Annabelle Weston [Desert Heat 02] Scandalous Woman [EC Lawless] (pdf)

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Scandalous Woman

Annabelle Weston

Book two in the Desert Heat trilogy.

Carly Buchanan knows who and what she is. She’s the owner of the Lonesome

Saloon, a bawdy place in the harsh West where any man can have his darkest desires
fulfilled—for a price. But life at a saloon isn’t easy. After hearing too much one night,
Carly is caught in the middle of a deadly dispute. Now no-accounts are shooting up the
streets, good men are dying and no one will do a thing about it.

Until he comes to town…

Sheriff Jeddah Poole is lethally serious about cleaning up Tucson. But he can’t stop

thinking of Carly’s bright eyes and passionate nature…or the way her lush curves feel
pressed beneath him as he takes her again and again and again. In a town on the brink,
caught in a divine passion they can’t escape, Jed and Carly have only each other to rely
on. And only their love can help them survive.

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Annabelle Weston

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To Anna Kathryn Lanier, in appreciation of your leadership and friendship. And to

C.H., who made sure I had time to write this book!


Annabelle wishes to thank her editor Carrie Jackson for her guidance,

encouragement and support.

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Scandalous Woman


Chapter One

Tucson, Arizona territory, 1882

“Shh… You don’t wanna wake up the whore.”
Carly Buchanan blinked, trying to sort out the hoarse whispering that swirled in her

muddled brain. Everything around her was hazy—evening shadows cast their patterns

against the bare walls. She tried to raise herself on her elbows but gave up. Dizziness

made the room spin.

One thing she was certain of. She wasn’t alone. Two customers huddled at the end

of her bed, one of them buttoning up his britches and pulling up his suspenders. Their

voices had woken her from a nightmare.

In the background, she could hear the sounds of a bawdy tune on a piano and folks

singing, clapping and stomping their feet. Glasses clinked together, followed by

raucous laughter and shouts of “More!” These were all distinct sounds of the Lonesome

Saloon. Her saloon.

Her mouth was dry as cotton. She needed a shot of whiskey or a swig of Dr.

Baxter’s, either one would do. She’d come to rely on Dr. Baxter’s Eight-Day Elixir to

ease her aches and pains. For sure, her whole body hurt especially her honey pot. The

strong scent of blood, sex, sweat and semen soured the air.

What had happened? The memory was too far away. She didn’t coax it to the

present. What did it matter? All she cared about was the men had been satisfied.

She shifted her gaze to the side table. The bottle of Dr. Baxter’s Elixir was there

within easy reach. Her arms were too heavy to lift. She tried to summon some energy in

the lumpy bed with the satin coverlet an old lover had given her. She shivered. She

wasn’t sure if it was from being buck-naked or from the presence of two men.

What had they said? You don’t wanna wake up the whore.
Neither one looked at her. They appeared to be having such an intense conversation

they hadn’t heard her stir. The one who hadn’t yet buttoned the back flap of his union

suit, his freckled ass facing her gestured in wide circles. With every wave of his arm she

caught the pungent scent of his body odor. The other had finished putting on his

clothes. He kept fingering the six-shooter hanging on his hip—a different kind of lust

stirring his blood.

“Let’s go get him.” His laugh was deep and raspy. Cold-blooded.
Carly stiffened. She didn’t tolerate any fighting in her establishment.
“He’ll be easy to find. Heard the ranch isn’t far from town.”
When she realized they weren’t talking about the Lonesome, she breathed easier.

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Her head cleared a little. She heard bits and pieces of what they were talking about.

They spoke about killing a man. They’d been paid well and were expected to keep their

side of the bargain in the next day or two.

She shut her eyes, praying neither of them had seen her wake.
A man that shifty, fingering the butt of his shooter, wouldn’t think twice about

killing a whore. With the absence of a lawman in their town, no one would do much

about it. She’d been a saloon dolly for enough years to know where she stood in the

pecking order of the wild Arizona territory.

Pain in her groin gripped her in its vise. Her ass burned as if she’d been dragged

behind a horse. With her eyes closed, she tried to assess her own body without moving.

What had the men done to her? All she remembered was they’d pay double if she’d do

both together. She’d taken them up on the offer and brought both to her room. One of

them had seen the elixir on her nightstand and taken a swig then offered some to her,

dribbling it in her mouth as he ran his slobbering tongue along her neck. She hadn’t

resisted. She never did.

She didn’t remember much after the elixir reached her brain—rutting men were all

the same. Without question the elixir put her into near unconsciousness and the two

men had done devil-only-knew-what to her body.

She touched the corner of her mouth with her tongue. Gingerly. The open cut still

bled, the sweet taste familiar. She’d need a day or two to recover.

No more than that. The responsibilities of the saloon and all its inhabitants rested

with her, ever since Big Jim the previous owner had left the place in her care. And here

she was, stuck in a room with two men who’d sorely used her and were itching to shoot


How she wished O’Dell were here. O’Dell had been her saving grace. The saloon

Madame, taking care of all the girls—and most of all her. She would take care of these

assholes. But O’Dell had lit out of Tucson at the first opportunity. She wanted

respectability, love, a family. And she’d found it with a drover. Nathan was his name.

Had little munchkins running around her own ranch now. Tears sprang in her eyes.

She’d never even met them.

Carly grimaced. She’d betrayed that friendship. There was no way O’Dell or

anyone else would want to be close to her again.

Carly was on her own, which was no more than she deserved.
She wished the two men would just pay up and go away.
“You know what the old man looks like?” The voice was husky.
“I seen him around town a time or two.”
“I’m told he lives with two daughters. Won’t be too difficult to ambush him.”
“What’d I tell you? Keep your voice down.”
“I don’t care about wakin’ up that bitch. She’s good for nothing but a fuck anyway.

If she wakes up, we just kill her.”

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Carly bit the inside of her cheek to keep from gasping. One gulp of elixir would

take away her fear. The haze would return. All of this would go away.

“Best we part company as soon as we kill the bastard.”
“Whatever you say. I’d like my share now.”
“You wanna split the take here?”
“That’d be my preference.”
“Don’t you trust me, Kid?”
“What do you think?”
There was a jingling sound and Carly risked opening her eyes just a smidge to see

one of the gunman thumbing through a leather pouch.

“Here’s your cut.” He tossed his partner a handful of silver coins.
The man didn’t take the time to count but stuffed them into the pocket of his

britches. He glanced back at her.

She shut her eyes right quick.
“Let’s be on our way,” he growled. If he’d seen her, he didn’t let on.
“I’ll be right down. I’m gonna get me another poke at this hussy.”
“Ain’t no time, Tom. We need to go now, even if she’s a pretty sight buck-ass


“You got that right.” The man called Tom slapped Carly on the rear. She bit her

tongue and pretended to be asleep.

“I hope you didn’t give her too much of that dope.”
“Naw, Kid. She’ll be all right. These saloon dollies are used to the stuff.” Tom

laughed a raw, scratchy sound that sent chills racing up Carly’s spine. The laugh turned

into a coughing fit.

“Can I watch?”
Tom snorted. “Thought you were in a powerful hurry?”
“Reckon I am but you don’t need much time to satisfy your prick.”
Tom guffawed. The next thing Carly knew, cold, work-roughened hands grabbed

her. He flipped her onto her belly and yanked her toward the edge of the bed. She

squeezed her eyes tight, praying the man would be done with her soon—if she could

only have a drink of the miraculous Dr. Baxter’s Eight-Day Elixir, she could pass out

and feel nothing.

He let go of her. She chanced a glance over her shoulder.
“Glad to see you’re back with us.” He unbuckled his gun belt—sickening grin made

her stomach burn.

“I need a drink.”
He licked his lips. “It can wait.”

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She glared. She wasn’t gonna let him plunge his foul Johnson into her ass without a


“I’ve had enough, boys.” She kept her temper at a slow burn.
His grin faded. “I say when enough is enough.”
The bottle seemed so far away. She could get her hand under the mattress. The

four-barrel pepperbox O’Dell had given her was stuffed beneath the feather mattress

and the wooden slates of the bedframe—the perfect spot to grab it when a customer got


Slowly she inched her hand toward the edge of the bed. His gun belt hit the floor,

then his britches. His union suit was moth eaten and stained. His prick strained to be


Tom pressed a leg between her thighs. She laid her head on the pillow, her hand

nearly under the mattress. She heard him spit into his palm. A whiff of his smell—sour

and raw—turned her stomach. He’d worn shit on his boots coming into her bedroom.

He rubbed her ass, panting. The other man—the one called Kid—was also

breathing hard. The odor of whiskey and jerky mixed with the horseshit. She needed to

move fast before she puked.

And before he accomplished what he was set on doing.
She slid her hand under the mattress and found the cold metal of the derringer. Her

fingers found the grip and whipped it out, just as Tom pressed his cock against the ring

of her ass.

Carly bucked upward, knocking him off balance. He stumbled backward into the

wall. Shaking and dizzy, she whirled around and pointed the gun at the maggot’s heart.

“What are ya doin’, ya crazy whore?” Tom sprayed spittle as he spoke. He turned

blustery red, ugly, vicious with hate.

“Shut up and listen.” She needed both hands to steady the pistol.
He clamped his mouth shut, eyes fixed on her weapon.
“Get the hell out of here and I won’t shoot you.” Her voice wobbled and she cursed

under her breath.

“Grab her,” Tom shouted to the Kid.
Carly backed up against the edge of the bed, her knees slipping across the silky

coverlet. She leaned against the bedpost for support, hoping these no-accounts didn’t

guess how weak she was. She kept the gun aimed on Tom’s heart. She hadn’t actually

ever fired the thing. She wasn’t even sure if the gun was loaded. That’d been O’Dell’s

job, taking care of the details.

She stared at the Kid. “You make a move and I’ll put a bullet in him he won’t likely

recover from.” She spoke with false courage. “I reckon you don’t want me to do that.”

The Kid shook his head, assessing her hard. “No, ma’am, I surely don’t.”
Tom slapped his knee. “Whoo-eeee. She sure is full of vinegar and spice.”

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“I think we’d better do as she says.”
“Are you kidding?” He was holding on to his prick. “I like a gal with a little fight in


The Kid stepped between his partner and Carly. “Time we leave.”
Tom pushed him aside. “Let me handle her, boy.”
Carly squeezed her eyes shut and pulled off a shot. The gun exploded, the noise

deafening. When she popped her eyes open, Tom was standing halfcocked and there

was a pigeon-egg-sized hole in her crib wall. Instead of despairing, she got mad. She’d

used up only one shot. She raised the weapon again.

“No, no, we don’t want any trouble.” The Kid backed toward the door with his

arms raised. “We’ll be about our business.”

Tom stared at the weapon. “You ain’t gonna shoot me.”
Big talk, Carly reckoned, but he didn’t come any closer.
“Come on, Tom, this whore is as crazy as we thought.”
Tom pulled up his britches and fumbled with his buttons.
“No hard feelings.” The Kid looked ready to bolt out the door. “We were just

having some fun.”

“We’ll take our business elsewhere in the future,” Tom said with a sneer.
“Leave her be, Tom. Let’s git.”
Tom was staring at her with his beady, snakelike eyes. Something about him hadn’t

struck her as right from the first minute he walked into the Lonesome.

“Suppose she heard?”
Kid shifted his feet. “What does it matter?”
“You know where we’re goin’, dolly girl?” Tom asked.
Carly met his gaze. She’d plenty of guile. “I didn’t hear what you all were talking

about, if that’s what you’re asking. I was asleep.”

“I reckon you’re a liar.” Tom stood straight and picked up his gun belt.
Carly kept her eyes steady, her chin lifted. Lying came naturally to her but he

hadn’t been convinced.

“Well, I suppose that don’t matter, because who’s gonna believe a whore?” Tom

said, his voice soft and conversational-like.

Carly was immediately alert to his changed tone and stance.
“Nobody in their right mind.” The Kid glared at Carly. “You had better keep your

mouth shut about what you heard anyway.”

“That’s right or else we’ll come back and make sure a bullet is put clear through

your heart—and the hearts of every other whore in this joint.”

Carly swallowed hard. “I didn’t hear nothin’, now get out.”

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The Kid tipped his hat. Tom frowned as his partner opened the door. He started to

walk out then turned. “I forgot, thanks for the good time.” He tossed a silver dollar on

the bed.

“I thought we were going to pay double,” the Kid said.
“I didn’t get all I came for.” He scoffed. “She got what her services were worth.”
The door shut behind them.
Carly dropped the pistol and sank into the bed, her entire body screaming out in

agony. “Good riddance.”

She’d been afraid, she wasn’t gonna lie about that. Terrified. She’d no doubt they’d

make good on their promise to kill all of them if she told what she knew. They’d been

hired to kill a local man. She didn’t know who. She couldn’t afford to care.

She listened to the click of their boot heels on the hardwood and the ringing of

spurs as they descended the stairs, and then finally the shouts of the other dollies as

they welcomed them back. She reached for the bottle of Dr. Baxter’s Elixir, pulled out

the cork and gulped down a healthy swig.

* * * * *

The sun blazed hot as a cast-iron stove as Jeddah Poole rode Shooter down the main

drag of Tucson. He shifted in the saddle, wiped the grimy sweat on his brow with his

bandana then pulled his hat lower to shade his eyes.

“Gonna be a scorcher today.” He’d gotten into the habit of talking to his horse. Old

Shooter didn’t seem to mind.

Surprisingly, the town was quiet for this time in the morning. A few shopkeepers

swept the sand off the planked boardwalk. They stopped and watched him. They were

curious, no doubt, to see a stranger coming their way out of the east. Each and every

one of them placed their hands on their brows, keeping the sun from their faces, and

followed his progress down the dusty street.

Jed nodded hello, touched two fingers to his Stetson, but not a one of them nodded


“Mighty fine welcome, eh, Shooter?”
The horse snorted and chewed his bit.
Jed decided the citizens of Tucson were smart to be wary of strangers but he’d

change their minds quick enough about him when they found out why he was here.

He continued traveling the wide street, checking out the town. He was the newest

citizen of this lawless place—even if nobody knew it yet. He passed by the small adobe

building with a large star painted on the triangle above the door, indicating it was the

local jail. The place was deserted. Jed frowned. Apparently, not even a deputy had been

left in charge.

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The owner of the dry goods store across the street came out of his store to study Jed.

His hawklike stare needed no interpretation. He barked some cuss words at a boy

bringing in boxes from a wagon and followed him inside.

Best to keep moving, Jed decided. Introductions could wait. They’d been on the trail

for two days and both could use some good grub and some shut-eye.

He rode on past the post office and the Wells Fargo Bank, both closed up tight. Next

to the bank was an inn, aptly named the Tucson Inn, with mighty fine smells of frying

meat and baking bread. His stomach grumbled, reminding him of his meager breakfast

of a few dried venison strips. He’d be sure to stop in there for some grub when he

finished his first order of business—finding a place for Shooter to bed down.

He saw the last building in town, set apart from the others. Smoke rose from

chimney tiles.

“Must be the livery,” he told Shooter.
A loud ruckus caught Jed’s attention. A couple of rough men stomped out of a pair

of swinging doors to his right. They shouted cuss words to one another, a quarrel

brewing—fueled, no doubt, by drink. Jed read the sign in need of a coat of paint. The

Lonesome Saloon.

Jed thought the name all wrong. Seemed like the busiest place in town, especially

for the early morning hour. Music floated out into the street along with women’s

laughter. His cock jumped. After he filled his empty stomach, he would satisfy his other

need. The saloon would be the second place he’d visit today.

He dismounted and headed for the livery. The large man came from around the

back, wiping his hands on a rag. His forehead was smudged with coal dust and his

clothes were filthy.

“Howdy stranger,” he said. He didn’t come any closer.
Jed closed the gap. “Name’s Jeddah Poole. I’m your new sheriff.” He held out his

hand to the smithy.

The smithy took it and shook hard. “John Trumbull. Mighty nice to have you here,


He glanced back at the saloon. Jed followed his gaze. The two men he’d seen

coming out of the Lonesome had mounted their shabby horses and were galloping out

of town, shooting their guns into the air.

John huffed. “We’ve been needing someone with a badge here in Tucson. The town

can be rough as a cob.”

“Time that changed.”
“We had a U.S. marshal for a spell but the poor man was killed in a nasty business

last year.”

Jed had heard. The lawmen in the territory didn’t live long, he’d been told. He’d

taken the position anyway. There was a job to be done and he was the man to do it.

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“I was sorry to hear about the marshal.” He spoke sincerely. He’d not known the

man but folks spoke of him with respect.

“Yes sir. We’re mighty pleased you’re here.”
“Thank you, kindly. I aim to keep the criminals out of Tucson.”
He’d have to take them all in hand. Lay down the law, so to speak. He wouldn’t

allow desperadoes to run around like they owned the place, free to do what they

pleased. Towns like this were ripe for the picking for no-accounts.

This was his town now and the good people of Tucson didn’t have to be afraid


“Have they been open all night?” He nodded toward the saloon.
The smithy closed one eye. “You mean the Lonesome? That place operates around

the clock.”

Jed grunted.
“Prettiest gals this side of Santa Fe.” John grinned.
“You don’t say?” Much as Jed craved a whiskey and a woman, those two hombres

shooting up the town had him worried. They were liquored up and itching for trouble.

Discharging a firearm in town was dangerous.

Jed wouldn’t be worth his salt as a lawman if he ignored them.
“You recognize those cowpokes who just rode out of here?”
“Couple of hired hands from one of the local ranches, I reckon. They don’t mean no

harm, Sheriff, but they scare the bejesus out of the decent folks.”

“I’ll ride out and give them a talking to.” No one shot up his town.
“If you think it’ll help.”
Jed reconsidered. Both he and the mustang were spent. “It’ll keep until later.”
“’Spect you want to keep your horse here?”
Jed patted Shooter’s neck. “Yeah, and he’ll need some oats.”
Mr. Trumbull took the reins. Jed removed his saddlebags and drew his Winchester

out of its scabbard.

The smithy led Shooter away, leaving Jed to find his own accommodations. For

now, he’d have to be satisfied with the jail. He couldn’t afford a place of his own. He

hoped to make roots here, settle down. Someday, with enough cash, he would buy

some land, build a stable for Shooter and a house to call home.

Jed wasn’t about to ignore his gnawing hunger a minute longer. He shouldered his

saddlebag and made his way down the street. As he passed the Lonesome, he decided

to stop in and give those boys inside a warning.

He ascended the rickety wooden stairs and pushed open the swinging doors.
The interior was dark, musty and heavy with cigar smoke. Peanut shells and

sawdust littered the floor and crunched under his boots as he made his way to the bar.

A barkeep, skinny as a pike, greeted him with a nod.

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Jed set his rifle down and leaned back—his elbows resting against the scarred

wood. Beer had dripped from the nearest table, leaving a pool on the floor. Men were

passed out, heads on tables. Saloon dollies walked around picking up empty glasses.

One of them, a girl with a birthmark on her cheek, was pulled onto a lap, squealing. She

nuzzled her customer like a feline.

Jed quirked a brow when he spotted a woman in the corner kneeling between a

man’s thighs, obviously pleasuring his cock with her mouth.

Nobody paid any attention to Jed.
“What’ll you have?” the barkeep asked behind him.
Jed turned around. His throat was dry and a whiskey would taste mighty good but

there was work to do.

“How about some coffee?”
The man stifled a yawn. “You’re in the wrong place for coffee. You could try Rosy’s

a couple of blocks to the west.”

“Got any water?”
“Have some cool ice house water brought down from the mountains. Cost you a

silver dollar for a glass full.”

“I’ll take some.”
The barkeep obliged him with a clean glass and a bottle. “Haven’t seen you in here


“I’m new in town.”
He poured Jed a drink.
Jed tossed a silver dollar onto the counter and the man grabbed it up. He walked

away muttering about a fool and his money.

“Mighty odd for a man to walk into a saloon and order coffee.” The voice came

from upstairs.

Jed glanced up and into the eyes of an angel—albeit a rather fallen angel but

beautiful nonetheless. He gulped, surprised to see such a vision on a balcony in a hot

and dusty town like Tucson.

She was wrapped in a silky red robe with black lace around the edges, leaving her

shoulders bare. She gripped the railing, showing off shapely legs. She licked her bottom

lip as she boldly assessed him.

Her blonde curls tumbled to her shoulders in a tangle, giving the impression of a

reckless breed. Her skin was creamy perfection—but no longer with the bloom of youth.

Her lips were red…and swollen, a bruise marred the corner of her mouth and cheek.

Someone had slapped her hard. He winced and then regretted it. A woman

wouldn’t take kindly to him noticing such things. Nor would she want him to pity her.

“Cat got your tongue?” Her smile was wicked.
“No ma’am,” he said.

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She shrugged and leaned over the railing, her smile widening. Her robe opened to

reveal the tops of a pair of smooth, silky breasts, pushed high and full from a black lacy


Jed swallowed hard. He couldn’t take his eyes off her breasts. He swore if she

moved just another inch her nipples would pop right over the top of that corset.

“Like what you see?” She leaned even farther over the railing.
He held up his hands. “Don’t lean so far, you’ll fall.”
“Wouldn’t that be a hoot? You’d have to find someone else’s breasts to ogle.” She

laughed, swirled around, the robe lifting enough in the back for him to see the curve of

her ass.

She was pretty but she was trouble. He’d been on the trail for a spell and any

woman would be a welcome sight.

With a careless sigh, she descended the stairs. A wrangler stepped up to meet her,

took her by the hand and twirled her around. She stumbled and plopped down in the

nearest chair. Her dance partner frowned and turned his attention to a big-breasted

woman who obliged him with a hug.

“Who is she?” Jed asked the barkeep.
“That’s Carly Buchanan, owner of this place,” the man answered, a protective edge

to his voice.

Jed whistled low in his throat. “That little gal is the owner?”
“She runs a law-abiding establishment.”
Jed wouldn’t be so foolish to suggest otherwise. “Appears she’s had a rough


“Some shithead wrangler drugged her and beat her. Brought his weasel friend too.

Wish I’d known, else I would have beaten the men into bloody pulps, but she didn’t tell

me nothin’ and those no-accounts are long gone.”

“Seems this town is in need of a sheriff,” Jed said with a wry smile.
The barkeep raised his brow. “Maybe. Don’t seem like a sheriff does any good


“You just may be wrong about that, my friend.”
The barkeep narrowed his eyes. “What are you saying? Who are you?”
Jed smiled wide. “Jeddah Poole, new sheriff of Tucson.”
The barkeep wiped his hands on the feed sack tied around his waist. “Mighty glad

to make your acquaintance, Sheriff.” He extended his hand.

Jed shook it. The silence within the saloon was deafening.
The barkeep spoke up, “This here is the new sheriff.”
Jed turned to address the crowd. They were all staring at him with mouths open.
Time he laid down the law.

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“You boys can have your fun but I won’t have anyone shooting in the streets on

their way home. I’ll confiscate your weapons if you do.”

The men looked at each other. A few grumbled. Others scrambled to their feet.
Jed rested his hand on his six-shooter.
A man with a scraggily beard collected his winnings into his hat. “Seems like this

party is over.”

With a glance at Jed, he pushed through the swinging doors. Others followed.
The big-breasted woman put her hand on her hip. “Now look at what you’ve


Jed held his ground. “It was their choice to leave, not mine.”
She cast him a scowl. “Having a sheriff in town is gonna be bad for business. You

just wait until Carly finds out.”

Jed shifted his gaze to the saloon owner. Her head had fallen back and she

appeared to be sleeping without a care in the world.

A woman dressed in plain gingham hurried down the staircase. Her mouse-colored

hair was pulled back in a twist at the nape of her neck. She knelt by Carly Buchanan’s

side and patted her cheek.

“Come on upstairs,” she said. “Let Ester put you to bed.”
The saloon dolly slumped further in the chair. Her arms hung limply at her side.

Jed had seen plenty of folks tired of life. Miss Buchanan would be at the top of the list.

The woman calling herself Ester straightened. She scanned the room, wringing her

red, chapped hands. “Will someone help me?”

The remaining card players ignored her. The other dollies kept their attention on

their customers. The barkeep was busy with a cowhand.

Jed swore to himself. He couldn’t turn away from Ester’s anxious pleas.
He stepped forward and Ester backed away. He placed a hand underneath the

crook of Miss Carly’s delicate knees and the other around her thin, white shoulders. He

picked her up.

She was as light as goose down. Her head lolled toward him and rested on his neck,

exposing her lace-topped corset. The garment didn’t hide the ample curve of her breasts

or the pucker of dark nipples. His first instinct was to look away, to not take advantage

of a woman in her condition.

The scent of her hair grabbed him by the short and curlies. Something earthy,

something carnal. He couldn’t help but be enthralled by her. How was it possible? Must

be the fact that he’d been without a woman for more days than he could count.

Ester waved him to follow her. He carried Carly up the creaking stairs, her warm

body pressed against him. Her breathing was soft and innocent. Temptation wasn’t far

from his thoughts.

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The door to the first room was open. He crossed the threshold. The scent of sex and

perfume was strong. Ester pulled down a clean satiny sheet—looked like it had yet to

be used. The mutterings from Ester about how the last of Miss Carly’s customers had

gone and ruined her good sheets confirmed his opinion. He laid her on the bed as if she

was broken. His lip curled into a snarl when she turned her head and he saw more

clearly the ugly bruise and her lip swollen from a cut that must hurt.

“Thank you, sir,” Ester said behind him. She poured water into a basin and

moistened a cloth. “I’ll just clean her up now if you don’t mind.”

Jed realized he’d been staring at the helpless Carly. He stepped back, not truly

wanting to leave. Ester took his place and wiped the blood from the corner of the

dolly’s mouth. Carly groaned and squirmed to get away.

“You hold still,” Ester implored her in a maternal voice.
He caught a glimpse of eyes the color of fine Kentucky bourbon as she peered at

him through slitted lids. With a shudder, Carly abandoned her fight and let Ester clean

the cut. Her eyelids grew heavy and closed.

Jed couldn’t abide anyone who would mistreat a woman. From the look of her,

she’d more than her share of manhandling.

He vowed no man would hurt her again.
He studied her room. There weren’t any pictures of family, no keepsakes from the

past. No reminders of any kind of where she hailed from or what’d brought her to the

territory. Who were her family and friends? Ester? The barkeep? The big-breasted


He sighed, shook his head. He didn’t have much in the way of family either.
A pistol caught his attention. The derringer lay on the small table, partially hidden

by a bottle. Ester snatched the weapon before he could examine it and held it to her

bosom. He followed the trembling woman’s gaze to a hole in the wall.

Jed huffed. “Looks like the lady can defend herself.”
Ester nodded vigorously.
He picked up the brown bottle. The label read Dr. Baxter’s Eight-Day Elixir. He

recognized the name immediately, anger searing his blood. He took a whiff. Just as he

thought, part whiskey and part something referred to as medicinal and far more


“That’s Miss Carly’s,” Ester said. She reached for the bottle.
Jed held it away from her and poured the rest of the contents into the slop bucket.

“She’s better off without it.”

Ester chewed her lower lip. “She won’t be happy.”
“I expect not.” He set the empty bottle back on the table.
“What’ll I tell her when she comes around?”

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“She shouldn’t be drinking this rotgut. If you’re her friend, you won’t let her drink

any more.”

Why had he taken it upon himself to empty the bottle? Why should he care about

one more saloon dolly, in one more saloon? The territory was filled with them. Could it

have been the way her head had rested on his shoulder, vulnerable and at the end of

her rope? Or because the elixir reminded him of his childhood filled with too much

drink and heartache?

Or was he just doing his job, protecting the citizens who depended on him?
He didn’t have an answer. With one last glance at Carly, he headed out of there.

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Chapter Two

Carly woke with a start. It was quiet—too quiet—which meant business was slow at

the Lonesome. Not good. No good at all. She kicked off the sheet and swung her legs

over the side of the bed.

The room spun and she squeezed her eyes shut as a wave of nausea roiled in her

stomach and pain shot across her forehead. She touched her cheek and ran her tongue

along her bottom lip. The two drifters had treated her bad. The bruises were still tender.

She shrugged. It could’ve been worse.

Their conversation came back to her in fits and starts. They’d been talking about

killing someone and they were dead serious. They’d been paid to murder.

They intended to commit the crime soon. Of that much, she was certain.
She remembered getting dressed and going downstairs. A new arrival, a stranger in

town had stood at the bar. He hadn’t given a name. He’d been talking to Alvin, his

voice commanding. She’d liked the look of him. The rest was a blur.

Ester came through the door and clucked. “Good. You’re up.”
Carly sighed. The woman tended to be a bit bossy even with all her childish ways.
“What time is it?” she asked.
“Nearly on four o’clock.” She pushed back the heavy curtains.
The afternoon sun streamed into the room and nearly blinded her.
Carly groaned. “Close those curtains, will you? My head hurts something fierce.”
Ester rushed back to the window and drew the heavy drape closed. The darkened

room suited Carly better. She rose from the bed. She’d slept the better part of the day. If

she didn’t get going, her customers would find another saloon to spend their wages.

Ester unbuttoned Carly’s dress and untied the laces of her corset. “I’m heating

water for your bath.”

“What would I do without you?” A bath sounded wonderful.
Ester smiled shyly and stooped to pick up Carly’s dress and a pair of stockings

from the floor.

Carly put on her wrapper and cinched her waist with a silk scarf. Her headache

subsided but her mouth was dry as the desert. She could use a drink.

Ester stepped between her and the bottle on her bedside table. “Bath first.”
“Whatever you say.” Carly reckoned she could wait. “Anything important going on

I should know about?”

Ester held the dress to her bosom. “The new sheriff was here and he’s a mighty

good-looking fella.”

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“I’ll look forward to meeting him.” Carly was always friendly with lawmen. As a

business owner, she couldn’t afford to make enemies of a man wearing a badge.

Ester giggled in her childlike way. “Reckon you already have.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He’s the man who carried you upstairs and put you to bed.”
Carly remembered hazily a man’s strong grip holding her.
“Was he the stranger I saw standing at the bar?”
“Yes. You spoke to him.”
Carly wished she could remember more.
“Gentle as any man I’ve ever come across,” Ester went on. She shook out the dress.
Carly was intrigued. What kind of sheriff took the time to tend to a saloon dolly?

He’d done her a good turn, she decided, which meant she owed him a favor.

Ester entreated her with puppy dog eyes. “Will you be wearing this dress today?”
Carly shook her head. “Not the red satin, something more ladylike. I think I’ll go

reacquaint myself with the new sheriff.”

“Your gingham go-to-meeting dress?”
Ester snorted then quickly covered her mouth.
Carly went out into the hall and pounded on the crib doors. “Come on, girls. We’re

paying a call on the new sheriff.”

Gladys poked her head out her door. The mayor was fast asleep in her bed. “What’s

going on?”

“Get dressed. The ladies of the Lonesome need to show their appreciation.”
The other ladies emerged from their rooms. Big Judith cackled and pressed her

huge breasts together. “I’ll make the sheriff happy he took the job.”

Miss Lorraine frowned. “I saw him first.”
Blanche plumped up her ginger hair. “He was staring at me when he first arrived.”
Carly had no time to listen to their quibbling. “I’m having a bath. By the time I’m

finished you all should be assembled downstairs in your Sunday finest.”

Ester regarded her from the doorway with a solemn expression.
“That includes you, Ester.”
Ester rocked on her feet and then scurried down the hallway.

* * * * *

Carly reckoned the six ladies of the Lonesome made quite a sight bustling down the

boardwalk, twirling their parasols. When dressed their most modest, her dollies’ gowns

were still more provocative than the other ladies of the territory. Bodices cut low, waists

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cinched tight—a lift of the skirt when traversing the street—most men turned their

heads in appreciation.

With a dab of rouge on their lips and cheeks and kohl-blackened eyes, there was no

mistaking who they were.

Town women held on to their husbands tighter and slapped their sons on the backs

of their heads for gawking too long. Those women’s mouths puckered and they stuck

their noses in the air as they scurried in the opposite direction. Almost as if the dollies

had a disease—and if they should breathe the same air—it would surely infect them.

Why would Carly mind? She’d been a saloon dolly since she was fourteen. She’d

known no other kind of life and considered these saloon ladies her family, even when

their bickering frayed her nerves.

The wide street was filled with wagons and freighters filled with all kinds of goods.

Scents of cooking came from the Inn and the air was sultry—a welcome desert scent.

The town had a look of prosperity. Being a business owner, Carly was proud to be part

of its good fortune.

Tucson’d been needing a new sheriff. A growing town depended on law and order.

Plenty of no-good men—like the two who’d beaten her—had taken advantage of the

vulnerable town. Shooting, looting, gunfights. Indeed, she was glad they had a sheriff,

and man who might bring a measure of safety.

She considered it her civic duty to welcome him. She had to admit she was curious

about the man. He’d carried her upstairs but hadn’t stayed. After talking with Alvin,

she found out he’d only asked for a cup of coffee and had paid good money for a glass

of water.

There was another reason she needed to pay this call. Alvin had also told her how

he cleared out the saloon with his threat to take her customers’ firearms. A lawman who

was bad for business was no good to her. She would have to set the sheriff straight on a

few things. He could clean up the town for sure but messing with her saloon was

another story.

Her steps faltered when she saw him. He’d come out of the sheriff’s office and

stood in the lengthening shadows. There was no mistaking the shiny star pinned to his

vest. He was lean and muscular, with wide shoulders, long limbs. A gun belt hung low

on his hips and showed the distinct bulge of his cock, of a size she very much

appreciated. Her blood rushed to her chest. He crossed the street, walking with the

swagger of a man in charge.

When the sheriff spotted a gaggle of town women headed his way, he stopped and

removed his hat—looking slightly amused. A good-natured man, Carly decided. His

dark hair reached his collar but his chiseled jaw was clean shaven, showing off lips

she’d like to lick.

She took a deep, slow breath, liking a little too much what she saw. She would truly

enjoy some bed play with him. And just like the snap of fingers, she decided she would

entice this new lawman into her bed—and the sooner the better.

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Carly waited until the town ladies moved on down the boardwalk. Those woman

chattered amiably. Whatever this new sheriff had said had put them in a good mood.

She strolled past the storefronts, in no particular hurry. No sense letting the man

think she was eager to make his acquaintance. Such a notion would give him inflated

ideas about his manly skills.

As she approached, there was no doubt his manly skills were considerable.
“Howdy Sheriff,” she said, jutting her hip out provocatively and batting her


He tipped his hat, a sexy smile curving those luscious lips. “Ladies.”
She couldn’t help but curl her tongue slowly across her mouth, thinking about his

lips pressed to hers. “My name is Carly Buchanan. I gather we’ve met.”

His grin grew wide and a twinkle centered in his dark brown eyes. “We have.”
She stepped closer, trailing her finger over the tin star and then the buttons of his

shirt, down to his belly. “You have me at a disadvantage,” she said in a velvety voice

calculated to incite a man’s baser instincts. “I didn’t get your name.”

“So I do. Name’s Jeddah Poole.” He gripped her wrist, but gently, and pulled her

hand away.

When he spoke, his voice was gruff, showing she’d affected him more than he was

willing to admit. Lust darkened his gaze. His smile faded into something so carnal,

Carly shuddered.

Her gaze traveled down to his crotch where his cock had grown to an impressive

size. She’d only meant to glance but was delighted how it strained against the buttons

of his britches.

She blinked then glanced back up at his eyes. He surveyed her with a man’s need to

fuck. She’d seen many a cowboy in such a condition. They came into the saloon after a

day of hard work. Some hadn’t been with a woman in a long while. She wondered how

long had it been since Jeddah Poole was with a woman?

Satisfied he was a man she could have on a whim, she slipped her wrist from his

grip but trailed her fingers inside his palm.

“I run a popular establishment. We like to provide a variety of…entertainments for

our customers.”

His lids grew heavy and he swallowed, the Adam’s apple in his throat bobbing. “So

I found out when I arrived.”

Again he had her at a disadvantage. She’d been so confused and sleepy, she’d not

been able to properly greet this man she needed to be an ally. Having the law on your

side was always for the best in the Lonesome, where customers were likely to get

rowdy after a few drinks—and when some lawful citizens insisted she and her dollies

be thrown out of town.

She chewed on her bottom lip and lowered her lashes, hoping to appear coy. “We

hope you won’t interfere.”

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Jed folded his arms across his wide chest. “As long as no laws are broken, I’m fine

with what you do.”

She was relieved this sheriff wasn’t a tight ass. Her curiosity was satisfied about

something else. There was no doubt in her mind he liked women. She had wondered

since he hadn’t ravaged her after he carried her up the stairs.

She introduced the other dollies. Big Judith, Miss Lorraine, Gladys and Blanche.

Miss Lorraine attempted a curtsy.

“Ladies,” he said. He pulled off his Stetson. His flattened hair needed mussing.
Ester elbowed Carly.
“I can’t forget Ester,” she said. “She takes good care of us.”
The sheriff cast Ester one of his smiles. “I’ve already had the pleasure.”
Ester bobbled on wobbly knees. Her grin was as wide as the dusty road. She’d no

shame at all. She’d called the sheriff handsome, and she hadn’t been far off the mark,

but a woman shouldn’t show her affection, Carly had realized early in life. A man was

liable to take advantage.

“I’m sorry about this morning. I’m usually more attentive.” Carly raked him with a

seductive smile. There could be no doubt in her meaning. “We girls at the Lonesome

take a special interest in satisfying lawmen.”

The other women agreed with bawdy laughter.
“You come on over,” Big Judith said, shaking her wares. “The first poke is free.”
Carly rolled her eyes to heaven. Big Judith just had to interrupt her conversation.
Sheriff Poole put his hat on, a slight bit of color tingeing his cheeks. There was a

surprise, a big ‘ole sheriff fighting a blush.

She cast him an enticing smile. “We’ll be seeing you this evening, Sheriff?”
His upper lip twitched. “I expect you might.”
“Good. I look forward to a fun evening.”
Before their talk turned too bawdy—Carly didn’t want to embarrass the man in

public—she scooted her dollies away. They hadn’t gone far before she peered over her

shoulder. Jed watched them like a hawk about to pounce on his prey.

She waved as if she were a debutante. He tipped his hat. The two of them were

going to get along just fine.

* * * * *

Jed chuckled as he watched the temptress strut down the boardwalk, the other

dollies following her. Carly Buchanan surely had a way about her. She was nobody’s

fool but still there was a tender innocence about her.

He’d no doubt the woman was as hot as a chili pepper and just as volatile.

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The other ladies on the street turned their backs or pretended not to notice the

procession. A twinge of resentment at the poor treatment put Jed’s back up. He knew

what it was like to be an outsider, to be the subject of public ridicule and scorn. The

town women were likely jealous considering the dollies probably occupied most of

their husband’s spare time…but still, they could show some sympathy toward a

woman who had to make her own living.

Carly didn’t get riled but held her head high, walking as if she were royalty. Those

town ladies didn’t seem to bother her at all. He wondered how a woman who looked

like an angel ended up in this line of work.

No respectable man would marry her and no woman who considered herself

respectable would befriend her. Once a dolly, always a dolly. Such a notion didn’t sit

well with him. But he didn’t make the rules.

Make no mistake. He wanted her.
He took out his watch from his vest pocket and checked the time. It was nearly six

o’clock. He’d wait on the stage due to arrive any minute—make sure the money got into

the bank without a hitch—and then he’d head over to the barbershop for a haircut and a


The jiggle of harnesses and hooves pounding the dirt alerted him to the stage

approaching. A few seconds later, the driver came hell-bent for leather around the

corner and up the street, causing people to run for the boardwalk. Dust clouds swirled

around him as the team raced at a full gallop. What the heck was wrong with the man

coming into town at that speed? On closer examination, Jed saw why.

The man riding shotgun was holding his arm, his once buckskin-colored shirt

turned crimson—a gaping hole in his flesh. He’d bled a considerable amount and

looked close to collapsing.

The driver shouted to the team and pulled back on the reins. The horse snorted and

reared and the coach skidded to a halt.

Jed gritted his teeth. On the job one day and already there’d been a stagecoach

robbery and a guard with a bullet in him.

Folks hurried to help. Jed stepped off the boardwalk and joined them.
“There were five of them cocksuckers,” the driver explained. He was red-faced and

breathing hard. “Shot Barney when he opened fire. He did a hell of a job but he was no

match for that many tough hombres.”

“Did they take the cash box?” the Wells Fargo agent asked.
“Yes sir. First thing they asked for.” The driver coughed and spat over the side.
Mr. Trumbull held the traces of the lead horse. The horses were wild-eyed and

stomping the ground but his steady hand settled them down some.

“Someone fetch the doc,” Jed ordered.
He grasped the wounded man’s wrist and guided him off the box. The guard was

weak and sat with a plop on the ground.

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“I’ll need a statement from you,” Jed said.
The driver regarded him with watery eyes. “Who just might you be?”
“Jeddah Poole. I’m Tucson’s new sheriff.” He tapped the star pinned to his shirt.
“About time,” the man replied. “We’ve had a rash of robberies in the past few

weeks. The criminal element seems to be getting the upper hand.”

“It’s Vernon Crosby’s gang,” came a man’s voice.
“Who said that?” Jed asked.
“I did, sir.”
Jed searched for him in the crowd. A skinny man stepped forward. “Allow me to

introduce myself. Name’s Travis.”

Jed nodded, glad the people appeared ready and willing to come forth with

information. “What can you tell me about this gang?”

“Only they’re responsible for holding up the stage. Ain’t the first time. They head

over the border to Mexico. No one’s been able to catch them.”

Jed turned to the driver. “That sound about right?”
“Well sir, seems to me they went south.”
“Then that’s where I’ll go.”
The doc came running up the street carrying a black bag, his spectacles jostling on

his nose. He examined his patient. “Looks like the bullet went clean through his


“You think he’ll be all right?” Jed asked.
“Appears he will,” the doc answered, cleaning his glasses with his handkerchief.

“Barring infection and the like.”

That was good news to Jed.
“What are you going to do about this string of robberies, Sheriff?” the Wells Fargo

agent asked.

Jed had a quick answer. “Follow them to Mexico.”
Spurs ringing, he headed for the livery.

* * * * *

Business was lively that evening and Carly kept a close watch on those batwing

doors. It was nearly eleven when she decided Jed Poole wasn’t coming. He hadn’t

exactly promised and yet she knew he’d been interested in what she had to offer.

Disappointment settled like acid in her belly, a curious reaction to someone she’d just

met. She hadn’t realized how much she’d been looking forward to his arrival.

She downed a whiskey shot. Alvin picked up the bottle to pour her another but she

shook her head. She needed something stronger. Her thoughts turned to the letter from

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Placerville that’d come on the afternoon stage. She’d tucked the letter in her bodice,

telling herself she was too busy to open it.

O’Dell and her husband had settled down in a gold rush town in California. Her

friend seemed so far away and yet the way she described the town and the people she’d

met, Carly could imagine being there.

Every time a letter came, Carly craved her elixir to calm her nerves. She had

betrayed O’Dell and they both knew it. The pain of her guilt over what she’d done

never left. O’Dell had taken care of her for a lot of years. How had Carly paid her back?

When O’Dell needed her, Carly had betrayed the only friend she’d ever had. She turned

her back on her. Almost ruined her own saving grace’s life. Sure enough there were

plenty of times that O’Dell had cleaned her up when she was intoxicated and beaten up

by a john. But the elixir had meant too much to her that last time when O’Dell needed


And she still couldn’t give the stuff up. Even after that horrible time a few years


Carly was a horrid person and didn’t deserve friends. Least of all one so forgiving

and loving as O’Dell. For that reason, she never wrote back. She didn’t want O’Dell to

be obliged. O’Dell kept writing anyway.

She took the letter out and studied the handwriting, brushing her thumb over the

“C” of her name. O’Dell always had a flare for making perfect, round letters.

“Are you going to read it or not?” Big Judith came up behind her. Miss Lorraine

came down the stairs followed by a cowboy whose hair was matted with sweat, a

satiated smile on his lips. She pointed at the letter as she joined them.

“Maybe later,” Carly said. She tossed the letter on the bar as though she didn’t care

what O’Dell had to say. She itched to grab it back.

Judith turned away in a huff. Lorraine pursed her lips. Neither of them could read.

They all depended on Carly for news from O’Dell. They were as curious as Carly was

but she didn’t care. Guilt riddled her conscience and the letters were only a reminder of

what she’d done.

She climbed the stairs, craving a swallow of her elixir. She’d managed to ignore her

needs for the entire day but one sip wouldn’t hurt. And it would take away the stab of

pain every time O’Dell wrote. The other girls had clients in their rooms, their grunts

and groans steady, the beds squeaking in unison.

Her room was dark and smelled musky. She parted her curtains and opened the

window. The night air was cool on her bare shoulders. She shivered and rubbed her


The bottle of Dr. Baxter’s Eight-Day Elixir was on the table next to her bed. She took

out the cork and brought the bottle to her lips. The pungent odor quickened her pulse.

She closed her eyes ready for the relief the elixir brought her. Just one sip, she reminded

herself, to take the edge off. She tipped the bottle but came up empty. She turned the

bottle upside down. There wasn’t even a drop inside.

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She frowned and took a deep breath. “Ester!”
Shoes padded down the hall and Ester appeared in the doorway. Her normally

placid expression turned sour when she saw the bottle Carly was holding.

“Where’s the rest of my Dr. Baxter’s?” Carly tipped the bottle upside down.
Regret flitted over Ester’s features and she tried to hide it by looking at her shoes.

“Gone, I reckon.”

Carly didn’t remember drinking the entire bottle. Had one of her customers taken a

swig and finished what was left? Ester never touched the stuff. But still, something in

the way Ester shifted her feet…the girl was nervous. She knew what happened to the

rest of the open bottle and was afraid to tell.

“Bring me another. I’m thirsty.”
Ester frowned. “I’m sorry, but that was the last one.”
Carly ground her teeth, the need for her indulgence overpowering. The craving

possessed her. Beyond just enough to take the edge off. She had to have a drink. Her

skin prickled like a million bugs danced along her nerves and fresh pain shot across her

forehead. She wanted to shout, to stomp, to throw the bottle against the wall. She

clenched her fist so hard, her nails dug deep into her palms. She gripped the bottle so

tight, she feared it would shatter.

“Go get some more.” Her voice was surprisingly steady.
Ester twisted her skirt. “He told me not to let you drink any more, Carly. He said

you didn’t need this medicine. Said you were better off without it.”

Carly’s anger built into a force she couldn’t control. She flung the bottle to the floor,

where it shattered. She fisted her hands at her sides. “He? He? Who told you this?”

“Why, the new sheriff.” Ester’s eyes widened. “He told me to get rid of what bottles

was left. I done as he asked.”

“You did what?”
Ester’s lower lip trembled. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, Ester.” Carly realized her temper was scaring the poor girl. She couldn’t blame

her. Damn the man! Just because he had a star on his chest didn’t mean he could tell her

what to do. “Sheriff Poole had no right to tell you to empty my medicine bottles, he’d

no right at all.”

“I’m dreadful sorry.” Ester wrung the life out of her apron.
Carly was ashamed she’d put the girl into such a state. She would reserve her anger

for a man who’d better start minding his own business.

“Don’t you fret. We’ll buy some more next time Dr. Baxter is in town.”
Ester stopped her agitation but her expression was still bunched into a frown.
“Let’s not talk about it anymore. Tighten up my corset. I’ve got work to do.” She

had to take her mind off the elixir the only way she knew how—by working, and even

that was going to be mighty hard.

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She sucked in her breath as Ester pulled on the laces. The corset lifted her breasts

into two plump mounds that always brought a second look.

When she finished, Carly couldn’t take a full breath. The red satin hugged her body

with a man-enticing fit. The dip in the bodice was so low it was scandalous, reaching

nearly to her navel, showing off the pretty lace of her black corset. A wide slit up the

sides—which she’d designed and made herself—showed off her legs all the way to

mid-thigh if she moved just the right way.

“You go on about your chores. I’ll deal with the sheriff.”
Ester scurried out of the room. Carly finished dressing. The nerve of Jed Poole, she

thought as she rolled on a clean pair of stockings and secured them to the garters. He’d

no right to interfere. Best she explained to him how she ran her business before he got

too full of himself.

She slipped her feet into a pair of red satin slippers and stood. She was ready for the

rest of the evening, a working woman with customers waiting.

An idea popped into her head. So clever it made her smile. She’d pay another call

on the new sheriff—tell him how things worked around here. This dress would be her

calling card. This time she’d make sure he wouldn’t be able to resist what she had to


* * * * *

Jed tipped back his chair against the rough-sawn boards of the jailhouse, enjoying a

smoke in the cool evening. His first day in town and he’d already been able to put five

ne’er-do-wells behind bars. Called themselves part of Vernon Crosby’s outfit. Those

boys had robbed the stage all right. Jed and Travis had caught them with the moneybox

from the Wells Fargo Bank and dragged their sorry hides back to Tucson.

No one could question he was good at his job. He’d had no reply from the marshal

over in Tombstone. Either the man was busy or neglectful—Jed couldn’t rightly say. He

had given give fair warning.

Jed would’ve liked to spend the rest of the evening at the Lonesome in Carly’s

company but it wasn’t in the cards. Not tonight. There was no way he could leave

prisoners unattended.

He’d not forgotten her soft warm body as he’d carried her upstairs. He’d thought

her delicate and helpless. What a contrast to the woman with a glint in her eyes and the

scorching touch of her slender fingers on his chest when she and the other saloon

dollies had stopped by to welcome him.

There was no two ways about it. She was pretty but there were two sides to her.

He’d like to know her better.

He was about to call it a night when he saw Carly bearing down on him, fire in her

eyes. She didn’t wear a bonnet and an abundance of hair fell in waves on her shoulders,

light and frisky and begging for a man’s touch. There was nothing proper or ladylike

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about her this time, her dress garish and revealing more than any man could ask for.

She picked up her skirts as she came, giving him a glimpse of perfect legs and fancy


As Jed watched, she moistened her lips. His innards tightened and his cock swelled.

She had a powerful way of igniting a fire and then stoking his need. She was downright

irresistible and knew it.

When she reached him, she was breathing hard. She planted her hands on her

rounded hips and glared.

He’d a powerful urge to take her in an embrace and disarm her with a kiss right

here in front of the jailhouse. It would give the people of Tucson something to talk

about for a very long time.

“Who do you think you are, Jed Poole?”
Jed straightened, his chair coming down hard. He was half afraid she’d whip out

her little four-barrel derringer and shoot him. He flicked the last of his cheroot into the

sand and stood. Something had put a burr under her collar and damn if he wasn’t about

to get an earful.

“Something I can do for you?” he asked. He touched two fingers to the brim of his


The light from the lantern inside the jailhouse shone in her eyes. He saw a gathering

storm but also a flicker of pride. It was unexpected and something he would never


“You’re an interfering son of a bitch, Jed Poole.”
An old-timer and his wife passed by. The old coot tipped his hat but his wife kept

facing straight ahead.

“Perhaps you’d like to say what you’ve come to say inside?” Jed asked. He nodded

at the door of the jailhouse. He didn’t give a damn who saw them together but he didn’t

want Carly’s grievance getting around town. No doubt his prisoners would be asleep

by now.

She strutted through the open door. Jed pushed his hat back on his head and

followed. As he closed the door, she rounded on him.

“The Lonesome is all I have, the only thing that has truly belonged to me.” She spat

her words. “I have five women and an elderly barkeep who depend on me. I sure as

hell won’t let them down.”

Jed took off his hat and tossed it on his desk. He wasn’t quite sure what had set her

off but he didn’t let on that he was aggravated she meant to give him a dressing-down

he didn’t deserve. In his experience, a woman under a full head of steam needed to say

her piece without interruption.

She huffed, her breasts rising and falling with each breath. He ached to stroke her

milky mounds, heft their weight, taste their heat.

“I intend to run my business without any interference. Of any kind.”

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He stood his ground, waiting for her to come to the point.
“You had no cause to tell Ester to keep my medicine from me.”
“That’s not medicine,” he said.
She raised a fist and glared. Thankfully, she lowered her hand and looked away.
She seemed to have finished, run out of spite or just plain exhausted, he didn’t

rightly know. Whatever the case may be, he couldn’t resist her. His mind went blank.

All he could focus on were her heaving breasts, the lacy black corset, the scarlet

plumpness of her lips and the promises she’d given him earlier in the day.

He took a step forward, closing the space between them. Heat simmered from her

body, fanning out over his flesh. No use fighting the attraction. She entranced him.

When she turned back to him, her eyes blazed, lips were pursed, her fiery temper at the

boiling point. He lifted her chin and their mouths were inches apart.

She moved out of his reach, playing hard to get, he reckoned, but he snaked his

hand around her tiny waist and hauled her up against him. Her breasts crushed to his

chest. His hard, aching cock pressed to the hot inviting softness of her sex. He crushed

her lips with his, swiping his tongue inside her mouth. She tasted of whiskey and sweet

heaven. He groaned.

And she kissed him back, her own tongue roving over his, licking at his lips. She

gripped his shoulders, kneading his muscles as she turned her head to the side, letting

him deepen the kiss. He slid his hand up the ribs of her corset and over her plump

breasts, massaging the soft, warm flesh, running his thumb between the fabric of her

corset and her taut nipple. She sucked in a breath and arched her back. He caressed her

nipple again, pinched it.

She kissed him again. Jed didn’t think he’d ever been kissed with such passion,

such abandon, such wantonness. Carly didn’t hold anything back. Her desire for him

showed plain as day. Her full lips were as sweet as he imagined. She opened her mouth

to let him explore.

When he finally pulled away, he was primed. She could take him back to the saloon

all night if she wanted to—hell, for the rest of the week.

She snarled. He was startled—her anger had spiked again and he stepped back, but

not in time. She hauled off and slapped him hard, knocking his hat off.

She sure packed a wallop. He rubbed his smarting cheek, confused.
“Don’t you ever try that again, mister.”
“I thought that’s what you wanted.”
“Just because I’m a dolly doesn’t mean you can just kiss me whenever you want.

You have to ask first.”

He clenched his jaw. “Whoa. You were kissing me.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, lawman.”
Jed pushed his hand through his hair. “All I know is you came dressed up like you

were open for business.”

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“I’m a working girl. This is how we dress at the Lonesome.”
“Don’t get me wrong. What you’re wearing is just fine with me.”
She gave her bodice a tug. “If you want my services, it’ll cost you a silver dollar.”
“Seems to me you made an offer this very afternoon that required no payment.”
She flushed three shades of red. “I’m taking back the offer.”
She spun around and marched to the door.
Jed exhaled. Probably wasn’t the best thing he could have said but she’d brought

his blood to a boil.

“Carly, come back.” He was big enough a man to apologize for having shot off his

mouth at a woman who could be prickly.

She was halfway out the door and kept going, and not inclined, he decided, toward


The prisoners were standing, pressed against the iron rungs, gripping the bars, silly

grins on their faces.

“What are you looking at?” Jed picked up his hat and went back outside.

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Chapter Three

Carly stomped back to the Lonesome, muttering to herself and not caring about the

glares she was getting from those who got in her way. She seethed on the inside and

made no attempt to hide it.

How could he have kissed her like that? Damn him. She hadn’t expected to enjoy

the kiss. Enjoyment had no place in her profession. So how in the hell could she have

liked it so damn much?

She’d gone down to his office to tell him what for, maybe have a little fun, which

included her tongue down his throat and riding his cock at his command.

She did not like what this man did to her. What he did to her mind—making it all

mushy. Or what he did to her body—making her all hot and tingly. Her cunny was so

wet, her desire for him wetted her thighs.

Jed Poole made her feel things she didn’t want to explore. He made her forget her

purpose was to sell her customers a good time. She shivered. Despite the cool night air,

she was all hot and bothered. It was no good for her to be this way. And it was no good

for business. Thank heaven she took back her invitation for him to spend time at the

Lonesome. The last thing she needed was for him to come down to the saloon and make

her forget what she was about. Before long, they’d be serving up their best whiskey for

a song and a night of bed play for a kiss. Which would not be good for business at all.

Despite all her anger, she still had to ask herself—what the hell was he doing to

her? No other customer ever had her panting, sweating, ready to detonate with the flick

of his tongue. No other customer had ever taken her there. Ever.

His cock pressing hard against her, his hand on her breasts, his warm lips nibbling hers, his

tongue thrusting into her mouth just like she wanted his cock to plunge into her cunny. She

shivered again. And turned around.

She would not go back to the Lonesome with so much turmoil creating havoc with

her emotions. No, she would give the sheriff a good lesson in what saloon girls were

about, and this time she would do it on her terms. He couldn’t have so much control

over her. No man could.

She held her head high as she marched back to the sheriff’s office. Jed had returned

to his chair outside. She didn’t bother to say howdy. She marched to the jailhouse door,

opened it, stepped inside and slammed it shut. Five men were in the cell, sitting on cots.

They stood and grabbed the bars, making disgusting gestures with their tongues. She

ignored them.

Jed came inside and slammed the door. “Listen here, Carly. I don’t know what

you’re after but…”

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“Sit down, Sheriff.”
He scratched his stubble. She twisted his chair to face him. With a scowl, but eyes

sparkling with interest, he sat.

“You owe me, Sheriff.”
“Do I?”`
“You took liberties that come with a price.”
“Did I? You seemed to enjoy that kiss just as much as I did.”
He had her there. “Maybe I did.”
“I thought you’d come by to make good on the invite you and the other ladies made

this morning.”

Again, he had a point. “I’m a businesswoman. You shouldn’t forget that. I do this

for a living. This is how I make my money.”

“I would never suggest the contrary.” He leaned back in his chair, placed his hands

behind his head and thrust up suggestively. With a hefty amount of willpower, she

glanced away.

“Some women like what I can give them.” He’d lowered his voice, sending shivers

over her skin. “I’ve never had to pay a woman for pleasure before.”

She rolled her eyes. Figures… “You sure have a bloated sense of importance.”
A slow, lazy grin spread across his lips, and a wicked glint shown in his gaze. “I bet

those customers don’t make you come, Carly. I can make you come. Again and again.”

She gulped. Again he was right. Damn the man! She wanted him, wanted him to

make her come. As if begging her to accept his challenge, her pussy muscles clenched

and a spark of delicious pleasure twanged through her pearl.

Why were her cheeks flaming and why was she huffing and puffing—because of

the way he was talking to her? That was her job. She was Carly—owner of the

Lonesome. A dolly, a woman trained in the arts of pleasuring a man.

She circled the desk. He unbuckled his gun belt and let it fall to the floor. He

seemed to know what she was going to do, which worked against her. She was in

charge of this seduction. She bent down, giving him a good view of her breasts, which

she was pleased to see he hungrily followed. She pressed her palms to his thighs, and

his warm muscles tensed beneath her fingertips. Her gaze met his and a bolt of

lightning passed between them. As she moved, she kept her eyes on his, daring him to

look away. She spread his thighs and stepped between them then lifted the right side of

her skirt.

She placed her knee on his thigh, letting the skirt fall open to reveal bare flesh and

her lacy black garter. “This will cost you one silver dollar.”

He swallowed. His lips thinned. She was gratified by the shallow, even breaths as

his chest rose and fell. His gaze roved over her thighs, her breasts then locked on her

eyes. He kept his hands behind his head, a slow grin spreading over his fine lips.

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“Whatever you want, Carly.” His voice was husky.
She wanted him to be desperate.
She stroked his muscled arms, from his elbows to his shoulders, back and forth,

teasing him. He remained perfectly still but her pulse was racing. Why did touching

him having such an effect on her? She had to concentrate on what she was doing. She

had to pleasure him, satisfy his need. Most of all she had to think of him as a customer.

With one knee on his thigh and her other leg between his, she undulated her body,

rocking so her leg rubbed enticingly on his crotch, and with each sway, her gown

opened at the slits to reveal the naked curls of her sex.

The men in the cell whooped and hollered for a peek.
“Maybe I’ll do you next,” she said with a wink in their direction.
Jed grabbed her by the chin and turned her to him. “Forget about them. Prisoners

don’t get no privileges.”

That seemed to settle the men down. Carly would pretend they weren’t even there.

She pulled off his grasp and rubbed over his chest. His muscles bunched beneath her

touch. His lids drooped with heady need. The muscle in his jaw clenched and

unclenched with each of her movements. She smiled wickedly, knowing she’d only just

begun her dance.

She lifted her skirts a little higher so they draped over his lap and gave her more

room to maneuver. Placing both hands on his shoulders, she spread her legs so that her

shins rested on his thighs. She heaved against him again, this time in such a way that

her thighs spread wide. Her cunny, wet with desire, was exposed to Jed’s vision with

each sway of her hips. The next move would be to press against his raging cock. And

glory be, she did want his cock in her.

She arched her back then pushed herself forward, her breasts in his face, rocking

some more.

His breath was ragged and she knew he was ready for her. She wasn’t done.
With her breasts crushed to his chest she gyrating back and forth, and she pressed

her lips to his neck, breathing hotly on his flesh. He groaned as she expected he would.

She trailed her tongue up to his ear, nipping at the lobe.

“You’re so…strong…” she murmured, stroking down his muscled belly. She

cupped his cock. “So…hard.” She licked at his ear then nipped him again.

Men were pushovers for this kind of palaver.
She swung her legs around his waist to straddle him. She moaned into his ear when

his hard cock—shame it was imprisoned in denim—pressed against her wet cunny.

Jed’s breaths came fast and when her cunny moved against his cock, he panted. She

took his hands from behind his head and pulled them to her ass, planting each of his

palms on a naked cheek beneath her skirts. His fingers were warm, calloused. She

moaned as he massaged her. Then she rolled against his cock, capturing the solid length

of him between her thighs. Something flickered within her, startling her. She wanted

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him. She wanted to fuck him, sure, but she also wanted to come. Wouldn’t her finding

release defeat her purpose? And yet she couldn’t deny she was being moved just as

much as he was. He pumped upward, meeting the roll of her hips. He massaged her

ass, and then somehow, his thumb brushed her cunny and she jumped.

“Oh…Carly,” he murmured against her breasts as he pressed his open mouth to her

flesh. He licked at her nipple through her corset—sending sparks of unexpected

pleasure ricocheting through her body. “I want you…”

As soon as he said the words, she froze. What was she thinking? She couldn’t do

this just for fun. She hopped off his lap. “What do you reckon, Sheriff? Are my services

worth a dollar?”

The men in the cell jeered.
“Come on, Sheriff Poole. You have to admit I’m good.”
Jed scowled and his eyes flashed a warning.
Carly gave those boys a good view of her ass before she smoothed her skirts,

whirled around and swept out of his office. They’d have a miserable night, dreaming

about her ass. Served them all right.

* * * * *

Several minutes passed before Jed could close his mouth. Had that really just

happened? He looked down at his crotch. Yup. His raging hard-on showed no

inclination to go away. He couldn’t remember a time he’d wanted to fuck a lady so bad.

Damn if that woman didn’t know just how to get him riled up.

He’d been dead serious about wanting her.
She knew how to pleasure a man. He wanted her so bad he would pay her

whatever she asked. He’d pay his life savings if she would just toss up her skirts again

and let him sink inside her.

Except he didn’t want to be another customer to her. She couldn’t convince him he

was. It was obvious from her look of desire that she’d liked the idea of him saying he’d

make her come. She’d shivered in his arms as she’d moved so seductively on his lap.

She’d reacted when his thumb brushed over her wet clitoris. She’d moaned when he’d

sucked her nipple into his mouth. Hell, she’d been moaning while she twisted and

turned her pretty little self on top of him.

And damn did he like everything about her. The cut of the dress was outstanding.

Red had always been his favorite color. Every time she’d swayed, he’d gotten a view of

her rosy sex, glistening with need. He liked that the best.

He licked his lips. This wasn’t over. She’d enticed him to the edge. He wasn’t going

to let her walk away next time.

He stood, adjusted his extremely tight britches and then headed for the door. He hit

the handle just as shouts and the blast of gunfire rang out from the street. He yanked

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his six-shooter from his holster and ripped open the door. A gang of horseman ran wild

through the streets, shooting into the air.

He glanced wildly up and down the boardwalk for Carly. She’d only just left and

couldn’t have gotten far. Was she all right?

A flash of red, huddled behind a watering trough about a hundred feet away,

caught his attention. His relief was immediate. Carly was safe.

“Keep your head down,” he yelled.
She ducked as the shooters turned their mounts and came back down the street,

firing at the storefronts. A shower of glass crashed on the boardwalk. They stopped.

Dust swirled around their mounts’ feet. There were four in all, rough and dirty, their

lips curled in violent grins.

“Compliments of Vernon Crosby,” they shouted before riding on past him.
Jed ran out into the middle of the street and fired at the men. From the shouts of

pain, it was obvious he hit at least one of them, but that didn’t slow the gang down;

they kept on riding.

Movement to his left caught his attention. Carly emerged from her hiding place and

ran toward the Lonesome. He was glad to see she didn’t appear hurt. Every window on

the main street was broken and glass littered the boardwalk. No doubt the other

residents had been awakened by the disturbance but were too scared to venture

outside. It galled Jed that a man and his family had to cower in fear of their lives

because of a bunch of no-accounts.

He sucked in his breath. It’d been a long night but daylight was still hours away.

He returned to the jailhouse and took down a rifle.

“Who was it?” one of his prisoners asked.
“What can you tell me about Vernon Crosby?”
“He’s one ornery son of a bitch.”
“He seems to think he can scare the law.”
“That’d be his mistake.”
Jed scowled. “You got that right.”
“Although he ain’t been caught yet, now has he?” The man spoke with pride.
“Caught your sorry ass, didn’t I? Reckon your boss is next on the list.”
“Yeah, true enough, but the reason he ain’t caught yet is the same reason he’s the

boss. Man is crazy and smart to boot.”

“We’ll see about that,” Jed answered before stalking outside.
He settled in his chair, the Winchester across his lap, and spent the rest of the night

listening to the righteous snores of the men in the cell and keeping an eye on his town.

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Chapter Four

When Carly arrived at the Lonesome, out of breath and panting, she saw her saloon

hadn’t been spared the wrath of the Crosby gang. Her beautiful plate-glass window had

been reduced to a thousand pieces. She’d spent a pretty penny on it—it’d come all the

way from San Francisco.

She pushed through the swinging doors. Gladys and Blanche looked up. They were

picking up shards of glass and putting them in a bucket.

“Is everybody all right?” Carly asked.
Judith stepped forward. “We’ve been better.”
“They usually leave us be.” Alvin shook his head. Carly was relieved the mirror

hanging behind the bar, which he prized, was still intact.

“I don’t know why they decided to shoot up the town,” Carly said.
“I know why.” Judith planted her hands on ample hips. “It’s that new sheriff.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be so friendly to him,” Blanche said.
Carly wondered. “I don’t think he’s the cause. He’s been in town less than twenty-

four hours.”

“He’s got some of Vernon’s boys locked up.” Judith glanced at the others. “They’ll

be back to free them.”

Carly bit her lip. Jed would have his hands full if they did.
“Where’s Ester?”
Judith nodded at the staircase. “She never came down.”
Carly mounted the stairs. Judith was probably right. Jed had stirred up a heap of

trouble. Tonight was just a taste of what they all could expect.

She found Ester in her room huddled in the corner, clinging to her doll.
Carly knelt beside her. “Hey, sweetie, those men are gone.”
“Why did they shoot at us?” Ester trembled as she spoke.
“They’re mean, I guess.”
“Will they come back?”
Carly slumped down beside her. “If they do, Sheriff Poole will arrest them.”
“I like Sheriff Poole.”
With a sigh of resignation, Carly realized she did too.

* * * * *

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Dawn spread, golden and dusty pink across the Eastern sky and the sleepy town

began to come alive. The gang hadn’t returned, much to Jed’s relief.

He stood and stretched cramped muscles. His stomach grumbled. He’d plenty of

time during the night to think about Carly’s visit. She’d been angry with him about the

elixir but he sensed there was something else, something deeper that’d set her off.

He could never figure out women and so he’d keep a safe distance. She knew his

weakness—his desire for her—and she’d be sure to use it against him when the notion

struck her.

The owner of the mercantile, Mr. Finney, swept glass from the boardwalk, the

clinking sound echoing down the walk as several others did the same thing. The livery

man, Mr. Trumbull, hauled a handcart down the middle of the street. He saw Jed and


“Quite a ruckus last night.” The geezer put down the cart and brushed off his

hands. “Reckon it was Vernon Crosby’s boys.”

“This happen often?”
“More than we’d like.” Trumbull pulled on his beard. “Think they’ll be back,


“Can’t say.” It was false comfort. Jed was pretty sure they’d come for the prisoners.

Next time more than a few windows might be shot up. Next time the citizens of Tucson

could be caught in the crossfire.

Jed could think of only one way to keep the residents safe. They wouldn’t like him

imposing a curfew but until the rest of the gang was behind bars, he’d no other choice.

Mr. Finney leaned on his broom. “Probably came to bust the rest of their gang out

of jail.”

Jed nodded. “How many of those hombres are there?”
The mercantile owner shrugged. “Wouldn’t be surprised if there were a dozen


“You’ll need help catching the rest of the gang before they come back to town.” Mr.

Travis sauntered over from where he’d been standing on the boardwalk, obviously

listening to the conversation. “They’re as slippery as sidewinders.”

“If you ask me, Crosby and his boys are too wily for one man,” Mr. Trumbull said.
Jed had thought about hiring a couple deputies. He couldn’t stand guard morning,

noon and night.

“I reckon I’d better hire a couple of good men to back me up.” He turned to Travis,

who’d been eager to help capture the outlaws.

“Not me.”
Mr. Finney interrupted. “My nephew’s new to town and is looking for steady work.

He’ll need some teaching.”

“Betty Short has a strong boy,” Mr. Trumbull added. “He’s dependable.”

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Mr. Finney agreed. “Both talk about becoming lawmen.”
“Send ’em over to the jailhouse as soon as possible.” Jed hiked his thumb in that


“Will do,” Mr. Finney said.
Trumbull nodded. “I’ll let Betty know.”
“In the meantime, we should be ready for their return.” Jed’s examined the damage

done by the gang. The window of every store on Main Street had been shot out.

Jed needed to know how many men he could count on in a fight. “You own a

firearm, Finney?”

The mercantile owner paled. “I keep a shotgun behind the counter.”
“How about you, Mr. Trumbull?”
The old man straightened. “Of course I do.”
Mr. Finney’s grip tightened on the broom.
“You keep your missus and young’uns close to home until these men have been

captured,” Jed told him.

“You can’t stop this trouble?”
Jed didn’t miss the fear in the man’s eyes. “I aim to, only we need to be prepared.”
“We’ll be ready,” Mr. Trumbull said.
“Good. Keep those weapons handy. No telling when the gang will be back. They

may try to rob the livery to get fresh horses. A wagon even. They may need supplies.

Until then I’m going to set a curfew.”

“Is that totally necessary? It’ll be bad for my business,” Mr. Finney said.
The man seemed to have grown some balls.
“What’s wrong with you,” the livery man scoffed. “You heard what the sheriff said.

Crosby will be back and we can’t let him take over our town.”

“I’m only saying, if I have to close up early, I’ll lose some of my trade.”
“Just do as you’re told.” Mr. Trumbull cast Jed a look of approval. “I’m off to tell

Betty about the offer for her boy.”

Jed nodded. “I’ll be at the jailhouse.”
Trumbull picked up the cart and continued down the street.
Mr. Finney sighed. “I don’t imagine a curfew will do any harm if it’s not too long.

You will take care of the gang promptly?”

Jed hooked his thumbs in his pockets. “As prompt as they let me.”
He bid the mercantile owner good day.
Jed turned to Travis. “Can you stand guard over those outlaws in jail while I go and

send a telegram?”

Travis raised a brow.

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“I need to let the U.S. marshal over in Tombstone know what we’re up against.

Maybe those boys are headed his way.”

Travis smirked. “Sure thing, Sheriff.”
Jed headed for the telegraph office. If what his gut was telling him was right, he

would need additional men. This gang—could be a few or many—wouldn’t be easy to

capture. If every time he made an arrest they shot up the town in retaliation, someone

was bound to get hurt. No one was safe, not even the women down at the Lonesome.

After he sent off his telegram, he would head for the saloon. He’d let Carly know

what they were up against so she wouldn’t take any unnecessary risks.

When he was satisfied she would do what he told her to, they’d unfinished

business to take care of.

* * * * *

Carly lay in her bed, alone. Sleep hadn’t come all night. The room already held the

morning’s heat but that’s not what kept her awake.

She didn’t know what had gotten into her last night. She owed the sheriff a bit of

pleasuring after he’d carried her upstairs and tucked her into bed.

Hadn’t she showed him how a saloon dolly takes care of a man? She’d not been

surprised at how he’d responded; she was good at her trade. She’d taken care of

business and walked away just as she should have.

Her ass still burned from where Jed

had grasped her, and her cunny ached to have him inside her.

She blamed the empty bottle of Dr. Baxter’s Eight-Day Elixir for overthinking the

situation. The brew relieved her of the next morning blues like nothing else. Most of all,

it kept her from caring too much. How could she get her hands on some more? None of

the merchants in town sold it. She’d just have to wait until Dr. Baxter paid his next visit

to Tucson.

She rose from her bed and went downstairs. Alvin was pounding nails into

mesquite boards, covering up the hole where her prized plate-glass window had once

been. Bright light filtered through the many cracks.

Carly sighed. A new window would cost money she didn’t have right now.
“Morning, Miss Carly.” Alvin spoke with a mouth full of halfpenny nails.
“Morning.” She picked up a chair and set it upright. A customer slept facedown on

the table, cradling a pile of poker chips. She’d rouse him and send him home, but he

seemed so peaceful, she didn’t have the heart.

She sat down and rubbed her eyes. What was she going to do about Sheriff Poole?
What bothered her was the niggling desire for a repeat performance. Normally she

didn’t give two hoots about the customer after he’d paid his dollar.

Of course, he’d boasted big about how he could make a woman swoon at his very

touch. What man didn’t brag about his abilities in bed?

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What confounded her was how true that’d been. His caress had given her the chills.

She sucked her lower lip, still tasting him. The man surely knew how to kiss. Jed had

excited her in a way no man ever had and she couldn’t forget it.

The sheriff had gotten under her skin, telling Ester to get rid of all of Carly’s

medicine. She’d been angry with him, barging into her place and barking orders at poor


She’d been justified in not giving him everything he wanted.
She needed her Dr. Baxter’s, she mused. A stiff drink of the elixir and she would be

able to put the virile sheriff out of her thoughts and forget about those kisses. Next time

he came waltzing through that door…

Who should push through the swinging doors but the sheriff? He looked like he

hadn’t slept either. Stubble darkened his jaw and his eyes were bloodshot.

She grimaced. The two of them were a pair.
A brief nod of her head acknowledged his presence. A customer was a customer.

Hopefully he’d learned his lesson.

She stood and turned to go to her room. She wasn’t running away—she just didn’t

have the strength this morning to spar with him.

* * * * *

“Carly, wait.”
Jed was glad to see her. She’d stunned him with last night’s sex play. He wanted to

see her lustful expression again.

She turned around, her eyes half closed.
He sauntered up to her and stopped a foot away, his arms dangling helplessly by

his sides. One look at her and he was reminded of her cunt on his cock. He wanted so

badly to take her in his arms.

“What are you after, Sheriff?”
“I wondered if you were all right.”
“I’m fine but my window didn’t fare too well.” She pointed to where her barkeep

was putting up boards. Alvin pounded the last nail and climbed down from a ladder.

“I noticed when I walked by.” He gazed into her brown eyes. “Anybody hurt by the

flying glass?”

She shook her head. “No, but Alvin and my girls were skittish the rest of the night.”
Jed rubbed the back of his neck and frowned. “I’d hoped those hooligans missed


“Last night was a first for the Lonesome. Most likely they didn’t care for the

company I’ve been keeping.”

Jed smiled. She was full of sass and vinegar, a sure sign the gang had not frightened


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“Of course, business was off for the rest of the night.”
The thought of Carly pleasuring another man made him ball his fists. He wasn’t

normally a possessive man but he couldn’t deny he wanted her all to himself.

Alvin grunted as he hefted the ladder. He carried his burden out the back door.
“You look very pretty this morning.” Jed raked his gaze over her. It was no

exaggeration. She’d piled her honey-colored hair on her head, exposing her neck.

Yellow crystal earrings dangled from her dainty earlobes. She still wore the red dress—

just as enticing this morning as it’d been last night.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “You think you can sweet-talk yourself into

my good graces? Honeyed words won’t make me swoon, Sheriff.”

Jed gave up. She was in no mood for mending fences this morning.
“Suit yourself.” He pulled out a chair and sat down.
Carly heaved a sigh. “Water, isn’t that your drink?”
“A glass of water will be much appreciated.”
She sashayed behind the bar and retrieved a stone pitcher. He watched every move,

remembering every curve of that body. Picking up a glass drying on a piece of

sackcloth, she carried them to his table.

He hadn’t realized how thirsty he was until he saw the water splashing into the


“Obliged.” He picked up the glass and drank it dry.
She studied him. Was she curious or did she have something on her mind?
“Join me,” he said.
Surprisingly, she sank into the chair opposite him and rested her chin on her fist.

“Let me guess. You’re going to say you’d like us to be friends.”

He chuckled. “I’d like us to be friends.”
She wrinkled her nose. “You don’t want to be my friend. Friendship is something

I’m not very good at.”

What a strange thing to say. He furrowed his brow and examined her. She was

beautiful but her eyes were shaded, like she had secrets she was trying hard to hide.

“Lovers, then. If we can’t be friends, we can be lovers.”
She laughed. “I explained the rules yesterday. As long as your money is good, you

can have as much of me as you want.”

What could he say to that? He didn’t want to refuse her, because he did want to be

her lover. But he wanted to be her only lover. Somehow, he didn’t think she’d be too

receptive to that suggestion and his pay would never cover the many times he wished

to be with her.

She poured him a second glass. “I suppose I should be grateful you came over to

check on me.”

“That and another reason. There’s something important I need to tell you.”

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She stiffened, expecting, no doubt, bad news.
If there’d been any other way to protect her, he would’ve done it. Even in the short

while he’d known her, he’d understood how important this saloon was to her.

“About the Lonesome… You’re going to need to close up the saloon tonight. I’m

imposing a curfew.”

Her eyes crinkled at the corners and her mouth turned down slightly. “Over a little

shoot up?” She shrugged. “Those boys were only letting off steam.”

“They came to the wrong town.”
Carly regarded him with disdain. “And you’re going to stop them?”
“I aim to. They’ll be back for the prisoners.”
“How will a curfew help?”
“I don’t want anybody to get hurt when the shooting starts.”
She peered over at the missing window and back at him. “Much as I admire your


“At dusk, everyone needs to be locked in tight.”
She sat back in her chair. “You’re joshing, of course. How can I run a saloon if I

can’t be open at night?”

“These men mean to do harm. When they come back, they’ll stop at nothing to free

those men from the cell.”

She glared at him. “They won’t hurt us. Not if they expect to get laid ever again.”
Jed was exasperated. Didn’t she understand he was trying to keep her safe? “Just do

as I say and everyone will be all right.”

She stood, her hands resting on that curvaceous body. She meant to have her way.

Much as Jed preferred her in a friendly mood, he couldn’t give in.

“What are we supposed to do, Sheriff? How are we gonna make a living?” She

tapped her foot.

Jed groaned in frustration. He should have known it would be hard to convince

Carly a curfew would protect them until the gang was caught, and there was no other

way. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I can take care of myself.”
“You won’t have a life to claim if these men come back in here and shoot up your


She lifted her chin higher. “Maybe you ought to go back where you came from.

Things seemed to be a lot better when you weren’t around.”

Jed had annoyed her. Maybe after she was finished telling him off, after her temper

cooled down to a slow simmer, they could have a repeat of her sex play? He’d a craving

to show her just what he could do.

“You wound me, sweetheart. I caught those bank robbers my first day on the job.

You should be grateful.”

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She sucked in a lungful of breath, ready to give him a good scolding, he reckoned.
He lowered his voice to a growl. “And if I’m not mistaken, you enjoyed that little

dance of yours just as much as I did.”

She scoffed. “That was only to prove a point. I didn’t enjoy it at all. And look what

your first day of catching criminals got us? A gang of outlaws coming to shoot up the

town and breaking our windows. Now you’re telling me I need to close of my


“I didn’t say you had to close down your business completely. You can stay open

until six.”

“And you damn well did enjoy it.” He’d raised his voice. The cowhand sleeping at

the next table stirred.

“My business is mostly at night, Sheriff.” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “You

really are plumb loco if you think a measly old curfew will stop me from entertaining

my customers.”

She turned and stalked off but he wasn’t going to let her go that easy. The look of

disgust and disappointment was not what he’d hoped to see. He wanted to see her

smiling again, wanted to see desire clouding her eyes. Wanted her to admit she’d

enjoyed pleasuring him as much as he’d enjoyed her doing it.

He stood and kicked the chair out of his way. She whirled around and he grabbed

her wrists, pulling her up against him. He wanted nothing more than to sear her with a

kiss. But desire didn’t flash in her gaze, instead it was a smoldering anger he saw.

She twisted out of his grip and shoved him away. “Don’t think you can put your

hands on me anytime you like.”

“What’s wrong with you?” He grabbed her by the shoulders. “You run hot and cold

and I’m damned if I know which you’ll be at any moment.”

She lowered her lashes. “You shouldn’t put too much meaning into what happened

yesterday between us. It meant nothing to me.”

He let her go, her words as stinging as a slap.
Her eyelashes fluttered. Her eyes, which had been inflamed with passion when

she’d straddled him in the jailhouse, were cold.

He held his hands up in the air. “I can’t figure you out at all.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t try.” She glanced away.
A man in his frustrated condition had no other choice. “I’ve said what I came to


She lifted one shoulder as if to say she didn’t care. He didn’t believe her.
“The curfew begins tonight.”
Was that regret he sensed? “I’ll close the saloon for one night, and you go catch

your criminals.”

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“Could take more than one night.”
Carly shook her head. “One night I can get by on, but any more and I can’t pay my


“I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”
She licked her lips. It was probably done without thinking but the effect on him was

shattering. “What’ll you do if I disobey?”

“You’ll go to jail for starters.”
“You’d arrest me, Jed?”
She was playing with him now, enjoying how she could take him to the brink.
“How about I give you what you really want?” He stepped closer, taking that

chance she wouldn’t lash out at him again.

She blinked a few times. “How do you know what I really want?”
“Because of how wet you were when we were together.”
“You think I was aroused?”
He grinned. “Yeah. I heard you moan.”
“I told you, I’m an expert when it comes to bed play and giving women what they


She smiled, a dimple creasing in her left cheek. Shit, if her smile didn’t beat all.
“We’ll see who’s the expert, now won’t we?”
No more bawdy talk, much as he was enjoying himself. He had to be firm.
“I expect the Lonesome to be closed at six.”
“Whatever you say, Sheriff.” She purred affectionately and then turned away from

him. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do before we open.”

“You might do a lot more than think about it, Carly Buchanan. Whether you accept

my offer of bed play or not, the town is now under a curfew and anyone not abiding the

law will be arrested.”

“You’re very strict.”
“Only when I have to be.”
She didn’t answer him, just kept on walking until she reached the newel post. She

touched the polished wood, turned and gave him that sultry look that set his heart to


He knew she’d do as he asked.
He rubbed his hands together, planning the many ways in which he’d pleasure her

when he was through with the gang.

* * * * *

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Alvin took out his watch. “Almost nine o’clock.”
Carly bit her lip. The men at the table were betting wildly and she’d have a nice

profit by the end of the night if she played her cards right.

“What happens at nine?” one of the players asked.
“Didn’t you hear?” Alvin answered. “The new sheriff has imposed a curfew. We

were supposed to be closed up by six.”

The three men guffawed.
“I’d like to see him try and close this place,” the man said.
Carly huffed. Jed had made an impossible request. He’d no right to impose his rules

and regulations on her. How had she let him talk her into closing early?

Alvin frowned. “I heard he left town, chasing after those varmints who shot out our

expensive plate-glass window.”

She didn’t want Alvin to fret. “If the sheriff isn’t around, he isn’t going to know if

we stayed open a few hours longer.”

Alvin shook his head. “I heard he deputized a couple of locals. They’ll be checking

on who’s obeyed the curfew.”

Carly shuffled the deck. The deputies would be easy to handle. Most likely they

were already customers of hers.

“We’ll make sure they’re well taken care of, won’t we?”
Big Judith laughed the loudest, her entire body jiggling, much to the delight of the

wrangler buying her drinks.

Carly’s smile widened. She might just get her cake and eat it too. “Don’t you worry,

Alvin. The sheriff will be sure to catch Vernon and his gang and then the curfew won’t

even be necessary.”

Alvin didn’t look convinced.
Carly couldn’t close up her saloon on Jed’s whim. They had a full house tonight. He

was going to be angry, of course, but she could deal with his bluster. As for his pledge

of a good time, she wouldn’t work up a sweat over a man who wasn’t a paying

customer. She was making good money playing cards. From the noise of bedsprings

coming from upstairs, tonight’s take would be better than average.

“You gonna deal or not?” the man to her left snarled.
She dipped her shoulder to give him a peek of her black lace and rouged titties.

“Sugar, I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting.”

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Chapter Five

Jed led his horse down the middle of the main street, the stars and a half-moon his

only light. Judging from the height of the moon, it was nearing three in the morning.

Both he and the mustang were dead tired and ready for some shut-eye.

Mr. Travis had been right. Those hombres shooting up the town headed straight to

Nogales. Jed saw no sense in following them, he’d no jurisdiction in Mexico. If Vernon

Crosby and his boys were after the men locked up in the jail, they’d be back.

First thing come morning, he’d find Travis and ask him what else he knew about

the gang.

He reached the jailhouse. The single window, shuddered against the blowing sand,

showed no light coming from inside.

“Damn,” he muttered under his breath.
Those two boys he’d deputized before he left had promised to take turns standing

guard. He’d better roust them out of their slumber before he headed to the livery.

The heavy door yielded to his touch. They hadn’t even locked up properly. He

pushed the door harder and squinted. His two deputies were sitting on the ground

hogtied and gagged.

The cell was empty.
Both struggled to talk as Jed untied the bandanas stuffed in their mouths. He

already knew what’d happened.

“They jumped us,” Sam said.
Jed took out his knife and cut the rope. “How many?”
“I counted four.” He exchanged glances with Jack Finney. “They must’ve doubled


“This time Crosby was with them.”
“Are you sure it was him?” Jed had been certain their trail headed south. He hadn’t

found any sign of them turning around.

“It was Vernon Crosby all right. We didn’t stand a chance,” the boy said as he

untied the knots in the rope.

They scrambled to their feet.
“Said you’d be sorry,” Sam said as he brushed off his pants. “Arresting his men like

you done. Said he didn’t care much for lawmen.”

Jed took a good look around. The gang had taken all the rifles out of the rack. The

desk drawer was halfway open. Luckily, he only kept the key to the jail cell there.

“What’ll we do now?” Sam asked.

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“Nothing to do.” Jed blamed himself for this foul-up. He’d given them a

responsibility they couldn’t handle.

“We could ride after them.”
“Yeah. Let’s go get ’em, Sheriff,” Sam said, nodding.
“No.” Jed appreciated the boys’ enthusiasm but he needed seasoned gunmen to go

after the gang. One day his deputies would be the men they aspired to be but until then,

they’d a lot to learn.

“I’m considered a good shot,” Sam said, building his case.
“Consider yourself lucky you’re alive.”
Both boys looked contrite and Jed reckoned he’d said enough for one night.
He stomped outside, mounted Shooter and headed toward the livery. Shooter

snorted, ready for a measure of oats and a straw bed.

Tin-panny music drifted from around the corner and he scowled. When he reached

the crossroad, he stopped and gritted his teeth. He saw, with disappointment, the

saloon lit up and lively. The hellion had not done as he’d asked.

Anger simmered in his veins. He clenched the reins tight until his horse whinnied

and he realized what he’d been doing. He patted Shooter’s neck and murmured an


“Seems I’ve been made a fool of twice.”
Carly’s lying ways brought a bitter taste to his mouth. She’d flirted with him for no

good reason other than to see him squirm. A man needed to stay clear of Carly

Buchanan if he had any sense.

The livery was dark. Jed led his horse into a stall and stripped off his saddle and

bridle. By the time he’d fed and watered Shooter, Jed had worked up a head of steam.

Carly had defied his curfew, an ordinance meant for her own protection. Her

intentions were clear. She considered herself above the law. She was damn lucky that,

when the gang came to break their men out, they hadn’t stormed the saloon.

Jed removed his rifle from its sheath and slung his pack over one shoulder. There

was only one way to deal with lawbreakers. He covered ground in a hurry.

A burst of laughter from the saloon fueled his anger. He had to be prepared for

what he’d find. Would she be entertaining her guests or would she be upstairs giving a

customer a taste of her wares?

He had to admit he didn’t want to find her in bed. When she’d straddled his lap,

he’d wanted her for his own—not to share her with any other man.

Jed rammed through the bat wing doors and stepped inside the saloon. The air was

thick with cigar smoke. The dollies in their bright, colorful dresses and feathers in their

hair looked like exotic birds among the dust-covered, trail-hardened cowpokes.

Miss Lorraine sidled up to him with kohl-blackened eyes and spots of rouge on her

cheeks and lips. Her yellow dress revealed the depths of her desire.

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“Anything I can do for you?” she asked in a breath laced with whiskey. She ran her

fingers across his arm.

He wasn’t immune to her charms but he’d not come here for a poke—and if he did

he wouldn’t have come for her. “I’m looking for Carly.”

She withdrew her hand as if he’d bite and jutted her lower lip into a pout. “She’s

over there,” she indicated with a nod.

Jed spotted her right off. She’d dressed in blue satin—showing off those creamy

white shoulders. The mound of golden hair—whose touch he knew so well—left her

neck exposed. She threw back her head, her laughter sending an ache deep in his groin.

The fella she was entertaining saw Jed coming. The man frowned and took hold of

Carly by the neck and pulled her close.

Jed almost felt sorry for the bastard.
Carly’s slap cut through the music and voices, and all focused on the trio. The man

appeared startled. She stepped aside, her expression mighty irritated.

“You’d better mind your manners,” she said lightly. She pushed in a comb that had

worked lose from her hair.

The cowpoke’s face went from red to purple and the glower he gave to Carly could

have set her on fire, he was so mad. He’d been humiliated in front of his friends and

from the looks of it was about to burst. With rapid movements, the man grabbed Carly

by the throat.

“Let me go, Sugar, you’re hurting me.”
Jed rested his hand on the grip of his .45, a move the cowpoke didn’t miss.
Carly took advantage of the distraction and kneed him high on his balls. Her swift

action brought a chorus of cheers. The cowpoke crumpled into the nearest chair, bent

over, breathing hard and cursing.

“Nice work,” Jed said.
Carly whirled around. Her smile, calculated to turn a man into a blabbering fool,

faded. “Didn’t expect you’d be back so soon, Sheriff.”

At least she was being honest, Jed decided.
“Don’t reckon you did.”
She cast him an enticing smile. It’s what she did, what she was good at. He was

surprised how quickly she got over the drifter’s rough handling. Was she used to that

sort of thing? He wanted to murder the man for touching her but she dismissed him

without a glance.

“I gather this isn’t a social call.” Mischief sparkled in her eyes. The lamplight

danced in her hair. He could smell her perfume.

He tipped his hat. “Ma’am.”
“You’re upset.”
“That I am. I imposed a curfew on this town. The curfew was meant for everyone.”

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She set her hand on her hip and rocked her body a couple of times to show him

what was on her mind. It was on his mind too.

Her smile was catlike. Obviously, she understood him—better than anyone ever


“You needn’t have worried, Sheriff. This is a private party. By invite only.”
He wished it were that simple. “The Crosby gang was in town tonight. They broke

out his men from the jail.”

Her eyes clouded briefly but then she shrugged. “So what?”
“You saw what they did to your precious window, what do you think they’d do to

your saloon given half a chance?”

Her lips parted. No doubt what he’d told her came as a surprise. He’d be willing to

bet she wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of being right.

“I appreciate your concern, I truly do, but I can handle a bunch of rambunctious


Jed scoffed but was drawn into the depths of her eyes. She was pretty, dammit, but

she was stubborn. “I have no choice but to arrest you.”

“Beg pardon?” Her body shook with laughter. Others in the saloon joined her. “I’d

like to see you try.”

Alvin hauled a peashooter out from under the bar.
“Put that thing away,” Jed told him.
She faced him toe to toe. “There’s only one way you’re going to get me out of here.”
She posed a challenge Jed couldn’t walk away from. He picked her up and tossed

her over his shoulder.

She flailed at him with her fists. “Let go of me you two-bit lawman. Your tin badge

don’t count for squat in the Lonesome.”

“You quit hitting me or I’ll put a pair of cuffs on you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Won’t I?”
“Somebody help me,” she wailed. Her pleas only met more laughter.
Jed quelled any rebellion with narrowed eyes and a snarl on his lips. He kicked the

doors open and carried her like a sack of grain out onto the dark boardwalk. As the

doors swung behind him, he shifted her weight. Drunk and half asleep, she’d taken no

effort at all to carry up a flight of steps but with her wiggling and fussing it took some

doing. He held her feet securely, making sure she couldn’t kick him in his privates.

She landed a blow to the small of his back.
“Stop that,” he said.
“Are you going to let me down?”
“I don’t reckon I will.” He headed for the sheriff’s office.

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The two deputies had lit a lantern and were playing checkers. When they saw him

and his cargo, they stood up abruptly, sending checkers rolling to the floor.

“Not exactly the way a lady likes to be carted around,” she sputtered when he set

her down.

Both boys gazed at her wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. They showed more than a

healthy interest in the saloon dolly, especially with plenty of petticoat showing.

Their mothers would have Jed’s hide when they found out.
“You boys go on home,” Jed said. “I’ll be watching over this prisoner for the rest of

the night.”

“Yes sir.” They made no move to leave.
“Evening, ma’am.” The Finney boy’s voice wobbled. Carly favored him and Sam

with a smile.

Carly raised her hand to Jed but he caught her wrist before she could strike. She

yelped as if hurt and glared fire and retribution.

“Do as I say,” he told the boys.
They grabbed their hats and skedaddled.
Jed turned his attention to his prisoner. She’d calmed down considerably and her

wrists went limp.

“So you showed me what a big, strong man you are. Now you can let me go.”
“I will if you behave.” He was as good as his word.
She rubbed her wrists. “I suppose you expect me to pay a fine for breaking your


“That’s for a judge to decide.”
“When will the judge be here?”
“Don’t rightly know. In the meantime, you’re the guest of the good people of

Tucson.” He opened the desk drawer and took out the key he’d found still in the lock

after the Crosby gang broke out their men.

She stomped her foot. “I’m not going into that cell.”
“I say you are.”
Her expression softened and she reached for the top button of his shirt. “I can make

it worth your while to let me go.”

Jed was tempted. Boy howdy, was he tempted. Duty came first. He wouldn’t be

worth spit as a lawman if he let Carly get to him.

“Turn around,” he said.
“Why Sheriff, what do you have in mind?”
“Just do as I say.”
With a heaving sigh that gave him an eyeful of bosom, she did as he asked.

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* * * * *

Carly hadn’t realized how late it was until Jed arrived. The Lonesome did get

rowdy about this time of night—a fact the sheriff would soon come to understand.

He was out of line arresting her. Sure, he was angry about her not submitting to his

curfew and now he was setting an example by locking her up like some criminal. To

hell with his rules, she was a woman who knew how to make a man change his mind.

And she would use that to her advantage.

He walked behind her, holding her elbow. She’d no intention of going in that cell—

at least not alone.

Her instincts for survival were strong. She dropped her shoulder. The strap of her

gown slid down her arm. She made no effort to pull it back.

“Too bad those prisoners aren’t here, we’d put on a show for you, lawman.”
Did Jed just growl? The low feral sound deep in his throat was most certainly a


“I don’t need a show, Carly.” His voice was gritty.
She laughed. Sounded to her like he didn’t want her to be with another man. Well,

he was the one who’d arrested her instead of letting her off easy. She’d make him beg.

She deserved a little revenge after he’d carted her away in such an uncivilized fashion.

“Are you carrying your pistola?” he asked.
“You’ll have to find out yourself,” she replied. She inched up her skirts and

petticoats to show him exactly what she had under them.

Jed’s grip on her elbow tightened and she stepped backward so her back pressed

against his chest. His hot breath caressed her ear. His lips brushed her neck as he

inhaled deeply. Wasn’t it a shame, she mused, he’d lost interest in finding her weapon,

or perhaps he’d forgotten?

Her skin prickled. Dammit, but she wished he’d give in and kiss her. “I tell you

what, Sheriff, I’ll make you a proposition.”

“You’ll do as I say.”
“Oh, I intend to go into the cell but I’d like some company.” Her hands rubbed

against his thigh…so close to his cock. Using her fingers she inched closer to his crotch.

He didn’t resist until she reached his bulge.

Jed grabbed hold of her wrist. “Don’t go there, darlin’.”
Taking the sheriff to heaven was going to be so easy. “Where should I go instead?”
He grumbled a string of oaths.
“Normally I charge for my services as you well know. Tonight I’ll make an


“You can’t buy your freedom by tempting me.” There was no conviction in his


She pressed her ass against his cock. He sucked in his breath.

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Carly pulled out of his grasp and leaned against him. He licked the shell of her ear.

She turned her head to the side hoping he’d press his lips to the pulse in her neck that

beat like the wings of a hummingbird.

He obliged, his lips nibbling at the sensitive skin.
Carly pulled him into the cell and shut the door behind them. She saw the

handcuffs, one cuff attached to the iron rail of the cell, and she had an idea. She faced

him. There could be no mistaking her intent.

“Sit down.”
He sat. The corn-husk mattress crackled. He let out a long breath. “What are you

going to do?”

“You’ll see.”
Jed rubbed the back of his neck. She’d aroused him and he was fighting his need.

She claimed his hand, caressed the calloused skin, then slapped on half of the handcuffs

secured to the bed. It clicked around his wrist.

“What are you doing?” he asked, rearing back, but he didn’t get very far.
“I’ve taken you as my prisoner.” She removed the key and held it for him to see.
His color deepened. “Give me the key, woman.”
She tossed the key through the bars.
Jed shot to his feet and shook the cuff. It rattled against the bar. He let out a roar—

like a caged animal.

“Now Sheriff, you know better than to think you can escape.”
There was something extremely exhilarating about seeing him cuffed. Carly found

her body reacting. Her nipples hardened and her sex grew damp. The same tingling

pull in her womb happened as it had when she’d been in the jailhouse before. A

reaction she’d now come to realize was her own need…a craving for this man to be

inside her.

“Are you going to join me?” she asked in sultry tones. She patted the mattress. “Or

stand there like a wounded coyote?”

Jed stared at her as if she’d spoken another language.
She hadn’t thought he’d need any more persuading but she gripped her skirts and

slowly slid the satin over her legs, her thighs, until they were bunched at her waist. She

spread her thighs open, giving Jed a full view of her damp curls.

His stare didn’t waver.
“Come on, lawman. You know you want me.”
His eyes darkened, his lids growing heavy. He didn’t speak but he did reach out,

his fingers trailing deliciously over her knee and her inner thigh. He cupped her sex, a

finger swiping over her slit. She let out a groan of pleasure. She wasn’t faking as she

normally did with a man. Jed made her hot, so fucking hot she wanted to scream.

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Jed pushed a finger inside her wet cunny. She lifted her buttocks, wanting more of

him inside her.

“Yes,” she purred.
Jed knelt in front of the cot. The chain to the cuffs was only a foot or so long but she

would make this work. She wiggled to the edge.

While his fingers played with her sex, his lips trailed over the bare flesh of her

breasts. He yanked her gown down, exposing her corset. He fumbled with the laces

until the corset came apart, revealing turgid nipples. She arched her back, inviting—

begging—him to take one into his mouth. He slid his tongue around the rim, circling

again and again in exquisite torture before pulling the nipple into his mouth. A quick

suck sent her into scandalous ecstasy.

She reached for the buttons on his britches but he batted her hand away. What was

he doing? Then she understood.

Surprisingly, a man had never sought her pleasure before he took his. She was at

odds with herself. At odds with her body’s reaction and the fact that she was not in

charge of this seduction—and that she didn’t want him to stop.

She threaded her fingers through his hair, gripping him tight. Her body was on fire,

consuming her with relentless fury. She pulled him off her breast.

“Kiss me, Jed.”
His intense scrutiny, filled with need and something deeper, about tore her apart.

He nodded and then claimed her mouth, thrusting his tongue deep, tasting every bit of

her. Carly bucked against his hand as he plunged yet another finger into her cunny,

stretching her. Her entire body reached for release, strived for it, and they’d barely just


She moaned against his lips, ground her sex against his hand and Jed groaned in


He tore his mouth from hers, and his fingers from her cunny. She felt empty and

cold. Her limbs shook for more of his expert touch. Need desperately took hold of her.

“Don’t stop now,” she said, her voice but a whisper.
“I promised you pleasure, Carly.”
“What are you going to do to me?” she asked, the desire quaking in her voice.
“Everything…” he drawled.
He knelt between her thighs, breathing hotly on her cunny. With his thumbs he

pushed her nether lips apart and flicked his tongue over her cunny.

“Oh,” Carly shouted. No man had ever licked her there before. Dear lord, it

was…glorious. She wrenched her limbs, realizing his weight kept them imprisoned.

“Oh, yes,” Jed mumbled against her flesh. He sucked her clit between his lips,

flicking his tongue, swirling it furiously over the inflamed flesh.

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Carly shrieked again. So this was pleasure. Her head rolled from side to side and

her breathing was ragged. He licked, he sucked, he flicked his tongue over her until she

was writhing, her body screaming to be released.

“You want to come, don’t you?” The vibrations of his voice, his hot breath were just

an added sensation to her straining clit.

She drew in a breath. “Yes!”
He chuckled and moved away from her. Sitting on the bed, she watched as he

disrobed as best he could with one hand cuffed to the bed frame. God, his body was

exquisite. She’d never seen a man as solid as he was. Broad shoulders, rippling with

muscles. His chest was perfectly sculpted. His stomach ridged with strength. A light

sprinkling of hair trailed from his perfectly circular navel down to… Her attention

centered on his straining cock. Long, curving slightly to the right. A thick vein ran up

the velvety center.

She fondled his cock and moistened her lips, wanting urgently to feast on him as he

had on her. He pressed his cock to her lips and she eagerly opened her mouth, licking

the drop of pre-cum from the tip.

“God, your mouth is so hot, so soft,” he murmured. He guided his cock further

farther into her mouth, rocking as she sucked.

Her lips stretched wide as she took him in, breathing in his musky male scent. Her

gaze traveled up his torso to his inviting mouth. His head had fallen back, lips straining

against his teeth, lids closed. Her cunny fluttered with erotic fantasies as she watched

him. She’d never wanted to suck a man’s cock like she did right now. She’d never

enjoyed it so much.

Her reaction surprised her. She wanted him to touch her again. Wanted his cock

thrusting inside her.

Jed hissed behind his teeth. “Oh God, Carly…” He pulled his cock from her mouth

with an audible pop. “I’ve never had my cock sucked like that.”

She smiled. “Let me finish.”
He shook his head, a sexy smile covering his lips. “Oh, no. I want to fuck you too.”
Her mouth fell open on a breath, anticipation zinging through her like fireworks.

He crawled between her thighs.

“I’m going to fuck you now.”
“Yes, fuck me.” Her voice came out raspy.
With an arm on either side of her, holding her captive, he bent low to kiss her, his

tongue slick with her juices. He pressed his cock against her cunny but he did not enter

her. He toyed with her, rocking against her, and she could do nothing but respond with

cries of anguish. She couldn’t rake her nails down his back. She couldn’t lift her legs

around his hips. She couldn’t grip his ass. She couldn’t even grip his cock and guide it

inside her. She had to take his torture. Wait for him to decide when it was time to make

their bodies one.

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At long last he slid his cock up and down between the folds of her sex. His cock

head was hot. She wanted more.

“Now, please,” she begged. Her legs shook with need. She’d never known such

desire. Her body literally burned with the need to come.

“Yes,” he growled against her ear, biting her lobe as he thrust deep.
“Oh!” She shrieked over and over as her cunny stretched with a surprisingly

painful deliciousness. His cock was much larger than any other she’d had, and she

reveled in his size.

“Oh, Carly…you feel so good.” He kissed and licked at her neck, then lower as he

kissed her breasts, sucked her nipples. He moved slowly for the first few thrusts but

then desire overcame him. He lost control as he thrust hard and deep, faster and faster.

He devoured her mouth with his lips as he plunged again and again into her cunny.

She raised her hips for each thrust, squeezing him with her thighs as much as she

was able. The creaking of the bed was so loud she thought it might break. Their shouts

were loud enough to wake the entire town. But she didn’t care. She was beyond caring.

All she wanted was release, the climax that had built to a point she was sure if it didn’t

come soon, she would die.

A piercing keen ripped from her lips as her entire body stiffened then shook

uncontrollably. Her cunny clenched tight, and devastating white fire shot from her

outward. On top of her Jed thrust all the harder, riding her climax into his own. His

warm seed pulsed into her body. He moaned and shuddered against her, his pace

slowly ebbing.

“I like being your prisoner…” She laughed as pure bliss cascaded through her


Jed collapsed on top of her, sweaty and breathing hard, and she ran her fingers

through his damp hair. He had delivered spine-tingling chills just as he said he would.

Soon he was just like any man—fast asleep. She smiled and listened as he snored.

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Chapter Six

Carly woke in Jed’s arms. Not a position she was used to with a man. Cozy, warm

and protected, part of her wished she could stay here forever but the other part of her

knew she was foolish to want what she couldn’t have.

She exacted herself from his big, strong embrace. The cool air of a new morning

jolted her back to her senses. They’d made love in a jail cell. It’d been pleasurable

beyond her wildest imaginings but it was over.

Jed moved his arm and the chain on the handcuff scraped against the iron rail. She

didn’t want him to wake up, not yet. Right now she wanted to stare at him without him

knowing. He looked so peaceful. Thankfully, he settled back into sleep.

Why hadn’t she bolted out of there when she had the chance? He hadn’t locked the

cell. The key to the handcuff was lying on the floor a few feet away.

She rose gently so as not to disturb him. Why had she stayed? Was it his slow

hands? How he called out her name? How he filled her? The delicious sensations he’d

awakened within her? Maybe a little of each.

She couldn’t let him think he needed her. She couldn’t let him make that mistake.
She dressed quickly. Jed had made big promises and he’d delivered. Boy howdy,

had he delivered. She picked the key off the floor and unlocked the handcuff. It slipped

off his wrist without a sound. She left the key and the cuffs in the slop bucket where

he’d be sure to find them.

How amazing she’d been able to handcuff him to the bed. She smiled. They’d had a

good time but nothing lasts. She’d be the first to share that truth with anyone.

She tucked a horse blanket around him, covering up his privates. It was a pity,

because she loved looking at him.

He stirred, startling her. She yanked away and stepped out of his reach.
Before he woke, before he called out her name and asked her to stay, she exited the

cell and went out the door.

* * * * *

Without opening his eyes, Jed knew she was gone. He’d hoped she would stay—he

believed that she cared for him. But damn if she didn’t make her escape at first light.

Their night together was now seared in his memory. The taste of her, the sound of

her moans, even her laughter. What that woman could do with her body—he’d never

forget. They’d made love more in one night than he had in the last year. And the

damndest part was that she’d moved him in more ways than just the physical.

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He stretched his arm. At least she’d removed the handcuff. He sat up and massaged

his wrist where the cuff had left a red mark. She’d got the best of him

or had she just

wanted to be in charge? It was a new awareness for him, letting someone else call the


He wondered if her passion had been an act so she could escape custody. He didn’t

like to think so. The notion took hold and wouldn’t let him go. After all, she wasn’t here


He picked up his clothes, which were strewn around the cell. He pulled on his

britches, tucking his half-hard and slowly swelling cock back into place. It was as if his

dick didn’t give a shit that she’d run out on him, but wanted her anyhow. Too bad he

couldn’t just walk down to the Lonesome for a little early morning satisfaction.

He’d work to do and no time to reminisce about a night with a woman who could

make his blood run hot. He’d always been good about separating work and play. If he

wasn’t careful, Carly Buchanan would keep him from doing what the citizens of Tucson

expected him to do.

And what to do about her? She was, after all, a fugitive from the law. He shrugged

on his shirt. He was only going to hold Carly for one night anyhow. Best to just get her

out of his mind and move on.

* * * * *

Several days later, Carly put on her Sunday go-to-meeting dress and walked to the

mercantile. Her order of fancy corsets all the way from Paris, France had arrived. It was

her goal to give the Lonesome a little class and the corsets would be sure to fill the bill.

She spotted Jed standing with a gaggle of men deep in serious conversation. When

they saw her approaching, the townsmen parted, unwilling to be caught in public in her

company. Jed stood his ground. She knew he would. She lifted her chin a little higher.

“Fine morning, Sheriff.” She gave her parasol a twirl.
Jed brought two fingers to the brim of his hat. “Morning, Miss Carly.”
He was a fine specimen of a man and the gesture sent her heart to fluttering. His

eyes bore into hers, daring her to relive the moments with him that they’d shared in the

jailhouse. She shivered, her body immediately straining for his touch. With sheer force

of willpower, she shoved those lusty cravings aside. She’d things to accomplish today.

When the others were some distance, she decided to needle the sheriff some. See if

he’d take the bait. She wanted to know what was going on inside his head, beyond

giving her lady parts the best night of her life.

She was a fugitive from the law but he hadn’t come after her. This was a mystery to

her. She’d pegged him a man who didn’t bend the rules.

“Since you’re not paying for my favors, you can come with me to the mercantile.

There’s a particular hat I’ve had my eye on and you’re going to buy it for me.”

“It’d be my pleasure.”

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Now wasn’t he being entirely accommodating, she mused, and a gentleman to boot.
She curled her grip around his arm. His muscle tightened. It pleased her

ridiculously that he reacted favorably to her touch.

“I hope there’s no hard feelings about the other night,” she said.
His grinned. “When I’m with you, hard feelings are all I’ve got.”
Carly laughed. She liked a man who talked straight.
“So that’s why you haven’t paid us a call at the saloon. You’re protecting your cock

from little ole me?”

“That’s about the long and the short of it.”
They reached the steps of the mercantile, she collapsed her parasol. Since they were

being straight with each other, she should bring up what had instigated their night of


“About the curfew…”
“I’ve been doing some thinking. Seems I asked more of you business owners than

was necessary.”

She regarded him to see if he was joshing. He stared ahead and didn’t crack a smile.

She’d done as he asked and kept the saloon closed each night—save for a few guests

who were entertained by the dollies in their cribs. She’d been about to tell him what a

law-abiding citizen she’d become.

Instead, she took advantage of him. “I’m glad to hear you’ve come to your senses.”
“I’m a man who can admit to his mistakes.”
She’d come to another conclusion. Jed Poole took on more responsibility than he

needed to. Some men were just that way.

“Why aren’t you after the gang?” she asked. The question was on everybody’s


He rested a boot on the bottom step, watching her. Her pulse quickened.
“Most likely those hombres are hiding in Mexico. If not, they know this part of the

territory better than I do. I’ll wait for them to come to me.”

She gave his arm a squeeze. She wanted him to know he had her support. She

climbed the steps of the mercantile. He was about to follow when a wrangler came

riding down the street at a gallop. He pulled up in front of the sheriff’s office and

dismounted before his mount had stopped.

“Excuse me, Carly. Appears that rider is looking for me.”
She let him go, albeit with disappointment. He crossed the road with an enticing

swagger. She watched his steady, purposeful gait, slightly bowlegged. His ass was firm.

She bit her lip. Visions of how she had run her hands over his smooth, taut muscles had

her nipples tightening and her cunny clenching. She’d be glad to be his prisoner any

day of the week.

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For some reason, he had stayed away from the Lonesome, stayed away from her.

What was that all about? There wasn’t a flicker of doubt he’d enjoyed himself the other

night. Most men were camping out at her door after a night with her. Jed wasn’t like

most men.

“Damnation,” she uttered under her breath. She couldn’t have it both ways.
She moseyed on closer so she could hear what the rider had to say. He was

breathing hard and Jed put a hand on his shoulder.

Mr. Finney came out of the mercantile. “What’s going on?”
Carly frowned. “Can’t say. Looks like someone needs the sheriff.”
Mr. Finney squinted. “Don’t recognize him.”
Carly took a second look. She didn’t know the man either and she knew just about

everyone within a day’s ride of Tucson.

When the rider calmed a bit, he burst out with his news. “Old man Crowley’s dead.

Ambushed out at the ranch. He took two shots in the back.”

She stepped back under the shade of the roof, into the shadows where she wouldn’t

be seen. She hadn’t forgotten the whispers of the two cowpokes in her room. They’d

been paid well to murder a man, a local rancher, they’d said.

Her blood ran cold, her throat constricted. This must be the rancher they’d been

talking about. Mr. Crowley was the man they were meant to kill.

They’d told her she was next if she told anyone what she’d heard. She’d kept silent

but now she worried. Should she have told Jed? Warned him? Could he have saved Mr.

Crowley if she’d come forward with what she knew?

What if Jed found out she’d known? Would he blame her for keeping her mouth

shut? Of course he would. Jeddah Poole was a lawman.

If those men in her room were the killers, they were dangerous. And they’d

threatened her, her dollies and her saloon. She’d made the right decision not to tell. She

had to keep herself safe, the other girls safe. She was all they had, and they were all she


Jed disappeared inside the sheriff’s office. A crowd had gathered around the rider,

eager for details, she imagined. Jed came outside, carrying his rifle.

“Let’s ride,” he said.
The wrangler shook his head. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay in town for a


Hopefully, Jed understood. There was nothing much the wrangler could do


“Follow me,” Jed ordered. “You can give me directions while I’m saddling my


He headed for the livery. The wrangler was right behind him, leading his horse.
“This is bad,” Mr. Finney said.

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Carly nodded. This was very bad and she was caught in the middle.

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Chapter Seven

Jed rode straight into mayhem.
The ranch house was made of sunbaked adobe. The mesquite board shutters across

the window hung at an angle. The walls were pockmarked. The scars were fresh.

They’d not yet been yellowed by blowing sand.

Standing on the front porch were two women clearly in distress.
One young lady—no more than sixteen—honey-colored hair in disarray, skin pale

and blue eyes red-rimmed, bawled like a babe, hiccupping every few seconds. The

other, slightly older with dark hair—had the air of a proper young lady but the mouth

of a wrangler. Her eyes shot daggers as she yelled at what could only be a ranch

worker, his hat in hand and head bowed.

Jed dismounted and pulled off his hat. The hired hand took one look at Jed and fled

for the barn. No doubt his butt had been blistered by harsh words and he’d had


Jed led Shooter to the porch. He was greeted with an angry glare from the dark-

haired young lady who’d been interrupted. The fair-haired girl continued her wailing.

No one seemed inclined to comfort her, which irritated Jed a might.

“Morning, folks. Name’s Sheriff Jeddah Poole.” He bowed slightly to the ladies.
The younger girl cried louder, her head falling into her shaking hands. But sparks

shot from the other girl. She looked angry as a nest of hornets.

“’Bout time you got here, although it’s a bit late to do any good,” the dark-haired

girl said. “Pa’s been killed and those who done it are long gone.”

“Mind your tongue to the law, Kate.” A fit of hiccoughs had the younger girl


Jed was gratified when Kate thumped the girl on the back in an attempt to be


“You must be Kate Crowley,” he said.
Kate Crowley rolled her eyes. “Of course I am. Who else would I be?”
There was no way to ease into this conversation, Jed decided. He’d witnessed her

short fuse and had no doubt she was ready to turn her anger onto him. These girls had

suffered a terrible loss and he made allowances for her sharp tongue.

The younger girl seemed to have gotten herself under control. “I’m Jolie, Sheriff. I

hope you aren’t offended by my sister.”

“It’s all right, ladies, I understand you’re mighty upset about what’s taken place

here. Why don’t we go inside and you can tell me what happened.”

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“I’m not going in there,” Jolie wailed. She clutched a limp handkerchief to her

bosom. “He’s in there. I just can’t!”

“Who’s in there?” Jed asked, reaching for his six-shooter. Had the man who’d shot

Crowley decided to stick around?

“Hush up, Jolie.” Kate looked like she would burst into flames but her words

calmed the girl down to a whimper. She turned and scowled. “Our pa is inside, Sheriff.

We laid him out on the dining room table.”

“I need to see his body,” Jed said.
Kate Crowley, who’d given full rein to her emotions, blinked. Her shoulders

slumped, her expression dissolved into one of doubt. Her anger had taken just about

every ounce of strength, Jed reckoned. He knew what that was like, to be depended on,

to bear the burden of loss and hurt on broad shoulders.

He wouldn’t embarrass her by suggesting she do otherwise.
She nodded and stepped aside.
He tied Shooter to one of the porch posts.
Kate led the way. Inside the doorway, she sidestepped a dark pool of blood that’d

drawn flies. “Mind where you walk.”

The sickening-sweet smell was the kind he never forgot.
“How about I clean this up first?” he asked the girl. They obviously hadn’t had any

inclination to deal with their pa’s blood and he suspected even the sight would bring on

more hysterics.

Kate gave a resigned sigh. “That’d be appreciated, Sheriff. I’ll be right back.”
While he waited, he took a good look around. Nothing appeared amiss—save for

the giant puddle of blood. This crime hadn’t been a robbery.

A parlor on the left was a picture of cozy domesticity. There were doilies on the

arms of the chairs and curtains at the windows. He was reminded of how he’d lived in

the saddle for far too long, how that corn-husk mattress in the jail cell put his back to


Was he the kind of man who could settle down?
His thoughts turned inevitably to Carly. By no stretch of the imagination could he

picture her in this setting. She was as wild and free-spirited as the mustangs that

roamed these mountains. No man would be able to tame her.

Kate Crowley returned with a pot of water and some rags. She’d also brought a

bottle of lye—which stank to high heaven.

Jolie had curled herself up on the porch rocker. She needed more time to deal with

what’d happened, Jed decided. A girl of her tender years had plenty of bad times ahead

of her.

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Jed set his hat on a nearby table and took the pot. He splashed water over the

bloodstain. The bloody water seeped through the cracks in the floorboards and ran on

to the ground beneath.

Jed took one of the rags, crouched and started scrubbing. Kate opened the bottle of

lye and moistened her rag. She knelt beside him and worked furiously until the stain

was almost gone.

“That’ll do for now, Miss Crowley,” Jed said, standing. He feared she’d wear her

fingers to the bone from the lye.

Kate stood and wiped her brow. She tossed the dirty rags into the pot then set them

to the side of the door.

“This is where Pa was standing,” she said, staring at the wet spot. “He opened the

door to two strangers.”

“Your hired hand told me he was shot in the back.”
“That’s right.” She opened the door and held out her hand. “Come on, Jolie. There’s

work to be done.”

Jolie came inside and wrinkled her nose. The sight of the wet floor spooked her and

her hand went to her mouth as she smothered a scream.

“Don’t you fret so,” Kate said. “Go into the kitchen and finish your chores.”
The girl did as she was told.
“This way, Sheriff.” Kate opened a door and walked into a room.
Jed followed her. Mr. Crowley’s body had been laid out on the dining room table. A

white sheet covered him. Kate peeled back the sheet.

The old man showed a lot of hard years. Jed lifted the leather vest. Two holes

pierced the bloody shirt.

“The bullets went clean through him,” Kate said.
From the size of the holes, Jed guessed a .45 was the weapon.
“Thank you, kindly, Miss Crowley. I know this ain’t easy.”
She turned ashen as she covered her pa’s face.
“Coffee, Sheriff?” She seemed to have put her anger away—at least for a while.
“None, thanks.”
“You won’t mind if I have a second cup?”
“No ma’am. Appears you could use one.”
She led him to the kitchen and offered for him to sit at the kitchen table. The

morning dishes still soaked in the tin tub.

Jed pulled out a chair and sat opposite a plate of fried potatoes and eggs that’d gone


“I can’t do this,” Jolie sniffed, hovering in the doorway. Her fragile nature touched

Jed. He’d witnessed how his mother fell apart when his own dad had died.

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“Then sit down,” Kate said to her sister. The edge had crept back in her voice. “We

owe it to Pa to find his killer.”

The girl slumped down in the nearest chair.
“I didn’t catch your worker’s name,” Jed said.
“Name’s Mack. He’s the foreman here at Crowley Ranch.”
“I’ll need to talk to him,” Jed said.
“He can’t tell you anything.” Kate reached for the percolator and poured herself a

cup of coffee. “If he’d been around, this might not’ve happened.”

“Anybody else see those men?”
“No Sheriff. Just me and my sister. We were cooking up breakfast when those two

men arrived.” She sat down opposite her sister.

Jed was thinking how lucky they’d been working here in the kitchen. Otherwise, he

might have had a triple murder to deal with.

He turned to Jolie. “I’m sorry, miss, but I need to know that happened here today.

Did you see anything?”

The girl shrugged, running a shaking hand across her forehead, finding an errant

lock of hair and putting it back into place. “It all happened so fast. I was at the stove

when I heard horses coming. Our pa went to the door to see who had come by, hoping

it was the man from the mercantile with our weekly order. I heard them talking but I

didn’t pay no mind. My attention was on not burning Pa’s eggs.”

“I’d just come in the kitchen,” Kate said. “I heard the shots and saw Pa fall across

the threshold. He must’ve turned his back on those two and was coming inside.”

Jed’s own anger spiked. The man had been gunned down in his own home.
“I saw them ride away,” Jolie said in a near whisper. “Those men were riding hell-

bent for leather.”

Kate nodded as she stared off into the distance. “They shot him and just rode


“Are you sure there were only two?” Jed asked.
“Two is all I saw.”
“Did you recognize them?”
“No,” Kate answered first. “I’m sure they weren’t from around here. No one I’d

seen at church or in town leastways.”

Jolie pulled her lower lip into her mouth. If she’d known the murderers, she

would’ve told him first thing. He moved on to the next question.

“Did your pa have any enemies?”
Kate shook her head.
“I just don’t understand why anybody would do such a thing.” Jolie sniffed. She

was working herself into another cry.

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Kate looked down toward her feet.
“What are you thinking?” Jed asked.
“Well…it’s nothing.”
“Sometimes nothing turns out to be something.”
Kate picked up her cup and took another swallow of coffee. “The neighboring

rancher wants to buy up our land. Pa’s been resisting for a long time. Do you think this

could’ve been the work of hired guns?”

“Don’t you go saying things like that, Kate!” Jolie reared up. “Those kinds of

accusations are liable to get you in trouble.”

Hired guns had been Jed’s first guess.
“The sheriff asked about enemies.”
“Pa didn’t have any.”
These girls were at each other’s throats for some other reason, Jed realized,

something the killing of their pa had made worse.

“Miss Crowley, I understand your concern but I’ve got to know what we’re up

against. I’ve got to interview this neighbor to make sure he isn’t involved.” He turned to

Kate. “What is your neighbor’s name?”

Jolie shuddered.
“Mr. Silas Purdy,” Kate said.
“I’ll stop by his ranch and see if he knows anything about this. Did your pa have

any other disputes? Someone in town? Maybe someone from another part of the


“That’s all,” Kate said. “Purdy wants to buy us out. He’s been pretty persistent.”
“What about you, Jolie, do you know of any other disputes your pa might have


She shook her head. “I can’t say that I do. I knew about Mr. Purdy’s offer but I tell

you, I—Mr. Purdy is one of the nicest men you’d ever want to meet.”

Kate scoffed.
Her sister cast her a look filled with venom. “I happen to know Mr. Purdy’s not a

violent sort of man at all. That family don’t settle their differences by killing.”

Jed nodded. “I appreciate how you think highly of the man and I’m not saying he

was responsible. I just want to ask him a few questions.”

“Will you keep us informed about what you find out?” Kate twisted her hands,

showing a case of nerves for the first time.

“Of course, Miss Crowley.”
“Is there anything else you can think of?”
Both girls shook their heads.

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“I almost forgot. Here’s something you should see.” Kate reached into a deep

pocket of her apron and pulled out two shell casings.

He rolled one between his thumb and finger. He was right. “Looks like the shots

came from a .45 revolver. Thanks for saving these. I’ll be on my way now.”

“Thank you,” Kate said. He’d no doubt she would be all right but the younger sister

had him worried.

Jed pushed back from the table and stood. He’d better find that foreman before the

trail went cold.

“What will we do now?” Jolie said. The poor girl kept shooting glances toward the

room where her father’s body was being kept until the coroner arrived.

Jed didn’t like the idea of two girls being out here on their own. “You can come into

town. I’m sure one of the church women will take you in.”

“No, Sheriff.” Kate frowned. “We’re staying put.”
Jed donned his Stetson. Seemed to him the women of the territory had a stubborn

streak and he wasn’t about to start an argument. He nodded to both of the girls. They

had each other. That would be enough for now.

“I’ll go see your foreman.”
“I’ll go with you,” Kate said. She rose to her feet.
Jed didn’t like the idea of having her along. “I reckon his ears are still burning from

the tongue-whipping you gave him.”

Two spots reddened her cheeks. “Maybe you’re better off talking to him alone.”
“Yes ma’am, that’d be best.”
They were on the way to the front door when Jed heard the sound of a horse on the


Jolie jumped and Kate swiveled to Jed. Jed pulled his gun from its holster and

gripped the door handle.

“You expecting company?” Jed asked.
“No, we never get company,” Jolie said.
“You girls lay low,” he said. Both stared at him wide-eyed. Kate put an arm around

her sister.

The horse stopped and whinnied. Jed opened the door a crack.
Who had come a calling but Miss Carly Buchanan.
What the hell was she doing here?
Jed wasn’t the only one taken aback by the visitor. Mack, coming out of the barn,

stopped short and gaped.

Jed opened the door and stepped outside.
“Will you take a look-see at who’s here?” Mack said, coming up on the porch. “It’s

one of the whores from town.”

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Jed bristled. On any other occasion, the two men would’ve exchanged angry words.

The two girls were at his elbow, staring as if they’d seen a ghost.

Carly was dressed demurely in a high-necked shirt and a short velvet jacket in

green. A woolen skirt covered her gorgeous legs to the top of her boot. She wore a top

hat and veil that covered her face to the chin. Even with the veil hiding her finer

attributes, he could tell she wasn’t painted, and she’d shucked her bawdy jewels. Even

her hair seemed subdued, pulled back into a neat roll at the nape of her neck.

She sure was a sight to see.
Jed strode out to meet her. He reached up to help her off her mount.
She lifted her veil and cast him one of her smiles. “Why, Sheriff Poole, you are too


Damn if she couldn’t make him hard with just a look.
He lifted her out of the saddle and set her firmly on the ground. He caught a whiff

of her scent, something flowery and light, something a town lady would wear.

“You seem surprised to see me,” she said as she straightened her skirt.
“That I am.” His mouth twitched. She had no idea how much power she held over

him. He’d like to spend all day trading sweet talk with her but this was neither the time

nor the place for a flirtation.

The Crowley girls waited on the porch.
Carly didn’t waste any more time and stepped forward. “I am so sorry to hear

about your pa.”

“Don’t reckon they want your sympathy,” Mack said, his lips so tight across his

teeth, the blood had run out of them. “And I don’t reckon these ladies want you in their


Kate gaped at him with her mouth open and Jolie just stared.
Carly took the foreman’s disrespect in stride. “I apologize if this is an inconvenient

time to pay a call. I only wanted to offer you a bit of comfort. I brought you some things

I thought you might like to have.”

She turned to Jed. “Sheriff, would you be so kind to unload the basket I brought

with me?”

Their foreman stepped between Carly and the girls. “Take your basket and yourself

off of this property. Now.”

Carly sighed, managed a soft smile and looked fixedly at Kate. Jed couldn’t believe

her kindness, her persistence even after Mack’s insults. Carly had a whole lot more class

than she was recognized for. She might be a saloon dolly by trade but she had more

poise and grace than a pack of town ladies.

“I’m dreadful sorry for your loss. I don’t mean any offense coming here.”
Mack laughed. “I don’t reckon you don’t. Now get out off of this property before

you spoil these ladies’ respectability.”

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The hurt that flashed in Carly’s countenance was more than Jed could handle.
He lashed out at the foreman. “Now see here, mister, that’s no way to treat a person

who’s come to offer these girls condolences.”

“These girls don’t need nothing from this saloon gal and never will.”
“Shut up, Mack.” The dark look in Kate’s eyes flashed a warning she was about to

say something far worse than she’d let loose already on the man.

“Dad wouldn’t want us to treat anyone unkindly. It’s not the Christian way of

living.” It was Jolie who’d spoken this time.

The girl had dried her tears, Jed was happy to see, and dug deep for the grit she’d

need to survive this untamed land.

The foreman spat on the ground.
“Thank you, Miss…?” Kate spoke ladylike.
“Buchanan, Miss Carly Buchanan.”
“We are very much obliged for the basket.”
Jed untied the basket and carried it to the porch. He smiled. Kate Crowley could be

as mean as a snake but she’d not lacked hospitality when it counted.

“If there’s anything else you need, you just ask.” Carly spun around and sashayed

back to her mount.

Mack snorted.
Jed ignored him. It would’ve given him a great deal of satisfaction to choke the snot

out of the man. The town fathers might frown on such an action.

He helped Carly back into the saddle and muttered, “You shouldn’t have come.”
“I wanted to be helpful.”
“Thank you for coming all the way out here,” Kate said. “We appreciate your visit.”
“You can come again,” Jolie added. “We’d be pleased to have company.”
Carly settled her leg around the horn. There were tears in her eyes.
“I’ll see you in town,” Jed said to Carly. It’d taken courage to come to the ranch but

he never doubted she had guts.

She took the reins. “That’d suit me fine.”
Her horse stomped the ground, ready to get back to his feed, no doubt.
Carly leaned down. “Did they get a look at the hombres who did this?” Her voice

was no more than a whisper. She didn’t want the girls to hear.

“The older sister saw them but she didn’t recognize them.”
Carly shot a look at the girls. “That’s too bad.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ll find them.”
“I’m sure you will.” She straightened.
He wondered about the question. How had she known there was more than one


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She turned her horse’s head and started down the road. She rode with her back

straight and her head held high.

Jed watched until she disappeared around a bend. He’d like to have gone with her,

but he needed to take a look around.

“I’m dreadful sorry about the way Mack talked to Miss Buchanan,” Kate said.
“She’s from one of the saloons in town?” Jolie asked.
“That’s right. She owns the Lonesome.”
“Is she a friend of yours?” Jolie asked.
Jed exhaled. He hadn’t thought of what they had together as a friendship but why

couldn’t it be?

“I reckon she is.”

* * * * *

As Carly bounced down the empty road, she cursed herself for coming out to the

Crowley place. She’d put on this getup and posed as a concerned neighbor. Those girls

needed more than a saloon dolly to see them through the tough days ahead.

Her curiosity had gotten the better of her. She had to know if the two customers

who’d been bragging about killing a man had been the desperadoes who’d done in Mr.

Crowley. The oldest girl had seen them, Jed had told her. No doubt, she’d be able to

recognize them if they came back to town.

Maybe Tucson had seen the last of them. Maybe not.
She reached town at last, with a sore patootie and a cramp in her leg. Mr. Trumbull

met her in the yard of the livery. He grabbed hold of her horse’s bridle.

“Did you have a good ride?” he asked.
“I hadn’t realized how long it’d been since I was on top of a horse.” She lifted her

leg over the horn and slid off the saddle. It was a relief to have solid ground under her


The old man chuckled.
“I appreciate the loan,” she said. “Next time I get a notion to go anywhere, I’m

taking a buggy.”

Mr. Trumbull shook his head. She hadn’t told him where she was going, which was

just as well. She didn’t want to explain the whys and wherefores of her visit. Those

questions would be on everybody’s lips when they found out where she’d been.

She hobbled back to the saloon. The dry air sucked every drop of moisture from her

body. The heat this time of day kept folks off the streets. The mercantile was closed

until four o’clock. She’d have to come back later to pick up her package of corsets.

When she pushed through the swinging doors, she saw Gladys flinch and drop

something atop the bar. The dolly took one glance at Carly and then hurried up the


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Carly went to the bar to see what had caused Gladys to jump. The girl could be

secretive. O’Dell’s letter was still there. It’d been sitting unopened for the better part of

a week. She picked it up. Why didn’t she just read the damn thing to the others and get

it over with? They all blamed Carly for Big Jim’s poor treatment of O’Dell. She could’ve

spoken up when O’Dell needed her, but she didn’t. Who wants a coward for a friend?

After her treatment of O’Dell and with her not answering for so long, who knew

when a letter berating her for exactly what she was would come along.

She ripped the letter into tiny pieces and flung them into the sawdust. Some things

were better left to the past.

* * * * *

Jake’s conversation with Mack didn’t prove to be valuable. The man had been

cleaning out stalls when he heard the shots. All that he’d seen was a cloud of dust. Jed

didn’t like the man but didn’t find any reason to think he was lying.

He spent the next hour investigating tracks in the dirt. He came across a horseshoe.

The shoe could’ve come from the nag Carly borrowed from the livery. He’d ask Mr.

Trumbull when he returned to town. Then he’d ask the blacksmith if anyone had rode

into town on a horse that’d thrown a shoe.

One other thing nagged at him. Maybe it was nothing, but how had Carly known

there was more than one killer? She’d specifically asked him if the Crowley girls had

recognized the hombres—plural.

How had she known or had it only been a lucky guess? He didn’t recall the

wrangler who’d rode into town with the news Crowley had been shot mentioning how

many killers there were.

The coroner arrived with his wagon. Jed helped him load the body into the back,

adjusting the sheet to cover Mr. Crowley completely, as if in death the man needed

privacy. Both of them said a quiet prayer for the poor man’s soul. Mack didn’t show—

too humiliated by Kate’s sharp rebuke or too ornery, Jed couldn’t say.

“I’ll be leaving you now,” Jed told the girls. “You want me to send someone out

from town to stay with you?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Kate replied crisply.
“Won’t be any trouble.” Genuine worry prompted the offer. Those two men who’d

shot their father could come back—although he doubted they would—and they’d have

no protection.

Kate planted her hands on her hips. “We’ll manage.”
“I don’t think those men will return.” Jed shifted his feet. “They got what they came


“We put Father’s loaded Winchester by the door,” Jolie said. “We both know how

to use it if the killers return.”

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Jed tipped his hat. He’d no doubt at all they could handle a weapon and wouldn’t

be shy to use it. But two men bent on killing would be more than they bargained for.

Of course, they had Mack to defend them. Jed huffed. The son of a bitch would be,

no doubt, useless in a fight.

He bid the Crowley girls farewell. He had two murderers to catch.

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Chapter Eight

Carly returned to the mercantile to pick up her package. Mr. Finney guessed right

away where she’d gone. He’d sold her the basket of dry goods.

“Does Jed know who the murderer is?” he asked as he set the bundle on top of the


Carly shook her head and kept tight lipped about what she’d seen out at the

Crowley ranch. She didn’t want to talk about a man killed in cold blood and two

daughters left grieving.

“I imagine those two girls will go back East where they belong.”
Carly scoffed. If they didn’t, what choices were open to them? The ranch didn’t look

prosperous and that foreman of theirs would be gone by the end of the week. Those

girls seemed scared. Did they understand how close they were to becoming saloon

dollies? If they had family, then that’s where they belonged. Perhaps her life would

have been different if she’d had a family to turn to. As a businesswoman, Carly picked

up on the girls’ curvy figures and pretty faces, but she didn’t want this life for them.

And truth be told, it was partly her fault their pa was dead. She’d known those boys

were up to no good, that they were after blood, and she did nothing.

“I’m sure I don’t know,” she told Mr. Finney. She grasped her large package

awkwardly in her arms. “If you’ll excuse me, my ladies are waiting for these new


Mr. Finney colored up and coughed.
Carly left him to his embarrassment. She knew the entire town would be talking

about the murder and most would pay their calls in the next day or two to comfort

those girls.

Carly was glad Jed was there to protect them until arrangements could be made to

send them to relatives. He struck her as the kind of man who would leave no stone

unturned. Would he ask her what she knew? What would she tell him?

Just thinking about all of this brought on a fierce headache.
The Lonesome was nearly empty at this time of day. Alvin wasn’t at his usual place

behind the bar. Four drovers played cards at a table in the corner. From the smell of

them, they’d been on the trail for some time. Their glasses were empty. She put her

package on the bar and picked up a bottle of whisky.

“You boys look thirsty,” she said. She filled their glasses, noticing how her hands

shook. Damn. She was going through withdrawal from the elixir.

One of them glanced up from his cards. “Howdy, Miss Carly.”

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Another one grabbed her wrist. She pulled away. “Aw, come on, darlin’. This

cowpoke needs a little loving.”

“Sorry boys but I’ve work to do.” She sashayed over to the bar and picked up her


“Maybe later?” he asked.
She shot him a sultry smile. “Only if you behave like a gentleman.” And have a bath.

If she thought they’d cooperate, she’d have every cowpoke bathe before hopping into

the sack.

“In bed, I can be anything you want.” The others slapped him on the back and


Carly climbed the stairs on shaky knees. She was barely to her room when she

collapsed, her stomach cramping something fierce.

“No,” she croaked, and managed to crawl to her bed. Sweat broke out over her

whole body, and yet she was cold.

Ester rushed in, clucking her tongue. “I warned the sheriff. I did. Told him not to

mess with your medicine.” She swiped a cold, wet cloth on Carly’s forehead. “Now

you’re gonna be sick for sure.”

And she was. Carly leaned over and vomited into the waiting chamber pot until she

was a limp, cramping mess.

She wanted to die. The only thing that could save her was the elixir. Damn Jed for

taking it away!

It was nearly suppertime two days later when Carly finally felt she could muster up

the gumption to get out of bed. She hoped Ester had made some soup. A good meal

might calm her nerves a bit. Except Carly didn’t have much of an appetite for victuals,

but a powerful yearning for some of Dr. Baxter’s Eight-Day Elixir. Food would have to

quell the thirst tonight. Her hands shook and her head pounded. She hated the feeling

she got when the elixir left her body. At least the sweats and cramps had stopped. She’d

been no good to anyone the past couple of days.

She swiped a shot of whiskey, letting the sour liquid burn down her throat. The

stuff did nothing that the opium-laced elixir could do, but she hoped it would suffice.

When Alvin offered her up another shot, she shook her head. As much as she wanted

to, she really had no taste for liquor. Only Dr. Baxter’s would do.

When would the doc return to Tucson? He surely was taking his sweet time making

his deliveries. She grew impatient with his absence—the headaches were coming on

stronger. She couldn’t go on much longer with no elixir in her blood.

The other girls had gathered in Miss Lorraine’s room and were draped across the

bed. O’Dell had taught Miss Lorraine how to read and write and she was reading to

them from a penny dreadful.

Big Judith sat on a chair, knitting. The click of her needles provided a steady beat.

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Wasn’t this just the picture of domesticity? They were a family, Carly decided, good

or bad. They stuck together, helped each other.

Those Crowley girls had lost their pa and Carly recognized their fear. She’d been a

lot younger when her pa died, she couldn’t even remember his face, but she’d never

forgotten how frightened she’d been. Grief for those girls’ loss coursed through her. She

hadn’t been insincere when she offered her condolences. Whatever happened, she

hoped they would know Carly hadn’t been lying about that. Regret filled her at not

telling someone what she’d heard. If she’d just been able to get a warning… Maybe

their pa would still be alive.

“Those corsets I told you about have arrived all the way from Paris, France.”
Gladys squealed. The women made room on the bed.
Carly set the package down and tore at the brown paper, revealing white, vanilla-

scented tissue paper sealed with wax. She carefully picked off the wax. It was difficult

to come by and cost dearly. She’d be able to use it again.

The first corset exceeded every expectation. The women oohed and aahed when Carly

held it up. Made of red satin and trimmed in black lace, the heavily boned garment was

exquisite It even smelled good—like jasmine flowers from the Orient.

“That one’s mine,” Gladys said and she lunged for it.
Carly held the corset tight to her body. “I’ll keep this one.” She knew just the man

who would like seeing her wear it.

She left them to see herself in the mirror at the end of the hall. She could hear them

squabbling over the rest of the corsets and sighed.

The square of mirror had lost some of its silver backing but was adequate. She

didn’t recognize the woman smiling back at her. She could be mistaken for a

mischievous lady, if she wasn’t careful. Her smile faltered. Inside, she knew she was no


She laughed bitterly and shook her head as she unbuttoned her shirt and exposed

her throat and chemise. She removed the pin from her hat and took it off.

“That’s better.” Now she appeared exactly as she was.
“Did you say something?” Ester came down the hall holding on to that porcelain

doll she loved so much. The nose and cheeks were cracked but Ester wouldn’t hear of a


“Just talking to myself.” Carly laughed.
“I hope you’re hungry. I made enough soup for an army.”
“Good,” Carly said. She folded the corset in half, pleased with her purchase and

anxious to show it off to a very special lawman.

* * * * *

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The Crowley funeral was held three days later and all of Tucson came to the

graveyard to pay their respects. Carly and the other women of the Lonesome stood a

distance apart. Mr. Crowley hadn’t been a customer, but as a fellow citizen of the

territory, Carly decided they should attend.

The Crowley girls—dressed in black—were surrounded by their friends. Their

foreman glared in Carly’s direction before bowing his head at the freshly dug grave.

Carly spotted Jed, along with seven other men, carrying the wood coffin from the

coroner’s hearse-wagon.

The eight men put the coffin to the side of the grave. Jed and the others stepped

back. His expression was serious and he didn’t look as though he’d smiled in days. The

man had a hefty weight on his shoulders.

Carly wished she could go and stand beside him, massage the stress from his back.

She yearned to be with him. The ache was like none she’d ever known. And not just in a

sexual way. She wanted to comfort him, hold him, make him smile again.

Since leaving the Crowley place, she had wondered where he was and what he was

doing. Thought about what he’d found out, if he’d catch the bastards who’d done this.

She’d hoped he’d come into the Lonesome, if only to talk. Well, maybe for more

than talking. But if he only wanted to spar words, she’d be happy with that too.

Perhaps she was making too much of his smile, his caress, his manly attributes,

which were considerable. They were two different people—he upheld the law and she,

in her line of work, gave the law a little nudge in the opposite direction from time to

time. Nothing would change that.

Guilt about keeping what she knew about the murder a secret had left a scar.
The preacher started his speech, talking about how good a man and father Mr.

Crowley had been. His words brought a spate of tears from his girls. Carly looked

away, their grief was too raw for her to gape at.

The sun beat down without mercy. The preacher took out a handkerchief and

wiped his brow. He instructed the men to lower the coffin into the grave. Carly turned

and walked away, followed by Ester. She hated to watch a body be put into the ground.

It brought back painful memories—no more than flashes—of her mother and father.

She’d been a wee thing, no more than three—when they’d died. She always pushed the

memories aside. And she wasn’t about to relive them today.

“He will be missed,” Ester said.
“Yes, Ester, I’m sure he will.”
“Like we miss Big Jim?”
Carly scoffed. The saloon owner had tormented Ester until his dying day. She still

thought well of him. “Yes, like we miss anyone we love.”

Ester tilted her head and sighed. She often had difficulty understanding but this

time Carly believed she knew exactly what Carly meant.

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* * * * *

Jed didn’t stay for the substantial spread the ladies of Tucson laid on for the

mourners’ supper. He had considerable work to do finding the culprits who’d killed


He didn’t have any luck finding a horse with a missing shoe. Mr. Trumbull had

checked his horses and the blacksmith hadn’t any customers whose mount had thrown

a shoe in months. Neither man recognized the shoe Jed had found.

As he oiled his shooter, he realized he didn’t have much else to go on. Kate had

seen the pair but didn’t give much of a description. Cowhands and wranglers were in

plenty of supply and these two could’ve come from anywhere.

It occurred to Jed that the killers could be part of Vernon Crosby’s outfit. The gang

boss could be running a gun-for-hire operation. Time he paid a call on the Purdy clan.

The door opened and in walked Travis, his duster showing a good amount of dirt.
“Glad you’re in, Sheriff.”
“What’s on your mind?”
“I wondered if you had any more information about those men who robbed the

stage.” He pulled over the second chair with his boot and sat.

“Can’t say I’ve made any progress.”
Travis huffed. He’d a fair amount of interest in the robberies, Jed decided, more

than the average man. He’d been the first person to offer help and now Jed wondered


“Have you had a talk with those girls over at the Lonesome? Just about every

wrangler and freight man finds himself at the saloon. Maybe they heard something?”

Jed thought asking the dollies a good idea. He’d been too distracted by Carly’s

extensive charms when he was at the saloon to bring up the subject.

“I’ll do that.”
“What do you say we head over to the hotel for some grub?”
Jed finished with the gun oil and wiped his hands on a scrap of feed sack. “Naw,

I’ve got some work to do.”

Travis stood. “You’ll let me know if you find anything?”
“What’s your stake in this?”
“Guess there’s no harm in telling you,” he said. “I’m a bounty hunter. Those men

have a sizeable reward on their heads.”

Jed didn’t much like bounty hunters but he’d make an exception in Travis’ case.
“Those men are ornery. You won’t be able to take them on without help.”
“I reckon so.” Jed chuckled. “Two of us would make it just about a fair fight.”
“Sound about right to me.” Travis said goodbye and left.

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Before he left town for the Purdy spread, Jed heeded Travis’ advice. He wanted to

see Carly and ask her if she’d had any big spenders at the saloon.

There wasn’t a time in the last couple of days when he hadn’t been reminded about

how much he missed her.

Jed looked behind him. The Crowley foreman hurried down the boardwalk.
Jed scowled. “What do you want?”
He stuck out his hand. “Hope you don’t hold what happened at the Crowley place

against me. Just that I’m protective of those girls. I don’t want to see any harm come to


Jed had been plenty sore at the man for what he’d said to Carly. He sure felt bad

about how she’d been treated. He was sure she’d put the incident behind her. She

wasn’t the type to dwell on what couldn’t be changed.

“That’s admirable.” Jed shook his hand. He didn’t know whether to believe him.
“I’ve thought of something, something important.”
Jed frowned. If it was so important, why had he waited to tell anybody?
“I was in the Lonesome last week, in fact the day you arrived in Tucson. There were

two ne’er-do-wells asking where the Crowley place was.”

Jed didn’t like what he was hearing.
“Didn’t think much of it at the time. Strangers were always asking old man

Crowley for work.”

“Do you remember what the men looked like?”
Mack scratched his beard. “For the life of me, I can’t recall. Two cowpokes the same

as all the rest.”

“Did they say where they were from?”
“Said they’d been in Nogales.”
Jed would bet his bottom dollar they worked for Vernon Crosby.
“If you think of anything more,” Jed said. “You know where to find me.”
“Yes sir. I’ll be sure to do that.” He backed away. “I gotta be going. I drove those

girls into town. They’ll be wanting to return home before dark.”

Jed watched him retreat. He didn’t like the man. Could he trust him?
He believed the men who’d killed Crowley had spent time in the saloon. It didn’t

mean Carly knew about them being there. He was pretty sure she would’ve told him.

Heck, with all strangers passing through, a couple of cowpokes wouldn’t have stood

out. Even still, he needed to ask her what she remembered, if anything, of them.

He reached the batwing doors of the saloon. The place was crowded. Nothing like a

funeral to bring men in for a whiskey and a poke. He hesitated before pushing his way

inside. He needed to be careful. He didn’t want Carly to think he was accusing her of


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But what if she was involved with Crosby and his men?
The notion twisted in his gut.
That got him thinking about her ride out to the Crowley ranch the day of the

murder. He’d thought it was a neighborly thing to do but he could be wrong. Had she

come all that way to deliver a basket of food and give her condolences or had there been

another reason?

He couldn’t set his doubts aside. She could even be Crosby’s woman. His blood ran

cold at the thought.

Jed stepped back from the door. If she was, he’d been played for a fool. Her

lovemaking and sweet talk had a sinister purpose. The gang had brought death and

destruction to their town. They had to be stopped. He hoped she wasn’t part of this.

He pushed through those doors, determined to get some answers. Town folk stood

at the bar talking.

Alvin was pouring whiskey. “Howdy Sheriff. Haven’t seen you in the Lonesome for

a while.”

“Miss Carly here?”
“Yes sir, the girls are upstairs.”
“Buy you a drink?” the Mayor asked. “You look like you could use one.”
“Not just now,” Jed replied. He was itching to hear what Carly had to say.
He shot up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

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Chapter Nine

Carly stripped off her gown and chemise, standing naked except for her stockings

and garters. She had a full house downstairs but she dreaded going down. Her

customers would expect a good time. Putting on a smile just wasn’t in her tonight. She

kept thinking about those two Crowley girls in their black dresses. What was going to

happen to them?

Much as she tried to forget about the murder, she couldn’t. Jed might even consider

her an accomplice.

She picked up the red and black velvet corset. Each one of the new corsets laced up

in the back but hooked up the front. That way all the dollies could easily dress and

undress themselves.

The special-order corset needed to be paraded around and she was the gal to do it.
Wrapping the corset around her, she sucked in a breath and pulled the boned fabric

together in the front, clasping the first hook in the middle. The laces could be a smidge

tighter, making her breasts appear fuller, but she’d have to be happy with the way they


She finished up the rest of the hooks, adjusting her breasts so they spilled just the

right amount out of the top, giving a man what he came for.

The long mirror at the end of the hallway didn’t lie. The new corset gave her body

the shape she desired. And showed off her creamy flesh in all the right places. The black

lace had been sewn to reveal a woman’s secret places.

Between her thighs, her naked curls were obvious. Customers loved to see her

dressed in just a corset, black stockings and frilly garters. Loved that they could fuck

her while she sported it.

She loved nothing more than to be fucked while she wore naught but a corset too.

There was something so sensual about the satiny fabric against the skin.

She struck a pose—her hip jutted to the side, her hand behind her head—and

offered the mirror a practiced expression.

Footsteps interrupted her. She whirled around and saw the man she’d been

dreaming about pleasuring from the moment she woke up.

“What the—” Jed’s mouth fell open, his words cut short as he gaped at her. His

eyes turned from dusky gray to black, burning coals as his gaze devoured her.

She advanced slowly toward him so he could get a good look at her. “Why Jed

Poole, I’m surprised to see you.”

His throat bobbed when he swallowed. He glanced from her face to her breasts to

her cunny, up to her thighs and then back up again. Like a little jig. She laughed.

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“Well? What do you think?” She turned around slowly, seductively, showing him

her naked buttocks with the V of the back of the corset resting at the top of the crack of

her ass. Almost like an arrow.

“I… I…” He cleared his throat.
She enjoyed his discomfort. The tease was her art. “Speak up. Don’t you like my

new corset? I put it on with you in mind.”

“Yes.” He stepped forward and she strutted past him.
“Just yes?” Glory be, she loved to toy with him. When she reached the doorway of

her room, she placed her hands at her waist and stood with legs spread apart. There

was an invite no man could ignore.

She would pleasure him until he was robbed of his senses, until he begged her to


He followed her inside and tossed his hat on the bed. “I like it. You know I do.”
“How much do you like it?” she asked in a husky voice.
Jed’s lips curved into a wicked smile. “I like it a lot, Carly. Want me to show you

how much?”

She smiled—aroused like the wanton woman she was. “I surely would. But it will

cost you, Sheriff.”

His eyes narrowed a bit and he swaggered closer, close enough to touch her.

“What’s the price?” He traced a finger along the rim of the black lace at her breasts.

There was no mistaking what he was after.

She licked her lips, ready to do anything he wanted. “I’m not asking you for


“Good ‘cause I don’t have much.”
Wasn’t that a sorry state of affairs, she mused. Of all the men she could’ve fallen for,

she picked a poor lawman.

“What do you want, Carly?”
“What you and you alone can give.” She walked over to her bed.
He kicked the door shut. “That’s no problem.”
He unhooked his gun belt and set it on the bedpost. He stood a foot away. She bit

her lip, excitement whirling through her limbs. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his

broad, muscled chest. God, he was perfectly built. She reached out, ready to inflame his

sinewy flesh.

A knock on the door interrupted her.
“Save some for the rest us,” a man’s voice said.
“Go away,” Jed replied.
She laughed. “Don’t scare away my customers, lawman.”
His nostrils flared. “You don’t need them.”

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Carly realized what he was saying. “Just because you’re getting a free poke, don’t

mean I can turn away others.”

“Yes, you can.” His expression was serious, daring.
She didn’t like the fantasies that flitted through her mind. She wasn’t that kind of


“I do have to work or I can’t pay my bills. You know I have a lot of people who

count on me.”

“Forget about those other men. Forget about the Lonesome.”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I can’t and you know that.”
His jaw muscled flexed. “So you’re telling me you’re gonna fuck some other

cowpoke tonight?”

“Honestly, Jed, probably more than one.” She was being brutal. And it hurt to make

such an admission, because if she was being truthful with herself, she didn’t want to

sleep with anyone but Jed ever again. The sheriff would do just fine for the rest of her


Except love didn’t pay the bills.
She could tell by his dark look, the angry flash in his eyes that he wasn’t going to

give up. She straightened.

“If I had my way, you wouldn’t have to do this kind of work ever again.” His voice

was low, almost a growl.

She should be flattered by his possessiveness. He wanted her all to himself. She’d

not thought him the kind of man to be demanding.

But the Lonesome was more to her than matter of survival.
“Tell me you’ll give up the saloon.” He wasn’t asking, but commanding her.
She snorted. “And do what?”
“Open some other kind of business.”
If that just didn’t beat all. “What kind of work do you think I’d be suited for?”
His mouth twisted into a frown. Obviously, he couldn’t think of an answer.
There could only be one explanation for this sudden behavior. He was trying to

reform her, turn her into one of those straitlaced town ladies he could be proud to walk

beside in public.

“This life is all I know,” she said. “I won’t quit. You do understand what I’m


He shook his head, frustration flashed on his face. Disappointment pulsed clear to

her toes.

When he spoke, his voice was gravelly, like he held back emotion. “I thought we

had something special but I was wrong.”

“Really? You don’t own me.” Anger simmered on the surface.

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He stood in front of her, bare-chested and balls straining against the buttons of his

britches. “This is no life for you, Carly.”

“You make it sound so simple.”
“I think you don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re smart. You’re about the

prettiest thing I ever did see. There are plenty of ways for you to make up the money

you take in by fucking any cowpoke that shakes his prick at you.”

Now he was being crude and spiteful. How could he give her a compliment just to

pull it back with vile words?

“I think it’s time you left, Sheriff.” She had to suppress her urge to slap him, shove

him hard in the chest.

He didn’t protest, but shrugged on his shirt. “You think about what I said.”
The nerve! “I already have. Now leave me alone.”
He picked up his gun belt and buckled it on.
What he’d said touched her more than she cared to admit. She didn’t want to be a

whore for the rest of her days. He offered her hope but he had no idea how much his

hope for her hurt. Because deep down, as much as she wanted to reach out and hold on

tight to a future with him, she knew she couldn’t.

She slumped back on her elbows. The bed creaked and brought his attention back

to her. This wasn’t how she planned her evening. Why did he have to go and spoil


“I’ll be downstairs.”
“Suit yourself,” she said defiantly.
He snorted. “’We have business to discuss.”
“It’s hard for me to concentrate when you’re looking like that.”
“You’ll have to try harder, Sheriff Poole.” Seduction crept back into her voice. This

was her life and he’d better get used to it. She leaned back on her elbows, tucked her

knees to the side, giving him plenty of view of her legs but hiding her wet cunny.

His nostrils flared with a mix of desire and anger. “Back to being a whore?”
She hadn’t seen him so mad before. She took no pride in seeing him angry. “If it’ll

help, I’ll put on a wrapper.”

He stayed her with eyes blazing.
“What’s got into you?”
He buttoned up his shirt and tucked it into his britches. He was fighting for control,

that was plain to see.

The attraction between them was always at a molten level. No in-between. She was

either screaming for him to come inside her or wanting to punch him—and then toss

him to the ground where she could ravage him.

“Let’s not fight.” She lay back on the pillows. “I’d much rather have fun.”

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“I’m a man. I find you to be hotter than hell. I can’t be with you without thinking

how I want to take you to bed. How I want to take you home and wake with you in my

arms each morning. But I can’t stop thinking about whose gonna come into this room

after I leave. You’ve struck me, Carly. You’ve hit me hard.” He tapped his heart. “I’m so

fucking jealous of any man who glances your way.” He picked up his hat and jammed

it on his head. “So yeah, we’ve got some business to discuss and it’d be better for you to

have some damn clothes on.”

With his tirade over, Jed stalked to the door, opened it and slammed it shut behind

him. Carly jumped.

“What was that about?” She wished O’Dell were around so she could ask her what

she should do. O’Dell always gave out good advice. But O’Dell wasn’t here. Carly’d

been left to her own devices.

His request had been unreasonable. She wouldn’t give up the Lonesome. The

saloon was all she had. Was he trying to make her respectable? She shook her head.

Maybe it was for the best they broke off their lovemaking before he started making too

many demands?

Damn. She had no idea how to proceed from here. She wasn’t sentimental. Her

talent was to make the customer believe he was important to her. Jed Poole had turned

the tables on her. She got the impression she was important to him, when he called her

gorgeous and smart he meant it.

He could arouse her with one look. She was melting just thinking of him. Yer getting

soft in the head, she told herself.

What was she supposed to do about the sheriff? She wished she could have a

swallow of Dr. Baxter’s Eight-Day Elixir. Better to feel nothing than all this turmoil that

roiled through her.

* * * * *

What the hell had he been thinking?
Jed knew he was a total maggot for the way he’d just treated Carly. He’d let his

jealousy run rampant and he’d said things he now regretted. He walked wearily up to

the bar and held up his finger for a shot of whiskey. Alvin poured him a glass. He

picked up the glass and looked around, wondering which one of these ne’er-do-wells

would bed Carly tonight.

He chugged the shot and motioned for another.
Alvin filled the glass to the brim. He emptied the glass in one gulp. He again raised

his finger for another. Better he drown his sorrows than think about Carly and what

she’d said.

He ought to go apologize, but for what? She didn’t see things his way. He shook his

head and tossed down another shot of comfort.

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“Drowning your troubles, Sheriff?” Big Judith sidled up next to him. Her breasts

were beyond overflowing tonight. If she sneezed they’d hurt somebody.

“Yeah.” Jed leaned on the bar.
She chortled. “Maybe none of my business but a relationship with a dolly ain’t easy.

You know, my man left me after a time. Liked that I was paying his way but couldn’t

handle sharing me with other men.”

He scrutinized the dolly as he downed another shot. Had she heard them arguing?

Or was his love for Carly Buchanan that obvious?

The whiskey was starting to taste a lot like water.
“I appreciate what you’re saying but this is different.”
She laughed, a loud and boisterous noise that came easily. “You got balls, I’ll give

you that. Carly’s a beauty to be sure, and a heart o’gold, she has, but she’s got needs,

Sheriff. And I don’t mean her naked self doing the nasty.”

Big Judith laughed again, her entire body shaking, and then walked away, grinding

against the men as she passed the card tables.

Damn, his whiskey really was tasting like water. He glanced down at the shot glass.

It was water.

“Sorry about that, Sheriff, but it looked like you needed something other than

whiskey.” Alvin wiped the spot where the glass had been.

Jed glared at the barkeep, who didn’t make any apologies. Instead he tended to

another cowpoke at the end of the bar.

“What kind of saloon is this?” He spoke loud and slurred his words. His mind was

too muddled to care.

“Thought I threw you out of here.”
He turned to see Carly standing behind the bar with a pitcher of water. Her eyes

twinkled with humor. He hadn’t even seen her come down the stairs.

“How long you been standing here?”
“Long enough to see you rotting your guts.”
“I’m drinking whiskey tonight.”
“Why Sheriff Poole, Alvin always serves law enforcement our best.” She leaned

close enough for him to smell her perfume. “The whiskey that hasn’t been cut.”

He set the shot of water down, tossed his Stetson on the bar and then dragged his

fingers through his hair. The change in her was remarkable. The firebrand who could

charm a man out of his good sense had returned. Was he just another customer to her?

She was wearing the dark-red satin dress over that fancy corset she set so much

store by. The dress was his favorite. The color reminded him of the desert heat. So did

the touch of her skin.

He didn’t need any false courage to admit how glad he was to see her. He needed

to make amends. “I don’t know how to say this, but—”

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“Shh…” Carly placed her finger on her lips, and brushed up against him. “You

don’t have to explain.”

He didn’t move. Her gown was cut low enough to show off that body. He pulled

her finger away, holding her hand in both of his. Flirting came natural to her, he had to

admit. Even acknowledge. There was no way he would be able to change her.

“I have something to say.” He’d never get another moment like this. “I acted like a

rutting boar upstairs and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things. The truth of the

matter is, I let my jealousy get the better of me. Carly, I’m—”

“Don’t. I heard what Judith told you. She’s wrong. There’s no more to me than

what you see. I’m a whore and not ashamed to admit it. So I’m not the type of girl you

can settle down with.”

“I shouldn’t have called you that.” Jed’s heart was about to rip from his chest at the

look of pain that flashed through her eyes.

“Why not? You’re an honest man, Jed.”
“Forgive me, please.”
“I’m not the type of woman anyone can trust or hold on to. You’ll just get hurt in

the end.” She smiled, to show no hard feelings, he reckoned, and pressed her other

hand to his cheek. “But I am the type of woman you can have fun with. And Jed, I do

have fun with you.”

He smiled in return but halfheartedly. She sure had a way about her.
Carly placed a kiss on his lips. Brief as the touch was, it left him intoxicated.
“I’d like to keep having fun with you.” Her voice was low, sultry.
Jed nodded. He’d laid down what he needed from her tonight but she’d rejected

him. Except she had come after him. She hadn’t let him leave thinking he meant nothing

to her.

And maybe, just maybe, he could convince her that they could be together, that she

was the type of woman a man could hold on to.

She pulled her hand from his and walked around the bar so she could stand beside


“You came upstairs for a reason, and not to stare at my cunny.” She looked at him


“It wasn’t a social call, that’s true.”
“It will be by the time you’re finished with what you came to say.” She lifted her

skirt, showed him her fine, shapely legs were bare. So were her creamy thighs, so was

her honeypot, which he’d romanced without regret and intended to do so again.

Jed cleared his throat. She tortured him with that body. Jed allowed she could have

her way with only a look.

“What were you saying about some business?” she asked sweet and playful. Jed

was about ready to bust out of his britches.

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“I have some questions about the Crowley case.”
Her eyes widened and she shifted her feet. Her kohl-blackened lashes fluttered.
He had a hunch she didn’t want to talk about Crowley. Could she be dreading what

his next words would be?

“I haven’t found those men who murdered him.”
She winced for a fraction of a second. “They must be long gone. Good riddance.”
Jed jumped on the telling signs. She knew something. “What can you tell me about


She looked away briefly and then returned to face him bold as brass. “What makes

you think I know them?”

“You were quick to come to the conclusion there was more than one killer out at the

Crowley ranch.”

He watched her. She didn’t appear jolted by what he’d just said. Either she was an

expert liar or he was wrong about her involvement with the killers.

“That don’t mean anything.”
“You’re telling me it was a lucky guess?” He spoke with contempt. He hadn’t

believed in luck since he’d lit out of Denver with two dollars in his pocket and the

notion he’d make a good lawman.

She frowned. “I don’t know why I said what I said. Could’ve been one man or two,

four or a dozen.”

“You don’t know who they are?”
“Why don’t we go upstairs?” She put her hand on his chest, branding him with her

touch. “I don’t want to talk about who killed Mr. Crowley.”

“I’ve work to do.” He’d asked her point-blank and didn’t get the reply he’d sought

after. He could tell she was hiding something. Had he misjudged her?

He hadn’t believed any of the palaver about her being the wrong kind of woman

for him. Could he have got it all wrong?

She wiggled closer, full of sass. “Is that the way it’s going to be?”
“That’s the way it’s got to be.” He lifted her chin, thought about kissing her and

decided against it. One kiss was never enough with Carly.

He picked up his hat, satisfied they had at least mended their fences, and walked

out of there.

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Chapter Ten

Carly collapsed into a chair, sure Jed hadn’t believed her when she told him she

didn’t know who the killers were. She rested her head against her fist, trying to think.

What was she supposed to do now? She could go after him and tell him about

overhearing the men talk murder. He’d understand, wouldn’t he?

The way he’d looked at her just now confirmed her worst fear. He didn’t trust her.

No surprise there. It was that way with everyone she got close to. When they found out

what kind of person she was, they were disappointed. It didn’t take long before they

left her high and dry.

Alvin turned his head as the doors swung open. Her heart took an extra beat. She

sat up and craned her neck. Had Jed come back?

“Why if it ain’t Dr. Baxter,” Judith said.
Dressed in a top hat and tailcoat, Dr. Baxter looked like a gentleman, Carly mused.

As long as she didn’t look too close. His frayed cuffs needed turning and there was a

button missing on his coat.

Carly licked her lips. The terrible headaches and shakes that kept her up at night

had begun to fade into dull thundering but the craving for some of his elixir never did.

Her heart sped up and blood thrilled through her veins, and not because she was

thinking about Jed or any man, but in anticipation of a drink. Dr. Baxter’s Eight-Day

Elixir was something she could rely on.

“Doc, I got a terrible pain right here.” Judith rubbed her ass and gave out a belly

laugh that would’ve shaken the plate-glass window if Carly still had one.

“Just the man I’ve been waiting for.” Carly rose from her chair and sauntered

toward the good doctor.

“I’m looking for Big Jim,” he said.
“Sorry, but Big Jim has gone to his reward.”
Dr. Baxter removed his hat and pressed it to his heart. “I’m real sad to hear such


“I’m the owner of the Lonesome now.” Carly spoke with a measure of pride and


“Is that a fact?” His curly eyebrows lifted.
She could see he was impressed.
“Why don’t you come on over and take a load off?” She took him by the arm and

led him to the table.

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“I’m here on business, ladies. Important business.” He sat and grabbed hold of the

lapels on his coat. Carly knew full well the nature of his business.

“Came all the way from Santa Fe. The good citizens begged me to stay but I told

them I had obligations to my friends here in Tucson.”

Judith slapped her knee and guffawed like a man. “You don’t say?”
“More like you were run out of town.”
Carly spun around. Jed stood in front of the doors, a scowl that could turn a sunny

day black and forbidding. The doors still swung on their hinges behind him.

Jed was probably right about why the man left Santa Fe. Damn, Jed was always


“Have you met the new sheriff, Dr. Baxter?” She spoke sweet as honey, trying to

bring Jed’s temper down a peg.

“No ma’am, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” He bowed and remained rooted

to the spot.

Jed didn’t come off as very hospitable—he just stared at the doctor, glaring, his jaw

muscles clenched. Carly had to do something fast.

“Where’s my manners? Alvin, bring Dr. Baxter a drink.” She turned to Jed. “I

believe you had important work to do?”

Jed stood his ground. “You’re not welcome in Tucson, Baxter.”
“He’s a guest of the Lonesome, Sheriff. I won’t have you mistreating him.”
Dr. Baxter lifted one corner of his mouth. His lopsided smile had no conviction.

“Just passing through, Sheriff. As soon as I take care of my business with these ladies,

I’ll be on my way.”

Carly couldn’t let him leave before she’d made a purchase. “Alvin, where’s that


Her barkeep scurried from around the end of the bar and placed a full glass in front

of the new arrival. Dr. Baxter’s gaze kept darting from the door to Jed and back. Beads

of sweat broke out on his upper lip.

Jed strode over to the bar, his spurs singing. He rested his boot on the rail.
She hated when he got all authoritative. If Dr. Baxter fled the premises, she’d never

see him and his elixir again.

“Don’t pay the sheriff any mind,” she told Dr. Baxter. She grabbed his shoulder and

pushed him down in a chair.

The good doctor bounced his leg and left his whiskey untouched.
Carly sat down beside him and leaned closer. “He’s not used to our kind of


Dr. Baxter nodded but didn’t look persuaded. He didn’t stop fidgeting. The man

was close to bolting, Carly realized. She must act fast.

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Judith draped a fleshy arm about the doctor’s neck. The smell of patchouli wafted

in strong currents from her body.

“If we could have a word in private,” Carly said quietly. She intended to buy what

the doctor was selling. The less Jed knew, the better off they’d all be. She couldn’t have

him emptying out her elixir bottles again.

Jed stared at them like a jealous lover. It had been a revelation to her when she

realized he didn’t want her taking care of her customers. Even more of a surprise that

he’d made such a confession outright. She shot him a look filled with a promise for a

good time. Later.

He downed a glass of whiskey in one gulp. He’d already had one too many and she

worried what he might do.

“Where’s your wagon?” Carly asked the sweating Dr. Baxter, keeping her voice


“Around the corner,” he mumbled.
“I’ll meet you there.”
Dr. Baxter stood and pulled down on his jacket. “If you ladies will excuse me.” He

nodded at Jed. “Sheriff. Alvin.”

Carly watched the man scurry out of there.
“Hope that’s the last we’ll see of him,” Jed said. He saluted her with his empty


Carly huffed. “You weren’t very friendly.”
“I don’t make friends with polecats.”
He wiped his mouth. His gaze breached her defenses as if he knew exactly what she

was thinking. It sent her nerves into a tizzy. Without a further lecture on the evils of the

elixir, he tipped his hat and ambled through the doors, in no particular hurry.

Judith crossed her arms. “Why did the sheriff go and spoil all our fun?”
“Because that’s what he does.” Carly shook her head. She hadn’t exactly defended

Jed but there was a small measure of pride in her for what he’d done. He’d seen Dr.

Baxter’s arrival and hadn’t hesitated to follow him into the saloon. He knew the man

was bad news and didn’t want him around Carly or the other women.

“Maybe he’ll pester somebody else for a change.” Judith wouldn’t stand down.
“Find something to cover yourself,” she told Judith. “The doctor is waiting on us.”
Alvin took a shawl off a hook and tossed it to her. Judith tied the shawl around her

shoulders. Peeking through the doors, they looked up and down the street for the

sheriff but he was long gone.

“What a prick,” Judith said under her breath. “I’d like to give him a piece of my


“You’ll do no such thing,” Carly answered. “Won’t do the Lonesome any good to

make an enemy of the sheriff.”

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Judith frowned. “I suppose.”
“Come on.” Carly pushed through the doors. They hurried down the boardwalk

and turned the corner. Dr. Baxter’s wagon was there. His nag munched out of a feedbag

and kept swishing his long tail.

Dr. Baxter poked his head out of the back of the wagon. “Got what you’re after

right here.”

“Sell me a case,” Carly said. “No telling when you’ll be back.”
He climbed out. “I’ll need cash. Silver dollars. Gold, if you have them.”
“Suits me fine.” Carly lifted her skirt and removed her reticule from her garter.

“You still charging a dollar a bottle?”

He rubbed his chin, as he watched her. “Price has gone up. I’ve had expenses.”
“How much?”
“Two dollars.”
Carly sucked in a lungful of air. “That’s twenty-four dollars.”
“Yes ma’am, and I’m firm on the price.”
Twenty-four dollars was a small ransom and not the amount of money she cared to

part with. However, she had to have that elixir. Carly peered behind her. Thankfully,

Jed hadn’t sneaked up behind them. She counted out the silver and handed it over. Her

reticule was sadly near empty.

Dr. Baxter squinted at the coins, rubbed each one of them between his thumb and

finger and then smiled. “Thank you kindly.”

Carly was losing patience. She couldn’t wait for the first taste of the elixir. “I’ve

paid my money. Where are my goods?”

He reached into the back of his wagon and brought out a crate of bottles. They

clinked together when he set them on the ground.

“Twelve bottles of the finest elixir this side of the Mississippi.”
“Save your speech.” Carly had what she’d come for. “Judith, help me heft this crate.

We’ll use the back door of the saloon.”

She leaned over to pick up the crate when she heard the spurs.
Judith dropped her end of the crate. Carly didn’t dare turn around.
“Well hello, Sheriff.” Dr. Baxter looked ready to pee his pants. “Would you care to

try some of my one-of-a-kind elixir?”

Jed growled low in his throat. Carly had heard that sound before. She shivered.
Dr. Baxter reached into the back of his wagon and brought out a bottle. “It’s on the

house. Yes siree. It’ll cure all that ails you.”

Jed walked up to him and knocked it out of his hand. The bottle fell and broke into

a hundred pieces, the precious elixir seeping into the dirt.

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Carly sighed. The smell of that elixir satisfied her senses like a favorite blanket on a

cold night. She sucked in a deep breath, ready to tell the sheriff to mind his own

business. They weren’t breaking any laws.

Jed’s nostrils flared. “I told you to git.”
Dr. Baxter withdrew his hand and shoved it in the pocket of his fancy trousers. “I

was on my way when these two ladies waylaid me. I won’t trouble you any further.”

Jed didn’t stop there. Carly watched with dismay as he shoved the doc aside and

emptied the wagon of its cargo.

“What are you doing?” Dr. Baxter didn’t try to stop him. “My elixir is perfectly


Jed ignored his pleas as he stacked ten crates of the elixir, ignoring the frantic

protests of her and Judith to let the doc go about his business.

Jed had gone to some dark place, she could plainly see. To her shock, he took out

his shooter and started firing at the crates.

Dr. Baxter covered his ears. Judith screamed. The commotion brought a number of

people into the side street as their sheriff proceeded to break every bottle.

Carly watched with horror as the contents of those bottles soaked into the hardpan.
She positioned herself in front of her purchase and pulled Judith closer. Jed’s gaze,

full of menace, frightened her.

“Step aside, Carly,” he said.
“You can’t do this, Jed.”
He grabbed her arm hard, murder in his eyes.
“You’re hurting me.” She shook free.
Judith did as he asked, stumbling as she joined the crowd of onlookers, but Carly

stayed rooted where she stood. He clamped both hands around her waist and picked

her up. Before she could protest, he swung her around and put her down next to Judith.

Her crate of elixir didn’t stand a chance against the wrath of their sheriff. He

overturned the crate and smashed each bottle against the side. When he finished he was

breathing hard.

“You’ll pay for this.” Spittle flecked Dr. Baxter’s chin.
“You’re done here in our town,” Jed told him. “Move on before I put you in a jail


Dr. Baxter took one last look at the bottles and the elixir-drenched ground. He

grabbed hold of the back of his wagon as if he might fall.

“I’ll not forget this.” Dr. Baxter was determined to get in the last word.
Carly had a few of her own.
“You don’t know what you’ve done,” she screamed at Jed. Her anger knew no

bounds. She was ready to explode. Her need for the elixir had only been worsened by

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the tangy scent of it filling the air and now she had none. And she was out twenty-four

dollars. The bastard!

Jed shook his head. “I can’t let you poison yourself. That shit is not something you

should mess with. It will surely kill you.”

“The elixir is for medicinal purposes. I’ve been taking it for years.” Her voice was

high-pitched, frantic, even to her own ears.

He scowled. “How is that working for you?”
Nothing would convince him, she realized. He always had to be right.
Her heart was heavy with revenge.
“We were just fine until you arrived in Tucson.” She turned to the crowd for

confirmation. The women were huddled together. The men looked at their feet. No one

agreed with her. She scoffed. They were all cowards.

She rounded on Jed, close to sobbing. She never cried. Never. What was


“Why can’t you leave me alone?”
He pushed his hat back on his head. “You want to run a business in the territory,

you need your wits about you. You know it as well as I do.”

“I thank you to keep your opinions to yourself. From now on, you’re not welcome

in my saloon.” She picked up her skirts and headed up the alley.

Jed’s words echoed in her ears the whole march back to the Lonesome. I can’t let you

poison yourself. That shit will kill you.

What did he know?
She pushed through the swinging doors and made it to her room just in time before

many years’ worth of pent-up pain and misery poured from her soul.

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Chapter Eleven

“You are going to pay for what you’ve done. You had no right!” Dr. Baxter shouted,

shaking his fist at Jed.

Jed stood his ground. “Get out of town, Baxter. I’ll not ask you again.”
The man turned splotchy. Spittle ran out of the corners of his mouth. “You’ve

destroyed my living. Where am I supposed to go?”

“What do I care? The hooch you were selling was bad medicine. People have died

drinking that shit.”

The man recoiled. “I’ve done nothing illegal.”
Jed gritted his teeth. Unfortunately, it was true. “Don’t matter. You won’t be selling

your elixir in Tucson anymore.”

“I’m gonna send for the U.S. marshal out of Tombstone. Just see if I don’t.”
“Go right ahead. I’m confident the marshal will agree with what I’ve done here

today.” Inside, Jed was seething. He took multiple calming breaths to keep from the

satisfaction of shooting the good doctor.

He knew all about Dr. Baxter and his kind, and quite frankly, he was surprised the

man hadn’t been strung up long ago. Jed would bet his bottom dollar, the bastard had

no medical training whatsoever. What he peddled was no good to anyone—selling his

laudanum-laced gin all over the territories was nothing more than stealing money from

folks who didn’t know any better.

And his damn elixir did kill people. Killed someone Jed had loved.
He could not believe that Carly had become a victim of such a scheme. He wanted

to shoot the doc all the more. He refused to go through the pain of losing someone else

to that dangerous substance. Flashes of a beautiful woman played in his mind. Her

smile, her laugh, twirling in a circle when Pa had bought her a new dress. Then his

memories turned dark. Ma stumbling around the room, guzzling from a small brown

bottle, tripping, falling…the breaking of glass. He could smell the blood, even after all

these years later.

“Sheriff?” Deputy Sam said in an uncertain voice.
Jed looked down at his hand. He’d cocked his shooter and was pointing it at Baxter.

The man held his hands up in front of him, shaking with fear, his eyes wide with

uncertainty. Jed swallowed hard, released the hammer and stuck the gun back in his


“Get out of here, Baxter. And don’t come back or I’ll put you in jail.”

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The man lowered his arms slowly. Obviously, he didn’t trust Jed, which made him

smarter than Jed had given him credit for.

“Oh, I’ll come back,” Baxter hissed. “I’ll come back with the law!”
“Around here, I am the law,” Jed said through gritted teeth. “Something you’d be

wise not to forget.”

Baxter muttered obscenities as he unbuckled his nag’s feedbag. The horse objected

by jerking his head, nearly knocking Baxter to the ground.

He recovered his balance and climbed aboard his wagon, cracked the whip and

started down the road. The wagon swayed as Baxter shouted a string of oaths at the

poor beast.

Jed was satisfied he’d seen the last of him. He took off his hat, wiped his neck with

his handkerchief and returned his hat to his head. Broken glass glinted in the sun. The

odor competed with the pile of horseshit.

Jed’d made a righteous mess but it’d been worth the effort. Nobody would die of

this home brew while he wore the badge.

“Sam, see if you can’t find some boys to help clean up this crap. I’ll buy a couple of

rounds for whoever helps.”

Sam nodded and turned to the crowd, ferreting out a few of his friends.
Jed walked slowly back to the jailhouse, suddenly overtired and drained. There

hadn’t been a down moment since he’d arrived in Tucson and he needed some rest.

What the hell had he gotten himself into, coming to such a lawless place? There didn’t

seem to be any end to the ne’er-do-wells who found their way to this town.

He’d made a vow, one he intended to keep.
As for Carly, no doubt he’d ruffled her feathers. He hoped she’d come to appreciate

what he’d done, seen it was for her own good.

* * * * *

Jed stood on the boardwalk outside the sheriff’s office a couple of days later, his

arms crossed over his chest as he observed the town. Things had been pretty quiet since

Dr. Baxter left in such a hurry. The citizens mostly kept to themselves, although some

gave him wary glances, but most just smiled—the latter most likely pleased with the

take-charge attitude he’d brought down on the criminal element.

But still, it was the wary glances that ate at Jed. Although he was confident he’d

done the right thing when he’d blasted up the bottles in the memory of his poor ma, he

still didn’t have everyone’s support. His emotions had gotten the better of him when

he’d destroyed Baxter’s stock. Baxter had been right—no laws had been broken.

Carly was wreaking havoc with his good sense. He knew better than to get

involved with her but she meant something to him—more than she should. He was fed

up with her excuses and her lies. He couldn’t stay away from her. She made him angry

but she made him hard. What was he going to do about it?

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Jed surveyed the empty street. The blazing sun made the air shimmer and wave in

front of him. Man, it was a hot day out. The little shade cast by the jailhouse gave him

no relief.

He was about to go back inside, when the sound of horses caught his attention. He

turned to see a couple of strangers riding. No one in their right mind traveled at this

time of day.

He stood straighter, called Sam and Jack outside in case there was going to be


One of the riders wore a top hat. Jed bristled. Baxter was back in town. But what

shocked him next was the glinting of metal shining from a marshal’s badge.

“What the hell?” he growled.
“Who is it?” Sam asked.
“Will you take a look at that? The doc is back.” Jack nudged Sam in the ribs. “And

look who’s with him—the marshal…”

Jed rolled his shoulders and took a deep breath. He was surprised to see the

marshal with Baxter. What the hell had the crook told the lawman that would entice

him to come to Tucson?

“Good day, Sheriff Poole.” The marshal tipped his hat.
Jed didn’t recognize him. “Marshal.”
“Told you I had cause to involve the law,” Baxter said.
Jed glared at the scoundrel but didn’t give him a greeting. He wouldn’t waste his


“Name’s Sutton, out of Tombstone.”
Jed’s attention shifted to the new arrival. “Marshal Sutton, you’ve come a ways for


“Mind if we come inside?” The marshal nodded his head toward the jailhouse.
“You’re always welcome, Marshal. Can’t say the same for your friend though.”

Jed’s muscles tightened as Baxter opened his mouth to speak.

Luckily the marshal held up his hand, cutting off the huckster before he got his two

cents in. “We’ll state our business inside. This heat is killing me.”

Jed ground his teeth and nodded. He turned to Sam and Jack. “You boys come on

in. I might need your help.”

They nodded soberly and followed him into the small building. What Jed needed

was two witnesses to the exchange between him and Marshal Sutton.

Jed went behind his desk. Sam and Jack moved to stand behind him just as he’d

taught them to do when trouble was brewing. He wanted the desk as a barrier. He

wanted the marshal and Baxter to know he was the law in this town.

“What can I do you for?” he asked as the marshal had a look around. He stopped at

the empty gun rack.

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He turned to Jed. “Well, Sheriff Poole, Dr. Baxter here claims his property was

wrongfully destroyed and he’s asking for compensation.”

“You traveled all the way from Tombstone for some broken bottles?”
“Seems, you were a bit violent, even threatening the man’s life.”
Jed smirked. He’d lost his temper, he wouldn’t deny it. “What Baxter says is true

enough. I’m not ashamed of what I did.”

“You…” Baxter started but the marshal cut him off again with a sharp glance.
The marshal smiled tightly. “Why don’t you let me handle this, Doc, all right?”
The crook’s high-and-mighty expression crumbled.
Jed took some satisfaction in seeing Baxter stifled. “He is not a real doctor,


“That is beside the point here today, Sheriff Poole. What is your response to these


“My response?” Jed made a fist. “What I did was fucking necessary.”
“So you don’t dispute any of the charges?”
“No sir, I don’t. I destroyed that poison to protect the citizens of my town.”
“Poison?” The marshal turned to Dr. Baxter with a raised brow.
“My elixir is not poison, it is medicine, and there are many folks who’ve found a

use for it.”

Jed seethed. He clenched both fists at his side. “There are many who’ve been

harmed from drinking the brew. I did this town a favor.”

The marshal grimaced. Hadn’t he believed Jed?
“I’d like to settle this without involving a judge,” the marshal said evenly. “Baxter,

are you willing to drop the assault charges if the sheriff here repays you for your loss?”

Jed gave the weasel no time to reply. “I will not pay him a red cent. The man is a

crook and a killer.”

“Sheriff, I can’t judge if what this man is selling is good or bad. What you did,

destroying his goods, was a violation of the law. I have no choice but to arrest you.”

Jed’s pulse took off at a gallop. “What?”
The marshal shook his head. “I can’t tell you how much I don’t want to do this,

Sheriff Poole. You’ve got a good reputation, from what people tell me. But it’s the law.

You damaged a man’s property, assaulted him and without proper cause. You admitted

to committing such acts. I have to put you in jail.”

“Like hell you will.”
Marshal Sutton rested his hand on the butt of his weapon. There was no room for

doubt he would use it.

Baxter’s lips curled into an evil smile.

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“I won’t take you back with me to Tombstone. I’ll keep you right here in your own

jail. Your two deputies can watch over the town and keep you apprised until I return

with the judge.”

Jed shook his head. He could not believe this was happening.
The marshal came around and tugged his arm. Sam and Jack looked bewildered

and confused. Jed went willingly to the cell, finding no other choice.

The marshal locked the cell door and pocketed the key.
“Marshal, this is ridiculous. I didn’t do anything but keep the people of this town

safe. We’ve got a gang harassing the town, murderers to catch and you’re going to toss

me behind bars for shooting up some damn elixir?”

Marshal Sutton exhaled. “It’s a damn shame, I agree. But the doc there’s got his

rights. Nothing I can do. Sit tight. I’ll leave in the morning. Shouldn’t be more than a

day’s ride.”

“You can’t leave me here,” Jed protested.
“You should have just paid the man.” The marshal turned to Sam and Jack. “You

boys get some rest, I’ll spend the night here. In the morning you’ll be standing watch.

You let him out of that cell and it’s your asses I’ll be taking before the judge.”

The two deputies paled and nodded vigorously.
Jed sat down on the cot. What he really wanted was to pick the thing up and slam it

against the wall.

“You’ll pay for this, Baxter,” he shouted from behind the bars.
“Not likely. You see, I’ve got the judge in my pocket.” Baxter was taunting him and

Jed clamped his mouth shut before he gave the bastard any more ammunition.

Baxter thanked the marshal and disappeared out the door.
Jed wondered if Baxter and the judge were more than recent acquaintances;

perhaps the judge was a customer. Jed’s luck couldn’t be worse. The judge would be in

Baxter’s debt and sure to be irate that Jed’d shot up a dozen crates of the elixir.

Jed’s mind raced for a solution. He couldn’t think of anything. How the hell was he

supposed to get out of this mess?

* * * * *

“Well isn’t this a surprise?” Carly exclaimed as Dr. Baxter sauntered through the

doors of the Lonesome.

He puffed out his chest for a moment and then, swiping his hands down the front

of his vest, he grinned at her.

“Miss Buchanan, I have returned.” He took off his fancy gentleman’s top hat and

swept a low bow.

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Carly took his arm in hers, leading him up to the bar. Much as the man disgusted

her, he was a customer. “The sheriff hasn’t set foot in here for a few days, so you’ll be

safe here.”

“I don’t ’spect he’ll be stepping anywhere for a while.”
A frisson of concern whipped through her, which surprised her. She was done with

the sheriff, or to be more accurate, he was done with her. What had happened in the

alley was her doing. Most likely, Jed would be slow to forgive her.

“What are you talking about?” she asked, trying not to sound too eager for the


Jed’s absence didn’t mean she didn’t think about him. Had he given up on taming

Tucson and left town? The thought had occurred to her.

“A shot for me, good man.” Dr. Baxter tapped the bar then turned to look at her. He

seemed to be in a very cheerful mood for a man who’d been banned from town.

“Tell me,” she said, resting her hand on his arm.
“Good to see you, Doc,” Blanche said with a wink. She lifted her skirt to show her

small feet and shapely ankles. “Need a little bed play?”

The doc took the shot Alvin left on the bar. “As a matter of fact, I do.”
“Wait a second, Blanche.” Carly wasn’t about to let him go without finding out

what he’d meant by his strange remark. “Answer me, Doc. What’s happened to the


“The man’s got a little trouble with the law himself.” He smiled—all self-important.

“Can’t go around destroying my Eight-Day elixir and get away with it.”

She didn’t want to care but what Dr. Baxter said upset her. He couldn’t be talking

about Jed Poole.

“Are you saying he’s been arrested?”
Dr. Baxter nodded. “That and put away in the jail, waiting on the judge.”
Jed must be livid. Her own blood started to boil.
“Speaking of my terrible loss, seeing as how it happened when the sheriff followed

you out back when you and I were transacting our business, I’m thinking of holding

you liable for some of that mishap.”

Carly planted a fist on her hip. “I beg your pardon?”
“Appears to me, you led the sheriff to my wagon.”
“So he could smash my purchase?” Carly scoffed. The man was an idiot.
Alvin set a full glass of whiskey in front of the doctor.
“Thank you kindly.” He downed the drink in one gulp and set the glass down on

the counter with a clink.

“If you recall I never did get back my twenty-four dollars.”
“We made a deal and you received your purchase. How was I to know the sheriff

would resort to violence?”

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Regretfully, the doc made a good point.
“Have you brought us some more of your elixir?” Blanche asked.
“I’m sorry to say I’ve not replenished my stock.”
“Pity,” Blanche said and she turned away.
Carly smelled a favor about to be asked. “What are you after?”
Dr. Baxter grimaced. “I need a place to stay. Somewhere to mix up a fresh batch of

my brew. What do you say? Seems to me that shed out back of the Lonesome will work

just fine.”

Carly wanted to shake the man. He was under the mistaken impression she owed


“You’ve come to the wrong place.” She turned away, disgusted. Jed would have her

hide if she helped the doctor.

“The marshal will be back with a judge in a few days, Miss Carly. I’ll be out of your

hair by then.”

“You’re a no-good snake, Baxter. I don’t want you around here.”
“Yeah? You and I are more alike than you think.”
She gasped. How could he make such a claim? “That’s a lie.”
“Maybe so.” The doc sucked his teeth. He seemed to be thinking. She had a mind to

throw him out on his ear.

“I tell you what,” Baxter said. “I’ll give you a free crate to make up for our


Tempting as it was, she shook her head. After Jed had destroyed Dr. Baxter’s elixir,

she made a vow to never take the stuff again. She realized the elixir had too powerful a

control over her. She didn’t need it.

“I don’t want any of your elixir.”
“Then I got no more to say except you’ll be sorry.” He grabbed Blanche by the


“What’s happened to you, Doc?”
“Hard times, my girl, hard times.”
She couldn’t risk getting mixed up in his schemes but she had an idea brewing.

Something that would benefit both of them. She’d have to let the doc use the shed and

ignore what he was doing in back of the saloon. She’d turn a blind eye to all of his

activities and hope he would be done and gone before Jed found out.

“You need a place to mix up your elixir but there’s something I need. Maybe we

could work something out.”

“What kind of deal are you offering?”
“Drop your charges against the sheriff and you can have the shed.”
“That don’t sound fair.”

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“I’ll pay you for what you lost.”
“In silver?”
She hesitated, knowing this meant she’d have to work extra hard to earn that type

of coin. “Yes.”

His eyes narrowed into slits. “If the sheriff is out of jail, he’ll be sure to come after


“We’ll leave him there until you’re done. I’ll give you twenty-four hours.”
“I need more time. Two days at the least.”
Carly didn’t see any harm in having the sheriff locked up for a couple of days

where she could find him. She stuck out her hand.

Doc eyed it thoughtfully.
“What do you say? You’ll get your money and your precious bottles of medicine.”
A sly smile curved his lips. “You drive a hard bargain.”
He shook her hand. She’d made a deal with the devil but she couldn’t be happier.

She watched as the weasel went up the stairs with Blanche, pinching her curvy bottom

as they mounted the steps. As soon as she heard the door click shut behind them, she

stormed out of the Lonesome. Dr. Baxter had pulled a fast one, having Jed arrested.

She’d bet her bottom dollar her man needed company.

* * * * *

“If you don’t quit pacing, you’ll wear a hole clean through the floor.” The marshal

drew a match across Jed’s desk and lit the stub of his cheroot.

“See here, Sutton, you got no call to keep me locked up.”
The marshal drew a deep breath and blew out a puff of smoke. “Why’d you get

yourself mixed up with the likes of Dr. Baxter anyway?”

“The man’s a menace peddling his elixir.”
“There’s no law says he can’t sell it.”
Jed snorted, madder than a bee-stung bull. “There ought to be.”
Sutton crossed his legs on top of Jed’s desk.
Jed took hold of the iron bars. “Don’t you have a judge to find?”
“All in good time, son. I’ll be off first thing in the morning.” He continued his

smoke, blowing rings that floated to the ceiling.

Jed collapsed onto the cot. He didn’t regret protecting the community from Dr.

Baxter. That was his job. Convincing the U.S. marshal was going to take some doing.

“Heard a gang of no-accounts shot up the town a couple of weeks back.”
“They’re wanted for bank robbery and murder now,” Jed replied. “Rancher by the

name of Crowley took two bullets in the back.”

“Any idea where they are?”

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“No, but I will find them.”
“That’s a tall order, considering you’re behind bars and likely to serve prison time.”
Jed frowned. “There’s no chance of that.”
Sutton chuckled. “You small-town sheriffs think you know all there is about taming

this territory.”

Jed reckoned he did. The marshal came off as a know-it-all prick.
Sutton took another draw on his cheroot. “Thought I’d take a look around for

Vernon Crosby and his boys while I’m here.”

Jed sat up and glared at him, wondering if this was the real reason the man had

come to Tucson. “I don’t need your help.”

The marshal shrugged. “There’s been a sizeable reward offered for the gang and I

aim to collect it.”

Jed couldn’t believe he’d let this cow pile get the best of him.
Just then, the door burst open and Carly stood in the entryway. She sure was a sight

for sore eyes. Sutton ground out his smoke with the heel of his boot.

She stared hard at Jed. Her pinched mouth told him somebody, hopefully the

marshal, was about to get an earful.

She turned to Sutton. “Why, you must be the marshal.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“My name is Carly Buchanan. I’m the owner of the Lonesome.”
“How can I be of help?” His mouth gaped as he perused her from head to toe,

bringing Jed to his feet.

Instead of showing the lawman her fury, she replied with a buttery smile. Jed knew

her flirtatious ways all too well, and how the marshal wouldn’t be able to resist. He’d be

damned before he’d let Sutton touch her.

“Am I to understand you’ve arrested our sheriff because of what happened to Dr.

Baxter’s wares?” Molasses dripped from every word.

“That’s why I’m here.” Sutton grinned.
“Surely there’s no need for Sheriff Poole to be in jail?”
“There’s been a citizen’s complaint. My hands are tied.”
Her hands fluttered to her breasts, drawing Sutton’s regard their way. “I’m sure

he’s sorry.”

“Honey, a man like him don’t know how to be sorry.”
She flapped her lashes. “Perhaps I can be of assistance?”
The marshal adjusted his britches to give his cock more room, which was—much to

Jed’s revulsion—jutting from his pants like an adolescent boy’s.

Jed didn’t know what she’d do next but he was certain seducing the marshal was a

very bad idea.

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She opened her reticule. “What is the fine?”
She drew out a handful of silver dollars.
Sutton eyed the money. “That’s for a judge to decide.”
She dropped the coins into her bag and pulled the strings tight. “Maybe there’s

something else that will convince you?”

Sutton sucked in his breath. Jed tensed. Was the marshal about to learn another use

for his handcuffs?

She looked back at Jed. All the things he’d come to admire about her, her

independent spirit and grit, wouldn’t be worth squat if she fucked the marshal.

“Best you go back to the saloon where you belong,” Jed said through clenched


She pursed her lips. Her eyes flashed a warning. He’d piss her off if it was the only

way to get her to leave.

“Maybe a jail cell is the best place for you,” she retorted.
Jed’s gut tightened. She’d turned the tables on him.
She faced Sutton. “Well, Marshal, I won’t keep you from your duties. You will stop

by the Lonesome? The first whiskey is on the house.”

“Yes ma’am. It’d be my pleasure.”
“Could I beg a little old favor from you?” She batted her lashes like the well-trained

seductress she was.

“Depends on what it is,” the marshal drawled. It appeared to Jed Sutton was

enjoying the conversation much more than he needed to be.

She leaned closer, giving Dutton an eyeful. “Could I have a few minutes alone with

the sheriff?”

The marshal frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I’d be so grateful. You can cuff me to the bars so I’ll be helpless to aid the sheriff in

an escape.”

Jed’s mouth went dry. What was she up to?
“There will be something in it for you,” she promised. “A night of fun with any girl

you like at the Lonesome. Surely a hardworking man like you needs to…relax once in a


The marshal’s eyes lit up and he didn’t even try to hide a smile. “I won’t cuff you to

the bars, but I will put you inside… And your purse stays here on my desk.”

“You are too kind, Marshal. We are all grateful you are here. We all are so much

safer with you protecting us.”

Sutton grinned. The cell door clinked as he used the key to open it and, pressing his

hand to the small of Carly’s back, he guided her inside.

“We’ll need some privacy,” she said, glancing over her shoulder at the marshal.

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“I’ll be back in fifteen. No more.”
Carly turned to Jed, her eyes soft. Whatever she’d come to say waited until Sutton

left the room and shut the door behind him.

Jed opened his mouth to speak but she pressed her finger to his lips. “Let me talk

first.” She took a deep breath, pulled his hands into her grip and brushed her thumbs

over his palms. “I’m sorry, Jed. I’m sorry for what I said. You’re right about my

addiction. And I want to change that.” She searched his face. “I won’t drink another

drop of the elixir.”

Jed pulled her into his embrace, wrapping his arms around her warm body, loving

her soft swells against him. “I was hoping you’d realize what that brew was doing to


“Do you accept my apology?”
He nodded against the top of her head. “I have my regrets as well. I shouldn’t have

talked to you so rough. I should have dealt with Baxter differently too.”

Carly glanced up at him, entreating. “But you see, that’s what knocked some sense

into me. I was surprised when you lost your temper. It’s not like you.”

She reached up and brushed his cheek.
“I lost someone from the drink. My mother.”
“Oh,” Carly gasped. “How awful.”
Jed nodded, hardening his jaw. He hated to talk about it. Luckily, Carly seemed to

understand and didn’t ask any more questions.

“We only have a short time…” A wicked glint shimmered in her eyes. “What do

you say we make the most of it?”

“You still wearing that new corset?”
She nodded and bit her lip in a way that made him want to suck the pink flesh into

his mouth. She stepped away from him and lifted her skirts up to her waist, striking a

pose with her pretty long legs. Jed’s cock jumped and blood rushed to his head.

The sprinkle of hair covering her cunny glistened. “Fuck me, Jed. Good and hard.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice.”
He gripped her hips and yanked her toward him. His mouth descended upon hers

in a move calculated to be both possessive and carnally demanding. God, how he

wanted her, wanted this. She responded immediately, opening her mouth to him, her

tongue thrusting and swirling. Never before had a woman enticed him like she did—

responded to his touch with such blatant enthusiasm. She gyrated against him and

gripped his ass. Goddamn, she was delicious, full of wanton passion. And need—for


Jed’s blood pumped with urgency, firing sparks of something intimate, something

new. Fear tried to take hold, but he thrust it aside. Nothing would ruin this moment.

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He lifted her skirts higher, brushing over the silky skin of her belly. He slipped his

fingers between the wet folds of her cunny lips until he found her slit, taking delight in

her sensual sighs. He plunged three fingers into her slick, hot channel, growling when

she moaned into his mouth. She was so gloriously wet and ready for him.

Carly pulled away suddenly, held her skirts high and showed him her rounded,

firm buttocks. He sucked in his breath, not quite sure what she would do next.

Anticipation ran rampant through his veins like a bucking stallion.

She gripped the cell bars.
“Take me from behind, Jed. Take me now.”
She didn’t have to tell him twice. A low, feral noise issued from his throat as he

stepped forward, yanked the buttons open on his britches. His cock surged forth, full,

heavy and ready. He gripped his cock, rubbed it between her cunny lips to touch her


“Jesus, woman…” he trailed off on a grunt. She felt so damn good against his cock.

His basic instinct was to plunge deep and never stop.

“Oh, yes!” she moaned. Her head was turned to the side, pressed against the bars

so he could see her eyes closed in ecstasy, see her bite and suck at her lips. It only made

him harder. One of her hands clutched at her breast and the other pressed between the

folds of her cunny. “Hurry!”

“Yes ma’am.”
He slipped the head of his cock inside her and plunged forward, deep and hard.

Her cunny enclosed around him throbbing, clenching. Carly rolled her ass back and

forth, which increased his pleasure.

Jed gripped her tight and thrust faster and faster. The slapping of their flesh echoed

through the cell. As carnal and base as their coupling was, it meant so much more. A

deep connection was felt between them, not something Jed had ever thought he was

going to have.

“Oh, Jed! Harder!”
He wasn’t sure he could drive into her any harder but he made an effort to plunge

deeper, faster, to swivel his pelvis with each thrust. She moaned louder, panting. She

propelled back to meet his thrusts again and again. Just when he thought he wouldn’t

be able to last another second, her cunny blessedly fluttered and quickened.

She let out a smothered scream, “I’m coming! Oh, yes!”
Jed let his body, his desire, take over then. He lost control, riding her like a bucking

bronco until his release exploded not just from his cock, but from his entire body. Even

his mind, his feelings for her seemed to explode in that moment. His torso fell forward

to rest against her back as he tried to catch his breath—from the exertion and his


“You sure know how to take a girl for a ride,” Carly teased.
“Damn, woman. I think it was the other way around.”

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Carly chuckled. Jed pulled his spent cock from inside her, and tugged up his pants.
“There will be more of that and then some when you get out of this cell.”
“I hope I’m out soon then.”
Carly adjusted her skirts and smiled, opened her mouth to say something else as

the marshal walked back in.

The air smelled of sex and Jed thought it might even smell of his desperate need for

her There was no way the man wouldn’t figure out what had gone on inside the cell

while he’d been gone, and judging from his crooked smile, the marshal knew well and

good. He opened the cell door and Carly sauntered out.

Adios, Sheriff.” She turned to the marshal. “I expect we’ll see you real soon at the


The man nodded and Jed could only watch with breath held as Carly sashayed

from the room.

Sutton whistled. “There goes the sweetest ass I’ve seen in a coon’s age.”
Jed would like to take complete ownership of that ass so no other man would ever

touch her again, but such thinking was a fool’s dream. Carly belonged to the Lonesome,

and he belonged to the badge. She’d known it all along. He’d been too stubborn to


Still, he was mighty happy she’d been willing to come down to barter with the

marshal about getting him out of this cell—even if it didn’t work. He was happy they’d

made their apologies. More than happy they’d rutted like animals.

Jed exhaled. “How long do you think this is gonna take?”
“The sooner the better in my opinion.” Sutton unstrapped on his shooter and set the

weapon on the desk. “The little Miss and I have business to attend to when I return.”

Jed seethed but he couldn’t let on.
He settled in the chair, propped his legs on the desk and pulled his hat down across

his eyes. “Come morning, I’ll be on my way.”

Jed lay down on the cot and put his hands behind his head. He was in a bind and

didn’t know what he could do—inside of the law of course.

He only hoped the Crosby gang would stay out of town while he was cooped up

like this. He’d pass the time thinking about Carly, how they had a mighty good time

when they were together and what he would do to her next.

* * * * *

Carly lifted her skirts and made her way across the road.
The sun smoldered at the rim of the mountains and then disappeared. It was her

favorite time of day, when the heat finally broke its grip and cooler air wafted from the

north. The Lonesome, after a sleepy afternoon, would start to come alive.

And business had been very good lately.

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Too bad Jed Poole wouldn’t be part of her evening. At least she’d been able to

satisfy their desire for the moment. Her biggest worry was Dr. Baxter working in her

shed. She knew Jed would be fighting mad if he found out about the still.

Jed had a powerful hatred of the drink. Now she understood why. She was being

truthful about stopping but her resolve was weak—despite her swearing to never touch

the stuff again. A powerful craving still came over her from time to time and having Dr.

Baxter so close didn’t help.

Keeping Dr. Baxter’s activities from Jed would take some doing. She hoped Doc

Baxter would hurry making up the fresh batch of his elixir. Jed would never have to

know—and her desire for the wicked brew would hopefully disappear with the doc.

After going through her last withdrawal, it didn’t seem as though her body craved the

drink as much as her mind did. And boy, did her mind play some wicked games on


She turned the corner and saw a string of horses tied to the hitching posts in front of

the Lonesome. Wranglers with their pockets full of a month’s wages, she thought with

satisfaction. They’d bring a powerful thirst and a randy disposition. The Lonesome

could cure both.

She pushed through the doors. A quick look around told her all the girls were

working. Alvin was occupied—chatting with two new arrivals at the bar.

Something about the hombres caught her attention. The tall one had ginger hair

sprouting out from his hat. The shorter one wore a Navy Colt with a notch in the grip

she recognized.

Carly took a deep breath. She’d not expected to see these two again. She should go

and warn Jed but what could he do? Would U.S. Marshal Sutton oblige and arrest these

men? She didn’t trust the marshal any more than she trusted any stranger.

She fixed her hair with shaky hands. She couldn’t let them see how much they

unnerved her. How the pain they’d inflicted on her and the rest of their town put her

legs to quaking. She adjusted her bodice, made sure her skirts were straight, stalling for

time. She’d have to approach them eventually, show them she wasn’t scared.

Judith watched her with furrowed brows. The big woman smelled trouble, no

doubt. Carly took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and plastered on a fake smile.

She sidled up to the bar. “Howdy boys.”
They straightened.
“Call me Tom,” the tall one said.
“Sure,” she said, grateful he didn’t remember her. Men like him saw all dollies

alike. “What’s your friend’s name.”

“My ma calls me Chester. You can call me Kid.”
“We don’t want trouble, Kid,” she said.
Tom cast her a crooked grin. “We didn’t bring none.”

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Grime showed in the creases of his forehead. His eyes were bloodshot. They’d been

drinking for a while, most likely before they arrived.

“Just came for some fun,” Kid said.
Carly wasn’t sure what to do next. She didn’t want them here. Tom was a mean

drunk and Kid did what he was told. She wouldn’t let them use her as they’d done

before and she surely wouldn’t give them to one of her girls.

Alvin arrived with a full bottle of whiskey. The last thing they needed was more to


“These boys have had enough,” Carly said.
“Like hell we have.” Tom grabbed Alvin by the vest and snatched the bottle from

him. He whirled around. “Come on, ladies, who wants to have some fun?”

Alvin bent down and came up with his shotgun. Carly put up her hand. She had a

better way to deal with these two.

The barkeep scowled. He hadn’t liked being manhandled but did as she asked. The

women of the Lonesome looked at Carly—all having witnessed her shaky nerves and

Alvin’s gun. She curled a finger for them to join her.

Miss Lorraine jumped to her feet and the fella whose lap she’d been warming


Judith was at Carly’s elbow. Gladys and Blanche ambled up to the bar arm in arm.
“Five ladies enough for you two?” Carly could tell from their expression she’d hit

the mark.

“I reckon so.” They answered amid laughter and joshing from the swarm of

customers listening.

Carly waited for the noise to die down. She knew what would make them lower

their guard. “Let’s go upstairs where we’ll be more comfortable.”

Gladys and Blanche led each man by an elbow. Carly had no intention of letting

them mount those steps.

“One small request,” Carly said. “Leave your gun belts down here. We don’t want

anyone getting hurt.”

Tom frowned.
His partner undid his holster without hesitation. “One less thing to take off.”
The crowd roared. “Your turn, Tom,” someone shouted.
Tom was staring at her with those beady eyes. “Fine by me, as long as you ain’t

carrying a weapon.”

So he had remembered her and the derringer she’d had no problem firing in his

direction. Or maybe he was just being cautious. Carly picked up her skirts and showed

him both thighs were bare.

He licked his blistered lips. She shuddered at the memory of those lips sliding

across her naked breasts.

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He removed his guns and set them on a table.
“Knives, too.”
He reached down and pulled a blade out of his boot. He held it out to show her.

“You can’t expect a man to be defenseless.”

“Which one of these ladies do you think you need protection from?”
The other boys in the saloon hooted and hollered. The man colored up.
He dropped the knife next to his holster.
“Come on, handsome.” Miss Lorraine corralled him by the belt buckle. She rubbed

her tits against him and he forgot about his weapons.

Carly’s pulse raced. So far they’d cooperated but these two could be mean as

rattlers and strike at any moment.

What she wouldn’t do for a pair of handcuffs.
Alvin peered at them. He was still riled but she couldn’t let him near these men. He

wouldn’t stand a chance.

Now what was she going to do? She didn’t want Tom to find out she had known

about the murders and said nothing. Would they tell him or keep their mouths shut?

She’d take that risk.

“Go fetch one of those deputies,” Carly said behind her hand to the barkeep who

was breathing hard.

“No sirree, I’ll not leave you alone with these two varmints.”
“We need the law’s help,” Carly said. “I’ll be fine until you get back.”
Alvin hesitated. Why was it men were so stubborn?
“Go on. We haven’t got all day.”
“Send one of the girls.”
“You’re the only person I trust who’s dressed half decent.”
The man whipped off his apron and left it on the counter. “You’ll be careful?”
“Leave that shotgun where I can reach it.”
The barkeep nodded. The shotgun was kept on a shelf under the bar. He took it out

and set the barrel against the stained wood. “Don’t do anything hasty. I’ll be back right


Carly leaned against the bar. Lorraine pawed at her customer with the slow

cunning of a cat with its prey.

“Let’s not dawdle.” Tom snatched Lorraine by the hair. “I’ve a powerful urge that

needs satisfying.”

“Hey,” Lorraine yelped. She tried to pull away but he held on tight. Carly grabbed

the shotgun and aimed at Tom’s belly. Looked like the men, even without weapons,

weren’t going to play nice.

“Let her go,” Carly said.

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Lorraine stopped her squirming. The man released her. The saloon went quiet.
“I thought you gals liked it rough.”
“You thought wrong,” Carly replied.
“Judith, find some twine and tie these boys’ hands. Make sure the knots are tight.”
He chuckled. “Never done it tied up before.”
Judith found the twine and took hold of the man’s wrist. She squeezed and twisted

until he yielded, and she wrapped his wrists together behind his back.

“Now what?” He furrowed his brows.
“Sit down.”
He looked warily at the chair and frowned.
Carly liked the commanding tone of her voice. She liked how this man who’d

tormented her could be worried about what she might do to him.

Lorraine pushed him down on the seat. The chair rocked back and came down on

its legs with a thump. Tom struggled with his constraints but Judith had done her job


Kid straddled a chair without being asked.
Carly sighed. It’d been easy to subdue these ornery bastards. All she had needed

was a steady hand.

“What’ll we do now?” Judith asked.
“Alvin went to fetch the law,” Carly replied. “The deputies won’t be long.”
“You’ve got no call to tie us up.” Tom glared at her. “We didn’t do nothing wrong.”
Carly sat down and laid the shotgun across her lap and regarded him with

contempt. She should be shaking, but her hands were perfectly steady.

She wanted to see these boys squirm. “You’re going to prison for what you did.”
“On whose say-so?” Tom’s eyes bulged in their sockets.
“Do you remember the conversation you had in my room with your partner a

couple of weeks ago?”

There was no need to reply. She could see by how dark his eyes became that he did.
“I heard every word.”
“So what, who’s gonna believe a whore?”
“Doesn’t matter. One of Crowley’s daughters saw you.”
Kid gulped. “I told you.”
“Shut up,” Tom said, “and let me think.”
Carly would make sure these thugs made it to jail—and if they spilled to Jed that

she’d known all along, she’d have to explain it to him then. But she was banking on

them proclaiming their innocence.

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Chapter Twelve

The door burst open and Alvin from the Lonesome stumbled inside, panting.
Jed sprang to his feet. “What is it? Has something happened to Carly?”
Alvin shook his head. “You’d better come quick. There’s two men from the Crosby

gang making trouble in the saloon.”

Jed grabbed the bars.
Marshal Sutton woke and pushed his hat up. “How can you be sure it’s the Crosby


“Carly recognized them.”
“You’ve got to let me out of here,” Jed said. “I’ll take care of this if you won’t.”
The marshal sat up. “Now hold your horses, Poole. I didn’t say I wouldn’t look into

the matter.”

Alvin looked at Jed and back at the marshal. “If you ask me, you’d better hurry.

Those men are meaner than snakes.”

Sutton stood. “Guess I will. It’ll save me time chasing after them.”
He checked the load in his Colt and returned the weapon to its holster. “I’ll need

you to watch over this prisoner until I get back.”

Alvin frowned. “Where are the deputies?”
“Eating their supper, I reckon.”
“I can’t leave those girls alone.”
Jed knew Alvin was protective of the dollies.
The marshal buckled his gun belt. “I won’t be long.” He shut the door behind him.
“Let me out of here, Alvin.”
The barkeep took a step forward and stopped. “You’re asking me to break the


“Do you really think the marshal will be able to take down those men?”
Alvin shook his head. “No sir, I do not. Not by himself. Carly’s got them

surrounded by her girls, playing like they wanted a little fun. I left the shotgun for her.”

Jed laughed, relieving the tightness in his chest. “I’d surely like to see her pull a

weapon on those varmints.”

Alvin also seemed to relax a might. “She’s quite a gal. Had those two eating out of

her hand, she did.”

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Jed could believe it. Her skills as a seductress couldn’t be ignored by any man

worth his salt. He sat down. He wouldn’t press Alvin any further about setting him

free. He couldn’t ask the barkeep to do something he wouldn’t do.

The marshal would be back with two more prisoners shortly, giving Jed a chance to

ask them some pointed questions.

If they harmed even a hair on Carly’s head, the crowded jail cell would get pretty

lively. To hell with the marshal.

Alvin stared out the window.
“I heard you have a wife and children,” Jed said.
“Yes sir. Four young ‘uns any man would be proud of.”
Jed rubbed his stubble. He’d like to fill a house with some young’uns of his own

one of these days.

Alvin straightened and opened the door. Jack Finney came in, carrying a china plate

covered with a red-checked cloth.

“Hello, Alvin.”
“Mighty glad to see you, son. The marshal’s gone down to the Lonesome to make

an arrest. If you’ll watch the prisoner, I’ll skedaddle.”

Without waiting for a reply, he hurried out the door. Jed knew his loyalty was with

those saloon dollies and he didn’t fault him.

Jack kicked the door shut. “Ma thought you’d like some of her chicken and


“She thought correctly.”
The boy slipped the plate under the cell door. Jed picked up the food and sat back

on his cot. The smell of fried chicken set his stomach to rumbling.

Jed opened his mouth to take a juicy bite when a shot rang out. He sprang from his

seat and the plate crashed on the floor.

Jack went to the window. “Who do you think is shooting?”
“Stay away from that window, deputy.”
Jack jumped back—staring fixedly on that window—on what was happening

outside. The minutes ticked by.

Not knowing where the shot came from or who it was intended for was killing Jed.
“Let me out, boy.”
“You know I can’t. I promised to uphold the law and that’s what I intend to do.”
Jed shook his head. He had trained him too well.
“Have you been practicing with your sidearm?” he asked him.
“Yes sir.”
“You’d better go and see if the marshal needs help.”
Jack drew his weapon from his holster and opened the door.

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Jed cursed. He should be the one running to help.
The boy stopped in his tracks. “Don’t think the marshal needs me at all.”
He stepped aside. Two men, hands tied together behind their backs, shuffled inside,

followed by Carly toting a shotgun aimed at their backsides.

Their eyes widened when they saw Jed Poole in the cell. When Jed curled his lip

into a snarl, the varmints dug in their heels.

Carly shoved the shotgun barrel into the tall one’s back. “Jack, open that cell door.

I’ve got prisoners.”

The deputy found the keys in the middle drawer of the desk.
Jed’s gaze connected with hers. He couldn’t have been more proud.
“These are the two men you’ve been searching for, Sheriff Poole. They murdered

old man Crowley for money.”

Jack fumbled with the iron key until the lock slid free. The cell door swung wide

but the two men balked.

“Go on,” Carly said. “I ain’t got all day.”
They stepped over the chicken and gravy on the cell floor and slumped against the

far wall of the cell. They watched Jed warily, as if he was a sidewinder ready to strike.

“What was all that shooting about?” Jed had to ask.
“We had a difference of opinion about their trip to the jail.”
Jed shook his head. “Where’s the marshal?”
“I shot my weapon high, of course. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.” She grimaced.

“A chunk of adobe fell and beaned the marshal in the head. The town doc is seeing to

his cuts.”

Jed shifted his stance. Sutton wouldn’t ever live this down. “You should’ve come

and got me. I’m still the law in this town.”

She lowered the shotgun and winked. “I’m a law-abiding citizen, Sheriff. Busting

you out of here would’ve meant breaking the law—and I didn’t exactly have time.”

Jack chuckled as he locked the door.
Jed quelled the young man’s laughter with one look. “I’m putting you in charge,

you and Sam, until we can get my situation cleared up.”

“Yes sir.”
He turned to Carly. Those brown eyes never failed to stir him. He would like

nothing better than to take her in his arms at that moment and make love.

“As for you, I’ll deal with you later.”
Her lips curved into a luscious smile. “Whatever you say, lawman.”

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Marshal Sutton left with the two prisoners the next day. The judge had been

detained up in Prescott and sent a telegram levying a fine on Jed. It’d cost him most of

his savings but he’d rid the town of Baxter and two members of the gang in the bargain.

His two deputies had turned into men he could rely on, so he left Sam and Jack in

charge as he headed to the livery to pick up Shooter and a mild-mannered mare for

Carly. Sitting in a jail cell had given him plenty of time to think about what he needed

to do.

A ride into the mountains and the cooler air would be the perfect place for a

conversation that’d been put off too long. He needed to lay his cards on the table and let

Carly know how much she meant to him.

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Chapter Thirteen

Carly watched, elbow propped on the bar, as Jed sauntered into the Lonesome

looking every bit as wicked and delicious as the first time she’d decided he was a man

she’d like to know better. His lips curved into a daring smile as he tipped his Stetson.

“Care to go for a ride, Miss Buchanan?”
Her flesh grew hot as she remembered the last time they’d “gone for a ride”.
She smirked, her eyelids lowering as if she were some demure maid. “What did you

have in mind, Sheriff?”

He stopped before her, taking her hand in his. He pressed his warm lips to her

knuckles, causing her to catch her breath.

“Got a nice little mare from the livery for you. Thought we’d ride up into the

mountains. I brought some grub.”

Carly blinked in shock. “That’s mighty sweet of you.” She meant every word but an

alarm twisted her gut. He was getting serious about them and he shouldn’t.

But the disarming smile he gave her, the way his eyes caressed her, the interest

shining there—for her—had her melting.

“You might say that I am. You might even say I’m courting you.”
Carly sighed. It was worse than she’d thought.
“Got some fried chicken, biscuits. It’ll be time together we’ve missed out on these

last couple of days. Besides, there’s something I want to show you.”

He had her interest. She’d never been courted by a man. The idea warmed her heart

and made her nervous at the same time. How was it that this man, this strong, law-

abiding man, had gone to all this trouble for her? Naturally, any woman would be


She wasn’t any woman.
There was another reason to accept his offer. Dr. Baxter promised he’d be done with

his bottling and be on his way by nightfall. She had to keep Jed away from the saloon

until Baxter was gone.

“I would love to,” she said. She turned to Alvin, who’d been listening to their

conversation. “Will you watch things while I’m out?”

He nodded. “You take good care of her.”
Jed slid his fingers over the brim of his hat. “Wouldn’t dream of doing otherwise.”
Alvin didn’t look convinced. “You’ll answer to me if any harm comes to that gal.”
Carly kissed the barkeep on the cheek. “Don’t you go fretting about me. I can take

care of myself.”

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It was the truth. She’d been sober for a good while, and liked making her own


She and Jed exited the saloon. Sure enough, tied to a post next to Shooter was a

pretty dappled mare.

“Will she do? Name’s Penny.”
“She’s perfect.” Carly smiled wide, excited about their adventure. She patted Penny

on her soft, warm neck. She’d ridden up into the mountains on a couple occasions with

O’Dell. They’d needed to get away every once in a while, pretend they were somewhere

else, that their lives were different. She wondered what O’Dell was up to now. Probably

had a babe or two to bounce on her knee. When Carly got back, she’d read the new

letter from O’Dell that had arrived with the post that morning. A return letter was long


Carly envied her friend. She could admit it now. A family would never be in the

cards for her. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep her emotions from bubbling over.

She ran her hand over Jed’s muscled arm. “Thanks. I needed some time away. This

will be fun.”

“I plan on it.” He led her to the horse’s side and gave her a lift.
She swung her leg over the saddle horn and settled in the ladies’ saddle until the

fluid motion of Jed swinging up onto his horse distracted her. She never tired of

watching him move. Just watching Jed on his horse, his muscles braced, his lips quirked

in such a naughty way, she wanted to share that saddle with him.

Jed nudged his horse into a trot. Carly followed, trying to catch up. She’d never

ridden a horse faster than a trot, any faster and she’d be sure to fall off.

She was about to tell him when he prodded his horse into a canter. Not to be

outdone, she urged Penny into a faster pace. The horse was game. They sailed over the

desert, the blowing sand at their backs, and Carly hanging on for dear life.

They rode for maybe a half hour through the desert, over sagebrush-choked trails

and dry gullies until they reached the base of a trail climbing into the mountains. Jed

reined in his horse. Carly pulled Penny to a stop and closed her eyes for a moment. She

breathed the fresh air, glad to be here. The sun was high but not as blazing hot as it

usually was in town at this time of day.

Jed started up a rocky embankment. Carly clucked to her horse and followed. The

horses picked their way up the mountain pass at a slow pace.

“How are you enjoying your ride so far?” Jed asked. He turned in his saddle and

gave her a good look.

“It’s wonderful. I feel so alive.”
A thoughtful expression fluttered over Jed’s features before he turned back around.
A silence ensued for several minutes. Carly scanned the landscape. They were high

up on the mountain now. The brambles and a few scattered mesquite bushes were

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minuscule compared to the tall cedars and pine trees. The sun glistened off the rocks,

and in the distance Tucson appeared as if a mirage.

“Think you might ever settle down?”
“What?” she asked, wrinkling her forehead. What had brought this on?
“Settle down.” Jed repeated it casually but the set of his shoulders, the rigidness of

his spine relayed much more.

The answer was no. She didn’t see herself settling down, as much as she’d dreamed

of a life with a family when she was younger. As much as O’Dell had told Carly often

that she deserved happiness with a man of her own.

She didn’t want to ruin the glorious afternoon Jed planned with her with a hefty

explanation. She had an inkling he wanted to change her. He wanted her to settle down

with him and whip out a brood of Poole children. But he’d set his sight on the wrong

woman. She wasn’t the marrying kind. She was bad news to anyone who became her

friend. Just ask O’Dell.

“I hadn’t really ever thought about it,” she answered instead of telling him the


“Maybe it’s time you did.”
She kept her voice playful. “Why? Seems I have everything I need.”
“What happens when you get older, Carly? Who’s gonna take care of you then?”
She frowned. Women in her line of work didn’t tend to live into old age. She always

figured she’d live the way she did now until she died. She bit her lip, unsure how to

answer or what kind of answer would satisfy him.

Jed spoke up. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. You’re a damn resourceful

woman, I reckon you don’t need anybody. Although…might be nice to have someone

take care of you. I’d take care of you, Carly.”

Her stomach flipped. Had he really just said that? Did he really mean it?
“Oh, Sheriff, how you do go on,” she teased, trying to lighten the conversation.

He’d become way too serious.

Jed stopped when they reached the top of the ridge. “There’s a lot you don’t know

about me, Carly, but I do intend for us to get to know each other better.”

Carly walked Penny beside Jed and stopped. “I’d like that.”
“Will you look at this sight? Isn’t it something?” Jed pointed out over the expanse

below. “Tucson. Our town.”

“I’m glad you are our sheriff.”
“I’m glad I took the job. Wouldn’t have met you otherwise. Wouldn’t have done a

lot of things.” He chuckled. “And I suspect with you around, I’ll probably end up doing

a lot more.”

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“I hope they are all good things. And fun things too. Nobody should live without

having fun. You work mighty hard, lawman. I’d hate to see you turn into a man who

was all business and no pleasure.”

Jed turned a crooked smile on her. “I think most will be good—and pleasurable. But

I have an inkling you’ll be getting me into more trouble before my days are done.”

Now he was talking about a long-term relationship. He was planning on them

being together until they were old and ornery.

Enough of this serious talk. She dropped a shoulder, her gown slipped ever so

slightly to show off the swell of her breasts. “Is that what you brought me all the way

up here for? To talk?”

Jed shook his head. Obviously, what had worked in the past no longer interested

him. Was he tired of her already?

“Are you hungry, Carly?”
Carly ran her tongue around her lips. “What do you think?”
He helped her dismount. To her surprise, he didn’t take her in his arms. Instead he

took the canteen off his saddle horn and gave it to her. Then he led the horses to a

shady spot next to a stand of pines.

She waited for him to return, taking in the view. He’d called her resourceful. She

hadn’t always been, relying on O’Dell and Big Jim to make all the decisions, to tell her

what to do. Lately, that’d changed. She’d been damn proud to help in the arrest of the

two varmints who’d killed Mr. Crowley.

She was a woman of means now. With hard work, the saloon would turn into a fine

establishment. She was no longer a prisoner to her drink. She was more in control now

than ever. Did Jed understand how important this was to her?

Leaves crunched and twigs cracked behind her. She spun around. Jed carried a

bedroll and basket. What kind of man went to this kind of trouble?

He spread the bedroll on the ground. “I haven’t been on a picnic since I was a kid.”
She plopped down on the soft flannel. She tried hard not to think about when she

was a child. Flashes of a mother’s soft smile and the great big bear hugs her father used

to give made Carly cringe. If only they hadn’t been taken from her at such an early age.

He sat next to her. He was hot and sweaty but she didn’t mind. He appealed to her

every which way.

“Rosy fixed up some chicken, my favorite,” he said. He opened the basket and

handed her a square of calico.

Carly sighed as she arranged the piece of cloth in her lap. He piled fried chicken on

a plate along with a half-dozen biscuits.

“How many were you expecting,” she said with a laugh.
“Just you and me.” He opened the canteen and took a gulp. When he finished, Jed

held the canteen to her lips, tipping it back so the sweet water could drip on her

parched lips.

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She licked the droplets from her lips and gasped as Jed leaned forward, flicking his

tongue over hers before capturing her mouth for a carnal kiss. She loved the way he

kissed. The way his mouth slid against her, his tongue delving inside to ignite her fire.

She stroked tenderly over his jaw then through his hair. Jed pulled her against him then

lay back on the blanket, their food tumbling to the side. She lay on top of him, kissing,

sucking, stroking. He traced a path up and down her spine, caressing her ass, tucking

her closer to him. His cock was hard, ready and pressed against her mound with

delicious intent.

When her stomach growled, Jed laughed and sat her upright.
“What you do that for? I’m just hungry for you, cowboy.”
“Is that right?” He looked so happy. “I’d be more than willing to let you feast on me

for days but I think you might blow away if I did. Let’s get some sustenance into you.”

He picked up their chicken and biscuits and they ate, listening to the breeze in the

tops of the trees, and Jed feeding her bites of chicken when she stopped.

She fed him a morsel of biscuit and he licked her fingers before eating it. His

expression turned serious and he took her hand in his.

“Let’s make this permanent.”
She snatched her hand back. Immediately, her brain was on alert, the tranquil

moment lost by the thundering in her heart. “What the hell for?”

Jed grabbed her hand again. Irritation flitted over his face, but it quickly dissipated

and once more he gazed at her intensely. “What do you think?”

She shook her head. “I’m not a woman who you want to hang your ambitions on.”
“Let me be the judge of that.”
She’d known this day was coming, maybe even hoped it might, but she couldn’t let

Jed believe there was more to their sex play than there was. It’d only hurt him


“You see, Jed, I’m not interested in settling down to one man.”
He frowned, the lines in his forehead deepening. What she’d said hurt him. Better

he find out now before he entertained any ideas she could be his woman.

He let her go and stood. A red-tailed hawk screamed overhead. He looked up and

followed its flight.

Carly wished she knew how to explain. Some people just are no good at


“Maybe we should start back?” She’d anticipated an afternoon of lovemaking.

Obviously, she’d spoiled any chances for that too.

Jed rubbed the back of his neck. His silence was worse than any argument he

could’ve made.

She stood and brushed the pine needles off her skirt.

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“You can’t tell me there’s nothing between us,” he said. “Our lovemaking meant

nothing to you?”

She didn’t look at him. “You’re a nice enough fella and I like you a lot.”
“Only…” He trailed off.
She exhaled loudly. “Only I don’t want any more than we have right now.”
“You want a man who can give you independence, I can be that man.”
“It’s more than that.”
“Tell me.”
“Let’s get going, I have customers waiting.”
He grabbed her arms, holding her tight. She couldn’t move away. “I won’t let you

go until you tell me you don’t love me.”

They stared at each other intently. There were times in her life when she’d

wondered what it would be like to love a man. It’d seemed like such a dream. Here was

this man talking about love and being loved. Of course it was nonsense.

“I suppose you deserve an explanation why I prefer not getting close to anyone.”

Talking about her past stung but she had to put an end to all his thinking they could be

a couple. “You talk about your ma. Well, I don’t know who my ma was. I can remember

a few fleeting memories. I know she’s dead. My pa too. Nobody wanted me. No relative

took me in. I ended up in an orphanage. The nuns named me after the president of the

United States.” She huffed. “There were five Buchanans the year I arrived.”

“That don’t mean they didn’t want you. Your people had to do what they thought

was best, or maybe they didn’t have a choice.”

She knew what he was doing. He tried to put a shine on a rotten apple.
Time she told him about what happened with O’Dell. “My friend O’Dell was good

to me when I came to saloon eight years ago. When it came time for me to help her, I

didn’t. I turned to the elixir instead.”

“What’s that got to do with you and me?”
“Don’t you understand a thing I’m saying? I was a burden to family and friends. I

won’t be a burden to you.”

He let her go. His face was bunched into a frown. Her words had landed like shards

of glass.

“I guess we all have our scars,” he said. “It don’t change my feelings for you.”
His words struck a chord deep within her. Lit hope she’d buried deep. She crushed

them all with the ice that’d taken up residence around her heart. She spared him a

glance. He was hunched over, dealing with all she’d thrown at him. She stomped off to

fetch her horse before he made her cry.

* * * * *

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Jed packed up the rest of the victuals and helped Carly onto her mare. Touching her

filled him with regret for what he could’ve had if he’d kept his mouth shut.

Except he hadn’t expected Carly to turn him down. He’d thought for sure her

coming to the jail meant she wanted him, that their need could last forever.

He’d made plans, big plans that included her. The woman had wounds from her

past that hadn’t healed and was dwelling on her childhood, which couldn’t be undone.

He mounted Shooter and headed home. She followed at a respectable distance in no

mood for conversation, he decided.

He meant to tell her about the twenty acres he’d found for sale just south of town,

in a pretty valley with plenty of sweet water. The owner had been willing to give Jed a

land contract but he wanted Jed’s answer right away.

They arrived on Main Street just as the sky faded to indigo. Carly pulled her horse

up in front of the Lonesome. Piano music and laughter came from inside the saloon.

“I guess this is where we part company,” she said. She lifted her leg from around

the horn and slid to the ground before he could help. She was showing him she didn’t

need him, he reckoned. It came like a crushing blow.

She handed him the reins.
“I’d like you to reconsider,” he said. “You can take all the time you need.”
She lifted her chin. “Sheriff Poole, you are persistent, I’ll give you that.”
Jed pushed his hat back on his forehead. “Yes ma’am.”
The light had gone out of her eyes and her mouth showed only a grim

determination. With a wave of her hand, she hurried through the swinging doors.

Jed took hold of her mare’s reins, turned Shooter’s head and started for the

jailhouse with his tail between his legs.

Jack Finney was sitting with his chair tipped back against the adobe, a shotgun

across his lap. When he saw Jed, he straightened and jumped to his feet.

The boy came running to meet him. “Sheriff, am I glad to see you. There’s a

telegram come.”

Jed dismounted. Jack took the reins. “I’ll see to these horses.”
“Thanks,” Jed said. He entered the jailhouse. Maybe he shouldn’t have rushed

Carly about them being together. A woman did like to be courted slow, so he’d been

told. Why had he been in such a firecracker hurry?

He cursed. She’d given him an answer. Not the one he wanted but he would respect

her wishes.

The room was empty. The air was stale. An envelope had been placed on his desk.

He tore off the end and took out the single sheet of paper.

The sheriff from over in Tubac had seen Vernon Crosby and his gang headed north,

most likely for Tucson.

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Jed crumpled the piece of paper. No doubt Crosby had heard about the arrest of

two of his men. He was too late. Those boys were gone now.

He sank into his chair. It’d been quite a day. He was dog—tired but the day wasn’t

done. Jed and his deputies would be ready for the gang when they arrived.

* * * * *

Carly waited until Jed was out of sight and then climbed the stairs. O’Dell’s letter

would have to wait. She was in no mood to make amends—truth be told, she was too

scared to write one. Her backside was sore from riding. Her neck burned from where

she’d gotten too much sun. As much as she’d looked forward to the outing, she couldn’t

say it’d been a success. They talked of a future together. She’d learned early not to take

seriously a man’s big talk of settling down to a life together. Jed would find out soon

enough who she was and then he’d turn away.

Ester had taken down the washing and was folding clothes.
“Howdy. How was your ride?” Ester hugged the pile of freshly laundered sheets to

her bosom with a dreamy look.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Carly spoke too sharply and regretted it. “There’s

nothing to say. Sheriff Poole and I went up into the mountains.”

What would Ester do if Carly was to take off and marry Jed Poole? Who would take

care of a woman with a child’s ways, who struggled to put two and two together? What

would any of the women do, for that matter? Carly couldn’t go and walk out on them.

She changed out of her riding dress. She was contemplating what dress she would

wear this evening when Ester came in her room with an armload of undergarments.

“What should I wear?”
Ester set the clothes on the bed. “That depends.”
“On what?”
Ester giggled. “If the handsome sheriff is stopping by.”
Carly didn’t have the heart to tell her the sheriff probably wouldn’t be a regular

customer at the Lonesome anymore. What she’d said to him this afternoon had hurt his


“I think he likes red.” She took the red satin from the hook behind her door to

please Ester.

“I’d say so.” Ester blushed. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you with that dress on.”
“Then red it is.” Carly stripped off her soiled garments and put on her corset.
“There’s talk the sheriff is sweet on you.”
Despite herself, the gossip pleased Carly.
“You know the sheriff, he likes everyone,” Carly replied. She pulled the red dress

over her head.

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“He is a mighty nice fella.” Ester finished with the buttons on the back of the gown

and gave Carly a quick assessment. “You’ll turn his head, you will.”

Carly shrugged. Ester was making too much out of Jed’s attentiveness and had set

her heart on having him around.

“You run along and see if any of the other girls need your help.”
“Yes ma’am.” She raised two fingers to her forehead as if she were wearing a

Stetson and left the room humming a tune.

Carly sat down on her bed. One of her black moods was coming on. She’d pledged

not to drink any more of Dr. Baxter’s brew but a sip of his elixir would taste good right

about now.

Only a taste, for medicinal purposes.
She shook off where her thoughts were taking her and stood. She couldn’t

concentrate with her mind dulled by whatever Baxter put in his brew.

Most of all, she’d promised Jed. It was one promise she intended to keep.

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Chapter Fourteen

Jed loitered across the street from the Lonesome. Nobody could see him in the night

shadows. The music coming from the saloon was rowdy and off-key. Lights shined

through the cracks of the boarded-up window and on occasion the squeal of a woman’s

voice carried out to the road.

Although Jed wasn’t about to go inside, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to keep

watch. If the gang came through tonight, he would be ready. What had happened up on

the mountain hadn’t cooled his fever for Carly. She’d been quick to turn him down but

he didn’t believe her reasons. She didn’t know any other way of life. He’d have to show

her, somehow, she meant the world to him.

A light coming on at the bank caught Jed’s attention. He didn’t like what he was

seeing. His hand went instinctively to his weapon. What was going on? The bank

should be closed at this hour.

He jogged down the street until he reached the door of Wells Fargo Bank. He

tapped on the door and pulled out his Colt, not sure if he expected it to be opened by

Mr. Charles, the bank manager, or if he’d be staring down the barrel of a thief’s rifle.

To Jed’s relief, Mr. Charles opened the door with a friendly smile. The kerosene

lantern he carried hissed.

“Mighty good to see you this evening, Sheriff. What can I do for you?”
Jed touched the brim of his hat. “Just curious if everything was all right. I saw the

light come on.”

Mr. Charles beckoned Jed inside. “Got a telegram this afternoon that the stagecoach

was going to be late. Ran into trouble—one of the thoroughbraces snapped.”

Jed had heard these new coaches used leather thoroughbraces instead of steel

springs for suspension, much to the relief of the team and the passengers.

The banker set the lantern down on the floor and took out his watch from his vest

pocket and checked the time.

“Did the telegram say how it happened?” Jed asked.
He put his watch away and frowned. “Not much, just that it snapped.”
Jed had his suspicions and didn’t hold back. “It could be more than that, Mr.

Charles. You know those braces are examined with each departure and arrival. It’d be

pretty hard for it to just go without showing signs of wear and tear.”

“What are you getting at, Sheriff?” Mr. Charles drew his brows together.
Jed’s blood ran cold with dread. He’d sent Sam along to ride shotgun with the

coach driver. “Those braces could’ve been cut.”

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“But if that were the case, wouldn’t the culprit who cut them have robbed the coach

while it was being repaired?”

Jed’s stomach churned. “I can’t say what goes on in the mind of a criminal. Cutting

the braces could’ve bought them some time. When do you expect the stage to arrive?”

“About ten o’clock.” The bank manager had visibly paled in the yellow light.
Jed glanced at the clock over the teller’s station. It was going on 9:30. “I’ll be back,

Mr. Charles. You keep the door locked.”

He had to get to the jailhouse, load up on ammunition and make sure his deputies

were prepared. With the note about the Crosby gang headed this way and now this

news about the coach, things were beginning to add up. Which meant life was about to

get ugly in this town.

And more than likely, deadly.

* * * * *

Carly danced atop the piano as Alvin played her favorite tune, Farmer Allen’s

Daughter. The Lonesome customers loved when she danced. Her boots clicked as she

tapped her heels, and she lifted her skirts so a fair amount of leg showed as she twirled

in a circle.

Drunken hoots of appreciation mingled with those singing along. When the song

came to an end, there were shouts for more. Carly obliged and the other girls did as


Blanche and Lorraine danced on top of tables, Judith danced on an admiring

cowpoke’s lap and Gladys danced on top the bar.

Totally pleased all at the Lonesome were having a good time, Carly broke out

singing an old tune about a cowboy lover giving up his drifter days for his woman’s


Judith belted out the next lines about her lover quitting his gunfighting as well as

his booze. “Boo to that, I say!” Judith added between lines to the cheer of the crowd.

Carly picked up the next verse, about hope for the lovers being together. Gladys

jumped down from the bar and joined them at the piano, Alvin pounding on the keys

and singing along. Carly kept her feet moving, her skirts swirling, and laughed when

one of the customers lifted her from the piano to twirl her in a circle.

But it all abruptly stopped when gunshots and shouts came from the streets.
Carly’s heart rammed against her ribs. Her stomach lurched. She was breathing

hard and not just from singing and dancing.

The customers made a beeline for the swinging doors, their weapons drawn. They

stared outside for what seemed like minutes but in reality was only seconds before they

moved out to the street. Alvin grabbed his shotgun from under the bar and Carly

gathered her ladies behind her. The silence in the saloon was eerie considering how

loud and gay it’d been only moments earlier.

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Ester popped her head from a door upstairs and hurried down to join the huddle of


“There are bad men out there,” Ester said softly. “I saw ‘em out the window. They

was shooting into the air. Brought a coach with them this time.”

“A coach?” Blanche asked. “Don’t be stupid.”
Carly had to agree. A band of rotten gunslingers didn’t travel with a coach. Her

mouth suddenly went dry. Today’s stage was way too late.

“The stage has arrived,” Carly said.
Ester nodded her head vigorously.
“The Wells Fargo run?” Carly asked.
“That’s what it looked like to me.” Ester jutted her lower lip at Blanche.
Carly suppressed the emotion swirling inside her. How long would they remain

victims of the gang? Carly didn’t have time to wonder. With the gang attacking, they all

had to do their part.

“Ladies, bar the door and don’t let anyone in.” She grabbed the shotgun from


She didn’t need to look around to make sure they were doing her bidding, her girls

knew what to do.

Alvin grasped her arm. “Don’t go, Carly. Let the sheriff take care of them.” His

expression was etched with concern, his grip on her arm pinched her.

“I have to.”
“Your man can hold his own. This ain’t no fight for a woman.”
“I beg to differ with you, Alvin. This is a fight I won’t back down from. I can’t. The

gang attacked my saloon last time they were here and broke my window. I have to

defend what’s mine.”

“Two of Crosby’s men attacked you and you saw to their arrest. If anything, those

bastards got wind of what happened and will be coming down here looking for you.”

“All the more reason for me to take a stand.”
“Quit arguing with me. My mind’s made up. Besides, I need you to protect Ester

and the others and take care that nothing happens to the Lonesome.”

Alvin took a deep breath, his hand loosening its grip. His eyes were still filled with

worry but he nodded his agreement. “I reckon you know what you’re doing. Don’t

forget. Bullets flying all which ways don’t know the good from the bad.”

Carly sucked in her breath, gave Alvin a quick hug. “I know and I’ll be careful.”
Peeking through the swinging doors, she saw folks running up the street in the

direction of the bank. She hurried after them.

She was crazy to be rushing headlong into a fight with the gang. But if she didn’t

protect herself now, stake her ground, she would always be a victim.

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Up ahead lights glowed. A crowd had gathered and huddled together in a circle. As

she got closer, she saw two men flat on the ground. The men who’d protected the oak

strongboxes holding the coach’s treasure were motionless, their blood seeping into the

dirt. The team of horses pawed the dry earth, their eyes wild and their mouths frothing.

Jed stood next to one of the men, staring hard.
Carly halted and held her shotgun in front of her. The town doctor rushed by her,

dropped to his knees in the dirt and blood to place his fingers at the first man’s throat.

He moved quickly and did the same to the second.

Mr. Charles came out of the bank. Doc looked up at him and shook his head.
“They’re both dead?” Mr. Charles exhaled loudly.
“I’m sorry. There’s nothing I could do.” He got to his feet slowly.
“Dammit.” Jed scowled.
Carly lowered her weapon, her heart breaking.
“They got both strongboxes,” the banker said. “Would’ve robbed the bank as well

but they couldn’t get in with the door bolted.”

Even in the flickering lamplight, Carly could see the pockmarked stucco where the

gang had fired at the bank building.

“Could you tell how many?” Jed asked.
“At least half a dozen.”
“Do you think it was Vernon Crosby and his boys?” Mr. Finney asked. He’d been

eating his supper and still had his napkin tucked in the collar of his shirt.

“Has to be,” Mr. Charles answered.
Mr. Trumbull pulled off his battered hat and held it to his heart. “I knew old

Marley. He was a hell of a stagecoach driver.”

“That’s a fact.” Mr. Finney and the other men murmured their agreement.
Their attention turned to the man Jed had been with.
Carly moved closer and saw with a jolt the guard was Sam. His skin had turned

ashen. The light was gone in his eyes. He still clutched a rifle.

The other women congregating on the boardwalk shrank back. Someone started

bawling. Carly knew life wasn’t fair but she was still angry. Sam had been doing his

duty. He would’ve made a fine sheriff.

Jed’s eyes flashed with emotion that tugged at her heart. But as quickly as she saw

it, it was gone.

“What can I do?” she asked.
He glared at her—a look that needed no interpretation. “Go back to the saloon,

Carly. You shouldn’t be here.”

She refused to be dismissed so easily, and stayed rooted where she was.

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He found his remaining deputy in the crowd. “Jack, I’m leaving you to protect the


“Yes sir.”
“Any of you men care to join me?”
Some kept their gazes on the ground. Others looked away.
“All right, then. I’ll ride alone.”
“There are too many of them,” Carly said.
Jed ignored her and looked around, finally settling on Mr. Charles. “Send a

telegram right away to Tombstone. We need the marshal back here and pronto.”

His jaw ticked, revealing to Carly that the last thing he wanted to do was bring the

marshal in on this. But he couldn’t take on the gang without help. The stagecoach had

been robbed and two men killed. This gang was doing a lot more than just shooting up

a town and breaking a plate glass window. They were hardened criminals bent on


“I’ll go find the wireless operator and have him open up his office.” Mr. Charles

took off down the boardwalk.

Jed found his deputy next. “When the marshal arrives, you tell him I’ve gone


“You reckon they’re headed for Mexico?” Deputy Finney had not taken his eyes off

his friend.

“Yes, son, I believe that’s where they’ll go.”
Finney looked up and wiped at his nose. “You can count on me, Sheriff.”
Jed clamped a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
“I want to help.” Carly spoke loud enough to command his attention, She had to

show him that she was strong and capable—and not afraid. “What can I do?”

“Nothing.” Jed turned from them all and started walking away.
She ran to his side. “At least let me fill up some canteens for you.”
His eyes met hers. “All right. I reckon that’d be a good idea.”
Carly touched his cheek, the heat of his skin nearly scorching her.
“I should’ve gone instead of sending Sam.”
“Don’t blame yourself. You couldn’t have known the gang would be so brazen.”

Her assurances didn’t remove the scowl. He looked down the street, to the distance

he’d have to travel tonight.

“Sam was proud to be your deputy,” she said. “We’re all glad you’re our sheriff.”

She’d said enough. Jed would have to come to terms with his guilt. They all would.

She rushed to Finney’s Mercantile. Mrs. Finney was waiting by the door, clutching a

shawl around her shoulders.

“They tell me Sam is gone.”

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Carly nodded. “Those stagecoach robbers shot him.”
“How awful.”
Carly knew now was not the time for grieving. “I need a canteen full of water and

some jerky for the sheriff.”

She followed Mrs. Finney inside the mercantile. The woman filled a canteen up

with water from a barrel and wrapped some jerky in brown paper. She handed both to


“Will this be enough?”
“Yes, ma’am, and thank you.”
Mrs. Finney smiled. There was warmth in her expression and maybe even


Carly returned in time to see Mr. Trumbull leading Shooter. Jed eased into the

saddle as if he’d been born there. The gelding nickered as Jed shucked his rifle in the


She couldn’t let Jed just leave without saying goodbye. Not with him heading into

big trouble. The terrible impression came over her that she might never see him again.

She pressed her hand to his thigh and glanced up at him through her lashes. The

moon had risen and shone bright. The light twinkled off his sheriff’s badge.

His hand closed over hers and a crooked grin curved on his lips. “I’ll be back. Don’t


“What more can I do?”
“Wear that red corset for me when I get back.”
Carly smiled. “Deal.” She handed him the canteen and the pack of jerky, which he

stowed in his pack. “You will be careful.”

“I always am.”
As she turned to head back toward the Lonesome to wait for his return, he gripped

her shoulder. She spun around and looked up as he bent over the horse, his lips

brushing hers. Her entire body sprang to life, every nerve jumping and reaching out for

him. His tongue delved into her mouth to swirl over hers.

Carly reached up frantically for his body, her fingers digging into his arms. This

kiss was intense and seemed to mean so much more than just “be safe”. She refused to

believe it meant anything more.

* * * * *

Jed had predicted a holdup but he hadn’t expected the gang to kill the driver and

young Sam. He should’ve rode shotgun himself, as long as this rash of robberies lasted.

Now a boy was dead and a mother grieving.

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He hadn’t gone far when a figure stepped out of the shadows. Jed’s hand went

immediately to his Colt. He drew on the man but recognized him. It was Travis.

“I’ll ride with you,” Travis said.
Jed wondered about the bounty hunter. Would he get in the way when the gang

was found? Maybe Jed was being too cautious.

“I could use some help.” Jed returned his weapon to its holster. He’d nothing

against Travis and no evidence he was anything more than doing a job that rid the

territory of some of the worst offenders. Didn’t mean Jed wouldn’t keep a close eye on

the fella. Best way to do that was to keep him at his side.

“I won’t be a minute,” Travis said. “My horse is tied up behind the mercantile.”
“I’ll wait right here.” Jed wasn’t fool enough to be lured into an ambush, if that was

what Travis was after.

True to his word, Travis returned mounted up and ready for a fight. He wore a six-

shooter and carried a rifle in his pack.

Jed was liking his odds against a gang of no-account thieves and murderers more

than he had a few moments before.

“Let’s ride,” he said.

* * * * *

By the time Carly arrived at the Lonesome, the girls were waiting. A few customers

had wandered back for a drink and Alvin obliged. No one seemed interested in dancing


“We heard one of the deputies was shot,” Judith said.
“That’s right. The bullet was fatal.” Carly’s heart constricted. Sam had been such a


Gladys gasped. “The gang killed him?”
“That’s right.”
“What’ll we do now?”
Judith shrugged.
Blanche bit her lip. “What if they come back?”
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, Sheriff Poole has gone after them.” Carly tried to

sound reassuring even though Jed was outnumbered.

She couldn’t forget Sam’s quiet face and all the blood spilling out of him. Would Jed

meet the same fate?

“I’ll be in my room.” She didn’t want to talk about it anymore.
The others turned away. The chatter was subdued. Carly couldn’t escape to her

room, not yet. She dragged a match across the bar and lit a lamp.

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She exited by the back door. A string of oaths came from the shed. Plumes of white

smoke rose from the chimney pot. She tried the door but it was locked.

“Dr. Baxter, it’s Carly. I need to speak with you.”
The chain rattled and the door opened a crack. Satisfied she was alone, the doctor

opened the door wide enough for her to come inside. A fire crackled in the grate. The

air was foul from the liquid boiling in a copper pot. She covered her nose with her

handkerchief but the stench was too strong to blot out with a mere hanky.

The apparatus for making the elixir was a wonder. A coiled tube ran from the pot

into a tub of water. From there it coiled some more until it dripped liquid into a bottle.

Crates of filled bottles were stacked against the wall. Baskets of corncobs littered the


“I knew you’d be around for a taste.” Dr. Baxter spoke with glee.
Carly shook her head, recoiling at the idea of ever touching the stuff again. She

hadn’t realized how much it had ruled her life. How nearly every decision she made

hinged on her next sip, and how instead of dealing with her own problems, she’d

drowned them out in an opiate state of mind. “I already told you. I’m done drinking the


“Is that a fact?” His smile was one-sided. “The elixir will cure what ails you.”
“You know it doesn’t.”
Baxter shrugged. “I’ve plenty of hardworking folk who welcome a drink of Dr.

Baxter’s after a long day.”

Carly scoffed. The man could talk a possum out of a tree.
He snatched up a brown bottle with a cork stopper. “My secret ingredient.”
She’d known the brew was mostly moonshine. What else the man added to his

elixir had always been a mystery.

He kissed the bottle with his thick lips. Whatever the substance was, it was strong

enough to erase her memory. She’d grown a terrible fondness for it, depended on its

effects to get her through a night.

But no more. She stared at the wily man. Jed had been right, of course. The bastard

was up to no good and she couldn’t keep him hidden for much longer.

“When will you be through?”
“All in good time, my dear.” He set the bottle down as gentle as a basket of kittens.
“When I agreed to let you make your brew here, we agreed you could run your still

for two days.” She was plenty annoyed and didn’t see a need to mince words. “It’s been

almost a week.”

“I’ve had some complications. Some of the corn had mold.” He screwed up his face.

“Can’t make my elixir with inferior products.”

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Carly didn’t care what he made his medicine from, she wanted him out of here.

“You have to be out of here by tonight. I’ve been able to keep the sheriff away so far but

I can’t guarantee he’ll keep his distance much longer.”

Dr. Baxter didn’t appear in too much of a hurry to accommodate her wishes. “I’ll

see what I can do.” Nor did he seem worried. His mistake.

“You have plenty to sell.” She pointed to the crates.
“I just need a little bit more.”
She played her trump card. “You’d better load up your wagon. When Sheriff Poole

gets back from Nogales, this will be his first stop. He’ll be sure to find out you’re here.

And then he’ll destroy this batch and toss you in jail—even if you threaten him with the

marshal. You know he doesn’t care two figs about this stuff being legal.”

He scratched his straggly beard. The firelight reflected in his eyes, giving him a

demonic air. She’d no doubt she’d made a pact with the devil.

“Perhaps I should reconsider.” He studied the room.
“I wouldn’t dawdle, Doc. You know how mean Sheriff Poole can get.”
He snarled in defeat. “Let me finish with this batch and I’ll be gone.”
He was not a man of his word but she left anyway, happy to be out of there. The

sickening sweet smell had made her stomach roil.

Hopefully he would be gone before Jed returned.
As Carly climbed the stairs to her room, she worried about Jed chasing after the

Crosby gang. She hoped he wouldn’t take any unnecessary risks. Mostly she hoped he

would be back soon.

How could she have been such a fool? She couldn’t imagine the town without him

as sheriff. She couldn’t imagine her life without him.

His kiss tonight hadn’t been a kiss goodbye but a promise of more to come.
The door to her crib was left open. She entered and was startled by a stranger

stretched out on her bed.

She frowned. She didn’t like customers wearing their boots on her silk counterpane.
“Excuse me but I’m done working tonight.”
The man sat up and swung his legs to the floor. “Are you the Buchanan woman?”
Carly raised a brow. “Have we met?”
“No, but we’re about to become acquainted. You can call me Vernon.”
A wave of apprehension coursed through her. She pressed her knees together to

keep herself steady. How the hell had the leader of the Crosby gang gotten into her

room, and how the hell was she going to get him out?

Best she pretend she didn’t recognize the name. If she acted like he was just another

randy cowpoke, she could deal with him more easily.

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She raised the lamp, trying to get a better look at him. His thinning hair barely

covered the top of his head. His skin was weathered and pockmarked. His stubble

didn’t hide a scar that ran from his cheek to the corner of his mouth.

“Like I said, Vernon, I’m not available.” She cast him the best smile she could

muster under the circumstances. “Why don’t you pick another one of the dollies?”

The man shook his head. “We got some business to settle, you and me.”
Her blood ran cold. She inched away from the bed and leaned against the wall by

the door, trying not to show her fear. “What kind of business?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.” He watched her like a predatory animal.
She was sure he meant to kill her. She had to get out of there. “If it’s all the same,

I’m going back downstairs.”

Vernon stood, stepped forward a foot, a fair amount of distance still between them.

But just that slight move made her tremble. When he spoke his voice was soft,

menacing. “You aren’t being very friendly. My boys told me you were quite a piece.”

She bit hard on the inside of her cheek, forcing herself to answer in a steady voice.

“I appreciate they were satisfied but I’m all worn through tonight. Could you come

back tomorrow?”

Another step closer. He showed her his shooter, cold steel. The initials V.C. were

carved in the grip. “Maybe this will change your mind?”

Carly had years of experience with this kind of man. She could deal with him. She

had to. “Vernon, you are new to the saloon so I’ll make allowances, but we don’t like

our customers to bring their weapons into the rooms.”

He rubbed the barrel and laughed a creepy heh, heh, heh.
The sound made her blood freeze.
She had to get that shooter away from him. “Have it your way. I figure you’re the

kind of man who likes to watch.”

Again the heh, heh, heh. The laugh reminded her of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
She leaned over and unbuttoned her shoes and tossed them aside. She placed her

foot on the edge of the bed and drew up her skirt. Vernon panted as he stood over her.

She didn’t miss the bulge in his britches or the gleam of lust in his beady eyes.

Carly unhooked her stocking from her garter. She prayed she could seduce him

enough that he wouldn’t notice when she reached for his weapon. If that didn’t work,

there was always her four-barrel underneath the mattress. He followed her every move.

He believed she was helpless and submissive. He thought he was in charge.

She rolled down her stocking and flung it at him, hitting him in the chin.

“Whoops,” she said and stepped toward him, reaching for it.

Vernon grabbed her wrist. She gazed at him with a lusty smile and brought his

hand to her bosom. He pinched her nipple hard. Carly kept the revulsion from her

features even though nausea twisted painfully in her gut.

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Her hand slid up his leg to his holster. She caressed the leather.
He pushed her away. “Go on. Finish getting undressed. We’ve got all night.”
Carly cursed. He wasn’t as stupid as he looked.
“I could use a drink,” she said, curling her tongue around her lips.
He pointed his weapon at her. “Don’t you try anything.”
She lolled her head to the side. He wasn’t falling for her games. He had more plans

in mind than bed play. Fear filled her. “Whatever you say, cowpoke.”

He leaned out the open door and looked both ways.
“Hey, you, come here.”
Ester appeared in the doorway. When she saw Carly, her eyes widened.
“Bring us a bottle of your best whiskey.” Vernon pointed his shooter at her. “None

of that watered down stuff.”

Ester nearly jumped out of her skin. He pushed the Colt into her neck.
“Leave her alone,” Carly said, an edge to her voice.
He shoved his gun an inch from her nose. “Just do as I say and nobody’ll get hurt.”
Ester got away, much to Carly’s relief.
“Sit down on the bed and spread your legs. Let this old cowhand see your wares.”

He shoved her against the bed and Carly’s knees buckled.

He inched her skirts up, using the barrel of the gun.
Carly kept watching him, even though she wanted to squeeze her eyes shut and

wish herself away. She caught sight of Ester carrying a cast-iron skillet in both hands.

The girl entered the room on tiptoes. Vernon looked over his shoulder but before he

could turn around, Ester raised the pan and it came crashing down on the back of his

head with a loud clang.

Carly’s mouth opened wide in surprise.
Vernon Crosby pitched forward. Carly’s first reaction was shock as she moved out

of the way. His head hit the bedpost with a crack before he fell to the floor in a heap.

“Let that be a lesson to you,” Ester said. She kicked the man in the ribs. Carly didn’t

try to restrain her.

Vernon didn’t flinch, didn’t move a muscle.
“Do you think he’s dead?” Ester’s voice trembled.
Carly scrambled from the bed, pleased as punch at what Ester had done. She ran to

her side and put her arms around the simple woman. “No, honey, but he’ll have a

bump the size of a dragon’s egg when he comes to.”

Ester giggled. “Then I did all right?”
Carly smiled like an approving mother hen. “You did just fine.”
“Should we tie him up like we done the others?”
Carly scoffed. “I guess we’d better.”

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“When Sheriff Poole gets back, he’ll be happy.”
“Yes, Ester. He’ll be thrilled.”
Carly knew she was in for a lecture when Jed returned to town but she wouldn’t

waste time worrying about it. Where there was one rat, there was sure to be more.

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Chapter Fifteen

Carly scrambled down the steps, Ester in her wake. They’d tied Vernon up good

and tight and left the unconscious gang leader on the floor of her bedroom with the

door shut.

She rushed up to the bar. “Alvin, close up. We’ve got trouble.”
“What is it?” The barman immediately grabbed his shotgun and hefted it to his


“Vernon Crosby is trussed up like a roasted pig in my room.”
Alvin’s mouth dropped open and he turned to Ester, who nodded her head


“That he is, like a-a pig! I got him good, didn’t I, Carly?” Ester spoke fast. She was

excited and she had every right to be.

“Shit. How the hell did he get in here?”
Carly shook her head. “Came in the back way, I reckon. But we need to clear this

place out. His boys are likely here or on their way. He would have told them where he

was headed and when he doesn’t come back, they’ll be looking for him. And me.”

Alvin banged the butt of his shotgun on the bar. The music stopped and all eyes

turned toward him. “Everybody out. Saloon’s closed. See y’all tomorrow.”

The men groaned and a few refused but the girls obeyed Carly’s stern finger

pointed at the swinging doors and coaxed the men to leave the saloon with promises of

a good time tomorrow.

It took only ten minutes at the most before the bar was completely empty of


“Bar the door,” Carly ordered.
Alvin was quick to find his broom and slide the handle between the door handles.

“You ladies lock the back door,” he said.

Big Judith and Blanche obliged. Carly called after them, “Grab your pistola if you

have one.”

Someone started banging on the door and Carly’s pulse quickened.
“Who’s there?” she asked. They were no match for a gunfight.
“Dr. Baxter. Let me in.”
With relief, she took out the broom handle. Baxter came rushing inside, red-faced

and breathing hard.

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“What are you up to?” he hollered. “I had customers’ orders ready to hand out

tonight and now you’ve cleared the Lonesome. How am I supposed to make any money

if they aren’t here?”

Carly replaced the broom handle. “Hold your horses, Doc, we’ve got trouble

coming to the Lonesome. Your customers will have to wait.”

Dr. Baxter grabbed hold of his lapels. He’d worked up quite a lather. “Then I won’t

be staying if it’s all the same to you.”

She shook her head. The man surely was a coward. As she reached for the broom

handle, she heard a shriek.

Carly whirled around. A rough hombre with four companions entered the back way.

He held on to Blanche by the hair. Two others had put Judith in an arm hold.

“You boys skedaddle.” She spoke calmly even though she knew they must be part

of the gang. “We’re closed.”

“The Lonesome closes wee bit early, in my estimation,” the vile man replied.
Carly frowned.
“Why so glum? Me and boys are here to have a little fun. Don’t you want to join


Carly tightened her fists. The Crosby gang were murderers and scoundrels and she

wanted no part of them. “Best you leave those dollies be. Come back in the morning.

We’ll be open again then.”

Dr. Baxter slinked around to the side of the bar and then quickly made a break for

the back door. Carly could only hope he was trying to find Jack Finney to come and

help but somehow she doubted it. Doc sure was one scaredy-cat.

And nobody else in town was fool enough to get involved.
“I ain’t coming back in the morning. I’m thirsty now.” The man holding Blanche

stalked up to the bar, dragging her with him, and slammed his fist down on the wood.

“Whiskey! For me and my friends.”

Two of the men accompanying him walked to the bar, laughter curling their lips.

Judith struggled in their arms but stopped when one of them smacked her. The others

held back as if keeping guard.

Carly was surrounded.
Alvin stepped behind the bar, his gun pointed at the men. “The lady said we’re

closed. Best be heeding her advice and head on out of here.”

The man laughed until his body shook. “Put that toy away, if you know what’s

good for you, and get me the damn whiskey.”

When Alvin opened his mouth to respond, the hombre shoved Blanche aside and

lunged, knocking away Alvin’s gun. He whipped out his own gun and pressed it to

Alvin’s forehead. “I told you to put it away and now I’ve had to take it from you.

You’ve made me angry, little man.”

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The other two ne’er-do-wells thrust Judith toward Blanche. They clung to each

other and rushed over with Lorraine, Gladys and Ester.

“Leave him alone.” Carly clenched her fists at her sides. She was desperate to grab

the shotgun, which had ended up at the end of the bar.

He chuckled and raised his hands to mock her. “Now don’t you get yourself in a


Carly had to protect the ladies from these varmints.
The no-account gripped Alvin by the neck. “Where is my boss?”
Alvin elbowed the man in the ribs and he let go.
Carly took advantage of his distraction and seized the shotgun.
“Take your weapons and drop them on the floor,” she commanded.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, whore, I still got my gun trained on the barkeep

here.” The hombre’s voice was gravelly, hoarse, and he was holding on to his side.

“I can see that, but I have a shotgun pointed at your privates and I won’t hesitate to


“Even still, your man will die.”
Poor Alvin winced. She wanted to reassure him but couldn’t let on she cared.
Instead, Carly shrugged. “Maybe, but so will you. I hear a ball shot bleeds a man

out in a couple of hours.”

His lips thinned against his teeth. No doubt he didn’t trust her a lick, but he

couldn’t afford to take the chance she might shoot.

“No need to get feisty. All we came for was our trail boss.”
“Your boss is dead. He came in here earlier, intent on settling a score with me.” Her

lies came easily. She’d had plenty of practice. “I sent him to his maker right quick, still

had a smile on his lips when he took his last breath.”

“You’re lying.” The man turned slowly toward hers, as if trying to see the deception

in her expression. Carly held the weapon steady, kept her eyes cold and unflinching.

She’d never shot a man before, the hole in her wall was testament to her abilities with a

pistol. A shotgun scattered shot every which way. She was bound to hit the hombre


Sweat broke out on his forehead.
“Ready to take that chance?” She pulled back on the hammer. The click sent shivers

up her spine.

He glanced between her and the shotgun aimed at his withered cock.
“Toss your weapons,” she said, “slow and steady.”
His Peacemaker slipped from his grip and fell to the floor.
“Take a seat.” She waved the shotgun in the direction of the nearest table.
He pulled out a chair and slumped into it.

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“Keep your hands where I can see them.” She picked up his Colt. It was

considerably heavier than the pistola. She didn’t shy from aiming it at her prisoner.

The man growled but did as he was told. He folded his hands on the table as if he

was at a prayer meeting.

“The rest of you can drop your weapons.”
They smirked until she pulled back the hammer on the Colt. Holding a weapon in

each hand, she watched as each man unbuckled his belt. When they’d finished, she took

a deep breath. “Now your knives.”

The men grimaced but drew their knives out of their boots and slid them across the

rough planks.

“Judith, you go on and collect those weapons.”
Judith picked up her skirt and piled the weapons in a bundle. “Where should I put


“Behind the bar.” Carly motioned with the barrel. “Now you boys can join your

friend at the table.”

The rest of the men didn’t argue and went to sit on the chairs.
“Are you all right?” she asked Alvin.
Her barkeep’s hand shook as he moved beside her, taking back his shotgun. “I will

be as soon as we see the backside of these fellars.”

Carly welcomed a surge of affection for the man who always was ready to defend

the ladies of the Lonesome.

“Blanche, find some rope and tie these customers to their seats.”
The girl scurried away to the back room.
Gladys crossed her arms. “What are we supposed to do now?”
“Wait for the sheriff,” Carly replied.
“How long will that take?”
“Not long, since these are the no-accounts he’s looking for.”
Blanche returned with a length of twine and a kitchen knife. All weapons turned on

the gang members as Blanche wrapped the twine around them, securing them to their


“Maybe we could check their pockets,” Blanche said. “If they robbed the stage,

they’re bound to have silver on them.”

“Whatever coin they have belongs to the depositors of the Wells Fargo Bank.” Carly

couldn’t believe she’d actually said that. They could use the extra coin but she wouldn’t

abide breaking the law like these hombres had done. Jed and his ways were rubbing off

on her.

Carly flopped down in a chair. It’d been a long night, with death visiting Tucson.

Soon the gang would be behind bars and the lawlessness they’d brought to their town

would be behind them.

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She couldn’t help but smile thinking about what Jed would say when he returned.

Six desperadoes this time. They’d a great deal to celebrate.

* * * * *

Jed and Travis hunkered down as the wind kicked up and stinging sand blinded

them. They’d found no sign of the gang.

“I’m going back,” Jed said as he pulled down his bandana. “The gang must be in

Mexico by now.”

“Think I’ll keep after them.” Travis shifted in his saddle. “Look for the strongbox.”
“I reckon we’ll see you back in Tucson.”
Travis saluted and turned his horse’s head south. Jed covered his nose and mouth

with his bandana and pointed Shooter home. The gang always seemed to be one step

ahead of him. They were a wily bunch but he’d every confidence their days living

outside the law were about over.

The way back was miserable—fighting all nature could throw at him and his horse.

Shooter was part mustang and surefooted as a billy goat and they made good time.

When the sun crested the mountains, the wind died down.

The temperature warmed as he made his way down Main Street. He removed his

bandana and, wadding it into a ball, wiped his forehead and neck. Some vittles and a

hot bath and shave were high on his list. He passed the carpenter’s shop. He was

pounding on white oak planks, putting together a coffin. Jed tipped his hat.

He saw with relief the Lonesome was quiet. Carly for once took his advice. Last

night’s shooting had put the town on edge. He dismounted and walked. He hadn’t

gotten far when Jack Finney came bounding out of the sheriff’s office. He must’ve been

waiting and watching for Jed. Surprisingly, he was all smiles.

“Sheriff, there’s been a ruckus over at the Lonesome. Got a message from one of the

gals. Seems we’re needed.”

“Anybody hurt?” Jed dreaded the answer.
“No, but you’ll not believe what those ladies managed to do.”
A sly-looking Gladys slipped from the sheriff’s office and trailed her hand down

Jack’s arm. Seems like the boy had gotten a little fun in… He’d have to talk to him about

mixing business with pleasure.

Jed handed off his horse to Jack. “Shooter needs some oats.”
The boy gazed longingly at Gladys then nodded in Jed’s direction. “Yes sir.”
Jed headed toward the Lonesome. What in tarnation had Carly got up to now? He’d

half a mind to turn her over on his knee and give her a good spanking. The thought

made his blood rush to his cock. But he couldn’t be thinking like that. Something was


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His pace increased. There were no two ways about it. Next time he left town, he’d

put a deputy in charge right outside the batwing doors. Trouble found her like a


The doors were boarded shut. He gave them a kick a mule would be proud of and

the wood splintered. He pushed his way inside.

The saloon girls sat around tables, sleepy-eyed and yawning. Each one held a

revolver. The barkeep swung a shotgun around to warn off the intruder.

“Put that thing down, Alvin.” Jed’s gaze swept the room for a red dress.
The girls scrambled from their seats and parted to show him what had caused them

to stay up all night. Four men, tied up and gagged, struggled to speak.

Carly sashayed up to him, her eyes red from lack of sleep. “I’m sure happy you’re


He scowled. “Who are these men?”
She took him by the arm and rested her head on his shoulder. “Sheriff Poole, these

are the men working for Vernon Crosby. I believe you want them for thieving and


Jed pushed his hat back on his head. He’d never seen such a sight—ornery men

bested by a bevy of gun-toting saloon dollies.

“That leaves Vernon Crosby for me,” he said.
Carly yawned. “You don’t have to bother. He’s upstairs in my room unconscious.

Ester hit him with an iron skillet.”

“Yes, I did.” Ester sprang to her feet. Jed hadn’t noticed her.
For a moment he was speechless. “You mean all of the gang has been rounded up?”
“Every last one.” She pulled away. Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Don’t you

fret. There’ll be other criminals for you to catch sooner or later.”

Big Judith adjusted the bodice on her lavender-colored gown and placed her

weapon between her breasts. “Now that the sheriff is here, I’m going to bed.”

“I’m not cut out for this kind of work,” Blanche said. With a huff, she followed

Judith and climbed the stairs.

“You girls can go up,” Carly said to Lorraine and Gladys, who’d just walked back

into the saloon. “I believe the sheriff means to take over from here.”

The two women dragged themselves up the stairs, the feathers in their hair


Carly set her hand on the nearest prisoner. “You’ll need help getting this gang to

the jailhouse.”

She’d done good, he reckoned, and was enjoying her victory. He couldn’t have been

more proud of her. She was a strong woman. A woman with her abilities, he reckoned,

was a woman fit to be a sheriff’s wife.

Jed drew his weapon. “Cut ‘em loose and let’s get started.”

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Carly used a knife to saw through the twine. The first man jerked so hard he fell

forward. Jed grabbed him by the collar before he fell and hauled him to his feet.

“You’ve got a lot to account for, mister,” Jed said.
“I didn’t do nothing,” he said, rubbing his arms.
“You boys left a trail of death and destruction from here to Nogales.”
The man glared at him. “You can’t prove anything.”
Jed parted the man’s buckskin vest with the barrel of his gun, revealing an

overloaded money belt.

“I’ll take that.”
The prisoner unbuckled the belt and tossed it on the table. The bulging belt clinked

when it landed, no doubt filled with silver coin. His upper lip curled into a snarl.

Carly finished cutting the twine on the other prisoners. Jed told them to stand. They

scrambled to their feet, grumbling.

“What about the man I bashed?” Ester asked.
“He’ll keep,” Jed replied. He’d no way to carry an unconscious man. He motioned

for the men to lead the way. “You know where the jailhouse is.”

Carly started after them.
“Where are you going?” He didn’t have to ask.
“You need help.” There was a great deal of satisfaction in her expression.
He wouldn’t deny her the pleasure of finishing what she’d started. Even Ester came


They tramped their way down the middle of the street. Folks poked their heads out

of buildings, pointing at what they saw. Some huddled together, fear obvious in their

expressions. Apparently, no one had slept.

When they reached the jail, Jack Finney was at the door.
“What a sight for sore eyes,” he said.
“Grab a couple of fellas and go back to the Lonesome,” Jed told him. “Vernon

Crosby’s been knocked out and needs carrying.”

Jack put on his hat, bowed to Carly and Ester, then left.
“Go on,” Jed said. The gang needed a little nudging with the barrel of his Colt. They

dragged their sorry hides into the cell.

“Quite a crowd,” Carly said.
Jed shut the door and locked it. He turned to confront her. “Darlin’, don’t you ever

try that again.”

“What was I supposed to do? Me and the girls weren’t in the mood to entertain

these no-accounts until you returned.”

Jed shook his head. She was pretty but she was stubborn. “What you did was

mighty dangerous.”

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She touched his vest and fondled the buttons on his shirt. He was hard in an

instant. Her touch made his skin tingle and all he could think about was the last time

they’d been in the cell together.

“I expect we won’t have to arrest criminals anymore with a sheriff at our beck and


Jed was glad they’d come to an understanding.
“How about a celebration?” She purred like a kitten.
A celebration was called for, and as soon as he had Vernon Crosby in custody and

guards posted for the night, he intended to take her up on her invite.

He was about to tell her so when a violent explosion ripped through the morning’s


“What the hell?” Jed drew his weapon and went outside. Carly and Jack were at his

heels. They stared in disbelief as black smoke billowed from the back of the Lonesome.

Carly’s mouth fell open. Ester clung to her.
Two boys came at a canter from that direction.
“What’s happened?” Jed asked.
They needed a second to catch their breaths. The taller one spoke first. “Don’t know

for certain but there was an explosion and the saloon’s on fire.”

Carly started running.

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Chapter Sixteen

The smell of burning wood stung Carly’s nostrils as she ran. Black smoke clouded

the once blue morning sky. Ash blew in the wind, catching in her hair. When she

reached the saloon, she stopped.

The Lonesome was totally engulfed in flames. Orange and red fire licked very inch

of the roof.

“No,” she screamed. She rushed up the wooden steps, intent on grabbing her few

precious items—namely O’Dell’s last letter. Where was everyone? Were they trapped

inside? She called their names but no one answered.

Just as she reached the doors, Dr. Baxter slammed them open, nearly knocking her

over. His hair was singed and his face was covered in soot.

“My still…” He trailed off, looking around confused. He began coughing.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Jed shouted from behind Carly.
There was no time for explanations. She grabbed Dr. Baxter’s arm.
“My still exploded. The shed caught fire.” Dr. Baxter stumbled down the steps.
But it wasn’t just his still, the Lonesome was on fire and if they didn’t get the fire

brigade here soon, there would be nothing left.

She led Dr. Baxter a safe distance away and heard the welcome clanging of the fire

brigade. But she just couldn’t stand here and watch.

She rushed back to the steps. Hot cinders fell like rain. She pushed into the smoke-

filled room, and quickly covered her mouth. Taking a breath hurt, and scorched all the

way down to her lungs. She wouldn’t leave her girls to burn.

She opened her eyes, blinking away the tears that came from the smoke. She could

see nothing but shadows. The roar of the fire overhead was deafening.

“Judith,” she shouted. Her voice couldn’t be heard over the noise of the burning

timbers. Repeated tries only brought on a fit of coughing.

From behind, arms snaked around her waist and picked her up. She struggled but

was hauled out of the building.

“What are you thinking?” Jed said, planting her on the ground and turning her

around. He’d carried her a fair distance into the street.

“Judith! Blanche!” she said through gasps and pointed at the burning building.
“They are over there on the boardwalk,” he said, his voice angry. His mouth was

twisted into a frightful scowl. Soot streaked both cheeks.

All four of her saloon dollies were watching her. Ester clung to Alvin.

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“You didn’t even bother to think before you rushed headlong into the burning

building.” Jed was breathing heavy. “You could have died!”

“Oh my God… What have I done?” She sank to her knees, watching the flames

shoot into the sky. The entire building was now red with flames. Her life was in flames.

The lives of Alvin and the girls, people who depended on her, were ruined because of


Tears streamed down her cheeks and she used the sleeve of her gown to wipe them


“Don’t cry, Carly.” Jed sank down beside her and pulled her into his arms. “No

one’s been hurt.”

She shook her head against his warm, muscled shoulder. Jed didn’t understand, of

course. She should be happy that no one was hurt—and she was, she was happy and

relieved. But her life had gone up in smoke and she only had herself to blame.

The fire brigade arrived and set to work. The water they’d brought was no match

for the flames.

Carly shook her head as she watched. If she hadn’t allowed Dr. Baxter to stay, to

work on his elixir in the Lonesome’s shed, then this wouldn’t have happened. She

should have listened to Jed but she hadn’t. Now everything she’d worked so hard for

was in a shambles.

She couldn’t take comfort from Jed. She pushed him away and her legs shaky.

Through her tear-filled gaze she saw the place she’d come to think of as her life, her

livelihood, the place she’d been entrusted with by Big Jim, burn to the ground.

As she stood there, weary and ashamed, Ester ran past.
“Wait, Ester!” Carly reached out and grabbed hold of her but Ester was determined

and wrenched free.

“My doll!” Without looking back, without a pause in her step, Ester rushed

impetuously into the building.

“No,” Carly shouted, reaching out in front of her, grasping at air.
“Stop!” Jed’s voice sounded behind her.
Carly took off running, the pounding of Jed’s feet close behind her. She had to save

Ester. The woman would not be able to find her way in the blaze, let alone her doll.

A loud boom sounded from the roof and she faltered in her steps, stumbling to a

stop. She watched helplessly as the building collapsed with Ester inside. Wood

splintered and ashes spun past her in a whoosh. Merciless flames spread rapidly and

licked at every available ember.

Carly watched in horror. A feral, unearthly sound issued from her mouth—grief

and fear mixed to form a tortured scream. All around her hands, arms, tried to comfort

her. She heard the whispers of Jed, of the others who’d come to help, to say that there

was nothing she could do. It was hopeless. She could hear over and over again Ester’s

innocent squeal for her doll and the sound of the Lonesome crashing to the ground.

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Her own foolishness has caused this disaster. Ester’s death was her shame.
“You whore! You could’ve ruined every business in town. You’re a menace.” The

taunts came flying from all directions.

Each word bled her like a knife’s wound. She didn’t blame them. She believed


“That’s enough,” Jed shouted to the crowd. “Be on your way unless you’re here to


Carly shoved Jed, Alvin and her dollies away from her and took off for the desert at

a run.

* * * * *

Hours later, Jed confronted the man responsible. Baxter sifted through the ashes of

the shed, picking up shards of glass and scraps of burned metal. The fire brigade had

done a good job of getting the flames out once the building collapsed, and keeping the

fire from spreading to the other businesses in town. Unfortunately, the Lonesome was a

complete loss.

“When I said get out of this town or you’d be sorry, why couldn’t you have just

listened?” Jed asked, anguish in his voice. “You’re bad news and now two people are

dead because of you.”

The doc looked up, his eyes bloodshot, soot smeared across his brow and his hair

white with ash.

“Do you have nothing to say?” Jed asked. Fury whipped through his blood. He

wanted to pummel the doc into the ground.

“I’m sorry.” Baxter wagged his head back and forth. “I don’t know what else to


“Say you’ll get out of my town and never come back.”
Baxter blinked as if surprised. Instead of an argument, he nodded. “I’ll leave now.

You’ll not see me again.”

Jed turned around, glad the man had not argued. He would’ve likely broken

Baxter’s neck if he’d put up a challenge.

Two bodies were pulled from the rubble. One of the meanest hombres to ever roam

the territory and a sweet lady who never hurt anybody.

“It’s a crying shame,” Alvin said as he covered the bodies with a blanket.
Jed nodded. No words were adequate. He walked down the street toward the

sheriff’s office.

* * * * *


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With a jolt, Carly glanced up from her campfire at the sound of a painfully familiar


She stood before her in the flesh, looking just as beautiful as Carly remembered

her—if not more so. Her fiery red hair was pulled back in a flattering bun at the nape of

her neck and a stylish hat was placed just so on her head. Her skirt was simple, clean

and made from a becoming green, her blouse crisp white linen with lace around the

collar and cuffs.

O’Dell held out her hands, beckoning Carly forward. Carly’s heart lurched into her

throat and she couldn’t speak. She stood on shaky legs, wobbled forward and fell into

her old friend’s arms.

She felt broken, beaten down. At the end of her path. But here was a bright light

come to save her.

“Oh Carly, if I’d known how bad things were…” O’Dell started, but she didn’t


“They weren’t so bad until now,” Carly muttered. She pulled away, wiping the

tears from her eyes and staring at her longtime friend. “What are you doing here?”

O’Dell studied her for a moment then picked a spot on the ground near the fire, no

care for her pretty skirt. “When you wouldn’t answer my letters, I finally couldn’t take

it any longer. Nathan suggested I come pay you a visit. When I got here, the Lonesome

was burned to the ground and no one in sight. I was told by Mr. Finney I could find you

out here.”

Carly came and sat beside O’Dell, offering her a swig from her canteen.
“What’s in it?” O’Dell asked suspiciously.
“Just water. I’m done with the elixir.”
O’Dell smiled wide. “Thank God. That stuff would have been the death of you.”
Carly nodded with a sad grin. “It was the death of another.”
O’Dell swallowed the water then handed it back to Carly. “I heard.” She again

pulled Carly into her arms. “But it wasn’t your fault, as much as you want to blame

yourself for it.”

“But it was. If I hadn’t been addicted to Dr. Baxter’s elixir, I wouldn’t have allowed

him a place for his still.”

O’Dell frowned. “I don’t know about that. You weren’t the only one addicted and if

the man was in need, who’s to say what you would have done?” She picked at a piece

of bramble on her skirt. “I should have been there to help you. Done something more

for you, but I was too busy with my own life.”

“No!” Carly grabbed ahold of O’Dell’s shoulders and forced her to meet her gaze.

“This was not your fault either. You needed to move on. You tried to get me to come

with you. I just wasn’t ready for it. I wasn’t ready for anything except drowning my


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“It wasn’t until I met Jed that I wanted to make something of myself. He showed

me that I was worth something. That the drink was killing me. And even with my

feelings for him, my need to show him I could be all he thought I was, it was damn hard

to thrust the elixir aside. And you know what? I pushed him away too. So don’t you

ever think this was your fault. Never.” She swallowed hard. “I’m sorry I never wrote

you back. I was too ashamed. Too afraid you’d tell me what a horrible person I am.”

O’Dell gasped. “I would never!”
“I know that now… But I was punishing myself. Punishing myself for not being

there for you. For betraying you.”

“Seems like we both have done some things we feel mighty bad about. How about

here and now,” she sniffled, “we forgive each other for everything and pledge to move

forward on a positive note.”

Carly nodded emphatically.
The women cried for a time then talked of O’Dell’s ranch and babies, and Carly

promised to visit soon. When the sun started to settle on the horizon, O’Dell pulled

Carly into a hug.

“I have to get back to the inn. Nathan is waiting on me there, we’re to head back to

our spread in the morning. Left the babies with a nice woman we hired to help out.

She’s like a mother to me. Will you come with me? I know Nathan is eager to see you’re

all right.”

Carly shook her head. “As much as I want to, I’m not ready to face the town yet.”
O’Dell nodded. “I understand. You’ll keep in touch with me, won’t you? You’ll

write and visit?”

Carly smiled, feeling immeasurably lighter now that she’d gotten a lot of guilt

regarding O’Dell off her shoulders. Now if only she could forgive herself for letting

down her dollies—for Ester’s death. That was something she didn’t think she’d ever

recover from.

* * * * *

Later that night, when Jed realized Carly had not returned from the desert, he went

out to find her. He found her at the edge of town, in a makeshift miner’s tent set up

between some fence posts. She’d built a fire and was sitting on a wooden log. It was not

the domestic scene he’d wanted for her.

She didn’t look up to greet him. He realized how much he wanted to see the glint of

mischief in her eyes each time they met, and the curl of sensuous lips as she spoke. His

heart ached to see her so alone and dejected.

He dismounted. She most likely didn’t want his company but he needed to say his


He crouched next to the fire and threw a ball of tumbleweed into the flames. The

fire crackled and popped.

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“What do you want?” Her voice was low and threatening like storm clouds.

“Everyone else has abandoned me, why don’t you just leave me to my fate?”

“You’re not to blame yourself for what happened,” he said. “And no one has

abandoned you.”

“I made a big mistake.” She sighed deeply. He’d not seen her this way before, so

full of despair and guilt she didn’t know which way to turn. “The girls will never

forgive me.”

“We all make mistakes at times and they don’t have to forgive you because they

don’t blame you for anything.”

She huffed. “You don’t make mistakes.”
He hung his head, the raw pain of how he’d recently failed his deputy still sharp.

“I’m responsible for Sam’s death.”

“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You couldn’t have known the stage would

be robbed by such a bloodthirsty gang.”

“That’s not how I see it. Just as I’m sure that’s not how you see what happened

today as your fault.”

She found forgiveness difficult, Jed decided. Before she could understand that the

fire was a terrible accident, she needed to forgive herself.

He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out an envelope. “This came for you

today. I told Mr. Charles I’d deliver it.”

She didn’t show any interest.
“Aren’t you the least bit curious what’s inside?”
Carly took a deep breath and spoke to the fire. “I don’t care.”
“Seems there was a reward for the capture of Crosby and his gang. The Wells Fargo

gives you their thanks. A hefty sum of reward money will be coming along in a few


She scoffed. “Do you think money makes up for Ester’s death?”
“Carly, I don’t care to see any more of what I witnessed this day either but we have

to go on.”

Carly’s cheeks reddened. “You knew that Dr. Baxter was bad news, and now…”

Her voice cracked.

He furrowed his brows and sat beside her on the log. He longed to pull her into his


“I don’t want to see you suffer so. I want to see you smiling.”
“Don’t waste your breath. I’m not the kind of person who should have friends.”
“How can you say that?”
She poked at the fire with a stick. “Judith and the others came by on their way out

of town. They left for Sacramento—want to start a new life. Alvin’s likely to not stick


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He pulled off his hat. “You’ve got me.”
“Don’t you get it? I poison every relationship I’m in. I’m no good, and that’s a fact.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“What do you want with a used-up woman anyway?”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. We all stumble.”
She laughed but there was no mirth in her. “What happened today was more than a

stumble, Jed.”

“You and I are a team,” he said.
“Have you been partaking of Dr. Baxter’s brew?”
Jed detected a hint of a smile. “No ma’am.”
Carly gnawed on a rubbery piece of jerky, screwing up her face as she chewed.

“There’s something else, something I should’ve told you weeks ago.”

Jed braced himself for more bad news.
“The two men you arrested for killing Mr. Crowley were in my room. I heard them

talking about the murder and I didn’t say anything.” She glanced at him. Her grief was

raw. “You’ve got to know they threatened to kill me and the other dollies if I told on


Jed brushed her cheek with his thumb. “I saw you run into that burning building

after Ester. You have a protective nature, I reckon, one I can’t fault.”

“You understand?” She swallowed hard.
“I had a hunch you knew something about the Crowley murder.”
She shrugged. “How can you want to be with me?”
“Carly. I…” He paused, looked up at the sky. He was never a man who could talk

pretty. He needed soothing words right now.

“I’ve grown to care for you. More than care, actually.”
“Why, Jeddah Poole, I do believe that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to


“Well, if that’s the case, I need to work on saying a lot more nice things.”
Carly tossed him a saucy look and cocked her shoulder seductively. “I appreciate


He saw the opening he needed. “This ain’t no life for you.”
“What else can I do?”
“I’ve got a mean recipe for pie my ma used to make, and I think folks will enjoy it.”
She snorted. “You decided to take up cooking?”
“Seems to me it’d be a real good business, providing hot meals and a shot of

whiskey for the cowpokes and wranglers passing through our town. Could be an

honest business the townsfolk could get behind.”

“You really don’t have to be so agreeable,” she said, a touch of laughter in her eyes.

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It did him a world of good to see her respond to him this way. “So how about

cooking up my ma’s recipe for apricot pie?”

She shrugged. “I never thought much about cooking for a living.”
“This money would give you a start.”
“Damn, but it’s just plain impossible to say no to you.”
“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.”
She punched him in the arm.
“I love you, Carly. With all my heart.”
She gasped. “I love you too.”
“We’re part of this territory, you and me.” He spoke with conviction. “It’s wild and

rough. We’ve got work to do taming her. Together.”

“Why Jeddah Poole, is that a proposal?”
Jed smiled. “I reckon it is.”
“Then I accept.” She brushed her lips against his. His whole world opened up

before him in one embrace.

When they pulled apart, she beamed. “Until this moment I didn’t realize how very

much I wanted this, wanted to be with you. My biggest regret is the loss that had to

come in order for me to understand it.”

His hands travelled up her arms and down her back. “You’ve made me a happy


“Don’t think you’ve made this scandalous woman into a respectable one.”
“That’s not what I want.”
“Good. Appears you need my skills in law enforcement.”
“I’ve never seen a woman who’s so lucky catching criminals.”
“Luck is it?” She chucked him under his chin. “I’m more than happy to help out

where I’m needed, Sheriff.”

“We’ll have to discuss that some more.”
This time she laughed. “You know I’m not wearing a corset?”
“I noticed.”
“You don’t mind?”
“Darlin’, you’re a beauty with or without one.”
With those words, Jed captured her lips in a possessive kiss. He picked her up and

carried her into the tent. They’d make their pledge to each other with their bodies,

making love as a man would his wife. Claiming each other for the rest of their days.

The tent seemed dwarfed with them inside. He laid her down on the rolled blanket

and came down on top of her. Every inch of his hard body covered hers.

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The apprehension and fear of the last few hours were put aside. She touched the

brim of his Stetson, sliding her fingers over the rim, watching him as he studied her.

She took his hat off and tossed it away. His dark gaze penetrated her.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and closed her eyes, moving her lips

toward his, seeking his mouth for a kiss. His lips met hers without hesitation. And for

once she kissed him, not with the idea of conquering him, not with the idea of trying to

best him, but with love freely given.

Her tongue skimmed over his lips, tasting, taunting. He growled low in his throat,

opening his lips, his own tongue dipping out to dance with hers. He tasted sweet and

spicy, a flavor she found utterly intoxicating.

She held the back of his head, lightly massaging his scalp and tugging his hair. A

hunger, deep and greedy, rose up inside her. This man was hers.

“I love you, Jed,” she murmured against his lips. “More than you could ever know.

You saved me. You saved my soul, made this life worth living.”

He pulled his mouth from hers and gazed into her eyes. They’d darkened, filled

with emotion that mirrored his own. “We saved each other. I can’t imagine living the

rest of my days without you.” He touched his nose to hers. “I’ve fallen so hard for you,

woman, I’ll never make it back up.”

She smiled, and ran a finger from his cheek to his chin and his lips. He sucked her

finger into his mouth and she let out a stifled moan. “Make love to me.”

“I plan to.”
He snaked his hands over her knees, her thighs, pulling her skirts up. The sultry hot

air of the desert caressed her skin in his fingers’ wake, and despite the warmth, she was

covered in gooseflesh.

Jed’s mouth came back to claim hers, kissing her tenderly, as his hands played with

her and then found her center, heated, wet, quivering. He thrust his fingers inside her,

caressed her inside and out, until her limbs trembled and her breathing was erratic. She

couldn’t catch her breath, didn’t want to.

She raised her pelvis to meet his hand with each thrust. She gladly rose up to the

oblivion he cast her in. He nibbled on her neck, her collarbone, scraped his teeth over

the milky tops of her breasts, pulling her bodice down to reveal hardened nipples. The

scent of his soap wafted from his hair and she inhaled it.

“I’ve never felt so loved,” she gasped as he drew a nipple into his mouth, his fingers

still taking her to the edge and breadth of heaven.

“You deserve it.” He sucked hard on her nipple. He pinched her clitoris gently but

with enough pressure to send her careening into a climax.

She threw her head back, her mouth falling open and a deep carnal moan flowing

from her throat.

“Yeah darlin’, that’s it, come for me.”
She rocked against his hand as his slippery fingers massaged her.

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“Inside me…” she stammered. “I want you inside me.”
“I was hoping you’d ask,” he teased with a wink.
She smiled back, grappling with his belt, not able to get his britches off quick

enough. Evidently, her recent climax only made her want him more. She was hungry,

famished. She licked at her lips, yanked at his belt and shoved his pants down.

Hungrily, she gripped his cock, stroking up and down, brushing his pre-cum with

her thumb. Her other hand, slipped under his shirt, finding the crisp hair of his chest

and the muscles rippling to her touch.

“Oh, Carly, I can’t wait,” he murmured as he nuzzled her breasts.
“Don’t,” she answered, placing the head of his cock on her opening. She rubbed

back and forth, soaking the tip with her cream. “Take me. Now.”

He groaned, capturing her mouth for a feral kiss as he plunged inside her—but not

all the way. Her hand was still holding him, but new sensations built as his slick cock

glided in and out of her opening.

“Your hand… Fuck… This is so good…” he ground out, his eyes shut.
“I like it,” she managed to say, her body already stiffening for a second climax. She

lifted her legs high around him, arching up into him, her hand saturated with her own


He pushed and pulled against every ridge, his skin glossy and his cock hard.
“You’re torturing me, woman…” He moaned and she squeezed gently, continuing

to hold him as her cunny muscles clenched and sucked him back in. With a growl he

pulled her hand away, grabbed her ass and drove deep inside her.

She arched her back, pelvis connected with his. “Oh, Jed!”
“Yes, darlin’, yes…” he chanted as he plunged deeper, harder, faster.
Carly raked her fingernails down his shirt. But it wasn’t good enough. She wanted

skin to skin. She gripped the front of his shirt, rending it open, buttons popping. She

stroked over his warm chest, leaned up and licked and sucked at his flesh. She pulled

back, her gaze locking with his as realization once again hit her.

“You’re mine,” she gasped.
“All yours, and you’re mine.” He captured her lips once more in a searing kiss.

They held each other tight as their bodies writhed in a slower pace, allowing them to

prolong their joining, until at last neither could hold out. But their mouths remained

locked as they drank in each other’s shouts of pleasure.

Wave after wave of delicious sensation rocked through their bodies. Carly’s legs

shook, her skin vibrating until every inch of her flesh sang out in sheer pleasure. Jed

pumped deep inside her, shuddering as he pulsed his seed into her womb.

They stayed joined for some time, their breaths coming in unison, their hearts

beating steadily as one.

Jed shucked on his clothes.

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“Where are you going?” she asked, her tone full of disappointment.
“Get dressed.”
She sat up, her hair a tangled mess. She slipped into her dress. He scooped her up

in his arms, exiting the tent.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked, her eyes widening.
“Home. Where you belong, Carly. With me.”

The End

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About the Author

A multi-published author of sizzling romance, Annabelle Weston knows how to

push boundaries. With dual citizenship in the USA and France, Ms. Weston spends

serious air time crossing the pond and is a proud, card-carrying member of the mile

high club.

Annabelle welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

addresses on her

author bio page



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Also by

Annabelle Weston

Mr. Temptation

Wicked Woman

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Ellora’s Cave Publishing

Scandalous Woman

ISBN 9781419938481


Scandalous Woman Copyright © 2012 Annabelle Weston

Edited by Carrie Jackson

Cover design by Dar Albert

Photos: Dan Howell, Paul B. Moore, Kiselev Andry Valerevich/ & Cyril Comtat, Harris


Electronic book publication June 2012

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