(20) Maturity The Responsibility (The Meditation)

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Meditation for Today

“Complete the Day”

When I say to drop the past, I mean that from now onward that is going to be
an everyday thing.

The Method

Every night before you go to sleep, finish that day. It is finished in existence;
now it is futile to carry it in the mind. Just be finished with it. Say good-bye to


If something has remained incomplete in the day it is difficult to finish it.

Complete it, complete it in the mind. You were passing on the road and you
saw a beautiful woman and you wanted to hug her. Now that cannot be done;
something hangs incomplete.

Before you go to sleep just look at the whole day and see what is incomplete.
Complete it psychologically: hug her. Relive that moment, hug her in the mind,
thank her, and be finished with it. Don’t carry it as incomplete. Only incomplete

moments are carried. They are hanging because each experience wants to be

There is an intrinsic mechanism in each and everything that compels it to

become complete. A seed wants to become the tree, a child wants to become
a young man, the unripe fruit wants to become ripe, and so on and so forth.
Everything wants to complete itself: it has an inbuilt urge to complete. And

that is so about every experience.

You wanted to hit somebody and it was not feasible, not practical. It would

have cost too much and you were not ready to lose that much. Do it before
you go to sleep. Let there be half an hour every night, and that will be your
meditation: go on finishing. Start from the morning and finish everything that
has remained incomplete. You will be surprised that it can be completed. And

once it has been completed you will fall into sleep.

You can always experiment with this meditation whenever you’d like.


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