July Bridal Pictorial katalog 2009

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Today is your special
day. Makeup ThaT
enhances feaTures
and MiniMizes
iMperfecTions is a
MusT. use conTour
and highlighTer To
apply correcTive

MAkEUp ANd hAiR:
Gabriel i. Noda
MOdEL: aNNilie Hastey
toNy tHomasoN
FAshiON dEsiGN:
yoly muñoz Couture

Simply beautiful

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romaNtiC perfeCtioN.
makeup must stay iN plaCe
aNd remaiN fresH aNd
beautiful, witHstaNdiNG
pHotoGrapHers, Hot
liGHts, flasHbulbs,
kisses from Guests aNd
especially tHe Groom.
moisturizer aNd primer
set makeup for more
tHaN 10 Hours.

GreeN is tHe Color of
tHe times for tHe eCo-
frieNdly bride. Gabriel i.
Noda Creates a smoky
appliCatioN of miNeral
ultra liGHt GreeN sHade
oN upper aNd lower lid
witH evergreen shadow.
miNeral fouNdatioN
Completes tHe fresH aNd
romaNtiC dewy look
witH a pale piNk lipstiCk.
bride features a viNtaGe
CottoN dress made witH
viCtoriaN laCe aNd tulle.

MAkEUp ANd hAiR:
Gabriel i. Noda
daNiel avalos
MOdEL: sasHa GoNzalez
toNy tHomasoN
FAshiON dEsiGN:
yoly muñoz Couture
merCy flowers

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The secreT behind
aMazing wedding
picTures is following a
proper skin care regiMen
leading up To The big day.

noda uses The universal
beauTy soluTion—
a source froM naTure.
cheeks are highlighTed
in sunset, a non-
irriTaTing Mineral
rouge. naTural pink
gloss and sMoky eyes
in a sugar pop brown
coMpleTe The look.

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a syMbol of love.
TransforM yourself
wiTh faux lashes,
opening The eyes
inTo an ideal alMond
shape. longer, lighTer
lashes enhance The
gaze. one-shade-
darker foundaTion
creaTes a naTural

Gabriel I. Noda is president of gabriel productions International. Voted “the
best Makeup artist of south Florida” by
Miami Metro magazine, noda is an
award winning beauty expert with 30 years of experience in television, film
and theater. He has worked with companies such as stagelight, esteé Lauder,
Cover girl, Clinique, sisley, professional and more.


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