Serbo Croatian to English

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Serbo-Croatian to English

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Serbo-Croatian to English

Jugosl aven: 1. Yugoslav; Yugoslavian
Jugosl avija: 1. Yugoslavia
Jugosl oven: 1. Yugoslav; Yugoslavian
jabuka: 1. apple
jagnje: 1. lamb
januar: 1. January
jastuk: 1. cushion
jedan: 1. one
jedna: 1. one
jedno: 1. one
jezero: 1. lake; loch
jezik: 1. tongue | 2. language; tongue
jul: 1. July
jun: 1. June
junak: 1. hero
juche: 1. yesterday
Njemachka: 1. Germany
ljekar: 1. doctor; physician
ljeto: 1. summer
ljubav: 1. affection; love
ljudi: 1. people
Bog: 1. God
Engl ez: 1. Englishman; Sassenach
Engl eska: 1. England | 2. England
Engl eskinja: 1. English; Englishwoman
Nemachka: 1. Germany
Srbin: 1. Serb
Frantsuz: 1. Frenchman
Frantsuskinja: 1. Frenchwoman
Khrvat: 1. Croat
Khrvatska: 1. Croatia
Tsiganin: 1. gypsy; Gypsy
Chekh: 1. Czech
avgust: 1. August
avion: 1. aeroplane; airplane; plane | 2. aircraft
adresa: 1. address
aerodrom: 1. airport
aeropl an: 1. aeroplane; airplane; plane
ako: 1. if; provided that
al i: 1. but
april: 1. April
automobil: 1. car
baba: 1. grandmother
bal kon: 1. balcony
batsati: 1. throw
batsiti: 1. throw
bash: 1. exactly; sharp
bashta: 1. garden

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bez: 1. without
berberin: 1. barber; hairdresser
bibl ioteka: 1. library
bioskop: 1. cinema; movie theatre
biftek: 1. steak; beefsteak
boja: 1. colour; dye
bol: 1. ache; pain
bomba: 1. bomb
brat: 1. brother
breg: 1. hill
breskva: 1. peach
brzo: 1. fast; quickly; swiftly
brijeg: 1. hill
brod: 1. ship; vessel
bubreg: 1. kidney
vazdukh: 1. air
varosh: 1. city; town
vetsh: 1. but; however; nevertheless; yet
vedj: 1. already; by now; yet
veljacha: 1. February
veche: 1. evening
vino: 1. wine
visina: 1. altitude; height
votshe: 1. fruit
vojnik: 1. pawn; soldier
vojska: 1. army
voda: 1. water
vrag: 1. devil
vrata: 1. door
vreme: 1. time; while | 2. weather
vrijeme: 1. time; while | 2. weather
vrl o: 1. quite; very; very much
vrt: 1. garden
vrutshina: 1. heat
gal ama: 1. ado; din; noise
gl umats: 1. actor
gl umitsa: 1. actress
godina: 1. year
gost: 1. guest
gostionitsa: 1. hostel; inn
grad: 1. city; town
grana: 1. bough; branch
da: 1. yes
dan: 1. day
danas: 1. today
datum: 1. date
dva: 1. two
dve: 1. two
dvoje: 1. pair | 2. pair
devet: 1. nine
devojka: 1. girl; lass; wench
deset: 1. ten
detsembar: 1. December
dzhep: 1. pocket

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divan: 1. couch; divan
do vidjenja: 1. bye; goodbye; so long
doba: 1. age
doruchak: 1. breakfast
dutshan: 1. boutique; shop; store
duzhnost: 1. duty; obligation
zhena: 1. woman
zhivot: 1. life
zajedno: 1. together
zbogom: 1. adieu; farewell; bye; goodbye
zgrada: 1. building
zemlja: 1. earth; land; soil
zid: 1. wall
zima: 1. winter
zub: 1. tooth
i: 1. and
iako: 1. though; although
igrachka: 1. toy
iz: 1. from; out of
izmedju: 1. among; between
il i: 1. or
ime: 1. appellation; name
inostranstvo: 1. abroad
istina: 1. reality; truth
ktsherka: 1. daughter
ktshi: 1. daughter
k: 1. at; to; toward; towards
kljuch: 1. lock
knjiga: 1. book
ka: 1. at; to; toward; towards
kamen: 1. stone
kantsel arija: 1. bureau; office
karta: 1. card; map; menu
kafa: 1. coffee
kafana: 1. café; coffee-house
kashika: 1. spoon
kel ner: 1. waiter
kil ogram: 1. kilo
kl as: 1. class
kl ima: 1. climate
knez: 1. prince
koljeno: 1. knee
konj: 1. horse
kovcheg: 1. box; chest
kogod: 1. a; any; anybody; some; somebody; one; someone; some one
kol a: 1. vehicle
kol eno: 1. knee
kol ovoz: 1. August
komad: 1. bit; lump; piece
konzul: 1. consul
kontserat: 1. concert
kontsert: 1. concert
kost: 1. bone
kralj: 1. king

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krevet: 1. bed
krov: 1. roof
kroz: 1. through
kupatil o: 1. bathroom
kupe: 1. compartment; coupé
kukhinja: 1. kitchen
l edja: 1. back
l ed: 1. ice
l ekar: 1. doctor; physician
l eto: 1. summer
l ispanj: 1. June
l istopad: 1. October
l itar: 1. liter; litre
l itse: 1. face
mjesets: 1. moon | 2. month
mjesto: 1. place | 2. location; place; spot
maj: 1. May
majka: 1. mother
magl a: 1. fog; mist
marka: 1. stamp; postage stamp
mart: 1. March
mati: 1. mother
machka: 1. cat
mashina: 1. engine; machine | 2. typewriter
med: 1. honey
mesets: 1. moon | 2. month
meso: 1. meat
mesto: 1. place | 2. location; place; spot
metar: 1. metre
mi: 1. us; we
milja: 1. mile
mil itsajats: 1. policeman
ministar: 1. minister
mir: 1. peace
mozhda: 1. maybe; mayhap; perchance; perhaps; possibly
more: 1. sea
most: 1. bridge
mrak: 1. darkness; murk
muzh: 1. husband
muzej: 1. museum
muzika: 1. music
nedjelja: 1. Sunday
nebo: 1. heaven; sky
negdje: 1. anywhere; somewhere
negde: 1. anywhere; somewhere
nego: 1. than
nedelja: 1. Sunday
nezgoda: 1. accident
neko: 1. a; any; anybody; some; somebody; one; someone; some one
neprijatelj: 1. adversary; enemy
neshto: 1. anything; something
nigdje: 1. nowhere
nigde: 1. nowhere
nikad: 1. never

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nikada: 1. never
niko: 1. neither; nobody; none; no-one
nishta: 1. nothing
notsh: 1. night
novembar: 1. November
noga: 1. leg
nozh: 1. knife
nos: 1. nose
odjednom: 1. all of a sudden; suddenly
obal a: 1. coast; seaside; shore
obichaj: 1. custom; habit; way
obichno: 1. ordinarily; usually
oboje: 1. both
obrva: 1. brow; eyebrow
ogl as: 1. ad; advertisement
ozhujak: 1. March
oko: 1. eye
oktobar: 1. October
ol ovka: 1. pencil
on: 1. he; him
ona: 1. her; she
ono: 1. it
opasnost: 1. danger; peril
opet: 1. afresh; again; all over again; anew | 2. afresh; again; once more
orakh: 1. walnut
ormar: 1. cabinet; closet; cupboard; sideboard
osam: 1. eight
otsutan: 1. absent
pjesma: 1. afoot; on foot
pjeshitse: 1. afoot; on foot
par: 1. pair | 2. pair
park: 1. park
pas: 1. dog
pasosh: 1. passport
peron: 1. platform; quay; wharf
pesma: 1. afoot; on foot
pet: 1. five
petak: 1. Friday
peshitse: 1. afoot; on foot
pivo: 1. ale; beer
pismo: 1. letter
pitanje: 1. question
pl anina: 1. mountain
pl ata: 1. salary; wage; wages
pl etshe: 1. shoulder
pogreshka: 1. aberration; error; mistake
pod: 1. floor | 2. below; beneath; under; underneath
pozorishte: 1. theatre
pol itsija: 1. police
ponedeljak: 1. Monday
ponekad: 1. several times; sometimes
popodne: 1. afternoon
poroditsa: 1. family
posl e: 1. after; behind

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postelja: 1. bed
pratiti: 1. accompany
predgradje: 1. suburb
prekjuche: 1. the day before yesterday
preko: 1. across; beyond; on the other side of
prekosutra: 1. the day after tomorrow
preksutra: 1. the day after tomorrow
prijatelj: 1. friend
prijateljitsa: 1. friend
prikhvatiti: 1. accept; receive; take; take in
prozor: 1. window
prosinats: 1. December
protiv: 1. across from; against; in exchange for; opposed to; opposite; upon
profesor: 1. professor
prst: 1. finger
prsten: 1. ring
put: 1. time; while
rad: 1. job; work
radnja: 1. boutique; shop; store
radnik: 1. hand; laborer; labourer; operative; worker; working man; workman
radost: 1. gladness; joy
rana: 1. injury; wound
rat: 1. war
rachun: 1. account
reka: 1. river
restoran: 1. restaurant
rech: 1. word
rechnik: 1. dictionary; vocabulary
rijeka: 1. river
rijech: 1. word
rijechnik: 1. dictionary; vocabulary
riba: 1. fish
rujan: 1. September
ruka: 1. hand
rukavitsa: 1. glove; mitten
sjeme: 1. seed
savjet: 1. advice; counsel
savet: 1. advice; counsel
sagl asiti se: 1. accede; agree; consent
sad: 1. at present; now
sada: 1. at present; now
sam: 1. alone; only; sole; solitary
saobratshaj: 1. traffic
sat: 1. hour; o'clock; time
sve: 1. all; altogether; everything
svet: 1. world
svijet: 1. world
svibanj: 1. May
svuda: 1. all about; everywhere
sedam: 1. seven
sel o: 1. village
seme: 1. seed
septembar: 1. September
sestra: 1. sister

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sijechanj: 1. January
sin: 1. son
sir: 1. cheese
skupa: 1. together
sl ika: 1. painting; picture
sl ikar: 1. painter
sl uga: 1. boy; servant
smokva: 1. fig
snakha: 1. daughter-in-law
sneg: 1. snow
snijeg: 1. snow
soba: 1. chamber; room
spisak: 1. list
sposoban: 1. able; capable
sreda: 1. Wednesday
srijeda: 1. Wednesday
srpanj: 1. July
srtse: 1. heart
staza: 1. path
stanitsa: 1. station
stvar: 1. affair; business; business deal; case; matter
stol itsa: 1. chair
stranats: 1. foreigner
stranitsa: 1. page
strits: 1. uncle
student: 1. academic; student
studentkinja: 1. student; female student
sudats: 1. judge
suntse: 1. sun
supa: 1. soup
sutra: 1. tomorrow
tajna: 1. secret
tanjir: 1. plate
takode: 1. also; likewise; too
taksi: 1. taxi
tetka: 1. aunt
travanj: 1. April
tri: 1. three
turist: 1. tourist
u: 1. a; in; inside; into; on; per; within
uvek: 1. always; ever
uvijek: 1. always; ever
uvo: 1. ear
univerzitet: 1. university
usna: 1. lip
uspjekh: 1. achievement; success
uspekh: 1. achievement; success
utorak: 1. Tuesday
ukho: 1. ear
uchitelj: 1. instructor; teacher
februar: 1. February
funta: 1. pound
khljeb: 1. bread; loaf
kharmonika: 1. accordion

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khartija: 1. paper
khl eb: 1. bread; loaf
khotel: 1. hotel
khrabrost: 1. courage
tsvet: 1. bloom; flower
tsvijet: 1. bloom; flower
tsilj: 1. aim; goal; purpose; target
tsigareta: 1. cigarette
tsipel a: 1. shoe
tsrkva: 1. church; church-building; house of worship; place of worship
chaj: 1. tea
chek: 1. check; cheque
chekitsh: 1. hammer
chesto: 1. frequently; often; regularly
chetvrtak: 1. Thursday
chetiri: 1. four
shetsher: 1. sugar
shest: 1. six
sheshir: 1. hat
shkol a: 1. school
sholja: 1. cup
shofer: 1. chauffeur; driver
shuma: 1. forest; woods
shupa: 1. cabin; hut; shack


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