Christin Lovell [One Soldier 01] One Letter (pdf)

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One Letter

Christin Lovell

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Copyright © 2013 by Christin M Lovell

Cover Image © CURAphotography

Cover Image © US Army


This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic

form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy

of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect

is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any

similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

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To all those who serve, and have served, thank you. Your efforts will never be forgotten.


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Praise be to the Lord my Rock,

who trains my hands for war,my fingers for battle.


He is my loving God and my fortress,

my stronghold and my deliverer,my shield, in

whom I take refuge,

who subdues peoplesunder me.

- Psalm 144:1-2


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It started with one letter.

Kellie Patrick sent one letter into the Middle East, to any soldier. Sergeant Daniel
Rodriguez was the one who received it.

Three years and eighty-six letters later, Daniel is ready to meet the woman who got him
through his last three tours of duty.

Three years and eighty-six letters later, plus size Kellie is nervous to meet the man who
wrote his way into her heart.

Could a sexy as sin soldier really want forever with a curvy

Southern gal like her though?


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I never knew that one letter could change a life, but it changed mine…

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May 7, 2010

Dear Soldier,

I’ve never written one of these before, but the volunteers assure me they make a
difference. What do you say to an important stranger though, aside from the repetitive
obvious? I would feel silly asking the standard set of questions.

How are you? – Probably not good considering you’re in a war zone.

How was your day? – Truth, probably not as good as mine, even though I got let go from
my job today.

I think that’s what propelled me to finally write this letter. As bad a day as this has been,
it’s not as bad as it could have been, and that’s because of someone like you, fighting to
ensure I have the overabundance I do.

I’ve never been in your position, but I appreciate all you’ve sacrificed. I know it’s not
easy, but you have a beautiful country waiting for you to return.

I’m not sure what part of this great country you’re from, but I’m enclosing a few photos of
my home city, of Savannah, Georgia.

Keep your head up and your ass covered, soldier.

Love & Respect, Kellie Patrick

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May 19, 2010

Dear Kellie,

Thanks for your letter and the photos. I’m from Detroit. Savannah looks like a beautiful
place to live though.

I’m sorry that you lost your job, but it doesn’t sound like you’ve lost your hope, which is

Keep your head up.

Sgt. Daniel Rodriguez

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June 4, 2010

Dear Sgt Daniel Rodriguez,

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a reply from you.

I’m happy to report that I’ve found another job already, with higher pay – bonus! I start
next week. I think my dog, Rocco, is a bit sad about it though. My constant company
spoiled him.

Given that I’ve had so much time lately, I’ve been baking up a storm. Ironically we’ve had
a week of rain to compliment my sessions. I read somewhere that soldiers often miss
comfort food, and my favorite has always been an extra moist chocolate chip brownie. I
really hope you don’t have any food allergies or - God forbid – diabetes. If you do, feel
free to curse me for filth for sending you such a large batch of them.

Stay safe, Sergeant.


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June 22, 2010

Dear Kellie,

The two things I’ve missed most in the desert is rain and a great woman’s cooking. With
one bite, my entire platoon fell in love with you. The brownies were

delicioso. Feel free to

send more anytime.

I’m happy to hear you found another job. What are you doing now? I’m a little late on the
reply, but I hope your first week went well and Rocco didn’t miss you too much.

Stay safe and keep baking.


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July 12, 2010

Dear Daniel,

I’m happy to hear you and your platoon enjoyed the brownies. Dutifully, I’m sending you
a batch of peanut butter cookies and a batch of sugar cookies that I hope your team

I’m a legal secretary. Nothing fancy, but I enjoy the work, even more now that my boss
actually includes me on some case meetings. I’ve always loved law, but never had the
gumption to go after a degree. And, while Rocco missed me, he stayed entertained…by
chewing up my favorite pair of heels. I’m enclosing a picture of my guilty bulldog with
said heels.

How is the desert this time of year? I hate the summer heat and humidity, and I live
where it’s green and grassy. I can only imagine how unbearable it is there, especially
with all that gear on.

Stay safe and stay hydrated, Sergeant.


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August 9, 2010

Dear Kellie,

The cookies were great. A few of the guys are hounding me for your address. Don’t
worry; I protected you. Officer Staley is an annoying ogre and Officer Johnson thinks he’s
God’s gift to women. You’ll thank me for saving you later.

The weather is consistent here. It’s always hot with a chance of a sand storm on
occasion. You get used to it though.

Rocco is a handsome beast. Sorry your shoes suffered. They were a sexy pair of heels.

I’m glad you’re enjoying your new job. I’ve always believed everything happens for a
reason. Some laugh, but things always seem to work out.

Have a great week.


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August 23, 2010

Dear Daniel,

Thanks for protecting me. Based on your description, I definitely owe you one. Feel free
to collect anytime. If you need anything, I’m more than happy to send it.

Work is still going great, but my best friend, Hannah, doesn’t think my boss has good
intentions with me. Of course, to her, any married man glancing at another woman for
longer than two seconds is guilty of infidelity in her eyes. There is nothing between us,
but she’s not convinced. It’s made for some very interesting and somewhat awkward
conversations with her lately.

Thankfully the heat is starting to back off here. I can walk outside without sweating in
less than five minutes now. Rocco looks happier too. Of course, it could be because his
tummy has finally recovered from the shoe-eating incident. Sadly I haven’t found another
pair of red pumps to replace them though.

I haven’t had much free time lately, which is why I’m only sending a single batch of
brownies this time. How many soldiers are in your platoon? In the future, I’ll make sure to
send enough each time, with a few extra just for you.

Stay safe, Sergeant.


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September 17, 2010

Dear Kellie,

Sadly, we recently lost two of our men, Hollings and Anderson. A bomb attached to the
undercarriage of a vehicle got them. The guys are always a little down after we lose
someone. That brought the number in our tight group to seventeen.

I haven’t met Hannah, but I like her already. Any man who truly loves a woman won’t
even glance at another. The whole look-but-don’t-touch line is bullshit. I see no reason to
look at all if I have a beautiful woman who loves me at home. Most of my men agree.
(Johnson disagrees.) Most soldiers would kill for a woman who felt the same.

Ronny just got a letter from his mom telling him his wife is divorcing him the second he
gets back, and that she’s already taken up with another man. He’s a wreck. Can’t say I
blame him. A soldier’s biggest worry, outside of staying alive, is losing his partner to
someone else while he’s gone. It’s tough.

I don’t think I want to collect on that debt just yet, but if you’re feeling generous, we
could always use the basics. Toiletries are hard to come by in this part of the world. And,
if you’re the kind-hearted woman I think you are, you’ll send a batch of something to
cheer up the guys. No pressure. I just know how much we enjoyed the last batch; a few
nearly lost limbs over it.

Take care, sweet girl, and listen to Hannah.


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October 2, 2010

Dear Daniel,

You’re the kind of man I, and most of the women I know, dream of finding. If you have a
girlfriend, fiancé or wife, please tell her she’s the luckiest woman alive to have found a
man with your values and devotion.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I know to some degree you must be used to it, but I doubt it
ever gets easier.

Tell Ronny Hannah and me personally volunteer to teach his wife a lesson. When you
have a good man who loves you, it doesn’t matter how far away he is or how long he’s
gone to war, you cherish him; you don’t give him up easily. You especially don’t do it
without trying to work things out first.

I’ve never been one, but I’m sure being an army wife isn’t easy. Hannah gets lonely after
not seeing Roger, her new boyfriend, for two days. Love isn’t easy, but commitment is.
I’ve never seen the point of getting married if you’re not committed to love though.

On a better note, for me, it’s fall in Savannah. The weather is breezy and cool enough for
a sweater while the scenery is breathtaking. I’m enclosing some pictures I took in the dog
park the other day in the care package so you can see for yourself.

I know I’ve told you before, but I really meant it. Stay safe! That goes for you and your
team. And yes, that’s an order.


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October 18, 2010

Dear Kellie,

Just got your package today. You brought all of us an early Christmas. The guys said to
give you a big thanks, and a few are proposing marriage, especially now that Gregg has
shampoo, body wash and deodorant. He was stinking up our barracks. We held his batch
of cookies hostage until he used it. You’re an amazing woman, Kellie. Just the kind of
woman a soldier could get serious with.

This is my fifth tour of duty, and every year I start to get homesick about this time. The
holidays are coming up. We all miss home then, but we make do. Your package helped
erase a bit of that today. It meant a lot.

Are you still liking your job? Is your boss behaving? Ronny said he may take Hannah and
you up on that offer. We all go home in February. I’ll get a month with my parents before
coming back. Your letters and packages will help me get through until then.

Take care, sweetie.


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Three years and eighty-six letters later, I received the letter of all letters.

Near the end of the first year, I became as addicted to Daniel’s letters as he claimed to

be to mine. We got through his Dad’s death and several re-assignments on his end, and
Hannah’s many break-ups and two moves on my end. Slowly, we developed this co-
dependency upon those letters.

Our greetings and salutations evolved with our relationship. We never declared it, but it

was an unspoken known. I couldn’t even look at another man without thinking of Daniel.

That first February, while he was on leave, he called me for the first time. We talked for

hours on end that month, and every time he returned home thereafter. Daniel sent me a
few photos of himself that I kept in frames around my apartment. As far as my heart was
concerned, he owned it.

I had one stipulation, one giant fear that kept me from bravely giving him the key:


Daniel asked several times for photos of me, but I never sent them. I knew the

moment he saw me all of this would change. It would end. I would lose all I’d come to

My heart raced, my head pounded and my hands shook as I read his letter. The closer I

got to the end, the more my heart ached and my stomach hurt. I was going to lose it all.
A blanket of darkness, a surreal sensation, washed over me, compressing my chest.

April 16, 2013

Hey Babe,

My tour is coming to an end in two months. My contract is ending at the same time. I’ve
decided not to re-enlist. I’m ready to start a new journey. I’m ready to do all those things
we talked about, which is why I’m flying straight to Savannah when I leave. I should have
gone to see you long before now. I promise I’ll make it up to you.

See you soon, sweetie. I can’t wait to finally see your beautiful face in person.

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Love, Daniel

I swallowed hard, re-reading the last line several times. My stomach morphed into a

hollow pit. I’d always known the day would come, but it still shocked me. A bucket of ice
water cascading over me would have been a more pleasant experience than reading this

I gazed down at my extra plush, soft stomach, double wide hips and thunder thighs.

Even if I starved myself, there was no way I could lose it all in time for his arrival. Dread
seeped through my veins as reality smacked me. There was nothing I could do. Losing
twenty, even forty pounds, wouldn’t make much of a difference on me. It wouldn’t make
me model skinny. It wouldn’t even take me from the doctor’s obese category to

These past three years, I’d been living a fantasy. It was a fantasy to believe a sexy

soldier would ever commit to a girl my size, no matter how many letters or packages I
sent him or tours I supposedly got him through.

I was startled to feel a tear kiss my cheek. I bit my bottom lip, rising from the couch to

do what any girl would do: call in back up.

Hannah was there in less than thirty minutes with cheap champagne and a frozen


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Two Months Later

I froze, mid scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough, as the doorbell rang.

My heart took off as I looked at Hannah. We gazed at each other for a minute, but

somehow we knew.

He was a day early.

“I can’t look,” I said, setting down the bowl of dough. I pushed away from the counter.

A quick glance confirmed my navy blue velour pants and grey tank top were covered in

Hannah walked into the entryway beside the kitchen and pushed the curtain aside to

peer out the front window. “Sweet peaches and cream, he’s sexy as hell, Kellie.”

My pulse bounced rather than pulsed. I wrung my hands. “He’s early,” I stated dryly.

Hannah ran her fingers through her brown hair. Her full figure swayed a little more than

usual as she ambled back into the kitchen. “And sexy. You heard the sexy part, right?”

She watched me closely, gaging my reaction. When I stared blankly towards the entry,

panic seizing my brain, she moved closer. “Listen, Kellie, I’ve read a few of his letters,
and there are two things I know for sure. One, he’s not leaving until he sees you; and
two, he loves you. And no man can love a woman without finding the beauty in her.”

I frowned. “I have a pretty heart, not a pretty body, Hannah.” My voice was a rushed

whisper as the doorbell rang again.

This time Rocco dragged himself to the door to issue a single, deep bark.

“I’ve told you a thousand times that you’re beautiful, gorgeous, a great catch, yada-

yada, but I know you’re not going to believe me until he says it. I’m positive he’s going to
though.” She smiled mischievously. Her hazel eyes sparkled before narrowing. Her
features stilled, scrunching slightly. “Now get your ass to the door and open it, or else I
will.” Her hands flew to her hips, emphasizing her command.

She was right. I had to answer the door. I had to face reality at some point. I thought

that point was tomorrow at 12:43pm, when his flight landed. It was why I was baking
today. The least I could do was give him an apology and a final care package.

I took a deep breath as I scrubbed my suddenly sweaty palms on the side of my pants.

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My heart hammered against my rib cage. My legs felt like jello as I made my way to the
door. This moment was three years and eighty-six letters in the making.

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My heart pounded against my rib cage. I wasn’t this nervous in the middle of a fucking

war zone. There was something about this woman though. Her letters got to me. She got
to me. Over the course of three years, she wrapped herself around my heart.

She ruined me. I couldn’t even look at another woman without thinking about her. Her

sweet voice with that sexy Southern drawl grabbed me every time I heard it.

She wasn’t like the others. She wasn’t like any of the women I’d met or been with. She

wasn’t a uniform bunny. She wasn’t anxious to be with me for my benefits, bonuses or
other bullshit. She was genuine, rare.

She was the one who got me through these past few years. Her letters and packages

kept me going. She kept me going. If it wasn’t for her, I couldn’t say that I would even be
alive. Every soldier hits an emotional wall at some point, where you feel it’s easier to die
than to keep fighting day in and day out. War is hardcore. Killing for a living, constant
unrest, turns the softest of bastards into cold pricks. If not dead, I’d be a hell of a bigger
asshole than I am now without her.

Simply: she saved me.

I studied the front of her quaint home. It was a small bungalow style house with a

generous sized front porch. The landscaping was simple, but complimentary.

Motion caught my attention at the front window beside the door. The brown hair

brushing against the glass told me it was Hannah, not Kellie. No, Kellie was a blonde
haired beauty with dangerous curves.

A year and a half in, Hannah sent me a few pictures of Kellie, and one of Kellie and her

together. She swore me to secrecy. I obliged because I was grateful. Every day I looked
at those photos. One in particular I handled the most. I could close my eyes and recall it

It was a picture of Kellie at her brother’s wedding. She was gorgeous. Her lush figure

was in a sapphire dress that skimmed her knees, hugged her body, showed off those
fuck-me nude heels and every tempting curve of her above. Her blonde hair fell in large
curls, framing her face and drawing attention to her teasing cleavage and plump pink lips.
I dreamed of caressing her full figure for three years, I dreamed of kissing her lips and
tasting all of her.


I adjusted my military issued uniform pants and rang the doorbell again. I hadn’t

come all this way for nothing. I was a stubborn bastard, and I’d decided on the plane that

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I wasn’t leaving here without her. I couldn’t. Not even the other men’s wives did all that
Kellie did. She took care of me from afar. It was my turn to return the favor. Ok, so I
selfishly wanted to return the favor and demand forever. Soldiers are hardheaded. We
want what we want and we know how to fight to get it.

And I wanted Kellie.

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Staring at the glossy wood of my front door, I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Clenching and unclenching my hands, I took a deep breath.

I can do this.

Heart thrashing, pulse skittering, I opened the door.

My breath hitched as I gazed into his soft brown eyes with determined brows framing

them. Soft plump lips had me fighting the urge to kiss him.

His dark brown hair was shaved short, not quite military crew style, but sexy as hell. It

added to his badass edge, as if the army issued uniform wasn’t enough. Despite the
material not clinging to his form, I could tell he was ripped.

“Damn, you’re beautiful.” His words, his awe-filled voice, took me aback.

I gazed into his eyes, locked on him. My heart hadn’t stopped, but rather, sped up.

Three years had brought me to this moment. “You’re early.”

Nothing like stating the

obviously, Kellie.

And then he smiled. If I ever thought I could walk away from him with a semblance of

my heart in tact, I was wrong.

His eyes crinkled as his face lit up. God, he was stunning. His photos didn’t do him


Abruptly, I was hyper aware of myself, of my flaws. I fidgeted, struggling to keep my

mouth shut. I knew if I spoke, I would insert my foot into my mouth.

Thankfully, rudely, Hannah shoved me back and forced her way between Daniel and

myself. She thrust a hand towards him. “I’m Hannah. It’s nice to finally meet you.” The
woman was incorrigible. Despite our similar sizes, Hannah never lacked for confidence.

“Nice to meet you.”

Past Hannah’s curves, I caught Daniel shaking her hand, a courteous smile barely

curling his lips.

“Excuse Kellie. I think she’s a little frazzled. You’re early though. Didn’t your momma

teach you never to show up early to pick up a woman? We need all the time we can get
to prepare.”

Daniel met my gaze, his smile widening, his features relaxing; his eyes glittered with

some untouchable emotion. “My mom said it’s better to be early than late.”

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“Humph.” Hannah assessed him as we openly stared at each other.

A moment of silence passed. I couldn’t stop gaping at him. He was here. God, he was

handsome; not in a pretty boy sort of way, but in a manly, masculine, alpha Dom sort of
way. I knew the moment my nerves subsided, I’d want to rip his clothes off. The man was
drool worthy.

Hannah made a scene of checking her phone. “Well, if you look at that. Time just flew

by. I’ve gotta go meet, Sam,

myboyfriend.” She turned towards me. “I’ll call you later,

Kel.” She winked at me, silently encouraging me. Facing Daniel, she gave him one last
once over. “Go easy on her, soldier.” Grabbing her purse off the hook by the door, Daniel
moved aside to let her through.

Rocco meandered towards the man. He cocked his wrinkled face up towards him,

watching him from a little distance.

“Hey, buddy.” Daniel squatted down and held out his hand out for the lazy dog to sniff


It only took a minute before Rocco moved into Daniel’s waiting palm. He generously

rubbed down the dog, giving him plenty of attention before he stood again.

Suddenly, I recalled my manners.

“Oh! Sorry. Come in.” I shook my head in dismay.What is wrong with me?

He bent and picked up a worn black duffle bag off the porch, snagging his hat from

atop it before. He stepped over the threshold, giving Rocco one last love pat before he
dropped his stuff on the wood floor and faced me.

He studied me, and I knew his keen eyes saw every detail, every flaw. He lifted his

hand and swept his fingers along the side of my face. “You’re a hell of a lot prettier in

I felt myself blush. I’d dreamed of hearing those words, but never thought he’d say

them. “I’m a mess. You, uh, caught me baking.”

Blindly, he pushed the door shut, his focus never leaving me. Silence passed between

us, yet so much more, unspoken, wrapped around us.

Looking at him was surreal. I’d handled his pictures endlessly. I swore I had memorized

what he looked like. I didn’t think I’d be surprised, yet I was.

In person, I saw his sun kissed skin, the tiny freckles from the desert sun. I saw the

depths of his irises, full of buttery soft chocolate and honey. I saw the softness of his lips,
the way they timidly met the hard outline of them. I could see his five o’clock shadow up
close, almost imagine what it felt like.

Without thinking I ran my fingertips across the sturdy scruff. I could tell he’d shaved

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before leaving, and showered. He smelled of the manly body wash I’d sent him a month
ago. Beyond the body wash, I smelled something crisp, rugged, almost a tad woodsy,
musky, that meshed with something akin to sandalwood.

It was him.

That was his unique scent. I had to hold myself back from shoving my nose

into his chest, which is about where it met. He wasn’t lying when he saw he was 6’2” to
my tiny 5’2”. He was tall, dark and manly. He was…beautiful.

His lips curled up in a sexy smirk. “You have a bit of flour on your nose.” Before I could

wipe it away, he brushed his thumb over it.

“Um, thanks.” I tilted my head down, casting my gaze downwards with it.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

My cheeks heated. I bit back a shy smile. “A couple times.” I glanced up at him. “You’re

a lot sexier in person, which I didn’t think was possible.”

He chuckled, his cheeks rouging a bit. That’s when I realized that I wasn’t alone. We

were both nervous. And that’s when I knew the chemistry flying between us, surrounding
us, wasn’t in my head. It was real. He was real. And I never knew I could want a man so

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Damn she was gorgeous. Her blonde hair had dimension; I knew the lighter strands

would shimmer beneath the sun. I fought the urge to set it free from the chaotic bun
resting at the top of her head.

Her brown doe eyes were bright and clear. I could drown in them. Her porcelain skin

was silky soft, blemish free, and kissable. I wanted to run my tongue over every pore,
across every curve and dip before capturing her full lips. Fuck, did I want to kiss her.

I wanted to grab her; I wanted to squeeze every dangerously rounded edge of her

body. I would never lack for something to touch on her.

Thick thighs led to an overblown hourglass, if a bit bottom heavy, that would have the

most married of men drooling. Her hips were the perfect resting place for my hands
before I trailed them down to a Kardashian ass the Kardashians would be jealous of. Her
curves were dangerous because they were in all the right places, and I knew I’d fight any
man who dared to look at them, let alone touch them. Somehow her plush stomach
added to her feminine aura. She was a fucking work of art. No wonder her boss flirted
hard. I’d envy the man who had this at home. Thank God I planned to make her mine.

The pictures Hannah sent didn’t do her justice. Fuck. I wasn’t prepared for this. I wasn’t

prepared to want to jump her like a sex-craved maniac.

My cock throbbed, curving firmly upwards as I continued to watch her. I couldn’t stop

my mind from going there. I couldn’t stop my heart from falling a little more in love with

She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, sending my pulse racketing.

Fuck, she

was sexy, with just enough innocence to turn a sane man crazy.

“You keep doing that, babe, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to behave.”

She promptly released her lip, now red and swollen from her anxious nibble.

Our breathing fell into rhythm, becoming more labored the longer we stared into each

other. You picture a moment for years, but it never plays out the way you think it will.
This was way more intense than I expected. I knew she’d hooked me with her letters,
packages and phone calls, with her big heart, effortless charisma and easy conversation,

fuck.I didn’t expect this. I didn’t expect her to be all that I didn’t know I wanted and


A chill ran down my spine as she pressed a lightly shaking hand against my chest. Her

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touch singed my flesh beneath my layers. She trailed it downwards, further enticing my
raging cock. “I didn’t expect this.” Her voice was shaky, uncertain; I sensed her

I cupped her cheeks and angled her face upwards. “I want this, Kellie. I want you. I

didn’t know how bad until you opened that door and everything in my life suddenly

Her eyes searched me. She expected doubt, but she wouldn’t find any. “I want this

too.” The words were a breathless admission.

I wrapped a demanding arm around her waist and yanked her against me. Her eyes

widened and brows lifted as I pressed my erection against her lush stomach.

The soldier in me reveled in her reaction. I had her right where I wanted her, and knew

now was the time to make my move.

“I want to make love to you, Kellie. I want to make you scream my name in pleasure

repeatedly. I want your sexy curves writhing beneath me, because of me.” I moved my
lips near her ear, listening closely to her quick, sharp breaths. “I want to own your body
the way you own my heart. Maybe you don’t realize it yet, but you’re mine, sweetie.”

She shuddered. I felt her nipples tighten, poking through her layers against me. The

predator in me smiled victoriously. Leaning back, I met her dazed gaze. “Speak now or
forever hold your peace, babe.”

Her brows furrowed inwards, causing lines to appear on her forehead. “You really want

me.” It was a statement, but I heard the question in her tone.

“Damn right I want you.”

I waited for her to work through it in her mind. I knew the moment she accepted my

answer. A broad smile lit up her expression, bringing a novel shimmer to her eyes. “Well,
damn right I want you too, Sergeant Daniel Rodriguez.”

“Get your sexy ass over here.” I growled as I finally claimed her lips. And, as cheesy as

it sounds, I heard the fucking fireworks.

She tasted like sin, the richest dessert. She felt like heaven; she felt like home. Never

had anyone felt so right in my arms.

I plunged my tongue between her surprisingly apt lips. She met my eagerness with

eagerness. Without fail, we were always in line with each other, even when there were
thousands of miles between us. I doubted I would ever find a more perfect woman, a
more perfect moment. I hadn’t realized I’d been waiting three anxious years for this.

Three years worth of longing surfaced quick, driving me into a rough frenzy to claimed

her in every way possible, the way she’d laid claim to my heart over the years.

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I swore I heard angels singing as he captured my lips, as he finally laid claim to the

heart he’d owned for years.

I felt his muscles coil and flex as he wrapped his arms around me. His hands molded to

every curve, traveled up and down my body manhandling every inch of me with

I grabbed his uniform, bunching the material in my hands as I clung to him.

Appropriately, I wanted to lift a leg and point my curled toes towards the ceiling. He
ravished my lips the way every woman I know longs for a man to possess them.

We gasped for air between kisses, between plundering tongues and aggressive hands.

Abruptly, he broke away. Determination was vivid in his expression; desire darkened

his eyes; red rouged his well-kissed lips. “Bedroom?”

“Down the hall.”

I shrieked as he hoisted me into his arms, reclaiming my lips. Blindly, faithfully, I

allowed him to carry me to my bedroom. I was giddier than a schoolgirl inside, my soul
shouting in delight for many reasons.

He set me down beside the bed, pushing the back of my legs against the mattress.

Impatiently, he ripped at my clothes between breathless sweeps of his lips across mine.

Just as eager, I jerked his uniform top free of his pants and undid his belt. I’d been

stripped down to my bra and panties by that time though.

He stepped out of my reach. His chest rose and fell heavily as I met his heated gaze.

His eyes traveled up and down the ample swells of my plus size body. I crossed my arms
across my chest, struggling not to fidget.

“You’re so damn beautiful.”

I swiftly met his gaze, my racing heart calming just a bit at the sincerity in his

expression, the truth in his tone. Hannah was right. I wasn’t going to believe her until he
told me, and I wasn’t going to believe him until he’d said it repeatedly. Somehow, he
knew that though. Somehow, he knew what I needed without me saying it.

His attention was locked on me the entire time he removed his uniform. When he

stepped back towards me, he was stripped down to his boxers; he’d torn down damn
near every last barrier between us.

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Just as I’d suspected, he was shredded. His muscles had cuts I’d never seen on a man

before. He was strong, self-assured. I knew by the way he gently, yet fiercely embraced
me with his bare arms that he would always protect me, that his arms would forever be a
safe haven for me.

He slowed down. Gone were the rough caresses and impatient grasps. He took a

moment to carefully free my hair, allowing it to cascade down and around my shoulders.
He immediately thrust his fingers into it, kissing me with a new, softer passion.

My fingertips outlined the front of his body, feeling every deep frame of muscle on him.

My warm, wet pussy seemed to weep under the new, slow pace he was setting. I sensed
his anxiety, yet appreciated him even more for appreciating me.

I slid my hands down the front of him until I brushed his impressive erection. His lips

broke from mine, a hiss passed through clenched teeth. His breathing sped up as I drew
my hand up and down his stiff cock.

“Fuck, babe.” The words were a winded statement.

Before I could process what happened, my bra was off and his hands molded to my

sensitive, swollen breasts. His thumbs flicked across my nipples, sending waves of
pleasure shooting through me. My pussy pulsated anxiously; my womb tightened in

Before long, my breathing matched his labored pants. Touching each other was made

all the more intimate as we stared into each other, lost in what we did to one another.

He pursed his lips, his eyes seeming to gloss over a bit. He remained quiet, hauntingly,

beautifully gazing into my depths. I’d never been more naked in front of a man, despite
wearing panties. There were no barriers between us. I couldn’t hide from him in this
moment, and, based on the strong set of his jaw, I knew he wanted it that way, that he
was in some way demanding it and would accept nothing less than complete honesty.

In a split second, I was tossed backwards, landing with my back on the mattress. He

immediately covered my body, claiming my lips again as he continued to work my

Given my new leverage, I found my body arching into his moves, my nails digging into

his bulging biceps and my womb heating unbearably, begging for him to take me.

I’d never experienced this sort of connection with anyone. As cheesy as it sounded, I

knew in my heart that he was my soul mate. You didn’t feel like this towards someone
you’d just met. You didn’t do this, with this degree of emotion, with a stranger.

But that was it; Daniel was never a stranger to my soul. What he’d written long ago,

what he still believed, that everything happens for a reason, is true. I’d written one letter;
he’d written one reply, and all of this fell into place. Fate worked her magic to ensure, out
of all the soldiers who could have received my general letter that he did. The universe

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ensured the right soldier, my Mr. Right, received my letter and felt compelled to reply.
God works in magical, mysterious ways.

I moaned as Daniel pressed a trail of kisses down the front of my body, over places I

was once embarrassed and ashamed of. He hooked his fingers into the lace of my hipster
panties. Pressing one final kiss to the material over my pussy, he stripped them from my
body, revealing all of me.

I felt myself blush as his gaze traveled up and down my exposed flesh. “Damn, you’re

beautiful.” Daniel said those words more than my boyfriend of two years ever had…in
under an hour. He reassured me around every corner. Anytime my confidence wavered,
somehow he knew I needed those words again and said them with just as much
enthusiasm as the first time.

A shy smile lifted my lips. “You’re not too bad yourself, soldier.”

A single brow lifted as he considered me. “Not too bad? Sweetie, I’m sexy as hell.”

I broke into laughter. “Wow. You were never that cocky in your letters.”

“That’s because I wasn’t sure you’d accept me.” He slithered up my body, meeting my

gaze. “But judging by the honey dripping from your pussy, I know you will.” His voice took
on a husky quality. “I know you want me just as bad as I want you.” He dipped a single
digit between my slick folds.

I gasped as he brushed my hyper sensitive clit.

He claimed my lips. Suddenly, it wasn’t enough though. It wasn’t enough that he was

here, that he was kissing me or touching me. Abruptly, I needed more. I needed all of
him. I needed him in me.

“Please, Daniel.” I didn’t care how needy I sounded, that I was begging. I just wanted

him. I needed him. I didn’t know until now how much I needed him, how much I relied on
him, how much I loved him.

“You never have to beg me, babe.” He sat back and pulled off his boxers, unveiling his

large cock, curving slightly as it stood at attention.

I swallowed hard, licking my lips as he gripped himself. A single pearl of pre-cum oozed

from the tip, pleading for me to swipe my tongue over it.

“Not now, sweetie. That pretty mouth of yours comes anywhere near me and I’ll blow

like teenager on his first time.”

I chuckled lightly. “We wouldn’t want that.”

“Hell no. I want you screaming with me.”

He held himself over me, taking the weight of himself on his left elbow as he aligned

his cock at my entrance.

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My heart felt heavy, as if I knew what this moment was about to do to me.

Dropping his weight evenly on his elbows, he curled his hands around my shoulders. I

molded my hands to his biceps, staring into his eyes, waiting.

He captured my lips, conveniently capturing my cry as he plunged into me. Pleasure

burst through my core, sending tingles of awareness through my entire body. He
continued to kiss away my fears, kiss away my nerves, as I lost myself in the pleasure he
brought me.

He set a sluggish, torturous pace that had me crawling from the inside out. His cock

expertly hit every nerve, every sensitive swell of my inner walls before kissing my cervix.
I scratched at him, clung to him. His mouth swallowed every moan, every groan as he
skillfully undid me.

I couldn’t get enough of him. My legs wrapped around him, my hips met every thrust of

his own, my hands grabbed at his arms, shoulders and back as my lips begged him for
more, yet I knew that more would never be enough. I knew I would never get enough of
Sergeant Daniel Rodriguez.

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God she felt so damn good. Her slick channel swallowed my cock, caressing me tightly,


Her soft curves were amazing beneath my hard build. Her hard nipples rubbed against

my own every time I slid into her. Her hips eagerly met mine on every plunge. As tightly
as she gripped me, I was fighting harder not to bruise her. No woman had felt so good.

My groin tightened unbearably as her pussy clenched, compressing my dick.

“Please, Daniel.” Those two words had me ready to take on the world for her.

“What do you need, baby?”

She broke away from my lips, tossing her head back. Her mouth fell into the perfect ‘O’

as a whimper escaped her.

I closed my mouth around her neck, teasing my tongue over her thumping vein. Her

moan squeezed my cock.

Fuck.I’d been so careful. I didn’t want to be careful with her

though. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold back. Everything she did increased
my testosterone. I wanted to fuck her hard and senseless.

Her hands clasped my neck, clutching me roughly. “I need more.” Her voice was a sexy

plea with a bit of husk.

“I don’t want to hurt you. I can tell it’s been a while.”

She opened her eyes and stared straight at me. Her eyes glimmered. “You wouldn’t

hurt me. I trust you.”

The dam fucking broke. A swell of emotions crashed through me, sending me spiraling.

I thought war would be what broke me. Turns out it was a petite blonde with dangerous
curves and unrivaled heart.

“Hold on, sweetie.”

She wrapped her arms around me, never looking away from me. She smiled beautifully

until I let loose. Her cries filled the room, surrounding my heart, driving my passion as I
pounded in and out of her. Her nails dug painfully into my flesh; it was the only thing that
kept me grounded, that kept me from losing myself entirely.

Once I started, I couldn’t stop. Harder, faster, my body craved, my cock demanded

more and more of her with each thrust.

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Her lips were parted perfectly, framing each pleasure filled sound that bellowed from


I pressed my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her as I gave her all of me.

Pleasure ripped through my core, shredding the last of my inhibitions. She was my new
drug, the one I became addicted to after one try.

Suddenly, my name fell from her lips as her pussy convulsed around my cock, driving up

my pleasure, pushing me into a dangerous frenzy, turning me into a desperate junkie
seeking another hit. My movements lost their grace as my conscience slid into darkness. I
pounded her pussy; I knew my hands would leave bruises as I drowned in her. I shouted
her name as my heat marked her womb, as unimaginable pleasure rocked me, knocked
me on my ass. I’d never felt anything so intense, so potent and powerful overtake me. I
had no control over it. It was a high, an erotic experience I knew no one else could ever
match. Kellie brought out the best in me as she gave me the best.

My breathing was ragged as pleasure continued to singe my groin unapologetically.

There was no reprieve. The pleasure shredded me from the inside out, had my head
spinning, my mind blanking, lost in the dense hedonism that owned me in that moment.

My movements slowed as I came down from my high. I feathered her upper body with

kisses, unable to pull myself from her.

Her petite hands cupped my face; she aggressively pulled me to her and took my lips.

This time I allowed her to own the kiss. Our chests collided roughly with each staggering
breath. I couldn’t stop touching her. She was mine. Somewhere in the back of my mind,
I’d always known it. Kellie’s letter wasn’t the first I’d received. People sent general letters
to soldiers all the time. I’d received one on every tour I’d completed, but Kellie’s was the
only one I’d responded to. There was something about hers that compelled me; the
woman herself compelled me. The army may have owned me on paper, but I was all

Breaking away, I pulled her against me as I rolled onto my side. Her hands glided down

to rest on my chest, ironically over the heart she owned.

Sweeping a few stray hairs away from her face, I brushed my lips gently across hers

one last time. I opened my eyes to gaze into hers. I knew she needed that level of
intimacy, that degree of reassurance. “I love you, Kellie.”

She cast her gaze away, smiling timidly. Leaning in, she kissed my chest. “And I love

you, Sergeant.”

I knew I wore a goofy grin, the type of grin that would have every soldier in my platoon

ragging on me for months. I didn’t care though. That’s how gone I was. I didn’t give a shit
about what they thought. The only person who mattered now was Kellie.

She returned my smile easily. She kissed my jaw, giving me a hug. “You must be tired.

Why don’t you take a nap while I finish baking?”

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“Sweetie, I’m used to going up to forty-eight hours without sleep. The only thing I want

right now is to hold you.”

I felt her smile against me. “I think I can handle that.”

“Good.” My tone had a bit of bark to it, but I knew the military man would have come

out had she not agreed. I never wanted to let her go, not now that I had her.

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I swore my soul was dancing. I’d never felt so loved and appreciated, and I came from

a good family with an older brother who would give me the world if he could. I was
beyond blessed. Daniel was the one to show me how well though.

I easily settled into him, against him. After the best, most mind-blowing orgasm of my

life, there was nothing more I wanted than to sleep for a bit before doing it again. Daniel
had started it. Little did he know he’d just released my inner, insatiable freak, and little
did I know how much I would enjoy being a bad girl. Of course, Daniel never treated me
like a bad girl. He treated me like a princess. He cherished me the way I cherished him.

One weekend and two “sick” days later, I still couldn’t get enough of him.

He hugged me from behind, sweeping my hair aside to kiss my neck. Tingles never

ceased when he did that. A shiver worked through me as I angled my head, giving him
better access.

“You know I can’t keep calling out. I’m going to have to go back to work tomorrow.” I

put the bowl I’d mixed the brownie ingredients in into the sink. Daniel moved with me,
spinning me the moment my hands were empty.

He kissed me. My heart reacted to his lips every time. “I have a better idea.”

“Oh yeah?” I smiled against his lips.

“Why don’t you quit and go back to school?”

We’d had this conversation more than once over the past couple days. I softly sighed.

“You know I can’t afford to do that.”

“Yes, you can.”

I leaned back, studying him. I felt my brows dip inwards. “What do you mean?”

“Most of my military money is in savings. I have plenty to payourbills and tuition. I

also plan to talk to the local recruiter about the Army Reserve to cushion our income until
I decide what I want to do.”

I shook my head negatively, despite my heart soaring. That he would even offer made

me love him all the more. “I can’t accept that. I…I can’t let you do that, Daniel.”

“You will if you love me.”

I cut my eyes at him. “That’s not fair.”

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An easy smile curled his lips; his eyes sparkled with mischief. “I love you, Miss Kellie

Ann Patrick, and I intend to make you my wife. What kind of husband doesn’t take care of
his wife in every way?”

My heart stammered as my lungs struggled to expand. “What are you saying?”

“I want to make you my wife, babe. I want my ring on your finger, my baby in your

belly, and my arms around you every night. I swear I’ll do anything I can to always make
you happy.” Emotion twisted his features. “Let me take care of you, sweetie. Let me
marry you.”

“Are you serious?” My pulse skittered quick; my throat felt tight.


I knew I was staring dumbly at him, but I couldn’t help it. It was the last thing I

expected yet everything I wanted…minus one detail. I worked my bottom lip. “Will the
Reserve send you back?”

His expression grew serious. He licked his lips, looking away for a moment. He brushed

my hair back. “I’m not going to lie; there’s a chance. But since I’ve already done so many
tours, I doubt they will.”

Tears pricked my eyes. “I don’t know if I could let you go now that I have you.” I was


“Neither of us want that, but I know that we would get through it, the same way we’ve

gotten through before.”

As hard as it was, Daniel was a package deal. He came with risks attached to his

chosen career. I didn’t dare hold him back though. He continually encouraged me to
pursue my dream, to go after the life I wanted. For now, I had to accept that Daniel was
a military man. He chose to dedicate his life to the Army and me. I had to trust him. I had
to trust that he would do everything in his power to come back to me every time, the
same way he trusted me, the way he believed that I was capable of enduring that
distance with him. That’s what makes love easy: commitment. As long as you’re
committed to the person you love, time nor distance can ever destroy what you have.


His head jerked up.

I couldn’t help but grin like a fool, a love drunk fool. “I love you, Sergeant. I’m not a

hypocrite. You’re a good man I cherish, near and far. And, near or far, no man could ever
replace you. How could he when you’d be taking my heart with you?”

I shrieked as he swiftly bent and hoisted me over his shoulder. I slapped his back.

“Where are you taking me?”

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“To make love to you. Then we’re going ring shopping. After that, you’re going to

promptly take me to your parents’ house where we will tell them. Your mother and
Hannah can help you with all the details, but I fully expect us to be married within the
month. Tomorrow you can give dickhead your two weeks notice. Once we’re married,
we’ll get you signed up for school.”

“Hey! Don’t I get a say in this?”

He threw me against the mattress. “Do you object?” He cocked a brow.

I pursed my lips, considering his proposal. “Well, no-”

“Good, then it’s all settled.”

“Controlling much?”

“No. I’m just a soldier who knows that death doesn’t discriminate, and I’d rather not

waste time when we can have all we want now.” He swallowed hard. “I’ve never been so
sure of anything, Kel. I love you, sweetie.”

I wrapped my arms around him. “I love you too. I didn’t expect it so soon, but I can’t

wait to become Mrs. Sergeant Daniel Rodriguez.” I pursed my lips playfully. “And I
promise not to bankrupt you on the ring…much.”

He snickered. “We’re buying the biggest ring possible. I want the dickhead, and every

other after him, to know that you’re taken.”

“I’m taken by a sexy as sin soldier. Trust me, my boss doesn’t come close.”

“I don’t give a shit if he does. You know my feelings about marriage, and you know I’m

serious about you. You ever think of straying, you talk to me first. I’ll do anything I can to
make you happy, babe.”

My smile softened as my heart gushed. I nodded my head in agreement. “I will.” I

spoke sincerely. I knew a soldier was always preparing; he knew what the worst was.

His expression changed. The look on his face sent chills through me; it was a look I

would never forget. “If, God forbid, anything happens to me, I want you to move on and
be happy. Promise me that.”

How had this conversation so quickly been swept into heartbreaking territory? Tears

stung my eyes as a heavy weight compressed my chest. It hurt just to think about it.

“Hey, sweetie. I’m still here.” He brushed the back of his hand against my cheek.

I bit my lower lip, trying not to get lost in the what-ifs and could-bes.

“I’m a stubborn, possessive bastard. As long as I have breath in me, I’ll fight to be with

you. I’ll fight to fuck this pretty body of yours, and to kiss these sexy lips.” He trailed his
fingers over my lips. “And I’ll fight to ensure no other man has the pleasure of doing the

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same.” He brushed his lips against mine.

As he moved away, I felt lighter. I couldn’t control what was to come. The only moment

I had control over was the now. “What’s the hold up, soldier?”

He leaned back, quirking a brow, a tight smirk stretching his lips. “Come again.”

“Why aren’t you fucking this pretty body yet?” I tried to bite back a smile, but failed.

“Because you’re not naked.” He kissed me hard and fast before he broke away to strip


Through the years, clothes were my saving grace, the only thing that stopped Sergeant

Daniel Rodriguez from lavishing my extra plump body every minute of every day. He
proved his love time and time again, and I proved mine those seven months we were
separated for his last, and shortest, tour of duty.

You can’t control everything in life, but the one thing you can control is your level of

commitment to love. It’s those that love without commitment that fail. It’s those that
aren’t committed enough that divorce. People like to say they fell out of love, but the
truth is, love is more powerful than time or distance, than trials or obstacles. Love is what
multiplies our blessings, but if you lose your passion, your commitment to it, certainly you
will eventually lose it too.

Thankfully, Daniel and I never did. And who would have thought a lifetime of love could

ever come from one letter?


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Dear Reader,

Thank you for purchasing this title. It’s my hope that you enjoyed Daniel and Kellie’s

For more information on this title and my others, please visit my website:

Have a great day!



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