’s last words still echoed in his mind.

“Try to keep your clothes on this time.”
If things went the way he hoped, both he and Reenie would be naked before the afternoon was

over. Amy had promised him clear sailing until seven o’clock. If he couldn’t accomplish what he
wanted by then he might have to give up women altogether. And that was a sobering thought.
Especially for him.

She looked so good walking toward him, slim legs encased in jeans, the soft fabric of a tank top

caressing her breasts, a tailored shirt open over it and knotted just beneath those mouthwatering
mounds. Her hair was caught up in a smooth tail, leaving her ears exposed to show tiny golden hoops
dancing in the sunlight. Matt wanted to nibble on her earlobes for hours, tasting their texture. He

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wanted his mouth on other parts of her body, too, but today he would take things slowly. He hoped.

“I’m glad you didn’t change your mind,” he told her, reaching for one of her hands. He lifted it to

his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “I’d have been real disappointed.”

“I almost did. I’m not so sure this is a good idea.” Reenie looked around. “Where’s Amy? I thought

she’d be here too.”

I’ll bet you did. Your safety factor.
“She’s busy this afternoon. Won’t be back until early evening.”
She frowned. “Did you pay her to make herself scarce?”
“Would it be so bad if I did?”
She sighed. “Matt, listen—”
“Reenie, Reenie, Reenie.” His hands slid smoothly up her arms and cupped her chin. “Why don’t

you just relax for this afternoon. Forget about everything else. Let me show you the ranch and we can
talk about the fundraiser.”

“Okay.” Her forehead creased in a frown. “How will we get around? You aren’t going to make me

ride a horse, are you?”

He laughed and something inside him eased. “Not today, darlin’. But before too long. No, today

I’ve got something special for you. Come on.” He took her hand and tugged her along. “I promise
you’ll like it.”

They detoured through the house so she could leave her purse and Matt could pick up a cooler.

Then he walked her through the area where the fundraiser would be held.

“We set up a double tent here in the backyard,” he explained, waving his hand at a vast expanse of

rolling meadow just beyond the corral. “Dance floor, tables and chairs, bar. Tables for the silent
auction. We rent all of that but you can take care of it, right?”

“Of course. We can even use the same vendor if you’d like.”
“Why don’t you see who gives us the best price and we’ll go from there.” He walked her back to

the parking area. “The one thing I don’t need help with is parking. We use the field over there that
isn’t fenced in and I hire high school kids to park the cars. Gives them a chance to earn some money.”

“And work for a project that helps them at the same time.”
He nodded. “That too.”
“What do you use for power? And lights?”
“Generator. We keep one in the barn in case the power goes out. It’s important to have a controlled

environment for the horses and for the breeding barn. We used to rent the lights but decided it was
cheaper to buy them and store them.”

Reenie cocked her head and gave him an odd look. “You pay for all of that, don’t you? I mean, the

ranch does.”

“We make a good livin’, darlin’. I believe in giving back to the community.”
She looked around slowly, gauging the amount of the space and what could be done with it. “How

many people usually attend?”

“We always get a good turnout,” he told her. “Probably about three hundred people. But the’re

mostly just from this county and the next one. Members of the Association. This year we talked about
extending it into San Antonio, and that’s where the website will help.”

“Along with selective advertising. We’ll get some ideas together for you.”
“Amy will be in on all the meetings after this,” he said, guiding her back toward the barn. “But

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today I wanted you to get a feel for what a ranch really is. Know what we’re all about. Anyway, come
on. We’re burning daylight. Hey, Jake,” he yelled. “You got everything ready?”

Reenie’s jaw dropped as one of the ranch hands emerged from the barn driving an old-fashioned

buckboard with two horses hitched to it.

“I didn’t think those things existed anymore,” Reenie said when she could find her voice.
“They don’t. At least not in any great amount. I found this, restored it, and we use it for special

events.” He lifted her up onto the buckboard seat then placed the cooler behind her. “Thanks for
getting this ready, Jake.”

The other man nodded then hopped down so Matt could take his place. “Y’all have a good time,”

he called as he headed back to the barn.

Matt flapped the reins and clicked to the horses and they started off at a slow, dignified trot.

Reenie’s stomach had been tied in knots since she got out of bed that morning. A dozen times she’d

picked up the phone to call Matt and cancel, but she knew that was just the coward’s way out. And the
damndest part of it was she really wanted to see him. She hadn’t been able to get either that damn
erotic dream or the memories of Saturday afternoon out of her head. And now here she was, alone
with him and scrambling to keep her defenses up.

To make matters worse, he looked good enough to eat in his jeans and chambray shirt, the

perpetual Stetson clapped on his head, looking like every woman’s dream. When she drew in a breath
the mingled scents of man, meadow and trees drifted seductively across her nostrils. It seemed
everything, including nature, was conspiring to tear down her defenses.

“This is very Little House on the Prairie of you,” she said, trying to distract herself with her usual


But Matt just grinned. “I was thinking more like Bonanza. Only I’m better looking than Little Joe.”
“And modest too.”
Matt expertly drove the buckboard through the nearest pasture, got out to open the first gate, drove

through it and closed the gate again. The cattle were all in distant enclosures so they had nothing but
open meadow in front of them. Reenie gave herself up to the enjoyment of her surroundings, feeling
the sun on her face and the soft breeze in her hair. She had a sense of being dropped into a movie set.
All that was missing were the cameras and a director.

Reenie thought of a million sarcastic remarks she could make but somehow they all bottled up in

her throat. She was shocked to discover she was actually enjoying herself. Worse than that, relaxing.
And why not? The weather was beautiful. Perfect. The environment great. And she was sitting beside
a man with so much sex appeal he should be labeled a lethal weapon, her body wrapped in an air of
sensual awareness.

Reenie had never in her life been afraid of a relationship. But the recent damage by Asshole Aaron

was still so fresh, so painful, she couldn’t make herself give herself up to the pleasure.

I need psychiatric help.
“I can almost feel your brain cooking,” Matt teased as they rolled along. “How about letting it just

all hang out today, Reenie. Think what a novelty that would be for you. No comment?” he asked,
when she didn’t answer. “No problem. In fact, maybe good. Better.” He tugged back on the reins and
the horses slowed. Stopped. “Okay, we’re here.”

Reenie looked around. “Here? Where? It looks like we’re in the middle of no place.”

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“Exactly right. See? I knew you were smart.” He walked around and lifted her off the seat before

she had a chance to protest. “Come on.”

He grabbed the cooler and a blanket rolled up in the back of the wagon then led her to a spot

beneath a cluster of tall oaks. With efficient movements he spread out the blanket, opened the cooler
and stretched out full length, patting the space beside him.

“Come on down. It’s okay. I’ve still got my clothes on.”
She frowned. “What’s going on here?”
Matt blew out a breath and shook his head. “Jesus, Reenie. Try not to overthink everything so

much, okay? Can’t you just take a chance on having fun for a change?”

“Taking chances only leads to trouble,” she told him. “And you’re trouble. You know it.”
Before she knew what was happening he reached up, grabbed her hand and tugged her down

beside him.

“Trouble doesn’t always have to be bad,” he said softly. Reaching into the cooler, he pulled out

two bottles of Corona beer, uncapped them and held one out to her. “Here. Live dangerously.”

Reenie managed to maneuver herself into sitting cross-legged position and took a tentative

swallow of the beer. It wasn’t her first choice of beverage but she didn’t want to be rude. And it was
obviously a favorite of Matt’s. He handed her a wedge of lime. “If you push this into the neck of the
bottle and drink the beer through it, the lime juice enhances the flavor.”

When she tried it she discovered the liquid was surprisingly good.
“See?’ He grinned. “Look what happens when you take a chance.”
Matt leaned back on one elbow, balancing his beer. He told her how his grandparents had started

the ranch, why he and Amy had taken it over, how he’d gotten involved with the Cattlemen’s
Association and then the scholarship program.

Reenie cradled the bottle in her hands, rubbing her thumb against the condensation at the neck as

she listened to him. When he finished she said, “Why are we really out here, Matt? We could have
been finished when you showed me the area where your event will be held.”

“I thought you ought to get a feel for what a ranch is like, what we all do. It might help with the

graphics y’all design.”

“Okay. I’ll give you that,” she agreed. “But we could have ridden around and then gone back to the

house. So why this?”

Very slowly, he removed his hat and placed it on the blanket. He plucked the beer bottle from her

fingers and stuck it in the cooler along with his. And then, very deliberately, he pulled her down until
she was flat on her back and he was looming over her.

“We’re out here because I want to do this.” He bent his head and ran his tongue across her lips,

tracing the outline and the seam. “I want to kiss you, Reenie. And a lot of other things. I can’t forget
how good we were together last Saturday. There’s something explosive between us and it’s stupid to
pretend it doesn’t exist. So what’s the problem?”

She pressed her hands against his chest, struggling to find some measure of control. To make him

understand. “You are. You’re trouble, Matt. With a capital T. And I’ve had all the trouble I want to
deal with.”

He nipped her lower lip. “Someone did a number on you, Reenie. I’d like to punch his lights out,

but since that’s probably not possible I’ll just have to do my best to erase the aftereffects of it.”

This time his mouth left no question about its intent. The kiss was hard, almost bruising, his tongue

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sweeping into her mouth like a marauder. How was it that just his words immobilized her and robbed
her of sane thought? One touch and she melted. He was like a powerful drug habit she couldn’t kick.
When she tried once again to feebly push him away, he deepened the kiss and one hand slid along her
rib cage. Fingertips grazed the lower swell of her breasts and knuckles brushed at her hardened

A whip of lust cracked through her and wrapped tightly around her. His mouth was at once soft and

firm, moving along the line of her jaw, the column of her neck, coming to rest at that spot behind her
ear where the flick of his tongue made her shiver. It made cream soak her panties and the pulse in her
womb dance like the throbbing beat of a jungle drum. She wanted…she wanted…oh, God, she
wanted so much.

Nimble fingers untied her knotted shirttails and slid the blouse from her body. He then lifted the

tank top and eased it over her head. When his mouth closed over one nipple she felt the heat and
moisture through the thin satin of her bra. Desire lashed at her, pulling at the need rising inside her
and she lifted herself to his touch. Fingers threaded through the black silk of his hair, pulling his head
tightly to her body. She moaned in protest when he moved his mouth away, only to whimper with
satisfaction when he fastened it to her other nipple.

He took a long time, sucking and pulling, biting gently until the pleasure became so intense it was

almost painful. And still he teased and tormented, his warm hand rubbing across her midriff and
stroking down to her hip.

Reenie couldn’t stand it. She had to touch him. Fingers clumsy with haste, she tore open the snaps

on his shirt and touched the warm, hard body beneath the fabric, sifted her fingers through the crisp
hair on his chest. The moment she made contact with skin she moaned, passion surging through her.
Matt was right. She couldn’t argue. Whatever was between them was electric, as powerful as a storm
and as impossible to ignore.

Her skin burned where his hands touched her as he unsnapped her jeans and tugged the zipper

down. She cried out in protest when he sat up and moved away from her.

“Never make love with your boots on, darlin’.” His voice was husky, thick with desire and as rich

as heated molasses. He pulled each boot until it came free, then her socks, finally sliding both jeans
and panties down her legs. The drift of air was cool on her heated skin but it did nothing to lower the
temperature of the desire curling through her like a hungry snake. She opened her legs for him, a silent
plea to feel his body there, but Matt was busy with his mouth again.

There wasn’t an inch of her he left untouched. His lips and tongue moved over her tummy, her

navel, the swell of her hips, the curve of her thighs. He took a long, slow journey starting at one ankle,
moving up the inside of her legs, across the nest of curls covering her sex and down to her other
ankle. The more he kissed and bit the more she writhed beneath the pressure of his hands.

Oh, God, she wanted him inside her. Every nerve in her body focused on that one overriding need.

But Matt was far from through with her. When she felt his mouth closing over the swollen bud of her
clit, she arched off the blanket, crying out with the intensity of the sensations.

He pulled and tugged with his lips before the sinful heat of his tongue invaded her slit, licking the

length of it from top to bottom. Again. Again. And just when she was sure she couldn’t take it
anymore he thrust his tongue inside and stroked it in and out.

It was like riding a rollercoaster, climbing slowly to the top of the hill, every bit of breath stolen

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from you, then plunging down so fast your heart raced and pounded. Only Matt never let her get all the
way to the bottom. He’d take her to the top, dangle her on the edge and then back away.

She was crying with frustration now, begging him, imploring him. She felt abandoned when he

moved away from her, but she opened her eyes when she heard the snick of a belt and the rustle of
fabric to see him stripping off his boots and clothes. Then he was as naked as she was, kneeling
between her thighs. When he rose over her she reached down to close her fingers over his hot
erection, rewarded by the hiss of his indrawn breath. She wanted to make him feel good too.

Wriggling slightly, she snaked a hand between his muscled thighs to cup the heavy sac with his

balls. His gaze locked with hers as she moved her fingers, manipulating, teasing. She made a small
sound of protest when he brushed her hand away.

“I need inside you,” he breathed. “Now.”
He rolled on a condom with one hand, positioned himself at the entrance to her cunt and pushed

inside her.

Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.
He held still for a long moment.
“Look at me, Reenie,” he commanded.
Her eyes flew open and locked with his. God, she could get lost in those eyes.
“Don’t look away.”
And she didn’t, not while he drove into her again and again. Not while he braced on one hand

while with the fingers of the other he rubbed and stroked her clit. Not when she felt the orgasm
rushing through her, too long denied. Not when she felt his pace increase and his body stiffen. And not
when he took her over the cliff with him, both of them shuddering with the force of their release.

She had no idea how long they lay there, locked together, riding through the aftershocks. She didn’t

know whose heart hammered faster, whose breathing was more ragged. It seemed forever until Matt
slowly eased himself from her body and dealt with the condom. Then he reached back to the cooler
and pulled out the two bottles of beer.

“Probably a little flat by now,” he told her in an unsteady voice. “But still cold.”
Reenie sat up and rolled the cool bottle against her forehead, trying to make some sense of what

had happened. She wasn’t a stupid person. She wasn’t weak or easily led. Yet it seemed the moment
Matt Stark touched her, every brain cell went to sleep and the rest of her body took over.

“Matt,” she began.
“Not today, Reenie.” He was smiling but there was a warning in his voice. “Just for today can we

please accept that what we just did was beyond phenomenal? That something special is developing
between us, even though neither of us expected it?”

“I can’t do that. Please.”
She twisted her fingers together, disgusted with the situation and with herself. But she seemed to

have lost all self-discipline where Matt was concerned.

“Reenie, listen—”
“This can’t work between us. I know that. I should know better than to be alone with you. Because

when you touch me my brain goes to sleep and that’s not good.”

“Reenie—” he began again.
“No.” She nibbled her lower lip. “I’ll agree with you the sex is hot. Okay, incendiary. Outstanding.

But that’s no foundation on which to build a relationship.”

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“You can’t build anything if you keep running away from it,” he pointed out.
“You know as well as I do it’s only good until the next female catches your eye and I’m done

playing that game.”

“Are you going to let me say something here?” he asked, his voice edged with irritation.
“No, because you’ll just try to confuse me. I shouldn’t have come out here today, but I really

thought Amy would be here. And I’ll take half the responsibility for what just happened. I’d be lying
if I said I didn’t want it as much as you. But I can’t do this anymore, so please don’t ask me to.”

“I think we could have a lot more here than sex, but you’re too stubborn to even give it a chance.

So I made a fool of myself when we met. Can’t we get past that?”

She could hardly believe they’d had this whole conversation naked. What was she thinking of?

They dressed in an awkward silence, Reenie avoiding all eye contact with him.

“I think I have what I need,” she told him. “I really need to get home.”
Matt stood, barely the space of a sheet of paper from her, his warm hands resting on her shoulders.

“I’ll say this once more. Don’t keep running away from this, Reenie. At least give it a chance to find
out what it really is.”

She looked away. “Been there, done that, got the broken heart to show for it. I can’t go through it

again. Sorry.”

“You’re judging me on someone else’s actions,” he argued.
“But you’re just like him. A player. A partier with a string of women from here to San Antonio.”
“That’s harsh, Reenie. You don’t really know me at all.”
“I know enough. I know the type.” She shook her head. “That’s not for me.”
He put his hand under her chin and turned her head so she faced him. “What is for you? Tell me, so

I’ll know.”

“Something I don’t even know if we could have. If you even want with anyone. I’m sure it will

sound stupid to you, but I want roses. Champagne. Chocolates.”

“So I messed up not bring them when I came to apologize?”
Reenie bit her lower lip. “It isn’t just the…the stuff. It’s what it means. Amy and I used to talk

about our dreams and I had a specific one that dealt with that special man in my life, whoever he
turned out to be.”

Matt chuffed in frustration. “Maybe if you give me a clue I can be that person. Ever think of that?”
“On the strength of two very intense times together? I don’t think so.”
“Reenie, some people date for years and never feel the connection you know we have. What is it

you think I can’t deliver?”

She looked at him sadly. “Forever. Guys like you just don’t stick around for forever. Just take me

back to the ranch, Matt. Please. And next time you want to see me, set up a meeting at the office.”

The ride back to the ranch was accomplished in complete and uncomfortable silence. Matt’s

simmering anger was almost palpable. As soon as he pulled up in the yard Reenie jumped down from
the seat and raced into the house to get her purse and keys. Matt caught up with her just as she opened
the door to her car. He grabbed her arm and pulled her around to face him.

“Just tell me one thing,” he insisted, eyes blazing. “Answer one question for me.”
“What?” she asked. “What do you want to know?”
“What is it you’re so afraid of? Tell me what.”
She looked at him a long time, then whispered, “Myself.”

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Chapter Six

“She won’t talk to me about it.” Amy tossed her keys on the counter next to her purse. She had just

come from lunch with Reenie, and Matt had been waiting nervously to hear what happened.

“She won’t say anything?”
Amy shook her head. “She’ll talk about the fundraiser, girl stuff, people we know, but that’s it. And

if I want to keep my friendship with her I’m not going to push it.”

He raked his fingers through his hair, a gesture of frustration. After that first time he’d thought it

was just really, really good sex with maybe a little something extra thrown in. Reenie was smart and
funny and classy and talented, and… He was driving himself crazy. He’d always thought it took a
long time to build a relationship and fall in love. He hadn’t counted on Reenie Davenport, who’d
blindsided him like a tornado. Now she was all he could think about. All he wanted. For the rest of
his life. The realization still stunned him.

“She won’t take my calls,” he said. “Won’t let me see her except in that damn office with a million

other people around her. How am I supposed to fix this if I can’t get her alone? Or get her to open up
to you at least so I know what the problem is? I swear, Amy, I haven’t done a damn thing wrong.”

“Except walk in drunk and naked the first time you meet her.”
“Is that what this was all about?” He stared at her. “Is that what she can’t get past? Because I’m

telling you, Amy, we are good together. Really, really good.”

She held up her hands. “Too much information. Spare me the details of your sex life.”
He shook his head. “It isn’t just sex, although that’s off the charts. She’s…she’s…special. Very

special. She’s…Reenie. Funny, smart.” He gave a half-grin. “Smart-mouthed.”

Matt was as stunned by his feelings as his sister was, especially in such a short time span. He used

to keep himself at a distance from people. Oh, he was friendly enough and socialized like everyone
else did. But he never let a woman get too close. He couldn’t say why. Just that the thought of tying
himself down to one woman gave him chills. Yet somehow, in a very short time, he didn’t get that
same feeling with Reenie. And he still barely knew her.

If only he hadn’t made such a spectacle of himself that first night. Then she might take him


Oh. Wow. Seriously. There was a word he never used with a woman. But now…
Damn, damn, damn. He had to figure out a way around this. He wanted to take her out on a real

date. Lots of dates, but he had to get that first one under his belt.

Amy cocked her head, studying him. “I’ve never seen you like this. You’ve really got it bad,

haven’t you?”

“Worse than you can imagine.” He paced the kitchen. “Go ahead and laugh. I’m sure you find this


“Only because the last thing I ever expected was to see you fall this hard. I mean, this is ‘settle

down’ hard, right?”

“Yup. Last thing I ever expected when—”
“When you fell naked at her feet?” Amy said again and giggled.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I admit it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.”
“And unlike you,” she agreed. “Okay, I’ll tell you this much, because you’ve got a high wall to

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climb. You’re dealing with the aftereffects of Asshole Aaron.”

He lifted his eyebrow. “Asshole Aaron?”
“Or Mr. double A, as Reenie and I call him. A very fitting name.”
“What did he do that’s made her put up such high walls?”
“He’s a lot like you, brother. Except for the asshole part, of course.”
“Shit, I hope so.”
“Anyway, he too had a long line of women that he went through like paper towels. He sold Reenie

a bill of goods that he was reformed when he met her. Wanted to settle down with just her.”

“So what happened?” He could barely hold back his impatience.
“She came home unexpectedly from a conference and found him tucked in bed with two females.”
Matt flinched. “Ouch. That hurts.”
“You bet. It damages the heart and the soul. But that wasn’t all.”
“There’s more? What else could there be?”
“He was also screwing the director of the agency where they worked and sabotaging her projects.

So now you know why she’s so gun-shy. And why when you did your famous naked flop she lumped
you in the same bag with him.”

“But that’s not me,” he protested. “You know that. I shouldn’t be hung for one mistake.”
“You’re a player,” Amy pointed out. “You can’t get away from that.”
“But not like Asshole Aaron. I just enjoy women.” He rubbed his forehead in frustration, trying to

hold back the headache building behind his eyes. “And now I’ve found one I’d trade all the others in
for if I could just get her to give me a chance.”

He was acutely aware of his sister studying him for a long time while he paced, massaged his

temples and cursed under his breath.

“They always say the biggest ones fall the hardest,” she told him. “I guess they’re right.”
“Go ahead. Stick the knife in deeper. I guess I deserve it.”
“Maybe you do.” She sighed and hitched herself up on one of the bar stools. “But I’ve known you

longer than Reenie has, so I know what’s really inside you. I’m going to help you, Matt, but you have
to swear to me in blood that you won’t do anything to hurt her. If you have any reservations at all—”

“None,” he said quickly. “I swear to you. Honest to God, Amy.”
“Okay, okay. Then sit down and listen, and I’ll tell you what to do.”

Reenie was tired beyond belief. The week had dragged by as if each day was weighted with

concrete. No matter how she tried, she couldn’t get Matt out of her mind. He popped up in her
dreams, or his voice whispered to her in the quiet of the night. She could still feel the touch of him
over her, under her, inside her. It wasn’t bad enough she’d had to get through a full staff meeting about
the event at Stark Ranch with Matt there plus a lengthy meeting with him one-on-one. Sitting there
showing him what she was doing with the website and going over event details without running from
the room took every bit of discipline she had.

If she really didn’t want to be with him that would be a different story. But every cell in her body

screamed for his touch. Every bit of her wanted to do what he said—get to know him more. Better.
Just like he’d pushed her to do.

Okay, so call me a coward, but I don’t want any more pain or disappointment. Who needs men

anyway? I’ll get through this fundraiser and that will be that.

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Now it was Friday at last and she just wanted to hide out in her townhouse and pretend she’d never

met Matt Stark. Seen him naked. Done—

“Hey, Reenie,” one of the graphic artists called, thankfully interrupting her line of thought. “We’re

going out for some drinks. Want to come with?”

Did she? She hadn’t really put any effort either into a social life or connecting with the people she

worked with. She needed to do something about that but right now she was barely good company for

“Thanks anyway,” she said. “I think I’ll just go home and fall into a bubble bath with a bottle of


Sheila, the artist, made a face. “That’s only fun if you share it with someone.”
Reenie laughed. “I’ll put that on my list. But please, ask me again, okay?”
“Sure. Have a great weekend.”
It will be great, all right. I’ll be black and blue by Monday from kicking myself in the ass.
The trouble was, she didn’t know if it was because she’d let her guard down with Matt not once

but twice or because she’d pushed him out of her life.

I made the right decision. Guys like him don’t stick around for long. Asshole Aaron taught me


She parked her car in its usual spot behind her unit, unlocked her back door and let herself in.

Dumping her purse on the counter, she kicked off her sandals and then pulled a half-empty bottle of
chardonnay from the fridge and a wine glass from the cupboard. She’d meant what she told Sheila.
She’d be spending the night drowning her sorrows.

But when she entered the living room she stopped dead in her tracks, nearly dropping the wine. A

trail of rose petals led from the front door through to the stairs, and from what she could see, each
riser was littered with them. The scent of them drifted on the air and from somewhere upstairs her
favorite instrumental, Spanish Guitar, was playing softly.

What the hell? Who’s been here? And how did they get in?
She climbed the stairs apprehensively, doing her best not to crush the rose petals with her bare

feet. The music seemed to be coming from her bedroom, getting louder as she drew closer. The door
was halfway closed and she pushed it open, almost afraid to see what was in there. Had Amy, who
now had an emergency key to her place, decided to create an atmosphere to ease the tension that had
been building all week? A mini-spa trip in her own place? It would be just like Amy to do something
like that.

But whatever she’d been expecting it wasn’t the sight of a totally naked Matt Stark stretched out on

her bed, covered with rose petals. On the nightstand was a large silver bucket with a bottle of
champagne nestled on a bed of ice. At the foot of the bed was a pyramid of Godiva chocolates in
different sized boxes. And balanced on the hard lane of his stomach was a square box with a red bow
on it. For once in her life she was speechless.

Matt grinned at her, that wicked grin that teased and tempted her. “Glad you could make it. I sure

was hoping you didn’t plan on working late.”

Reenie set the bottle of wine and the glass down carefully on her dresser, then pinched her arm to

make sure she wasn’t imagining the whole thing.

“What are you doing here? And how did you get in?”
“I’m here on a mission. And your next door neighbor who keeps your spare key is a sucker for a

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good romance.” He winked. “I’m sure glad I guessed right about the key. I didn’t want to have to
bribe a locksmith to come out here and get the whole neighborhood suspicious.”

She couldn’t seem to do anything but stare. “What romance? And what’s this all about?”
“If you’ll come close enough,” he told her, “I’ll be happy to tell you.”
She shook her head, her stomach doing flip flops and her heart hammering so loudly she was sure

he could hear it. “Talk first. Then we’ll see if I come closer or toss your naked butt out the door.”

He heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Like I said the other day, you’re tough, but okay. Here’s the short

version.” He was completely serious now and Reenie’s hands began to tremble. “I’m not giving up on
us, Reenie. I may have spent most of my adult life—and part of my adolescent one—indulging in a
variety of women. I won’t argue that point. But there comes a point in everyone’s life when he or she
meets someone and it’s time to get serious. For me, that point came when I met you. I mean really met
you. Sober. Not butt-naked drunk.”

Now her whole body was trembling and she had to sit in the little slipper chair or risk falling


“But how do you know? Other men—”
“Other men aren’t me,” he interrupted. “I badgered Amy into telling me about Asshole Aaron

because I wanted to know what had locked you up so tight. I hate that he hurt you, but I’m not him.”
He reached out a hand. “Come here, Reenie. Please. Just for a minute.”

She managed to make it over to the bed on unsteady legs and sat down, but well out of reach of his

hand. “What?”

He gestured at the nightstand and the bed. “I brought it all, Reenie. The champagne. The roses. The

chocolates. And a couple of other things. Pick up that box. I don’t know how much longer I can keep it
balanced on my stomach anyway. Go ahead. It won’t bite. I promise.”

She reached out a tentative hand and lifted it off his body, put it in her lap and just stared at it.
“You have to open it,” he told her, his mouth kicked up in that grin again.
She untied the bow very slowly and lifted up the top. Inside was a little black book and a small

velvet pouch. She opened the book first and her jaw dropped as she flipped through it. Every page
was filled, but they all had her name written on them. All of them.

“What is this?” she asked.
“I told you I didn’t have a little black book, but I got one and put your name on all the pages. Just

so there wouldn’t be any mistake about who I’m planning on spending my time with.”

When she picked up the velvet pouch he reached out his hand and clasped his fingers around her


“Amy told me about the dreams y’all shared in college. I can’t go back and undo the hurt you’ve

suffered, but I can make the rest of your life better. If you’ll take this as a start.”

She could barely get the pouch open she was so nervous. She pulled out tissue paper and when it

fell open inside was a ring.

“Not a diamond,” he told her. “It’s too soon for that. But if you take this we’re on our way.”
The ring was a silver band with three raised roses on it. When she looked inside she saw Forever

engraved in flowing script. Reenie could barely see her eyes were so clouded with tears.

“Well? Are you going to put it on or toss it back at me?”
She heard the uncertainty in his voice and it opened something in her heart. She slid it onto the ring

finger of her right hand, then held it out so the light from the lamp could catch its glint. For once in her

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life she was speechless.

Matt sat up, knocking aside the rose petals and reaching for her. His hand caressed her jaw,

stroked the column of her neck.

“I love you, Reenie. And I plan on sticking around a long time to prove it to you.” He lifted the

hand with the ring and kissed it. “I’m hoping you’ll like life on a ranch. It’s a good life. You could
even quit your job if you don’t want to commute and I can set up an office for you at the house. You’re
talented enough to run your own web design business. But it’s whatever you want.” He paused,
waiting. “So? What do you say? Take a chance on me, Reenie. On us. I love you and I think we can
get to forever.”

Something that had been coiled so tightly inside her sprang free. Surely he wouldn’t have gone to

all this trouble if he meant to screw her over. Memories of Asshole Aaron were still biting at her but
she drew in a breath and took a leap of faith. Laughing, she threw herself at him.

“Yes.” She kissed his cheeks, his jaw, his forehead. “I say, yes, yes, yes. To everything. And I love

you too.”

He tumbled her to the bed with him and tugged her blouse free of her slacks. “I think one of us has

on too many clothes for a proper celebration.”

“Just one thing,” she warned.
“Yeah? What’s that?”
“I better be the only one who sees you stark naked from now on.”
He was still laughing as he stripped off the rest if her clothing.

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About the Author

Desiree Holt’s writing is flavored with the rich experiences of her life, including a long stretch in

the music business representing every kind of artist from country singer to heavy-metal rock bands.
For several years she also ran her own public relations agency handling any client that interested her,
many of whom might recognize themselves in the pages of her stories. She is twice a finalist for an
EPIC E-Book Award, a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first
5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year Award at The Romance Studio as well as twice a CAPA Award for
best BDSM book of the year, winner of two Holt Medallion Awards of Merit, and is published by
five different houses. Romance Junkies said of her work: “Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica
author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.”

You can find her at


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Falling for a hot guy is not in her plans. He’s got a different agenda.

Bound and Determined

© 2011 Anara Bella

Nothing much ever happens in Forsythia Falls—except the only robbery anyone can remember,

which leaves Asia Smith tied up in her grandmother’s antique shop. Just her luck, her rescuer turns
out to be Marcus Thorne, the single most tempting morsel of male flesh she’s ever encountered. As he
unties her knots, his touch sorely tests her resolve to avoid any involvement with the male species.

A bestselling author, Marcus is used to women throwing themselves at him. Asia’s resistance to

his charm is a whole new challenge, a temptation he has no intention of resisting. All he has to do is
break down her defenses and get at the soft, willing woman he suspects is hiding inside.

As chance—and her meddling grandmother—throw them together, Asia tries to remember why she

shouldn’t just follow her friends’ advice to jump on Marcus and ride him until she can’t see straight.
In one storm-swept night, she throws caution to the wild wind and savors pleasures she’d almost

Except some old hurts just won’t stay in the past. Marcus peels away her inhibitions with sizzling

ease. But now comes the biggest challenge of all—winning her trust.

Warning: This book contains a resistant damsel in distress, a sexy-as-hell hero who can cook,

adventures with rope, great food, and oodles of red-hot sex.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Bound and Determined:

The next time she was tied up, it would only be because it was her idea.
Asia Llewellyn Smith squirmed around trying to find a more comfortable position, but no matter

what she did it just wasn’t happening. She moved this way and that, contorted herself into every
conceivable position until she felt like a pretzel, but nothing worked. With a frustrated groan, she
gave up on the comfort thing and flopped back against the wall.

What the hell should she do?
Her gaze scanned the immediate vicinity but there wasn’t much to see. Trussed up like a pig ready

for roasting on a spit, all she could do was take in what was directly in front of her—the backside of
the cash register counter in her grandmother’s antique shop.

Since she’d already checked it out thoroughly, she knew there wasn’t anything of use back here. Of

course, that didn’t stop her from scouring the cubbyholes again, as if by sheer force of will something
helpful would miraculously appear. But no, the slots still only held the usual paraphernalia needed for
cashing out customers. It didn’t take a genius to know that neither blank receipts, paper, pens, nor
ribbon were going to help her out of her current predicament. Not unless she could set fire to the
paper with her nonexistent laser-beam vision and burn the ropes off her wrists. All without burning
her hands to a crisp or setting the store on fire.

Yeah, right.
And to make matters worse, dust balls, lint and flakes of paper taunted her with their unwanted

presence. Who knew it was this dirty in the back corners of these stupid cubbyholes?

She made a mental note to give them a good cleaning first chance she got and refocused on looking

for something that might help her escape these damned ropes. But nope. Nada. No way. Wasn’t

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The only thing that might have helped was the pair of scissors lying just out of reach on the

countertop. But since she couldn’t stand, they may as well have been in Timbuktu for all the good they
did her up there.

Damn it.
In a sudden burst of complete exasperation, she wriggled and twisted her wrists and ankles with

frenzied frustration until the pain from the ropes digging in was almost intolerable. With a final
freaked-out flourish she gave up and threw herself back against the wall. If she ever got her hands on
the creep who’d robbed the store and tied her up, he’d be sorry he’d ever stepped foot in the door.

And damn it all to hell, the stupid ropes were still digging in, as tight now as they’d been the last

time she’d tried to loosen them a couple of minutes ago. She ignored the tiny voice that said the
definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different outcome.
After all, it wasn’t crazy to try to get oneself free. It’d be crazy not to.

She slumped as much as she was able to in her current awkward position and tried to use her brain

instead of her nonexistent brawn. Think, girl. Think. Maybe if she screamed her head off, someone
walking past the store would hear her this time. It was certainly worth a try.

She took a deep breath, preparing to belt out the mother of all cries for help when the friendly

tinkling of the bell over the front door of Astrid’s Antiques rang out.

Thank God. The cavalry had arrived. “Hello! Is somebody there? I need some help over here!”
There was a slight pause and then, “Hello? Where are you?”
Oh no. Why’d it have to be him? Would nothing go her way today? She gritted her teeth as the

deep, ultra-sexy voice tripped down her spine, zapping awake feelings she thought she’d conquered
long ago. The fact that she wasn’t the least bit interested in feeling these kinds of feelings didn’t
matter because there they were doing the fandango in her chest anyway.

She clamped down on the unwanted sexual awareness with a firm determination only two years of

relentless stomping could accomplish. One thing she knew for sure, men were definitely overrated. At
least that’s what she kept telling herself.

For a moment, she was tempted not to say anything back to her would-be savior just so she didn’t

have to face him in her current predicament. Fleeting hope rose. Hell, he might even go away without
looking for her.

She pondered which was worse. Being hog-tied by a petty criminal or having this guy find her all

trussed up? She closed her eyes and for a moment wished the earth would swallow her whole.

And then she relented.
Like it or not, being freed was more important than the humiliation of being caught in this totally

stupid, embarrassing situation.

It still took her two tries to get the words out. “Over here. Behind the cash register.”
The sound of solid footsteps got closer until a handsome face, complete with square-cut jaw and

electric-blue eyes peered over the top of the counter. “My God, what happened?”

Oh, hell. Even in her current jam, the man’s sex appeal zapped her right between the eyes. Just like

it always did. The passage of time didn’t seem to lessen the impact either. No matter how many times
she saw him. He was gorgeous beyond belief. In a rough-hewn, too-yummy-for-words sort of way
that looked just as good in a suit as it did in well-worn jeans.

If you liked that kind of look, that is. Which she most assuredly did not. At all. Nuh-uh, not her.

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She stomped on the lone dissident voice manifesting itself as a flicker of lust in her belly. Who

needed men anyway?

Annoyed she’d had to snuff lustful thoughts out of her head in the first place, she snapped back to

attention and stiffened her spine. Metaphorically speaking that is, since she couldn’t move much so
her literal spine was going to have to stay all wonky for the time being. “What do you think
happened? I was robbed.”

Whoa, that came out snarky. Marcus Thorne sure did have a tendency to bring out her bitchy side.

Actually, all gorgeous men had that effect on her at the best of times and this wasn’t even close to the
best of times for her. But Marcus got under her skin more than any other guy ever had. He put her on
red alert with a vengeance every time she saw him. Yep, Mr. Hunkorama was the last person she
wanted to see. Ever. And her current vulnerable state only served to make her bad mood worse.

This was turning out to be one hell of a day. Starting with the coffee she’d spilled all over her

morning paper right up to being robbed at gunpoint and trussed up like a calf ready for branding.

And as if all of that weren’t enough, her nose itched.
Not just a little bit mind you, but enough to make her eyes water. And no way in hell was she

asking him to scratch it. She’d let her nose fall off first.

She sighed. Yep, one hell of a day. She was uncomfortable, embarrassed and just plain mad as a

stepped-on hornet. Way beyond trying to be nice to anyone. Even someone who was going to save her

Not when the would-be hero turned out to be the one man who was a chink in her armor. The single

most tempting morsel of male flesh she’d ever encountered in her entire life. Bar none. To say she
resented the effect he had on her with all her being was putting it mildly.

Hunky Boy hurried around the counter and knelt beside her. He either didn’t notice her caustic tone

or chose to ignore it.

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Everything is just right…until she turns his life upside down.


© 2011 Cat Johnson

Red, Hot & Blue, Book 4
It doesn’t take anything fancy to make Jared Gordon a happy man. A slice of his mama’s pie, a

pretty girl, a well-bred horse. Life on the farm is just how he likes it. Simple. Until a big-city girl
blows into town like a tornado hitting a trailer park.

Quintessentially small-town Pigeon Hollow has everything L.A. producer Mandy Morris needs for

her new reality show. A smoldering deputy sheriff, a quirky diner owner and a horse farm complete
with a hunky horseman. If her own instant attraction is any indication, Jared will have the female
demographic glued to their sets.

Except the red-hot cowboy is cool to the idea of cameras in his face. And the harder she

negotiates, the deeper he digs in…until their head-butting strikes sparks that fan a prairie fire of
unexpected passion. She doesn’t usually mix business with pleasure, but as Pigeon Hollow’s charm
works its magic, the youngest Gordon brother has Mandy rethinking many things.

Like happiness doesn’t have to end with the word “cut”.
Warning: Contains one hot shirtless cowboy taking a city girl for a roll in the hay…and a few other


Enjoy the following excerpt for Jared:

The babe in front of him was looking mighty warm in that jacket. He started to sweat in sympathy.

She blew out a breath and ran a hand along the back of her neck and under her shoulder-length hair.
Then she took the jacket off.

That was enough to make a man stand up and take notice. Now she looked downright hot, enough

to make Jared sweat for real and not from the air temperature.

Under that jacket, she was wearing nothing but a tight, low-cut, sleeveless top. Much better than the

jacket, he decided, forcing his eyes up from her breasts and back to her face.

“We’ve got satellite television with all the channels, but I can tell you that a pretty stranger is much

more entertaining.” He treated her to his most charming smile but it didn’t seem to work like it usually
did on most women.

“I need to speak with the owner. Do you think you could stop whatever you are doing—” she

looked around pointedly as if to let him know she didn’t think he was doing much of anything before
she continued, “—and go and get her for me?”

What she’d said captured Jared’s attention even more than her sexy tank top had. He raised a

brow. “Her? What makes you think the owner is a she?”

She let out an annoyed sounding sigh. “I do my research. I know this farm is registered with the

small business bureau as being a woman-owned business.”

The question of why she was researching them remained unanswered. He was about to interrogate

her further when the woman owner in question, his mama, stuck her head out of the kitchen door.

“Jared, honey. The computer crashed again. When you come in for lunch maybe you can figure out

why that keeps happening.”

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The pretty stranger glanced from his mother standing in the door of the house and then back to

Jared. The look she shot him was full of suggestion. “Is that the owner?”

“Yup.” He started walking toward the kitchen, resigned to the fact that this nosy but hot female was

bound to follow.

As anticipated, she practically jogged to keep up with him. “Are you and she…ah, you know? A


He stopped dead and turned in horror. “No.”
She shrugged. “It’s okay if you are, I’m just wondering.”
Jared shot her another unhappy glance and then scowled all the way to the back door at her lewd


Okay, maybe if he took a moment to re-evaluate his mother the way a stranger might see her he

wasn’t so shocked. Mama had been really, really young when she got married and started having
babies. She’d just turned fifty, but she took good care of herself.

Dressed in cut-off jeans and flip-flops the way she was today, she looked easily in her early

forties. Jared was in his late twenties. He knew there were some actresses in Hollywood who dated
guys as much as twenty years younger, but still, this was his mother.

Jared shook his head. This woman came from a totally different world than he did. A world he

could barely comprehend. Given that, he’d have to try not to judge her too harshly, particularly since
he had kept his real identity from her. He also resolved to find out her damn name so he could stop
thinking of her as this woman because he had a feeling he’d be thinking a lot about her.

Holding the screen door open for her, Jared waited for her to walk through first. Hell, he had been

raised right. He knew how to act around a lady, even if she was likely some sort of salesman, uh,
salesperson. He would have introduced her to his mama too, but again he didn’t know the woman’s
name. Luckily, she was one of those assertive business-like types and stepped right up without
waiting for him. “Ms. Lois Gordon?”

His mama nodded.
“I’m Mandy Morris.” She smiled and stuck out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine. Jared never brings his girls home to meet me.” His mama smiled wide

and shook her hand.

Mandy—cute name—glanced at him briefly and then turned back to his mother. “I’m sorry, Ms.

Gordon. I think you’ve gotten the wrong impression. I’m not one of Jared’s girls. I’m actually here to
see you. I have a business proposition for you. If you have some time now, I’d love to discuss it with
you privately.”

Jared noticed she said the last word very pointedly, as if to let him know he was not welcome to

participate in the discussion about whatever this business proposal was. He looked her over again,
all decked in her city clothes. No way was she here to make an offer to buy the farm, or even a horse.
She was probably trying to sell them ad space in the local yellow pages or something.

“Ms. Morris, I may be the owner on record for Gordon Equine, but my son runs the farm. All I do

nowadays is handle the paperwork and the accounting and crash the computer.” Mama smiled and
indicated the computer, phone and stack of papers on a desk set up in the corner of the kitchen.

She insisted on working in the kitchen rather than making one of the many other rooms into an

office. Mama said it was because she usually was cooking or baking something at the same time she
was working on the books. Multi-tasking, isn’t that what women called it?

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Personally Jared preferred doing one thing at a time. Though glancing at Mandy again, he decided

he could definitely get into doing some multi-tasking when it came to her.

“Your son?” Mandy looked understandably surprised at what Mama had just revealed. She also

didn’t appear happy. She shot him quite a nasty look.

Now he was in for it.

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Stark Naked

Desiree Holt

Naked is nice. But Stark naked is definitely more fun…

Reenie Davenport learned the hard way that men are cheating, promotion-thieving poison. A month

after making a fresh start in Texas, she looks forward to taking a breather at her old college friend
Amy’s family ranch. Instead, she’s left breathless when Amy’s very drunk, very sexy, very naked
brother lands at her feet. Even as she hardens her heart, a small part of her wishes that quickly tossed
towel would shift…just a little.

When Matt Stark shows up at Reenie’s door to apologize, he can barely squeeze a word past her

emotional barriers. Suddenly nothing else matters except convincing her not all men are clones of her
ex. Sweet-talking her into lunch is only the beginning.

One touch, and boom! Much to Reenie’s dismay, lunch ends in a hot, flaming dessert—in her bed.

Shutting Matt out isn’t as easy as simply blowing out a match. Especially since this cowboy is equally
determined to unlock her heart.

Warning: Contains graphic and explicit, hot nekkid cowboy lovin’.

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eBooks are not transferable.

They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the

writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any

resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201

Stark Naked

Copyright © 2011 by Desiree Holt

ISBN: 978-1-60928-556-2

Edited by Heidi Moore

Cover by Scott Carpenter

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever

without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and



Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: December 2011

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Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
About the Author
Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Copyright Page

Document Outline


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