Israel, Mossad, Iran and a Nuclear False Flag Attack

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Israel, Mossad, Iran and a Nuclear False Flag Attack


R. Leland Lehrman

505.982.3609 -

Updated: July 28, 2005

On April 18th of 2005, I released a public advisory, reproduced below, regarding the danger of a faked nuclear attack
on America, to be staged by rogue British, American and Israeli Mossad operatives, assisted by select criminal,
compromised, drug-addicted or mind-controlled "Muslim" patsies and designed to support a global war against Iran
and Islam. With Congress in recess and Bush on vacation, the exact conditions preceeding the 9/11 attacks are now
being replicated. The attack would also be used to further legitimate the building of the genocidal wall in Jerusalem and
possibly even

an expansion of, rather than a pullout from, the settlements in Gaza

and the West Bank in furtherance of

total Israeli dominance in the Middle East. The attack would be aided by

Israeli partisans in the United States

, and will



in the


by the

American Israel Public Affairs Committee

, and its

attendant PR firms


media empires

. As a descendant of Russian Jews, I consider it a particularly important civic responsibility to expose the

deception and danger of Zionism and its terrorist agency, the Mossad, who will probably furnish the patsies. The Mossad
is a

leading candidate


architect of the 9/11 attacks

. This suppressed

German Intelligence Document

reveals how

senior Israelis knew in advance about the attacks and "urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the
attacks." Here's a longer quote:

"It is very evident from surveillance conducted against Mossad agents in the Federal Republic as well as interceptions of Israeli diplomatic communication

from the Federal Republic to Tel Aviv, that the Mossad has successfully penetrated various extremist Arab groups in both the Federal Republic and the

United States.

These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington

and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, through their own agents

inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.

That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attacks is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the

Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently

wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks.

Although the Israeli officials were instructed to warn the American intelligence community that some kind of an attack might be possible, at no time were

the specific dates and targets (known at that time to Israeli officials) to be given to the Americans.

The rationale for this attitude was expressed in a conversation on August 1, 2001, between the Israeli Military Attaché in the Federal Republic to a

member of the Israeli General Staff. There it was stated that Israel believed an attack on the continental United States would so inflame American public

opinion that they would permit Israel to "cleanse" their state of "Arab terrorists and those who support such terrorists". This "cleansing" was explained as

the expulsion of all Arabs, and even Christian groups, from the Palestine area."

The website has additional supporting evidence for Mossad involvement in 9/11

in its background

information section. Although the

Mossad has been caught perpetrating fake terrorist operations

, most people still don't

know about it. It is often asserted that

Israel and Zionism are in fact themselves patsies

of the



, but given the fact that

Talmudic Zionists


the Rothschilds

have controlled

international central

banking and freemasonry

for centuries, I am not convinced of that hypothesis, though I include it


for balance.

Interestingly, at the very core of secret Freemasonry doctrine is what is known as

British Israelism

, an assertion that the

British are in fact a lost tribe of Israel and that as such Britain is included in the proverbial covenant of the Chosen
People. Who is at the

top of the Pyramid?


Lucifer himself

of course, whether you acknowledge it metaphorically

or literally. All the "identifiable groups" are expendable within the divide and conquer methodology.

Since the US Army War College already acknowledges that the Mossad "

has capability to target US forces and make it

look like a Palestinian/Arab act

," it may well be that the FBI has finally realized how dangerous the Israeli

Fifth Column

is, having begun to tighten the noose around the



spying operation

in America by

arresting Larry

Franklin, Doug Feith's deputy in the Office of Special Plans, origin of the fraudulent Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
intelligence. Not yet indicted, but identified as Co-Conspirator 1 and 2 along with Franklin are the two top AIPAC
operatives to whom he passed higly classified intel: Steven Rosen, head of Policy and Keith Weissman, Iran specialist.

Israeli sources expect Weissman and Rosen

to be indicted for espionage

in the coming weeks.

Perhaps the two largest factions of the New World Order,

Skull and Bones

and the


are now going into open

warfare, as the

Bush Administration attempts to clean out the neoconservatives


discipline the Israeli military


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enforce the two state solution


Predictably, the word in pro-Zionist circles is that the FBI investigation by Counter Intelligence Chief David Szady into
the Larry Franklin affair is anti-semitic and driven by a CIA old guard.

Some "Russian" security sources which cannot

be confirmed provide tantalizing intelligence suggesting the same thing, and repeat the meme of a nuclear terrorist
attack in the USA, staged by the Zionist/Skull and Bones hierarchy including their


covert agents.

Victor Ostrovsky, Mossad defector, has indicated that George Bush Senior may have been targeted by Mossad for

due to his attempt at enforcing a two state solution through cancellation of American loan guarantees to

Israel during a "peace process" he started. George W. Bush continues at least the appearance of peace talks as related in

The Jewish Press: "Bush made his position clear: Israel's settlement expansion in the West Bank must stop. “I told the
prime minister of my concern that Israel not undertake any activity that contravenes "road map" obligations or
prejudices final-status negotiations,” Bush said, referring to the “road map” peace plan his administration launched
three years ago. “Therefore, Israel should remove unauthorized outposts and meet its road map obligations regarding
settlements in the West Bank.”

Of course, staging a fight is an easy thing to do when you are a

professional deceiver


which description suits both Zionists and Bonesmen quite well. After all, the source for Ostrovsky's allegation was most
probably former head of Mossad

Ephraim Halevy, now national security advisor to Ariel Sharon and the author of a

recent call to perpetual world war with Islam.

Halevy's other famous warning was that

"should one of the more severe

scenarios come to pass, the United States will have no choice but to deepen its presence in the Middle East. To that end,
it will have to renew the draft, to ensure that there are enough forces to deal with developing situations in countries like
Saudi Arabia."

The AIPAC affair is only the tip of a giant iceberg that goes back even beyond the Balfour Declaration and the role of
Zionists in precipitating America's involvement in World War I.

It is now generally acknowledged that Lord Balfour's

letter to Lord Rothschild - allowing for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine - led to a massive shift in
allegiance by international elitist Zionists from the Axis to the Allies

. The British, under "Lawrence of Arabia" managed

to convince the Arabs to fight with them against the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which allied with Germany. However, the
Palestinians were betrayed to the Zionists and the "United Nations" after

Britain's attempts at keeping the peace were

destroyed by Israeli terrorists

such as

eventual Prime Minister, Menachem Begin.

The Balfour Declaration also led to the

massive pressure applied by

American Zionists like Louis Brandeis


Bernard Baruch

, head of the War Industries

Board, on President Woodrow Wilson to enter the war and

to create a one world government [League of Nations]


prophesied by

David Ben Gurion in Look Magazine, 1962

. Indeed,

Benjamin Freedman, a high-level Jewish defector

from Zionism who was part of the Wilson administration stated openly that International Zionists guaranteed American
assistance to the Allies in World War I in return for the Balfour Declaration

. The thesis certainly fits the facts. Here is

Freedman's statement: "They [the Zionists] told England: 'We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as
your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.' In other words, they
made this deal: 'We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you
have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.'" Freedman goes on to state that even Zionist
leaders such as Nahum Sokolow acknowledged that "the feeling against the Jews in Germany is due to the fact that they
realized that this great defeat (WWI) was brought about by our (Zionist) intercession and bringing the United States into
the war against them." Freedman also acknowledges the

British use of Zionism in furtherance of its own aims.

Peering back into history with Freedman, we watch as Freedman paints a vivid scene: "I was 'confidential man' to
Henry Morgenthau, Sr., who was chairman of the Finance Committee, and I was liaison between him and Rollo Wells,
the treasurer. So I sat in these meetings with President Wilson at the head of the table, and all the others, and I heard
them drum into President Wilson's brain the graduated income tax and what has become the Federal Reserve, and also
indoctrinate him with the Zionist movement. Justice Brandeis and President Wilson were just as close as the two fingers
on this hand, and President Woodrow Wilson was just as incompetent when it came to determining what was going on
as a newborn baby. And that's how they got us into World War I, while we all slept."

This background is necessary because those without a grasp of it will be less able to understand and assimilate what I
must now relate, which is that the plan to take American into a war with Iran, which is supposed to be a

global war with


to precede

one world dictatorship

, continues apace with increasing warnings from the military, the press and the

research community regarding a nuclear or other major attack on America, perhaps as soon as this August.

Fortunately, due to the heroic efforts of the alternative media, the

London bombings

have now been


as another

terrorist exercise gone live by executive New World Order

. We have now seen two terrorist attacks

masked by what are

called drills: 9/11 and 7/7.

When is the next terrorist attack drill slated for the USA?

This August.

What type of attack does the drill "simulate."

A nuclear attack.

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According to

Dr. Stephen Sniegoski

, writing for the excellent website

War Without End

, and

elsewhere on the internet


"Richard Perle was the big hit of this May's AIPAC conference in Washington with his call for an attack on Iran. The
danger of Iran was featured in an AIPAC multimedia show, "Iran's Path to the Bomb." As the Washington Post's Dana
Milbank described the multimedia show: "The exhibit, worthy of a theme park, begins with a narrator condemning the
International Atomic Energy Agency for being ‘unwilling to conclude that Iran is developing nuclear weapons’ (it had
similar reservations about Iraq) and the Security Council because it ‘has yet to take up the issue.’ In a succession of
rooms, visitors see flashing lights and hear rumbling sounds as Dr. Seuss-like contraptions make yellowcake uranium,
reprocess plutonium, and pop out nuclear warheads like so many gallons of hummus for an AIPAC conference."

Worse still, former CIA/DIA agent Philip Giraldi exposes current US nuclear preparations for a response to another 9/11
type attack:


Philip Giraldi, Deep Background

The American Conservative

August 1, 2005 p. 27

In Washington it is hardly a secret that the same people in and around the administration who brought you Iraq are preparing to do the same for Iran.

The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney's office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with

drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air

assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including

numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken

out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of

terrorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what

they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections."

It is certainly gratifying to see that American Conservatives like the magazine doing the above reporting are as aware of
the current administration's dangerous tendencies as American Liberals. But will Americans from all political
persuasions join together soon enough to thwart the danger?

It's up to you.

Writing in the Washington Post, William Arkin echoes the military nuclear theme with an in depth expose of America's
Strategic Command and its new nuclear directive:

"A confluence of events, beginning with the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the president's forthright commitment to the idea of preemptive action to prevent

future attacks, has set in motion a process that has led to a fundamental change in how the U.S. military might respond to certain possible threats.

Understanding how we got to this point, and what it might mean for U.S. policy, is particularly important now -- with the renewed focus last week on

Iran's nuclear intentions and on speculation that North Korea is ready to conduct its first test of a nuclear weapon.

Global strike has become one of the core missions for the Omaha-based Strategic Command, or Stratcom. Once, Stratcom oversaw only the nation's

nuclear forces; now it has responsibility for overseeing a global strike plan with both conventional and nuclear options. President Bush spelled out the

definition of "full-spectrum" global strike in a January 2003 classified directive, describing it as "a capability to deliver rapid, extended range, precision

kinetic (nuclear and conventional) and non-kinetic (elements of space and information operations) effects in support of theater and national objectives."

This blurring of the nuclear/conventional line, wittingly or unwittingly, could heighten the risk that the nuclear option will be used. Exhibit A may be the

Stratcom contingency plan for dealing with "imminent" threats from countries such as North Korea or Iran, formally known as CONPLAN 8022-02."

The Financial Times reports on covert operations against Iran in this illuminating piece:

"Books Add to Rightwing Campaign to Demonise Iran

Published: July 8 2005

Two new books in the US - Countdown to Terror and Countdown to Crisis - accuse an incompetent Central Intelligence Agency of failing to recognise the

potentially catastrophic threat posed by Iran through what it alleges are close ties between Iran and the fugitive Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

Serialised in the conservative media and popularised on talk-shows, the books have arrived in the midst of a rightwing campaign to demonise Iran - and

expose the CIA - at the same time as the Bush administration is exploring ways of funding and backing Iranian opposition groups.

In Countdown to Terror, Curt Weldon, a Pennsylvania republican congressman and vice-chairman of the House armed services committee, charges that

Iran will carry out the next terror strike on the US, has a bomb that can kill more than 100,000 people, and is giving refuge to Mr bin Laden.

Mr Weldon's information comes from "Ali", said to be a former senior official during the Shah of Iran's rule, whom he first met in Paris in April, last year.

Mr Weldon says he was driven to write his book after the CIA dismissed Ali as a fraud even though, Mr Weldon claims, many of his predictions came


Mr Weldon's secondary target is George Tenet, the former CIA boss, and what he calls the old intelligence community elite. Mr Weldon accuses this elite

of waging a propaganda war against George W. Bush in the run-up to the 2004 presidential election.

Mr Weldon strongly defends his old friend Porter Goss, who replaced Mr Tenet last year, and his efforts to purge the agency. He concludes that the US

would be justified in launching a pre-emptive war against Iran. But since this is not feasible, Mr Weldon argues that the US should give financial support

to Iranian groups preparing for regime change.

The ferocity of Mr Weldon's accusations have driven Bill Murray, the former CIA station chief in Paris, to go public with his side of the story - that Ali was

a fraudster well known to the agency. The CIA has responded by declassifying a letter to Mr Weldon, in which it says Ali was a fabricator who

embellished press reports. "He has provided no information to date worthy of follow-up," it said, adding that it spent hundreds of man hours evaluating

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his claims.

Mr Murray told the Financial Times that he had informed Mr Weldon that Ali was a known fabricator who wanted money. He said Ali was "totally

dependent" on Manouchehr Ghorbanifar, an Iranian arms dealer discredited by the CIA for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s.

James Woolsey, a friend of Mr Weldon and former CIA director, praises the book as "a case study of an intelligence failure in the process of happening,

with potentially catastrophic consequences for the United States." Mr Goss has not commented on it in public.

The CIA has not commented either on Countdown To Crisis: the Coming Nuclear Showdown With Iran, by Kenneth Timmerman, a journalist and author

with close ties to exiled Iranian opposition groups. A CIA spokesman said the agency was too busy to read it.

Mr Timmerman, quoting alleged high-level defectors from Iranian intelligence organisations, says Iran plotted the September 11, 2001, attacks on the US

together with al-Qaeda, and is also protecting Mr bin Laden.

"Because of the arrogance and wilful blindness of our nation's top intelligence officers, America's leaders were misled about the threat from Iran until it

was too late."

The problem for us in the above story is that not only is

Ghorbanifar a known liar

, but he was the

conduit between

Israel, the US and Iran during the Iran-Contra affair

, and is very close with

Michael Ledeen

, spearhead of the Nuke Iran

gang as you will see below. His collaboration with Italian Intelligence, or SISMI links him to the

Propaganda Due [P2]

operation in Italy which has terrorized Europe for decades and is now

collaborating with Ledeen and Co. again:

"In the 1980s, a number of books and articles fingered Michael Ledeen as a member of Italy's fascist P2 "lodge," a pseudo-Masonic power group

founded by former blackshirt and SS liaison officer Licio Gelli. Gelli's fascist cabal infiltrated, and largely controlled, SISMI. According to reports published

in the 1980s, Gelli had created an organization within the organization, jocularly labeled "Super SISMI."

But it wasn't just books and articles that fingered Ledeen, in fact, "

Ledeen is identified in the [Italian] court

documents as an agent of SISMI

," and even the Tower Commission set up to investigate the Iran-Contra affair


concluded that the CIA should permanently terminate its relationship with Ledeen and his associate,



"His attachment to Israel, reflected in his JINSA connection, may have influenced his pursuit of the hostage
deal with Iran (Israel favored such a transaction), and his former boss in the Pentagon, Noel Koch, asserts
that while Ledeen was in Italy the CIA station chief there took him to be "an agent of influence of a foreign

You see,


is a self-professed "

Universal Fascist

," the title of one of his books:

"Ledeen, as he wrote in his book Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli's Iron Rules Are As Timely and Important Today as Five Centuries

Ago (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000), is a believer in "total war" through "creative violence." There is no such thing as peace between nations, he

maintains; peace is just an interlude between wars.

Ledeen fits the profile of a "Synarchist," or "Nazi/Communist," as those concepts were discussed in World War II-era documents made available to EIR

by military intelligence and other sources during the 1980s (see Jeffrey Steinberg, "Synarchism: The Fascist Roots of the Wolfowitz Cabal," EIR, May 30,

2003). Particularly relevant to this characterization is Ledeen's work with both "Red" and "Black" terrorists in Italy, and his support, along with Henry

Kissinger, of the Propaganda Due (P-2) Freemasonic Lodge of former Nazi collaborator Licio Gelli, which directed the NATO-related "strategy of tension"

[and eventual assassination] against former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro..."

An...important mentor to Ledeen was Renzo de Felice, an advocate of the Jacobin Revolution in France which led to the emergence of the first modern

Fascist, Napoleon Bonaparte. De Felice did not hide his Fascism, as he wrote in The Illuminati and Revolutionary Mysticism, 1789-1900: "There is

something in common between my Jacobins and a certain kind of Fascism.... Fascism wanted to achieve the transformation of society and the individual

... [toward] a new phase in the history of civilization."

After researching in Italy from 1966 to 1967, where he met scions of the Venetian oligarchy who are "magicians" in cultural warfare, Ledeen wrote:

Universal Fascism (1972); "Italian Fascism and Youth," Journal of Contemporary History, July 1969; "Fascist Social Policy," in The Use and Abuse of

Social Science, ed, Irving Louis Horowitz; and, among others, Fascism, An Informal Introduction to Its Theory and Practice, by Renzo de Felice, which

includes an interview with Ledeen.

Ledeen preferred unbridled, Jacobin-style fascism, such as that of Gabrielle D'Annunzio in the early 1900s. In his 1972 Universal Fascism, Ledeen

criticized Benito Mussolini as being too rigid: "He never had enough confidence in the Italian people to permit them a genuine participation in Fascism."

Are you getting the picture? If this guy is saying there will be a nuclear attack on America, we'd better take it seriously.
He's hooked up with the blackest of international criminals.

No expose would be complete without a word from the inestimably patriotic Major Scott Ritter, former UN weapons
inspector and war-protester.

His recent warning

that war plans against Iran had been set for June was followed up by

this piece on the media's silence

and then

this excellent piece on the current covert operations already taking place in

preparation for a full-scale attack.

But an Iran war would never fly with the American public, already tired of Iraq and the "War on Terror." Or would it?
Maybe, just maybe, with the right sort of provocation... And that's where the latest news from Northcom, or the US
Northern Command gets nervewracking.

They are planning a nuclear terrorism drill for August of this year.

Two weeks

away. As I noted before, we have now seen

two devastating instances of drills used as covers for real terrorism.

Is this

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going to be the third strike, and we're out? Read carefully:


Exercise to focus on nuclear terror scenario

Posted Jun 29, 2005 at 1:00:PM MDT

FORT MONROE, Va. -- Here’s the scenario…A seafaring vessel transporting a 10-kiloton nuclear warhead makes its way into a port off the coast of

Charleston, S.C. Terrorists aboard the ship attempt to smuggle the warhead off the ship to detonate it. Is this really a possibility?

Joint Task Force Civil Support (JTF-CS) here is planning its next exercise on the premise that this crisis is indeed plausible.

Sudden Response 05 will take place this August on Fort Monroe and will be carried out as an internal command post exercise. The exercise is intended

to train the JTF-CS staff to plan and execute Consequence Management operations in support of Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV’s

response to a nuclear detonation.

Some of this year’s objectives for SR05 are to refine nuclear incident Concept of Operations, produce a CM Operation Order, refine command post set-

up procedures and maintain situational awareness of multiple CM incidents.

The Sudden Response exercise has been held at Quantico, Va., in the past, but has been moved to Fort Monroe to maximize command post training

time. The senior leadership felt that it was more important to accomplish training instead of losing up to a day and a half in travel time, said Paul

Deflueri, J7 Lead Exercise Planner. “This will allow us to still meet our training objectives,” he said.

Some external participants may work with JTF-CS during the exercise.

“We’re trying to get representatives from FEMA Region IV as well as representatives from South Carolina Emergency Management Division and active

duty soldiers from the (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) Consequence Management Response Force to play the role of task

force units,” Defluri said.

“Each time we do one of these internal exercises, we try to make it more robust and try to add in fidelity,” Defluri said. “That’s what we’re trying to do for

SR05: create a good scenario and be able to replicate the effects as best we can. That way we can give the command a really good CM exercise.”

Notice the role of FEMA

, who were also scheduled to be in New York around 9/11, by eerie coincidence,


of a terrorism drill called "Tripod II."

These drills are in fact common practise at Northcom, and now include drills for nuclear detonation, major
hurricane and nuclear accident all at the same time.

Here's another interesting drill,

involving an international

force off the coast of the US.

A personal connection was hammered home to me when one of my fellow travelers in the Peace and Justice Community
alerted me to the following:

"A friend came by today. His relative is fairly high-level in regional counter-terrorism. My friend says his relative told
him they are preparing for the strong possibility that there will be 7 U.S. cities attacked with small, backpack-held
nuclear devices by 'al-Qaida types.' It sounds like the propaganda -- the cover stories for PNAC or whomever these bad
guys are -- has begun."

This does not sound good.

Finally, one of a few other internet authors to posit a similar theory, an individual known only by his handle,
"Skunk" or "Son of Liberty," created this speculative website regarding a nuclear false flag attack on
America. It provides some compelling ideas worthy of attention. Ignore it at your peril.

And now, read on regarding the original motivations for this public warning, and take heed.

Please contact me

with any corroborating evidence, or for any helpful and loving reason.

April 18th, 2005


Public Advisory





, including

this commercial video

(available from the

Iran Freedom Foundation


page) and other

neoconservative rants

regarding an "Iranian" nuclear threat have prompted an essential update to this

piece regarding

the extensive record of recently arrested Israeli,

not Iranian operatives, often around nuclear facilities in

This campaign designed to prepare the American people to blame
Iran for a possible upcoming nuclear terrorist attack fits the
description of a Mossad false flag operation, especially because
of Israel's numerous, even flagrant recent violations of American
nuclear security.

Israel's long record of using terrorism and especially "false flag" terrorism -
covert military operations designed to pin blame on an enemy - is


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and well documented

, beginning with the bombing of the

Hotel King David

by Menachem Begin's Irgun fighters

, through the

Lavon Affair

and recently

includes the

bust up of a phony al Qaeda cell

that was in reality

manufactured by the Mossad.

For those still under the illusion that Israel has always been a US ally,
please note the

USS Liberty Incident

, wherein Israeli fighter planes and

torpedo boats nearly sunk an unarmed US intelligence vessel in
international waters, and also the US Army War College's assesment of the Mossad: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning.
Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." -

Washington Times

. Even the US army

acknowledges that Israel can and does engineer "false flag" attacks.

Here's why they say history repeats itself. America, doesn't this sound a bit too
familiar: "As during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, the

neocons have

embarked on another inane search for monarchic exile groups

to prop up as

future leaders of a "free and democratic" Iran. This effort, according to the

Financial Times

, is led by a gruesome twosome -- Iran-Contra scumlord,

Michael Ledeen

, and Swift Boat washup,

Jerome Corsi

-- along with



a laundry list of wingers in congress." -

Max Blumenthal

"A prominent backer of the Alliance [for "Democracy" in Iran - forerunner to
the Iran Freedom Foundation] is

Jerome Corsi, well known for his role in the

Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth campaign against John Kerry,


Democratic presidential candidate... The Alliance says it is in partnership with
the rightwing Hudson Institute. Alliance members are also inspired by Michael
Ledeen of the

American Enterprise Institute

, an influential neoconservative

policy group, who is a veteran campaigner for regime change. " -



The Hudson

, the

organic food
bashing home of
neocon all star

Meyrav Wurmser, co- author of the famous

Project for a

New Pearl Harbor

, I mean

Project for a New American



Rebuilding America's Defenses

provides insitutional cover for this poorly disguised covert
intelligence operation. Hudson Institute features the

Bilderberger criminal

, "Lord"

Conrad Black as one of its


. Here's what New World Order genius-in-chief

Henry Kissinger has to say about the Hudson Institute:

“Hudson Institute is today one of America's foremost
policy research centers, in the forefront of study and
debate on important domestic and international policy
issues, known and respected around the globe, a leader in
innovative thinking and creative solutions to the
challenges of the present and the future.” - Henry A.

This recent

propaganda effort

streaming through wild-eyed right-wing rags


World Net Daily

is well-organized and may perhaps indicate that the

"provocation" designed to legitimate the

planned war with Iran

, is about to

occur. Neocon bullhorn World Net Daily blares: "


Iran nuke commercial hits TV markets. Spot depicting atomic terror attack
in NYC to be seen in 20 cities


Citizens can afford to waste no time informing the President, the Pentagon,
Congress, State Officials, FBI Counter Intelligence and the press that we are
aware of the intent of this propaganda campaign and are not fooled. Recent
Israeli and US efforts to publicly distance themselves from war plans for
Iran may be part of a campaign to appear peaceful, such that a terrorist
attack falsely blamed on Iran with the full force of the international media

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will look all the more brutal and undeserved.

We have seen

these types of "terrorist attacks" both real and imagined


to legitimate foreign military adventures that are deceptively sold to an
unwitting public as if they were in our "National Interest," or "Promote
Democracy." No, no, as Major General Smedley Butler put it in 1935:

War is

a Racket

.When was the last time this Administration warned us about

mushroom clouds over US cities? Where are those weapons of mass
destruction today?

Read on for the details of the Israeli agents arrested near US nuclear
facilities or in other suspicious circumstances. All instances documented in
mainstream press. External articles rendered in Arial Font.

Israeli nationals, recently arrested all around the country, may be part of a possible false flag attack on the United
States, perhaps even involving nuclear weapons or an attack on nuclear facilities. These attacks may be designed to
frame Muslim nations in order to legitimate resource and world domination wars.

Look at the below published news reports and documents.

1. King's Bay Naval Nuclear Facility

The most recent incident was at King's Bay Naval Nuclear Facility. The news reports in that case describe the fact that
the dogs were alerted to the scent of explosives and that there was a remote control robot in a suitcase in the van.

Here's one article:

Movers Who Prompt Kings Bay Lockdown To Be Deported
POSTED: 1:44 pm EDT May 25, 2004

ST. MARYS, Ga. -- Two Israeli men working for a moving-and-storage company who attempted to enter Kings Bay
Submarine Base Friday are being held for deportation.

The two entered the Franklin gate about 10:30 a.m. Friday to pick up some items in base housing, base spokesman
Ed Buczek said.

Neither was able to present valid work permits to security personnel, and one had an expired passport. Base
personnel and bomb-sniffing dogs inspected the van, prompting a lockdown of the base.

St. Marys police closed access to an area one-half mile surrounding the base and called in a bomb squad, Buczek

"The military dogs were alerted to a scent in the cab of the truck," Buczek said. "Guards closed access to the base
and notified the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Naval Criminal
Investigative Service."

Nothing was found in the van, but both men, Tamir D. Sason, 24 and Daniel Levy, 23, both of Metar, Israel, were
turned over to federal immigration officers as undocumented aliens. They are being held for deportation.

Here's another:

Security scare shuts Kings Bay

Bomb suspected after an Israeli was unable to give credentials for entry.
Times-Union correspondent

ST. MARYS, Ga. -- Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base was locked down for security reasons Friday after two Israelis
were detained for questioning.

Base spokesman Ed Buczek said two Israeli men attempted to enter the base about 10:30 a.m. They were hired by a
moving-and-storage company to pick up some household goods in base housing, he said....

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"The military dogs were alerted to a scent in the cab of the truck," Buczek said. "Guards closed access to the base
and notified the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Naval Criminal
Investigative Service."

St. Marys police closed access to an area one-half mile out surrounding the base, and a bomb squad was called in,
Buczek said. A briefcase was removed from the vehicle with a remote control robot, but nothing was found in it.

Daniel Hopsicker provides additional details


and and



Additional investigative reporting

here at

An excerpt:

"Thankfully there was one subject on which the Navy spokesman was prepared to wax eloquent... The bomb-sniffing
guard dogs at the base were filled with the right stuff, and possessed a high level of skill & accuracy.

"The military dogs were alerted to a scent in the cab of the truck," a base spokesman had stated. "Guards
immediately closed access to the base.”

“Do they often test false positives?” we inquired.

Not at all. “The idea that they would pick up a false positive is highly unlikely,” sniffed the base spokesman."

The American Free Press

actually contacted the Department of Homeland Security.

Here's what they found out:

"Marc Raimondi, spokesman at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in Washington, told AFP that both Sason
and Levy will be deported. Raimondi said ICE had taken custody of the two individuals and checked them out through
immigration and known criminal databases. Their only offense, Raimondi said, was that they had worked illegally on
visitor visas.

"Perhaps the conspiracy theory has merit," Raimondi said when asked why Israeli agents involved in criminal
activities were being deported on visa violations. Raimondi was unable to answer when asked if DHS was concerned
about the network of Israeli-owned moving companies in the United States, some with proven ties to Israeli

He said the agency welcomes any information that could be helpful."

2. Nuclear Fuel Services Plant, Erwin, Tennessee

Prior to the King's Bay incident, Israeli "movers" including the son of the Likud Party spokesperson Shmuel Dahan were
busted in Tennessee near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin.

Here is the AP report:

Two men arrested after high-speed chase in Tennessee

The Associated Press

ERWIN, Tenn. (AP) - Two Israeli men who led the Unicoi County sheriff on a high-speed chase in a rented moving
truck were placed under arrest and are being investigated by the FBI, local officials said.

SHMUEL DAHAN and Almaliach Naor, both from Israel, were being held
without bond Sunday afternoon at the Unicoi County Jail. The truck,
rented from a Ryder office in Mars Hills, N.C., was being held in the
county garage pending an FBI investigation, officials said.

Dahan is charged with reckless driving, littering, false identification and
evading arrest, while Naor faces charges of false identification and
evading arrest, an officer with the Unicoi County Sheriff's Department who
would not give his name said Sunday.

An investigation by the FBI is ongoing and more charges are possible, he
said. A woman who answered the phone at the FBI's Knoxville office said
there was no one available to answer questions about the arrest.

The incident began late Saturday afternoon when Sheriff Kent Harris
noticed a rental truck traveling at a high speed along former U.S. Highway
23, a lightly-traveled highway near the North Carolina state line.

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"I was really concerned because the driver would not stop after I flashed
my headlights for nearly three miles," Harris said. "He was weaving back
and forth and I was wondering what a large (rental truck) was doing on
the two-lane highway late Saturday afternoon instead of the faster I-26 Interstate."

Harris said he saw the men throw something from the truck while they were being pursued. Officers scouring the area
later found a vial containing an unknown substance along the roadway, he said.

Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and others
to express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin.


Dahan also gave authorities a fake Florida driver's license issues in Plantation, Fla., he said, while Naor produced a
fake identification card.

Harris subsequently contacted the FBI, the federal Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms and other local authorities to look
into the situation.

"We're not overreacting," Harris said. "We have a responsibility to protect the citizens of Unicoi County and that's what
I'm going to do at any cost. I'd rather overreact, if that's what you call it, than be sorry later."

More details on that investigation, with notes on other incidents involving Israeli "movers" can again be found

at Daniel

Hopsicker's website:

"...the 'learn to fly in Florida' business card is that of Nissan Giat, also an Israeli military veteran, he said, as well as a
free-lance flight instructor in the Miami area, working out of the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport."

3. Plymouth, Pennsylvania with a video of the Sears Tower:

2 found with video of Sears Tower

MICHELLE MOWAD, Special to The Mercury October 17, 2001
PLYMOUTH (PA) -- Two men whom police described as Middle Eastern were detained in the township by federal
immigration authorities after being found with detailed video footage of the Sears Tower in Chicago.

Plymouth Police encountered the men after an officer responded to Pizzeria Uno on West Ridge Pike at 2:40 p.m.
Thursday for a report of illegal dumping.

A manager there advised the police officer that a tractor-trailer was observed backed up to the dumpster at the rear of
the restaurant. The manager noticed a freshly dumped pile of furniture adjacent to the Dumpster, according to police.
The manager confronted the vehicle's operator, a Middle Eastern man, police said.

The man, who later identified himself as Moshe Elmakias, 30, denied that he did anything and fled the scene, heading
west on West Ridge Pike... The manager was able to provide township police with the Florida registration number of
the tractor-trailer and said that a sign posted on the side of the vehicle read "Moving Systems Incorporated" police

The area was searched by township police, and the vehicle was spotted parked on the curb in front of John Kennedy
Ford on Ridge Pike. An officer proceeded to make contact with the occupants of the truck by knocking on the cab,
according to reports.

A Middle Eastern man, later identified as Ron Katar, 23, exited the sleeper area of the cab and said that the operator
was across the street as he pointed toward the Don Rosen Porsche dealer, reports said.

Elmakias and a white female, Ayelet Reisler, 23, were approaching the vehicle from the dealership, but the female
then began walking in a different direction, acting as if she were not with Elmakias, according to reports. Reisler was
detained and checked for identification. She had a German passport in her name and medication in a different name,
police said. Plymouth Police Sgt. Thomas Longo was notified and responded to the incident.

Elmakias allegedly admitted to being behind Pizzeria Uno, although he said that he did not dump furniture, he was
only turning around. Elmakias said that his destination was New York and that he was also coming from New York. He
said he was in Plymouth because he was supposed to make a pickup in the morning and pointed toward the Storage
USA facility on Belvoir Road , police said. Elmakias could not, however, provide a name or telephone number of the

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Township police dispatched a request for a Motor Carrier Program Inspector. Officer Gerald Schwartz of the Whitpain
Police Department responded. Schwartz discovered through his investigation that the operator's log had been falsified
and put the truck out of service due to violations. Inspection of the tractor-trailer's contents revealed a load three-
quarters full containing household items, including furniture and boxes. Among the items in the truck was a Sony
video camera. Plymouth Police Officer David McCann reviewed the tape found inside the camera. The tape had video
footage of Chicago with zoomed-in shots of the Sears Tower, according to police.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was notified of the incident and all three subjects were transported to the
Plymouth Police station. FBI Agents James Sweeney and Richard Tofani arrived at the station and proceeded to
investigate both the subjects and their belongings with the assistance of Immigration and Naturalization Services. All
evidence collected by Plymouth and Whitpain officers was transferred to federal facilities. Special Agent Linda Vizi, a
spokeswoman for the Philadelphia FBI, could not be contacted for comment on further investigations.


4. Whidbey Island Naval Station

On May 7th, 2002, two Israeli "movers" were arrested for speeding after midnight near the Whidbey Island
Naval Air Station and Oak Harbor, Washington. The Jerusalem Post gives the cover story:

FBI clears Israelis suspected of carrying explosives

Jerusalem Post; 5/15/2002; MELISSA RADLER

Wednesday, May 15, 2002 -- NEW YORK - The two Israelis arrested last week in Washington State on charges of
having traces of explosives in their rental truck were cleared by the Federal Bureau of Investigation yesterday. The
FBI said further tests found no trace of explosives.

Officials attributed the false positive to the presence of diesel fuel, which was used to fill up the van.

News of the incident spread like wildfire on Fox News and TV stations in Israel.

The Israelis' saga began on May 8 when they were pulled over in Oak Harbor, Washington, and a trace amount of
TNT and the plastic explosive RDX was apparently found on the gear shift and steering wheel of their vehicle and on
one of the Israeli's clothes, Fox News reported yesterday.

According to an FBI spokesman in Seattle, Ray Lauer, local police who pulled the Israelis over for speeding became
suspicious after one of the men was found to be in possession of an altered passport, and the other was unable to
produce any identification other than an Israeli driver's license. Suspicions were heightened since the Israelis were
close to Whidbey Island Naval Station, and the driver insisted they were moving furniture - a claim that did not seem
to mesh with the late hour.

Military personnel who were called in from Whidbey Island to conduct tests on the vehicle dispatched sniffer dogs and
ionizers that indicated the presence of explosives in the car. The men denied any connection to explosive material
and were hauled off to INS custody for violating immigration laws.

"They did not have explosives on them," Lauer said. "The tests that they conducted appear to be false positives."

The Israelis are currently being held in INS custody on immigration violations, including entering the country illegally
and working without proper documentation, according to Garrison Courtney, a spokesman in Seattle's INS office.

"The two gentlemen that were stopped were held on immigration violations. They are in the custody of the INS. We
are only charging them with immigration violations," Courtney said.

Since September 11, dozens of Israelis have been detained by the INS and deported to Israel for violating a variety of
immigration laws, including overstaying their visa and working without a permit.

The Israeli consulate in San Francisco, which has jurisdiction over Washington State, did not return calls seeking

The Palestine Chronicle gives the detail:

"...The report by Carl Cameron goes into detail about the event and the facts as they unfolded after the stop by the
local Oak Harbor Police Department.

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The report states that the police stopped a Budget Rental truck for speeding after midnight just outside the entrance
to the NAS facility and close enough that the military left the base and participated in the investigation on a public
Oak Harbor street and that Naval Intelligence is involved in the subsequent investigation. The question that comes to
mind is just why and under what authority, would the MP's leave a military facility to assist the local police in a routine
stop for speeding on a city street? Why? Why would Naval Intelligence get involved in the investigation, given the
wording of the final report as it was provided to me this afternoon, by those close to the investigation? If there was
nothing to be made of any of it, why are they interested?

According to the report of Carl Cameron and confirmed to me by investigating authorities, a bomb-sniffing dog was
called to the scene. For a speeding violation? Now here comes the sketchy parts.

The dog did - as reported by several sources - detect the presence of explosives in the cab of the truck and on one of
the men. At that point High-Tech detection equipment was brought in and it was determined that traces of TNT and
RDX (plastic explosives) were found. What aroused the suspicions to bring in a bomb-sniffing dog in the first place?
Just because a truck was speeding? It confirmed the presence of explosives as did the high-tech stuff. The 'official'
spin that I got today from those involved with the investigation was that the dog did not react at all to anything. There
was nothing and a completely benign reaction. It was confirmed that the high-tech equipment was used, but no
mention of those results were offered.

Upon further questioning it was then stated that the dog did in fact have a reaction, but that the investigators (those
reportedly involved were all of the intelligence branches/authorities - FBI, ATF, Naval Intelligence, Counter Terrorism
and some unidentified participants) did a 'swab' test of the suspected contaminated areas and it was determined that
the traces of explosives were just residue of diesel fuel. Boy, that is a stretch. First the dog had a reaction, then it
didn't, then it did, but what it detected was plain old diesel fuel oil. If that were the case, the dog would have had a
reaction just passing by the vehicles fuel tank which was full of diesel. This particular dog would be of no value as a
sniffing detector if it would react to the presence of diesel fuel. Almost all of the vehicles it would be required to
respond to are diesel powered type vehicles. IT would react positively every time it scented diesel. Then it was
explained to me that the composition of TNT is similar and easily confused with diesel fuel.

Here's the rub. Just the fact that TNT and RDX were mentioned as being present is extremely worrisome. These two
compounds together are used strictly in military explosive configurations. Projectile boosters, landmines and 'special'
clandestine type explosive arrangements. Why was a dog brought to the scene? Why such a determined effort to
determine the presence of explosives and who made the TNT/RDX connection, that it was present and did they all
ready suspect, or even know that these explosives and these two detainees had these type explosives and they were
being pursued? Who concocted the story? There is absolutely no other way to spin the events, they must have
happened and they are now trying to cover tracks, or public awareness for some unknown reason.

It was easy to dismiss the reaction of the dog, it can't argue back. But their explanation that the dog confused military
explosives with diesel fuel is absurd. What gave them away is that the way to test for the presence of TNT/RDX is
through swabbing, or a gauze wipe test with acetone. It will determine the presence of this extremely powerful
explosive compound, but cannot determine whether diesel fuel is present. Why was the dog brought in and then
backed up with high-tech detection equipment and then gauze wipe tests performed if it was just diesel fuel? Why
was the military off base in the middle of a routine speeding stop, already being handled by the Oak Harbor Police
and who called them, they certainly didn't? Why was the truck speeding away from the Naval Air Station and why was
Naval Intelligence involved? Pursuit? Had they been involved in a theft on base? What exactly was going on?

I asked about the moving furniture story and was told that the investigators claimed that they followed up on this angle
and said that they did talk to an elderly lady at an elderly care housing facility that claims that she had furniture
delivered in the middle of the night by some guys whose description fit those of the two stopped for speeding, but
there again is another confusing explanation. Supposedly this lady was angry because the two tried to extort money
from her for the moving of her furniture, but she angrily refused and the two just dumped her furniture outside on the
ground. Just how did she manage to get it all inside and so quickly in the middle of the night? Or is it all a ruse?

The information I got was provided by the Oak Harbor Police Department and they were highly skeptical of the
explanations and versions they were instructed to give to anyone that asked. Apparently the two arrested individuals -
both of whom were Israeli nationals, one here illegally and the other on an expired and altered visa - were remanded
to the custody of the INS and disposition is unknown at this time. However, the Oak Harbor Police informed me that
the only charges against these two were probably going to be minor.

Calls to the Border Patrol/INS, ATF, FBI and others have gone unreturned. I tried to contact Naval authorities, but
they claim they have absolutely no record of the incident and referred me to the Naval Public Affairs Office...

5. Cloudcroft, New Mexico

Excellent work regarding the Cloudcroft and other Israeli arrests can be found in the article,

Mossad and Moving

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Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism? With Commentary by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Here's the news story:

Cloudcroft chief stops Israelis with suspicious cargo
By Michael Shinabery
Staff Writer, Alamogordo Daily News

CLOUDCROFT — That they were speeding through the school zone first got his attention.

That they had Israeli driver's licenses and expired passports made him suspicious.

Cloudcroft Police Chief Gene Green stopped the 2-ton van on Thursday, for speeding. Initially, Green thought the
truck was commercial because of exterior markings. But when he found it was out of Chicago, he asked for
documentation such as logs books and manifests.

"They said this is a U-Haul truck and handed me a rental agreement (for) in-town delivery only in Illinois, (which) had
expired two days before," Green said.

He called for backup, and Otero County Sheriff's Deputy Billy Anders, who patrols the Sacramento Mountains, arrived,
along with Capt. Norbert Sanchez and Det. Eddie Medrano.

"We got them out and started digging a little deeper," Green said, "got permission to search the truck. They claimed
they were hauling furniture from Austin to Chicago."

When officers advised the men they were not exactly en route from one town to another, Green said the two men
claimed they were Deming bound.

"But they couldn't give us an address in Deming they were going to," he said. "Once we got into the truck, they had
some junk furniture I wouldn't have given to Goodwill."

Also inside the vehicle were, Green said, "50 boxes" they claimed was a "private" delivery, but the men insisted they
had no "idea what was in them."

At that point, the officers called for drug-sniffing and bomb-sniffing dogs. The men were turned over to the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, and U-Haul recovered the truck. Contents of the boxes remain unknown,
pending investigation.

6."The Midwest"

Right after September 11th, a group of Israeli operatives carrying boxcutters and "other equipment" were
detained and released in "the Midwest." Here's the story:

Nuclear Plants Tighten Security

FBI seeking 6 men seen in Midwest

By Martin Merzer, Curtis Morgan and Lenny Savino
The Miami Herald
October 3, 2001

WASHINGTON -- As the nation stands on high alert, the FBI is searching for six men stopped by police in the
Midwest last weekend but released -- even though they possessed photos and descriptions of a nuclear power plant
in Florida and the Trans- Alaska pipeline, a senior law enforcement official said Tuesday.

The Federal Aviation Administration imposed new flight restrictions around nuclear plants nationwide Tuesday, and the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission advised the nation's 103 nuclear plants late Monday to fortify security. On Tuesday,
agency spokesmen said the FAA's flight restrictions and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's security
recommendations were based on Ashcroft's general alert rather than a specific threat. Ashcroft warned that Americans
could be struck by another terrorist attack this week.

The incident in the Midwest apparently contributed to the new warning. The six men stopped by police were traveling
in groups of three in two white sedans, said a senior law enforcement official, who requested anonymity.


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In addition to the photographs and other suspicious material, they carried "box cutters and other equipment,'' the
official said. They appeared to be from the Middle East and held Israeli passports. They were let go after the
Immigration and Naturalization Service determined that the passports were valid and that the men had entered the
United States legally, the official said.

The FBI declined to comment. An INS spokesman called the report unfounded. "We have absolutely no information at
this point in time to substantiate that story,'' said the agency's Russ Bergeron. It could not be learned in what state
the six men were stopped or how they aroused suspicion. It was not known whether their true identities matched
those on the passports, or why the FBI was not releasing their names or descriptions.

Investigators think the men almost certainly have changed cars by now and have fled to Canada or elsewhere.
Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller were ``furious'' that the INS allowed the men to be released without
consulting the FBI, the official said. Ashcroft and Mueller appeared Monday evening at a news conference to
announce that the government had ``credible'' but vague information that another wave of terrorist attacks could strike
Americans within a week.


Spokeswoman Rachel Scott said FPL's plants remained at the highest level of alert. "We are in very close
communication with all levels of law enforcement, including the FBI, to ensure we have the security measures in place
to protect the plants,'' she said. Also Tuesday, the FAA restricted all flights below 18,000 feet and within 10 miles of
86 "sensitive nuclear sites'' , the agency said. Exceptions can be made for law enforcement, medical and firefighting
flights. The 800-mile-long Trans-Alaska Pipeline runs from Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean to Valdez on the Pacific.

7. New York City, 9/11

A huge amount has been written about "The Dancing Israelis,"

caught, arrested and jailed for dancing and

photographing themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background. It was later determined that at least
two of them were Mossad operatives again connected to a moving company, Urban Moving Systems. Something is
clearly wrong here. Michael Rivero's

website does a good job of covering this scandal.

Dominic Suter

, the head of the moving company to which the Mossad agents were attached ended up on an


terrorist watch list distributed to the Italian banking authorities.

8. The DEA Report

Israeli "art students" operating a spy-ring in
Florida and around the country are documented

this DEA/FBI report.

The spy ring maintained

residences close enough to the purported 9/11
hijackers so that

official sounding stories


parrot the official line that these Mossad
operatives were watching the 9/11 hijackers with
the cooperation of the US government.


German Intelligence Report

goes much farther,

stating that in fact they were the operators of
the "al Qaeda" cell in America:

"The role of the Israeli Mossad in the
terrorist attacks

Note: The following two sections are considered
to be extremely sensitive due to the special
relationship between the Federal Republic [of
Germany] and its Jewish citizens as well as the
State of Israel. This material is compiled from
German and American sources.

During the term of President George HW Bush, the government of Israel made an official, but very secret, request to
the American president. This request was to permit agents of the Mossad, Israeli Foreign Intelligence, to enter the
United States and conduct surveillance operations against various Arab groups residing in that country.

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The stated purpose of this surveillance was to permit Israeli early warning of terrorist plots against their country.
Permission for this surveillance was granted with the caveat that the Mossad would have a liaison with the FBI and
report any and all finding to that agency.

However, these conditions were not observed. The Mossad not only did not inform the FBI of any of its findings, it is
known to have engaged in commerce with several groups of Israeli criminals of Russian backgrounds. These groups
were engaged in extensive criminal activities inside the United States, to include the smuggling of the Ecstasy drug.
Mossad agents were able to subvert American criminal investigations through their knowledge of American telephone
surveillance of such groups.

It is very evident from surveillance conducted against Mossad agents in the Federal Republic as well as interceptions
of Israeli diplomatic communication from the Federal Republic to Tel Aviv, that the Mossad has successfully
penetrated various extremist Arab groups in both the Federal Republic and the United States.

These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in
the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of
these attacks well in advance but actually, though their own agents inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning
and the eventual execution of the attacks.

That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attack is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic
between the Israeli Embassy in the Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that Minister
President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the

Although the Israeli officials were instructed to warn the American intelligence community that some kind of an attack
might be possible, at no time were the specific dates and targets (known at that time to Israeli officials) to be given to
the Americans.

The rationale for this attitude was expressed in a conversation on August 1, 2001, between the Israeli Military Attaché
in the Federal Republic to a member of the Israeli General Staff. There it was stated that Israel believed an attack on
the continental United States would so inflame American public opinion that they would permit Israel to "cleanse" their
state of "Arab terrorists and those who support such terrorists". This "cleansing" was explained as the expulsion of all
Arabs, and even Christian groups, from the Palestine area.

American intelligence officials have repeatedly expressed great concern in meeting with our people that the Israeli
government, through a company called Amdocs, was able to conduct surveillance of all telephone communications
within the United States. It was categorically stated that this Israeli-based firm was given the American contract with
25 of the largest American telephone companies. This contract was granted over the objections and concerns of the
American intelligence community.

The official reason given for this extraordinary arrangement that permitted Israeli agencies to observe all highly
confidential investigative telephone calls was that the United States has a "special relationship" with the State of Israel
and they had requested this."

This information is completely credible because

Israel is famous for impersonating or manipulating Arab criminals into

terrorist activites such that they can legitimate their genocidal land grab in Palestine.

"Other allegations involved Israelis claiming to be art students who had backgrounds in signal interception and
ordnance. " - Forward Magazine

Ordnance? Isn't that bombs? Signal Interception. Isn't that spying?


a synopsis of the DEA Report by John Sugg of Creative Loafing

, one of the people involved in breaking the story:

A major international espionage saga is unfolding across the United States, with some of its roots right here in the
Atlanta area. It's been pretty hush-hush so far, largely because the implications could be a major embarrassment for
the government.

The spy story is even more touchy because it isn't Saddam, Fidel, Osama or even what passes nowadays for the
KGB spying on America -- but our "friend" in the war against "evil," Israel.

The basis of the spy allegations is a 60-page
document -- a compilation of field reports by Drug
Enforcement Administration agents and other
U.S. law enforcement officials.

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Creative Loafing last week obtained a copy of the
report from intelligence sources with long-term
contacts among both Israeli and American
agencies. The government has attempted to
deflect attention from earlier leaks about the spy
scandal. However, while declining to confirm or
deny the authenticity of the document, a
spokesman for the DEA, William Glaspy, did
acknowledge that the agency had received many
reports of the nature described in the 60 pages.

A source familiar with the creation of the
document has told CL that the 60-page memo was a draft intended as the base for a 250-page report. The larger
report has not been produced because of the volatile nature of suggesting that Israel spies on America's deepest

Another DEA spokesperson, Rogene Waite, told Associated Press a draft document had been compiled and
forwarded to other agencies.

The validity of the scenarios described in the document is attested to in at least one official mention. The Office of the
National Counterintelligence Executive, in a March 2001 summary, reported on "suspicious visitors to federal facilities"
and noted the type of "aggressive" activity recounted in the document obtained by the Planet.

The nation's most prominent Jewish newspaper, the New York-based Forward, also has confirmed portions of the
vast spying network -- although stating that the Israelis were monitoring Arabs in the United States, not trying to
access U.S. secrets. Referring to the arrest of five Israeli employees of a New Jersey moving company who were
arrested and held for two months after the Sept. 11 attack, Forward on March 15 stated: "According to one former
high-ranking American intelligence official, who asked not to be named, the FBI came to the conclusion at the end of
its investigation that the five Israelis ... were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban
Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front."

Forward also reported that a counterintelligence probe concluded two of the men were operatives of Mossad, Israel's
spy service.

Reports of the spying were first made public in December broadcasts by Fox News reporter Carl Cameron. It isn't
clear whether he had the 60-page document or was only told its contents. A French online news service has obtained
the report, and Le Monde in Paris has advanced the story. However, in the United States, the media ignored the
original Fox broadcast, and only a handful of publications. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution hasn't reported the story
although another Cox-owned paper, The Palm Beach Post has.

The absence of reporting hasn't gone unnoticed. The authoritative British intelligence and military analysis service,
Jane's Information Group, on March 13 chided: "It is rather strange that the U.S. media ... seem to be ignoring what
may well prove to be the most explosive story since the 11 September attack, the alleged breakup of a major Israeli
espionage operation in the United States which aimed to infiltrate both the Justice and Defense departments and
which may also have been tracking al-Qaida terrorists before the aircraft hijackings took place."

In flat language and sometimes excruciating bureaucratic detail, the document relates scores of encounters between
federal agents and Israelis describing themselves as art students. The implication is that the seemingly innocuous
cover was used to gain access to sensitive U.S. offices and military installations. For example, Paragraph 82 of the
document states that MacDill Air Force Base intelligence officers were warned in March 2001 of the art students'
efforts. A month later, a special alert was issued about a "possible intelligence collection effort" at Tinker Air Force
Base in Oklahoma City. Among other activities, the base houses AWACS surveillance planes and repairs B-1

The author of the document is not identified. However, many DEA and other law enforcement agents are named. CL
has contacted some of the named agents, and three federal employees have confirmed the incidents described in the
report. None disputed the authenticity of the report. One senior DEA official, when read paragraphs that mentioned
him, said: "Absolutely, that's my report," adding, however, that he didn't think the incidents were sufficient to prove an
ongoing spy operation. All of the federal employees said they could not be quoted by name.

The specific incidents are richly chronicled, down to names, drivers' license numbers, addresses and phone numbers
of the Israelis.

Perhaps most intriguing, the Israelis' military and intelligence specialties are listed: "special forces," "intelligence
officer," "demolition/explosive ordnance specialist," "bodyguard to head of Israeli army," "electronic intercept operator" -

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- even "son of a two-star (Israeli) army general."

"The activities of these Israeli art students raised the suspicion of (the DEA's Office of Security Programs) and other
field offices when attempts were made to circumvent the access control systems at DEA offices, and when these
individuals began to solicit their paintings at the homes of DEA employees," the document states. "The nature of the
individuals' conduct, combined with intelligence information and historical information regarding past incidents
(involving Israelis leads the DEA) to believe the incidents may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity."

The document also links the Israelis to possible drug investigations. The report states: "DEA Orlando has developed
the first drug nexus to this group. Telephone numbers obtained from an Israeli Art Student encountered at the Orlando
(district office) have been linked to several ongoing DEA MDMA (Ecstasy) investigations in Florida, California, Texas,
and New York."

Much of the Israeli activity, according to the report, centered on Florida. In addition to attempting to gain access to
government installations, the document states that the Israelis approached many intelligence agents, prosecutors and
federal marshals at their homes -- including one incident on Davis Islands.

In researching this story, the CL has learned of other encounters not included in the 60-page report. For example, a
member of Congress from Georgia recounted to CL of being targeted by the art students on two occasions. A Tampa
state court judge was also approached. Neither the member of Congress nor the judge wanted to be named.

In an era where CNN CEO Walter Issacson says it would be "perverse" to televise Afghan babies killed by U.S.
bombs, it's not surprising some stories go unnoticed by a press that embraces "patriotism" by ignoring sacred cows.

One such sacred cow is what's happening in Israel and Palestine. Reporters know that to criticize Israel -- to point
out, for example, that wanton killing of innocents is equally devilish, whether committed by Ariel Sharon's soldiers
flying U.S.-made helicopters, or by a Hamas suicide bomber who pushes the button -- is to risk being called an anti-
Semite. It's a tired canard meant to bludgeon debate into silence, but it's often effective.

Even with that background, however, it's a little hard to understand the media's avoidance of the spy story. In 1999,
word began spreading among intelligence agencies about bands of Israeli "students" doing very strange things, such
as popping up around federal buildings and military establishments marketing artwork.

According to CL intelligence sources, low-level alerts began being flashed around to offices of the FBI, DEA, federal
prosecutors and others. By March 23, 2001, counterintelligence officials had issued a bulletin to be on the watch for
Israelis masquerading as "art students." The alert stated that there was an "ongoing 'security threat' in the form of
individuals who are purportedly 'Israeli National Art Students' that are targeting government offices selling 'artwork.'"

At the same time, American intelligence services were increasingly worried by the dominance of many highly sensitive
areas of telecommunications by Israeli companies. Comverse Infosys (now called Verint) provides U.S. lawmen with
computer equipment for wiretapping. Speculation is that "catch gates" in the system allowed listeners to be listened to.
Software made by another Israeli outfit, Amdocs, provided extensive records of virtually all calls placed by the 25
largest U.S. telephone companies. The relationship of those companies to the detained Israelis is detailed in the 60-
page document.

The DEA's intense interest in the case stems from its 1997 purchase of $25-million in interception equipment from
Israeli companies, according to a March 14 report by Intelligence Online, a French Web-based service that first
revealed the existence of the 60-page document.

"In assigning so many resources to the inquiry (all DEA offices were asked to contribute)," Intelligence Online stated.
"The agency was clearly worried that its own systems might have been compromised."

Often the Israeli "students" sold their artwork on street locations near federal buildings. In Tampa on March 1, 2001, a
DEA agent heard a knock on his office door. According to the government report: "At the door was a young female
who immediately identified herself as an Israeli art student who had beautiful art to sell." Knowing about the security
alert, the agent began questioning the "student." After several contradictory statements, the agent concluded "her
responses were evasive at best."

Elsewhere, the document notes that the students were "persistent" in trying to gain access to the homes of law
enforcement personnel.

On other occasions, the "students" showed up at homes of intelligence agents, judges and other government
employees. The report describes a December 2000 incident when a man and a woman knocked on the door of an
Atlanta DEA agent. "Both subjects claimed to be Israeli art students," the document states. "The Special Agent
examined some of the artwork, but became suspicious when the students would not provide him with a contact
telephone number.... Subsequently, the Special Agent saw someof the exact same artwork for sale at [a]kiosk in the

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Mall of Georgia."

Many of the apparent operatives had set up shop at addresses only stones' throws from Arabs in San Diego, Little
Rock, Irving, Texas, and in South Florida. The Planet also has obtained a watch list of mostly Arabs under scrutiny by
the U.S. government. The addresses of many correspond to the specific areas where the Israelis established bases.

For example, an address for the Sept. 11 hijacking leader, Mohammad Atta, is 3389 Sheridan St. in Hollywood, Fla.,
only a few blocks and a few hundred feet from the address of some of the Israelis, at 4220 Sheridan.

A dozen Israelis, including the alleged surveillance leader, had been based in Hollywood, Fla., between January and
June last year -- quite possibly watching Arabs living nearby who are suspected of providing logistical support to
Osama bin Laden's network. Especially in Florida, where 10 of the 19 Sept. 11 terrorists lived, the revelations about
the Israeli activities bolster speculation, reported by a Fox news reporter, that the students-cum-spies might have
gained advance knowledge of aspects of the Sept. 11 terrorists -- and not passed on that critical intelligence to the
United States. CL sources with Israeli connections suggest that the information might have been relayed to U.S.
agencies, but might have been ignored or overlooked.

Despite the highly suspect behavior of the Israelis, the media hadn't picked up on the story.

Then came Sept. 11. While America was mesmerized by the "War on Terrorism," the media went out to a four-martini
lunch when it came to skeptical reporting.

With a few commendable exceptions. One of those is Carl Cameron, a gutsy reporter for Fox News. On Dec. 12,
Cameron broke the blockbuster spy story. He said at the time: "Since Sept. 11, more than 60 Israelis have been
arrested or detained, either under the new PATRIOT anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of
active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also
failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States."

Fox also reported the Israeli "students" "targeted" U.S. military bases -- which is bolstered by the report obtained by
the CL.

In the rest of the world -- Europe, Arab countries and Israel, especially -- the story made headlines. Even the official
Chinese news agency perked up. Not in our well-defended (against disturbing news) homeland, however.

Cameron, in an interview, said he doesn't believe the conspiracy theories about why the story was ignored here. An
honest scribe, he points to a shortcoming in his own work -- one hammered on by Israeli critics at the time --
conceding "there were no (on the record) interviews. I didn't tell other reporters where to find the documents. They
couldn't do instant journalism."

Others at Fox confirm there was intense pressure on the network by pro-Israeli lobbying groups, such as the Anti-
Defamation League and the misnamed Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA).

"These charges are arrant nonsense unworthy of the usually reliable Fox News," CAMERA huffed in a Dec. 12

Cameron reported Dec. 13 that federal agents were afraid to criticize Israel. "Investigators within the DEA, INS and
FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying ... is considered career suicide."

Cameron told me in similar language that's what journalists also can face. And, what's clear is that Fox quickly
removed the story from its Web site. (It was reposted this month by Fox after other media began showing interest in
the story.)

After Cameron's initial reports, the story pretty much evaporated in the United States before Christmas. Then, all hell
broke loose in the last few weeks. Intelligence Online in France obtained the same 60-page June 2001 federal report
that CL has. The French Web site reported that 120 Israelis had by now been detained or deported by U.S.

Let's repeat that: 120 potential spies. This isn't worth press curiosity?

Few papers have given the story significant space. Many, like the AJC, haven't uttered a peep.

Some of what has seeped out is disturbing. The Oklahoman, prompted by the French articles, reported last week that
10 months ago four Israelis peddling artwork (but carrying military IDs) were detained near sensitive Tinker Air Force
Base in Oklahoma. Le Monde in Paris recounted that six intercepted "students" had cell phones purchased by an
Israeli vice consul in the United States. Sources told me that many of the phones had a walkie-talkie feature that was
virtually impossible to intercept.

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Bush administration shills were quick to try to spin the story -- perhaps to minimize damage should it turn out the
government did have information in advance about the people or activities that led to the Sept. 11 attack. A Justice
Department spokesperson, Susan Dryden, called the spy report an "urban myth," and other federal flacks trumpeted
that no Israeli had been charged with or deported for spying. Of course, in the Great Game, "friendly" spies are
seldom embarrassed by being called by their true colors. The Israelis who have been deported have been given the
boot because of visa expirations and other minor violations.

The Washington Post, which apparently doesn't have the 60-page document, nonetheless reported March 6 that
unnamed law enforcement officials had told the paper that a "disgruntled" DEA agent had compiled the report after
other federal agencies didn't react to the Israelis' suspicious behavior. The Post, however, also quoted a DEA
spokesman who acknowledged that the large number of incident reports had been combined into a draft memo. As
with CL's inquiry, the DEA spokesman wouldn't confirm for the Post whether the memo was the 60-page document.

Predictably, Israeli Embassy spokesman Mark Reguev derided the Intelligence Online report as "nonsense."

And, pro-Israeli apologists such as anti-Arab ideologue Daniel Pipes quickly took the field with strident polemics.
Pipes, who makes no claim of having seen the 60-page document, nonetheless claimed in a March 11 column that
the story was a "dangerous falsehood" and that "U.S. journalists found not a shred of evidence to support" it.

The fact that reporters were beginning to piece together real shreds was blithely ignored by Pipes.

Israel in the past has belligerently denied wrongdoing until long after the truth was obvious. Israel claimed Jonathan
Pollard -- a super spy who did horrendous, deadly damage to the United States until arrested in 1985 - wasn't an
agent. And, Israel has stubbornly contended its 1967 attack on the USS Liberty, in which 35 American sailors were
slaughtered, was an accident -- a lie exposed in recent reports including one last fall on the History Channel. A
recent authoritative book, Body of Secrets, by James Bamford, concludes that National Security Agency officials "were
virtually unanimous in their belief that the attack was deliberate."

With the purported art students, it's likely that denial will reach screeching levels. The Bush administration would find it
difficult to explain why it either ignored or discounted such a large espionage operation.


Here's the full DEA report with supporting documents.

The four part Fox News TV series that got pulled is here.


the National Enquirer ran a story

that "MI5 and Mossad are alleging that al Qaeda has planted weapons

around the USA." Moshe Cohen, a non-Zionist Jew from New York

reveals the strategy behind that poor attempt at

population conditioning.

The Mossad has a history of planting misleading rumors in the press prior to their attacks.

Documentation for that claim appears in Mossad whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky's books,

By Way of Deception



Other Side of Deception

. The Mossad is much more involved than distributing rumors.

Check out this operation


which Ostrovsky documents how the Mossad actually engineereed false intelligence that resulted in the bombing of
Libya. Notice the similarity to the

Office of Special Plans that engineered the false intelligence on Iraq

. Ostrovsky

documented this pattern and predicted the destruction of Saddam back in the eighties and nineties:

"Ephraim had spelled it all out for me and confirmed some of the information I'd already known. He then went on.
"After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam
Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It will take some time, but in the end,
there's no doubt it'll work."

"But isn't Saddam regarded as moderate toward us, allied with Jordan, the big enemy of Iran and Syria?"

"Yes, that's why I'm opposed to this action. But that's the directive, and I must follow it. Hopefully, you and I will be
done with our little operation before anything big happens. After all, we have already destroyed his nuclear facility, and
we are making money by selling him technology and equipment through South Africa."

In the following weeks, more and more discoveries were made regarding the big gun and other elements of the
Saddam war machine. The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil
intentions of Saddam the Terrible, banking on the fact that before long, he'd have enough rope to hang himself. It was
very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was. It wanted the West to do its bidding, just as the Americans had in
Libya with the bombing of Qadhafi. After all, Israel didn't possess carriers and ample air power, and although it was
capable of bombing a refugee camp in Tunis, that was not the same. The Mossad leaders knew that if they could
make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that
point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that
would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential, especially if they were led to believe that this might just be
their last chance before he went nuclear.

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Ostrovsky knows that being famous keeps him alive."

Dick Cheney and other members of the Administration keep saying they "KNOW" there will be another terrorist attack.
Maybe they have inside information. The top level of the US administration (Feith, Wolfowitz, Libby, Luti, Perle,
Zakheim) has very close ties to Israel, some of them even being dual nationals.

Perle, Wolfowitz and Feith have all either

been caught or investigated spying for Israel.

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski's pieces on the

Israeli generals in Doug Feith's office

reveal the extent of Israeli penetration

at the Pentagon.

Here's a picture of one of the meetings

between Paul Wolfowitz and Israeli Defense Chief Shaul Mofaz


Then there's

the AIPAC spy probe

. Two officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) were recently

arrested distributing classified information from Larry Franklin, the Defense Intelligence Agency specialist on Iran.
They've both now been fired, but shouldn't they be in custody?

Altogether, the massive quantity of Israeli or dual nationals both in and out of government arrested spying and or
possibly moving explosives (of the 120 Israeli nationals deported prior to 9/11,

many were expert in explosives or signals



also check DEA report for confirmation

) prior to and after 9/11 warrants a thorough investigation and

interdiction. Especially given the high-level Israeli infiltration of the US civilian and military command.

Other links worth checking out:


Additional details linking Mossad to 9/11


Regarding a possible Israeli false flag attack on a US aircraft carrier


Daniel Hopsicker's archives


More info on the Israeli spyring


More info on Larry Silverstein, the Zionists and the WTC attacks


Latest article from Joseph Farah on Iran "nuclear threat"


Al Jazeera on Israel 911 Connection

Comment on
From Pat

Hello again, Jeff. Am reading the article "Israeli Nationals, Nukes..." posted at your website. Do you know what is
frighteningly close to Whitpain, PA? The Limerick Nuclear Power Facility.

You bet I want to know about this information. I live just outside of the evacuation zone and drive within spitting
distance of the power plant weekly.

The link from the article on your website fails to mention the close proximity of Limerick to the Whitpain area where
the suspects were detained. Thought you might want to know.

Addendum: Selections from a letter I wrote contains some additional evidence and analysis regarding
the Zionist connection to 911.

Understanding Before Action
The Israeli Connection Must Be Understood

Calling Zionist Research Anti-Semitic Curtails Legitimate Inquiry.

It is accepted among many with Jewish heritage who have done the research that the Jewish people themselves are one
of the most common sacrificial lambs of the Zionists. Zionist political wolves, like their kind in all religions, do not care
whose people are sacrificed on the march to Greater Israel. Witness the Masonic Pyramid with the all-seeing Eye (top
left in photo) on top of the Supreme Court of Israel:

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My understanding is that the Masonic Pyramid is a New World Order symbol that looks towards a day when "they"
control the globe from the top of their pyramid. It even says New World Order under the Masonic Pyramid on the US
dollar bill. Whether the New World Order is Zionist or British or transnational or American is beside the point. The
Israeli Supreme Court Building, designed and paid for by the central banker Rothschilds, promotes it. Those on the
receiving end of Globalization now have a terrific advocate in

John Perkins

, whose new book,

Confessions of an

Economic Hitman

exposes Globalization and the New World Order for what it really is: a transnational, transreligious,

corporate crime syndicate whose major criminal enterprises are known as banks, intelligence services and "Defense"

According to

Andreas von Bulow

, the former German Parliamentarian and State Secretary in the Department of


"Von Bulow told AFP [American Free Press] that he believes that the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, is behind the
September 11 terror attacks. These attacks, he said, were carried out to turn public opinion against the Arabs, and boost
military and security spending...At this level, he said, the organization doing the planning, such as Mossad, is primarily
interested in affecting public opinion. The architectural level planners use corrupt "guns for hire" such as Abu Nidal, the
Palestinian terrorist who von Bulow called "an instrument of Mossad," high-ranking Stasi (former East German secret
service) operatives, or Libyan agents who organize terror attacks using dedicated people, for example Palestinian and
Arab "freedom fighters." The terrorists who actually commit the crimes are what von Bulow calls "the working level,"
such as the 19 Arabs who allegedly hijacked the planes on September 11. "The working level is part of the deception," he
said. "Ninety-five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation,"
von Bulow said, which is widely propagated in the mainstream media creating an accepted version of events.
"Journalists don't even raise the simplest questions," he said adding, "those who differ are labeled as crazy."

Just as important is the Zionist ideology, well summarized by Yitzhak Shamir, former Israeli Prime Minister:


Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war... We are

very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror
is for us a part of the political war appropriate for the circumstances of today


Non-Zionist rabbis such as those affiliated with

Neturei Karta

reveal the even more heinous

Zionist collaboration with


during the second world war. Zionism's advocates refused to assist those trying to help Jews escape from

Europe during the war on the grounds that,

"if we also do not offer many human sacrifices, how can we gain the right to

sit at the conference table when the territorial boundaries are reshaped?"

As a descendant of Russian Jews, I consider it

my responsibility to expose and depose these deceptive and murderous pretenders on behalf of Jewry, mankind and
Mother Earth.

These documents should convince any intelligent reader of the importance of examining the possible Zionist connection
to the 9/11 terror attacks. There is much more evidence, and those with questions and interest in additional
documentation are welcome to

request it

. Equating legitimate research and critique of those shielding Zionists from

public inquiry using the canard of anti-semitism is a typical attack of people who, ironically, are unashamedly racist,
anti-Arab and in some cases as documented in the Talmud, anti-Gentile. Instead, those same people who shout anti-
semitism at the first hint of Zionist or Jewish supremacist critique might consider denouncing the racist Zionist
doctrines and distancing themself from Jewish religious teachings that promote or allow racism. That would be a proper
justice and honor to the memory of the holocaust.

Addendum 2: The German Intelligence [BND] Document

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On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally notified the President of
the United States that information developed by the Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic
secret service] as well as the BND [Bundesnachrichtendienst, German foreign secret service] indicated that an
attack by a radical Arab group partially based in Germany was to occur on 10-11 September, 2001. The
President was at that time in residence at his farm in Texas. Our [the German's] Ambassador was acting in
direct response to instructions from Foreign Minister Fischer.

This information was developed from official surveillance of Arab extremist groups operating in the Federal
Republic as well as from intercepted communications between the Embassy of Israel and the Israeli Foreign
Ministry in Tel Aviv concerning this matter.

The information was "gratefully received" by the US President who stated at the time that he was also aware
of the same pending assaults.

Subsequent to these attacks, the office of the US President, through the US Department of State, made an
urgent request to the government of the Federal Republic of Germany that no reference whatsoever should
be made to the official warnings given by Ambassador Ischinger.

In order to clarify the background of this matter, this Gesamtubersicht [overall survey] of the events leading
to the assault was prepared, basing on extracts of reports from our [BND's] foreign stations. Overall, it is
evident that the American authorities were aware of the pending attacks. Why they did nothing, is explained
in the following.

Background: General Overview

Because of the Bush family's involvement in oil (Zapata Oil Company), many important and wealthy individuals
and corporations with oil interests financially supported the Bush political career. Today, the Bush
administration is therefore strongly influenced by major American business groups.

The candidate for American Vice President, Richard "Dick" Cheney, had been the Chief Director of the
Halliburton Company. This company, based in Dallas, Texas, where Bush was Governor, is the largest oil
service company in the world.

Between 1991 and 1997, such important American oil companies as Texaco, Unocal, Shell, BP Amoco,
Chevron and Exxon-Mobil became involved with the former Soviet state of Kazakhstan who holds enormous oil
reserves. The government of Kazakhstan was eventually paid over $3 billions of corporate money to allow
these companies to secure oil rights. At the same time, these companies agreed further to give the sums of
35 billion US Dollar in investments in plant and equipment to the Kazakhstan projects. A confidential project
report of said US firms announced that the gas and oil reserves in Kazakhstan would amount to 4 trillion US

The United States is not self-sufficient in oil and 50% of their supply is imported from various foreign
sources. Some 80% of oil imported to the US comes from OPEC-Countries, the Arabian oil cartel. Because of
the unconditional support by American political leaders of the state of Israel, these Arab governments have a
very strained relationship with the USA.

A further small percentage of oil imported to the US comes from Venezuela. Just recently, the US
government has been attempting to overthrow the government of Chavez with the help of the CIA and
replace it with a government "more sympathetic to American oil needs."

A position paper prepared by the office of the later-Vice President Cheney states that the Kazakhstan oil
reserves would be "more than sufficient to supply US needs for at least a decade" and would further "reduce
American dependence on OPEC."

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Unocal Oil Company signed an agreement with the reigning Taliban forces as well as their opponents, the
Northern Alliance, in order to permit an oil pipeline to be built through Afghanistan direct through Pakistan to
the Indian Ocean. by this, the exorbitant rates charged by the Russian to use their pipelines would be avoided.
Unocal then opened official offices in Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan to facilitate the
construction of this oil pipeline.

In December of 1997, official Taliban representatives were in the United States to attend a conference at
Unocal headquarters in Texas to discuss the Afghanistan pipeline. These talks failed because the Taliban
made what Unocal felt were excessive financial demands.

In 1998, internal strife in Afghanistan and inherent instability in Pakistan reached such levels as to render the
pipeline project impossible to execute. In the same year, the Houston, Texas based firm of Enron suggested
instead to build a $3 billion oil pipeline parallel to the Russian pipelines, running westwards rather than taking
the shorter but more problematic route south.

In a secret memorandum by Cheney, it is stated that the Unocal company was prepared to finance the
southern route. According to this, this project would take five years to complete and its annual revenues
from the successful completion of this pipeline would approximate $2 billions. however, and this had been the
subject of a number of secret American reports, the only thing standing in the way of the construction of the
pipeline was the basic opposition of the Afghanistan government and its political supporters.

On May 8, 2001, the US Department of State, in the name of Secretary of State Powell, gave 43 million US
Dollars to the Taliban in order to facilitate their cooperation in the pipeline project.

On June 10, 2001, the BND warned the CIA office in the US Embassy to the Federal Republic [of Germany]
that certain Arab terrorists were planning to seize American commercial aircraft for use as weapons of
destruction against significant American symbols. This was considered a general warning only. The Federal
Republic's warning of August 6, however, was specific as to date, time and places of the attacks.

On July 11, 2001, in Berlin, US officials: Thomas Simmons, a former American Ambassador to Pakistan, Lee
Coldren, State Department expert on Asian matters, and Karl Inderfurth, Assistant Secretary of State for
Asian matter met with Russian and Pakistani intelligence officers. At this meeting, which was under
surveillance, it was stated by the Americans that the United States planned to launch military strikes against
Afghanistan in October of that year. The purpose of these strikes was to topple the Afghanistan government
and the Taliban in order to replace it with a government "more sensitive to the needs of American oil

In mid-August 2001, President of the Russian Federation Putin ordered that the American authorities be
warned of pending attacks on government buildings inside the United States. This warning was conveyed to
the US Ambassador in Moscow and via the Russian Ambassadors office directly to the US President.
On August 20, the Government of France, through the American Embassy in Paris and their Embassy in
Washington, issued a more specific warning. This warning specified the exact date, time and places of the

On September 11, President Bush and top aides flew to the state of Florida so that the President could speak
with children in a kindergarten. Also at that time, Vice President Cheney absented himself from Washington
and went to the safety of the Presidential compound in the mountains of Maryland.
It was noted in Washington that Cheney remained sequestered in Maryland for some time and only appeared
in public surrounded by heavy security.

The Role of the Israeli Mossad in the Terrorist Attacks

Note: The following two sections are considered to be extremely sensitive due to the special relationship
between the Federal Republic [of Germany] and its Jewish citizens as well as the State of Israel. This material
is compiled from German and American sources.

During the term of President George HW Bush, the government of Israel made an official, but very secret,
request to the American president. This request was to permit agents of the Mossad, Israeli Foreign
Intelligence, to enter the United States and conduct surveillance operations against various Arab groups

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Intelligence, to enter the United States and conduct surveillance operations against various Arab groups
residing in that country.

The stated purpose of this surveillance was to permit Israeli early warning of terrorist plots against their
country. Permission for this surveillance was granted with the caveat that the Mossad would have a liaison
with the FBI and report any and all finding to that agency.

However, these conditions were not observed. The Mossad not only did not inform the FBI of any of its
findings, it is known to have engaged in commerce with several groups of Israeli criminals of Russian
backgrounds. These groups were engaged in extensive criminal activities inside the United States, to include
the smuggling of the Ecstasy drug. Mossad agents were able to subvert American criminal investigations
through their knowledge of American telephone surveillance of such groups.

It is very evident from surveillance conducted against Mossad agents in the Federal Republic as well as
interceptions of Israeli diplomatic communication from the Federal Republic to Tel Aviv, that the Mossad has
successfully penetrated various extremist Arab groups in both the Federal Republic and the United States.

These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified
targets in the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only
fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, though their own agents inside these Arab groups,
assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.

That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attack is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic
traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear
that Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently wished that no attempt
was made to prevent the attacks.

Although the Israeli officials were instructed to warn the American intelligence community that some kind of
an attack might be possible, at no time were the specific dates and targets (known at that time to Israeli
officials) to be given to the Americans.

The rationale for this attitude was expressed in a conversation on August 1, 2001, between the Israeli
Military Attaché in the Federal Republic to a member of the Israeli General Staff. There it was stated that
Israel believed an attack on the continental United States would so inflame American public opinion that they
would permit Israel to "cleanse" their state of "Arab terrorists and those who support such terrorists". This
"cleansing" was explained as the expulsion of all Arabs, and even Christian groups, from the Palestine area.

American intelligence officials have repeatedly expressed great concern in meeting with our people that the
Israeli government, through a company called Amdocs, was able to conduct surveillance of all telephone
communications within the United States. It was categorically stated that this Israeli-based firm was given the
American contract with 25 of the largest American telephone companies. This contract was granted over the
objections and concerns of the American intelligence community.

The official reason given for this extraordinary arrangement that permitted Israeli agencies to observe all
highly confidential investigative telephone calls was that the United States has a "special relationship" with
the State of Israel and they had requested this.

The Israeli Political Influence in the United States

It should be noted here that the professional Israeli lobby in America is huge in size and is considered even by
our American colleagues to be a very powerful and entirely dominant factor in American politics.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is the largest foreign lobby in Washington and fourth most
powerful lobby in the country. Other Israeli groups also include the Anti-Defamation League (from whose
national offices, along with the Israel Trade Mission and the many Israeli Consulates, many Mossad agents
were working,) the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs and the Committee for Accuracy in Middle
East Reporting in America.

These groups, in conjunction with Jewish dominated media giants like the New York Times, the Washington
Post, Newsweek Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Time- Warner-AOL and their CNN news network, basically

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Post, Newsweek Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Time- Warner-AOL and their CNN news network, basically
control the dissemination of news in the United States. It is therefore almost impossible for any news that
would be considered in opposition to Israeli interests to appear before the American public, although such
stories are readily available in most European media.

The Role of the Christian Fundamentalists in American Politics

The so-called "Christian Right" consists of Protestant fundamentalists, where the so-called Pentecostals play
a dominant role. This is a very fanatical and aggressively missionary denomination that believes in the return
of a living Christ to earth and the subsequent elevation of its members to heavenly paradise.
In order for this appearance of Christ to occur, several factors must be in place according to the views of this
denomination. In the first place, a number of Jews must convert to Christianity, and, in the second, there
must be a rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. As the site of this temple is now occupied by a major
Islamic mosque, it will be necessary to destroy this building.

Starting as an Episcopalian, Bush tried other Protestant denominations before joining the Pentecostals. Apart
from US President Bush and his Attorney General John Ashcroft, other members of his administration are
members of this denomination, too, which is the second largest Christian denomination after the Catholic
Church. As a considerable part of the American public sentiment is strongly opposed to religious fanatics,
these facts have been kept very quiet.

Bush and his entourage are very strong supporters of the State of Israel because of their belief, that the
founding of this nation is viewed as another requirement for the return of Christ. For this reason, Bush
unconditionally supports any program put forward by the Israeli government and is a devoted follower and
supporter of Sharon, the Israeli right wing extremist Minister President.

Attorney General Ashcroft has stated in a public sermon (he is a lay preacher of the Pentecostal church) that
Muslims are "agents of the Anti-Christ" and must be destroyed in the so-called "Battle of Armageddon".
According to the beliefs of fundamentalist Christians, this battle will be fought over Israel's existence and will
lead to the end of the world and the return of Christ.

It is generally known in Washington that Bush is entirely guided by his religious beliefs and that he has been
attempting repeatedly to force his views onto the American public by means of various disguised programs,
such as religious control of charities, unconditional support of Israel, and so forth.

Summary and Outlook

The terrorist attacks on American targets were fully known to many entities well in advance. The US
President was fully informed as to the nature and exact time of these attacks.

The US government in general and the US President in specific have become subservient to the wishes and
plans of the Israeli government. As these plans encompass the removal of the Arab population of Israel and
adjoining territories, it is evident that the population of the United States is being pushed into a situation that
could easily result in more, and terrible, attacks on their home country.

In view of this possibility, the US authorities are determined to limit any discussion of the 11 September
attacks to the official version as it appears regularly in the US media.

It also appears from confidential sources that Bush's plans to attack Iraq are based mainly on a desire on the
part of Israel to remove Saddam Hussein. Tel Aviv views Hussein as a real threat and has already attacked
that country before.

There is also evidence that if Hussein is toppled by American military forces, the oil resources of Iraq would
be put under the control of a consortium of the American oil interests that so avidly support the Bush

Pullach, April 5, 2002

Commentary by Scientific Panel Investigating Nine Eleven Intelligence Expert

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The document purports to be from the German Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), which has its headquarters at
Pullach, near Munich. It was reportedly delivered to Bill White, of, at a meeting of the Barnes
Review, in Washington DC. The original German document, complete with top secret classification markings
and other details, is enclosed for scrutiny and verification. The document may or may not be genuine. It has
not been proven to be a forgery. If Ambassador Ischinger did not go to Crawford, Texas, on the date named,
and did not make telephone contact with the President on that date, then the document may not be truthful.
If, on the other hand, Ischinger did telephone President Bush or go to Crawford to speak with him at the time
and date mentioned, then the occasion must have been a matter of extreme urgency. It will be possible for
someone to verify or refute the facts of Ambassador Ischinger's whereabouts. If the document is genuine, it
would go far to explain Germany's reluctance to get involved in the so-called War on Terror, including
aggression against the innocent nations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Germany's public silence could well be
explained by concern about the extremely sensitive relation of Germany to the state of Israel, and by the
horrifying implications this document would have for its relation to its NATO ally, the USA. We offer this
document for what it is worth. If anyone can find proof that it is spurious, we welcome such proof. If not, it
must remain as a possibly genuine document with truly devastating implications.


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